#“because you didnt look away” ass reference
ceo-of-rockopera · 3 months
removing the mask . rockopera
goes without saying, the only people erik would let see his face would be those he had trusted, though not saying much.
dewey had been warned several times beforehand about his face, none of those warnings having stopped him. he was nothing if not a rebeller, even to the most simplest of things. if anything his curiosity had been piqued by this mystery thad had eluded him, this shadow behind the mask.
the musician half expected it to be some big dramatic reveal, almost out of a musical or something (🤨) but he had no reason to complain that it wasnt
usually erik never stays over, always some reason or another to leave. ranging from a finger trailing too close to his mask purposefully or otherwise to simply "oh, look at the time, i must be off!"
on this particular day they'd been laying in bed, doing.. whatever the hell knows what. dewey didn't even know he had books laying around in the apartment, but sure enough his partner was reading one. he wouldn't put it past him if it was brought from home even
"can i see your face?" sounded like an innocent enough question to the man. no ill intentions, no move to reach for it, just a gentle smile.
of course it had to have been a matter of time before dewey had the curiosity, just as all others had. an overreaction would only make the guitarist more curious knowing him, though that thought didn't stop the phantom from looking mortified - if just for a split second.
reluctantly, erik sat up, bringing his more or less stable hand to hold his lovers. "you may"
despite how anticlimactic it had actually ended up being, that didnt stop dewey from hesitating a bit when being granted permission. he wasnt /afraid/ necessarily, but the scar had to have been pretty fucking knarly going off of everything erik said he'd been through.
dewey went quiet when he was greeted with his lovers face. incredibly surprised.
for starters, it hadn't been something inherently frightening. call him crazy but it could be possible that the knowledge he was disfigured left him not shocked to find that he was disfigured! and he was, but really? he'd been broken so horribly and forced into hiding because of this alone? really????? it wasn't even him being prepared that made it anticlimactic, it was just not something fright worthy in his eyes. (any other circumstance he'd comment "seen better" but now was not the time)
ghosting his thumb over the hole formed above his right nostril, he mumbled one word. "badass.."
there was no scream that came from him, though it wasn't something he could shrug off. dewey was filled with conflicting emotions, most of them utterly livid at the fact that someone would hurt the man he loved so dearly because of something so mundane as his face. the nerve. it wasnt something he could really act on at the moment, so he attempted to push those feelings aside
now this, out of anything, confused erik. he'd only believed what others had told him, but to hear someone actually react in a positive manner? reassurance was an understatement
"do they hurt?" dewey had added on after a short moment, resulting in a stunned shake of his partners head. the musician moved his hand to cup both sides of his partners face.
what dewey had not been expecting was his partner more or less breaking out in tears the second he made contact.
out of joy, if nothing else
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connorsblog · 3 months
for the prompts, could you do “are you... wearing anything?” with rick? either male reader or gender neutral, whichever you feel like :)
˙✧˖° SHEETS 📷 ༘ ⋆。 ˚
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a/n : thank you for the request lovely! also sorry for how short this was,,, i wrote this at 3am
pairing: rick grimes x male reader
warnings: reader has hangover, reference to nsfw, the usual !
as i woke up my head felt dizzy, my eyes reluctantly fluttering open. i stretched, my feet shaking as i did so. god that always felt so good.
soon after, i realized the other side of my bed had a weight on it.
looking over, i realized it was rick.
oh, that's why my head hurts.
now my blistering headache made perfect sense.
as i moved to wake him, my sheets wrapped around my leg. damn these comfortable ass sheets.
i maneuvered my legs for a few moments to escape from them, finally freeing my legs.
my head pulsed again as i swung my feet over the edge of the bed — finally realizing i was fully nude.
what the fuck?
i glance over to rick and he was too, his tan shoulders shining in the early morning sunlight.
i tried to nudge him awake again, but he didnt even move at all. he looked dead almost, but i was assured he wasn't by his dramatic sigh.
he's still just as dramatic when he's asleep, i guess.
after a few minutes of me spaced out — staring at his wall in front of me — he finally woke up.
i was faced away from him so i didn't register it until his voice rang out, that accent chipping my ears.
"are you... wearing anything?" was the first question.
"uh, no, actually. seems like you assisted me on that, rick," i let out a chuckle, which i regretted soon after because it made my head pulse.
he chuckled back, sitting up as i recently did. he flattened his curls, trying to tame the hair that seemed to be the only physical result of last night.
well, i was wrong. as he sat up, i saw a large purpling, yellowy mark on his neck. damn — when did i become a fucking werewolf? that thing was huge.
i realized about a half second later there were a few more littered down his muscled abdomen.
"do you remember what happened? last night, i mean," i decided to ask. i was curious, but i had an idea of what it could be.
"i mean.. do i have to say it?" he half-chuckled, looking me up and down for a split second.
"you worried what your pals are gonna say?" i teased. we've had sex before... but this seemed to be a little more intimate than the previous ones.
this time, he stayed in my bed. he didn't leave like he usually did — exiting quietly before dawn had erupted through the windows.
"no, not at all," he walked over to me, still nude (which... i was not complaining.) and planted a kiss on the top of my head.
i could barely feel it — but warmth tingled through my body as if i had.
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fandomwritinga · 5 months
nitoku is cute, like hes NERDY HUT HES CUTE. like imagine nitoku’s taking pics of u in suggestive outfits and hes all like “oh i wanna use you as reference for my literature “ but in reality he just wants to keep pics of his partner being all sexy !!(n maybe jerk off to them when ur not there)
I fr love how he looks
Anyways i made it nsfw i hope thats ok😵‍💫
- my beloved
- So
- You start to think its weird when you read his stories and none of them have anything to do with the outfits
- But hey maybe he just hasnt showed you the ones that he needed the pics for !
- Yes thats it! Right?
- When he first brought it up he had some shame in him
- Afraid you were gonna laugh at him
- But you didnt
- Awwww… he cant believe just how nice you are to him!
- But just how far is he gonna go?
- The first time was just a pose of two characters really close to each other
- The fact that he had a hard on is besides the point
- The next time he needed something he gave you a whole outfit!
- You were a bit surprised to say the least but he is your partner you will surely help him out
- What you didnt think tho was that he is gonna take pictures
- But dont worry he will delete them !!
- Just give him some time to finish the story!! And surely he will delete them !!
- The poses keep getting more suggestive and intimate
- You keep complaining about the pictures but you dont push it
- The reason you dont is cuz you caught him jerking off to the pictures
- You think as long as its just for him there is no harm
- But you wont lie that the last one was your favorite
- He gave you a robe similar to his
- You were naked under it
- And so was he
- Safe to say you decided to get back at him
- You slowly spread your legs even tho the script didnt need it
- He was very surprised
- But you said its a better story this way! And he listened like a lost puppy
- He just kept looking at you, admiring you
- Your curves, your soft skin
- The robe is now of you shoulders and he is on his knees on the floor
- Painfully hard
- You start to push your hand between your legs
- He does the same
- Just until you stop him
- “W-what?!” You stop him because after all the script is about a lonely woman so you must act on your own
- He looks defeated at you
- You just continue your fun, toying with him
- You start pleasing your self, lost in the feeling, you dont notice him moving towards the script
- He grabs the script and scribbles something on it
- By the time you realize, you guys are fucking, robes still on
- You are on top and he is doing everything to keep you moving
- He is whining, bucking his hips, pleading for you to keep moving but you dotn move
- You know he is a fighter, way stronger than you, but you know he would never use his strength agains you
- You check the script for the part he scribbled in
- “Woman gets to cum thanks to sex by man”…. “Is this your life greatest work?” You look at him
- He just looks back and says “i was in a hurry” and bucks his hips into you
- You both let out a chuckle
- Your hands are on him, touching him constantly
- So you decide to have fun for a bit more
- You start riding him
- He is getting loud, talking about how nicely you squeeze him, how he cant wait to cum in you!
- But then you suddenly stop
- You get off and walk towards the door
- “No! no! Please! Where-wha” he asks sadly and surprisedly, still laying on the floor
- You naked body still partially coved by the robe turns around to him, your back facing him now as you just look back at him
- Your hand brushes the robe away from your ass, bending over a bit, you bum now fully sticking out
- “I think there were a few more scenarios and poses that the script had, right?”
- He looks baffled
- “YES!” He yells out
- He starts getting up and you just throw your robe at him, now fully naked
- He looks at you in awe as you run away into the house butt naked
- He smiles and takes his robe off too running after you laughing and blue balled :)
- Who knows what else was in the script?
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cirusthecitrus · 8 months
Iliad? In my She-Ra cartoon? It's more likely than you think
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Some of you may know that og Hordak and Prime (from the motu franchise) also have "normal" names. Sooo, you know how long it took my dumb ass to realize that Hec-Tor and Anillis are spelled and pronounced suspiciously similar to Hector and Achilles - u know, the heroes from Homer's Iliad??*
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I have no idea if this lil trivia fact is an intentional reference or not or if this specific choice of characters is supposed to mean anything at all. But it means everything to ME
Because why Horde Prime of all people was given the name of a hero?? Why Hordak, his brother, was given the name of his enemy and his victim? And why do these names fit the 2018s versions of these characters so well?
