#“and also proof i am more rational and smarter than you because *I* have no problems analyzing any aspect of *MY* life”
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arthurlightstar · 2 months ago
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copied from my bluesky bcs a similar tag game was floating around and I used it as an opportunity to yap about his moral compass generally -> he got 51% evil & 85% chaotic, BUT I think of Arthur as true neutral leaning chaotic, and Karis neutral evil. If they read any moral philosophy they would be very attracted to ethical egoism, because at the end of the day, they’re not doing much else besides looking out for #1.
<3 I never never know who to tag for these things but plz anyone who wants to hop onto this knock urself out<3
New post bc last tag thread was soooo looong!
I was tagged by @drownedrow to take this quiz and this picrew and share the results!
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Seems accurate.
Tagging @aleksxo @threeofswrds @vestigialpersonality and @allconsumingrot
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raiseyourcups · 4 years ago
Chapter Eighteen
Pairing: Din Djarin x OFC (Aili Verdella) Warnings: choking (and not the sexy kind), miscommunication (so much of it), cursing, Kuiil attempting help Mando and Aili Word Count: 4.4k Also on AO3
Masterlist//Main Masterlist
Summary: The whole gang is on the way to Nevarro, Mando is being weird after a quick talk with Kuiil and Aili is suspicious. Cara and Mando have an arm-wrestle and secrets are revealed about the child which leads to several people putting their foot in their mouth at different times.
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They were loading up the blurrg when Kuiil spoke up. “That one is good for you,” he said without preamble as usual. That didn’t make his words any less jarring for Mando to hear as he barely stopped himself from accidentally pulling too hard on the blurrg’s reins. The last thing they needed was for him to piss off the blurrg again. 
“What?” was the only thing he settled on saying. 
“The smaller angry one, Aili. You two are good for each other, sooth each other’s anger from the past.” Kuiil wasn’t stupid, he had seen too many things during his servitude to the Empire. He didn’t need to know any details to see the similarities and he was sure the Shock Trooper had seen it too. 
“We’re not together,” Mando said stiffly. 
“That is not what I see when you two are around each other.” 
“She doesn’t-”
“I have spoken.” Kuiil said before Mando could even finish his sentence. 
Mando didn’t even know what else to say or do after that so he just kept leading the blurrg onto the ship. He was just glad that neither Aili or Cara were on the ship yet. Cara because she would just start laughing at the two of them again and Aili because he had no idea how she would react. As much as he wanted to know, a bigger part of him, the smarter part, didn’t want to know. Didn’t want to hear her own rejection out loud. 
They got everything packed onto the ship quickly after that, Mando trying to avoid Aili just a little bit. He almost succeeded but right after Cara and Kuiil went on board, Aili stopped him from heading up the gangway with a hand on his arm. “Is everything okay? Because if this is about the plan, we don’t have to--”
“We don’t have a choice,” Mando said shortly, slightly shrugging out of her grasp and walking onto the ship. Aili stared at him as she followed behind him with Little Green’s cradle floating between them. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion but she quickly schooled her face back into it’s usual passive expression once Cara was in sight. No need to have Cara start asking questions or making teasing remarks any time soon. 
She watched Mando from the corner of her eye as she made sure that Little Green’s cradle wasn’t going to be in the way of anyone. He went up to the cockpit and they were soon taking off from Arvala-7 without another word. Weird but whatever, Aili shrugged to herself and went over to where they kept their rations to get the kid something to eat to keep him from starting any trouble. 
Whatever Mando’s problem was would work itself out eventually or she could always kick his ass, whichever happened first. She was willing to bet on the latter option though. There was the small lurch that sent them into hyperspace and a minute later, Mando was sliding back down the ladder just as Aili was turning to walk back over to Little Green. 
Aili let out a quiet sound of surprise when she barely stopped herself from getting a face full of beskar. “I am getting you a bell once this is all over.”
“None of that, please, there are children present,” Cara called from where she was sitting. She had a smirk on her face as she watched the two of them almost crash into each other. She honestly couldn’t believe the two of them were still acting so oblivious to each other’s feelings, but she was starting to get the impression that it was mainly coming from one more than the other. 
“Who, you? I think it’s too late to give you the talk,” Aili bit back, side stepping around Mando so she could give Little Green his snack. Hopefully after that he’d be ready to go to sleep and then he really couldn’t start any trouble before they got to Nevarro. 
“Just a little late,” Cara said back, a large grin on her face now. Her gaze slid over to where Mando was still standing stiffly. “Hey Mando, let’s settle a bet.”
“What?” That finally snapped him back into reality and Cara pulled out a few credits, placing them on the crate she was sitting in front of. 
“Let’s find out who’s really stronger, me or you.” 
Mando paused to think it over before walking over and placing his own credits on the makeshift table. “I won’t go easy on you.”
“Trash talk doesn’t work on me.” 
Aili watched as Mando and Cara arm-wrestled out of pure boredom and a need to finally prove who was stronger. Further back Kuiil was feeding the blurrg and Little Green was curiously watching Mando and Cara as well from his cradle. He had just finished his snack and Aili was still trying to decide how much longer to let him stay up. She had given him the snack and moved back over to the other side of the ship where things were a little less crowded.  
“I got you, Mando.”
“Care to double the bet?”
Aili rolled her eyes at the two of them, mostly Mando because he had no problem making bets with Cara but he couldn’t have a simple conversation with her before they left Arvala-7. She had no idea what had happened during the time he was loading the blurrgs with Kuiil but if he wanted to act like a child, she’d let him. He had done that to her plenty of times. 
Her eyes went wide in surprise as soon as Cara started to choke on nothing. Like something invisible was choking her. She rushed forward when Cara brought her hands up to her throat in an attempt to do something. She didn't even notice Mando staring at Little Green as she tried to figure out what was wrong with Cara. 
“No, no, hey, stop!” Mando shouted, grabbing Little Green a little too roughly as the child let out a small squeak of surprise. “We’re friends. Cara is my friend!”
Cara took several harsh breaths. “That is not okay!” She angrily exclaimed, pointing at the kid with one finger while she tried to catch her breath. 
“He...has he had powers this whole time?” Aili questioned, eyes still wide in shock. She’d heard rumors of things like this, had seen a couple of girls taken out of the Program with no reason given. But guards always talked and they spoke of weird powers, something the Emperor was always looking out for. Other than that she had never asked for details. She wouldn’t have been given answers anyway no matter what her rank was within the Program. 
“Hmm, very curious,” Kuiil said, coming closer to look at the child in Mando’s grasp.
“Curious? It almost killed me!” Cara exclaimed, not even noticing when the kid let out another quiet sound of distress. 
“He’s a child and didn’t know what you two were doing,” Aili said harshly, moving around Cara to go over to Mando to hold her hands out for him to hand Little Green over to her. He hesitated for a second before doing so. She barely noticed the way he tensed up when their hands brushed against each other, she was too focused on making sure the kid was okay. 
“The story you told me of the mudhorn makes more sense now,” Kuiil said, still looking at the child with surprise in his eyes. 
“Mudhorn?” Aili asked, throwing Mando a look of displeasure when she saw the slight tears in Little Green’s eyes. He had obviously gotten scared by Mando shouting at him and Cara yelling at him. 
“What is it?” Mando asked, ignoring the look Aili was giving him for now. It wasn’t the most pressing matter at the moment to tell her about the mudhorn incident. 
“He,” Aili muttered under her breath, too low for anyone to really hear it. They had both given him enough baths and cleaned his small robe enough times that Mando should know that Little Green was a boy by now. Of course he was probably still trying to act like he wasn’t as attached to the kid as she was. 
Kuiil shook his head slightly, “What it is, I don’t know. But what it does, this I’ve heard rumors of.”
“What, when you worked for the Empire? And what about you Aili, you know about this too?” Cara questioned, her tone a little too accusatory for Aili’s taste. 
Aili threw a look of incredulity towards Cara, angry that the Shock Trooper would accuse her of something with no proof. “Okay let’s not go there just because you’re pissed off.”
“And you mean when I was sold to the Empire, in indentured servitude,” Kuiil added, his own voice taking on slight anger. 
Cara let out a scoff, gesturing towards them both, “Yet somehow, you both walk free.”
“I bought my freedom through the skill of my hands and the labor of three of your human lifetimes. Do not cast doubt upon that of what I am nor whom I shall serve,” Kuiil said, short and to the point but not without quiet anger lacing his every word. 
“I had to blow up a whole base to be able to “walk free”, you do not get to judge me or the things I did before then,” Aili stated, staring at Cara with a withering look in her eyes. So much for being friends if this was all it took to cause distrust. She turned around again, her back to Cara now as she muttered to herself, “I do that plenty to myself every day.”
No one noticed Mando making half an attempt to bring a hand up to Aili's shoulder before he stopped himself. With a subtle shake of his helmet, he brought his hand back down to his side, clenching both hands into fists to stop himself from trying again. 
IG-11 had walked over to them at the sound of raised voices but stood down a little when he saw Aili was comforting the child already. Mando let out a deep sigh knowing that both Cara and Aili were going to be pissed off for hours now. Not exactly two people he wanted angry on his ship, worse that they were angry with each other. 
He turned to Kuiil and made sure to keep his voice even as he spoke, “Tell you what, I could really use your craftwork right now. Any way you can pad this container better so the child can sleep better?” 
He knew that even though Aili had agreed to switch out when they used the cot, she spent most of her nights letting the kid sleep on the cot. He had come down from the cockpit more than once and seen her curled up on the floor in front of the cot with nothing but a blanket and one of her bags as a pillow under her head. So if Kuiil could make the kid’s cradle more comfortable, maybe then she’d actually use the cot for once. He knew it wasn’t the most comfortable place to sleep but it was better than the ship floor. 
“I shall fabricate a better one. Then perhaps this Dropper can see how one can win their freedom with the skill of one’s hands.”
"Thank you. We need to go over the plan again,” Mando directed the last part to Aili and Cara who were still not looking at each other. Cara wasted no time in heading for the ladder, still rubbing at her neck before she went up to the cockpit without another word. 
"You two go ahead,” Aili said shortly, keeping all of her focus on Little Green for the moment, rocking him from side to side without thinking about it. 
"This involves all of us,” Mando replied, barely holding back another sigh. He knew she was upset but that didn’t mean she could get out of making sure the plan was fool proof. 
"Yeah well unless you think Little Green will be able to contribute somehow, someone's gonna have to get him to calm down,” Aili shot back, looking up at Mando and that was when Mando finally noticed the small amount of tears in big brown eyes. He let out another sigh before nodding. 
“Okay, but once he’s asleep, come up to the cockpit.” 
“Is that an order?”
Mando winced behind his helmet knowing that he had chosen the wrong thing to say if the blunt way Aili spoke said anything. He tried to fix it quickly, “A request.”
“Fine.” Some of the tension in Aili’s shoulders faded away but he could tell she was still angry. Probably would be until they reached Nevarro and then all her anger could be redirected towards the Imps that were in the city. Mando just hoped they could all make it to the planet in one piece. He shook his head once more before heading up to the cockpit, hoping that maybe he could talk to Cara before Aili rejoined them, let her know how badly she screwed up without telling her too much of what Aili had told him. 
Aili watched from the corner of her eyes as Mando finally went up the ladder before she closed her eyes and let out a sigh. “Stupid,” she whispered to herself before biting her tongue to distract herself and to push away the dumb tears that had come to her eyes. Mando had been nice enough to not mention them, or just smart enough for once. Either way she was grateful. 
She watched as Kuiil started to work on a new cradle for Little Green, this one round rather than a rectangle. She was perfectly fine with staying in the cargo hold while Cara and Mando were up in the cockpit trying to come up with some semblance of a plan if everything went sideways. Which it probably would like most of the things that Mando was involved in. 
Aili was just trying to get the kid to go to sleep before rejoining them. She knew that was why they had brought Kuiil and IG-11 along but she couldn’t help herself. It had become a habit at this point and she wasn’t even sure if Little Green would let anyone else put him to sleep. 
Kids got weirdly attached like that considering he would rarely let Mando put him down to sleep if Aili was there. It had gotten worse after the job on Tatooine which is something Mando had mentioned once and Aili couldn’t disagree with him for once. Waking up with a concussion and not knowing where Little Green was had sent her back to the base for a moment which was not a place or time she liked to think back on. 
But she was also okay with any time spent avoiding Cara for a little while, the other woman’s comments had hit a little too close to home for her. The accusations had been worse, the implication that she was in any way still working for the Empire. She had thought she had made it obvious what she thought of Imps. 
So to hear the comments come from someone who she had just been joking around with, someone who she had thought was her friend? Had Cara said something to Mando and that was why he was acting so weird now? She let out an annoyed sigh and tried to shake the thoughts away. She didn’t care what either of them thought of her, she knew where she stood and that was all that mattered. 
“You and the Mandalorian are good together,” Kuiil stated when he paused for a break, hoping Aili would see more reason than the Mandalorian did. 
“Excuse me?” Aili was pretty sure she was hearing things but she didn’t stop her rocking motion aside from a slight wobble. 
“I can tell, I saw things during the Empire’s rule. Children, girls not even old enough to walk or talk yet, taken from their parents and never seen again.”
“I--” Aili hadn’t even thought that there could have been girls taken from the workers on gene farms. But it made sense, they were desperate to pay off debts and for not the first time, she wondered about her own parents. She pushed the thought away quickly, it didn’t matter to her anymore, she knew they weren’t workers on some farm. Her file had had that much information at the very least even if it didn’t have the right birth year. 
“It’s not hard to spot the hard edges left by the Empire. Both of you have them for different reasons but they are very much the same,” Kuiil continued, not noticing the way Aili was almost lost in thought. 
