#╰ * ic : ⧽ the boy’s a slag .
pnkb1tch-archive · 1 year
don’t cry. it’s alright.
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tanya parker, you're a fucking wonder . it's incredible how four simple words from her can stop arlo in his tracks, how they take that bubbling, vicious panic welling up in his chest and press it all down like it's nothing . inhale, exhale, the actor slings his arms around her waist, buries his nose in the junction between her neck and shoulder. he breathes in the familiar, warm scent of her, feels her presence from the tips of his fingers, all the way down to his toes. this   is  his  person  , he knows it deep down in his very core, in the marrow of his bones. somehow, that has him sniffling louder still, the tears which had begun pooling in the corners of his eyes streaming down flushed cheeks, surely soaking tanya's shirt. she won't mind, he tells himself, knowing it to be true. she won't be upset, he thinks, as the tears keep flowing, silent sobs wracking his body. oh, what   a  wondrous  torture   it is to love and be loved by somebody else. to know that you're ready to spend the rest of your days with another, that   THEY  ARE  IT   for you.   ❝  too late, ❞   he murmurs, disentangling himself from the athlete with a small, wet laugh.  he takes another deep breath, before getting down on one knee. this isn't at all how he'd imagined this going, but fuck, he's certainly not backing out now. not when…   ❝ tanya parker, you're m' fuckin' soulmate, an' not a day goes by that i don' thank the universe for bringin' me t' you. i want you in me life, 'till we're old and grey && GRUMPY FUCKS yellin' at the neighbour kids to get off our lawn. will…will you make me the happiest man alive, an' do me the honor of marryin' me? ❞   his voice breaks as he fishes out the ring from his inner coat pocket, a grin stretching so wide across his face that it hurts. this is where he's meant to be, right here, right now. this is who he was made for.
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g1rld1ary · 4 months
lifeguard!james x reader
cw: reader is HORNY sorry guys (i'm on my period I can't be held accountable), swearing, excessive sexual innuendos, implied fem!reader but no pronouns I think
part 2
wc: 1055
you'd always been a strong swimmer, but merlin maybe you'd be ok with water in your lungs if the new lifeguard would put his mouth on yours to get it out. lily snorted when you voiced that thought, but you weren't going to apologise.
the new lifeguard was hot, and you were pretty sure it wasn't part-of-the-job-description-hot (though the swim shorts and seat up in the lifeguard's tower was certainly helping), he literally looked like a greek god, brown skin and dark inky curls that you wanted desperately to tug on. suddenly it wasn't just the pool that was wet...
the public pool was your staple with the girls, it had been since you were kids. it was pretty much the only way to stay cool in your shitty town, and the summers only seemed to get hotter as you got older. you'd never seen this boy before though, and you probably wouldn't be surprised if he'd literally descended down from heaven.
you tried to tune into their gossip, reaching for another ice lolly from the ice box, grinning when you got your favourite flavour. you nodded at whatever mary was saying about the party sirius was throwing in a few weeks; she had a new slinky dress she was dying to wear but was weighing up whether there were going to be enough fit boys there for it to be worth wearing. gazing across the pool distractedly, you happened to catch the lifeguard's eye, rolling your eyes when he sent you a cheeky wink. so he knows he's hot you thought, shifting your weight in the beach chair.
you weren't going to give him the satisfaction of openly ogling him, sliding the oversized sunglasses down your face until he couldn't see your eyes, contributing your thoughts on mary's plight.
when you caught the lifeguard stealing glances at you you couldn't help your delight, satisfied it wasn't a one-way attraction. plus, it was summer, you could afford to have some fun. you sucked on your ice lolly, loving the way his eyes kept darting back between you and the swimmers he was supposed to be watching. when you were sure you had his attention you let the treat sit on your lips, accidentally letting a few droplets of syrup roll down your chin, continuing their journey down your chest and beneath your bikini top.
at the boy's bright red flush you couldn't contain a smirk, loving the way it contrasted with his deep tan. by now your friends had caught on to your little show, all giggling as they watched teenage sexual frustration in action.
"you are such a slag," marlene scoffed, but you could see her amused smile behind it. you just shrugged, continuing to command the boy's attention with the popsicle. none of the boys you knew were half decent compared to the mysterious new lifeguard, why shouldn't you give him a proper welcome to town?
the fuss had died down after a while, all four of you quietening down as you tanned. you were almost drifting off into a sun-induced sleep when an unfamiliar voice spoke from near the pool.
"are all the girls around here this fit, or did I just get lucky?" you cracked one eye open to see the lifeguard standing between your four deck chairs, but his eyes were locked on yours. a glance to your right showed the rest of your friends sitting up to greet him, giggling in the way you all knew was because he was totally fit.
"does that usually work?" lily asked and you snorted a laugh, lying back down to continue your tan (and maybe so he got a good view of your underboob).
"it's never hurt," the boy said, surprisingly good-natured.
"where did you come from?" mary redirected, and you listened with interest despite your appearance.
"i'm from up north. my family just moved here and I already had the qualification, so I figured it wouldn't be a bad way to spend the summer while I had no friends." your friends made a noise at that, asking more questions about him. you were surprised at his seemingly honest friendliness, most of the guys you knew would rather die than come off dorky and friendless, but when it was this boy it seemed endearing.
"i'm james, by the way," he said, and the girls all introduced themselves as you remained silent, content to listen and lay in the sun.
as late afternoon sun began to run low you started to pack your things, dazed and content from your sunbathing. you made quiet conversation with lily about dinner plans, pulling up your denim cutoffs around your hips.
james caught up to your group as you were leaving the public pool.
"it was nice meeting you girls today, will I see you around more often this summer?" mary answered for the lot of you, confirming you visited more often than not on hot days.
"shit else to do," you added with a small laugh.
"i didn't catch your name?" james replied, leaning against the wire fence, giving you ample opportunity to admire the way his bicep flexed under his weight. were your knees weak or did you have sunstroke?
"i didn't throw it." a smile played on your lips, and your periphery caught lily turning to leave, knowing your game too well. james looked genuinely shocked for a fleeting moment, then covered it with a playful groan, miming a knife twisting in his stomach.
"you wound me!" he cried, "i burn, i pine, i perish!"
"alright there, shakespeare," you laughed, somewhat put off by the reference, but not deterred -- you could do brains, "you heard mary, you'll see me around. guess you'll just have to earn it." james brightened at that, the thought of a challenge evidently exciting him.
"oh sweetheart, just wait till you're riding my surfboard."
"that was horrendous," you said, fighting embarrassingly hard to keep from smiling.
"oh come on," he grinned, running a hand through his mop of curls, "not worthy of your name?"
"not a chance in hell." you gave him one last look over -- something he was positively delighted about -- before turning on your heel to catch up with your friends, brushing off their teasing as you thought of the hot new lifeguard you'd be visiting the pool for.
ok im lowkey obsessed with lifeguard!james rn so if u have any requests please send them over bc I would love to write more for him
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siberat · 8 months
I saw a while back you did some art of pregnant chubby drift and honestly I'd love to hear whatever headcanons or short stories you got on it tbh, we need more pregnant chubby drift in life
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( added the art pic as well)
Due to his current state, the living room was the most used room nowadays. Expecting their first batch of spark/lings in the next few weeks, Dr/ift spent most of his time lying in the berth or cozied up on the sofa watching podcasts. The heft of carrying three spark/lings weighed him down.
As his servos rubbed over his swollen- and sometimes moving- belly, he recalled the time he discovered their carrying. All the classic signs were there: morning sickness, mood changes, excessive tiredness, and, oh boy, the food cravings!
While Dr/ift considered him to have a broad palette, the treats he suddenly desired were out in left field. His normal foods were healthy, nutritious, and tasty. Now, his belly had an insatiable desire for sweets, briny foods such as pickles, and cakes.
The start was simple at first- the medic's snacks would be stolen from cupboards, or extra sugar cubes would be placed in the hot energon beverage in the morning. But as the days passed, the yearning for junk food seemed limitless! He’d reach in to steal another packaged cake to find he had long consumed them all. After supper, he would take seconds on those desserts Rat/chet was fond of. Ice cream was usually devoured with crumbled-up cookies and chocolate. And who can resist chocolates, peanut butter, and rich and creamy puddings?
This binge-snacking soon caught up with him: he sported a belly bulge. Yes, he was mortified at first, trying to hide his weight gain from his lover. His once sleek and tight frame now dropped and sagged. How could anyone find this blobby mess appealing? The swords/mech spent hours in front of the mirror grimacing as he pinched at the squishy, newly formed rolls. He nearly screamed in horror when he checked out his now wider aft in the mirror.
 And when the CMO discovered that starter belly, Dr/ift, being very cranky, nearly bit his head off, whaling in shame and defensive anger. And then he locked himself in the berthroom and cried, feeling guilty for becoming so irate with his lover. That was the longest night ever. Of course, Rat/chet attempted to soothe his distraught lover through the closed door, but it was useless.
However, the next day, the thought hit him like a ton of bricks. Was he carrying? Dr/ift nearly squealed with joy after picking up a test and testing himself! And you can imagine the excitement to be had upon his con/jux returning home. Both were delighted and celebrated.
With cakes, ice cream, and pickles, of course.
The evenings now consisted of pampering sessions. That belly swell was cherished, treated almost as if it were another living entity as Rat/chet stroked, caressed, and baby-talked it at any chance. Dr/ift briefly got jealous. Just kidding! He loved how Rat/chet cooed over his baby bump, smiling whenever gazing upon its swelled mass. Slag, when snuggling, the medic made out with the belly almost as much as he did with Dr/ift.
Anything Dr/ift could ever desire, Rat/chet provided. If there was a midnight craving and Dr/ift attempted to wobble his larger frame to the kitchen, Rat/chet would bark for him to lay back down as he got up to fix the desired dish. Even better was how the medic insisted on spoon-feeding him the treat, then rubbed his belly, whispering adoring words of encouragement as they drifted back into recharge.
Let’s face it: Rat/chet comes across as a crotchety old fart at times, right? However, he was such a doting creator. Whenever ankles would be swollen, he was there to rub them. Needed creams rubbed on his stretching and therefore itching protomesh? Rat/chet would eagerly rub some on. Later on, when Dr/ift really got huge, Rat/chet would help him shower, washing all the areas the swords/mech had trouble reaching on his own. Yeah, servo’s wondered, but use your imagination for that.
All the while, the doctor would continuously tell Dr/ift how much he was loved. If there were any doubts of still being attracted to such a large, bloated frame, Rat/chet reassured how hot the T/IC still looked. The frame of an expecting mech was a glorious sight to behold- just knowing his spark/lings were healthily growing filled his spark with pride and joy. He’d also show this admiration with all the kisses, cuddles, and caresses. Slag, one evening was spent with the medic kissing every part of the carrying mech’s frame.
The spark/ling room was all decorated and prepared for the arrival of their little ones. Pictures of cute cyberducks hung on the walls, three cribs with an excellent wood stain lined the back wall, and a study rocking chair rested in the corner of the room. Whatever the carrier would want, the other provided. Many nights, while Dr/ift was still relatively mobile, the pair would just gaze upon the nursery. Rat/chet held Dr/ift in his arms, kissing at neck cables as hands lovingly roamed over that big ol’ belly. Rat/chet would smile, proclaim his love to his con/jux, and tell him how much joy the swords/mech brought him.
Rat/chet always wanted to be a father
…. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for the prompt!
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shrekgogurt · 2 years
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Thank you for the tags today! @fatalfangirl and @palimpsessed
Alright I have been—as @onepintobean says (and possibly others)—living in WIP city. In fact, I tossed around the idea of making a meme edit of Roku City for my new tenancy instead of writing. As for my actual location, I’m still out *west* visiting folks and writing when available. My main focus is the fic portion of my secret-snowflake for @tea-brigade (Escape to Space) which at this point is aggressively late. If you haven’t checked out the companion playlist I gifted them on Christmas Day you can do so here!
Writing excerpts after the cut!
Some vague background Brobelove from Escape to Space which will be out sometime this month:
I swing my arms open for a hug, “Aggie!”
“No,” She drops two shopping bags on the counter (only Agatha would go shopping at a time like this) and levels me with a glare, “You’re on thin ice.”
Niamh snorts behind me, “You can say that again.”
Agatha sends Niamh a warm smile and I sneak a small look back at her. This is my favorite part. The corner of her mouth twitches up but it’s her eyes that really betray her. She looks at Agatha like she hangs the moon and stars. Niamh may not be my biggest fan, but I’m rooting for her. She makes Agatha happy in a way I never could.
I have not touched I Knew A Boy, I Knew A Man in *checks calendar* exactly a month now and I miss her. However, I have scrounged up some scraps that will eventually be Ch. 5:
Bunce coyly smiles into her glass, “Come to think of it. Simon did used to complain about you taking really long showers back at school.”
I will look anywhere other than Snow and I certainly will not turn any shades of pink.
“So, what’s the verdict, Baz?” Dev asks, “You as much of a dirty slag as that muppet?”
Snow chokes on his drink.
It’s late so I’m not tagging anyone else but hurrah first WIP Wednesday of the new year!
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asshymar · 1 year
Mortal Coil
Writ in delicate spit, that signals the ritual
Intricate and habitual, it fit the jigsaw piece,
Eternal feast, extricate arrival, no survival
My dear rival, down we fall thru this spiral
The high wall, how it will fall, when it all
Comes to pass, how crass, you dumbass
Flash in the pan, will not complicate my
Lifespan, I ran, and I ran, body so hot
Where is the fan, dare I say, body flayed
Meat is murder, I heard her, in the room
Mushaboom, doom, this bitter tomb, Gaia’s
Womb, is whom I assume will zoom, true
The soup is too thin, we oughta whip up
A roux, while it simmers, my holed up
Trousers could be something I sew, blue
Is the hue, of this harvest moon, I at once
Saw with you, when we were ephemerally
Conjoined, a rally of the cries crash in the
Street, how sweet, to rebel the mad king
And tickle his pink feet, repeat, sleet or snow
Collects on sheets of ice, childrens heads
Full of lice, and old men who cannot give
Up their vice, but twice, sad and defeated,
Deathly depleted, bend and bow their backs
Cracked never once slacked, but sow the
Field, the falls yield, tow and tilled, filled
With limericks so vivid they’d make your head
Sick, quickly, I say I expected corrected info
Projected for all to see, and believe hopefully
My sonnets filled her bonnet, I kiss and miss
Her cheek, lips fell to lip, flip the lights, there’s
No need to ask twice, alright! We fight and
Grapple as the allegory suggests, this apple
Is forbidden, and hidden by holy powers
Who cower at out flowering minds, Oppressors
And suppressors of creativity, ingenuity,
Humility, we see especially in the city, it’s
Not pretty, life’s harshness, bless this mess
Crest, stabbed into my vest, i passed the test
I don’t think it’s for the best, but I couldn’t rest
I drink, I drink, bitter hops and malt, to halt the
Pain, that remains, oh how cruel the refrain
The jewel sunken in the river of my drunken
Heart, I quiver in the shallows how hollow
The ghost of my room, laughs with a hearty
Bellow, he commands me and reprimands
With demand ”Boy! Stand and live the most
Boast of the time, and shine, like the holy
River rhine, sublime! Where else could you find
Fire like this, to inspire, and desire of flesh
To relish, in the fresh air, stare into the sun
Solar flare, will glare, oh how rare! You will
At once be laid bare to live freely, gleely,
Steal from the gods, Zues’ divine rod is
Yours to acquire, dear squire, fear fliers
Propagate the mandate, that abates and
Recreates, frankly there is no debate,
To abate sadness, this haim, its all
The same, this is no game, stop your shame
Tame the dragon, time continues to drag on
Slag crag and zig zag past mysterious
Mixtures, quite the fixture drink yr tincture
Be damn sure, slurring your words
Soured curds, lemon surged, mouth recoil
Southern boil, toil and soil to foil-
Slippery is the end, rend like oil, release me
Mortal coil.
0 notes
hopelass-a2 · 4 years
aimee gibbs tag dump.
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pnkb1tch-archive · 1 year
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offers the singer a cheeky wave and the brief up - nod of his head. he's not great with other celebrities, nor they him, constantly wary of the SALACIOUS SCANDALS following at his feet, sins nipping at the back of his heels. "ehm...,savannah, right?" he has to raise his voice a bit against the thumping bass and general clamor of the club. reaches out a gentle hand to guide @stillsparkle into his section. "haven't seen you since yer album release party. 'ow've ya been?"
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birthdaycakeplate · 2 years
Hi there, hope you're doing well! Let me start by saying I love your art, your style is super cute! Your writing is also amazing, it's so well written and always a joy to read! The art and fic you made of Optimus in a polyship with Megatron, Strika and Lugnut is something I never would've thought about but it's super cute and sexy and you've got me hooked. I'd love to see more, fics or art is totally up to you!
💕Zombie LISTEN, I didn’t know which ship you like the most, so I threw my two main ships at you at once 😭😭
This is Blitzbee/Megop with the ‘Cons being accidentally very soft and making the ‘Bot boys emotional for it. I would sum this up as, ‘crack treated seriously’.
You made me so emotional with your message zombie 🥺 like what a compliment?!! Thank you, you’re so dang sweet😞
This is the longest thing I’ve made on here, so everyone *please* be prepared when you click that ‘read more’ down there. It’s 33,200+ words, so I broke it into ✨2 parts✨
💕Warnings are in the tags💕
(Canon is skewed all to slag, and is set during ??????? in the timeline.)
——- ————- ——
Terrorizing the locals was just a bonus and not necessarily Blitzwing’s end goal. The organics were easy to ignore -would be easy enough to squish, if they ever got under pede one day. Quite beneath his notice.
True, he did delight in the distant screams below, as the humans ran for cover, scattering like ants. There was a certain appeal to being the most powerful, impenetrable force around. Particularly when there was a mech like Megatron to come ‘home’ to an the end of each cycle, and be forced to remember where exactly you were on the food chain.
Thrill or not, it was all very unremarkable when there were greater things at stake than scaring a handful of blithering gnats. It wasn’t like it was some kind of chore to put the fear of Primus in the little things and anything but a challenge.
He’d hardly noticed all the times he’d flattened a car -or 12- while walking through the city at rush hour.
He hadn’t noticed when a wing tip had sliced through an office building on a fourth floor once, either.
All very commonplace for a mecha of his size and stature. All very easy to overlook.
But this time was.... different....
Leaking Energon from a lateral line in his thigh, Blitzwing was searching every dark alleyway for the little bug bot that’d gone and stung him good enough to sever it. He’d been caught off guard long enough for the minibot to bolt for cover. Of course, he wasn’t fairing much better either after a blast of ice to his center chassis.
Guerrilla tactics were somewhat of a welcome change to Bumblebee’s usual ‘strategy’ of standing around, spouting off rude nonsense, and trying to land a blow. Tamer, less destructive blows than anything Blitzwing could do to the minibot under his massive strength, of course.
Having him get a solid hit in for once and then running off to cower someplace, forcing Blitzwing to make himself a target for more competent Autobrats while he staggered about wounded, still had its own appeal -such as hunting down the dirty bug for sport and shelling him of his metal casing right then and there.
What a thing to look forward to. Perhaps he’d have the scalp of his helm mounted in his quarters.
Blitzwing pulled up the unsuspecting cars that’d been abandoned in the middle of the street, looking for an insignia. Bumblebee had at least proved smart enough not to hide in plain sight.
With no sign of the charming, little idiot Blitzwing was becoming more erratic- it would only be a matter of time before Bee emerged from the shadows to attempt another attack while Blitzwing had his back turned.
“Come out from hiding, jou little scrap!”
So he could push that flimsy frame into all sorts of interesting shapes. ‘Origami’, he’d heard it called.
An answering shriek came from somewhere below.
Far, far below.
So far below, that Blitzwing had to stop, face spinning back to blue as his processor tried to collect itself beyond mindless rage, and stooped down to one knee to better study the source of said shriek. And it definitely wasn’t Bumblebee.
An organic about the size of Sumdac’s offspring was stood there with a wet face, mouth agape, and struggling to vent inward.
A crying child. Blitzwing became immediately uninterested.
He stood again and made to continue his search when the tiny thing cried out.
“I-I-I lost my m-mom!” It wailed. Dripping all sorts of lubricant from various holes.
Blitzwing surveyed the path he’d left behind him for a glimpse of yellow lurking and waiting to make a move. There was nothing. No slimy, stupid minibots.
It wasn’t often Blitzwing scared this bot badly enough to stay hidden.
Or perhaps that blast to the chest had simply proven more fatal... He’d hate to be robbed of draining the little one’s life force himself, if he came across a corpse.
“I want my mom!” The child, who didn’t seem bothered by the tonnes of lunatic in his audience, outright sobbed, catching Blitzwing’s attention again. His voice caught and choked on the words.
“I can’t- I can’t- I can’t *f-find her*!”
His sobs distorted the words, but they were clear enough to pick out. The child’s voice high and whimpering.
The boy stood there, twisting his shirt up in his fists- a failed gestured to self-soothe.
Blitzwing then noted the creature was very pointedly looking up at *him*. Perhaps hoping to make his case that he was very much a helpless thing, and that that may somehow appeal to a sort of humanity in the alien, metal monster before him.
“Mom...” the child whined, hanging his head and leaking fresh globs from his opticals. He looked very close to entering some sort of tantrum. A loud one.
Blitzwing scowled at the pathetic display.
“Vell, vhere did jou last put her?” His voice, too sharp, caused the boy to flinch.
“Me?” He asked. His confusion enough to deter his panic for the moment.
“I... I’m not... I don’t ‘put’ her, um...”
It sounded like a question. Mostly because he was questioning the absurdity of an adult -what looked like an adult- asking him nonsense.
“She does not have handles for easier carrying?”
“W-What? No!” The kid said in absolute bewilderment. But the ridiculousness of the question was enough to soften the edge in his tone. And that crimson smile the giant terror wore was a surprisingly small comfort.
Tantrum avoided, Blitzwing allowed himself some crassness, as it’d seemed to have prompted the child’s natural playfulness, and stabilized his mood a bit.
“Jou don’t just tote her around from place to place, zen?”
“Take her vith jou on field trips?”
“Not even to ze zoo?”
“No!” The tiny organic was laughing now.
“I can see how jou lost her!”
Blitzwing trained his features back to blue and reconsidered himself. Then made his decision.
“Oh. Vell zen... Zat iz an oversight, don’t jou think?” He then bent to scoop the child up and bring him to chest level.
There was plenty of terrified shrieking yo accompany the move, but it didn’t last. Soon the boy was looking up at him with absolute awe. Marveling at the sudden position he’d found himself in- being held in the gargantuan hand of an unusually hospitable beast. One he clearly hadn’t understood the danger of, despite seeing him plenty on the emergency news stations.
“Can jou see her from up here?” Blitzwing asked, ignoring the strange gushing from his thigh wound, as well as inside his chest at the boy’s amazed, “Coooool!” upon looking out at the view.
The child looked out over the streets below, several blocks now visible, and a tiny frown began to slowly stretch his lips. Suddenly remembering why he’d been so fretful a moment ago.
“No... I don’t think... I don’t think I see her.” He sniffled and wiped at his nose with a sleeve.
He stood on his tiptoes in Blitzwing’s substantial palm, searching for a sign of his mother, but nothing came to view.
Worry was creeping over him again.
“I can’t find her.” He sniffled, whimpered. Looking close to fresh tears.
“I-I can’t find my mom!”
“Zen ve march onward.” Blitzwing quickly amended.
He held the child closer so he could move deftly through narrow, scraping buildings.
“Vhat does she look like?”
“Well, her hair is brown and curly.” The child began to recall.
“And, um, I think... she had a bright pink sweater thing on. Um...”
Blitzwing scanned the streets.
“Sveater thing?”
“It doesn’t, like, zip up?” The boy tried to explain.
“Oh, and her name is Rebecca!”
As if that could help in anyway. Blitzwing didn’t just keep the names of every organic on this pathetic dirtball planet on file.
“And I’m Jamal!” The boy shouted up at him, despite being well within audial range now.
Blitzwing’s normally good sense didn’t stop him before replying.
“Hello, Jamal.”
He had to slow his pace down to better study the crowd of confused, panicking people below for any pink sweater things attached to any women with curly brown hair.
How exhilarating his day was proving.
With no sign of this mystery woman, the child -Jamal- began to shiver. Seemingly affected by the difference in wind currents at this height all the sudden.
“Is my mom...” He trailed off out of fear of finishing the thought. But with the general chaos of the city, the distant and random screams and clanging from the two alien factions engaged in battle in the distance, he really didn’t have to.
Blitzwing’s wing struts tensed at the insinuation, and he surprised himself with how immediately he felt the need to correct that sentiment.
“Not hardly. I hear earth carriers are invincible.” Which he had, honestly. They were rumored to have eyes on the back of their heads, and a supernatural sense of knowing when their young was in danger.
The child’s mother was likely in a far more frantic state than he at the moment, searching for her little sparkling.
That gave Blitzwing an idea.
“Rebecca!” He suddenly shouted, his empty hand cupping close to his lipplates. “Rebecca!”
Getting the idea, Jamal chimed in shouting, “Mom- Mama! Mama!”
The two surely looked an outlandish pair, as they pattered between busy streets and circled around blocks, shouting at the top of their vocalizers. Blitzwing caught an optic full of Lugnut at one point in a chokehold with Bulkhead in the distance, laughing all maniacally and stupid.
The sun was reaching farther in the sky, prompting Blitzwing to hike a wing out towards his side to hold Jamal beneath it, under its shade.
They were walking closer towards the center of the battle Bumblebee had led him away from.
“Rebecca! Rebecca!”
“Rebecca, please come to ze front of ze store! Jou have a Jamal here vaiting for jouuu~”
No sooner did he make his little quip did the booming voice of his *leader* -fragging Primus- rise above the clash of metal and somebot’s glitching, robotic shriek.
Megatron of all mechs wouldn’t be particularly pleased to find him aiding a human, especially in the midst of a battle. And Blitzwing, in a moment of self reflection, wasn’t too happy to find himself aiding a human under *any* circumstance either.
He wavered, about to fit himself between two buildings and make his self-preserving escape when another voice was quickly accompanied by his commander’s.
“Watch where you step! My baby could be down there!”
“We will find your blasted mechling-“ Megatron grit out, discreetly taking better care of where he was now stepping.
“Not if you keep stomping around like that!”
“He will readily make himself known before that! You’re far too loud for him not to hear!”
As prophesied, Jamal jumped upright, twittering and bouncing precariously close to the edge of Blitzwing’s fingertips. “Mama?! That’s my mama!”
Blitzwing followed the voices -escalating in both threat and volume- to Megatron toting a woman in a closed fist -a silent promise to crush her- and seemingly searching the streets for something.
“My Lord?” Blitzwing yelled less than a block away. Somehow finding the courage to make his traitorous predicament known now seeing Megatron in a similarly mortifying state.
