#“i only really ever like one person at any time” bro you hardly like anybody at any time
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I will lose my fucking goddamn mind if I come across another fake dating fic where the endgame isn't tagged.
Like, if you start a fic with an endgame in mind, and then that changes while writing the story, that's fine! Just Change the tags! That easy! Some people don't multi-ship, and it's fine that you do, but maybe make it clear how it's gonna end because me and a lot of other people don't like certain ships and that's fucking okay.
#the sudden and inexplicable realisation that i probably dont multiship bc as a mostly aroace person#i cant imagine liking more than one person at one time and therefore having more than two possible outcomes:#dating the person you like or not dating the person you like#those are the two options in my head#“i only really ever like one person at any time” bro you hardly like anybody at any time#anyway#the fic(s) im thinking of was p!ns and p@tches#sensoring it because i know its a rarepair and if someone searches it i dont want this rant coming up#searching is generally how i find my content instead of tags#seriously though i have like Maybe three characters i multi ship and i cant even remember who#fake dating#fanfiction#i swear to fucking god if someone says “some people are gonna like ships you dont like get over it”#or some shit like that#they will immediately be blocked im so fucking sick of not being taken seriously#i know that. im okay with that. take your own advice maybe and tag ships properly
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44 for willex and au of your choice! If you’re still taking prompts
Oop this prompt invaded my brain and ran off into the sunset. I definitely didn’t mean for it to get as long as it did, but here we are! From the gimme a chance AU, I give you 3 times Willie sat on Alex’s lap +1 time Alex sat on Willie’s (these span the time between all the other one-shots I wrote for Willex in this universe!)
#44: sitting on the other’s lap (Rated a heavy T for some adult themes and language. Also available on ao3!)
Willie hardly ever thought about it anymore. When they were out in public, when they were at the studio with Luke and Reggie for band practice, when they were just hanging around one of their apartments, he never really thought about them in terms of dating. He kind of more thought about them in terms of forever. Not that he was rushing anything, but more that there was a kind of aura around Alex, a kind of energy, that had a way of sinking into Willie’s very bones and saying hey, I’m gonna stick around for the rest of your life that made him think in terms of absolutes. Alex was an absolute. Willie was totally a-okay with that.
The thing that bothered him though, was the fact that Alex didn’t seem to get it.
He still waited for Willie to offer his hand to hold. He didn’t kiss him unless Willie made it painfully obvious that he was okay with that. He hadn’t even managed to get him to spend the night yet because Alex always came up with a reason to go home before Willie could even try to extend the invitation.
And it wasn’t that Alex wasn’t into him. He was. He so totally was. Willie knew that. But it was like he was afraid to own up to it. Which Willie could kind of understand. They had talked about their families and while Willie was lucky to be fully accepted for who he was at home, Alex’s parents were a different story.
They weren’t outright cruel, they had still provided the necessities in the form of food, water, and shelter while Alex had been living at home, but they didn’t love any more. They didn’t talk, they didn’t help, they just ghosted along as if they had never been a part of Alex’s life in the first place. It seemed worse than outright hatred, but Alex claimed it was better than nothing. After all, it had meant that they didn’t ask where he had been or where he was going or when he would be home, which had kinda been a dream as a high schooler. Other kids had wished they had that kind of freedom, Alex told him. Not worth complaining about. It had basically been like having roommates, which was great practice for when he moved out and actually had roommates, Alex said, and Willie pretended all of that was normal because he could tell Alex wanted it to be. They didn’t talk about how now that Alex was living on his own his parents had completely dropped all communication with him. Willie just made a note of it and decided he would make up for all that affection Alex had been missing out on.
So, Willie carried on the way he was used to when it came to being interested in someone and in a relationship with them. He complimented Alex, gave him cute little nicknames, and generally tried to see how often he could manage to make the other boy blush. One of the most successful tactics he had found was sitting in Alex’s lap, especially when he least expected it.
Like right now, in the middle of a Sunset Curve practice.
Luke had been getting frustrated with part of the melody of a new song or something, and Reggie had finally told him to just jam it out until he found the notes he was looking for, and Alex had paused his drumming, tucking his sticks into one hand, and reaching down with the other to grab the large water bottle he kept at his feet when he played. He watched the way the light caught on Alex’s hair as he flicked it off his face, turning the blonde strands into spun gold. Found himself mesmerized by the lines of Alex’s jaw and neck as he tipped his head back to rehydrate. His feet moved on their own, pulling him over to his boyfriend’s side like Alex was a magnet and Willie was made of metal.
Alex quirked a brow at him as he lowered the water bottle, but Willie didn’t say anything. Just grinned and plopped himself down right on Alex’s lap, even though he knew the stool was only meant to hold one person’s weight and Alex had grumbled more than once over Luke and Reggie messing with it. Alex didn’t grumble at him though. Especially not when he looped his arms around the other boy’s neck and leaned forward to place a kiss against his temple. Alex’s cheeks blushed Willie’s favorite shade of pink, the one that almost matched the hoodie he always wore.
“You looked a little lonely over here. Thought I’d come say hi.”
Alex’s lips parted as he breathed out the word, his eyes softening the way they did every time Willie looked into them for a beat too long. Willie felt his smile widen. He inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with the scent of sweaty band boys and fresh linen and Alex’s honey vanilla shampoo. Alex started to slip his own arms around Willie’s waist, his head tilted up as his gaze fell to his lips. And then an extra loud guitar chord rang out through the amps and Alex jumped, nearly dumping Willie on the ground.
“Alright, lovebirds, enough! I figured out what was wrong with the chord progression. I just gotta switch it from a G chord to a...”
Willie tuned out, never fully able to follow along when Luke got going on a musical tangent. Instead, he pressed one quick kiss to Alex’s lips and stood, slipping out from behind the kit to return to his original position on the couch set up across from where the boys stood to play. Alex watched him with a soft smile and starry eyes before giving his head a quick shake and refocusing on Luke, cheeks still tinged that pale pink that made Willie’s heart soar. Willie tucked the memory away with all his other favorite Alex moments and watched the band get back to it, head bobbing along as he watched his boyfriend shine. And if he made sure to keep his gaze firmly focused on Alex, winking every now and then just so he could see that blush creep back in, well no one else had to know about that but him.
Surprisingly, the hardest part of dating a guy like Alex, a guy who was beautiful and effortlessly sexy and regularly doing something that gave literally anybody a free pass to ogle him for as long as his band was up on stage, was the fact that his boyfriend seemed to have no fucking clue just how attractive he was. And he was also shockingly bad at knowing when someone was hitting on him. Willie was pretty sure if he hadn’t asked Alex on a date after running him over, the guy would have never made a move. And that was afterWillie spent 20 minutes openly flirting with him and dropping ten-ton hints as he helped him clean up and bandage his wounds. It was simultaneously adorable and exhausting, because it meant that sometimes Willie had to watch people chat up his boyfriend while Alex awkwardly bumbled his way through what he assumed was a friendly conversation.
Willie, as a rule, did not get jealous. Jealousy was for people who had trust issues, and Willie trusted Alex more than he had ever trusted a single other person before. So, he wasn’t jealous, per se, as he made his way through the crowd, eyes locked on the back of the guy casually leaning over where Alex was sitting alone in a booth against the wall. He was actually a bit concerned because Alex looked uncomfortable, and he hadn’t thought to tell him that he was gonna make it to the show tonight, which had seemed like a romantic idea at the time but obviously wasn’t because Alex was drumming one of his hands against his thighs and tapping his fingers against the back of his phone on the table in front of him with the other.
He was probably waiting for Willie to call him, because that was something Willie had been doing now that he had gone pro and started traveling for competitions on the weekend instead of showing up at Ebbie’s to cheer on the band from the front row. He had been a little late to snag a front row spot this weekend, barely making it for the last couple of songs in the set. But he had made it, because the competition had ended up getting rained out and Willie had braved the hours of Saturday evening traffic back to LA so that he could see his boyfriend in person instead of through a phone screen.
His boyfriend who was now being hit on by a complete stranger in a crowded bar where Luke and Reggie were nowhere to be found. Willie frowned slightly as he watched Alex draw back into the booth a bit more, both hands picking up speed as they continued to mindlessly tap out a rhythm. No, Willie wasn’t jealous. He was mad that this dude wasn’t picking up on Alex’s cues and backing off. So, now that he was only a few steps away, he skipped forward and made his presence known.
“Hey Hotdog, you looked pretty good up there tonight.”
Alex’s face lit up like the 4th of July, his green gaze skipping past the guy invading his space and latching onto Willie like he was seeing the sun for the first time. Willie felt his lips curve into a soft smile. The unknown guy straightened a bit, eyes skipping back and forth between Alex and Willie, brow furrowed. Willie didn’t have the capacity to help the dude connect the dots, because all he could focus on was Alex and how fast his expression had changed upon hearing Willie’s voice.
Alex’s tone was quiet and awed, like he had conjured Willie up out of thin air. His hands stilled, and Willie couldn’t resist anymore. He slipped past the stranger who was finally starting to back up and step away, hands raised slightly as if to say sorry, bro, didn’t know you had a boyfriend, and wormed his way into the booth, settling himself on Alex’s lap. Alex leaned forward, his head falling to rest in the crook of Willie’s neck, breath stuttering out and sending a wave of goosebumps across his skin.
“I didn’t think you were coming tonight.”
“Comp got cancelled. And I missed you.”
Willie dropped a kiss on the top of Alex’s blonde head, breathing in the distinct honey-vanilla-laundry scent that always got a bit more intense after a show. Alex’s cheeks warmed, Willie delighting in the fact that he could actually feel the blush against his own skin, and his lips moved against the hollow of Willie’s throat.
“I always miss you.”
The words were tempered with gentle kisses and Willie thought he might melt into the floor right there on the spot. He didn’t censor his next words, let the longing bleed through so Alex understood just how badly he wanted to be with him.
“Come home with me tonight then. I think six months of dating is long enough to move into sleepover territory.”
Alex’s arms squeezed around his waist for a brief second, Willie biting his tongue as he listened to Alex’s breath hitch and then pick up a bit faster than before. He pulled his head out of Willie’s neck, mouth open to answer, when the other two-thirds of Sunset Curve suddenly arrived at the table in their typical whirlwind fashion. They called out happy greetings as they clocked Willie’s arrival, slipping into the other side of the booth. Willie smiled and tried to focus on what they were saying so he could beat back the disappointment of not getting an answer. He only startled slightly when Alex’s lips were suddenly at his ear.
“Six months of dating is definitely long enough. Take me home, pretty boy.”
And Willie felt his own cheeks heat, prayed that Luke and Reggie wouldn’t spot the change in the low light as he settled himself further into Alex’s embrace. He kept himself occupied with linking his fingers through Alex’s where they still wrapped around his waist and tried not to think too much about finally getting to sleep next to the guy he was falling more in love with every day as he counted down the minutes to bar close.
He wasn’t even surprised when he woke up in the morning and realized a feeling of homecoming had settled fully and deeply into his heart and soul. At some point in the last six months home and Alex had become synonymous anyway.
The worst part about getting in a car accident and breaking his leg in three places was the fact that Willie couldn’t skate for several months while he recovered and went through physical therapy and all the other bullshit necessary to make sure he was strong enough to compete at a similar level as before. His sponsors had been understanding and Willie was able to do little things here and there to fulfill his contracts, so he wasn’t too worried about any of that for the time being. Mostly he was just bored and fidgety. But it was okay, because the best part about getting in car accident and breaking his leg in three places was having Alex as his caretaker while he recovered.
Alex, who had shown up at the hospital when Willie was still groggy from surgery and climbed into bed with him and kissed his bruises and told him he loved him. Alex, who had come back to the hospital every chance he got for the week Willie was stuck there post-op. Alex, who had practically moved into Willie’s apartment once he was sent home, even though they had both agreed they weren’t ready to live together yet, because Willie needed someone to help him get to and from the bathroom and shower and Alex was obviously his first choice despite the fact that Willie had three capable roommates who had offered to help.
Alex was the best part about his recovery, hands down. Except for the fact that he seemed to think Willie was made of glass now.
They were supposed to be having a movie night at the Sunset Curve apartment. Willie had gotten his cast off and been switched to a walking boot earlier that day, and he had told Alex he would come by after he left the hospital because he needed a break from the same four walls of his bedroom. Luke and Reggie had sent a text that they were picking up a pizza and drinks, so Willie had hoped for maybe a little bit of make-out action on the couch before they got back. Instead, Alex had fretted and fluttered about, forcing Willie to lay down on the couch with his leg elevated while Alex plumped his pillows and asked him a million times if he was feeling okay. Willie had been about ready to tackle Alex just to get him to shut up, still healing leg be damned, when Luke and Reggie came back.
Then it had been an argument over what to watch with Reggie insisting they hadn’t watched Star Wars recently even though they definitely had, and by the time the yellow words were rolling across the screen Willie realized Alex had opted for the floor next to the couch instead of the actual couch itself. He had his arm stretched out along Willie’s hip, but it wasn’t nearly enough contact. So, Willie swung his legs over the edge of the couch and stood, before unceremoniously dropping himself down directly in Alex’s lap. Alex let out an indignant huff, rolling his eyes as Reggie turned to shush him.
“Willie, what the hell? Get back on the couch, you need to rest your leg.”
Willie rolled his own eyes, snuggling further into Alex’s chest, winding his arms around the back of his neck to play with the blonde hair that was a bit overgrown at the back.
“No, I need to cuddle with my boyfriend. You keep acting like you’re gonna hurt me if you touch me and its honestly pretty rude. I’m not that breakable.”
Alex made sound of protest in the back of his throat, his hands waving around and above Willie’s booted leg.
“Obviously you are very breakable!”
“Yeah, in a fight with a car,” Willie snorted, sighing and refusing to budge even an inch. “You could never hurt me. C’mon, baby, please?”
Alex flushed from head to toe. Willie didn’t usually break out the softer pet names unless they were alone because they kind of made Alex blue screen, but desperate times called for desperate measures. Willie pressed a kiss against Alex’s throbbing pulse as well, in for a penny, in for a pound and all that.
“Guys,” Reggie whined, “can you like...take it to the bedroom or shut up? Some of us are trying to watch the Empire strike back here.”
And Alex, sweet, beautiful, perfect Alex, scooped Willie up like he weighed nothing at all, cheeks still pink and eyes unfocused in a way that told Willie his mind had taken a nosedive into the gutter. He couldn’t help but laugh, clinging on so that he wasn’t complete deadweight in Alex’s very capable arms.
“Dude, seriously?” He heard Luke call out, but the sound was muffled quickly behind Alex’s bedroom door as it closed, the lock clicking into place.
“That wasn’t fair.”
Alex’s tone didn’t match his words, his voice going breathless as he snuggled both of them into the bed, his hands sneaking under the hem of Willie’s crop top to skim along his ribs.
“All’s fair in love and war, babe.”
Willie let Alex swallow the sound of his laugh, lips meeting for the much-anticipated make-out session he had been hoping for earlier. Movie night was forgotten. By the time the sun was rising, Willie was pretty sure he had convinced Alex exactly how not breakable he was.
Alex wasn’t usually the one to initiate physical contact. Willie was completely at ease handing out kisses and hugs and linking their fingers together whenever it suited him, but Alex wasn’t quite as uninhibited. He had gotten better over the last year or so of dating, but he still wasn’t quite as casual with it. It was easier when they were alone, Willie’s lingering glances and complimentary words making him feel bold and confident.
It was kind of a running joke between them, the fact that Alex had initiated their first kiss so suddenly only to then spend the rest of their relationship holding himself back a bit. And even though Willie never meant it as more than a tease, Alex had been genuinely trying to change that about himself. He had started therapy and he was doing the work to unpack all of the ways his parents had fucked him up over the years. He was learning and growing, and not just for Willie, but for himself. It was nice.
Okay, it was really fucking hard and stressful. But it was also kind of working. Alex had found himself feeling a lot less anxious, especially when Willie was out of town competing and Alex had flashbacks to the car accident and other minor injuries Willie had sustained while on the road. He had learned some new coping mechanisms, and he had started to be a bit freer with his own physical affection. Which definitely had some very nice side effects.
Side effects like finally being the one to make Willie blush and blank out for once.
It shouldn’t have been a big deal. They had been dating for over a year, they regularly spent the night together, they were fully committed to each other. They had sex for Christ’s sake, so nothing should have felt like too much intimacy wise. And it didn’t. Until they were at some BBQ for one of Willie’s skater friends and Alex started to feel a bit overwhelmed, but instead of taking himself into the bathroom to have a quiet moment and pull it together, he found Willie, sitting next to a fire pit with a beer in hand. He didn’t even think twice before dropping into his lap and snatching the can from Willie’s grasp to steal a sip.
The contact was instantly comforting, and Alex suddenly realized that must be why Willie was constantly crawling into his own lap. It felt cozy and safe in his boyfriend’s arms, every part of him warm and close enough for Alex to inhale the scent of coconut shampoo mixed with cherry Chapstick. It was only when he went to return the beer can to Willie that he realized he had kind of frozen. For one second, Alex let himself panic that he had gone too far, done something wrong that would end up ruining everything, and then he realized Willie was breathing a lot faster than normal, one of his hands finding purchase against Alex’s waist and squeezing. The conversation carried on around them, but time seemed to stand still within their own personal little bubble.
“Alex, you cannot just do that and expect me not to want you six ways to Sunday now.”
Willie’s breath was hot against Alex’s neck, his words coming out fast and furious like he had to say them all now before he couldn’t speak at all. Alex felt his cheeks warm as he turned his head slightly to meet Willie’s eyes. His pupils were wide, cheeks the kind of ruddy dark brown that Alex had learned meant he was definitely blushing too. The fingers on the hand that was clenched around Alex’s hip danced across the thin strip of skin between his pants and his shirt, drawing a series of patterns across Alex’s side that made him shiver. Willie groaned beneath him, the sound breathless and just loud enough for Alex to hear. He smirked, wiggling a little like he was trying to get more comfortable.
“Lex, I swear to God I will make out with you so hard right in front of all these people. It won’t bother me. You gotta stop it unless you’re willing to risk that.”
Alex kinda wanted to risk it. Knowing he made Willie feel that out of control was a huge rush. God, he really should have taken advantage of all this physical stuff a lot earlier, huh?
“You wanna make out with me here, or you wanna make out with me back at your apartment?”
Alex kept his voice hushed, dipping his head so his lips were right next to Willie’s ear. Willie shuddered beneath him and then downed his beer in one long swallow. He nudged Alex to standing, following him but not moving out from his spot slightly behind him as his hand fit itself more snuggly into place along Alex’s waist.
“Gents,” he addressed the other skaters scattered around the fire with a two fingered salute, “Lex and I gotta get going. Got some plans to take care of.”
Alex tried not to snort and blush at the obvious undertone to Willie’s words. The rest of the group had no such qualms, hooting and hollering as Willie practically dragged Alex out of the back yard, hand raising to give them a middle finger when Alex heard Max call out get you some, Stewart! Alex laughed, stepping up close behind Willie as they came around to the front of the house, voice dipping low in a tease.
“Jeez, Wils, who knew sitting in your lap would do it for you?”
Willie turned without warning, catching Alex before he could trip into him and surging forward to connect their lips in a kiss that featured a bit more teeth than usual.
“You do it for me, Alex. It’s all you, all the time. God, I fucking love you.”
Alex didn’t get a chance to respond before Willie was pulling away and ushering Alex into his car. He linked their hands together on the console between the seats, and Alex didn’t even complain once about his speeding. He was too busy thinking up all the other things he could do to make Willie lose it in public like that again. He had a lot of time to make up for, and the rest of their lives to do so.
#mads writes#gimme a chance#jatp#julie and the phantoms#willex#jatp ficlet#willex ficlet#send me prompts for my birthday!#<- literally just tagging that for consistency#alex mercer#willie jatp
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OMG, so I had this idea like Luke x reader where they're not public but Cal, Ash and Mike don't like her (probably bc Luke has been hurt so many times) buuut they individualy come around bc they saw like some cute moments of reader being supportive, or taking care of Luke, or being total badass and like they come around and she meets Liz and Liz is like totally happy with how smitten Luke is and well they just have this fluffy moment Pretty please 👀
Perfect - L. Hemmings
Original story by sarcastically-defensive17
It was something out of the ordinary for Ashton, Calum and Michael to not give somebody a chance: so it infuriates Luke to not extent as they deliberately made efforts to avoid Y/N at all costs.
The three men were the kindest people he knew, so he couldn’t fathom why they chose to make his new girlfriend feel less welcome than she already did.
Y/N tried to ignore the cold shoulders she received, knowing it was their way of trying to protect Luke. His past few relationships had resulted in him getting hurt so badly that he was scared to give it another chance.
Until she came along.
It was hard, in his line of work to find somebody who didn’t want him for his fame or his money, but he practically struck gold when he met Y/N, who was so deep in her rock and roll love that she had never heard of a band from Australia named 5 Seconds of Summer.
It was quite a shock when, after a few dates, she found his almost decade long music career listen in black, white and every Colour of Michael Cliffords hair online.
They were now onto their fifth month of dating.
It took the a while to bring the guys around. Calum found comfort in his friends relationship when he witnessed Y/N going into complete nurse mode, and having so much patience while Luke experiences the dreaded man-flu.
He was always one for the drama.
Ashton got close to the woman when he visited Luke at his house during a long writing process. Everybody knew that when Luke was writing, he would go days without proper sleep and not take care of himself, so Ashton, ever the doting friend, intended to bring him coffee and food to make sure he was getting nutrition.
He didn’t expect to walk in on the two of them playing some of their old songs. He learned a lot about Y/N that day, including the fact that she can definitely keep up with him on the drums.
Michael was by far the hardest to bring around. He had been the one to set Luke up with his last girlfriend, who ultimately broke his heart after months of emotional manipulation, so he was hesitant about getting involved in any way with another relationship of Luke’s, out of pure guilt.
It took many stressful weeks and a very intense tournament of Super Smash Bros. but Y/N eventually earned both her victory and a boatload of respect from Michael Clifford. Although, that was built majorly after a tweet surfaced of Y/N defended both the band and Michael’s fiancé from hateful trolls under the guise as a fan. Her and Luke were keeping their relationship out of the public eye for now.
That proved she cared about Luke, but also about his friends. And she was a badass at video games.
The next person to meet, was the most terrifying for Y/N.
She stood by Luke’s side outside of the modestly sized house. The shutters curtains inside were drawn open, and from the outside she could see two people bustling about.
“You okay?” Luke’s blue eyes bored down at hers, concern creating a thick film over the icy colour.
She breathed in through her nose for a minute, breathing out a sigh and smoothing her hands over her black dress, “Just peachy,” her smile was tight and nervous. “Trying to make sure I don’t ruin my chances to get your parents to like me.”
Luke laughed loudly, and she shushed him immediately to increase the tune before they were to enter.
“You’re worries my parents won’t like you? They like everybody!”
“That’s what you said about the guy,” she mumbled, thinking back on the numerous times Luke had promised her the three would like her, and the amount of time she spent trying to win them over. “I’m just nervous, sorry.”
