#♡ · ☀️ : prompts
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sakurajjam · 2 years ago
Pode me dar prompts para atletas? Qualquer esporte vale
podemos sim, cerejinha! eu e a rinn fizemos essa pequena listinha, mas esperamos te ajudar, em breve, faremos mais prompts nesse estilo.
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Lembrando que todos os prompts podem ter seus gêneros alterados, fiquem a vontade! De TW nós temos pressão parental, morte de familiar e citação de drogas por meio do doping.
MUSE foi o atleta olímpico da temporada, todos os holofotes estavam em cima dele. Ótimos desempenhos, pelo menos, até a última prova ao cometer um erro gravíssimo e que levou as suas piores notas, todo aquele hype de sua carreira foi sendo esquecido. Agora MUSE está se esforçando para provar que aquele erro não o define, que a perda da medalha foi por um dia ruim; só quer voltar ao estrelato de antes.
A mãe de MUSE era uma exímia patinadora, mas seu nascimento acabou dificultando a carreira que podia ser construída. Seu amor pela patinação é natural, nada forçado já que a mãe raramente falava sobre o assunto de forma culposa; mas diferente da matriarca, MUSE não é tão exímia, tem muito a treinar, mas só tem em mente que precisa ser perfeita como sua mãe.
A mãe de MUSE era uma exímia patinadora, mas seu nascimento acabou dificultando a carreira que podia ser construída. Pobre criança, tinha outros hobbies e vontades, mas desde que se entende por gente tem que treinar e treinar, tudo para suprir as vontades inacabadas de sua progenitora, que está projetando a carreira pausada na filha.
A família de MUSE nunca teve tantas condições, mas ele batalhou muito por seu sonho. Não podia frequentar uma escolinha de futebol, tudo bem, podia jogar até altas horas com os amigos no campinho perto de casa; tantas batalhas para ser notado para o time de futebol do colégio, vários machucados nos joelhos e vontade de desistir, mas os esforços foram recompensados quando conseguiu sua vaga no time da escola e depois, no da faculdade, com uma ótima bolsa de estudos. Atualmente, MUSE sonha em jogar em um time de nome para tirar a família da pobreza e se divertir.
MUSE cresceu em uma família de atletas, sendo a menos atlética entre eles, mesmo gostando de muitos esportes e sendo boa neles, nunca parece o suficiente. Não parece que vai estar no mesmo nível que seus irmãos e isso é desanimador, vive se esforçando em tudo que é boa, mas sempre desanima depois de um tempo; mas depois que sua irmã perdeu uma competição importante, viu uma chance de conquistar seu espaço.
Os sonhos de MUSE eram outros, mantinha o basquete apenas como uma distração para sua vida, algo que podia brincar com os amigos e familiares. Mas quando foi convidado para entrar no time do colégio, parecia que aquela diversão podia ser algo sério, MUSE levava jeito e recebia muitos elogios, até conquistou algumas fãs! Quando entrou na universidade, conseguiu uma bolsa de estudos por causa de suas habilidades no basquete, agora, ele precisa decidir se quer seguir seus sonhos originais e focar em sua formação ou se formar, mas seguindo sua vocação natural como jogador de basquete - principalmente com tantos olheiros em cada jogo da temporada.
MUSE teve sua vida montada antes do nascimento, a mãe sonhou em ter uma filha perfeita e por ser a primeira, tudo caiu em suas costas. Fez balé, participou de concursos de miss - até ganhou alguns - e focou na ginástica artística. Diferente do imaginado por sua mãe, ela nunca foi a melhor dentre suas colegas, mas conseguia bons resultados e por conta deles, foi selecionada para uma competição estadual e acabou ganhando. Agora está rumando para sua primeira competição nacional, com sua mãe em seu encalço, será que MUSE vai conseguir se concentrar com tanta pressão maternal?
MUSE vem de uma família de cheerleaders, todas as moças foram e até alguns rapazes seguiram esses passos, e ela até gosta dessa herança, mas detesta a pressão em ser a capitã das cheers de sua instituição, é um caminho árduo, mas que ela está agarrando com unhas e dentes para conseguir.
