#“Oh you took two sleep pills then stayed up to one? While get ready to wake up at ducking 5:50!”
aceofspades4 · 1 month
Humanity is so big it’s insane. Like 8 billion people, 8 billion on our planet. And it’s like, with that many people, how can we ever truly know we experience the same things? Has anyone else taken a walk in the morning light with dew on the grass, enjoying the quiet yet loud woods? Has anyone else sat on the porch and watch the sun come up and think “this is what life is”? Has anyone else imagined what it would be like to be someone else? Has anyone stared up at their ceiling and listened to a song with the quiet feeling of melancholy? Am I alone? Do I share this with a stranger across the globe? We have 8 billion people and so many languages, cultures, ideas, identities, bodies, ways to cook, ways to say “I love you”, ways to play a game, ways to make a house, ways to make a toys. We have 8 billion people and we all cry. We all laugh, sing, love, feel bad for the worm on the sidewalk, wrinkle our nose at a bad smell, smile at babies and children, comfort those who need it, make sure the ones we know are safe. “Do you know I am here for you? Do you know I pick up your traits and they will stay a part of me even if you don’t? Do you know I love you?” There’s 8 billion people and we’re all humans. Why would anyone want to destroy someone else? Why is hatred so common when we all are human? Why can’t they sit back and think about how crazy it is that we’re on this planet together, a space rock hurling through space that we play on together. I want to sit in a field and watch life pass me by as I chat with people I don’t know, learn their languages and how to play their games. I want to sit back and watch someone dance because they love the feeling, sing because they enjoy how it makes them feel. I want to sit back and be a human, not a robot or a machine or a cog in something I don’t like. I want to love and live.
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fuckingstrange · 9 months
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| Day22: Mornings with you |
WARNINGS: Bad sleeping habits, mention of taking sleeping pills, coffee burn, singular kiss
WORDS: 805
PAIRING: Spencer Reid x gn!reader (think so)
It is 8am. I am going to bed. Goodnight. Enjoy.
You lay in bed, watching the credits begin to roll from a horror movie you just watched. It's not until you feel Spencer begin to gently stroke your hair that you pull your gaze from the screen, turning your head back to meet his gaze. He looks at you with an expression of concern, glancing over at the alarm clock. Your eyes follow his, seeing the bright red letters read 5:47am. “Shit, it's that late?” You ask in a whisper, having not realized that you managed to stay up all night again. You thought it was at most 3 in the morning.
Spencer’s brows furrow as he watches you adjust your position so you can lay down next to him rather than along the middle like you were while watching the movie, making him turn onto his side so he can face you. “I'm gonna assume you didn't sleep. again?”. You just give him an apologetic look, whispering a weak “sorry”. He sighs and reaches out, giving your cheek a gentle brush before pinching it. “Dummy. Don't apologize. Are you even tired yet?” He asks, the corners of his lips turning a bit downward in preparation for the obvious answer. A shake of your head.
He shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath, slowly exhaling before opening his eyes again. He motions for you to get ready for work, knowing that you'd just beg on your hands and knees to go to work, then go anyway even if he tries to make you stay home. He pulls himself out of bed with you, getting up and going over to the closet. “You might wanna try sleeping pills, baby. You haven't been able to sleep well in.. forever. But now you're starting to go days without, and I'm worried. This is day two. What if you start hallucinating? People go insane without sleep, even if they don't realize it. One can only live ten or eleven days without a lick of sleep.” He rambles, words a little quick since he genuinely is worried about how bad your sleep schedule has gotten.
You silence him with a kiss, letting your lips linger on his until he sighs and kisses back. Only then do you pull back after a few seconds, looking at him with an apologetic gaze. “I'll try to get better sleep tonight, yeah? I'll even.. ask Hotch if I can come home from work a little early. That soothe ya’ nerves, pretty boy?” You ask in a slightly teasing manner, smiling when Spencer nods his head. You and him get dressed in silence, and only now do you begin to feel tired. He notices, picking up on the subtle way you slow down your movements a bit to preserve energy.
Spencer gets dressed a bit quicker, exiting the bedroom to start a pot of coffee for you before heading over to the door and working on his converse. The coffee machine manages to finish making the entire pot before you exit the bedroom, Spencer sighing when he notes you probably managed to doze off within the four minutes it took. He grabs a mug and fills it, taking it over to the bedroom where he sees you nearly asleep sitting on the bed, head dipped a bit but gaze trying to remain on the TV.
He stands there for a second, biting his lip as he looks you up and down, his worry only growing. Spencer, with the mug of hot coffee in his hand, walks over to you and taps your shoulder. You jolt awake, accidentally smacking his arm and making the hot coffee splash onto your forearm. He yelps as you groan, setting the mug on the floor as he grabs ahold of your wrist and pulls your arm to him to check the damage. “you're burnt!” He exclaims, looking at the slightly reddened skin. You respond with a sarcastic “Oh, no, really? Thought that was just a birthmark.”
Spencer glares at you, though doesn't comment on your words. He just picks the mug that's a bit more than half full of coffee and carefully hands it to you, watching you take a sip and nearly burn your tounge. “..you really are dumb.” He mutters under his breath, standing up and slowly pulling you onto your own feet too.
Thankfully, the next ten minutes it takes to get ready is simple. No more burns, plenty more two seconds power naps, and more than needed worried glares from Spencer. You each make it out to the car just fine, still nursing on the coffee Spencer made for you. You open his door for him, checking to make sure all his limbs are out of the way before shutting it and jogging over to the driver's side, sliding in and starting the engine.
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Little Daisy Jones pt.2
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Karen and Daisy decide it’s time for Daisy to move in with the band!
I’d recommend reading pt.1 first but this also works as a stand alone!!
Tw: drug use, includes Age regression (don’t like, don’t read!)
Word count: 1999
Daisy loved everything about being in the band. She loved recording with the band, she (most of the time) loved writing with Billy. But most of all she loved how much time she got to spend with Karen. After their post-jail encounter, Karen had made Daisy feel more understood and cared for than anyone else had in forever. She called to check in on her, took her out to eat on days they weren’t recording and made sure to get Daisy somewhere private when she was on the verge of regressing in the studio. Usually they’d go into a smaller recording room just off from theirs, it didn’t look like it’d been used in a while and was typically empty. When it was just the two of them Daisy felt no trepidation about being herself, Karen had even gotten her a small toy lamb which she was able to fit in her bag and keep with her wherever she went - his name was Stevie.
“Daisy?” Karen asked one day as they lazed around in the smaller studio, the excuse of ‘girl trouble’ keeping them hidden from the boys. Daisy was stretched out on her stomach in the middle of the room, teeth wearing away at her thumb nail and Stevie tucked under her arm as she messily filled in a page of a colouring book.
“Yeah?” She hummed in response, looking up at Karen who was sitting by the old keyboard.
“Would you ever consider moving in with us?” The question came as quite a shock to little Daisy who dropped her pink crayon immediately. “Only if you’d feel comfortable with it, of course, no pressure,”
“Nuh uh!” Daisy whined, pulling herself up into a sitting position, “I wanna,” she nodded definitively.
“Really?” Karen questioned again. She knew the girl was getting more comfortable with the band but she also knew privacy was important. Mainly Karen wanted Daisy to move in with them so she could keep a better eye on the girl. She’d been trying her best to take care of her since finding out about her little side but there was only so much she could do whilst not living with the girl. Especially in regards to the nightmares she knew plagued Daisy’s sleep, it hurt her to think of the younger girl waking up alone.
“Mhm. Does the band… what do they think?”
“I talked with them the other day, they’re keen,” Daisy grinned happily, wriggling where she sat and reaching up to Karen. Karen smiled, slipping off her seat and pulling Daisy onto her lap.
“M’ can live with you,” Daisy smiled childishly, nuzzling her head against Karen’s shoulder .
“That’s right Daisy-Bird,” Daisy giggled at the nick name,
“A Daisy is a flower, not a bird, silly,” She corrected, shaking her head.
“Oh how very silly of me,” Karen laughed, kissing Daisy’s forehead. “So what do you think? You wanna come live with us,” Daisy nodded,
“And Stevie and Dustie and Bailey can comes too?” She questioned innocently,
“Yes baby, they can all come.” Daisy nodded happily at that response.
“Good.” Karen smiled, rocking Daisy gently in her lap.
“You ready to head back to the studio?” She hated having to stop Daisy from being little but it had already been half an hour and someone would come looking for them soon. Daisy sighed but nodded, rubbing at her face tiredly.
Karen stood up, smoothing out her clothes and grabbing Daisy’s colouring book to stash under one of the arms chairs for when she needed it next. If it was up to Karen everyone would know about Daisy’s little side and they wouldn’t have to hide it like this but she knew the idea of everyone knowing terrified Daisy which was fair enough. When she looked up again Daisy was downing an assortment of pills. She frowned disapprovingly but otherwise stayed quiet, whatever she needed to do.
The Six’s house wasn’t exactly a luxury hotel, yet as she walked up the driveway, suitcases in tow, Daisy couldn’t help but feel excited at the prospect of the new home.
“Daisy!” Karen beamed, standing by the front door clearly having been waiting for her. Daisy smiled, dropping her bags immediately to hug Karen. She smelt loosely of apples and almonds, something Daisy had grown to relate with comfort over the last few weeks. “The boys are all out surfing, they’ll be back later though. And Billy and Cami insisted on coming for dinner,” Daisy nodded silently as Karen took her bag and led her through the house. It certainly had a fair bit of character but the little pieces of each band member littering the house made it feel homely already. Graham’s guitar on the dining table, photos of Julia on the fridge, Warren’s drumsticks in the sink for unknown reasons, Eddie’s coat was on the living room floor and Karen’s jewellery seemed to be on every bookshelf. “Eddie’s moved into the outhouse which means you’re right next door to me. And despite what anyone tells you, it’s not haunted.” Daisy frowned at the odd clarification but was calmed by realising how close her new bedroom really was to Karen’s.
“It’s amazing thank you,” Daisy smiled, hugging Karen again.
Once they’d finished unpacking Daisy’s belongings - Karen hadn’t expected their to be so much as her hotel room had seemed so scarce - Daisy was considering asking Karen if she could be little for a bit. However, before she got up the courage to ask, the loud clattering of the boys returning home seeped through the house. “That’ll be the cavalry,” Karen sighed fondly. Daisy quickly slid Dusty who she’d been fiddling with on her lap under the pillow before following Karen down to greet the guys.
The evening was everything Daisy could have wanted it to be. For the first time in her life she felt like she just effortlessly fit in. They joked, drank and laughed until the world was blurring pleasantly. Once Camila and Billy had left and Graham, Warren and Eddie had made their ways off to bed Daisy found she wasn’t left with any sense of loneliness. She didn’t think it was possible to feel alone in a place like this, somewhere where every wall dripped with family.
“Did you have a good night?” Karen asked, curling up next to Daisy on the tattered old couch. Daisy nodded contentedly, resting her head against Karen’s shoulder. “If you wanted, I could help you get to bed?” Whilst the suggestion would’ve sounded peculiar to anyone else, Daisy understood what Karen was suggesting - she could be little now.
“M not sleepy,” Daisy whined petulantly, clearly three steps ahead of Karen in terms of headspace. Karen smiled softly at the younger tone in Daisy’s voice.
“You’ve had a big night kiddo, I think it’s time to head up to bed,” Daisy shook her head defiantly, wrapping her arms around Karen so the older girl wouldn’t leave. “How about some warm milk? That might make you sleepy?” Daisy stilled at the suggestion, nodding quickly. “Yeah? Does that sound good?” Daisy hummed in agreement, letting go of Karen and sitting up.
Karen went into the kitchen, taking out a carton of milk and beginning to prepare it. Daisy winced slightly at the sight of Karen grabbing a mug from the kitchen, her mind flittering to her sippy cup which was stashed away in her bedroom.
“Karen?” Daisy called nervously, picking at the skin on her thumb to soothe her nerves.
“Yeah baby?”
“Could I have it in my sippy?” She asked, barely above a whisper. Karen turned around, face softening as she understood the request.
“Oh silly me, of course you can. Why don’t you run up and grab it?” Daisy nodded happily and (quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping Graham and Warren) made her way up to her new room. When she returned Karen was ready for her and within moments she was holding a warm sippy full of milk.
Karen sat herself back down on the couch, patting the spot next to her for Daisy to join her, instead Daisy settled for climbing into Karen’s lap. Daisy rested her head against Karen’s chest, feeling cocooned between the thrumming of Karen’s heart and the soft hum of the record player. She sighed contentedly, and began to drink the warm silky liquid. Whilst she did this Karen began gently rubbing her back, lulling her into a semi lucid state.
“Eyes open baby girl, we’ve still gotta get you up to bed,” Karen hummed gently, taking the now empty cup from Daisy’s mouth. Daisy whined at the loss of contact, sitting up and rubbing tiredly at her face. “Bed time,” Karen cooed gently. “Go to the bathroom and brush your teeth then I’ll tuck you into bed,” Daisy’s initial reaction was to whine at just the idea of having to brush her teeth which was so boring, but she really wanted Karen to tuck her in so she had to be a good girl.
By the time Daisy got to her bedroom Karen had already laid out her pyjamas, an oversized Bambi t-shirt and pink striped pyjama shorts. It made Daisy’s chest flutter seeing that Karen had put in the effort to make all the grown up decisions on her behalf. She helped Daisy change into her pyjamas and braided her hair out of her face.
“Ok little duck, you ready for bed now?” Daisy nodded happily, climbing under the covers and gently tucking her stuffies under the sheets next to her.
“Karen,” Daisy called quietly as the older girl tucked the covers into the edge of the bed firmly.
“Yeah Daisy?” Daisy just pointed silently at the drawer of her bedside table, which upon opening Karen realised housed only her pacifier. “You don’t have to be nervous to ask for this baby,” Karen hummed softly, handing it to Daisy. Daisy shrugged, happily taking the pacifier from Karen and suckling on it firmly.
“‘Ank you,” she babbled around the pacifier.
“No problem kiddo, you need anything else?” Daisy shook her head, no. Karen kissed her forehead before leaving and Daisy couldn’t help the overwhelming smile which bloomed at the simple gesture. “Goodnight Daisy-bird,” she cooed as she turned out the light.
“Night night.” Daisy mumbled back.
Daisy woke, mere hours later, heart thrumming in her ears and sheets tangled haphazardly like vines around her legs. Her cheeks were damp with tears and her whole body felt trembly and sore. The room was terrifyingly dark and she could see the horrors of her sleep looming in every corner. Her first reaction was to reach for the pills stashed on her bedside table, but for the first time in a while she didn’t want them, she wanted Karen.
Hesitantly, but fast so as not to be caught by anything that could be lurking nearby, she clambered out of her bed - her pacifier and Dusty clutched tightly in her hands - and slipped into Karen’s room. The Blonde was fast asleep, peacefully splayed out across her bed and safe from the dreams which followed Daisy wherever she went. Gently Daisy slipped in next to her, she probably should’ve asked or just grown up and gone back to her own bed, but the terrified child inside of her saw no option but to seek Karen’s comfort. Karen stirred next to her, waking at the intrusion on her bed.
“Daisy?” She yawned sleepily, rubbing at her eyes.
“Sorry,” Daisy whispered, curling herself up as small as possible.
“Don’t be sorry baby,” Karen smiled softly, reaching out to wipe the tears from Daisy’s cheeks. “What happened? A bad dream?” Daisy nodded, sniffling sadly and slipping her pacifier back into her mouth. “Oh my poor thing,” Karen cooed, wrapping Daisy up in her arms. “Nothing to worry about now ok, little duck? I’ll keep you nice and safe.” Daisy sighed contentedly, melting into Karen’s embrace. Her racing nerves calmed at the contact, nothing could hurt her here.
Might start posting these on Ao3 so that they’re all in the same place :)
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sunspray-peak · 1 year
Ch. 41: Into the Mines Pt. 1
They were to all meet at the crack of dawn, though dawn was difficult to find these days.
Clouds could not be blamed for the town’s ever-present blanket in shadow, for the skies, though grey, were clear under the weak rays of a darkened sun. Despite the season, there was no wind. Not even a hint of a breeze. The air had turned still, stifling Stardew in a cold, thick, impenetrable mist. Murky figures seemed to lurk behind the blinks of closed eyes, and for two choice individuals in the Valley, whispers seemed to trail every footstep. 
Lewis had instructed more street lamps be lit, but their flames, like the sun, were pale. Townsfolk, eyes ringed in dark circles, spent their evenings huddled together by the roaring fire of the Stardrop Saloon, debating Abigail’s quest and the Valley’s plight in hushed tones, though few dared to directly name the spirits. 
Achilles had chosen to stay away from the crowds, though, like them, he had similarly failed to get a good night’s sleep since Abigail’s accident. The key difference between us, however, he thought as he groggily tugged on a pair of joggers, was that I very much needed one. 
In fact, he had barely slept at all since Marlon’s visit two nights ago, though it wasn’t for lack of trying. He’d had a fistful of sleeping pill at the ready, but a last minute visit (though “unannounced intrusion” was perhaps a more apt word) from none other than Rasmodius the night before had forced him to stay his hand.
“You need your mind clear and unclouded,” the Wizard had growled, ignoring Achilles’ protests and flushing the little blue pills unceremoniously down the toilet before turning his attention to the matters at hand. 
Clear and unclouded my ass… what Achilles had right now pounding away in his mind was the Hyacinthia Philharmonic-Symphony’s 20 piece percussion section at 1000 some decibels. Fucking hell…
He spat out his toothpaste and slammed his medicine cabinet closed. Fucking fuck all of this. Fuck the Wizard. Fuck this town. Hell, fuck Eddie Bloomsbury might as well while we’re at it —
At once, low whispers began to trickle through the newly formed cracks of his mind. 
Oh fuck this shit. Achilles tingling fingertips curled into fists. Close your mind, you fuck. 
After near-waterboarding himself with overly aggressive splashes of water, he leaned against the cold marble of his countertop and took a deep breath. 
My name is Achilles Oleander Robinson. I’m 27 years old. I live in Stardew Valley. I—
Concentration broken, Achilles whipped wildly to face the fluffy cat, glaring crazed, red hot daggers as water continued to drip down his face and neck. 
Voltaire gave another meow, and Achilles sharply turned back to his reflection. 
Close your mind, close your mind…
My name is Achilles Oleander Robinson… 
The whispers building outside his skull began to subside. Good… 
Achilles stomped out of the bathroom, Voltaire skipping after him, to grab the backpack he had packed the night before.
I’m 27 years old… 
He wrenched his keys from their tray. 
I was born in Monstera… 
He put on his boots. 
Close your mind… 
“I don’t care what Rasmodius says,” Achilles said, hurling a squeaky fuzzy mouse at the opposite wall. “You’re staying here.” 
“Meow all you want. Get out of the way, please.”
But the cat refused to abandon his post by the door. Even when Achilles lifted him up and lobbed him towards the kitchen, Voltaire had hurtled back at light speed before Achilles had even one foot out the door. 
“Voltaire!” he hissed, aiming a kick at the cat’s tail as he struggled to shove him aside. “You stay the fuck here.” 
It took several more false starts with the door before Achilles finally managed to slip out, slamming it swiftly on Voltaire’s whiskers. A sputter of angry cries could be heard through the heavy wood. 
“It’s for your own good, you rat bastard, you’ll thank me later,” Achilles grumbled, tightening his scarf. The still air was bitingly cold—the moon was still out, its silver light casting warped shadows through the bare tangle of branches. “If there is a later…” 
Don’t think about that, you bastard. Now get going, you’re running late… 
He took only one more half-second to watch the puffs of his breath fade away before scurrying down the steps of his porch. 
My name is Achilles Oleander Robinson… I’m 27 years old… My cat is a pain in the ass… 
Something seized his arms from behind. 
“Oh fuck no—” Achilles gave a sprawling kick, which was followed by an “Ow, what the heck, Achilles?”—before squirming out of what he had been instinctively sure was a shadow spirit’s embrace. 
Alas, it was not. 
“What the fuck are you doing here, it’s barely half past 3 you little—”
“I could ask you the same thing.” 
“Believe it or not, I live here, Alex, you’re on my farm—Yoba, where else do you expect me to be—where the hell did you even come from—”
“I’ve been waiting on your porch.”
“Right. At 3:30 in the morning?” Achilles readjusted his backpack, which had fallen slightly off his shoulders in their scuffle. “Color me flattered. You could’ve knocked, you know.” He continued down the porch stairs, only to be yanked back once again.
“I didn’t want to disturb you if I didn’t have to… But I guess it looks like I have to.” 
“Right. Yes. Much disturbance.” Fucking hell. Achilles twisted himself out of Alex’s grasp again just as his nose began to do some twisty twitching of its own. Close your mind… 
Not to be outmaneuvered so easily, Alex sprinted to the bottom step to block Achilles’ path and crossed his arms. 
“Seriously? Alex, I really don’t have time for this, will you move?” 
“I know what you’re up to.” 
“Sheesh, you’re making it sound like I’m about to commit a felony.” Achilles tried to force a light tone as he attempted to skirt past, but the stony-faced, former grid ball player hadn’t seem to have lost his defense skills in his transition to swimming, and Achilles was easily rebuffed. 
“I’m serious, Ash” 
“As am I. I know I have sleep problems, but you think I get up at 3am just for fun? I don’t have a choice, man.” 