Megatron whipped his helm his way, bristling the slightest bit at having been caught, before he saw the tiny thing skipping about his palm like a flea.
“Mama!” It shouted.
“Jamal!” The woman cried.
Blitzwing felt relief wash over him at the sight of the boy’s mother. This problem *finally* out of his servos.
“Take me to him!” ‘Rebecca’ barked at her captor/rescuer, and Blitzwing answered her command on his lord’s behalf. Rushing over and bending to place Jamal back to his pedes next to where Megatron had lowered his mother.
They embraced one another in an instant, drawn together like magnets. Never having been meant to be separated in the first place.
And Blitzwing stared in abject horror at the thing he’d just done.
....A good deed...
“Vell... zis is terrible....” He mumbled at the sight of the unbridled affection below.
Megatron watched with him, humming in agreement. A painful clicking in his vocalizer when he tried to reset it.
This didn’t look good for either of their reputations as sinister, sparkless terrorizers.
Unbeknownst to them, completely beyond their normally keen eyes, two curious little bots had seen the near whole display in absolute shock.
———- ———-
It’d kept Optimus and Bumblebee up for cycles afterward.
“He was so... *nice*.” Bumblebee whispered into the quiet of another restless night. Optimus resting his chin in his palm, leaning over his berth, nodded absently. Inviting Bee to his room to practically obsess -not that they’d ever admit their secret fascinations of two war criminals was such a thing- had made Optimus considerably more lax and informal as time passed. Though, just barely.
“You should have seen his faceplates- he was even joking with the kid at one point. I *think* to make him *feel better*.” Bee sounded a little too much like he was awestruck.
Optimus gave a noncommittal noise, thinking distantly instead of his own bizarre memory of a certain, doting warlord.
“Should we like... tell the others?” Bumblebee posed then.
Besides Prowl and Ratchet being unlikely to believe them, there was really no reason to tell anyone anything.
They couldn’t suddenly go easy on the Decepticons in battle- the war builds could easily deliver swift punishment over them, if they were close enough, as it was, but then with the Autobot’s favor? Their hesitation? They’d play them all for suckers and steamroll them. It wasn’t like taking advantage of others wasn’t a delirious percentage of the Decepticon’s day to day operations.
The only motivation behind spreading the marginally good news that they possessed a spark under layers of all that tyrannical vengeance was if they were going to use it for *their own* advantage. Most likely a ceasefire of sorts. And that was-
Optimus stilled.
Well... Maybe that *could* work, actually...
Not usually one to take slim chances, unless the situation was dire, Optimus was up calculating the effectiveness of such a thing when he didn’t much of an incentive to offer the opposing faction to do so in the first place.
Much of his potential success depended on tapping into that bizarre, unlikely kindness in their sparks a second time. Somehow. Still unlikely. Still doomed to fail, if the teachings in the academy were accurate about war type psychology.
But as the cycle turned into dawn, and Bumblebee’s rambles began to muddle his processor with fantastical ideas of a peaceful Cybertron, Optimus found the thought more and more appealing.
The proposition was made in the morning, hoping to catch the others in a good mood and hear some more sensible opinions that weren’t sleep addled.
“Is it *worth* the effort?” Prowl instantly challenged. Bulkhead behind him stood there uselessly, looking plain shook to the core after hearing the whole story.
Prowl had a point, of course, and Optimus didn’t honestly know how to answer.
Was it? *Was it* worth it?
He supposed if it....
“Well...” Optimus sighed, processor beginning to overheat with exasperation and all the ‘what if’s he’d been cycling back and forth through all night.
“If it saves lives then... yes? I think it’s worth *trying*. I don’t expect a miracle. I just, maybe... expect... *something*?”
Something as surreal as a moment of compassion from the ‘Cons that’d risked their time and effort to satisfy the needs of two *human beings* again. A very tall order that was.
But as he considered Prowl’s words, a rare moment of optimism possessed him, and Optimus unwisely allowed himself to rely on the memory of the impossible sight he’d bore witness to that day to justify his decision.
That woman, ‘Rebecca’, had been very forthright and demanding of Megatron. Optimus had seen most of the display between keenly aimed swings of a sword, before Lugnut had come rushing him to the ground and separating him from Megatron.
When he’d next seen him, there was Rebecca. Helpless and in a dire state.
Optimus could only *imagine* what a woman scrutinizing the authority of a power junky like Megatron -who hated a pushy subordinate, much less a menial, disposable human- had done to appeal to the ruthless brute.
She’d stood there, eyes welling with tears, screaming bloody murder for ‘her baby’. Begging for help from terrified people trying to make themselves scarce.
“Please! My baby is missing! He’s just a child!” She’d screamed at Megatron, rightfully assuming another misstep of his in the direction she’d lost her child would mean ‘her baby’s’ immediate death.
Megatron ignored her easily for a time, stopping to aim his cannon at a hyper vigilant Prowl’s helm from a distance. But as her screaming turned into the wails of a wounded animal and she was near clawing at the ground, trying to shuffle through a crowd of chaos to find her helpless, innocent thing, *something* had apparently shifted within the mech.
However in the infinite universe that *that* ‘pathetic’, ‘weak’, groveling’ display had attracted the sympathy of *Megatron*, Optimus couldn’t fathom. He really couldn’t.
He didn’t even believe his own optics when he’d seen it at the time- Megatron stooping and trying to reason with the woman to recall the child’s recent permanence. What the child looked like.
Offering the oddest sort of ‘comfort’ by ensuring a child with similarly strong vocals would be capable enough of signaling his mother amongst the masses.
‘They aren’t Cybertronian’, Optimus had wanted to remind him. They couldn’t send out matching frequencies for their missing parent.
He’d wanted to take that woman and scour the city with her himself- make sure both of the helpless things remained unharmed.
Instead, he fluttered behind them some distance away in an absolute daze. Resetting his optics, trying to make sense of things. Trying to pinch himself awake from the inconceivable dream he seemed to be stuck in. Surely wasting away in a trauma induced hallucination after Lugnut’s assault.
What he was seeing just couldn’t be *real*. Especially not when the woman trying desperately to keep up with Megatron on foot had ended up in his servo, as he began to carry her to hurry things along. A rather unfriendly gesture- curling his fist around her and handling her with far less care than an Autobot would have.... Save for Ratchet...
But he’d done it all the same- Had left the frontlines of *battle* to search for a human sparkling and hadn’t wavered from his mission once in the several hours it’d taken them to find ‘Jamal’.
He kept Rebecca shaded beneath the curve of his sturdy chest plates, offered small assurances that the child had survived the city’s onslaught when the sudden, pesky tears began to flow, and became a beacon of patience when those tears never stopped.
She grew restless and angry when she seemed to remember the misery said giant warlord had caused her by endangering them all in the first place. And Megatron snarked back with harmless threats and a sharp tongue, all while searching for her child.
Shocking as it was, nothing had prepared Optimus for Blitzwing’s emergence. Carefully chauffeuring Jamal with a hint of softness in his face plates at the boy’s sudden outburst when the organics were reunited.
Two ‘Cons. Standing there in mutual silence as they observed the flittering of limbs, wrapping around one another and rocking together in an embrace.
Mother and child. Creator and sparkling.
That surely must have awakened *something* in them.
A sparkling was a millennia rare thing. A treasure, no matter what faction you came from.
Optimus felt that, coupled with the lingering image of the ‘Cons watching over the little pair, was enough to push things forward. To indeed agree that this idea of his was ‘worth the effort’, as Prowl had questioned.
What kind of Autobot could just ignore such a thing?
——- —— ————-
Megatron didn’t know what to make of the absurd spectacle, other than it was possibly the greatest assault on him and his forces he’d ever been met with. Greater than the Magnus rounding them up during the DRA in an attempt to exterminate their masses.
“I think you can see reason here, Megatron.” Optimus spoke with all the confidence of someone thinking rationally, and not insane enough to call a criminal warlord to trial.
“All I’m asking for is your cooperation.”
Which was as insulting as asking him to do tricks for him.
“*You*,” a lowly, little Prime- “Are asking *me*,” the leader of an entire faction- “To give up my cause.”
That was the fist of it anyway. No matter how he spun it....
This much too young, much too.... optimistic.... *fool*.
Incapable of understanding the physical impossibility of agreeing to *anything* even slightly ‘reasonable of their factions’, if it meant conceding to the will of an Autobot. Who cared who benefited? It only equated to a war frame being asked to go belly up and ‘behave themselves’ for their ‘tiny masters’.
And even if he was exaggerating or being a bit preemptive, he most definitely actually was not.
No. Megatron didn’t think so.
“You are in no position to ask a thing of me, Autobot. You are in no *position* at all.”
Optimus relatively agreed with this. He wasn’t important enough to be speaking to a faction leader about a truce of any sort. He wasn’t even a figure head- he was a captain of a maintenance crew, and one that could often hardly be bothered to heed his orders, despite their great respect for him.
Optimus swallowed, Megatron tracking the movement even from this distance. He was making the fool nervous- Good.
How dare he make such a pompous, arrogant, egotistical-
“I- I believe you’re capable of compassion.”
Weeeeiird the Autobot had taken *that* stance, but Megatron was too gobsmacked to beat him into making sense at the moment. So, he just stood there with audials at full volume to be sure he next heard him right, with patience fluctuating.
At least the Prime’s fellow Autobots looked of mind enough to seem concerned with his word choice, too. Optimus couldn’t turn back now, only press on.
And press on he did with a horrible, even worse accusation.
“You showed a certain amount of... ah, care when you... assisted those humans.”
Oh, so that’s what this was about. He’d seen that unfortunate error in judgement, had he? No matter. This puny bot hardly amounted to more than a stubborn thorn in his side. Megatron would undo any further misconceptions he might have about his cold, blistering spark by alighting the nearest medical center in a tower of flames. Really set the record straight.
“I believe moments of kindness should always be acknowledged.” The Prime continued to run his mouth.
“And rewarded?” Megatron snarled, unable to help himself. Tone clearly unbelieving. This *was* insane, after all.
So much so, that he felt the compelling urge to turn his wide optics towards a very pale, obviously flustered Blitzwing to try and share in the burden of his pure disbelief.
Optimus could recognize the disgust the Decepticon felt having interpreted his words as patronizing and condescending. To a ‘Con, kindness surely would seem as such. What a pity.
Even so, Optimus began to think of how he could make amends. He could admit now that he’d been maybe hoping too much for something magical to happen in all his excitement- which was the first time he’d done anything so whimsical in eons, daydreaming included, and he quickly chastised himself for it. He’d lost his optimism long ago from the many hard lessons life had routinely taught him.
Megatron turned his piercing gaze on him then, all fire and vitriol.
“If I wish to cease the hysterical, endless bellowing of one creature too incompetent to watch their young, so that I might aim my canon unhindered at your witless underlings, that is my Prerogative, *little Autobot*! And *you* will do well not to turn attention to anything less insignificant than the extinguishing of your loved ones’ sparks!”
Wow, ok. Optimus had struck a nerve and delivered them all a death wish.
Some self sacrificing might be his only saving grace here- Actually, leaving right now and calling this a very badly failed experiment was probably the best thing to do-
“It was sweet.” Bumblebee, who’d been under strict orders *not* to speak, then said. Much too firmly, much too loudly, much too certainly. Much too unbothered by how inappropriate it was.
All optics locked like heat seekers on the minibot, but he only had his sights set on Blitzwing. Blitzwing who flicked his wings, his face spinning several times over before finally settling on blue again. A look of plain horror in his features. Then his optics averted as the ground became all too interesting -though not interesting enough to keep him from questioning his entire existence, or why it’d been the focus of the minibot’s just now.
It was a pitiful display of ‘Con-ness, and Megatron was about ready to pull off a wing and beat him back into a figure of dominance in front of their enemy forces with it.
Lugnut, who went from terribly confused to mortified at the news, stood there open servoed and gawking between the Lieutenant and his High Commander. Megatron pressed finger pads to his temples.
This whole thing had surely become the greatest, most embarrassing blunder in the entirety of Autobot and Decepticon history.
To whatever was left of the neutrals in the galaxy, this whole thing would read like something out of organic adolescent literature -Where the lead girl going through an emotional crisis would call out the moody, bad boy for having a soft streak. And his moment of self reflection and kindness would come off as charming and redeeming. Not to Decepticons, it wouldn’t -In this book, such a thing ended with the ‘bad boy’ snatching away the spinal strut of the accusing Autobot and disposing of it.
Optimus, correctly, knew an embarrassed ‘Con was a self conscious one, and one likely to cover their insecurity up by crushing down the source of it.
Blitzwing seemed to choose that moment to come back to himself and refute Bumblebee’s claims of their misperceived altruism, and that it was ‘sweet’.
“Ze only thing sveeter vould be ze taste of jour Energon, spilling from jour throat! I vill twist jour head right off jour shoulders, Bug Bot!”
Bumblebee didn’t even flinch. If anything, he looked more determined.
“You can decapitate me, but the memory file will always right here!” Bee promised, poking a finger against his helm at his brain module- making a far greater affront to Blitzwing’s person than the threat of being beheaded ever was.
It earned shocked, awkward silence from everyone -everyone except an increasingly steadfast Optimus. But especially the flushing triple changer whose face had finally settled back to blue. His least erratic headspace, though undoubtedly his most conniving.
Truly, Optimus hated how intimate this had weirdly become, if only because the Decepticons were the ones who had taken it in this direction. They did a good thing, it deserved acknowledging- at least because it bred the potential for peace. Even the temporary kind.
But then that had to be twisted into some outrageous personal offense on their characters. As if slogging through the wreckage they regularly left of the city wasn’t a far worse offense to Optimus and his kin for the blatant and intentional disrespect. They’d earned their titles as bombarding thugs, and somehow proving themselves of having healthy morals made for a worse reputation in their book.
Bumblebee stood with fists clenched, completely determined to see this through. If he had to say the hard things for everyone’s sake, which would likely result in the humiliation of a bunch of destructive war frames 4 to 6 times their sizes, then he would. Whether it ended with his untimely deaths via crushing and dismemberment or not.
He was going to tell it like it was, slaggit!
Blitzwing hadn’t had to shelter Jamal in the shade of his wing. He hadn’t had to search the city for one useless organic. He hadn’t had to waste all that time while he was leaking from his wounds and making himself a greater target for a successful ambush. He hadn’t had to be gentle. He hadn’t had to comfort the child or try to make him laugh. He hadn’t had to raise him above his helm when he fitted between tight spaces with his massive frame to avoid the child becoming claustrophobic.
Blitzwing hadn’t had to do anything, but be his natural, chaotic self and revel in a forlorn little boy’s terror and misery. And he hadn’t done that, either.
Bumblebee felt his purpose anew. A wave of courage reached him then- the smallest amongst his peers and enemies, yet with possibly the loudest voice.
“You were really fragging nice for, like, *no reason*! You’re telling me we can’t *try* to work something out?! You’re all clearly capable of listening!”
Bumblebee was trying to capitalize off of what Optimus had opened with. ‘You and your kin are sensible bots, Megatron.’ 
Which that was actually a little questionable, but if it wasn’t actually *true*, Megatron wouldn’t have known when to accept good advice and come to this sudden arrangement to meet in person without his guns blazing and swords swinging in the first place.
So there was that at least...
And there’d been no counter attacks thus far into this painful blight, or any secret ambushes waiting. He hoped... which made Bee wonder what Optimus had said exactly to get the leader of deceptive, deceiving, untrustworthy ruffians to come peacefully into this rendezvous in the first place. He’d have to ask him when they inevitably vented about this later in the privacy of his room.
Optimus had always been suspiciously quiet about his thoughts on Megatron as a mech and his peculiar kindness during their little midnight get togethers....
But enough of that. Blitzwing was three shades darker than Bumblebee had ever seen him, and even less, had thought him capable of.
“I mean, *I* want to work this out!” He continued on boldly, as no one of sound mind thought to stop him.
“I’m ready to make a change!”
“Obviously, little fool. It is for *your* benefit!” Megatron barked, finally finding his voice.
Bumblebee didn’t take the bait.
“No, screw that! I’d just like to actually see you guys being cool for once!” Which was as close as he could get to saying, ‘I’d like to be friends’, since Bee wasn’t the ‘friendship is magic and beautiful’ type, and he wasn’t particularly starved for friendships.
It was just that the actual idea that they could potentially coexist on this terrible planet without running at each other with stingers and cannons raised at every encounter was more appealing to him than anything right now.
And maybe.... Yes. Yes, having a ‘Con for a friend did sound appealing, too. The first instance of such a thing in the records of their heavily doctored history books? Frag yeah!
And friends with Blitzwing? It was surreal, impossible sounding. Bee would never dispute that.
He could only attest to how much it’d burn him if the obvious potential for something good to finally happen since his wayward academy days -after an entire lifecycle of enduring problem authority figures who’d easily dismissed his own potential- just standing right here in front of him, both in person and in perfect memory banks, went to waste.
For it to all slip away from them just like that, regardless of how close they were or weren’t to making a real step towards change... The first possible ceasefire in their history- the first possible recording of Decepticon hospitality maybe! He certainly hadn’t heard anything of it before.
He couldn’t let it go.
And all Bumblebee could do was thank Optimus, despite his flaws and insecurities and endless worries, for thinking it worthwhile to extend a kindness of his own to the admittedly most undeserving of mechs.
Now this Optimus was the one he could follow. Bumblebee made a mental note to be more responsive to his comms when Optimus called, and be attentive to his leader’s requests of him. No matter how boring they’d undoubtedly be -like monitor duty. Optimus clearly meant well.
Bumblebee looked from Optimus, unaware he’d been staring at the blue mech, to Megatron. Hoping to find some kind of positive feedback.
What he got was beyond surprising.
A destroyer of worlds looking suspiciously calm all at once.
“If you truly expect us to end hostilities between our factions for the remainder of our time on this putrid planet, you are asking for the truly impossible. We have an agenda and a schedule to keep.” Megatron looked like he was making to reach for his sword before his servos then settled on his hips. Chin jutting up in defiance. And then-
“Regardless, I will consider it.... It’s unlikely to be considered seriously, however.”
“Fine.” Optimus said before Bee could embarrass them all anymore and undo this tremendous, *tremendous* -and vague- progress.
“Take all the time you need- so long as you don’t forfeit this agreement by endangering us or the locals in anyway.”
Megatron had already turned his back to them, ready to take flight. He stopped to throw a deeply insulted look over his shoulder.
“It isn’t an ‘agreement’, Autobot. You haven’t promised us anything in return.”
“We promise not to intervene in your world domination, so long as it doesn’t harm anyone.” Optimus smiled the slightest bit. Clearly being a cheeky afthole on purpose.
Bumblebee wanted to ask how that was somehow better than any annoying thing he’d just had the gull to say, but the ‘Cons were gone with the concept of a possible truce in the making, and Optimus so rarely smiled like *that* that Bee couldn’t think to badger him.
In the pleasant silence that followed -a silence born of pride and relief that’d they’d managed their first ever negotiation and survived- Ratchet was the first to speak.
“What the entire hell, you two?”
And Prowl agreed.
———- ———— —————
“Zey vant us to avoid ze humans.” Blitzwing stood there in confused shock, stating the obvious because of it.
Back in the safety of their lair, Megatron felt more freedom to cycle between mustering up his absolute outrage and allowing it to dwindle into careful consideration. He didn’t stay either angry or placative for long, twisting between the two so furiously, he was soon at the point that the feelings were indistinguishable, and he was closely approaching a sort of agreeableness born purely from stubbornness.
Stubbornness, of all things, that he might prove himself as capable as ever of standing tall and unmovable against the most impossible, unlikely insanity Primus might throw his way. 
This...whatever this was..... was a different sort of challenge, though- not one he felt compelled to bend to. He had plans to conquer the universe after all, and with ambitions like that, it left little room if any to entertain the idea of peace for the sake of peace for even a short amount of time.
Why should he bother? The Autobots weren’t worth a truce- this starry eyed Prime wasn’t worth one. Never mind that he had been the first Autobot in Megatron’s long lifecycle to offer his respect enough to negotiate this -as impossibly unrealistic as it was, or as ridiculous as he’d been to do so.
Never mind, either, that a Prime at least had much greater authority to consult the Magnus about the real possibility of an official truce, should things go accordingly.
...Or that this particular Prime had attempted to make peace with him rather than incite more mindless violence without a thought to Megatron’s conscious capabilities -Think him little more than a primitive killing machine.
Still, Megatron didn’t want peace this way- he didn’t want peace at all.
He wanted victory. He wanted to *win* the war, not talk his way out of it. Not bow to his audacious oppressors. Especially one barely onlined a thousand stellar cycles ago.
He turned towards a blushing Blitzwing, no doubt recalling the events of that living nightmare and the utter embarrassment he’d suffered just hours ago. Stood there drowning in his own creeping horror.
Strika could never hear about this. Not that any of them would be eager to tell another Decepticon soul, of course.
“Fine.” Optimus said before Bee could embarrass them all anymore and undo this tremendous, *tremendous* -and vague- progress.
“Take all the time you need- so long as you don’t forfeit this agreement by endangering us or the locals in anyway.”
Megatron had already turned his back to them, ready to take flight. He stopped to throw a deeply insulted look over his shoulder.
“It isn’t an ‘agreement’, Autobot. You haven’t promised us anything in return.”
“We promise not to intervene in your world domination, so long as it doesn’t harm anyone.” Optimus smiled the slightest bit. Clearly being a cheeky afthole on purpose.
Bumblebee wanted to ask how that was somehow better than any annoying thing he’d just had the gull to say, but the ‘Cons were gone with the concept of a possible truce in the making, and Optimus so rarely smiled like *that* that Bee couldn’t think to badger him.
In the pleasant silence that followed -a silence born of pride and relief that’d they’d managed their first ever negotiation and survived- Ratchet was the first to speak.
“What the entire hell, you two?”
And Prowl agreed.
———- ———— —————
“Zey vant us to avoid ze humans.” Blitzwing stood there in confused shock, stating the obvious because of it.
Back in the safety of their lair, Megatron felt more freedom to cycle between mustering up his absolute outrage and allowing it to dwindle into careful consideration. He didn’t stay either angry or placative for long, twisting between the two so furiously, he was soon at the point that the feelings were indistinguishable, and he was closely approaching a sort of agreeableness born purely from stubbornness.
Stubbornness, of all things, that he might prove himself as capable as ever of standing tall and unmovable against the most impossible, unlikely insanity Primus might throw his way. 
This...whatever this was..... was a different sort of challenge, though- not one he felt compelled to bend to. He had plans to conquer the universe after all, and with ambitions like that, it left little room if any to entertain the idea of peace for the sake of peace for even a short amount of time.
Why should he bother? The Autobots weren’t worth a truce- this starry eyed Prime wasn’t worth one. Never mind that he had been the first Autobot in Megatron’s long lifecycle to offer his respect enough to negotiate this -as impossibly unrealistic as it was, or as ridiculous as he’d been to do so.
Never mind, either, that a Prime at least had much greater authority to consult the Magnus about the real possibility of an official truce, should things go accordingly.
...Or that this particular Prime had attempted to make peace with him rather than incite more mindless violence without a thought to Megatron’s conscious capabilities -Think him little more than a primitive killing machine.
Still, Megatron didn’t want peace this way- he didn’t want peace at all.
He wanted victory. He wanted to *win* the war, not talk his way out of it. Not bow to his audacious oppressors. Especially one barely onlined a thousand stellar cycles ago.
He turned towards a blushing Blitzwing, no doubt recalling the events of that living nightmare and the utter embarrassment he’d suffered just hours ago. Stood there drowning in his own creeping horror.
Strika could never hear about this. Not that any of them would be eager to tell another Decepticon soul, of course.
“We will play along.” He said at last.
“We will convince these self-important zealots that we are willing to pursue peace within our factions, only to strike when the time is right.”
Blitzwing seemed to be lost to himself- unnervingly set on a single blue face. Lugnut at his side raised his servos in an ‘All hail our glorious leader!’. Not assuming to question his greatness, even when it was well within questioning.
Where was Starscream when you needed her?
——- ———— ——- -
Evidently, Starscream was around just inconveniently enough to ruin much of Megatron’s plan.
Starscream was anything but a team player, and when she’d caught wind of a truce, of Megatron’s presumed compliance, Megatron was suddenly pressed with the issue of whether or not to let her in on his little conniving plan, in fear she may undo all his potential work in an effort to expose and eliminate him, or if he should allow her to believe a bit of it and go on a rampage telling every possible Decepticon comm frequency within range about their exuberant leader’s sudden bout of madness.
“I told you all he was going senile, but you didn’t listen to meee~ Did youuu?” She’d mock. She’d flutter her wings and puff out her chest plates, striking a pose similar to the one she’d assume during her imaginary inauguration as the new Decepticon leader.
Thinking about it was boiling the Energon in Megatron’s fuel lines.
No matter how he played this, he was losing his respect somewhere. He supposed upon further contemplation that it’d be easier to win his legion’s faith in him far easier than it’d be to come across this sort of precious opportunity again. There wouldn’t be another extension of kindness on an Autobot’s end for the rest of history after this, and it was a wonderful thing to take advantage of.
“So it’s *true* then?!” Starscream screeched, voice ringing through every twisting tunnel inside the cavern. Megatron felt his optic twitch.
“You’ve gone and made *friends* with the cushy little Autobots?!”
Starscream then tucked a claw under her chin and seemed to reconsider this. As Megatron had initially -and unsurprisingly- imagined, a wicked grin began to stretch her sneering lips.
“Why Megatron~ Won’t your loyal followers be *thrilled* to hear the good news... A new golden age on the horizon for Cybertronians everywhere. Even the ones who’ve been *banished* from their home world.”
Lugnut made to defend Megatron’s honor and correct the punishable offense that was assuming their grand leader’s compromise to the Autobot cause when the ex-gladiator promptly silenced him.
“Am I to assume that you will be the one to deliver this good news?” It couldn’t hurt to look vulnerable in front of Starscream when it was to lower the air headed seeker’s guard. It’d worked every other time.
“Why *yes*, it’d be my honor in fact! My ‘Dear Leader’~”
Not that Megatron had actually needed that confirmation. It was good to get a general sense of the basis of what false accusations would come against him though -and quite soon, he imagined.
He supposed damage control wouldn’t be too impossible a thing to maneuver if the transgressions his lot would perceive were as unlikely -and possibly even dismissible, coming from Starscream- as his defection to the Autobots.
Those who’d even believe it to be true would be doubly ingratiated to him when his plans inevitably succeeded. Renewing their faith and encouraging them to grovel for forgiveness- remembering then who they owed trust and loyalty to.
Starscream cackled like a hag and fluttered off, taking her sweet time on the way out. Certain Megatron was beyond all his cognitive functions at this point and wouldn’t chase after her.
Megatron watched her go, distantly hoping something as preposterous as her catching her broad shoulders between the rock clusters in her leisurely escape would happen to entertain his processor from the mounting stress of having his hard earned reputation soon sullied. No matter how temporary that relief would be.
