#…. and my mother but she knows nothing about horses so that’s no help lol
missmoodring · 3 months
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Being a sim parent is hard :')
My simself tried to throw her stepson a birthday party with a cute lil cake but the stove caught on fire. It's ok, Amaris still loved it and he aged up beautifully.
Of course his aint shit, trifflin ass momma decided to send a gift to Mari for his birthday. So my simself let him visit her all the way in San Myshuno. This ho had the nerve to be living in a 1 bedroom apartment with her community dick havin ass husband salim benali, a toddler, four dogs and two horses and PREGNANT. look at that poor baby's face. he knows he hates it here. his name is wilder. nothing more wild than his ho ass mother's living situation. i had to help them out and get rid of them horses.
ANYWAY my sim found out she was pregnant with a cryptic pregnancy shortly after giving birth to her baby girl, Nara. So they moved out of their Oasis Springs home into a spacious house in San Sequoia.
Amaris loves being a big brother. My sim gave birth to another girl. I named her Eula. Eula and Nara are fasho irish twins if that's a thing in the sims! i have the nerve to be talking about my husband's babymoms situation when my simself has two infants and one crib lmfao. i just keep placing the other on that playmat and let the dogs keep guard. LOL but no seriously, we have a full house too (3 kids, 2 dogs, 1 cat) not to mention my simself is still writing books, tending to her garden and now she has bees to take care of!
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
I LOST THE ASK ABOUT HOW DAENYS KILLED MAEGOR but to answer your question @lexiiicon. honestly not quite sure... but heres a vague bit of some ideas :p
daenys has Visions and is currently married to this horrible probably closeted stark lord who is using her as an heir factory and also she's being psychologically terrorised by his bolton mother. she spends a worrying amount of time in the crypts... anyway she gets pregnant and has a slight mental breakdown about it. has some dragon dreams which she interprets in a way to mean ok if i kill maegor everything will be fixed. so she up and leaves winterfell by herself just walks to the red keep (on her special white horse :3) all the way from the north. no money no shoes in her nightgown.. everyone knows who she is so they just let her stay at inns and keeps and homesteads even though she's The Princess and clearly off her rocker. keep in mind she's 18 currently so really this is just her gap year hot girl summer rn. the reeds are familiar with insane quests based on magical dreams so they help her through the swamps. she nearly gets murdered/held for ransom/etc several times but miraculously(😏) makes it to the red keep wearing her bloody muddy disgusting nightgown heavily pregnant bloodshot purple eyes no chapstick dried lips all fucked up looking. and shes like Bring Me My Father and theyre like um which one... no one is letting her in so she has to go through the secret passageways and she finds her way into the throne room where maegor and viserys are fighting each other (7foot maegor and 5'6 vis to be clear). vis is having his own hot girl summer rn (having a very weird relationship with the kingsguard lord commander) and maegor found out and started homer simpson style strangling him which is what daenys walks in on. daenys and viserys team up and kill maegor with the iron throne (slay!). but now vis and daenys are covered in blood maegor dead obviously they did it. jaehaerys finds them and helps them cover up the murder essentially but more in a way where it looks like jae did it. And so christens the reign of maegor's heir lol. jae is on the throne now and he kinda sucks a lil bit and daenys is like oh fuck nothing got fixed there's just another guy on the throne. AND hes my brother who i thought i could trust. and that does wonders for her psyche. she's still got a decade of living to do, poor darling :(
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alexawynters · 1 year
Question to the trans men out there, I am in need of some advice, please!!!
(People from home I think I cleared you out but if I missed you and you see this post - no you didnt)
So this is probably weird and please don't judge me, but.. how did you always know you were a guy? How did you know, did you feel like you were trapped in the wrong body, or were there other clues?
Just asking because.. well.. just for some background, I am afab lesbian, but when I was little my daycare once asked me which Disney character I'd like to be and I apparently said "Aladdin ", and I think about that a lot.
I also think about how I always felt wrong growing up, and then I learned about lesbians and I thought "oh I'm not in the wrong body, I'm just a lesbian".
But.. I don't know? Haha. Weird. My friends say I'm way too feminine in my mannerisms to ever be a dude the few times I've jokingly brought it up. Not sure if that's just the patriarchy and toxic masculinity or if they're right and I'm just super confused lol 🙃 I will absolutely give them that I do have what are considered to be feminine mannerisms and I am absolutely very in touch with my emotions (I will cry at the drop of a hat - I'm squishy, don't yell at me).
I've always been friends with girls, I've always liked/loved girls. I know for a fact I'm attracted to women, and I'm not overly fond of men. The few male friends I have are usually trans men, or gay men, but even they are few and far between.
I love video games, I love adventurous things like horse back riding or going to the shooting range, but I also love when my girl friends want to come spill the tea, I get super giddy, like come on girrrlll, spill! He said wHAT?! The AUDACITY!
But also I hate my body. Total body dysmorphia, I cry and vomit when I have to look in the mirror too long. To be clear this is not just because I am over weight although that certainly doesn't help. My tits are DDD and I mean they're fantastic if I wanna wear a blouse (barf), but if I wanna wear a t-shirt it makes like this weird shelf I hate it.
I look at men's bodies, even those not super fit, and I'm envious. The jaw, the shoulders. The fit of the clothes, ughhh I wish my clothes fit ME like that! I've tried! Multiple exercises, I've seen masc women say get rid of your curves to help build that physique but it never seems to do the job. Everyone compliments me on my highly hourglass figure. I hate it.
I see tiktok and Tumblr posts of trans men who are almost fully transitioned, and they look so happy in themselves, so confident. They look like how *I* want to look.
Growing up, any time I tried to wear anything I felt remotely comfortable in, my mother would say I looked like a "dyker-biker" (wtf even is that insult, mom???). Which isn't inherently anything bad, but the way she said it always made me feel like I should be ashamed, so I feel like I learned to avoid wearing the clothes I actually wanted to wear.
I hate dresses and skirts. I don't care what temperature it is outside. I would rather die than wear either. Shorts, pants, or nothing.
I've sort of tried to broach the topic with friends as I mentioned, and they always say I'm too feminine, or I would have to be gay (no offense men, no thank you). Don't get me wrong our entire friend group is queer lf some sort with the exception of two token straight friends, so the topic should be safe with them if I qanted to bring it up more seriously. But the brushing it off has me terrified. They used to talk about a former friend of ours for example when we were in college and you know figuring ourselves out, who used to waffle between their identity and we all (I'm ashamed to say I went along eith it) said they were just doing it for the attention or to go with the flavor of the month.
Well.. I don't want them to think that about me. Karma is a bitch haha. Especially not my best friend. She's been my best friend for almost two decades, we've had ups and downs, we've grown, we've been through everything together. She's like my sister. I don't know what I would do if I figured this out, made some decision, and lost her because of it.
I know that's doing her and our friendship a disservice, we have grown, we aren't in hs or college anymore. She is the most caring and understanding person I've ever met, but I'm so, so scared.
That's not even to speak of my family. My mother took twenty five years to properly accept that I'm gay. She nearly crashed the car when I first came our (not my best timing tbf). My mother and I have finally made great strides in repairing our relationship, I'm not sure I want to rock the boat with even trying to figure this out.
I thought when I moved from Mississippi to Denver that I would leave everything and everyone behind and start over completely so I could figure this out. That didn't happen because life is fucking expensive and I ended up moving with some friends back home, I haven't really made any new friends and I certainly haven't let go of the old. I'm terrified to explore any of this, but I'm so tired of feeling miserable and not feeling like I'm myself. I don't know who that person is yet but I'm 34 and I want to finally finally figure that out and then be them.
So I guess I'm wondering, how do you know? How do you know who you are? And is it possible that I could just be a straight man in a woman's body? While still maintaining my mannerisms? Or maybe I'm just supposed to be a butch 'bean? But that doesn't feel right either. Idk lol pls send help haha I'm not crying while I write this or anything it's fine.
Also sorry this is all over the place.
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janggtoco · 1 year
songs you associate your moots with?
okie anon. u didn't know this but you asked someone who takes their music recs very seriously so letsgetit (i only picked songs from my fave albums & liked songs playlist, nothing but the best for my favorite people)
@seokgyuu: dog days are over by florence + the machine - the reason i picked this for mitchie is bcs literally the WEEK maybe even the DAY we started regularly talking, i instantly felt less lonely and felt more ready to just. rebuild my life. and she gave me much more motivation and inspiration and i was just a much happier person to be on this app ;-; she's the reason i'm back to being my somewhat normal self.. i'm forever grateful for her love ;-;
leave all your loving and longing behind / you can't carry it with you if you want to survive / the dog days are over / can you hear the horses? / cause here they come
@seokmins: st. patrick by pvris but also lay me down by sam smith - i mean. obviously i had to pick the song that inspired the first chapter of my own series white noise.. but lay me down.. it's just the perfect calming song. i can't explain it but it's so elv-coded for me.. both of these are tbh. elv helps me forget the bad in my life and i hope i give her even just a fraction of the comfort and happiness she gives me ;-;
but please stay / cause i think you're a saint and i think you're an angel / i said you give me something to talk about that's not the shit in my head / you're a miracle
told me not to cry when you're gone / but the feeling's too overwhelming it's much too strong / can i lay by your side? next to you / and make sure you're alright / i'll take care of you / and i don't want to be here if i can't be with you tonight
@bitchlessdino: bubblegum bitch by marina - nana just kind of own bubblegum pink in my mind right now (it's also perfect for her online theme for both of her blogs rn).. i don't think this song really embodies nana in any way other than her fierce alter ego that comes out when you wrong her or her loved ones. like she is queen electra heart what can i say!!
i'll chew you up and i'll spit you out / cause that's what young love is all about / so pull me closer and kiss me hard / i'm gonna pop your bubblegum heart
@bisexualgyu: intro/forgive me by chloe x halle but also mundo by iv of spades - listen. rhys has chloe x halle energy. don't fight me on this. like this whole album is lowkey her-coded deservedly so. and mundo is a little obvious (at least for her). she knows why <3
so forgive me, forgive me / i've been going too hard in your city / so forgive me cause i'm not teary / best believe i move onto better things
limutin na ang mundo / nang magkasama tayo / sunod sa bawat galaw / hindi na maliligaw / mundo'y magiging ikaw
@97-liners: daddy lessons by beyoncé - picked this one just bcs it tells the trials and tribulations of growing up with a tough parent and ultimately loving them through all their flaws while also realizing the trauma they put you through. not to get deep but yeah skdjfs sorry to give you a country song jackie but at least it's beyonce 😭
tough girl is what i had to be / he said, "take care of your mother / watch out for your sister" / and oh, that's when he gave to me / with his gun, with his head held high / he told me not to cry / oh, my daddy said shoot
@gguksgalaxy: bitch, don't kill my vibe by kendrick lamar - just ready to be straight chillin'. tired of the drama. here for a good time with people who also won't cause too much drama. also just a straight up club banger lol.
i am a sinner / who's probably gonna sin again / lord forgive me / things i don't understand / sometimes i need to be alone / bitch don't kill my vibe / i can feel your energy from two planets away / i got my drink i got my music i would share it but today i'm yelling / bitch don't kill my vibe
@taeiltual: nights w u by tiffany day - just such a lovely feel good person that i love talking to and always brightens my day! this song is just bouncy and lovely just like bex in my mind <3 sdkfjs
but we don't got to talk about it / i just want to dance around / all night with you, you, you, you / cause i don't wanna feel the pressure / know that I'll be better when all my nights / are with you, you, you, you
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ell-vellan · 2 years
7 and 9!
