#“did you even feel that” - top 10 most embarrassing thing you can say to someone after you were kissed
totheidiot · 5 months
every single kiss scene in dbd is so so embarrassing, huhh.
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rockermybuddie · 3 days
Protecting whats mine
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Tw: mentions alcohol
Tommy x Evan “Buck”
Summary: Tommy and Buck are going to a bar with the 118. When Buck leave to grab more drinks for the table the bartender is getting a little too flirty with him. Tommy notices and gets a little protective over Buck.
A/n: Im going to write this in third person because it would switch too much between Buck and Tommy. So forgive me if i forget and use first person.
•Also if someone could tell me how to do the word count thing i see on other stories ? It might be a different app but i just write on tumblr lol, is that weird?
Tommy say on the couch waiting for his little diva to get ready. “Come on Evan, we are going to be late.” He says leaning back on the couch cushion, hes been ready for 20 minutes while Evans been doing his hair for 30. Hes not even dressed yet and they are supposed to leave in 5 minutes.
“Which top will look better with my pants?” Evan asks holding up a navy blue button up and a dark green t-shirt. Tommy looks over at his shirtless boyfriend and just admires him before answering.
“Either one will look fine Evan, you are wearing black jeans.” Tommy answers. “Thats not the point. Will the navy look too dark with my pants? I’m just going to wear the green.” Evan huffs going back into the bedroom. “Then why did you ask me?!” Tommy lets out a soft laugh at his adorable love leaning back against the couch.
Finally after another 10 minutes Evan is finally ready to go, he ended up wearing a white t-shirt and a blue-plaid flannel.
When Tommy and Evan enter the bar they look for where the rest of the 118 were. They spotted them in the back corner.
“Hey guys whats up?!” Evan says waving at everyone with a big smile. “You all are late.” Hen says looking at the time. “You can blame the diva here, he couldn’t decide on what to wear.” Tommy says watching Evans cheeks turn red.
Everyone sat around and talked about the most recent calls or what their kids are into now. Everyone is just tipsy, not drunk enough for karaoke yet.
“Buck how about you go get us more drinks.” Chimney says. “Meeee?!” He exclaims. “Yeah since you were late.” Chimney reminds. Buck scrunched his nose and pushed up off the table to get more drinks.
“Are you a firefighter?” The young bartender asks. “Yeah i am.” Evan says, Evan notices her looking at his muscles as he leans on the counter with his arms crossed. But he doesn’t think much about it. “Can you pick up people?” She asks with a bright smile. Evan furrows his brows together saying a shaky yes. He just wants the drinks so he can go back to the table.
“Need help with the drinks babe?” A deep voice asks, Evan feels a familiar arm wrap around his waist. Evan looks to his right and sees Tommy now standing next to him, he smiles. They both notice the bright friendly expression on the young bartenders face was now filled with shock and maybe a little embarrassment.
She quickly got their drinks to them and walked away fast to another guy at the end of the bar.
“That was pretty hot.” Evan says as they walk back to the table. “She was giving you too much googly eyes. I didnt like it.” Tommy says shivering his shoulders. “Well you announced yourself pretty loud i think the whole bar knows now.” Evan jokes.
“Good. They know whats mine now.” Tommy tells him. That made Evans stomach get butterflies and now all he wants to do is go home and have sex with him.
A/n: I hope you liked it lol. I know its really short but i personally like writing just short and simple stories. And honestly my brain can only handle short and simple, i get too side tracked and off topic when its gets too long.
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r0s3s26 · 2 months
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@blu3cr3am your Match Up is…Yuji Itadori
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<3 Yuji would be so perfect for you
<3 He would be such a sweetheart constantly and like your own personal ball of joy
<3 Everyones fav class clowns right here
<3 I headcanon yuji as pansexual or just queer, like I fully think he doesn’t gaf. Like if her thinks your hot your hot
<3 Literally the most gentlest of souls out there
<3 All he wants to do is show you how much he loves you.
<3 Yuji is only rude if they are rude first to him
<3 So you would not have to worry about the way he acts
<3 If yall were to ever get into an argument and he saw you were getting heated he would immediately like stop arguing and try to calm you down the best he can
<3 “Hey Sky its ok, im not upset anymore just take a deep breath for me, ok?”
<3 He is such a green flag
<3 I can’t find any faults about him
<3 Y’alls date nights are 50/50
<3 I think you guys alternate weeks on the things you wanna do together
<3 Like one week yuji is bring you to a new ramen restaurant in the city and showing you around
<3 And the next week you both are cuddled up with pizza boxes and soda cans on the floor around your couch, cuddling watching Saw or Scream series
(My personal favs are the Scary Movie franchise lol)
<3 He would BEGGG you to draw him, like all the damn time
<3 If you were to draw him he would 1.Take a picture and put it on his instagram story being like “My baby drew me and not you >:)” and 2. Ether put it in his phone case if it's small enough, but if it's fairly big he will frame it and put it on his wall.
<3 He would think your so smart(you are)
<3 Like listening to you talk about nature or the human mind would get him like “😍😍😍”
<3 Will share his clothes with you
<3 Like please wear his hoodies like he will melt and give you so many smooches
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It was wintertime. The cold of the outside has slowly started to seep into your bones, you shiver, wishing Yuji would hurry up and meet you at the entrance of Jujutsu High. You look at your phone again, 7:30, he's 10 minutes late now. You hope that nothing has happened to him or he didn’t get called for a late-notice mission. “SKYYYYY” you hear someone yell in the distance, and you see a flash of pink and tan running over to you(he is fast as fuk boi). Before you even have time to react to this, Yuji is lifting you and spinning you around like your feather floating through the air(this dude has ungodly strength no matter what you think it's gonna feel like nothing to him). He leans up and kisses you on both of your cheeks “Hi baby, I'm sorry I'm late, Gojo needed me and of course, it took forever” he rolls his eyes “It's okay handsome, I'm just glad you ok” you kiss the top of his head. He sets you back down on the ground but his hands are still around your waist. “Now what ramen place did you wanna show me again?” you say with a bit of a shiver, yuji interrupts you mid-sentence “Sky are you cold?” he says while rubbing up and down your arms. “ I'm a little cold, yes, but not super” you lie through your chattering teeth as the cold starts seeping into your bones, your soul-, “No baby you taking my jacket”. Yuji starts to slip off his jacket, revealing a light zip-up hoodie underneath, “Yuji I couldn’t-” “Stop right there love, this isn’t a debate, you taking it”. Yuji slowly slips the coat onto your frame and immediately you are warmed up, yuji constantly hugging you “I forget how warm you run sometimes” “Yep forever a personal heater”, he turns to you, “Your personal heater” He says with a smirk. You burst out laughing “Is that your attempt to flirt with me?” You start laughing a bit more, yuji looks away a little embarrassed “What Aoi taught me” he grumbles, “Yuji, my handsome boy, never take whatever that man says seriously”. You now take his hand and start walking towards the man road to the downtown area, “Now tell me about this ramen place”
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(Author Note: I hope you enjoy<3)
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ajearthlinggg · 3 months
My opinions on all Will Wood music videos
momento mori MAP: the first Will Wood related thing I saw thanks to my brother. I remember seeing it and being like "Wow this is so okay." Not really one of my fav songs but still really good animation from everybody
Mr. Capgras: (oh my god this is my end) honestly in my top 3 favorite music videos (number 2 and 1 are even more sexual 😭 the karma music video ain't shit idgaf) I have dressed as Will from this video (the outfit when he looks like an auntie) and I will NOT be posting the photos BC y'know, underage. But just it matches the song's vibe so well and is incredibly visually interesting. Will's makeup is on point (as always) and him and his band's outfits (or lack of) also manage to fit the vibe of the song perfectly. I read an interview he did about the music video and had to look up like, ten words. Someone make this man an English teacher. Anyway, amazing video. Give Mario more screen time.
Dr Sunshine: somehow WAY more uncomfortable then Mr. Capgras. Once again, Will's makeup is great. There are so many goddamn colors I don't know if I love it or if I want the video banned because of it. It's great how the video goes from a normal kinda weird WWATT video to incredibly uncomfortable and strange as soon as he goes bald. Great video. William, the cones in my eyes feel great resentment towards you.
Hand me my shovel: OMGG I PLAYED A BIT OF THIS ON PIANO AT MY PIANO LESSON AND MY MUSIC TEACHER PUT UP THE MUSIC VIDEO IN FRONT OF MY DAD AHAJSJJZJ (he luckily stopped after the intro) anyways I fucking hate this video for creating one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. 10/10. Fuck you.
Euthanasia: no. Don't even remind me. Please. *incredibly loud ugly sobbing noises*
Laplace's Angel : haha this video has so much bones that it should be called Skeleton Appreciation Day! *gets booed of stage* anyways great video. Wills outfit is so cool. You know the one. Bnoes bnones bnes. Lemmed ssee yior bneons.
Sex, drugs, and rock and roll : GUYS THIS VIDEO IS MOSTLY SATIRE PLEASEEE. watching Will throw tomatoes at himself is beautiful. 10/10 viewing experience
Love, Me Normally: First WW video I watched as a real fan of his music. Omg I love this video. He said in a YouTube comment that the rats were his girlfriend's at the time. I can just imagine the conversation "Hey can I borrow your RATS for my MUSIC VIDEO about CONFORMITY?" Also the first WW fanart I drew was of this video so that's pretty cool. Anyways I love the ghosts and the hat falls off his head like every 2 seconds go watch the video you'll see what I mean.
2econd 2ight 2eer: this used to be my fav WW song before I was a WW fan. Anyways THE MAKEUP ONSGDJAHSJ this video made me question my lesbianism like HIS EYELINER AAAAAA. But anyway once again lots of colors. Like, LOTS of colors. I already have eyesight problems William once again THE CONES IN MY EYES HATE YOU. AHSJSJKAAKA. Also thank you to this song for giving my lovely mutual his username. (Hi Syd)
Chemical Overreaction: This song and music video is my new aesthetic. That's all I have to say.
6up 5oh: I remember when my brother was obsessed with this song back in 2020 😭 HOLY SHIT I HEAR POLICE SIRENS RN THEY'RE ON TO ME DELETE THIS SONG FROM MY WATCH HISTORY RN FUCK FUCK FUCK. Ig this video is pretty good. Not one of my fav videos but its alright.
You Liked This: You even both like Subway, Eat Fresh!
Well, better than the alternative : omg the filter and artsyle is so cool. Also the Stranger Things references, the masks, the outline of the filter, it's so 2020 and it makes me sad. WHAT'S SO WRONG ABOUT WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME? I'M JUST TRYNA DO WHAT'S RIGHT BY YOU?
Tomcat disposables: please I'm gonna cry again. OH MY GOD WILL IS SO FUCKING TALENTED
Cicada days and Marsha, thankk you: not really a fan of lyrics videos. Decided to group the lyric vids together to say this.
