#but maybe it was a little act of rebeliousness?
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Okay, since requests are open, I wanted to ask for something, especially after seeing that you are comfortable with most male characters.
I present:
Scott Summers x fem!reader who's just a little too rebelious and annoying for his taste but he still can't help but love her? Like, enemies to lovers kind of style?
If you want to do a oneshot or headcanons is up to you, I'm just starving for Scott content.
Don't know, if you wanna do is, especially since he's not everyone's cup of tea, but I thought "hey, give it a try, maybe she wants to try someting different" so here I go
Anyway, love your work, you#re amazing <3
Cyclops/GN!Reader I've had this prompt saved in my drafts for SO LONG. Basically since the moment it came in!! I was so happy you sent this in bc i had been thinking about writing for Scott, but then I couldn't think of a good enough way to carry this out so I waited on it for a good bit until I had it down to a science!! Hope you enjoy!! Man, I started writing this and then realised I had to make a banner for him too 😭 I did this to myself tho Most of the characters I write for are written as combinations from different x-men media, but I'm still figuring out how I want to characterise Scott since he's a new character for me. Just wanted to put this out there in case I change how I write for him in future fics. (also, let me know how you feel about him in this one! Tell me if yall think I should tweak his attitude a bit :) ) Edit from the future: I started this draft so long ago and damn did it turn out long. TWs: Idk at the moment, will add if I think of any! Reader has a specific power that is kinda vague at first. I've written them out at the very bottom BUT if u read u will spoil the surprise of the fic so fair warning

Scott does not like you. At least, not anymore.
You've known each other for a long time, both coming to Xavier's school within weeks of each other. You used to be friends- or at least friendly. But as you both grew and learned more about yourselves and your powers, a gap began to form, and then continued to grow once both of you became members of the x-men.
It's not like he didn't notice your tendency for rebellious behavior before, but on the field? the two of you clashed more than ever. He's doing his best out here, and the last thing he needs as a leader is both you and Logan going out of your way to put yourselves in dangerous situations because you think you know better.
And the moment you get back to the mansion? You clash all over again- and over the dumbest things. You practically avoid him all of the time, refuse to spar with him unless you're forced, will scoot away from him if he has to sit next to you on game nights. It's like the very thought of brushing against him is enough to get under your skin.
The moment the blackbird lands, you should have known what to expect. But you're in such a good mood, with the mission having gone well despite all odds. Sure, you didn't exactly follow Cyclops' foolproof plan, but when did you ever?
Scott is standing at the end of the ramp when the doors open, watching with a rather sour look on his face as you laugh with Jubilee, the others trailing shortly behind. He crosses his arms, and you barely stop short of him, acting like you had never seen him in the first place as you sigh, nodding at the others to go ahead before finally turning to him and crossing your own arms.
"Go ahead. Say your piece." You say. It only stokes the irritation in him, and he scowls.
"You can't go one, single mission and actually listen to what I say, can you?" He snaps. You roll your eyes, knowing that if he had it his way, you'd never have gone on the mission at all. Still, you stand defiantly, unwilling to back down.
"Look, you weren't even there, you can't expect me to-"
"It would be different if I was there, but I wasn't." Scott interrupts you, and the aggravation it lights in you is practically all-consuming. You can't hold back your scowl. "You were the only senior member of the team on that plane, do you understand how detrimental it could have been if you had gotten hurt, or worse?!" Oh, what a load of horseshit. It's alway the boy scout schtick with him- I'm the leader, do what I say, If I was there none of this would have happened- what an asshole! Hell, in the second half you might have actually thought he was concerned for you and the team, but you knew better.
"Don't act like you actually give a damn, Summers." You snap. "Everyone is fine, no one got hurt, I don't see your problem." You're done with this. You're tired, sweaty, exhausted, and the last thing you want to be doing right now is talking with him. You knock shoulders with him as you brush past, but he reaches out and grabs you by the arm. You feel a mix of strong emotions- anger, concern, frustration- and thoughts swim in your head, before snatching your arm away from him like you'd been burned. He pauses for a second as you whip around and look at him, a rage in your eyes. He still looks at you with that stupid, stubborn look on his face.
"I get that you think I'm just some stuck-up asshole, but there's a reason I get angry when you do something reckless." His voice has lost the smallest a bit of fire. You scoff at him immediately, before turning away to storm out.
"Eat shit."
So no. things weren't exactly cool between you two.
It's not like you weren't friends at some point though, back when you were kids. You didn't know what happened to cause this rift, but he only really thought of you as some reckless idiot as of late, and you didn't care to learn anything else about what was going on in his brain.
Unfortunately, that didn't mean you could avoid him forever. Not when the both of you are on a team.
You only realise how much pain you're in when the blackbird's autopilot clicks on. Your suit was scuffed and worn in some areas, starting to burn at the edges of your sleeves as the protective coating started to wear away. You noticed it in the midst of battle, trying to focus on manipulating debri to a colder temperature rather than a hot one, but sometimes you can't afford to be picky in fights. Your suit may have been temperature resistant, but you were temperature invulnerable. Besides, heat did the most damage anyway.
You frown a bit at the sight of your burnt sleeves. Normally, you'd be worried that Hank would be mad at having to make a new suit again, but if anything you were sure he'd be grateful for the challenge of improving it. Scott was really the only one who would scold you for it, always coming back to the same arguments of being too reckless, ect, ect... and speaking of Scott, he was being awfully quiet right now.
The cockpit is empty exempt for the two of you, being the only two assigned to the mission. Scott is sat in the pilot's chair, and you can't really see much of him besides the top of his head. He's silent, and it makes you worried.
When you stand and walk. over to him, his face looks pained. You're sure his eyes are closed under his signature visor, his head leaning back limply in the chair, hair tussled. You furrow your eyebrows. You knew he'd be tired, but he's not usually this burned out.
"Scott? You alright?" You ask. he only hums in response. It's then when you realise what's wrong.
"Migraine?" You ask, and he hums in the affirmative. You wince at the thought. You knew he got migraines often, especially when using his mutation more than usual, and having migraines yourself, you knew he was hurting. You take a look at where the emergency aid box usually is, knowing it had painkillers, but the space is empty, and you sigh to yourself when you remember you used it on a local- Scott agreeing with you for once when you wanted to leave it with them for any more emergencies. You look back at Scott, and think for a moment more.
Scott jumps when you place a cold hand on his forehead, having settled your weight on the back of the chair behind him. It sparks a feeling of surprise.
"What are you doing?" Scott asks, and instead of his usual accusatory tone, he just sounds tired.
"Don't be a baby." You respond, chilling both hands and combing through his hair gently. Scott is confused as all hell. Why were you doing this? You go out of your way to avoid him at any cost, and then... this? What even was this?
But... he'd be lying if it didn't feel nice. Scott begins to relax underneath you as you continue to comb through his scalp, pressing gentle touches to his forehead as you do so. It's... it feels good.
"My mom used to do this when I was little." You say softly, after a long moment of silence. "Whenever I had a migraine, she'd run her hands under cold water for a long time, lay my head in her lap, and run her hands through my hair. The cold usually helped." Scott's shoulder's are sagging now, and he sighs every once in a while. Although he doesn't say anything, you don't need to ask. There's a question beginning to brim, but you answer it before he can even speak- saving him the effort of talking in the midst of his pain.
"...And it just felt nice to feel her play with my hair, I guess. 'figured it might help you, too."
You try not to dwell on whatever thoughts begin to swirl after that.
It's hard to tell when things shift after that. Even harder for Scott to understand why.
Eventually you go from avoiding him at any given chance, stiff and petty with your actions, to casual. Not quite friendly, but almost.
