#█▒ ❝ the aura guardian ( lucario ).
empressgeekt · 11 months
AURA FAM - Middle names
Ash: You know I noticed something.
Riley: What?
Ash: Me, Sir Aaron, and Amanda, all have names that start with A. Even our psychopathic murderous uncle's starts with an A. Yours is the only one that starts with an R.
Riley: That is weird. I guess I never noticed.
Amanda: His middle name is Arthur.
Ash: Wait...Seriously?
Riley: Yes, our dad was a literature nut.
Ash: Hold on, your middle name is Arthur, Amanda's middle name is Morgan. Isn't that calling her an Evil half-sister?
Amanda: Arceus, I wish I was, but of the four of us, someone needs to be responsible.
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sentient-rift · 1 month
Sal jumps at Ryu to make him fall onto the stump again.
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"...Here we go again."
Looks like meditation time is over...
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Can Riolu write books? They're one of my favorite little dudes and they're my go-to Pokemon in Mystery Dungeon. Really curious if they could make something interesting or just scribbles.
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Can Riolu write books?
Yes, with an 85 on the Pokémon writing scale.
Is this Pokémon physically capable of writing?
Yes. Riolu lacks thumbs but has been observed to be able to hold things. Its humanoid shape also gives it an advantage.
Does this Pokémon know what a book is?
Probably. In the past, Riolu were often born in communities, such as the Lucario Kingdom or Aura Guardian groups. Now, it is not uncommon for a trainer to obtain their Riolu as an egg rather than find one in the wild. A young Riolu would likely see a book and know what it is. If it is studying aura, books may be involved in Riolu’s studies.
Can this Pokémon read?
Probably. Riolu is an intelligent Pokémon. As a baby Pokémon, it is able to absorb a lot of information but there is a wide range of reading ability among Riolu depending on age. A younger Riolu would have the reading skills of a young child but a Riolu closer to evolution would have more advanced skills.
Would this Pokémon have access to the materials needed to write a book?
Yes. Considering Riolu are often born into communities or raised by humans, it would be able to get help obtaining the materials it needed. Its human would be sensitive to its needs and take notice quickly. Some Riolu are able to communicate with humans via aura as well.
Does this Pokémon have enough basic education to write well?
Yes but it may vary. Riolu have a good education but how well they are educated depends on age. Younger Riolu would have a much harder time writing but they would get more practice as they grow older and more experienced.
Would this Pokémon be good at writing?
Maybe. Again, it would depend on the Riolu’s age and maturity but overall Riolu are intelligent, sensitive, adaptive Pokémon. It has the skills it needs to be able to write.
Does this Pokémon have anything to write about?
Yes. Riolu and Lucario are part of many legends so it has a lot of inspiration to draw from. It is also young and curious about that world so it still has that wonder a lot of adults have lost.
Would this Pokémon be able to get their writing into a book?
Yes. A younger Riolu would be a bit clumsier and have a harder time but a human would notice and step in. Older Riolu are a bit more independent and would be able to do it itself.
Would this Pokémon want to write a book?
Yes but it depends on the Riolu. It is common for a Riolu to be either very battle focused or more studious. Some Riolu would definitely take interest in an activity like writing books but others would find it very boring.
Does this Pokémon have any other redeeming qualities?
Riolu is energetic but has a lot of stamina so it would be able to write for long periods of time without losing its writing flow. Its aura and Copycat could also prove useful.
Yes, Riolu can read books with an 85 on the Pokémon writing scale. Riolu is a very capable Pokémon once it gains experience but I love the idea of a younger Riolu just scribbling like @four-birds-in-a-trenchcoat suggested!
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phlurrii · 10 months
Is the tree of life in your story near that castle like in the lucario movie? If that's the case, the royal family would either try to justify Meau's action or lose faith in the creature who managed to stop a war by their Aura guardian sacrificing himself
Juicy ask. Okay let’s go!
Yes it is! However it was Bucket, not Meau that Aaron gave his Aura too. Meau was still sleeping at this time. So she doesn’t know what the humans did for her child. Though the castle town used to be very aware of Meau and Bucket, as well as even Missingno. .
Meau is an ancient legend, that dates far, far back for them that they revered. However, because of this long standing 1 sided relationship, they were also very aware she will not hesitate to take them all out if they bother her. They were the only humans to date aware of how to interact with her and survive. Aka, heed the warning.
The castle town basically acts as a guardian against folks from venturing into her territory, much less the tree of beginning itself. However… when Meau left and Bucket returns years later, those legends began to change as Bucket was the prominent mew. With Meau being all, but forgotten. A distant legend carved in stone and rock, with a few books and paintings scattered about. Only a select group of people in that town still know the stories and are aware of her existence… but it is a small, small group.