“Abigail checked out of the hospital yesterday. And then I overheard Clint mention something about iridium—and fencing. Figured the probability of you getting involved with this whole thing had to be high. Decided to camp out here…” 
Achilles took a step back and narrowed his eyes. Close your mind. “Congratulations. You figured it out.” He avoided Alex’s shrewd gaze, green eyes black in the moonlight, instead choosing to stare resolutely at one of the colossal pumpkins Shane had been growing in the distance whilst tapping his booted foot. 
But Alex wasn’t going to fall for his faux disinterest so easily “Yeah, yeah, don’t try to play me like that, all waiting around, trying to catch me off guard— ”
Interrupting the words, Achilles did indeed attempt to dodge past Alex, sprinting under his outstretched arms before getting violently yanked back once again. Honestly, it’d all be amusing if the stakes hadn’t been so high…  
“—Ow! Shit, that hurt—Yoba, Alex, what the fuck, is your plan to maim me—”
At his cry, Alex quickly relinquished his pinching grip, allowing Achilles to finally make it down the steps. Yoba, first the cat, now this man…
Close your mind! 
 “And you weren’t going to tell me? Or Elliott? Or Leah, or Emily—”
“If you’re trying to guilt me, it’s not going to work.” Achilles rubbed his arm and shot an irate glance over at Alex who was stubbornly following him out of Strawberry Farms. “It is, unfortunately for you, not an emotion I feel. I have to do this Alex—” 
“Guilt you—?” Alex retaliated with an exasperated glance of his own. “Ash, I’m trying to tell you people care about you—why are you doing this? You haven’t talked about the mines in weeks—and now you’re suddenly prepared to risk your whole dang life? You had a plan! You—you had other things. You’ve got two job offers in Hyacinthia— go! Go live that life, you don’t have to do this—” 
Achilles couldn’t spare any sort of pause in step, but he did spare Alex yet another scathing look, clearly illuminated under the moonlight. “So you’d rather I leave Stardew?” 
“Yoba, Achilles, I’d rather you stay safe—”
Do you genuinely think I actually want to fucking do this… Achilles shook his head. All the same, the sentiment was… nice… Alex cared… 
Stop that! Close your mind, you fuck. 
“Hark, spoken to Abigail lately? Talked her out of risking her life?”
“Well I haven’t got much leverage now that Caroline and Pierre have somehow blessed this whole thing, have I? Who am I going to tell on for you—Lewis?” 
If that had been Alex’s idea of a joke to break the tension, Achilles wasn’t having any of it. Close your mind close your mind. Yoba, this was the last thing—the last person—he needed showing up on his door step, if Rasmodius’ guidance was to be followed…
He quickened his pace, shoving past Alex, who seemed hesitant to grab him again, though he continued to morosely trail after Achilles. 
“Look, I know I can’t talk Abigail out of it—but Achilles, for you, can ya blame me for trying—”
“Coming out here at 3am.” Achilles shouted to drown out Alex’s word. “Really, I have to admire the commitment—”
“—if I had even the smallest chance with you, I’d kick myself forever if I didn’t at least try, it worked once—” 
They had just passed the edge of Strawberry Farms when the sound of shattering of glass, followed by a yowl, pierced the air. 
“Oh, Yoba fucking dammit it all to hell—” Achilles stopped in his tracks, torn between expending what little disposable energy he had to run the rest of the way to the mines and turning back to lock his cat (and maybe Alex) in the storage closet. 
Taking advantage of the hesitation, Alex dove right in, barely pausing to breathe.
“Do you really think you can protect Abigail down there? You don’t know what you’re dealing with, I know you used to fence, but come on, man, it’s different, you said so yourself—you don’t know how to deal with spirits and monsters and demons and who the heck knows what else—I mean, does Abigail really need you? What if you just get in her way—” 
“Switching tactics, I see. So what’s on the list after blisteringly insulting me?” 
“Look, I’ll try anything once. If it gets you to listen. Did it work?” 
“No. Goodbye.” 
“Alex. Stop. Shut it and… just leave. Fucking hell…”
For a fraction of a second, hurt seemed to flash across Alex’s face, but Achilles determinedly turned away. He had other things to worry about right now—namely, his running late to an affair of the utmost importance and danger in which he had had no say in his partaking. Also, the survival of the Valley. That was something to worry about, too. 
He hadn’t meant to raise his voice, but he was already on the edge of misery, and the sight of Voltaire galloping towards them had sent him careening right over it. 
And the whispers. Whispers waiting outside his mind, sensing the cracks in what was supposed to be an emotionless, detached concentration, had begun to press their way in.  
My name is Achilles Oleander Robinson. I’m 27 years old. I live in Stardew Valley. Close your mind you stupid fuck. Close your mind. 
“Achilles,” Alex began haltingly, his hand grasping air before awkwardly settling on Achilles’ shoulder. “You don’t want to do this. I know you don’t, I know you think you should want to, but you don’t—”
Achilles whirled around. “You’re right, Alex. I don’t. But you see, it doesn’t matter what I want, it never did, I don’t have a choice, I have to do this—”
“And you can’t wait just one more year? For Yoba’s sake, Achilles, do you even know how to use a sword—a real sword—“ 
“There’s no time, Alex! I wish there was, but there… there isn’t.”
Achilles had paid a visit to the community center yesterday. Marlon had been right—it was worse than he could have imagined. The roof had collapsed in; shards of tile and splintered wood had made it difficult to explore. A thick, rotten smell clung to every room, and dark were the singed stains of the center’s floors where curls of red smoke slowly unfurled. Whatever war the junimos were waging there on the Astral Plane, they were losing. Bad. 
“Now just… just fuck off, will you?” There was no mistaking the hurt in Alex’s eyes this time, and it cut Achilles like a knife. Goddammit… 
But he forced himself to turn away, pinching his nose as he scooped up Voltaire. “Or just… just stop talking. Please. I need to… close my fucking mind…” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Just… something very important the Wizard taught me last night that you are very much getting in the way of right now.” Achilles offered the cat to Alex. Small gashes from Voltaire’s scrambling claws already etched his fingers.  “Just go home. And take the fucking cat with you, will you?” 
“The Wizard?”
“No, what—Yoba, I just said the cat—oh, I see. Yes. Yes, the Wizard.” 
“He spoke to you yesterday? So he knows? And he’s on board with all this now—we’re just going to forget about how you swore you’d never trust the guy just a few weeks ago—” 
Achilles’ mind was ready to burst. The whispers had grown louder, squeezing their way into his mind, growing heavy as they grew ready to feast on every one of his thoughts, swelling his anxiety—
“Alex can you please just shut the fuck up for half a second?” Achilles dropped the yowling cat, already turning away. “I have to go down, Alex. I have to go down. Today. I wouldn’t be doing this if I had any other choice. Please. It’s for the Valley. Just trust me.” 
“So Corvus was right. It has to be you?” 
“It has to be me.” 
To Achilles’ significant annoyance, neither Alex nor Voltaire had agreed to leave his side, though, mercifully, they had both taken it upon themselves to at least “shut the fuck up.” The silence, and the meditative walk to the mines, had allowed Achilles to once again regain his composure and patch the holes in the mental walls that Rasmodius had walked him through erecting the night before. 
“You’re late.” 
Rasmodius, Marlon, and Gil were waiting for them at the entrance of the cave. 
“Blame this one.” Achilles tossed a dirty look at Alex who, to his twisted satisfaction, was in no mood to fight back now that they had arrived at the mines. The moment they had made it past the funny raccoon statue in the mountains, Alex had noticeably grown weaker, whatever “bad luck” effect the mines had on him growing stronger and stronger with each step. 
Pale and trembling, his face glistening with sweat under the cool blue torchlight, Alex half-collapsed against the wall of the cave. Even so, his weakened condition didn’t stop him from halfheartedly exclaiming, “I’m coming, too.” 
Marlon merely gave him a pitying look, but Achilles accompanied his withering scowl with, “Like hell you are, looking like that. You’re a right mess.” 
“No, no, I can… I can do it…”
Alex rose slowly from the wall and took a weary step forward. 
“Absolutely not. Sit your ass back down. Here, watch the damn cat for me—”
“No, I can help—”
Lord. He’d have to take the low road on this. 
“You’d be a distraction. We’ve no idea what your gift is, but given that you’re tottering around like a drunk and we haven’t even gone down the mines yet, I don’t see how you could be remotely helpful.” 
True as they were, those were the last words he wanted to use, and delivering them felt akin to a million cat claws dragged across his skin. But time was of the essence, and he’d have to be as brutal as possible if he wanted Alex to stay here. And stay safe. 
“We don’t have time to watch over you. It’ll be safer if it’s just us two.” 
Whether it was his words or the harshness of his tone—or perhaps, even a new wave of mine-induced nausea that was searing itself into Alex’s psyche—Achilles wasn’t sure, but Alex finally seemed to accept the situation, sliding down the wall and nodding weakly. 
But whereas Alex looked three seconds away from fainting, Abigail had proven to have bounced back from her accident faster than any ordinary girl had any right to. With a concussion, a sprained knee and ankle, a horrendous burn along her forearm, numerous cuts and bruises, and a fresh black eye under her belt, it was a miracle she was even able to stand after little more than one day.
But stand she did, both feet planted firm and strong into the granite of the cave as she chatted merrily away with Sam and Sebastian, who must’ve come to see her off. In her hand, she wielded a new blade, black as night. 
“This is for you, son.” Marlon handed Achilles the iridium sword that Clint must’ve smithed yesterday. He gave it an experimental jab. Long and thin, it must’ve weighed little more than a can of soup. 
Now Rasmodius strolled forward. 
“You are bringing the cat, as I instructed? Excellent—”
“No, he’s staying here.” Achilles once again attempted to fling the animal only to receive yet another cut on his fingers. “I’m not bringing my cat down there, Rasmodius, it’s irresponsible—”
“You will do better if he comes, I assure you,” Rasmodius said sternly, shoving the cat back into Achilles’ stiff arms. “Now…” he gripped Achilles’ shoulders tightly. “Are you closing your mind?” 
My name is Achilles Oleander Robinson. 
“Yes— or at least trying to…” 
“You will have to do better than try if you want to succeed.” In a lower tone, he added, “You remember what I told you?” 
I’m 27 years old.
“Yes… fucking crash course it was, if you had just taught me earlier like I’d asked, we might not be in this fucking last minute mess—”
“Stop thinking about me, boy, and focus!” 
I can see the cracks in your mind from miles away.
Achilles snarled, shoving Rasmodius’ telepathic voice out from his head. But he took a deep breath and refocused. 
“Close your mind. Picture yourself… the flowers…” Rasmodius’ voice was soft, inviting. “What we discussed…” 
In the greenhouse of his mind, he drew forth a bleeding heart, the flower he and Rasmodius had decided to use as his focus. 
I live in Stardew Valley. My mom’s name is Apolline Desrosiers. My dad’s name is Perry Robinson.
“Better.” Rasmodius gave him a pat on the shoulder and took a step back. 
“I wish this task had never need come to you. I wish I could go down in your stead. But I cannot. I can only wish you good luck.” 
And with that, the Wizard hurriedly left the mines. 
“Get that scarf off, boy, a spirit could grab it.” 
“But Abigail says it can get cold down there!” 
“You’ll warm quickly enough, you will,” Gil insisted, yanking the scarf off and throwing it wildly behind him. “That fancy watch of yours ain’t gonna work down there, either, no it won’t. Might as well take it off. Your phone, too, yes. Nothin’ digital.” 
“So it doesn’t work, who the fuck cares—” 
“Here.” With a deep frown, Alex slowly stood and reached for Achilles’ hand to unclasp the watch. He removed his own and, with a rather aggressive yank, tightened the worn leather perhaps one hole too tight around Achilles’ wrist, adding with an testy mutter, “Sorry you won’t be able to measure your steps.” 
“Enough chit chat, we’ve wasted enough time. Let’s get moving,” Marlon snapped, and Achilles followed him to the elevator. “Abigail, come.” 
Sam, Sebastian, and Abigail, who had been chatting animatedly in the corner, broke apart. 
Achilles was surprised Sebastian had nothing to say about the whole affair. But despite all the ruckus the boy had made way back in the Spring, he seemed, if not totally approving, begrudgingly accepting of Abigail’s decision. Achilles supposed he must’ve had quite a bit of time to get used to it—the rest of the town may have missed it, but Sebastian had been the first to pick up on Abigail’s spirit-battling antics back even in the Spring. 
And to top it off, to Achilles’ surprise, the boy gave Abigail a firm kiss on the cheek. Achilles must’ve missed quite a bit indeed… 
No kiss on the cheek from Alex, that was for sure—not that Achilles had been expecting (or hoping, really, for) one. Only an incredibly penetrating glare that made it clear he hadn’t forgiven Achilles for either his remarks or his actions. Alex did, however, offer a stiff embrace, and in Achilles’ arms, he seemed to melt ever so slightly, taking the last second to run his hand up through Achilles’ unbrushed hair.
This close, Achilles could smell him. Not the floral citrus of his deodorant or the salt that perpetually clung to his hair—just Alex. And a crushing ache seized his heart. 
Close your mind, you fuck. Don’t think about him. 
“Shit hits the fan, you both head straight back.”
“Just walk away.” 
“Yeah, exactly,” Alex said with the ghost of a smile. “Just like your dad taught you. Except I’d… I don’t know. At least run. Instead of walk.” 
They pulled apart—too soon, Achilles thought, and yet maybe also not soon enough. 
Abigail took his hand, Voltaire already situated lightly around her neck.  
“You ready?” She seemed, not unexpectedly, excited, though the accident from two days ago must’ve humbled her somewhat. There was a hint of trepidation in her tone he hadn’t ever heard before, and a small furrow between her brows. 
He took a deep breath. 
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” 
Marlon pressed the elevator button. It was waiting for them. Immediately, the door opened with a creak and they stepped inside. Marlon held each of their hands before taking a step back to join the others. “Good luck to you both.” Gil tipped his hat, and the doors slid shut. 
A whole host of buttons filled the rightmost wall. Back in the spring, there had only been five.  
“You did all this?” Achilles murmured. “All by yourself…” 
Abigail pressed 105. With a clunk, the elevator began to descend and, as if given the green light, whispers began to once again flicker at the back of Achilles mind. 
Close your mind… 
Voltaire gave him a gentle nip on the ear.  Abigail squeezed his hand. 
“We’ll be okay,” she said. “You’ll be okay!” 
Will you? 
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I've seen your autistic reader headcannons with sevika and I was wondering, could you do an ADHD reader with her? :D
Hello! Sorry this took so long :)
I love this idea and some dumb bitch in my inbox asked something similar so I decided to combine them
@sxpphicfxiry : Can you do a sev x reader where the reader is ALWAYS full of energy, like even before they go to sleep or even when they just wake up. thank you bff <3
Sevika loves you, she does, but she would rather saw off her other arm than be paired with you on a mission. No thoughts run through that head of yours before doing some impulsive shit that causes her gray hairs
When you and Jinx are in close proximity she books it out of there. If you two separate are wild, then you two together are chaos
When you're perched on that lap, no you're not. It cannot be described as 'perched' when you're swapping thighs every five minutes. If her forearm is barring you from moving then you're squirming, tugging on her choker, fiddling with her arm, playing with her hair, knocking your foot against her leg, etc
She's very used to you touching her, whether that be tracing her muscles, drumming on any part of her body, intertwining your fingers with hers and swinging your hands
Will make you do her grueling workouts with her to burn some of that energy
Good god, are you wired before you go to bed. She doesn't let you have any kind of stimulation 30 minutes before you have to lay down. She's not above popping you sleeping pills, plying you with melatonin, or laying on top of you so you're forced to wind down
"So today, Jinx and I went to Jericho's and she actually made a really good point about tomorrow's mission, y'know how you said no bombs? Okay but what about-" Fingers wrap around your jaw mid conversation. A pill is pushed onto your tongue, barely halting your words for a second. Sevika's tuning you out in favor of focusing on your nighttime routine. Her hand stays holding your jaw while she half turns to grab a water bottle. "-she said that they'd just be paint bombs, not explody-fire ones-" "Drink." "-and I said I'd talk to you about it-"
She will also tire you out in other ways if y'know what I'm saying
Like sitting on you and letting you struggle
In the mornings you're talking her ear off while she gets everything ready. You have a reward system in place for when you can finish your breakfast in under 10 minutes
She has to repeat Silco's instructions for you several times because you forget, and also he just talks way too damn slow for you to pay attention
When she's talking to you she knows exactly when she loses you, your eyes glaze over or you're looking around the room at something else, so she'll tap your hand or grab your chin to focus your attention back onto her
Your little to no sense of danger is probably how you got involved with her. Anyone else is wary of the scary lady, but you saddled up right next to her at the bar and started chatting with her
"Hi! You're Sevika? They said to come to you for my assignment. I'm new, as you can tell. It's so nice to meet you! I love your eyes-" Sevika's taken aback by the inability of her glare to falter your words. You just keep going, emptying all of the thoughts rattling around that head of yours about her appearance, how you got the job, and your glowing review of the bar until she cuts in with tomorrow's instructions. Her one word responses and gruff replies do not deter you in the slightest. "Ca- oh, that's my favorite order here, too! Can I buy you a drink?" She blinks. "Mine are on the house." "That's awesome! Dinner then?"
You two are polar opposites
Thankfully her long legs allow her to keep up with you at the market in Zaun because you're fluttering rapidly between stands, distracted by shiny objects
She'll probably get you a makeshift leash because she can't turn her eyes away from you for a second lest she lose you
And it gives her a heart attack every time she does, which she shows in anger
She keeps a grip on your belt loop when she needs to talk to one of the vendors
Sometimes your inability to prioritize or your restlessness will have you tearing up in frustration. You don't have a good handle on your anxiety and you lose your temper often
Sevika will halt your pacing and pull you into her arms. She turns your gaze to hers while she tells you to breathe, that you're okay, you have all the time in the world to get your tasks done and she'll help you with them
She keeps up with your schedule and reminds you when she has to. She doesn't let you put anything off but she does reward you when you get things done
She'll smirk at how excited you get when you complete everything you need to do for the day. You'll be jumping up and down before she whisks you into her arms
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The Failed Plan
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Sua clicked her tongue. “Seriously that girl can’t she be serious for just a short while.” She paced around in the washroom as she was deep in thought. “We need to get the choreo ready in 2 days for the filming. There is no way they were going to make it in time if the other girl kept on fooling around like this. You know what, there is only one solution." she put in her best smile as she left the washroom.
" Seungyeon ah~ are you free after this? " Sua asked the younger as she left the washroom wiping her hands.
"Oh yes, unnie. Why?" the other girl asked in just her sports bra and shorts while lying down on the floor her arms and legs spread out.
"You know how we're performing the  recording in just two days, I was thinking you can come over to our dorm and we can work on the choreo and pick outfits." Sua replied as she sat next to Seungyeon and played with the younger's hair. "the other members are on break and won't be in the dorm so we can be as loud as we need to."
Seungyeon immediately sat up and smiled. "only if we can order jajangmyeon and chicken."
Sua smiled at how easy this girl was. "Of course. In that case, we should head over now so we can have more time."
Seungyeon nodded as she quickly packed up her stuff and contacted her company about the plans for the night. They both then left the Cube studio and took a car over to the Dreamcatcher dorm.
About fifteen minutes away from the dorm, Sua placed an order for Jjangmyeon and fried chicken from a place that dreamcatcher normally orders from. Luckily for them, there was little traffic so they managed to arrive in ten minutes and had plenty of time before their order would arrive. When they arrived, Sua placed her things on the sofa and Seungyeon followed her unnies lead.
“Seungyeon makes yourself comfortable. Do you need to change into something more comfortable or would you like a shower first? We still have some time before the food arrives.” Sua said as she parked herself on the sofa as turned on the TV to see what was on.
“Oh, would a shower be okay? I promise I won't take long.” Seungyeon said cutely to Sua.
“Sure sure. The toilet is right over there. You can take your time. “ Sua replied as she turned on the music show instead to get some inspiration.
Seungyeon smiled and nodded as she took an oversized t-shirt and a thong as headed into the toilet to shower.
“That girl she is acting like this is a sleepover for fun.” Sua thought to herself frustratedly as she started making the choreo.
Approximately five minutes later, Sua heard the doorbell ring and answered the door to receive the food. She placed some leftover newspapers on the floor and laid out all the food to eat. As she heard Seungyeon continuing to sing inside, an idea came to sua. She should insert a sleeping pill into Seungyeon’s food. That will make it easier for her to bind her later for her punishment. Sua quietly opened a drawer on the tea table and dissolved the pill into Seungyeon's jajangmyeon and she smiled. This would make her punishment of the girl so much easier.
“Unnie~ I’m done and I smell something good,” Seungyeon said as she came out while drying her hair with a towel
“Yes, the food is here. We should enjoy it while it is hot. “ Sua replied as she got them some soju from the fridge.
“Unnie! You read my mind, you're the best.” Seungyeon exclaimed as she saw the soju.
Sua smiled and nodded when she saw Seungyeon’s erect nipples through her shirt. “Of course, it is only appropriate for us to have soju.”
The two enjoyed their meal as they watched the rest of the music show casually discussing some of the choreography. They finished their meal and were finishing up their alcohol when Seungyeon started yawning. She swayed as she tried to stay awake but eventually, she fell asleep on the floor.
