#muse: kazuichi soda
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@lemon-scented-memories cont. from (X)
Kaz liked to think himself pretty adept at understanding what Gundham was saying no matter how convoluted, or...at least understand the general idea of whatever it was, but sometimes even plain words had his brain stuttering to a halt so quickly one could swear they smelled the burning of grinding metal. The guy got flustered when Kaz had asked for a simple kiss, just a peck! But this is what flirted back at??
Somehow? That made perfect sense, and Kaz loved hated it.
"I uh...what? Wait no, I mean-- What????" Cheeks heating up to a dizzying degree, the mechanic was left staring at Gundham's stupid face until gears finally clicked back into place after their sudden derailment.
"Ha! That's a good one!! Who is it that nearly flips his shit every time I ask for a k-kiss, again?" And who was it that couldn't even say the word without feeling embarrassed?
"How am I supposed to bite you from way over there, huh??" If Gundham was serious about this, he would have to come within Kaz's reach, seeing as he found himself unable to move from anxious anticipation
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the-ultimate-muses · 6 months ago
@despairs-memorial liked for a starter uwu (X)
Kazuchi wasn't one to get into fights, often seeking to disengage completely if it all possible. Fighting back wasn't something he was used to, it often leading to far worse pain than if he'd just let it happen. For him to start a fight was near unheard of, there really only being one thing to get him angry enough to do so, and that was protecting his friends. While Gundham wasn't a friend friend, more of a....yeah, he still didn't know, and was sort of afraid to ask. It didn't really matter anyways, not like they were broadcasting it, Kaz sure most people didn't even pay them any mind.
He really hoped it stayed that way after the tussle he'd gotten himself into, but it was a bit too late now to have regrets. Nor did he even feel any regret over it, and maybe that should concern him a little, but the only thing Kaz was capable of feeling in that moment was anger.
Even now, that's all he was really able to feel, the mechanic just having left the Headmaster's office after a long talking to. Seeing him in such a state was so abnormal that there were students clearing from his path as he made his way out of the school's main building with the intention of heading to his garage and lose himself in some work until he could calm down.
The world had different plans though, and while Gundham was the last person he wanted seeing him like this; not only still fuming, but also bleeding and bruised, a cut on his lip where his teeth had caught, slowly purpling knuckles, and dirt staining his clothes, it gave him just that.
"If you're here to give me shit too, I don't wanna fucking hear it." Was out of his mouth before he could even think of curbing his anger as he pushed past the breeder now blocking his path. Kazuichi didn't even know if Gundham knew of the fight beyond just now seeing Kaz in the aftermath of it, with this being a far cry than how he shattered after an altercation with his father.
"The asshole deserved it. I'd hit him again if I fucking could."
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mudskip-muses · 2 years ago
Open RP - Kazuichi Soda
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“Bet’cha ten bucks I can crush this watermelon between my thighs!!”
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speckled-and-spattered · 1 year ago
@magiirealism cont. from (X)
It took Kazuichi a moment to realize Dalva wasn't joking, the mechanic left simply staring at the Viera in a beat of silence before laughter overtook him. "Holy shit, and they say I'm dense when it comes to this stuff." Sliding off the counter where he had been perched while watching the other man cook, the human-formed wolf instead found a new resting spot where his arms draped around Dalva's shoulders the best they could with their difference in height.
"I'm talkin' to you, Dalva. Do you see anyone else in here? Literally anyone else?" Another laugh, the teasing good natured as Kaz stood on his toes in an effort to get closer to the Viera's lips, but he was hopeless to reach on his own unless Dalva would be so kind as to bend down just a bit. "So, now that we got that out 'f the way: Do you, Dalva, wanna make out with me, Kaz?"
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wasteland-muses · 2 years ago
Open RP - Kazuichi Soda
Amongst the ruin and rumble of the wasteland was an undeniable little sunspot, Kaz's hair still near totally pink, and jumpsuit, though stained with oil and grease from those old years working in his garage, still stood a vibrant blue compared to the destruction of the landscape around it. The newly emerged vault dweller was clearly a little jumpy, his head picking up periodically to flit his gaze around the landscape at every little noise he heard as he poked about the insides of a dilapidated car.
