#✞║general / philip.
herasoufleeart · 1 month
Inspired from this tweet.
"But seriously, what will F rank be? [Shadow]’s already disappointed looking at me, will F just lash to the camera? 💀"
"Shadow at F rank :"
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Finally, I have a reason to draw my favourite characters together. Poor (F)rank. 💚💀
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dankbydeadlight · 26 days
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pwease feaw him 🥺🥺🥺
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rulersre4chf4n · 1 year
My personal biggest pet peeve regarding analyses of Belos (obviously aside from “he’s just evil and analyzing him at all means you support his actions” and “he deserves redemption actually”) is that so many people take his hatred of witches completely at face value--as simply being the result of his indoctrination into witch-hunting as a child in Gravesfield, that these are just the beliefs he was raised with and that he never grew to see past his prejudice like Caleb did. But that is such an oversimplification of his character, and it also ignores what is in my opinion the main driving force behind all of his actions: Caleb himself.
Belos doesn’t think all witches are evil because he was raised to be a witch-hunter. He HAS to keep himself convinced that they are, because if the witches are not evil, then he has two realities to face: 
Caleb left him of his own free will, not because he was under a spell or led astray by the devil.
Belos murdered his own brother, the only person he ever loved, for nothing.
And these CANNOT be true.
Belos’s need to be the hero who saves humanity from witches is not the reason he killed his brother, it’s the result of it.
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lovebeatriceplz · 1 month
“What’s your greatest fear?”
“I’m scared of bears” “I’m afraid of bees” “I’m afraid of roaches”
I’m afraid of Philip Graves’s Spanish. It makes me so uncomfortable and I’m not even fluent, it’s the most southern American thing I’ve ever witnessed. He calls the word “Mexicano” like a slur
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anglerflsh · 2 years
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Do you think Philip would have dreaded living long enough that the time he spent with his brother alive became less than the time he spent without? Because I do
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shadonut · 1 year
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Philip lore.
Tiddy under cut:
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Philip was not skinny propaganda. He's in his Santa Claus era let him have soft.
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shadow0-1 · 11 months
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Stabbed in the back
→ Modern Warfare III
⚠ keep it PG ⚠
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8-rae-rae-8 · 6 months
This is janitor AI. I learned about the bot from a commenter on a fic and how they used the bot
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PLEASE REPORT (do not harass or message them, they are a child posting it unfortunately)
(Left is their bot. Right is my fics tags & author (me))
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tianalaurence1 · 4 months
Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip with their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren
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octopiys · 2 years
I'm back with more incorrect CoD quotes
Roach: Ghost is playing hard to get.
Roach: Little does he know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Soap: Ghost! I thought you were dead!
Ghost: No, just in deep cover.
Soap: ...But it was an open casket.
Ghost: ....It was very deep.
Ghost: Price, what are you doing?
Price: Making chocolate pudding.
Ghost: It's four in the morning, why are you making chocolate pudding?
Price: Because I've lost control of my life.
Price: Here's your pudding, Soap.
Soap: Oh that's okay, I'm not hungry anymore.
König: We've got to find a way to cut down our expenses. What can we live without?
Roach: Gaz, probably.
Laswell: Would anyone know any good vendors for professional-quality brass knuckles?
Price: I know you’re serious, but you say the scariest shit sometimes.
Rodolfo: I just ended a five year relationship.
Gaz: Oh no, are you okay? I'm here to support you-
Rodolfo, glancing at Alejandro and Valeria: don't worry, it wasn't mine.
Soap: Why are you like this??
Ghost: I used too much "No More Tears" shampoo as a kid and I haven't felt a single emotion since.
Shadow: Do you have a self-care routine?
Graves: "Keep going bitch" said to myself in different accents.
Rodolfo: your Spanish sucks!
Nikolai: There. How do I look?
Price: Like a cheap French harlot.
Nikolai: French?!
Graves: *talking about Shepherd’s funeral* You do know we’re burying a great person today!
