#╱       ❛     answer.    ❫      —      i have duties to my tribe.
lunarduties · 5 months
is yue related to korra somehow??
no one can really say for certain, as the canonical line of succession for the nwt chiefdom after arnook isn’t clear/confirmed. assuming the nwt inheritance works in a monarchical/patriarchal way, arnook would have had to pass the title to a brother, male relative, etc. yue is not confirmed to have had any siblings, and i hc her as an only child.
so… who knows! perhaps arnook did pass the title to a brother or male cousin and this person ended up being tonraq’s grandfather, and therefor related to korra, making her related to yue. as for this blog, i’m operating on a basis that they are probably… distantly related. any other specifics will be determined by plotting w/ korra writers, though i do love the hc!
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beekeep · 2 years
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Saw this post floating around, don’t wanna target anyone or argue with Zionists, but it is my duty (especially as an actually indigenous Jew) to educate well-meaning gentiles who might see this and think they have no right to speak on the matter. I’ll go point by point.
1) “Is it so terrible for a Jew to be a Zionist?”
If we were living in any other era, where the genocidal crimes of Israel were not as widely known (though they were very well documented), you could perhaps ask this question in sincerity. Many Jews (such as myself) grow up in religious educational settings which either fail to mention the human rights violations of the state or claim they’re justified because “they want to kill us!” Past a certain point, though, one can’t continue to claim ignorance of what Zionism actually does. Short answer: yes, it is terrible for anyone to claim to be a Zionist, but this will be more evident as I continue to analyze these arguments.
2) “Zionism is the belief in the inherent right of the Jewish people to return to their homeland”
First of all, Palestine is not the “homeland” of the Jewish people any more than Siberia is the homeland of indigenous american tribes. Is there a historical connection? Yes, but though assimilation and migration Jews have found homes across the world. For me, my homeland is Mexico, because my family has lived there for generations, partly through migration but mostly through having cultivated the land for millennia. Even biblically speaking, Palestine does not “belong” to the Jewish people, it belongs to G-d. Furthermore, there is no shortage of Jewish scholarship and activism that asserts that wherever we live, that is our homeland. Frankly, I’m more interested in fighting to stay where I am than fighting to force people out of their homes to accommodate me.
3) “Zionism is the belief in the Jewish right not to be murdered”
By murdering others instead? Once again, there is no shortage of Jewish scholarship and activism in favor of Jewish self defense where we live. Jewish resistance fighters lived and died fighting the nazis in Europe under the third reich. If Zionism was actually interested in preventing Jewish death, it would fight antisemitism where it is. “Preventing murder” is not an excuse to commit genocide.
4) “there are so many definitions of Zionism”
Sorry but I just think of this tweet from @jewdas on Twitter when I read this: “There’s a actual existing Zionism which practices apartheid and denial of human rights. But there’s another Zionism inside my head which is all rainbows and kosher marshmallows, so who can say which is the real Zionism?” In other words, the actual, material consequences of Zionist beliefs are more important than what any individual thinks their Zionism is. Once again, we live in the Information Age, where anyone can easily learn about the damage that Zionism has done in Palestine and abroad. There is no excuse to continue using the label that doesn’t presuppose complete ignorance of Israeli violence.
5) “zionists just want to be safe from antisemitism in the diaspora”
See points 3 & 4.
6) “and this is different from evangelical zionists”
Materially speaking, not really. Once again, see point 4. Until you pull all US/european colonial support for Israel, this claim falls flat.
7) “zionists just want to live peacefully with other indigenous people in the area”
That’s not what indigeneity is, it doesn’t mean “from there,” it’s a specific relationship to the land and to its cultivation. (On a side note, even biblically and historically speaking, Jews are not “from” Palestine.) See point 2. Zionism has proven it is not a peaceful ideology. See point 4.
8) “people refuse to see the difference in types of Zionism because they hate the Jews”
No, it’s because there are no material differences. See point 4. Evangelical Zionism and Jewish Zionism actually share quite a bit in common. The “Jewish state” would not exist without evangelical Zionists. See point 6. And the original Jewish Zionist thinkers had a vested interest in tying the two together.
tl;dr, Zionism is a violent ideology in practice, and no amount of making excuses can hide the fact that it is genocidal and serves European/American interests. Additionally, just because one is not Jewish does not mean one does not have a duty and an obligation to eliminate Zionism wherever it crops up. Zionism has had disastrous consequences for Palestinians, and as western citizens, we benefit from their suffering. It must end now. May Palestine be freed in our lifetimes.
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sansaorgana · 1 month
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PAIRING — Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x fem!Fremen!Reader
SUMMARY — After failing to protect your tribe, its members leave you behind to die according to your customs. When Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen finds you, he immediately knows you are a daughter of the desert that was promised to him in the prophecy. Just like you were promised a man from the stars to come for you.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — I changed the request a little and I hope it's fine – I just had this idea and I really wanted to write it but the request itself inspired it! 💛 By the way, this request was sent in April... 🙈 I am so ashamed of myself and it's not even the only request like that because I still have one left to write with Feyd... Please, do forgive me... 🙏🏻 I know nothing about Fremen customs and I didn't bother to Google them because I had this idea in my head and I liked it so I didn't want to change it either way. Therefore, keep in mind that I treat The Fremen culture pretty loosely here. Reader is a Princess (I don't think they have royalty at all in canon), she has ritual tattoos on her body (not as many as Lady Jessica but still) and she has blue eyes from the spice (which is not even mentioned I think 🤔) but other than that I did not describe anything about her looks.
WARNINGS — mentions of slavery, mentions of sexual activities including non/dub-con (no actual smut), mentions of suicide, Reader gets beaten up badly in the beginning by The Harkonnen soldiers
WORD COUNT — 4,200
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In other worlds, noble families had all the possible privileges alongside the burden of responsibilities. In other worlds, Princesses were spoiled and insufferable creatures who had all their whims and wishes fulfilled. But it was no other world – it was a cruel and harsh Arrakis. It was a hot desert filled with nothing but sand and spice and your tribe expected that your parents would help them to survive – no matter what price.
Everyone had the same duty to keep the rest alive – your father, your mother and even you, a simple Princess. The Fremen were not rich, therefore you were wearing the same clothes as everyone else. But even if you tried to blend in with the crowd, everyone would recognise you because of the ritual tattoos covering your skin. The noble blood was nothing but poison running through your veins – it was unwanted. Every failure was blamed upon you and you would drink the collected water as the last because your job was to make sure your tribe would live.
You had lost your mother first, even before the new Harkonnen invasion and the oppression of The Atreides. But your father died recently, in the very same ruins where your tribe left you to die in the ashes and heat before they attempted to run away. You were their Princess and your family had failed to protect them – the tough custom was to leave you behind and let the desert take care of you. It would either swallow you whole or you would prove yourself by digging yourself out.
But in this case – it was leaving you behind for The Harkonnens to find you and take care of you. It was worse than death in the desert. Perhaps their ways of murder were quicker and more sophisticated but they were unnatural. You were a Fremen and if you were to die, you wanted to do it by slowly decaying in the sand.
“Mercy… Mercy…” You begged quietly in Chakobsa language when they found out that the body laying amongst the ruins was still alive and breathing.
One of the Harkonnen soldiers pulled you up by your hair and you could see them all through hazy eyes, in their black uniforms covering their unhealthy pale white skin. 
“That bitch is alive,” one of them drawled out. “Are you going to talk?” He leaned in to ask you but you didn’t answer. You had no physical strength to answer him but also no spiritual motivation to keep going.
You were already prepared to die and you felt so indifferent that their punches and kicks did not bring you any pain at all. They dragged you by your hair and bruised your skin, they threatened you and cut you in a few places but with each drop of blood, you also felt your life leaking out of your body and what a sweet relief it was.
You were lying curled up on the ground and completely lost track of time. You could have been there for centuries, long hours or mere minutes only. You had absolutely no idea. You only waited for death to finally release you from this life and from the endless sands of Arrakis.
Your dream was to fly – fly away and see other worlds. See the worlds with greenery and water. To breathe in the fresh air and to be invisible in the crowd, to no longer be a Princess.
Or to simply disappear. That option was not so bad either. Everything was better than this life, certainly.
For now, they left you alone and proceeded to ruin the temple around you. And some part of you grieved this loss of your culture but the other part had no love for it anymore because you couldn’t care less at this point and because this world and these people had brought you nothing but pain and oppression. You loved and hated the Fremen equally.
Perhaps The Harkonnens had left you alone to regenerate before they’d start kicking and beating you again. Perhaps they would let you die in peace – that was doubtful, though. Perhaps they thought you were already dead but you were sure they did not because they were very committed to their art of killing.
When you heard heavy steps approaching you and their muffled voices explaining something to the man who had just arrived, you realised that they had been simply waiting for someone more important. And he was probably the one who would bring death to you. You tried to open your eyelids at least a little to see the face of your killer as you prayed quietly for a painless death even though you knew very well that no gods were listening to you. No gods would listen in a destroyed temple anyway. 
The gods were angry and their anger was always aimed at people like you – the noble Fremen who hadn’t managed to keep their people safe. You were doomed in this life and in the afterlife. There was no escape.
The man who had just walked inside the cave in which you were lying had an intriguing face because he was quite handsome for a Harkonnen. He had to be someone important, too, because his clothes were more elegant. He even had a cape attached to his stillsuit.
“Spy. Left behind,” one of his soldiers informed him and the man finally looked down and spotted you.
You bravely kept looking at him even though you knew already that painless death would be no option from his hands. You even straightened yourself up, slowly and gritting your teeth because you didn’t want to hiss out of pain and give them any satisfaction. Now, you were on your knees.
“No trace of the others,” the soldier explained.
“They’ve gone South to hide in the storms,” the new man commented and his voice made a shiver go down your spine and formed a knot in your stomach. There was something extremely eerie about him in a way that no ordinary Harkonnen could match. He was evil and twisted – even his voice was.
He was given a blade and he examined it as you were examining him, trying to figure him out even though it was pointless since it was the last minute of your life, most likely. Yet, stupid human brain always had to be kept entertained, always needed a distraction – even in a time like this.
“Send this message to The Baron,” the man commanded. “The North is liberated and secure. Harvest spice at will,” he looked back at you as if he was trying to mock you or tease you – so unaware how much you simply did not care anymore.
If it was up to you, you would blow up the whole planet. You would wipe Arrakis out of every galactic map.
“Yes, Na-Baron,” the man behind him bowed his head and then you realised that the demon in front of you was Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen himself.
It was quite ironic – he was of noble blood, too. Perhaps it would be an honour to be killed by him if you were a simple girl but you were not. Maybe it was a small mercy of the gods – a small, ironic smile. Yes, they would bring death now but at least your murderer was your equal and not a common Harkonnen scum.
Feyd-Rautha approached you slowly, clenching his jaw and your own sore muscles tensed, expecting another kick or a blow or things much, much worse. You just kept sitting there and looking up at him, too weak to even beg for mercy anymore.
And you didn’t want to either.
“She won’t talk,” another soldier of his told him and Feyd-Rautha tilted his head.
After a short while of silence, he crouched down in front of you and he tore a part of your stillsuit off of your body, revealing your arm and one side of your chest. You made no attempt to hide away from him or to yell for him to stop because you knew it would not help you in any way and it would only cost you even more of your dignity.
He smirked at the sight of your exposed body and stood up again.
“She is their Princess,” he pointed out loud. “Her marks give her away,” he added. “She is no spy. She was left to die as a punishment of her tribe.”
You were surprised how much he knew about your customs. Feyd-Rautha turned around to look at you again.
“I do not care about the Fremen traditions,” he informed you. “You will go with me,” he ordered.
You were too weak to move, of course. When two of his soldiers forced you to move up as they dragged you by your hair, you fell down on the ground. They kept forcing you up again and again, until you completely lost consciousness.
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A man from the stars. 
