#✦ amber: intro.
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não é nenhuma surpresa ver AMBROSIUS ZAMFIR andando pelas ruas de arcanum, afinal, o VAMPIRO do CLÃ DAS SOMBRAS SILENTES precisa ganhar dinheiro como ARTISTA e RESTAURADOR DE ARTES na GALERIA DOS SUSSURROS. mesmo não tendo me convidado para sua festa de QUINHENTOS E SESSENTA E SETE anos, ainda lhe acho CHARMOSO e GENTIL, mas entendo quem lhe vê apenas como SARCÁSTICO e MELANCÓLICO. vivendo na cidade HÁ MAIS DE UM SÉCULO, AMBER cansa de ouvir que se parece com LOGAN LERMAN.
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ✦ 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐚 ✦ 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐤 ✦ 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
— nascido em uma cidade fronteiriça entre a transilvânia e a região conhecida como valáquia, na romênia, amber foi um órfão que foi acolhido por uma senhora da nobreza. a mulher era conhecida por sua filantropia e por ter tirado uma dezena de órfãos da miséria e de orfanatos. quando cresceu, amber descobriu, da pior maneira possível, diga-se de passagem, que a nobre senhora transformava seus filhos em vampiros e membros de seu clã, expandindo seu poder pessoal e influência em meio à sociedade vamp��rica romena. inicialmente, amber tentou abraçar a vida como vampiro, entretanto, os hábitos e costumes do clã de sua senhora começaram a assustá-lo. conforme o rapaz testemunhava a crueldade e a violência por trás da seita, ele começou a se afastar de seus membros até que, um dia, vendeu as informações que tinha sobre seus companheiros para um clã inimigo, garantindo uma rota de fuga. conhecido como traidor e como pária onde quer que fosse, amber era perseguido pelos remanescentes de seu antigo clã e rejeitado por outros vampiros, que não ousavam confiar em alguém tão traiçoeiro. seu distanciamento da sociedade vampírica fez com que, durante vários anos, ele buscasse refúgio entre caçadores, ajudando-os a matar sua própria espécie. após o que pareceu uma eternidade escondendo-se nas sombras, fugindo e caçando seus semelhantes, o rapaz, por fim, foi atraído para arcanum, onde encontrou, surpreendentemente, um pouco de paz.
poucos conhecem a história de amber, visto que o homem é bastante reservado e tende a falar pouco sobre si mesmo, preferindo focar em seu trabalho na galeria dos sussurros. misterioso e estranhamente gentil, o vampiro vive uma vida pacata em arcanum e tem um interesse baixíssimo em se envolver nas disputas de poder que rodeiam os grupos da cidade.
Nome: Ambrosius "Amber" Zamfir. Apelidos: Amber, Amby. Pronomes: ele/dele. Idade real: Quinhentos e Sessenta e Sete anos.
Local de Nascimento: Transilvânia, Romênia. Data de Nascimento: 27. 10. 1457 Família: Lisa Zamfir (mãe de consideração). Ocupação: Artista e restaurador de artes na Galeria dos Sussurros.
Espécie: Vampiro. Afiliação: Clã das Sombras Silentes. Signo: Escorpião. Alinhamento Moral: Caótico Bom. Qualidades: Charmoso, gentil, reservado, cavalheiro, sensível, protetor, tenaz. Defeitos: Sarcástico, teimoso, vingativo, desconfiado, melancólico, rebelde, manipulador. Gosta: História, pintar, desenhar, esgrima, mitologia, silêncio, música, tocar violino, caminhadas ao ar livre, moda clássica, arquitetura gótica, contos de cavaleiros medievais, escultura, seu sotaque, animais, cheiro de chocolate, humanos. Não gosta: A forma como alguns vampiros veem humanos como inferiores, crueldade, hipocrisia, soberba, ser subestimado, sapatos pontudos, roupas desconfortáveis, bebidas alcoólicas, violência desnecessária.
Quem vê Amber — um charmoso e elegante cavalheiro moderno — andando pelas ruas de Arcanum não imagina o amargurado coração que ele carrega ou os segredos que ele esconde por trás de seus pequenos sorrisos e gestos de gentileza. Diga-se de passagem, há quem diga que os olhos frios e todo o tom distante e misterioso é a cereja do bolo, o molho, o “je ne sais quoi” da aura que o rapaz emite e, consequentemente, o que o torna mais interessante e atraente. Um verdadeiro pesadelo para alguém que só deseja ser deixado em paz. Mas eu estou me adiantando, vamos voltar alguns anos — ou melhor, alguns séculos — para entender melhor a história desse garoto, quando Amber era apenas um bebezinho humano e inocente.
