#↬ ⋆ viggo ; intro.
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harellan · 12 days ago
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I'm a million impulse decisions tonight Back in the city, howlin', but I won't bite (x)
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buriedhvtchet · 6 months ago
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não é nenhuma surpresa ver MALTHE VIGGO SØRENSEN andando pelas ruas de arcanum, afinal, o lobisomem da alder pack precisa ganhar dinheiro como BARTENDER NA TOCA DO LOBO. mesmo não tendo me convidado para sua festa de TRINTA E UM ANOS, ainda lhe acho OBSTINADO e CONFIÁVEL, mas entendo quem lhe vê apenas como ESQUENTADO e VINGATIVO. vivendo na cidade HÁ 6 ANOS, VIGGO cansa de ouvir que se parece com AUSTIN BUTLER. ( masculino • ele/dele • bissexual )
I.       BACKGROUND       ;       ANTES  . 
Na Dinamarca, a família do Viggo foi morta por caçadores, ele só ficou vivo porque o pai mandou ele se esconder antes de tudo acontecer. Foi encontrado no mesmo lugar 3 dias depois por um idoso chamado Frederik que cuidou dele até a sua morte.
Aos 16 anos, começou a trabalhar na oficina da cidade, consertando carros e motos, e mantendo os ouvidos abertos sobre caçadores que estivessem andando pela região. Um dia, reconheceu um dos caçadores quando um homem entrou na loja para buscar a moto que tinha deixado na oficina no dia que o Viggo tava de folga.
Depois que ele foi embora, Viggo passou semanas se perguntando se deveria quebrar a promessa que fez para Frederik antes do velho morrer, lhe dizendo que não iria arriscar a vida indo atrás daqueles caçadores. Não aguentou e puxou os dados do homem, encontrando um endereço na Polônia.
No meio do caminho, antes que pudesse chegar em seu destino, parou em um motel numa cidade pequena da Alemanha pra passar a noite antes de seguir viagem. Mas quando acordou, se sentia tonto, como se estivesse vivendo uma alucinação. Montou na moto, mas ao invés de seguir para a Polônia, chegou em um vilarejo que nunca tinha ouvido falar.
II.       BACKGROUND       ;       DEPOIS  . 
Pensou em se manter isolado por algum tempo, construir uma casa perto da floresta e não interagir com as outras pessoas, sobretudo na lua cheia. Mas tinha se isolado demais antes, era hora de ter uma alcateia ao seu redor. Se juntou aos Alder Pack, mesmo que não se visse com o mesmo espírito selvagem que eles, mas sentia que podia fazer parte daquele grupo. Começou a trabalhar como barista no Toca do Lobo, servindo drinks sem oferecer muita conversa, preferindo ouvir quando os bêbados começavam a falar sobre os seus problemas.
III.       STUDY       ;       PERSONALIDADE  . 
Viggo tem a fala mansa, costuma passar o seu tempo na companhia dos outros lobisomens da alcateia e cuidando da plantação em sua casa. Como não conseguiu concluir a sua vingança, ele costuma tirar satisfações quando uma situação não lhe agrada, não querendo procurar confusão, mas também não querendo que as pessoas achem que podem pisar nele e no seu grupo. Como sente que tem uma família novamente, não quer que nada aconteça com eles. Se você tem a sua confiança, ele vai guardar todos os seus segredos.
IV.       STUDY       ;       FATOS RÁPIDOS  . 
Solta fumaça que nem uma chaminé.
Metade do seu armário é roupa de couro.
Sempre tem um chiclete de menta no bolso.
Gosta de montar e desmontar coisas.
Cochila nos lugares mais estranhos.
Conhece muitas piadas de tiozão.
Tem várias tatuagens pelo corpo.
Não gosta de dormir com as luzes apagadas.
V.       REQUIRED       ;       CONEXÕES  . 
Mais tarde.
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charlidos · 8 months ago
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I'm glad to say I found the handholding moment. So here's a slightly less blurry gif, yay. To all my fellow Viggorli nerds out there.
So, there it is! Holding hands in public. And not just briefly either. It's damn brilliant, is what it is.
Turned out it's from PJ:s intro to the Return of the King appendecies.
Here's the full view of this precious moment.
In another moment, Orlando is standing there without Viggo, looking all lost and lonely... The only cast among all the crew, it looks like.
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If we assume Viggo joined the group after this, no wonder Orlando was in a super possessive mode once he arrived, crown and all. "He's MY king. So there."
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maraschinocheri · 1 year ago
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It was 20 years ago (ish) :: Outtakes and a bit of BTS from Empire magazine's The Lord of the Rings: A Celebration booklet enclosed with the magazine's January 2004 issue, which was released in December 2003 (photos from the booklet itself are here). Photography represented here was taken in New York, London, Los Angeles, and Vancouver between July and October 2003. Shown here: Liv Tyler (Arwen), Elijah Wood (Frodo), Dominic Monaghan (Merry), Sean Astin (Sam), Andy Serkis (Gollum/Smeagol), Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn), Billy Boyd (Pippin), Miranda Otto (Eowyn), Christopher Lee (Saruman), Orlando Bloom (Legolas), and Karl Urban (Eomer). Several more outtakes exist from especially Dominic's, Liv's, and Karl's shoots, and others from these shoots were repurposed both by Empire and the original photographers. The BTS shot of Elijah did appear in the intro section of the original booklet as well.