So the news of a massive mew looking Pokémon with a second neck… killing one child, but sparing the other, will certainly cause some massive ripple affects in that city and maybe drudge up a few old prophecies. Who knows’
But we have Missingno. To focus on so forget all that ^^
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randomtheidiot · 6 days
Give hc
Ash and Roy are too fucking similar for my preferences, so I added a ton of useless details to both of them because Game Freak doesn’t have the balls for it.
Roy is exactly what he looks like from the outside. He’s a sweet, polite and energetic kid and he doesn’t know anything. He’s shockingly picky for someone with that kind of appetite and he likes fruity desserts like strawberry shortcake. He’s incredibly social, too, and he’s always quick to tell someone what he’s thinking. He gets a little bit nervous in tense situations and he does best in low stakes situations. He’s just a normal kid and he acts accordingly. Also, his aura is weak to the point where Lucarios and aura guardians have trouble sensing him. He also has a lower pain tolerance.
Ash is superficially similar to him, but if you actually get to know him better, he’s a lot more feral and he’s got a bit of a rougher edge to him. He puts himself in dangerous situations constantly, he’s opportunistic, he’s stubborn as hell and he’s better with Pokémon than with people. He’s a goofy little kid when he’s not in any danger, but he’s shockingly pragmatic when he needs to be and if you rewatch the show, he’s surprisingly brutal when dealing with Team Rocket, often attacking them after they’re defeated instead of just leaving. He never really lost that 4Kids era sass to him, he just learned some manners after a while. He also never shows any fear or anxiety in the later seasons of the show, even when shit’s falling apart, so I’ve just decided that he’d rather stick his hand in a Voltorb’s mouth than talk about his feelings. He needs a character flaw. A real one. He also got way more optimistic when the dub changed hands, so maybe he’s just trying to keep everyone calm. Nobody likes natural disasters or terrorist attacks, but unfortunately for Ash, he thrives in those kinds of situations. He doesn’t really know how to act his age because he’s been treated like a grown man ever since he turned ten.
Anyways, Roy is a normal, well adjusted child and Ash is what happens when a sarcastic, scrappy child witnesses the wrath of god every two months and gets really good at crisis management but never learns how to fully be a person.
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onestepbackwards · 1 year
You know, I actually have a theory as to why Arceus not only made the Streamer go back in time AND allowed them to broadcast live footage of their adventures. It’s because of a particular power called Aura.
So not much is known about Aura except that it can be used to be sense things and those who use it are often called Aura Guardians. There’s more content in the Lucario movie. I also heard a theory that Aura Guardians can use aura to use Pokémon moves, but that’s just a theory.
Imagine that the Streamer learned of Aura from some Aura Guardian master and live streamed them trying to learn and master Aura. Arceus might want to bring back the existence of Aura to bring more good to the future world. Aura becomes a widespread topic in the future world as people try to follow the live stream lessons and soon, little by little, people start to make discoveries about Aura.
I personally think that Fighting-Type specialists or gym leaders or people who love Fighting Types are more likely to unlock Aura faster than anyone because Aura is sort of a spiritual thing that involves the body.
Ooh! That would be a really neat idea!
It would be kinda cool to not only help people get in touch wit ancient history of a region, but also help rediscover Aura!
People across the globe end up popping in saying they are awakening abilities, and its all thanks to you.
Saved ancient history, and Aura as well!
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xryosakeyx · 3 months
I was looking back through some old art I made and I just remembered about an old aura guardian AU I made up when I was younger because I was pretty obsessed with the 8th movie as a kid, as in I had a whole game idea and everything. Here are some pics from most recent to oldest:
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As you can tell, dates vary (about in between my freshman and junior years in HS I think, though the ideas themselves are way older than that) but to me it's pretty interesting seeing my art progression throughout the years! Anyways, from what I could remember from the AU, it takes place in the medival ages or something and Ash is basically a guardian in training. His characterization was based mostly on OS Ash, so in turn he would get into so much trouble in an attempt to unlock the secrets of aura with his partner being a Riolu. He and Riolu wouldn't get along initially as one was a lot more careful than the other but the one thing that drove them to stick together and eventually find a compromise was that they felt that they were being shielded from more lessons by their mentor (who was formally supposed to be Ash's rival). One day the mentor had to go away on a trip oversees to deal with some matters in a far kingdom and he didn't come back as he usually would, making the duo worry and having to stow away on a cargo ship, and on those lands they ended up learning much more than what their mentor ever could. A kingdom in this AU was basically an entire region with at least eight different city states acting as trials or gym battles; they would go on some wild adventures meeting various legendaries that showed them the powers within.