MUSE sempre sonhou em ser cheerleader, mas não tem coordenação alguma. Sua irmã mais nova/prima/amiga acabou entrando na equipe, fazendo com que MUSE a acompanhe em alguns treinamentos, o que só piora sua realidade. Quando um membro da equipe se machuca e eles precisam treinar, MUSE acaba sendo usada como base para a pirâmide e até encontrarem um novo integrante, o papel é dela. Passar tanto tempo com outros cheers, pode, enfim, lhe ajudar a ganhar a coordenação necessária para integrar a equipe, mas o tempo é curto, porque a fila de interessados é grande.
A carreira de MUSE foi como um foguete, começou em grande escala, mas foi caindo ao decorrer do tempo e quando se lesionou, infelizmente, chegou no fundo do poço. Sem poder voltar para seu amado esporte, acabou depositando suas esperanças em seu irmão mais novo/primo/amigo, que é igualmente bom; acaba vivendo sua vida dos sonhos - mas que foi interrompida - na sombra de seu “pupilo”.
Depois que o irmão de MUSE morreu, o gosto pela natação foi envolto por uma máscara de hesitação, porque era o que ambos gostavam de fazer no tempo livre. Sem a presença do irmão, que era um medalhista, os patrocinadores ficaram perdidos e após o período de luto, perguntaram aos pais se os contratos seriam finalizados ou passados para MUSE, visto que o irmão vivia elogiando suas habilidades. Agora, MUSE é um nadador com patrocinadores famosos - porque antes, infelizmente, era patrocinado por marcas pequenas -, mesmo que tenha negado, um pouco, no começo, está vendo a oportunidade como uma forma de tributo ao irmão. 
MUSE está para se aposentar de seus dias de glória, essa é sua última competição e tudo está em seus ombros, porque a honra de ter sua carreira fechada com uma medalha de ouro é muito cobiçada. Mesmo que tenha esse desejo, está agindo mais como uma treinadora/coach, porque as mais novas da seleção estão sempre recorrendo aos seus conselhos e experiências. [ Não é, necessariamente, um prompt de chars mais velhos, existem esportes que se praticados muito cedo, acabam se “aposentando” ainda mais cedo, como é o caso das ginásticas.] 
Uma carreira pode ser findada de muitas formas, mas a de MUSE foi por uma armadilha. Estava no topo, um dos melhores atletas da competição, histórico impecável de todas as áreas e mesmo que chamasse a atenção de muitos, infelizmente, também estava atraindo o ódio de outros. Durante os exames obrigatórios, acabou caindo no doping e foi expulso da competição, o que devia ser mascarado com uma lesão, foi anunciado em todas as mídias. Agora, MUSE está tentando provar sua inocência, depois que moveu uma ação para provar sua inocência, visto que tinha passado por duas testes com uma diferença mínima e os resultados eram divergentes. Recomeçar pode ser complicado, mas ele tem pessoas boas ao seu lado!
MUSE é iniciante no mundo do surf, sendo fã de muitos nomes de grande fama e agora, que está indo para seu primeiro campeonato oficial, não sabe se vai se concentrar nas competições ou ficar sendo fanboy/girl de todos os nomes dourados que está esbarrando por ai.
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loveasachoice · 2 months ago
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Who here ordered the Soriku under the mistletoe? Soriku under the mistletoe, anyone?
Prompt four: "a thousand words."
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₊˚⊹♡₊ CREDIT ˚⊹♡
➳❥ The rights to this art belong to me. Do not repost, edit, trace, etc without my permission. Do not use with AI in any way or as an NFT.
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reintarou · 3 months ago
☀️ How would {…} comfort you after a long day?
♡︎. Characters: Jiro, Ichiro, Hifumi, Jakurai
♡︎. Tags: Comfort
♡︎. Other: Sorry for a bit of inactivity! I was contemplating a little about the ways I want to write these. I decided to split it into little headcanons based on prompts like these and short fanfics based on scenarios! If you have any requests, whether it's just a specific character you want me to write about, or if it's a prompt/scenario idea, feel free to message me! I will update my profile soon, but for prompts like these, I will use a ☀️ in the title, and for scenarios I'll use 🌑, so it's easy to distinguish them!
