#“handsome decoy is NOT a Jesper talent”
kazbrekkerfast · 1 day
I love finding new TV shows to obsess over because it equips me with a whole new host of vocal stims
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barrel-crow-n · 6 months
"Handsome decoy is also not a Jesper talent"
Bold words to say, Jesper, when you still might be within Kaz's earshot
If Kaz (at least, book Kaz anyway) had heard he'd probably say "Not handsome decoy, that's true. You do decoy just fine."
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omgkatherine01 · 1 year
Creatures of the Night: Chapter 10 - The Conductor
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Series Masterlist
Chapter 9, Chapter 11
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x female reader
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"Jesper, new job!" Kaz said as soon as the both of you found him perusing the dim and rain-slicked streets; his back had been turned to you, and you were certain you saw him speaking to somebody who very swiftly disappeared upon the sound of Kaz's voice.
Kaz hardly gave him a glance as he walked past him, "Come along." You rolled your eyes but followed as you tapped on Jesper's arm, and he quickly followed as well.
"She did it again," he muttered. "Did what?" you asked quietly. "Inej was here," he said quietly, "So, where we going?"
You shrugged, "To see someone name Poppy." Jesper paused but quickly returned to walk by your side as he looked at Kaz who was walking ahead, "Oh... that's a joke right?"
You shook your head, "No. Who is this Poppy?" you asked. "A former friend and partner," he answered, "And now they hate Kaz."
"Ha, I wonder why?" you said sarcastically. Jesper took your hand and pulled you quicker with him to Kaz's side. "So!" he started and cleared his throat, "We need a demo man."
"You're still on that?" Kaz asked. Jesper frowned, "I just brought it up tonight."
Kaz shook his head, "Jesper, you ask for an explosives expert on every job."
"Because I don't want to be the one you point to and say, 'Explode something for us'. That is not a Jesper talent. I shoot things with style. And I look good. Just play to my strengths, boss."
"But wouldn't you look really cool with a building exploding behind you?" you asked, "I saw things like that in movies--something from where I came from, it's acting--it was awesome."
Jesper pointed at you, "Now, you, you would look really cool, y/n." You pointed at yourself, "Me?"
"How about we take a vote for y/n to be our new explosives expert?"
"No," you said with a scoff. "Oh, come on," Jesper said, "You'd be a total badass than you are now, and it's definitely will be a hot thing to do."
"Shut up."
"She already has a job," Kaz said as he for some reason glared down, and you followed his glare to Jesper's hand still holding yours without realizing it, and you let go.
"Yeah, I already have a job, and it's my shadow thingy," you said quietly. "Now," Kaz started as he continued forward, "Alina Starkov will be kept at the Little Palace. Entering the Little Palace requires us to be quiet. Blowing something up, we've likely failed."
"Well, we have y/n's shadow controlling job, the job will be easy," Jesper said. "Not enough control," Kaz said, "Anything can go wrong." Jesper frowned, "I think she has enough control, at least I think so. So does Inej. Besides, with y/n's shadows and Inej's skill, both girls together, unstoppable."
You smiled lightly and glanced at Kaz. "What do we do with Inej?" you asked, "Because I already said, if she's not going, I'm not going."
"I remember that," he said. Jesper let out a sigh, "We're at Pekka's turf now," he muttered, "The bouncers will know you on sight."
"That's why I brought you," Kaz said as he looked at him, "Make sure they don't see us." You pointed at yourself and then him as if asking, 'I'm going in with you?'
Kaz nodded for you to follow him and you walked away as you heard Jesper, "Handsome decoy is also not a Jesper talent."
You used the dark corroders for you and Kaz to slip in and quickly into a room he said Poppy will be there. "Boris, would you--" You looked over as Kaz stepped to their view and he grinned.
"It's been a while, Poppy," he said. Poppy quickly grabbed a small pistol and you frowned. "I see you're still upset," he said.
"About you stealing my shares of the Crow Club?" Poppy asked sarcastically. "It wasn't stealing," Kaz said, "It was just a raw deal. Most deals in the Barrel are."
"What do you want, Dirtyhands?" Poppy asked and their eyes peered over to you, "And who is this pretty girl you have hiding behind you?" They put the pistol away as you moved to Kaz's side.