Thank you for giving me the chance to share these, which are both simultaneously my "favorite scene" and "favorite dialogue" that work out of context from this upcoming chapter <3
From the WIP ask game!
7. What is your favorite scene you've written so far?
Anytime I get to write this bro-ship is a good time, lol
“Something up, Chief?” Krem had come to his blind side, taking Bull a little by surprise. He’d been sweeping the horizon for any more dark, roving shapes.
“Yeah, didn’t think so,” Krem said, sarcasm dripping. The other guys were clustered up ahead, boasting and arguing, not paying close attention. “Because nothing’s ever wrong with the Chief, yeah? Not even when he goes all broody and doesn’t even brag about his kill count–”
“Leave it, Krem.” Bull’s voice dipped into a growl, which was definitely not proving his lieutenant right in any fashion. His knee ached. He was sick and tired of sandy provisions and the constant low roar of wind in his ears. Nothing different to see in any direction, except the ever-present threat of the canyon shimmering with Blight like rivers of ancient blood, that made him faintly sick even glance down at.
Everything about this place threatened to drive him to distraction.
Just one more fucking day.
Then a return to Skyhold, and the uncertainty there he didn’t want to think about.
But it was better than this dump by miles.
He could feel Krem’s eyes on him, the frown lines that were surely deepening between his brows. Krem wasn’t going to be put off this time.
“Yeah,” Krem muttered, as if some revelation had occurred to him. “No punny nicknames today, huh? I’m sure there’s no reason at all to read into why we’ve been relegated to escort duty when this job could be pawned off to any of the fifty-odd soldiers stationed at the keep.”
“You complaining?” Bull asked, a touch of threat in his voice. They didn’t do this kinda shit. “Got somewhere else to be? Hot date waiting for you back at Skyhold?”
“Maybe I do. Kinda thought maybe you did.”
Bull shot Krem a look, and Krem didn’t blink.
Bull huffed and looked away. “We’re not doing this.”
“Nah, we don’t, do we?” Krem agreed. “It’s alright when you check up on all of us. Mother-hen everybody to death. Make sure our heads are straight. But nothing ever gets to The Iron Fucking Bull.”
Bull said nothing, just a low growl of frustration.
“It’s not gonna break ranks for you to let me know what’s going on,” Krem continued, dropping the sarcasm this time. “Thought you trusted me at least that much."
9. What is your favorite dialogue you've written so far?
Cole's dialogue is especially hard for me, but I liked this little exchange.
He didn’t want to think about this, not now when she was too far away for him to do anything about it. Bull grunted, annoyed that things kept resurfacing that he was doing his best to push away. He focused on the horse, on stroking the stiff bristles over her glossy hide, dislodging sand. "It’s late. Do you not sleep, kid?"
"You're awake, The Iron Bull."
Bull sighed. "I guess I am. Just trying to help, huh?"
The silence at his back unnerved him so much he patted the Asaarash to steady her and faced Cole.
"Like you.”
Bull's lips thinned as he hung the brush back on the rusty nail in the wood post. "I hurt people, too."
"I killed mages at the Spire. I murdered Lord Seeker Lambert. And anyone who tries to hurt the Inquisition."
"And that doesn't bother you?"
That made Cole tilt his head, one arm curling around the rafters. "I didn't know killing the mages was wrong. I thought I was helping. Now…sometimes killing is helping."
"Yeah," Bull sighed. He draped a blanket over the horse's back – the desert nights could be freezing. "Sometimes I think it's the only kind of help I know how to give, too."
Bull unlatched the stall and eased out, the horse nickering a soft farewell.
"You helped her," Cole said, turning to watch him through the beams. "More than anyone else. By being kind. And with ropes."
"I can't decide if you're talking about the Inquisitor or the horse."
"She felt safe, and then scared, and then sad. It was easier to leave than to be left."
That tightness twisted up. "It was her choice."
"She thought you had already made yours."
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lettherebemonsters · 1 year
Hey Spooky!! I have come to find and give you, yes you! An open invitation OOC to gush about anything you’d like! Is there anything about your characters you haven’t gotten the chance to? Any dynamics you want to express your love for, like Maurice and Kenny, or general musings about Springtrap! Anything you’d like! My ears are open and so is my heart to the clown lads! Haha
FFFFF-My luscious bunny bun! You know how much I like to gush. I'm a damn river here lol.
I definitely wanna talk about all my clown bois lol.
But let's focus on Kenneth and his favorite horsey Maurice. I definitely believe that Kenneth had absolutely nobody all his life. His father abused him horrifically to the point that, even as an immortal slasher, he's covered in gruesome scars. He's definitely got a psychiatric disorder like autism or ADHD (or both), leading to his father beating him harder. His mother died having him, Kenneth almost died with her but somehow survived.
Due to the horrific abuse and complete lack of family or support, he became isolated, reclusive and angry. He lost all trust in humanity and not even teachers who wanted to help him could break through the damages caused by the neglect.
Team sports could have given him a chance to find his own family but he didn't trust anyone anymore and bolted rather than give others a chance.
As such, he was alone. Even escaping he was alone. It wasn't until shortly after joining the circus that he found someone who truly loved him back....Maurice.
Kenneth helped Maurice's mother deliver him but the mare rejected her baby. So, instead of letting fate claim the newborn, Kenneth took the foal and raised him.
This is why he's so tightly bonded to his horse. Not only is Maurice his only friend, in most cases, he's the closest Kenneth will ever have to a child of his own and a family.
The Clown hates humanity and doesn't regret half the stuff he's done......but he loves his horse. And damn anyone who tries to harm his fur baby.
As for Clowntrap......literally his whole family is clown coded. So what's with people shitting on Clown Springtrap when literally his WIFE AND DAUGHTER are clowns??? I just don't get it.
And Clowntrap is completely insane. Decades locked away in agony destroyed what humanity he had in him. He also suffers from psychosis and the sheer stress of running Fazbear and the subsequent loss of his children made his medication stop working.
Charlie was never supposed to die.....William had planned on killing himself. She just happened to be at the wrong place, wrong time that he went crazy. Killing Charlie was like killing one of his own and the regret he had poisoned him until he had nothing left inside him.
He also grew to hate Henry Emily and vows to destroy him and make him suffer an eternity of agony, blaming him for what he became.
William is incapable of taking responsibility for his actions. If he did....he'd shatter completely.
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bar-les-coucougnes · 1 year
So how's figuring the game out coming along? Any progress on theories? And bonus, how do you think this will end?
well to start with, the more it goes on, the less i understand, so that's the gist of it 👍
jokes aside, spoilers ahead, probably (i'm half convinced i'm just making shit up so im not sure those spoilers are all accurate, lol):
so i know some of it was told and some of it is kind of implied so i'm just going to go through my understanding of the events:
kinzo was in love with a 1st beatrice, who killed herself. then he "made" (using a surrogate mother, maybe? or, idk, he does employ orphans so maybe he could take one from the orphanage and tell them they're beatrice now) another one, 2nd beatrice, who grew up sheltered and wearing "beatrice"'s clothes from the portrait, who rosa met and helped run away, and died on the cliff because well, those are not practical clothes.
it COULD be that the 1st and 2nd one are actually one and the same, and that along the way someone retelling the event (rosa in one case, and i think beato in the other?), was mistaken about some stuff, since you could imagine that the line between "fell of a cliff while running away" and "killed myself to escape that creep" is a bit blurry.
then there's a 3rd beatrice who should be the same age as battler, and who battler, in some way "commited a sin against". i'm going to assume the whole "you didn't have anything to do with beatrice" red truth is because this beatrice was not called beatrice back then. as for the age, since the last beatrice died 19yrs ago, there's no reason to believe kinzo would've "made" a new one until after the death so she might be under 19? if the "making" of beatrice consists of taking small orphans and brainwashing them, i guess he could do that to toddlers and still getting away with it but after 5 or 6 years old, that might be complicated.
going slightly off topic here but when it was explained that he raised beatrice since she was a child, as a father or grandfather, in the hopes that when she grows up, she returns his affections or something? i think that's called grooming
back to 3rd beato and battler, i'm going to guess that battler somehow encountered her when he was like 12, saw her looking all pitiful and stuff and was like "don't worry, just hang tight and i'll come back and save you!" and then promptly fucked off for the next 6 years (classic move). which would explain why she's really mad at him and why he's acting like that when he remembers (though, so far, he hasn't said anything about what he remembers). i'll admit this part is partially because i saw some posts about "something something white horse" (coming to save her on his white horse? they did mention he has some pretty cringy lines as a kid) which is why i can guess that's his promise and that they're about the same age.
as for why he forgot, trauma? plot-convenient amnesia? someone caught up on what he was doing (i can imagine beatrice was somewhere battler wasn't supposed to go) and gave him the beating of his life and he forgot everything in the aftermath? or remembered it as a dream and forgot? actually that does remind me beatrice mentions that after she appears to people, they tend to forget about meeting her (which is why she burned/marked kanon and was it shannon too? so that they could remember the next day that they really did meet her)
also i'm going to be honest, while scrolling past memes and posts about umineko, i did notice that people call beatrice sayo (and this is where it's going to be embarrassing if i'm mistaken and it's just a name that looks like "sayo" and i remembered wrong lol) which is, incidentally, what shannon says is her real name. honestly that doesn't help me much because i'm not sure how that would fit in, exactly. maybe shannon is the 3rd beatrice? maybe she's the 4th beatrice actually and the 3rd one died and that's the real reason why beatrice said nothing happened between battler and beatrice? my head hurts
baby off the cliff: honestly, considering how kinzo moaned about "beatrice! beatrice!" after the servant and baby were pushed off the cliff, i wonder if the baby was going to be beatrice and he was like "fuck, now i have to make a new one"? (maybe that was his way of having beatrice grow up as successor?) i mean yeah the story says the baby is now a "man" but i'm aware that there are trans characters so someone could assume the baby was a boy and then 19 years later, surprise! this is now a beatrice. then again, the opening sequence has a young man with red hair so maybe that guy is the baby from back then. or maybe the baby just died and lambda was fucking around.
rationalizing the witches and demons:
at least for renove and virgilia: one is basically genji (even says at one point that genji's basically his vessel) and the other kumasawa. you could think that, with a bit of imagination, they could turn into "one hell of a butler" demon and "fairy godmother", basically. gaap is how you rationalize misplacing your stuff all the time (hello shannon).
probably missing a lot of stuff but i'd be here until 4am
oh yeah, how do i think it will end? everybody dies and the ghosts move on. i kind of want a happy ending but i'm not sure that's realistic. so i'd rather expect a sad ending and be pleasantly surprised if it's a happy ending :)
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artisticbunny · 2 years
o.O look I know it’s only been like a week but I’m like, deeply infatuated with a whole new concept that has nothing to do with anything I had previously indulged in. It has nothing to do with fnaf, or utdr, or anime, or even any of my favorite book series
And today— I come bearing questions for the creator of this ‘new concept’— a true genius from none other than the nefarious hellsite;
Yep. That’s right. And now, I ask this:
(Hey Bun, don’t mind me I’m just roleplaying myself in your inbox over a silly question. I just wrote an opinionated report for my ELA teacher, so maybe I’m not out of writer mode lol. Anyways, can we know more about Brook? Like y’know, ‘Brook Child’. If that’s treading too close to spoiler territory, then alternatively, can we know about Sam the wizard? He was mentioned earlier and I like wizards and warlocks because magic is such a popular concept based off of something which nobody really knows. Plus it’s something I’m sure everyone ever has fantasized about, even if many believe it doesn’t exist… not nerd ver: magic is cool can we hear about Sam?)