Laswell, shocked: Did someone else die?
Laswell: Oh shit
Laswell: Price!
Price: stop pretending I'm dying!
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icarustypicalfall · 1 year
"your men have been.."
*lip smack*
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crystlizabeth · 1 year
Cowboy Casanova
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Phillip Graves x Black!Shepherd!femreader
Warnings: age gap(reader is 23 Graves is 32), teasing, suggestive, cursing. Smut. Car sex bc graves and car sex itches my brain just right. Slight angst ig at the end. As always not proofread💆🏾‍♀️
Summary: going to the rodeo with your family, but your dad decides to bring some of his coworkers, little dose he know your dating the ‘Shadow’ as your dad calls him. It gonna be one hell of a night.
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“Oh I forgot to tell you..” Your father spoke taking a drink from his beer. “I invited a friend, Graves.” He finished. Your eyes widen at the mention, your father had unintentionally invited your boyfriend. It wouldn’t be such a problem if one your relationship with graves was not something your father would be fond of and two he wasn’t almost 10 years older than you.
You shared a look with your older sister her already looking at you, she knew. She’s known but this she wanted to laugh at how scared you looked. “It’s been awhile since I’ve seen him, he still workin’ in the air?” Your brother asked.
You finished your beer off removing yourself from the conversation they started grabbing your sister by the hand taking her back into the beer garden with you. Finally getting away from your family you looked at your sister “Im gonna actually off myself, Nessa WHY IS THIS HAPPENING.” You groaned your hands running down your face.
She laughed no that bitch fucking howled “This is fuckin amazing. Holy shit.” She slapped her hand landing on your shoulder.
“Daddy invited, yo lil boyfriend!”
“I hate you.”
“Yeah but at least you’re finna get laid tonight.” She continued laughing.
You internally scream as you paid for your beer, the two of you returning to your family through the crowd of people. Upon returning there the cowboy stood conversatating with your parents. His eye found your after hearing your mother call your name “You remember Phillip right?” You mother asked.
You nodded “Mmhm I remember him.” Smiling at him as he returned a smile, god.. He looked good in a cowboy hat, his shirt tucked into his dark wrangler’s a silver buckle and his square toed boots.. mmm you would mind taking him here but unfortunately your parentals were present.
“Babygirl how bout you show Philip to the beer garden, we’ll meet y’all at our seats yeah?” Your father spoke handing you two tickets. You gave your father a look, “your sister can go with yall if you’re shy babygirl.” He teased.
You rolled your eyes “common cowboy.” You said turning around. Phillip gladly following behind you after being for sure out of sight Graves came up behind you his and resting his hand on your hip his thumb going through your belt loop.
“Whats wrong doll.” He teased placing a soft kiss on your neck.
“Umm just that my Father invited my boyfriend who is seriously of limits to me in his perspective.” You spoke you hand holding his wrist.
“Scared we’ll get caught pretty girl. Common, ‘otta have s’more faith in me.” He said making you both stop facing eachother his calloused hands resting above your low rises on the bare skin, his face leaning in close a greedy smirk displayed on his face.
“Maybe because my father with actually kill you and burn your body in a foreign country.” You smiled letting your hands run down his chest slowly nails dragging slightly.
“Mmm probably but lets not worry ‘bout that right now sweet girl.” He said kissing you lips softly, your hand pushed on his chest.
“We get caught its on yo ass Graves.” You spoke pushing your lips together pressing color back into your lipstick, your hand wiping the darker neutral color of his lips. He gave you a smug grin slapping your ass lightly before continuing to the bar. Fuckin tease.
You placed your self next to him leaning against the bar your arms resting against under your boobs lifting them very nicely giving Phillip and the bar tender and nice view, your cropped gray tank top sat low showing off the top your pretty light blue bra the lace sitting all pretty. Your washed out miss me’s sitting low enough on your back to show your dimple piercings, mmm and did Lip enjoy the view, was he jealous that the other boys where looking at you oh of fucking corse but at the end of the day you were his all his so let ‘em little boys look. He continued you admire you as you both worked on your drinks you wore a straw cowboy hat with a little charm on the front and your belt the buckle bring your fit together yeah you looked so damn good…
“Finish that, we gotta go out to my truck.” He spoke, taking one last swig of his bud light.