Em 1457 a visão de crianças órfãs e miseráveis andando nas ruas era comum, Ambrosius teria sido uma delas se não tivesse sido abandonado com apenas alguns dias de nascido nas portas de um convento em uma cidadezinha fronteiriça entre a Transilvânia e a Valáquia, na Romênia. O menino foi acolhido pelas freiras e, por um tempo, viveu no orfanato religioso da região, recebendo cuidados muito particulares de uma freira chamada Lisa, que foi o mais próximo que o garoto chegou a ter de uma figura materna.
Quando Amber tinha por volta de seus 10 anos, foi adotado por uma senhora da nobreza, conhecida localmente por sua abundante generosidade e por ser uma filantropa. A senhora era conhecida como Carmine e tinha retirado diversos órfãos das ruas e dos orfanatos, levando-os para receberem a melhor educação em seu castelo. A mulher tinha o histórico de ter tentado gerar seus próprios herdeiros antes, entretanto, suas gravidezes terminaram precocemente, com abortos espontâneos ou com o nascimento de natimortos. Para completar, todos os seus maridos anteriores haviam encontrado a morte cedo, seja lutando na guerra ou nas mãos de uma doença vil. Carmine era vista pela população como uma mulher sofrida, que adotava crianças com o objetivo de preencher o vazio em seu peito provocado pelas inúmeras perdas que sofrera ao longo da vida, apesar disso, era uma guerreira e um verdadeiro exemplo tanto para outros nobres quanto para os camponeses que ali viviam.
Durante muitos anos, Ambrosius pensou ser o garoto mais sortudo do mundo, vivendo com luxo e sendo acompanhado pelos melhores tutores que, ainda cedo, identificaram a habilidade do rapaz para pintura. Entretanto, quando tinha tempo entre as lições, ele corria para o convento para visitar seus antigos amigos e a freira Lisa, que continuava presente em sua vida, buscando ensinar-lhe lições sobre a vida que seus professores não costumavam cobrir. É seguro dizer que o menino desenvolveu um senso de justiça e moral muito particulares, além de ter ficado conhecido por sua natureza dócil onde quer que fosse. Infelizmente, esse seu comportamento foi uma das coisas que o fez ficar distante do olhar de Carmine, a qual todas as crianças queriam agradar e chamar atenção, por bastante tempo. Tal fato fez com que Amber se esforçasse ainda mais em seus estudos, desejando ser convidado para assumir um lugar de importância ao lado de Carmine assim como seus irmãos e irmãs mais velhos. Era um anseio natural, uma vez que sentia que tinha uma dívida eterna de gratidão com aquela mulher, assim, ele cresceu para tornar-se um artista respeitado e um cavalheiro distinto.
A reputação que Ambrosius construiu para si começou a chamar a atenção de Carmine, que afeiçoou-se de seus charmes e talentos até que, finalmente, ele se tornou um de seus favoritos. A senhora o convidou para fazer parte de seu círculo pessoal comemorando com um enorme baile, a fim de festejar, também, o aniversário do rapaz, que estava próximo. Amber não se lembra de boa parte da celebração, na verdade, ele só sabe que sua transição ocorreu durante a festa porque acordou morto de sede, cego pela necessidade de beber sangue fresco. Somente depois de saciar a fome implacável ele recobrou os sentidos e a agência sobre o próprio corpo.
tw: sangue, gore, menção a tortura e abuso.
Carmine o recebeu com satisfação efusiva, assim como seus irmãos e irmãs que o parabenizaram por completar sua transformação com louvor. Só então, Amber se deu conta da vítima que havia feito, o primeiro humano de quem havia se alimentado: Lisa. A visão do cadáver da mulher, completamente ensanguentado e com a garganta totalmente destruída, revirou seu estômago. A única coisa que o fez segurar a ânsia de vômito foi o conhecimento de que ficaria com fome novamente e, provavelmente, faria outra vítima inocente.
