#“Joining army prank! HE CRIED?! GONE WRONG?!”
thephouseplants · 1 month
Imagine if they hard launched and then just started making the most, awful, corny, over edited, staged, couple's content ever.
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hello-everyfandom · 4 years
"Whatever happens, I’ll be there, right beside you.”
Warnings: ***Severe Trigger Warnings*** Disordered Eating Habits. Restricting Food Intake. Depression and Anxiety
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Words: 2.6k
Summary: The world is going to shit around you.
Fred Weasley may be many things. He may be too loud. He may be too big headed and cocky. He may not understand emotions as well as his twin. He may be internally anxious about the fastly approaching war which he knew would be nothing but deadly. But, if Fred is anything, he is utterly mad for you. He could not find any answer that could solve how you could possibly be with a boy like himself, the boy whose laughter bounces off the cobble walls, the boy who grins toothily. 
The war, nearly at your fingertips, had taken an emotional and even physical toll on the students at Hogwarts.  Fred was worried. He wouldn’t fully say it outloud as he believed in such tumultuous times as such humor was the best coping method. However, he was worried. Worried about you. As confident as you may have seemed, Fred knew full well of the internal demons you’ve suffered the wrath from. If he could, he’d whip out his wand and defeat them all, but it wasn’t like that. He could not even wish them away, even if he shut his eyes as tightly as he could. 
Those who believed Harry Potter began preparing for battle, learning defensive spells and attacking hexes to protect themselves and protect their home. You were the first to sign up for Dumbledor’s Army alongside the twins who promised all the younger students to prank the ever loving hell out of any Death Eaters who dared roam Hogwarts. 
Fred began to notice a change in your demeanor when training had hit a month or so. You were working yourself to the bone, studying as many protection spells as you could and studying the herbs and potions needed for quick healing. You assured Fred with a kiss on his cheek that you were merely getting as prepared as you could. Fred couldn’t really do anything or think of anything to argue back with, but he watched with wary eyes. 
“Freddie,” you laughed, “You can wipe that worried look off your face. I’m fine!”
“Seriously.” You patted his cheek kindly, “Go on and join the boys for dinner, I’ll be there in a moment.” 
Fred nodded, slowly walking away from where you sat. He waited for you at supper, even made you a plate and made sure no one took the last chocolate pudding as he knew that was your study snack. But, you never came. 
Okay, Fred thought. You must have been too buried in a book as you sometimes were. When night began to grow and he hadn’t seen you for a few hours, he began his search and bid his whining twin behind. He found you where he had last left you, still studying the words of numerous textbooks.
“Missed dinner,” Fred said softly.
“Did I?” you asked, surprised, quickly looking to the clock that hung on the wall you saw that it was nearly ten past eleven. “Oh, bollocks.” You laughed at yourself.
“Yeah, bollocks.” Fred mocked, pulling you to your feet. “Come on then, let’s sneak you something from the kitchens, yeah?”
You bit your cheek, thinking in your head, “I’m really not that hungry.”
“Really?” Fred’s eyebrows raised, “But you’re always hungry after reading, especially big, boring smelly textbooks like these.” He waved his hand accusingly at the books on the table.
With a grin, you shook your head, “Really. I had a large lunch and I’m actually rather tired.”
Fred hummed, interlocking your fingers, “Shall we head to bed then? Have a good little cuddle?”
You nodded in response and began to collect the books to take back to your dormitory.
“No, no!” Fred protested, “Don’t bring the bloody books.”
“Don’t insult the books, Freddie, lest you want a big, boring, smelly textbook in your crotch.”
Fred grumbled and complied, even taking a few of the heavier ones in his arms. Fred slept soundly that night, with his arms wrapped around you. It was only until you were tossing and turning and eventually getting up to light a candle and begin reading again. Fred looked at your hunched figure with bleary eyes.
“What in heaven’s name are you doing love?” he whispered.
“I couldn’t sleep, thought I’d read a bit instead. Go back to sleep,” you whispered back. Fred didn’t think much of this, even though he should’ve, but instead he watched you read until he unwillingly fell asleep again.
Weeks passed, more training sessions and lessons and homework upon homework. Fred kept a smile on his face, giving encouragement to the young D.A members and laughing when George would get blasted back by their little sister. You laughed as well, making Fred grin even larger. He saw you improve beyond belief, able to detect spells thrown at you. He believed wholeheartedly that you could duel with a blindfold on and shamelessly win. But to you? Your form was wonky and your wordless spells needed extreme practice. You brought it upon yourself to take extra practice times in the Room of Requirement, in the space between doing homework and studying. Those times, to Fred’s utter dismay, were usually meal times. 
“Swear on my life, Fred, I eat when I get back to the dorm, you’re usually asleep by then!”
“Freddie, you’re going to wear yourself thin if you continue to worry about me.”
“It’s my job to worry about you.” Fred argued, “Is something wrong? Anything I can help with?” 
Shaking your head, “No no, just want some time to practice, that’s all.”
“Can’t you take a little break? George and Lee haven’t seen you in ages.”
“Well,” you chuckled, “that’s not true. George and I sat next to each other during Divination and I helped Lee with his girl troubles last night.”
“Oh, but... you can still take a break! At least come to dinner?”
“Maybe,” you reached on your toes to press a kiss to Fred’s lips, “We’ll see.”
As you walked away, Fred yelled, “So see you at dinner?”
“Goodbye, Freddie!” you answered back.
Now is the time to be truthful. Standing in the Room of Requirement, alone to your own thoughts. Something was wrong. You weren’t exactly sure what and couldn’t pin where you felt anxious, but you knew something was off and was beginning to fear your love would notice as well. To be honest, you had gotten frightfully used to skipping meals. At first, it bothered your stomach as it growled and rang, but the more you ignored the ache the more you could withstand. Hunger only seemed to be a nuisance to you, distracting you from focusing. The only thing you wanted was to become stronger. Practicing and moving toned you down, but it didn’t seem enough. The girls in your year and below you were smaller, able to move quicker and think faster. Time seemed to serve you well as you put all your focus and will into exercise. When Fred and even George would approach you with plates of food, you’d fawn and smile, thanking them profusely for thinking of you. When they left, or turned an eye, you’d enchant the food away, not wanting to smell the scent of mashed potatoes and roast. The lack of food in your body displayed a false sense of security as you began to feel better and better everyday. 
Fred, oh Fred, such an innocent, oblivious boy could only notice your change in routine. Had he noticed the baggy sweaters you stole from him and the sudden change in your cheeks, perhaps he would’ve cursed himself. But, he basked in the fact that he thought you were happy. It wasn’t his fault either. You did a terrific job at hiding behind large sweaters and cups of hot caffeinated tea that filled your belly. 
“I’m exhausted.” you moaned, falling backwards onto your bed. Fred joined you, lying sideways so he could look at his beautiful girlfriend. To him, you were effortlessly pretty. Enchanting he may even say. Fred leaned closer, wrapping an arm around your waist and kissing the skin of your exposed neck.
“Shall we have a nap then?”
“Maybe,” you yawned, “but you better be careful, I’m quite sore from lessons today.” 
Fred joked playfully, “I know, saw you take quite a spill after Hermione spit that spell at you.”
“You would think she would’ve gone easy!” you laughed back.
“Come on, up then.”
“No, why!” you cried, refusing to take his hands.
“You buffoon, I’m going to give you a massage. You know, since I’m such a loving, perfect boyfriend to his seemingly ungrateful girlfriend.”
“You may call me ungrateful but buffoon? That’s going too far.” you bit back but nevertheless agreed and sat up so you were seated between Fred’s open legs. Fred’s thumbs quickly found your shoulders, rubbing your muscles. You moaned with the pressure of the pads of his thumbs. 
“You’re more tense than a horse’s arse.” Fred commented, sticking his tongue out in concentration.
“Will you just let me enjoy this?” 
“I think,” Fred touched the hem of your sweater, which was actually his from third year, “I may be able to help more if this were off.”
“Is that a pick up line?” you asked sarcastically, “Not quite bright with the ladies, are we?”
“If I was not in love with you, I’m pretty sure I would have dumped you by now,” Fred joked. Of course, that wasn’t true at all, but his comment would be something you’d think about for days on. 
“Alright, but I’m only wearing a bra under this, cover your virgin eyes if you must.” 
Fred scoffed and began to take off your sweater, “Virgin eyes, my cock and balls.”
The cold hit your bare skin making you shudder. Fred couldn’t see much as the low light only seemed to cast shadows. But, as he began to massage your tired muscles, he could not ignore the feeling of your shoulders in his hands. He could feel the curve of your bones and your collar which was prominent against his touch. The straps of your bra were loose. You were silent, unknowing and enjoying what you thought was a nice massage.
“Y/N,” Fred said slowly, making you open your eyes. 
“Hm?” you hummed back. Fred stood from the bed making you turn to look at him with questioning eyes. Fred quickly lit a candle next to your bed, illuminating the space between you two.
“Oh my god.” He whispered under his breath.
“Well, that’s not very nice to hear, is it?” you responded, feeling a little hurt.
“No, no,” Fred said quickly, trying to assure you. But he had seen you already. Upon the skin of your back, you were littered with bruises from practice. Spots of black and blue touched you and curved with your spine. He could nearly count every joint and sucked in a breath of harsh air.
“Darling,” his voice slower and slower, trying to grasp and piece together what is happening.
“What’s wrong? What is it?” you asked frantically, trying to look at your back. You breathed a breath of relief, “Oh, the bruises? Those are just from practicing from dueling.”
“No...” he swallowed, “Will you... turn around for me?” Fred asked. You turned and sat to face him, completely unsure of what was happening with your usual bubbly boyfriend. As you shifted, Fred nearly fainted to his feet. You had grown thinner, he could see the tops of your ribs and the thinness of your arms. 
“What is it? Freddie, honey, you’re worrying me.”
He thought. A million thoughts fastly flying through his head, his tongue going dry and swelling. “When was the last time you ate?”
Immediately, you covered your body with your arms, attempting to hide and searched for your sweater that Fred had thrown somewhere. “What are you talking about? Fred, that’s a little rude.”
“Be honest with me.” Fred said sternly, sitting down in front of you. You tossed your sweater over your head, shying into the safety of the fabric.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Fred, what the hell?” you asked, angrily and frankly, a little embarrassed. To you, it didn’t seem like a worried boyfriend but a judgemental boyfriend, scanning your body for imperfections and flaws. But Fred was nothing but worried, fearful and terrified.