"And... Right hand red!" Jubilee calls from the couch, having entirely too much fun for someone who isn't even playing this game. Everyone who's already lost has dispersed, either playing a different game or having good conversation. The game of twister had started with four? Maybe five of you? But at the moment, it was just down to you and Scott. -The two of you being way too competitive to let the other win. At the moment, both of you were in a bit of a strange position, with Scott managing to crawl over you at some point. Aside from that, the game had been going on for uncomfortably long- long enough for the pizza to get here.
The doorbell rings and it's pretty instantaneous when people start to flock to the kitchen for the feast, Jubilee included. There's a flicker of panic in both of you as she quickly leaves.
"Jubilee! Wait!"
"You'll be fine, you big babies!" She calls out, giggling in her pursuit of the cheesy goodness. That just leaves you and Scott on the matt, pressed together in some places and a but uncomfortable, but awkwardly? Still competeting.
"God, that pizza smells good." Scott groans from above you, the smell of food becoming more and more tempting. You think about it, for a half a second maybe, but that competitive little devil on your shoulder gets to you before your stomach can.
"You know what? why don't you go ahead and grab a piece!" You say, causing Scott to cock an eyebrow at you.
"What, and let you win? Not a chance." He huffs. You shrug best you can, it was worth a shot! Neither of you were going to budge any time soon, determined not to let the other win. But the longer you stayed pressed together...
It's not like you hadn't noticed how handsome Scott was. Hell, who wouldn't? Even Logan isn't immune to his good looks, but obviously you weren't going to be... wierd, about it. You're just playing a game, right? But the sight of him above you, slightly flushed, shifting every once in a while while keeping his balance? It was... tempting.
It doesn't take long for other thoughts to begin swimming around, worming their way into your mind. The two of you in various states of undress... gasping, gripping onto one another... marks on his neck, your lips swollen and stained by the lipstick your wearing tonight.
Each and every thought leaves you more flustered than before, slipping on the plastic mat and accidentally knocking into one of Scott's weight bearing arms and sending the two of you colliding into the floor. You hear Scott let out a noise of pain and you're not down there for long before you shove him off of you, face burning as you grumble about his win. You stalk off without much fanfare, leaving Scott a bit befuddled.
"What was that all about?"
But regardless of how aggravated you made eachother sometimes, everyone has their breaking point...
You're surprised when Scott kisses you in the hall some weeks later, less than a second after a heated spat started to take a bit of a turn, but to be honest? You were into it.
His lips are soft, if a little chapped, heated kisses full of force and urgency before they soften just a little. You kiss him back in a similar manner his hands falling to your waist as you grab him by the collar and pull him even closer. You're quick to start moving the two of you backwards fumbling for a closet door you could have sworn was right... there.
As soon as the door swings open, you pull him inside, pushing him against the wall once it closes again and cupping the back of his neck as you pull him into another kiss. An unfamiliar feeling of warmth shoots through you as you do, and you almost giggle as his thoughts start to flood with more and more tempting situations for the two of you to be in.
After each and every dirty thought he has, you start to wonder if he even remembered your touch telepathy after having known you for so long- but hell, even if he didn't, you weren't complaining.

If u made it this far, I wanna give u details about the Reader's powers some more!! Specifically, the powers are temperature manipulation/temperature invulnerability/touch telepathy! They get a bit complicated bc reader can't light shit on fire or make ice out of the air, but they can melt shit and freeze existing water though! As long as reader touches it in some way! Due to this they're invulnerable to heat/cold for obvious reasons. Touch telepathy was added bc i love mutations with unnecessary layers (Emma frost) and... u really think I was gonna let scott get away without banging another telepath? wrONG
#goofyspeaks#x men#x men comics#x men 97#x men headcannons#x men 97 x reader#x men x reader#scott summers x reader#scott summers#cyclops x reader#x men cyclops#cyclops#x men headcanons
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Quickly and poorly reviewing and ranking adaptations of Jane Eyre (1996, 1997, 2006, 2011) by their pros and cons:
1996 pros:
Best fire scene, easily. It actually gave me that excited feeling that good cinema gives a person. Much of the cinematic art was enjoyable altogether, including the costumes.
This film probably has ond of the best Bertha's in my opinion. She's truly sympathetic, beautiful, and fierce. probably tied for my favorite Bertha actress with 2006. She and Poole are given little time in the story, however.
Most adaptations shit on St. John. Here, that isn't the case. What little time he has is spent in making him much more appealing than I've ever seen him, both physically and characteristically. I like this, because many forget that Jane did love him in her way, and he is supposed to be attractive and nice despite his zealotism.
1996 has the best Adèle, which is amazing for me as a big Adèle fan. There is more focus on her and her relationships with Jane/Rochester. I particularly love the scene where J draws R and Adèle tries to play cupid a little, and when Adèle is offended when the ladies insult Jane.
Best Lowood plot by far. This is the first time I've been able to stand the Young Jane scenes, and little time was devoted to her early life with the Reeds, just enough to let us know she was abused. I like this choice. The young actresses playing Jane and Helen were the best and most rebelious I've seen yet. Their hair cutting scene brought tears to my eyes, which rarely ever happens for me.
Good Blanche plotline. I absolutely love the cinematography/aesthetic & set design.
1996 cons:
the actors are individually endearing in some ways (the scene of Jane and the mirror is particularly touching, as is their reunion). However, The biggest downside to this adaptation is that the chemistry between Jane and Rochester was lacking in my opinion. this is particularly notable in their meeting scene and first proposal scene.
William Hurt is a fantastic actor, and he's likeable, but he's not my favorite Rochester ever. He's alright. On a rewatch I could see myself warming to him more.
I love Charlotte Gainsbourg more for her music than her acting. Granted, she was young here like Jane is supposed to be, so I do not blame her. Visually, aside from her height, I can absolutely see her as Jane. As the film went on I warmed to her acting style; Jane Eyre is a hard role to perform due to her inwardness. I don't think she was horrible, but Anna Paquin (of later True Blood fame) as Young Jane Eyre somewhat outshined Gainsbourg.
I was disappointed in Adèle being sent away to school before the disaster and her not coming back in the end (why couldn't they have had her running with Pilot in the landscape shot!!!).
1997 pros:
Maybe the most accurate Jane and Rochester. I wasn't expecting to like him at all but he blew me away. excellent chemistry between the actors. The dancing scene was very captivating, as was the scene with him jumping from the walkway, their outdoor talks, him chasing her down the stairs — really, I was impressed, because I thought I'd hate this film. Like in the novel and in 96, both actors are a bit conventionally unattractive (well, compared to 11 and to some extent 06) - and like them, the characters grow on you.
BEST ST. JOHN (although 2006 has the best Rivers sisters) - St. John is described as being nice though serious, and looking like a statue of a Greek God with all the coldness AND beauty - and this movie is the only one who relatively understood that assignment (96 came close emphasizing his niceness). Most adaptations adapt his coldness but not his conventional Eurocentric good looks, which not only symbolize his colonizer attribute but also his appeal to Jane and the others. It's also important to have a conventionally handsome actor play St. John just as it's important to have a conventionally less attractive Jane Eyre because one theme of the novel is the critique of Victorian physiognomy & beauty; Jane/Rochester being unconventionally attractive is a contrast to Bertha, St. John, Blanche, Georgiana being attractive, so I think this element is not inconsequential. The difficult part is that beauty is highly subjective, so relying on conventional standards is key, as is the reminder that Victorian standards were a bit different from our own.
good Lowood plotline, good Gateshead plotline, fantastic Adèle with lots of adorableness & miraculous though OOC bonding between her and Rochester, fantastic costuming (though I don't know about accuracy), good Blanche plotline overall. Probably my favorite Bertha plotline for being sufficiently creepy.
