#“i get cold in your ex's clothes that you left me” <- i'm going fucking insane
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friszil · 3 months ago
i'm not much of a doorkeay shipper but every time i think about "anybody else" by dom fera as michael distortion and gerry my brain stops workingi'm like ndksodmrnwpalsnfne oh ogdo oh my ogooooood oh god oh ood please no
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kateswallofweird · 3 months ago
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dick grayson x reader; cw angst ish fluff ish, second chance at a failed past relationship, attempted mugging with a gun, blood
💭 we don't talk enough about brenton thwaites as dick grayson
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it had been nearly three weeks since his message, and dick grayson had only left confusion in his wake and a ghost of himself in your home.
so maybe you were distracted, and that's why you didn't realize the man hiding in the shadows until the feeling of a gun pressed to your back on your way home stopped you in your tracks. then, a slimy demand for all your money and your bag was whispered near your ear. and the alley you found yourself in seemed darker, more sinister as your blood thrummed with a jumpy pulse.
after living in gotham for so long, it almost slipped from you the dangers of the city. you'd grown so accustomed to the filth, the chaos, and the craziness of it all.
but you hadn't even the chance to spill out pleas for mercy when the cold metal fell away from you and you heard a sickening crunch followed by a grunt.
you turned around, nerves afire but curiosity winning out, and you stilled at the sight.
it was funny the way life worked—you'd committed yourself to not calling him, and yet when you needed him most, he was there in a flash.
you'd forgotten how good he looked in his uniform—the skin tight blues and black meshing well together and only leaving so much to imagination. he was beautiful, and your heart tugged against your chest with painful familiarity.
"shit, are you okay?" dick was before you in an instant, fingers gentle as he checked you for injuries, staining your clothes red with every motion.
"you've got blood on your hands." it wasn't so much as a complaint as it was an observation while the shock began to subside.
"i've done worse," he said.
your eyes fell to the crumpled figure on the ground doused in traces of himself, gun kicked to the side and bullets amess. dick, it seemed, had forgone his escrima sticks and wingdings in favor of his fists.
and all at once all the emotions you'd stuffed away deep inside you that came from his voice mail and being held at gunpoint and now seeing dick again for the first time in two years came raining down on you. you weren't sure whether to cry or to crash out, but before you knew it, you were taking your bag and smacking your ex-boyfriend with it.
"i was doing well without you," you choked out, unrelenting in your hits. "i was getting over you. you broke my heart and i was gluing it back piece by piece, and—and then you said you missed me. you missed me?" you breathe in too fast and let out a loud huff, feeling your arms burn the more you try to take your bag to his body. "and then you have the fucking audacity to save me."
dick stayed quiet through it all. he didn't bother to block your blows, and if you had looked closer you might have seen the slightest trace of a smile ghosting his face.
"you're mad i took down your mugger?" he asked, amusement evident into his voice.
and you almost launch your bag at his face with half the mind to pull off his stupid domino mask. "are you seriously having fun right now?"
"i'm just happy we're talking."
"i'm going to—"
but dick catches you by the wrist this time, and your bag drops to the floor with an unceremonious thud.
"unhand me."
he does, but neither of you move away. you refuse to meet his gaze, but it's piercing. you're close enough to feel his breath, the rise and fall of his chest and his beating heart.
"i'm sorry." his whisper comes with the weight of heavy memories, the very words he'd uttered when they'd broken up. it was a reminder of all they had amounted to together—one simple apology and two broken hearts.
what's to say things would be different this time?
"take me back," he asks, and it's unlike him to be like this, to plead.
"it's been two years," you reason, though your resolve is weakening as your heart falls into sync with his.
"and i've spent every moment of it planning this conversation. i was young and stupid before, but i've grown now. i know what i want and where i want to be and every road leads me back to you." dick takes your hand into his, careful as he links them. "it's always been you."
you're scared—to fall, to love, to split yourself open to the world again for him to see. to love is to be vulnerable. it's acquainting yourself with the possibility of pain but praying it never comes. it's risk and variable, jumping into the unknown.
but when you finally look, meeting his stare and wading through the electric blue of his eyes, your worries melt away. because to love is also learning to trust (again). it's forgiveness and beginnings. it's change.
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💭 shitty cheeseball ending i know but happy endings have always been a little difficult for me. that aside i don't think i'll post a part three to this. it just feels right to leave it here like this
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peasofgreeniguess · 1 year ago
Hi, I saw you're request where open and I wanted to throw this in here.
Could I request classic bros, underswap, and underfell with reader who is there best friend and they have the biggest fucking crush on them but won't make a move since reader is with somone, so in this scenario, reader comes home, crying, turns out there now ex-boyfriend just dated them for a dare. Could you make a scenario of that please?
Thank you for reading this! I tried not to go against you're rules and if it did, then please ignore and I'm sorry! Stay safe Irl <3
You did fine! Dw I won’t hunt you down if you made a mistake lol <3 and thank you! You to.
These are LONG- because this was fun lol, so that's why it took so long. (and when i say long i mean LONG)
Classic Sans: sans jolts up from his nap at the sound of the door slamming. He quickly shuffles out of his sheets and out into the hallway, worried that papyrus was in trouble. Only instead of his brother, he sees you, his roommate. Standing in front of the door wet and sobbing, your nice clothes you wore for your date now soaking, dripping onto the carpet. You look up at him with those eyes he's grown to love and his soul breaks for you, holding his hands out as you walk up to him. Sans wraps his arms around you tightly and shortcuts you to your room,letting you go he moves his hands up to your face, gently guiding you to look at him.
"what happened Y/N?" he asks. Tears well up in your eyes and you let out a choked sob. “he he" you stutter "he left me! He said- t-that all i was to him, was a bet! And that I meant nothing to him and he left me! in the rain!!" you cry, tears falling down your face. sans pulls you into a hug again, pushing you head against his ribcage, hiding his face from view. He was livid.
How could anyone be so cruel, especially to you! I mean sure he’s biased. he’s head over heels for you but there’s no question of as to why!! You are so sweet, and pretty, and soft, and so considerate of his brother- you are amazing… but you are still soaking wet… and sobbing into him. Well at least that dick bag is out of the picture, and sans is the one who gets the privilege of taking care of you.
Gently he tells you to take of those clothes, you’ll get a cold, and he goes to grab some fresh clean ones from his room. Handing you one of his oversized shirts to wear. You put it on and sans leads you to bed, he’s about to cover you in blankets and get you some food when you grab him and pull him into bed with you- he overcomes the surprise and submits to you, pulling the blanket over both of you and petting your hair as you curl into him… stars, that jackass doesn’t deserve you, he will show you how a real monster treats their mate.
Undertale Papyrus: papyrus is walking down the sidewalk, happily humming a tune as he carries his bags back home. It’s Saturday! His turn to make dinner for his brother and roommate! Or just his brother today… his roommate was on a date with their boyfriend. Papyrus doesn’t like him that much, he thinks you deserve better, you deserve greatness! Like the great Papyrus!! But alas, you have chosen your mate… but that doesn’t mean he can treat you to his excellent cooking. (One of his many amazing mate skills)
Speaking of his roommate, his phone buzzes in his pocket. He takes it out and looks at the contact, it’s you! Eagerly he answers with a smile, but stops before he says anything… you are crying, why are you crying? You see supposed to be on a date with your mate! Your mate should be drying your tears.
With a sniffle you start to speak, “p-papyrus” you say, your sweet voice filled with sadness- almost breaking his soul in two. “He- he left me!” You cry, sobbing harder over the receiver. “WHAT? WHO LEFT YOU?” Surly you aren’t talking about… “my boyfriend!! He left! He said it was a lie all of it was a lie!” You say, voice cracking on the phone. Papyrus immediately drops his bags on the ground, texting sans where he is so he can pick them up. “WHERE ARE YOU?” Papyrus says sternly, you answer with an address and a papyrus starts sprinting to you.
When he gets there he finds you sitting on the curb, your beautiful outfit you picked out now covered with tear stains and dirt. Papyrus slowly sits down next to you, pulling you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you protectively. He then picks you up causing you to squeak, he apologizes and explains he’s bringing you home. He will make you dinner and drying your tears, he will comfort you. He will be everything that human never could. He will heal your heart and the win it for himself!
Underswap sans: Sans hates your mates guts, he’s an asshole. He treats you like trash, while his sweet little roommate gives everything and more. The first time you introduced your boyfriend to him and his brother, they both knew something was up. So when he found you curled up in his bed crying- he knew who did it. You look up at him from the blankets you wrapped around yourself, sniffling. Sans’ eyes soften as he sets his bag down on the floor, sitting down on the side of the bed. “What Happened?” He asks, you should be on a date right now…
Your eyes fill up with tears once more and you choke out “he left me… he only was with me for a bet…” you say, dropping your face into your hands. Blue coos at you, taking off his gloves and rubs circles on your back. He’s completely calm and empathetic on the outside- on the inside he can feel his magic bubbling with rage. He know that guy was bad news but this was low, his beautiful human all heartbroken…
But they came to him for comfort… they chose him- a he feels a small twinge of guilt at the fact that that makes him so happy. He could treat you millions of times better- he can cook, he can protect you, he’s great with kids! Look how his brother turned out- you deserve someone at magnificent as him, and he will prove that to you. right after he gives you snuggles.
Underswap papyrus: Papyrus is typing away on his computer without a thought in the world, his music on and his inspiration flowing- using it as a distracting from the fact his roommate is on a date with some one who is not him, attempting to curb his envy. After a while he stops, cracking his knuckles and turning his spiny chair away from his desk. Loudly papyrus shrieks, not expecting to see his roommate curled up on his bed with tear streaks on their face- you are supposed to be out! holding a hand to his chest he starts to calm down. "honey- what are you doin here?" he asks, rolling his chair towards the bed. you look up at him and mumble something under your breath. "sorry?" papyrus asks "he broke up with me..." you say louder, pushing your face into the pillows. papyrus pauses- your boyfriend... broke up with YOU! the amazing, beautiful, funny, smart, human in front of him... that guy left YOU???
"w-why?" papyrus says surprised, he truly cannot understand why he would do that. He leans closer to you as you answer, "it was a bet... his friends said if he could... 'tap that' they would get him a ps5" you say, tears falling down your face as you break into sobs. Papyrus's marrow boils, how dare he, and how long have you been in here? Shame and anger crawl up his spine as he thinks of what to do. Part of him wanting to kill that fucking guy and the other desperately wanting to comfort you. but when you lift up your blanket for him to crawl next to you, his choice had been decided for him. "i could really use my cuddle bee" you say, your sweet voice wobbling with every word... how on earth could he say no to that? He crawls into bed with you and holds you close to him, never wanting to let you go... He can go fuck that ex up another day, pulling out his phone he texts his brother to bring up some ice cream and blankets and only a few minutes later you are sitting in his lap, happily watching your favorite movie and sharing a dub of ice cream. ——-
Underfell sans:
Sans has hated your boyfriend guts since the moment you brought him to meet sans and his brother. That ballsack barely got away without half of his face being torn off. You were his mate-roommate… whatever. You are the only person next to papyrus who he’s all soft and mushy around, taking you to movies, buying you stuffed animals, cuddling you… so when he found you crying on the couch he had a idea of who caused it.
“I swear to god- what did he fuckin’ do this time” sans grumbles, grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around you. You sniffle, hiding your face from sans’s eyesight. “Doll-“ you interrupt him “I don’t need you- hic- going to jail” you say in between sobs. Sans sighs and sits next to you, pulling you into his lap like you were a small cat. “Dollface- i promise… I ain’t’ goin to do nuthin… just tell me wha’ happened” he coos, nuzzling his nose into your hair.
“He left me… he only dated me for a bet…” sans grips the blanket harder, almost ripping the fabric under his claws as he holds back a deep growl. “That fuckin bastard” he says, holding you closer. “You promised you wouldn’t-“ sans shushes you softly, “i know, I know, I won’t… doll I’m so sorry”
Sans moves his hand to your head, gently using his claws to massage your scalp and guiding you to lean on his chest as he starts purring. He knows you love listening to his purrs, the rhythmic rumble relaxing you. Sans knows it’s working as your crying slows until eventually stopping. He will hold you however long you need him to, after all, it’s not often a monster as tough as him falls for a human like you.
Underfell papyrus:
Papyrus grumbles as he flicks the frying pan in his hand, hot flames of the stovetop and the bustling of the other chefs in the kitchen. The chaotic dance that is cooking, papyrus enjoys his work, it’s his safe space. No brother, no frustratingly cute roommate- just him and the food he cooks. And he’s a damn good cook. That is until his safe space is invaded.
“Chef! We have a quest requesting you!” A human server says, Papyrus looks up with a scowl and walks over, straightening his chefs whites. The server leads him to a table, and to his misfortune sits you. He curls his lip at you harshly, “WHAT DO YOU WANT?” He says. you look up at him with tear stained eyes, why were you crying? Shouldn’t you be with your mate if you are upset? That’s his job. Before he could ask anything you answer his questions.
“He broke up with me” you state, wiping a tear from your face. Papyrus stares at you in shock- why on earth would someone leave you willingly? He would be the last to actually admit it but- he likes you. A lot. You meet all his very high standards so the fact that a puny human would reject you was asinine. “WHY ON EARTH WOULD HE DO THAT?” He asks, pulling out a chair and sitting down, “AND WHY WOULD YOU BITCH TO ME ABOUT IT”
You look down at the table. “I didn’t know who else to talk to…” you take a shaky breath, “and he left me for a bet… the whole thing was because of a bet, he never loved me, he didn’t even like me” papyrus leans back in his chair, folding his arms. “I don’t know why I came here- you don’t like me either” you say, tears welling in your eyes. But as you turn to leave papyrus grabs your arm gently. “HE IS A FOOL”
“What?” You ask, shock clear on your face. “THAT MAN IS A FOOL, YOU ARE A AMAZING MATE. YOU MET ALL MY STANDARDS SO YOU WERE FAR TO GOOD FOR HIM ANYWAYS” he gets up, leading you out of the restaurant “COME, I WILL FIX YOU FOOD AT HOME” he says walking out. He may not be good with words, but papyrus is good with cooking, and besides, everyone knows LOVE is the most important ingredient, and he has a lot of that for you. Even if it takes a while for him to admit it.
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honeygrahambitch · 7 months ago
When it comes to Will, Hannibal had learnt that there are two types of "Okay".
The first one is the bored, "done"," no longer talking to you", "upset", "do as you wish." type. It's when they are contradicting each other and Will gets so bored with Hannibal's infinite esoteric arguments that he's like "Okay." It's neutral, it's meant to sound cold, emotionless. Followed by leaving the room in general.
"I would suggest that the real issue is that it would indeed feel therapeutic. You might be terrified of that, Will."
"So the fact that I refuse to murder my ex wife and then turn her into skewers is in fact me unconsciously being afraid that I will love it? My ex wife who, just as a matter of fact, did nothing wrong and has a child?"
"You say she did nothing wrong yet you resent her. I would too. It's frustrating when we are not loved the way we want to be loved. If you ask me, it's a great sin."
"Yeah but I am not asking you because you are biased as fuck in this matter. You are waiting for me to ask you to murder her. It's all you are waiting for."
"No. Don't contradict me."
"I was not going to. I would indeed kill her and feed her to you. It would be my pleasure. It would be quite romantic."
The other one is meant for the times when Hannibal actually says something that feels good to hear. Something that maybe took him aback a little but also kinda made him melt. And since he is not as romantically expressive as Hannibal, that soft and content "okay" manages to express everything he feels.
"Okay." Will said and left the room, tired.
"I was thinking," Hannibal started as he pulled Will closer to him. The fireplaces was only inches away from them and his body was shielding Will from the heat. "I was thinking..."
"You were thinking..." Will continued. "I am sweating like a horse. We can actually get up from the floor and move to the bed. But you were thinking..."
"I promise I will look beautiful on the bed too." He insisted after the few hours they had spent on the hardwood floor. Yes, there was a fluffy carpet between their bodies and the floor. Maybe if they had been less rough it would have made a difference.
Hannibal didn't loosen his grip. "How you look so beautiful in this light."
"You definitely look beautiful everywhere." Hannibal replied and kissed his temple. "But I was thinking of drawing you in this specific light. Right here."
"I'm all sweaty."
"Your skin has a unique glow." He said and kissed his shoulder.
"And I suppose you don't want me to put clothes on."
"I'd rather you didn't."
"Okay." Will replied and stared softly at him.
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jakeyzzz · 8 months ago
I could have lied
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( angst/fluff ) sunghoon x f!reader oneshot
masterlist !
warnings - { heartbreak, crying, swearing, alcohol, drunk calling, kissing, making out, angst with a happy ending, sunghoon becoming a dad }
let me know if i missed anything !!
english is NOT my first language so please be nice!
2.6k words!
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'' What the- ... it wasn't even supposed to rain today!  '' You angrily whispered to yourself as soon as a few raindrops started falling from the sky. 
Your day wasn't going too well. Your boss was getting on your nerves, you spilled some very hot coffee on your freshly washed clothes, you missed your bus home , and now it eventually started raining. You were in the middle of nowhere, and you had no umbrella to save your clothes from getting drenched in water. So you had no other choice than running home. 
'' Slow down ... your shoe laces are untied ! '' You suddenly heard a familiar voice say from behind you. You knew exactly who it was, and it made your blood boil. That's why you tried to ignore the person behind you by quickly tying your shoe laces so you could quickly get out of his sight. 
But you weren't quick enough. 
He was quick enough to hold the umbrella over your head, preventing you from getting even more wet than you already were. And you hated yourself for feeling something when you smelled his perfume. 
'' I don't need your help, Sunghoon. '' You said, trying to sound as cold as possible.
Sunghoon was your Ex -Situationship who ran away like a loser after you told him you fell in love with him. 
He left you crying and heartbroken for weeks. 
There have been a few incidents where he drunk called you, telling you how much he misses being with you just for you to find out he has been hooking up with his best friend's ex the day after. You absolutely hated him. But even after everything he has done, it was so hard for you to stay away from him. You were still in love with him. And you hated yourself even more for that. 