You were a young girl again or perhaps you were a visitor in your old memory because you could see yourself sitting there, inside the dark cave deep under the temple with a Reverend Mother and a few other veiled Bene Gesserit women. A young girl with tears still in the corners of her eyes from the painful ritual of marking her body with the black ink. She had just become a Princess and she already knew it was a path of pain and sacrifice. Now, she had been tested with Gom Jabbar – another suffering filling this small body of a little girl. She hadn’t asked for any of this.
“A man from the stars,” the Reverend Mother said to her. A prophecy.
“What about him?” The girl asked, wiping her tears away with the palm of her hand, forgetting that they were sensitive now. The tears burnt her freshly-inked skin and she hissed. Bene Gesserit women smiled contemptuously. It was the Princess’ punishment for shedding tears and wasting water.
“He will come for you,” The Reverend Mother found her eyes through all the chains in her veil. Little girl felt a chill going down her spine at those words and she was not sure whether it was a promise or a threat.
She never told her parents about this prophecy and soon she forgot about it anyway. She grew up to be too big to believe in fairytales.
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When you opened your eyes again, you gasped and sat up rapidly as the water splashed all around you. You looked down, terrified, and realised that you were naked inside a bathtub, surrounded by a few terrified maids who had moved away at the sight of you awakening.
“Wh-what is happening?” You asked them. Some of them were clearly Harkonnen with their white skin, big black eyes and bald heads. Some of them were Fremen slaves but they were not from your tribe because you couldn’t recognise any of them.
“Na-Baron asked us to clean you up and take care of your wounds, my Lady,” the Harkonnen maid informed you. She was not sure how to address you but you couldn’t care less about that. What shocked you the most was…
“Water!” You yelped and tried to get out of the bathtub although you were too weak to do so. “You are wasting water!”
“We have more than enough water here in the palace,” the Fremen slave woman told you and you calmed yourself down although you couldn’t help but feel angry about the injustice.
Of course they had water in the Arrakeen’s palace. The Harkonnens, The Atreides… People like them never suffered – even in a place like this.
You allowed the maids to go back to cleaning you up. When you were as fresh as never before, you couldn’t recognise yourself in the mirror. Even your skin looked a shade paler because it was no longer stained with the sand. Your hair was shining and the skilled hands of one of the maids braided it before your wounds were patched up and your body was covered with a semi-transparent dress. It was very feminine and quite revealing and the colours were all hues of orange.
“Na-Baron wishes to see you now, my Lady,” one of the maids bowed her head at you and two other maids took you by your arms to help you walk down the corridor to join Feyd-Rautha since you were still too weak to walk.
He was sitting by the big table that was filled with so much food you had never seen in your life. The colourful fruit filled with juice and water made your mouth drool.
The maids let go of your arms to bow down in front of him. You did not bow down but he did not comment. He had his legs placed up there on the table’s surface and he smirked at you, beckoning you over with his finger.
“Come, Princess,” he mocked your title and you limped towards him. “Leave us,” he ordered the maids and they left the room with their heads kept low out of fear and respect.
You finally reached the table and you grasped the edge of it for support as you moved even closer to Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen. You were not scared of him because you were not scared of death anymore and his title did not intimidate you because you were of noble blood, too – even though in his eyes you had to be a dirty savage anyway.
His face fascinated you because it was so unnaturally beautiful in a way that no Harkonnen should be. But still, you kept staring at his face with nothing but pure hatred.
“You must be starving,” he pointed out at the chair nearby. “Treat yourself.”
“Thank you,” you drawled out through your gritted teeth and took the seat, too hungry to dismiss such an offer.
You were devouring a grapefruit, allowing its sticky juice to run down your chin when Feyd-Rautha put his legs back on the floor and leaned in over the table to take a closer look at you.
“What do they call you, Princess?” He asked in a low, raspy whisper. “Have my men hurt you badly?”
“(Y/N),” you answered and looked deep into his eyes, showing him that you were not scared of him. “I can handle that.”
“That is a pretty name for a strong woman,” he commented. “You will be my slave,” he said casually and leaned back on the chair.
You didn’t know what to say to this, really. You knew that protesting was foolish – you didn’t want to lose the opportunity to keep your stomach full and it was obvious from the beginning that he hadn’t brought you to the palace as a guest anyway. Still, it felt wrong to quietly accept such a fate.
“I am no maid,” you only said.
“Not like that,” Feyd-Rautha smirked. “Not a maid. A special slave,” he explained but you kept staring at him in silence, killing him with your gaze only. He found it amusing as he chuckled. “You know, Princess, you are a daughter of the desert,” he pointed his finger at you and you raised your eyebrow at him. “I was told by a Bene Gesserit witch that a daughter of the desert would give me a strong heir who shall inherit the Empire. The Harkonnen and Fremen bloodline could not be further apart and that is why mixed together they will create the most powerful species of men. An ultimate man,” Feyd-Rautha explained.
“You are the man from the stars,” you mumbled out, feeling weird with the fact that your prophecy had been true, after all.
Feyd-Rautha was taken aback by your question and he had no idea what it meant but you did not feel like explaining.
“You want me to be your whore. You want me to push out your heirs but they will not be any powerful, ultimate beings, Na-Baron. They will be pure chaos. That is the only thing that can ever come out of our bloodlines mixed together,” you pointed out harshly. “You poison my world, you oppress my people, you killed my family. And now you’re asking me to be your concubine.”
“I must have missed the part where I am asking,” Feyd-Rautha clenched his jaw. You were getting him angry and it was nearly funny how spoiled he was that he really had thought you would agree to such a proposition after such a past.
“Kill me,” you requested and put the grapefruit down. “Kill me because I will be no use to you. I will never be your whore and I would rather die than give birth to your sickly bastards.”
“Why are you loyal to the people who left you behind to rot in the sand?” He asked, tilting his head. He was no longer angry but simply curious.
“That is the custom,” you only answered.
Your relationship with your tribe and your world was of a difficult kind but Feyd-Rautha did not need to know about it. He was an intruder, an outsider, an oppressor. He didn’t deserve to know your heart.
“You can’t run away from your prophecy, Princess,” Feyd-Rautha reminded you before leaving the table and leaving you alone inside the room.
When he left, you went back to eating – as much as you could and as fast as you managed. You felt like an animal and a savage indeed but there was no one to witness that desperate act anyway and you could not remember the last time you had something in your mouth.
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Feyd-Rautha did not bother you personally but the maids were following you around and even though you were given your own room with a beautiful view of the desert, you were never truly left alone. You had beautiful but pretty humiliating dresses to wear and you were given baths every day which felt like a profanity for a Fremen.
You were well fed but most of the time you were bored. You knew that Na-Baron was awaiting your answer. You just hadn’t been told how much time exactly you had to make a choice.
Choosing death was simple and easy. Choosing to be his slave-concubine meant betraying your people and betraying who you were, even though you had always felt like you did not fit in with the Fremen and you always wanted to leave Arrakis. It had been a distant dream, too foolish and impossible to even be mentioned to anyone. But now, it could be true. As Feyd-Rautha’s new pet that he seemed to already be pretty fond of, you would be able to visit other worlds.
Your prophecy had claimed, after all, that the man from the stars would come for you. His prophecy had claimed that the daughter of the desert would give him a powerful heir. If it was true and you would become a mother of the future Emperor – well, that was quite tempting, indeed. No matter the price.
Staring at the desert behind your window, you were hugging yourself and biting on your lower lip while you were spending your evening overthinking – it had been your only occupation lately.
You had a feeling that this evening Feyd-Rautha would join you because you were left alone by your maids which was unusual. And indeed, a few moments later the doors opened again and he walked inside. His steps were heavy and confident as usual. It would be your first conversation ever since the one after your arrival.
“My Princess,” he greeted you in that harsh voice of his as he stood behind you and put his hands on your arms in quite a gentle but still very possessive manner.
“I have not made my decision yet,” you only said.
“Decision?” Feyd-Rautha was surprised and then he laughed. “You do not get to choose. Do you think I would let you choose death when I know that your womb might give me an heir that has been promised to me in a prophecy?” He lowered his voice and his words sent a chill down your body. His lips were brushing your neck and earlobe and you tried to get away from his grip but he tightened it and you couldn’t do anything about it.
“I should have killed myself,” you drawled out through gritted teeth.
“I suspected you might do so, therefore I ordered the maids to invade your privacy all day and night, my Princess,” he smirked. You could feel his lips curling on your skin.
“I’m going to kill every child you put inside of me,” you threatened.
“You can try,” he kept smirking but his grasp tightened even further.
“I will not be your slave,” you protested and kept shaking your head even though you knew it was pointless.
“Concubine,” Feyd-Rautha tried to convince you as if he really cared for the transaction to go pretty smoothly. And, apparently, he was in a mood to bargain. 
“Wife,” you spat out and a long silence occurred. His grip loosened and he took a step back, eyeing you up and down as he let out a deep laugh. You turned your head around to look at him. “I won’t push out bastards,” you stated.
“I have no desire for a wife,” Na-Baron dismissed you.
“And I have no desire for a husband but that is the only way I see it working,” you explained. “Of course you don’t need my permission to do anything with me. You might use me, imprison me to make sure I won’t get rid of your spawn and then you can kill me. But I am not as weak as you think of me, I am a daughter of the desert. I will change your life into hell and I will make you regret every hour, every day until I eventually die but believe me, I will make this time pass by very slowly,” you threatened.
“And why would I want to marry such a woman?”
“Because I have not described a wife. I have described a slave,” you explained. “Do you wish to know what kind of wife I would be?” You raised your eyebrow and took a step further towards him. He seemed to be intrigued as he tilted his head and you smirked to yourself. It seemed to be working – your plan to tempt him and convince him.
You had to secure your future and your position and since he was your oppressor, you felt no guilt about using manipulation to get there.
“You might think of me as lower than you but I am a Princess just like you are a Na-Baron and only our customs differ. Imagine taking me back to your world, your exotic war prize from Arrakis. You can dress me up in those pretty dresses and show me off, swollen with your special heir. I am a savage to the outsiders but couldn’t you turn the tables and make it an advantage? Your wild, savage wife that nobody knows anything about and who everyone fears?” You whispered, seductively.
“I know what you're doing,” Feyd-Rautha breathed out but even though he was aware of you trying to manipulate him, he was visibly giving in anyway. “You’re going to kill me in my sleep,” he added, looking intensely into your eyes and you chuckled at that.
“Perhaps,” you shrugged your arms. “But isn’t the prophecy worth the risk?” You asked.
After all, you were sacrificing and risking a lot, too. And it would be only fair if the transaction costed you both the equal amount.
“You are the jewel of Arrakis,” Feyd-Rautha chuckled and raised his hand to undo your braids and watch your hair let loose.
“And you are its poison,” you remarked as he smirked, eyeing you up and down.
“Together, we can rule over the worlds,” he whispered.
“Or destroy them,” you added.
Na-Baron shook his head but the smirk remained on his lips. He found it amusing that you had an answer for everything and how gloomy they all were. However, so far, it was entertaining for him. He brushed your collarbone with his fingertips.
“I surely have more experience in destroying them than I have in ruling over them,” he confessed but the hunger in his eyes was a clear message to you that he did not mean only Arrakis but also women overall.
“Some are too wild to be ruled over and too wild to be destroyed,” you informed him and he found your eyes again after staring at your chest and neck. For the first time, you saw that he was genuinely intrigued. Perhaps he finally saw you as a challenge. A riddle. A savage to tame.
Whatever would keep you alive and in a position of power.
Because no matter how much you were trying to convince yourself that you were ready to die, this life stubbornly seemed to keep you alive and there must have been a purpose in it.
Therefore, you were ready to receive everything this new life had to offer for you now. As if you had died in that temple and now you were given a second chance.
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dreamchasernina · 7 months
The live action writers hate Aang
I have given myself a lot of time to think about the live action, and reached the conclusion that the writers hate Aang. I dare you to read read this and tell me I'm wrong.