[ The Wellington premiere of ROTK | Air Frodo from NZ to LA | Los Angeles | Berlin | London | New York (1) | New York (2) | Empire's LOTR Celebration booklet photography ]
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swaps55 · 1 year ago
Okay, but if I ask *nicely* will you yell about how Shadowfax can't do lead changes? :D
Ok. So. When horses are moving at a canter or a gallop, they have ‘leads.’ As in, one front foot and one hind foot is always ‘leading’ the opposite foot. Generally, when they are tracking to the right, they will lead with their right foot, and when tracking left, they’ll lead with their left foot. Turning is smoother when the lead foot matches the direction you’re turning.
Horses can change leads while moving at speed. It works a lot like a skip, only they have to skip the front and the hind end. Changing leads is something horses do naturally, but they can also learn to do it on cue. The trick is getting them to change both the front and the hind in the same stride. If they don’t – and what usually happens is they change the front end but take another step or two to change the hind – their movement gets really choppy because their front and hind ends are on different leads. This can cause you problems when jumping a course, for instance, when you sometimes have to change directions quickly.
Here's a video that demonstrates it:
SO. Imagine my horse-obsessed ass sitting the theater at the midnight showing of The Two Towers, eyes peeled for Shadowfax, because the Lord of Horses was going to be in front of my eyeballs AT LAST, and if Asfaloth in Fellowship of the Ring was not the Lord of Horses, then holy fuck I can’t wait to see who IS.
Before I continue, let’s talk about the Flight to the Ford.
This is one of my favorite sequences in film, and it’s largely because Asfaloth is such a badass. Watch this horse’s feet throughout this sequence. This horse is carrying two fully costumed riders (I can’t remember if they had Kiran – Elijah Wood’s stunt double – actually in the saddle for those scenes, but even if they didn’t, they had something bumping along up there) while moving at high speeds, turning, and jumping.
The way this horse moves, the way he changes leads is incredible to watch.
(Side note: the horse’s name is Florian, and his stunt rider, Jane Abbot, adored him and was devastated that she couldn’t afford to buy him when filming ended. Viggo Mortenson bought him for her, and when I looked, she still had him at age 29.)   
[gently takes your face in my hands] WATCH THAT VIDEO AGAIN.
I believe without question that Florian was indeed Asfaloth, Glorfindel/Arwen’s steed.
Hang on, I’m gonna go watch it again.
Ok. I’m better now. I’m fine. I’m not totally overwhelmed by how much I love Asfaloth and how quickly I would sell my soul to sit on that horse’s back.
Now let’s talk about Shadowfax.  
One of the Mearas. Lord of Horses. Who should definitely be able to do a really elegant lead change, because of the whole Lord of Horses thing.
As Shadowfax is running down the hill towards Gandalf, he’s on his left lead. Since he’s about to bend right towards Gandalf, he switches to his right.
In the front.
It takes him another step and a half or so to get the hind end to follow suit.
Is that totally normal for a horse, especially one with no rider? Sure.
This was your BIG INTRO, man. There was inspirational music. The rapt attention of Aragorn, Legolas, and fucking Gandalf, and he flubbed the lead change.
It’s been over 20 years and I am still not over it. Asfaloth was better, fight me.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 5 months ago
Happy STS! What are your characters' favorite fun facts?
Heya! Been holding off on this because I've mainly been trying to understand it. I'm pretty sure it means just what they think is a cool fun fact so I'm going with that, answering what they'd say about "oh here's a fun fact...". Sorry lol. Excuse to post interesting fun facts.
Lexi - would love the psychology behind friendship if she read about it. Like maybe that animals can make friends or that it's one of the first things infants learn. Or she'll give a cool gardening fact like plants reacting to sound
Maddie - stuff like "did you know that you'd need 40 billion Legos to reach the moon" or random things related to a special interest, and her looking up animals facts will also add to that, such as talking about how cheetahs can't retract their claws
Ash - "did you know Viggo Mortenson broke his toe during Two Towers?"
Gwen - I don't think she'd be able to pick a favorite. She loves reading so she'd probably read a fun facts book at some point about specific topics like music or she'd know the publication history of a series. She also loves researching so she may go down a rabbit hole and then discover something like "hey did you know middle fingernails grow the fastest?"