“Why?” You asked eventually finishing your beer anyway 3rd one down.
He gave you a look motioning his head to the exit.
“Lets go!” You grinned pulling him by his hand through the crowd. Luckily it was starting to get dark and Phillips tint would do the trick, pulling out your phone you sent a text to your sister.
‘Hey cover for me be back in like 20-30 minutes love ya!💋’
‘Ight j dont be to long dont want daddy getting suspicious.’
With that you put your phone back in your bag as you two walked to his truck, it being parked somewhere in a dead end street. Opening the back door to his GMC you quickly got it him following you after, he started his truck so the ac could start cooling the inside from the Louisiana sun.
“Lets make this fast don’t want your daddy to worry bout his little girl.” He teased taking your hat of replacing it with his, his hands starting to work on his jeans as you worked on yours you fully discarding your pants.
Your lips met his, both of your lips moving in sync. Phillips hands made there way to you ass grabbing a hand full of flesh as he rocked your hips onto him. “Matching set.?” Lip spoke in between kisses.
You smiled agains his lips “I thought it was cute..” you stated knowing damn well this was one of the sets he had bought you it being a favorite. You felt his hand go to move your panties to the side and he freed himself from his briefs.
You lifted yourself up letting him line himself up to you. Your hands griping his shoulders as you sunk down on to him letting out a soft moan, the movement of your hips causing his head to fall back against the window.
“God you feel so good sweetheart, made just for me huh?” He groaned, a small whimper escaping his mouth when you fasted your pace.
His hands moving your hips as well, your body falling closely to him placing soft kisses on his neck your lipstick leaving stains as well as soft red marks from sucking on him. The truck moving slightly at the fast movement, Phillip fucking himself into you. His arms hugged your waist as he kept his pace up as you fucked him back your cunt dripping of arousal the mix of fluids making a white ring around the base of his cock.
“Fuck Lip..” you moaned, your arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
“Common sweetheart hold on a lil bit longer for me I’m s’ close.” He slurred, feeling your walls tighten around him.
“Please.. please let me cum.” You begged her face muffled into his shoulder.
“Nah common baby let me hear you.” He spoke his hands gathering your hair pulling your head back.
“Fuck please let me cum, please daddy let me cum.” You begged, the knot in your stomach becoming unbearable.
He let out an amused chuckle his pace not slowing down. “Yeah you wanna cum?” He asked his tone faking sympathy. “ ‘mon pretty girl use that filthy mouth of yours.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, the pleasure causing your head to go fuzzy your mouth hanging open slightly as moans continue to slip from your lips. “Look at you all cock drunk.” He degraded.
“Please I- I cant hold it anymore… fuck daddy please.” You pleaded, your nail’s digging into his shoulders.
He wore an amused smirk enjoying your begging, they way you pleaded drove him crazy. Your walls pulsing he knew you couldn’t keep it together for much longer and that if he kept you her to long suspension would come upon your father.
He groaned his balls starting to tighten “mm cum for me sweetheart, fuckin cum f’ me.” He grip releasing your braids wrapping his arms hugging your waist once again his face buried in your breast as he came undone.
Phillip whimpering as he filled you up stuffing you full. After catching both of yours breath you began to redress yourself, Graves grabbing a napkin from his glove box cleaning up his mess that was currently dripping down your thighs into his leather seat, Also wiping the spot on his covers thigh.
“Made a mess did we.” You laughed noticing the stain on his leg.
“You made a mess.” He corrected.
“Could have been worse.” You winked, he knew what you meant and he nodded.
You both exited the vehicle a group of four walking by they looked away from the two of you minding there business. Cute.
