dynoliaeth · 4 years
kay so. being here. really depresses me rn and idk why. so most of my writing for my muses are being moved to discord until i feel better. if you wanna write with any of my muses then feel free to add me here    elena gaybert#1683   and i will happily make us a writing server.
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dynoliaeth · 4 years
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dynoliaeth · 4 years
he’s too warm. his hands feel clamming and he looks for something to wipe his hands on ( he can’t use his jacket. he’d only regret it if he did, made in the style of traditional wear in honour of his mum. )  someone tells him it’s just nerves. he’s the first one there, waiting to walk the aisle, maybe because he’s the only one without family to talk to beforehand. daisy had offered to introduce him to his uncle, still alive out there, but he hadn’t taken her up on it yet so he really doesn’t have any family here. he doesn’t let it bring his mood down : not today.
there’s a god waiting to marry them in new asgard with a party of drunk asgardians waiting to celebrate. it’s all beyond anything he could have imagined, which sara laughed about when he asked her to be his best man : as far as she’s concerned, he’s too weird for anything to surprise her. he still thinks that was a bit unfair. and then all thoughts fly out of his head when he see’s benji, his mouth so dry he struggles to breathe “- you clean up nicely, but what the hell is on your head benjamin.”             / @daonnacht
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dynoliaeth · 4 years
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Yildiz and Zeynep in Yasak Elma
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dynoliaeth · 4 years
sltzvamp​    ( dad )
@dynoliaeth​ | josie
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alaric grabbed a hold of the younger of the older set of twins and pulled her to her feet, twirling her before looking at her. “dance with your dad habibti?” he asked pulling her close to him. he loved being able to spend time with all of his children, he always stayed at the school instead of traveling with his wife, their mom, to figure out how to avoid the merge, he wished he could be helping out there but he was the one with experience in education and he had the education to run a school.
                                                   “   dad   !  ”   her   laugh   is   a   mix   of   surprise   and   joy   ,   really   she   should   have   expected   it   ,   and   whilst   she   feels   a   little   heat   on   her   cheeks   caused   by   just   a   hint   of   childish   embarrassment   she   enjoys   having   her   dads   attention   .   when   it’s   DIVIDED   between   three   siblings   and   a   school   of   children   she   will   happily   take   a   dance   and   cast   a   little   spell   to   dispel   any   teasing   later   “   you   dance   like   an   old   man   .   ”  
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dynoliaeth · 4 years
faithsought​        ( mami )
twelve days.  she’d not been gone twelve days and hell already broke loose.  it’s what has her catching the red eye from spain, where she’s been doing two weeks of research with caroline into the merge, and dragging her exhausted body back to the school.  a fight , during the football game?   she’d passed alaric with a string of spanish expletives, followed by i’ll deal with you later before she’s making her way to her oldest daughter.   she allows the suitcase to roll behind her until she’s in the room, stopping with it at her side.   lips curve into a cherry gin when she sees her babies and she moves to sit on jo’s bed , kissing her forehead and leaning down to kiss the side of a sleeping lizzie’s cheek.  and then the angry mami comes to life.  “ i …  don’t know where to begin , mi amor. ”  pinching the bridge of her nose the huntress’ breath escapes in a loud, long huff.  “  you know i disagree with your papi about holding back during this game.   but fighting with the townies ?   what were you thinking ? ”
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@dynoliaeth​ wants a meredith starter for josie
                                                                    she   hadn’t   meant   for   the   game   to   end   up   like   that   :   the   crushing   sense   of   responsibility   and   worry   had   spurred   her   into   ACTION    without   considering   what   might   happen   afterwards   (   you   betrayed   me   still   plays   in   her   mind   and   refuses   to   let   her   truly   sleep   .   )    it’s   that   inability   to   sleep   which   has   her   blinking   up   at   her   mom   in   surprise   but   even   as   a   bit   of   shame   creeps   up   from   her   gut   at   the   words   ,   a   smile   still   starts   to   curve   her   lips   .   no   lecture   or   scolding   could   ever   dull   her   joy   at   her   mom   being   HOME   .    “   dana   was   -   ”   keep   lizzie   out   of   it   as   much   as   possible   ,   SHE   caused   this   /   she   will   not   shift   even   a   fraction   of   the   blame   onto   lizzie    “   we   tried   to   be   good   sports   about   losing   but   ...   they   started   it   ”   finishes   lamely   ,   eyes   on   the   creased   blankets   on   her   bed   and   taking   comfort   in   her   sisters   steady   breaths   .    “   ’m   sorry   mami   ,   i   promise   it   won’t   happen   again   :   lizzie   probably   wouldn’t   want   another   black   eye   ,   even   if   it   means   putting   up   with   them   again   ”   not   that   there’s   a   lot   of   opportunities   to   fight   the   townies   but   it’s   the   principle   of   the   thing    “   are   you   staying   for   a   while   ,   now   you’re   back   ?   ”
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dynoliaeth · 4 years
imagine having a brain that works normally and doesnt get distracted for an hour.