:3 Yep. That’s it. Hope this wasn’t too long or crazy lol. I really do enjoy the course of this and how it’s going. Sounds really cool. Also, I LOVE the artwork that goes along with it. (Plus I saw your Cryptid design and it IS quite friend shaped if I do say so myself lol) You draw very nicely, I like that it’s awesome.
And so,,, Ask and ye shall receive my beloved moot!!!
Brook’s backstory is one that is completely lost to her. Her “mother” never really told her much other than “I found you and took you in, so now you owe me.” At the moment I don’t really think it’s important to the story, and I don’t think it will ever come up so I’ll spill the tea for you ;3
Brook actually was born into a very loving family. She had parents who adored her and each other, and they lived in a fairly peaceful town. This… didn’t really last. Brook’s family went out one day, planning to go a few towns over to see relatives, and instead of settling down for the night, decided to travel through till the morning. Under the shade of night, they were jumped by bandits. During the scuffle, their horse got spooked, and whisked away the cart, with Brook still inside. The horse ran off-trail into the woods, the cart catching on fallen trees and rocks. The horse’s restraints attaching it to the cart were damaged so much by all the debris that when the cart got caught in the bank of a rocky stream, the horse broke free, and the cart remained. Brook’s “Mother” found her and took her in with the thought that she could help with chores when she was older.
Brook stayed 16 long years with her “Mother” (making her ~17 now), and got the idea to escape about a year and a half prior to the events of the story :)
Under her “mother”’s “care”, it wasn’t uncommon for Brook to have food taken away from her if she acted up or made mistakes, it also wasn’t uncommon for her to be locked in the basement with only thin slits of windows to let in light. The basement is also where she slept, not having a room of her own.
Because of these conditions, she is pretty sickly. She is VERY thin and malnourished, and is also pretty short as a result (she’s almost EXACTLY 5 feet tall, maybe a little shorter if you flatten her hair). Her hair is matted and tangled, and her clothes are old, thin, and covered in various stains and grime. She has lots of scars all over her body but by far the most noticeable is the one straight down over half of her face.
She has anxiety and is baby and I love her :)
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She’s tired, and needs a break, but she’s not really gonna get one for a while, sorry hon!
Now, you get Sam too because he is VERY cool and silly and I love him.
Sam is a half elf!!! Idk that I mentioned this before!!! He’s kinda just a silly goofy dude who gets stage fright unless it’s his silly werewolf boyfriend. They LOVE each other your honor!!!
Unfortunately god gives his hardest tests to his silliest clowns.
Yeah he goes through the wringer throughout the story. I can’t say much of that because yay plotpoint!!! But yeah djxndhdh
So basically Sam was born in a nice town, pretty average sized, with parents that wanted the best for him. When they saw that he had innate magical abilities (ie: a higher magic storage ability and they saw him just messing around with it and having fun as a kid), they thought that setting him up for apprenticeships would set him up for a good life. What they DIDNT consider is that Sam didn’t really want that. Yeah, when he first started he thought magic was REALLY cool!!! And fun!!! But… all the studying and reading and practicing form and BLAH BLAH BLAH- it made it almost unbearable. Honestly now that I’m thinking about it I probably infused some of my adhd into him without realizing- whoops! Sitting for hours and hours on end just studying instead of actually doing the cool stuff? No thanks that sounds like actual torture! Lol
But yeah, he would end up going through like 5 apprenticeships before he and Joe end up running off into the woods together to find Joe’s tether or some other alternative that hasn’t been discovered yet. They spent a while just kinda camping in the woods with not really much luck before Brook comes along. They’ve been out on their own for about 3 or 4 years at that point, but they haven’t really been counting.
Sorry Sam probably isn’t as interesting as the others, not too bad of a tragic backstory competitively lol. Gotta have SOME less messed up characters! Trust me tho, he gets some good character time in the story I promise!
Here’s what he looks like:
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He has a lot of scruff lol, and I love that for him <3
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riverstardis · 2 years
buried alive:
now ethan has officially met stevie and jade for the first time!
cal tries to get ethan to come pick up emilie’s ashes with him but he says he’s busy and cal goes “right, we’ll, i’ll just go and collect mum’s ashes on my own then shall i? just like i went to the funeral on my own.” that’s an awfully high horse for someone who made ethan go and collect matilda’s ashes on his own and she’s the woman who actually raised them!
connie breaks up with jacob because of grace and he goes “you know the trouble with burying your feelings. they get buried alive.” literally
dylan checking multiple times with robyn that a patient had been discharged and noel says he hasn’t been the same since lofty left :( reminding the viewers that he does still have ocd?
lily trying to talk to ethan using her dad to try and relate again
jacob’s going out with the paramedics and dylan says they look like a boy band that’s reformed for the money and jack goes “i’d pay” SKDKFKFK
lily finds ethan in the staff room and tries to comfort him again by talking about how she felt when her dad died and he goes “i don’t care about your father lily! i don’t care about my mother! all she’s actually done is leave me with this death sentence” and she’s confused and asks what’s really going on so he tells her and cal comes in but hears them talking and listens from just outside
she asks if cal has it too and he says “no, he’s fine. caleb is just perfect”
“i’m sorry i don’t know what to say” “well there’s nothing to say is there? this is never gonna leave me. it’s gonna follow me around for the rest of my life. and then it’s going to kill me” 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥
lily says who knows what medical advances will be made in the future. but he tried that with gaskell’s trial but actually managed to dodge a bullet by not getting on😭
“you know what, i work hard. i’m the good one, i’ve always been the good one, and he— he just goes wherever he wants, he gets everything he wants. career. women. everything comes so easy to him.” :(((((( and cal’s still listening in
“yes but you can’t blame him for this” “but i do! i really do. i don’t deserve this.” “and he does?” “yeah, maybe he does.” cal’s face :((((
aww this kid with cancer russell is listing some things from his bucket list and he says he wants to get married like on mamma mia
charlie can’t find cal and he’s not answering his phone
connie and jacob going to kiss and the floor quite literally collapses under them😭😭
and grace is waiting in connie’s office not knowing anything’s wrong
russell’s tumour has grown and robyn tells ethan about his wish to get married
they plan a “wedding” and get max to “officiate” and ethan gives robyn away and then takes pictures along with russell’s dad🥺🥺
iirc robyn mentions to glen that she’s “already married” to russell which is so cute that she remembers🥺
connie and jacob slowly being buried alive and connie radios control saying she needs to speak to grace so they put her through to the ed and grace can obviously tell somethings wrong and is upset but still no one’s really telling her what’s going on😢
robyn comments to ethan that russell’s not just making every day count, he’s making every second count. aand there’s the lesson!
this is terrifying😭😭
well putting his problems aside for a while to help russell has obviously cleared ethan’s head a bit because he doesn’t look like a walking rain cloud anymore. and he actually entertains charlie’s question of whether he’s spoken to cal. charlie tells him that cal’s been AWOL for ages and asks if he knows where he might’ve gone
see big mac and noel are only just breaking through an awkward period of becoming friends again but they were just like normal in begin again so that’s another inconsistency
lol robyn trying to be friends with dylan over them both missing lofty🥺
ethan finds cal at the beach and apologises saying he was angry and he didn’t mean it
🥺🥺🥺🥺 i love them
“be more cal” “hm?” “that’s what i’m going to do. that’s my new resolution.” “be more cal?” “yeah you know, carpe diem, run recklessly headfirst into improbably dangerous situations.”
he then demonstrates that immediately by inviting cal to run into the freezing cold sea with him skskdkfk
i miss themmmm😫😫😫
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
Alice is Borderland S1 & S2 Live Blogging
I don't actually know that much about this show except it's like playing deadly (video) games? And Keita Machida from Cherry Magic is in it
Season 1
Ep 1 (May 20)
so did they go into a parallel world through the bathroom stall?
oooh game arena okay
oh she called those lasers the borderline
did this woman do this before or something? she seems to know things and be quite matter of fact
as expected, the girl who came the latest and was the most scared and innocent-seeming died first, especially after the Chotaro TODO guy was like don't worry! play with us and nothing will happen!
lol this puzzle is too much also I don't get it why are those 2 rooms a no-go? - oh i see, that's where they came from before or something
ooh, a survivor
i mean he died but you know, survivor of the games for a while
oh, are those red lasers killing everybody whose visa ended today?
that's pretty cool, I wanna watch another ep but also want a nap hmm
Ep 2 (May 20)
Did not nap, and went to my driving lesson, here's to another episode
cool, beautiful girl with a dead/murdered father
oh she was just also in the bathroom when the power went out and then nobody was there when she came outside
okay but so she got here 3 days ago and there were other people here since before then too so ? hmm ig instead of the guy's theory that the electromagnetic stuff takes out everybody in the city, it's rather that these specific people get taken to a different parallel city? when the power goes out
okay they're also discussing possibilities about time moving differently or VR
Club = team, diamon = wits, spades = physical strength, heart = betrayal and playing with people's hearts. larger number means more difficulty
rip the first game was a 3 and this is a 5
oh nice shot of us learning to find a safezone in the building and the shot keeps going up and up to show how large the building is
oof the guy has turned to God, I think his mother who he gave money to also bought into some religious cult since she kept asking for money to cleanse Tokyo
Shibuki is such a troublemaker lol now she's tryna turn Chota against Arisu and Kurube
i did expect the real estate guy who was hanging around to die but not so soon oof
oh actual boobs?