Robbie - he knows the most random shit. Like "With 13 minutes of end credits, The Lego Movie 2 has the longest amount of end credits for a non-Disney animated film. Thus, it is also the first animated film to use that amount of end credits without post-credits scenes." (From IMDb btw also I pull up this fact at random times)
Akash - knows a lot of stuff about sports. Like how numbers 86, 89, and 92 have never been worn in baseball. Or his a dragon obsession led him to know they first appear in Mesopotamian art as snakes
Jedi - he pulled "intangibles can't breathe while they're phasing!" Out of his ass, as well as thinking of at least 8 powers that Gwen could possibly have been demonstrating in chapter 11. Do not ask him a fun fact about the powers, because he will spend ages listing all of them
Carmen - I don't think she would particularly like the term fun fact. Facts aren't fun, they are just facts! However, she genuinely does find theoretical powers fascinating, so she might list a fun fact about why the existence of dragons is so intrinsically connected to Alii powers , and she also definitely knows a lot of fun facts about the plants and animals in the area, such as what to do if you get yourself stuck facing a predatorial deer
Well, I hope I answered this correctly! If not, hope you enjoyed some fun facts!
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TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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johanns-freaking-husband · 2 months ago
Intro (o゜▽゜)o☆
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About me!
Idk what ti write about me lol
Ig besides HTTYD I like Subnautica, Jurassic Park/World, Slime Rancher and few other games.
My grammar is quite bad ig?
And this is all idk ;-;
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Request Rules!
I can write about other characters from HTTYD too! But mostly it'll be about Johann or Drago, Krogan, Ryker and Viggo.
I'll write mostly SFW maybe NSFW or suggestive if I really liked the idea ig
Mostly will write hc about some characters.
Also I'll only write x reader's maybe x oc's too.
Don't fvcking dare to give me request about z00, inc3st, p3d0 and other disgusting things!
[And that's all probably, will edit it if U forgot something.]
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imaginativemind29new · 2 years ago
Welcome to my Writing, Whump and Fandom Blog!
My favorite genre is fantasy with a romance subplot, and that's what you can expect in my writing :)
Currently trying to tackle the first draft of book 1 of the trilogy I am writing.
But I also enjoy to write fanfiction, my main fandoms are mentioned in the blog description, tho I mostly write for HTTYD. (Viggo Grimborn is my fave + vigcup shipper)
Creating OC's is one of my favorte things to do and I could gush about them all day. They are my babies, which of course means I love to whump them XD
Tho I try to keep this blog mostly sfw, there will be the occassional nsfw content in my writing or reblogs. Nsfw will be tagged accordingly by me with the following tag: nsfw and Trigger warnings will be tagged: tw ... (insert the trigger)
Tag games and friendly asks are always welcome. You want to chat? That's cool, just reach out to me :)
Here's the link to my AO3 and Wattpad
Here is my Whump Intro
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fromthebeddesk · 8 months ago
God-Touched Character Intro: Gabriel
@sarandipitywrites this is more about Gabriel. I'm not trying to spam you I swear. No replies necessary unless you're actually up for it.
Gabriel is Azrea's love interest, uses he/they pronouns like myself and bucket loads of snark. He also happens to be an archangel, although he's missing a lot of his powers right now.
Looks like this, they're tall and lanky but in an elegant way, like a cat. The Picrew I used for everyone else didn't have a purple skin tone option 😭😭😭
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He was in love with Jesus, the last major God-Touched human. It was mutual, but then Jesus died (partially by choice) in spite of Gabriel explaining what was really going on and trying to talk some sense into him.
Then Gabriel got kicked out of heaven and banished for trying to save the man they loved. They spent the last several thousand years bitter, angry and alone, which kind of faded into a vague snarky resentment and some very unhealthy coping strategies. They didn't return to space until humans got the hang of it, spending most of their time stuck on Earth as a variety of alter-ego eccentric actors. Viggo Mortenson included.
(This is also how Christianity on Earth started in my verse btw, with Mary writing down a version of Gabriel's leaked information along with her son's life story to remember him by after he died.)
Character Inspo chart!!!
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Gabriel is flirty, snarky, and kind of a charming asshole. He doesn't let you see any other side of him unless he REALLY trusts you. He's used to being the smartest and hottest person in any given room, but is open to being proven wrong on that. He likes a complex challenge, both for it's own sake and as a chance to show off.
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biwi23 · 2 years ago
Viggo's World: Charmy's Revenge [found on the Lost Episode Creepypasta Wiki]
I'm sure that most of you know about Viggo's World. If you don't, then let me explain. Its a show on Nickelodeon about a cat named Viggo going on adventures with his friends in a city named 123 Viggo's World. Anyways, I would like to tell you about a lost episode of the show that was so messed up that it made me stop watching Viggo's World for a month.
One night, I was watching Nick at Nite, when a announcement came up saying that a special episode of Viggo's World was coming up next. I was confused, since why would a episode of a children's show like this air on Nick at Nite? However, at the same time, I was interested, so I went into the kitchen, made myself some popcorn and a orange juice and prepared myself to watch this special episode. If only I knew what would befall.
The intro to Viggo's World began playing, however, it didn't seem right. The colours were all red and the theme song was low-pitched. The title card then came up and it was Charmy looking angry with red pupils and red, bloody text above him saying "Charmy's Revenge". I was confused, since why would Charmy get revenge? However, I continued watching.
[The title card of the episode.]