A partir daí, Amber virou oficialmente membro do clã de Carmine, tomando conhecimento de todos os seus movimentos dentro de seu território. Logo, ele descobriu que os órfãos adotados compulsivamente por Carmine sempre tinham dois destinos: se ela gostasse deles, tornavam-se novas crias, se ela não gostasse, tornavam-se comida. Pensando em retrospecto, ele tinha sido sortudo por ter sobrevivido tanto tempo, visto que a maioria de seus irmãos e irmãs tinham sido transformados com bem menos idade do que ele.
De princípio, o rapaz tentou aceitar sua condição, convencer-se de que, agora, forte e poderoso, podia fazer o que quisesse. Esse pensamento, no entanto, sempre trazia à tona a imagem de Lisa estatelada no chão, morta. Se era isso que significava ter poder, ele não o queria. Suas dúvidas apenas cresciam com o passar dos anos, conforme presenciava a crueldade e violência com que o clã tratava os humanos, vistos como seres inferiores e como gado. Muitos dos membros da seita tinham humanos de "estimação", de quem se alimentavam com frequência, mas devagar, para não morrerem logo, ou os usavam como objeto de entretenimento, torturando-os das mais diferentes formas.
fim do tw.
Por fim, Amber não aguentou mais viver contrariando seus princípios e, um dia, foi ao encontro de um clã inimigo, para quem vendeu informações sobre Carmine em troca de passagem segura para outro país. O rapaz, então, fugiu, dando início a um interminável jogo de gato e rato, no qual ele era presa tanto de seus antigos companheiros de clã quanto de outros vampiros que não o consideravam confiável. Ele adotou o sobrenome de Lisa, em sua homenagem e como uma forma de pedir perdão à mulher. O nome dela também serviria como um constante lembrete da humanidade que havia perdido.
Em sua jornada, Amber vivia nas sombras, durante o dia, se escondia e se lamentava, odiando com todas as forças a própria existência e sua incapacidade de acabar com ela. Durante a noite, alimentava-se do sangue de animais e seguia viagem, tentando encontrar um novo propósito ou um lugar em que conseguisse recomeçar sua vida. Foi difícil encontrar aliados, visto que ninguém no mundo sobrenatural tinha muitos motivos para confiar em um vampiro que traiu a própria espécie, entretanto, o inimigo comum o uniu com uma família de humanos caçadores. Embora inicialmente houvesse desconfiança e hesitação de ambas as partes, as duas chegaram a um acordo pautado na máxima: "O inimigo do meu inimigo é meu amigo". Assim, Ambrosius passou a ajudar os caçadores a caçar outros vampiros em troca de segurança, tornando-se, pela primeira vez, o predador naquele jogo interminável.
Por interferência do destino ou por influência de alguma criatura interessada, Amber acabou sendo atraído para Arcanum, onde, por fim, encontrou a paz. A comunidade de vampiros da cidade não tinha conhecimento sobre seu passado e, se algum deles tinha, não podia fazer muita coisa devido as regras do Arcanjo Miguel. Ambrosius podia finalmente parar de lutar, de correr e de olhar para trás. Não que isso tenha o tornado menos paranoico, mas depois de mais de um século de tranquilidade, ele finalmente parecia estar fazendo as pazes com seu lado vampiro. O rapaz sabe que, no fundo, ele ainda é um monstro, uma besta que anseia por sangue e por violência com uma contagem de mortes absurda, mas isso não significa que isso é tudo o que ele precisa ser.
Amber anda pelas ruas de Arcanum vestindo roupas antiquadas, como se tivesse parado no tempo, e distribuindo gestos de gentileza e boa vontade a quem quiser recebê-los de um vampiro. Dito isso, ele também valoriza muito sua privacidade e sua quietude, não tendo conseguido ainda abandonar seu hábito de isolamento, desenvolvido por... Bem, é possível dizer que foi por necessidade, já que envolvia sua sobrevivência. Na maior parte do tempo, o rapaz prefere a solidão e a companhia das artes da Galeria dos Sussurros, perambulando pelos corredores do museu como um fantasma. Misterioso e estranhamente gentil, o vampiro vive uma vida pacata em Arcanum e tem um interesse baixíssimo em se envolver nas disputas de poder que rodeiam os grupos da cidade, embora haja um quantidade seleta de pessoas que estão sob sua proteção. O curso de suas atitudes, caso algo aconteça com elas, ainda é incerto, mas, considerando o histórico do rapaz, provavelmente não vai acabar em final feliz.