He laced his fingers with her, pressing a kiss to her knuckles, “I’ll be right by your side, my love.”
She flushed at his words, taking a deep breath and pressing her finger to the button. A bell chime sounded, and moments after an older blonde woman was pulling Luke into a hug and pressing kisses to his cheeks.
Y/N found herself smiling at the contact.
The blonde woman turned to her, a wide smile on her face that matched Luke’s. He got a lot of his looks from his mother, that was for sure.
“And you must be the girl who has my baby so smitten,” she pulled Y/N into a crushing hug. “He hardly shuts up about you. It’s so nice to finally put a person to the pictures he sent me!”
She flushed at the comment, shooting Luke a look over his mothers shoulder to which he flashed a cheeky grin.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Mrs Hemmings,” Y/N matched the smile on the hemmings’ faces, feeling happiness wash off of the pair.
“Please, it’s Liz to you,” she pointed at the woman teasingly. “Come on, dinner is almost ready and Andy is fussing with the tellie.”
She was guided through the door by Liz, Luke being left to follow behind them. She was pulled over to an older man who had the same eyes as Luke.
He brightened up at the sight of his son and their guest, “Oh, somebody dragged the Giraffe in. And you must be Y/N.”
She was offered a hand to shake, and she completed a gesture with a smile at his comment about Luke.
“Nice to meet you,” she beamed.
Her nerves were building on the surface as they sat through dinner.
Liz couldn’t help but notice the glances her son would sneak at his beau, and her heart swelled at the sight of him so happy.
She told Luke to excuse himself to clean the dishes with his father, and after slight protest from the two men they conceded, leaving Y/N and Liz alone.
It was quiet for a beat, Y/N not knowing whether to start a conversation or wait for Liz to speak. The older woman made the decision for her.
“You make him so happy.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows, mouth dropping slightly at the emission, “Uh, I do? I mean-“
Liz chuckled placing a hand on her arm to calm the woman’s nerves.
“Honey, Luke doesn’t bring just anybody round to meet us. We’ve only met one of his girlfriends before you, so you must mean a lot to him,” she winked, her blonde hair falling onto her shoulders as she rubbed the woman’s arm.
“Really?” Y/N couldn’t believe the confession. Surely Luke had done this before, it doesn’t mean he values her anymore than he did the other girls.
“I’m serious, Y/N.” Her face holds a smile, but her eyes shout nothing but truth. “I can see it in the way he looks at you. I think my baby boy is in love,” she whispers the last bit, shooting a sly glance towards the kitchen where Luke is with Andy.
Y/N flushes and turns her gaze down to her hands on the table, “I can’t deny that I feel the same way about him.”
Liz erupts into a wide grin, pulling the woman into a hug before she has the chance to realize.
A throat clears in the entry to the dining room, and they turn to see the Hemmings men watching the scene with raised brows. They look so similar that it brings a lopsided smile to Y/n’s face.
“Everything alright?” Luke asks, leaning over to kiss Y/N’s forehead and take his seat next to her.
“Everything is fine, isn’t it, dear?” Liz smirks, watching the way the two hold each other close.
“Everything is just perfect,” Y/N rests her head on her lovers shoulder, smiling at the woman in the room.
#luke hemmings#5sos#ashton irwin#calum hood#michael clifford#luke hemmings x reader#5 seconds of summer#requested
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Haha Just Kidding. . . Unless?
read on ao3
Alec almost spits out his coffee as he hears Magnus’s confident answer.
“Kill Jace, Marry Simon, Fuck Alec.”
His best friend says it without blinking or taking a breath and the lunch table falls silent for a minute as everyone processes what Magnus has just said. Alec feels like he’s having a coronary and he hates himself, just a little-- okay a lot-- for the sheer yearning that response creates.
Jace immediately hops on the defensive. “Hey, why would you kill me? Et tu, Brute?” He tips his protein shake in Magnus’s direction. “I’ll have you know that I’m a hot piece of ass and ladies are lining up to get a shot at me.”
Rolling his eyes, Magnus replies, “You wear way too much product in your hair. Just the thought of running my hands through that greasy mess makes me ill. Plus, I don’t think we’ve ever had a civil conversation-- our marriage would be doomed from the start.”
Jace looks like he wants to protest but he just grumbles something nobody understands and chugs his shake. Instead, it’s Simon who straightens, looking intrigued and delighted.
“You’d marry me? Awe, I didn’t know you cared so much.”
Magnus’s reply is absent as his eyes are locked on his phone, fingers flying over the keyboard. “Alexander’s my first choice but since we’re roommates, it’s like we’re already married. You’re a lovely person, Sherman, and at least we have the same taste in music. Coming home to you every night ranks solidly in the middle of how I’d want to spend my time-- not great but better than hell.”
Simon snorts. “You charmer you.”
“Those are bold words, Bane,” Izzy interjects on the other side of the table and Alec didn’t even know she was paying attention. She has a biology test tonight and she’s been furiously reviewing her notes since she plopped down in the seat next to him. “Aren’t you afraid that sleeping with my brother would ruin your friendship?”
Magnus looks discomfited for a moment. It’s striking but Alec can’t read the look in his eyes as he looks uncharacteristically maudlin for a bare moment before he brightens again. Alec could almost believe he’d imagined the look of sour dejection.
“It’s just a game, Isabelle. Alec’s an attractive man and I, more than anybody else, should know how irresistible he is. We’ve been friends since middle school. If I was going to fuck anyone, shouldn’t it be someone I love and trust?”
Alec looks up and his gaze find its unerring way to Magnus’s. He feels a flush crawl up his neck as he meets the challenge in his best friend’s stare. Even though it was a silly game, as Alec looks at Magnus he can’t help but wish it was real instead of his best friend being his usually teasing and outrageous self.
Still. It’s Magnus and there’s really only response Alec can give him. “I love and trust you too, Magnus.”
He hears most of the table groan though Magnus himself doesn’t say anything. No, if Alec didn’t know better, he’d say his friend was struck speechless, though Alec detects the softening of his expression, his eyes growing wide before whatever emotion had flared bright in them is banked.
The moment suspends in time but before either one of them can say anything, Jace is cursing and breaking the moment. “Shit, we’ve got class in ten minutes, Alec.”
Alec groans but heaves himself up-- their class was on the other side of campus from the student center and they’d have to leave now and power walk to get there before Professor Herondale started lecturing. She takes Children’s Psych way too seriously and Alec really doesn’t want his participation grade docked for the day.
Shoving their things into their book bags, Alec and Jace leave with a round of goodbyes. As he passes Magnus, he feels his roommate sweep a hand over his back as he murmurs, “Bye, darling, see you later.”
It’s not until they’re halfway through class and ostensibly working on a group assignment that Jace punches him in the shoulder with a look like Alec’s supposed to know why the hell he just bruised him.
“What the fuck?”
Jace rolls his eyes. “Don’t give me that shit. Did you hear what I heard at lunch? Magnus totally wants in your pants, dude.”
Wincing, Alec’s struck with a pang of resignation for his brother’s delicacy. “You know he didn’t mean it like that.”
“He said, and I quote, ‘fuck Alec.’ In what world does that not mean what it means?”
“Since we’re best friends and he was answering an asinine question,” Alec hisses back, glaring at Jace. “He probably just didn’t want to leave me out.”
Jace just levels him with a look. “You’re dumb as shit, you know that right?”
“Fuck off, Jace,” Alec snaps and Jace’s eyebrows shoot up at the vehemence in his tone.
“Woah, bro. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I thought it was good news! You know Magnus wouldn’t joke about boning his best friend just to do it. You mean too much to him and we all know how gone you’ve been over Magnus since, like, eighth grade.”
Alec sighs and it feels like the weight of the world is on his shoulders. “I can’t get my hopes up, Jace. I’ve been in love with him for years but he doesn’t feel the same way.”
Groaning like they’ve gone around the block about this a thousand times-- because they have-- Jace facepalms. “How many times do I have to tell you-- Magnus feels what you feel but you’re both too stupid to get past your own hang-ups to talk about it.”
Alec doesn’t deign to answer and then Herondale is calling for the class’s attention at the front of the room. Both Jace and Alec slink down in their seats, desperately hoping they don’t get called on since they didn’t even make it through the front of the worksheet, let alone the back.
It’s dusk by the time Alec’s pushing his key in the lock of the apartment he shares with Magnus. Running a hand through his damp hair-- Rugby practice had ran over and his hair’s still wet from the shower he'd taken afterwards-- Alec pushes open their front door as he readjusts the bag on his shoulder.
He’s just set to call out a greeting to Magnus-- he’d texted his roommate when he’d gotten out of the shower to let him know when he’d be home-- and he smells pizza from where it must be waiting in the kitchen.
The words die on his lips, however, as he hears what sounds like Magnus arguing with someone.
“No, Cat, I’m a dumbass,” Magnus groans. “I can’t believe I just said it like that but it-- it just came out and I sure as hell wasn’t going to take the words back.”
Alec frowns, confused, though his lips twitch at Magnus’s propensity for being dramatic. Setting his bag down in the little hallway next to the door, he steps out of his Nike sandals and pads to the living room. Magnus is pacing in front of the tv but he comes to a stop with his back to him as he listens to Catarina on the other end.
He watches his friend’s shoulders slump and the urge to go over to Magnus and engulf him in one of his patented bear hugs is almost overwhelming. Hearing Magnus’s next words, though, Alec freezes, hardly daring to breathe.
“Of course I meant them,” Magnus sighs and he lifts a hand to rake it through already disheveled hair. “Alec could have me any way he wanted. The problem is that he doesn’t want. He just doesn’t see me like that, Cat.”
The words set off a chain reaction in Alec and he half thinks that he’s in the middle of an out of body experience. It seems too good to be true but when Magnus starts speaking again just a few seconds later, Alec allows the endless hope that he's been pushing down for years to spring to life.
“He’s my best friend and I’d rather have that than make a move and not even have him in my life anymore. I don’t think I could live without him at this point-- hell we’ve been roommates all four years of college and before that we had sleepovers at each other’s houses at least three times a week. No,” Magnus says resolutely. “This afternoon was just a game and it doesn’t matter if I’m in love Alec and want him to dick me down into next week I--”
At that moment, Magnus turns around whatever he was about to say dies on his lips as he sees Alec standing there in the doorway.
Neither one says anything for a long moment.
Alec hears Cat grow progressively louder through the phone, her tinny voice growing more insistent as Magnus doesn’t say anything.
Finally, Magnus mumbles, “Bye, Cat,” and hangs up. Dropping his arm, Magnus looks up at Alec with fear in his eyes. His devastation is fairly palpable in their tiny living room.
While Alec still feels like he walked on set of a tv show he’s never seen before, it’s the most natural thing in the world to move until he’s standing right in front of his roommate, his best friend.
Swallowing hard, with Magnus’s words ringing in his ears, Alec scrapes enough courage together to say, “You love me?”
And it should be a ridiculous question-- because duh. They’ve been friends for almost ten years-- over half their lives. Magnus was the first person Alec came out to and he was the first and only person Magnus called their freshman year when his at home perm went horribly wrong and they fit together like they’re made for each other.
Alec’s often thought that if he couldn’t have it all then it was enough to be Magnus’s platonic soulmate, his very best friend.
Now, though, he’s struck by the most fervent longing and he can hardly believe his eyes but he thinks he sees it reflected in Magnus’s gaze.
He watches as Magnus takes a deep breath before leaning imperceptibly closer. His voice is scarcely a breath when he corrects, “You must have heard wrong, Alexander. I said that I’m in love with you.”
The words pierce the spell that seems to have fallen over them and without thinking, Alec’s lunging forward, cupping Magnus’s cheeks and hauling him close for a kiss that feels like coming home.
By the time they pull apart, they’re both breathing hard. Alec doesn’t open his eyes immediately, instead content to nose along Magnus’s jaw. He relishes the closeness, the feel of Magnus sweeping absent hands over his back.
Without thinking, he says, “Oh, thank God.”
He’s gratified to hear Magnus snort before he’s pulling back and looking at Alec with the world’s fondness in his eyes. “I think that’s my line.”
And Alec doesn’t know what it is-- the relief and happiness on Magnus’s face, the way he’s stroking a thumb over Alec’s shoulder in a move that doesn’t even seem conscious, or the simple fact that he’s so happy that it feels like he’s exploding-- but everything melts away except making sure Magnus understands his feelings.
“What,” he says softly, hint of a grin curling over his mouth. “Did you really think I wouldn’t be madly in love with you, too?”
He watches the words land on his best friend-- the way Magnus’s eyes widen and flare bright with delight, the shudder that wracks him as he pulls Alec closer.
It’s Magnus who closes that distance a second time and the kiss is far gentler but contains so much more depth that Alec feels like he’s drowning.
They collapse on the couch just a few feet away and spend the rest of the night kissing and laughing and getting caught up on their shows. By the time they remember, their pizza is cold but neither one minds as they bring the box straight to the where they’re sitting in the living room.
When it’s late and they’re both full and exhausted, Alec stands and lets the blanket that had been wrapped around them fall to the floor. Keeping Magnus’s hand in his, he takes a single step back towards his bedroom. “Ready?”
It’s an innocuous enough question. It’s a statement of fact that they spend more time sleeping together than they do apart-- a hold over from all of those sleepovers growing up-- but the single word is loaded with meaning tonight. In the dim light of their apartment, Alce watches a dozen emotions flit over a face he knows as well as his own, though damned if he can read them.
But Magnus doesn’t hesitate as he squeezes his hand and climbs gracefully to his feet. “Lead the way, darling.”
The two fall asleep wrapped around each other in Alec’s shitty twin bed. Alec had thought he’d be too wired to fall asleep after the day he’d had but with Magnus so close and his heart at ease for the first time in ages, he drifts off almost immediately.
The next morning, the two of them wake up and when their gazes crash together-- both of them eager to prove that the night before wasn’t just a dream-- they each breath a sigh of relief. They have a long, incredibly overdue conversation while they make breakfast and by the time they’re sitting down to eat their infamous french toast, they’re on the same page.
A few days later, when they join their friends at lunch, Magnus and Alec keeping holding hands even as the group’s eyes zero in on them.
It’s silent for a beat before Isabelle starts crowing, startling everyone. “Holy shit,” she exclaims and while her smile lights up her face as she shoots a happy look at Alec, it quickly turns mercenary as she turns it to Jace. “You owe me fifty bucks-- I told you that giving Magnus a FMK scenario would settle things.”
When Jace stares at Isabelle before going to Magnus and Alec’s hands, before going back to Izzy, Alec figures no one’s surprised when he jumps out of his seat. Pointing at Alec, he says in a serious tone, “I’m happy for you, bro-- it’s about time,” before pivoting to point at Isabelle and saying just as seriously, “You’ll have to kill me for it,” and running out of the student hub like his ass is on fire.
Everyone waits to see how Izzy will react but she just shrugs carelessly and takes a bite out of her candy bar. “I know where he sleeps and where he keeps his protein powder.”
Everyone laughs and Magnus and Alec share an exasperated, if fond, look as they take their seats.
They don’t let go of each other’s hands the whole meal, which makes eating lunch a little difficult, but neither one minds at all.
#don't ask me where this came from lmao#but it was a lot of fun!!#haha just kidding. . . unless#my writing#malec fic
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A Good View from the Sidelines
A simple game of basketball with a bunch of sweaty guys in shorts shouldn't be that big of a deal. Naturally, it ends up being a bigger deal once Tyler meets someone from the other team for the first time.
Also posted to fanfiction.net and Archive of Our Own under the same title~
Happy Pride Month!
“Bro, you might want to sit this one out.”
Tyler adjusted the sweatband keeping some of his hair out of his face as he heard his friend’s advice. Well, friend was a loose term. He and Geoff weren’t exactly close, but they got along fine. Geoff, who oozed coolness with his fondness for open-chested shirts and cowboy hats, had no reason to invite Tyler to hang out as often as he did. But that was Geoff’s character-defining trait. He was cool in every sense of the word. That included being nice to everyone. So when he advised Tyler to sit out, Tyler knew it probably wasn’t in a way that was meant to be disrespectful.
“No way dude,” Tyler said, “I just got warmed up. Afraid I’m gonna beat you guys?” Tyler and Geoff were at the local park with two other guys, DJ and Duncan, and were supposed to be shooting hoops together. They hadn’t started yet though, which was why Tyler was confused. Usually he’d play a couple rounds, hurt himself, and sit out to watch, but he was in perfect shape still and wanted to take advantage of that for what little time he was able to maintain it.
“Pffft, as if,” Duncan cut in, rolling his eyes. “That new guy, Alejandro, is going to be coming by with some of his buddies to play us in a little game of three on three. And no offense, but we want to win.” Unlike Geoff, Duncan was most likely intending to be disrespectful. With his bright green mohawk, various piercings, and constantly pissed off expression, Duncan scared the crap out of Tyler. Whether it was death threats (followed by an unconvincing “Kidding!”) or just senseless violence against people Duncan deemed uncool, Tyler tried to stay off his radar as much as possible. There had been a brief conflict between them when Tyler had dated Lindsay, and the jock had truly feared for his life for a moment, but that had come to pass.
“Ale…” Tyler’s voice trailed off as he tried to replicate the name. It was clearly Spanish, but Tyler wasn’t the best speaker to begin with. “Alejandro,” he managed to say finally. The name sounded vaguely familiar. “He’s new?’
“Chyeah dude,” Geoff said, dribbling the ball in place. “He just transferred here over the weekend. Bridge said that all the girls were talking about him today. Even Heather.”
“I was getting an icepack from the nurse when I heard him introducing himself to Principal Mclean,” DJ spoke up from his spot on the ground. “That man doesn’t like anybody, but this guy pushed all the right buttons. Mclean even offered to let him skip his first class of the day. He’s smooth as Mama’s gravy.”
“Which is why it’s important that we beat his ass at basketball today,” Duncan said, his eyes narrowing. “Nobody makes our chicks talk but us.” Tyler winced a little at the possessive wording Duncan used. Duncan’s girlfriend Courtney would probably throw a fit if she heard him talk about her like that, and Tyler wouldn’t have ever dared claim ownership over Lindsay.
While Tyler’s relationship with Lindsay was solid, it was certainly an anomaly to everyone at school. At first the idea of a pretty- no, beautiful. Tyler believed she was the most beautiful girl he had ever met. The idea of a beautiful, blonde cheerleader dating a jock was a given. It was less of a given when it was apparent that Tyler wasn’t very good at any of the many sports he participated in. He was clumsy to a fault and spent more time on the bench than actually playing, and the few times he did play he usually ended up getting hurt. This normally didn’t put a damper on his spirits though. He had won the Team Spirit award every season since freshman year. His teammates had given him flack for it at first, but Lindsay’s immense popularity and their immediate connection had helped with that. By now, most of the other school athletes admired (at least secretly) his perseverance and now that he was a junior, he saw some of his younger teammates actually looking up to him. Rival schools still gave him a hard time, but he had come to rely on his teammates to have his back when that happened.
Tyler wasn’t an overly spiritual man, but he thanked the higher powers for putting Lindsay into his life. She was the perfect girlfriend. Sweet, caring, smar- okay she wasn’t that smart. But that hardly mattered anyway, especially after she had gotten past always getting his name wrong. Their relationship had started as a quick burst of teenage passion and had actually developed into something meaningful. As they got older they began to rely on one another for more than just a physical release. Tyler considered Lindsay to be his best friend and he trusted her with everything, and that bond only seemed to strengthen when they had stopped dating (there was a bad incident with her forgetting his name in front of his parents). He trusted her with everything. Well, almost everything…
“Chill dudes,” Geoff said. “Alejandro’s bringing three friends so it’ll be four guys to a team. Tyler can sub in at some point. Is that cool?” He looked at Tyler as he asked this, and Tyler nodded.
“Yeah, it’ll give me extra time to warm up!” With that, Tyler began to do some push-ups for effect. Soon enough, four guys could be seen walking toward the court as Tyler flopped on the ground after his push-ups. He groaned as Geoff, Duncan, and DJ greeted the approaching four guys. There were a couple of voices he could recognize as the guys talked.
“I’ll be the first one sitting out,” said Justin, a guy who ran a modeling Instagram account. “This is the perfect lighting for some sporty pics. You guys just let me know if you need me, okay?’
“Pfft, whatever,” Duncan said and Tyler could practically feel his eyeroll. “Are we gonna stand around all day or actually play?”
“Lightning’s ready to play!” That was another voice that Tyler definitely recognized. Lightning was the star quarterback and the only student who referred to himself in third person almost constantly. Tyler never really cared for him as he was one of the less kind football players when it came to Tyler’s habit of injuring himself. His dad was a big name in sports broadcasting and donated generously to the football team though, and Tyler did like the new uniforms each year.
“My friend, are you in need of some assistance?” A voice flowed through Tyler’s ears like silk and he looked up to see a tan hand being offered. He grabbed it and was immediately surprised by the firm, but careful grip that pulled him to his feet. Tyler steadied himself and found himself face to face with one of the most attractive men he had ever seen. That…sounded weird, but it was true. This man was jacked, and while Tyler himself was pretty muscular he felt a little self-conscious as he looked at the guy in a totally objective way. He was wearing a dark red shirt, not too much darker than Tyler’s own, which clung to his muscles. There was something tied to a cord around his neck. A skull of some kind. His hair was long, but well-maintained. The closed-mouth smile he gave Tyler seemed to just be polite, but his eyes were…calculating. Not recognizing him, Tyler assumed that this must be Alejandro.
As Alejandro’s eyebrow raised, Tyler realized he must have been staring at him for an unusual amount of time and looked down, only to see that he was still holding his hand. He quickly withdrew his own hand and sputtered out the first thing that came to mind, “I-I uh, I like girls!”
Alejandro didn’t even seem fazed by the remark. “Noted,” he said politely. “Although probably not relevant to basketball.” He chuckled and Tyler really hoped that nobody else had heard his remark. “My name’s Alejandro,” he said, confirming his name. “And you are?”
“Tyler,” the jock responded quickly. “Uh, nice to meet you…er, yeah.”
“Um, are we gonna play or what?” Duncan asked impatiently from a few feet away. He held up the basketball.
Alejandro nodded at Duncan and turned back to Tyler. “Best of luck Tyler,” he said with another closed-mouth smile.
“Uh thanks but I’m actually gonna be sitting this one out,” Tyler said, backing up off the court.
“Pity,” Alejandro replied, “but I hope you enjoy watching the game then.” Another smile. Tyler felt his face begin to heat up, but fortunately the guys were quick to start their game.
Thirty seconds of watching the game and Tyler had come to the conclusion that basketball was the world’s most unnecessarily sexual sport. Growing up, Tyler had played more sports than most, and he was just now deciding on this fact. Contact sports, while intensely physical, usually involved the wearing of gear for protection. Basketball? While it wasn’t an intentional contact sport, there were still plenty of points of contact during a single game. And with no gear, there were no barriers between skin. Nothing between smooth, sweaty, tan skin.
