#“whoops; that could've been embarrassing.”
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raziiyah · 5 days ago
What do you think of Randall making cupcakes? A nerdy thing he does in MU that made fall for the char. So adorable. ^_^
literally the cutest thing ever!!! 💜💜💜💜
and like he didn't just buy them he put in the effort to make them from scratch r u kidding me
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not to mention the cute message like YES ME I'LL BE YOUR PAL 🥺 OR YOUR dAL IDC ❤️ even the little smileys in the international version are equally as cute it's literally so adorkable in the best way possible hehe 🤓💕🧁
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i feel like the mu writers were like “lol what's the sweetest nicest thing we can make the main villain of the franchise do” and damn did it work because it is the cutest thing he's ever done
also thanks writers i've had the hc that randall is a pretty good baker and he has a sweet tooth bc of that scene
too bad no one got to try them 😭💔💔
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also i wonder if the cupcakes actually got to ror (since randall wanted to befriend the cool kids) how they would've reacted bc randall's introduction bears similarity to OK's and we know what johnny thought of them intitially; that might've actually be harder to watch 😭
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redladydeath · 9 days ago
Okay, this post got me thinking about Proto Vox's relationship with his sexuality and whoops, now there's 700 words.
On Earth, Vox was your typical insecure narcissist. He felt a great deal of shame about his attraction to men and always felt like any threat to his masculinity would cause his identity to crumble, so he overcompensated by taking refuge in the parts of masculinity that he was "good at." Vox was a very handsome, charismatic man, and he used those tools to his advantage. He'd flirt with women at his station and, once he was in a position of influence, was no stranger to using sex/sex acts as a bargaining chip. Suck his dick, and he'll put in a good word for you with the producers. Vox loved the respect and attention he got from being a successful, good-looking white man in the 1950s– he fed off it, using it to keep his insecurities at bay.
In Hell, he's no longer able to do that. The three traits he used to build his whole identity around– his masculinity, status, and charisma– are all gone. He looks and sounds like an adorable child, he's treated like a pet by his boss, and no one takes him seriously because of these things. No one cares that he used to be rich and successful, or even that he's actually an adult; all they see is someone weak that they can belittle in order to make themselves feel more powerful.
Vox had no choice but to surrender his dignity, although he still tries to hold onto bits of it in private. He knows that he's an intelligent adult man, even if nobody else knows or cares. However, that's not enough for someone as self-conscious as Vox. There's not a day that goes by without him feeling ashamed or embarrassed in some capacity, even as he grins and bares it externally and desperately clings to his old identity internally. It all comes together to completely obliterate his self-esteem. He can't even take comfort in the simple fact that he's male, because he knows that privilege could be taken away at a moment's notice due to his lack of any traits that people of the time would call "male." Put Vox in a dress or even stop affording him a gender at all and the only person who'll know the difference is him.
Vox can't have sex, and even if he could, he can't imagine anyone ever wanting him unless it was for explicitly fetishistic purposes. He has no genitals, no asshole, and no mouth. His body is made of smooth, featureless wood and metal. He might as well be a doll with an overly large head. Vox can't think of a single aspect of his body that would be sexually appealing to anyone who's not a complete freak. Even if he could pay for sex, he hates himself so much that the thought of getting with another person is just as humiliating as it is tantalizing. He doesn't want anyone to look at him, even though being seen is everything to him. And yet, he has no choice but to let people look. He's an entertainer, and now it seems like that's all he'll ever be.
All of this may have played a role in why he eventually gravitated towards Valentino. It'd been fifteen years since Vox last felt like a sexual being, and the last person he'd been attracted to had laughed in his face when he tried to confess to him. Val made him feel desirable– powerful, even. He treated him like a man, and that was like a rainstorm after a drought for Vox. It barely even mattered that Val was very openly queer; Vox gladly threw his once precious mask of heterosexuality to the winds in order to once more have a partner who actually respected him. Val helped him build functioning genitals for his new body. He helped him gain power so they could build their empire. Valentino is inexorably tied to Vox's new/restored identity, which makes him willing to put up with Val's more unappealing traits. Vox doesn't think he'd be nothing without Valentino by any means– he knows he could've achieved all this even if he never crossed paths with Val– but he'll always be the cornerstone that everything about his new life is built on.
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jays-bonnie-on-the-side · 9 hours ago
𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐀 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎
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PAIRING : dean winchester x original female character
STORY SUMMARY : in series masterlist
CHAPTER WARNINGS : age-gap. angst. fluff. sam and dean possessed. death. strong language.
A/N : obviously i changed a few things for the character insert so bear with me. hopefully y’all don’t hate it too much. thanks for reading 💜
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Maricela's POV
The bright golden rays of the sun filter through the lush foliage of the trees, creating a mesmerizing pattern of light and shadow on the forest floor. In the distance, birds sang sweet songs while squirrels chattered and scampered from branch to branch. A light breeze rustles the leaves above, and the gentle yet powerful swishing sound calms my nerves. Various glass bottles lined the fallen tree trunk a couple yards away. With my arm raised, aimed at the first bottle in the row, I stare down the sight and pull the trigger.
The gunshot echoes throughout the woods, and the birds within its range flee in fear. The recoil had caught me off guard with its powerful jerk, causing me to flinch and miss my target. I grumble, embarrassed that my audience witnessed my mistake. Sure, I was relatively new to shooting, but the boys had made it look so easy. I begin to aim again, but Dean's words stop me.
"I told you she isn't ready to hunt. She can't even shoot."
My neck turns, and I make eye contact with Sam. He nods once, wearing an enigmatic smile. I draw back to the bottles before me, a sly smirk slowly forming. My right eye closes as I stare down the gun's sight, aligning the front sight with the rear one and ensuring it's correctly centered before squeezing the trigger. The glass shatters as the bullet hits the center. Already in the weaver stance, my upper body turns to the next bottle to land the shot. Each glass shatters as the bullet flies through the target with ease. My arms fall once there’s none left.
I turn to the boys, eager to see their reactions. The younger Winchester had been teaching me to shoot for the last week. I wasn't the best shot when I started, though I wasn't horrible either. Sure, I was pretending to be terrible, but seeing the surprise on Dean's countenance made it all worthwhile. Sam's grin was prominent. Pranking his older brother had entertained him. My lips form a cocky smile.
"Okay, so she knows how to shoot. Big whoop." He mutters to Sam before asking, "How about a moving target? The stuff we fight don't usually stand still."
Dean grabs a beer bottle from the pack sitting on a tree stump near Baby. He begins to pull it from the carrier, and before he can bring it close to his body, I raise my weapon and aim precisely before clipping the bottom of the glass. The alcohol spills on the forest floor and the glass along with it. Their eyes widen as they gaze at the bottle stem Dean holds. The Winchesters gapped, stunned I did such a thing.
"Does that answer your question?" I ask rhetorically.
"You're insane! You could've shot me!" Dean exclaims.
"If I wanted to shoot you, you'd be dead."
"Oh, that's comforting."
"C'mon, Deano, don't be such a baby." He rolls his eyes, unamused by my teasing. My thumb slides the safety on as I march toward Dean. I toss him my gun and grab a new beer.
I walk towards the spot I had stood in earlier and outstretch my arm, bottle in hand. "What're doing?"
"Go ahead. Shoot."
"What? I'm not going to do that."
"Why? 'Cause it's a waste of beer?"
"Well, yeah, but—"
"But nothing. Just shoot the damn beer bottle so we can be even." He shakes his head in protest. "C'mon, Dean. You might not trust me, but I trust you. I know you won't miss, just like I didn't."
"No, I'm not gonna shot—"
"Fine!" I mumble under my breath, yet loud enough for him to hear, "Pussy."
He quickly raises the gun and squeezes the trigger. The glass shatters and the echo of the gunshot fills the woods. I'd be laughing if it hadn’t scared me a little. I drop the last reminisce of the bottle, breaking once it hits the ground.
"There, even Steven. Now," I stroll towards my car and pop the trunk. "Since we're all on the same page, I thought it would be fun if we played a little game."
The boy's brows draw in confusion, yet curiosity beckons them over. They peer over my shoulder and into the trunk. Three face masks, three jumpsuits, three air-tanked guns, and enough ammunition to last several rounds: the great game of Paintball. A smile was plastered on my face, eager to play. I glance at the Winchesters, and they appear amused.
"Well," I grab the first gun and toss it to Dean. "What are you guys waiting for?"
A grin grows on his handsome countenance as he looks at the gun and then at his little brother. Sam's crooked smile responds to the glint in Dean's eyes. And so, they began to grab the necessary equipment for the competition. This was going to be fun. And it was. Once we had suited up, it was every man for himself. We ducked and dodged. We hid behind trees, stumps, brushes—whatever we could find. Laughter and screams filled the corner of the forest we occupied. It was like we were children again, having the time of our lives without a care in the world.
Not a single boiler suit was left untouched. Each of us had gotten the other at least five times, and man, oh, man, the force of a paintball hurt like a son of a bitch. Without a doubt, there would be bruises later. It was a great but temporary way to commemorate this memory. I place my gun over a fallen tree trunk, staring down the sight as I aim at Dean. If I get this shot, I win the game. A smirk quickly forms as I squeeze the trigger. The paintball flies in the air and—
I gasp awake, quickly sitting up as my heart beats a hundred times a minute. "I win."
"Mari?" Dean says just above a whisper as he places his hand on my shoulder.
Slightly disoriented, I gaze at the familiar man beside the bed. Worry and freight were prominent in his demeanor. "Yeah?"
Relief washes over his face, a smile threatening to appear, but he suppresses it. "I told you to stay in the dungeon."
I chuckle, "That sounds pretty kinky."
"Dean?" Sam groans.
"What the hell just happened?" He asks, getting up from the floor.
"The witch—the witch was about to put a whammy on me, and, uh," Dean straightens, staring down at me with a grateful smile. "Mari jumped in front."
The memories came rushing back, right until the moment when the green bolts stunned me. I should be dead. I was dead... No, how—how am I alive? It doesn't make any sense. Wait...Ezekiel. Did Dean ask to bring me back, or did Zeke offer freely? I massage my temples, attempting to rub the grogginess away.
His smile falters when he continues, "She got zapped, then the witch got the drop on you."
"Then why aren't we dead?"
I hold my breath as I wait for his answer.
"That's a good question." He plays it off, voice surprisingly mellow. "I, uh, I clipped her with a—with a poppy bullet. She got the key. I think she's gone."
Heavy footsteps come from the corridor before Dorothy and Charlie stop at the doorway. "No. She's wounded."
"We should still have some time." Charlie delivers the good news. "She could still be in the air vents."
"She's right." I fling my legs over the edge of the bed, trying desperately to ignore the dizziness. "We—we have to—get her—“
"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Dean's hand wraps around my arm, his hold delicate yet firm as he ushers me back onto his mattress.
"Just go. We'll catch up." Dorothy insists.
"My gun's over there," I point toward the desk. "There's one bullet in it.”
Dean grabs it and looks back at me. His gaze lingers, concern in his eyes, before leaving with Sam. Charlie sits beside me while Dorothy kneels before me, asking if I was okay. Part of me wanted to share my Heaven, but it was best not to mention I died. The last thing I needed was for them to question how I came back from the dead. No one else needed to know of Sam's possession.
The hope of keeping my death a secret doesn’t last long when Dorothy asks, "So, what was your Heaven like?"
I gulp before trying to play dumb. "W-what? I don't know what you're talking about."
"Maricela, you died. Don't worry about it, though. You're not a real hunter until you've died and come back again." She answers as she stands.
"What makes you think I died?"
"Heaven—it's your dream life. And if you were zapped by the Wicked Witch," She snaps her fingers, adding emphasis. "Instant death. I would know. She killed me, too."
"I don't know about a dream life. Favorite memory, sure." I mumble under my breath.
"Okay. Let's rewind here a bit. When did you die?" Charlie asks Dorothy.
"In Oz." She begins to pace the room as she speaks. "My father was obsessed with his work as a Man Of Letters, and then I was born...and nothing changed. He would keep his work a secret, but I was such a curious kid. I was always looking for trouble, looking for the next big adventure."
Charlie smiles, adding, "I know the feeling."
"I stowed away on one of his cases, wound up in the Emerald City, accidentally got left behind. It was terrifying."
"Wow, sounds like your parents didn't whoop you enough." The words had slipped out before I could realize I said it out loud. Charlie elbows my arm. "Oh, shit, sorry."
"Well, what happened?" My red-headed friend inquires.
"I met up with these three freedom fighters, and they thought I was this child of destiny chosen to kill the Wicked Witch. They protected me, and then the witch turned them into—"
"A scarecrow, a tin man, and a lion?" I ask.
Dorothy nods. "And then she hunted me down and killed me."
"Yeah, that never made it to the books." Charlie chuckles awkwardly.
"Sometimes real life is darker than fiction."
Charlie gapped at the woman before her. Then she asks, "And what about the books?"
Dorothy scoffs. "Revisionist history." She looks into the hallway, continuing, "That's my father's way of trying to undo what had happened to me. But I knew the truth."
My sluggishness had worn off, so I stood beside Charlie. She had her arms crossed as she had listened to her new friend. The redhead nods toward the brunette, motioning for us to walk over. I follow behind, and we enter the hall.
"When the witch came to our world, I became a hunter, and my father wrote those silly books."
"Don't you get it?" Charlie halts, causing us to do the same. "The books aren't silly. They're guidebooks filled with clues he left for you. Haggerty pored through each one, and his research led him to uncover the poppies, so maybe there's something else from the books we can use, preferably something with a pointy end."
She began to walk away as Dorothy called, "You are a genius. Come on. We've got to get to the garage."
"There's a garage in this place?!" Charlie shouts. "Oh, boy."
We run after Dorothy as she leads the way. Shortly, we arrive before a set of stairs. The brunette turns on the power switch, lighting up the entire garage. It was huge. Classic cars lined one side, while vintage motorcycles lined the other.
Dorothy pumps her fist. "Yes. I knew those Boy Scouts would keep it for me."
She hurriedly walks toward her bike, an Indian Junior Scout. She opens her saddle bag and pulls out a tin-head.
"Is that...?" Charlie trails off, not daring to say his name.
"Yeah." Dorothy turns it back to herself, frowning. "He didn't make it."
She sets it down and digs further into the bag. "Please be here. Please be here. Yes!"
"The ruby slippers," I utter as Dorothy hands a heel to Charlie.
"I don't believe it." She laughs as she examines one of the most famous memorabilia known to the 21st century. "Did you really walk down a brick road in these?"
"No. I never actually wore them. Seemed kind of tacky wearing a dead woman's shoes. Plus, I'm no good in heels, you know?"
Charlie nods in understanding as I inquire, "I don't suppose we could just wish her away?”
"Sorry. Another thing the books got wrong. But, like the poppies, these have magic from Oz—sharp magic."
"Oh. Death by shoe?" Charlie says with intrigue.
We chuckle, feeling giddy that we had a way to kill the Wicked Witch.
"There you are." A deep and gruff voice calls from behind us.
We turned around, and Sam and Dean stood motionless.
"Was that your Batman voice?" The redhead jokes. Their eyes glow a familiar green while emitting a growl. "That's definitely not your Batman voice."
We begin to walk backward, refusing to take our eyes off the boys as they slowly stroll toward us.
"It's her. She possessed the both of them," states Dorothy.
"I missed you, my pretty," Sam spoke.
Through Dean, she says, "Killing you a second time will be just as sweet as the first."
