#◜   mason callaway      ╱      character   .
giulietas · 4 years
📱   +   mason
What was my muses 5 last sent texts yours?
[ 📲 → 18:30 ]   babe
[ 📲 → 18:30 ]   look, you know we have a big game friday, right?
[ 📲 → 18:31 ]   so the coach wants us playing for at least an hour more
[ 📲 → 18:31 ]   wich means i cant make it to dinner with you, sorry :(
[ 📲 → 18:31 ]   butttt you can go the frat and wait for me….. 
What was my muses 5 last unsent texts yours?
[ 📲 → 23:43 ]   you know i love u so much
[ 📲 → 23:43 ]   i’m really bad at writing but it just you’re so amazing and 
[ 📲 → 23:45 ]   maggie i really dont know what you saw in me because lets be honest im 
[ 📲 → 23:45 ]   sometimes i think you deserve so much more than m
[ 📲 → 23:46 ]   i literally cant imagine not being with you all the time magg
What was my muses last snapchat to yours?
What my muse saved your number as?
babe 🥰🥰  
What contact photo my muse has set for yours?
What ringtone my muse has set for yours?
Toque padrão do Iphone. (mas é porque o Mason não liga pra toque)
How many times my muse has called your this week?
Nove vezes.
How many calls has my muse missed from yours?
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Any fics with the season 6 newbies as side characters? Preferably not reaction or canon fics
The AO3 search feature is your best friend. I searched completed glee fics with a Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel relationship, and included a tag for each Season 6 newbie. 
Jayne Hayward - 27 fics
Spencer Porter - 9 fics
Mason McCarthy - 29 fics
Madison McCarthy - 23 fics
Alistair 3 fics
I had a quick look at the search results. Here are the ones I’ve read and enjoyed.
- HKVoyage
Callaway Place by @sunshineoptimismandangels
Callaway Place is an old coastal mansion filled with magic, history and secrets. To eleven year old Blaine Anderson it is the place he is forced to spend his summer vacation when he’d rather be anywhere else in the world. But a magic mirror and a spine-tingling enchantment soon have Blaine glad he came.
Kurt Hummel is a young boy growing up in a quiet little town hoping for a bigger future. He is holding onto secrets few know about, while learning about an ancient magic that will transform his life.
Kurt and Blaine’s lives intersect in the most unexpected way and they are both forever changed, but what will they do as they grown into young men and are unable to leave the magic of their childhood behind?
Tales from Los Angeles by @flickerthenflare
A Los Angeles production of South Pacific offers challenges and amazing career opportunities, as well as a mini-reunion among high school friends and semi-estranged brothers. Blaine Anderson is going to make the most of it.
Kama Seusstra by GSJwrites
When erotica author Kurt Hummel follows the hot guy from the book convention party back to his hotel room, he thinks it’s simply a chance to spark his lackluster sex life. But when a scheduling change finds him sharing a speaker’s podium with his one night stand, he discovers that he has hooked up with Blaine Anderson, America’s darling of children’s literature.
Can the writer of a popular erotic serial find love with the author who has made bow ties the literary and fashion trend of children everywhere?
Kama Seusstra follows both their efforts to navigate an unlikely relationship as well as their stories: "Out at Home", an online erotic serial set in the world of professional baseball, and "The Brave Little Bow Tie", a children’s story about a bow tie trying to find his place in the world.
This is a story of sex, love and the hard choices we make to balance happiness and success.
unexpected by @klaineanummel
Blaine Anderson was just about the last thing Professor Kurt Hummel expected out of a TA.
I Really (Don't) Hate You by DreamingisBelieving
Prompt: Your OTP ‘hate’ each other and always annoy each other when they’re around friends/whoever. However, secretly they are lovers and they have to keep up the dislike so their friends don’t find out. That is, until, Person A finds out they’re pregnant…
It was just easier to not tell anyone about their relationship. As soon as they did it became less about them and more about everyone else, so they had no intention of telling anyone that "Klaine" was back together until Kurt had gotten a surprise.
Honeymoon Holidays by @flowerfan2
Kurt and Blaine’s first winter holidays together as a married couple fall so quickly after their wedding that sometimes they almost seem like a continuation of their honeymoon. But not always.
A story in the “Season 7” series that looks at events in the early married life of Kurt and Blaine, written in connection with the 2015 Klaine Advent challenge. The name of each chapter is the prompt.
Second Chance by kookaburrito
What do you do if your new boss at that job you really wanted turns out to be the man you randomly hooked up with a few nights ago?
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sumukhcomedy · 5 years
Arrogant and Inept: Your 2019 Cleveland Browns!