——- ———— ———
He was forced to put everything into motion immediately after that. Luckily, the Autobot Prime didn’t have any reservations with this- nor any added stipulations. Just ‘keep the human populace out of harm’s way’.
Of course, that being exactly what Optimus had asked for was in itself the most audacious request anyone had ever made of him. And Starscream had once asked to have his throne for the duration of her report upon returning from the outer sector because ‘her thrusters hurt’.
This unlawfully sassy firetruck was essentially asking that he give up all his rampages and aerial strikes -and the fated Cybertronian battle as a whole- as there was practically nowhere they could go and nothing they could do about their efforts to undo the Autobot forces that didn’t directly disturb the lives of the humans infesting this gritty globe.
When he’d used the term ‘audacious’ every time before, he’d really meant ‘boundless, unlimited, unequivocal entitlement’. Even worse than Straxxus and Starscream.
The Prime thought he was being smart by working around that one ‘simple’ demand -leave the fauna and humans alone. As if it was a small request and entirely reasonable. It left Megatron powerless to do *anything* and rendered his efforts in every personal goal of his useless.
Which led him to wonder if Optimus was *actually* seriously expecting him to agree to that. Really, honestly, truly.
How stupid could he be? How blindingly hopeful?
“This is, er, surprising, I’ll admit...” The Prime murmured, having the unfortunate lack of awareness that Megatron wasn’t being any bit genuine enough to be flustered by this, too.
So young...
It’d be endearingly naive, if Megatron wasn’t easily reminded of the absolute absurdity of the whole thing -including his own contribution of such with this little plan of his that’d better prove beneficial- weighing at the forefront of his processor.
Really, even after his success, this would haunt him for vorns to come. He’d never been so foolish to waste time on such a speck of a sparkbeat before.
“I suppose, um, we should get started.” Optimus murmured
That perked Megatron’s attention, wondering what was more was to come now that’d he’d falsely agreed to this.
“And you are referring to...?”
“Hm?” Optimus blinked up at him then.
“Oh. Further negotiations.” He explained.
Megatron had to tamp down his honest confusion at that. Firstly, how important did this self-righteous Prime think he was? ‘Further negotiations’? Did Ultra Magnus -the old, fragger- even know about this? He couldn’t have, or else the matter of this entire operation would be thrust over to the appropriate authorities and squashed within moments. Did Optimus think himself a revolutionary?
“You said there would be no further stipulations.”
“There’s not.” Optimus affirmed. “But this is a historical moment for our people.” Optimus sounded like he actually believed that. Like he actually believed any of this...
“And this will require a delicate approach. I need to be certain you are being genuine, and that you intend to take this seriously.”
Well, Optimus was smarter than Megatron was giving him credit for, he guessed. He supposed he should know somewhat better by now. The Prime had proved a worthy adversary a couple times now, if he was being... never mind. He’d rather ignore any credibility this little mech might have.
Optimus continued obliviously.
“In order to ensure that, we need to discuss the needs of you and your comrades for the short term, and what you’ll need going forward to transition into peace time. Your people obviously have different needs than our own, how can we make them comfortable amongst civilian frames?”
Oh. Oh, he *was* serious.
Legitimately serious.
Oh, how utterly adorable~
Megatron could hardly contain a grin.
It was interesting the Autobot had chosen to address the needs of the imposing faction before the doubtlessly disrespectful conditions of his own people first. Conditions like ‘flight frame restrictions’ and ‘requirements for tank types to keep their hefty frames off the main roads’. 
And there was such a sincerity in those bright blue optics that Megatron thought he might laugh right in the young mech’s face and ruin this moment of welcome insanity. He somehow refrained. Somehow.
“Please proceed, Autobot~” Megatron purred, like an incorrigible bastard. Optimus didn’t seemed too disturbed by this, and certainly not enough to dissuade him from lifting his chin and looking him dead in the optics.
“I’m aware that agenda you spoke of before includes heavily conflicting ideas with our own.” Which was an unusually nice way to put it- unusual for the rather blunt Prime. He normally had no qualms being upfront with others. He did say this was all very delicate, so blissfully ignorant to the reality. How disappointed he’d be.
Megatron truly struggled to believe him so naive. Maybe he truly *did* know better and simply hoped to change Megatron’s mind with his authenticity. He could certainly try.
“I ask that you try to push those ill intentions aside for now.”
“You want me to stop planning to overtake our rightful place on the very planet we were given life and then pushed away from, along with any thread of worth we were left to claim for ourselves when your leaders assured you all we were undeserving of it. You want me to pretend to forget all of that for the time being and demonstrate some level of generosity for *your* benefit? You, who serves these leaders. Maybe pretend  I’m not attempting the overthrow of an entire government and its people, too? Is that right?”
To his credit, the smaller mech didn’t budge. 
“Your crimes will have consequences one way or another. That’s unfortunately what’s right for everyone.”
“That doesn’t mean you’re going to be written out of a future on Cybertron- or your kin. I wouldn’t allow that.”
Well, this was reaching a god complex of some kind, surely. Megatron smiled down with wide optics, embracing the madness of it all. It was for the cause, he reminded himself. If nothing else, it was slagging entertaining.
Though maybe Starscream was right to call him mad.
Megatron pressed him.
“*You* wouldn’t allow it, hm?”
“No, I would not.” Optimus said seriously. Radiant, standing proud, optics turning bright and irritated. Good. What fun for Megatron.
Just to twist a bit, Megatron decided to prick a claw into the little bot’s processor.
“Oh, the Magnus must be *so* pleased with your work here, little one~ He must think you a hero.”
At that, Optimus went eerily quiet.
Ha! Just as Megatron had thought.
“Whatever Ultra Magnus’ feelings may be, you are Cybertronian, and you deserve your citizenship, should you accept a ceasefire.”
Megatron stopped smiling.
“And I’m sure you would agree,” Optimus’ finials twitched with the effort not to droop.
“That Ultra Magnus can be inflexible at times, and often unreachable.” Especially when it was Optimus who was doing the reaching.
The little mech was struggling all at once to meet the other’s gaze.
Megatron subconsciously leaned into him. Surely making a terrifying spectacle of them both to their ever watchful followers gathered at a distance in the event of an altercation. But his razor sharp claws remained carefully at his sides and easy to spot.
“That’s why I’m trying to ensure that this arrangement won’t be immediately turned away when I inform him. I’m taking quite a risk involving my team as it is.”
“So, perhaps, this isn’t worth the risk.” Megatron said, echoing Prowl’s consistent advice on the matter.
Optimus took it in stride, choosing not to let fear, and doubt, and inexperience decide for him how brave he could be when it was clearly needed of him. Or keep Megatron from taking the easy way out of this. Change would require constant effort on both their parts.
This was a once in a lifecycle opportunity.
And while really anyone else would be better suited for this position -Prowl with his unbothered confidence, Bumblebee with his strong sense of spark to lead him, Bulkhead with his compassion and understanding, Racthet with his logic and practicality, and even Sari with her determination- Optimus was going to try to make this work. Because he’d gotten them all into this and he was going to at least put himself at blame when it all went up in fire. The fire of their sparkless shells, most likely.
He looked to Megatron, optics speaking of anything but certainty or that idea the warlord had had of self righteousness, and said simply,
“It’s worth it.”
——- ——- ———-
Megatron hadn’t said when exactly they were going to ‘strike’ the Autobots down, but upon the third ‘negotiation’, Blitzwing was starting to wonder if they were in this for the long haul. What a heist this would be when it was all over.
Megatron’s earlier display of his outstanding patience being held captive on a foreign planet without use of his own body was proof of his ability to endure and resist- it certainly nothing to scoff at. He could wait as long as necessary for the perfect moment to strike.
He hadn’t led an army with such masterful precision and skill for millennia by fluke.
Truly, his confidence in himself was a live and dangerous thing, and it spawned many acts of the greatness you’d find in the honorable Decepticon literature of their leader. But upon their return to base from the fourth negotiation, there was a stifling, unsettled air about the mech. Primus only knew what abhorrent things the Autobot Prime was attempting to demand of them.
Under Lugnut’s curious prodding, Megatron shut him down with a very strict, “Confidential”.
Which that made zero sense at all.
They were plotting to overthrow them eventually, weren’t they? The details certainly didn’t matter -So why protect them?
What Megatron chose to keep private was his business, and the rest of them would do well not to disrupt his thin tolerance for the questioning of his authority. But Megatron also had never had a reason to lie to any of them about their plans to dominate and destroy- Starscream was the only bot that deserved and regularly earned his deception. Something he didn’t turn on his own people much if ever these days. Not with the stagnant state of things after the war.
Blitzwing tried not to dwell on it, which was easy enough when he was forced every few days to come and stand on guard with a bunch of Autobot lackeys, soaking up any free processor power he might have to feel conspiratorial. One such Autobot consisting of that dreadful bug bot...
He always stood much too close. Always talked for damn near the entire affair.
An abysmal affair at that- the lot of them wasting away in either wind or rain or the blistering sun. Forced to get along for the time being.
Unlikely, so long as Bumblebee and Prowl existed within the same space as each other, arguing about nature and technology -*of all things*- while their very reality was crumbling around them. And clearly this was a frequent discussion of their’s.
Blitzwing hadn’t met a mech such as Prowl so infatuated with the organic matter in the universe. Even Blackarchnia, half organic, was looking to rid herself of the affliction.
“You would be happier if this planet was completely technological in makeup- if nature had never existed here.” Prowl ‘observed’.
Bumblebee scoffed- as if having come loaded on a camping trip with computerized junk in his chassis once didn’t prove just how deeply his disrespect for nature ran.
“No, that’s not what I’m saying!”
“Hmph. What a boring existence that would be-“
“*We* are made of technology, you half processored-“
“If the universe was devoid of this organic phenomenon on every planet, in every star system-“
“Do you believe in the Big Bang theory, Prowl?” Bee side blinded-on purpose- using a term he’d heard Sari only ever use once for study purposes and with only half the context for what it actually was.
Prowl knew a Bumblebee-setup when he heard one, and he wasn’t about to do battle with Bee’s straw man.
“I’m not familiar with it -Or how it *correlates*.”
“Basically these giant rocks crashed together 13 billion something years ago, and it sparked the entire universe into being!” Bumblebee looked ready to pull him into some kind of nonsensical ‘gotcha moment’.
“I don’t think that’s right, firstly. And I don’t understand how that correlates, still.”
“Just answer the question, Prowl! Do you believe in it?” Bumblebee rambled, refusing to make sense of things first. A mech of immediate satisfaction, and wishing mostly to hear that he was right about Primus knew what.
“I mean Cybertron is supposedly 10 billion years old, so that lines up with the timeline.”
“It does not.” Blitzwing huffed, unable to stay uninvolved in their madness. The Radom slice of himself, buried in the back of his subconscious, was itching to scream into the insanity presenting itself. He just couldn’t waste an opportunity...
Miraculously, Blitzwing didn’t give in to that side of his processor, only endeavoring to scratch that itch well enough to silence the urges.
“Zere is debate about the planet’z existence before zis, but ve know for certain zhat ze Allspark was a permanent fixture before time even began”
“Y’all are giving me a crisis.” Bulkhead mumbled mostly to himself, having sat through plenty of Prowl and Bee’s bickering to his breaking point before. But there was a genuine tremor of something like fear in his voice.
Blitzwing thought it was certainly odd to meet a bot who was squeamish about an existential subject. They were a practical people about such matters like life and death- for the most part. Even Starscream had seemed relatively unbothered by living on without a spark to bring into the afterlife. If perhaps she would simply cease to exist without one at some point.
Bulkhead, apparently, was less content with this topic.
Lugnut, who was watching Prime outright bark at Megatron like a yappy, little lap dog, his master answering with a laugh of shocked amusement, tuned into their squabbling just in time to hear of Bulkhead’s peculiar discomfort.
“I understand your despair, Large One.” He  turned to him and placed a servo to his chest. 
“I cannot imagine my life without Lord Megatron in it again! An uncertain existence is a terrifying thing!” And everything without Megatron’s guidance meant uncertainty to him. Blitzwing had seen how he’d faired the single time he thought his master actually dead.
“You’re one to be throwing ‘Large One’ around like that.” Bumblebee grumbled.
Bulkhead seemed rather thankful for the massive menace throwing his two cents in all the same.
In a strange sort of camaraderie, Bulkhead felt compelled to expand upon that.
“How did you meet Megatron?”
He wasn’t sure they’d had enough neutral interaction to actually receive a civil response from the bomber plane, but Lugnut was clearly thrilled to have the chance to enlighten them all about Megatron in any capacity. There certainly wasn’t anything about this in the Autobot’s military profile of him.
“Over 6 million years ago, I had the grand and marvelous pleasure of first meeting Lord Megatron in the gladiatorial arena, and I was promptly acquainted with the depths of my ineptitude! He ‘wiped the floor with me’, as the organics say!”
Bumblebee -leaning against Prowl, who was sitting against a tree- bolted upright.
“Whoa, whoa- wait! How *old* is Megatron?!” He squeaked when he’d put it all together. It wasn’t like he hadn’t had lessons on this in the academy. Megatron was a popular subject. The most popular subject probably.
Prowl waited patiently for Lugnut to rock his educationally delinquent world.
“It does not matter! Lord Megatron believes his life only truly began when he found his cause, leading the Decepticons! 14 million years ago!” Lugnut bellowed, eager to sing praises of his master and doing so entirely too loudly. It earned the attention of their respective leaders from afar- finials pricked high on the Prime’s helm. 
Optimus didn’t know what that was about, but the outburst served as some kind of reminder, as those finials then dipped low, as he regarded the towering figure before him once more. A mech roaming the plane of existence for far longer than he maybe ever would, if these negotiations ended violently.
Megatron, however, just looked perfectly annoyed.
“You seem to be in love with the guy.” Bulkhead said then, and it was so far removed from him to make a joke in a time as tense as a faction wide peace treaty, one ready to end in bloodshed the second one of them got too friendly and crossed a line. A peace treaty that was teetering on the edge of a total collapse, as the other Autobots were half convinced the ‘Cons were taking Optimus for a joy ride.
All of them except Bumblebee.
“Jesus!” He squealed, when he successfully reset his vocalizer. “Frag! You bots are *ancient*!”
“And you thought I was old.” Ratchet grumbled. Servos crossed, as far removed from their chaos as possible, as they stood there waiting.
If they could only do this somewhere more comfortable with someplace to sit....
“You *are* old.” Bumblebee assured him. “Why aren’t *they* falling apart like you are?”
“I *am* in love with him!” Lugnut then shouted in response to Bulkhead, choosing to say so much too loudly once more. This time Megatron hid his face in his hands.
Blitzwing excused himself from whatever *this* conversation was to stalk about the edge of the invisible line the two faction leaders had drawn, in an attempt to keep some privacy to these negotiations. Optimus surely assuming Megatron would be more open to talking that way.
This Prime hadn’t accounted for Megatron’s magnificent crassness when it came to speaking his truth, then. After the words ‘brainless floozy’ had once left his vocalizer without even the excuse of being overcharged, Blitzwing knew he wasn’t worried about his brash etiquette in public, and that he himself would never have to censor his tongue around the mech.
Regardless, Blitzwing kept his appropriate distance and remained quiet. He only needed a moment away from all the noise, finding himself frequently overwhelmed by such. The struggle to remain cordial in a time where it was necessary a constant battle.
When the voices in his head became too loud, it was easy to direct his frustration on another equally frustrated being- like any other Decepticon at arms length. This pretend peace treaty left him grasping at straws as it was -despite the art of deception frequently requiring the uncouth and undesirable in any strategy his sort devised- and it was becoming a challenge to keep a grip on his sanity in order to appear collected and patient.
An effort at the best of times.
Naturally, Bumblebee chose that moment to come over and make it worse- had the audacity to roll up on the heel of his wheels and look bored with everything.
“Dude, I get it. Those guys are so annoying.” The minibot said, waving a servo back at the others in the purest lack of self awareness to ever exist.
“*Oh, do jou*?” Blitzwing ground out, honestly baffled. He should just turn away right now before he reached the point of no return and flattened the little scrap.
He had enough reason to as it was for outing him before. In front of *everybody*... Like he wasn’t haunted with the inescapable reality of his actions in the dead of the night cycle.
Lugnut naturally overlooked their glorious leader’s involvement in the whole debacle, but *Blitzwing*? Oh, no. He had to suffer some serious mockery over his comm link for his pathetic display. As if he wasn’t disappointed with himself enough already.
Bumblebee either didn’t care about how totally pissed off he was making the giant, or his obliviousness was astonishing.
“Yeah, I totally do! Here,” He said, reaching into his sub space which jingled ominously with the sound of far too much junk for one little chassis to hold safely. If Blitzwing stepped on him, would he pierce his stabilizer on something sharp that shouldn’t be in anyone’s sub space, let alone a compact model? Did he have woofers in there?
Bumblebee pulled out a handheld device and turned it on one servoed, his other kept digging. Blitzwing was equal parts impressed and disgusted.
“This is what I do when the chaos gets to be too much.” The bug said, handing him the device -a game console. Likely the one Blitzwing had caught him playing around on many times before when he was supposed to be patrolling the streets.
“Iz zere ever zuch a time for jou, jou little pot stirrer?” Blitzwing snapped, unable to keep up the pleasantries with his broken peace of mind. If he had to stand here and play buddy-buddy with the source of his greatest humiliation yet -worse than sleeping through a mandatory aerial strike before he’d even earned a designation for himself- he might break his beloved game device over the point of those horns.
“Slag, yeah, definitely- Bossbot is the greatest mech I know, and I’m not just sayin’ that. But he is the tensest, most boring, most painfully stoic fragger in the universe. Getting him to smile is a chore, and I’m the funny guy around here.”
Bumblebee reached over and did something with the device, and the screen flickered on, making sure to mute the volume. This was supposed to be a serious occasion and all.
“Zen leave him in peace and don’t bother him.”
“Nah, I can’t do that.” Bee said seriously.
“I care about him way too much to see him waste away into whatever’s wrong with Ratchet.”
Blitzwing snorted, unfortunately very amused by all this. He allowed the minibot to fiddle with the thing in his hands and stand much too close to him. Like he always did.
“The goal is to collect spraycans and deface the city with ‘em.” Bumblebee instructed when an avatar appeared on screen. Blitzwing was quietly delighted by that objective and decided he could indulge the little fool this. It wasn’t a terrible way to whittle the time.
Until the bot started talking again -just as Blitzwing mastered the controls, of course.
“You missed a whole row of them!” He whined.
Blitzwing was infinitely less invested in doing well at this than him, but his already flaring temper made it hard not to take offense.
“Zis is just a game, jou know.”
“That you bite at.”
“I’m sure jou can do better, and zat iz good enough reason for me not to take zis seriously. Anyzing jou might have accomplished can’t pozzibly be vorth celebrating.”
“You would do so well in Fortnight.” Bumblebee said with a distant look in his optic.
“I’ll have you verbally destroy all the raging neckbeards on there. It’s mostly a children’s game, though, so spare the kiddos.”
“What are jou even saying?”
“Hit X! Brake this window for 15 points!” Bee shouted, by some divine intervention not attracting Megatron’s wrath to them with it.
Blitzwing did as told, maneuvering the joycons as best as he could with the immense difference in the size of their servos.
“Vhat do ze points do, exactly?”
“Oh! I’m saving them up for the ninja costume. Uh.... Don’t tell Prowl. Don’t want him thinking he’s cool, ya know?”
Blitzwing wondered for just a moment if he was actually having fun doing this. In the comfortable small talk that followed, he was able to forget this little creature beside him was his enemy and that he was stuck in the hot sun pretending to be a peaceful ‘Bot lover for an undefined amount of time. No doubt a laughing stock with a pretty, red target on his helm from whatever ‘Cons out roaming the wild had gotten an audial full from Starscream. It was admittedly hard to recharge with the thought of thousands of other Decepticons thinking he’d defected, even though it was perfectly likely, too, no one would even believe what Starscream had to say. Whoever she’d reached in her travels.
“Are you gonna start playing this when we come out here?” Bumblebee asked, possibly sounding a smidge too hopeful the other might say yes.
At Blitzwing’s curious look, Bee corrected himself.
“Tryin’ to figure out if I can just keep your points or if I have to make you an account, too.”
“I don’t vant ze points- or an account.”
“Ok, good-“
“Unlez zere iz a bird costume!”
Bumblebee made a strangled noise.
“A what?!”
He nearly swatted the things out of Blitzwing’s grip with how quickly he turned on him.
“Like a bird.” Blitzwing continued, unfazed.
“Wh-why...? That? I don’t...”
Blitzwing shrugged.
“I vant ze vings.” He said simply.
“Like mine.” And flicked his wing struts out to illustrate.
Bee looked him over. Probably thinking much too hard about the significance of this strange moment.
He failed to keep the mocking from his voice when he said, “Well, I mean. Hm. There is an *angel* costume you could wear.”
Blitzwing considered. This little avatar Bumblebee had made, scooting around on speed skates and stealing spray cans, breaking public property, then wearing an angel costume. And the wings...
Good enough.
“Ja, ja, I’ll take it.” Blitzwing nodded enthusiastically.
Bee, despite the loss of his months worth of accumulated points, smiled. Happier than he thought he’d be to forfeit them in order for Blitzwing to get those stupid wings.
“Ok, dude. They’re gold and stuff, too, so they’re actually pretty cool.”
——— ————- ———-
Megatron knew he’d receive word one way or another -whether via assassination attempt or comm link- when the others had heard about this giant misunderstanding. This excruciating, preposterous misunderstanding that Megatron was *truly* slated to change his ways for the Autobot cause, only made worse by the Prime’s genuine concern for their future coupling as a people, all with movements for equal rights pushed more aggressively upon each ‘negotiation’.
Megatron had decided after that tremor in Optimus’ vocalizer when he’d tried to assure Megatron, as much as himself, that they could teach the civilian builds to trust in their core that they were all sentient beings with sparks deserving of nurture and acceptance that it was time to strike. It was time to end this.
This was becoming painful, and it shouldn’t be.
It should only be a fun little game for him of how far he could push this stuck up stick in the mud before the Prime either denied his autonomy out of frustration, as most were keen to do, or labeled him a classless brute beyond reasoning and earned himself a severed limb.
It never came to that, though, no matter how much Megatron pushed, and no matter how much Optimus pushed back. The disrespect or even the fundamental mistreatment associated with the Cybertron elite never came. He never thought to back out of this attempt at a ‘future together’. 
Optimus never even felt those unfavorable ways about him in secret, probably...
That was hard to consider- it felt foolish to, almost like Megatron was hoping it true. But it seemed eerily likely. 
Megatron had had enough- this game had lost its appeal.
Eager to end it, he prepared to deliver some amazing plan to his underlings that didn’t give away how much of a waste of their time this had all been, now that he was unwilling to go through with it. And then, like Primus was real and spiteful as the day Megatron had first onlined his optics, waiting for this exact moment to deliver swift justice upon him, Megatron finally received word of the deeply terrifying consequence from his people for his actions.
Without a sub space communicator to reach anywhere far enough to contact his forces, it was all very horrifying that it was Cyclonus who was the first to contact him *in person*. Having apparently traveled at break neck speed all the way from the Magnokor Asteroids through mysterious means to reach him. Unlikely, and exaggerated, but he was here wasn’t he?
He was here...
Oh, Spark....
Megatron almost faltered right there at the sight of him slicing through wind currents, his metal frame still scorching upon his impact with the Earth’s mesosphere. He stopped just shy of the ground, projecting the sort of deranged panic with his abrupt landing and transformation into bipedal mode that only he could.
Megatron steeled himself for a madness rivaling Blitzwing’s.
“Lord Megatron! Lord Megatron! I came as quickly as I could!”
“Are there others close by?” Megatron asked. He would like to know how many times over he’d have to explain himself if there were. And how many mechs might be aiming something at his spark chamber right now.
“I operate alone!”
Typical. That was one less thing, though, he suppo-
“Team Athena.” Megatron whispered hoarsely. If Cyclonus had heard the horrible news, Strika had, too.
*Strika*. *Not*... *Strika*...
She wouldn’t let him hear the end of this extravagant screw up. Also typical that Cyclonus had left her and the rest to come bother Megatron while he could have him all to himself. If only Cyclonus’ interest in him was something as definable as blind loyalty like Lugnut’s.
“Commander Strika is making the appropriate accommodations.” Cyclonus said then, as Megatron must have said something of her out loud. He could hardly be bothered by looking out of sorts in front of his soldiers, though, when the words at once began to form a truer and darker meaning.
*Strika* of all his faithful kin was about to revolt against him? And she’d believed so *easily* what only Starscream could have shown her of their ‘conversation’.
So Cyclonus had come here to side with his leader and forewarn of her treachery?
Megatron had heard of greater betrayals in his time as a leader. He’d only served lifetimes of it through Starscream. Who else, but Starscream....
Cyclonus was still rambling about something he realized.
“All rebel forces that would act independently are being closely monitored and are under strict orders. Though I can assure you myself, my Lord, they shall *not* challenge your great vision! Commander Strika will see to it herself if she must!”
Megatron then shut his hanging jaw hinge and stared.
“I wouldn’t speak for the blithering masses- ‘Commander’ Starscream, for example. But I have complete confidence that they are as grateful to follow you as I! Your loyal Cyclonus!” Who was suddenly proving his loyalty far more blind than Megatron’d imagined.
Inevitably, Lugnut would have some mild questions about this, and Blitzwing would begin to have his doubts in him. But Megatron could handle two Decepticons versus an entire army who were- *apparently*- ready to accept whatever insanity he’d created for them all.
That was what Cyclonus was telling him in this instant, yes? That the idea of a truce was somehow believable and even worth attempting?
That’s what Optimus had been trying to tell him. 
“....What sort of accommodations is Strika making?”
——— ————-
Optimus felt lighter. Another negotiation under way and Megatron had approached it with far more sincerity then all the ones previous. Meaning they were making progress.
Was it possible Megatron was playing them all for senseless little fools? Optimus would have needed extensive convincing from Primus himself to believe otherwise.
He hoped beyond all his years, full of doubt and little faith in even the most tangible ambitions he’d once had, that he could reach a mech of such horrors as Megatron somehow- if only because he’d witnessed for himself that the mech was capable of some level of benevolence. But this hope he held a bit too closely to his spark -the first hope he’d had for anything since the loss of Elita- was bordering something like delusion.
He knew this. The realist in him knew this.
But that hadn’t squashed the stupid nagging optimism he’d been named after from blossoming in his chest. This optimism, the curse that it was, he’d long since abandoned. Or maybe it had abandoned him.
As they came to meet at an odd hour much later than their usual meetings, beside a riverbank miles outside the city, Optimus was just lucid enough coming out of another sleepless stasis to push his random giddiness at having been contacted aside.
This could be an attack- it was the first time Megatron had ever reached out to *him* for anything since they’d started all this.
