#xuxi scenario
yutaisperfect · 2 years
lucas (nct/wayv),banana, tree, flight, accident
thank you for the words! it will be my first story! i hope you like this and it's what you expected! i'm just writing what first comes to my mind, so it could be chaotic. the given words will be marked like this in the story
summary: you were on the run and somehow you landed in seoul, where you met lucas gn!reader / reader pov word count: 305 words
standing at the top of burj khalifa. being searched by the security guards. debating if i should jump or not. i had a parachute ready, still it was nerve wrecking. and all of this happend, because i ate one banana. i did not expect it to cost like one billion dollars, so i had to run. as the guards stormed to the top of the building, only a few meters away from me, i had to jump. and i did. it was my first parachute jump ever, i panicked and opened the parachute just few seconds after falling. i knew this was going to be a long way down. but i did not expect it to last weeks. as i was starting to finally see the ground underneath me i was trying to figure out how to land, as my legs were really numb. while trying to get my legs to wake up, i did not realize how close i was to the ground and i crashed into a tree. luckily there was this guy who saw everything and came to see it i was okay. he ran over the street, nearly causing an accident, nothing happend though and everyone was save. he had a knife with him and cut me free. he introduced himself as lucas. i though i knew him from somewhere, but i brushed it off as i thanked him for untangeling me. we talked after that for a while and i told him how i got here. he also told me he was an idol and his group was having a comeback without him, because of the entertainment he was working in. we decided to make a trip together and took the next flight that was available. we landed safely in australia and became friends the more time we spend together.
if you liked it, please consider a like/reblog or giving me more words, so i can keep writing stuff like this, thank you 💚 (´• ω •`)
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xiaothejun · 2 years
Strawberries & cigarettes// Wyh
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Genre: fluff fluff fluff!
“Hey, hey, hey!” You yell at the two toddlers running around and screaming words you can’t even understand, “give it back to your sister, baby boy.” You scold the little one, kneeling down to sue the almond eyed, with straightened-shiny black hair covering his forehead, his eyes are barely seen because of the amount of hair but you know he holds the universe in them. You couldn’t even remember their names since it’s your first hour babysitting the two tiny terrorists who already mess with your head.
“What can I get for you, miss?” The bubbly-smiled worker asks as you grab both their hands and hold them close to you. -“Uhm…chocolate and strawberry, two cones please.” You smile back at her as she immediately grabs the ice cream cone and scoops two delicious cream scoops in each one.
“Melody, choose one,” you pick her up to the counter to give her a better view of all the heavenly colored creams. You remembered their mother told you Dylan is allergic to lactose so you know he’s gonna get jealous of his sister getting ice cream.
“This!” She points towards the strawberry bucket. “Good girl, mel. Now choose some of these,” you show her the toppings as her eyes sparkle and she bites onto her fingernails, excitedly letting her brain pick between the chocolate bites and to the gummy bears.
You take a bowl of toppings for Melody’s brother and take a seat with them inside the colorful ice cream shop right when melody acknowledges you about a person standing behind you.
“Oh?” You ask her and turn your head to meet your boyfriend, standing there with a bigger smile both the kids have had until now. “Thank god, hei, I thought you forgot me already.” You sigh and roll your eyes in relief as he wraps his long arms around your body.
“I like your boyfriend aunt y/n!” Melody shouts in excitement, her little teeth are shown and it melts the older one’s heart, causing both of you to chuckle. She grips onto the hem of your shirt and pulls it slightly, making you pay all your attention to her again. -“I like him too baby girl.” You smile to her and kneel in front of the little one, while cleaning her flared dress from the strawberry ice cream drips, she whispered to you, shyly, “what’s his name?” Making him laugh and fill the empty space in your heart with even more joy than before.
“It’s Yukhei,” he says softly. Dylan’s gaze can’t leave your boyfriend’s arms and he sends his hand to grab gently on one of his muscles. “You’re so cool, uncle yukhei!” He announced loudly, mesmerized by his new role model.
“Oh thank you little one.” Yukhei says back and plays with his hair, giving him the ‘comforting big brother’ feeling.
“Shall we go for a walk? The weather is so nice today.” You say, tying up Melody’s silky hair to a high ponytail and lastly adding a small bow to match her dress. -“Yes aunt y/n!” She immediately gets up on her tiny feet and grabs your hand, holding her dessert in the other hand.
It’s your one year anniversary with yukhei and your plans changed when a friend of yours asked for you to babysit her children. It was unexpected for you both but neither of you got disappointed of the thought of a date with two little kiddos running around.
“Aunt y/n, can Dylan and I go play there?” She points excitedly at the playground nearby, licking clean any ice cream leftovers off the tiny pink spoon, her puppy eyes sparkle in anticipation. -“Yes you do, as long as you’re not leaving your brother.” You grab her by the chin gently and explain to be careful if a stranger comes by even though you and Yukhei never meant to leave them out of sight.
“Okay.” She gives you a thumbs up and they both run into the sand, leaving the two of you on the bench, being responsible parents to kids who are not even yours.
-“She reminds me of you,” yukhei speaks up while you two look at them, nothing felt more peaceful than this moment you feel like actual adults keeping eyes on tiny humans you wish to have together one day. -“Her enthusiasm, the way she smiles when she looks at me, her shy smile and her pretty eyes.” He detailed every little thing in her that made him fall in love with you.
“Your ice cream is melting.” You weren’t that shy lately, but whenever he mentions anything he loves about you, you can’t help but try to change the subject. -“So is the thought of having a Melody with you in a few years.” He knew how to make your heart beat faster with just one sentence, and he liked the feeling of making you still feel butterflies after a year together.
“Hei, please stop,” You blush and sit back straight to finally take a bite from the ice cream cone. His hand automatically goes to move a small part of your hair behind your ear, gently caressing your skin with the softest smile spread all over his face.
“Mm?” You offer him the chocolate flavored one that’s held in your hand, he looks like a baby himself when he eats his own ice cream, licking his lips after every bite he takes. He agrees without saying anything but doing the same to you. “You know I’m not a fan of strawberry when it’s now the fruit.” You complain and he takes it back to his own mouth.
-“Babe,” he gets your attention once again and as you lift your eyes from your phone to him, he leans in and leaves a sweet peck on your lips. -“Still not a fan?” He asks as he pulls away, leaving you blushing at the unexpected action of your romantic boyfriend. “Not enough, try again.” You tease back, making him raise an eyebrow at how surprising your reaction is.
This time he lifts your face by the chin, then slowly moving his hand to your neck to hold your face, the cream lines on his lips melt in seconds when they mix with the chocolate leftovers on your own, and create the sweetest flavor you’ve ever tried before. “You took a smoke before you came, right?” Was the only thing you could say to hide the shyness on your face. -“Is it that bad?“ he asks. “I didn’t know cigarettes can taste so sweet.” You look deep into his eyes, admiring every single star in them among billions.
“I hope uncle Yukhei gets married to aunt y/n soon…” Dylan stops playing just to stare at the two of you, his sister follows.
-“Ew Dylan! Stop looking at people kissing!” The baby sister shout in annoyance, can’t take her eyes off of you two.
“You would notice you just lost the ball if you weren’t looking too!” The older one says and they both watch the ball rolling down the road.
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danseurehonte · 4 years
never love again — lucas wong
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➳ published: 28.11.20 ➳ college!au || genre: angst || rated: m ➳ pairing: wong yukhei x reader ➳ summary: he made you feel special, even if he was notoriously known for being a fuckboy but what happens when you fall in love with him? you get crushed. ➳ word count: 2.7k ➳ warnings: nothing major - just pain, implied smut​
feedback is greatly appreciated and loved. if you want to support me on patreon (no pressure), the link is in my bio
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He collapses on the bed next to you, pulling you into his arms and tracing his fingers up and down your bicep. “Fuck, that was amazing.” He chuckles, kissing your temple and letting out a content sigh. You lay beside him and close your eyes, enjoying how warm he is, how perfectly you fit into his side, and how content you feel being here with him.
“That was new, that thing you did with your tongue.” You giggle and place a kiss on his shoulder. The way he ate you out was different than last time and he ate you with such a hunger that you screamed his name, gripped his hair tightly as he tasted and pleasured you.
Lucas doesn’t say anything, he just nods, placing his arm over his arm over his eyes as he lets sleep fill his body. “What time is your roommate home tomorrow?” He asks after a little while, cracking one eye open to look at you.
You think about it for a moment, pouting as you know that this means he’ll be gone early again.
Lucas Wong is that guy, he’s the type of guy that you love to hate but there’s also something about him that makes you want him near. You can live without him but when he’s around, he’s your world and you know that you should quit him – you just can’t. It’s been this way for a while now, six months, on and off. Parties, he’ll have you pinned against the wall, his tongue down your throat as his hand slips under your dress. In the club, no matter where you are or who you are with, Lucas always manages to find you and dry fuck you on the dancefloor while you’re high on him. Late nights, he’ll message you and see what you’re doing, if you’re free and if you are – he’s there without a second thought, fucking you into the mattress and having you scream his name. You tell people that it’s complicated, your friend request is pending and he won’t follow you back on Instagram – but you’re chill about it, it’s still early days, right? Lucas says that he’s single, he has over 1000 friends who are mostly all random women that he’s met out drinking and the only people he follows on Instagram are his boys.
Lucas Wong is that guy, the fuck boy, the guy who is only ever up to no good and you – well, you are hopelessly in love with him.
“She’ll be back by 10.” You say and Lucas nods, sitting up and leaning over you as he reaches for his phone that’s in his jeans. “Xuxi~ You don’t have to leave, she won’t care.”