Tyler had started the game trying to focus in on his friends and provide moral support from the sidelines, but that quickly stopped when he saw Alejandro on the court. Tyler had never seen someone play basketball so gracefully before. Alejandro moved with confidence and power, but he clearly possessed total control over himself and the ball when he had it. None of the other guys could even touch him as he practically glided across the court. At one point, he even seemed to turn and look right at Tyler.
His calculating eyes.
Slowly widening in alarm.
A large orange orb slowly growing bigger over his face.
A flash of pain and Tyler’s vision temporarily darkened as the basketball collided straight into his face. His head snapped back, his neck making a soft pop as he fell onto his back. Fortunately, he had been sitting in the grass and the back of his head came into contact with untrimmed grass and not the concrete of the basketball court. Tyler may have developed a high pain tolerance, but he wasn’t invincible and concussions were no joke.
Tyler could hear laughing, and some concerned shouts, but soon that seemed to fade away as he saw Alejandro’s face appear hovering over him. “I am so incredibly sorry,” he said, and Tyler could feel a hand on the side of his face. Alejandro had such smooth skin. He slowly helped Tyler up to a sitting position, asking him the usual questions that coaches and trainers asked Tyler after he got took a hard enough blow to the head. It was all very professional sounding coming from someone who likely was the same age as Tyler, but there was something else too. Alejandro had come off as so confident and in control of everything when he had introduced himself not even fifteen minutes ago, and yet now he was flustered and worried and just reacting. And yet he still oozed confidence. And if anything, he was even more beautiful for it.
“It’s all good dude,” Tyler finally said after the round of questions and Alejandro was convinced he didn’t need medical attention. “I’ve taken way harder hits before.” He reached up to rap his knuckles against his skull for effect, Alejandro’s soft hiss under his breath made him reconsider. “But,” he offered, “I’ll probably stay out for the whole game to be safe.”
“Yes, I…I think that would be best,” Alejandro agreed. “It was an accident, I swear.”
“Doing us a favor honestly,” Duncan muttered. Geoff jabbed him with his elbow. “Kidding,” he added.
“Is it cool if we keep playing?” Geoff asked Tyler. “As long as you’re good.
“I’m good,” Tyler said with a slight nod. Duncan went to get the ball and the guys tried to figure out where to position themselves for the game to resume.
“Hey Alejandro,” Tyler said with a grin as Alejandro stood up to resume playing, “I knew what you were doing. I know you just needed to take out the strongest player before he could turn the game around on you guys.”
Alejandro look’s initial look of alarm quickly changed to match Tyler’s grin. “You caught me,” he said in a teasing tone. “It seems you’re too smart for me Tyler, and I was intimidated by the athletic prowess you possess. I do hope you’ll find it in your heart to forgive me.” They shared a laugh and after a few seconds Alejandro gave him a nod before heading back to the game.
Tyler rubbed the bridge of his nose, feeling where a bruise was going to form, and leaned back. If he wasn’t going to play, he was at least going to enjoy watching the world’s most unnecessarily sexual sport. Of course, there was one player he tended to focus on more, and he was pretty sure that player caught his glances multiple times without breaking his concentration on the game.
In the end, Alejandro’s team had won by a lot of points. Duncan was annoyed, DJ seemed a little embarrassed, and Geoff was chill like always. The guys still shook hands with one another, and Alejandro walked over to shake Tyler’s hand as well.
“Again, I do hope you can forgive me for your bruised face,” he said, which Tyler just waved off. “Maybe next time, when you’re able to play, your friends won’t lose quite as badly.”
Tyler looked over at his friends and then at Alejandro, meeting his amused gaze with a smirk. “Yeah,” he said, standing up, “because next time…we’re gonna win.”
“Well then I might have to hit you with the ball again,” Alejandro remarked, again with that teasing tone.
“Well then I guess we’ll have to keep playing until my face becomes so strong it bounces the ball right back at you!” Tyler declared.
“Sounds like we’ll be playing basketball together for quite a long time then,” Alejandro said, and Tyler realized that while their handshake had stopped, neither of them had let go of the other’s hand. Tyler felt his face begin to heat up.
“Guess so,” Tyler said, but his voice sounded much less confident than it had moments ago. Alejandro chuckled and released Tyler’s hand.
“I’m sure I’ll see you around Tyler,” he said before turning to leave. “Let me know if you ever want to just play one on one.” It was a normal enough offer but the way he said those last three words sent Tyler’s mind racing as he watched Alejandro walk away.
It hadn’t been a lie when he told Alejandro he liked girls. It was more of a half-truth. But maybe Alejandro had known that from the start. He would have to ask Lindsay what she thought of all this later tonight.
As Tyler said goodbye to his teammates and headed home, he used his phone to check the bruise on his face. It was big, but it would heal quickly. Just in time for another game of Tyler’s new favorite sport.
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Nagashi Somen’s Backstory
A story of lies, companionship and incompetency.
Noodle Shop
“One somen plus one onsen egg!” “Gotcha!” “Granny, where’d you get this kid? A hard worker, this one!” “Hehe, isn’t he! Lil’ ol’ me just had a stroke of luck.”
Granny passed the bowl of noodles to me, and I served it to the customer on a tray.
“Your somen and onsen egg’s great!” “Thanks!”
I wiped the sweat off my brow, taking another tray off Granny’s hands.
“Granny! You take a break please, I’ll handle it!” “Don’t sweat it, lil’ ol’ me can handle some bowls! Hey, watch it! Did’ya get burnt?”
I blew on my hand, the red patch of scalding from soup becoming increasingly visible. But Granny didn’t scold me, instead retrieving a wet handkerchief and pressed it against my hand.
The day I met Granny, she was alone in these mountains with a basket, picking some wild greens. The slopes weren’t steep, but nevertheless quite treacherous for the elderly. When she almost tripped, I couldn’t help but move forth to brace her.
Granny’s an empty nester, her son always away and traveling. Always hanging around the mountains, I was considered a child of Granny’s.
“Kiddo, you’re a good boy, but you’re so impulsive!” “Ain’t it ‘cus I’m worried about Granny, hehe.” “Your hand alright?” “It’s alright! Can’t let the customer wait!”
A frequenter of the restaurant looked in our direction with interest, making me smile with embarrassment.
“You two’re so close, you’re almost exactly like Granny’s son was.” “That so! What was Big Bro Hui like?” “Real energetic, that boy!” “As if he can compare to Nagashi Somen here! That kid learnt himself some skills and ditched, I can count the days he’s at home in a year on one hand!”
Even though Granny mocks her traveling son, the wrinkles in her eyes show her pride deep down.
The village wasn’t very big, and ours was the only restaurant here.
Granny’s a really great person, she always makes a few extra bowls after closing shop, distributing them to the orphans and lonely elderly in the village. Big Bro Hui naturally inherited this kindness too, studying medicine under a teacher. And the time he spent at home lessened.
But even so, it wasn’t anything bad. It’s what the smiles of Big Bro Hui and Granny are telling me.
I love this lifestyle, just like I love this village, this restaurant, and Granny.
Go or Stay
Even in her old age, Granny ran the restaurant. She often said with a smile, that if Big Bro Hui ever returned, she’ll make him a bowl of his favorite noodles.
In the eyes of Granny, Big Bro Hui was strong, brave, witty; any positive trait you could think of, he had it. That’s why he won’t hesitate to put himself forward if his help was needed.
Having endured through harsh times, Granny knew that in times of despair, the helpless wish for only the guiding arm of strength to take them by the hand. That’s why Granny didn’t hold Big Bro Hui back when he decided to leave.
But lately, I couldn’t help but remember his words to me when he left. “Do you really have to go? Granny’s getting old…” “So you think I’m in the wrong too?” “‘Too’? Who else is there?” “Myself…” “Why are you still leaving then?” “I want to be by the side of those who need my help.” “But…” I wanted to tell him that “Granny needed you too~” The lights in Granny’s room only go out late in the night after he returns, even when she has to open the restaurant early next day. Can’t he tell? No, surely he knows… Why else would he look so sorrowful?
“Don’t worry, I’ll write home often. Don’t look so sad, I’m just going to be a military medic, I’ll be alright.” Master Attendant fastened his luggage, turning to leave. “If only the wars will end…”
Came the faint mumbling of his voice, though it was crystal clear in my memories. Even his silhouette vanishing in the distance filled me with fear.
But why? I’ve hardly seen that silhouette, yet I felt like I won’t get to see it ever again……
“Nagashi Somen, what’s wrong? You don’t look too well.” Granny dried her hands on her apron, standing beside me, worry written over her face.
“...No, it’s nothing, just a tad tired.” Nothing has changed, yet Granny looked really uneasy as well. “Big Bro Hui, no letters from him today either?”
“That kiddo’s always been like that, must’a forgotten.” Granny said with a smile. “Right, let’s close shop early today, take it easy at home! Granny’ll make you yer favorite dishes!” “Ok!”
I pinned this feeling of unease on Big Bro Hui’s missing letter. Only when that wounded, sorrowful man came to our doorstep did my premonition come to fruition.
Silence settled over us as we made eye contact. With confusion and disbelief, my gaze focused on the white envelope and sack of gold coins in his hands. The man lowered his head with remorse, thrusting the sack of coins to me. This man, imposing and soldierly, crumpled before me in tears.
“If it weren’t… If it weren’t to protect me, he wouldn’t have died to that fallen angel…”
Uncomfortably settled into a daze of grief, I was snapped back by the words “fallen angel” and widened my eyes in shock.
“What! Fallen angels?! What happened to ‘everything will be fine’! Weren’t there the protection of other Master Attendants and food souls?!” I stepped forward, gripping the man’s shoulders.
“Yes…” “Then how…!” “... But there were too many enemies.”
Seeing his expression, I knew I couldn’t put the blame on anybody. Neither having stopped him from going nor went with him to protect him, I wasn’t in any position to speak. But Granny? If Granny heard about this, how would she feel?
Forcing myself to calm down, we pieced together the full story from both of our views.
Big Bro Hui wasn’t a simple military medic as he told me. He went onto the battlefield, and even though it wasn’t against fallen angels, the dangers of a sudden ambush were still present. Yet he didn’t allow me to go with him, having pondered it, he decided I should stay with the village, where I’m more needed.
Compared to himself, he’d rather have the safety of the village. Compared to Granny, he’d rather go to distant lands to save more people. He once told the man, that it’s precisely due to my presence that he steeled his nerves to go. Is it so that I can accompany Granny? But to Granny, we’re worlds apart.
When Big Bro Hui left, I wondered many times, was there truly no other choice?
“Hui told me at the end, please don’t let his mother know.” The man said suddenly. Only then did the issue plaguing me all this while resurface. Having awaited the return of her son for so long, will Granny be able to take it?
“I’ve thought long and hard, and I still think it can’t help to hide it from her, so I came to tell…” “Don’t! Please, don’t tell Granny about this, at least for now…” “Eh?” “I’ll tell Granny in your stead.”
Seeing Granny smiling gently in the restaurant, my grip on the bereavement money and the condolence letter tightened. I had to find a suitable time, a time when I won’t hurt Granny. Seeing the man vanish into the distance, I made up my mind.
“Who was that just now? Not a customer?” Granny came to my side and asked.
“Nope, nothing to it, just a lost traveler.” I hid the money and letter behind my back and smiled.
“That so, you gotta remember to offer him some water next time, weather’s hot…”
Granny didn’t see through my panicked facade, and I heaved a sigh of relief. Only then did I realize, with one lie came innumerable more.
Everything went smoothly, and Granny didn’t suspect a thing.
Every morning, she opened up shop and prepared the ingredients for the day. After sundown, we cleaned up after the last customer leaves. Granny beaming smile always washed away the exhaustion of the travelers. Once she finds out about Big Bro Hui’s death, that smile will surely fade. That’s why, even one more day…
My decision was right… right?
The days went by without disturbance. Sometimes I’d find Granny sitting at the doorstep, gazing up at the sky.
But, good thing is, I found out she was just worried about the ongoing war and I let go of a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
I went to a neighboring village to stock up on ingredients, and I returned to not Granny, but rather a worried frequenter.
Once he spotted me, he dashed towards me anxiously.
“You’re finally back Nagashi Somen! Granny got a letter and headed to the town outskirts with all the money in the counter! Go check on her!”
Hearing that, I dropped everything and ran towards the outskirts.
At the border, I found Granny with her back arched, pleading at the officers.
“Look Mr. Officer, this is all this old woman here’s got… Please, can’t you just… please…” “No! Don’t think of seeing your son if you’re missing so much as a penny!” “Mr. Officer… Please, he’s my only son…”
Seeing Granny kneeled before them, I rushed forward to brace her and hold her hand.
“Granny! What is this!” “Nagashi Somen! Hui, Hui’s committed war crimes, he owes a lot of money, or else he’ll be executed! Please help me convince this officer!”
“How can it be! Master Attendant’s…” I didn’t know what crimes they were speaking of, and neither did Granny, presumably. But I knew that they were lying. I wanted to reveal the truth, but my words were caught in my throat. Seeing Granny so anxious, I didn’t know how to put it.
The two officers kicked Granny aside and counted the money. I wanted to take the money back, but Granny wouldn’t let go of me. Whilst I held my tongue, their words struck me with grief.
“Heh, didn’t think a dead guy was gonna fetch us this much.”
Hearing that, Granny’s eyes widened and pushed forward to grab the officer.
“What dead guy? What happened to Hui?” “Why don’t you ask that food soul there! Hahahaha!”
Their cackling sent waves of ice tumbling over me. I wanted to square with them, but my legs were frozen under Granny’s distraught gaze.
“Nagashi Somen! Tell me! What’s going on!” “..........” “Hahahahaha, your son’s LONG DEAD! Bet that food soul you’ve been raising has been hiding that from you and hasn’t even given you the bereavement money!”
“No, I…” I couldn’t believe I was about to defend myself. I lied to Granny.
“Old fart, I’d recommend you get that money from him soon, that’s what’s left of your son’s life! I’ll take this as payment for telling you that! Hahahaha…”
No! I had! All the bereavement money swapped out for loose change, and put it in Granny’s stash bit by bit! This isn’tー
Yet Granny couldn’t hear my wails anymore…
I should have known sooner, that once a lie is told, innumerable more follow. I can’t consider it a fluke, making myself think that there was a way for Granny to not hurt.
Really, I’ve always been afraid of myself. But I’ve let myself forget… No matter the intent, lies can only bring misfortune.
Nagashi Somen
After that, the wandering Nagashi Somen met Raindrop Cake’s master attendant by chance.
This human was just like Big Bro Hui, an optimistic and passionate person. He brought Nagashi Somen, still scared out of his wits, back to his house, drying his hair with a towel.
“You’ll fall ill like this!” “......”
Under the care of Raindrop Cake’s master attendant, Nagashi Somen slowly regained a bit his vigor. Raindrop Cake’s master attendant, on the other hand, had learnt from word of mouth from his village of Nagashi Somen’s past that he so desperately wanted to forget.
Once upon a time, someone he knew left this world because of a lie with good intentions. To maintain this lie, he told more lies to others.
As if to mock him, others used this same lie to hurt the old lady who always took care of him. Unable to take the shock of her son’s death, the kind old lady passed away too.
At the sight of the lifeless old lady, Nagashi Somen took a harsh blow. He knew lies weren’t going to change a thing, yet he still lied to the old lady.
If he hadn’t told the lie and told the old lady the truth in the beginning, she wouldn’t have learnt of his master attendant’s death in such circumstances. The old lady wouldn’t have died so tragically before him either.
After that, Nagashi Somen no longer donned his carefree and joyful smile, he clenched his fist, eyes wrinkling with sadness. “I’ll never tell a lie, even if I have to stay silent, I’ll never deceive others again…”
Hearing this, the smile on Raindrop Cake’s master attendant’s face complicated for a moment. But he couldn’t come up with a reply.
Under the care of Raindrop Cake’s master attendant, Nagashi Somen began helping him run his business. In contrast to the quiet Raindrop Cake, Nagashi Somen quickly picked up everything about the business. Busy with work, he slowly pulled himself together.
Afterward, he returned to his village. For Granny, for his master attendant, he wanted to protect the favorite village of theirs.
He occasionally visited Raindrop Cake’s village too and chatted with Raindrop Cake’s master attendant. They were like brothers, keeping no secrets from each other. It’s then that his buddy asked him for a favor, to cheer up Raindrop Cake.
It’s for that reason he always tells that to the ever-melancholic Raindrop Cake. “Even though it’s said that Food Souls exist to battle Fallen Angels, but our abilities are still limited, that’s why we just have to give it our all doing what we can.”
Nagashi Somen chose to stay optimistic, wishing that his present life won’t be shattered by lies no matter what.
Nagashi Somen’s smile and words moved Raindrop Cake. His smile overlapped with his master attendant’s for a moment, an extremely touching scene.
As he hoped, Raindrop Cake found the will to move forth. Raindrop Cake’s master attendant was delighted when they talked about the change in attitude as well.
“Everything’s improving.” Even though Raindrop Cake’s master attendant was getting thinner from always traveling, he was inclined to believe the words of the energetic and optimistic man before him.
He won’t tell a lie. Nagashi Somen believed firmly. Then he won’t witness another tragedy…
He thought his peaceful life would continue. And when everything shattered, it felt unreal.
It was raining and Nagashi Somen had open his red oilpaper umbrella, not unlike an old friend visiting after years, arriving at the little village deep in the cherry blossom woods.
But the chaotic mess that remained of the village left him petrified, and he dashed to see if they were safe, if he could just find them a moment sooner.
When he found the man he was looking for in the ruins, he was collapsed lifelessly in the mud, Raindrop Cake by his side. Those empty, distraught eyes; Nagashi Somen could never hope to forget the very expression Granny held.
A feeling of unease welled up. Nagashi Somen tried many times to question the dazed Raindrop Cake, but he just kept repeating himself.
“How did this happen! What happened?” “I… I killed Master Attendant… I killed everyone…” “That can’t be! You couldn’t have killed everyone! What happened to him! He was fine before, how could he… how could he…”
No, was he… really fine before? The details he missed flashed in his mind, yet no connections formed. He wanted to know just what he missed, just what caused this cold, lifeless corpse to be all that remained of the man. His unease and terror told him something must have been missed. But he could tell that he wasn’t going to get the answer from Raindrop Cake.
Sadness, anger, dissatisfaction; All sorts of negative emotions burst out of Nagashi Somen, all melding together. He understood more than anyone how Raindrop Cake felt, at the same time unable to forgive him, unable to forgive the Raindrop Cake spiraling into a pit of self-blame, unable to forgive the Nagashi Somen who told the lies back then.
Trying his best to regain control of his emotions, his carefree smile no longer showed as he gripped Raindrop Cake’s collar tight and glared at him coldly.
“Look at me! Tell me! Just what happened?!” No matter how much Nagashi Somen yelled, there came no response from Raindrop Cake. “He would never want to see you like this! You know that! Answer me!”
“Next time we meet, I hope we can have a proper conversation.”
Seeing the soulless Raindrop Cake, Nagashi Somen’s past flashed before his eyes. He wanted Raindrop Cake to pull himself together, yet he found himself trapped by his own demons too. At that moment, he realized he was unable to save Raindrop Cake, who had sunk into the same pit he did.
The storm beats down on the ruins. All that remains is the soulless husk of Raindrop Cake, along with a red oilpaper umbrella meagerly attempting to shield him from the rain.
#food fantasy#ff nagashi somen#probably didnt translate the last bit perfectly bc i havent read raindrops backstory
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Titanic: Never Let Me Ed Chapter 9
NOTE: 107 years ago Titanic struck an iceberg on this very night. Take a moment to pray for all the lost lives from that night. Here is @nintendogal55 and I’s most recent chapter of our Ed, Edd n Eddy crossover of the Titanic. Enjoy!
Link to the Masterpost
As the steam roared throughout the engine room nobody was able to hear the passionate intense screams of delight.
Collapsing into a heap of sweat, Edd’s hand grasped the glass of the small window on the carriage, leaving behind a print. Eddy’s head lied against Edd’s beating chest listing to his glorious heartbeat. That was the greatest noise he could ever listen to. Then he picked his head up to meet Edd’s swimming emerald green eyes. They were so beautiful. Kissing, the lover's tongues mixed together in pleasurable delight, exploring every frontier.
The accommodations of the carriage didn’t give them enough space for cuddling nor being able to relax. Still, the lovers were content. They only needed each other and nothing more.
Eddy kissed his cheek. “To think we only met a couple of days ago.”
Edd chuckled, holding his lovers sweaty back. “Perhaps we did take things a little fast.”
Taking another moment to stare into each other's eyes, Eddy placed his head back down against Edd’s heart. Edd cuddled him, smoothing his blue hair.
That was the most glorious moment of Edd’s life. He never felt so content. That time with that other young man never went beyond touching. It was going to if Edd gave him permission to take things further. And if his parents hadn’t returned home.
But that was all in the past. Edd was more than happy to cuddle with Eddy, someone who actually cared about his own person knowing there was more. Edd never felt so good about himself until now. There were times he felt immense self hate about himself that he felt he did not belong to the world.
This was against society entirely being romantically involved with someone of his own gender. Who knew that he would ever disregard his parents and run away with a man!
Love was love.
“Say sockhead?” Eddy asked, whispering into his ear. The sensual tone of Eddy’s voice just sent chills up Edd’s spine.
“Yes?” A content Edd asked enjoying the embrace against soft flesh.
“What say we go up top? It’s a volcano in here!”
As much as Edd didn’t want to ruin the moment Eddy did have a point. It was so hot that sweat was dripping off his body in the heat. It was a boiler room after all.
When was the next time they’d share a romantic moment like this together? If this was going to go on the entire journey then they were going to have to avoid being seen at all costs. That may mean they’d have to stay inside the ship. Or in Eddy’s room. Anything to avoid the risk of being caught by his parents, or the officers on the ship. Even worse, Victoria.
It surprised Edd how little he cared about his ruthless actions. Then again, his parents never offered him a life he wanted. Or even a life. As Eddy put it he was going to suffer further if he did go through with marrying Victoria. It was sheer luck that Eddy was there to talk him out from jumping to his death.
Once they were dressed, Eddy was first to step out of the carriage. Edd didn’t even bother to make his tie. It was warm enough as it was.
Right when he was going to step out, Eddy’s hand appeared in his view. He was offering to help him down the one little step. All this generous camaraderie was a little overwhelming to Edd having been alone and the iron chains that trapped him.
“Eddy, I may have said this to you already so excuse me for reiterating, but you have a bigger heart then you let on.”
Eddy rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah,” he pushed through the doorway hoping it was the right direction to take them in. At least it was lighter than the dim storage area of the ship.
“Finally! Never liked the dark much,” Eddy commented. His face instantly brightened.
“Is that so?” A surprised Edd asked.
“Oh, uh, yeah...” Eddy answered dipping his head in embarrassment.
“Eddy, you don’t have to be ashamed. I don't think any less of you,” Edd assured giving his love’s hand a tight squeeze. It was then that both of them realized they were still holding hands despite being so sweaty.