Let me start this by asking you a question? What's the most badass scene Aang has in the first season of the OG show? No matter what you answer is, I know for sure, that scene doesn't exist in the live action. Aang does absolutely nothing to prove the audience he is the right person to be the Avatar, he learns absolutely nothing throughout the show, he doesn't need to look into himself and change his way of thinking. Nothing. Most of the fundamental lessons Aang learns throughout the first season are gone.
The first mistake Aang does in the OG is staying at Kyoshi island too long, letting the attention go to his head, getting too comfortable. He realises he brought destruction to the island and tries to fix his mistakes by jumping onto the Unagi to help the village. That's how he learned the responsibly he holds as the Avatar and finds a unique way to help the village. Well that doesn't exist in the LA. Instead, Kyoshi takes over Aang's body to fight the whole fire nation for him. Aang, himself, does literally nothing.
The spirit world. In the OG show Aang is forced to face his Avatar duty for the first time by trying to save the village that's beeing attacked by Hei Bai. This is his first test as the Avatar and he fails. Not only that, he loses his friend. So Aang has to figure out himself how to get Sokka back from Hei Bai. He figures out who her bai is, himself, understands why Hei Bai is angry and gives him hope, the way Katara gave him hope. So we see that even though Aang failed at first, he kept trying and was smart and compassionate enough to realise what the problem is and solve it. This does not exist in the LA. Aang sees Hei bai in the spirit world, within a second realises who he is and just gives him the Acorn, without having to face him at all!
Another reason I'm convinced the writers hate Aang is the way all the avatars + Bumi treat Aang. Everyone is mad at him for disappearing for 100 years. And look, I get that, you can be mad at him if he ran away from his duties...but he never did! He went to clear his head on Appa and got caught in the storm. And if he hadn't run away he'd be dead, so why are you all so mad at him?! Bumi being mad at Aang could make sense, because in the OG show Aang did spend a significant amount on time of goofing around before he finds out about the comet. But here, it makes no sense! Bumi is mad for no reason. As soon as Aang got out go the ice he took his duty seriously, so please, make it make sense! And the show just glosses over the fact that if Aang hadn't run away he would be dead with the rest of the air benders. Instead of letting Aang feel guilty himself, which he does in the OG show, they just get these characters to hate on him, because they're incapable of making their characters have any emotional depth.
Aang doesn't learn water bending. At all. And there is no logical reason for that. I guess they thought it wasn't that important but please explain to me how you want to make Aang more serious and focused on the Avatar duties but not make him learn water bending? The literal next step Aang has to take to becoming the Avatar?? That is the only clear goal Aang has from the second episode of the show - to find a master and learn waterbending! Make it make sense!
Taking away Aang's talk with Koh. So I assume if most people didn't answer my question above with the Koi fish, they probably said Aang's journey into the spirit world and his meeting with Koh. In the OG show, Aang has to find a way to figure out how to save the water tribe. He does so by going into the spirit world and talking to Koh the face stealer. So Aang had to talk to Koh showing zero emotions so he doesn't have his face stolen. That scene is so creepy and so badass and shows that Aang is really capable, even though he is a kid, he is facing the creepy ass spirit and is doing an excellent job. So when Aang finds out who the moon and the ocean spirits are, it feels deserved, it feels like an accomplishment. In the live action he doesn't have to show zero emotions because Koh is not stealing faces, he's just stealing random people for whatever reason. Koh tells him exactly what to do, bring me a MacGuffin so I can release your friends, Aang just goes to see Roku, no problem, no obstacles to overcome, brings the Macguffin to Koh and he just releases his friends. Wow, really shows us how resourceful Aang is by making him...get an object and give it back to Koh...
And the very last point that I absolutely hated in the show. When Aang goes into the Avatar state and becomes the giant koi fish and wipes everyone out, the live action show goes out of its way to emphasise that that is not Aang in there. Aang is gone. The Koi fish is just rage. and that's that. Taking away ANY agency Aang ever had. Look, I know in the OG show Aang is not in control of the Avatar state either, but we know that's still Aang in there, that's his power he's showcasing. He might not be in control but that's him doing it all, being all powerful. But in the live action, they tell us Aang is gone, that's just his body the spirit is using. Plus Aang does no watebending himself, no gestures like the original where you can see aang in the sphere water bending, controlling the giant Koi fish, showing us how far he's come as a water bender. But in the LA he's just in the sphere...doing nothing because he never learned water bending so of course that's not him doing all this cool shit.
I am so angry over all of this. This is you MAIN PROTAGONIST. and you made him nothing but a vessel to progress the plot. You gave him no character, no growth, no struggles, no power! So no, you cannot convince me, at this point, that the writers of the live action don't hate Aang. Probably as much as they hate Katara.
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wearepaladin · 3 months
Some quick Elden Ring thoughts, I’m still working on the Final Boss, just want to share my thoughts on a certain deity’s tragic backstory a bit through a meta context.
In the Souls Games, a familiar mechanic is the presence of a woman who aides the Player by leveling them up. The Maiden in Black was the first in Demon’s Souls and in Elden Ring that was filled by Melina who played the role of maiden.
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But I think the Fire Keeper’s of the Dark Souls trilogy have the most lore and detail accumulated about them, with them being so prominent in the world’s story of fire and dark. In the third game in particular the nameless but critical Fire Keeper was required for what I considered the most hopeful ending you could earn.
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Now, in the world of Dark Souls the Fire Keepers have a rough lot at the best of times. Tending the flames that manipulate souls like a forge works iron can have spiritual effects that can range from the severe. But in order to be made ideal for their purpose to bring about the kindling of the first flame, the Fire Keepers endure mutilation and mortal sacrifice, with many killed to provide necessary kindling or suffering mutilation to ensure they are somehow more ideal to their duties, such as the removal of the eyes or tongue. Just one of these Fire Keepers with a bit of prompting, could manipulate and quiet the eternal fires that had driven the plot for countless eons
Now, in the newest chapter of Elden Ring, we learned more about Queen Marika the Eternal, that she was once a member of a tribe of shamans who were sacrificed and mutilated for spiritual purposes, with the implication being that, much like the Fire Keepers, their unique ability and powers made them suitable for harvesting, and once more the implication that left to their own purpose, could manipulate a great deal more power than those who would harvest them a like a bloody crop.
Enter she who became Queen Marika the eternal, with power and the terrible motivation to unleash that potential how she deemed fit.
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Now, take a moment look at the designs for these two characters and ask, how little a difference the sole remaining keeper of the flame would care to alter the dress of her people even as she took on the likeness of a god.
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Still wearing a crown, still keeping the eyes hidden, still dressed in dark hues with varying degrees light radiating in the hue.
Queen Marika, I think, is the answer to the question of if a Fire Keeper chose violence for all the loss and suffering they held, finding a voice to anger that would change the nature of the world.
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fdelopera · 1 year
Musings on the Moon Knight System for the High Holidays
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BROKE: Moon Knight System in the comics are Jewish in name only. They’re basically pagan idolaters.
WOKE: Jake is MK System’s spiritual protector in the comics (especially MacKay), and connects the most with their Jewish identity.
BESPOKE: The Moon Knight System are very Jewish, but Marc, Steven, and Jake have a lot of specific religious trauma, and they each connect to their Jewishness in different ways and at different times ... just as most Jews do. Their Jewishness is an intrinsic part of who they are.
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At the Rosh Hashanah 2nd day service yesterday, the Rabbi said something that brought Moon Knight System to mind.
During the Malchuyot, Zichronot, and Shofarot prayers, she said this before the Zichronot prayer:
“Jews are all about memory. We tell and retell the stories of our ancestors to link our generations together. We tell the story of the Exodus and redemption, and these are human memories. Here in the Zichronot section, we consider G-d's memory. What we are asking in Zichronot is, "Am I remembered? Is my life in G-d's memory?" And the answer is, yes. Adonai remembers each one of us, every single creature created in G-d's image is seen and noticed.”
And yet, what about those of us who are dissociative? What about those of us whose memory is scattered, fragmented, and traumatized, just like the Jewish people have been throughout our history?
What about those of us whose memory stops at a certain point, just as our family tree goes back only a few generations to those who escaped the pogroms and the Holocaust? Yes, we can trace some of our ancestors across the ocean to the shtetls, and we can search for the deep root systems that our people have grown from, but we know that if we do, we will only find tragedy and death.
For every one of our ancestors who has a gravestone in an intact Jewish cemetery in the Old Country, there are countless others whose roots were cut, who were murdered by Romans and Inquisitors and Cossacks and Nazis, whose bodies were desecrated, and who were never buried in Jewish soil. And yet, even as the Nazis and the Russians and the Spanish and the Romans and so many others tried to erase us from living memory, still we persevered. There are still some branches left. Our cultural memory endures, even though it is fragmented.
And yet, what of us who strain to remember? What of those of us who have high walls instead of doorways, keeping us out? Perhaps we can even see trees growing on the other side, but we cannot enter, not yet. How then can we connect to our past? Must we wander for another 40 years? And on Yom Kippur, how can we atone if remembrance is scattered and hidden like the Lost Tribes of Israel?
I imagine that Marc has wondered thoughts like these from time to time, especially around the High Holidays. Marc wants to think of himself as an apostate. If he’s being particularly edgy, he might even describe himself as an idolater. But I don’t think he is. Marc has a Jewish soul. So does Jake and so does Steven.
And as much as Marc might want to think that he is beyond atonement for the things he’s done, perhaps in quiet moments, he still hopes to atone as best he can. Perhaps some nights, Marc and Jake and Steven share dreams of teshuvah, of repentance, of making amends. With Gena. With Crawley. With Frenchie. And yet, how to even begin?
Perhaps Elias Spector, the Orthodox rabbi, might once have read the following passage on Rosh Hashanah as he spoke to the congregation from the bimah. And even if Marc was dissociating into the ether when he heard these words, sitting as far away from his father as possible, halfway to hiding deep within, the duty of being the Rabbi's son weighing heavy on his shoulders ... perhaps Jake and Steven listened, and they remembered for all of them:
“When a person commits a sin and does not turn in repentance, when that person forgets the sin, Hakadosh Baruch Hu remembers. When a person fulfills a commandment by doing a good deed, but forgets about it, Hakadosh Baruch Hu remembers. When a person commits a sin and later turns in repentance by remembering that sin, Hakadosh Baruch Hu grants atonement, and forgets the sin. But when a person fulfills a commandment and is constantly filled with self-praise because of it, Hakadosh Baruch Hu forgets it. What a person forgets, G-d remembers, and what a person remembers, G-d forgets.” -- The Hasidic Master Shmelke of Nikolsberg
Shana tovah and g’mar chatima tovah to the Moon Knight System. May they be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life.
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inmyfxith · 2 years
Finding our way home
Pairing: Neteyam x reader
Summary: Neteyam and you, a skilled warrior and hunter, have been together for years and are deeply in love. However, your happiness is threatened when you are chosen to participate in a rite of passage that will take you far away from Neteyam for an extended period of time.
Words: 922
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Neteyam and you had been inseparable for as long as you could remember. From the moment you had laid eyes on each other, you had known that you were meant to be together.
Now, as you sat in your favorite spot by the river, watching the sun set over the majestic trees of Pandora, Neteyam couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.
"What's wrong, my love?" you asked, sensing the turmoil in Neteyam's mind.
"I'm just worried about you," Neteyam admitted, taking your hand in his. "You leave for your rite of passage in a week, and I'm not sure I can bear the thought of being away from you for so long."
You smiled and leaned your head on his shoulder. "I know it will be hard, but we have been preparing for this moment for years. I will do my best to honor my ancestors and return to you as soon as I can."
Neteyam sighed. He knew that you were right. As the princess of your tribe, you had a duty to fulfill. But that didn't make the thought of being apart any easier to bear.
"I want to go with you," Neteyam blurted out before he could stop himself.
Your eyes widened in surprise. "You can't be serious," you answered. "The rite of passage is a sacred tradition, reserved for members of my tribe."
