#• inbox games
alchemistc · 2 months
for the intimacy prompts, it's buck & tommy so of course gotta go with #7 kissing scars or #50 patching up a wound or whichever other prompt sparks joy for u <3
Buck's late. Holy shit he is so late. He'd promised Maddie he'd be at the house like, half an hour ago, but he'd gotten caught up in a conversation with Jana from B shift on his way out the door and it'd been just enough time to cause an extra half hour backup on the highway that had clogged up all his usual back road routes, too.
With this in mind, he's rushing as he parks the Jeep, barely paying any attention as he shoves his door closed and practically sprints up the walkway.
And of course, of course, he's jittery, rushing, so it takes him three tries to get the key in the lock, and by the time he swings the door open with apologies on his lips, he sort of wants the floor to just swallow him up.
There's no Maddie. There's no Maddie or Chim, who would definitely be standing in the entryway giving him shit for somehow ending their shifts at the same time and still managing to be late.
All there is is the faint sound of voices coming from down the hallway, so he follows those until he catches the light leaking out from the open door of the bathroom.
As he nears, the voices become a little clearer. Jee says something, too soft for Buck to catch, a little strain in her voice he's vaguely concerned about until the other voice responds, in a familiar cadence that has Buck stopping dead in his tracks for half a heartbeat before he remembers - crap, he'd invited Tommy over, too, when it became clear it was the only 'free' night they'd have for like, six days, and now not only is he late to babysit his own niece but he's left Tommy the task of sending Maddie and Chim off on their date.
Buck ignores the little skip of his heartbeat at the idea that Maddie and Chim had felt comfortable just ... leaving Jee in Tommy's hands. That's a dumb train of thought - Chim knows Tommy, and Maddie hasn't made a secret of how much she likes Tommy, too, there's no reason to get gooey about it.
"...and viola!" comes Tommy's exclamation, and in the bathroom, Jee giggles. He must be making a face, or doing some gesturing. Jee's a little obsessed with Tommy, still, just as enchanted as Buck by the way his focus is always so intent when she's telling him something, by the way he's always got a follow up question, by the way he's not remotely afraid to dissolve into giggles with her.
"Now you!" Jee exclaims, and Buck knocks on the doorframe, tilts his head in to get the scope of things. Jee's up on the counter, legs kicking, a bright orange bandage on her knee and the box in her hand being brandished in Tommy's face where he's kneeling on the bathroom floor. There's a tube of Neosporin open next to her, and some bloody paper towels in the trash, but Tommy and Jee both glance up at him with smiles on their faces.
"Hi Jee," Buck says, and Jee waves, in that weird age where she'll be talking a mile a minute and then go completely mute for like twenty minutes until she's had time to process something. She kicks at the cabinet below her and shakes the box of Band-Aids at Tommy's head, and Buck gets the message. "Hi, Tommy."
Something soft and quiet passes between them. Buck's trying to be cool about this relationship, but there are times where the comparisons start to rattle around in his brain, a bit, and he's - it's never felt like this. He can't imagine Chim and Maddie even feeling comfortable enough to leave Jee alone with Natalia or Taylor, let alone actually asking them to join him for an evening of Bluey and hotdog Mac and Cheese. And it's - maybe he's just older, more settled in his bones. Maybe the secret sauce is those relationships not working out, so that Buck knew exactly what he was looking for, and what he wasn't. He's grateful for that, but mostly he thinks it's just Tommy - how steady he is, how grounded, how one look from Tommy can ease a days worth of worries crawling under Buck's skin.
"Sixty words a minute for the last forty-five and suddenly you don't wanna talk to your Uncle Buck?" Tommy teases, massive hand curling around the bottom of Jee's foot to shake her leg, and Jee giggles and ducks, arms crossing and head shaking 'no' as she presses her heel into Tommy's palm and nearly launches herself into the mirror behind her. Buck slides a hand behind her head to steady her - clearly she's a little accident prone today, and he's not particularly in the mood for a visit to the hospital this evening.
