#“Whenever a student perishes in this way
mysteryshoptls · 2 years
Sam Voice Lines (9th Unified Exams)
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About the School
Even the ever popular Mr. S's Mystery Shop doesn't get many customers while classes are in session. So when it's that time, I just vibe with my friends on the other side. Alllright~
Running this Mystery Shop is very enjoyable. Whenever the Little Imps find something they like, their delight overflows, and my wallet overflows. Everyone's happy, you see?
About the School Facility
The Mystery Shop always stores such soul-shaking stock on our shelves. Better snag it soon before it's sold out!
About Himself
I'm Sam, A.K.A. The Shadow Man. But that's just an old nickname. As to why "shadow," well, that's for me to know. The more secrets I got, the more it feels like a real Mystery Shop, don't you think?
I come from a long line of merchants, so we've had a history of helping people with their deepest desires. Like those who want to be fashionable, or be powerful, or grow their restaurant's business... As well as many other concerns.
I have multiples of the same kind of suit and I just swap them around. It's kind of like my personal policy. Don't you think that little bit of whimsy peeking out from behind the formal is the best?
Towards the Students
The only thing I have to say to all you Little Imps is that making money is crucial. With loads of cash, you can pretty much do anything you want. Maybe even change your future~
Incidents / Memories
Are you stressed living in that Ramshackle Dorm? Do you find yourself recently in need of something to soothe your worries? Then do I have the thing for you IN STOCK NOW! Come by the Mystery Shop sometime. Nyeheehee~
I heard that you and some others broke the cafeteria chandelier and went all the way just to mine some magestones. Must've been tough. If you'd just asked me, I could've had it for you in a flash, and I would've even let you pay me back in installments!
You should keep playing nice with the Ramshackle ghosts. You can never have too many friends that can phase through objects or disappear like they can.
About School Staff
The Headmaster comes to the Mystery Shop to chill from time to time. Only, he'll just talk endlessly. If he'd buy a few more things, I'd be more inclined to listen to his gripes.
Crewel-sensei really is obsessed with cars. He'll come by my shop and often buy car accessories. He'll even go so far as to request something crazy, like asking for discontinued parts. He really makes me work for it!
I totally got Lucius's likes down pat. I don't think I'd even lose to Trein-sensei, his owner. Cat food, toys, clippers, and kitty litter, everything is IN STOCK NOW!
As a rule, I try to avoid stocking any perishables, but raw eggs are the exception. And that's because Vargas-sensei will buy my whole stock. He's the best kind of customer! Nyeheehee~
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Requested by Anonymous.
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number9robotic · 8 months
Random personal character/worldbuilding
I wanted to design at some point an original roster of fighting game characters and my life spiralled out of control thinking of new ideas so I gotta share what I got:
Pitch: It's about a group of superpowered teens who get sent to a school training them how to be good superVILLAINS.
Slightly more specifics: The world is like ours but there are supers around. There exists a school for "superpowered opportunists" that is ostensibly to raise up-and-coming supers but is very transparently corrupt and just a legally-permissible way to raise future allies to whatever mustache-twirling nonsense they have cooking up. The students are sourced from all over the world and are mostly good kids, but they have wild powers to deal with that are very easy to look at and go "yep, they're born to join the dark side."
Character list at the moment:
"Anti" (Canadian), timid but ambitious, well-behaved, reasonably "normal" kid from the suburbs who discovered that their shadow is alive, and can rise up and kill people. Was involuntarily sent to the school by their parents who believed it would be a good fit, for better and for worse. Now basically trying to survive. Fights with a quarterstaff, shadow deals its own attacks, turns staff into a scythe and other scary sharp things, wants its host to join in the fun.
"Hellgirl" ("Eastern European"), a princess to an impoverished noble family who -- in a desperate bid for power -- sacrificed her as part of a draconic ritual, with her coming back as this cursed half-dragon that has to be bound in magic tampering chains to stop her from ripping peoples' heads off. Genuinely a proper lady and actually kind of a sweetheart when lucid. Requires a buncha physical accomodations but can still fight even when in chains. Also, breathes hellfire. Cool beans.
"Smoggy/The Vigilante Smog Monster" (Australian), a living swamp monster summoned by an Aboriginal tribe who believed him to be a guardian spirit, and though he had no idea what they were talking about, he remained their guardian until he was separated and stumbled into scouting agents for the school. Shifts between a gross, sludgy humanoid form and horror smoke with the power of ancient wooden masks he keeps around him. Huge and imposing, but surprisingly a pretty swell dude.
"IDKYS/I Don't Know You, Sorry" (Filipino), aspiring would-be idol whose voice has overpowering hypnotic properties -- got enrolled in the school in order for her to develop her skillset without it. Ostensibly like a "cute mute" sorta scholarly student, actually very, very salty. Wears a cool mask that converts her voice to text and then back to into monotone text-to-speech (for safety reasons), is also rigged to an amplifier mic on a stand that she wields like a mace, has the power to blast people apart with SFX.
"Twintails" (Japanese), a transforming kitsune wizard/ninja who is two separate people from different secretive clans in one: a male wizard and a female ninja, who got "fused" together by a trickster yokai that caused them to share the same body, swapping between identities whenever they sneeze. They're both aware of each other and hate each other, habitually accusing the other for being the imposter yokai cohabiting their body, but are forced to work together to make it work.
"Metal Alice" (French), what was once the innocent young daughter to a supervillain, who perished following his last evil plan gone wrong. After attempting to resurrect her, Little Alice's spirit was "restored" into an old doll-like animatronic, which is itself now a walking portal to the ghost dimension. Is able to draw various weapons of phantasmic metals out of her body, from speared parasols to chainsaws. The "cute" kind of scary!
"Magnum" (American), the newest cyborg prototype from a company for mad scientist tech, designed of indestructible metals. Has the power to explode virtually any joint in his body like a bomb before automatically reassembling. Does it to fire his fingers/arms like projectiles, and is also a grappler. Was sent to the school to fix his raging ego problem. Speaks and dresses like a cowboy and has a nice hat. Deal with it.
"Hotshot" (Chinese), a guy who thinks and acts like he's the "shotoclone" protagonist of a normal fighting game (arrogant young martial artist with fire powers and always rearing for a fight), but is too arrogant to realize that this isn't the kind of story he's in (and also that he's a jackass). Despite this, he's very popular by way of the popular jock/bully who's a total dickhead but also so cooooool, and definitely the best student at a straight-on fight.
"Vioelectrolysis" (Motswana), a mad scientist in training who just LOVES making her crazy super-chemicals technicolor and do weird and unexpected things. Carries a bunch of it around in this modified fire extinguisher/gas tank that she can use to spray various super-fluids or swing around like a flail. Has a gas mask for her own protection; may or may not have mutated herself with something cool at some point.
"Marmaron" (Greek), an incomplete statue of a marble-like material that accidentally came to life while being made by a mysterious artist that Marmaron proceeded to kill, supposedly in self-defense. Doesn't have a face or a finished hand, splashed paint where his face should be to look even scarier presentable. Has the power to turn people into stone, but only temporarily. Spends his time minding his own business with painting and poetry, doesn't mind that everyone thinks he's creepy as hell.
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acciomorningstar · 1 year
Story tags: Hogwarts Legacy, Angst, Hurt/Comfort (kinda), Poppy Sweetingxgn!MC Characters: gn!MC, Poppy Sweeting, Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Natsai Onai, Amit Thakkar, Garreth Weasley, Imelda Reyes Synopsis: After MC is permanently scarred at the repository battle, they will have to adjust to a new normal – which is proving to be their most difficult challenge yet
Warnings for heavy angst, mental/physical scarring and disabilities, depression
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Reread my previous angst post and got inspired, so I decided to try my hand at something heavier. It turned out longer than I expected, but I'm proud of the end product, considering I usually suck at bittersweet storytelling lol Significantly heavier than most of my previous posts on here, so tread with caution.
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While relief took hold among the students of Hogwarts and things soon returned to a sense of normal after Ranrok’s attack, for some the struggle was only beginning. Poppy had attempted to find MC in the wake of the repository battle, but all she was told was that Professor Fig had perished and MC had been critically injured, having been directly transported to the infirmary once their unconscious body had been retrieved from the rubble. She wasn’t allowed to visit, so her only resort was to hassle the nurse for details whenever she was able to. Eventually, she managed to find out that MC was being sustained in a magical coma as the pain of being awake was likely to tear them apart. It wasn’t so much a matter of when they would wake up – it was whether they would ever wake up at all.
The news took its toll on MC’s entire inner circle. Sebastian and Ominis bickered less, Natty was strangely absent-minded during classes, Amit’s marks in Astronomy tanked to the point where Professor Shah constantly asked whether he’d taken ill, Garreth’s concoctions noticeably suffered from the absence of his potion companion, and even Imelda seemed more prickly than usual.
Poppy herself wasn’t faring much better. She woke up sick to her stomach every day without any news about MC, and she found that her usual pastimes weren’t doing much to keep her mind off things either.
