#“no he is not. he is literally 5 years old”
wonderfull-star · 3 days
I don't know about the others but Horrortale has always been my favorite au. And one of the reasons is that it is essentially a continuation of one of the neutral endings of Undertale. Therefore, in essence, this au can even partially be called canon, since we learned a brief backstory of Horrortale in Undertale itself. And the continuation of this whole story is the guess of the author(of Horrortale,Sour-Apple Studios) about how this neutral ending will continue. I think Horrortale is one of those universes that Toby Fox might like. If Frisk really hadn’t reset and just returned home, then the Horrortale au would have officially began(even though it’s a fan-made sequel of one of neutral endings).
And this is not even the main reason why I adore this universe. The LORE. I absolutely love how everything smoothly transitions from a scary atmosphere into a dramatic one, showing the agony, fear and hopelessness all the monsters went through. And I like how Aliza understands this and tries to help them all. She's not just the stupid, scared girl the fandom makes her out to be, and I love that. The way the images of the characters change and the background takes on dark tones makes us feel bad for the monsters. And in general, I wonder what will happen to Aliza next, whether there will be different endings, whether the monsters will ever come to the surface. Imagine if they really succeed and they meet already grown-up Frisk (who is probably about 16 years old). By the way, I also like to imagine that Aliza exists in Undertale itself and she is only 5 years old there.
I also liked how Sans was presented in this au. At first he was shown as an unstable psycho who would immediately lash out if you looked at him in wrong way. And then to find out that in fact Sans is not entirely like that and makes sure that his brother and the others in Snowdin do not die of hunger. While he himself was starving for 7 years. Which made him even more crazy.
So when I look at Horror on the “Bad Guys” team, I think: “Maybe it’s not so bad?”. Dust and Killer literally killed everyone including their brother, while in Horror’s au many are at least alive and he definitely would not touch monsters (at least those close to him, for example like Grillby,Politics Bear, Drunk Bunny and Dogaressa), especially his brother. No matter what, he always tried to hold back, which is why his psychosis grew. This makes him different from the rest of the team. Therefore, I think that like Dust and Cross, Horror joined Nightmare only for a specific purpose, while he himself most likely does not like him. However, that doesn't stop me from imagining them all as "family." This makes me think that over time Horror Sans got used to Nightmare and began to see something good in him (even if it may just be a figment of his imagination). Yes, in my mind Nightmare and the rest of his team are canon in Horrortale universe and Papyrus knows about them. At first he had a lot of questions about this, but then he simply came to terms with all the oddities of his brother. The rest of the monsters of Snowdin do not know about bad guys, just sometimes noticing dark tentacles appearing out of nowhere. Imagine if Aliza finds out about other versions of Sans. I think she will be overcome with great horror.
I don't know why, but somehow Bad Guys’s canon presence in Horrortale au makes sense to me (especially Nightmare). Maybe because of their creepy design (Nightmare is basically a walking octopus covered in dark liquid). And also the knowledge that Horror Sans hides a lot more than many in his au think. After all, it’s really creepy to see someone’s copies at one moment, isn’t it?
I also like how Horror always so slays in every edits. Especially with phonk music 👌
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mangledscrimp · 22 hours
I know not everyone will like them, but I like them and that’s really all that matters tbh. !!
First with Hershel!
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Writing out the bullet points so it’s easier to read!
•She isn’t that interested in archeology but her dad encourages it since he has a fond for it as well! Roland loved to adventure in his prime and he wants Hershel to experience something like that as well.
•She has pcos. Ok guys, listen to me okay…she’s..she’s literally me..okay..?,,,I gave her pcos because I wanna feel a better about myself okay..okay…and that I think it would add more to her character okay bye
•Fond of puzzles because of her father and friends. Randall is quite the encourager when it comes to puzzles, especially with Hershel. Hershel has grown to like solving puzzles the more she bonds with her dad and Randall.
•Going to the library with Randall. Hershel enjoys when Randall brings her along for library trips and shows her the cool archeological text books. Though she still finds it a bit strange since Angela and Alphonse tend to find it weird how Randall usually just wants to hang out more with her instead of them. But, she tends to overlook that and continue to have fun with Randall! Even when it’s just reading a book or two!
