#♕~[Answered Ask]
zcrayas · 9 months
Towers over the hunchback woman. He leans down, tilting his head to see what she's looking at. - acoldshadow
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It was a piece of a map. Few crosses of red ink decorated it.
Her finger traced down the marked road down from the North, then, distracting from it. Tapping over two bigger landmarks, while her head stretched to spot any of them.
"Fie..." Apparently, she had lost the course while avoiding the patrolling horseback knights.
He might have watched her for a good moment; before turning to check the surroundings behind - only to find the large frame with canine features leant closer. Such sight had her jump up from the a crumbled ruin she had as her seat. Yet, this one was not a wild beast - and stood tall like a knight.
For how long? Rya pondered.
"Pardon my distress, for you have taken me by surprise." || @acoldshadow
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paradiiselcst · 4 days
⚡ A song that my muse would listen to
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arkclipse · 1 month
🧊 for Nea from Miya xD
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Send 🧊 to put an ice cube down their shirt [ meme ] 
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what — nea barely had any time to fully process what had just occurred by the time he felt the sharp pang of the ice cube slide down his shirt. with no pride left in his pockets, the musician let out a yelp as his body jumped up, proceeding to bang his knee against the desk he had been sitting at. how comical it was, truly, as tears welled up in the corners of golden eyes as the noah fumbled about to release the frozen terror within the confines of his warm clothes. 
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❝ miya, i swear... ❞ 
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kaerinio · 2 months
@nightstriumph approached her grace: hold his head. please. if only for a moment.
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a moment. they’ve only a moment before tent flaps part, and one guest becomes another, becomes another, becomes another. war : what a greedy beast, merciless in its inclination toward devouring time, and impatient, too. it waits not for lovers, and thus, these minutes ( minutes, yes ) where they may luxuriate in one another, are so very dear. “rest, my love,” comes the comfort, lilting, and as lulling as the palms smoothing down the collar of his tunic. “if only for a minute or two. the world will not fall to ruin in that time, i promise you,” she whispers, teasingly adding, i should like to think it would take at least three minutes for all our hard work to come undone. how sweet, that soft curve of her lips, delighted at the soothing weight of his head upon her lap. how adoring, that lean, which has her hovering above, absolutely relishing in him.
the night bows before him and darkness answers his call, and yet, here, he shines for her : a star twinkling, rays reaching to capture hopes and wishes and dreams, while vowing to preserve such yearnings. he burns, as she does, but he does so radiantly ( and ruthlessly ; there is nothing he would not give to save his people ; he would tear himself asunder, if it assured their prosperity ; she loves him for this, fiercely, and for so much more ).
now, she allows the chaos of their world to lay forgotten upon a table. if only for this moment, she will shine for him. she will capture his hopes and cherish his yearnings ; she will save him, if only in this moment.
a gentle hand descends, pressing against the dark locks crashing along the planes of his forehead. his hair is mussed, having been loosened, no doubt, by hours of tugging with map-stained fingers. intent, she brushes the shadowy strands back : once, twice, thrice, until a languid rhythm forms. all the while, free fingers rise, featherlight, to glide along his features. devotedly, she traces the slope of his nose, smooths a brow, caresses lips she is all too tempted to capture with her own, before grazing across the peak of an elegant cheekbone to settle upon a pointed ear. the edge of her index finger arcs, memorizing the shape. a moon-kissed braid shifts when she tilts her head, inviting a beautifully crafted bell, wrought in the form of an eight-pointed star, to sing. “would you like to hear a story?”
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What is Crushed Crown about? My first thought was high school, it even looks like it and I thought it was a Prom based event, coming from the title.
Idk, that's just me!
You're correct with that chunk! HOWEVER it's more so in plot-related flashbacks. Six college students (and best friends) just got out for winter break. They're sophomores this year, and there was a prom incident that happened last year (when they were freshmen in college). After some convincing by one of the friends, they go back to check in with the old high school...only to find out it's abandoned.