He kept that thought in mind when he found the other waiting for him in an almost serene state, stood by the river’s edge, servos crossed. Watching the flow of water, basking in the moonlight. His back fully turned to a very obvious threat. Optimus liked to think himself one, at least...
They’d brought their respective colleagues. If only because Megatron couldn’t shake Lugnut for anything now that he had him, and Blitzwing was oddly competent in handling Optimus’ crew. Ratchet didn’t waste anytime complaining about the hour all the same.
Optimus thought it another small victory that Blitzwing readily agreed with him and assumed their places at a distance, rather than feeding in to any snide comments they’d send each other in the beginning.
Optimus approached the foreboding figure by the bank- reminded vaguely of a jungle cat from one of Prowl’s documentaries when his hips shifted their weight, moving fluidly like the swish of a large tail.
Optimus hadn’t thought about the fullness in his frame before beyond his larger mass. About the additional plates and cords it took to move a mech of such bulk. What kind of power the seams interlocking those weighty plates were capable of to function as effortlessly as those of a gentler frame.
And he continued not to think about that, as he came to a stop behind him.
When Megatron didn’t answer, he bristled at the thought that this might be one of his little power trips by ignoring the Prime. Then he spoke to him with an edge in his voice that Optimus had never had the privilege of hearing before.
It sounded distant and casual- like he was musing with an old friend.
“Much has changed since we began these senseless negotiations.”
Optimus did bristle then, finials sharp.
“They *aren’t* senseless.”
They’d already proven in about 6 of these meetings, depending on if you counted the first proposition, that they were absolutely capable of behaving themselves -cultural and ideological differences, and all.
Megatron sighed, but his tone hadn’t changed.
“You can promise me nothing. For all your efforts, this amounts to little more than a lot of cheap talk.”
Optimus felt vulnerable in that way he’d found that only Megatron could make him feel. When Sentinel reminded him of his value to Autobot society as a defunct and irrelevant piece of it, it was easy enough to ignore. Sentinel was just as incompetent. What good was a Prime that rolled happily in corruption?
When Megatron did it, Optimus could only accept that a capable, experienced general of an entire people knew what he was talking about- Had had to root out the frayed ends of their chain of command and done away with the useless, straggling bits of it himself. Regardless of how violent their actions could be.
Optimus was there, at that straggly bottom.
He’d be the one Megatron would toss away into repair crew duties -if he didn’t kill him. The major flaw of their people, acting frequently in absolutes.
Only.... Ultra Magnus did a lot of that, too.
It was the other way around, he supposed. Meant to be for the good of all, and what was best for Cybertron. It still left many bots damaged and forgotten.
Optimus wouldn’t say he was one of them.... Exactly.
Then Megatron turned, and when he spoke, that edge to his voice that never quite reached whatever emotion it faintly projected struck Optimus deeply, and reminded him painfully without even intending to of his place.
“I will not settle these matters with anyone who can not promise me change. If that person is not you, I am not interested.”
Which sounded also *vaguely* like a compliment. Maybe. Or maybe Optimus was reading to far into it. When Megatron was actually offering those, they usually doubled as insult.
“You just said much has changed.” Optimus tried. That had been his exact phrasing.
Megatron looked to be considering his words extremely carefully then. Likely filtering much of what he wanted Optimus to hear.
“My people have taken some surprising liberties.” He agreed.
Optimus perked. Fear and excitement mingling together.
Megatron continued.
“However, with nothing to ensure these great ideas you have for their future,” the mention of Optimus personally constructing the futures of a people did sound like he was taking liberties.
He flushed.
“Then I must put a stop to it. I cannot allow this to go any further.”
“W-What kind of changes?” Optimus pressed. His spark was beating so hard that his throat felt tight from the Energon pumping through the lines.
‘Change’ could mean anything- but Megatron putting an end to changes that endangered the lives of Autobots everywhere was unlikely.
So, ‘good’ changes then. He wanted to stop something good -for the *Autobots*- from happening, and Optimus couldn’t even process fully that anything positive was actually coming from these negotiations well enough to imagine what kinds of changes those could be. Only that he had to stop Megatron from stopping their progress. No matter how small.
“It is irrelevant.” Megatron said firmly.
“Because you want everything to stop now- Tell me what your kin are doing. We can talk about this-“
Megatron rolled his optics. The most patience he’d ever had for Optimus after he’d clearly struck a nerve. In this case, it was likely him demanding answers of him that would ultimately sacrifice his authority and admit that Optimus was in any way important enough to weigh his opinion on it.
Which they both knew wasn’t true.
“My *name* is Optimus Prime.”
“There is nothing more you can do for me. You made an admirable effort for a cause you believe in- I commend you for this. But it’s time we move on. These means are ineffective, and I won’t waste my time further.”
“So, this is over?” Optimus *tried* not to immediately encrypt this into another section of failures he kept on file by instinct.
He gestured towards their respective cohorts having a not so respective conversation about Blitzwing’s vastly developing video game skills, as Bee defended being bested on his high score. It involved the use of many inappropriate hand gestures.
“What will we tell them?” He asked bravely. Or stupidly. They both knew Megatron hadn’t a concern in the entire universe for their thoughts on the matter.
Optimus tried, though.
“The truth.” The bigger mech shrugged.
“The reality is quite simple.”
Optimus didn’t comment on how nice it was seeing everyone in one place, free of violence. Of course that’d appeal to a cushy, little civil frame.
“So now we go back to fighting and just forget everything we’ve accomplished here?” Optimus knew he was dangerously close to sounding plain petulant, and less suited for strategic truce talks.
“What have we accomplished Autobot?”
“Whatever your people are doing, it’s something good! It’s something we can stand behind and build upon, I’m sure of it!” Optimus tried not to sound desperate.
Megatron didn’t look nearly as heated by all this.
“You’ve no idea what they have planned.”
And Optimus wasn’t dumb enough to ask twice. Instead, he took a moment to calm himself and level his straining vents to work at an appropriate speed. It wouldn’t do to hyperventilate because of a shouting match, and come away from this looking like an upset sparkling. Especially because that would mean admitting he’d allowed his hope to consume him and all his rational thought.
This was indeed over, and he would be feeding into that childish optimism again, if he tried to negotiate any further.
He took one last look at Lugnut nodding enthusiastically to whatever Bulkhead was saying and said goodbye to the image of their factions dallying quietly away together until their leaders had finished. This would be the last time, and he’d been ridiculous to think a future like this was achievable with people like Megatron and Ultra Magnus in power of saying otherwise.
“Alright.” Optimus swallowed. It was an effort to.
“Is it too much to ask that we walk away in one piece now?”
Megatron thought killing them all right here and now would make this final exchange and the disappointment he’d be leaving behind in them all much easier. But that would be a great disrespect to Optimus’ work here, and he’d been the only Autobot Megatron could admit he’d had the pleasure of taking seriously.
The only one possibly... definitely worthy of his respect.
“It is not.” He agreed, and he watched Optimus leave with a stiffness in his backstrut that looked nearly painful.
———- ——————
He didn’t think it’d come to this. For Strika to act so absurdly, one of his most sensible commanders and perhaps, honestly, his most trusted. For his ridiculous little plan to spiral so madly out of control. For the Autobots’ and that audacious little Prime to turn something sickening in his chassis when they left that night.
He didn’t expect for it bother him...
Optimus had been an enormous fool, but, unfortunately, a virtuous one. A visionary, even if he didn’t know it, and a fine diplomat.
Ultra Magnus had better be proud of him and more protective of him in the future. Though Megatron knew all too well that was unlikely the case.
He sent Cyclonus away to send word to Strika, whenever it’d reach her, to lift the bans on taking Autobot captives and every other horrible thing she’d done to lessen the destruction of Autobot forces, and to stand by for further instruction.
He didn’t expect to see Cyclonus again after that, but when he did, he was carrying an urgent message from Strika with him, looking beyond exhausted from everything he’d just put his frame through for the last couple weeks, flying until his engines rattled even when he was stationary.
Megatron took it and clicked it on to read ‘Play stupid games, win stupid prizes’ written boldly enough for his pitiful vision to see from space. All in all, Strika seemed rather unbothered by everything that’d transpired this past month.
It was then Megatron realized those orders she’d issued to evacuate Autobot territory, and release captives mostly unharmed, and abstain from pillaging their much need resources, *weren’t* because freedom for all and a world where their people thrived in togetherness had appealed to her. Had moved her to the core or even licked the smallest flame within her spark to seek peace. Of course, not.
Strika’s job wasn’t to fall over herself doting on her master, or turning a blind optic to his shortcomings to save face. Or remaining silent in fear she might say enough blasphemy in one breath offering him council to get herself shunned to the ‘Megazarak table’.
It was to highlight his stupidity when he was exercising it.
She’d done so excruciatingly... and yes, this was definitely her most blasphemous, disrespectful display of doing so, yet.
Megatron felt thoroughly reprimanded. He’d give her a raise for being the first mecha alive to humble him.
Feeling petty, he sent Cyclonus away for good this time with a message of his own.
‘Wasting resources and presuming to undermine me publicly was a greater mistake than the one I made. Starscream is to be brought to me alive for her torture and execution.’
“That is not for your optics.” He warned Cyclonus, and sent him on his weary way. Worried he might fall right out of the sky seconds after lift off.
It was time to get his hands on that subspace communicator and resume those tenacious plans of world domination. He was suddenly reminded of those weird, disproportionate cartoon mice Blitzwing watched sometimes at the thought.
Unfortunately, setting those plans into motion meant dismissing every rule Optimus had tried to set into motion for him since their negotiations had begun. It’d mean running into him and his odd little crew, coming face to face with the Prime and brazenly announcing he was back to pursuing grinding them all into iron filings.
He reminded himself that that was only the logical conclusion to the unfortunate end of things, and that this would not affect him.
Only inconvenience him.
——— —————
Optimus knew with the nonexistent truce off, the people of Earth would be a target again. How would Megatron get anything done without enacting a hefty does of chaos and genocide? And how would he do either without risking the lives of innocent, easily squashed organics?
Optimus thought bitterly of Rebecca and Jamal.
Remembering the past was a waste of his energy. What had happened must have been some random blip in their coding. That marginally explained why both Blitzwing and Megatron were affected at once.
Except, it actually didn’t explain anything.
They’d had enough time to fall back into a somewhat normal routine since their parting on such abhorrent terms. Failure still a bitter taste on the tip of his glossa.
Optimus couldn’t help but actually admit to Bumblebee that he felt stupid for thinking things could be different for so long. Rather that he’d *hoped*, and that was a more punishable offense than going behind the Magnus himself to arrange all these peace talks ever could be.
Bumblebee had taken to moping around his room with him when the others were asleep. A mutual disappointment of the events that’d turned the tides in their favor for such a short time being lost to the winds now. A little taste of victory- hardly even that- but the memory of the lot of them coexisting in quiet and having legitimate conversations with each other was still fresh in their processors. Bumblebee unwilling to let it go, and Optimus unable to forgive himself he’d lost them such a irreplaceable gift.
“It would have been so fraggin’ nice not to have to fight each other all the time.” Bee sighed.
“Well, that goal was unrealistic anyway. There will always be those that oppose change like that.” Optimus stared miserably at his hands in his lap.
“We can’t make everybody happy all of the time.”
Bee scowled at him from across his berth, his chin propped up on one servo.
“That’s some advice you should live by.”
Optimus’ finials twitched. That wouldn’t particularly sound like an accusation, if not for the face the minibot was making at him.
“Care to expand on that?” Optimus asked slowly. A few octaves too low for friendly.
That was one hell of an invitation for a boisterous, unrepentant Bumblebee when he felt he had something he needed to say.
He did seem to stop a moment and consider his words before Primus possessed him with the same foolish courage he’d needed to out a couple of ‘Cons for their soft-sparked squishy moment all those cycles ago.
“I mean.... All due respect, Boss, you aren’t known for your strong backstrut.”
Actually, that was the opposite of ‘all due respect’, and Optimus wasn’t dumb enough to roll over and take it for maturity’s sake and prove him right.
“You’re out of line, Bumblebee.”
The minibot gestured helplessly around him.
“Were you in line when you tried to negotiate peace talks with the fraggin’ Pit Spawn himself?!”
Which was hypocritical when he’d *obviously* encouraged it -had even suggested it. And he’d completely supported Optimus’ choice to do so, too.
But he had a point to make here.
They were both rule breakers, and Prime wasn’t as straight laced as he tried to make himself out to be.
Trying to fit himself into the mold of a good, little, mindless cog in that ever churning machine -Bless him.
Optimus stood and rounded the berth on him. His size admittedly terrifying when his engine was rumbling like that.
“What *exactly* do you want to say to me?”
Bumblebee was only just brave enough to pretend he was more angry than disappointed by everything they- he- had just lost and was misdirecting it on the only other mech who’d been just as hopeful.
“You should stick up for yourself more.” He said plainly. But it was the challenging glint in his brazen stare that spoke of the true viscousness in his words. The kind of look Sentinel often turned his way.
Optimus used all of his patience as a leader, and the nagging responsibility he had to look out for his crew, to train his features into something reprimanding rather than the uncomfortable dread pricking beneath his plating. 
“You think that would have won the Decepticons over? You think I wasn’t confident enough in my convictions?”
Bee knew he should have stopped there, even as he was opening his mouth.
“I definitely don’t think you should have *walked away*.”
Which how could he make that call? He knew he was speaking mostly senselessly with the sole goal of landing a driving punch somewhere on the other. But he’d wanted it so bad at the time, much more than he’d realized he had, that he likely would have stayed and pushed the futile issue if it had been him in Optimus’ place. Which was why he *wasn’t* in his place.
“Out.” Optimus said coldly. The bill of his helmet was tipped down so he couldn’t meet the other’s optics.
Bumblebee was just upset enough to let anger keep him from apologizing and assuring Optimus he was everything he could hope for in a leader and more.
‘More’ definitely including the safe place he’d made just for Bumblebee to come vent about a nefarious war frame without repercussion. Now he’d just have to pretend like none of that mattered to him anymore, as well as Optimus’ peace of mind....
Sari was plenty ruffled to learn much, much too late that her friends had purposely not included her in this whirlwind slag storm. Surprisingly, she was  more forgiving about what exactly that whirlwind slag storm had actually consisted of.
Trying to level with Megatron and his crew sounded like a genuine enough endeavor, and she couldn’t fault them too much for reaching towards a future without having to kick ‘Con butt every time they wanted to catch a drive-in movie.
“I could have told you that making friends with ‘Cons would end terribly.”
“Youuu aren’t old enough to have an opinion on anything.” Ratchet insisted.
Sari sat on a spare tire in the medbay, kicking her feet and trying her hardest to blend in with the background while Bumblebee got his tune up and Ratchet fussed at him. She was picking up bits and pieces of this incredible slag show, and Sari had finally gotten enough to, indeed, form that opinion of her’s. At least on the matter of Blitzwing- since he’d only come up about 12 times.
“Jeez, Bumblebee.” Sari said thoughtfully.
“You sound like you’ve got a crush on the guy.” Then proceeded to snicker at her friends immediate outrage.
“I- I- W-WHAT?!”
“Ha!” Ratchet snorted. Probably thinking much the same, now that she’d said it.
Bumblebee pushed off the slab, shoulder joint still loose, and looked ready to run out of there at any moment in both fear and betrayal. Clearly Sari had hit a little too close to home there.
Of course, he’d never admit something like that -if her half hearted jest was any bit true. Surprising as that’d be.
So, Sari spent that afternoon poking Prowl and Bulkhead for answers. Neither seemed entirely convinced a mech like Bumblebee could fall for a ‘Con in any capacity. Platonic or other.
Bumblebee was a easy to offend and anything but patient. Both attributes would be tested heavily in a cross class relationship. More importantly, they were enemies, and Bumblebee couldn’t be sparked into rolling over for any mecha standing against the Autobot way.
Unless that ‘Con could prove reasonable and daringly handsome, Sari was willing to bet. Not that she knew much about Bee’s romantic interests beyond her own assumption.
Sari didn’t think Blitzwing proved to be either- but he did have those strong servos Bee always yapped about when he ogled the fighters ‘in secret’ on her Mortal Conquest game. She’d bet Blitzwing would absently rip the spines clean out of his victims the way Bee liked those fighters to do, too...
“They did play on the Game Box together for a while. Whenever there was time. But I think that’s as close as they actually got to being friendly.” Bulkhead mused to himself.
“He hasn’t explicitly expressed an interest in Blitzwing to me.” Prowl agreed. As if he was the authority figure on all of Bumblebee’s controversial and embarrassing secrets. Which, fair....
Why *would* Bumblebee tell him, though? Wanting to be best buds, and a little extra, with a ‘Con wasn’t something an Autobot would advertise.
When Optimus eventually slunk through the base at an unusually late hour with audial fins low, Sari thought she might as well question their fearless, somewhat all knowing leader about Bee’s latest erratic behavior.
It was not a pleasant talk and only left her with new questions about the insane, sane-less, insanity she’d missed out on more than anything.
“Bumblebee was hoping for a miracle, I suppose. We should all have aspirations-“ Optimus sounded quite pragmatic about the whole thing. But then-
“Unless they cloud your processor to the point of poor judgement.”
Sari felt awkward- smart enough to know she was getting herself involved in something personal by the prickly edge in his tone. Not smart enough that her love for her two dear friends going through a rough patch would keep her at arms length of it, though.
Only just smart enough not to tell Optimus Prime that her best friend might have a crush on a ‘Con. Or remind him of that fact, if he was already aware.
“I can’t blame him.” Sari shrugged.
“I’d like for all of us to be friends, too. Imagine if there were even more giant friendly robots around here! That’d be awesome!”
Optimus looked surprisingly upset all at once by that, but he didn’t let it show in his voice. Sari was an innocent in all this.
“Yeah, it would be. But to tell the truth, I don’t see much point in entertaining that kind of thinking anymore.”
“Well, aspirations and all. You can’t set goals for yourself without envisioning it first.” Sari used his words against him in a fairly good point.
At least good enough to make Optimus look guilty about his harshness.
Not good enough to pass an opportunity to lecture his young companion.
“If your vision is only ever an optimistic one, you’re just preparing yourself to be disappointed when reality settles. It’s called overindulging.”
“Someone just told you that so you wouldn’t chase your dreams.” Sari countered, ‘cause that was *exactly* what that sounded like.
Optimus grimaced, remembering that he had been the one to tell himself that. Still...
“Why aren’t you this articulate when you’re explaining ‘me me’ culture to me?” Optimus diverted.
Sari mirrored his frown.
“I think you’re probably too young to be saying that wrong...”
“Oh. Well, just try to believe me when I say that we- that *I* overshot my expectations for Megatron having some sensibility in his one track processor.”
“I would have, too, I bet. I get my hopes up all the time.” Sari agreed. Hoping right then that she could put a smile on her most stress laden friend’s face.
This, again, seemed to be one of the worst things he could hear at the moment.
Optimus gave a nod, optics averted, and excused himself back the way he came- towards his room. Not a good sign.
————- ——————-
Blitzwing was a ball of nerves.
“Professor Sumdac is the expert in this field and, luckily, in relatively large supply of the resources we’ll need. The less attainable ones will be dealt with as the issue arises- For now, we collect our new compatriot and set to work. It’s time I paid my dear friend and the hellish prison he’d held me captive in a visit.”
Blitzwing knew retrieving an organic, even one the Autobots prized, would only be as difficult as a physical fight, some bloodshed, and the Decepticon’s most likely victory. That happened to be the case a good chunk of the time- he definitely owed credit where credit was due, though, concerning these wily, steadfast little bots. They could hold their own plenty well enough.
What bothered him about this simple task of ‘collecting’ their human hostage wasn’t anything to do with the genuine lack of effort he was willing to put into a fight like this after feeling dreadfully unlike him self these past cycles.
It was, of course, about *who* he would be fighting. It was just a niggle at the back of his processor, just a pinch of nerves. It wasn’t overwhelming his logical outlook of things in that they had no choice *but* to return to fighting.
Of course, they did. He welcomed it even. Anything to rid himself of his nauseating unease.
The fact that Megatron had made it clear he would be leading this mission was another trouble, though. His leader’s intent likely to make a point for when they came face to face with Optimus Prime once more.
That point being, ‘We are enemies from here on’.
And Blitzwing was stumped as to why that left such a terrible taste in his intake.
Like all things that threatened to twist the logic in his good sense, Blitzwing pushed at the thoughts to keep them as far from his processor for as long as he could until they could be overwhelmed by the more important matters he had to attend to.
That only lasted until they reached Sumdac’s tower, as a zap fluttered up his spinalstrut at the sight of a familiar yellow figure below.
They landed and, being met with a surprising lack of a response, made themselves known. Landing within perfect firing distance.
Blitzwing felt numb. His optics trained on a point in the distance and stared- anywhere else, but on....
He only caught a glimpse out of his optic of Bumblebee in a similarly uncomfortable state.
Megatron was naturally the first to speak. The same old haughty tone, as if they’d never wasted cycles away together in mutual ceasefire.
“Stand aside Autobot, and we will have no reason to fight you.”
But they definitely would.
Indeed, that had certainly made good on that imperative message if their presence here hadn’t- They weren’t ‘neutral’ anymore. Never had been.
Blitzwing looked then to asses the battle field. Optimus was of course there, a leader who played as frequent a part in his subordinates’ endeavors as Megatron. Prowl was beside him, looking unusually put upon by something. Probably the ‘Cons becoming a factor of their immediate survival. Bulkhead stood between him and Bumblebee.
The smallest bot stood there, grinding his denta hard enough to hear from where Blitzwing was.
His fists were clenched hard, vents hitching.
When Blitzwing turned to look him over once more, Optimus proved to be in much of a similar condition. Though he seemed reasonably more in control of his obvious outrage, as any leader should. Finials lowered dangerously, eyes narrow, and suspiciously quiet.
Ratchet was nowhere to be found, and as there was clearly some kind of drama unfolding painfully before his very optics, Blitzwing noted that it would be true to form that Ratchet would try and avoid it.
Whatever they were doing outside the tower looking ready to eviscerate each other, who could possibly say. The ‘Cons dropping by to no doubt inflict widespread terror had been unaccounted for, and left them in an even more compromised state.
They were wildly unprepared for a fight and this move Megatron had made to announce his intentions plainly and truthfully going forward had proved to be the most effective -and unintentional- stealth attack they’d actually imposed upon them. Nothing short of cloaking their signatures could be as powerful.
Emotionally tangled civilian types proved especially easy to eliminate.
But these bots had never been the ordinary sort, he’d found.
Optimus hadn’t torn his optics away from Bumblebee and vice versa, leaving Prowl and Bulkhead to do an evaluation on what they were in danger of themselves. It was the most careless display Optimus Prime had ever made, as their primary protector.
Megatron wasn’t ridiculous enough to think Optimus so incompetent he likely made a habit of such behavior. Immediately, Blitzwing was sharing the same strange concern as his commander was in the twinge of his field- that something was off about this.
The little organic, Sari, chose that moment to make herself known from behind Bumblebee then- completely obscured by his frame previously.
“Uh, guys can this maybe *wait*?!” She said, flapping her arms and making the most honest show of a creature fully aware of the magnitude of being on the receiving end of Megatron’s wrath.
Her panic wasn’t quite enough to break whatever spell had possessed the two glaring mechs, however. Bulkhead attempted to break optic contact again, looking between his friends and their impending doom a few yards away, but Bee was happy to move whichever way around him and assert himself in this peculiar standoff, while Optimus might as well have been baring a pair of fangs at the other, and likely was just barely repressing such an urge.
If this had been a ‘Con issue, they would already be rolling through the refuse, punching each other.
Blitzwing looked to his fearless leader for answers then and found a mech with a rapidly decreasing mood over whatever they’d just walked in on.
“Autobot,” He was addressing Optimus again.
“I’m taking Professor Sumdac to use as I see fit. Do not stand against me, and I will return your mercy.”
“Guys! They’re trying to take my dad!” Sari squeaked. Fearful of how helpless her position was in all this. They weren’t listening, and the promise of human extinction was likely on the rise, if they didn’t act soon.
As Sari had correctly feared, having watched the brutal escalation of this argument unfold, this did nothing to dissolve the suffocating tension surrounding them. The promise of Megatron moving into attack, however, seemed to shock their systems into action.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t the kind of action any of them needed right now.
More arguing.
“Megatron wouldn’t be alive to take the Professor, if he hadn’t helped him back to function in the first place.”
The other ‘Bots visibly flinched.
“Optimus! How can you say that?!” Sari cried hysterically. She looked between the four of them -her four supposed ‘friends’- then up at the three ‘Cons, no doubt leaving her a grand impression of what she’d be seeing in her nightmares for years to come.
Megatron stared back, soaking in the bewildering sight, at a loss for words. Likely a first for him.
“Way to lay blame, Prime.” Bumblebee *hissed*, and Blitzwing had never heard him speak like that to anyone before. With them recently becoming more acquainted with each other in an effort to form their future bonds, it felt distinctly personal, and he was surprised to find himself feeling uncomfortable. Even if it wasn’t directed at him.
Bumblebee wasn’t finished, though.
“That was a mistake, and we all know it! But since we’re pointing fingers,” The minibot then pointed at the petulant little pout Optimus was sporting from around Bulkhead’s side.
“Megatron wouldn’t even be here to take him for pit-knows-what, if *you* had been more assertive about the truce!”
“Untrue.” Megatron found himself speaking on the other’s behalf. Mostly spurned to take a side by his inherent desire to see order amongst rank. Perhaps impulse more than anything.
“The success of a peaceful truce between our factions was out of your leader’s hands from the start. He could no more promise the glimmer of hope in your spark such a thing than his own.”
Optimus finally looked away. An unbearable vulnerableness overtaking him.
Megatron spared him a single glance, speaking with conviction. Unused to such a show of submission from the Prime.
“He had far too great ambitions -Though you cannot fault him this. I think them quite admirable.”
Bumblebee looked a little hopeless then.
“I... It’s just...”
“You must possess the same ridiculous ambitions yourself, for what good you think you’ll do questioning your leader in this manner.”
It wasn’t a fair fight with Optimus in Megatron’s favor, but Blitzwing wasn’t dumb enough to inject himself into all this. Yet.
He may have never questioned his own leader, but he would have gladly done so, if he’d had had the privilege Bee did of surviving it.
Absolutely nothing had come of Megatron’s ‘plans’ to gain their trust and then turn it against them. Absolutely nothing had come of wasting away in the abhorrent weather on this planet, playing goodie goodie with a bunch of outspoken, annoying, overly friendly Autobots. Desecrating his name for it.
And worse than all of that still -worse than worrying over the incredible waste this had all been, and *still* was, throwing himself into an overly complicated Autobot ‘travesty’ of the mollycoddling kind, that he was *unfortunately* finding himself *invested* in- was that Bumblebee looked dangerously close to crying....
Blitzwing would question Megatron for letting it go on for so long and getting the little one’s hopes up so high.
All of the little ones.
