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fullscoreshenanigans · 5 months ago
sobbing crying throwing up if anyone has a pdf of Our Light (Shining After the Storm by Fyrsil/Hantii hmu I can't find it on the wayback machine </3
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The only post-canon AU fic I've ever seen focusing on Thoma and Lanni (with their chapter centering around how it seems like they were the only ones to come out of the demon world unscathed but they have PTSD just like all the other children) and Nat and Anna (platonic or pre-romance with Anna integrating into school in the human world well, but then a group of girls start gossiping about Nat and his features, with the two of them having a sweet conversation at the end)
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widefuturesss · 2 months ago
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Nature Provides Series - Chimira Natanna, 2025.
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girl30090 · 8 months ago
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This photo of Simone Biles taken by Robbie Lawrence in the 2024 olympics reminds me of something. Something I can express in words with the help of that Chimira Natanna thesis , I forget the title. About how we perform art to escape- as a means into the otherwise. The art transcends. Because I embody my visions. No I have no visions. I am. Is.
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dustinnnaaa · 4 years ago
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they are adorable you cant make me think otherwise
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syazrock · 6 years ago
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Here your lovely Raypunzel
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amaikana · 5 years ago
I did a poll on twitter but I think I’d put it here too. ---
What do you think would be a fun Valentine’s prompt??
Secret Admirer
Soulmate Curse
Body Swap
Fake/Pretend Date
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mswyrr · 1 year ago
The use of "When We Remain" by Samantha Crain is just gorgeous
Writing in the Choctaw language (the language of my ancestors) has become over the past few years, something very important to me. I believe the survival of indigenous languages is the most important foothold in the survival of indigenous cultures and tribes. I wanted to write a Choctaw version of something like the old protest song “We Shall Overcome”, something we could sing through our hardships and into our victories and survival as a lasting tribe of people. lyrics Okla e maya momakma, tamaha chito okla imihaksi tuko i foni aiyokli ahoba hapiachi kiyo. Okla e maya momakma, napakanli, micha iti, micha nan vpi ahoba osh ohmi tamaha chito okla imihaksi tukon okla il vbachike. Yakni i natanna ibachvffa hosh okla il ilai achonli tuk. Hapi fiopa ya, shotik chinto okla il itibani tuk. When we remain, we will not be like the beautiful bones of a forgotten city. When we remain, we will be the flowers and the trees and the vines that overcome the forgotten city. We have woven ourselves into the cloth of the earth. We have mixed our breath into the expanding sky. https://samanthacrain.bandcamp.com/track/when-we-remain
episode 4 goes so hard. brilliant work. some of the various intimate/family scenes here are more tense and powerful than a fight scene, the emotions are so powerful. the narrative really locks in late in ep 2, kicks into gear in episode 3, and then is just going full out by ep 4. highly rec!
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natannaweek · 5 years ago
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Hello, everyone! I am here to announce that there will be two NatAnna Days this year on March 4th and August 3rd. If you would like to participate, please use the hashtag #NatAnnaDay. Your submissions can be anything SFW! Have fun!
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widefuturesss · 3 months ago
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Peace world, our names are Chimira Anyanwu Natanna Nneoma Nnedu Obiefule Ekwegh Rios, we write, teach and create portals through various mediums of creation. We believe in art as a spiritual lyf practice and music as our form of prayer. Our mother is justice and we dedicate our lives to a freedom that could never ever be pictured. May Chineke favor us and our dreams, may we able to recieve as much as we have given. We offer everything through and to our Ancestors, the ones we both can name and cannot name. We pray to grow and evolve like an Iroko/oji tree or like a Silk cotton tree, so that future generations and the earth may benefit and rest under the shade of our becoming. The journey has been tough but it only brings us closer to spirit. We give thanks for the beyond of our survival, every new step feels like a beginning... ISE.
