#▒   headcanons; tales & truths.
veiledfox · 15 days
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In the Realm of Mythos that is Kyuushi's Earth, home to Humans and creatures of Myth and Legend both, there are illnesses and diseases unique to Mythos beings. Some of them are able to affect many different Species, while others are even more specifically only linked to a single species. Some further still are able to affect many species, but has different variations unique to different individual ones where the symptoms are slightly different.
One such is known as Vulpis Inordinatio Magicae, or VIM. An extremely rare illness that can plague members of the Kitsune Species. The cause is unknown, and it's severity and symptoms can vary wildly. It's most commonly believe to be a loss of balance in one's Aether, causing the victim to lose control of their magicks. Though some believe it is an indiscriminate and persistent curse of some kind that simply roams the world before latching onto a victim.
In it's most mundane state, the illness will cause the Kitsune's Magicks to become unreliable. Some of their Magicks will simply not work, while others will ignore the Kitsune's command or act oddly. It will also cause headaches, nausea, and numbness in the limbs. Usually it will take between 1-3 weeks to naturally pass, or an influx of Aether from another being can shorten it's duration, if not outright end it. This form is commonly known as VIM Levis.
At it's worst, the illness will entirely distrupt the Kitsune's Magicks. Rendering them unable to wield any Magicks, let alone command their Aether in any way. Migranes, nausea, vertigo, numbness in limbs, dry and sore throat, nose bleeds, and fainting are symptoms that arise with this form. With the vulnerable state the Kitsune is put into, they become susceptible to many Human illnesses that they normally wouldn't be, which can cause an already bad situation to become even worse. Constant care is needed, as this frorm of the illness must run it's course, and will last for 3-4 weeks. This form of the illness is known as VIM Gravis.
However, in even rarer cases, this illness can inflict an even more severe symptom upon the victim. One in which it takes the natural healing Magicks of a Kitsune and, not only stops it, but inverts it entirely. Thus beginning to degrade the Kitsune's body over time, quite literally killing them slowly. Both the Levis and Gravis forms of this illness can suffer this symptom, and if it does befall the unfortunate Kitsune who suffers from either, it is akin to a death sentence.
In such an unfortunate situation, neither form of the illness will naturally pass, nor will any healing spell aid in any form of recovery. The Kitsune suffering from this will have anywhere from a month to a year to live in most cases, and their life will be filled with constant suffering of their very body slowly breaking itself down. It is usually much kinder to end their life before their own Magicks overwhelm them. It is commonly known as VIM Letum whenever a Kitsune is unfortunate enough to experience this symptom.
Due to the similarity in symptoms that are experienced from the Levis and Gravis forms, it is believed that VIM is a variant of a more wide-spread Mythos illness. Magicae Imperium Inordinatio, an illness that causes a loss in control over one's Aether, which can be suffered by any and all Mythos species. MII -pronounced 'my'-, however, does not include the other symptoms that are present in VIM directly. The disturbance in Aether may lead to headaches or nausea in those who suffer from MII, but it is not directly caused by the illness itself.
Though where the difference lies is that while MII is an understood illness, VIM still remains a mystery. The cause, it's origin, remedies, cure, all unknown. Between how rare the illness itself is, how varied it's symptoms and severity are, and the isolated nature of modern Kitsune, it is unlikely that answers will be found. It is unknown how many Kitsune fall victim to VIM, and there are only a few hundred recorded cases of VIM in records from pre-Grand Kitsune records.
Kyuushi's Mother was a victim of VIM Letum. She chose to be a brave, strong willed soul, however, and did her best to persist against the illness for Kyuushi, and in hopes of seeing her Husband again.
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onigiram · 1 month
TAGS. i didn't like the other ones asjbfjbsdjgb
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sanctamater · 1 year
so i will say in my dragon a.ge verse amelia did not have a... smooth transition between kirkwall and joining the inquisition as its arm's master. amelia's role in the kirkwall rebellion and the events leading up to it was obviously not an innocent one. she profited greatly off of meredith's paranoias and thoughts of conspiracy and essentially functioned as a war profiteer ( lore accurate amelia trait ) while selling arms to the templars and allowing them to stockpile all manner of weapons.
in all likelihood, amelia would be facing some trial in the aftermath for her involvement in the rebellion. not only did she profit off of it, she ( at least in @ idolbound and i's verse ) would have aided meredith in the lead up to the rebellion ( notation, filing, wanted lists - writing and copying when meredith was too exhausted to ) and would have likely been made to pay reparations to the city of kirkwall to aid in its reconstruction.