“I’ll set my alarm,” he says as he exits out of a message and you try to ignore what you saw. You know what your relationship with him is but you can’t help but hope that you would be the one who would change him.
Especially when Lucas always treats you like you are his and only his.
You settle into his embrace, his arms wrapped around you as he plays with your hand and you breathe in his scent, enjoying his deep breaths as he slowly falls asleep. You close your eyes, wondering what it would be like if this could be every night and just as you’re about to doze off, you hear him mumble three words that causes your heart to leap into your throat. “I love you.” You dream so easily tonight, a dream that you have had a thousand times and it takes away the painful truth that you refuse to accept.
Lucas is there when you wake up, he’s there when the dawn breaks and wakes you up with gentle kisses that make your heart race. He walks you to class, it’s always the same class in the dream but it doesn’t take away the sweetness of the gesture; he holds you bag and kisses you before leaving to head to his own lecture. The Lucas in your dream, the guy who shows you off and isn’t afraid to be seen with you, is the opposite of the man who currently lays next to you.
I’m not relationship material, the sooner you realise that this, he had pointed at you when you asked him about what you were, is nothing more than a good time, the easier it’ll be.
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Things carry on like they always do. Lucas gets up when his alarm rings, he spends a moment or two covering your face in kisses before rolling out of the bed and starting to get dressed. He kisses you goodbye before covering his face with his hat, whispering sweet I love you’s, while you watch him leave with a stupid look on your face.
You know it’s silly to be believing such words when they come from the mouth of a man who repeatedly tells you that he just doesn’t want a relationship but you can’t help it. Hearing those words from him is something you always look forward to hearing and it’s the reason you have fallen so far. He may not take you out on dates, he may not look in your direction when out in public unless he has alcohol in his system and he may be sleeping with other women but you know you’re someone special to him. He doesn’t take anyone else’s favourite food when he visits for a stayover, he spends a lot of time in your bed so it means he’s not in anyone else’s and Lucas only tells you that he loves you.
He told you that. He told you that you were special.
You drift off back to sleep, holding the pillow he used tightly and sighing into it as you let out the deep breath you took. It would be so nice to wake up at a later hour, to have him with you still and smiling down at you as he played with your hair. To have breakfast with him. Walk to classes and hold his hand. There is so much you wish you could do with him but you know you can’t because he’s not a man who can be tied down.
And that’s okay because you love him.
And he loves you…
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You feel on top of the world, like nothing could go wrong. Lucas rarely told you that he loved you but he had said it a few times now, before leaving and sometimes he would say it after sex, and every time he said it, it was like a good luck for the day. You had passed your assignment and even found out that your roommate was going away for the weekend which meant you could have Lucas over and he didn’t have to disappear in the morning and you can finally spend the morning with him.
As you walk towards your next class, you see Lucas leaning against the lamp post and looking at his phone. This is your opportunity to talk to him, to let him know he can come over and stay. You tidy up your hair and put a smile on your face as you walk towards him but something stops you in your tracks.
Something causes your heart to completely shatter as you freeze in place.
“Xuxi!” A voice calls out and Lucas looks in the direction of the voice. You look too, feeling your heart clench when you see the girl running in his direction. The smile that spreads across his face when he sees her, the way she jumps into his arms and laughs when he spins her around, and when he kisses her – you turn your back and run towards your room so fast that you don’t even hear your name being called by your friend as you escape.
That should have been you. You wish so desperately that that was you but instead, you are alone, in your room, sobbing into the pillow that still smells slightly like him; but instead of comforting you like it used to – it tears you apart even more. You feel so stupid, like a fool and you wish you could go back to this morning and not get out of bed, to still pretend that Lucas loved you the way you loved him but reality is – he never did and he probably never will.
Not probably – he wouldn’t.
You cry yourself to sleep and give yourself a headache, your cheeks are streaked with tears and you cannot breathe properly but you manage to go to sleep. Dreams haunt you, torment you with the once happy ideas that you had with Lucas – everything was the same but instead he was doing it with this faceless other woman, rather than you.
Except, you are the other woman. They looked like they were quite comfortable in their relationship to be interacting so freely – how long has this been going on.
Waking up with a stuffy nose, you sniff and sound like complete shit which causes you to groan. Grabbing your phone, you check your notifications and feel utterly disappointed that Lucas hasn’t sent you a message to check up on you. Did he not see you? Did he not see how crushed you were? No, of course he didn’t, he wouldn’t have seen anything other than whoever it was that ran into his arms while you ran away.
Didn’t he love you?
[You to Xuxi] Hey, what are you doing? Can we talk?
[Xuxi to You] Na, not now. Busy. Later.
You throw your phone down to your bed in frustration, huffing and throwing yourself back into your bed. Pulling your blanket over your head you cry some more, ignoring your roommate when she enters the room. “Leave me alone.” You shrug off her hand, of course she would know – the whole campus probably knows.
Everyone had warned you to stay away from him, that Lucas was bad news and the campus fuckboy, but you thought you knew better, you thought you could change him and look at where that has gotten you.
Heartbroken, feeling like an idiot and looking pathetic to those around you.
“Hey, if you need to talk. I’m here.” She says, not leaving you alone even though you wish she would just leave you to wallow in self-pity. “I’m sorry this happened. I know how much you liked him.”
You scoff, sniffing and running your sleeve across your nose. “That was a mistake, wasn’t it? Liking him. You all tried to warn me and I didn’t listen.” You groan, burying your face into the pillow and suddenly hating how it still smelled like Lucas. You toss the object across the room like it was the most offensive thing you had ever seen before pulling your other one to your face and screaming into it. “God, I’m so stupid.”
She smiles softly, not really knowing what to say before sighing and looking at you. “Babe, you fell so hard so fast for him, I don’t think there was anything that would have stopped you from always allowing him into your bed. You knew he was seeing other women.”
“But he was always with me.” You argue before realising how pathetic you sound. You threw away your self-worth for a guy who couldn’t commit to you. “I thought I was special because he told me he loved me.”
Your roommate scoffs, “he wouldn’t know love even if it hit him with a wet fish.” She stands up and heads over to her stuff, pulling her bag out to start packing. “You deserve better, babe. Don’t let him rule you – fuck him, he doesn’t deserve your time or your tears.”
You sit up, nodding to yourself. He really doesn’t, you agree but you need to hear it from him, hear the truth from him. Call it being extremely masochistic and needing to have the final nail hammered into the coffin but you need to hear Lucas tell you that you mean nothing to him – while your heart hopes that you mean something. “I’ll see you when you get back.” She raises an eyebrow in concern but you don’t let her follow you, determined to do this without any more distractions. You ignore her worried look, you ignore the pain in your chest and the anxiety you feel when you think about if he’s with her, what he’s doing with her or even what state you’ll find him in.
It’ll be a better state than you, that’s for sure.
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You stand in front of his door, frozen, completely and utterly devastated at what you overhear. You shouldn’t have come; you should have stayed in your room and not let your need for answers overpower your need to cry everything out. Staying in your room means you wouldn’t have heard him grunting, wouldn’t have heard her cry out his name. Staying in your room means you would have been able to avoid watching everything around you crumble to your feet.
You lift a shaking hand, swallowing thickly as you knock, a timid and quiet knock that goes unnoticed – or if they did hear it, they choose to ignore it. Your heart is racing in your chest, you have an overwhelming need to throw you and you begin to shake as you knock again, a little harder this time. “Who is it?” Lucas sounds annoyed, pissed, that someone would interrupt him. You swallow, a lump is stuck in your throat and you barely manage to say a word as the door is pulled open abruptly and you jump back. The glare in his eyes is cold, like he doesn’t know who you are, and as you look down at your feet, Lucas scoffs. “What do you want?”
“I-I… L-Lucas, we-we…”
He clicks his tongue and looks over his shoulder at the girl that is smiling at him before looking at you with concern. “I told you that I was busy and yet you come anyway?” He shakes his head. “Seriously, what is wrong with you?”
You take a step back, the venom in his tone slapping you harshly. “B-but… I-I thought…” You look up at him, tears in your eyes and you can tell he doesn’t care. Everything was a lie because if it wasn’t – he wouldn’t be hurting you like this. “I thought you loved me…”
That’s when he deals the final blow, when he decides to deal the final blow. “Loved you? Shit, you really believed that? Look, you’re pretty and all but I told you from the beginning what we were. All that stuff I would say and do when we were together – it was all for show. You know, part of the act.”
“Then…” You look over his shoulder at her and she doesn’t seem to be too bothered by your appearance. “I thought you said that you weren’t relationship material…” You mumble, looking at him and hoping for something, anything, to indicate he cares.
Lucas shrugs his shoulders, “I don’t know what you want me to say, she’s different.” He shakes his head, running a hand through his hair and for the first time you notice marks littering his neck and chest – something he never let you do. “Look, don’t hang around okay? I don’t need the drama. Go back to your room, or do whatever, I’m going to spend some time with my girl. Just…” He looks at you and what you see in his eyes, you could almost fool yourself into believing it’s worry, but it’s nothing more than pity. “Just move on.” He doesn’t give you a chance to respond, a chance to beg and plead, he just closes the door and leaves you standing there with silent tears streaming down your face.
Move on.
That’s what he said.
Just move on. Like your heart wasn’t invested in him, like he didn’t make you fall so hopelessly in love with him, like you didn’t wish so desperately it was you in his room with him. Just move on… With a heavy heart, you walk back to your room, feet dragging along the ground and shoulders slump as the pieces of your heart leave a trail behind you.
He destroyed you and didn’t even care and even if you do move on, you vow to yourself that you’ll never love again.
Never, ever again.