White Noise: as somebody who's struggles with the topics this song speaks about, there really is no Will Wood song that affects me emotionally more than this one. Not Against the Kitchen Floor. Not Tomcat disposables. Hell, not even Euthanasia. This song in particular is so underappreciated and pushed aside instead of being recognised as an emotional, hard hitting, meaningful, lyrical masterpiece, and the video only adds to that. The symbolism from the excitement the people get over nothing makes so much sense after paying attention to the lyrics. Also holy shit he's bald again.
2012: the way his fans treat the topic of this song kinda is so weird. Like, he did so much drugs that he FORGOT A WHOLE FUCKING YEAR. and his fans are just like "haha funny I don't remember hehe" anyways this video for some reason is like Criminal by Fiona Apple if she took 12 edibles and believed in aliens. Not saying it's anything like that but that's just the vibes it gives me. I love Fiona and Criminal is top 2 fav music videos for me so I have no complaints 👍
Wealth and Hellness: not really a WW music video but I love this song so much and Will did an awesome fucking job directing the video. I love Human Zoo and can't wait to see if they ever will collab with Will again. Also all that conspiracy bullshit was insane.
Wealth and Hellness (censored version): Wonderful video! Perfect for my Christian family! Praise the community guidelines! 🙏🙏😇😇😇
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bestfriend491 · 1 year
"I win!"
Headcannons/ Drabbles
Is she competitive? Part 2
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When the two of you were younger and both still either the Black Panther or a Dora Milaje, being the better warrior was always something she had to do.
From doing the most training, to saving the most people, she had to be better than you.
On top of her strange competitiveness in silly games, Ramonda also has a thing for "friendly" competition in your work relationship.
Admittedly, you played into her game, always trying to raise the bar and win over her.
Some could say that this rivalry is what fueled the love and passion of your relationship in the earlier years of marriage.
Of course, others were less enthusiastic about the tasteless way that you both went about your competition.
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"Ehem." Captain Zola cleared her throat as the jet that held both you and some of the Dora approached ground. 
She stared pointedly at two people at the back. 
"Can I please get all of your attention!" She stated, again heavily glaring at the chattering bodies at the back. 
Feeling new gazes on you, you shifted your attention away from Ramonda, who had previously been describing a previous mission's events. 
You were met with multiple judgemental glares in your direction, so you paid closer attention to the woman standing firmly at the front with her hands in tight fists at her sides. 
"Oh! Uh, did you call?" You asked stupidly. You knew that she had. 
Letting out a loud sigh, then a groan, Zola tried to remain calm. 
She looked directly at you. "Y/n," 
Then at Ramonda, "Ramonda,"
A knowing silence consumed the vehicle, and all eyes were on you. 
"I am going to tell you one time before we leave. We are going out there to assist in battle and help in protecting and helping both injured and uninjured people get to safety. Under no circumstances, and I mean NO circumstances, do I want to see the two of you counting the number of people you save as points in a game. Especially not out loud where they can hear you!" 
Snickers came from all over, cracking the mask of serious energy that had only moments ago taken over everybody. 
You struggled to keep a smile off your face, feeling Ramonda already buzzing with excitement over your regular competition. 
"Do I make myself clear?" Zola asked. 
You nodded firmly, embarrassed at the warning. Your wife didn't share the same sentiment, letting out an unreasonably loud laugh after seeing you. 
You nudged her, seeing the captain grow more irritable as more time passed. 
"Um-Yes Captain!" She corrected herself, earning an unbelieving shake of the head from her. 
"I hope so." She said, making her way to the exit as the jet landed. 
As everyone stood up and got in line, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
"Yes, my love?" You asked, avoiding actually looking at the woman. 
"I don't actually intend on stopping my winning steak." She whispered. 
You grinned, not in any way shocked by her words. 
"My winning steak, you mean." 
She rolled her eyes, "I'm not counting the last round. That was a foul and you know it."
"Call it what you want, either way I won." 
"You won by cheating! That's not-" She stopped herself, taking a deep breath in. 
"You know what, it doesn't even matter because I'm going to be the one that wins today." 
You felt the doors opening, giving her one more proper glance, before putting your helmet on. 
"We'll see." 
Minutes into entering the location that was under attack, Captain Zola heard the dreaded sounds of what she'd tried so hard to prevent. 
"Look who's winning now, Y/n! That's 10 saves for you and 12 for me!" 
She whipped her head in the direction of the voice, both fuming and embarrassed. 
To her left, she saw Ramonda placing someone in the safe area of the fight-zone.
Not too far away stood you, looking exactly where your wife was, counting people.
Zola closed her eyes, only to be met with your voice replying.
"Ramonda, these are real lives. Not everything has to be a competition." She heard. And for a moment she saw a glimpse of professionalism. A smidgen of respect for you forming. 
"And you're wrong. I've saved 14 people today." 
And once again, you lost all of her respect. 
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AN: just a little taste to show you that I'm working again. More of these coming next week. 🤭 along with a new story, maybe. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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someguyinc · 11 months
hello i saw you in the notes talking about arthur and morgana's relationship and i would love to hear you talk more please. i am unhinged about them.
(no pressure tho if you don't feel like it)
this is literally the best thing someone could say to me after a 16 hr flight 😭 bless u anon
also me too. so i'm just gonna ramble ab my headcannons and then also their canon relationship below the cut bc it is so interesting to me and i really have a lot to say and i really mean. A LOT.
so let's start off with season 1/pre-canon and the source of all their problems: uther pendragon. uther pendragon is fucking insane and possibly one of the worst parents ever,,, like def top 10 worst fathers i think
pre-season 1 time line as I see it:
- he marries ygraine from the house of du bois after becoming king,, probably like 3-7 years after,, he claimed he loved her (heavily debatable!!) and she seemed to as well so they assumedly married for love
- now uther has a best friend at the time: Gorlois (now if this is his name-name or surname i'm not sure so i'm just going to go say surname since they're nobility) This man is known by Uther had the bravest man he's ever met,, and his wife the Lady Vivienne probably lost him in battle bc later in season 3,, Uther says a much and says Lady Vivienne was: "lonely so he consoled her"...
- now, this is where my headcannon comes in,, I'm pretty damn sure morgana is older than arthur,, meaning that I'm pretty sure that Uther cheated on ygraine out of that shared grief and around this time ygraine probably was showing growing signs of being barren/unable to become pregnant which probably worried the court ngl
- so morgana conception happens,, vivienne goes away,, gorlois thinks she's his,, during this time uther finally gives in and sacrifices ygraine's life for arthur's and ultimately blames it on arthur/all of magic (remember the talk w uther and nimueh when he says: i wish he'd [arthur] never been born bc it meant losing ygraine essentially like,,,. ok. wow.)
- now season 1: there is so much evidence uther is an abusive shit:
- he throws both of his children in jail whenever they toe the line in a way he doesn't find amusing (ie: s1e4 and s1e12)
- arthur straight up says (he's about 20/21 atp): i never knew you were proud of me,, in fact i always thought i was a disapointment (meaning: uther never went out of his way to show him otherwise for a solid 20-21 years.)
and uther doesn't actually say he's proud of him he just goes: i wouldn't wish for another son (after drugging him so he wouldn't duel being a hypocritical king)
so all of this: leads back to morgana and arthur's relationship
morgana and arthur in season 1 have a somewhat tentative relationship,, we can see that most of the kingdom thinks the two of them are going to marry one another (including themselves at times) ie: gwen saying morgana would make a great queen one day,, but they also bicker all the damn time
snipes here and there,, but ultimately it usually comes down to their differences in how they reacted to their upbringing from uther:
arthur became the dutiful/exceptional son: he became a knight at 20 (usually took knights till mid twenties-early thirties), later we learn he led druid raids pre-canon (this traumatized him also again fuck uther) this would also be exceptional seeing as he probably wasn't a fully fledged knight even then, and is known throughout Camelot (and most of Albion tbh) as a master swordsman,, and while he did have his own thoughts on magic he often bit his tounge in front of his father in order to prove himself,, we also know that unlike morgana: he learned exactly how to navigate around uther so he could do what he wanted against uther's will while not embarrassing in front of the court (ie: when he went to go save gwen after saying to his father and the court that it was probably a lost cause)
morgana was the people's princess,, but she def got the "i am my father's daughter" syndrome BADDDDD: we see in s1 she's often stood up to Uther in front of the court numerous times, so much so that when she gets thrown into prison (s1e12) it's not the first time,, arthur tells her: "i promised him that this would be the last time you acted out against him like this" (paraphrasing) and morgana replies "you're a good man, unlike your father" (line that makes me insane)
they are parallel from the start within these two episodes specifically!!! many may argue morgana was good and kind from the beginning,, but she often did things FOR HER OWN MOTIVES!!! when she helped gwen's father to escape without consulting gwen,, it confirmed it for me. she may have convinced herself it was for gwen,, but she never even asked,, she did it to piss of uther not thinking it all the way through,, opening his cell and leaving him to fend for himself against a bataillon of knights. now i'm not saying morgana has never done anything out of pure kindness,,
but whereas arthur is constantly set up as a righteous and noble man in his heart but his actions can appear to be... for lack of a better word, extremely dickish
morgana's actions appear to be kind and generous, but can often endanger those around her in her conquest for the things she wants, sometimes ending in death. (AGAIN NOT ALWAYS!!!)
NOW this leads me to the fact that once again they were the only two who grew up under Uther really and are the only ones who know what that's like,, they probably already felt more like brother and sister by the time s1 hit just bc of that but endured it bc they weren't blood and swallows the fact they were probably gonna be married but you can see it in the scenes alone,,
morgana does push arthur to be better and to challenge the things uther taught them bc that is what she instinctively does!! morgana questions uther and in return teacher arthur to question uther (ie: pushing arthur to save merlin in s1e4, helps him to strike down valiant s1e2, makes him argue back when gwen was wrongfully imprisoned s1e3) and we see that morgana does care for arthur!! she threatens sophia when she noticed something is off and often rushes to the defense of her friends,, her tactics can be destructive though just in a parallel way to arthur's
arthur's destructiveness comes from his inability to choose a side, or based his assumptions on prejudices something that becomes even more apparent when morgana turns away from Camelot and it's people
morgana was probably rooting for arthur as a king for a certain point,, but even though the grew up together and she should know arthur's MO is usually 'just say yes in front of dad and do whatever the fuck is just later' morgana doesn't trust him. and as her powers grow this also becomes more apparent and her support wanes until she believes someone else should be on the throne,,,
and when she learns that uther is her father??? that's when she flies off the deep end.