“You need to tell me, right now. No bullshit. Have you been eating?” Fred’s voice was never serious, never as serious as now where his tone made you shake and cower. Fred noticed your face drop and the scared emotion in your eyes and mentally kicked himself. He was quiet, thinking again.
“This isn’t healthy, Y/N.” he whispered. His words made your stomach drop and your hands become cold with sweat.
“You haven’t been eating, have you?” Fred asked, already knowing the answer. He began to desperately file through his memories. Like a shade drawn up, he nearly threw up. These few days, you were exhausted, couldn’t stand as well, shaking when standing. He thought of himself as foolish.
“Answer, please.” Fred begged. He grasped your hands in his, only now noticing your skinny fingers. “Please, my love, please. Have you been eating?”
Fred’s begging made you whimper. The sadness in his tone made your eyes well and your throat close until you could only spit out the words, “I can’t.”
“Tell me,” Fred cried out.
“I can’t eat. I feel sickly when I eat.”
Fred choked out a sob. He rarely cried but seeing how oblivious he was to your pain made him stricken with grief.
“But, it’s okay.” you said quickly after, nodding your head, “I’m fine.”
“No,” Fred gripped your tighter, “You’re not fine, darling.”
“I can eat anytime I want,” you tried to persuade him, or you, you weren’t sure which one.
“But, you won’t.” Your boyfriend said. The truth, the truth you had been cowardly hiding from was there, in front of your face, and this time you could not hide. Your silence was all the answers he needed. You couldn’t control yourself. You began to cry alongside him, sorrowful for everything that lived.
“What happened? Love? Tell me,”
“I-” you stuttered and struggled to breath, Fred moved so he could rub your back, still looking at you, “I don’t know. I. It started one day and then I guess, well I. I don’t know. I guess, I guess the stress and...” you cried harder, “I don’t know.”
“That’s okay,” Fred hushed you, pulling you in for a hug, wrapping his long arms around your wracking figure. “I’m here now, I won’t leave you. I’m here. I’ll help,”
“You can’t help!” your lips quivered, pulling back harshly in a state of disarray. “You can’t! I- I don’t. You can't. I don’t know.” you couldn’t say anything. Fred placed his hands, gently, on your cheeks, staring into the eyes of the woman he adored.
“We’ll try. I’ll try, and so will you.” Fred assured you, rubbing your cheeks.
“I don’t know if I can.” you said, hiccuping through cries.
“You can. You’re so unbelievably strong, I’ve seen you whoop several old sods in our year’s ass. And I know,” Fred moved your head softly so he could look at you better, “I know my words may not help, but I think you are so beautiful. Whatever happens, I’ll be there, right beside you.”
It wasn’t an exact solution and it didn’t automatically nor immediately solve anything, but it was something. It was what you needed to hear at the moment. To know you weren’t alone facing not only the physical battle of the external world but the internal one. It would take time, time needed, to be yourself again. Even still, on the days you felt worse, Fred would squeeze your hand in his and press a kiss on your lips. 
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction || Pasta Crack Prank [Request]
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A/N: I hope this is okay, I did this prank to my little brother and I have never seen him move so quick away from me before lmaoooo
The boys were getting annoyed by the pranks that Jin had been giving them all week and decided it was time to take matters into their own hands and by their hands they meant yours. They knew that Jin would never suspect you of trying to prank him and that's exactly what they needed.
"All you have to do is bite down on the pasta when he moves your neck," Jimin said to you as he handed you two pieces of dry curled pasta and sat on the sofa. You nodded and began your acting, the classes you'd taken in school finally paying off. You groaned out as Jin walked through the living room and he looked at you,
"What's wrong Jagi?" You moaned as you rubbed the back of your neck, complaining that your neck had been giving you trouble all day and you didn't know what was wrong with it.
"Here, let me try and crack it for you." You hummed and he came up behind you, you looked ahead at the boys and they all smirked to each other. Jin slipped his hand to each side of your head and twisted it one way, as soon as he did you bit down harshly on the pasta and cried out,
"Fuck Jin, she said crack now snap," Jungkook said getting up from the sofa and looking at you, you were hiding your face in your hands as you laughed but it sounded more like a cry.
"Baby, are you okay?! I didn't think it would hurt that much?! Jungkook call an ambulance." He was panicking and you were starting to lose the ability to breath as the others started to join in laughing with you. Jin dropped his hands that were holding onto your waist protectively and he stared at you with a straight face,
"Jin baby it's just a joke." You giggled as he shook his head at you and noticing that Tae was in the corner of the room recording you both,
"Your face was priceless." He chuckled reviewing the video in front of you and Jin, Jin wasn't laughing and he wasn't laughing after it was uploaded to the group's twitter account and everyone was making gifsets of him only causing you and everyone else to find it funnier but in Jin's head he was planning the next prank, planning to include you unlike all the other times he kept you out of it.
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Yoongi was sitting in his studio and you were bored so you started scrolling through your Twitter timeline to see what everyone was up to when you saw Army tagging you in videos they wanted you to do on Yoongi and you smirked as you watched them. All of them the same thing, biting down on pasta as someone cracked your back or neck and you knew you had to do this to Yoongi.
"I'm going home my back hurts baby." You told him as you got up from the sofa, kissing him on the head and leaving the studio. You knew if you were going to do this you were going to do it properly. You stopped at the shops on the way back to your shared apartment, grabbing some pasta sheets and making sure your phone was fully charged for when it was time to record his reaction.
He came home from the studio not long after you and saw you laying on the floor, chest flat against it as you looked up at him.
"My back really hurts Yoongi." You whined as you looked up at him from the floor, your phone leaning against the coffee table leg where he couldn't see it.
"Will you walk along my back to crack it?" He stared down at you and nodded, coming over to you and trying not to put all his weight onto you, not wanting to damage your back or anything but as soon as he placed one foot down and heard the pasta snap he jumped away from you dropping onto the floor next to you, to check that you were okay but you were too busy laughing at him to answer his questions.
"Yoongi I'm fine." You giggled as he rolled you over onto your back, he glared at you and you pouted your bottom lip out at him.
"Don't be mad it was just a joke." You giggled but he bent down and kissed you on the lips.
"Watch your back." He whispered to you as he got up from the floor and went to have a shower, and you knew that you'd started a prank war that no one was going to be able to finish.  
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Jimin followed you down to the dance studio, both of you laughing to each other about the video you'd just watched and wanted to try on Hobi. You and Jimin had stopped by the kitchen to get some dry pasta for you and then headed straight to the dance studio, knocking on the door and looking at Hoseok. Jimin had the phone ready and you walked over to Hoseok.
"My back has been hurting me all day, would you mind cracking it for me?" You questioned with the biggest puppy dog eyes you could imagine and he nodded. He paused his music and came to your side, asking if you were ready, you nodded and he went behind you, taking your arms over your chest and pulling you off the ground, you crunched down on the pasta and he dropped you onto the floor, making you bang your ankle, knee and head against the hardwood floor, you began laughing and Jimin yelled out as you hit the floor. You started laughing harder as you looked up at their faces, Hoseok concerned because of the crack and Jimin concerned because of the way you hit the floor but you were too busy laughing to stop them from worrying.
"You should have seen your faces!" You yelled looking at them both once you caught your breath, you sat up and Jimin rushed off to get an ice pack for your ankle, even though you insisted it was fine.
"I didn't mean to drop you, I just got worried," Hoseok said between his chuckles and you smiled leaning your head on his shoulder, Jimin coming over with ice and laying it on your ankle.
"Are you uploading the video?" You asked Jimin as he played it for you and Hoseok to watch, Hobi groaning as he watched you fall onto the floor, the camera falling before going black because Jimin was too concerned to keep filming.
"It was funny, they'll love it." You tried to tell Hoseok but he shook his head, deciding it was better for just the group to see it and Jimin agreed, sending it to the main group chat and waiting for everyone to see it.
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You smirked at your phone as you set up the Instagram live in the corner on the kitchen side, Army's flooding in to see what you were doing. You'd been wanting to prank Namjoon for a while but nothing seemed like it would work until now, you were scrolling through TikTok and found the video you wanted to try on him.
"Joonie?" You called out while he was in the living room,
"Yeah?" You took the pasta from the kitchen side and put it to the back of your mouth
"Can you come crack my back for me please..." He got up from the sofa, leaving the book he'd been reading on the coffee table and coming into the kitchen. You smiled up at him and held your hands over your chest, he stood behind you and picked you up to "crack" your back when you crunched down on the pasta and he slowly put you down on the floor.
"Fucking hell. I think I just broke your back!" He yelled as you started giggling at him, almost falling over because you couldn't stop yourself from laughing at his reaction. He'd gone really pale as if he'd seen a ghost and he looked like he was about to vomit,
"Joonie I'm sorry but your face!" You yelled spitting out the broken pasta into the bin and trying to calm your laughing down, he didn't look like he was going to be laughing anytime soon.
"I thought I broke you." He said looking at you seriously and you knew that look all too well,
"Guys I think I pissed him off." You tried to tell him you weren't alone in the room but when Namjoon was like this, he didn't care. You span around and ended the live feed as he grabbed your waist and pulled you back against him.
"Someone being bratty?" He whispered darkly in your ear, moving hair from your neck and kissing the exposed skin, you whimpered as you felt his breath along your skin.
"No, it was just a joke Joonie." You tried to explain but there was no use, he pushed you down against the kitchen table,
"You know that's not my name princess." He chuckled as he undid his belt and you bit down on your lip, trying to hide the giant smirk that was across your face. You weren't expecting this reaction from him but you didn't mind that it was happening.
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After every concert, Jimin would come to you in the changing rooms and get you to crack his back because you could do it better than the boys but tonight you wanted to get him to crack yours before you did his. Mostly because you'd been watching viral videos of couples cracking one another's bone while the other bit down on a piece of pasta to get the reaction from their partners. You'd told Jungkook your plan before he went on stage and he agreed to record it for you, and now you were waiting in the changing room while they all came from the stage.
"Jimine!! You did great!" You giggled as he engulfed you in a hug, he chuckled and kissed your cheek.
"I know I always crack your back but baby would you mind doing mine, it's been hurting all day." He nodded and asked you to turn around, you were facing Jungkook and he was smirking at you from across the room as he got the camera ready, you slipped the piece of pasta into your mouth and waited for Jimin to pick you up.