•Going by the Sapphic label. She has the need to feel like she should be attracted to men as well at her age, but she doesn’t really have that wired very well in her brain. Her mother suggests she should allow herself to be open to roughly anything that comes her way.
not in the picture but, Hershel’s nationality is Barbadian/Bajan and puerto rican lolllll bc I felt like it tehe (though, Hershel would call herself Barbadian because she doesn’t live in Barbados)
,, Also not in the picture but she is 17years old!!
-Her design changed a lot through development, at first I wanted her hair to be how it is normally, a small but long poofy hair, but I think the hair as a small fro is a good call back to Hersh teen original design
-Another example would be me trying to figure out what color her vest should be, eventually I got it down to be blue vest with a red tie, but in the beginning I was debating on keeping the original color pallet
Now with Randall!!
I feel like u guys might hate me for this one but..ehhhhh,,,i don’t really give a fart…
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yeahg this ref is like. huge huge. okay. be nice…
As always, writing out bullet points and explaining some,
•Her glass lenses are fake, she tries to look like her dad most of the time since he’s a very known archeologist in this au. Though he was lost very long ago, when Randall was about 5 years old. He was also with Angela’s brother but, that’s another story!
•The two “mom makes her shave” bullets. Rosa, Randall’s mother, is quite the horrible woman. Randall started to develop facial hair that looked similar to her father when puberty hit, so she made her shave so Randall wouldn’t look like the man that left their family for his archeological studies. Even though that wasn’t his choice. Randall quite likes her facial hair but when her mom nags her about it, she’ll feel self conscious. This is why she wears her bandana! Though, as it says in the photo, Her mom lets her keep her hair sometimes if it’s not as noticeable.
•Randall is Mexican!! I really like the mexican hispanic randall headcanon, it’s my favorite, so I wanted to give it to Randyyy in this au!!
•Purses archeology to be more like her dad. Randall does this mostly in secret with Hershel in the library. Her mother wouldn’t want her taking the same path as her father so she does it with Hershel because she know Hershel wouldn’t disclose that to her mother.
•Randall is a closeted lesbian. Ohhhh she’s like. Deep in a glass closet, all of her friends know but they don’t want to tell her that they know. Her mom doesn’t know since Randall is so afraid to tell her mom about what she and Hershel do and she’s afraid to invite Hershel over to her home because she fears that Hershel would tell her mother the things that they do together (archeology reading time in the library)
•She’s quite awkward since Hershel arrived in stansbury and started attending school. Angela and Alphonse noticed it pretty quickly. Randall would usually have her jacket on with the buttons up, with only two left off of course, but that really started to change the more she got comfortable with Hershel around.
•She also has. pcos. OKAY HEAR ME OUT IN THIS ONE OKAY GUYS :< ,, she has pcos and a condition that can come with pcos called Hirsutism !! Hirsutism is excessive hair growth in certain areas like the chest, arms, legs and face! Randall has hair a lot in those places, she doesn’t shave anywhere but her face. She just doesn’t find the appeal to it!
•Yes..Jade Harley is an inspiration to..her..don’t ask me why..I don’t even homestuck, it’s just for hair anyways lolsss
not in the picture,, Randall is 17 years old tehe
Here’s some outfit stuff for toggles and other things lallaaaaaa, also! The stripe on her shirt would go around fully, not just the front.
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ALSO!! Oh my god when making Randy ref and finishing someone,,, definitely not any spherical wizard of sorts,, said that it looked like Randall’s wall that he put all his ideas and stuff on with all the doodles on Randall’s ref page and I was just. Wow. entirely correct. So I did this;
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i’m going to DIEEEE after posting this oh my god
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i was laughibggghhh my ass off making that. I’m fully convinced that Randall would draw in that yuri art style and still not think she’s a lesbian.
Angela so real for that honestly like how are they not. Also alphonse shirt..happy puppy…Henry don’t gaf.
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rxccoon00 · 2 days
omori manga //
this. rushes. wayy too much
First, take how the actual game opened. We were in Headspace and we were sort of set to believe that it was the real world and this was just like any other "quirky" RPG game
And then we woke up after the first jumpscare! Tension builder and it helped flip the script . Although Headspace was tedious at least it did something!
