#✰.⠀⠀zack ﹕study of the heart.
coruscantide · 5 months
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✰.⠀⠀namine ﹕ghost wishes on the crests of waves. ✰.⠀⠀namine ﹕in character. ✰.⠀⠀namine ﹕headcanon. ✰.⠀⠀namine ﹕study of the heart. ✰.⠀⠀roxas ﹕hallowed light of a mirrored sunset. ✰.⠀⠀roxas ﹕in character. ✰.⠀⠀roxas ﹕headcanon. ✰.⠀⠀roxas ﹕study of the heart. ✰.⠀⠀xion ﹕threadbare whispers of unspoken resolve. ✰.⠀⠀xion ﹕in character. ✰.⠀⠀xion ﹕headcanon. ✰.⠀⠀xion ﹕study of the heart. ✰.⠀⠀tifa ﹕heaven's light finally clenched in gloved fists. ✰.⠀⠀tifa ﹕in character. ✰.⠀⠀tifa ﹕headcanon. ✰.⠀⠀tifa ﹕study of the heart. ✰.⠀⠀zack ﹕everyone’s hero from the best of the rest. ✰.⠀⠀zack ﹕in character. ✰.⠀⠀zack ﹕headcanon. ✰.⠀⠀zack ﹕study of the heart.
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lovemly4 · 7 months
Hi there! Not sure if you're open for request but if you dont, feel free to ignore 😅 my request will be lando x reader, whereby he's dating a very shy reader so its normal for her to want to keep their relationship very private. However, one day, reader told lando that she's ready to watch him race and support him irl and it makes him so so happy and both of them were smiley and giggly while walking on the paddock. Hope that's okay!
I’m here with you - Lando Norris
word count: 841 ; genre: fluff ; pairing: Lando Norris x reader ; warnings: none, just teeth rotting fluff ☆
Note: Hii, of course requests are open!! And this is so cute omfg, i feel like Lando would be super respectful of you boundaries, but his eyes would light up when you tell him that you’re ready to support him in person to his races.
Wednesday, Nov 29th, 2023
My heart jumped at the sound of the front door opening. It had been three days since the Abu Dhabi GP, and during our time apart we tried to contact each other every time we could.
“My darling, i missed you so much” he exclaimed against my shoulder as I hugged him, inhaling his familiar perfume. I felt a little bad at his words, a little thunder striking through my heart.
Despite being in a relationship with him for four months already, I’ve never felt ready enough to make it public; but what was I so afraid of? I didn’t really know, actually.
I feared that people would come at me, telling me that I wasn’t enough, that he deserved someone better, maybe? Yes, most definitely.
Something held me back, despite my wish to make him the happiest man in the world.
“I missed you too Lan, I’m sorry i wasn’t able to be there with you” I apologized, my hand making its way to his cheek.
He smiled comprehensively.
“You don’t need to apologize love, I know. I would never force you into something you don’t feel comfortable doing” He said in a tone a little louder than just a whisper.
I placed a little peck on his lips, and reached out to help him with his luggages.
Friday, Feb 23rd, 2024
I looked at the tallest shelf in our shared walk-in closet, carefully choosing Lando’s shirts.
My face assumed a concentrated look, as the man walked in behind me placing his hand on my waist.
“Sweetheart, we don’t need to put so much effort in choosing my clothes, you know? I’ll probably be wearing my suit most of the time, anyway” he chuckled, stroking my side.
“I know Lan, but it’s the first race of the season! You must look good!” I talked back, reaching for the Quadrant shirt.
I followed him out of the closet, laying his shirt flat beside his joggers.
I studied him silently as he was organizing the space in his bag.
“…Lando, will you be alone in Bahrain?” i asked hesitantly, nervously playing with the hem of my sleeve.
“Oh no, my team will be there, of course. Zack will arrive two days later than me, he mentioned a problem with his son or something. I’ll meet Oscar outside the airport there.”
I stayed hushed, quietly working out my thoughts as he locked the luggage.
“What if… What if i come with you? To Bahrain. To the race.” i tried to ask, timidly hiding my hands in my pockets.
He turned to me all of a sudden, eyes wide open like a deer caught in headlights.
“Did i heard that right? You’re not joking, are you? Are you serious?” he spoke quickly, almost as if he was trying to convince himself of what he had just heard.
I laughed at his reaction as he took my hands in his.
“Are you really sure y/n? I don’t want you to regret this. I won’t complain if you change your mind.” he sat me on the edge of our shared bed, reassuring me with kind words.
“I’ve never been so sure, Lan. I think it’s about time, i want to cheer you in person and show you all my support” i warmly smiled, and he started bouncing like a little boy. He bursted out of the room before i could process something to say.
“Where are you going?” i shouted, keeping an ear out to detect his distant voice.
“To take your bags!”
Saturday, Mar 2nd, 2024, present day.
A light breeze sways my dress, as I hold Lando’s hand through the paddock.
He never stopped chuckling like a baby since we’ve landed, and now he’s introducing me to every soul on the track.
He walks me to the garage, running to his car and patting the big “4” in the front.
“This is her. Isn’t she beautiful? Hopefully she’ll be a good girl on the track.” I laugh at his seriousness and he copies me, placing his arm around my waist.
“Look, this is where you’re going to sit during the race. You can hear me through the headset. Those are all the monitors through which you can see me. If you need something, let the guys know ok?”
I squeeze his hand reassuringly, and his mind seems to stop wandering for a moment. He has always been so good at hiding his thoughts and feelings, but the quick rise and fall of his chest betrays his calmness.
“Lan, breathe. I’m fine, you’re fine. We’re fine. And most importantly, we’re here together.”
One of the engineers calls for Lando and Oscar, but the light in his eyes is peaceful now.
“I love you. Thank you for being here with me”
I kiss him deeply, and watch him run away with his teammate.
The red lights go out.
The race finally begins, and he couldn’t be happier. He feels safe, and he’s so grateful to have by his side someone so brave and caring.
No matter how it goes, the only thing he cares to win is your heart.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 4 months
A school AU in which SOLDIERS and Turks+ Rufus are teachers. What subject are they teaching? What do the students think about them? What kind of teachers are they? Is there any teacher drama?
Sephiroth: Science teacher who insists on having a very ethical approach to teaching. He's wonderfully patient and lenient with his students, especially when the subjects they're covering are a source of discomfort. His class is easy to pass but only because he makes it so fun to learn. He loves taking his students on field trips.
Genesis: He teaches literature and is known for his two teaching styles—either intense, no nonsense seriousness because his class is notoriously a bitch to pass and "he won't have anyone making a mockery of Loveless." OR he's perched atop his desk with overpriced coffee and gossiping with his students.
Tseng: Math teacher, but he has a patient and pragmatic approach to teaching that makes it easy to learn from him. He's strict but he also doesn't care if you take his class seriously or not. But if you fall asleep in his class, you will wake up with an air horn blasting in your ear.
Angeal: The school guidance counselor, admired by all for his warm demeanor. Formerly the P.E. teacher but he transitioned to counseling as he found himself increasingly involved in guiding his students. His office cozy and the go-to safe space when students need a break from everything.
Zack: P.E. teacher. The man never runs out of steam. Rumors say he's not even human, he's a machine that runs on energy drinks. He's super energetic and enthusiastic about his class and goes out of his way to make them fun. He tries to get everyone involved, but doesn't push students when they don't want to participate.
Cloud: Social studies teacher who's very passionate about his subject. His only fault is that his colleagues have this ongoing joke where they interrupt his class to "borrow" office supplies every day. He once threw a whiteboard eraser at Professor Crescent's head because he interrupted him in the middle of a lesson.
Reno: Is in charge of the school's greenhouse and may or may not be growing weed in there. He's also the wise adult students go to for advice (when they don't want to give Mr. Hewley a heart attack).
Rufus: The Vice Principal. Yes, he has beef with Professor Crescent. Yes, there have been numerous pranks mysteriously set up in his office that could only have been done by someone who knows their chemicals.
Rude: Spanish teacher who insists everyone speak nothing but spanish in his class.
• ASGZC congregate in Angeal's office for lunch every day. They take turns each bringing in a homemade snack to share.
• Rumor has it Professor Rhapsodos and Professor Crescent were once caught making out in a janitor's closet.
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prismaticpichu · 15 days
Zack decides to bake some cookies for his BEST FRIENDS <3, but he reads the recipe wrong and does a teaspoon of sugar and 2 cups of salt.
How, uh, does that go?