"Guys, I know you're in there." Charlie tries appealing to their humanity. "Dean, you can't let the witch do this. If she opens the door, she's going to destroy Oz."
Dean grabs Charlie's arms, and she screams in fear before he slams her back into a glass window. "I have no intention of escaping to Oz."
Sam finishes, speaking directly to her old foe. "I'm going to bring my armies here."
Dorothy swings the heel at him, but he quickly ducks and tackles her instead. I stand between them, frozen. Who should I help first? Or should I run off and find the witch?
"Don't worry. You and your friend will join Dorothy right after you two watch her die." Dean tells the woman in front of him.
"God, I hope you'll be able to reproduce after this," I murmur before kicking between his legs. He groans loudly, his body going stiff before dropping to the floor. "Charlie, run!"
Sam looks over at us, and Dorothy uses the distraction to grab the wooden staff beside her. Just as the younger Winchester turns his attention back to the girl he pinned, she jabs the makeshift weapon into his face. She knocks him off of her, and he falls back with a grunt. Dorothy grabs the heel before I offer my hand. She uses it to pull herself up and then spots Charlie.
"Go. We'll buy you some time." She shouts as she throws the slipper.
She catches it and runs down the stairs to save the day. The two men recover and slowly stand. Sam stares at Dorothy as Dean stares at me. The brunette holds up the staff, eager to use her combat skills.
"All right. Let's see what you pencil necks are made of."
Sam charges toward her, and she strikes. His large hand grabs the weapon and thrusts it in her face, instantly drawing blood beside her mouth. He snatches it back and snaps the wooden staff in half before tossing it to where she found it. Dean picks me up in one swift motion and flings toward Dorothy, knocking us both down. We quickly stand, facing the men.
"All right, let's do this the old-fashioned way." She puts up her dukes, preparing to fight her opponent. Knowing we didn't stand a chance but refused to go down without a fight, I mirror her stance.
"My body cannot hurt you." The witch talks through Sam as Dean pulls a knife and walks towards me, finishing with, "But theirs can."
Dorothy throws a punch at Sam, and I throw one at Dean. He dodges it by grabbing my arm and spinning me around. My back presses against his chest and he quickly wraps his arm around my torso, holding me tight. I was face to face with Dorothy; Sam had overpowered her like his brother did me. My captor brings his blade towards my neck, the steel taunting my throat. I gulp deeply, fear running through my body. Luckily, it doesn't last long. Sam's eyes flash green. He blinks a few times then lets go of Dorothy. Dean pulls the knife away and his hold loosens.
In his normal voice, Sam asks, "What the hell just happened?"
"Charlie." Dorothy and I say in unison.
Dean turns me around to face him. "You okay?"
"I'm fine," I sigh in relief. "Now, let's go find our girl."
We sprint out of the garage, the boys ahead of us. We check each corridor we pass until we enter the War Room. Sam waves his gun around as a precaution before we look up to the balcony where Charlie stands. The Wicked Witch was nowhere to be seen. The redhead waves the key the witch stole in triumph.
"Ding-dong, bitches."
Dean rolls his eyes, angry she faced the witch alone. It was obvious that part of his annoyance was from her accomplishment since it didn't help his argument about her hunting. Sam smiles, proud of his friend and amused his brother had been wrong. I’m just as proud as Sam, knowing Charlie had what it took to be a great hunter.
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We meet back in the garage. Sam, Charlie, and I jog up the stairs while the other two wait near the large garage door. Dean had moved Baby in, parking her right in the center.
"Baby looks good in here, huh?" Dean asks as he approaches us.
Sam chuckles, "Not bad."
"Dean..." Charlie nods, gesturing for him to follow her away from the rest of the group.
I follow behind Sam towards the brunette. "Dorothy, I, uh—" He stares down at the book he holds. "I found something in the archives. Pretty sure it belongs to you."
He holds it up for her to see: it was a first edition 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.'
She gladly accepts it, petting the hardcover. "You have no idea how odd it is having a series of books written about you."
You snicker, knowing Sam could relate to that feeling all too well.
He tries to repress a grin as he answers, "Actually, I-I do know, uh, and it is definitely weird. But you know what? End of the day, it's our story, so we get to write it."
Dorothy walks toward Dean and Charlie as we follow. "Not bad for a bunch of librarians." The elder Winchester chuckles before she asks, "You mind keeping an eye on my bike for me?"
With his arms crossed, he responds, "Yeah, yeah, as long as you don't mind me taking it for a spin once in a while."
Dorothy pretends to think about it before replying, "Deal. Thank you for everything. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a rebellion to finish." She turns toward Charlie, inquiring, "So, you coming or what?"
Her eyes widen, stunned by the question. "What? With you? To Oz."
"Yeah. You said you were looking for adventure. Well, here it is, red. Come help me find my damn dog."
Dean quickly tries to dissuade her. "You have no idea what's in Oz. I mean, t-there's flying monkeys, armies of witches. There's all kinds of danger."
"Promise?" Charlie lights up.
Dean's caught off guard, not expecting her to consider the cons as pros. She pulls him into an embrace, giving him her answer. The hug doesn't last long, just enough to say ‘See you later.’ When she pulls away, she turns to me. I give her a small smile. The moment was bitter-sweet. Of course, I didn't want my friend to leave, but this was the adventure she'd been waiting for.
She ushers me into her arms, and I happily accept. "Go kick some ass."
"You know it."
I pull away and step back, allowing Sam to get his turn.
"If you need anything, just, uh," He pulls her into his embrace, concluding with, "Tap your heels together three times, okay?"
They pull away before she answers. "Me? What about you crazy kids? You gonna be all right without me?" Sam smiles as he glances at Dean, who shrugs dramatically. "Take care of yourselves."
Charlie glances at each of us, taking us in until the next time she sees us, whenever that may be. We nodded, telling her to do the same and that it was okay for her to go. She and Dorothy turn and walk a few steps to the garage doors. The brunette pulls out the key to Oz and slides it into the keyhole, unlocking the doors before them. With a heavy push, the doors open, revealing the land of Oz. The girls cross over, and Sam, Dean, and I stride closer, our mouths agape.
Holy shit, I thought. I can't freaking believe it. It was real. Out of everything we've seen, Oz is real. And it was beautiful. The sun was high in the sky, illuminating the captivating realm. The yellow brick road paved the way through the land towards the Emerald City, surrounded by grassy mountains. The Palace of Oz stood in the heart of the city. It glimmered and shined, even from so far away.
Charlie glances back, the biggest smile gracing her face. Dorothy salutes us, and Sam salutes back. Our amazement was more than words could describe. We watch as she and Dorothy begin their path on the yellow brick road. The garage doors close behind them, but curiosity makes the boys push them back open. But the realm was gone, along with our dear friend. We sigh, seeing the tunnel that leads out of the bunker instead.
"Think she'll be back?" Dean inquires.
"Of course. There's no place like home." Sam answers.
No place like home. The words echo in my brain. I couldn't remember the last time I was in Wisconsin. Maybe six or seven months ago. Suddenly, I become very homesick.
Quietly, I make my way back to my room. I grab my duffle bag and set it on my mattress. After heading straight to my dresser, I pull it open and stuff a week's worth of outfits into the bag. I dart around the room, collecting everything I need. Once I finish, I begin mentally checking off items. A knock on the door draws my attention.
"Come in," I call.
The door opens, and Dean walks in. "Hey, I just wanted to—" His eyes glance at my weekend bag. "A-are you leaving?"
"Uh, yeah, I am."
"Mari, you can't be serious," He strolls into my room and towards me. "Look, I know I was stupid. I shouldn't've said what I said. I was just pissed, and even though I know it's not an excuse, I don't think you should leave because of it."
"No, Mari. Just listen." He closes the distance between us quickly. "I don't deserve you. I treated you like shit, and you—you threw yourself in front of me anyway, knowing you were gonna die. And for that, I'll be forever thankful."
I shrug as if it was no big deal as my gaze wanders from his beautiful eyes, but really, I was trying to keep the tears at bay.
"I've taken you for granted, and I, uh, I wanted to say I'm sorry." His large hand brushes my side bang behind my ear, capturing my attention. Dean's face is so close, I can feel his breath as he begs, "Please, don't leave."
"I..." My breath gets caught in my throat. He’s dangerously close. So close I can reach up and kiss him. I wait for him to make the first move, but when he doesn't, my doubt prevails. "I'll be back. I promise."
His gaze lingers a little while longer before he pulls me into an embrace. I melt into his arms, letting the anger drift away. His fingers comb through my hair while his other hand rubs soothing circles against my back. With every strength in my body, I hold the tears in. The urge to cry passes and I couldn’t be more grateful. Our hug lasts longer than any other one we've exchanged and, in some way, it was healing.
"So, where you headed?"
"It's been a while since I've seen my family. Figured I'd go visit for a week. No place like home, right?"
"Don't forget this is your home too. No matter how many arguments we might get into, you belong here, with us. Only if you want to."
I chuckle but reassure him. "I want to."
"Good. I'm glad we're on the same page."
The last few words remind me of my Heaven, and I couldn’t be happier to have spent it with the Winchesters.
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FOREVER TAGS : @jaredpadonlyyyy, @nicksalchemy1, @impala67rollingthroughtown, @nancymcl, @graciehams
@spacecowgirl126, @lmg14, @gurneetsadhra23, @crooked-haven, @idontwannabehere7
LEFT A MARK TAGS : @k-slla, @angelbabyyy99, @yvonneeeee, @mohrkaya-blog, @ladysparkles78
@whichwitchwanda, @spellbinding10
SUPERNATURAL TAGS : @criminalyetminimal, @deanscroissant, @lailawinchesterr, @10ava01, @nikimisery
DEAN TAGS : @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles, @angelbunny222, @niktwazny303, @angelicp0etry, @xxorazz
@lucid315, @globetrotter28, @chi_raz, @deansbbyx
JENSEN TAGS : @cheynovak, @deadlymistletoe, @1-read-the-hobbit-in-1937, @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld, @kindollss
@smoothdogsgirl, @juicyballsworld, @kamisobsessed, @devilslittlehelper, @elenawritesxx
@quietgirled, @giggles1026, @ravenrose18, @writtenbyhollywood, @spxideyver
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: do not steal, plagiarize, translate, and/or republish any of my works* on here or another platform
*beside my writing, my works include : all banners, dividers, and gifs that i use (which were made by me,) unless otherwise stated.
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ask-woods · 2 days ago
you hear a rustle come from somewhere in a cabinets. you open one, and lo and behold, the strange little dog is there! you have no idea how it could've got there.
it seems to have been caught snacking on something it really shouldn't: baker's chocolate. you go to stop it but it only snacks faster until it's gone. it licks its little chops at you with what you could only imagine as embarrassment.
you received: A Whole Lotta Nothing whoops...
Woods looks in utter betrayal and devastation as Goober devoured every hint of chocolate in their pantry. It wasn’t like it would be useful with the disastrous brownie cupcakes he and Ena had made, but still.
“Aw, Goober, come on, man. Not our chocolate..”
He groaned, sighing to himself and frowning while grumbling under his breath.
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striveattemptfail · 3 months ago
ao3 wrapped [writers edition]
stolen from here. answering everything myself bc i'm too impatient to wait for people to ask me things lol. all stats are as of publishing this post ✌️
(cw: gifs included for some answers)
1. How many words have you written this year?
20,488 according to my stats page
technically speaking though i've written way more bc i have a bunch of wips i haven't posted yet 😅
2. How many works did you publish this year?
nine (9)!!!
i wish i could round this out to 10 before the year ends but i'm 90% sure it's not gonna happen 😔😔
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
You'll be there to push me up the hill — poolverine — 154 kudos — 900+ hits
it's chockfull of my personal movie!deadpool headcanons and things i want for post-canon dp&w
i only wish i could've squeezed in even more scenes to include russell and x-force but i barely managed to finish it on time for poolvertober so alas
special shout out to: Feel your way — poolverine — 113 kudos — 1.1k hits
i haven't written smut in literal years so i'm both shocked and grateful that i 1) wrote it at all, and 2) finished + posted it lol
4. What work of yours has the most hits?
for 2024: knee deep in the couch seat and you're not eating me out — 1.5k hits
in general: Just take my hand, and let’s enjoy — miragen & kuroko — 8k hits
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
knee deep in the couch seat and you're not eating me out — 8 comment threads + a lot of very sweet comments on tumblr and twitter (ಥ‿ಥ)❤️💛
i rushed to post on time for that day's poolvertober prompt so i wasn't very proud of it
but i'm so glad that a ton of people liked it anyway!
6. Favorite title you used
knee deep in the couch seat and you're not eating me out — insp. by chappel roan's casual
i saw the honda odyssey scene, then i heard the song, and I Immediately Knew i had to bastardize these lyrics for a fic lmfao
once again, apologies to ms roan /o\
i just!!!
does this not embody those lyrics?!?!?!?!?!!!
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7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
i haven't repeated an artist for titles this year!
in general though, i use red velvet english lyric translations the most LOL
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
wade wilson/logan howlett aka poolverine
it's not even close
i'd be embarrassed but tbh i'm just shocked i even managed to finish one (1) fic at all
much less publish several of them!
i meant it when i said the poolverine brain rot might pull me out of my misery era (no jinx!)
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9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
mustard and ketchup old man yaoi has me in a chokehold but i'm not particularly upset about it looool
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10. What work was the quickest to write?
chaos, we so catostrophic — poolverine + blind al — 1.1k wc
i finished it in one frantic session filled with 10-min sprints 😅😂
my original idea for that day's poolvertober prompt was getting too long to finish on time, so i spent ~2 hrs in a haze laughing at myself while i thought about how funny it'd be for blind al to shoot a glock inside the apartment lmfaooo
11. What work took you the longest to write?
maybe it's a little too early (to know if this is gonna work) — poolverine — 5.2k wc
the dang &1 scene took me way too long to write bc i couldn't figure out a sideplot for it
did it need a sideplot? no.
would it have bothered me to no end if i didn't set the scene properly? yes.
and that's not even getting into the fact that logan and wade kept getting horny instead of keeping things cute and sweet like i originally planned!
i rewrote each scene multiple times bc they couldn't be serious smdh (=_=)
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
*checks phone*
*checks laptop*
—a lot.
at least 20.
definitely more.
i'm too lazy to count all of them between the fact that i have multiple draft files of the same fic + many of these are wips i've been sitting on for years
whoops soz
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13. What’s your longest work of the year?
You'll be there to push me up the hill — 5.4k wc
despite being the longest and hitting a wall with a few of the scenes, it was relatively easy to write
like i said, it's just filled with personal headcanons ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
all i had to do was verbalize whatever the hell goes on in my head and put it on paper lmaaaooo
14. What’s your shortest work of the year?
Back Seat — poolverine — 380 wc
it was supposed to be 300 words flat so it could be a triple drabble but these two idiots don't know how to shut up lol
ngl i completely forgot about this fic so this is likely the correct answer for q.10..........