And then, after a few agonising months and a lot of sleepless nights, news came that MC’s condition was stabilising. The nurse cautioned that they were by no means out of the woods yet, but at least they were allowed to have visitors over.
Poppy made her first visit along with Natty, who had also jumped at the opportunity to see their friend. MC was barely responsive when they stood at their bedside, and the nurse told them to get out after five minutes because they needed rest.
“All those scars… there were so many of them,” Natty said, shaking her head as they walked back through the corridors. “I cannot even begin to imagine how they will ever bear the pain if they regain consciousness.”
“They are still the same person underneath,” Poppy insisted. “You’ll see.”
She knew she was mostly talking to herself, but the alternative was simply too painful to consider. And for a while, things genuinely seemed to be improving. After a few weeks, she received news that MC was finally awake and responding, and she rushed to the infirmary so fast that people in the corridors looked at her with shocked faces and asked whether there was an emergency.
Upon arriving at the infirmary, she noticed MC’s bed had been moved to a sectioned-off corner in the back of the hall. It was for the wellbeing of the other patients, the nurse explained – MC had developed a habit of waking up screaming every night, to the point where it had become an active obstacle to the recovery of their fellow patients. As horrified as Poppy was to hear this, it was even less of a shock than the sight she was confronted with once the curtain was drawn back. Fresh scars ran up the right side of MC’s body, all the way up to their face, which looked as if it had been cut up with a knife. Purple veins stood out under the almost transparent skin near their right eye, which appeared strangely discoloured. When Poppy looked down, she noticed an unmistakable tremble in their burnt hands.
“Poppy,” MC said in a raspy whisper, “is that you?”
“Yes, my love,” she answered, having to suppress the quiver in her own voice as she gently took one of MC’s hands. “I’m here.”
MC seemed disoriented, so she had to remind them where they were and explain how they ended up here. Her heart broke when they asked where Professor Fig was – she debated internally whether she was the right person to tell them, but she didn’t want to lie to them either. When she told them the truth, MC just sat there against the pillow, their brow furrowing as they tried their best to understand. Then the tears came, and the screaming, and all of a sudden it wasn’t clear anymore whether MC was wailing out of sadness or out of pain, and Poppy ended up holding them until the nurse hastily arrived and instructed her to leave.
For all the lack of news in the last couple of weeks, there suddenly seemed to be an awful lot of it… MC was regaining strength in the parts of their body which weren’t affected by Ranrok’s magic, but it wasn’t like there were a lot of those left to begin with. Their eye wasn’t healing and at this point this likely meant they would end up losing half of their vision; the tremble in their hands persisted and they barely had any mobility left in their right arm, but the worst news she was told by MC in person. Apparently, the magic had eaten away at the nerve system in their spine, which would likely leave them all but paralysed from the waist down for the rest of their life.
“They say I’ll never be able to walk again,” MC sobbed at her through a mist of tears. “Never play Quidditch again, never again climb the hills or swim in the lake –”
Poppy simply held them as they cried. She didn’t say anything, lest her voice betrayed the tears burning in the corners of her eyes.
The inner circle and the school faculty tried their best to accommodate MC however they could. As soon as MC was allowed to leave the infirmary for short periods of time, professors accompanied them to help levitate their wheelchair up stairs so they were able to attend classes. Whenever MC was too tired to leave their bed, the professors would organise little private classes at their bedside. Sebastian and Ominis would indulge them with late-night chats about their personal experiences with living with a disability. Natty would entertain her with stories about her homeland, staying with them to ease their path into deep slumber, after which she’d watch over them. Amit made sure to supply them with notes to help them keep up with schoolwork, Garreth frequently dragged his potion kit all the way up to the infirmary to brew new concoctions next to MC’s bed (much to the chagrin of the nurse), and Imelda personally escorted MC to every Quidditch match, jinxing everyone who gave them as much as a funny look. Sometimes it would even feel as if things had truly returned to something resembling normalcy – if it wasn’t for MC freezing up at every strike of lightning or explosion in the corridors, or bursting into tears whenever someone as much as mentioned the name of Professor Fig.
In spite of everyone’s monumental efforts, no one was as devoted to taking care of MC as Poppy. She visited the infirmary and offered to push them around the castle as often as she was allowed to, and if she wasn’t she would spend her hours holed up in the library and interrogating Professors about any means to alleviate MC’s suffering. People started commenting on the bags under her eyes and she had to give up most of the free time she’d usually spend caring for beasts, but those were sacrifices she was willing to make.
Which didn’t mean that things were getting any easier. She had her own life, and juggling commitments had never been her strong suit. Moreover, the more time she spent with MC, the more often she would find herself at the receiving end of their outbursts of frustration and self-loathing. One particularly nasty fight came after she had taken Highwing out for a flight, only to suddenly remember that she’d promised to take MC out to the courtyard for some fresh air.
“I am so sorry,” she gasped as she stormed into the infirmary, cheeks flushed from exertion. “I was caring for Highwing and I lost track of time –”
MC looked up at them from their wheelchair, a cold expression on their scarred face. “Oh, don’t bother with excuses,” they said. “I’m sure your beasts need your help more than I do.”
The sneer struck her like a hot arrow to the chest, but she knew not to take it personally. “Don’t be silly,” she answered as she walked up to them. “You know there’s nowhere else I’d rather be –”
“Please,” MC scoffed. “You’re only here because you pity me. Guess that’s all I get for risking my neck for a bunch of stupid birds.”
She felt something different now, a fit of hot anger bursting its way up from her core. “How can you say all of those things? You know, I haven’t had a single proper night of sleep since they found you under that rubble, and I’ve been sacrificing everything to help you when all I get in return is anger and resentment –”
“Well, I’m so sorry to inconvenience you!” MC snapped back, their voice cracking. “Next time I run into Ranrok, I’ll just ask if he finishes the job, all right?”
“Please,” Poppy said, tears running down her cheeks, “you don’t know what you’re saying –”
“I don’t want your help!” MC shouted at her, before hunching forward in their wheelchair, crying out in pain as they clutched their sides. Poppy took an instinctive step forward, reaching out to help them, but the nurse pushed her away, telling her to leave. She did as she was told, and ended up crying herself to sleep.
They made up, eventually, as they always did. But the argument revealed an underlying truth which was slowly becoming undeniable. Poppy was pouring all of herself into MC’s well-being, to the point where she didn’t have much more left to give. She knew it, felt it, but still she toiled on, not knowing what else to do.
A few weeks after their fight, Poppy was called to the garden above the Hufflepuff common room. Upon her arrival, she saw MC sitting on a balcony, facing the lake. They had their eyes closed and the sunlight gave their face an ethereal glow, which made even the scars look less gruesome.
“Hello,” Poppy greeted them with a smile, kneeling next to them. “You look well.”
“Better than I’ve felt in a long while, that’s for certain,” MC chuckled. They extended their good hand to her and she took it, gently rubbing her thumb over their skin. MC’s expression grew sober. “Poppy, I’ve given this a great deal of thought. The lengths you all have gone to these past few months to accommodate me – I… I will be forever indebted to you all, and to you especially. You’ve given meaning to every minute of my life since I met you, even if it was at your own expense… I would never have dreamed of anyone ever doing that.”
“The feeling is entirely mutual,” Poppy answered. “You… you have touched so many lives around you, MC… if only you could see that the way I do –”
MC smiled. “I know. But I can’t allow you to keep throwing away all of that because of me. That’s why I’ve made the decision to leave.”
“Leave?” Poppy asked, feeling her heart stop. “But… to where?”
“To a place where I’ll be able to live in peace. I know telling you this would hurt, but I can’t keep going like this, Poppy, not with everyone looking at me with pity in their eyes and feeling like a burden to every person I care about,”
“But you’re not,” Poppy insisted, tears welling up in her eyes, “you can’t give up now, there’s so many things we still haven’t tried –”
“Poppy, listen,” MC said, and they winced as they brought their hand up to cup her cheek. “You’re so much stronger than you think. You’ve escaped from a terrible existence and built up an entirely new life for yourself. There’s so much you’re still going to achieve, you can’t let all of that go to waste just for me,”
“But that choice isn’t yours alone to make. You don’t deserve any of this –”
“Maybe not. Bad things happen to good people, you of all people should know that. But this is the only thing I’m able to do to repay you for all you’ve done, and it might very well be the last choice I’ll ever be able to make – so please, let me make it.”
Poppy finally broke out sobbing, leaning against MC’s shoulder as the tears flowed freely. MC gently stroked her hair, feeling something moist running down their own cheek.
“I-I’ll never forget you,” she sniffled, her voice barely above a whisper.
MC planted a kiss on top of their head. “Never.”
And so, life went on. MC left Hogwarts, and after a while they even disappeared from daily conversations as people found new things to laugh and worry about. Poppy found it hard to pick her life back up at first, often still ending up at the infirmary with the intention to ask about MC or visiting Professor Weasley for counsel. She didn’t get back into her shell as far as friends were concerned, however. MC wouldn’t have wanted her to, and she was determined to do right by their memory.
Eventually, she was able to move on – though she would never forget the day that one new fifth-year came to Hogwarts and changed her life, for the better.