Shshshsshh 🤣❤️ I actually needed some salt for my scrambled eggs, funny enough!! *showers crystals onto breakfast* <333
Ahhhhh, Zack… that is SUCH a thing the pup would do 🤣💙 I imagine it going something like:
“Orddeeerrrr up!”
The resulting boom of wood hitting drywall could’ve very well been compared to a grenade being thrown through the door, at least when taking into account how the sheer magnitude of their visitor’s entrance sent both Genesis and Angeal tumbling off the couch and onto the floor in a startled, yelping mass.
Not Sephiroth, though.
He just more or less glanced up from his book, sitting in the plushiest chair in the SOLDIER First Class Lounge.
“Hello, Fair,” he nodded, smiling nonchalantly as his two friends peeled themselves from off the cold hard floor, straightening. “What brings you here?”
“Yes—good question, Sephiroth.” Genesis dusted himself off, trying to ignore the potential damage to his ribcage, mako-lit eyes snapping toward the puppy—then Angeal. “Angeal, chum... how did your student get in here?”
Angeal pulled himself up, cracking his back, looking somewhat sheepish. “I... well, I did give him a key,” he admitted, and it sounded as if he was starting to regret it.
“Oh, I forgot the key!” Zack kicked the door shut behind him, leaving the implications hidden behind his nonchalant smil—
“So you kicked the door open?” Genesis saw right through the grin, an he didn’t like it.
“Sure did.”
“Well, you wouldn’t let me in if I knocked.”
Genesis huffed, his eyes floating back toward Angeal with a certain woodenness, opening his mouth again to speak:
“Gen, don’t start,” Angeal sighed.
“Oh, I’m starting,” Genesis folded his arms, the familiar embers sparking in his gaze. “I don’t understand—this is the First Class common room. Why would you ever even tell the kid where this room was to begin with? I mean, really, we deal with the younglings every day; do you know how many of his little friends he’s probably told by now? Before we know it, this place will be infested with them—”
“He brought cookies,” Sephiroth pointed out.
“Like, for Minerva’s sake...—wait, cookies?” Genesis repeated, pulling his head out his metaphorical hind to see Zack had indeed pulled out a small baggie of chocolate chip cookies from his pocket, and his eyes widened. “Those aren’t for us... are they?”
“‘Course they are!” Zack proudly chirped, peeling open the baggie to pull three fresh-baked sweets out. “Wanted to make something sweet tor ShinRa’s sweetest SOLDIERs. Made ‘em myself.”
Genesis’s eyes widened further, the embers suddenly smothered as he gestured for Zack to enter. “Well, what are you standing by the door for? Come in, come in! We’d love to have you here!”
His own eyes gleaming, Zack bounded into the heart of the lounge where all three Firsts were situated, dishing out the delicious treats to each of his wonderful heroes.
“Much obliged!” Genesis thanked, graciously accepting the offered the cookie.
“Thank you,” Sephiroth nodded with a faint smile, offering Zack a secret hair-ruffle before the boy skipped over to his mentor.
“Thanks, pup,” Angeal chuckled warmly, studying the cookie as one would a fine gemstone. “You really made these yourself?”
“You bet!” Zack beamed. “Right in my kitchen.”
“And these aren’t just ‘Tonberry House’ dough you put in the oven?” his mentor smirked.
“Nope, nope! Made ‘em from scratch, right down to the eggs and sugar!”
Not that they needed to know of the mess he had so kindly dubbed, “the egg-plosion.”
He could always just repaint the walls.
“Well,” Angeal’s smirk softened into another warm grin, reining Zack back to the present as he brought the cookie to his lips. “They look wonderful, pup. Good texture, good chocolate chip-cookie ratio~”
“Indeed...” Genesis hummed, then happily took the liberty of taking the first bite—
And, in an instant, Genesis dropped the cookie as if it were a steaming hot potato—which, all things considered, it probably could have been, given just how... how...
How malevolently SALTY the things were!
The flood of ungodly flavor surged into his mouth like a salted ocean of chocolate and dough, any semblance of sweetness engulfed in the thirsty saltiness, and Genesis found himself overcoming his extreme mysophobia as he grabbed Sephiroth’s water bottle and took a generous swig; then, as he continued to chug the liquid, he found the water bottle seized from his mouth as Angeal chugged the water for himself, bombarded with the same horrid assault on his senses, unintentionally catalyzing a desperate tug-of-war over the magical remedy, each managing to take a rapid sip before it was rapidly tugged away, and this pathetic display continued until nary a single bead of water was left in the silver vessel, completely drained like hungry dogs lapping at a puddle.
Only then, as the two SOLDIERs stood there panting, did the world come back into focus.
Genesis’s eyes narrowed, and he glared at the spiky-haired First, who had sucessfully been, like the poor water bottle, drained off any color on his face.
“...ZACKARY—” he started again.
“I... uh...”
“You put... SALT in the COOKIES?”
“...You know, now that i’m thinking about it... I may have grabbed the wrong—”
“What kinda moronic JOKE was that?!”
“...Sugar does kinda look like salt...”
“Do I LOOK like I’m laughing?!”
“...They are both crystaline...”
“DO I?”
“...Should I start running?”
And the chase ensued, a blur of red leather hounding a poor, good-hearted SOLDIER out the door, down the hallway, and probably all through the building:
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m SORRY...!”
“Genesis...!” Angeal shouted—coughed—already smelling the flames, and he took off after his friend in fear of his dear student’s life. “Don’t you dare...!”
Meanwhile, Sephiroth remained in the First Class lounge, quite relaxed in his chair, and quite enjoying himself as he casually finished the salt-showered cookie in his hand.
He shrugged.
“I like it.”
And little he know that, his water bottle, sitting completely drained on the floor, had just inadvertently his spread anti-degradation DNA through the bodies of his two closest friends.
The world was saved.
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zackfairzine2024 · 2 months
What kind of content are we looking for?
The intention of this zine is to be SFW (PG-PG13), LGBT+ friendly, and Zack Fair positive!
Work examples that will be accepted include (details TBD):
General art of Zack
Any ship art, yes this does include LGBT+ and poly ships!
OC art (must include Zack somehow)
Crossover art (I see you Monster Hunter fans!)
General fics about Zack (character studies being a great example!)
Ship fics, yes this does include LGBT+ and poly ships!
OC fics (must include Zack somehow)
Crossover fics (Kingdom Hearts AUs anyone?)
Other forms of written fiction such as poetry and fan letters (you could even write one to Zack! Keep in mind others will read it... 😉)
Non-fiction writing such as essays about what draws you to Zack or a character analysis
Basically, we just want one big book of how much we love Zack!
Interest check here!
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tennypress · 1 year
master list °:. *₊ ° . ° .•
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┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊
WIP = Red and Italics
SMUT = 🏁
ANGST = 🏍️
Fics that surrounds you, the reader
Waking up in another body? Female part 🛞 Male Part 🛞
When your mom was a first gen baddie 🛞
Tattoo Artist Y/N 🛞
Caught in the act 🛞🏍️🏁
Sending Nudes: I 🏁 II 🏁
Being younger than them (not too young) 🏁
Asexual Reader and confessing to them 🏁 who wouldn’t date you 🏁
On hold: a goo x reader x gun fanfic 🏁
Meeting you where you can fix my car and my heart 🛞🏍️
Zack Lee
Legs and Hips. 🏁
Sammuel Seo
Drunk on Love. 🏁
You come back to me like a dog with its tails between your legs 🏁
It’s only human, you know that it’s real 🏍️
Jake Kim
Analayzing 🏁
Power 🏁
Two walls between balance 🏁
Jichang Kwak
Until I found you 🏁
Jihan Kwak
You and me tonight 🏁
Jace Park
Study session 🏁
Gun Park
Karaoke Night under moon light 🏁
Wanna drink till we drop to the floor ? 🏁
Only you, my girl, only you babe… 🏁
Her masters punishment🏁 Part Two 🏁🏍️
Fate brought us back together 🏁
Goo Kim
Boundaries 🏁
Eyes 🏁
Hangyeol Baek:
I need a doctor! 🏁
Jake kim
My final analysis 🏁
Power 🏁
Between chaos and balance 🏁
DG(James Lee)
Paparazzi and rumors 🏁
Daniel Park
The rabbit and the fox 🏁
Till death my love 🏍️
Dancing under the moonlight 🏁
Na Jaegyeon
End of the road 🏍️
Vasco Tabasco (Euntae Lee)
Jay Hong
Leon Lee
Vin jin
Eli Jang
Cho ma
Warren chae
Hudson anh
Taesoo Ma
Jinyoung park
Johan Seong
Sinu Han
Olly wang
Kuroda Ryohei
Taejin Cheon
How To Fight
Manager Kim
Hobin Yu
Seongjun Baek
Taehoon seong
Munseong kim
Jinho Lee
Wangkuk han
Yeonwoo ji
Percy Jackson and the olympians
Luke Castellan
Need a hand? 🏁
Cool for the summer 🏁
Other fandoms
Ramen shop 🍜
Kakashi PTJVERSE ❔🤍
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reblive · 1 day
I haven’t made a post in a while but I wanted to make a connection between my studies and Eric. As always, if you don’t care to humanize and dive deep into the pain of Eric Harris, this is not the blog for you. I shouldn’t have to say that I don’t condone, because that’s obvious.