These civilians were far more sensitive about these things- obviously. A ‘Con wouldn’t have wasted time smashing each other through the dirt the moment someone challenged their person. They wouldn’t have bothered with anything short of their offender surviving the brink of death to agree to have a chat after about their disrespectfulness.
He should have passively reminded Megatron a delicate touch would do the most good for this lot. The difference between their class types was often extreme.
And, no, he wasn’t being overly protective of a largely independent, very capable class of Cybertronians just because one of them, the only one that mattered so much to him apparently, proved to be quite sensitive to insults and tethered to his insecurities at times. That was definitely unrelated.
Megatron had been too harsh, was all.
Bumblebee might have been just bold enough -and emotionally compromised enough- to turn his anger on Megatron then, and then Blitzwing thought he really would have to intervene to keep him in one piece. But then the little bot gestured uselessly at what an utter mess this all was, his chest puffed up, holding in a whimper, and set his teary optics on Optimus again.
“It could have been different.”  His vocalizer abruptly cut off at the end, but the message was clear. He was upset to the point of tears.
In front of a bunch of *Decepticons*. In front of the *Leader* of the Decepticons. In front of *Blitzwing*.
All horrified sets of optics looked on- even Optimus, whose outrage had melted away with the last vestiges of his energy, maybe even his will to exist at the moment, and looking to be a shell of himself. Totally hollowed out inside. Distantly aware this all needed to come to the surface one way or another, and Bumblebee was going to be a tiny little wreck for it afterwards.
Optimus decided in that moment that his own despair could take a back seat.
“You always back out when it matters.” Bee murmured, lacking the powerful heat that’d been in his glare.
“That’s not true, Bumblebee.” Bulkhead said with a soothing edge to his voice. Of course, he understood what he was going through. He’d been on the receiving end of Optimus’ wrath plenty before, and knew he’d see more of it in the future. Their leader prone to snapping before bending when things became heated. And still-
“Optimus was brave enough to give this whole thing a try. Remember?”
“There was no way to guarantee it would work.” Prowl agreed.
Their teammates keeping calm enough to remind them of the facts should have been enough to bring them back to themselves. But Optimus was as easily turned a martyr as ever, even when it was the least sensible time to allow guilt to fog his processor.
“I think the reality is that I was ‘stupid’ enough to give this a try.” He supplemented. A distant ache in his chest- and processor. Both for two entirely different reasons.
Megatron might have felt a fuse blow in irritation.
Lugnut, who’d been forgotten to even have existed at the moment, stepped forward at Megatron’s side. His servo raised, retracting inward to be replaced with the dreaded, horrific POKE. Blitzwing’s wings flexed with the effort not to retreat to the skies.
“Gah! Since you blithering fools will not cease your *bickering* and *move*, I will do it for you!”
Blitzwing’s body didn’t even have a chance to subconsciously move towards Bee to shield him before Megatron was holding up a hand to stop the big brute.
“Silence, Lugnut. This isn’t a matter of strength of arm.”
Obviously -and the romantic in him just barely avoided calling it ‘a matter of spark’, and thank frag.
Prowl watched the trio curiously, hyper aware of their every little twitch. Condensation heavy on his frame from trying to keep a calm visage, while his team was in disarray.
Megatron took another step closer, successfully avoiding looking like a threat under the ninja bot’s intensive gaze, and offered himself to Bumblebee’s full attention.
“Minibot, you should direct your grievances unto me. I am the one who denied your leader’s proposition. Now, what are your qualms?”
Bumblebee just sniffed at him, realizing that would be entirely useless. He couldn’t hope to win a dispute with Megatron for anything. More importantly, Megatron wouldn’t care to give him either truthful answers or serious ones.
He was a *Decepticon* after all. *The* Decepticon.
Instead, he gave a vague, “He just gives in....” as his defeated answer. The only information he was willing to share, and completely indecipherable in meaning for Megatron, who’d only ever known a mech willing to bite his head off over imaginary equal rights.
Bumblebee vividly recalled the choice words Optimus had had for them all after Megatron’s uprising from Sumdac Tower -crushed under the immeasurable stress of leading a repair team, an insubordinate one, he’d explicitly reminded them, against the current greatest threat to their species and the universe. And the way he’d spoken to them when he’d finally succumbed to that pressure- a way Bumblebee would have never turned against his teammates. His friends. People who hadn’t signed up to be stuck on an unmarked planet, expected to protect life as they knew it from extinction.
Remembering, too, the conversations with Sentinel on the vidcoms. The way Optimus almost predictably caved when the bigger bot became aggressive. Which was practically immediately. The way he’d allow Sentinel to get away with talking to *them* next.
But he didn’t say any of that, of course. It sounded childish to have bothered him so terribly when he knew well and good he was in no shortage of faults himself. Like pinning too much expectation on Optimus to succeed in a multi-faction campaign had been -all while he was supposed to wait quietly on the sidelines and rejoice in the easy victory he’d been secured.
He couldn’t help feeling that unsavory way about his minimal efforts when it was so easy to get confused about the horrible way this wonderful prospect of change had ended. But channeling it into the bruising of Optimus’ dwindling ego wasn’t the way.
Megatron couldn’t hope to know anything about Optimus Prime’s private life with his comrades. He could only bare witness to the deeply stricken, spark guilty mech he was seeing before him now and decide solely upon that alone that he would like to put an end to this pointless blaming *immediately*.
Frailty did not suit this mech.
“I have determined peace between our factions to be insufficient in fueling our objectives as a people- and not you, or your leaders, or anyone else, could have changed my mind.” Megatron grit out through clenched denta. Shockingly affected by the little bot’s blatant disrespect.
“With this in mind, I will say that if anyone *could have* succeeded in turning my opinion, it would absolutely have been your steadfast Prime.”
Steadfast. The very opposite of what Bee had been saying about him being so easily broken.
“But he couldn’t, could he?” Bumblebee snarked, reaching into the shallowest part of his spark to deliver the hateful comment unto his utterly stricken leader, standing there with finials low and optics unseeing. Accepting it.
Blitzwing stepped forward when Megatron did then. Hoping his instinctive urge to protect the tiny bot from another ‘Con’s attentions would be overlooked at the moment by Megatron’s own peculiarly strong urge to do so for Optimus.
Not entirely so, to Blitzwing’s pure mortification, as Megatron turned a snarling show of teeth upon him for assuming to assist his chosen object’s assailant.
Blitzwing wondered if the other civilian frames all caught up in this were aware of the Con’s unfortunate coding making choices beyond their processors for them. Acting entirely on a deep rooted instinct that went beyond even simple programming. Humiliating, if so.
Lugnut obviously did, and he could only watch on *helplessly confused*, seeing his master acting in such a state. Perhaps even coming to terms at last that his blind loyalty might need its first reevaluation.
“You have become entirely too invested in this fantasy of your own making.” Megatron said to Bumblebee, a warning clear in his tone. His optics flittered over to Blitzwing then -the assailant’s impromptu guardian- causing the other’s vents to stall out.
To his own amazement, he found himself standing unflinching beneath that molten hot glare, appearing as a beckon for the defenseless minibot. Megatron could applaud him that at least.
The little yellow hellion sniffled, fresh tears of frustration prickling his optics, but refusing to let them fall.
“Th-That’s not true! He wanted it as bad as I did!”
Optimus miraculously found his voice at that.
“*Bumblebee*!” He hissed, but a warm blush on his cheekplates dampened the effect.
Bumblebee ignored him.
“He won’t admit it, but he did! I’m not the only crazy one here!”
And this was all very much crazy.
Blitzwing acknowledged that applied to him just as well, and Megatron, for being equally as disconnected from reality in defending a pretty, blue and red doormat more or less. The two of them attempting to secure these distressed little mechs from their fussing and rebuild the crucial bond civilian types kept preserved.
It was the oddest, most demoralizing urge to see that through, but neither seemed in a state to rectify their primitive coding.
Or admit this had stopped being an issue of mindless coding the moment they had begun to respect their counterparts and find them worthy of protecting in the first place.
At some point during those silly ‘negotiations’ that’d left much to be desired, these lively, colorful little idiots had started to look more and more like a welcome addition to suffer the tyranny of a war build’s naturally possessive behavior -Their only defense against such being their unlikelihood to become attached to most things that didn’t extensively benefit them to do so.... Which especially included fragile little Autobots.
Of course, they hadn’t known the little fools had managed to sink their claws into them *somehow*, until they were being forced to acknowledge it. Forced to consider their very existence, as they stood there defending them and their bickering.
There was a moment of awkward tension where the little bots stared at one another with nothing but hurt and fury in their optics. Bumblebee just at the cusp of shaking apart under all his pent up stress. But then Optimus caved, as hard as Bumblebee claimed he would, seemingly coming to terms with his own reality of the events that’d transpired over the last few weeks and how right Bumblebee was- at least, how Optimus thought he might be in a moment of his nonexistent self-esteem managing to plummet further.
“I know this all blew up in our faceplates... I know this opportunity was wasted because of me...” He murmured.
Megatron was deeply disgusted by this proclamation, but he didn’t get a chance to say how that was precisely the stupidest thing he’d ever heard- even knowing several Decepticons who’d willingly chosen to remain illiterate to this day, Optimus’ ‘confession’ had easily exceeded in stupidity.
Before he could snap an iota of sense in the otherwise sensible mech, the ridiculous little firetruck went on confirming his subordinate’s ill regards.
“I wish that I’d done this right when I’d had the chance to.... But I can’t change the past.”
“How could you have done this any differently?” Megatron didn’t even hide the bewilderment in his vocalizer -wondering what portal he’d stepped through when they’d landed where his words as the crowning war lord with the upmost priority in the ranks of Decepticons and Autobots alike were excused and ignored within seconds of uttering them.
He’d very clearly stated that this was out of the Autobot’s servos. Everyone had heard him -unless he’d been speaking Vosian without his knowing.
Optimus rubbed at his tired optics.
“If I’d had never gotten expelled in the first place, I’d be making a difference right now... I’d be more important to the cause, and Ultra Magnus might listen to me if I told him about my ideas for a truce.”
Optimus tried to shy away when Prowl made to reach for him, but the truth was that his palm on his shoulder plate was the tiniest bit grounding, and Optimus needed whatever help he could get in keeping his optics dry.
“I had to solidify my efforts somehow.... He wouldn’t have listened to me otherwise.”
Not for the first time, Optimus was reminded that he wasn’t helping his people here- essentially exiled on earth and running his mouth at Decepticon warlords like it was a sport. Why else had he thought he could take this monumental task on himself? He hadn’t really believed he could make a difference with a track record like his, had he?
For the bots he could make a difference for -his team- he was doing nothing more than endangering them all with this arrogant pursuit. It didn’t matter what Bee had encouraged, or even Sari, now that she knew. They were under his lead, following his orders. He had authority over them... They had to do what he said, as much as Jazz had to listen Sentinel.
“What would you have me do?” Megatron asked then, feeling like his processor had been bled dry of logic altogether.
“Abandon the people who expect me to bring them justice? Abandon our cause? I couldn’t do that- no matter what you hoped to accomplish, it would never come to be, little Autobot.”
Megatron stilled, considering very carefully the wisdom he wished to bestow upon the mech stood anxious and uncertain behind him. His own struts stiff and uncomfortable -unsure if he was willing to accept how fantastically things had derailed under his own supervision.
And then he turned to face Optimus, stooping the tiniest bit to be more at his level, and said firmly.
“You can’t hold yourself accountable for the misgivings of others.”
And if Optimus was as willing as he’d seen thus far to do ‘right’ by other bots, he really shouldn’t.
“You deserve the utmost respect for your efforts, especially from yourself.”
Megatron had a fleeting moment of unadulterated horror to think how compromised his logic had become to offer *comfort* of all things to his little nemesis. But then the smaller mech turned another shade darker, and he couldn’t remember why he actually hadn’t done so *sooner*.
Optimus bit into his bottom lip, looking up at the taller mech. Starkly aware he shouldn’t be looking at him in anyway that didn’t draw him as a giant target to slice his axe through. Optimus tried for all of a klik to muster his once boundless hatred for this mech before the true meaning of his words touched him deep in the most neglected part of Optimus’ conscious. The part of it he tried to convince himself didn’t desperately need approval and validation.
Meanwhile, Blitzwing took the blessed lull in their energy fields to look over at Bumblebee and find him finally seeming to soften with the want to apologize. To reach out with kindness to his leader and make right what they’d said to each other.
“You can’t let other’s affect you so when you’re a leader...” Megatron continued, utterly compelled to.
“They will have their doubts in you, but you will show them through action of your own that you deserve their trust and their respect. If they do not offer you either, it isn’t your responsibility to be burdened by their ideas of you.” Because they were all fools if they didn’t, and Megatron couldn’t be convinced otherwise.
He looked at those hopeful, blue eyes searching into him.
Those eyes so blue in more than me way.
Megatron sighed.
“But, you’re so young...”
It was unlikely Optimus could ignore the cutting words of anyone who might seek to knock him off his pedes.
Something plagued this mech. Something troubled him too terribly to instill much faith within himself, and that was about the biggest blight on all of Cybertron and the Allspark Megatron had ever known.
Optimus, genuine, selfless, thoughtful, uncertain, absurdly hopeful Optimus should never had been abandoned to feel so unsure of himself or his incredible talent. His compassion, his gentle nature, his ability to spread good will- or at least his desire to try.
Nobody had ever told him otherwise, had they? Not the right people- not the people who could have made the biggest impact on him. Shaped him as a soldier, given him time and care to grow. Those people had most likely even done the opposite.
Buried him further where the light of his own hope could no longer reach him. Promise him his worth was destitute.
Megatron felt incredibly troubled to know this mech all at once.
“Uh... Um, hey....” Sari began, coming out from around Bumblebee to stare wide eyed at the telenovela worthy chaos before her.
“Uh. What do you guys want with my dad?”
“Ve need him to make us a subspace communicator to contact Lord Megatron’s forces.”
Blitzwing answered truthfully. Either way, they’d all be coming away from this deeply scarred and with a magnitude of trust issues. Where was the harm in admitting to attempted kidnapping?
Bulkhead perked then, seizing the opportunity to continue this without violence.
“Well... Maybe we can work something out?”
Megatron felt himself age a few thousand years.
———— ————
Of course, the little scraps had lost contact with the Steelhaven since crashing on this insipid planet, and there was nothing they could ‘work out’ regarding Megatron’s need for a communication source. Nothing they could do more than the lot of them walking  quietly away from this, so everyone could cool down and come back to their senses. All expecting Megatron to simply leave empty handed of one organic, reverse engineer.
What part of ‘No Truce, Only Enemies’ did they not understand? Now Bulkhead was trying to make empty compromises?
What hope had he that Optimus, Megatron’s only fond acquaintance of this incorrigible lot, narrowly didn’t?
Exactly none, that’s what.
“I have asked generously that you stand down.” Megatron snarled.
“I will not repeat myself.”
And then, when they inevitably refused now that he’d talked them out of their senselessness, there’d be nothing left to do but fight.
And that was all there was to it, it seemed.
Optimus nodded, resigned to the inevitable, and began reaching for his axe- battle mask forgotten in his half sparked desire to lead a defense. Maybe he was actually expecting to be bested quickly in his subpar state, so they might return to their base, and Optimus could retreat into himself for a few moments just to process this ungodly embarrassment before constructing an outline of Sumdac’s rescue. Essentially expecting defeat.
It was, without a doubt, the most pitiful display Megatron had ever seen, and so unlike the Prime he’d come to know in every conceivable way.
Distantly, so very distantly and obscurely and almost impossibly, Megatron couldn’t help but wonder if a loss like this having such an impact on his seemingly unshakable rival might be because there was more at stake than the loss of one unlikely truce. Something beyond his struggle to outlive the failures of his past and his abysmal sense of self.
Perhaps perceiving some great loss in the ‘loss’ of Megatron.
Like, perhaps, he’d wanted his camaraderie? Like he’d wanted more time to speak candidly with another mech, when the option was so rare. Like he’d wanted his company in some familiar capacity. That he’d wanted something.... else...?
Megatron shunned the thought. Thinking like that was gravely beneath Optimus’ deserving. He was to be respected- especially since he wouldn’t respect himself...
But a fight was the only logical course of action here on, as neither faction could simply surrender.
Bumblebee followed Optimus’ lead and readied his stingers while Sari took cover. The other Autobots preparing themselves, coming out the other end of the emotional minefield they’d marginally survived to embrace battle. However successful they imagined they’d be in such a debauched state. Brave little bots, as they ever were.
Megatron looked at an exhausted Optimus and knew he’d have to fight this mech then. There truly was nothing left for them beyond a mutual agreement to disagree. Bizarre as it was that Megatron was having trouble justifying beating a mech in such a shaken state, despite him being a thorn in his eye since his reawakening on this planet, Megatron knew it was the only path for them.
Perhaps their destiny, even. Megatron was just romantic enough to believe so.
Across from him, Blitzwing looked woefully unwilling to do fighting of any sort. Fanning his wing the tiniest bit to shield the minibot. Megatron could deal with such insubordination later.
This moment right now was his calling- his time to take up arms once more for his people. The past was the past, the ‘peace’, real or not, was over.
Lugnut took all of one step forward with servo raised and POKE ready before Megatron was quickly throwing out a hand to catch him by the forearm and promptly put a stop to that.
“Hold all fire!”
Bumblebee pointedly did not lower his stingers. But as they were raised towards Megatron’s helm and Megatron’s alone, he didn’t imagine Blitzwing would be too upset about his eagerenss to take a shot at one of them.
Megatron found the threat seriously lacking.
“Prime,” He snapped, quickly turning his attention on the Autobot who’s finials twitched. Sensing... something.
A strong intuition, this one.
“There is no need for us to spill each other’s Energon.” Megatron tried one final time. Terrified that he was about to do something awful. Something even worse than slaughtering this tiny mech. Something like letting him *live*.
“You can prove yourself a competent leader now, and stand down!”
“I can’t let you take professor Sumdac, Megatron.” Optimus said in what was left of his authoritative tone since having a crisis in front of everyone and Primus. He looked in no such state to back that claim, but-
“I *won’t* let him go without a fight.”
Optimus could realistically accept what that meant for them then, and raised his axe to his chest. Prepared.
It was only a blip in the next nanosecond that Megatron perfectly recalled Strika’s message to him about ‘playing stupid games’ and the consequence of such, to remembering pivotal moments in the millennia he’d spent leading an army through war. Remembering what he’d had to sacrifice to earn his stature and rank.
It took marginally less time than that even to ruin everything he’d ever worked for.
“We shall attempt this truce of yours once more!”
Not that it was ‘Optimus’ truce’, and not that it didn’t cater heavily towards the justice of war frames. But Megatron wasn’t willing at the moment to take responsibility for that, too, on top of his single handed destruction of the Decepticon empire just now.
Optimus blinked like he hadn’t heard him. Maybe he hadn’t.
“We’ll try one final time.” Megatron reaffirmed. His vocalizer feeling stretched thin.
“Ultra Magnus must have a hand in securing our progress, however.”
Optimus, like everyone else within audial range, needed several kliks to process that. He spluttered and clenched his axe towards his chest, like he was desperate for something to hold on to. Something to put between himself and Megatron’s impossible promise. One he surely couldn’t mean.
Bumblebee flapped uselessly behind the triple changer.
Blitzwing was forced to recalibrate his gyroscope. Feeling as though gravity had just dissipated from the atmosphere and the earth was shifting beneath him, because this was definitely not part of some plan anymore....
Bee’s strangled squeal from his side grounded him immediately.
This.... this *was* real, Megatron had definitely just said that. Possibly without an ounce of the appropriate consideration it honestly demanded. 
Starscream was right that their leader was no longer fit to be such, and Blitzwing was hard pressed to find a fault in that.
Megatron, to his credit, gave a valiant effort to seem indifferent to the little Prime’s equally ill suppressed glee and barreled on before he could drown in the severity of his tremendous regret.
“Though the fact pains me greatly, Ultra Magnus is the only mech that can incorporate these changes you’re pushing for. He must have a hand in these negotiations.”
Optimus tried to argue that those changes ‘he was pushing for’ were all strictly in Megatron’s interest in that he receive equality and the rights of all Cybertronians who were willing to do good. Not that Megatron was of course. Yet... If ever...
But neutrality and peace was an indirect, indisputable good. Wasn’t it?
Optimus, processor spinning a mile a minute, could hardly think otherwise.
He was shaking, cycling through unspoken emotions, some entirely new to him. Excitement muddling the words he longed to say. Megatron watched with a carefully blank face, hoping his spark doing strange leaps in his battle warn chassis weren’t detectable through that immaculate intuition alone, and, finally, the dearly important words stuck in Optimus’ throat stumbled out.
“Wh-what if... I don’t think Ultra Magnus will take a liking to this suggestion, I.... Wh-What happens then?”
Megatron very sensibly did not admit that he was well aware that Magnus’ involvement was a great unlikelihood when he’d agreed to a second truce in the first place. He was still coming to terms with the fact that he was mysteriously invested in seeing Optimus at ease for once- eager and motivated, like he’d been during negotiations -when he thought he was being helpful.
Megatron did not pity his efforts, nor belittle them. But he did, in truth, find them endearing- in a soft sparked, blue eyed -literally, too- bot trying to find some good in the world sort of way. This young, sweet thing.
Megatron scowled.
As far as Ultra Magnus went, while preserving some of his reputation as a sparkless, conniving war lord, well...
“He may very well not come around, but I offer you this opportunity all the same. It’s your choice whether you take it-“
Then he stopped, acknowledging the unholy level of responsibility even that would place onto Optimus, *again*, and quickly back-peddled.
“And we will consider other alternatives from there. I strongly advise his involvement and hopefully some degree of compliance.”
Optimus was beyond thrilled, but all he could muster to show for it was a ridiculous -adorable- gaping mouth that opened and shut several times over in his loss for both words and processing power.
Megatron couldn’t remain prideful in his half baked, overly confident decision for long. Optimus’ finials subconsciously lowering as he bit at his lip and studied the ground in a fierce battle to fight the smile from his face knocked the hot air right out of Megatron’s vents. He covered it up well enough by looking daringly at the other Autobots to challenge him.
No one did of course. The shocked silence spoke of no such protests, and the faces full of awe -some being his own soldiers’- stared back in wonder. ‘Wonder’, or utter disbelief.
So it was to be, apparently, that Megatron would be making a fool of himself once more. For a depressed, foolish Autobot’s benefit of all things. 
Only....there was one enormous issue lying plainly before them that they hadn’t thoroughly considered....
The watery smile slipped from Optimus’ faceplates as he looked up at him in dawning horror. 
“Well, I... I *would* tell Ultra Magnus, if I... if I could reach him. I-I *will* tell him, just... as soon as I’m able. Ah... I...”
Megatron turned his paling face away from the gathering mecha.
That meant he’d have to play nice in the meantime. For however long that would be -Because he’d already sold himself to this preposterous, humiliating arrangement, and it was definitely only because of that, and not because of Optimus lighting up like starlight.
“We’ll have Professor Sumdac start to work on that communicator then...” He said at last. Realizing that was about the only thing they could do.
“And until then?” Prowl was smart enough to ask- While Optimus was unfortunately succumbing to that hopefulness he fought so hard against from consuming him and dared not voice such concerns.
His optimism did seem to have a way of defining much of his processing. Megatron was distraught to find that little bit endearing, too.
“Until then... we will... enact a ceasefire between our.... factions.” That was almost painful to say.
He could push it aside well enough to admire the way Optimus seemed dumbstruck, torn between awe and graciousness and worry -and that darling, blossoming hope.
He was already rushing to continue where they’d left off.
“Those changes you talked about that your people have been-“ But Megatron would rather not speak of that in front of the others.
“We will discuss those matters in our next negotiation.” He said plainly, with a palm held out to quiet him. The promise of negotiations resuming was enough to quiet him. But not pacify him.
Optimus looked like someone’d set off a fire works show in his chassis. He turned soft blue optics away to rejoice quietly with himself, smile wide and vibrant, while the others voiced their opinions at one another.
“Sweet!” Bumblebee was the first to speak, pumping his fist in the air and coming forward to backslap an unmoving Blitzwing.
“We can play more Jet Grinder now! I can get my high score back!”
Blitzwing scoffed with all the superiority a mech that’d delivered the smack down upon a noob-ish fool like Bumblebee could.
“Don’t bet on it, Bug- unless jou are betting jour points.”
Bumblebee made a rude gesture he’d picked up from the locals.
“No way! You’re gonna cry so hard when I get my initials in gold letters back at the top of the score board! Sucks for you~”
Blitzwing flicked his wings in irritation, so as not to express the fact that he could hardly contain himself at the moment.
Sari, who’d been too overwhelmed by whatever she was witnessing in both the mech of horrible legend and the normally stoic, unexcitable Optimus, looking a little too invested in one another, excused herself from the whole mess entirely to go inform her father inside the tower that they would not be coming in to check out that super-amazing-latest invention they’d came here for anymore.
Also that’d he’d almost been captured and exhausted of all his resources by the Decepticons before Megatron surprisingly wussed out for some reason. Well, not for some reason... But she wasn’t willing to give life to the fact that it’d been because she’d seen similar behavior in those lovey-dovey romance movies.
For the sake of everyone, nobody needed to openly acknowledge what was happening between them there. She was fully convinced Optimus was oblivious to that poorly disguised soft look in Megatron’s optic, anyway, so he wasn’t to blame.
Prowl took the next opportunity to remind Optimus that they were treading very deadly waters now. As if he needed the reminder.
Maybe a little bit....
He wasn’t looking as cowed and serious as he should be at the moment, staring up at Megatron in wide eyed wonder.
————- ———————
“I *was* out of line. You were right.” Bumblebee mumbled against Optimus’ side sometime later that night.
However short lived this giant victory and the impossible high it’d given them was, they intended to savor it. Make even poorer decisions than spilling their sparks in front of a bunch of war mechs they’d hardly gotten to know in any civilized way in the quiet of their rooms. Together, preferably.
That meant apologizing.
Bee stared at the wall, finding it easier to speak his truth without having to look at the other.
“You shouldn’t have said that slag about Professor Sumdac, though.”
Optimus tensed against him.
“Yeah... that was awful. I shouldn’t of... I need to apologize to Sari.”
“Later.” Bee hummed, too tired to leave Optimus’ room to seek out his own berth. He nestled closer to his side instead.
This moment wasn’t terribly common, but was frequent enough to be labeled as one of those soft civilian luxuries that Bumblebee found deeply depressing Blitzwing said war types abstained from. He’d die without Prowl to cuddle and pester at awful hours of the night cycle after playing a really scary level on Cutter.
“I’m not done talking about how awesome what happened was....” Then added thoughtfully.
“...Or apologizing.”
“No more.” Optimus assured him, nudging against him, attempting to reserve himself from pushing too strongly.
Bumblebee didn’t let him retreat into himself, though, in his latest bout of guilt.
“Ok, ok. But you do know that I care about you, right?”