Yamada Jiro
▸ He would be slightly slow to notice that something is wrong. He’s able to read people, he doesn’t want to misread them though. ▸ As soon as he noticed though, he would try to ask you what’s wrong, without pressuring you for answers. He respects your privacy, and he knows a thing or two about not prying into somebody’s business. ▸ If you gave him an answer, he would try to help out, even though he’s not the best with words. His advice could be slightly vague or not very helpful, but you appreciate his effort no matter what. ▸ If you refused to answer, he wouldn’t be upset with you. Instead, he would invite you on the couch, and you two would sit together, cuddling up. He would turn on the football match on the TV, but his mind would be focused more on you anyways. ▸ Jiro would also lend you his shoulder to cry on, if you needed it. He would have a pack of tissues with him, always ready to wipe your tears. … He wouldn’t mind if you stained his shirt with your tears either, though.
Yamada Ichiro
▸ Ichiro was often busy with his odd jobs, but if you needed a shoulder to lean on, he’d always find a moment for you. ▸ He would be quick to notice that something was wrong, and if you didn’t feel like telling him about it, he would immediately get worried. That doesn’t mean he would get angry, though. Ichiro would be patient with you. ▸ If you told him, he would be very supportive. He would try to find a way to resolve your problem, or he’d just simply support you, if it wasn’t something that needed solving. ▸ Ichiro would also try to boost your confidence. Showering you with compliments, praising you for things that you’ve done. Somehow, his explanations would be detailed too. For him, it wasn’t much work, but he knew you appreciated those. ▸ If you felt like it, he would invite you to cuddle with him on the couch, taking snacks and watching anime. He’d try to distract you from your worries.
Izanami Hifumi
▸ Hifumi would get worried, fast. If he wasn’t in his host mode, and he noticed that you weren’t in the mood for his cheerful self, he would quickly notice that something was wrong. ▸ Since he usually worked in the evenings, he wouldn’t be able to spend the night with you, cuddling and comforting you as he loved to. ▸ But he would be willing to take a night off for you without a second thought. He always prioritized your happiness and comfort over his job. ▸ He’d prepare a warm meal for you to enjoy. After all, both of you loved his cooking, and he would always be willing to make you something if it meant it’d cheer you up. ▸ Hifumi would cuddle up in bed with you, being the big spoon. One hand gently caressing your back, his other hand softly patting your head. He’d be there, willing to listen to your troubles.
Jinguji Jakurai
▸ Jakurai could read you like an open book. He’s good at analyzing people, and seeing that you were under the weather would make him worried. ▸ He wouldn’t force you to talk, but if you felt like sharing about your problems, he’d listen, and give you advice if you need one. Jakurai would make you a warm, healthy cup of tea, to help you relax. ▸ His advice was always on point, and not difficult to follow. He knew your boundaries and abilities, and he wouldn’t wish to push you past your limits. ▸ Jakurai would comfort you in any way you like. If it was cuddles, kisses, or anything you wished for, he’d be happy to oblige.
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dreamieparadise · 5 months ago
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Day 1.♡ Fave OC
Miruku Osashima! He is owned by @mimiruku . I love him soooo much and am HIS BIGGEST FAN! It's been...what? 14 years? I've seen him grow and change a lot. He is the kindest and sweetest person, but he doesn't think so. It's simply what should be done. Common sense! And it's part of why I adore him so much....it truly should be common sense to be so kind and thoughtful to others. It's no wonder so many are devoted to him. ☀️
Prompt list
Reference below
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literaryslapshot · 9 months ago
☁︎♡ 2.5 k celly ♡☁︎
⎯ 2,500 of you!!!! i love you!!!! tysm for keeping up with me in my little barbie dream house as i come up with my little cute stories. i love coming here, creating, writing, talking, reading. everything! so, let's take this week to celebrate!
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Ways To Celebrate:
- taylor swift asks: send me someone from my roster, and i will tell you what taylor swift song(s) remind me of him!
- one word prompt: from these list of words, give me a word + roster boy, and i’ll give you a blurb in return
- playlist: send me your name (or blog name) and i’ll give you a playlist based off your name
- moodboard: give me a scenario, you make it up, and i’ll give you a moodboard
celebrate with me from june 16th-june 20th ☀️ you can find my roster (people i write/take requests for) here
tagging mutuals to spread da word: @2manytabsopen @leafsbabe @nylwnder @eideticallys @misshoneyimhome
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audreys-diaryy · 9 months ago
May 26’s vibe 🪞
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Forecast: ☀️ sunny and hot
Song: birds of a feather - billie eilish 🎵 Press play and vibe out with me!