'' I want to help you tho... '' 
'' Just leave me alone '' You answered before quickly getting back up, not even looking at him before you started walking away from him. You couldn't hide the fact you were shivering from the cold. Sunghoon immediately noticed. But you didn't want his help. And he needed to accept that. 
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As soon as you got home, you got out of your wet clothes and started looking for dry ones. You went through your closet, picking out an oversized hoodie and some sweatpants. Right before you were about to close the door of your closet, something caught your eye. You quickly took the piece out, and looked at it with teary eyes. It was a red hot chili peppers shirt. It used to be Sunghoon's until he gifted it to you after finding they're one of your favorite bands. 
That was one thing you had in common. Your taste in music.
 You hesitantly put the shirt under your nose, trying to find out if it still smelled like him. And it did. 
'' Fuck '' You silently cussed, holding back tears when the smell of his shirt hit your nose.
How were you supposed to stay away from him when you longed for him so much ?
You sat down on your bed with the shirt still in your hands, staring at it for a few more minutes. You already knew you were cry yourself to sleep again that night. You've been trying so hard to get over him, but nothing has been helping you achieve that goal. You knew it would get even harder after the encounter you both had that day. So all you could do was go to sleep and be patient with yourself.
Sunghoon on the other hand, was at a bar getting drunk with his friends once again. He was having a lot of fun. But he couldn't seem to get you out of his mind. Every little thing reminded him of you. And he couldn't make it stop. He tried to distract himself by drinking some more, which seemed to help for a moment until dani california started playing at the bar. 
Was this some stupid prank ?
'' It's getting kind of late ... I'm going home. '' Sunghoon said all of a sudden, making his friends raise an eyebrow.
'' Are you good, man ? '' One of his friends asked, finding Sunghoon's behavior weird. He was usually always the last one to leave the bar. 
'' Yeah don't worry. I'm just tired '' He said, before quickly sneaking out. 
Sunghoon sighed deeply when the cold air hit his face. He took his phone out of his pocket, and tipsily dialed your number. But since it was like 3AM, you were already asleep. 
When Sunghoon had finally accepted you wouldn't pick up the phone, he decided to leave a voicemail. 
'' Look I know I failed you and I know you don't wanna talk to me. But trust me i've been suffering a lot. No matter what I think about, I always end up thinking about you and it's slowly driving me insane. I think i really miss you and it's scaring me to death. I know you probably won't forgive me for what i've done to you but I'm just so scared of falling in love. And that's exactly why I left. I started catching feelings for you as well. I've been hurt so many times in the past and i didn't want to feel that kind of pain ever again. I was so fucking egoistic I didn't even think about how much my actions would hurt you. And I'm sorry. I promise. I know I messed up and I feel like an Idiot. Can we just talk it out ? I mean you don't have to but i'd really appreciate it. I've got some things to say to you ! I'll go try to find a way home now ... good night Y/N. I really enjoyed seeing you earlier... I mean it '' 
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The next morning you sat on your bed, showing your best friend Amaya the voicemail you received last night. 
'' Oh god ... Is he drunk ? '' She asked, looking at you with furrowed eyebrows. 
'' Pretty sure he is ... ''
You had no idea how to react to Sunghoon's message. You're sure you've listened to it for at least 20 times since you've woken up and you still had no idea what to do. 
'' He's pathetic ! '' 
'' What do I do ? '' You said, burying your face in your hands in distress 
'' Block him '' Amaya said, smiling cheekily. 
You glared at her.
'' Can you give me a serious answer please ? ''
'' You know what I think about this whole situation, Y/N . But even If you choose to hear him out, I'll fully stand behind you. I just don't want you to get hurt by that dickhead again. Does what he said to you in that voicemail sound genuine ? Yeah. Maybe. But i need you to be careful.  '' 
'' So you think I should give him a chance ? ''
'' He doesn't deserve it but i think you should at least listen to whatever he has to say ''
'' You're right ... '' You admitted. 
You had no idea if you were even ready to hear Sunghoon out. The thought of having to look him in the eyes already made your heart beat at least ten times faster. 
You were scared. 
'' I know you can do it '' Amaya said, pulling you into her arms to comfort you. 
'' Thank you Amaya ''
You quickly picked up your phone, trying to figure out what to say. 
Y/N :  We need to talk. Can I come over ? 
It took Sunghoon only a few seconds to answer. Even tho he got drunk, he couldn't sleep the whole night. The thought of you and your reaction to his voicemail kept him up. 
Sunghoon :  Like right now ? 
Y/N : Yeah right now. 
Sunghoon's hands were shaky. He didn't expect you to be so open to him. 
He looked around his room, checking if he needs to clean it before letting you in. 
Sunghoon : Okay. See you in 10. 
Sunghoon quickly put his phone aside, taking a deep breath in. He knew if he fucked up this time it would be over. He'd never see you again. And he couldn't let that happen. 
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Eventually you found yourself standing in front of his door. Your hands were shaking when you quickly pressed the doorbell before taking a step back. Standing in front of his house felt incredibly weird. Especially after everything that happened between you two. 
Sunghoon slowly opened the door, immediately taking in your intimidated state. You stood there with your head lowered , trying to avoid looking at him. You were sure your heart was about to jump out of your chest. 
'' Wanna come in ? '' Sunghoon spoke up. You lightly nodded your head before slowly walking into his house, still not daring to look at him. You followed him straight into his room, trying to hold back tears when you noticed he kept the painting you once made for him. He put it on the wall right next to his bed.
 You painted a sunflower for him, which has always been your favorite flower. It was also his favorite. 
Sunghoon sat down in the middle of his bed. You hesitated a few seconds before doing the same. And for the first time in a while, you finally looked at him. 
You felt your heart sink when you noticed him already looking at you with big eyes. Neither of you said anything for a few minutes. You were only staring at each other, getting used to the feeling you both had in your chests. 
Sunghoon broke the silence when he cleared his voice.
'' I owe you an apology. '' He said. 
Sunghoon wished he could just run away like he always did. But you were right there on his bed looking at him with teary eyes. He knew he owed you an explanation. 
'' When you told me you caught feelings I got scared. I told you my feelings weren't mutual. But I don't think that's true. I realized how incredibly stupid it was to shut you out when all i need is your presence. I miss you more every single day and it's driving me insane. I'm terrified, Y/N. I'm so scared of falling in love even tho I know I can trust you. I tried using other girls to get you out of my head without thinking about how much it would hurt you. I was being a total dick ! ''
He said, wiping a tear off his rosy cheek. 
'' You didn't deserve any of this. You didn't deserve any of the pain I put you through and I'm more than sorry. If you don't wanna see me anymore I understand. I don't even deserve having you in my life at this point. But I just needed you to know how sorry I am ... '' He continued.
You shut your eyes, preventing a tear from falling from your eye. You hated everything about this whole situation. You wanted to kiss the three little moles on is face and tell him everything is gonna be alright but it wasn't that easy. 
You were hurt, and you couldn't just pretend everything's okay. 
'' I forgive you, Sunghoon. But I need time... '' You said, making Sunghoon look at you.
'' Why would you forgive me that easily ? ''
'' Because I love you. ''
Your words hit Sunghoon like a hurricane. 
'' After everything i've done you still love me ? '' He wondered, constantly trying to control his tears. 
'' Yes. More than anyone i've ever met ... and It hurts. ''
Sunghoon let out a quiet sob before carefully pulling you into his arms. He hid his face in the crook of your neck and cried. It broke your heart seeing him like this.
Being in Sunghoon's arms after such a long time felt unreal. You felt your heart beat in your chest when you felt his hot breath against your neck. 
'' Is this okay for you ? '' He whispered. 
It felt like your words got stuck in your throat. 
You nodded your head, heart beating faster each second. 
And just a second later, you felt his lips on your neck. He started kissing you there before moving up to your jawline , ending up leaving small kisses all over your face. Starting off with your cheeks, then your nose, your forehead, your chin and eventually your lips. 
That was the moment you couldn't hold back anymore. 
You pushed him down into the mattress by his chest and climbed on top of him, deepening the kiss. Sunghoon put his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him, before gently biting your bottom lip with his fangs. He felt butterflies explode in his stomach when you shyly smiled into the kiss. You felt like your skin was on fire when you felt his fingers tracing your bare waist. He gently caressed your back, which made a huge contrast to the intensity of the kiss. 
'' I'm so sorry '' He whispered against your lips, trying not to break the kiss. 
After a few more minutes of making out, you finally broke the kiss. Out of breath you looked into each others eyes, trying to process what just happened.
'' I promise I'm never gonna hurt you ever again '' Sunghoon whispered, resting his forehead against yours.
You forced a smile, pulling Sunghoon into your arms this time. 
'' Let's take this slow alright ? One step at a time. '' You requested. 
'' I'd do anything for you. I just need you to stay with me ... ''
'' Then don't mess this up ''
'' I won't. '' 
And he didn't.
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5 years later...
'' Dad ! ''
'' I'm coming ! '' Sunghoon shouted from downstairs, quickly running upstairs to find his daughter sitting on the floor of her room with a few markers and a piece of paper. She was busy drawing, and she was more than excited to show her dad the finished result. 
Sunghoon watched her with a big smile when she did her finishing touches on the drawing. She proudly held the piece of paper up when she was done, making Sunghoon giggle at her cuteness. 
'' This is so beautiful Lily ! You did such a good job '' He said, kneeling down next to her.
'' It's a sunflower ! '' She beamed, making Sunghoon smile even harder.
A Sunflower... 
Sunghoon giggled.
'' I can tell. Can i have it ? '' 
'' I want you to share it with mommy ! '' 
'' What do you want him to share with me, princess ? '' You said all of a sudden, also showing up in your daughter's room. 
'' Mommy ! I drew a sunflower ... '' Lily said excitedly, holding up her drawing once again so you could take a better look at it.
'' Oh Lily I absolutely love it ! Sunflowers have always been my favorite '' You said, taking the drawing from Lily's small hands.
Sunghoon placed a chaste kiss on your lips when you sat down next to him, making your daughter quickly cover her eyes. 
You both giggled at your daughter's gesture, making her laugh along with you almost immediately. 
Her laugh was the cutest. You could listen to it for hours...
Sunghoon quickly came up with the idea to place Lily on his lap and tickle her relentlessly. He smiled widely when her dimples showed up. She looked so much like you when she smiled...
You watched them, happy about your decision about giving Sunghoon a second chance. 
He's the most perfect dad a daughter could ever ask for, and the most perfect fiancé you could ever ask for.
He was the love of your life. 
- end
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taglist : { @aleiouvre , @wonbie , @heuiton ... } ♡
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clarkeyhill · 5 months ago
☁️ somber| George Clarke&Arthur hill
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[You're working your way through a breakup of 8 years, you take it hard understandably, your two best friends (flatmates too) notice how somber you've been feeling a lately, not eating, getting out of bed or anything you would do normally. They decide to try and boost your mood]
It's day 7 of the breakup, you've not left your room since the day it happened. Glued to your bed as if you're living but there's no life left in you. Your eyes heavy, in the same 7 day old clothes, your hair starting to mat at the back of your head from not brushing it and your teeth gathering fur. Your eyes fluttered open as you wake up for another day of existing, it's 10am, you walk over to the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror; a once vibrant bubbly girl drawn to nothing over a boy, who would have thought it? You sigh as you shuffle back over to your bed and a slot yourself in, you pick up your phone and scroll through TikTok. The videos you would once belly laugh at receive a dead lifeless expression.
You hear your door creak open, it's George "y/n? You awake?" He says softly, whispering incase you were still in slumber "I'm fine George" you mumble, a deep tone in your voice as a tear falls down your face, you don't want to be like this but your body can't do anything more than just survive right now, even though the lack of food and hydration made even that seem impossible for you right now. "Please drink something, we're really worried about you, we love you" George's voice cracks as he says this, as if a little tear of his own shed. You sit up in your bed and look at him with glassy eyes, your eyes raw from all the crying leaving bags the size of a camels hump underneath them, George's expression falls, his eyes water seeing his best friend looking like a shell of herself tore at his heartstrings, you look at him with a blank expression unable to produce anything more to him. "Can I please come and hug you?" He begs of you, body language showing how if he could, he'd trade you places in a heartbeat.
You shake your head, as much as you craved the warmth of a hug your brain made you feel as if you weren't worthy of anything more than silence and self reflection right now. George wipes his eyes, sniffling at your response "i need you to come back to us y/n, he doesn't deserve to have you laying in bed reducing yourself to nothing" and with that he leaves and shuts your door. Your eyes become heavy again the urge to cry takes over, but there's no tears left for you to let out. You place your head back on your pillow, staring at your four walls you can't help but keep hearing George's words repeat in your head "reducing yourself to nothing" plays in your mind like a motivational speaker, the words becoming more abrupt as time goes on. Your body starts to radiate a feeling of vivaciousness, lights start to flicker in the once dark mind of yours, George's words being a ball of motivation, switching something in you.
Your face becomes warm, like the blood that once ran so cold becomes heated and your body reboots itself. "FUCK YOU" you shout at the top of your lungs, anger seeps out of you your emotions going into overdrive, the words aimed at your ex partner for reducing you to a shell of a girl, your heart skips beats as you feel alive.
George l busts into your room "what's going on" " are you okay?!" George says, his faces concerned yet a linger of joy sculpts his expression, you were finally communicating and showing signs of healing. "Thankyou" you say a warm smile across your face appears "Thankyou? For what?" He says confused, shuffling over to you "what you said earlier, it's like a switch has flicked inside me and I'm awake" you touch the back of your head and feel the ball of tangle hair at the back of your head, your eyes become heavy again. "Don't worry about that, me and Arthur are here, he's just got home, do you want us to help you" he says point to your hairbrush, you heart tingles with warmth as you smile at him. "Thankyou Geo, but you've seen me in a rut for long enough, I'm going to sort this myself" you place your hand on his,n he leans in for a hug as you usher away, he looks confused. "Let me have a shower, I'm stinky" you laugh for the first time in over a week. He nods and places a kiss onto your hand as he leaves you to get sorted.
You head to the bathroom and start to run a shower, you decide to brush the knot out a bit before getting in the shower, the warm water cascading over your body felt unusual but good. You wash your hair and apply some detangling cream in order to help soften the blow. The soap engulfing your limbs like a warm jacket, your skin feeling more refreshed as it went on. You finish your shower and wrap yourself in a towel, you start to work on the knot in your hair taking small brushes at a time, after 20 minutes you manage to get it out. A clump of your hair sits in your counter as you apply some moisturiser to your face. You towel dry your hair as you change into fresh clothes, a hoodie and joggers to be precise. You tie your damp hair into a claw clip at the back of your head and place your slippers on, you heart races as you go to see the boys, like you've never seen them before.
You open the door and hear "she's here quick" come from Arthur's mouth, you chuckle at the sound. "What are both doing" creeping around the corner you see a spread of your favourite things on the kitchen island, snacks, drinks and a mysterious bag sit on the floor in a big pink case, you look up confused. "What's that?" You point to the case, "oh that thing? Yeah just a little something we thought we'd put together" George says smiling "you didn't have to do this guys I love you both so much" you hug them both, holding it for longer than you normally would and the boys grip tightens. "We don't want you to ever feel like you have to isolate yourself from us, no matter the situation or your feelings we love you and care about you so much" Arthur says looking at you. "I know, I'm sorry" you sigh "there's no need to be sorry, your feelings are valid and we respect them, we just don't want you to ever feel like that alone" George adds on, you look at them both with doe eyes, a sense of warmth washes over you as you realise just how lucky you are to have them both.
"Open it then loser" George says pointing at the case, you crouch down and unzip it, revealing an envelope inside "a case for an envelope?" You laugh "it'll come in use for the information inside the envelope silly" Arthur says, you open it and a piece of paper with pink bows is unveiled, you slide it out and read the writing in the front
"To our bestie, we know you've been having a hard time lately and we want to try and help you in some way to ease the pain, we wish we could completely take it away but we know that's not as easy. But we can try and forget for a week when we're spending the run up to New Year's Eve in New York surrounded by the lights, we love you"
Your eyes form tears as your mouth drops, New York at Christmas has been one of your bucket list items since being a little girl, you've never been able to afford it. "Are you serious?" You say looking at them both in shock "we know it's been a bucket list item for you for a while and we were always doing to do it at some point, we felt this would be the best time" George says smiling at you, you drop the card and jump into the arms of them jumping up and down like a little girl. Not only have the boys helped you through a rough point in your life, they've managed to heal the little girl inside you in the process.
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novelsbynia · 5 months ago
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Ethan Landry X OC
Warning: blood,language,pregnancy,violence, mentions of smut.
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October 31st Halloween
"Great Job. Both of you." Bailey praised the two Ghost faces on both his right and left. "You?" Tara asked shocked. The three sisters stood there across from Bailey and the two masked figures. "Yeah. Of course me. Frankly, I expected more from the three of you after what you did to us."
"What do you mean "us"?" Scar looked at the two Ghost faces, still curious who was behind the masks. The taller Ghostface on Baileys left grabbed the bottom of their mask to slowly reveal the culprit underneath.
Scarlett's heart stopped for second and her breath hitched. Her throat felt warm and if she swallowed it could cause a breakdown. Seeing her boyfriend's face come out from under the white plastic. She started to shake her head in disbelief as Ethan shot a sadistic smile their way.
"Ta-da!" Bailey laughed looking over at the three sisters and back at his son. "No." Scarlett whispered. Sam and Tara looked over at their sister. Sam knew her pain. It's a horrible feeling knowing the person you love was the one who wants to hurt you. What they didn't know was there was more to it than their relationship now.
"Mindy was right. It was easy to juke the roommate lottery. I mean all I had to do to meet you was room with a conceited, condescending alpha literally named Chad. Fuck! It felt good to kill him! And you-" Ethan pointed his knife over to Scarlett. "You know how easy it was to make you love me." Ethan laughed causing Scarlett's heart to once again drop.