“That’s a good girl,” Sua said as she brought the unconscious girl to the sex room. The first thing she did was strip the girl naked. She removed the one piece of clothes she had which was the t-shirt and tossed it aside. Sua licked her lips. She had never noticed how toned the younger’s body was. She cuffed the younger's hand and was about to blindfold Seungyeon but the younger's incredibly toned and sexy body was distracting and she couldn’t help but put her hands on Seungyeon’s body.
She started with Seungyeon's breast. She had a nice pair. They were decently sized for her height and they didn't have much sag at all considering she is still young. She slowly touched her nipples and they quickly got firm. What a naughty girl sua thought to herself. How can her nipples get hard from such a simple touch? She then slowly moved her hands down to Seungyeon's waist. She had a firm tummy but her hips were nice and defined. They fit nicely in her hands she can just imagine bending Seungyeon over and fucking her with a strapon. She could grip onto those hips and just hammer Seungyeon's pussy. She slowly moved down further to Seungyeon's pussy. It was nice and pink and when she inserted a finger into her. She could tell she was relatively tight. Either she has been keeping up with making sure she's tight or she hasn't had much sex. Seungyeon's labia were slightly tanned and sua thought to herself maybe this girl is daring, tanning fully naked to get such an even colour on her skin. Lastly, she moved down to Seungyeon's legs, her thighs were a bit jiggly and Sua could just imagine fucking her doggy style, even more, she started to even drool a bit. She then went to Seungyeon's feet. They looked enticing for some reason. She has never had a foot fetish or ever really been a sub but she got curious. She decided to give one soft lick, then slowly progressed her tongue to Seungyeon's toe and sucked on it for a bit.
"Hmm…. Unnie is this what you intended to punish me with. It doesn't feel very convincing when you're on your knees sucking my toe." Seungyeon said in a condescending tone with a smirk.
Sua was surprised. Had she spent that long admiring Seungyeon's body? She moved away to try to take control but Seungyeon was faster she pushed herself forward and got on top of sua.
" You don't expect me to let you get away now unnie. After all, you looked so cute sucking on my toe earlier." She said as she used her body weight to pin down sua.
"No, you're misunderstanding. This is supposed to be your punishment for being so playful. We only have two days to finish the choreo." Sua said as she struggled to regain control but Seungyeon was well experienced in controlling her body weight so Sua had no chance to escape.
" Is that so. You can suck my toes punishment eh. Also, here's another tip unnie. Maybe be less distracted when you're preparing someone to be punished" Seungyeon laughs as she slips her left hand out of the cuffs. "and not accidentally use the safety pair of cuffs." She said as she put her hands on sua.
Sua still had not changed. She was still in her sports bra and tights. Seungyeon observed Sua's body as if a predator was about to eat their prey. She used her strength to remove Sua's sports bra. She then pinned the olders hands above her head and used the sports bra to tie up her hands.
Sua was shocked. She had never been overpowered this much and something inside her stirred. She could feel her pussy getting moist but she tried to struggle and resist. She can't possibly let her hoobae control her.
"Let go! We still need to finish the choreo." Sua tried to reason
"oh no. Don't worry about that. I have the choreo all planned. I just need you to see things my way and what better way to do that than turn you into a sub." Seungyeon said with conviction in her eyes. "Don't worry… I work fast unnie. And I have my tools all prepared for the past 2 weeks just waiting for this moment. Unlike a certain unnie who can't even cuff someone right." She laughs as she moves her body weight so her knee is now at Sua's crotch.
"Oh really? To think you're the dom here. What would the other Dreamcatcher members think if they saw their strong dom unnie getting wet for me." She said mockingly
Sua grew bright red at the comment. She can't believe that this girl was pushing all her buttons. Seungyeon smiled while Sua was still in a daze and quickly got up and held Sua in a way so that she couldn't escape. She forced sua to walk towards the hook near the middle of the room and forcefully bright Suas bound hands to the hook so she couldn't escape easily.  She then looked around the room and smiled as she managed to find a rope and quickly used it as a proper way to bind sua.
"No, no unnie you don't get to resist this. Or should I tell everyone my dear unnie drugged her sunbae with a sleeping pill?" Sua immediately froze and gave up the struggle as Seungyeon used the rope. To properly bind Suas hands and then places. It's back on the hook.
" Now unnie. Is there any way to get information on what this room has? And be honest unnie." Seungyeon said as she gave soft licks around Sua's nipple making them erect.
Sua let out a soft moan as she felt her will to fight slip away. "At the tablet on the wall, it has everything," Sua said panting slightly.
"good girl now wait here for a minute." Seungyeon smirked as she took the tablet and brought it back to sua. She browsed through the catalogue as she used her other hand to tease Sua's clit. She had to make sure the elder was going to comply after all. After about ten minutes of edging and not letting the elder cum, Sua was now a panting drooling mess. She was as good as a deer getting pounced on and held down by a lion.
"Unnie. You look pitiful. I bet a strong dom like you never encountered edging before have you." Seungyeon went and brought her bag over to where sua was and took out her phone. She set the phone to record and brought it close to Sua's mouth. "I'll give you an opportunity. You can either swear to be my sub or struggle as I slowly break you."
Sua's mind was hazy from the edging. On one hand, she was desperate. Seungyeon did not go easy and sua needed release right now. However, Sua was also a dom and the thought of being dominated wasn't something she was keen on.
Sua took a breath. She knew she had been beaten. "I, Kim bora, offer myself as Seungyeon's pet." She said in a soft voice feeling defeated and humiliated.
Seungyeon smiled as she checked the recording and nodded. "I was just saying to be my sub but I guess you make everyone in Dreamcatcher offer themselves as your pet. not that I mind. What would you prefer to be called? Kitten, since you're slightly dominant."
Sua blushes at the word kitten involuntarily as Seungyeon went into her beg and took out a syringe." Kitten, since you drugged me earlier it's only fair. Trust me. It's completely safe. I use it often though none of them ever manage to leave me after I've used it. This is your last chance." Seungyeon said as she caressed Sua's neck.
Sua shook her head. "I'm stuck in your web, mistress ready for your taking."
Seungyeon smiled as she pierced Sua's skin with the syringe. She pushed the plunger and all the liquid was pushed into Sua. It doesn't take long for sua to feel the effects of the liquid. Her face started getting flushed as her whole body started getting hot. Her nipples and clit became more erect than they have ever been as she feels droplets of sweat start to form on her forehead. She could feel her arousal building as Seungyeon smiled as if looking at a masterpiece.
"Now for the real fun." She said as she flicked Sua's right nipple.
What Sua was expecting was pain from such a rough flick but what instead she got was an intense wave of pleasure so intense she experienced her first squirt. She squirted so hard that it went through her tights and a small puddle formed on the floor beneath her.
"Sua unnie. I'm going to break you fully tonight." Seungyeon said as she pressed some buttons and a hook slowly descended from the ceiling and she moved it behind sua. She then lubed the tip of the hook before putting it into Sua's virgin ass which the spreading sensation caused Sua to quiver.
" Wait, mistress. Please have mercy. This is just my first day." Sua said in a worried tone as she panted. From the looks of what Seungyeon was doing. She intends to break her fully and she was afraid of the consequences.
"Don't worry unnie. As I said, I work fast. One night is all I need to fully tame you into my kitten." she said ignoring Sua's pleas as she pressed a button so that the hook pulled Sua up and suspended her about fifteen centimetres off the ground.
Seungyeon then proceeded to bring a humidifier into the room. She smiled as she saw Sua wiggling and panting seeing that she is starting to feel good from the hook in her ass. Seungyeon then inserted the fifty millilitres bottle of concentrated aphrodisiac she had into the humidifier before diluting it with water.
She then took out her special iPod nano filled with sounds that trigger a sensation  In the listener's brain and sent it to the entire body be it pain or pleasure. . She taped it to the hook binding and lifted Sua's arms and then plugged in a pair of noise-cancelling headphones. She then placed the headphones on Sua's neck.
Finally, she took a trio of wireless bead vibrators and taped them securely onto Sua's nipples and clit.
"That's all the preparation done unnie. After this. You'll be awakened to your true self." She then proceeded to blindfold Sua and covered Suas ears with the headphones. She then started the iPod and the vibrator through an app on her phone. The vibrators are set to edge sua during the pleasure and make her cum during the pain thereby training her into a versatile slut for Seungyeon to use. She was not going to let Sua rest the entire night and maybe some of the next mornings. She brought a bucket to Sua's crotch. She always enjoyed collecting the juices from her pets to let them drink. Lastly, she turned on the humidifier so that sua will never get off the high and sensations the drug she was administered earlier gave her.
Seungyeon smiled as she set the cameras in the dungeon to record before stepping out of the room to give her much needed sleep. She couldn't wait to see what was going to happen to Sua tomorrow. Seungyeon smiled as she heard the moans of Sua from behind the door as she left.
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halfmoondaze · 2 years
Meet Me Halfway
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It was rare that Y/N and I would be in the same city at the same location, given both of our busy schedules. So, when I stepped into the house party held by a mutual friend of mine and Y/N, we locked eyes instantly, it was like it was only us in the room. She smiled like a child on Christmas morning and ran up to me for a hug.
"You're here, I thought you wouldn't make it. How was the tour? Did you have fun?"
"It was fun, but I was starting to miss you”
“Oh Jack, save those cheesy one-liners to the other girls, you know I find it cringy” you said playfully hitting his arm.
We were just two selfless souls gathered here tonight, hoping there was a place for us to accept this love.
As the night went along, I was finding it hard to spend time with Y/N, as rumors quickly spread that I was back in Kentucky, which meant that everyone I once knew from high school wanted to catch up. We were all currently reminiscing over high school memories and fun times when I noticed Y/N coming back from the house deck to the main area of the house, with a giddy expression on her face trying to keep her balance.
But when a random guy approached her being a bit too touchy, I knew I had to do something.
“Hey Jack, where are you going?” someone in the group circle asked.
As I approached her, the guy quickly took her hands off her, most likely because he recognized me.
“Y/N are you ok?”
“Bruh she was stumbling all over the place, I was just trying to help” he said in a defensive tone as he tried to conceal his true intentions because of how he was feeling intimidated by my presence and my height.
“I’ll take it from here”
The guy feeling awkward about the situation just disappeared into the crowd.
“Y/N are you ok?” I asked her trying to hide the concern in my tone of voice.
“I’m better than ever, are YOU ok?”
So, I guess now talking was out of the window and she was now drunk.
“Ok, I think its time for me to take you home”
“But Jack you just got here” she pouted.
“I know, but you clearly been here for a while now”
She just stood there with a puzzled expression on her face.
“Don’t you feel tired?” I asked in an attempt to convince me to take her home because there was no way I was going to leave her here by herself.
She nodded in response.
“Don’t you want some rest?”
“Yea” she mumbled.
“Well, let me take you home”
While she sat in the shower, I washed her clothes that were stained earlier when we arrived as she was feeling sick.
I couldn’t stop thinking about her in a different light. I was yearning for her to shed her facade and meet me at the borderline. I was ready to cross the line from being friends to lovers, but was she? Why was it so hard to say "I love you"?
Once I managed to put her in bed, I decided to sleep on the couch just to make sure she was ok. Because that’s what friends are for, right?
The next morning, I was getting ready to head out, when Y/N walked outside to the living room.
“Hey, someone’s awake. I left you a glass of water and some pills by your nightstand”
“Thanks, what happened last night?”
“You don’t remember, but I carried you home after you got drunk”
She stayed silent for a while, most likely attempting to remember what happened last night.
“Thanks for looking out for me” she said breaking the silence.
“Don’t even mention it” I smiled at her.
I was about to step out when she interrupted me.
“Wait, I was thinking maybe we could talk”
He was taken back but he agreed.
They sat on the couch.
“There’s something I need to get out of my chest, and I hope this doesn’t change the way you see me as a person but if that’s the case, I would understand”
“Y/N what are you saying?”
“I value our friendship, you’re one of the greatest people I know. But I can’t go any further than this”
His heart broke onto a million pieces. Was this her way of saying she knew I loved her but didn’t reciprocate the same feelings?
“I guess what I’m trying to say is that…I love you and even though I’m scared as fuck, I think you should know it” she said avoiding his gaze.
Y/N locked eyes with me, trying to figure out what I was feeling.
Then I leaned into her, and our lips connected.
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sparklysung · 4 years
© sparklysung – 2021. all rights reserved. no reposts, modifications and/or translations allowed.
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pairing – lee donghyuck x female!reader
genre – smut | non-idol!au, enemies to lovers!au
warnings – switch!donghyuck, switch!reader, lap dance, cumming in pants, grinding, dry humping, cum eating, hair pulling (giving and receiving), spanking, mirror sex, protected sex (reader’s on the pill), degradation, dirty talk, bondage (belt), possessiveness (i guess?)
word count – 6.043 words
summary – it only took a couple of words to make the blood boil in your veins and being the competitive individual you are, you had to prove lee donghyuck, your all-time enemy, wrong.
note – not my best, probably could've done better, but oh well. also this was frkng hard to write, damn, and i may have changed things a bit? BUT, i think it's better like this so… hope you enjoy! btw, i got the idea while reading this, so go check it out –it's good–.
taglist – @prvncejxon, @iwishihadabettername
another friday night wasting your time at some random classmate’s party. you were everything but happy to be there. you didn’t even want to go there in the first place, only finding yourself sitting on the kitchen counter, drink in hand and an ugly scowl adorning your face, because of your annoying best friend.
“hey, i get it, you didn’t wanna come here when you could have been peacefully sleeping in the comfort of your room, but come on, at least try to have some fun. you’re already here anyway.” eunbin –aka your annoying best friend– said, pouting her lips in a failed attempt of looking cute.
you kind of felt bad for her, you suppose it wasn’t exactly easy to deal with your lazy ass. but still, she was supposed to love you and appreciate you just the way you were.
and most of the time she did, just not in this specific situation.
“this isn’t fun at all, i just wanna go home. there’s nothing in here for me at all.”
you brought the red plastic cup to your lips, taking a sip of the bitter liquid eunbin had mixed for you. you weren’t lying, there really wasn’t anything that would make you want to stay, only a few friends of yours getting drunk somewhere in the big house you were currently in.
“come on, please, stay for me,” eunbin fake cried, and for a moment you thought she was going to give up and let you go. “in a bit the guys are gonna play something fun! we should join them, please?” as her last resort, she looked at you with puppy eyes. she was playing dirty and she knew it, you both knew you couldn’t resist them.
giving in with an exasperated sigh, you jumped off the counter to get yourself another drink from the bar in the living room. you were minding your own business until you heard him, the last person you wanted to see at the moment.
“so, i’m telling you guys, she was literally begging me to fuck her, she even moaned while sucking me off–,” donghyuck’s obnoxious voice filled your ears, making you roll your eyes. he was surrounded by a couple of other guys you didn’t know so well but were sure you had seen them before around campus hanging out with him.
“shut up already, dongdong, no one wants to hear it.” you interrupted, walking past him and towards the half empty bottle of vodka on the bar counter.
the group of boys stopped abruptly, all of them turning to look at you, ready for the scene that was going to take place in matter of minutes. donghyuck’s attention also turned to you, biting back a triumphant smirk with a raised eyebrow. he could see past you so he didn’t mind the mocking nickname you used; he could tell you were trying to irritate him enough to make him go away. but he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. he had been eyeing you all night, trying to find ways to get under your skin to catch your attention. and finally, after staying at a safe distance for a while to not spark suspicions, he got what he wanted.
“why so feisty, babe.” the cocky smirk he gave you just made your blood boil, the growing desire to punch it off his pretty face only getting stronger the more you stared at him.
“don’t you get tired of talking shit all day?” you barked, eyes trained on his body while pouring yourself a good amount of alcohol.
you were certainly going to need a lot of liquid courage to get through the night.
“you boast about girls begging for you but i think you’re just trying to hide the fact that you’re the one who has to beg to get laid.”
“i don’t beg, baby.” you rolled your eyes and muttered a ‘sure’. “also, if you’re jealous of me fucking other girls you just had to say it. i wouldn’t be against giving it to you instead.” the stupid wink he threw at you made your body shake in anger, already fed up with the conversation.
“you wish, asshole.”
“actually, i do.”
donghyuck was so fucking annoying, always teasing you and never leaving you alone. your personalities clashed constantly resulting in fights filled with screams and curses, sometimes to the extent of interrupting the class and getting the two of you kicked out of it. he enjoyed watching you struggle and suffer due to his awful pranks, so you were his favorite target. you couldn’t even have a proper date with anyone because he made sure to mess it up either by scaring the crap out of the guy or sabotaging your plans. he almost completely ruined your love life and cockblocked you forever.
you did not get along and everyone knew it.
although eunbin thought it was pure sexual tension and you just needed to get your frustrations off of you with a good fuck.
it wasn’t though.
or was it?
“let’s go hang out with the guys,” your best friend nudged your arm excitedly and you sighed, not feeling like playing anything with them. every time you decided to give in and take part in ‘something fun’ with the guys, it always ended up with you either in trouble or scarred for life.
you had a bad feeling about this all.
“ugh, fine.” she cheered and pulled you through the crowd of drunk people until you reached the basement.
the sound of laughter and screams drowned the music blasting upstairs, there were empty bottles of alcohol sprawled all over the floor and tables and a circle of people in the middle of the room. both of you joined the group with you sitting between eunbin and mark, a close friend of yours that you sadly shared with donghyuck. while you casually chatted and played around with the boy, happily laughing the night away, you could feel a pair of eyes burn holes into your skull. you didn’t have to look up to know who those eyes belonged to, as said person wasn’t even trying to dissimulate.
and by said person you meant donghyuck.
donghyuck hated the way you leaned on mark’s body, how you let his friend rest his head on top of yours and wrap his arm around your waist.
he was jealous, really jealous of your close friendship with the older boy.
mark and you had been friends for a long time now and you could even consider him your best friend, so you were comfortable around each other. you usually hugged, held hands and cuddled, he was used to you wearing his clothes –half of your closet were stolen hoodies that once belonged to him–, he even had a spare change of clothes in his room just in case you decided to drop by for an improvised sleepover. so it wasn’t surprising when sometimes when the two of you hung out on your own, people –even your friends in common– mistook you as a couple.
and the idea of you two dating made donghyuck feel sick to the stomach.
“we’re playing truth or dare, who wants to start?” seoyeon, one of your friends, spoke while looking around for someone to volunteer.
“i’ll go.” lucas raised his hand and everyone nodded, not minding.
the game went smoothly for a while and eventually, the more alcohol everybody drank, the crazier things got. mark ended up getting dared to lick whipped cream off of yuta’s chest and xiaojun had to cross-dress and dance on a table. everything was fine, you hadn’t been picked by anyone yet so you were pretty much having fun just enjoying the show.
until someone called your name.
“y/n, truth or dare?” jaehyun asked with a smirk.
he had an evil glint on his eyes making you feel suspicious. you knew you couldn’t choose truth or else everyone would make fun of you for being a pussy. and jaehyun just knew you well enough to know you weren’t going to let that happen.
you weren’t one to back down.
still, the way he stared at you made an uneasy feeling settle in your stomach.
what could he possibly have in mind?
seems like your gut feeling was right after all.
“give hyuck a lap dance,” jaehyun said immediately after the words left you mouth, making everyone in the room shake, some in excitement and some –you– in anger. donghyuck wasn’t expecting to take part in the dare, but he really wasn’t complaining either. “thank me later babe,” his shit-eating grin only adding fuel to the fire.
just as eunbin, donghyuck could sense the sexual tension. and unlike you, he acknowledged it.
but for him it wasn’t just that.
you two had known each other –or at least acknowledged each other's existence– for a few years now, since high school. he was forced to see you almost every day at school, so, naturally, fondness for you started growing slowly in his chest. but it wasn’t until you both left for college that your ‘enemies’ label was established.
and if someone thought he may possibly like you, they were damn right.
he did.
it all started during freshman year, when he tried to befriend you during one of the classes you shared. you seemed irritated by his advances and wanted him away from you, so after a few attempts of softening your heart, he resolved that the only way to stay close to you was annoying the hell out of you.
childish? yeah. he cared? not really.
“come here, babe.” donghyuck tongued the inside of his cheek, a smirk forming on his lips. as he saw the grim look on your face, he sprawled his legs, patting his toned thigh invitingly, eager to get things started.
the look jaehyun gave you had ‘you’re not backing down, are you?’ written all over.
“shit, i hate jaehyun, why did he have to do me dirty like that?” you mumbled angrily to eunbin and she just laughed, finding the situation way funnier than you.
“maybe tonight won’t be as boring as you thought? maybe you’ll end up getting laid.” she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and you only scoffed, “shut up, dumbass.”
“why did you have to do me like that, huh?!” you almost screamed at the older, taking a mental note to beat him up later. he just shrugged and threw you a wink, “asshole.”
mark patted your back to help you relax, he could see you weren’t exactly happy about your dare.
“come on, which song would you like, my lady?” lucas asked, scrolling through his spotify for suiting songs.