!I'm not an expert in ancient literature or greek mythology/history or anything close so my knowledge and understanding of the Iliad and its characters is literaly on the surface level! I'm only making this post cause looking for parallels is fun c:
Horde Prime as Achilles
The mythological hero, Achilles was often reffered to as the beast, or pure element, force of nature, or even a star. Not a person, not a human being
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He was an exceptional fierce hero known for his passion and determination, but also his arrogance and stubborness. Noble yet often selfish and capricious, understanding and caring yet cruel
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The one who possesed arcane knowledge about the fate of humanity, and with it - about his own destiny
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The one protected by the gods, who was so close to godhood himself, whos body was immortalized in the river Styx
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And yet, one small part remained vulnerable, a part of him stayed painfully human. And once it was discovered and aimed at, he was as good as dead
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The one who was driven by horrific almost animalistic rage. Rage that came from pain and grief. Rage that came... from love?
Achilles lost someone dear to him and this loss blinded him with desire for revenge, made him chase after the warrior who took his loved one from him. He refused to let go, not even letting go of Hector's corpse
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Hordak as Hector
Described as "deserving of love" Hector was a great warrior, deeply devoted and loyal to his home and his cause
A brave unstoppable leader who nonetheless made many mistakes by letting his human emotions and traits make him act unwise, arrogant, reckless and naive
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The one who believed in his gods and trusted so many, but in the end was only deceived and lied to. And this lie was the reason why Hector could not escape Achilles' wrath
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The cause and the victim of Achilles' rage. His personal enemy, the one who killed his beloved. The one who feared Achilles so much yet in the end stopped running away and faced him in their first and final duel
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The one who lost everything. Doomed to die tragically by Achilles' hand. Hector didnt even beg for mercy, only for his body to be treated with respect, but Achilles could not be reasoned with. Instead he dragged his corpse behind his chariot for days on end, not letting him rest. Not letting Hector return home to his family
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But wait, who is Patroclus of this story?
Funny how this part of Achilles' story fits Hordak a lot more, since it was him who lost a dear friend and it was him who was consumed with grief and fury. Thus, in a way, Hordak is both Hector and Achilles and Entrapta is his Patroclus. But what's Prime's deal then?
We can always enter fanon territory and headcanon that Prime might have lost someone a long time ago and grief turned him into a monster. Could be a lover, could be a friend or family, could be his old self even. But then what Hordak had to do with it? Why he became the target of his rage?
Perhaps in this version Patroclus isn't even a person. An idea of perfection and control. Hordak's imperfections ruined the image of his ideal world where everything goes his way, ruined his own image, the facade of an all mighty god who could not make a mistake or create something less than perfect. In a sense Hordak's defect and later betryal killed everything Prime was working on and was trying to achieve, everything he believed in
Perhaps Hordak is both Hector and Patroclus. A brother Prime loved so much, but only when he was still a perfect obedient doll with no name. But once Hordak began to change, showing his personhood and becoming harder to control, becoming unrecognizable, HP could not accept it. In his mind Prime lost a brother, and someone who named himself Hordak was his murderer
Again, I have no idea why the hell they chose these names for their aliases. Achilles and Hector were in no way pure or flawless people, but... they were still heroes. Does this say anything about the characters of Horde Prime and Hordak or their dynamic? Especially their motu versions**?? Or was this just a reference for the sake of reference? (oh maybe im only seeing things and its not even a reference??) They could've chosen an iconic pair of tragic brothers instead idk on the surface it'd seem more fitting :/
But i'd rather keep my tinfoil hat on and think that it was all intentional, because I'm LIVING for the implications regarding Prime's humanity .з.
**Motu fans and experts if you're reading this, i'd love to hear your thoughts on this, you have to know more than me!
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thedivineflowers · 10 months
hi!!! Love you works they’re so silly and good😜but sad😔 anyway I hope you’re doing well! I wanted to ask for when the boys (idk how many you’ll take but I think if you need a limited amount go with the first years😭) but yea when the boys say something plain ass bitchy and mean to middleschool!reader, like how were magic-less useless kid (looking at you Ace😡) saying some shit about our family or babying us too much till it become insufferable or smth and then when we get rightfully upset and cry or get upset (leaning on crying for more drama, angst and guilt😘) they realize how bad they fucked up and apologize, I feel like we would be a little stubborn about the apology depended on who it is to😭 but yea my goofy ahh request take your time and you can switch up the characters it’s your writing I don’t care! Love you works<333
Ace: he’d always tease you. And during the first few weeks when he was warming up to you he’d diss you by saying that you were nothing without magic. He even referred to you as the useless and magicless kid for some time. Even after months he still referred to you as that and one day you just bursted. “Why can’t you shut up about me being magicless?! I know I’m at a disadvantage but I’m tired of it! The jokes dead now why can’t you get it!? If I could I’d just make a portal by myself to go back to my world so I don’t have to listen to you all damn day but guess what?! Im just some useless and magicless kid!!” You shouted at tears ran down your face. You stormed away and he tried running after you but you quickly maneuvered away from him. Because of his pride he didn’t apologize for days and stayed quiet when around you. One day after he was given a reality check by Deuce he apologized because guilt was really eating away at him. You still avoided him for a bit just to make sure but your friendship came back together.
Deuce: he kinda has a temper (to me he does) and he’ll let it out sometimes making him call you shit like Ace. But because he is trying to be a good student (and a good friend) he’d be very quiet if he’d call you things but you always manage to him whisper it to himself. One day you two were alone in the classroom doing detention because you two got into a fight when a guy mocked you. “Hey, Deuce.” You called him with an empty tone. “Do you really wish that I had magic. That I had someone to look after me so you didn’t have to stick around me all the time?” You asked as you eyes were glued to the table in front of you. Barely managing to answer the first question on your math homework. “I see how you look at me when I mess something up because I lack magic. I just wanna know.” You said as there was a pressure on your throat. Like you wanted to throw up and let out a yell at the same time. His answer only made the pressure worse as your breathing became short. Did he really think that it’d been better if the magic mirror didn’t pick you? That you’d only stay as the schools janitor? You quickly walked out leaving everything behind to go to the teachers bathroom that you had access to. Everyone thought the same thing about you so why were you throwing up in the sink and crying your eyes out? Because you thought of him as different? No. Deuce came to your dorm later that evening with your completed math homework and backpack. He sighed before apologizing about what he said earlier and the things he’s called you. After some talking your friendship was alright but with rockiness
Jack: At first because you were obviously magicless he’d be very overbearing to you when it comes to things like flying your broom three feet off the ground. He’d chastise you when you used simple spells by waking you up the morning and running with him. He’s trying to protect you but it seems that he underestimates what you know you can and can’t do. You’d get frustrated and try to express that you didn’t need to be babied but the words would just stay stuck in your throat because you knew that he was just trying to look after you. “I can do this Jack! You need to stop worrying about me with small things like having the damn ladle stir itself in the pot! I’m not gonna get hurt with it and I know you’re looking after me but you’re making me uneasy like I could die from just touching a book about small spells! You’ve seen me fly a broom around and be perfectly fine in Mr. Crewels class so what is it that makes you think that I need you breathing down my neck all the time?! Is it because I’m magicless and from another world? Is it because I’m still a kid?” You bubbles over and spewed at him one day while you were making yourself dinner. Jack stood there as he awkwardly looked to the side trying to find an excuse. “I-“ “Im not as fragile as you think. If I was I would’ve been dead.” He’d been contemplating how much magic you could handle and he knows you know that he’s watching over you but he doesn’t know that it was getting overwhelming for you. He avoided you for a bit before apologizing and admitting that he had protected you because he feared you were weak because you were still a kid. You nodded in understanding and forgave him.
Epel: he had a small ego boost because he heard that you were magicless and a child who still knew nothing. He’d also heard Vil chatting away about you and saying mean things even when you were around. So he thought that you wouldn’t mind if he did too. You tried getting along with him at one point but he just pushed you away. “Is there something wrong with me that makes you stay away from me? I know that Im nothing like you but I’m trying to make an effort to get along with you!” You cornered him one day in the hall with small tears about to well over. He had almost nothing to say but a small peep “Does me being magicless and from another world disgust you? If it does then just say it already so I can leave you the hell alone and stop wasting my time trying to make an effort!” You demanded “I- no, not at all! I just…” He cleared his throat away of his country accent. “I thought that a kid like you couldn’t go through so many things and not have anything to hold onto yourself, ‘thought it was silly and that everyone and you were bluffin’ so I pushed you away because I thought you were way over yourself before I even got the chance to talk you properly…” he trailed off as you wiped your eyes and looked at him in understanding. Over time you both tried holding conversations to get to know each other and get warmed up so the same mistake doesn’t happen again. (It is hot in my damn room help 😭)
(The ones from diasomnia don’t really know you here)
Sebek 😈: He’d always talk about it was ‘impossible for a child with nothing to their name’ to even do anything in a world where they didn’t belong when he wasn’t stuffing his mouth with praises for Malleus. How ‘Their parents clearly made a mistake in raising them’ because you couldn’t cast a spell in class without needing help or looking at the instructions again. He’d even insult you in front of Malleus when you do someone like walk past their table “That child has no grace when they walk! Even in the presence of my lord himself! Utterly disgusting!” He’d say and the other three wouldn’t really respond because they hardly know you. One day Mr. Crewel had you two paired in a project so you two went to a secluded place to start (I mean he walked away while you followed after him.). “For the hundredth time that species will poison you! Can’t you understand?! Sevens I don’t know how you’re alive when you can’t even memorize stuff like this.” He muttered as he pinched the space between his eyes. You then slammed your fists in the table with tears of Frustration boiling up. “Can’t you understand that I can’t get a grasp of things here?! I’m only (age) and I’m in the (grade) grade! No sebek I cant understand anything because I’m not from here! I’m not supposed to be here making spells or talking to you because I’m supposed to be in a world where I get shut out like you have done to me because of shit like this! I don’t have an identity but only my face as proof of my existence! I don’t care about this project anymore you can blame me all you want I’m leaving.” You concluded before shoving papers in your bag and hastily walking away before he could even speak. After he had complained of what you said to him to Lilia he suggested that he look at it from your view and apologize. So he did. Which earned him nothing more than a smack on the face and a door to his nose. It’s up to you if you forgive him.
