#── f1 rants
goldsainz · 1 year
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alex a goat for doing all that in a williams (i love him)…
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halfdeadsage · 30 days
every day i learn something new about logan sargeant and his racing career, not just about his performance in f1 but in f2 and previous series, too. and every day i end up so sad because he genuinely has so so much potential and can do so much but he keeps being give a poor hand of cards. this guy out qualified his teammate in f2 TEN TO FOUR. and who was his teammate?? liam lawson. liam joined redbull’s driver academy in february of 2019 while logan only got to join an f1 team’s driver academy in october of 2021. that team was williams. which, as we know, hasn't exactly been the best performing team in recent years. oscar piastri got to join an f1 team’s driver academy in january of 2020 (the renault sport academy, later rebranded as the alpine academy). liam and oscar both got the opportunity to do f1 tests for YEARS prior to their f1 debuts in 2023. liam had 4 and a half years of experience in f1 cars before 2023. oscar had 3 years of experience in f1 cars before 2023. even if it was just testing and practice sessions, it's still something.
what did logan get? one measly fp2 session, post-season testing, and then jumped right in to pre-season testing in 2023. he already had a seat in williams then, so with the experience from before the pre-season testing in 2023 he got to do maybe 800km of testing in an f1 car. the others — in this case i mean oscar, liam, and heck even nyck de vris — had opportunities to drive f1 cars and gain experience for YEARS before logan. if you look at nyck de vris: he got signed to the mclaren young driver programme in 2010. he joined the audi sport racing academy in 2016.  granted, he left the mclaren programme in before the 2019 season and left audi after the 2019 season, too. but he then went to mercedes as a reserve driver and tester for 2020 and afterwards. this means he got just about a DECADE AND A HALF of teams putting their time and energy into training him to join f1.
logan got a year. one. single. fucking year. that is entirely incomparable to the other rookies from 2023, who had so much more experience before hand. and yet logan was jumped into f1 and the expectations were so high for a guy who hasn't had the chance to train and learn and gain experience.
and yet when we look at the 2022 f2 season, logan sargeant, a rookie, was 1 point off from his teammate —the one and only liam lawson — scoring p4 in the championship. he outqualified his teammate 10 to 4. he was the first american to win an f2 race (that is, of course, following the rebrand from gp2 to f2, but regardless, that’s still an important thing to note and an achievement of his that should be celebrated).
logan sargeant has so much potential and if only williams would show him a little more faith unlike what they’ve been doing, if only they’d give him the same upgrades as alex, if only they wouldn’t force him to drive a car 15kg overweight from that of his teammate’s car, if only they wouldn’t force him to use outdated rear and front wings from the season prior. then perhaps he would have a chance to show what he can do. perhaps if he wasn’t stuck in a team with a crap car who have shown zero faith (which has been vehemently obvious since the circus in australia) in him and made him absolutely miserable, a shell of himself — which you can clearly see in recent interviews and photos of him — then maybe he’d be able to show how good he really is. and maybe if williams hadn’t been so adamant about taking him out of f2 so quickly and let him develop for one more year, we’d be seeing headlines that say “logan sargeant, first american f1 driver on the podium since michael andretti in 1993.” and perhaps we could even see him winning races.
no matter what someone says about his current f1 performances — though most base that solely off of where he ends up on the grid rather than looking at his actual driving and seeing how good he is as a driver considering the crap circumstances he’s in — logan sargeant is a better driver than what everyone says. he is trying so insanely hard to get a car that is miles off from the rest of the field to place as high as humanly possible. no one can say that if you put another driver in that car that logan is driving they'd be doing better than he is now. the fact is, they wouldn't be. he's been given an absolute tractor and is expected to score points when that car isn't built for getting in the points. and yet logan managed to get p10 in the miami sprint race — which should be recognized and commended. because he was in an awful car and he absolutely shined that day. that was just the start of showing what he could do. but he hasn't been given the same resources as alex, those being the upgrades, so what more can he do compared to what he's doing now?
and i am actually sitting here crying as i type this because this is a driver who is giving it his all even when the entire world is against him, even when his entire TEAM is against him, and he is persevering to the best of his abilities. and i know exactly what it’s like to sit here, wanting to reach for your dreams and show everyone how good you are, but to have only your closest friends and family on your side, rooting for you. what it’s like to look everywhere around you and see everyone calling you crap and saying you should quit and that you aren’t and never will be good enough. to look around and see your closest friends and family cheering for you, yet feeling like crap because you aren't doing as well as you would want, feeling inferior to everyone around you.