“or nah!” yangyang answered before you could even open your mouth. just as you were about to ask for a less sexual song, cheering erupted through the room.
everyone was pumped, adrenaline running through their veins and pushing them to do stupid stuff they would probably regret the next day after waking up hungover. and things just took a rather interesting turn, so they obviously were excitedly awaiting the next series of events.
yay, more stupid memories to regret later.
on the other hand, donghyuck was as doomed as you. he knew the song well, he knew the lyrics by heart but what he didn’t know was if he could control himself with you basically dry humping him in front of a bunch of people to the rhythm of it.
he wasn’t sure it was a great idea.
as soon as you got up to complete the dare, you heard cheering and clapping. and you weren’t going to lie, you wanted to throw yourself out of a window.
breathing deeply in an attempt of relaxing to just get it over with, you made your way towards donghyuck until you were standing a few feet in front of him.
as the music started playing, you started moving. running your finger on the surface of his clothed shoulder, you walked slowly around him, like a predator circling its prey. he tried not to follow your movements, already getting anxious by your closeness and nervously waiting for your next move.
i’ma smoke this joint then i’ma break you off.
i’d be lying if i said you ain’t the one.
you pushed his legs open and settled between them. your hands rubbed his thighs teasingly, fingers drawing closer to his crotch but not quite getting there. you took your sweet time feeling him up, softly scratching his strong arms and leaving red trails behind. donghyuck was so into it, enjoying the sight of you kneeling before him so much that his pants were already starting to feel tight.
heard you not the type that you take home to mom.
is we fuckin’ when we leave the club or nah?
i ain’t spendin’ cash for nothin’ i wanna see you take it off.
and oh how he wanted to see you take it off. all night he couldn’t take his eyes off of your figure, you looked really good in the outfit eunbin had chosen for you.
so good it was almost making him drool.
you sat on his lap, hands going to caress his toned chest and stomach. it was well-known that donghyuck exercised frequently, but it still surprised you. he felt so good you had to bite your lip to prevent a sound from coming out.
when you shifted to sit closer to him, his hands flew to your hips and you could tell his intention was to move them lower to grope your ass, but you weren’t having it.
do you like the way i flick my tongue or nah?
you can ride my face until you’re drippin’ cum.
“if you try to touch me again, i’ll tie you up,” you said with a sweet smile plastered on your face, grabbing him by the wrists and harshly dropping them away from you. donghyuck let out a startled gasp at that, obviously not expecting your attitude. with his hands twitching to grasp anything, he went to grip tightly the sides of the chair.
can you lick the tip then throat the dick or nah?
can you let me stretch that pussy out or nah?
your hips ground against his crotch at such a slow pace that donghyuck was having trouble not pushing you down on him faster. he was getting embarrassingly hornier as seconds passed and wanted nothing more than to fuck you right then and there, even with his friends’ eyes on you both.
donghyuck tried so hard to restrain himself from touching you. he wasn’t one to follow orders, but he tried just for you, he really did.
i’m not the type to call you back tomorrow.
but the way you wrappin’ ‘round me is a prob.
and everything was fine until you kissed him. synchronized gasps filled the room, the sudden show of affection confusing everybody. not even your intoxicated self could understand what the hell were you doing nor who you were doing it with. his breath got stuck in his throat, heart thumping against his chest at an alarming rate. his hands almost tried to bring you closer, but he realized what he was doing on time to stop himself.
he finally broke down when your mouth sucked on his tongue, making his hips grind up against yours unconsciously as his hands grabbed you by your waist, pressing your body flush against his.
that was it.
“you asked for it,” your movements came to a stop as you took off your black leather belt, sticking to your threat of tying him up if he didn’t quit it.
pussy so good, i had to save that shit for later.
took her to the kitchen, fucked her right there on the table.
“oh shit,” donghyuck stirred under you trying to get out of the situation.
this couldn’t be happening.
“no, please,” he whimpered as you fastened the belt until it was wrapped tightly around his wrists, locking his arms behind his back. your audience was unable to hold in their surprise, some mouths falling open. he fought against the restraints to no avail, desperate to free himself, “please, let me go,” he cried out quietly, not wanting the other occupants in the room to hear him.
“stop complaining or else i’ll also gag you,” you spat harshly in his ear, done with his attitude, and he swallowed hard. as you nibbled on his lobe, you felt a strong sense of confidence. it made your chest swell in pride to see the usual big mouth jerk with a smug grin constantly attached to his face falling apart under your touch.
seems like he was the one to beg, after all.
you moved your hips to the rhythm of the music, making sure to press harder against the sensitive tip of his cock, which was already leaking precum. although you weren’t an expert, you’d given a fair share of lap dances, so you knew what you were doing.
and donghyuck could certainly tell.
don’t play with a boss, girl take it off.
take it for a real one.
you gon’ get it all.
“whose bitch are you now, huh?” donghyuck couldn’t speak properly, way too hot and bothered for his brain to come up with any smart-ass response.
you tsked disapprovingly at his lack of response.
“when i ask you a question, you answer.” your fingers tangled in his hair and with a harsh tug you forced him to look up. donghyuck was dazed, lips swollen from you biting on them, eyes glassy from arousal, and mind clouded with lust.
“yours.” he whimpered quietly, forgetting momentarily about your audience.
“good boy.”
you loved how easy it was for you to break him and leave him wanting more, to have him so putty in your hands. specially since hearing comments of other female classmates about donghyuck teasing them almost till the brim of tears was part of your day-to-day life. it felt like you were getting revenge for all of them, so you were enjoying it a lot more than anyone could imagine.
your plump lips trailed down the length of his neck, leaving wet kisses along his honey-like skin, and he threw his head back to give you more access. as you licked, sucked and bit the flesh, donghyuck could hear his heartbeat loud over the music. he usually wouldn’t let a girl suck hickeys on his skin, but the idea of you marking him while everyone watched was rather exciting.
he swore the seconds passed slower than usual. you were just halfway through the song but he didn’t know if he could survive any longer.
donghyuck felt light-headed and painfully aroused, and he wasn’t going to last long if you kept kissing him and moving your hips the way you were.
“i’ma go as far as you let me,” your movements became slower to tease him, making the poor boy want to cry in agony. his jeans felt way too tight to be comfortable and he hoped everyone could just leave you two alone to take it off.
“shit, please,” donghyuck’s eyes closed, head falling forward and hanging low as drops of sweat slid down his forehead. the room felt like an oven and he didn’t know if it was a result of the significant amount of people in such a small space, the alcohol, his choice of clothing or your body pressed closely against his.
probably the latter.
girl, is you sucking me or fucking me or nah?
can i bring another bitch? let’s have a threesome.
“keep saying you’re a freak, you gon’ prove it or nah?” you quietly sang along, pulling his face closer by his hair and grinding down on him harder.
donghyuck was going crazy, he had never expected you to be so sexy, to behave so dirtily. but he loved it, and by the prominent tent in his pants, everybody could tell he was in for the ride of his life.
you’s a ride-or-die chick, you with this shit or nah?
say you not a side bitch, you all-in or nah?
you gon’ make them eggs cheesy with them grits or nah?
you brought him in for a hot kiss that left his head spinning.
donghyuck was growing restless as his climax neared, he was so close he could almost taste it. he couldn’t remember when the last time he got so close to cumming only from some teasing was.
everything was happening so quickly he wasn’t able to stop himself before giving in to the pleasure.
“h-holy fuck,” with a shaky moan that you swallowed, donghyuck shot his load, staining the crotch of his dark jeans. you could feel the wetness seeping through the piece of clothing and dampening your bottoms. his hips gave a few more sloppy thrusts, legs shaking weakly and cock twitching from the confines of his jeans, before falling limp on the chair.
or nah.
as the song ended, he came down from his high. you freed him from the iron grip of your belt, the skin on his wrists was red and slightly swollen. you may have tightened it too much in the heat of the moment, but you weren’t apologizing after giving him probably the best orgasm of his life.
the bewildered expression on his face quickly turned grim as it hit him.
he came in his pants like a fucking teenager.
in a room full of people.
in front of his friends, yours and you.
his friends stood there, both confused and surprised to see donghyuck so affected by your touch. nobody had expected things to end the way they did.
“damn, are you okay my man?” johnny asked, laughing at his friend’s flustered state.
“shut up,” donghyuck answered bitterly. he shot up from his seat, grabbing your hand and shoving you inside the nearest bathroom in the house. he didn’t even care to cover the wet spot on his pants, walking with his chin up and a scowl plastered on his face.
and blame it on how riled up you had gotten from the feeling of his hard dick pressing against your needy pussy, but damn, he looked good.
“i wanna go next!” hendery spoke excitedly. you couldn’t tell if he was just messing with you or if he actually wanted you to give him a lap dance too. either way, it made your lips turn upwards in a smug grin.
once you both made it to the bathroom, he locked the door before pushing you against it, back pressed flush into the hard piece of wood. the ambience took a 180 turn, your confidence faltered slightly at the sight of his angry form.
“you think it’s funny, yeah?” he hummed angrily in your ear. “you think i’d let you do whatever you want and embarrass me in front of my friends just because you feel like it without payback?” the look on his eyes getting darker as the words left his mouth.
“if so, oh baby, you were so wrong.”
trying to test him, you decided to answer.
“you’re all bark and no bite, what else am i supposed to think?” you smirked devilishly when you saw him clench his jaw.
“you’re gonna regret being a brat,” his slender fingers wrapped themselves around your waist and with a harsh tug, he pulled you closer to attack your lips, biting and sucking on them, making your legs wobbly. he tasted sweet and bitter at the same time, probably from the liquor he had been drinking all night, and you couldn’t seem to get enough. his lips were soft and plush as they mingled with yours, teeth roughly clashing and tongues fighting for dominance, “am i?”
donghyuck hissed through his teeth as he unbuckled his pants, letting his cum-covered shaft spring free. he was already hard and you unconsciously rubbed your thighs together to ease some of the tension building up between them. his hand shot to your throat, tightening his grip until you couldn’t breathe properly, before forcing you on your knees.
donghyuck tapped his hard and heavy cock on your lips a couple of times before speaking. “open up, slut,” and you did as you were told, parting your lips and poking your tongue out, waiting for him to slide in.
but he didn’t.
he wanted you to lick him clean, he wanted to see you do as he said, follow his orders like a good girl without complaints.
“clean the mess you’ve done. now.”
the harsh tone of his voice sent a wave of arousal straight to your core. your hands immediately shot up to grab a hold of his length, but before you got too close he stopped you. confusion was written all over your face and for a moment you worried he had changed his mind.
“no hands, i want you to work on it only with that dirty mouth of yours.”
with your hands gripping onto his thighs, your tongue swiped from the base to the head of his cock, eagerly licking him clean. once you had swallowed every drop of his cum, your mouth took him whole, hollowing your cheeks, one hand massaging his balls. donghyuck threw his head back as yours bobbed at a rapid pace, the tip of his cock reaching the back of your throat as you swallowed around him.
when he was about to cum, he pulled away from your mouth, making you whine at the loss. wrapping his hand once again around your throat like a beautiful necklace, he forced you up on your feet. he turned you around before pulling you closer by a rough tug. your clothed ass pressed against his dick, a mixture of his arousal and your saliva wetting the cloth. your hips ground back to both tease him, desperate to feel something, anything. his hands went to the front of your jeans, rubbing his fingers over your clothed clit and a whimper fell from your lips.
“more, i need more,” you pleaded, the barrier of clothes making the feeling less pleasurable.
he surprisingly complied without resistance, dipping the digits under the restricting cloth. a deep groan vibrated against the side of your neck when he felt the wetness that had been gathering inside your panties since your dare.
“look at you, so damn wet,” his mouth watered at the feeling of your needy heat. at this point, donghyuck knew everyone had an idea of what you two could possibly be doing, and although he would enjoy returning the favour by eating you out to his heart’s content, there wasn’t enough space nor time to do so comfortably. but he swore he would make it up to you some time.
“for who is it, baby?” the answer was obvious, but still, he wanted to hear it directly from you. he inserted one long finger until it was knuckles deep inside of you and you let out a squeak, head falling back onto his shoulder.
“for you donghyuck, all for you.”
“that’s right, slut, only i can make you that wet, only i can touch you like this. you’re mine, don’t forget that,” he inserted a second finger and pumped them deeply into you.
“yes,” you breathed out softly, too far gone to fight back with a snarky remark.
although his fingers felt good and you could possibly –with a bit of an effort– cum just from them, you still wanted more. you wanted to feel the nice stretch of his cock tearing your walls apart.
“please, donghyuck.”
“what do you want?”
donghyuck knew what you wanted. fuck, he wanted it too, so bad. he had been waiting for an opportunity like this for a long time and now that he could finally have it, he was going to make the best out of it.
“fuck me,” your core ached to be filled so you swallowed your pride and spoke out.
“we don’t need it, i’m on the pill,” you rushed, stomach twisting and turning in excitement, “please, just fuck me.”
donghyuck’s eyes turned darker, lust clouding both of your minds with the only desire to fuck each other stupid. he pulled down your jeans so they were pooling on your ankles and went back to pump his fingers inside you to make sure you were ready to take him. as he entered you, you had to lean on the sink in front of you to hold yourself up or else you would have faceplanted the mirror.
“you feel so good, fuck, so fucking tight,” donghyuck growled when he was balls deep in you.
whimpers fell from your lips from the delicious stretch of his thick cock. after a few seconds of you adjusting to his size, you backed your ass into his hips to let him know you wanted him to move. he gave a couple of thrusts to test the waters before picking up his pace and you gripped the sides of the sink as he pounded into you. his mouth worked on your neck while you brought one of his hands under your shirt to play with your breasts.
“such a pretty sight, don’t you think?” he tugged harshly at your hair to force you to look at your reflection on the mirror, thrusts never faltering.
your makeup was ruined; lipstick smeared messily all over your lips from the hot make-out session, neck full of bruises donghyuck left to claim you, shirt pulled above your breasts displaying your puckered nipples while one of his big hands grabbed your boob as they bounced with every hard snap of his hips.
“you have no idea how many times i had to control myself not to pounce on you,” his eyes never left your quivering reflection, completely in love with the way your frame molded with his, “every single time you couldn’t keep that pretty little mouth of yours closed and all i wanted to do was shut you up with my cock.”
“f-fuck,” his thrusts turned rougher as his free hand wrapped around your neck, tightening his grip and amplifying the mind-blowing sensations he was giving you.
your asscheeks slapped against his hips, which drilled against you at an unhuman pace, hitting the right spots with every snap and making your eyes roll to the back of your head. you couldn’t keep your mouth shut, loud moans threatening to fall from your lips so you slapped your palm over your mouth to muffle your sounds.
“don’t, i want to hear you,” he gave a particularly hard thrust to try and draw a sound out of you, “i want you to be so loud that all of our friends know what we’re doing, i want them to know how good i’m making you feel.”
specially mark.
but he wasn’t going to tell you that.
“h-hyuck,” you couldn’t hold back the broken moan that fell from your lips, pleasure overtaking your body. your hands gave in and you almost fell forward, but donghyuck reacted sooner and pulled you by your hair, holding you up.
“address me properly, brat,” he growled in your ear. you felt a hard slap on your ass, the skin of the abused area stinging from the impact.
“i’m sorry… fuck, donghyuck,” your cries went straight to his dick, urging him to fuck you harder. he kneaded the flesh soothingly before spanking it again and again until you could make out the imprint of his big hand on your asscheek.
“f-faster, please,” you pleaded in a whine and he tsked, shaking his head, “such a greedy little slut.”
“what would everyone think of you if they could see you so eagerly taking my cock, mm?” donghyuck hummed, “begging for me to fuck you until you can’t walk properly?
shocks of pleasure shot through you, his dirty talk helping you reach your release faster than you anticipated. his grip on you was so tight you were sure you were going to be sore the next day. your moans turned pornographic as you neared your release, your walls squeezed around donghyuck to the point he was unable to move, so he started drawing circles over your sensitive clit to help you get off.
“let go, baby.”
and soon, his touch threw you over the edge, causing your body to shake and a broken moan to fall from your lips, legs weak as your whole weight only relied on your arms for support. he followed shortly after, grunting as he filled you up with his warm and sticky essence.
as he pulled out, a mixture of your slick juices and his seed leaked from your abused hole, dripping down your inner thighs. his fingers slid over to gather the drops of cum and opposite to your assumption, he didn’t push it back inside of you but brought the digits to your face, waiting for you to open your mouth.
and you did, eyes locked with his through the mirror as your tongue swirled around his fingers to lick them clean.
“fuck,” donghyuck sighed, “i didn’t know you were so dirty, sweetheart.”
and the teasing comes back.
“do you want me to remind you how i made you cum in your pants back there in a room full of people?” you rolled your eyes in disbelief and he just let out a breathy laugh.
“whatever. either way, even if they didn’t have the pleasure of fucking you or at least seeing you get fucked, they surely could hear you from how loud you were screaming my name.”
“good thing mark now knows who you belong to,” the words slipped out of his mouth before he could think and both of you shared a look of pure shock.
“did you just mention mark?”
“you did! what the fuck? were you jealous of mark?” you asked, eyes wide as you remembered the disgusted look on his face when you and mark got too touchy with each other during the game.
“i am jealous of mark.”
“what? why?”
“oh my god, you’re so dense.”
“shut up, i’m not.”
“yes, you are. i like you dumbass, that’s fucking why. why wouldn’t i be jealous if you two act like you’re dating but always deny it when questioned? i can give you my hoodies, i can cuddle you and hold your hand, i can spoil you with cute stuff. i can be your boyfriend, it doesn’t have to be him.”
everything was so weird.
you were supposed to be enemies for fucks sake.
but he looked cute with pouty lips.
“well, you sure have got a damn weird way of demonstrating it.”
“shut up, okay?” donghyuck snapped, done with trying to get you to shut the fuck up. “i just didn’t know how to approach you or talk to you at all, alright?” he sighed, a scowl forming on his face. “you always seem to be angry when i’m around.” the change in his voice shocked you, it was much softer now, as if he was afraid of you hearing it.
“hey, don’t beat yourself for it, alright?” you sighed, feeling bad for being so mean to him for no reason. because you really didn’t have a reason. whenever you weren’t at each other’s throats and you got time to observe him from afar, you saw how caring he was with his friends, even if most of the time he annoyed the crap out of them.
donghyuck actually seemed like a good guy… if you ignored his teasing.
maybe you didn’t hate him as much as you thought.
“so, would you be my-,”
suddenly, the sound of banging on the door resonated through the room.
“are you done already? i need to pee.”
you quickly fixed your clothes, embarrassed by the presence of someone outside the door waiting for you and donghyuck to get out and momentarily forgetting about the boy’s proposal. just as you were about to open the door and get yourself the fuck out of the situation, his arms wrapped around your waist to pull you closer and whisper to your ear in a way you could feel your panties get damp once again.
“we’re not done yet, princess.”
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tavvattales · 3 years
helloooo can i request a fluff lof y/n taking care of their injuries after some long fight? with childe, xiao and diluc 😊 thank youuu
Oh my goodness, yes of course! <3
And if I may be bold to say, you're my first ever ask! Thank you so much for enjoying my work. I hope you enjoy these stories I wrote especially for you! 😊😊
GENSHIN IMPACT Character x gn reader fluff stories~♡♡
Scenario: Cleaning up their wounds
Characters: Childe/Tartaglia, Xiao, Diluc(seperate)
Pairings: Childe/Tartaglia x gn reader, Xiao x gn reader, Diluc x gn reader
Warnings: Mentions of blood and injuries, minor swearing
SFW----> Lots of fluff down below. Click at your own risk. ;)
● He's a skilled fighter, he wouldn't be a Harbinger if he wasn't, so very rarely would he come to you with a wound. When he does he's always embarrassed, but he'll come to you because you never pass judgment, instead your eyes are filled with worry and love.
● He loves how gentle you are when you tend to him. The way he looks at you when you clean him up and the way you smile at him, telling him how glad you are it wasn't anything serious. He knows how much you love him and it makes him fall even harder for you. Every. Single. Time.
A loud, rapid knock to your door startled you awake. Groggily you stumbled out of bed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes wondering who it could be at this time of night. As you reach the door, you peer through the peep hole. Surprised, you open the door.
A Fatui agent stood there, bowing to you. Immediately you knew what was wrong before the man could have a chance to speak, "Where is he? How bad is it?" You asked, rushed, already putting your coat on over your sleeping garments.
"He's at the Northlander Bank. He would have come here himself, but this time it's. . .bad. He's lost a bit of blood," The agent spoke grimly. You felt the lump in your throat rise and you tried to swallow.
"Thank you. ." You manage to say to the man before rushing past him, grabbing the medical supplies in the process. You didn't stop running through the brightly lit streets of Liyue until you arrived at the bank.
Panting and gasping for air you pushed past the two Fatui agents who were guarding the doors. They already knew who you were so they didn't even try to stop you, otherwise you would have had their tounge.
You quickly made your way to his room where a few more agents were attending to him as he lay on his bed, clutching his side with blood soaked rags. Your nose was immediately met with the smell of iron, "Childe! Oh my Archons, what the hell happened?!" You rush to his side, pulling out your medical supplies.
You shooed the remaining agents out of the room so you could focus. "I had a run in with a peculiar traveler named Aether. He put up quite a fight. ." His breathing was heavy and staggered, fading in and out of consciousness.
"I need you to keep talking to me, my love," you say to him gently, trying to stay calm, "I'm going to cut off your shirt so I can better assess your wound, okay?" You swiftly take out your surgical scissors and cut away the crimson soaked fabric clinging to his upper torso.