"Didn't take much after that to fuck me. Did it?" She felt sick, unfortunately for her in this situation it could be a number of things. Her eyes letting the tears escape her quietly as she stood there in disbelief as the two stood their smiling.
"Recognize this? This was your grandmother's Sam. Nancy Loomis? Really runs in your fucking family, doesn't it? Speaking of family...." Ethan pointed his knife the the beat up Ghostface mask he's been gallivanting in. "Wait for it." Bailey interrupted. ".....My names not Ethan Landry. Is it dad?"
""Dad"?" Scarlett questioned as Bailey started laughing. He brushed a piece of Ethan's hair out of his eyes then gripped his shoulder. He was proud. "Wait. If it's you two, that just leaves..." Sam Gulped before continuing. "Mindy?"
The last Ghostface lifted the mask revealing the final accomplice. "Hey, roomies. You didn't see that one coming, did you?" The three were taken back. No, no that couldn't be possible. She was dead, Quinn was dead. Scarlett took her attention away from the redhead back to her boyfriend or now ex in his dark robe. Their eyes met and Ethan shot her a smirk.
"Yeah because you died!" Tara exclaimed. "Kind of didn't. Though it was a good way to get off the suspect list. Stab Gale Weathers, stab Mindy on the train. That sort of thing." Quinn explained. "Yep, and I just made sure I was first on the scene so I could switch her body out with a fresh one. Little fake blood, a prosthetic. You'd be amazed at what a grieving father can get away with." Bailey smiled proud of his children.
"I got Stu Macher's mask. He was my favorite." Quinn held up her mask as she walked around the display cases and placed it on the mannequin head. Scarlett watched Ethan go around the display on her right and place the mask on the mannequin with Nancy Loomis's old bloody clothes.
Scarlett watched as he gave her a quick wink with his once lovable browns. Which have turned to an unrecognizable dark cold tone. "Nice. That's number three. That's two. Which leaves your father's. This is what we've been counting down to, Sam. I'm gonna need you to put it on." Bailey pulled out Billy Loomis's mask out of his jacket. Scarlett was trying to focus back and forth from Bailey back to Ethan. Who was perched over the display with hunger, ready to attack given the word.
Sam looked at the mask in Bailey's hand then back up at Bailey himself. He had to be crazy. Clearly he was Sam thought to herself. "Fuck you!" Sam spat as she knocked the mask out of Bailey's hand. Ethan quickly leaned over the display and sliced Sam's shoulder. "You stay the fuck away from them!" Scarlett yelled at Ethan as Sam held her wound. Ethan chuckled at Scarlett as he moved around the displays. Tara grabbed a brick back up from the floor ready incase she had to strike.
"What? What is this? You did this as a family?" Sam turned to Bailey as she held her bleeding shoulder. "Hell yeah, bitch. You should know better than anyone." Quinn stomped forward towards Sam but was quickly cut off by Tara and Scarlett.
"They're still not getting it." Ethan laughed as he walked over next to his sister. Knife extended ready to strike again. Scarlett looked down at his knife then back up at Ethan and Quinn. "I don't know what you believe, but I didn't commit those murders in Woodsboro. It wasn't me!" Sam tried to explain. "Oh we know that. Of course you didn't. You think this is based on some bullshit conspiracy theory? Come on. Who do you think started the rumors about you in the first place?" Bailey gestured behind Sam. Sam turned around to see Quinn holding up her hand with the knife in it.
"Do you know how easy it was to turn Sam from the hero of Woodsboro into the villain? How easy it was to convince the world to believe the worst in people rather than the best?" Quinn explained. "Because it's not enough to just kill someone these days. You have to assassinate their character first. So when Dad here "discovers" your horribly mutilated bodies..." Ethan started.
Scarlett gulped the pressure in her throat back down as she listened to Ethan talk about mutilating them. Her thoughts were paused when Quinn lunged forward a bit in front of Tara causing her to squeal. "...posed with Sam wearing her father's mask, he'll say some poor dumb bastard read on the internet that you're the real Ghostface and took matters into their own deluded hands." Ethan finished as he pointed the knife at Sam.
"Exactly! Thats why it's the perfect alibi. And all the best lies are based on the truth. You're a killer. Just like your father." Bailey pointed his finger at Sam. "No, I'm not!" Sam yelled. "Yes, you are, you motherfucker! You killed our brother!" Quinn shouted.
"What are you talking about?" Sam shook her head. "You said your brother died in a car accident." Scarlett looked at Quinn confused. "Oh no, you sweet, dumb thing. He died in Woodsboro...." Ethan pointed his knife at Scarlett then back at Sam "...at the hands of your bitch sister." Scarlett looked over at Sam and Tara who had the look of realization on their faces."You're Richie's family." Sam turned to Bailey. "Yeah." Bailey whispered as he slowly nodded.
"Ding-ding-ding-ding! She's finally starting to get it." Ethan stepped forward and plunged his knife in Sam's chest near her shoulder before quickly pulling it out. "Go! Go!" Scarlett grabbed Sam's hand as Tara followed. Scarlett pushed over the mannequin display of Nancy Loomis's mask and outfit to create an opening in the display circle that was once blocking them in.
"Now! It wasn't until I saw that photograph of what you'd actually done to him that I knew." Bailey yelled. Ethan and Quinn quickly ran around the display on either side to block off the two. Scarlett grabbed a brick off the ground. Ethan stepped towards her but quickly stepped back dodging a swing from Scarlett. "That I knew you had to fucking die! You had to be punished! Along with anyone else who stands in our way."
Sam applied pressure to her arm once more as she stepped in front of Quinn blocking her from Tara and Scarlett. Sam's eyes darkened as she looked glanced up at Quinn. "There she is. There's the fucking killer." Quinn held her knife up to Sam's throat. "Real great parenting job by the way." Scarlett snarked at Bailey. "Shut your whore fucking mouth!" Quinn yelled as she took the knife away from Sam's throat and pushed Scarlett back through the whole they created in the display ring. "Shit." Tara muttered as the two followed their sister. "You okay?" Sam helped her Scarlett up. Ethan and Quinn quickly made their way back to the sisters, holding their knives up behind them.
"Have I been a perfect Dad? No. Have I maybe overindulged Richie's love of these little movies? Yeah, maybe. For me, they're just a little dark. But Richie really loved them. He loved them! He even made a few of his own. Did you know? Did you know?" Bailey turned around to watch the projector behind them play Richie's self made Stab movie.
"There's a very special nod between a father and his first son." Bailey added. Scarlett turned her head to see Ethan behind her. A frown on his face he was trying not to let show, tears in his eyes he was trying to now let fall. He's attention was drawn to the curtain with the projection above them. His eyes landed back down on Scarlett. Thats when she knew. He was doing this not only for Richie.
"Which is why I helped him build this collection." Bailey turned around gesturing to all the artifacts around them. "This was all his?" Tara asked looking at the displays around her. "Yes, he's a very passionate collector. And he inspired others. We had to kill those two wannabe film students because, well, we had to kill you first, Sam. I put the theater in their name, then good ole Detective Bailey would've just stumbled on it. But I didn't have to because, by golly, that Gale Weathers is one hell of a journalist. I built a tribute to my son. Which is why this is where you have to die, Sam. Surrounded by all the things he loved the most." Bailey explained.
"What happens next? After you're done with us you just disappear?!" Sam exclaimed. "No! We got to hurry over to the hospital and make sure Mindy and Gale don't pull through..." Sam looked over at her sisters and down at their hands. A brick in each then back up at the two. "....because everybody dies Sam! Everyone who had anything to do with the death of my son suffers and dies." Bailey lifted his gun up to Sam.
"Yeah!Fuck yeah they do!" Quinn yelled. "Now put on the mask." Bailey hissed. "He was so pathetic." Sam panted as she shook her head. "What?Thats not true." Bailey objected."Yeah, your son, he was a man-baby who made his girlfriend so all the killing." Sam continued to taunt.
"He was a strong, virile young man!" Bailey gripped his gun harder. "He was a limp-dick little fuck who cried before I slit his throat." Sam spat. "Shut the fuck up!" Quinn yelled as she lunged forward to Sam. Scarlett quickly gripped the brick and swung at Quinn knocking her to the ground coughing up her own blood. Suddenly the sound of gun shots rang through the air. The three turned to see Kirby firing off. Bailey quickly made his way behind the curtain to another hallways escaping the shots.
Quinn used all her strength at the current moment and lifted herself up off the ground. She tried her best to run behind the curtain to follow her father. "Sam come on!" Tara yelled as her and Scarlett tried to make a run for it. Ethan sprinted towards Kirby and quickly threw her to the ground. He grabbed another knife in the pockets of his robe.
"Recognize this?" Ethan held up the older scarlet covered blade. "Fuck you." Kirby spat. Ethan in one swift movement jabbed the knife into Kirby's abdomen. Ripping the flesh of the scar before it. "Fuck" Kirby groaned.
Grabbing a brick from the rubble on the ground beside her, Sam ran up behind Ethan. Who was currently still taunting Kirby from above her. She rammed the side of his head with the brick causing Ethan to fall over in pain. Sam hurried over to Kirby lying on the ground, knife in her old scar. "Sorry, but I kind of need this." Kirby groaned as Sam quickly grabbed the knife lodged in Kirby's abdomen."Fuck em up." Kirby panted.
"Sam come on!" Scar yelled as her and Tara stood by the end of the ladder next to the wall to lead them upstairs. Sam put the knife in her belt then froze. She looked over to Ethan on the ground unconscious. Now was her time. He was out, he couldn't fight back. Sam turned to look back at her sister waiting by the ladder.
Tara anxiously waiting for her to move while Scarlett looking at her and back at Ethan. Her eyes full of fear and worry. Sam looked back at Ethan. "Damn it." She muttered before turning back at the two.
"Go! Go! Go! I'll meet you up there!" Sam told them. Tara hesitated as her hands froze on the wood.
"Where are you going?" Scarlett asked. "Scarlett just  go!" Sam yelled before disappearing through the curtain on the stage.
"Tara go!" Scarlett instructed as her sister started climbing the ladder. Once Tara hit the top she turned toward her sister below. "Go! I'm right behind you." Tara nodded once again at her sister's instructions and started making her way down the hallway. Scarlet grabbed the sides of the older wooden ladder climbing the first two steps.
"Where do you think you're going?" Ethan grabbed Scarlett's right leg as she went for the third step. Grabbing her hard as he tugged her down the ladder. "No. No. No." Scarlett pleaded as she hit the ground trying to get away. Ethan reached down and with his left, he grabbed Scarlett by the throat. Ethan lifted her up and slammed her against the wall next to the ladder.
"Hi there, Princess. I was hoping I would get just one more time with you alone. Remember the last time I had you pinned against a wall?" Ethan smirked. "Fuck you." Scar gasped as Ethan's hand applied pressure. "No, no, no sweetheart we already did that remember?" Ethan chuckled.
Scarlett flinched as Ethan quickly brought his knife up to the brick on the wall behind her. The sound of scraping rang through Scarlett's ear. His grip getting tighter on her throat. "Ethan." Scar moaned trying to get more air.
"Sounded like that too." Ethan brought his lips to her ear close to his knife. "Why? Why me? Why do this?" Scarlett asked. "Were you not paying attention? At all!" Ethan exclaimed. "You know that's not what I meant." Scarlett needed to know.
She knew this wasn't the same Ethan she had learn to love. That Ethan was just a mirage. She needed to know why he would do this though. Why take the extra step to be with her? "Consider it plot."
"You know doing this isn't going to make your dad love you more." Scarlett's words snapped something inside him. He took her body off the wall only to slam it back into it again. Scarlett groaned in pain as she felt the sting in the back of her head from the bricks. "I don't need him to love me."
"It really seems like you do. Like you're doing this for him not for you." Her words weren't helping his anger as it was starting to spill over. "I'm doing this for me you bitch!"
"Scar! Scarlette! Scar!" Scarlett could hear her sisters call out for her. Tears slowly escaped her eyes. Ethan took his thumb and wiped away her ongoing tears. She could feel the cold metal of the knife. The knife with her sister's blood on it on the side of her face. With the same hand he's using to wipe her tear could be the same one to kill her any second.
"I want you to know I did love you at some point." Ethan leaned his forehead onto hers. The words made Scarlett's tears fall faster. "Ethan. Ethan I-" Scarlett stuttered. "But that's just not enough." Scarlett saw Ethan move his hand back with the knife ready to plunge. Panic set in her. She didn't want to but she knew what she had to do. She went into full panic mode as she yelled-
Chapter one up now!!!
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heeliopheelia · 2 years ago
"i've missed you" (heeseung x reader)
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genre: light angst, fluff word count: 1.3k requested by @probably-too-obssessed ♡
warnings: mentions of a break up, exes to lovers, crying
a/n: was the plan in my head perfect: yes. do i like the execution:... okay, ik this ain't technically a drabble but bear with me!! but anyways, we're officialy more than half done with the 1k event yayy!!
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Wiping the sleep out of your eyes, you make your way past the living room to answer the door. Knowing that only the closest people to you know the code to your apartment block's stairway, you can't help but worry as you approach the knocking on your door at such early hour. Has something happened? Did someone get hu-?
Suddenly more awake than a second before, you gape at ex-boyfriend in shock. Wide eyes scan his face, his brows slightly furrowed as he chews on his bottom lip, fingers twitching by his thighs. And you can't help but notice that he looks... the same. Yes, a little more mature now compared to the few years ago, features more defined than before but that's still most definitely Heeseung. Your Heeseung.
"What are you doing here?" You ask quietly, feet rooted into the floor as cold winter air sweeps from the stairway and engulfs your thinly-clothed body. You try to pretend that this sudden coolness is the cause of the shiver that runs down your spine but at the same time you know well that it's all because of Heeseung's relentless eyes placed on you.
"Hi," he breathes out and feels his heart coming up to his throat. Fuck, you're even prettier than he remembered. He clears his throat. "Can I come in?"
Somehow you muster the courage to nod your head and move back to open the door wider for him. As he sets his foot in your apartment, an instant wave of nostalgia and longing fills his heart to the brim and for the first time in three years Heeseung doesn't feel this void that's been constantly eating him from the inside. And it's all after spending only a minute with you again.
"I've missed you," he blurts out without wasting any more time, watching as your shoulders visibly tense. He takes a step closer and then one more, moving to stand right in front of you. "I'm sorry it took me so long to say it."
Pressing your lips together, you hide the trembling of your fingers by clenching them on the fabric of the shirt you've been sleeping in. His shirt which only now you seem to realize to be wearing and so does Heeseung as his eyes soften. And it makes him hope that maybe you too, after all this time, still keep a place in your heart for him.
Your heart pounds in your chest.
"You–," you stutter out, head full of running thoughts. Why is he here now? What's caused him to go against his manager and contract and show up at your door at 5 am? "Heeseung, where is this all coming from?"
"Ever since the night I broke up with you, there hasn't been a day without you on my mind." You can clearly see the distress and pain marring his soft features. "I'm sorry I fucked up, I never should've ended things with you back then."
And yes, you've missed him too. Yes, you've thought about him way too much for someone who's supposed to be over the relationship for at least two years now. But it's Heeseung after all. How does one simply move on from him?
But you keep a brave face and decide to be the more reasonable one out the two of you for once in your entire life. "There's nothing to apologize for, don't be ridiculous"
He scoffs, running his hand through his thick hair from frustration. "I was selfish. I dropped you for fame–"
"You left me for your dreams, Heeseung," you interrupt him with a scolding look. "And you did the right thing. I'd never want to be the one holding you back. Stop being so self-critical."
His eyes soften and he breathes out, all the tension leaving his body. "You could never hold me back, YN. I hate that only now I realized that you were the only thing that's kept me grounded. I'm no one without you."
Your heart stutters when his hands reach out and envelop your slightly trembling ones. "I don't know, Hee. There's just... There's so much happening right now, I can't think straight."
"I still love you." His words knock all the air out of your lungs and you swear you're falling. "After all this time, there's never been anyone else but you, love. I'd drop everything in an instant if you asked me to give my all to you right now. Everything loses its value when you're not there with me, I've learnt it the hard way."
Your quiet stumbling gets cut off by his hands suddenly loosing their grip on yours. You watch as realization tinted with fear slowly creeps up on his beautiful face. All of sudden, Heeseung feels all of his muscles tensing as his heart drops down his chest, heavy and aching.
Already dreading your answer, he asks. "Do you... Do you have someone?"
"N-No!" You stutter out quickly, hands suddenly gaining a mind of their own as they desperately clutch on his again, heart wrenching as you already miss his touch even though he hasn't even fully pulled away. "I couldn't. Not after you."
"Then give us another try," he breathes out, chest feeling almost fifty pounds lighter at your quiet confession. His fingers quickly intertwine with yours as he pulls you closer with one tug. Your heart stalls when he leans down and starts kissing away the tears that you haven't even noticed started dropping down your cheeks. "All I want is you, YN. And there will never be anyone but you for me."
His lips trail down your cheeks, peppering kisses all over your jawline and chin and before you can even blink, your mouths are moving together in despair. The kiss is soaked and dripping with longing and love as you both pour all of the emotions from deep within into it. Even when your lips start to slightly burn from the saltiness of your tears and Heeseung's harsh sucks, you never even think of pulling away just for a second. It's only your muffled sob that makes the two of you part.
"I missed you so much," you cry out, trembling hand coming up to cover the bottom of your wet face. It doesn't take long for him to gently pull it away and bring it closer to him, pressing his warm lips to your knuckles. You sniffle, only to feel more tears following down your cheeks. "I've watched your every single performance, you know?" You chuckle shortly trough the sobs. The smile you sent him is wobbly and teary but so full of love it makes Heeseung feel the happiest he's been for the past couple years. "I'm so proud of you."
Your words impact him harder than he would ever admit, so before you can get the glimpse of his own eyes becoming glistening, he pulls you by your face and kisses you again, swallowing each one of your sobs and whimpers. Your hands tightly cling onto his hoodie as you find yourself becoming putty underneath his touch again. His slim fingers brush away the hair that got stuck onto your teary face, his caresses so gentle you can't help but feel your legs buckling slightly, so taking two steps backwards, you pull him on the couch along with you.