1997 cons:
this isn't really a con for me but many people may dislike 97 Rochester for being passionate to the point of coming off crazy, and physical domineering as when he grabs Jane when she tries to leave — however, this does kind of fit for canonical Rochester & I don't mind it since he's supposed to be that way, but this is still arguably a con nevertheless. he does come off as too forward but i get they were trying to capture the whole overpassionate thing. it does come off as a little more toxic than other depictions perhaps!
I have very few complaints overall. I don't think the chemistry is as appealing as 2006, but it is accurate. I wish there was more Adèle, but you can't have everything.
The posters are bad and make the actors look worse than they are which subsequently turns people away. I think 1996 was marketed a bit better but that 2006 also suffers from bad poster syndrome which had an effect on me also. Presentation is important; marketing and advertising are also important in cinema. The aesthetic isn't as good as 1996 although I don't think the visuals are bad overall.
Jane is a little dissociative seeming, which can be off-putting for myself and other viewers I assume, but to be fair she is described as being like a weird little elf creature in the book, and the actress plays this very well, actually looking quite ill when Rochester asks if she is.
2006 pros:
Best chemistry between Jane/Rochester by far and for this reason will always be my favorite because it actually made me fall in love with Rochester in the end though I didn't like his portrayal at all at first (that's power! — and my love for this Rochester should arguably be a con for the sake of my sanity and pride). best Rochester imo and a fantastic Jane. I love love love the way they did the Rochester storytime flashbacks and fleshed out his character as a result.
Best and most enjoyable Blanche Ingram plotline by far (although no one likes the lack of Rochester-in-drag, the party scenes & insertion of the twin flame theory was delightful).
some of the best dialogue, fantastic Adèle plotline, good Bertha plotline, best Pilot, best Rosamond, good costuming, good sets/locations (the fairytale ambience of Jane walking outside before meeting Rochester! Rochester's weird study!), I like the extra focus placed on themes such as nature/genetics/science, religion, travel, sexuality, etc.
2006 cons:
I dislike the way they did the Lowood and Gateshead plots, and although the Rivers sisters were good, I resent their St. John plotline for the most part. I disliked the lack of mystery surrounding Bertha; I think they made it way too obvious & not creepy enough, especially in showing her perspective from the window and giving her lines (one line, calling Jane a whore in Spanish) which no other adaptation does. I was sorely bored before and after Thornfield and only really revived when she got back to Ferndean (although Jane's flashbacks and some of the St. John plotline [the references to love, reminding us of her inner thoughts of Rochester] kept me alive). I suppose there were prices to pay for the excellence of the Jane and Rochester moments. - in comparison these seem like small prices, but still!
2011 pros:
deciding to go with a non-linear structure was a fantastic choice though I was skeptical of it at first, good St. John plotline for the most part & which they put emphasis on, really fantastic Jane with a lot of good fierce moments & lines, maybe the best Gateshead plotline including Mrs. Reed & the Red Room scene (although the lack of red was disappointing, and the lack of explanation for the chimney monster is conflicting – was it all in her head?), good young Jane, one of the best Richard Masons, star-studded cast, good dialogue, maybe the best costuming, Aesthetic™️
2011 cons:
least favorite adele (not insulting the child actress, this is the fault of the writers/directors)
— this is where i call security to protect me from an onslaught of jane eyre 2011 fans here on tumblr. alright, maybe i should watch it again — but i was expecting a lot more. particularly from michael fassbender as mr. rochester. probably my least favorite rochester by far & the least sympathetic. this rochester captures the dark and dangerous part of him but imo not so much the higher feelings that define him. the lack of humour & lack of unrepressed passion/drama/rage is noticeable - rochester isn't supposed to be quiet; as toby stephens (2006) said in an interview, rochester never shuts up in the book, he's really too eccentric to even be adapted accurately; he has to be toned down to be realistic, but here he's muted too far. - i felt like mia was carrying all of their scenes on her back & that the chemistry really rested on her primarily.
Cinematography-wise, there are some gems in the stills (famous hand holding gif), but I dislike the overall muted palette of the film; many will think this suits the tone and in some ways I agree, however, I will always prefer color and dislike the epidemic of desaturation we've seen so often in 21st century cinema. For this reason, 96, 97, 06 all triumph against 2011 aesthetically for me personally, although I still recognize some of the artistry of 2011, it is not my preference.
My overall ranking: 2006 (primarily for Jane/Rochester), 1997 (excellent overall), 1996 (good but flawed), 2011 (I tried but overall did not enjoy it).
#jane eyre#jane eyre 2011#jane eyre 2006#jane eyre 1996#jane eyre 1997#mr rochester#charlotte bronte#charlotte brontë#the brontes#movie reviews#film review#film comparison#film reviews#cinema#adaptations#critique#my analysis#my reviews#my opinion
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Hi, could you do a celebrity reading? The one I have in mind is Tom Cruise. The questions could be 1. How does he actually feel/think about Scientology, 2. his love life 3. Is Suri his daughter? The last one might be a bit too private, but the first two maybe. Thanks
I have done a few readings on him. Apart from some anger outbursts he is a genuinely interesting person to read on.
He does not have passion for it but he definitely enjous the servitude he receives. Everything he wants - he gets it and he gets it exactly how he wants it. His heart is somewhere else, though. Something about finances being messed up and a knight of wands - a young man or a woman. They are seeking each other energetically. I think I know what this is about.
Hahaha. What love life? Let me explain. After Nicole Kidman a casting for a new wife was done for him from within scientology. They figured that if something goes wrong like with the marriage to Nicole, at least the children will not be b*ing about never seeing their mother again.
Well, he had his rebelious act where he married a woman who stalked and targeted him and inserted herself into his life. Big Megsy vibes.
She had also learned the lessons of the marriage failore with the 1st wife and went for the jugular. If I am not mistaken she is still poisoning their daughter against him while he provides for them financially... Dream come true for many **** women - get the ring + give birth to a baby = be financially provided for for decades.
Despite the negative cards for his love life - Empress rx, King of pentacles rx, 10 of wands rx, 3 of cups rx, and a highly critical and snooping in his personal life woman - queen of swords, I believe that there is someone: 3 of wands and he wants to keep it to himself: 4 pentacles rx.
3. She is. She is not his only child, did you know that? He is hoping to build a relationship with her but she's judgmental and angry at the moment. There is a fragile balance between them but it is there. I believe that she's badly influenced by "other famous offsprings" and is planning to emancipate herself legally from him as a statement of independence. On the inside she really badly wants to speak with him, and have a daddy. She's very harsh but I personally blame her mother for this. Yes, she had to kond of abduct her from her father in order to escape the scientology grip. However, unlike her she's an adult and the definition of an uncaring father is a father who does not give a sh*t to and about his child. TC does provide even though she did him dirty.
So, I looked them up too. He has held out for her for years. But I think that by this time even he realised that the sacrifise is not worth it. The little game they played is not working out any more. So - he's coming out, slowly slowly from the hybernation. And she- she'll need to soon dace the reality of her situation and look at her broken heart and work on healing it.
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Now was there a temptation to just fuck that pretty throat now that the stud was being all pliant and obedient? Of course, who wouldn't want to see a pretty blonde working over your cock like it was their sworn religion. Still, even so Tony wanted to enjoy this and to tease the poor man even more by making him do exactly what he said he would. Just warm his cock, like a good little cockwarmer or cockholder. Just kneeling there all pretty like while Tony enjoyed himself and committed this to memory.
"Mm, look at that. Right where you're supposed to be, doing what you're supposed to be doing. Like magic" He smirked, his eyes drifting away from Zane when Ethan walked back in, two glasses of wine in hand. "Ah, was just going to compliment you. You've trained him rather well, though it's a little adorable for him to act all bratty at the start when he's really like this." Tony casually said to Ethan, talking about Zane like he wasn't there.