#vltintro#✦ amber: intro.#✦ amber: edits.#oi oi! ainda to chamando pelo chat quem reagiu ao post no ooc pois sou lentinho#quem mais tiver interesse em plotar com o rapaz é só interagir com esse post que eu ja aproveito pra mandar mensagem tb
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Intro Post!! For real this time!
(I’ve decided to use lots of blinkies. Tw eyestrain probably)
My name is Sam!
Just ask for pronouns! (Follow my side-blog @duck-yuri-only )
I like the color purple a lot.
im 13, I love cats and I like to make friends! Feel free to send asks and dms! I will gladly talk with you!
I am a therian! My theriotypes are Eurasian Lynx, golden retriever, cladotheian cat, snowy owl, arctic wolf, and vampire bat! (Couldn’t find blinkies for my other theriotypes :(
im a Christian despite my being queer. feel free to ask me about that!
smilining friends, ride the cyclone, sk8 the infinity, Bungo stray dogs, blue lock, and other stuff just ask me!
I have an oc named Amber, to see stuff about them, look in the #Amber stories! Tag! I have an OC named Cellian! To learn about them, go to the #Cellian stuff tag! I have an OC named Q, to learn abt them, look at #Q LORE! tag. I have an OC named Lyle, to learn abt them, look at #Lyle slays tag I have on OC named lane, to learn about them, look at #lane oc tag
@gelnanapass @four-leafed-queer-gal @belovedrat
@be-gay-do-several-crimes @vera-deville
@the-cheese-slut @musical-dash-trash @airpandabear
@felixthetherian @ali-510 @thatgaynewsies @eylexi
@g0dwat3r @gallonwghost @weird-dork37
@ferocioustrout @machathecat @hotelcaliforniaenbydancer
@nobody-important-fuck-life @celestialudenburn7
@raeprise @nen-a @gaygoose09 @puresin10101
@randompolykin @merlatealeaf72 @moonlitscales
@punkishtoxtricity @fleepadeep @unstableunicornsofasgard
@quintesstially1 @rainbownerd12345 @mun-urufu
@daggerhobbit @star-dust-shark @thecrazyalchemist
@aesthetic-writer18 @catgadalka @tomkittycat @lemon16
@sashathegirliepop @peachpitssss
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white boy of the month
#ts4#sims 4#ts4 cas#there was a tweet that said something about white boys#that don't seal their nail polish and the chipped paint gives you bv when they finger you#that was my inspiration for him 🫵🏽#loser hipster wannabe#but he's also a kpop stan#this was gonna stay in the drafts until i took better screenshots and made a proper intro post#but i thought this was funnier#he’s still a wip so i will eventually make a proper post… eventually��…#i’m gonna send him to amber @squea for corn#enemy style but it’s like oiughh you’re so annoying i wanna kiss you so bad type deal#*fizzysims
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Star's Intro
basic info: ꧂
what is this blog about?: Sofia the First!
who is the curator of this blog?: Star! please use the pronouns they/them for right now.
what will I be posting?: fan art, fanfic (one shots), OCs, and a bunch of other stuff!
do you have any other blogs?: yes! I have a ROTBTD blog called: rotbtd-and-cra9
💜 ~ 🐰
facts related to stf: ꧂
- my favorite characters are amber, clio, and hugo! Cedric and Clover are a close second though!
- my favorite episodes (so far) are:
1. Lord of the Rink
2. Tri-Kingdom Picnic
3. Sidekick Clio
4. Cool Hand Fluke
5. Finding Clover
- my favorite songs are (not in order! and I love more than the following):
1. Wings of a Dream
2. Take a Leap
3. Hoppin' Out with You
4. Bring my Best Friend Back
5. Moment to Shine
6. Goldenwing Circus
etc, etc...
- I adored sofia the first as a kid, so that is why I'm rewatching it!
-I enjoy other cartoons too, but this blog is strictly stf related :]
- I haven't gotten into shipping yet, but I'm certain I will soon! the only ship I am familiar with (that is normal-) is sofia x hugo,, sooooo-
💜 ~ 🐰
boundaries: ꧂
- cedfia shippers dni, or any other pr0shippers
- this is a place for everyone to enjoy, so please do not spread hate or profanity
- I am a minor, so please do not interact with me in any explicit manners.