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dynoliaeth · 4 years
my head is empty the only brain thought i have is how much josie likes setting things on fire.
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dynoliaeth · 4 years
These may have been edited for clarity or length or to better apply for roleplaying.
❛ Last night was incredible. ❜
❛ What are you doing!? ❜
❛ Don’t say anything. ❜
❛ I’ve really tried to be there for you through this. ❜
❛ You’re almost late. ❜
❛ You look tired. ❜
❛ Can I get you anything? ❜
❛ We broke up. ❜
❛ Thanks for the vote of confidence. ❜
❛ When are you going to stop bringing that up? ❜
❛ Nothing is ever going to be good enough. ❜
❛ I need new sexy pants. ❜
❛ Have you found anything? ❜
❛ We are bad feminists. ❜
❛ I want my top back. ❜
❛ Well it was terrifying! Never do it again. ❜
❛ Do you want to go for a drink? ❜
❛ What’s your problem? ❜
❛ I just… I like you. ❜
❛ Are you ok? ❜
❛ You need me to get you something to wear? ❜
❛ This is totally fine. ❜
❛ What’s going on? ❜
❛ Oh, I’m absolutely fine! ❜
❛ It’s almost two o’clock in the morning. ❜
❛ I’m going to call you a cab. ❜
❛ To be fair. She’s not an evil stepmother. ❜
❛ I thought that must have been you. ❜
❛ Everything alright? ❜
❛ Just thought I’d swing by. ❜
❛ I know it’s not really my place. But - are you ok? ❜
❛ Everyone’s been worried about you. ❜
❛ Tits don’t get you anywhere these days. ❜
❛ Take care of yourself. ❜
❛ You really do look ghastly darling. ❜
❛ Can I do anything? ❜
❛ This is a love story. ❜
❛ You’ve done everything. And you feel great. ❜
❛ May these be the worst of our days! ❜
❛ You look well, where have you been? ❜
❛ Boots, lovely there this time of year. ❜
❛ Well you look fantastic. ❜
❛ Love the Catholics. You can get away with anything. ❜
❛ Oh no have I disappointed you? ❜
❛ I’ll have a tequila! ❜
❛ You do look tired. ❜
❛ My parents were alcoholics! ❜
❛ Well, it’s um - cold and beautiful and dark. ❜
❛ It’s a lot of pressure, but I love it. ❜
❛ Fuck you, then. ❜
❛ Did you have a cigarette? ❜
❛ Were your parents successful? ❜
❛ My parents were very successful alcoholics. ❜
❛ Is everything ok? ❜
❛ You know I’ve always been very suspicious of religion. ❜
❛ Well I guess I’m just really fucking lonely! ❜
❛ Are we going to have a fight? ❜
❛ You look… strong. ❜
❛ I’m so intrigued to see how you’re going to make this whole evening about you. ❜
❛ I just take all the negative feelings and just bottle them and bury them. And they never come out. ❜
❛ It takes real commitment to be this happy. ❜
❛ You’re being so quiet. ❜
❛ Why aren’t you saying anything?! ❜
❛ What do you want me to say? ❜
❛ Your sister is finally a good influence on you! ❜
❛ Oh for fuck’s sake, stop it! ❜
❛ No, come on what’s happened. ❜
❛ You should go to the hospital. ❜
❛ I’ll just deal with this in my own insane, irrational, anal way if that’s ok. ❜
❛ I got your stuff. You ok? ❜
❛ If you ever need someone. To talk to or uh - I’ll be there. ❜
❛ I’m always… there. ❜
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dynoliaeth · 4 years
josie’s page is majority done !! i still need to write up s2 into her bio and it’s not extensive regarding s1 but it’s done.