"It's just his way of getting attention, acting out sometimes as if he's rebelious when in fact it's just so you'll respond by being more domineering or controlling. Even his challenges are steeped in submission" Ethan remarked casually, not even looking at Zane as he sat beside Tony and handed him a glass. Did it seem cruel to ignore him like that? Maybe. But he knew Zane needed that sometimes, to feel the power difference between them in moments like this. The two men would chat, drink and act as if Zane wasn't there.
Though every now and then Ethan would briefly tap his foot against Zane's knuckles. A simple, discreet action but one that was a safe word check in when Zane couldn't use his words. If he tapped his foot back with his fingers then Ethan knew he wanted out. But if not, soon enough Ethan's fingers would find Zane's hair and finally drag the boy off the cock after nearly an hour of kneeling and serving.
"I think it's time you showed Mister Stark here how much I've trained you to worship a man's cock, don't you? Go on then" He instructed, a calm tone despite the request. Not that Ethan had any reason to be anything but calm, Zane knew all well how to pleasure his former professor with that mouth of his.
The moment Tony guided his face closer, brushing him against his cock with that smug, knowing touch, Zane felt his resolve slip away completely. A sharp breath hitched in his throat, the heat of him searing through the fabric, sending a shiver down his spine. His skin prickled, a flush creeping across his cheeks as his body reacted on instinct, muscles tensing, a familiar ache settling deep in his core.
He shouldn’t want this. Not like this. Not with someone he barely knew. But the way Tony spoke to him—the way he saw right through him, right into the part of him that craved this kind of control—made resistance utterly impossible. His lips parted slightly, an unconscious movement, as if his body had already decided before his mind could catch up. A quiet whimper escaped as he finally gave in, lips wrapping around Tony's cock. He let himself sink, let himself be what Tony expected — what Tony knew he could be. His hands settled, fingers lightly gripping, steadying himself as he took his place with smooth, practiced ease. There was no hesitation now, no lingering doubts. Just obedience. Submission. Devotion.
A soft hum vibrated against Tony as Zane melted into it, his body pliant, eager, ready to prove exactly how Ethan had trained him so well. How he could let go and do exactly as asked, even after being a bit defiant about it in the beginning. Because this was exactly what Zane was made for—to serve anyone his master brought home.
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Understanding Wesker’s motivations
I’m not claiming to be an expert on character analysis, but I sure as heck am tired of seeing every RE head canon I come across making this guy seem like he does what he does just for laughs, or because he is “just evil”, or emotionally unattached. Like seriously?
Here I list 3 major points about his character. Some are speculation but most of it is based on information that we have been given throughout the games.
Let me know what you think:
1. Emotionally detached - I can't believe people pull this one up on him constantly. We have more than enough evidence that this couldn't be farther from the truth. First of all, we have Birkin as one proof that he can develop and maintain deep and meaningful connections with other people. We can also go back to re6 and argue that maybe he also had a relationship with Jake's mom, but we don't have enough evidence of that (that I'm aware). Ultimately, we can refer to how he lets his anger control him in re5, if nothing else. He might be incredibly intelligent, but he isn't as rational as he likes to make people believe.
2. Concerned for Alex? - in re5 there is a list of which of the Wesker children are alive, but in rev2 we see a picture of both Alex and Albert together. He seems to be wearing the same clothes from re4, which could mean the picture dates from around the same time. If this is true, maybe this is around the same time that Alex started her own experiments at that island and they lost touch. Wesker could be using that list and info about the children to try and track her down and find out what she's up to, and maybe he himself gave her the uroboros sample she ended up working on.
3. Superiority complex - I argue that he has in fact the opposite. Wesker has an inferiority complex and it is only enhanced further the more he interacts with Chris. I think Wesker is a bit jealous of him, and also, hates that Chris got such an accurate read of him. So this one's a little long:
Wesker has lived his whole life thinking all he had ever accomplished was on him. He believed he was smarter and generally better at everything than everyone else. This boosted his ego from a very young age. He finally discovers that everything he has ever done, everything he had ever thought or discovered or whomever he'd manipulated to get what and to where he wanted could actually not be due to his free will, but because he was being controlled by Spencer and Umbrella and even his existence was, as he put it, "manufactured". He was manufactured to act that way; to think that way - he was manufactured to be this next step in human evolution that he had always thought he was. But he was actually a thing, not an actual person; no better that those experiments he had trifled with his entire life. This realization, I believe, broke him. Just think about it, what would you do if you found out suddenly that your every action or thought might never have been your own; that they might have been imposed on you? Well I certainly know what I would try to do: prove to myself and to whoever is still watching that I can, in fact, make my own decisions; act according to my own free will.
And that's what he did. The whole "God" thing, I think, was him trying to make his actions big, and by big, I mean meaningful. I mean, can you imagine being someone that has been involved in how the world is being shaped, in how different societies are developing solely because of your own advancements and meddling in either science or political relations around the globe (due to selling and enforcing the use of chemical warfare and terrorism)? Can you imagine, after all that, something that would really have an impact in your life and prove to you and everyone around you that you are your own person; that what you are doing, you are doing it of your own accord and, again, free will? I mean, it HAS to be something BIG.
Que Redfield. Like I said before, Chris had Wesker all figured out immediately at the end of re1 (tyrant scene). It's obvious how his laugh affects Wesker. But I believe Wesker is visibly confused by this, and not angered per se. See, I think this is the point in which he has one of his first realizations as "himself" and not as an Umbrella/Spencer project. I think he did think the same thing as Chris: what he was doing, and the way he was acting at that moment, WAS pitiful. But the thing is, although he knew that, he couldn’t understand why. I mean, that was what he had been working on for a long time, and he was finally about to see it in action, but it still felt lacking; and what happened next proves it to him (being stabbed by it meant that thing he was so proud of, so enamored by, wasn't perfect -but he was - so it made no sense to see himself in such a thing; such a “failure” as Chris puts it, or did it?). This started his hatred for Redfield. Before this, we can argue that maybe, during their time together at STARS, their interactions made Wesker see how different his life could have been. Seeing how carefree Chris was in his younger years made him realize how repressed he must have felt when he was his age (and maybe at that time as well), but there isn't much information about this time, except the novels, but I'm not sure about how canon they are, so let's leave this part at that.
Even in re5, when Chris asked if he always takes his ideas from comic book villains, he got it right. I know this one sounds far-fetched, but bear with me here. What if he did? What if the only thing he could think about was to a simpler time in his life, when Umbrella didn't feed him their intentions 24/7? I believe that, when he was a child, his life must have been relatively normal, to a certain extent so he must have had hobbies; things kids like to do growing up. And what is something kids enjoy? Reading comics. I know, this doesn't make much sense, that I'm making this part up or whatever, but we don't know about this part in his life. Maybe, when he found out about his origin and felt the need to reject it, his mind shot back to a simpler time; to when he felt safe and as normal as everyone else. It makes sense to me. But you can disregard this part if you want.
Back to Chris, in re5 we can see more closely how Wesker is jealous of Chris. He's had numerous chances in the past to either let him die or directly kill him, although he always opted for the option of "toying" with him. In re5 this is no different. He could have easily killed Chris (and Sheva) in the first fight they have, but opts to "play" for 7 minutes. The second fight he could have finished the job, but he wanted to make it last and was defeated, which led to him being temporarily weakened and presumably dying at the volcano.
The way he says his name, the way he yells for him; it's always Chris, even though others have thwarted his plans and machinations, Wesker always seems to have Chris in his mind; it doesn't matter who else is around, Chris is always there - it's always him, even when it isn't. It feels as though Wesker wants to prove to either Chris or himself (or maybe both) that he is better than Chris, but always ends up failing.