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evansboyfriend · 3 months
ok im ignoring my adult responsibilities because i am a tired sleepy girl today and writing isnt happening and i've been on twitter and
the most baffling thing is the b*ddies/antis insistence that tommy is WRONG and BAD for buck, when in fact, canon has shown us time and time again that buck is crazy about tommy. he's so heart eyes. he's so smitten.
let's revisit some CANON facts, shall we?
he explicitly says he called tommy and asked for the habror tour because he wanted to get to know tommy ✓
he said "that guy is cool i like that guy" referring to tommy, to his face ✓
he said he was trying to get tommy's attention because he likes tommy and he wants tommy to notice him, to like him ✓
he said "i can't stop thinking about him [tommy]" to eddie after he had the opportunity to come out to eddie when he felt comfortable and prepared to do so ✓
when he was so upset about ruining the date by acting like a fool and asking maddie for advice because he doesn't want it to end there! he likes the hot pilot! he feels back for panic-shoving him back into the closet by overcompensating with those cringe-ass ridiculous comments (when tommy had already told eddie that they're just hanging out, grabbing a bite, going to a movie. bros being bros) ✓
he called tommy and asked him to meet him at the cafe and apologised for his foolish behaviour because he 100% acted like a fool ✓
even after tommy says "you dont need to apologise" "you didn't behave badly" "i ended the date early because i didnt want to pressure you" buck insists he acted badly and wants to apologise to tommy. BECAUSE HE CARES ABOUT TOMMY. HE DOESNT WANT TOMMY TO THINK HE'S AN ASSHOLE. ✓
he invited tommy to be his date to the madney wedding and insisted he come, throwing excuses at him like "there's free food! (please come) you know half the people there (please come) my sister wants to meet you (please come) i need someone to dance with (please please please)" ✓
his face literally lights up when tommy shows up at the bachelor party he's walking towards tommy with his arms wide open like HUG ME HUG ME ✓
he looks tommy up and down and calls him a beast and proceeds to eat his face in the hospital lobby surrounded by other patients and nurses etc. his man showed up to be his date to a disaster wedding happening in a hospital room and buck went NUTS about him ✓
the way he looks like a proud boyfriend when tommy is getting the medal ✓
the way he's ready to bite gerrards head off for implicitly calling tommy a gay slur ✓
the way he's shamelessly flirting with tommy while they're having a lowkey dinner together at his place and the look on his face like he was about to pounce on him ✓
but they have to insist that tommy is problematic, that he's wrong for buck, he's a bad person, because, what? buck doesn't have the capacity to judge for himself whether the guy he's fucking is right for him or not? he's wrong to be head over heels & horny for his hot pilot boyfriend? like he's not a grown ass man making decisions for himself for who to date and who to fuck and who to bring as his plus one to important events and who to go home to after a long stressful day?
if you love evan buckley so much, why are you taking away his agency like that?
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pastanest · 2 years
A/N: you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @bakedcrispss - thanks so much!! ♡
a gif of Daryl looking down at us to set the mood ⤵️
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Daryl x Short!Reader
- let’s start with how you met
- so Daryl was out on a hunt when he heard some commotion, something was moving fast towards him and just as he realised which direction the sound was coming from, you quite literally ran into him
- and when you ran into him, you bounced back and fell right on your ass, while Daryl just scowled down at you
- so there you were, staring up at him
- and then you stood up, and there you were, still staring up at him
“Sum’ followin’ you?” Daryl asked, glancing off in the direction you’d ran from.
“Only dead ones, but my knife broke so I had to run to get them off my trail. Sorry about running into you.” The apology was awkward, but Daryl just nodded.
- he considered correcting you, sarcastically saying he should be the one apologising since he was apparently in your way and knocked you over, but he thought it was too soon for a dig at your height
- Daryl waited a few seconds to see if he could hear any walkers coming after you, and when he couldnt, he skulked off
- much to his surprise, you followed him, and he found that he could barely hear you creeping up behind him because of your lack of height and therefore heavy steps
“So, what’s your name?” You asked, definitely taking Daryl by surprise, but he hid it well.
“Daryl.” He answered shortly. haha y’all see what I did there
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Daryl! Im (Y/N). Do you have a group or a place to stay? ‘Cause if not, there’s logically a better chance of us surviving if we stick together.”
- he didnt want anyone following him, much less someone who didnt even see a man directly in front of them that they then ran into. he didnt even know if you could handle yourself. Daryl assumed that what you really meant was you were more likely to survive sticking with him because he’d save your ass
“Got a group an’ a place.” He said, hoping to throw you off, but he quickly realised his own mistake.
“Oh, that’s great! Do you, uh...maybe have room for one more?”
- have room? Daryl had to hold back a laugh, you could live comfortably in the average sized closet and you were asking if his group had room for you?? he, again, refrained from making such comments, and decided to stay professional
“How many walkers you killed?”
“Havent kept count, but some. I can usually sneak away from them, Im pretty good at getting into small hiding places.”
- Daryl looked down at you, struggling to tell whether you were insecure about your height and whether making jokes would be okay, or whether you would get insulted and sad and think your height a weakness
- in response, you rolled your eyes
“Daryl, do you really think I’ve gone my entire life blissfully unaware of being a short-ass? It’s not something I can change, so I work with what I’ve got, but sometimes I run into dudes and knock myself on my ass.”
- and much to Daryl’s absolute shock, that last part made him laugh
“That a regular hobby o’ yers?” He teased.
“Oh yeah, try to squeeze a collision in at least once a month.” You replied with a grin.
- and so your friendship was established
- when the two of you got back to the prison, you saw the people at the gate and in the guard tower and sighed because you knew from a distance they’d think Daryl had brought back a kid
- still, the small group that greeted you were welcoming enough. Maggie and Glenn were both very sweet, and as was Rick, but you’re certain you werent the only one to notice that his teenage son Carl was almost the same height as you
- you fit into the prison nicely, offering to help out wherever you could and getting to know as many people as possible. Daryl was fascinated by how easily you seemed to make friends, especially since you made friends with him in a matter of seconds
- Daryl was your favourite person to hang out with, you loved asking him questions and finding out things about him. he was far from the most open person when it came to talking about himself, but when you’d stroll over and sit on his bike, kicking your legs in the air because you couldnt reach the ground and giving him that damn smile, Daryl found it increasingly difficult to resist giving you anything and everything you wanted
- he definitely had a soft spot for you, and at first he hated that
- you’d wave at him when he was up in the guard tower and before he could even consider his own response, he would be waving back at you with a stupid smile on his face like some friendly dumbass
- one time Rick was coming up behind you and caught sight of the way Daryl waved at you, so Rick waved up at him to tease him and Daryl flipped him off
- once you’d earned the group’s trust, it was difficult for them not to notice how useful your lack of height could be in certain situations
- whenever one of the kids got a toy stuck in an inconveniently tight space, you would be the adult they summoned
- but equally, when the group found a decently large herd of walkers that they wanted to lead away from the prison, they looked to you as the first person to run by them and get to the other side of the herd, because you were the least likely to be spotted
“Naw, ‘s not happenin’.” Daryl shook his head, and Rick sighed.
“It’s the smartest play, you know it is.”
You nodded. “Yeah, and I’ve got no problem with it. At the start if this thing, all I did was run and hide, it’s what Im good at.”
- Daryl scoffed and stormed off, not even slightly onboard with you being the one in the most dangerous position of that whole thing. he knew it was the best option, but he would rather anybody else took that job and you stayed home. Daryl couldnt understand why he was so angry at the thought of you being in danger, but worst of all...when had he started referring to the prison as ‘home’?
- obviously, you ran after the big bad angry crossbowman, and soon enough you were walking at his side
“Why have you always gotta walk so fast?! Takes a lot for these little legs to keep up, y’know!”
- a small smile curled at the corner of Daryl’s mouth, and you nudged him playfully
“That’s better. Now, you wanna tell me what that was all about?”
- Daryl shrugged, having never been one to put his feelings into words without Merle calling him a pussy before he’d even opened his mouth, but you wouldnt do that to him, Daryl knew that, so he tried
“Jus’ don’...don’ want you t’ be in danger.” He managed, and your eyes softened as they stared up at him.
“Daryl, you’ll be on the other side of the street-“
He cut you off by shaking his head. “Ain’ enough. Sum’ could still happen.”
You rolled your eyes. “I can handle myself.”
Daryl was quiet for a moment, choosing his next words carefully, and he decided to test the water.
“Ain’ much t’ handle.”