- please just have fun! in the ask me anything, keep it PG 13!
💜 ~ 🐰
#intro post#sofia the first#sofia the fandom#princess sofia#cedric the great#princess amber#princess clio#prince hugo#clover the rabbit#Spotify
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *. intro post !!! .* :☆゚. ───
hi! i’m tou (2)!
about me!
20 / aroace / scotland
heartstopper, young royals, heartbreak high, good omens, spider-verse, agatha all along
rachel amber, aled last, michael holden, tori spring, wille (yr), miles morales, jake peralta
radio silence, solitaire, dear wendy, loveless, heartstopper series, one last stop
wasia project, hozier, katseye, le sserafim, troye sivan, baby queen, one direction
currently reading:
last night at the telegraph club — malinda lo
radio silence (reread) — alice oseman
#intro post#osemanverse#alice oseman#heartstopper#radio silence#aled last#aromantic#hstv#aroace#asexual#solitaire#b99#the good place#loveless#dear wendy#rachel amber#michael holden#good omens#agatha all along#wasia project#hozier#etc. etc#lgbtq#queer
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That poll was pretty helpful actually, I didn't realize that a major thing a lot of people are looking for is for the Clans to be roughly equal in population. I guess that just didn't cross my mind??
Keeping that nugget close now, though... I'll try to make sure BB!WindClan is roughly equal to BB!ThunderClan.
#I am also realizing that if I ever did make an allegiance list...#Maybe it would be helpful to include two 'words' of personality for each character#Traits or something#The gears are turning#Like how I can summarize Poppyfrost as Curious and Avoidant in two words#Lionblaze is Proud and Protective#Bramblestar is Fragile and Headstrong#Like that. Just to BANG right away get a brief intro to personality#It seems just as important as Brown Tabby Amber Eyes... more so even#wind wibble#bone babble
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fun fact: patricia is the only character in the show who remains firmly in her character role (tritagonist) across all three seasons. everyone else flip-flops.
#lowkey you can kinda argue in s2 she’s less important than amber or jerome#but she’s still billed 3rd in the intro before they went to alphabetical#so i’m calling it#house of anubis#patricia williamson
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wanna be that girl
#she's just that girl who tries like way too damn hard!#rachel amber#into the wild this goes. inflicting my rachel songs upon ye#this one's at the very top of the playlist it's just such a good intro lol#nova scribbles
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I am
so tired
i woke up at midnight and couldnt fall back to sleep. i was on and off sleeping
FINALLY i felt like i was entering proper sleep
and my goddamn alarm goes off at 4:45
im so tired but i still gotta go to work 😫
#i might skip asl class tomorrow morning so i can sleep in#and if not sleep in. at least relax before getting up#and also not attempt to sign cause i otherwise will fail#im thinking skip asl. leave house at like 8 or 9 and hang out in the library and catch up on work#cause i have asl hw i can catch up on#as well as other classwork#like a project for a gen ed. or manuscript responses for fiction#or even get ahead. read the poems and close read for intro to lit. read the manuscripts this week#just...#no actual signing for me lol#watch im gonna be so slow at work today#amber's shit you can ignore
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tag dump!
#✦ amber: chats.#✦ amber: starters.#✦ amber: gallery.#✦ amber: musings.#✦ amber: aesthetics.#✦ amber: edits.#✦ amber: development.#✦ amber: povs.#✦ amber: paras.#✦ amber: quotes.#✦ amber: playlist.#✦ amber: event.#✦ amber: intro.#✦ amber: connections.
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hi! My name is SAM It/its/he/his (not him- him feels weird)
@sams-art-domain is my art acc, more organized too.
I am a Christian, gender-fluid but idk
DNI: all the basic stuff, just be nice and you’ll fit in great here.
I(think) I have ADHD I am self-diagnosed
I do vent on this account, I will always add trigger warnings before, if it is triggering, please do not read them!! Thank you!
if I used something you made, and you want credit or want me to remove it, please tell me and I will!!!
Bungo stray dogs, sk8 the infinity, ride the cyclone, sweet tooth, Smiling Friends, murder drones, Toilet bound hanako-kun, and probably more they rotate in my brain like a rotisserie chiken.
