#⁘ 約 ━ ASK / so my voice reaches you. )
ganbaruwayo · 2 years
幻想ノスタルジア・Fantasy Nostalgia
Toripiyo ft. Hatsune Miku Translation by Platonic水を食べる / Free to use with credit and a link back to this post.
言い訳は いらないわ There's no need for an explanation, うつむき 夜空に 天の川 looking downwards on me in the night sky is the Milky Way 思い出せない いつの日か I just can't remember, but one of these days 遠い日の事 夢みてた I dreamed of something that happened on a far away day
いいかげんな 貴方だから I've had enough of this, but since it's you うなずき 青空 蝉時雨 I nod my head. Cicadas burst out and sing in the blue sky; 手を振った あの日から From that day that I waved my hand, 桜は何度 咲いただろう I wonder, how many times have the cherry blossoms bloomed?
きっと大人に なれないから Since I surely can't become an adult, 君ともう 空は見れないから and I can't yet see you nor the sky きっと大人 になれないのを Surely the only one uncomfortable with 嫌がっているのは 私だけ being unable to become an adult is just me
歌を歌っても 届かないよ I can't even make myself sing a song, 無理を言っても 聞こえないよ nor can I hear out the asking for unreasonable things なら何ができて なにが残るの? Then, what can I do, what's left for me? 教えてよ、ねぇ! Tell me, please!
君と 月の下で 暇乞い With you, under the moon, we say our good-byes 最後に指を 切り合って and in the end, our fingers fight for a pinky-promise* 遠い日見てた 夢の跡に That far away day I saw in the traces of that long-gone dream** 約束交わして またいつか Us exchanging promises…oh, maybe again someday
さよならなんて 言えなくて I can't say something sad like "farewell",*** 何も言わずに 見つめあって so I stare at you without saying anything at all 星空の見た 夢の跡と Looking at the starry sky, to the closing door of the 閉まる 扉に 手を振るよ traces of that long-gone dream, I wave my hand.
いいわ、だって 貴方なんか It's fine, after all, you're, well… 嘘つき 夕暮れ トンボの羽 A liar, the twilight, and the wings of the dragonflies, 目をつむった あの日から I shut my eyes to them and ignore it all, but**** 忘れてしまいたかったけれど I really wish that I could have forgotten that day
きっと 大人に なりたいから Since I surely want to become an adult, 君のもう 傍にいれないから and I can't yet be by your side きっと大人に なりたいのを Surely the only one uncomfortable with 嫌がっているのは 私だけ wanting to become an adult is just me
黙っていてよ 届かないの Shut up! I can't reach them… 嘘を言ってよ 聞こえないの Go on and tell a lie, I can't hear them 涙が出るの 声も出ないの Tears begin to leave my eyes but my voice won't leave my mouth,***** 苦しいよ、ねぇ This hurts, please…
君と 空の下の 蝉時雨 With you, under the sky, where the outburst of cicadas 歌う ブリキの オルゴール Sing, like the tin music box 遠い日見てた 夢の跡に That far away day I saw in the traces of that long-gone dream 約束残して またいつか Leaving undone those promises…oh, maybe again someday
夜空に 唄う 天の川 In the night sky, singing a song to the Milky Way, ラジオの 詠んだ 星模様 the radio reciting the patterns of the stars like a poem 星空の見た 夢の跡に That starry sky I saw in the traces of that long-gone dream 君の事を 思い出すよ I remember a memory of you
ふたりで 描いた あの夢の 話を That dream story we painted together, 涙を 流す度に 忘れていくの Every time I shed tears, I forget about it きっと 貴方も 覚えていないけど Even though you surely don't remember it either… でも、忘れないよ 覚えてるよ But, I won't forget it, I'll remember this もう泣かないよ だからきっと And I won't cry anymore, so, surely, この胸に あったはずの 貴方の 名前は In this chest it should be: your name is
きっと セピア色の 原風景 Surely, that unforgettable sepia-coloured childhood memory ラジオの唄う ノスタルジー The radio singing, oh the nostalgia 貴方がくれた 夢の跡は The traces of that dream, that you gave to me, たからものの 絵空事 is a dearly treasured pipe dream.
空の下の 蝉時雨 Under the sky, where the outburst of cicadas つぐむ ブリキの オルゴール are silent, like the tin music box 遠い日 見てた 夢の跡に That far away day I saw in the traces of that long-gone dream 約束 残して またいつか Leaving undone those promises…oh, maybe again someday
さよならなんて 言わないよ I won't say something sad like "farewell" 黙す ジオも いらないよ I don't need this shut-up radio either 星空に溶けた 夢の跡に Melted into the starry sky, in the traces of that long-gone dream 君のことを 思い出すよ I remember: a memory of you.
ゆびきった! Pinky-promised!
Translation Notes *The phrase here 指を切り合って(yubi wo kiriatte) is a pun on 指切り (yubiriki / pinky promise). Kiriau means to cross swords, so it gives the image that they're struggling to make a promise. **夢の跡 is a phrase literally meaning "traces of a dream", but figuritavely it means a place where dreams have disappeared, and is meant to highlight the futility of reality, hence the "long-gone" part. ***Just to make sure because it's surprising how many people don't know this, 'sayonara' is like a "i'm never going to see you again" type of goodbye, so I added the "sad" part to make sure that nuance is conveyed in English. ****目を瞑る means both to shut one's eyes and to ignore/pretend not to know. *****涙が出るの 声も出ないの -- the verb in both of these phrases used is the same ("tears leave, voice doesn't leave" literally) so even though it would sound more natural as "i begin to cry" I decided to translate it this way to keep the juxtaposition.
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1000night · 2 years
Just random thought (1/?)
Pairings: Steve Rogers/ ps reader, Ari Levinson/ ps reader, Andy Barber/ps reader, Jake Jensen/ps reader
note: No beta, all mistakes are mine. I write in Mandarin and English at the same time. It bring me some tips and less my anxious about writing. English is not my first language. Enjoy it!
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(“Who can tell me what's happened here?”)
(You suppress your displeasure by taking deep breaths, looking up at the three men sitting across from you, breathing heavy as they look at each other but no one answers and the silence creeps in.)
(“We need your help Y/N, I know none of us are qualified, but we really need you.”)
(The dark blond man in the green plaid shirt and blue jeans, his dark blue eyes looking at you pleadingly)
「所以告訴我為什麼,Rogers. 給我一個能合理解釋你們把我從南加州綁到紐約的說法。」
(So tell me why, Rogers. Give me a reasonable explanation for you guys kidnapping me from Southern California to New York.)
( “We recently adopted a pair of brothers.  Older one is about 10 years old, the younger is 8. They were found in a secret laboratory.”)
( “We were assigned by the upper echelons to take care of them because of their...special abilities.“)
( “What Ari said was just a rundown, the real problem was that they saw your picture from nowhere and kept clamoring to see you.“)
( Steve rubbed his temple with a headache as if recalling some unforgettable memories.)
( “So you kidnapped me and brought me to New York? Can't you tell me?”)
( “There are still some problems about the identities of these two children, and we can't speak up. Moreover, some enemies are hiding in the dark and waiting for an opportunity to try to take the two children away.“)
(The only man in the audience who was wearing a suit and who had not said a word from the beginning finally spoke up, his azure blue eyes stared straight at you, but it was you who looked away.)
「所以,容我請問一下,你現在是以什麼身分來參與這起綁架案的呢,Mr. Barber?」
( “So, may I ask what capacity are you now involved in this kidnapping, Mr. Barber?“)
「什麼契約?」( “What contract?”)
( “Andy will be a witness to the contract and one of the brothers' guardians.”)
( “It's only a month, Y/N, just stay with us as guardians of the brothers for a month, and then their identities and adopters will be settled and you won't have to see us again.”)
(Andy's voice just fell, three pairs of blue eyes that are similar but very different are looking at you like this, you are biting the inside of your cheek. Apparently, you are experiencing an inner struggle)
(You notice their emotionally shaky reactions to the words just a roommate-guardian relationship, and then Steve and Andy turn their eyes to Ari when they hear the one-night stand partner
( “...Fine. But we are only roommates and co-guardians, and I hope you can rest assured of that. Oh, and please don't bring any one-night stand or fling in front of two children, their pure hearts need to be protected.”)
「為什麼都要用這種目光看我!? 你是特意對我說這句話的? 我可以把這當作你依然對我念念不忘嗎,棉花糖?」
(Neglect Ari’s smirk as you rolled your eyes, you finally stood up and reached out to Steve first.)
( “Why are you looking at me like this!? Did you say this to me on purpose? Can I take this as if you're still obsessed with me, marshmallow?”)
( “Hope we can work together”)
(Steve takes your hand and then pulls you into his arms, cedar wood and mint all around you)
( “Welcome home.”)
(Hearing Steve's words, you looked at him suspiciously, but the other person just smiled and said nothing)
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 4 years
Hakuoki Shinkai Hana no Shou Harada After Story Translation
This is my first post of the month, so I’ll start by asking you to please support me if you can through my ko-fi, and paypal or patreon which provides access to my hakuoki blog translations and early access to my postings. Also, please let me know if you have any hakuoki drama cds that you’d be willing to share that are on my Lookout List since i either do not have audio for those cds or do not have audio that I can share.... and if you are able to remove watermarks from a video, please contact me.  
i don’t really play rhythmic music games... but i gotta say, Deemo Reborn was amazing. my heart is feeling very hurt right now. highly recommend it. 
Anyway, this is my translation of the Harada story from the Hakuoki Shinkai Hana no Shou Stellaworth pre-order bonus booklet「薄桜鬼 真改 華ノ章」ステラワース早期予約特典 小冊子 (....I should really make the Japanese on these particular posts of mine uniform), which was translated from Chinese as always.
Kinda sad that it’s taken me so long to get to finishing these when I consider how the very first translation on my tumblr was for the Saito story and when i posted that... ahahahaaaaa...... lol. *facepalm.* 
Now that this is done, that just leaves the stories for Souji and Heisuke (of which i have now queued) since I don’t have translations of the after stories for Shinpachi, Sanan, Souma, Iba, and Sakamoto (have scans for them should anyone want to translate them or commission someone else to translate them). 
Hakuoki Shinkai: Hana no Shou Stellaworth Pre-order Bonus Booklet After Story - Harada Sanosuke
Translation by KumoriYami
The boundless sky and horizon——
The war between the old Shogunate's forces and the New Government Army, and the fighting between humans and oni, had nothing to do with the country on the other side of the sea.  And it was in that place, a [certain] man and woman were [now] living.  
The man's name was Harada Sanosuke, former Tenth Division Captain of the Shinsengumi. While the woman in love with him was the young female oni who had decided to leave Japan with him, Yukimura Chizuru.
After Harada finished his daily firewood delivery, he rode back towards his beloved at home. Ever since coming here, his riding skills have improved by a lot.
After leading the horse back to the stable, he opened the door of this house, which looked a bit lonely in this cold weather.
"Yo, Chizuru, I'm back."
Chizuru, who was leaning over from where she was sitting down in a chair and mending clothes, lifted her head with a smile.
"Welcome back, Sanosuke-san. How was it outside?"
"It's still the same. Although I've been mentally prepared for a while, the coldness of winter here really can't match the degree of coldness in Kyoto."
As Harada spoke, he curtly sat down on his chair. The old chair looked as if it were to collapse at any moment, and made a creaking sound.
"But, it's thankfully very warm at home, right?"
Although it was difficult living in a foreign country where there was a language barrier, Chizuru wasn't the slightest bit dissatisfied, and was still smiling from ear to ear as she responded to his words.
Her appearance made him feel that he would never be able to fully express how thankful he was. Harada, who always felt a little ashamed about this, lightly tousled his hair.
"Nn...... indeed.”
Chizuru who finally finished mending the clothes, then quietly stood up.
"Please wait a bit. I'll go make you some tea."
"No need,  I'll go make the tea, you go and rest.”
"Your body isn't just your own, so don't force yourself...… alright?”
The tone of his voice was slightly more forceful, which was why she sat back down into her chair again.
"Since that's the case, I'll leave it to you. Sanosuke-san.”
"Yosh! Just look forward to it, and watch me make you a delicious cup  of tea.”
After, he tried copying the way that Chizuru made tea——.
"......Ah, sorry, I wanted to make tea like how you usually do.”
The tea that Harada made, was one that someone would have a difficult time calmly drinking. Having seen that, Chizuru made a new cup for him, which tasted quite good. The same tea leaves were obviously used, yet there was such a difference in the taste, and upon seeing this, Harada felt incredulous.
"Please don't worry about it. I'm already thankful for your intentions.”
"...…That so."
Truly, what a kind woman. once again Harada confirmed how kind she was.
When he was thinking about coming to this foreign country, she didn't utter a single complaint, and followed him in silence. Although this method was used to hide her from the oni clans that were pursuing her——.
(If she was born as a human, she wouldn't have had to bear such difficulties.)
Although he felt that Chizuru who had ended up with the Shinsengumi because of various reasons, it was why he tried helping her as much as possible, but it was in that period of time, that he found himself unable to look away from her. He didn't know when it started, but he felt that he was the only one to protect her.
(......No, she was no longer alone.)
As Harada thought this, he stood back up.
After she doubtfully called his name, Harada went over to Chizuru's side, bent his knees slightly, and then placed his hand on her lower abdomen, where a new life was.