- you were silent, and Daryl immediately regretted what he’d said. you stopped walking, and he turned to look at you, trying to piece together your reaction from how wide your eyes were
“Was that...a short joke?”
- Daryl could only nod, very quickly realising that this was neither the time nor the place to make a joke, the mood was completely off and he couldnt explain why he decided to do it if he tried
- but then, you burst out laughing
- once you’d calmed down, you explained to Daryl that you heard every short joke in existence throughout school, but once you became an adult the jokes died out, in the workplace it wasnt professional or whatever. but you missed the jokes even then, and when the world changed, there were even less of them. it had been years since anyone had made an actual joke about your height
- so, Daryl made it his mission to make playful jokes about it whenever he could after that
“Anyone seen (Y/N)?” He’d ask when you were standing right in front of him, he’d look over your head and pretend to look around for you until he couldnt resist glancing down at you and laughing.
“Rain’s eased up, gonna go out on a hunt, it’s hot out there now. But how’s the weather down there?” Of course, Daryl Dixon found a way to incorporate the classics.
“Best stay behin’ me, cant promise I wont think yer a mouse out there an’ shoot ya by mistake.” He teased whenever you walked next to him on a hunt.
“Daryl, I swear, I will spin your jaw if you dont shut up.” You’d say, and Daryl would smirk.
“If ya can reach.”
And you’d sigh. “Fine, I’ll just bite your ankles.”
“Sure ya can reach those?” Daryl would answer effortlessly, knowing he could continue forever.
“Daryl I SWEAR-“ You’d yell, and he’d burst out laughing.
- anytime anyone around you used the words “little”, “small”, “shorter”, Daryl found a way to spin it on you
“We should take this road, it’d be shorter-“ Rick began, and then he closed his eyes in a pained blink, waiting for what he knew was coming.
Daryl smirked, diverting his gaze from the map on the hood of the car and glancing down at you beside him.
“Shorter, huh. Remin’s me o’ someone.”
- anytime anyone asked anyone “what’s up” you could guarantee that from somewhere else in the prison, you would hear Daryl Dixon yell out “NOT (Y/N)!”
- secretly he found your lack of height to be very endearing, the way you looked up at him was adorable, the ease with which you could jump on his back at anytime for a piggyback ride without fatally wounding him, the fact that the cliché short-problem of having to ask someone else to reach stuff for you and Daryl usually being the closest person for you to ask. he loved it, and he made sure to remind you with a series of cute height-related petnames
“‘ey, mouse, c’mon, aint got all day.”
“Been lookin’ all over for you, li’l one, where ya been?”
“Listen, small person, ya better ease up on that tone with me.”
- later on when your relationship progressed, Daryl introduced the petname of “doll” cuz thinks you’re small and cute like a doll, but he only uses that petname in softer moments between you, like if you’re upset or he’s tired
- and he didnt see your height as a weakness either. once you’d joined him for a few hunts, Daryl could see that you really could handle yourself, you were a strong fighter, he had no doubts there. but he couldnt help worrying that you were just a little more fragile because of how small you were, it was a natural worry to have, all things considered, and you loved his protectiveness of you, so you definitely werent complaining
- the only problem with Daryl’s protectiveness was that it extended to him wanting to beat the shit out of anyone else who joked about your height
- Rick, Maggie, Beth, Hershel, Glenn, Carol, Michonne- the entire core group as well as Tyereese because he’s a fkin unit, they were all allowed to make fun of your height, but anyone else who tried had a death wish
- sometimes new arrivals would be stupid enough to voice their opinions on you being inferior and incapable because of your height when Daryl was nearby. they’d joke about wondering how you made it this far, assuming you’d been living safely since the start otherwise you wouldnt have made it, assuming everyone around you needed to protect you because you were a liability
- and Daryl would be there in an instant
“The hell’d you just say?!” He’d growl from your side.
“Anyone built like that cant even reach the top shelf, let alone survive in a world like this! It’s survival of the fittest, plain and simple!” The idiot would be stupid enough to say, laughing through his own explanation.
And then Daryl would knock him to the ground a lot less playfully than he knocked you to the ground on the day you met, he’d be on top of the idiot and punching him until someone (usually Rick) pulled him off.
You’d be there right away, standing on your tiptoes to hold Daryl’s face in your hands and calm him down. He’d rest his forehead against yours and ask if you were alright, if the idiot had hurt your feelings ‘cause “if he did I’ll go right back over there an-“ and you’d say no. You’d take him back to your cell and clean up his split knuckles while Daryl just watched you, utterly mesmerised.
And then you’d sit on his lap, his arms wrapping around you without him having to think about it.
“What would I do without you?” The question would pass your lips quietly, as though truly bewildered by wondering what life would be like without Daryl in it.
“Hear a lot less jokes.” He’d reply, his voice rumbling in his chest, you’d feel it through his shirt, against your palm.
You’d laugh, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. “And be a lot leas happy.”
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httpseungmxn · 4 months
Kang Taehyun x Female Reader, slight Hongjoong x Reader
🍧🍬 - angst and fluff
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Authors note: Hello hello my Angels, welcome back to yet another fic done by me. I have decided to shake things up and made a TxT oneshot earlier than planned. Taehyun is my bias so I had a lot of fun making this and portraying him. I am going to see what the poll says later tonight and based on the results, I’ll decide if I’m making that multistan fic or not, so stay tuned!
Warnings: Cursing, Slight fighting, Threats, Body issues
Triggers: Mentions of manager being a pervert, Several groups protest against Readers manager, Reader feels uncomfortable in stage outfit, Interviewer basically calls reader a slut and brings up past relationship with Hongjoong causing Ateez to argue as well
Just for reference, here is the outfit Reader is wearing
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You wanted to throw up. Your group had been invited to the Hanteo Music Awards, which was a huge honor because your group was still relatively new. Having debuted a little over two years now, during the peak of Covid-19. You guys had grown a large sum of fans both outside of companies and in companies. Many other groups absolutely adored your group because of how kind, fun, and outgoing you all were. Being the maknae and lead vocalist, you were always doing your best while also having as much fun as you could.
At this particular moment you weren’t having fun though. This had been your third outfit change and it was still too revealing for your comfort. Your manager was a man who made you uncomfortable. He was constantly leaving lingering touches on your skin and saying things a little too seductively towards you. Your company didn’t let him go though, mostly because you didnt make any complaints. You didn’t want any news slipping to the press about you running your mouth and making up “fantasies” in your head. 
You were horrified of stepping out onto stage with your group to perform. Not only was the skirt  too short but the choreography for your song would give people several glances of your ass because of the bikini like bottoms you had been told to wear. To make things even worse, the vest you had on over the top was “meant to be open” because that’s what your manager said looked best.
Fear coursed through your veins as you walked out on stage with your group. None of them had been dressed as lewdly as you were, so you knew a lot of unwanted attention would be on you. As soon as you took your place, you noticed a few groups of fans had begun to point and whisper to your friends. Glancing to the side at the other groups of idols to see what their reactions were. Most of them looked worried about you, some even began to give your manager and stylist dirty looks.
One group in particular had your attention for a few moments. Your seniors, BlackPink gave you kind smiles and thumbs up of encouragement so your nerves were eased for now. You were close with Jennie and Jisoo, having looked up to them for years and met with them plent of times to hang out. Jisoo was like a kpop mother to you after your own had passed away just a few months ago.
You wanted to refuse to perform but you couldn’t do that to your group. You had to pull on your big girl pants and get this over with quickly. Grateful that the song was only about four minutes, and it was the only one you guys would be performing. Holding a bright smile as you danced the choreography with them and singing along to your parts.
The tears welled in your eyes during a part when your group dropped to the floor and spread your legs for a leant forward part where your chests were against the floor and your head was rested on your hands. It was supposed to be cute, but you felt so dirty and hoped nobody could see what was underneath the front of the skirt. Everybody behind you guys would be able to see basically your bare ass through the skirt due to the back of the bottoms being a string sort of material. Standing for the ending pose and quickly blinking away your tears as you posed with them and waved at the fans.
Due to the order of which you guys went on, unfortunately you were the last one to leave the stage. Tears immediately began to stream down your cheeks which several groups caught sight of. Someone's jacket was wrapped around you and you looked up to see who it was. Kang Taehyun, leading you away towards your dressing room so you could change as quickly as possible. That wasn’t what your manager wanted though, and when he saw you begin to walk away, he brought the interviewers with him.
The rest of taehyun's group tried to separate the manager and interviewers from you but one lady managed to slip through. Bombarding you with questions to which you tried to ignore. Black pink, ZB1 and Ateez joined in prying the people away from you. Black Pinks members giving your manager a piece of their mind. You just wanted to get away from it all, but things grew personal when a sickening and disrespectful question left an interviewers mouth.
“ how does Dreamscapes’ slut feel after being dumped by one of the hottest kpop men?”. Your eyes looking over and meeting hongjoongs, more tears streaking your cheeks. A sickening smirk was on the mans lips but it was quickly wiped away. More so, it was punched away. By who? A very close friend of yours. Jung Wooyoung. He didn’t seem to care about his idol image as he threw another punch at the man.
Worry rushed through you as you were lead into your dressing room quickly. Sighing softly when Taehyun’s arms wrapped around you in comfort. Just standing there for a moment trying to calm your tears. You felt embarrassed that the man of your dreams had to see you like this. He didn’t care about that though. Taehyun was worried about your emotional wellbeing. Giving you space so you could change your outfit quickly, and pulling you into his arms again when you were done.