For those who don’t know, ones “self-concept” is developed through interactions with other people. For example, if you tell someone something very important or something you enjoy and they show disinterest, your self-concept can develop into believing nobody cares about you. I believe (and we all have came to the conclusion) that Eric had a deeply pained self concept due to his interactions with others not hearing him out on just about anything he spoke about. Oh course, he found refuge amongst Dylan or Zack, but the common crowd? Forget about it.
Self-concept is a key factor in teenage years and can develop over time negatively with engrossed and deliberate slander or bad interactions with other people. This is truly shown in his writings and it breaks my heart. Most read his entries and look at it straight forward and see the hate he felt towards others but don’t consider that this didn’t stem from nothing. Next time you read his journal look between the lines, look at fine details and see how deep his pain was. Be nice to people, everything stems from interactions with other people.
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in February 2024
🌈 Good afternoon, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
❤️ We Ate the Dark by Mallory Pearson 🧡 The Paper Boys by D.P. Clarence 💛 Skater Boy by Anthony Nerada 💚 Your Shadow Half Remains by Sunny Moraine 💙 A Vicious Game by Melissa Blair 💜 Clarion Call by Cayla Fay ❤️ Relit: 16 Latinx Remixes of Classic Stories edited by Sandra Proudman 🧡 The Absinthe Underground by Jamie Pacton 💛 Truthfully, Yours by Caden Armstrong 💙 Outsider by Jade du Preez 💜 Cross My Candy Heart by A.C. Thomas 🌈 The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett
❤️ An Education in Malice by S. T. Gibson 🧡 The Imposition of Unnecessary Obstacles by Malka Ann Older 💛 Never a Bridesmaid by Spencer Greene 💚 The Rewind by Nicole Stiling 💙 Good Christian Girls by Elizabeth Bradshaw 💜 The Fox Maidens by Robin Ha ❤️ The Terrible by Tessa Crowley 🧡 Blood Rage by Ileandra Young 💛 Call of the Sea by Emily B. Rose 💙 Sign Me Up by C.H. Williams 💜 Ways and Means by Daniel Lefferts 🌈 Peaceful in the Dark by A.A. Fairview
❤️ We Are Only Ghosts by Jeffrey L. Richards 🧡 Dead Ringer by Robyn Nyx 💛 Somacultural Liberation by Dr. Roger Kuhn 💚 Stormbringer by Erinn Harper 💙 A Saga of Shields & Shadows by A.J. Shirley 💜 Ghost Town by R.E. Ward ❤️ I Heard Her Call My Name by Lucy Sante 🧡 The Night Alphabet by Joelle Taylor 💛 Remedial Magic by Melissa Marr 💙 Bloom by N.R. Walker 💜 Entwined by Alex Alberto 🌈 Queer Newark edited by Whitney Strub
❤️ Tristan by Jesse Roman 🧡 How to Live Free in a Dangerous World by Shayla Lawson 💛 Daniel, Deconstructed by James Ramos 💚 Of Socialites & Prizefights by Arden Powell 💙 Lost Harbor by Kimberly Cooper Griffin 💜 Hannah Tate, Beyond Repair by Laura Piper Lee ❤️ Bunt! Striking Out on Financial Aid by Ngozi Ukazu & Mad Rupert 🧡 How You Get the Girl by Anita Kelly 💛 Blackmailer’s Delight by David Lawrence 💙 Tile M for Murder by Felicia Carparelli 💜 Impulse Buy by Jae 🌈 Live for You, Die With You by Kalob Dàniel
❤️ Fairest of All by A.D. Ellis 🧡 Goddess of the Sea by Britney Jackson 💛 A Taste of Earth by Nico Silver 💚 The Moorings of Mackerel Sky by M.Z. Emily Zack 💙 How the Boogeyman Became a Poet by Tony Keith 💜 V is for Valentine by Thomas Grant Bruso ❤️ Crushed Ice by Ashlyn Kane & Morgan James 🧡 When Tomorrow Comes by D. Jackson Leigh 💛 Bugsy & Other Stories by Rafael Frumkin 💙 The White and Blue Between Us by Kiyuhiko 💜 Guide Us Home by CF Frizzell & Jesse J. Thoma 🌈 The Friendship Study by Ruby Barrett
❤️ Infinity Alchemist by Kacen Callender 🧡 Heart2Heart edited by Annabeth Albert 💛 No Time Like Now by Naz Kutub 💚 Bless the Blood by Walela Nehanda 💙 Vengeance Planning for Amateurs by Lee Winter 💜 Who We Are in Real Life by Victoria Koops ❤️ Prove It by Stephanie Hoyt 🧡 Mewing by Chloe Spencer 💛 Awakenings by Claudie Arseneault 💙 Born of Scourge by S. Jean 💜 Disciples of Chaos by M.K. Lobb 🌈 To Cage a God by Elizabeth May
❤️ Greta & Valdin by Rebecca K Reilly 🧡 What Feasts At Night by T. Kingfisher 💛 You Had Me at Merlot by Melissa Brayden 💚 Turning Point by Cathy Dunnell 💙 For the Stolen Fates by Gwendolyn Clare 💜 Season of Eclipse by Terry Wolverton ❤️ These Haunted Hills by Jana Denardo 🧡 Samson & Domingo by Gume Laurel III 💛 Lies that Bind by Rae Knowles & April Yates 💙 We Got the Beat by Jenna Miller 💜 The Diablo's Curse by Gabe Cole Novoa 🌈 Blessings by Chukwuebuka Ibeh
❤️ Out There by Iris Eliot 🧡 At Her Service by Amy Spalding 💛 Green Dot by Madeleine Gray
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noemilivv · 7 months
Hi! I saw that a matchup event is open and I (of course) had to join : ) here I go!
FANDOM: I would like a MALE HAZBIN HOTEL matchup request please! the characters I don’t want is husker or angel dust (I have no problem with them but I don’t feel comfortable with having them as romantic partners…..)
ABOUT ME: My name is Jaxrel! People call me "Jax" for short. also use other names like Himawari, Rin, etc, He/Him (They/Them is acceptable), I'm a Trans Man who's pansexual and l've been diagnosed with mental illness and disorders that I do not wish sharing ATM.
Personality(+ Notes): I'm a ENTP Ravenclaw, 5w4, Extroverted. I'm a very chill and intelligent person I'm very polite and sweet! at first awkward, shy and distant when meeting people, extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly (due to autism), confident, straightforward (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses "big" words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(l'm nosy and I love gossip), i can be a rule breaker(sometimes don't mean to), dad/ tharapist friend, when I go out I bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapstick(s) just in case, chill but some people would say I have some "repressed anger issues, I get a realllyyy overractive Brain, I tend to get deep and philosophical when l'm left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked. If this helps more the characters I kin a lot are: Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice), Tei (Nameless), Gojo Satoru (Jujustu Kaisen), Cutthroat (Akudama Drive, Except the Bloodlust cutthroat has.), Ranpo Edogawa (Bungo Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungo Stray Dogs), Space Ishtar (Fate), Okita Souji (Fate), Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 The Infinity), Sherlock Holmes (TGAA), Zack (Final Fantasy 7), Vash The Stampede (Trigun), Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist), Otonashi Yuzuru (Angel Beats), Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom), Vanitas (Study Case of Vanitas), Zoe Hange (AOT), Shinoa Hiiragi (Seraph of The End) + more
MORE KINS: hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), shu itsuki (enstars),miyamura izumi (horimiya), micheal afton (FNAF), lolbit (FNAF), mangle (FNAF), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), urumi akamaki (alice in borderland), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), minami kotobuki (oshi no ko), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa), k-angel (needy streamer overdose) and more 😃
Looks: Half Polish and Vietnamese with Some Scottish and Half Middle Eastern(Iraqi) /Filipino with Some Russian, I'm very skinny like just flat, I have hazel eyes and some slight flecks of amber and blue, I have upturned eyes but they seem like they are almond shaped but they aren't too noticeable, I think I have a heart shaped face but from different angles it looks more diamond shaped(?), I'm approximately 5'8, I have a dimple only on my chin, I have dyed black hair, I also have bangs too, my clothing style tends to stretch widely from comfy to... a lot like this! I wear gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, gyaruo, rokku, manba, baba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), scenemo/emo (ofc), & vkei ouji and lolita, I can also pull off a kpop idol look, i also wear a lot of cool dresses and suits, I also wear Y2K and I also dress in alternative clothing a LOT, I wear a lot of other harajuku styles such as, jirai kei, decora and more so on.