damn we keep getting instances of women sleeping with people to get ahead, especially ones who are seen as unreliable (Chota's mother) and untrustworthy (Shibuki). also lol I just remembered the girl that Kurube was making out with had a boyfriend. why do the male characters get laws and backstories and for female characters it's just their sexuality lol
man i love unlikely group of people coming around to help each other in life and death so much we'll see how many of them survive this round
oh he really let him die interesting
a swoooooooord
oh wtf horse man got here quick is there more than one of em
there issss more than one of them okay
the climber girl is so cool beloved <3
the taggers were also in game yaaa it's like when people were wondering whether the masked men in Squid Game were also playing a different sort of game
oh? answer? the beach
Ep 3 (May 20)
Watching this a few minutes after finishing ep 2, ah been a few weeks since I binged something intensely
very intense music for that doodle
ooh in addition to phones, also weapons? and VR
fun instrumental music too
makes sense that it's a 7 of Hearts (betrayal and playing with people's hearts) when it's just the 4 of them playing. kinda like ep 6 squid game marble game
I'm slightly confused by this game. so you don't wanna abe found by the wolf and you'll become the next wolf if you're found but the person who is wolf at the end is the winner right? so won't the lambs wanna be found and wolf won't want to seek? or is it like they'll tall try to make eye contact with the wolf so that they're the wolf like some sort of reverse hide and seek where the wolf wants to hide
Shibuki picks up on it quickly as expected
woahh friendship is magic moments flashback from Arisu
oh it's interesting that by the time Arisu wants to give the wolf back, Chota literally drags Shibuki away with her mouth shut (he must be strong as hell despite his injury) and Kurube also doesn't speak because they both don't want it anymore
They're "hiding well so that the sheep don't find" them
what the fuck do they actually die for real? isn't this too early in the game for all of them to die it feels incorrect wtf i feel like I've seen kurube around for season 2 stuff maybe? is this a dream or something wtf
Ep 4 (May 20)
Man I have things to be doing but these people know how to end the episodes so that I keep clicking on the next one
oh I heard her say "they accept me as I am" about the mountains and father and my first thought was oh? is she gay?
oof we're getting how her backstory went sour too
ah her father went missing and now is suspected to have committed suicide? I guessed he died after falling from the mountains or something but this is more interesting
she kind of slightly reminds me of First from JaFirst
lmfao a trio of guys who stuck together for 4 games and even saying "having friends is the difference between winning and losing" really rubbing it into Arisu's face you fools, I don't expect more than 1 of them to survive
ah it's so fucked up like okay 1 of them survived and it's the unlikely one and the starting position was the goal damn
Ep 5 (May 20)
I've actually not done any work today and it's 10:30pm. I took a long break between ep 4 and 5 and hoped I would've done some work in between but alas.
ooh this Beach is like the weird strange highly-controlled rebels or governments or organizations in dystopian YA novels
oh there's like hundreds of people at the beach wtf
the blonde guy from the horseman tag is here too and seems to have a subplan within the Beach? okay interesting. also the beach people have weapons and he had a taser, I originally thought he'd acquired it by himself but I wonder if it's from The Beach
okay it makes sense that they're meeting so many people from previous games at the Beach (like the blonde guy and the guy Arisu saved both from the tag game) because I was like how can there be this many beach people but we only met like 2 thus far but nah we just didn't know the others were also in the beach. anyway, I think this guy will maybe die but the girl Kuina will live
oh i see just flipping the switch while the door is open doesn't mean you're giving an answer - it's your chance to see if it's correct or not but if not, you just choose one of the other 2 as the answer
how would Ann know the answer?
oh bruh i definitely should've guessed the "touch bulb to see if it's hot" thing that's like easy science and doable as a viewer, online the other tests
all the weapons people sharing a look when Hatter says he'll have to replenish his visa soon okay
Hatter is so gross and self-absorbed, I wonder if he's gonna die really soon lol
was that zoom out of the beach supposed to show us something about where they are or anything? it's lost on me unfortunately
Ep 6 (May 20)
fuck I really should just be doing work but here I am aghhh
so did he just make up the thing about being able to leave? I did wonder if maybe that way of escape wasn't accurate but that they had been given wrong info, not that they had manufactured the info
wait but even if he does steal the cards then what? he's gonna have to keep going to games to renew visa/get 10 of hearts right? and won't the beach people just kill him there? or he's gonna steal it but keep it a secret ig be a little double agent
oh wtf Ann is digging through a dead woman's brain to find a GPS there
actually I'm off-put by how much skin and butt and boobs we're seeing of women and none of men like either do none or do both. this show really does just assume the audience is cishet man i guess
oh Hatter died for real which is expected but who knows if it's from the game or if the militants took him out
i like how the blonde guy looks like an elf sort of
damn elf guy really betrayed Arisu for no damn reason T.T unless he's just ? pretending somehow who fucking knows even let's not think and just see where this goes
ooh a drawing of a deer aka where the safe is. but also yknow now I'm reminded of the drawing that elf guy found in the horse mask's pocket during tag
there really is no need for sexual assault like why does this show just treat women like that
woah elf man is ruthless fr
oh ho ho 10 of hearts among all the beach players woahhhh nice
omg this is so fun they're gonna have to for real burn somebody but a bit toooo fun, how will I go to bed after this instead of watching next ep
Ep 7 (May 20)
Ah fuck, I'm here at 12:15 AM (so technically may 21) instead of doing my work
this is genuinely so fucked up they're just killing everybody and burning them in the fire but none of those killed are the witch, just innocents
oof Kuina volunteering to fight the sword man girl don't die pls
this running around the complex while trying to escape but only to be gunned down by the militants brings back memories of the recurring nightmares from my childhood where the gunda with guns would break in and we'd be forced to run all throughout the quarters to try to escape
oh we're getting backstory of the sniper mans (Niragi) also he's so beautiful he reminds me a bit of taeyong when he's in his childhood bullied attire and actually quite a bit like Kai (he reminds me a bit of Yoongi as this beach sniper version of himself)
ah kuina trans woman! shitty childhood but she did it
okay fuck so i was thinking that we always get some backstory before a character dies, so when we got Nigari's story I was like is he gonna die? but thought maybe not yet but then he did die and now kuina also got to tell her backstory so agh she's probably gonna die soon too
oh bald guy has this sort of body posture because of sitting on his computer all the time? of his wording about freedom even through death and this land or whatever is so good honestly. "for me, I have no past" but if he kills kuina I'll slaughter him myself
not Arisu fighting for life and strength again cuz of his flashback to a trio moment T.T
omg did kuina beat him?? don't die don't die don't die pls
oh they're insinuating that the stoic new number one leader is the witch?
ohh he's called Hatter because he was a hatter. and he and stoic new number one knew each other
this episode is so fun because we have so much chaos and so much backstory for side characters
oh Ann really ot whacked so quick
Favourite episode so far
Ep 8 (May 20)
Fuck it, I'll watch the last ep of the season too. how the fuck am i supposed to not?
oooh dead Momoka and her friend (Asahi) were taking recordings/vlogs? I hope they show what the two of them were always secretively talking about
oh come onnn i wanna know
so stoic man Aguni is not the witch? well he did kill Hatter okay
what's Aguni's motive? just kill everybody so that they don't hope of leaving the place? cuz he knows it's bogus?
bro didn't they have 15 minutes at the end of last episodes, what time do we have left now
was Hatter's gun empty? i thought it kinda looked like that when shooting but wasn't sure
oh what the hell Asahi is the dealer? so is that the thing they were talking about on the vlogs like "the man" and took them to "the place"
lmfao seeing the elf man do nothing but just watch from the balcony above everybody and see his reactions occasionally is so funny like oh. that's us the viewers
oh aguni going to agun/fire with nagiri omg
bro why is the sword tattoo man's words so beautiful and haunting it really does read like the way of somebody who belongs to a cult though
okay okay okay let's see what the recordings have
ooh so those mask people during taggers were also dealers
bets? oh it's D:
oh the game masters are even more fucked up here than in squid games fr these poor girls and the game masters' laughter while they're dying like i think the fact that it's so casual and crowded and not even given all the attention unlike squid games which had these horrific games as an Event makes it worse too
it's like 2am and I'm the only one awake in the house so this stuff is making me really scared
omg all the game masters are dead too? laser burns
oh the drawing that blond elf found has come to use
ohhh finding all the numbered cards means those people who aren't game masters but above dealers all died. so they were also in the game in a way
I like how the blond elf man's expressions are always of mild curiosity and a hint of smile. evil man I kinda like you
oh the executive Mina D:
that was fucking insane
I think this is a fun show with cool games, intense moments, and some fun characters (specifically Kuina, followed by cool climber girl and Arisu. I also like scary elf man - Chota).
I binged the whole 8 eps in 14-ish hours, which I haven't done in a long time, so that shows just how engaging this was! Something that helped with that though was that the show wasn't very deep, it didn't take much thinking, some characters were good but I wasn't invested in them. So this surface level enjoyment + the threads of anticipation made me able to binge the show quickly without having to really sit with it for a few hours. Which is fine, just a contrast to something like Squid Game which I love so dearly and really burrowed into me.
Also, I finished watching this at like 2AM and the last 2 episodes had me frightened at the end when I had to go to the bathroom and then sleep lol
Rating: 7/10
Season 2
Starting this the next evening and I also haven't done any work since finishing season 1, just hung out with my friend. It is what it is.
I looking a bit at reddit and I spoiled myself about the ending reason of why they're in the game just a bit. Apparently they're in limbo (accidentally got spoiled) and there's a meteor that hit Tokyo and the writer was confussed if the bathroom scene in ep 1 s1 happened of not (this was spoiler that I sought out). So I guess they're all already dead from the meteor? Let's see I suppose
Ep 1 (May 1)
interesting parallel to Arisu playing the video game at the start of S1 Ep 1 as the killer and now running
King of Spades - just shooting at everybody
insane car chase and crash
The Tatta or whatever guy keeps hesitating, it feels like he's gonna die in the game they play or something
Ep 2 (May 2)
the king of clubs was a rockstar in the original world?
it's a life or death game for the citizens/kings as well so they're not quite the game masters
butt man is showing a lot of butt fr
it's dumb that this fight between Arisu and Usagi is taking up so much random screentime
bro why the fuck is the 100 point guy just walking out of range of the pole bro what if somebody just runs and battles you bruv, he should at least have been given 600 points so that he has a chance cuz man I'm thinking he's gonna die like so soon
damn are they gonna make us sympathetic to Nigari and then kill him off or are they gonna make the characters sympathetic to Nigari and give him a reason to betray them, which he will so that he lives
this must've been so intensive to shoot without ever showing this man's dick
man wouldn't it be fucked up if they all somehow survive except Tatta who has 10k points and didn't volunteer to be brave by going to the opposition pole
nah Arisu even told Tatta that he loves his positive attitude bruh no way Tatta's gonna make it out alive right
bro you did fucking try to rape her last season you fuck
bro Nigari is weak and dying and Usagi is strong and fast and capable, are we really doing this right now again?! i looooooooove the "bad guy tries to rape girl and she's saved by main guy love interest" trope it's so good every time and never boring and never annoying and never unnecessary
agh they're stopping in the middle of the game rip
Ep 3 (May 21)
I'm gonna stop watching this as soon as the game ends and whoever needs to die dies. they keep ending episodes on cliffhangers, so I can't rely on myself to stop when an episode ends
lol Tatta backstory, he's boutta die frfr rip
oh my god Tatta really fucked up a guy
okay so Tatta will sacrifice himself for the team to make up for his past mistakes?
on a reddit thread, I read a comment that Usagi was badass in s1 but had some damsel-in-distress moments in s2 and I guess randomly having to be rescued by Arisu here is one of them
is Arisu tricking the king of clubs by sweet-talking him, does Arisu know that he has more points or something like is another player gonna pop up hold hands and together they'll beat Kyuma like what's going on with this handshake and intensive talking
ohh Tatta sacrificing a hand just like he disfigured that guy's hand back then but he probably will also die bc of all this fucking bloodloss
hm Kyuma said so they finally lost, so that means they've been playing before? But they said this is the first time they're playing the king of cards or whatever right.
oh if someone wins all the games, then they just become a citizen
Kyuma's death is very christlike
oof Tatta's death has been foreshadowed for a while but still it's a rip
jack of hearts
damn they're really set for life with this game and food lol
so is the jack of hearts a random player or a citizen, I wonder?