Gently caressing this small and growing life, his heart was brimming with warmth.
(I never thought that I would have a family.)
Because of his rough personality, his hometown wasn't able to handle him, and all sorts of commotions occurred whenever he went somewhere, which was why he cut ties to the place he was born.
(Originally, I thought that I'd be a man who would live like a stray dog, then die alone.....)
He never thought that he would be able to find someone to fall in love with, the chance to start a family, or even have children.
As he gently caressed her now swelling lower abdomen, he worriedly asked a question.
"How's your body doing? I heard that you had a fever a while ago."
"I'm all right, the people nearby have given me plenty of advice."
"What about the language? Were you able to understand it?"
"I've been able to understand a bit more of it recently. Otherwise things will be expressed using body movements and pen and ink/writing.
"...…So it was like that."
Chizuru then placed her hand against Harada's. The soft heartbeat and his warmth were both able to reach her palm.
"Hey, Chizuru."
Hearing the way his voice called out, Chizuru tilted her head.
"As long as I have you and this guy, I don't need anything else. Not even life."
Those were his honest feelings, but the moment he said this, Chizuru's expression became very serious.
"Even if that's a joke, please don't say that. If Sanosuke-san dies, this child and I will not survive.”
He already anticipated Chizuru saying this, but——
"I'm not joking. Ever since I met you, and since we've become husband and wife...…. for the first time, I know that there are things in this world that are more important than my own life and ambitions.”
His words made her blush.
Just from looking at her expression, it was obvious that she thought he was being too serious, but Harada truly felt that what he wasn't an exaggeration. No, if only words were used to convey his inner thoughts, perhaps not even half of them would be conveyed.
Harada lovingly brushed Chizuru's hair which drooped to her shoulders, then spoke.
"Don't worry.  I didn't plan to leave you and this guy to die behind. Even if it looks like that, I'm very confident about how I never give up in life."
"..….I believe you."
In response to his trust, she showed a smile that was brimming with confidence. Seeing her like this, Harada involuntarily smiled back.
for some reason, i translated track 5 of something... now done track 5 and 6 (of 6) for that drama lol. 
unfortunately, i only got half-way through june for my queue... ugh dammit. still that’s a decent start i suppose tho last week was my last “allowance” time for translating since i anticipate getting a lot busier now... [btw, the 4th ginsei no shou chapter for Saito is at 40% and will be at that completion level for a looong while. will need to have my queue reach november before i can earnestly focus on that game again]... also,  i’m going to assume that with school, most of my game translation videos will take longer to get done (dramas are fairly easy since timing isn’t difficult to set as there’s no text that i need to worry about).
on the plus side though, the yuugiroku dramas are now being moved via cmd...  though for some reason, i can’t see half the on-screen text in the programs i use right now... including notepad, which i use for subtitles, and nimble writer, which is the program i use to write i’ve saved my translations in... and i can’t even view my files properly cuz i can’t see any of the folders or file names...
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andersunmenschlich · 4 years
Mazenda attacks
―何!? —What!?
あたしはあわてて身を起こす。 I jerked upright with a start.
その日の夜。 That night.
偽名で宿に部屋を取り、二階にある自分の部屋で眠っていたのだが… We took rooms at an inn under false names, and I was sleeping in my room on the second floor....
目がさめたのは、焼けつくような殺気のせいだった。 What woke me was a burning bloodlust.
枕もとに置いた剣を手に取り、ベッドのふちにひっかけていたマントに手を伸ばす。 I grabbed the sword I'd put by my pillow and reached for the mantle on the bed's edge.
その瞬間。 That instant.
ドゴワゥッ! Dgowu!
強烈な衝撃が、部屋全体をゆさぶった。 An intense shock shook the entire room.
「…なっ…!?」 "—Wha—!?"
マントを背中にはおりつつ、部屋のドアを開く。 Slinging the mantle over my shoulders, I opened the room door.
「くっ…!」 "Ugh—!"
コゲくさいにおいと熱気が顔を打つ。 Hot air and the smell of burning struck my face.
そして、ふたたび宿をゆるがす振動と爆発音。 And, once again, the inn shook to the sound of an explosion.
熱気がぐんっ、とはね上がる。 The heat leaped/rose sharply.
階段のほうは、はやオレンジ色に染まっていた。 The direction of the stairs was already steeped in orange.
―誰かがここを攻撃している! —Someone's attacking this place!
となればおそらく―狙いはあたしとゼロス。 In which case—they were probably aiming for me and Xellos.
あたしは浮遊(レビテーション)の術を唱えつつ、ふたたび自分の部屋へ戻る。窓を開くと、そこから宙に身を踊らせ― Chanting the Levitation (Floating) spell, I returned to my room. Open the window, leap into the air—
がさしゃどっ! Gashadon!
「…あいたたたたた…」 "...Owwwww...."
…そ―だった。 ...Right.
とっさのことですっかり忘れていたが、ふつ―じゃ術はつかえないんだっけ… In the heat of the moment I completely forgot, but I can't use magic normally, can I....
今の浮遊(レビテーション)も、窓から飛び出したその瞬間は、ふわり、とした手ごたえがあったのだが、結果は―ごらんの通りだったりする。 In the moment when I leaped out the window, that Levitation spell had responded with a soft, lifting feeling, but the ultimate outcome was—well, this.
ま下に背の低い木が植えてあったからいいようなものの、そうでなければ、足くらいくじいていたかもしれない。 Because a short tree was growing directly below, things turned out all right. If it hadn't been, I could've ended up with twisted legs.
…しまった。あの呪符(タリスマン)使ってみるんだった… ...Nuts. If I'd used that talism....
などと思いつつ、なんとか植木の間からはい出す。 I thought, extricating myself from the tree.
その目の前に― Directly before my eyes—
彼女は静かに立っていた。 She was standing quietly.
「―ひさしぶりね―」 "...Been a while, hasn't it...."
紅い唇が、笑みの形に小さく歪む。 The red lips slant slightly in the shape of a smile.
「聞いたわ。バルグモンから。 ―あなた―あのリナ = インバースなんですって?」 "I heard. From Bargumon. ...You—you're that Lina Inverse?"
ねちりとした光を瞳に浮かべ、マゼンダは、一歩しずかにあたしの方に歩み寄る。 Eyes glinting with a distorted light, Mazenda takes a slow step toward me.
「―アメリアは…アメリアとガウリイは無事なの!?」 "...Amelia.... Are Amelia and Gourry all right!?"
彼女の放つ、なんとも言えないプレッシャーに気圧されて、あたしははじわり、と後退する。 Overpowered by the indescribable pressure she gives off, I (waver and) fall back/retreat.
額ににじむこの汗は、はや宿の半ば近くをなめ回す、炎の生んだ熱気のせいだけではない。 The sweat rising on my forehead is now longer purely the result of the heat from the flames licking the nearby inn.
「―ああ。あの女の子の方は無事でしょ。たぶん、ね。 もうひとりの方は知らないけれど…」 "...Oh. The girl is all right. Probably. I don't know about the other one, though...."
「あの獣人たちは、何て言ってたの?たしかヴェドゥルとか言う…」 "Those beastmen, what were they called? Vedru, I think—"
「知らないわ…」 "I don't know...."
熱気に髪をなびかせて、また一歩、マゼンダは歩み寄る。 Hair fluttering/waving/swaying in the hot air, Mazenda advances another step.
「あのひとたちには会ってない…私が合ったのはバルグモンにだけ… ―けど、あなたの名を聞いた時にはおどろいたわ… もしもあなたが、リナ = インバースだということを知ってれば… はじめに出会ったあの時…遊んだりせずに、その場で殺しておけばよかった…」 "I didn't meet those people.... I only saw Bargumon.... But my, I was surprised when I heard your name.... If I'd known you were Lina Inverse... the first time we met... I should have killed you on the spot, no playing around...."
「それにしても…いきなり宿に火をつけるなんて、あんましスマートなやりくちじゃないわね…」 "Even so... abruptly setting fire to an inn? That's not a very smart way of doing things, is it...."
言って、あたしはその場で足を止めた。 I say, standing my ground.
マゼンダの顔に、ややけげんそうな色が浮かぶ。 A slightly dubious/puzzled/suspicious color rises to/shows itself on Mazenda's face.
「―そう言えば―バルグモンの話だと、あなたの他にもうひとり、得体の知れない神官(プリ��スト)がいた、ということだけど― もう火に巻かれたのかしらね?」 "—Come to think of it—according to Bargumon, there was someone besides you: a strange priest—I suppose he's wrapped in flames by now."
「いえ―」 "No—"
あたしはゆっくりとかぶりを振った。 I shook my head slowly.
「いるわ。あなたの後ろにね…」 "He's here. Behind you...."
彼女は低い笑みを漏らす。 She smiles very slightly.
「…ふふ…つまらない嘘ね…」 "...Haha... such a foolish lie...."
「―いいえ―本当ですよ。マゼンダさん」 "No—it's the truth, Ms. Mazenda."
そのとたん― In that instant—
マゼンダの顔がまともにこわばる。 Mazenda's face freezes.
「―ま―まさか―」 "N—no way—"
ゆっくりと、彼女は首をめぐらせる。 Slowly, she turns her head.
視線の行きつくその先に― And there—
黒いローブの神官(プリースト)の姿。 The figure of a black-robed priest.
「―ゼロス!」 "—Xellos!"
マゼンダは、悲鳴に近い声を上げた。 Mazenda cries in a voice that's almost a scream.
「なんで―なんであなたがこんあ所に!?」 "Why—why are you here!?"
「いやいや…それはこっちのセリフですよ…まさか、よりによって、魔王信仰の邪教の幹部さんとは…」 "No, no.... That's my line. ...How unexpected, that you'd be high in the ranks of a demon lord-worshiping cult, of all things...."
言ってゼロスは苦笑を浮かべる。 Xellos says, smiling wryly.
「けど―それならそれで、自分の教祖様が、一体何の目的で動いているか、くらいのことは把握しといた方がいいと思いますけどねぇ…」 "However—that being the case, I really think you would do well to grasp with what aim, precisely, your honored leader is moving, at the very least...."
「―す…するとクロツが持ち帰ったのは―!?」 "S—so what Kurotsu brought back—!?"
よほど動揺しているらしく、自分の親分呼び捨てである。 Evidently greatly shaken, she refers to her own boss without any honorifics.
絶句するマゼンダに、ゼロスは深々とうなずくと、むしろ嬉々とした口調で、 Xellos nods deeply to the speechless Mazenda and speaking in an unnaturally/unexpectedly merry tone, says,
「そう。異界黙示録(クレアバイブル)の写本です。 ―こいう立場になった以上、あなたと僕は敵どうし。そうでなくても― あなたを野放しにしておくわけにもいきませんからね」 "Yes. A Claire Bible manuscript. —Due to this situation, you and I are enemies. ...Even if the situation were different, I could hardly leave you at large."
「―どうするつもりよぉ…」 "...What do you plan to do...."
今にも消え入りそうな口調で言いながら、後ろに退るマゼンダ。 Mazenda's voice is a vanishing moan as she backs away.
さっきまでの、あたしに対する余裕ぶっちぎりの態度はどこへやら、もはやすっかり腰が引けていたりする。 The attitude of overflowing confidence she'd had toward me had now entirely flowed away.
おびえまくっているマゼンダに、ゼロスはにっこりほほえむと、 Xellos smiled sweetly at the terrified Mazenda.
「…どうする、って…決まってるでしょう」 "What, you ask... isn't it obvious?"
その瞬間。 That instant.
「ひぃっ!」 "Aaa!"
マゼンダは、小さな悲鳴を上げるやいなや、迷うことなく身をひるがえし、炎を上げて燃え盛る、宿の中へと身を踊らせる! Mazenda emits a tiny scream and, without hesitation, turns and flings herself into the blazing inn!
「ちょっとぉっ!」 "Whoa—!"
思わず声を上げるあたしの肩に、そっとゼロスは手を置いた。 I exclaim involuntarily, and Xellos gently puts his hand on my shoulder.
「ち…ちょっとゼロス!これって一体ど―いうことなのよっ!」 "H—hang on, Xellos! What the heck is this!?"
しかしあたしの問いには答えず、 But without answering my question,
「―追います」 "—I'm going after her."
「…へ?」 "...Say what?"
思わず間の抜けた声を出すあたし。 without thinking [a voice drawn (from me) by the moment] I raise
「僕は今からマゼンダさんを追いかけます」 "I am going to pursue Ms. Mazenda now."
「追いかける…ってあんた、正気なの!?相手はもう火の中よっ!」 "Pursue her... you say—are you sane!? She's in a fire!"
「いえいえ、大丈夫。彼女はこれくらいじゃあ死にませんよ」 "No, no, it's all right. Something like that isn't going to kill her."
何が大丈夫なんだ。それは。 What part of that is 'all right'.
「ともかく―僕は今から彼女を追いかけて、必ず何とかしてみせます」 "In any case—I am going to pursue her now, and I will certainly manage something for you."
「…な…何とか…って?」 "...So-something....?"
「つまり、あなたの術が使えるようにしてさしあげる、ということです」 "In other words, what I do will give you the ability to use your magic."
すずしい顔で彼は言う。 He says with a clear, unruffled expression.
「一時協力の約束をしたすぐあとで申し訳ありませんが―必ず追いついてみせますから。教えてください。連中の本拠は?」 "I apologize for leaving so soon after the promise of temporary alliance—but I will follow and catch up with you. Please, tell me: where is the group's headquarters?"