And ultimately, I think it's because Chris has the life Wesker always wanted to have. This hatred developed from earlier in their lives, to seeing how he has a family that cares enough about him to risk their own lives for him (Claire in both re2 and code Veronica), close friends and a seemingly easy ability to befriend people (something that his cold and controlled demeanor prevents him from, achieving little more than a relationship of authority towards most people *and also, can we talk about his sunglasses? He's been wearing them since before his eyes mutated. Was this on purpose to create even more distance from people and make developing any form of connection impossible?*) and finally, a purpose. Yes, a purpose. He's always had something up his sleeve during his time at Umbrella and after, but their accomplishment was never enough; it never satisfied him. And after speaking with Spencer about his origin, it finally made sense. Those were never his goals. They were the designs of other people whom, at the end of it all, failed; which could also be something that affects him, knowing that, to top it all off, he failed - his existence is summed up to be just a failed experiment.
Idk man, if that were me, I'd also be poppin' off.
#resident evil#wesker#albert wesker#chris redfield#capcom#I know I may be missing some major points#such as how Wesker exposed Umbrella and Spencer#but maybe it was a little act of rebeliousness?#and furthermore#his friendship with birkin?#he might have also realized that he wasnt really his friend#but was acting the part because of umbrella#maybe!#can you imagine what that must have felt#that your only friend wasnt realy your firend at all?#dude has very questionable morals#but he also had a tough life#head canon
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Hey!! I was wondering why you don’t like MC in Motonari’s route? I thought she was kind of dumb with the way she was acting sometimes.

s a m e
Before I start: English is not my native language so sorry if this post will be a whole mess called "what the hell she's talking about".
In my opinion, some suitors could switch their Mcs. Sometimes Mai's personality doesn't affect my overall impression, but sometimes *cough*keijimotonari*cough*.
Poor thing, she really tried in her mini rebelious era which quickly changed into mOOotonari ur so bad🥺how dare uuu uwu baka. The whole beggining of his route is just forking stupid😭 You know, I don't have main reason why I dislike Mai here, she's just no compatible enough with Motonari.
If Motonari's MC would be more mature and decisive, their relationship could be so much better and spicier. Motonari is a really great character, so that wasted potential hurts me a little bit. He's kinda similar to ikepri Silvio and I absolutely ADORE his MC. Hey, doggo, can I borrow your girl for a while? I'm asking for a friend.
Maybe it's mostly a matter of translation, I really don't know. Maybe she wouldn't bother me with other suitor. But in this case, the plot is just less convincing for me.
Anyway, my fav ikesen MC is the Mitsunari's one, she's just perfect 😭 And for Motonari, hmmm, maybe someone like Hideyoshi's MC would be better?
No wonder why Kicho wants destroy the world so bad, well, good luck with that dude.
Of course, it's only my opinion, If anyone disagrees it's totally okay! Feel free to share your thoughts♥️
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I posted 5,814 times in 2022
That's 5,600 more posts than 2021!
137 posts created (2%)
5,677 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,807 of my posts in 2022
#runningnose - 285 posts
#shadowsight - 205 posts
#bluestar - 162 posts
#requested by me - 146 posts
#sol - 58 posts
#mudlizard family - 51 posts
#warrior cats - 38 posts
#ohno - 33 posts
#deathloop - 27 posts
#nightstar - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i still can't believe than in the left pic i had to color her a grey lighter cause i accidentaly used her actual dark grey for the lineart
My Top Posts in 2022:
I really hope that Nightheart x Sunbeam is a trashfire of a relationship and for that to be the point.
We as a society forgot that the point of Romeo and Juilet was that the two of them were rebelious, emotionally charged teenagers who got infatuated with eachother once, but then when their families steped in and started telling them no, in defiance they pushed further and further into eachother into it eventually killed them both. The tragedy wasn't that they never got to love eachother, it was because they never got to explore their relationship in an honest manner that wasn't them acting spiteful to everybody else.
The point of Nightheart and Sunbeam is that their entire relationship is based off them using eachother to act in defiance of or to escape their clanmates (Squirrelflight, Bramblestar, and Sparkpelt in Nightheart's case, and Lightleap, Blazefire, and Berryheart in Sunbeam's case), and that the two a very clearly both emotionally unstable [Ya sure Nighthearts show that plenty of times, but Sunbeam was just seething at Lightleap in the most petty manner durring her little bothers funeral]
My hope for Shadow and onward is that they have a honeymoon period at first where they're all lovey-dovey, but then relationship slowly but surely begins to slip apart as their more unstable elements clash, but the two will refuse to seperate because it would mean making Squirrelflight and Berryheart smug, so it just continues to rot until it finally explodes in dramatic fashion.
The fact the the will-they-won't-they aspect of the story is already over 2 books in (which is the usual way to keep a romance plot like this going, see BristleRoot), and they couldn't possibly fill 2/3rds of 4 books with "Berryheart doesn't like Nightheart", they need something more for their story and I think this would be great for material.
I know this fandom would hate a story like that, but I've always been capivated by the toxic trashfires of relationships like RaggedYellow, and I'm excited to see us get that as a plot in a main series arc.
I really do hope this is their intention, cause if they do play it off as actually genuine and correct, then this arc is gonna be another kind of trashfire.
I understand people's hesitation to believe that the Erins could pull of a storyline like this without it slipping and falling on its face given their track record, but I'm willing to wait it out and see if they can stick the landing. Shadow is going to be a really important book in solidifying how i feel about this arc going forward
Also people who say Frostpaw's chapters are the only good ones only care about "the plot" and I think those people are boring
76 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
Something people aren’t talking enough about with the ASC covers:
The Warriors logo color matches the eye color of the front-most character
102 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
Felt like drawing something this morning, then I saw @lockandkeyhyena 's Cinders design for the 100th time and figured that looked like something I could bang out real quick, maybe even experiment with lineless art again.
105 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
ok so apparently somebody has found a copy of a reprinted Skyclan's Destiny with a new cover THAT WAS NEVER ANNOUNCED!?!?!
284 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I said this in the tags of a reblog and i just want to put this out there proper
Its wild that Runningnose was conceived entirely as a joke character. His single point of existence for Into the Wild was so that, when Firepaw found Yellowfang in ThunderClan territory, they could be like "but wait, if you're not ShadowClan's medicine cat anymore, that who... OHNO" *smash cut like a Family Guy cutaway joke to the single most unqualified-to-be-a-doctor person imaginable and play laugh track* Thats his entire place in the story.
Then they realized when they started writing the later books that the dumb joke character was still ShadowClan's medicine cat and was therefore too important to just ignore / write out, so they had to take him seriously as a charcater, and as more and more horrible stuff happened in ShadowClan the more and more emotional weight they put on the doctor who couldn't cure his runny nose.
Eventually we get to Yellowfang's Secret and its revealed that he had a neglegent mother and was the foster brother of the tyrant that ruined his life, and when we get to his naming ceremony Yellowfang has to say with a straight face "Your name will be a reminder that medicine cats can't cure everything" and they have to just straight into Yellowfang's dream cause how could you possibly write his reaction to that as anything other than him realizing his entire life is a joke.
And now we are at the point where people are reading stuff like Exile from ShadowClan where theres just a character whos a doctor with an uncurable runny nose named Runningnose and everybody had to treat him like any other serious character and can't even bat an eye at how foolish that is while the reader is left to wonder how we ended up in this timeline.
This is all just another reason why hes my favorite charcater
1,280 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Norma &Lizzie even though both of ypu guys shared some details about your life before coming to the motherlobe. Would you two care to go more into depth about life back home ?

[NORMA] You see, Liz, what happens when we put off answering questions? People start asking the same questions.