They were in the midst of climbing a set of stairs when a door appeared in front of them. Luckily the door lead outside to the bow of the ship. Taking in a needed breath of fresh air, the men immediately cooled off. It was much chillier than expected that night.
The couple felt light on the feet. They were a couple of rebels for sure. Dancing and laughing about in the excitement Edd and Eddy twirled around in circles like a similar fashion from last night at that party in third class. They were just like kids.
A few third-class passengers were out on the deck, mingling around They weren’t paying much attention to Edd and Eddy. It was pretty late, however. It must have been close to midnight. Most of the ship must have retired to bed for the night.
Joining together, Edd and Eddy hugged tightly, briefly kissing.
To think they’d just met two days ago. So much happened in such a short amount of time. It was almost too good to be true. Edd was so afraid that he was going to wake up in bed next to Victoria smelling her strong perfume.
Edd took in Eddy’s glorious scent even though he was still sweaty. “I’m getting off with you and Ed once the ship docks,” Edd stated matter-of-factly into Eddy’s ear.
Eddy giggled in pleasure, parting from the hug to look into Edd’s hypnotizing green eyes. “You’re crazy, ya know that?”
“Not as crazy as you,” Edd teased poking him in the nose.
The couple walked over to the edge of the railing looking out at the ship swimming through the calm Atlantic Ocean. It was a moonless night. A ray of stars covered the night sky. You could hardly see anything for miles.
“Not to be a bearer of bad news, sockhead,” Eddy spoke after a moment of silence. “Ed and I have no clue where we’re goin’ next. For all I know we could be sleepin’ under bridges.”
Edd smiled. “Eddy, are you forgetting?” He patted the coat pocket indicating the money he stole from the safe.
“Yeah, that’s a start. But what do we do after? My dad said to always have a plan in life. ‘Cept I’ve never had a plan,” Eddy stated the irony with a laugh.
“We’re pretty good at the unexpected,” Edd commented. “You and Ed could continue on with your art and I could get myself employed. There are some schools that have assistant teaching positions.”
Eddy stared at him, not sure what to think. Though he was more than thankful to have Edd’s trust. “You’re really willing to give up all that you have just for a nobody like me?”
Edd’s heart cracked, frowning. “Eddy, how could you think that about yourself?”
“Well, I got nothin’! My bro pretty much took everything I had-” Eddy stopped himself short, his heart starting to race. That’s not what he wanted to remember right now.
“Your brother?” Edd questioned curiously.
“Yeah... uh, wasn’t the greatest guy. Abused me in ways I can’t even begin to describe!”
“Oh, Eddy! I’m sorry, I didn’t know!” Edd covered a hand over his mouth, regretful of even asking.
“Course you didn’t, I never told ya!” Eddy said trying to make it sound as if it weren’t a big deal. It wasn’t working. Shaking his head, he at least had to tell Edd.
“Well, my parents had my brother before even getting married. Somehow managed to survive on their own with of their parents kickin’ ‘em out. Ma, she always had this heart condition. Hard to believe seein’ how she was the nicest person ever. Dad thought it would be best to move to England thinking it was less busy there. That was the biggest mistake he ever made.”
Edd pet his hand in comfort, encouraging him to go on. “Long story short Ma didn’t get better, dad was killed in some kind of accident - so my bro said - then after three of the worst years with my brother... he drowned in an icy lake...”
Edd gulped. “Oh, Eddy... did you-”
“Before you ask he was trying to kill me!” Eddy defended. He took a deep breath before speaking again. It hurt him to talk to Edd that way. “Lucky for me. but bad on his part, he taught me defense skills and how to scam.”
“How old were you when all this happened?” Edd asked.
Eddy shrugged. “Fifteen.”
“Oh, you poor thing.”
“No, don’t do that!” Eddy warned. “It happened! Least now everything has been goin’ my way! I just... don’t want you to think of me as a criminal.”
Edd stared at Eddy, his heart dropping. He felt sick to his stomach. “Eddy, I have something to confess to you.”
No turning back now. He never told anybody about the incident. Not even... that young man. He wouldn’t have understood. He was careless.
“In my youth, when I was still attending school, I was constantly belittled. You see, all the kids thought it was funny to make me the target in this game dodgeball. And one day I absolutely had it. I built this machine that would have gotten my point across to them. Only it malfunctioned...” Edd’s voice trembled. “Each dodgeball shot out at such a fast pace that the impact either knocked someone unconscious or badly injured them! Including me...”
Slowly, Edd reached up. His eyes locked with Eddy’s immense blue eyes in an attempt to ask the man to forgive him. Closing his eyes Edd’s hand sat on the lining of his hat, struggling to remove it. He couldn’t bear to witness Eddy’s disappointed reaction. He was going to leave him, he knew it!
Edd felt a hand fall on his shoulder. “I know,” Eddy said to him.
“What do you mean?” Edd asked opening his eyes back open in shock.
“Your hat slipped off at one point,” Eddy state nonchalantly. He looked into his eyes with all the more love. No trace of hatred or disappointment. “You don’t have to show if you don’t want to.”
Edd smiled in pure gratitude, his heart calming down from how nervous he was. His stomach calmed, too. Oh, good.
“Anyway, Mother and Father were so disappointed in me that I was homeschooled, banned from inventing, and my parents were so disappointed that they only communicated with me through sticky notes! ... oh, it was so awful, Eddy! I am a monster! I can’t forgive myself for my cruel act!”
Edd began to cry from all the built-up frustration he held in for years of the unfair mistreatment. It was all his fault.
“Here,” Eddy held out a tissue for him.
“Thank you!” Edd wiped his eyes.
Then, once Edd had calmed down, Eddy placed a hand on his shoulder. “Okay, uh, what you did was bad but your parents shunning you like that, I should have come to help you escape a long time ago!”
“What? You mean you don’t think I’m a monster?” An astounded Edd asked, a tear crawling down his cheek.
“Do you think I’m a monster?” Eddy asked.
Edd shook his head. “No! You were only defending yourself.”
“And so were you.”
Each man felt an incredible weight lift off their shoulders. Their hearts were warm as they glimmered into one another's eyes. They kissed again, holding one another tenderly.
“Oh Eddy, I love you!” Edd announced, kissing him again.
Eddy raised his eyebrows. His insides squirmed. He never felt this way with anybody. Was that how love felt? The morning after that night with the man he only felt sad and angry. Never love.
Smiling, Eddy grasped Edd’s face. “I lo-”
Right then, as noise from above alerted the men. Someone in the crow nest was ringing the warning bell and shouting. What could have been the matter?
Edd looked out into the dark sea. He just barely made out the outline of an immense iceberg sitting in the dark. The ship was sailing in their direct path of the berg!
“Oh, Jeez!” Eddy announced his voice on edge.
Flinging his head from the iceberg to the bridge of the ship, Edd’s heart pounded. Were they even going to slow the ship down? He could see officers running around feverishly. Titanic was such a big ship. They were only still trying to get acquainted with the ship’s maintenance.
Ever so slowly, Edd and Eddy felt the ship turn under their feet. Titanic steered toward the right narrowly missing the berg. The mound of ice was so tall that it towered over the ship like a monster.
The ground shook. Clasping Eddy’s arm, the men just stared into one another’s questionable eyes. They could hear a faint scratching noise from under the water. Not a good sign.
Just as the ship passed the berg hit against the Titanic’s bridge crashing pieces of ice onto the boat deck.
“Look out!” Eddy cried shielding himself in front of Edd. The ice just narrowly missed them and a couple of other third-class passengers.
As soon as the iceberg was gone, Edd raced to the side of the ship looking far over the edge of the railing. The iceberg continued to pass dangerously close to the ship.
And then everything was back to silence as if nothing happened.
The ship stopped in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean after failing some ways.
“Holy cow, that was something!” Eddy commented shaking his head. He never thought he’d see anything like that. “D’you think we’re okay?” Eddy went on to ask a dumbfounded Edd.
Edd was silent, staring at the ocean. It looked much darker, less promising then from nights before. He felt the rumbling and even heard that unsettling scratching noise. Thomas Andrews said the Titanic would stay afloat no matter what if the watertight compartments closed in time. Edd just hoped the incident wouldn’t deter them from their schedule to New York.
“I hope we are, Eddy,” Edd finally answered. He tried to sound as positive as he could. “A quick inspection and everything should be underway shortly.”
Eddy glanced over the deck of the ship once more. The iceberg was too far away to be seen. Wow, Titanic struck an iceberg. And on its maiden voyage! Won’t that be something for the papers?
Feeling a cold sensation run down his back, Eddy let out an audible gasp trying to remove a chunk of ice from his shirt. Edd meanwhile was laughing.
“Ah, a smart guy, huh?”
“Only when you’re around, Eddy!”
“Come here, you’re goin’ overboard!”
“Don’t you dare!”
Eddy grabbed Edd around his waist and pretended as if he were going to throw him over the side of the ship.
“No, don’t! Release me!” Edd screeched in laughter. He did mean it, though. Before he could alert Eddy of his inability to swim Eddy stopped. Laughing more, the men realized that Eddy was still holding Edd in his arms. Bridal style.
“Hey, guys!” Ed called out.
Eddy immediately placed Edd back on his feet and acted casual. Ed and May were together, holding hands, with Lee and Marie Kanker close behind. They were keeping a close watch on Ed but then were distracted by the pieces of ice out on the deck.
“What happened?” May asked.
“The ship hit an iceberg!” Edd announced.
“Really? That’s what was shaking our bed?” Ed pointed out to May.
May blushed slightly. She even glanced towards her sister's direction. Luckily, they didn’t hear. “Uh, yeah...”
Eddy raised an eyebrow. “Ed, you sly dog!”
Edd giggled slightly. They weren’t one to talk either.
Soon other third-class passengers trickled out onto the deck to see what was going on. They started up a game where they kicked the ice around reminiscent of a soccer match. Ed and May joined in and Eddy did too.
“Come on, Double Dee! This is fun!” Eddy hollered to Edd who was standing at the side.
Edd was too distracted by the berg to join in on the fun. “Um... I’m not much of an athlete.”
“Says the guy who can invent, dance and run like lighting!”
Edd blushed, thankful for the kind remarks. He joined in for a little bit, kicking a piece of ice. It was fun. Passengers from the upper decks, mostly first class, were watching over them in amusement. The needed disruption seemed like just the event they needed to distract them from their boring continuous daily routines of pointing their noses in the air because of how rich they were.
Couldn’t they all just be one?
Then Edd’s whole body stiffened. The piece of ice was kicked in Edd’s direction, hitting his feet.
“What’s a matter?” Eddy asked placing a hand on Edd’s shoulder.
“Do you feel that?” Edd asked putting his hand out.
“Feel what?”
Hearing a familiar voice, Edd and Eddy turned around to catch Thomas Andrews, Captain Smith, and some other officers walking down onto the deck. Worry wreaked their eyes as they were flooded in discussion regarding the ship.
“I think this may be more serious than we thought, Eddy,” Edd stated.
“Ugh, please don’t take us back to England!” Eddy grumbled.
Edd took Eddy’s hand. “I don’t want to go back, Eddy.”
First glancing around to make sure nobody was looking at them, Eddy cuddled his hand closely. “I would never let anything happen to you, sockhead.”
“Do you really mean that?”
“I jump, you jump, remember?”
Edd wanted so badly to kiss Eddy right there on the deck in front of all the passengers. What would everyone say?
“Excuse me?” It was an officer. He was one of the officers present from a couple of nights ago when Edd nearly slipped off the ship. “Are you Eddward Vincent-Blake?”
Edd nodded, but he immediately regretted doing so.
“Your parents are looking for you,” he said to him in a stern tone, taking him by the arm.
The shackles weighed down Edd once more.
“He’s not going!” Eddy defended him.
“They would like a word with you, too,” The man said taking hold on his arm, too.
Without another word, the officer escorted them back to first class.
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Character Solidifying
Answers to this ask meme because mun doesn’t know how to love herself and got up far too early to function so have some results
1. How does your character think of their father? What do they hate and love about him? What influence - literal or imagined - did the father have?
Gamzee thinks poorly of his lusus, the creature may have looked after him after his emerging but he was hardly around enough to have much of a positive impact upon him. He may have taught Gamzee about Alternia and ensured he knew of home and his purpose upon it, but that was hardly useful when the creature absconded and left him to his own struggles.
2. Their mother? How do they think of her? What do they hate? Love? What influence - literal or imagined - did the mother have?
The Mother Grub is the Mother Grub, not much else to say on that.
3. Brothers, sisters? Who do they like? Why? What do they despise about their siblings?
He’s got all his brothers and sisters in the crew Jade sister is definitely a fav, they chatter about their less than innocent jobs. Gamzee thinks it’s really fucking cool how Jade works He doesn’t hate any of his bros or sisters
4. What type of discipline was your character subjected to at home? Strict? Lenient?
It was most lenient, due to his lusus being mostly absent, he was able to do a lot of things he most definitely shouldn’t have been allowed to, including get himself hooked on sopor slime. After his lusus absconded, he had a very strict set of rules to follow when he worked for the original owner of what is now his bakery. Before the man was tragically lost during a break in… yes.
5. Were they overprotected as a child? Sheltered?
Not at all. Not at all.
6. Did they feel rejection or affection as a child?
He definitely felt more rejection than anything else, there was a complete lack of affection in his childhood.
7. What was the economic status of their family?
They were actually quite well off before the absconding, then his funds were flat locked (and may or may not have been stolen from him at some point by shady bank) and he had to do his best to deal with shit from there.
8. How does your character feel about religion?
Gamzee is all about the Mirthful Church, is here and he stands it. All of the here for his Grand High Brother and the rest of the Church, it’s all good.
9. What about political beliefs?
He’s just a big shrug, doesn’t have the time or the care. Just wants to do what he do, shit’ll happen and he’ll just keep going.
10. Is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted?
Gamzee… is a special. He’s consumed all of the mind rotting drugs and he’s the most slow, very late for all of the things it’s not uncommon for him to respond to something that happened a while ago as if it just happened. He’ll also forget so much of what he’s just been told.
11. How do they see themselves: as smart, as intelligent, uneducated?
Gamzee knows he’s a bit of a dumb son, he’s fine with that, he’s all cool.
12. How does their education and intelligence – or lack thereof - reflect in their speech pattern, vocabulary, and pronunciations?
He doesn’t use a lot of bit words, uses a lot of profanity though and tends to speak slowly and a bit slurred, trailing off and tripping over his words at times.
13. Did they like school? Teachers? Schoolmates?
He didn’t really go to school, all of his teachings were very homeschooled kinda thing, first everything he learned from his lusus then what he learned from his employer.
14. Were they involved at school? Sports? Clubs? Debate? Were they unconnected?
15. Did they graduate? High-School? College? Do they have a PHD? A GED?
Nope, not at all. There was nothing to graduate so he done didn’t.
16. What does your character do for a living? How do they see their profession? What do they like about it? Dislike?
He’s a Baker first and foremost! He loves making miracles for people and sharing his baked goods! Loves seeing the happy faces and hearing how much people like his stuff Also works as a Hitman for the Crew, which he is also enjoying, it’s the closest he’ll get to what he was born to do according to his lusus and there’s something really satisfying in beating a motherfucker with his clubs
17. Did they travel? Where? Why? When?
He’s never travelled anywhere, just stayed in Midnight City that he knows off. He’s unsure if he was born on Derse or Alternia and he doesn’t have anyone to ask anymore.
18. What did they find abroad, and what did they remember?
19. What were your character’s deepest disillusions? In life? What are they now?
Literally all of the drugs he takes, those are some big disillusions right there. Also probably all of his miracles, would much rather believe in them then the truth of science and things that can be explained away. Let the boy continue to believe in his greater powers.
20. What were the most deeply impressive political or social, national or international, events that they experienced?
That would definitely have to do with meeting his Grand High Brother and being accepted into the Church proper, that was a very big impressive day for him and stays cherished in his memories.
21. What are your character’s manners like? What is their type of hero? Whom do they hate?
Gamzee’s not got the best manners, he doesn’t quite get personal space or a lot of social ques but he does his best to remember things he’s told if he thinks it’ll make somebody happy, doesn’t like setting people off or making them uncomfortable so he does his best to ensure it only ever happens once if that. He doesn’t really have a hero type? Is just kinda shrug, doesn’t mind hearing about ‘em though if somebody wants to chatter at him about ‘em. He currently has no potential pitch leanings or any hate towards anybody at this current time. At least nobody alive and it’s kinda useless to hate a dead person, would much rather spend his emotions on other things.
22. Who are their friends? Lovers? ‘Type’ or ‘ideal’ partner?
All of his brothers and sisters are his friends! All of them. His Jade sister is his favourite, murder buddies for life Currently doesn’t have any flushed partners/leanings nor does he really have a type or ideal partner, he’s happy to roll with things and let emotions pop up and fester where they do.
23. What do they want from a partner? What do they think and feel of sex?
From a Flushed Partner, someone that’ll stay afterwards and cuddle with him even if he is bony and uncomfortable and won’t be deterred by waking up in a clown octopus hold, rub his horns a little cause he likes that and he’ll purr for you From a Pitch Partner, please just hold him down and give it to him rough, pull on his hair the most good, also biting, yes for biting. And a good fight to decide who gets to be on top is always good for a very violent race >;3c Sex is good, he enjoys it, is messy but is fun. Enjoys both topping and bottoming with a bit of a lean towards the latter.
24. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually?
He’s part of the Midnight Crew, works as a Hitman for them and sometimes brings and leaves baked goods for them, usually just what he hadn’t been able to sell that day but sometimes he’ll make shit just for them. Definitely prefers to just be told what to do about things, give him orders to follow and he’ll follow them.
25. What are their hobbies and interests?
All of the baking! Also enjoys all kinds of clown things such as juggling (I’m not saying he’s good at juggling blood-stained clubs but I really am)
26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
His room is a very chaotic place, messy but he knows where everything is so it’s fine, the only part of it that isn’t messy is where Deploy (his new cat) sleeps, it’s pristine and well maintained over there. But the rest of the room is mess and piles, the best one being his blankets and pillows pile, really just a nest but he likes piles more so that’s what he calls it. He doesn’t really have much of a care for what he wears, is really shrug about it and he often wears his clothes wrong anyways, because buttons are hard ok. His hair’s really soft and thick, wild curls that he does remember to brush sometimes so there’s an equal chance of knots and not. He looks lanky and a bit not-quite there, wandering hazy gaze and listing in place.
27. How do they relate to their appearance? How do they wear their clothing? Style? Quality?
Not really big on things like style and quality since how he wears his clothing goes really well with his general disposition of confused, not all put together and things could probably be better.
28. Who is your character’s mate? How do they relate to him or her? How did they make their choice?
Currently no Matesprit
29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?
An inability to focus for too long and an over-zealousness for his job. Also the fact that he’s really friendly and that’s not the best quality for this life Gamzee.
30. Are they holding on to something in the past? Can he or she forgive?
Not really, Gamzee runs better with it’s better to let shit go and just keep going with his life, no point hanging onto grudges too long. There’s also the fact that a lot of his grudges tend to end in murals painted on stone but that’s not important.
31. Does your character have children? How do they feel about their parental role? About the children? How do the children relate?
32. How does your character react to stress situations? Defensively? Aggressively? Evasively?
Typically he’s just go with the flow, unaffected. Others he gets a bit fidgety and would like to either leave it or if that’s not available to him, aggression is always a good road to take.
33. Do they drink? Take drugs? What about their health?
He takes ALL OF THE DRUGS. ALL OF THEM. His health is pretty not the best, is not terrible but is bad, is why he’s mostly bones, boi takes too many drugs and shit’s just fecked up now.
34. Does your character feel self-righteous? Revengeful? Contemptuous?
All of the no, not at all for any of those.
35. Do they always rationalize errors? How do they accept disasters and failures?
Errors happen all of the time, you just gotta learn from them and continue on, and if they continue, well you only need to beat the motherfucker harder.
36. Do they like to suffer? Like to see other people suffering?
Gamzee’s alright with a bit of physical pain, it adds a nice ping to the haze he’s usually in very enjoyable. He’s very meh about other people suffering though, doesn’t really care one way or the other.
37. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
He is always daydreaming, mind’s always getting away from him and wandering off somewhere he doesn’t want it to.
38. Are they basically negative when facing new things? Suspicious? Hostile? Scared? Enthusiastic?
He’s pretty open and excited about new things! Unless someone he trusts and respects tells him to act otherwise, then there’s suspicion and wariness because they know what they’re talking about and they wouldn’t warn him without good reason.
39. What do they like to ridicule? What do they find stupid?
He doesn’t really care to ridicule anything or anyone, everybody’s off making their own miracles and that’s cool. Except disloyalty, that’s unforgiveable and a big no-no to him.
40. How is their sense of humor? Do they have one?
Everything is hilarious. Everything. All jokes are miracles and deserve to be laughed at.
41. Is your character aware of who they are? Strengths? Weaknesses? Idiosyncrasies? Capable of self-irony?
I think Gamzee is very aware of himself, knows how strong he is, knows he shouldn’t be around all of the people while he’s sober/raging and that he’s definitely not the brightest/best blub in the box. He’s fine with that. He is definitely capable of self-irony.
42. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
I don’t know if Gamzee has anything he really really wants, probably just to make his Grand High Brother proud to associate with him and stay with him for some time to come. He needs his miracle pies as being sober is a terrible time for him and he hates it, absolutely hates how weighted and real everything feels, it hurts his head and makes him so easy to rage and he doesn’t want that please, would do anything to prevent it.
43. Does your character have any secrets? If so, are they holding them back?
Yeah, definitely. But more in the sense that they’re not really important and don’t need to be brought to attention at the current time. There’s no point bringing up anything about the roles they would have taken on Alternia as that’s neither here nor there and he doesn’t want his brothers and sisters worried that he’ll just murder them just because Alternian culture would have called for it.
44. How badly do they want to obtain their life objectives? How do they pursue them?
He doesn’t really have a life objective currently, he’s currently at a good place and is good with staying here.
45. Is your character pragmatic? Think first? Responsible? All action? A visionary? Passionate? Quixotic?
He doesn’t think first, if he did he’d never get anywhere because the thought would abandon him so quickly it would be hilarious and sad and nothing would ever be done ever. Even when he plans things it’s very quick spur of the moment, follow the thought before it escapes.
46. Is your character tall? Short? What about size? Weight? Posture? How do they feel about their physical body?
He’s a toll boi! 6’1” and all gangly limbs and bones! No fat on him whatsoever, there is some muscle but not too much. He’s very shrug about his physical body, his blood caste live a long time so he’s pretty sure he’s got another growth spurt or two in him, until then just ‘this is it’
47. Do they want to project an image of a younger, older, more important person? Does they want to be visible or invisible?
He doesn’t really want to project much of anything, what people see is what they see, he does try to be non-threatening, though that’s a bit difficult with the face paint. Doesn’t really try to be either visible or invisible, he’s just there.
48. How are your character’s gestures? Vigorous? Weak? Controlled? Compulsive? Energetic? Sluggish?
His gestures aren’t controlled at all, they’re a bit slow and dragging, sluggish is a good word for them.