The movement brings him close enough for Tommy to touch, and he wraps his free hand around Buck's calf, squeezing for a moment before he uses it as leverage to lift himself off the bathroom floor. This bathroom isn't nearly large enough for two grown ass men standing shoulder to shoulder, they barely fit toe to toe.
"Hi," Buck says, when Tommy comes level with him, chests brushing and a familiar fond look in his eye.
"Hi," he repeats, grin going wide, and next to them Jee squirms and grabs at both their arms.
"No kiss!"
Buck tilts his head, and Tommy mirrors it, brow raised. "You heard the lady," he admonishes in a wry tone when Buck's gaze darts immediately for his lips.
This doesn't seem to satisfy Jee-Yun, who leans forward to smack at Tommy's wrist. "No, kiss!"
The change in tone is enough for both of them to glance down at her. She's pointing at her bandaged knee, which makes a lot more sense. Shed spent the last 118 barbeque demanding every couple in her immediate eyeline kiss for her entertainment, like an extremely cute fork against a champagne glass.
Buck's not thinking about weddings, though. He's not.
(He absolutely is, but at least he and Tommy have, like, talked about it. In vague hypotheticals, but... still.)
Jee slaps her knee for emphasis.
Clearly whatever she did hadn't injured her too badly, but there is a rule. You bandage something, you gotta kiss it better.
Tommy eyes the distance back to the floor like he's eighty years old, not a fit forty, so Buck makes it easier on all of them by squeezing in and swinging Jee over his shoulders, her legs fucking pinwheeling enough to force Tommy to duck as her breathless giggles fill the echoing tiles of the bathroom. Settled onto Buck's shoulders, Jee digs her fingers into Buck's hair, and Tommy leans in and makes an exaggerated smacking noise as he presses his lips to her bandage.
She shifts her weight, pleased, and tugs hard on Buck's ear. "Okay, now kiss," she demands, and Tommy snorts with laughter as he leans in.
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prompthaven · 6 months
inbox game for fanfic writers 📨🖊️
when did you first start writing?
what was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
do you ever read your own writing for fun?
if you could erase any three tropes from existence, what would they be?
do you prefer writing longer or shorter works?
do you have a “guilty pleasure” (trope, character, au etc.) to read or write?
what is your favourite thing that you’ve ever written?
tell us the titles of your three favourite works in progress.
which app do you use to write?
what is your most favourite character to write about and why?
what is your least favourite character to write about and why?
do you read a lot of fanfiction?
how do you shake burnout or writer’s block?
do you write smut? if yes, would you ever stop? if no, would you ever consider it?
are there any works you’ve written that you personally dislike?
when do you think you’ll stop writing fanfiction?
how many wips do you have right now?
name three fic writers you personally like to read from or are inspired by.
do you proofread your writing before you post it?
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gayhoediaz · 5 months
bucktommy + “come back to bed”
“Come back to bed.” Still half asleep, Buck’s morning voice is so thick, so rough that he nearly sounds sick, even to his own ears. “Too early,” he adds after clearing his throat, bullying the side of his face deeper into his boyfriend’s soft pillow.
Tommy chuckles from somewhere in the room, the sound just as soothing as the faint, sound of rare drops of rain tapping against the bedroom window.
“I was gonna make you breakfast,” Tommy tells him, a large hand sliding into his hair, combing it back towards the pillow.
“Really?” Buck blinks his eyes open, taking in the view of Tommy towering over him, eyes warm, a wide, close-mouthed - fond - smile on his face.
“Mhm,” Tommy hums, trailing his hand down the side of Buck’s face as he rolls over onto his back, casually allowing his eyes to drift up and down his body, appreciating his bare chest before they settle back on his face. “Figured you’d be hungry after last night,” Tommy says, raising an eyebrow.
“You’re sweet,” Buck hums, happiness fluttering in his stomach as he catches Tommy’s hand in his own.
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rainbowdelicsunshine · 9 months
Please go into my inbox to psycho-analyze me like one of those long video essays about cartoons and tv shows....