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dynoliaeth · 4 years
josie (legacies) tag drop.
#✶ ━━ feat. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ inspo. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ mannerisms. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ interactions. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ likes. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ headcanons. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ verse one. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ verse two. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ verse three. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ verse four. { josie saltzman. }
#✶ ━━ DYNAMICS. { josie and lizzie. }
#✶ ━━ DYNAMICS. { josie and hope. }
#✶ ━━ DYNAMICS. { superhero squad. }
#✶ ━━ DYNAMICS. { josie and alaric. }
#✶ ━━ DYNAMICS. { josie and meredith. } 
#✶ ━━ DYNAMICS. { josie and caroline. }
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dynoliaeth · 4 years
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the team ( mark II )                           vivienne fitzsimmons,  orion ward,  benjamin morse.                                                                               ©     @daonnacht   @demensheid
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dynoliaeth · 4 years
demensheid​     ( jemma )
an exhausted sigh escaped her lips as jemma sat down on the bed, tugging the orange badge off the collar of her blouse and tossing it on the dresser. it was getting exhausting sucking up to director mace, fighting tirelessly day in and day out to make sure someone out of the team had even a miniscule amount of control as shield relegitamized itself. she knew how it looked - she could tell every time may so much as blinked in her direction. but, eventually they’d understand she was doing it for them, so she powered through. 
at least she was spared the looks from fitz in their bunk. it was the only place she could escape nowadays, but it was still the BASE. it was starting to wear on her, the lack of work/life separation. an idea popped into her head and she turned towards fitz, mood lifted and small smile growing. 
“ we should start looking at apartments. ”
          it   absolutely   does   not   take   him   a   moment   to   register   her   words   :   he   had   just   been   very   focused   on   the   dwarf   he   was   trying   to   fix   (   it   stays   in   their   room   ,   hidden   ,   after   the   time   daisy   stole   his   prototype   .   )     he   doesn’t   drop   it   ,   if   there’s   one   thing   he’s   very   practised   at     it’s   protecting   his   mechanical   children   ,   but   he   does   put   it   down   very   slowly   . 
        “   what   made   you   think   about   moving   off   base   ?   ” 
        maybe   the   motivational   posters   in   the   toilets   or   the   constant   security   or   walls   that   really   aren’t   nearly   soundproof   enough   .   he   has   a   mental   list   on   a   good   day   and   he   wouldn’t   be   surprised   if   jemma   has   an   actual   physical   list   to   pull     out   .   there’s     a   small   smile   on   his   lips     ,   he   can’t   imagine   a     world   where   he   would   say   no   to   moving   with   her   ,   but   he   want’s   to   know   . 
        “   i   want   a   life   with   you   outside   of   shield   but   it’s   a   big   step   .   if   anything   happened   we   wouldn’t   be   here   .   ”  
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dynoliaeth · 4 years
this blog really just exists at this point to reply to lynn and chloe....
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dynoliaeth · 4 years
daonnacht​     ( inhumans )
              he’s   silent   for   a   few   moments   during   the   interaction   ,   taking   the   time   to   instead   take   in   the   other   two   stuck   here   with   him   ,   instead   of   looking   to   the   walls   like   the   other   two     .   for   a   moment   ,   he   looks   at   the   door   once   more   from   the   corner   of   his   eye   ,   wondering   if   there   would   be   yet   another   ,   or   worst   case,   a   kree   coming   in   .   the   door   wasn’t   swinging   open   yet   ,   &   with   how   fast   these   two   came   in   ,   he   assumes   it   won’t   again   .
               words   ,   his   own   questions   roll   around   the   blond’s   tongue   ,   ones   he   held  back   .   his   mom   once   told   him   not   to   ask   so   many   questions   ,   supress   the   curiosity   that   could   consume   him   sometimes   .     (     sometimes   you   don’t   want   to   know   the   answers   )   so   ,   he   focuses   on   the   other   two   ,   nodding   as   the   girl     ——     vivienne   ,   ——     started   to   introduce   them   both   .   he   offers   a   tiny   ,   ghost   of   a   smile   when   she   stops   though     .