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hajihiko · 2 years
Hello! saw you were doing angst hc's, so whenever you have the time, may I ask for some Akane ones? shes my favourite srd2 chara and I utterly adore how you draw her :]
Yesss. But shes a tragic bitch so be warned alright
(hey! I drafted this ages ago but it disappeared, somehow it's back!)
She didn't super want to go to HPA, but being able to earn enough to support her huge family was way more important than what she felt like. Being the Honour Student of her family is a huge weight though and it's only because she doesn't like think about it that she doesn't stress about it.
Her authority figures have been so goddamn garbage that she was wary of almost all the teachers, in her own seemingly chill way
Akane and Hiko are climbing enthusiast buddies! Akane because (canon) climbing means easier escape from people who wanna hurt her, and it's impossible to catch her once she gets good at it.
Once she gets real close and friendly with her class / the Survivors, she lets them serve themselves food first. She did the same with her little siblings. But if you're not that close with her she's real defensive about food.
Used to do that thing where she smuggles food into her room and hides it, in case she ever needs to scrounge again. Unfortunately it got stinky after a bit, but Teru helped her choose the best non-perishables.
Holds the record for Youngest To See A Dead Person.
Someone- dont remember who- said that she has her extremely good Danger Sense because she had to learn real fast to tell who wanted to help her and who wanted to hurt her. She can't always tell when people are being mean, because who cares, but her gut feeling is amazing at letting her know if someone's about to put her or hers in danger.
She likes fighting, genuinely, like she just thinks it's fun and makes sense. But also, she likes the idea of being an amazing fighter because she likes thinking no one can fuck with her.
This is why ghosts are scary. Can't beat them! Can't fight them at all. Also they just are, especially when you're a kid in a house with weird noises and no lights and no adults to help you sleep.
She was surprised when she and Nekomaru were doing their thing, and she told him to back off / not touch her, and he just. Did? Immediately? And apologized even? Even though he could easily overpower her at that time. Nekomaru is very large and very strong but very kind and gentle and it's confusing but like in a good way.
It's really hard for her to realize how messed up her childhood was. She got so good at Not Thinking About It, and now it's hard to break that habit, nevermind to confront the fact that every available person in her whole life failed her.
That said, she wouldn't take anyone else getting harassed lightly. It's just not a big deal that it happened to *her*, because well, she's so strong and only got stronger! And she's fine now see? So it's no big deal! <- not true, but how she thinks.
She's skipped so many things other people consider basic, like celebrating holidays or having a boyfriend/girlfriend or shopping for school supplies, etc. She's got a lot of practical skills though, but she mostly didn't have a choice with those.
She never really developed much of a fashion sense until much later in life, until then she just dressed how her mom would dress them both (or ... Other men). Turns out she likes athleisure wear and has a much more mature way of dressing than you'd think (like the prom pics!)
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koreanriddler · 1 year
Hello! How are you? Wanted to ask if you have any headcanons about a Korean riddler?
Hello! I’m doing great. I actually do have a few main headcanons for what a Korean Riddler might look like.
He is a second generation Korean American.
He is bilingual, fluent in both Korean and English, and loves to use different languages and wordplay in his riddles.
His favorite dish to make is Budae Jjigae, or army stew. Because most of the ingredients are non-perishable and the hardware to make the dish is minimal, he finds it easy to cook even if he is in hiding in an underground bunker or small apartment.
In his youth, Eddie craved attention for his intelligence, but due to his parents insurmountable expectations and dismissal as “just the smart Asian kid” from his educators, he did not receive the praise he longed for. This pushed him to flaunt his intelligence in as many ways as possible, culminating in burnout during his high school years. One day, he was an integral player on the school trivia team, a star student, and captain of the robotics club, and the next, he was a drop out.
On several occasions, Eddie has planned trips to Korea as escapes from Batman or Arkham, complete with riddlers for Batman to solve and find the exact city or area his destination is (similar to his Egypt-specific riddles in Batman Unburied). However, Batman has discovered this pattern and learned to intercept Eddie at the airport whenever one of his aliases books a flight the country. This bothers Eddie immensely because he sees these culturally specific riddles as a way to connect with his heritage and wishes Batman would realize that.
Whenever they are in Arkham together, Eddie and Harvey (who I headcanon as half Chinese) talk at length about how they feel alienated from other Asian Gothamites because of their criminal careers, and from their own cultures as diaspora. Overseers of asylum group therapy see this as a way for the two to distract from the tough conversations that would see them towards reform, but in truth, both suffer from deep feelings of isolation and find comfort in their mutual understanding. I think having people to truly understand him would be a huge step towards his reform from villainy.
Thank you for asking :D
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bobmckenzie · 8 months
Pre Relationship 1, 4, General 3, 6, and Love 8, 9 for Randall!!!!! I NEED more content of this new ship NOW or I might perish :)
♡ @eternally-smitten
OMGGG THANK YOU NATALIE DSKFLKJSDF I'm so happy to share the ideas I have regarding him so far 🥹🥹🩵
How did they first meet? Rachel introduced me to the group after the first experiment! They all agreed the footage Joe took wasn't very good, so she convinced them to at least meet with me since I'm a film student, and we've been friends for so long that she knows I can be trusted. She invited them all over to our apartment, and Nelson basically grilled me for awhile trying to gauge if I would actually do a decent job and be able to keep the secret. Randall and I didn't get much one-on-one interaction, but he liked that I cracked a few jokes and stood my ground with Nelson (albeit a bit shakily lol), and I immediately had a soft spot for him because he was the first to agree with Rachel that I should be included. (...and because he's adorable 🤭)
Who felt romantic feelings first? This is close, but I'm gonna say I did--or at least, I was the first one to let myself feel them. I think Randall is one of those people who probably has a "five-year plan" type of thing, and the thought of romance or a relationship isn't even something he'd be considering until finishing school. I think he'd try to talk himself out of it, even if only for a few days, before accepting that the feelings aren't going anywhere lol
What was their first kiss like? After one of the close calls (either with David's life or Rachel's, I haven't quite decided on the timeline yet lol 😆), I walk with Randall back to his dorm. Outside the housing building he confesses that he's feeling anxious about everything and is scared that we're gonna push it too far, and he's feeling really guilty for being involved with something that could end in someone's death. I try to reassure and comfort him, and I give him a hug--when we pull back, there's a moment of hesitation before we both lean in for a kiss 🥰 We get interrupted by someone leaving the dormitory, and I'm very flustered by the whole thing and leave in a hurry 😅
What’s their relationship with each other’s families? I think since we're both in college and living on/near campus, we don't meet each others' families for awhile. Honestly I haven't thought about the lore too much regarding this but I can see it going one of two ways in regards to his family: they either really like me and are so happy to see him have someone special, or they really dislike me because they think I'm a distraction from his studies/future career 😅 so maybe it's a mixed bag!
Who’s better at comforting the other? This is another one that's close, but I think I'm a liiiiitle bit better at comforting him! He's sort of used to his worries being brushed off, or people not taking him super seriously since he's usually so humorous, so even the fact that I listen to him is something he finds comfort in :)
Who’s more protective? Randall! Especially since he knows I'm not as outspoken as he is. He won't hesitate to stick up for me whenever Nelson or Joe is being a jerk lol. And he always likes walking me home so he knows I got there safe.
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
okay its on their verses pages but heres the fallout verse info for gundham and kaz uwu
Gundham: When the threat of nuclear war became inevitable, Hope’s Peak began placing their ultimates in vaults around the world with the hopes that their superior talents would help restore the world to its former glory in the furture. Those that did not agree were forced into their cryo pods, with Gundham being one of those that was unwilling unless his mother was saved as well. This was denied as they only had enough space and funding for the ultimates, and Gundham was put in his pod against his will after being knocked out with chloroform after his refusal. His Devas, which had been with him when he was rendered unconscious, snuck their way into his cryo pod before it was frozen and woke up along with him in the post-apocalyptic future. 
Wishing more for despair than reform, Junko sabotaged the Hope’s Peak vaults with the hopes that every class but her own would stay frozen indefinitely. With some vaults this was effective, with others the inhabitants simply awoke later or earlier than planned. Class 77-B was placed in vault 77 respectively, their own pods waking up staggered, with most of them being gone by the time Gundham awoke. Setting out to learn of this new world, he hopes to eventually find what exactly happened to his mother, if she perished like most, or if she somehow became a ghoul after the bombs dropped.
Misc Fallout notes:
Gundham can be written in any Fallout verse by simply changing the location in which his vault was placed by the school
He’s still rather ignorant to the wastelands, but seems to be adapting well with the overwhelming desire to survive. He still holds bitterness for what Hope’s Peak did however, and should he find any survivors of the vault program that were responsible for placing students in the pods, he may not react too kindly…
In this verse he is no longer a vegan, finding survival to be more important when food is so scarce, but he will still choose fruits and vegetables over meat whenever possible
He will either be written in a solo verse where he alone set out from the vault to search for information on his mother and this new world he now lives in, or he will be in a connected verse with my Kaz and his fallout verse.