I like this evil fake-nice girl she's terrible she's evil she's a killer. idk if she's too obvious as the jack or not though
poor bullied guy though first he got beat up by the bully -> then got told to kill the bully off by someone else -> then thought he was being recruited into a team but is getting killed by them oof
i like the girl in red but she chose the wrong fucking group to ask as 2nd choice T.T
the jack of hearts troop all ended up killing each other ah
the crying overall dude being the jack would be wild lol he's the only non-suspicious one left (well the abused girl also)
pls elf man whose name i can never remember is so funny "looks like I'm screwed"
Ep 5 (May 21)
Not only did I not stop in the middle of last ep, I'm also continuing to watch the next ep agh it's 11pm when will I actually figure things out
oh hoooo so the 2 most suspicious ones are gonna die this round? and I'm guessing that elf man just gonna guess correctly
okay interesting outcome but the endless talking and explaining is like bro dialogue
i don't get Banda and suit man's convo like "why are you in this country and here playing this game" like huh? cuz you don't wanna die i guess
bro when elf man walked out by himself i thought for a second that he was Jack since the other two didn't walk out with him like what
aw Kuina is also leaving, so we really just gonna get Arisu and Usagi? be serious
this filming of a settlement reminds me of dystopian novels for real, specifically The Knife of Never Letting Go and Station 11
ooh the fireworks?
man fuck she really died before we got to hear about the fireworks?
oh alive Aguni
Ep 6 (May 21)
man fuck I missed my Memrise streak cuz I was too preoccupied with this show agh and also obviously haven't done any action work rip yet here I am starting a new 1h+ ep at 12am
was the high school girl flashback the girl who was shot at previously or this new girl who is with Aguni
oh the girl with Aguni I guess
wtf is that shot we get to see up her skirt or what
i wonder if we'll get to have the lovely trope of new girl wants male character's attention and then her and usagi will have a little fight off because ofc, esp since she used to be boy crazy. prove me wrong pls
that's so fucked, I forgot kids could be here
lmfao plsss Aguni also used Arisu as bait, first elf dude and now this. these Beach executives will forever use Arisu as this
Oh, I just understood what is meant by "limbo" right now. i was like how did everybody die but only these people are here and they're playing games for what reason but I'm guessing all the people who were able to go to heaven or hell just got sent there, which is why everybody disappeared. however a certain percent were in limbo and their behaviour in the games will determine whether they go to heaven or hell afterward?
Time really is strange here how is every building covered with this much moss and tress and vines
I kinda don't get this game, like if the challengers become queen team and then queen team wins, do the challengers on that team win or lose? like can't they all just tag each other and become queen team so that they're all queen team by that round and win? i guess then they haven't defeated the queen and so they haven't progressed?
oh i see, so people do stay with the queen but they have to keep playing with the queen
Ep 6 (May 21/22)
Idk what to call this date cuz it's 1AM on May 21 but I haven't yet slept or taken break from binging
Also this is the longest episode yet ah 75 minutes
the queen of spades death of jumping is quite pretty
man I feel like I should like this couple more but I just don't care yknow
oh diamonds is wit. have we played a diamonds before?
bruh number 2 is king of diamonds? so we have mira and number 2 who are higher members, though mira is def higher than #2
horrifying sulfuric acid deaths like what happened to 1 laser shot quick deaths bruv
bro this explanation of how elf dude chose the number is so dumb
oh elf dude was a doctor? but why are we getting his backstory now is he gonna actually die this round wtf um
oh true number 2 could know momoka was a dealer and the witch
oh, mira says "at last it's our turn" so is she also a face card citizen?
finally an end of an episode that I can actually finish watching on ah it's already 2am again rip
Ep 7 (May 22)
2 episodes left, it's 5pm the last day of the long weekend, still haven't done any homework/chores but i did do a lot of driving okayy hope it's a satisfying and fun ending
queen of clubs (team) kuina and ann my girls yayy
now why are my girls saying "just a few more games, we'll make it to the end" that just speaks trouble
oh deadly dodgeball
okay at least they survived this yes cool girls leaving as the blimps are aflame behind them
okay sad we won't get King of Hearts but think we might get queen of hearts since that hot air balloon is still up. i wonder if it'll be Mira
what the fuckkkkk Niragi elf dude can't die by his hands right? like he survived everything by himself and nearly died so many times no way Niragi of all fuckers is taking him out
this gun-off between Niragi, elf man and Arisu is so boring goddamn just kill Niragi why are we fucking having this long ass convo be serious
is Niragi's shot really killing Chishiya >:((( agh he deserves a more interesting death than to die by Niragi's hand and then this fucking monologue
bro wtf so did Chishiya die after that monologue and then what? it's just him closing his eyes and then immediately us getting fucking Niragi monologue? but no right like we didn't actually see his proper dead body right he wasn't still and non breathing?
Kuina saving Ann yes girlfriends
bro the blimp isn't fucking down yet don't celebrate so quick aksl;dfj
omg fireproof king of spades
why can't someone scale the walls and try to just shoot him in the head
fuckkkkk Heya and Ann within a few seconds of each other D:
sorry Aguni just punching and dragging the king of spades and throwing him around is killing me so bad he's so funny and then he just keeps
bro where's fucking Usagi with her gun or smth why does she keep getting fucking injured every time except like the queen of spades thing
nooooo Kuina tooo my beloved the stabbings D: and Usagi too?
nah did Aguni miss D:
i need king of spades ripped apart limb from limb for real for real seriously
oh brother Aguni is actually invincible lmfao
damn they really blew up that bomb huh
so will the blimp finally come down or nah is the king of spades still alive wtf
damn wtf does the king of spades mean by "sorry. that was the only way i knew how to save you" as his dying words
Aguni's mission to kill king of spade fulfilled and Hatter finally came to him in a hallucination to dissuade him from killing himself
noooo Ann and Kuina sharing dying promises of being friends if they meet again T.T
I wonder why Aguni-Heya and Ann-Kuina's deaths and relationships are all more important and touching than Arisu crying over Usagi's injured body like why do i not give a single shit
oh okay Chishiya elf dude isn't quite dead yet
Arisu's reiterations that he's gonna protect Usagi are so boring like bro you and your friend group are protecting each other, that's what y'all do. When Usagi was protecting him during the queen of spades game or whatever it wasn't like she kept saying yeah I'll protect you! the fuckass hero having to protect the female love interest all the time and repeatedly talking about it is fucking annoying
as expected, Mira is the queen of hearts
Ep 8 (May 22)
an hour 20 minutes longest episode, hope it answers everything pls
Aguni, Kuina, Chishiya, and Nigari are still alive and waiting
damn are these 2 the only competitors
why is Mira stalling so hard man
Is Mira lying or is this the truth about 1000 years into the future and VR? I feel like on reddit someone was like "at least it wasn't stupid VR"
oh lol she was kidding x2
oh Mira created 7 of Hearts, so did the face cards create the games
hmm is this "it's all in your head and you're creating memories, Arisu" this correct, no right? like me knowing the answer about limbo and meteor hitting Tokyo is making all this a bit anticlimactic and meandering
oh interesting very elaborate mind games
actually not that interesting,this boring mindgame is being stretched out so much. talk less stupid stuff and do more or talk about real actual things nowwww we're legit at the halfway mark of episode
Arisu and Usagi love confessions and romance so boring goddamn
ohh so the last time they cleared all the games, that's when the face card masters cleared all their games and chose to become citizens
denies: Aguni, Heya, Kunai, Chishiya (lol his I think), Niragi, Usagi, Arisu
accepts: the pair from Jack of Hearts,
aw, Aguni and Heya :<
ahhhhh Kunai holding Ann's hand and saying let's go back together
so are they assuming they get to go back to their own world now? if they decline?
20 minutes left before credits ah will they wrap it up properly
ohh they were all there that day when the fireworks happened - but I'm assuming just the new players? and not the face cards bc they've been there since before?
and then got fucking blasted by meteors along with everybody else (or is it meteorites? what's the one where they actually hit the planet)
wait, so Arisu did live after the meteor explosion?
oh never minddd so the whole borderlands thing happened already? but in a single minute where Arisu died/was stuck in limbo?
so whoever died in the game also died in real life but if you made it through all the games then you did get to go back, though what happens to those who become face cards? Do they die irl too?
ohh so they're all getting to meet each other again at this hospital. Chishiya and Nagiri (why did this fucker not die man), Aguni and Heya, then I'm sure Arisu and Usagi will meet too
all their injuries irl are the same ones they got during the games
omgggg Ann?! I was like oh no Kuina gonna be by herself but nah Ann has also been resuscitated and Kuina's mom also here
I actually don't really get the time because it's been 2 days or a week and they're all just waking up, so did all of them briefly die or what? Like Ann was just resuscitated but it's been a few days. Maybe it's not that you have to die, just that you have to be unconscious?
also I justttt realized they don't have memories of the time lol before I was like oh? Why did Heya say she doesn't know Aguni? bruh my stupidity. I think it's cuz Nagiri and Chishiya spoke like they know each other
why is there Joker on the table
Okay, the conclusion did conclude and it also made general sense.
This sequel was worse I think... but interesting it its own ways too. I liked getting more Kuina my beloved <3 and also Chishiya's parts were fun. The Jack of Hearts with Chishiya and team game with King of Clubs were pretty much the only engaging games, and number 2 with Chishiya was also alright. A whole bunch of games were boring and I was so meh about Arisu/Usagi like I just did not care and I feel like both characters became more boring this season?
Pretty interesting ending though, I kinda knew about it because of my spoiler consumption but yeah it made sense, though it's sad that they didn't remember each other.
Rating: 6.5/10
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loptrcoptr · 2 years
Ah as callous as it sounds… sometimes a not so perfect vetting can be used to negotiate the price of the horse down— every situation is different obviously. In experience with horses that aren’t show animals it’s not about going all out on the vetting (full X-rays for example… usually ridiculous school animals.. also honestly I never understood buyers who don’t pull the plug on the exam/purchase as soon as the first issue is found…) but making sure ur not walking face first into an existing (and maybe unknown or not disclosed) problem that may become very expensive very quickly. Know this woman who bought a horse w crazy feet issues bc she was like “I can fix it- it just needs a better diet farrier blah blah blah” it’s been 8 months of struggle and vet and full board and training etc and finally she came to our barn n we r like you literally can’t fix this this horse needs to be put to pasture
See, that’s the damn struggle. All I want is a really cursory check, movement, flexion tests, maybe some blood drawn, blah blah. The basics. But no one will come out there to do it, and the horse is not priced high enough to warrant being trailered out for a ppe somewhere else and a two week trial, which would be great. The owners are already a little iffy on the fact that I even wanted a ppe (the exact reaction was “why? What good would that do?” it’s pretty freaking country out there) I tried to get the mobile vet to agree to just some basic I’ll-trot-her-out-while-he-watches-her shit and he just said no way, gotta drive to his office two hours away and get X-rays and scopes, and there is no way that a 2500 dollar horse merits 1000 of formal office ppe. I love the nature in this state and the fact it can be so rural, it’s beautiful out here, but it is a major pain in the ass when it comes to shit like basic veterinary care. Hell, there is no emergency vet for small animals in my city, I have to drive 45 minutes away to the next one whenever my cat has a problem. And my city is the goddamn state capital. This… it’s a really weird state.