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clubyukhei · 5 years
it hasn’t even been an hour since you dozed off, you think, as you’re slowly awakened by the small tugs against your belly — which just refuse to stop.
kick. kick.
it’s almost as if you’re not allowed to spend one second not thinking about the growing fetus inside of you. even now, in the midst of your third trimester and having just a few weeks left till you’ll get to hold your baby in your arms, you feel the shape of your bump stretching on many nights.
you whine softly, inching your hands under the sheets to rest on top of your belly. it’s been a mildly tiring, albeit fun day, for you and your husband!yukhei who spent hours setting up the cot in the nursery. yukhei, who sleeps soundly next to you, snores lightly. as gently as you can, you reach out for his large hand resting on his bare chest and place it above your belly, hoping it stops the kicking – a trick that has worked several times, and only encouraged him to be smug about the things his hands can do.
the kicking stops for a few seconds. you’re just about to let out a sigh of relief, but a strong blow quickly appears, leaving you slightly annoyed. your husband shifts in his sleep – he must’ve felt that too. he turns his head to face you with his eyes still shut.
“what’s wrong baby?” his voice is raspy and you watch the way his adam’s apple bobs as he clears his throat. “everything okay?”
“mmhmm. just... someone doesn’t wanna sleep yet.”
his lips slowly lift into a smile and he chuckles softly before blinking his eyes open.
“maybe they miss me. and my hands.”
you snort and squeeze his hand that remains rested on top of your belly.
“well, your hands aren’t working this time.”
yukhei’s smile grows as he sits up carefully with his free arm and move towards the end of the bed. you watch as he shrugs the covers off and positions himself between your legs, before pulling the end of your loose satin nightgown up till your chest – the action alone making you crave the intimacy you both shared before your large bump got in the way.
bending down, he cups the sides of your bump and presses kisses all over your skin.
“why are you keeping mummy awake at this hour, little bean?”
you can’t help but smile as he continues talking to your bump in a teasing manner, like he always does. his hair is a cute mess, small locks of hair sticking out in random directions.
“mummy needs to rest,” he says, tapping his index finger. “if not daddy doesn’t get any rest either... so let’s all go to sleep okay?” he adds playfully, and you’re sure your smile has grown big enough to take over your face by now.
after a few seconds, the movement inside of you miraculously comes to a still. yukhei looks at you with his eyes widened, in awe that his words have been listened to so quickly.
“goodnight little bean,” he coos. “we’ll see each other soon and you’ll get to play with daddy as much as you want then.”
giving your bump one last kiss, yukhei adjusts your nightgown comfortably and moves back to his spot beside you. he pulls the sheets over the both of you, making sure there are no gaps exposing you to the cool air.
“i think it’s your voice that little bean loves.” you tell your husband.
his eyes look to you in adoration and he slowly lowers himself to hover his face above yours.
“you think so?”
you nod a few times. yukhei hums in acknowledgement, then pretends to ponder for a second.
“what about mummy then, what does mummy love about daddy?”
your heart races at the sudden flirtatious remark. it’s been years since you both got together and you think it’s unfair how he still manages to make you feel like this now. with yukhei, you always feel young and innocently in love again.
“she loves everything about you,” you whisper after a few seconds of silence.
there’s a huge cheeky grin on yukhei’s face. the heat rushes to your cheeks, and you feel his fingers brush the stray hairs away from your face as his plush lips meet yours with a tender kiss.
naturally, your hand moves to his neck, then his jawline, then his chin. when you pull away and your forehead rests against his, you breathe out the three words that you’ll never get tired of saying to him.
and he says it back, with all the love in his eyes. smoothing a hand across the skin of your rounded belly, he tucks his face into the crook of your neck and dreamily wishes you goodnight.
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Just when you were about to turn the knob on the door, you heard Lucas say "I won't forget you."
Taking a deep breath and maintaining your composure, you turn your head to look Lucas in his eyes and you said "I am sorry to hurt you like this. But this had to be done. I need this, for myself! I didn't mean to hurt you like this and i am sorry. It is better to stop now, before it's too late."
You saw the change of emotions in his eyes but you knew this could not be ignored any longer and you had to leave him. It was now or never. And looking at the urgency of the current situation, you knew that it had to be done now. With a heavy heart and a deep sigh, you opened the door to your bathroom to attend the urgent call of mother nature leaving a broken hearted Lucas in bed who just wanted to cuddle you.
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jen-o-jam · 4 years
[10:40 pm]
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“Come on, sir..we don’t have much time before the Walkers get here..” you whispered, tugging on Yukhei’s mission shirt. Your heart was racing as you heard the loud wails of the near by zombies. Your heart almost stopping when he grabbed your hand. He had finished filling his bag with supplies, which meant it was time to leave.
“Relax, Y/N...we’ll be fine if you don’t panic” he said with a kind smile, using your name instead of your rank title which was more normal for upper ranks.
The wailing only getting louder and louder as they surrounded the store you were cleaning out of supplies. Your hand gripping his as you tried to calm yourself down. This wasn’t your first ransack but you two had already lost someone along the way today. People in your camp were being wiped out.
It was hard on everyone, but it really weighed on your mind at the moment, slinging your bag over your shoulder, pulling on him.
“Come on, please Yukhei..” you whispered. The older man giving into your pleas as he stood up, handing you the baseball bat.
“We’re gonna go out the back like we came in. I want you to run no matter what happens, ok?” He asked looking at you, making sure you were on the same page. You have to be a team to survive in this world. One wrong step or move could end fatal.
“I can’t leave-“ he cut your words off, shaking his head. Making you stop. Your eyes looking towards the boarded up windows, listening for a moment.
“I need you to listen to me, Y/n. If anything happens I need you to run” Yukhei said, looking in your eyes. Your mouth opening to say something, but you just nod. A slight cocky smile forming on his lips as he pushed a strand of hair that had fallen from your ponytail out of your face.
“Ok..” he whispered as he led you out the door. The two of you being as quiet as possible, creeping down backstreets. Which were safe when you came out to search earlier. A groan echoing through the street. Your eyes getting big as you held onto the bat tighter. Yukhei instinctively getting in front of you, ready to fight if needed.
You’re heart pounding as Yukhei signaled to run. A few walkers stumbling upon the dim street you two were on. The sound of the rattling in your bag alerting them to where you were. He didn’t let you look back, however.
His hand tightly intertwined with yours as you two booked it. More and more walkers appearing out of seemingly nowhere.
The two of you in the homestretch. Almost at the gated wall which guarded to the camp before you got surrounded. Your eyes lighting up with fear although you hated to show it. Yukhei pushing you in behind the gate.
At least there you were safe. Other members of the camp rushing to grab you. There was a rule. Once you were in the gates you couldn’t go back out. It kept everyone “safe”, but the fear of Yukhei getting hurt taking over, trying to escape the members who were holding you back.
“He is going to be fine. You can’t go back out, Y/n” Johnny said, holding you back. A few girls trying to calm you down and make sure you weren’t hurt. Yet when you heard the gate open up you broke free, running to make sure he was ok. A chuckle slipping his lips as you tackled him in a hug.
“That was nothing. Did I worry you?” He asked out, hugging you back. You not saying anything for a moment as you just hugged on him.
“I’ll take that as a yes. I told you we would be fine. I would never let you get hurt, y/n..” he whispered, kissing your forehead.
“And just so you know. It take a lot more than that to to kill me”, he chuckled. You hitting his shoulder, rolling your eyes.
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ssaccharinedreamss · 4 years
One shots
you’re so beautiful by peachy-jjh
wong yukhei as a boyfriend by chocolvte
Study Session by forehead-enthusiast
draw me like one of your french cartoons by ncthothours
you’re so beautiful by peachy-jjh
lights out, love by by-moonflower
Break Up!AU
post breakups with wayv by warmau
Childhood Friends to Lovers!AU
thangs by moondustis
home by starlightkun
number 57 by starlightkun
lovestruck!yukhei by warmau
cheerleader!yukhei by warmau
Strangers to Lovers!AU
Electric by yougotthtbilly
Summer Romance!AU
summer romance!au yukhei by warmau
sleepless cinderella prologue by starlightkun
sleepless cinderella by starkightkun
Social media AUs
Boss!Lucas by ncthothours
High School!AU
do you think about me too? by byunnct
[9:57 pm] by valentine-jae
[3:12am] by neo-cult-Ute
poly relationship with lucas and taeyong by sluttyten
Vertigo by savvvy
The other woman y ninibears-erigom
Racer Lucas by kerminghaos
Nct 2018 as Mafia Positions by neo-culture-mafia
lucas by warmau
tell me all that is insincere by by-moonflower
One shots
Never Love Again by danseurehonte
high on your love by moondustis
swang my way by moondustis
four leaf clover by moondusties
Social media AUs
Best Friends Brother!AU
my boy introduction by dimplyjae
my boy by dimplyjae
[11:48pm] by boopitsath0t
johnny and lucas threesome by sluttyten
jaehyun and yukhei threesome by domjaehyun
Wicked by savvvy
Conflicted by savvvy
lucas dirty talk = rambling by moonlit-jeno
hickeys by domjaehyun
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missnctyukhei · 5 years
Who will it be | eighteen
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SocialMedia!AU; Jaehyun!Au; Yukhei!Au;
Summary: You always thought that Yukhei will be your big love. But when he leaves you for another woman, a world collapses for you. You save yourself in Jaehyun's comforting arms, but soon the consequences will shown.