In the joint verse, he and Kazuichi leave the vault together with their options limited and friends scarce. They hope to find information about their old classmates and Gundham’s mother, as well as help the inhabitants of the wasteland whenever they can. 
In this verse, Kazuichi fixes up an old bus they found to run on solar power, it being slow, but mobile. The interior has been modified as a living space, as well as a work area for Kaz, and a specialized kennel-like room at the back for any animals Gundham rescues.
Gundham nurtures the animals back to as good as health as he can despite the radiation, as well as studies what they once were and how they changed since his time. He then either releases them when he’s through with his work, or sells them for caps if it comes to brahmin, dogs, cats, etc. He also does health checks on animals in settlements and teaches their owners how to better care for them. 
In this verse, Kazuichi also builds Gundham a robot dog that he can bring into fights without the fear of it dying. It’s modeled after a generic mutt, and most of the time stays on the bus to protect it while he and Kaz are away. Despite being nothing but programed commands with a basic voice modulator collected from wasteland mutts, Gundham has taken to calling it Daisy his “hellhound”
His outfit consists of a vault 77 suit, his old coat, scarf, and other accessories such as his piercings and boots, all of which were put in vault storage after he was frozen, along with all his other classmate’s belongings. He doesn’t have his “scar” or makeup however, since that sort of thing isn't readily available in the wasteland, nor does he believe it important anymore. His hair is also styled without the curl, it simply falling in a messy shag that he tries to trim regularly
His way of speaking is also different, his old archaic way of speech mostly abandoned as he adjusts to this new world, Gundham not seeing much of a point in it anymore. He feels it’s important he learn to live in this new world, and that comes with the need of others understanding him instead of being deflected by his old way of pushing people away
His main weapon consists of a animal tranquillizer gun modified by Kaz, no matter if it’s his solo or joint verse as it’s obtained from vault storage, made to fire at deadly speeds, which can also be adjusted to a safer speed when he needs to just capture or knock something/someone out. The ammo is specialized reloadable tranquilizer darts that can be filled with poison, med-x, simple knockout fluid, and pretty much any liquid in a pinch. He wears the pre-filled, labeled vials hooked about his belt, and they only become “active” when loaded into the gun, where the needle is set upon closing the chamber. Extra fluid and vials are kept in his coat and travel pack
His melee weapon is a walking cane, something he uses to help traverse the world as well as to fight. He also keeps a switchblade in his boot as a backup, as well as a simple pipe pistol on his belt, also built by Kazuichi, that has been weighted and altered to Gundham’s preference for ease of use if he runs out of tranq darts or the situation calls for it
Kazuichi: When the threat of nuclear war became inevitable, Hope’s Peak began placing their ultimates in vaults around the world with the hopes that their superior talents would help restore the world to its former glory in the future. Those that did not agree were forced into their cryo pods, with Kazuichi being one of the ones that went willingly. He only really had his dad after all, as well as his classmates, and he’d much rather survive with the latter than die with the former.
Wishing more for despair than reform, Junko sabotaged the Hope’s Peak vaults with the hopes that every class but her own would stay frozen indefinitely. With some vaults this was effective, with others the inhabitants simply awoke later or earlier than planned. Class 77-B was placed in vault 77 respectively, their own pods waking up staggered, with most of them being gone by the time Kazuichui awoke. He was very reluctant to leave the vault, but with very little supplies and even fewer options, he set out for the nearest settlement in hopes of learning how to survive in this new world.
Misc Fallout Facts:
Kazuichi can be written in any Fallout verse by simply changing the location in which his vault was placed by the school
He is not adjusting very well at all, often paranoid by distant noises as well as haunted by the sights of monsters and disfigured animals as well as people. He’s still kind to the ghouls, but he often lives in fear with the thought that his father became one. What had once been the hopes of escape leading to a new future changed to a paranoia induced nightmare where he could show up at any time. 
Kazuichi often has nightmares and will only sleep in settlements unless he has a traveling companion. He trusts people even less than he used to with the state of things, however, and it may be hard to win him over
Whenever he’s in a settlement, he offers his mechanical expertise to its inhabitants for caps, and will occasionally find a robot to fix up and sell. Most robots however, he keeps for his own protection until they become too damaged to use, or someone offers him too many caps to refuse
Thanks to his love of nuka-cola, he manages to always have at least a handful of caps on him at all times, which is a nice change from his old life where money for food was never a sure thing
He will either be written in a solo verse where he alone sets out from the vault with the reluctant goal of learning to survive, or he will be in a connected verse with my Gundham and his fallout verse.
In the joint verse, he and Gundham leave the vault together with their options limited and friends scarce. They hope to find information about their old classmates and Gundham’s mother, as well as help the inhabitants of the wasteland whenever they can. 
In this verse, Kazuichi fixes up an old bus they found to run on solar power, it being slow, but mobile. The interior has been modified as a living space, as well as a work area for Kaz, and a specialized kennel-like room at the back for any animals Gundham rescues. 
In this verse, Kazuichi also builds Gundham a robot dog that he can bring into fights without the fear of it dying. It’s modeled after a generic mutt, and most of the time stays on the bus to protect it while he and Gundham are away. Despite being nothing but programed commands with a basic voice modulator collected from wasteland mutts, Kazuichi has noticed Gundham’s tendency to refer to it as Daisy his “hellhound” and will often do the same
His outfit consists of his old blue mechanic’s jumpsuit getup with a 77 plastered on the back overtop his symbol
Because hair dye isn’t readily available in the wasteland, Kaz’s hair starts to show his black roots over time, it only ever being redone every once in a blue moon when he can find the means to bleach it and alternative ways to color it, but it’s never as vibrant as it was before the vault. 
Makeup is something he tries to find regularly to feel normal again, and should he have eyeliner he will wear it
Contacts are also something he can’t obtain, Kazuichi now forced to wear his black square glasses that he found with his things in the vault's storage. They’ve been taped, glued, and melted back together multiple times and he’s always looking for someone to replace them
His main weapon is a junkjet he found in the vault's storage, it being modified by him to shoot with even more deadly force than it’s typical wasteland counterpart
His melee weapon is a 30 inch wrench he found in the vault that he keeps strapped to his belt
He also carries around a multitool and his old toolbox that was kept in the vault’s storage, which he uses to store various things alongside his travel pack
His backup gun is a pipe pistol modified for his specific use, though he only uses it when absolutely necessary
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once-was-muses · 2 years
The first few times Jonathan was sent to the Keeny Chapel, he instinctively ran from the crows. As the visits became longer, however, he found he couldn’t run forever, instead focused on shielding his face and head when his legs grew too tired, using his arms and leaving them along with the rest of his back open to attack. He would always inevitably tuck his arms between his knees and chest as the pain grew, ultimately skipping straight to this position once he couldn’t run anymore. (This lead to the peculiar, generally uniform stopping point of the scars on his mid upper arms, shoulders, and upper back, entirely absent from his chest, neck, and the rest of his arms.)
Over time and countless nights in the Chapel, and countless lasting injuries, Jonathan’s willpower began to dwindle until he stopped trying to run from the crows entirely. He’d convinced himself that he truly was an evil seed and deserved such punishment, that he needed to repent, so he ought to take it while shielding his arms and hands so he could still work once he was out again. He would make his way to the same corner each time, or as close as he could, double over into his tried and true upright fetal position, and cower until he was finally freed again- whenever that was, sometimes the next morning, sometimes not until the next night. Jonathan was too young to entirely grasp the concept of suicide, yet he was far too scared and tired to even try not to perish by that point, allowing the angry crows to rip and shred his flesh, gritting his teeth and trying to will himself away into nothingness.
It was one of these through to the next night sentences in early winter that saw Jonathan getting a slew of infections that together nearly ended his short life. The dilapidated structure did nothing to keep out the freezing wind and rain, creating puddles throughout the soil that had reclaimed most of the Chapel’s floor, the crows divebombing him and knocking him over into several of them. Water dirtied with more than just mud seeped into his cuts, gasped into his lungs, exacerbated by the rain cutting him worse with its cold than the crows themselves. Of course, once she at last retrieved him from the Chapel to find him with a horrific fever, Granny only treated him as much as she needed to make sure he lived and recovered healthy enough to keep slaving away for her. This near death experience was what finally snapped him out of the submissive, fearful stupor he had been in most of his 10 years of life, inspiring him to at last stand up for himself.
Once he was physically well again, waiting for one stormy night so the thunder may cover up his light footsteps, he snuck into the forbidden room- the room he had already been accused of entering countless times, most of which lead to a visit to the Chapel, even though he had never even considered entering before. He discovered Granny’s diaries that spanned years, in which he learned that his mother Karen hadn’t died giving birth to him (Granny’s vague recounting leading him to believe he’d been abandoned), that the previous groundskeeper that helped bring him into the world was murdered after Grandmother Marion left with Karen, that Granny was utterly convinced Jonathan was the Antichrist- the horrid reveals never seemed to end. Most importantly, however, he learned why the crows really attacked him and how to make it himself. As he had already spent hours in that room, he waited until the next night to copy down the recipe, and the night after to try making it himself.
