#♕ v: tba
survivingpierce · 10 months
tag drop #2
♕ v: main
♕ once upon a time ▬ 1800s
♕ once upon a time ▬ 1920s
♕ v: 1490  
♕ v: 1864
♕ v: s2
♕ v: s3
♕ v: s4    
♕ v: cured
♕ v: human 15th century
♕ v: the originals    
♕ v: new orleans
♕ v: ghost
♕ v: hallucination
♕ v: katherine as elena
♕ v: amnestic
♕ v: twilight
♕ laws and heels ▬ human katherine au
♕  the purest expression of every emotion ▬ ballet au 
♕ always stay one step ahead of your enemy ▬ agent au 
♕ what if the past could be changed? ▬ 1492 au
 ♕ a gift of fate ▬ 1492 au
♕ falsified past ▬ compelled au
♕ once upon a time ▬ viking age au
♕ i’m gonna rip this world apart ▬ dark katherine au
♕ diamonds and betrothals ▬ bridgerton
 ♕ the secret princess ▬ au
♕ gv: an even rarer jewel
♕ au ▬ hunger games universe
♕ v: tba
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astraeden · 2 years
Notice was quick to reach the prince that a new student had joined the Blue Lions, and so he rushed to greet the arrival. A girl by the name of Lilith it seemed- all other information didn’t matter much to him. All that he paid attention to was that from now on, she’d be under his wing and therefore he had to make sure she knows she can count on him.
Yet he couldn’t stop himself from rubbing his eyes once- twice, when he spotted her in the distance. Was she hovering by any chance? 
It…didn’t matter. and he didn’t want to ask either in fear that maybe she’d feel offended by the question. Pretending that he saw nothing strange, Dimitri approached the girl with an easy smile. “Lilith, is it? My name is Dimitri, leader of the Blue Lions as well as one of your classmates.” A quick nod, graced by a warm grin. “If there is anything you need guidance or help with, please do feel free to come for me. I shall do my best to be of help.”
The prince gave her a good once over. Small frame, probably a magic user, but some things here and there were slightly odd- well, odd wasn’t the correct word. Intriguing. And the floating thing was one of them. She was, indeed, hovering.
“Uhm…pardon the…odd question. You are free to avoid it in case it causes you discomfort, but I have noticed that you seem to be able to…float? That is impressive, I assume you must be well acquainted with magic, then?” He tried to brush off the awkwardness of the question, but there was no easy way to ask someone if they were literally floating. “...Gah, ignore me. Well, welcome to the Blue Lions- and welcome to Fódlan as well.”
CLASS IS DISMISSED WITH A WAVE, and with it, lilith bows respectfully to the professor in hopes that the act is enough to express her gratitude for today’s lesson.  she had not been present for it, since it began before her arrival, but the releasing of students from the room is enough for her to feel grateful for the lesson.  to simply know that it had existed.  the uniform is light on her, quite tight on the cuffs of her jacket sleeves so she makes a mental reminder to adjust them later in the day.
the blue lions. a house of honor and chivalry, one of respectful members and those who wish only the best for their classmates.  it is a house that she expected to be put into; conditioned to a promise and vow, one that she would not break no matter the sacrifices she had to make.  the leader of this house, though, is a classmate that she has yet to meet and... oh?
lilith blinks in question, humming at the sound of her name on the leader’s tongue.  without much thought into the action, she adjusts to his height and raises the space between her feet and the ground.  just enough so they can speak face to face, at the proper level of regard.   “   thank you, sincerely, for the offer of assistance.   ”   lilith says, a small smile playing at the bow of her lips.   “   i understand that i am only a classmate to you but please remember that i, too, will assist you in any case if needed.   ”
(   normalcy is quite common here, very different of your home realm.   )   lilith is not surprised when dimitri’s gaze studies her once more.  neither is she surprised when he speaks up with a question instead of a welcome.  the predictability is enough to make her giggle softly, raising a hand to her lips to cover most of the laugh.  she waves her hand to gently dismiss his awkward attempt to push off the topic.
“   no, it’s fine!  hehe, it doesn’t cause me any discomfort, unless it makes you feel uncomfortable in any way then i can walk normally if you would like that?   ”   an arched eyebrow at the note of magic.   “   yes and no.  yes, i am floating, but no, it is not due to practiced magic.  it is simply an ability i transferred between forms.  quite different from magic utilized by mages, i presume?   ”   she remembers, vividly, that it had not taken much to float in her human form at first walking steps.  gravity divided between each form, unable to keep her down no matter certain attempts.
another laugh slips from her lips and lilith clasps her hands, bowing her head slightly in greeting.   “   anyway, thank you, again, for the welcome.  i hope that my presence here will aid the blue lions in any way or method.   ”
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rossefincha · 2 years
@sillyromantics​   cont.