"A friend," Kaz answered for you. You looked from him to Poppy, "Uh, I'm y/n, nice to meet you..."
"Poppy, pleasure."
You nodded slightly as Kaz turned their attention to him, "We need to find someone. Or at least, learn how to find them. Tonight."
Poppy began carefully applying lip stain, "Looking for a club act, are we?"
"We're looking for the Conductor," you spoke and Poppy turned to you in surprise. Kaz raised an eyebrow, "So you do know him."
"This is about a job, isn't it?" Poppy asked as you looked around the room, "One that sends you all the way east, for a million kruge? You'll never make enough to compete with Pekka, you know? He's a king. You're just the Bastard of the Barrel."
Your eyes landed on a pile of jewels and fabrics, between them there was a piece of crumpled paper hiding there. You curiously moved the jewelry away and looked at the paper, frowning at the symbol resting upon it.
You knew that symbol.
You took the paper and showed it to Kaz, who stared down at it before speaking, "Tante Heleen wrote you?"
"Just this evening, yes, you snoops," Poppy said, "She was asking about the Conductor as well. Probably about the same job. So I warned him to steer clear of her."
"You warned him?" you asked before Kaz could, clearly both of you thought the same thing. "Don't tell me you send a note."
Poppy turned their head to look at you and frowned before they nodded, "Yes... I did. Why?"
Kaz clenched his jaw, "She wanted you to do that so she could have the messenger followed," he said. Poppy looked between you and Kaz, "She wouldn't hurt him, would she?"
Kaz took a step forward, "She would if it meant hurting me. Now, if you have any loyalty to him, tell us where he is. Right now."
Poppy gave away the address right away, and you and Kaz went quickly to get to the Conductor. When you reached the building, Kaz send you to ran quicker up the stairs, and you did.
"Ask the Saints for me," you heard Inej's voice and ran into the room to see her having the man pinned against a chair and a knife against his throat.
"Inej, don't!" you said and instantly, a knife was thrown toward you, but you dodged before it hit you, and instead it hit the wall, the spot where you stood before.
You let out a breath you didn't knew you were holding and looked back at Inej. She stared at you in surprise, and her expression turned shock and horrified for almost hurting you.
You stepped forward, "We need him. He's our way to Alina Starkov."
Inej let out a breath of disbelief as Kaz walked in, "Him?" she asked as she glared down at the man, still holding the knife against his throat.
"Heleen knew it, Inej," you said softly, "She was using you to sabotage us."
She shook her head, "She and I made a deal."
"It isn't worth more than what we get with him alive," Kaz spoke. Inej turned her head to glare at Kaz, her eyes were burning with tears threatening to slip, "You choose him over my freedom?"
"No," you suddenly said and took a step forward, "This reward and your freedom are not mutually exclusive. You'd really think I'd agree to go if they were? You think I'd stop you if it meant for your freedom?"
Inej stared at you as a tear slipped down her cheek. She slowly turned to the whipping man for a moment before she withdrew her knife, and the Conductor let out a shallow breath.
Inej let out a breath as she stepped away from him. You quickly moved forward and took her hand, squeezing it gently as she looked at you.
Will you be okay? you wanted to ask but didn't. It seemed she knew what you asked by your eyes, and nodded lightly, as Kaz stepped forward.
He looked down at the Conductor with a glare, "Conductor. I have a job for you."
@lyria-skyfall, @myheartfollower, @cleverzonkwombatsludge, @mjlock, @clairewinchester14, @losteroops, @venomsvl, @yvxcy, @wickedlovely121, @supergaybish101, @woowwwee, @zeeader, @twlegit, @phoenix666stuff, @mortalmorgan, @wonderland2425, @dark-night-sky-99, @gabby10100, @lomlrhea, @juskonutoh, @zeeader, @mcntsee, @yaren23
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lizajane2 · 1 year
Shadow and Bone 1x02
I know so little about Grisha. I should do some more research and read the books.
“Then maybe you stay here!”
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Like fuck Kaz, you’ve been trying so hard to buy her freedom and that’s what you say? A bit harsh.