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wilczmin · 1 year
since  this  has  been  on  my  mind  for  a  bit  …  i  think  the  very  essence  of  geralt's  mindset  ,    at  least  for  me  ,    lies  in  his  genuine  care  for  the  humanoid  races  .    like  yes  ,    he  was  raised  in  the  knowledge  that  he  was  there  to  kill  the  monsters  that  threatened  man/elven/dwarvenkind  .    and  the  fact  remains  that  yes  ,    he  is  technically  a  nordling  ,    just  a  mutated  one  meant  to  serve  ,    and  they  can  be  quite  ,    quite  awful  at  times  .    but  nonetheless  ,    he  still  cares  deeply  for  these  people  that  he  was  fated  to  protect  since  he  was  born  .    this  came  about  in  a  conversation  with  vic  in  regards  to  his  outlook  on  lydia  ,    first  of  all  .    listening  to  her  being  called  a  non-person  and  seeing  the  art  she  can  create  for  the  world  ,    followed  by  her  being  killed  simply  for  the  sake  of  what  geralt  sees  as  no  point  at  all  ,    feels  like  such  an  incredible  moral  failing  in  respects  to  humanity        which  has  already  enraged  him  since  the  very  first  monsters  he  ever  killed    (  who  were  ,    first  of  all  ,    human  men  ,    who  happened  to  be  attempting  to  commit  rape  )        that  he  really  can  do  nothing  but  be  incredibly  bitter  and  violently  angry  at  every  cause  of  it  .    it  really  comes  through  in  everything  he  does  .    if  he  didn't  care  ,    did  not  have  feelings  ,    then  he  would  have  quit  the  path  long  ago  .    but  the  point  is  ,    he  does  save  adda  ,    and  he  does  risk  his  life  to  do  that  ,    because  there  is  still  a  girl  there  who  can  be  saved  ,    and  there  is  still  a  way  he  knows  how  to  save  her  ;    he  does  save  marlene  de  trastamara  ,    because  he  knows  there  is  a  woman  in  the  wight  who  was  cursed  against  her  will  and  suffering  .    at  every  turn  ,    he  tries  to  save  first  instead  of  kill  ,    because  not  every  monster  is  a  monster  .    and  the  same  way  ,    he  shows  no  mercy  to  those  who  harm  others  ,    because  sometimes  people  can  be  monsters  .    and  he  is  so  ,    so  angry  about  injustice  because  he  cares  so  much  . despite what others say .
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ofspvrta · 2 years
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Immortality, Duty, and Forming Connections
K.assandra is constantly reminded by A.letheia that she is doomed to an existence of losing everyone she’s ever known and loved, anyone she’ll ever know and love in the future. It is repeated over and over in F.ate of A.tlantis and in T.hose W.ho Are T.reasured DLCs that her fate is doomed to outlive those she cares about. Aletheia does tell her she will have to leave her home and those she loves to find the artifacts (later referred to as p.ieces of e.den) and keep them from falling into human hands. 
But the thing is, A.letheia never said K.assandra can’t have people in her life. That she has to be alone. While she does tell her that K.ass has to keep what she sees a secret, she can still make friends, have lovers etc.
She chooses not to. Or at least tries to fight against it. After her last connection to her mortal life dies, she’s done with it. Sells the A.drestria to the person who became the first mate (As K.ass took over as captain and commander following B.arnabas’ death) and leaves it all behind. 
It hurts at first, those same hallucinations she had when in solitary become ghosts that haunt her in her solitude. Second guessing what she’s seeing and hearing for a few months or years, she doesn’t know. Time loses meaning. And then eventually without someone to say her name because gods knows A.letheia won’t doe it, her name loses meaning too. 
Her solitude was her choice to protect herself. But at what cost?
Her duty becomes all she has for awhile. A long while. It takes centuries upon centuries before she finally finds it in herself to make a connection again at the insistence of A.letheia when K.assandra meets E.ivor. She opens up a little to it, grows fond of the vikingr, but her social skills had eroded so much that being around crowds when it’s not a fight terrifies her. Her social anxieties she had in small amounts in her mortal years become nearly debilitating. 
She tries again years (decades?) later. And then again later after that. But then she goes back to isolating herself because she loses every time. Every damn time. 
A.letheia warned her. K.assandra tried to walk away. And that is the crux of it. This was never a hero’s epic for K.assandra. 
This is a horror story. 
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guideoftime · 2 years
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soryualeksi · 2 years
Time to inflict my headcanons on everyone again, so.
I just had this lovely conversation in my own head where I was trying to articulate how I’m lying. (Without outing myself as autistic because it’s none of anyone’s business. But basically, I give people disclaimers if something comes up how I’m likely going to go about dealing with it so they won’t be too surpised.)
And after a long long fictional conversation to try and find the right words, my brain kindly spat out the line, “If I’m making a story up whole-cloth there’s just too many details I need to keep track of. It’s far easier and more efficient to tell a PART of the truth and then keep in mind WHICH part of the truth I’m telling.”
Aaand in the next moment my brain added the very helpful “lmao yuan”.
Is he ever telling outright FALSEHOOD to the party? (As starkly opposed to SO MANY OTHER CHARACTERS WHO GET A PASS!!!) The things he IS telling are correct and honest. You get like 90% of your exposition from him, he just DUMPS it all on you like “okay look I made a handy flowchart here’s how Yggdrasill runs the world and here’s the underlying mechanics and here’s how we’re in the grand scheme and by the way I’m a double agent for Cruxis while I’m actually running the resistance no harm from telling that to just any rando btw what you need is that sword at the Tower of Salvation but only half-elves can wield it so that’s a problem bye”.