The 2019 Cleveland Browns had a lot of hype going into the season from their own fans, from the media, and from the nation. I was a little more hesitant because I’m a fan who has watched how this organization operates and, in order to be a winner, you first have to show you’re a winner. I still anticipated the Browns would have a more exciting offense, have the ability to make the playoffs, and my prediction was a 10-6 record but I saw the possibilities of that still falling apart.
Not surprisingly, as the Cleveland Browns are prone to do, it has fallen apart in unique and exciting ways that only this Browns organization could create.
People acted as if the schedule would be a piece of cake and prognosticated the Browns at 12-4 or even 13-3 and getting to the AFC Championship. But I was concerned even with the start of the schedule. If we could hold at 2-2, it would be a great start. Tennessee was one of those middle-of-the run teams that finds itself in the playoff hunt each year and the New York Jets seemed on the rise with Sam Darnold. I anticipated we’d split these games. We did, but not in the way I expected with a blowout loss to the Titans and then a fine enough win against a quarterback who is no longer in the NFL in Luke Falk. It was expected we’d lose to the NFC champion Rams, but the Browns did more so by suspect play calling of their own than by being outcoached or outclassed. The Browns then had their most impressive win of the season, dismissing the Baltimore Ravens and now holding possession of 1st place in the AFC North at 2-2.
It fit a positive start, but then all the cracks that showed in the first 4 games kept getting bigger against a talented, concerning part of the schedule. The lack of discipline showed and the penalties racked up. The play calling continued to be bizarre at times. The offensive line couldn’t protect. The coaching of Freddie Kitchens clearly was in disarray and not making adjustments. A blowout loss to the 49ers, blowing a lead against the Seahawks, a sloppy game against the Super Bowl champion Patriots, and an inept performance against a rookie quarterback in his first start against the Broncos and the Browns had landed at 2-6.
Now came a real test for the team. Down 16-12, the Browns and Baker Mayfield either engineer a drive to win against a now likely playoff-bound Buffalo Bills or their season basically ends. To both the team and Mayfield’s credit, they did it, and won an ugly game that saw them incapable of getting the ball into the end zone 7 times from the Bills’ 1-yard line. The cracks were still there but maybe it could turn around.
Then the Browns were capable of once again doing something unprecedented to alienate me. With a win against the rival Steelers firmly in their hands, Myles Garrett tried to hit Mason Rudolph with his own helmet. This is how the Browns are so unique. Even when they win, they manage to find a way to make you feel miserable. The Browns, already a team that didn’t need distractions with the number of characters on their roster, were going to have a week of the media primarily talking about this incident.
The flames were fueled once again when Kitchens, already suspect and inept in his duties as a football head coach, wore a T-shirt that said “Pittsburgh Started It” in public when he went to see a movie. Not only did he wear it, but he posed in a photo with it. He can say whatever he would like: that it was a gag, that it was his daughters who wanted him to wear it, but it doesn’t matter. If you’re a leader, you walk the walk and you talk the talk. He claimed the team needed to move on from the incident and yet he piled on to it just a couple days before the rematch. He looks even dumber now given his team lost to the Steelers. Once again, the Browns just look like a black sheep of the AFC North and the NFL. They are incapable of understanding how to win and how to be organized. They lose to a team stripped down to their 3rd string quarterback and backup running backs and wide receivers. They lose to a team far more skilled at focus and organization and to a coach getting the best out of what he has to deal with.
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The expectations for the Browns season were high but, even at 5-7, they have catastrophically fallen apart. Kitchens is too pass-friendly even when he has two of the most capable and dangerous running backs in the league. There are major discipline questions given the penalties and the number of incidents the team has had that have led to suspensions or, you know, receivers having to change their shoes at halftime. One of my guilty pleasures is to watch Kitchens’s post-game press conferences on YouTube and he says the same things so often each week with no sign of improvement that I’m now at a point that I wonder how he aced the interview to get the job?
The Browns have one of two options at this point: General Manager John Dorsey needs to fire Kitchens and pay a boatload for a veteran NFL head coach with playoff experience or he needs to be patient with Kitchens in the hope that he somehow becomes better and different than his first 12 games. Kitchens is not the best public relations coach. He can’t possibly be when he wears that T-shirt and when you see how he conducts his press conferences. But you don’t have to be amazingly good at public relations to be a great football coach (see Bill Belichick, the greatest of all-time who started his greatness in Cleveland). The problem with Kitchens is whether the glimmers of any type of greatness can come through in the future. The pressure was on him with this year and, by all accounts, he hasn’t handled the pressure well. Can he for the future? It’s a decision the Browns upper management must make. It’s concerning for Browns fans because nothing in the past 20 years has shown that the decision won’t be an inept one.