Oh yeah, and they do find their mentor, he just got lost in the middle of the woods and it took him far too long to get out, to the point that once he did, he learned about the duo causing mischief on the land and it took him ages to finally catch up with them. However, he was finally impressed with the work Ash and his now evolved Lucario have done with the land that he couldn't stay mad at them, so to celebrate they had a big party and they all lived happily ever after :)
Anyways, as for the game idea, it would have been some sort of dungeon crawler x RPG game where you would take control of Riolu and some other Pokémon that would be offer to you (by either NPCs or pokéballs that were set at some point already in a temple) and Riolu would have a limit compared to the other Pokémon that would only go up if you read a scroll (also found in dungeons, but sometimes random chests in houses) which also sometimes taught him a new move. Of course, you could only carry six with you and have only one out at a time, and in the scenerio that they would all faint, it wouldn't be a game over, it just meant that you had to play the game in Hard Mode until you found healing items or something, and you had to avoid being hit at all times, only having measily aura spells equipped on the player that could have a chance at stunning an enemy, but otherwise it was futile.
I made few oneshots of the AU but I never posted them online and I completely lost the files to them as I kept everything to myself on my old phone :( Honestly it was one of my favorite things that I made up and it brightens my day whenever I remember of it! I may talk more about it in the future, as I remember writing various notes on it, but otherwise this is what I could rummage at the moment. As for inspirations, an obvious one is Zelda, more specifically BOTW as it was one of the only games I owned on the Switch at the time and it was my first time actually playing a Zelda game. Others include Berserk and the Soulsborne games, most specifcally Bloodborne as the hat the protagonist wears reminds me of the one Ash wore in the movie, anyways the AU leaned more towards the dark fantasy side.
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last-lorekeeper · 7 months
New video! Hurray!
[It's a video (see, told ya). Zinnia is sitting atop her desk, Aster next to her. As the last of the students file in, she leans backwards until she's essentially perpendicular with the floor.
Zinnia: Hello my lovely students. Welcome to the cool classroom. We do cool things here.
She laughs and sits back up, crossing her legs.
Zinnia: So, last week and the week before we talked about the tribes of Hoenn. Now, you may have noticed that despite me talking at length about them, they're not really all that present in modern day Hoenn. They're not gone by any means but they're much smaller and less widespread. The Oceanids largely stick to Pacifidlog Town and Dewford, the Gaiads largely stick to Lavaridge, and the Draconids hang out in Meteor Village. Ours is the best and coolest, obviously, which is why its the hardest to find.
She uncrosses her legs and slides off of the desk.
Zinnia: So you may be wondering "Well what happened? Why are all the tribes so small now?" The answer to that is simple:
She holds up a finger.
Zinnia: The Monarchy.
She begins pacing.
Zinnia: Yep, once again Monarchs come to ruin everything. If you've taken Raifort's class you're almost certainly intimately familiar with that fact.
She stops in front of the smart board and pulls out a pointer. A physical one.
Zinnia: So, the Hoenn Royal Family. It all starts with these motherfuckers.
Two photos of paintings appear on the smartboard. They're both of battle scarred kings with color schemes matching Groudon and Kyogre. Zinnia smacks the smartboard with her pointer.
Zinnia: These are Grodunn and Kjogur, I bet you can't guess which one is which.
A student raises their hand.
Zinnia: That was rhetorical.
The student lowers their hand.
Zinnia: These guys were brothers and the kings of Hoenn way, way, waaaaaayyyy back in the day. They sucked, which is obvious because they're kings. Now, what particularly sucked about them, was they hated each other and they decided to make it everyone else's problem. Because we can't have two kings, no that'd be too logical and reasonable. Oh, also they were the Chosens of Groudon and Kyogre respectively so that didn't help.
Aster makes a noise. Zinnia makes the classic "silly me" gesture which looks mildly unhinged on her.
Zinnia: Oh dear you're right. I completely forgot to explain what a Chosen is. How silly of me. Basically, a Chosen is a person that a Legendary decides to bless with special powers. Usually they do this for a specific purpose, such as Groudon and Kyogre, who use their Chosens to free them so they can continue their eternal war, and Rayquaza, who uses its Chosen to stop the other two.
Zinnia flops down into her chair and spins around.
Zinnia: Anyways, the two started a massive, bloody Civil War in Hoenn. Seriously, these guys make the Aqua and Magma conflict look like a civil disagreement. What's worse, eventually they did manage to release Groudon and Kyogre as one would expect from the Cycle. But luckily, Sir Aaron, Aura Guardian and Chosen of Rayquaza, was there to stop them.
The smartboard changes to an image of the Sir Aaron and Lucario portrait from Cameran Palace.
Zinnia: Together with Coriander, Draconid Lorekeeper, and Sir Galahad, fellow Aura Guardian, they sealed away Kyogre and Groudon's power within the Blue and Red Orbs alongside the spirits of Grodunn and Kjogur, once again bringing peace to the land.
She shrugs.
Zinnia: A lot of that is considered hearsay, though. We don't actually know if its really true. But I have a primary source known as the Ghost of Sir Aaron backing me up on this so...
She shrugs again.
Zinnia: At the very least, Grodunn and Kjogur were real guys and the Civil War for sure happened. Afterwards, the entire Royal Family decided that they'd offended the gods and the only way to fix that was to name every male Norman. No, that is not a joke.