Helping you out he took his hat back giving your back to you, placing the hat on your head he gave you a deep kiss. “Your lipstick is smudged doll.” He smirked.
Fuck, you let your hands whipe around your mouth. Phillip watching you he couldn’t help but smile, little did he know he had a few hickeys light but they were there. You both continued on to the gate getting a drink then heading in to the rodeo, your mother of course had to ask questions.
“Where has y’all be, it been like 30 minutes?” She questioned your father looking up taking a sip of his drink.
“I had to use the bathroom and feed him so fried Oreos because he’s never had ‘em.” You spoke innocently the lie rolling off your tongue so easily.
She shook her head letting y’all sit down you in between your father and boyfriend. Your father giving the two of you a look that caused your stomach to drop, but Phillip ignored it tried to anyway. You glance over at him noticing a light lipstick stain, your lipstick stain it wasn’t very visible but it was still there if your wore a lighter shade maybe could have gotten away with it but as of now he knew he had to.
“Graves come get a drink with me.” Your father spoke, Tapping your leg to let him through.
Oh shit, shit shit shit!
Lip nodded standing up going down the bleachers with your father. You looked over at your sister who was next to your mother, Nessa giving you a panicked look.
Phillip stood in line with your father the silence thick. The noise of the fair and rodeo seemed so dreadfully loud. Phillip soon opened his mouth to say something but was cut off “how long have you been sleeping with my daughter.” Shepherd spoke dangerously calm.
“Im sorry?” Graves asked, his heart dropped into his stomach.
Shepherd turned his head looking him dead in the eye “How. Long. Have you been sleeping. With my daughter.”
Phillip wasn’t one to show weakness nore fear but right now he was fucking scared, he made a reckless misstep because he couldn’t keep it in his pants for a few more hours. “Sir, I.. shit.” He took a breath his voice slightly shaky.
“For about 9 or so months now.” He spoke, you two have known each other longer but have been together since late February.
Shepherds head turned back looking in front of him ordering his beer. The two men stepped out of line Phillip trying to explain the situation but he wasn’t having it.
“You realize my daughter is almost 10 fucking years younger than you. And I told you Graves, you and your boys being around my family you were forbidden to involve your self with any on my daughters, Natalie, Vanessa, (name). Yet here I’m finding myself having this conversation with you because your sleeping with my youngest.” Shepherd spoke his voice still calm not wanting to cause a scene, but Shepherd was livid.
Graves had just dug his own grave, they had been caught. “Sir Im aware how old she is and I know I wasn’t supposed to get involved with your daughters life it just happened… we-” Phillip spoke getting caught off.
“I don’t want to hear excuses Phillip, let me make this clear. You can stay the rest of the night because I invited you but when you take my daughter to her apartment tonight because she’ll use her sister to cover for her. I want you to cut contact with her or I will release you if your duties.” Shepherd said his face close to Phillips.
“Do I make myself clear boy.”
“Yes sir.”
With that the two men returned on there way back. Phillip couldn’t believe how easily he gave into your father, how easily he just had to leave you. He couldn’t do that to you nor himself, but his career,  was at risk something he’s worked hard for something her loved yet cherished you. He loved you, so fucking much. Walking back up he saw the worried expression your wore through a small smile, he gave you a reassuring smile nodding at you as he sat down.
Your head turned looking at him, but you couldn’t read him, nothing.
The night went by slower than you would have liked, the rodeo ended at about 11 your family and Phillip now on the way out and you had done exactly what your dad had known. You had used your sister as cover walking the opposite direction with her and Lip Nessa soon seeing her way out.
Getting in the truck you finally spoke “What did my father say?” She asked, he brows frowned.
He didn’t say anything he only began to start driving, his blue eyes focused on the road.
“Phillip what did you and my dad talk about..” now you were scared.
“Lets talk when he get you back to your place..” he spoke his hand laying on your thigh rubbing it softly.