.....that said, i'm not rewriting my answers bc i'm lazy whoops /o\
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
.......wasn't this already asked in q.12? lmao
i guess i'll give a special shout out to the poolverine professor/student au from an outsider pov bc the premise is so funny and i have it all planned out already
will i actually finish it? who knows!
certainly not me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
actually informative tag: Canon Compliant — 8/9 works
fandom specific tag: Logan Is So Done (X-Men) — 4/9 works
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
i love writing wade wilson aka deadpool bc our inner monologues are very similar
babbling on and on and on happens effortlessly
(it's the rampant adhd lmao)
both of us also have a crude sense of humour so writing the stupid crap that comes out of wade's mouth is easier than with other comedic characters bc i have the sense of humour of a 12 y/o boy and luckily wade usually does too lol
the problem is i am not near as witty as him, nor do i have the wherewithal to actually write how brutal he truly is sometimes, nor am i acquainted with pop culture enough so he can break the fourth wall effectively
which now sounds like i shouldn't be writing him at all but WHATEVER! IDC!!!
i still love writing him as a ramble-y, annoying prick bc i am a ramble-y, annoying prick myself LOOOOOL
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18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
logan howlett aka wolverine
i know i wrote in his pov more than wade, but still
writing logan is hard for a simple reason: i'm not like him
my biggest self-critique is that it just seems like i gave logan adhd
his internal monologue is filled with run-on sentences when it really shouldn't be
and then his actual dialogue is just.
constant grunting.
i do understand and relate to him in some ways, but there's also a reason why i haven't really gotten into him as a character despite being adjacent to the x-men franchise for most of my life
he's a complex dude and i'm honestly just grateful i haven't received flames yet (omg i'm in old fart) for not writing him with the care he deserves
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19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
honestly i wouldn't mind staying on the poolverine train for another year
it'd be nice to branch out to other ships i enjoy (tbh i can't believe i haven't posted anything for jayroy, or more wlw)
but if poolverine wants to keep their hold on me for even longer, who am i to stop them?
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
everything bc only a third of them were beta'd lol
21. How many kudos in total did you get this year?
as of drafting this post: 1,099
hopefully by the time i publish this i'll break 1.1k! 😩🙏
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22. Which work has the most comments?
it's a tie!
You'll be there to push me up the hill — 18 comments total
Feel your way — poolverine — 18 comments total
23. Did you do any collaborative works this year?
unfortunately no 😔😔
i've had tremendous help from @broosepayne and @comatose--overdose with idea bouncing though!
24. Did you write any gifts this year?
again, unfortunately no
25. Did you receive any gifts this year?
which is just fine since i couldn't give any gifts 😅😅
26. What’s your most common category?
shocker, i know (<- sarcasm)
i actually have some m/f and f/f wips but none of them are anywhere near complete or polished enough to post 😩😔
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27. What do you listen to while writing?
for the past few years, it's usually playlists from this channel!
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
You'll be there to push me up the hill
refer to q.3 for why lmao
(can you tell i'm running out of steam trying to finish this? /o\)
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
it's a tie between
“He believed that I, a hero, could still save someone after I refused to save him.” Piotr’s eyes wander back over to where Wade is, whose hands are in the air as he enthusiastically elaborates on something to a very patient Laura. The two siblings laugh at something he says. “Wade is not perfect,” Piotr finally rumbles, “but perhaps what he is doesn’t need to be.” (via You'll be there to push me up the hill)
And with a body aching from a day’s hard work, a full belly, a dog on his lap, and a man he realized was dangerously close to falling in love with sleeping peacefully by his side, he thought, I think I could live the rest of my life like this. (via tanoshii omoide — victuuri — 600+ wc)
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30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
it truly is the fact that i wrote AND published anything at all
i've been in a slump (creatively and otherwise) bc of my aforementioned mentioned misery era
jotting down ideas has been the extent of any creative endeavours for a very long time
finishing anything was a shock
actually posting them even more so
the fact that it happened more than once is nothing short of a miracle tbqh
mr reynolds and huge jacked man put crack something in this year's old man yaoi and i am very grateful for it!! 😂😂
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WOOH i finally finished! if anyone actually reads this: you're a real one and i thank you<3
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raptorific · 9 months ago
Okay, so, I'm gonna try to level with you, both fan to fan and white person to white person. It's not great that you didn't notice everyone was white or consider race to be a factor. That "haha whoops! boy, don't I have egg on my face!" feeling you're having is both natural and appropriate
It doesn't say something "really bad" about you in terms of, like... it doesn't mean you're a Secret Racist that even you didn't know about. It means that you bumped into a blindspot you didn't realize you had, which is somewhat embarrassing to do, but will happen every so often when you're committed to the noble goal of "don't be racist."
The real answer to your question of "should I feel bad?" is gonna be complicated and annoying, because it's another question: "who does it serve if you do feel bad?" Does it actually help anybody if you do? Yes, you should have noticed. No, you didn't notice. I'm not going to pretend this is fine, but it's also something you can't go back in time and correct. What you DO have the power to do is roll with the punch, and count it as a blessing that now you're prepared for Next Time.
The actually important thing is whether or not you learned from the experience. I don't think anyone is keeping score of whether you feel adequately guilty about having missed a twist in a Doctor Who episode. The thing that people will take note of is what you took away from that moment
Next time you hear someone say "maybe he's not as stupid as he looks" about a black person, as Lindy said about the Doctor, you're going to ask "uhh. why do you think he looks stupid?" Next time you see someone immediately dismiss a black person and write them off as an aggressive unsolicited creep, as Lindy did to the Doctor, and then hear out a white person saying the same thing, as Lindy did to Ruby, you're going to notice that they're being unfair and treating people differently based on their race. And next time you see an idyllic little town where everybody's white, you're going to notice, and you're going to realize that it probably isn't an accident or coincidence, and that maybe the people there want it to be Whites Only, maybe they're only Nice and Idyllic to white people, and the only reason they seem so nice and normal is because they've successfully kept all the people of color from showing up and exposing them.
The very fact that you're having this thought shows that you've grown from this experience, and yes, it often feels bad to grow because it makes you realize that you could've been better before. Doesn't feel great to get caught in a moment of ignorance, I get that. But lucky enough, you can just go "whoops! Won't get fooled again!" and then move forward through life with the knowledge to notice when a sizable community is exclusively white, and to know that this is pretty much always because of exclusionary practices, whether that's "actively barring people of color from entry" or "passively making it an uncomfortable enough space for people of color that they don't feel safe being there"
Guys should I like… feel bad that I didn’t notice everyone in Finetime was white until the racism twist? Like I hated Lindy’s attitude but thought she was acting that way to both Ruby and the Doctor, I seriously didn’t pick up on it.
I feel like that says something really bad, but I don’t know what????? If I wanted her to stop and trust the Doctor but didn’t realize the issue was caused by him being black, am I part of the problem??????
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essektheylyss · 5 years ago
Decided to learn Italian and German simultaneously and Italian is the accent that I'm actually familiar with and I already know based on how I've had to adjust when I switch to German that I'm gonna end up speaking German with an Italian accent
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duchess-kyuupid · 2 years ago
Hi! Your fic about Idia melted my heart.
Could I request a female reader singing Zero from Vanitas no Carte (it's in English) to Jamil at VDC because she admires and adores him?
Of course! I loved Vanitas no Carte, especially the ed song- like it's so pretty! Once again, for anyone who wants to listen along or has never heard the song, here it is! And sorry it took some time, dearie! I should be working on my college paper rn, but I've kept you waiting for long enough! Hope you enjoy <3
[Fem! Reader (no pronouns used, so it can be read as gn too), Fluff, Set in Book 5] {Uh,, this is a long one guys... About 4,600 words, for reference...Whoops, sorry not sorry I love this man to bits lol}
~Dedicating a Song to Jamil at SDC/VDC~
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Okay, well, admittedly, you may have been more relieved than you should have been that you were not accepted into Vil's little group to represent the school. You always thought that your voice wasn't that great, but Grim wanted to tryout with you, and Crowley was offering to improve your living conditions at the Ramshackle dorm, so reluctantly you had agreed. You felt quite fortunate that Grim's off-tune (and frankly horrid) singing drowned out your own at the audition. However, Grim did not share those same sentiments.
"Hmph, they're missing out by not picking me, my singing is clearly superior to those two," Grim pouts as you carry him in your arms back home. He said that it'd make him feel better after basically being forced into a manager role in their group.
"Shouldn't you be proud for Ace and Deuce for making the cut? Besides, we're still helping out by letting them stay at our dorm. You'll get to watch them work themselves to the bone while you'll be getting tuna for doing basically nothing on the sidelines, isn't that a win for you?" You reason in an attempt to cheer him up a little.
"Hmm, I guess you're right! I'll be living in the lap of luxury while those two idiots do all the work!" he chuckles evilly with a mischievous smile. You supposed cheering him up wasn't such a difficult thing to do when you knew what to say.
"But don't you want to participate too?" he asks out of the blue.
"What? Me, participate? Nonono, that sort of thing isn't for me- I'm not that great, honestly. I think I'd just rather just settle with being their manager than going up there with them," you chuckle nervously.
"But you know," he chuckles, a gleam in his eyes that tells you that he's up to no good again, "I think I remember hearing a certain someone's voice singing in the middle of the night sometimes. 'Was so pretty I couldn't go back to sleep."
"I-I, well, are you sure that it wasn't just the ghosts pulling a prank on you?" your face starting to erupt in that tell-tale sign of embarrassment that revealed to Grim that he was exactly on the right track. With a haughty laugh and an evil smile, he replies,
"Nope. Asked them already, and they even said they saw you singing in the courtyard." Busted. You groan loudly and try to look away from Grim's teasing looks, but alas, as you were currently carrying him in your arms, facing yourself away from him would require you to rotate your head around like an owl- that or you'd just have to stop looking where you were walking and risk tripping over something.
"Please don't tell me how many times you heard me..." you say as your ears become redder than Riddle's hair.
"Fufufu, I don't understand why you're so embarrassed about it! You've clearly got some talent in singing- not as much as me of course, but it's still impressive for a human! So why didn't you sing like that at the audition? We could've been part of the team and had all the spotlight together!"
"Well, that's the problem," you half-heartedly laugh, scratching your cheek nervously, "I'm not a big fan of the spotlight. I've actually always wanted to be a singer, but I always got stage fright so I never went through with it."
"OHOHOHO, is my dearest Prefect of Ramshackle in need of my everlasting kindness?" you hear a sudden voice proclaim from above you and you shriek in surprise as Headmaster Crowley, quite literally, drops right in front of you out of nowhere.
"Hey! Stop showing up out of the blue like that! Ya nearly gave me a heart attack!" Grim exclaims (who may or may not have accidentally scratched your arms in his own shock). Crowley ignores Grim's complaints as he stares into your eyes with a wide, knowing smile.
"I couldn't help but overhear that you enjoy singing, and!" he emphasizes, "I just so happened to be nearby the area when you were doing your audition. I believe that should be sufficient to grant you a spot for a solo at the SDC."
"You need not thank me for my generosity! I know that I am just ever so kind to my wonderful students- it is simply a part of my job as the Headmage of this amazing academy! Oh, but, there is the tiny fact that you will not be representing our school in your performance, but I'm sure that you will be more than happy with the arrangements nonetheless!" Crowley proclaims excitedly. Your mind was still reeling in confusion, as is most encounters with this man, so Grim asks in your place,
"Right, so what's the catch?"
To which Crowley gasps dramatically as if he's been hurt by Grim's question, "To think of such a thing! Why, I'm merely extending my gratitude towards one of my favorite students who I only wish to see succeed!"
"Yeah, yeah, sure you do," Grim states with a pensive look on his face.
"Buuuut, if said favorite student of mine did want to sing at the SDC competition- the solo competition is considered separate from the group acts, and thus the first place winner of the solo's will also receive a fair compensation of around 25 thousand Thaumarks! Isn't that just enticing?" At the sound of that, Grim immediately hops on board; he looks to you with excited eyes, almost begging you to accept the offer.
"Uhm, why are you asking me for this specifically, headmage?" you ask quietly.
"Why, it's as I've stated earlier, I merely wish to see you succeed! Aren't I so generous?"
"Well, I mean, you probably heard what I was saying earlier. I'm not good with crowds, so I-"
"Hush, hush with that nonsense!" Crowley interrupts you by bringing up a finger to your mouth to stop you from speaking, "I know I already promised you better living arrangements for lending the Ramshackle dorm to Vil's group, however, if you decide to agree to this solo act, then I will also arrange for free personal catering for you at Ramshackle....But only for lunch!" And he steps back from you with his hands on his hips, standing proud at his joke of an offer.
"Isn't that just like lunch at the school cafeteria? And besides, I'm not even at the dorm at lunchtime during the school week."
"Sounds like a great deal, sign me up!" Grim exclaims, despite your words.
"Wonderful, wonderful! I'm so glad that you've agreed! I look forward to your spectacular performance!" And without another word, Crowley flies away to who knows where, almost as if to avoid having to answer to whatever you had to say next.
"Grim, you're grounded from eating any tuna until after the SDC is over."
By now it was far, far too late to be changing your mind about this- if you've even had a choice in it to begin with. You wish right now that you could have just turned Crowley down when you had the chance, but now you were stuck with this. Stuck with having to come up with something for this show. Stuck here sitting in the middle of the night with only two weeks before the event, with nothing but a blank page to showcase for your 'routine.'
Half of it's because of your work as the new 'manager' for Vil's group, half of it's because you're also trying to keep up with your normal school work too, but the biggest reason why you've hardly touched it is because you just...don't know what to do.
Most of the time, the songs you'd sing out in the courtyard would be songs your parents wrote and sang to you as a child, so they became your way of connecting back to home. Sure, you've written one or two songs of your own because you really did want to become a singer, but you always felt that those songs could never compare to the ones other people would write. And now, having to watch over Vil's group like this, you can't help yourself from comparing yourself to them.
But you technically made a promise, and you were going to go through with it. So, you decided that you would not go to sleep until you've written at least one (1) verse. Unfortunately, this has resulted in you staring at a blank piece of paper for the past 5 hours, with nothing coming up in your head to write about for your song and the time was nearing almost 5 a.m. Vil was definitely going to reprimand you tomorrow for getting no sleep, but it is technically also your fault for deciding not to tell any of them about your entry.
There's no hard feelings against them, of course, it's just that, you thought that if you did decide to tell them that you were also participating in the event, maybe it wouldn't work out too well for you. Sometimes, they can be a little bit...overbearing, to put it kindly, so you didn't want them to influence the song you're writing with their strong personalities. Vil would probably make you go through his own special skincare routine, both Rook and Kalim would give you so many compliments that you wouldn't be able to find any constructive criticism, and Ace and Deuce would probably give you too much criticism, under the guise of teasing you. And Epel? You honestly don't know how he'd react. He might just be in agreement with you as you both mutually didn't want to do this, but in the end you don't see him being very helpful seeing as how well he's been doing recently.
Jamil was probably the only one you could bring yourself to trust with this. He'd give you his solid, honest opinion without being too harsh or too jokey about it. He knows a lot about a lot of different things, so he could offer some advice on your song- what to change, what might sound better, and the like. Which would be helpful, if you had anything written down to begin with.
And in your tired, sleep-deprived state, you thought it'd be a great idea to go to him and ask for advice at this hour. So you leave your room quietly, knocking upon his door to get his attention. It didn't really take very long to wake him up in this way, and he answers the door in his pajamas with his face looking like he was fully awake and ready for anything.
"What's wrong? Did something happen?" he asks gravely as he sees the look on your face (to be fair, you almost looked like a dead person with your tired eyes and your hunched over posture).
"Not an emergency. Need advice," you mumble.
"Advice for what? Can it wait until the morning? What are you even doing up this early?" he sighs.
You take a second to respond to his questions in your sleepy, delirious state, but when your mind finally processes it, you just give him a tiny shrug and a measly, 'I dunno.'
So with yet another sigh coming from him, he gently escorts you back to your room, assuming that you're just one of those types of people who lucidly sleepwalk sometimes. But when he tries to set you back in your bed, you stubbornly stand in place, crying out, "No! I'm not going to sleep until I write something down."