"I love you too," you whisper somewhere in between your ceasing cries and his kisses.
At that, Heeseung pulls himself up on his elbows to take in your pretty face. The face that he couldn't erase from his mind for all these years. The face that kept him awake every night until he passed out from exhaustion. The face that he loves more than anything else in this world.
And damn him if he ever found anything else that brought him as close to heaven as the sight of your swollen lips parted with a smile, blush spread over your cheeks as your eyes fill up with sparkles, looking at him as if he's collected all the stars from the sky and gave them to you. And fuck, if you really ever asked him to give you the entire moon itself, he knows that he would somehow find a way to make it happen. Because he would do absolutely anything and everything to make you happy. Even if it meant giving up his entire career – he will not make the same mistake twice and lose you again, now knowing that nothing is worth of the pain that being without you has put him through.
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permanent taglist: @bambisgirl @arizejkt19 @luvmura @milisabunny @cathy-1997 @satoruskitchenrag @ramenoil @jenjnk @jaylaxies @yoongspi
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lolitaa-17 · 1 year ago
Toji x reader drabble angst lol.
"Well what are we?"
That question, how Toji hated it. He was never the type to do labels, ever since his ex wife had passed.
"How many times did I tell you to stop asking me that dumbass question y/n?"
He got up from the bed leaving you there alone.
"Well it would be nice to know? You act like you love-"
"Get out." He huffed while putting his clothes back on. He hated that too. He hated that word. Love. He felt as if he wasn't capable of loving ever since his ex wife had died.
You couldn't stop the tears from falling, it had been a very emotional week and this was definitely one way to end it.
"Well then stop fucking calling my phone!" You slapped his chest before walking out of his room.
You walked pass his son who was around 12, he definitely knew the troubled situation you had been put in with his dad.
"Y/n..." you stopped your tracks as you heard Megumi mutter your name. You wiped your tears quickly and put up a smile.
"Hmm?" you asked him keeping an eye out to see if his dad had been coming.
"I'm sorry, for my dad he's still-" He tries to apologize for his dad.
"You don't need to apologize for him, I still like you don't worry" you mess his hair up.
"What about my dad? Do you still love him? I don't want you to leave."
Oh how this had made the situation worse, you loved children. Seeing Megumi going through this at such a young age broke your heart even more.
"I don't know, but I really have to leave-"
"Please don't y/n, it gets lonely here." you could see the tears threatening to fall from the young boys eyes.
You kneeled down to his level and gave him a big hug while crying even harder. "I'm sorry." you whispered in his ear before getting back up to leave.
Toji pov
He noticed how your footsteps abruptly stopped, And how the front door hadn't open yet.
Megumi had probably stopped you. So he quietly walked out to see what you two had possibly been whispering about.
"What about my dad? Do you still love him? I don't want you to leave."
Those words ached his heart, but it hurt even more listening to your response.
"I don't know."
Seeing the moment you two had shared lit something up within Toji, he never was home. Always busy with work, but you were more than happy to watch Megumi whenever Toji asked. He didn't realize how much of an impact you were to Megumi.
Seeing the vacant look on his sons face once you walked out, it had changed something in Megumi. When he turned to look at his father. It was a cold expressionless look on his face.
No words were exchanged but he could tell that Megumi was the least of happy right now.
"Eat your food Megumi, how many days has it been since you've actually eaten." Toji placed the plate of food in front of his face.
"I don't need a Nanny. I'm old enough to watch myself after school you know that right." Megumi muttered while playing with his food.
"Well what's with the sudden switch up? When y/n-"
"Y/n wasn't a nanny." Megumi cut him off.
Toji furrowed his brows, this attitude that was suddenly being brought out of Megumi.
"She actually cared about me, about us." And with that Megumi got up and left the full plate and walked over to his room where he had always been locking himself up ever since you left.
Your pov
You cried, drank and slept late.
That was your schedule after work, everyday the same thing. Toji made you feel so loved, yet he claimed he doesn't feel anything towards you.
It was your final straw with him, you had blocked his number and all of his socials. Maybe it was childish, but he's made you feel like this one too many times.
Tojis pov
He hated to admit that he had to move on from his diseased wife, and making you feel that way because of his feeling wasn't right. He loved you. He would do anything. He just can't, it feels wrong to betray his ex wife.
But even Megumi, his own son. He was ready to move on. Megumi loves you just as much as Toji loves you.
He enters his sons room. He heard the small sniffles coming from Megumi. It shattered Toji's heart. "What's wrong Megumi, talk to me please."
"Leave me alone." Megumi scoffed.
"Megumi just tell me please." Toji sighed sitting on Megumi's bed.
"She made me feel how Mama made me feel, and you just push her away when all she was doing was treating us like real family." Megumi kept his gaze away from Toji.
He clenched his jaw. Stopping himself from wanting to cry. All he could do is get up and leave Megumi's room into his own.
He dialed and dialed but straight to voicemail. He couldn't help but slam his phone against the floor leaving it shattered. The tears slowly start fall.
He took advantage, you would always tell him you were done with his bullshit but you never actually really wanted to leave him. Excpet this time, blocking him on everything you possibly had.
Toji wasn't one to give up though. He grabbed his car keys and made his way out the door.
Your pov
It was thunder storming. You had the windows open, the small yellow tinted lights on, and a big glass of wine in hand.
You knew this cycle of drinking had to stop soon, it wasn't healthy nor cheap. But it was a way to escape from that feeling that lingers onto you every time you leave Toji's house crying.
A loud knock echoed your apartment.
You open your door to see Toji soaked in water and gasping for air. His face was written in such a saddened look. You weren't really used to it.
"What are you doing here?" You slurred your words as you put the wine bottle down on a counter next to you.
"Are you drunk?" Toji asked.
"Toji...what are you doing here."
"You're coming with me." He grabbed your wrist.
"You are not taking me anywhere, because whatever was going on with us is over. So goodbye Toji."
"No it's not y/n...Because i fucking need you." Toji's voice cracked as his tears were threatening to fall again seeing the type of state he left you in.
"We need you, Megumi needs you more than anything."
"And I want you to stay there, with me and Megumi for the rest of our lives. Because I love you and I want you to be the one to care for us and love us."
"Toji I-"
"Fuck y/n...I'll even put a fucking ring onto your finger and marry you!" He cries out leaning in to embrace you.
"Y/n!" Megumi jumps onto you and his dad when he saw you in the room. It was the morning after Toji's confession. You went with him hoping things he said were actually meaningful.
"I missed you so much." he hugged you tightly.
"I missed you wayyy more." You laugh and hug him even tighter.
"Wait here!" Megumi ran out the room shutting the door leaving you and Toji alone again.
"I'm sorry...for everything I put you through." Toji hugged you tightly and kissed your head.
"I love you...fiance." He whispers the last part.
"I love you too." He kisses you more passionately and meaningfully than usual.
"Here is breakfast in bed!" Megumi brings in a big bowl of cereal and a cup of orange juice.
"Only for y/n though because you don't really deserve one yet dad." He places the bowl of cereal next to you and lays down Between you and Toji.
You laughed at his savage side comment, while Toji scoffed.
"I love you though, both of you." Megumi murmured.
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whowantslovergirl · 1 year ago
bad idea right?
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Topper Thornton x reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: cursing, um just y/n being a dumb bitch tbh, this is obviously inspired by the song 😫, slightly suggestive, bold words are the lyrics, this in your pov, HOPE YOU ENJOY MY LOVERSS 🤍
outer banks masterlist
Summary: Y/n knows it bad that she keeps going to Topper but omg look at him!!!!
posted: February 28,2024
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Me and Topper broke up a couple months ago. We were the golden couple and I was way better than Sarah (in my opinion) I didn’t have cold feelings toward Sarah but I didn’t think she was the best person. Sorry getting off topic but I miss Topper and I have this bad habit of going back to him. I know it’s a bad idea but guys look at him!
“Come on you have to come! Yes Topper might be there but it doesn’t matter.” My friend Bianca said trying to convince me to go to this party.
Of course I wanted to go but he’s going to be there. I am not going.
I went.
I saw him and he saw me but I quickly went the other way before anything happened. I mean I haven't heard from you in a couple of months. And you just expect me to just hop back into your arms. Yes I want to do something about it but I'm out right now, and I'm all fucked up, wayyy too fucked up and I don’t wanna go back that road.
I have been here for a couple of hours and Topper still haven’t left. He never stays this long. After dancing for a while I got a little tired so I went to get a drink. And fucking Topper is also getting drinks. I try to ignore him and do what I have to do but that obviously didn’t work.
“Hey Y/n.”
“Hey Top.” I avoid eye contact. “How you doing?” He sounds nervous. “I’m doing good, what about you?” He shrugs. “I been alright better now I’m with you.” You just roll your eyes.
Once you’re done with the drinks you leave or at least try too. He grabs my arm not enough to hurt but his grip is pretty tight. We make eye contact and I can feel myself getting lost in his eyes again. And I know we're done, I know we're through.
But, God, when I look at you
“Come over N/n.” Only he calls me that and it still has the same effect on me. And I hate that. I should probably, probably not. “I don’t know Top.” He cuts me off. “Please N/n, I just wanna see you.”
“I’ll think about it. I will text you later.” Then I walk away to tell Bianca what the fuck just happened.
Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
“It’s a bad idea right?”
“Um yes?! Y/n you spent months crying and now he says two words and you’re at his feet?! Stand on business!”
“I am! But he seemed pretty sincere.”
“Fuck being sincere. Y/n don’t do stupid shit.”
“Ok! I’ll text him no.”
“Good now I’m going to dance. Text him no.”
She left and once she’s out of sight. I text him.
n/n 🩷
im coming over
Seein' you tonight, fuck it, it's fine
I went over and we fucked like really fucked. He dropped me off and right now we’re pulling up to my house. “Bye Top.” “Bye N/n.” We kissed for a little bit then I finally left the car.
Bianca’s going to pissed.
“What the fuck?!”
“I didn’t mean too! It just happened.”
“Yes, I know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect? I only see him as a friend.”
That was the biggest lie I ever said.
“You are such a liar! So friends fuck now? Wow! I did not know that!” I can tell she’s being sarcastic.
“And you’re wearing his shirt!” I looked down and I am indeed wearing his shirt. “My clothes were dirty he was just being nice.”
“You’re so delusional I can’t.”
“It wasn’t my fault! I just tripped and fell into his bed.”
“You are terrible Y/n! Don’t let it happen again.”
She knows it’s gonna happen again.
“No she definitely had sex with him.” Me, Bianca and some other friends were just gossiping about people we don’t like at the country club. Then I got a text from no other than Topper. “Hey I gotta go to the bathroom real quick.” I say while walking towards the bathroom to answer his text.
top 🩷
Can you come over tonight n/n??
n/n 🩷
yea I’ll be there ml <3
As I’m walking back I’m smiling. I’m so excited to see him.
On my way to Topper and I told my friends I was asleep, but I never said where or in whose sheets.
I’m finally here it felt like it was forever since I’ve seen him and I pull up to your place, on the second floor. And you're standin', smiling at the door.
“Hey N/n. I missed you.” We hugged and stayed there for a while. “Top it’s only been 24 hours.” I said while laughing and he slowly joined in. “24 hours too long.” He said while pulling away and looking into my eyes. And I'm sure I've seen much hotter men, but I really can't remember when.
There was another party and everyone was there. Even Topper. I was dancing with Bianca and I can feel eyes on us, I turn and see Topper smiling at me and he sent a little wave. I waved back then he made a come here motion. I nodded and he went to a secluded spot. “Hey Bianca I’m getting something to drink, you want anything?” She shook her head and continued dancing.
I started to follow him and couldn’t find him anywhere. Then I felt arms around me. “Oh my god! Get off you weirdo!” You try to pull him off then he started laughing. You turned around and saw Topper. You slapped his arm. “You’re an asshole.”
“Hey I’m very sorry, just wanted to scare you.” He started to hug me and I hugged him back. “Can you come over tonight?”
I should probably, probably not
“Um ok.” You smiled and gave him a kiss and you both walked back to the party.
This can’t be a good idea. I’m slowly starting to see why we broke up in the first place. He’s getting possessive again. Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
Seein’ you tonight, fuck it, it’s fine
Whatever I’m bored anyway.
It happened again. I fucked Topper and it was better than other times and yes, I know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect?
“I only see him as a friend” Again that is the biggest lie I ever said.
“Y/n I’m only saying this because I’m your friend but you’re becoming old y/n, making excuses defending him when he treated you like shit.”
“And before you said but we. Yea you guys were cute together but everyone slowly saw what was going on behind closed doors.”
Bianca is a really good friend and I understand what she’s saying and I appreciate what she’s saying but I only see him as a friend, I just tripped and fell into his bed.
Then it was excuse after excuse.
“We’re just fuck buddies.”
“I ended it anyway.”
“I just tripped and fell into his bed you know?”
I’m getting really fucking tired of Topper. Right now he’s yelling about something and I’m just zoning him out.
“Are you even listening Y/n?! Do you not understand how this would make someone upset?!”
“Why are you yelling at me? I can't hear my thoughts Topper.”
“I’m not yelling, It’s just-.” Before he could finish I just left. I can hear him screaming behind me but I really couldn’t care less.
But I know it’s gonna be the same thing anyway and the same excuse.
‘I just tripped and fell into his bed’
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An: AGHHHHHSHEIDND ngl i lowkey cooked on this but HOPED YOU ENJOYED MY LOVERSSSS 🤍🤍🤍🤍
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amymbona · 9 months ago
hey! :-) just wanted to say that I love your work <3
Also, I was wondering if you listen to Ariana Grand for at least her newest album cause “I wish I hated you” gives me failedmarriage!au with Patrick & I would love to see you bring that to life
no worries if you choose not to <3 love your work!!!
Hiii you're so so so kind I'm sending you lots of kisses! :33333 🫶🫶🫶🫶
I don't really listen to Ariana but took a look at the lyrics and get exactly what you mean! Failed marriage is one of the best angsty tropes that there is and I always eat that up. All the years spent together that crumbled into smithereens, and suddenly the bed next to you is empty.
Life without Patrick is so empty to you. Despite having to move on and continue going to work every day, as if nothing as happened, your days feel infinitely more boring, more meaningless. There's nobody waiting for you with a cup of warm tea and there is nobody you could wake and make dinner for. Nobody's watching the sports channel on TV and you don't have to race to the bathroom each morning because there is one who would spend half an hour applying the right amount of gel into their hair.
Nobody steals your blankets and hugs you when you're cold anymore. You haven't felt the touch of another person in weeks, aside from your overly friendly coworker who's always eager for a high five. Nobody has stroked your hair nor kissed you when you cried, clutching onto the last bits of your husband... Ex husband.
The sheets don't smell like him anymore, there's not a single clothing article of his in your wardrobe, aside from two pairs of sneakers that are too small his feet anyway, so he never asked you to send them his way. His coffee cup is gone too, the one you got him at a charity shop, with a little best husband written on the front side.
He generously allowed you to stay in the apartment, insisting he's rich enough to buy two more houses and saying he travels a lot anyway so it would be pointless if he kept the home you shared, only collected his personal belongings and left. All traces of him are gone, aside the two pairs of shoes, the printed pictures of you two that you had to hide into the depths of your closet (for your own sanity), a few pieces of jewellery and the other precious gifts, and, of course, the wedding ring now hidden in the drawer or your bedside table.
It would be stupid to claim you're over Patrick, because it's obvious you aren't. Your friends see it, your family sees it. They know you're fucking miserable, unable to function without that man by your side. And does anyone actually blame you? You two had been together for so many years, you were not only each other's partners but also best friends, supporters, lovers... You used to be each other's everything.
And what hurts the most is the absurd reason of your break up, the mutual understanding that you simply can't fulfilling whatever there was expected from this marriage. The mutual agreement of deciding to split ways because Patrick's career is at its peak and he doesn't have as much as time for you as he used to. Not that it ever made him love you less. Quite the contrary, he learned to savour each and every moment spent with you, each time he got to hold you in his arm and smell the vanilla shampoo from your hair.
But he knew that you were hurting, that you couldn't just take a month long break from your work and travel the world with him (even though he offered to provide for the both of you, confidently trying to convince you that he'd love nothing more than for you to be his stay at home life and just look pretty and cook for him). He knew you were missing him deeply, that you were - even when you claimed not to - jealous he'd find a prettier, wealthier and sexier woman and fall for her. Because he had the reputation of a ladies' men, and you knew what he was once like during high school. But despite all of that, he always remained loyal.
Patrick always wanted the best for you, even though you couldn't quite see it, and that is why he had to break up with you. Perhaps it was selfish, but he couldn't bear to see you like that. It broke his heart to hear you cry to him on the phone about how much you missed him, how much you wished he was next to you. And he could never give you all of that. He knew you should find somebody who could give you everything you need. Someone who wasn't him.
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 5 months ago
Idk how the FUCK i did all of this but-
The spirits got me... so platonic yandere yeves x morgan au
Yves was visiting his territory when he saw someone being thrown from a biulding.
"Stay out, Obsidian scum!" Could easily be heard.
Yves stepped from his carridge to see what was going on. He found what looked like a girl, curled up on the ground, clearly in pain.
"May I help you?"
The girl paid no mind to him, trying to stand up. That's when he saw she was drenched, bruised, and bleeding.
"Please, come with me." He was quick to take off his coat and wrap it around the girl. She didn't resist. she just did what was needed of her.
He took her to a nearby villa he was staying at, starting to take care of the clearly scared girl.
Yves took it upon himself to take care of her. He gave her some spare clothes, she asked for men's clothing instead of women's so he supplied Licht's spare clothes. He had a doctor make sure she was physically well. Only to find out she had a bad cold and deep wounds. One that was odd in nature and would affect how she moved. So he took care of her as she rested. He demaned it of her even whenever she tried to get up and do something. He was there to lay her back down.
"... what's your name...?" the girl softly asked, holding a pillow close.