「―マ―マインの村あたりよ…」 "...So-somewhere around the town of Main...."
思わず正直に答えるあたし。 Unthinkingly, I answer honestly.
「―わかりました。それでは僕はこれで。いずれ近いうちにまたお会いしましょう」 "Understood. Well then, I'm leaving now. Let's meet again sometime soon."
そう言うと、ゼロスはその言葉の通り、マゼンダの後を追い、迷うことなく炎の中に飛び込み、消えた。 So saying, Xellos does just as he said and follows Mazenda, leaping without hesitation into the roaring flames of the blazing inn, and vanishes.
二人が消えたそのあたに、残るはあたしと、なおも激しく火の手を噴き上げる宿屋。 After their disappearance, only I and the ever more violently burning inn remain. (Translator's note: Now, that's what you call an innferno.)
「―何なのよ…一体…」 "...What in the name of...."
あたしはただただぼ―ぜんと、燃え上がる炎眺めていたのだった… I stood blankly, dazed, and watched the blazing flames....
もしこれで、宿の火事が消えたあと、二人の焼死体が発見されたりしようもんなら、指さして笑うぞ、などと心の中で思いつつ。 If their burnt corpses are discovered after this fire's burned out, I'm gonna point and laugh.
—白銀の魔獣, chapter 2, page 66 (100)
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amaikana · 5 years
another fluffy OT3 fic! (been a while since I write one :3) --- Rate: K+ Pairing: OT3/norrayemma Tag(s): Date Night, Fluff, Romance, Inspired by Honeyworks’ Song Note: the italic parts at the separations are me quoting the song’s lyrics :3 ---
 You received a voice message (18:06)
 “Hi, Emma. I’m sorry. I don’t think I can make it tonight. There are still quite a lot works that I need to get done here. I’m so sorry. Please tell Ray that I’m really sorry too.”
 ‘To repeat the message: press 1. To reply the message: press—’
Emma clenches her phone.
“…Stupid Norman.”
 Does being an adult means to be patient? All the incomparable things are being put on a scale
 But because we have ‘love,’ we can still be ourselves Yet we still get struck by the anxiety
* [Ne, Aitaiyo] ((Hey, I miss you))
Emma pouts silently as she gripped the mug in her hands which contains her already cold coffee. From the doorway, Ray—her other boyfriend who’s just gotten back from work and still clad in his formal suit—sighs and approaches her gently.
“Hey. C’mon, don’t keep pouting like that. It’ll make your face all wrinkly faster, you know?” her boyfriend tries to joke. “What’s gotten you so down, anyway? Aren’t you the one who’s most excited for tonight?”
“There’s no ‘tonight,’” Emma grumbles.
“I said ‘there’s no tonight’! Norman can’t make it! He’s still at work. The plan’s cancelled!”
For a moment, Ray doesn’t say anything. Then, suddenly, Emma feels something landed on top of her head. Ray’s hand. A hand that ruffling her hair without a care in the world, as if she hadn’t just spent a full half-an-hour attempting to stylize it like one of those fancy hairstyles she often sees in magazines.
“Ugh! What are you doing, Raaay?! You just ruined my hair!”
Ray chuckles beside her. “Then just go style it again,” her boyfriend says easily.
“E-eh? Didn’t you hear what I just said? The plan’s canc—”
“Hurry,” Ray cuts her. “I think it’ll only take about forty minutes to drive to the office. The traffic is usually quite packed at this hour, though. So I probably should just use the train, it’ll be faster that way.”
“The…the office? Wait. You mean Norman’s office?!”
Ray doesn’t answer her. Instead, her boyfriend grabs two sets of coats and scarfs from the coat rack and starts dressing himself up. Before opening the door, her boyfriend turns back at her.
“Oh, by the way, can you head to the cinema ahead of us and buy the tickets? I think it’ll take too much time if we go together from here, so Norman and I will just meet you there.”
 Baby Girl, your eyes, and nose, and lips Hey, I wanna touch you
The office is almost empty the moment Ray steps into the building. Most of the employee already went home, only a few still choose to stay behind. He presses the elevator button to a floor he remembers well, a part of the office that he and Emma frequently visited.
“What are you doing, staying up ‘till this late?” he says as a greeting. Not surprisingly, Norman is the only one left on that floor.
His boyfriend jumps in surprise and turns at him with an annoyed expression.
“Don’t startle me like that!” Norman complaints. “What are you doing here, anyway? Wait. What time even is it? Shouldn’t you be at the movie with Emma?!”
Ray raises his eyebrows. “So, you’re saying we really should celebrate our anniversary with only the two of us?”
Norman averts his eyes, starting to look a bit guilty at the sarcastic retort. “It’s not that… I mean, it’s just—”
“Well, whatever. If that’s what you want, so be it. Emma and I can still have a good time with only the two of us.”
Ray dumps the plastic bag that he’s been carrying on top of his boyfriend’s desk carelessly. Norman stares at him questioningly.
“What is this?”
“That? Oh, nothing. Just a few cookies that Emma baked this afternoon. Figured you might want some snacks while pulling an all-nighter again.”
He turns around and begins leaving. But before Ray could even take a step away, a hand reaches out, stopping him.
 Baby Boy, your hands, and habits, and love Hey, I miss you
Norman doesn’t know what he was thinking. His hand just automatically reached out the moment Ray started leaving.
His boyfriend turns back around. “What?”
Ray snorts. A beat later, Norman feels a hand landed on top of his head, ruffling his hair messily.
For a second, the thoughts about all the paperwork he wanted to re-read and revise for the nth time again entered his mind. For a second, he hesitates. But……
He shrugs, smiling up helplessly at his dark-haired lover. “…Thank you. Let’s go?”
 The more we think about each other, the more it feels our distance grow
The moment Emma arrives at the cinema, her heart drops a bit, realizing her two boyfriends haven’t arrived there yet. Though, taking a deep breath and a firm step, she puts on her best smile before she walks up to the cashier.
“Three tickets for this movie, please.”
The ticketing employee looking at her confusedly. “You’re alone, Miss? This one will start in a few minutes. If you’re waiting for some people, you might want a different schedule, or—”
She shakes her head. “No, it’s fine. They’ll arrive soon.”
Still wearing her cheerful smile, she takes the tickets.
Best smile for best occasion. Also for the people she loves the most.
 Baby Girl, your eyes, and nose, and lips Hey, I wanna touch you
It took them about five minutes walk from the office to the station. From there, it should be around twenty minutes before they arrive at the nearest station to the cinema.
The whole way, Ray practically dragged Norman on his feet. Snapping at the sleepy man every few minutes and receiving weird stares from the strangers on the street.
Ray groans for the nth time. He knows that his boyfriend must be very tired from pulling all those late working hours this whole week. ‘The overworking idiot probably even did it without really realizing,’ Ray grumbles inwardly.
But…still! It shouldn’t be this bad, right? Right?!
Ray can feel some white hair strands start tickling his cheek again as the head on his shoulder lolls slightly from the train’s movement. He bites his tongue. Luckily, what would’ve probably been an embarrassing yelp didn’t manage to escape his lips.
 ‘Stupid! Idiot! Stupid Norman! Why at a time like this?! Why in a public place like this?! Ugh, wake up! Wake up, idiot! This is so embarrassing!’
That’s what he silently complaining, but…
Awkwardly, with his probably now very flushed face, Ray moves slightly and adjusts his sitting position so that his boyfriend can lean on him more comfortably.
He steals a glance at Norman’s fancy watch.
“Still about fifteen minutes until the station…” he mumbles.
Ray sighs, averting his eyes and silently tangling his fingers to his lover.
 ‘Better put up with this, then.’
 Baby Boy, your hands, and habits, and love Hey, I miss you
There’s patience. And there’s “how freaking long anymore do I need to wait for my two stupid boyfriends to arrive” patience. Besides…will they even able to make it here on time?!
Emma doesn’t care whether her probably annoying groaning would earn her another weird stares from the strangers around again. At this rate, she really will strangle them.
“Aaaaargh, stupid Ray! Stupid Norman!”
Just as she said that, her phone rings from a chat notification. She lits up as she reads the sender name.
 Ray (21:09) “Emma, I can’t get this idiot out of the taxi. Help.”
Emma frowns confusedly. “…Um, what?”
Swinging back and forth, I recalled it Back when we first gazed at each other’s eyes *
“Are you kidding me?!” Ray groans.
He has tried everything: from tickling, to pinching, to slapping his boyfriend’s face and practically shouting beside his ear. Still, Norman wouldn’t budge!
He has somehow managed to drag his boyfriend to get out of their train and get onto a taxi. But the moment they stepped inside the car stupid Norman immediately slumped onto him again. And now they have arrived, he can’t get his boyfriend’s head off of his lap!
Ray grimaces and glances at the taxi driver apologetically. It’s probably their luck that the dark-skinned woman driver only chuckles and waves him off from the front seat.
“Ahh, young love~ How sweet~”
Feeling desperate, Ray finally resorts to texting their girlfriend.
 Emma (21:10) “Eh? What happened?”
“Aaargh, stupid Emma! Just come here already!” he grumbles.
On his lap, Norman’s head lolls again, somehow facing his stomach now.
 ‘This is so awkward…’
 And I remember that moment, When I first touched you
Emma understands what happened the moment she finally sees her boyfriends—who are still adorably cuddling inside the taxi, she notes.
She chuckles. ‘How come Ray doesn’t realize it?’ she muses.
Emma shakes her head. “Norman~ C’mon, it’s wake up time, baby!”
Ray stares at her flatly. “I told you. He won’t budge even though I tried everything on him! How do you think he would wake up if you’re just calling him like th—”
Her boyfriend’s ranting got cut off by a sudden kiss to his cheek. The reaction is immediate: Ray flushes as bright as tomato and starts stammering.
“W-what– wh—”
Emma bursts out giggling. But even her giggles got cut off by another sudden unexpected peck to her cheek.
“This one’s for our best girl.” Norman grins at her before giving a small kiss on her nose.
“You– You were messing with me?!”
The still-red faced Ray starts pushing Norman unceremoniously out of the car. Her white haired boyfriend lands himself on his butt. He whines petulantly at her and Emma eventually can’t contain her laugh anymore—doesn’t mind that it makes her already re-stylized hair all messy again.
They’re basically making a ruckus at the parking lot now. And it takes Norman suddenly asking about what they’re actually supposed to be doing here for them to remember again that the movie they were planning to see together is about to start soon.
…Or rather, already started now.
“Why did you even buy this schedule?!” Ray complaints at her as they’re all running inside the cinema.
“W-well, the sooner the better right? Besides, it’s certainly better than having to wait another few hours for the next schedule, right? Right? Norman! Hey! Defend me!”
“Um, well…I was hoping I could go back home to change my suit first, though…”
“See?! That was an idiotic choice! Idiot!”
“Stop insulting me, stupid Ray! Are you actually my boyfriend or my bully?!”
Halfway through the cinema entrance, they all suddenly remember that they forgot to pay the taxi.
…Which sets another troublesome task, as they need to run back to the parking lot and run again to the cinema.
“Ah, young love~” the taxi driver woman shakes her head.
‘Yeah, it is,’ Emma silently agrees.
It really is.
 Hey, I fell in love with you Hey, let’s fall in love again
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sakurapeace · 5 years
One-shot for day 6 of RayEmma week with the theme of seasons. Let me know if you enjoyed! As it’s short, I’ll post it on here, but feel free to support me on AO3 or Wattpad as well!
Title: Fruition
Words: 1720
Summary: Oh, the pain of picking apples. Oh, the troubles it causes for Emma and Ray. The awkward happenings that come with the picking of red fruits causes Ray some great distress.
"Hey, Ray! Come here for a second!" Emma called out to him, motioning him to come with her hands.
Ray looked at her with a blank stare. She didn't look like she needed help with anything, so why would she call for him? Either way, he obliged and walked over to her who was standing under a tree.
Emma and Ray's whole family was making their way over to the jaw of the lion. They were called there by William Minerva. After their shelter got taken over, they decided to go to where Minerva wanted to meet them.
It was on this journey that the group stopped for a while in order to forage some food for the whole family to eat. Some of the other older kids were watching over the children, so Ray and Emma decided to head out together a little farther to find some more food.
"Take a look up there," Emma said, pointing up. Under the tree, she pointed up to its branches. Ray did as he was told, and looked up to where she was pointing.
"Oh, guess its the season for apples," Ray said in a monotone voice.
"Huh? Aren't you excited?!" Emma exclaimed, looking at him. "Fresh fruit that we know out here! Doesn't that sound delicious?!"
Ray gave a small shrug. "I don't really care," Ray told her. "Food is food."
Emma gave a small pout. "Anyways, help me pick it, Ray."
Ray raised an eyebrow and gave her a look. "Help you pick it? Are you kidding me? You're a monkey, go up there and pick it yourself!"
"Hey!" Emma said, slapping his shoulder. "I'm not a monkey!"
"Yeah right," Ray said, pointing at her and laughing teasingly. "Back at Grace Field, you were the one who climbed the most trees as if your life depended on it. I still remember all the times Mama scolded you, Emma."
Emma blushed. "Okay, maybe I did a lot as a kid... But still help me, they're really high up there!"