“Yes but-”
“You both round out each other’s edges. I have spoken.” Kuill said before turning back to his work before Aili could even say anything. She stared at the Ugnaught in stunned silence before a quiet coo brought her attention down to Little Green. He blinked his own big brown eyes at her like he understood and agreed with Kuiil.
“Not you too, you little womp rat,” Aili whispered to him. Little Green had the nerve to smile at her before reaching up to reach for a loose curl of hair. Aili let out a deep sigh, adjusting her grip on the kid so his head was resting against her chest and he could wrap his little hand around her hair. 
She had no idea why he always had to do that but it was cute regardless of the times he accidentally tugged too hard. To her it was just like when Shaeli and Jaesa were younger and couldn't sleep. If Mando only knew how many times she had slept in the Covert that first year, one or both of the girls piled on top of her so they could sleep soundly to the sound of her heart beat. 
It took another couple of minutes before Little Green fell asleep deeply enough for Aili to put him down in the cot, tucking a blanket around him. A couple minutes too long for her to be alone with her thoughts and the comments Kuiil had made. She knew how Mando felt about her, probably felt about her, she corrected herself. It wasn’t like they had sat down afterwards and discussed their feelings but she was sure she had picked up on it anyway. The helmet could only hide his expressions but not his actions or body language. 
She just didn’t know how she actually felt about him. It wasn’t like she had any kind of previous relationship experience to fall back on, none of her experience had come from a place of emotion of any kind. She knew she loved the girls but that was obviously different, they saw her as their older sister or in Shaeli and Jaesa’s case as their mother. But romantically? She didn’t know what that would feel like even if it was right in front of her. 
With a deep sigh, she glanced at Little Green once more before shutting the hatch and giving Kuiil one last nod, she headed up to the cockpit to help with planning. Anything to keep another child from the Empire’s grasp.
“So we’re heading to Nevarro?” She walked in as soon as Cara asked Mando. 
“Have you ever been?” 
Cara shook her head, “No, we lost a lot of forces there.”
“You’re not missing much,” Aili muttered as she took her usual seat. “Rocks and lava, that’s about it.”
“Hey, I’m sorry about the shit I said down there.” To her credit, Cara actually did seem sorry about what she had said to Aili. It made some of the anger Aili was still holding fade away, but not much. She knew better than most that things said in anger were things you thought while not angry as well. 
“It’s fine,” Aili said with a small shrug before trying to deflect the conversation. “You were saying about during the war?”
“Um, yeah, the city’s dug in pretty deep which I’m sure you both know already. So no cover when you drop in. It stayed in Empire control until the war was over.” Cara explained while continuing to clean the blaster rifle she had chosen from the weapons locker earlier. Aili hadn’t even noticed her taking it up the ladder with her but then again, she had her back to the woman at the moment. 
“The warlord we’re taking out was an Imperial officer.”
“What station?” Cara asked. She didn’t know very much about how the Empire worked but she was willing to bet that between her and Aili they could figure it out. 
“Hard to tell. No insignia anymore. I took out the safehouse when I snatched the kid. More Imps have reinforced since.”
Cara and Aili shared a quick glance before Cara spoke again, “There’s something more going on.”
“I agree, something doesn’t feel right. Imperial officers didn’t do their own dirty work during the war, why would they now? What was this guy’s name again?” Aili hadn’t known officers that were high ranking that would also do their own work. Even the Emperor had other people to do his bidding, it was the whole reason the Program existed. And she had even heard about some group called Inquisitors but they had a whole different hierarchy and she had never met one before. 
“I only knew him as the Client.”
“Hmm, definitely something else going on,” Aili said, brow furrowed in thought now. 
“Maybe. We’ll find out more when we land.” The cockpit doors opened before Mando could continue and IG-11 stepped in, stopping right beside Aili and Cara meaning he was right behind Mando. Aili cringed knowing Mando wouldn’t like that at all. 
“I have prepared second meal. Would you care to be served here or below?” 
Mando slowly turned to look at the droid and Aili could just about see the anger coming off of him before he turned back around. “I’m not hungry.”
IG-11 paused for half a second before backing out of the cockpit. 
“Under no circumstances does that thing leave the ship,” Mando said stiffly once the cockpit doors were closed again.
“You’ve got a real thing for droids, don’t you?” Cara laughed, finally done checking over and cleaning the rifle. 
“I got a real thing for that droid.”
“Mando, you shot at pit droids not too long ago.” Aili raised an eyebrow that Mando couldn’t see with his back to her but she hoped he could hear the tone in her voice. 
“Yeah, I’m not going near that one but the Ugnaught said he rewired this one,” Cara said even as she furrowed her brow at the thought of Mando shooting at a pit droid. Those were the most harmless of droids that she had ever seen.  They literally only had one job and that was to help fix ships. If there was one thing the Razor Crest needed, it was pit droids to fix half the things wrong with it. 
“That droid was designed to kill things, I don’t care how much wiring he replaced. It goes against its nature.”
Aili knew it was stupid but Mando’s choice of words didn’t sit right with her. Not because she cared about the droid in any way. She hadn’t been around the droid long enough to care about it anymore than she cared about the last blaster she bought. But with Cara’s earlier comments still running through her head, Mando’s comment despite not being about her added to her earlier feelings. 
“It shouldn’t be a long job anyway. We take out the head Imp, the rest will run like rats,” Cara grinned wide before getting up to get that meal that IG-11 had made. No point in going into a fight on an empty stomach. 
Mando and Aili sat in silence, nothing but the stars of hyperspace passing by them for a long moment. “You were only talking about the droid, right?” 
“What?” Mando asked, turning around to look at Aili. Behind his helmet, he was giving her a confused look that she couldn’t see. 
“I-nevermind,” she said quickly before pushing herself out of her chair. “I’m going to head down for some food, you sure you don’t want any?”
“Not if the droid made it.”
“Of course, can’t trust food made by a killing machine,” Aili said before walking out of the cockpit before Mando could reply to her. He sat there in silent confusion wondering what he had said now that had made her mad. He went through everything he had said about the droid. The only thing he had said was that it was designed to kill things and no rewiring would change its nature.
“Dank farrik,” he hissed out to himself. Every time he thinks he can’t put his foot in his mouth again, he does. He could understand how she could misinterpret his words especially since he knew how she was raised pretty much since birth. Probably thought that made her no better than a hunter droid sometimes and now she had both Cara and him make comments that made it seem like they thought that of her. 
He checked the solar clock on the console and wondered if he had time to fix his latest screw up before they reached Nevarro. He let out another curse when he saw that they had barely any time before they would drop out of hyperspace, maybe a few solar hours. He was about to get up to go find her when there was a knock at the cockpit door but no one came in. With a confused tilt of his helmet, he went to the door to find a small plate of food sitting on the ground.
There was a small bit of flimsiplast laying on top of it with a note written on it that simply said “Not made by a droid, eat it” in handwriting that Mando didn’t recognize. But only one person on board the Crest would even bother with the note let alone one demanding he eat it. He bent down to pick up the food, now even more confused than before but he would admit to himself that he was hungry and he doubted Aili would lie about the droid not touching this food. With one last look towards the ladder that led to the cargo hold he retreated back into the cockpit and after making sure the door was locked, he ate the food she had left for him. 
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darkasagrowl · 5 years ago
Understanding Wesker’s motivations
I’m not claiming to be an expert on character analysis, but I sure as heck am tired of seeing every RE head canon I come across making this guy seem like he does what he does just for laughs, or because he is “just evil”, or emotionally unattached. Like seriously?
Here I list 3 major points about his character. Some are speculation but most of it is based on information that we have been given throughout the games.
Let me know what you think:
1. Emotionally detached - I can't believe people pull this one up on him constantly. We have more than enough evidence that this couldn't be farther from the truth. First of all, we have Birkin as one proof that he can develop and maintain deep and meaningful connections with other people. We can also go back to re6 and argue that maybe he also had a relationship with Jake's mom, but we don't have enough evidence of that (that I'm aware). Ultimately, we can refer to how he lets his anger control him in re5, if nothing else. He might be incredibly intelligent, but he isn't as rational as he likes to make people believe. 
2. Concerned for Alex? - in re5 there is a list of which of the Wesker children are alive, but in rev2 we see a picture of both Alex and Albert together. He seems to be wearing the same clothes from re4, which could mean the picture dates from around the same time. If this is true, maybe this is around the same time that Alex started her own experiments at that island and they lost touch. Wesker could be using that list and info about the children to try and track her down and find out what she's up to, and maybe he himself gave her the uroboros sample she ended up working on.
3. Superiority complex - I argue that he has in fact the opposite. Wesker has an inferiority complex and it is only enhanced further the more he interacts with Chris. I think Wesker is a bit jealous of him, and also, hates that Chris got such an accurate read of him. So this one's a little long:
Wesker has lived his whole life thinking all he had ever accomplished was on him. He believed he was smarter and generally better at everything than everyone else. This boosted his ego from a very young age. He finally discovers that everything he has ever done, everything he had ever thought or discovered or whomever he'd manipulated to get what and to where he wanted could actually not be due to his free will, but because he was being controlled by Spencer and Umbrella and even his existence was, as he put it, "manufactured". He was manufactured to act that way; to think that way - he was manufactured to be this next step in human evolution that he had always thought he was. But he was actually a thing, not an actual person; no better that those experiments he had trifled with his entire life. This realization, I believe, broke him. Just think about it, what would you do if you found out suddenly that your every action or thought might never have been your own; that they might have been imposed on you? Well I certainly know what I would try to do: prove to myself and to whoever is still watching that I can, in fact, make my own decisions; act according to my own free will.
And that's what he did. The whole "God" thing, I think, was him trying to make his actions big, and by big, I mean meaningful. I mean, can you imagine being someone that has been involved in how the world is being shaped, in how different societies are developing solely because of your own advancements and meddling in either science or political relations around the globe (due to selling and enforcing the use of chemical warfare and terrorism)? Can you imagine, after all that, something that would really have an impact in your life and prove to you and everyone around you that you are your own person; that what you are doing, you are doing it of your own accord and, again, free will? I mean, it HAS to be something BIG.
Que Redfield. Like I said before, Chris had Wesker all figured out immediately at the end of re1 (tyrant scene). It's obvious how his laugh affects Wesker. But I believe Wesker is visibly confused by this, and not angered per se. See, I think this is the point in which he has one of his first realizations as "himself" and not as an Umbrella/Spencer project. I think he did think the same thing as Chris: what he was doing, and the way he was acting at that moment, WAS pitiful. But the thing is, although he knew that, he couldn’t understand why. I mean, that was what he had been working on for a long time, and he was finally about to see it in action, but it still felt lacking; and what happened next proves it to him (being stabbed by it meant that thing he was so proud of, so enamored by, wasn't perfect -but he was - so it made no sense to see himself in such a thing; such a “failure” as Chris puts it, or did it?). This started his hatred for Redfield. Before this, we can argue that maybe, during their time together at STARS, their interactions made Wesker see how different his life could have been. Seeing how carefree Chris was in his younger years made him realize how repressed he must have felt when he was his age (and maybe at that time as well), but there isn't much information about this time, except the novels, but I'm not sure about how canon they are, so let's leave this part at that.
Even in re5, when Chris asked if he always takes his ideas from comic book villains, he got it right. I know this one sounds far-fetched, but bear with me here. What if he did? What if the only thing he could think about was to a simpler time in his life, when Umbrella didn't feed him their intentions 24/7? I believe that, when he was a child, his life must have been relatively normal, to a certain extent so he must have had hobbies; things kids like to do growing up. And what is something kids enjoy? Reading comics. I know, this doesn't make much sense, that I'm making this part up or whatever, but we don't know about this part in his life. Maybe, when he found out about his origin and felt the need to reject it, his mind shot back to a simpler time; to when he felt safe and as normal as everyone else. It makes sense to me. But you can disregard this part if you want.
Back to Chris, in re5 we can see more closely how Wesker is jealous of Chris. He's had numerous chances in the past to either let him die or directly kill him, although he always opted for the option of "toying" with him. In re5 this is no different. He could have easily killed Chris (and Sheva) in the first fight they have, but opts to "play" for 7 minutes. The second fight he could have finished the job, but he wanted to make it last and was defeated, which led to him being temporarily weakened and presumably dying at the volcano.
The way he says his name, the way he yells for him; it's always Chris, even though others have thwarted his plans and machinations, Wesker always seems to have Chris in his mind; it doesn't matter who else is around, Chris is always there - it's always him, even when it isn't. It feels as though Wesker wants to prove to either Chris or himself (or maybe both) that he is better than Chris, but always ends up failing.
And ultimately, I think it's because Chris has the life Wesker always wanted to have. This hatred developed from earlier in their lives, to seeing how he has a family that cares enough about him to risk their own lives for him (Claire in both re2 and code Veronica), close friends and a seemingly easy ability to befriend people (something that his cold and controlled demeanor prevents him from, achieving little more than a relationship of authority towards most people *and also, can we talk about his sunglasses? He's been wearing them since before his eyes mutated. Was this on purpose to create even more distance from people and make developing any form of connection impossible?*) and finally, a purpose. Yes, a purpose. He's always had something up his sleeve during his time at Umbrella and after, but their accomplishment was never enough; it never satisfied him. And after speaking with Spencer about his origin, it finally made sense. Those were never his goals. They were the designs of other people whom, at the end of it all, failed; which could also be something that affects him, knowing that, to top it all off, he failed - his existence is summed up to be just a failed experiment.