You gasp, the wound was a large slash across the side of his abdomen. You stifle back tears before meekly saying, "You're going to be okay. I promise. You'll need several stitches, but I'm determined to keep you alive."
He lets out a small laugh before wincing in pain, "I'm lucky to have someone as kind and caring as you, Y/N" Childe weakly reaches over to push a strand of hair behind your ear.
You lean into his hand for a brief moment before replying, "Take this for the pain, and this to help stop the bleeding. Afterwards I'm going to need to disinfect the wound," You hand him two pills and he swallows them quickly, "It's going to hurt, love, so bare with me. ."
You open up a bottle of alcohol and offer your hand to him, "Squeeze my hand," You say to him as you start pouring the alcohol over his wound. He grits his teeth and lets out a pained groan as he squeezes your hand tightly. You work quickly from there, stitching his wound perfectly.
Once you're finished you clean up all the rags and place a clean damp one over his forehead. He's now asleep, getting the much deserved rest he needed. You place a gentle kiss upon his cheek, not leaving his side.
He'll live to see another day, thank the Archons.
Childe/Tartaglia x gn reader END
● He also isn't one to get injured so quickly, though when he does you're always quickly by his side no matter how big or small. Even though he's not much for human interaction, he quite enjoys the attention he gets from you.
● He'll always thank you in his own way with odd gifts he made himself. You find it charming. By now you have quite the collection and they're all your most prized possessions.
Today you wanted to travel to Mondstat as you heard there was a festival going on and Xiao offered to accompany you, but only for protection he insisted. He thought human customs were a waste and didn't want to be bothered with them.
The journey to Mondstat would take half a day, and sometimes the roads could be treacherous, so you made sure to pack all of the necessities.
Snacks for the road? Check. Extra water? Check. A med kit? Of course. You triple checked everything and you were about to check it a fourth time when Xiao stopped you and said, "Y/N, you have everything we need. Trust me," He placed a firm, but gentle hand on your shoulder, "Now let's get going before it gets too late. The roads will get dangerous is we wait any longer."
You let out a small sigh and nod, "You're right. Sorry, you know I always gotta make sure everything's in order." You could have sworn you heard him huff and that made you smile. Xiao always had a cold exterior, but you knew a different side to him. He was gentle, kind, always looking out for you. You loved him so much for that. He'd never let anyone but you see this side of him.
Grabbing your sack you sling it over your shoulder and secure it as you both prepare to head out. Xiao was never one for small talk, but you still engaged him in conversation while you two walked. He secretly loved the sound of your voice so he kept you entertained just so he could keep hearing it.
After a few hours of walking both of you had arrived to Stone Gate, you decide it was time for a break. You stretch your arms upwards and arch your back before plopping down on top of a log you had found, patting the spot next to you for Xiao to sit next to you, but he shook his head and continued to stand on guard, "Oh come on, Xiao. We've been walking for hours. It's okay to rest for a bi-"
He quickly raised his hand to stop you from talking and put a finger to his lips before quietly saying, "I sense something evil coming our way," He readied his jade spear before continuing, "I need you to hide someplace safe."
"No way am I going to let you fight on your own!" You retort, getting your sword ready. Determination burned in your eyes as you glanced over to him.
He met your gaze and let out a small sigh, his golden eyes glimmering before giving you a nod, "Fine."
You started hearing rustling from all around you both when it finally clicked that it was an ambush. A charge of at least twenty Hilichurls and three large ones came at the both of you from all sides, "Tck. . Damn. There are more than I expected, " Xiao muttered angrily, knocking back three with his spear in one swift movement, killing them instantly.
You swiftly take out two more, rushing at a third one. You two made a hell of a team. You didn't have a vision, but you were very skilled with the sword and whatever you didn't have, Xiao made up for it creating the perfect synergy between the both of you.
"So much for a peaceful break!" You call out to him as you hacked away a few more, so far you've managed not to get hit. Xiao managed to take out the rest rather quickly.
You rush to his side, noticing a rather long cut across his right cheek, "Xiao, you've been hurt," you said, a frown forming on your lips. He reached up to touch it and he winced slightly.
"I must have been nicked by an arrow, " He muttered, "I'm just glad you're not hurt," He softly took your chin in his hand as he tilted your head gently, side to side.
You blush furiously, avoiding his beautiful gaze, "Let me at least tend to your cut. It's the least I can do" you say, rummaging through your sack taking out the med kit.
Xiao took a seat on the log you were previously sitting on as you kneel in front of him, gently tending his wound. He winces each time you dab it with the disinfectant, but he's grateful to you.
After placing the bandage on his cut, he gingerly takes your hand and places it back on his cheek, nuzzling into it, "Thank you, " He said in a hushed whisper before kissing your hand.
You smile at him and leaned upwards, giving a quick kiss to his bandaged cut, leaving him stunned. "That's to make it heal faster" you say giggling softly at his expression.
He still wasn't used to human customs, but this he could get used to.
Xiao x gn reader END
● His work as the Dark Knight hero brings him home with several injuries a week, but you're quick to assist him and most of the time he's careful not to sustain anything too horrible. Though you never fail to scold him for being reckless and to take it easy once in a while.
● He always studies your features as you tend to him, falling in love with you all over again. You're so tender with your touch, careful not to cause him any further harm. He always pulls you into a tight embrace afterwards, grateful to be back in your arms after a long night.
You let out an exasperated sigh as you study the mildly battered Diluc. His bright fiery colored hair, falling in locks in front of his face as he plops down in a chair, leaning his head back. He had several small cuts from what you could tell with the amount of tears on his clothing, "You over did it again, didn't you?" You asked, hands on your hips.
"Mm, perhaps I may have, " Diluc replies back, slowly taking off his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt, preparing for you to clean out his cuts and scrapes.
You click your tongue in response to his answer, "You worry me so much, you know that, right?" But you're quick to blush as he slides off his shirt, his perfectly sculpted abs catching the dim light of the room, creating perfect shadows across his skin.
He smirks at you, "I'm aware, but I also love seeing how you care for me after a long night, Y/N," Diluc takes your hand in his, bringing it up to his lips as he gingerly kisses it, glancing up at you with his gentle crimson eyes.
You fidget shyly, meeting his gaze, "O-of course. I'll always support you, but it's okay to give your body a break once in a while too. ." You say, smiling softly wondering what you were gonna do with him.
Diluc lets go of your hand, letting you get to work on cleaning his several small cuts. You're careful not to further hurt him as you dab them clean, applying a bandage to each one, "All finished." You say, proud of your handiwork.
"Thank you, my dear," He says as he gets up, pulling you into a warm embrace. Your heart pounding in your chest. You lift your face up to meet his loving crimson gaze as he leans down to give you a soft, warm kiss upon your lips.
You may not like to see him hurt, but you live for these gentle moments.
Diluc x gn reader END
I hope you enjoy <3
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xsugarysweetsx · 3 years
Congrats on 2k mama sweet,,,!! :))
Since there is no sk8 requests yet how about option 2 - Kaoru x reader <3 Had this thought after reading ur arranged marriage fic... how about at the start of the marriage reader thinks that Kaoru is cheating on her when he sneaks out at night but after he tells her about S, reader feels kinda silly for thinking so.. next thing you know Kaoru is taking reader to all the beefs as his lucky charm. Reader even has a matching costume and the others start calling her "Lady Cherry" or smth,, teaches reader to skate (she's lowkey jealous of carla >.<) + some domestic fluff (what if reader finds out she's pregnant....) This doesn't have to be connected to the other fic & you can ignore the cheating part if u like... :-*
A/N: :0 Lady Cherry is a super smart name!
other fic here
Please enjoy~🍰
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There he went again...
The sliding door of your shared room altered you from your sleep. This was the 6th night in a row that he left without a word in the middle of the night. The first 2 nights you thought he was simply tending to business and was just busy. After the 4th day, you were suspicious and a bit hurt. He did tell you he didn’t want to hurt you and treat you right....so where was he going?
This was another night he had gotten up, so instead of staying in bed you followed him. 
“Carla, make sure to lock the doors when I leave“ he said to his AI
“Yes, master“ you scoffed. You had to admit the stupid computer got on your nerves. He practically loved talking to her and every time she answered him, he gets all giddy. You were really jealous but you wish he’d get that way with you.  
Just as he was going to leave you called for him
“Kaoru?“ he froze and turned around “It’s late...“ you said coming closer to him. That’s when you noticed what he was wearing, he was in a sleeveless yukata with a black mask over his face, and a...skateboard?
“Y/N I...um...“ being that he can’t speak about S he was contemplating whether to tell you or not. But you were his wife and he wanted to be open with you on everything. However what you said next caught him off guard
“...if there’s someone else please just tell me...“ and the way you looked when you said it just broke his heart. Did you really think he was cheating? Even though this was arranged, he couldn’t ask for someone better to be his wife. You were smart, shy but bright, not to mention beautiful.
“Y/N“ he walked to you and rests his hand on your shoulder “I would never cheat on you and I assure you there is no one else.”
“Then why do you leave at night?“ you ask
“*Sigh*....I go skating.“ he said bluntly. There was nothing to hide from you and it was all true
“...huh“ he lifted his board for you to see
“Some friends and I go skateboarding in a secret location for races and such. We only go at night so we go unnoticed.“ he held up a small pin “It’s called S..now that you know you can’t tell anyone. Now go throw something on, we’re heading out.“
Just as he said you were heading out in the dead of night. And of course you had to ride on Carla, every time he spoke to her it was like he was talking to his crush. As you approach a gate with two guards he gives you a larger sticker of the letter ‘S’. You show them to security and make it inside where people had started screaming. You knew he was popular among women but this was more than you thought
“Lord Cherry!!” one screamed 
“Cherry” he interrupted 
Getting his bike to a stop he helps you off and says “we don’t use our real names here for security reasons. Here I’m Cherry blossom.” 
So what he was telling you was true. You honestly felt a bit silly for jumping to conclusions so quickly. Before he was off to what he called a ‘beef’ he introduced you to JOE. You were surprised to see the popular chef here as well, although you knew they had been friends for years. The large screen in the area showed you just how goof he was at this. 
He was fast but graceful, sharp an precise on corners. The crowd only cheered louder than before. 
“So, you’re the one he’s been talking about huh?“ Joe asked 
“He’s been...talking about me?“ you asked
He nodded “He was gone for like 3 days in a row not to mention he was brushing off more women now. That’s when he told us there was someone he wanted to be loyal to.” okay, now you felt really silly. After the race was done and over with Cherry had made his way back to you. He comes and embarrass you and whispers in your ear
“You brought me good luck.“ you felt your heart skip a beat from the feeling of being close to him
“oooo, look at Lord Cherry with his lady~“
“Shut up you big oaf!!“
During the next few months you had gone with him to almost every beef. You had even gained a name for yourself, ‘Lady Cherry’. You had become quite popular among some men there and even cherry’s female fans. He would usually bring you as his ‘lucky charm’, it was cheesy but sweet at the same time. They also had a habit of saying 
“The Cherries have arrived“ 
On his free time he would actually taught you how to skate, well he tried anyway. Balance wasn’t exactly easy and being from a traditional family, this was unusual for you. You’d be holding on to his shoulders while his hands held your waist
“Don’t let me fall“
“You’re doing just fine dear. Why don’t we try some tricks“ he offered  
“Are you sure you’re the man I married?“ you ask with a smirk
“The one and only dear“ he kissed your cheek 
It was honestly so cute to him. You’d have a scared but excited look on your face. Your cheeks would turn pink and it just made his heart fluttered. On top of all that you were willing to indulge in something he has loved from a young age. He always took you with him to each beef he attended. Both for showing you off an he is in love with the idea of winning every race for not just himself but for you as well.  
Although tonight you wouldn’t make it to the beef. He was going to race Joe but that was put on hold. You had been feeling sick all day and you just finished emptying your stomach. As much as you told him to go, he refused to leave.
“You’re my wife and you’re clearly not okay“ he said helping you up off the floor “you come before any beef or competition. Now come on, let’s get you to the hospital and get you checked out.“
A short drive to the general hospital was taken that night. No, he would not wait until tomorrow morning. He wanted to know that you were okay and didn’t have anything terminal. After speaking with the nurse and giving some blood and urine samples you both patiently waited. You leaned against him playing with the digits of his fingers. 
*Knock knock* “Ma’am we have your results” the doctor says holding up a couple of papers and even some medicine. “well, you’re clear for any terminal conditions or diseases. although you have some hormonal imbalances and some new ones kicking in.”
“Meaning?“ Kaoru urged him on
“Congratulations, you’re 4 weeks pregnant.“
“....“ you both sat in shock at the news. You were pregnant? Well, you two were active, and maybe Kaoru has his own little rituals. Either after or before a beef he’d get frisky and was set on pleasing you both. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that this would have happened, still it was shocking news
“These are some prenatal vitamins you’ll need to take for the month. Make sure to make an appointment to check on the baby alright?” giving you the vile of pills he takes his leave leaving you both in silence. What were you supposed to say? How were you going to deal with this? Were you even ready?
“-together.“ you didn’t catch his whole sentence 
“I’m sorry what was that?” you ask him
“We’ll this together alright?“ he took your hand in his “believe me I’m as shocked as you are but, we’ll figure this out together okay?“
“Alright“ you smile back 
“We should probably start with a bigger house for the three of us“
“Kaoru, come on it’s just paint I can-“
“You are not moving a muscle“ he cut you off “I want you to rest all you can. You’re making a baby and that’s enough.“
To say he was strict during your pregnancy was an understatement. As soon as your belly started showing you were no longer going to beefs with him. You were currently 6 months along, and expecting a girl! Kaoru was over the moon to know it was a girl. he would have been happy with a boy too, but a little copy of you was like a dream. He couldn't wait to see the little girl that would look like you and act like him.
Today was nursery day, which meant painting, building and organizing. Kaoru had you only fold and organizing the clothes and things while he painted. Of course being your idea you had called the boys over to help. Joe was building some stuff along with Shadow. Langa and Reki were actually helping to paint the walls. 
“I appreciate you guys coming to help“ you smile 
“Hey it’s no problem, at least you told us about it“ Joe commented. Oh yeah, he also wanted to keep it a secret so that 
‘the idiot wouldn’t ruin your pregnancy‘ which made you laugh for a good 5 minutes. But they were very good help and made the process easier 
“Hey so what are you naming the baby?“ Reki asked 
“Well, Kaoru kind of wanted to associate it with his skate name so we agreed on Sakura.“
“AAWWHH“ everyone said out load slightly teasing him. Without turning from the wall he said
“....I just wanted a beautiful name for her was all.“ although he was cold at times they knew he meant well especially for his family.  A while late Joe made a small dinner for you all to enjoy. You thanked them for coming over and you were done for the night. You were putting on some lotion over your rounded middle when Kaoru came behind you. He wrapped his arms around and over your own hands and rested there for a moment
“Who would have thought we’d be here huh?” You whisper
“In all honesty I was hoping for it” he admired “before we married you were described as a caring and sweet woman. But you were so much more once we were married. You’re compassionate, intelligent, stubborn, beautiful, and absolutely perfect” he said kissing the side of your head “and now, you’ve given me the gift of being a father. Thank you”
Turning in his hold you wipe away small tears “oh Kaoru , thank you too. You’ve treated me like I’m the only person you need. On top of that you take care of me but still give me my freedom. I love you..”
“And I love you” he rests his forehead against yours as his fingers trace over your baby bump.
I hope this was okay!❤️
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Drabble#2)
Summary: Jungkook is sick and needs your love.
Pairing: Always You!Jungkook x female reader
Genre: fluff, implied smut.
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: none really! enjoy
Notes: no smut in this one! I’m surprised at myself lol Enjoy:)
Taglist: @seagulljk
© taestefully-in-luv
You are the definition of exhausted. Work was hectic today to say the least, you didn’t think all these cookie orders would come out of thin air like the way they did today. You and your coworkers are so god damn tired but still decided that you guys were going to hit a bar to celebrate that the day is over. You were going to at least. That is until you were on your way to your car when your phone started buzzing with incoming messages.
Jungkook 9:24pm
Baby I am dying I think I am actually dying
Jungkook 9:24pm
Is it normal to have hallucinations while on nyquil
Jungkook 9:25pm
Bc I keep thinking you’re here and your gorgeous lips are on my dick
Jungkook 9:25pm
Oh my goodddd I am dying, I need you
Jungkook 9:25pm
I need you
You look at your screen and frown…Jungkook mentioned this morning he was feeling sort of…under the weather. But now he’s talking about dying? While you are stubborn while sick, Jungkook is quite the opposite. He’s needy, wants attention and will pretty much do anything you ask.
y/n 9:27pm
Do I need to come take care of you?
Jungkook 9:27pm
Yes:( please come home…
“y/n!” Jade jogs up to you, stopping when she gets to you and your car. “Want to ride together?”
“Ah,” you bite down on your bottom lip, “Actually my boyfriend is sick and—”
“You can say ‘Jungkook’” Jade rolls her eyes playfully, “But I get it, saying ‘boyfriend’ is fun, huh?”
You blush, feeling embarrassed. “Yeah, well. Jungkook is kind of sick and he’s such a baby when he’s like this and—”
“No need to explain.” She smiles, “Go. Next time,” she promises. “But you owe me a drink for leaving me with these fools. Hazel is apparently meeting us too, and you know how Adam gets.” She teases, “So, you owe me.”
“Noted.” You laugh, “See you later, Jade.”
You get inside your car, turning the ignition on when your phone starts buzzing again, this time a phone call from none other than your boyfriend.
“Hello?” you bring the phone to your ear. “Jungkook?”
“Baby.” Jungkook drags out the word in a whine, “Please bring me more medicine.” He softly begs. You have to admit he does sound pretty pathetic. You can’t help but pity him as he starts dramatically coughing on the other side of the line.
“And please hurry. I need you. Need you to cuddle me and kiss me. I think your kisses could possibly cure me.”
“I’m about to leave work right now,” you confirm, “Which meds should I get you? What are you feeling exactly?”
“I’m feeling so…so in love with you.” He slurs from his drowsy state, then starts giggling.
“Jungkook.” You deadpan. “What are your symptoms?”
“It’s just a cold.” He says, “I think it’s what Jimin had a few days ago. That bastard passed it to me.”
“And you want me to kiss you?!” you laugh, “I’m not trying to get sick.”
“No, no. Don’t worry baby, our power of love will fight against it.”
“You are so…” you begin laughing again, your blush deepening. “I’ll be home in like 30 minutes, okay? Think you’ll be alive when I get there?”
“Your love keeps me alive.” He teases, “See you soon. Love you.”
“Love you, bye.” You bring the phone down and click the end button. The AC is blowing in your face, cooling you from the warmth that had crept on your cheeks while talking to Jungkook. It’s unbelievable that he’s able to make you blush like this, like as if this was completely brand new like you haven’t known him for years.
The apartment is completely dark when you walk in and also completely quiet. Did Jungkook fall asleep? Did that NyQuil finally do its job? You set the bag of meds down on the breakfast table and turn on the kitchen light. You walk into the kitchen and grab a glass from the cabinet to fetch you some water, it’s nice and cold as if travels down your throat. It feels nice… the dark, quiet apartment—you need the rest after today. You think you’re about to go find a sleeping Jungkook and get some sleep yourself when you feel two strong arms wrap around your waist.
“You’re finally here.” Jungkook whispers, “I waited all day for you.” He whines and you smile for him even though he can’t see.
“All day?” you ask, “Should I have left work to come take care of you?” you tease.
“Yes,” he responds shamelessly. “I missed you so much…I think that’s why I just got sicker throughout the day.” He tightens his hold on you but immediately loosens his grip from how weak he feels.
“Come to bed.” He commands and you spin around in his grasp to face him.
“I need to shower and get ready first.” You explain and he looks at you with sad, tired eyes.
“No.” he pouts, “Who cares? Just change and come to bed.”
“Jungkook.” You chuckle. “I worked hard today, I need a shower.”
Jungkook brings you into his chest and he inhales you, taking in your scent and he melts.
“You smell fine, y/n.”
“I smell like cookies.”
“Smells good.”
“Fine, let’s go to bed.”
Jungkook’s sleepy face lights up and he turns your body around so your back is flush against his chest and he holds on to you.
“Lead the way.” He chirps, “I’m not letting go.”
“Jungkook…” you whine as you try walking forward and he follows you while holding on to you as tight as his tired body possibly can.
You two walk into your shared bedroom and he finally drops his arms to his side and makes his way into bed. You go to your drawer and pull out one of his t shirts…you slip off your work clothes for the day and drag the t shirt of your body.
“Cutie.” Jungkook comments as he lays back and watches you change.
“Oh shit, I forgot to grab your meds. I’ll be right back.” You say making Jungkook frown. You make your way back into the kitchen and grab the baggy full of medicine plus a glass of water and walk back into the room when you notice Jungkook dozing off.
“Babe?” you whisper and his eyes immediately shoot open.
“Come cuddle me.” He weakly pats the spot next to him and you smile.
“Take these first.”
“Yes mam.”
He looks up at you with his beautiful doe eyes, a look of submission written all over his face.
“These first.” You hand him two different pills as you sit on the edge of the bed and he swallows them down quickly while staring into your eyes.
“Now these.”
Jungkook nods his head while taking another two pills.
“Any more?” he asks quietly.
“That’s it for your meds.”