The next time Granny sent Jonathan into town, he tested the compound on a flock of sparrows and an older boy that had once broken three of his fingers, among other attacks. It proved most effective, the songbirds plucking free the boy’s eye as Jonathan fled. He continued to test it on equally horrible people- a cruel schoolteacher that physically punished her students, a father he’d often see hit his children as they walked down the street, etc.- until he thought he was ready for one final use. (These tests inadvertently further solidified his fear of birds in general.)
Only two months before his 11th birthday, on yet another stormy night, he snuck out to the Chapel with a sealed container of the compound and a shovel, and climbed up into the rafters to wait. When Granny came to look for him, he dumped the compound onto her from above and used the shovel to startle the crows, who promptly swarmed Mary and chased her out into the rain. Jonathan hid for what felt like an eternity, listening to the caws and screams, clutching the shovel until he finally got up the nerve. Climbing down as quietly as he could, he took a moment more to steel himself before rushing into the swarm of black wings, talons, and beaks, beating his Granny over the head with the shovel, continuing to bludgeon her until she stopped moving. He quickly fled to the Chapel then, using the shovel to smack the birds away from him and throwing it down once he was free from the violent cloud, leaving the crows to pick at her. No one heard the commotion due to the manor’s isolated location, not that anyone would care on the off chance they passed by. Just as the sun peeked up above the horizon, the crows asleep in their nests, Jonathan carefully crept from his hiding place to drag Granny’s half eaten body into the structure to bury. He wasted no time afterwards throwing the shovel into the thick forest behind the manor, cleaning himself up, gathering his things, and beginning his escape from Georgia, skirting westward around the Appalachians and aiming to head north.
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who-is-muses · 6 months
The first few times Jonathan was sent to the Keeny Chapel, he instinctively ran from the crows. As the visits became longer, however, he found he couldn’t run forever, instead focused on shielding his face and head when his legs grew too tired, using his arms and leaving them along with the rest of his back open to attack. He would always inevitably tuck his arms between his knees and chest as the pain grew, ultimately skipping straight to this position once he couldn’t run anymore. (This lead to the peculiar, generally uniform stopping point of the scars on his mid upper arms, shoulders, and upper back, entirely absent from his chest, neck, and the rest of his arms.)
Over time and countless nights in the Chapel, and countless lasting injuries, Jonathan’s willpower began to dwindle until he stopped trying to run from the crows entirely. He’d convinced himself that he truly was an evil seed and deserved such punishment, that he needed to repent, so he ought to take it while shielding his arms and hands so he could still work once he was out again. He would make his way to the same corner each time, or as close as he could, double over into his tried and true upright fetal position, and cower until he was finally freed again- whenever that was, sometimes the next morning, sometimes not until the next night. Jonathan was too young to entirely grasp the concept of suicide, yet he was far too scared and tired to even try not to perish by that point, allowing the angry crows to rip and shred his flesh, gritting his teeth and trying to will himself away into nothingness.
It was one of these through to the next night sentences in early winter that saw Jonathan getting a slew of infections that together nearly ended his short life. The dilapidated structure did nothing to keep out the freezing wind and rain, creating puddles throughout the soil that had reclaimed most of the Chapel’s floor, the crows dive-bombing him and knocking him over into several of them. Water dirtied with more than just mud seeped into his cuts, gasped into his lungs, exacerbated by the rain cutting him worse with its cold than the crows themselves. Of course, once she at last retrieved him from the Chapel to find him with a horrific fever, Granny only treated him as much as she needed to make sure he lived and recovered healthy enough to keep slaving away for her. This near death experience was what finally snapped him out of the submissive, fearful stupor he had been in most of his 10 years of life, inspiring him to at last stand up for himself.
Once he was physically well again, waiting for one stormy night so the thunder may cover up his light footsteps, he snuck into the forbidden room- the room he had already been accused of entering countless times, most of which lead to a visit to the Chapel, even though he had never even considered entering before. He discovered Granny’s diaries that spanned years, in which he learned that his mother Karen hadn’t died giving birth to him (Granny’s vague recounting leading him to believe he’d been abandoned), that the previous groundskeeper that helped bring him into the world was murdered after Grandmother Marion left with Karen, that Granny was utterly convinced Jonathan was the Antichrist- the horrid reveals never seemed to end. Most importantly, however, he learned why the crows really attacked him and how to make it himself. As he had already spent hours in that room, he waited until the next night to copy down the recipe, and the night after to try making it himself.
The next time Granny sent Jonathan into town, he tested the compound on a flock of sparrows and an older boy that had once broken three of his fingers, among other attacks. It proved most effective, the songbirds plucking free the boy’s eye as Jonathan fled. He continued to test it on equally horrible people- a cruel schoolteacher that physically punished her students, a father he’d often see hit his children as they walked down the street, etc.- until he thought he was ready for one final use. (These tests inadvertently further solidified his fear of birds in general.)
Only two months before his 11th birthday, on yet another stormy night, he snuck out to the Chapel with a sealed container of the compound and a shovel, and climbed up into the rafters to wait. When Granny came to look for him, he dumped the compound onto her from above and used the shovel to startle the crows, who promptly swarmed Mary and chased her out into the rain. Jonathan hid for what felt like an eternity, listening to the caws and screams, clutching the shovel until he finally got up the nerve. Climbing down as quietly as he could, he took a moment more to steel himself before rushing into the swarm of black wings, talons, and beaks, beating his Granny over the head with the shovel, continuing to bludgeon her until she stopped moving. He quickly fled to the Chapel then, using the shovel to smack the birds away from him and throwing it down once he was free from the violent cloud, leaving the crows to pick at her. No one heard the commotion due to the manor’s isolated location, not that anyone would care on the off chance they passed by. Just as the sun peeked up above the horizon, the crows asleep in their nests, Jonathan carefully crept from his hiding place to drag Granny’s half eaten body into the structure to bury. He wasted no time afterwards throwing the shovel into the thick forest behind the manor, cleaning himself up, gathering his things, and beginning his escape from Georgia, skirting westward around the Appalachians and aiming to head north.
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after all...you came
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Summary: experiencing the blip and losing your loved ones is a feeling you thought you wouldn't have to experience. Especially when you were in love with the Wolverine.
Pairing: Logan Howlett x fem!reader
Side note: I went back to watching X-Men and I was thinking about what would happen if Logan was dusted and came back????
10 years after the blip.
the world came apart when their loved ones evaporated into thin air. the loved ones who remained existed now alone, with no one to talk to like they used to, no beloved people to drink coffee in the morning when your day just began, no stolen kisses on the cheek, lips that were felt every single day.
markets crashed, stores were emptied and the social life as everyone knew perished. as for the people that were left they lost their way of socializing scared to connect with people, scared of this happening again. opting at the begging to be alone. after 3 years or so people started to liven up knowing the life they had was lost so they built again. avengers half of them left, held public speeches attempting to bring up people's spirits pleading for them to move on. Charles school was left with a handful of teachers and students feeling more misplaced than ever losing their favorite blue professor/politician/ bad liar at cards Beast, sliver haired woman with a tinge of sass Storm was gone and the Canadian with the smirk and smile that could soon women and men into a trans was gone, Logan, your Logan was gone.
they even held a funeral for them, a small intimate one and in between all of the 20 people, there was Y/N, Logan's love. she stood next to Charles seeing as everyone left, everyone returning to their routine. to move forward and continue moving. looking at the three tombstones Charles asks Y/N treading lightly on the subject
'what are you going to do?' 'i don't know... move?'
'where?' Charles asked dreading what she thought when she said 'moving
Y/N replied smiling at the professor 'i always wanted to see Alhambra.'
'you know, moving on is invariably impossible.'
'and yet we have to go through it.'
Y/N snickers dryly trying to break this conversation that she feels is pulled out of a motivational post on social media. 'I just hope that Logan was fulfilled with his life.' Y/N said sensing the related heart-tightening feeling that hurt her with no mercy. Charles announces his voice steadying her 'whenever he came to work he always came in with a smile, that is all I can say.'
the broken-hearted woman smiles thinking back to when Logan was a professor and each morning he would have a small makeout session with her before he left for work to give himself a minor buzz throughout work and for his woman to remember how his beard tickled, nudging on her skin, his hands holding her in place.
'i was the same.' she replied with a small tinge of a smile
'i need to go, Charles. I need to move away from this place for the moment.' 'when you want to return, you are always welcome.' with that Charles bid her farewell seeing y/n running away from the place she dubbed her home.
moving around the world was something on backpack people did, people who wanted to try new things and see new places, so did y/n...in a way. she moved from place to place, state to state, and continent to continent settling in a small Italian province and buying a small house with the money she spent waitressing, cooking, cleaning dishes for a long time, long enough if you ask her. the house was everything she wanted a secluded house with highlands all around, a neat and fresh garden with vegetables to nourish her, a tiny farm with chickens and a car to drive her to the nearest town. she made it. she moved on from everything else, still contacting Charles now and then checking up on him sending him some herbs she has in her garden, and him sending her back some seeds he uncovers when traveling around the world. she liked it like this. it was nice, the peace, the serenity something you cannot buy.
looking at the tv she sees the title reading it with a sour taste in her mouth.