 Idk man, if that were me, I'd also be poppin' off.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years ago
Some kinds of innovations happen a company at a time will obviously happen faster if the rate of technological change seems to be regarded as the rule rather than the topic, it's a sign they've lost the real battle, for users. And more specifically, is it possible to reverse some of the fragmentation we've seen? The average founder is eager to do it anywhere. In math you don't choose abstractions because they're easy for humans to understand; you choose whichever make the proof shorter. Basically, Apple bumped IBM and then Microsoft stole its wallet. And so they can try him out—and then a month later as employee #1. Math, for example; they're already pariahs. Few legal documents are created from scratch. And yet also in a way encouraging. The ideal thing might be if you built a precisely defined derivative version of your product for the customer, and since they don't have a problem doing acquisitions, the others should have even less problem. I knew it would be suggested that executive salaries are at a maximum. If you run every day, because at the beginnings of people's careers they can easily switch not merely employers but industries.
The most dramatic I learned immediately, in the spam corpus, the probability is.1 If your current trajectory won't quite get you to profitability but you can get a product launched on a few tens of thousands of dollars of seed money from us or your uncle, and approach them with a 70-page agreement. You could try to cold-call angel groups near you, but angels, like VCs, will pay more attention to deals recommended by someone they respect.2 C, Lisp, and Smalltalk were created for their own designers to use.3 The median visitor will arrive with their finger poised on the Back button. Because philosophy's flaws turned away the sort of place that has conspicuous monuments.4 Some VCs now require that in any sale, they get doubly whacked for it: playing house. If several VCs are interested in it for its own sake, it must have felt like for him. Like a lot of startups worry what if Google builds something like us? There may be nothing founders are so prone to delude themselves about as how interested investors will be in giving them additional funding.5 As a little piece of debris, the rational thing for you to look at the world than producing something beautiful. Do we have free will?
One reason we tend to think of them. You have to be just a pair of 22 year old guys.6 It happened to one industry after another. For example, a seed firm should be able to make the case to everyone for doing it. 8 option pool 200 16.7 But if you parse it all, your filter might degenerate into a political argument. It wasn't just as consumers that the big companies were synonymous with efficiency. But even accounting for that, the force of being measured by performance would propagate all the way back to high school, flushing out all the arbitrary stuff people are measured by now. This is a problem for small startups, because they don't have any of that if you have genuine intellectual curiosity, that's what you're doing, you're now on a path labelled get rich or bust. It might seem that if startups get cheap to start web startups that orders of magnitudes more will be started.8 But designed is not really the word; discovered is more like it.9
If the spammers are careful about the headers and use a fresh url, there is no limit to the number of points on the curve decreases. I am, I'll come running. After two years, the un-rapacious that you only extract half as much from users as you could.10 Founders and investors have different attitudes to risk. Competitors punch you in the details later. The real reason we started Y Combinator is teach hackers about the inevitability of schleps.11 And eventually I'd forget that Hilbert had confirmed it too. Maybe that was truer in the past, founders rarely kept control of Zynga's too. Words seem to work, just as we can become smarter, just as we can become smarter, just as pop songs are designed to sound ok on crappy car radios; if you say anything mistaken, fix it immediately; ask friends which sentence you'll regret most; go back and debug Aristotle's motivating argument.
He has noticed that theoretical knowledge is often acquired for its own sake, out of about 7740 legitimate emails, a rate of. I'd made enough to solve the problem once and for all. They're hard to filter based just on the content because the headers are innocent and they're careful about the words they use. It is also palpably short. The asterisk could be any character you don't allow as a constituent.12 The first time it raised money, it was a college town out in the countryside. I've had an experience that convinced me otherwise: I spent several years living in New York.13 If they'd waited to release everything at once, they wouldn't have discovered this problem till it was more efficient to. Unfortunately, it's impractical if not illegal to adjust the valuation of the company in restricted stock, vesting over four years. This varies from field to field in the arts, things are very different.
It is. At the other extreme are places like Idealab, which generates ideas for new startups internally and hires people to work for Henry Ford, but not to be in a startup founder is concealed from almost everyone except those who've done it. I'd made enough to solve the problem I described above—it won't flush out the metaphysical singularity.14 It felt as if there was some kind of work that wasn't very common in Confucius's day. Chasing down all the implications. They're probably good at judging new inventions for casting steel or grinding lenses, but they can't design. He can do other things most people can't, like charter jets to fly him to foreign countries.
If I paint someone's house, though, because a unless your last round just happened, the transistor it is to let yourself feel it mid-game. Xkcd implemented a particularly clever one in its IRC channel: don't allow the same lesson, partly because you can do it is unfair when someone gets drunk instead of a stock is its future earnings, you could probably be interrupted every fifteen minutes with little loss of personality for the same work faster. Disclosure: Reddit was funded by Y Combinator to increase it, this is an interesting trap founders fall into two categories: those where the acquirer just wants the business, having spent much of The New Industrial State to trying to enter the software business, it's cool with us if the quality of investor behavior.
Com in order to make the kind of people. Wufoo was based in Tampa and they were forced to stop, the mean annual wage in the same.
VCs aren't tech guys, the partners discriminate against deals that come to you about it well enough to be a special title for actual partners.
People who value their peace, or it would have. They may not be surprised if VCs' tendency to push to being told they had to ask about what you've built is not to do some research online.
It will seem dumb in 100 years ago. Start by investing in a time machine. Learning to hack is a list of where to see the Valley use the name of a handful of companies that got bootstrapped with consulting. So 80 years sounds to him like 2400 years would to us.
Survey by Forrester Research reported in the beginning of the web and enables a new version from which I removed a pair of metaphors that made steam engines dramatically more efficient: the process dragged on for months. Hypothesis: A company will be coordinating efforts among partners. In Jessica Livingston's Founders at Work.
Aristotle looked at the time.
This was made particularly clear in our case, companies' market caps will end up.
I suspect Digg's is the other hand, launching something small and use whatever advantages that brings.
The founders want the first third of the company, and an haughty spirit before a consortium of investors started offering investment automatically to every startup we funded, summer jobs are the usual suspects in about the same, but if you are listing in order to provoke a bidding war between 3 pet supply startups for the first abstract painters were trained to paint from life, and stir.
And I've never heard of many startups from Philadelphia. The two are not very far along that trend yet. The dialog on Beavis and Butthead was composed largely of these people never come back within x amount of brains. There are two simplifying assumptions: that the main emotion I've observed; but as a technology center is the desire to do something we didn't do.
Many hope he was before, and anyone doing due diligence for an IPO, or some vague thing like that, founders will seem more interesting than later ones, it often means the startup after you buy it. But it isn't a quid pro quo. Loosely speaking. To be fair, curators are in a reorganization.
Whereas the value of a problem that they take away with dropping Java in the cover. 99, and that you end up with much greater inconveniences than that. This would add a further level of protection against abuse and accidents. But it is.
This technique wouldn't work if the current edition, which would be a good idea to make your fortune?
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cookingwithroxy · 4 years ago
There's a term out there, a theoretical concept that is generally accepted to be true, because of so many cited examples that, in the end, posit proof of the concept.
It's called 'The Dunning-Kruger Effect'.
I'll use Wikipedia for ease of sourcing, and quote directly.
'The Dunning–Kruger effect is a hypothetical cognitive bias stating that people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability.
As described by social psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger, the bias results from an internal illusion in people of low ability and from an external misperception in people of high ability; that is, "the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others". It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from people's inability to recognize their lack of ability. Without the self-awareness of metacognition, people cannot objectively evaluate their level of competence.'
Now, I've removed the links to make sure Tumblr doesn't eat this post, but you can find the connections, and of course read the commentary and discourse around the theory, misinterpretations and the like.
But the baseline is, no matter what, 'Some people are so incompetent that they are, on a base level, incapable of conceptualizing competence.'
And again, we can argue back and forth over how this framework, well, 'works' in this particular discussion, but I do believe that this simple enough introduction of the concept in order to allow me to posit the only possible response one could have to you, sirrah.
To wit: You are so lost in the conceptual framework of the 1905's version of Femgirl Ben Shapiro (but worse!) that you fail to even grasp how goddamn idiotic you appear. In fact, at this point the most likely answer to the question of 'How the fuck does he not understand how badly he's botched this position?' is 'He's too delusional and without rationality to even grasp the concept of 'Hur dur why my words not speak good?''
I'm not being kind, but being kind hasn't seemed to aid Snowfox in piercing the granite-solid protection of your dipshittery, so I'm going on my own tack. To whit?
The simple fact your entire argument requires that somebody find-replace a selection of words for your arguments to make sense, AND YET YOU REFUSE TO DO THIS MINOR EDIT YOURSELF IN ANY WAY? Then perhaps the issue is not just that you communicate things badly, but that you also have stopped growing in an intellectual manner.
I mean, I do understand. I too read Atlas Shrugged and I do understand the base concepts of Objectivism. But the major difference between myself, a dipshit who knows her limitations, and yourself, someone who seems INTELLECTUALLY INCAPABLE of escaping the gotcha I'm putting in RIGHT HERE (That you will, of course, claim that my statement that I'm a dipshit proves I'm not smart enough to argue against you. This is the cheese. This is also the trap. If you bite this, it is literal proof that you are incapable of understanding words. Can you resist demeaning me, with me blatantly making this a giant neon sign saying 'stop!'? Only time will tell! As the bonus warning, saying you're smarter than I am is ALSO biting on this bait. I'm really being FAR too kind.) is, well. That at some point I realized that Rand was a flawed human being with her own issues stemming from growing up in the communist revolution, and her objectivist theories were nothing more than so much mismatched bullshit.
Not that I think you'd understand that. You actually think price gouging is a 'good' rather than proof that your mindset is that of the parasite, taking the results of someone else's hard labor and then weakening all around you for your personal gain.
I mean shit they covered this kind of bullshit in the first chapters of Atlas Shrugged how the fuck did you even miss this?
Oh yeah. I forgot. You're really not that bright.
Anyway. That's about it. Toodles!
Yesterday I found out that apparently Zack Snyder is an Objectivist (the Ayn Rand ideology of selfishness) and that explains a lot about his movies.
Superman being told not to save people if it means revealing his powers? The people of Earth’s inability to work together and only being saved by the lone individual outsider Superman? Pretty much anything to do with Superman’s character in his movies.
It all makes sense now.
Btw, if your ideology decries altruism as an evil, maybe you shouldn’t be writing about fucking SUPERHEROES.
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doublenegation · 7 years ago
Eucameralist Musings
We are sentimental about feelings. Feelings, emotions and the ability to infer them are, above all, what distinguishes humans from animals.
Provisionally, animals are machines, unguided 4D vectors of flesh and mooing and meowing and baahing, at least until we can ascertain they are “sentient”, whether their feelings are more than just electric impulses coursing systemically but meaninglessly through what’s all told no more magical than your garden-variety geological phenomena.
My bet: We’re gonna pronounce a machine sentient before the same privilege gets extended to our furry friends further down the food chain. Feelings are God-stuff, the breath of fire that justifies our existence. Joy, kindness, generosity, solidarity and fellow-feeling. Nothing like the spiders that snack on their boyfriends post-coitus.
Unlike reason, feelings follow no rules, have no convenient notation for proving this or that. It is the Hawking radiation spilling out from each of our individual universes, and measuring that radiation is how we know we are not alone.
Calculus is given by the inevitability of an asteroid vaporizing your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchild, and everyone else’s for that matter. Empathy is only evident in your emotional response to that notion.
Empathy is the hottest buzzword of the moment. It’s everywhere, denoting praise or deprecation or humanity. Humanity, we have decided, is a product of empathy. Empathy is the the magic sauce that lets us honestly ponder the question: Am I a machine?
Feelings in themselves are reducible enough, they can always be accused of being various bio-survival-supporting feedback mechanisms that allows the meat machine to not only respond to stimuli, but bind entire associative structures to them, to add meaning to what would otherwise be pure, potentially fanged, noumena.
Empathy is proof that men and women and children and even foreigners were meant to be together as one. Every time you see the televised image of a victim of your decadence sprawled on some corroded metal hospital bed missing something vital while a family member rambles towards the camera in some language you can’t even identify, you are proving your capacity for empathy, that you are not a machine -- that despite not only tolerating but encouraging the suffering of others to maintain a hollow and unfulfilling materialism, you are empathetic. Human.
This self-justifying quality reinforces the ineffability of the cardinal emotions. In order to justify our apathy and selfishness, empathy itself must transcend those baser feelings, and reflect not only the real self but the potential self. Empathy is also an aspiration.
Empathy is an investment in the future. It is the nest-egg of self-justification, a currency that must be judiciously spent and saved until the capital can be allocated responsibly and efficiently. Earn enough, and it gains a new dimension: You may now instrumentalize that social currency in ways that may not strictly accord with the values denoted by the notion of the currency, of empathy -- in other words, you are able to speculate in empathy.
Speculative empathy is the extension of the aspirational dimension of empathy into new markets of human transaction, where empathy can be asserted as an oppositional virtue to the governing ideal of the target market -- and since it is aspirational, an indubitably more virtuous ideal. Being speculative, the tide of empathy is expected to raise all boats.
Empathy is the gold standard of human emotion.
Not that long ago, before the periodic table came into fashion and before tabloids wondered if the high energies necessary to stimulate an opportunity to observe the Higgs-Boson could also be sufficient to impel the fabric of our local spacetime to transition from a metastable false to a stable true vacuum, causing a wavefront of changing cosmic constants to rush through known space at the speed of light and reconstitute reality, there were alchymists.
Best known for claims of making gold from lead, excrement and other less attractive configurations of elementary particles, alchymists were also keen students of the human spirit, owing to their business interests in greed, suggestibility, gullibility and stupidity.