She leaps up from the chair.
Zinnia: Speaking of Normans, lets talk about a personal least favorite of mine, Norman the Mad.
A painting of Norman the Mad and an image of a Spiritomb appear on the board. Zinnia smacks the painting.
Zinnia: This is what he looked like when he was alive.
She smacks the Spiritomb picture.
Zinnia: This is what he looks like now. Well, not actually, this is just a random Spiritomb. Nobody's going down into the Hoenn Royal Tombs to take pictures of this bastard.
She takes a deep breath.
Zinnia: So... what's his deal? Well, basically, he was insane. Apparently Groudon and Kyogre made the mistake of Choosing the same guy and when you're Chosen by two Legendaries at once, especially two who are constantly in conflict with eachother, it tends to drive you a bit, well, Mad. His exploits were kind of funny, looking back on them, but at the time a lot of people got killed because of him. In the end, his soul was sealed within a Spiritomb and locked away in the Hoenn Royal Tombs. That one's also considered heresy but I have a Primary Source for it too. I've met Norman the Mad the Spiritomb and he's an asshole and I hate him.
She takes another deep breath.
Zinnia: Final one and then we're done. Time for one I hate more than Norman the Mad because she hits very close to home. And yes, I did say she. We're getting a queen this time. Byrd the First. Why is she the First? Cause Byrd the Second is currently tearing up the Contest Circuit somewhere. Good for her. Should have called her (Byrd the First not Byrd the Second, Byrd the Second's fine) Byrd the Terrible though cause she was Terrible. She basically exiled and/or killed everyone she didn't like. Draconids, Oeanids, Gaiads, psychics, non-Trifectists. Pretty much everybody, honestly. She's why all of Hoenn's tribes are so small and scattered. Worst part is, she claimed to be doing this in the name of Lord Rayquaza. The only ostensibly "good" thing she ever did was establish the modern routes we use today but that's a matter of opinion and also wasn't worth everything else.
She flops back down into the chair.
Zinnia: And we're done. The Royal Family's still around these days but they have basically no power despite pretending they do. Only one who really matters is Norman the... 16th? 17th? Eh, I don't care, Gym Leader of Petalburd City and step-father to my girlfriend. The end.
The bell rings.
Zinnia: Thanks for coming, guys. Have a good one. We'll be having a quiz on this next week so I don't have to actually do work. Don't worry, it'll be pretty straightforward and simple! Bye!
The video ends]
//Hoenn Royal Family Lore by @darlingvirus
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uenodivision · 6 months
Beasts of Rap Cypher (Mega Yozakura Ver.)
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Bring the Beat!
I'm Ride or Die, with a tale that's quite the fix
Channeling the power of Kyuubi in the mix
Like Naruto, I've got a spirit that will not bow
A fiery will inside, that's burning bright right now!
In the shadows, I move, a silent fox's stride
With Kurama's strength, I face the world with pride
Cold as the moon on a clear, frosty night
Yet hot like the chakra flames, taking flight!
Against all odds, I stand, fierce and unafraid
My resolve is like the seal, strong and well-made
Loyal to my pack, like the fox to the leaf
In the battle of life, I command and lead (Yozakura!)
Ride or Die, a name that echoes with fame
In the anime of life, I play the ultimate game
With a spirit both cold and hot, I fucking thrive
Like the Nine-Tailed Fox, I'm eternally alive!
I'm Facade, the artist, with a vision so vast
My canvas tells stories, from the first to the last
Like the Beast Titan's strength, my art stands tall
A protective shield, it's a fortress wall
With every brushstroke, I fight life's cruel test
Guarding my sister, ensuring she gets the best
My colors are a haven, a safe, warm embrace
Like the Titan's arms, a secure, mighty space
In the gallery of life, my paintings are the key
Unlocking a world where my sister can be free
My murals, a battleground, where I fiercely contend
Against any foe, on me, she can depend
Facade, that's me, an enigma, a guide
With the Beast Titan's might, I won't let harm betide!
Together we stand, in this art-filled fight
A duo of strength, in the day and the night
I'm VeeXn, living life with a hedonist's flair
Savoring each moment, like a breath of fresh air
With Renemon's grace, I dance through the fray
A golden glint in my eye, I seize the day
My laughter rings out, a melody so sweet
Indulging in life's pleasures, I never skip a beat
Yet, with a mother's heart, I fiercely decree
To my daughter, Keiko, a guardian I'll be
Like Renemon's swift strike, my resolve is clear
In the digital world or here, I hold her near
My love's a shield, from any harm, I'll defend
For her, I'll fight, to the very end
VeeXn, that's me, a spirit untamed
In the game of life, my joy's proclaimed
Hedonistic, yet a protector so keen
Balancing both, I'm a force unseen
I'm Valkyrie, the champ, in the ring, I reign
With fists like Lucario's aura, I bring the pain
An MMA warrior, with a title to claim
I face any challenger, no fear, no shame!