[LIZZIE] You do realize that this could just be the same Anon? But okay, let’s do this, Sis.
[NORMA] Me and LIzzie were born in a rather wealthy family. Not “20 room mansion, 2 swimming pools, ect...” rich, but still wealthy enough Dad has some pull where we lived. Father is the CEO of Big Accounting Firm. Family business. 4th Generation Son to inherit the position. But with that comes that Father has been raised with certain ...opinions.
[LIZZIE] Wich is a nice way to say that Dad got fed a unhealthy dose of Bias, biogotry and stereotyping from the moment he could recognize faces. He’d have certain opinions about Adam, for instance.
[NORMA] Yeah, that’s basically it. Big wealth, big expectations. Like the first born of the family being a boy. Neither he or Grandfather were really pleased with having Twin Girls. Still, Grandfather has stated numour times during the remainder of his time that we still could have our ...uses. Mother would get so angry whenever he started spouting his nonsense.
[LIZZIE] (puts on a gravely voice) “Women are only good for marying families of influence and bearing our heirs.” Yeah, the old fart wasn’t really subtle. Still, I have to give it to our Old Man that he never really agreed with Gran’dad’s opinion. After all, our Mother is the daugher of Dominican Republic Migrants and he married her despite the absolute [BEEP] Gran’dad gave her. Nanna was always nice to her and tried to reel Gran’dad in a bit. Maybe ‘cause she and Mom were very similar. Tough. Saying it like it is. A bit rebelious. I felt inspired. I started to ‘rebel’ from an early age. Seems like I’m the one who looks like Mom and Nanna the most.
[NORMA] You saying I primarily take after Father? That I’m like him?
[LIZZIE] Wow, Norma, NOT what I meant. I didn’t mean t’-
[NORMA] Just pulling your leg, Lizzie. It’s true that, out of the two of us, I spent the first few years of my life trying to please Father and Grandfather, gain their appreciation, being what they expected me to be.
[LIZZIE] Yeah, You really acted like a real 5th generation-
[NORMA] Don’t say that name. We started using Mom’s Maiden Name for a reason.
[LIZZIE] Yeah, our Symbolic act of denouncing our Paternal Family Half. Anyway, like we said, It weren’t all shit and gloom our lives, especially after Gran’dad (and his influence) died. Dad started to become a little bit more ...sociable in his acting around us. We started having fun with him. Still, he didn’t like it at all when we came out of the closet last year. If it weren’t for Hollis being there to pick us up ...
[NORMA] Anyway, to make a long story short. We got chosen by Agent Forsythe herself for the Advanced Intern Program. Father isn’t one who would decline a request from an Government Official, so we were allowed to go.
[LIZZIE] Best thing that ever happened to us. We got to meet Raz and the others. We got to be ourselves here. We bloomed. Even Norma eventually stopped denying she liked girls ‘that way’. That was one intense ‘7 minutes of heaven’ with Gisu.
[NORMA] S-shut up, Liz.
#Psychonauts#Psychonauts 2#Razputin Vodello AU#Razputin Vodello#psychonauts norma#psychonauts lizzie#Lizzie Natividad#Norma Natividad
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Bobo rant
Ok, @narvana27 this one’s for you coz I’ve mustered up some motivation to finally write some analyses just like you or @medeaminte
This one will cover our beautiful Brazillian boy Raimundo Pedrosa. Some spoilers are inevitable to mention, but the main focus is on the episode titled ‘The Return of Master Monk Guan’.
1.1 short synopsis of the episode:
Master Fung, seeing how the forces of evil grew in power, decides to send monks to another temple for their training. It turns out the new master that is destined to teach them is Master Monk Guan.
As for his methods, they are surprisingly cruel. Our heroes are not allowed to take breaks or even ASK QUESTIONS! Guan becomes that horrible general in military school who likes when cadets are blindly following his orders and train to the point they collapse due to severe exhaustion.
Rai, of course, sees that the way Guan treats his students is unfair and stands up for the rest. Which ends up bad for him. Guan punishes him with additional training and what is worse humiliates him through giving him insulting nicknames! Later on, the audience learns that this disrespectful behaviour of Master Guan was intentional. What is more, Raimundo knows about it as well. It was a part of the agreement between them, reached off screen without the knowledge of the other monks. The main goal of such a strategy was to lure Hannibal Roy Bean out of his hiding, let him believe Rai is ready to turn to the Heylin side (again) and snatch the Treasure of the Blind Swordsman from his little evil vines.
As the episode reaches its end, this plan as well ends in success. Bean is mad as hell and promises Raimundo that he’ll pay for it. Yeah, yeah happy ending. Cool. Rai gets one of the Spears of Guan as a gift for a succesfull colaboration with Master Monk Guan bla blah
Even if it was all the play on Guan and Rai’s part throughout the whole episode, in my opionion Guan was too harsh anyway. I get it. He had to be plausible, but man... Rai literally cried when he banished him from the temple!
And this is an issue I wanted to talk about.
1.2. Let’s look at all ‘nicknames’ Guan came up with for Raimundo.
1. Young prince 2. bobo
3. someone dark, ruthless, shady, rebelious
1.2.1.The insult ‘young prince’ (or princess) is often used when a young person is too lazy to finish chores or he/she is not willing to do them at all. Maybe it was Raimundo in s01, although he had never said ‘no’ to master Fung. He just wanted to go easy way, like swiping the dirt under the sofa instead of getting rid of it in a proper way. But mind you, it is season 3 and this boy has changed a lot. Sometimes you don’t have to work hard to get your task done. All it takes is an adequate situation assessment and good organisation of your work.
It looks as if Guan just doesn’t get it. Just like how vital breaks are in order to rise productivity.
Rai made a right decision to stop training and lay on the grass. He knows what’s good for him and he stands by this intention to REST. Life is not ALWAYS about saving the world. He’s just a kid. Just like Omi, Kimiko or Clay. He’s defending his boundaries, but it appears no one’s respecting that choice.
1.2.2. What about Bobo? Up to this day I thought that Guan wanted to underline that Rai acts like a clown, so he gave him a clown name. However, I came across this site. And guess. Bobo in Portuguese means ‘silly.’
And my question is: Did Guan know? Hmm!? Did you know about it, Guan? If yes, I’m very disappointed in you. ‘Silly little clown boy’ - this is what Rai is? No, it’s not like he was the only one brave enough to fight Mala Mala Jong... or EVEN OMI when he turned heylin!
It’s not like he has feelings or something... He’s the fun guy! Always chill! Not allowed to cry! His purpose is to entertain the rest, righ?
NO. Rai is not only a capable warrior but also a very dedicated friend, who can sacrifice ANYTHING in order to save the rest. Let’s ennumerate how many people he saved throughout the series. People who live near the vulcano in Brazil, that Lady who turned out to be the Bird of Paradise.... OMI. The rest of his team a couple of times...
And what is more, every encounter TAUGHT HIM SOMETHING or had left some scars. He was possessed by Wuya, got beat up, and constantly he is accused of having EVIL TENDENCIES. What? Because ONE TIME he betrayed them? And that betrayal was justified because he felt hella ineadequate?
But yeah, Guan. Go on. He is just silly to get all the punches for the team. It’s not like he isn’t bothered when the forces of evil are victorious.
Not at all.
1.2.3. Ok, I agree Rai is rebelious, but as I mentioned earlier - HE HAS REASONS to be that way. He feels something is wrong - he exclaims why this is wrong and tries to FIX IT with the help or without it. The thing is, in s1-2 prefers facing problems alone due to that inadequacy he’s often reminded of by his peers. It’s sad to see that monks never realised Raimundo feels that way. Luckily, in season 3 Rai grew as a character. He displays more and more leader characteristics. He comes up with better strategy and is ore connected to his friends. As a result their cooperation during fights is on a higher level, just like in the last showdown in that alternate timeline.
