#✶ — jason dean ⧽ interactions.
darlingdespairstims · 1 month
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CG! J.D. Stimboard
W/ food and milk tea stims
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I regret my life choices of not being able to actually start studying. Here's "Freeze Your Brain" adapted in Italian!
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(the apostrophes [or however ’ is called] are used to shorten the number of syllables often in poetry so I’m obviously abusing that power.)
[J.D.] Sono stato in dieci superiori Tutte la stessa scenetta Inutile abituarsi Perché ce ne andiamo di fretta Mio padre tiene nel baule pronti due bagagli Quindi è solo una questione di ricaricarli I nomi non imparo Che faccia è di chi non m'è chiaro La fiducia in questa oasi di cemento riparo Sembra che ogni volta che sto per disperarmi C'è un 7-Eleven ad aspettarmi Ogni negozio è lo stesso Da Las Vegas all'Ohio Corsie di linoleum che adoro Vagare io Prego al mio altare di granita; Sì, adoro quella dolce botta di vita...
Congela il cervello Succhia dalla cannuccia Meglio di un coltello Arriva la felicità Quando tutto se ne va A chi serve uno spinello? Congela il cervello Congela il cervello
[J.D., parlato] Ti va un tiro?
[VERONICA, parlato] La tua mammina sa che mangi tutta quella merda?
[J.D., parlato] Non più
(cantato) Quando mamma era viva Vivevamo quasi normalmente Ora siamo solo io e mio padre Stiamo meno formalmente Ho imparato a cucinare Le tasse a pagare; Imparato che'l mondo Nemmeno un cent ti vorrà dare Il tuo futuro hai pianificato Veronica Sawyer Andrai a qualche college E sposerai un avvocato Ma il cielo farà male Quando su di te sarà demolito Quindi è meglio se Il tuo muro l'avrai già costruito...
Congela il cervello Nuota nel ghiaccio Perditi nel suo doloroso bello Chiudi bene i tuoi occhi Fino a che non ti vedran quegli sciocchi Non diventare uno zimbello
Congela il cervello Distruggiti il teschio Combatti il dolore con uno più bello Dimentica chi sei Liberati da quel peso Dimentica in un mese e mezzo Riavrai lo stesso frainteso Quando la voce nella tua testa Dice ch'uno come te è meglio se non resta Non ascoltare a quello
Solo congela il cervello Congela il cervello Vai avanti e congela il cervello...
(parlato) Provaci So, direct translation! (used in this to specify the meanings and explain certain word choices)
[J.D.] I've been through ten high schools They're all the same little scene (but little in this case is meant in a negative light) No point getting used to it 'Cause we're gone in a hurry My dad keeps two suitcases ready in the den So it's only a matter of refilling(/repacking) them I don't learn the names Whose faces is whose isn't clear to me My trust resides in this concrete oasis Seems every time I'm about to despair There's a 7-Eleven waiting for me Each store is the same From Las Vegas to Ohio Linoleum aisles that I love To walk around in I pray at my altar of slush; Yeah, I live for sweet hit of life (or however you call that, basically gives life force again but something that gives you life force not in a literal sense)...
Freeze your brain Suck from that straw Better than a knife Happiness comes When everything goes Who needs a joint? Freeze your brain Freeze your brain
[J.D., spoken] You want a hit?
[VERONICA, spoken] Does your mommy know you eat all that crap?
[J.D., spoken] Not anymore
(sung) When mom was alive We lived almost normally But now it's just me and my dad We live less formally I learned to cook pasta To pay taxes; Learned the world Won't want to give you even a cent You've planned your future Veronica Sawyer You'll go to some college And marry a lawyer But the sky's gonna hurt When it'll be demolished on you So it'll be better if You'll have already built your wall
Freeze your brain Swim in the ice Get lost in its beautiful pain Shut your eyes tight(/well) Till those fools (sorry I had to use this for the rhyme) won't see you Don't become a laughingstock
Freeze your brain Destroy your skull Fight pain with a more beautiful one Forget who you are Free yourself from that weight Forget in a month and a half You'll have the same misunderstanding again When the voice in your head Says someone like you is better off gone Don't listen to that guy(/him)
Just freeze your brain Freeze your brain Go on and freeze your brain...
(spoken) Try it OG LYRICS (if you’re seeing this I doubt you don’t know them, but here they are anyway):
[J.D.] I've been through ten high schools They start to get blurry No point planting roots 'Cause you're gone in a hurry My dad keeps two suitcases packed in the den So it's only a matter of when I don't learn the names Don't bother with faces All I can trust is this concrete oasis Seems every time I'm about to despair There's a 7-Eleven right there Each store is the same From Las Vegas to Boston Linoleum aisles that I love To get lost in I pray at my altar of slush; Yeah, I live for that sweet frozen rush...
Freeze your brain Suck on that straw Get lost in the pain Happiness comes When everything numbs Who needs cocaine? Freeze your brain Freeze your brain See upcoming pop shows Get tickets for your favorite artists
[J.D., spoken] Care for a hit?
[VERONICA, spoken] Does your mommy know you eat all that crap?
[J.D., spoken] Not anymore
(sung) When mom was alive We lived halfway normal But now it's just me and my dad We're less formal I learned to cook pasta I learned to pay rent; Learned the world Doesn't owe you a cent You're planning your future Veronica Sawyer You'll go to some college And marry a lawyer But the sky's gonna hurt When it falls So you better start Building some walls...
Freeze your brain Swim in the ice Get lost in the pain Shut your eyes tight Till you vanish from sight Let nothing remain
Freeze your brain Shatter your skull Fight pain with more pain Forget who you are Unburden your load Forget in six weeks You'll be back on the road When the voice in your head Says you're better off dead Don't open a vein
Just freeze your brain Freeze your brain Go on and freeze your brain...
(spoken) Try it
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d34d-ch4nn · 1 month
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Jd Stimboard
(Credit to all gif makers<3)
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heathersproship · 10 months
Too tired to make this its own fic so have a list of bullet points. But before we do...
Antis, minors, and antiship-leaning minors especially, fuck off.
Now then...
Teacher/student JDronica. Teacher!Veronica with Student!J.D. (what, were you expecting something else? :p)
They meet when J.D. transfers to Westerburg. Veronica’s his homeroom teacher. (Or his first period. My high school, for my senior year, made third period homeroom... for some reason)
Conversely, she’s not his homeroom teacher but he wants her to be
She teaches English. Sometimes wears glasses for the aesthetics, but she still has her monocle, which she whips out to grade papers or read essays at her desk. The students find the monocle pretentious, stupid, or just weird. Not that she gives a shit what they think on her fashion choices. It doesn’t impact her ability to do her job, and she likes it, so who cares, amirite?
She reminds him of his mom. She’s just got that gentle touch to her that really resonates with him. He’s definitely going to slip and call her Mom by accident at some point, which she takes in stride because “haha, it happens to all of us”
Being English class, there are plenty of people who either lack critical thinking skills or are too lazy to use them to read between the lines. J.D. easily stands out to Veronica by actually using his brain and applying himself
He gets into a fight with Kurt and Ram when they walk by Veronica’s classroom talking about her (rating her in terms of hotness, bangability, all that good stuff). Since he’s emotional, he gets sloppy, and they beat him up. Veronica overhears the noise and goes to break up the fight. She offers to take him to the nurse (if she’s got class) or takes him into her class to patch him up (if it’s her free period)
If it’s her free period and it’s just them, he may or may not tear up at how gentle she is with him. After hearing the story of what happened, she thanks him for sticking up for her, and tells him she knows he’s a good boy (and by far her brightest student), but please don’t get into more trouble on her behalf, okay? She’s a big girl, she can take care of herself
If it’s not her free period and she takes him to the nurse, they talk about it the next day, either before class or during lunch hour. Usually she eats with Betty or Martha, but like them she’s willing to let students have lunch in her classroom if he’s afraid of running into Kurt and Ram in the cafeteria. Her class is a safe space, she hopes he knows that.
If he has no lunch, she offers to buy it for him. If his pride won’t let her, she’ll do her best to make some for him. Either way, he’s gotta eat
Coach Chandler (those who can’t teach teach gym lmao) is a bitch. He overhears Chandler being a bitch to Veronica and almost intervenes again, but he remembers what she says and stays put. The confrontation ends with Chandler pushing Veronica against the wall and storms off. J.D. pretends to be walking by and asks if something happened. She doesn’t tell him. He plans revenge. Can he go to Principal Fleming about this? Or will Veronica be annoyed he intervened in her business even though he’s doing it for her sake?
Rumor has it Coach Chandler has a crush on Ms. Sawyer, but Ms. Sawyer didn’t like her back because of her bitchy personality, and that’s why she’s doubled down on being such a cunt. She doesn’t even do anything, just stands there barking orders at them, or sitting on a lawn chair while they run the mile. He’ll have to get a girl to slip something in her water bottle, or otherwise do it when she’s unawares elsewhere. Or he could key her red Porsche. (Rumor also has it her parents wanted her to get a job to understand the value of a dollar, so being a high school gym teacher and surrounding herself in that mentality means she never grew out of her alpha bitch phase, and still thinks she can get away with shit like this.) Hmm...
Veronica shares a small, cozy place with Betty and Martha. They spend Friday nights grading papers and watching a movie when they’re all done. They do dramatic readings of the English essays, and sometimes vote on a grade if Veronica is unsure. And maybe there’s alcohol involved. She saves the best (J.D.’s) for last.
It’s probably through one of those essays, depending on how personal it is, she learns he lost his mom at a young age. He describes in detail her death as he remembers, perceives, and wonders about it. He’s never been able to talk about it with anyone, not aloud, and especially not with his dad. She made him feel so safe, he feels like he can trust her to tell her about her. And he’ll be 18 soon (or he already is) and when he graduates, he’d love it if they could still be in each other’s lives. Because she’s special. She’s beautiful, and perfect, and while he does love her as his teacher, he also thinks he’s in love with her
Martha thinks it’s really sad but ultimately sweet, and Betty thinks it’s sad and sweet, but very slippery. Veronica is conflicted. Because on the one hand, ethics. But he did say after graduation, when they’re not teacher and student anymore, even though they met under those circumstances. And Sherwood is a small, small town — people will talk. She decides to hold him back after class to talk to him about his essay, and writes his hall pass that night.
That’s all for now. Maybe.
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wrdn-tabris · 1 year
maybe. i will reread tht fic
0 notes
voidesart · 11 months
Stolen bag, stolen heart.
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Pairing: Jason Dean x reader
Word count: 447 words
Warnings: none
Summary: while in a hurry, you accidentally steal a cute guy’s bag.
Fandom: Heathers (1989)
Type: fluff (?)
Authors note: first fanfic on my new account, WHOOO!!!!! Hope y’all enjoy!
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“I’m so sorry, I should’ve looked where I was going.” You didn’t look at the person you bumped into, but it wasn’t hard to guess by his long black trench coat. You hadn’t even talked to him properly, this was technically your first time interacting with him. That didn’t mean you hadn’t noticed him though. Jason Dean was not that sore on the eye.
Both of yours bags had fallen onto the ground. Without giving it a second thought you quickly grabbed a bag and ran for to your class. You were already late and being late for class always resulted in a long talk about why being on time is one of the most important things as a human. You yelled another ‘sorry’ over your shoulder as you ran, making eye contact with Jason.
Before JD could react you were gone. His eyes followed your person as it entered the classroom, before he looked at the bag on the floor, noticing it wasn’t familiar. He groaned and crouched down to grab it, even though he had a free hour, he wasn’t keen on barging in a class to get his bag back.
As you entered the class you felt a difference in the weight you were carrying. You looked down and noticed that you weren’t carrying your own bag and let out a frustrated sigh. As you were about to turn around to find the owner again, you heard the teacher clear her throat. This really wasn’t great timing.
The class went by very slowly, but when it was finally over you almost ran out of there.
You quickly went towards the cafeteria looking for the guy in the trenchcoat, knowing he would want his bag back just like you wanted yours, when you heard footsteps coming from behind you, You turned around and kept your gaze focused on the bag in your hands.