From city to city, wherever I roam
I stand as a guardian, making any place home
My brother's keeper, in the fight of life
I shield him from trouble, from any strife
Like Lucario, I sense the auras around
In the silence of battle, I hear every sound
My spirit's unyielding, my resolve is steel
For my wife's safety, I'm the real deal!
Valkyrie, that's me, I'm a force so rare
In the octagon of life, I'm fully aware
Defending my kin with every move I make
I'm the champion of bonds that none can break!
I'm Vipera, the smartest alive
Crafting plans so cunning, you'd think I connive
With a mind so sharp, like a snake in the grass
I slither through problems, none can surpass
Revenge is a dish best served with my wit
Enemies beware, or in my trap, you'll sit
I'm the viper with venom, in every word I spit
A touch of poison, oh, isn't it legit?
Like Chopper's transformations, I adapt and thrive
In a world of pretenders, it's how I survive
Sarcasm's my shield, my tongue, a swift knife
Cutting through nonsense, it's just my life
So here's to the foes who think they can cope!
With Vipera's mind, you've got no hope
In this grand game of life, I'm the queen, the pope
And if you think otherwise, you're a hilarious trope
I'm D.Vil, don't test me, my temper's a flare
Dare to pick a fight? I'll give you a scare
My strength's abnormal, a power untamed
In a world of the normal, I'm unashamed
Short-fused, quick to ignite, like Retsuko's rage
On life's vast stage, I'm a force uncaged
I roar in defiance, my voice loud and clear
Challenging the world, without a hint of fear
Unmatchable might, in my fists it resides
With each battle I fight, my spirit abides
I'm searching, seeking, who am I to be?
In this reflection, what truth will I see?
Like Retsuko's metal, I'm a rebel's song!
In the heart of the mosh pit, where I belong!
D.Vil, that's me, fierce and unbowed
In the quest of self, I stand proud!
I'm 'Ready or Not', in pursuit, I never rest
Like Legoshi on the prowl, I'm on a quest
A bail agent by day, a hunter by the night
Tracking down my targets, until they're in sight
Time is money, and I invest with care
In the urban jungle, I'm fully aware
Like a wolf, I stalk, with patience and grit
For every fugitive, I'm a perfect fit
My prey may run, they may try to hide
But like Legoshi's instinct, I won't be denied!
I value my hours, each minute's a gain
In the chase of justice, I endure the pain
'Ready or Not', that's the name I uphold
With a spirit unyielding, fierce and bold
In the world of the chase, I'm the leading plot
For those who skip bail, ready or not
I'm Guinevere, in this world, feeling lost
Navigating the present, at such a high cost
Haunted by guilt, a shadow from my past
Seeking redemption, a peace that will last
In a sea of ignorance, I stand for the wise
Disdaining the haters, who knowledge despise
Like Michiru Kagemori, I've changed, I've grown
In a world unfamiliar, I've stood alone
Transformed by my trials, like Michiru's plight
From human to beast, from darkness to light
Guinevere, that's me, a seeker of truth
In the library of life, I reclaim my youth
I'm Misfit, the free spirit, no chains on my soul
Like Komamura's heart, my courage is whole
In a world that judges, I stand apart
Living my truth, my way, straight from the heart
I value my freedom, it's my right, my song
In the melody of life, I'm where I belong
No fear of being misunderstood, I'm clear
I'm the author of my story, I steer
Don't tell me how to live, I won't conform
Like Komamura's loyalty, I weather the storm
I'm unique, not a piece in your societal kit
In the puzzle of life, I'm the perfect misfit
So here's to living without a scripted plot
Like Komamura's strength, I'll give it all I've got
Misfit, that's me, unapologetically bold
In the book of my life, my story's told
I'm Eclipse, with a brush, I command the night
Painting dreams on canvas, with colors so bright
Grateful for each sunrise, a life anew
In Saitama's embrace, my passion grew
Protector of home, a shield for my kin
Like Panda in battle, I'm set to win
My art, my heart, both fiercely ablaze
For family and city, my love's a craze
Dare harm a hair, you'll meet my dark side
An eerie promise, in shadows, I'll bide
With Panda's spirit, my resolve's unshaken
In the face of danger, I'm not forsaken
Eclipse, that's me, a guardian so bold
In the gallery of life, my story's told
With a palette of valor, I paint my creed
For those I cherish, I'll always lead
I'm Diabla, the anarchist, with a vision unbound
In a world of chains, it's freedom I've found
No rulers, no thrones, just the people's sound
In the ashes of power, my hopes are crowned
I despise the corrupt, their hearts are so vile
Like demons, all they fucking do is beguile!