As soon as you bit down on the pasta he sat you down as he yelled out, gaining the attention of everyone in the changing room all of them turning to look at you and Jungkook who were laughing uncontrollably as Jimin stared at you in confusion, Jungkook stopped the phone and looked at you as you continued laughing.
"Jesus christ you should see the look on his face," Jungkook said as he slid you your phone and went over to the showers to get ready to go home but Jimin was staring at you and shaking his head.
"Evil." You giggled and walked over to him, ready to crack his back this time but he walked away from you going to find a crew member to do it for him instead, leaving you to sit laughing with Jin at the video.
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You walked down the staircase groaning out as you reached the bottom and looked at Taehyung who looked away from the computer screen, he'd been gaming all morning and you decided you were going to do the pasta prank you'd seen on the internet to him.
"What's wrong?" He asked getting up from the desk and joining your side, you pointed to your back and walked to the kitchen,
"It just hurts a little." He stayed in the living room as you were in the kitchen, you ran the tap as if you were getting a drink but reached for the pasta in the top cupboard, coming back out and asking him to crack your back for you.
"Maybe we should get a doctor instead, I don't want to hurt you." You shook your head and pleaded for him to do it instead, he stood behind you and you nodded at him to keep going. He lifted you from the ground and you bit down onto the pasta, crying out in pain as soon as he was done and he put you on the floor, going over to his computer and going back to what he was doing.
"Tae it really hurts." You whimpered but he looked at you and then handed you the small bin from under his desk,
"You knew?" He nodded and you glared at him spitting the pasta into the bin and sitting down on his lap.
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"Wanted to see how far you'd take it, you're so bad at acting." He told you as you pouted, laying your forehead on his shoulder and looking at what he was playing.
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Jungkook found it strange that you walked into the BigHit gym with a smile on your face but loved that you'd come to spend some more time with him and he chuckled as you watched him working out. But in your mind you'd come for other reasons, you had a piece of pasta sitting in your mouth and you wanted to prank him. Jimin walked through the door and looked at Jungkook, joining him in the workout but he'd really come to help you with the prank.
"You should try lifting something." Jimin teased as you stood near the weights, Jungkook joined in and told you that you should try it out.
"Fine, but don't be surprised if I can lift more than you." You teased at them both, Jimin got his phone out ready and Jungkook came over to watch you, you started with small weights and then moved up to a heavier one. As you bent down to pick it up you smirked at Jimin, standing up and crunching down on the pasta, Jungkook turned pale and he took the weight from you and sat you down on the floor to check you were okay,
"Shit, Jimin I think there's someone in the office if we need help." He said in a panic but Jimin was laughing on the floor while you were trying to hide your giggle, Jungkook stared at you both before you spat the pasta into a nearby bin and giggled.
"I love you." You tried to tell him but he got up from the floor, promising you both that he would get you back and you would never suspect it but you and Jimin were too busy laughing to even pay attention to his threats.
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@yourguessisasgoodasminemate​ @yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @snowy-meowl​ @kpopfanfictionhoes​ @lynnthevirgo​ @mitzwinchester​ @lyoongx​ @rjsmochii​ @ficdump101​ @babymochichimmy​
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atinychai · 6 years
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I put these together.   The headcanons & scenario for Law and Sabo are under the cut to make it a bit more convenient.
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➤Even before s/o becomes his s/o he’s going to try and learn sign language just because he wants to communicate with all crew members so by the time the two start a romantic relationship he’s actually pretty fluent. 
➤While a lot of the other crew knows sign language too he’s a lot better at it and he’ll rub it in their faces. 
➤Will use his advanced skills to work with his s/o to play pranks. 
➤Sometimes his fingers get ‘confused’ and he signs the wrong thing and normally it’s like really really wrong. 
➤He can’t sign when tired, it’s just incoherent nonsense and unfinished words.
➤If he’s annoyed with his s/o he’ll hold their hand or something so they can’t have a proper conversation.  S/o gets so annoyed but it’s also so hard to be annoyed when he’s holding their hand with such a pouty expression. 
➤Anytime he has to sign the word fire he lights his hands on fire while doing it because he just has the ability to and he thinks it’s funny.  S/o does not appreciate the literal pun. 
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➤He really relied on subtle movements as a means of communication for a long time. 
➤ Even after he and s/o started dating it took him some time to actually start learning sign language-not because he didn’t want to or because he’s lazy but because he’s got a lot to do as first commander so it took him a while to change his routine around so he could learn. 
➤ Ofc he learned quickly once he started, he’d integrate signing into normal conversations with other crew members just as a means of practicing(plus since a lot of other crew members knew it by now they were more than glad to point out when he was making a mistake.)
➤ He sneaks up on his s/o a lot because he’s a bastard and he knows they cant hear him but he just really likes seeing them jump and then relax when they realize it’s him. 
➤ On more than one occasion he’s pissed off s/o and they’ve replied by just shutting their eyes because now they can’t see the stupid things he’s signing. He hates when they do this and they know it.  
➤ Doesn’t like being in his phoenix form when he’s around them because he can’t sign when his hands are in the shape of wings, that being said s/o thinks it’s fucking hilarious to watch him try so he once on a blue moon he’ll do that for them. 
Law hc’s & imagine under cut along with Sabo imagine.
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➤ He actually already knew sign language before s/o even joined the crew.  He learned from Corazon while the two were searching for the Ope Ope fruit.
➤ The rest of the crew has to learn quickly because they don’t like Law being the only one to have proper conversations with s/o.  Also they need to know what he’s saying because they’re 100% sure he’s talking shit about them and they’re 100% right. 
➤ S/o was very shocked when Law just signed a response to them because as far as they could tell there was no reason for him to learn it.  That being said they’re also so happy because they’re able to have a proper conversation. 
➤ Law’s signing is top notch, honestly s/o is surprised there aren’t other deaf or non-verbal crew members already.  His movements are fluent and s/o has never once seen him struggle with signing. 
➤ Even when he’s half asleep or just waking up his signing is fluid.   
➤ S/o firmly believes he’s able to do this because of all the dexterity surgery requires.  
Ignoring the looks the rest of the crew was giving him Law continued to speak with his partner, however his expression had gone from amused to smug as they tried to keep up with the twos fast signing. He’d told them on several occasions to commit to learning it but aside from Bepo nobody had really dedicated any real time to learn it-so now they had to suffer.  
Well, suffer was probably too harsh because in reality all the two were doing was pissing them off because he’d gone out of his way to make them believe the two were talking about the rest of them.  Truthfully he was glad Bepo wasn’t around considering the conversation the two were currently having was anything but appropriate, he was also grateful his love was so good at keeping her face impassive because if not the crew probably would’ve guessed this was a private conversation.  
He chuckled at his love causing the rest of the crew to exchange confused looks. 
It wasn’t as if their conversation was going completely unread however because of the crew members that were around were fluent enough to keep up with their fast paced signing, whenever they did catch one of their words they seemed just as lost.  
As for how the two knew the rest couldn’t actually read what they were signing?  Unfortunately his crew consisted of a bunch of sex deprived monsters and if they were aware their faces would be completely red.  
Honestly it was moments like this that Law found himself selfishly hoping the rest of the crew would never be so fluent in signing, that way he could have her full focus all the time but he knew that wasn’t fair.  She deserved to have proper conversations with just more than himself and Bepo but until then this would continue to be the two’s morning routine.  
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“Are you ignoring me?” Sabo uselessly asked before gently grabbing her hands and peeling them away from her eyes.  She’d been upset with him since Dressorssa-no doubt Koala had told her how reckless he’d been while she’d been dealing with the ‘SMILE’ factories and so since the two reunited she’d been refusing to look at him.  Even now back on their ship trapped in their room she was being difficult.  
Sighing and releasing his hands he frowned.  He couldn’t blame her for being upset with him.  He’d promised them before landing that he’d be careful and while he had been, she still didn’t seem too pleased that he’d risked himself by playing with the marines and the blackbeard pirate.  
‘You could’ve knocked them out and gone to help your brother.’ She signed, ‘But you took your time.  You should know not to be so cocky during a fight, that’s how people get hurt.’
‘I’m sorry’ He quickly apologized, ‘I didn’t mean-’
‘Don’t lie.’
‘Okay, so I meant to mess with them a but but I didn’t want to interfere with Luffy’s fight.’ 
Now it was her turn to frown.  She couldn’t blame him.  Honestly she knew something like this was going to happen when they landed in Dressrossa but regardless of that she still found herself hoping he’d be more careful.  Cheif of the revolutionary army or not, he wasn’t invincible.  
‘I heard you cried when you saw him.’ She didn’t need to clarify she was talking about Luffy for him to know. 
‘Only a little.’
‘Next time don’t be so reckless. You could’ve beaten those two quickly and then watched your brothers fight without interfering.  You’re no good to him all beat up’
Nodding Sabo pulled her into a hug before mumbling another apology out.  He knew it was useless to say since she couldn’t hear him but she could feel his lips moving against the skin of her neck and he was sure she knew what he was saying. 
Pushing him away for a moment, she continued, ‘Also stop overusing the dragons claw, your signing gets sloppy when you overdo it.’
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itsshortfurball20 · 5 years
Percy Jackson, The Avenger
Summary: Percy has an encounter with Nick Fury. A year later, he’s being called on to help protect the world… again. He’s not alone in this Avengers Initiative. A genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist; a super soldier; a green scientist; a Norse god; and two secret agents. What could go wrong?
1 2 3 4 5
This chapter has 4,205 words
6 – The Shaquille O’Neal of Lying
There were certain things Percy could live without. Quests, over-arrogant and dramatic gods and goddesses, pranks from the Hermes cabin that left him covered in peanut butter and harpy feathers... but the one thing Percy probably hated most was demigod dreams.
As soon as Percy had fallen asleep, he found himself in the last place he wanted to be—Loki’s cell. The green glass prison formed around the son of Poseidon. Across the cell from where Percy stood, Loki was sitting on the small cot. He was staring at the camera that the others had watched him from earlier.
Loki finally shifted his gaze from the camera to Percy. “What a pleasant surprise,” he said in a tone that made Percy know that this wasn’t pleasant nor a surprise. Loki spread his arms wide, gesturing to the small cell around them. “Welcome.”
Percy crossed his arms in front of him. All of a sudden, he was glad that he had fallen asleep in his clothes, instead of standing in front of Loki in his PJs. “What do you want, Loki?”