It all comes back, to me, to questioning why we enjoy sports to begin with. We cheer for a certain team because they are part of the city that we live or grew up in. That team is part of the community. There is a civic connection and bond that comes with the fans, the players, and the team. This Browns team has, perhaps more than any other of the past 20 years, worked to alienate that connection more than bind it. The best player on the team is arguably Nick Chubb. He carries himself as Browns fans would want and in the mold of what our legends were like. Off the field, he seems a quiet and decent individual and on the field he has a strong work ethic and great results as he has already broken 1,000 yards rushing for the season.
The rest of the team has either taken a 180 from who we thought they were or whose outlandish character isn’t being backed up by their work on the field. Garrett seemed a hard worker who was quiet off the field and wrote poetry (why that was a news story anyway, I don’t know) and now he is suspended for the remainder of the season for one of the more violent acts in recent football history. Odell Beckham, Jr. has long been vocal but, for reasons that aren’t fully clear, can’t seem to have either Mayfield or Kitchens get the ball to him. Jarvis Landry has had his moments both in great play and in great tomfoolery. So has Baker Mayfield who is hopefully maturing after blaming others (including the fans and their noise) for team mistakes. Kareem Hunt is trying to rehabilitate his character after disturbing video of him hitting a woman. Antonio Callaway proved useless at both catching the ball and following rules. The coaching staff doesn’t even want to play Rashard Higgins. I could keep going down the list of the roster, but the main point is, other than Chubb and Joe Schobert, who am I supposed to actually like on this team? Who embodies Cleveland and the history of the Browns that we so love?
Like every organization, it all comes back to the people at the top. How do they carry themselves? What is the culture that they are bringing? You can make as many excuses as you’d like, but Kitchens wearing a “Pittsburgh Started It” shirt is the cherry on top of the problems of the 2019 Cleveland Browns season. It’s arrogance when you’ve proven nothing. It’s pettiness when a better leader would have moved on. It’s a new kind of Cleveland Browns that’s arguably even worse to stomach than the 0-16 one. I’m not sure what’s worse: Hue Jackson always blaming everyone other than himself or Freddie Kitchens taking the blame but not doing anything to improve the situation.
Either way, these last 4 games will prove interesting just as the rest of the season has. How does a team with no playoff hope react to finishing out the season? A well-organized, well-coached team would still finish strong. Of course, a well-organized, well-coached team with this much talent wouldn’t be in the position they are in right now.
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giulietas · 5 years
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                                       𝑰𝑵𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑮𝑹𝑨𝑴 𝑼𝑷𝑫𝑨𝑻𝑬! MARGAERY&MASON.
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giulietas · 5 years
40) things you said when you met my parents + @mason (hmkk fica com deus mason)
“Maggie, are you sure they even want to meet me?” Mason soltou, exasperado. A viagem de primeira classe tinha ocorrido sem nenhum pensamento sobre isso, entretido o suficiente com seu leve pânico de voar e o catálogo imenso de filmes disponíveis que pela falta de tempo ainda não tinha conseguido ver, mas conforme se aproximavam da residência se viu nervoso. “Wait, you told them I was coming, right?” Talvez aquilo fosse óbvio, mas sua mente inquieta lhe fornecia ao menos cem cenários diferentes e ele não gostava de pagar para ver. Por um momento se viu tentado a pegar a bolinha macia que carregava para cima e para baixo e a apertar, mas decidiu que não precisava, ainda. Tentando se distrair, observando as paisagens londrinas que sua mente não captava com precisão, sentiu a mão da namorada em seu joelho, fazendo-o parar de tremer sua perna num ritmo frenético, coisa que nem tinha percebido começar a fazer. “Calm down, Mason. It’s just mum and dad. They will love you.” Respirou fundo, tentando fazer com que as palavras dela fizesse efeito e entrelaçou suas mãos, a dando um sorriso apaziguador. 
Ficou bem claro no momento em que as portas da residência Coldwell se abriram que aquilo não daria exatamente certo. Mason, em toda a glória de seus 1.90, camiseta branca e jaqueta de couro, não pareceu agradar de maneira nenhuma o sogro, que o olhou de cima a baixo. De volta a Stanford suas roupas pareciam ideais, mas vendo o terno três-peças que o homem usava e as pérolas no pescoço de sua esposa - não achava que sua mãe tinha um, e se perguntou se aquilo seria um presente do qual ela gostaria - o fizeram se sentir estranhamente inferior. “Hey, Mr. Coldwell. It’s nice to meet you, I’m Mason, Mason Callaway.” Tentou sorrir e já levantava o braço para bater em sua mão e lhe dar um tapinha nas costas quando percebeu que devia simplesmente apertar sua mão. A resposta, fria e mais seca que o esperado, carregada com o sotaque britânico - bem diferente do sotaque bonitinho de Maggie - fez o seu, de Sacramento, soar vulgar. “Mrs. Coldwell, hum, my mom sends her love.” 