“You’ve got my bag-“
“I know, I’m sorry! I should’ve just ran back towards you but the teacher didn’t allow me and-“
You were cut off with a soft chuckle, you looked at him in confusion.
“You know, you’ve said sorry more times then we’ve talked. You say that a lot don’t ya?” He said, you could hear the grin radiating from his sentence. Blushing from embarrassment you finally looked up at him, His blue-Green eyes meeting yours. “I feel it a lot.” You said with small smile.
“Well you should, you bump into me, steal my bag” he says, his grin turning into a smug smirk, “and I don’t even get to know your name.” You look at him, smile, and properly introduce yourself.
“A stunning name, for a captivating person.”
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kining-the-evil · 1 year
2023 Kinktober Masterlist
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It is spooky time everyone! I'm super excited, this is my first big event as a writer, and I have been putting a lot of work into it! If everything goes right, a fic will be published one a day every day this month. This a mature event, so if you can't handle please don't interact.
Day 1- Cockwarming with Sam Carpenter
Day 2- Edging with James Wilson
Day 3- Knife Play with Tara Carpenter
Day 4-Phone Sex with Billy Loomis
Day 5- Mutual Masturbation with James Wilson
Day 6- Gagged with Finnick Odair
Day 7- Marking/Hickeys with Daisy Johnson
Day 8- Uniform with Bucky Barnes
Day 9-Dumbification with Jason Dean
Day 10- CNC with Stu Macher
Day 11- Thigh Riding with Kate Bishop
Day 12- Overstimulation with Greg House
Day 13- Dirty Talk with Valkyrie
Day 14- Bondage with Natasha Romanoff
Day 15- Ruined Orgasm- Johanna Mason
Day 16- Dacryphilia with Haymitch Abernathy
Day 17- Breeding with James Wilson
Day 18- Humiliation/Degration with Katniss Everdeen
Day 19- Gun Play with Jason Dean
Day 20- Praise with Peggy Carter
Day 21- Spit with Billy Loomis
Day 22- Sex Pollin with Leo Fitz
Day 23- Somnophilia with Loki
Day 24- Car sex with Daisy Johnson
Day 25- Mirror Sex with Randy Meeks
Day 26- Lactation with Dewey Riley
Day 27- Cum Play with Scott Lang
Day 28- Purity with Chad Meeks
Day 29- Pet Play with Stu Macher
Day 30- Double Penitration with Stucky
Day 31- Dry Humping with Randy Meeks
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winchestergirl2 · 7 months
February Reading Recs
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To show some love and appreciation to all the amazing writers here on tumblr, here are all the fantastic fics I've read this month. 💖
Many of these fics and blogs are 18+ only, and NSFW please heed the author's individual fic warnings and requests regarding no minors. I am not responsible for your media consumption.
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2023 Reading Recs | 2024 Reading Recs
Cordell Walker
Quieting the Demons Inside @idreamofplaid
Authors Summary: Cordell opens up to the reader, and his vulnerability takes their relationship to the next level.
Privacy @idreamofplaid
Authors Summary: Cordell is a passionate man, but he’s a dad too. It doesn’t mean he has to choose between the two.
Texas Nights @stefanmikaleson1864
Dawsons Creek
CJ Braxton
Something Like This @thebiggerbear
Authors Summary: A Nor'easter hits Boston and luckily for you, you don't have anywhere you need to be except right here snuggled up with CJ.
My Bloody Valentine
Tom Hanniger
Lonely Dancers @mind-empty-just-fictional-people
Authors summary: when your boyfriend cheats on you, it leads you to tom hanniger
10 Inch Hero
Boaz Priestly
Code Red @zepskies
Authors Summary: When you call him for help, Priestly realizes that he finally has the relationship of his dreams.
High School Never Ends Part 1 | Part 2 | @illshakeyouallnightlong-dean
Dean Winchester
Hollow @thoughtslikeaminefield
Authors Summary: @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ submitted this prompt to @cabin-fever-bang​ “Would anyone be willing to write something with Dean [or Jensen] x reader to the song Love on the Brain by Rihanna -xx”
Fire & Rain Masterlist @writercole
Authors Summary: When a fire destroys her place to live, Y/N and her daughter Lana are left with nowhere to go and no one to count on, except the kindness of a beautiful, green-eyed firefighter that saved their lives. Will the pair of them make it through the obstacles life has dealt them or will they crash and burn?
Just Another Day @1000roughdrafts
Authors Summary: Fluffy Dean x female!reader Valentine's Day post
Don't Forget It @hintsofhoney
Authors Summary: While working a case with Dean, he gets jealous of the way you interact with a suspect and decides to remind you who you belong to.
Sam Winchester
You're On Your Own Kid Part 1 @my-proof-is-you
Authors Summary: You’re used to being on your own. You’d been on your own as long as you could remember. Could Sam show you that it isn’t the only way to live?
Untitled Sam Winchester Fic @supernaturalfreewill
Big Sky
Beau Arlen
Febuwhump Day 10 @luci-in-trenchcoats
Febuwhump Day 14 @luci-in-trenchcoats
Febuwhump Day 21 @luci-in-trenchcoats
Whole Lotta Love @deanbrainrotwritings
Authors Summary: beau finds a way repays the reader after taking care of him when he’s injured, but also to apologise for worrying her. but most importantly, to prove he was okay.
The Way We Fall In Love @smellingofpoetry
Authors Summary: This is the story of how they fall in love.
The Boys
Soldier Boy
Febuwhump Day 12 @luci-in-trenchcoats
Side Effects of Soldier Boy @tom-whore-dleston
Authors Summary: Soldier Boy tries to keep you quiet during sex.
Jason Teague
Febuwhump Day 7 @luci-in-trenchcoats
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famwhy · 2 years
Yandere Jason Dean (JD)
Word Count: 3,583
Ready to rekindle your love for Heathers the musical?
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Your eyes crinkled in sympathy as you witnessed your good friend, Jamie, get completely ignored by his long-time crush, Veronica, in favour of her swooning over the new kid beating up two jocks.
Your legs carried themselves over to his pitiful form, a low whistle drawing out from your lips when you reached his side as you both gazed at the back of the infatuated teen.
"Damn, buddy, tough luck." You patted the nerd's back, watching his shoulders shrink further into himself. "How long have you liked her now? Couple o' years?"
He sighed. "Yeah."
Another low whistle. "And she just falls for that dude straight away? Dammmnnn, and I thought my luck was shit when I bet on black and lost half my savings."
"You bet on black? What type of idiot bets on black?" He rose a brow.
"The hell do you mean 'what type of idiot bets on black'?! It's a 50/50 chance! What type of idiot gets rejected by their crush without even confessing first?!"
Cue the disheartened expression returning to his face and you suddenly feeling like that wasn't the right time for that joke.
"Shit, dude. Too soon?"
Another sigh left his lips.
"Cheer up, man. I mean, he doesn't reciprocate the feelings right? Seemed like he didn't when they spoke a bit ago."
Your words caused his expression to light up again. However, it wasn't lit up out of relief, no, it was lit up with an idea. You did not like that expression of his one bit.
"Yeah!" He exclaimed brightly. "You're right! And he won't ever be able to if you charm him first!"
"Wha-?!" Your eyes widened as he trained his gaze on you with a grin so bright, it was blinding. "Hold on! I never agreed to be your guinea pig!"
"Come on, pleaassee." His fingers intertwined with one another as he begged you. "You still owe me for all that money you borrowed."
You glanced at the new kid one more time, taking in his looks and mannerisms to assess whether or not you had been given a good deal.
Oh, who were you kidding? Of course you got a good deal, in return for a thousand dollars, you just had to charm one guy and keep him away from a girl.
"Fine, I'll do it."
Jamie cheered, launching himself into you so that he could wrap his arms around your neck in an appreciative hug. "Thanks! You're the best!"
"Yeah, yeah, you obsessed little freak." 
"Ah, shit." You cursed your luck.
Why exactly were you cursing your luck? Well, simple, because Veronica was about to make her way to the store the new kid was in so that she could pick up some snacks for the Heathers.
How did you know the new kid was in there? Let's just say you did a little... observing of his schedule.
The things people do to get out of debt.
Anyway, if they were in the same store, no doubt the new kid would approach Veronica out of interest from their earlier interaction.
You absolutely could not let that happen.
"What to do, what to do..."
You snapped your fingers, an imaginary bulb basically lighting up above your head.
"You sure you wanna get snacks from there, Veronica?" The brunette jumped as you approached her.
"Oh, Y/N, hey."
"Sorry, uh, what was it you just said?" She looked a little confused. You didn't blame her, you never really approached her outside of school.
"I said, are you sure you wanna get snacks from that store, Veronica?"
"How did you-?"
"After all, you can't possibly be ready to face your bestie after what you just did to her right?" You sneered. "I can't imagine that bodes well with your subconscious."
Instantly, her expression faltered and her eyes filled with guilt. "I- I didn't..."
"Yeah, well, you did." You gave her a little glare. "And you can't be telling me you wanna see her again right after that. If I were you, I'd head to a different store."
"I-!" She looked ready to defend herself, but just one look at your scowl and she backed off. "Yeah, you're probably right."
With that, she turned on her heel and walked away, the atmosphere around her filling up with gloom.
Yikes, you may have overshot it there.
Oh well, Jamie could use that as an excuse to comfort her anyway.
You casted a glance to the shop, taking in a deep breath and praying your drama skills were good enough to get you through this. 
As you stepped through the doors, you immediately spotted your victim by the slushie machines. This caused you to, almost immediately, make your way over to him.
Once you were close enough, you acted like you were looking at the flavours, casting a sneaky side-glance his way to see he wasn't staring at anything in particular, before choosing your moment to strike.
"Y'know, for a new kid, you sure don't take shit from anyone."
Please work, please work, pleasework-
"Yeah? Well, you seem like the type to understand why." He smirked your way.
Holy shit- it actually worked.
"Greetings and salutations, my name's Jason Dean, though you can call me JD for short."
'Greetings and Salutations'? Dear lord, he's a weirdo-
You reached out for his hand, shaking it firmly.
"Those were some good moves back there."
"Yeah?" He smirked your way. "You pick up on these things when you're constantly moving around."
"Ah, a parent's job?"
"Yup, my dad own a deconstruction company. You know the one on all those commercials where he goes-" he then proceeds to imitate the commercial you always saw on TV during every programme's commercial break.
"Must be tough moving so often, I could never imagine what it's like." Your head shook from side-to-side.
"Heh, yeah. I usually just stick to myself and refrain from making any bonds."
"How's that going for you this time around?" You sent him a knowing smile.
"Not too good so far." He reciprocated.
Okay, this conversation was moving at too much of a snail's pace for you. It was about time you sped things up.
"So, tough guy, you gonna ask me out or what?"
"So soon? Where's the fun in that?" JD's rough fingers ran through his hair, swishing his locks to the side as his grin never faltered.
"Oh," you slowly took a few steps towards him, basically swaying your hips as you closed the gap between the two of you, pressing your body up against his before speaking in a breathy whisper, "there's plenty of fun in that."
His eyes grew half-lidded as he slid an arm around your waist, the slushie in his other hand practically forgotten. "Oh yeah? Sounds great..."
"But-!" You slipped out of his grasp, sending him a cheeky wink and a suggestive smirk. "You're right, there's no fun in that."
His dazed expression didn't let up as you continued on your way out of the store, casting a last glance over your shoulder to confirm that he did, in fact, still have a cloudy expression.
Lo and behold, he was still out of it.
Hook, line, and sinker.
You're welcome, Jamie.
"So did you do it?" Jamie was the first to approach you after the end of your first period class, bouncing on his heels in excitement. 
"Only time will tell, dear friend." Your voice dropped an octave and your expression turned serious.
"What's that supposed to mean?" 
"It means my master plan has yet to give me desired results because it's just started." You rolled your eyes, making your way to your locker with your folders tucked tightly into your chest. 
"Have they met then?"
"Of course not, I was very meticulous. All I had to do was play with that little snake's feelings and- oh!"