“I want to offer you a proposal.”
“Uh, sorry, but I already have a girlfriend.”
“A business proposal,” Loki stressed. “I know you want to avoid this upcoming fight. You’re not prepared. You haven’t practiced or so much as swung a sword in three years. You’re hopelessly outmatched for what’s coming. But, if you agree to work with me, then you won’t have anything to worry.”
Percy remained unmoved. “I assume this proposal isn’t free.”
“Listen carefully, for I will only offer this once,” Loki stated. “If you agree to work with me, you will lend me your forces, your armies, then I will make you powerful. You can have mortals kneeling at your feet, and all you have to do is give me command of Olympus’ armies. Together, we could control those pathetic mortals.”
The son of Poseidon remained silent for a couple seconds. His hands drifted down towards his pockets. Percy curled his hand around Riptide, ready to pull his sword out in case things went south. “I think you’re forgetting what I am. Sure, I’m the son of Poseidon, god of the sea and earthquakes, but I’m also the son of Sally Jackson. Half human, half god. You, on the other hand, are a mixture of vegetables and Ares’ sweat—nothing but plain nastiness.”
Loki’s smug smile melted away as he sneered. “You’re a fool. Letting unlimited power go for what? A family that has used you as a pawn before? For a world that would shun you if they knew what you truly were?” Percy’s hands tightened into a fist as Loki kept talking. “Join me, Perseus. Together, we can show those mortals what real power is.”
“I’d rather die protecting my family than live knowing I betrayed them.”
Loki rushed him. Percy pulled out Riptide and held the sharp blade carefully against Loki’s neck. The Norse god froze. Loki carefully eyed the blade, before raising his hands. He gave a small laugh. “Fine. When the Chitauri come, you’ll fail, and you’ll realize that you should’ve accepted my offer while you had the chance. You will die knowing that you had the chance to save yourself but threw it away.”
The edges of Percy’s vision started fading, the green cell disappearing. Just before Percy’s dream took him elsewhere, he whispered, “Go to Tartarus.”
Loki’s face disappeared and suddenly he found himself in a different place.
Space, to be exact.
A gasp escaped Percy’s mouth as he floated around. Living in Manhattan, Percy had never seen many stars. Instead, city lights lit up the night. There had been a couple times when he’d gotten the chance to get out of the city and see the stars, but none of those times could ever compete with what he was seeing now.
Hundreds upon thousands of stars surrounded Percy, larger and brighter than he had ever seen. Percy was struck by the beauty of it all. He couldn’t help but think of Bob, the titan who sacrificed himself to help Annabeth and him escape Tartarus. Bob, whose last request was to say hello to the stars.
A loud roar came from behind him. It took the demigod a couple seconds to turn around—having to move like he was swimming without water—before he could see the cause of the noise. High above him was a large spaceship, something straight out of Star Wars. Flying in and out of the ship were the equivalent of alien whales. Huge, swimming, aliens that vaguely resembled whales. In space. Oh gods.
One of the space whales let a big roar or scream. A sick feeling settled in Percy’s—not like the time he had gotten on the Cyclone after eating one too many hotdogs despite Annabeth’s warnings (that hadn’t been a pleasant experience for either of them, nor the dude that sat in front of them). That was a different sick from what Percy was feeling now. His neck was tingling, and his stomach was twisting in knots. These had to be the Chitauri that Thor had mentioned. The thought of having these creatures invade Earth, his home, didn’t sit well with the Greek demigod. Loki had to be stopped.
The dream changed again, and Percy finally found himself in a place he recognized; a large loft overlooking half of Manhattan, paint supplies scattered around on the coffee table, and a big mural on one wall that featured the cabins of Camp Half-Blood. He was in Rachel Dare’s apartment.
Rachel herself was sitting on one of the leather couches, probably an old gift from her father when she had first moved into the loft. A sketchbook sat in her lap. Percy could sense that she was frustrated with something, most likely with the picture not coming out right. The demigod had seen some of her art blocks before and they were never fun to be around.
Percy wondered if she was working on a piece for college or for one of her clients. The demigod could still remember the big fight that had occurred between Rachel and her father that had led to her taking on clients to help pay for her college after her father dropped the pay. In the months that had followed, Rachel had made a decent amount of money. Percy had seen the amount some people paid for a small painting, and it made him wish he knew how to draw past stick figures.
Out of nowhere, Rachel jerked up. Percy reached out for her when he noticed that her eyes had turned green. The son of Poseidon reeled back a little, watching as green mist started swirling around them. Rachel’s mouth opened and the haunting voice that belonged to the oracle started speaking.
It comes from day as dark as night,
After evil's rule, the final fight,
They're gone, they're broke, they come together,
Charged to protect, earthly tether,
Rolling Stone, purple reign,
All must end in blazing pain.
As soon as the prophecy was done, the green glow surrounding Rachel faded and she started swaying. Percy rushed forward to help her, but she fell safely back into her couch. Her sketchbook fell off her lap and onto the floor, landing upwards and revealing what had been plaguing Rachel.
The sketch showed a tall building that Percy didn’t completely recognize, but he would know the surrounding skyline of New York anywhere. High above the city, in the sky, was a huge hole where Percy recognized the Chitauri flooding though. Just as his blood turned to ice, the dream started fading away, pulling him back to the real world.
Percy shot up in his bed, heart racing. He scrambled out of bed, reaching for a golden drachma and heading into the bathroom to make an IM. Percy turned on the shower and let the water flow through the light. He tossed the drachma through the water, asking Fleecy to patch him through to Rachel’s home.
Rachel’s distressed face appeared a moment later. “Percy!” She cried. “Why are you—”
”I had a dream about you last night.” Percy interrupted Rachel, cutting her off. She frowned.
“Please tell meet wasn’t one of those sexy kinds of—”
“No!” Percy shouted. “No, not that kind of dream. Although I’m not sure this is much better.”
“Percy, anything is better than you cheating on Annabeth.”
“You gave a prophecy.”
Rachel’s face turned serious. “What about?”
“I think it’s about the upcoming battle with Loki.” He paused. “I also saw the sketch you drew.”
“I was actually just about to call Chiron. Show him the sketch.” She turned around to pick up her sketchbook. “I just drew this last night. It wasn’t until this morning that I recognized the building.” Rachael held up the sketch. “That’s STARK Tower. I don’t know what those things are, but it’s obviously not good. What was the prophecy?”
Percy recited the prophecy. Rachel wrote it down in the corner of the sketch, like an artist’s signature. When Percy was finished, she sat there for a moment silent. “Blazing pain? They’re broke? This doesn’t sound like a typical prophecy.”
“What are you thinking?”
Rachel frowned. “I’m not sure. I might talk it over with Ella, see if there’s anything similar to this. Something I don’t understand, ‘the final fight’? What do you think that means?”
“I don’t know.” Percy shrugged. “Most times, the meaning isn’t clear until it’s happened. The only line I’m worried about is the last one.”
“I can see why. Make sure to stay away from any fire that might cause blazing pain.” Rachel sighed. “I’m going to call Ella, compare some thoughts, ideas.”
“Got it.” Percy gave her a wave. “See you later.”
“Later,” Rachel said before waving through the rainbow, leaving Percy standing alone in the bathroom. His mind wandered to his dream conversation with Loki, and the sick feeling he’d felt earlier returned as he came to the conclusion that prophecies were worse than dreams.
Percy didn’t know if he was allowed in any part of the ship that wasn’t the main area and his own room, not even one of the small supply closets in the halls. Fury didn’t seem to be the sharing type. That didn’t stop the demigod from wandering the huge ship.
After talking with Rachel, Percy had found the urge to escape the confines of his room. He started walking through the vast halls, trying to let go of his thoughts for a little while. It wasn’t too long in that he’d gotten lost. Percy was sure that he’d passed the same section of doors three times now.
“Mr. Jackson.”
Fury stalked towards Percy, clearly angry and annoyed with the demigod.
“Hey Pirate,” Percy gave him a wave. “Just checking out your man-o-war. Got a bit lost. Do you have maps to hand out?”
The director sighed. “Cut the pirate lingo and come with me.”
Fury didn’t even bother with a glare at Percy’s remark. Percy followed Fury through the halls as the director led him past the residential hall and the main area and eventually into a conference room, complete with a fake plant in an attempt to try and make the room look cozier.
“What’s happening?” Percy asked.
“Please take a seat, Mr. Jackson.” Fury pulled out a chair and took a seat, gesturing to one of the empty chairs around the long table. “I just have a couple questions I’d like to ask you.”
“What kind of questions?”
“SHIELD does their homework, and we do it well. But even we can’t figure out everything sometimes. We just want a little help to make sense of some things.”
Percy hesitated a second before he pulled a chair out. “What do you want to know?”
“We’ll start easy. What’s the extent of your training?”
The son of Poseidon shifted in his seat. “Uh, I can fight with a sword?” It came out more of a question, unsure if that was what Fury was looking for. “I started when I was twelve. Um, I have control over water.”
“What all can do you with water?” Fury interrupted. “I know your father is Poseidon, but just how does that work? Do you have hydrokinesis?”
“Yeah,” Percy nodded. “I can also breathe underwater and even talk to sea animals. Horses too.”
Fury frowned slightly. “Horses?”
“My dad created them out of sea foam to try and win and be the patron god of Athens. But then Athena went and invented olives and for some reason they liked that better.”
“Mr. Jackson—”
“Just call me Percy.” The demigod told the director. “My father isn’t Mr. Jackson but hearing that just sounds weird.”
“Okay, Percy, I’m curious. This is the second time I’ve seen you wear that shirt.” He pointed at Percy’s CAMP HALF-BLOOD t-shirt. “What is Camp Half-Blood?”
Percy suddenly felt uncomfortable sitting in his chair. “Nothing really. Just a camp that I’ve gone to.”
Fury leaned forward, resting his arms on the table. “Percy, I’m interested in helping everyone, keeping the world safe and protected. I need you to tell me the truth. If you want, you don’t have to answer, but if Camp Half-Blood provides a danger to anyone, I need to know.”
“No one at Camp is a danger,” Percy assured. “It’s just a safe haven for demigods; a place for them to train and not have to worry about monsters hunting them down. If you’re worried about us trying to take over the mortal world or something, don’t.”
“Okay,” Fury leaned back but kept his hands on the table. “Okay. I just want to make sure. Can we continue?” At Percy’s nod, he asked, “What are the locations to the entrances of the underworld?”