Which is weird because the school was active last year! They're unknowing of what occurred for it to be shut down completely. Supernatural entities, dealing with trauma, and rekindling old, unwanted memories. :3
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loveindomitable · 4 months
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@twstedtale said: "He'll honour his duty to family and swallow it.” [Phillip from RWRB]
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Beatrice could only lift a brow at her brother and fold her arms across her chest. It was amazing how different they'd all become from each other. She found herself wondering if their dad would be disappointed and the answer was yes, yes he would be. Philip really needed to stop being so demanding and let them live how they liked. "Y'know, one of these days you're going to regret believing in and following everything gran tells you. Henry deserves to be happy, so do I for that matter. You're going to be king. Let us be. Father wouldn't approve, you know." That last bit was something she shouldn't have said, but she couldn't help it. It was true all the same.
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kokoronohiroi · 5 months
“ i made you dinner. ” because he would never let him go hungry, ever ♥️
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OKUYASU'S HANDS are quick to grab at utensils before butt even made contact with dining chair - letting out a rather bombastic ' thank you ! ' before quickly shoveling down the food. between every other bite , though , he takes a moment to savor the taste and to relish in the fact he gets to enjoy a home cooked meal after a long day. a simple delicacy he hadn't known he had missed. ' i know i already said thank you - ' chews. ' - but i mean it ! no one can cook quite as good as you. ' another chew. ' italians sure know how to cook ! '
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fanfaire · 8 months
iris :   if your muse could convey one last message to someone they have lost or left behind ,   what would it be ?
            「 ★ botanical headcanons! 」
the individual furina would theoretically want to contact most is what she knows as her mirror-self, or focalors. but that does make this somewhat of a cop-out answer because i think ultimately if really, genuinely given the chance to leave a last message for her mirror-self, furina would think about it for a long time
and then ultimately end up not doing it.
. ♕ — ( 1 ) to my understanding, furina never actually knows about focalors' existence, whether she's real or hallucinated, or what happened to her at the end of the fontaine AQ.
from what we see, furina never again speaks to or hears from focalors in the 500 years after she first receives the assignment to act the part of the hydro archon, on blind faith that it would potentially help to stop the prophecy from happening. ( i could do a whole other meta about furina's agreement to do so but that's for another day. )
this is deliberate on focalors' part, and i think not for lack of furina trying over the centuries. it's likely that furina has gone through many, many iterations of the:
— was that just a dream — am i actually doing all of this for nothing — i haven't heard anything else maybe i'm just acting for nothing — no it had to be real or else i really will have done all of this for nothing — if only i could just have one, one hint, one clue this is still useful . . .
cycle over all the time she's spent committing to the bit. but focalors' deliberate decision to never give her "a sign from god" ( given that focalors is very cognizant at the end of the AQ of how much furina has gone through in order to play her role and — iirc — implies she's aware she did her dirty in order to adhere to the plan ) was also part of the plan. not only in the sense that furina had to be clueless of it in order to not attract the attention of the heavenly principles, but also because i believe focalors was aware that in order for furina to best play the part for as long as she needed her to, she had to on some level believe the part.
and that meant merging herself and godhood psychologically on some level. which wouldn't be as possible or effective if she knew that she was getting directives from a separate entity, aka. 100% sure she hadn't just all imagined it in her head in a fever dream one day or something.
and then of course insofar as the end of the AQ is concerned, only neuvillette and the traveler are privy to focalors' appearance and her reveal of her grand master plan. and only the traveler ever experiences furina's memories and inner psychology within the dreamscape while furina herself is catatonic in the chair.
. ♕ — ( 2 ) this is all to say: even though on some level furina still wants answers to all those questions above:
— was it all for nothing / was the prophecy fake — did i play my role well — did i save fontaine like i wanted to — were you ever real
on some other level she also doesn't want the answers to those questions. there's safety and stability in the schrodinger's answer, so to speak: without knowing for sure, she can continue on with the narrative she needs in order to make sense of herself.
she wants the answers to confirm that it all meant something. she doesn't want the answers out of fear that it all meant nothing.
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rosehearrt · 1 year
I give you Rook for the character meme
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ACCEPTING ━ Give Me a Character;
Rook Hunt.