"You're trying to write something?"
You nod, "Mhm, but I don't know what. My parents would write about each other. They would write about the things they love. I wanna be like them, but..." your words drift away as your mind tries to succumb to sleep.
"So you want advice on what to write?" he asks with yet another sigh, and you manage to nod your head again, stubborn as you are to not sleep until you've gotten something done. "Then my advice for you is to go to sleep. Forcing yourself like this isn't going to get you anywhere. Having a clear mind is essential to writing. And when you've got plenty of rest, go outside and try out some new things. Sometimes all it takes is a change of scenery to get your inspiration going. I'll tell the others not to bother you today, so just rest for as long as you need to," he says quietly. If you were actually lucid enough to pay attention to his body language, you'd have noticed the soft looks he was giving you, or the way that he was being as gentle as possible with you as he led you back to your bed successfully.
In any case, you accepted his advice, falling dead asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow, and Jamil is left shaking his head at your (adorable) antics as he walks back to his own room.
When you woke up, it was nearly 2 in the afternoon, and as promised, no one had bothered you at all. In fact, the whole dorm was quiet, with not a single soul to be seen. Which was completely reasonable, seeing as how technically school was still in session right now and the others would have practice for a few more hours in the ballroom of the Pomefiore building after that. In other words, you had the whole place exclusively for yourself for the rest of the day.
And yet, you found something quite peculiar sitting on your bedside table. It was a tea set, with a piping hot cup of tea sitting in the middle and a small note leaning against it. Holding up the note closer to your face, you can see that it reads,
'I've used magic to make sure that the tea stays warm no matter how many hours pass, but it starts to wear off when you touch it. The tea is an herbal remedy, supposed to help you clear your mind and stay focused. I wish you luck with your writing. Signed, Jamil'
Jamil made this? For you? Your face grows red in embarrassment as you recall asking for vague advice last night (or this morning, technically). You take a sip of the tea anyway, and you could feel inspiration coming to you as your thoughts continued to wander to Jamil.
'His smile. His kindness. His determination and his thoughtfulness. There's a million different things I could write about him and yet never reach the end of all the amazing things about him.'
And for the rest of the day, it was as if your pen had a mind of its own as it flew across the paper to retell your experience of you finding something that has always been there, yet you're only just realizing it now.
And so finally, the day of the event had arrived. It was organized so that the groups would perform first, then the solo performers would come after, and then the results of the competition would follow that, which admittedly made you nervous because it meant that the person you've dedicated this song to will be watching you perform said song. You dreaded the idea of being so vulnerable in front of this many people, however, if it meant that you could release all of these pent-up emotions within you, then perhaps it might do you some good to let it all out...
You dressed as nicely as you could, given the limited amount of clothing you had available to you since you've come to this world, but you thought you did a pretty good job at making yourself look presentable out there.
But now, it was finally go-time. All of that preparation, the secret trips to the woods at night to practice your singing and your dancing, the little glances over to Jamil as he's practicing his own routine- all of it is going to be put to the test here and now. The only barrier between you and first place now is your conviction to sing about your love for a certain Scarabian dorm member.
Your name gets called on the speakers, and you sheepishly walk up on stage with your microphone. Your eyes instinctively begin to search the crowd for your friends, but you stop yourself before you could find them because seeing their faces might make you even more nervous than you already are. You stand in the middle of the stage for a moment as the crowd quietens and the instrumentals of your song begins.
'Jamil, I dedicate this song to you- you who gave me the inspiration to compose, you who has given me the courage to follow my dreams. To you, who I've loved for all this time without realizing it. Please, accept my feelings as I sing just for you,' you think, taking a deep breath, and you start to sing.
'Ahead in the empty distance, Fading away unanswered, I turn off the lights to see all the colors in the shadow, Travels across an instant, Far beyond tomorrow, I'm watching a faint breath send a ripple through the water'
Your voice rings out softly, with a gentleness most wouldn't expect for a song appearing at SDC as it echoes through the stadium. And you smile as you get lost in your thoughts again about Jamil. He has always been the type of person to stay in the shadows, always trying his best to avoid any unnecessary attention being drawn to him, but alas, it was exactly because of this that his presence made such faint ripples in your heart to begin with. As the music kicks up a notch, you begin to start your carefully choreographed dance that accompanied this song.
'When I lose myself, I become you, Ichi kara juu leads me back to, Here inside your veil, Finer than a grand view, We'll take a dive, Not even tides can come between us,'
And you recall clear as day how when you were basically delirious from sleep deprivation, your mind's first thoughts were to go to him. Because you knew that you could trust Jamil with anything (despite his many warnings that you shouldn't trust him as much as you do). Your dance suddenly changes its slow momentum as the song progresses to be a bit faster.
'Was it you who I've been searching for, Spent my life alone and waited for, So tenderly and endlessly, You made me whole, you made me whole'
Coming to Twisted Wonderland has been in equal parts exciting and fun, yet so terribly lonely for you. You were lonely even in your own world, never having many friends who would support your interests, but Jamil always made you feel like you could be yourself around him. He was always just,,, safe.
'And the walls I built they melt away, With every touch in your embrace, Every day, every night, every note I play, You made me whole, you made me whole.'
You've become truly entranced into your thoughts, the lyrics and the dance movements coming to you naturally as your mind focuses on other things. From the crowd (that you've long since forgotten about), the people listening in were stunned to silence, enchanted by your voice and your song. Even your group of friends were staring at you with wide eyes as you continued to sing. Especially Jamil.
'How could I have been so blinded, Running away in circles, I hear my doubts drop, When I see you in the mirror,
Right beneath the surface, Washed away my sorrows, I feel your heartbeat, As it echoes through the hour'
Jamil can only stare at you with his eyes as wide as saucers, just like everyone else. Has he ever heard you sing before? No, he doesn't think he has, but he knows that you auditioned with Grim, Ace, and Deuce in front of Rook and Vil, so with a voice as beautiful as yours, why weren't you picked to represent the school? There must have been some sort of mistake in the auditioning process. You clearly had more talent than Ace and Deuce combined...
'When I lose myself, I become you, You are the moment I belong to, Here without our names,'
'Yes, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet... Jamil is so much more than just a servant to the Al-Asims. Oh, to be rid of the Viper name so that he no longer needs to suffer like he has.'
'We're back to being brand new, There's no need to hide, Just you and I until forever'
And as you repeat the chorus, Jamil can't help but to feel like certain parts of this song are quite familiar to him. Like the lyrics are grabbing hold of his heart and caressing it with the tenderness of a lover.
'Was it you who I heard through the door, When I cried and had no place to go? Every day, every night, every note I play, You made me whole, you made me whole.
Tracing and tracing the sunset, Appearing a zero and finally, Now I remember, Oh I have never lived a day without you
Untie the layer of memories, Louder we spin with the melody You are the only, only one for me'
No no no, this couldn't possibly be what he's thinking. This song is clearly a romantic ballad for someone that you must've fallen in love with at some point in time (either here or in your world). This 'familiarity' is just something his mind is making up. And just as he begins to dismiss his initial thoughts, you happen to finally make eye contact with him. You repeat the chorus again with a look in your eyes that convey everything that you're singing and more as you lose yourself to the music.
'I'll never believe I'm alone, In the end, we begin, 'till we meet again, You made me whole, you made me whole
I know I'm never alone.'
And with that, the song comes to an end, and the instrumentals fade out until the auditorium just sits still in complete silence. About a solid minute passes of silence, and you stare up at the crowd with an awkward look on your face. Thinking that this was something that the crowd has disliked, you were just about to apologize for your performance, but then the entire place erupts in an excited cheer.
"WHAT AN AN AWE-INSPIRING PERFORMANCE FROM A STUDENT AT NRC! WHY I DO BELIEVE THAT THIS MUST'VE BEEN ONE OF THE BEST WE'VE SEEN SO FAR!" you hear the announcer exclaim loudly on the speakers. You stare in shock at the loud crowd, looking at all of the happy faces (some were legitimately crying, namely Rook) cheering for you. In your embarrassment, your face reddens and you try to hide it behind your hands as you let out a meek 'thank you' to the microphone. You bow quickly and move to go backstage, but then you hear someone starting to chant 'Encore!' with many others following suit.
You leave it to the announcers to try to calm the crowd- there was absolutely no way you were going to sing another song up there again. You walk through the halls of the backstage area to get back to... Well, you didn't know where you wanted to go right now. Your face was so red right now and you were so embarrassed that you didn't know if you'd be able to handle the reactions of your friends congratulating you. Even worse, you don't know how you'd handle having Jamil congratulating you, with his stupidly cute smile and his devilishly charming eyes. You'd probably faint.
But speak of the devil and he shall appear, you see Jamil and the rest of your friends in Vil's group walking up to you with various different reactions on their faces. Predictably, Ace was teasing you for hiding away your good singing voice, Deuce and Epel both congratulated you like a normal person would, and Rook and Kalim were both brought to tears at your performance- to the point where Vil and Jamil basically had to rip them away from you (with the condition that you'd give Rook your autograph). Vil stared at you with his normal stern look at first before smiling and patting your head, saying something along the lines of you becoming yet another rival of his.
Jamil, though, he waited until everyone else was done with you before approaching you. Your heart had calmed down tremendously by then, but when you saw him walking up to you, you could feel your heart pounding inside your chest nervously. He gives you his most charming smile with a proud look on his face, and he says gently,
"You were amazing up there. I had no idea you could sing like that."
"Hehe, thanks," you chuckle nervously, looking anywhere but his handsome face, "I-uh... Remember that time I went to your room asking for advice on what to write?" he nods. "Yeah, well, that was for this, so uhm... Thank you, for, you know- giving me inspiration to write that song..."
"I gave you inspiration?" he hums, "I only told you to rest. I don't recall doing anything particularly inspiring." You let out a tiny squeak as you try to explain,
"Well! You know how it goes, one day you've got nothing and then another, you've got everything! You don't need to do anything specific to be inspired, it can just come out of nowhere!" you chuckle awkwardly, and in your nervousness you continued to talk, "And besides, you're plenty inspiration for me without even having to do anything! I wrote it for you, after all!" After the words left your mouth, you gasp and cover your mouth with your hands as your face burns bright red in embarrassment.
Jamil stares at you in shock for a moment after hearing your words. You wrote that...for him? Really? Him?
Well, he did have his suspicions of that at first, with the lyrics sounding as familiar as they did, but he brushed it off earlier, thinking that there would be no way that you would've written something so...so... romantic, for him. Did you really feel that way about him? Did you really reciprocate his feelings for you-- the ones that he's decided long ago to bury beneath the ground because there was absolutely no way you were going to like him that way?
Only one way to find out, he supposes.
Jamil slowly brings his hand to lift your face to look at him. The look in your eyes betrayed many of your emotions- embarrassment, anxiety...and hidden in it's depths, he thought he could see hints of adoration within them. In the past, he has considered using his unique spell to make you fall in love with him, however he has always decided against it, for one reason or another. So he knows that the emotions behind your eyes are real- that the lyrics for your song, which was made for him, was real.
So he takes a small leap of faith, choosing to kiss the side of your cheek, "Thank you, Prefect. It was a very lovely song."
"No," you say breathlessly (you were also in shock because you thought he was going to kiss your lips), "Thank you for being my muse."
OKAY, admittedly, this took me forever, but that's mostly on me for writing so much exposition before getting to the *actual* request part of the story lol Anon I hope that I didn't keep you waiting for too long for this request, and I hope that it was to your liking!
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knightonhorseback · 3 years ago
(A/N I like to think that Robin rambles quite a bit sometimes and because of this he's exposed quite a few embarrassing secrets of Finney's.)
One night Finney and Robin are out in the park with Bruce, Vance, Billy, and Griffin. Finney and Bruce are having a pleasant conversation, Vance is stuffing his face with whatever, Billy and Robin are talking about a new horror movie and Griffin is eating his food as well.
Robin hears Finn say something along the lines of "dancing is fun I'm not very good at it though."
Robin jumps in, his brow furrows, "what are you talking about you're an amazing dancer?" Bruce looks at him quizzically and Finney awkwardly laughs "I don't know what you're talking about I don't dance" Robin, clueless as ever, holds up his finger to point at Finn and says "yeah you do, you used to do balle-" He feels hands on his face and before he can continue saying anything Finney is kissing him. Now this is not the first time they've kissed although it is the first time they've kissed in front of their friends.
After about a second or two Finney pulls away bright red. Robin sits there, with his head still facing Finney red aswell. What pulls him out of his daze is whistling.
He snaps his head around to look at Bruce as Vance has swallowed the food in his mouth and comments.
"I didn't know Blake had the balls to kiss you?" Bruce, with a smile on his face, lightly elbows Vance in the ribs as Griffin continues.
"Robin's so red he looks more like a Cardinal." Billy busts out laughing at that and through weezy breaths says, "Yeah! And Finney looks like a turtle who can't fit into his shell!"
Robin turns to look back at Finney and what do you know, he really does look like a turtle. Robin smiles in amusement at that and Finney slaps him in the arm.
"Shut up!" "I didn't say anything!" Robin laughs rubbing his arm. Bruce, Billy, and Griffin are giggling at the interaction, and Vance is looking disgusted.
"Get a room! I'm trying to eat." "How are you not full? You've been stuffing your face so much I'm shocked you haven't bitten off your hand," Billy comments shaking a finger at him. "You little-" Billy stands up so quickly he almost knocks Griffin over and Vance practically jumps over the picnic table to chase him. Before Griffin can react Bruce is chasing after them.
"You already have three demerits for the week! Another one and you're spending the night in Juvie!" He tries to tell Vance, though he's so far he probably can't hear him. Griffin goes to make sure that if Billy does get his ass beat, he can take care of him.
Robin laughs at all of this and hears Finn lightly giggle.
"Y'know if you wanted to kiss me so bad you could've asked," putting his elbow on the table and head in his hand, he looks at Finney as Finney sits up a little straighter.
"I didn't want to kiss you right then," he muttered.
"So why did you?" Robin looked at him yet again confused. Finney started blushing again and smiles, "how else was I supposed to get you to shut up about ballet?"
Finally getting it, Robin's eyes widen so much they look like saucers, his forehead hits the table and he groans out, "ohhhh I'm so sorry."
Finney tries to suppress a laugh and pats Robin on the back, "It's okay, you're good" and Robin exclaims, "stop laughing at me!"
Making Finney laugh even more. Robin looks at him with the saddest puppy dog eyes he's ever seen and immediately grabs his face apologizing over and over again with tears in his eyes from laughing so much.
When he finally stops laughing he looks at Robin and his gorgeous brown eyes. Robin places his hand over Finney's hands that are still holding his cheeks.
After staring for another 10 second or so Robin breaks and smashes his lips against Finn's, who immediately responds with the same level of passion.
Of course, it ends all too soon when they here whistling and clapping and whooping coming from their friends. Immediately pulling away they see Bruce whistling and laughing, Vance and Griffin are clapping (with occasional yeah's coming from Griffin) and Billy running in circles whooping and laughing.
Finney pulls his hands away from Robin face, laughing as well, but Robin continues holding Finn's hand. Robin quickly stands up waving and yelling towards them.
The night ended on Robin's couch with a disney movie playing in the background (Bruce insisted it was so noone had nightmares). Billy wrapped in a blanket and in Griffin's arms on the chair. Bruce and Vance with their legs interwoven and heads laying on eachother on the floor leaning against the couch. And Robin on top of Finney with his hands threaded underneath Finn's back.