You didn’t feel nearly as embarrassed as you did before but your cheeks still had a pink tint and the tear stains were visible. You were glad when your group rushed in saying the company leader had just fired your perverted manager and the cars were on their way to take you home. Feeling a bit sad that you didn’t get a lot of time with Taehyun and a lot of your other idol friends. Your sadness was washed away when Taehyun lifted your chin, brushing your hair behind your ear gently and speaking to you finally.
“ Don’t worry. I’ll make sure people know the truth.” 
You felt shy by his words, never had you been taken care of so quickly by a man who barely knew. Kang Taehyun was truly an angel sent from above. You were certain of this thought as he helped you avoid paparazzi when the cars arrived. A paper being slipped into your hands once you had gotten into the car. Looking up to meet Taehyun’s eyes and giving him a small shy smile of thanks. His smile was quickly reciprocated before the door was shut just as paparazzi had caught up to the car you had escaped to. 
Rolling the window down so you could hear the words Taehyun was speaking to you. “ Stay in contact! “. He had spoken so formally so that paparazzi wouldn’t think too far into it but they always did. When the window was rolled up, you realized what his words meant and looked down to see what the piece of paper had held. Your suspicions were correct, Kang Taehyun had given you his number so you could talk to him.
You understood why, you only saw the group at events like this and even then was it rare because events had a habit of inviting certain people. The thing you couldn’t process was that your current celebrity crush had given you his phone number which you were sure was against many rules and could get him in trouble. Your group teased you about the number, they all knew your feelings for Taehyun. Their teasing was just background noise as you entered his phone number.
“ Taehyun my savior “
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Authors ending note; surprise surprise wooyoung played a part in this one too, but what is this? Oh wowwwwww, he isn’t a menace this time hehe! I had a lot of fun writing this one! I definitely got butterflies while making it, because hes just so charming and I feel like I played him pretty well considering this was my first time! Hopefully you guys like this one!
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cactuupng · 7 months
I was staring at your Mounders fanart where they're all falling last night (...for far too long while just a liiiittle bit sleep deprived)
And I was curious if you have any notes or thoughts behind the various details to maybe share because there were just so many little things I noticed, and idk how much I missed or how much was me reading too deep into it, but it would be very cool to hear what your intent and thought process was if have any thoughts / remember them
Either way I just really liked that fanart and have Many Thoughts and Feelings! So Many ! I could probably make my own list of notes and observations and reading too deep into its at this point tbh
KEK HELLO THANK YOU if i'm being honest, there aren't than many details (at least i think so), but here are some that i added in conciously that i could remember:
- The falling order is intended! From bottom to the top, it's the order of who died first, so it would be that Mumbo died first, then Bdubs, then Joel and then Pearl.
- The colored squares behind each Mounder is the color they said was their favorite during the episode where Joel (i think) asked everyone what their favorite color was (or what color they would be, i dont remember fully)! The filter makes them look more silly and different though
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- Mumbo has fire on him because i associate traffic!Mumbo with fire and burning (mostly due to LL, i can talk about it if anyone is interested /silly)
- I see the whole composition of Mumbo falling into the darkness and away from the light in two different ways:
Him falling into the darkness of death, away from light as everything goes dark yada yada basic perma death stuff, hence the more glitchy feel (basic, boring /j)
Him falling into the darkness of his own mind, feeling like he's alone and doesn't belong where the light is (Mounders) as he falls deeper and deeper (cool, makes me depressed /pos /j), it makes Bdubs reaching out to him more meaningful, with the rest if the Mounders falling to catch him
- Blood coming from Mumbo's head because Warden beat his ass lmao im coping
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- traffic!Mumbo makes me incredibly ill so the falling anvil and the task holder thingy is meant to be his :-) or at least stuff that was tied to his character or to the red lifers in general
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OTHER THAN THAT i dont think there are any stuff that i fully intended to be small silly details? I would GLADLY listen to any if your thoughts, i love it when people read into my art and see possible references or details that i've accidentally added and didnt even notice :-) also makes me feel so smart actually because i am in fact not
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sapphire-weapon · 10 months
(1) Hey there! I've been totally engrossed in your meta analyses on RE. You've nailed everything I've felt about the Aeon ship but couldn't express. It's tough to share views on Aeon nowadays without backlash. Their dynamic always puzzled me, like I get the trauma bonding and that they care abt each other, but come on, she keeps being part of the world Leon swore to destroy and that's not enough of a red flag for him? (cont)
(2) With the RE4 remake, it looks like they're trying to change their whole relationship, and I'm here for it. It's obvious he's rejecting her, but people blindly try to convince themselves they're a thing. They will look for the dumbest or overanalyze things to prove Aeon is alive and well, but will ignore the devs' clear attempts to show Leon flirting with Ashley. Like it's right there. There's dialogue and everything lol (3) I've got a few questions for you, if that's okay. There are still some things about Ada I can't figure out (though I guess that's what makes her interesting), and I'd love to hear your thoughts. 1. Why does Leon let Ada take the sample? Do you think she knew he wouldn't stop her?
Just for clarity's sake -- you said later that this was about Remake, so we're talking about the Amber, not the Sample.
Leon lets Ada take it for two reasons:
He trusts Luis. And if Luis and Ada had an arrangement, then Leon trusts that Ada's not going to sell the Amber to someone who shouldn't have their hands on it.
He knows what happened the last time he got between Ada and her mission objective: she almost fucking died. Would've died if not for something breaking her fall.
I don't know if Ada knew that Leon wouldn't stop her, but I'd be willing to bet that that was the reason why she namedropped Luis in the first place. She saw the "for Luis" scene; she probably banked on Leon trusting Luis more than he distrusted her.
And she was right.
2. In SW, Ada shows concern for Leon, like her voice softening when she talks about him. She's clearly into him sexually, but do you think she'd want something more than just a physical relationship? (cont.) (4) Could this be tied to her self-perception, like maybe she's pursuing Leon to prove something to herself, maybe a sign of insecurity?
Still talking about Remake, just to be clear.
I'mma be real wit u homie: I don't see what you see here. I've played through SW a few times, but I never noticed her voice softening for him in this way. I saw her speaking at a lower volume because she's talking to herself, but that's because... she was talking to herself.
So the answer is no and no. None of Ada's sense of self is wrapped up in Leon. At all. She has some sentimental attachment to him because Ada gets sentimental about people and things (for reference, see: Ada being sincerely hurt when Wesker rejects her in chapter 3, also Ada honoring Luis's memory and dying wishes for the remainder of SW after he dies), but she has no real concern for him otherwise. He's just a Thing that she wants, and Ada goes after what she wants.
3. What future do you see for Aeon? How could their relationship evolve if it's not just about tension or hints of a physical relationship like in the OG timeline? Do you think Ada will have some character growth, especially in RE6? They tried so hard to show Ada had a heart, and Aeon seemed almost like a couple, but that didnt go anywhere... again lol. (cont.)
Still talking about Remake.
In order:
There is no future for Aeon.
Right now, there is no evolution possible for their relationship, because Ada isn't there yet as a character. She needs to be someone that Leon can actually trust, and she isn't. He explicitly pushes her away in 4 for that reason. Her character change in 4 is a good start, but that's all it is. Ada still has a lot of independent growing to do in order for Leon to even tolerate her, and I honestly don't know when they could possibly fit that into the events of the series. They would have to create whole-ass new games that take place in between numbered titles just for the Remake timeline, and I really just don't see them doing that.
I've said this over and over again, but: we need to see what RE5make does. It doesn't sound like Wesker's just going to let her betrayal go this time like he did in OG, and there's a real possibility that RE5make won't kill him off. It is impossible to speculate on RE6make right now, and I wish people would stop asking me to.
Don't forget that RE6 OG ends with Leon rejecting Ada, too. There's no point to building up Leon and Ada's relationship just to have him reject her again. He's already rejected her now in 4. We're past that. Moving on. There's a real opportunity for Capcom to do something completely new with Ada's character now that they've wrapped up the Aeon melodrama early, so let's just... let them.
(5) Do you think Leon being on his own in Infinite Darkness and Death Island, with no Ada references, means CAPCOM is rethinking the ship in the OG timeline? Could CAPCOM's preference for keeping characters single be part of this (if thats even true and not another random news some fans made up)? or maybe they don't know what to do with them?
RE6 ends with Leon rejecting Ada. It's already been rethought. It's over. It's done. It's been decided. The Aeon arc has concluded. The focus of Leon's character going into the end of his story is now his relationship with the government -- which is where it should've been all along.
If they go back on that rejection in RE9, that's bad storytelling. And I actually trust the current writing staff at Capcom to know that and stick to the script. But who knows, they could always make a fool of me in the end.
I also don't know where "Capcom prefers the characters to stay single" even comes from. I've never seen a source, never read a quote, never been linked to an interview. I'm pretty sure it's shit that fans made up because they're salty their ship isn't canon yet lmao
Thanks a ton for your insights. They've really helped me get more out of the games and improve my own analysis. I'll definitely support you on Kofi! 💖
<3333333333 I don't have a functioning Ko-Fi currently, but I appreciate the sentiment all the same.