“Wrong.” He states. “I need the most powerful medicine of all.” He gives you a soft smile, “Need a kiss from my baby…please, please kiss me. Missed your lips all day.”
“Your kiss will cure me, I’m sure of it.” He whispers softly. “All I need is you to be okay.”
Your eyes widen at his cute confession, he’s so god damn sleepy—you can tell. His eyes are barely staying open but he just wants to be with you. He is trying his hardest to stay awake because he missed you so much throughout the day.
“Please.” He quietly begs. “Need you.”
You search his eyes and find nothing but love in them, you can’t help but beam at him. One kiss can’t hurt you, right?
You scoot closer to him on the bed, your hands finding themselves in his Jungkook’s hair as you softly bring his face closer to you.
“One kiss.” You promise and Jungkook nods his head slowly with a dopey grin on his face.
“We’ll see about that.” He says under his breath and you laugh while leaning in closer to his face.
You lean in until his breaths hit your lips, your lips just barely touching his and he grows weaker at the contact.
“Please.” He begs again, his words hitting your mouth. “Please.”
You peck his lips softly, just giving him a slow kiss. He kisses back, his lips moving against yours so tenderly it makes you melt. You can tell he has no energy but he continues to kiss you. He slants his mouth over yours and tries to deepen the kiss, you tilt your head and give him a better angle. You said one kiss but…
Suddenly, you feel the wetness of his tongue poking out, trying to find its way between your lips. You open your moth just a little wider to give him access to your own tongue, he slides his in your mouth and slowly caresses his with yours. He releases a long, soft moan and you hate that you get so turned on hearing him. This isn’t a moment to get turned on, this is a sweet, tender moment.
Jungkook slips his tongue out and begins pecking your lips again, a little faster than before. But then he pulls back, his breaths nice and heavy.
“I’m so dizzy.” he says with his eyes closed.
“Me too.” You admit, feeling quite breathless yourself.
“No…I mean, like, literally. I don’t feel good.” He breathes out, “Kissing you, I think took all the energy I have left…what are you like a succubus or something?” he jokes.
“Baby, you need to sleep.”
“Snuggle with me, please.” He pats the spot next to him again and you get up and walk over to that side of the bed. You slip underneath the sheets and move your body close to his. You can feel all his heat radiate off his body and you frown…he must have a fever.
“Let’s sleep, my love.” You say but Jungkook weakly shakes his head.
“Wanna hear about your day.” He sinks deeper into the covers and lays his head on your chest, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“It was busy, we had what felt like a million orders today. Yoongi even came by but left because we were so busy.”
“Mhm.” He nuzzles his face into your breasts, “Did you think of me today?” he asks.
“I always think of you.” You admit.
“I thought of you so much today.” He says between heavy sighs, “Missed you so much.” He squeezes your body tighter. “I don’t think I can be without you for very long.”
You feel your heart pinch in your chest…because…
“You can. You’re just a baby.” You tease.
“No, I really don’t think I can. I felt myself grow weaker every moment I was without you.” He huffs into your chest. You caress his back as he speaks, his words becoming more and more slurred and distant from on another. He’s so tired.
“You love me that much?” you get out in a whisper and it’s silent for a few moments, you think maybe he finally fell asleep until you hear him sigh out.
“I literally don’t love anyone as much as I love you.”
You keep quiet for a few moments too long because after around a minute or so you hear Jungkook lightly snoring into your chest…you can’t help but smile down at him. He’s wrapped his entire body around you, holding you, squeezing you. You caress his back some more and start to feel yourself fall asleep as well. Your eyes getting heavier and heavier until the world becomes dark.
“Good morning!” You feel Jungkook’s breath on your ear, you begin to open your eyes, blinking lazily at your surroundings.
“Morning?” you question since it’s still dark in the room. “It’s still night?” you ask.
“It’s like 5am.” Jungkook states. Your eyes finally begin adjusting in the darkness and you notice Jungkook looks ten times better. He still looks tired but he has more life.
“Your kiss cured me, if that’s what you are thinking about.” He smiles that bunny smile and you laugh.
“I thought it drained you of your life?” you sit up on your elbows, “That I’m a succubus?”
“No, it helped me sleep so it could work its love magic on me and now I feel almost all the way better.”
“Almost?” you quirk a brow and he chuckles.
“I think I need more from you to make me all the way better.” He wiggles his brows at you and sends you a wink.
“What more do you need?” you lean forward and peck his lips, but you linger in his space. He smiles against your mouth and kisses you again.
“I think my hallucinations were actually visions of the future.”
You tilt your head, trying to remember what his text said about hallucinations when realization hits you.
“You need my lips wrapped around your cock?”
“I think that’s the ultimate cure.” He kisses you again, “Don’t you think?”
“You’re so needy.” Your lips move over his sensually, your tongue making its way into his mouth. He whimpers into your mouth when he feels your hand grab a hold of his hardening member. He pulls away from you and smiles softly.
“I’ll always need you.”
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xiaothejun · 3 years
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Superman/ Wong Yukhei
Female reader x Lucas wong
Summary: You’re taking care of yukhei while not feeling well yourself
I miss this man🥲❤️
You took a day off work since you had to take care of your boyfriend who had a stomach flu, and it seems like you couldn’t feel worse, even though you were dealing with your own terrible headache, you did your best to make him feel better.
Both of you were over working and got sick once you got to rest just for a bit, and you couldn’t feel glad for feeling bad yourself but thankful for having a chance to stay with him for once since he came back home.
He hasn’t woke up yet. Sleeping peacefully like the angel he is, his lips are plump and soft and you sigh at the view of him cuddling the little pillow of yours.
“How are you?” Your friend texted, concerned since you never miss a work day.
-“Terrible, just took a pill. I hope I’ll feel better tomorrow. I’m taking care of Yukhei as long as I’m home.” You replied, she knew he was sick for days now and couldn’t be not understanding, that’s what you appreciated most about her.
The curtains suddenly were hit with cold wind and let the sunlight get through to the room, making your boyfriend furrow his eyebrows at the burning light in his eyes and he slightly whines.
“Oh shit…” you curse under your breath when you realize it and run to close the window. “I’m sorry baby, I didn’t notice it was-“ you apologize to him, throwing your phone on the bed beside him. “How do you feel, Angel?” You caress his cheek with the back of your fingers, placing a small peck on his bare forehead, his hair is silky.
-“Better,” he smiles lightly. Oh you missed his morning face so much.
You take the opportunity to peck his nose as well, and lastly his full lips that were longing to yours. -“Much better now.” He says with his husky, deep morning voice, it cracks a bit.
“I made your favorite soup- oh my god the soup!” You jump off the bed when you recall you left it for perhaps too long on the stove and he giggles at your cuteness when you get slightly anxious. Stressing his arms as he yawns, they land on your side of the bed, making contact with your phone and he takes a look in it.
“Oh no, Get well soon bestie!” He reads the last text message you received and haven’t read yet because he just woke up with furrowed brows in confusion. He decides to open it (you two are comfortable with reading each other’s texts and both have access to your cellphones).
“Oof…” you sigh out of relief when you come back to your bedroom, holding the sides of your head as if you were just lucky the soup isn’t ready yet and not because of your shitty headache. -“Baby, come here.” He pulls himself up to reach his long arm to you and pulls you closer. “What is it?” You ask him and then see the light from your phone, your chat room opened and Yukhei having that puppy gaze of his.
-“You didn’t tell me about your headache, why do you keep taking care of me if you’re not well yourself, baby?” He pulls the covers on your body and now both of you are trapped in a warm space. “I’m fine now, really. I guess I just overworked but taking care of you makes me calmer.” Yukhei just holds your cheek in his big palm, caressing you softly, his thumb is drawing shapes you can’t explain but he’s curing you.
“Thank you for the soup baby, but you should go turn the stove off for now and cuddle with me instead.” All you could see through the slightest light coming from the living room and the windows was the stars in his eyes, shining as if you were stargazing at midnight. “You should take care of yourself as well. You know I’m a big boy, I can handle this.” His caring personality was one of the reasons you loved him with every cell of your body. -“Okay superman, I’m gonna turn it off. But only if you promise me you’ll rest and eat a lot when i’m not here to take care of you.” He laughs at the nickname you just called him, smiles at your motherly words.
“I love you, you know that?” He replies, ignoring from what you asked from him to do, but he makes your heart melt.
-“Great, now my heart aches as well as my head.” You joke and get off bed, not before he steals a quick kiss from your lips. -“I love you more.” You say innocently and leave the bedroom, leaving him blushing under the covers.
“No way!” He yells back.
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sierraraeck · 3 years
JJ x John B
Summary: JJ likes losing control, and there is no one safer he can do that with than his boyfriend, John B. But after a particularly awful week, JJ just needs something he can be in control of.
Category: Smut, angst
Warnings: Cussing/slurs, JJ’s home life so abuse and violence, allusion to sexual abuse, rough sex, choking, safe word used. Look, this gets dark, so this is your warning.
Word Count: 3.4K
A/N: I agree with a lot of other people that in their relationship, John B is usually the dominant one because JJ likes losing control, but I’m convinced that after a really fucking bad week, he just loses it and needs something he can control. This is what I imagine that would look like.
It had been a bad week. It felt never ending, getting roughed up by the Kooks, running from the cops, taking the fall for Pope, and now this.
If you keep going down this road, you’re going to end up just like your dad.
Maybe his best friend, and within the last year or so his boyfriend, was right. Maybe he, and everyone else on the island who constantly reminded him of his blood, was right. Maybe he was destined to be a complete fuck up with no future other than three cement walls and a grid of bars. Not like JJ’d ever imagined his life going any differently.
We’re sick of your shit.
Those were the words echoing in his head as his feet made the decision before his mind did.
You are a worthless piece of shit.
He remembered something Pope had told him once, that the brain can’t differentiate between the truth and something that has been repeated to you over and over.
You’ll be back here one day. You good for nothing piece of shit, that’s why your mamma left. Stay down, boy. I don’t care where you’ve been. Really living up to your name, Maybank. You’re just like your daddy. Fucking bastard. Worthless.
Must be true, right? If everyone is saying it, including the only people he’s ever really thought cared about him, it must be true.
As he opened the door to the run down shack, he already knew what he’d see, but a shutter of fear still raced down his spine. His dad was sitting on the couch, all kinds of beer and pill bottles scattered around him.
“What the hell you doing back here, boy?” the gruff voice of JJ’s nightmares asked.
“Dad, I-”
“The least your worthless ass could do is get me a beer.”
JJ complied, because, what else was he going to do? Weak.
As he walked over to his dad, the smell of beer was overwhelming. It always was, but the smell seemed stronger than he remembered. His dad's tolerance must be higher than it was a few weeks ago.
“Open it,” Luke demanded.
JJ tried, he really did, but his hands were shaking too damn much. Come on, don’t be such a pussy.
Apparently he couldn’t do it fast enough, so Luke ripped the bottle out of his hands, causing it to shatter on the floor. JJ flinched at the sound.
“What are you, retarded? Can’t even open one goddamned bottle!”
JJ didn’t even try to duck. He felt Luke’s knuckle make contact with his cheekbone, head whipping to the side. We’re sick of your shit, JJ.
“Don’t fucking beg you weak, worthless piece of shit!”
Flames enveloped his gut, followed by another fire lit over his ribs. We don’t want you around.
The voice he was hearing sounded an awful lot like John B’s.
“Fucking pathetic! Just like your mother!” JJ was on the floor now, not completely able to remember how he got there. As his body screamed in pain with each new kick, his mind was getting farther and farther away from where he was.
Our lives would be better without you in it. I would be so much happier if I had a boyfriend who wasn’t such a burden, such a fuck up. Someone without so many fucking issues.
He could feel the blood dripping down his face and leg, but refused to make himself consciously aware of it.
This is what you deserve, JJ.
This is what you deserve.
Twenty-eight hours. That’s how long it’d been since John B last saw JJ. The moment he walked out the door John B kicked himself for it.
He couldn’t believe he’d actually said that to JJ. ‘You’re going to end up just like your dad.’ He couldn’t think of a worse thing to say to JJ.
It’d overall been a shit week, and John B knew that he was sleep deprived and irritable from everything that’d gone on, not like that was any excuse for what he’d done.
As time ticked by, John B just kept going over everything he’d done wrong in the past week.
You’re going to end up just like your dad. We’re sick of your shit.
Not to mention the time he grabbed JJ by the collar of his shirt and shoved him up against the wall. The way JJ flinched and seemed to shrink into himself, immediately casting his eyes down, was an image John B couldn’t get out of his head. He knew better than to touch JJ without explicitly asking or giving him plenty of forewarning, let alone grab him out of nowhere while he was angry.
God, JJ looked so scared in that moment, and John B couldn’t even believe he’d just made the person he cared about most in the world feel threatened by him. And JJ didn’t even look like he’d fight back. He looked like he was bracing himself, ready to take whatever harm was to come to him.
JJ put so much trust in John B, letting him be in control of their most intimate time together. JJ once told him that he felt the most safe when he was around John B, and he heard all of the words not said in that one sentence. I trust you. I trust you to have power over me, emotionally and physically. I trust you enough to be vulnerable, knowing that I won’t get hurt. Knowing that you won’t hurt me.
And John B felt like within the span of a week, he’d destroyed all of that.
Just come home, just come home, just come home. Please, JJ, just come back to me.
The sun was starting to set, and John B was getting even more antsy. They’d never had a fight that kept JJ away for longer than a day or so, which meant that John B already knew where JJ was, even though he didn’t want to believe it.
Shit, shit, shit…
John B headed toward the door of the chateau, flinging it open on a mission to save JJ when he looked up.
Oh thank god.
JJ was standing on his porch, hand clutching his side and a couple butterfly bandages over his eyebrow and cheek. His shirt was torn, displaying the three developing bruises John B could see, meaning there were probably at least twice as many he couldn’t see.
John B’s mouth was hanging open, stopped dead in his tracks, unable to find the words to tell JJ how sorry he was and how much he wished he could’ve been better and how-
But his train of thought was cut off when JJ took two big strides towards him, smashing their lips together like it was the only thing keeping him alive. His hands were gripping onto John B’s sides, wadding up the cloth in his fists, and moved the pair of them back into the chateau, kicking the door shut with his foot.
JJ backed John B into the nearest wall, the intensity of the kiss momentarily distracting John B from the bigger situation at hand. JJ tugged John B’s shirt up, helping him out of it.
As they parted to remove the garment, John B tried to get JJ’s attention. “JJ-”
He didn’t let him get any more words out, though, pressing their lips back together the moment he could.
John B knew that JJ had a lot of pent up anger toward his father, toward the kooks, toward the world. He knew that JJ put on a show of being powerful, untouchable, even. JJ wanted others to think he was always in complete control, and while unhinged at times, a force to be reckoned with. JJ wanted others to think he was strong, and John B knew that was because of how frequently he was told he was weak.
John B thought JJ was as tough as they came. He was sure that if anyone else had been dealt the hand JJ had, they’d be doing a hell of a lot worse, and was impressed by his boyfriend on the daily.
But John B always thought JJ was the strongest when he was the most vulnerable, when he was with him, making this new dominant side of JJ concerning. JJ liked losing control and letting his guard down when he was with John B, letting John B take the lead. Right now, though, JJ was putting his walls back up, the tough act coming out. That’s how John B knew shit had really gotten bad, and he couldn’t help but blame himself for it.
John B tried again, “JJ.” He got the same reaction he did the first time, a non answer. John B delicately placed his hands on JJ’s shoulders, creating just a few inches of space between them as he finally got his attention. “JJ, JJ, slow down. I’ve been worried about you. What is going on, what hap-”
“John B,” JJ cut him off with a low, abnormally calm voice. John B stared in silence, growing even more concerned and confused by the look of intensity in his eyes. “Shut up.”
John B knew that at the end of the day, he’d do whatever JJ asked of him, but it didn’t stop him from trying to get more information. “JJ, I just-”
“Please,” JJ almost pleaded, gazing deep into his eyes. “Give me tonight.” John B stared at his boyfriend for a few more seconds before nodding his head. “Tell me if things get too-”
“I know,” John B assured, remembering the safe word they’d established early on in their relationship, South, and the one time JJ had to use it. He’d had a panic attack, mumbling something about a flashback, but John B had never gotten anything more than that.
With the green light, JJ slipped his tongue back into John B’s mouth, cool rings on his hand pressing into his neck, using his body to push John B back against the wall.
JJ was running his hands all over John B’s exposed chest, John B slowly moving his hands up to place on JJ’s waist. The moment he made the slightest contact though, JJ flinched away, grabbing both of his wrists and pinning them to the wall.
His grip was unfaltering, and stronger than usual, and JJ held his wrists there as he started kissing down John B’s body, pausing to suck and graze his teeth over a few spots.
Reaching the waistband of John B’s shorts, JJ moved his grip from John B’s wrists in order to yank his shorts and underwear down. John B’s hands started to tingle, unaware until just then that JJ had been gripping so tight it started cutting off blood flow.
JJ, now on his knees, started pumping his hand slowly up and down John B’s half-hard shaft, the contact sending a shiver down his spine.
At one point, John B couldn’t stop the small jerk of his hips toward JJ, which was the wrong thing to do, as JJ’s crushing grip was back, both hands holding onto his hips and slamming them back into the wall. JJ resorted to using his mouth instead, lips wrapping around the tip and hollowing his cheeks. John B tossed his head back, harder than he intended, making a somewhat painful contact with the wall. JJ started bobbing his head up and down at a faster pace, only breaking contact once to wet two of his fingers which he circled around John B’s hole.
John B could see the contractions of JJ’s biceps, and almost felt his fingers shaking against him. He was confused at first about what it meant, but soon figured out that he was holding back. JJ had always been the dominant one in his flings with girls, but had never been in this position with John B before. He could tell that JJ wasn’t going as far as he wanted to, that he was restraining himself from taking what he wanted.
John B wanted to know everything that JJ had to give, and acknowledged, in almost a challenge-like way, “You’re holding back on me.”
Within a flash, JJ stood up, threading his fingers through John B’s hair to yank his head back, his other hand keeping it’s harsh grip on his hip. John B whimpered at the sensations.
Looking down on him, JJ demanded, “Is that not what you want?”
John B thought it wasn’t, but seeing him now, and knowing how much darkness he has, there was a fraction of a second where he wanted to change his mind. But the second passed and John B still wanted to see all of JJ, every dark and twisted corner, everything he hadn’t seen before. And he could tell that it was taking a lot of effort for JJ to restrain himself, too much effort. John B wanted him to let go.
He shook his head, voice coming out as only a small whisper, “It’s not what you want either.”
It was like flipping a switch. With force, JJ dragged him by his hair to the bedroom, and once inside, threw John B onto the mattress.
It felt a little unfair, John B completely exposed in front of JJ while he still had his shorts and shirt on. It was getting dark now, the sun having completely set over the water, leaving only the light of twilight to illuminate JJ’s face as he climbed over John B.
He quickly coated his fingers with the lube from the bedside table before shoving them into John B. With his other hand, JJ was tugging his own shorts down and reached for a condom. He had to remove his fingers from John B to put it on, causing John B to squirm in his absence.
Without any forewarning, and barely any time to adjust, JJ was pushing into John B, drawing a small whine from his kiss-swollen lips.
JJ set a bruising pace, leaving John B gasping for air. “JJ-” he choked out.
“Is this what you wanted?” JJ hissed, hand snaking up to wrap around John B’s throat. “You wanted to see just how fucked up I am?”
JJ’s grip was getting tighter, his pace faster, as he kept talking. “Well, Maybanks are only good for one thing, so you’re right. I will end up just like him some day. I already am like him. A fucked up monster.”
“J, no, that’s not-” John B started to say, as he reached a hand up to grab JJ’s wrist in an attempt to loosen his grip.
“Don’t touch me!” JJ yelled. John B removed his hand like he’d been burned. “Don’t you get it? I ruin everything I touch!”
John B’s face was starting to flush, his head getting fuzzy. He could only concentrate on the cool rings digging into his neck and the words JJ was saying, sounding farther and farther away.
“Have you ever experienced death before?” JJ whispered like a threat next to his ear. “Because I have. I can show you.”
“Jayj-” John B pleaded, using his last reserve of breath. “S..so-south.”
And just like that, JJ was off him, backing himself against a wall as far away from John B as possible. John B took a deep, shuddering breath and swallowed, closing his eyes until the fuzziness in his head subsided.
When he felt like he could think again, he sat up and looked around the room for JJ. He was crouched in a dark corner of the room, head in his hands, knees trying to block his face.
“JJ,” John B said with a scruffy voice, standing up to walk over to his boyfriend. He slid down the wall until he was seated next to JJ, sure to leave enough room for him to move without touching him. JJ curled into himself even more, leaning away from John B. “JJ, please look at me.”
JJ did as he asked, alluring blue eyes shimmering with tears, a dramatic difference from the dark, intense orbs of only a few seconds before.
“I’m okay,” John B assured.
JJ shook his head, eyes roaming over his hands, and hiccupped, “I hurt you.”
“You didn’t, I promise. I’m okay, I’m right here,” John B told him.
JJ’s eyes were panicked as he scanned over John B’s body. John B followed his gaze, evaluating the already forming marks on his hips and wrists. He was sure that JJ’d left a handprint on his neck, too, which was where JJ’s gaze lingered the longest. “No. I hurt you. I need to leave.”