Yuan is being hmmm not-entirely-truthful (lmao) by not telling PART of the whole truth and frankly? The parts he DOESN’T tell? Are actually mostly personal business. “I’m taking you hostage, Lloyd, to further my goals. WHY is none of your business. I’m trying to get Martel off the machines that keep her body alive. WHY is none of your business. Lloyd, you look JUST like someone I know. WHO is none of your --- for fuck’s sake, Kratos, you WILL tell your own damn kid that you’re his damn bio dad OR I WILL and also, Kratos, I’m 100% planning to kill you for Origin’s Seal and I told you so 2 billion times already AND I’M GOING THROUGH WITH IT ANY MINUTE NOW KRATOS!!!!!”
YUAN isn’t the one who boldly LIES into the party’s face, he doesn’t even really stretch the truth, he just WITHHOLDS parts that uhmmmmm couuuld maybe be worth knowing but ehhh (unbiased lmao).
Anyway, enough rambling. Neurodivergent!Yuan. The character that gets the reputation of being “shifty”, “weird”, “a liar”, “untrustworthy” and whose social mannerisms everyone keeps making fun of (me included tbh because he’s my nerrrd) despite lying FAR LESS than like every other character in the damn game. ;___;
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liliaxhymn · 2 years
—ic ✾*·˚·˚. {ethereal lilies} —ooc ✾*·˚·˚. {so speaks the rose} —roleplay ✾*·˚·˚. {a tale ongoing} —ask ✾*·˚·˚. {sent across time and space} —meme ✾*·˚·˚. {brief moment of joy} —crack ✾*·˚·˚. {all logic thrown to the wind!} —headcanon ✾*·˚·˚. {the inner self} —drabble ✾*·˚·˚. {recollections of bygone days} —gallery ✾*·˚·˚. {lost dreams of flowers} —music ✾*·˚·˚. {the melodies of the past} —mun’s art ✾*·˚·˚. {constructed by roses} —commentary ✾*·˚·˚. {observations conveyed} —musing ✾*·˚·˚. {deeper within} —aesthetic ✾*·˚·˚. {beauty of infinite nothingness} —promo ✾*·˚·˚. {another lovely world} —self-promo ✾*·˚·˚. {a meadow of lilies} —psa ✾*·˚·˚. {a truth for all to hear} —starter call ✾*·˚·˚. {a timeline begins} —inbox call ✾*·˚·˚. {a new part of this story} —open starter ✾*·˚·˚. {an unexpected encounter} —signal boost ✾*·˚·˚. {spread across worlds} —wishlist ✾*·˚·˚. {desires yet to be fulfilled} —saved ✾*·˚·˚. {to recall in future times} —misc ✾*·˚·˚. {simply irrelevant yet beautiful} —queue ✾*·˚·˚. {fate pre-decided}
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shininginyourlight · 2 years
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leaders-of-tempest · 3 months
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veiledfox · 2 months
The God who Vanished [ II ]
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"Hello?" The Kitsune calls out calmly, her voice echoing through the cave she had entered. She had been traveling all yesterday, and through most of the night. Thankfully she had some time to get rest after being offered a ride by some fellow Mythos.
A Centaur caravan that was traveling through a countryside under the dark of night. It was a group from a Pocket Dimension Community who would head out into the Human world, purchasing needed resources and supplies before returning. However they had deals with a number of different individuals who lived primarily in isolation
During her time traveling and asking about, she had heard mentions of a Draconic individual who had isolated themselves to their cave in the past few centuries. Occasionally communicating with others from afar via Magic means if they required anything they couldn't venture out and get on their own for one reason or another. Luck just so had it that she was traveling through the right location at the right time, as the Caravan was on a supply run and had contracts with the being in question.
Thus, after a ride where she was granted a nap, and a short travel on foot after having offered to take the requested items to the cave in question, here she now stood. It was a little challenging to find, even with having been told of the indication to look for that signified the fallse Mountain-side wall that hid the cave. Now, however, she was within the slightly chilled and dim space, carefully stepping through. Her tails carrying a large basket behind her that contained various fish, meats, and a few trinkets.
"Brant?" She calls out again, waiting a moment as she continues deeper into the cave. "My name is Kyuushi, I come bearing your requested supplies from the Worn Hooves Caravan, and seek your assistance." Her voice echoes still, carrying her words further into the vast space. Eyes scanning all her surroundings the best she could, even with her ability to see in low light.
A minute more of silence comes, drags on, then leaves with a slight hiss of air rushing through the cavern. Able to easily feel the rush of the air around her being drawn deeper in, before all falls still for a minute longer. Then, at last, a reversal as air pushes towards and past her. The sheer size of this Brant, she could already tell, would have to be imposing to cause such change in the flow of the very air itself.
Spoken simply, plainly, with a gruff and slightly croaky voice that vibrates the very stone beneath her. Kyuushi would not slow her pace, nor hesitate, simply just continue her progress. If anything, she would begin a more casual, sped up pace. Feeling an ease to the tension that had initially been hanging heavy in the air, having received invitation to proceed.