Movement: 15 minute yoga, 30 minute walk 🧘‍♀️
Journal prompt: what kind of things do you like to collect? (Comment down below!) 📖
Okay now outfit, food, candle:
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It’s sunday so that means sunday reset! Time to clean, do laundry and lots of skincare 🧺
Movie: the princess diaries (2001) 🎬
Drink, quote, vibe:
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That’s it for today! Feel free to reblog and fill it on your own if you want ♡
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paperdemon-arpg · 5 months ago
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3 Portals of the Paperverse are Haunted! Join the community's quest to save them. ☀️ Subdue mummified marauders on Pavia 🔥 Join Jasper on the Eventide Ring to lay a sunward specter to rest. 🥛 Cure a phantasmal sickness alongside Dr. Xan on Faedin. https://t.co/6PLSejWWcn
⋆˙⟡♡₊˚⊹. .⊹˚₊♡⟡˙⋆ Want to get inspired to draw your OCs? 🎲 Join the PaperDemon Art RPG 📅 Fun prompts every week 👑 Earn loot and XP for every drawing ⚔️ Defeat monsters and art block ▶ https://bit.ly/3O3vvYU 🔗 LINK IN BIO
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yyh-revival · 2 months ago
Hi! I'd love to join the Valentine's Event~ but I have a few questions I'd love if you could answer them💖 ok
1: So I can post my art on Tumblr? Or do I need discord?💮
2: So how many drawings do I have to do? All 14 days Or just 1 day?🌸
3: So I'm just "Drawing art" and tagging you guys right?🌹 If so then I'm for sure joining≈
Thank you So much for reading this 🦋 I hope this found you well and I hope I'm not bothering you 💕 I'm a HUGE fan of your work and I'd love to join if it's possible (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Anyway have a lovely Day/Night~☀️🌙
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Sincerely Okami!♡
Hi there! Thanks for the message 🙂
1) you can post your art wherever you’d like! But if you post on tumblr, twitter, or Bluesky, we ask you tag us so we can see your awesome work and reblog it! You don’t need a discord at all but you’re always welcome to join us.
2) you can do as many or as few as you’d like. You can do 1, or 4, or 7 or whatever number you want. You can also post them in any order or any time at all between February 1st to 14th, it doesn’t have to be prompt 1 on day 1, or prompt 10 on day 10, it can be prompt 1 on day 14 or prompt 4 on day 1. Doesn’t matter!
3) exactly it! The prompt list is just for inspiration, all you have to do is create something related to a prompt, post it, and tag us if possible, and that’s it! 🙂
Hope that cleared things up and looking forward to seeing what you make!
~ Lola
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star4daisy · 1 year ago
Hey, babe! Put the wife tag 'cause I'm here all for you (I cancel the divorce! You're welcome).
As usual, i have a lot for you.
💧Rain ☀️ Sun 🌫 Fog 💦 Flood 🪹 Drought
Love you ♡
you're back I see what a healthy lil relationship we have hehe
💧Rain - What's the most emotional scene you've ever written?
I've no idea, perhaps Evan killing Barty lol
☀️ Sun - What's your favorite part of your WIP?
so far from Arsonist's Lullabye: when Barty tortures someone cuz they kissed Evan
and from now on The Devil in Your Eyes: def when Barty and Evan find the dead body hehe
🌫 Fog - What was the hardest part of your WIP to write?
The torture scene on Arsonist's Lullabye I worked on it for a week and it felt like it was never how I wanted it to be
💦 Flood - How many WIPs do you have?
Posted 2, but there are 10 on my docs that I'm actively working on, I'm hoping to post another 2/4 soonish
🪹 Drought - What do you do to help with Writer's Block?
I usually go do something else if I can't write/ things aren't flowing, I just can't force it otherwise it's shitty, but if it's an especific story that I'm stuck on I try to write something else, a prompt or another fic to get into writing and them go back to it later, but also I like to make a cup of hot chocolate and reward myself with my fave snacks if I write something hehehe reward system works a lot
thx for the ask my love <3
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ktsumu · 1 year ago
kit!! am wishing you an amazing weekend with flowers and pretty skies!! 🌷☁️
am wondering!! what’s your favourite emoji, and what would your fave’s be? (or what emoji would u associate w them the most!!)