Your example is the only thing that really is on my radar, tbh. She’s in good shape (if a little wide, they are only feeding her alfalfa), back is not sore, she bends well, clear eyes, nice gaits (when she picks them up, she’s still learning). My main concern is her feet, she gets sensitive on gravel. she hit a rock when the owner was lunging her and it put her off in the front for a few minutes. Once the owner got on three minutes later she was sound again, and pretty seriously balanced considering the owner is probably close to 200 lbs and the horse is 13.2. She was sound under me too, and rode like an all terrain mule when I had her just out on rough ground in the trees behind her pen. No tripping, no twist in her back legs when she walks, stabs a little wife but not crow toed or camped out. Really energetic, solid little mare.
But! Obviously I’m not trying to buy a horse with lameness issues, so I’m trying to get at least one more pair of eyes to come out and look her over to confirm if I’m seeing shit correctly, because as it stands she doesn’t have underrun or contracted heels, her feet are solid and show no signs of past laminitis, I’m not getting any other obvious signs of navicular issues like tripping, choppy strides, etc. She was shod when they got her but they took the shoes off and they keep her on pretty hard ground, ride her in a slanted pen on hard/pebbly ground, keep her feet too long, etc. I see no indication that she has nothing more than basic sensitivity that would be solved by boots or shoes. It’s all just situational and I need another pair of eyes, because she stood stretched out for a minute and I was like “?? bad foot sign??” but she’s also gaited, so the stance could be natural, and she only did it once. 🤷🏻🤷🏻 I am not trying to purposefully buy a lame horse, so I’m crossing all my fingers that my trainer friend would be willing to go out there with me to check her over and take more video, especially since the weather is supposed to get worse this week, I’d like to see her when it’s cold and muddy and see if the pressure change causes joint aches, etc. also! They ride her in a Tom Thumb, so god only knows how she will behave/move if I take her home, get her feet done and leave her in a pasture for a week, and then start her going in a baucher french link or something.
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bottomcyclonus · 3 years
Not to beat a dead horse but I am curious. How you and your friend got the idea to actually deep fry Hot Rod 👀👀. Did y’all just watch him fall into that oil on Cyberverse and want to recreate it or what lmao (cut to me telling people in the discord I’m in about it and then deciding to do my part 2 to it b/c someone told me not to lol)
FIRST of all I need you to know you frying your own Roddy made my ENTIRE fucking week!!!
Secondly, It was my 20th bday, (September 26th, 2020). My friend @bubblebots saw that meme of the deep fried Gundam and decided with another friend that they NEEDED to give me a fried tf figure. They went to the local Targét and were originally looking for a Prowl toy, but couldn't find one. They did, however, spot a Hot Rod. The joke practically wrote itself. They made their purchase, went home, and started the Frying.
Cut to a few hours later when I came home for my bday party. Out of all of the presents my beloved friends gave me, Ghost (bubblebots) wanted me to open a Very special gift first.
I must mention the presentation of this gift. Ghost, bless their heart, walked up to me sheepishly, clutching a target bag in their hands. They said, "I'm sorry it's not wrapped. I got it a little late. And it's a little damaged so I kept the receipt if you want to replace it." Me, clueless, told them that no matter how the toy looked I'm just grateful for getting a gift from them in the first place. That they took the time out of their day to help me celebrate was enough for me.
Then I opened the bag.
I screamed. I laughed. I coughed. I laughed some more. I had to sit down.
Nothing could have prepared me for the sight of Deep Fried Hot Rod stuffed back into his Near Pristine packaging and seeing his melted legs on top of his body. I knew I had to take him out.
Upon freeing Deep Fried Hot Rod and feeling the grease of his crusted body on my finger tips, Ghost insisted through choked sobs that I should take a bite.
So I did.
He tasted like ass.
I promptly put Deep Fried Hot Rod back in his box, and set him up on the counter where he watched us for the rest of the party. Soon after the party ended, I decided I needed to Fully Seal him for protection, partially from mold partially because I am scared of him.
Since that day, he has lived in my freezer. I took him home from my college dorm and told my Mother to Never let him out of the freezer. That if he escaped there will be repercussions. I'm very lucky that she believed me (and thinks he's the funniest shit she's ever seen).
I'm now in my senior year of college. I'll be graduating this May. And I'm lucky, and cursed to say that Deep Fried Hot Rod will be there with me.
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bora-in-tamriel · 2 years
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Some screenshots I like of Laika, my actual Dragonborn. 
I have a big story with lots of branches, but Laika’s story is the one that follows the game with Alduin and all that.  In-game I’m using her as my daedric/artifact completion run, doing every quest for every item sort of thing, been having a grand ol time with that. I should get back to it one day orz
A little (very long lol) story summary below for those interested about her! (bc i like talking about my characters so much)
Laika is a half-Nord, with elven blood from her mother’s mother’s side. It’s suspected the gransmother was an Altmer, who married a Nord, and much like her, Laika’s mother also married to a Nord. Leaving Laika with a third of elven blood, mostly passing as a human. 
Both her mother and her share a slightly longer than average lifespan thanks to their elven blood and slightly higher bond to magic.
She used to live in Falkreath in the woods with her parents, gadenin, hunting, that sort of thing. Her father was a werewolf, sometimes making life a bit stressful, but they were all happy overall. 
(tragic bit) Her father was hunted down in Falkreath when she was still young, with both her parents’ lives taken in suspicion they’re both werewolves. Laika was taken away, but escaped later and left Falkreath. She has yet to have returned there.
She entered the College of Winterhold as a young adult, spending years studying magic. She wasn’t aspiring to become an all powerful mage, but felt the need to settle down somewhere. Not wanting to wander any longer, she settled down at the college, studying her time away.
She took on small tasks from Urag at the Arcaneum, journeying off to find lost tomes and books taken from the college. She found her love for adventure then, as well as a fondness to swinging a weapon at witches and Hagravens. She found the thrill to be exciting and something fresh from her time just sitting around at the college.
Eventually she became a part-time teacher at the college. Not teaching magic per-say, but about books and their meanings and theories. Her classes were always fun and interesting if you asked most students.
She grew close to Savos Aren, the Arch-Mage. Their friendship started when he was worrying of her constant venturing to witch lairs and other dangers with almost reckless abandon. She’d be gone for long periods of time, only to return with 1-3 books in her bag, triumphant smile on her face. 
She was a helpful las, but developed a bit of an overly helpful personality, feeling if someone needed help, she had to help them. So she can be a bit overbearing sometimes.  (lil darker segment again if you know the college ending)
It was after the Eye of Magnus and Ancano’s stunt to control the eye, when Laika’s story really starts as the Dragonborn. 
Ancano kills Savos and upon seeing the Dunmer dead, Laika cries out her first thu’um. Skies stir black and she rides off on her horse to Labyrinthian, for the first time faaling like the axe on her hip burns with fire she cannot see, blood boiling, breath stuck in her throat. Grief she didn’t think she’d experience again after losing her parents. 
The Greybeards heard her thu’um, but she refused to acknowledge their call. It came after she cried, but she didn’t believe in the moment it was for her. She almost didn’t hear it over the blood boiling in her ears.
She went to Labyrinthian and followed the spirits of Savos Aren and his colleagues through the dark crypts. 
She held nothing back when fighting Morokei and taking the lives of the enthralled students. 
Killing the Altmer agent was swift, she had to get back to the college, nothing was to stop her. 
She got back and fought Ancano, taking his life in turn for those lost in the mess he made. She was named the Arch-Mage by the Psijic order member, but as soon as she was given the title, the circlet of Savos and his amulet, she left the college. She didn’t accept the robes, she only took the circlet and amulet and has worn them since that day. (dark segment ends)
Laika found herself despising powerful artifacts from hiher beings. Daedric actifacts especially. 
After the events she hid herself in Whiterun, a city she could blend into as a regular citizen, living in a cozy house, adopting two orphan boys later on. She was in her 50s at this point, still looking rather young, unsure how old she’d live, but she’d make the most of the life she had left. 
It was when the dragons came back, when the Greybeards called for her again. Bad memories flooded her mind from the sound and tremors that shook through her core. 
She helped the guards fight off the dragon nearby, and that’s when she was seen to be the Dragonborn and her life was in shambles again, with responsibilities, expectations and the Greybeards saying this and that while the Blades said otherwise. 
All the while her boys stayed with her housecarl in Whiterun. 
While she herself was a powerful being by all rights, she had a deep hatred for anything powerful, power hungry or the like. So her sights were shooting sharp daggers on Alduin’s back as she went on her journey to find him and slaying many more dragons on the way. 
Still unsure if this is canon, but she either found Inigo (or another companion) that accompanied her and she found friendship and someone to watch her back, but yeah go dragonborn go!
Eventually she also had to deal with Miraak, and this is where she ties her story back with Neralion Joreus (they met briefly while she was at the college) and Herma Mora n all that mumbo jumbo 
thanks for coming to my ted talk have a lovely evening/morning folks
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sansacherie · 4 years
Lmao I saw that post of Sansa being too classist for Westerosi standards. Infact in that thread, Idk whether it was the same user or not they also said that AGOT Sansa even makes Theon look like a saint 😂.
I agree with you all characters in ASOIAF are classist to varying degrees even smallfolk POV like Davos have internalised it to some extent.
LOL, that’s so funny. Honestly, the OP was clearly letting off some steam and wasn’t thinking about everything they were writing.  Like, there’s a reason why you keep your diaries private - because sometimes you’ll write in them when you’re mad, and you’ll say really stupid things.  So I’m going to give OP the benefit of the doubt and assume that if they could reevaluate -  they honestly won’t think that AGOT Sansa is worse than ACOK Theon who,
- Raped Kyra
- Was complicit in the murder of two smallfolk children
- Treated the Capitan’s Daughter dismally; not bothering to learn her name, using his position to take advantage of her sexually, and making light of the fact that her father is going to punish her for sleeping with him.
-  His limp body was being dragged from the surf when Theon returned to his Sea Bitch. The masts of his longships stood outlined against the sky along the pebbled beach. Of the fishing village, nothing remained but cold ashes that stank when it rained. The men had been put to the sword, all but a handful that Theon had allowed to flee to bring the word to Torrhen's Square. Their wives and daughters had been claimed for salt wives, those who were young enough and fair. The crones and the ugly ones had simply been raped and killed, or taken for thralls if they had useful skills and did not seem likely to cause trouble.