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fullscoreshenanigans · 9 months ago
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@calamitycons @swarm-of-rabid-bees Me whenever I see a new blog click on one of my newer REN posts and then go on a journey through my Norrayemma tag: I gotchu, traveler 🤝
Posted these a few months back but my very convoluted web of relationship tiers (with notes):
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1.) *Yes, I have multiple ships I'm very fond of/passionate about, and at least one of them is one of the nine listed popular fandom ships 2.) **Yes, I have multiple ships I'm very fond of/passionate about, and none of them are one of the nine listed popular fandom ships 3.) ***Yes, I have one popular fandom ship I'm very fond of and a few I more casually ship 4.) ****Yes, I have one uncommon/rare ship I'm very fond of and a few I more casually ship 8.) *****Yes, but pretty casually/more as an afterthought, and none of the ones I ship casually are among the more popular fandom ships 9) ******No; I can see why people ship some characters romantically, but there are no ships that are appealing to me in this series
For the purposes of this poll, these are considered popular fandom ships:
Noremma (Norman x Emma)
Rayemma (Ray x Emma)
Norray (Norman x Ray)
Norrayemma (Norman x Ray x Emma)
Gildon (Gilda x Don)
Rayanna (Ray x Anna)
LesIsa/Lesbella (Leslie x Isabella)
Sonmuji (Sonju x Mujika)
Yuucas (Yuugo x Lucas)
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biyoyo-hokori · 6 years ago
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Nat tried to change his hairstyle a bit to impress Anna
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alvacchi · 6 years ago
Can I request a scenario where Emma is confused between her feelings for Ray and For Norman?
Yep! Here’s the long awaited scenario. Enjoy~!
[Spoilers up to Ch 127]
SCENARIO: Conflicted Feelings
Norman: Emma, I love you.
Emma: I…I…
Ray: But Emma I also love you.
Norman: But now two of us love you. Who will you choose?
Emma: .…
[Emma wakes up in her bed at the Paradise Hideout, confused.]
Emma: I didn’t even get to respond. What was that dream?
[Later on as the children spend time in the hideout, Emma decides to go see Gilda and Anna who were in the library.]
Emma: Gilda. Anna. I want to talk with you guys. Not here though. Come with me to a different room.
Gilda & Anna: ?
[They head to an empty room.]
Emma: I got something important I want to share with you two.
Gilda: With us?
Anna: Wouldn’t you want to talk with Norman and Ray?
Emma: No! I mean…I can’t because….
I got love troubles.
Gilda & Anna: !!!
Gilda: Who’s the lucky guy? Norman? Ray?
Emma: I don’t know!
Anna: You don’t know?
Emma: I don’t know who I like more! Can’t I just date them both?
Anna: Emma…it doesn’t quite work like that.
Emma: Bigamy exists though! I read it in the books!
Gilda: That’s a crime in the human world.
Emma: Screw society then! That’s not fair!
Anna: Besides, I’m not sure if they would like that. Emma, you may be able to do that but you got to consider how the other two would feel.
Emma: [pouts] You sound like Norman now, with him talking about not being able to resist favorite foods.
Gilda: Emma, what is it that you like about them both? When did you start realizing?
Emma: ! Well I’m not really sure when it happened. It just did. Norman’s really kind. He and I were the ones who discovered the truth about the house, thanks to Ray. There was this moment when he told me that we should run away together.
Gilda & Anna: An elope! How romantic!
Emma: Yeah! I was so relieved when we reunited with Norman. I want to protect him and I’m worried that he’s trying too hard on his own. I love him dearly but Ray…he’s always there when I need him the most during our time at Shelter B06-32. He’s affectionate in his own way and seems to figure me out even when I’m hiding something. I also care for him.
Anna: That’s sweet!
Gilda: Hmm that’s quite a tough decision to make.
Emma: Aaaa! There’s so much I like about them that I think I will rant for hours! I like Norman at first but now Ray has been on my mind too. I can’t decide! They’ve been invading my dreams!
Gilda: Do you even know if they like you back?
Emma: No….what should I do?
Gilda: I think before you decide, you should focus on your appeals! Get their attention!
Emma: My…appeals?
Gilda: Anna, you’re dating Nat, aren’t you? You got anything?
Emma: EH?! Wait when did that happen??
Anna: A-ah! Well…
Emma: [grabs hold of Anna’s hands] Oh wise Anna, please teach me your ways. You got a boyfriend before I did!
Anna: W-wise?! Ah…okay first things first! You got to look pretty! You’re at that age where you can try on makeup!