Your steps screeched to an abrupt halt, causing your friend to crash straight into your back and stumble back a bit.
"Why is your back so sturdy-?"
"MIKE! BUDDY! PAL! FRIEND-O!" You tossed your arm around the person that caught your eye, your grin feigning cheer. "How are you doing?"
"What do you want?" The playboy narrowed his eyes in your direction.
"Well, you see, I happen to-." You didn't even need to finish your sentence for his eyes to start widening and your own smile to turn sinister.
"Shit, I should've known you would've gotten a hold of it. Fuck! Look, man, I don't have money on me, please. Gimme a day, I swear I'll get you the money you need to feed that sick obsession of yours."
"You better." Your expression darkened. "Or you can say bye-bye to that new car your parents promised you."
He shuddered, immediately rushing off. 
After that interaction, you and Jamie continued towards your locker, this time in silence.
Well, that was until you reached it of course. Jamie decided that was the perfect time to speak.
"You're still doing this, Y/N? Don't you think it's a little... excessive? This addiction has really messed with your head."
"I love you, Jamie, I do-" you shoved your things into the empty space before you. "-but you need to know when it's time to butt out of business that isn't yours."
You slammed the locker shut, jumping slightly when you noticed the new form that stood there, leant against your neighbour locker. "You have a minute?"
You immediately brought your act up again. "Of course~."
It was then that JD's eyes trailed to your friend's, narrowing at the shorter male in clear distaste. "Alone."
"Ruh-right!" He rushed off without a second thought.
"My, oh my," the spotlight was placed back on you. "So harsh."
"You 'love' him, huh?" Though, his narrowed eyes stayed narrowed. 
"Jealous, are we, Mr Dean?" Your fingers trailed up his torso, gently tracing his muscles through the thin line of fabric separating skin-on-skin contact.
Your touch caused his breath to hitch in his throat, the familiar expression he wore yesterday returning to his face. "You know, I wouldn't mind you being called Mrs Dean."
"Woah-!" You quickly pulled your hands a way. "A bit too soon, don't'cha think?"
"Weren't you the one who said there's plenty of fun in that?" He smirked, dipping his head closer to your own.
Get the fuck away, you lil' sh-.
The familiar chime of the bell caused you to breathe a quiet sound of relief. 
Saved by the bell really is a thing.
"Well, looks like we have to continue this conversation later."
You went to move away but were stopped abruptly by a tugging force on your wrist. 
"Oh no you don't," your back met with a rather sturdy chest, "you're not getting away like that again. Let's ditch together."
You gritted your teeth, cursing yourself at that exact moment for not using blackmail on Jamie when it came to taking money like you did with every other student. Damn that boy for making you soft.
"Fine. Where'd you wanna go?"
"7-eleven." He grinned, turning around and starting to walk out of the premises with you in tow, grip on your wrist never faltering for even a second.
Once you arrived, he rushed over to the slushies, immediately buying two random flavours. 
"I didn't even tell you what I liked." You grinned in amusement as he gave you one. 
"Sometimes you gotta take risks in life y'know?"
"Okay, Mr. Bootleg Shakespeare."
He bowed with a little smirk. "In the flesh."
Okay, so that got a little chuckle out of you. He was still a weirdo though.
"So, I've heard quite a bit about you, y'know," he started off.
"Oh yeah?" You rose a brow. "Like what?"
"Like how... oh, I don't know, you're very keen on using blackmail to get what you want."
Almost immediately, your facial expression darkened.
"What's it to you?" 
"Nothing." He absentmindedly looked to the side. "I just find that really hot."
The drink came flying out your mouth. "I'm sorry- what?!"
"You heard me." He hooked an arm around your waist, pulling you in so close, you could feel his breath on your face. "I. Find. It. Really. Hot."
This guy was weird. Almost unnervingly so.
"Hm. Good for you." You slipped out of his grasp yet another time, sending him a playful smirk in response to his frown.
After that little interaction, you stopped speaking in favour of just hanging around in a comfortable silence.
Well... that was, until he spoke up once more.
"So, I've been thinking..." He trailed off. "Wanna be my girlfriend?"
"Hmm. Sure."
Had he not been so elated from the affirmation, you were sure he'd have realised how strange your response was.
Some time passed and you spent so much time with JD, you barely got to see Jamie anymore.
But judging by the way you passed him by once, with the emo boy walking beside you, and he sent you a grin as well as a thumbs up; he didn't mind. Veronica beside him though? Now, she definitely had a problem.
Oh well, that's on her, not you.
"Y/N!" Oh, was that Jamie just now? "Y/N!"
"Hey Jamie, I haven't- woah!" You cut yourself off when he launched himself at your arm, clutching you so tightly, you could've sworn he stopped your blood flow.
"Y/N! You need to leave the new kid!"
So much for him being happy about your new relationship.
"He-he's psycho!" Jamie was panting really hard. "He threatened me to stay away from you! You need to leave him!"
"Aren't you the one who wanted me to get with him in the first place?" You rose a brow, priorities obviously not straight.
"Yeah, that was before I found out he was a psycho!"
"But isn't it in your best interests to listen to his threats instead of warning me?"
"Y/N, you are literally asking all the wrong questions right now . JUST LEAVE THE-!"
"Leave what?" A new voice piped up, causing Jamie to jump out of his very skin.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear, it was JD.
"Oh, great!" You beamed, fixating his gaze onto you almost immediately. "You're just on time. I needed to talk to you."
Both men looked at you with surprise. "Oh? What-?"
"I'm breaking up with you." Your expression fell flat within the next second, cold gaze trained on his figure.
"Wha-?" His face fell, eyebrows creasing as it seemed like his whole world fell apart before him. "Why?"
"I'm just not feeling it anymore." You stared at your nails, pulling off the whole disinterested thing way too well. "It's not me, it's you. See ya."
You took to turning around and walking off- or, at least, you wanted to before he seized your wrist.
"Yuh-you can't do this to me, baby." His eyes were blown wide, pupils shaking in his desperation. "I love you."
His attempts to make you stay were starting to get annoying. "Really now? Shame. Looks like you'll have to move on."
You ripped your arm from his grasp, sending him a glare as you did so. His grip was tight but thanks to your sudden movements, you were able to free yourself.
After that, you wasted no time in leaving him behind, gesturing for Jamie to follow you as well. The boy took one glance at the heartbroken expression on the new kid's face before gulping and rushing after you.
Your footsteps echoed through the barren halls, the slurping of your slushie being the only other sound to accompany them.
The light of the moon was the only thing illuminating the hallways and keeping you from walking straight into a wall.
Why exactly were you at the school at night.
Well, you received a peculiar note when you got home from school earlier that day.
The contents?
Greetings and salutations darling,
I love you. I know you love me too. We are meant to be. The only reason you left me is because of that asshole who calls himself your friend. He's keeping you away from me. He made you blind, messed up your mind but I can set you free!
Meet me at the school tonight, your class. I'm waiting.
Yours forever and always,
Now, you could fully ignore this note and just go about your life as normal, not even considering giving JD the time of day.
He successfully caught your interest.
You were bored and your gambling addiction couldn't be satiated so you found temporary reprise in this little meeting.
Plus, there was always the fact that this was potential blackmail material-.
Your train of thought was halted when you reached the door of your homeroom, left hand leaving your pocket to push on the handle, swinging it open with a look of nonchalance.
Inside, you were greeted with quite the sight to behold.
Standing above a puddle of crimson, the lifeless eyes of your former good friend looking up at you in a permanent expression of horror.
Your lips parted from the straw as a low whistle drew out from them. "Damn, buddy, always did have such rough luck." 
"No thanks to you." The chuckle of a boy dressed in dark clothing reached your ears. "Oh babe, I find it so fucking hot that you didn't even fucking flinch at this."
His lips grazed your ear, shaky breath hitting you at uneven intervals as one of his arms looped around your waist and pulled you into his chest, the other reaching for your left hand and intertwining each of your fingers with his own. 
"Shit..." He spoke breathily. "Let's fuck up the world together, baby."
Veronica's blood boiled in her veins as she watched your fingers graze the arm of the new kid she was crushing majorly on, teeth gritting as he seemed to fall in a deeper pit of his own infatuation for you.
"Hey," she spoke up, her voice barely above a whisper but her anger incredibly apparent. "Do you guys think we could... screw with Y/N somehow?"
"Y/N?" One of the Heathers spoke up, her hands adjusting the mascara on her eyes with a look of total concentration. "Why?"
"Because she stole the emo boy Veronica has a major crush on." Giggled the other two.
"Well," Heather Chandler scoffed. "I'm afraid we can't touch Y/N."
"Why not?"
"Oh, Veronica, you sweet, dumb, little girl." The brunette shook her head from side-to-side. "You've never come across her bad side."
"SHUT UP, HEATHER!" Chandler screamed at the girl clad in a green blazer before clearing her throat. "I'm telling Veronica."
The other girl whimpered out an apology.
"Anyway," the blonde rolled her eyes, "Y/N is a no-go for targeting. That girl has every dirty secret ever known to the whole school. Getting on her bad side is not just social suicide, it's real suicide."
"Real?" Veronica tilted her head to the side, attention now on the leader of the group.
"Yeah, do you remember Hailey?" 
Veronica rose a brow. "Who's Hailey?"
The Heather with the yellow colour-scheme piped up. "She tried setting Y/N up to be jumped by a bunch of jocks but they told Y/N about her plans because she had dirt on them."
"What happened then?" 
"...she got rid of her." The blonde cut in once more. "Y/N got rid of Hailey, completely. She's a dangerous woman."
"A dangerous woman addicted to gambling. It's why she even has blackmail on everyone to begin with, so that she can take people's money and gamble it all away."
"I know."
Jamie had noticed some things. 
First of all; he, himself, was being noticed increasingly more. Although, not by the person he wants to or in the way he would like it to be.
JD, the new kid, was the one noticing him more. 
He would glare at the shorter male whenever he approached you. Fists clenched so hard he drew blood.
Something about the kid was fishy.
And this just confirmed it.
"I'm sorry- what?"
"Stay away from my Y/N." JD repeated himself, hand reaching into his pocket to pick out- was that a switch-blade?! 
"What the fuck?!"
"She's mine. I will kill you if I found out you disobeyed my orders."
'Disobeyed his orders' who the hell did he think he was? The fucking King?
Jamie needed to warn you; and fast.
Writing 'commercials' instead of 'adverts' is so weird-
Also, I had to slip in a few iconic lyrics y'all can't blame me-
In case you didn't notice, Reader's a bit of a sociopath in this. Thought it would be nice to change it up a bit.
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sunkendreams · 9 months
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please keep in mind that this blog is strictly 18+ — minors, please do not follow or interact with my content. any hateful subjects, inclusion of drama, or harmful requests will result in being blocked and/or a deleted request.
📌 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬: 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 / 𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞.
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smut, smut and fluff, gore & violence, darker subject matters, porn with plot, porn without plot, female reader, afab reader, dubious consent, somnophilia, size differences, choking, breeding kink, pet names, experienced reader, inexperienced reader, dom/sub dynamics, predator/prey, capture/captive, bondage, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, monsterfucking, legal age gaps, bloodplay, knifeplay, threesomes, poly!relationships, voyeurism, etc . . .
non-con, pregnancy, necrophilia, only fluff, only slice-of-life, male reader, original characters, incest, age play, little play, watersports, sexual abuse, self-harm, domestic abuse, racism, homophobia, any harmful kinks/fetishes.