Meanwhile the manga: Oh boy let's open up with a worthless Christmas flashback the readers have no reason to care about and immediately spoil one of the parts of Mari's personality
It does literally nothing? Also early Hellmari (which we do not care about)
This sets the readers up for low expectations which then removes the impact of Sunny opening the door (as we had no expectation of Sunny staying in there for 4 years) to meet Kel, which we still do not care about due to no reasons
Another part of Headspace was that we got to see the old characters' personalities! This could easily make us contrast it with what they were now, easily seen in Aubrey and Basil which we meet like 2 seconds later
Hero only gets mentioned in an offhand mention (so deep!) so that's good too.
At least Aubrey actually called Sunny out for being a douchebag but eeesh idk it felt too fast.
Everything was in fact rushed btw they crammed the whole day into one chapter. If it continues at this breakneck speed we're going to have 5 chapters, tops? Idk there's something about the manga that rubs me the wrong way
this was raccoon and he just ranted
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maegalkarven · 7 months
Good thing Levi and Gortash become immortals and live for a long ass time, bc with the way these two behave, I have a feeling it would take them at least a century to actually mature enough to have a normal in-depth conversation.
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 79
  When Pariah was awoken from his slumber, he wasn’t exactly expecting it. One was never expecting to awaken when they were supposed to be sealed for eternity after all. He also wasn’t expecting for the reason the sarcophagus was even opened to be a pair of literal infants. A pair of very sick infants.
  One was a newborn ancient for Realms’ sake! Two years dead, if that, and the other- Where was their guardian?! Who had let an obsession get that bad?! How long had he been sealed away that no one had caught an obsession turning toxic and harmful towards a ghostling?! 
  Why was he even sealed inside this area of the zone?! Why had his Keep been moved in the center of one of the zones where ghostlings formed?! He’d never harm a ghostling, but if he’d been any madder (And he knows he had lost it near the end there, that he’d gone too far as he cracked under the weight of the Realms, he’d had an eternity to realize) it would have been a catastrophe! 
  Who has been in charge, the observants!? … What the fuck, that was supposed to be rhetorical! No! They’re good for paperwork but they seem to have failed even at that and- what do you mean they’ve sealed Clockwork away?! 
  The already traumatized Time Primordial who was in this type of area specifically to care for ghostlings, and was now being prevented?! How long has this been going on- No! He’s fixing his realms-damned kingdom before he even thinks about conquering other ones, because who the fuck let it get this bad!
   Pspsps, here little sick ghostlings, he’s trying very hard not to hurt you but you are very tiny and he has been locked away for a long time so please stop squirming…
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stiffyck · 4 months
I love bad art so much. I love when people just scribble and do random brush strokes and I love seeing artists just not care if the end result looks pleasing or good. I love when people do art just because it's fun.
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hella1975 · 1 year
it's been pointed out on here before that a lot of terf arguments are actually rooted in sexist idealology that feminists fought and died to unnormalise decades ago and that's its own kettle of fish but one thing i also find very frustrating about this so called 'radical' feminism is that it's so... defeatist? like the moment you categorically label an entire section of society as Bad and Inherently Evil then there's also the implication that nothing can be done about it, and it completely takes all accountability away. saying all men are evil is just another way of saying boys will be boys. he raped her because he's a man. he hit her because he's a man. he didn't listen because he's a man - it's almost offensively oversimplified. there's no point trying to fix this issue in society because men are just Like That, okay! so now what? it's not like they're going anywhere, so you just accept that 50% of the population are evil and will forever treat you terribly and there's nothing to be done about it bc they're biologically predisposed to it? like is that fr the argument here? you're soooo radical for that
#this is coming from someone who used to very genuinely be a misandrist#ironically it was only when i started actually analysing my own feminism that i got MORE confrontational with men#and started respecting my boundaries a lot better BECAUSE i started holding them accountable again#like when men treat me like shit nowadays i dont just write it off as 'what did you expect? he's a man' i get MAD about it#because i EXPECT BETTER FROM THEM even if it's just tiny shit women have to deal with daily#i hold them to just as high a standard as im held to and i make them take accountability when they dont meet that#and whether you realise it or not even on a subconscious level the MOMENT you black-and-white blanket statement all men as bad#you stop holding them accountable.#like it is literally just boys will be boys. do terfs seriously not realise they're sending feminism BACKWARDS#like if a girl came to me with her trauma and people - other girls no less - tried to comfort her with 'yeah all men are evil'#id be fucking furious. like no he did that because he was a piece of shit that had it normalised to him that women arent to be respected#dont you dare let him off the hook with something as simple and uncritical as 'he's a man'#i promise you men like that will MUCH prefer a blanket statement such as 'all men are as bad as each other'#than actually being point blank told they're an abuser or a rapist. because being lumped together is comfortable and even empowering#wheras isolating their behaviour with words that are Bad and Ugly (LIKE 'rapist') is not comfortable at all and has heavy connotations#idk i dont think radical feminism is always bad on its own it can be v liberating. just terfs and misandrists that i have a problem with#dropping this post in a piranha tank and closing tumblr knowing im gonna have some thirty year old karen yelling at me within 5 mins#i probably wont respond to any terf comments bc they literally mentally exhaust me with their stupidity#but that also depends on my mood and ability to keep my mouth shut LMFAO we shall see
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Look, I don't have the audio of this interview so maybe there's extra context that was cut out... but it is HILARIOUS to me how defensive he got when LITERALLY no one asked.