JJ stood up, making a noise of discomfort as he did so, and hurried toward the door. John B was behind him in an instant and put his hand on the door. JJ stopped in his tracks, taking a step back from John B and looked back at the ground.
JJ was shutting down, John B knew that, and he knew that he had to reach him fast before he went completely under. “JJ,” John B whispered, “Can I… Can I touch you?”
JJ didn’t answer, but he didn’t back away or say no. John B slowly raised his arm, hovering his hand before JJ. “Is this going to be okay?”
JJ nodded, and before John B could fully process it, JJ was throwing himself into his arms, clinging to him like he never had before. He started sobbing, forehead pressed against his chest, and John B couldn’t hold back the tears that slipped down his own cheeks.
“How can anyone ever trust me if I can’t even be trusted around you?” JJ choked out. John B wasn’t sure if he’d heard him right, because he was speaking so quietly, but he thought he heard him ask ‘how can I trust myself?’
John B walked the two of them backwards toward the bed, sitting down as gently as possible. He attempted to pull away from JJ, but JJ held onto him. Tilting JJ’s head up, he pressed a kiss to his forehead, then promised, “I’ll be right back.”
John B walked over to put on a new pair of boxers before grabbing the first aid kit, and returned to where JJ was on the corner of the mattress. He lifted JJ’s shirt over his head, tossing it aside.
It hadn’t been this bad in a while. There were four purple, fist-sized bruises littering JJ’s torso, a yellowish one on the back of one of his shoulder blades, and a cut along the top of JJ’s shoulder down his tricep, not to mention the cuts he’d already bandaged himself over his eyebrow and cheek. John B coaxed JJ out of his shorts, which displayed something even worse.
There was a giant stack of gauze covered by a poor wrap job below JJ’s hip, reaching down the side of his thigh. “J… what… what happened?”
“He uh… he um… uh,” JJ trailed off, swiping at his nose. John B stayed silent, giving JJ time to put the words together in his head. “He called me… he said I was a dirty fag and that anyone who wanted to be with me was lying and using me because who would ever actually want to be around me? And then he made me…” JJ shuddered out a sigh and shook his head. “And then he tore his beer can in half and jammed it into my leg.”
“And you tried to bandage this up by yourself?” John B asked, concern dripping from every word. They both heard the real question, ‘You didn’t come to me?’
JJ shrugged. “I don’t know, I thought… I thought you might be getting tired of having to deal with this.” Having to deal with me.
“I will never get tired of being around you,” John B guaranteed. To emphasize his point, John B placed a kiss on JJ’s lips, then both his cheeks, his closed eyelids, down his neck. “I love you, JJ. There will never be a moment when that is not true.” Kissing across JJ’s cut shoulder and down his shoulder blade, John B felt him start to relax. He brushed his lips as delicately as he could over the bruises he found there, then traveled down his torso to do the same. “I love every inch of you. Every corner of your mind.”
“That’s the cheesiest shit I’ve ever heard,” JJ said with a small laugh.
John B smiled, looking up at JJ through his eyelashes. “I know. Doesn’t mean it’s not true.”
JJ brought John B up to kiss him, a finger under his chin, pulling him as close as he could.
When they parted, JJ whispered, “I love you too.”
They stayed sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at each other with small smiles for a while before John B said, “Let’s get you patched up.”
Thanks for reading. Let me know what you thought, feedback is appreciated. :)
Find me on AO3 at the same username.
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mxchellesworld · 4 years
Get with me
spencer reid x reader
synopsis; in which you get two sets of news and a happy ending 
warnings; mentions of cheating, pregnancy scares, smut, unprotected sex, breeding kink (im sorry lmao), praise
pt 2 of ysbuwybf
a/n; patting myself on the back for not bailing on fic requests lmaoo anyways yall were so outa pocket with ideas, all i wanna say is that i am respecting our sweet prince anderson and letting him down gently (i’m writing this before the fic so i could completely switch it up) see end notes for final thoughts :)
hope you enjoy!
*also pls don’t cheat its so icky and a horrible thing to do
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If your suspicions were correct you were fucked. Part of you would be ecstatic no doubt about it. But if things were true then you were utterly surly fucked. 
Your period was late. 
Which meant either one; your birth control was acting up or two; you were pregnant. 
However being pregnant wasn’t a bad thing, far from it. The bad thing was that there were two candidates in the running to be the father. Your boyfriend, Agent Anderson who was nothing but a sweetheart even though he was about as exciting as a wet paper bag. 
Or Dr.Spencer Reid. Your best friend who you had also been sleeping with outside of your relationship. The best man you’d ever known who was also aching to become a father some day. 
For a week you had been avoiding both of them in the office. Unfortunately for you there were no cases. While yes a lack of serial killing was always a plus it also meant you were stuck in the same building as them for give or take eight hours a day. 
For days on end you stuck in your earbuds and kept your head down while doing paperwork trying to ignore both sets of eyes which would look over to you every once in a while. 
Were you even pregnant, was the biggest question. So you had decided that it was time to get your shit together. At lunch on Monday you had made a quick doctors appointment and went on your way. The little old nurse had told you she would call you in a few days with results. 
In that time you had gone over every possible scenario or possibility. Who would you tell first? How would you even bring it up? Would Anderson hate you for cheating? Would Spencer be upset that the baby isn’t his? It would be like another JJ situation for him. 
The thoughts plagued your mind throughout the week and the more you thought about it the more you thought about who you would have preferred to be the father of your child. Which then led to the guilt of picking and the realization that you in fact would have to break up with Anderson. 
If the child did end up being his you would have to make it work, however you knew it was time to come clean and apologize for going behind his back. He deserved to know the truth. 
Deep in your thoughts you barley heard your phone ringing. It was now Friday and you weren’t expecting any other calls besides the one from your doctor. You looked around and made sure no one was paying attention before you clicked the green button. 
You heard the voice of the nurse on the line, she sounded almost sad, “Hello am I speaking with Y/n Y/l/n?”
“Yeah this is her,” you said dryly. Your nerves were eating at you. 
“Oh sweetie I’m calling with the results of your test. It turns out that you are not pregnant at this time honey.” 
You let out the breath you didn’t realize you held in. It felt as is a weight was lifted off your shoulders. 
“Oh, um thank you for informing me,” you said looking down at your nails. 
“Of course. If you have anymore questions you can call back at this number or come in and set up another appointment. Have a good rest of your day.” 
With that the line cut off and you fell back into your chair. Your hand subtly moved onto your stomach. Huh. You didn’t think that would be as hard to hear. 
“Y/n?” a voice called from behind you. 
“Oh hey Andy. Whats up?” you said putting a smile on your face. 
He combed a hand through his hair before he sat at the corner of your desk, “I’ve been meaning to talk to you and I think it’s best if I say it clearly and honestly.” 
Your brows furrowed. Oh shit did he already know? You had to stay calm. 
“Yeah go ahead.”
“I think we should break up. It’s not you, I think we’re just missing a spark. At first it was fun but I don’t think this is gonna work anymore.”
Pot meet kettle, you thought. 
“Plus I think Charlotte from Cyber Crimes is into me so yeah,” he trailed off. 
You bit your lip to try and hide the laugh you wanted to let out. This was an unseen turn of events. “Yeah I get it. But hey no hard feelings. Go for it with Lotte, she’s a total sweetheart.”
“Thanks Y/n/n,” he said leaning down to give you half hug then gingerly turned and walked away. 
Behind you Spencer couldn’t help but listen to the whole interaction. Once he saw Anderson reach the elevator he got up and made his way over to your desk. 
You looked up and saw the small smile on his face, “Is it party at Y/n’s desk today?” you asked causing him to giggle. 
“I think the news I just heard calls for celebration in the best way we know don’t you think,” he said looking around the bullpen nodding his head towards the hallway which was home to the spacious supply closet. 
You looked around and made sure no one was looking. Emily and JJ were gone in Garcia’s lair. Derek was gone visiting his mom and the dads of the BAU were in a meeting. 
“Lead the way doctor,” you said standing getting up form your chair. 
Once in the closet Spencer wasted no time in pressing his lips to yours. He sighed at the taste of your cherry chapstick. You put your hands on his face pulling him down but while you were savoring the taste of his lips your mind couldn’t help but go back. 
You could have been a mom. Spencer felt your lips slow down instead of returning the passion and stepped away. 
“What’s wrong?”
“There’s something I need to tell you,” you said looking up at him.
He tried to hide the look of worry on his features but you could see right through him as he nodded for you to continue. 
“Well earlier this week I uh was supposed to start my period but I didn’t,”
“Y/n-” he tried to cut you off but you put your hand up for him to let you finish. 
“I went to the doctors and got a test done. Before Anderson came over I got the call and I’m not. Which is good right? It saved everyone a world of hurt and drama. I don’t know I just thought you should know.” 
“Did you wanna be?”
“Pregnant,” he said gripping your hips and pulling you closer. 
You felt your cheeks get hot at what he was insinuating, “Well- I- yeah. I mean yeah, yes.”
With that he brought his lips back down to yours. This time you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer. One of his hands slid to the back of your skirt and pulled down the zipper. You let it slide down your legs and stepped out of it. 
You sat on the table in the room, pushing off the bottles of cleaner. Spencer stepped into the space between your legs, his fingers reaching for your panties and tugging them down your legs. 
“I can’t believe I get this tight little pussy all to myself now,” he said biting marks onto your neck. You mewled tilting your head to the side and pulling on his tie. 
“Spencer please. I need you so bad,” you whined out. 
He stepped away and hastily started on undoing his pants, “What do you want baby? Is it for me to fuck you? Or is that not enough? Do you need me to fill you up with my cum? Want me to put a baby in you?” 
You moaned at his lewd words and quickly nodded your head. Your hand flew down to your pussy, you were practically dripping onto the table and he had barley touched you. 
“Please doctor I need you so bad.” 
Spencer quickly stepped into the space again and took both of your hands in one of his large ones, “I own this pussy. I always have, you don’t get to touch without my permission,” he gritted out. 
With his free hand he tugged on his cock before aligning it with your leaking slit. The both of you sighed as he pushed in inch by inch. Your head feel back with your mouth open in a perfect O shape. 
After a second of letting you adjust Spencer started with rough thrusts. You could feel your hair start sticking on your forehead from the heat of the room. Spencer’s lips were inches from yours, sharing the same breath. 
“Fuck I’m gonna fill you up so good. Let everyone here know you’re mine.”
All you could do was nod and moan in approval. His grip on you was deadly but it was just adding onto the immense pleasure you were feeling. The way he was repeatedly hitting your gpot had your vision blurry with stars. You could also feel him pulsing inside you knowing he was close to his peak. 
“You look so pretty like this sweetheart. So perfect around my cock.”
You wrapped your legs around his waist bringing him impossibly closer, “I want you to cum in me Spence. I need to feel it,” you mewled into his lips. 
This motivated him to start drilling into you. At this point you were panting, aching to feel the sweet release. His hand dipped down to rub on your clit, he groaned at the slippery mess where you both met. 
“Oh god Spence!” 
A high pitched moan escaped your lips as he added on the extra pleasure. Soon enough you were squeeing around him, ready to milk him for all he was worth. 
“That’s it baby. Keep doing that. I’m gonna stuff you with my cum y/n/n fuck,” he said drawing out the last syllable as he exploded inside you. 
He stayed inside as you both caught your breathes, slowly thrusting trying to fill you to the brim. 
He pulled out and looked for a roll of paper towels for you to clean up. Once that was done you helped each other tame your hair and outfits as you always did, with quiet and loving gazes. 
“Do you think that one did the job?” you said with a smirk. 
“Well statistically the pill contraceptive has a 7% failure rate so with my calculations there is a chance,” he said while smoothing down your hair. 
“Thanks genius,” you said lightly punching his arm, “Lets get out of here. Together.” 
“Together,” he said slinging an arm around your shoulders. 
a/n; so guys what do we think. im not gonna lie i kinda hate it but i think it was a good ending for everyone. kinda feel bad anderson didn’t get the whole truth but the cheating is OVER! also what did we think of what pregnancy scare?? let me know lovies!!!
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silversatoru · 3 years
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birthdays don’t have to suck
fushiguro megumi x f!reader (elli)
synopsis: you get really sick on your birthday, but megumi makes sure that you still have a good day :))
t/w: fluff, reader is sick, vomiting, medicine (tylenol lol), some details pertain specifically to elli
wc: 2.2k
a/n: a small birthday present for the love of my life @megumifushi who never sleeps enough and is always sick,, i love u and i hope ur days not too bad <3
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you stared into your dimly lit laptop, red eyes squinting at the black text that sped across the screen as your fingers scrambled against the keys. you weren’t even sure that what you were writing was comprehensible at this point, but your essay that was due tomorrow morning wasn’t gonna write itself. at this point it just needed to get done, concerns of quality were thrown out the window hours ago.
aside from the burning and stinging in your eyes, your entire body ached, and you were ridden with chills and goosebumps. seemed like a fever was coming on, but you didn’t have the time or capacity to care about that right now. you’d pop a few tylenol and crawl into bed in a couple hours, and everything would be better tomorrow.
what time was it anyway? it couldn’t possibly be that late yet, right? 
you glanced to the corner of the screen, eyes falling on a bright 3:56am that made your heart sink and your eyes widen. you had a terrible habit of losing track of time and staying up into ungodly hours of the night — a habit that your wonderful boyfriend was trying so terribly hard to break. 
you glanced to your left and took in his sleeping form, his lips parted ever so slightly as he took small breaths of air. he’d be disappointed and upset with you if he knew how horrid your sleep schedule had been lately, and he’d probably blame your chills and headaches on your lack of sleep as well — which in all fairness was probably pretty accurate. 
“i’ll just finish this up real quick and then i promise i’ll sleep, ‘kay gumi?” you spoke softly, running your fingers through his soft, spiky hair. 
he was undisturbable, his mind off somewhere in a dreamland that was quite the distance from your small bedroom. and that was probably for the better, because him nagging at you to go to sleep would be too distracting for you to get your work done. 
your hands moved rapidly against the keyboard for about another hour, words spilling onto the screen until you finally hit the page requirement for your paper. it was probably terrible, most likely had a few words spelled wrong, and honestly you were pretty certain you’d repeated yourself several times, but fuck it — submit. you were typically an excellent student, so one bad paper wouldn’t kill you, and you were too tired and achy to care right now. 
you got up and placed your laptop onto your desk, plugging it in and letting a heavy sigh fall from your lips as you made your way back over to the bed. the soft blankets were therapeutically warm on your chilly skin as you crawled in against megumi’s back, effectively turning him into the little spoon and pressing your nose to the back of his neck. thankfully, sleep found you shortly after, your eyes fluttering shut as you drifted off into a much needed slumber. 
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wake up 
you woke up to small finger pokes to your cheek from megumi, his face laced with concern as your vision finally focused on his features. he bent over and pressed his lips to your forehead, pausing there for a fraction of a second and then standing back up. 
“i think you have a fever. i noticed when i woke up and you felt like a fucking space heater,” he frowned, confirming your initial suspicions from last night, “i’ll go get some medicine”.
you groggily nodded your head, shivers coursing through your body and dotting your extremities with goosebumps. your condition had definitely deteriorated overnight, your eyes stinging and a horrible nausea creeping up your throat. 
by the time he returned with the medicine you had yourself propped up against the pillows, thick blankets pulled up to your chin in an attempt to minimize the icy feeling in your body. he handed two small tylenol tablets to you with a disappointed look on his face — a look that said: i’m gonna kick your ass for not getting enough sleep again. 
“i’ll let everyone know you’re not feeling well enough to go out tonight,” he hummed as he handed you a glass of water, your brain filling with thick fog as you tried to decipher why he would need to let anyone know you were sick. 
the look of pure confusion signaled to him that you had no idea what he was talking about, megumi shaking his head before he spoke up again, “it’s your birthday, dumbass, we were supposed to get food and stuff with yuuji, inumaki, and nobara and maki”. 
forgetting about that was another habit you continued to succumb to every year.
“mm, shit,” you sighed after drinking back the pills, “i forgot”. 
“figured you would,” megumi clicked his tongue, “but i didn’t, because i’m a good boyfriend. can you drag yourself out to the kitchen? you should eat”.
“don’t think so,” you mumbled, attempting to disappear back under the blankets before he could coerce you to follow him outside of the bedroom. 
but megumi is impossibly even more stubborn than you are, wrapping his arms under your body and lifting you to his chest, “guess i’ll just have to carry you then”. 
“fine,” you let out a long groan — was it a bit dramatic? maybe. but in your defense you felt like you’d been hit with a train.
he peppered your face with kisses as he carried you out of the bedroom, lovingly setting you down on one of the high bar stools around your kitchen table. he instructed you to stay in the chair, abruptly returning to the bedroom to bring out a couple blankets to wrap around your shoulders. you were grateful for the extra heat, you body still shaking and shivering as the medications worked to cure your fever. 
megumi was a man of few words, preferring to display his love for you through acts of service than grand confessions, and this was very eminent when he wordlessly grabbed a couple pots and began cooking for you. you let your face fall onto your arms, resting your chin as you watched him silently shuffle between the stove and the pantry. the silence was comfortable, and you weren't going to complain about watching your muscular boyfriend walk around the kitchen in nothing but a pair of loose, plaid pajama pants. 
a few minutes later he was placing a steaming bowl of soup and a couple slices of baked bread in front of you, a savory scent flooding your nostrils. 
“red lentil,” he spoke as he handed you a spoon, “it’s your favorite, so you better eat it”. 
“yes, sir,” you gave him a small smile, dipping the cool metal into the hot liquid and scooping a spoonful into your mouth. 
“all of it”
“yes, megumi, i will try”
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to no surprise, the soup went down pretty fucking horribly, your head hanging low over the toilet while megumi held your hair out of the way. your throat was practically raw by the time you were done heaving and vomiting up the meal, your eyes brimming with hot tears. 
megumi tied your hair up in a neat bun so he could step away, filling up a glass with water and carefully helping you to take small sips and rinse out your mouth. he was tedious with the clean up, washing your face and helping you brush your teeth — ensuring that you felt the best you could given the situation. he then scooped you back into his arms, carrying you back to bed and profusely apologizing for making you eat the soup — but he was just trying to make you feel better, he really was doing his best.
you were ready to add today to your long list of terrible birthdays, chalking it up as another failed attempt, but megumi was not about to let that happen. he knew you had a rough history with birthdays, but now that he was here? you’d have a bad birthday over his dead body. 
he scoured the back of your fridge for ginger ale, gatorade, jello, and whatever else he could find to make you the perfect sick-person platter. and he made sure he was logged into every streaming service that the two of you collectively owned, preparing netflix, hulu, and crunchy roll so that he could easily access every single one of your favorite shows and movies. and so you spent the majority of your day tucked safely against megumi’s chest, forcing down small sips of ginger ale and watching an assortment of tv. 
your phone rang at some point — a facetime call from all of your friends who had gotten together so they could all wish you a collective happy birthday. megumi stuck a singular candle into a cup of blue-raspberry jello and ignited it with a small flame; and then they all sang the most terrible rendition of “happy birthday” that you’d ever heard, yuuji’s voice a little louder and little more out-of-tune than everyone else's.
you mustered enough energy to blow out the flame, everyone cheering while megumi shoveled a scoop of the blue jelly into your mouth. you swallowed it with a smile, praying it stayed down while everyone sent you off with an assortment of “feel better!”, “we love you!”, and “wish you were here!”
your night got pretty quiet after that, you and megumi climbing back under the covers to watch a few more episodes of your new favorite anime. it wasn’t until well into the night that he finally asked you if he could give you the presents he’d gotten for you. reluctantly, you said yes. you hated receiving gifts (it was just one of the many reasons you hated your birthday) but you knew that megumi wasn’t going to take no for answer. 
he was obviously nervous, palms sweaty as he handed you a couple neatly wrapped packages in plain, solid colored paper. they were very megumi, perfect folds with not a single crease, the paper simple yet elegant and adorned with a singular bow on top. 
you hesitantly peeled the paper off the smaller of the two, revealing a tiny box that contained a classic looking silver locket. you felt your heart pinch in your chest as you clicked the locket open and revealed two small pictures of each of the two of you. you weren’t particularly sentimental, but on top of your lack of sleep and not feeling very well, the simple gift caused few tears to well up in your eyes. but he was quick to wipe them away, insisting that you had to open the second gift first, and that birthdays weren’t meant for crying. 
you followed his instructions, ripping open the second package and revealing a larger box that contained a series of envelopes. each one was decorated with tiny doodles of you and megumi, his demon dogs, hearts, etc. they were sickeningly cute, and you immediately reached for the first one before megumi reached out and stopped you. 
“they’re not for now; they’re for when i’m gone, you know, on missions and stuff,” he could barely even maintain eye contact, his eyes dipping low as yours filled back up with tears. 
despite your lack of energy and the fever that was starting to return, you showered him in hugs and kisses after that, thanking him over and over for the most perfect gifts, and for making your day as wonderful as it could have been. 
all things aside, you were coming around to the idea that birthday’s don’t have to suck. 
