#☀–there's no map or compass to guide me (event)
teddy-tonks · 1 year
Who: Open Where: Gryffindor Common Room
ted was stood by one of the windows just watching everyone enjoy the party. he let out a contented sigh. he loved his family, he really did, but there was nothing like being at hogwarts. he wasn't ready for this to be his last year here but he was determined to enjoy every minute of it. ted was dragged out of his thoughts by someone bumping in to him and dropping a little of their drink of him. "y'know if you wanted me to share your drink, you just had to ask" a teasing, amused smile rising on his face.
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teddy-tonks · 1 year
Who: @blackestrose Where: Gryffindor Common Room
ted had seen andromeda as he approached the drinks table for a refill. he'd never really spoken to her in a place like this. the only place they'd really spoken in public before was at book club and he wasn't sure that counted. he knew he shouldn't feel nervous, he had as much right to talk to her as anyone here, but still it felt weird. even he couldn't help but feel like he was doing something wrong. he suddenly felt more aware of everyone in the room. yeah they weren't really friends or anything but they had stuff in common and he had genuine reason to make conversation with her right now. "hey" his voice soft, trying to hide his caution. thinking it best to skip the small talk he dived right in as he poured himself a drink "i saw this band during the summer that I think you might enjoy- especially the lead singer, she was amazing, one of those people who capture your entire attention, really something special."
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teddy-tonks · 9 months
Where: The ball; food table Who: @c1ssa
Ted had danced enough now that he needed an energy refill. He'd found his own way to enjoy the ball. He couldn't dance much to the slow songs, but he could sway well enough and that would do for him. He was much more of a dance stupidly to fast songs kind of person anyway. Hogwarts had outdone itself in terms of the food on offer tonight too. Ted was busy piling his plate high. There was one cheese tart he couldn't get to since someone was stood in the way. He tried to get their attention with a quiet 'excuse me' but they clearly didn't hear him. "Sorry- I just need to get to to the-"
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teddy-tonks · 9 months
Where: corridor outside the great hall Who: @blackestrose
Ted needed to get some fresh air. He had really been enjoying the evening so far. It was nice to let loose and dance with his friends. Just to be able to forget about the pressures of his final year at Hogwarts and what that meant for his life. Ted had just finished talking with one of the students from Ilvermorny when he headed out into the corridor. He wasn't used to wearing suits, especially not a three piece suit. When he'd told his mum about the ball, she'd found the suit immediately. Telling him that it used to be her favourite of his dad's. It felt special to have his dad with him in that way and Ted thought it rather suited him too. Regardless though, in a room full of people it was making him feel very warm. He found an empty corner of the corridor and shrugged off the jacket. Feeling the relief of the cooler air. He looked around, just people watching at the others in the corridor when his eyes landed on a figure down the furthest end. Even from here he could tell it was Andromeda. He was already starting to walk towards her before his brain could catch up with his actions. He couldn't deny that with every interaction they had he become more and more intrigued. The vinyl she'd lent him, whilst not exactly his style had been beautiful. "Seems a shame for you to be out here alone in a dress that pretty" Ted questioned whether he'd had too much of the punch already and cleared his throat. "I just mean- its very detailed" Ted adjusted the way he was holding his jacket "did you need some air too, its boiling in there." Ted had no idea what he was doing anymore, all he knew was that he couldn't seem to stay away from her and he had no idea why.
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teddy-tonks · 9 months
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teddy-tonks · 11 months
Where: Outside The Three Broomsticks Who: @alecctoccarrow
Ted was having a great time tonight. He loved the festival. Browsing through the stalls, looking at all the costumes. Some people's were seriously impressive. It also warmed his heart every time he saw a costume that had a muggle reference. He had lost Charity to the crowd some time ago, but he was content sat outside with his snacks and his drink just taking in the atmosphere. "There's a seat free if you need it" Ted told the person in front of him who seemed like they were looking for somewhere that was free.
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teddy-tonks · 11 months
Who: @rxskeeter Where: Hogsmeade High Street
It had taken Ted so long to perfect the transfiguration spell that he hadn't had much time to actually practice walking on hooves. It was a weird feeling and he had stumbled a few times. Still, he didn't regret his choice one bit. Since he had been rereading the books, it was the first thing that had come to his mind. His hooves sounded loudly against the cobbled street and you would definitely be able to hear him before you could see him. He turned a corner and almost ran into someone, taking a minute to regain his balance after the sudden stop he'd had to make. "That was close" he laughed "almost had me on the floor there- not sure how i would've got back up." Ted now felt a little less cold towards Rita since their previous conversation.
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teddy-tonks · 1 year
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