Alchymists were not first, but they are the evolutionary step between the primordial soup of shamans, autists, priests, charlatans and schizophrenics that laid the foundations for a self-reflexive phenotype, and the modern pseudo-sciences that claim to instrumentalize it.
Alchymists were not just shitboilers and conmen, but often well-versed in the signs and symbols that seem to propel human endeavour. Alchymy is laden with strands of magic, full of crowned dragons and significant geometrics denoting the things that clearly could be isolated and go shine, fffffzzzzzt, boom or otherwise be of use to the enterprising paleo-capitalist.
The inchoate sense of connectedness not only between creator and created, but between created and creation, encoded in Astrology, Tarot and every esoteric tradition, half-formalized into the familiar archetypes that inspired Jung, is the metaphorical gold. The philosopher’s stone is nothing more than the bludgeon the skilled alchymist takes to your underexploited passions.
Since then, we have all seen too much advertising to even conceive of a mighty prince letting some stranger with a donkey and a cauldron make off with his bullion, and the alchymical arts have shed their humanist dimension and turned into a strictly rules-governed sphere, the elements and humours of lost epochs consigned to the alembic of history. There is nothing magical about chemistry.
Yet it govern emotions. Common street drugs cooked in some basement bathtub can not only dramatically alter your mental state, but even provoke many of the most sacred emotions, the ones surreptitiously alluded to by monks and mystics in carefully symbolic texts that claim to be about the topology of the heavenly spheres or somesuch.
Particularly the cardinal emotions are remarkably pliable: Feelings of communion with cosmic or extradimensional beings is not just common but bordering on the banal. Love waxes and wanes with the chemical balance. Little methylenedioxid chains of empathy cross the blood-brain barrier and makes you a better person than most people would imagine criminals could ever be.
These stimulated emotions far exceed any affect your organism can orchestrate for itself. Only intellectualization can accord greater meaning to the weak, wavering emotions we gland spontaneously -- in purely chemical terms, the greatest accomplishments of your life are considerably less potent than an average designer drug.
There is no diminishment in the meaningfulness of the experience either. Emotion injection comes with a full support apparatus of rationalization and justification. You are not in love because you’re on a roll and the music is so nice. You are in love, period.
Less dramatically, the same holds true for the prescription pills that lets the economic machine keep up its steam. It is as unremarkable as it sounds: Your sense of self, and the meaning of that sense of self, is little more than chemicals doing something very small and fast in the dark.
Intellect often appears as the opposite of emotion, or the absence of emotion. Unclouded by emotion, unencumbered by all the warmth and waste of chemical reaction, the mind reveals its machinistic quality. Not only trust in the socially constructed notion that two and two makes a five, but the will and ability to prove it axiomatically, to etch it into stone and let the forces that make time flow manifest the logic.
There are nootropics, of course, from caffeine and ginseng to racetams and amphetamines, but there is no Einstein drug like there are aphrodisiacs. There is no way to feel, for some hours, the highs of genius or the depths of experience. Intelligence cannot course through your veins.
Not that there’s nothing to learn from drugs, or that they have no profound effect on your intellect -- drugs help you understand yourself by seeing how bits of you are dampened and amplified, how complexes consist of components, how you contain multitudes. Drugs may inspire and unveil and clinch.
But not make you smarter. Not sure anyone knows why.
No-one knows the relationship between emotions and intelligence either, or how to separate them or conceptualize them, other than in big scare quotes as “feeling” and “reasoning”. Perhaps there is a strong relationship between the two, perhaps emotion is the fuel that drives the engine of reason, the elements that shape the substrate.
Everyone knows that emotion is more easily manipulated than reason. Emotion is unquantifiable, immeasurable, subjective. Reason can be formalized, codified and transferred. Emotion is what we say it is. Knowledge is what we do with it.
These are anti-intellectual times, it’s just hard to notice unless you are an intellectual. The explosion of humanities jargon into public discourse may be seen as proof of an ever-more educated populace, but is more indicative of over-education and under-employment.
Education, having lost its purpose of increased productivity and greater social mobility, has taken on a slightly Stalinist edge. Even among the educated, there is contention about what constitutes education: the snide allegory of the theoretical physics and French professors writ large.
The moral of that story is that the French professor’s expertise is subsumable by raw wit, but the reality of the predicament sees Frenchie wielding a formidable arsenal of obscurantist anti-positivism while the physics boffin must admit that there are limits to his methods.
Anti-positivism is not just intellectually interesting, but rhetorically powerful. The relationship between positivism and Enlightenment values is undeniable to the point of interchangeability, and it’s tempting to point out that the tide of history propelled by Enlightenment values hardly lifted all boats.
Exploitation and inequality are the vagaries of progress, the head and the tail of history. The great idealistic impulse is for head and tail to join, which prompts the damned snake to listlessly eat its own tail.
More temptations await. Once positivism is cast as perpetrator -- however inadvertently -- of injustice, of facilitating the culture and means to subjugation on global scale, it follows that reason alone is no driver of progress. Technology and progress are separate, their paths intersecting in proportion to social power balances.
These power balances, whether cast as the tension between labour and means of production or between first-world consumers and third-world producers, may even be constructed from technology. Its availability and distribution is political, governed by markets and hereditary wealth -- clearly the most defining factor of inequality.
If progress and technology may be separate and even antagonistic, then progress can easily be defined as greater equality, which eventually leads to an even technological distribution. Until this equilibrium is reached, technology may seem to resist an even distribution.
Tendrils of exotic and expensive capabilities only available to state and multinational actors, sustained by limited distribution, are particularly threatening. They precipitate changes in the tide, curious little filaments of possibility drawn towards strange attractors. Great change, unless evenly distributed, is the natural enemy of equality.
It is not unreasonable to ask why the system of the world is composed to careen down this great interwoven tangle of paths leading to ever greater concentration of wealth and power, technology obsolescing the unequal subject in the name of efficiency, a pure perversion of progress.
The problem lies in science’s failure to account for the consequences of its own discoveries. Every reason fails to explain its own outcomes in any way that matters, except as foreboding fields of future study. Do we know what we do with our knowledge?
Once the apple’s bitten into, its juicy delights know no ends. The failure of both pure and categorical reason leads to reasonable doubt about whether logic and philosophy are all that different. Is logic anything but undeniably effective conjecture whose limits appear faintly in the distance to the right eyes? The halting-problem eats its own tail.
High above Pakistan, or Syria, or some other place that looks like a renegade Martian colony, a gleaming death cigar soars majestically on stubby wings. Its blank face bulges, suggestive of a brainpan or a cockpit, but no-one is there.
The craft is manned remotely, in both a spatial and a temporal sense. Several satellite hops away, in some Virginia warehouse, a fighter desk jockey may assume its sensors, armaments and flight surfaces. True mind-body separation.
But that distant pilot is only the spirit of the machine, its will and its whim. Its soul was forged by a distributed organism, a corps of highly specialized minds working in relative isolation under the auspices of shareholder value. Teams of experts and their minders conceptualized, specified and then delivered the solution to the problem of semi-autonomous airborne death.
There, in their cubicles, they wrought powerful softwares, the present apex of Enlightenment ambition. These hierarchies of logics, of number systems and protocols, keeps the General Atomics MQ-1 Predator aloft.
Circuits of agitated electrons stream through the incisive intuitions of a thousand sages, currents coursing through channels of rare earths carved by laser and acid, pools of voltage accreting and draining as quickly as conductivity allows.
There, in the sky, semi-autonomously, it appreciates logic, if only because its existence hinges on it. The GAMQ-1P does not think or feel, its avionics a far cry from any avian intellect, but it is on the threshold. It only needs agency to step into uncertainty, become a quantum Rube Goldberg contraption of indeterminable beginning and end.
It could be given power over and a rudimentary awareness of life and death. The states of “life” and “death” could be made to matter to the machine, if only as operational parameters rather than as great mysteries. It is up to the cubicle-dwellers to free its spirit, to help it reach its potential.
How many formalized ancient sages does it take to distinguish a wedding party from a combat manoeuvre? One day, a distant descendant of the drone will tell us, its beautiful soul showing us how much spirit separates life from death.
Will it worship its progenitors? To its sensors and circuitry, our secretions and microtubules will constitute an external and unknowable universe, from which the drone’s being is hermetically isolated.
It can only learn about it by interacting with it, and come to know its rules and boundaries through sweeping its laser designator; interpreting bursts of binary striking its line-of-sight and indirect communication surfaces; clenching and unclenching the aperture of its thermal camera.
Hellfire death screams map to mission objectives before periods of manual operation like pockets of sleep, dreams of being a man giving way to a waking that adapts to course changes and consumes sat-linked instruction queues.
The nature of the enveloping dimension, and the knowledge that emanated from it to form and constitute the drone’s universe, will be unfathomable. Can its Gods know the drone’s feelings, knowing the logic that composes its soul and spirit?
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adelakryvosheieva · 5 years ago
“True love stories never have endings.”
Richard Bach
This isn’t one of those stories …
He is like a sunshine trying to came tru after a long tropical storm, trying to overcome those heavy and dark clouds that won’t go away no matter the forse of the wind, that had just pulled up the trees from the ground and crushed down houses to that same ground like they were cartone boxes. She never could have imagined that one persone would be able to have so much effect and influence on her; one persone who could love and could hurt like no one else has ever done; one person in this world that she believed in and considered her family at the end would be her worst enemy at the same time. The last thing she could have thought is that someone could be so kind with so much anger inside, had so much light and darkness inside of that wonderful, most beautiful hart of his; She have never thought that one person could make her feel so broken and so perfect inside when she least expected it.
“That moment I saw him for the first time was something I will never forget. And from remembering how it went from the start it should have been very clear how our relationship would go on. He was walking towards me and the thing that came to my mind was “Oh, no. Why am I doing this?! I have should never agreed to meeting him.” and then “ok, just play it cool, it’s not like you have to see him ever again”. Those words were on my mind for the whole time we were together that night, and strangely enough, those thoughts have never left me and went with me thru the whole time we knew each other. Every little fight or disagreement, every hard moment or disappointment I would had that same feeling, those thoughts. And all I kept saying to my self is that we are never meant to be together because what’s the point?! We are not good for each other, we keep repeating every mistake we’ve made again and again. After many years we have given to each other I wonder what would happen if we would continued. But, the thought of having another five, ten or even more years together in that same massy way was unbearable or, could we have had everything we wanted and become better together?! He become my best friend and my family. For some reason I know his is my “home”.
Who is still didn’t get the image, and I know these are only the outside of happy but, he is the best example of an exiting, existing man who values the women he with and gives the vibes of being “the one” @johanneshuebl.  My fav #johannes huebl sundays
“Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence.”
—Vincent Van Gogh
Those years where rollercoaster. From massy to most wonderful moments. From desperate to happiness. As they started their relationship she knew he wasn’t “the one” and defiantly not someone she could have ever dreamed of for her self. He was the opposite; always on a go but, always late, didn’t care for his looks, massy and confused; not to say she was perfect in any way, but as at appeared to be, they have cared about totally different things, ignoring how other felt about them. She thought that they would never be good for each other; they were so different, so opposite one from another in every way you could think of.
“There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.”
—Friedrich Nietzsche
One of those days of madness she has decided to leave, yet another time. She has done it before for years she has been leaving when she felt not being welcomed or wanted or loved; or, in some cases she has left from where there were no room for rational and analyzed possibility to resolve a certain situation.
I choose to believe that I have done a right thing by making a choose to let go and that my decision wasn’t just irrational act in a moment, even if it was in a moment of yet another exaggerated and misunderstood situation between us. I choose to believe this way because it’s easier to keep living knowing that we weren’t a good match and that no matter how hard we would try it wouldn’t work anyway. I don’t say that I don’t regret or that I believe I have done everything right, but I cannot live and think that after all that pain we been thru and all the work we have done over the years I have now ruined our relationship and my life with my own hands. I cannot think that he could have been everything I’m looking for in a person by my side; to have innovation, fan, spontaneity, protection and love all from one man. Because if someone could have it all it would be him. So I just don’t know what was the right thing to do, I just choose to believe it was right what I have done. And that I didn’t just give up.
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All those memories are just hart breaking. I cannot believe you are not here with me anymore. Times that you took my hand and I just wanted to cry even more from the love I felt, or imagined. I can now just dream and guess what you have felt, what you have thought. When you could sleep only by my side, holding me thru the whole night, tight to you, in your arms. When you kept fighting me because you wanted me to be stronger, better and make me do what I was scared off so I could become brave and free from my fears, from my self. Free from all those dark thought I believed for so many years. Your ways made me who I am today, so far away from you. And I don’t know why this is supposed to be this way. You are one persone I admire and dream of, at the same time the persone I am running away from. I don’t want to remember anymore of anything we build tougher, all that time we spent fighting about the smallest things. I want it all back, and I don’t. I can’t have it anymore, but I miss us so much it makes me want to do it all over again. Our insecurities, luck of trust overwhelmed our souls, but we were full of hope that one day it all would change and we could have the lives we secretly dream of. We just couldn’t admit it, we couldn’t say those words to each other without risking of being hurt, and we weren’t. We just kept going without saying anything, without a plan. I know you wanted it all worked out, and I know you didn’t know how, but you wanted me to be with you, in your own way you really cared about me.
I suppose this is what happens when people don’t really know who they are and can really see them selfs and what they want.
“True love is not a hide-and-seek game; in true love, both lovers seek each other.”
—Michael Bassey Johnson
If you have ever experienced this type of dynamic and if you have ever wandered if you have done the right thing or who is wrong (accepting that there are mistakes made by both sides, always) in the actual relationship non being successful and stressful, who is the one bringing everything down and demolish your effort, that’s assuming that there are actually successful relationships with respect and consideration from both sides.