“I care about you, too. You gave me the courage to give the truce a try, despite all the odds against us. You just seemed so sure.”
‘And you listened?’ Bee wanted to laugh, but when hadn’t Optimus listened to his teammates making a serious suggestion? He couldn’t always put them into action, but he did do his best to listen.
So instead, Bumblebee teased him.
“Oh? I did? Am I your muse, Bossbot?” Bee batted his lids, and Optimus snorted. Feeling emboldened by the other’s goofiness to nuzzle his little helm under his chin with a blue servo.
“When you’re happy, it’s hard not to find inspiration.” He murmured, clearly struggling with such openness.
Bee felt uncomfortably warm, but allowed himself to bask in the wonderful intimacy  this simple bonding with his cohort instilled. Feeling a familiar security in his spark under his leader’s protection.
“That’s an oof for me.” He muttered anyway.
Optimus perked.
“Is that...? That’s me-me culture stuff, right?”
“Oh, God, no. Prime, please don’t grow up to be like Ratchet.”
Optimus scowled over the top of Bee’s helm.
“Ratchet doesn’t tease me during bonding.”
“He doesn’t gush with you over tall, dark, and terrifying war machines, either.”
Optimus jolted, optics going wide. Too scared to pull away and broadcast his horror at having been caught. It was a little too true, regardless of how blatant a jab and lacking in substance it was *meant* to be.
Instead, they sat their silently, leaning against eachother and into the berth slab behind them. Pretending that neither one of them actually felt that way.
End Part 1
I just want a computer, so I can make italics easier. These * hurt my eyes
52 notes · View notes
siberat · 8 months
*ordering fast food voice* Can I get uhhh...
Solo Phar/ma drabble?
Mayybee with him being jealous over Rat/chet and Dri/ft's relationship, specifically invested in the food and eating aspect. So he just fantasizes and imagines that he's being fed by Rat/chet or whatever while stuffing his face...
idk I just really like anthing with Phar/ma :3
( I did miss one aspect of your request, I am so sorry but here it is)
Life wasn’t fair.
 Pha/rma slammed himself back in his chair, crossed his arms over his cockpit, and pouted. The jet could obsessively spy on the other Doctor using spy cameras, and he did not like what he saw.
And just what did he see?
Rat/chet apparently took the plunge and conj/ux’ed up with some other, less deserving mech. Some ex’C/on named Dr/ift.  His love was getting all lovey-dovey with a sportscar, nonetheless. Cuddles. Kisses. His dear Rat/chet was all smiles and laughs as he spent his evenings pampering over this…this… pretty boy buy-mech.
What did Rat/chet ever do for him? Pha/rma growled, taking another massive bite of his snack.  ‘Oh, I’m sorry. I won’t be able to make it to your ceremony. I have to work late,’ or ‘That was tonight?’ His personal favorite was, ‘You knew I was busy and couldn’t get the night off…’
 That line still cut deeply. Was it asking too much to have his peer with him to celebrate his achievements?
Obviously, that answer was yes. The red-and-white Doctor always seemed to have an excuse to get away from doing things with him. Slag, he doubted his colleague even cared when they were separated so far away when the whole Del/phi post came up.
Pha/rma snorted as he shoved a massive mouthful of chocolate cake and its wrapper tossed onto the floor. Optics furrowed as he angrily sucked icing off his fingers. Rat/chet never made time for him, yet tripped all over this Dr/ift douchebag. Yeah, optics rolled at that truth.
Just what did this grounder have that he didn’t? Pri/mus, he was a prestigious doctor and was from the same class! Just who wouldn’t want a refined, cultured mech such as himself hanging on your arm as you gloated around the party, boasting of one’s accomplishments? The jet’s optics furrowed as a toothy sneer appeared on his face.
One of those accomplishments should be sporting such a catch of a con/jux! He was talking of himself, mind you, not this…this silly imposter that stole his glory! The grounder wasn’t even that good-looking!
With a heavy sigh, Pha/rma blindly reached for a box of fancy chocolates as his stomach grumbled. The fancy ribbon was ripped off, and the lid was pushed aside. Without tearing his optics off the video screen, fingers idly snagged a candy and popped it into his mouth. The sweetness of the cadmium rushed across his tongue, only temporarily numbing the pain of watching his crush swoon over another mech. Even when he pinched and rubbed at his now swollen belly, the sting of anger and jealousy did not ebb. But one after the other, those candies were devoured. One by one, his gut grew taunt.
Apparently, the jet wasn’t the only one who developed a sweet tooth.
Over the spying sessions of the surveillance cameras, Rat/chet loved providing a slew of different foods for Dr/ift to taste. By the swelling of that swords/mech’s frame, Dr/ift enjoyed consuming them. So, now Pha/rma had to endure watching his medic spoon-feed the disgusting ex-C/on.
And watch in envy at all the belly rubs that ensured. Yeah, his first balking at Dr/ift getting fatter was filled with laughter and ridicule: just look how that once sleek frame rounded out! It wouldn’t take long for Rat/chet to ditch this pig and come running to where he belongs: in HIS arms!
But something must be wrong with Rat/chet’s processor, for instead of being repulsed, his servo couldn’t stop groping. Those hands- technically, his hands- kneaded and caressed that chubby belly all hours of the evening. Rolls were gently pinched and loving swats slapped the amble aft. Ratch just couldn’t get enough of that ever-softening frame.
Seeing the playful banter, love-struck smiles, and ogling optics made Pha/rma sick! This should have been him! But now, all he could do was stare at this screen in the middle of the night and watch what should have been his.
Rat/chet should be feeding him spoonful after spoonful of such fine, decadent sweets! Those hands should ghost over his frame, tickle down his cockpit, and snake into the seams of his plating! It would be sublime to lay across the CMO’s frame, having the grounder whisper how great yours truly was in his audial as warm smiles were tossed for his enjoyment! To have his godly frame worshipped….
Why did Rat/chet never touch him like that? His belly needed rubbing. His plating had long grown taunt with the onslaught of never-ending sweets shoved down his maws. His once sleek frame softened, love handles gathered along his sides, and his thighs thickened. Slag, his cockpit had more difficulty clicking back into place upon transforming back into root mode.
Everything Dr/ift had, he had. Everything Dr/ift could provide, he could offer better.
The jet grimaced, swallowing hard before banging his servo on his chest. Reaching for the fizzy ener/gon drink, Pha/rma took a hearty swig. The sting of the strong carbonation was ignored as he chugged, hoping to drown his sorrows. His chair squeaked and groaned, threatening to give out, as he leaned back to tip the rest of the beverage from the bottle.
The only thing this accomplished was making his tummy swell and churn even more. Painful quakes erupted, placing such an uncomfortable pressure on his insides. It felt like he swallowed a bomb that was on the verge of exploding. A loud, high-pitched wail emitted from his midsection as servos clutched the quivering mass.
‘Pri/mus,’ Pha/rma muttered, closing his optics as this pressure rose in his throat. His pedes shuffled uncomfortably on the floor as the jet squirmed in his seat. A fist banged on his chest again. He cleared his throat.
If only Rat/chet were here to soothe his aching belly! To feel those servo caress his belly, working out the clenching and spasming with his touch, would simply be divine. Pha/rma’s own hands rubbed tiny little circles across his angry paunch, but it wasn’t the same. It would feel- and look- so much better if Rat/chet were on his knees worshipping his stuffed belly… placing kisses along his acquired stretch marks, cooing nice words to him, and calming this grumbling monster!
“Blllooooourrrrrrrgghhhaaaaapppp!” Pha/rma’s optics shot wide open at the uncultured behavior.
The sound echoed through the empty room, reminding him of how alone he was.
Rat/chet would never be here.
Rat/chet never wanted him.
Rat/chet never took notice of him.
Now was the time to dig into that rich, red velvet cake.
15 notes · View notes
spiltscribbles · 4 years
Worth It
~Notes: Oof, I know I have so many prompts in my inbox and I appreciate them so much! But I wanted to write something after dinner in dedication and a gift to the lovely Remus-John-Lupin!!!!!!!<3<3<3 I love you RJ and I appreciate you and your friendship so fucking much, so this is just a strange little gift from me to you in thanks for how kind you’ve always been to me since I joined this crazy fandom, ILY and you’re my favorite slag!!!!
Sirius silently reminds himself that he in fact likes Lily, he thinks she’s a total knock out and is happy that his brother is finally getting to date the girl of his dreams. He likes her damn it,! And one does not commit battery to folks that they like.
Assured that his pure irritation won’t bleed through his words, Sirius tries again in his most charming of inflections. “All I want is his number.”
“No,” she repeats, casually steadfast while poking at her salad— Not even bothering to flick her gaze up at an increasingly irate Sirius.
“Why are you being so fucking difficult!”
“Why are you still bitching about this,” she counters, finally giving him her undivided attention, even if it’s her glaring at him like she’d like to skewer Sirius on a stick.
“Hey guys, let’s chill.” James tries to mediate, laughing awkwardly between the pair of them, hand raised in concession and glasses going a bit skewed.
They promptly ignore him.
“I like him. What is so difficult to understand Evans? Aren’t you like supposed to be some brainiac or some shit?”
“It’s been like two months Black,” she says pointedly, grip on her fork tightening while her mouth curls unpleasantly. “That’s way past your ordinary infatuations, so why the hell do you still even care.”
Sirius bares his teeth, pinning her with a glower that once made an old school yard bully of Regulus’s actually piss his pants. So of course Lily doesn’t even flinch. “He’s cute.”
“You’re a dog.”
“You’re being a total ass.”
“And you’re a bastard.”
“But you love me though.”
“Just barely.”
“So you’ll give me Remus’s number?”
“Dream on.” she says with a lofty sniff and haughty flip of the hair, discarding her barely eaten lunch before swaggering over to where a group of her friends from the STEM club are sat, including Alice Flores and Dorcas Meadowes. 
“Guess you’re back to square one Pads.” James says, unhelpful as fuck, so Sirius only flips him off before snatching back his calculus homework from a pitiful looking Peter.
“Fuck this.”
Sirius thinks of himself as a reasonable sort of guy.
He isn’t one for holding grudges or obsessing over perceived slights. He’s brilliant whether he’s playing linebacker on the field or taking a exam in class.
For fuck’s sake, Sirius  can be plumped down in any and all social situations without warning, and can have the room eating out the palm of his hand within the first five minutes.
In layman’s terms, he’s decent and driven and downright charismatic. Mix this all together, and well Sirius thinks he’s a pretty fantastic fucking package— if he does say so himself. He can have his pick of the lot, truly. Especially when walking down the halls flocked by his best friend turned second brother on one end and little Petey, who’s a great hype man, on the other. So its only poetic justice that the one person who’s been able to swallow up all his attention is the one person who doesn’t even give him a second glance most days.
And that’s fucking ridiculous.
This is ridiculous! He is fucking ridiculous! No, record scratch. Remus fucking Lupin is the most ridiculous part of this all!
Remus lupin with his delightfully disheveled hair the color of gold and his crooked grin that’s everything darling in the world, and his big doe eyes that sometimes flare with green specs when he’s especially passionate in class or when he’s chatting with Lily in the halls. Remus lupin who’s only just moved here to Murray Hill from a small town in southern Illinois and who toppled Sirius’s world upside-down while he was at it. 
The first time they met was completely on accident.
It was the week before classes began, and Sirius had only just come back from his family trip to their villa in Rome, and he was only meant to meet James at the coffee shop that Lily was working at now. They were suppose to head to the city and go out drinking to celebrate the start of their senior year.  Sirius was suppose to find a nice, college aged girl to fuck because he’s given up on the boring lot that infests Hogwarts these days. It was suppose to be easy and fun and he was suppose to stay stringless and unattached as ever.
But that didn’t happen.
Instead, Sirius walked into the Howling Moon  and was met by the sight of the most lovely, most gorgeous boy he’s ever met. Hand to God, it felt like one of those slow motion moments in a Romantic Comedy when the disgruntled, wayward lead first sets their eyes on that love interest— the one to out shine all others, the one  who turns everything inside out and makes it all glitter gold.
“Hey there,” Remus had grinned like the fucking sun, slipping the pen from his ear and hand poised over the cups lining the counter. “What can I get ya?”
“Oh, erm— Yeah. Just a caramel macchiato, iced.”Sirius’s ordinarily smooth baritone almost fucking cracked while ordering, and Remus’s beautiful eyes had glittered.
“Would’ve taken you for a dark roast sort of guy.” He said, and Sirius swears that it was playful and flirtatious and a little mischievous too. 
Sirius was in love.
“I’ve been known to partake in sweets, you know, if they catch my eye,” he replied, eyes lingering meaningfully up and down Remus’s slighter frame.
“What a come on,” Remus had laughed, head thrown back to show off his long neck and Sirius was so fucking gobsmacked at how it quite literally sounded like all the most splendid instruments woven together.
He had ducked his head, so unordinary bashful but so beyond pleased. “What can I say beautiful, you bring it out of me.”
“”Cute.” Remus had chuckled, cheeks going a fetching red and scribbling down the order. “Definitely one of the more interesting one liners I’ve gotten today.”
Sirius ignored the flare of jealousy over that, considering that he hasn’t gotten to even kiss him yet, and he should probably take this slow if he doesn’t want to screw it up. “Has anyone of those bastards mentioned how your eyes put the brownies on sale to shame?”
“No one as hot as you if I’m being honest,” Remus retorted, ringing him up and sinking his teeth into his plump bottom lip. And fuck, Sirius knew he was in trouble from then on.
They had talked for over half an hour about nothing at all in that tiny bistro while Remus was busy exchanging the coffee pots for a fresh batch and rearranging the baked goods, and it was amazing.
 Sirius has always been someone who couldn’t sit still, who had to be fluttering all over the place to feel like he was actually headed somewhere, like he was getting something finished. But for the first time in too long, just sitting there, still and silent and besotted while Remus chatted about his hometown and moving half way across the country and his eccentric mother— Well Sirius felt completely balanced, completely calm. He felt like just as long as Remus was their chatting with him and smiling in that beguiling way of his, that Sirius could actually breathe without pressure. Like he knew what it meant to have a center.
So of course, right when he decided that he was going to snatch him up— to ask him out on a date before anyone else from their shitty class filled with degenerates and dick heads could— Lily of all people  had swaggered in, and gave him a caustic sort of glower that plainly said, keep the fuck away.
Ordinarily Sirius would’ve completely ignored her warning, would’ve unashamedly and excitedly chased after the cutest fucking boy he’s ever laid his eyes on with an absurd sort of zeal. But he under estimated just how much sway Lily was able to cater with Remus in the few weeks they worked with one another before he had met him. So instead of starting off the year with a brand new, insanely pretty boyfriend wrapped around one arm, Sirius has just spent the past nine weeks pining like a fucking love sick loser. Like he was starring in some cheesy John Hughes movie from the damn 80s!
And this will not do, this is not all right, not okay at all.
Sirius needs to figure out a way to get close to Remus, and outside of Lily’s overbearing claws. Something that only Remus likes, that Sirius can partake in to prove himself worthy.
As he promenades down the hall towards his free period, Sirius creates a mental check list of the things he knows Remus enjoys.
Remus enjoys poetry, and Sirius knows that he’s part of the school’s award winning Forensics team. But they meet during the football practices so Sirius couldn’t even try to impress him in that arena until the spring. He also knows that Remus likes history, that he’s going to end up majoring in classics in University, but Sirius really doubts his ability to memorize the Iliad in the matter of a few hours— He��s good, but not that good.
“Jesus fuck is this hard,” he mutters nastily to himself, tugging at the ends of his dark hair before ramming straight into a display outside the southern wing of their preparatory school’s building.
He winces, not so much for the throbbing in his toes, but because of Marlene’s snappish attitude when he makes it so that the table shakes.
“Keep your head out your ass Black,” she scolds before going back to filing her nails. And Sirius is about to snipe right back at her— That is until he catches on the bright poster adorned with small rainbows and the words, GSA FOOD DRIVE spelt out in large lettering.
And oh!
“Pardon?” Marlene asks, nose wrinkled indelicately as she eyes him like he’s about to puke on her brand new Doc Martens again like last weekend. Holy shit, she should really get over it by now.
But Sirius is smart enough and tactful enough not to mention his thoughts on the matter, only smiles down at her with pure elation. “Marls, what if I said I had a brilliant idea to help our lovely GSA.”
“I’d accuse you to only doing it to try and get in Lupin’s pants since he’s our new VP.”
Sirius grapples for his chest, feigning indignant. “You pain me my old friend.”
Marlene snorts. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
“That’s neither here nor there.”
“So are your chances with Lupin.”
“You’re a sick fuck McKinnon.”
“What do you want from me you gnat.”
“Let me help with the fundraiser.”
“What’s in it for me?”
“I’ll tell Lily to get Meadowes to notice you?”
Marlene glares at him now. “We’ve been fucking for like a month you prick.”
“Oh— Erm, then for some of that good old Bi unity?”
Marlene suddenly looks so very shrewd and Sirius hates how every fucking woman in his life could eat him whole for breakfast. “Absolutely not.”
“Fine, what the fuck do you want.”
“You cover Fabian’s costs for the goods  when we go to that rave for 2KBABY in January.”
“Eh, didn’t you guys use to fuck?”
“Yes. But I don’t see the connection?”
“He won’t even give you a discount on the good shit?”
“Oh he does,” she leers, blue eyes glinting wickedly in the hallway light. “But I’d rather see you pay full price for’m.”
Sirius glares down at her, and repeats himself.  “You. Are. A. Sick. Fuck.”
Marlene just lies back in her seat and returns to manicuring her nails. “Well if cheekbones isn’t worth the bother?”
“Fine,” Sirius all but growls out. “But we do this my way.”
“Scout’s honor handsome,” she absolutely beams, and Sirius reminds himself that this is all for Remus and that’s worth it at the end of the day.
It’s a week later, right before Thanksgiving break hits, and Sirius is sat in front of the cafeteria, smirking at the line of mostly pink faced girls and a few others amongst their midst, who have all queued up in front of him. A dollar in each of their hands, though he does see that a few have fives and even tens or more, and he doesn’t know how to subtly tell them that all he’s promising is a quick peck of his lips, and absolutely no other groping— including of his legendary ass or admittedly perfect abs.
“You’re just really enjoying yourself, aren’t you.” James hisses besides him after the latest girl— a blonde sophomore who’s decked out in Lulu Lemon for their only non uniform day of the week— scurries off. “Just a ego trip.”
“Jealous Jamie darling?” Sirius boasts, tipping back on his chair while Marlene collects the cash from the next five in line so that they can clammer closer towards him.
“I can’t believe all of them want to kiss you,” Peter marvels, round eyes completely in aw. 
“I can’t believe you think this is how to get Remus’s attention,” Lily interjects huffily, lips set in a moody pout while perched on James’s lap to Sirius’s left.
“I bet you would’ve been in line if you weren’t dating Jamie here.” Sirius counters, smug as all get out, and laughing when all Lily deigns as a adequate response is her middle finger.
Sirius is on cloud nine. He can’t believe he didn’t think of this sooner! Remus loves all this shit, from the club to the charity. This is perfect! This basically guarantees that he’ll finally get a good smooch on him. And once their lips finally  touch, Remus will surely feel the swarm of butterflies in his gut just like in those Harleyquin romance novels his cousin Narcissa would always read with a dreamy look on her face during their various Family vacations.
“You’re not gonna get him this way.”
“He’s not gonna know what hit’m Evans,” Sirius retorts, completely self assured.
One should never bet against Lily Marie Evans.
Sirius knows this now. But he still hates it with the passion of a thousand burning suns.
By the end of the lunch hour, Sirius’s earned over sixty bucks to the GSA’s fundraiser fund, and absolutely zero potential boyfriends who look like golden angels and make Sirius’s knees weak.
“I told you,” Lily says in that sing-song sort of voice that is so not appreciated right now. “Remus is not the type to kiss you in front of a huge crowd and after like a bunch of others. That’s not his style.”
Sirius is moody as all get out, and he’s irritated that he’s just wasted five dozen perfectly fine kisses on folks who aren’t Remus, so he doesn’t bother to hide his irritation when he gripes back at her, “Then tell me what the fuck is his style.”
Miraculously, that actually proved enough to get Lily to slow down her stroll, and cock her head curiously at him. “You actually care.”
“What the fuck have I been trying to tell you Evans!” He nearly shouts.
“I just thought— You know. That it was a game.”
Sirius’s face goes stoney, and he juts his chin away from her. “It’s not always a fucking game, all right. It’s not a game with him— I like him. I like Remus.”
“Oh,” Lily says very quietly, her face pulled in a thousand different directions before settling on something akin to solemn. “You should go to the music room for your free period today.”
Sirius quirks a brow at her, frowning while he asks, “Why?”
“Just trust me S,” she says, reaching over her hand to squeeze his forearm.
Sirius watches her walk off, hand in hand with James, and he feels a strange twisting to his heart when he imagines a very similar image— only with him and Remus and punctuated by plenty of kisses to the cheek, and jawline and lips too.
The music room is towards the back of the school, in a separate building along with the theatre and main auditorium.
The early autumnal chill lashes against Sirius’s face while he makes the track to the room, continuously chanting to himself that he actually trusts Lily and this is gonna be worth it if there’s a merciful God up there.
Once Sirius clammers in doors, he rubs his cold hands together, and shakes out his hair. 
The first thing he hears is the soft strumming of a guitar, and finds himself in front of the music room after following its melodic toon. 
Through the window he can spot the form of Remus bent over the instrument, his thick curls getting in his eyes and his steady hands plucking a few chords as he sits cross legged atop the piano.
Sirius feels his heart lodging in his throat at the sight of him, so beautiful and perfect and warm looking in that scarlet sweater. And he knows in his bones that this is some sort of unspoken blessing that Lily’s given him, so with a deep breath, Sirius opens the door and strolls in.
Remus starts slightly, going flushed once his eyes catch on Sirius’s own.
“Oh Sirius,” he greets, the corners of his mouth tipping into a smile that doesn’t ring true. “You pulled away from the haram?”
“That’s a bit much? Calling them a haram,” Sirius says cooly, hitching up besides him and swinging his long legs. “I just did it to help you.”
“Oh— Yeah,” Remus nods. “The GSA appreciates all the help we can get.”  His words are quiet, and he’s rinsing a hand through his curls, so Sirius can tell that he’s a bit nervous. And it’s impossibly cute, but also not on. He doubts that he’ll ever get his kiss if Remus won’t even look at him in the eyes.
Gingerly, Sirius sets the pad of his pointer finger beneath Remus’s chin, lifting his gaze upwards. “Not the GSA— Though I appreciate the club’s work and your part in that.”
“Oh,” Remus says again, lips pursed and his throat pulsing when he swallows down. “Then—“
“I did it for you Remus,” Sirius repeats heatedly. “I did it because I’ve been mad for you since ever meeting you in August, and I can’t get your fucking face or name or lips or ass out of my head. And I thought that if maybe I pulled a dumb stunt like that, you would actually kiss me along with the lot of those idiots who can’t even hold a candle to you.”
“M—My ass?” Remus questions, voice going pitchy and face bright with emotion. 
Sirius laughs, booming and bombastic. “You have the best ass I’ve ever seen Remus Lupin and it’s really obscene.”
Remus shoulder checks him, looking down and then back up through his lashes at Sirius and it’s a sight Sirius wish he can keep with him for the rest of his days.
“So you thought I’d want our first kiss to happen after you’ve just made out with half the school?” 
Sirius grimaces, bending down so that their lips are only inches apart. “Listen, I can be a complete dumb ass on occasion.”
“Don’t forget arrogant.”
“Okay, fair.”
“And brash too.”
“Also you tend—“
Sirius places a soft hand over Remus’s supple lips, glaring teasingly at the other boy, who’s grinning like the cat who’s caught the canary, his eyes teeming with laughter. 
Remus Lupin is going to be the death of  him, Sirius knows it.
“Listen Lupin, I’d like a shred of self respect here, so I can actually muster up the courage to ask you out on a proper date already.”
Remus perks at that, so Sirius moves his grasp.
 “You wanna ask me out?”
“Depends…. You wanna continue that little rant until I’m blue balled and  gutless.”
“Hmm,” Remus inches closer, setting his hand over Sirius’s on the piano. “Nah, I think I’d rather do this.”
He leans forwards and Sirius barely has enough time to gather his bearings when he feels Remus’s mouth over his own and it’s literally every starlit promise and sugar burnt secret and sunlit afternoon all rolled into one. And Sirius feels his heart thud an uneven staccato when he grabs for either end of Remus’s waistline and plunges his tongue into his own and he lets himself get lost in the overwhelming feeling of it all.
214 notes · View notes
The Trouble With Love Is
(A Darren x Jeanie prequel)
Warnings- oral sex (f!), fingering, infidelity, swearing, mention of alcohol use
A/N- Jeanie succumbs to temptation on her wedding day From the winter prompts "I’ve been waiting in this cafe for twenty minutes and am fully prepared to fight you over that peppermint latte." and "drawing in the frosted glass" requested by @magic-multicolored-miracle and character chosen by @neuroticpuppy GIF by @vousnavezrienvu
To Hera, wherever you may be 🦚
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"My kingdom for a fucking peppermint latte. Chocolate. Peppermint. latte. With a hint of Irish cream. It's so bloody expensive sending shit over here, and I've already been carrying Gordon since we came to university five years ago."
"Ye didn't pay for this posh shite did ye?" Trish applied Jeanie’s makeup.
"No.. John Boy did. You know he's dating Gordon and the Treacys' aunt."
"Jaysus. Well best not think about it now. Too late you're about to say I do. Darren will do it though.”
Get you that latte. He's dying for a wank every time he sees ye!” Trish teased. “He's only been getting hard a few years now, and it's all for you.”
“Fuck off! What about Roooosie?” Jeanie dragged out the name with an exaggerated Irish accent. “Ever since she's come ‘round Darren's not given me another thought.”
“Oi! Someone’s jealous!”
“Don't be such a cunt!” The bride took a makeup brush and dusted her friend's face with it. “Help me put my dress on?”
“Shame we've got to cover up these knickers,” Trish made a clicking sound with her tongue. “If I ever get hitched t’Nigel, I'm going tits out. Total slag.”
Jeanie cringed while her friend helped her into her dress, “Nigel Delaney? Nidge Weasel?! You're so much prettier than that, Patricia. Why don't YOU shack up with Dazz?”
“Me?! No way, I like SOME meat on their bones.” Trish grabbed her crotch, “And Nidge has a real porterhouse!”
The girls fell into a fit of giggles and squeals. They didn't hear the young man slip in through the doorway. They too lost in obscene gestures while doing up the endless buttons on Jeanie’s gown.
“What's the craic?” Darren butted in.
Startled, the women screamed. Then laughed harder. “Jaysus, Treacy, give the bride a heart attack! Go on, turn around, I don't want any of you seeing this before I'm ready.”
Darren obliged for no real reason. “You alright? Need anything? Coke? Whiskey? To do a runner?” He sounded strangely hopeful that last bit.