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The episode began with Viggo and his friends having a party of some sort, when Charmy said to Viggo "Hey, Viggo, did you bring any honey muffins for me?" and Viggo said to Charmy "Sorry to say, but no. Maybe next birthday when we have a party, right?". Charmy then got very angry and said "Are you joking with me?! Viggo, how dare you not bring any honey muffins for me?! You know exactly why you didn't bring them, you ate them all?! Viggo, you're such a fucking dick, you know?!". Viggo and his friends then gasped in shock at what Charmy said and I felt the same way as them, because children's shows are not supposed to have swearing in them.
Charmy then began to go into rage, pulled out a gun and began shooting Viggo in the head, while Viggo screamed. It wasn't pretend screaming like the voice actors always do, but actual screaming, as if the voice actor was in agony. After he was done shooting Viggo in the head, he began to eat Viggo's brains, while Viggo's friends just stood there and watched in horror as Charmy was eating Viggo's brains.
Amy Rose then said "Why are you doing this to Viggo, Charmy, WHY?". Charmy then got black eyes with blood coming out of them
[A possible screenshot of the episode.]
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and said in a demonic voice "Because he didn't bring any honey muffins for me. Now its time for you to die, you cunt!". Charmy then pulled out a knife and began stabbing Amy in the chest with it, while she screamed. Then, Charmy heard police sirens as he said "Oh shit." and stopped stabbing Amy.
The policemen then came and said "Charmy, you're under arrest, for 2 counts of murder. Get in the car now.". Charmy then said "FUCK NO!!! THIS IS AMERICA, YOU FUCKING PIGS!!!", pulled out a AK-47 and began shooting the policemen, blood and guts splattering everywhere. Charmy then went back to the people who were at the party and said "Okay, since nobody here wants to fess up being a fucking snitch, I guess I will have to kill every single one of you, you fucking shitheads.". All of the people screamed "NOOOOO!!!" and Charmy screamed "YES!!!".
It then cut to black for 2 minutes, all while screaming was heard, along with gunshots, explosions and chainsaws being heard. It then showed all of 123 Viggo's World on fire, as a creepy music box was heard. It then showed everyone in 123 Viggo's World dead, killed in horrifying ways. Sonic had his eyes gouged out and his stomach ripped open and Little Guy had his arms and legs taken off and a bullet hole in his chest. I don't want to talk about the rest, since its way too gory.
It then showed Charmy walking down the street, depressed. Charmy then said "Oh no, what have I done? I killed all of my best friends, now its time for me to die.". Charmy then pulled out a knife and started stabbing himself in the head with it. He then collapsed onto the floor, dead. Then it showed white text on a black screen saying "Sorry, but Viggo, Charmy, Amy Rose, Velina, Sonic and all of the other characters are dead, so there's no more characters and very sadly, there's no more Viggo's World. If you're watching this, be very sad. Thanks for watching the special episode of Viggo's World.".
The credits then began playing, but only listing Viggo V. as the guy who made the episode. I was shocked, so I turned off the TV and went to sleep. While I was sleeping, I had several nightmares like Charmy's black eyes and all of the characters getting killed. The next day, I contacted Leaf Animation Group about this and Viggo V. said the following:
"How did you find this? You see, we hired a guy named Sam as a lead animator for a Viggo's World special that would revive the struggling show in 2001. During that time, Sam went crazy and made this episode as the series finale, before getting fired. Sam then went on to kill over 50 people and got arrested for his actions. Now, about that credits at the end of the episode which said I've made the episode, it wasn't me, it 100% wasn't me. Also, I have a theory that some lunatic found the episode, hijacked it on your local TV station near (CITY NAME WITHHELD) somehow and got the episode to air on your local Nickelodeon station. I'm sorry that you are scared and I'll send you some apologies.".
A few days later, the people at Leaf Animation Group sent me a bunch of Viggo's World and The Tom and Tim Show DVD's and also a muffin with icing on it saying "Sorry". I ate the muffin and kept the Viggo's World DVD's for my little brother. If you find this episode, stay away from it. source
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tveitertotwrites · 2 months ago
Intros to MC's and OC's I won't write for: Odette Foredale
Book/Series: Desire and Decorum
Name: Odette Grace Foredale
Nicknames: O, Riley, Gracie
Birthday: November 11, 1799
Height: 5'3
Sexuality: Straight
Born in: London, UK
Raised in: London, UK
FC: Roxanne Couch
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Li: Ernest Sinclaire
FC: Derek Klena
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Father: Vincent Foredale
FC: Viggo Mortensen
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Mother: Mary
FC: Rena Owen
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Brother: Harry Foredale
FC: Griffin Gluck
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Child: Emily Catherine Sinclaire
FC (when she's older): Rowan Blanchard
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Random facts about Odette:
Her favorite color is light/baby blue
Her name was originally Grace but then her mother decided to change it to Odette and make her middle name Grace
Her main outfit is the blue and green outfit Eliza Hamilton wears in Hamilton (Shown Below)
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franciscoarayapizarro · 1 year ago
Intro para la pelicula SYNCO, basada en el libro de Jorge Baradit y protagonizada por Scarlett Johanson, Benicio del Toro, Gael Garcia Bernal, Javier Bardem, Viggo Mortensen, Ricardo Darín, Alfredo Castro, Diego Luna, Natalia Oreiro, Luis Gnecco, Paz Vega y Edgar Ramírez como "Ricardo Cáceres ". Visite mi blog en https://www.tumblr.com/franciscoarayapizarro y siga mi Instagram en: https://www.instagram.com/franciscoarayapizarro/
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fictionalnormalcy · 4 years ago
A while ago I looked up the Wikipedia page for DreamWorks Dragons Race to the Edge, because I wanted to see if there was a behind-the-scenes video released that I missed. I didn’t find what I was looking for, but I did come to read through the page. Coming to find something else that frankly, made me fall in love with the show even more. So the show was initially green-lighted for four seasons. Then later on they were renewed for a fifth and sixth.