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Main account is @zionanelequaso; check intro there!
I’ll just block you if you make me uncomfortable blehhhh
magic anons are allowed, any anons are encouraged honestly!!!
character info below cut
SPIKE: He/Him. ADHD, 6’0, 17 years old. Cis Straight Ally, in a relationship with @zio-octopulous. Baldi Replacement.
JUNIOR: He/They. Autism, wears glasses sometimes (theyre for reading), 4’11, 11-12 years old, Demiboy. Straight Ally. Playtime Replacement.
AMBER: It/She/Xe. 5’10 1/2, Transfeminine + Genderfluid, Autism, C-PTSD, Depression, Social Anxiety, slight OCD. Omniromantic Lesbian. Principal Replacement. Polyamorous, doesn’t know that.
GOTHFRAIDTH: She/Xe/Cat/Nya/It, 16, 5’9, Schizophrenia, mild anorexia, Panromantic Bisexual Demigirl. Mild PTSD, ADHD. First Prize Replacement. Polyamorous, does not know that.
CYB: They/He/It, 6’0, ADHD, Depression, They/He/It, Heterosexual Biromantic Demiboy. 16 mentally since he’s a robot. Bully Replacement. Polyamorous, does not know that.
BAD TO THE HANDLE: Bad To The Handle. broom that does NOT wanna be called a broom. he’s a guitar now babes <3
COLORZ: 12’3 with zigzag neck, 12’6 with neck stretched out, She/It, Autism, Severe Social Anxiety, HATES HATES HATES being stared at, HA-BD, which is a made up disease..find out what it is later :) [through asks], PTSD. Arts N Crafters Replacement. Questioning, probably Pansexual.
EVELIN: 9 years old, had to grow up really fast but we stay silly! Do not ask why she sells rocket launchers and has ties with the government. She/Her, Cis Straight Ally. BSoda Machine Replacement. (The bsoda is rocket launcher)
ASSISTANCE: any pronouns. horrific and sad backstory. physically says the Z typing quirk…wah!! mentally 6 years old. has absolutely no idea about who they like. very niceys. Phone Replacement (the thing that plays the tape to distract baldi)
there is a filename2…it’ll come up later :)
#INTRO POST#SERS#zio’s ooc hell#Spike’s Epic Rocker School#not an ask#asks for spike#asks for junior#asks for amber#asks for gothfraidth#asks for cyb#asks for btth#asks for evelin#asks for assistance#bbau#baldi mod#baldi’s basics#bbieal#bbieal mod#lgbtq friendly#neopronoun friendly#system friendly#Baldi’s basics mod
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So we have a title for Chapter 1 of EG and it’s Beneath a Veil of Hypocrisy.
I’ve been thinking it since we met Cassidy, but I think the hypocrisy may be about her.
Now, I’m not saying she’ll die or be the killer. I’m not confident enough to put money on either of those yet. (Though if they do kill her off in the first chapter what a move. Most people already like Cassidy. She’s very easy to like, especially because of her VA.)
But I was wondering if the game was going to touch on her possible hypocrisy in regards to her views of billionaires and those with a lot of money. I mean, among the cast she’s one of the few that has a direct ideological beef with another student from the jump and we haven’t even seen them interact directly yet.
After all, Cassidy (possibly if my theory has any legs) hides herself behind the facade of communism. Redistributing her (well earned, she says) wealth, the hat which brings to mind those worn in Russia (you know, the Red Scare back in the 40s/50s), the fact that her community is called Cassidy’s Comrades. Again, really leaning hard into these inferences. All this puts her in conflict with Wenona, the capitalist or “bourgeoisie scum” as Cassidy so eloquently puts it.
But when I saw the title for Chapter 1 in the dev log… Cassidy came to mind. She does admit that a lot of the money she earns she does keep and splurges on things like a truck load of chocolate soda. Which seems a bit excessive. It’s her money, obviously she can do whatever she wants but ….
I don’t know how to articulate it properly, but - I think I even mentioned it in my initial character reactions - something about Cassidy has never sat right with me. Could be nothing but I’m putting this out into the universe just in case.