SELLLL!!! ♡ currently my weekend is starting with snow but i pray for flowers HAHAH
omg ok i have a few fav emojis myself: 🧺🩻🪼🪩 !! do not ask me to choose because i simply can’t. i am not a ‘pick one’ gal i am like a ‘pick 17 and even then you’re at a fork in the road’ type of person
BUT OOOOO emojis i associate my favs with… i’ll say wakatoshi is like 🍂🍊🥃☄️☀️ ? weird combo but i’m set on this
rintaro to me is so 🎰🍒💌⚡️🌙 coded. no explanation
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pyromegalomaniac · 2 years ago
Heya! I'm the anom who asked the First request. May I ask another one of platonic headcanons of royal sisters with younger sister alicorn reader?
Hey again anon!! Good to get another request from you!! I try my best to do gn readers, so at risk of maybe bending the rules of canon a little, the reader is going to be described as a sibling instead of a sister. (I just like trying to stay as inclusive as possible, so anyone could put themselves in the reader's shoes. Unless it's about a trans reader or something like that, maybe. I hope you understand!) Anyway, these headcanons are gonna be fun for us both! Enjoy!!
Luna & Celestia / younger sibling!reader headcanons 🌙☀️
When you were first learning to fly your older sisters would help you out
They still love flying with you, Celestia in the day and Luna at night
But it's most fun at dawn or dusk when you can all fly together
When you were little and would have bad dreams Luna would help out
Doing arts and crafts with Celestia
Doing book readings and discussions with Luna
Going to social events together
Sometimes being a mediator between your sisters
Admiring the warm friendliness of Celestia
Admiring the cool grace of Luna
Worrying sometimes about the mental health of your sisters, what with Equestria being under threat a lot and them being the highest rulers
Making breakfast with Celestia
Helping hang lavender in the castle halls with Luna
You each have a section in the royal garden, with a spot in the middle you all contribute to
Once a week you have family board game night and you rotate who gets to pick the game
Celestia likes games like charades
Luna likes games like chess
The wedding between Cadence and Shining Armor is a wonderful memory you'll always have (after the whole changeling thing obviously-)
When Flurry Heart was born you took a liking to her
Visiting Twilight sometimes to help when she was babysitting Flurry
Or just visiting Cadence to help with Flurry
Joking about how there's so many alicorns that you could start your own band and tour Equestria
Seriously there's six of you
But the ones that matter the most are your loving sisters, who you love back, Luna and Celestia
I think there's a lot more this time, which is because I've noticed my other posts getting longer and longer, and I didn't want you to get stuck with shorter posts, anon! Also, if you want, for future asks you could start going by a certain anon name!! (You don't have to of course) Thanks for the prompt, I had fun writing these, and I look forward to doing more in the future!!! Much love!!!
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sakurajjam · 2 years ago
dicas de conexão entre irmãos, qualquer uma é válida
Vamos lá, eu não desenvolvi tanto assim, porque creio que a diversão de uma conexão é o criador colocar em suas próprias palavras ou até com a ajuda da outra pessoa, mas espero que essas ideias te ajudem, pompurin!
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POSSÍVEIS TW/CITAÇÃO DE : morte materna/paterna, adultério, pressão parental e comparações.
Meios irmãos (pelo casamento da mãe ou do pai, ou de ambos)
muse a e muse b são meios irmãos e não se dão bem, porque um deles é mais velho e acredita que o meio irmão tira a atenção que o pai/mãe tem para si.
muse c e muse d são meios irmãos e se odeiam, porque um deles não aceita o outro casamento da mãe/pai, principalmente, quando soube que estava ganhando um novo irmão.
muse e e muse f podiam ser gêmeos, porque o pai conseguiu engravidar a esposa e a amante ao mesmo tempo, para esse caso temos as seguintes variações 1) a mãe chega a falecer e a criança precisa morar com o pai e a nova esposa + o irmão. 2) eles cresceram juntos, como amigos, e só descobriram o laço sanguíneo na adolescência. 3) eles sabem que são irmãos, mas fingem que não.