Pairing: Yukhei x Reader x Jaehyun
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srodulvroux · 6 years
here's what to do to pass an SM audition
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xiaothejun · 2 years
Mad love// Wong Yukhei
Warnings: none
Your lips touch his, which causes both of you shake yourselves out of dreamland and back into reality, eyes still closed. You place one soft kiss on his big, plump lips and another one follows right after. His arms wrapped around your figure pulling you even closer to his own body. At some point you find yourself speaking with your tongues better than any language you would ever use. Only wet sound of hot kisses are heard between these four walls of your shared bedroom.
The walls could smell the lust you hold for each other in each craving kiss.
“Hey…” you whisper into the full pair of lips that were brushing softly against yours, feeling his hot breath before opening your eyes. Your hands are placed somewhere in between your warm bodies, fingers touching something that feels like his bare chest.
-“Hey… baby…” he replies with the sexy morning voice of his, so crispy it messes with your mind. One last kiss is placed on his lips and leads both of you to smile against each other like you never did it before. -“Are you still mad at me?” Yukhei asks and opens one eye to take a look at you. “How can I?” You climb with your fingers upwards to his neck, drawing unknown figures against his toned body.
-“You were mad this morning.” He says and chuckles at the silence afterwards. “You’re like a cigarette, once I taste you, I’m back to my senses.” You say and he giggles a short, deep giggle that makes your heart skip a beat.
-“Should’ve kissed you earlier then.”
“Yes you should’ve.”
-“Wanna be mad at me again for not kissing you earlier?”
“Will you kiss me for hours if I do?”
-“I’m down for days as well.”
“So I’m so fucking mad at you, yukhei.” And with that, he crawls on top of you, and makes you forget what you were mad at in the first place.
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gohyuck · 6 years
31 with Lucas
31) “Can I kill him?” “No.” “Just a little bit.”
It takes an hour for you to lose the anger you’ve been holding onto tightly - for your shoulders to relax and for the flame in your eyes to flicker out.
It takes nearly thirty more minutes for the tears to stop flowing -for your shoulders to stop shaking and for you to extract your wet face from Doyoung’s shoulder.
You aren’t sure of why you’re so affected by the argument - after all, it isn’t as if you and Yukhei haven’t fought this hard before -
You and Yukhei haven’t fought like this before. 
This revelation hits you harder than you expect it to, causing fresh tears to well up in your eyes. Doyoung sighs, pulling you against him again to rub soothing circles against your back. You’ll apologize for drenching his shirt later, but, for now, all that clouds your mind is your fall-out with your boyfriend.
Yukhei’s been gone for nearly an hour and a half, having left in a flurry of swears and rushed grievances, leaving you with a slammed door and silence. In that time, half of his members have returned to the dorm from juggling their various duties, all opening the door with sparkling eyes and stories to tell, only to find you curled up on the couch, silently quaking, with your face buried into a pillow. 
Or - it was a throw pillow before. Now that he’s arrived from recording, it’s Doyoung’s mildly bony but mostly comforting collarbone. 
“What happened?” 
The tentative voice belongs to Johnny, who’s the most recent returnee, arriving alongside Jaehyun from a night spent recording NNN. Taeil, who’s already heard your side of it - albeit, some of its unclear, as your words and sniffles tend to mix together - pauses his work of moving some of your hair away from your face to explain what he thinks is the reason behind your tears. Before he can begin, though, Jaehyun interrupts to ask about where Yukhei is, and if they should call him or not.
Your sobs increase in volume. 
“Yukhei,” Doyoung’s voice is sharp, thinly veiling an unspoken warning. “Yukhei’s what happened, actually.”
Taeil nods ever-so-slightly as he moves to rubbing your back along with Doyoung, launching into his understanding of the situation - in layman’s terms. 
“She was pissed that he came home two hours later than he’d told her he would without giving her any heads up, and he got pissed that she was nagging so much. Then, he told (Name) that he isn’t sure of if he wants to be with her anymore or not - she got mad at his lack of reasoning to back up his dumb words and then he got mad at her for being mad and she got mad over his anger and then he just… left.” 
The room goes silent as everyone takes a moment to process the eldest’s words, but the growing rage in the room is tangible. 
Yuta breaks it, first.
“Can I kill him?”
“No.” Johnny sighs, at the same time as Doyoung, his eyes narrowed, mutters a “Just a little bit.”.
You laugh-cry at their simultaneous words, pulling away from your friend to wipe your eyes on your shirt sleeves. Before you can input your executive decision on what’s to be done with your boyfriend - ex? you don’t want to think about it - the handle of the front door turns. 
It’s Yukhei, looking more forlorn than you’ve ever seen him. 
The ten minutes it takes for you to kick everyone else out of the dorm - Doyoung, especially, is keen on staying as emotional support - but, in the end, you find yourself looking directly at Yukhei. 
He sighs. 
“I’m the stupidest motherfucker on the-”
“Save it.” 
Your voice is steadier than you expect it to be. 
Yukhei looks up from the floor, and you’re slightly shocked at how wet his eyes are. Part of you wants to know where he went when he’d left, but you know that it’s irrelevant. 
“Do you really not care about me anymore?”
The question physically pains you to ask - after all, it’s been right around a year since you’d asked him out, and, even if he feels nothing towards you, there’s no denying that your feelings are just as strong as they were at the beginning, if not stronger. 
“God, no, no I do. I absolutely fucking do. Fuck.” Yukhei runs a hand through his hair - once, twice, thrice. “I do, I promise that I do. I’ve never felt this way for anyone else.” 
“If you do, then why-”
“I love you.”
You blink. 
You blink again. 
Yukhei’s known to be inopportune at times, but man - his timing has never been this godawful. Even then, you can’t bring yourself to go back to the argument at hand.
Instead, you sit back down on the couch, crossing your legs - making yourself comfortable before you can throw your response back at him, in hopefully a tone as sharp sounding as it is in your mind.
“You what?”
Okay, so you squeak it out instead of delivering it bitingly. 
It’s a start.
Yukhei doesn’t notice, anyways. He’s too busy pacing in front of the TV. 
“I love you,” He repeats. “I love you, and I’m really fucking afraid of it, and I spent a couple extra hours walking around a dog park to collect myself after I realized that every beautiful thing I see makes me think of you, and how I wish you were there, and how much you’d love everything I’m seeing too.” 
He pauses. You say nothing.
Yukhei continues. 
“I love you so much that the idea of you not loving me back made me so, so damn upset that I made myself believe that you don’t. By the time I’d gotten home I was late and pissed off, and I took my anger at the idea of fake you out on the real you. Like I said - I’m the stupidest motherfucker on the planet.”
You unfold your legs, folding your hands together. For what feels like an eternity to Yukhei, you chew on your bottom lip.
Finally, you heave a heavy sigh. 
“I’m going to be mad for at least a week. I mean, just because you were mad at me and mad at yourself doesn’t give you the right to tell me that you don’t want to date me anymore if you don’t mean it.”
Your boyfriend nods slowly, his jaw set. He looks away from you the moment you look at him. You sigh again.
He looks up at this, hopefulness brimming in his eyes. “But?”
You shoot him a smile and pat the seat next to you, but not before inclining your head towards the landline.
“But we do still have to talk this over. Preferably over takeout. I was hurt, and I’m sure that you were too.” 
Yukhei laughs, sounding equally overjoyed and nervous. His hand finds itself in his hair again - a nervous tic. You decide to allay his fears, ever-so-slightly. As he dials the number in for your favorite restaurant, you call his name.
“For the record, I love you too.”
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dotbammie · 6 years
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Author’s Note: hello my little babies! It’s truly been forever since i have posted, so hello!! It’s nice to post again, i really did miss it. i’m not sure how often I will be posting, whether it will be a week or a month or a year from now, but I wanted to get this post out there because it’s been plaguing my mind! Xuxi/yukhei/lucas is my age and i often think of how he would be like in a relationship, so enjoy~
xoxo Sara
hooooo god
where do i even start with this boy
okay so we all know
nctzens know
nct knows
Obama knows
the whole world knows
Yukhei is a natural flirt. 100%. without an inkling in my mind
and he always talks biiiiiiig talk when he goes on VLIVE with members
but some part of me feels like he would  be sort of... shy when he likes someone?
i mean, not like so shy as in to stay away from them
he’s not about that
but shy as in maybe toning himself down a bit?
so he won't scare you off ya feel
but like he’ll start to like you and basically everyone picks up on it
but you
yes the classic every-love-story-ever cliche. next.
but yES everyone realized it quickly and were like OOOOO SHIT
so they'd always invite you over
you'd prolly be friends with mark because hello
hes the same age as yukhei
judging on age id say y'all were in college and you probably met yukhei through mark but tHATS BESIDES THE POINT STAY ON TRACK SARA GOD
a n y w a y s
but yeah like everyone would constantly be like hEY Y/N Y DONT U COME OVER
and yukhei would b like AAAAAAAAAA on the inside
but :^) on the outside
(that face translates to ‘im low-key dying but highkey cannot express it at this moment)
and i feel like at some point he'd be like. shits gotta stop
i gotta either cut these feelings OFF or HARNESS THE POTENTIAL
and he'd be SOOO nervous but like
laughing type nervous
when he confesses to you
and hes like “yEAh i liKe you but likE so what man like its cool its fine its whatever”
cue literally all of the older members face-palming because yukhei slipped “man” in his confession
but of course u like the big goof anyway so you accept the confession! yay!
and now onto the good stuff uwu
once he got past the whole “lets tone it down so i dont scare them away” thing you KNOW hes gonna be like all over you
probably showing you off
“have you guys met my s/o?”