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starrysharks · 5 months
real savory heads will remember savory's giant handcuff era of 2021... perhaps we should bring it back (i have no clue how to develop his design)
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wonder-worker · 3 months
I've been thinking about the tragedy of Elizabeth Woodville living to see the end of her family name.
I don't mean her family with her husband, which lived on through her daughter and grandson. I mean her own.
Her sisters died, one by one, many of them after 1485. When Elizabeth died, only Katherine was left, and she would die before the turn of the century as well.
All her brothers died, too. Lewis died in childhood. John was executed. Anthony was murdered. Lionel died suddenly in the peak of Richard's reign, unable to see his niece become queen. Edward perished at war. Richard died in grieving peace. For all the violence and judgement the family endured, it was "an accident of biology" that ended their line: none of the brothers left heirs, and the Woodville name was extinguished. We know the family was aware of this. We know they mourned it, too:
“Buy a bell to be a tenor at Grafton to the bells now there, for a remembrance of the last of my blood.”
Elizabeth lived through the deposition and death of her young sons, and lived to see the end of her own family name. It must have been such a haunting loss, on both sides.
#(the quote is by Richard Woodville in his deathbed will; he was the last of the Woodville brothers to die)#elizabeth woodville#woodvilles#my post#to be clear I am not arguing that the death of an English gentry family name is some kind of giant tragedy (it absolutely the fuck is not)#I'm trying to put it into perspective with regards to what Elizabeth may have felt because we know her family DID feel this way#writing this kinda reminded me of how I am just not fond at all about the way Elizabeth's experiences in 1483-85 are written about#and the way lots so many of the unprecedentedly horrifying aspects are overlooked or treated so casually:#the seizure and murder of two MINOR sons and the illegal execution of another;#her sheer vulnerability in every way compared to all her queenly predecessors; how she was harassed by 'dire threats' for months;#how she had 5 very young daughters with her to look after at the time (Bridget and Katherine were literally 3 and 4 years old);#how unprecedented Richard's treatment of her was: EW was the first queen of england to be officially declared an adulteress;#and the first and ONLY queen to be officially accused of witchcraft#(Joan of Navarre was accused of her treason; she was never explicitly accused of witchcraft on an official level like EW was)#the first crowned queen of england to have her marriage annulled; and the first queen to have her children officially bastardized#what former queens endured through rumors* were turned into horrifying realities for her.#(I'm not trying to downplay the nightmare of that but this was fundamentally on a different level altogether)#nor did Elizabeth get a trial or appeal to the church. like I cannot emphasize this enough: this was not normal for queens#and not normal for depositions. ultimately what Richard did *was* unprecedented#and of course let's not forget that Elizabeth had literally just been unexpectedly widowed like 20 days before everything happened#I really don't feel like any of this is emphasized as much as it should be?#apart from the horrifying death of her sons - but most modern books never call it murder they just write that they 'disappeared'#and emphasize that ACTUALLY we don't know what happened to them (this includes Arlene Okerlund)#rather than allowing her to have that grief (at the very least)#more time is spent dealing with accusations that she was a heartless bitch or inconsistent intriguer for making a deal with Richard instead#it also feels like a waste because there's a lot that can be analyzed about queenship and R3's usurpation if this is ever explored properly#anyway - it's kinda sad that even after Henry won and her daughter became queen EW didn't really get a break#her family kept dying one by one and the Woodville name was extinguished. and she lived to see it#it's kinda heartbreaking - it was such a dramatic rise and such a slow haunting fall#makes for a great story tho
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pastry3 · 4 months
came up with a story for trollex n barb in my head n started doodling scenes of them 😭😭
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look I am halfway through a draft thinking about the shittiest nurse/worst buddy cop duo au, and have had the hilarious and also terrible realisation that like.