news flash: logan sargeant is and will always be good enough. he just needs the opportunity to show it, and williams is ruining that for him.
and yes, i will defend him with my life. people who try to say otherwise can try to do the same hours — the WEEKS — worth of research that i’ve done about logan and his career because he IS a good driver and HE DESERVES BETTER.
any hate comments towards logan will be deleted, because i have neither the time nor the energy to deal with that and argue with logan haters. i've said all of what i know and can remember about him and his career above, and will add what i can as time goes on and i remember something else or learn something new. if you have the time to hate on logan, you have the time to do your research and examine the fact that he has the potential to do well, but is not in a position for that because of the abhorrent circumstances he is currently in.
thank you for coming to my ted talk. edit: i'd also really recommend reading this twitter thread!! it goes into some more depth on logan and his f2 / f1 career, and even a little bit about his f3 career. it's very informative and articulates much of logan's career and why he is a better driver than many believe very well. https://x.com/herrocult/status/1795747913588761027
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scuderia-hamilton · 4 months
most of the drivers' reactions to the whole Horner situation is so disappointing tbh. what do you mean someone in the paddock, an employee gets harassed by one of the top figures in the sport and your reaction is either "it has nothing to do with me", or "no comment", "i just like cars and i want to drive", "it's noise and distraction", "i'm here to race", and "it's a good thing for the media", "it doesn't affect me", "i don't really have an interest".
why is it so hard to care about something other than your racing career? you gotta have some morals, dude. not caring about women's safety in your oh so beloved sport is some fucked up behaviour. in situations like this it really shows how fucking privileged they are and it's honestly repulsive.
this is precisely why Lewis is always the one being asked about any non-sport related topic. because he's the only one who cares and gives honest and nuanced answers. genuinely terrified of what this sport will become when he retires, cause no one will speak out on anything.
and then people wonder why we say that f1 is not a safe place for women and that misogyny is still very much a thing in the sport? men don't care, including the president of the fia and f1, the other team principals and most of the drivers as well. when the faces of the sport clearly don't give a shit about women, what kind of hope is there?
they can talk about equality and progressive values and promoting women in motorsports, when this is the reality of how they actually treat the women working in the sport. imagine how that poor woman is feeling, seeing how much the drivers care about what she's going through. utterly disrespectful, with no compassion or empathy.
f1 needs to do so much better.
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dreamingamongthestars · 2 months
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Happy inchidentiversary to all who celebrate 🥰🥰🥰
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
The casual affection, I'm going to throw up
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raewritesf1 · 7 months
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Some of y’all have never lived through a situation of watching two genuinely close friend slowly stop interacting publicly because people kept unnecessarily pushing fandom shit into their faces and it shows.
Stop trying to show Max your favorite 50k word lestappen smut fic! No, don’t try and explain to Seb that one of the longest fics in a multi year fic about him and his former teammates married life! Dont try and show Charles the fic about the sex life of him and his childhood best friend!
Tag driver in fan art, and cool craft projects, or even some fluffy race edits. Don’t try and share this part of fandom with them it never ends well, and it’s not the funny little joke you think it is.
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overtake · 7 days
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pucksandpower · 3 months
I’m sorry but Formula 1 media drives me insane!
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If Max didn’t DNF in Australia, he would be leading the World Championship. If Charles had functioning brakes in Bahrain, he would be leading the World Championship.
See how these hypotheticals work?
The narratives surrounded the Australian Grand Prix are slowly making me lose my mind. Did Carlos have a commendable drive? Yes. Was his win due to luck more than anything (simply because no one is getting ahead of Max if he doesn’t have mechanical issues)? Yes!
Carlos won because, for the first time in nearly two seasons, Max had a DNF. It’s really that simple.
The difference in how media treats Carlos versus Charles simply does not make any sense to me. A lucky P1 for Carlos and fans and pundits alike are saying that he is better than Charles and that Ferrari is keeping the wrong driver.
I can’t deal with it anymore!
How are these same people content to pretend that Charles didn’t have major brake issues in Bahrain that rendered his car all but undriveable? That him being able to finish P4 was a miracle in itself. How do seven straight front row starts get ignored or dismissed as unimportant because Charles didn’t manage to convert them to wins … when the Australian Grand Prix clearly showed the importance of starting the position?