DARK, RUTHLESS, SHADY. - those are lies and I won’t comment on that
He can be ruthless only if someone hurts his family and friends. They’re gonna pay for that. Respect Rai for that.
2. My opinion on ‘ The Return of Master Monk Guan’
2.1. Guan’s behaviour - this post is about it. Just wanted to add he is very inconsistent as a character and writers probably had no idea how to write him so they just randomly threw him to some plot points in order to give episodes smooth flow between scenes.
But yeah in that particular ep Guan is a jerk. First kidnapping Dojo, then overworking children only to kick out the most responsible one outta his temple with numerous sculptures of him, Dashi and replicas of his fav spear.
2.2 Monks’ behaviour - wanted to help, turned out bad. Omi as always was questioning Rai’s value and laughed at him bc of his new nicknames. Very mature of the chosen one, really.
2.3 My review
This episode was good because:
1. It's rai-centered
2. He put to use that clever brain of his and gave master Guan the idea how to retrieve the most powerful wu from Bean
3. He can KICK ASS, only refuses to use that against his friends. 4. good preparation for cheeseball to reconsider he's NOT ALWAYS THE BEST and should be aware of Raimundo's skills
2.4. Summary
Raimundo Pedrosa has one of the best character developments in animation history but most importantly he is the complete opposite of those things the other characters tell him he is. He learns from his mistakes and utilises the knowledge for his benefit to protect what he believes is right. He’s very compassionate young man, who can do great things and he WILL with guidance of his temple family.
But most importantly, he well deserved the position of the Xiaolin Leader. His name is not Bobo. Only Raimundo Pedrosa. Good friend, leader, warrior, the future hope for making the world a better place.
#xiaolin showdown#s03e07#the return of master monk guan#bobo rant#xs analysis#panda writes an analysis#raimundo pedrosa#in this blog we love raimundo pedrosa#master monk guan#guan#guan vs rai#omi#character analysis#raimundo character analysis#bobo#still thinking naming Rai bobo was xs crew's move done on purpose
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I know Hiram wasn't invited to Veronica's wedding with Chad but do you think even with all Hiram has done towards Archie he'd be invited to a Varchie wedding? Could you see him finally accepting Archie as the man in Veronica's life?
i hope we learn a little more about this, tbh. i think is not even that he wasn’t invited, veronica didn’t even inform him that she was getting married lol i think maybe marrying chad was a bit of a rebelious act for her in some way, like, “i do what i want now and no one can say anything about it”.
i don’t know what are hiram’s shady deals with chad just yet, but they have been talking behind ronnie’s back, so we’ll learn if hiram was aware of anything chad was doing behind veronica’s back and if he’s been trying to “help” or fuck her over.
as for archie, yes, i think archie and hiram will always have a rivalry but they also can have some respect built between them. and i think that, ultimately, and deep down, hiram knows that archie is the right man for his daughter, which is why he hates archie so much lol.
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Hey! Can I get a matchup for Danganronpa & Death Note plz ? I'm a straight girl that takes interest in a lot of things, I like to learn but not in a very academic manner and want to be a polyglott – for the moment I am fluent english and french, next is japanese and arabic cause why not ? I like sports, especially basket-b, videos/cards games, anything that is a game maybe lol ? music, writting, drawing, food, caramel and chips are so additive T-T ugh spicy food psychology and memes ofc.
My personality type is entp, i am independent, polyvalent/moody, honest, sassy, playful but even if at first glance I look intimidant despite being somewhat charismatic to people and dumb I am surprisingly smart and funny ! Top students here hehe and official clown of my school, my family and the town, next is the country.
I am quite prideful and fear being weak and boredrom. I am chaotic good, competitive, ambitious and scarily serious when I want to reach my goals lol also protective of my few friends and the shy/reclused one Beside that I can be interested by anything really, like nowadays who care about flower language ? Me. and even if it doesn't suit the image people have of me : my style is streetwear, i am 5'8. Doesn't that last one sounded pretty arrogant lol ? I am pretty rebelious, intuitive and creative. Low key tsundere ugh but I can be flirty ! Just not comfortable with feelings and physical touch but I don't mind someone more at ease.
Ideal date would be at beach, arcades or just something like walking in town or a beautiful and isolated spot. Even a study date is fine ! I think that my ideal partner shouldn't restrain myself to express my opinion and that in a way I should find something fascinating from them.
I match you with,,,
Oh boy does he have fun with you
Not in a bad way or anything, he just thinks its fun to tease you
Though, he can be quite the tsundere himself, so don’t worry about not having opportunities to get him back for it
Because you definitely will have the chance to tease him back
He will not hesitate to insist that hes taller, despite you two being the same height
Its not even important, but he insists. He acts like it gives him more power or something.
He’s grown acustom to to having video games around, due to Matt, so dont be afraid to force him to play with you
Actually, please do, he acts like he doesn’t like them but he does
Be prepared, he can be hella competitive with it once hes in it, though
If you win, gets all pouty,, please make fun of him for it
He believes the languages you know, and want to learn, is a really useful skill
It’s not that your other interests aren’t useful or interesting to him, because they are, but this one in particular intrigues him
And also because he only believes “useful” things are worth the time, and it’s an actually useful thing to know, but yknow
Hes not big on physical affection, himself, hes better with words of affirmation
Giving and recieving!
Though hes in fact terrible at trying to praise anyone, since it’s just not his normal way of going about anything, especially you cuz you’re you
He puts you higher than anyone else, of course he’s gonna get awkward around you. He’s trying his best tho!
Tl;Dr, Yall are too smart for each other. Just a lil bit.
Hajime Hinata!
Boy howdy, he’s enamored with you
Just absolutely fascinated with all the things you’re good at
He especially loves all the games you’re into, and your writing, though
Your writing is calming to read, since he knows it comes from you, it helps him get to know you better without having to talk to you
And obviously games are something you can do together, whether they be video games or board games, it’s enjoyable to him
He’s not too quick to speak about his feelings, himself, so if that’s an area you’re uncomfortable with, don’t even worry!
There are other ways to express and discuss how you feel without directly speaking about it, and you two have found basically every one, so it tends to be fine
He wants nothing more than for you to be yourself, so he’d never try and hold you back
Even if you’re interested in seventeen things at once and wanna tell him about all of them, he still just thinks it’s the most interesting thing in the world
You being you is what makes him care, so of course he’s going to want you to be completely yourself no matter what
Your humor doesn’t really get to him at first, he’s always too nervous around you to even realize you’re joking
But after a while, once he gets used to it, he thinks the jokes you come up with and the way you make everyone laugh is so special
He’s just too serious sometimes, and tends to overthink so much that humor goes right over his head
Speaking of seriousness, he tries to be serious like,, 99% of the time, so if you get overly serious when you’re stuck on something you wanna get done, he’s all for matching that energy
As long as it’s benefiting you, and it’s something he can handle, he’ll probably go for it
Tl;Dr, He’s a little whipped. That’s all.
#I hope this is good!#I’m a lil unsure about it#as always if you want me to rewrite it or anything I’m down#danganronpa matchup#danganronpa#hajime hinata#hajime x reader#hajime headcanons#sdr2#death note matchup#death note#mello death note#bun bun writes#matchup
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Thinking of it even further, I think the glitra kid would have a bit of Bow’s rebelious streak, the one where he promises his dads to behave, to stay away from the rebellion, to apply himself in school... only to run away to live with his best friend the glitter princess and be instrumental in kick starting the new princess alliance.