Ray looked back up high at the apples hanging there. He gave a small sigh. "I do admit, they're high up there, but you're the athletic one, Emma. I'm not confident enough to climb up there and get them with you."
And he looked over to see Emma giving him a look. A blank expression. But then, she started brimming with confidence, and there was a sparkle in her eyes. "Ah, okay! Leave it to me, Ray!" She cried out happily.
Ray watched as Emma suddenly hugged the trunk of the tree and scootch herself higher and higher. Perhaps she was happy that she was being relied on by him? Or maybe she just wanted to be better at something than him? Well, Ray was just telling her the truth. She was the athletic one, not him... though he doesn't trail off that far behind, she's the monkey in their family, not him.
Soon enough, Emma was high up there. She reached the top, where she started picking apples. There were only a couple near the trunk, so Emma started reaching out to the apples hanging on the branches a little further out.
"Be careful!" Ray yelled up to her. He watched as she struggled to reach out for an apple just out of her reach. Ray was starting to get worried, it was a long drop from there. Maybe he should have been the one to go after all.
"Just... a little... more...!" Emma murmured as she continued her struggle for that one particular apple.
Then, the inevitable happened. Emma lost her grip and started falling.
"Emma!" Ray gasped.
"Ray!" Emma cried as she fell. She curled herself in a ball and squeezed her eyes shut, awaiting the impact of hitting the ground.
Ray ran up to her and grabbed her just in time. He grabbed her just before she hit the ground. He had sweat drip on his face due to the fear of her falling. When he held her in his arms, he saw she wasn't opening her eyes.
"Emma!" Ray cried out, lightly slapping her face. "Are you okay?!"
Emma perked up. She stared at him with wide, bewildered eyes and Ray breathed a sigh of relief. She was okay.
"Whoa, that scared me!" Emma said, reaching out to hug Ray. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and Ray felt his heart beat a little quicker. "Thank goodness you were here to catch me! Sorry that I let you down though."
"Don't worry about that, stupid," Ray said, squeezing her tighter. After a minute of ensuring she was safe, he let her go. Emma got up, and Ray picked up the apples that she dropped off of the ground and put them into their basket.
"The apples on this tree aren't worth it," Ray told her, holding her hand. "Come on, if you really want more apples, we can look a little farther out."
Ray dragged her by the hand. Sure he wasn't one to hold her hand often, but he still wanted to find relief that she was safe. He missed his chance to check her for injuries.
They went a little farther out, and sure enough, they found another apple tree, though this one was smaller than the other.
"I can climb this one, easy!" Emma chirped, walking up and hugging the trunk of the tree.
Ray grabbed her by the collar and pulled her back, shocking Emma. "Oh no, you're not," Ray growled at her. "I'm going instead."
"But you said so yourself!" Emma complained. "I'm the athletic one!"
"And also the one who almost got herself killed just a minute ago for like, the tenth time," Ray shot back. "I'm going instead."
Emma refused to let go of the tree, despite how much Ray tried to pull her away. She was being stubborn. "No, no, no! I'm going!" Emma yelled.
Ray continued to pull on Emma, who wouldn't let go of the tree as if he was separating her from her lover. Ray sighed. He knew this was one of Emma's perks... being stubborn in one of the most ridiculous ways.
"Alright, let's compromise," Ray said, letting go of Emma. "Get up on my shoulders. At the very least, I feel more at ease this way than having you climb the tree."
"What? No!" Emma said, raising her hands and shaking her head. "Ray, I'm heavy!"
"What? No, you're not," Ray said, confused. Her? Heavy? Since when? To prove his point, he wrapped his arms around Emma and suddenly lifted her high off the ground, making her shriek.
Emma sat on Ray's arm with ease. He looked up at her and smiled, while she looked down at him with embarrassment.
"See? What did I say?" Ray said with a smirk. "I wouldn't be able to catch you if you were heavy, Emma."
"Okay, okay, I get it," Emma said, looking away, though Ray saw the tint of pink in her face. "Let me down so I can get on your shoulders!"
Ray nodded and let her down. He knelt to the ground, and Emma took this chance to climb up on his shoulders. He lifted her off the ground so that Emma could reach up and grab the apples.
She picked them off the branches one by one, her arms gradually filling with apples.
"How's the picking going?" Ray asked as he was unable to see.
"Okay, it's just a little hard to reach some of them," Emma said as she attempted and failed to reach for one of them.
"Don't stress yourself out trying to grab all of them, Emma," Ray told her. "We'll still be able to feed them all."
"I know, I know," Emma said with a warm look on her face. "I just want the children to be able to taste fresh apples again is all."
"They'll understand that you wouldn't be able to grab them all cause you're still a shorty," Ray teased with a smirk on his face.
Emma could almost sense his smirk. She stopped what she was doing and leaned down. She grabbed one of the apples out of her arms and stuffed it into Ray's mouth.
"Wha-?!" Ray tried to say, but couldn't because of the apple.
"You deserve it," Emma said, giggling. "Consider it a gift for helping me."
Ray knelt to the ground and Emma happily jumped off him. When she saw the flustered look on his face, she only laughed harder. Ray took the apple out of his mouth. threw it to the ground, and hissed at her. "Stupid Emma," He hissed.
"Anyways," Emma said, brushing it off with the wave of her hand. "I can't reach the higher ones. Can you do it? Your arms are longer."
Ray raised an eyebrow at that question. "How am I supposed to do that?" Ray asked. "I'm not that tall."
"I'll carry you on my shoulders!" Emma chirped.
Ray flinched. "Emma, no," Ray said with a look on his face. "You can't do that."
"Just watch me!" Emma retaliated.
Before Ray could even react, Emma ducked and threw her head under his legs. She grabbed him and hoisted him up on her shoulders. Ray was flustered, but somehow he didn't lose balance due to Emma's insanity. She was actually doing it.
"I did it!" Emma exclaimed, a wide grin on her face.
Ray was massively embarrassed. He covered his face with his hands and looked down. He couldn't believe Emma was carrying him on her shoulders. With ease, too.
"I freaking hate you right now," Ray muttered from under his breath.
"Emma! Ray!" Oliver called from afar. He ran to the two, and Emma, hearing his yelling, turned around to face Oliver, a great big grin still on her face.
As Oliver got closer, he awkwardly started slowing down as he realized there was a weird scene in front of him. Emma... was carrying Ray on her shoulders? And Ray was looking extremely embarrassed. And what's with the apples everywhere?
"You two... just what are you doing?" Oliver asked cautiously.
Emma still sported a huge smile while Ray wouldn't look up from covering his face with his hands.
"Nothing," Ray moaned, sparing the tiniest glance in Oliver's direction.
"Don't you dare tell anyone."
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argeriant18 · 5 years
Chiisana Lion (Yook Sungjae [BTOB] x Reader)
Tumblr media
よくある日常の1ページに 現れた少し不愛想な猫 (yoku aru nichijou no ichipeeji ni arawareta sukoshi buaiso na yatsu) (An unfriendly cat (guy) appeared in a page of an ordinary life.)
ケガをした足がかわいそうで 見兼ねた女の子は助けてのでした (kega wo shita ashi ga kawaisou de mikaneta onna no ko wa tasuketa no deshita) (A girl couldn't be indifferent to his injured leg, and so she helped him.)
A girl named [Y/N] pulled a cat out of a hole of a fence it got stuck in.
"Oh, you poor thing." She pouted at the cat when she noticed his injured leg.
She took a bandana from her bag and she wrapped it around his leg.
"There!" She smiled as she accomplished her job. And the cat just stared at her.
"Well, I gotta go. See you soon, kitty." She beamed before she walked away to wherever she was going.
The cat stared at her retreating form as if it had something to say as she went further away from view.
"ありがとう"すら伝えられニャい 涙が落ちて魔法がかかる ("arigatou" sura tsutaerarenyai namida ga ochite mahou ga kakaru) (Can't even tell "Thank you" to you, I shed tears, and then I was caught in a spell.)
The cat looked down as if it was crying.
Suddenly, two guys approached him.
"Poor kitty." The black haired man said and he lifted the cat off the ground. "Don't cry. We'll make a way for you to show how grateful you are for her kindness. Right, Minhyuk?"
The black haired guy looked back at his companion, a blonde male that was Minhyuk.
Minhyuk snapped his fingers and they were suddenly surrounded by the galaxy.
「秘密だよ」("himitsu da yo") ("It's a secret")
"It'll be our secret. Okay, kitty?" The black haired guy said to the cat before he set it down on the floor that magically appeared out of nowhere.
月は言葉を与えて 太陽は人の姿を与えた (tsuki wa kotoba wo ataete taiyou wa hito no sugata wo ataeta) (The moon let him speak, and the sun turned him into a boy.)
"I, Seo Eunkwang, with the power of the moon, grant you the ability of speech. From now on, you will be able to talk like a human being." The black haired man casted a spell on the cat and it gave off a moonlit glow.
"I, Lee Minhyuk, with the power of the sun, grant you the body of a male human. From now on, you will be able to look like a human being and interact with them." The blonde haired man casted another spell and the cat gave off the warm glow of the sun.
After the light had subsided, a male human was in front of them instead of a cat.
He looked surprised as he looked at himself.
"Well, how do you like it?" Eunkwang was the first to approach him and the guy just stared at him. "Hey, you can speak. Why don't you try it?"
The guy opened his mouth to speak, "Is this for real?"
Eunkwang and Minhyuk smiled.
"Well, now that you're human, you're going to need a name." Minhyuk said and Eunkwang nodded, deep in thought.
"How about Sungjae?" He suggested and the guy nodded his head.
"Sungjae." He tried saying it. "I like it."
"Yook Sungjae." Minhuk said. "How about that?"
Sungjae smiled. "It's great. Thank you!"
キラキラと世界を輝かせよう イッツ•ショウタイム!!(kirakira to sekai wo kagayakaseyou ittsu.shoo taimu!!) (Let's shine the world, it's ShowTime!)
君なりの恩返しを (kiminari no ongaeshi wo) (Repay the favor of what she did for you in your own way.)
"Well, now that that's settled." Minhyuk snapped his fingers again and the galaxy around them faded and they were back to the real world near the fence where Sungjae got stuck in.
"Let's shine the world, Sungjae." Eunkwang smiled at him and patted his shoulder.
"It's show time!" He and Minhyuk said in unison.
"It's time to repay the kindness she showed you in your own way." Minhyuk said with a smile.
Sungjae nodded, determined.
"I will!"
(フレーフレ ニャーニャ ) 紳士に ((furee furee nyaa nyaa) shinshi ni) ((Hooray, hooray, meow, meow!) Like a gentleman)
(レッツゴー レッツゴー) 手を取り ((rettsu goo rettsu goo) te wo tori) ((Let's go, let's go!) Hold her hand)
(フレーフレ ニャーニャ) その手に ((furee furee nyaa nyaa) sono te ni) ((Hooray, hooray, meow, meow!) To her hand)
(エスコート エスコート) キスを ((esukooto esukooto) kisu wo) ((Escort, escort!) Kiss her)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A few days later, Sungjae and [Y/N]'s path crossed again and they became pretty close in a span of a few days.
人の姿を手に入れたのに へまばかり ほらまたやらかしちゃってる (hito no sugata wo te ni ireta no ni hema bakari hora mata yarakashichatteru) (Although he became as a boy, he only make stupid mistakes, oh, there again.)
"You know, even if he became human, he seems to still have catlike mannerisms." Minhyuk said as he observed Sungjae and the girl from a rooftop with Eunkwang.
They were hidden from their sight as the rain poured down and he held onto his umbrella as he looked on at what was going to happen.
Sungjae and [Y/N] were stranded at a bus stop.
"Hey! This is my chance!" Sungjae thought excitedly. "I'll take off my jacket and I'll cover both of us with it and then we'll walk in the rain together! Romantic? Yeah!"
He got ready to take out his jacket when [Y/N] took out an umbrella from her bag.
"Wow, how stupid." Minhyuk snickered as the two stared at each other for a few seconds before Sungjae broke out laughing.
それでも猫はめげずに笑う 叶わぬ恋を諦めずにいました (soredemo yatsu wa megezu ni warau kanawanu koi wo akiramezu ni imashita) (Nevertheless, he keep laughing. He didn't give up this impossible love.)
"It's nice to see that he keeps a good outlook on life though." Eunkwang commented with a smile as he saw Sungjae and [Y/N] walk together with an umbrella above both of them. "It's good to see that he's determined."
Minhyuk tore his eyes away from the young couple and looked at Eunkwang.
"You do realize that we have to tell him, right?" He said.
Eunkwang looked up at the sky and gave a bitter smile.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"See you tomorrow, Sungjae!" [Y/N] said when they both reached her house.
"Aww, can you at least give me a little kiss before I leave?" Sungjae asked.
"Aigooo," [Y/N] cooed. "But, ok, sure."
She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you for walking me home, Sungjae." She smiled and she went to the door of her house to open it.
"See you tomorrow." He said and waved at her before he turned to leave.
He walked for a few minutes when he saw Eunkwang and Minhyuk approach him.
"We need to talk." Minhyuk said, he snapped his fingers and they were surrounded by the galaxy once more.
"How are the two of you getting on?" Eunkwang asked.
Sungjae smiled.
"We're doing great! I'm planning on confessing to her soon and then we'll finally be lovers."
Minhyuk glanced at Eunkwang worriedly.