It made me think of the high stakes we were given in the last three seasons. How the Shellshocker project came to fall through, the introduction of two other villains, and leading into more of an introduction on Drago. For a summary of what happened in the five years between HTTYD 1 and HTTYD 2, I am rather impressed on how well they managed to wind in all that they did.
However, it led me to realize that Viggo was meant to be the main antagonist for the series. He was probably never meant to be redeemed. But if it hadn’t been for the extra two season renewal, the show would’ve probably ended with the decimation of the Dragon Hunters, and of course the Dragon Riders heading back to Berk.
Obviously, the writers found out within a good timeline to be able to adjust the show and decide what they would wind into the remaining two seasons. But it also made me wonder, Krogan wasn’t meant to have more episodes as an antagonist. The plot addition of Viggo having lived and the Dragon Eye once more coming under the enemies’ side as well as the race to find the King of Dragons and also adapt to Johann being a traitor, they couldn’t have possibly fit all that into four seasons.
And now knowing that there was initially supposed to be four seasons, guys I am reeling.
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revive-the-fandom · 2 years ago
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covetsauvignon · 3 years ago
as it stands - chapter two
associate professor joshua x university staff member reader genre: smut, angst if you squint overall warnings: use of the word "war", afab reader, oral (f), fingering
series: intro - chapter one - chapter two
tag list (open): @hynjnhwng | @cloudyhoonie
this chapter pairs well with the following music: dido and aeneas, z. 626 / act iii: when i am laid in earth beverage: cavaliere d’oro campanile pinot grigio delle venezie 2018
it's finally here! shoutout to anyone who catches my three fun easter eggs. also sent this to my high school bestie while drunk and he proofread it brb dying of embarrassment!!!
“As it stands, any relationships of a sexual or romantic nature between faculty or staff members within the same school, department, or college are strongly discouraged, except in certain circumstances, usually those extenuating from a relationship existing prior to the employment of one or both parties.”
It’s just talking. It’s not a relationship. Over the course of the past month, you’ve spent nearly as much time in Joshua’s office as you’ve spent at home, opting to visit him for a few hours while he grades papers or reviews lesson plans when you’re finished with work rather than leaving campus right away.
You don’t go on dates. You don’t even see each other outside of the classics building.
You don’t mind. It’s easier like this.
Simpler. Cleaner.
When you’re together, you talk about anything. And everything. He wants to know about where you grew up. What do your siblings do? Who are you more like: your mother, or your father? Did you grow up religious? What do you believe now? What’s your favorite book, movie, tv show, menu item at McDonald’s, place you’ve visited? Have you seen any of the natural wonders of the world? Did you know that ravens can talk? Did you know humans have studied more of space than the ocean? What’s your favorite constellation? Snow or rain? Sunshine or clouds?
You learn that he likes the color blue, he’s an only child, he was raised a devout Catholic, he can play guitar, his favorite animals are rabbits (he has a pet bunny named Hannie), and he’s never been good with asking other people for help.
In return, you tell him some of the useless facts you know. Such as: blobfish are actually normal looking fish at their natural deep sea pressure, declawing cats removes all but the last knuckle of their toes, and, speaking of toes, Viggo Mortensen broke his when kicking that helmet in The Two Towers.
He takes to the habit of collecting shooters and miniature handles of liquor, bitters and syrups and other cocktail ingredients small enough to hide behind the books of his office (it is a dry campus, after all), so that he can learn how to make cocktails. Sometimes, he asks you to teach him something new. Other times, he shows off with his own research. His brands and blends are a bit wrong, sometimes, but you never say anything. He’s trying, and it makes you warm from head to toe. 
Then, there are the other times. More and more frequent, as of late, one question in this direction branching off into dozens, each more suggestive and salacious than the last.
First kiss? How many relationships have you been in? Have you ever been in love? What’s your favorite position? How often do you pleasure yourself? Do you ever think about someone in particular while doing so? Have you ever thought about me? Will you think about me tonight? If we didn’t know each other through work, if we met at a bar, would we have slept together by now?
For better or worse, it’s not long until the space between you becomes so wrought full of tension and desire that you can scarcely stand to be in the same room with other people around out of fear that anyone will be able to tell something’s happening between the two of you just by looking. The lounge and hallways become a war zone full of mines in the form of students and other faculty and staff. You find you’re beginning to avoid people.