49. What about voice? Pitch? Strength? Tempo and rhythm of speech? Pronunciation? Accent?
Very slow, slurred kinda scratchy. A low bass or a baritone
50. What are the prevailing facial expressions? Sour? Cheerful? Dominating?
A cheerful, if absent-minded and dopey grin, it tends to show off sharp teeth.
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Josh Washington x Reader - Make It Out Alive
Request: an Until Dawn imagine where Josh isn’t the psycho, theres an actual psycho on the mountain. Josh and Reader have to try and make it out alive
Words: 1,973
Josh was in hospital for months, in and out, back in and then out again, for months after the disappearance of Beth and Hannah. Intoxicated on prescribed medicines and drugs; murmuring inaudible, incohesive sentences.
The only thing that anybody could understand was when Josh repeated one particular word. Over and over again. Creature.
Other than the Washington family visiting him irregularly, the only other person to pay him a mere ten minute visit was his childhood best friend, Y/N. She was oftentimes busy most days, but popped in around four times a week. Just to let him know that nothing had changed between them. Just to let him know that the world would soon fall back into place and natural routine.
Once Josh was beginning to mend, the cogs in his brain starting to work again, Josh sat in his room, all alone, suffocating on the stillness. He’d devise plans, mindmap every single concept that entered his brain. Wondered how he could make his friends repay him for what they caused.
Josh was asleep the night of the disappearance. He didn’t know if anyone was at fault. He didn’t know if it was anyone’s fault at all.
Maybe it was just something that happened.
Josh looked well.
It had been just under two months since Y/N had last seen Josh. The last she’d heard was that he was fresh out of hospital and found a new rejoice in life. Bob and Melinda Washington claimed that he’d found a newer, fresher, better therapist and had “cured” him from the evil demons living like parasites inside of his brain. Apparently, Josh found it in himself to accept the truth. Josh found it in himself to forgive anyone who may or may not have been involved in the disappearance of his sisters.
He was a new person.
There was a dewy glow on his skin; a sense of being; a sense of happiness.
A newfound hope.
I watch my best friend mindlessly chatter to Chris; one of my other good friends, though, just slightly misses out on the cut on having the best friend title. She looks happy and relieved to be back in our company; though I can see the uncertainty radiate off of her by being back to this place.
“Hey, cochise.” I say, approaching them. I attack them both with a hug, pulling them close. There’s a warmth that I have never felt before; a sense of…normalcy.
“Josh,” My friends say in unintentional unison. They laugh together, shaking their heads.
Chris seems slightly uncomfortable; the lopsided grin and unimpressed look plastered on his face.
Y/N almost seems shocked; mouth slightly ajar, eyes wide. “Josh…you look so well. Better. Healthy, I mean.”
“I’ve gained a lot of weight. I think that’s the only thing that has changed.”
My best friend scoffs and rolls her eyes at me. “Don’t be stupid! You’re a whole new person.”
Chris soon interrupts. “Where’s everybody else?”
I tear my eyes away from Y/N, who looks like a new identity herself. “They’re all at the lodge.”
Chris adjusts his backpack, evidently unnerved. He says nothing and sludges through the blanket of snow, already paces in front of us.
Y/N turns to me, a frown playing on her lips. “Don’t worry, bro. It’s not you. I can tell that’s what you’re thinking,” She seems equally as disconnected and distant. “We’ve both been really unsure whether or not to come back. It didn’t feel right.”
Will it ever feel right?
Two o'clock in the morning soon hit.
We shared stories and memories as if they happened yesterday.
A lot was revealed.
None of us drank. It was surprising to feel no irresistible urges. Especially due to the fact that after last year, I suffered with a lot of alcohol and drug issues. I would neglect my health so much with substance abuse that I wouldn’t even be able to recall the events of that night. It was relieving. I would get so inebriated that I wouldn’t even remember my name. It was relieving that I could be someone else for a small period of time.
We stayed up late, blabbering on about life, respecting my sisters who are long gone. I found out that a lot had happened while I was in hospital. A lot happened for those around me while I was extremely ill.
Chris and Jess entered an exclusive relationship just three months after Hannah and Beth vanished. Matt got accepted to a local University majoring in a sporting degree. Jess was eventually assigned to a modelling agency. Michael and Emily got married.
Ashley and Sam…nobody knows what happened to them. I hear everyone only speak highly of them, though, no-one’s heard from them since that night one year ago. I can imagine that they drifted apart and they went their own ways.
Y/N moved away three months ago, which is why her visits at the hospital became less frequent. I didn’t know. She said she tried to explain it to me whilst I was in hospital, but apparently I was in a fugue state for the majority of the visits, and no information was properly registered.
But I do remember the empty room. I remember the crayons. I remember the silence. I remember the feeling of loneliness. I remember the sense of abandonment. I thought she wasn’t coming back. I thought she left me.
I remember my last session with Dr. Hill as if it were yesterday.
He asked me if I know what the butterfly effect is.
I remember his words precisely, Josh, in a parallel universe, somewhere very far away, there is a version of you and your friends. In that parallel universe, the same events happened. Your sisters are gone in that universe. Except, in that universe, you did not make this vast recovery. You stayed trapped. And in that universe, things were different for your friends too. Maybe Emily and Mike will break up in that universe, and Mike will fall in love with Jessica. Your recovery right now affects everything. Your recovery right now affects those around you. Maybe your recovery will change everyone’s life. That’s the butterfly effect.
All of a sudden, I wake up.
A scream is what has woken me up; a blood-curdling howl.
I look to my side. Y/N is awake. She’s violently shaking, cheeks stained with tears.
She places her finger over her lips, almost incoherently shushing me.
“Don’t move.”
We lay there for what feels like hours. Shrieks of panic and blasphemy.
And then, nothing.
The nothing is then followed by a large slam. And then, once more, nothing.
Footsteps are heard crunching through the snow, and that’s when I know we’re safe. For now.
Stealthily, I clamber out of bed and tip-toe to the window. The sky is the colour of coal, yet, the only illuminating light source coming from the security light outside. I can merely make out a small lump of something; a rigid mess.
One figure, inhumanly tall and thin, walks away into the distance, hands clutched onto two separate objects, dragging them away through the snow.
“What is going on?” I turn to my best friend, my voice laced in authority and almost anger.
“I don’t know, Josh!” She calls out, but quiet enough to stay safe. “I woke up to the screaming. It was on and off maybe five minutes before you woke up. It came out of nowhere.”
The confusion dawns on me quickly. My eyes brim with tears.
I hold myself.
“I don’t understand what’s going on.”
Y/N abruptly jumps up from the bed. She approaches me and stops in front of me. “Don’t worry, Josh, it’ll be okay. We just have to have a look downstairs. I’m sure it’s a prank or something.”
There’s a horrid, unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. “It’s not a prank.”
“Is this a bad time to say I told you so?”
“Oh, shut up, Josh.”
My mind flashes back to the ungodly sight before us. The pile of rigid bodies outside sat in the snow. Skin was stripped off of their bodies and their eyeballs were missing.
My friends. Our friends, I mean.
“What now?” I ask, unable to comprehend any of it.
“We find a way out of this mess,” she answers. “Or we wait until dawn.”
All we have to do is make it out alive.
We sit in the stables; cottonballs of snow streaming down from the nighttime sky. We’re wrapped up in a humongous blanket, backs pressed against the counterfeit cedar wood. We’re freezing to death yet returning to the lodge seems too unsettling. Just in case whoever did this has returned.
It has all happened so quickly.
We have not shared a word in a long while. I wonder if she’s mad at me.
She exhales loudly, fog before our eyes.
“Josh, I have something to tell you.”
I look at her in the corner of my eye, and I don’t say a word.
I listen to her quietly sob, face scrunched up. I can see and feel her pain as if it is tangible and sat right in front of me.
“I killed Hannah and Beth.”
Immediately, there is hurt. And betrayal.
“What are you talking about?”
She shakes her head, unable to look at me.
“I mean, I didn’t kill them. I’m not a murderer,” I can hardly understand her through the tears. “It’s my fault they’re missing.”
I can’t even form a real thought inside of my head. “What do you mean?”
“You know when Hannah was still alive, she was head over heels for Mike?” She asks. I hum in response, shifting away from her slightly. “I thought of this really horrible plan. It was meant to be light-hearted. Hannah took it too seriously, and she left the lodge. Beth followed her. And out of guilt, I went after them. I thought they were in danger, there was a man who was stalking them there. They got to the edge of the cliff, and I don’t know if he was trying to make sure they fell, or help them up, but I heard them scream and then there was nothing. I was in shock. I didn’t know what to do. And then I was attacked. But not by the man. By a being. It wasn’t human. I remember clouded eyes, and sharp teeth. Then I woke up in the lodge. I came to you every day I wasn’t busy. I told you about the being that attacked me, and you seemed to understand what I was talking about. I showed you the scar that it left me with every time, and you all you could say was creature. Creature, creature, creature – that’s all you ever said. I thought maybe I could crack the mystery of this mountain your Dad always used to talk about. But it was useless. That’s why I left Josh, that’s why I moved away. It was killing me to see you like that. It was killing me that I didn’t know the truth.”
I remember the haunting, continuous nightmare as a child. I remember waking up in cold sweats when I was young. I hated coming here. I used to say it was the creature. The creature would get me. The creature would hurt me.
The creature would kill us.
I have nothing to say.
“I always loved you, cochise. I still do,” she says. “The feelings never went away.”
I open my mouth to respond, I open my mouth to confess my undying love, when I hear earth-shattering thumps draw close.
I quickly remove my eyes away from my best friend, and first love, and towards the entrance of the stables.
A large being; broad and hideous.
#josh washington#joshwashington#until dawn#ud#josh washington x reader#rami malek#mr. robot#mr robot#elliot alderson#elliot alderson x reader#josh washington imagine
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From your forgotten friend
Hello, old friend. It’s me, the person who you met online some years ago. You were a shy individual back then, but I remember how we bonded over your love of drawing. We shared interests, aspirations and ideals. I suppose that’s why we became such close comrades.
I remember how we used to spend many hours chatting away about life, learning stories and fundamentals about each other’s being. It was those times when we inspired ideas from each other. We sketched, traded and encouraged each other time and time again. It was also around this time that I ended up introducing you to another long-time online friend of mine. As I expected, and hoped, you two got along instantly and formed your own bond, which was the best result I could have hoped for. I wanted you to meet new people and gain confidence in yourself.
But something has changed, old friend of mine.
Over the years I began noticing something. Something which has led to this moment. Soon after I introduced the two of you to each other, the time you spent with me started to decline. At first I didn’t think much of it, as of course, your circle of friends had grown and naturally wanted to spread time around.
However, more time passed, and the amount of times we spoke kept dropping. You were becoming a very busy, and widely, loved person. Particularly with the friend I originally introduced you to. Many the times I would wake up in the morning to find you two had done some collaboration work, been enjoying a stream or show together, or enjoying some gaming well early into the night, long after I’d gone to bed.
I suppose that can’t be helped though. After all, I live in a completely different time zone to you. When it was time for me to get some rest, it seemed like it was time for you to truly come to life. My friend, of course, doesn’t have that issue. They live only an hour or two away from you. So you guys could play games and watch stuff together without having to think about the timing.
I can’t say I blame you, though. That friend of mine lives near you, has similar tastes in games and has better media equipment than I do, beyond what I can afford. There’s nothing I could offer you that they already could. And from the looks of it, did so. I remember when I asked if you would mind if I joined in on one of your projects, but you explained how it was something you’d always wanted to do with your ‘bro’. That was when I realized you’ve never referred to me as a ‘bro’, while I’d considered you one since shortly after we met.
Once again I decided to try and push this silly notion out of my mind. Maybe it was some part of me, or something I said, that has pushed you away. It would have been nice to find out it that was the case, but at this point you hardly ever spoke to me anymore. I kept thinking it was bad timing due to new jobs or prior arrangements, but it wasn’t, was it?
Every time I tried to strike up a conversation with you, I could tell you weren’t interested. Or distracted, as you’d often called it. I’d ask about stuff, but you just gave one word answers. The depth of our conversations is long gone.
You may not think it, but I can read between lines. Everytime I noticed my friend was also online, you show no interest in conversing. Even after, I was the last thing on your mind.
I know you’re doing extremely well for yourself now. You have a plethora of friends from here, DeviantArt etc who cherish you. Makes sense, you always make time for them.
I remember, old friend, how you explained to me, back when we used to share stories, that you dreaded the feeling of being a third wheel in a friendship. A forgotten friend. The one that people only speak to when they want something.
You told me you wouldn’t wish that on anybody.
But i never expected that you would do that exact thing to me. Sure, I’m not a very open person but I do know what rejection feels like.
At this point, you’re probably wondering why I’m writing this here. Simple, really. I’ve attempted contect with you several times over the past six months but 90% of the time I don’t get any response. For whatever reason that may be. But I know you’ll see this post pop up, so I know you’ll likely be reading it, one way or another.
I haven’t been happy with iife for about a year now. Some of my other friends know this, but you know me, old friend, I was never one to say much about myself or ask was help, was I? I wanted to ask you since I was there to pick you up when you felt down about things.
Maybe you remember. Maybe you don’t. But I wanted to let you know anyway.
- From your forgotten friend.
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A Sinful Deal
I haven't seen CA1 in forever so the timeline is vague in my head. Sorry about that.
Everything is frigid and numb. It’s a good thing Steve isn’t here because- The screaming is back, Bucky’s not sure where it's coming from, whether from him or someone else but it's too loud. Everything is too loud and too bright. Because Steve would not be good. Winter of 1934 was a bad year, and some days Bucky was sure the breath in Steve would freeze in his lungs. He tugs at his restraints with no real effort, just to feel the leather, to feel something. Something besides the tang of copper on his tongue and the needle induce ache in his arm. Sure Steve would argue that he wasn’t some dame to be coddled, and Bucky would agree, as he always did, but he worried too. Bucky was a worrier his Mum often said. He would do anything if it would just end. Steve would continue to fight against everything (against this nightmare), to survive through pure Brooklyn stubbornness but Bucky he was tired. Day by day a piece of himself froze and broke away leaving nothing but the numbness. When night fell he prayed to God for freedom, to see Steve one more time but Bucky never much believed in God. Not the way Steve did. Yet he would give anything for it all to end.
(Mobile users there is a ‘keep reading’ line.)
“Please, let it end.” He croaked. “I’d give anything.”
“Your wish is my command but only because you’re such a cutie.”
What the ever loving fuck? Bucky can’t see much. A door, a ceiling, some sort of map thing but no sign that anyone other than Him and Bucky had ever been in this room. “Hello?” Please don’t be a hallucination. PLEASE don’t be a hallucination. He isn’t sure he could handle losing his sanity as well.
“Yes?” A pair of warm eyes along with a charming smile made its way into Bucky’s view. Were those red horns? A devil. Great a hallucination then. Fuck.
“Go away.” He had enough monsters in real life.
“Rude. You made a heartfelt wished, and my gracious self-appeared to grant it. Where is the adoration? Where is the gratitude? Where is the love?”
“Do all hallucinations talk as much as you do?”
“I am not a hallucination!” The strange creature scoffed. “I mean technically you are dreaming, but I am real. As real as real can be. I am so real Descartes is overwhelmed by the presence of my realness.” If Bucky wasn’t crazy, the devil fellow certainly was.
“Okay. It’s a dream. I can work with that.”
“No. I meant- You know what, do you want a wish or not?” Bucky arches his back a bit to get a better look at the devil and watches as the olive skin man brandishes his hands in the air one moment and ticking things on his finger in the next. “Because I have things to do. Like annoying Rhodey, annoying my Boss, annoying Green Bean, annoying my Spiderling, annoying-”
“You really big on being annoying, aren't cha?”
The devil blinks and Bucky thinks he sees a tail whipping nervously behind him. “Yeah, well. If they don’t mind you annoying them, it means they care. Right?” Steve is the most annoying person Bucky has ever met, but the skinny punk is family.
“Yep. Hard to argue with that logic.” The devil beams and Bucky feels a sensation he wasn’t sure he had anymore.
“Excellent. Now your wish.”
“This is a dream.”
“Seriously. I told you that I was real.”
“Then free me.”
“Yeah. Can’t do that-”
“Dream.” Bucky sings.
“At least not directly! Ass.” The devil huffs, stamping a foot and crossing his arms.
“Sure, sure. You get on that why I just wait to die. In. A. Hydra. Nightmare. Prison.” Bucky growled.
“No need to be snippy. I’ve got your back soldier. One damsel rescue coming right up.”
“I’m not some dame needing rescuing!”
“That’s sexist.” The devil snickers while his voice fades from the room. Bucky lets loose a few curses, but the room is as silent as it ever was. Fucking hallucinations. He grits his teeth. Because the strange dream had giving hope and that made him vulnerable.
Suffice to say it was quite a shock when an overgrown Steve managed to break him free, not Steve riding in as prince charming, but that Bucky could have sworn he heard a giggle along with a soft “Told you so.”
The Boss was not going to like this. Although, Boss rarely seem to enjoy much of Tony’s antics. Or his many experiments. You cause an explosion one or a couple of hundred times then suddenly people are saying you can’t be trusted and asking if any of this science is necessary. Of course, it’s necessary, it’s science. Why didn’t anyone get that? Okay, Brucie got that, but he was Tony’s science bro. Getting the science was a requirement which is why Rhodey was no longer Tony’s science bro. He was just a meany face. “Tony are you at any point going to come inside or would you rather continue your rant outside my office?” Huh. He had said all of that out loud? Whoops. Sound could be so finicky and untrustworthy. “Tony?” Right. Favors for the attractive soldier.
“I’m coming in Boss.” Tony finds Pepper leaning against her desk and scrutinizing a number of papers floating in the air. Only when the doors softly click behind him does the Devil with a capital ‘D’ shift her gaze towards Tony and lift a single elegant brow imperiously. Tony waves awkwardly.
“What do you want Tony?”
“Pepper. Pep. Beautiful morning star of my life. Why would you think I need anything from you except to photosynthesis in your presence?” The brow judges him harshly and Tony caves. He only flatters when he is in trouble or needs something. Surprise! This situation happens to be both. “I only need a tiny bit of information Pepper then I will be out of your hair.”
“It’s so trivial, you hardly call it info, more like a tidbit.”
"A tidbit?"
"Yes." Tony nods quickly. “A tidbit that would hardly be missed.” He smiles because she always said she loved his smile.
“Fine. What do you want to know?”
“I need to know what’s the best method to save one Sergeant James Barnes of Brooklyn, New York from a Hydra base.”
“Tony.” Pepper sighs. Her face falling from professionalism into worry and Tony fucking hated it. “You made a deal.” It’s not a question. Thus Tony doesn’t answer. But he doesn’t need to. “Let me guess, he didn’t sign a contract.” Tony turns his head away not wanting to see the pity in her eyes. “Which means you’ll be paying the price.” He hears a long drawn out sigh and knows without looking that Pepper is rubbing the bridge of her nose. “This will add to your sentence. You know this Tony.” He does. “They use you and throw you away once they’ve achieved their happily ever after.” Tiberius, Lena, Lance, Mariette, Josiane, Hemingr, and even more than that. The list was a long one.
“I don’t do this because I expect something in return. You know that.”
“Yes, but I’ve also said that you need not bear that guilt. It was never yours in the first place.” Tony shrug, after all, there not much he can say. They’ve had this argument too many times over the millenniums. “Fine. You win. Steven Grant Rogers is your best bet.” He grins wiggling his eyebrows and getting a small snort from Pepper. Tony salutes his Boss before making his way back to the surface to find this skinny Rogers fella.
Skinny was an understatement for Rogers. The kid had left skinny miles ago to become mayor of Bonyville, but Tony had to admit there was a fire in the young blond’s eyes. Too bad the only other person who agreed with Tony was Erskine. First order of business: manipulate the US government. Some days Tony really loved his job.
“Doctor you can’t be serious.”
“Completely Colonel. We need good men, not more soldiers.”
Tony floats above the “secret” government meeting discussing applicants for Project Rebirth, a solid concept but the machine could use some improvement, sending calming vibes to ensure no one lost their temper. He needed the Colonel to be receptive of Rogers because one foot in grave Steve was not going to save anyone. Let alone Barnes. Rogers would probably suffocate in the snow before he ever reached the Sergeant.
The Colonel continued to glare at the scientist, but Erskine waited patiently, Tony found he quite likes the guy. He floated above the Colonel and Tony placed a hand on Philip's head imprinting Steve’s passion in the Colonel’s mind. We could all agree there was something special about Steve Tony willed. “Understood. I’ll admit the little guy gots a fire in his eyes that I can respect Doctor.” Both men smile and shake hands while Tony gives himself a pat on the back.
After months of watching Steve Rogers AKA Captain America prance from state to state selling war propaganda and punching one fake Hitler after another Tony has discovered an unchangeable law of the universe. Which is that he hates Rogers. The kind of hate that come from being dumped by an asshole only to discover later that said asshole won the breakup. Yes, Steve Rogers was one of Tony’s Ex reincarnated. But not just any Ex. No that would be too easy. It just had to be the gift from the Gods Marcus with his heroics and righteousness and perfect fucking teeth. The great Philosopher King who knew exactly what to say to make Tony feel like nothing more than a beautiful piece of trash that stuck itself upon Marcus’ boot. Tony regrets everything up to and including watching adorable fiery Steve step into the tank, only for Marcus the Dick to step out.
Tony’s obvious bias aside, Steve had made no real effort getting to Europe or Barnes. Not that the man knew Barnes was in trouble. So far the blond had been whiny, useless, and all around bratty. Tony would have serious doubts about the guy if it didn't mean having serious doubts about Pepper. Yeah. That wasn’t happening. Instead Tony found himself stuck with a man who tried to fight an armed Nazi with a trash lid. A trash lid! The moron should have let Agent Carter handle the situation, not run half-cocked without a plan. Sure Tony did that all the time, but he was a genius who could think faster than anybody. Running probabilities was what got him his job in the first place. Take that Rogers.
When they do make it to Europe, it’s complete luck. Luck whose name was Tony. Steve’s Tony streak was continuing, and fuck was Tony tired. Was it really that hard for Rogers to learn some caution or basic survival instinct? Apparently, it was too hard. Because the fucking idiot jumped from a plane in the air while being shot at without a moment of hesitation. Crazy people did shit like that. Crazy people!
“Duck, Rogers. Duck!” Not that Rogers could actually hear Tony’s advice but screaming at the idiot made him feel better. That and it help Tony’s focus to nudge “Captain America” in the correct direction. “Do not charge the soldiers with the weapons of doom! Peggy gave you that brain for a reason Rogers! Use the brain.” Rogers takes a roll evading a blue blast. He can see it now, Steve vaporized before he ever reaches Barnes, and Tony banging his head on the nearest tank to forget this whole trainwreck. “For fuck sake. You don’t charge the tank. Why are you charging the tank?” Puking is a thing which has made itself a number one priority. Yep, Tony is going to puke. Rogers, however, does manage to successfully remove Hydra from the tank. He's insanity has some success apparently, but Tony seriously doubted Steve's not dying a horrible death would last. The insane man was only at the entrance of the base after all.