本当の事は伝えられニャい バレてしまうと魔法が解ける (hontou no koto wa tsutaerarenyai barete shimau to mahou ga tokeru) (Cannot tell her the truth. If she founds out, the spell will break.)
Eunkwang sighed.
"Sungjae, we have to tell you something."
Sungjae stared at them for a moment.
"What is it?"
"Our spell can't last forever." Eunkwang said. "Once you confess to her, the spell will break and you'll be back to being a cat."
Sungjae felt his breath hitch.
"Once the spell break, they won't remember you even exist. You'll be wiped out from their memory." Minhyuk added. "So don't tell her the truth."
「約束だ」期限は近づくいていて ("yakusoku da" kigen wa chikazuite ite) ("It's a promise." The time limit is approaching.)
"Don't tell her that you love her," Eunkwang said barely above a whisper but you could hear it in his voice that he didn't want any of this to happen and that he didn't even want to say what he was saying. "Unless you want to become a cat again."
誰からも去られてしまうのだ (dare kara mo wasuresararete shimau no da) (Everyone will forget about me.)
Sungjae stood there in shock.
"Everyone is going to forget about me if I confess my feelings." He thought. "Even she will forget I exist, right?"
ドキドキな世界に飛び込んだけどイッツ•正体!!(dokidoki na sekai ni tobikonda kedo ittsu.shoutai!!) (I jumped into the exciting world, but it's the truth!)
"Sungjae," Minhyuk spoke. "Sorry to break it to you but it's the truth."
Sungjae still stood there motionless as Eunkwang just watched on anxiously.
君は人にはなれない (kimi wa hito ni wa narenai) (You cannot be a real human.)
"Even if you look like a human, our spells can't do much." Minhyuk said. "You can't be a real human, Sungjae."
Sungjae clenched his fist.
"Reality is harsh."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(フレーフレ ニャーニャ ) それでも ((furee furee nyaa nyaa) soredemo) ((Hooray, hooray, meow, meow!) Even so)
Sungjae ran.
His breath was quickening up as he increased his pace.
(レッツゴー レッツゴー) がむしゃら ((rettsu goo rettsu goo) gamushara) ((Let's go, let's go!) Desperately)
He saw one of the [Y/N]'s friend, Kristy, and he stopped in front of her.
He told her that she should tell [Y/N] to meet up with him at the bus stop they got stranded in.
"Also, thank you for everything." Sungjae said as he grabbed her hand and shook it repeatedly before he ran off leaving Kristy confused.
"What was that about?" She muttered before she took her phone out and texted [Y/N].
(フレーフレ ニャーニャー) 今だけ ((furee furee nyaa nyaa) ima dake) ((Hooray, hooray, meow, meow!) Just now)
Sungjae ran around telling everyone how he was thankful for them and that [Y/N] should go and meet up with him.
Everyone was confused but they didn't question him and just informed [Y/N].
(エスコート エスコート) 夢を ((esukooto esukooto) yume wo) ((Escort, escort!) Your dream)
"I know what the consequences will be if I confess to her." Sungjae thought as he ran to the bus stop they were going to meet at and the corner of his eye he thought he saw Eunkwang and Minhyuk when he passed by a house with a terrace.
"I'm willing to risk that just to let her know!"
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
惹かれ会二人には 別べの幸せしかなくて(hikareau futari ni wa betsubetsu no shiawase shikanakute) (Two were attracted to each other, but they have different happiness.)
[Y/N] waited for Sungjae at the bus stop they got stranded in.
She's a bit worried about what he wants to tell her.
She saw him running towards her, panting.
"Hey, Sungjae?" She gave her some water from her water bottle. "Are you okay? What happened?"
Sungjae drank from it and he gave it back to her as he regained his composure.
わかってるけど我慢できない 驚かないで話を聞いて (wakatteru kedo gaman dekinai odorokanaide hanashi wo kiite) (I know that, but I can't be patient. Don't be surprised, will you listen to me?)
"This is gonna surprise you but please listen to me, okay?" He said to her and she just nodded.
"Okay," [Y/N] said. "What is it?"
僕は... (Boku wa...) (I...)
"I. . ." Sungjae struggled to get the words out of his mouth. He could see Eunkwang and Minhyuk watching him up on a tree.
"I love you."
「お別れだ」("owakare da") ("It's time to say goodbye.")
He closed his eyes.
He wasn't anticipating her answer but he was waiting to turn back into his cat form.
"Goodbye, [Y/N]"
月は言葉を奪って 太陽は人の姿を奪った (tsuki wa kotoba wo ubattte taiyou wa hito no sugata wo ubatta) (The moon took his voice away, and the sun took his shape of a boy away.)
Sungjae's body shone with light and he turned back into his cat form.
Eunkwang looked on, he was a little sad and Minhyuk just gave a little sigh.
"The things we do for love, huh?" He whispered. "Sacrifice."
すれ違い女の子は振り返る (surechigai onna no ko wa furikaeru) (They went pass each other, and the girl looked back.)
[Y/N] was shocked when he confessed but when the light appeared, she had to shield her eyes. When she opened her eyes again, Sungjae wasn't there anymore.
少しだけ悲しそうな顔に見えた (sukoshi dake kanashisou na kao ni mieta) (She seemed to be in a little sad face.)
"Sungjae?" She called out as she looked around, a little sad and a little confused.
Little by little, her memories of him began to fade away. When it was gone completely, she began to question what she was doing there.
あの日から 好きでした今日も明日も見守ってる (ano hi kara suki deshita kyou mo asu mo mimamotteru) (Since that day I was in love with you.)
When she realized she had somewhere to be, she ran off.
Sungjae watched him, he was now a cat again.
"I've always been in love with you."
"Well, what's your plan now?" Eunkwang walked over to him and picked him up.
Sungjae just looked up at him with big round eyes.
"Eh, I can't bear this." Eunkwang said and he casted a spell for him to speak when he was around him and Minhyuk.
"It's okay, you can still show your love by being her favorite cat." Minhyuk said and patted Sungjae's head.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The next day. . .
"Waahhh!!! Kitty!!! You're here!!" [Y/N] squealed when she saw Sungjae on her way back home.
Sungjae meowed and she picked her up to give him a cuddle.
"Wow, you seem to be following me a lot. I saw you a while ago, too. Just this morning." [Y/N] chuckled.
Sungjae just meowed and licked her on the lips.
[Y/N] was shocked for a while before she giggled.
フレーフレ ニャーニャ 紳士に ((furee furee nyaa nyaa) shinshi ni) ((Hooray, hooray, meow, meow!) Like a gentleman)
"Wow, that cat." Minhyuk observed them up from a tree. "He has a better love life than we do."
レッツゴー レッツゴー 手を取り ((rettsu goo rettsu goo) te wo tori) ((Let's go, let's go!) Hold her hand)
"Well, at least he's happy." Eunkwang smiled. "We're bound to find someone soon in the right time. For now, let's be happy for Sungjae."
フレーフレ ニャーニャ その手に ((furee furee nyaa nyaa) sono te ni) ((Hooray, hooray, meow, meow!) To her hand)
Minhyuk nodded and continued to look at Sungjae and [Y/N], she was happy to be with him and he was happy to be in her arms.
エスコート エスコート キスを ((esukooto esukooto) kisu wo) ((Escort, escort!) Kiss her)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The End
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soul-eater-novel · 7 years
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Soul Eater Novel: V2, C10, p24-p25 [English only]
24.2 - 24.3 そんな彼が、大森林で戦いを仕掛けるなんてーー心のどこかにそんな思いがあったのか、ティルはクワンダを庇うように言う。 Somewhere deep in his heart, Tir couldn’t believe Kwanda would start a battle in the Great Forest, and said in his defense,
24.4 - 24.6 「でも大森林には「大盟約」があるから、帝国もあんまり大きな働きできないんじゃないかな。帝国に、兵を動かしてまで他の種族を制圧しなければならない理由があると思えないし…」 “But the Great Forest has their Great Alliance, so the Empire won’t be able to make any big moves. This doesn’t mean that the Empire is going to move its forces to suppress the other tribes...”
24.7 「確かにそうだ。今までは俺もそう思っている。でも、これは俺のカンなんだがな」 “That’s true. And I was thinkin’ the same thing till now. But here’s what my gut tells me...”
24.8 ビクトールがティルにテーブルに乗り出して、声を潜める。 Viktor leaned over the table towards Tir and lowered his voice.
24.9 - 24.10 「近々、大森林で火の手が上がるぜ。その時俺たちがどう動くかは状況次第だろうが、軍師さんとよく話し合っといた方がいいぞ」 “The Great Forest is gonna go up in flames soon, and you’d best talk to our tactician about what we’re gonna do when that happens.”
24.11 「わかった。ありがとう、ビクトール」 “I understand. Thank you, Viktor.”
24.12 ティルはパンを口に押し込むと、席を立ち食堂を出ようとした。 Tir stuffed the bread into his mouth, rose out of his chair and was about to leave the dining hall when a voice asked,
24.13 「おやぼっちゃん、もうお済みですか?」 “Oh, are you done already, Young Master?”
24.14 パンを入れた篭を提げたグレミオが、調理場の扉から声をかけた。 Gremio called from the doorway to the kitchen, holding a basket of bread.
24.14 - 24.15 相変わらず優しげに微笑んでいるグレミオを見て、ティルは少し話をしたくなった。 Seeing Gremio’s ever-present smile, Tir wanted to confide in him.
24.16 「うん…。グレミオ、ちょっといいかな?」 “Yeah... do you have a minute, Gremio?”
24.17 「ええ。構いません。」 “Yes, of course.”
25.1 グレミオが心配そうな顔になる。 Gremio’s expression grew worried.
25.2 「少し、外の風に当たりにいかないか?」 “Why don’t we go outside for a bit of fresh air?”
25.3 「わかりました。では、船着き場にでも降りましょうか?」 “Certainly. Shall we go down to the harbor, then?”
25.4 グレミオはパンの篭とエプロンを手近なテーブルに置くと、ティルの後について食堂出た。 Gremio set the bread and his apron down on a nearby table and followed Tir out of the dining hall.
25.5 ティルはグレミオの靴音を背中で聞きながら、無言のまま廊下を抜け、階段を降りていった。 Tir walked without saying a word, listening to Gremio’s footsteps behind him, through the corridor and down the stairway.
25.6 その胸は、朝方に覚えた不安も似た、重い気持ちで満たされていた。 His heart filled with a deep unease much like he had felt this morning.
25.7 - 25.8 ティルとグレミオが船置き場に下り立った時、すでに朝霧は晴れ、湖面は朝日を受けて輝いていた。 The morning mist had already cleared and the sun was glittering on the surface of the lake by the time they reached the harbor.
25.9 - 25.10 城の船置き場は小さな入り江に造られ、小舟ならゆうに五十艘は停まれるほどの大きさだった。 The harbor was constructed in a the bay, big enough for fifty small boats to weigh anchor.
25.10 - 25.11 石造りの波止場の両端から木で組まれた桟橋が二本、湖に向かって延びていて、その先には漁師のタイ・ホーとヤム・クーが所有する小船が波に揺られていた。 Wooden docks stretched out towards the lake on either side of the stone wharf and the fishermen Tai Ho and Yam Koo bobbed beyond the docks in their boat .
25.12 - 25.13 しかし煌く波を眺めても、湖面を渡る涼しい風に当たっても、ティルの気持ちは沈んだままだった。 Even gazing at the glittering waves with the refreshing breeze coming off the lake failed to lift Tir’s spirits.
25.13 解放軍と帝国軍、その力の差があまりにも大きかったからだ。 There was just too great a difference in power between the Liberation Army and the Imperial Army.
25.14 ざっとその兵力を挙げてみるとーー。 To roughly compare their numbers,
25.15 大森林のパンヌ・ヤクタ城には、クワンダ・ロスマン率いる兵が九千。 Kwanda Rosman was at the head of 9,000 troops at Castle Pannu Yakuta in the Great Forest.
25.15 - 15.16 トラン湖南西のクナン地方に花将軍ミルイヒ・オッペンハイマーの部隊が九千。 The unit belonging to Milich Oppenheimer to the southwest of Lake Toran numbered 9,000.
15.16 北方に父テオの部隊が一万四千。 His father Teo’s unit in the north was 14,000 strong.
Vocab List // P24 庇う 「かばう」Defend, to stick up for
Vocab List // P25 風に当たる 「かぜにあたる」To be exposed to the wind 小船 「こぶね」Small boat(s) 入り江 「いりえ」 Inlet, cove, creek, bay 「ゆうに」easily 艘 「そう」 counter for (small) boats 波止場 「はとば」jetty, wharf, quay
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shortstorychan · 6 years
I am a Father 我做爸爸了
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April 2018
I heard the doorbell ringing three times, I walked lazily to the front entrance to open the door. Standing in front of the door was a boy about 15-year-old. He was about five feet six inches tall weighing about a hundred and twenty pounds. He had black hair and a pair of brown eyes.
"Who are you looking for?" I asked.
"Is this Mr. Jennings's home?"
"Yes, whom do you want to see?" I asked him again.
"Is Peter Jennings at home?" he said.
I noticed that he looked at me with his eyes wide open as if we have met before. But I have never seen this boy.
“I'm Peter, why are you looking for me?"
"Can you let me come in.” He is very direct but polite.
"Please come in."
I took him into the living room. After he sat down, he took a picture from his pocket and gave it to me. I was utterly surprised to see the picture.