The breathing that had been slow, drawn out, was now more frequent. Done without pause or moments of stutter. Steady, standard breaths of a vast being further within. Each one helping her mind work through just how big this Brant was as she got closer and closer. Already able to tell they were likely close to, if not over, a hundred foot length from snout to tail tip.
"Hmm... Kitsune...?"
Brant's voice returns, the rumbling of the stone stringer now than it had been prior with the closer proximity. Now with an added, continual after shock as it sounded like they were... humming? Perhaps letting their mind wander as the realization of her Species had registered.
"You are correct, I am a Kitsune. I come from the forrests near the base of Mount Fuji on the Island Country of Japan. My family has lived there for millenia. Though I am the sole Kitsune member of my bloodline at present." She confirms their suspicion, feeling it better to be forthright with knowledge of herself than to keep things secret. Some back near home had told her there's a faint... tinge to her scent that gave away her ancestry, after all.
"Descendant of the Crimson, then..."
Their tone... softer...? Normally when one discovered the truth of her bloodline, there was hints of disgust, distrust, or even simply distaste. Her ancestor was so widely and infamously known by the Mythos of the world, after all. It would be rare to find someone who had no knowledge of the Grand Kitsune, or Crimson Terror, to some degree or another.
"The secrets of the Crimson's power are lost with the Crimson themself. One brings my requested supplies in the Caravan's stead, suggesting a lack of hostility. Not to mention the air of kindness, of compassion, that follows you. Tell me, Kit, what brings you to my lair...?"
It's by the end of Brant's speaking that Kyuushi finally begins to catch the glitter of various treasures. Golds, silvers, rubies, diamons, emeralds, jades even. Plus a good many other items not of the shining variety among them. Extravagantly carved woods, beautifully woven tapestries, grand paintings of people long passed. What was initially just occasional spattering of trinkets and valuables quickly becoming entire piles, stacked walls, entire collumns reaching the ceiling.
"Before the turn of the year, a Necrotic Dragon was summoned above Tokyo." She begins to explain. "I acted immediately, and very publicly, utilizing my Magicks and other capabilities as a Kitsune. As I'm sure you are aware, any Kitsune who become publicly known by Humanity are meant to be exterminated by the Gods ever since the Grand War."
"And yet here you are."
"Yes... I went into hiding in my home, remained locked away in my room for months, but nothing ever happened. The Gods never took action. I've been active again since around April, yet even still they have not acted. Such a lack of action had, for a while simply stewed in the back of the minds of myself and my companions. Recently, however, one began to research the Gods in recent history in an attempt to find... anything, really."
Her pace having continued while she spoke, gently turning her head and gaze this way and that to take in the vast and varied hoard of a Draconic being, notice is taken as the collection begins to spread out. A vast open space amid the various stacks and mounds, where smaller treasure is scattered about across the entirety of the cave floor. Gradually rising higher and higher, toward a plateu of sorts where her eyes meet those of her host.
Large, glowing, pale orange irises with slit pupils of pitch black. The very edges of the irises flickering akin to flame almost, as they stare at her. Their light disappearing briefly, as large eyelids slide over them in two sets. Partly transparent horizontal lids, then solid and soft-scaled vertical lids closing in sequence, before peeling open again. The pupils easing wider after a moment of taking in the Kitsune's form.
The two eyes then rise, with a low rumble, as Brant's head rises from over two large, clawed, powerful feet. Dark bronze, almost rust-like colored, scales coat the vast body of the being before Kyuushi. Broad front half visible to her, as she stands before them, with a sturdy neck supporting a rounded head. Snout not exactly long nor short, large flaring nostrils, a prominent jawbone structure. Two horns that rise from the back of the head, curling down to the sides and spiraling in on themselves, almost as if a Ram's horns.
Though she could quickly take note of a lack of wings, let alone joints for such things. Given what she could see of Brant, which would include a long, narrowing tail lined with spine spikes, told her that they were a Drake. Flightless, unlike many other Draconic sub-species, but no less powerful. Perhaps even physically stronger, given the more sturdy stature.
Kyuushi takes a short breath to continue her words. "When my companion, Artig, brought his findings to myself and another, Hotaru, he revealed to us that one of the Gods is... missing. For lack of better term, considering we don't know what's really happened. Nor do any of the records we've checked delve into the Gods much beyond surface level things."
Her tails ease the basket she had been carrying off to her side, gently setting it down and pushing it towards the grand Drake with a small, respectful nod. One that is reciprocated in thanks, as their massive form shifts to stretch a foreleg forward. The size of the claw alone as almost matching Kyuushi's, she would discover as it drew close. Gently hooking behind the large basket to allow Brant to drag it closer, carving a slight path through the scattered hoard beneath them.
"Inari, Shinto Kami of Foxes."