"Hoy hemos tenido un día perfecto" Robin whispered. Finney tapping his arm for a translation. "We had a perfect day today."
Finney sighed with content and absolute glee, "I know." They both smiled. Robin looked up at him, "I gotta get some meat on your bones flaco. Your hip is digging into my stomach." Robin chuckled out adjusting so he was laying against the couch with his head on Finney's shoulder.
Finney feigned offense "well I'm so sorry that you always pull me into your room before I can have a bite of your mom's cooking." Robin laughed again.
"Then I guess we'll have to starts eating in my room, and tomorrow we'll make everyone a big breakfast." Robin told him, with his hand slithering under Finn's shirt and resting on his stomach.
Finn laughed through his nose and kissed Robin on the head, "that sounds amazing, I'll help with breakfast." "You think you had a choice?" Robin stated sarcastically looking at Finn and laughing.
Before Finn could say anything else Vance swung his arm and slapped the Finney's leg groaning, "go to sleep assholes."
Once more Robin and Finney laughed before they both succumbed to the sweet calmness of slumber. Dreaming of the big breakfast they'd make in the morning with Vance grumbling about it being to early to be awake Bruce helping out a bit with breakfast before eventually getting pulled into cuddles on the couch with Vance. Griffin forcing Billy to sleep a little longer, because he's so used to waking up at 4am to deliver newspapers, with the promise of waking him up when everything was ready. Of course Billy refused unless Griffin slept with him, to which he could never refuse Billy's sleepy, puppy dog eyes.
As always, Finney having to yank Robin up and force him to get ready even though this was his idea (Robin never was a morning person). Finney making the pancakes and toast, burning Billy's bagel; per his request, and Robin making Chorizo and eggs just like his mother would when he was younger. And obviously bruce cut up some fruits he's definitely gonna force Vance to eat and reminding Finney to call Gwen and maybe invite her over for breakfast knowing she'll come (she'd never pass up free food.)
Oh yeah, today was most definitely a great day.
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vannybarber · 4 years ago
Know Your Place
Summary: Christopher Jamal Evans puts your ass in place.
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Chris Jamal Evans x Reader
Warnings: SMUT, cursing, aggressive behavior (nothing serious), mentions of cheating, implied smut, degrading.
This is based off of Barbershop: The Next Cut with Terri, Rashad, and Draya, with their whole situation😂.
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"Just get in the damn car and meet me at the house. We're not doing this here."
"Fine!" You rush around to your car door and slam it shut once you get inside. You watch Chris go to his, also slamming it shut but not for the same reason as you. You were more so the reason.
Starting the car and driving off with him right on your tail, you turn the music up to drown out the many cars that honk at your recklessness and poor wheel skills. If only they knew, they would be acting just like you.
You had come over to the building where Chris was shooting a movie with his female costar, Melanie. You absolutely despised her because she often came onto Chris. Both infront of you and when you weren't around. Of course he shot her down every time because he knows better. He knew you weren't the one to be played with.
But today, when you didn't see him as soon as you walked inside the shoot, you scan the room for Melanie. Not seeing her either, you began to roam around through the halls. You look in a room and see his stuff on a couch inside. You walk into the room calling his name.
"Chris? Baby, where you at?" You check in the bathroom and its empty. "Boy, I got your nasty seafood salad. Where the hell are you?" You scan the room one more time before smacking your lips and heading to the door.
Chris was in the closet changing when Melanie came in trying to feel up on him. He was getting ready to finally cuss her out, but he heard you yelling for him and so he freaked, shutting the door. He specifically told her not to make a sound and she followed orders, up until the last minute.
As you hit the threshold, you hear something hit the floor. The sound seemed to have come from the closet. You pause, scared at first because it was evident that no one was in the room except you. But then you grow suspicious because Chris and that bitch were both missing. You turn around slowly and stalk towards the door.
Chris was fuming when she knocked the box over, but then started to freak when he heard you walking over to the closet door. He gave her the look with a mix of panic and 'I'm gonna fucking kill you'. He sees the door handle turn and prepares for your wrath because you damn sure were gonna give it to him.
You open the door and there was your man and Melanie. Her hands were covering her mouth, eyes wide. Your eyes relocate to Chris and his shirt was halfway on his torso. He clambers to get it fully in, stepping towards you and away from her.
"Babe, just listen and you'll understand everything. She came in while I was changing and-" he doesn't get a chance to finish, for your voice overpowered his.
"You got five seconds to explain to me what the fuck you're doing." You hand is still on the door, not planning on letting them out the closet just yet. Chris was confused, but discerned that you weren't talking to him. You were talking to Melanie. He looks back at her and she was now biting her nail, clearly anxious.
"Look, Y/N, I really don't want any problems." She is trying to be straight about it, but her voice is fastened with fear. She knew exactly what you were capable of and she still is trying to bullshit you.
"You don't want want no problems? You've been trying to sleep with my man since the first day you found out you were working with him!" You must look like boo boo the fool for her to think she was pulling this shit on you.
"And as for you Christopher," you turn towards him, jabbing your finger in his chest, "what the hell are you thinking? Are y'all just lying to me and actually messing around?" You had no problem whooping both their asses.
"Y/N no! Listen, she came inside the closet while I was changing and I was going to kick her out, but I heard you coming and I just...freaked out." He's trying to dissolve the situation, but is only making it worse.
"You instead of coming out, you decide to stay in there with her? You see how this is worse right? You're just giving her the benefit to think she could even get with you. This is entertainment for her. Don't you realize that?" Now your hand was off the door and balled into a fist because you were 2.5 seconds from losing it.
"Baby, I was going to put my foot down this time. I know its long overdue, but I didn't want any issues with the people I work with. And I should've realized how unfair that was to you. I'm sorry. But don't think I would ever cheat on you." He grabs your arm and pushes you back so he could get out the closet.
"Yeah, you damn right. All this could've been avoided. She's harassing you. You need to report her ass!" You snag your arm away from him and point back at her, who's now trying to ease out of the closet. You catch her and she runs off, you not far behind. You damn sure were not a runner, but you were going super sonic right now.
She turns down she same way you came to find them and Chris is right on your ass too. You guys get to the front of the building and you lunge for her, but no contact was made for Chris had you in a hold. You brawl against his wide chest and eventually give up when he doesn't let go.
People are watching in absolute shock and some even were laughing their asses off. It would've been even funnier if Chris had let you get one hit in. Of course that didn't happen since he scooped you up with minimal effort.
"Y/N chill! Stop, you're making a fucking scene!" He grabs on your flailing arms, yanking them back.
"I don't give a shit! Let me get her. Just one good time," you plead and scream at the same time. He literally drags you away outside with great struggle since you weren't giving in. When he got you out there, you accepted your defeat and he let you go, watching you extra closely in case you pulled a fast one.
"You should've let me get her! Why the hell you stop me?!" He runs his hands through his hair, obviously frustrated and very much embarrassed. But you could care less. She needed her ass whooped.
"It's not worth it. We need to go now!"
"I don't have to go anywhere!" You could give less of a fuck if the onlookers labeled you as 'the angry black woman'. Because infact, you are a black woman. And damn right you were angry.
"Just get in the damn car and meet me at the house. We're not doing this here!"
After reminiscing over the lovely previous moments, you pull up at your even lovelier home. You hop out the car and open the gate. Walking back to the car you peek and see Chris with his arm against the window, leaning on it and watching you. For sure he had a headache by now.
Instead of pulling up all the way into the driveway, you park at the end, leaving no room for Chris to drive in.
"Really? Pull all the way in!" You sit for a minute with your arms crossed for a bit of rebellion before complying like a child. Only because you didn't want to walk the extra way to the door of course. When you park again, Chris pulls in and gets out to shut the gate.
You were already unlocking the door and stepping in, but before you could slam it in his face, he was right behind you. You toss the keys and kick off your shoes.
"Where are you going?" You hear him call from the front of the house.
"None of your business." You were just going to the fridge to get your pineapple juice. You drink it almost every single day. And you definitely needed some right now.
"Okay we need to discuss what the fuck just happened. What the hell was that Y/N?" He's standing across the kitchen island from you staring in anger.
"Well for one, I caught you in a closet half naked with that bitch after I called your name repeatedly. Then she's playing in my face and you're trying to defend her! You really need an explanation for my actions, Chris?" You close the bottle and slam it on the counter.
"Look Y/N, I explained to you what happened. I am sorry. I knew that if I had came out that closet with her, you'd still react the same way, probably even worse. I was literally fearing for my life, no joke." He puts his hands up in surrender. You almost laugh.
"I rather you just have came out and told me straight up. Yeah, I would be mad of course. Who wouldn't? But you made it more difficult yourself." You still have an attitude and even though he apologized, you still wanted to be mad.
"Baby, I tell you you're beautiful everyday. Why? Because I want you to know that no other woman could ever be at the level you are for me. I want you to know that you're the only one I see and there isn't anyone else for me." He's now standing infront of you, his 6'0 figure imposing over your frame.
You can't and won't lie that those words had you in your feels. You swear, Geminis really are sweet talkers. You could've gave in right then. But not just yet.
"You sound like a real bitch right now." You fold your arms and look at him with testy eyes. You slightly regret saying that because what he said was genuine. But who are you without some back talk?
His eyes go caliginous. You've only seen this a one time when you've stepped out of line with him. Your big mouth could argue for days, but you never held a grudge. You kind of forced yourself to keep going as if you were still upset. Stubborn was an understatement.
You scratch your straightened hair nervously before flattening it back down. You internally hope it wasn't obvious that you lamented what you had just said.
"I already apologized to you and explained what happened. Now you can be mature and we can have a real conversation or you can be childish and act like you're still upset and we can end it right here." He steps closer to you, if that's even humanly possible. "But this is will be the first and last time you call me a bitch. Got it?"
He's breathing heavily on your face. If only you could see your face right now. It would read shock, with a bit of fear. He never checked you like this and let you get away with a lot. But this right here, was well deserved. But the way he's over you and his voice lowering with a sharp tone had you...turned on.
Something about him putting you in place made you wet and excited. All the fear had vanished almost immediately. You finally respond.
"Yes," you say quietly, nodding your head. "I'm sorry." Your eyes remained on him looking up through your lashes nibbling your lip. If only you knew what it was doing to him.
The sight of your body go automatically submissive to him after he got firm with you threw him in a complete frenzy. He was dominant most times, but you had many moments where you didn't back down to a challenge and took the lead. You not clapping back and apologizing threw him off a slight bit, but did not disappoint him. It turned him on.
"Good girl." He grabs your arm, spins you around so that your back is turned to him and bends down next to your ear.
"Go into the room, take off everything but your panties and lie on the bed. Mkay?" He moved his hands behind your arm to your lower back. You might as well save yourself the embarrassment and take off your panties too because once he sees the tropical storm, it's a wrap burrito. But you nod your head in compliance.
He gives you a smack on the butt and pushes you forward. You walk the rest of the way to the room and follow his exact orders. You remove every clothing item except the saltwater cloth covering your most needy part. You lay on the bed and wait for him.
He comes in a few moments later and eyes you down, making sure you followed his instructions. Of course you would. He stands in front of the bed and starts to remove his clothes. The entire time his eyes alternate from your body to your eyes. It made you nervous, but still excited.
"I'm very much used to your little tantrums and what not, but there's a limit. And when you pass that limit and step out of line, you need to be taught a lesson." He's in just his briefs by the end of his sentence and crawls in the bed.
You adjust yourself onto your back, shamelessly welcoming him to help himself to you. He positions in between your legs and lowers his face to yours, lips gliding against yours and pulling back when you try to kiss him. You pout and he smirks a little.
"Tell me what you want, honey" he whispers as he rubs up your leg to your thigh, grazing his fingers against your soaked panties. Just when you thought you couldn't get any wetter. Damn.
"I want you to touch me. Please." Your hands are gripping the sheets just thinking about his hands on your body. You completely forgot about messing up your hair as you throw your head back when he starts circling his fingers on your clit.
"I'm starting to think that this isn't very punishing for you, sweetheart." He picks up pace and reaches for your boob, kneading it full in his palms. "You seem to really be enjoying it. A little too much."
You weren't even listening to him, only chasing your orgasm, rolling your hips against his forceful touch. You successfully make it a few seconds to cumming before he snatches his finger away. You pick your head up right away, looking appalled.
"Why'd you stoooop?" you whine out. He looks at you innocently.
"Hmm that's just something us bitches like to do." Before you could respond, he flips you over and smacks your right cheek. "These have been on way too long." He pulls your panties off quicker than Pietro Maximoff. Tossing them to the floor, he starts his teasing.
"Damn, Y/N. All this is for me? If this doesn't tell me you loved the beginning of your lesson, I don't know what does."
He drags his fingers through your wet lips, coating them with your wetness. He brings his hands to his face to taste the mess you made for him.
"Hmm. That pineapple juice is kicking in fast."
The entire time he's talking, you're moving around coding him to stop teasing you and do something to make you feel good.
"You really are a desperate whore, huh?" You moan in the sheets in agreement. You were never into name calling, but it was something with Chris that made you love it.
He lowers down to your pussy, breathe frisking over it. You shiver and wait for him to start.
"As much as both you and I would love this, you don't deserve it. So ass up." You internally start cursing him out, calling him all things forbidden. But you comply and slightly lift your lower half.
Chris gets directly behind you and lines up with your entrance. When did he even take his briefs off? You inhale sharply at the contact and moan as he slips inside you with little to no effort. He fills you quick, starting his thrusts right away.
Your left cheek is against the mattress and both hands are gripping the sheets.
"Oh my- fuck!"
"How's it feel baby?" He asks you, going deeper at every thrust back inside you. Between the loud claps of your bodies, your pornographic moans and the sounds of your WAP, he knew the answer.
"It feels so good Chris" you manage to get out between breathes that were suddenly hard to take. You suddenly get a hard slap on your right cheek, making you squeal.
"That's not my name." You quickly correct yourself.
"Look at this" he starts thrusting faster, both of you not far from climax.
"Just an hour ago you were bitchin' about me and now you're basically grovelling at my feet. You can barely make a word. I guess I'm not such a bitch now, huh? " He locks your arms behind you and you automatically lift your ass up further, helping him slide in you even easier.
"No Daddy, I'm s-sorry." He groans and grabs a fistful of your hair and leans down to your ear. Normally you would be pissed because he touched your hair, especially since it was just done. But you could give less of a damn right now.
"Yeah I bet you are. Would a bitch be fucking you like this? Hm?" He pounded into you hard at every word. Your face in the mattress, you let out a scream that would have the neighbors dialing 911.
"No, baby- oh GOD" you yell, right at your peak. Just a couple more thrusts away and you were gone. Chris recognized that yell. He wanted to send you off right.
"Go ahead and cum for me baby. But just remember,"
He was right behind you and close himself.
"No matter how smart you get with me, at the end of the day, you're always gonna be a little slut for me." The last 4 words sent you over the edge and you cum all over him. He doesn't fall short and fills up the rest of you.
"Fuuuck" he let's out as his seed spills inside you.
His body collapses next to you and you find the energy to move your body. You turn and look at him with this dumb smile on your face. He reciprocates with the same dumb smile and pats down your hair. You slap his arm, turning your nose up at him.
"Ow. Why'd you do that for?" He rubs his now red arm.
"That's what you get for messing up my hair. You're gonna give me money to get it done again." Remembering, you hit his arm again.
"Baby, what the hell?"
"That's for also making me leave my pineapple juice out the fridge."