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nedsseveredhead · 7 months
Ned Im on my hands and knees tell me everything about Rena
Okay disclaimer first Rena is sooooo self indulgent like. Deeply mary sue oc that i have stuck into canon events because im already cringe enough to make a one piece oc i might as well go all out on it. I deeply deeply hope this doesnt show up in any actual op tags but if it does i Apologize please just scroll by fjdnxnx
OKAY SO DONQUIXOTE RENA.... Is the daughter of Rosinante and a different less important oc named Seraphima. Rosi is the brother of a major one piece villain named Doflamingo. Theres like a whole arc i wont get into cause its not important for this mess but Doflamingo killed their father like. Right infront of Rosi when they were kids. Rosi ran away and was found by the Fleet Admiral of the marines, Sengoku. Sengoku raised Rosi like a son. Later on when Rosi is older he is sent on an undercover mission to take down his brother. During that he finds the young traumatized character Law, redirects all his energy into saving and protecting him. Which he does but Doflamingo kills him for it.
SO WITH THAT BRIEF RUNDOWN OUTTA THE WAY. Rosi left on his mission to take down Doflamingo shortly after Rena was born. This was to be his last job as a marine, then hed retire and raise his daughter with his wife and all would be great. Obviously this did not happen. However, Doflamingo didnt know Rosi had a family- if he did he probably would have hunted them down and killed them too. So to prevent this, Renas mom changed their last name to hers and enlisted Rena into the marines so she could be on the "good" side. She became Sengokus like.. right hand, being his basically granddaughter and all. And she was a prodigal shot too. She rose through ranks and made a name for herself pretty fast.
But she was very conflicted about the whole thing. She knew of her father, probably wrote to him or spoke to him on the phone (the snail???). But she never met him. The first time she ever actually saw him in flesh was his funeral. And yes Doflamingo did that, and she deeply hates him for it. But also.... Who the hell sends a new father on a mission like that? She cant help but feel that its the marines fault she never got to meet him. Just as much as its Doffys. And that feeling only intensified when Doflamingo was welcomed under the Marines wing as a warlord, and she just had to sit silently and accept that. Over the years too, since she was always by the fleet admirals side, she heard a lot more of the marines less heroic dealings. Like defending slavers in Sabaody (which is also the first she ever really started to look at Kidd and Killer hehehe). All of this culminated in the war at Marineford, where she just couldnt accept this absolutely useless war where marines were slaughtering a man who just wanted his son back. So when Shanks showed up to stop it, she approached him and offered anything she could give to just have a lift to the next island. Shanks loves raggedy ass kids so he was like lol yeah and smuggled her outta Marineford. Thus she gained her first poster, not a wanted poster at all but a missing poster for Vulpes Rena. She hated it.
Anyway Shanks drops her off in the new world. Hes nice and all but he has no room for a newbie ex marine on his crew. Good luck kid! But that's fine, Rena had her eyes on joining the Heart Pirates, captained by Law. She recognized the name from some reports she found in Sengokus desk from her father. So she knows he has some kind connection, and she wants to know what it is. By some divine providence she does end up finding him, and convinces his first mate (my friends oc lol) to take her to him to talk. Law accepts her as soon as he finds out shes Rosis kid. Feels he owes it to her, since he kinda led to her dad dying and all.
The two end up with a sibling like relationship. Like refer to eachother as brother and sister, since Rosi was definitely adopting Law if all had gone according to plan. When Law leaves to face down Doflamingo, Rena follows because god damn it you are NOT telling her she cant get a punch in on the man who shot her dad. And she does get a shot in!!! And then promptly gets her ass handed to her cause like girl lmao. Still. Bonding time for her and Law lmao. Luffy eventually defeats Doffy and afterwards she takes her (Rosis) last name back. Shes Donquixote Rena, thank you very much!
In Wano her mission was to keep an eye on Basil and figute out what he was doing and thats when she met Killer officially ooooOooOOoooOo. Tbh im still working on that part in my official canon but idk they make out, get arrested, meet back up with Kidd, make out again. Etc
Lets see other Rena facts...
- She is so fucking clumsy. She inherited it from Rosi. Her crew makes her keep a life ring with her on deck cause she constantly topples over the edge and cant swim
- Shes a devil fruit user!! The Calm Calm fruit (also Rosis lmaooo) which means she can make anything in a radius around her or anything she touches completely soundless. Been trying to work out an Awakened version of it cause shes due for a powerup but cjdnd
- Shes a marksman/sniper! She has on her person at all times atleast two pistols, and will usually have her rifle "Silent Night"
- She eventually joins the Kidd Pirates to be with Killer (and Kidd) and is their ship doctor (she picked up a few things from Law and well... They cant do much worse)
- She loves pop music its so embarassing
- I gave her my fear of albatrosses. Get wrecked pirate girl
- she has a playlist but its a huuuuge work in progress lmao
UHM THATS ALL I CAN THINK OF RN.... If i ever find an oc ask thingy ill rb it and fill it out for her lmao but heres this for now thank you i love you
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thewizardprincessau · 4 months
hey. dont cry. dissection of the passerine animatic + the accompanying character study ok? ok.
tldr: my son chun tao she is so fucking ill
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Honestly Passerine is THE Chun Tao song. To me. bc it fits really well with his religious guilt, but i also like to recontextualize the chorus to instead be him talking about eri. they were the one really pulling the weight during the early days of their friendship, and chun tao feels a lot of guilt for that
but first! the animatic! it centers around chun tao's guilt for eri being so sweet to him despite him being a stoic ass cold bitch. i actually color-picked the palette from the album cover of eurus (that passerine is from) and slapped on a noise filter to achieve that same grainy effect. it looks nice 2 me.
eri is represented in a distinguishing yellow, someone bright and unique to chun tao, while he himself is colored in the same white as all the other details in the background. While making him the same color as the lyrics helped establish they were His thoughts, him blending in w everything else while eri has their own unique color is his way of putting eri on a pedestal, viewing them as more important than he'll ever be. they're the monarch and he's just their prince consort. that's how he always thought of it.
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i dont have much to say about these frames in particular but here are their corresponding parts in the study! theyre just meant to establish their relationship w one another before leading up to the next part, where he sees eri as this blinding light, but just cant let go of that one sign of weakness they had shown him during their wedding. a small glimpse of a them he didnt quite understand yet, and never made the effort to.
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at some point, chun tao Snaps and berates eri for trying to get so close to him. at first i wasnt sure if his mindset made.. sense? but connecting the dots from earlier, it DOES make sense if you see it through the point of view that he sees eri as someone above him. chun tao isnt someone who deals with people and he's used to impersonal business relationships and he thought this would be another one of those which is why he's so shocked, caught off-guard, even offended at eri threatening his status quo. brother hates vulnerability, and it terrified him that someone was trying to get through his walls, so all he could do was lash out.
im not absolving eri of blame either though.. i think they still had some wrong in not immediately recognizing chun tao's boundaries. they were so eager to be her friend, they dont realize they might come across as overbearing. and they were, in a sense, but chun tao does also realize its unfair to them to take their innocent gestures of friendliness with so much malice. they just have conflicting ideas on the world, and it clashed, and no one's totally wrong but no one's totally right, they were just coming from their own places.
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In here chun tao watches as eri reels back and apologizes for all the things she had shouted at them at. but it's also the same moment chun tao realizes that she does Not know much of anything about eri at all. it's very faint, but there's the outline of a sobbing younger eri staring straight at the screen, supposedly at chun tao, like a reminder of the eri she never got to meet herself. one that was hurting just like her. and that younger eri still resides in the one standing before her crying too, she just never got to see that side to them because she never bothered to figure that side to them out. (AND the "your" is intentionally written twice, like its referring to both eri in the present and eri in the past. by failing to understand them, chun tao feels like he's failing both eris.)
as mentioned earlier, chun tao gets mad at eri for having a "perfect life" and thinks theyd never understand her. but. the thing is. chun tao isnt LETTING them understand her. she keeps pushing them away. and she realizes it was presumptuous to assume they would understand her, because well. she.. doesnt even know what eri's Been through atp. she just assumed eri's life's been perfect because theyre so composed and chipper, but she didnt know who they were a couple years ago at all. she thinks that bc eri's secret relationship is lovey-dovey that their love is perfect, but chun tao didn't see their toxic yuri of a start and that they face a lot of problems as a couple too. chun tao thinks that bc eri is so well-loved by the public that thats that, but she remembers that people gossiped AND gossip hard about them bc of their status as a non-sorcerer. they were dehumanized and alienated by the public too, just like her. and this realization hits her HARD.
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he then tries to make an effort to be more involved in eri's life after this point, reconciling with them and becoming their best friend. okay tbh the scene described in the character study is NOT the same as the one pictured in the animatic but i HAD to get a hug in there somewhere.