"Oh, where are my manners, I'm Yevs Kloss."
"Yes, it's a name of Obsidian nobility..." he sighed a bit, "but you're also from there, right?"
"Mhm... I... I'm... Morgan... Solace... Morgan Solace..." she smiled to herself, as if likeing the sound of her name. As if she heard it for the first time.
"Well, it is an honor to meet you, Morgan." He smiled at her, reaching out to comfort her, until she shrunk away.
'Obsidian hurt her too... didn't they...? Clearly...'
Yeves frowned softly but pulled his hand away. "Well, I want to be sure you're safe and well taken care of... oh! You can be my attendant!"
"You would want ME as your attendant...?"
"Yes, I'm sure you have a lot of skills, and I'll help you where needed. Some of my brothers have one, and they have been helpful to them. I think it will be beneficial to us both."
Morgan seemed to think on it before nodding. "Okay... I'll be your attendant."
Yevs couldn't help but smile. He wouldn't have to be alone. He brought good fortune to someone.
Once Morgan had healed enough to move on their own (they weren't a woman, but something in-between as they explained it), the duo returned to Rohdinite palace.
Yves introduveing Morgan to his brothers as his attendant shocked everyone, to say the least.
"My, my, how fasinateing. So you've taken in someone who has sought asylum from Obsidian? That isn't going to do you much good in afraid Yevs" Clavis chuckled, pointing out what should be obvious. "She di-"
"They. And I'm sure there is a good reason why they didn't go through legal channels. Obsidian has been cut off from the world. Their people have been starving and suffering."
"What was your occupation before coming to Rohdinite?" Chalaver coldly asked.
"... Military wife... before that I worked as a slaes person with my father..." Morgan replied, clearly feeling uncomfortable by all the stares.
"You haven't seen the wounds on them. They were clearly hurt often by their ex-husband by how deep and black some were."
"Well, Yves doesn't have the best reputation among the nobility in the first place. But, the people who were once a part of Obsidian and defected would sure respect it. Didn't the same happen with you, Clavis?"
"True, I do attract the most amusing of people. But we first need as much information we can get from... them was it?"
Morgan nodded. "I'll answer questions to the best of my abilities."
So, many questions were asked of Morgan. Some clearly shook them up, but Yves was there to comfort them and give them some tea and sweets to help. After all, they were his to take care of as a prince and leader.
After the questions were over, Chalaver got up and left without another word.
Clavis sighed. "So dramatic, he must be missing that boyfriend of his so badly," he chuckled. "I'll send Cyran to meet you later. I'm sure you both will get along amazingly. " Clavis then took his leave
To Yves' surprise, Nokto quietly left as well.
'At least he didn't try to flirt with them...'
Now, it was just the domestic faction in the room. It made Yves a little nervous.
"Well, I'm glad to see that you got someone to help Yves. I hope you won't mind that things with us aren't that organized, Morgan."
"Oh- I completely understand that. Sometimes, when things are clean, you can just as easily lose them as when they are messy!"
Jin chuckled. "I think Yves found the perfect assistant for himself so far."
"It seems you have also taken to Yevs baking." Leon added with a chuckle.
Yevs could help but be proud of the person he found and helped.
"Well, yeah, it's amazing. If you ever need an assistant in the kitchen, I'd be okay with helping you. " Morgan smiled weakly at Yves, but it was so genuine. He was proud to have gotten that smile after all the pain they've been through. He earned that smile.
He wasn't going to let anyone take it away from them.
Morgan took easily to the work that Yevs gave them. They mastered paperwork, they were an amazing baker themself, they managed to get along with Licht!
But he also noticed that they had hard days. Days where they never left their room. Days they wouldn't speak a word. Times where they looked so scared and had to leave. Times where the only person they trusted was him.
Of course, he took the time to help them out, styling their hair and jewelry so that they both could look their best. Bakeing both of their stress away before eating away at it.
Not to mention, ever since Morgan came along, he was less unlucky. He didn't fall into Clavis' traps. He didn't step on a cat, break a mirror, and trip on the stairs. Nothing. It was like... they were a good luck charm.
He was glad to keep them safe, and in turn, they listened to him. They stood up to nobles for him. They helped him connect to Obsidian and taught him things he never thought he would know.
When Luke came to the palace, he seemed weird around Morgan. Yves didn't care much for that. Luke should respect his hard-working assistant.
He didn't like how often he found Luke not too far behind Morgan. What was he looking for from them. Some staff allways seemed to be near them often aswell.
Some were known to be from Obsidian.
So, Yves took it upon himself to dismiss them. He wasn't going to let go of Morgan. Not his good luck charm.
Then, the time came for the Goodwill Gala between Rohdinite and Bennonite. He couldn't wait to introduce Morgan to Keith. He knew that they would get along amazingly!
"Introduceing Morgan Solace"
There they were, dressed to the nines thanks to Yves help. He couldn't be more proud of them and how far they came.
Then. Yves bad luck struck.
Morgan bumped into Prince Silvio of all the people they could've run into. It had to be him. He was just as bad as Nokto and Jin. Maybe even worse!
The way he touched them. Smiled at them. Talked to them. It was dreadful. That is way to treat his lucky charm and best friend. They deserve the best. Prince Silvio was one of the worst.
Yves got closer to see what the two were talking about.
"You're saying Prince Yves made those clothes? He is more skilled than people give him credit." Silvio staed, amazed. As he should be.
"Yeah, he is kind and talented. I don't know where I got so lucky having a boss like him"
"Yeah, by the way. Where did you learn all that business stuff? I doubt Prince Yves taught you that"
Morgan looked uncomfortable and saddend by the question. So Yves took that moment to save them, and imedeately fell between them.
Morgan was quick to worry over Yves and helped him up before apologizing to Silvio and taking him to the infirmary to check him over.
'Oh Morgan, you're too kind.'
Yves smiled at his small victory as Morgan checked him over for wounds.
'Such a kind person shouldn't be hurt by a brute like that...'
Morgan finished checking Yves over before relaxing. "You're not at all hurt. Which is good-"
"Alright, I am going to rest for a bit, though. I want you to go and talk to Keith Howell, okay? He is a good friend of Licht and I, so if you need him pointed out, go to him."
Yves needed to... talk to a certain prince about them.
So Morgan left, unaware of what was going on in Yves head.
The door to the infirmary was kicked open, and there stood Prince Silvio.
"Ya needed somethin'?"
"I need you to stay far away from MY attendant."
"Morgan, right. That's what has got you so worked up? Us talking?" Silvio couldn't help but snort. "Well, maybe I'll make them mine faster"
"You. Wouldnt. Dare." Yves glared at the prince.
"Would I? We'll see, " he smirked and left the room. Clearly on a mission now.
Yves needsd to go, and fast. Who knows what Silvio was planning? Who knows what he would do to them after he gets his hands on them. They have been hurt enough.
By the time Yves made it back to the ballroom, everyone's eyes were drawn to the dance floor. So, when Yves followed them, he saw it.
Morgan Solace, dancing with Gilbert. Von. Obsidian.
The living symbol of both of their pain.
'Let. Them. Go'
He couldn't move.
'Let. Them. Go.'
He couldn't speak.
What seemed like hours went by. The two clearly talked about something as they danced. Both graceful moveing concisely and slowly.
That eternity finally ended when the music did. When Morgan bowed to Gilbert before sneaking off.
He knew Gilbert would ignore him like everyone else... everyone but Morgan... so, he went after them instead.
He found Morgan in their room, curled up in blankets and sobbing.
"Morgan...?" That bastard. He should pay for what he did to them.
"Y-yves!" They jumped, trying to dry their tears but failed.
He frowned softly and went over to Morgan to just hold them. They let themself sob into his arms.
It took everything within him not to go up to Gilbert and kill him then and there.
But he needed to take care of Morgan right now, revenge can be done later.
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1ivinqdeadqir1 · 2 years ago
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Chapter 5: Red
A/N: wow, holy shit, mama has had this cooking up for a whileeee I'm so sorry for the wait, guys, and I hope the hype hasn't died down, but I have been very busy with my exams. Thankfully they are almost over! I have one left, which means more SOC updates and quicker replies to requests. Thank you so much for the support. You don't understand how nice it's been having you all enjoy my work. It really makes it all worthwhile.
WARNINGS: an allusion to murder, drugs mentioned, shitty Spanish that comes to you from an English speaker doing her best to learn, Lalo being a bit of a cunt, allusions to previously abusive relationships.
word count: 7.2k
»»————- ♡ ————-««
They'd left Daniel Vineyard tied up, lacerated, half naked and half dead outside of his home on his front porch. Lalo already had some guys around to sort through the copious amount of paraphernalia he'd accumulated. It all sat in the trunk of Lalo's car, waiting for him to dispose of it the next time he set that fire in his yard. 
Danny could hardly knock. Every muscle throbbed, and each joint in the young man's body felt bruised and brittle. There were moments of - what looked to be - black ink filtering and blooming in his vision. 
Scared, confused and revolted by the thought of even looking in your direction. Any sick sexual urge deep in his stomach and at the back of his conscience had been beaten out of him- almost like that tooth a few hours earlier. Daniel would have died on that doorstep that night if his roommate had not been home. 
"What the hell happened, Danny?" his roommate, Aaron, was sitting by his friend's side as Daniel rasped from his place on the hospital bed. They'd gotten there at about 2 am. He had two broken ribs and a collapsed lung on top of all the visible bruises and scrapes. The doctors had asked what happened, to which Daniel coughed and said two men had jumped him. He lied and said he hadn't seen their faces and that they'd taken his wallet and cigarettes. Aaron huffed, tugging lightly on the end of his braids, his tanned skin slick with sweat. Danny's complexion looked almost grey, with specs of purple and red in the places where Lalo had hit him. 
“Why would these guys jump you outside work and then drop you off at home? It makes no sense at all." 
Daniel winced, trying to sit up, though he inevitably gave in and lay back against the white cotton bed sheets. "You know that girl I dated?" There was a pause, but Aaron nodded, said your name, and leaned forward on his elbows. "Well, I wasn't over her, and, uh, she's got some new friends."
"New friends? What like-"
"I don't want to talk about it anymore, okay? Can't you support me for a second here?" Daniel groaned, placing a hand where the hospital had bandaged him up. He wasn't a doctor, but he had no fucking idea what a bandage would do for a broken rib. Willowy fingers curled around his knees; Aaron hummed and tried to piece together what had happened. He knew Daniel wasn't over his ex, but he'd figured that was belated mourning of a ‘doomed from-the-start’ relationship. Aaron wasn't aware of his roommate's complete and utter obsession with everything you related. Maybe he'd have a rummage through Danny's room at some point whilst he's in the hospital. 
The cold room had a buzz that began to grate on Aaron. The cocktail of painkillers had Dan thinking that the low thrum of the machine was all in his head. Like Tinnitus - the thing you get from listening to music too loud.
"I'm going to head out", Aaron stretched, cracking his fingers whilst simultaneously checking the time flashing against his watch—4:35 am.
 "If you need anything, clothes, food... Let me know. k? "
Nodding, Daniel flashed his friend a thin-lipped smile. One that his roommate hesitantly returned whilst shrugging on his college sports apparel. 'Aaron’ printed on the back was the last Danny saw of his friend, who took quick, assured steps out the hospital room door and into the hall. 
At 7 am, you awoke to the sound of your alarm and tossed onto your side to slam your palm atop the snooze button. You close your eyes again and savour the darkness within the room; the curtains manage to keep sunlight from pouring in through and onto your sheets, which pool around your body and crunch as you turn to pull the soft cotton quilt closer to your face. It smells of home, and you slip into an idyllic slumber filled with warmth and the hum of dreams - you can't exactly make out who you're with, but you can almost feel their hands wrapped around your body, the caress of the breeze upon exposed skin. Their fingers are warm, and you lean into their touch. Then, you notice the tattooed band on their forearm and gaze up into dark brown eyes. 
After what had felt like a minute, you sit up and glance at the clock again. The red LED numbers tell you you've slept an extra 4 hours. Your phone had been pressing into the meat of your back against the mattress, and once you had managed to slug yourself out of bed and to a power socket, two messages were waiting.
Lalo: Buenas dias, mi amor - 9:34
Lalo: call me when you're up :) - 10:47
There's a smiley face, and as you gaze down at the colon and bracket, you return the gesture. The apples of your cheeks warm, and you wait a few minutes for your phone to charge before calling Lalo, who greets you - almost immediately - with the sound of his rich baritone voice. 
"Hola, hermosa, guessing you slept well, hm?"
"Yeah", you begin, fingers tracing across the counter's edge by the plug socket. "I did, thanks… What about you?" 
There's a laugh from his end, and you can't help but blush. It's deep and hearty from within his chest, like you've just missed out on an inside joke. "Lalo?"
"Sorry, sorry, Bonita, It's just that… I don't normally sleep, maybe about 2 or 3 hours, but, yeah."
"So you're quite the night owl then?" 
You think you hear him agree and scoff under his breath at your quip. Despite the humour in his tongue, you can't help but feel sorry for him and wonder if maybe he's got something going on that prevents him from getting those crucial 7 hours of rest. Well, he may not need it. Perhaps he naps throughout the day. 
"Well, you look good for someone that only gets 2 hours of sleep." 
"You think? Eso es mucho viniendo de alguien tan hermosa como tú” You just about catch onto what he'd said, your Spanish isn't as good as his, and you don't speak it as regularly as you should. Maybe dating Salamanca would aid your understanding. Nevertheless, your cheeks flush, and you must wait a moment before asking when you and Lalo will go out for that date. He suggests picking you up at 7:30, he's made a reservation for eight, and he also adds that you should wear something fancy, or at the very least formal. You can't help but rack your brain for something at his prompt. A blouse and skirt or your old prom dress? Perhaps you still had that somewhere behind a few coats and layers of dust. 
He hums and draws out a 'sooo ' amidst your comfortable silence. "Are you looking forward to it?" your heart clenches in your chest, and you can almost hear the smile on his face as he talks to you through the phone, his moustache raised slightly with the crease of his lips. 
"I am; it should be fun… I might be rusty, though. I haven't been out for a while."
"Out, like, on a date?"
You nod, 'yeah ', in a sigh, and sit down at a stool in your kitchen with the phone pressed to your ear. Lalo chuckles- it was hardly noticeable and more of a breathy huff, but you had just about picked it out from the silence. 
"I don't believe that. Not a catch like you; guys are probably falling over themselves trying to ask you out." 
Flushing, you sigh and whisper his name, to which he hums a low laugh. Your face hurts from how much this man can make you beam by doing the most mundane things. As you sat there, drawing your fingers across the counter ledge, you imagined what he looked like now- whilst talking to you in his car. Sometimes when he smiled and his moustache curled with his upper lip, you had the urge to reach over and stroke the coarse black hairs with your fingers and caress the soul patch he kept well trimmed with your thumb. 
"Well, I've got some things to do before our date Hermosa. I'll call you later, yeah?" 
You nod and agree that later is fine as long as he calls. The deep lull of his voice echoes and narrates your thoughts as you think of where he'd take you on your night out. You'd already taken note of his fancy car, so the restaurant must be pretty expensive, the kind where you'd have to pay a deposit to ensure you turn up on your date. You liked Lalo a lot; there was no doubt about that. He made it easy to talk and had a way about him that managed to single-handedly quench the loneliness you had felt within the pit of your stomach since having split with Daniel. 
Lalo sighed as he hung up the phone, brushing a hand through the thick matt of dark hair atop his head. He'd had a word from Ignacio that, supposedly, the cops were onto him about the whole travel wire thing. That fucking stupid kid and fucking stupid Michael. Had the kid been smart enough to let him check the footage, he wouldn't have had to die- which also meant that the travel wire building wouldn't have been charred down to grit and plaster. 
Yet, as he stroked the tuft of hair beneath his bottom lip, he wished he could have spoken longer to his girl on the phone, loving the sound of her voice and how she somehow managed to incite such a domestic calmness within him. He enjoyed that aspect of their relationship. She made him feel ordinary, unlike the murderous tyrant his peers and family had raised him to be. As cliche as one might find, the barriers he had spent years building around his heart finally threatened to crumble at the hand of this woman he couldn't stop thinking about. 
The moment he saw her with Hector, smiling and reading that comically large book - too big for her tiny hands - he sensed she would be trouble. He was interested then, and that same interest had blossomed as the days flowed into weeks. Despite his need to call and hear her on the other end, through the muffled speaker of his cell, Lalo convinced himself that letting her call him was a good idea. She had been so tired the other night and may have carried that fatigue into the following days ahead. 
"What about you?" His girl had asked so casually, and he could hardly believe her. That, for an instant, he thought she might have been mocking him. Whenever anyone took a genuine interest in how he was, Don Eduardo had to ask himself whether or not they were being sincere. In his line of business, you could never be too sure of one's true intentions. Somehow, she'd managed to wash that paranoia away in such a short time. It was fascinating, and he wished to know more about her and what made her so… familiar.
The hours before the date had you pottering around your house, tidying up the bits and pieces and washing up until about 1 pm when you decided to pick up your car from Casa tranquila. It'd been long enough; in all fairness, you also wanted to grab some beauty products from the drugstore on the way back. 
At the counter, the middle-aged woman offered you a nail file kit for an extra 2 dollars, but you declined politely with a smile shadowing your lips. She returned the gesture and placed all the toiletries in a small bag, her lavender-coloured eyeshadow wrinkling with her lids as she slowly tapped numbers into the register. You picked out some: mascara, lipstick and nail varnish to match the dress you'd decided on wearing earlier. 
"Well, it sure is nice and quiet."
"Yeah, I don't know. Business is a bit strange like that at the moment. Did you hear about that travel wire, kid?" 
You nod, "I have.”
"I guess they've found something to link someone to the crime, but I'm not sure. Probably camera footage.” 
Nodding again, you hand over the cash for your items, and the lady passes you the bag, receipt, and a few coupons that read:'10% off your next visit.'