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redd956 · 11 months
Random Questions Ask Game
📸 - What's one of your favorite photos in your phone?
🐈 - If you had to pick, cat or dog?
🔮 - What's a paranormal or scary encounter you've had?
☠️ - What's one of your most controversial ships you like?
✨️- What's an article of clothing essential to your IRL character design?
🍙 - What's a food you've always wanted to try?
💎 - If you could steal anything without consequence, what would you take?
🧨 - You get to destroy a company. Which one and why?
🤩 - What's an unpopular thing you find attractive?
💗 - Name an accent you love to hear
💣 - Hot weather or cold weather?
🎵 - Do you play any instruments?
🍎 - What brought you to tumblr?
🍔 - What's a food you don't like/eat, but it still looks appetizing?
🌷 - How many languages do you know?
🌍 - Have you been in any natural disasters or major weather events before?
🎊 - What was the last thing you celebrated?
🍉 - You're transformed into your favorite blorbo. On a scale of 1 to 10, how screwed are you.
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bassettmemes · 7 months
Send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse(s)
meme created by @noshxme and reposted with permission.
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sephirthoughts · 1 month
1, 2, 13 and 49 for Genesis, please! 💜
Oooooh Genesis! Yayy I love him! Thank you for the ask!!
1. Canon I outright reject
That his actions in Crisis Core were insane, evil, or in any way made him a villain. Genesis may have been envious of Sephiroth, to a point, but he had hero-worshipped him since childhood. Some people seem to forget that context when they talk about the interactions between the three Firsts in Crisis Core (also the terrible English localization destroyed the plot of that game).
Genesis was a huge Sephiroth fangirl, as a kid. He wanted to be a hero too. He was told he would be. He spent his life up to that point training and working his ass off for Shinra, only to find out in the worst way possible that A: his entire existence was an intricately constructed web of lies, and B: he was going to die before he even got to start living. And it was all because of something the people he'd trusted and dedicated his life to did to him.
Of course he freaked out and ran away and started attacking Shinra, he was in a panic and doing everything he could to find a way to survive. Zack is the protagonist of Crisis Core, so Genesis is the antagonist, but Zack is working for the evil moustache-twirling villains, who are the real cause of all the conflict. Genesis never wanted world domination, he just wanted a fair goddamn chance.
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
transmasc Genesis i will die on this hill come at me cowards
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
Ok real answer: The dumbest thing he ever did was that shitty way he approached Sephiroth in the reactor, when he wanted his cells. However, I don't see it as the nasty, bitter verbal attack people seem to translate it as. That would make ZERO sense in the context of their friendship and even just the rest of the conversation.
I actually get the strong impression that Genesis was trying to do a "shock him with the cold hard truth and he'll see the light" thing. Also I think he truly thought that if Sephiroth understood that Shinra did the same things to him, he'd rebel against them too, and come to his side. He wasn't saying "you're a monster" he was saying "you're a monster just like me."
Tragically, he didn't bet on how mentally and emotionally fragile the "big strong hero" Sephiroth really was, or how deeply it would shatter him to be told he wasn't human. Sephiroth's mind rejected it so hard he had a psychotic break, after all. Of course he reacted badly to the way Genesis approached him.
But I don't think what Genesis said was meant to be as horrible as it sounded. His delivery was flippant and bitter because he was fucking pissed off at the world, not because he was really trying to hurt Sephiroth. It was a case of two well-meaning people crashing headfirst into each other's deepest wounds and disaster ensuing. A perfect tragedy.
49. Favorite toy as a child
Genesis was given pretty much whatever he wanted, as a child, and subsequently, didn't place much value at all on things. His fancy toys and games gathered dust in his too-large bedroom, that was filled with all the gifts his parents gave him in place of love and attention. The only way to get approval was to earn it, by constantly being exceptional, and better than other kids.
However, he had a wooden sword (rough hewn and amateurish in design, hardly more than a stick) that he clung to like it was the most valuable and precious object in all the world. His parents had no idea where he got it wanted him to throw it out, but he was fiercely protective of it.