Ben Barnes is something… he truly knows what he’s doing as a character passing off as this grand savior. Like you can tell even other Grisha fear him.
Kinda jealous. I don’t know which power I want more, to be a shadow summoner or a light summoner. No i definitely want the power to control shadows. Something about it is more appealing.
No but the fact that Kaz assumed it was Inej, and was prepared to apologize… man’s got it bad for her.
Jesper trying to get a drink, but everyone stealing it:
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“Handsome decoy is also not a Jesper talent.”
I don’t know I think you’re a pretty handsome guy, Jesper. It’d totally work.
Maybe it’s just my experience with bad ex’s but Kirigan is a walking red flag and yet… yet I love him. And his introduction, you see him in the shadows during the first episode and then his first reaction with Alina is cutting someone in half.
If anything that shows exactly the kind of person he is and then he’s all nice and gives her this grandiose speech about how she’s hope and how she’s not alone… girl, run away!!
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Okay, but truly the hate Mal gets is unjustified. Like:
“She’s with the black general. That’s as safe as you can get.”
“Not enough for me. Make way.”
Uh, I don’t about you all but Mal is a great guy. And his friendship with Alina is severely co-dependent.
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My Reaction to “Shadow and Bone” S1E2
Episode 2!  Gimme some goods!
Wait so are you chosen for certain roles in this society?
*Mal reaches out to grab an unconscious Alina’s hand*  Why are you doing this to me, show?  I’m only an hour into it
*cheers when Kirigan turns around*
I love how all these Grisha and Kirigan are drilling Alina on her schooling and she’s standing in the middle of the tent like “Guys, I just recovered from a broken collarbone and I was promised Wendy’s.”
*Light from Alina’s arm shoots up through the tent*  The beacons of Gondor are lit!
So I’m guessing that everyone is after Alina now since she’s an all powerful Jedi Grisha?  Fabulous
The Menagerie?
*chuckles when Kaz takes Jesper’s shot and downs it*
I really like the world building in this show, I gotta say.  So far I’m really impressed by how much sociopolitical stuff they’ve squeezed in so far.
*chuckles when Inej starts pulling out dozens of knives from herself*
So is the Menagerie like an all female assassin group?  Except much more... seedier?
*Jesper showboats in the mirror*  Very nice...
Wait so the Grisha is a personal army then?
Five hundred bucks says that Kirigan is a bajillion years old and he’s the one that created the Fold.
Ooh we got some bloodbenders in this group!
*All the shadows cave into the forest clearing as Kirigan arrives*  WHOOOOOOO
“You ride with me.”  OK, Mr. Sudden
“Handsome decoy is also not a Jesper talent.”  I really like Jesper so far
Oh I just noticed that he [Kirigan] got the knee high riding boots on too
“Why can’t you [Kirigan] get rid of it?”  I still think he created it in the first place
*laughs in shock at the little cape flick Kirigan does*
There’s a King in Ravka?  Who’s he? 
“How long until they [the Grisha] are just as useless as the rest of us?”  Well I saw at least five of them go down in the squabble against the Fjerdans so you’re not entirely wrong.
Wait Poppy’s a drag queen?  That’s awesome!
Scratch that:  so far I really like the Crows
Every time Ben Barnes plays a villain of some kind, he’s always a splash bitchy and honestly I will continue to throw money at him for that
*Alina gets locked in a bedroom at the palace*  WAIT THIS IS BEAUTY AND THE BEAST!
*Alina immediately places a makeshift weapon under her pillow*  Atta girl
*Kaz gives up the Crow Club for Inej*  Dude
Ugh these two [Mal and Alina]....
*laughs*  Meanwhile Kirigan is just furiously doing the “she likes me, she likes me not” routine on a random flower in the hallway
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prettyboyhere · 2 years
handsome decoy is the number one jesper talent look at you king
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cupofgingertea · 3 years
handsome decoy not a jesper talent? bitch please if that wasn't handsome decoy i don't know what is
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queercreati · 3 years
New goal in life: Become the most prolific Darklina author on AO3
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notdurasti · 3 years
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AGE:  I'm  aware  that  in  the  books,  Jesper  is  around  17/18.  Considering  the  content  of  the  show  and  Kit  Young's  age,  I  will  be  playing  Jesper  as  26.