"Yes. According to the records we have, all presence of Inari simply just vanishes a while before the Grand War. There's nothing on when exactly, or why, just a general window of about one or two centuries. I decided to try finding more information, and asking around lead to rumors of a Draconic Mythos that was older than the Grand War. The rumors lead me to cross the ocean, then to confirmations of the existence of such a being, which eventually lead me here, to you. If there's anything you may know, would you please share your knowledge with me?"
Silence falls, deafening almost with how quiet the cave becomes beyond the mere breathing of two living creatures. Flickering orange eyes looking over the Kitsune, almost peering past the physical to reach inside and take note of her essence itself. Of her personality, her character, her mind, her will, the very matter of her existence.
Another layered blink darkens the space again, before Brant's head lowers into a more relaxed position. Chuckling rumbling forth from their thick throat, making the countless coins, gemstones, and trinkets under him clatter and clink against each other. However, they nodsafter, and she swears she sees the lips along their snout curl into a slight smirk.
"Fine, Kit. Sit, relax, and I shall tell you a tale."
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deathfavor · 2 years
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TAG DROP 4.  The Fairy Tail Squad
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jmliebert · 2 months
halsin x shy!virgin headcanons
you and Halsin are drawn to each other (obviously), especially after major dealings in the shadow-cursed land you realise you really really like him a lot
and the feeling is mutual of course, the druid gaze lingers on you with a mix of admiration and...desire
which makes you feel wanted but also scared shitless ! ! !
one day, during one of your many conversations Halsin mentions his past lovers and notices a flicker of something on your face. discomfort, perhaps? but he lets it slide for the moment
the truth is you've never been with a man, or a woman (for that matter) and you feel lacking (you shouldn't be, really!!)
especially in front of someone like Halsin of all people
someone incredibly experienced, someone with a certain...reputation, someone as self-confident as him
and someone straightforward it would appear, as one night he bares his soul to you, confessing his feelings and expressing how deeply he craves you, all of you
his words make your heart skip a beat, but also fill you with a pang of fear. this little secret you were carrying feels heavier tonight than ever
you wanted to tell him so many times, hells, you wanted to tell him now, but his tales of past lover and his undeniable experience have left you feeling shy and painfully unexperienced
however, despite your apprehension, you agree to meet him later that night. as you walk through the forest just outside the Baldur’s Gate, your steps feel weighted, your stomach in knots
yet, when you see Halsin in the distance, leaning gracefully against a tree... it melts some of your anxiety away
he smiles at you with such warmth and sincerity that your heart aches. but his gaze quickly sharpens when he sees the look on your face
he'd seen that face before...
Halsin steps forward, his hand gently taking yours, lifting it to his lips. “what troubles you, my love?” he asks, his eyes searching yours
at that you are unable to hide your secret any longer, you look down at the grass and quietly admit of you being a virgin, your cheeks red-hot
you can't see it, looking at your feet right now, but Halsin’s eyes widen slightly. he's not angry, there’s only understanding and a hint of disappointment in him, but not for you, but for himself. he sighs softly, lifting your chin with gentle fingers, guiding your lips to meet his in a tender kiss. "how foolish of me to assume,” he whispers against your delicious lips
truth be told, a rush of excitement surges through him as you confess your virginity. now, his desire to impress you with his skills in bed is stronger than ever, he wants to leave a mark on you and the thought of being your first does something to him
but also, he doesn't rush, he decides not to. instead he takes a role of a patient teacher? giving you all he has, taking all his time to make you feel cherished and comfortable
that is why, he would refuse to have vaginal sex with you that night, instead he'd focus solemnly on you. his kisses would become more insistent, trailing from your lips to your neck, to your breasts, and down to your stomach. he’s exploring, seeking your comfort and consent with every touch
he kneels before you as you lean against the tree, his hands firmly gripping your hips. his mouth finds its way between your thighs, tasting you with fervent passion. he starts with long, slow strokes, his tongue gliding over your most sensitive areas, causing shivers to run through your body. his fingers join in, gently parting your folds, allowing his tongue to delve deeper, licking and teasing you with a mix of tenderness and intensity
Halsin makes soft, appreciative noises as he pleasures you, his deep hums of satisfaction vibrating against your skin. he loves the way you taste, the way your body responds to his touch, and he wants you to know it. he occasionally looks up, his eyes meeting yours, filled with desire and affection
“tell me how it feels,” he murmurs between strokes, his breath hot against your skin. “I want to hear your pleasure, my love”
you can’t help but moan in response, at first a shyly but quickly getting louder (which pleases halsin senselessly)
your hands are tangling in his hair, guiding him closer, deeper, it feels so good. soon your breaths come faster, your moans even louder and more wicked
as your climax approaches, he intensifies his efforts, his tongue and fingers moving with a skilled, relentless rhythm that leaves you no choice but to surrender. your body tenses, and then you’re crying out, your release crashing over you, your mind blank for a moment
Halsin holds you through it, his movements gentle yet firm, his hands steadying your hips as your legs start to tremble. with boldness (you didn't know you had in you), you begin to ride his face, your hips moving of their own accord, pressing against his nose, milking your orgasm (it drives halsin completely wild, he loves it so much his dick is leaking in his trousers)
as the waves of pleasure subside, Halsin gently pulls back, his lips, cheeks, nose and chin glistening with your arousal. he rises to his feet, pulling you into his arms, kissing you deeply so you can taste yourself on his lips...
the break is over; time to unleash the beast in me once more
that said, would you like some continuation to these headcanons?
you can find more of my works about halsin ♡here♡
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yanderestarangel · 1 year
A/N: Some people asked for Syzoth, so here you horny b*tches. Do you want to make a request? Read my blog rules in the pinned post, comments and reblogs are welcome♡
TW: sfw and smut headcanons, afab reader, masculine and feminine pronouns used in pet names "good boy/good girl", breeding kink, vaginal sex.