With Monokuma's grin, I see through their trial
In a game of deceit, I'm the judge and the dial
A new world I crave, where the free will rise
Away from the shadows, under open skies
My hatred for tyrants, it's really no surprise
Like a demonologist, I see through their lies
So here's to the fall of the unjust decree
With Diabla's chant, we'll set ourselves free
In the dance of anarchy, it's clear to see
I'm the change that's coming, the key to the spree
I'm MC Rogue, not your average prototype
In a world of copies, I'm the real hype
"Normal" is a myth, a bland disguise
I rock my quirks, that's where my power lies
Like Keroro Gunso, I lead my platoon
Marching to my beat, under my own moon
We're all different, that's the master key
Embrace the odd, let the unique be free
I rap about acceptance, drop bars of truth
In the studio of life, there's no soundproof booth
We hear all the stories, the flaws make the groove
In the mix of humanity, we all can improve
MC Rogue, that's me, with a message so strong
Like Sgt. Frog, in this world, I belong
Celebrating differences, we dance along
In the symphony of life, we're all the song
I'm Black Dahlia, with a vibe that's lethal
Dancing with death, I fear no equal
Refuse to bow, my head held high
Like Beerus & Champa, I rule the sky
I dare you to test, to try your luck
Against my might, you'll find you're stuck
In the rap of life, I am the dark beat
My presence alone will knock you off your feet
I'm the whisper of fate, the shadow of night
With a power divine, I'm the ultimate fight
Don't underestimate me, I'm far from least
In the hierarchy of rap, I'm the fearsome beast
Black Dahlia, that's me, a force so grand
Like gods of destruction, I make my stand
Last on the mic, but first in command
In the universe of verse, I'm eternally planned
@kyoto-division @minato-division01 @taito-division @edogawa-division @akihabara-division03 @kumamoto-division @ota-division @saitama-division @shinagawa-division @fukuokadivision1
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
Aura Guardian X PLM X Draconic Hero: I feel like seeing the kid you’ve been bullying for years turn into a Mega Lucario would cause most of Aldera to have an “uh oh” moment.
Yeah that's be pretty terrifying. Constant fear of getting Pokken Tournamented
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auraspheres · 7 months
“Rules”: repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. If you fail to achieve some of the facts, feel free to add some other of your own!
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Name: Riley (insertlastnamehere) Age: 25-30 Birthdate: March 15th Species: Human ( Aura adept ) Gender: Male Orientation: Biromantic / Demisexual Profession: Aura Guardian of Sinnoh / owns, upkeeps and preserves Iron Island
Hair: Deep blue into black Eyes: Deep blue Skin: faire Height: 6’ 1” ft Weight: thats impolite
Siblings: n/a Parents: mother is unknown / father is deceased Grandparents: Deceased Other Relatives: Uknnown Any Pets?: Partner: Lucario + Team
Abilities: Aura: Telepathy, clairvoyance, mediumship, etc - so long as it has a soul and is present he can connect and communicate with it beyond physical means.
Shields, Barrier, and aura based attacks - but used in self defense or in training. They take a lot of energy and prefers non violence if it can be helped.
Fighting art forms taught down to Aura Guardians. It's more or less using aura to predict and evade an opponent while making precise and enforced blows at weak points.
—— Positive —— modest, studious, level-headed, fearless, empathetic, diligent —— Negative —— "do or die" way of thinking, overworks himself constantly, guarded, stoic, often too lenient
Colors: Blues and golds Smells: Petrichor, earthy smells, burning incense, and there's this sort of ethereal aroma within aura - hard to describe besides 'airy and crisp' Drinks: just water - hydrate always folks!
Smokes?: no Drugs: no Driver License: yes Ever Been Arrested?: probably did some of the arresting tbh
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empressgeekt · 11 months
The Aura is with us - outline
The Aura is With Us (Even if you don’t want it)
please excuse the grammar and spelling
Riley’s imprisonment
Mew and Mewtwo
Chapter 1
Sir Aaron’s awakening
Chapter 2: Goh vs team Rocket
a) Goh’s plan
b) Team Rocket’s confusion
c) Riolu’s confusion
d) Ash’s cage
e) Finding ash   
Chapter 3: Past meets Present
Lucario’s grumblings
Sir Aaron and Ash
Mew and Mewtwo p2
Chapter 4: New and Old Faces
Lucario’s concern
Intro Amanda
Chapter 5: Lab
Ash introduces Sir Aaron and Lucario to lab staff, and giant magicarp soaks all the adults.
Cerise sends the boys to the kalos region
Sir Aaron and Ash talk late at night
Chapter 6: Kalos
Ash meets up with Korrina while Sir Aaron goes looking for Goh
Goh and Sir Aaron meet Korrina’s Grandpa
The battle
Chapter 7: Interlude Oak
Professor Cerise contact Prof. Oak
First Aura Lesson, Ash blows up a tree
Ash has a difficult time bathing Riolu
Chapter 8: To Pallet town we go!