Likes: Chocolate, Strawberries, Iced Coffee and Boba Tea, Anime/ Manga, Music, Food, Winning in arguments online or irl, Reading, Art (Digital Art, Drawing, Painting, Pottery, etc), Cats, Sharks, Animals in general, Anthropology, Zoology, Theology(+ more) Cold/or Rainy Weather, Cooking, Cosplaying, Shopping, Playing Tabletop RPG's, Chess Board Games or just Gaming, Dancing, Abstract or Romance movies, Murder Mysterys, Kdrama, Spicy or Sweet Food, Ramen, learning new languages/instruments and much more.
Dislikes: Loud Noises, Slow Walkers, People who don't know when to close their mouths when chewing and hot weather.
Love Languages: physical touch & words of affirmation (giving). gift giving, words of affirmation & physical touch (receiving).
Thank you so much! I can’t wait to see who I got!!!! :-)
hey jaxrel!! i knew pretty much immediately before you even submitted who i was doing for ya haha, and that person is…
Lucifer !!
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You and Luci are like the gay dads to Charlie and the gang it’s actually so cute
Lucifer lovesss to get deep into shit and philosophical with you haha
He loves having lazy days in bed with you, just curled up together, talking about anything or just fuckin’ sleeping lmao
Both of you two struggle with mental health on your occasions, so the fact that you two can pick each other back up is super sweet, you and Lucifer grow to better understand eachother and pick up on the little cues which make handling the harder days a lot easier for the both of ya!
Lucifer also loves your various styles, as I said in your last request, he definitely has you style him some sick fits for his important meetings haha
He also loves making you little small duck related gifts, because ducks are the only thing he knows how to make😭💕
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calciumdeficientt · 15 days
BUCKY OH MY GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHD. IF BUCKY HAS NO FANS IM DEAD I LOVE THAT WHITE BOY. I cried while writing these. Idk what that says about me but it definitely says something.
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Starting off on a very strong foot, I’m gonna explain the ‘Bucky incident’ that I mentioned in my Thad hcs post (go read that btw). So basically the nerds were playing Star Wars on the steps outside the library, with those very sturdy, screen accurate lightsabers that all the cosplayers have, and poor Bucky, bless his little heart, got far too invested in the game, lunged forwards with his lightsaber, slipped on a piece of wet moss on the steps and fell. His lightsaber broke his fall and he sort of half-impaled himself on the tip of it. He didn’t break any skin or anything, but the sturdy PVC plastic broke two of his ribs and ruptured his appendix. Poor kid.
Head builder and painter of the G&G mini figures, in his free time you can usually find him underneath Dragon’s Wing in their little lair, with one of those magnifying headset things on, painting away. He has a keen eye for detail, and it really shows. He takes great care in studying his friends character sheets and making sure the paining is reflective of their personalities, even down to the bases. He’s got great technique, from dry-brushing for shading, to colour theory and palette matching, down to hand sculpting pieces when official G&G merchandise doesn’t suffice. Sometimes he goes upstairs to get guidance from Zack but nine times out of ten its his own handiwork.
Very happy go lucky despite being beaten within an inch of his life every day. That insane amount of bullying is enough to make anyone a nihilist, but I think Bucky always finds a way to put a positive spin on everything and. That is just… so commendable. He’s a stronger man than I I’ll tell you that. He’s such a sweet kid, how could you want to pick on him when Earnest is RIGHT THERE.
Speaking of Earnest, he really really hated the whole concept of the Paparazzi mission, especially publicly showing those indecent images of Mandy. He couldn’t even fathom the idea of showing the small ones off as blackmail. He hates the jocks just as much as the next nerd, and the way Mandy treats Beatrice isn’t exactly tasteful, but he’s emotionally mature enough to know that not only was plastering those posters all over town fucking creepy, it was also a CRIME.
Does super well in Hattrick’s math class but absolutely DESPISES his way of teaching it. Hattrick has a very black and white view of maths. It’s either right or wrong, and the only way to solve problems is it do it is his way, any other solution is blatantly wrong. Bucky thinks it’s such a boring and narrow way to look at a subject that’s just bursting with possibilities. In his free time he researches pure mathematics, he thinks its such a wonderful show of the fact that maths isn’t just about practical application, but the beauty of figuring out the logical consequences of basic mathematic principles when applied to abstract objects. He finds it so wonderfully interesting.
He loves his granny so much dude (I may or may not be sobbing over this right now he’s such a fucking cutie patootie.) he goes over to her house on the weekends and has tea. She doesn’t understand half of what her grandson says but she’s happy to know that he’s growing up into a nice polite young man, and is doing well at school. He’s also kind enough to help her around the house with all the chores she has trouble doing during the week. Taking her trash out, cleaning her kitchen surfaces and vacuuming up. He’s her helpful little chipmunk, even if he’s nowhere near as chubby as he used to be when he was a baby.
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pantoneyoongi · 1 year
the sun & the stars | epilogue | kth
title ; the sun & the stars pairing ; taehyung x you
word count ; 3.3k
masterlist | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | epilogue 
description ; 
taehyung’s known you almost his whole life - his sister’s best friend, the girl who invades his home and his life on the daily. you’re the one who gave his sister the nickname ‘sky’ to begin with - and also the one who relented when he whined about it at age five and said okay, you can be the stars, then.  it’s funny, because to him, you’re just the petty, mischievous neighbor from across the street with a penchant for stealing his snacks. but over the years, you’ve somehow landed yourself a reputation that stretches beyond the 1.5 year age gap he has with you - for someone who generally likes to keep things low key, you sure have a way of drawing attention.  sky’s friendly, teasing best friend is known for being cold, impassive, and immovable. which is weird, because when he’s around you, all he sees are unabashed grins and terrible jokes. until he realizes maybe he doesn’t know you like he thought he did. maybe they’re right - it just so happens that the walls you throw up around him look a little different from the walls you throw up around everyone else. 
tracklist ; willow - taylor swift, give me your forever - zack tabudlo ft. billkin, limbo - keshi
notes ; 
it’s all fun and games until taehyung starts flirting anyway we are at the end for this one !! thank u for reading, i hope u enjoyed 😊 i think i’ll be trying to do the prequel next - pls look forward to that one too !! ❤️
tags ; college!au, best friend’s little brother!au, childhood friends to lovers, fluff (finally!!), just taehyung being a sweetheart the literal entire time 
spring semester starts cold, mid-january, which is your excuse for still holding onto taehyung’s scarf. he doesn’t seem to mind - exact words, “it’s yours now,” - but for the sake of your sanity, you continue to make up reasons for why it’s still in your possession. 
for now, it’s tucked around your neck, bundled up against your chin and keeping you warm. taehyung walks beside you, like he does every day lately, having gotten ahold of your work schedule after some degree of coercing (read: taehyung asked nicely for it and when you hesitated, he - whether consciously or not, you’re not sure - gave you a look equivalent to that of a kicked puppy, and you caved within the next half-second). 
you feel hyper-aware of his presence. it’s not entirely out of the ordinary for taehyung to walk you home - he showed up randomly plenty of times before just to do so - but now that he has your schedule, he waits outside whatever workplace you’re at for the day, every chance he gets. 
you should be used to taehyung being beside you all the time. from begging to hang out with you when he was little, to simply materializing next to you now that you’re older, taehyung is always near you. but this feels far more intentional, and now you can’t not think about how close he is, the back of his hand brushing against yours as you walk back to your apartment. 
it’s just not good for your heart. it’s racing much too fast considering the steady, slow pace you’re walking. you chance a glance at taehyung, but a seconds-long glance turns into minutes turns into you staring at him, studying all the features he’s grown into over the years. 
taehyung really has gotten handsome, lately. 
you know. objectively speaking. 
strong eyebrows, kind eyes, a pretty curve to his lips. between the broad shoulders and the dark hair that falls over his forehead, taehyung looks straight out of a manga. it doesn’t help that he has a teasing smile on his - wait. 
shit. he caught you. 
you jerk your head away, but it’s too late. he smirks, leaning down slightly. “heard pictures last longer.” 
you deadpan. “shut up.” he knows he’s pretty. 
he invades your personal space, gets closer. you’d think someone who knows you and your cranky personality would know better than this, but that’s what happens when he also just knows you. you’ll never harm a hair on his head. 