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❛ ━━━━━━━━ ❁ ━━━━━━━━━ ❜
michael myers ( 2018 )
michael myers ( rz!version )
corey cunningham
the lost boys + michael emerson
thomas b. hewitt ( tcm remake )
brahms heelshire
jason voorhees
bo sinclair
vincent sinclair
lester sinclair
billy loomis
stu macher
mickey altieri
richie kirsch
amber freeman
ethan landry
albert shaw / the grabber
eric newlon / john carver
dominic craven
jim hopper
001 / henry creel
eddie munson
steve harrington
dean winchester
sam winchester
alcina dimitrescu — (resident evil)
karl heisenberg — (resident evil)
salvatore moreau — (resident evil)
leon kennedy — (resident evil)
eddie gluskin — (outlast)
miles upshur / the walrider — (outlast)
chris walker — (outlast)
joshua washington — (until dawn)
joel miller — (the last of us + show)
tommy miller — (the last of us + show)
arvin eugene russell — (the devil all the time)
eric draven — (the crow)
v — (v for vendetta)
hellboy — (hellboy films)
prince nuada — (hellboy films)
jackson rippner — (red eye)
jonathan crane / scarecrow — (nolanverse)
dani ardor — (midsommar)
father paul hill — (midnight mass)
tiffany valentine — (chucky)
william afton — (fnaf movie)
michael schmidt — (fnaf movie)
rick grimes — (the walking dead)
rasvan benedikte eleazar / count dracula — (coming soon!)
joaquin jackson — (coming soon!)
ghostface oc — (coming soon!)
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sxtvrns · 2 years
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🎶 now playing: bad reputation - joan jett & the blackhearts
P: J.D. (Jason Dean) x Fem!Reader
S: The new kid on the block pulls a stunt in the cafeteria and makes a name for himself. You never thought he'd have you screaming that name later that day.
W: mentions of violence, guns, smoking, cursing, implied sexual themes, idk what else
N: A (kind of) rewrite from my first account that I deleted. Love his looks, hate his morals.
please interact if you enjoy!
God, the cafeteria was disgusting.
It reeked of sweat from the jocks that were doing who knows what. The food was shit, majority of the time not even buying any of it and just bringing your own from home. The rows of cliques, table after table; societal ranks dividing everyone to their own spot, bitchy girls glaring at you just because your hair wasn't styled into whatever's in these days.
You bumped into someone by mistake, praying it wasn't anyone that had the power to smash your skull in half. "Oh my god, I am so sorry." You quickly apologized, planning to run off and avoid potential conflict. "No, it's okay. I wasn't watching where I was going." Veronica smiled, a wave of relief washing over you knowing that it was her.
You had her for a few classes, but was mostly a quiet observer. You've talked to her a few times about things mostly homework related (given the fact she was much smarter than you). Finding out she became a Heather was quite... surprising. Disappointing. She was too nice to join in their abusive antics.
You begin, "Um, hey, do you think–" There's a tap on your shoulder, and now you're face to face with Heather Chandler, sending you a passive-aggressive smile while shooing you away. You roll your eyes and comply, sitting down at one of the tables in the corner.
Not even bothering to check your paper bag, you stare at Veronica, who's seemingly being coerced into something she doesn't wanna do. You take a quick glance at Martha Dunnstock, her best friend, then back at Veronica to see the Heathers standing around her, laughing at Martha while Veronica's mouth simply hangs slightly open, but not saying a word.
"You seem distracted." Someone says. A dark cloaked boy stands at the end of the table. "Mind if I sit here?" He asks. "Go ahead." You say, moving over slightly and taking out your lunch to eat.
"What's so interesting over there?" He looks over in the same direction, head turning repeatedly trying to find what you were looking at. "The Heathers. Veronica. Just another one of their daily schemes." You answer, not making eye contact and eating right after. "That red one, over there," he points, "she seems like a real bitch." You snicker, nodding. "You aren't wrong." After a few seconds of staring, he turns to you.
"Jason Dean. J.D. for short." He introduces, his eyes lowering for a split second before going back to making eye conact with you.
Was he checking you out?
"Y/N." You simply say, going back to eating your lunch. After a few more seconds of awkward silence, you remember where you've seen him before. "You're in my visual arts." You add, facing him again. "All the other courses were taken. Would've gone for... woodworking or something." That was a see-through lie.
"You have no idea what you wanna be yet, do you?"
"Wow, she's observant."
"You don't seem like a woodworking guy. You're new here?" You ask, finishing your lunch and crumpling up the paper bag that came with it. "Mmm, yeah." He says. His food is untouched, only a bite taken out of his measly lunch. "Figured. I haven't seen you prior to today."
The Heathers (and Veronica) come out of the bathroom, staring at you and J.D., being the only ones at your table. Veronica slowly makes her way over, standing by you while her gaze switches between you and him.
"Greetings and salutations," J.D. speaks up first, looking at the three girls behind her standing by the bathroom door. "You a Heather?" Your other classmate scoffs. "No, I'm a Veronica. Sawyer." There was definitely some kind of tension in the air between these two. Sexual or conflicting? You couldn't tell, though you'd prefer one over the other.
You spaced out during their entire conversation, being brought back to earth when Chandler dragged Veronica away. "Come on, Veronica. They're probably going out or something."
Do they not know he just got here? You'd never go out with someone you just met.
Ram and Kurt are suddenly making their way over to your table, and you're more annoyed than afraid. They lean forward, Ram sticking his finger into J.D.'s barely touched food.
"You gonna eat this? Now what did your boyfriend say when you told him you're moving to Sherwood, Ohio?"
"Piss off, Ram." You retort, in utter disbelief that some men could be so immature.
"What'd you say? I think you should say it again, I couldn't quite hear ya'." Kurt grabs the collar of your shirt in a fist, pulling you in way too close to his face; you could smell his sweat from there.
"Leave the girl alone." J.D. says. "Or what? She your girlfriend?" Ram laughs mockingly, Kurt letting go of you to laugh along with him.
"I'll repeat myself."
J.D. then reaches into the pocket of his coat, pulling out a revolver and shooting both of them.
A fucking revolver.
In the middle of the fucking cafeteria.
Ram and Kurt are somehow left... mostly unharmed, running away from the two of you and towards the approaching cafeteria monitor. "What the fuck?! Why would you–" You look at his gun carefully, only to notice that it was a blank.
There were no actual bullets in there. It was all just a scare. "Dicks deserved it, didn't they?" He taps the cartridge twice with his other hand before twirling the gun on his finger, putting it back in his pocket.
Needless to say, he was called to the office.
You and Veronica had a weird thing going on today with running into each other. You walked into Snappy Snack Shack just for a drink and she's at the counter grabbing a pack of BQ corn nuts from the rack. She looked awfully formal to be buying a movie snack.
Turns out, she was going to a party. Some big university party that Heather Chandler got her into. The loud, unneeded lengthy honk of Heather's car startled you as you watched Veronica walk away from the door and towards the fancy drive through the window.
The glass door suddenly opens and now you're minding your own business, acting like you weren't watching Veronica get abducted by the witch of the school to go to some shitty frat party.
"Super chug, huh?" A familiar voice says. It's J.D., who's standing beside you. "Slush, actually." You respond, moving past him to get a cup. "What did they do?" They, being the principal, head office. "I got suspended. What a surprise, am I right?" You hear him laugh under his breath. "No fucking shit, you pulled a gun on two kids."
"A blank gun."
"Same difference."
The pondering silence between the two of you only lasted so long.
"I ran into, uh, Veronica outside." So that's why Heather was honking her stupid horn so loud, because Veronica was too hooked on school shooter Jason Dean. "Did you sweet talk her?" You joke, filling up your plastic cup with slush. "She's a nice girl, but... there's better people out there for her."
"So... you don't like her?" He scoffs. "You guys had this weird tension going on in the caf when she came over, she was giving you the 'fuck me' eyes. At least I think she was."
"I never reciprocated her gaze." He replies. "But she's a Heather. Who knows what her 'friends' will do to me." His gaze is kept on you as you put a cap on your slushee cup. "God, you a creep or something?" You joke after noticing him staring. "Simply observing. I'm sure you know how to do that." He says sarcastically. "Smartass." You sneer, leaving J.D. behind emptyhanded.
J.D. follows you out the door after buying a bag of Twizzlers, taking something out of his inner chest pocket.
God forbid it was that gun again. Then again, why would he pull a gun on you?
It was just a lighter. He pulled out a cigarette from another inner pocket, flicking with failed sparks repeatedly until he got a full flame, lighting the cig that rested in between his lips. "You need a ride?" He offers. "You don't have any helmets." You point out.
"You don't trust me? I'm not that bad of a driver." He quips. "I'll take care of ya', don't worry." He reassures, sitting down first on his bike. You contemplate for a second, looking at the bike, then at J.D.'s awaiting expression. You sit down on the seat behind him, cup still in hand. "Hands here." He moves your hands to his hips, then noticing the cup himself. "Or... hands here."
He wraps your arms around his waist, your hands meeting in front of his stomach. Your face goes warm as the scent of him envelopes you; the scent of cigarette smoke and maybe even a little bit of alcohol. "Hold on tight."
He revs the engine, driving out of the lot of Snappy Snack Shack and back onto the road. After telling him your address, your cheek and body is flush to his back, like you're hugging a pillow and on the verge of falling asleep on it. Only this pillow smells reminiscent of a sketchy alleyway downtown. J.D.'s scent, although odd and mostly related to illegal activities, was somehow comforting.
The light goes red, J.D. hitting the breaks out of nowhere it caused a screech. "Ah, shit." He mutters. "What happened?" You ask, concerned. "Your slush got on me." He laughs. "Shit, I'm so sorry–" You almost drop the cup, making it worse, but manage to hold onto it. "Don't worry about it. We're almost at your place, anyways." He assures, looking both ways before turning left.
Your eyes are kept shut for the rest of the ride, the feeling of the wind brushing on and past your face. The motorbike slows down and eventually comes to a halt. "Wake up. We're here." He says, making you open your eyes. You reluctantly unwrap your arms, getting off the bike before getting out your keys.
The door unlocks as J.D. properly parks his motorbike. You look at him before offering, "Wanna come in?" His head perks up and he nods, following you inside. "I'm home!" You yell, dragging out the 'o'. But it's nothing but silence. J.D. pulls something off the side table parked next to the door.
"’Dear Y/N, me and your father have been called as replacements for a last minute business trip. There's some food in the fridge if you're hungry. We love you. Please stay safe’." He reads, handing you the slip of paper. He definitely glossed over an exclamation mark with a monotone voice like his.
"I should get you a new shirt. Just leave your jacket on the rack." He raises an eyebrow suggestively, a smirk slowly growing on his lips. "Bold, are we? Never thought you could be so forward." You roll your eyes. "You know what I meant. My room is the second door on the left." You say, heading up the stairs and leaving him behind.
Your dad has too many button ups that he wouldn't even notice if one of them went missing. Even with how much he packed, there was still much left in his closet to spare. You left the master bedroom and entered your own, seeing J.D. smoke another cigarette by your window seat. "On your second already?" He lets out a puff of smoke out your open window before turning to look at you. His eyes dart to the shirt in your hand, then back to your eyes. "What's that for?"
"A change." You say, holding out the button up you got for him. You take the cigarette out of his mouth, holding it between your two fingers. He gets up and goes to the other side of the room while you stub out his cig on the ashtray at your desk.
"What a waste. You could've taken a puff or two." He says, taking off his soiled shirt which makes you look away immediately. "I don't smoke." The smoke from the stubbed out cigarette slowly grows. "Then why's there an ashtray in your room?" He quips, catching you in your lie.
Your eyes make their way to the glass of your window seat, meaning to stare out at the hedges, but rather they focus on the reflection of J.D. changing. He's still shirtless, undoing the buttons of your dad's folded shirt to put it on himself.
Shit, shit, shit, why were you staring at him? This is very unmodest and crude for you to be doing and why is your face warm?! This should not be making you as flustered as you are right now.
As much as you panicked, J.D.'s eyes met yours through the reflection once he did the last button of the shirt, your gaze snapping away in an instant. "Enjoyed the stripshow?" He jokes, walking over to the window and lighting a cigarette from the box he left there. You stand by him by the window.
"Your parents know about it?" He asks, referring to his cigarette as he looks out the window. "Not yet. I've almost been caught a few times." You say. He turns to you, handing you the cigarette, which you take and put between your own lips.
It never crossed your mind that this smoke was just in J.D.'s mouth. You simply took a hit and blew it out. "You looked... entranced, staring at me through the glass like that." He reminds, your head swiftly turning towards him with the cig on the verge of falling out of your mouth. "I'm sorry." You mutter.