now for me morgana being older than arthur is one of the only reasons why she would have a valid claim to the throne!! we see that mithian as the only girl succeeded her father as QUEEN not just princess meaning the laws of succession COULD include women it just depended on the region,,
now imagine being morgana:
you grow up at home with your father, he is kind, brave, and gentle, and a fearsome warrior, he is the kings best friend. he dies and you move in probably around the age of 8 and you see this 6 year old boy. you later learn the kingdom expects the two of you to marry. you're still grieving but you know what this means. you take the etiquette lessons, you learn to wield the sword, you become proficient in horseback riding, you gain the education fitting of a queen. you are 15, the prince is 13, he is already one of the most promising squires. it's alright though you're learning to love him, not as a romance though (not anymore at least, he tried to flick his booger at you once at the age of 8, the flame was staunchly out out.) you two appreciate one another, you get older, it is improper for the two of you to be alone together, you witness your first execution. he's being killed for the crime of sorcery (he saved a little girl from a burning building), you don't understand. you meet your maidservant, she is one of the most lovely people to grace the earth. you love her, as a friend. you grow older, you're still expected to marry the prince (he is 18), he has killed many. he has watched even more die. he is different, you are different. you watch another man die for the crime of sorcery, you don't understand. two years pass, you're tormented by dreams you cannot comprehend but always seem to come true, a serving boy arrives, he changes the prince again. you watch another man die. you don't understand, but you hold your tounge now until later. the king's temper is short. years past and the sleeping draughts aren't working, your dreams are getting worse. your maidservant is in love with the prince. you're jealous, you don't understand. you think you have magic, you see the prince become his father. you don't understand, you just want someone to tell you it'll be alright. after years of anger and bitterness you finally understand, you hate the king and all he's done, the world would be better if he were gone, arthur would be better if he were gone. arthur loves him anyways and it kills you. you meet a woman who claims to be your sister, both of blood and in magic. you take her hand, she promises to teach you all there is to be taught. your anger for the king festers. the prince you once loved turns out to be your brother. the king you hate turns out to be your father. you beg him to recognize you, and give you the family name you were stripped of. he doesn't. you kill him. you kill s lot of people. you don't care if they're innocent or not anymore. you connive, and you plot, and you scheme. you try to kill the prince, who is now king. your sister dies. you miss your best friend, the handmaiden who is now queen. she says she hates you. you hate arthur. you die trying to make him as miserable as you.
now arthur:
one day your father brings a girl home, everyone is telling you that they you expect to marry. father doesnt say anything. you think she's pretty, you accidentally flick your booger at her and she looks at you like you've wiped horseshit on her dress. you watch a man die for the crime of magic. you don't understand, you will soon. your father looks at you like there is someone he can't stand to see. he cherishes this girl he's brought home. you work harder than any squire seen before. you get promoted early, everyone says it is just because of the king, you beat them in everything so they can't secondaries you ever again. you watch more sorcerers die, your father says it is because they killed your mother, you secretly feel like a bad person because you don't understand why all sorcerers deserve to die for the crime of one death. even if it is your mother. you twist her ring. your father's ward is beautiful, you try to impress her, she's too busy hanging out with her maidservant. you get older and complete your first druid camp raid, you don't understand, so many of them are women and children, so many of them die anyways. you change. you grow older, you become the youngest knight in camelot, you think it will turn your father's ward's attention to you, she's infatuated with owain, the oaf. you get older, and you meet the most insufferable boy with the most outrageous ears and the most obvious lies. he changes you. morgana becomes more distant. you learn that your mother's life was given for yours, you try to kill your father. the manservant you trust most in the world says that sorcerers lie, you finally understand. you hate sorcery and despise any practitioners of magic from now on. you grow older, you begin to fall in love with your sister's manservant, you understand her infatuation. you grow as a prince, and person, you gain alliances in unlikely places, you don't think you'll marry morgana anymore. you learn your father's ward is your sister, you watch as she usurps the throne. you don't understand. you fight back. you become king. you marry the love of your life. she betrays you with a close friend. you become lost. you forgive her, you trust again. you are fighting your sister. always. you don't even recognize her anymore, you wonder if you ever did. you later learn that magic was never evil, on your deathbed, and that your soulmate had it the whole time. you wonder about your sister. she tries to kill you again. she dies in your best friend's arms and all you can think is how she finally looks peaceful for the first time in forever. you die the same way not too long after.
anyways: morgana and arthur parallel each other so hard it's crazy,,, and the pendragons are a family of self-fulfilling prophecies
like that is your sister/brother and you love them and you hate them and nobody else couldn't possibly get it and they hate you but you will always love them and you are home but you can never go home and -!
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imaddicted2hs · 2 years
A one shot of enemies to friends to lovers
Another one shot yes because i don't feel like continuing the series i started just yet.
This is not my best work why lie. I could have done way better but i guess i got too excited to just finish it. Though promise, next post will be better than this because i will give it time.
Word Count- 2,527
warnings- none
happy reading!!
Nothing is better than a romantic weather with pink skies and soft breeze carrying a sweet smell of wet leaves. But sitting with your legs on the dashboard as you and your friend (with whom you are secretly in love with) jam together to the songs loudly, driving past wide, empty fields, is a cherry on the top really. "Are we ever going to make a stop or our plan is to drive until the fuel tank is empty?" He doesn't answer right away. I stare at his side profile, which I dare to say is perfect, waiting for a response. "I know it's hard for you to stay still in a place like a good pup, but 10 more minutes babe, we are almost at our motel." I dramatically gasp and smack his arm which makes him chuckle.
Long story short, few months back as I was walking past the school lab, my ears couldn't help but listen to someone talk through the paper thin walls. It was that cocky voice which I could recognize from miles away. Harry Styles. My biggest enemy and academic rival. If someone told me at the time that I'll be hanging out with him and secretly even like him a lot, I would have declared that person delusional. He and I had all the same classes and what can I say other than that everyone knew if we got a chance to stab each other to death we wouldn't let it slide. He wanted to be the one to score the most and so did I. We pulled all sort of pranks just to bring the other one down at our level. Ms. Grey, our English professor never gave any of us the chance to answer in class because it all ended with torn notebooks, weird drawings on the faces and the class hooting. Yes we both have had a perfect record other than those countless detentions because of each other. "UGH finally. I have been dying to pee and take a shower." I see him roll his eyes but I don't pay any mind to it because I'm too busy collecting my stuff and leaving the old red mustang. My grandmother was crazy about cars and made sure to leave the best one of her collections for her best granddaughter that is me. "Can we have a room with two single beds for one night? Oh and can you please check if you have the once with a balcony." As the receptionist in front of me does her thing, I look out of the window as Harry takes out his stuff from the backseat and closes the door. Not for a single second I take my eyes off of him until the lady that was long forgotten by me clears her throat for my attention. "Oh yeah sorry." I smile awkwardly as I pick up the key kept in front of me. "Gimme the keys I'll open the door, make the payment and keep the stuff so that you can go collect your stuff you forgot in the backseat and lock the car because you brought the keys with yourself." I sigh and hand him the key and make a quick run outside.
I'm huffing like a mad person as I finally reach the fourth floor because this place didn't have an elevator. My eyes widen as I hear the shower running and I don't waste a second to bang on the door and shout "how dare you, you cheater! You knew I wanted to use the bathroom badly you cruel ass." I whine. I sit angrily on the bed staring at the door so that as soon as it opens I can ruin his pretty face with my nails and maybe bite him so that his body hurts. He opens the door and before I get to throw my tantrum I notice that he is fully dressed and his hair is dry. "But-" he cuts me off "it wasn't in the best condition and you are extremely crazy about hygiene so I just ran some water so that it looks less dirty." I'm embarrassed. "Oh my god I-" "Go use it before you make a mess here" he chuckles and before I turn even more red I leave the room faster than Flash himself. On the first day of the semester last year, he slimed me just because I took his favourite seat and he had to sit in the last row. It was funny to see his face during the whole class and hearing his tone as he introduced himself. Even if I had to face the consequences and get slimed in the end, it was worth it. And today he gave a thought to my pet peeve which has my mind all puzzled. And I even forgot to bring a clean pair of clothes with me inside. I'll have to go out in the towel. I suck in a long breath and open the door to find him on the bed scrolling through his phone. "Can you please close your eyes?" He looks directly at me totally still and the moment I see something change in his eyes he quickly mutters a sure and looks away with his eyes clamped shut before I can figure out the look.
The series of events has been too embarrassing for my liking and I'm almost at the brink of overthinking. "Meet me downstairs in an hour okay?" "Don't forget the whipped cream for me." "Alright and wear a jacket, it gets cold at night." I hum in response and he leaves. What exactly are we doing here? Well after a prank war, unlimited broken pens, thousands of notes lost, the headmaster was fed up with us. We were called in the office after I had pulled a pretty big prank on him which was dope but he denied that wholeheartedly. He hated cats, what an abomination right? So I came early in the morning, and just before the bell, I put not 1 but 4 kittens and a cat in his locker. More to my luck, he was late that day and didn't take the necessary precautions we used to whenever we opened our lockers because locker pranks were the most common ones. He opened it in a hurry and was met with the smallest kitten ready to leap on him. The look on his face as he shrieked didn't go uncaptured ofcourse. He was horrified and I was grinning like the most evil creature. The other two kittens with the help of his hoody climbed on him and started licking his face as he tried to shoo them out of his locker. The cat was the most stubborn and the dirty looks Harry gave to her were too funny. I just couldn't stop laughing. As he finally managed to get rid of them, they all were not in his favour as they started roaming in the corridor creating noises. Teachers who were teaching with the doors open stepped out just to give Harry the annoyed looks while he tried to escape from the crime scene. Even the universe was against him because the smallest kitten had made his way into his bag and made an appearance while Professor Keith was trying to explain the economics crisis. Whole class turned into a chaos as the kitten destroyed the benches with his scratches and other students pushed each other to pet the little devil. This was the limit I guess because we were both sitting in front of the headmaster as he wrote us a 5 days suspension letter. We argued like crazy until he asked us to settle the matter between us right there right then and promise each other to let the whole school live peacefully. We got rid of the suspension letter disaster and as I started to walk out in the corridor he called my name and said he wanted to talk. "Let's call off the war and make a bet." "I'm all ears." "Whoever has the higher GPA in the semester end will get a fully paid one day trip from the loser." I rolled my eyes at him as I laughed just to realise he was serious. "Okay then it's a bet. Also the winner gets the most expensive drink on the Starbucks menu with all the toppings." I never liked coffee but it was a pretty good idea to make one's pocket hurt. He throwed a terrified look which quickly changed into a neutral expression before he nodded and walked away as I stared at his tall figure.