“I’m sorry?” Percy said. “You want to know what now?”
“You heard me.”
Fury sighed. “Fine. I suppose you won’t tell me the location of Olympus either?”
“Gods no,” Percy snorted. “I may not be the brightest, but I don’t want a death wish. My uncle would gladly kill me before that ever happened.”
“Just needed to ask.” Fury told Percy. “As I said before, you don’t have to answer questions you don’t want to. But,” he added. “it would be better for all of us if you were more forthcoming.
“One more question and I request that you answer this one, please.” Fury said, throwing in the please as an afterthought. “Is there anything that might warrant watching? Any threats?”
Percy thought for a second. There were several things he could mention, monsters for starters, but those weren’t the big problems. “Watch out for titans and giants. Most of them are still in Tartarus, the monster prison,” Percy explained. “but they just reform and come back. I don’t know how soon they would though after the wars.”
“What wars?”
Percy opened his mouth to start explaining about the war against Kronos and the one with Gaea, but a loud beeping noise stopped him. Fury seemed to tense as he pulled a phone out of his pocket. With a quick glance, he scowled. “Stark,” the director muttered with distaste before leaving the room.
Jumping up to join him, Percy followed Fury through the halls and into a lab were Tony and Bruce were sitting. Fury stormed into the room, Percy following just a couple steps behind. Tony and Bruce looked up as they entered. Fury stood in front of Tony who seemed to be watching a computer intently and not looking at Fury. “What are you doing, Mr. Stark?” The director asked.
“Uh...kind of been wondering the same thing about you.” Tony rebutted.
“You're supposed to be locating the Tesseract.”
“We are,” Bruce interjected. “The model's locked and we're sweeping for the signature now. When we get a hit, we'll have the location within half a mile.”
“And you'll get your cube back, no muss, no fuss,” Tony promised. Percy watched the billionaire frown as the computer beeped. “What is PHASE 2?”
There was a loud thud behind Percy. Steve had set down a large gun on the table, looking pissed. “PHASE 2 is SHIELD uses the cube to make weapons. Sorry, the computer was moving a little slow.”
Fury turned towards the captain. “Rogers, we gathered everything related to the Tesseract. This does not mean that we're...”
“I’m sorry, Nick.” Tony interrupted Fury, turning the computer around to show what seemed to be plans on building weapons. “What, were you lying?”
“And earlier you told me you wanted to help people.” Percy scoffed.
Right at that moment, Thor and Natasha walked into the lab. Banner turned to Natasha. “Did you know about this?”
“You wanna think about removing yourself from this environment, doctor?”
“I was in Calcutta; I was pretty well removed.”
“Loki's manipulating you,” Natasha told him.
“And you've been doing what exactly?”
“You didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you.”
“Yes, and I'm not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy.” Banner grabbed the computer and pointed to the weapon on the screen. “I'd like to know why SHIELD is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction.”
“Because of them.” Fury pointed at Thor and Percy. Percy’s eyebrows raised in shock.
“Wait, what?” Percy asked at the same time Thor asked, “Me?”
Fury sighed. “Last year, not only did earth have a visitor from another planet who had a grudge match that leveled a small town, but also learned about the existence of immortal gods whose affairs have started countless wars since forever. We learned that, not only are we alone, but we are hopelessly, hilariously, outgunned.”
“My people want nothing but peace with your planet,” Thor said.
Percy stepped forward. “Mortals have gone for centuries without knowing about the existence of the Greek gods living among you and you’ve been fine. We take care of our problems.”
“But you're not the only people out there, are you? And, you're not the only threat. The world's filling up with people who can't be matched, they can't be controlled.”
“Like you controlled the cube?” Steve asked, clearly not believing Fury.
“Your work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies,” Thor informed Fury. “It is the signal to all the realms that the earth is ready for a higher form of war.”
Steve frowned. “A higher form?”
“You forced our hand. We had to come up with something.” Fury tried to explain, but by that time it had all descended into chaos.
Tony argued, “Nuclear deterrent. Cause that always calms everything right down.”
“Remind me again how you made your fortune, Stark?”
“I’m sure if he still made—” Steve started saying before he was interrupted by Tony.
“—Wait! Wait! Hold on! How is—”
“—weapons, Stark would be neck—”
“—this now about me?”
“—deep… I’m sorry, isn’t everything?”
“I thought humans were more evolved than this,” Thor commented.
Percy whirled on Thor. “Oh, I’m sorry, but out of all of us, who’s the one blowing up other planets?
“Did you always give your champions such mistrust?” Thor questioned Fury, ignoring Percy’s remark.
Everyone started shouting over one another. At one point, it got too hard to tell who was saying what.
“You understand that—”
“I can’t believe—”
“Are you boys really that naive? SHIELD monitors potential threats.”
“Captain America is on threat watch?”
“We all are.”
“Just a little concern, Doctor.”
“You're on that list?”
“Stark, just one more word…”
“Threatened. I feel threatened.” Tony shouted loud enough for everyone to hear.
”Cool it, tin can.” Percy shot. “They just said that everyone in this room is on that list, including you.”
“My suit isn’t tin, it’s a titanium-gold alloy.”
“You speak of control, yet you court chaos.” Thor’s voice boomed.
“It’s his M.O., isn’t it? I mean, what are we, a team?” Bruce started ranting. “No, no, no. We’re a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We’re… we’re a time-bomb.”
“You need to step away.” Fury told Banner.
Tony threw his hand on Steve’s shoulder. “Why shouldn’t the guy let off a little steam?”
“You know damn well why!” Steve pushed Tony’s hand away. “Back off!”
The two squared each other, turning face-to-face. There was a fire building in Steve’s eyes as everyone else turned to watch the showdown. “Oh, I’m starting to want you to make me.”
“Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off, what are you?” Steve asked him.
Without missing a beat, Tony replied, “Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.”
Percy’s eyes bounced between the two fighting men. It was like watching a tennis match, serving the ball back and forth to each other.
“I know guys with none of that worth ten of you.” Steve took a small step forward. “Yeah, I’ve seen the footage. The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You’re not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you.”
“I think I would just cut the wire.”
Steve let out a small chuckle. “Always a way out… you know, you may not be a threat, but you better stop pretending to be a hero.”
“A hero? Like you?” Tony scoffed. “You’re a laboratory experiment, Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle!”
Immediately there was a change in the air as the room grew tenser. Steve’s face grew tighter and his jaw clenched. “Put on the suit, let’s go a few rounds.”
Thor laughed. “You people are so petty… and tiny.”
“As opposed to looking like a hippie surfer.”
“Yeah, this is a tee…” Banner muttered.
“Agent Romanoff,” Fury started to order. “would you escort Dr. Banner back to his...”
“Where?” Banner asked. “You rented my room.”
“The cell was just in case...”
“In case you needed to kill me, but you can't! I know! I tried!”
Everyone turned to Banner at his confession. The doctor took a second to regain some of his breath. “I got low. I didn't see an end, so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out! So I moved on. I focused on helping other people. I was good, until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone here at risk!”
Banner was getting more and more upset. He looked at Romanoff, who for the first time that Percy had seen, actually looked unnerved. “You wanna know my secret, Agent Romanoff?” Banner asked the redhead. “You wanna know how I stay calm?”
Percy reached for Riptide as soon as the Doctor grabbed the scepter. Out of the corner of his eye, the demigod noticed Fury and Natasha reaching for their guns. “Let’s not do anything rash now,” Percy spoke. “Put the scepter down and we can all go home happy and in one piece.”
Banner looked down and noticed he was holding a glowing scepter. His grip loosened, but he didn’t drop it. Shocked, the doctor stared at the scepter in his hands.
The computer beeped, breaking the moment. Banner quickly put the scepter back on the table and made his way over to the computer. “Sorry, kids. You don’t get to see my party trick after all.”
“Located the Tesseract?”
“I can get there faster.”
“Look, all of us…”
“The Tesseract belongs on Asgard,” Thor said. “No human is a match for it.”
“That’s fine,” Percy agreed. “As long as no one else on your planet tries to use it to take our planet.”
Tony turned to leave, but Steve held out one of his hands to stop him. “You’re not going alone.”
“You gonna stop me?” Tony argued.
“Put on the suit, let's find out.”
“I'm not afraid to hit an old man.”
“This is stupid!” Percy shouted. Everyone turned towards him. “Look, none of us by ourselves can defeat Loki and whatever army he’s bringing. We can only do this if we work together.” Percy took a second to scan his eyes over the group. “I don’t care if you guys think that the others are lame, I don’t. You can butt heads later. All I care about is making sure that New York City is still standing tomorrow.”
Everyone was quiet. Steve’s head hung a little, like he was ashamed. Tony just stared at Percy, looking away when Percy made eye contact.
At that moment, Banner, who had been looking at the monitors, gasped and said “Oh, my god!”
The ship shook violently, and a big burst of fire came up from the vent underneath, throwing everyone in different directions. Percy landed hard on his back just a couple feet from where he had been standing originally. He was left winded, desperately gasping for air. The room was filled with smoke. Percy heard Steve from somewhere in the room yelling, “Put on the suit!”
The demigod pulled himself up just in time to see Tony and Steve run out of the room. Fury and Thor were still getting back up. Percy ran a quick scan of the room, not finding Natasha or Bruce.
“Styx,” Percy swore as he headed for the door.
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geometragic · 5 years
Notes on Gakuen Basara (Katsuie-only version)
(( Warning: Extremely long post beneath the read-more ! ))
Episode 5
Last week, Sakon and Katsuie skipped a grade to become Year 1 students at Basara Academy. Katsuie is rumored to be a reformed delinquent.
Yukimura introduces himself to Katsuie, but Katsuie asks him, “What assistance could you give to someone who is already no better than a ghost?” Katsuie wants to be left alone by other people.
Katsuie initially dismisses the Mr. Basara Hottest of Men Contest. Sakon suddenly shows up and declares that he wants to enter so that he can make his perfect high school debut, and it turns out that Ieyasu already entered Katsuie so that he could strengthen his bonds with the students. Katsuie tries to argue that he doesn’t deserve to be in the contest, but Ieyasu tells him he does. Sakon glares at Ieyasu.