"Excuse me?"
"Staring at me shirtless, my bare body, at my most vulnerable state. Not an ounce of shame in ya', is there?" His gaze is locked on you, like he's staring past your eyes and into your soul. "I guess it's only fair. In the caf today." So he was checking you out. "What are you gonna do, then? Shoot me dead like Ram and Kurt but this time with a real gun?" You stub his cigarette on his shirt, him wincing in slight pain from the burn.
You've inched closer to him, faces too close for comfort that you didn't even know how you were keeping your composure. "Daddy's gonna find out about your smoking habits 'cause of this." He says, wiping the ash off the shirt. "And if he does?" You retort, the tip of your nose touching his. He doesn't say anything, but instead his lips meet yours in a sudden kiss, your eyes widening at first, then soon closing as you kiss back.
"Wait– wait, wait." You push him away for a quick second, standing up to close the window shut. He looked worried until your lips were back on his, soft moans tumbling out as it progressed. One of his hands pushed your head closer to his, deepening the kiss, while the other rested on your lower back, just above your ass.
The nicotine's really getting to you.
He pulls away to look at you, the hand on your head moving to cup your face. "You wanna see me again with this shirt off?" He smirks, and you answer almost embarrassingly quickly.
"Fuck, yes please."
i don’t give a damn ‘bout my reputation! livin’ in the past, it’s a new generation! 🎧
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andvys · 2 years
Love will tear us apart // part seven 
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Warnings: angst, violence, physical abuse, mental abuse, alcohol consumption, mentions of drugs and addictions, reader gets hit.., sexual harassment, Jason and his friends are dicks...
Pairings: Eddie Munson x fem!reader // slight Steve Harrington x fem!reader
series masterlist 
“What the hell is going on?” 
Your heart drops to your stomach, all the warmth, all the butterflies in your stomach fade to nothing as your eyes move past your uncle who looks anything but fazed by the position he found you and Eddie in- your brother, though, stares at you and Eddie with an angry look in his eyes. His eyes colder than usual. Fear rushes through you as you stare at him with parted lips.
You don’t even hear your uncle as he speaks to you and Eddie, his voice sounds far away as you keep staring at your brother in fear who hasn't said or done anything, yet. 
You don't even hear Eddie’s voice, speaking your name softly as he places his palm on the small of your back. 
You don't even feel him pull you up either, only as you stand on your shaky legs do you feel the ground beneath your feet. Eddie removes his hand from your waist but before he can step away from you, you slip your into his, holding it in a tight grip- surprising Eddie by doing so. 
“Kiddo, I told you the door is broken.” Dean says, no hint of anger or frustration in his voice, just worry as he eyes you slowly “she okay?” he asks, looking towards Eddie.
Eddie furrows his brows as he looks away from your uncle, ignoring your brother completely. Even with the tight grip you have on his hand, he can feel your hand shaking, your body is almost trembling, you are afraid. He knows for a fact that you aren't afraid of your uncle, your eyes are locked on the person behind him. 
He tugs on your hand slightly “y/n.” he whispers, eyeing the side of your face in worry. You turn towards him, eyes meeting his and he knows. He knows exactly what's going on, he recognizes that look of terror, the panic and the fear in your eyes. 
Suddenly your brother lungs forward and you stumble back into Eddie, standing in front of him, in a protective manner. 
“Get the fuck away from my sister, Munson.” he spat, reaching his hand out to grab your wrist but he misses you by an inch as you stumble further into Eddie’s chest, who immediately moves his arm around protectively. 
“Calm down, Seth!” your uncle grumbled as he pushed him back, holding out his hand as a warning. 
“You left her with this freak?” he exclaims, looking at Eddie with nothing but anger and disgust in his eyes. 
His words don't reach Eddie’s feelings anymore, he’s been called worse, he isn't scared of him or the anger in his eyes but Eddie is scared for you. He has never seen you so scared before, so vulnerable- not even during your panic attack, did you look so vulnerable and small. You can't hide it, even if you tried.
Eddie just wants to pull you into his chest, hug you and tell you that everything will be okay. 
He slips his fingers through yours, intertwining them, he squeezes your hand softly. You squeeze his hand in response, his touch providing you the comfort that you need right now.
“Calm down, boy, or so help me-” 
“Get the fuck off of me, Dean.” your brother almost yells as he pushes your uncles hands off “and  you get your hands off my sister!” he points at Eddie, who pulls you back in response. 
To your uncle, Seth may look like a protective older brother who isn't fond of the person she surrounds herself with but to Eddie, your brother just looks like a controlling and abusive asshole. 
Eddie isn't scared of him or anyone else who behaves this way. He is not afraid, not anymore but he is angry because he knows that you are scared of someone who uses your fear to make himself feel strong.
For someone who usually bites back in any situation, you are awfully quiet and Eddie knows exactly why but he wishes he wouldn't. 
Last week, when Eddie had dropped you off at your house, he has seen your interaction with your brother, the way you cowered away from him, when he got all close and talked to you in a way a brother shouldn't talk to his sister- after he had grabbed you. Eddie hoped that it was just a stupid fight between two siblings but seeing you now, seeing the state you were in, the fear in your eyes, your trembling body- he knew, that was anything but a normal banter or a normal relationship between a brother and a sister, he was abusing you, that was clear. 
“Why? So you can get your hands on her and hurt her some more?” Eddie accused him, dark eyes flashing with anger as he looks at his former bully. 
You jerked your head towards him, looking at him with shock in your eyes. For a moment, Eddie regrets his words, there is this voice lingering in the back of his head, that is telling him that he is making it worse right now, worse for you. 
“What did you say?” your uncle asks, turning around slowly to look at you and Eddie. 
“Shut the fuck up, asshole.” Seth grumbles at Eddie, clenching his jaw, he lifts his hand, pointing his finger at you “you, come here right now, we are going home.” he says through gritted teeth. 
You obey almost immediately, stepping forward only to be pulled back by Eddie “you are not going anywhere right now, sweetheart.” he whispers, holding your hand even tighter than before, afraid that you might slip through his fingers. 
“What did he say? You are hurting her?” your uncle asks.
“He’s full of shit.” Seth scoffs, glaring at you and Eddie. 
Eddie scoffs as well, shaking his head “you are full of shit.” Eddie bites back “I've seen the way you grabbed her before.” 
You gulp as you look away, the angry gaze in your brother’s eyes was enough to make you cower back in fear. You felt ridiculous, being afraid of a simple person after everything else you have been through. 
“Is that true, y/n?” your uncle asks, as he turns back to look at you with concern in his eyes. 
You don't look at him, instead you you keep your eyes trained on the ground, not knowing what to say. All eyes are on you as they wait for an answer.
“He-” you start but before you can even finish what you were going to say, your brother beats you to it “you shut your lying mouth, y/n!” he grumbles in anger “get your fucking hands off of me.” your brother repeats, pushing Dean away with force causing him to stumble back slightly. 
“Okay, that’s enough!” your uncle yells at him.
Seth tries to push past him again so he can get to you or Eddie but your uncle pushes him back once again, placing his hand on his shoulder, he huffs in anger “what’s gotten into you, kid?” he asks, pushing him further away from you and Eddie “we are going for a walk, you gotta calm down, acting like a goddamn maniac, Seth.” 
In all your eighteen years, you have never heard your uncle this angry before. The tone in his voice send shivers down your spine. Dean was always nice and kind to you, even after he had a fallout with his brother- your father, he took more care of you than your father ever did, he and your mother were never around in the first place, maybe this is what pushed your brother to become the monster that he is or maybe he was just born one. He was just like those monsters that you so desperately tried to escape but it seemed as though there was no way to outrun them, they followed you everywhere. Whether, you were stuck in another dimension or stuck in this one, you could never run from them. 
They even sneaked their way inside your head. 
“Hey.” Eddie whispers, letting go of your hand, he cups your face gently “you okay, y/n?” 
You just nod, not looking up just yet. You close your eyes for just a moment, allowing yourself to enjoy the feeling of his hands on your skin, the warmth that his touch and his comfort are providing right this second may be the last time- if there is one thing that you learned in the past two years, then it was, to enjoy every second of a good moment like this, because it could be over in the blink of an eye. 
“Y-You don't have to go home with him, you know?” Eddie whispers, rubbing his thumb along your cheek. 
“Uh- I have to.” you say as you open your eyes, you try to keep your voice steady, not wanting him to hear how afraid you are. 
“It's okay, he’s just- angry.” you mumble as you step away from Eddie. You won't tell him the truth, you won’t tell him how your brother uses every opportunity to make you feel worthless and weak. 
You rush out of the room quickly without giving him the chance to say or ask anything else. By the look on his face, you know, that Eddie knows everything without even having to hear the full story but there's a part of you that hopes that he is just as clueless as everyone else around you.
You grab your jacket, quickly putting it on, you just want to escape this situation right now. You don't want him or anyone else for that matter to see you so weak and vulnerable. 
“Y/n.” Eddie starts as he follows you out, he eyes you in worry as he grabs his own jacket, putting it on as well “do you really think I’ll let you go home right now?” 
“I’ll be fine, Eddie! Seth and I got into a fight before I left, he’s just, pissed, nothing bad is gonna happen.” lies “besides, where else am I supposed to go?” you mumble. 
‘To me, come home to me.’ Eddie thinks to himself. 
You still don't look up at him, your heart is beating so loudly in your chest, you wouldn't be surprised if he heard it as well. You turn off the lights and grab your keys before you walk towards the entrance, trying to move past Eddie who stops you by gently grabbing your arm, he steps in front of you so you can't walk off again, he speaks your name softly. 
You exhale, still looking at the ground, the room is dark now but you can still see enough as you raise your head, your eyes meet his. The worry is visible in his eyes. 
“Let me go, Eddie.” you whisper “please, I-I just want to go home.” 
Eddie sighs, he looks conflicted. He doesn't want to take you to a place where where you’ll get hurt even more, this isn't a home. A home is supposed to be a safe place but yours isn't, it never was and he knows it. 
“I’m okay, I promise.” you whisper, looking deeply into his eyes. 
“Your brother-”
“He won't hurt me, I got it, I promise.” more lies. 
“Let me take you home at least.” Eddie says, moving his hand down your arm until he’s holding your hand once again, surprising you with his gentleness. 
“You don't have to, I can-”
“I want to, y/n.” he whispers, squeezing your hand. 
He smiles softly, intertwining his fingers with yours “okay, let’s go.” he whispers. There’s more he wants to say, there’s more he wants to ask but for now, he keeps quiet, not wanting to make you uncomfortable or even more nervous, you look anxious enough. 
You hear the faint voices from your brother and your uncle talking outside the bar. A heavy feeling settles in your chest at the thought of going out there and having to face both your brother.
You open the door, hand tightening around Eddie’s as you step outside. Both men go quiet as they turn towards you and Eddie. 
Fearing that your brother will lung at Eddie again, you keep your body in front of his but Eddie has the same idea, wanting to pull you behind him to protect you from your brother but to your surprise, Seth steps back with a clenched jaw. 
“You ready to go?” he asks through gritted teeth. 
Eddie scoffs, tugging you closer to him. He doesn't want to let you go, with him. 
Your heartbeat picks up as you stare at him. 
“Are you okay, y/n?” your uncle asks, looking at you in worry, a guilty look lingering in his eyes. You don't have to ask to know that your uncle ringed the landline to make sure you had gotten home safe, he always does when you stay late at the bar. Your brother was only here because he called him. 
Seth glares at you with a warning look in his eyes before he looks at Eddie, rage and hatred blazing in his eyes and for the first time, you are not scared of what he will do to you, you are scared of what he will do to Eddie the next time he sees him. 
“Y-Yeah, I’m good.” you say, not wanting argue with your brother right now. You don’t want to pull anyone into this situation either. As stupid as it is, you turn towards your brother “can we go home now?” you ask him, maybe if you play nice, he will leave Eddie alone. 
“Y/n.” Eddie starts with disbelief in his voice, glancing at your uncle for help who looks a little conflicted. Whatever your brother told him, must've been convincing enough for him to believe that he is not the bad guy as Eddie painted him to be. 
