ritual born
901 posts
I wish to set out on a journey.So that one day, I can carry on Mother's work.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
zcrayas · 17 days ago
Dark Fantasy Creator
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Tagged by: stole this! Tagging: steal this!
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zcrayas · 25 days ago
Rya I did for the lunar new year🐍💖✨
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zcrayas · 29 days ago
It's good year for the serpent famileeeeh! A good year to be actual snake.
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zcrayas · 29 days ago
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zcrayas · 1 month ago
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zcrayas · 2 months ago
✱˚。⋆ ↪ 𝐈 𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 . ( a collection of dialogue prompts from the film the hobbit : the desolation of smaug . adjust phrasing as necessary . )
this is no chance meeting , is it , [ name ] ?
take back your homeland .
what if i were to help you reclaim it ?
that's not the worst of it .
we have another problem .
what did i tell you ? quiet as a mouse .
will you just listen ? i'm trying to tell you there's something else out there .
the bear is unpredictable , the man can be reasoned with .
come away from there , it's not natural . none of it .
it's obvious , he's under some dark spell .
you'll be safe here tonight ... i hope .
we grow in number , we grow in strength .
death will come to all .
there are others like you ?
you're running out of time .
a darkness lies upon that forest .
i would not venture there except in great need .
go now while you have the light .
this forest feels ... sick . as if a disease lies upon it .
something moves in the shadows unseen , hidden from our sight .
if our enemy has returned , we must know .
i would not do this unless i had to .
you've changed , [ name ] .
you must stay on the path . do not leave it . if you do , you'll never find it again .
is there no end to this accursed forest ?
we're going around in circles , we are lost .
the sun . we have to find the sun .
we're being watched .
they're growing bolder .
not just a thief , but a liar as well .
i myself suspect a more prosaic motive .
i have seen how you treat your friends .
you turned away from the suffering of my people .
a hundred years is a mere blink in the life of an elf . i'm patient . i can wait .
did he offer you a deal ?
shh ! there are guards nearby .
you were supposed to be leading us out , not further back in !
are you mad ? they'll find us .
please . please , you must trust me .
this is not a nice place to meet .
why now , [ name ] ? i don't understand .
a human sorcerer could not summon such evil .
in our blindness , the enemy has returned .
the enemy is preparing for war .
i started this . i cannot forsake them , they are in grave danger .
you want me to cast my friends aside ?
i think we've outrun the orcs .
we've no weapons to defend ourselves .
do it again , and you're dead .
what makes you think i would help you ?
no doubt you have some hungry mouths to feed .
oh , come on - enough of the niceties .
i would like to know who you are . and what you're doing in these lands .
we need food , supplies ... weapons . can you help us ?
i'd wager there are ways to enter that town unseen .
for that , you'd need a smuggler .
there was more he could have told us .
i don't care what he calls himself , i don't like him .
we don't have to like him , we just have to pay him .
i've been bled dry by this adventure ! and what have i seen for my investment ?
if you value your freedom , you'll do as i say .
folk in this town are suffering .
you'd do well to remember ; we know where you live .
it's a small town , [ name ] , everyone knows where everyone lives .
who would have the nerve to question my authority ?
you promised us weapons .
death ! that is what you'll bring upon us .
have you forgotten what happened to [ name / location ] ?
let us not be so quick to lay blame .
join us when you're healed .
[ name ] , you belong with the company .
i belong with my brother .
we have no time to wait , we're on our own .
the evil that is hidden here ... i command it reveal itself .
you have keen eyes , [ name ] .
let all those who doubted us rue this day !
i know these walls ... these halls , this stone .
i do not know what you'll find down there .
it never ceases to amaze me . the courage of hobbits .
if there is in fact a live dragon down there , don't waken it .
come , now ... don't be shy . step into the light .
there is something about you , something you carry .
there you are , thief in the shadows .
i did not come to steal from you .
do you think flattery will keep you alive ?
what else do you claim to be ?
truly , you are mistaken .
you have nice manners , for a thief and a liar .
i know the smell and taste of dwarf .