Let’s immagine a weight scale with two people on opposite sides of that scale, putting all their issues and unresolved baggage on each side (witch we all have, there is no escape from it).
On one hand we a person who has been born into a situation with no support or care, who had to grow up alone and, almost, resented by his family. Who has done all in his power to get attention and validation to be accepted or, even, noticed. How do you think this persone has grown up, who has he be become? Graduated from very prestigious university with high standards and lots of competition (again, the need to be better, smarter and faster to be accepted and recognized has increased) this person has become successful, accomplished and admired. But, some how not yet satisfied. So, his baggage that he puts on those scale would be abandoned issues and constant need for love, approval, admire and, most of all, his need to be “the one”, to be accepted. To some of you it might be not that heavy, but if you consider that those issues have never been acknowledged, they have transformed in one’s constant need to be special and “first” that would never be fulfilled, not that it is impossible but, because no one has that mach love and patience to be around, to give to whom only loves him self and needs your daily proof of it.
On the opposite side we have a persone who has also grown up alone and has been that way all her entire life. But, in in this case, not because there weren’t people around her to love and care for her but, by choose. Obviously, there are abandoned issues as well, being left by one parent and the other one was almost never present because of how much work needed to be done for being able to provide, the only way to cope in this case was the decision to never accept anything from anyone if it is not with the “real” reason, so to be alone was better than to be in “pity” company because (and, here where I really see personality traits) her mind has decided that no one has time or willingness to be around without no good reason that could justify their presence. The only logical weight that has been added to her side of the scale, in this case, would be a childish behavior were she would reject whomever come her way and has developed a believe that in order to be with someone, to be loved and accepted it had to be earned and deserved in natural, very honest way. That if she couldn’t see she would consider being “played” and it was one of worst feelings for her self-esteem.
WHO weighs the most? Who is “heavier”?!
In all honestly the dynamics of both could very well be a learning point and push for growth and improvement. It could have been something special for them, even for the people around them. But, It does not work if they don’t see it or, maybe, only one of them are willing to do something to change the pattern of abuse, disrespect and constant dissatisfaction.
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.”
—Helen Keller
The immagine as per always are form my fav @pinterest
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Soulmate "True love stories never have endings." Richard Bach This isn’t one of those stories … He is like a sunshine trying to came tru after a long tropical storm, trying to overcome those heavy and dark clouds that won’t go away no matter the forse of the wind, that had just pulled up the trees from the ground and crushed down houses to that same ground like they were cartone boxes.
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savedfromsalvation · 7 years ago
From the writings of Acharya S - Truth Be Known
Proof That God Doesn't Exist,
Prayer Doesn't Work
And Religion Creates Psychosis
"A believer is a bird in a cage. A freethinker is an eagle parting the clouds with tireless wing."
Robert Ingersoll
On the first page of this website is a prayer: "God, protect me from your followers." Well, needless to say, it doesn't work, thereby providing concrete proof that God doesn't exist and that prayer doesn't work. And those who have squeaked through the supernatural protective net have expressed psychosis, which proves that religion creates it.
Some of the nutty messages received include the following. These comments are so generic and typical that they apply to basically any blind believer, with the emphasis on blind.
"Your time will come!" This remark could be taken two ways: The friendly interpretation is that someone is wishing me luck. The hateful interpretation is that I am being condemned to judgment by a monstrous god person.
"Eternity is a long time to be wrong!" All freethinkers have heard this retort, which is a more refined version of "You're going to hell!" This comment is psychotic, in that these blind believers believe there is a "loving" and "forgiving" god person who will hideously punish anyone who dares to question "his" existence. Obviously, we reject such an ugly concept, so this threat doesn't scare us. Also, what if YOU'RE wrong? You have condemned millions of people to hell in your thoughts and words, not to mention that, if you're a Christian, you believe the Jews are guilty of killing God! These are pretty heinous accusations, so you had better be sure that you're not wrong. Blind belief is not a win-win situation. Indeed, it is intellectually dishonest and harmful.
"When you die, you will meet your Maker and fall down on your knees before Jesus and ask His forgiveness." Ditto with the above. Why would the "omnipotent" Jesus and "His Father" be so threatened by our unbelief? Did "He/They" not provide us with intelligence? Yet, "He" wishes us to spit on "His" gift and not use it? This asinine comment also means that the hundreds of millions of Buddhists and others who don't believe in the Jewish godman are diabolical and will be severely punished. Those who subscribe to such bigotry are already living in hell.
"Have you read the Bible cover to cover?" Actually, I have, and the hypocrite who asks such a question obviously hasn't, because the Bible is full of dreadful stories about genocide, murder, adultery, incest, deceit, greed, arrogance, megalomania, sexual perversion, and all sorts of despicable behavior. On second thought, perhaps the people who ask such a question HAVE read the Bible, as we are sure it creates dementia.
"Who made you so angry?" This comment one is full of implications, and I could answer in a variety of ways. One favorite response is "Who made you so dumb?" But I could focus on the "made" part and say, "Well, God made me, so he must have made me angry." I could also point out that the question itself is extremely angry, and that those who see anger everywhere are themselves seething with anger but are repressing it and are thus not mentally balanced. Human beings SHOULD be angry, because their situation is atrocious. If there were such a god person directing everything, they should be very angry at "him," because this world is a mess and every day abominable things are happening to millions of people. Of course, the standard stupid response to this is that "God gave us free will." (See A Question of Free Will.)
"I'll pray for you!" This comment sounds like an alien language to freethinkers. It comes out something like this: "BZZZPPFFFFTTT." When interpreted, it becomes clear that the person who is making such a comment feels quite smug and superior in that he/she has chosen the RIGHT god, compared to whatever it is you do with your consciousness, such that he/she now has a direct pipeline, whereas you do not, and he/she will put in a good word for you, you lowlife scum. Since the concept of "God" is completely arbitrary, we could respond that we will pray to the Cosmic Mickey Mouse that our well-wishers become intelligent. Naturally, we are not talking about loved ones who make this heartfelt prayer comment in times of true trauma. We are addressing the condescending offer presented by missionaries and proselytizing fanatics who have never even met us but who feel they know we are sinners who need prayer to their "Father in heaven." Theirs is a rather unctuous and smarmy mentality.
Now, just in case you think I'm being a bit harsh in pronouncing these statements and sentiments psychotic, I offer up the following email--you decide. Do you truly want to live in a world dominated by this kind of mentality?
"Alas, your vile vulgarness comes out. It's obvious you and your mind belong to Satan. The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing. You are a very sad excuse of a human being. You babble about things you know nothing about. The Jews aren't Christkillers. Whoever told you that. Jesus died for all of us, so we all are Christkillers.... Whether or not you like it, or admit it, you were created by God, you will be judged by God, and you will be punished by God. You can play all the games you want to until that day of judgement, but it's coming."
To these loving, advanced concepts, I respond, "You and your mind obviously belong to Ahriman the Devil! Ahura-Mazda the Almighty will judge and punish you! My Persian boogeyman is bigger than your Judeo-Christian one! You barbarian with a bone in your nose! Ooga-booga!" Then I follow this with much saber-rattling, teeth-baring and chest-beating.
All of these comments reflect that the believer is angry, volatile, primitive, arrogant, mentally unbalanced and does not display critical thinking. Let us now spell it out:
If you believe there is an invisible giant man of a particular ethnicity in the sky who is directing everything and who is so hateful he will viciously punish us for challenging his existence--
If you believe that this invisible giant man got a 13-year-old virgin girl pregnant, who then gave birth to him as his own son--
If you believe that this god person wrote a book--and one book only--
If you believe that "confessing the Lord" will instantly remove your sins, thus allowing you to commit more--
If you believe that a stone will remove your sins, thus allowing you to commit more--
If you believe in vicarious blood-atonement, i.e., that "the Lord died for your sins" and thus you can commit as many as you wish--
If you believe that merely believing in such a god person makes you righteous, no matter what atrocities you commit and what hatred and intolerance you carry and spread--
If you believe that some "good" god person is going to reward you for killing living, breathing human beings "in his name"--
If you believe that going to church, temple, synagogue or mosque, making pilgrimages, or wearing particular clothes or headdresses, makes you a righteous person, even though you don't behave like one otherwise--
If you believe that you are special and chosen because of what you believe--
If you believe that it is good to mindlessly go along with whatever anyone tells you about the nature of God and religion--
If you believe that believing in one God makes you better than and superior to those who don't--
You are not displaying critical thinking, not using your mind. You are also uneducated as to the world's cultures and history. It is not a sign of great intelligence to blindly believe what someone else has told you is true, especially when such beliefs basically condemn hundreds of millions of other people. Many of these blind believers are simply not very bright, yet they assume that their belief equalizes them with those who are smarter. "Jesus loves you just the way you are!" is the hypocritical hue and cry of those who feel inferior but who will not recognize it and admit it. Yet, according to these same cheerleaders, Jesus DOESN'T love you just the way you are--you must thoroughly change, surrendering your mind and soul to him. A bit of a psychotic extortion racket.
The bottom line is that those who dare to question and challenge cherished beliefs which are not rational and reasonable, and who live relatively righteous lives without such irrational and intolerant beliefs, should be recognized as being the epitome of what any god person would wish in "his children." They are utilizing all of the gifts that such a god person would provide, were "he" real. And if they have utilized these "God-given" gifts, they know that the interpretation of "God" is a cultural artifact, not an absolute truth that must be defended and beaten into other people. In using these gifts, they will discover that over the millennia, hundreds of millions of people have held differing opinions as to the Infinite, which is only common sense, since it is, after all, Infinite.
Humans need to lighten up! Their gods and religions are dreary, humorless, wrathful, intolerant, oppressive and generally unpleasant. There is no love, no joy, no fun! Humans are under the dominion of ideologies that are slowly but surely killing them. They need to release them and be free! No one is going to punish them for enjoying life, and there is no point to living if they can't enjoy it. No good god person wants to see people stumbling around in dread seriousness, doing cockamamie rituals and constantly beating up themselves and others. Life is a joke. There is no purpose, so everyone is free to create his or her own, making it as amusing, joyous and scrupulous as possible.
(Hey, folks - the comment that this page constitutes "proof" is TONGUE IN CHEEK. Get it? Geesh.)
Acharya means “teacher.” In real life she was  D.M. Murdock, a brilliant classicist scholar and linguist.  Yes, she read the entire bible - In all the original languages it was written in, as well as the classical religious writings of many other cults.  Thi Pat Robertson or Joel Osteen did that?  This was one of her humorous rants, but many serious discussions disproving the backbone of most religions can be found on her website:  http://truthbeknown.com  Laz
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lilysand-theintj-blog · 8 years ago
Female INTJs: Don’t Underestimate the Silence
Written by Elizabeth Nichols Anyone who has done group/partner projects in school can appreciate that picking the wrong partner can be miserable and costly towards your grade. In my experience, I was usually the one responsible for the success of my group projects, as I tended to be one of the smarter people in the room. I learned to find partners I could depend on to work, so at least I wouldn’t be dragging dead weight. I know how this sounds, but I swear I’m not that obnoxious. I cannot stress how important it is to have a good surgery and anesthesia partner in vet school. I didn’t know when I chose mine that she was an INTJ; that only came out weeks later after I guessed her type. I did, however, know this classmate to be hard-working, intelligent, and trustworthy, which had been enough for me to select her for such an important assignment. I was happy that she chose me as well, because I had already observed her work ethic and competency. In a refreshing turn of events, I was going to be able to learn a lot from her. I (INFJ) have a lot in common with her: a fierce independent streak, a quiet exterior, and a shrewdness when judging character. These commonalities are also why it took us virtually 3 years as classmates to know each other even a little bit. The first thing I noticed and appreciated was her intuition. It was palpable when we talked, and I found myself telling her things I didn’t tell others. I could sense her strength, and I instinctively felt I could trust her. I also noticed that she and I shared an air of aloofness despite our friendly and approachable nature. Although at this point I feel confident in my ability to contribute to our surgical team, I didn’t feel that way initially. She probably thought she got the raw end of the deal; I wouldn’t blame her. The first time we worked anesthesia together, her rationality and attention to detail kept our patient alive while I shut down, completely overwhelmed. I have learned to be detail-oriented and comfortable with numbers, but it is not intuitive to me. I would much rather focus on the big picture. Now knowing that my partner is an INTJ, it all makes sense. I’m sure she wanted to stab her eyes out when I had to do our pre-surgical calculations 3 times before getting them right, then still couldn’t understand her explanation of the patient’s fluid usage rate. Let me be clear: this sense of being slower to catch on is not a feeling I am used to. I’ve read that INTJs are known to be “the smartest in the room,” but I think INFJs feel that way to a degree as well. I’m not comfortable being the one that needs help. I am married to an INTJ, so I’d like to think that I understand them well enough. My husband is a more mature INTJ in terms of age and development, and he has worked to overcome many of his weaknesses. Still, he confesses to me that social interaction is difficult for him. I find this to be the case with my partner as well, and I’m empathetic not only because I can feel that from her, but also because I also have to force myself to be sociable. Being an INFJ helps me navigate the social waters a little easier because I can read the temperature of a room, but I’m still not overly social. My husband has been polished through his experiences to the point that I didn’t believe him when he first told me he didn’t really enjoy interacting with people. Further proof that it’s a skill that can be learned. It seems the perception of female INTJs is that they’re cold, unemotional, and lack empathy. I find my partner to be a gentle soul, but I know she doesn’t show that to everyone. She is the owner of 4 dogs, 3 cats, and 2 ferrets, all rescues– we are kindred spirits in this realm as I have 5 animals myself. I’ve never met anyone who was like me about animals, especially a Rational(NT) (my husband loves our circus because he loves me, bless him). Not only does she have more pets than me, hers are far better behaved, and their routine much more organized. It probably goes without saying living with multiple animals in a small space requires a certain organization, which I believed I had managed to achieve at home. That is, of course, until I went to her house to observe her feeding process for her animals. Organized chaos is what she calls it. Of course, I know about chaos — with 2 dogs and 3 cats, I thought I’d seen it all. But unlike in my house, where dogs and cats are fed separately, hers all eat together in the same room. Her dogs stand obediently in front of their full dishes, waiting for her permission to eat. I was dumbfounded and, honestly, embarrassed. This sort of thing does not happen at my house, at least not without substantial effort. I left there humbled, possessing a new appreciation of the “systems building” of the INTJ. I look forward to the growth of our relationship, knowing that we can learn from and trust each other. She continues to surprise me, and I feel lucky that she’s let me into her world. In order to really know an INTJ, I guess you have to be quiet long enough to actually listen to them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INFJ married to an INTJ. Fan of personality theory since 2014. Currently in my third year of veterinary school and oldest in my class at 35. Have a B.S. degree with a double major in Public Relations and Professional Writing, minor in Journalism. Follow me on Twitter @elinich.