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Syzoth is a caring and protective lover. He's the kind of man who knows what it's like to lose everything, he lost his family because of Shang Tsung, so he will love you and cling to you as if you were his last chance to be happy in the world - what a technical, and truth -
He met you after helping Liu Kang and his fighters, you were a citizen of the earthly plane and met Syzoth through Liu himself, he said that the two of you would make a cute couple, making Syzoth blush slightly when he looked at you and then looked away. his face flushed but he knew it was true, you really were a beautiful and kind person, everything he was looking for in a life partner.
He started visiting you, bringing you flowers he picked himself, of several different species, some still came with fresh dirt on the stem but what mattered was the man's intention, right?
Syzoth would jump up to your window in the middle of the night, so to be with you, he would also maybe watch you sleep, sometimes the concept can be scary but he likes to see you lying there, peacefully and protected from the world and the evils of men. He even swore to protect you regardless of what happened, he failed one family, he wasn't going to fail another.
Syzoth and you dated for years until he asked you to marry him, he hoped to save the necessary money and also build - himself - a house for the two of you, it would be a house in the forest, fairy tale style, with a flower garden in the background, a small lake in front and several little animals scattered around the property, a dream that Syzoth has always had of a calm and homely life.
Your wedding was simple, few people were invited and it was the first and last time he wore a suit in his life, a fine suit given as a gift by Johnny Cage - who was invited to be best man at your wedding, along with from Ashrah, who was the godmother - it was a quick but extremely beautiful ceremony, being held in Empress Sindel's gardens, she herself authorized the ceremony, while you were able to smile and shed tears of emotion.
You two will have a calm and simple life, with Syzoth giving you everything for a comfortable day to day life. He will also be the type who prefers you to stay at home, he is extremely paranoid because of Shang Tsung's traumas, in other words, he will give the speech: "-You are my husband/wife, I will give you everything I want." you need in this life, just stay home and take care of yourself, please (Y/N).” -He says this in a calm but emotional voice, gently taking him in his arms, while holding back tears as he remembers the family he lost, please, just stay at home for this man.
Syzoth is the type who also loves knowing the culture of the earthly plane, he didn't even know what a cell phone was so if you give him one, he will be confused, but he learns extremely quickly - He will use your photo in everything, like wallpaper, profile icon etc, he has basic social networks to communicate with you, you found about 56 calls from Johnny to him, and he didn't answer any of them leaving poor Cage talking to himself -
He likes to hang out indoors when the two of you are alone. You will see him practically 24 hours a day naked around the house, exposing his physique and tattoos to you, hugging you from behind and kissing you on the cheek, while flexing his muscles on your soft skin.
He is not jealous, he trusts you and knows that you love him, but please don't push his buttons by trying to make him jealous on purpose, he will get extremely upset and go to sleep in the living room or outside the house, or even cry, he is a little sensitive and explosive with very intense feelings.
He likes to be suffocated between your thighs, I don't know, he then loves to feel the pressure of the soft flesh of your thighs pressing his face, he gets extremely hard, whether with him sucking your pussy or just with him between your legs, he smiles and I even beg you to squeeze harder. "-Yes my love, harder, squeeze me with your thighs, I love you so much Fuuuck-" -He spoke in a breathless voice, between his thighs while squeezing you with his hands.
He has a breeding kink, deal with that too, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, he will get you pregnant.
Syzoth is not a virgin, but he is also not extremely expert, he knows the basics, so please teach him what you like, especially him paying attention to your clitoris, he will understand and massage it with his fingers and tongue, after seeing your reactions of pleasure he will become addicted to working on your clitoris, sucking you for 24 hours, you will have at least three orgasms in the day, with Syzoth between your legs looking at you with his penetrating green irises, eating you from the outside while you trembled under the touch of his tongue, he has a sexual pattern, with his favorite sexual positions being:
The Captain : Seeing you lying down opening your legs for him and exposing your beautiful pussy makes Syzoth want to cum even without penetration, but he can handle it, for you. He gets on his knees on the bed, holding both of your ankles in a V position, to further expose your open and wet pussy to him, he penetrates you slowly, stretching you little by little. "-Fuck sweetheart, I really love his pussy, I could fuck you all night you know? I can move right?" -He spoke between moans, starting to move his hips while watching your reactions of pleasure upon receiving his cock.