Mitsunari brings Sakon to Hideyoshi and Hanbei’s underground hideout. Hideyoshi glares at Sakon when Sakon says that he thought that Hideyoshi and Hanbei were suspended, and Sakons quickly covers his mouth and shuts up. Hanbei tells Sakon that he wants him to win because, if Katsuie loses, Ieyasu’s reputation will plummet because he forced him to enter. Sakon says that they’re putting a lot of pressure on him, but Mitsunari tells him that the arrangements have already been made.
Katsuie has many admirers among the girls.
Ieyasu asks Katsuie where the fire in his heart has gone. Ieyasu mentions how Katsuie once challenged Headmaster Nobunaga, which gives Katsuie traumatic flashbacks of that day and makes him faint on his desk. Ieyasu requests for Katsuie to be put on the baseball team. Kojuro protests, but Masamune allows Katsuie to join the baseball team. Masamune puts Katsuie through intensive training so that he can surpass his own limits and break out of his shell.
On a rainy day at a warehouse, Katsuie told Nobunaga that today was the day he would die (and Katsuie would defeat him) so that Katsuie could have everything. Nobunaga just made him explode. Oichi watched everything silently, then left with Nobunaga in Nobunaga’s fancy car with professional drivers. Katsuie was left face-down in the rain.
At first, Katsuie sucks at catching balls, but eventually he catches one. Suddenly, a bunch of fangirls come out of nowhere and yell that Katsuie did amazing, and that his melancholic eyes are so dreamy. However, Oichi then tells him to his face that she hates him and despises him. Katsuie then loses all confidence of ever moving on from that day, and runs off screaming. However, it turns out that she wasn’t talking to Katsuie, and she was just saying that she hates whoever defaced Nagamasa’s poster.
Katsuie tries to drop out of the Mr. Basara Hottest of Men Contest because he’s tired to being publicly humiliated. He then declares that he will become a deep-sea fish and go rot at the bottom of the ocean. When Ieyasu protests, Katsuie yells at them to leave him alone. Sakon then appears and says that he can’t do that because he’s been ordered to take down Katsuie. Masamune coaxes Katsuie into accepting Sakon’s challenge. Katsuie swipes Sakon’s dice and asks him what kind of challenge he has in mind.
Katsuie and Sakon challenge each other in a “look that way now” sudden death match. They end up being evenly matched in what becomes a heated match. Sakon can’t read Katsuie’s eyes because they’re like darkness itself. Katsuie feels that Sakon has lit a fire in his heart, and Sakon feels that the challenge isn’t about Mitsunari or Hideyoshi anymore, but the gamble of a lifetime. Katsuie wins. At first claims that he doesn’t have the right to rejoice openly, but when he spots a smiling Oichi in the crowd, he smiles. Sakon declares that victory is all in the roll of the dice, and that he won’t lose to Katsuie next time. Katsuie says that he’ll remember that, and shakes Sakon’s outstretched hand.
Episode 7
Katsuie is the “ghost-in-chief” in charge of the haunted house. However, he used the whole budget on a cheap trick that makes a rokurokubi appear to stretch itself out of a well and wiggle. Ieyasu (”Tokugawa-shi”) compliments it, though. Ieyasu then helps him turn it into a reverse haunted house: whoever can truly strike fear into Katsuie’s heart is the winner.
Later, Mitsunari bursts out of the door to the haunted house, complaining about how Katsuie (”Shibata”) won’t let him put a sea creature (a hood) in there. Katsuie gives the hood a rating of -5 points because of its terrible design and halfhearted stitching. Also, Ieyasu brought Kingo to be used as the fear meter. Katsuie proudly proclaims himself to be the law of the haunted house. Mitsunari says that this is just one of Ieyasu’s bids for popularity and that he wasted his time coming to the haunted house.
Kojuro wears horns and a sheet on top, but Katsuie is dissatisfied with it and only awards it 2 points. Masamune wears knight armor and points six swords at Kingo, but because he’s inspiring the wrong type of fear, he only gets 3 points. Yukimura writes characters on himself and presents himself as Hoichi the Earless, but because he’s too energetic, Katsuie gives him a terror factor of zero. Sakon wraps himself in toilet paper and pretends to be a mummy, but Katsuie throws a bucket of water over him, calls it a childish prank, and gives him only two points. Sakon protests, saying that he didn’t have to come. Keiji dresses himself and Yumekichi up as members of K.I.S.S. (?), but Katsuie criticizes it for being just a stage costume.
Dr. Akechi comes in with an anatomical model and a skeleton. Katsuie feels like using those against the rules, but since Dr. Akechi came in with a creeping terror and caused Kingo (”Kobayakwa-shi”) to faint after giving his loudest scream of the day, Katsuie seems to consider letting him win. However, Dr. Akechi forfeits and says that he still has long to go, before pulling out a green notebook, Katsuie’s “Ghost King Diary” (“Kaioh Nikki”). Katsuie looks terrified and asks him where he got it.
Inside the “Ghost King Diary”, Katsuie says that he sees through Nobunaga. He also hates his powerlessness and Nobunaga, and longs to one day become the “Ghost King” again and defeat Nobunaga. He would gladly offer up his life to the devil himself to do so. Other entries from the “Ghost King Diary”: “X/X Lord Nobunaga was overwhelming as usual today. But one day, I will surpass him! Yes, I shall appear as the giant deidarabocchi titan...”, “YY/XX I am all alone in this world. But I am not content! My goal is to strike down the high king, and as the new Ghost King, to sit on the throne of ASB President...”, “ZZ/YY If I gain independence from Lord Nobunaga and defeat Azai-shi in our tests, would it sadden Lady Oichi? No, I am the one who truly deserves Lady Oichi!” Katsuie cries out for Dr. Akechi to stop, but he doesn’t. The next entry that Dr. Akechi reads out loud: “Oichi-sama...she was weeping again today. Who caused these tears? My beautiful Oichi-sama! I will never forgive them!” More entries from the “Ghost King Diary”, with Oichi as the subject: “AA/AA *sparkling crying kaomoji* Oichi-sama. Oh, Oichi-sama. Oichi-sama.”, “Nobunaga-sama’s reprimand has brought tears to her eyes. They are beautiful...nevertheless, I must make him pay, even if he is Nobunaga-sama. But she is so beautiful...” Katsuie turns white and gives up on life, and believes that he was foolish for keeping a diary.
The entries in Katsuie’s diary badly scare Keiji, Sasuke, Yukimura, Kojuro, Masamune, (and maybe Sakon? He isn’t shown at first but then he shows up a couple shots later...). Dr. Akechi concludes by implying that Katsuie is the scariest one of them all, and Ieyasu gives Katsuie the grand prize (free tickets for all displays in the school).
Everyone takes Katsuie’s tickets and has fun going to the displays. In the cat-themed maid cafe, Katsuie sits at a separate table and has Matsu’s Russian roulette onigiri with everyone else, but unfortunately, he eats the one that’s full of wasabi.
At the bonfire dance after Sports Day, Sakon and Katsuie dance together happily. Nagamasa and Oichi also dance together. Nagamasa has his usual stony expression, while Oichi smiles.
Episode 9
Katsuie is there when Ieyasu announces the choir concert.
The last time the school song was played, it was at the first day of school for the first-years. However, it was abolished because it’s cursed. Whenever anyone sings it, terrible things happen, according to Dr. Akechi. Once Dr. Akechi leaves, Katsuie says that he’d love to hear the cursed song, causing Sasuke to protest.
Katsuie holds a Basara Academy flag in the background while Ieyasu sings his version of a new school song. Mitsunari interrupts and yells at Ieyasu to stop, though. 
Katsuie later turns to try to leave, but Sakon stops him and says that he hasn’t heard his song yet. Katsuie tries to protest, but he ends up playing a crappy song on a recorder, which is “the sound of his current self.” Even if he never ends up in the spotlight, he’ll never forgive Nobunaga for what he’s done and wants to take Nobunaga down with him. The bell gets rung again, and Sakon looks sorry that he asked to hear Katsuie’s song. Ieyasu tells Katsuie that he did a good job by performing in front of all of them and giving a brilliant effort.
When Motochika kicks Motonari’s big CD player, it ends up loudly playing the cursed school song, which overpowers everyone and sends them to the ground. Someone pulls out the plug to the CD player, but Nobunaga keeps singing it over the intercom. After Dr. Akechi tells them that it’ll put an end to the school, everyone runs to the headmaster’s office, but he’s not there. They run to the roof and spot him on the playing field. He speaks the final words of the song (”so long”), but nothing happens. It turns out that everyone was tricked by Dr. Akechi. Everyone glares at him, annoyed, before beating him up.
The Oda army took everything from Itsuki’s peasant village / the Ikko-Ikki. They set fire to the villages, and killed children and the elderly in addition to the fugitive monks. (Siege of Nagashima and Ishiyama Hongan-ji?)
Episode 10
Mitsunari explains to Sakon that tomorrow is the Battle of Sekigahara, an annual event where the school is divided into East and West in a battle for supremacy. This year, Mitsunari will lead the Western army and Ieyasu will lead the Eastern army. Sakon deducts that the Battle of Sekigahara is a dry run for the elections, and if Mitsunari won, it’d give him a major boost. Mitsunari orders Sakon to recruit Motochika and as many champions as he can to join the Western army. Sakon says that Mitsunari can count on him.
Motochika tells Sakon no because he has more important things to deal with right now. Sakon tells him not to be like that since they have a plan that’ll make the Western army sure to win. Meanwhile, inside the school building and on one of the upper floors, Katsuie spots Sakon and Motochika through a window. Sakon tells Motochika that he did a number on the carburetor. Motochika tells him “bite me”, and Sakon mentions that he has a buddy who runs a bike shop. Sakon offers to play a game of dice with Motochika. If Motochika wins, Sakon will ask him to fix Motochika’s bike for free, but if Sakon wins, Motochika will join the Western army. Meanwhile, Katsuie has gone outside, and has been spying on Sakon and Motochika. Motochika agrees to the game, but says that he doesn’t want any tricks. Sakon appears to put the dice in the face-down cup, but from behind Katsuie can see that he’s holding an extra set behind his back. Motochika bets on odds, and Sakon lifts up the cup to reveal an even snake eyes.
Katsuie reports back to Ieyasu. Ieyasu tells him that he’s going to rely on the power of bonds and won’t force anyone to join him. Some nerdy, weak-looking background character with glasses shows up, and Ieyasu walks away and asks if he wants to join. Katsuie decides that he has to handle things himself. Katsuie thinks about how he never would’ve fit in at school if Ieyasu hadn’t helped him, and he wants to repay him for his kindness.