Jeanie’s breath hitched in a way that surprised her. Then, “Actually there is one thing.”
Jeanie hugged herself in the frigid dressing room. Earlier, with Trish, she was so toasty from champagne that her body was numb to it. Now she noticed the ice that crept along the glass windows and cursed Gordon’s family for talking her into a winter wedding.
She also didn't want to wear her tartan or cape until the very last second, so she chose to shiver. The clock above her struck 4:45, the wedding was at 5. She began to regret tasking a 19 year old with an impossible mission.
Just then there was a rapid knocking. Jeanie jumped, startled, but found herself enough to let Darren in. She gave up on pretenses about anyone seeing her before walking down the aisle.
Darren caught one look at the bride and faltered. He nearly spilled the coffee he so carefully had made in town. Instead he handed it out to the young woman, his heart raced embarrassingly when their fingers touched.
“You fucking DIAMOND! What took so long though?!”
“Eedjit behind the counter couldn't understand coffee, peppermint syrup, and chocolate. I had to wait so long I thought I was gonna get in a bloody fistfight over this fucking latte.” His face sheepish, “Sorry we don't have Starbucks like in London or overseas. They also didn't have peppermint, so I thought of ginger and nutmeg.”
She opened the lid and sniffed causing her face to light up. “Ohhh, Dazz, it smells like Christmas! Like gingerbread.” She took a big sip, “TASTES LIKE IT TOO!! Thank you!” Jeanie kissed his cheek without a second thought.
The air changed. The atmosphere felt different. Time seemed to slow down. She whispered an apology, but Darren didn't protest. Even when she turned her back to face the mirror.
“Ye look like Guinevere with your hair like that.”
Darren deigned to speak in the weird sacred silence that fell over the dressing room. Without asking, he placed the crown of ivy and holly on Jeanie's head. His fingers twisted around the ribbons that framed her face and wild auburn hair.
Jeanie’s eyebrows seemed to knit together. She looked at Darren in the mirror. He was in the part of his life that suspended him between boy and man. His cheeks and jawline were soft, but his shoulders broadened and curved into muscular arms. Deceptive with his lean body.
“Will you be my Lancelot then? We’ll be the death and betrayal of King Gordon?”
Darren's ears pinked with embarrassment. He pushed his thick wavy hair off his forehead in what seemed like a cold sweat. The green in his eyes intensified the closer he leaned towards the bride’s headband.
“N-no,” he stuttered.
Jeanie smirked. “Dazz, I'm fucking with you. D’you think he'll like it? I did go for an Arwen or Ophelia look.” She bit her nail, “Suicide notwithstanding.”
“Then how about Queen Maeve?”
Darren straightened himself to his full height. He pushed his shoulders back with confidence while helping her belt the tartan around her waist. His hands dared to linger on Jeanie's hips.
The bride seemed lost in thought. She flattened her palm on the lower half of her stomach with eyes glossed over. Like a daydream.
“Maeve. I think I'll name my daughter that one day.”
Young as he was, Darren understood what that gesture meant. What it could mean. But Jeanie would've told Trish and Mary. Then everyone within 50 kilometers of Dublin would know.
Snapping to, with a cheeky grin on her lips and champagne that went back to her head from the coffee sugar rush,, “A queen surely needs help with her shoes. Why not bend the knee?”
Jeanie gestured to the shoes on the floor in front of her. Darren did as he was asked and bent down in front of her. He held the slipper in hand while using the other to delicately lift her foot up. She slid it in.
Darren did likewise with her other side. This time he took a chance by lowering his mouth to kiss the top of her foot before placing this slipper on. Jeanie didn't move.
He kissed her ankle and shin. His large hand curled around her calf. Just his fingertips traced along her skin to the knee where he pushed the fabric aside to reveal it. His lips followed, eliciting goosebumps that pricked her skin.
Jeanie bit her lip momentarily. Her own fingers on the back of Darren's neck combed through the hair at the nape of it. Her body shuttered, but she didn't protest.
Even when he found the plaid garter high around her leg. Darren slipped it down her thigh replacing it with his mouth. He sucked where it was most supple while he tugged her panties down to the floor.
Jeanie's head swam. She let him touch her, probe inside of her exposed sex with his fingers. Fingers that Darren pumped until she was wet under his movements. He moved quickly without really knowing what to look for.
“It's up towards the top,” she instructed. Her voice hoarse with desire while taking his fingers and moving them to her clit. “Just use one. Middle finger. I thought you did this before?”
“No one's shown me. I guess I just mess about. Want me to use my tongue?”
The younger man’s plaintive gaze seemed to egg Jeanie on. You're not married yet. I'm already on my knees for you, let me go down on you. Like a wedding gift. The bride didn't care. She should, it was cheating. But lately, the past few weeks, she became intolerably curious about fucking her fiancé’s cousin. She nodded.
Darren replaced his finger with his tongue. Hungrily devouring the hood of Jeanie’s sex. The tip teased her entrance and traced the slit slowly before it snaked towards the bundle of nerves just inside. He flicked his tongue between sucking again.
Jeanie’s balance was thrown off. She yanked on Darren's hair. He growled in reply, never ceasing his motions.
The woman’s mouth dropped open for the short bursts of air that struggled to become proper moans. She bucked onto Darren's face while he held on to her hips just above the ass.
He pulled her back and forth in a steady tempo that would surely leave him breathless. Quicker with his ministrations and Jeanie mumbled she was close.
Then in sync with a sudden knocking and Trish and Mary asking if she was alright and ready, Jeanie screamed out that she was cumming. Or to them, coming.
She did in that jolt of electricity and lack of guilt. She had only ever been with, loved by, fucked by, kissed, licked, fingered, fondled and touched by Gordon. Would for the rest of her life. She came in spite of herself, or despite.
“This can't happen again,” Jeanie let Darren know while she straightened herself out.
“I best go through the window,” he replied simply. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “So the girls don't catch me.”
He scrawled something on the frosted window before climbing out of the window. He turned only to tell Jeanie one last time how beautiful she was, and Jeanie knew that was a loaded compliment.
He left a handprint on the glass and left to join the ushers.
Jeanie hated this song. This bluesy, plaintive Kelly Clarkson song that had no place at her wedding. Still she draped her arms around Gordon’s neck. His hands reached down to squeeze a handful of her ass while they danced.
She laughed a little too loud. Took them and lifted his hold up to her waist. He tucked a curl behind her ear then kissed the lobe. He bit it playfully and the smell of whiskey filled her nostrils while he whispered sexual nonsense in her ear.
Jeanie’s heart raced. Goosebumps pimpled her arms and exposed skin. Cold from the drafty ancient building and turned on from the deep Scottish accent in her ear. She giggled now, cheeks and tips of her ears flush while they gyrated to the beat.
Gordon held her tight. Jeanie's chin came to rest on the crook of his neck which she softly pecked before catching Darren's over her new husband’s shoulder.
Her face became hot under the weight of Darren's gaze. Her mind strayed to earlier as he stood scrawling something in the frosted window of the frozen dressing room before walking away.
Jeanie's eyes had focused on Darren now on the other side of the window panes. She wrote backwards as best as she could. Her body was still quivering from the adrenaline rush of getting off.
But it always belonged to her. And five years later, Jeanie would give hers to Darren in return.
Tag: @elliethesuperfruitlover @firstpersonnarrator @rob-private @frogs--are--bitches @messengeronthemoon @karinasmoonlight @maerenee930 @forenschik @bisexualnathanyoung @nightmonsters @falloutby @vonkimmeren @petrichorblue94 @love-is-dirty-baby @inspiremeandsetmefree @wasabimia
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You remember that soft heat rut ask you got a while ago? I’td be SO great to see you write something like that with the construction boys, love me sum good soft smut
Oooh good point there anon, good point. Let's see what I can whip up 👍
Scrapper and Mix had been together for a long, long time. In that amount of time, Scrapper had come to notice how stuff changed. Sari got older, Arcee and Ratchet tied the knot, Bumblebee became a member of the elite guard, etc. One thing that didn't change? His Mixie.
Scrapper had just finished setting everything up. Their bed was nice and cozy, full of Mix's favorite pillows and blankets. Freshly washed and still warm from the dryer. Pair that with new, fresh towels, and even a basket full of his favorite snacks. Mix and Scrapper grew as bots, but heat cycles were something that never changed. Mix's was bound to hit at sometime today (Scrapper always marked it on the calender), so Scrapper was ready. He took today off from work, and had only JUST started to finish cleaning.
"I think I still have time."
Scrapper hopped into their showers, helping himself to a cleaning. He wasn’t sure if he had time for a nice hot wax like he wanted, but at least he got that soap Mix loved so much. He always liked cinnamon apple. He finished quickly, and was in the middle of drying himself off, when the doorbell rang. Scrapper put the towel on his head, and dashed for the door.
"Mixie! You're home! You were runnin' late, thought I had more time!"
Mix chuckled, lifting up the bag in his hand for Scrapper to see.
"I needed a drive to clear my head, then I decided to pick up somethin' for tonight."
Scrapper peeked into the bag, damn near giddy. Mix got not only oil, but the GOOD oil, stuff that wasn't at all cheap.
"Aw! Well don't you make me feel all special. Come here."
He held onto his cheeks, and smooched his lips. Mix's body couldn't help itself. He was already getting the heat symptoms; a bit more frisky than usual, a bit foggy in the head. It was why Scrapper didn't give him too hard of a time as he grabbed his aft, despite the fact that it made him jump.
"Ah ah ah. You know the rules. Shower. I JUST cleaned, and ya still got cement on your servos."
"Thought you liked that."
"Not enough to wash everything, especially before we get started. Shower time, Mixie cakes."
He swiped the bag from his hand, winking at him ad he made his way into the kitchen. Mix looked at him longily, before he forced himself to hit the showers. Scrapper grabbed a bucket, poured some ice into it, and after grabbing some cups, walked back upstairs. He set the bucket down next to all the snacks, and he wasn't gonna lie, he was impressed with the set up.
"I think I outdid myself this time around. He better like it."
He double checked that he had everything, when Mix walked into the room, towel at his waist. He looked at the set up, lightly shaking his head.
"Ya maroon. You way overdid this shit again. I don't need all of dis."
"You hush. Come on you, get comfy."
Mix rolled his optics, before obeying, laying back and getting comfortable. Scrapper hopped into berth, and sat on top of him, holding onto one of his hands and looking it over.
"You were trying to do it in the shower again, weren't you?"
Mix always hated the idea of needing someone to 'coddle' him. Its why every heat cycle, he tried to touch himself beforehand, and everytime it failed.
"Is that why you look so grumpy?"
"I ain't grumpy, I'm pissed."
Mix hated his heat cycle, he really did. Not just because he was super horny, that wasn't new. What was new, was the fact that he didn't want to throw Scrapper around or be choked. He wanted Scrapper to make his valve happy. And when Scrapper opened him up, seeing that soaked, puffy valve of his, he realized he had so much work to do. Scrapper pouted, slowly running his servo in between the folds. Mix wanted to talk, but he was reduced to whimpers when Scrapper covered his mouth. The pheromones from a bot in heat could make anyone horny, even the bot in question.
"Shh. It's okay. It's okay. I got you. I always got you. I'm gonna take care of you, all night long. Your poor little valve."
Scrapper peeled his hand away, and leaned in to kiss him. Mix's lips were hungry, sinking into his kiss ravenously. Then Scrapper introduced a finger to his valve. Mix's hands gripped onto his shoulders, already putty in his hands. He kept his lips locked onto his, letting Mix swear against him as he continued to finger and massage his wet walls.
Then he overloaded. It was a quick one, one that made Mix's valve leak all over his hand. He pulled away from the kiss, grinning at Mix's flushed face. The first one was always quick, and not enough.
"You ready, Mixie cakes?"
"You act like this is the first time I've taken ya before."
"Well no, but I like making sure. You're SUPER sensitive right now, I'd hate to overwhelm you. You remember our first heat."
"You stuck your dick in my unlubed aft, rather than my valve. Yeah, I remember, you dumbshit."
Scrapper chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.
"Yeah...sorry about that. It's just why I'm careful now. I don't wanna hurt my big, precious mech again."
"Don't...say it like that."
"Aw, are you embarrassed? Is it because I talk to you in that voice? The one where I make you feel like a big baby? A big ol' baby who gets lots of kissy wissys?"
He held onto his face, decorating it in smooches, and Mix loved it. He squirmed in his arms, and his breath quickened considerably. Mix in heat was aroused by affection, and Scrapper was VERY equipped to handle his little kink. The little kisses to his face, the stupid baby talk, it left Mix shaking, whimpering on the spot.
"Scrappy, c-come on, been dealin' with this slag for like, a week. Stop teasin', PLEASE."
"Aw...you begging is cute, I don't wanna. But fine, I'm not mean, and I love you so so so much."
Scrapper gave his forehead a kiss, before opening his spike panel, and rubbing his spike against him. Mix ACTUALLY jumped up a bit, grip desperate as he held onto his arms. Scrapper chuckled, trying to not push himself in just yet, despite how tempted he was. His valve was hot, damn near steaming, and his spike wanted to make him feel better.
"You okay? You jumped on me, was that too fast?"
"No. N-no, I'm. I'm fine. I just. Fucking shit Scrappy just slide it in, PLEASE!"
There was no proper way to slide in, ultimately. Every single way was overstimulating. So long as it didn't hurt, Scrapper had to just settle for going on in. So, he did just that. He pushed himself inside his big, tight valve, and sat there. Mix's pedes thrashed under them, messing up the blankets below them. He didn't move. He was waiting for the sign, waiting for Mix to silently tell him it was okay.
Then Mix dig his servos into his back, and that was all he needed. He started to thrust into him. It wasn’t slow and soft like how he personally enjoyed, but quick, rough, enough to make the room filled with the sounds of metal and metal, and wet slams of a lengthy spike fucking a big valve. Mix was moaning under him, whining and swearing and begging for more and more. In between the soft, hungry kisses, Scrapper was just as putty in Mix's hands and vise versa.
"You're already close, Mixie."
"Shut...up. No I'm fucking not."
He was such a prideful liar. He nudged his face up, and peppered his neck in kisses, letting Mix whine in his arms.
"You don't gotta act all macho on me, bro. I'm here for you. I wanna make all that itch go away. I don't judge you for how quickly you overload. You're my big, manly mech, no matter what. Come on. Overload around me. I'll fill you up. You like it when you get filled. Go ahead. I'll give you as many many as you need after. Promise."
Mix still clung on to his overload, for just a moment, before he raked his servos down his hack, and overloading. Scrapper was forced to stay put as his valve tightened around him, squeezing the overload right out of him. They sat in each other's embrace, steam rolling out of their frames and condensation staining the sheets below them. Scrapper gave Mix a minute, before he pulled out of him, and sat down right next to his poor, exhausted Mixie.
"I hate you."
"You're just embarrassed. Here."
He smacked his face with his towel, helping himself to one as well. Mix grumbled like the sourpuss he was as he wiped himself down.
"Alright, alright. I am. Just...a bit. But you did good, and I mean that."
Scrapper grinned, reaching over to the basket of snacks. Little oil cakes, Mix's favorite, and peanut butter flavored, just how he liked them.
"I try. You deserve it."
"I...thank you. It means a lot to me."
"Oh its no problem, they're getting to be a pretty common flavors nowadays-"
"No. I mean...for this. All of this. You know this sucks, and you make it suck a little less."
Scrapper leaned in to kiss his forehead, before snuggling into him.
"Anythin' for you, bro."
They sat there, stuffing their faces full of shitty snacks, wrappers thrown onto the floor, to be dealt with later.
"We should totally fuck again."
"Its been five minutes."
"Your point?"
Scrapper rolled his eyes, trying to hide his smile.
Things were going to get much more heated between them.
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the-last-kenobi · 3 years
For the bad things happen bingo, I Will Punish You For Your Friend's Failure, with Obi Wan and Rex during the Zygeria arc with Rex being punished by the slavers.
Oooooh, happy evil brain twinkles.
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TW for blood, child death, and mildly graphic torture. No specifics because spoilers but do be cautious.
There is an enemy, and it is within, the Jedi taught.
You will encounter foes of all forms in your years as a Jedi. There will be cruel tyrants and selfish politicians, ruthless criminals and violent terrorists. Possessive lovers, radical reformists, slavers and desperate people willing to do whatever it takes to achieve what matters to them. And then the next thing, and the next.
But these are not the enemy.
The Jedi have only two natural enemies.
The Sith have been extinguished from the galaxy, lost to ruin. What the Jedi did not destroy, the Sith themselves did, locked in the raw emotion of the Dark Side, turning on one another.
And the Jedi are left with the true enemy.
You are the enemy, the Masters warned. Your weaknesses are your real enemy.
All obstacles can be overcome as long as you master yourself.
Fear will lead you astray. Push through it.
Anger will corrupt you. Abandon it.
Envy will poison you. Purge it.
Grief will break you. Overcome it.
And if you fall, you will fall as yourself, at peace. A true Jedi perishes for the right reasons, where not even self-possession could stop the sheer numbers of the opposition.
The enemy is within.
Obi-Wan Kenobi took a deep, steadying breath. The enemy is within, he reminded himself. My fear is the enemy. These people cannot destroy me.
The broken wrist, clumsily bandaged and still forced to work, whispers that otherwise. The bruises along his spine groan in misery. There was a cut on his upper lip that had bled and dried in his beard and lips. Someone had driven the handle of a whip into the muscles of his left leg, and it could not bear his weight.
He opened his eyes just in time to receive a stunning blow across the face.
Despite the fancies of holodramas, a strike to the face is nothing to brush aside.
The Jedi reeled, his head exploding, his face stinging. White light erupted behind his eyes and his nose burned as if he’d dived too deep into water.
“Who is your Master?” a voice demanded.
Obi-Wan blinked rapidly, gasping for air. His entire head throbbed; he was on his knees but his back had arched back so far his head was a foot from the floor. Wincing, he dragged himself back up and stared passively into the snarling Zyggerian’s eyes. “I am.”
A roar of discontent. “Wrong!”
The hand came back, but this time it closed around his throat.
Qui-Gon caught him by the shoulders, one hand moving upwards to press against the side of his Padawan’s neck.
“You are stronger than your fear,” he said. “Because your fear is only part of you. Your strengths outnumber your fear, Obi-Wan.”
Behind the boy’s young eyes, though - flashes of remembered horror, children dead in the streets of Melida/Daan and the screaming sound a blaster bolt made as it grazed close, so close, to his ear - and hit another boy instead —
Obi-Wan gasped as if drowning, his mind convinced that he was not getting enough oxygen.
Fear was going to kill him.
Fear was the enemy.
“Oh, Padawan,” sighed his Master. And then the hands left his neck and his shoulder, leaving Obi-Wan bereft, plunged into ice cold waters of terror and trauma, his failures haunting him like the ghost of Cerasi.
Obi-Wan choked, bucking involuntarily as the meaty hand clenched around his throat, crushing his air pipe.
He couldn’t breathe.
Still. What did it matter, if this monstrous slaver killed him in a fit of rage? Obi-Wan was more than this man and his pride, his greed, his disregard for life.
Obi-Wan was a Jedi.
His body’s automatic response to being abused and killed was nothing.
He was more than his fear.
“Damn Jedi!”
The hand released him, and the red-haired General slumped to the floor, unable to stop his forehead from colliding painfully with the uneven slag flooring. More blood. He tasted it in his mouth, he felt it dripping down his forehead.
“Very well,” the same voice continued. “The punishment must suit the prisoner, in some cases. How lucky of you. So special.”
They cannot hurt me, Obi-Wan reminded himself. My body is not my soul. I am more than my fear.
And then two more slavers entered the room at a summons, dragging a struggling figure between them.
Obi-Wan’s fear spiked so sharply he felt his chest stab with physical pain.
No, he told himself. No. Fight it. Fight it—
The Zyggerian behind him sensed his rising emotion and grabbed him roughly, one hand on the thick collar around the Jedi’s throat, and the other dug painfully into his hair.
Obi-Wan shuddered.
A bomb - Twela, Bruin, Conno, Toorun, and others went flying, flailing helplessly in the air.
Toorun rolled on his side and got back up.
Conno collided with a vehicle and lay still.
Bruin landed on his feet and stood up, grinning in shocked relief, and then dropped with a bullet in his head. Blood spattered stone.
Twela landed on a pile of rubble.
When Obi-Wan found her, she had been lying there for an hour while the battle wore on, a rebar shoved through her stomach.
It took her two days to die—
Cerasi, falling into his arms. Gasping. Blood everywhere. Her father screaming. Blood on Obi-Wan’s hands—
Nield, his friend, telling him he didn’t belong - kicking him out of the camp to die alone - blaming Obi-Wan, rightfully, for the death of Cerasi and the peace she had helped create—
But as quickly as they had been taken away, the warm and solid hands of Qui-Gon Jinn were there again, this time on his back. Pulling him. Tightening around him.
Obi-Wan blinked rapidly, gasping and shaking, pressed into a warm embrace while his Master rocked him gently, whispering encouragement into his hair.
It was good to be held.
Obi-Wan twisted, struggling in near-panic to get away from the arms restraining him.
“Stop it!” he yelled. “Stop!”
They did not stop.
The Zyggerians had been on Rex for over two hours, holding him down, methodically slicing the soles of his feet, throwing their fists into his abdomen and face and throat, slamming his head against the unforgiving ground.
The Captain was a mess; bruised and bloodied, involuntary tears making his damaged face glisten.
Rex had finally started to scream five minutes ago, and still they would not stop—
“Stop! You’ll kill him!” Obi-Wan shouted, his bound hands clenched so tightly that his palms were torn and bleeding. “Stop!”
“And now the bird sings,” the slave master crowed, laughing down at him. “So high and mighty, Jedi?”
“Leave him alone!” Obi-Wan demanded.
The slaver’s face darkened.
Two things happened at almost the same moment.
A knife was drawn from seemingly thin air and without hesitation or fanfare was plunged into Rex’s thigh; the Captain screamed again, writhing.
A button was pressed, and the collar around Obi-Wan’s neck blazed with electricity that made him convulse, blinded, agonized.
“You don’t give the orders here,” the master snarled. “Haven’t you learned? You’re not in control here!”
“You are in control, Padawan,” Qui-Gon murmured, rubbing his hand up and down the boy’s back, following the still too-prominent line of his spine. Up and down, up and down.
“I’m not,” Obi-Wan sobbed. “I’m a failure.”
“You haven’t failed until you’ve let yourself down and decided not to get up again,” his Master replied firmly. “You are master of yourself, Obi-Wan, and therefore master of the situation. You can rise above. Even if you need help to do it. You are not a slave to fear.”
“Slaves are not masters,” the Zyggerian bellowed, and Rex screamed again.
Obi-Wan shuddered and twitched on the floor; he felt filthy, ragged, used. Now useless.
“You don’t make the rules!” A kick to the abdomen that deprived him of air. Once again suffocating. Drowning.
All he could see was the bloodstained floor. All he could hear was the voice, and Rex screaming through gritted teeth.
“Every time you cross me, I’ll punish your freakish friend. And anyone else that crosses your path. I! Am! In! Control! Here!” Each of the final words was delivered with a sharp jerk on the chain that had been attached to the collar.
Obi-Wan choked and wheezed.
I can’t —
“Who is your Master?”
“You are,” Obi-Wan told Fear, eyes glazed, blood spattered across his vision. Maybe permanently. Like a brand. Like Cerasi’s lifeblood on his shaking hands.
“Who is your Master?” the slaver asked again.
Obi-Wan stared vacantly upwards.
Fear looked back at him. Outside him. Inside him. Triumphant.
“You are,” whispered the Jedi, and his eyes rolled back in his head.
He slumped to the floor.
Rex’s screams faded as the punishment abruptly ceased; the Clone lay on the stone floor, limp and in terrible pain, staring with abject fear in his eyes at the fallen Jedi.
His utter relief that the pain was over, that they had taken their hideous hands off of him, was warring with his worry.
And his growing terror.
If even General Kenobi could be controlled...
“A good start,” the slave master said thoughtfully, trodding deliberately on Obi-Wan’s damaged foot. “And I was told Jedi did not feel fear.”
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alarriefantasy · 4 years
Hey! how are you? i hope youre doing alraight! okay can you give me some reccomendations of larry bottom louis fanfic please? :) thank you so much! and have a good life! love ya always xx
Hiiiiii!!! I’m doing well, I hope you are doing alright, too darling!! <3 <3  And okay, so here are my lists that have what you’re looking for, BUT, I also included further below stories that are b!Louis and written in the last year! I hope you find something you enjoy reading! :) LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!
Bottom Louis - Sex Toys Fic Rec
Bottom Louis - Subdrop Fic Rec  
Sub Louis Fic Rec   
Sugar Daddy Harry      
MPreg Louis and Infidelity Fic Rec
MPreg Fic Rec     
Fem Louis 
Place Your Head On My Beating Heart by hopelesswriter 
Words: 10k
Or the AU where porn sensation Harry Styles takes his newbie to his place and gets him to come untouched twice before even fingering him and they may or may not fall in love at some point between second and third orgasms.
Hate to Smoke (Without Me) by louhazpride
Words: 12k
Sleep. Harry just wants one good night of sleep. However, his neighbour has a thing for headboard-banging-against-the-wall-sex every night. After a secret set-up and a bet, Harry may finally get the sleep he so much desires.
(you're gonna see me in a) new light by thepolourryexpress
Words: 13k
a fake relationship au where everyone knows it's real but louis
practice in pencil, seal it in pen by loubellies
Words: 16k
or Harry is in love with Louis but he doesn't know.
Won't Keep You My (Dirty Little) Secret by lovelykits
Words: 16k
Or Louis and Harry have been together since the end of last year and somehow no one knows about it.
UN(RE)SOLVED. by daddyharrie
Words: 20k
The ghoul boys are back, but this time around there are some unresolved feelings involved. Harry is a skeptic, Louis is not. Watch them go on their ongoing investigation into the question: are ghosts real? Or, BuzzFeed Unsolved AU.
the way the storms blow by rbbsbb
Words: 21k
Louis doesn’t have a habit of thinking about Harry’s dick.
That would be weird, seeing as they’re best mates, and they share a flat, and they’ve spent holidays at each other’s family homes. Their friendship hasn’t ever risen to a point where Louis should want to see his mate’s dick, and he’s happy to keep it that way.
Except, all that Louis can think about is exactly that. The size of it. The shape. The amount of people it’s been in.