Like, Theon is a great character and Alfie Allen’s portrayal of him is tremendous - but he did some pretty messed up shit! Now, whenever or not he is capable of redemption is another question. I mean, rape and murder are pretty unforgivable and the only people who could forgive Theon for that, are dead.  This is what makes Theon’s Dance arc so compelling amongst all the horror and despair. Theon can never erase the worst things he ever did, but his rescue of Jeyne Poole shows that he can do some good by putting someone else first. 
And getting back to Sansa.... honestly, how is Sansa too classist “even for Westeros” when she’s been a hostage and then masquerading as a bastard girl, and thus without the power of people like Tywin, Tyrion, and Tyrells? I’m sorry, but Sansa wasn’t the one who demanded that a woman be stripped naked and made to walk the streets because she wore her mother’s jewels.  Would Sansa be angry at her father’s mistress wearing something that belonged to her mother? Yes, of course, she would- all the Starklings would; Arya IMO would take it particularly badly.  But both Sansa and her siblings lack the sadism that drove Tywin to this; to assert his power over someone with none.
I can do this because I am the Lord of Casterly Rock, and you are nothing but a lowborn woman who was simply lucky enough to catch my foolish father’s eye.
Tyrion resents the smallfolk because they don’t consider him a hero. Some of his resentment is justifiable because a lot of it is the consequences of ableism, but at the same time though - the smallfolk are the ones suffering because of the war. In contrast, Sansa was almost raped by some smallfolk men but we never see her hating them for it. At 12-14, she’s able to understand the desperation caused by the famine. 
In both the book and show Sansa says if she had bread, she would have given it. Essentially, if she could help she would.  This brings me to the Tyrells. So, the Tyrells closed the Rose Road while they were still allied with Renly, thus leading to the famine in KL. To give you a reminder of how bad it got-
What little produce he did see was three times as costly as it had been a year ago. One peddler was hawking rats roasted on a skewer. "Fresh rats," he cried loudly, "fresh rats." Doubtless fresh rats were to be preferred to old stale rotten rats. The frightening thing was, the rats looked more appetizing than most of what the butchers were selling. On the Street of Flour, Tyrion saw guards at every other shop door. When times grew lean, even bakers found sellswords cheaper than bread, he reflected.
Afterwards, when the Tyrells and Lannisters decide to hook up, the Rose Road is opened up and wagons of food is sent up in Margaery’s name. If there’s one thing the Tyrells are good at, it’s PR.  It undoubtedly makes them look like heroes, as Sansa and Tyrion both observe-
Sansa had watched from the castle walls as Margaery Tyrell and her escort made their way up Aegon's High Hill. Joffrey had met his new bride-to-be at the King's Gate to welcome her to the city, and they rode side by side through cheering crowds, Joff glittering in gilded armor and the Tyrell girl splendid in green with a cloak of autumn flowers blowing from her shoulders. She was sixteen, brown-haired and brown-eyed, slender and beautiful. The people called out her name as she passed, held up their children for her blessing, and scattered flowers under the hooves of her horse. Her mother and grandmother followed close behind, riding in a tall wheelhouse whose sides were carved into the shape of a hundred twining roses, every one gilded and shining. The smallfolk cheered them as well.The same smallfolk who pulled me from my horse and would have killed me, if not for the Hound.
"No. She's coming, though, and the city's mad with love for her. The Tyrells have been carting food up from Highgarden and giving it away in her name. Hundreds of wayns each day. There's thousands of Tyrell men swaggering about with little golden roses sewn on their doublets, and not a one is buying his own wine. Wife, widow, or whore, the women are all giving up their virtue to every peach-fuzz boy with a gold rose on his teat."They spit on me, and buy drinks for the Tyrells.
The thing is I personally can’t imagine having the audacity to present myself as some kind of hero to someone because I gave them food, knowing full well I was the reason were starving in the first place.
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katsukisblackteddy · 4 years
The Warrior Queen & Her Pharaoh: Part I
Part I: In the Beginning
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In honor of Black History Month (that’s coming up), and because I’m a nerd for mythology of any type, I thought it would be fun to write about one of my favorite time periods, Ancient Egypt. 
We didn’t really get to spend much time on them in school, and I love learning about these powerful Egyptian gods, goddess, pharaohs, and queens. 
I TOOK SOME CREATIVE LIBERTIES (all characters are 18+ in this)
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Pairings: pharaoh!god! Bakugou x warrior!princess! Reader Warnings: cursing, disrespectful people, bad bitch Mitsuki Description: Before the new pharaoh can be officially crowned, he must wed. You, the queen of a large warrior tribe called, The Zodos Tribe, are in the same position...the only problem? The future pharaoh is a bit of an ass.
*Extra info: this is written in third person so even though this is a reader insert, I’ll be writing it as if you’re another character so basically no me/my*
and yes, I’m aware it is kinda short and Bakugou isn’t in it that much, but it’s to set the scene lol...I promise there will be a lot of Bakubitch content in the next part
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𓂀 PART I  𓂀 PART II 𓂀 
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The arid air and blazing sun didn’t make for the most comfortable environments, and yet many people called the desert home. 
In a secluded river valley lived the Zodos Tribe, the most fearsome warriors throughout the land, known for their brutality and unmatched strength. Though to (y/n), they were her family and her people. 
Princess (y/n), the eldest of seven children, sat in the ornate palace that overlooked the main river. She had recently been crowned the queen of her people after her father chose to abdicate the throne. Her attendants sat around her while others waved large palm leaves, blowing the dry air in an attempt to make it cooler. 
“(y/n), ready your belongings! You are to depart with your father within the hour.” The 18 year old turned seeing her mother’s slim form approach her. 
Eshe was the personification of grace, similar to her only daughter, though she was taller. Her smooth dark skin glittered in the sunlight and her golden eyes searched her daughter’s face for any signs of backtalk before a content look crossed her face when (y/n) simply sighed and nodded. 
“We readied her belongings already, Queen Mother.” (y/n)’s attendant, Subira, answered as she bowed upon her entrance to the room. 
“Very well.” Eshe nodded, her snake like eyes shifting from her daughter and her servants to the landscape. “Go ready yourself. You are to meet royalty, Girl.”
“I am royalty, Mother.” (y/n)’s tone was laced with boredom as she stood from her seat. “What’s so special about these royals I am to meet, anyways?”
“That is not my place to tell.” She replied before pushing her daughter towards her room and into the large bathroom. The cool stone rubbed against her warm skin as (y/n)’s attendants unrobed her and bathed her while two others released her hair.
Some time later, the teen was redressed and her hair had been braided again, this time with decorative gold beads and thread woven into her thick dark hair. She had been dressed into a white sleeveless sheath dress, over that a sheer white and gold kalasiri tied in place with a gold and intricately beaded sash. A wide beaded collar was secured around her neck, brightly colored stones and metals woven and set into the necklace.
(y/n) slid on a new pair of reed sandals after Subira had finished her makeup, the dramatic black liner around her almond shaped eyes made the golden hue that she had inherited from her mother shine in the light. “Let us depart.” (y/n) motioned to her ladies as they nodded, following after her as the teenage queen adjusted the heavy silver and gold bracelets around her wrists.
“You look like a true queen, (y/n).” Her mother said as (y/n) walked past the room she had once been in. 
“Thank you Mother. I will be off now.” (y/n) called back, not waiting for a response before walking out of the palace and towards her royal chariot where her father stood talking to one of the servants.
“Prepare the chariots.” Her father’s deep voice commanded as the servants nodded running off to get the large chariots ready for the journey. (y/n)’s father turned to look at her, his dark brown eyes looking her over once before smiling. “You look beautiful, Daughter.”
“Thank you, Father.” (y/n) smiled back as the servants ran back over stating that the chariots were ready to go.
(y/n) didn’t ask many questions of her father, mainly because she didn’t really care where they were going, though butterflies seemed to fill her stomach when the large palace in the capital city came into view as they crossed over another dune.
“Your mother asked me to remind you of your manners and your station before we left.” (y/n)’s father told her, as the girl sighed and rolled her eyes. Her father chuckled at her reaction before the pair stepped off of their chariots and were met by royal attendants from the palace.
“King Nafi, Princess (y/n), please follow me to the throne room. The Pharaoh and Great Royal Wife, are eager to converse.” 
“I am a-” (y/n) didn’t finish her sentence, feeling her father’s strong hand come down on her shoulder before he stepped forward and followed the attendant up the stairs and inside the large palace, leaving (y/n) to catch up.
“Stupid man. I’m a queen.” (y/n) mumbled to herself as she followed the men into the throne room. 
The teen stood beside her father, her eyes gazing over the two royal figures in front of her. One was a man with dark hair and dark eyes. A woman sat beside him, her hair ash blonde and her eyes a crimson color. They were both dressed lavishly as the woman sighed, mumbling something to her husband, before offering a smile to (y/n).
“I am sorry. My son seems to be unable to be found.” She told the girl who simply nodded before giving her father a look.
“(y/n), why don’t you walk the grounds? I have business to attend to with the Pharaoh and Great Royal Wife.” (y/n)’s father brushed her off, shooting her a look before practically pushing the girl towards the door.
“He doesn’t even have any power anymore! How dare he treat me like this. Why the hell did I even come if I’m not sitting in on the business? This is so stu-” (y/n) ranted to herself, not realizing where she was walking before she bumped into something...more like someone.
“Watch where you’re going, Extra!” The boy’s gruff voice said, his tone laced with venom as his red eyes glared down at where she sat after being knocked over.
“Oh get off your high horse! You can’t talk to me that way! I’m a Queen!” Her eyes finally landed on the boy’s face, his ash blonde hair wild and spiky as his crimson eyes seemed to darken and narrow. 
He didn’t wear full linens, only enough to cover his lower half, leaving his chest exposed. His skin was tanned from spending most of his time in the sun and a thin shine of sweat covered his muscles as if he had just been doing some type of physical activity before they had bumped into each other.
“Well here you aren’t.” The boy told her before scoffing and walking off down a corridor, not even bothering to help (y/n) up.
“Sorry. It was nice to meet you though.” A spiky redhead said with a small closed-mouth smile. He had been following the rude blonde along with another blonde male, a dark haired male, a pink skinned girl, and a dark haired girl. 
The group of teens were about to say something else to the girl when the explosive blonde from earlier could be heard yelling, “Kirishima, I didn’t allow you to socialize!”
“Uh r-right. Bye!” The red haired boy said before they all disappeared down the expansive hall.
“What a jerk.” (y/n) scoffed thinking back to the ash blonde. Getting up and dusting her hands off, she continued to walk around the halls.
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The black girl returned back to the throne room after some time, having gotten lost though she was too proud to ask for help from one of the many servants scurrying around.
“Ah, you’ve arrived just in time for dinner, (y/n).” The blonde woman spoke, gesturing towards a large open room that overlooked the river, a large table filled with food sat in the middle.