              “      oh   ,   yeah   ,   right     .     my   name’s   benji     .     ”      he   answers   ,   looking   to   the   other   boy   ,   eyebrow   raised   a   bit   as   he   nods   ,   waits   for   his   name   too     .     @dynoliaeth​
    names   roll   across   his   tongue   before   he   remembers   it   doesn’t   matter   :   the   kree   have   their   metrics   ,   and   no   matter   the   name   he   gives   in   here   it   won’t   matter   when   the   kree   come   back   for   them   .   they   are   merchandise   now   and    he’s   pretty   sure   they   won’t   be   considerate   of   any   preferences   .   he’s   got   at   least   five   nicknames   on   different   levels   but   he’s   going   to   settle   on   the   TRUTH   .   they’re   in   this   together   ,   after   all   ,   he   should   probably   put   his   BEST   foot   forward   . 
    “   orion   ”   answers   shortly   ,   tilting   his   head   towards   the   blond   just   a   little   but   he’s   more   EAGER   to   move    a w a y    from   the   door   he   feels   far   too   close   to   .   there’s   still   white   noise   in   the   back   of   his   head   making   it   hard   to   focus   /   he   doesn’t   want   to   be   any   more   off   guard   than   he   already   is    “   that   sounds   short   for   something   .   ”  
    he   can   relax   just   a   little   away   from   the   door   ,   even   if   the   marks   on   the   wall     are   constantly   in   his     eye   line   now   .   he   has   too     much   energy   ,   can’t   take   just   sitting   here   ,   his   mother   had   taken   too   much   time   to   instil   those   survival   lessons   in   him   (   they   didn’t   do   her   any   good   in   the   end   either   .   )   takes   a   closer   look   at   the   other   two   again   ,   looking   for   any   physical   changes   from   what   they   are   now   .
    “   either   of   you   know   what   you   can   do   now   ?   if   it’s   anything   useful   we   could   rush   them   ,   give   them   a   bit   of   fight   before   we   become   their   property   .   ”     @demensheid​
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dynoliaeth · 4 years
demensheid​    ( family )
     the   air   was   so   thick   she   felt   like   she   couldn’t   breathe   as   she   followed   benji   through   the   crowd,   eyes   scanning   the   room   in   hopes   of   spotting   ori   as   they   went   deeper.   it   was   probably   a   pointless   attempt.   the   room   was   too   dark   and   packed   to   make   out   any   faces   other   than   the   ones   immediately   surrounding   her.  
     it   wasn’t   until   benji’s   arm   wrapped   around   her   shoulders   that   she   realized   how   tense   and   angry   she   was   to   be   forced   to   search   a   frat   party   for   ori.   this   had   never   been   any   of   their   scene   since   they   started   school   their   first   year.   there   was   no   logical   explanation   for   ANY   of   them   to   be   in   this   party.   and   yet,   here   they   were.   hunting   down   ori   because   he’d   upped   and   moved   out   without   a   word,   blocking   their   numbers,   and   refusing   to   even   be   in   the   same   public   space   as   the   two   of   them.   she’d   only   managed   to   figure   out   he’d   be   here   because   she’d   done   some   asking   around.   she   shook   her   head   slightly   at   the   question.  
     “   PLEASE   don’t   ditch   me   in   this   place.   ”
     she   tilted   her   head   up   to   look   at   benji   for   a   moment,   her   aggravation   with   ori   momentarily   melting   out   of   her   body   as   she   relaxed   under   his   arm.      a   corner   of   her   mouth   rose   briefly   in   what   she   hoped   was   more   reassuring   than   in   pain   before   turning   back   to   the   party   to   continue   searching   the   place   for   their   former   roommate.   she   felt   out   of   place   and   was   about   to   suggest   checking   somewhere   else   when   she   saw   him,   sucking   in   a   sharp   breath   as   her   stomach   churned.   was   she   really   ready   for   this?   to   find   out   he   left   because   of   HER,   because   why   else   would   he   leave   and   join   a   frat?  