He left it in his bedroom when he left Banora to join SOLDIER, and it can be assumed that it burned with the rest of the town. There is absolutely no proof that he went up to his old room and carried that one worthless little thing away with him, that would become the symbol of both the childhood dreams and the childhood friend, that he could never get back.
Thank you so much for the ask!! I love talking about Genesis!! ♥️
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groovitrons · 3 months
Tell me your opinion or hot take on something, and I will respond with whether or not I agree and why.
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soundshypnotic · 4 months
Assumption! You enjoy parallel play and low energy hangouts that do not require extroversion
True. But not just? Honestly, what I enjoy is hanging out with people who stop counting as people so it doesn't take any extroversion. And I know you're going to hear that like objectification/depersonalization play, but I'm not actually talking about that.
I'm talking about people who become a part of you. I'm talking about those that don't take effort and let you turn off the side of your brain that's constantly scanning how you look, sound, if you fit in, is the other person good, should you be checking in more/less, etc.
Some people want a relationship that's like a fancy night out or getting all dressed up for the club. I want relationships that are coming home, sweatpants and tea listening to the rain and enjoying silence together--in tone.
But talk to me. Share your world with me. If the majority of our time is parallel I will miss you. That silence starts to feel like distance or discomfort. I want people who feel comfy because I want to crawl inside them and know them from the inside out. That isn't low energy on my part. But I wouldn't call it extroversion, no.
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alchemistc · 2 months
Oh, those prompts are so good! If you’re inspired, either 21. listening to someone’s heartbeat or 23. wearing someone’s clothes for Buck/Tommy? Thank you!
He's so fucking tired, is the thing. He's tired, and he's cranky, and this shift had taken ages to end, so when he sees the slash of bright bright blue bleeding out of his duffle and knows immediately what it is, something soft and achy blooms in his chest, and he ignores the subtle eyebrow from Lucy when he pulls it out.
The problem is she's seen Evan in this sweatshirt, less than a week ago when he'd dragged everyone out to trivia, when they'd all been well rested and happy to pepper Evan with stories about Tommy and the more sedate hijinks that Harbor station gets up to. Tommy ignores her look and shrugs it over his shoulders, dragging his head through the neck hole and not minding too much when the hood goes crooked, half stuck in his hair as he gets a wash of pleasant smells - Evan's aftershave, the detergent he uses, a hint of musk, Christ, he'd tucked it in to Tommy's bag unwashed like he knew exactly how much Tommy would want that.
Tommy does his level best not to look like he's huffing glue as he adjusts the hood around the back of his neck.
Donato bites her lip. Sighs, heavily. "Did you steal that, or are you guys in the part of the courting ritual where you do this exhausting shit on purpose just to point out how single the rest of us are?"
Tommy sends a half-hearted glare her way, gets another whiff of aftershave and tries his absolute hardest not to sigh like a lovelorn idiot. He's maybe half successful.
"You are choosing to be single. You have a great guy who'd absolutely love to lock you down, Donato." Tommy stuffs his hands into the front pocket and cocks a hip, and Donato frowns.
"He likes me too much. Don't trust it."
His huff of laughter cuts through the quiet of the locker room. "Hate to break it to you, Luce, but you kinda gotta open yourself up to the possibility of someone enjoying your company, if you want a glimpse at annoying, exhausting, stupid relationship shit."
"I'm trying to mock you, not get relationship advice from your domestically blissed ass."
It's not the first time someone has pointed out Tommy's supposed blissful status, but his body and his mind are so fucking tired and there are apparently, if Evan's last text is to be believed, a couple good cuts of steak seasoned and waiting for Tommy to fire up the grill at home. Which means there is also a man waiting for him there, too, a man with seemingly limitless energy and pockets of technically useless information, a man with silver-cast blue eyes and a birthmark over his brow that Tommy wants to bite every time he catches a glimpse of it out of the corner or his eye, a man he'd given his spare key months too soon just because he liked the idea of coming home to him, liked the idea of him creeping in while Tommy was passed out across his bed or shifting tools around in his garage or -
"Ugh. Gross. I'm leaving, now, tell Buck I said hi."