Not that, in either of your offices, you have ever truly been alone together. Your office, especially, is not private; either the lobby door or the chair’s office door or both are open, meaning anyone is welcome to enter at any point. Part of the reason you speak so softly in the sanctity of Joshua’s office is because students tend to come and go with questions or late assignments every so often, so his door is always open, too.
The pair of you have never been alone behind closed doors. 
Until now.
You didn’t see him talking to a student down the hall as you slipped into the storage room, and he didn’t see you pass by on your way. You don’t bother turning on the lights; the window at the far end of the room lets in enough cloud-covered sunshine to guide you comfortably. The room is decently sized, filled with dozens of filing and storage cabinets, rows of shelves, and the old faculty and staff lounge couch that was now shoved into the far corner.
It’s dark and quiet, close and familiar. You nearly jump out of your skin when you hear the door open unexpectedly.
“Jesus, you scared me,” you laugh, looking away quickly, turning your attention back to the cabinet of supplies you’d just opened. What you’d been searching for, however, is lost on you. You haven’t the faintest idea why you came here in the first place. 
All you know is that now Joshua is here with you. Alone.
“Out of staples?” You ask. It’s an innocent question, to be sure. But, in this context, any question - any attempt at communication - serves only to stir the feelings and urges you’re both trying desperately to suppress.
“I honestly can’t even remember,” he answers, laughing softly. His voice is quiet and gentle, as ever, but slightly tense.
In an attempt to distract yourself, you begin organizing the storage cabinet instead of pulling items from it. Straightening a box of paper clips here, re-stacking a set of index cards there. Your hands are fitful, nervous and flighty like a baby bird trying to get off the ground for the first time.
It’s the proximity. And the light. Or, rather, the lack of light. It’s the way the hint of poplar wood you glean from his cologne is wrapping itself around you like a python, creeping through your veins and making you think about making regrettable decisions. Regrettably delicious decisions.
“That’s unfortunate,” you reply succinctly.
“Somehow I sense that I’m not alone in suddenly feeling lost,” he murmurs. There’s a soft metallic sound, one you recognize as him fidgeting with his wristwatch. He does it when he’s deep in thought. Or nervous. Or both. 
“Is it that obvious?” You sigh, carefully closing the creaky metal cabinet before turning to face him. He’s hovering by the door, one hand worrying with his watch, his eyes moving from the floor to your face as he senses your movement. You can’t decipher his expression. Your own gaze flickers to the door handle.
You notice it has a lock.
That lights a flame in your stomach, the hungry sort that only grows stronger the more you try to blow it out.
“Not really, I’m just getting better at reading you,” he answers. You’re both quiet for a moment. Anxious. Tempted. “Are you afraid?” His voice is barely above a whisper.
“Of what?”
“Of getting caught.”
You swallow hard. Something is buzzing in your chest and your fingertips. “We’re not doing anything,” you say cautiously.
“That could change. If you want it to.”
You look at him, and he looks at you, and the weight of this moment, the gaze you’re sharing, and all of its implications makes your head spin. “What if someone comes in?” you ask. He turns slightly, looking at the door handle for a moment before delicately clicking the lock into place. “What if someone finds out?”
“They won’t,” he assures you softly, taking the smallest of steps towards you.
Your heartbeat begins to quicken. Your lips suddenly feel dry. You lick them. You don’t think you’ve ever been so nervous. “I need this job. I can’t get fired.” He’s close enough now that beneath his cologne you’re beginning to detect notes of his aftershave. It smells like mint. You wonder if, perhaps, you could taste it on your lips if you kissed along his jaw.
“No one’s going to fire you,” he shakes his head. “If we get caught, which we won’t, I’ll take the blame.”
You frown. “I don’t like the idea of that, either. I don’t want you to get in trouble because of me.”
“Oh?” The corner of his mouth curls into a slight grin. “And what about what I want?”
“What is it that you want?”
In another two agonizingly slow, careful steps, he closes the distance, and for the first time you realize how tall he is, how fully his presence enraptures you. “Permission,” he says at last. 
You feel like all the air has been sucked out of your lungs. You look up at him, into his eyes, so kind and caring and sweet and warm, and it’s all over. “Please,” you whisper. “Joshua, please.” He raises his hand, running the back of his knuckles so gently across your cheek you’re unsure if you’re imagining it or not.
“Please what?”
“Kiss me.”
The hand by your face turns, and his palm comes to rest along your jaw, thumb running across your cheek while his fingers curl beneath your chin to tilt your head up as he softly presses his lips to yours, his other hand coming to ghost over your hip, guiding your body just slightly closer to his. 
At first, it’s chaste. Bubblegum pink, glitter suspended in liquid around the edges. Soda flavored lip gloss and mood rings and Lisa Frank folders. The warmth in your chest stays there, innocent and nostalgic. It makes you think of your very first kiss with your best friend, Ricky, in eighth grade, outside the auditorium as you wait for your sister to get out of drama club.