“look at how cute my s/o is”
“this is my s/o no one elses”
low-key possessive but not in a bad way where he doesnt want you around anyone else
can 100% share you with anyone but likes the fact that you hold his hand and hug him and stuff and you dont do it with anyone else
big uwu baby
the bigger they are the harder they uwu in my opinion
always wanting to hold your hand. always
always worrying about your wellbeing
“have you eaten today?” “are you cold?” “are you stressed? “youre happy right?”
is the literal definition of Big Baby™ and will just melt when you guys cuddle
likes to play with your hair
“you smell nice”
teaching you one of the FIVE DAMN LANGUAGES HE KNOWS
but also stoopid boi
flirts with you every five seconds to the point where youre like xuxi.stop.
idk what you like to call him (like if you call him lucas or yukhei or xuxi) but he'd probably d i e if you gave him a nickname
whats a good nickname for him idk dshidjshkas just give him one he loves those
really playful so i feel like you'd constantly be tossed over his shoulder
like youre play fighting with him or like
he just wants to snuggle so he’ll pick you up and whisk u away
wow a prince
also super strong and likes to work out
the type of flirtatious little shit where he’d like tell u to help him do sit ups and kiss you every time her comes up
ugh i hate that i imagined that so perfectly WHY is he like that
hearing that giggle all the time
you know what giggle im talking about
ohmyGOD seeing his cute little smile all the time because you genuinely make him the happiest boy alive and he constantly wonders how an angel like you likes him
okay i gotta stop im gonna get soft for him now this is NOT the PLAN i am LOYAL TO ******
okay bYE
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xuxitheii · 3 years
hey, i was wondering if you can write tr hcs for any character(s) you want, having a boyfriend that is like really deadpan and stuff like maybe suna rintarou from hq
also, i absolutely love your writing
ah ha, hey *bites lips* ya boy is back and it's been a full ass month 🏃🏃 I AM VERY SORRY ABOUT THIS, SCHOOL HAS GONE STAMPEDE MODE ON ME 👊😭 no but seriously, sorry about disappearing guys :( would not do it again, i'm gonna be posting more regularly soon (?) i don't know yet, but i'll try to get out some requests that has been dusting away in the drafts 😬😬 BUT ANYWAY, ENJOY!! and give this some love <3
佐野真一郎 - 佐野 万次郎 - 黒川 イザナ - 筆頭 鶴蝶
— “i couldn’t care less if it’s loud or quiet”
he’s a menace — but goddamnit is he hot.
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this guy, right here? he knows nothing about volleyball. hell, he thought it was just some dudes passing a ball around to each other. he has zero to none interest in it, he just woah-ed whenever the other people do — he doesn’t know what’s happening, at all. but shinichiro was given the pleasure of attending a volleyball match, courtesy of wakasa who is actually into volleyball (he likes seeing those powerful spikes, alright).
and that was when he met him.
[L/N] [Y/N].
shinichiro was amazed — downright entranced — with the way he carries himself. the [H/C] haired boy was fast — too fast for him to comprehend. how did he go from one side of the court to another that quick? shinichiro said in disbelief, while wakasa laughed at the confusion blanketing his face.
number ten definitely caught his interest — perhaps his heart too, but shinichiro doesn’t know that, not yet.
what shocked him more, though? was the fact that wakasa knows him — we’re best friends, he said, with that signature smirk of his. and it was proven to be true when wakasa just walked casually to the bleachers where the team was after the match ended, fist bumping with the very same player he was ogling about just a few minutes ago. wakasa — that smirk of his tells him more than words could — introduced the two of them, “[Y/N], this is shinichiro, the guy i’ve told you about before.” and realization never could look more attractive on someone’s face to shinichiro up until that moment. wait, wakasa did what– “ah, so you’re shinichiro, huh?” number ten’s lips tugged upwards as his eyes narrowed teasingly, “you do look like a guy that would get beaten up a lot.”
shinichiro spluttered, his hands twitching around. as he whined to wakasa, just what had you told him?! you can’t just tell someone about that, wakasa! especially not to someone so attractive like him! wakasa laughed.
long story short, shinichiro was not prepared for a relentless tease and deadpan all at the same time. [L/N] [Y/N] seems to have taken a liking in teasing, insulting and mocking sano shinichiro.
and [L/N] [Y/N] seems to have taken a liking to sano shinichiro too.
he met [Y/N] through baji. the ravenette had dragged him to watch a volleyball match that he was so eager to see — he had talked about it for the whole week! and mikey was coincidentally free for the day, so why not? there’s nothing to regret here. and was that so true, mikey regrets nothing for coming to the match. because he gets to see him. the player with number ten on his back. mikey was enchanted — like one would react to a siren.
for the whole match, he focused on [H/C] hair and [E/C] eyes. there was something about him — perhaps it’s the way he seems uninterested enough in everything around him, maybe it’s the way he would taunt his opponents, or maybe, it’s the way those eyes seem to see through everything.
and when he smiled? mikey is sold.
right as the match finally ended, mikey walked right up to the [H/C] haired boy, a determination coating his dark eyes (poor baji was left to fend for himself). the one who noticed him first was the captain, the player with number one on his jersey, who lifted up his eyebrow in curiosity, who is this kid? “hey,” several heads snapped to look at him, but his focus was solely on him, the one who looked as if he couldn’t care less. “what’s your name?”
“ah? who are you, kid?” the boy tilted his head, mikey doesn’t mind the nickname at all, he just needs to know, “mikey, what’s yours?” does not answer the [H/C] haired’s question at all, but alright. “heh, looks like you’ve got yourself an admirer, [L/N],” his teammate teased, cackling afterwards, mikey’s eyes caught the number seven on his jersey. the still unnamed boy rolled his eyes, an insult shot at his teammate right after. the boy turned, finally regarding poor little mikey, who had been patiently waiting through the whole match to finally have a conversation with him.
“[L/N] [Y/N], nice to meet you, pipsqueak,” a playful and yet cocky smirk playing on his lips.
that doesn’t deter mikey, though. instead, he got something up his sleeves too.
“great! from now on, you’re my friend, okay? ♡”
well, they end up being more than friends, actually.
a menace and a menace, what could be more compatible, eh?
izana’s true emotions are never shown on his face — when he was little, it does, but now not an ounce of it was shown. but there’s an exception to that. and it comes in the form of his lover, [L/N] [Y/N].
ever since they met, izana can’t help but show his irritation towards the other boy. one meeting and izana already disliked him. from the way he wouldn’t regard izana at all to the way he looks down on izana with that irritatingly attractive smug smirk. he’s just so irritating, dammit! a small voice in his head says, you just find him attractive, izana.
so damn irritating, izana thought.
but strangely (not), izana keeps hanging around him anyways. to annoy him, he reasoned out — but we all know better. izana stays with him, despite complaining and sneering at everything the boy does. and [Y/N]? he finds it downright amusing. [Y/N] can see through people easily, not to mention his scarily accurate instinct, so he knows why exactly izana acts the way he does. but nevertheless, [Y/N] plays along to izana’s rhythm.
he can wait until the boy admits it himself — after all, love can’t be forced, right?
what drove izana to confess is the ugly green monster, known as jealousy. izana knows the [H/C] haired boy plays volleyball — heck, he was smacked by one at their first meeting — but what he doesn’t know is the abundance of admirers the boy has. and how touchy the people around him can get. and what’s worse is the fact [Y/N] couldn’t care less! he never shoves off the girls and boys clinging to him ([Y/N] smirked at the way izana’s eye twitched), he entertained the flirts people thrown at him ([Y/N] doesn’t actually, he just let them speak, but izana’s misunderstanding is fun to watch) and, purposely feeds into their hungry eyes (if wiping away your sweat on a towel, and sometimes your own shirt, is considered to be ‘feeding into their hunger’, then more than half of the planet is a player, [Y/N] mused).
izana had loudly dropped the confession in the middle of a practice match — thank god it’s not an official one — his eyes burning with masked passion and if you look a little closely, nervousness. the [H/C] haired boy can’t help but to feel stunned for the slightest of second, and then he regained his cool back and threw a lopsided smile at the violet eyed boy, “my, interrupting in the middle of practice is rude, no?” a soft cackle left his lips,
“i’ll get back to you later, i-za-na-kun ♡”
[Y/N] does get back to him later on, immediately calming down the annoyed delinquent with a chaste kiss to the corner of his lips — their eyes meeting in [E/C] clashing with violet.
kakucho is terrified of [L/N] [Y/N].
no, it’s not because the boy is a ruthless killer or something — though, with those insults and sharp glare, he might as well be one. it’s because of what is stored in the boy’s phone. what could it be, you ask? dirt. so much dirt. there’s so much dirt on practically everyone that kakucho knows of, there’s tons of the ones he didn’t know too.
kakucho was mortified with his findings. [Y/N] had let him use his phone while he went and made some food for the two of them (they’re hanging out at the [H/C] haired boy’s house). and like any other nosy teenagers, kakucho decided to go into his gallery — and he was promptly smacked with dozens of folders, each titled with names. everything is arranged neatly, professionally even, as if it’s a top tier secret. and a top tier secret it was.
from ugly sleeping photos to literal crime scenes, it was stored in his lover’s phone. there were even some of kisaki. kisaki! the most overly careful person kakucho knows! he doesn’t know how [Y/N] gets all of this, but he’s terrified nonetheless.
at that very moment, kakucho understands why the boy is in a team represented by foxes — sly and cunning.
kakucho shuddered, if this phone were ever to fall into the wrong person’s hands, everyone on this list might as well kiss good byes to their current life. so much blackmail in such a small device.
despite all this, kakucho knows [Y/N] wouldn’t use it for his own good — the boy is too uncaring to use tricks like this. he doesn’t know why exactly [Y/N] is collecting all of these, but his best guess is to blackmail all of these people to buy him food. [Y/N] is quite reluctant in using his own money to buy food after all (but he never hesitates on buying kakucho anything he showed even the slightest interest in, though).
so, despite feeling the horror rush earlier, all kakucho felt now was fondness towards the other boy, but also exasperation since he had worried over nothing. he knows his lover would only asks for dumb things or food if he ever were to use these ‘blackmails’. despite his cunningness, [Y/N] had sauntered his way into kaku’s heart with his personality and charms (and also boyish smirk and a way too heavenly of a laugh). kakucho doubts that the boy would suddenly become a villain.
and when [Y/N] came back with a plate of kakucho’s favorite dish, and a knowing glint in his eyes, lips tugged in an amused grin, kakucho knows he’s caught.