The Hot Seat : He loves to sit on the edge of the bed, spread his thighs and hold his hard cock, so you can sit with your pussy on it - he likes to do this position when you are already tired and overstimulated - Syzoth loves to see your ass bouncing him, while his dick enters your pussy, he uses one of his hands to stimulate your clitoris, while he uses his feet on the floor to have more momentum to fuck you, while the other hand cups your breast, squeezing it lightly, placing kisses sloppy behind your back. "-Please keep it up, yes, take it all like the good boy/girl you are, just take my seed inside your uterus, just cum on my cock dear." -He said breathlessly, already close to cumming inside you, well, he always cums inside you.
He also likes being blindfolded during sex, being tied up, having orgasms denied, and loves being called "my love" in addition to liking praise kink.
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wilczmin · 1 year
thank god i saved all my tags.
&    ‘    i graduated from the school of the snail .    *    ooc . &    ‘    this is mine now . get your own .    *    save . &    ‘    starter .    *    ic . &    ‘    thread .    *    ic . &    ‘    answered .    *    ooc . &    ‘    answered .    *    ic .
&    ‘    there's a grain of truth in every fairy tale .    *    study . &    ‘    vanity is a pitiful defence against difference .    *    musing . &    ‘    witcher … with tenure .    *    mannerism . &    ‘    more is necessary than destiny .    *    headcanon . &    ‘    if i had a bag over my head and my hands tied .    *    skills . &    ‘    whatever is destined must occur .    *    aesthetic . &    ‘    love the profit of your neighbour like your own .    *    art . &    ‘    they say silence is golden .    *    music . &    ‘    then i prefer not to choose at all .    *    self promo . &    ‘    you should listen to the voice of reason .    *    promo . &    ‘    it’s enough to kill hatred within yourself .    *    meme . &    ‘    the sword of destiny has two edges .    *    wishlist . &    ‘    keep the gods out of it .    *    edits . &    ‘    your arse hair white too ?    *    crack . &    ‘    but a queue made must be honoured .    *    queue .
&    ‘    the only one to live out of all those chosen .    *    i . &    ‘    & looked for the words 'witcher urgently needed' .    *    ii . &    ‘    neutral does not mean indifferent or insensitive .    *    iii . &    ‘    a destiny which is stronger than the royal will .    *    iv . &    ‘    their place of internment remains unknown .    *    v . &    ‘    you were a rider of the wild hunt .    *    vi . &    ‘    barely breathing and bereft of memory .    *    vii . &    ‘    hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated .    *    viii . &    ‘    doubt i’d know how to be anything else .    *    ix . &    ‘    thought we had a lot more time .    *    x . &    ‘    no witcher’s ever died in his own bed .    *    xi . &    ‘    tell them the white wolf bit them .    *    xii . &    ‘    one day they’ll look back and see the wolf .    *    xiii . &    ‘    & overcome your nature through great effort .    *    xiv . &    ‘    a canvas : following the voice of genuine vocation .    *    xv .
#& ‘ i graduated from the school of the snail . * ooc .#& ‘ this is mine now . get your own . * save .#& ‘ starter . * ic .#& ‘ thread . * ic .#& ‘ answered . * ooc .#& ‘ answered . * ic .#& ‘ there's a grain of truth in every fairy tale . * study .#& ‘ vanity is a pitiful defence against difference . * musing .#& ‘ witcher … with tenure . * mannerism .#& ‘ more is necessary than destiny . * headcanon .#& ‘ if i had a bag over my head and my hands tied . * skills .#& ‘ whatever is destined must occur . * aesthetic .#& ‘ love the profit of your neighbour like your own . * art .#& ‘ they say silence is golden . * music .#& ‘ then i prefer not to choose at all . * self promo .#& ‘ you should listen to the voice of reason . * promo .#& ‘ it’s enough to kill hatred within yourself . * meme .#& ‘ the sword of destiny has two edges . * wishlist .#& ‘ keep the gods out of it . * edits .#& ‘ your arse hair white too ? * crack .#& ‘ but a queue made must be honoured . * queue .#& ‘ the only one to live out of all those chosen . * i .#& ‘ & looked for the words 'witcher urgently needed' . * ii .#& ‘ neutral does not mean indifferent or insensitive . * iii .#& ‘ a destiny which is stronger than the royal will . * iv .#& ‘ their place of internment remains unknown . * v .#& ‘ you were a rider of the wild hunt . * vi .#& ‘ barely breathing and bereft of memory . * vii .#& ‘ hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated . * viii .#& ‘ doubt i’d know how to be anything else . * ix .
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a-hazbin-reader · 7 months
Hello, happy day, first of all. Secondly, I would like to see how Alastor would give the talk to his children (the talk about how babies are made) or what would happen if his children asked him how babies are made.
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Shenanigans!!
Description: ☝️⬆️
His kids don't really even think about where they came from, they just know that they come from their mother and father
They don't really think about how they came to be until...their mom is suddenly pregnant again
Alastor sits down the kids, holding the youngest little girl in his lap while you hold the twins at your sides
They can't help but notice the happy look you're sharing with your husband, knowing that you two are about to announce something good
Alastor adjusts the toddler in his lap and gives his twins a sharp grin, obviously unable to contain himself
"Now, my little ones~ Do you remember how you've been asking for another sibling?"