From that day we still competed but through out the process we actually grew closer by slowly clearing each other's doubt when we were the only ones in the library late at night to offering each other pens and snacks. I heard him listening to my favorite band and I couldn't help but throw questions at him out of the blue. I caught him off guard that day because he stuttered non stop and didn't look at my face for longer than a second. I didn't realize when we became friends but it turned out pretty good. So who's paying? Harry ofcourse. He left one hour earlier to get the most expensive drink on the menu and some other snacks before we go to a view point. I wanted it to be a road trip because that's the best you can do in a single day. I had a 4.0 GPA whereas his was 3.9. Not a big difference but I still won. I glance at the table clock and it's been 50 minutes since he left. I put my hair in a braid, curly hair are impossible to handle. I make my way down stairs and I see him with the mustang in the parking lot. I make my way over and without wasting a minute I open the door, sit and grin at him. It's just a 5 minute ride which I'm thankful for because driving at night at like 10 p.m. isn't my favorite thing. I get out of the car and as soon as I look ahead, I'm stunned. The most perfect view I have ever seen is in front of me as the cold breeze is all I can feel and hear. With tall trees on both the sides of the cliff, a lightened town below us and a starry night above us, I'm breathless. It's so perfect. I turn to look at Harry and he's already looking at me. He's holding everything and he gestures for me to sit on the hood. So I do. He takes a seat beside me with all types of snacks between us. He hands me the drink and I laugh at his same expression. "I don't even like coffee, I just wanted to let the loser lose some money too." He looks at me offended and shocked. "You are cruel. I don't like coffee too." "Well we need to drink it though. Let's share it hm?" I offer him picking up a red cup from the stash. He's hesitant but nods eventually taking the cup from my hand. "So how much?" "This coffee itself was 61 dollars" I gasp wide eyed. "You're kidding???" All I get is a shoulder shrug and a tight lipped smile as I laugh in shock. "Now I feel bad." "We both know you don't." He rolls his eyes as we both give it a try. "Okay it's not THAT bad you know." "Yeah because you got all the toppings and I got only coffee!" He accuses me even if I didn't attempt so. I squint my eyes then I just offer him my drink. "Oh- oh. Uhm. You sure?" He's blushing? Why? "Yeah I'm sure. Here. Give me yours." He smells great. He always does. "So how does it feel to lose?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him. "I let you win babe." I scoff at his response while he sips on his coffee making faces.
"Can I ask you something?" I take the opportunity to ask him something I have always thought of everytime we talked or everytime I saw him. "Go ahead." "Why were you always rude to me?" his shoulders stiffen all of a sudden, "since the day I joined this school, even in homeroom, when we had no classes together you didn't shake my hand when I offered. Everyone was kind to me but you just stared at me." I look at him as he stares ahead barely breathing. "Harry." He whips his head towards me. "Why?" He just looks me in the eyes as I do the same. "I liked you." My eyes widen and I quickly look away. "Wha-" "I saw you and I was so mesmerized by you. By your confidence, by your looks, by your voice. And I was competitive and rude three years ago." I can't believe my ears. This is not happening. It can't be. "I couldn't believe it and thought if I showed you I'm capable too, you will like me. But you didn't spare a single glance at me because of how I acted on the first day." I'm not able to comprehend the words as I listen to him. "But you wanted to be first? The bet too?" I ask him without looking at him. "It never was about the grades. I wanted you. So when an year after that we had all the classes together I did everything to just make you notice me. Even if it included all the pranks, the competition and fights." I'm too stunned to speak. As I turn my head, I look in his eyes and they carry guilt. Like he's trying to apologize. "I liked you too but never knew why you hated me. So I started hating you too." "You still like me?" He's quick to ask after my confession." I nod slightly in response. "Good because I still like you too." Before I get to open my mouth, he cradles my face with his big hand and pulls me towards him. Our foreheads touch as he stares right into my eyes. I can smell the scent of coffee in his breathe and his sandlewood smell. I glance towards his lips and I think he takes the hint as he wastes not even a second in wrapping his lips into mine. He's impatient and fast and he doesn't stop. Neither do I. Our tongues fight for the dominance and I give up easily because he's too good. I let him explore my mouth, I let him bite my lips, I let him devour me. I soon run out of breathe though because I pull away panting as he stares me with those eyes and I feel small under his gaze. I peck at his lips as I move the stash of food aside and come close. I hold on too his arm tightly and snuggle into him. We both look at the beauty in front of us as we feel each other's presence without uttering another word.
Reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated:)
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waffles-for-brunch · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers!
tagged by @lovevamp
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
4. One's an okay oneshot, then I did a fix-it after 15x20, then I lost my mind completely and spent three years on a season 12 rewrite and now I'm back again writing another fix-it. My twilight zone is self-inflicted.
2. what’s your total Ao3 word count?
540,492 (insert kevin james shrugging meme here)
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Just Supernatural. I started writing a fic for Baldur's Gate Bloodweave but then Destiel dragged me back to the dark side. Maybe I'll finish that one eventually.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
they're not gonna be in order bc I'm just gonna go thru my bookmarks real quick but - "And this, your living kiss" by opal_bullets "On labor" by a_good_soldier (i reread this one twice this week) "The Nanny" by Kitmistry and those are the ones i feel like mentioning. :)
5. do you respond to comments?
Admittedly rarely. Mostly because I'll open my email when I'm getting up in the morning and read them and then work all day and forget to respond. I do appreciate all the comments I get tho. And a lot of the really kind ones I send to my groupchat and/or save in a folder on my email labelled "nice comments" also just sometimes I don't feel like I have anything to say. Like idk sometimes thank you just seems too small or something you know. It's strange. Then I'll just get in my head about it and say nothing and the cycle repeats lmao. But I do read them all.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Dog you know I'm not writing any angst without a happy ending. I can't take that shit lmao. It's happy endings only in this house. Happy and found family and loveliness. :)
7. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I literally end everything the same way. Please I have the worst case of projection imaginable with these fics.
8. do you get hate on fics?
If I do I'm unaware. But I'd probably know it if I do, I stalk my own name and fics wherever I can because I'm insane and nosey. But nah the most I've gotten is just people being mad about a certain character's actions, but like that's not even hate it's just frustration with a character which is a given in certain circumstances. Now if someone was like "wow bad characterization" I'd be like girl, but no I think people are pretty respectful in my corners for the most part.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Bro let me tell you in "Our Old Heroes" I wrote like a singular sex scene and like maybe one or two other hot and heavy ones and good god did they take me so long to write. Like I'm not a very sex oriented person in general so writing this stuff out? Bro it's embarrassing how much poetry I put into that in retrospect (i jest, it's fine) but like I don't generally orient towards it just because it's very time consuming for me. It has to be very intimate and just right.
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you've written?
So short answer no, I haven't. Longer answer I love the concept and would be open to it. Particularly if it involves Dean being psychoanalyzed in some way because that's my favorite thing to write so it would probably be criminal minds. I think crossovers have so much fun and wonky potential tho.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope someone printed my fic to bring into prison and make a black market hot commodity. It would be the highest honor. I guess that's not theft, it's just the free market. But so I guess really no, if I have I'm unawares.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of but I have had people comment in other languages or on twitter people will talk about it in a different language, which is pretty crazy. It's so wild we can be so connected to a story in that way despite not speaking the same language or growing up in the same environment.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no! but as @lovevamp has said we've talked about a few that I'm certain one day we will follow through on. I've also talked with @icaruspendragon about maybe doing one at some point bc we seem to have the exact same mental illness that is the dean winchester brain disorder.
14. what’s your favorite all time ship?
I live breathe and bleed destiel, it's truly unfortunate for me.
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I just have a lot of ideas in my docs that will probably never become more than the ideas they are. Usually when I start a fic like for real I follow through with it. I would feel bad if I didn't lol.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I've been told my characterization is pretty good, which I appreciate. If it was bad I'd probably kms (jk). But fr idk that's the biggest comment I'll get is in regards to that which I really do like because I spend a lot of time trying to find a balance and make sure I'm expressing everyone the correct way they'd express themselves or not express themselves.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Sex scenes aside I do struggle with action mostly because I find it boring to write out. You just have to try and find so many different words. Ugh. I love dialogue. That's really where I start getting going. But writing action? I tend to do that last because I wanna get through all the good bits first then circle back and do the boring bits.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
listen I can barely remember english i'm sorry
19. first fandom you wrote for?
i'm an og baby i started here (destiel) and this is where i'll die (maybe not, we'll see)
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
Well, I don't really have many so it's probably the massive one. "Our Old Heroes" by adelaclancy (that's me). I was really in a bad place when I started it and I kind of just gave myself this crazy project for several reasons. One I was stopping drinking so I needed something else to do with my time. Second I was jobless and goalless and really didn't have a lot going for me and writing was really the only thing I have ever had consistently so I was like okay well I'll start this stupid project and it's gonna be like 26 chapters and 500,000 words long and it's gonna delve into all my issues through projection of these fictional characters and if I actually manage to finish it I can finally say I finished something. So I did. And I actually managed to work on myself a lot in the process. So over all that time I went from living in bad straights as an unemployed drunkard to a full time worker with a few years sobriety under their belt and a better sense of my own boundaries and thriving friendships and I dunno man, in a way that fic really was a bridge for me and I think in that too for a lot of the readers they get to see that now too. Like they can see my little notes at the beginning of chapters and how they change over time alongside the characters in the book and it's kind of an experience in that way I suppose. If not through Dean Winchester and Castiel then maybe through me, if someone out there finds a little bit of hope from that silly little mess of words then I suppose that's something to be proud of then, isn't it? Anywho...
tagging: @icaruspendragon
(Bro I know like two people sorry)
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harmfulb1tch · 2 years
Mistakes turned into Insults Part 2 - (Dad! Maverick x Daughter! Reader
A/N: I know it’s been VERY LONG since Part 1, but here you have Part 2! I hope you enjoy
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick
Ships: PLATONIC DAD! Maverick x Daughter! Reader, sort of Rooster x reader
Warnings: swearing, bad writing
Part 1
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You felt pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. You had just confronted your dad for not letting you go in a high risk mission by reminding him he had killed his best friend. Goose’s death was the thing he regretted the most in his life. It was on the number one spot in the list of things he has regretted in his life. Sometimes you thought you, yourself, were up there in the list. You sometimes believed having you was your dad’s biggest regret. Maybe because you weren’t the best daughter, maybe because you reminded him of his ex wife, or just because your birth slowed his career as a pilot immensely. After this fight, you were completely sure you were in the top 10 things he regrets the most.
And there you laid, on you best friend’s chest, crying while he held you. Rooster was an amazing friend, you both had been through thick and thin together, since you were born he was there. Although you were much younger than him, it never bothered him nor you. He was always your shoulder to cry on, and you were his.
You didn’t exactly know why you were crying this much. It wasn’t because your dad wasn’t letting you go on the mission, you weren’t a 12 year old that was banned from going to a party because they were too young. And you were extremely sure it wasn’t because you were hurt because of the argument, you were the one that hurted someone. Was it regret? Yeah, probably. A mix between regret and embarrassment. What you had just done was horrible, a high level asshole move. You shouldn’t have reminded him of his biggest mistake.
“It’s ok… he’ll be alright, he’s a strong guy. You had all the right to be pissed off at him. You are the best pilot out of all of us, and he’s not letting you go. I would be mad too…” Rooster’s voice reminded you that you were still next to him, that he was still holding you. You hugged him tighter, still crying and shaking. You loved him so much. Not only as a friend, which you did. He had been your crush for the longest time. You had liked him since you were thirteen, but by then he was already 18, he would never have liked you back then. It was impossible. It was even a bit weird, but we all know how early teen’s minds work, they get friendly with an older guy and fall in love in an instant. At the time you wouldn’t even DARE say anything about this crush (obviously) so you just started thinking you’ll stop liking him. Oh how wrong you were. Many birthday’s of yours passed, and when you saw him again on your nineteenth birthday, after losing contact with him, all those feeling’s came right back. It was funny how fast you fell for him again, as if those feelings were waiting in the deep shadows of your mind to come back into the light as soon aa you eyes laid upon him again.