“so, what’s with the over abundance of dirt?”
“food money.”
with kakucho’s head shakes, [Y/N] let out a silent relieved sigh, at least kakucho didn’t see the album filled with lovely and endearing pictures of him.
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neopuppy · 3 years
Regular-Irregular: Part 1. (M)
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Preview: “Is there anything you need from me? Anything I should prepare?” You asks Lucas nervously.
“Well..hah..” Lucas nods down to his crotch, pouting his lips with a smirk. “Nothing can prepare you for this, but if you can get past me.. you’ll be perfect here.” Johnny and Lucas bursts into laughter. Your brows furrowing together, but nodding with a smile none the less.
“Thank you for this opportunity alphas. I won’t let you down.”
Pairing: Female omega reader x alpha Lucas ft alpha Xiaojun
Word Count: 2.7k
Genre: omegaverse, straight up PWOP, pure FICTION.
Smut Warning: degradation, humiliation, big alpha cock, teasing, fingering, knotting, slick, voyeur, cumshot
Second Interview
Red. Form fitting. Tight.
“Something red will impress.” Repeating the words over in your mind admiring over the wine red silky dress. Would this be enough? This felt so wrong, opposite of your usual sense of style. Whatever style that of a broke college graduate with huge student loans could be considered.
“What if he’s not impressed?..” you continue to question pulling into your assigned visitor parking space. “What am I even supposed to do today? I really need this job..” huffing out to no one but yourself as you pull a mirror from your purse.
“You can do this. You got this. Mr. Suh loved you!” You mentally shout out words of encouragement, applying a sheer tinted balm, smacking your lips together.
“Lucas seemed nice right?” Mumbling to yourself, riddled with too many thoughts as you walk toward the elevator. “Yea, I think he liked me? He was excited about me interviewing..” nodding your chin forward, punching the button for the 10th floor. Slapping your own hand away from your mouth before you could nibble over your freshly manicured nails. The doors ding open loudly interrupting your spiraling thoughts.
“Woah..” two alpha’s stand at the floor entrance, looking you up and down. Your pace falters as you step out of the elevator. Nerves shooting about, exploding out of you like fireworks. You pause, with a small bow in their direction.
“Hello.. I’m here for an interview with the HR manager?” you stammer out, gripping at your purse.
“HR?” The shorter alpha questions, fingers stroking across his chin with a smirk. “Hah...second interview?”
“Y-yes...with Luc..”
“Lucas.” The alpha with black hair smiles, displaying bright white teeth. “Love the dress by the way..” he moves to your side, arm resting on the dip of your waist. “Allow me..” he nods, directing you forward.
You swallow following his lead, sweat pooling at your nape. The cold air conditioning blowing across your exposed skin, making it even more obvious how hot you feel. The alpha directs you toward a large room, hand palming at the small of your back.
“Love the pedicure too. Great choice.” He bites down on his lip, pushing the door open.
“Ah, Jaemin you’re back finally... and you’ve brought a gift” Johnny holds out his arms, face brightening up with a smile. “Please come in, bring her to me.”
“Of course boss.” Jaemin directs you toward Mr. Suh, pushing into your back to encourage you forward. Eyes around the conference table all follow your figure, eyes of predators. Eyes of hungry wolves.
“You’re gonna do great, I can tell.” Jaemin leans in, mouthing words directly onto your ear. He shoots you a wink, taking a seat near Lucas. The other alpha lifting his brows pleased with your appearance.
“Let me get a look at you..” Johnny pulls you forward, large hands wrapping around your waist. The heat rushing across your flesh so fast, you’d be a pool of sweat if not for the central air.
“Don’t start without me!” The other alpha from the entrance runs in, shutting the door behind him.
“We should. So you can learn to be on time Haechan.” Johnny says shooting the alpha a glare as he seats. Eyes returning to focus on you. Johnny’s fingers skim up the fabric of your dress, reaching toward the flimsy straps.
“A bra..” he tsks displeased. “Never saw the point in those things, all they do is get in the way.” Johnnys fingers trace beneath your dress, pulling off your bra straps. Hands swiftly returning to your waist, pulling your back into his built chest. He faces you toward the table, nothing but alphas surrounding. Eyes all gleaming with interest, some breathing heavy, others getting more comfortable in their seats.
“You sent the contract back very quickly. You read everything correctly yes?” Johnny tightens an arm around your stomach, hips shoving forward into your ass. He moves your hair to the side, nose running across your neck. Another alpha leans forward on the table biting on his lip. Johnny’s fingers stroking down your upper back removing the clasp from your bra.
“Y-yes..alpha..” you stammer out squeezing your eyes shut. The embarrassment too much, overwhelming your body. Muffled words of disapproval sound out around you. Johnny pulls your bra free, hardened nipples clearly exposed through your dress.
“Keep your eyes open sweetie.” His fingers skim across your jaw, tilting you neck back. “We don’t bite.”
“Yet!..” a deep raspy voice calls out. Your eyes flutter open looking into Johnny’s. The alpha smiles proudly, finger smoothing across your lower lip.
“Good omega’s always do as their told.” Johnny turns your face forward, making sure all the alpha’s see you with your eyes open.
“They follow rules.” Lucas emphasizes tapping a finger into the table. “They don’t argue. Good omega’s listen to everything their alpha’s say.”
“Isn’t he right?” Johnny licks at your earlobe, grinding his hardening length between your ass.
“Yes alpha’s..” your eyes flutter blinking away the moisture gathering up.
“Good omega’s know their place here. You’re nothing more than a stupid fuck hole to take our cum.” The alpha leaning forward closest to you voices out. The rest of the alpha’s nodding in agreement. Your thighs squeeze together, vision blurring behind the pools of tears you try to hold back.
“She likes it..” Johnny’s smile widens, nose digging into your cheek. Forearm gliding down your stomach, hand reaching under your dress. His fingers push between your thighs, squeezing around your mound.
“She’s so wet Jaehyun.” He responds to the alpha leaned on the table. Your own eyes locking with his, receiving a nod of approval.
“Of course she likes it.” Lucas stands up, pushing back his seat. Hands working on removing his belt with ease. “These omega sluts all know deep down inside the only thing they’re good for.”
“Might want to keep this one for myself Lucas” Johnny glares at him, roughly thrusting against you. Lower half bouncing forward into his hand with every movement.
“Aw come on Johnny! It’s been weeks since the last one quit. We’re fucking bored!” The alpha from earlier- Haechan, whines out smacking at his arm rest.
“You’re funny man.” Lucas head shakes, removing his blazer. Lustful eyes roaming over you, working the buttons around his wrists open.
“I’m being serious.” Johnny presses a finger into your slit, thin fabric of your underwear drenched in slick already. “I think I could conduct this portion of the interview better than you.”
“Is that right?” Lucas unzips his pants, pulling out a dick girthy and long enough to pull a shocked gasp out the back of your throat. “Should we grab a ruler?” The alpha smiles proudly with hands on his hips, cock laying against the table. Johnny sighs, pecking over your cheekbone.
“Get through this, you’ll be mine tomorrow.” He murmurs lowly into your ear. Gripping your flimsy underwear with a harsh tug up. Folds wrapping around the soaked fabric.
“Being the boss can be so exhausting.” He groans, shoving your body in Lucas direction. You fall clumsily landing into the alpha’s lap sat near Lucas. His jaw tightens, lifting a thick sharp brow.
“Xiaojun... help me out here.” Lucas snaps fingers at the alpha wrapping arms around your waist. Xiaojun gives you a look, swiping away a tear that finally breaks free.
“I love when they cry.” He grins full of mischief. Something mocking in his tone. You suck in air swallowing down a hiccup nervously. Xiaojun stands up, holding onto the back of your thighs and waist.
“Where do you want her?” He asks with a glance around the room.
“Set her down right here.” Lucas points his chin to the spot on the table in front of him. “Won’t distract you too much from your work, right boys?” The alpha taunts out with a laugh.
Pleased grunts and responses follow. Johnny focuses on setting up a power point, clapping hands together for attention from the group of alpha’s. Xiaojun lays you down in front of Lucas. The alpha grabbing onto your calves, pulling you in closer to fit between your legs.
“Red’s my favorite” Lucas smirks, long fingers gripping your knees, parting you open. “We won’t be needing these.” He bunches your dress up, ripping off the sides of your panties.
“Give me those!” The alpha that led you here- Jaemin calls out with grabby hands. Xiaojun rolls his eyes picking up the slicked up fabric.
“He’s kind of strange.” He peers down at you, shoving the underwear toward Jaemin seated to the side.
“What are we?” Lucas laughs out, hands squeezing down over the meat of your thighs. “Damn, you really are wet.” His brows waggle, fingers pulling your folds open. You squeak out in embarrassment, feeling slick slide down to your ass thick and heavy.
“You’ll never fit in there..” Xiaojun whispers staring between your legs from over Lucas shoulder. The alpha circles around your entrance curiously.