Emma: Makeup?
Gilda: Sounds nice! It’s been a while since we got to do anything fun~
[Anna helps Emma put on heavy makeup.]
Anna: Okay done! We’ll ask Nat for his opinion. He’s the one who told me about it.
[They go over to where Nat is.]
Anna: Hey Nat! What do you think?
Nat: ?
[Nat looks to see Anna and Emma. Emma’s mascara was thick and there was a lot of lip gloss.]
[A couple minutes of cleaning the makeup off later…]
Anna: It’s that bad huh…
Nat: You didn’t apply the makeup properly. But you did your best.
Anna: [shyly smiles]
Gilda: Nat, I didn’t know you know how to put on makeup. So you’re talented in something other than piano.
Nat: [raises his nose up in pride] Of course! I carry my own makeup set with me at all times! ✨
Anna: Please Nat, could you give us some advice? What do boys like in girls?
Nat: Hmmm well not too much makeup. I think looks and personality are the main factors. Not saying this applies to every guy but sex appeal is nice.
Gilda: S-sex appeal?!
Anna: Nat?!
Nat: I’m not saying this applies to every guy!!
Emma: What’s sex appeal?
Gilda: You don’t need to know Emma. That won’t be necessary! We’re not even old enough yet!
Anna: Gosh…
Nat: I’m not that kind of guy! Really!
Emma: Are Norman and Ray that type?
Gilda: Don’t worry about it Emma. I think the best advice we can give you is to just be yourself.
Emma: Be myself….that still doesn’t solve who I should date though….
Anna: I understand how you feel. It took me some time too! I had a crush on Ray and Nat at the same time. Ah! But that was before though! I’m not into Ray anymore so don’t worry! The time will come when you know.
Emma: Okay…
[It was almost dinner time and Emma sits around in the kitchen, puzzled and thinking to herself about her situation. She then notices some people heading her way. Among them are Ray and Norman.]
Emma: ‘A-ah I can’t make a straight face right now! Oh no they’re going to know!’
[She takes a paper bag from the kitchen counter and puts it over her head.]
‘They won’t be able to read my face expressions this way!’
Thoma: I’m starving!
Lani: Let’s eat!
[They notice Emma sitting there with her paper bag.]
Norman: Emma? Why are you hiding your face?
Ray: Interesting. I’m going to wear one too. [takes a paper bag and puts it over his head.]
Norman: Ray??
Don: Ooo! Is this a new trend?
Thoma: I want to join!
Lani: Me too! Me too!
[Don, Thoma, and Lani took the paper bags from the kitchen counter and put them over themselves.]
Don: Ah. We should cut holes for the eyes or else we can’t see.
Norman: [confused] Why are you all wearing paper bags??
[Zazie approaches the group.]
Zazie: [Thumbs up] 👍 
Norman: ZAZIE???
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aineiruu · 6 years ago
for natanna day 2!
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sakurapeace · 6 years ago
NatAnna oneshot for day 1! Pretty short so I’ll post the full thing here! 
Title: The Ways of Love 
Word Count: 1781 (~8 minute read) 
Summary: “Teach me how to flirt!“ Nat begged his siblings.Nat wants to learn how to flirt from his older siblings. He wants to be closer to Anna. But what could his siblings possibly help him?
"Wait, what did you say?” Ray asked, staring at Nat with a dumbfounded expression on his face. 
“I said you should teach me how to flirt!” Nat demanded, crossing his arms and looking at his siblings. “I want to be closer to Anna!” 
This news certainly caught Ray and Emma by surprise. The pair was just sitting at a table, researching about The Seven Walls through thousands of books in the archives room when Nat suddenly burst through the door with this news. All of a sudden, he came to the pair asking them to teach him about flirting. It certainly caught them off guard. 
“I- I don’t think I’m hearing you right…” Emma said, putting a hand on her face as she felt an unbearable blush rise to her cheeks. “You want us… to teach you… how to flirt… with Anna…” 
“Then you did hear me right!” Nat screamed. He grabbed onto Ray’s shoulders and started shaking the poor boy. “Please, I’m begging you! You two are the smartest here! The others aren’t nearly as smart! Surely you must have read something on flirting! Dating! Anything!” 