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mrsbrekkers · 3 years
How bout a kaz brekker x blind!reader? 💓
okay so i have never written blind!reader before but but but BUTTT a good idea came to me involving reader being a grisha ( healer ) who had the gift to see someone and what they truly look like if they are physically allowed to be let in? it’s hard to explain, but y a
in this, reader and kaz have known one another for a good three in a half years, they work on heists together, and reader is usually partnered with kaz, as he wants to keep her safe. i S U C K at summaries. also, i was hella distracted while writing this, but it came out somewhat okay? f u c k.
pairings! kax x blind!reader
reader in this is female, but i will adjust accordingly if you’d like me too! just let me know! :)
warnings! really distracted writing, jordie, ptsd, blood, the typical soc stuff, kaz almost having a panic attack, but also him realizing he’s safe there with reader ye. 
i could so make this a series? like going through all the times blind!reader has made kaz come to trust her more and more. haha ha unless...
word count! 2847
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There were many descriptions given to Y/N about what Kaz Brekker looked like. What color his eyes were. What color his hair was. What his build was like. She could give you an accurate description of Jesper, Inej, Nina, Matthias, even Wylan was easy. But when it came to someone she couldn’t physically map out? She became a bit lost.
Being born without her sight, Y/N had to learn other ways to understand the world. Especially in a place like Ketterdam. Maybe that was why Kaz was quick to take Y/N under his wing. To keep her safe, just as he had with Wylan. But, Y/N wasn’t useless. Being a Healer, she was valuable to the Dregs. Nina was a powerful heartrender, but could only do so much when someone was inevitably hurt during jobs. That’s where Y/N was useful.
In a sense she had her sight, but it relied on physically being able to touch someone. A side-effect of being a Grisha, with abilities that no one has seen before. Her sight may have been gone, but being able to see one in her mind, whether it be blurry or clear, gave her an idea on what one looked like.
That meant Kaz was the most mysterious person to Y/N.
Y/N could describe most of the crows relatively well. Jesper had been the first to let Y/N use her ‘gift’ as Nina called it, with him. Her hands rested on his arms, slowly moving up to his shoulders, the other crows sitting around them to watch.
“You’re Zemeni, but I knew that already. Inej described you as long limbed, she wasn’t wrong.” Inej laughed a bit, shaking her head. “Lean, no surprise, I could make that out. Your eyes are a dark grey, but beautiful. I must say Jesper, you’re rather handsome. Being a handsome decoy seems like it should be a Jesper talent.”
Jesper smiled, looking down at Y/N. “Right on, almost to the dot,” he said, giving his best friend a chuckle.
“Your smile lights up a room. But I also knew that already,” Y/N added, tilting her head as she let her hands drop from Jesper’s shoulders. The crows around them were in awe, and then Nina was moving Jesper out of the way.
“Move handsome decoy, my turn,” She said, humming a bit as she sat in front of Y/N, making the Healer laugh. As she had with Jesper, Y/N ran her hands up Nina’s arms, stopping at her shoulders.
“Hmm, long curly brown hair, your heart beats a bit differently than the rest of our friends. Courtesy of being Grisha, and a Heartrender. You’re also a bit curvier than our friends, but as am I.” Nina smiled, glancing at their friends, who all seemed confused on how Y/N managed to do this.
“Green eyes, piercing almost. As always, like the rest of our friends, your smile lights up the room. But instead of Jesper’s toothy smile, you’re a closed mouth smiler, unless talking to Matthias of course,” Y/N smirked a bit, feeling Nina’s body heat up told her that the Heartrender was indeed, blushing.
Then slowly, all of the crows sat in front of Y/N. Except for Kaz, which Y/N understood. She didn’t pry, but she did begin to wonder what he truly looked like. There were so many conflicting descriptions. Obviously the ones given from people who didn’t like him weren’t taken into account, because most of them consisted of calling Kaz ‘The Grinch’. And while this was probably a good term for his lovely personality, it didn’t seem like it’d match his looks. Kaz wasn’t green after all.