Ash telling everyone about his home
Making it to the lab, meeting up with Tracy and the rest of ash’s Pokémon (Riolu goes with Oak and Tracy, Goh goes through the digital files, Ash, Sir Aaron and Lucario meet with Ash’s crew)
Ash and crew find Gary in the field.
Everyone meets up inside, and find out about the physical files in a storage rom
Chapter 9: In Black Ink
Searching file vault
Ash’s mom shows up and takes them to stay the night at her house.
Chapter 10: A mother’s memory
Lucario and Riolu in the back yard
Aaron and Delia talk after the kids are in bed.
Enter Anwir
Chapter 11: There’s a Ninja in the basement
a) Training in the front yard
b) Ren’s theory and phone call
c) Power outage
d) Meeting Mandy
e) Riolu and Pikachu mess up the kitchen and Mandy sleeps through it.
Chapter 12: Back to kalos
Lumious city
Seeing Clemont and Bonnie again
Clemont’s work shop.
Chapter 13: Eevee and Mandy
Mandy‘s anxiety and control issues / Eevee sneaks out of the van and follows Chloe to school
Mandy explains the situation to her mom’s employees / Chloe gets to keep Eevee
Sir Aaron’s nightmare
Sir Aaron finds Mandy cutting herself
Chapter 14: the aura temple
Arriving in at the temple ad going inside
Opening the door and finding the body
Splitting up: Goh and Ash/ Mandy and sir Aaron
The time flower/realization
Chapter 15: Escape the temple
Team Rocket attack, intro to Anwir
The flash back explaining Anwir’s life after banishment and loss of aura
Escaping through the mail system/ getting separated (Sir Aaron & Goh & Pikachu & Pichu, Ash &Raboot & Umbreon & Mandy, Lucario & Riolu)
Chapter 16: Lost in the woods p1
First group getting their bearings
Goh asking questions as the start walking wile Pichu hides underneath Sir Aaron’s hat to hide form the rain.
The rain picks up and Goh ends up caught in a river
Chapter 17: Lost in the woods p2
Ash finds out Mandy is pretty much blind without her glasses
They start walking, and get into a disagreement
Then they hear Goh screaming
Mandy jumps into the river and fishes Goh out saves him from drowning
They all find out Mandy’s deaf after her hearing-aides get soaked
They set up camp for the night
Chapter 18: Lost in the woods p3
Lucario and Riolu start to walk around end up in the old pup grounds
End up running into a group of toxicroak Riolu gets poisoned
Lucario retreats with Riolu
Riolu tries to walk himself, while their looking for the others but can’t de to the poison
They eventually take shelter in an abandoned burrow
Chapter 19: reunited
Ash and Sir Aaron talk,
Mandy sits away from the others, Unbreon sitting with her, she hears lucario’s telepathy
Lucario finds the camp
Sir Aaron has trouble sleeping after they make it to a Pokémon center.
Chapter 20: A legendary meeting
Arecus summons all the legendaries and mythicals to discuss the recent events (mew gets pissed off at arecus)
Mew and Mewtwo meet again
Chapter 21: That New Old Gang of Mine
Arriving in Alola
The kuki household
Sir Aaron and Kuki talk while the kids play in the ocean
Prof. Bernedette talk with Mandy
Chapter 22: Sunny party
Party at the Pokémon school / Students swarm the new comers
Mandy calls out Kiawe
Kiawe challenges Mandy she declines, shocking everyone
Kiawe and Goh still battle.
Goh catching alolan exggcutor
Chapter 23: Let’s Battle
A call with Clemont
Traveling to Unova and reading about the tournament.
Chapter 24: Round One
Mandy and Lucario try to sneak into the back? Mandy unlocks the door
In the stands
Ash’s battle
Chapter 25: Round two
Goh’s battle
Mandy downloading team rocket data
Chapter 26: Round three
Mandy’s fight/ forfeit
Team rockets attack
Afterward back at the hotel
Chapter 27: Break Through
Breakfast, and Mandy cracking through one of the codes that leads them to Moon Mountain
Mandy and Sir Aaron talk again in the RV ride there
Arriving at mount Moon, sensing Riley inside
Chapter 28: Break in
They find a secret tunnel leading to a hidden Team Rocket base that was once and Aura base
They get surrounded, and separated (Goh and ash, Sir Aaron and Mandy, [Pokémon stay with respective trainer])
Chapter 29: Break down
Ash and Goh find Riley
Sir Aaron and Mandy ended up falling through the floor and deeper into the tunnels, getting separated from the others and loosing her glasses, leaving Sir Aaron to try and teach her how to use her aura sight
Lucario and Umbreon go through the tunnels to try an find a way to get to Mandy
 Fighting their way through team rocket
Chapter 30: Recovery
Back to Pallet Town, going back to Ash’s house, Mandy and Delia meet
Riley wakes up
Discussion of what to do next, Mandy says she has somewhere to go
Team Rocket discussing How to lure Sir Aaron in, Anwir suggests something
Chapter 31: Ryme City
On the train
To the mansion
The twins and miss rose
Lady Emily’s story
Chapter 32: old friends
a) Ash and Goh play in the pool with the Twins
b) Mandy’s old theater group
Chapter 33: Mother’s frost
Lorelei meets the others
A very uncomfortable dinner
Sir Aaron over hears Lorelei fussing at Mandy, and talks again with Miss Rose
Chapter 34: The round house
The battle stadium
Meeting with Bella/ ash challenges Bella
Chaos, by drugs
Mewtwo teleports everyone away
Chapter 35: A mother’s wrath
Lorelei Blames Mandy for what happened
Riley tries to argue with Lorelei Mandy stops him and apologizes to her mother
Riley asked Mandy why she didn’t let him defend her they end up in an argument
Team Rocket kidnaps Delia
Chapter 36: A Brother’s strength
Sir Aaron counsels Riley on What to do about Mandy
Riley and Mandy talk again
Chapter 37: The calm before the storm
Oh, my Arecus we’re jedi
Attack by team rocket! (Lucario gets hit with a dart), twins were taken, and leave a message about Delia
Discussing what’s next.