“Thanks Roos.. but I’ve got no excuse for this one. What I said was terrible… just terrible” you said sobbing. It pained you just to think how much it hurt your dad. “How can you not be mad at me as well?! He was your dad!” 
“Yeah... I’m not saying what you said wasn’t cruel, it’s just I get why you said- hey- no, no it wasn’t your fault... don’t worry- please don’t cry more....” It was innevitable, when he said it was cruel you couldn’t hold it anymore, you had to make this right. 
“I gotta go Roos. I’m going to apologize to him, but uh... see you around” you said hurrying.
“Ok... go make things right with your dad. Remember you only have one and he loves you to death.” He said with a sad expression. When you saw the look on his face you turned around and hugged him, kissing his cheek. “Thank you for everything, you’re the fucking best”
“It’s no problem Y/N, don’t worry about it. You’d do the same for me” And with that, you hurried to search for your father.
When you arrived by his place (that was actually yours too, but since the argument you had stayed by Rooster’s), you didn’t see his car at the entrance, so you supposed he had gone out, great. Either way, you still knocked on the door as to not scare him by barging in. You got your keys out and with shaky hands, opened the door. You made yourself comfortable in his sofa until he came back home from wherever he was.
A couple of hours passed when you heard his keys as your dad came into the house with three brown bags full of groceries in his arms. At first he didn’t notice your presence, but when he did, he was at first startled and then immediately looked down as if he didn’t want to talk to you. That gesture is something you had gotten from him. You always looked down when you were mad, sad or had an anxiety attack. 
“hey um dad... I’m, I’m-” You couldn’t even finish the sentence when you started crying your eyes out, immediately hugging him. He was very shocked by your actions and you were too. You both knew you had always been a bit childish but you were kind of embarrassed by your actions. Your dad didn’t really care that you reacted that way. He was just glad you were hugging him back and talking to him as per usual. 
“I’m sorry dad... It wasn’t your fault at all... What happened with Goose was an accident and you had nothing to do with it... I shouldn’t have taken out my frustrations in you like that, I know why you don’t let me go to the mission and I totally understand” You said when you finally stopped crying. He just hugged you closer and caressed your hair slowly until you calmed down.
“It’s ok sweetie... You don’t have to worry, I know you didn’t really mean it. I understand why you are upset. I’m sorry for doubting your abilities as a pilot. I- I think it’s because... because I still think of you when you were 5 years old... You will always be my little girl, the one that asked me to fly with her, the one that cried when her ice cream would melt in her hands. And it made me think... I think you should be my wingman for the mission. At the end of the day, you are not only my daughter but also the best pilot of all.” while saying this, a smile spread across his face slowly as he saw your eyes light up like when you were a child.
“Dad I-... Thank you” You smiled softly at him, hugging him again.
You both then decided to sit down on the sofa to watch a film, like you always did on the afternoons since you were 3 years old.The comfortable silence that surrounded you both was then broken by your dad talking again.
“I’m glad I’m going to have you as my wingman Y/N, I think you are going to do a great job.” He said
“Thanks dad” You smiled at him hugging him again. 
“By the way, what's going on between you and Bradley, you both have been extremely close lately” He looked at you with a smirk, knowing that you probably liked him and that you have for a long time now.
“Dad! Nothing between us is going on! We are just friends.” you complained
“Yeah, sure”
“Just so you know, he probably does like you back”
Tag List (quite short):
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die-schwanenkoenigin · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @lilolilyr 🥰💕❤️ thank you so much!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
409,668, more than half of which I've posted this year---210,056 words, to be exact, which is absolutely insane!!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently only Mirandy (Devil Wears Prada).
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Well, this is going to be embarrassing, lol:
bad things (487)
nightly encounter (469)
Too Soon, Not Soon Enough (434)
unexpected (410)
Stalling the Inevitable (377)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely! I respond to every single comment I receive. I love interacting with people, hearing their thoughts and ideas! Every time I get a comment, it reminds me of the fact that there are actual, real humans out there that read my writing??? And that's still so crazy to me, even after 6 years???? So I always feel the need to let them know how much I appreciate them!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That would be two:
Thank you, baby (for loving me like you do)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Ohhhhh, I am SUCH a sucker for happy endings. You'll find that---taking away the two outliers from the previous question, obviously---all my works have happy endings!!
8. Do you get hate on fic?
I can't remember ever receiving any. That said, people do sometimes comment things like "hmmm this is weird" or whatever but, like, I pretty much just ignore that.
9. Do you write smut?
Oh, I am very much into writing smut, yes! In fact, I've currently got The Kink Series going on which... is exactly what it sounds like, lol. Smut, smut, and then some more smut; though, in this case, I'm actively trying to dive into things I haven't explored before.
Also, I've just noticed that out of the 16 works I've written/posted for the DWP fandom, 13 have been explicit. Whoops?
10. Do you write crossovers?
I haven't so far, no!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I had someone repost some of my works in a smut collection a few years back. They mentioned my username, but did not ask me beforehand---or even tag me properly. I ended up asking them to take it down, and they did. My finding it in the first place had been a complete fluke, though.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, though I've attempted to translate some of my own works. It didn't work. (I realized I suck at writing in German, lmao.)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! But I've just recently talked about a potential collab with someone whose writing I really enjoy! So that's exciting!
And just in general, I'm very open to trying out new things---i.e. collaborating on fics.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Well, I'm going to have to say Mirandy here. This ship really has me in its grip. I love the dynamics, and I thoroughly enjoy playing with their characters. There are so many things to explore!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
Okay, so, I do have this one idea. And I've written... a tiny little amount. Maybe around 3k. I realized, however, while I was writing, that it would most likely take 20k+ words to make it anywhere near enjoyable. It just wouldn't flow otherwise, I don't think; plus, I wouldn't be able to properly explain everything. Unfortunately, I'm just not really one to write multi chapter fics, and so I've come to the conclusion that it'll probably just sit in my docs forever and collect dust.
Sorry @ Assignment WIP.
16. What are your writing strengths?
As soon as I've got a good sentence to get me started, I can usually just keep going and get all my ideas out in one or two sittings. I'm also an exceptionally fast typer, which means I can write things down as quickly as soon as they pass through my head. Very good, considering my memory is absolutely crap.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I have no organizational skills. So if I realize a fic idea would have to be explored in multiple chapters, I usually retreat and abandon the idea.
That also means I just...do not plan fics. Ever. Not even my one shots. I'm 100% serious when I say I would not have the patience to plot out, say, a slow burn fic. They either get it on, or they don't. (And in my case, they pretty much always do. 😏)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I did this all the time when writing Mariana/Ana fanfic. Madre Solo Hay Dos was, like, my first fandom earlier this year; effectively letting me reconnect with fic writing; and it was right around the time when I was obsessed with learning Spanish. So I constantly included Spanish text conversations, as we all as---occasionally---dialogue. 10/10, would recommend and do again.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Camren (Fifth Harmony). That's what got me into writing back in 2017, and it stuck with me for quite a while.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Hmmm... that's really hard. I love soulmate AUs, and considering my obsession with Mirandy at the moment, I think I'd have to go for Too Soon, Not Soon Enough.
Though I did also very much enjoy writing Pretty, Dirty Girl as well as the other, kinkier fics, including, for example, Four Play. The latter was challenging at first, but ultimately a great exercise.
Thanks again, friend, for tagging me!!! ❤️
I'm going to go ahead and tag @harrytoad, @sporkmetender, @guardianrock, @awomanontheverge. None of you have to feel obligated to do this, though. 🥰
oh, and if any other writers see this post---you're welcome to do this as well!!
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fullmoonandstar · 2 years
who's the australian dude?
Glad you asked XD And I will take this chance to also bring this full circle and tell you why you will probably see or at least hear him in Deadpool 3.
(This is about that post)
So, out of all my celebrity crushes, he is both, the most realistic and the most unrealistic at the same time. Like, personality-wise I think we would be a good match but he is also a kpop idol lol
So Chan in three photos:
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(Why is this the only photo of him in the studio that I found???)
He is a producer, songwriter, and singer. I know, people think kpop is never written by the performer but he made songs live on stream several times, if you are interested you can watch episode 158 of Chan's room for example. (he gets a phone call around 55 mins into the stream with a request from one of his group members XD The subtitles are a bit weird in some parts but in general okay^^)
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Already mentioned Chan's room. It's his weekly live stream (usually on Sunday) where he listens to music and talks to the fans for an hours or so. In this gif it's a subset of episodes that I call Chan's actual room lol
Once someone asked for advice on period cramps on stream and he did not embarrass himself with his answer which puts him in like the top 10% of people without a uterus that I know. (Maybe I'm pessimistic but I feel like this half of the reproductive parts is not very well understood by those who don't have them^^;;;;;)
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90% of the time his hair is straightened, but he actually has curly hair. (relevant bc most of my celebrity crushes have curly / wavy hair lol) This was his Halloween stream from last year and I adore the curly hair. I think I have all the gifs of every moment that was caught on camera where his hair is not straightened.
So yeah it's Bang Chan (Or Christopher Bang). Now, for the one person that is asking themselves why would he be in Deadpool? The short answer is bc he and Ryan are buddies and Chan loves Deadpool. Now how do they even know each other in the first place? This is an interesting story.
In Kingdom, 6 male Idol Groups prepared performances for a different theme every week. Every round was followed by a vote that determined the ranking and some manoir details of the show. To this day, I have not understood how the voting system worked even though they explained it on the show like every episode lol
In Kingdom, 6 male Idol Groups prepared performances for a different theme every week. Every round was followed by a vote that determined the ranking and some manoir details of the show. To this day, I have not understood how the voting system worked even though they explained it on the show like every episode lol
One of the themes was "no limit" basically everything goes. They could collab with anyone, remix songs, or some third thing (I know nothing about music) but they could do basically anything they wanted.
Stray Kids have a song called God's Menu which was their first real break in 2020 and propelled them to the next level of popularity. Now, there is this Black Pink song called Ddu Ddu Ddu. Both songs have a part in the chorus that goes "du du du" but at different rhythms and they thought "wouldn't it be funny to make a mash-up?". Black Pink is well know and their songs are popular so why. They made the mash up and it's amazing. This performance is the reason I became a fan btw. I watched Kingdom for one of the other groups that competed - Ateez - but this mash-up is so good it put Stray Kids on my radar.
This performance was very Deadpool-inspired, from the hand draw map to the outfits.
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(Mnet took down the original performance video for some reason but you can see it here)
Quick side note: When Chan is talking here, he is talking in English, but because this was Korean tv they used these cards to write subtitles on. however, the first one says something different. It says "JYP 바보 (JYP is an Idiot)" Park Jin-young (JYP) is their boss and founder of their record label they work for lol (I think he resigned as CEO but is still involved with the company)
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After the performance, Chan took one of probs, a Deadpool mask, and appeared with it on hos weekly live stream.