Tommy isn't actually sure he's going to do that, because he's just realized something that takes precedent, and no offense to Lucy, but she's already wormed her way into one of Evan's defining relationship moments and he's not giving her this one.
He waves her off and shoots Evan a text to let him know he's on his way.
Going home right away doesn't feel right, actually, now that he's thinking about it. He should get flowers, or - maybe learn a foreign language. How much Spanish have Christopher and Eddie taught Evan? Does Jee have some event he could crash?
(Tommy would like to point out that while he hasn't quite said it in words, he's not exactly upset about the way he and Evan are maybe a little batshit insane about each other. If Evan doesn't have any complaints, he's not going to put a damper on it, either.)
The drive home gives him enough time to talk himself down from hiring a skywriter, his cab awash in the scent of the armor-all Evan had spilled in it last week when he got distracted from 'helping' Tommy clean, the hints of scent from the hoodie that's maybe a little tight around the shoulders but still a perfect fit. For him. For Tommy.
Fuck. He should at least get the flowers.
Tommy makes himself keep driving. He's delirious with exhaustion, actually, that's why he keeps overthinking this, there's a steak dinner and a beautiful man waiting for him at home and Evan had probably gotten flowers at the market anyway. Because he does that, constantly, to the point that Tommy had run out of vases to keep them all in.
Tommy sits in the cab once he pulls in and tries hard not to romanticize the idea of Evan's Jeep looking right at home in the spot next to his.
Evan greets him at the door with a wide grin, a spoon in one hand, the other held under it to keep from spilling. "Taste," he says as a greeting, and Tommy opens his mouth more for the pleasure of seeing Evan's eyes light than any expectation for what's being put there.
Cucumber, vinegar, dill - he moans around the mouthful and barely chews before he swallows, suddenly intent to get his mouth on Evan's mouth. His duffle lands in the entryway with a thunk and he gets two hands into the hem of Evan's shirt, intent on tugging him in. "Hi," he says, and swallows whatever greeting Evan tries to return.
When they come up for air Tommy's pulse is racing, Evan is breathing heavily, and he's pretty sure there is a spoon tucked into his back pocket, left there when Evan slung his arm back to get a handful of Tommy's ass.
"Hi," he says, finally, eyes lingering on the neckline of the jacket he'd snuck into Tommy's bag.
The significance of the moment finally catches up to Tommy - the memory something Tommy sometimes falls back on when he gets too in his head about where this is going - stumbling through the emergency room doors with the leers of exhausted firefighters echoing in his ears, Evan a vision in blue (this blue) barely letting him get an apology out before trying to eat his face off in front of three amused nurses.
"Hey," Tommy says, feeling the day just slough off of him. His left hand has tucked itself neatly between Evan's impressive pectorals, and he contemplates, for a moment, just saying fuck it to the steaks and shoving him back until he can press Evan to his sheets, blanket himself atop him, press his cheek there instead of his hand and listen to the steady beat.
Evan blinks back at him, his eyes doing something unbearably sweet, and Tommy has to tell him, he really, absolutely does, only -
"I'm in love with you," Evan says, laughing a little breathlessly once the words are out, hands pressing in at Tommy's waist, a sort of wondrous expression leaking in around his smile lines.
Tommy should maybe feel like the wind has been ripped from his sails, but the fever-pitch beat of his heart won't let him.
"Y-you don't have to, like, say it back. I just. God I like you so much but I'm also - I love you," he repeats, or amends, or - there's something settled, in his expression, like just saying it was enough, like he doesn't expect Tommy to feel the same.