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Idek what I was doing here 😭 This is the kind of stuff I daydream about, but it never looks as good written out 🥴
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baekhvuns · 2 years ago
Rip Baek, they wanna make you an American football stan 🤡 I never understood Super Bowl tbh, some performances aren't even good anyway
Lol you're saying the Mbappe x RM saga will finally end? If he plays and behaves well be my guest, but it's on sight Kylian!!!
It's always sad seeing top players struggle in the NTs, because they're doing all the work. The disproportion is really big. I can't blame other players since a lot of them don't play in CL clubs, but it's so embarrassing sometimes 😭
So brother Baek could've been a cricket star?! Omg damn that injury sounds nasty though. I don't know shit about cricket actually. Tbf my wrist was already twisted because of another evil team ball sport called HANDBALL. My spaghetti arms couldn't take it lolol, I'm decent at basketball though! I did break two of my fingers while playing, but 😅
Pique thinks he's a spy or a detective trying to "expose" RM every 4 months, let it go... I can't believe Shakira got with him, girl??? I had to show some of the best football moments to my ignorant USA friend and I ofc sent her the Zidane headbutt and Suarez biting, culture <3
It happens every year so I don't think Salah cares? Good for him, but on the other hand I'd just stop posting at this point, cause the comments are getting worse and worse
Harry Kane being a disappointment isn't anything new lmao. Believe it or not, but I unfortunately have some Spurs fans among my friends and they're often mad at him
Omg, yeah see suddenly everyone knows everyone. Bestie I don't go to weddings, but I probably heard the songs you've mentioned, got me all curious 👀 Riverdale was filmed near you?! I'm so sorry, that's so bad 😩
Is the Yunho fic hot & cold too then? How's it going?
Hwa is a mystery, because no way he wouldn't be able to take Hongjoong down. Sometimes he does this though, soooo 🤔 runner Hwa AU... I'm manifesting
I hope Hwa will be able to attend EXO's concert 🤞🏻 I wouldn't mind a free ticket either, heh. Uhmmm wow, Neymar Jeongin stan... I better not see him at EXO World though
That radio clip of Seonghwa, I'm starting at nose ☺
Seonghwa stans Taemin and Taemin is Jesus, Taemin has passed his role to Seonghwa! But why did Woo say the choreography is tough, but Hwa said otherwise lmao. Maybe Seonghwa isn't doing anything 😭
Btw this person spoke the truth a fear, but they're booing them ausyshshjsjsjsbababsb. If they saw our opinions ☠ can't say shit on that app, because everything is anti behaviour
Halazia on the other hand seems nice, at least in contrast to Paradgim, idk if I'll be obsessed cause I'm used to them spoiling half the song so I'm not sure how I feel yet ajuduwuwsjjsjssjs, but everyone's already calling it SOTY ofc 😭 the performance spoilers what's going oooooon, feathers?! My issue is the cb is at 6am my time AGAIN???!!!! What happened to later comebacks, fuck America I know it's all for Billboard!!! 😭
LMAO gitl, so someone asked if the person on my lockscreen was my girlfriend??? And it's Christmas kitty Hwa I almost died
Oh he... yeah so anyway 🧍🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️
Wait what's the god save the queen option about 😭 anyways I'm a communist, honestly I got called one more times that I can count so 🤷🏼‍♀️
hi helloo!!
Rip Baek, they wanna make you an American football stan 🤡 I never understood Super Bowl tbh, some performances aren't even good anyway //// Lol you're saying the Mbappe x RM saga will finally end? If he plays and behaves well be my guest, but it's on sight Kylian!!!
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 u will never catch me being one <3 id probably get whooped if i ever put on the american football in this ethnic household fbwndbej,,,, i AM SAYING PERHAPS partially bc at psg he gets the recognition and if he were to move it,,, he’d have to share it the spotlight but since he gets his fair share of it psg iM HYPOTHESIZING that he will not leave unless ronaldo pulls up that is dbd  
and also pelé??? 😭😭🤚🏻 vivienne westwood???
It's always sad seeing top players struggle in the NTs, because they're doing all the work. The disproportion is really big. I can't blame other players since a lot of them don't play in CL clubs, but it's so embarrassing sometimes 😭
yEAAAH! it’s cringe to even watch, i skipped so many of porto’s matches bc of it inconsistency in the plays and the ups and downs,,, if i compare them to argentina u could tell they all worked in a TEAM even if they got messi in, for porto it was like ronaldo was the only one being the definition of TEAM but when he’s benched it just crumbled,,, but i guess a lot of them have an experience now and hopefully put up a great fight next wc!
So brother Baek could've been a cricket star?! Omg damn that injury sounds nasty though. I don't know shit about cricket actually. Tbf my wrist was already twisted because of another evil team ball sport called HANDBALL. My spaghetti arms couldn't take it lolol, I'm decent at basketball though! I did break two of my fingers while playing, but 😅
fhandhwk nO bc we were REALLY onto him being one but then everyone kept pressuring him saying you’d be on tv and then the ball hit his nose and made a bump on it and it was determined he would never <3 dbwnbdsn no its ok cricket’s like football, if u watch it u can tell exactly what’s going on! LMFAOOOO GTFO HANDBALLS SO MUCH FUN HOW THE FUCK DO U FUCK UR WRIST UP PLAYING THAT ANON U MUST BE TWISTING IT AND HITTING ALL THE SCORES 😭😭😭 ronaldo + lewa possessed u i tell u, STOPPP??? ANON??? I WISH U SAW MY FACE WHEN I READ THAT 😭😭😭 anon hOW stop did the ball jam really hard and ur body just gave up 😭😭
Pique thinks he's a spy or a detective trying to "expose" RM every 4 months, let it go… I can't believe Shakira got with him, girl??? I had to show some of the best football moments to my ignorant USA friend and I ofc sent her the Zidane headbutt and Suarez biting, culture <3
NO SRS I WONT BE SURPRISED IF HES SOME TABLOID SOLELY MADE TO EXPOSE RM 😭😭😭 no bc theres like compilations of shakira destroying pique’s emotions and its so funny to watch after the shit he’s done, deserved 🤩 RBQMDBWMCKCK STOP U SHOWED THE BEST THINGS STOP IT FNFNJCKC CULTURE !!!!! CORRECT !!!! literally no one remembers the winners it’s just the headbutt, he def cursed italy ever since dbdb did u show the pep ramos duo 🔫
It happens every year so I don't think Salah cares? Good for him, but on the other hand I'd just stop posting at this point, cause the comments are getting worse and worse
yeah!! like i get religion but ppl also celebrate christmas,,, AND halloween?? it’s not like he’s disrespecting his own religion?? bro just wants to have a good time 😭😭😭 he's having a great season so far too now!
Harry Kane being a disappointment isn't anything new lmao. Believe it or not, but I unfortunately have some Spurs fans among my friends and they're often mad at him Omg, yeah see suddenly everyone knows everyone. Bestie I don't go to weddings, but I probably heard the songs you've mentioned, got me all curious 👀 Riverdale was filmed near you?! I'm so sorry, that's so bad 😩
LMFAOOOO i believe it 100% bc my english cousins were like “disappointed but not surprised actually” 😭😭 omg u must’ve heard his songs! if u didnt go to a hindu wedding bdbd if u watched the movie happy new year? with srk, there’s a track called lovely i think he produced it, he’s worked w/ mr snoop before! tho is songs are primarily from early 20’s! YEAH TRAGIC !!!! ABSOLUTELY TRAGIC I TELL U, constant memories of im a weirdo 🔫🔫
Is the Yunho fic hot & cold too then? How's it going? /// Hwa is a mystery, because no way he wouldn't be able to take Hongjoong down. Sometimes he does this though, soooo 🤔 runner Hwa AU… I'm manifesting
it is hot & cold! banter and silly arguments and a reincarnation of betty white as yunho’s grandmother like the proposal <3 yEAH LIKE NO WAY??? is he just masking his strongness under the humble, nice, oldest persona,,, need him to throw hands,,, runner hwa au,, where he asks the ostracized, once track prodigy for help who shuns him away <3 readers older too!
I hope Hwa will be able to attend EXO's concert 🤞🏻 I wouldn't mind a free ticket either, heh. Uhmmm wow, Neymar Jeongin stan… I better not see him at EXO World though
I HOPE HE DO BC IM EXPECTING HIM TO BE THERE 🔫🔫🔫 BFMWBDKSBDKCKC free ticket is what im hoping for atm bc ik im not getting the tickets 😭😭 they do a raffle thing too all my hope is for that,,, FBWMBDWKKCKC  neymar a kai stan?? 😵‍💫😵‍💫
That radio clip of Seonghwa, I'm starting at nose ☺ //// Seonghwa stans Taemin and Taemin is Jesus, Taemin has passed his role to Seonghwa! But why did Woo say the choreography is tough, but Hwa said otherwise lmao. Maybe Seonghwa isn't doing anything 😭
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taemin is the son of jesus, need to witness him live so bad ill make him my religion on spot fbfb SEONGHWA BECAME JESUS
i am gonna stop
i logged into twt and i
what THE fUCK
Btw this person spoke the truth a fear, but they're booing them ausyshshjsjsjsbababsb. If they saw our opinions ☠ can't say shit on that app, because everything is anti behaviour
they so brave for this bc its no one would wanna admit,, UTOPIA SUPREMACY!!!! LMFAOOOO the comment just under the post 😭😭😭😭
Halazia on the other hand seems nice, at least in contrast to Paradgim, idk if I'll be obsessed cause I'm used to them spoiling half the song so I'm not sure how I feel yet ajuduwuwsjjsjssjs, but everyone's already calling it SOTY ofc 😭 the performance spoilers what's going oooooon, feathers?! My issue is the cb is at 6am my time AGAIN???!!!! What happened to later comebacks, fuck America I know it's all for Billboard!!! 😭
sEEE NOW its def better than paradigm, i do dislike the “hala hala hala halzia” i prefer just the “halaziA” they do with their voices and it’s oomph 🤌🏻 the beat at hongjoong’s rap was sICK,, for a moment the beat drop was like the same type of music as dazzling light bUTTT it was good!! jongho’s vocals great i do think mayhaps there couldve been a chorus where they all sing together and it would be chills w the drop,, it was an almost anti drop in the first half,, ur opinions on it??
LMAO gitl, so someone asked if the person on my lockscreen was my girlfriend??? And it's Christmas kitty Hwa I almost died //// Oh he…  yeah so anyway 🧍🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️ALSO MINGI'S HAIR IS YELLOW AND RED AGAIN AAAAAAAA
Wait what's the god save the queen option about 😭 anyways I'm a communist, honestly I got called one more times that I can count so 🤷🏼‍♀️
A COMMUNIST 😭😭😭😭 i am a christmas enthusiast <3 heres another!
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NO CAUSE???? WHAT THE HELL???? 😭😭😭😭😭  
bro’s acting
is this not ceo hwa
and im afraid that arrange marriage fic is topping the tier atm…
ikon freedom era and bp going black label?? what IS GOING ON BFFB
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lizadale · 4 years ago
Wouldn't Blumiere rather be the one to marry Luigi and Dimentio to each other, like he did Bowser and Peach? As funny as it is to have Merlon openly taking the opportunity to mock Dimentio, I think Blumiere would be better. And possibly more embarrassing.
Blumiere: We are gathered here today to join two men in matrimony. It's about time, Dimentio. I think this could've been done years ago. Then again, here I was thinking you'd never fall in love with anyone, I mean good grief!
Luigi: *blushing and smirking*
Dimentio: *glares* Get on with it, "my Count" or it'll take even longer...
Timpani: *stifling laughter as her husband casually mocks Dimentio*
I’m laughing so hard at the feeling of “took you long enough. Jeez louise” peppered all throughout the speech as well as his toast
Also it would make it even funnier if the Heart appears
Chaos Heart: *appears*
Blumiere: *nervous laughter* haha whoops, bad habit of mine
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idjitlili · 4 years ago
Oh no, all the hobbits Aragorn.
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Aragorn x reader.
Request for Thatfoolishhuman 'I would love an Aragorn imagine! Could you do one where the Mc is a healer (like, she can make wounds disappear with her hands.) and she patches Aragorn up after a battle and he falls in love with how gentle she is.'
Summary: Imagine being apart of the fellowship, being Gandalf's niece , you learn some stuff from him whether he liked it or not. Basically following the fellowship in secret from Rivendell, until you slipped up.
A/n: Arwen and Aragorn aren't together in this imagine, he still grew up with Elrond. A pitch is a piggyback ride it's the original name for it. Totally didn’t make a meme for this
Word count:2253
Warnings: I'm British, so spelling for certain words differs, such as grey, colour, among other words, don't be mad please.
Growing up around a wizard, especially Gandalf the grey, you learnt a lot. He just left books laying around, books full of spells. Of course Gandalf wasn't really related to you, but he might as well have been. Your parents travelled a lot, so you ended up being around Gandalf most of your childhood.
Gandalf had taught you some basic spells, nothing major, healing spells mostly, children are clumsy. It was no secret your parents didn't like you running through the forests, saying it was too dangerous , general protectiveness, you guess. Many times they proved that they were right, many times you had fallen into traps left for animals. You would've probably bled out, if it wasn't for Gandalf.
Still living with your parents, no longer a child, not knowing what you wanted to do, you parents wanted you to go work in the local bakery, not wanting you to travel around like they did, dangerous times with black riders frequently on the road and such. But of course you didn't want a simple life.
Again your parents had left on business, this time you didn't go to Gandalf's house, you had maybe listened in, when going to visit Frodo , only to see Samwise Gamgee listening under the window. You know how it goes, Gandalf caught him, not you.
You ended up following Frodo, Sam , Merry and Pippin. Life is boring, might as well take a risk, you longed for adventure, like the mister Bilbo. 
Surprisingly the elves had not even noticed you at Rivendell, actually not surprising Gandalf had brought you there many times, so they probably thought you were with him. You had waited in the trees outside Rivendell's gates, for them. 
You hadn't know what was actually going on , or whether there would actually be a quest, but to your lucky there was. Not really lucky for Boromir though... soon enough Frodo and Gandalf had emerged along with 7 others.
You weren't noticed for a long time considering, Frodo's fault completely, when Frodo had fallen down the mountain in the snow, you had been hiding not so great in the snow, and of course Frodo landed facing you. While Aragorn had rushed back to Frodo, Frodo's face was laced with confusion as he stared at you.
"Y/n...?" Frodo had stood up, not realising he had dropped the ring, you rising with your backpack and coat one, with the snow littering your hair.  Aragorn had just stared too moving towards Frodo, carefully, the others travelling down to see what was going on.
"Oh, Frodo!  What are you doing here? I was just out to get some milk for my dinner." Standing calf deep in snow, freezing, yet your facing burning with embarrassment.
"I was wondering when you'd reveal yourself." Gandalf chuckling , of course he knew you were there, but what you didn't know was that Gollum had been not even three feet away from you..  Gandalf had turned back grabbing the ring from Boromir and launching it at Frodo, like he was Michael Jordan.
"Gandalf who is this?" Gimli of all of the fellowship had questioned you, he wasn't afraid to speak his mind.
"Y/n is my niece , now come along we don't have all day."
Thus, you were no longer a stalker , but part of the fellowship. Time had passed and you had lost your uncle, but it didn't feel right, you couldn't process his death, so you pretended he just slipped on some bread and was at home resting.
Soon enough you were all heading for Lothlórien, without realising it, you had stayed close to Legolas at this moment, mostly to bug him.