"Where do you get this photo?" I asked eagerly.
This photo was taken when I met Nancy in Venice. I have been looking for Nancy everywhere in the last fifteen years but couldn't find her."
At this time, the boy’s eyes turned into red, and watery. He replied with a sad voice: “Nancy is my mother."
At this moment, what I saw in my memory was the reunion of Nancy in a water taxi in Venice. We dated in college. After we graduated, we were separated for many years.
It was impossible to describe the excitement of seeing her again. The two of us immediately embraced each other tightly like lovers. I gave her a passionate lip to lip welcome kiss. As soon as the boat reached the next stop, we jumped ashore.
We then walked in the streets of Venice hand in hand. Venice is full of pebble streets.  On both sides are rows of small shops selling watches, clocks, jewelry, European fashion clothes, and gifts.
Walking a few more streets, there was no longer a tourist shopping area but full of Italian restaurants. We both looked into each other’s eyes and signaled that we were a bit hungry. We both wondered which restaurant was the better one. We looked at the menu of all the restaurants. The price of all the restaurants was about more or less the same. We finally chose the one that had an grandeur atmosphere although the price of this restaurant might be little pricy.
When we sat down in the restaurant, I couldn't help but asked, “Can you tell me why you disappeared after graduation?"
She replied with a gentle and sweet voice: “It’s so lucky for us to meet today. Why revisit the old times? Nothing from the past is more important than now. right?”
I knocked my head and returned with a bitterly smile. She didn’t realize how much I missed her. I then raised my glass of red wine and drank part of it.
She also accompanied me drinking her wine.
I said: “ To death, we never apart again.”
I ordered another bottle of red wine. We started to talk about some of the crazy things we did in the past.
I remembered clearly how we met in campus the first time. I ran into her while I was reading a comic book. She fell and dirtied her clothes. I asked her to go to my dorm.
When we were in my room, I lended her one of my shirts. She looked attractive to me although she did not agree with me. I couldn’t help but held her tight and kissed her. We ended in my bed making love.
That night in Venice was another night of love making. That was my most passionate and enjoyable night in my life. Unfortunately when I woke up the next morning, I could not find her. I tried to look for her everywhere in the whole Venice but couldn't find her. Since that day, I never saw her again.
“Mr. Jennings" The boy’s voice brought me back from my memories. "Nancy is indeed my mother."
"Why didn't she come with you?" I asked.
He gave me another photo of Nancy's tombstone.
"What exactly happened?” I held the child's head. At this moment, he could no longer hold his emotion but burst into tears.
"Don’t cry. Tell me what happened?”
I poured a glass of orange juice for him. He calmed down and told me the story slowly.
From him, I learned that Nancy was already married when we met in Venice and that night between us has brought this boy to this world. With the birth of this boy, Nancy still had a happy family of three. Her husband was excited to have an addition to the family. Unfortunately, her husband later became unemployed and turned into an alcoholic. He often quarreled with Nancy and later physically abused her. The neighbors saw what happened and called the police several times. It was a pity that the police was not able to stop the quarrel and fighting.  Things got worse and worse.
No one knew how Nancy's husband found out that the child was not his. He fired his gun and killed Nancy. Fortunately, the boy ran quickly to his bedroom and locked himself there. The boy was able to escape the gun shot. But Nancy’s husband committed suicide and shot himself on the head.
After I listened to the boy’s story, the pain in my heart was incomprehensible, and my voice began to become husky.
I asked him, “Child, what's your name?"
“ I'm Paul Junior. These two photos were given to me by my grand mom. She asked me to come to look for you. Can I call you Daddy?"
I immediately embraced Paul Junior. He shed tears and said with a hoarse voice, "Daddy.”
「這是Mr. Jennings 的住宅嗎?」
「請問 Mr. Peter Jennings 在家嗎?」他説。
「你怎會有這張照片?」我急著問。「這張照片是我和 Nancy 在威尼斯拍攝的,我曾經花了過去的十幾年到處找她,都沒辦法找到她。」
此時這個男兩眼紅紅的答覆我,「Nancy 是我的媽媽。」
就在這一刻,我的腦袋𥚃見到的是Nancy 和我在威尼斯的海上的士意外重逢。我們在大學曾經拍過拖。但畢業後已經再沒有見面。今次重逢的興奮情緒是沒法形容。兩人立即像一對熱戀的情侶,互相擁抱和親吻。海上的士到下一個站, 兩人手牽手立即跳上岸。
此時我只可舉起杯紅酒,一飲而盡。 她也伴我乾了她手上的酒。我又再點了一瓶紅酒。話題中彼此提及大學中我們第一次在校園相逢,當天早上落過雨,後來雨停定了,我趕著去圖書館還書,當時我不小心撞跌她,使她倒在地上,弄到她的衣服被地上的泥土弄髒了。
我籍此便𨘋請她上男宿舍我的睡房換衣服,當我們入了我的睡房,我借給她穿上我的衫裇,穿上來我覺得她仍有女性的吸引力,但是她不同意我的觀感。但她的自然美已把我吸引了,再沒法不擁抱她和熱吻她,雖然我們是剛剛認識,她並沒有拒絕我。自此之後, 我們開始頻頻見面。
“Mr. Jennings” 這個小孩把我從回憶中帶回來現場。「Nancy 的確是我的媽媽。」
他再給我一张照片,照片是Nancy 的墓碑。
從他的口中,我知道了,原來我們在威尼斯見面時Nancy 已經結了婚,我們那一夜的温情留下今天這個男孩。
她們一家三口也算過得幸福愉快,她的丈夫也高興加添一個小孩。可惜好景不常在,她的丈夫失業,變成一個酒鬼,常常和Nancy 嘈吵,後來嘈吵變成打駡。隣居看見不平的吵駡聲,曾經報警多回。可惜這樣並沒有平靜事件,只有把事情愈變本加厲。
不知道事情是怎樣發生, Nancy 的丈夫知道這孩子不是他的,兩夫妻嘈吵起來,他便走去拿出自己的手槍,開槍把Nancy 殺死,繼而要追殺這個可憐的男孩。幸好這孩子大難不死,他走得快,把自己関在睡房,這樣才可逃過這場槍禍,而Nancy 的丈夫則開槍自殺。
「我叫做Paul Junior 。兩張照片是婆婆給我的,她叫我來找你。我可否叫你一聲Daddy?」
我立即擁抱著Paul Junior。他流著眼淚,帶著沙啞嗓音叫了一聲,「Daddy。」
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“Your hair.” the boy murmured softly. “You cut it”
“A bit.”
He looked happy about that, face lighting up and his mouth breaking into a tiny smile. “I know!” he laughed, looking pleased. “It used to be down to your waist, but now it’s all short and.. boy-ish. I like it.” he told him genuinely.
The blonde can’t help but smile alongside too, feeling overwhelmed by the other boy’s enthusiasm, even though the smile was bitter, and his heart was heavy. He dipped his eyelids just the slightest bit, watching the other boy behind his bangs carefully. He couldn’t understand. He’s made mistakes, and some were beyond repair. He understood that. Yet…
He took a sharp breath. “Ahh, can you not call me by that?” he tried to keep the wobbly smile on, but it felt wrong and raw and forced.
He flinched back. “Of course.” he said, dropping his out-stretched hand. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t-” Terumi’s voice faltered. “Why are you always like this, Shirou?”
The silver-haired boy raised his head tiredly, his eyes unfocused. “I’m not completely sure of what you are referring to, but I apologize.”
“It’s not that.” he ran a hand through his hair, frowning when it comes up short- much shorter than what he was used to. “It’s- Why didn’t you stand up for yourself? I hurt you. And you’re still so…”
Fubuki tilted his head. “It’s not that much of a big deal. I mean, growing up alone, I’m used to being let down by all sorts of things. I grew up at school, you know? The dorms are starting to feel like my own room.” he laughed a little at that, as if there was anything funny about it. “Soccer was all I had left, but I never had anyone cheering for me on the stands. But it helped me pay more attention on the field instead. It’s the only place where I can find myself, and Atsuya, too. People came and went. No exceptions. So it’s not surprising at all.” he broke out into a beam. “So please stop feeling bad, Aphrodi-kun.”
Terumi couldn’t speak. There was something stuck in his throat, forcing back his words.
“ね, do you think I should but my hair as well?” Fubuki asked, tugging at the ends of his strands. “Who would’ve thought? They’re even longer than your hair now.”
“Are you ever going to forgive me?” Terumi blurted out, heart thumping crazily in his chest.
Fubuki blinked. “What’s there to forgive in the first place? I told you, I’m not upset.”
“You should be. It’s not right to think of being let down by other people as normal.” he clenched his fists, fingernails sinking into his palms. “It’s even worse that it’s you. Because you don’t get mad. So it’s just going to add up to your hurt, instead of just letting it out by yelling at me. I’m sorry.” Aphrodi shook his head. “This is just wrong.”
“Aphrodi-kun.” Fubuki whispered, his eyes were so gentle it was almost cruel. “Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be? I’m the one who should be asking you that question.” he smiled dryly. “I was the one who-”
“Do you know, Aphrodi-kun?” the boy reached out to Terumi, his movements soft and fluid, like a dance. “You’re crying.”
“Am I?” Terumi laughed, choking.
Fubuki nodded.
“ね, Shirou. Can I promise you something?”
The boy froze in his tracks. “Ahh, I would prefer not.” he said finally. “Promises don’t go well with me. They never do. When we were kids, Atsuya and I promised that we’d always be there for each other. Obviously, it’s not his fault, but since then promises have become a curse when it comes to me.”
“That’s the point. I want it to stop. I want you to see what promises are really meant for. To be kept.”
“Don’t.” Fubuki said curtly, in a rare harsh tone. “I’m used to it. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still sting sometimes. Especially because it’s Aphrodi-kun. I accidently got my hopes up last time.” he smiled faintly. “I don’t mind. I really don’t. But look how it landed us.”
“Well,” Terumi muttered. “It doesn’t have to be anything big for now. I was thinking we start small.”
The other boy cocked his head curiously.
“Say, Shirou, you want to cut your hair?”
“It would be nice for a change.” he agreed. “Kind of like a way to leave the unpleasant memories behind.”
Aphrodi’s mouth tugged. It would be easier if the other boy didn’t bring up the sour topic every few seconds. But he supposed he was in no place to complain.
“Okay, so how’s this? If your team qualifies for nationals, I’ll cut your hair for you.”
Fubuki widened his eyes. “You’ll cut my hair?”
Seeing his expression, Terumi laughed. “Yes. Doubts? I’ll have you know that I’m pretty good at styling. Natural talent.”
“That’s for me to judge then.” Fubuki teased.
“Absolutely.” he gave a half-bow. “Whatever satisfies the customer.”
“Then I better get practicing, I guess. To keep on my end of the deal.” the boy straightened up his posture. “You better get your scissors ready, Aphrodi-kun.”
“Confident, are you?”
“How can I not be? All my effort for the past few years weren’t for nothing.” he paused, directing his gaze to the leaves rustling in the tree above their heads. “What’s more, I’ve got a god’s promise behind my back, don’t I?”
A/N: Quick thing I wrote. I’m not completely sure about the settings either. Some time in the future? Maybe their high-school years.
There was some kind of background story to this. But I didn’t actually think that far when I was writing. XDD
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soulslip · 4 years
tag drop / organization ( to be added : dash commentary, crack, open, queue ) 
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jokertrap-ran · 8 years
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Private Tactics CASE 3 クリス (Chris) Translations CV: 平川 大輔 (Hirakawa Daisuke)
3. Mission 3 夏季祭での約束 3. Mission 3 Summer Festival’s Promise
*Spoiler Alert: Translations under cut! * Will be added to master-list soon.    
If words of this gets out, Captain and Jin-kun are both sure to get angry at me…! Ah! It’s nothing! It’s nothing that you have to be worried about anyway. Yes! Wait no, yeah. Ahaha, I can’t help but feel all panicky though...and then my polite speech comes out without me knowing. I mean….you’re the princess after all. I got it, I’ll be more careful. So long as you say that’s better then I shall. Now then! Then, I’ll grant you wish and escort you properly till we reach there!
Now, let’s enjoy the festival to it’s fullest, shall we? There’s also a place where I’d like you take you to. Yeah~ I want to go together with you. It’s just that, if we don’t prepare various things beforehand, it’s sure to be disastrous later on. Here, take this.
It’s the outfit that everyone wears during a festival. It’s made really easily and it’s thin so just remove your outer layers but keep the inner layers on. Yup! It’ll be fine if you wear it just like how you’d do a one piece. Hah!!? T-T-T-To lend you a hand you say!? That’s I-I-Impossible!! Ehhhh~!!? You’re saying it in polite speech now….? W-Well that’s only because y-you’re saying things like t-that, no…? Haa….
Are you teasing me? Really?? I didn’t know at all. That you’re able to say something so bold. That’s right. For you who’s like that……...I guess a little punishment’s in order…? Ehe, what, you ask? That should be my line. You too, what were you intending to do? Did you want to make me flustered and troubled so that you’d get to see me as such? I’m a little surprised that you’d do something as cute as that. But you know, something like this right now, it’s not like you’re going to do the same to others right, right?
No matter what? You rea~lly can’t. If someone as lovely as you pleads like that…...all the guys will…...Ahh. Sorry…...I thought that I’d bully you just a little but...it seems like I’ve reached my limit here.