'the blip is being reversed. people, rejoice!
'ah, I'm jealous.'
turning the tv off she goes out in the pleasant Italian weather pulling her to get another tan on her skin.
ring ring
y/n's phone rings hearing the superior voice she always had a heated discussion with 'hey, Stephen. what do you want?'
'very playful, y/n. I was thinking of visiting you. I was thinking about your fresh tea the other day.' Stephen asked hoping that he is not interfering in her sanctuary 'do. my door is always open.'
'how about now?'
'better than later, Stefan.' y/n giggles hearing the doctor sucking his teeth rather loudly as she hangs up
-2 days beforehand-
'i called sam the other day.'
'What did you say to him?'
'well, I called him and said ''hey, sam, it's bucky I am back. but he thought it was a prank and hung up, then I went to his house and I swear to god he had a heart attack. '
'it's good to have you back, buck.'
Steve grabbed his partners' hand as they entered the meeting room at the avenger's HQ seeing tony hovering over someone giving them a talking to, for whatever reason.
'when you appear the first thing you do is call her! not us! we are the b plot.' tony shouted his cocky tone taking a turn in the sterner direction. 'i know, I fucking know, tinman, but I cannot remember her number.' bucky and steve move closer seeing over tony's shoulder seeing Logan.
he is here and... older? his dark brown hair is now streaked grey, his crow's feet prominent as ever, his beard white and fluffy like a cactus bush with the smallest tracks of black that are barely holding to its place to show. bucky gasps loudly as a telenovela woman who found out she has a twin daughter she didn't know she gave birth to and now sees her 25 years later, as steve only watches feels like fainting seeing his great friend there in front of him when he worried that he lost his bike riding friend forever.
logan in all his 'old man glory' stands up his firey laced tone going around the room 'stark, do you think seeing your face first is something I want. I thought that my girl was here so I came here, if she is not here bring me to someone who knows where she is!!!'
'i know someone.' bucky resolved to give the wolverine some glimmer of hope.
177A Bleecker Street
bucky stood with Logan in front of the door looking at him with a smile 'y/n and Stephen are good friends, he will know where she is.'
'how do you know that?' logan asked being anxious about the answer the door opens and Stephen answers instead of the winter soldier 'i met y/n somewhere in Asia when I was searching for my answers and she gave me shelter. she gave me hope in people when I thought that people are merely walking on this earth with only to burn it .'
'she is special.' logan smiled at the thought of his woman.
'who are you, old man?' Stephen asked his tone turning hostile 'why are you asking about her?' bucky chimes in' this is logan, y/n's boyfriend. the wolverine.'
Stephen looks at him his brow lifting in suspicion, y/n talked about her lover, how he talked, walked, and looked. he checked only 2 of the 3 boxes. ' you look different than she said.'
logan looking at himself, shrugs ' i guess I aged. listen as much as I want to prove to you that I am her man, I need to see her. do you know where she is?'
this man was desperate to find her the same tinge of want to find his lover, the same one he heard in y/n voice when she was asking Stephen to turn back time and tell logan what would happen to him and kiss him one last time. lifting his phone to his ear Stephen smiles as he speaks into the phone
'very playful, y/n. I was thinking of visiting you. I was thinking about your fresh tea the other day.' doctor of the mystic arts looks at logan's face seeing the desire to take the phone and eavesdrop to his lover's voice
'how about now?' hearing y/n giggles the doctor fakes sucking his teeth rather loudly so she can hear him. hanging up Stephen opens a small portal. 'stand behind me. and do not scare her.'
'wouldn't dream of it.' logan pursues leaving bucky behind as he thanks him in a whisper
strolling out of the portal Stephen saw y/n in her garden, putting in her basket the herbs that Stephen would drink. logan sees her, finally. she is there in new surroundings, with a new car, and she comes across as stable. she managed to get everything they talked about late in the night... she got it... without him. she was stable without him to give her encouragement and give her a helping hand. standing behind the magician he waited for his cue, Stephen trudged forward into the sunlight as logan waited in the shadow.
'y/n!' Doctor of the mystic arts shouted
'Stephen!' she returned her smiles wide as ever, her white dress swaying in the light breeze as the basket now full of herbs shushed as she walked closer to her friend 'as always welcome, how are you?' 'good, I have brought someone for the tea, is that okay?' 'as long as they won't destroy my home I am fine with it.'
Stephen turns to the shadow and logan steps out treading softly into the wooden floor. y/n feels her smile drop on the floor along with the basket. her steps recede once and she looks at the sorcerer her smile quivering 'what kind of joke is this, Stephen? this is-is not funny.'
Stephen answers carefully seeing her eyes brimming with tears 'that is logan, he is ba-' 'no, this won't happen again, I fell for it once not again. Stephen, I am telling you whatever illusion this is, stop it.'
y/n looks at the illusions that felt all too real and tears ensue 'Stephen, please. this is too, too much.'
logan steps once more grabbing her hand softly his finger brushing against her knuckles, her eyes open, the doe eyes he fell in love with now letting tears fall liberty in quantity on her plump cheeks he kissed so many many many times 'darling, I am here. I am back.'
'i don't believe this, this is a dream.' she fired back her voice breaking beyond the point she could only sob. stepping once more closed his hands landed on her waist and his chapped lips landed on her forehead, his nose inhaling the scent that made y/n, 100% love and 100% home. y/n felt her hands grabbing his waist slowly fearful that he will disappear into a dream-like bubble and she will wake up from her nap.
feeling that the two lovers need some alone time Stephen leaves.
'what took you so long?' y/n sobbed into his chest hearing the heartbeat she need to hear when times are tough. 'do you know what i went through, you ass?!' she punced his arms that were still the same as before, muscle on muscle.
'i am so so sorry, bub. I will never leave you again.' logan sworn to keep the words he now uttered as an oath he will never break. she pulls away smiling at him, a small smile going through the layers of tears. her hands land on his cheek as she touches his face, familiarizing herself with the face she loved.
'you have greys.' she touched the facial hair delicately.
'that's the first thing you notice?' logan playfully answers back.
y/n hits his chest answering quickly 'ass!'
leaning down logan swears again to the love of his life 'y/n I am sorry I left you alone, I swear to everything I am that I will never leave you again. I love you, sweetheart.'
kissing her as his life depended on it y/n and logan finally felt at peace.
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novalles · 2 years
When Bells Ring (Part VI)
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“Dr. Crane, would you like to go out tonight? Like after our shift ends?” You grinned.
“I cannot. I've already made plans with..a friend,” He caressed his forehead. “I’m sorry.” 
“Oh, don’t worry. It’s fine.” Your heart felt like it had been squeezed. What if he was seeing someone else? He said friend, but why did he hesitate?
“We can go out some other time.” 
You slapped your forehead as you entered the subway. You thought about Crane rejecting your invitation to hang out after work. It had been too long since you last asked out someone, even if it was just a casual thing. 
The subway was packed with: Students, elders, and professionals. You took a seat while you read notes. The radio was tuned into the news channel. Breaking News: Police are on the lookout after an armed robbery and double homicide. The perpetrator seemingly left behind a Joker playing card. If you have any information, please call-. To you, it seemed as if there was a new psycho in Gotham. It seemed like this city was a hotspot for them. 
After an hour and fifteen minutes, you had finally arrived at your shoebox-sized apartment. As you entered, you sat on your beat-down couch. You were exhausted physically and mentally. You thought about your patients and about Dr. Crane. Your mind was on Dr. Crane. You thought about the way his chestnut hair framed his face. You clearly had developed feelings for him.
Jonathan sat in the darkness, which allowed him to remain unnoticed by the caped vigilante. He grinned as the vigilante approached him. Jonathan knew that his fear toxin was no match for his opponent. The toxic would cause more damage than a single punch. The vigilante grabbed him by his white collar. He smirked, "Hello, Batman! I've been waiting for you."
The vigilante dropped him and stumbled out. Jonathan knew that by now, Batman was being tormented by his greatest fears. It made him feel accomplished whenever his toxin worked the way he planned. It recently had been working in his favor quite frequently.
Jonathan's cellphone buzzed; It was Ra's Al Ghul. "Hello, this is Jonathan."
"Where the hell are you?" The villain calmly asked.
"I just finished giving Falcone's goons some toxins." He answered in an annoyed tone. "Why do you ask?"
"Just wanted to know when you plan on contaminating the water supply."
"Give me three days, and this city will be no more."
"Good. Everyone needs to perish." He hung up.
Everyone. Jonathan thought about Y/N. He knew it was foolish, but these days he appreciated her more. Crane found himself in her office more; Jonathan also wanted to be in her presence at all times. He would not have thought twice about destroying Gotham if it weren't for her. Al Ghul found him before Jonathan got to know her, so he had to keep his word even if it meant Y/N would die.