So you guys did getting into your apartment you took your boots off placing you hat and bag down, Phillip followed in behind you but didn’t remove his shoes he wasn’t wearing his hat anymore. You walked up to him going to him your hands going to touch his face, but he stoped you his hands grabbing your wrist.
“We cant do this anymore..” he whispered.
What? No what the fuck.
“What do you mean..” you couldn’t feel the lump in your throat form you knew what he ment.
“Doll don’t look at me like that… please don’t look at me that way…” his voice soft, his blue eyes focused on you.
“No, no fucking tell me. You cant just.” You spoke, you voice breaking.
“What did he tell you, what did he make you think.” You asked your hands now in fist.
“(Name) dont make this harder than it had to be. He knows…”
“No shit he know you’re standing here breaking up with me!” You shouted pulling you hands from his grip pushing him back a little.
“What the fuck Phillip! are- are you kidding me…” you cried out.
“Why..” you asked letting out a frustrated cry.
“Im 32 sweetheart, your only 23 you have so much to live for. Im… im only gonna hold you back..” he spoke, that lie made him sick, you were living he would never do anything to hold you back. Yet that that excuse he chose to you and you called bullshit.
“Did he threaten releasing you from your position?”
He looked down at her “No.. no”
“Stop lying dont fucking protect him, tell me.” You spoke sternly few tears falling down your face.
Graves looked at you, he hated how you were about the only person that could see through his lies. “He did..”
And you knew how much that job meant to him, how hard he worked for the shadow company how many years he put into the military and now you stood in the way of that. You couldn’t blame him, but it hurt, hurt even more when you weren’t gonna let your father take that away from him. Phillip took a step towards you he wanted to explain you knew the love that he carried for you, but you weren’t gonna make him chose because he was considering it.
“Don’t let me come in between that, I sorry Lip I- I didn’t know he would do that. That he was going to threaten you position.” His heart broke hearing your words.
“Please don’t apologize, never apologize.. I love you so much I hope you know that. I don’t want to lose you.” He spoke taking your face in his hands making you look at him, tears stained your features.
“Phillip, your worked so hard for all of that, don’t chose me over 10 years of hard work. I cant make you do that. I openly went against my fathers wishes and his we were reckless and now you have to go back to work don’t let me drag you down.” Her hands held into his forearm your heads weight falling into his hands.
No, you couldn’t. You could never hold him down, he wanted you and would give up his line of work to be with you. But you wouldn’t let him.
“Doll, don’t say that you could never hold me back.” He spoke his eyes starting to gloss over.
Dont cry, not in-front if her not now.
“You gotta go Lip… you- god, you have to let me go as I do too” you sobbed quietly.
He pulled you in close wrapping his arms tightly around you, “please don’t give up on me.” He whispered his head laying onto of yours, your soft cries muffled into his shirt. He could feel the wet spot build up on his shirt.
“Go Phillip.” You said making yourself push against him, “Fucking go! Please!” You pushed him back.
“I love you (name)..” he spoke softly.
Your bottom lip trembled “I love you too..”
It felt as if someone had just stabbed him over and over and fucking over just left to bleed out.
Maybe this was it.
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Okayy I felt dramatic so here’s some angst maybe a part 2 im not sure though we’ll see!
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crazyfandomluver · 16 days
Graves is just happy to be here
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rwrbsource · 1 year
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— family line, conan gray
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ouatnextgen · 3 months
If Descendants characters were apart of the next gen, what do you think their relationships with the other next gen would be (assuming they were the younger siblings of the next gen).
This is finna be a looong one.
Obviously all the siblings love each other, and all the older siblings are protective of the little ones, so I tried not to be too repetitive with the details.
The Mills:
He has so many siblings now, oh god
Bobby is slightly more of a handful than he's used to, so he (and Lucy) keep him on his toes
Henry always asks Regina if he was like that as a kid, and her answer is always a smug "Yes"
Bobby likes spending time with Henry's other families (ie, his own and the Swan-Joneses)
Evie's a lot quieter, so he appreciates that
He's very protective of Evie specifically
She could ask him for the moon and the stars, and you know that Henry would find someway to bring them down for her.