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bonus: the first letter: 
to y/n:
i know im not great at telling you what i have to say through words, actually, i’m kind of really bad at it. but i thought writing these might be a nice way to try and get better? i’m not sure. anyway, i guess i’ll start by saying that you mean a lot to me, and i probably miss you a lot right now (even though ill be too afraid to reach out and say it). not sure how long i’ll be gone for at the time but it’s probably a few days at least. gonna work hard so i can hurry back to see you. 
i hope you’re sleeping enough, but i know you’re not. you never do, especially when i’m not there to yell at you. i hope you’re eating enough too. but you’re probably also not doing that. you’re like taking care of a stubborn child, you know that? but this is supposed to be a love letter so i’ll try to refrain from scolding you too much. but do try to take care of yourself. ill see you soon. 
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 3
Bakugo x Reader
Words: 4892
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together?
Words with 'this' is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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Dabi had laid you down gently in the back seat of his car, taking off his jacket to lay over you. You wanted to fall asleep you really did. But the consistent pain coming from your hip was enough to keep you awake, but not enough for you to pass out. You hugged the jacket around you that smelled like smoke and coffee.
You don’t know much time passed but eventually you were being pulled from the backseat. He picked you up bridal style and made his way to the house, “Look at you. We’re not even married, and you already have me carrying you over the threshold.”
When you didn’t react to his little joke he sighed, “Wow tough crowd, okay.”
He walked straight to the couch and put you down before immediately jogging to the kitchen to grab some first aid supplies… amongst other things.
He came back and sat on the table that was in front on the couch and maneuvered you so your injured hip was accessible to him. “Okay this is going to sting for a little bit, but I’m going to need you to stay still until I’m done.” Without any more warning then that he poured what smelled like vodka on the wound.
It stung like a bitch, causing you to dig your nails into the cushion of the couch and grit your teeth so hard you were surprised they didn’t crack.
He started to wipe it down with some kind of cloth. Cleaning all the dried blood and sweat from you. You were practically panting now trying to breathe through the sharp pain. “That’s it. Keep breathing. Good girl. I’m almost done.” He taped a bandage over it before pulling your hoodie back down. “There. Good as new.”
He helped you sit up a little so he could give you a glass of water, which you were incredibly thankful for. “Alright… so I have all the good stuff. Anything you could want really.” He pulled out several bottles of pills.
You didn’t know what was in those bottles, but you knew you didn’t want any. You’ve had enough drugged out days to last a lifetime. So as much as you knew it’d help with the pain, you didn’t want it. You just met Dabi less than twelve hours ago. You didn’t know what kind of bullshit he’d pull once you went under.
You shook your head no and pointed to the bottle of vodka. You may not want pills, but a shot wouldn’t kill you.
He chuckled, “Okay tough guy. Whatever you say.” He walked back to the kitchen and returned with two of the biggest shot glasses you had ever seen. “Let’s get this party started huh?” He poured two shots and handed one to you. “To life off the grid.”
You both threw your shots back. He with no reaction, you however immediately started coughing.
His hand rubbed a circle on your back, “Look at you. Took it like a champ. Didn’t even need a chaser.” He poured another shot for himself and brought it up to his lips but stopped when he saw you looking at him. “What? You didn’t think I’d give you more than one, did you? Oh no, no, no. With how tiny you are? Not to mention your tolerance has probably gone to shit. I think one is plenty for now.”
Well jokes on him. Just because you seem weak doesn’t mean you are. He’s not going to tell you how much you can and can’t drink. You scooted to the edge of the couch, wincing a little as you did. You scooped up the bottle of vodka and took a swig straight from the bottle.
You saw something flash behind his eyes, but he immediately hid it behind a playful smirk, “I don’t know if you’re a badass or a brat. Only time will tell. But I’ll have you know that in my house… My word is law. I’m just trying to help you after all.” He tore the bottle from your hands before securing the lid, giving it an extra hard squeeze to keep you from opening it again. “But because this is your first night here, and you’re hurt, and I really am a nice guy. I’ll let it slide this once…. So? You still want some ice cream?”
You nodded as you reached for your notebook but was alarmed when you couldn’t find it. You could already feel the light feeling of a buzz taking over, but you refused to let Dabi know he was right about your tolerance.
“What’s up? What are you looking for?” You made a gesture with your hands as if you were writing something down. “Ah, right. The handy dandy notebook. It’s probably in the car. I’ll go grab it.” He took a few steps away before coming back to grab the bottle of vodka, mumbling something about how he refuses to clean up your puke.
You took this time while he was away to get a better look at the place. It was very minimalistic. Lots of greys, whites, and blacks. The couch felt just as expensive as the giant tv on the wall looked. From what you could see of the kitchen, it looked nice. The shiny appliances were either kept impeccably clean, or never used. Was this his house? It hardly looked lived in.
“Alright got the notebook. How about you pick something to watch while I scoop some ice cream. What do you want? One for Vanilla, two for chocolate, three for cookies and cream.”
You held up three fingers. You were amazed at how well he was adjusting to communicating with you already. He had just accepted that you weren’t talking and went with it.
“Cookies and cream huh? I thought you’d be more of a fan of vanilla.” He chuckled. “The remot is on the side table next to you. The TV is rigged so you can basically watch whatever you want. Just type it into the search bar.”
You picked up the remote and quickly started scanning through channels. Your finger accidentally brushed the microphone button and you froze at the loud beeping noise that signaled it was listening.
Dabi had made his way over with two bowls both with cookies and cream. He saw the face you made at the remote before taking it from you and replacing it with a bowl of ice cream. “Hey none of that pouty shit. It’s not cute. This is temporary, you’ll be talking again in no time.”
He looked at the screen, “Okay one for anime, two for live action.” You held up one finger. “Okay, One for thriller, two for action, three for comedy. Four for romance.” You held up two fingers. “Oh, thank god I really thought you were going to pick romance. Okay I’m going to scroll through them, just tap my shoulder when you want me to stop.”
He scrolled for a while before you stopped him at Naruto. “Ah a classic. Good pick. Now get comfy. I have a feeling you’re gonna pass out before the first episode is even over.”
Sure enough, soon after finishing your bowl of ice cream you felt your eye lids drooping. A part of you was still nervous to fall asleep. But seeing as you just had a wild 24 hours… there was no way in hell you were fighting sleep for long.
“You ready for bed yet?” You sleepily nodded your head and started to slide down so you could lay down on the couch. “Oh no you don’t.” He scooped you up and headed down a hallway. He entered a rather large room with a bathroom attached and tossed you onto the bed causing the wound in your hip to throb. “Okay welcome to you room, this your bed, that is your bathroom. I will be right across the hall. I’d say yell if you need something but… well you know. So… try to not need me. Have a good night.”
You grabbed his wrist before he could get far, “What don’t tell me you’re like afraid of the dark or something.” He turned around to see your blushing face as you pointed to the bathroom and then to yourself. “Ooooooh, okay. Right. So, is this like a you need to pee situation? Or did you like… want to shower? Not that I’m against helping you take a shower…” He smirked at you.
You rolled your eyes and held up one finger. “Okay, okay, but you will eventually have to shower. But I guess we can figure that out tomorrow.” There was a wicked gleam in his eye that could only be compared to a child who was plotting on how to steal a cookie from the cookie jar.
He had been pretty patient while waiting for you to finish going to the bathroom, but he was still just as rough as he tossed you back onto the bed. “Alright, so, to reiterate, I’m right across the hall. Try to not need me. Good night.”
You sank into the bed the second the door closed behind him. You were alone. You were free and you were alone. Twenty-four hours ago, you had been strapped to a bed with shock collar on. You curled into a ball and cried. You wanted this to be the last time you felt sorry for yourself, so you wanted to get it all out now. Tomorrow was the first day of your new life and you didn’t plan on wasting a single second of it.
It didn’t take long for you to cry yourself to sleep considering how exhausted you were. What would have surprised you however was the fact that Dabi was sitting just outside the door listening to you muffled sobs, clenching his fists in rage.
It wasn’t until he heard you screaming that he realized he had fallen asleep there. On his feet in seconds he ran into your room. What he saw shook him a little bit. You had kicked all of the blankets off the bed. Soaked in sweat and tears. Your body was jerking around so hard it looked painful. You were having a nightmare, likely due to PTSD.
Shit what did he do? He’s no stranger to bad dreams, but he also knows he could make it worse if he doesn’t do this right. “Hey y/n. Y/N! I need you to wake up honey. It’s just a dream. You’re safe. Y/n. Y/N! Come on now follow my voice. Wake up for me yeah? You’re okay, I promise.” He reached out and as lightly as he possibly could touched your cheek.
You were burning up. He cursed as he tried to peel your soaked hoodie off of you. He started to shake your shoulder a little harder. But all that did was make you panic and thrash around. So he grabbed you and held you to him. “God Damnit Y/n. Wake up!”
He felt the tension leave your body only for a moment before you started to try and push him off of you.
He immediately dropped his arms and pushed away from you. “Hey you’re okay. It’s just me. Remember your hero pals saved you yesterday and now we’re roomies.” He could see the confusion in your eyes start to fade as you woke up. “Believe me I understand. I’d be scared too if I woke up in a weird place with my ugly mug lookin at you.”
He reached for your journal and tried to hand it to you. “You want to talk about it?”
You shook your head and hugged your knees to your chest. He nodded and put the journal back on the nightstand. “That’s okay. You don’t have to…” He wasn’t very good at this part. Talking about emotions and shit. “Yeah so uh… I can get you a different shirt.” He could see the goosebumps already raising on your arms. Now that the panic and adrenaline had subsided you were damp and cold. “And I can get a warm bath going if you want? He looked at the clock. It’s 5:30, which in ungodly early for me, but if you’re up I guess we can go ahead and start the day… How does that sound?”
You refused to look him in the eye and settled for a shrug of your shoulders, letting your knees drop from your chest. He could see straight through your tank top and was pleasantly surprised to find that under that baggie hoodie you had some nice tits.
He liked his lips and lucky for him, you were too busy avoiding eye contact that you didn’t even notice. “Alright well I tried being nice in giving you an option so now I’m telling you. You’re taking a bath.” He picked you up and walked towards the bathroom. “I’ll get the water going. Do you think you can manage making it from the toilet to the tub without me?”
Again, you shrugged which was quickly becoming one of his biggest pet peeves. He groaned, “One for yes, two for no. No more fucking shrugging.”
You nodded and held up one finger. “Alright, that wasn’t that hard was it?”
Without waiting for an answer he knew he wasn’t going to get he started the water and left you to it.
He went out to the car to grab the backpack the mini might kid had packed for you. Then into his room to grab you a clean shirt. He was going to leave the items outside the bathroom door until he heard a thump followed by a groan.
“Y/n? Did you fall down?” A very long pause later and you hit the side of the tub once. “Okay do you need help getting up?” Another long pause before you hit the side twice. “Are you sure?” He desperately wanted you to say no. Not to sound like a perv, but he’d love to get a quick peek at you.
Two hits on the tub sounded. “Okay, I’m coming in.” He opened the door almost too quickly. There you were sitting on the floor, back against the tub, completely naked. He had expected you to try and hide yourself from view, but was shocked when you practically reached for him, baring your entire chest for him to drink in.
He stopped for a moment before picking you up. “I’m not going to pick you up like I usually do. Instead I’m going to help you stand, and hold you while you try to get in yourself. We gotta start working on those legs.” You looked nervous but nodded anyways.
He hooked his hands under your armpits and pulled against him in standing position. His pinkies barley brushing the outside of your breasts and even that little bit drove him crazy. But he contained himself. The last thing he needed was you randomly activating your quirk and figuring out what a horn dog he is.
You weakly attempted to raise your right leg high enough to get into the tub. You were almost there, you almost had it. “That’s it, you’re doing so well. Just a little more, come on you can do it.” Whether you knew it or not, your ass was pushing back into Dabi’s crotch and he wasn’t going to make it much longer. So he lifted you a little higher making it easier for you to step in. “OKAY, I think one leg is good enough progress for now.” He sat the rest of you in gently before quickly turning away calling over his shoulder, “Alright, I’ll be back in… ten minutes to help you back out.”
You waited until he was gone to let a small giggle out. It honestly took you by surprise. It was the first time you had made a noise that wasn’t out of pain in a while. But just remembering the blush of his cheeks when you reached for him was enough to have you smile to yourself.
Before all of this happened to you were no stranger to being naked. In fact, you loved it. Maybe it was some weird side effect of your quirk. But you loved being naked, being intimate, having sex. To you there was no better bliss. You craved it. Your quirk allowed you all the control you could ever want, but there was something so intoxicating about giving that control over completely to someone else. To be praised, to be worshipped, to be adored.
Well at least that was the way you were before. Before you weren’t allowed to touch anyone, or look at them, or… speak to them. What if you were different now? What if being controlled for so long, being forced to do things against your will… what if it changed you?
The thought made you sad. You briefly considered testing the waters with Dabi, but quickly shook that from your head. And it wasn’t even the fact he was a villain, as much as you hate to admit it, you’d slept with villains before. But could you even consider him a villain anymore. You could see what Todoroki had meant by saying he was neither hero nor villain.
No, the biggest reason you needed to keep your hands off Dabi is because he was nice enough to take you in. You don’t need to jeopardize your safety just to curb your cravings.
You quickly scrubbed your body clean and did your best to wash your hair, but it was a nightmare. Your hair was crazy long now and the knots and tangles were just impossible to get through. You wined in frustration as your fingers yet again got stuck.
“You know I could always shave your head, I’m sure you could pull it off.” You stuck your tongue out at him as he handed you a brush. “Better watch who you’re sticking that tongue out at.” He hesitated, “Arms up, time to get out.”
You felt like a child, but you obeyed without protest. Earning you a “good girl” that sent shivers down your spine. “Hm? Do you like it when I praise you?”
You shrugged and avoided eye contact and you could feel the growl rip through is chest. “What did I say about fucking shrugging?”
You bit your lip and pulled yourself closer to him so he couldn’t see your blushing face.
Like a sack of potatoes, you were tossed onto to the bed. He tossed you a pair of clean underwear and one of his shirts that would easily come down to your knees. Once you were dressed, he roughly pulled you to the edge of the bed and sat between your legs.
Your heart rate spiked, and you let out an excited gasp. His hand smoothed up your thigh, “Relax, I’m just putting a new bandage on your hip. Don’t get so excited.” He examined the shallow wound and you winced. It took everything in him not to place a kiss right over your wound. He’d made that mark on you. It would definitely scar and as twisted as it sounded… he liked that.
He started to tape the new bandage down. One of his hands rubbed the inside of your thigh, while the other made sure the bandage was secure. God he just wanted to bite into the soft flesh in front of him. He took a deep breath to steady himself, but he was absolutely not prepared for… was you winding your fingers through his white locks.
“Y/n… what?” Your fingers tightened causing him to groan and let lose. He started to kiss the meaty part of your thigh, biting ever few kisses drawing sweet sounds from your lips that made him wonder what your voice sounded like. He made his way up to your hip and kissed right above the bandage before licking up from you belly button and up your sternum, pushing your shirt… well his shirt up as he went. He grabbed one of your tits in one hand while he sucked on the other nipple. Your hips bucked up as his hand traveled south. As soon as his hand started to sneak past your underwear something in you snapped.
You couldn’t do this. Not now. Something wasn’t right. You felt trapped under his body weight, you couldn’t breathe. Too much, you weren’t ready.
You pushed at his hand and whined until finally he got the message. He stopped and looked at your confused eyes, “Shit… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I-I guess I misread that one.” He pulled your shirt back down and knelt in front on you on the bed. “I guess we should set some rules huh?”
Rules… rules… follow the rules.
You yanked your gaze down to stare at your hands that you had folded in your lap. Don’t look, don’t talk, don’t touch.
He reached for one of your hands, but you yanked it back shaking your head. “Hey look at me.” You continued to stare into your lap. He swore under his breath, “Please… look at me. I need to know what I did or said that freaked you out so bad. This is what I mean when I said we need rules-“ You flinched. “Oh is the word rules?”
You started to shrug before you remembered he wouldn’t like that. You lifted a shaky hand and picked up your journal and handed it to him open to the first page. You snuck a glance at his expression as he read over them. His face was expressionless as he read over your list of rules. “Hm… sounds kinky.”
He looked around for something to write with before coming to sit next to you, making sure to give you plenty of space. “Okay so how about instead we have laws?” You gave a quick shrug before nodding in agreement. He narrowed his eyes at you, “And law number one. No fucking shrugging.”
He handed the pen to you, “You’re turn. Write something down.” You gave him a questioning look, “Don’t worry about it, if I don’t like it, I’ll just draw a line through it. We’re brainstorming here.”
You wrote down “No drugs.” You heard him groan but he nodded anyways.
“Okay fine but then you have to make eye contact when talking to me. Doesn’t matter if it’s verbal or not.”
You went on like that for a while until you had a new set of “laws”
You had agreed to workouts in the pool to get your strength back up and he agreed to try and learn sign language with you.
The last law he added however was “I will not initiate the sexy time without written or verbal consent.”
You rolled your eyes and went to push him away but he dodged you easily enough. He quickly stood up throwing you over his shoulder. “Alright enough of that. We have a long day ahead of us.”
You helped him make breakfast while he explained that this house was one of many that he owned under different aliases. This one was the most secluded and had the best security system.
You were still picking at your pancakes when he sat next to you at the kitchen island bringing a laptop with him. “I’m not helping you down from here until you eat every last bite. Law number 7- Eat three full meals a day. Need to put some meet on those bones.”
He pulled up a website that had a video queued up that said introduction to sign language. “Okay before we get going 1 for tea, 2 for coffee.”
Your eyes lit up as you held up 2 fingers and scurried to grab your journal. ‘Can you put some milk in it?’ It had been so long since you had coffee and the thought had you bouncing with excitement.
He read it and gave you a thumbs up. “Go ahead and start the video, I’m just over here.”
And that’s how you set into your routine. Every day you’d sleep in until you decided to get up. Eat a big breakfast. Work on sign language. Eat Lunch. Do some kind of workout in the pool. Relax and watch TV. Eat dinner. Take a bath. Go to bed.
You did this every day for the past two weeks and you could already tell a difference. You and Dabi had learned a few basics in sign. Only a few words, but it was a start. But Dabi’s favorite part was helping you walk.
Not that he didn’t like carrying you, but this was just as much fun. He’d hold you under the armpits from behind and he’d let you stand on his feet like a child. You still couldn’t walk on your own, but you were so close. Every day you felt stronger and you knew it was only a matter of time.
Today marks sixteen days that you had been here. You watched as Dabi cleaned up the rest of breakfast. You frowned as you thought about how much he did for you and how little you gave in return. You hadn’t noticed him walk over to you until his hand was lifting your chin to look at him. “Pool time?”
You nodded and signed back ~Pool time~. You reached your arms up to be picked up and he easily complied, no worse than a trained dog.
“You’ve gained weight. I can tell.”
You looked horrified as you slapped his shoulder. ~rude~
He chuckled, “Hey don’t get all huffy about it. It’s a good thing. You were way too skinny before. You looked like a strong breeze would blow you over and break all of your bones.” He stopped at the edge of the pool giving you a wicked look. “Now you’re starting to look healthy again. Healthy enough for me to do this and not feel bad about it.”
He tossed you into the pool, clothes and all. You sputtered to the surface but didn’t have to struggle long before he was behind you leading you to the shallow end. “You’re fine. Almost there, don’t be so dramatic.”
He led you to the wall you usually hold on to for your exercises and let you go. You growled as you flipped him off. Idiot doesn’t need to know sign language to understand that one.
You pulled your wet shirt off and tossed it over to one of the lounge chairs. Leaving you in just a bra and underwear, which is how you normally did these exercises. Dabi had requested the heroes send a bathing suit in the next care package, but it hadn’t arrived yet.
He reached around your middle section and pulled you away from the wall after you had done a couple sets of squats and leg kicks. “Okay now lets see how you do without the wall.” He turned you around to face him and slowly backed away only holding your elbows now. “Okay now lets take a lap around the shallow end shall we?”
At first your steps were more like tiny shuffles. “It’s gonna take us all damn day if you don’t start taking bigger steps. Come on you can do it. Pick those feet up!”
You gave him a harsh glare. He knew you couldn’t fight back right now because your hands were too busy gripping his arms for support.
You started taking larger steps and then larger ones and then eventually you had made it almost all the way around. Dabi stepped back and completely. “Okay just a few more steps. I think you can do them on you own. Come on baby girl. Just a few steps. You can do it.”
You nodded enthusiastically, of course you could. It was just a few steps. You could do this. You reached your hands out to the side and took your first step by yourself. Your eyes lit up at the feeling. Sure, it was only in the pool, but that was progress! “That’s it! Good girl, keep going!” You reached for him as you took another step, followed by another and another and then suddenly he was picking you up. “Hell yeah! Atta girl! Good job. I think that earned you some kind of reward.” He gave the top of your head a quick kiss as he started to carry you out of the pool.
Your head was singing with his praises, and your body was buzzing with adrenaline after crossing such a huge milestone. He carried you to his room where he pulled out another shirt for you to wear. “Okay so about that rewar-“
He was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. His eyes went dark. No one was supposed to know where this place was. He quickly picked you up and sprinted to the office. There was a secret false wall panel that led to a saferoom. He had told you of its existence in case he ever needed to hide you, but you hadn’t actually seen it. He was in the process of opening up the wall when a familiar flash of blonde hair showed on the security monitor. You pinched his shoulder and pointed.
He looked at what you were pointing at and groaned. “What the fuck is he doing here?”
tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime @klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs
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