"I know that," Neteyam said. "But I can't stand the thought of being away from you for so long. I want to be there for you, to support you and help you through whatever challenges you may face."
You looked at him with a mixture of affection and concern. "Neteyam, I appreciate your devotion, but this journey is not for outsiders. It will be difficult enough for me to prove myself to my tribe. If you came with me, it would only make things harder for both of us."
Neteyam had always respected the traditions of your people and didn't want to cause any trouble. But the thought of being apart from you for so long was almost unbearable.
"Please, Y/N," he begged. "I'll do anything to stay by your side. I'll work hard and prove myself to your tribe. I'll show them that I am worthy of your love."
You looked at him with a sad smile. "I know you would do anything for me, Neteyam. And that's why I can't let you come with me. This journey is not about proving ourselves to others. It's about discovering who we are and what we are capable of. I need to do this on my own, without the distractions of someone I love."
Neteyam nodded, his heart heavy with sadness. He knew that you were right, but that didn't make the thought of being apart any easier to bear.
As the days passed, Neteyam did everything he could to prepare you for your journey. He helped you pack your supplies and sharpen your weapons. He listened as you talked about your fears and doubts, and he did his best to reassure you.
And when the day of your departure finally arrived, Neteyam stood by your side, holding your hand as you said goodbye to your family and friends.
"I'll miss you," Neteyam said, his voice choked with emotion.
"And I'll miss you," you answered, tears welling up in your eyes. "But I promise to come back to you as soon as I can. And when I do, I will be stronger and wiser than ever before."
Neteyam nodded, trying to hold back his own tears. "I believe in you," he said. "I know you will do great things."
You leaned your forehead against his, and then you were gone, disappearing into the dense jungle foliage with a group of your tribe's bravest warriors.
Neteyam watched you go, his heart heavy with sorrow. He knew that he had to be strong for both of you, to hold down the fort and keep things running smoothly in your absence. But it was hard to do that when he felt like a part of him was missing.
For the next few weeks, Neteyam threw himself into his work, focusing on the tasks at hand and trying not to think about your absence. He worked hard to prove himself to your tribe and to his, showing them that he was a valuable member of the community and worthy of your love.
But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. It wasn't until you returned, when you came running into his arms, that he realized what it was.
"I'm home," you said, your eyes shining with happiness and pride. "And I couldn't have done it without you, Neteyam. Your love and support gave me the strength to face my fears and overcome them."
Neteyam held you tight, feeling his own strength and determination return. "I'm so proud of you," he whispered. "And I'm so glad you're home."
As you stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, Neteyam knew that he had made the right decision. No matter how hard the journey had been, it had brought you closer together than ever before. And as you looked into each other's eyes, you knew that you would face whatever challenges came your way, as long as you had each other by your side.
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ozai-the-bonsai · 4 months
Thank you for answering my Zuko request ask. My request is Zuko x reader, water tribe princess. They have an underwater cave kingdom. Her father chose to follow his ancestors decision to stay in isolation like the other tribes. Her mother was murdered by an earth king assassin or a northern water tribe assassin (Ozai set it up to look like either tribe). They enter an alliance and betroth Zuko and the reader. Ozai wanted access to their underwater passage ways and healers for his army. The two meet before his banishment and seem to like eachother. During his banishment the underwater kingdom is open to him. They make a plan to lure the avatar and put him to sleep during a celebration banquet. Sokka finds the princess beautiful and flirts with her. Zuko has to keep his fire in check when spying on them. During the banquet a fight breaks out, Zuko vs Sokka and Aang. Sokka thinks Zuko is holding the reader hostage. Katara and the reader have a water bender fight before the Gaang escape. “I’m sorry sister of the south, but I have to protect my people so stand aside!” Aang realizes how sad and trapped the nations have gotten.
Pairing: Zuko x Water Tribe Princess!reader
Summary: See request
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: I guess implied sex, but nothing explicit
Additional details: Perhaps I didn't really have to give any thought to these details at all but I cannot start writing something out with question marks in my head. So this is how I imagined the underwater cave kingdom to be: the only way into the kingdom is through a special current in the sea. The kingdom resides in the Eastern Sea between the Eastern Airtemple and the Chameleon Bay of the Earth Kingdom. Which means that they control the waterways leading up to Ba Sing Se. Even though it is an underwater cave, the cave itself is not filled with water. I didn't really like the idea of everyone having to somehow breathe underwater all the time and literally live like people in Atlantis, hence I figured the almighty Waterbenders of the tribe have (with the assistance of the Ocean Spirit) found a way to keep the water away from their city. You can imagine it like a huge vein of caves inside a submerged volcano in the sea but without the water filling in the caves. Lastly, everyone is able to breathe normally without any oxygen shortage due to rich underwater plant life (like the algae) and the plankton around the caves, which produce the needed oxygen. Note: I am a computer scientist, not an oceanologist, so there may very well be problems with my construction. If that is the case, I am really sorry!
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"Princess, your guest is here."
Your blue eyes found the servant standing at your door through the mirror as you combed your hair. Realising how fast your heartbeat became by the second, you simply nodded at the servant, not uttering any words. It had been quite a while since you had last seen him, all the longing and the daydreaming had left you overmuch excited for his return.
Deep down, you really wished that you were the sole reason for his return to the Eastern Water Tribe; however, you very well knew that he was here for the big day that is tomorrow. For him, duty always came first - even though he did love you with all his heart.
The moment you saw his reflection through the mirror as he entered your chambers, your heart skipped a beat. Slowly, you turned around and stood up, your gaze meeting his. "You are finally here," you muttered, taking big steps towards him. "After all those long months, you are finally here."
As soon as you saw the shift in his amber eyes, you found yourself inside his arms, his lips capturing yours hungrily. The determination had left its place to longing. "I wish we had more time for each other, my love," Prince Zuko whispered in your ear as his warm lips left a trail of kisses down your neck, stealing your next breath. "But you know - we cannot allow distractions."
"I have missed you, Zuko," you spoke as you wrapped your arms around his body; his cold, firebender armour cold against your silver, satin gown.
Prince Zuko and you had been betrothed ever since you two were kids - eleven, to be more precise. At first, it was simply a great way to form an alliance with Fire Lord Ozai in exchange for giving the Fire Navy access to your tribe's underwater passageways and exceptional healers.
Your father, the Chief of the Eastern Water Tribe, had decided to form such an alliance and side with the Fire Nation after your mother was murdered by a Northern Water Tribe assassin.
Originally, the Eastern Water Tribe had lived in isolation, not meddling with the complications of the other Nations. Even during the war, the tribe had stayed neutral for many decades. The only sided act that could be considered had been carried out to help your sister tribes - whenever a Southern or Northern ship was spotted, the men of your tribe would ensure they had a safe and easy ride through the Eastern Sea.
Of course, the way your sisters and brothers from the North repaid the kindness of your tribe had changed everything. That night, as your mother gave her very last breath in the arms of your father, each and every person in your tribe swore to make the North pay for what they had done. Knowing that as the Eastern Wate Tribe alone, you would not stand a chance against the forces of the Northern Water Tribe, your father spent countless nights trying to find a way for your tribe to gain more power.
Then, one day, the proposal from the Fire Lord reached the Royal Chambers of the Eastern Water Tribe.
However, not to lose the upper hand, both your tribe and the Fire Nation had been holding this alliance as a secret - on the surface, it seemed like it was just two nations doing trading and some political business, nothing more. Also, only the Royal Families in both Nations knew about the betrothal.
Even after Zuko's banishment, your tribe left its doors wide open for him and his crew whenever they needed help around the Eastern Sea; they were also granted special access to your tribe's underwater passageways. Moreover, your father, the Chief, agreed to help the Banished Prince - his future son-in-law - on his quest to capture the Avatar.
After hearing the news about the return of The Last Airbender, you contacted Zuko, letting him know that Eastern Water Tribe was ready to help him if he needed any kind of assistance. That was when he came up with a discreet plan, at the end of which he would have his honour back and you would have your Prince back.
"Are the preparations done?" Zuko asked as he stepped back to look into your blue eyes. You nodded as a cunning smile formed on your lips.
With slow movements, you started to take off his armour. "At this time tomorrow, the Avatar will have fallen into his forever slumber," your voice was a mere whisper as you placed the body armour carefully on the ground. Reaching onto your fingertips, you brought your lips to a level with Zuko's ear. "You will have got your honour and your throne back," Zuko shivered slightly as he felt your warm breath licking the skin of his neck. You could hear his breath getting deeper and deeper. "And I will have had my Prince back at my side."
You let your satin gown fall down onto the ground, leaving you completely naked as Zuko's amber eyes darkened with lust and desire.
[Time Skip]
"I have never been to the Eastern Water Tribe before!" the Avatar spoke with much enthusiasm in his voice while you and your father led him and his friends to the Great Hall, where the celebration banquet was going to be held. You yourself were being followed by a Royal Guarding whereas your father had two - ever since the assassination of your mother, you weren't allowed to go anywhere without a Royal Guardian.
Of course, there normally wasn't a Fire Nation Crown Prince under the Royal Armour. Since the helmet of the armour was large enough to cover most of his scar, no one took another look at him.
"We have always preferred living in isolation, you see," your father spoke with a deep voice, his dark blue robe moving with each step. "Not only isolated from the other Nations but from our sister Tribes as well."
Only you could hear the sorrow and anger in his voice when he uttered the words sister Tribes.
Katara, the last waterbender from the Southern Water Tribe, nodded at your father's words. "That is probably why we have never really heard anything about your tribe," she said, then a frown appeared on her face. "But, you haven't been acting neutral during this war, right?"
"Actually, we have." You spoke before your father could take the word. "Just like the North, we don't mess with anyone unless they mess with us. And since no one can find the Easter Water Tribe without having someone from inside, this has worked out quite well for us."
Aang, the Avatar, was frowning too. "At some point, you will have to take action - we all depend on the balance!"
A big, fake smile inhabited your father's lips as you arrived at the Great Hall, which was illuminated by bioluminescent plants hanging from the ceiling, casting an ethereal glow on the cavern walls. "That is why we are holding this feast in your name, young Avatar, to celebrate your return and offer you our support, as the Eastern Water Tribe, while you put an end to this war and restore balance to the world!"
Everyone sitting inside the Great Hall began to applaud upon hearing your father's words. You, too, had a fake smile on your lips as you turned right, only to come face to face with the boy from the Southern Water Tribe - who happened to be Katara's older brother.
"Is there something on my face?" You asked Sokka because of the way he had been staring at you the whole time. Hearing your question caused him to shake himself properly to get rid of the drooling expression on his face.
"No, nothing, it is just a regular face!" Sokka immediately went red after realising what he had said. Dropping your Princess façade for a brief moment, you raised an eyebrow at him, Sokka started to wave his arms in the air. "I didn't mean it that way, I meant you have just your face on your face."
The brow was still arched. "You are not making this any better."
From behind, you heard Katara giggling.
Taking a deep breath, Sokka let his head fall down to his chest, averting your gaze as he spoke. "I was staring at you because of how pretty you are." He muttered quickly, almost as if he didn't want you to understand what he was saying.
A small, professional smile formed on your lips as you placed the side of your index finger under Sokka's chin to lift it up gently so that you could look into his eyes. "I really appreciate the compliment, Sokka from South."
As you all made your way towards the main table, you slowed down your steps on purpose, waiting for Zuko to catch up with you. Taking the hint, the Banished Prince walked a little bit faster. "Keep your fire in check, my love." You whispered, your gaze still fixed on the table in front of you with a big smile inhabiting your lips. "You are steaming, literally."
It was impossible not to feel jealousy radiating off Zuko's body but on top of that, he was indeed producing steam on top of his head with his firebending. He quickly shook himself to get his temper under control.
"I don't like the way he is looking at you," Zuko whispered under his armour, walking you towards your place next to your father. "You should have worn the betrothal necklace I have made for you."