Katsuie approaches Keiji, but he already told Sakon that he’d join the Western army. The same happens with Nagamasa, Oichi, Toshiie, and Matsu. He tries to recruit Kanbei, but Sakon, who’s sitting in a nearby tree, interrupts them and asks Kanbei if he doesn’t want to think it over first. Sakon jumps out of the tree and tells Kanbei to forget Katsuie and join the Western army. Sakon then whispers to Kanbei that, if they win, Gyobu will tell Kanbei where to find the key. Kanbei joins the Western army.
Katsuie goes to the School Newspaper club’s room to try to persuade Kotaro to join, but he walks in on Sakon and Kotaro shaking hands on Kotaro’s deal to join the Western army.
Sakon walks through the halls, already seeing the Western army winning, but Motochika stops him. Sakon says that he can’t have a rematch. Katsuie steps out from behind Motochika, apparently having told him everything that he saw.
Katsuie is there when Kasuga tells Ieyasu that Tadakatsu has gone missing. Motochika says that he last saw Tadakatsu with Gyobu.
It turns out that Gyobu told Tadakatsu that Ieyasu had been kidnapped, tied him up, and locked him in the basement. He then sprayed sleeping powder on Tadakatsu, which is supposed to knock him out until tomorrow night. Gyobu tells this to Mitsunari and Sakon, and Mitsunari praises him. They all chuckle evilly, but then Katsuie, Kasuga, Ieyasu, and Motochika barge in. Ieyasu asks Mitsunari where Tadakatsu is. Mitsunari tells them all to get out, but then Katsuie says that they know that the leaders of the Western army kidnapped him. Sakon plays dumb and tells Katsuie not to make bizarre accusations just because he lost the scouting wars. Ieyasu yells for Tadakatsu, waking him up. Tadakatsu frees himself from his chains and crashes through the roof and into Mitsunari’s classroom. Ieyasu declares that this is the strength of their bond. Mitsunari still declares that he will destroy Ieyasu tomorrow.
The Sekigahara Dodgeball Tournament takes place. Mitsunari (flying into the air with Gyobu) and Ieyasu (flying into the air with Tadakatsu) focus on trying to get each other out, leaving the rest of the students on the ground doing nothing.
Episode 11
Nobunaga gives a surprise evacuation drill. Anyone who can’t leave in time will get expelled. Chaos erupts as students run out and Nobunaga’s hidden, life-threatening traps are triggered.
Katsuie slowly walks towards the exit, bemoaning how he never had any right to be a student at this school to begin with, but a crowd of fleeing students mows him down. He says, “And thus...I descend...to Hell...” He somehow reunites later with a group of students that includes Motonari, Mitsunari, Sakon, Motochika, Kojuro, and Sasuke, though. Yukimura and Masamune then get stomped into the room.
Tadakatsu can’t break through the metal doors, and Katsuie bemoans how they’ll all be expelled now.
Episode 12
Katsuie and Masamune help out Ieyasu on election day. Sakon and Katsuie sit next to each other at the 836th Student Elections. Magoichi holds a debate between Ieyasu and Mitsunari.
Katsuie, along with the other students, runs to fight Xavi and his flying ship.
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Far away. Lejos. Josh Washington x Reader
Good night! This was supposed to be shorter, but I liked it so much I made it longer. You can find it in english or spanish. Requests are open.
Buenas noches. Esto se suponía que iba a ser más corto, pero me gustó tanto que seguñi escribiendo. Podéis encontrarlo en inglés o español. Las propuestas están abiertas.
Summary: (Y/N) and Josh meet three months after the lodge prank. 
Words: 2661.
Warnings:  mental health issues and attempt to suicide.
It was just another day: turning off the alarm clock, get out of bed, look to the morning sky from your window, go to the bathroom, take a shower... and miss him. Depends on the day he was the first thing that came to your mind, maybe you remembered him when you see his hoodie on your drawer. But you always remembered him in the first half hour of the morning.
There was days that when you arrived to class you saw Sam and remembered her trembling voice while she called you that horrible morning. Josh insisted on not wanting you to go, it scared you, you knew how hard it was for him losing them and you imagined that going back to that place one year later would hurt him. You shut all the alarms on your head telling yourself that you trusted on him. Probably he just wanted to get wasted and he didn't liked you to see him in that state.
You didn't sleep that night, worried that something went wrong. In the end everything that could possibly go wrong, went wrong. You remembered that phone call with Sam perfectly "They don't find Jess", you answered worried, until Sam warned you "(Y/N), they don't find Josh either". You didn't had to start crying. It was seven o'clock in the morning but you were leaving your house, without telling your parents. On your way there you found out that they have found the dead body of Jess. The funeral was weeks after, the last time you all got together. Mike joined the army three week after her funeral.
Three days after her funeral they found Josh on the mines, you went fast to the police station, to the hospital, nobody gave you any information, until the day you run into her mother on the hospital.
- (Y/N), we've decided that you can't see him.
- What do you mean with WE'VE decided? Who did?
- His father, the doctors, and me.
- What about him?
- He's not in conditions of deciding.
- But he's my boyfriend, I should see him. I promised him that I would take care of him in case something happens.
- I'm sorry (Y/N), but that's what we decided.
Her mother turned around and started walking, you stayed there, without knowing what to do. His parents did not take care of him, ever, not even when his sisters disappeared. You were the one who took him to the psychologist, to the psychiatrist, you were who hugged him during his panic attacks, you woke him of his nightmares. And they wanted to separate him from you. You knew they wouldn't take care of him the way Josh deserved.
- At least tell him it's your decision. - you told her when she turned around. She ignored you.
It had been three months since that. You had tried to contact him, going to see him at the hospital where he was since they rescue him, and three weeks ago you went to his house. You stayed inside your car. You went through that street when you went to Sam's house, his light always was off. But that they it was on, there was also a security guard on the door. Neither you or the people who were at the lodge that night were allowed to see him. You were half an hour on the car, hoping to see him on the window. But it didn't happen, in the end you turned on the car, you wiped your tears and went away.
The only touched you had with Josh's reality was Sam's mum, who was friend of Melinda, Josh's mum.
You arrived class and sat on your usual place. Hoping to have a normal day. But that day was not normal, that day was gonna be weird on the monotony you tried to have, to not lose your head. That wasn't a class and psychology day.
Classes were normal until lunch time. You received a phone call from an unknown number. Before the lodge thing happened you wouldn't take those phone calls. But now everytime you answered the phone you did it with the hope that could be Josh. That didn't happen anytime.
- Hello?
- Hello, (Y/N)?
- Yes, it's me. Who are you?
- I'm Bob Washington. - it was his father. You started being scared, you imagine all the situations where Josh could suffer.
- Mr. Washington. What's going on? Is Josh fine?
- Yes don't worry. I'm not calling because something happened. - there was a silence. - He isn't worse. - you breathed.
- Then, why have you called?
- My wife and I were wrong. Melinda doesn't want to accept it, but I can't hear my son crying for you, not anymore. She told him that you didn't want to see him anymore. It's not true and I wanna tell him, but I don't know how.
- What can I do? I'll do anything, anything you ask. I just want to be with him and help him.
- I knew you would say that, you are everything but a problem for Josh. I've realised we should have took care of him earlier and that you were the one who did it when we didn't.
- I appreciate that. But I insist, what I want is to see him.
- Melinda isn't going to be home at five and she'll be a day outside. You can come whenever
you want.
- Can I be there at five?
- Of course you can, Josh's psychologist will arrive at seven, maybe you want ti be by his side as you used to. He told me you did.
- But are you going to tell him I'm going there?
- I prefer that he sees you there and that you tell him that it was our fault and not yours.
- I'll be there at five.
- Thank you (Y/N). And I'm sorry for lying about you to him. I'm sorry I kept you apart these three months.
- Mr. Washington, you should say you’re sorry to him.
You hang up the phone, with an unrest feeling. It was only two o'clock, three hours were left. You picked up your things and went home. Without telling anyone. You went back home walking, you wanted to order your feelings after dealing with his. From today on, if Mrs. Washington let you, Josh's feelings would be the most important ones of your life.
You couldn't stop thinking about what you found that afternoon at Josh's house. His mother opened the door, you went to his room, expecting him to be writing a new script. When you opened the door the room was empty, you heard someone crying on the bathroom.
- Josh? - you said outside the door. Your boyfriend gave you no answer. - Josh, I'm going in.
When you went in you found Josh lying on the ground with an empty pill box by his side. You tried not to panic so his mother wouldn't found out.
- Sweetie, sweetie. - you touched his face. - honey, what have you done? - he hugged you. - Josh, how many did you ate?
Josh wouldn't stop shivering, you started to feel the tears in your eyes. You hold on your feelings, the life of Josh is what mattered. You approached him to the toilet.
- Josh, sweetheart I'm here. Open your mouth. - Josh looked at you scared. - Don't worry my love, I'm not going to hurt you. You have to open your mouth for me, just for a second. - he did it, you put in your hand, two fingers touching his throat. You felt her throat contract, you took apart your hand and he threw up some pills. Josh started to cry louder. - Josh, we have to do it again, okay? - Josh said no with his head, two tears fell down your cheeks. - Josh please, look at me.
He looked at you and you saw fear on his eyes, not fear of dying. On the contrary, it was fear of life without his sisters, with the guilt of not being able to save them.
- Josh, I don't want you to die. - you cried. You didn't know how to explain him that it was the last thing you wanted. - I want to take care of you forever. I know you are broken, I don't expect to cover the emptiness they left. But I love you and I hope that is enough to make clear to you that I don't want to see you die. I couldn't live without you. Josh, I love you with my whole heart. - Josh put in his mouth his fingers and threw up again. - Thank you, my love. - you stroke your hand through his back.
- I'm sorry (Y/N). - he took your hand crying like a kid.
- Don't worry about me. This is the only thing you have taken? - he nodded. - Okay, we're going to the hospital. Your mother was leaving now, we'll wait until she's gone so you have some privacy.
Josh hugged you, when you were between those arms you started crying silently. You didn't want Josh to realize, but he knew you perfectly. You heard the front door get closed. Half an hour later you were crying alone at the emergencies room.
After that night nothing was the same, Josh and you were inseparable, both of you shared a secret, you accompanied him throughout the psychological process, you joined him on his late night cryings. You made a deal, you would tell eachother everything through your minds.