“I apologize.” (y/n) said simply before taking a seat where the blonde woman had gestured, unfortunately across from that annoying boy from earlier. “Where is my father? My servants?” (y/n) wondered after a moment of silence, noticing that the people in question were missing.
“They’ve left some time ago.” She answered. “This is your new home after all.”
“Excuse me?” (y/n) and the blonde boy had the same reaction, choking on their food with wide eyes.
“Yes, your father never told you of the agreement?” The brown haired man asked.
“Agreement?” She repeated.
“Yes, you are to marry our son in two days time. It’s been arranged since before you both wore garments.” The blonde woman said with a small laugh.
(Fun fact: Ancient Egyptian children didn’t wear clothes until they were six years old, so they ran around naked except for the jewelry they wore)
“Show some respect to her Katsuki! She is to be your wife!” The woman said, slapping the boy’s head quickly causing (y/n) to smirk and laugh lightly.
Katsuki didn’t like that very much, glaring at the golden eyed girl with a low growl.
“Mitsuki, Katsuki...” The man started to say softly, flashing at smile at (y/n).
“You’re right Masaru. If only our son wasn’t such a brat.” Mitsuki sighed, slapping Katsuki again before going back to her food.
“I am the Pharaoh, you can’t treat me that way!” Katsuki protested, angrily cutting his meat.
“What was that?” Mitsuki questioned, her red eyes narrowing as she shot a warning look at her son. 
“Nothing.” Katsuki mumbled, his eyes narrowing into a glare at the black girl across from him.
What a dick. What did my parents get me into? (y/n) thought to herself as she stared back at the boy across from her.
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redwinterroses · 3 years
Could you do something with 3rd Life Joel?
Harley I saw your reply on my 2AM post last night and YES the weird Joel thing IS from your ask. XD I had no idea what to do with this originally because Joel has a lot of good moments but I really wasn't in the mood to do much angsty with him (Joel kind of... exudes anti-angst. He's just so factual about everything and the sarcasm is Off The Charts. I love it.)
But I was getting ready to sleep and randomly scrolled past a post about the myth of Black Shuck and the Wild Hunt and my brain was suddenly possessed by a wild spirit of fanfiction so.... Here. Have this Very Odd piece.
(It works best if you read it in a messy Irish accent, lol.)
(also this may be a lead-up to my Trickster God Scar and Archangel Grian thing someday. We'll see.)
The Wild Hunt
Listen here, child, and I’ll tell ya a tale: the tale of the Wolf King, and a Wild Hunt.
What? Ya know the story? Sit down and hush—you ain’t heard it the way I’ll tell it. And I should know: I seen him myself.
Would ya call yer old granny a liar? For shame. Sit down, you. Eat yer cookie. Listen.
(don’t pinch yer brother, ya nugget, or no more cookies for you.)
He were born out of flames and fire and smoke, y’see. Born when he died, t’be fair, but born in fire all the same. ‘Twas the Grave Maiden what set his roof aflame, she an’ her undead hoard, and of course the Trickster was there as well—fat lot o’ good that did the Wolf King. But he chose his bed, and he laid in it, and we all reap his dreams thereafter.
So there he were, all newly grey and smoulderin’ and his eyes a’burnt like coals and fire and his belly growlin’ for revenge. But he weren’t the Wolf King, not yet—he were then only a lowly red, with naught but one life—like you or me.
(how’d he start with more than one? Well he were a god, weren’t he? Or he were meant to be. No, I don’t know who choses them things—prob’ly the Archangel but don’t tell the cleric you heard that from me. He don’t like me puttin’ the Angel over the Trickster or the Red King. Clerics don’t have much imagination, y’see.)
So what did he do with his one life? With his one, bloody, beatin’ red heart? “Well,” he says, he says to himself, “I need me an army, if I’m gonna take down the Grave Maiden.”
(Shush, child, don’t spoil the story. Yer brother don’t know how it ends.)
“I need me an army,” says he. “But no one will ally with me, and if they did: I’d kill them anyway—” y’see, he had taste for blood, woke with it in his teeth, like any good wolf. “—I’d kill them anyway, the whole world is my enemy.”
So instead of allies, he went to the wolves. And he went to the great da wolf and the great mam wolf, and he says to them, he says: “Give me some of yer children, to fight in my wars.”
And of course the wolves said that was crazy, they weren’t gonna send their children off with some grey-faced red-lifer on a quest to fight the gods. But the Wolf King—
(No, he weren’t the Wolf King yet. No, I don’t know what he were called before. He didn’t matter before.)
The Wolf King—who wasn’t the Wolf King yet—bared his bloody teeth at them wolves and growled at them and said in the words of wolves that they could send their children with him, or he could take ‘em on his own.
Now, wolves is wise—remember that, nugget—wolves is wise, and wolves is knowing. And they looked at this red in front of them and they were knowing that he weren’t lying. And they looked at this red and they were wise and said “Fine, alright, you can take any of ourn that’ll go with ye.”
“Fair enough,” says he. And wolf pups ain’t so wise and so knowing as their parents—remember that, nugget, parents know more’n you give ‘em grief for—so he left with his army: a passel o’ young, foolish wolves.
(Well. Some might say they was foolish. Some might say they was grand and brave and the best wolves to be born on this earth. Some might say that they can be both. Don’t ya go askin’ the cleric though.)
So there he be, this Wolf King and his pack. His army: his teeth and his claws. And now, on moonless nights, ye can hear ‘em: forever huntin’ for the Grave Maiden and her Fallen One and her hordes—she’s his sworn enemy, ya know. But that don’t stop him fightin’ with the other gods too.
He loves to chase the Red King over the mountains—sometimes ya can hear them in the night, howlin’ back and forth at each other, the wolves runnin’ the King and his Hand over the peaks and into the desert dunes. And sometimes the Red King comes after him and the pack too, o’course, but that’s a story for another night and older ears. It’s a bit too sad for cookies by the fire.
(No, love—yer mum’d kill me if I sang the Fall of the Wolf King with yer brother here. He’s too young for that tale.)
He’ll never defeat the Grave Maiden, and he’ll never catch the Red King, and he’ll never burn down all the Flower Kingdom no matter how many times he tries: that’s the nature o’ the gods, y’see, and it’s what makes us happier creatures. ‘Cause they can never finish their stories—they’re trapped in a forever dance of give and take, alliance and war, love and hate. But it’s all real, an’ it’s all true.
And believe me or not but cross my one bleedin’ heart and hope to die (that’s another thing not to repeat in front o’ the cleric, ya hear me, child?): I seen him.
I seen the Wolf King. Just once, but that were enough.
I seen him under the moonlight, racin’ across the moors with his bayin’ army at his back an’ at his front an’ all around him: a sea of white fur, frothin’ about like foam on the surf. All their eyes were burnin’ in the moonlight—I swear it on the Dragon herself. Burnin’ red, they was, like the very flames the Grave Maiden lit. They looked right at me, and I knew—I knew I were his next kill.
(The Wolf King ain’t nice, child. Of course he ain’t nice. He’s mad is what he is. And madmen don’t make for good people to meet when you’re crossing the moors alone of a night, on yer way home from a dance in Crastleton.)
(What do ya mean ya don’t want a sad story? The sad part’s over, child—clearly I didn’t get gobbled up by the Wolf King’s pack, or else who’d be here tellin’ ya this story now, I ask ya? Sit back down with yer sister and listen.)
So I seen him over the crest of the hill, with the moon a silver ha’penny in the sky above and the stars all a-glimmer and a-shinin’ like the lights of the Widow’s crown. And they came down the hill and they swept over me—all them wolves, all glory and soft and fang and hot breath on me face and I closed me eyes—I did!—and just waited for them to gobble me up.
But ya know what happened instead? ‘Course you don’t, that’s why I’m tellin’ ya. Instead o’ teeth and claws and my one life bleedin’ out on the moor… I hears a voice.
No, he didn’t say nothin’, it weren’t words. The Wolf King don’t use human words no more.
But he were laughin’.
Imagine that! Imagine me, not so much older than you, love, alone out on the moor and ringed about by the Wolf King’s army all a’swirlin’ and boundin’ around me: and the Wolf King laughs.
I couldn't help meself, though I'll never know why: but I laughed too.
And then he grabbed me by me arm and we ran.
Oh, my children. If I live to be a thousand I’ll never forget that night.
(Don’t you repeat this to the cleric. Or yer mother. They both think I’m dotty as a bat as it is.)
The Wolf King and his pack run faster than birds can fly—faster than horses, faster than hounds. Faster than I could run, even then: but it didn’t matter. They carried me along, light as a feather and more nimble than a hare. Over the mountain, down the vale, through the ruins of the Flower Kingdom—yes, I’ve seen the Flower Kingdom, but only by moonlight and we didn’t stop, but I heard later that there was fires again so he must have gotten his bite at the Widow and the Soldier when I weren’t lookin’.
And all the while, the whole pack was howlin’. Howlin’ like the front gale of a nor’easter comin’ up the coast: the wolves was howlin’, and the King was howlin’, and Void take me if I weren’t howlin’ too, just like this—
(Oh hush, child, that weren’t even so loud. End’s all, if you ain’t a skittish little creature—get back here and eat another cookie.)
We ran all night, runnin’ and howlin’ and leavin’ fire and fang in our wake. But it couldn’t last forever, as the Wolf King only wanted me runnin’ with him as long as it was sportin’, and even with the wolves carryin’ me along I did get tired. More tired than I’ve ever been before or since, I don’t mind tellin’ ya.
So come mornin’, come dawnin’ of the next day’s sun, I find myself back on the road to Crastleton. My dress were in tatters and my feet were a bleedin’ mess of cuts and blisters that never did hurt, my hair tangled with wind knots and wolf hair, and my throat hoarse from howlin’.
And just before he left, him swirlin’ about with a millin’ mess of wolves around his feet, the Wolf King looked at me—looked at me, I tell ya—and gave me a grin that were full of as many teeth as there are leaves in a tree. He tossed me this, and then he were gone—sweeping up and away off the moor like nothing more than a ghost in a dream.
(Here, look at it. What do you think it is? I’ve always said it’s a claw, but what kinda creature has silver claws, I ask you? Give that back to me now, child—it hasn’t left me side in six times so long as you’ve been alive, and it’ll be buried with me if I can get someone other than the cleric to do the job.)
So of course the Wolf King is real! And so the Trickster and the Archangel and the Grave Maiden and the Widow and the Soldier and the Red King and the Hand and all the rest of them. If ye’re very, very good, and very, very lucky, mayhap you’ll even see them one day.
Because of course, they might be gods, child. But in one way, they’re just like you and me: they’ve got but one life—red and bloodied and barin’ their teeth.
And the Wolf King runs forever, chasing after the Grave Maiden and her Fallen One and even the Traitor when the mood strikes him. He’ll never catch her, but she’ll never outrun him either. The Wolf King hunts forever.
Now—you finish up that cookie and run outside. I hear your mama callin’ for you. And remember: we don’t tell Mama anything Granny says about the cleric, alrighty?
Goodnight, children—sleep tight; don’t let the phantoms bite.
And just maybe—if you’re real, real quiet—you might hear the howling.
Howl back.
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