Seth raises his brows in surprise, a smirk tugging at his lips as he looks at Eddie “sure let’s go, sis.” 
You step towards him but Eddie pulls you back, you turn to look at him, his eyes are pleading, begging you not to go “you don't have to go with him.” he whispers. 
“Seth.” your uncle speaks up with a warning “we’ll talk more tomorrow.” 
“I’ll be okay, Eddie.” you whisper, you don't want to go, you don't want to let go of his hand, step out of the comfort of his presence but you give him a small smile and step away from him “I'll see you around.” you say as you let go of his hand.
He let’s go of you with hesitance, wanting to take a step forward and pull you back into his arms but instead he watches you walk away with your brother after saying your goodbyes. 
Seth looks back at Eddie one more time, waving mockingly before he gets in his car. 
Eddie feels sick as he stares at your brothers car, he let you go, he let you walk right into the lions den and there is nothing he can do but watch. 
You stare at Eddie through the rearview mirror, dread fills your chest the longer you look at him, even as his silhouette becomes smaller and smaller, you want nothing more than to jump out of the car and run back to him. 
“What did I tell you?” your brother starts. 
You clench your hands into fists as you turn to look at him. 
“What did I tell you, y/n?” he repeats, voice getting angrier. 
You shrug, as terrifying as he was, you were also pissed off.
“I told you to stay away from that freak, didn't I? But you don't listen, you never fucking do, always hanging around with some fucking lowlifes, first Byers and now him, what's it with you and freaks huh?” he rants, gripping the steering wheel tighter “are you whoring yourself out to them?” 
Anger sparks in you, it always does when he talks to you this way but usually your fear is bigger than your anger and you cower back before you let yourself say something you will regret later on. 
“What do you get in return? Can’t be money.” he snorts.
You scoff “I’m working for my money, if you can't tell.”  
While Seth has always relied on your parents money and bathed in the luxuries they were providing. You have always tried to make some money on your own, you didn't want to rely on your parents, least of all on your dad, he wasn't a good man. You have learned that very early on. 
Not only, did he abandon you and your brother all the time, he also never loved or cared for you the way a dad should, you could see it in his eyes whenever he looked at either of you. Conversations with him were never about your interests about your personal life, or hobbies. 
He also never taught you one useful thing in life, he had the worst morals and values. To you, your dad was an unpleasant person. 
There was one thing he always told you, something that stuck with you; If you see someone drowning, let them, it’s not worth the risk and the effort. 
Your father has taught you that you never want to end up like him. 
You would rather drown trying to save someone.
“What was that?” 
“I said; I’m working for my money, I don’t need dad’s money the way you do, Seth.” you mumble, heartbeat picking up in your chest. You rarely talk back to him but you are sick of him and his cruel words. 
He laughs loudly “right, right, cause working at our uncle’s shitty bar, will get you somewhere in life. Remember when you ran away from home for two fucking weeks? That’s how long you could make it without dad’s money.” he snorts. 
You say nothing, you lean back in your seat and turn away from him. He stays quiet for a while, focusing on the road, tapping his finger on the steering wheel. You know his silence is not a good sign, given how angry he is but for most of the drive back to your house, he doesn't speaks up once until he’s pulling up into the driveway. 
“You know- Eddie could get arrested for the shit he does, selling drugs, corrupting teenagers into all that satanic bullshit.”
You tense up at his words as you slowly turn to look at him with disbelief in your eyes. He turns towards you for a moment, chuckling “don’t look at me like that, sis. You know who he is, I mean, given his dad’s history you must know that it’s just a matter of time before Eddie ends up in jail just like him.” 
This time anger overpowered your fear. 
Talking shit about you was one thing but talking shit about Eddie was another. 
“You’re a piece of shit, Seth. The only one who will end up like his loser of a father, is you, you are just as pathetic as he is, flaunting with his fucking money because he knows it’s the only thing that keeps him relevant.” you speak angrily before jumping out of the car once it’s parked, you slam the door shut.
You have never been this angry before, all this rage has quickened your blood. 
“What did you just say to me?” he asks as he stomps after you, gripping your arm tightly, he pulls you back. Pain shoots through you as his grip tightens.
“Let me go.” 
“Repeat what you just said to me.” he mutters in anger, staring down at you with rage in his eyes. 
As scared as you are, you are also angry “I said you’re a piece of shit, loser.” you spit “a-and if anything happens to Eddie, if you even try to hurt him and do him harm in some way, then I will tell dad everything, everything you do when him and mom are gone- along with your fucking drug addiction, he won't support you any longer after he finds out about it.” 
You should have seen it coming, you knew it was coming and yet it still didn't stop you. Seth chuckles coldly, letting go of your arm, he draws his arm back and before you can step back or do anything to protect yourself, he slaps you across your face with the back of his hand, something sharp piercing through your skin. 
You winced at the pain, stumbling back slightly, you almost fall to the ground, barely able to catch yourself. You raise your hand, cupping your cheek, you stand there, frozen in place. Warm blood trickles down your cheek, you furrow your brows as you touch the injured spot on your face, feeling a little cut in your skin. You raise your head and look at your brother’s hand. The ring he wears- a stupid family ring managed to cut your cheek.
“Stupid bitch.” he grumbles. 
Your heart is racing, your breathing gets heavier as you raise your head to look at him. Tears prickle in your eyes from the pain. 
No ounce of regret is in his eyes as he steps closer to you “you speak like that to me again, I will do worse.” he threatens before walking past you “you better behave when you walk inside right now.” 
You narrow your eyes at him, just now registering the loud music coming from the inside of your house. 
Wiping away a fallen tear, you huff angrily, you wish you hadn't gone back home with him but where else where you supposed to go? You know you could've gone home with your uncle but you didn't want to be a burden and you also didn't want him to find out about your situation at home. 
A raindrop falls on you, running down your face along with the blood that is dripping out of the new wound on your cheek. Wind whistles through the trees, the rustling in the forest close to your house makes the night feel more eery. 
You stand there for a moment just staring blankly into nothingness, you dread going inside. You are aware that your brother is throwing some shitty party with his friends. Your uncle must've disturbed him when he called asking for you, perhaps this is why he was even angrier than usual. 
Suddenly you hear your name through the wind blows, barely above a whisper. For a moment, you think it’s just a part of your imagination but then you hear it again and again until it’s accompanied by another sound. A clock. You hear the ticking of a clock, again. Like a moth drawn to a flame, you step closer to where it’s coming from, the forest. 
This time it’s not just the ticking of a clock, this time there’s also a chime, one chime. Almost as though you are hypnotized by the sound, you step closer and closer, the sound lulls you in and you can do nothing but follow it, until, a voice snaps you out of it. 
You turn around with a frown on your face only to find Jason standing in front of you. Great. Of course he was here too, your brother had the worst friends. 
“I called you like five times.” 
“What do you want.” you mumble as you go to walk past him after looking back at the forest one more time. The ticking, the chime, all gone, again. 
Jason steps in front of you “whoa, what happened?” he asks, pointing to the blood on your cheek. 
You push past him, not wanting to talk to another asshole this night. But he stays persistent, following you into the kitchen as you walk past your brother and his friends in the living room, who glance at you in interest. 
Your brothers loud music is blaring through the house, the smell of weed and alcohol makes you sick to your stomach right now. 
You open the fridge and grab yourself a bottle of water before closing it. Leaning against the counter, you ignore Jason’s presence as you open the bottle, taking a sip. 
“What happened to you, y/n?” he asks, fake concern in his voice. By the look in his eyes, you already know that he is up to no good. 
Rolling your eyes, you turn towards him “I fell.” you mumble, ignoring the way he sizes you up with hunger in his eyes. 
“Heard she’s been hanging out with the freak.” another voice speaks. 
You turn around, finding one of Jason’s stupid followers standing in the doorway. 
“What?” Jason asks, eying you suspiciously. 
“Yeah, Seth said he caught them.” Andy chuckles as he steps closer to you. You never felt comfortable around your brother’s friends, Jason and Andy especially. You had never interacted with them in school but they did everything to make you feel uncomfortable whenever they came around to hang out with your loser of a brother. 
“Caught them? Did he do this to you?” he asks, touching your cheek. 
You slap his hand away and take a step back, you were angry already, now you had to deal with both Jason and Andy “don’t fucking touch me and stop calling him freak.” you mutter angrily.
Jason raises his brows at you, glancing at his friend, he chuckles “aw, so protective over a freak, how cute.” he laughs “did he caught them fucking or something? Is the freak into some kinky shit?” he taunts you, pointing to the cut on your cheek “did he cut you up while he fucked you? Or was it some ritual shit?” Jason taunts you, taking a step forward. 
“Shut the fuck up, Jason.” 
Andy laughs at your words as he walks around the kitchen island, you eye him slowly. Heart pounding in your chest, your chest rises up and down heavily. 
You clench your jaw in anger, balling your hands into fists, you exhale sharply before going to walk past him but he steps in front of you, pushing you back, into his Andy’s chest who immediately grabs your arms. 
“Don’t touch me!” you exclaim angrily, pushing yourself away from him as panic settles in your chest. You should have stayed with Eddie, you shouldn't have come home. 
“Calm down, no one’s touching you.” Jason laughs raising his hands in surrender, his blue eyes glaring at you. His friend steps closer to you, “but,” he pauses, “since you care about Munson so much- maybe, we’ll leave him and his friends alone if you let us, have a little fun with you.” Andy says, stepping closer to you, he touches the hem of your skirt, pupils dilation with lust and hunger. 
Jason chuckles at his friend’s words. 
You feel sick the longer you stare at him, the longer you are in his presence.
There was one thing that you had learned after surviving hell in the upside down. You didn't get scared easily and you were never as weak as you always thought you were. Your brother, had abused you mentally and physically for years, he left you feeling weak and fragile but you were nothing of those things. 
You fought a monster twice his size and you did so without hesitation when it came to protecting yourself and the people that you love and while there is a part of you that will always fear your brother- you are certain, that you are not afraid of Jason or his friends. 
You blink, tilting your head to the side, you stare at him with disgust in your eyes. You have had enough. 
“Does your girlfriend know what a disgusting piece of shit you are, Carver?” you ask, which only makes him chuckle in amusement, you turn to face Andy, “get your hands off of me, asshole, before I cut them off and shove them up your ass.” 
His eyes widen before he bursts out laughing, fueling your anger even more. You push him away and this time they let you walk away. You rush out of the kitchen and out into the hallway, instead of walking upstairs into your room, you make the decision to leave the house altogether, walking past the living room again, you storm out of the house, despite your brothers loud protests. There is no way that you will spend another second longer in this house tonight. 
You hear your brother storming out of the house as well as you run down the driveway, he calls out to you, yelling at you to get back in the house. Without looking back, you raise your hand and flip him off. 
There’s just one place that you’d love to go to, there's just one person you'd love to be with right now but the uncertainty and the insecurities that he might turn you away were gnawing at you. 
After everything that happened tonight, you weren't ready to face reality again and have him turn you away after sobering up. Whilst you wanted to believe that he was genuine about his apology and about wanting to make things right, there was still a part of you that was hurt and unsure of his actions and his words. 
What if he changed his mind again? What if he will make a sudden turn again and take everything back that he said? What if he will hurt you some more? 
You gulp, you don't even realize that there's tears streaming down your face. Dried blood painting your skin. You don't feel anything at the moment, you just feel numb after the anger has rushed out of your system. 
You take a deep breath, closing your eyes for a moment, the walk to his house was way too short and you know he is going to ask questions after seeing the state you are in but you had already come up with a lie, another lie. You were an awful liar unless it came to the bruises and wounds on your body. 
You knock on the door and wait for a moment. You look through the little window in the front door, looking for a light but it’s all dark. You knock again and wait for a moment. 
Closing your eyes, you lean against the door frame. You are tired, exhausted and the throbbing headache has returned once again, you raise your hand towards your face, wiping away all tears so he doesn't have to see you this way. 