#spoilers#project eden’s garden#eden’s garden#Cassidy Amber#wenona#she’s briefly mentioned so might as well#also when all the students faces flash in the intro#like it did back in THH after Leon died#Cassidy’s face seems extra angry#could be nothing#we shall see
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Amber Brunswick
Tremere antitribu - 9th Gen - Motherly Regent
The recently appointed Regent of Indianapolis, after the majority of her Clan defected from the Camarilla almost 20 years ago. Her loyalty to the Sect is so strong that she left her own husband and childe to stay true to her beliefs. Despite this unwavering loyalty, she is still one of the suspects for the murder of the city's Prince 5 years ago. All she can do is try to protect her Chantry while proving her innocence.
Of course, she is not entirely innocent. She hides a secret that puts her in danger and cannot save her from suspicion as the Prince's murderer. Not to mention her husband/sire is still trying to make her leave the Camarilla and come back to his side.
* NOTE. Our game uses a homebrew timeline rather than the V5 metaplot.
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Hello! Mein name is Amber, an assistant to the Medic on the BLU team. I am aware of mein appearance. This blog is an ask/rp sort of blog, plus with art and memes, etc.
Roleplay is fine as long it isn't NSFW
2. Respect others and my boundaries, we don't want anyone to be uncomfortable
3. Kinda iffy with ships so try not to force it onto anyone including me
4. Don't overwhelm me with asks, I'll get to you, once I get to you
5. Uh- I ran out ideas, just don't be too weird to the point of making everyone uncomfy
M!as are allowed, asks as well, and fanart of Amber is very much appreciated!
#Shark bite - talking
#Medical work - roleplay
#Amber reblogs - reblogs
#Ooc bs - out of character
Amber's personality:
A little insane
Can be caring
Amber is a living being made from mercenary body parts and nurse shark parts
She has medic's and heavy's dna, well part of it
Amber has the strength from Heavy and the smarts from Medic
Her tail is capable of turning into a sharp blade if she spins fast enough
Well, zats about it, I will probably update this later, but first time having another blog so yeah.
#Ooc bs: Here is her appearance. Oh yeah she has a ref too if you like to draw her.
Update: Here is hooman Amber. It'll make more sense once the story progresses ^^
#tf2#Amber the nurse shark#Ooc bs#Amber reblogs#tf2 medic oc#blog intro#mentally xyz mercs#First time doing this lmao#Shark bite#Medical work#tf2 medic
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Amber Wayne
Full Name: Amber Wayne-Kyle
Nickname(s): Gem (Selina), Bams. Ambs, Finch
Age: 16
Sexual Orientation: Panromantic Asexual
Skin Tone: Fair
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Hairstyle: Double braids
Makeup: Various eye makeup based on outfit and artistic expression
Build: Strong and flexible
Height: 5' 5"
Style: Black jackets and jeans, shades of browns (and the occasional amber orange) in sweaters and shirts and spiky punkish jewelry, but not a lot of it
General Personality Traits: Spunky, Independent, Outspoken
Strengths: Versatile, Unflinching, Intelligent
Flaws: Irresponsible, Trouble maker, Short-tempered
Habits and Mannerisms: Runs hand through her hair; Taps finger on her chin when she thinks; Drums her nails on tables; She often calls certain male family members by their code names. She calls Bruce "The Bat" and when referring to all four brothers of hers that share the common mantel, she calls them "the birds." She thinks its funny
Secrets: She occasionally follows in her mother's footsteps but more like a robinhood, taking from criminals and gangsters and giving back to those it was stolen from. Don't tell the Bat about this!; She also keeps her love life on the down low from Bruce, her siblings are better at figuring it out though
Regrets: When she was younger and Bruce didn't know about her, she joined her mother in her nightly activities. She sort of regrets some of those jobs now. She loves her Mom but she sides more with her father in regards to morality, rebellious personality or no.
Skills/Talents: Stealth, pick-pocketing, Observation from various distances (ie very good at casing places and people), Fiction writing, Photography and Make-up art
Likes: Monster movies, playing pranks, the arts
Dislikes: Inactivity, too much repetition, hats
Sense of Humor: Witty and snarky
Guilty Pleasure: Cookie dough
Defining Moments: Greeting her own hero alter-ego, Finch
Friends: She's got a small group of rascals she runs with at school
Family: Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne, Duke Thomas
Enemies: The Rogues Gallery. (Very specifically the Mad Hatter thanks to a rather unfortunate run in with the villain she would rather not think about.)