You had to tighten the grip you had on yourself not to giggle, you found it somehow adorable how jealous he was getting. "Nobody knows that I'm engaged, we cannot blow up our cover just yet."
Katara was seated to your left and the Avatar was right next to your father. Sokka, upon seeing that you were headed to the seat next to Katara, decided he wanted to make himself comfortable close to his sister. Zuko clenched his fists.
"That peasant is pushing his luck," Zuko muttered under his breath. "But my patience is not infinite."
As if you have any, you thought to yourself while gathering your icy blue robe neatly before taking your seat.
[Time Skip]
"Is that a betrothal necklace?" You asked Katara while waiting for the dessert to be served. "Who is the lucky boy?"
The young waterbender's right hand went immediately to her neck as she shook her head while giggling. "Oh no, you have got it wrong - I am not ready for something like that, yet." She corrected the situation. Then, sadness fell onto her blue eyes. "I got this from my mother, who got it from my grandmother." Katara turned her gaze away. "This necklace is the only thing I have left of her."
Understanding the meaning behind her words, your expression softened immediately, empathy inhabiting your eyes. "I am so sorry, Katara." You spoke with a low voice as you placed your left hand on top of her right one in a sisterly manner.
"Thank you," Katara spoke with a low voice as well. "She died when I was little, during a Fire Nation raid."
Giving her hand a gentle squeeze, you pulled yours back. "I can understand how you feel." You said, your words causing the young waterbender to look into your eyes. "I lost my mother, too."
Before you two could share more about both your pasts, the Avatar came flying on an airball. "Hey, Katara, you should check this out!" Aang called at the waterbender. "I have met an incredible Waterbeding Master!"
The moment she heard Aang's words, Katara's eyes were highlighted. "Please, excuse me, I need to go with Aang."
As soon as his sister was gone, Sokka quickly slid onto her seat to be right next to you. "So, uh you enjoying this banquet?" He asked, trying to sound casual.
"It is just another feast for me" You responded with a smile as the servants brought the dessert. "But, how about you? How are you finding the Eastern Water Tribe so far?"
"It's... different," Sokka admitted, glancing around. "I mean, it's not every day you visit an underwater kingdom, am I right?" He chuckled nervously, making you laugh as well.
Upon seeing that the dessert was finally served, Sokka quickly stuffed some into his mouth, swallowed the piece probably as a whole, wiped his mouth smoothly with the blue napkin and turned to look at you once again, acting like the awkward stuffing moment hadn't even happened. "It seems like we will be sticking around longer than just a night."
Looking at where he pointed his head, you raised an eyebrow upon seeing that Katara and Aang were practising some basic waterbending moves with one of the masters' in your tribe. "Oh," you muttered as you turned back to Sokka. "I didn't know the Avatar was looking for a Waterbending Master."
Sokka nodded at you while leaning in a little bit closer. Once again, you could feel the jealousy radiating off Zuko's body. "He needs to master all four elements so that he can face and defeat the Fire Lord. Water is the next in line."
"I see," you said, your arms crossed over your chest. "In that case, you indeed need to stay a little bit longer than intended."
As if the Avatar will be leaving this place any time soon - once we put him into his eternal slumber, Eastern Watertribe will become his forever home.
"Since I won't be practising any waterbending for obvious reasons, would you be interested in, maybe, hanging out?" Sokka asked you, it felt like he had to use all the courage he could gather. "Or do an activity together?"
For a brief moment, you put your princess façade down without even noticing. "Shouldn't you have waited for the third date for that?" You put your hands over your mouth upon realising what you said. After the short, awkward silence, you and Sokka both burst into laughter.
Sokka's eyes wandered to your neck for a second. "You don't have a betrothal necklace?" He asked, kind of surprised. You needed a moment to remind yourself that nobody knew about Zuko; then, you shook your head.
The image of Zuko clenching his jaw and fists appeared in front of your eyes - even though you couldn't see him for he was standing behind you, it was quite easy to imagine how he looked like at the present moment.
"Well, who knows - maybe you will get one before we leave the Eastern Water Tribe." Sokka spoke, his voice flirtatious.
"That's enough!"
Before you could grasp Sokka's words, you saw a fire blast flying in his direction. The next thing you knew, Aang was standing between a frightened Sokka lying on the floor and a furious (and jealous) Zuko throwing away his helmet. The Airbender used his glider to dodge the flames and save his friend from getting burnt.
"Zuko?!" Aang shouted in a confused way. "What are you doing here?"
The Banished Prince held you from your upper arm and made you stand by his side. "Zuko, you're hurting me!" You tried to keep your voice as low as you could. Upon hearing you, he loosened his hold on you.
"Sorry, love, I didn't mean to hurt you," he whispered.
"There is a Fire Nation spy in the middle of your celebration and nobody is going crazy?!" Sokka asked in the circle as the noise in the background dimmed down. You realised how Sokka's eyes wandered from Zuko's hand holding you from your arm to your blue eyes which shined with fear. Of course, it wasn't for the reasons Sokka thought - you were afraid that your plan was about to fail.
"He is holding the Princess hostage!"
Without giving you any time to react, Sokka threw his boomerang right at Zuko, who ducked to avoid the boomerang, making you duck with himself. The next moment, you saw fire and air blasts clashing at each other, causing a giant explosion that threw both Aang and Zuko off of their feet.
Taking the opportunity, Sokka ran towards you. "Come on, follow me, there isn't much time!" He told you as he tried to drag you behind him but you forcefully shook your arms free from his hold.
"Let me go, Sokka." You spoke with a dangerous voice, which caused Sokka to take a step back rather clumsily. His blue eyes were wide with shock.
"You..." He stuttered while pointing behind your shoulder. "You are with him?"
The moment you heard Zuko's voice coming from behind you, a smirk formed on your lips. "Yes, you peasant - she is with me." He wrapped his arm around your waist. "For the record, she does have a betrothal necklace."
You chuckled at his words. "The Crown Prince of the Fire Nation craved it himself!"
Sokka's jaw dropped - if it could go any lower, it would hit the ground.
Upon realising that Aang was getting ready to take off, your father's deep voice filled the Great Hall. "Guards, do not let the Avatar escape!"
You knew the fear and betrayal falling into Aang's big, grey eyes had to make you feel guilty at some point, but it really didn't. Using the water from the cups next to you, you froze Sokka's feet to the ground while Zuko went after the Avatar, followed by the guards.
"Be careful!" You shouted, mostly for the guards to hear. "We need him alive!"
The water whip hitting you from behind left you screaming in pain as you quickly turned back, only to see the rage inhabiting Katara's pretty face. She was using the water from the waterfall that adorned the Great Hall.
"Why?" She asked as she generated ice spikes and threw them in your direction, one by one. "Why are you siding with the Fire Nation?" Using the waterfall as she did, you created a wall of ice with a swift movement of your hand. All the spikes Katara sent crashed into the wall, either falling onto the ground or getting stuck in the wall. "After everything they have done to our families?"
"Our families?" You asked while sending the ice wall at a breakneck speed. "It is funny how you so readily assumed that I was scarred by Fire Nation as if they are the only villains in this story!"
Katara turned the ice wall into a pile of water, created a huge wave out of it and tried to wash you over with it - only for you to part the wave in two with your hands. "I don't understand."
The water from the wave started to elevate in single drops, which then froze. "My mother was murdered by an assassin from the Northern Water Tribe." You spoke with a venom-like voice as the ice drops turned into ice bullets. Katara pulled more water from the waterfall.
"It... It cannot be. The North wouldn't do that! No one from the Water Tribes would do such a thing!"
You let out a condescending laughter as you made the ice bullets rotate around their own axis. "You are still so naive, Katara." Taking a deep breath, you took your offensive stance. "I am sorry, sister from the South, but I have to protect my people from the likes that have taken my mother away from me - so stand aside!"
However, before you could launch your attack on Katara, a boomerang hit the back of your head, knocking you out and sending you into a relatively long slumber.
"Sokka, Aang!" Katara yelled in joy as the boys caught up with her. "How did you manage to get away from the guards?"
"Hop on, there is no time to waste!" Aang was flying his glider with Sokka hanging from his leg. Taking the boomerang, Katara wrapped her arms around Sokka's body as the Airbender flew them clumsily towards the gate from which they had come in the first place.
"Aang kind of crushed the cave right on top of their heads," Sokka replied to Katara's question after getting off the glider. "Anyways, do you think you guys can get us to the surface?"
Katara nodded at her brother. "Sure, I guess we could just reverse what the Royal Guard was doing while he took us down here." Realising that Aang was calmer than usual, Katara laid her hand on his shoulder. "Aang, is everything alright?"
The young Avatar shook his head. "I have never truly realised how trapped the Nations became through the war," he spoke, his sadness dripping from his voice. "We... We used to live for balance and for happiness; not for one's selfish interests and desire for revenge."
"You are not alone this time, buddy," Sokka said as he patted Aang gently on the back. "I couldn't have imagined how... corrupt this whole Tribe has become." He put on a giant, but fake, smile. "I am sure it will be nothing like this stink-hole in the North Pole!"
Taglist: @annonymatic @yoongiesstar @lost-inthe-v0id @lokigodofmyheart @4l3x1s @potato87123 @asciendo @angelruinz @unamused-boss @junieshohoho @yourlivewire @itszzmoon @coolgirl458 @vyliie @6000-fandoms @aerikim246 @mymummydustxx @xenop0p @saikikusouswife @marsbars09 @stell404 (I took everyone from my taglist from Cry for the Moon because of zuko x reader, I hope that is alright for you! If not, I am sorry for the inconvenienc :/ )
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cinnamondumbb · 2 years
ੈ✦ ⿻ 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐈𝐌 𝐔𝐏 —𝐍𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐘𝐀𝐌 𝐒𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘 : after a clash with the rda, you are left with a wounded neteyam to care for.
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contents. a scenario? drabble? imagine? i really don't know what to call this lol comforting, bit of angst, fluff + gn! omaticaya reader
notes. my first ever piece on neteyam ! i had sm fun writing this ^^ i already have two more neteyam pieces on my drafts :) i hope you like it!
in which you try to not let your emotions affect your duties as a healer tending to neteyam's wounds .
where neteyam is terrified of the idea that he might have disappointed you after he makes a mistake .
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being a healer — even if only in training — meant that serving your people would always come first, so it was crucial that you never let your emotions cloud your best judgement, and you took that assignment very seriously. however, you would be lying if you said that following reason was not getting more and more difficult, as your feelings for a certain member of your tribe only grew stronger.
you tried with all your might to keep yourself from crumbling as you watched toruk makto carry neteyam's body covered in blood and scratches into the omaticayan's hideout in the hallelujah mountains. which proved itself to be a task close to impossible. still, your spirit did not yield. you needed to remain calm and act rationally.
your duty to your people came first.
you rushed to the gathering in the entrance of the camp, promptly offering your services to mo'at. you wanted to help in any way you possibly could. alas, mo'at decided that she and the others could take care of the gravely wounded and entrusted neteyam's care to you, her apprentice and neteyam's close childhood friend.
that is how you found yourself alone with neteyam, sitting across from each other on the floor of your small tent, patching him up. this boy you knew your whole life, your best friend.
neteyam kept his head down as you gently rubbed a damp cloth on his recent injuries, his braids hiding his features completely so you could not read his expression. he was too afraid to meet your gaze. he feared you might despise him now, that maybe he had crossed a line and that it had cost any high regards you once held for him. he knew how deeply you valued your duties, and he had just gone against his, it did not matter the reason. he had brought dishonour upon himself. after all, it was his choice to put himself in danger and now you were the one who had to deal with it. resigned, he could only stare at the tapestries that adorned the floor and let you continue your work.
"i am sorry," said neteyam, much like a plead.
you did not answer, not out of spite, you just did not know what to say.
you had not spoken a word to neteyam since he got back from his mission— in which he was only supposed to participate as a lookout along with lo'ak. instead, he ended up going against his father's direct orders and taking part in the fight, nearly getting himself killed.
he grimaced at your touch, the medicine you were applying in his wounds stung more than he had anticipated, leaving a tingly sensation on his skin. yet, it did not hurt as much as when he finally lifted his gaze at you, taking in the look on your face.
it was only then that neteyam noticed the tears rolling down your cheeks.