A-hem! I-In any case, go get changed! It won’t do for you to be in military wear so you can just change back before resuming duties. Moreover, being dressed in the same outfit as everyone else’s the main point of a festival.
*Time Skip to the festival*
Oh! There it is, there it is! It’s right here! Yup, this store right here! Do you want to try eating the food from the stalls or anything? Eh? You came here together with Rin-kun during lunch? I see….if so then I guess it’ll be better if we go to stores that he wouldn’t go to…? Hm? This stall here sells sweets which girls like. Cold and really sweet confectionaries. I see! I’m glad! There are lots of toppings you can put so you won’t get bored of it no matter how many times you eat it, that’s why it’s famous. I guess the one that’s most popular’s the strawberry milk ice? It’s really delicious with the sweet taste of milk ice and the accent of strawberries! There are others like chocolate and citrus fruit syrup too so take your time to choose one~
Eh? My favourite one will do?
Hiie~!! I-I-In the first place, you don’t really have a preference but still--! Ahh, for crying out loud, the way you put it is really mean…! I mean, it’s mean of you to be doing so, isn’t it? If you say something like how you trust me regardless of anything and the like, arghh, you’re really….Eh? Ah!! Oh damn….I….You...well….it seems like we’re found out huh….? Argh!!! Hey!!! Don’t touch me out of the blue for no reason!! Wait, don’t do that to her either--! Hey, don’t push and bustle-! I’m in the middle of an inspection..! Like i said, get away…!! Ahh, for crying out loud, this is no good!! Come on--!! I’m telling you to get away from the princess--!!!
*Chris manages to get through the crowd, albeit out of breath*
Princess, are you alright? Sorry, it’s because I was hurrying there. I think that word of this might probably get to captain or Lieutenant Colonel Jin so it’ll be bad if we don’t return soon. If they’re going to get angry, leave the scoldings to me. I’ll shoulder all the responsibility for it too. But, first….we really do have to do something about this crowd we’re stuck in…!
The princess is in the middle of an inspection! Everyone get away from us! At once!! A-Arghh!! That’s right--!! Even if we’re dressed like this, it’s still an inspection!!! If you have problems with it then bring it to the empire guard!!
Princess, let’s go!
Alright, run!!!
*Time Skip*
I deeply apologize, Princess !! It’s all my fault. If only I didn’t call out to you with such a loud voice…...this and that are different matters…! Because I’m the one who had placed you in danger...so please let me apologize properly. I’m really sorry!
You’re...really kind, aren’t you? You’re always smiling and forgiving...whenever I see that smile...I……
Ah! No...it’s nothing. Thank you very much, Princess. Ahh...ahaha, sorry. Oh, no I mean, sorry. It just came out again….that habit of mine. Half a year….? That’s true...it’s already been half a year since we’ve been together. Aha, that’s true...I really do have to get used to it huh. To not use polite speech when we’re together. I’ll promise you that once again. Ah….we didn’t manage to eat the shaved ice, did we? I’ll go buy it next time so let’s take out time to eat here when that time comes. I’ll look for a better shop next time so you can look forward to it, okay?
Yup! This is a promise too. I’ll invite you again so let’s go out together. This time, without anyone finding out.
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 5 years
Hakuoki Hana no Shou Saito After Story translation
My attempt at translating the “ Hakuoki Shinkai Hana no shou Stellaworth Early Reservation Bonus - Saito Hajime” after story [ (「薄桜鬼 真改 華ノ章」ステラワース早期予約特典 ブロマイド斎藤一). Image attached is what the booklet looks like. While I can’t read Japanese and found Chinese translations of this online... I cannot count Chinese as a second language (my speaking and reading ability is horrible and I can’t write words I don’t know the characters of though writing the chars themselves is easy lol) so I have relied on machine translations to supplement my inability for this + lots of editing. I think this came out okay...?
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(image is my scan from 薄桜鬼 真改 風ノ章 原画集)
Hakuoki Shinkai Hana no shou Stellaworthy Early Reservation Bonus After Story - Saito Hajime
Translation by KumoriYami
Located in Honshu's northern most part (?), Tonami is an extremely cold place where crops cannot be easily obtained/grown. Former Shinsengumi Third Division Captain Saito Hajime, lived in this land with the Aizu-han after their defeat in the Boshin war.
He hurried back because of a blizzard and huddled his body as his wife was waiting at home for his return.
“I'm home.”
He opened the door, greeting the one sitting by the fireside looking at him.
“Hajime-san, welcome back.”
Yukimura Chizuru greeted him with a lively and cheerful voice. Because of misfortune she had remained with the Shinsengumi, and after experiencing many fights, she had become Saito's wife. 
Chizuru ran over to him quickly with a happy face, brushing the snow off his hair and shoulders.
“Today work was late, and you've worked hard. I'll go prepare dinner for you, please use the fire to get warm.”
Chizuru spoke as she took a pot and placed it over the stove's fire. It didn't take long before it gave off the faint aroma of miso.
"It looks good."
She carefully held the soup made of beans and handed it to Saito.
“The soup should have been done well today. Please try it.”
Although I already had an idea, life in Tonami is really harsher than I imagined. Food is hard to come by, so we have been eating bean dishes lately. There are some locals/people who scorn/ridicule warriors as those that only eat beans. 
As Chizuru did not go outside often, presumably this was harder for her. However, she never complained about this.
“Hajime-san? Is something wrong? Are you hungry?”
Saito shook his head, taking a sip of the hot soup.
“How does it taste?”
Chizuru asked slightly nervously.
"You have to ask? Whatever you cook, it is delicious.”
As he responded, he could not help but be embarrassed as he could only make blunt answers. This is a dish that she has been desperately trying to improve in taste as miso and soy sauce was not easily available. Saito thought that if he was more picky of food at this time, he would definitely be punished by the gods.
His words of praise made Chizuru felt a little shy/bashful, but at the same time, she spoke softly.
“Actually, I really wanted to make something better for Hajime-san.”
Her loving and caring words made Saito's hand stop.
“The Aizu domain and their countrymen are living a hard lives. We can't be extravagant.”   He regretted the moment he spoke. He should be aware of the need to answer tactfully, but it was already too late
“Ah... Sorry, I said something irresponsible/wilful/wayward unnecessary.” (?)
Looking at her bowing sadly, his heart was filled with regret for saying something that he wanted to take back.
(Chizuru is obviously saying that just for me.../for my sake...)
Just as he put down his chopsticks, she began to clean up the dishes.
“Chizuru, let me tidy up....”
He wanted to compensate for the slip of his tongue, but Chizuru.....
“No, Hajime-san, I will clean up quickly.”
Saying so, she began to skilfully put things away. As he went to prepare their bedding, Saito began to feel agitated, 
Once Chizuru finished with the dishes, she returned to their room where/when their bedding was ready.
“Then we should rest. It was hard for you today, Hajime-san.”
She wore a slight smile, planning to slip under the covers, however—
Saito couldn't help but raise his voice, reaching for her hand to retain her.
Eyes full of uncertainty stared at Saito. Seeing such eyes, I felt speechless, but...
"I never recognized how I took this for granted."
The words were squeezed out of his throat.
Unexpectedly, Chizuru blinked at him in confusion. Saito continued.
“You have not only come to Tonami with me, and while we have little, you have never complained, and still stayed with me... you have done too much, I really can't help but be thankful. Thank you.”
Because she just finished washing dishes, her hands were very cold.
If she was with some other man, Chizuru would not need to be living this way. Whenever he thinks of this, his heart is full of gratitude and embarrassment.
Eventually, Chizuru took Saito's hands, then ——
“What you're saying... isn't it too much? Are we not husband and wife? I just need to be with Hajime-san, and I don't need anything else.”
After a while, Saito gently pulled her slender shoulders towards him.
The action puzzled Chizuru for a moment and he held his breath, but she quickly drew her body closer to him.
(Although I don't know how long we can have in the future/how much we can do in the future —— )
But even so, I will stay with her until the end of my life.
I’m trying to improve my Chinese (I’m aware I’m lumping Cantonese and Mandarin together and that I really shouldn’t do so... but I do want to improve both of them) so I might attempt to do more of these in the future if I can find their translations online.
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 5 years
Hakuoki Hana no Shou Kazama After Story Translation
My attempt at translating the “Hakuoki Shinkai Hana no shou Stellaworth Early Reservation Bonus" Kazama Chikage Short story [ 薄桜鬼 真改 華ノ章 ステラワース早期予約特典 ブロマイド 風間千景 ] from Chinese to English
Actually finished this before the 2 SSL cross stories... but I’ve decided to pace my translation releases as to not needlessly torture myself. hardy har har. 
Anyway, enjoy this translation....
Hakuoki Shinkai Hanashou Stellaworth Early Reservation Bonus Kazama Chikage Short Story
Translation by KumoriYami
In the Satsuma domain, which is located in the southern most part of Kyushu, a secluded mountain is home to the Kazama family that controls the Western Oni clans.
In the Kazama head residence, the identity of Kazama Chikage's wife Yukimura Chizuru who had arrived at the Kazama family/clan, was treated with the utmost of respect by the other Oni clans.
She had grown up as an ordinary girl so far, and for the first time she has been treated like this. She seemed a bit overwhelmed by this. (--> She seemed a bit overwhelmed by this as she had grown up as an ordinary girl and was being treated like this for the first time.)
Once the welcoming ceremony was held/completed, Kazama brought Chizuru to a room.
"Tonight you will rest here. You should be tired after travelling for so long."
He stopped a foot away from the door and spoke.  Chizuru looked anxious as she looked down.
".....Thank you very much for your feelings."
Her tone was very blunt. (Being in) An unfamiliar land, strange dwellings, strange oni.... obviously she (shouldn't be) used to this, but she was still very nervous about being in/(part of) the Kazama clan.
(Forget it, it's only a matter of time.)
As he thought of this, he opened the door.
Once the room came into view, Chizuru could not help but scream.
There were two sets of covers in the room, ones meant to be used by couples together. [honestly I don’t know what this refers to]
Seeing this scene, Kazama snorted.
"What's the matter/what's going on/wtf? Currying favour like this?"
[(”是想拍馬屁嗎?” is the 2nd sentence here) I've just put down what came to mind.... though it apparently means are you trying to flatter me or someone for the sake of getting a favour done]
He had to blame the people responsible for preparing the room for this. Thinking about it, Kazama stepped into the room.
However, Chizuru still didn't move, remaining standing in front of the door.
"What's wrong?"
"Eh, that's..../ oh, that...."
She spoke hesitantly/nervously. Just looking at her, I could understand what she was thinking.
"I have said before, the "deed" will be done after the wedding. Have you forgotten?"
"I remember..."
"That being the case, you don't need to be so worried... or are you looking forward to it?"
"No, no one is looking forward to it!"
After Chizuru spoke, he shrugged his shoulders, heading into the(ir) room.
(Actually it's a needless worry. Forget it, doing anything (now?) will decrease/damage her value.)
Having said that, this girl could truly be determined in coming to Kazama's village. Kazama felt that this was a bit unexpected.
Before she met Kazama in Kyoto, she knew nothing about being an oni, or the fact that the Yukimura clan was wiped out by humans.
(I originally played around with the Shinsengumi as an excuse to get in touch/interact with them [says them](/her?))
While she was walked her own path, different from that of her twin brother, Chizuru did not lose herself.
Even though she was constantly informed of devastating news about the Shinsengumi, she shed tears and continued forward.
(While she looks like a weak girl, how much power is hidden within (her).... (even)I don't know... )
However before he noticed it, he was already captivated by the firmness in her eyes, and he could no longer look away.
"Um... Kazama-san, how long are you staying here?"
Kazama did not say that he was staying in the room, (causing) Chizuru to feel that he was very suspicious/wary and (she)hesitated as she asked.
"Do you want me to leave so soon? To actually to drive away the fiance away from the woman's room (/boudoir) (before marriage), truly a courteous/proper wife."
"I didn't mean that...! I only thought, with such a long journey, Kazama-san would be tired."
She was still the same as ever. Her words offered a sense of intimacy that made Kazama laugh.
Then he reached out and silently grabbed the girl's chin.
Chizuru was surprised and looked back at Kazama.
"In the future, you will be learning a lot of things as the wife of the leader of the Kazama clan. Since you have come here with me, you must be aware of that?"
His inquiry made Chizuru's expression become serious.
She closed her eyes for a moment, then nodded.
“....Yes, I am very aware of that/these things.”
Kazama was very pleased with her answer.
Then he wordlessly removed the hand that was holding Chizuru's chin.
"Tomorrow I will introduce you to the village/clan's other female oni. The preparation of congratulatory messages, wedding clothes and so on need to be asked about/addressed."
Although she responded enthusiastically/cheerfully, I'm afraid (that)/unfortunately she sounded uncertain/nervous.
Kazama deliberately raised his voice, slightly narrowing his red eyes to look directly at Chizuru.
Upon seeing this, Chizuru's face grew stern in countenance, concentrating as she waited for his next words.
"It doesn't matter how you want to show respect to me, but "Kazama-san" cannot be used to address your husband. You will call be by my name directly from now on."
"Name... that is to say, Chikage-san?"
Chizuru spoke in an awkward/hesitant tone.