How I feel about this character
Rook is definitely one of my all-time favorite characters. He's such a freak which is SO awesome, but while I enjoy playing up his odd characteristics and borderline inappropriate habits at times for a good yandere fanfic or a funny interaction with other characters for the sake of provocation, I'm of the minority who believes Rook is generally a very benevolent man. That isn't to say he doesn't have the ability to be extremely dangerous in a multitude of ways, but rather that he doesn't choose to. He still stalks. He still obsesses. But he does no real harm, he's more playful than anything. I love watching him interact with his underclassmen and seeing what a gentle and patient mentor he can be, especially when you put him next to Vil ( no shade my Queen, I adore you )! He marches to the beat of his own drum and he somehow gets away with it even in a place like Pomefiore, which is absolutely hilarious. But no matter how strange he might be acting about one thing or another, or how intense he gets with his science experiments and his hunting, he's a very friendly person which I think is so much fun, since the reality differs so much from a person's initial impression of him. He also seems unable to ignore a person who needs a little bit of uplifting or support, which is lovely. All in all, I just adore him, and I think he's such a fun character in every way. I think Yana gave him so many different sides and made him so well-rounded, and I applaud her for all of it. I also really enjoy the odd french word he drops in everyday conversation. If I had more time and ability to pay attention to a multi-muse blog, I'd probably add him. Maybe some day!
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Rukuepe / Rookepel: There's so much I love about these two. Epel clearly has a special bond with Rook, seeing as though he tends to go to him with things just as Rook tends to be doting with Epel, perhaps to the point that I can picture Vil getting irritated at times that maybe his lessons don't hit as hard due to Rook's spoiling. I think Epel would find the fact that he was in Savanaclaw so cool, and I think he'd love hearing stories about it. I also think he'd eventually turn some of his manly idolization onto Rook if they were together, because he'd be watching him in his element while he's hunting more and more, and maybe he'd even ask him to teach him how to use a bow himself. Despite his distaste for being called lovely or beautiful, I also think Rook could help him get over that complex imo, since Epel would realize he calls literally everyone beautiful, because he finds things that he deems beautiful about every person. I think his odd behaviors already intrigue Epel, and his energy would really just make everything kind of fun - I also think Epel's own energy could match his, so they could just be as chaotic as they want to together.
Rukuviru /Rookvil: I'm basic af, ngl. I mostly enjoy looking at fan art of these two because they're just so aesthetically pleasing, but I enjoy the dynamic between the two of them no matter what it is. It's so weird to me that Vil would become so close with someone who just doesn't conform to his ideas of beauty in the same way he does pre-overblot, and someone so outwardly eccentric as well. But it's precisely because they're so different from each other ( though just similar enough ) that makes me like them so much. I love imagining what it was like when Rook first transferred over from Savanaclaw, and all of the work that Vil had to put into him in order to get him to where he is now ( still an odd bird but definitely outwardly beautiful and elegant, with the ability to do all of the things required of a Pomefiore student and a Pomefiore vice housewarden as well. It definitely had to have been a long road, but Vil clearly saw something in Rook that made him worth it, just as Rook saw something in Vil that he felt was worth sticking things out. Their relationship is so funny, and so awkward, and probably so hard to fully understand for other people. Rook goes zero to sixty with Vil in the way that he'll, for example, go all the way to the Isle of Woe just to bring him skincare products, and Vil will act like that's normal, but that's totally fantastic. I think they're just the best and I love watching other characters react to them as well. They've clearly come a long way from when they first met!
Poly Pomefiore: Literally my OTPS for all three Pomefiore boys together in a relationship. It would be such a mess and I would live for it. 10/10 this is my ideal pairing for all three.
Honorable mentions: Rook x Riddle, Rook x Silver, Rook x Ruggie.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Trey lmao. I love what an unlikely duo these two make up, but it warmed my heart to read the manga chapter about their club life together. It's so lovely how well they get along, and how Rook truly seems to respect Trey and acknowledge any advice he might be willing to give him. I think the composed and mature character paired with the eccentric and silly character is always a fun time, so I enjoyed that peek into their relationship immensely.