But after a particularly rough job, one that ended with almost everyone scuffed up in some way, shape, or form, Y/N was working herself to the bone. Inej had the worst of it, so Y/N worked on her first at the Slat, and upon finishing, she had Nina sit next to the sleeping Wraith. She stood, huffing as she climbed the stairs to Kaz’s room. He was always the least willing to be healed. He always claimed he was the least beat up, or he could handle it himself.
This time, Y/N knew he wasn’t the least beat up. She’d heard about the gash running up his arm, and the scratches lining his face, which were less than pretty. Entering the room, she crossed her arms.
“I’m fine,” Kaz spoke first, earning a scoff from Y/N.
“I’ve heard plenty from Jesper about how nasty the gash on your arm is, and how your leg has been worse than usual. I can’t heal a bone that’s healed incorrectly, but I can ease the pain,” Y/N stated, moving to stand in front of the desk. Why was Kaz so damned stubborn about things like this? It concerned the Healer. Did he find himself so unlovable that he believed he deserved the pain when he was hurt?
“How are you going to count your Kruge if your arm is cut wide open?” Y/N asked, tilting her head. That made Kaz sigh. She wasn’t wrong about that. It also meant problems during other aspects of his job.
“Fine,” Kaz said reluctantly. He watched Y/N round the table, his eyes mainly on her fingers that softly glided the desk, letting her know when to turn. He’d always found it fascinating how she managed so much without her sight. Mainly how she found her ways around. The way her fingers would move so smoothly across surfaces. Or how graceful she seemed. It was hard to fascinate Kaz Brekker, but she did it effortlessly.
“I won’t touch you, but I’m going to need to be guided to where the gash is,” Y/N spoke, now standing in front of Kaz, who gulped with a shaky nod. He trusted her. He trusted all of his Crows, but her the most. She’d been there when the Crows were down bad. She brought smiles to the team without fail. Kaz could remember the first time they’d met, when his fascianation had started.
The night had been cold, dark. As Ketterdam usually was. After a few months of Kaz having Inej watch over the Healer that lived near the university district, Inej had come to Kaz with news that the Healer, Y/N, had noticed her. It had rendered the Bastard of the Barrel speechless. Someone had noticed Inej Ghafa?
“How did she notice you? Nobody notices you. Even I didn't for the first time, and I notice everyone,” Kaz stated, his tone confused.
“I believe our Healer is blind. It would make sense then, all of her other senses would be on high alert, especially her hearing. Even the most silent aren’t silent to the blind. They notice everything, Kaz. I’m surprised she didn’t notice me earlier,” Inej said, her arms crossed as she leaned in the doorway between the bedroom and the small office.
Kaz stalled for a moment, humming in consideration. It would explain how Inej had been found out. What that didn’t answer was whether Y/N knew who they were. He doubted it, but you could never be sure in Ketterdam.
“Did she know who you were?”
“I’m not sure, I left before things escalated. She said she knew I was there and to reveal who I was and who I worked for. So she knows I’m not some random in Ketterdam. I’m sure she could figure out enough if I’d appeared before her,” Inej said before looking back at the window. She knew she wasn’t followed, she always checked for such. But with the revelation that someone, for once, had noticed her, it wasn’t unlikely that maybe she’d been followed.
Kaz huffed, realizing he’d have to now go and explain to this Healer about how he’d been watching over her for the past few months. He wasn’t even sure why he’d been doing so. Well, he did, she’d be a good asset to have later if he ever decided to actually let it be known that he’d been keeping her safe. It was time that’d present a new reason.
Arriving at the small apartment that the Healer lived in, Kaz knocked Inej behind him, and when the door opened, his dark eyes landed on Y/N.
“I was waiting for you guys to show up,” Y/N said, turning and allowing the two inside.
“You knew we’d come?” Inej asked, entering the small apartment and sitting where Y/N offered, taking the small cup of tea she was handed. For being stalked for the past few months, the Healer was being rather kind.
“I suspected it was The Wraith watching over me for some time. I have learned to feel different presence’ around me. Yours, while I didn’t notice it at first, I began to when one of my papers went missing and was replaced with a forged one,” Y/N said, sitting next to Inej.