Lovers: TBD
Relationship Status: TBD
Reputation: Amber is many things, an annoyance to some, a source of entertainment for others. In public, non family or vigilante settings, she is a quick witted, intelligent girl who thrives on causing small amounts of trouble. This does not make her many friends in school administration but she does have a small group of rascals there that she hangs out with. She doesn't ever cause any serious harm, small class-clown like pranks and disruptions are the furthest she goes. Most teachers, though, appreciate her intelligence. She is always one of the top in her class, with parents like hers (not that the public knows about half of her parentage) you would almost have to be. Amber does her best to do the right thing too, she can have her fun but that doesn't mean she can't also do a little good around the community (vigilante or otherwise) as well.
Current Residence: Gotham
Collections: She did keep a few of the small things her mother stole for her as gifts, she snuck anything big back where it came from but, in the end, she is Catwoman's daughter, one or two small things couldn't hurt
Accent: American
Voice: Spunky but smooth
Signature Quote: "Why not? What's the worst that could happen?"
Song: Wings - Little Mix
Amber is aware that she was probably an accident. She's always been very smart, even when she was younger and living with her mother. She knew who both of her parents were and she knew how more often than not they were on opposite sides.
Selina, however, loved her daughter and was more than happy to teach her the tools of her particular trade. Things continued this way until things got a little hairy. Selina had to get out of Gotham for a while and there was only one place for her to go.
Being one of the youngest of the Wayne brood, pretty much all of the children were in the manor save Damian when Amber was dropped off. To say that that first day was a little awkward would be an understatement. Alfred had suggested a one on one meeting between the girl and her father which was fairly awkward in its own right. There was no mistaking that she was his daughter though. Every chance she got to prove it, she did, not that she really knew it at the time. She was raised by Catwoman, yes, but there was a fair bit of justice seeking Batman in there too.
Living in the manor was a bit of an adjustment. Amber had only ever lived on her own with her mom. She was used to seeing only one other person, used to things being quiet, small rooms. Wayne Manor was the opposite of that in nearly every way.
Amber, despite her personality, was a bit reserved at the beginning, trying to figure things out for herself, not even really knowing who she was outside of what she and her mother did. So, she did what she had been taught to do. She snuck around, taking things in from various angles. Out of all the children that had ever found themselves living in the manor, Amber found the Batcave the quickest. And Bruce couldn't find it in him to be anything other than impressed and a little proud. That wasn't just the mark of a thief, it was the mark of a detective.
Things begin to look up slowly from there. Amber wasn't as solitary after that and she opened up to her siblings more, started seeing them as such.
Things didn't really pick up through until one fateful night. Everyone in the manor was gone except for Alfred. It had been about an hour or two after everyone had left for their nightly escapades. Amber had crawled out the window to her room and was sitting on the roof, watching over the city, looking up at the Bat Signal shining into the foggy night sky. The idea hit her like a bolt of lightning.
She was quiet, grabbing some money she had been given and a few tools she had and snuck back out of the house. She was careful, avoiding any danger zones that night (Gotham may be infested with crime but for goodness sakes there can't be a criminal on every corner. Most of them, sure, but not all of them) and found a small craft store. She snuck in, taking the items she needed, dropping the necessary money on the counter with a note (not signed) and left. Once she was home, she started working on a suit of her own. The next time The Bat went out, there was a little black and brown clothed vigilante following after him from a distance.
There was an argument that the rest of the finally was present for after that patrol, how could she be so reckless? Anything could have happened to her, you get the gist. However, Amber never wavered. She wanted to be another force of good in this city, like her Dad, and if he wanted to stop her, then he had another thing coming. That was the first time Amber had ever called him that and as mad as Bruce wanted to stay, he couldn't argue with her. All her siblings got to do it, why shouldn't she? There were modifications to make, a real armored suit to work on but alright, she'd passed the Batfamily initiation.
That was the moment where Amber really felt a part of the family, and isn't that just fitting?
Selina still calls on her, checking to see how her daughter is doing, along with an occasionally attempt to get her to help on some jobs. Amber only occasionally agrees to this.
#amber wayne kyle#amber wayne#amber kyle#oc: finch#batfamily oc#batman oc#gotham oc#batsis oc#dc oc#batfam oc#batfam x reader#batsis!reader#my oc stuff#oc intro#oc bio
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