The only difference, as luck would have it, the one race that Max has mechanical issues is also the one race that Charles had issues with the car in qualifying and had to start on the second row instead.
Sometimes I wish that Charles had a national media to defend him and have his back like all the other drivers do because the double standards that he constantly has to deal with are making me lose my mind.
It truly feels like some of these people don’t bother to actually watch races or take context into consideration and just go purely off of the standings.
Charles Leclerc deserves better.
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ef-1 · 1 year
damn remember when Daniel said "I'm trying to shift the development of the car, it doesn't feel right, I've driven winning cars before, they're not supposed to feel like that lol" and when he said "Lando is lucky this is the only car he's ever driven bc he's used to it, but something about it is off" and then in August Seidl said "Daniel's input isn't changing our development" and now Seidl has left and the technical director has also left and the chief aerodynamist has also left bc the stakeholders are angry that they kept creating shitty cars that only 1 person seems to be able to drive and now Christian Horner sitting ON THE SAME COUCH AS ZAK BROWN LOOKED DIRECTLY INTO THE LENS OF CAMERA AND SAID "yeah uh lol- Daniel was doing mad weird things on the sim ??? that's probably the weird habits you pick up trying to adjust to a shitty "limited" car concept instead of having a good concept match a great driver... anyway, his sim work is actually great now that we got him to unlearn that shit he picked up in the orange gulag lmao"
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I just think it's funny.
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goldsainz · 11 months
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halfdeadsage · 5 days
y'all know me , i'm a logan defender till the day i die , but today i have to speak on both him AND alex . the race was fucking horrendous for them . alex's engine TURNING OFF and being told "it's all okay 😊" is genuinely ridiculous . HOW CAN THEY TELL HIM EVERYTHING IS OKAY WHEN THE GODDAMN ENGINE JUST TURNED OFF MID RACE ??? THAT COULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH WORSE ????
it's insane how awful williams has been this weekend honestly ; from taking away the upgrades they gave to logan because they "weren't working" , to telling alex that everything looks okay on their end when his engine turned off is ridiculous . and i guarantee you james is gonna go on the williams instagram with his little post-race debrief segment and not say SHIT about logan . it's so infuriating how the car is this shit . genuinely , how is it possible that the UPGRADES DIDN'T WORK ???? SO YOU TAKE THEM AWAY MIDWAY THROUGH THE WEEKEND ??????? it's fucking incredible !!!! actually fucking incredible !!!!!! i'm so pissed post race today , for both logan and alex , they deserve so much better and this weekend so bad . i feel awful for them and the shit they have to go through on the daily .
i'm this cat rn.
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norrisleclercf1 · 2 months
I honestly can't wait for Logan to fucking snap or just leave because clearly Williams isn't doing shit for him. His penalty today was utter bull (yes I understand why it was given) but they were both so damn close to each other and honestly shouldnt be a rule. You pit, and a car passes you under safety car then you gambled to loose that place 🤷🏻‍♀️ honestly I hope Logan does leave either for a better team or to another series and absolutely smash it there
but if Logan leaves then no Loscar
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dreamingamongthestars · 2 months
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wejustvibing · 7 months
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y'all i—
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mittsektor · 1 month
The fact that Perez is okay, can WALK AWAY by HIMSELF, is almost a fucking miracle. For every replay the seriousness of the situation becomes more terrifying. A couple of years ago he might not have survived.
I'm not a fan of redbull, Checo is definitely not my favourite driver, but I'm still very, VERY glad that he seems alright. Your dislike for a team doesn't mean you should stop being human.
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princelancey · 5 months
recent posts in the lance tag have reminded me i saved some of the unlisted racing point videos and have very rudely not shared them, so fixing that
The BIG Mexico Quiz with Sergio Perez & Lance Stroll!
Chopstick Challenge with Sergio Perez and Lance Stroll
Calligraphy Challenge with Sergio Perez and Lance Stroll
The Boys on the Brazil Grand Prix | Sergio Perez and Lance Stroll
Lance Stroll on the Japanese Grand Prix
Old Tweets (some of the youtube links don't work but the videos are on twitter)
Our Movember Message (2019)
Lance playing Tennis, part 2 (2020) [yeah the tennis switch ain't happening]
Lance on the US Grand Prix
a Stroll around Monaco
Japan 2019 delay shenanigans
anyways not a fan of media becoming inaccessible (mclaren & alphatauri we have beef rn) so this is my part in countering that 👍
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