You sigh, just as you’re about to turn around and leave, he opens the door, looking annoyed and grumpy for the rude interruption, about to tell you off- but the expression on his face softens when he sees you standing on his porch. 
Warm brown eyes meet your glassy ones, he scans your face worriedly, eyes settling on the blood and the cut on your cheek “y/n.” he whispers “what the hell happened to you?”
You bite back your tears and muster up a small smile “I..I- can I stay with you tonight?” you whisper, blinking to keep yourself from crying. 
“Of course, come here.” he whispers, he grabs your hand and gently pulls you into his house. He grabs your face gently after closing the door. 
“Jesus, what happened?” he asks, eying the wound in your cheek “a-are you drunk? I can smell the whiskey from a mile away.”
You shake your head as you stare at him, his hair was a mess and he looked sleepy “did I wake you? I’m sorry-”
“No, hey, don't apologize, now tell me what happened.” 
You hesitate as you look into his eyes “I-I fell.” 
He raises his brows at you, clearly not believing your story “I was drunk, I was at the hideout a-and me and Eddie got locked up in the storage room so we drank.” 
“E-Eddie?” Steve asks “wait did he do this-”
“What? No! Steve, he- Eddie would never do this.” you say with wide eyes, shaking your head “I walked home and I kinda tripped and fell and I-I didn't want to go home cause Seth is throwing a party. Jason Carver is there- I just don't want to be at home right now.” you rant. 
“Okay..” he mumbles. 
You can tell that he is not very fond of you hanging out with Eddie, for some reason he has never liked him but lately it’s been worse. After Eddie had walked into Family Video a few days ago, he went on a rant about how much he dislikes the metalhead- which you clearly don't understand given how little he knows about him. 
“Come on.” he grabs your hand and guides you upstairs into his bathroom. 
“Wait- are your parents home?” you whisper. 
“No, you know they never are.” Steve chuckles. 
One of the things you and Steve could relate on was the fact that your parents were never there, you had no one but yourselves in those stupid big houses. At least Steve didn't have an abusive brother. 
Only as you walk into the bathroom and turn on the lights, do you finally see the state you are in. You hair disheveled, mascara smudged and the very obvious cut on your face, along with all the dried blood on your face leave you looking like a mess. 
Suddenly you feel dirty, Jason and his friends didn't get the chance to touch the way they wanted to but their small touches were still enough to leave you feeling uncomfortable and dirty in your own skin. 
You wish you could go to sleep with the memory of Eddie’s touch but instead you were forced to think of them and your brothers hands on you. 
You turn around and pull yourself up on the counter as Steve grabs a small towel, he holds it under cold water for a moment before stepping closer to you. He gently grabs your face and begins to wipe the blood off, eying the wound in suspicion. 
You stare at him, trying to read his eyes, you know he doesn't believe your story about falling down. 
You wince as he touches the cut “I'm sorry, I’m sorry babe.” he whispers as he steps closer to you. 
You ignore the pet name, feeling guilty all of the sudden. Robin was subtle about it but she did tell you that Steve likes you, in some way. 
Steve is nice, he is sweet to you, he is good to you, he never mistreated you, he has never said anything mean to you. Steve has never hurt you and a part of you has always been fond of him. But, Steve is not Eddie.
“So, how come you and Munson got locked in a storage room?” he asks, biting back his distaste as he mentions Eddie. 
“Uh- well, he offered to help me clean up and I forgot that the door was broken so..” you trail off.
“D-Did something happen?” he asks. 
“What do you mean?” you ask, wincing again as he cleans around your wound.
“Sorry.” he whispers “I mean with you and him.”
Your eyes widen and you start blushing. Something definitely happened. You felt a part of Eddie you never thought you would feel, he was on top of you, his lips just inches away from you, you heard him moan. Yeah, something happened. 
You shake your head “n-no.” you lie. 
“So, you just sat there in silence?” he scoffs, rolling his eyes. The look on your face tells him everything, he knows, something happened. 
“Uh- well, we played never have I ever.” you shrug. 
“Never have I ever.” he nods with a clenched jaw. His eyes return to yours and he holds your gaze for a moment and by the look in his eyes, you know he wants to ask you something. 
He let’s go of your face, lowering his hand, he places it next to your thigh on the counter. 
He sighs, running his finger through his hair “d-do you like him- wait no, don't answer, I don't want to know.” he mumbles, stepping away from you “the wound doesn't need stitches but I'll look for a bandaid.” 
He is about to walk away but you grab his hand, keeping him from doing so “w-what’s wrong?” 
“Nothing.” he sighs, meeting your eyes, you can see the annoyance, the pain and the sadness in his eyes but you know he won't talk about it “j-just take a shower, you smell like alcohol and like him.” he grumbles before turning away “I'll give you some of my stuff to wear.” 
You watch him leave, his shoulder slumped as he walks away from you. Sighing, you close the door before looking at your reflection in the mirror. Putting your hands on the counter, you lean against it for a moment, and close your eyes for a second.
This day was too much, too long, too irritating. 
Taking a deep breath, you open your eyes again, not looking into the mirror just yet. You feel it before you see it, the presence behind you, it’s tall, towering over you. For a moment you think, it’s the monster that dragged you into another world years ago but as you raise your head slowly, and look into the mirror with a racing heart, you realize that it’s not that monster, it’s another one. His pale eyes are staring right at you as he tilts his head. 
He isn't real. This isn't real. 
“Why are you resisting, y/n? Let me in.” he speaks “it’s time.” reaching out his hand to touch you but you turn around abruptly. 
And he is gone. 
You look around the bathroom. Pressing your palm against your chest, you can feel your heart pounding against your hand as fear settles back inside you. 
A knock on the bathroom door, startles you again and you jump back slightly.
“Y/n, I got you some of my clothes to wear, I'll leave them outside.” 
“O-Okay, thank you.” 
Eddie couldn’t fall asleep that night, his mind kept replaying all the events from that night. 
He wished that he could fall asleep with just the memory of your skin against his, your eyes staring back at him clouded with longing and lust, the way his name fell from your lips in a needy tone- but the bad things that happened after this moment, overshadowed the little moment the two of you shared. 
He knows, you tried to act brave and tough in front of him but he knows that you were terrified. The look in your eyes and your trembling body as you gripped his hand so tightly, was enough for him to know what was going on. 
Letting you go with your brother felt like the worst thing he could do. He just let you walk back right into the trap and now he felt guilty and horrible for not pulling you back, for letting you go. 
He considered, getting up and driving over to your house but decided against it. 
He sat up in his bed and looked around his room, eyes settling on your notebook that he hasn't touched ever since that day he read a small bit- he has read some of it already, so he could read the rest too, right? 
Eddie huffs, as he keep staring at it. Bouncing his leg up and down, he finally decides to grab it. Reaching for the scrunchie- your scrunchie, he pulls his hair up in a bun before opening your notebook, this time he doesn't open a random page, he opens the first one and takes a deep breath before reading the first sentence. 
I never thought that the reason to write down my feelings would be, you. I always thought that if I ever were to write into this notebook that I have kept around for ages, then it would be about something like; the upside down and all the monsters and trauma that come with it but no, after all the horrible things that I have gone through, after all the trauma and the pain, you are still the one thing that controls all my emotions, my thoughts, my feelings. 
I always thought that falling in love would be beautiful, light and just perfect. I thought that I would feel butterflies in my stomach, I thought that I would feel my heart fluttering in my chest every time I’d see that person, I thought that my eyes would light up, the moment he’d step into the room but instead it felt like I was breaking, more and more, every time. 
I fell in love with you and I ask myself why, you keep breaking my heart a little every time you look at me with those hateful eyes of yours. 
You keep breaking my heart every time you say the cruelest most vile things to me. 
My eyes never light up when you step into a room and my heart never flutters in my chest- instead I feel all this sadness consuming me because I know, I’ll never have you and you'll never love me because you can't even seem to look at me without this burning hatred in your eyes. 
I can go through all this pain in the world and beyond. I’ll fight monsters and things that shouldn’t even be real, I’ll endure all this pain my brother puts me through every single day and yet, none of it hurts as much as a single glance filled with hatred and disgust from you. 
You will always hate me and I will always love you. 
Maybe, falling in love with you was beautiful. 
After all, you were the one that kept me going when I needed saving the most. Your voice, your faint voice that I could hear on the other side gave me hope and strength. The song you always played on your guitar, has probably saved my life and even if it breaks my heart to this day, I still listen to it daily and imagine that it was you singing and playing it, instead. 
A new day dawned and the forest was truly filled with laughter because we did stand long enough and we made it out alive, even without a stairway. 
So yeah, falling in love with you was beautiful and...unfortunately you will never know how much I really love you. You will never know that you have saved me. You will never know how much you mean to me, how I would give my life to save yours if needed. 
We can never be, because you hate me. 
And yet, I’d still choose you over and over again. 
Eddie kept pacing around on the school parking lot as he waited for you to show up. He wanted to see, he needed to see you. Reading your notebook last night, was perhaps the worst idea that Eddie had ever gotten. 
He thought that he might find some closure, some answers about what happened to you, about what’s going on with your brother but instead he felt even more confused than before. 
You wrote about another world, about monsters, powers, another dimension. For a second, he felt as though he was reading a little book about dungeons and dragons. After all, you did use some terms that were only used in DnD and as far as he knows, you are anything but a DnD nerd. 
You talked about the upside down, a place like Hawkins but, different. The picture you drew in your notebook now made sense to him. 
Another thing that kept him up all night was the person you have wrote about, the person you fell in love with. 
Deep down he knew who you were writing about, you were writing about him. Eddie isn't stupid but he also doesn’t want to get his hopes up. 
Maybe, maybe, Steve Harrington learned how to play guitar and sing. No, that’s ridiculous. Steve wants you but you don't want Steve... right?
So, why are you getting out of Steve’s car, wearing his clothes..
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heathersproship · 2 years
If you ship Chansaw, you ship toxicity. :)
If you ship Jdronica, you ship toxicity. :)
If you ship Mcduke, you ship toxicity. :)
If you ship Chanduke, you ship abuse. :)
If you ship Dukesaw, you ship toxicity. :)
If you ship Kurt/Ram, you missed the point. :)
I don’t make the rules. I didn’t make the ships. I’m just stating facts.
There’s not a single pair up there that passes the pure wholesome healthy relationship challenge. Yet, people (antis) still ship them, and ship them very aggressively. Funny that. If what you ship reflects your morals, then why are you poisoning your blessed soul by consuming such filth? What are you trying to say about yourselves?
If you feel the need to justify why it’s okay to ship [X] beyond “because I like it,” you need to take a hard look at your relationship with the concept of shame.
As someone who understands fiction is not the same as reality, I can ship any one of these ships without worrying about compromising on my morals. Because I don’t attach morality to shipping. Scandalous, I know! Liking is not the same as being. My liking a het ship as a queer person does not make me any less queer. It doesn’t straighten me out, if you will. And shipping “healthy” ships does not a good upstanding moral person make, especially if you’re just doing it to appear better than those who ship “unhealthy” bad problematic ships. Who are you sticking it to? Because it’s not the people who ship badwrong, they’re not the ones looking for brownie points. I promise, they don’t care. That’s the same as doing good deeds with the express purpose of getting into Heaven, and not because it makes you feel good to just be nice to people. Ulterior motives show your true intent. And in case you have’t noticed, none of the ships in Heathers are healthy. At all. With the possible exception of one. But it barely counts because it features an extremely minor character.
There shouldn’t be any antis or anti-leaning people (or minors, but overlap) in the Heathers fandom as a whole because Heathers has always been about problematic things with problematic people, which WILL spill over into their ships.
If two individually fucked up people get into a relationship, you can’t expect them to never showcase unhealthy behavior toward each other. Not only is that highly unrealistic, but that’s toxic in and of itself. Even healthy couples fight sometimes, that’s just how it is.