My unpopular opinion about this character
See above, where I discuss why I can't see him as a yandere archetype and nothing more.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Like almost every other non-housewarden character, I'd really just like more Rook-centered material haha.
But mainly I'd love to look more into how and why he transferred from Savanaclaw to Pomefiore, and how he got to know and worship Vil to the degree that he does.
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soigniert · 1 year
people really be calling Tokiomi arrogant when Gil, aka his Servant, exists, and Kariya’s right there, huh
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[ 📲 text: ]  i want you. - (for madison)
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[ ALPHA DADDY ] Text: 9:24pm - Oh, do you? Well, I guess you might have to play with Mini Chris and calm him down some.
[ ALPHA DADDY ] Text: 9:28pm - Oh and if you need any help, maybe I can suggest rewatching that video you shot of me. You know the one. Where I am eating a popsicle, nice and slow. Yea, I know you were filming me.
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tsareviich · 1 year
😶 Would you ever sell Dagrenner?
Send 😶 + a really uncomfortable question and my muse has to answer it
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"Of course not."
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kaerinio · 2 years
I definitely need to talk about how Viserys educated/had Daenerys educated when they had the means (i.e. were bouncing between wealthy households during their time on the streets of the Free Cities). Means being tutors already existing within these households who were a part of the hospitality expressed by the head of the household. But also, Viserys’ education of Dany was incredibly biased, specifically in a negative sense towards houses that rebelled against their house/turned their cloaks in the end to overthrow Aerys. It is to the point that Daenerys only really knows the arms of the Starks, Lannisters, Tyrells (in a more favorable light), and Baratheons . . . in terms of arms for other houses, she simply does not know because Viserys never thought it important to tell her. And I find it especially interesting, though not surprising, that Viserys failed to tell her the arms of House Martell, as I am sure that he held the same prejudices towards House Martell as Aerys did. 
Daenerys has to ask Barristan what the arms of House Martell are.... when the Martells were their greatest ally during the rebellion. Ultimately, Viserys educated Dany based on information he knew, wrapped around with his feelings regarding that information, and also, what he thought would make Daenerys a good enough prize piece to sell for an army. 
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missninetails · 2 years
Yuki had been thinking this over, planning it carefully. The stage had been set in only a Kitsune's way could be -- but it wasn't the way her people did things. Instead, when she arrived and after a proper meal and chance to enjoy the moon and stars and fox fire he had created as well as the arrangement of plants that hung above Pan had created, Yuki deigned say; "Serinaty... I have something to ask you. I... do not ask this lightly." He waited until he had her attention, and gingerly then took her hands, running thumb over her knuckles, ears pricking forward, tail wrapping around to rest near hers. "... Would you be my mate? My lifelong one -- my only. I... suppose this is as I learned from your parents after asking their permission... a ask for your hand in marriage, but for my people... it is merely a one step." He gives pause. "In this way, I would ask to bind us in both ways -- your way, and my way. If you will have me, that is." (mahotoai)
He had looked quite fidgety if one could call it such a thing, it's cute in some way. Of course he'd gather this ones attention with ease as a ears are always listening to where his voice could come from.
Seems as if he really was thinking of something serious. As bad as this one feels she...couldn't speak immediately. What came was a wide-eyed fox staring up at the silver one blinking a few times. Cogs whirring within the mind as she gives a slow nod not willing to acknowledge the burning of her face.
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iilahalzili · 2 years
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     Anonymous  ♕ Would you do that with both if able then? Without killing them i mean.. Because if we are serious here. They might come back for more? If it ever happened.
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     “I cannot guarantee I won’t kill either of them--old habits die hard as they say~” He muses. It would be interesting to see how long either the Pharaoh or the Thief could last. . . and if there is the opportunity to see if Atem could fall. That would be a bonus, “But I would not mind such a thing~ a bit of fun even if it does not last too long.” 
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kokoronohiroi · 5 months
okuyasu,... if you ever feel like you're ugly? just remember: koichi is uglier. <3
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nods in agreement. ' don't tell 'im , but i just don't understand how he keeps getting all kinds of attention ! he's as tall as a mouse ... it's unfair ! maybe i need to be shorter ...? '
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