“How did you know it was forged?” Kaz asked, raising an eyebrow. Not that Y/N could see that, but his tone, his voice did the accenting for him.
“Kaz Brekker I presume. The handwriting wasn’t my own. I don’t have terrible handwriting, I’ve practiced for years after all, but my handwriting is not that nice. And the paper wasn’t the kind of paper I used. It was a close second, yes, but the letters weren’t able to be felt. That’s when I realized it was forged. It was a good forgery, but I’ve lived in Ketterdam long enough.” That’s when Kaz’s fascination started.
Or maybe it was when Inej had announced someone had noticed her. Nonetheless, that was the day he decided to recruit Y/N officially. It wasn’t hard either, considering she was rather willing too as long as she wasn’t indentured to the Dregs.
“I won’t go with if I’m going to be paying you back for the rest of my life,” Y/N stated, sipping her tea. Oh, and she had to bring her cat. Jesper now called the cat the Crows mascot. Which, the other’s had found weird. It was a cat, not a Crow, but they had changed the name of the cat to Crow. Which made the rest of the gang agree on it. Even Kaz found the cat enjoyable.
That was three years ago.
Since then, Y/N hadn’t let Kaz down once. He’d grown to trust her as he did Inej, even more so as she became his shadow. The person in his corner, his partner. He trusted his shadow.
Sighing, Kaz shook his head, looking over at Y/N and glancing down to her hands. “Left arm, right above my elbow,” he said, watching her fingers flex before moving to hover over the gash that covered a good part of Kaz’s upper arm.
“You know, I still don’t know what you look like,” Y/N said as she healed to gash slowly, making sure the work was intricate and done correctly.
“Brooding, dark, nothing else really to me,” Kaz said, but Y/N shook her head, finishing the gash and humming a bit. She moved her hand slowly up to Kaz’s face, doing a quick brush over to heal the small gashes there. Kaz felt them heal, his labored breath steadying as she moved her hand away from his face.
“I don’t believe that. If there was nothing more to you, I wouldn’t be staying around, Kaz,” Y/N said, bending down, but she felt a gloved hand grip her wrist, surprising her and causing her to jump a bit.
“I can handle that pain, I have for years,” Kaz stated, watching Y/N nod, and while she couldn’t see his hand, her eyes were still on the wrist that was enclosed by Kaz’s gloved hand.
“I may have an idea. A way for me to know what you truly look like,” Y/N said, a smile rising to her lips.
Kaz was almost frightened to ask. No, he was frightened. He knew what that would entail. But he knew what she looked like and she had so many conflicting ideas about what he looked like. He also knew that Y/N wouldn’t cross his boundaries unless he gave explicit permission. He could say no to this and she’d agree and leave with a smile, some words of encouragement to sleep and rest, and later have Inej or Jesper bring up food for him. But sucking in a deep breath, he looked up at Y/N, determining that he trusted her enough for this. She’d never hurt you. 
“Okay, tell me the idea,” Kaz said slowly, his words wavering.
“You can back out at any time, Kaz. If you don’t want to do this, you let me know immediately,” Y/N stated, and Kaz let out a small cough. 
He closed his eyes, nodding to himself before giving an audible, “I know.”
“Your gloves, their the barrier that helps ensure you don’t come into contact with skin. What if I wear a pair, they don’t have to be yours, but a pair of gloves and use them to learn what you look like?”
Kaz tilted his head. It wasn’t a terrible idea. It actually made a lot of sense. He used the gloves as a barrier, as Y/N had said. If she did the same, it would be the same as he had just done with her wrist. He wouldn’t feel Jordie. He wouldn’t feel Reaper’s Barge. At least, that’s what he hoped for. But he’d be willing to try for Y/N. He’d try for her.
“We . . . can try that, but use my gloves. I’m used to the feeling of them. I have another pair in the nightstand by my bed,” Kaz said, watching Y/N smile a bit before moving to grab the gloves in the nightstand. He watched her slide them onto her fingers, seeing they were just a bit big on her, he chuckled quietly.
Y/N let her fingers glide against the desk once more, pulling the chair from the other side of the desk right in front of Kaz. She could hear his uneven breathing as she sat too. “You guide me, just like before,” Y/N said, letting Kaz have control of the situation. 