"If elves are so great, then how didn't you notice me? For all you know I could've been watching you pee, I wasn't but I could've been.  While you was sleeping I could've chopped your hair off and made a wig. Why do you look like your are apart of a dance routine? Why do you float? How does it feel to have a dick for a father?" Rambling on , you are surprised that Legolas doesn't whoop you, he could've, you wouldn't have been able to do much, you aren't the best person at defence.
You couldn't tell if you was annoying Legolas or not, but Gimli had kept smirking your way, as he stomped through the forest.
"Hey, Legolas? "
"Yes, y/n?" Legolas had sighed , he much preferred Gimli antics.
"Can I have a pitch?" But he had just stared at you, frowning, huffing you had walking around Legolas so you was next to Aragorn. Only for your ankle to roll, making you fall into Aragorn, it didn't necessarily hurt but. Aragorn had grabbed you and placed you back onto your feet.
"Um, Aragorn? You know you much better that Legolas..? Can I have a pitch?" You were undoubtedly attracted Aragorn, come on, he looks like a God. Fuck Thor. He didn't even answer just knelt down, allowing you to grip around his neck, and grab your calf's. Carrying on walking with ease.
Raising your eyebrows and smirking at Legolas behind you, he just never showed any emotion, except in that scene with Haldir , where he just smirks creepily in the background.
You weren't particularly close to anyone in the fellowship other than Frodo and Sam. But when Boromir died, yes it was sad, but where did the hobbits go? You had stayed close to Aragorn as he fought down the Uruk-hai as you hid in a tree. Before lifting you down, rushing to dying Boromir.
"They took the little ones,"
"Be still."
"Frodo! Where is Frodo?"
"I let Frodo go."
"Then you did what I could not. I tried to take the Ring from him."
Kneeling next to Boromir, "The hobbits Aragorn, but we shall get them back." Boromir was too far gone to be saved, the wrong brother died sadly. Boromir eyes had met yours once more , as he smiled , before he finished his speech to his king.
After Boromir was sent home, the fellowship was down to just four, rushing after Merry and Pippin.  "We must hurry! The hobbits Aragorn!" Five minutes of running , and you were already getting a stitch.  This was no time for jokes.
Soon enough Gandalf was alive, and Aragorn was dead, as Théoden had lead you all to helms deep. You had seen Eowyn, oh how heartbroken she was after she found out Aragorn was dead, that bitch knew him for what five minutes, she was already grinding up on him.
You were witch, she was a princess, obviously Aragorn was going to prefer her. Soon enough Aragorn practically marching into helms deep, injured but alive , what's with all the faked deaths.
After Aragorn had done his big speech and everyone had left to get ready for war, you had stayed behind obviously, you didn't want to confront him in front of everyone. "Uh, Aragorn?" You were unsure of yourself, honestly, you can't have a crush on a king. You swear kings have bad hair, lucky Aragorn didn't , look at the British royal family.. now that's embarrassing.
Aragorn had turned Aragorn to face you, waiting for you to speak, he definitely didn't fall from heaven, the Valar decided to test him by shoving him off a cliff.
"Um, I was wondering if I c-could help with those wounds, um, I didn't know if you needed help?" You were sure that your face was probably flushed red, it would be surprising if he could even understand you , as you stumbled over your own words.
Aragorn had nodded , before sitting down near by.  Grabbing the king foil out of your bag , along with other healing herbs, Aragorn had removed his jacket and undone some of the buttons on his tunic. Bringing a stool in front of Aragorn for you to sit.  You weren't about to chew up the kings foil,  tearing it up before trying to gently apply it to the huge gash across his chest.
A small groan had emerged from his lips as you had placed a piece kings foil to the gash too harshly. "Sorry." Looking into Aragorn's bright eyes , for a spilt second before going back to gently placing the kings foil. Aragorn stops you , by grabbing your wrist , not with force, making you look back up at him.
"Do not be sorry, I just fell off a cliff, I've been through worse." A smile reassuring smile plant on his face, but you can only think what is worse than falling off a cliff.
"Okay, sorry, I mean I'm not sorry, you are very intelligent or a king, there's warg! Let's go fight our enemy on the edge of a cliff. Um, actually that's embarrassing because I fell down a well because a owl scared me, I was stuck down there for hours, and then Gandalf found me and used a bucket to get me out. I had to sit in the bucket while he pulled it up."
Aragorn had let go of your wrist , allowing you to continue as you spoke, "you have not changed."
"Pardon?" Aragorn was smiling down at you as your eyebrows scrunched together.
" Last week I saw leaf , hit you in the back of your neck, you jumped three feet in the air." Your face flushed again, as you tried to contain a smile, as Aragorn laughed at you.
"I did not, that was not a leaf, it was a snake!"
"A green round snake, I believe you , y/n" you had stopped applying the kings foil, to put your head between your nerves , to hide your face in embarrassment . "It was a deformed snake."
"Last month, you skidded in mud and fell flat on your back, when Legolas put his hand on your shoulder briefly. Or when you kicked Boromir's cock when he was try-" sitting back up to look at Aragorn.
"You are right, next time it will be you that I will kick." Aragorn could not have shut his legs quicker, making you laugh at him, "I'll have to start wearing a shield."
"Never know when I'll strike, your balls are going to be deformed." Aragorn had gasped at you, as you brought your hand other his wound beginning to heal him as you chanted quietly.
"Such foul language, Gandalf would not approve." Looking up to Aragorn with a small smile, placing your other hand on his shoulder softly, to stop him from moving.  Really the healing didn't take very long, the cut left a blood stain though.  "Stay there," (or you get unprofessional neutering.) Grabbing the water pouch from your bag, and piece of cloth.
Before returning to sit in front of Aragorn with the damp cloth, wiping off the dried blood gently.  You couldn't help but feel like you had done something good today, you got to heal ,clean an very attractive man stopping his wound from getting infected and him dying. 
Plus,he's Aragorn, who wouldn't want to touch his chest.   As you finished, you had look down for your pouch, only to see how blood his hands were. Lifting his hand up to examine it, no way you were a doctor. " How have you not gotten infection? All that Orc blood going into your open wounds." Again having to heal all the  little cuts and slices on his hands.
It was no secret to Aragorn that he had developed a like for you, from the moment Frodo saw you sticking out in the snow like a mole heap.
“Tis the best you are going to be, after this battle you will covered again. Legolas probably glide through here, any minute asking where his beloved is.” Both of you standing up, grabbing your bag, you had leant up to press a kiss to Aragorns cheek, before turning away to head to where the woman and children were, Gandalf’s orders.
Aragorn had stopped you again, by the shoulder, causing you to turn back around. “Y/n, thank you. May I ask for something else?” Aragorns eyes looking into your e/c ones
softly, you had nodded. “Would you accept me courtship?” You had just pressed your lips slow onto his before pulling away.
The door was quickly opened “ARAGORN!” Legolas glided into the room, rushing towards you and Aragorn. Sighing “your beloved is here,” Legolas was stood between both of you, you had to walk around him, to wrap your arms around Aragorn,briefly embracing, before pulling away.
Legolas just stared, “I’m not hugging you too, leg a less, that’s what your name would be if you had no legs, because your legs aragorn”
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shelby-love · 5 years ago
Right Feelings But Wrong Matchmaking
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Requested: yes
Prompts: none
Warnings: Failed attempt at matchmaking eek 😬
Authors note: /
"So you're telling me they're still together?" You ask Doris.
Not even 3 hours into the morning shift and Doris already has you in her claws, ready to deliver to you the hottest tea.
"Yes and no." Doris the gossiper nurse says and takes note of your furrowed eyebrows. Sighing she joins you at the front desk to explain in detail. "Because you're new here it might be hard to read their secret looks of longing. But don't worry I'll save you the trouble. Will and Natalie are definitely still into each other. They just need a light push because they're going through a rocky patch. Which is totally normal."
You pretend to understand her bomb of words and nod enthusiastically, hoping that she doesn't catch on. Catch on what?
Your disappointment.
You could've sworn that Will had a thing for you. Thanks to Maggie the two of you have been sharing most of yours patients which simply equals spending more time together and getting to know each other.
Dr. Halstead was also the first person to greet you and show you around the mighty Gaffney Chicago Medical Center.
When you asked Will about him and Natalie he shrugged you off and told you not to worry about it. Then after that he continued to flirt with you and hang around you more than a normal colleague would.
Thanks to Doris you now, unfortunately, knew that the handsome doctor was off the market.
And thanks to your will to make good friends here, you didn't want to miss on the opportunity to help the duo reconnect. Doing that might even get you a new girl friend. Natalie seemed like a very sweet person after all.
"Doctor Halstead, doctor Y/LN trauma 3." Maggie paired the two of you up just like she always did.
"How bad is it?" You ask her as you walk towards the trauma room.
"A piece of cake." She simply replies.
"Then why send us both?" Will pipes in. It's not like he minded working with you... In fact, every time someone arrived he hoped for Maggie to pair you two up.
You were so amazing to him to the point you completely consumed his mind. And he liked the feeling of you invading his mind. Will didn't experience it for a while.
The nurse in charge sent you a smirk you definitely understood. The conversation with Doris flew into your mind and you called after her without thinking twice.
"Maggie wait!"
Confused about your call, Maggie walks back to you. "Could you pair me up with someone else? Please?"
"I thought you liked working with Will?" She asks confused.
"Yeah... I'm not bad company. Am I?" Will joins.
"You're not... I just... I don't wanna get in between you!" There! You said it. It's out of your hands now.
"In between who?" Maggie asks. She's very interested in the love triangles around the ED.
Shyly you look towards Natalie who's talking to April by the computers. Will and Maggie follow your lead.
"And that's my que to go." Maggie says but before she leaves she turns to you. "Who told you that?"
"Wha-" Before you can protect the secret identity of Doris you notice the look in Maggie's eyes. "Doris."
"Well that explains a lot of things." Maggie mumbles whilst shaking her head. She leans in and whispers something into Will's ear. It makes his smile reach his ears. "I'll leave you to two to talk. Doctor Rhodes you're on trauma today so you listen to me! Now, do me a favour and check on the patient in trauma 3!"
And just like that your patient is snatched from your grasp, curtesy of yours truly. You notice the small wink and smirk Maggie sends your way before she shashays away from you.
"I-" You're lost for words once again. Not because of shock but because of embarrassment. You just tried to play matchmaker and failed terribly.
Your blood travels all the way to your cheeks at the thought. Things with you and Will are 100% screwed right now.
Or so you thought.
"Come." William's voice brings you out of your trans and his extended hand puts you back in it.
"Y/N you seem so loss for words today." He chuckles before taking the matters into his own hands. He leans in and grabs your hands before waltzing out of the ED and into the Chicago air with you in tow.
You let him drag you around until you've reached the food truck you always visit when on a break.
"Will we're not on a break." You try to fight him but he doesn't budge. Instead he orders the food, completely confident in his choice.
"Will how did you-" You ask him. He just ordered what you've been ordering since you started to work at Med.
"I don't get how you believed what Doris told you but at the same time I do," He ushures you to the side while you wait for your order to finish. "You're new and you didn't know that whatever Doris says is usually a bunch of crap. But also things with me and Natalie might seem fresh but they aren't, trust me."
You stuff your hands into your front pockets and listen to his words carefully. "Natalie and I are in the past. I don't want you to think that I've been unfaithful to her by spending time with you."
It did cross your mind. You decide to keep that detail to yourself for the time being.
"I like you Y/N." He confesses. "The more time I spend with you the more sure I am in my feelings...You're beautiful, smart and kind. And I think you're amazing because of that?"
"You're really serious about this?"
"I wouldn't be sneaking out with you during work hours if I wasn't."
Not knowing what to do with this sudden burst of joy and relief you decide to do what you do best. Give hugs.
Just like a high school girl whose crush just confessed to her, you swing your arms around Will's neck and pull him in a tight embrace.
All while thanking the starts for his and Natalie's departure as a couple. Whoops.
Once you pull away he asks you, "What do you say I give you a grand tour of Chicago? Tonight?"
"Yeah I'd like that. I'd like that very much Will."
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fangirlxwritesx67 · 5 years ago
AN- whoops well, Ive gone and broken my own rule about writing actors instead of characters. No one's suprised that its this actor that did it. Still remember this is fanfiction- its not real
Your first SPNCon was every bit as wonderful and amazing as you had hoped it would be! You could hardly tell from one moment to the next what was the best part. Everything just kept getting better.
Meeting Jared and Jensen, and getting a picture, was everything you had hoped. Now you were finally waiting in line for a picture and autograph from Ruthie Connell- your queen Rowena! You could see her just a little bit from a distance. From here you could see her red hair and her creamy skin. As you got closer, you could see she was every bit as stunning and gorgeous in person as she was on the show- except even more magical if that was possible. And oh, goddess, she was small- so small. Finally the line moved forward and it was your turn.
"How do you want to pose?" Ruth asked you. Damn, that sexy voice- and she was talking to you. You bit your lip. Feeling bold, you asked, "Ruthie can I touch your neck?"
"Okay?" she said a question in her voice. Goddess, that accent. You reached up one hand and trailed your fingers along her collarbone. It felt like everything you had ever written in fanfiction. Ruthie batted her green cat eyes at you- she was wearing those thick fake lashes that you loved.
"Thank you," you whispered. You pulled your hand away reluctantly and posed like a normal fan for a picture. And her handler said, next, and you had to leave. For the rest of the day, you could hardly concentrate on what was going on. You just kept thinking of how warm and velvety Ruthie's skin had been.
That evening was the Louden Swain concert, and that was amazing. All of your favorite people together on stage! J2 were amazing. Jared Padalecki was a gift- watching him leap around on stage with his long legs and his floppy hair. And Jensen Actual Rockstar Ackles! My God. You lost your mind when Ruth joined them, wearing a short sparkly black dress to sing "My Baby Shot Me Down." You had seen videos of this before- it was nothing like hearing her sing in person. Everyone else on stage disappeared for you. How could someone fit so much sexy in such a tiny hot body? Her long red hair bounced off her shoulders as she danced to the music. At one point, you could swear that she was looking at you but you knew there was no way.
That night you went back to pick up your picture. You opened the envelope and there was, not one, but two pictures. The first one was the picture you had posed for. You knew you would frame this someplace where you could always see it and remember today. The second picture was- oh goddess, the photographer had taken a picture of the moment that you had laid your hand on Ruthie's neck. You felt yourself flush with embarrassment at the hunger visible on your face. Could you be any more obvious. What you hadn't noticed at the time- you were so caught up in the moment- was the way Ruthie was looking at you too- like she could just Eat You Alive. There was writing in the corner of the picture. In slanting capitals, it said simply,
Room 2202 -R.
You couldn't breathe. This had to be some kind of a joke. There was no way Ruth had given you her room number. This was like something from a fantasy. You looked at the picture again, looked at Ruth's exquisite ass and magical face. You closed your eyes as you remembered the feeling of her warm creamy skin under your fingers. While your head still said no, your heart -and honestly, other parts of your body- said yes.
Without allowing yourself to think twice, you went upstairs and straight to Room 2202.
The door swung open before you knocked. It was Ruth's handler from earlier. "She's been waiting for you," he said. "There are two rules. 1, Ms Connell is in charge. And 2, you never tell anyone." You gulped and nodded. He let you into the suite before stepping out and closing the door behind him.
Ruthie was sitting on the couch, ready for you, still wearing the sparkly short dress from earlier. She reached one slim hand out towards you.
"Come here, dearie" she cooed. Your knees were weak as you sat down next to her. She held both of your hands in hers.