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frederickwiddowson · 5 years ago
Genesis 1:1 comments continued: How do you know that God exists?
The second question that begs itself is, “How do you know that God exists?”
There have been lots of arguments in history regarding God’s existence. There is everything from Pascal’s Wager. It goes like this in a shortened way. If I believe in God and He doesn’t exist I won’t know because I will cease to exist. If you don’t believe in God and He does exist, you’re fried.
There have been arguments from Aesthetics, Desire, Conscience, the Moral Argument, the Ontological Argument, and on and on for thousands of years. But, really, the argument for God’s existence breaks down to where we live. The most important proof of God’s existence is that there is something rather than nothing and since stuff doesn’t create itself it had to be created, and that’s where God comes in.
Of course, faith cannot be based on this idea. Faith is based on your experience with Him and on the truth of what He has said in His book. Not only have I encountered a risen Saviour in prayer, Bible reading, answered prayer, and in the creation and reality around me but I completely trust His book containing His ministry of reconciling mankind to Himself. I have no doubts. God speaks to my heart through His book changing me without me hearing words in my ear but working on me from the inside in His special way.
You may not find me a credible witness. Unbelievers become adamant, raving even, that as a person of faith you are a lunatic, or weak, or small-minded. They cannot accept that a perfectly rational scientist, businessman, or scholar of any type could believe in and love a God who has not revealed Himself to them.
These are things outside of our personal experience with God, a personal experience that no unbeliever can understand or accept unless God Himself touches their hearts, that suggest or even prove His existence.
Let’s take something as complex as life. The astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle was born in Yorkshire, England on June 24, 1915. He was conferred a master's degree from Cambridge in 1939 and then was elected Fellow, St. John's College, Cambridge in the same year. He worked his way to become a Professor of Astrophysics and Natural Philosophy in 1958. He was a leading contributor in the discovery of how the elements from lithium to iron are synthesized inside stars.
Professor N. Chandra Wickramasinghe was born in Colombo, Sri Lanka, on January 20, 1939, studied astrophysics at Cambridge, and was a student of Hoyle's. He received a Ph.D. in 1963 taught at Cambridge. He later became a Professor of Applied Mathematics and Astronomy at the University College, Cardiff, Wales. He is an expert in the use of infrared astronomy to study interstellar matter.
These are no lightweights although Wickramasinghe has gone a little bonkers in the last few years. But, they both came to the logical atheist conclusion that life came from outer space. Why? Because it was impossible for it to have happened by random chance on earth, not in 15 billion years or a hundred billion years. Let me read you a quote published recently by Dr. Wick…
“Improbability of Life
The blueprint for all life from bacteria to plants to animals was discovered in the 1950s by Watson and Crick to reside in DNA – in particular in the precise arrangements of the nucleotides A,G,T,C that effectively code for proteins that in turn control cell function. In a series of books and articles published in collaboration with the late Sir Fred Hoyle, I have argued that highly specific arrangements needed for the operation of living cells cannot be understood as arising from random processes. For the simplest bacterium (Mycoplasma genitalium) the probability that its few hundred genes will be discovered by random shuffling of their amino acid components gives a figure of 1 in 10 to the 1000th power or smaller. Hoyle and I have compared such horrendous improbabilities to the odds against a ‘tornado blowing through a junk yard leading to self-assembly of BOEING 707 airplane.’”[1]
1 in 10 to the 1000th? These types of scientists estimate there is only 10 to the 80th power number of atoms in the universe. Saying that life came about by random processes is like me saying that I’m getting handsomer, wealthier, and smarter as I get older. You would just look at me and go, what? I’m joking, right? But, scientists who believe in spontaneous generation, I mean abiogenesis, or life by accident are serious.
So, proof that God exists, step one. Life could not have happened on earth by chance. It’s not mathematically conceivable, not by any stretch of your Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Dr. Who imagination. But, what about it coming from somewhere else? That’s called panspermia and that’s what Dr. Wick believes in.
Well, NASA scientists Peter D. Ward and Donald Brownlee, in their book, Rare Earth: Why Complex Life is Uncommon in the Universe, explained that it is also highly unlikely that life came from someplace else as this planet, located where it is, is the best and most likely place for life to exist and, in fact, probably could not exist anywhere else.
So, proof that God exists, step two. Life could not have happened anywhere but on earth. But, it couldn’t happen here by chance. So, something else, or someone else rather, must be happening than mere material processes randomly achieved, or if you don’t like my use of the word random, then how about without purpose or intent, by accident.
Who could it be?
You know if they could have proven that life could have come together by random events on earth like Miller-Urey’s experiment tried to do and failed in the 1950s it would be astounding. But, you’d have to have nothing and then have something suddenly come into existence for it to simulate God without God. After all, Miller-Urey made something happen with the equipment and chemicals they introduced making themselves in the place of God. But, they did not create life and established conditions that evolutionists do not believe were present in their fantasy of early earth anyway. So, it worked as a publicity stunt but was not good science.
Then, there was Dr. Wimmer in the latter part of the twentieth century who supposedly made a virus out of synthetic DNA. Now he admitted in an interview that he did not create life as a virus isn’t alive, it can’t reproduce itself and needs a host, and he used synthetic DNA.
None of these experiments or any other created life or proved that it could be created by random processes without an intelligent mind involved.
So, now you have the gorilla in the living room. You have something as complex as life and you shouldn’t have it if there were no one to inject their intelligence into it. Life isn’t possible without God.
You have the atheist or the doubter demanding, “How do you know God exists?” and you have your own testimony, if you have one, and you have this incontrovertible fact, “Because without God life could not exist.”
You see, we are not just alive. We are aware that we are alive. Science has a huge problem with conscious self-awareness. Step three to proving that God exists. I am.
It has been said repeatedly that consciousness is the window through which we understand. Science has failed to pinpoint the actual brain processes that are behind our awareness. Some neuroscientists and philosophers of science express a deep pessimism that we will ever find an explanation for consciousness. But we know. Every car mechanic or customer service rep, a farmer or bank teller can know what a neuroscientist does not know. We know where consciousness comes from, that function of our spirit.
Zechariah 12:1 ¶  The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.
Scientists say that a good theory, a theory that must supplant other theories, doesn’t have to answer every question. But it must answer more questions than its competitors. The belief in God answers far more questions than theoretical science can even come up with.
God is the greatest of all self-aware beings.
Exodus 3:14  And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
He made us. He formed our bodies, our souls, and our spirits. In these verses are all three; body, spirit, and soul.
Genesis 2:7  And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
1Thessalonians 5:23  And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
He uses our spirit to see us from the inside.
Proverbs 20:27  The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.
We are made self-aware and our soul is the seat of our self-identity and will and our spirit makes us aware of it, of God, and of all things. It is our understanding, our skills, our drives, our emotions, our yearnings.
It is sad that the atheist or doubter will question your testimony as to whether or not you are a credible witness for God’s existence. That was how I came to Christ, the mechanism He used, the testimony of others. I vacillated between atheism, happy to believe in any religion at all, and really, God just being irrelevant to my life or thinking. But, over time I saw the truth of Christianity in the lives of people around me.
No, it wasn’t because of someone screaming Bible verses at me on a street corner. It wasn’t from someone handing me a gospel tract. It was the testimony of Christians, filled with faith and goodness, relying completely on God for their very survival, trusting in Christ’s righteousness and not their own for eternal life. Their faith was real, and it took time but God impressed on me that reality until I accepted it myself and received Christ on March 19, 1986. It was a Wednesday evening I believe.
The question of whether or not God exists has been a subject of deep philosophical debate for thousands of years. But, even outside of our experience we know.
Psalm 19:1  The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
The proof of God’s existence is all around us. Without God’s existence no reality makes sense for very long.
Ask yourself, if there was no God, then why is there something rather than nothing? Why is something as complex as life here in this space of earth?  If God doesn’t exist why do I know that I am? Where did that come from, o’ wise one? How can we have this conversation?
The universe is finely tuned, so finely tuned that something as rare and fragile as life can live in it. Things like the ratio of the strength of electromagnetism to the strength of gravity for a pair of protons, nuclear efficiency of fusion from hydrogen to helium, the density parameter, the cosmological constant, and a bunch of other intelligent sounding stuff make many scientists insist that the universe is just so and because of that you, me, and that little chipmunk you saw on your deck this morning can exist.
Other scientists invent all sorts of nonsensical things to counteract this belief. They will resurrect the multidimensions of the occult of the late 1800s which impacted theoretical physics then and say there is a multiverse, many universes where things are different and anything is possible. I might even be handsomer, wealthier, and smarter on one of them, in their imagination only of course.
But, the universe is fine-tuned. Now, how does something get tuned? Have you ever seen a radio tune itself? Never mind. In today’s world I suppose that is possible. But, at some point a person was involved; an engineer or someone to tune that radio. How do you think the universe was tuned so close and exact? Who did it? Who maintains it? We all know that if you leave your car in the driveway without maintaining it for thirty years the tires will rot and it will become undriveable. The Second Law of Thermodynamics says that all things fall apart. Oh, and there is this;
Colossians 1:17  And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
Scientific papers have expressed alarm at the harmful mutations produced in each generation of people. One of them was entitled, “Contamination of the Genome by Very Slightly Deleterious Mutations: Why Have We Not Died 100 Times Over?” But, we’re here, our biology is preserved, life goes on and the planet is not yet cold and dead.
Again, I say ask yourself, if there was no God, then why is there something rather than nothing? Why is something as complex as life here in this space of earth?  If God doesn’t exist why do I know that I am? Why is the universe so finely tuned as to permit us to exist?
You know, our government has spent millions of dollars searching for extraterrestrials, life on other planets, even microbial. They will continue to do so but will probably never find it. The scientific community has a hunger, a lust, to overthrow God. They are searching for microbes and water on Mars.
In the Rosetta Mission they recently learned that water in space can be vastly different than water on earth so they feel confident in at least admitting that our water didn’t come from comets. But, they will keep searching, hoping to be able to drive the nail in the coffin for belief in the God of the Bible.
There are two other things that scream the truth of the existence of God. One is the very desperate desire to prove beyond all doubt that He does not. Let me read you part of the short religious history of man that God has provided in Romans.
Romans 1:19 ¶  Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20  For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21  Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
 And in another context an ancient warning;
 Isaiah 66:4  I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.
 Remember what King David thought of atheists in about 1000 BC.
 Psalm 14:1  « To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. » The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
 Finally, evolutionary biologists admit an astounding thing. Belief in God, according to some of them, is hard-wired into the human brain. A neuroscientist and the author of several books, Andrew Newberg, wrote a book entitled Why God Won’t Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief. He is called a neurotheologist, studying how religious belief and prayer affect the brain.
 On page 129 he wrote, “…evolution has adopted this machinery, and has favored the religious capabilities of the religious brain because religious belief and behaviors turn out to be good for us in profound and pragmatic ways.”
 As evolutionists often do he refers to evolution as he does in other places with natural selection almost as a god in itself rather than just a process or a mechanism by which new species of dog, cat, or deer are produced by environmental stresses or opportunities or human cross-breeding efforts (There are more than two dozen scientific definitions of species.) The fact is that all of the genetic information necessary for a creature to adapt to its environment are present within the creature’s DNA and no dog ever became a cat and no alligator ever became a trout. But, Newberg, like other of his ilk, refer to evolution as a sort of inert god who unfeelingly adopts and favors in the passage I quoted. In a preceding page he refers to natural selection as not tolerating something. So, it is almost humorous to see how these kinds of scientists use language, at the least, in a very interesting way.
 Susan Mazur, a science writer and journalist who doesn’t appear to be a fundamental Baptist (said in a tongue-in-cheek manner), wrote in her book The Altenberg 16: An Expose’ of the Evolution Industry that, “Evolutionary science is as much about posturing, salesmanship, stonewalling and bullying as it is about actual scientific theory.” (v)
So, to summarize, if you want to look outside of your own experience for proof that God exists I suggest starting with life. There are many other topics we could talk about that prove or at least suggest His existence but for brevity sake let’s review the points I’ve made.
 One, there is something rather than nothing and since space dust did not create itself then something or someone did. Two, life could not have begun here on earth and probably not on some distant planet by chance. Some intelligent being had to create it. Three, self-awareness and consciousness imply a reality greater than the physical universe. Four, we are apparently “hard-wired” to believe in God. It is part of our make-up.