Slowly, Kaz lifted his hand, taking Y/N’s gloved one into his own. Stalling for a moment he shut his eyes tightly, and for a moment the flashes came to him, but he sucked in a deep breath, opening his eyes and seeing Y/N in front of him, alive, breathing.
He lifted her hands to rest on his shoulders, watching her hum as the vision of him began to form within her mind. He watched a smile come to her lips. She would never know how beautiful that smile was. How beautiful it was to him. How he hoped it wasn’t washed away like his was because of the Barrel.
“Hmm, Dark hair, trimmed at the edges. Inej teased you for it one day, I remember that. You have a sharper face than most of our friends, and a lean build, but more muscular than Jesper is.” Y/N tilted her head, the image in her head finally fully forming.
“Dark eyes, like bitter coffee. Two tattoos. I didn’t know that. I must say, but don’t Jesper this, you’re far more handsome than he is. Maybe you should start being the handsome decoy.” Kaz chuckled at that, and for a few moments he wasn’t shaking. He wasn’t fearful. He wasn’t breathing heavily. He was happy, even if just for those few moments. Happy because of her.
Y/N dropped her hands, pulling off the leather gloves and placing them on the desk. “Certainly not the grinch as some put it,” she added, standing.
“Pretty close to that,” Kaz said, watching her stand.
“Maybe personality wise, but certainly not look wise.”
“Who calls me the Grinch?” 
“Jesper,” Y/N laughed. She remembered hearing Jesper reference Kaz as the grinch at one point. It was where the nickname had probably originated from for others to call the Bastard of the Barrel, and slowly it became known. The room became quiet for some time, and Y/N was the first to break it.
“Thank you . . . for letting me do that, I know it wasn’t easy. The tattoos, what are they of?” Y/N asked then, tilting her head. Kaz took a deep breath in, looking over at the window across by his bed. The one he rarely ever used.
“The Dregs Crow, and an R,” he didn’t elaborate, leaving Y/N to know that was as much as he’d say. She knew what the Crow was for, but she had a feeling she shouldn’t ask much more than that.
“Well, do get some rest. I can’t heal sleep exhaustion, sadly,” Y/N said, laughing a bit. She didn’t see it, but a smile spread on Kaz’s lips.
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gemma-collins-ily · 3 years
OKAY, ALRIGHT, NOW HEAR ME OUT BESTIE, Miss girl reader pulling Jesper by his necktie for a kiss, OKAY, OKAY NOW LISTEN, HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE 😳😳😳😳
See, Extremely Useful
Jesper Fahey x reader
a/n - I like the way you think bestie xoxo😉 Also sorry if this isn't long enough, everything I write is sooooo shoorrttt!
Prompt: Pulling him in for a kiss by his necktie.
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To say Jesper Fahey was unhappy would be a extreme understatement.
As he trudged up the stairs, he heaved out a sigh and let his shoulders drop. Kaz had just informed him he would be blending into the crowd of nobles on the next heist and doing, essentially, nothing.
Jesper thrived on the exilerating thrill of the chase, the adrenaline of the action and the excitement of the game.
And Kaz wanted him to just mill around, looking pretty? Looking pretty was a side talent Jesper used regularly and while he was shooting from his prized revolvers. See, he was a multitasker - he could be just the right amount of self-obsessed, generally amazing and ready for a fight at any time. Just doing one was extremely boring.
To put it simply, being a handsome decoy was not a Jesper talent.
But trying to protest against Dirtyhands would probably just give the end result of him recieving a wack to his kneecaps from Brekker's cane. And he knew from experience, that cane really did hurt. A lot.
So, all Jesper could do was sulk on his own and wait until the heist.
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It had been a week of Kaz meticulously checking for flaws or mistakes and adjusting the plan accordingly.
Every time you had asked your sharpshooter boyfriend why he seemed to be distressed, he had had to restrain himself from telling you, as he knew then he would get carried away and rant frustratedly to you. You didn't deserve to have your ear talked off by him but what he didn't realize, was that not knowing Jesper's problem meant you couldn't help him and that made you just as wound up and upset as he.