Another side note: The live stream is called Chan's room but this is really some sort of play on his name bc "room" in Korean is bang and it's written the same way as his family name. (This doesn't mean that his family name means room bc family names in Korea are almost always based on Chinese symbols and the name is just the phonetic version of that)
The performance doesn’t go unnoticed, Ryan post something under a tweet about it. Some interaction followed - I’m not on twitter so idk what exactly happened here but yeah, - this was the beginning of their bromance. Chan send Ryan a signed album and Ryan sent chan a bottle of (what liquor is he selling?) which is funny bc Chan doesn't drink so it's just there on his desk. In a later stream he opened the bottle and sniffed it. You can imagine the reaction, I don't have to tell you XD Chan also interviewed Ryan when Free Guy was released.
Given that Ryan reblogged a post with Chan gifs recently leads me to think they are still bros and if the opportunity arises they would totally do something together.
This is the reason why so many people, including myself, are convinced the Stray Kids will be on the soundtrack for Deadpool and I wouldn't be surprised if they even have some cameo in the movie in one way or another. It could even just be in some reference only fan will get or one of their songs plays in the background. There are lots of possibilities
One last thing. Maybe you saw the screenshot of Chan from their performance on Kingdom and thought "Man, he don't look like Deadpool." And yes he doesn't. Because Chan wasn't Deadpool. He was.
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This is Stray Kids' other Australian dude, Felix. (If you watched the performance, yes, that is his actual voice.) He even got the swords <3
(Did this sit in my drafts for two months? Yes, it did.)
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brownieracha · 2 years
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I posted 727 times in 2022
123 posts created (17%)
604 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 268 of my posts in 2022
#stray kids - 55 posts
#felix - 33 posts
#oddinary - 14 posts
#maxident - 13 posts
#ask - 12 posts
#ateez - 12 posts
#wooyoung - 11 posts
#bangchan - 11 posts
#personal - 10 posts
#hyunjin - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#i was listening to the playlist me and my friends have together cause we were all together lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
7 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
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Guerrilla MV
8 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
Cat café
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pairing: Felix x reader
wc: 2.5K
genre: fluff
content warnings: none
a/n: this is my first fic so be nice please :)
(ty @georgenootfound for beta reading this ily)
“Oops sorry,” I try looking up from the floor to see who I’ve run into. Literally. All my things are on the floor. Kneeling on the floor next to me I see a young blond man collecting everything that’s spread everywhere.
“Oh! don’t worry” he hands me my last things “I wasn’t looking, it’s totally my fault.”
I finish shoving all my stuff inside the tote bag. I turn back to thank him, but. Wow.
The first thing I can notice is that he looks like an angel. He’s smiling down at me with a charming look in his face. His hair is blond and slightly pushed back, and I can’t help but notice the little freckles decorating his pale skin.
Fuck I love freckles.
“I’m Felix by the way” he scratches the back of his head nervously. Could he get any cuter? “Again, sorry for bumping into you” his deep voice snaps me out of my trance.
I introduce myself back.
There’s not a day that has gone by since that accident. I have not stopped thinking about that Felix. At this point, I don’t even think I can stop.
Thinking about his perfectly styled blonde hair or his tiny freckles decorating his face. The color of his eyes. The way he smiled at me before introducing himself. But the one thing that kept me awake at night was his voice. That deep voice would make anyone feel things they’ve never felt before. How someone who looks so angelic could sound so devilish?
With those thoughts on my mind (always on my mind. I can’t stop), I started the day. Just like every other day, I get ready for work and leave my flat, not forgetting to say goodbye to my cat. On my way to work I stop on a shop nearby to buy some stuff for my little fluff ball. I was wandering through the corridors in the pet shop when I bump into someone.
Again. Can anyone ever look where they’re going?
“Sor-“ I start to apologize to the stranger when, to my surprise I realize who it is. This couldn’t be real, not again. “Oh-”
“Hi Felix” I look up at him before looking down at the floor. God, my shoes really need some cleaning. I chose the worst day to wear these – did it have to be in front of him? I laugh nervously, a little embarrassed. What are the chances?
“Oh hey, didn’t see you there…again” I feel my cheeks going red “It seems like we can’t meet in a normal way.” He chuckles.
“Oh, I wish we could,” I mumble, still looking down at my shoes.
“What was that?” I look up immediately. Stupid, why did I have to say that out loud? I feel my cheeks heating up more- if that’s even possible. I bet I look like a fucking tomato. Crap.
“Huh?” Huh? That’s all I can say? God. I wish I could function like a normal human being. “I didn’t say anything” ugh.
“Are you sure?” A devilish smile paints his face “are you sure you didn’t say anything?” he tilts his head.
Damn. I wish I could disappear.
I don’t know what to say, so I stay silent. I look back down, too embarrassed to keep eye contact.
He grins. “Me too, by the way.”
And with that he turns around and walks away. It takes me a few seconds to process everything that happened.
See the full post
13 notes - Posted December 7, 2022
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43 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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sir???? lee know????? what are u doing????
99 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cipher26 · 2 days
this is truly a tmi but i have no friends to talk to about this stuff so here i am, yet again.
hooked up with a guy from tinder tonight. first time having sex. i'm quite proud of myself for going through with it instead of chickening out. i'm also quite surprised at how not nervous i was, which is either testament to my maturity and Growth™️, or a result of the anxiety meds which must be working wonders, absolutely top quality product right there. 10/10
it was also interesting that like...not only was i not nervous and less awkward than normal, but it didn't feel like...shocking? idk i lost the word i wanted, but like touching someone and having them touch me just felt normal. it wasn't weird or embarrassing or whatever, which again...testament to the cocktail of drugs im on lmao. but anyway, idk. i'm a pretty lowkey person to begin with, but it is hard to tell how you'll react to certain situations until you're there.
anyway it was great actually. i mean the guy was fine, attractive but also kinda basic like... the "do we really need a condom?" kind of basic which was almost funny. textbook "high school peer pressuring boy from the examples in sex ed class" kind of basic. it def wasn't romantic in any way, which is probably better for me at this moment. also it didn't last very long lol, and i didn't cum. not surprising but i did have some hope. thank goodness for the toys i have at home. and then i just left.
i'm sure most people would be shocked or appalled that my first time wasn't "special" or whatever (i didn't tell him i was a virgin, i told him "it's been a long time" cause i'm not gonna date the guy and didn't want to deal with that drama, and also i've used toys so it wasn't my first rodeo in a lot of ways).
but the thing is, most of the moments in my life that were supposed to be special, these milestones people romantacize, they were never that special for me. in fact i missed out on most of those life events entirely, for reasons. so this was really on brand for my life i guess. i'm just glad it was on my terms.
oh also it was truly just a quick fuck, there was no kissing involved, which is even funnier when you think about it cause i've never been kissed cause no one cares about me. lmao. my life is so ass backwards i can only laugh about it at this point.
i will say, it was an amazing confidence boost though. physically i'm in the worst shape i've ever been in, and have been convinced my whole life that no one could possibly find me attractive. but he did. i actually felt sexy. and suddenly i don't feel so... different i guess. idk i'm not saying the words right, but you know what i mean she says to the ether. i genuinely think the adhd meds have also helped, because i've been taking care of myself more lately, in some ways anyway. definitely not with eating food... so i think that helped me have enough confidence to even go for it in the first place. i almost didn't out of habit, but then i was like "bitch you are on this app for literally one reason..."
and also i walked into a bodega and bought condoms and didn't feel weird or embarrassed about that either...
honestly i have been wondering if these meds have maybe numbed my personality a bit, cause there are a lot of things going wrong in my life right now and yet i don't feel the familiar ache and coldness of the depression. but maybe this is how normal people function all the time, and i'm not being numbed i'm just feeling what normal people feelings are supposed to feel like for the first time ever, lmfao. i need a focus group of neurotypicals to compare notes with. "so these barely there feelings is how you experience life all the time? it's not an extreme rollercoaster of emotion? weird." lol.
anyway that's enough of that. i did jokingly say to myself earlier "you should lose your virginty before you have to move back in with family in a month, and for the forseeable future" and i didn't think it would actually happen but then it did lol. high five to myself.
anyway if you're still reading this for whatever reason, and you relate to my anxiety/depression/adhd fun factory combo, and you haven't talked to a doctor about trying meds to help manage, i highly recommend you do. i was so against it for so long, and it took me many years to admit that i needed help. and not just that, but that i WANTED help because i was so tired of struggling every day. but it has been such a relief. it's taken over a year of trying and adjusting meds (and convincing the doc that i definitely have adhd) to get to this point, but it's been so worth it. i feel like i'm finally getting to a place where im actually able to live my life, aside from the I'm Broke factor, and i know for a fact i would be a mess without the antidepressants because i'm literally in the middle of losing everything i've worked for for the past 15+ years, including my home, literally, and yet im able to get out of bed and exist and even laugh! that absolutely would not have been the case 2 years ago. so if you need help, please don't be afraid to ask for it. it's so worth it.
strange moral lesson to end this post with but.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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fueledbyapplepi · 3 years
I love your writing it's so good!!! Could I have reader having a crush on the boys and giving them a kiss while they think the boys are asleep and confessing their love to them with mikey, chifuyu and the haitani brothers? Im just so soft for those boys!!!
Sleep Tight | Mikey, Chifuyu, Ran, and Rindou
- Confessing to the boys while they're (not really) asleep
genre: 🌸 fluff 🌸
warnings: minor cussing
A/N: Thank you, anon! I really got into writing this one ( ◜‿◝ )♡ Also, I honestly think I need to come up with better titles because it sounds like a word vomit to me LMAO Anyway, I hope you enjoy this!
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Mikey (Sano Manjiro)
Life would be nice if you had someone by your side who felt the same way about you.
You already have Mikey by your side, making every day much easier to get by. But does he feel the same way with you?
You practically grew up together with Mikey. Being neighbors with the man, you often come by to play with them as kids- leading to a blooming friendship. Although more often, it was you watching Mikey train in his grandfather’s dojo, where he never fails to amaze you with his tricks. Sometimes, you’ll have sleepovers together with Emma and Mikey where you’ll watch movies with them. Only for Mikey to be sound asleep halfway through the movie.
Growing up, nothing has changed that much with that routine. The only thing that has changed is your growing feelings for Mikey.
You saw the ups and downs in his life. From the time he established Toman to losing Shinichiro, you were there to witness how he would build a castle from the rocks of his downfalls.
So it was no surprise that you find your heart beating much faster when he’s around.
Childish as he is, you can’t deny the fact that Mikey is charismatic, beautiful, and kind. But, you never had the chance to tell him what you feel. Because what if he never saw you the same way?
You looked at Mikey, who’s currently sitting by your side almost half asleep. His head swings from side to side as he struggles on whether he should watch the movie or not.
