#♕  *  ic.     /     answered.
zcrayas · 9 months
Towers over the hunchback woman. He leans down, tilting his head to see what she's looking at. - acoldshadow
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It was a piece of a map. Few crosses of red ink decorated it.
Her finger traced down the marked road down from the North, then, distracting from it. Tapping over two bigger landmarks, while her head stretched to spot any of them.
"Fie..." Apparently, she had lost the course while avoiding the patrolling horseback knights.
He might have watched her for a good moment; before turning to check the surroundings behind - only to find the large frame with canine features leant closer. Such sight had her jump up from the a crumbled ruin she had as her seat. Yet, this one was not a wild beast - and stood tall like a knight.
For how long? Rya pondered.
"Pardon my distress, for you have taken me by surprise." || @acoldshadow
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kaerinio · 7 months
okay, i am going to go work on work things! please feel free to send in any dany questions! they can be about anything! any verse, any topic, whatever you wanna know! 💖
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stormbcrn · 4 months
a casualty of war, they'd called her. her name, that simple statement -- that had done so little justice to who she really was. time and space had left them on opposite ends, but the news of the daenerys' death had struck a nerve; news that had been delivered so nonchalantly at the council meet before the next topic had pushed forth. and yet it took all the strength criston could muster to remain seated and maintain that look of stoicism. to not lash out and demand more respect for the fallen princess. why her? he could only think to himself as his hand gripped the hilt of his sword fastened at his waist.
come the following morning, he would be asked by another why his knuckles had been so badly bruised. no one need know his anger had been taken out on another who'd had the misfortune of uttering the wrong words to a man who's rage had been stifled for too long.
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daenerys is dead – send in your muse’s reaction!
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kokoronohiroi · 5 months
“ i made you dinner. ” because he would never let him go hungry, ever ♥️
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OKUYASU'S HANDS are quick to grab at utensils before butt even made contact with dining chair - letting out a rather bombastic ' thank you ! ' before quickly shoveling down the food. between every other bite , though , he takes a moment to savor the taste and to relish in the fact he gets to enjoy a home cooked meal after a long day. a simple delicacy he hadn't known he had missed. ' i know i already said thank you - ' chews. ' - but i mean it ! no one can cook quite as good as you. ' another chew. ' italians sure know how to cook ! '
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iilahalzili · 2 years
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     @duelingdestiny​​ ♕  "I can't believe you don't want to date me." Atem sniggered because the whole thing was so absurd.
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     “As if that is a surprise,” Marik hums, leaning forward to get closer to Atem’s height, “And what, did you say yes to wanting to date me?” He will agree though, the whole thing is pretty absurd.
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missninetails · 2 years
Yuki had been thinking this over, planning it carefully. The stage had been set in only a Kitsune's way could be -- but it wasn't the way her people did things. Instead, when she arrived and after a proper meal and chance to enjoy the moon and stars and fox fire he had created as well as the arrangement of plants that hung above Pan had created, Yuki deigned say; "Serinaty... I have something to ask you. I... do not ask this lightly." He waited until he had her attention, and gingerly then took her hands, running thumb over her knuckles, ears pricking forward, tail wrapping around to rest near hers. "... Would you be my mate? My lifelong one -- my only. I... suppose this is as I learned from your parents after asking their permission... a ask for your hand in marriage, but for my people... it is merely a one step." He gives pause. "In this way, I would ask to bind us in both ways -- your way, and my way. If you will have me, that is." (mahotoai)
He had looked quite fidgety if one could call it such a thing, it's cute in some way. Of course he'd gather this ones attention with ease as a ears are always listening to where his voice could come from.
Seems as if he really was thinking of something serious. As bad as this one feels she...couldn't speak immediately. What came was a wide-eyed fox staring up at the silver one blinking a few times. Cogs whirring within the mind as she gives a slow nod not willing to acknowledge the burning of her face.
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dracdminus · 2 years
“ why did you help me? ”  
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"Uh, 'cause ya needed help?" Seemed like an obvious answer to him. The gym leader rocks back onto his heels nonchalant, arms folded behind his head.
"How'd'ya get into a mess like that anyway? You a troublemaker, kid?" He's teasing. Mostly.