Li xiangyi is fifteen when he defeats the blood demon and becomes the top ranked guy in the jianghu, right? he's fifteen. a teenager.
he holds that rank until his death, I'm assuming, given we don't get told otherwise and a lot of the rank fights we hear about end in uhhhh someone's death, though given di feisheng is the guy we hear the most about having those fights possibly that is just a him thing and everyone else has less than a 99.5% combat fatality rate.
whatever! we're proceeding on the assumption that Li xiangyi is top dog from the point he gets the rank until he "dies" in the east sea.
which means that for five years, the top ranked martial artist is a fucking teenager. presumably a number of people try to challenge him*, which means that a number of people rock up to a literal teenager and are like YOU, ME, FIGHT!?
and then get their ass kicked. by a teenager who has not finished having growth spurts, and whose voice is still 9000% cracking.
imagine facing the best martial artist in the world, who is all teenaged gangling limbs, proceeds to kick your ass, and then (assuming you're not uh. dead from terminal sword-itis) gives you some self impressed incredibly annoying teenager lecture on what the fuck ever. his voice cracks four times in ten minutes. you do not laugh, because he did just kick your ass, but also, maybe it would have been better to die.
*other than di feisheng? what are you doing for those five years there bud, like yes setting up the alliance but also? bestie you explicitly do not care about that, we've all been in jobs/community projects we hate but c'mon, babygirl, surely you could make time for a play date somewhere in the literal five years you had to organise it?? maybe he got to rank 2 way after Li xiangyi made rank 1, but still?? we are talking at minimum about 3 years at rank 2 probably, and I too have failed to organise a meet up for years on end but still. get it together mate, wuyan seems great at organisation in the approximately seven seconds of screen time he has, maybe let him handle your calendar appointments
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911 Season 1 + Buck being a baby (derogatory)
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prapais · 2 years
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LOVE IN THE AIR ⋮ SPECIAL EPISODE. you’d better stick to the rules. oh? did you just smile?
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 201
So, Danny is definitely not running from a cop right now. 
He’s also not been de-aged to like, eight years old or something and is running from said cop after hitting him in the kneecaps after he got caught maybe stealing a tire. Jazz- currently like twelve- would be so disappointed if that was the case after all, ha… 
Oh Ancients both Jordan and Ellie (currently turned mini like he was) will laugh at him if he got caught and needed to be bailed out! He just needed a couple of tires to sell dangit! And no one would care if he stole a cop’s tires, this place’s police were all corrupt anyway if word on the street was to go by! 
Go away, he was just trying to get money for food dangit! 
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puppyeared · 7 months
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#whenever my meds kick in it feels like im gonna piss myself. not literally but its really really feels like it#and now whenever that happens my mind goes back to pancho (grandmas dog) at a xmas party years ago#bc he peed when we arrived bc he was so excited to see ppl and my cousin had to clean it up :o)#well for better or for worse i know that feeling now when im pumped on 20mg of adderall#im still getting used to this whole diagnosis thing cause ive gone untreated and undiagnosed for the longest time. so theres probably a lot#i still dont know and have to learn to get myself to be.. functional on my own? self managing????#i even set up reminders on my phone for work periods meals and stuff. but the problem is actually getting myself to stick to that to a T#because the minute i slack off or something gets in the way it throws it all off until i can be bothered to get back on track. it sucks#at least ive built up other habits like writing notes and setting alarms ahead of time.. but i feel like i could do better#its always hard to change something if youve been doing it wrong for the longest time. especially behaviour and thinking patterns. sigh#in other news my glasses bailed on me so i have to get a new pair sometime. i just realized i never draw my sona with glasses but thats#mostly bc i forget. id love to get some browline glasses like my old pair but im picky and its hard to find one id like for the next 5 year#i also finally managed to collect all the fish in my animal crossing file!!! pulled out a char last week and boom now i have a poster :o)#THAT was a moment where i almost peed myself for real. id love to get all the bugs but i cant stay up late on the switch :o(#yapping#my art#myart#doodles#personal#diary
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