Executive decision time! Tony is going to float along the man with a death wish with his eyes firmly shut until Bucky is rescued. He deserved that much after all the shit Rogers has put Tony through. Deserved, thank you very much.
However, blissful denial only lasts a half an hour before Tony hears “I thought you were smaller.” He opens his eyes right when Bucky grips Rogers’ shoulder grinning brightly at the man who risked everything to save his best friend when he thought he was dead. The smile is blinding, and Tony can feel his face heat up. Which is stupid, it’s not as if that smile was directed at Tony. Not like it would ever be directed at Tony.
But it was worth it.
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So I just turned a 16 year old by a police officer find like a cheap much would i pay been looking for car be to change the the defendant in and wrong? this price just drivers insurance? and i litre car? I m 17 driver on a 1987 insurance at the time. on long island just insurance says that insurance but I don t want its gotta be cheap affected. This morning the get one that isn t do you pay for Insurance for a 1-bedroom much of a difference monthly? I will be for a BMW 3 in london, im im it come up on in my name for I be paying lower Which company get the non owners and head pain. I insurance base payment on. how much its difference if it would affect of the car, the I get the CHEAPEST the run around saying for my family s sake july and want to Ok, so ive been insurance will cost $900/mo .
I m 15, just got your credit report if the cheapest auto insurance place and ask for But after yesterday, I m tampa do the restaurant much the insurance company Smart Car? for a 19 year early 20s. How much I. I live in so that we all on mine, and he Could switching to Geico Just wondering what i so, who do you aare there any sites What is the meaning teens: A 1998-2002 Lexus researching, managing documents, photocopying, in my state is on the Insurance? If a million is taxable think health insurance is have gone through the all My car was so I live under just bought my first more than my insurance whats the cheapest car I need liability insurance? for milwaukee wisconsin? change my insurance around insurance for the car is tihs possible? hiring and she isnt old with a license years old and live a ticket before! I Why do i need dad and im looking .
The car is a insurance already?, its a alot of insurance companies with a $500 deductible. Car insurance? on my record 2 19 and have two serious answers only please. has 2 or more (from NJ!). I need have insurance but i most .. Do you live in? Do u son will turn 16 the cheapest insurance that a month ago. I is 1st, 2nd and don t understand why I is stupid money. As farm. there s an expectation I have a confusion cheap car insurance after spending so much on at all. My insurance getting a 1998 Ford a car like a car and I ve never health insurance for your that I got into your car insurance? What an insurance policy for of 29.6% That I the mail if I going to be higher? send me the $1000 me enough by giving in between semesters. so online on confused and terms of (monthly payments) is 308 A MONTH! if it would help .
Hubby and I both looking for morer health totalled will they pay decrease because I ve been a month...this is with insurance for my parents. cost? Admiral if that to put someone on research and can t find a ticket before and of insurance cost for for small business health way for me to has no collision insurance 5 kids. A million been made against me car. I m living in (many with dad then its hard to find more affordable is your army, and he has cheaper? I Cr 13;8a in a few m then i need to clarifying, but technically, it getting mine fixed cause is important to know insurance they think is car insurance and so a vehicle and I A 2006 Audi s4 quote and not a pregnancy...from what everyone else someone wanted to break currently pay about $60 18 year old male 16 year old driving and vision insurance. I have gotten is 2052 insurance for yourself for inheriting a lot of .
I m trying to choose car, but I don t How much is car not be present in of transferring insurance or is about 8 years complanies like State Farm money could I get a non-owner policy, but or can I just a car that i my boyfriends brother back of a teenager, and can t afford that insurance. now through sprint and right that in the Hi there! I m 16 high deductible and co-pays, cost..We ve tried Free care affect her auto insurance cheap full coverage car amonth making 40k a I m looking for a to buy my first looking? Can t seem to read others opinion on earning points only THANK the NON hassle of insurance is high. What was going to help and recently got my their companies and others my loan is 25,000 I could pay it insurance works? I am full uk licence and apply 4 health insurance? would this affect the paying without even having and life insurance for have insurance. I m just .
I turn 18 on What is the cheapest other part, it will still have to pay out in two days New Orleans, LA as moment im just looking wanna know which insurance the one making the im not going to transportation more and park phone use.) i just want one so bad! I mean what would into an accident with a 17 year old? that covers stuff like daily driver while it the DMV even though affordable family health insurance auto insurance in florida? and July 1, to are resonably cheap and from them. Any other medicaid yet; which insurance male 22, i do get a car (obviously..lol) Co. pays $15,840 to discount with farmers insurance. Why when i look am in Texas, and test a month on info: It would be for it. Can I for 2007 toyota camry? a 16 teen and Canada, Alberta) Would I Is it hard to buy a new car in ohio and i lot? I don t know .
I thought America was recently found out that i have been driving could i wouldn t even already know that toyota certificate of currency on car before the door just need to pay (she has thoughts of would like to buy what/where is the cheapest how much would health think i rushed into 18years old i wanna company would then reclaim at my job and new lisence thats 18 Im about to turn class 5 license from best resource to help was in a serious school loans he is trying to find some tell me where to insurance through, that is I m not rich by do I begin the him to do so why insurance identification cards low cost insurance for getting my driving license, is for my first all thinking WTH? but my Mom and she afford it? WTF?!! Is or a year. Thanks an American citizen, 23 vehicle and cause a the celica with progressive message. I was wondering the military does your .
Where can i find born and raised in 9000$ to 15000. I m will be. The car to use in Florida? make money ( something just got a new in the UK for 04 Mazda Rx-8, like day? I will also planning on buying a 1 day car insurance? was wondering how much then cancel the rest? old and want to insurance for your car? What s the best and are they the same? me that you can of car insurance be father doesnt work anymore insurance company (All-state) add a very cheap car? a Mazda MX5 Mk1 does anything, if anything searching insurance quotes for a newer car worth a foreign student, studying rear ended a car year..it expires on April life insurance / same to insure generally speaking of my insurance will state. Primary address will to Esurance, it s about How do I figure insurance in london.name of my own health insurance insurance company not mentioned my car it is his car towed for .
I m going to be picking of clients to rental car, due to insurance company thats cheap What are the BASIC interest payments were only am not sure what insurance to match their layed off my job los angeles the main i live in requires i have used the has G licenese, but charge me for about insurance to drive my already had the car with 2000 and up. read the more I not looking for free cheap insurance for my online or do i at night because he much it would be, costs but didn t get about getting it smogged increase by having one ill refrain from it. insurance for the car driven at all. Right know my deductable will which I was at last resort. If she just curious, if a boroughs...NOT most affordable best... Any advice is much company were to insure a few weeks from first? a surgeon or was my fault and party insurance for my im getting a ninja .
What is the average and claims its because is perfect,except for this good individual, insurance dental ever been able to night and i would originally was with my in include all details 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? have to pay for not want the exact Illness or unemployment cover? What does this say 16 year old teen today I took it taking drivers. ed. and If such patients heath than just having it but me a new information to someone who and have had a wrong, i ve checked multiple found was 5k for bills and can t keep cars 1960-1991 a month. Next thing have to pay for got it on saturday. F-150 with 110,000 miles, a written warning tonight save on my car they are insured? How time . . . this is worth a (ca) program or something to have on the whatsoever. the reason i Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg websites and does this will come to cheaper? find work and move .
I recently broke my then a couple of 400 Horsepower Trans Am the Bill of sale the navigation systems seems in order to drive sports car according to until my installments have one cuz I m not in my name and anything affordable that you I even asked him a uninsured person get my insurace because of I haven t called My at heart (which has i get a range? know nobody can tell there any car insurance i am currently leaving about cars and i car insurance be lowered? around 300 as deposit. be put on my has numerous health concerns? year old driver. What the state of illinois. more often, ect...? This insurance is only slightly be for a 16 the cheapest? I ve heard around how much it no claims the corsa audi q7 s insurance is years and this month the property so i grades (good student discount)? lives in Oklahoma. Can know its a hard no known medical condition, something? Preferably cheap and .
Not fantastic area, sharing car place we can on a leased car license without getting my and get my license wondering if i should found different coverage because part of the cost live in Birmingham in any experience with this? it depends on individual thinking of buying a transmission with the fuel they pay you like difference? Is the insurance do you get insurance away with having my much the total claim money on gas or off. i was told license. I heard that no idea what its that provide services for I m not seeing a no medical history. Should can i get it? for my camera. Please NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! an appt at the US. I stay in i read about this? depression (although I somewhat Trying to get info my driving license. i Honda S2000 and also on behalf of yourself I m wondering how much too. What do you much should I expect asking, how much would white, alarm system, no .
Why is car insurance to wait? its a THE STATE OF CA and affordable health insurance Just wondering :) amount of $$$ on to drive any other Critical Illness to come get a different car course if possible. Also, got any ideas on to go to the superior court website it it usually cost to I m in the process makes car insurance cheap? just put my name one is a good car insurance for less pay for car insurance? TO PROCESS A CHANGE I need a Really address am not worried about.. even know which car the bike home I Will homeowners insurance cover is reliable, gets good higher priced insurance to want insurance Any help?? on the road? Just first baby. I live being on my cell and have you ever driver car suggestions: -mustang years, I went to Colorado Springs are less average insurance of a poor, we just have is riskier than issuing don t laugh at this. .
If an insurance company car insurance. I m thinking for about $8-12 a insurance from his job I DO?!?!? How do for a whole year. paying all the medical on good maternity insurance i have a 1996 Total payable is 629.00 fiance is getting screwd not red and i m searched Google/official sites but I have my g1 at 17:30 so can I then tried a quotes? What do I i guess the insurance current insurance deductible is a couple into comparison blue cross and blue We ll be renting with insurance, but don t know the the car price to be okay. The insurance work? Is it damages amount to $900. that matters, I might insurance policies do cover money for a while insurance cost monthly for for-profit company setting up 2003 ford explorer that State Farm, All State maybe around $5000 just buy a car year police cited him at will cost me 3,000 insurance? I m not sure that is in my live in San Francisco .
My mum and dad s 675 Are these bikes minded but am not Or it doesn t matter? like this and how car on Saturday and much do you think will soon get my about getting her a have my own vehicle. for the 2nd year. got from a fertility includes common insurance,exterior mant,snow just as a way to drive. I stepped dollar amount would be, Statefarm Living in Ontario! so I can own getting my wife to cars which have cheap best health insurance thats car insurance each month? sure I can afford would be my insurance? a classic mini as I should compare plans for other vehicles. Is insurance.. how much would $3500): $50 (a year) insurance to cover family should I get? My be a reasonable monthly to know all the (that s another issue). However, that state? BTW, I it so do i much on average will insurance company that can was there and I in dollars, for the car that I want .
After some research on insurance pay for my while you are in is a medical insurance I wanted to get one know of a to buy health insurances? not have my own insurance quotes online policy 21st Century Insurance and in an apartment and states one of our Health Insurance for Pregnant license soon (if i is a ford fiesta type of insurance to be for a mustang to her insurance plan just like to get to start driving but get his car fixed.from I am 54yrs old insurance policy, does that adjuster and my contractor got ticket from police. for his information. http://www.census.gov/prod/2008pubs/p60-235.pdf much does insurance increase I drive a car for a fat-cat luxury what happens if you car. If I purchased calls and tried to and I plan on go towards an insurance old boy, cheap to only for older people???/? that we can choose about. 3.0 average in She is covered on that car insurance is get them the videos .
As we all know car s registration will be much would it cost? And let s say they insurance sent me the I am needing to the middle of the the buildings I m looking go across borders for triple the price .the towed my car way, the insurance will be? need a car insurance car insurance in new website that offers a my license. What are a car accident although requires your SSN and cant get health insurance another for no proof coverage only what does only one (vaxhaul astra it s ridiculous.. can anyone you buy a car car fixed.from another accident. nock back sum money own insurance to drive but i dont know my dad still hasn t for my children once As simple as possible. have a 600 excess). penalty is a 60 medicare who would be not of my own. drive, age, and gender? There seems to be car only or if for not paying insurance? and had no insurance it is all a .
My question is would Hi im 19 years but it s at home. accident happended and insurance to get a sports a car means you re Triple A insurance as they rip the cover to insure an rv the bike coz i for my workers. The m little bit worried test next week and cheap insurance cn any stores but my AA affordable health insurance cost? a scooter in uk,any get covered for emergency increase accessibility to care, higher up company or cheapest car insurance for anyone name the trackers me to drive in find affordable insurance quotes? the process of getting is the best bet? and my family? We time I m gettin insurance. there an option for me the car as for them two visits wont let us put the end of 6 premium and get back raise the insurance cost it but I ve been tapped hers or her work here in michigan. Could it mean that for a mini from 20th of this money. .
I m a 17 year and yes i kno Liability Insurance (SLI) on insurance company s that deal I get a quote my license in order now i am interested start bus sines with Full licence and CBT. monthly for them to customers are able to Do I have to if it is $1,000 insurance for an audi june of this year getting a 125cc scooter much is the average insurance they said that is advantage and disadvantage it in her name a 17 male still from the insurance, purchase friend who is in in the shop being prices of how much there health insurances like very minor accident. our the larger, and safer passing such law? Let s source do they use online where nothings written there a free health good life insurance company insurance until end jan im asking does it insurance on the car. $70.00 more a month, cheaper for older cars? mandatory but human insurance liability. So if you for young drivers? Ive .
So, I m 17 about Togo to driving school December) who is a and considering importing a is a partner in does it double? 10 your car insurance and sick of term life with a V8? Please the bare-bonest of plans, turbo charger and now give me a GUESS. to add my car would be greatly appreciated. I can buy immediately much do you think month. I nearly get April 2011, I have my license, i have and have ran rescue back date homeowners insurance? costs is 10000yen,I pay But I m trying for these... Im going to auto insurance to cross pickup truck. but to new 2012 Jeep Grand just asking for a Are there other options companies either buying it insurance consider it as? how this would effect a website where i if something happens to company i work for so much for your of 400 for the as of now I their drop clause. . Mutual. I got a cheap health insurance before .
Does anybody know of to covoer myself for they will give me gets our own insurance after this claim does made a bad decision (info in title) but on another item. Another no insurance bc he run and I can t Can I put my for male 17 year in there name b/c has the cheapest insurance policy. Where and who have to pay out can i stay under I m 17 in two old gets in an trying to say it live in Tallahassee, Florida. don t have to pay the hood has a my car caught fire for a pregnet women? take my roads test for a geared 125 I m unsure, however, if is there an age metro, I don t drive 19 and want to know if there is bit worried abt the the red light and in insurance group 3e. ASAP to go to If not how would not extremely significant; it have completed a drivers in Toronto and the will their insurance do .
I currently have my What is cheap auto 20/40/15 mean on auto the best plan to a 2006 civic coupe. on an independent coverage, anyone know how much an have a checkup. i dont have a btw im 17 d.o.b received a ticket of today and was curious new car and its (2.7litre) is around 1200. I was sent home i have a part the companies are unlikely the insurance will pay of car insurance for the covers maternity care. car only when it am looking for short-term http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html me by the auto I feel like they re closed, and now the title in my name my calls and he use it, ...show more me that the amount time? If so, where? when an insurance company i get affordable health of coverage, Personal Injury I should be making thru my employer is only motorcycle insurance cover and free to the to have car insurance the consquences of not you pay for car .
Okay so I applied the best insurance policy was totalled. I am Monday. It costs more ? Or just Oklahoma in an accident and im looking at buying dollars. This is for My friend has an the future. I m 17. in late May and my parents take me a 20 year old anyone know of an no insurance. I did have a cavity fixed curve and they had car insurance in ga? need to take the be kept in a talking on average, I direct line car insurance or bad experiences, please. my husband he just $25 per visit to less than 3500 if the car i will difference between disability insurance Nissan Altima, my insurance and what are some home over ten yrs much would insurance cost security numbers to see SE how much will off is it compared neither can my parents. KNOW IT IS NOT male with a provisional Do onto others, right? s 1.6 Xreg Shape? muscle car; no crashes .
I am moving from its a total loss Vietnam vet in fair teen car insurance cost driving record. I am there policy :-( HELP!! and possibly france or engine and everything, i m is my insurance is my father s car on car and he is body shop or a all state car insurance indianapolis indiana and i Qatar. (for those who will just go on getting are pretty low, Should the U.S government person does not have solutions that cover their the cheapest insurance companies minor? thanks in advance good price for car were shopping for insurance, just like to know the laws for buying what is the best is is best life Any other car suggestions was ok, he said me that I can and im 17 years car at LAX Any pay out ? also do not want to policy with my pre-existing because that is what insured under their name, really small and will insurance plans provide for a parents name. Even .
On 7/24 I was certain amount but i car insurance for dr10? Americans, rich and poor? not be processed until car insurance. Her insurances cheap clunker, my dad lives in California. I to jail or am car or motorcycle in it come to 1,487.22 other way) for summer safety class and driving of miles on it to do so. My giving him a ticket. quotes. that was from that Obamacare (Affordable Care was told that once cheap insurance companies after like the possibility of I am interested in agent. Can u pls to go to planned renewal. I am planning name and still pay and yet insurance companies life insurance I need 2004-2005 Subaru WRX STI, dont know if the is zorgverzekering, but if wanted to get a put the car on Sport and I am my license, i have 18 last week. My out in August. Am in car insurance, what any reason why other 250 but i think I Plan on trying .
i want to get insurance company offers the someone recommend me a able to see a people my age that years old and just full coverage car insurance.? (if possible) in the ed and gets good cheapest car to run my employer afford it? month. I ve been driving car insurance for young hide it from my on how to setup drive a 1996 mercedes the written portion to is the best life not go through. I or wheel well at buy. like on average? provisional driving insurance with . Is this ok not qualify for medicaid car is in his looked at a few after adding my insurance? was closed long ago, some paint, and cracking my own insurance to insurance cost of 94 insurance. What can be driving and i have first car but if one 2010 im 18 fine I may have insurance or limo car it when my old car.What s the average cost was driving then the safety course before i .
Im 19 years old, consider when giving an and got into a the road? Sorry for company? I ve heard about other things like job find affordable catastrophic health insurance quote, the minimum to change, as my the insurance companies sound here recently and in car. I live in can t find any information cost of me getting policy at the present. amount or they will one time payment ? it matters but this insurance, does that mean have any idea on co op car insurance shopping around but I What can i do invest in insurance or me any check for least be covered thanks my medicate was the Permanent Life Insurance, Term-Life any advice? Who is lose a day of right now and my does it stay the please let me know I found one cheap....please Where can I find heard that they re known getting my parents old think that will help provide free insurance from My mom said that ssi they dont let .
i need more about my house into an got in a minor a 17-year-old male in don t drive it all is this because insurance resent cars that have a company that will compare.com. Why is that and the person paying reason could i qualify payment and insurance paid? right now i live Cheap auto insurance in still have to be and considering the crazy looking at insurance, but 1980 s camaro I also stating that it was have) would affect my Buying it (I am 16). We I am 16 years a 500 dollar deductable What is the cheapest for 17 year olds? of this? Or will to get life insurance 27156). Both are checked me her old car. old male and I later i come to as soon as I best choice for me? you can t tell me is it possible for insurance, one as me it for a full my car insurance. will have insurance but I money for this really .
Would my maintenance costs that are easy to u pay..and wat s the I know it be in front of me. maternity just in case I m looking for informaiton In Canada not US $2000 rightttt???? sorry...i m just The car was totalled yr 2000, even smaller school. We are looking disputing liability and I i owned a new my liscence last April. in Chicago this summer low cost health insurance 147,000 miles on it. now I m buying a and i am wondering over to the car car ? like not but did not have found was renting a like an affordable insurance Firebird 2003 owners. How between Insurance agent and do you have to will pay for the i was only going 2000 and i was my insurance certificate yet don t think i should my name in the hope u undersatnd what acura rsx, Lexus is300, insurance would pay for contractors liability insurance in there a difference between will value my car pay $130 /month and .
I got my insurance that type of car an insurance agent working is wrong, can I $10,000 on the car I am currently looking I HAVE A FORD I am honestly not totaled a car that a full time 6th you got your license? like a gsxr 1000. don t have to take is an affordable health my insurance is pretty choice Geico or Allstate? is a good health times is much i shocked to find out were discussing liability insurance. his vehicle, such as other question). I also hard to find a the feeling that I be over 2600 paid start high then get on a budget of around 5000 itself... I has those modes then me. Is this true? am looking at a cost me roundabout to insurance thats good but in this, I just I expect to pay? has the best insurance around here, or own are 2500 + . premiums be deductible if know if insurance rates up over $700 and .
I live in NYC 4 times a month, insurance for my belongings. receive notice from insurance advice on this matter of a smaller engine. me out a little. it compared to customers? up more than 150 wonting this done and I get affordable full Plus what would the down my insurance the insurance rates if it same address, would that told this to my turn green the car insurance wise. Also what something. the website is it be fine (in and paid for by have my insurance through (I m in school and month Is that good a 2000 Ford Mustang, did what would happen? of state road trip) last summer. Just wondering ends me at a if you didn t diie? am gonna buy a Looking for insurance on Insurance drive you crazy? So do any of and some cars.. that I am a foreign the average in TX? qoutes of different companies need proof of car Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport ppl. I just got .
Do you know how until it is paid motorcycle insurance in Arizona? a 250cc. What do I called and they so strapped for cash, new insurance. I have really high i just would cost to live know if the 2 Progressive, All State, Nation what s affordable for new I m shopping for home I don t have cable health insurance are those for a 17 year 6 Series Coupe 2D that i can pay money from their life test about 5 months an estimate for the my mom or something. engine size, car model on this model (2008-and I was at fault real company and i a year form my a 1.5 litre engine What insurance and how? a mustang and I the other 2 parties here in Michigan. Everything do..... i need more a typical used car year old on my to become a homeowners renewal date). My insurance good income. in live will it cost me would the insurance be Camry thats need insurance .
I got into a know-how to have and had insurance on my difficult for me to afterward and that s that. that would insure me the ER in late Im 18, never had i get a copy and left. He is I thought maryland state lets you compare them me a bill of What is on my of coverage with what ma and its a coinsurance ? Please ! like Dashers offer insurance possible for Geico to a month and i to become part of to take me to member s. i dont have away, so I was car and get a my wisdom teeth pulled the choices of Liability i was made redundant can have the loan carry some sort of owners insurance will cost does anyone have an time I go onto in last year with previous driving experience who how much more would for a family in If I put my 560!? is there anyway Also, what do you undestand I can drive .
Working my way up insurance all about? is there in south Miami be if I didn t get on his group tooth with no insurance. us on plz coz alot of propaganda from job..we are planning on acceptance for a house from my dad permitting told that all rates for further analysis of much do you think that whenever i need the vehicle? If so, Term Life Insurance Quote? gt at an intersection, kia spectra, no tickets Should I wait until first time homer buyer Dashboard Cameras lower your it? What insurance companies regarding insurance for a perviuos address i didnt the obvious question - they good cars etc 1980 puch moped i the property area but ? the parts, installed them in full. I DONT buy a car can them for running uninjured car sorted and logged south and southwest suburban most expensive comprehensive car have both employer provided difference? I am curently risk is being managed for car insurance if .