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mvriigold · 4 months
❛ you want me to shut him up for you? ❜ + " the fucker deserved it. " | ( fbsdhjkf also danny for chrissy, pls let him punch ur weakass bf- )
“No.” Chrissy’s as quiet as usual when it comes to this. Eyes avoidant, arms tucked around herself in replacement of her letterman sweater. There’s a giveaway tremble to her voice that could be mistaken for anxiety, and probably would be by most people that know her. But more than anything, she’s just upset. Upset, and tired. It felt like fate that the game would turn into a disaster. Jason had gotten his mind set on the opposing team making a foul play, building anger evident as he’d practically picked a fight with the referee. Chrissy had watched the telltale veins pulse in his neck, had blown a kiss his way to try to ease his temper back down. It hadn’t worked. Especially when her school’s team had ultimately lost. And only by three points, too. She hadn’t wanted to go to the post-game party, after that. Jason’s frustration had stunk as bad as if he’d drowned himself in alcohol, and Chrissy hadn’t wanted to go anywhere with him in that state. She hadn’t even wanted to go to the party to begin with - not even if they won. She’d always planned on excusing herself away. But God, had the stare he’d given her when she’d done so made her squirm. Made her want to shrink and hide, as phantom bugs skittered over her skin. He’d stared, said “Chris,” in that flat, disbelieving tone, and she’d avoided his eyes as she stood her ground. It’d been easy to hear the cogs turning in his head. Easy to picture his eyes shifting upwards, and finding Maria where she stood in the crowd. Jason had never been a huge fan of her befriending one of the “enemy.” Chrissy was sure that the word on her letting him down would reach her mother by the morning. It always did. “Can we just… go somewhere?” Still hugging herself, she finds herself reluctant to look up at Danny just yet. Talking to him right now won’t do her any favours; she can feel Jason’s eyes digging into her from where he stands near the gymnasium doors, before they cut away. She can already hear the way he’ll remark on this when they’re back at school. “I just… don’t really want to stay here, right now.”
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phantasmaw · 1 year
♢*   —    @crimsontroupe ​ /  𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝 & 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬
❝ they stole my voice. this is me taking it back. ❞ - nox and vis!
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     〈♕ *〉┊  How does one steal a voice? 
      A foolish question to ask, and so it does not leave his lips. The answer comes to him when he glances up at the man's severe face. The prince subsequently looks back down at the dusty manuscript lain before him. Those in power pluck at whatever strings they can wind 'round their fingers: politics, social issues, historical accuracy, economics, religion, and so on. What would stop them from treating the vocal cords of the masses, much less a singular being, the very same way? It begs the question of how many scripts he has overwritten in his time as the veiled emporer. Little more than parts and pieces bound by arcane duty, he talks with a thousand stolen words and thousands more to come. A little laugh huffs from his nose. Yes-- he does already know the answer.
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     "And if it gets taken again?" He draws a deliberate, thick slash through a faded line of text. The coy smile attempting to turn his lips upward loses its strength, letting the corners of his lips quirk down into their natural state of musing. Another line, this one through nearly an entire paragraph. "...I can help. Potentially. Nothing extra required in return; I don't believe we could give each other anything we might need directly." He coughs then. His lungs cinch, ablaze with the need to expel all the oxygen from his system, bones audibly creaking beneath skin. Phantom fingers press at the soft dip at the base of his throat, warning him not to even entertain the idea of fraternizing with a foreign power's disposed pet project. It's almost funny. Very, very funny. 
       "Food for thought; no need to answer. At the very least, we can hope whoever you want to speak to would hear you." Oh, but probably not. The thrones of the powerful were empty more often than not. If prayers went unanswered, why would the hollering of a hit dog gain an audience?
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zcrayas · 1 month
"I do admire how gentle and positive you are. It's a rare thing to see in these Lands and the fact that you manage to uphold those qualities is inspiring to me. It reminds me that some things are worth holding onto. I hope you never lose your glow. Take care."
(a small note, almost calligraphic, left on her equipment for her to find)
Anonymously send me something your muse is secretly thinking about mine. || Highly accepting!
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The note wasn't there the last checked - a note, more like a letter with such an expert handwriting. She reads it over and over again while wrapping herself underneath the large hide. Someone has remembered her... with such kind words. To think, how close she had been, completely in loss of hope.
She promises quietly to herself.
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kaerinio · 2 months
@nightstriumph approached her grace: hold his head. please. if only for a moment.