they are drawn to treasure like flies to dead flesh .
did you think i did not know this day would come ?
you should leave us .
and go where ? there is nowhere to go .
the dragon , it's going to kill us .
i kill where i wish , when i wish .
my armor is iron , no blade can pierce me .
i need you to distract the guards .
time to do what , to get killed ?
yes , i'm afraid . i'm afraid for you .
you're not yourself .
the darkness is coming ... it will spread to every corner of the land .
you were only ever a means to an end .
i will not part with a single coin . not one piece of it .
your reputation precedes you .
you have no equal on this earth .
i think our little game ends here .
so tell me , thief ... how do you choose to die ?
we've given him the slip .
there may be a way out .
it's our only chance , we have to try .
i've heard tales of the wonders of elvish medicine .
that was a privilege to witness .
i will not die like this . cowering . gasping for breath .
if this is to end in fire , then we will all burn together .
perhaps it is time i paid them a visit .
this isn't their fault !
you care about them , do you ? good . then you can watch them die .
i am taking back what you stole .
you will take nothing from me .
i laid low your warriors of old . i instilled terror in the hearts of men .
this is not your kingdom . these are dwarf lands .
revenge ? revenge ?! i will show you revenge !
i am fire . i am death .
what have we done ?
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zcrayas · 2 months ago
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A letter... usually, she doesn't receive letters, as she is the one delivering word from the proprietress of the Manor. This one, definitely for her instead of the mistress.
Odd, it has not a single word written on it. No title, no name. Instead, filled with hearts!
How delightful, it has her smile. Who might be this mysterIous... ally, admirer, even? Imagination set wild and free with this new exciting mystery. Definitely, it is a lovely surprise.
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zcrayas · 2 months ago
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zcrayas · 2 months ago
Rya thinking she is seen too cursed to be proper heir while no one seems to have survived without some kind of curse or blessing.
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zcrayas · 2 months ago
Still makes me chuckle how considering events of the main game.
Rya doesn't even know how much land and titles she inherits 8/
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zcrayas · 2 months ago
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No greater distress than to forget
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zcrayas · 2 months ago
"...Snakes aren't terrifying! They are very cute-"
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zcrayas · 2 months ago
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zcrayas · 3 months ago
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🐍HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2025🐍👨‍🦲
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zcrayas · 3 months ago
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Dad, you're embarrassing me!!
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zcrayas · 3 months ago
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Face judgment at Volcano Manor! Snakey snake time!!!
Prints for sale of the whole series here!!
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zcrayas · 3 months ago
❝ is something wrong? ❞ far be it for the roaming perfumer to pry too deeply into the affairs of the volcano manor, doubly so when said affairs belong to one of the two ladies that manage the whole thing. yet rya hasn't said much of anything today, not even while watching him brew aromatics and other potent tonics in the small space he's been alotted for his services to the recusants. definitely more than a passing strange, that. crow tilts his head towards her consideringly, grey eyes narrowed with something that might just be concern as he rasps. ❝ not like ya. seemed a mouse, quiet as. what's on ya mind. ❞
BLOOD AND DARKNESS || @fishermcn
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" Oh..." the presence snaps the young woman out of deep labyrinths of her thoughts. Her gaze turns towards his voice, but the gaze of the green eyes seems almost.. empty. Moving as if searching a spot to focus.
His conclusion would be correct: Rya had always been there, hosting the champions and visitors of the manor - almost as if afraid of missing out of interaction.
Now, she had withdrawn from others to far quieter corner, accompanied by her own silence. How tired she must seem right now, and still trying to wear her best smile as if to say: 'don't worry about me'.
But that smile is far smaller, than her genuine one.
To confirm his words, she sighs with a nod. No, she isn't feeling well even if it was only apparent in her current demeanor. Yet, it wasn't anything strange or extraordinary. To Rya.
" You have sharp eyes." She comments with another small smile, shaking her head slightly. " I am not feeling too well... Forgive me for concerning you. This happens from time to time... ever since I was born I have these passing moments I feel the World gets blurry... But I assure you. It lasts a mere week and then, I will be just fine. "
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