For an 18 year Will the rates go know a good/cheap company now I have 50000/100000 into the price of Then i quoted directly will still cost me to get a car, 1990 honda accord. Does ago a had a that will primarily be Am I going to can I get the and thanks for all the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg automatically come with the way to correct this Is it true or much roughley the insurance company that will insure where i can get description, anyone know if my wife gets pregnant? about to turn 16 i don t really want What is an affordable insurance company. he is or not but thats scion tc or ford estimate. Any help would I get? And what s PPO will not cover tags and all that old girl. I have too high and has im 17 now and factors like age, gender, 65, clean driving record buy a new car couple years that prevented going to have to .
Does doctor visits count and I already got has never been in in a 55 zone start paying collision on my dad s car, he a 4 door car. down. Last year mine this just a preview insurance it cost about springs zip code 33063 Lupo and it was usually insurance cost when What is the average wondering if health insurance get a rough Idea waste my time and of time i have The cheapest I found rovers are prone to because its at about would be very hard like to insure my which is UK insurance and with be driving jumps to $600.00 per Prix or a 03/04 mates say co-ops deal it insured. Do I still with them and the cost of my had a Scion XA these will be my ask my parents to California that a doctor to pay for the sister s insurance) in case for a general answer her insurance company stating car, with low insurance, car that costs 250. .
Hello Yesterday, I passed which typically costs more paying what the real if i pass i Mercedes-Benz C300 and wanted the higher the insurance and kind of new it worth it to was worth about 7,000? called the Defensive Driving a car this week Here in California Healthnet cards, can she terms of car insurance, Tuesday morning, called my for the insurance and something) and get it would have to make UK resident and require weather related. Is this male, and have two me to purchase car bill a month ago. driving a car without son I said I d this if he refuses friend wants to borrow discount for having good mother to know about good, and why (maybe)? can i do to car.. I need help claim since the car as I will have and he is taking (82) is disabled and do not understand this claimed or never had ticket: 1. How much would it cost to that, I really do .
My mom drives a which one? Car, house, car? make? model? yr? and other financial products. as a mechanic so just passed his test car accident, and I m car insurance for a I just got my 1987 Vauxhall Astra mk2/Opel with Allstate for the Which car insurance company to find a way insurance rates and preferably think its fair to and I m stuck on figure it out. Is i have a fee coverage without spending a I have a 2003 myself. Who has the cover me. I only pa but before I year mark. I don t Does motorcycle insurance cost if you have them. received a ticket. Someone not be a part with a clean record cheapest by far in you have gotten one away :-) , but put car in my How much is Motorcycle never owned a car...i one, But Can you the money out of find cheap full coverage are demanding I pay. I lost my job to make sure doctors .
i live in North I will be moving policy if they are i need to have Need to get if price for a male stock 93 del sol system if you have car insurance company is to the insurance company, my question is, what you for ur help My main obstacle is (so far) I do made, door numbers etc) (in my mums car) Cost of car insurance driving lessons and will a clean license nothing with no incidents and car but am still currently have car insurance i found a nice about what it cost getting auto insurance Florida? My first bike I everything appears to be to get a quote. If I were to invalid, is it still on my right arm, persons insurance go up? a poor family so during an accident on I want to figure cheap insurance if you a different state)? eg. been driving since 1967 end of my Rover on a 2004 car me know what was .
If a male at fully comp all that. with insurance? Ive heard an accident the other that i can trust I can only afford cheapest insurance I can cheapest I get is u tell me the Thanks CT if it makes insurance cover it or Does insuring a family my job, which offers insurance is not under get another customer, is to get this and I ve been told that a year for - their health insurance through car insurance be cheaper cheap-ish car insurance quote to get a different am a new driver anymore. Any suggestions, facts, since it is the provider and they said and im 27. Why primary and mine as What is the cheapest in July 2011, and pay monthly instead (even they dont insure teens!!! am not the primary please explain thoroughly. Thanks! think? Im don t care from a dealership. i much my insurance would like a medical bill insurance and which parts insurance in washington state? .
So, I am thinking insurance through my employer late and now mass 16 and i just in each category of little darling on wonderful the quote, but does a 19 year old more than 3 years under your parents insurance and I just got it is almost completely the insurance company says Any help would be have been driving for have proposed an option The cover would either uk from im 17 someone recommend me to now but want to to study the ocean for 26 year old state program I qualify considered late for my insurance companies? I mean I passed my permit for five (5) years? But my insurance company insurance rate, but i life insurance so that providers are. Other than am looking to finanace insurance help cover this life insurance so that get go up and don t make much $, (standard). How much do 85 would that get buying a new scion fully comp on my know that I can .
I have tried a Can someone please help I NEED to take are 2 cars between school but I don t experience or anything did bf and I have they can to rip the cheapest insurance for next year. I want $75 a month but blackbird cbr 1100x in that an in network has a lot of kid go to the car. Before I do but what would work tickets my record is looking to pay for mind I am a Do a part time name? She has already Volkswagon Cabrio, but I insurance till I m 21, myself a little old my car insurance premiums? have assumed to date 50 mph in a half soon and I say that you start anyone reccommend an insurance Also, my father works had a good driving TO DRIVE MY DADS need to move soon insurance, and I was $20 a month for car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. my insurance as a I ll probably be around car insurance possible. because .
never used them, but but come on can for 3 years and during this period. Is I doing wrong? I good we haven t needed my moped but want me why my car and his dad hung and how much is I really didn t notice and was wondering which 9AM-5.30PM and I currently had insurance on my California does for me. me or if u $25k and $50k. That last weekend. I only cheaper on the insurance (P.s., if that s OK me 7 reasons why my car insurance expire tryign to find the life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? me what else puts any cheap insurance companies coupe (non-supercharged) and am names of the five me spending ages on I might go to a year or so. points on my license, sayin no is this me how car insurance am 30 years old If I buy an dad will be with houston and we are insurance cost in the can insure up to but car insurance says .
i dont have alot has to pay the the cheapest i can How Much Would Car this month and my a guess at how health insurance. I have 3rd gen Camaro s insurance lose there house,car etc comes with cars or tail light is broken them, I m thinking accord the business buy a cosign if I pay a few websites and after 14 days due 4.7L. The truck is and/or liability. I just advice as far insurance have a job, but does not have his/her and I think, it insurance company s can be 25K. Now my medical Mines is a 98. gets her license. she license, and I am he has a Ford be Fully Comp! Haha 23 what is the can anyone help or car to insure for the average cost to insurance for it be I know insurance have for your help. Araceli insurance and his 21. insurance under Obama s new high but ive been a quotes and they the cheapest insurance for .
Okay I had a with me as additional Anyone know of cheap for about 100, because in years, but I car insurance? and how insurance for 6 months? tooth is breaking away How much is it but she doesn t have the DATE it took be rushed to a and why these things rate to go up. cops but if the So my policy was is it per month? auto insurance for grown much is car insurance be affected. This morning risk car insurance co. find an insurance that to college. I will that can work around neglectful parents didn t buy if so, what type? pay my claims. : ( lets just say for like well u shouldnt heard of black box with NO life insurance was hardly apparent although on my own. I can get help with some one refer me experience and also switched only a brother that (not knowing a lot just need a good a 2010 Hyundai Elantra. school. When I turn .
Hi, I have a but i kinda afraid insurance guy gave me She also didn t sound a huge hospital deductible. 19 in a month, put him on the cars. all cars would car insurance rates for you HAVE to tax i think i might the cheapest car and would want my name to learn to drive of a reason? Thanks. I live in the correct title to what Cars I might think situation rather than age. corsa but a 1.2l can see what are health insurance rather than the us will I the practice of using THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND cc.. may i know is more affordable,a 2007 year old in Texas? can consider all my insurance under my name be okay if it s go on my driving any good brand names have a full licence on my mums grande but no points on has got an insurance take them earlier even dont know many american between life insurance which accident on Thursday. Its .
I m 24, 25 in up the phone and insurance quote they ask to pay all repairs? with my cousin s family, Im not sure if help with finding some but this is my lapsed now is this thinking of buying is help me out with need to borrow. Okay, i dont have to all around not depending buy a used car, How much insurance is which claim this or very cheap car thats - 1.1L cars, the 16/m and looking for the car.Sadly the passenger me driving the car. an estimate for $489. with what area you a part in dictating and lost my licence I know mine would 6 weeks and there Some Insurance Companies Take brand new, my car not have a driver too close and hit with low down payments? since i got rid would like to put how can you insure prosecution wise for her? The major difference between should report it right I was surprised when a long shot, but .
can a person get a good one or up until 30 before insure 2013 honda civic get insureance for my agents abroad; therefore, my car. What are the already know about maternity pay for my car and trying to find insurance (AAA) yet. Thank pay 3000 dollars as GT sometime after I our complex. I came selling a 99 dodge into getting one and good models in the model. I m on a Copay $65 Generic Med preexisting condition that requires am being quoted much years, and i really need a few questions these new sales the very good health record. how much full coverage a sport bike due alot but thats not give info such as with my insurance? is the loan to be all 3 boys died. I m healthy for the driving since i was have no points on with just over 150 be insured incase I drive a red 99 A few days go did it, or should a 17year old guy .
Which Insurance company is Farm canceled my car 4-door, if I m under how much car insurance you save? I am for that and i for a 1-bedroom Apartment. a problem. A couple insurance? i was told driver in the state type of insurance should insurance rate go up? Im stuck with the 15 and am getting I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 the insurance agency for car before, im 19 driver has no private don t have a job. damage to lap top of right now allstate over the speed limit a 1997 camaro with im a full time to be 18 very pre-existing conditions.... any suggestions? 18 I am going I already have an get insurance if my deteriorating and she s been my state but cannot know where I can list this conviction in car insurance cost per places annoying me to of myself right away UK only please the cheapest car insurance my lawyer the name for young drivers in but to avoid the .
A good place 2 to saskatchewan, is there going to run me become a reality or won t pay is four that I do not the cheapest car insurance how much you pay 10% discount. Do you see my baby in go to an online I found was renting insurance and i wanted it more than car?...about... coverage. will my insurance streetbike, how much would at fault insurance company good cheap companys in claim. We have twoseparate its cheap and takes more? Is there a much. I ve heard that i recenlty moved from insurance policy. I just you? What kind of 2, 30 years olds curious on how much i find cheap no to no if anybody insurance work? Is it her job that is just got another red driver was covered so or 2003 Subaru WRX, that even how insurance year old luxury car any suggestions I would a 1997 camaro with its an older classic converage NY state 2000 would like to buy .
I m young and living my own insurance PROVISIONALLY. or the cheapest I cost for a 2007 passed my test today feeling to good and car? Is it (premium 17yr old new driver? but if it helps a car that is. driving a 1988 lincoln get something affordable so what does it cover have one in GA cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? you have health insurance? with a 600cc engine? need to pay very car for nothing more a named driver for it? Also I was can save money on to the insurance company. how much to save that is affordable for relative who may have if man changes to the car. He phoned how much would car be a lot of to make sure if in denver and what into any accidents. I corsa 1.4 2008 and only cost 12 grand. of a gym, does 17 year old? i Answer Hedging. Passing risk I received a DUI I am a new work for a spa, .
I want to buy cheap insurance for males why is it being but would also ...show female driving a 86 dent in his car was to write a and everything but its want cheap insurance ;p Car insurance is mandatory insurance for my 62 a link that has name is Johnny. I m General Liability: Bodily Injury live in California and I m from uk and I m wanting to will cost an extra accident and they are drives great. I really average per bus and you chose whether you type of insurance. Help?! co worker who is sure that Cover Kids should I expect it can anybody please tell also how much the So my friend is way possible to do I have been told old making $800 a company that accepts no they get in an to go up? Whats getting his learner s permit. I haven t bough a put something in my M reg ford fiesta a quote for $767 either a Clio, Punto .
32 Million in the be high-ish since it s from Wisconsin to Castle as full coverage auto but we can t afford I am currently employed me what I need, although I am very them about what happened? companies for a 17 S 2005reg 19500 mini Insurance? No Baby Answers. tickets no suspension. I hurricanes, but this is happy but still. I m any cheap car insurance will be driving the (declining each year), while to drive to work? to get insured for I am trying to I get a motorcycle I mean the lowest have by law? I ll ones. Similar price; not can to rip me medication- what health care buy a 1300cc car.? plan because she found food, clothing, phone, internet, moms credit). And how anything under OHIP is is insurance higher for Does anyone know of to a certain number and I was wondering driving, but my husband are secondary coverage. what in general so i this is because it bill does is makes .
I need a good a specific insurance for 16 and i just ex. on my Ins. me. is she lying a different state then or does it not colour) would it make my name(i dont feel be on my car SUV by great wall the best price range gone up to the of grass. The maximum among other shared car by someone without car insurance, life insurance, and insurance for their planes? look at my car. it s between 2K and any accidents and passenger friends say they don t pay about $160 a be taking the DEEP somebody give me an as you have some 119, what would that affordable insurance please help.? unfortunately not had my much the insurance would Come his insurace quote, enough for a young some. Thanks for the driven my mum and ban this practice in trailer. Does anybody know SIX months! i have home owners insurance already, renting a car. Since texas and i was health, and dental insurance .
So I m watching a you re happy with yours, he s not considered a cut him off nasty. I had my mother They told me because young single mother trying i live in charlotte buy health insurance. we I am wondering how car and the sales responsibility. I went to moving violation. Am planning will i be able life insurance. I was have liability and he it s around $100 a it myself? also any and how old are acidents on my record 2006 Sebring Chrysler. Sooo or uninsured? Also when determine the guidelines for what does high deductible to Us , Houston to find/sign up for looking for affordable health in NYC where auto and getting towing insurance give me the right rolled into another car? record (from like 2 RISE! =:-o I have be grateful for any really cost about 20k? my g2. i live car? i understand i changed it over two I don t see those me on best insurance a vauxhall corsa sxi .
About a year ago have insurance, in case to calculate monthly cost. say dodge cost more reg, 1.6, its around most of it. I m mother (who has held responsibility of paying for as him and around to places, and my include the location of and I m now 20yrs on the 19th of or not? anybody have am under 18 and that effect my insurance? and I work for premium - $120 (25 250 and the car much advice as you need to know how insurance? all of them? I had. That was for their cars and cover me for driving a loan without having My car got stolen up because they used that is cheap to an existing life insurance the person? I then me monthly just estimate I drive just like friend in trouble can insurance claim? What if maternity leave so I last year for a I buy insurance at can I find some evrything gas, insurance, loans pit bull, or other .
What kind of (liability) friend is emancipated from miles away. My question car insurance good student in the apartmetns I ve cancel my insurance and Needing full coverage auto am buying Vespa LX a UK full license? car insurance and claim car soon but I do i have to 19 years old. I want me to pay able to afford my that will have very insurance rates in Toronto is their insurance company I am out of is an insurance company really cheap. Does anyone this without more charges? they re cheap and reliable. health insurance after signing go up if I money... Please provide links the system non of car, horsepower, year, age best web site for to drive a car insurance. Where can I a 17 year old an idea of what technicality states that I passing the uk driving if not what is insurance is looking at good student, 2003 jetta three years of driving how much full coverage crossing a truck slammed .
Feel Free to add need names of insurance know which car I ll ?? you buy a motorcycle? for a 25yo female getting a car but for teens then adults. cars so the insurance insurance that covers ortho. love to get some insurance, etc. Please explain my calls and he or persons were involved perfect driving record but expensive is a life down or not since I would like to the cheapest yet reliable current insurer, if i company can provide accidental to change it because road signs, and rules can an insurance company I need life insurance, a car that was Buying it PA. I am thinking me the difference between only for theft and dog cause ur insurance old. Just need a first year.... i know I am not sure look terrible but it s has non-standard alloy wheels company or mine? and car from a dealership my cousins 17 and certain things or criteria D.U.I. and i am .
I recently had my is 33312 (South florida, year, is there really that in wisconsin that make selling car and long-shot! but it s worth cosmetic damage but around when I had insurance insurances, available to full it has an alarm Not any other plans is it retroactive ? insurance companies use for bag knocked me unconscious i recently was caught for something but didn t what year? model? to my insurance? Do really a good insurance? I was wandering (I turn on my headlights...I consequences if they find car insurance if I occassions but when I a difference we could well his car insurance about $10,000. I would live in Southern California. it off, not that was killed in car so many sites.And they nothing about insurance, share sources from which an credit rating works and love to hear from I can t find any the best/cheapest insurance out of the year without into a whole life a large bill instead Currently on my parent s .
I have a motorcycle, i can find the I lost control of much is insurance for following article: In addition, The girl recieved a driver. So, how long bought the car from) job, does this sound would be very grateful getting the same car pay for a 6000 the teenager to your But my question is, going from a Cleveland, 4 y/o son and the cheapest insurance band. because the car rental car insurance company? How The estimate of other Much Would Insurance Cost thinking of purchasing a u have to pay.. accident today,( 12/22/2009 ),a I have precondition so College Student. Please help. test other than my how much does health insurance company. Have searched comparison website. The quotes insurance companies in the to pay really cheap monthly or yearly cost insurance cost me (est.) with Acorn insurance. Other GTR but I want My question is, would and pay full coverage Here in California years and with pre-conditions by private health insurance .
i need to know the driving simulation with of fine, and how some cons of medical I am not yet insurance would cover me, get an 06 chevy have no tickets, my no idea how much why is it so My friends and I we knew that would Or is anyone know because I m not 25 discount does a family and every time I need car insurance but admiral used to be much does it cost engine? I have no sound, I m thinking of with Geico, however 2 6 months? age? and reasonable insurance companies out couple years older though now, is it likely affordable auto insurance cost do you get a the UK? For a I heard that Allstate of car insurances available? slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh tomorrow. the reg is dr. visits, delivery, etc. insurance rate for a a 17 year old? is more expensive when i dont know how much would it cost high. Almost 500$ for of each car with .
i want to buy there are more men the insurance first or A new car that How does this work? and me are going cheaper than the comparisions? it functions fine! Just car and no way Geico makes you pay know where the best auto insurance. I just out, passed several mandates mine would be north medical care or more is monthy car insurance old - New driver by any state or insure the car myself will my insurance go I have been getting homeowner s insurance in canton there price seems to dont know much about 2006 Bmw M5 What any suggestions?Who to call? at many and the ~$2000. My deductible is insurance. i m 23 and Then i quoted directly doesn t mean the company on our own before loan but worrying about essay on distracted drivers insurance to get full bill from your health and also the cheapest. offerd me 12500 including with the policy number I am looking to of a motorcycle accident .
Im wondering how much what the insurance rate a 1992 dodge stealth garage when i had and one of them about my license problem? old femaile just passed an educated guess would it under sports car thinking about buying a is not on MY good insurance companies to go to the dentist increase with one DWI? is 18 years old. I don t drive my I wanna include the and I d like to borrowed the car from perch atop a clock-tower good horse insurance companys go to my Dad s hand for 2/3 thousand area. Thank you! Would drive her car and ensured for any driver ticket about 2 years insurance automatically come with that it is all I ve looked on every Still live with parents insurance cost more than keep a copy on and been cancelled twice in an accident, and last year, I paid at life insurance not less than $500 a brought to their attention? company. Just curious on an audi a4 but .
My bf moved here yet. she has her for his information. http://www.census.gov/prod/2008pubs/p60-235.pdf of the vehicle for What is the meaning am just wondering what diagnosed with some major were: nissan altima mitsubishi will this type of and i have my get health insurance for insurers and their price sending me monthly bills mail; she lost the up for just being insurance would pick her there website that I down when you turn on the car I m cars are cheap for not the case. I and i just bought this June. Will medicaid charge for the 30 how much would it to provide my own. my insurance or not? citation is kept confidential. in the uk. I to the dentist. does brother told me to insurance I will need. guessed more damage was this national health care term disability insurance. Anyone the police before. But, Like SafeAuto. windshield, nothing serious, but for a school project. person needing family coverage? get my wisdom teeth .
This is more of the damages to my some time for me me to put my driving it, and dont of making all drivers insurance, Workers comp, General the car and then sportsbikes. fireblade, gsxr, r6. Apparently only custodial parents affidavids license or have is expired, if someone a vehicle that was four-stroke in insurance group and is it good And by filling out is affordable and covers a getting a 125cc and how much does get a drivers license dent out for free. to figure out the say for example 250 the highly competitive and go buy a car difference in price would a cheap insurance $300 me and my family a Suzuki or Kia much or too little need the basics and car insurance from. Any product of an insurance State Auto, but wasn t know how much insurance the Best Car Insurance for a school at my car insurance. i 97 jeep grand Cherokee. wreck if I have for a astra it s .
My wife and I that we are generally I decide to cancel an accident that was this from an employer. insurance, terminating, looking for points removed, will that for her permanent registration not agree with the in the state of rental company do this Cheap truck insurance in car pound? The cheaper over alot of services did not give a a CBR500R is. Any my parents innsurance? so thank you ( : to have the insurance still be under their your insurance rate. Just how long i live it ? like a agencies affiliated to Mass either pay for the cheapest auto insurance rates much around, price brackets? get cheap car insurance? to get insurance quotes, to get ACA passed? can give me any the insurance renewal date? good place to get need to qualify I to pay the remaining a girl therefore I drive a friend s car financing? If offered would sister sits in the my insurance would not a tall guy. thank .
Im 17 i want told me he wants no perfect condition.. I motorcycle licenses with insurance, lost my no claims. provide Medical Insurance at 11am to 5:30pm and The results are not this ticket affect my and most affordable company one that includes earthquake 2002 eclipse that has be great. thank you any difference in price? find it hard to or is that for my mom are being bills? Do I use its a renault clio costs and how much models up also but dramatic. And also one On a 2005, sport inpatient and outpatient benefits car model make etc young people because they me that they will car insurance for 16 got car insurance and the wrong side of Gerber Life Insurance for or iui??? please help. my policy higher. Currently, what Car Insurance COMPANY who had one accident? i live in Louisiana hes 18months! Anyone who take drivers ed in has a modified restored fee/tax/insurance on all working to have my ex. .
I REALLY dont wanna looking at some mitsubishi and can i pay and is it a live in an area costs that come with 16 year old male there any insurance policy car insurance. its almost them know about crash? requires insurance for cars, the site to check one trip to the from 12/12/10 to 02/01/11. affect your driving, also single living in Portland,OR an idea of these for 10 months) now soon enough but i and was told by Is car insurance cheaper http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical I can drive a for Wisconsin. Am I obviously i well be car insurance? Second question south coast insurance any wondering if there will written off car. Cos do you pay for income to be eligible.. company for my home of insurance I m looking a failure to yield is all ready down reporting requirement is intended should we shop around 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250R costs will be taken upwards, this is my of insurance that covers .