"Why are you laughing? I said it as you wanted it— "
"I am just thinking that your consciousness as a wife was finally born/I am just thinking that you're finally conscious of how you're going to be a wife. You'll be doing this when you serve me in the future [-.- geez this guy. seriously it’s no wonder why harada didn’t like kazama’s behaviour lol]. That's all."
Once Kazama said this, he stood up and left the room.
"Really, why am i doing this..."
After, he heard words that sounded like a complaint from behind him. [?]
The conversation between the two soon to be newly weds was known only by the moon.
*sigh* i wanna play FE:Three Houses but i don’t have a nintendo switch or money for the game rn cuz of hakuoki lol...also Yamazaki’s short story is still at 40% since I felt like starting to translating that unknown live drama which so far meant me snipping subtitles off the video for a while....and in other news i hit mastery rank 27 in warframe... and the Star Trek Picard trailer from SDCC2019 WAS FUCKING AWESOME!
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 5 years
Hakuoki Hana no Shou Hijikata After Story Translation Attempt
My attempt at translating the “ Hakuoki Shinkai Hana no shou Stellaworth Early Reservation Bonus’ HIjikata Toshizou short story [ 「薄桜鬼 真改 華ノ章」ステラワース早期予約特典 ブロマイド 土方歲三] from Chinese to English with lots of editing and mtl help...
The Shinsengumi oni-tan drama is going to take a while to translate since i’m worrying more about accuracy since the recent translations i added to my list were only available as jpgs... and none of the text extractors i’ve used have been able to extract an error-less version of all the words... also doesn’t help that the text is really small on these images so on some of the more complicated characters just can’t be replaced by me rewriting the word on google by hand... *sigh*. 
On a side note, please check out my updated tumblr page since I put together a list of some of the Hakuoki dramas that I’m looking for as I translations for them (”Stuff I’m looking for” creative title, i know.). That list will probably won’t be updated anytime soon since anything I don’t have the audio for (in relation to the dramas anyway) has a very low priority for me to work on.
Hakuoki Shinkai Hanashou Stellaworth Early Reservation Bonus Hijikata Toshizou After Story 
Translation by KumoriYami
A few months after the Republic of Ezo's surrender to the new Meiji government-
The man known as the demon vice-commander, former Shinsengumi vice-commander Hijikata Toshizou has been living in a secluded house in the mountains.
Hearing of the Meji era's turbulence, but here, such tension cannot be felt/ (Despite) hearing of the Meiji era's turbulence, such change cannot be felt here.
“Hijikata-san.... No, Toshizou-san, it's time to get up. It's almost noon.”
He heard someone calling him from beside the bed.
Her name was Yukimura Chizuru. Due to unfortunate circumstances, she lived with the Shinsengumi and had continued to follow Hijikata to Ezo, eventually becoming his partner [the translation doesn't use the word 'wife' here].
"Really, quiet down [Hijikata probably says 'shut up’ here]. It's just oversleeping a bit. It's not like (I) have anything to do anyway/there's anything to do anyway.
Hijikata did not rise from bed and bluntly spoke.
"Although that's true..."   Chizuru softly muttered, then quietly whispered.
"........Hijikata-san has changed."
Hijikata gently rolled over to her side. He glanced at Chizuru who was now looking at him with a bewildered expression.
He looked up at the ceiling, muttering to himself.
"When I was vice-commander, the schedule was full everyday, and it was impossible to sleep for a long time/sleep in."
"Because the Hijikata-san then would blame/get upset at those who overslept."
Recalling their time in Kyoto, Chizuru laughed.
"That so..."
Although it hasn’t even been a year since the end of the war, it felt like more than a decade ago.
He believed that he had done his duty as the Shinsengumi's vice-commander together/along with Kondou-san, fighting as (true) warriors until the end. (Though) Nowadays, it was not good to reminisce about the secular world.
(I don't know/wonder how the surviving members are doing now...)
He heard that Shimada, Souma, as well as Saito, survived. According to rumours Souma had surrendered to the new government as the chief/representative of the Shinsengumi.... that is to say that the Shinsengumi surrendered.
Because of the new government's surveillance, we were unable to get in touch with them and could only hope that the name “Shinsengumi" would not become a hindrance/burden to the surviving members.
(I once thought that as long as I could die in battle, I would die without regrets...)
As Hijikata thought of this, he turned his gaze to Chizuru who was at his bedside.
At least now he can still live like this, just because of her(/At least now he has a reason to live because of her).
Noticing that his expression seemed a bit lost , she worriedly called Hijikata's name.
Wanting to dispel the embarrassment he felt, he reached to put/pull Chizuru in his arms.
With a yell/yelp, she fell to the bed.
"Tha-that, Toshizou-san!"
Because of his abrupt behaviour, she couldn't help but yell/scream/raise her voice. Although they have been living under the same roof for a few months, it seemed like she was still not used to this.
In order to hold on to Chizuru who was trying to get up/away/escape, he tightened his grasp.
"What's wrong? Is it strange for a husband to treat his wife like this?"
Hijikata secretly smiled to himself at her reaction, asking her slyly.
"(It's) not strange... but, the food is going to get cold."
"Isn't it better to heat it up later? Compared to this..."
Having spoken, Hijikata made such a suggestion as he peered into Chizuru's eyes.
In his eyes/opinion, Chizuru seemed to be embarrassed as she lowered her eyes/gaze, though he did not see any signs of rejection.
Hijikata narrowed his eyes, seemingly urging her for a kiss.
Chizuru's ears were red as she whispered shyly.
"That... Toshizou-san, it's still day time?"
"What about that? There's no one watching."
"Isn't not that there is no one watching...."
Chizuru fell silent after she spoke/after Chizuru finished, they fell into silence, Hijikata held her before him, and kissed her lips in a predatory manner. 
He then used the strength of his arms, tightening his grasp on her, to ensure that she could not escape as he deepened their kiss.
She seemed a bit bewildered at first, but then Chizuru also began responding to his kisses. Hijikata felt that she was very cute.   When their lips finally separated, Chizuru seemed unable to move and leaned on Hijikata.
“Really, you'd (think that you would) be used to this by now?”
His teasing words made Chizuru speak up/respond with indignation.
"That's because Toshizou-san always moves so abruptly. It wasn't like that before..."
"This is the real me. There's no burden (for me) to bear, no need to wear the mask of a demon anymore."
No matter what happens, she will not leave Hijikata - this strength and determination of hers is something that she has shown him countless times.
After, Chizuru buried her face into Hijikata's chest and spoke/replied.
....Regardless of how Toshizou-san looks/appears/is, I love it/you.
Such words/this sentence was/is the sweetest honey in the world, so Hijikata thought.
I’ve been able to translate a tad faster since I recognize more words now (though it’s a bit harder for me since i grew up learning traditional characters and the simplified ones make my head hurt at times... so i’ll be dragging my feet on some things)... but without the audio (in any Chinese dialect) my speaking ability isn’t really going to improve... *facepalm* 
i also just noticed that i made errors in the two toshizous drama subs... im going to blame the hai toshizo vid for those errors in spelling..... ah ha ha.... oh well. T.T idc enough to fix it...also I can’t translate the 9th biyroi since I can’t access it...also havent bothered checking which ones are inaccessible to me either..  *sigh*.
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sakurapeace · 5 years
https://www.wattpad.com/782245159-the-promised-neverland-one-shots-pat-attention Oneshot for day 2 of NatAnna week. ~~~~~ Title: Pay Attention Word Count: 1294 (~ 6 minute read) Summary: Tie it up, let it down, let it flow all around.
Yet he won’t take notice of it, and frankly, Anna was getting a little irritated that Nat won’t compliment her. ~~~~~ “Anna, you have your hair down today?” When Anna got asked that, she turned around, a bit surprised anyone noticed at all. “Yes, I thought it’d be a nice change,” Anna replied to Gilda. Gilda nodded. “I just thought it was unusual,” Gilda told her. “You usually do your hair. Ponytails, braids, buns… What’s with the sudden change?” “No reason,” Anna replied, marching on. She stared up ahead of her. She saw how he walked, how he smiled and laughed. Anna looked down, a shade of pink coming onto her face. It wasn’t that hard to guess. Anna has grown her hair out once more. Back when she cut it all off to escape the house, she secretly mourned the loss of her hair. After years of growing it out, it’s gone back to its original length, if not longer. And now that they were heading towards the Jaw of the Lion, of course one would wonder why she won’t put her hair up with all this heat. Frankly, it was because of the boy in front of her. Nat has never complimented her hair before. Even the people at Goldy Pond noticed when her hair got considerably longer. They would be surprised. People would say that she looks pretty with long hair. But Nat, the boy who was her age, the boy who grew up with her, never said anything before. And honestly, she was surprised that he hasn’t. After all, Nat was a kind boy. A bit odd, but he has a good heart. That’s what made Anna take interest in him in the first place. For a while now, she’s been trying to get him to compliment her hair. She’s been doing her hair all the time. She’s had others help her do her hair. But no matter what, he just won’t seem to notice it. That’s why Anna started letting her hair down. She’s been doing nothing to it for the past few days, ever since they left on their journey. If he won’t notice that her hair is up, would he notice when she doesn’t do anything to it? So far he hasn’t but she wanted to have hope. But after days of it, she started to not expect anything. After all, no matter how much she’s watched him or hinted it to him, he never took notice. That’s why, when Anna woke up one morning, she didn’t expect Nat to be there. He was just there, sitting right next to her. His eyes were watching her, and she could only stare back at him. An awkward silence remained for a minute. Nat was the first one to realize what was happening and got flustered. He jerked away from Anna, a visible blush on his face. “S-Sorry!” Nat whispered to her, “I didn’t mean to wake you!” Anna slowly sat up and looked around. Everyone was still asleep. It looked like Nat was the first to wake up. However, there were more pressing matters to take care of. Because when Nat pulled away from her, Anna felt a tug. And then she realized he was playing with her hair. A blush immediately rose on her face. She felt self-conscious as she tucked her hair behind her ear. “N-Nat, what were you doing?” Anna asked him. “S-Sorry,” Nat said, looking away. His voice was quiet, and he only got softer. “I just thought…” “You just thought…” Anna repeated back to him. “…That your hair was messy…” Nat finished. Anna’s eyes immediately widened. Messy? No one’s ever told her that before. Rather, wasn’t this the opposite of what she wanted to hear from him? Anna started pouting. “Well sorry it’s a mess…” Anna mumbled, looking away from him. Nat gasped. He started shaking his head and waving his hands around. “No, that’s not what I meant!” Nat exclaimed. “I just thought you should… you should put it up!” “Why should I?” Anna asked him. Because it looks prettier when her hair up? Because he likes it when it’s up? “So that it would be less messy,” Nat answered. Somehow, that irked Anna. Definitely not the answer she was expecting, that’s for sure. “Well if it bothers you so much, why don’t you do my hair?” Anna asked him, “I don’t exactly feel like it.” “Oh, can I?” Nat asked. Anna was surprised. The shock slowly registered on her face. “I mean, I’ve always wanted to try it,” Nat said, scratching the back of his head, “If it’s okay with you…” “Y-yeah…” Anna simply answered. She turned around to let Nat play her hair, yet still flinched at the first touch. After all, she didn’t expect this kind of development at all. Anna waited there patiently as she felt Nat play with her hair. He tugged it here and there, trying to make things work. Yet, he was more gently than Anna had anticipated. He was doing his best not to hurt her. When he finished, it took roughly 30 minutes, much longer than Anna had anticipated. After all, it was just braided. When she looked at her hair, she couldn’t help the confusion leaking into her voice. “Braids…?” She mumbled, touching the braids in her hair. They were two small simple braids on each side of her head. She was quite amazed as to how he took so long to make just some braids. “Ah, don’t say it,” Nat cried out. “I know it took me a long time. I just wanted them to look good! Frankly, I would have done the two giant braids that you usually did when we were younger, but I’d probably rip all your hair off in the process.” Anna looked down at her hair, holding one of the braids in her palm and hiding her smile. He said he wanted it to look good, but frankly, it was still a mess. Loose ends were sticking out everywhere. It made her want to laugh, though instead, it was just a huge bubbly feeling in her chest. “So, are you really not going to do your hair anymore?” Nat asked her. Anna turned around and looked at him, smiling. “Who knows?” she teased. After all, if he were to do this when she had her hair down, why would she start putting it back up again? “What a waste,” Nat mumbled. Anna turned around to face him, a puzzled expression on her face. “What do you mean?’ Anna asked him. Nat looked her straight in the eye, causing her to stiffen up. Slowly, she saw his hand reach out and touch one of the braids, gently holding it in the palm of his hand. He handled her hair so gently, it caused her heart to skip a beat. "I just thought that you look the most lovely in braids,” Nat said slowly. He saw Anna staring at him, so Nat smiled at her before getting on his feet and stretching. “Anyways, it’s your choice,” he told her, “I’ll leave you to it. I’m gonna go wake up the others now.” And Nat walked off to do just as he said, leaving Anna sitting there, her heart thumping faster than ever. And later that day, people definitely took notice of Anna’s new hairstyle. As they made their way, Anna felt a poke on her shoulder. She turned around to be met with Gilda. “Anna, you did your hair today!” Gilda said happily, “But don’t you think it looks a little bad? Want me to fix it?” Anna only smiled at Gilda and shook her head. She gently reached up to touch the braid at the side of her head. “No, I’ll keep it this way,” Anna told her, “After all, this might just be my new favorite hairstyle.”
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