Tommy waits a beat. Slides the hand on his chest up over the rasp of his end-of-day stubble, thumbing the crook of his chin, fingers dancing over his cheekbone. "Evan," he says, sounding a little breathless, which should be embarrassing but Tommy doesn't care, and Evan's gaze catches and holds as he waits for whatever Tommy has to say next
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felixcosm · 1 month
Mini System Food Ask-Game
What is everyone's coffee order? If not coffee, what else do they enjoy?
Which headmate has a high spice tolerance?
Who likes to cook and who would burn the kitchen down if they tried?
Which headmate has a massive sweet tooth and could survive on candy alone?
Who is the healthiest? Do they try and get the rest of the system to be healthier too?
Which headmate has dietry restrictions? Who refuses to eat certain foods based on texture and what food is that?
Which headmate enjoys eating/cooking cultural food? What kind is their favorite? (Bonus: share a recipe!)
What is everyone's comfort food? How often do they eat it?
Who is a picky eater and who would eat anything that's set befor them?
Are there any odd/interesting food combinations they enjoy?
Does anyone in the system drink alcohol? Favorite type of drink?
Bonus: wild card, ask anything food or drink related!
🌌This post is endo/tulpa/mixed system safe, anyone can interact (but don't be an asshole) 🌌
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gayhoediaz · 5 months
bucktommy + “you wanna come over later?”
“You wanna come over later?”
With a hand on his waist, Evan says the words with a smile and eyes so bright that Tommy thinks his mouth goes dry - only emphasized by the fact that they’re… standing in the middle of his station, the one-eighteen gathered all around, clearly trying not to pay attention - but they’re not fooling anyone.
Tommy had only come by to return a jacket Eddie left in his helicopter during their Vegas trip, he really hadn’t meant to do… this at all. They haven’t been seeing each other that long, and it’s the first time Evan is with a man - the last thing Tommy would ever want to do is push.
“I mean…” Evan starts to go sheepish when Tommy apparently takes too long to answer, his hand disappearing from his waist. “…unless you have other plans, I-“ Tommy cuts him off by catching his hand in his own before he’s able to rip it too far out of his reach.
“Yes,” he says, chest blooming with warmth when Evan ducks his head, grinning, returning the squeeze Tommy gives his hand. “But you, uh…” he says, then, not taking his eyes off of Evan’s. “…know everyone’s watching, right?”
“I don’t care,” Evan says. “I haven’t seen you in almost a week. Kiss me.”
And of course - Tommy does.
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Tumblr media
Heya Guys, I got a pretty fun idea for an inbox game/prompt for you guys to send over to me:
How would I and the 9 Mercs from TF2 get along? How would our dynamics be? Are some of us friends, acquaintances, crush, Hell, Maybe even see me as family? (I esp wanna learn this with how me and Spy would get along specifically)
Please please PLEASE send these in I'm BEGGING to know, I NEED to know!
Hope to see what y'all can come up with!!
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Bucktommy Ask Game
I saw this over on the Tarlos tag and thought it might be fun to do this for Buck and Tommy 🙂
I know we don't know too much about them as a couple but it might be fun to get everybody's headcanons of them so far!
Reblog if you are interested!
Who is most likely to lose their keys?
Who is the pickier eater? Who is more likely to be more adventurous in eating?
Who is more likely to get lost while driving?
Who gets road rage?
Who is the better navigator?
Who is more likely to leave the lights on?
Who is more likely to carry the beach bag/pack it on vacation?
Who goes to bed first? Falls asleep first?
Who is more likely to take longer to get ready in the morning?
Who is more likely to lose track of time?
Who is more likely to throw the other one a surprise party?
Who has the better playlist?
Who is super early to events? Who is late?
Who is most likely to win rock, paper, scissors?
Who was the better student in school?
Who was the most athletic?
Who is more likely to procrastinate the most?
Who cries first during a movie?
Who is most likely to accidentally get caught up in a pyramid scheme?
Who does the grocery shopping the most?
Who is more likely to drag them to a haunted house?
Who is more likely to have a tumblr and Ao3 account?
Who spends all their free time on reddit?
Who most likely distracts the other with their wiles after they broke something?