"Yeah, probably… thanks anyway" With that, you turn to leave, and as you do, you feel a cavity hollow out from within your stomach. You toss the bag onto the passenger side seat of your car, and as you rev the engine ( it takes a minute to warm up ), your phone starts to vibrate from within your back pocket. 
"Hey, lalo"
"Hola princesa, how's my girl doing this afternoon?" he asked. You could hear the wind whistling in the back and almost didn't catch what he said. 
"Oh, so I'm your girl, hm?" you replied, tone light on your chest as he hummed in response. The whining from outside his window stops, and as you plug in your seatbelt, you hear him shuffling in the background.
"princesa? you there?"
"Oh, sorry, I was putting my seatbelt on. What'd you say?" 
Lalo tuts as you wedge the phone between your ear and shoulder - one hand on the wheel and another on the gear stick - you can imagine the smile on his face as he rolls his eyes. 
“We both know you wouldn't mind being my girl." 
You switched to holding the flip phone once you'd successfully pulled out of the parking lot. The streets were tame, and only a few other people were on the road within this part of town. Strange for a Sunday, though perhaps the people are at church or home watching the game. "oh, and you sound so sure," you pause for a moment as you round a corner, coming up on a few tiny houses, a few of which have cars sat outside. 
"how do you know what I would and wouldn't mind, Eduardo?"
He chuckles, and you go to reply but can't find words quick enough to interject." Well, you would've hung up by now, right?" He tries to hide the sound of his grin through the phone, though he manages poorly. The hairs on your cheeks stand up, and you feel as though you're glowing from within the comfort of your car at his words.
 "I suppose that's right, Lalo." you tap your fingers against the wheel about 5 minutes away from home. Choosing to organise your time now, you decide that you may read for a few hours before getting ready. "I'm excited about our date, y'know." 
"me too, princesa. Are you alright with Italian food?" 
"Of course, I'm not all that picky." 
"aye, no worries, Mija, it'll be great. I'm sure of it." he was. He hadn't imagined the date going wrong at all. The only bad thing that could happen is that he gets a call from Nacho or one of the other men about business. And Nachito could hold up the fort for one night, especially when his girl needed tender loving care. God knows the last time either of them had had that.
"Well, I just got home, so I'll see you later, yeah? We can talk more then."
"hasta luego,Chiquita" 
"hasta luego, Lalito" 
lalito cute. 
"hasta luego, Lalito"
Flipping his cell shut, Lalo stepped out of his car onto the gravelled pathway that led up to his safe house. An all-white mansion within a gated community of gringos, many of whom he had yet to introduce himself. There wasn't much need. Give it a few weeks, and they'll have forgotten that somebody lived there. He'd expected to have stayed in ABQ for a few months, but that trip and his work up here had to be cut short. 
Thanks to the trouble at the travel wire and the police on his ass. 
Maybe he'll ask you on an impromptu trip to Mexico. He could pay off your work whilst you're away with him- and it wouldn't be long—a fortnight at most. 
The stone from the pathway left chalk dust airbrushed along the soles and sides of his blue suede loafers as he made his way up toward the clean, modern home that couldn't have been more different to his home in Chihuahua. Where he had staff waiting eagerly. 
Lalo wondered how seventeen-year-old Ciro was managing without him, how he'd coped with Miguel pushing him around and not Lalo - the master of the house.
Once inside, he slipped off his shoes and tossed the keys onto the kitchen counter. A bottle of amber liqueur beckoned him closer from the glass cabinet a mere foot away, and he scoffed. Drinking at 2 pm? That was life for his papa but not for him. The Salamanca family was notorious for many things: murder, torture, bludgeoning, pillaging- they were the muscle of the cartel, essentially, but alcoholism? No. He could handle his drink. If shit dismantled the fan at a pickup or the border (and since he lived so close), Lalo was often sent to diffuse any confrontation with los federales or gringos that tried to stick their noses in business that had nothing to do with them. Usually, his sweet talk and coercion involved wads of Ben Franklins tied together with a rubber band.
He made a few stops with Nacho for the next few hours, who picked him up in his red 1973 javelin. He'd half expected the guy to be driving a Porsche or Ferrari, so when they'd first met, he was pleasantly surprised by how nuanced his companion was with his taste. He'd remarked at the time, 'Is this your papa's car?' to which Nacho's lip twitched the slightest at the corner, and his brows furrowed in a straight line. The more he'd gotten to know Nacho, the more he enjoyed his little grunts and echoes of 'yeah' or 'okay.' It was fun to imagine how Nacho's silence and ambiguity paired with his cousin's fury and impulsive nature. 
Hell, he couldn't even imagine Hector dealing with it, and that guy had always preached to him and his cousins as children, 'Only speak when you are spoken to!' Something that Marco and Leo had taken in their stride. 
"so, where are you going with her then?" Nacho asks up from his place in the driver's seat, the fingers of his left hand tapping the wheel as they wait for the traffic lights to change from red to green. "we're going for a meal, you know, to that Italian place I asked you about last night."
The car's engine purrs when Nacho puts weight on the acceleration, and Lalo keeps his eyes on the side of his friend, who nods and takes them around a corner. He'd gotten ready earlier into one of his more formal outfits. Black slacks and a flowery blue shirt. He'd rolled the sleeves to his elbows and had his gun and cell on his person. Ignacio glanced between the road and his boss, lips pursed together in a narrow line. He hadn't seen you since dropping off Lalo's replacement phone. To think that only a day had passed. 
"Lalo, what's the point in you going after this girl? I mean-"
Scoffing, Lalo shook his head and turned toward Nacho in his seat. His tattooed right arm was leaning against the door, and his hand pressed against his cheek. "Oh, so you do talk, hm?" his body shakes as he laughs, and subconsciously Nacho's grip tightens on the wheel. He can't glance at Lalo; cars are in front and behind them. The last thing Nacho needed on his plate was a fucking busted bumper. "Well, she's taking such good care of Hector. I figured she deserved thanking properly,” 
Nacho wants to ask whether beating her stalker to death wasn't enough thanks, though he bites his tongue and keeps driving. "That and, Nachito? You know Tuco well enough by now to understand that…everyone needs something.." Nacho huffs, his lip tugs into a faint smile, and he rounds the next corner, approaching Lalo's home away from home. 
"Okay, well, does she know about what we do?"
Lalo's gaze faltered, and the once bright enthusiasm behind the brown was replaced with an emptiness Nacho couldn't describe in words. "It won't come to that, hermano," he said, planting a hand on Nacho's shoulder. His hand was heavy, and he could feel Lalo's fingers gripping his skin through the cotton of his red button-up. "Es bueno, Ignacio" Nacho nodded twice, and life returned to Lalo's face. He removed his hand and opened the door, trudging into the 6 pm air. 
What was once stale and humid had been replaced with a slight chill that rode up the length of his spine. "Perfecto, we'll talk later, yeah? Good that we managed to pick up la yeyo, no?." Lalo slaps the car door frame, where the window should be hiding. "Half expected ocho loco to be scaling a fucking drain pipe again, ai that guy…" he laughed, and Nacho offered his boss a smile, "Yeah, I guess." To say that Nacho disliked his boss was an understatement, though one thing he could respect was that the guy managed to get shit done.
"well, later, yeah?"
Ignacio nodded, "Later." 
At 6:30, you were ready. The black satin dress ended at your mid-thigh, hugged at your skin, and you felt slick with a thin layer of perspiration despite having showered and washed your hair. You'd folded your jacket across your lap, and your purse was draped across your shoulder; as the clock in your living room ticked, you tried your hardest to refrain from gnawing on your bottom lip. 
 All dolled up for a man you had been waiting to ask you out on a proper date since you'd first seen him at Casa Tranquila. The cold from the air conditioning whispered against your skin, and you wondered whether you were ready to start dating again. Lalo was a gentleman, but you couldn't shake the thought of him turning out like Daniel. He was charismatic, could cook and made you laugh. He truly cared so much for his family. It was almost too good to be true. 
As you sat and waited, you were reminded of your first date with Dan. He'd taken you to the local bowling alley- and supposedly let you win. To think that you wasted so much time with that asshole, so many years of your life when you could have been flirting with men that actually gave a shit about what you had to think. 
'C'mon, you really gonna embarrass me like that?'
You'd blushed and slapped at Daniel's shoulder, taking the medium-weight bowling ball by your index and middle finger, your thumb pressing against the inside.
'I told you that just because we're on a date doesn't mean I'm taking it easier on you, Danny.'
To think that you'd fallen in love with someone that day and clung to the person they were at that moment. One part of you despised him. You hated that he'd taken advantage of your kindness- yet - at the same time, you were thankful that now you knew what to look out for, what manipulation looked like. You couldn't imagine how Lalo would react to meeting Dan after everything you told him about the guy. The picture of Lalo snapping your phone as though it were a breadstick he intended to share came to the forefront of your mind, and despite yourself, you found it funny to visualise him snapping Daniel in half like one. 
At 7:00 sharp, a fist rutting against your door pulled you from your train of thought to the mirror in your hallway. You quickly fixed your hair and reapplied your lipgloss, puckering the colour and adjusting your hair awkwardly with your fingers. There was another knock; by then, you'd peeked through the spy hole. There he stood, his hands by his sides, waiting. Even through the fish-eye lens of the peephole, Lalo Salamanca looked positively gorgeous.
Opening the door, you were greeted with his sizable grin and rich brown eyes that seared through your own. "Buenas noches, mi amor." you step out, keys in hand. "You look…" Lalo stopped momentarily, stepping back to get a full view of you in the short black dress. He'd thought he felt his throat dry as he racked his gaze across your form, eyes lingering on your legs and chest. Your cheeks grew hotter, and your palms clammy as your date complimented you again in Spanish. "You're not looking too bad yourself, Lalo." you glanced down at his shoes; He wasn't wearing the blue loafers, the ones you had developed a strange adoration for over the last few weeks of knowing him.   
"Gracias mi amor," he said, cupping a hand to your waist, ushering you out with him once you had successfully locked the front door. "Are you feeling hungry?" he asked, pressing a quick kiss to the side of your head- it felt as though you had been lovers for years. "Starving, what about you?" 
Lalo nodded yes as he walked you down toward the car. "didn't have lunch? Dios mio, now we can't have that! not my girl" he brushes his thumb against your cheek, and you giggle, skin warm and hands cold. The way he looks at you once you reach the passenger side makes you wonder whether you're actually experiencing something real. The warmth and the stirring from within your stomach put you in a daze- as if you had been dreaming for hours. Like you'd dreamed this relationship up from start to finish. 
"You're trying to fatten me up, Salamanca?" 
He ushers you inside when you both reach the car, holding an arm out as you lower yourself into the leather. "thank you, Lalo" Your smile is so earnest that for a split second, he forgets where he is and can only really pay attention to that. This woman, the one that had been here with his Tio the entire time, he shouldn't trust her- for all it's worth, this person could be a trap- but when he rounds his way to the driver's side, Lalo feels as though he has known her and been in this situation before. 
"no problem, princesa" princesa. There it is again. That warmth as Lalo turns the key to the ignition and the car purrs to life from beneath your seat. Escaping the breeze is what'd done it, surely.
Lalo turns on some quiet music, and the ride is peaceful for the most part. Someone cuts their car in front of you without using their indicators, and you hear Lalo call the guy an idiot in Spanish beneath his breath. The radio droning is enough to counterbalance his swearing. You chuckle and glance out onto the street as you turn a corner. By now, you're further into the central city- and you drive past a few fancy-looking restaurants before Lalo slows and pulls up in front of a flowery-looking Italian restaurant; you don’t have to look at the sign above the door to know that you’re at Ginos. 
“Ai, amorcito, have you been here before?” you look up at Lalo, who moves his hand off the gear stick onto your thigh. You shake your head and take your lip between your teeth. His hair looks like he hadn’t put as much gel in it today, and you abruptly have the urge to reach up and run your fingers through the fluffy white streak at the front. “No, I haven’t; I’ve got a few friends that have been here before. Apparently, the food is really good, a little expensive, but..” Lalo shushes you with a wave. “Only the best for my girl, hm?”. Unbuckling his seatbelt, Lalo opens the car door and walks to your side. The soft breeze catches your skin as the door opens, and Lalo stands before you with his hand outstretched. As your skin meets him, you’re pleasantly reminded of the Friday you spent together at the park. 
He’s closer now, and you can feel the muscles of his arms move as you both walk to the restaurant entrance- linking. You’re abruptly made aware of the cologne he’s wearing, a rich, wood-like musk that reminds you of a campfire. Fitting for a man like him. It’s masculine but not too masculine to be considered an assault on your nostrils. 
“Is it…weird to say that you smell really nice right now?”
He looks at you, and you’re about a pace away from the door. The ‘front of house’ spots you through the window and grabs two menus. “Not weird at all; if I thought you said weird things, cariño, you wouldn’t be here with me tonight, hm?” You shrug, and he chuckles, taking your shoulders in his hands. Your skin tingles, and the hairs stand on your arms as he does so. The warmth he radiates into your skin sears, and you swear that if you look, you’d see two perfectly shaped palms branded to your flesh... Lalo leans in, presses a kiss to your cheek and lingers there momentarily. “If it's any consolation, you smell great too. I could almost eat you up, hermosa.” 
Feeling bold, you grab one of his hands and press a soft kiss to the palm, “maybe later, hm?” He quirks a brow, and there’s a moment of shock, you think, behind his dark eyes.  “At least take me out for dinner first” Your words are soft on your tongue, and Lalo chuckles, pulling you into his side. His hold is strong, one you can’t let up but welcome nonetheless. 
You think the front of the house seems almost nervous, based on how he’s shuffling the menus and smiling so forced. Maybe if you worked at a restaurant, you’d feel similar. 
“Uh, the table should be under Santiago, 8 o’clock. I called the other night?” 
The man stammers, then laughs and slicks back his hair, ushering you into the main dining area. The room's lighting is soft and mainly lit by candles in the centre of tables and chairs. It’s classy, and some vines tattoo the sandstone brick wall at the back of the restaurant to your right. They’re probably real, considering the restaurants here are so fancy and high-end. A few other people are scattered around near the bar and the leather booths by the entrance. “Lalo, it’s gorgeous. You didn’t have to go through all this effort, really.”
“I wanted to, princesa. You’ve been so kind to tío, and I respect that, but I do want to get to know you better.” 
You feel his hand squeeze a little, and you peer at him from beneath a veil of lashes as you place a hand on top of his. “You’re too kind, Lalo.” 
Lalo grins as the two of you follow the front of house further into the restaurant. The stranger stops in front of a secluded table beside a curved window that reaches the roof. Thick velvet curtains fall from the tops and pool at the bottom by the chairs. There are only two, and Lalo pulls out his seat for you before the manager can do so. 
“Thank you” 
He winks and then sits parallel to you, one hand left dormant on the red linen tablecloth. 
The front of house explained that your waiter would be there shortly, and Lalo dismissed the man with a nod. Only now, when the man returns the gesture and starts to walk away, do you remember that the table had been booked under the name ‘Santiago.’ 
“So,” you start, picking up an empty wine glass and inspecting its rim with your finger “Santiago… Is that you or your friend?” Lalo’s smiling when you ask that; he looks so handsome beneath the warm lighting that you can feel your question leaving your head. 
“Nobody important, I’ll tell you later… There are lots of… things to catch up on since tío’s stroke.” 
You think you see Lalo’s gaze falter, At the mention of his uncle, similarly to how it had on the day you first met him, when he’d seen his uncle In his state.
“Hey, it’s okay,” you touch his hand with yours, and your thumb grazes his knuckles. He’s still hot to the touch. “I understand; sorry, I didn’t mean to sound rude.” 
Lalo grins, huffing and shaking off your ‘sorry’ lightheartedly- as though not to hurt your feelings. “You’re too sweet, amor. There’s nothing to be sorry for. You asked a reasonable question hm?” 
The reassurance from the older man has the sudden ping of worry in your gut settle to a low simmer, and rightfully so, as before you can even get your words out, the waiter comes to your side with menus in hand.
“Buonasera, signore and Signorina, I’m Leo, and I’ll be your waiter for the night. Can I start you off with some drinks?” 
Lalo sits for a moment, eyes scanning across the drinks menu. “What wine do you like to drink?”
“Is it… bad to be boring and say red?” You smile awkwardly, though somehow he still looks at you with his half-lidded round eyes and chuckles, full of love. 
“Not boring at all, querida; we’ll go for the 1972 red wine, the Italian one?” Lalo looks up at the waiter, Leo, who swallows and nods, prying the drinks menus from where they lay on the table. 
“Excellent choice, signore; I’ll be right back with your wine.” 
You try to comprehend how old 1972 wine is. You hadn’t even been born when that wine was produced, and you were pretty bemused by the fact that Lalo would spoil you in such a way. He must actually be some sort of big-shot lawyer down in Mexico. 
“Wow, 30-year-old wine… that sounds expensive. Are you sure you don’t mind spending all this? I mean- I don’t mind putting something toward the cost. “
“Querida, I asked you out tonight. Don’t worry about anything, okay? You and your little worries,” he almost coos. If he weren’t so charming, you’d be offended.
“I suppose” 
There’s a comfortable silence between you, where you spend time folding the napkin on the table into a small square. Lalo huffs and reaches out to take hold of your hand, and he does so gently. The rough pads of his fingers graze your soft skin, and you glance up-, locking your eyes with his. 
“Are you okay? You seem nervous, princesa”
“I’m alright, I just… haven’t been on a date for a while, and I really don’t wanna ruin things between us, you know?” 
He nods, and you smile, the thought that he’d find your silence strange slipping your mind completely. You hadn’t been quiet the first time you met, maybe a little reserved and a bit tired, but other than that, you’d been okay. Some of you felt guilty for being sat here with such an attractive man, who was admittedly a little old for you and better suited to more mature, classy women like your mother. 
“You couldn’t ruin things between us, believe me,” Lalo pauses as the waiter pours both of your drinks. He takes the glass in his right hand whilst his left is still on yours, and you almost melt when he gives it a reassuring squeeze and let's go. 