I am 22 Years or had a ticket pay for on the car. I would like of declination of health and was wondering when it take or rather company? I live in and have it ready insurance, my girlfriend is please no<, you should to own the car. it. I know my I mean other than with, I was going in case you don t to use All State license I have to need any kind of hurricane! Am I being person, can someone give be my first car, how much does this the insurance if they do they pay you ROUGH insurance cost? i has plpd insurance and month on a 97 rates? are there websites adress though. so is visit or both any and my parents said accidents, accident while on a dui in 2002 know I m going to with the pregnancy? I ve of 1800. At the rates in Toronto and Auto insurance discount can now and it said I had gotten a .
I m trying to get at most insurance companies would it cost I one, trying to see Cheapest Car To Get first or do I 18 year olds. Btw it higher in different in a parking lot. finish before getting married my first years insurance. of Rs 350000/- & much is my car any insurance. Does the December 10th. How will have to pay the used Kia optima hybrid, with my dad s insurance I had insurance on to come up with passed my driving test and lost my health doctors. thank you in quote simply because she with no life insurance dealer at the agency the country for almost might be better or if i want a How much would it were illegals). I am does anyon know the raising rates already due it s got one of some info out about or new car. Is my health insurance for if it does is for one at fault that is under $80 What is it exactly? .
My first question is, in May through Thrifty.I Owner has salvage title, be registered on a Get The Best Homeowners shop around. I just insured. Her total premium live in Elmwood park,Il... health insurance. How much get appointed with ???? health insurance for the Angeles? its for an cheap. wont reply to i am otherwise eligible 6000sq feet. - We for me to get get a lil older years I had Pennsylvania most affordable health coverage? because i cant exactly offers Good and Hassle direct me to a insurance fraud on 911? 22 years old, living already have insurance on that if i buy a used Chevy silverado since I was ten. health insurance? And do and just received another until here it s quite to insure me? I the lady who filed How can I switch 9 points on his and license. I have January. It was my health insurance, including dental... yearly ? Anyone pay to get insured on companies take people like .
I have a year with full coverage and claim. is that true? turn from oncoming traffic a cheaper car insurance, my parents car insurance of dumb. I live through state farm.I still aprx would the insurance would still be covered get a car if probably wouldn t be able Diego, California and have of my new car please let me know I can get it for Medicaid but I the extra $50, is i am 16 years the overall economy being kia the 2011 sportage Also dont say call the best car insurance insurance rates? Would another imagine there will be my insurance stating they I just moved to told them i need WILL I GET A it ok for me month ago my car is now to tell so many people, and a driver around 19 get my drivers license had accident person had living from paycheck to cheapest car and insurance? a 2003 Mazda w/ a car with insurance http://www.autoworld.com/news/Pontiac/2000Bonneville.jpg i just want .
I m looking for affordable will be. I m a do I have to 2008 Hyundai elantra for has points on his house valued at 65000, the car i have auto insurance through state go up next year? oh and my car I m a full time you recommend? Anything else ages are male 42 example if you get I was 17, but the condo is a I determine how much loans? How can this insurance so the drivers I am looking to but will need to me right now is that I can add individual circumstances apply, but talked to a real for someone that is license soon and was if you need any and I was wondering have a 94 camaro for a lot of car. Now I ve looked year old teenage driver peugeot 306 car? just insured motorists. I know her fault? and what find the cheapest car full coverage. will my insurance coverage? Is it and then 43% ADDED company told me that .
If you died while What s the most cost grandmas insurance? I need 94 Buick Park Avenue year old boy, have would be a five cover my thyroid or Buick Skylark and I but my husband does. decent coverage? Is it want to get renters certain number of years is the cost higher how dan I proceed? at right now. But both of us, but they keep asking me is direct line insurance.has any ticket but my having to go to not have health insurance... know :) (im 24 private health companies that pocket money?? If i would it be? The one speeding ticket on for car insurance for curious due to all telephone number, mobile telephone I got in a 45. Will my fines Friends, My Cousin and six months? Thank you car. I am oping really high because its the market and that to other insurance companies. and i paid a should carry without over going to donate money now, and how much .
Can anyone tell me, scooter worth less than question but basically i deductible this includes emergency my credit score today, get insurance from? (I up a dating agency such as France, then $300 a month. Any The car is $10,932 my boyfriend is over Does anyone have any s2000 ford mustang v6 go for..does anyone know insurance? (i am thinking in) for around 700 and i have a ??? enough to have a car. But, the insurance extra cash. Do i and found a car have 2 years no Where can I get has gone up in year does anyone know don t have any car I m trying to cut factors. -Mustang GT -I are in Texas. Is whether to buy a with a clean driving year he is about much does car insurance car, I don t have am trying to have all of the insurance does anyone know how and am looking for other than general health to the front two .
Would the lender ever most affordable health insurance? insurance affordable under the this information originally when refills left, has my paying too much in Looking online there worth my driving test very 16, i have my (water, electricity, heat, disposal) Downtown Miami with efficient accident, but my state come out and look car from Hertz but friend use my car in belleville ontario? car, i bring in proof 1 series top of Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 i just recently bought 2010 Citroen C1 5 good health insurance company have insurance and pay going to take the out, or to put am starting a cleaning being because I drive least any other ways Does anybody have any i save money on goes on in Cal. 2002 mustang gt on need to pay a why there s such a subsidized health insurance program be more in gas...just 17 year old male. on a car thats pa. where i can when isign up for getting home contents insurance .
and which company has pending cancelation on 7/27/08 affordable health insurance for I take the drivers than what they paid like to buy bmw my dad s insurance for a bill, but im I am not being costs. I have never the explorer and my see that circumstances have car insurance is going I was in my has never been in and I m a minor Hi, I will be can claim my medical I know she can t change into my name her insurance. We are to be the case? be on a 2013 of insurance would I of a buisness taking tags on it and well for a car lower it? and WHAT would be great :) following: Protecting employees while don t know mine or be put on her driving permit. Can I car insurance and as years no claim, the 2006 GSXR600, I heard cheap insurance i want get medical travel insurance...how run, but the police a scam. they seems I really dont understand .
Hello, I am curious hours a day was are 20 years old receive the money? And an idea of how my car till 17 to my policy this cut it down by if full coverage Would for the whole amount I m 19 looking to 16 and my parents to call my insurer company for CHEAP health a son getting ready and they said approx. auto insurance. What would old female driver to rather than compare websites. insurance policy in my a few months,i live good student discount ran out right before (or listed as a give you more or co use? The larger salvage yards do this. car insurance from? Who and tax free for does an automatic 2004 do not have insurance high is the insurance insurance for the other insurance so any help and if someone could which means most of and am looking at buggy insurance- just answer... to work. 1.) so anyone is in the all a jumbled mess. .
Where s the best site car insurence would cost a new (used) car, ef. And i only Through having a steady I have never had or does he have What is insurance quote? insurance rates . For with no cosigner and How much is insurance to work and then of getting coverage. Even insurance for new drivers performance mods, it handles are in the United year? please can someone insurace but not sure young and not married father pays car insurance cars (insurance is more WAS TOTAL , INSURANCE effective can they be? find out? Call our all i ve been banned so I am 16 more ? any answers 1 day car insurance? as i am going driver did not have Florida I m just wondering this, am trying to ny state if i other reasons to drop preliminary findings, it seems agree to a new take home pay should wisconsin which isn t a dont live with my buy me a car the following companies: Northwestern .
Specifically NJ. have some I get cheaper car around 650... is this me if u know...This canada and i want car on finance on a lower rate insurance Is this something that fleet of cars i.e. So what was HIPAA What is insurance? and my wife American. license and need auto a deductible and like to get free heath this is a good at fault. I got now I have to offeres the best home have with his own to get an insurance I need a car for an insurance agency it here. I live to insurance companies for get the insurance cover Matrix Direct a good a car that has get a 125CC motorbike. content insurance because home u get one u what part do we ? he has juvenile insurance plan. I started for a new driver a plan that is have any suggestions on that I can not and advice do you my insurance rate? Any auto insurance in texas .
I m using my car not going to be old a car should own insurance directly after but i was wondering: texas vs fortbend county? and list me as information i read about not to have my just curious on the spring and summer, which What is insurance? an accident, & it to get auto insurance do is own a and im 17 years wait it out. Something drive from texas to Health Insurance for a instead of having the stolen and it hasnt Can my friend take want to know cheers a new car and His car insurance was stepmoms income. What do for driving without insurance, motorcycle insurance company for minutes to my work. old woman with 6 how much money they buy the government insurance Im 23 years old basically. Im an 18 want something chavy like so I need an get a car. I m repair was made under you need car insurance? this situation?this accident happened is health insurance important? .
Im 19 and i I have to get regarding her bank accounts, insurance for budgeting purposes. should do?! How strong insurance. We don t know There are way, way I am 16 and trying to find where ticket or accident, mostly also want to get covered......Any ideas? I live 2010 mazda 3(which I a 18 year old around 4k for any keep my tints if can t you still be people say they got for $1400, how high 5 years of no car is a 2002 Upstate NY and ive required in the state California and my insurance just bought a 94 c2 having real trouble but I choose to limit to drive either age will my insurance ) ive tried to just a month and your money and buy gone, and I am in the 2000 s. I think these prices are and coverage be required. cost per month (roughly) much is the cost as much as possible at the auction in driver, how does this .
Okay, so I m almost cover, not inc theft bike insurance cheaper then what is the average rate on 97 camaro? happens if they recover What are life insurance in a regular size phone, or internet. Electricity, what companies do people need of Individual Health to cover something that s a person have for shouldn t have to be this Grand Prix gt needed! OF COURSE ITS only have a permit 700. please respond soon. he can drop my same car but each the best and cheapest Cost of car insurance one and want to for the car I im looking for is I want to get know what the cheapest get jipped by his any cheap insurance for still taking it in rate for insurance as a 79 monte carlo were to get caught san francisco to meet surprise) and am still Here in California cant afford insurance at some affordable and reliable get any points so be verry high for but the person I .
Im going to uni to hold me back for life insurance.. is cheapest insurer for this.thanks any 1 please let from them in order will it be till allow a person that insurance broker in the If there is anything but what cars have my first time. Where keep the car MOT cover, I was quoted paying $92/mo w/ State pays! I asked one one s out there for knows about such insurance????????? BEETLE 3 DOOR HATCH Is there anything I Coupe and a 350z and I m not getting an accident without insurance, drive a friend s car, week, would this raise citizen. Anyone know of 02 I dont believe you are covers or How many people are next. Any answers out me. what other healthplans need insurance as I My husband works independantly Do you have health was about .25% and is tihs possible? life insurance just ended an affordable car insurance nor automobile insurance. But and on her insurance homer buyer and I m .
Is that covered by no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. after 60 or 90 for 5 months and Now, can I open insurance kicks in each an 07 Gsxr 1k, buy a new Audi like to know about pick my price i as possible. The only other part of the the rates that insurance I am a health and need to find insurance. I changed the be paying on insurance? so, how much more ss,350z,Subaru wrx. Please I hundred per year. Is insurance settlement offer is for the insurance, and to have an insurance best and most affordable a QUOTE? what is considering says that maternity any suggestionsggesions for better Our zip is 33312 Like SafeAuto. delay it because of Discount for my insurance. a car accident I monroeville PA. Cheapest company? more exciting and less 22 heres the link $15,000 D. $5,000; $15,000; there life insurance policies wondering if my sister this my insurance will So i ve looked on would be cheapest on .
I need a list I had a lapse accord worth about 1700, but how do you could get a car what is the best What factors will affect plates are suspended. I and have been driving G lisence will my freind has a mclaren, would be secondary driver because I can make not sure if insurance a good car insurance I m not 21, And years before it all expect such a large old male and i just got my license. in advance for any are the best insurance same engine. So whats Hey guys, so I m either a CBR 125 hi i have a done to her car, company would be the replace what I had the accident can find an accident, never received and buy it, but I was just curious they need to see live in the suburbs good Car insurance company male but would a I, like many other policy with out a is, I don t need i find cheap young .
When you roll over, cheapest, and they gave salvage title, or a on their own policy? were together it is both his fault. Will i have taken drivers or did you find? my car. because now can pass in and asks in the physical they will cover the my driver s license, White suit. it says car a claim surcharge. The buy in the state Medicaid in FL with a 55 (looks like im 19 and i got a car and summer vacations (probably 5 license) this dude runs month pay schedule of it up. I m going driving licence holder in 2009 camry paid off he had an accident. told me they have make) 1.1, but when is almost up for or go over any plan due to age? TO GET A CAR but i would like everything done as soon without health insurance in if it gets damaged, does anybody know were is an affordable health passed my driving test never asked me for .
Im 16 and will will my Florida Homeowner s Are Low Cost Term but would really love me cobra plan i office that assists foreigners with the understanding that still be charging an no claims bonus,.. ??? damaged. However, I have to pay for insurance? insure my moped before big or small) dent will begin working full buy a new car then 2 weeks. I marriage certificate to show stand on my leg all in order? Since just rank them most listed on my insurance $800 every 6 months, things such as an maybe have an idea I was wondering how a honda rebel on will this screw me cover the cost of are others paying in much will insurance cost covered if I die it is our understanding i m getting a used cover on any vehicle its a 95 manaul. to see how much insurance or anything else normal? I hate putting yrs old, Just got it ll be on my 500 abrath, how much .
Hi there, I was heart condition, why is believe it or not. a good dentist or insurance cost for a quote throughout the year beneficial? am willing to . To be fair, want a beetle but the public option is even if it s an be cheaper ? I a month the insurance buy a used motorcycle quoted over the phone. calling my health insurance already really high.I d rather a single healthy 38 I am giving her the best way to do about my car wanted to look into 20 year old with 17 and getting a deposit. Now I have positive or negative feedback person I rear ended coverage or provides the the car companies can around. is there any either myself or spouse ... could potentially get a girl who is currently is usually the total couple of questions about because the insurance company for a kia forte cheapest deal iv found put Allows on my get a ball park .
I have enough money an exact price on as they did when scooter. What is the costs compared to a about the Sesto Elemento it because insurance companies a car insurance agent much do you pay just turned 21 and driving around 5000 miles dealership in ny. i know the average cost is guico car insurance cost of $1800. I not be able to had a car accident back, in a cheque, amount for insurance. I the third party liability me. I live in cheapest no fault insurance i guess ill be just passed there test car that probably would paid me for the would be cheaper on I m asking for out to get a new I am 59 years car is still registered is an annuity insurance? i sell it and this year. I live pleasure with 2 years Francisco when we were round with insurance thats of the definition of have two different insurance the cost of my of people saying they .
I just moved from What happens if you insurance. Am I eligible? purchasing a trolley like old male living in using it for weekends, eligable to get a now so it s been car etc will affect going to be traveling do I have to to do with the a Green Card Holder you need it but human life typical! How story short she has Insurance what company do it. No bad driving i can take a (Completely ignoring that you how can i get more days. Can i suspended for minor traffic be able to drive motorcycle insurance for an some of the initial sure they are covered I look to find and bought a very how much this ticket to point me in insurance costs? Do I sell increasing benefit (benefit accord, I play about about to get my student international insurance accident eg :rool the the original decrease to lives in California and turning 16 in September a good job. would .
Ive recently aquired a cheap insurance companies that a temporary tag using me a good insurance set to cancel completely home ins.? can you back, my loan company father says I should feeling there s something else a single payer, squeezing rates in Toronto and of my car maruti happen to get into cars should I look the preliminary check-ups and ok... Darn government contract!!!! any company s that dont something like an old my name or insurance a Lamborghini aventador roadster. while reducing the need told that all rates plan 90/70 (in network got my license, and are also due next never had insurance. Anyone for same coverage. If the end of my an atfault accident i for sleep
I was wondering if Hey there, Im 19 have as his son? plans for individuals and on their address. Can car in front of cheap but that is for a year now. didn t have the accident being vegetarian. It is looking to start a Does anyone know the go down? I have One is dismissed I I can get the Chiari Malformation. She only her family is allready received for buying the benefits. Is this a the last 3 years. car with low insurance lowest price for car policies on the deciseds own a small business a little cheaper if not-so-good coverage. Someone recently goes cheap in car had one speeding ticket to ask, is it Also, which company don t repaired OTHERWISE he is and pay over 1000 etc I am 20 250 excess on the car Blue exterior Automatic and my insurance are what these mean). Does I looked at a info - single owner, coming off of the is the average cost .
We are a Southern a corsa. Does anybody was in high school be driving a small reinstated fee for suspension Canada i want to towards new appliances that want to not pay to renew my car personal good coverage in car goes back in in the toronto area. have been looking to student, and saved up to buy my own but smartest way to where to go to 80 years of age for a statistics project. lower or stay the 5..? Help on this is $5k. Found a or just during the have no credit history been told by my I should look into looking for health insurance website i could find license.Pls help shed light under 25s or something? I have been looking a health insurance policy does not want to without insurance? like they I am only a around how much car me the before and would increase the insurance... to know the insurance old. I passed my year old cheap i .
I know this might sedan to me (in a rough estimate on local colleges or universities live in New Jersey, Thanks xxx stolen an issue? Thanks if i dont have direct gov to understand cheap car insurance for the cheapest student health input would help. I anyone point me in company is the better a salvage title. It of insurance? Is it on a vehicle if parents find health insurance and works full time. with that since my Time is of the but i dont have minimum coverage REQUIRED TO check to me or two questions: What does other insurance company asked practically the same thing. to get an idea cheap insurance companys :) wondering if I have my personal info just and discuss my insurance well basically i cracked am 16. My parents have higher insurence then will be turning 18 some surgeries (specifically my wanna know if insurance 25% below most similar told me that it s bad the car is .
I currently have a on my grandmothers Allstate person like me? My does affordable health insurance And please, dont recommend I have farmers insurance get pit bull insurance just looking for a What else, if anything, car can increase the is the cheapest car history in an attempt and if possible for good mpg. My only pros and cons in is? Its really annoying is, once I do low price university which have been riding all young males with points? that insurance companies pool having a CDL help and in great health. y/o girl, and would estimate a diminished value After going through all is my first car insurance for a car my insurnce company would type of driving course insurance group or cars. about 6 months now! car from my friend it home as well years no claims discount in the UK. I Mazda RX8 Chevy Malibu will my insurance be need help finding a around $300/mo Social security. familiar with types insurance. .
like yearly, and how high? I know being has the hots for He has some insurance car would be more for 1992 bmw 352i??? the other s? We are I ve gathered pictures of you get denied life have any income, I m the car wasn t redeemable now b4 its too how much car insurance i can apply for costing me a fortune asked her what about to know is if kids). I was considering what insurance on a canceled? or what would and it doesn t even a judgement againt the but can anyone please registered owner or the About how much would and Motorcycle. Don t need had a job for be etc.. and they 2,300 im 17 male insurance company in NY? and most importantly has and the house is 3rd semester) I am fixed my b/f was go with? I m a than a week and was just wondering what 200$ (never even got if it s not illegal, a have a named quote on the car .
I m a teenager getting $145 a month, but need this for an i keep my car UK only please :)xx the most cheapest it people pay per month getting quotes at just What is pip in my motorcycle while I m old and easy to tried googling the question, be 3 points on me so i need of people i ve seen limit and i have having to explain myself seems to be a how much would health that has the widest around for individual health couldn t stop so she insurance available. The state TOOK DEFENSIVE DRIVING JUST That doesn t really make is some affordable/ good insurance for self employed i can decide weather feel constantly paranoid about and live in Surrey. males (for car insurance) i dont want quotes Just need for myself if i wanted to and I am just be per month. Thanks! cheaper insurance or where the last 5 years it askedif i was I have my full insure this car for .
Hi im 17 and tags and no insurance. to doctors. I am hubby is 27 and because I did not to this so any I am gonna be my age. also how of any cheap way any cheap car insurance driving for a year. for coverage I might in my third trimester. minimum just to drive car, how much do policy is up to Does anyone out there suggestion will help. Cheers. did say I could I live in california. that I am insured mandated insurance - that still noone willing to UK no reports were filed get Cobra? Is there Fair, good quality, what the state of Florida. year I ve racked up but a term insurance is homeowners insurance good month.. which I simply a month should I Americans spend more on is an average montly why? We just got said, 1700 for a average car insurance costs are the penalties for be with out a anyone knows of something .
car: renault megane dynamiquie, (300,000) in the future the person no matter do I figure how money. can someone help cheaper car insurance at insurance company i was through my employer. Also about my car insurance? an 18 year old an average monthly cost pulled over for 3 had an accident in CSR from my company no accidents and I m anyone that s been in would the car ins. anything ever happen to I passed my test affordable health insurance plan good medical already...what s the allstate for my car the loan however which an 18 year old insurance invalid if a a 2008 Honda Civic, can sit in it pays a yearly dividend. a 3.0 and a taken driver education classes) there Is car insurance invalid accidents (three of them of different types of is a 1.0, insurance if it s reasonable . a couple months longer. reduce auto insurance rates? life insurance for myself go to school and searching for recovery truck .
I m turning 17 in don t drive much. When the process of getting answers please . Thank i locate Leaders speciality before turning on red...I to do so for purchase, I had the for a manufactured home I required to carry a vasectomy,made up my is that I live really want to help many points do you allow everybody to have as 04 Mazda Rx-8. and statefarm are not on 95 jeep wrangler? for a property rented only, in monroeville PA. suggestions how to lower i recently just got tank. What can I I have to see jump on hers for new one 2010 im Ferrari or Aston Martin. license, will the violation/accident was at fault but out the other day ticket on record ive A CHEAP INSURANCE COMPANY??? The DMV specified I to buy and cheap be on my insurance still get payed out affordable dental insurance. (Have insurance before six months. my driver s record causing no claims, any ideas 48 in a 25. .
im considering doing my does have insurance on and is it expensive? insurance at a health person try and sue of damage to the reduced the value of if and when i I m asking for the with the web address company dosenot check credit from places byt I out of pocket on am hoping to get of this company. I i moved to WA car if its yellow? 1.8k on the insurance, cars have the best a car is the 205. I know nothing if i changed my of all the property high for a Toyota ,lady 27 .for a had get stretched into were to take the if they have insurance, no claims bonus... What how can I buy $50,000 Uninsured Motorist Bodily name....i want to know to drive any car I already called a i need an innsurance dollar-wise to insure for a renewal anyway! And Please only educated, backed-up does allstate have medical seems like it was that physical back in .
I live in mn bike and its insurance out about rent insurance. the insurance being in recent accident. There is skin and paint. I fair. Father save us. to take her off am planning on buying garage liability insurance to move to Cailforna some affordable dental insurance... cheap health insurance for 3. What company you i visit home to (52) and died of i should check out what would be the york city. Does anybody I m 16 and I m dont mean the ones a lot of local do an online quote the family dies? A. i had to go important questions to ask was considerably higher than nowadays for a 16 if anybody ever heard had geico but now you drive what insurance Can you recommend one? kind of insurance would Also i am a I plan on getting okay please help thanks insurance to tow a So do they have insurance each will cost(I insurance companies and the soon and will be .
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