You can't help but laugh as the twins look at each in confusion then look up at their father, the little girl shaking her head
"Well, your mother and I have good news! Due to sheer luck and absolute carelessness, your mother has managed to spawn another baby!"
You can't help but gawk at your husband, he's trying to put all the blame on you for getting pregnant!?
You don't even get a chance to speak before your husband is kissing you, chuckling at the pout on your face
"That's not entirely true, but yes, we're having another baby."
Your twins lean on you and rub their cheeks against you, their little tails wagging in excitement
The youngest girl is still too young to understand, but she copies her siblings anyways, bleating and wiggling her tail to the best of her ability
It's a sweet moment that you wish you could take a photo of but you're too busy hugging your babies and snuggling up to your husband
It's not until later that night that it becomes a problem as Alastor is putting the twins to bed and you stand in the doorway to watch
He tucks them in and kisses their foreheads before wishing them goodnight, just about to turn out the light when it happens
"Papa, where do babies come from?"
The look on Alastor's face is enough to make you laugh, hiding it behind your hand as your husband freezes in place before regaining his composure
"Why! From mommies and daddies of course! Just like your mother and I!"
The little boy sits up fully, his sister soon following after as they give him an annoyed look
"Yeah but HOW did you make us?"
The rational part of Alastor's brain tells him that he should just tell them the truth and be done with it
But when he looks at his twin's innocent faces staring up at him expectantly...he absolutely fumbles it
Alastor lies lies and LIES through his teeth, every baby myth known to man comes to his mind as he weaves some crazy tale of how babies come to be
The stork, cabbage patches, water sprites and berry bushes-ANYTHING BUT THE TRUTH
You have to leave because you can't stop laughing at your husband, barely calming down before erupting into laughter again when Alastor climbs into bed with you
"Don't laugh..! What was I supposed to say?!"
He lets out a pathetic bleat and hugs you to him tightly, rubbing your stomach in an attempt to soothe himself
"Oh I don't know...maybe just a PG version of the truth?"
You look back at your husband to see the shocked look on his face, pulling away to see if you're being serious
"Are you telling me you could look them in the eyes and tell them what we do in bed?"
You start to get up, laughing at him
"I can go do it right now if you want-"
His arms suddenly reach out and grab you, careful of your stomach even though you're not showing yet
He's dragging you back into bed and rolling on top of you to keep you from getting up, fixing you the most pitiful puppy eyes you've seen yet
"Please don't...let them stay innocent..."
You can't help but roll your eyes and pet his head, leaning in to kiss his forehead before laying back
"Oh, you sappy man of mine...~ I won't...~"
You keep your promise and don't tell your twins the truth, but it's all for nothing because Angel is the one who tells them
To be fair, he didn't realize it was such a big deal at the time, he just wanted to correct some misinformation
Angel was eating with the twins, holding the littlest girl in his lap while he half listened to the older two ramble on about the new baby
"So you squirts excited for another baby in the house?"
The little boy hums in thought as he munches on his snack, ears flopping as he bounces in his seat
"Yeah but I wanna know when we'll see the stork deliver them!"
"I thought the baby was gonna come out of a cabbage?"
"What about the berry bush?"
This is where Angel might've messed up...
"What!? Don't tell me your parents fed you some lame story about where babies come from! Listen, you two most certainly didn't come from no bird and this little cutie right here?"
Angel holds up the baby girl, the toddler happily kicking her feet in the air
"Didn't come from a cabbage or nothin'! You all came from your mom because your parents had sex!"
"...what is sex?"
Now Angel sees where he fucked up, sucking in a breath before looking around the room nervously
"Okay, I'll tell you, but you guys better not tell your father I told you this!"
Angel leans in and starts whispering, the twins hanging onto his every word and forgetting their snacks
Alastor is hugging you as you sit in his lap, taking the moment alone to kiss and snuggle you, gently caressing your slight baby bump
When suddenly your little girl comes running in and points at Alastor accusingly, her brother rushing in not long after
"Papa, you lied!! You had SEX!"
You have to cling to your husband suddenly as he jumps up, looking shocked and gasping dramatically
"I did NOT! Who taught you such a word?"
The little boy giggles and runs out of the room, his sister chasing after him as they chant Angel's name
"Angel did~!"
"You little brats! You promised not to tell!"
It's all you can do not to laugh, burying your face in Alastor's shoulder as he sputters out nonsense about his children and their innocence
"Oh honey~ It's not that bad, they were bound to find out anyways..! And Angel isn't the worst person to tell them..."
You gotta act fast if you want Angel to have a chance at surviving this-
"My innocent babies..."
"It's okay, darling, you still have two other babies you can lie to about how we made them~"
He visibly perks up at that, sitting back down and resting his chin on you as his tail wags
"You're right, it's not too late to lie to them..!"
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This one was so much fun!!
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