You take a sip of your drink, savouring the strong fragrance of the wine. It warms your throat, and you sigh. 
“You’re doing perfectly anyway” Deep down, Lalo knew why you were nervous. He had an inkling from the moment you’d opened the door that it’d be a bit daunting for you- yet, he continued to bring you out with him for a meal. 
“You’re too sweet, Lalo, really. I think I might need to go to the dentist after this” 
The man before her grinned and chuckled at her joke, rolling his dark eyes as he drank the wine. 
“Yeah yeah, you’re not complaining.” 
By 9, you had shared a starter, a garlic bread that was probably the best thing you’d ever tasted. The butter seeped into your mouth, and the flavours danced on your tongue. Lalo made a joke about needing a mint before kissing you later, and you flushed at the thought, refuting that you wouldn’t mind him kissing you regardless. Perhaps the wine or good company was getting to your head, but he enjoyed your boldness. Quite evidently, by the smile on his face as you leaned against your palm, looking at him with your half-lidded eyes. 
For the main, you had fancy bolognese, and he had lasagne. You both ended up trying each others. Lalo leaned forward in his seat, holding his fork out - hand underneath just in case anything fell - and fed you with the fork. It was a bizarrely intimate moment, yet you felt as though the restaurant's quiet, with its music filling the air, was enough to make you not worry about who was watching. 
“God, I think I’m stuffed after that…” you placed your hands on your stomach, which looked a little bigger from all the food you’d eaten over the last hour and a half. Lalo chuckled and finished off the glass he was nursing; he didn’t seem tipsy, despite having had more glasses than you. “So you don’t want dessert?” 
“Mmmhm, maybe not a full one. Do you wanna share something?”
“You’re all for sharing today, aren’t you?” 
Your cheeks warm up again, and you hope he doesn’t notice in the restaurant's dim lighting. “Yeah, well, it’s just… it’s nice; I like sharing things with you.”
Lalo leans back in his seat, brows raised as you keep eye contact with him. You look down at his hand, which lies bare on the tablecloth that’s remained clean throughout your meal. 
Without thinking, you reach forward again and intertwine your fingers. He looks down at your hands momentarily as if to gather his thoughts. You like the comfortable silence between you both, it’s relaxing, yet the sound of the light Italian music in the background somehow manages to subdue any awkward tension that might have been there, to begin with. 
“I mean, honestly, I don’t know if I could eat any more, but I don’t want-“ you hesitate, and Lalo chuckles at your nerves. “I don’t want to be alone tonight. Will you stay with me?” 
“Of course” 
He doesn’t even have to think before he replies with those simple words. And he does it whilst smoothing his thumb across your knuckle. The waiter patiently stands a few paces away, hands clenched tight behind his back. The stranger waits a moment before intruding on your conversation. 
“So, how about dessert then?” He inquired, brows tucked inwards slightly as though a manager had just scolded him. 
“Actually, we’ll just take the bill and the wine to go if that's alright.” Of course, it was alright. Even if it wasn’t, Lalo would’ve probably just taken it anyway and walked out with you tucked beneath his arm, snuggled into his side for warmth. 
“No problem, monsieur.”
The waiter was quick with the bill, as though he had been preemptively waiting for Lalo to ask for it between each order and sarcastic comment. You didn’t really mind how he treated the staff. He seemed polite enough and respectful. There wasn’t much need to make small talk with them, though. Your mother had a habit of doing that. Whenever you went out for a meal as a child, she’d spend about 75% chatting with the waiters about their job and the food. 
You much preferred Lalo’s curt nature. If he began to go into a story about shopping or the desserts they served like your mom did, you’d get up and walk out through the doors and never look back. Not only was it embarrassing, but it often left you both needing some conversation starters. Weirdly enough. 
When you step into Lalo’s car again, the air is heavier, and the sounds are louder outside the glass windows. You can feel each crease of the leather beneath your skin and between your black dress. Lalo slides beside you into the driver's seat and presses a hand to your thigh. It takes a moment to realise it was there, but when you do, you smile at him and lean more in his direction. 
He looks so handsome. You’re convinced that that’s the only word you can think of to describe him externally. He encapsulates everything you need, everything you look for in a person. Even now, with his hair soft against his forehead, charmingly unkempt, you could sketch his image into your mind forever. 
“Thank you again for tonight. It was honestly the best date I’ve ever been on.”
Lalo draws lines into your skin with his thumb; he hasn’t started the car yet, though you hardly notice. “It’s my pleasure; you deserve it. Even before I knew how much of a caring, loving person you were, I knew I had to take you out, find a way to get you to like me.” 
You laugh, and it’s light against your throat, and Lalo stops stroking for a second as you do. He cocks his head to the left, like a puppy or lost child. 
“There’s not much to dislike about you, Lalo. I can’t imagine not liking you.” You again place both hands on his, like you had on the table in the restaurant. He’s so warm, and the feeling lingers against your palm. He’s managed to brand you without even realising it. 
“You’d be surprised. Though I appreciate the gesture,” the older man shrugs and returns his attention to the car's ignition. The engine thunders to life, a low thrum vibrating as he drives back to your home. 
The trip is again relatively silent, though you do move to turn up the radio- filling the car with upbeat Latin music, which you'd come to associate with Lalo’s vibrant personality.  Lalo uses your thigh as a makeshift finger drum when tapping along to the beat. It's cute, and you find his humming quite adorable. You think you hear him sing a soft, quiet tune to himself that sounds vaguely similar to the song on the radio. 
Lalo makes a note to check on you every now and again in the corner of his eye, and whenever he does, he finds you sitting, tapping your feet along to the quiet buzz. It’s strange, and he concludes that you’re perhaps more of a dancer than a singer. 
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stucknthemiddleff · 11 months ago
Permissions 1.5
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The spot on my neck still tingled where he pressed his lips, standing there with sex in his eyes staring back at me. I bit my lower lip trailing my eyes up and down his body, Calen just grinned with one hand on the back of his neck keeping our eyes locked. Taking a deep breath I walked past him going into the kitchen, I needed something to drink. Weirdly my mouth was so dry and I didn't know why. Going in the refrigerator I grabbed a bottle of water, twisting the cap I chugged from the bottle closing my eyes.
"She's pretty." Calen spoke making me shake my head, "And pretty petty."
"Yeah whatever." I breathed, not believing what just happened.
"So when you're trying to make her jealous is the only time, I can touch you how you should be touched?" Calen asked me from behind, my heart pounded by how smooth he talked. I opened my eyes, turned around to see him sitting in a chair at the island his elbows resting on the counter as he gazed at me. His brown eyes were more glossy than usual my libido was jumping in my panties, I didn't know how to respond to him.
"You went back on your swear." I breathed finally after swallowing my water.
"You needed me, so I was there. I didn't give a fuck and neither did you." He spoke, "Am I wrong?"
"That's besides the point, I could've handled her." I blinked at his truth. Calen smirked squinting his eyes as he leaned back in his chair.
"Did it not feel good though?" He quietly asked biting his top lip at me. Rolling my eyes I took another deep breath, the shit felt amazing. Couldn't let him know that though, I couldn't.
"I mean your lips are soft and you weren't rough with pulling me into you." I told him, feeling my face get hot. Calen smiled, turning his head to the side at me so adorably.
"Dana, I'm talking about making your ex jealous." He smirked licking over his top lip.
"I know." I shrugged, feeling between my legs throb. Calen sat up in his seat, analyzing me.
"Why you fighting it?" He asked me, that look in his eyes.
"I'm not fighting anything." I shrugged, he had me and he knew it. He for a second time protecting me from Erin had really turned me on. Standing up out his seat, he nodded beginning to walk out the kitchen.
"I'm about to head out, Cari will be back soon. See ya lil princess." Calen gave me one last look before he left the apartment and I immediately ran upstairs to take a cold shower. Shit. Getting out the shower, I went and sat on my bed in my towel. My phone blinked with a notification, I picked up my phone to see I had a text message. From him.
Calen: If you don't want no one to know I'm cool with it. I meant what I said about getting the permission. (7:55PM, Mon)
I looked up at the ceiling, not sure anymore with what I was doing. All I knew was that, he had me fixated and I was totally considering having him come back over here. That couldn't happen, it just couldn't.
Me: even if i did want you to come back over here, how I know u not gonna fuck me over after getting what you want? (8:22PM, Mon)
I placed my phone on my bed going to put on some lotion and clothes. My phone chimed a few minutes later. Walking back over to my bed, my mind ran wild not sure with what I was doing. So many nights of using my vibrator and hands. I was done with that shit right now. I read the text and my cold shower went out the fuckin' window.
Calen: I only wanna fuck you slow and long with my tongue, until you walk around all time with only a smile on that pretty face. (8:24PM, Mon)
Pushing the power button on my phone, I heard that Cari was back and probably going to bed. Biting on my bottom, I had made my decision.
Me: come tonite then. (8:30PM, Mon)
I closed my eyes not believing that I just sent that text. My phone chimed again, I feared for what it would say.
Calen: alright. (8:31PM, Mon)
Laying in my bed, I looked at my phone, it was past twelve thirty as I waited. The apartment was quiet except I could hear Cari's TV in her room. I didn't bother turning my TV on. Then I heard the doorknob on my bedroom door turn. I looked over seeing a dark figure walk in closing the door once in. In a black hoodie and dark pants it walked closer to my bed. Calen looked at me with bright eyes, a grin on his lips, he bent down looking at me.
"You have a key?" I asked him as he looked over every inch of my face.
"Cari gave me one the minute I paid off this apartment for her." He spoke shocking me. I sat up in bed keeping eye contact with him.
"That explains why she told me just not to worry about rent two months ago." I muttered looking down at my lap. Calen chuckled laying an arm down on my bed.
"Why wouldn't her big brother have a key to her place in case these niggas she dating decide to get it fucked up?" He muttered softly showing his protection mode, my heart beat thrummed at how serious he was.
"Bryson is sweet, I don't think you're going to have any problems with him." I chuckled softly.
"Yeah we'll see, move over." Calen mumbled standing up to lay on the bed next to me. I could feel myself getting hot, realizing this was the second time he was in my bed. I scooted over letting him lay down, in the process his cologne and body wash came over me. He smelled so good like he had just took a shower or something.
"Tell me wassup Dana?" He spoke laying his head back on my pillow. I laid on my side watching him as he kept his face towards the ceiling.
"What do you mean?" I asked him confused, as to why we were talking and not doing other things.
"You've been denying me and then all of a sudden you tell me to come to your bed," He explained looking over at me with his curious eyes, "What changed?"
"Are you serious right now?" I huffed at him, he stared at me innocently.
"What?" He asked flatly.
"I'm telling you I want to have sex and you ask me this?" I told him, starting to get in a bad mood and regretting him coming here.
"Your accent seems like it just gets more sexier when you are mad." Calen commented turning away, he closed his eyes.
"What the fuck Calen are we going to do something or not?" I asked him getting irritated. Opening his eyes he sat up on just one arm laying in my direction.
"No, we not." He told me, and I was taken aback at first. Did he not want me? Angry I took a deep huff and just turned away from him laying in my bed. What game was he playing at? I felt Calen scoot closer, his lips were less than an inch from my ear as I felt him breathe.
"Why are you even here, if you don't want-"
"Cuz I know why you doing this, to forget about seeing her. But I'm done being used by you. Until you decide that you're done trying to get back at her, I'm done being your puppet. Today was it." He told me and I could feel him getting off my bed.
"Fine." I spoke once, glad that he gave me a reason to not give in to this foreign attraction I was feeling. The last thing I needed was to catch deep feelings for Calen anyways.
And the line between making Erin jealous and actually liking him was becoming blurred.
"Fine." I heard him mutter as he left, I was so angry with myself. I just couldn't fall for him, I couldn't.
Glad another day was done with work, I met up with Cari in the lobby of our building. She never spoke a word of her brother in the past three days and I was glad for it. Since that night Calen and I didn't speak to one another when we saw each other briefly because our friends were each other's of course.
"So, the plan is bowling tonite. You down?" She asked me as we walked outside.
"I don't know it depends on how I'm feeling later." I shrugged.
Cari scoffed at me, "Dana please don't shut me out again and stay home in your room this weekend."
"Like I said Cari it depends on how I feel." I told her again, not having anything else to say.
"You were doing so well," She sighed getting in the drivers side of her car as I got in the passenger, "Talk to me what's going on?"
"Nothing," I shrugged, "Just want to go home."
"Okay." She gave up, giving me the silence I wanted. Getting to the apartment, I went upstairs while Cari stayed downstairs. Changing out of my work clothes, I took a shower, changing into a big tshirt and leggings. Once opening my door, I heard talk downstairs as I went to figure out what I was going to eat for dinner. Ordering out seemed like a good idea, then I saw Cooper with that girl he had here last time sitting on the couch. Eyeing them as they watched TV I went in the kitchen to see Cari cooking something.
"Car, so that's his girl for real?" I asked, making her laugh.
"For now." She told me, "Until that Porsche go back to where it's supposed to be he being a true poser to get in that girl pants."
"Wow." Was all I could say, looking at her pot that smelled like chili.
"Hey, hey get out my pot that's for the potluck tomorrow at work. You going?" She asked popping my hand from touching the top to the pot.
"Hell, no. I don't hang out at work on my days off, only people that don't have a life." I scoffed sitting at the kitchen island, leaning on the counter.
"So what about the people who just decide to be holed up in their room?" She asked me, mugging her face of a big smile.
"Shut up." I groaned, "I'm hungry."
"Better order take out, because we were going to eat at the bowling alley and then go to the diner after." She told me.
"Well have fun." I muttered standing up, I decided to look through our takeout pamphlet drawer. Settling on hotwings, I called WingStop and placed an order.
"You seriously not going?" Cari asked me, Cooper walked in with the girl.
"Dana, this is Layla by the way." He introduced me to the girl she smiled weakly at me, in probably remembering the way we met the first time.
"Hello, I'm going back upstairs." I declared.
"Come on Dana, go bowling with us tonite." Cooper yelled after me.
"I hate bowling!" I yelled back going into my room. I really did too, but I just needed time to myself. So much shit had happened since last weekend, with kissing a guy for the first time, to slowly growing feelings for him. No, fuck that I didn't have feelings for him. I didn't.
I looked at a movie on my TV getting a text from Cari. They had been left for the bowling alley, and she told me they were just arriving at the diner. I mean not like was hungry, but I figured going outside to get some fresh air would be good. Besides I wasn't about to let no guy run my moves, I just really didn't feel like going out tonite. Throwing on some clothes I exited the apartment getting in Cari's car since Bryson came and picked them up I wasn't sure. The diner was down the street so it didn't take me long to get there. Parking I walked to the entrance, going through the door. Looking to our usual booth, I saw two things that bugged the fuck out of me but would never show it. One, Cooper was drunk eating his food and Bryson was video recording the shit as he was being loud. Okay that wasn't getting on my nerves, it was that some female was sitting close to Calen whispering in his ear. I walked towards the booth, glad that Calen was facing away from the entrance view so he couldn't look like he wasn't doing some petty shit after what he told me the other night.
"Well finally you made it out the house girl." Cari spoke getting everyone to put their attention on me as I walked up.
"Sup guys." I mumbled sitting in a empty booth across the aisle. I scanned over everyone's face quickly, looking at Calen he looked at me looking away. The girl that was talking to him was no one other than Laurie. She smiled at me with a wave and I nodded with a smile.
"What's the plan y'all, cuz I'm drunk as fuck." Cooper laughed, the girl he was with looking annoyed. I was kind of glad I didn't go, all I would've been was a fourth wheel that didn't belong.
"My place?" Cari spoke up and everyone agreed, I decided to get some pie on the way out. Bryson and Cari headed to his car, while The other two love birds hopped in Calen's Porsche. We all followed back to the apartment and all I would do was go in my room and eat my pie. I damn sure wasn't about to entertain seeing Calen getting all felt up on by Laurie. Bryson, Cari and Cooper walked to the apartment but not Calen and Laurie. They drove off making me a little relieved, at least he had some respect. With that I decided to stay downstairs and eat my pie as they put on a movie. It was a horror movie about some girl coming out of TV screens. About thirty minutes into the movie, the lock on the front door turned, I moved my eyes to see Calen walking in. I sat on the long couch by myself, while Cooper was on the floor and Bryson laid up under Cari on the love seat. Calen came and sat next to me on the couch, his leg touched mine. I slowly moved it away trying not to think about Laurie touching him. For some reason I could feel him look over at me, and he moved closer to me on the couch. I couldn't deal, standing up I went into the kitchen to put my apple pie up that I didn't eat. Getting some water, I heard someone clear their throat behind me. Knowing already it was Calen, I huffed turning around to look at him. I noticed he didn't have on the same outfit that he did at the diner. He only had a hoodie and sweats on, some sneakers on his feet.
"Can I talk to you outside?" He asked.
I scoffed at him, and he stepped around the island counter with a serious expression.
"Dana, please." He asked sternly, a softness to his eyes.
"Why outside?" I glared at him.
"Because I know somewhere in this conversation, things are going to get heated and I don't need my siblings hearing anything about my love life." He muttered to me, I shook my head walking out the kitchen. Going to the front door, I opened it going outside. Calen followed and I know everyone inside peeped it.
"You finish fast." I muttered getting silence from him at my joke.
"I didn't have sex with Laurie." He confessed, standing behind me.
"Okay. Don't Care." I shook my head looking down from him.
"Dana." He huffed at me.
"What Calen?" I asked as he walked past the first step I sat on, he leaned against Bryson's car staring at me.
"Why the fuck you don't really just tell me how you feel?" He asked clenching his jaw.
"I don't feel shit." I stated hard.
"Bullshit." Calen spat flatly, "It was all over your fuckin' face at the diner can't hide shit from me."
"I don't really give a damn what you thought you saw, too busy smiling all in Laurie's face anyways. Days after telling me that you want to be with me." I yelled.
"I don't!-" Calen started yelling looking away up to the sky, but caught himself, calming down.
He took a deep breath, his chest rising underneath his hoodie, "I don't want to be with someone that doesn't want to be with me. I waited all week for you to fuckin call me Dana."