“why are you staring, sun?” you can hear the amusement in his voice. this is the taehyung that you know you’re entirely out of your depth with. you might’ve grown up with him, but even with all the time spent together, you know there’s parts of taehyung you don’t have an influence on. the parts that make your heart pound, the taehyung that you’re secretly thrilled by. he’s confident, maybe even a little cocky, and you’re certain this version of taehyung knows. he knows that if he pushes past the sarcasm and the facades and everything else you’ve layered on just to hide, that he has every bit as much an effect on you as you do on him. 
he just lets you get away with it, most of the time. 
“who’s staring?” you mutter defensively. “nobody’s staring. there’s nothing to stare at.” 
he sidles in closer, but he never touches you. just gets close enough for you to feel all of his warmth. he’s teasing you, reminding you that he’s the only one who’s allowed to get this close - closer than people who are ‘just friends’ would normally be allowed. 
in a poorly calculated decision, you make the mistake of whipping your head to face him, only to feel your breath cut short when you find his face barely a centimeter away from yours.
even taehyung seems to realize he maybe misjudged how much he can handle, too. ‘cause you’re definitely close enough to feel his breath, but he doesn’t seem to be breathing, either. 
his eyes dip down. you press your lips together, inwards, shy at the way he looks at you. but the movement only draws his attention more, eyes focused on your lips. 
“come over tomorrow,” you blurt, stumbling back a half-step. taehyung snaps out of it, straightening back to full height immediately. 
“tomorrow,” you say, resolutely, glad that you’re the one with the steady voice. “we can… eat together.” 
taehyung’s eyes fall to your lips again, but quickly snap back up to your eyes. he smiles, and you feel yourself relax at the boyish look. “sure,” he agrees. “i’ll come over.”
what you forget to consider every single time you invite taehyung over is that you generally invite only him. 
as in, you and him are generally always alone, because your roommates, unlike you, are much more fond of their social lives and are usually out and about. 
this doesn’t normally pose a problem, except taehyung has been more daring recently, eyes sparking with mischief and affection, a lethal combination for you. it makes you nervous - excited - but now you’re left fidgeting as you wait for him to arrive, wondering which version of taehyung you’ll get today, while you’re alone in your apartment, with no other plans for the evening, and your roommates more likely than not to stay out for the night. 
to your surprise, taehyung shows up with bags of groceries, beaming at you. confused, you let him in, and he drops them all over your counter. “i’ll cook today,” he announces, and you let out a short, hesitant laugh. 
you do adore taehyung. in many ways. maybe the most well-known affiliation you have is with his sister, but the people closest to you know that your fondness for taehyung is unmatched, with or without your budding feelings for him that you’ve been trying (and failing) to keep in tight control of. 
but regardless of how you feel, you know taehyung. and he is undoubtedly the definition of a younger sibling. you’re not even sure taehyung knows how to turn the stove on. 
“do you even know how to cook?” 
he looks mildly offended. you raise an eyebrow. 
the shy, sheepish smile that forms slowly on his face gives you all the answers you need. “no,” he scratches the back of his neck. “but i’ll figure it out.” 
“my god, taehyung,” you mutter, rubbing your forehead. still, you make zero effort to stop him as he shuffles about your kitchen, organizing groceries and locating pots and pans. “please don’t burn down a university-owned apartment building.” 
he points a spatula at you. “no one else has burned it down yet. i probably won’t be the first.” 
you should probably tell him that ‘probably’ is not a very convincing argument. 
but he looks so earnest, and you don’t have the strength to keep him from at least trying. he’s at least researched a recipe beforehand, and taehyung is admittedly pretty adept at following instructions. 
he scutters about the kitchen, recipe pulled up on his phone screen. when you peer at it he locks the screen, turning his nose up at you. you narrow your eyes at him. he tilts his chin in the direction of the seating at your kitchen counter. you study him for a minute longer, trying to gauge the probability of taehyung committing accidental arson. but he doesn’t relent, and you cave, settling into the chair to watch him closely. 
satisfied that you’re seated, taehyung carefully sets about chopping scallions and whisking eggs. there’s rice cooking in a pot, and he looks deeply concentrated, eyebrows knit together. you smile fondly, watching him. “you sure you don’t want me to help?” 
he responds only with an insistent shake of his head, so you settle for the time he’s granted you to just look at him. taehyung in the kitchen doesn’t exactly entirely put your heart at ease, but taehyung’s presence in your apartment does relax your shoulders, slows your breaths. you don’t have to think about anything else - your future, your finances, your grades - nothing else matters when taehyung is here. he grounds you, washes away worries that have felt so constant that you didn’t even realize how heavy they weighed on you until taehyung nudges them all away with a sweet smile. 
every so often, taehyung breaks his concentration to look at you. he doesn’t ask, but the excuse you have for getting caught staring every time is that you’re just making sure he doesn’t cause injury, either to himself or to the apartment. you both know you just like looking at him, judging by the spark in his eyes, but he says nothing regardless. 
there’s a memory yet to be made unfolding in your mind. it has taehyung wrapped around you in your kitchen, head tucked over your shoulder, a meal halfway done. it has content written all over you, a version of you that’s happier, without any of your demons still lurking in the corners. 
you want to make it a reality. you want to feel his chest pressed against your back, want to lean into his touch and know that as long as taehyung’s around, you’ll be okay. he’ll take care of you. you’ll let him take care of you. 
but you don’t have the confidence to find your way into his arms, not yet. you keep your distance, settling for memorizing the shape of taehyung bustling about, quietly humming as he plates things up, presenting you with a dish that looks altogether too familiar. 
a simple dish. eggs, spam, corn. a sprinkle of scallions on top for color. absolutely not the recipe he looked up, and he looks pretty proud of himself, biting his lip and waiting for your approval. 
“that’s not a recipe off google,” you accuse, though you’re sure there are versions of it online somewhere. but sky and taehyung’s parents make it on lazy days, and in many ways it’s become comfort food for the three of you. 
“it could be,” he shrugs, then grins. “i asked my mom for the recipe last night.” 
he piles rice into a bowl for you, then sits across from you, bright eyes watching as you take a bite. you sigh into it, satisfied. “kim taehyung, you didn’t burn the building down,” you tease, instead of giving him the praise he’s looking for. 
his face does a thing it rarely does since he was eleven, eyebrows pinching in and lower lip jutting out, and you giggle, the sound immediately wiping away the look. you lean towards him. “thanks for cooking,” you say, sincerely. “tastes just like your mom’s.” 
he mumbles something incoherent and ducks his head, but you catch the pleased look on his face, the pink on his cheeks. you make conversation about anything and everything, just to get those eyes back on you. it doesn’t take much effort, honestly. 
the night ends with the two of you on your living room couch, you asleep on his shoulder, your roommate’s tv playing in the background. 
taehyung doesn’t put his arm around you, doesn’t tug you in close, but the feeling still lingers. 
that as long as taehyung’s around, you’ll be okay. 
you stretch your arms over your head, cracking possibly every joint in your back and shoulders in the process. being hunched over a computer for four hours starting 8am to noon is not ideal for your posture. 
“you should sit up straight when you work,” you hear, and you look around to find taehyung pushing himself off the building’s wall, a paper bag in hand. 
“i should do a lot of things,” you counter, and he gives you a disapproving look but doesn’t press you. he shakes the bag instead. 
you bite your lip, eyeing the bag hopefully. you flick your eyes back up to his and nod rapidly. he grins. 
he walks with you to the student center, unpacking the bag while you slide into your seat. he takes off the lids for you, hands you wrapped plastic utensils, doesn’t sit down until everything’s ready for you. 
“where did you learn to do this kinda stuff, huh?” you tease, but he looks genuinely confused, blinking back at you. 
“from you,” he states plainly, like it’s obvious, and you’re taken slightly aback. now you’re the one that’s confused, and he tilts his head. “you always do this for us,” he explains. “well, sky, mostly, but for the rest of us, too.” 