At the crunch of a stick he spun around quick, nearly falling over as his hand fumbled for his pistol at his belt in what was supposed to be a quick draw, his head frantically turning about as he tried to locate the source of the noise. "W-Who's there?" It was spoken on instinct, the weapon shaky in the mechanic's hands as his back pressed against the car. He couldn't die so soon after leaving the vault, that would just be pathetic. "I-I'm not afraid to use this, j-just so you know!" Smooth.
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the-ultimate-muses · 5 months ago
@despairs-memorial cont. from (X)
Back against a tree as his lighter flicked to life, Kaz took a moment to simply breathe now that the din of the party was behind him. Watching the smoke curl up into the tree's branches before disappearing beyond the leaves, it took a moment for him to register the steps coming towards him. Very familar steps that he'd become accustomed to over time.
A grin was on his face even before he'd turned to face the breeder, his cigarette being snuffed out beneath his shoe (note to self: pick that up so Ibuki doesn't get pissy at him again) as he drew in close to Gundham, oh so near, but still not touching quite yet. "Heya babe, Sonia drag you here again?" He wasn't trying to tease, the mechanic simply friendly by nature, but it was hard to ignore just how his body languge changed when Gundham was in his company with idle hands coming up to fiddle with the man's scarf.
"I still got the key to 'buk's room, if you wanna go someplace quiet 'n all."
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mudskip-muses · 2 years ago
@princessonia cont. from (X)
Now Kazuichi knew he must look terrible for Sonia to be speaking to him, the mechanic left to wonder how she ended up drawing the short straw to be the one to bring him the medication despite the lackluster way he had treated her in the past. He had tried to make up for it after it was brought to his attention he was being inappropriate by Hajime and Fuyuhiko, first with an apology and then by keeping his distance as much as he could. This was the first time they had interreacted in quite some time, and were Kaz’s vision not swimming thanks to his fever, he would have felt anxious about messing up.
It took a moment for his head to lift from his desk, his glossy eyes staring at the medicine with a blink or two before his head was set back down to the wooden surface with a rather painful sounding thud. “Don’ need it, ’m not sick...” He couldn’t pay Mikan back for the medicine, so he wasn’t about to take it, it was why he hadn’t bought some himself. He would be fine without it, especially since he wasn’t sick. This was just allergies or something, it would clear up by the end of the day, he just had to power through it. He had no choice, there were things that needed to be done at his workshop after class, not to mention he had to help out at the bike shop later. If he skipped out on that, his dad would surely have something to say about it later....
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the-ultimate-muses · 7 months ago
Kaz loved her, he really did, part of him knowing why she'd offered to share a room, it being the same part that knew she wasn't going to take no easily. He didn't want to say no, but...
"Babe..." A sigh as the panel to his arm was reattached, the mechanic then giving a testing flex of joints before putting his metallic palm on the top of his empty soda can and crushing it flat against the table with just a simple press against it. "I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck this thing can do. You know I had a compartment right here filled with fucking sunflower seeds? I don't know if the Devas put them there somehow, or if even while fucked in the head I kept snacks for them on me.
"Movie night...does sound great though, might be good for us. Maybe I can scrounge up some old Disney movie or some shit with nothing but feel good vibes. Like the stuff we used to watch when we were high! And...and you hadn't accidentally eaten a whole fucking tray of brownies because I'm a dumbass that left them on the counter."
"My arms still work, babe."
She shrugged, she could probably hold him down if it came to it, but..
Really, she'd face it all if she had to. She couldn't fucking stand sleeping alone in that room anymore- No distractions from the horrors she saw even when her eyes were open. People torn and mangled, some recognisable, some.. Little more than monsters.
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Still, she wasn't about to go and say it. All the venom she had spit while her mind wasn't her own... Takara wasn't sure she could handle it if anyone looked at her with that horror in their eyes again, even if it was born from concern.