“..but she’s so wet” his forehead creases down the middle. “You taken real alpha dick before baby?” Lucas looks into your eyes with question. Your chest rises rapidly, digging nails into your hands. You lick at your drying lips, trying to regain moisture in your mouth, weakly shaking your head. Lucas sighs, prodding at your entrance.
“You can take it.. “ he pushes a finger inside you, long enough to reach deep in you. “Damn..” Lucas smile widens, pressing into your walls.
“Come here..” he mumbles, pulling you up by your shoulder with his free hand. Lucas leans in gazing at you with lazy desire filled eyes. Another finger working way in you, thick lips pouting out floating near yours.
“If you can’t take my cock, you won’t be hired.” The alpha lowly whispers against your face. Pouty lips skimming up your cheek, pulling your earlobe in. “How badly do you want this job?” Words muffle into your ear between sucking and licking. Lucas pushes a third finger inside you. They’re so long and thick already, the size of his cock can’t even compare.
“Yes alpha..” your face scrunches up in pleasure, fingers working you open. “I want it. I need it.” The high paying position, the alpha’s incredibly fat cock, whichever.
Xiaojun’s hand reaches between your bodies, fingers finding your clit quickly. The alphas work expertly, Lucas thrusting lengthy fingers into you, spreading open and stretching. Xiaojun circles around you clit, squeezing the bud between two fingers. Your head falling forward into the alpha’s chest too overwhelmed and shy to voice out anything.
“You have to take my knot too..” Lucas bites your earlobe, tongue lapping over the abused skin. Your eyes widen, neck weakly lifting. His smile turns vindictive, forehead pressing into yours. “Most omega’s can’t pass this interview.”
“I will.” You purse your lips swallowing down a whine, a fourth finger pushing your walls open. “Fuck..” your head drops forward into his chest again, biting back a moan. Pleasure passing through your stomach with each thrust.
“That’s right..” his fingers slip out, shoving away Xiaojun’s hand. Lucas lifts you off the table, returning to his chair. He turns you around like you weigh nothing to him, biceps flexing through his dress shirt. Lucas sets you on his lap, hard very hard cock nestling between your thighs. An alpha with a hidden forearm below the waist is what he was.
“You ready?” Lucas turns you to look at him, large hand covering the entire side of your face. You hesitate squirming about his lap before stiffly nodding. He holds back a smile digging teeth into his lower lip. Xiaojun swivels his seat closer to Lucas, gripping at the top of your dress. He gives you no time to react, pulling the garment below your breasts. Cold air kissing at your erected nipples. Groans sounding out from the alpha’s less focused on Johnny’s presentation.
Lucas gathers your dress up to your waist, lifting you up enough to prod at your entrance. Cock head sloppily sliding and poking between your heat.
“Fuck yourself on my cock.” He grunts out behind you, keeping you held up. You drop your head for a better look, reaching down gripping around the base of his length. Finger nails barely meeting around him. You swallow in trying to relax with determination. If there’s one thing you had, it was the will to fight for what you want.
Lucas lifts his hips impatiently, cock head pushing past your opened entrance. You squeeze at his base tighter, panting out for air. Slowly inching down the fat length, teeth grinding together in exertion. Head falling back against his shoulder releasing your hold around him. Xiaojun leans in lapping over your nipple, earning a jolt of surprise out of you.
“Fuck.. I’m already half in” Lucas drops back against the chairs head rest. Jaw hanging loosely soaking in your clenching walls. Xiaojun’s fingers return to your clit, stimulating the bundle of nerves with quick rubs. You finally cry out, trying so hard to not break. Trying so hard to not appear weak. Lucas let’s out a cocky laugh, thrusting up into you completely. Slick coating around his size with Xiaojun’s help. They play you like a toy, like the helpless little omega you are.
“How���s that feel?” Lucas wraps a hand around your entire neck, pulling you flush against him. He grinds up into you, cock fucking deep past what you even thought possible. Your eyes roll back letting out a deep cry, a pathetic wanton mewl. “Come on, I said fuck yourself on my cock.”
Your eyes squeeze, tears pooling out over your cheeks. Head nodding rapidly- good omega’s always do as their told. You reach a hand out gripping the ledge of the table pulling yourself up. Cunt so stretched and full, slick covering the entirety of Lucas slacks. You fall back down on the size ripping you open, eyes locking with an alpha across from you. His mouth hung open, tongue out like a dog. It’s filthy, a group of attractive alpha’s treating you like nothing but a hole. It’s hot, it’s beyond your wildest fantasies.
“Ugh..” you grit out, working into a speed. Ass slapping back against Lucas. The wet fabric of his shirt uncomfortable against your skin. He lifts his arms behind his head, watching you put on a show.
“Fuck, good omega. Taking all that dick.” The alpha inside of you moans out. You ride him faster, grind against him, balls squishing into your ass. Lucas moves his hands around your neck from behind. He grinds up as you circle around him. Xiaojun bites over your breasts, rolling a nipple bud between his teeth.
“Shit, I’m gonna cum. Pussy’s too good.” Lucas hisses out, he sinks into the seat, thrusting forward roughly. Strong, fast, relentless chasing the urge to knot. You gasp in harshly, fingers gripping at the table. Getting fucked into so good, sensors overloading in lust. Your mouth falls open, walls clamping as much as possible around the alpha. Crying out as slick pours around his size.
“A-alpha!” Your stomach sucks in deep. Lucas jerks in past your orgasm. His face glistening under the lights with sweat. He thrusts in deep one, two, three more times with force. Knot expanding into you, hands around your neck the only thing keeping you in place.
“Fuck! Fuck!!” He cries out raspy, deep and manly. Loads of cum shooting into your womb aggressively. A mixture of many different groans passing through your ears. Lucas sighs, releasing your neck. Body weakly flopping back against him.
“Get her on the table. I’m about to cum.” Xiaojun pants out from beside you. Lucas grunts, standing up with you hanging off his knot. He lifts you with hands under your knees settling you down on all fours. You squirm around, heated cheek pressing into the cool metal. Lucas pulls out, knot only barely starting to go down. Cum spilling free out of your gaped hole immediately.
“Fuck fuck that’s hot.” Xiaojun screams out from behind. Sounds of jerking, slapping his cock over your ass. “Oh shit!” He cums with a shout, shooting in between your ass. You whimper, vision blurred under moisture. Room spinning with alpha’s in suits gazing at you like you’re their next meal. Which you just may be.
“You two done yet?” Johnny questions Lucas and Xiaojun. Lucas shoots him a wide smirk, tucking himself back into his pants.
“She’s hired.” He finishes with a thumbs up before stepping out of the room. Xiaojun’s eyes stay focused on your ass. Pushing and squeezing together your cheeks watching large amounts of cum drip down to the table.
“I’ll get her account connected for direct deposit right now.” You hear Xiaojun’s voice from behind you. He slaps at your ass one final time, nodding Johnny’s way.
The rest of the alpha’s make to head out with Johnny ending the meeting. All slowly walking around the table to get a look at the mess you’ve made. The mess you’ve become.
“You’re going to be a great addition to the team.” Jaemin expresses with a loud lip smack against your ass cheek. “Can’t wait to have fun with you.”
Part 2–>
@seuomo @unknown5tar @nanascupid @doieclayed @johnjaespeach @eggbutnotyolk @skittlez-area512 @jaehyunluvcult @lauraneuuh @hyucksslut @woofie-nctzen-fanarts @sweetmoonlight9 @multifandombtvh @notsooperfect @lenaluvs @hyunsannie @reinventingpersona @kawaiiayasan @resceluwu @winwiniee @hemlockbeauty @jaeminielovebot @aaaaalex05 @sheytanni
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writemekpop · 3 years
Body Talk | Wong Yukhei (Lucas)
Pairing: Wong Yukhei (Lucas) x Reader
Summary: What happens when you and your soulmate don’t speak the same language?
Genre: Soulmates AU, eventual smut 
Word Count: 1.3k
Warning: Sexual content 
Gif: @sehunoh​  ​
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You didn't believe in soulmates.
Not until tonight. 
Obviously, you’d grown up with the stories. On a person's eighteenth birthday, a tattoo would appear on their body... identical to their soulmate's tattoo. 
To you, the idea of soulmates seemed desperately sad. What if your soulmate was on the other side of the world? What if they had passed away? 
On your eighteenth birthday, you woke to find a simple hexagon tattoo on your wrist. Five years later, all your friends had found their soulmates...except you. 
You escaped to Seoul on vacation - sad, tired and desperately single. 
It was a Saturday afternoon, and you were walking down a cozy backstreet in Myeondong. Your eyes landed on a quaint ice cream parlour. 
Before you could realise what was happening, some strange force made you walk inside. 
Ice-cream-shaped fairy lights lit the way to the gleaming counter. It was nothing special, you thought... till you saw the man behind the counter.
He was at least six foot tall, with gorgeous brown skin, and a lean, muscled body. He looked young, but his chocolate eyes glimmered with a strange wisdom. 
Wow, I wish he was my soulmate. You thought. 
Eyes flicking up from his phone, the boy began to speak - in English. He must have known you weren't from around here. 
“Hello, I’m Lucas. How I…” he paused, searching for the words. “Help… you today?”
Hearing your language in his deep voice sent shivers down your spine. 
“One scoop of strawberry, please,” you said, your voice trembling. 
Lucas cocked his head to the side, frowning. 
“Um.” You pointed at the tub of pink ice cream. “This one.”
“Ahh.” Lucas smiled, and it was like turning on a light. “I make you.”
As he handed you the ice cream, your fingers brushed against his. You gasped. He was staring at the inside of your wrist, wearing a deep frown.
You yanked down your sleeve, blushing. Soulmate tattoos were private!
You slapped some cash down and hurried towards the exit, heart racing. You’d never seen anyone look at you like that - like you held the answer to all their questions. 