When Kaz had endured enough and it was the night of the heist, he sat at your corner table. You knew you should let him say what he wanted to and not question why he was there, as that often irked him and made him leave.
"He doesn't want to be just a distraction for the plan tonight." He said simply then walked away to do whatever Kaz Brekker did.
You should have known Jesper would be severely affected by this, but luckily you knew how to make it better.
You didn't participate in heists since you weren't a Dreg or Crow but you were automatically included in such plots, since Kaz had long since registered the fact that Jesper was 100% likely to tell you anyway.
You knew Jesper would have to wear some sort of magnificent but complicated, multiple part suit so you marched upstairs to your shared room to see him.
Sure enough, he was standing in your bedroom, staring into the mirror dejectedly as he lifted both ends of his neck tie and sneered in disgust.
When he saw you in the mirror, he couldn't hold in his anger any longer and half yelled, "How is this supposed to work? It's a stupid necktie, for a stupid costume, for a stupid distraction, for an even stupider job!"
You let out a breath and walked closer to him. You tied his tie carefully and this seemed to calm him down some as his breaths slowed and his expression softened.
Then you wrapped your hand around the finished tie and pulled him to you. His hands automatically fell to your waist and you pressed your lips to his firmly. He sighed into the kiss as your hand flew to cup his cheek.
After a minute or two, you parted for air and you smiled, it being mirrored by him. Jesper looked at you in awe, wondering how you could turn his mood completely around with a simple kiss. He knew how. It was his love for you that outweighed his anger.
You pressed out the creases in the tie from your grip on it a moment before, lifted it slightly and enunciated every word clearly in your next sentence.
"See? Extremely useful."
And when he went downstairs you heard Nina give a greatful shout of, "Thank you for fixing the grump, (Y/N)! You're an angel!"
You smiled and so did Jesper, as he kept gently touching the necktie throughout the night and thinking of the memories it brought him.
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genyarazrushhost · 3 years
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Handsome decoy is also not a Jesper talent
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lizajane2 · 1 year
Shadow and Bone 1x05
Mal lost both of his friends and nearly died for a magical stag… kinda got the raw end of the deal there.
One thing is for certain, I prefer Kaz without a hat.
“Oh I do vaguely remember you being airborne. Was that recently?” 😂😂
One of the reasons I love Jesper is he can distract himself and still get the job done. “No human being should be as proud as you are right now.” I mean Jesper isn’t wrong though.
“With all kinds of cheeses and breads.”
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I have such a weakness for bread. It’s so bad.
I didn’t realize that Ivan and Fedyor were romantic partners… 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ they’re so different. It’s cute.
The convenience that Arken just has a lodestone on hand:
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The expression on Aleksander’s face when she says that she hopes to have a better future for all Grisha and Ravka, it’s like he’s been wanting, waiting for someone to have the same dream he does.
“A handsome decoy is not a Jesper talent,” I beg to differ you have the stable boy practically drooling.
“There’s always been a certain quaintness about the Little Palace.” That condescending tone… 🙄
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With the way he’s looking at Alina as she enters the room it’s hard to tell if he’s just manipulating or he genuinely has feelings.
My heart just leapt outta my chest, the advisor from the library just appeared outta fucking nowhere.
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Yeah Aleksander definitely high jacked those letters. Asshole. It’s what narcissists do. They isolate you and make dependent on them for everything.
That motherfucker really just tried to kill “Alina”. I really feel bad Marie. She didn’t deserve that.
Mal has been through the ringer… really don’t understand why he’s hated. I root for him to win.
Shit. That’s sad about the Volcra being children and women. I just thought those creatures were something he created along with the Fold.
“Limping man.” I beg your pardon?
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“We lost her.”
“Did we?” Jesper’s shit eating grin. 😂
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thewalkingbucky · 3 years
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Handsome decoy is also not a Jesper talent...
(More Gifs by me!)  
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“Handsome decoy is also not a Jesper talent”
Maybe you don’t think so, but Kaz does 🙃🙃🙃
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ssahoodrat · 3 years
"Handsome decoy is also not a Jesper talent"
Where Wylan with his flute and drunk fjerdan soldier impression when you need him
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