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devildomwriter · 3 years
Obey Me As Tumblr #5
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Satan: Using Microsoft word
*moves an image a mm to the left*
All text and images shift. Four new pages appear. Paragraph breaks from Union. A swarm of commas buzzes at the window. In the distance, sirens.
Asmodeus: Just learned that my “pupil” is a muscle and that means that fact about your eyes dilating when you see someone you like actually means that you’re subconsciously and uncontrollably flexing at your crushes whenever you see them
Mammon: Kind of like a butthole!
Asmodeus: Thanks
Leviathan: My stomach growled super loud in French omg
Leviathan: I would like to clarify my stomach did not speak French. It growled in French class I apologize
Satan: Bonjour
Beelzebub: Le growl
Diavolo: Hon hon hon feed me a baguette
Lucifer: Why do I even go on this website
Solomon: My friend who works with clowns says that mimes came first so technically clowns are just scene mimes
Satan: Your friend who works with clowns
Mammon: How can lawyers argue without crying?
Satan: I am a lawyer and let me tell you it gets like super close dude
Simeon: You know that little sea bug with the stupid hands and it has a home but it changes homes sometimes because it gets too big for it?? What is it???
Barbatos: Hermit crab??
Belphegor: As a college student my favorite words are “cancelled” and “free”
Satan: Free pizza is cancelled
Beelzebub: Why would you even say something like that?
Simeon: Don’t feel bad if you’re sensitive to negative feedback because apparently after one particularly bad review Hans Christian Andersen was found just sobbing while laying face down in the dirt
MC: Ways to look more angelic
• carry flowers everywhere
• Pink or gold eyeshadow
• Wear long ankle dresses
• Soft humming
• Have a pink glowy blush
Raphael: • Wield a flaming sword
Leviathan: • Be covered in eyes
Simeon: three pairs of wings
Mammon: Wheel
Michael: Announce your arrival by screaming “FEAR NOT!” everywhere you go
Mammon: Anyone down to take couples counseling and see at what point the therapist realizes we do the even know each other?
Leviathan: Idiots to lovers, 20k words, angst with a happy ending.
Satan: Sorry I have bubonic plague I can’t hang out tonight
Solomon: Aw rats
Satan: My favorite thing to do when someone asks me to perform a simple task is to say “No” while doing it.
Someone: Hey, can I borrow a pen?
Me, getting a bag of pens out: Absolutely not, perish
Satan: 8 years old. College reading level. The weight of the world is on my shoulders.
Leviathan: 20 years old. Illiterate, the weight of the universe has given me chronic back pain
Mosquito: *about to bite me*
Me: umm I have a boyfriend
Asmodeus: *little giggles* daddy’s the only one allowed to put their mouth on baby girl - baby girl
Mosquito: yikes
Satan: Throwing lamps at people who need to lighten up
Solomon: Throwing handles at people who need to get a grip
Leviathan: Throwing refrigerators at people who need to chill
Mammon: Throwing scissors at people who need to “cut it out”
Diavolo: Throwing clocks at people who need to get with the times
Beelzebub: Throwing matches at people who need to get fired up
Belphegor: Throwing a brick at someone to kill them
Mammon: Idk how I’d survive without water
Barbatos: You wouldn’t
Mammon: Haha. I feel like that sometimes too. Glad someone loves water as much as I do :)
Leviathan: My internet was down for 5 minutes so I went downstairs and spoke with my family
Leviathan: They seem like nice people
Mammon: What is it called when you kill a friend?
Mammon: Homiecide
Lucifer: Murder
Mammon: Homiecide
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
Friendship/team comp you say- well-
For interesting friendships (I threw a few nice ones and ones that might be in bad terms)
Chongyun and Xiao, Chongyun admires the Yakshas and Xiao is included but due to past experience he doesn't like Xiao that much. But now that Xiao is becoming more softer and less prickly I can see the two getting along and having like a.. student/teacher relationship. Xiao being there to make sure nothing goes from whenever they hunt demons and Chongyun always looking for Xiao's guidance.
Benny and Xiao, Benny being very unlucky to the point that he gives Xiao a heart attack whenever he slips and messes a lot of things up. Xiao can't get his guard down whenever they two are together since he's scared that the "human" might perish if he's not there to monitor them. Benny in return makes the room lighten up whenever they get near anyone since Xiao.. isn't exactly kind in his choices of words. So Benny "translates" for him and heals whenever he uses his ult.
Diluc and Ayato, I feel like.. on the outside they're fine. It seems like they're friends but as soon as they're out of the public eye. They hate each other in the sense of Diluc being reminded of Kaeya since Ayato can be quite sly. While Ayato sees this as "hostility" especially since he cannot comprehend two siblings not getting along or him "throwing" out his little brother while he struggled to protect his little sister.
Kazuha Raiden... Kazuha may have come to terms with his friends death but that doesn't mean he wants to be near the Shogun. Raiden probably has either no idea the puppet did this or does know of it but either way it's probably awkward af for her. I can see Kazuha just smiling despite the happiness not reaching his eyes while Raiden has a hard time feeling a pair of eyes just burning holes at the back of her skull 24/7
// may not make sense bc sleepy
I love how you added pairs that you think won't get along—
Xiao's "all humans are fragile and will die at the slightest touch" persona would think endlessly about how tf is Bennett alive dhhshdis xiao would still try to protect him
Diluc and Ayato would be cordial woth each other but they certainly have their opinions like what you mentioned!! But I like to think that overtime, their shared desire to protect their "home" is what makes them work out. I can see them exchanging information, making plans, and basically dictating the political world for the sake of their goals! And as you said, Ayato is similar to Kaeya, and Diluc appreciates that...
I honestly can't see Kazuha ever interacting with Ei. He'd rather be silent if he's ever stuck in a room with her.
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birdiereviews · 2 years
Long Live The Queen by Hanako Games, reviewed by Jay Sapinski
Long Live The Queen (Hanako Games, 2012) is a management visual novel with a complex skill building system and a wide range of outcomes and choices. You slide into the shoes of the Crown Princess Elodie of Nova as she navigates politics, war, and love following her mother's death. Because she's too young to ascend the throne (only 14 years old!), you have to survive 40 weeks until she turns 15 and is able to become queen.
This, as it happens, is much harder than one would think. Threats are around every corner. Your first run (but also most likely your next few runs) will undoubtedly end with Elodie perishing in any one of the startling 11 ways to kick the bucket.
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The screen that the player returns to after each week.
The core of the game is selecting two classes to take every week, keeping in mind the skills that you want to build as well as Elodie's mood, which affects how well she learns. This is followed by reading a short event where, if applicable, skill checks are displayed, making it easier to understand where you can make different choices in your next run. During the event section, you will sometimes be able to make a choice about an action that Elodie can take. You then select a location for Elodie to visit, helping to alter her mood to suit your needs. Although repetitive in theory, this loop is a safe and enjoyable circle, allowing you a structure from which to impact the story.
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The menu showing how well Elodie understands or is skilled in a particular topic.
The story is paced well with excellently crafted dialogue that distinctly sounds like each character. The choices in event sections make sense and aren't polar extremes without reason. Skill building management as well as mood management is crucial to both Elodie's survival and your ability to explore the various plotlines available. Certain events are fixed but many require you to pass a particular skill check to begin. It is, without a doubt, worth replaying to search for these hidden plotlines.
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Elodie responding to another character during an event section.
Certain events are influenced by foreign policy decisions, and while fine in of itself, this could be aided by an easily accessible map of the region as well as a family tree (there is none in game but Hanako Games has posted a map on their forums and fans have created family trees). Understanding the motivations of the nobility is an important factor in making appropriate choices that protect Elodie from their plots. Even if Elodie doesn't know this information from the start, if a player passes certain skill checks, the information can be added to these diagrams.
Long Live The Queen is an excellent management visual novel, hitting all of the major requirements to be both a good read and a fun game.
Long Live The Queen can be purchased for $10 through the Hanako Games website as well as through Itch.io and Steam.
Jay Sapinski (they/them) is a college student studying English. They are an editor of their college’s literary magazine as well as a fiction editor of miniskirt magazine. Jay loves Japanese culture and Japanese style media and consumes it whenever possible.
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bangtanpromptsfics · 3 years
hyacinth. (m)
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dialogue prompt #3: “Your tutor is so hot”
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: f2l(?), light smut
word count: 1,540
warnings: heavy making out, grinding, blonde!jk
summary: you think your new tutor at school is hot and jungkook is determined to change that
a/n: another mature oneshot. I basically die from embarrassment while writing smut lol.
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“Your tutor is so hot”. Jungkook turns around to your attention so fast he could probably snap his neck.
“Mr. Seokjin? ”, he knows who you are talking about. The new personality development tutor of your school, more like the entire population’s crush at this point. And Jungkook hated him just for the same reasons, it seems petty but he can't help himself.
“Go fuck him then”, he snorts, swinging his back pack from one shoulder to another while you grin. Almost as on queue, Seokjin appears on the hallways and passes a smile towards all the students.
“Oh yes. Look at that a--”
“I guess that's enough for today, come on we gonna get late”, he grabs your arms and pushes you forward to move, having enough of your daily ranting about angelic beauty and who the hell laughs at some dad joke?