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the last two scenes are a BIG flashforward to ursa's creation, where chun tao is panicking hard about eri literally dying to create their homunculus baby. also ursa is drawn in white but has eri's yellow present too, showing how he's a combination of them, their little kid :D
the whole lyric bit of "but i cant shake this feeling that i was only pushing the spear into your side, again and again and again" is supposed to represent chun tao feeling like a thorn on eri's side causing them pain. he scolded them for being nice to him, and they went on to sacrifice their life in a dangerous ritual to create their son and uphold tradition, but he just feels so so guilty for all of that. he cant shake the feeling that he's a source of their pain and suffering, and it eats him up alive.
ok ANYWAY moving on to the CHARACTER STUDY NOW!!!!!!!!!! just parallels and stuff w the writing
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guys im a fucking feature writer of course im going to start and end with the same phrase ("chun tao is not a people peson, and his family knows this very well"). chun tao refers to two different families in the opening and closing segments: in the first he refers to his biological family, and in the second its about the family he found and made in quiro. both his families knows he struggles with social interactions, and his bio family (his cousins) make fun of him for it, so he goes on to detail how he views social interactions as a system, a formula he understands. his family in quiro instead tries to HELP him get better at it, and he instead recognizes that social interactions are something personal that require heart and genuine investment (shown in how he notes that ursa cares about him deeply), even moving past his frozen style of speech with the mention of jokes. tldr he's fucking cringefail at socializing and his bio family called him cringe but his chosen family said he's cringe but free. what
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Perfect life/love/reputation. At first he hates eri for having these "perfect" things and thinks theyre sooo happy because of it, but later on realizes that their life isnt perfect and neither is his, but he finds joy in what he has anyway :)
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the repeated mention of chun tao saying he'd never fall in love with eri bc he's so stuck in his rigid view of romance, but later comes to love eri as his best friend AND love his found family too :'3
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chun tao wondering earlier if she should try to emulate eri's pleasantries, and ends up doing so later down the line! both lines have the same structure with the "quick greeting + smile despite being tired"
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"Ahia" is Chinese for the eldest brother and it's also used to refer to children to know their birth order. Chun Tao calling Ursa this is an acknowledgement of him going to be a big brother soon! tbh in my head thats what the meeting eri called for is about but its just my headcanon (<== SAID THE ONE WRITING THE STORY)
ALSO i dont have screenshots to show but eri is only intentionally mentioned by name in the flashforward, to show how back then chun tao only saw them as THE princess/monarch but eventually comes to recognize them as eri, his bestie :3
oh my god i. think thats it? good god. might add onto this if i remember more but. thank you for entertaining my insanity why is this 1400+ words I NEED TO EAT BRUNCH
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Posted this on YouTube, posing it here too.
Under cinemasins’ everything wrong with the rottmnt movie video
Every sin that really shouldn’t be a sin in order:
(3)-Leo has been fading in and out of conciousness most likely. A lot of the stuff in this movie needs you to pay attention to context.
(4)-Casey is a fill in because they needed a recognizable face for the movie. Your catch up comes during the movie.
(7)-Why are you assuming he wasn’t already on the battlefield to watch over his brother?
(14)- it’s very likely some things may have been forgotten. The two surviving turtles are in their 40s, as Leo is currently at 40 exactly and Mikey at 39. Stress and a constant need for survival would make you forget some things. Plus, they didn’t see it get taken from the art Museum, they only knew the gay couple took it.
(20)-bold of you to assume the turtles don’t have their own records.
(24)-they have no idea what it’s called.
(25)- Donnie is a theater kid. He’s always this dramatic and the buildup is in character.
(30)- oh no, they did something different. Oh no, how horrible. This kinda bias is part of why the series flopped.
(37)-April didnt have time. She;s most focused on the bomb evidence first.
(44)-you’re stupid.
(49)- Warren has regeneration powers.
(50)-they can’t have much blood, this is a kids movie.
(52)-Leo can’t produce multiple portals with a single swipe of his sword, and he can’t make them fucking massive either.
(54)-ninpo is built on mystic magic, and trust. Mystic magic came from the kraang. It’s only logical they can disable it, and with how messed up the situation is between Leo and Raph, it’s understandable they don’t come back right away.
(56)-Donnie’s a tech nerd, plus he’s literally the teams support. What were you expecting, the tech kid to do nothing like every other tmnt movie?
(57)-Raph just got stabbed in what is basically his ribs and you’re angry at Leo for being upset that his brother got kidnapped?! Come on, CinemaSins, that’s a teenager who just watched his big brother almost sacrifice his life to save him, and the future kid, who is most likely to have this information, didn’t warn you. CONTEXT, BIG MAN. CONTEXT.
(58)-yes, they can. This is the entire reason Leo is angry, BECAUSE CASEY IS FROM THE FUTURE. FOOL.
(59)-Leo currently has his own head in his ass, he’s more worried about his big brother that just got kidnapped than some purple butter octopus aliens. Besides, Raph was the original leader, get him back and he’s sure to have a plan to take them down.
(60)-oh no, expressive speech.
(61)-yes, they did, cinemasins. It’s Leo’s fault he got taken. If Leo hadn’t leapt out of that escape pod Raph wouldn’t have Been kidnapped.
(63)-Mikey is trying to find a way to refer to the time for Casey, not himself.
(66)-it’s a warning system, bozo. And it’s spelt lair, not layer.
(67)-Softshell shells are fork tender. If he gets stabbed, it’s game over. He can’t take any hits on that thing without immense pain and the very real possibility of his guts going everywhere. Look u; turtle anatomy for once.
(68)- it’s for the suspense and to feel the movement of the vines.
(71)-it’s a biochemical bomb. They kraang are made of fleshy matter that would almost definitely affect them. We never see it used on humans or the turtles but it’s very likely the same effect would happen if April were to get splashed.
(72)-April is more concerned about getting the fuck out of here, and that’s how she is. Watch. The. God. Damn. Show.
(73)-April is fucking terrifying. She can make a weapon out of anything, even fish and ladders if she had to. She used salami as a bow and arrow, she has a MAGIC BASEBALL BAT. But nooo it’s all splinter’s fault.
(74)-that’s one of the bikes that can be deployed from the turtle tank. It was just in the garage most likely.
(76)-that’s just a block for the door. If it was a nutsack there’d be two, or it would be way larger.
(79)-Donnie literally had an entire gag of putting trackers on EVERYONE. that you conveniently didn’t include in this video. Also, the turtles couldn’t contact eachother because of the underground interference. Try going into a deep cave covered by loads of rubble and try to get cell service. It won’t work.
(79.5)-that was another gag. Donnie is very excited to be able to use his algorithm, and that’s the whole point of him not seeing them right away. He’s the tech guy, he likes to use his tech. Also he’s autistic and wasn’t catching the social cues.
(80)-it’s Raph, not Ralph. Also, you’d be frozen in fear too if your big brother just had a massive biomass crawl out of his eye and possess him.
(81)-they didn’t have a ducking choice? They were running from kraang 2?
(82)-splinter used a smoke bomb ti get them out of there. Splinter, despite his age, is a master martial artist and fought in an arena for years. He could easily haul his kids and Casey out of there.
(86)-that isn’t the military. That is the earth protection force, an organization run by agent james bishop to defend the earth against alien attacks.
(88)-Donnie draws his eyebrows on. I would think that would be obvious. Even if you aren’t sure how they got there you can assume they’re a part of the mask.
(93)- the interface that controls the technodrome is hooking up to him, similar to plugging a computer into a projector. It has a mind of its own and is meeting him halfway.
(94)-and you;re surprised by this? That damn module dragged him in and is later seen connected to his head like it’s connected to his brain and you’re surprised by this?
(96)-you kinda do, kraang Prime/one is literally their leader and thinks the entirety of earth is weak.
(99)- you’re forgetting the fact that it’s a different kraang. The short square one makes the possession stuff, not this one.
(116) it’s hot soup, it’s a catchphrase their father, Lou jitsu, (aka splinter) used back in his time as a movie star. Watch. The damn. Show. And they do.
(117) Leo quite literally stayed up there and they know him well.
(118) merchandise sales have been dead. And they actually did consider killing him off, but they let him live just in case they would be able to continue the show after the movie.
(121)- kraang 1 is a self absorbed gloating bitch. He’s savoring his presumed victory. He literally called himself a gift earlier.
(122)- Casey is grieving, cinema. He’s just now processing the Grief of losing his Leo, and now he’s going to lose this one. He’s speedrunning the stages of grief.
(123)- we’re in an alien dimension and you’re upset about shit physics.
(124)- as I said earlier, ninpo is based on trust and love. F!mikey literally managed to go back in time, why are you so upset about this? If older miley can break space time, little Mikey can get his brother out of a parallel dimension.
(125)- it’s a parallel to the beginning of the movie. Mikey would have shattered again if it wasn’t for his brothers. He is staying together with the help of Raph and Donnie. Notice how they also start breaking apart.
(127)-staten island isn’t the greatest place from what I’ve heard.
(131)- it’s been months since the kraang were sealed away again. They probably already did.
(All the mystic tallies)- the entire show revolved around mystic magic. What the hell do you expect.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
I think it's mad suspicious that people are quick to jump to believing Daigo is definitely only or very into women based on him being a cabaret club once onscreen, and that Mine is definitely into women because his secretary. Never mind one of these characters had an onscreen love confession about the other man because they don't even want to acknowledge it as something that was 100% romantic. Idk HOW so many insecure men started stapling themselves to Mine (oh it's probably the sigma grindset) but here we are I guess 💀 People can see things how they want, but... there's some braindead Reddit posts/threads about both of them on this topic.