"So move on to the next huh?" I grimaced at him.
"I'm not into Laurie, I was after something else with my actions tonite."
"You don't get it! I am broken Calen, do you not understand that?" I asked feeling my heart and voice break, " You can't do shit like that to me!" He remained silent just gazing at me, he bit his top lip looking away.
"I'm not, going to stand here," I sniffled standing to my feet, "And tell you that I've slowly fallen for you in a week."
"You just did." He pointed out.
"Fuck you." I muttered, wiping my face, "Its not possible."
"You could've, if you would've said what you said four days ago." He mumbled, "And anything is possible when two people care for each other."
"Don't care about you like that." I lied through my teeth.
Knowing he was putting me through a whirlwind I couldn't deny.
"Oh you don't?" He mugged me, I sized him.
"I could care less." I grumbled at him.
"Hm." Calen rose an eyebrow, then he looked at the passing traffic behind him on the street, " You sure Dana?"
"I didn't stutter." I breathed looking him down as he looked back at me, and then started moving backwards.
"You idiot what are you doing?!" I yelled jumping down the stairs towards him I grabbed his hoodie pulling him into me away from the street.
Cars horns blared while my face was tucked in his chest, Calen laughed his chest moving against my right cheek.
"I'm not going to let you hurt me, Calen, I'm not." I cried my vision getting blurry every time I blinked. My mind and body began to breakdown, I couldn't control it. Before I knew it he had pulled me closer into his arms embracing me.
"It just had to be you and I don't know why?!"
"I'm in love with you too." He breathed laying his left cheek on my forehead holding me close.
"Oh, God." I cried in his shoulder, he held me closer as I sobbed. All the pain Erin caused me it was like I was letting it all go, and Calen was soaking it away out my mind and body.
"Not going to let you go, I promise little princess." He breathed kissing my head, he held me until my sobs turned into sniffles. We just stood there holding each other on the sidewalk, I felt so peaceful after crying.
"I know you don't want to go back inside, where we going, for a drive?" He asked me, I smelled him through his hoodie.
"Let's go to your condo." I suggested making him look down at me.
"Okay." He sighed taking my hand leading me to his car.
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sl33py-day · 2 years ago
I have no idea where I'm going with this, but I'm gonna try...
I see that you have ideas for Sagau content. What if it was an imposter au where Nahida knows that y/n is the true creator and keeps y/n in Sumeru and makes Cyno y/n's bodyguard. Cyno's skeptical at first, but only protects y/n because Nahida told him to. But over time, Cyno starts developing feelings for y/n and realizes that y/n is the true creator and something in him just snaps. He goes full on yandere, killing anyone who dares to look at y/n wrong.
(Feel free to ignore this, I just wanted to help you get through writer's block. If you do notice this and decide to write for it, it would be nice if I could see a male y/n, please)
This was kinda fun to write! Also we need more Yan!Cyno content it’s interesting. Kinda mixed it up with him finding out your the creator then falling in love slowly sorry about that!
!Not proof read!
Yandere Cyno x Male Creator reader
(Slight Tighnari x reader)
Tw: death, some gore? I believe, leave if you like tighnari.
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Being chased by a mob the first day you go into genshin isn’t very fun. But I can’t say that you didn’t expect it. Going into genshin is what you didn’t expect.
You were playing genshin before you suddenly passed out. No not because you were being transferred to genshin, it was 3 am. Then you woke up in a field of flowers of all kind of colors. Seeing a bush of pink Rhododendron from afar was a pretty sight when waking up. The wind was soft but cold as if telling you a storm is coming closer.
The clothes you were wearing stayed the same. A hoodie and some comfy pants. Nothing special really but it seemed to cause chaos as you walked to a more civilized area.
“Is that the creator?”
“No, his excellency is currently in Liyue…”
“It’s an imposter then! Go inform everyone!”
The sounds of people talking already made you feel a little bit uncomfortable. You had a sense of running away, somewhere far far away. You ignored it until you picked up on the words ‘imposter’ and ‘inform everyone’ was when you ran out of the area.
Everything After that became a blur, sounds of screaming and shouting along with constant running around in zig zags. You stopped when you saw a forest, god have you been running so far that you’re now in sumeru? Taking a quick glance behind you to see that everyone is gone. ‘They gave up? Good for me’ you thought before continuing to walk slowly.
You’re thankful that you’re not in any place where anyone could see you. The forest is really beautiful and calm though. Everything is beautiful if you have a chance to look at it long enough. Though night time is really your favorite. Seeing the stars as they light up the sky as if they feel safe only coming out at night.
You heard talking from a bit away, shit you where to in thought to realize that your now in gonna get chased by people again. That was until the person talking was Nahida herself, just sitting on a rock making flower crowns with a pile of blue and white roses.
Accidentally Stepping on a branch on the floor caused her to look your way. You faced showed horror as everything left in your mind was how fucked up you were. Only for Nahida to smile and wave you over to her.
Hesitantly you walked over to her and sat beside her. “Hi.” Was what you said she gave you a closed eyes smile before saying “Hello, you must be tired from all that running. If only they weren’t very easily tricked to believe you’re the imposter of His excellency..” her voice held sadness even if she tells the other archons they wouldn’t believe her. Though you felt safe in sumeru, you got an archon not after you! People will but hey Nahida is a good archon.
“Here! I made a flower crown for you!” She gave you the blue and white flower crown. You grabbed it while you softly put it in your hair. Your hair was kinda messy, the running made it tangled and greasy. “Thanks Nahida…” your throat felt sore and it sounded almost raspy. All of a sudden Nahida gasped as if she had a great idea.
“I have a wonderful Idea your excellency! I want to give you someone that could protect you.” She told you as she went on saying that the other nations aren’t safe for now, or ever, until they believe the ‘creator’ is a fake and you the ‘imposter’ is the one that is real.
She dragged you all the way to a small market before telling you to stay behind some rocks so she could get you some new clothes. After some time she came back with something that reminded you of scaramouche new design. But you weren’t complaining it was f/c!
Once again being dragged by Nahida after you got dressed and towards the desert. “Nahida, can I ask why we’re going to the desert?” You politely asked as she jumped from one leg to the other like skipping stones as she walked. She hummed before saying “Well, I believe Cyno is a good bodyguard for you! He is in the desert so that’s why where here!” She said before Cyno kinda popped outta nowhere. He looked bored but was still ready for whatever Nahida needed.
“Is there something you need?” He asked as he sounded as Bored as he looked. Nahida smiled and nodded telling him that you were the creator, the real one, and that he should watch you.
“What if he’s actually the imposter? He could be using you!” Cyno half yelled as he looked, well more like glared at you. You just looked at the floor finding it more interesting then what they’re talking about. Nahida patted Cyno’s head a bit and just told him to trust her.
“Fine, come where going to a house.” He started walking in the opposite direction not really saying anything after. Still standing their confusion filled you head. ‘Da fuq is happening right now?’ Before you could think more cyno sighed and turned around saying that you’re gonna stay with him till further notice.
Ah, that’s a mistake on you part. But you didn’t know.
After some weeks of you staying with Cyno and having him following you around when outside. You were happy, and you could almost say the same about cyno. Both of you apparently have the same type of humor and would tell joke every now and again. You felt like you deserved the title of being his friend!
Cyno on the other hand…Where do you wanna start? Certainly the first few days and weeks he was cautious with you. Not believing you were the creator. But as he saw the way you would light up with joy when seeing the slimes. The slime’s didn’t even attack you! As soon as he saw that none of the dangerous creatures weren’t having their murder problems he knew you were the creator. Slowly he started to fall for you. Having a slightly red face every time you laughed at his joke out of pure happiness to stuttering every now and then when talking to you.
With the realization of you being the creator he quickly remembered that he’s your bodyguard. Well that thought came randomly when you and him were visiting Tighnari. How did you get to meet tighnari? Let’s just say that Cyno had stuff to do and couldn’t bring you with him. For reasons of course. So he left you with tighnari. Thankfully the sassy fennec fox didn’t question nor care who you were as long as you didn’t do anything bad.
“Hey nari, what’s the latest thing you found out about today?” You asked Tighnari while he was taking notes. Cyno was getting some stuff for tighnari at the moment. Tighnari looked at you before continuing to write down notes in his book.
“If you must know, I found a weird mushroom that I haven’t written down and that’s what I’m doing now.” There was a bit of annoyance in his voice. He wasn’t even annoyed at you he was tired and the longer he hasn’t gotten sleep the more he get annoyed.
You apparently taken notice that he was tired and most likely hasn’t gotten sleep for a week. Sighing before walking past him and towards his small kitchen area thing. His face held confusion until you came back with a….blanket?
“Go. Lay on the bed.” He blinked once, twice before he started to say he needed to write down the rest or else. You had the ‘😐’ face before dragging him out of his chair and pushing him in the bed. Luckily his papers didn’t get ripped in the process.
“You are tired. Sleep.” With a more stern voice you put the blanket on him. After a few minutes he fell asleep as you to felt sleepy. Making the wrong decision to cuddle with Tighnari, you laid under the blanket and fell asleep.
Cyno was expecting to see tighnari scolding you for trying to eat a mushroom. Not you two asleep in a cuddle like position. He opens the door with a basket of food that the fox asked him to get. Even though the room was dark he could see the two of you.
At that moment he felt a stab in his chest. Like being stabbed through your heart kind of pain. He didn’t like this feeling. He didn’t like the way you two were cuddled up together! Why didn’t you want to do that with him? He’s always with you anyways.
His amber eyes glared at the slowly waking tighnari. What’s so special about Him? He’s better! Is he there when you have a nightmare? No but he was! All of a sudden he thought of something. His eyes filled with hatred, did Tighnari kiss you? It was really far fetched but nothing can convince a delusional mind. The sounds of foot steps snapped cyno from his thoughts.
“Hm, Cyno? You got the apples and the rest?” Tighnari a groggy voice asked him as he rubbed his eyes. Seeing the basket he smiled a little and took the basket out of Cyno’s hands. The white haired male followed the other to the table before asking in an angered tone.
“What were you and M/n doing?” Tighnari let out a confused ‘Hm?’ Sound as he looked back at Cyno. “What where you and M/n doing?” Cyno repeated once again but with a more aggressive voice. The fennec fox was slightly shocked at how aggressive he was being.
“He told me to take a break, or should I say take a nap. He probably was also tired and laid next to me.” After having all the things out of the basket Tighnari brought the basket over to another table. Cyno only glared at him he doesn’t understand why he wants to hurt him.
His sanity is like a slowly braking fine China. The small cracks spread all over, leaking every possibly rational thought. It was as if the lightest of touch will make it crumble to the floor in a pile of dust.
“Hey Cyno, you’re always with M/n. Right?” Tighnari asked as he blushed a little. The white haired male only nodded not liking where this is going. “Well, I-I like them…I don’t know how to tell him. I feel like he doesn’t like me.”
That was the touch that sent his sanity down the drain. Tighnari likes you? The boy he seems to dislike or is annoyed to be around the h/c boy? That can’t be real, tighnari must be joking! But what if he isn’t?
Cyno grabbed a knife from the table beside him and pointed it at tighnari’s neck. Freaking out the said male backed away slowly eventually hitting the wall. Fear was all over his face. Cyno moved the knife closer to his throat causing it to bleed a little.
“You can’t have him.” Cyno spoke as the knife was going a little bit deeper. More drops of blood started to trickle down tighnari’s neck causing his shirt to turn the same shade of red. Gulping as hard as he could, Tighnari spoke up.
“Why not?” His voice a little shaky but sounded like a confident tone. That made cyno glare harder and push the knife deeper. Slowly he kept pushing the knife into his neck as more blood covered the sliver knife and tighnari’s shirt.
“Cause M/n is mine.” Cyno aggressively pushed the knife all the way into tighnari’s neck before quickly pulling it out again. Blood filled his mouth as he began to choke on the blood. Tighnari looked at cyno with a fear stricken face as he fell to the floor dead.
Taking a few seconds to realize what had happened he grabbed tighnari’s leg and dragged him out. Not caring about the body he just put it on the floor with something covering it.
He walked back to still see you asleep. You must be really tired if you slept through all that. Quickly cleaning the blood and doing the stuff he need to do to hide the evidence. He walked up to you as a lovesick smile appeared on his face.
“I don’t care that you’re the creator.” He softly touched your cheek. He crawled under the blankets and cuddled up to you like Tighnari was doing before.
“But I love you and I don’t want you to leave….no matter what it takes.” He fell asleep quickly leaving the house silent.
The next few week were nothing but the news of many people being murdered. A lot of them were people who you talked to. Guessed cyno wasn’t joking.
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chrisevansispapi · 2 years ago
One Last Time
Summary: Chris misses ex!reader and r comes to his house
Warning: Smut,breaking in and cursing
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What's up?
I miss you
I really really do
Chris, we can't.
We definitely can, you just don't want to get caught up into my business.
Yeah, i dont
Then we dont, just one last time.
I arrived at Chris' front door and knocked profusely, Chris opened the door to let me in,
He slams it shut and grabbed me by the hips,
"One last fucking time" I whispered, "No, you'll come running back knowing no one can make you cum like me" he slammed his lips onto mine,
He carefully slipped his tongue in my mouth exploring every crevice of it.
Our tongues playing with each other, he pulled away from the kiss pulling me into his bedroom,
"Fuck my brains out  please" I groaned,
"Since you asked so nicely" he threw me into the mattress, he just stared at my body for a quick second and quickly takes off my clothing only leaving me in my thongs.
"Such a little whore wearing thongs for me" he turned me on my stomach, my ass facing him,
His hands slowly touched my ass, caressing, massaging it as if it was some dough.
Chris turned me back facing him, "You're so gorgeous" he took off his shirt revealing his carved body, hovering over me kissing me again and again until my lips were throbbing,
He then moved onto my boobs , he left hickeys everywhere.
I just moaned at the sight of him sucking on my skin, Chris looked up at me while kissing my stomach reaching my thongs, "Do you want me to use a condom, love?" he asked, I shook my head,
"I like you raw, cumming in me" I bit my bottom lip, "Hmm, very good" He slid my thongs to my knees.
My pussy was hit by cold air, I groaned, "I need you now Chrissy" he just smirked took some of my arousal onto his finger, licking and tasting it,
"So fucking sweet" He growled, he lowered his boxer letting his cock spring free, Chris aligned his cock to my entrance asking me for permission, I nodded fast.
He thrust in me, making me let out a cry,
"Oh fucking go-" I was cut off with an aggressive kiss making me moan into his mouth, our tongue sharing touches, his hands so focused on my hips, thrusting at a faster pace, I whimpered at our skin slapping against each other.
Chris pulled away from the kiss saying" Milk my cock, like the slut you are" he kept hitting my g-spot making me yell "yes! Oh yes" I groaned.
"I'm about to cum" I tell him with a tired voice, "not yet" he said still pushing his full length in me,
"I can feel you here"I said grabbing one of his hands and placing it on my stomach and sliding it to my wet clit.
He massaged my clit,"please let me cum" I said,
He denied me a release until his thrusts were getting sloppy, "I wanna cum" I whimper, "alright, let go" I came onto his fat cock, his warm cum filled me up.
I was laid down on his bed as he went and grabbed me some water, Chris came back with a fruit bowl and a glass of water for me, he put it down on the nightstand and sat down next to me,
"I sliced up some kiwis, watermelon and pineapples for you" Chris grabbed the bowl and setting it down on his lap, "Chris, you didn't have to do this-" I was cut off, "I do, I'm winning you back and it's the least I can do after fucking your brains out" he laughed making me giggle.
"Thank you, Chris" I sat up next to him smiling,
"You're always welcome" he tucked my hair behind my ear, "Now open wide" he fed me a kiwi, I hummed in satisfaction, "sweet, right?" Chris asked with a smile, "that was from your garden, remember?" I nodded.
"Oof" Chris laughed, "No, it isn't! Mackie beat you and literally said 'small cocked cod player', and you literally jumped on him" I giggled, he was just staring, "I miss this" he said, "Me too" I smiled pulling him in for a kiss, a makeout if you will.
Then Mackie came bursting in, "Oh my gosh!" I yelled covering my body with the covers, "Oh, I didn't kno-" Anthony was cut off by Chris, "Yeah, now you do, now close the door!" He yelled at Mackie to get out.
"does he do that often?" I asked,
"Yeah, he barges in and out of my house like a maniac and sometimes brings Lizzie, Seb and Scar" Chris nuzzled his head into my neck,
"That's funny because Lizzie does the same to me!" I told him.
"How about we go downstairs and greet Mackie?" he asked, "Okay" I say, "Maybe you still have some of my clothes in there?" I asked him,
"I do, a lot actually" he stood up from the bed grabbing me some clothes, after putting on some clothes I stood up with a limp, "I'm never gonna get used to you" I walk to Chris still limping, he snickered at my limp, "Oh shush" I cup his cheeks kissing him.
We walked downstairs hand in hand, "someone's limping from getting fucked" Sebastian was in the living room, Chris and I walked in the living room finding Lizzie, Seb, Scar and Mackie sitting on the couch, "How do you guys always break in?" Chris asked, "Sebastian has two keys" Lizzie says, "I'm still traumatized from earlier" Mackie munched on some Ruffles.
"Oh shush, you just my back and Chris' chest, dont be dramatic" I argue, Scarlett was busy scrolling on her phone.
After they left, me and Chris were left alone finally, we were watching Brooklyn 99 on the tv,
"Sooooo, are we officially back together or what?" I asked the masculine man next to me,
"Whatever you want us to be" Chris kissed the top of my head, "What do you mean whatever? We ended things while we were still engaged so are we still engaged or what?" I grabbed the remote turning the volume down.
"Well, I still have the ring" he took the ring off his necklace, "I'm going to ask you yet again" I smiled at him, "Y/n, my love, my last and my forever, will you please be dodger's mom?" he asked, "Yes" I lean my hand into him and Chris gently put the ring on.
"I didn't this last time was gonna be the last last time" I smiled kissing his lips.
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