Glimmer would be all “Woe is me, my child does not act up like they are supposed to. Am I a bad parent?” and Bow, immediately recognizing all the signs of a kid living an elaborate double life would just be “mmmmmmmm, maybe me and the kid should have a little conversation...” (then he’s sworn to secrecy because he’s a sucker at heart and the Glitra kid knows how to push all the right buttons - also she’s not doing anything that’s all that bad)
I have this image of a Glitra kid who is feline in nature, hair in a ponytail wearing a tiara, they have a bit of pink in it.
They are wearing a very cliche pink light red princess dress.
They have a prime and proper pose
But their face, their face has a look of deviousness that plans nothing but chaos and mischief every day.
i love the idea of her combining the cutest aspects of her mommies.
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It had been too long.
Sid hadn’t really wanted to be around anyone after retirement. It was hard to walk away. Under those circumstances. But after he did, there will small consolations. The escape from the spotlight he’d been under basically all his life was freeing. He doesn’t have to be Sidney Crosby anymore, at least for a little while.
Sid started to test what that meant. Little rebelious acts that his inner voice couldn’t tell him weren’t allowed anymore. Unplugging, not training, taking up new hobbies, eating what he wants when he wants. Every day one step further to exploring who is Sid?
Naturally, he missed his teammates and when it didn’t hurt to think of what he’d lost quite so intensely, he decided it was time to call. Deciding to do something and doing the thing are not always a friendly pair. What could he say? After months of radio silence, how would they react? And every day gone by was that much harder.
It had been too long, but it was time. The first choice was obvious. Geno responded more eagerly than Sid had anticipated, and he was headed up the next day. Sid’s not sure why he expected anything different, but it was a warm, surprising feeling. However, Sid suddently felt self-conscious. He took stock of his body, and there were places... softer than before would be the kind way to put it. With less than a day, there wasn’t much he could do about that now. Maybe Geno wouldn’t chirp him too hard. Maybe.
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Send me a ♔ for me to describe a favorite rp character of mine.
I just want to start saying I love all of my characters and there’s moments where all of them live under the same spotlight and have my heart whenever they want it. But okay, currently favorite character is this lil kiddo I’ve had for so long, she was literally one of my first characters in the rpc here in tumblr. I brought her to this rpg I was already in to fill a wanted connection and she grew on me, I had her in that group for two years and then I never played her again until now. I never thought I’d find a place where she’d fit again, especially due to her story but I’m playing her a bit older now and it’s giving me so many possibilities to keep developing her personality, story and just making new conections that build her as a person with every interaction and plot.
She was 18 years old when I started playing her, I used Taissa Farmiga as her fc, and she was this girl who had been forced to grow up all too son and become her own parental figure, however weak that concept was. She had all this issues asides from her traumatic brought up, she was still on her teenage years acting and moving in the adult world, with a lot of losses in the process of building her sense of sel and without really compensating them with a proper psychological development in terms of maturity and becoming a person strong enough to handle the challenges one faces throughout their life.
She moved in with her cousin and got a job, because that’s what people do and she barely even cared about it all. She’d become rebelious and confrontative with any kind of authority or things that were socially acceptable because she never had any proof that society could actually be good, or that the shared stereotypes of good parents, teenagers, adultship were actually real. She’d only ever known disappointment when it came to what should be expected and she’d learnt to this point that it was her against the world and that she should get the things she needed to get by however she could.
Living in NYC she finally started to settle down and have an attempt at building actual bonds with people, allowing herself to care and be somewhat nicer to the people that she got along with. Wihout letting herself be at complete ease, Bonnie actually felt that things could for once not be that bad. Either way she never once complained about the life she got for she had somehow outcome her own experiences with being born in a family that didn’t want her and simply neglected her, parents that didn’t love each other and as a product of their toxic relationship she was beaten up daily, an environment in which no kid should ever grow up between guns and drugs and crime. She felt like she had handled the worst and was just fine on her own, but still being left by the people she had begin to care about clouded her with disappointment and abandonment issues that she soon transformed into a sentiment of being her the one constantly disappointing other and believing it was her own idea to be on her own, not needing people. Here’s where I played her last, her story then kept developing even if I didn’t play her.
Being left behind by her cousin meant she was homeless and barely even making the cut to stay alive, and somehow she was unaffected by all of this. Bonnie had built up a strength of mind where she simply blocked emotion and took things as rationally as she could, scattering for practical solutions however inmoral or fucked up. Sleeping on the sidewalk, exchanging sex for photography lessons or simply for a room, she got used to being this reckless and careless, just having an idea of what she wanted and trying to get that. Falling into a relationship with a man she did not love wasn’t really a problem to her but it was more a solution, she only needed to be around and play the part and she got what she wanted which was to do her job and learn more. Soon enough she was trapped in an abusive relationship she had not asked for but which seemed natural at this point given her upbring, to the point she didn’t even question it. She’d fight back and try to defend herself because she had all this anger bottled up but then again not being able to grasp the thought that maybe just maybe, what was out there could be better than her current situation.
It took a lot for her to actually make the choice and finally leave, she didn’t have plans or anyone to really go to, it was her and whatever she was experiencing at the moment, she took situations as they came and would take a punch if that was what’s coming her way. So the possibility of doing her job somehow without the abusive boyfriend or any actual connection to a particular person that could potentially harm her emotionally if not physical, it sounded like a good enough deal.
And here’s when I play her again, five years later and she’s 23 and her faceclaim is Caitlin Stasey, and she’s changed. She’s put up so many barriers and simply wants to go through life without having to actually get to know people because deep down she knows how vulnerable she can be and how much it can fuck her up. Caring, having any type of emotions, letting people close enough to hurt you… she doesn’t want to live through that again, she can’t afford another loss that would mess her up psychologically, her sense of self, the faulty identity she’s built up for herself, the shaky ground in which she’s settled to try and keep growing. In all honesty she’s surprised she’s made it this far and she doesn’t wanna risk it.
She knows she’s all sorts of screwed and that what she needs is so many things that she’s just been pushing to the back of her mind and building walls around it to keep it far from actually disturbing her in her way through life. Bonnie strongly believes that she can only hurt people that care for her, because the people she’s ever cared for have hurt her. She feels like she’s a major disappointment in society’s eyes and everyone seems to be living a pleasant or somewhat nice life caught in betweent the sterotypes and that thought as correct or possible, while she’s simply an outcast… someone who really shouldn’t exist in the elements that make society what it is.
Finally she’s just stuck at this place in which she wants to run so desperately, afraid that if she stays at one place for too long she’ll end up doing exactly what she doesn’t want, which is to form relationships and make friends and actually interact with people in a deeper and more relevant level. She wants to run but she also wants to stay so badly, to give it a try at being normal, at maybe being happy like everyone else seems to be. And she’s already getting to that point where she cares about a couple of people, likes them, could see even bigger things with them and she’s so conflicted because she doesn’t want it, she can’t picture herself keeping it together and actually make it work. So she’s simply testing waters, ready to leave, curious to take the leap.
I love Bonnie because even though her backstory is a bit peculiar in comparison to some of my other characters with more familiar or realistic backgrounds, she’s the most human of them all or at least I feel like it. She’s doing this thing of feeling and repressing feelings, trying to do things the right way but constantly messing up and just blaming it upon herself, not questioning things that everyone should be questioning, choosing the seemingly easier path, struggling to be a person who knows who she is, what she’s doing… she’s fucked up and everyone is, in their own particular way, and she’s trying very hard and shows a tough armour to defend herself from society, feelings, her own… and some other times she’s this vulnerable little kid who never had someone to comfort her when she had nightmares and I love her, I feel like I’ve really invested in her and dedicate my time every day to try and understand what she’s feeling and going through, stuff like that.
So that is my Bonnie Patterson to y’all!
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