"... Maybe we could set up some kind of movie night.. Y'know. Like we used to?"
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speckled-and-spattered · 1 year ago
Tokyo Horror Hana casually scratches Kaz's eyes out, like he's always wanted <3333
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"Oh god! If only I could have seen this coming!!"
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the-ultimate-muses · 5 months ago
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"If somebody doesn't feed me in the next twenty minutes I'm making it everyone else's fucking problem."
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mudskip-muses · 2 years ago
Open RP - Kazuichi Soda
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While the mechanic tended to look rather frazzled on the best of days, the mess of his person was notably different than the usual oil and panic that fueled his everyday demeanor. Most obvious were his eyes, puffy with lack of sleep and irises their natural shade of blue behind his black rimmed glasses. Aside from the red of his nose and cheeks, Kaz’s skin was pale with a thin sheen of sweat, the occasional sniffle being heard from him as he trudged his way into the classroom. It took him a moment to actually sit at his desk, almost missing the seat with a stumble before plopping down heavily with a sigh. 
With his forehead pressed to the cool surface of his desk, Kaz fell into a coughing fit at his next sniffle, something he tried to subdue in an effort not to bother anyone with the noise. 
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the-ultimate-muses · 3 months ago
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"'kay well, my dad actually remembered Christmas, kinda. I went over to, you know, make sure he was even still fuckin' alive and he handed me....actually no, I wanna hear a guess of what my shit ass dad gave his, eugh 'daughter' for Chistmas."
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mudskip-muses · 2 years ago
@heraid​ liked for a starter uwu (X)
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“Hey Mikan?” Voice wet and wavering, Kazuichi shuffled up to his classmate on shaky legs, a hand holding a shop towel to his head with his fingers gripped tightly into the raggedy material. “How do you know if you have a concussion?” He may have been panicking, just a bit.
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the-ultimate-muses · 3 months ago
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"No, I don't have any plans for Christmas. I'm lucky if my dad remembers my name some days, let alone the date, so forget about him getting me a gift or anything. Can't even remember last time he gave me something aside from a fucking black eye..."
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the-ultimate-muses · 3 months ago
It was sort of funny in a way that Kazuichi knew full well Gundham was beyond upset with him, but he wasn't scared, not even a little bit. Maybe it shouldn't be such a big deal that he wasn't scared of the breeder, given all the bullshit they'd gone through together; from how Kaz used to act, to breakdowns, to shitty dads and everything else in between. It shouldn't, but here he was with affection overpowering any instinctual nerves that tried to push through to the surface.
He'd been led out into the waiting room once Gundham had arrived to sign a release form for the mechanic, his grin as bright as ever, even as he tried to hide his heavily bandaged hand behind his back. Why he didn't know, it wasn't like Gundham hadn't read his medical report at the top of the release, but reading about how your boyfriend cut off an entire finger in an engine and had to get it stitched back on and actually seeing the aftermath were vastly different things.
"Hey, uh...hey..." Rocking from heel to toe, Kaz was rendered near speechless by the wave of unfiltered love that struck him at the question, something that very well could be read as nerves by how his grin wavered around the edges. Gundham was pissed, was clearly going to lecture him, and yet he still showed up, isn't yelling at him in front of everyone, and was even worried about if Kaz had eaten recently. "Heh nah, they uh...they gave me a sandwich and stuff after I woke up from the anesthetic. It's...actually a good thing I didn't eat breakfast, since that would have fucked with my stomach when it started to wear off." That...wasn't as much of a silver lining as he wanted it to be...
"So um...c-can we go now?" Asked with a tilt of Kaz's head like a curious puppy. "I really wanna go back to your room and take a nap or something. I feel like hell." And no doubt looked it too, seeing as along with the usual smearing of grease and oil on his coveralls was the unmistakable staining of fresh blood. "Kinda...kinda dizzy? A-And sort of nauseous...aw man, this car ride's gonna suck..."