"please, don't cry, i am so sorry," said neteyam, quickly standing on his knees to get closer to you. he was confused, why in the world were you crying? he expected you to be angry or disappointed in him, but this was a reaction he did not predict. neteyam tucked a few stray braids behind your ear then cupped you cheek. "i cannot stand to see you cry."
"what you did was so stupid!" you spat as neteyam wiped your tears away.
"i know, i am sorry. i disobeyed orders and have disgraced myself. i– i just hope you can forgive me."
"what?" neteyam took himself too seriously at times, it was something you frequently teased him about, but this was insane. "what are you talking about, neteyam?"
"that i failed to follow-through with my responsibilities–"
"i do not care for any of that, especially not when you could have been killed!"
neteyam's expression was one of sheer confusion.
"wait, does that mean you are not– disappointed in me?"
"oh neteyam." you took his face between your hands, resting your forehead against his. "i could never be disappointed in you."
you leaned away for the briefest of seconds only to place kiss on top of his brow, before he pulled you into his arms again, squeezing you tightly, as if he was afraid you would simply slip away if he loosened his grip.
"i see you." neteyam whispered softly, his breath brushed against your lips, sending chills through your whole body.
"i see you."
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cinnamondumbb © 2023 — please do not copy/repost/translate my work without my permission. (♡) + rb! :p
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oneatlatime · 7 months
Hiii!!! I’ve been binging through your blog for the past few weeks and I noticed how you talk about how Kataang(Katara x Aang) is portrayed in the show. Honestly yeah, I will admit I didn’t like it at first but now I just don’t really care for it. But I’d be interested hearing an in-depth opinion on the ship(unless you already did and I just never noticed or forgot 😭).
Another question, do you think you’re going to read the comics that came out the series? If you’re asking my opinion I’d say they’re a uuuh 7-8 out of 10 IG?
I do have thoughts on Kataang which I haven't shared yet. Part of me thinks I should wait to answer your ask until I've finished the series; it's obvious to me that these two are being set up to be the big finale couple, which means if I talk about them now I'm probably missing the pieces I need to have a full, well-rounded opinion. But you know what? I feel like talking about them now. So here goes.
Short answer: It peeves me that Aang comes from a culture that seemingly doesn't even have parents, yet he still manages to date his mother.
Long answer: they're both way too young. I'm a huge fan of letting the kids be kids for as long as possible. Especially with these kids, who have been prevented from being kids by the war. As Katara points out in the opening scene of the very first episode, she's been the mother since her own died (or at least she feels like she has had to be the mother). Call me crazy, but I'd rather Katara spend a few years after the war doing dumb childish stuff to recapture that lost childhood than jump straight into a relationship. Isn't the safety and space to do dumb childish stuff one of the things those who are trying to end the war are fighting for? Shouldn't she get to enjoy that? And Aang is just way too young no matter what way you look at it. He's 12 right? I think that would make him a grade 6 student. Back in my day (yells at cloud) Grade 6 students collected yugioh cards and feuded over who had the snazzier lunch box. I could picture a 12 year old having a crush on a slightly older girl that goes to the same school, but it would be short lived and unactionable. I guess Katara would be around 14? So, a grade 8 student. A grade 8 girl would not date a grade 6 boy. It would just never happen.
They've both got bigger fish to fry. Aang is the last Air Nomad AND the current Avatar. When he fully takes on both of those positions, what time will he have for a girlfriend? Katara is the only Southern Waterbender. Whether or not she wants the responsibility, it will be her duty to single-handedly reconstruct a huge portion of her nation's culture from the ground up once she returns south. Does she have the time to ping pong around the globe mothering her boyfriend as he rides giant animals or does Avatar stuff? Say she wants to: what will her family and the rest of her tribe think of the only person who can access such a huge part of their culture riding off into the sunset?
Their current relationship dynamic is still too mother/son. This is more obvious in season 1 than in season 2 (maybe that's growth?) but you can't depict a male/female pair as pieta and then expect me to ship. I think this could change somewhat, but I've already been disappointed in that. I thought that once Katara had mastered waterbending and therefore felt she had something other than mothering to contribute to the group, she would back off with the mothering. And she did, a little, but not enough for my tastes. Maybe as Aang fully steps into the Avatar role and the last Air Nomad role (sidenote: no idea what the latter would look like) he'll move on to a more equal relationship with Katara.
I think Katara is meant for better things than rebirthing a nation. Bending seems to be at least somewhat genetic. So if Aang wants Airbending in any form to survive after his death, he's going to need a billion kids. While I could definitely see Katara wanting children, I don't see her as the barefoot pregnant type.
I'm not convinced that Aang has a clear picture of Katara. She has flaws, which is good! Does Aang see them?
I get the feeling that, while they are helping each others' skills grow as they travel the globe, they are also preventing each others' personalities from growing. As long as Aang is around, Katara has someone to mother. As long as Katara is around, Aang has someone who prevents him from feeling the full weight of his responsibilities. Again, this is worse in season 1, but how often did Katara deny that Aang was to blame for something that was at least somewhat his fault? Aang will never become a fully rounded person until he can look at his flaws and mistakes dead on and say "my bad" without a Katara in the background going "no you're perfect!" Katara deserves to find out what kind of person she is outside of a nurturing role. Quick thought experiment: what if you pair Katara with someone who needs no nurturing, or better yet, nurtures her? And what if you pair Aang with someone as bluntly truthful as Toph? Katara and Aang might find both of those situations uncomfortable at first, but I think it would contribute to their growth.
Aang having a crush on an oblivious Katara would be a great single season arc. I think it would fit both of their characters well, and I think Aang growing past latching on to the first person he saw after the iceberg would be a good way to show that he's rooting himself in his time-displaced present, and fully committing to ending the war. And don't get me wrong, I love Aang and Katara both as a fighting team and as friends.
These kids are all fighting a war, and all kids. I don't mind the supporting characters having romances, because it's not like Sokka or Suki can end the war, no matter how hard they try/might want to. But I'm a big believer in doing one thing at a time, and I think if you're the only person in the whole world who can end a war, then ending the war should take precedence over dating. I'm aware that that's an unrealistic expectation and out of step with the show's theme of balance. In the real world, birth rates skyrocket during war time because people live for the moment and grab happiness (read boinking) wherever they see it. But both these kids are pre-boinking age so I'm going to be a cranky old fart about it.
Being the wife of the Avatar is a position that will often come with being relegated to second place, especially with the amount of work that undoing a century of war will take. Although she works well in a team, Katara is a naturally dominant personality. Katara did enough of putting herself in second place before the series started. I think Katara could very easily fall into the pattern of subjugating her own needs and desires and putting her husband's first, but I don't want that to happen. And one way to prevent that from happening is to prevent her from dating the single most politically important person in the universe. (To be clear, Aang would never deliberately squish a wife like that, I just think the workload of being Avatar and last air nomad would cause that to happen)
A lot of my objections to this pairing are very adult objections. I don't know what I would have thought about this pairing when I was the age of the show's target audience. It undoubtedly would have bothered me less, although I probably would have been put off by how twee it is. As an adult, all I can see are babies playing house.
As for the comics, I hadn't made any concrete plans to read them. I don't know where I'd get access to them. I'm not sure how canonical they are. I guess I should probably decide whether or not I want to read them after I've finished the whole series. I've been told that my girl Jin appears in one of them, so I definitely have some interest. I have also had the Avatar Kyoshi novels strenuously recommended to me. But so much of Avatar's charm, to me, is in the medium. And while comics are closer to animation than books are, they're still static. Avatar does movement so well.
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photogirl894 · 6 months
You probably know where the inspiration for this one comes from, but can I pretty please request a Hunter x Reader with the line “I’d rather share one short life with you than spend my whole life alone, " possibly in a fantasy AU where Hunter is a knight and reader is a princess??
Congratulations on 1300 followers, lovey!
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Girl, you know the quickest way to my heart! Give me Hunter AND Aragorn?? YES!! 🥰 Glad you caught where that line prompt came from lol I just re-worded it a little differently.
I can definitely do a fantasy AU for you, my sweet Liz 💜🥰
"Heart of a Man"
7. “I’d rather share one short life with you than spend my whole life alone.”
Pairing: Hunter x Princess reader (Fantasy AU)
As a Princess, you were not afforded the luxury of love. Your older brother was next in line for the throne, so you didn't have to worry about the pressure of being Queen one day and finding a suitable spouse to rule with. However, you were expected by your parents, the King and Queen, to enter a political marriage with the Prince of another kingdom to secure an alliance between your kingdom and his. You didn't want to be forced into something like that, but you were a Princess; therefore, it was your duty.
You especially didn't want to go through with the marriage because your heart already belonged to someone else...someone you unfortunately could not be with.
His name was Hunter and he was the Captain of the Kingsguard. He was the one your father always entrusted with your safety when you traveled to other kingdoms or needed security or an escort somewhere. When you spent so much time with the Captain, it was almost inevitable that you would fall for him. Especially when he was handsome beyond compare with his long, dark hair and a skull tattoo on half of his face; a mark of the tribe of people he hailed from. Even the most handsome Prince in all the world that every maiden fawned over would not rival the Captain. Not by a long road. He was also noble, loyal, brave and incredibly kind. Even though he was loyal to the King and tried to abide by his sworn duty to protect you, he couldn't deny his true feelings either and had fallen for you, too.
After one particular trip, when you had almost been assassinated and the Captain had saved your life by putting himself between you and the attacker, you had let your feelings slip by kissing him when you were alone in the medical room. The both of you had suspected there was something more between you, but had chosen to not act on your feelings so as to not put yourselves in compromising positions. That day, though, when you thought you'd almost lost him, you decided duties be damned. Even if it was just the once.
It was that day that changed everything. Your tender kiss was what caused a shift in the Captain's heart...a shift so great that one night, at a grand ball; the one where you were supposed to announce your engagement to the Prince, even, he came to you with an offer that greatly surprised you.
The feast was over and everyone in attendance was mingling or dancing. Your parents were talking with the Prince's parents and the Prince was trying to talk to you, too, but you weren't really in a mood. You hated that you were even at this ball to begin with. Luckily, Hunter came to your rescue, telling you he had some urgent business to discuss with you, which gave you the excuse to take your leave of the Prince.
He led you to the secluded gardens out on the grounds of the castle and once he was sure the two of you were out of sight from any patrols or royals, he took you in his arms and kissed you with such overwhelming passion that you immediately couldn't help but reciprocate.
"Was this your urgent business, Captain?" you asked between kisses.
"Yes and no," he answered, "but I will get to it in a moment."
You pulled away and hugged him around his waist, burying your face in his chest. "I don't want to go through with this," you told him, your voice quivering as you felt his hand smooth your hair. "I don't want to be with the Prince. I want to be with you. If I marry the Prince, I'll be taken away to his kingdom and I'll never see you again. I don't know if my heart could bear it."
Tears fell from your eyes and onto his armor. For a short moment, he said nothing, but when he did, he said something that you didn't anticipate:
"Then run away with me."
Stunned, you lifted your head to look at him, his brown eyes almost glowing in the moonlight as he looked down lovingly at you.
"I can't deny myself of this any longer," he told you. "My heart as a man has overcome my duty as a knight...and I have fallen deeply in love with you, my Princess."
You lightly gasped in both surprise and delight. He swore he would not shirk his duty as the Captain and that he would not compromise you that way for your safety...but now, it appeared that he was forgoing that vow.
"I can't bear the thought of you marrying the Prince either," he continued. He reached down and took your hands in his. "Run away with me and marry me, Princess. We can go anywhere, just us, and be together as we desire." He brought your hands to his lips and kissed your knuckles, showing his heartfelt devotion to you. “I’d rather share one short life with you than spend my whole life alone. Come with me...tonight...please, (Y/N)."