My favorite moment was when one guy started projecting onto Mine saying he only dates supermodels 😭 Mans had a whole ass speech about hating fakeness, feeling unfulfilled and uninterested in the wealthy life of money and women, and longed for a genuine relationship. All of that? I don't know her.
they could have had mine and daigo make out for 5 minutes straight on screen in 4k and there would still be people arguing either of them were straight. but for a Real Talk and rambling moment look below the cut 🥴
i think the funniest bit about people saying mine's straight is when they reference the line where he says he could have any woman with all the money he collected- but that line like. is Immediately followed up by him saying he wasnt happy that way and judging by the rest of his speech, we can deduce he was just doing what he assumed would make him happy based on societal norms of having money, power, and women.
and theres nothing bad about saying mine's slept with women btw- i wouldnt turn the idea away, esp if you wanna consider it as comphet behavior. but even despite all that, it's really hard to say that mine didn't love daigo romantically when in official rgg guides and rggo stories it was stated one way or another that mine explicitly fell in love with daigo, the phrase being used only ever associated either with romantic feelings or immense adoration that you probably wouldn't use for a typical friend
also the bit about mine and his secretary is so funny cause i remember my friend- who didnt know a thing about rgg- was making me a mine amv as part of an art trade and when they saw him and katase they automatically assumed they were A Thing so i think its just instinctive heteronormativity: if man and woman on screen surely theyre together 🥴
with daigo it's so like. 🤷‍♀️ rgg's inability to have a woman on screen for more than five minutes without her dying kills them in shit like this cause aside from that cabaret scene where daigo's at his lowest and very-easily resorting to hedonistic practices to numb his pain, we never see him with another woman or even mention another woman. if you wanna add more to it, during an rggo story mine finds the concept of daigo spending the night with a woman instantly suspicious (for context, daigo was actually kidnapped and just lied to a bodyguard he was with a woman), suggesting that daigo isn't really known to do as such to people who really know him.
i forever live by the joke hc that he only ever hired hostesses just so he could vent and they contractually had to deal with him LMAO
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ok episode 10 time. i ended up only putting together the head and body of the mk-ii earlier
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starting off with sarius trying to bring up aerial again to the benerit group to try and get some punishment in but rajan is like lol nope.
given how we later see prospera and delling together at the end of this ep, i figure its a pretty good assumption that some time between grassley duel and now (its 2 months from what shaddiq says later), delling bring prospera on for quiet zero and he likely also help front aerial's repairs
also man vim is a fucking idiot lol. i totally forgot he says this to sarius. and then iirc all we get once we're in cour 2 is peil bringing up that jeturk suits were used at plant quetta which like yea lmao he can't be like oh btw i knew about it all beforehand
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oh this little lovestruck tanuki
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knowing endgame miorine, what are the chances that little lesbian was keeping count like this too
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i'm glad suletta no longer sees relationships as transactional but lmao this little gay baby. just ecstatic to be of use to miorine and tend to the greenhouse while shes away
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honestly cool as hell that they got this prototype all set in the last two months - likely mostly nika and belmeria's work. i have a dumb headcanon that gund-arm probably didn't really get to do much R&D in the 3 year time skip because of all the loose ends miorine's probably been dealing with from the benerit group, on top of taking care of suletta, taking care of her mother-in-law and then nika's in fucking jail lol. even then, since it's likely ojelo and nuno were the ones doing most of the work (maybe belmeria still helping?), it's still neat that they have prosthetics about to start testing rounds with petra. yeah i wrote all this just to say wow nika's so smart
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this scene is so ridiculously heartwarming lol she's such a little dweeb
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who knew these stupid things would become such an integral part of the story lol
also, i'm glad we didnt get the secret message inside cool-san thing everyone kept theorizing about after the break up. that just wouldnt have made any sense with what miorine was trying to do lol
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gosh its so nice to be rewatching this and just KNOW somewhere within those 2 months suletta and miorine's relationship just became normalized to the earth house kids and we just see it over and over in this episode
like when has nika referred to suletta as hanamuko-san lol and she does so immediately after our tanuki is gushing about giving miorine the ugly ass keychain lol
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oh yeah, shes thinking of her tanuki
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in retrospect this was kind of insanely naive of miorine, wasnt it? shes lucky feng jun and guston weren't onboard with what the rest of the SAL was cooking up
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lol at this "stick to your duels". my dude you literally fund proxy wars on earth. you have no moral ground to stand on
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lol this episode really is so good at setting up for episode 11. just look at her happy little faces each and every single time she's felt useful
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oh the fucking bracelet 😭
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weird to think shaddiq's plan works out in the end and plot convenience keeps delling alive, but it pretty much ends up as his plan of trying to obtain majority shares
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i hope they've just been teasing her for 2+ weeks miorine's been gone and possibly even before then
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iconic tanuki shot
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platonically, of course. as gal pals.
actually i think of note in this scene with elan and him planting doubt in suletta's brain is whether what he says is true or he's just making shit up as part of doubt sowing. but he's basically implying that miorine has been acting in such a way that everyone at school is talking about it and they can't believe how different she's being. and part of that is certainly true given what shaddiq's said numerous times over the last few episodes
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lol this will always remain such an excellent take on the misunderstanding trope
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oh yea and don't forget mom and dad
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almost forgot there's a post-credits scene on this ep. i wonder what his original plan to break up the group was before the delling assassination plan fell in his lap
also imaging living in a world where BOBBU became a class traitor and actually learned from his experiences..... yea right lmfao
ok definitely not finishing the 1st cour because it's taken me forever to watch this one episode. gonna see how many episode i knock out over the weekend
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 1 year
Did anything change from how you had originally planned it to go vs while you were writing it?
Quite a bit changed actually.
Ok so at the end of The Experiment part 2 Rise Donnie was supposed to ask the 2012 boys to translate what Leonardo had said during the fight (specifically to find out that Shureddā means Shredder and make them all go Oh No...) However by the time I got to this point the chapter was at 14k words and to include that would be another five hundred to a thousand words (probably more) so I scrapped it.
In the original version the 2012 and Rise turtles would all split up to look for Leonardo and Rise Donnie would be the one to find him and comfort him. (Leonardo would first confess that he did kill the Super Shredder and considers himself a murderer)
But because I scrapped the final scene from The Experiment part 2 (it has been relocated to chapter 19) I had to rework the chapter a bit.
Like the part where they all split up. That idea was mostly scrapped. Because the rise boys didn't understand the context of what was happening what Leonardo was seeing (except for Leon but the kid was way to loopy to be of any help)
Especially Rise Raph.
As soon as he ran up, he saw his littlest brother almost get VIOLENTLY DECAPITATED by Leonardo for seemingly no reason.
So he got angry and punched Leonardo, leading to him running off to get away.
And that's what Raphael and Michelangelo saw when they ran over.
Now remember, at this point only Donatello has a general idea of what Leonardo was actually seeing.
Everyone else didnt.
And Donatello, because he was still reeling from what just happened, didn't manage to tell everyone in time.
Which led to Raphael blowing up at Raph, Raph blowing up right back and the two trying to fight each other.
Even once they were separated they were still fighting, with everyone else getting dragged into the arguments.
Even though they absolutely didnt have time for this.
Leon's hurt, Michael's crying, Leonardo's missing
But it made sense on why everyone was arguing.
The rise boys almost saw Michael get killed for seemingly no reason.
The 2012 boys saw Leonardo, who is still recovering from all his injuries he got when they were searching for the Kraang portal for a week at the beginning of the story as well as all the bullshit they went through when they first got to the Riseverse, get punched hard enough to sens him flying, especially after they all felt his fear and desperation when he BEGGED them for help in the ninpo connection that was forming. So they're obviously gonna defend their brother.
Adding onto this, it was kinda dumb of the Donnies to run a HIGHLY unpredictable experiment and not wait for the Raphs and Mikeys to come back for back up, or even call them to let them know what was happening.
So once Raphael found that out his anger turned towards Donnie and Donatello. He was in full on protective brother mode. And if something tries to hurt his brothers Raphael gets ANGRY.
Which led to another argument and almost another fight.
Until Michelangelo stopped them and told Raphael to go find Leonardo. (I included this scene and the passing reference to Michelangelo going off on Donnie specifically because I am so tired of him being treated like an innocent whittle baby that cant even stand up for himself like he constantly is in the bashing fics. Like bro is a fully trained ninja and proved to be an amazing leader in Dimension X, he can and will whoop ass. Did all the bashers forget that in the episode where the turtles go into his mind, one of his core parts was ANGER?)
Part of it was to separate Raphael from the others so he could cool off and not pick another fight. Michelangelo knew this, plus they really had to get Leon back home.
The other biggest change was having Raphael comfort Leonardo instead of Donnie doing it. This one was made purely out of spite because I am so sick and tired of Raphael being portrayed as a bad brother by the fandom. He isnt a violent abusive asshole he genuinely loves his brothers so much and would do anything for them.
(Dont worry I'll still try to include the Rise Donnie and Leonardo scene somewhere in When The World Crumbles. Probably somewhere in arc 2. Don't kill your darlings just put them somewhere else)
The scene with Todd also was changed to fit the new chapter (in the original outline, The gang went to the puppy sanctuary, with Donnie, Leon, Leonardo all sneaking off to run the test, with Michael taking the place of Donatello. But I wasnt really a fan of that idea so I changed it)
On the plus side, Leonardo will be getting a dog out of the whole ordeal (I cant wait to talk about her sndjdje)
I think thats all the major changes to chapter 18 from how I originally planned it Im glad you enjoyed the chapter so much :)
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