Miss Rose calls an old friend (Jackie)
Chapter 38: For the Good of the people
Delia being taunted by Anwir
Arriving at the temple and surrendering (enter Mewtwo and mew as back up)
Giovanni and Anwir taunting the others / Anwir explaining the history between Aaron and Delia
Starting the ritual
Chapter 39: Battle in the Temple
Anwir taunts Deila and Goh one last time
Mewtwo starts a fight, and start to take out the grunts
The portal opens, Lucario and the others are shocked
Mew breaks Goh and Delia out
Giovanni ran out with the others only to get arrest by the rangers, while Anwir ran towards our heroes
Mandy breaks out as well as the others, they try to stop the portal from opening
Duel between Anwir and Aaron / while the others battle again the Shadow pokemon
Aercues Emerged from the portal smiting Anwir and the portal closes sending a large wave of Aura throughout the world
Chapter 40: The aftermath
Sir Aaron, Ash and Deila reunite as a family
Mandy and Riley discuss a way to get the twins out of the situation their in.
Mew thanks Mewtwo
0Chapter 41: Epilogue
Sir Aaron and Delia finally get married, and have a daughter
Riley restarts the Aura guild alongside Sir Aaron
Ash ended up achieve his goal of becoming a Pokémon master
Mandy joins the rangers and dies at 29
Twins Go on to run the family company and try to steer it away from their mother’s influence
The Aura wave ended up restoring the descendants of the previous bloodlines and making new ones
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sentient-rift · 2 months
Pokemon Universe
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Lucario (Ryu)
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Atsura the Armarouge
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Sombra the Ceruledge
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Goober the Clodsire
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95jezzica · 7 months
Hws Ace Pokémon
It'd take way too long to write down the whole teams I have planned, but here's the nations' Ace Pokémon that I've come up with so far. ÒwÓ
Wales: (shiny) Haxorus England: Gardevoir (+ Lucario for Aura Guardian stuff). Sealand: Wingull & Quaxly
Ladonia: Rotom Sweden: Ursaluna Denmark: Perrserker Norway: Golurk, (+ Lucario for Aura Guardian stuff). Iceland: Volcanion. (He gets a legendary, because he deserves one). Finland: Wyrdeer + Suicune. (Same as Ice's note).
Romano: Meganium.
Canada: Beartic, (is anyone surprised here, really?) America: Braviary.
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aura-acolyte · 1 year
So, to sum it up: I won the Tourney, got proclaimed Aura Guardian which is a lot more boring than it sounds, accidentally freed a Lucario from Sir Aaron's sword, and then had a battle with him.
I just wanted to go on vacation, man.
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pkmnirlevents · 1 year
The Aura Guardian Festival!
Every year the Town of Rota hosts the Aura Guardian Festival in Cameran Palace in order to honor the brave Aura Guardian Sir Aaron, who defended the ancient Kingdom in its time of need. There's food, games, a grand ball, and, most importantly, a Pokemon Battle Tournament to decide who gets bestowed with the title of Aura Guardian. But not everything is as it seems and soon things might take a turn for the dangerous... (inspired by the plot of Pokemon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew)
Date: June 20th Length: 1-2 Days Tag: No-Stakes Run By: BackSet (@aura-acolyte) Looking For:
Festival Goers
Ball Attendees (overlaps with Festival Goers)
Tournamnet Participants (brackets will be decided once we have enough people. The only thing set it stone is that you cannot make it to the finals as the final match has to be between Mare and Riley for plot reasons)
Plotting Discord: Aura Guardian Festival Notes: Despite the ominous final line of the description, this is a No-Stakes event. While it will lead into a High-Stakes Event, that event will be purely contained to my own blogs and for every other participant this is purely a No-Stakes Event.
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