Maybe it’s the tequila talking, or the fact that Louis’ just recently walked in to an eyeful of Harry taking turns on some slags that he’s never seen before, but. Louis’ mind can’t stop obsessing over the idea
Weightless by smittenwithlouis
Words: 25k
Or: Harry is the best dragon racer the world has ever seen and Louis is an almost-vet who feels like he is carrying the weight of the world.
a trail of honey through it all by bruisedhoney
Words: 27k
The boy in front of him, well really, the man in front of him, was like something out of a confusing wet dream. Built, tall, tan and muscular, his skin glistened with sweat after a long day of working outdoors with his hands. He was wearing a cut up old American football shirt, the bottom hem was torn and the sleeves were cut off to the point where the t-shirt was really just a loose tank top. The shorts he had on had clearly been full length jeans at one point, and were now just crudely cut off above the knee. His white socks were pulled up too high on his calves, and the brown work boots he had on were old as fuck, the leather peeling along the edges of the soles. Curly brown hair stuck out from the edges of his backwards snapback, and there was a smudge of grease wiped along his brow bone. The smattering of hair along his jaw proved that he hadn’t shaved in a week or two, the hair growing in thicker across his upper lip and around his chin. His sinfully bowed mouth was pink and plump, and Louis was suddenly hyper-focused on the way that he chewed at the toothpick stuck between his lips. He looked like he needed a shower. Louis wanted to lick him.
Or, the TPH fic we’ve all been waiting for.
let me carry your weight by soldouthaz
Words: 28k
louis is fresh out of a bad relationship with someone who made him feel awful about how he looked. on his journey to better himself, he meets harry - the ridiculously attractive and fit personal trainer.
before we knew by falsegoodnight
Words: 39k
Or Louis has been skeptical of soulmates for years so it seems like fate when he finally bumps into the owner of the obnoxiously large signature printed onto his skin since age sixteen: Harry Styles, a human rights attorney who is firmly against soulmates.
Caves End by jacaranda_bloom
Words: 39k
OR the one where Harry has lost his future, Louis has lost his past, but maybe together, they can find a way through the dark.
Strangers in Love by sweetums
Words: 42k
Prompt 51: An amnesia fic where louis and harry were enemies to lovers but after an accident, louis only remembers those memories that him and harry hated each other. now harry has to fix it. I think something like this less dark and less angsty compared to other amnesia fics and it could be funny
Breakable Heaven by amomentoflove
Words: 44k
“What do you think?” Louis gets captured by Harry’s green eyes, unable to look away or even take a breath.
“I think you’re the most magnificent creature I’ve ever met.”
“You must not have met many creatures then.”
Harry’s eyes glance downward to Louis’ lips and his tongue darts out to wet his own. “None like you.”
The Sidelines by RedRidingStiles
Words: 47k
Or Harry and Louis play hockey for Penn state and can't stand one another, since they can't keep their hatred off the ice their coach and team do what they can to keep their hard earned spot in the playoffs and their two star players from killing each other
You’ve Got My Devotion (Hate You Sometimes) by lucythegoosey
Words: 95k
Or: Harry and Louis are forced to fake-date after an old video from when they were dating emerges.
Cocaine for Breakfast by guccikings
Words: 309k
- Louis Tomlinson is a drug addict, sent away from his beloved party-scene to recover. There, he discovers that small towns have just as much access to drugs as London did, plus something even better that he just can't get enough of. That something is a boy with green eyes and bouncy curls named Harry Styles. -
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pnkb1tch-archive · 1 year
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"let me guess, youse want an autograph?" laughter, a touch cruel , tousles wind - blown locks out of his face. "fat chance — piss off, mate, i'm busy 'ere," turns to the girl draped over his arm with a ridiculously exaggerated wink, squeezes his hand around her waist . gaze remains frosty, he doesn't tear his eyes away from the on - looker. murmurs to the girl under his breath, just loud enough to be heard by the other party, "cannae get even a moment to meself with these vultures lurkin' around. sorry babes , you know how it is — datin' a celebrity n' that."
♡ open to mutuals
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everlarkficexchange · 4 years
A Simple Choice
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Written by: @justajjfan​​
Beta’d by: @sunsetsrmydreams​​
Prompt 83: Katniss is whipped instead of Gale in Catching Fire, Peeta’s the one who’s there to take care of her after. [submitted by anonymous].
Prompt 116: Peeta braids Katniss’ hair to soothe her. [submitted by anonymous] 
Rating: Mature 
Warning: Mention of whipping 
A/N: My plan is to post each chapter (7 in all) daily so thank you @everlarkficexchange​ ; @javistg​ and @xerxia31​ for always being so accommodating and generous with your time. A special thank you to my beta and bestie @sunsetsrmydreams​. 
Chapter 2
Dad and I make a great team working harmoniously alongside each other and it’s not hard to notice the difference in him in the short space of time. He seems less pressured and the warm smile I remembered as a small boy has returned. Whether in the kitchen or serving customers, I’ve realised just how connected I am to this place.
I delight in friendly conversation but avoid answering any questions relating to The Hunger Games which most of our customers respect. What I enjoy doing the most is preparing for the morning ahead and kneading fresh bread dough in the back room has become a tranquil sort of therapy for me.
In the mindless quiet, I can block everything out giving me time to sort the shiny stuff in my head until I’m left with what’s real. This might not be a proven method of mind-therapy, but it works for me most of the time by sifting through all my cluttered thoughts so I can make better decisions for me and my future.
And I need that now more than ever.
Mother, in her usual meddling ways was quick to invite the Cartwright family to dinner and insisted Delly and I go out for a walk alone to get to know each other. As it turned out, she’s good company and I enjoy having someone to talk to, although she does most of the talking herself.
Now we meet almost every evening.
Delly’s a nice girl, just like mother said and I know I need to start thinking about a lot of things especially my future, but she keeps hinting at speeding up our friendship and I don’t think committing myself to her in that way is something I’m ready for.
In the few weeks Delly and I have been seeing each other, things have moved rather quickly from our casual walks after dinner. She’s pretty and sweet but I’m only fooling myself into thinking I could ever let another claim my heart.
Each time our lips meet, I close my eyes tight and imagine it’s someone else I’m kissing. I feel awful but I just can’t stop imagining grey eyes and a dark braid.
I’ve tried talking to Delly, suggest we slow things down and just get to know each other as friends, but she makes a habit of changing the subject at the slightest hint.
Far from being pure and the shy girl my mother claims her to be, Delly has on more than one occasion, suggested we move up from chaste kisses under the moonlight to something more intimate. Her hands always seem to wander, telling me how good she can make me feel once I let go of my inhibitions. But each time she brushes her fingers against my belt buckle, I quickly step away and end the night abruptly with my ‘it’s getting late’ excuse and walk a very disappointed Delly home.
Any normal hot-blooded male would have easily jumped at the invitation and I can almost hear my brothers smart arse remarks telling me what an idiot I am and saying something crude like ‘try before you buy’ or ‘never look a gift horse in the mouth’, but I can’t bring myself to do that. I always imagined my first time would be meaningful, not just some frivolous teenage romp at the slag heap.
Maybe I am a complete idiot.
Hoping to gain some reprieve from the mounting list of questions in my head today, I busy myself by preparing the rest of the dry ingredients for another batch of baking but the unusual noise level coming from outside is becoming a distraction.
When I hear raised and panicked voices, I wipe my hands on my flour-dusted apron before covering everything on the bench with a clean cloth and head towards the shop front.
Walking through the swinging doors, curious to see what all the commotion is about, I see my parents peering out the shop front window speaking in hushed tones and so engrossed with what’s happening outside, they haven’t even noticed me entering the room.
“What’s going on out there?” I ask, and they both startle at my words.
Dad turns to me first, his face noticeably pale and pauses to swallow before speaking, “Jake Blacksmith came by a minute ago and he…umm…said Head Peacekeeper Thread has ordered everyone out to the square,” he answers, taking a quick glance towards my mother who stands stoically and uncharacteristically silent.
“Thread is claiming he caught a traitor trying to sneak back into the district to spy for the rebels. The punishment has been set at fifty lashes,” dad finishes with a harder swallow and a noticeable sheen of sweat covering his forehead.
The image of Thread using his whip to tear into flesh from the back of some poor citizen while everyone in Twelve is expected to bear witness to his cruel and barbaric form of corporal punishment, sends a cold shiver up my spine. 
Since he’s arrival, our new Head Peacekeeper was quick to impose strict laws forbidding practically everything his predecessor Harvey Cray conveniently overlooked…for a price. Now, anyone caught disobeying these laws usually find themselves tied to the newly-erected wooden post in the town square without trial or appeal and the punishment is always the same.
Being flogged within an inch of your life is Thread’s answer to law and order and the brute even insists on inflicting every lash on his unfortunate captives himself.
The first citizen of Twelve to feel the sting from the Head Peacekeeper’s cat o’ nine tails was Zed Palmer, a tailor with no male heirs to take over his business. That, along with severe arthritis in his hands meant he could no longer work to pay the hefty taxes now enforced and those who witnessed the flogging were grateful Zed was dead well before his fifty lashes was reached. Most disturbing was Thread not being satisfied until the last lash was counted.
I hope whoever this unfortunate citizen is, their suffering too will end long before the count to fifty is reached.
I move closer to the door and watch mother step out onto the street to join Delly and her parents who are in deep conversation while more people leave their shops and head towards the town square in hurried steps.
“A traitor?” I huff and shake my head in disbelief as I watch Merchants lock their shop front doors obeying Thread’s authoritarian command. “I doubt anyone in their right mind would want to come back if they had the chance at freedom,” I tell dad. “They should have kept running as far away from here and never looked back,” I add, expecting him to agree with me but he stares into the distance and offers nothing in response.
A moment of awkward silence falls between the two of us and the strange look on dad’s face gives me pause, but I let the weird feeling pass. As I turn to step back into the kitchen and carry on with my work, he speaks in an afterthought manner, “must’ve had a good reason to risk it all,” he says looking at me strangely, but I don’t say anything and give him a nod acknowledging his comment at least. Still, it doesn’t alter my way of thinking. If there was a choice between freedom or here…?
No…nothing would be worth it.
I take another glance outside at the passing townsfolk all walking in the same direction towards the town square like a herd of frightened sheep. But my attention is more centred on mother who stepped outside to speak with the Cartwrights and are conversing in lowered voices, sending the odd stare my way.
That cold shiver I was feeling earlier returns and it runs through me like ice.
I wave politely to the Cartwrights, but they ignore my friendly gesture and after a few brief seconds decide to join the rest of the Merchant population gathering in the town square.
What could be more horrid than being forced to witness a fellow citizen of Twelve…or anyone for that matter, whipped to a pulp?
I try to block the image from my thoughts. I’ve seen enough horrors to last me a lifetime and I’m a little disappointed Delly’s parents seem eager to join the growing crowd.
Delly gives me a half-smile as she continues to speak with my mother and the looks I’m receiving from them both increases my uneasiness.
I can’t shake this feeling of dread and turn back to dad who’s staring out in the distance, his facial expression looking lost. “Something isn’t right,” I mutter under my breath, and even though I spoke in a hushed tone, I know dad heard me.
“What is it you’re not telling me?” I ask, knowing if anyone is going to give me a truthful answer, it will be him. Dad’s straightens his back and shoulders almost immediately and when his eyes meet mine, his chin begins to tremble.
“Dad?” I ask, holding in a shaky breath.
Pinching the bridge of his nose, dad looks away from me and gives my question a moment’s pause before nodding, almost as though he’s giving himself permission to speak.
“Jake said Katniss disappeared with her family and the Hawthorne’s a couple of days ago and everyone thought they’d escaped to the woods to join up with the rebels, but she was caught trying to sneak back in this morning…alone. She’s tied to the whipping post. Fifty lashes.”
I stand dumbstruck. This can’t be true.
“No…Jake’s mistaken! He must’ve heard wrong!”
The curtains in Katniss’s room have been drawn for two days now and I haven’t heard her scream out in the night. I just assumed she and Gale—
I clear that image from my mind as I try to process everything in my head and look out to see my mother shouting at dad to shut up and what a worthless idiot he is while Delly stands in silence, watching me.
Over my mother’s angry and verbal abuse, dad continues to speak, “I wished to God he was wrong but Jake saw Katniss being dragged up on the wooden platform and I have no reason to doubt him. He’s a good, hard-working honest man and wouldn’t make something like this up.”
This I know to be true.
Dad reaches his hand to my shoulder, but I don’t feel the touch as the world around me starts to spin and I feel like I’m about to pass out. I’m so caught in a daze I don’t even know if I’m still breathing or if my heart is beating at this point. How I managed to step outside without tripping over my own feet is beyond me.
I need to get to her.
Delly breaks her silent stare and rushes towards me with a look of determination on her face and reaches her hand out to try and stop me, “she’s not worth risking your own life Peeta…think about us!” she pleads, and her words hit me like a ton of bricks.
Was it her intention to keep me from knowing what was happening to Katniss until it was all over? Is that what they were all trying to do? I can understand my mother wanting to keep me from rushing to Katniss…but Delly?
I brush past Delly ignoring her pleas to stop. I can’t even bring myself to look at her right now and only get a few steps away before mother is in front of me, grabbing a firm hold of my arm and blocking me from running to the square.
“Let go of me!” I say through gritted teeth, as anger starts to build up inside me.
“You’ll kill us all by drawing attention to yourself and for what? She’s nothing but Seam trash!” My blood boils and just like Delly’s words, I don’t let the venom spilling from mother’s mouth stop me from getting to Katniss.
Mother wouldn’t understand…nobody would. Despite everything, I made a promise to protect Katniss and I know she’d do the same for me.
“I forbid you to go! Your future is with Delly not that dirty whore in the square getting exactly what she deserves!” she yells but I yank my arm away from her tight grip.
“My future is not for you or anyone else to decide…it’s mine!” I shout defiantly.
“You’re a fool! She’s as good as dead already!” I hear mother yell as I run towards the square.
I silently curse my legs for failing to get me to the square any faster and when I finally reach the cobble-stoned ground, I’m feeling ragged and short of breath.
Don’t let it be her! Don’t let it be her! I repeat those words over in my head as I try to catch my breath and refill my lungs with much needed air.
I hurry my steps…breath be damned and as I approach the sea of faceless people both Seam and Merchant standing side by side to watch the sickening spectacle, I begin to push my way through.
Hands reach out to stop me and I hear their gasps and pleading whispers not to venture any further, but I need to see with my own eyes.
I feel my blood drain from my body, but I continue to edge my way closer to the wooden platform and as I do, my legs begin to weaken as soon as I reach the first step. Climbing the next two seems like I’m moving in slow-motion and when my eyes lock on the gruesome sight before me, I cry out her name in a pathetic wail.
What has he done to you?
My heart plummets at the sight of her limp body, hanging like a piece of butchered meat. Her hands are bound together by a thick piece of rope tied to a large hook above her head. Katniss’ braid is messy and mattered with loose and bloodied strands of hair covering her bruised face and when my eyes look closer to her bare back, rage envelops and I almost lose what little is left of my self-control.
The shirt Katniss wore has been ripped in half exposing the upper part of her petite frame including her breasts for all to see. The raised marks and torn flesh from the countless number of lashes she’s already received, seeps with so much blood I swallow back the bile rising from my throat.
I was too late to save her.
My eyes well up from tears rolling down my cheeks and I gasp for breath between my uncontrollable sobs. I shut my eyes tight praying this is a horrible nightmare and I’ll wake up in my bed, walk the usual steps to my window and see her alive and pacing about in her bedroom. But when I open them again, there’s no mistake.
This nightmare is real.
I feel my legs start to buckle from beneath me and I slowly kneel to the ground to stop myself from falling. I don’t know how to fix this…what can I do? She shouldn’t be here. Dad said she ran away.
Why did she come back?
Endless questions whirl around my head consuming me along with the grief and the realisation I’ll have to live the rest of my worthless life knowing I failed in my promise to keep Katniss safe.
Loud voices bring me back to the now just in time to see Thread’s arm raised, poised and ready to inflict another lash to her lifeless body.
Even in my grief-stricken state, the feeling of deep loss and sorrow is overtaken by a sudden rush of strength and courage from within and it propels my body forward to block Thread and his whip from finding their mark.   
‘No!” I cry out. This Capitol brute will have to go through my dead body first before I let him touch her again.  
“Well, well, well…who do we have here?” Head Peacekeeper Thread remarks loudly and when I look up, I see him grinning with mutt-like eyes staring down at me.
“Looks like this traitor scum has a bedfellow eager to play white knight. She must have some hidden talents worth risking your life for,” he suggests crudely, wiping the sweat and blood from his face with the palm of his hands…Katniss’ blood.
The distinct sound of Peacekeepers heavy tread come barrelling towards me, then hands roughly try to pry me from where I lay clinging to Katniss.
“Can’t you see she’s dead!” I yell, shoving their hands away to stop them from breaking my protective hold over her body. “She’s been punished enough. What more do you want from her?” I shout to the point of hysteria, not caring if my question will be answered with a lash to my back or a bullet to my brain.
“It’s the other Victor, Peeta Mellark, sir,” a voice I recognise answers from behind me. My eyes dart slightly to the left and even through the darkened visor of his white peacekeeper’s helmet, I know it’s Darius Jackson, one of a dozen or so decent soldiers stationed here in Twelve, clearing his throat and standing at attention.
“He’s also the youngest son of the town baker, sir,” he adds.
Head Peacekeeper Thread storms over to Darius and barks out a chilling warning, “you speak one more time without my permission Corporal Jackson, and I will take great pleasure in cutting out your tongue and feeding it to the jabberjays. Do I make myself clear?” Thread emphasises loudly.
“Yessir!” Darius is quick to respond as he stands at attention.
“Now I don’t care who he is, get him off this platform! I’ll deal with the gallant knight once I’m done here,” Thread orders and Darius obeys, saluting him first before stepping towards me with his head lowered.
“He can help you keep count while he waits his turn,” Thread adds coldly, as he inspects the leather handle of is whip.
Keep count?
I have no idea how many lashes Katniss received before I got here and the thought of counting them down much less being forced to watch helplessly as Thread carries on with her punishment is more than I choose to bear.
I jostle with Darius and the other two peacekeepers who stepped forward to help him pull me away from her body. It takes all three peacekeepers to overpower me and pry my hands away forcing me to separate from Katniss.
Weakened by my struggles and overtaken by grief, they drag me away and all I can do is cry out and tell Katniss how sorry I wasn’t here to protect her and that I’ll always love her. Just as those words leave my lips she moves and moans in pain.
She’s alive!
“Stop! Please! I’ll take the rest of her punishment!” I scream, finding a new source of strength and scuffle myself free from the heavy-handed grips of the peacekeepers.
“Whatever you think she did…whatever the count, I volunteer to take them all. Just let her go!” I demand and as my words ring out, loud murmurs coming from the crowd distract Thread for a moment before turning his attention back to me.
“How very noble of you,” Thread snickers. “But your request is denied. This runaway whore was sent here by the rebels and she refuses to disclose her mission and the whereabouts of her leader’s hideout. Now move knight!” he commands, and when I don’t budge he raises his arm and I instinctively throw myself over Katniss to shield her and the pain is instant.
The pointed leather straps strike my shoulder blade before I have a chance to brace myself for the blow. Even against the fabric of my shirt, the lash rips through the worn calico barrier as if it were made of paper. My skin underneath feels like I’ve been stung by a nest full of tracker jackers…but I don’t budge.
With clenched fists I try to ignore the painful stinging sensation and the warm, watery feeling that is probably my blood trickling down my shoulder and stay on top of Katniss’ body to block Thread from getting to her.
“She doesn’t know anything! She’s not a rebel spy!” I yell at the top of my voice, pleading with Thread to stop but when I hear the distinctive cocking of his pistol I know my desperate pleas are about to be silenced with a bullet.
“You’ve tried my patience long enough knight. Obstructing a Peacekeeper from carrying out his duty and interfering with a prisoner’s sentence is punishable by death and you are guilty as charged!” Thread bellows and the gasps and murmurs of discontent from the crowd grows louder.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” an all too familiar voice shouts out from amongst the crowd and I’ve never been happier to hear his gruff tone.
Daring to look, I see Haymitch with hands raised, step up to the platform and inch his way closer to me and Katniss. If he is disturbed by what he sees, he doesn’t show it and keeps his eyes pinned on the Head Peacekeeper.
It takes Thread a split second to shift his pistol from the direction of my head, to our mentor’s instead and I’m holding onto my breath in trepidation of what may happen next.
Katniss murmurs something then moans in pain from her bloodied wounds as she tries to move and my attention falls back on her. But all I can do is gently stroke the only place I know Thread’s lashes haven’t ravaged.
With shaking hands, I stroke her hair and push a few loose strands away from her face before bringing my lips to her ears to hush her, “shush…it’s going to be okay. I won’t let him touch you again,” I whisper, hoping she can hear me. My only focus now is calming her as best I can so I start to comb my fingers through her hair while silently praying Haymitch can get us out of this hellish mess.
“I don’t think President Snow is going be too pleased when he hears what you’ve done to one of his newest Victors,” he tells Thread who keeps his pistol aimed at Haymitch’s head.
“Stripping you of your command would be my first guess. I’ll let you do the math as to what my second guess would be?”
Whatever game Haymitch is playing at to set us free better work because right now, I’m not feeling confident as he stares down the barrel of Thread’s pistol.
The Head Peacekeeper lowers his weapon just long enough to grab Haymitch by his jacket, bringing his face so close to Haymitch and of all the things to cross my mind at this crucial point, I’m wondering if he can smell the alcohol on our mentor’s breath.
“My allegiance is to General Maximus Jackson and I answer only to him not that old fool in the Capitol,” Thread informs him, then shoves Haymitch back raising his pistol towards his head again.
Haymitch unperturbed, regains his footing and straightens his jacket, “oh, so Maxy Jackson is your boss? Well, it’s a small world after all,” he remarks flippantly.
“Your General and I are old drinking buddies and we go way…way back. I’m sure he won’t be too thrilled when he finds out you’ve whipped a Victor within an inch of her life,” he quips to Thread who glares at him with displeasure in his eyes.
“Now who do you suppose Maxy reports to…huh?” he pauses just long enough to take a breath and when Thread isn’t forthcoming with the obvious answer, Haymitch supplies it for him.
“I’m gonna take it you’re still working it out in your head but let me help you out here. President Coriolanus Snow…that’s who. He’s probably watching us from the Capitol. Eyes and ears everywhere you know,” he says, waving his hand randomly about the square.
Thread takes a quick look around the square then turns his attention back to our mentor, “my men caught her sneaking under the fence. She’s a rebel spy!” Thread yells but Haymitch is quick to respond to his preposterous accusation.
“Katniss Everdeen may be a lot of things but a rebel spy isn’t one of them! Everyone around here knows she hunts outside the perimeter for wild game…technically illegal yes, but she’s done so out of necessity to help feed her family. She sells whatever’s left at the hob, which you and your peacekeepers seem to have overlooked while enjoying the fruits of her labour with the fresh meat you buy to fill your own stomachs,” Haymitch reminds Thread, and I hear voices from the crowd bravely agreeing with our mentor.
“We all know you’re a smart man, but have you taken a moment to think what the consequences you alone as Head Peacekeeper will be expected to pay if you kill Snow’s Victors, not to mention how all this will impact on our mutual friend, the General? I think the best thing you can do for yourself right now is to let them both go and pray the girl doesn’t die from her injuries,” Haymitch strongly advises.
Silence fills the square as the crowd hold their collective breaths and wait for Thread to react and just when I think all hope is lost, Haymitch gives it one last-ditched effort to free us.
“The President had Cray removed…permanently, what makes you think he won’t do the same to you?”
The colour on Thread’s face turns a scorching red but he tries to remain unaffected by Haymitch’s comment. No matter who gave the order, Cray was relieved of his command the day Thread and the new troop of peacekeepers under his command drove into Twelve in their heavy-armoured combat vehicles.
Cray’s disappearance is a grim reminder of the absolute power President Snow holds over every citizen including his peacekeepers.
No one is safe…not even a Head Peacekeeper.
The silent tension is immediately broken when a peacekeeper rushes up to the platform, panting heavily and carrying a radio transmitter device. He salutes nervously first then informs Thread that General Jackson is on the other end wanting to speak with him without delay.
Thread snatches the device from the out-of-breath peacekeeper’s hand and strides to the corner of the wooden platform. Even from this short distance, his General’s voice can be heard shouting from the other end of the device. After a much one-sided conversation, it ends in less than a minute.
The order for everyone, including us to clear the square, is bellowed out before Thread marches off the platform and into his armoured vehicle where it speeds back towards the peacekeepers barracks.
I untied Katniss’ hands from the large hook the moment Thread finished barking out his order and when she flops into my arms and begins to whimper, my first thought is to cover her half-naked body with my apron which starts to blot with blood. 
There’s no time to waste and with Katniss safely in my arms, I start to make my way off the platform in long even strides. Haymitch is there to guide me carefully down the steps before we make our way through the gathered crowd who strangely offer me sympathetic looks as they move to the side giving me a clear path.
This in itself is a strange occurrence but I don’t have time to analyse. There are some things I want to ask Haymitch but before I get a chance to open my mouth, he’s in my ear.
“That sadistic bastard! Thankfully for us Thread’s not too bright,” Haymitch claims. “Now listen to me very carefully boy and don’t ask questions…there’s not much time,” he begins, looking cautiously over his shoulders.
“I could wring that hot-head Hawthorne’s neck. He knew sweetheart would never leave without—” he stops mid-sentence, clearing his throat. “Nevermind…none of that’s important right now,” he adds and although our mentor is talking in riddles, one thought sticks in the forefront of my mind.
If Gale Hawthorne was responsible for this in anyway and by some slim chance we cross paths in the near future…he’s a dead man.
“Take Katniss back to your house and stay there until I come for you both,” I go to protest, not exactly sure why I think it would be a bad idea, but Haymitch speaks again before I have a chance to utter a word.
“Don’t argue with me! Things are going to move quick from here on end, and I need you both ready and in the one place when all hell breaks loose. Just stay alert!” he emphasises strongly. “Your house is the safest place for both of you…no listening bugs there, I’ve made sure.”
Be ready; stay alert; no bugs; when what happens? I don’t have a clue what any of that means and maybe it’s best I don’t…for now.  
What little he does tell me, I already figured out for myself. Without Katniss’ healer mother and sister Primrose, who escaped along with the Hawthorne family, there’s isn’t anyone in Twelve qualified to attend to her wounds, but when Haymitch mentions sending someone he thinks could help, I’m quick to refuse the offer.
I won’t let a stranger near her.
“No! I’ll take care of Katniss myself,” I interject. “I know you have connections in the black-market, and I don’t mean Ripper. She’ll need the right kind of medicine and I’ll pay double whatever the going rate is…more if need be. Tell them to name their price and I’ll pay it! Just bring me everything you can lay your hands on, anything to fight infection and something strong for the pain,” I instruct with urgency as we make our way out of the square.
I may not be a healer, but I know the basics and keeping wounds clean is the first step to healing. That much I learnt from Katniss.
Haymitch taps me on the shoulder and I wince, my body reminding me of the single lash I received from Thread trying to protect Katniss.
“Keep your money boy. I’ll get you everything sweetheart needs and if she lives through this, it will be a bloody miracle,” he says before hurrying off, and the insides of my stomach twists with his response.
She has to live.
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