     “   i   found   him.   ”   vivi   quickly   shrugged   off   benji’s   arm   as   she   started   towards   ori,   but   reached   back   to   grab   benji’s   hand   to   pull   him   with   her.   her   heart   picked   up   and   she   couldn’t   tell   if   she   was   having   trouble   breathing   again   from   the   heat   of   the   party   or   the   anticipation   of   confrontation,   but   she   ignored   it.   she   didn’t   have   another   choice.   she   reached   her   free   hand   out   to   firmly   wrap   it   around   ori’s   arm   as   she   squeezed   between   a   group   of   girls   standing   around.   he   couldn’t   avoid   them   any   longer,   she’d   make   sure   of   that.  
     “   ori,   what   the   HELL?   ”   /   @dynoliaeth
                                                             it   had   to   be   nearly   two   years   ago   his   uncle   had   clapped   his   hand   on   his   shoulder   (   SHARP   eyes   on   his   back   making   sure   he   didn’t   flinch   away   )   and   told   him   to   go   easy   at   college   .   recounting   story   after   story   of   his   exploits   as   a   young   man   :   most   of   them   made   ori’s   skin   crawl   .   christian   always   had   that   effect   on   him   but   the   idea   that   had   to   be   his   college   experience   too   made   it   worse   all   that   time   ago   .   he   had   put   his   foot   down   ,   he   would   major   in   what   he   wanted   and   make   the   friends   he   wanted   - 
             then   his   grandmother   arrived   and   stole   it   all   from   him   .   he   made   his   life   with   an   arts   major   and   vivi   and   benji   and   their   crappy   little   place   .   his   HOME   ,   where   he   was   safe   from   expectations   and   a   planned   out   life   ,   and   it   all   fell   out   under   him   when   she   threatened   to   hurt   them   .   not   physically   of   course   ,   it   would   be   so   much   easier   that   way   because   he could   do     something   ,   but   his   grandmother   always   went   for   the   heart  .   he   hadn’t   even   needed   to   think   it   over   before   agreeing   to   whatever   she   wanted   so   long   as   she   left   them   ALONE   . 
            that   road   led   him   here   .   a   frat   party   ,   wearing   a   mask   his   father   had   taught   him   long   ago   ,   pretending   he   wants   to   be   here   all   to   keep   his   grandmother   happy   and   his   real   family   safe   .   a     hand   grabs   his   arm   ,   almost   making   him   jump   ,   but   his   mask   never   falls   /   an   easy   smile   never   fades   .   his   heart   PAUSES    in   it’s   beat   ,   for   a   moment   it’s   nearly   as   loud   as   the   music   -   and   god   he’s   missed   her   so   much   ,   he’s   missed   her   being   mad   at   them   and   finding   benji   eating   in   the   middle   of   the   night   and   he’s   missed   them   knowing   him   like   no   one   else   -   and   he   tugs   his   arm   OUT   of   her   grip   .
                          “   are   you   crashing   a   party   to   yell   at     me   ,   viv   ?   ”  
                        he   doesn’t   want   to   do   this   he   doesn’t   want   to   hurt   her   he   never   deserved   them   .      he   shoves   the   guy   next   to   him   lightly   ,   his   drink   spilling   a   little   over   the   side   of   his   cup   ,   raising   his   eyebrows    as   if   to   make   a   point   .   smiles   with   all   teeth   .
                                     “   you   guys   can   see   WHY   i    had   to   move   out   so   fast   :   woulda   gone   out   of   my   mind   living   with   either   of   them   one   more   day   .   ”              @daonnacht​
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dynoliaeth · 4 years
alex casoy (totally spies) tag drop.
#✶ ━━ feat. { alex casoy. }
#✶ ━━ inspo. { alex casoy. }
#✶ ━━ mannerisms. { alex casoy. }
#✶ ━━ interactions. { alex casoy. }
#✶ ━━ likes. { alex casoy. }
#✶ ━━ headcanons. { alex casoy. }
#✶ ━━ verse one. { alex casoy. }
#✶ ━━ verse two. { alex casoy. }
#✶ ━━ verse three. { alex casoy. }
#✶ ━━ verse four. { alex casoy. }
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