Veronica only sees the Heathers as a means to an end. Chandler sees Veronica as a disobedient doll, and Duke a nuisance. J.D. thinks the answer to Westerburg’s bully problem is murder, and tricks Veronica into taking part twice; he even intended to kill her if he couldn’t win her back. Duke turned on McNamara the first chance she got (in the movie she was ecstatic about it). McNamara explicitly set Veronica up for date rape in the musical (it doesn’t matter she was too dumb to realize it, she still did it), and both she and Duke took part in slut-shaming Veronica after (Off-Broadway only; in West End it’s all Duke now). Veronica left McNamara, who we saw clearly trying to fight off an explicitly drunk Ram, alone to get slushies with her boyfriend in the movie. Worse: she left her with TWO drunk and horny high school guys. Also in the movie, Veronica slapped Duke and then tried to slap her again the very next day. Kurt and Ram are assholes to everyone and the JOKE was that they were gay. Even Fleming, the one adult who looked like she wanted to help, was really just in it for herself.
“But I don’t ship the canon dynamics of the characters, I’m just here for the AUs!”
That’s valid and all, but listen. Just because you toss the characters in an AU where nothing is toxic and everyone is happy and no one dies does not mean the original portrayals of the characters and their unhealthy dynamics in canon suddenly cease to exist. You had to take those characters from somewhere in order to change them to suit your sanitized happy fluffy funtime world. Consider the Ship of Theseus thought experiment: if you change enough about the character, is it even the same character anymore? Ascribing a certain sexuality to the characters (Veronica is bi, Chandler is lesbian, Kurt and Ram are gay) doesn’t make it true if they don’t explicitly say so in the source material. Conversely, that doesn’t make it not true either, but what looks gay to you could be bi to me, or pan to someone else. Individual interpretations are not universal.
We can watch the movie over and over looking for the smallest of details to support our headcanons or spark new theories as to what’s really going on, and we can continue to put on the musical all over the globe with changes as needed for the times, but those fun little headcanons AUs we love are just that: alternate universes. Fanon. Canon only in your Head, not canon to what we got in the movie or the recordings of the musical or to anyone else if they choose not to accept it. Hell, we can still ignore the word of the actors playing the characters if we choose to. We got what we got and we won’t be getting anything new. We tried getting something new and look how well the TV show went over. (Btw that shit was fun. Stupid, trippy, and absolutely insane, but fun once you turn your brain off lol.)
I love Jdronica both in spite of and because of their toxicity. I love how he encourages her to be bad and she encourages him to be better. I love how clever they both are, how in spite of their individual intelligence their love made them stupid and reckless. I love how they’re two lonely people who made it work for a while because they were willing to try for each other, and how absolutely futile it is because she realized she deserved better and so does he, but he just couldn’t let go because he’s finally found something to believe in, something good and solid and real and she’s taking away his purpose. I love how he started off with the fierce desire to protect her from the monsters, and in the end he realized he had to protect her from him. It’s fucked up, but it’s also fucking beautiful.
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laines-laments · 4 months
Speaking of firstborns😭 I couldn't really find a post with rules so sorry if this is outta ur comfort zone, but a while ago I read this REALLY good fanfic where Veronica actually got pregnant from JD and had to go through being a teen mom with depression and trauma(the narrative hates our girl🩷) so I was thinking of like maybe Veronica x her kid reader? Or just your thoughts on what kinda mom she would be, whatever ur comfortable with :3
How Veronica Would Be As a Teem Mom (PG 13)
Veronica Sawyer x Daughter! Reader
c/w - Death ( Jason Dean), Murder, Suicide (kinda implied ? its heathers), Teen Pregnancy
a/n - AHHHHHHH Veronica would be such a good mom i'm convinced. poor girl cannot catch a break though
wc - 555 (sorry it's so short)
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(gif not mine)
When JD pulled his little "blowing himself up in the school parking lot" stunt Veronica had no clue she was pregnant, i mean, the girl had bigger issues at had.
So imagine her shock horror when she learns that she's pregnant with her (now) dead, murderer of and ex boyfriend.
Suffice to say- the girl was freaked.
She tried hiding it for a while, after all, teen pregnancy was bad enough but being pregnant by a dead man ? She was terrified, with no support.
Eventually, after countless mornings of being woken up by Veronica throwing up, her mother confronted her and asked if she could be pregnant.
Veronica IMMEDIATELY bursts into tears and tells her mom.
Veronica's mom is surprisingly accepting. especially by late 80's-early 90's standard.
She decided to not move away for college until after you were born and had gotten a little older, opting to enroll in a local community college. (her father said the free credits would be better for her before any big expensive college anyways)
Fast forward a few months and boom! there's you!
Veronica had never really interacted with babies before, she'd been an only child her entire life, of course.
But the moment she held you for the first, it was an instant click
Everything about being a mother came so naturally to her, and even though she was initially bummed about having to post-pone her dreams of attending a big university like Duke or Brown, she wouldn't trade you for the world.
She's so kind and nurturing towards you, if not a bit over protective.
She'd seen first hand how dark and cruel the world could be and she'd be damned if she let anyone or anything hurt you.
She'd often invite Heather Mac to come over and spend time with you and her when her parents were away and couldn't help with you
"What if i don't like school?" You asked, kicking your feet back and forth as you stared out the backseat window.
"You'll love school, honey." Veronica reassured you, glancing back at you through the rearview mirror. "Just think of all the new friends you'll make!"
You let out a small huff, crossing your arms over your chest. "But what if they don't want to be my friends?" You pout, pushing out your lower lip as Veronica pulled in to the preschool's parking lot.
"Sissy-bug, why wouldn't they wanna be your friend?" Veronica asked as she got out of the car, moving to come and unbuckle you from your car seat. "You're the coolest girl i know."
You eyes shot up with a soft gleam of joy, smiling up at your mother as you clung to her shirt as she picked you up from the seat and planted you down onto the pavement. "Really? You mean it?"
"Of course I mean it!" She said, grasping your tiny hand with one hand and reaching for your backpack with the other. "Would mama ever lie to you?"
You giggled, shaking your head as you reached up to grab your bag out of her hand, slinging it over your left shoulder.
"That's what I thought!" Veronica said with a grin, turning towards the school's entrance and tugging gently on your arm. "Now, come on! we don't want you being late on your first day, do we?"
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kavtsuki · 2 years
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everything i post will have adequate warnings and tags applied, but for the safety of everyone here i ask that you please make sure to read this post carefully before sending in a request. requests are currently : 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 !!
i write fluff, angst, smut, headcanons ❪ max five characters ❫, drabbles, alternate universes, and short stories ❪ 5k+ words ❫.
i post some taboo content that anyone under the age of eighteen is not allowed to like, reblog, or interact with. those types of posts will have a "minors do not interact" on it.
i also write stuff that may include age gaps, poly/threesome+, dubcon, incest, toy play, light bdsm, breath play, praise and light degradation, supernatural ❪ i.e. omegaverse, werewolf, vampire, etc. may include knotting in certain cases ❫, choking, stepcest, mommy/daddy kink ❪ to an extent ❫, and dacryphilia.
i will not write about cheating ❪ on the reader's behalf ❫, manipulation, abuse, etc. however, i will write about the reader being cheated on ❪ although not explicitly; mostly just mentioned in passing ❫.
i write strictly male!character x fem! or gn!reader !! i do not write character x character pairings.
i highly suggest reading the warnings on every story that i create in case anything included is possibly triggering for you as a reader. do not proceed to read any story of mine before you have safely comprehended what you are about to read.
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HARRY POTTER UNIVERSE . . . harry james potter, ronald weasley, neville longbottom, draco malfoy, blaise zabini, theodore nott, dean thomas, fred weasley, george weasley, bill weasley, cedric diggory, oliver wood, james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, sebastian sallow and ominis gaunt.
THE BAD BATCH . . . all of the bad batch members ❪ excluding omega ❫.
DC UNIVERSE . . . bruce wayne ❪ gotham version, battinson version, and comics version ❫, jason todd ❪ red hood, titans, and arkham knight version ❫, dick grayson ❪ nightwing, young justice, and titans version ❫, tim drake ❪ young justice and comics version ❫, damian wayne ❪ comics version ❫, wally west ❪ young justice version ❫, garfield logan ❪ titans version ❫, conner kent ❪ titans and young justice version ❫, and jaime reyes ❪ young justice version ❫.
GOD OF WAR . . . kratos, heimdall, brok, sindri, thor, freyr, mimir ❪ before  beheading ❫ and baldur.
ASSASSIN'S CREED: VALHALLA . . . male!eivor varinsdottir, sigurd styrbjornson, vili hemmingson, hrolfr/rollo, ubba ragnarsson, hytham, basim ibn ishaq, otta sluggason, aelfred the great, and leofrith.
MARVEL UNIVERSE . . . bucky barnes ❪ the winter soldier ❫, stephen strange ❪ doctor strange ❫, peter parker ❪ andrew garfield and tom holland’s versions ❫, and pietro maximoff ❪ quicksilver ❫.
HAIKYUU . . . all of karasuno, all of nekoma, all of aoba johsai, all of date tech, all of shiratorizawa, and all of inarizaki. other characters include takeru nakashima from wakutani south, yuudai hyakuzawa from kakugawa high, suguru daishou, kouji hiroo and isumi sakishima from nohebi academy, and sakusa kiyoomi and motoya komori from itachiyama institute.
BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA . . . all of class 1-A and all of the league of villains. other characters include mirio togata and tamaki amajiki from the big three, tetsutetsu tetsutetsu, sen kaibara, and neito monoma from class 1-B, hitoshi shinsou from the department of general education, yo shindo from ketsubutsu academy, inasa yoarashi from shiketsu high, and pro heroes shouta aizawa ❪ eraserhead ❫, keigo takami ❪ hawks ❫, taishiro toyomitsu ❪ fatgum ❫, toshinori yagi ❪ all might ❫, enji todoroki ❪ endeavor ❫, tensei iida ❪ original ingenium ❫, and mirai sasaki ❪ sir nighteye ❫.
JUJUTSU KAISEN . . . inumaki toge, gojou satoru, chousou, ryoumen sukuna, kento nanami, junpei yoshino, aoi todo, itadori yuuji, and megumi fushiguro.
BUNGOU STRAY DOGS . . . all of the armed detective agency and all of the port mafia. other characters include edgar allan poe and mark twain from the guild, and fyodor dostoevsky from the decay of angels.
DEMON SLAYER . . . tanjiro kamado, zenitsu agatsuma, inosuke hashibira, and giyuu tomioka. other characters include kyoujurou rengoku from the hashira group, genya shinazugawa also from the demon slayer corp, and yushiro the demon.
KUROKO NO BASKET. . . all of seirin high school. all of the generation of miracles, yukio kasamatsu from kaijou high school, takao kazunari from shuutoku high school, tatsuya himuro from yousen high school, and reo mibuchi and kotarou hayama from rakuzan high school.
ATTACK ON TITAN . . . all of the scout regiment. other characters include marco bodt, moblit berner, and reiner braun and bertholdt hoover from the marleyan warriors.
TOKYO REVENGERS . . . manjiro sano ( mikey ), takashi mitsuya, shinichiro sano, naoto tachibana, ken ryuguji ❪ draken ❫, atsushi sendo, chifuyu matsuno, baji kaisuke, kazutora hanemiya, ran haitani, rindou haitani, nahoya kawata ❪ smiley ❫, hajime kokonoi, wakasa imaushi, and souya kawata ❪ angry ❫.
OBEY ME . . . lucifer, mammon, leviathan, beelzebub, belphegor, simeon and diavolo.
VOLTRON: LEGENDARY DEFENDERS . . . keith kogane, lance mcclain, and lotor.
MYSTIC MESSENGER . . . hyun ryu ❪ zen ❫, yoosung kim, jumin han, saeyoung choi ❪ seven/707 ❫, jihyun kim ❪ v ❫, and saeran choi ❪ ray/unknown ❫.
OTHERS . . . leon kennedy + chris redfield + carlos oliveira + ethan winters ❪ resident evil ❫,  joel miller + tommy miller ❪ the last of us - video game version only ❫, steve harrington + eddie munson ❪ stranger things ❫, rick grimes + daryl dixon ❪ the walking dead ❫.
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