You were so nervous and excited that you heard yourself start to babble. "Ruthie, I love you, you're my queen. Rowena was just absolutely the best character on Supernatural and meeting you has been like a dream and I'm just- I think about you all the time. I just can't get you out of my head- the way you talk, the way you look, the way you move. I think about you before I fall asleep-"
Ruth shushed you with a finger on your lips. You sighed. A sexy wicked grin spread across her beautiful face.
"What do you think about me when you fall asleep?" she asked, "I bet you think about touching a lot more than my neck." You gulped and nodded.
"I bet you think about doing naughty, filthy things with me, don't you?" You bit your lip and closed your eyes for just a second.
When you looked up you said, "I don't even know where to start." Ruthie threw back her head and laughed, tossing her dark red curls. Goddess- that neck, that mouth, that woman! She slid one hot hand up the side of your face.
"Let's start here," she cooed and then she kissed you. You had written so many fanfiction kisses for Rowena -with so many people- and described what her mouth must taste like over and over. But everything you could've ever imagined fell short of what kissing Ruthie was actually like. In this moment, all she tasted like was desire.
1000 words for the lovely @marril96 and all the other Rowena girls (and boys?)
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half-dead-ham · 2 years ago
Dammit this has been in my brain since you posted this and won't leave! So here, what I have rn, dunno if I'll make more (I want to, but other prompts are higher priority) but I'll add to it eventually.
Ao3 [here],[ch. 2]
Dead men's deals
Turning eighteen can be a lot for people. Some enjoy their newfound freedom of being considered almost-an-adult by stealing their parents car keys and going for a joyride. Others realised just how fucked their new responsibilities will be to handle for the rest of their mortal lives. This was not a problem for Danny.
No, Danny has to deal with his fucked up shit for his immortal half-life.
Which is great, honestly. Danny is totally fine with the fact that he'll still look no older than twenty as all his loved ones join him in the realms. Totally not something he's been kept up at night over, nuh-uh, nope.
At least he was told he'd get used to the Ghost King thing in the next couple decades or so.
His acidic green eyes vacantly stare at the doors to his audience chamber as a Count from some domain in bumbfuck nowhere makes a claim about the neighbouring Lord using his control of ectoplasm to bring drought to his crops and embarrass him at the last ball. Ancients, these lords are too long winded for beings with no lungs, do they ever get tired of talking about themselves? At least make your two-faced lies more outlandish -give him a good story- if you were to try and lie to him.
"In conclusion, your deathlessness, ruler of those forgotten, I would like to hold an investigation as to the validity of Earl Foxgloves' sound of mind. I fear that in his centuries of servitude he may have lost some sense."
Danny sighed and simultaneously thanked the Ancients and cursed them mentally that that monologue was over and that he had to deal with it in the first place. He was sure there was some sort of lesser ruling body that this Count could've gone to, why did this fucker come to him?
The answer made him wish he could groan.
"My sincerest apologies, your Most Fearsome, but as I have made my case to the domain lord and nothing has been done I fear that I may have been ignored. I'm quite sure it was an oversight on their part, but nonetheless I would like to see this matter concluded post-haste."
As subtly as he could, Danny rolled his eyes, making a motion with his hand for Fright Knight to step forward and escort the guest out while making some noncommittal statement about getting the problem fixed. Also making a note to send a missive to this dude's Dominion Lord about him.
A soft ticking alerted him to his newest guest, much more welcome in his halls than the last poor soul, and Danny stood to greet his friend and mentor.
“Clockwork!” The king greeted the lord of time jovially, face split in a wide smile as the old ghost came forward, a small smile of his own peeking out of the hood of his purple cloak.
“Daniel,” Clockwork replied with a bow of his head. “How fares the King Protector?”
The teen king groans as he drops himself back onto his throne, rolling his eyes hard as he looks towards the tall ceiling of the audience chamber.
“It fuckin’ sucks Clocks, the last guy came in just to rant about his deranged neighbour, and the reforms for some areas can’t get started ‘cause their either too isolated or in the middle of civil war. Ancients, I didn’t even know those were going on!” Danny waved his hands wildly as he groused to his mentor, finally glad that he could do some complaining instead of fixing the complaints.
Clockwork merely chuckled at the king’s antics, saying nothing as the boy bemoaned his plights to the otherwise empty hall. After a few moments he got it out of his system, and with a final huff he dropped his arms and turned his head downward to face his mentor once again.
“So, not to be rude or anything Clocky, but what's with the sudden visit?” Danny questioned. “I’m happy to see you, but usually it’s me coming to you, not the other way around.”
The ghost of time nodded, his expression dropping as his form became that of a child. The solemn tone the child's face wore had the king straighten in his seat with anticipation and worry. Was Dan free? Did someone steal the infinimap and start making a mess of the time stream again? Was his family in danger?
“In the past,” the old child began. “Before Pariah’s reign, the Infinite Realms was ruled by a powerful queen. Her reign was fraught with pillaging brought on by her avarice, taking many a precious item from her subjects and the human realm alike. She was not above making unsightly deals with mortals to get what she wanted either, and so she sought out those of importance in the mortal realms to make contracts of power in trade for rare and precious artifacts; many still line the palace's treasury to this day.”
The story came out of nowhere, but Danny knew better than to stop. Danny's eyebrows grew together as he listened to more and more of his advisor’s story. Sure, his lessons on the history of the Infinite Realms had included The Emerald Queen, and some of the older ghosts he’d met had told him about just how much she did to get what she wanted. But this was the first time Danny had heard of her making contracts with mortals to get their treasures, and he had to wonder just how many of these contracts were left after the millenia and changing of positions.
“Many of these deals have long ended, either after the mortal died and came to this realm, or dissolved upon the Queen’s End,” Clockwork explained further, already knowing the question on Danny’s lips.
There was one question answered, but another one just rose to take its place.
“What are you telling me about The Emerald Queen’s contracts with mortals that have already died, Clockwork? Even with no one to hold up the bargain, the deals will go away on their own, won’t they?”
At this, the ghost of time smiled, aging into his adult form.
“Ah, Daniel. I have said many have ended, but not all,” he amused himself as the gears in the head of his king started spinning with the new context, fingers coming to grasp at his chin as he thought.
“So… You’re saying that there are still some contracts surviving after this long?” The boy king surmised. “How is that even possible, with The Emerald Queen ended wouldn’t the binding magic have faded?”
“Normally, yes,” Clockwork agreed with a nod. “But the nature of this contract is unique. Long ago, there was a master of the killing arts. He desired power in the form of immortal life, and struck a deal. The man offered up his next male heir in trade for the queen to make accessible pure ectoplasm, so that it may heal the old and sick and the man could live on to expand his power.”
Danny made a face, immortality was a pain when you had it, and this guy actually wanted it? He was probably an even frootloopier frootloop than Vlad.
“But wait, If this guy promised his first heir in exchange for not dying, couldn’t he just never have a kid and live forever? Wouldn’t that be an easy cheat?”
“It would, if not for the man’s already large family clan. He had not named an heir at the time of the bargain, but he was soon to. If not for the misfortune that befell him.”
“What do you mean, ‘misfortune’? The dude just got the fountain of youth to open up, how is that misfortunate?”
“A coup, Daniel. Done by the clan head’s own son. He was enraged at being passed over in the selection despite excelling in both skills and knowledge, and so he took his fathers life and made himself head by force, using the pools of pure ectoplasm for his own gain.”
The king lowered his gaze in thought. A loophole, not the kind he expected but still something that would keep the binding magic alive. Using the gift given without exchanging anything in return, especially if it was using the pure ecto of the fountains, would keep the magic going so long as the person or those related to the one making the contract kept using it.
“So, what?” He asked. "Does you telling me this now mean that the son of that head made the decision to have a kid and make them heir? I’m pretty sure I don’t want an assassin's soul, Clockwork, I don’t need it.”
Clockwork shook his head with a fond chuckle, confusing the young king even more.
“No, Daniel. The son of the head suffered the same fate of his father, being done in by his own kin in a push for control.”
By now Danny was getting more than a little fed up with this random story. This made about as little sense to him as any of Clockwork's normal ramblings, and that was with context. With an exaggerated huff and a flat stare the young king silently urged his advisor to get to the damn point.
“The head's grandson worked for centuries to bring his family to the height of power while hidden in the shadows, becoming a clan feared for their assassins and mercenaries. Only less than a century later did he decide it was time for an heir. To his disappointment, his prospects were not to his liking, but his daughter had laid with a man of great aptitude, and the child was born of skill and intellect similar to his own. He named his grandson heir in celebration, and finally the deal was set in place.”
Another groan from the king.
“Clockwork, I swear if you’re here to give me a baby, I’ll-” the time lord raised his hand, cutting the king off. A pointed stare from the now elder ghost and Danny was slouching in his chair with his arms crossed, silent so as to let the time ghost finish.
Clockwork said nothing as to make sure he would not be interrupted again, and after a few moments he put his hand down and continued.
“When the child was named heir Pariah had already been sealed in the sarcophagus of forever sleep for some time, and so with no one to claim the child the deal was never completed, allowing the child to grow. After the Mad King was defeated, the being to have bested him in battle had a claim to the throne, but as you were not yet old enough, the time for the child to grow grew longer. He has already left the clan of killers to seek a better path, and yet the title that binds him is still tying him to the crown, to you.”
“You’re saying that this kid is still heir to this assassin clan even after he left? And even if he’s older then me I still don’t want his soul, Clockwork.”
The elder ghost shook his head once more.
“You and he are similar in age, yes, but I never said his soul was what The Emerald Queen wanted.”
“What?” Danny exclaimed exasperatedly, by now this stupid story was just grating on his nerves, why did the old time ghost always have to be so cryptic? “If she didn’t want his soul then what did she want?”
“As I remember, The Emerald Queen was quite captivated by the head’s looks, and wished for his heir to be her swain.”
“Her what?” Danny had never heard the term ‘swain’ before, but it wasn't all that surprising with how Vlad always mocked him about his vocabulary being so small.
“Her paramour,” the time lord tried again, to little effect but a condescending stare from the boy on the throne. To his exasperation he tried one more time, using the most modern correct term he could to get his meaning across.
“She wished him to be-”
“You have a fiancé?” Bruce Wayne said as he laid the letter addressed to his son onto the large oak desk of his study.
“So it appears,” Damian replied stiffly, sitting across from his father in one of the plush leather seats and glaring at the piece of paper he had been handed that morning.
Bruce sat back in his chair, shocked. His son had a fiancé. Talia had sent a letter to the manor, to Damian. That was unusual in its own right, but it had passed all the checks for poisons or traps and was thus given to Damian after breakfast was served.
Damian had opened it with no small amount of trepidation clear on his face, but the news in the letter wasn't catastrophic- at least not on a global scale.
For the family? Well that remains to be seen.
Talia explained in her letter that she had been made aware of an old archive from before her grandfather’s time being uncovered in a previously hidden tunnel system in the mountains. After disarming the archive of any traps and sorted for use they came upon an old handwritten document. It was from Talia's great-grandfather, he had made a deal that in exchange for opening Lazarus pits on earth that the next male to be named heir by the clan head would be made the consort to the Lord of Death. Inspecting the contract revealed it to be made with powerful magic and could only solidify its contents.
When Talia had questioned as to why the contract hadn’t taken effect with her grandfather, seeing as the head before him had made the contract in exchange for the Lazarus Pits, she was told that her grandfather was never actually named heir. She asked then why it hadn’t taken effect during her fathers time as head, only to be given the same reason. Neither her nor her brother had been named heir to the Demon head with Ra’s, and yet the contract had still been completed, leaving the only option for the Lord of Death’s consort Damian, who was officially named heir to the Demon head by Ra’s al Guhl himself.
There were other things in the letter, but after reading that Damian had to pull his father into the study so he could be sure it wasn't some sort of ploy.
He had a fiancé.
He was contractually bound to the Lord of Death.
A piece of paper locked away for thousands of years had changed Damian's fate, and now he was bound so some… God? Demon? He did not know.
He did not like not knowing.
"I'll contact some of the members in the Dark about this 'Lord of Death', but from the looks of it, until we see this contract ourselves, this could be some scheme your mother has cooked up to bring you back to the League."
"If it is," Damian sat forward, still glaring at the paper as though he could set it on fire with his gaze. "It is a poor attempt. She would do better with her plan than to send me something I cannot verify unless I went to Africa myself to confirm. She knows I would do no such thing, and yet there is no sign of any threats against me or the family in spite of that."
"Not yet, anyway," Bruce sighs, rubbing his temple as the pressure for a headache builds.
Silence grows in the space between father and son, unsure of what their next moves should be. Damian shifts in his chair, feeling uncomfortable with his confusion. This is not something any of them planned for, they planned for battle scenarios, end of the world threats and carnival villains. Not marriage.
A soft snort escaped Bruce and Damian's gaze snapped to his father's miniscule grin. His gaze narrowed as Bruce moved his hand to cover it.
"I fail to see how you would find my predicament funny, father," Damian growled.
Bruce shook his head as his shoulders trembled with barely contained laughter.
"Sorry, Damian. It's just- Dick will be beside himself that you got a fiancé without telling him," he chuckled to himself.
Damian stiffened in his seat. "You wouldn't dare tell him about this."
Bruce raised his other hand to calm his son, "No, no, I wouldn't. But it will get out to him sooner or later, nothing stays secret in this house for long, after all."
Damian's face twisted at that. Loathed he to admit it, his father was right, and it had been bad enough when Drake had gotten his paramour. He shuddered to think what his brothers would think about this.
Rising from his seat, Damian looked to his father one more time.
"If I find out you were the one to tell him, I would have no choice but to retaliate. I think Richard would be just as beside himself to hear of your deals with Pennyworth, wouldn't you agree?"
The smirk that crossed Damian's lips as he left the study with his father's words behind him was only one that he could've grown in the manor. He wasn't ashamed to say that the family's penchant for mischief rubbed off on him, though he'd never admit it out loud.
His smirk fell flat as he walked to his room, thoughts of the letter and what it meant for him at the forefront of his mind. The contract, while possibly untrue, meant that he was now bound to a being of great power. A very old great power, and one that had probably been waiting for that contract -a consort- for melliena. Damian was mortal, and even with his training he wouldn't be able to handle this Lord of Death alone should they be angry with the wait.
The letter had mentioned the contract being completed only recently, though, the magic indicating the last few months at the latest. Why hadn't it completed itself when Damian had been named heir as a child? If the Lord of Death had been waiting for millennia, why only stake their claim when he was eighteen? If he had been taken young he could have been moulded to the perfect plaything, even with his early stubbornness, so why now?
The thoughts lasted all the way until he sank into his desk chair, not realizing he'd entered his room until he sat down. He sighed tiredly, nothing would get done if he kept ruminating on the 'what-ifs', for now, he could only try and plan for whatever this new situation might bring his way. He would not be a pawn for whatever power he was currently bound to, nor would he bend his knee when they arrived. Damian would protect his family should this Lord of Death seek to take revenge for its wait, and Damian would be ready.
Turning to his desk and pulling out his homework, Damian started to plan for the eventual arrival of his new fiancé.
Short DPXDC Prompts #562
As an old ritual agreement from one of the Al Ghul’s ancestors states that their first male successor (prev ghost king even before Pariah Dark being a female Ghost King) is the heir to the Ghost King. Al Ghul is a child and is yet to be the heir and did not apply. Eons later: Danny acquires the title of the Ghost King. Damian is given the true title of Heir to the Demon’s Head.
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