The moment you reached the door, you heard Lucas’s bellow, “Wait!”
He ran towards you, shouting wildly in what you guessed was Chinese. 
“I show you!” he cried. 
Lucas pushed down the waistband of his trousers, revealing his left hip.
Your mouth popped open. Wasn't he embarrassed? 
Lucas pointed at his hip. “Look,” he said, breathless with excitement. 
 That’s when you saw it. A tiny hexagon tattoo, identical to yours. Your heart flipped. 
You saw that he was beaming. “I saw you hand. It same like me. You and me…” he paused, struggling to find the word. 
You finished his sentence, breathless. “Soulmates.” 
Two hours later, you and Lucas were at a table in the back of the ice cream parlour. 
With the help of Google Translate, you’d learned that he was from Hong Kong and dreamed of being a chef, though his parents wanted him to go to business school. 
The ice cream you were sharing had melted to a puddle - like your heart. 
Lucas had pressed his palm against yours and laughed at how his large hand dwarfed your small one. 
You couldn’t express it in words, but when you touched him for the first time, something inside you clicked. You know he felt it too; his hands rarely left yours after that. 
You finally understood what all the love songs were about. 
Lucas cleared his throat. “You come… my house? Here, noise. My house… quiet.” When he saw your eyes widen, he rushed to continue. “No worry, just… talk.”
You blushed when you realised what Lucas was referring to. 
It was common knowledge that most soulmates consummated their connection within hours of meeting each other. But the last time you had sex had been quick, sweaty and awkward… not to mention four years ago. 
Talking would be just fine for you. 
Lucas's apartment was small but beautifully decorated. The crumbling turquoise walls were stuffed with photographs of Lucas with friends and family. 
A sudden wave of sadness rippled through you. You slumped onto the couch, holding back tears. 
“Lucas?” you called, already missing his warmth beside you.  
He sat on the couch, ripped up by his skinny grey cat, and took your hand. 
“How is this going to work? I don’t speak any Cantonese or Mandarin or Korean. Plus, I can’t exactly move halfway across the world for a man I just met, soulmates or not!” 
Lucas’s thumb was rubbing light circles into the back of your hand. He gazed silently at your face. 
You sighed. “You didn’t understand a word of that, did you?” 
Lucas’s eyes scrunched into a smile. “It okay, my English… good.” He pressed his lips together and nodded confidently. 
You couldn’t help but laugh. You’d never met a man who was so cocky yet so sweet. 
Lucas suddenly looked serious. “Y/n. I go with you… London. I chef, you student. We need… be together.” 
“But what about your family?” you cried. “Your friends?” 
Lucas smiled and shook his head. “You… number one.”
In that swell of joy, you couldn’t help but smash your lips against his. 
Lucas let out a surprised grunt at the force of your kiss, but quickly recovered. His mouth melted against yours, his hands wrapping tightly around your waist. 
Lucas’s lips tasted of strawberry ice cream. He swiftly pulled you onto his lap, and you settled your legs on either side of his strong thighs. 
Never had a stranger’s arms felt so familiar. It felt like your whole body was alight. 
Kissing Lucas made all your insecurities simply disappear. You suddenly forgot that your tummy wasn’t flat and that you were overdue a wax. You needed Lucas. Now. 
Lucas broke the kiss, making you whine. He pulled his T shirt over his head and chucked it away. 
When you saw his naked torso, you gasped. Lucas had the kind of body you only saw in movies – perfect muscles on golden skin. You couldn’t help but stare. 
Lucas let out a deep laugh. “My body… good, no?”
Your cheeks warmed as you nodded shyly. 
Lucas’s smile got wider - if that was even possible. 
You reached for his belt buckle, but Lucas stopped you. “No here. We go… bedroom.” 
Lucas stood up with you in his arms and strode towards his bedroom. 
He gently put you down and started pulling off his trousers. 
You gaped at Lucas’s bed. It was king sized - ridiculously large for the tiny room. You loved it, though; it was just like him - too big, too bright, too colourful. 
Lucas came up and stood behind you. You could smell his cologne, and it was driving you crazy. 
With one long finger, he pulled down the strap of your summer dress. He leant down and placed a kiss on the exposed skin. 
You could feel his hot breath on your neck, and his hardness pressing against your back. You shuddered with pleasure. 
Lucas pulled down the other strap, and the front of your dress fell to your waist. 
You spun round to face Lucas and buried your face in his neck, too shy to stand so exposed before him. 
Lucas chuckled as he laid you onto the bed and climbed on top of you. There were no words exchanged between the two of you, but you didn’t need them – your bodies were doing all the talking. 
You could feel his love as his lips sucked on your neck, and his hips pressed against yours. 
You looked down at his body, and blushed when you saw how ready he was for you. The hexagon tattoo on his hip was glowing. 
Opening your legs felt like the most natural thing in the world to do. 
You could tell Lucas had done this before, from the way he deftly rolled on the condom… from the way he dived in between your legs and put his mouth on you without hesitation.
It made you mad with jealousy, knowing that others had had him before. He was yours. 
After you finished, you lay side by side on the bed, fingers linked together. You leaned over and grazed your teeth against his biceps. 
“You’re mine,” you said, biting his arm softly. 
Lucas chuckled, and pecked your lips once. 
“Yǒng,” he said.
You searched his eyes. “What does that mean?” you asked. 
Lucas smiled, and pulled you closer. He leant in so his lips grazed your ear.
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peanutpinet · 3 years
NCT Masterlist
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Hi! You can call me Vinet! Am currently an active writer for NCT (127, DREAM and WayV). If you have any requests for any members, do send me a request! I just don't do smut as I'm not comfortable writing them. But I don't mind a slight steamy make-out session.
Hope you enjoy the stories I write and if anyone wants to have a talk, suggestions or anything, please don't be afraid to hit me up :] 💚
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NCT 127
NCT 127 as street racers
Per Members
Lee Taeyong
Taeyong as a mafia leader
I'm the Sticker for Your Love - Taeyong (mafia) x fem reader
Mine - Lee Taeyong x Fem reader | Mafia AU
Bite Me - Lee Taeyong x Medic girl | Mafia AU
Just Like A Zoo - Hybrid Alpha Taeyong x Omega Fem Reader
Johnny Suh
I'll always save you - Johnny x fem reader | college au
Love on the floor - Johnny x fem reader | idol au
My Plus One - Johnny Suh x Fem Reader | Idol AU
This is Queendom - Johnny Suh x Fem Reader | Non-AU
I Got You - Mafia! Johnny Suh x Undercover Agent Fem Reader
Gorgeous Company - DJ (Idol)! Johnny Suh x Shy Fan Fem Reader
Nakamoto Yuta
Yuta as a cold yet soft mafia leader
Yuta (cold mafia)
Caring mafia boss Yuta
Through High & Low - Nakamoto Yuta (gang) x fem reader | gang au
Jung Jaehyun
Jaehyun as a bad boy
Jaehyun as your mafia big brother (ft Jaemin x reader)
Be There For you - college AU
Comfort [3:33am] - first blurb
My Cure - Vampire AU
Peper(o) with love [4:12pm] - Jaehyun x fem reader | college au
Back To You Again [2:29pm] - Jaehyun x fem reader | mafia au
Stay [8:14pm] - Jaehyun x fem reader
More Than This [2:14pm] - Jaehyun x fem reader | college AU
Lost [8:24pm] - Jaehyun (vampire) x fem reader (heretic) | vampire au
Life Is A Bastard? Life Is Still Going On [2:19pm] - idol! Jaehyun x fan! fem reader
Promise [7:19am] - CEO! Jaehyun x Innocent! Fem Reader
My Forever Only - CEO! Grumpy Jaehyun x Sunshine Fem Reader
Anything For You - Demon! Jaehyun x Witch! Fem Reader
Try Again [14:02pm] | Idol! Jaehyun x fem nctzen
Anything For You (pt.2 of Anything for you) - Demon! Jaehyun x Witch! Fem Reader
Safe with Me [08:14am] - CEO Jung Jaehyun x worker fem reader
Taking Care What Is Mine - Idol! Jaehyun x Staff! Fem Reader
Kim Jungwoo
Fear - Alpha Jungwoo x Omega Fem Reader
Protection - Mafia! Jungwoo x Fem Reader
Lee Haechan
Always There - Haechan x reader | Spy AU
Don’t Test Me - Mafia! Haechan x Fem Reader
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Per Members
Lucas as a mafia leader #1
Lucas as a mafia leader #2
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NCT Dream
Per Members
Lee Jeno
Jeno as a bad boy
Figure It Out - Jeno x Fem reader | College/bad boy AU
My First - Jeno x Fem reader | College/bad boy AU
The Bat & Dove - Mafia! Jeno x Innocent Fem Reader
Lee Haechan
Always There - Haechan x reader | Spy AU
Don’t Test Me - Mafia! Haechan x Fem Reader
Na Jaemin
Jaemin as a mafia leader
Save you, save me
Jaemin birthday special
The Rider and Dreamer - Jaemin (bike gang) x fem reader
You're Safe With Me - Jaemin x fem reader | idol au
Quiet Down - Jaemin x Innocent fem reader
You Belong with Me - Idol! Jaemin x staff! fem reader
Trauma - Mafia! Jaemin x Innocent! fem reader
Park Jisung
Jisung x Female Reader | Bad boy college au
On The Way - Park Jisung x Reader
Home [2:15 AM] - Idol! Jisung x Fem reader
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NCT Feb-line Taking Care of You When You're Sick
You're Our World, Our Universe - NCT 2021 Yandere
NCT Mafia Universe Masterlist
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