'It's fine babe, relax! I won't hurt myself, I do this all the time!' were words spoken at least once a day by the mechanic, one might swear, no matter the order they were said in. As much skill as Kazuichi had, he was equally as clumsy at times, though mostly when running on little to no sleep.
He couldn't say just how long he'd been in his garage, it having been some time in the night when he simply couldn't sleep and thus decided to put those waking hours to use. It was something he'd done dozens if not hundreds of times, with varying results of his wellbeing.
Kaz did try to be more careful now with Gundham checking on him so often, the look the breeder got whenever he did something stupid both upsetting and adorable whenever he saw it. Still, try as he may, there were some things that simply couldn't be helped.
It would be Mikan that approached Gundham near the middle of the day, the nurse asking if the breeder knew how Kazuichi was doing after what had happened in his garage that morning. Only Kazuichi had yet to speak to his partner that morning. Not on purpose of course, he simply hadn't gotten the chance to before-
[TXT:] hey dont freak but i need u to come pick me up from the er
- they wont let me leave unless sbs with me
- and i told them not to call my dad even tho hes my emergency contact thingy
- because my totally awesome and super powerful overlord bf could come pick me up
- pls
- <3
He was in so much fucking trouble.
Gundham knew… he just fucking KNEW that something would go wrong eventually. Kazuichi, while he acknowledged him as utterly brilliant when it came to machinery, was also a fucking idiot when it came to precautions for his own sake. It was a flaw that he spent hours scolding his partner for, and seeing the text to pick him up from the ER didn’t surprise him in the slightest. 
Giving Mikan a nod, he went to his room to grab a spare hoodie for Kauzichi to wear while he drove the mechanic back. Knowing Kazuichi, he would want to wear it for the trip and while Gundham scolded him for allowing it to get this far. 
Texting back, he responds ‘I will be there shortly’. Conscience and to the point? Oh, Kazuichi was in so much trouble, but right now, instead of thinking of a penalty, Gundham was just worried about his partner, as he got in his car and made his way to the hospital. 
Once there, Gundham takes a moment to look for Kazuichi, not knowing if he was in a room or in the waiting room. Though, once he does locate his partner, the breeder crosses his arms and gives him a look full of displeasure as he gives him a once over, trying to see if he was really alright or if he was just being stubborn and convinced them to let him leave. 
“...have you eaten yet, my paramour, or do we need to attain some sort of sustenance for you on the way back to the Fortress of Knowledge?” 
While he had quite a bit to say to Kazuichi, mostly pertaining to his lack of care for himself, Gundham figured it could wait until the two of them were back in his dorm. At the very least, it would mean that strangers wouldn’t be privy to the issues that Kazuichi had in self-care. 
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mudskip-muses · 2 years ago
@hxpelessnurse cont. from (X)
It wasn’t until Mikan spoke that Kazuichi truly began to process any of the events before it, the haze of his mind slowly beginning to clear with the cool pad now pressed to his forehead dulling his fever some. Sitting up at the pace of a snail, his fingers twitched around the package of medication, his hand slowly being lifted to rest his knuckles on the back of the desk, his limbs feeling to heavy to support themselves, as he processed just what it was. 
He seemed a little confused as he plucked it up with his other hand, it being brought towards his face for closer inspection with squinted eyes. As he twisted it this way and that, the gears in his brain slowly clicked in thought until-
He fell into another coughing fit, the medicine being dropped to the floor as he doubled over into his elbow for what felt like several minutes. When he was through, eyes watery as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve, the mechanic gave a sad little sniffle as he set his head back down against his desk with a thud as he croaked out; “Mikaaan. I need help. I’m sick...” There was no denying it after all, he was sick. Usually he wouldn’t admit to it, it wasn’t as if his dad would have cared, not to mention the fact that they couldn’t afford medicine and such. If he pretended he was well, maybe his body would get the clue, but now he had Mikan, he didn’t need to push through it. She would take care of him, of which he had no doubt, even if she wasn’t a nurse. 
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