He knows damn well that Bobby looks up to him a lot, so he tries to put on his best act when he's around
Unfortunately, he is more susceptible to The Eyes than Henry is, so Bobby ends up getting away with waaaaay more stuff with Big Bro Roland
Like Henry, he is also very protective of Evie, and will be the one who teaches her how to kill a man when she's older
Basically, Evie is their little princess, and you don't wanna fuck with her
While Evie doesn't like camping, she will tolerate it when she goes with her father, brothers, and sister.
Robyn's just glad she's not the baby anymore lol
She's the least busy of her siblings, by default of being younger, so she's the one who gets to babysit Bobby and Evie when the adults are busy
She and Bobby like to practice archery and eat dirt together or whatever it is kids do
She's never been very girly, so she and Evie have trouble bonding at times
The Nolans:
Leo likes hanging out with little kids, so he never minds babysitting Chad
He's very bossy, however, and seems to be allergic to fun, so Chad doesn't like it when he babysits
Leo can also be kind of preachy about the rules, so Chad will end up getting more lectures from Leo than their parents sometimes
Despite the minor animosity, Leo always wants to be a role model and someone to look up to for Chad
He likes to teach him sword fighting and archery, even when Chad has zero interest or skill for those things
Beck (I can't pick a name for this kid, for now it's Beck):
He and Chad go together like two peas in a pod
Beck's sarcastic outlook paired with Chad's optimism make a fully rounded duo
Beck encourages Chad to commit Crimes, and Chad is the Voice Of Reason
The Hermans/Boyds:
Alex is pretty chill with Chloe
Alex feels like a disappointment to their parents, so she is kind of worried that Chloe might be their "replacement"
Chloe basically hero-worships Alex, and dyes her hair blue like how Alex dyes theirs pink
In the future, Chloe ends up being a jock instead of a girly girl, and she and Alex bond over their mother not knowing what to do with either of them
He and Chloe argue (a lot)
Charlie hates sports, and Chloe hates boring nerd junk, so they don't get along
They are the epitome of "only I'M allowed to make fun of my sibling!" If anyone else makes fun of either of them, they get the wrath of the other one
The Briarwoods (Aurora's Family):
PJ gets along fine with both Ariana and Audrey
He and Ariana specifically love to banter back and forth, which is hilarious to witness since Ariana wins 99% of the time
He will have tea parties with Audrey and dress up like a princess, and he will slay whichever princess dress she forces on him
The girls aren't actually triplets (Ariana isn't even their sister), but they're so close in age and act so similar, that they're always called triplets
They all love princess stuff, and adore being actual princesses; they all want to move to the Enchanted Forest and have balls
When they get older, they sing a different tune, but stay close
The Swan-Joneses:
He has so many siblings now, oh god
Harriett has given Henry a lot of gray hairs; more than Bobby, almost as much as CJ
He likes playing pirate with all of the kids
He always calls Harry 'Killian Jr.'
He's the one who bought CJ her red leather coat, to be more like Emma
He spoils them so much (The Mills kids too, but Regina already spoils them a lot) and always brings them gifts when he visits
She loves having such a big family and so many little siblings
She shares her love of books with Harriett, stargazing with Harry, and painting with CJ
She's the sibling that gets sacked with babysitting duty, but she never minds
Hope is the "cool" sibling, aka, she lets them get away with more shit than Henry and Alice do
She's part of the reason CJ is Like That
For whatever reason, she's Harry's favorite sibling, which sucks for her, since she's not a fan of little kids
The Golds:
Ben is very quiet, so he'll tag along with Gideon everywhere and no one will even notice
Gideon and Ben have a book club between the two of them
He feels kind of weird that Ben still has that "my dad is the best" attitude, but doesn't have the heart to tell him the whole truth
They tell each other everything, and despite the age difference, are very close
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