Depois do fiasco de suas apresentações, Margaery tentou o convencer de que tudo estava ok, e que, não, seus pais não tinham o odiado. Mas sabia que aquilo era uma mentira descarada, os mais velhos provavelmente esperavam alguém do nível de Margaery, e não ele. Na hora do jantar Mason fez uma nota mental de agradecer Louis, seu irmão inglês da Kappa Alpha, por ter o dito para trazer roupas formais. Os jantares em sua casa eram bem diferentes; seu pai sempre ligava a televisão, mesmo que fosse apenas para a deixar como som ambiente, Caleb, Lisa e ele costumavam conversas extremamente alto e não possuíam nenhuma etiqueta de mesa e já sua mãe sempre contava calmamente sobre seu dia. “You know, once my dad took us to play golf with him. Us, me and my sibilings, well Lisa didn’t really wanted to go, because she’s an annoying teenager, but that’s not important. We took Thor too, and after a while a lot of balls were coming our way ann then we realized that Thor was running around and getting all the balls, like the good boy he is. It was hard to give them back to everyone, and we never took him with us again.” Contou, assim que o pai da loira terminou seu relato sobre o jogo de golfe de sábado. Aquela era uma história clássica na sua família, que sempre o fazia rir, mas naquela noite a única pessoa que acompanhou sua risada foi Maggie.
Tinha conseguido piorar as coisas, se é que isso fosse possível, e agora se sentia péssimo. Jogado na cama de dossel da namorada, observando a decoração adolescente, só se deu conta de que ela tinha se deitado também quando o cutucou. “Hey, I’m sorry about dinner. I shouldn’t have said that. You know how I always speek to much.” Começou, se movendo para mais perto até que pudesse passar os braços ao redor dela e apoiar seu queixo nos fios claros. “Your parents didn’t like me, and don’t you dare say otherwise. I’m not that dumb.” Soltou um risinho, a apertando levemente. “They probably wanted a guy like Louis, who is british, who is way richer and fancier than me. I know it, but, it’s not what you want, right?” Inclinou a cabeça, tentando a encarar. Mason Callaway, de volta a Califórnia, era uma sensação, amado por todos, e duvidava que alguma vez tinha se sentido inseguro. Mas ali, com a possível perspectiva de que talvez a garota que amava encontrasse alguém melhor, morreu de medo. “I just want to say I love you, Maggie. And if I need to, I will buy ten suits and talk like a fucking lord.”
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giulietas · 4 years
tag drop pt. 4 !!
#◜   in the end you’re my very best friend      ╱      walker sisters   .#◜   serafina madruzzo      ╱      character   .#◜   pandora mitizi-hamilton      ╱      character   .#◜   cause i need more time just to make things right      ╱      conrad & pandora   .#◜   catherine huntington      ╱      character   .#◜   i lose my mind when it comes to you      ╱      henrik & catherine   .#◜   there she was my new best friend; high heels in her hand swayin' in the wind      ╱      evie & catherine   .#◜   narcissa black      ╱      character   .#◜   he knows me; every inch of my tar black soul      ╱      lucius & narcissa   .#◜   mason callaway      ╱      character   .#◜   no place like home; no place like her      ╱      margaery & mason   .#◜   edward crawford      ╱      character   .#◜   i had fallen in love with you before i knew      ╱      serena & edward   .#◜   claire fitzpatrick      ╱      character   .#◜   surrounded by the what if’s and the maybe’s      ╱      newton & claire   .#◜   apollo hamilton-vanderbilt      ╱      character   .#◜   when we go crashing down we come back every time      ╱      pauline & apollo   .#◜   barbara marchetti      ╱      character   .#◜   a sea of rum couldn’t intoxicate me as much as a drop of you      ╱      alfred & barbara   .#◜   dante borghese-casiraghi      ╱      character   .#◜   maria capitolina figueiredo      ╱      character   .#◜   o nosso som é parecido; será que isso é obra do destino ━ pensando bem contigo até combino      ╱      rafael & capitu   .#◜   olympia bessette      ╱      character   .#◜   svetlana draganova      ╱      character   .#◜   nicholas stuyvesant      ╱      character   .#◜   blue hydrangea; cold cash divine; cashmere cologne and white sunshine ━ the kids were young and pretty      ╱      nyc verse   .
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