Never in all the time you'd known him had he ever addressed you by just your name. It was always formalities such as "Princess", "your Highness" or "my lady". That proved to you how incredibly serious he was about this proposal...and you thought your heart would burst with all-consuming joy.
"Yes!" you quietly exclaimed. "Yes, I will go with you and I will marry you! Yes!"
You threw all caution to the wind and jumped up on him, throwing your arms around his neck and kissing him happily. He stumbled back slightly from the impact, but he held you in place against him as he kissed you in return.
When he set you back to the ground, he kept going, "I only have a bit of money to my name and I don't have a ring for you yet, but I can offer you my heart and my undying devotion. My duty to you remains the same: I will do everything in my power to protect you and to make you happy. I will love you for the rest of my days and beyond."
"I don't need anything else," you reassured him, your hand coming up to his cheek. "I only need my beloved Captain and the love he gives. That alone makes me richer as a woman than being a Princess ever did."
With a sigh of both relief and love, Hunter turned and pressed his lips to your palm.
"I love you so much," you told him.
"And I love you," he replied. "More than I can ever put into words."
"When do we leave...Hunter?" you asked with a smile, his name sweet as honey on your tongue.
"We can leave this very moment, if you wish," he answered.
"Then what are we waiting for, my love? Our future awaits."
Photogirl894's Fluff/Romance prompts
Photogirl894's 1,300 Followers celebration fics
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lunarduties · 4 months
jet said: i can see where this story's going, and it doesn't look good. ― ( ACCEPTING! ) / ↬ @hookedswords
❛      you need to try and rest . . . your body and your head.      ❜        yue's voice is firm. what he's said barely registers, the available space in her head too occupied with the mosaic of injuries laid across his skin. she'd seen them earlier when katara attempted yet another healing session. the princess isn't well-versed enough in the process to know whether or not that session actually did anything. all she can do for him now is wet a cloth with cool water, kneel beside him, and gently press it to his forehead.         ❛ if your head's running wild, you won't sleep. and if you don't sleep, you won't heal. ❜
she hasn't been able to stop thinking about the battle of lake laogai. even now, away from immediate danger, she can still smell the musty air of the dai li's secret chambers. jet's less than ideal state is a constant reminder of what happened . . . of what they could have lost.
once his words do register, though, yue heeds them. they worry her. she tries not to let it show. the princess wants to blame them on his state, on what may or may not be a fever creeping through his system, but she can't do so in good conscience. so, she sends a quick prayer tui's way . . . a wish of everything working out.
❛      now that we've gained audience with the earth king's generals, we're in better shape than ever.      ❜        a soft smile graces her features, one she hopes will soothe him somewhat.         ❛ i'm not trying to be dismissive of you, jet. i'm just trying to make sure that our best freedom fighter is back in action when it counts most. ❜
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Reversal Nova
(Here is what I have created so far in my Reverse AU)
A alternate universe where the roles are swapped, whether for the better or the worse...
Sonic: Dr. Boom, a hedgehog skilled in speed and mechanics. He was actually a kid, Robotnik took under his wing. He had a natural talent for inventing and machinery, but Dr. Boom saw potential in power such as the chaos emeralds to advance the machines, Robotnik didn't approve of this answer terminated all Dr.Boom's work. Feeling betrayed, the Hedgehog ran away and turned against the world that deemed him unworthy to advance it to a era of peace and freedom.
Shadow: Nocturnal Eye, partner of Dr. Boom and Leader of the alien race: Black Arms, on the planet. He seems relatively harmless to the unsuspecting eye, but he is a master of illusion and chaos energy.
Tails: Dr. Cosmos, a fellow technician and mechanical genius who sides with Dr. Boom. His machinery is known to be quite efficient and reliable, a master of words and creating machines that act as mimics around other mobians. Truly a terrifying feat for someone of his age.
Amy: Vermillion, Teller of the Future and Leader of the "Rosebuds" a group of warriors who can see into the future and protect the present to prevent disasters from occurring.
Eggman: Ivo Robotnik, Hero of Station City and the world as a whole, uses his mechanical prowess and power of lightning to defend the innocent from the hands of Dr. Boom and other villains that follow suit. Has a short patience and can be easy to annoy with petty insults tho.
Rouge: Carmine, guardian of the Master Emerald, and last of the Bat Treasure Hunters, a tribe of bats that would hunt treasure and steal from the rich to give to the poor. Has to deal with an annoying an Echidna that is also a treasure hunter with a strange connection to the emerald and tries to take it for himself.
Knuckles: Titian, an independent echidna treasure hunter, skilled in many forms of combat and is quite a people person, he has fierce personality which causes him to bump heads alot with Carmine, all he wants is understand why he feels so drawn to the Master Emerald, sure he always takes the Chaos Emeralds but that isn't the case this time, if only he could get Carmine to believe that.
Silver: Ivory, a prince from an alternate dimension that tends to interlap with Robotnik's, when it does, he tends to stick around and offer aid where he can with the help of his powers of ice.
Blaze: Lustre, a time traveler from the distant future that is both in distress and at peace given its destroyed state, has the power of Umbrakinesis and Aerokinesis, allowing her to use wind and darkness together to create bendable space matter for combat
Metal Ivo: A robot version of Robotnik created by Dr. Boom, a silent robot but he very much as attitude towards his enemies
Infinite: Zero the Jackal, member of the Rosebuds. He is able to harness the power of the purple chaos emerald and create illusions as a distraction while he disarms his opponents. Joined the squad because he is in search of his missing partner, Gadget the Wolf, who disappeared several years ago
Surge: Beryl the Tenrec, another member of the Rosebuds and childhood friend of Vermillion, knows why she created the Rosebuds and sticks by her through it all. Is raising a younger brother she adopted in all this chaos, and can harness the powers of lightning
Scourge: Jules Terios Hedgehog, Dr. Boom's twin brother, he fights on the side of the heroes and is the main reason Dr. Boom truly hasn't killed anyone yet and why no one tries to kill Dr. Boom. Jules hopes one day he'll get his twin back
Eclipse: Arcane "The Ultimate Hope" , the Nocturnal Eye's aka Spectre's younger brother. Created by Nocturnal Eye's hands, Arcane is symbolized as a beacon of hope, not only for Spectre and the Black Arms on the planet, but also for Dr. Boom. He is torn as he wishes to live life on the planet but is bound by his duty to his older brother.
Maria: Maria R. Lunae, a woman of unknown origins. No one knows who she is or where she came from, all they know is her research revolves around the Black Arms, protecting the leader that resides on the planet and a young alien from the Black Arms that tries to blend in with society (Eclipse)
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 5 months
I love your trolls headcanons and lore! So interesting! Do you have any more headcanons about pop royalty? Any strict rules and traditions for royals? How it was for branch to be royal and king? Was poppy still superior when they married?
Thanks for the ask! ❤️
By the way if you have more than one question PLEASE feel free to flood my inbox. These questions give me strength! 💖 Thinking about these questions and coming up with answers makes my day so much more fun.
Pop Trolls don't really have strict rules at all. I don't think Pop Trolls do anything strictly.
Poppy was unofficially supposed to be the one to propose to Branch because she is the one who's royal. Poppy was like "Pffffttt, we'll get married when we're both ready." (They both end up proposing at the same time anyway.)
Branch was technically supposed to be titled 'Prince Consort' but Poppy was like "Oh no nonononono, with all the stuff Branch has done for this village? His title will be King!"
Branch has always been worried about one day marrying Poppy and becoming King.
So he does what he does best, overly-prepare.
He comes up with 100 'Kingy' scenarios. E.g. what to do if there's a drought, what to do if there is a disaster with one of the other tribes, what if Poppy invites too many Trolls to a party? And he plans and plans and plans! He decided that once he has finished all 100 he will feel more prepared, and he can propose to Poppy.
Picture like a giant bookcase built into the bunker with 100 scrapbooks. Some empty, some half filled, some stuffed full.
He finishes number 100... dusts off his hands... steps back to look at his work and just goes.... "Oh sugar..." 😳
Anyway, once he becomes King, Poppy still has the final say but she will give Branch the reins if she believes he has a better handle on it than she does.
Sometimes his duties are project-by-project. E.g. his plans to build a Pop Village Castle, establishing a mail system with the other tribes, hooking the village up with electricity. Other times it's something little like leading the morning song. 🎶
Poppy and Branch have a great understanding of what the other can handle and their strengths and weaknesses, so they're both never overwhelmed and they can help each other when they need it.
Which is what make them a great team. 💕
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wilcze-kudly · 6 months
I know this is a Beifong blog, and you don't have all the answers, but...Whatever happened to Sokka, Suki, Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai? Why haven't we ever see them in ATLOK (Avatar: The Legend Of Korra)?
Well um, Sokka's dead for sure. We know he died before tlok, Katara mentions this in the first episode. The statue commemorating him also seems to be rather recent, as it is part of the Southern Water Tribe Cultural Centre, which was built by Varrick, I think. The fandom consensus is that he died in 158 AG, at the hands of the Red Lotus while defending baby Korra. However I couldn't find any canon confirmation of this other than hints.
We know he was a Conucilman in Republic City for a while, and later in life became known as Chief of the Southern Water tribe. My personal headcanon is that Katara was Chief until Aang died. After the death of the love of her life, I imagine Katara would withdraw more and share or hand over this particular responsibility to Sokka. I have more headcanons but this is meant to be objective soo..
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I've seen a lot of rumours on Suki having died young, however, I cannot find anything confirming or denying those. From what we know, she went on to lead the Kyoshi warriors, she also acted as Zuko's bodyguard.
My personal theory is that Suki eventually left the bodyguarding duties to Ty Lee and continued to travel, spreading Kyoshi's magnificanet bisexual teachings.
She appears to still be with Sokka at least up until 124 AG, so... just into her fourties if I'm doing the math right. I do find it hard to believe her and Sokka wouldn't have children, though her serving in the Fire Nation and him spending a lot of time in Republic City may explain why they hasn't settled down yet. I do have headcanons (*cough* Baatar Sr *cough*)
Aang also tell Tenzin that Suki had "skills Sokka could only dream of" so... our underrated queen stays winning.
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Azula, Azula... We have no idea what happened to Azula. My hopes are that she will get her redemption in some way or another, but she is not mentioned in tlok or any other media that I've found.
So... let me dream. I've always adored the theory that Azula eventually became the Bhanti Shaman we see in tlok. Now, there are rough edges to this theory and I don't actually believe it, however it makes me happy.
There are certain surface level similarities in appearance, but seeing Azula gain enlightenment and a sense of peace in an old age means a lot to me. I could ramble about this headcanon all day. Feel free to ask me about it.
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Ty Lee
We don't know much about Ty Lee other than her still being an active Kyoshi warrior in 124 AG. My assumption is that sh was a member of the organisation in some form to her death/ or till tlok. If she were, I'd imagine her organising whatever Kyoshi Warriors there are in the Fire Nation. I could also see her being an aunt figure to Izumi and still acting as a defender to the Firelord in some capacity.
We have no explicit mention of her death, so she could be alive and kicking, doing backflips at the tender age of 80 something, hey I believe in her.
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While Mai and Zuko did break up in the comics, I can see them getting back together later in life. She deserves to be firelady, and I think she'd be damn good at it too. Something about the girl who was always told to be quiet and obedient becoming queen makes me all guddy inside. Besides, the similarities between Michi (Mai's mom), Mai herself and Izumi are undeniable. Jawline as sharp as one of those throwing knives, goddamn.
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Whew! This took more than an hour of research and typing (mainly cause I'm slow as fuck and need to check my sources every 10 secs) so I hope you enjoyed, anon! While yes, I am a Beifong blog and asks about the Beifongs, particularly Suyin's children will always make me super giddy, I enjoy all asks. Sorry for injecting my personal headcanons and biases, but I did my best to be objective!