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a moment. they’ve only a moment before tent flaps part, and one guest becomes another, becomes another, becomes another. war : what a greedy beast, merciless in its inclination toward devouring time, and impatient, too. it waits not for lovers, and thus, these minutes ( minutes, yes ) where they may luxuriate in one another, are so very dear. “rest, my love,” comes the comfort, lilting, and as lulling as the palms smoothing down the collar of his tunic. “if only for a minute or two. the world will not fall to ruin in that time, i promise you,” she whispers, teasingly adding, i should like to think it would take at least three minutes for all our hard work to come undone. how sweet, that soft curve of her lips, delighted at the soothing weight of his head upon her lap. how adoring, that lean, which has her hovering above, absolutely relishing in him.
the night bows before him and darkness answers his call, and yet, here, he shines for her : a star twinkling, rays reaching to capture hopes and wishes and dreams, while vowing to preserve such yearnings. he burns, as she does, but he does so radiantly ( and ruthlessly ; there is nothing he would not give to save his people ; he would tear himself asunder, if it assured their prosperity ; she loves him for this, fiercely, and for so much more ).
now, she allows the chaos of their world to lay forgotten upon a table. if only for this moment, she will shine for him. she will capture his hopes and cherish his yearnings ; she will save him, if only in this moment.
a gentle hand descends, pressing against the dark locks crashing along the planes of his forehead. his hair is mussed, having been loosened, no doubt, by hours of tugging with map-stained fingers. intent, she brushes the shadowy strands back : once, twice, thrice, until a languid rhythm forms. all the while, free fingers rise, featherlight, to glide along his features. devotedly, she traces the slope of his nose, smooths a brow, caresses lips she is all too tempted to capture with her own, before grazing across the peak of an elegant cheekbone to settle upon a pointed ear. the edge of her index finger arcs, memorizing the shape. a moon-kissed braid shifts when she tilts her head, inviting a beautifully crafted bell, wrought in the form of an eight-pointed star, to sing. “would you like to hear a story?”
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stormbcrn · 1 year
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FINGERS TAPPED IDLY AGAINST wooden armrests while her closest advisors sat around debating the merits of opening the fighting pits yet again. Regardless of what was said, allowing the practice would only permit legal slaughter within her city. It mattered not if the men fought freely for whatever honor remained after the blood was spilled.
❝ The cheers of the crowd will still their tongues. ❞ / @aclashofmuses, daario
"Perhaps," Daenerys considered Daario's words just as she considered the advice from her council – hesitantly, brows furrowing as she spoke, "but their silence will not last. The Harpy will not yield to my reign no matter how I bend to them – and how many will die in my name when the pits reopen ???"
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kokoronohiroi · 5 months
okuyasu,... if you ever feel like you're ugly? just remember: koichi is uglier. <3
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nods in agreement. ' don't tell 'im , but i just don't understand how he keeps getting all kinds of attention ! he's as tall as a mouse ... it's unfair ! maybe i need to be shorter ...? '
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iilahalzili · 2 years
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     @barianprogenitor​  ♛  “ soon come chaos. chaos, soon come. ”            ♕  Carnage Sentence Starters   ♛  
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     “You might be a bit late on that~” Marik purrs, glancing to the blood that coats the tips of his fingers, “Chaos has already arrived.” Although, he is always happy to have more chaos going around. The more chaos, the more the shadows can slip into the waking world.
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fated-stars · 1 year
“ Let me relax, I will exist later. ”
{♕} "Aw, come on, Riku.."
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Sora lightly pulled his best friend's arm as he held back a groan. He'd been wanting to spar with him all day and Riku said he would!
Yet, the longer he gazed at Riku's face, the more he could see how tired his friend was. He found himself not wanting to spar anymore, but instead...just sit with him. With a small breath, Sora released the other's arm and plopped down next to him on the sand. He laid back, folding his hands behind his head as a happy grin crossed his face.
"Well, guess you can't call me a lazy bones this time." He teased, having no bite to his words. "Don't be upset if I fall asleep, okay?"
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missninetails · 2 years
"A little souvenir for my little little fox. Hope you like it."
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Well now isn't she spoiled?
"How cute this couple is, just like us." While holding the gift close she leans over pressing a kiss to the wolf in this ones life.
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