“oh,” you mutter. flustered by his simple explanation, you jerk your gaze away from him and start digging through the food. his lips tug upwards into a smile, watching you pretend to be preoccupied. 
all the years you spent taking care of your friends, you’ve never let anyone reciprocate. but taehyung wants to give it all back tenfold, wants you to feel every ounce of his affections, wants you to feel the same love you give out in boundless amounts to the people around you. he wants to give all of it, just to you. 
he reaches over, brushes your hair over your shoulder. you look up at him, eyes round and large, and it feels like all the love you’ve ever poured into him is overflowing in his chest in this exact moment, decades worth of all the ways you cared for him without uttering a single word. you did it all without hesitation. like second nature. 
taehyung is still learning, still figuring out how to do the same, but there is something he knows. 
he loves you. without hesitation. like second nature. 
maybe it’s just your soft spot for taehyung, but he has a way of convincing you to come home with him. sometimes, he uses sky as an excuse - come hang out, sun - sometimes he bribes you with food - i have dinner for you at home. come over, sun - and sometimes, he just looks at you hopefully, and you find yourself in the apartment he shares with his sister. 
the first time you fell asleep over at their place was an accident. by the fifth time, you’re not sure it exactly qualifies as an accident anymore. 
most nights you fall asleep on the couch together. it started with just your head on his shoulder, but somehow, you found yourself more and more often waking up with the two of you laying down, taehyung’s arm thrown over your waist and his face buried in your hair. on the days you have early shifts or classes, you wake alone, in time to catch taehyung emerging from the kitchen with a packed breakfast and a gaze so intensely affectionate, you have to look away from him. 
he’s no longer hiding the way he feels about you, and it has your heart running double time in your chest. 
when you wake up this time, you realize you’re not on the couch. sleepily, you peer around and realize you’re in taehyung’s room, in taehyung’s bed, with taehyung still pressed close, one arm slung over your waist, as usual. 
it’s quiet, still early, judging from the dim light filtering through taehyung’s curtains. the last memory you can recall is being on the couch again, so you’re not sure how you wound up here. 
you have absolutely no idea what to do. 
taehyung is still fast asleep, so you try to subtly shift out of his arms. maybe you can go back to the couch and pretend you were never in his bed and then you don’t have to ask nor answer any of the questions that come with it. but taehyung’s arm around you tightens, and he makes a small, discontent noise. you freeze. 
slowly, you turn your head towards his. mussed hair, closed eyes, and pretty, pretty lips. taehyung looks impossibly younger when he’s sleeping, and he’s so warm, the gentle pressure of his arm across your body so comforting. it wouldn’t be so bad, falling back asleep like this. with taehyung next to you. 
that’s the excuse you make. you’d make any number of them, really, just to stay here. but they all drift out of your mind as your eyes flutter back shut, taehyung’s steady breaths lulling you back to sleep. 
the second time you wake up, it’s to the sound of taehyung cursing under his breath. 
“shit,” he mutters, sounding mildly panicked. “shit, fuck, shit.” 
you stir. taehyung isn’t the type to curse often, so you blink your eyes open, one hand blindly reaching out for him as you try to wake up enough to focus. “tae?” 
he stares back at you in alarm. he’s halfway up by the time your eyes finally land on him, but when he sees how your hand searches for his, he catches your wrist in a gentle hold. “right here,” he murmurs. 
you smile, still half-asleep. “what’s wrong?” 
he stills. “i-” he flounders a bit. “i didn’t - um. i swear i meant to go sleep on the couch last night, i just - i wanted you to take the bed for once, ‘cause the couch isn’t really comfortable, but i guess i fell asleep too - i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have even - i was just really tired-” 
you let him babble for a couple more minutes, amused. admittedly, not all your brain cells are firing right now, still drowsy, but flustered, rambly taehyung is a rare, endearing sight you’d like to indulge in for just a bit. 
when you start to see the pink dust his cheeks, you decide to take pity on him, pressing a hand to his cheek. he quiets immediately, leaning into your touch. “sorry,” he mumbles one last time. 
you breathe out a laugh. “don’t tell anyone,” you try to tease, but you mean it a little too much. “but you’re my favorite, my star.” 
he looks at you. you don’t know what changes in this moment. maybe it’s because it’s so quiet, with the world still waking up; or maybe because you both know sky isn’t home, having gone over to namjoon’s the night before, so the apartment is empty, just the two of you; or maybe because you’re both still sleepy and warm and so, so close, but taehyung shifts, the hand holding your wrist pressing it gently to the spot beside your head, so taehyung can hover just above you. you stare up at him, everything moving in slow motion. his nose brushes against yours, and you tilt your head up, searching for him. waiting for him to meet you in the middle. 
there’s sparks, all over. tingles down your spine, the way taehyung kisses you slowly. the hesitance in the beginning, then the soft press of his lips against yours, like he can’t resist you. drawn to you, the hand holding your wrist moving to tangle with your fingers. the hand you had cupping his cheek slides into his hair at the nape of his neck, tugging him closer. 
it might be cliché, but you don’t care: kissing taehyung feels like coming home. 
when he pulls away for air, he lets out a sort of disbelieving huff of laughter, like he can’t believe you let him kiss you. there’s a happy light in your eyes, your grin spreading from cheek to cheek, and his heart stutters in his chest like he hasn’t seen that smile almost every day of his life. 
he ducks his head next to yours, hair tickling your skin. ever so close, you can hear the smile in his voice when he whispers, “you’re my favorite, too, sun.” 
you’ve never told anyone before, but there’s a reason taehyung is your star. his sister remains the sky, your whole world, but taehyung is your star because you learned long ago that the sun, too, is a star. and if you’re so lucky to be considered the light amidst the sky, then you’ll be shameless enough to wish to always linger amongst the stars, too. because you want to always be next to him. 
beside him. your star. 
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masterlist | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | epilogue 
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regaliasonata · 11 months
Jungle Fury Random Headcanons and Ideas
@skyland2703 @augment-techs @mo-ok @junglefurytrash went a bit crazy with this one
-Casey is the youngest of five siblings, and is the only boy in the family. He knows how to do makeup and hair.
-Due to his upbringing everyone in the house expected him to be gay, he was kind of dreading having to tell his mother and sisters but they were pretty chill about it.
-His sisters are either quintuplets or triplets and two adopted sisters depending on what you want to go with.
-Despite being the blue ranger Theo didn't develop his animal spirit until after Luen gained his. His parents seem to expect more from him as they were students in a sub school associated with the Pai Zhua.
-Theo's won a Guinness World Record award for karaoke, he claims it's in his blood to be amazing at it.
-Lily grew up within a small apartment in the city, she enjoys all the different foods that a place has to offer. Anything that's new and changing, reminds her of home.
-There's a chance that she trained with Zack and had him as a partner as she did mentioned how she used to do competitive dance competitions.
-RJ's mother passed away when he was young and he kind of blames himself for it. Despite trying to make their relationship better Finn may have blamed him all those years ago for Mrs. James's passing, just a constant reminder of her not being here.
-RJ is amongst one of the only individuals(Like Antonio) to discover the Morphin Grid on his own and is the reason the Pai Zhua has it as access.
-Sometimes just to spite Finn RJ catches fish and attaches them around the shark master's house. That way his air conditioning can smell terrible.
-Dominic flunked out of college, he was studying to become a teacher in geography.
-Casey seems more ticked off with Dominic because of the idea that he might try to go for Jarrod or RJ.
-Jarrod enjoys being around animals as his parents weren’t really around, his mother didn’t really enjoy the prospect of having a boy and his dad would either yell all the time or get pissed off about farm work not doing well so Jarrod cuddling up with a fluffy sheep or even summoning his black lion spirit to sleep next to it’s mane would soothe him.
-Despite all the troubles within the school Master Mao kinda sees Jarrod as his own son(Any of you kingdom hearts fans, cough cough Eraqus and Terra).
-Camille’s hatred of snakes was due to her mother being killed by Naja 10,000 years ago, she’s unaware of this fact but disposing of the snake rinshi felt right when it happened in the show.
-Her eyeshadow is actually a trait of her animal spirits. Animal spirits have way more depth to them as they are the shadow of one’s self, in some cases specific traits about said spirit leak into the person like physical to mental details (example: Camille’s eyeshadow, RJ’s ferocity from his wolf spirit.)
-megazords formed by animal spirits were based on specific influences centuries ago, from totems, giant sculptures like sphinx and even Animus. Some can claim that the guardians of the Pai Zhua were the first people to create earthly megazords within human history.
-mystical beasts or fictional animal like creatures such as the phoenix, azure dragon etc are somewhat rare due to a very small percent of people born with one or those entities giving access to said person. Such as the Phantom Beasts who are based on specific creatures. If Nick or Chip were to come to Pai Zhua and develop a phoenix and Garuda spirit then they’d be a powerful force.
-rinzen and zocalo energy isn’t inherently bad energy but the power is mainly associated with rinshi, the rangers have the potential to access it and even gain phantom beast modes similar to Jarrod and Camille.