Who has the better disappointed™ face that guilt traps the other?
Who reads bodice ripper romance novels?
Who makes the better pot of coffee?
Who is better friends with their neighbors?
Who is the insatiable one?
Who is the bigger flirt? (to EACH OTHER)
Who is most likely to believe in a conspiracy theory?
Who is more likely to update their social media sites?
Who takes more pictures?
Who is more likely to fall for anything they see on tiktok?
Who has the better memory?
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vickyvicarious · 24 days
Like The Dawn by The Oh Hellos is about Adam and Eve but ...Jonathan hospitalized in Hungary with brain fever and mad, seeing Mina, and marrying her
And like the dawn you broke the dark and my whole earth shook
I was sleeping in the garden when I saw you
And like the dawn you woke the world inside of me
You were the brightest shade of sun when I saw you
At last, at last
Bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh, at last
And you will surely be the death of me
But how could I have known?
I wanted to get to this ask on their wedding day, but I'm a bit late. Alas, I wanted that so I didn't have to tag spoilers on this but I'm gonna do it anyway because parts remind me of scenes from later in the book.
This is such a sweet song. Jonathan thinking of Mina as the dawn, the sunlight... I love it. Even before they reunite, the thought of her kept him going. But when they meet again...
You didn't mention the first two lines but I think they work really well: "I was sleeping in the garden when I saw you first / he'd put me deep, deep under so that he could work / and like the dawn you broke the dark and my whole earth shook" Like, "the garden" is a place to grow and heal, it's the hospital! And yet his sleeping wasn't good in this context, he was lost/unaware. Dracula putting Jonathan deep deep under so he could work is quite a twist on how I'm sure that line is meant to be read but I think it works super well. Dracula's work is of course his plans for his trip. Jonathan being deep under referring both to his torment and despair, the attempt at damning him to become a vampire too (his fate if he'd remained in the castle), and finally in the same sense that he is 'asleep'. He's buried in pain and madness and trauma. But then Mina comes in, and she breaks the dark, and his world changes around him to something better.
In the next verse, the line "bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh, at last" is of course a specific reference to Adam and Eve but I think is also a quote used to show how closely linked two people can be? In any case it works excellently for their marriage, for them joining together... The 'at last' is his profound relief and joy at finally returning to her, at marrying her. (It also works so well for the line right before, when seeing her gets two "at last, at last"). This line also works so well in contrast to Dracula's perversion of a 'wedding vow' in his wine-press speech where he says Mina will be "flesh of my flesh; blood of my blood; kin of my kin;" in a moment of horrible triumph. But she's already bones of Jonathan's bones, flesh of his flesh; as she later tells Jonathan their souls "are knit into one, for all life and all time".
So she wakes the world inside of him, she was the brightest shade of sun.... and then after the musical interlude, we get the lines: "at last / and you will surely be the death of me / but how could I have known?" These lines, if anything, take us from their wedding to Jonathan's vow. There's a kind of sad tone to this part which works better there. The lingering 'at last'... If she dies, then she'll be the death of him too because he'll be joining her. The line about 'how could I have known' doesn't actually sound regretful in any way and the song begins to build back up with repetitions of the memory of her being the brightest shade of sun, of her saving him. I think that part works well for his devotion and dedication to follow her even if that sun sets.
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mellybabbles · 10 months
Random ask game!
1. What is your body language when you get excited?
2. Favorite pass time?
3. Favorite headcanon for any TVshow/Movie/game/fandom? 4. Do you zone out a lot? 5. What kind of thoughts are going through your head previous to this post? 6. How are you? 7. Favorite board game? 8. Favorite OC lore? 9. How many OC's? 10. What's the weather where you live? 11. Favorite cat/dog/bird breed? 12. Comfort character? 13. Any favorite moots? 14. Ever gone fishing? 15. Favorite specific blanket type? 16. Random fun fact 17. Random thought you had recently 18. Opinions on iceberg lettuce? 19. Have you tried VR (virtual reality) 20. Favorite recent memory?
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