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                  a   shy   smile   turns   pink   lips   .   lonely   was   the   best   way   to   describe   her   childhood   .   she   would   look   out   the   wide   windows   of   the   manor   ,   hand   pressed   to   the   cold   glass   ,   watching   the   world   go   by   .   julianna   was   a   sweet   girl   &   her   company   was   much   appreciated   .   ❝   i   appreciate   that   ,   ❞   victoria   says   ,   gently   .   hand   settles   on   the   edge   of   the   sofa   .   ❝   i   did   feel   awfully   lonely   before   .   ❞
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survivingpierce · 1 year
tag drop:
♕ stronger meaner sexy ▬ attitude  
♕ love hate - such a fine line ▬ relationships  
♕ i’m not the girl you think i am ▬ ooc  
♕ she loves to play games ▬ meme  
♕ find me in the shadows ▬ queue  
♕ she dreamed of paradise
♕ find the girl beneath the monster ▬ answered
♕ the one and only ▬ visage  
♕ find me in the shadows ▬ thoughts  
♕ humanity is a vampire’s greatest weakness ▬ quotes  
♕ i always get what i want ▬ wishlist  
♕ i’m getting better at this ▬ friends 
♕ i didn’t want to lose you ▬ plot
♕ the cute one's here ▬ interactions
♕ once upon a time ▬ 1800s
♕ once upon a time ▬ 1920s 
♕ v: 1490  
♕ v: 1864
♕ v: s2
♕ v: s3
♕ v: s4    
♕ v: cured
♕ v: human 15th century
♕ v: the originals    
♕ v: new orleans
♕ v: ghost
♕ v: hallucination
♕ v: amnestic
♕ v: twilight
♕ laws and heels ▬ human katherine au
♕  the purest expression of every emotion ▬ ballet au 
♕ always stay one step ahead of your enemy ▬ agent au 
♕ what if the past could be changed? ▬ 1492 au
♕ once upon a time ▬ viking age au
♕ i’m gonna rip this world apart ▬ dark katherine au
♕ diamonds and betrothals ▬ bridgerton
♕ gv: an even rarer jewel
♕ diamonds and betrothals ▬ bridgerton
♕ a gift of fate ▬ 1492 au
♕ falsified past ▬ compelled au
♕ v: katherine as elena
♕ the secret princess ▬ au
♕ v: tba
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rossefincha · 2 years
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                  trying   to   focus   on   pastor   galswells’s   sermon   ,   she   had   not   noticed   the   stray   hair   fallen   from   her   bun   .   but   the   pale   horror   that   fell   over   her   when   she   did   !   with   her   mother’s   voice   reprimanding   her   in   her   head   ,   face   pales   -   becoming   even   whiter   than   her   cheeks   usually   are   .   a   hand   lifts   to   adjust   the   stray   strand   when   fingertips   brush   against   another’s   .   
@wrensfeatheredpen​   (   victor   )   :   💆‍♀️   for   your   character   to   tuck   a   strand   of   my   muse’s   hair   behind   their   ear
                  a   delighted   little   ,   ❝   oh   !   ❞   escapes   her   lips   before   victoria   shields   her   smile   with   a   hand   .   gaze   drops   ,   yet   she   cannot   hold   back   her   smile   .   ❝   thank   you   ,   victor   ,   ❞   she   whispers   .   
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rossefincha · 2 years
@thenightmareofyourdrems​   sent   :   random   ( x )
muse   generated   :   catherine   
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                  expression   is   troubled   .   eyebrows   pursed   &   pale   lips   tightly   pressed   together   .   sitting   in   silence   with   only   the   rolling   waves   in   the   background   until   cath   says   ,   ❝   are   you   angry   ?   ❞   another   quiet   moment   passes   .   fingers   fold   in   her   lap   .   ❝   my   meaning   was   not   to   insult   .   i   promise   you   that   .   ❞
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survivingpierce · 4 years
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Answered Memes / Asks
Open Starters
About My Katherine
♕ v: main
♕ once upon a time ▬ 1800s
♕ once upon a time ▬ 1920s
♕ v: 1490  
♕ v: 1864
♕ v: s2
♕ v: s3
♕ v: s4    
♕ v: cured
♕ v: human 15th century
♕ v: the originals    
♕ v: new orleans
♕ v: ghost
♕ v: hallucination
♕ v: katherine as elena
♕ v: amnestic
♕ v: twilight
♕ laws and heels ▬ human katherine au
♕  the purest expression of every emotion ▬ ballet au 
♕ always stay one step ahead of your enemy ▬ agent au 
♕ what if the past could be changed? ▬ 1492 au
♕ a gift of fate ▬ 1492 au
♕ falsified past ▬ compelled au
♕ once upon a time ▬ viking age au
♕ i’m gonna rip this world apart ▬ dark
♕ diamonds and betrothals ▬ bridgerton
♕ the secret princess ▬ au
♕ gv: an even rarer jewel
♕ v: tba
Pictures Of You
Relationships / Connections
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