Certain elements come back to you, replacing your senses in the present with the memories of your past. Your backpack, weighed down by at least three textbooks and covered with Pokemon pins. The Hello Kitty bandaid on your knee pulling slightly at your skin. The cloyingly sweet vanilla ice cream perfume you wore at the time filling your lungs.
Then, the tip of Joshua’s tongue flickers against your bottom lip, and you find yourself wrenched from your very first, far in the past, to the new first you’re experiencing now.
This first could not be more different.
It’s a deep burgundy, the color of wine, and you’re already drunk on the feeling of it, the taste of him. You open your mouth, eager and pliant, and his tongue finds yours. The hand on your hip tightens, the other on your face moving to your back, gripping the fabric of your shirt as he pulls you up against him. You’re vaguely aware of the fact that when your body meets his, when you feel him already growing half hard in his khakis, that a moan escapes you, one which he devours intently. 
Your own hands can’t stay still, running up his arms and over his shoulders and down to his chest, his heart beating wildly against your palm. You let your fingers flit over his collar before sliding up the nape of his neck and tangling in his hair. It’s as soft as you’d imagined, and the contact makes him pull away, a breathy groan escaping him before he begins pressing kisses along your jaw. When he reaches your neck, his tongue and teeth begin gracing your skin just as much as his lips. His bites are gentle, soothed instantly with a swirl of his tongue, and you find yourself letting out the tiniest, neediest sounds.
A wildfire rages inside of you, your bones becoming ashen branches licked and burned by flames so hot and intense you wouldn’t be surprised if your skin was scorching to the touch. You’re so filled with want - so much, so fully, it’s almost unbearable. You’ve never needed anyone like this, and you’re not quite sure what to do about it. Desire blossoms like roses within your core, the edges of their petals singed by the heat that roils inside of you.
“Not enough,” you pant quietly, eyes clamping shut as his teeth do the same along your throat.
“What do you need?” he murmurs against your skin. 
“More. Touch me more, please, I want-”
You don’t get to finish your sentence before he’s steering you back, gently pinning you to the cabinet you’d been sorting just a few moments ago. One of his knees slides between your legs, parting them, the hem of your skirt rising, his thigh gently nudging against your already sensitive clit as he settles in close to you. It’s enough to make you whimper, but not enough to sate you. Not by any stretch of the imagination.
He pulls away from your neck to look at you, leveling you with a gaze honey-dipped in lust, his eyes still sweet and soft, but achingly hungry. “May I?” he asks, running his thumbs over the collar of your dress shirt. You nod, eyes flitting to the locked door.
He smirks. “That can be arranged.” Then, with a harsh movement so sudden and sharp you don’t see it, he rips your shirt open, the topmost button popping straight off and clattering to the floor. You gasp, but he wastes no time, pulling the remaining fabric out of your skirt and clutching your ribs as he dives to your collarbone. He picks up where he left off, kissing and nipping and licking your skin until he reaches the center of your chest. His breath is hot against your sternum as his hands glide up to the back of your bra, delicately stroking the fabric there. 
“Yes, please, yes,” you insist before he even gets the chance to ask. His nimble fingers make quick work of it, unlatching your bra and then moving his hands to your shoulders, pulling the straps and your shirt down, flinging them off your arms and onto the floor in one smooth motion. 
Within the next moment, you arch your back and his mouth is around one of your nipples, his fingers playing with the other. His tongue swirls and teases, his teeth gentle at first. But as soon as you moan, he’s on you in earnest, pulling your nipple between his teeth until he feels you shudder. His thumb rolls lazily against your other breast until he decides to switch, making you gasp under your breath.
Within moments you find yourself bucking your hips, running your center along his thigh, desperate for friction. Your hands tangle in his hair again, and you’re somewhat certain you’re whispering his name like a prayer. Then, he drops to his knees, his hands moving from your breasts to your skirt, bunching it further up your waist until he’s level with your panties. 
“Can I?” He looks up at you, his warm brown eyes simmering darkly with desire, but they’re just as tender and honest as they’ve ever been. His breath fans across your inner thighs, and your hips move forward ever so slightly, yet ever so eagerly in response that you should be embarrassed.
Now, it’s all you can do to whine and nod. But it’s enough for him. 
One hand tugs the already soaked fabric of your panties aside so he can lick you, tongue hot and heavy, from your core to your clit, the clever muscle instantly coated in your wetness. 
“Fuck,” his voice hitches as his lips wrap around that bundle of nerves, the hand not holding your panties open for him kneading a soothing rhythm into your thigh.
Time has no meaning, now. At first, you’re still somewhat cognizant. You can feel his fingers against your leg, methodical and purposeful. It’s grounding. Especially in comparison to the way his mouth moves against you. Sinful. Heavenly. A dichotomy that threatens to split you asunder, one part of your brain enraptured in pleasure, the other half a little afraid of how much you like it.
But then, his hand leaves your thigh. His fingers are suddenly sliding along your slit, discovering your entrance, coaxing it open with two fingers that he then pushes inside of you with no resistance.