Nat then turned to Emma, making her flinch. He did to her what he did to Ray: He grabbed her by the shoulders and started shaking her. Ray leaned against his chair, dizzy from being shaken around. “Don’t you see how cute she is?!” Nat yelled at Emma as her head swung back and forth, “Her kind smile! Her unwavering determination! How could anybody not fall in love with her! She’s an angel in disguise!” 
“I- I see angels…” Emma cried out, almost gagging from being shaken so much. 
“Stop! Stop!” Ray yelled at Nat, wanting him to stop shaking Emma. “We get it! We’ll help you with your… ugh… flirting.” 
Nat turned his face back to Ray, and Ray was disturbed to see a stream of tears flooding Nat’s eyes. “Oh, thank you!” Nat shouted, running up to Ray and hugging him, making Ray groan. “I’ll never forget this! You’re the best siblings I could ever ask for!” 
Eventually, once Nat stopped being so emotional, Nat sat down at the table with Ray and Emma. Together, all three of them pondered on what Nat could do to win Anna’s heart. 
“I really don’t know what you expect of us,” Emma mumbled, “We don’t exactly have any romantic experience…” 
“Well according to the books I’ve read, one thing you could do is appeal yourself to her,” Ray mentioned, “You know, like your personality or your personal traits.” 
Emma turned to Ray, confusion plastered onto her face. “Huh? You read books on how to flirt? What good is that?” Emma asked him. 
Ray realized what he said. He turned his head away from Emma, making sure she didn’t see the blush coming onto his face. “No reason…” Ray mumbled out, confusing Emma even more. 
“So my personality and personal traits, huh…” Nat said, grinning to himself. “I can do that!” 
Without so much as a warning, Nat raced out of the room, leaving behind a dumbfounded Ray and Emma. He raced through the halls and found Anna in her room, sitting on her bed and reading her own book. When he entered the room, she looked up at him, her eyes widening slightly upon his arrival. “Nat? What are you doing here?” she asked him. 
Nat felt his heart beat faster. Still, he marched on, entering her room. Once he was a few feet away, he posed dramatically, sweeping back his hair. “So, Anna!” he started out, “Have you seen my magnificent nose line?!” 
Anna stared at him, confused. But they didn’t move. He stood there in awkward silence. Nat started sweating profusely by the minute. “Yes, your nose line is nice,” Anna responded at last, “But did you… need anything else?” 
“It wasn’t working…!” Nat thought to himself. She didn’t look as flustered as he was. Shouldn’t she be blushing and swooning over him by now?! 
“I- I’ll be right back!” Nat yelled out as he raced out of the room. He proceeded to go straight back to the archives room, where Ray and Emma were once again shocked by his sudden arrival. Nat slammed his hands on the table, glaring at the pair. “You guys, it didn’t work!” Nat complained, “She isn’t swooning over me!” 
Ray and Emma stared at Nat with blank expressions before Ray let out a groan. “This is ridiculous…” Ray muttered in annoyance. 
Emma let out a light, nervous chuckle. “Um, you could try complimenting her?” Emma suggested, earning a stare from both Ray and Nat. “I think most girls like compliments!” 
Ray continued to stare at her, pondering. “Hey, Emma,” Ray called out. 
“Yes?” came her reply. 
“I like how brave you are.” 
Emma tilted her head in bewilderment, staring at Ray with a confused expression. “I don’t think a compliment requires you to be that brave…” Emma told him, then, turning to Nat, she missed the displeasure forming on Ray’s face. “Anyways, Nat, you should give him a compliment!” 
“I see! A compliment!” Nat said, a bright smile on his face as he considered that. “I can do that!” It was an easy thing to do! There were so many things he could compliment her for, after all! 
So once again, Nat zoomed down the halls and into Anna’s room. She was sitting on her bed, right where he left her. “Anna!” Nat called out. 
“Nat?” Anna replied, looking at him once more. 
Nat entered the room, standing a few feet away from the bed. “Anna, I…” 
“Really like your cuteness?” Nat thought in his head. “How she’s studying medicine for her family? Her bright smile? How she does her hair? What about how she loves everyone? How calm and collected she is?” 