-Fran’s animal spirit can range either from a black cat, owl or monkey and gives her abilities based on inner luck or focus making her quite powerful.
-Lily basically adopted Casey as her own little brother.
-Secretly Jarrod wants to pursue cooking or something based in creativity. He didn't touch a kitchen utensil for weeks after seeing kitchen nightmares and it took RJ having to throw the tapes out to get him back into cooking.
-Master Swoop can actually split himself into bat's and has the little shadows spying around the world for any threats. Its kind of creepy but very effective as he can easily have the bat's acting as kamikaze strikers to defeat monsters. Rangers on other teams don't know how threats get taken down but they don't mind, less work load.
-the Pai Zhua has more schools within the world that differentiate in some fighting styles and such. Some schools like the ninja academies try to pick up on their skills but a few of the campuses keep secret.
-Zordon tried to learn about the teachings thousands of years ago as their abilities mixing with the grid gave way for a spike in power with combat but they shunned the wizard away cause of being weary about his motives. Ninjor was welcomed in open arms via the power coins he had. This also explains why Jungle Fury was so scarce with the other teams up until megaforce.
-despite everything the Pai Zhua is nowhere near as moral as they tried to portray themsleves as. Some people can be very toxic in a few areas, Dai Shi had possessed people in the past and with each attempt they tried to have the individuals go mad and die from the experience as a way to rid themselves of the dragon. Casey and the rangers dismantled this ideology after killing the Dai Shi.
-because of her potential the academy sent scouts to try and push Fran to join the academy but RJ quickly shut that down and actually threatened a few of the higher officials because of this.
-Animal spirits talk amongst themselves when the team isn't around. Some play poker when everyone's asleep.
-because of being spirit and mythical based the JF team can handle most of the recurring threats of Zedd and Rita. Plus with their megazords not being mechanical they aren't easily disposed of.
-RJ secretly made JKP into a megazord incase there's an emergency, he met Antonio and added a shitload of symbol power and animal spirit energy to make it a powerful force.
-Lily loves a lot of 80s-90s music and loves to dress in a semi style of Y2K.
-Having no knowledge of Pokemon, Camille and Casey were sat down by Theo and Fran until they were introduced to Gen 4. Camille hacked her Platinum cartridge to get all the mythical and legendary mon events.
-RJ smokes blunts mainly to calm himself, it started as a way to escape the thought of his mother being goin and his father's disapproval.
-Tommy and Jason aren't allowed in Ocean Bluff when it comes to ranger activity because RJ's access to the grid could be useful but he likes to gatekeep and personally team wise if anything happens both him and the group wouldn't enjoy veteran rangers from the first modern team(unless it's billy) coming in and taking over operations.
-Camile and Jarrod jump monsters whenever a mission happens, forget talking, get the job done when needed.
-Casey was fired from the zoo for sleeping in the tiger cage and released all the animals into nice reservations after he was let go.
-Lily was made team leader as Casey doesn't feel too well with getting the role just for being a red ranger.
-Theo is a master at coming up with combo attacks and megazord concepts to the point that rangers like Chip and Max come to him for guidance. He's got quite the reputation in the ranger community for his witty ideas.
-Casey is on a red ranger watch list due to his sword skills, despite keeping their word Jason may have came to the city to demand some aid with their grid research and the two got into a brawl with Casey winning. Him, Jayden and Lauren are all at the top five of said list.
-RJ has dated lots of people but it usually never ends on a perfect note as they were usually relationships with people who took emotional advantage over him. Though he's in a better place within his life to try again with Casey or anyone who actually values him.
-Jarrod listens to a lot of punk music and back at the school Mao got complaints about speakers Blaring music at two in the morning.
-Cam hangs with RJ and shares ideas but he isn't allowed to tell Tommy about any of their conversations. The two may have had a thing in the past.
-Wolf rangers tend to have a powerful aura and they each meet together to talk about business, RJ has a bone themed secret landline he uses to contact them.( @sentinelofstories wolf war 👀😭)
-Due to Dai Shi the JF teams has a disdain for dragons, Serpentera count your days if you ever come back.
-Camille's rinshi form is just armor but was never accepted fully as a rinshi, she only became one to seem worthy in Dai Shi's eyes. The phantom beast hated her for many things and this was one of the reasons, thousands of years ago she murdered three previous members for nearly trying to assassinate her.
-Princess Shayla and the Wild Force rangers are on good terms with the JF team. Merrick follows RJ around like a lost puppy, Taylor spites Theo for being short, Lily tried to get Danny out of his shell. Max tries to explain modern day concepts to Camille, Alyssa and Dominic do small talk and Cole is given death glares from RJ or Jarrod because Casey has caught eyes for him.
-Casey is Gay, Lily is Bi, Theo is a straight ally, Camille and Jarrod are angry bisexuals, RJ is pan, Fran and Dom are unsure of what they are.
-It is unknown if dinosaurs can become animal spirits but Eric actively seeks out Casey to test this theory.
-Casey's favorite red ranger is TJ.
-The team watches movies each Thursday, Everyone except Lily can't handle watching Final Destination.
-it took some time but Jungle Fury had their crossover with RPM and its safe to say things were chaotic. Dillon and Jarrod pretty much had a staring contest with each other, RJ and Flynn got high for the most part, Scott kept crying tears of joy when Casey took him to see their world since it isn't destroyed, Theo wanted to throw himself out the window from hanging with Ziggy, Summer took Lily shopping and Camille was this close to murdering the twins but actually found herself warming up to them, she even went on a date with Gemma.
-Billy is on thin ice for trying to bring Zordon back and while RJ likes the dude he'd prefer that the giant head wouldn’t butt in on all of their affairs.
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jumpywhumpywriter · 3 months
A Life in the Hands of the Enemy -- Villain reluctantly saves Hero's Life part 11
Warnings: violence, bleeding, near-death experience, captivity whump, cruel Villain whumper
Almost the exact instant she finished her meal he reentered, walking over to unlock the metal cuff on her wrist, which fell to the floor with a heavy clunk.
"Don't try anything stupid," Zack warned as she stood up, rubbing the irritated red skin where the cuff had been resting. He turned and walked out with Amber in tow, and led her to the main room, which had couches and all other modern comforts in it, including the couch he'd saved her life on.
Zack plopped down onto a recliner and picked his feet up to rest on a coffee table in a relaxed manner, legs crossed. "Why don't you have a seat?"
"I think I'll stand," Amber growled.
He shook his head with a chuckle. "As you wish," he said, and pulled out a television remote, pointing it at the huge TV on the wall. It turned on, instantly showing a news report about the new big villain in town. The scene was a disaster, captured by a reporter's camera. Buildings were being destroyed and vandalized by random explosions, citizens screaming and fleeing in panic as debris rained down on them. Barely visibly amidst the dust created by another explosion, was a burly man with eyes and hands that glowed with unnatural energy.
Zack hit the pause button, studying Amber closely. "Is this the New Villain you were facing when you were ambushed?" She hesitated for a long second, before nodding slowly, confirming what he already knew. Zack ran a hand through his hair thoughtfully, mouth tugging down into a frown.
"You don't have to keep me on a collar and leash to get me to fight on your side, you know," Amber suddenly spoke up, snapping his attention to her as she took a step forward. "I want to stop New Villain, and clearly you do too. Perhaps we could form a temporary allian--"
"No," Zack cut her off sharply. "You must think I'm pretty stupid if you think I'll be easily tricked into letting you go. The moment I take that metal band from your neck is the moment you become unpredictable. You could attack me, run back to your friends for safety, who knows what else... That's not a risk I'm willing to take. I'm a genius, remember? You can't outsmart me here, so don't even bother trying." His voice dropped low and dangerous. "I saved your life because I need your power and strength on my side. I am NOT forming an alliance with you. You OWE me your life, and you will pay off that debt by fighting New Villain on my behalf, as a weapon. Are we clear? You are not in control of this situation." He waited a second, silently daring her to keep objecting, but she stayed quiet.
"Smart girl," Zack muttered, and hit a different button on the television remote. "Let's see what your friends are up to now, shall we?" He smirked as he saw Amber stiffen from where she was standing in the corner, becoming alarmed and alert.
The channel on the TV flipped to show a woman with flowing brown hair surrounded by reporters with microphones, all fighting to be heard over each other as they hurled questions at her.
Amber's heart sank. It was her best friend, Jasmin, one of the most talented members of her team. Jasmin had an uncomfortable smile on her face at all the reporters crowding around and invading her space, but she hid that discomfort well as she was battered with questions.