Irmãos de sangue.
muse g e muse h tem uma diferença de idade curta, mas que é o suficiente para que o mais velho fique pegando no pé do mais novo.
muse i e muse j não se dão bem, descartando o laço sanguíneo que divivem, eles tiveram uma briga feia antes dos pais se separarem e como cada um ficou com um progenitor, o contato se tornou ainda mais complicado. eles se encontram, as vezes, quando vão visitar o outro "responsável" e vivem de indiretinhas.
muse k e muse l são gêmeos idênticos e nunca gostaram disso, porque viviam confundindo os mesmos e quando, enfim, tiveram liberdade para fazer o que bem entendessem, fizeram de tudo para mudarem suas aparências e descartarem as semelhanças; isso pode ter os unido ainda mais ou separado, porque lá no fundo, eles tem personalidades diferentes e nunca gostaram da condição de ter alguém parecido consigo.
muse m e muse n são gêmeos, mas não são idênticos, mas existe outro problema entre eles, os pais vivem comparando e criando uma pequena rivalidade entre os filhos o que faz com que o relacionamento entre eles não sejam bom.
muse o e muse p são gêmeos, mas não são idênticos, e são diferentes do exemplo acima, porque os pais buscam ficar criando rivalidade entre eles, mas não conseguem já que são muito colados e nada pode quebrar a parceria natural que ambos tem.
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loveasachoice · 2 months ago
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The third prompt for Soriku week is "melodies of life." For this one, the ideas were big!! ... but the drawing energy & free time were small. I intend to finish this later, plus maybe a bigger piece with taking place in the same sort of scene.
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₊˚⊹♡₊ CREDIT ˚⊹♡
➳❥ The rights to this art belong to me. Do not repost, edit, trace, etc without my permission. Do not use with AI in any way or as an NFT.
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writersdare · 2 years ago
hi there! ☀️ can i request a luke drabble with the prompts #20 and #25?
here’s my idea: luke and y/n decide to go on a road trip together. they keep flirting with each other, but the other one doesn’t know how to take a hint….
thank u 🩷
Two Gummy Worms | Luke Hemmings Pairing: Luke Hemmings x Reader (she/her) Summary: Luke was determined to take Y/N on a night drive. Some things, though, didn’t want to go according to his perfect plan. Warning: friends to lovers, fluff, mentioning of food Prompt list: “So, we’re in the middle of nowhere.” & “Would you finally acknowledge my feelings for you if I kiss you right now? You’re so bad at taking hints.”
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Hi, thank you for the request! It's supposed to be a drabble, however, when I started writing it I just couldn't stop. I hope you don't mind that the story turned out to be a bit longer! I feel like it's one of my favourite fluff works so far, so I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it! ♡
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that-rat-neon · 2 years ago
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Prompt: Harpy Harpist ☀️🦚
♡ do not trace / heavily reference / use my art or ocs !
♥ retweets and story shares are super appreciated! thank you!
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jmliebert · 7 months ago
I'M FREE TO COMMENT!! My little things that would make astarion fall harder for you request is so good! I love it especially Astarion appreciated how detailed their description of him was & never sexualised him either 🥹, they respect it when he doesn't want to talk X🗣️, how soft & warm their skin against his 🤭, how they even laugh at the silliest things at times XD, he noticed how they look at him when they thought he didn't know 👀, how they tilt their neck playfully 😁, they asked how does the sun feel on his skin ☀️, they tell vampire jokes 🦇, they appreciate the little things ☺️, how they gleefully asked him to dance with them 🫴, how thrilled they were when he reluctantly agreed (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠), they wink at him at times (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧, they gave a nail file when he lost his 💅, he realised how a kiss can just be that with them 😘, they laughed at the message on his briefs like me 🩲🤣, he saw how they look at the horizon with longing when they thought no one's looking 🥺, he saw & understands more than he would admit 🥺, the way they tug their hair behind their ear is endearing to him 🤭, how there's a special smile just for him ☺️, they gave him matching magical rings ✨ 💍, they stopped so he can enjoy the sunset in silence 🌇, they always make sure to greet him warmly (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧, their reaction when they tried terrible wine 🍷, they stood up for him when others suspected him 🥺, and how they held his hand without them even realising 😳 Thank you so much for doing my request because I love it so much :) Can I request this prompt with another character now? Only if you don't mind of course!
and of course, what character would that be? ;)))
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