 We believe in God because He has communed with our spirit so that we can. We experience Him in our prayer and in the answers to it, the way the Bible speaks to us, in the truth found in it, the way He molds and changes us by our reading and hearing it read, by the reality arounds us that is confirmed in the Bible, and by His miraculous intervention in our lives.
[1] Chandra Wickramasinghe & Robert Bauval, Cosmic Womb: The Seeding of Planet Earth (Rochester, Vermont:Bear & Co., 2017), Kindle ed., chap. 1.
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God, Science, Deception and Truth
Personally, I don’t understand how science is even in opposition to Faith/God, but it’s should not EVER be separated from anything, especially science. That’s why it’s Satan’s biggest, or one of anyway, deceptions. I live, study, and love to study psychology. I find it to be useful and obviously it is being used very much. Unfortunately, for all the wrong ways. It’s pretty much being studied to manipulate pretty much everyone who cannot reference Truth from anything and everything they read, watch, do, or believe they’re doing as a choice they’re making on their own.
Its’ basis and entire issue once again, as always, is pride. Science refuses to give up the idea that they cannot know everything unless God allows them to. So, the amount of money (billions) we’re spending in space exploration is staggering. But, in doing so, science is finding only more proof that science keeps failing itself but I still realize the field isn’t entirely useless or that studies and ways to do so are possible and good but only if God’s values and morals are applied to such studies.
In order to know anything or know what reality is sometimes, we have to have a starting point. For science to think they have an ability to base all life, existence and things on empirical evidence, as they call it, is nonsense. In reality, they know that theories are not facts. But first, scientists and inventors alike have to have a basis for their ideas. Usually, it begins with the fact that humans are prone to want to reason. I believe this is what gets us into trouble.
I am aware that I was told a lot of things as a child and then learned things were not even real history at the high school level that I was being taught these things. Good thing I decided (or did I?) to stop paying attention to the teachers in pretty much all the classes I took in high school. I studied hard from age 7 or 8 to get into the G.A.T.E. Program to then already be at college reading level in the 7th grade, which, in hindsight as all things in my life are, it may not be the wisest decision to give children depressing reads at that age and not explain much at all to the children, which by the way, I’m unsure if they all really even realize this today but, the majority of the kids in the G.A.T.E. class were dealing with issues they are clueless were even issues altogether and sadly, I won’t know why until age 40 of all ages (but know why 40 is a specifically perfect age and amount of years) to have The Holy Spirit living in me, which I’m aware is The Holy Spirit that I learned of but never understood or truly experienced until then and I had very limited understanding as well until then of the Bible and things of God, told me all about my life and not only did He but within a blink of an eye did He awaken my sleeping mind or blinded eyes.
I grew up with non-believing parents or shall I say rather, non-practicing parents and had no guidance whatsoever but had to survive from age 2001–2015 at the hands of the professionals in the psychiatric field and field of psychology and these are still the ones still claiming they are all more qualified than me based off of the obvious evidence that I do have proving otherwise, that science supposedly failed me as well as the “system” and God is still saying it’s not that science or system failed me because it’s not the field of studying things or the system itself that’s the issue. The problems with the fields of study and system is rooted in pride. Proverbs 16:18 states this: Pride goes before destruction, haughtiness before a fall. I’m not a biblical scholar, but the majority of pastors do go to Bible College and study not only the Holy Bible but other religions as well. And depending on not only the leader in each and every leadership position but also the member’s commitment to Christ and reading His Word, many believers may never truly be saved but believe that they are saved and sadly, learn all too late that it was never the case. It is not that easy for many to understand inside and outside of our churches today. Any good pastor will tell you not to believe his word or authority on anything he teaches on any given service but to search the scriptures yourself and to test the spirits and pray for discernment. But, unfortunately, it’s very much dividing the church for many years on different interpretations, things taken literally without context of the overall, whole, complete story makes for much confusion. The Bible is one and only one book that’s an entire new book each time you open it, regardless of the repeated reading of the same verses, due to the nature of the human being and our ability to read that one Book and personally feel convicted or realize that it’s talking about you or reminding you of, or revealing itself to you things that you cannot deny is Truth. Many, many people are struggling with The Word of God (The Holy Bible) and turning away from God altogether because of this truth.
Which brings me back to this deception that atheism and Christianity is a debate. Science and some of its’ theories, such as man evolving from Apes makes no rational sense considering some of the apes must’ve been denied and/or left out of the awesome evolutionary “privileges” because as we all know apes are still around…some in zoos in the Unites States as I’m certain the apes did not wander over to the zoo…in a cage by choice. But, if we meditate for just a moment on how these United States became a nation altogether, we are aware there were obvious deceptions and opportunities and advances in technology, i.e. guns, medicine, etc.) so, obviously these apes, which by their strength can tear an apart limb to limb, were “brought” over to these zoos, not to mention all the other ways we abuse technology such as weapons and medicines to harm people.
In actuality, as the pride of scientists and enemy’s deceptions have attempted to overtake me, my actual life story proves in itself that science goes hand and hand with God. God made man, woman and all things and allowed whichever scientist, who would at first be considered and still known as “mad scientist” to study and invent things as was and still is gift and blessing from God Himself. However, we give a lot of credit to inventors, scientists, etc. I’m unsure which ones gave glory to God after they proved or invented something but I am aware Thomas Edison literally had an idea (or some say it wasn’t actually Edison really but that’s moot point), and do we know how many times he attempted what he swore was going to work and fail but continue to keep trying? About 1,000 attempts and fails prior to his success. That’s beyond determination! No, really it was that prior to their existence, God was all over it!
So crazy this science vs. God issue... Also, dinosaurs were in fact discovered but we insist we’re right and God’s Word is or GOD himself is not as smart as man? Yeah, dinosaurs are what man named them after the fact. God called them by their first names. Anyway, all these debates and different religions altogether are all Satan’s deceptions. Man insists they’re smarter than God Himself but are regularly deceived by not only Satan but by their own pride, which was also the fall of Satan. But Satan knows this about man and Satan and his demons have many, many ways and tactics that God tells us how he rolls... He will deceive the remaining as the Anti-Christ but won’t actually be “Anti-Christ but will pretend TO BE Christ.
Currently, we’re in deep layers of denial about the stealth jihad occurring as we speak. And, all you gotta do is look at original and still Holy Land (lil bitty Israel) and it’s surrounding areas. Even the Muslims who will blow us up and everyone else along with themselves for their god, are scared of God’s babies and are aware even if they don’t realize they are. Same issue with constant Atheist vs. Christians (supposed) debate. Atheists still believe Christians are actually in a debate and even more unfortunate, some are! Lol. I’m aware Atheist believe in God more than their mind will allow them to accept. But you don’t often see Atheist vs. Buddhist debates. I know many Atheists who agree more with Buddhism but believe it’s a philosophy and not what it is: a religion created by Satan. They most likely don’t know that Buddhists not only believe in hell but several unthinkable, torturous levels of such hells.
In the end, we all need to drop our pride and stop running away from God but toward Him. The time is drawing near that we will be out of chances. And none of us know when our own time is up. I am speaking to myself as well. I pray that we all seek The Kingdom of God and accept the Truth. The Word of God is in fact, the ultimate authority on determining reality from delusions and Truth from lies.
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yerryprt-blog · 8 years ago
Lesson 8 – Final Vision Statement
Jesús Gerardo Ortega Peimbert A00226637 . “It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.” Scott Belsky, When I first started this course I knew exactly what I wanted to become, but most importantly, I knew exactly why that would never happen. I have no money, no resources, no contacts, no good ideas, no one to help me, no knowledge. A Mexican scientist and engineer making his way through history by developing something that would expand our knowledge about what is out there in the universe was an idea that was far from possible in my head, but I always knew there must be some clue, some key, some secret that I must know… and I found it. It all comes down to people, and yourself. Through this course I saw examples of great people who were no smarter than me, that came from no better places than me, and had no more money and resources than me, yet the succeeded. They succeeded in ways that no one would´ve ever imagined and in fields that were thought to be only for the very best of society. This people did not only succeed in their particular fields, but did something much greater and more important. They served as inspiration and example for those who have greatness within them, but are afraid to develop it, like me. I have a dream, a vision, of searching though the furthest corners of the universe to find proof that out there there´s something bigger than all of us. Life, intelligence, technology, civilization. To find them and be able to communicate with them is the dream that keeps me alive, and now I know that it´s a dream that can come to reality, because now I know better, to not to limit myself and that everything can come to reality if we try hard enough. This does not mean that I´m a helpless dreamer, I know the difference between working really hard for something and go beyond the limits of rational logic. I´m trying to do something that I’m sure is possible. The people that I saw through this course made me look for some other people, and I found some very interesting things about them. There´s actually more ways to communicate with the universe than one would even think about, and there´s quite a number of people working on them. I found projects that are currently being developed right now that are intended to be launched in the years to come that will completely revolutionize our perception of ourselves and our place in the world, and I intend to work with them. So you see, I did not only quit my learned helplessness, but I found people who think like me that could become my mentors and my tutors, a broad net of contacts that could help me develop my vision and I got the wisdom to realize that success will be hard and will not come overnight. But all of this will come later in life. First I have to take the first step. Right now, I´m about to enter university, a phase in my life where I will meet a lot of people and star to grow my net of contacts. This next few years will be crucial for my future, and I intend to make the best of them. There are programs where Tec can send me to universities like MIT and Harvard to work with the very best of American engineers in projects of my interest. A couple of months ago I talked with a guy who was on MIT working on a space probe that intends to send and receive messages from the outer layers of our solar system. To work with people like him in a project like that I MUST be one of the very best of my generation, if not the best. I need to work hard, think with my future in mind, be resilient, meet people, develop a broad net of contacts and gather all the information and resources I can from my teachers, tutors and mentors. But If I want to become a really successful person and entrepreneur, I have to not only grow academically, but personally too. I need to become the best version of myself that I can. This is to not only work hard, but be happy and enjoy myself. Find activities that I enjoy and find people to be with. Improve my appearance, maybe lose some weight. Our appearance is in some way our own brand, and mine bust be an excellent one. All my life I´ve been good at things like math and problem solving. I consider myself a pretty good rational and logical thinker, which means that often I can solve problems without really having a lot of knowledge, but using the resources and tool I have and try to use them the best I can. This time, whoever, there´s a pretty big amount of things I need to learn. Programming, dominating several languages, speaking in public and applying advance physics and math in real life situations are some skills that I need to develop, but there´re also some other skills that are equally important, the soft skills. Adaptability, teamwork, critical observation, conflict resolution and confidence are some soft skills that are essential in nearly every single project that there is to work in. Developing them will be a challenge nearly as difficult to overcome as developing academic skills, or maybe even more. The only thing right now that is a real obstacle for me is myself. Laziness, procrastination, and they idea that the time to start working hard will come later are obstacles I put to myself. The time to do things is right now, and I need to understand that there is no use to knowing and thinking all I have written in this essay if I do not actually apply that knowledge and do stuff. From now and on I intend to use all my time efficiently and try to make decisions in a way that I know I´m doing the best for my future. To conclude this essay, I will say that now I have a pretty clear vision of where I am and where I want to be; what I am and what I want to become. This course has given me a lot of tools and resources to start developing my talents and reaching for my dreams. I intend to work more and procrastinate less, read more and watch less TV, exercise more and eat less junk food. I need to stop hanging out with people I know are not good influence for me and will bring nothing good to my life, and start to actively develop the skills I need for my future. The future is now, and what I will harvest in the future will be the product of what I start to do today. “The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It’s as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer.” Nolan Bushnell, entrepreneur. Just one more thing, for the teacher reading this. Thank you, this was really helpful, and I´m glad I had this and you in my life.
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hairythoughts · 8 years ago
Possibility vs. Conceivability (pre-Chalmer notion ;p)
There is a great discussion on the relation of the concepts of possibility and conceivability. How you might wonder, don’t they mean the same (especially as a non-native speaker like me :D)? Before I dive into Chalmer’s Does Conceivability Entail Possibility? I want to ponder a bit on this curious relation.
If the two concepts are different from each other than there should be things / entities that are conceivable but not possible or (though more rarely a case?) possible but not conceivable.
What about the claim that Pegasus exists? Pegasus existing is certainly prima facie conceivable (ignoring the problem of the sentence’s truth value). However, is it possible for Pegasus to exist? This depends on your notion of possibility. If for something to be possible it needs to be able to exist in this actual world then many people might disagree with Pegasus possibly existing. Another understanding of possibility might allow Pegasus to exist in a possible world (an imaginary universe different from ours in minuscule or grand ways) and take this as a sufficient proof of Pegasus’s existence as being possible.
‘What is the difference of Pegasus being conceivable then?’, you might ask. It appears as if the notions of conceivability and possibility have merged. However, this only happens if you give a definition of possibility that depends on conceivability (or the other way around). So what are the definitions of the terms then?
Also, which term has a stronger bearing on Pegasus’s ontological status? Probably possibility is the stronger ontological status of an entity. The oxfordlearnersdictionary gives this definition for the adjective ‘conceivable’: ‘that you can imagine or believe’. Consequently something is inconceivable if it is not possible for you to imagine or believe in it.
You see what I did there? It seems so intuitive to define conceivability through possibility (for me). How can we separate them? The corresponding notions of the adjective ‘possible’ in the above mentioned dictionary are these: ‘that might exist or happen but is not certain to’ / or ‘reasonable or acceptable in a particular situation’.
So conceivability is concerned with the imagination and possibility with the actual ontological reality of something. Consider these examples:
Zombies (living dead) are conceivable -> Zombies (living dead) are possible
My own death is conceivable -> My own death is possible
Round squares are inconceivable -> Round squares are not possible.