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the-badger-mole · 2 years
I Just Wanted To Say...
Since Sayaka invited Zuko on their first date, Iroh insisted that it was only right that Zuko invite her on the second.
"I don't know if I want to go on a second date," Zuko said quietly. He poured himself some tea. He was exhausted from the night before, and not looking forward to trying to focus on his work. After he and Katara had left the roof, he went to bed hoping to have at least two or three hours of sleep, but he'd ended up staring up at the ceiling until it was time for him to get up and start his day. Katara was nowhere to be found at breakfast, but that didn't surprise him. She wasn't a morning person in the best circumstances.
"Why not?" Iroh asked, jarring Zuko from his thoughts. He didn't sound angry, but he had a concerned frown on his face. "Did something happen last night?" Zuko's hands tightened around his teacup, and he kept his eyes down.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"Did you not enjoy your evening with Miss Sayaka?" Iroh pressed.
"Oh," Zuko let out a sigh of relief and unclenched his hands. "No, it was fine. I just...I didn't feel a connection."
Iroh was silent for a moment. Then he took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Zuko was sure he was counting to himself. Finally he met Zuko's eyes with serious intent.
"My dear nephew," he started ponderously. "The last thing I want is for you to feel pressure to marry and start planning a family, but you are the Fire Lord, and part of your duty is to see to it that the throne is secure for the next generation."
"Uncle, I know that," Zuko said. "I just-"
"I want you have as much freedom to make your choice as possible," Iroh continued over Zuko's protests. "However, if you don't start taking this a bit more seriously, your council will take that as a reason to put pressure on you."
"Fine," Zuko huffed and rolled his eyes. "I'll take it seriously, but I don't think it's going to work with Sayaka."
"Why not?" Iroh pressed. "She's a smart, kind and creative woman. And very easy on the eyes. What could she possibly have done in one evening to make you not even give her a chance?" Iroh sat expectantly, leaning forward on his elbows as he tried to read the answer in his nephew's face. Zuko felt the heat rise in his cheeks and he broke Iroh's gaze. How could he explain, he wondered. He had had a good time with Sayaka. He had even been planning to ask her out again. But then he'd spent hours on the roof talking with Katara and pointing out constellations, and it was... It had felt like a date. When she took his hand as they walked along the empty corridors, Zuko's pulse had skyrocketed. He hadn't felt this way with Sayaka once during the evening, not even when she'd screwed up her courage and gave him a peck on his cheek after he'd escorted her home. There were a couple of moments when Zuko wondered if Katara had felt it too. If she had, though, she didn't say.
It was crazy for Zuko to completely give up with Sayaka because she didn't give him butterflies like Katara did. He was old enough to know that love at first sight was too rare for any couple to bank on. After all, it had taken him years to realize he had a crush on Katara. A crush that until the night before seemed unrequited, and even now all evidence that it might not be could just be in his head. She'd had trouble sleeping and had sought him out. It wasn't the first time she'd done that. It wasn't even the first time she'd held his hand. But she'd never taken him for a starlit picnic, and she had just said recently that that was her idea of a perfect first date.
"It wouldn't hurt to see her again," Iroh said, breaking through Zuko's thoughts once again. "First dates are tricky, and I'm sure both of you were nervous. I won't push if you are determined to not see her again, but I do hope you consider it."
Katara didn't see Zuko until dinner. She'd woken up late, and hurried to the storage rooms to continue sorting through the Water Tribe artifacts. Zuko had invited her to spar with him before lunch, but Katara declined, saying she was swamped- which wasn't strictly untrue- and she ended up working through lunch. The work was soothing. Focusing on cataloging art and weapons and tools kept her mind off of other, more confusing, thoughts.
She had weaseled her way into a date with Zuko the night before, she admitted to herself. She wasn't sure if he'd noticed, but it wasn't fair of her to do. They hadn't talked about Sayaka at all. Katara hadn't asked about their date, and Zuko didn't offer any information. Instead they spent hours reminiscing and talking about Katara's project and making plans for the next time all of their friends were together. None of those plans involved introducing Sayaka. They'd stargazed until the very first hints of dawn began snuffing out the stars and they'd finally gone to bed. There was a moment when they stopped outside of her suite where Katara thought they were going to kiss, but then Zuko had cleared his throat, wished her pleasant dreams and then headed back to his rooms. As she lay down in her bed, guilt and shame overwhelmed Katara.
Had Zuko realized what she'd done? Did he think she was weird? Is that why he left in such a hurry? Katara didn't think this was a friendship ruining incident, but it may have done damage regardless. And she didn't want to be one of those girls with guy best friends who made it their life's mission to ruin any potential romances for those friends. She would let it blow over and never mention their "date" again. There would be no more midnight visits to his room to talk, and she would be supportive of any relationship he wanted to pursue. She would be a good friend to Zuko if it killed her, and this crush would go away on it's own. Someday.
It was with that conviction that Katara prepared for dinner that evening. Iroh would be there, as he usually was, so there would be a buffer for Katara. And if she took a bit longer getting ready, it was because she was covered in dust and grime from her hours of sorting, and not because she wanted to make sure Iroh was already there when she arrived. Still, when she walked in and saw Zuko sitting across from his uncle, Katara's steps faltered. He smiled uncertainly at her, and Katara felt all of her best intentions slipping away from her. She hesitated for a moment before taking the empty seat beside Iroh instead of her usual spot next to Zuko. A strange look passed over Zuko's face, but he quickly found a smile and greeted her.
"Zuko was just telling me about his date last evening," Iroh told Katara, pouring her a cup of tea.
"O-oh!" Katara feigned interest. "Yes, that-that was last night." Now Iroh shot her a strange look. Katara flushed, but smiled pleasantly. "How did it go?"
"It...went well," Zuko said hesitantly.
"And yet he doesn't want to see her again!" Iroh waved his hand exasperatedly at Zuko, then turned to Katara pleadingly. "He has no good reason. Please, my dear Master Katara, help me talk some sense into him."
"Oh..." Katara gaped at Iroh for a moment before she recovered herself and forced a smile. "I-I don't think I should stick my nose in this. I don't even really know Sayaka."
"Neither does Zuko," Iroh insisted. "He won't even give her a chance, and I just want to know why! Why, Nephew?"
"I'm not interested in her!" Zuko nearly shouted. He cleared his throat and lowered his voice. "Look, Uncle, it's nothing against her personally. I just don't feel a connection." Iroh groaned and ran his hands down the sides of his face in agony.
"Fire Lord Zuko, I say this with all love and respect," he said, keeping his voice measured. "You are a very closed off person. It takes a while for anyone to truly get to know you. If you dismiss every woman you don't connect with on the first date, you are going to be single for a very long time! Please just consider one more date with Miss Sayaka." Zuko's cheeks flushed a bright red. Then he stood up and stalked out of the room.
This time, the avoidance of each other seemed to be mutual. Katara and Zuko didn't cross paths again until the next day when Katara needed to go to Zuko's office. She needed to have him sign paperwork expediting a shipment to Sokka and her father, and there was unfortunately no one else who could get it done fast enough. She knocked timidly at the office door.
"Uh...come in!" Zuko's voice sounded oddly strained. Katara stuck her head in and saw with concern that his face had gone beet red.
"What's the matter with you?" she asked slipping inside.
"Hello, Master Katara." Katara froze at the cheery greeting. Sayaka stood up from her seat across from Zuko and smiled at her.
"Oh!" Katara's mouth split into a painfully wide smile. "Sayaka! What a nice surprise! I didn't know you'd be here today. A-am I interrupting? I can come back-"
"Oh, please, don't," Sayaka hurried to assure her. "I was just here today to see my father, and I thought I'd pop in and say hello. Fire L- I mean, Zuko, I'm going to stop by Dad's office, but I can't wait for this weekend!" She smiled warmly at Katara once more. "Nice seeing you, again!"
Sayaka's departure seemed to have sapped all the warmth from the room. A shiver ran down Katara's spine as she turned to face Zuko. His eyes were wide and almost frightened, as if he'd been caught doing something he shouldn't. Katara hoped her face didn't look as stricken as she felt. The too bright smile was still on her face, though, and she did her best to keep her voice airy and cheerful.
"This weekend?" she asked nonchalantly.
"Erm...yeah," Zuko said. "I-I asked Sayaka to dinner. Nothing's set in stone yet, though." Katara shrugged and shook her head.
"I'm just surprised," she said. "Last night you told us you weren't planning to see her again."
"Uncle convinced me," Zuko shrugged. "What do I know about romance? My last relationship was a disaster. I thought...well, I thought maybe he had a point about connections not being immediate."
"So you're just going to date her until you feel something?" The question came out sharper than Katara intended. Zuko scowled at her, his defenses raised high.
"Well it beats sitting around here all day waiting for something to happen."
"What?" Katara blinked in surprise at him. Zuko ran his hand through his hair and paced in front of his desk.
"Nothing," he huffed. "Forget it." He made another pass across the floor and suddenly stopped in front of Katara. "No, I can't forget it. What was that the other night?"
"Th-the other night?" Katara stammered.
"The other night when you came to my room and took me up to the roof for a picnic under the stars?" Zuko said sarcastically. "That night?"
"Oh," Katara ducked her head. She could feel Zuko's penetrating gaze, like the sun in the Si Wong desert. Her tongue had turned to lead in her mouth, and Zuko was waiting for her to say something. Anything.
After a moment, Zuko let out another frustrated growl and turned away from her.
"Forget I said anything," he told her. "Obviously, I read something into the situation that wasn't there." He swept past Katara and headed for the door.
"Don't go," Katara said quietly. Zuko froze in his tracks and looked back at her.
"Don't go," Katara repeated a bit louder. "Don't go out with Sayaka."
"Why not?" Zuko asked desperately.
"Zuko, I..." Katara felt helpless in her agitation. What was she thinking? Zuko was about to go on a second date. With a girl he didn't even seem terribly interested in. There was no real urgency. But the idea of spending another night in Zuko's office waiting for him to come home from a date with a beautiful woman who absolutely had marriage on her mind was too much. She felt drunk. She felt stupid.
Zuko caught her shoulders as she tried to flee, and he made her face him. His eyes were oddly intense as they bore into her, trying to read her thoughts on her face.
"Please." His soft, pleading voice was at odds with the tightness around his eyes and mouth. "Please, just say it, Katara. I need to hear you say it. Why don't you want me to go out with Sayaka?" The world seemed to have gone quiet. The air in Zuko's office was thick and heavy around them.
"Zuko..." Katara's breath hitched. She reached up hesitantly, her fingers brushing his wrists. His arms twitched at the contact, and he leaned in closer to her.
"Tell me why," he repeated softly. Katara shut her eyes and took a deep breath.
"It should be me," she said. The words hung between them, heavy and tangible. As if they could be read, if Zuko would just look a bit closer. "I can't take the thought that you might...I just needed to tell you before you got into anything serious. Zuko, I love you. I've loved you a long time, but I didn't know what it was at first. I don't want you to go out with Sayaka, and I know that's selfish, and I won't stop you if you really do want to see her again, but... Please don't?"
The silence stretched on into eternity. Katara stood trembling under Zuko's gaze, but she refused to give into her instinct to run. It wouldn't be fair, she knew, to dump all of that on him and not even give him a chance to speak. But his silence was fueling her panic, and she wasn't sure how long she could ignore her urge to flee his presence.
Then he took a step forward. Zuko closed the distance between them, and grasped at Katara's elbows. He leaned in, and Katara was certain she would wake up in a moment.
"I just needed to hear you say it," he murmured. Katara gasped as his lips closed over hers. Shock froze her in place for just a split second before she curled into Zuko's hold. There would be a lot to discuss later. After all, any relationship the Fire Lord got into had the weight of expectation. It didn't matter, though. No matter what came next, they'd work it out. Katara knew this was where she belonged for the rest of her life, and as Zuko tried his best to pull her even closer to him, it seemed that he agreed.
Part 1
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