“Mikey, you always never get to finish our movie nights. You’re no fun.” Emma pouted at his brother as she turned off the television.
“Mhmm, not sleepy.” Mikey turned to look at you then at Emma before leaning on your shoulder. “Just a little.”
Your heart flutters from close contact. “Maybe he’s tired from one of Toman’s meetings.” You turned to look at Emma with a sorry face
Sighing, Emma stepped out of the room as she looked at you, “I’ll get us a blanket, wait here Y/N.”
Your face felt hot as you realized that you were left alone in the room with Mikey. Well, this isn’t unusual for you two but with the strong feelings you have for him, you just can’t help but blush.
You looked at Mikey, his eyelashes seemed a bit longer, making his eyes more beautiful. His lips, although chapped, pouted with the way he’s comfy with you.
“Mikey, can you stop being so pretty? It makes me want to kiss you,” you whispered, thinking that Mikey’s probably dozing off to dreamland.
Mikey opened out one of his eyes to take a peek at you. All the sleepiness vanishing from his body. Did he just hear you right? “Then kiss me, Y/N.”
“Heh? Mikey, you’re awake?” you felt embarrassment creeping into you. “Mikey...I...look, sorry. I-”
Your blabbering mouth was silenced with a peck on the lips. Mikey kissing all your worries away.
“I like you too, Y/N.” He smiled as he leaned closer to you. Your foreheads touching and nose brush against each other.
You felt like you’re on cloud nine. Is this real? Mikey likes you too?
Before you could say anything, the door opened with Emma looking at the two of you weirdly. “Hehhh, am I interrupting something?”
You and Mikey looked at Emma. An embarrassed look on both of your faces as if you were caught red-handed.
Now, there’s a lot of explaining to do.
Chifuyu Matsuno
No matter how many times you try, you always seem to lose.
But who won’t?
With Chifuyu’s angelic smile and kind eyes, your determination to admit your feelings for him always seems to waver. It’s just that your thoughts always fly out the window and anxiousness gets the best of you.
You’ve known Chifuyu for quite some time now. Baji, who’s your cousin, introduced him to you as Toman’s 1st Division Vice-Captain and most trusted partner. Of course, it was only natural for you to be wary of him. Baji might trust him, but he could be some sort of drug dealer or serial killer. Who knows?
You’re wrong though. The more time you spend with Chifuyu, the more you appreciate his presence. How can you not? He always lends you a helping hand whenever you need it. As cliche as it sounds, Chifuyu is like the knight and shining armor in your life.
And now here he is. Once again saving you from another horrible situation.
Chifuyu offered you a ride when he found you drenched from the rain in Shinagawa. Apparently, the weather wouldn’t be pleasant today but you forgot to read the weather forecast. Currently, he brought you to his home for the meantime as the rain wouldn’t be stopping until tomorrow.
“I’ll just text and let Baji-san know that you’ll be staying here.” Chifuyu handed you a blanket as he laid on his futon.
“Thank you, Chifuyu. But I swear it’s okay for me to sleep there. This is your bed anyway.” You said embarrassed.
Chifuyu yawned. Tiredness dropping from his eyes. “It’s alright, Y/N. I can’t let Baji-san’s pretty cousin sleep on the floor.” He smiled at you with a faint blush on his cheeks.
You laid on the bed silently. Blushing from his compliment. Did he just call you beautiful?
You looked at the ceiling for about a good minute before turning to Chifuyu. “Chifuyu-san, I-”
A soft sleeping figure cut you off. The light from the lamp outside reflected on his beautiful features.
You padded off your feet on the floor and sat right next to Chifuyu. Observing him, you notice that he looks prettier when he’s peaceful like this.
You hesitatingly brushed your fingers on his hair. While massaging it, you can’t help but feel overwhelmed by your emotions. “I like you, Chifuyu-san.” You smiled proudly at yourself as you finally got to admit your feelings even though he’s asleep.
However, you noticed that the sleeping figure in front of you stiffened and reddened from your statement. Eyes wide, you held a hand in your mouth.
“Chifuyu-san, are you awake?” You hoped that he wasn’t.
But apparently, he is. “I guess you caught me.” Chifuyu sat up and scratched his head as he smiled at you sheepishly. “That felt nice though.”
“I’m sorry!” You bowed your head, hair hiding your flustered state.
“I like it!” Chifuyu panicked. “I mean, no. I like it. But, I like you too, Y/N-san.”
You laughed. At the same time, feeling extremely happy from what you just had heard.
“I guess we have some explaining to do with Baji-san.” you teased him
“Mhmm. But,” he held your hand and put it into his hair. “Would you continue that?” Chifuyu smiled.
“Of course.” You smiled at him, continuing your hair massages.
Looks like you won this time.
Ran Haitani
You’re no medical expert. The only knowledge you got was based on textbooks and first aid knowledge.
Yet somehow, Ran would always come knocking on your door whenever he has cuts or injuries. Sometimes, even without one, he would come by at your place and complain that his body is painful.
And it’s one of those nights again as you hear a soft knock on the door.
Moving to Roppongi, you were warned about the Haitani brothers. How you must stay away from them because they’re just no good. However, you somehow managed to come across the elder Haitani while you were shopping at a local store when he asked you what hair dye he should use.
This little interaction moved from one way to the other and now, ever since Ran found out where you live, he always comes by to let you heal his “injuries”.
You’re not complaining though. Despite the rumors and warnings, Ran was much more different from what other people say. He may be cocky and teasing, but the beautiful man sure is nice when it comes to you.
Causing you to develop a little crush on him.
You opened the door as you welcomed Ran. “Now, what do we have for tonight?”
Ran stepped in as he walked towards the couch. Laying as if he lives around here. “I got a bump on my forehead.” He pointed out as he pouted at you.
“You have Rindou! And you call yourself notorious but you come here whining like a baby.” you rolled your eyes as you got in the kitchen getting an ice pack for the man.
“Here.” You handed out the ice pack as you stood up in front of him.
“No.” Ran rolled his eyes. “Kiss it, Y/N.” he pouted once again.
“You’re not a baby, Ran. Tch.” you sighed as you sat across him. “Take a nap here and I’ll cook for you when you wake up.”
“Now, wifey material aren’t we.” Ran teased as he closed his eyes. Holding the ice packet against his forehead.
About a good 10 minutes have passed and you never heard another bicker from Ran. As you look at him, the man seems to be sleeping like a log.
You crouched down near him. Observing his features. You must say, he’s quite beautiful and more attractive when less chaotic.
“You’re such a big baby.” Thinking that he’s asleep, you kissed the small bump on his forehead.
As you got up to prepare his late dinner, a hand clutched yours.
You felt your body freeze for a moment as you turned around and saw a bastard smiling cockily.
“Do it again, Y/N.” Ran grinned at you as he held on tighter on your hand. “I’m a big baby but your baby.”
“Let me go!.” your face was beat red as you tried to yank off your hands. Only failing as Ran grabbed your arms causing you to fall on top of him.
“I like you, Y/N” Ran hugged you tightly while you were a blushing mess on top of him. “So let's just stay like this for a while.”
And you did.
Being with Ran isn’t so bad after all.
Rindou Haitani
If there’s one thing you’re proud of, it’s the skill you have for coloring people’s hair.
You like dyeing your hair, your friend’s hair, your cousins, and to just anyone who asks for your help. So it was no surprise when Rindou asked you to help him in doing his highlights.
Of course you can’t say no. Not because he is a Haitani but because you actually like his presence. When you’re around him, everything seems more calm and peaceful.
Despite being a menace around Roppongi, you and Rindou are actually good friends. You’ve known each other when he saved your ass around a group of guys who tried to harass you. And although he was stoic to you at first, he was able to ease up to you because of your caring nature.
After all, you recognized him as Rindou Haitani and not “Ran’s younger brother”. And he appreciated you for it.
So now here you are in their living room. Currently finished in dyeing Rindou’s hair.
“And there you have it. We just have to wait for an hour or so before washing it.” You tidied all the mess up as Ran sat and observed you. “By the way, why won’t you let me dye Ran’s hair?”
He raised an eyebrow upon your question. “Because he can’t have you.” Your eyes widened from his statement. Rindou, realizing what he just said, covered it up with an excuse. “I mean, I want him to dye his own hair and let it look shit. If he wants someone to dye his hair properly, he can go to the salon.”
You laughed at his statement. Well, he can actually crack up jokes once in a while if he loosens up his strict facade. “Oh Rindou, we also need to buy an extra conditioner.”
You looked up and saw the man with closed eyes. Deciding that you don’t want to disturb his sleep, you sat quietly beside him and observed him.
Rindou is already handsome with his glasses. But you realized that he looks much cuter without one.
He just looks good in anything.
You traced the bridge of his nose as you admired his features. “You know what? I actually might have feelings for you.” you muttered softly as you smiled.
“Let’s go out on a date then.” Rindou opened his eyes as he looked at you. Your lips a few inches away from his.
“Rindou!!!” You sat up straight. “I thought you were-”
“Asleep? Well I’m not.” he smiled at you as reached out for your hand. “But I meant it Y/N. I like you, and I want us to go on a date.” Rindou looked at you, hoping for an immediate response.
He does like you. After all, you were the only person who he was able to open up to other than Ran.
“Okay.” You smiled as you brushed your thumb at the top of his hand.
Rindou caressed your cheeks. Leaning in and going for a kiss.
“Ohh. Can I join?” a teasing voice butted in. Causing you two to look at the tall man who’s leaning in the doorframe. “I mean can I join Y/N’s dye party? Just continue that later.”
“Ran, get out!” Rindou shouted as he pointed at the door to his brother.
Well, things quickly escalated with the brothers.
As well as your relationship with Rindou.
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miekasa · 3 years
Mie, I’m begging for some Jean college au bf hcs - im literally so down bad for this man and the way you write men is just 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
Absolutely, not a problem 😌 I saved this ask as a draft a while ago when you sent it, sorry for just now getting to it. Anyway, I love Jean with my whole heart, best boy, best boyfriend <33
King of forehead kisses, and not even just because of his height in comparison to yours; he just likes it. He likes the feeling of pressing his lips against your skin, and making you feel safe.
Brings you tea or coffee however you like it every day without fail. If he can get it to you in the morning before work/school then he’ll do that, if not he’ll meet you some time in the middle of the day to drop it off. Your own personal courier just for drinks.
He… has a thing for long(er) nails. He loves the feeling of them against his skin, even if you’re not scratching to apply pressure—just you holding his hand them grazing his skin is enough for him.
That being said, he will pay for you to get your nails done. Actually, he’ll pay for… almost anything you want, but the nails benefit him as much as they do you so feel free to ball out.
He never blowdries his hair because he doesn’t... know how to do the back of it. You did it for him once and he hasn’t stopped thinking about it since, but he’s also too embarrassed to ask you to do/style it again.
On the subject of hair, he does do his best to style it and take care of it, but he’s a sucker whenever you play with it. Sometimes he feigns like you’re messing up all his hard work, but he’ll literally crane his head into your touch. He loves it. 