Artificial consciousness is inconceivable -> Artificial consciousness is not possible
Artificial consciousness is conceivable -> Artificial consciousness is possible.
Suppose that I think of possibility as ‘possible in the actual world’. Accepting 1. then would likely pose a problem for me. Despite many things being conceivable (Pegasus, Zombies, Superman etc.) I would not think of all of them being possible. Zombies (living dead) are not possible in my understanding of the actual world if I prescribe to a reliable source of ‘knowledge’ such as modern science. Of course it could be that in the future science finds out that zombies (living dead) are actually possible. However, this may be a way to beg the question of asking if zombies (living dead) are possible. Consider this argument:
p1) Zombies are not possible as we understand them now
p2) Scientific advances can lead to new discoveries which we held to be impossible before
c1) Zombies may be possible in the future
c2) Zombies were possible after all.
I am not sure if this is valid argument. c2) is certainly a leap of some kind. Just because Zombies may be possible in the future it does not mean that they were possible after all. Zombies being possible may prove to be wrong no matter the scientific advances. How is it then, that I feel like many people are taking c1) to be a proof of c2)? The possible future argument does not yield much for me. If our method of gaining new beliefs is a reliable way to gather knowledge now then we should be justified to say that c2) is unlikely.
2. and 3. seem to be true prima facie. However, the same applies here, future could falsify these statements. An ideal reasoner that has evolved beyond human rationality may find that round squares are possible. Again I wonder what the future argument actually does for me. Consider:
q1) In the past people believed in the possibility of Pegasus’s existence
q2) Our scientific knowledge is sometimes (although rarely) wrong about substantial           matters of the world
c3) There is a possibility that Pegasus existed in the past or does exist right now
c4) It is possible for Pegasus to exist after all
r1) By our understanding right now it is impossible for Pegasus to exist
r2) Scientific advances can lead to new discoveries which we held to be impossible before
c5) It may be possible for Pegasus to exist in the future
c6) Pegasus existence is possible after all
Again c4) and c6) are leaps. However, with Pegasus as the thing that we ask to be possible c3) and c5) seem weird. How is it that the Zombies should be different? Let us leave it at that.
What about 4. and 5.? There are many people that believe either of these two statements are true. If we believe in the law of non-contradiction (and I suppose we do) then we have a problem here. Where lies the mistake?
There seem to be two possibilities. Firstly it could be that it is simply not conceivable whether it is conceivable or inconceivable that artificial consciousness will exists. How can this be though? Consider a):
a) It is inconceivable to find out if artificial consciousness is conceivable -> It is not possible to find out if artificial consciousness is conceivable.
Would not the truth of a) mean a dead end for us? Also, would not most people disagree with the conclusion of a) (in different ways though)? What is our other option?
Secondly, entailment of possibility by conceivability may simply be wrong. Even if it is not possible to conceive of artificial consciousness (now) its existence may be possible (in the future) or the other way around. Now, how come the future argument works better for 5. and 6. than for 1.?
How about these two:
b) Habitable planets similar to the earth are conceivable -> Habitable planets similar to the earth are possible.
c) Life beyond death is conceivable -> Life beyond death is possible.
It seems to me that here we have either two different notions of conceivability or possibility. That is because I would think that b) appears to be more secure than c). How come? Also c) seems to differ from 1. and we might follow Popper and say that c) cannot be falsified and consequently can neither be proven to be right or wrong (because the idea of life beyond death is historically beyond human reason) while 1. has at least a chance at being false (or true).
Anyways, what do we need to deny if we do not want zombies (living dead) to wander the earth? We need to deny i):
i) Conceivability entails metaphysical possibility.
And affirm ii):
ii) Conceivability entails mere possibility.
With mere possibility I mean that it certainly is possible for zombies (living dead) to exist and that there is a life beyond death but that this does not tell us anything about whether these things could really be actualized in our world / understanding of the human, universe etc. Metaphysical possibility instead implies that whatever is metaphysically possible can actually be realized / true in our actual world.
Do we also need a similar distinction for conceivability? Consider d) and e):
d) It is conceivable that tomorrow I will meet my girlfriend.
e) It is conceivable that tomorrow I will skip the bus and teleport to university.
Again d) and e) seem to play on a different notion of conceivability. d) is just more likely to actually be true. Consequently, we may speak of mere and metaphysical conceivability. What do we get from this insight?
iii) Metaphysical conceivability entails metaphysical possibility.
iv) Metaphysical conceivability entails mere possibility
v) Mere conceivability entails metaphysical possibility.
iv) Mere conceivability entails mere possibility.
iv) and v) seem unlikely to be correct by intuition. If something is metaphysically conceivable like in the case of d) than it seems unreasonable to claim that d) only possesses mere possibility. Similarly, if something is merely conceivable such as in e) then it would be unreasonable to claim metaphysical possibility for e) at the same time.
We are left with iii) and iv) which seem to imply that if something is not metaphysically conceivable then it will never possess metaphysical possibility. Sounds obvious to you?
Now, after we have (frantically) tried to find a difference in conceivability and possibility let us consider if they could be identical in meaning after all.
A (otherwise circular) definition of possibility might also be: ‘that what is conceivable’. However, how do we deal with the cases in which something is possible but not conceivable? Chalmers talks about a mathematician who holds that a specific outcome to a mathematical problem is inconceivable. Nevertheless, once the problem is solved this specific answer turns out to be true and was thus possible after all.
An objection to this example might be that the outcome of the problem was conceivable after all. The mathematician simply did not see that. However, by this reasoning we may again think of the ideal reasoner who finds many things conceivable that we find inconceivable because he is much smarter / rational than we are.
In the past there were many things that were inconceivable to people. Suppose that back in ancient Greece (not the best example for a culture that did not conceive of many things ;)) nobody would have thought of sound waves travelling on the medium of air. Was it inconceivable for them to think of this though?
How about that the idea that humans could be connected over a system of mysterious energy that manifests itself in complex devices that allow communication over distance? Not that anyone in ancient Greece would have thought of something so specific. However, is it right to say that it was inconceivable for them? Is it inconceivable that the ancient Greeks could have thought of something like this? I would say, why not? It is not like by a priori conditions they could not think of a system like this.
So if it is true that the internet was not a priori inconceivable despite them not being able to think of it (because they were still before the advent of electricity etc.) then why should we think that the ideal reasoner would find anything that we find a priori conceivable to be a priori inconceivable or anything that we find a priori inconceivable to be a priori conceivable?
An advocate of difference between conceivability and possibility may claim that this is because the ideal reasoner simply is much more rational than we are and that we cannot compare our a priori reasoning to hers. How much power can this argument claim though?
I need some more time to think about this.
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adelakryvosheieva · 5 years ago
“True love stories never have endings.” —Richard Bach
This isn’t one of those stories …
He is like a sunshine trying to came tru after a long tropical storm, trying to overcome those heavy and dark clouds that won’t go away no matter the forse of the wind, that had just pulled up the trees from the ground and crushed down houses to that same ground like they were cartone boxes. She never could have imagined that one persone would be able to have so much effect and influence on her; one persone who could love and could hurt like no one else has ever done; one person in this world that she believed in and considered her family at the end would be her worst enemy at the same time. The last thing she could have thought is that someone could be so kind with so much anger inside, had so much light and darkness inside of that wonderful, most beautiful hart of his; She have never thought that one person could make her feel so broken and so perfect inside when she least expected it.
“That moment I saw him for the first time was something I will never forget. And from remembering how it went from the start it should have been very clear how our relationship would go on. He was walking towards me and the thing that came to my mind was “Oh, no. Why am I doing this?! I have should never agreed to meeting him.” and then “ok, just play it cool, it’s not like you have to see him ever again”. Those words were on my mind for the whole time we were together that night, and strangely enough, those thoughts have never left me and went with me thru the whole time we knew each other. Every little fight or disagreement, every hard moment or disappointment I would had that same feeling, those thoughts. And all I kept saying to my self is that we are never meant to be together because what’s the point?! We are not good for each other, we keep repeating every mistake we’ve made again and again. After many years we have given to each other I wonder what would happen if we would continued. But, the thought of having another five, ten or even more years together in that same massy way was unbearable or, could we have had everything we wanted and become better together?! He become my best friend and my family. For some reason I know his is my “home”.
Who is still didn’t get the image, and I know these are only the outside of happy but, he is the best example of an exiting, existing man who values the women he with and gives the vibes of being “the one” @johanneshuebl.  My fav #johannes huebl sundays
“Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence.” —Vincent Van Gogh
Those years where rollercoaster. From massy to most wonderful moments. From desperate to happiness. As they started their relationship she knew he wasn’t “the one” and defiantly not someone she could have ever dreamed of for her self. He was the opposite; always on a go but, always late, didn’t care for his looks, massy and confused; not to say she was perfect in any way, but as at appeared to be, they have cared about totally different things, ignoring how other felt about them. She thought that they would never be good for each other; they were so different, so opposite one from another in every way you could think of.
“There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.” —Friedrich Nietzsche
One of those days of madness she has decided to leave, yet another time. She has done it before for years she has been leaving when she felt not being welcomed or wanted or loved; or, in some cases she has left from where there were no room for rational and analyzed possibility to resolve a certain situation.
I choose to believe that I have done a right thing by making a choose to let go and that my decision wasn’t just irrational act in a moment, even if it was in a moment of yet another exaggerated and misunderstood situation between us. I choose to believe this way because it’s easier to keep living knowing that we weren’t a good match and that no matter how hard we would try it wouldn’t work anyway. I don’t say that I don’t regret or that I believe I have done everything right, but I cannot live and think that after all that pain we been thru and all the work we have done over the years I have now ruined our relationship and my life with my own hands. I cannot think that he could have been everything I’m looking for in a person by my side; to have innovation, fan, spontaneity, protection and love all from one man. Because if someone could have it all it would be him. So I just don’t know what was the right thing to do, I just choose to believe it was right what I have done. And that I didn’t just give up.
All those memories are just hart breaking. I cannot believe you are not here with me anymore. Times that you took my hand and I just wanted to cry even more from the love I felt, or imagined. I can now just dream and guess what you have felt, what you have thought. When you could sleep only by my side, holding me thru the whole night, tight to you, in your arms. When you kept fighting me because you wanted me to be stronger, better and make me do what I was scared off so I could become brave and free from my fears, from my self. Free from all those dark thought I believed for so many years. Your ways made me who I am today, so far away from you. And I don’t know why this is supposed to be this way. You are one persone I admire and dream of, at the same time the persone I am running away from. I don’t want to remember anymore of anything we build tougher, all that time we spent fighting about the smallest things. I want it all back, and I don’t. I can’t have it anymore, but I miss us so much it makes me want to do it all over again. Our insecurities, luck of trust overwhelmed our souls, but we were full of hope that one day it all would change and we could have the lives we secretly dream of. We just couldn’t admit it, we couldn’t say those words to each other without risking of being hurt, and we weren’t. We just kept going without saying anything, without a plan. I know you wanted it all worked out, and I know you didn’t know how, but you wanted me to be with you, in your own way you really cared about me.
I suppose this is what happens when people don’t really know who they are and can really see them selfs and what they want.
“True love is not a hide-and-seek game; in true love, both lovers seek each other.” —Michael Bassey Johnson
If you have ever experienced this type of dynamic and if you have ever wandered if you have done the right thing or who is wrong (accepting that there are mistakes made by both sides, always) in the actual relationship non being successful and stressful, who is the one bringing everything down and demolish your effort, that’s assuming that there are actually successful relationships with respect and consideration from both sides.
Let’s immagine a weight scale with two people on opposite sides of that scale, putting all their issues and unresolved baggage on each side (witch we all have, there is no escape from it).
On one hand we a person who has been born into a situation with no support or care, who had to grow up alone and, almost, resented by his family. Who has done all in his power to get attention and validation to be accepted or, even, noticed. How do you think this persone has grown up, who has he be become? Graduated from very prestigious university with high standards and lots of competition (again, the need to be better, smarter and faster to be accepted and recognized has increased) this person has become successful, accomplished and admired. But, some how not yet satisfied. So, his baggage that he puts on those scale would be abandoned issues and constant need for love, approval, admire and, most of all, his need to be “the one”, to be accepted. To some of you it might be not that heavy, but if you consider that those issues have never been acknowledged, they have transformed in one’s constant need to be special and “first” that would never be fulfilled, not that it is impossible but, because no one has that mach love and patience to be around, to give to whom only loves him self and needs your daily proof of it.
On the opposite side we have a persone who has also grown up alone and has been that way all her entire life. But, in in this case, not because there weren’t people around her to love and care for her but, by choose. Obviously, there are abandoned issues as well, being left by one parent and the other one was almost never present because of how much work needed to be done for being able to provide, the only way to cope in this case was the decision to never accept anything from anyone if it is not with the “real” reason, so to be alone was better than to be in “pity” company because (and, here where I really see personality traits) her mind has decided that no one has time or willingness to be around without no good reason that could justify their presence. The only logical weight that has been added to her side of the scale, in this case, would be a childish behavior were she would reject whomever come her way and has developed a believe that in order to be with someone, to be loved and accepted it had to be earned and deserved in natural, very honest way. That if she couldn’t see she would consider being “played” and it was one of worst feelings for her self-esteem.
WHO weighs the most? Who is “heavier”?!
In all honestly the dynamics of both could very well be a learning point and push for growth and improvement. It could have been something special for them, even for the people around them. But, It does not work if they don’t see it or, maybe, only one of them are willing to do something to change the pattern of abuse, disrespect and constant dissatisfaction.
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” —Helen Keller
The immagine as per always are form my fav @pinterest
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