Thoughts swirled around in his head. He found himself opening and closing his mouth, unable to form words as Anna stared at him. She stared with those mystical blue eyes of hers. Those eyes only made him even more nervous. 
But he couldn’t do it… 
It… was too embarrassing…! 
“I- I’ll be right back!” Nat bailed out of the room. He just couldn’t do it. There was no way he could say all that mushy stuff to her face! So he ran back to the archives room, and it seemed like Ray and Emma were already anticipating his arrival. They looked up from their books as Nat approached. 
“Another method!” Nat cried out, slamming his hands on the table once more. “I can’t do that one!” 
“Got too scared, huh…” Ray said, “Told you so, Emma. I win.” 
Emma pouted at Ray, pointing a finger at him. “Okay then, Ray, you tell him what to do!” 
Ray gave a sigh. He put his book down and crossed his arms. “Okay, look,” he said, pointing a finger at Nat. “You go and stand in that room for 5 minutes. You can stand in a corner or even hide under her bed. I don’t care. But I just ask for 5 minutes.” 
“I- I guess I could do that…” Nat muttered. “But Ray… what good would that do?” 
“Just trust me on this one,” Ray told the boy, waving him off. “Now be on your way, and remember: 5 minutes.” 
And so Nat once more walked off and out of the archives room. He made his way over to Anna’s room, and it seemed like she was expecting his appearance. “You’re back,” Anna said as he entered the room. 
“Yeah, I am…” Nat said nervously as he closed the door behind him. 
“Are you staying in here this time?” Anna asked. 
Nat nodded. 
“I see…” Anna said with a hum. “Well, I don’t mind. Why don’t you take a seat?” 
She gestured over to her desk. Nat gulped and did an awkward walk across the room, sitting at the desk just by her bed. 
5 minutes… He really thought he could do it, but now he was itching to run out of the room like the coward he was. Has it been 5 minutes yet? It felt like it’s been forever. Nat wasn’t good at making conversation in awkward moments like this. How do you talk to a girl when her attention is focused on a book? Should he crawl under the bed like Ray suggested? 
But suddenly, Anna started to slowly close her book. Her head gradually tilted towards Nat, smiling at him. Nat felt shivers down his spine. She was staring at him with those bright blue eyes again… 
“Hey Nat…” Anna started out, her voice slow and steady. 
“Do you like me?” 
Suddenly, Nat’s heart started doing a marathon. The words that came out of her mouth made Nat fall out of his seat. A blush immediately rose to his face after being found out like that. “Wha-? How-” Nat said as he got up. He couldn’t get a sentence out. He was just dumbfounded by the turn of events. He didn’t expect her to take that approach in the slightest. 
Anna started giggling. Her smile made Nat’s chest leap. “It was obvious. You’ve been staring at me for quite some time. Did you think I wouldn’t notice? I tried giving you a chance to confess too, and when I thought you would, you just run away.” 
Anna got up off the bed. She did a twirl in her skirt that made her look beautiful. Frankly, Nat couldn’t stop staring at her. “So if you aren’t going to do it, then I will,” Anna said, as calm and collected as she always has been. Nat could have sworn the pink on her cheeks was a lie. But seeing her like this… he wasn’t so sure anymore. Was he sure this wasn’t all just a dream? 
Nat watched Anna with wide eyes as Anna stood there, smiling at him. Her mouth started opening and words he couldn’t say come spilling out of her mouth… 
Meanwhile, Emma noticed that Nat didn’t come back. She looked at the door, confused as to why Nat hasn’t returned when he’s been barging in so much. 
“He’s been gone for a while…” Emma muttered. 
“I win the bet, obviously,” Ray said, not looking up as he turned the page. Even without looking up, he could sense the pout on Emma’s face. 
“How’d you know?!” Emma yelled at him, complaining, “What magic did you use?!” 
Ray finally looked up and gave her a smirk. “I didn’t do anything,” Ray replied, resting his chin on his hand as he grinned at her. “I just made a bet that Anna could figure that boy out…” 
“And it seems like I wasn’t wrong…”
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mya-rt · 7 years ago
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aboveaurora · 7 years ago
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