Now, it’s all heat, it’s all so good, it’s all too much. Your stomach begins to knot, but the sensations of him keep going, keep building. The steady pressure of his fingers inside you, the gentle ministrations of his tongue against you. Every time he enters you is a strike of lightning, yet only curling tendrils of smoke and gentle dapples of sunlight play behind your eyelids. The visions are pale and soft and comforting as he drives you ever to your ecstasy in strokes so very determined, so very fervent.
You don’t last long.
“Joshua, I-” You try to warn him, but at the sound of his name he curls his fingers inside of you and you’re coming harder than you ever have before. The satisfaction trickles like melting ice from the top of your head, pooling in the molten center of your hips before shivering down your legs, leaving you shaking slightly and utterly breathless.
Finally, Joshua pulls away, his lips and chin slick with you, and he smiles, pleasant and delicate and so at odds with the way he just made you feel. You’re suddenly a bit light headed, so you let your knees buckle and your back slide down the cabinet until you’re sitting on the floor.
“Are you alright?” Joshua asks, his expression growing a touch worried.
You nod, smiling and sighing and letting your eyes flutter shut for a moment. “Very, very much better than alright,” you answer with a laugh.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he says quietly, and when you open your eyes to look at him, he’s still on his knees, licking clean the fingers that were inside of you mere moments ago, the fingers that just made you see stars. The sight of it makes you forget about how spent you are, replacing all other thoughts with one singular desire: him. Him, him, and more of him. 
You shift to your knees, fingers flying to the buttons of his shirt as you kiss him, feverishly hot and fast. You can feel him grin, lips twisting away from yours for only a moment, amused by your short-lived exhaustion and renewed enthusiasm. He shrugs out of his shirt, his palms coming to caress your shoulder blades as your own hands run down his chest, skimming across his stomach, touch feather-light, before you begin to busy yourself with his belt.
When it’s unfastened, he pulls away and stands, tugging your hands to bring you up with him. His mouth returns to yours like a magnet, his body turning and guiding the pair of you towards the long-forgotten couch in the corner. When the back of your knees hit the rough old cushions, his hands dip to unzip your skirt. Thoroughly sick of any amount of fabric being between you, you shove it and your panties down your hips and legs, stepping out of them as Joshua does the same with his slacks and underwear. You get on your tip-toes, move to kiss him, but he dodges your advance, hands holding you in place by your waist. 
“You can always say no to me, you know,” he murmurs, echoing the sentiment he’d expressed that evening in his office, the one with the golden light and vermouth, the one that set all of this into motion.
“Joshua, if you don’t fuck me right now, I’ll never forgive you,” you breathe, words hitched with quiet laughter, and he joins you, chuckling softly.
“As you wish.” He kisses you again, and for a moment it’s baby blue cotton candy and friendship bracelets, but as he pushes you down into the couch, lays you out before him and slides lithely between your legs, a curtain falls. Now, you’re midnight and velvet, with fire and ice entwining along your spine, melting you like wax as you shiver.
It’s the first of many times in the coming weeks that you find yourselves like this, vignetted in stolen moments dark and quiet and sacred, drowning together in a bliss so sinful and fulfilling you think it might be your undoing.
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Can you tell us about or give snippets for Chained Together and People on Tumblr want Feral Viggo, therefore I shall provide?
Chained Together is like. Viggo and Hiccup mysteriously are manacled together at the wrist with Dragonproof chains and the gang don't have any Changewing acid due to a Changewing migration. Here's some snippets:
"Well I can't just stay chained to him for the rest of my life!" Hiccup cried.
"The Changewings will return at the end of the season," Fishlegs said, trying to be at least somewhat comforting.
"You don't get it, do you?" Hiccup growled, "If I stay chained to Viggo, I will be dead before the end of the season!"
Snotlout approached Hiccup as the rest of the Riders ran to their dragons. He had a nervous expression on his face.
"Are you sure you feel safe with just me around to protect you?" he asked, "I mean, you know me, I always mess everything up. And this is a big risk we're taking."
"I trust you on this one," Hiccup replied, "And you don't always mess everything up."
"That... actually means a lot, thanks," Snotlout smiled.
Meanwhile PoTwFV,tIsp is my Lycanwing!Viggo AU. There's only 2½ paragraphs cuz I've kinda tossed it aside to finish other WIPs but since those are done I think I'll try to finish this one. Anyway here's the first two paragraphs of the intro:
It all started one moonlit night, as Viggo Grimborn was just about to re-enter his tent. He'd come out in the first place after he'd heard strange howling noises coming from the cliffs above the valley in which his tent was pitched. It wasn't the typical screeching of dragons, nor any man-made noise - in fact it had been so unnerving that it had prompted Viggo to draw his sword the moment he'd heard it.
He'd poked his head out of his dragon-skin tent and stared up at the cliffs, trying to spot the source of the noise. He couldn't see much; the rock above was almost black. It was late. All of the Hunters would no doubt be asleep by now, or else there would have been a lot more heads being poked out of tents that night. Of course, that was no surprise. Viggo had a habit of staying up far later than he should, often falling asleep at his desk.
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