"Do you know where the city's hero is?"
"Will they save us from New Villain?"
"Why hasn't the hero stopped them yet?" Jasmin took a step back from all the microphones being shoved in her face, laughing nervously, before composing herself and flashing a practiced, polished smile at the cameras.
"Our hero... is unaccounted for at this time," she said, obviously struggling to keep her voice from wavering as she tried to break the news in a way that wouldn't bring panic. The reporters all started murmuring anxiously, suddenly stopping with their questions as the message sank in. "I assure you, though, we are doing everything we can to find her, but as of now, we can't rely solely on her abilities to save the day." Amber could see in Jasmin's face that it hurt her to say it, to acknowledge out loud that she was missing, and Amber's heart twisted with sympathy. She wished she could reach through the TV and hug Jasmin, offer some form of comfort to her worried and distraught friend.
"But don't worry, citizens of the city! We have a backup set of heroes already preparing to take on New Villain in the hero's absence." Jasmin tried to calm the anxious crowd gathered before her. Then the TV turned off sharply, and Amber's breath hitched as she turned to Zack.
"Look, I know we don't have the best history, but I NEED you to let me go back and help my friends. They are in WAY over their heads!" Amber tried to keep the desperation out of her voice, retain some form of dignity and composure, but it was hard, knowing there was a ticking clock until her friends would inevitably face New Villain on their own.
⏪️ Back Next ⏩️
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 months
How do the firsts comfort themselves when they're upset?
Sephiroth: When he was younger he would use his mother's locket to self-soothe during the rough times with Hojo and the expectations placed on him in the labs. The locket was his first source of comfort; he would run his thumb over it, imagining her fingers touching the same spot, gaze at her photo, and constantly wear it around his neck. But now the locket is gone, leaving him with only himself. He misses it almost as much as he misses his mother, as it was the closest connection he had to her. When he's upset, his hand instinctively finds his heart, but instead of touching the locket, he feels his own heartbeat, hoping it somehow matches hers.
Genesis: Books had always been Genesis' comfort as a child. He would sneak into his parents' study, perusing the bookshelves, discovering new stories, adventures, and identities to play with without ever leaving the house. He would dream of the cities depicted in the books, imagine himself as the hero, the main character, embarking on grand adventures. Then he discovered Loveless, and never grew tired of it despite reading it countless times. His parents found it peculiar that he read it so obsessively, but to Genesis, each read offered a new perspective, different facets of the story to explore, and a sense of hope he still keeps as an adult. He the verses to himself when he's upset, finding comfort in the reminder that he is part of a larger narrative and that new perspectives are always within reach. Genesis reads it to himself that night he realizes his body would no longer heal, and this time, the reading is transformative and .. strangely enlightening.
Angeal: He carries his self-soothing object on his back, and his friends suspect that’s why he remains so level-headed. The Buster Sword is always within reach, and he takes advantage of it, holding it even when there’s no battle or opponent to face. He holds it in moments of calm, sometimes in prayer, always contemplative. It serves as a constant reminder of the dreams worth fighting for and the honor that must be upheld. Little does Angeal know, years down the line, Zack will come to use the sword for the very same purpose. This fate cannot be changed.
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prismaticpichu · 2 months
Hi, so umm I'm afraid, so is it okay If I ask a question to anyone like you, Zack Fair and Sephiroth? I'm sorry, if I was begging you to write more stories about SephZack, I'm sorry if I was asking too many questions, please forgive me, Can I hug you? If yes then okay, ❤️♥️😕✨🥺.
JUMBO hugs, friendo!!!! 🫂 🫂 And no need to apologize!! ❤️ I’m honored to get asks/questions! It takes a whole lot of courage to reach out! ✨
As for the SephZack stories: heck yeah!! I’m definitely gonna be writing more <333 Those two mean the absolute world to me, and I can’t even express how honored I am that you enjoy these fics too! 💖
Heck!! You’ve just unlocked yourself a rare Pichu slash fic!!! 💙💙💙
ZackSeph: Blanket Hog
Note!! Bc this is a slash fic, Zack is at least 18
“Seppphh..." Zack sleepily murmured, lips curling into an amused grin as he pawed and gripped at the blankets. "You're hoggin' all the covers. Give me..."
"Mmmm?” rumbled his groggy reply, green eyes slipping open against the velvet darkness, the man’s head poking out from the cozy cocoon of white. “...Am I?"
"Yeah, you are..." Zack let out quiet chuckles as he reached out to claim some territory—
—...Only to find the covers obstinately refusing to budge, ivory fingers clutching them with an insistent iron grip.
"Wha? Seph..."
"No..." Sephiroth protested, and Zack could just barely make out the sleepy smirk dancing on his lips. "These are mine."
"Excuse me, this is my bed."
"Not anymore..." Sephiroth stubbornly held on as Zack gave another yank, nestling deeper into the covers. "I've taken control."
"Wha?! You're usurping my blankets?"
"Correct..." Sephiroth mumbled, his eyes falling shut again in sleepy punctuation, leaving Zack with only a thin sliver of blanket-corner to drape over him. "You'll manage."
"Oh, c'mon..." Zack innocently blinked, curling into himself. "I'm freezin' here."
"Hmph. I can't believe you..." The First huffed, lowering his voice to be as betrayed and wounded as possible. "Leaving your best bud out in the cold. It’s so sad."
Sephiroth snuggled even deeper into the sheets, his mischievous smirk deepening in tandem.
"Sephhhh. You big bully..." Zack tugged once more at the blanket, just a bit more forceful.
The warrior let out a yawn, effortlessly keeping the terrain to himself.
He let out a contented, tranquil sigh.
Sephiroth scratched his nose.
"Hmph! You're evil, you know that? Pure evil."
"Oh no..." Sephiroth murmured sarcastically, silver bangs spilling over the pillow, clearly relishing in his engulfment of thick, fluffy cotton.
"I mean it! Evil. Eviiiil.”
"Sepppph. I'm so coooold..."
A few beats of silence passed then.
"Hmm..." Sephiroth broke it after a moment, an emerald eye creaking open in both smugness and amusement. "I suppose you'll just have to come even closer then."
And it was like everything cold ceased to exist in the world.
Playful expression melting into a messy smile, Zack scooted closer to his partner's side, and it was a matter of seconds later that he found himself cocooned in both blanket and a loving embrace. Rhythmic heartbeats drummed against his ear as he nestled against Sephiroth's chest, the study song coupled with the gentle rise and fall of their mingled breath; cozy, intimate, warm... Completely swaddled in the arms of his cherished friend, his heart melted and soul caught aflame with kind, passionate understanding.
"You know..." Zack laughed under his buddy's chin, the warrior having pillowed his head against the fluffy nest of spikes. "If you wanted snuggles, you coulda just asked."
"Mmmnmm..." came another unintelligible response, his eyes having fallen shut, shifting his cheek against the feathery spurs.”
Only the sleepy gibberish was actually more telling than anything Seph could have voiced with words.
"Yeah, I know ya, pal..." Zack murmured into his cherished friend's neck, lips gingerly pressed against the delicate skin. "I know. I know it's a little hard. You don't ever have to say a thing."
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paledarklight · 3 months
do you think beth loved Jimmy and Zack ? i think it’s not because it’s very obvious that hershel choose them for beth and never let her choose the one that she love because he think she can’t love the right person.
So Emily Kinney has answered this but I'll paraphrase, "I think Beth never really felt love until that moment (that she was alone with Daryl) " Beth was with Jimmy because we can assume he was the boy next door, his parents were probably farmers and Beth would have become friends with Jimmy and I'm turn Jimmy's parents and Hers. She probably thought it was expected of her.
But she didn't love him.
Then there's Zac, the same answer, No she didn't love him either , Emily says her character would have gone on to college maybe New York to study music.
Maybe she meets Zac in this universe too but it's not love , he's new and he's the first college boy outside of Jimmy who has shown interest in her but it's not true love, the kind that leaves your heart puttering and your insides throbbing.
Daryl is.
Let's say in this universe she meets him, he's working as a mechanic in New York.
Or she comes home after realizing that New York isn't her scene and she misses the country.
And he's working at the Greene farm as a hand.
They meet.
Same thing happens, they bond they get to know each other they fall in love.
In Georgia they buy a cabin and live out there "read the Bethyl fanfiction my LemonStar "Cornerstone "
Or they get a house in the country of New York, out past all the cities and deep in the woods, shoulder to shoulder with Amish and the such.
In any universe they end up together
So short answer did she love Jimmy or Zac, No she didn't, did she like them yea but Like isn't love .
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