The first time he lays on top of you and you run your hands through his hair... top 10 most euphoric moments of his life. He tries to fight off the sleep threatening to take over him, but it’s futile. Give it 15 minutes at most before he’s knocked out like a baby. 
Dogs love him. Anytime you’re in a park or just taking a walk and there’s a dog around, it’ll come up to him and he looks adorable leaning down to pet it. He loves dogs, too! So he’s always happy to stop and pet them. He’d be a 10/10 dog dad. 
Has your name saved in his phone with two hearts at the end. Do not point it out.
Loves taking pictures together and if you guys are on a date, he’ll ask someone to get a picture for him. He just likes having them to look back on (and to send to his mom, later).
He doesn’t mind painting classes or videos or tutorials, but he hates paint by numbers kits. He claims that they have no sense of color theory and that it takes the originality and fun out of painting. Not to mention the quality of the paints isn’t great to begin with; all of which he takes very seriously.
It’s pretty cute actually, to see him get worked up over the paint kits. He claims that painting and drawing isn’t even something he takes “that seriously,” it’s just a hobby for him (one he’s insanely good at); but in moments like these, you can tell that he’s way more into art and art theory and history than he lets on. 
Huge movie guy, from animated movies to martial arts movies, Jean is usually willingly to give anything a watch at least once. When he’s high, he can go on about his favorite directors and art styles and movie details for hours if you don’t stop him. It’s super cute. Just don’t bring up Moana, because he’ll start crying. 
Arm around the shoulder kind of boyfriend for sure. It’s a casual way of keeping you near him and letting everyone know that you guys are together. Plus it allows for him to easily pull you into him for a quick forehead kiss when needed.
Listen. If you hug his arm, he’s on cloud nine. He tries to be nonchalant about it but he’s about three seconds away from his eyes rolling back in his head it feels that good to him. Bonus if you lean your head on his bicep a little—then he’s a goner.
He takes his bagels very seriously and believes that both you and him deserve nothing but the best quality bagels. He’ll grumble if a bakery gives you guys a less than favorable one and make a note that taking the long route to get to his favorite place is much more worth it.
Always makes you walk on the side furthest from the cars. If he notices you’re not, he’ll just shuffle behind you until he’s shouldering the street and you’re on the inside. 
He grew up on a kind of modern ranch situation; not exactly all the way in the countryside, but not isolate from the city, either. Because of this, he knows how to ride horses, take care of smaller farm animals, tend to plants, and yes he knows how to use a lasso. You wouldn’t know any of that though, because he never ever talks about it. The only way you find out is when he takes you to visit his mom’s house for the first time, and she asks him for a hand around the place. 
(He’s got a cowboy hat, too, but refuses to put it on. He got it when he was, like, nine, okay, leave him alone). 
When he thinks you look tired, he’ll wrap his arms around your shoulders to hug you. It’s usually followed up with a kiss to your head, and a promise that you guys will go home soon and get food on the way. 
He’s a really good cook. He just understands and flavors and pairings really well, so he doesn’t need a recipe to make something that tastes good; he just kind of knows what to add to get the balance he’s looking for. 
Naturally, he’ll cook for you. Especially if he finds out that you haven’t eaten all day/in a long time. He doesn’t care if it’s 11pm and it might seem excessive to make steak and potatoes with a side salad at this hour, he’s gonna do it to make sure you eat, and you are going to sit there and watch. 
He also bakes pretty well, though he isn’t as experimental with his baking as he is with his cooking. He usually sticks to what he knows, and it’s not cupcakes and brownies and cakes; he’s better at croissants, and cheesecakes, and canelés. 
Dating Jean means getting along with his friends. If you guys didn’t know each other before you started dating, be prepared to be ambushed by Connie and Sasha (after Jean stops hiding you away and gives them the green light lmfao). Neither of them waste time with the small talk and formalities; straight into mini golfing and beer pong. They make you feel welcome right away.
Sasha always teases that you’re too good for Jean, and that she might just steal you away for herself some day. Sasha is also Jean’s main confidant, so she really knows just how much he loves you, and yeah, she teases him for being lovesick, but really she’s happy for Jean. And proud of him for facing his feelings like this. 
Connie adores you, and you know he trusts you when he starts going to you for advice/help. Could be anything from schoolwork, to what color he should get his new shoes in. He’s also the one who, surprisingly, you have the sentimental talks with about your relationship with Jean. It’s easy to overlook, but Connie loves Jean, and he’s come to love you too; he just wants you both to be happy, so he’s there to listen when you need it. 
Jean waits outside of your classroom after you’ve had a test or presentation, usually with a drink or a snack, or the promise of taking you out as a treat. Always tells you he’s proud of you, and is there to comfort you if you think you didn’t do too well. 
He does not shut up about whatever major you’re in. It could be the same as his; it could be the complete opposite as his. He thinks it’s so sick that you’re doing it, you make it look cooler, you make it look better, and he’s certain you’re the smartest person in your program. 
He’s pretty serious about his studies, too, so he’s always down to study with you in the library whenever you’re both free. More often than not, he shows up after you, usually with food or extra chargers. He greets you with a kiss on the forehead, and asks you how you are while massaging your shoulders gently. If it’s been a while since you took a break, that’s the first item on the list, after that, he gets to work and stays with you until you’re ready to go, even if he doesn’t have as much work to do. 
He always sits across from you. This goes for when you’re in the library, or out to eat at a restaurant; Jean loves sitting across from you. He gets to see your face the best that way, and he adores looking into your eyes when you talk. 
He’s not... not a morning person. He’s not up at 6am ready to grind, but he wakes up before noon; let’s say 10am is his happy medium. That being said, if you wake up before him, regardless of the time, there’s a 9/10 chance he’ll lay on your back and tell you to hush so you guys can sleep for 10 more minutes. 
If you’re (close) friends with Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, Jean is... happy you’ve got people to rely on, but, “Of all people on the planet, you put your trust in Jaeger?” He acts so bitter (because he is), but deep down inside, he’s glad you have Eren to rely on if you need to. 
(Also, you have to humble him and remind him that he and Eren aren’t all that different. If you like him, why wouldn’t you get along with Eren, bye). 
Turns out though, that it’s not Eren who threatens to beat him up if he breaks your heart. It’s not even Mikasa, although, her threat goes without saying; it’s Armin he’s terrified of.
The last time Armin hated someone, it was this guy in your program, who happened to share a few mutual classes with him, too. Jean never knew the full story, just that he’s pretty sure that kid dropped out the following semester. 
If you have a job on campus, Jean usually doesn’t show up while you’re working (knowing how embarrassed he would be if you did that to him), unless you work the night shift and it’s dead. Connie, however, does show up; usually in some kind of crisis (“Please help me, I don’t know what the fuck APA formatting is and this is due tonight, please, please, please!!”). Your coworkers actually thought Connie was your boyfriend for a minute. That’s when Jean starts showing up more lmfao.
He makes it a point to go on a scheduled, night out, kind of date at least twice a month. He knows life gets busy with school and work and midterms, but he always makes sure you both set side a time to take a well-deserved break and be with each other. 
He’s the romantic type, so these dates are pretty swoon worthy, too. Drive-in movies, nice dinners, classy art exhibits, Jean plans it all. On that note, he really likes planning dates; he just doesn’t like talking about them with his friends beforehand. 
All in all, very romantic, very precious boyfriend. He’s always thinking about you, what you need, and how he can help you out. You’re one of his main priorities, and he just wants to treat you right. 
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lexxiie · 3 years
Girl oh my god I need a part three ✋😫
My heart is so soft right now
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If Reader Had Found Tenko Before AFO Did (Pt.3)
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Omg I can't believe that so many people wanted a part 3! I'm so glad you liked these.
Part 1 Part 2
Pairing: Tenko Shimura | Tomura Shigaraki
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After 13 years of sharing your life with the most wonderful kid in the whole world, saying goodbye was just too hard.
Tenko was about to graduate from the UA. He had been one of the top students and one of the most prestigious hero agencies had taken him in. Which meant that he would probably move to another city to be a hero there.
You were so proud of him. He wanted to be a hero ever since he was a child! How many people end up making their childhood dreams a reality?
You wouldn't want it any other way, but you would miss him.
Now that these were your last weeks together, he had been spending much more time at home.
He had stopped hanging out with his friends so that he could be with his mom, how cute is that?
The truth was that he already missed you too.
You have been the biggest support he has had in his entire life. You had loved him even when you knew what he had done, you had given him a family. He had no idea what he would do far from you.
He would go straight home right after classes were over so that he could be on time to help you cook to rant about his day and hear about yours.
Your movie nights became a tradition. You still did that every single night. He lets you pick the movie now that he is older while he rests his head on your shoulder.
9/10 times, he falls asleep. Your movie choices are too boring for him, but he doesn't complain.
You are the "hot mom" at his school and every time someone mentions it, he gets pissed.
But you love it. You were very young when you adopted him and he was already five. A part of you feared that maybe you were rushing your life a bit too much but there wasn't any way out anyway because the kid had your whole heart.
So, of course, the fact that 18 year olds still thought you were hot was very flattering. You didn't look old yet.
You do feel bad that it's embarrassing for Tenko, though. But not that bad.
He is the sweetest kid ever.
On those rare occasions where you are the one who falls asleep, he wraps a blanket around you.
On weekends, he is the one who makes breakfast for both of you.
He is the one who goes to the supermarket whenever you need something.
He is very grateful for you, you know? He feels like you have given him too much and he just wants to do things for you as well.
It makes you very emotional to see those old portraits of you two where you literally had to carry him so that both of you could appear on the picture and then look at the most recent ones where he is now taller than you.
Seeing this boy grow up is the biggest joy of your life. Seriously.
He used to wonder if maybe you would have had a better life if you didn't have to raise him. Maybe you would be married by now, and have kids of your own.
When he mentioned this to you, and told you that he would be okay if you ever decided to bring someone else into your life, you were so confused.
Hadn't you showed him how grateful you were for him???
You made sure to tell him that he would always be your top 1 priority. And it was true. You were happy that it was just the two of you.
However, it was true that you were too busy adoring Tenko to think of loving anyone else.
Maybe now that he was leaving, you would be forced to do so.
On your birthdays, he treats you to dinner in your favourite restaurant.
He is very caring and pays attention to every detail, so he has a list on his head of every single thing you say you like so that he can look for them and buy them as a gift.
Although the fact that there's not a huge age gap between you two makes your relationship a bit different. You are more of a cool aunt than a mom.
When he turned 18, you both literally went clubbing together. You had been waiting for years.
He still calls you (y/n) but you prefer it that way. Turns out that you are still not ready to be called mom.
You do introduce him as your son, though. Except when you see a hot dude, then you introduce him as your little brother.
He literally thinks you are the coolest person alive. You are his biggest hero and the person he admires the most.
You keep all the clothes from when he was little in a box because they are your most precious items, as well as his toys.
Don't tell him that I told you this but he has a whole box filled with portraits of the two of you for when he moves out.
At the end of the day, you saved each other.
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