“When were you ever interested in math Kook?”, you tease him, resisting him to walk slower, “Oh are you perhaps… jealous!? ”
“I'm not jealous. You are annoying”, he shoots cold face.
“Hey! I'm just saying he's attractive you don't have to be so mean about it”, you whine, hitting his arm.
You see, the fact that Seokjin stole Jungkook’s high school heartthrob position in two days is one thing, but he never expected you to act the same, especially when you were so different from most students on the campus. In fact he is shocked to see you crushing on someone. You despised people in general and he kept wondering what's there in their teacher to be so lurk about because he honestly doesn't see anything.
“He's old. And everyone knows he has a girlfriend, you guys dumb or what? ”, Jungkook teases back.
“Doesn't mean I can't praise a beautiful human”
“So he's the only attractive guy in the school? ”, he's curious now and also lowkey wants to find out if you had felt anything like this about himself.
Jungkook knew he was hot. He knew he could destroy Seokjin's reputation with one different hair color but that's too much drama over nothing. As if there isn't ten assignment waiting for him at home. Yeah he got better things to do.
“Nope”, comes your immediate answer. And man that hurt. You are smart and cocky and it would be cool to know someone like you finds him attractive, but you just hurt his ego.
“Not even me? ”, he asks, all squeaky and with a small pout and you return him a smile.
“See you at 7 Kook”
School ends at 5, and thankfully both of your residence are nearby and there's a party hosted by Jimin at his house which is a five minute drive so Jungkook has roughly one hour and fourty five minutes to make an appearance to the party. And by appearance he means to look absolutely endearing. He's never the type to bang a lot of chicks, he didn't even need to do anything than to wear a black tee and jeans to a party and could still get laid. If he wanted sex, he can have that any time he wants.
But today is different.
He's never been this eager to be at a gathering, took time to pick outfits and oh dye his hair. He has never experimented with hair colors except that one time he tried red and got famous by the name ‘cherry head’ in the entire locality.
You of course give yourself the usual thirty minutes to do slight makeup and wear shorts with oversized tee styled enough to merge into the party. And boy you have no idea what you are going to witness today.
Jungkook arrives ten minutes late because the highlights took time to dry off. He styles them, but not too much. He still wanted to look effortlessly handsome and got that long abandoned shear black shirt with blue jeans.
“Woah is that Jungkook!?”, some girls whisper beside the bar you are currently seated at and you turn around, only to feel a pang to your chest. Fuck. A completely look through shirt with fucking tight blue denim is he fucking kidding? And blonde hair? Yeah it's that complete ‘drool over me bitches’ package.
You suddenly feel self aware of how simple you looked. He should have given a heads up because one needs several business days to process blonde Jungkook. He seemed unrecognizable.
“Woah… What's up with this new look!?”, you approach finally. Many people eye him shamelessly in your peripheral vision which is pretty much obvious.
“Nothing. Just felt like it”, he grins, having won you. Jungkook is not attractive who? Yeah he bets Seokjin will never pull off this look.
“You like it? ”, and he undoes first two buttons, exposing a bit of his toning straight to your eyes. Is he fucking teasing? You want to confront him because he's acting weird. But you don't know if this is because you feel different around him.
“Y-yeah… It's good”, you tug a smile.
“Wanna dance?”, he asks and you nod, taking your hand to the dance floor. Most people are wasted but both of you are not. So when you feel him touching more than usual, you are absolutely aware that it's not an accident.
He holds you so close all the time, as if it's something you do daily. Fuck.
“Hold me like this”, he says out of nowhere and throws your hand behind his neck. He knows what he's doing. And you are aware too, but too weak in knees to retract. You hate that you are actually enjoying this and he loved it.
“Y/n….”, he whispers to your ear, tucking a strand of your hair behind it, “Can I kiss you love? ”
Your nod is so soft and innocent before you give in. Most people who were looking forward for Jungkook’s company give up and hook up with other guys around because they know he isn't here for anybody else.
He flushes your hips against his as he kisses you, obviously tongue all the way. He doesn't know why but he wanted to shut your mouth exactly like this whenever you swooned over Seokjin. And he is most certain that all those memories are perished along with the kiss.
He pulls your bottom lip out and looks into your eyes and grinds his hip on yours, and you moan lowly. He internally curses at how sweet you sounded.
“Come with me”. He pulls you out of the crowd and into a private cubicle where people usually make out. And thankfully there was one vacant.
But he isn't quick to act once inside the space. He takes his time to lock the door and to sit at that one chair in the centre, manspreading luxuriously for you to see.
You never did anything like this with Jungkook. It was not like you had friend zoned him, you actually don't know why, all these years you spent casually flirting and shrugging off with each other, and now you can't wait to devour him.
You make your way to his lap and sit right on his hips, sighing at the contact. He grabs the back of your head and pushes it towards him. His other hand taps your butt to continue grinding which you happily do so.
He continues exploring your skin, hooking his hands on your shirt and rubbing circles at the skin there. Feeling his cold hands, you move to undo two more of his buttons to get a peak of his pecs, something you wanted to do the moment you saw him.
He moans into your mouth when your movements start to get him worked up, feeling high and ecstatic. Even with the denim shorts on, the dent on his pants was enough to get you close to orgasm.
“J-Jungkook… ”, you trail off, head slightly falling back which he catches.
“Go on love, almost there”. Fuck. You loved it when he called you names, but this one was, exceptionally very much turning you on.
He detaches his mouth to suckle on your collar bone, exposing it by pulling your t shirt slightly down. It becomes all too much, and you focus on the knot forming at your stomach.
Jungkook stops kissing you, indicating he's chasing his high several moments after yours, glad that both opted for thick denims as bottoms to cover the mess you made.
“We should've done this way before”, you imply, separating the strands of his hair sticking to his forehead.
“We could've, but you were busy drooling over some teacher”, he smugs.
“So you were jealous! ”.
Unfortunately his cocky being doesn't have an answer for that so he dodges it with another long kiss, breaking off with a loud smooch.
“God I can kiss you forever Y/n…”
“And...then? ”, you ask your confusion. You don't know what's your relationship with Jungkook is anymore, now that you had made out with him.
“... then… maybe you'll fall in love with me?”
“See you at the party Kook”, you peck the corner of his lips and get off his lap. After taking a moment to fix your outfit, you leave the cubicle.
And Jungkook knew exactly what he was going to do.
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Thank you so much for reading!! ♡
Original Content of ©bangtanpromptfics
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owo-shenanigans · 3 years
Hello!! Can I request Nagito, Hajime, and Rantaro with a masc S/O who loves animals?
Yep yep! I did Ultimate Animal Tamer before, so I’ll just continue with that theme :). Also these are a tad short bc my queue was getting empty and I panicked but also I’m writing this for free so if you’re going to complain. perish
Nagito, Hajime, and Rantaro with the Ultimate Animal Tamer
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Wow! What a beautiful symbol of hope you and your animal companions are! Much more hope inspiring than those talentless cretins, the reserve course students.
He often says how much more worth your animals have than people without Ultimates. Often near the reserve course buildings.
You have to save him from getting his ass kicked pretty often.
Other than that, it takes your animals a while to get used to him. You usually don’t let the larger animals around him- Nagito is a tad frail, so you don’t want him to break any bones. His more benign bad luck manifests in animals usually being skittish around him or disliking him, so when you found out he hasn’t pet a fluffy animal in years, you sit him down and tell him that by the end of the week, he’ll be able to pet more animals than he has limbs.
As he’s suffocating under a huge fluffy dog, he figures that maybe this is the best way (and most comfortable) to go out.
He buys your animals luxury feed but he takes you to burger king smh
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He likes animals! A lot, actually. His mother was allergic to fur and his father was terrified of reptiles, so he never had the chance to have a pet.
He sought you out in the first place, actually. While you were out taking care of some rabbits, he knocked on the barn frame. Asking to help you care for the animals, you two made fast friends.
Even before the two of you started dating he liked helping you feel and take care of them. The first time you invite him out to help you calm down some wild animals in a foreign country, he’s utterly stoked.
He carries your bags and he’s reading notes he’s taken on the way.
Other Ultimate students and reserve course students sometimes make fun of him, saying that he’s trying to get himself an Ultimate, but whenever you hear that you sic the nearest animals on them.
Nagito has ended up in Mikans care multiple times now. You have absolutely no regret.
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He’s had a few pets! Well, his sisters have. Some had mice, one had a snake….
It was a free for all. When you tell him your talent, he grows a grief stricken face before coming back to reality.
He likes the smaller animals more! He enjoys watching the videos of you taming exotic animals so scientists can take notes on them, but he just likes relaxing and knowing his head isn’t going to be taken off.
Your classmates have found you two napping together with five cats on top of you. Kaede kindly took a picture and sent it to the two of you. Kokichi dumped a bucket of water on you both and had to get disinfectant for the cat scratches he procured.
He tells you whenever he sees rare animals on his travels in case you want to come out and bring a pair into a zoo to help them repopulate.
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