When you arrived home you had two more hours. You didn't know what to dress. Did you wanted to look pretty? Did you wanted to hide what this months had done to you?
You dressed up quickly, jeans and a big sweater. You looked at the mirror. You had change, everything hurted. You had started to develop the depression you thought it was closed months ago. Your eyes didn't shone, you were broken in pieces.
At quarter to five you parked in front of the Washington's house. A big house designed for five persons that was nearly empty after Hanna's and Beth's disappearance. You saw Mrs. Washington go out, saying goodbye to her husband. When her car disappeared you left the car.
You approached the front door looking to the security guard.
- Good afternoon, I've come to see...
- Josh, I know, miss (Y/N)
You knocked the door and you noticed your hairs stand on end. Mr. Washington opened the door.
- Hello (Y/N).
- Hello Mr. Washington.
- Call me Bob, please. Give me your coat and wait on the living room, I'll notify Josh that he has visit. I won't tell him it's you, he might not come down. - that scared you. Did he hated you? Bob looked at the chocolate box in your hand. - We've buy those this past months but he doesn't want to eat them unless is with you. You can put in on the living room.
When you went in you realised that it was different, there wasn't any family pictures. No sign of Beth or Hannah, not even Josh. It looked as if nothing had happened on this living room. You sat on the couch and heard how Bob told Josh that "Someone came to see you". You didn't heard the answer, you just heard the steps on the stairs. Your heart started to beat really fast, and three months later, you saw him.
He was very skinny, Josh, who was the typical tall and strong handsome boy. His eye bags were darker and evident. You looked at each other for 15 seconds. 15 seconds of silence. You stood up and walked to him. You surrounded him with your arms and smelt him. He didn't move for a minute and then he hugged you back. He was shivering, you too, because you were crying. And for an instant these three months hadn't happened. You separated and his father talked:
- I'll leave you alone. I'm sure (Y/N) has to talk to you about a lot of things. And Josh, please, listen to her and believe everything she says.
You sat on the couch, leaving some distance. You wiped your tears.
- Josh, I want you to listen to me carefully. Okay sweetheart?
- I'm not longer your "sweetheart".
You sighted, it was normal, he thought you didn't love him, he thought you hated him.
- When you disappeared I did nothing else but wait for you. I went to the police station everyday, I even slept there. I went to Blackwood to help them to find you. I contributed with everything I could. When they found you they took you to the hospital but they didn't give me any information. I spent a week looking for you or your parents on the hospital. I ran into your mum after ten days. He told me that they and your doctors had decided that you shouldn't see me. Me or anyone who was at Blackwood that night. - Josh stayed quiet, looking down to the floor. - I understand that this is difficult for you, that you don't want to see me and that you want me to go. I'll do it if you really want me to. But you have to believe me, please. - there was some minutes of silence. You wanted to be patient. Josh looked at the box of chocolates, you gave them to him.- I brought you those. I know they're your favorite ones.
- They're if I'm with you. - he finally looked at you. - I trust you, (Y/N). I imagined my parents would do that.
- Josh, I said it that night and I still think it. I wanna look after you forever. I know you're broken and that I'm not going end with the sadness that gave you their deaths. But I can't live without you. Josh, I love you with all my heart. - Josh approached and kissed you. You didn't want anything as much as you wanted that kiss.
- I love you. Thank you for being you. I do not intend to separate from you.
You spent all the afternoon together, you cried, you kissed, you talked to his psychologist, you fucked, you ate chocolates. You tried to make up for lost time. At eleven o'clock his father came back. You took your coat and went to the front door together.
- Do not go yet. I want to give you something. - Josh said to you. While he was upstairs his father came and talked to you.
- Thank you for everything, (Y/N). Don't worry about Melinda, I'll talk to her. I'll do everything I can so she doesn't even try to separate you two.
- Thank you for the call.
- I'll leave you alone so you can say goodbye properly.
Josh came with a notebook on his hands.
- Do you remember the promise we made that night? That we would tell eachother everything that went through our heads. - you nodded. - When I was admitted on the psychologist of the hospital I felt lonely without you. So I wrote everything that went through my mind. There are some bad words and hate to you. I hope that you understand that I was wrong. I want you to read it.
You hugged him and smelt him.
- It's the only thing I'll do tonight. I won't even sleep.
- Come tomorrow, I want to spend all the time possible with you. And I write a new script. It's a scary movie set in a psychiatric. - you saw that dreamy smiled again.
- Tomorrow at the same time I'll be here.
- And bring some chocolates. - he kissed you.
It had been a perfect day out of your monotony life.
Era otro día más: apagar el despertador, salir de la cama, mirar por la ventana al cielo que empezaba a clarear, llegar al baño, ducharse… y echarle de menos. Dependiendo del día era en lo primero que pensabas, a lo mejor era al encontrar su sudadera en tu cajón; pero siempre te acordabas de lo que habías perdido en la primera media hora.
Había días que cuando llegabas a clase y veías a Sam de lejos te acordabas de su voz temblorosa hablando contigo aquella fatídica madrugada. Josh insistió en que no fueras, lo cual te daba miedo, sabías lo duro que había sido perderlas y te imaginabas que volver a ese sitio un año después también dolería. Callaste las alarmas de tú cabeza pensando que confiabas en él y que seguramente se quería emborrachar y no le gustaba que le vieras borracho.
No dormiste esa noche, preocupada de que algo fuera mal, y resultó que todo lo que podía salir mal, salió mal. Recordabas la llamada de Sam a la perfección “No encuentran a Jess” tú respondiste preocupada, hasta que Sam te avisó “(Y/N), tampoco encuentran a Josh”. Ni siquiera tuviste tiempo de llorar. Eran las siete de la mañana de un sábado, pero tú salías de tú casa corriendo, sin avisar a tus padres de lo que estaba pasando. De camino te enteraste de que habían encontrado a Jess, muerta. Su funeral fue semanas después, fue la última vez que os reunisteis todos. Mike tres semanas después se alistó en el ejército.
Tres días después encontraban a Josh en las minas, fuiste corriendo a comisaría, al hospital, pero nadie te daba información, hasta que un día te encontraste con su madre.
- (Y/N), hemos decidido que no puedes verle.
- ¿Cómo que HEMOS decidido? ¿Quién lo ha decidido?
- Su padre, el equipo médico y yo.
- ¿Y él?
- Él no está en condiciones de decidir.
- Pero es mi novio, deberíais dejarme verlo. Le prometí que iba a cuidarle si le pasaba algo.
- Lo siento, (Y/N), pero es lo que hemos decidido.
Su madre se dio la vuelta y empezó a andar, tú te quedas te ahí, parada, sin saber qué hacer. Sus padres no se habían preocupado nunca por él, ni antes ni después de sus hermanas. Tú eras la que le había acompañado al psicólogo, al psiquiatra, la que le había abrazado durante los ataques de pánico, le habías despertado de sus pesadillas. Y querían separarlo de ti. Sabías que ellos no iban a cuidarle como Josh se merece.
- Por lo menos decidle que es vuestra decisión. – dijiste a su madre cuando se dio la vuelta. Ella te ignoró.
Y habían pasado tres meses desde aquello. Habías intentado ponerte en contacto con él, visitarle en el hospital en el que había estado ingresado en la sala de psiquiatría, y hace tres semanas condujiste hasta su casa para verle. Aparcaste en la acera de enfrente, pasabas mucho por esa calle cuando ibas a casa de Sam, y su luz estaba siempre apagada. Ese día estaba encendida, pero también había una persona de seguridad en la puerta. No podíais verlo ni tú ni a nadie que estuviera la noche en la que sucedió todo. Estuviste media hora en el coche, esperando verle asomar desde la ventana. Pero no pasó, al final acabó encendiendo el coche, limpiándote las lágrimas, y te fuiste.
El único contacto con la realidad de Josh era la madre de Sam, que era amiga de su madre, Melinda.
Llegaste a clase y te sentaste en tú sitio de siempre, esperando un día normal. Pero ese día no iba a ser normal, ese día iba a salir de la monotonía que te habías impuesto para no perder la cabeza. Ese no iba a ser un día normal de ir a clase y luego a la psicóloga.
Las clases transcurrieron con normalidad hasta que en la hora de la comida te llamó un número desconocido. Antes de que pasara todo nunca los solías coger, pero ahora cada vez que contestabas uno respondías con la ilusión de que fuera Josh, ninguna vez había sucedido.
- ¿Hola?
- Hola, ¿(Y/N)?
- Si, soy yo, ¿quién es?
- Soy Bob Washington. – era su padre; todo tú cuerpo se tensó, pasaron por tu cabeza todas las situaciones en las que podía encontrarse Josh.
- Señor Washington, ¿qué pasa? ¿Josh está bien?
- Si, no te preocupes. No llamo porque haya pasado nada. – hubo un silencio. – No ha ido a peor. – tú respiraste tranquila.
- Entonces, ¿por qué llama?
- Mi mujer y yo nos equivocamos. Melinda no quiere aceptarlo, pero yo no puedo oír a mi hijo llorar más por ti. Ella le contó que tú no habías querido volver a verle, no es cierto, yo quiero decírselo, pero no sé cómo hacerlo.
- ¿Qué puedo hacer yo? Haré lo que sea, cualquier cosa que me pida. Solo quiero estar con él y ayudarle.
- Imaginaba que dirías eso; eres de todo menos un problema para Josh. Me he dado cuenta de que deberíamos haber estado más pendiente de él y que has sido tú quien más le ha ayudado cuando no lo hicimos nosotros.
- Agradezco que me diga esto. Pero insisto que lo que yo quiero es verle.
- Melinda no va a estar a partir de las cinco y estará un día fuera. Puedes venir cuando quieras.
- ¿Puedo ir a las cinco?
- Claro que puedes, el psicólogo de Josh llegará a las siete, puede que quieras estar a su lado
como él me ha contado que hacías.
- ¿Pero va a contarle que voy?
- Prefiero que te vea y que sepa por ti misma que fue nuestra culpa. No creo que tú cargues con la culpa.
- Estaré allí a las cinco.
- Gracias (Y/N), y lo siento, por haber mentido a Josh sobre ti y haberte separado de él estos tres meses.
- Señor Washington, más lo debería sentir por él.
Colgaste el teléfono, con un sentimiento de desasosiego. Eran sólo las dos, faltaban tres horas. Recogiste tus cosas y decidiste salir hacia tu casa. Sin avisar a nadie. Decidiste volver andando, querías aclarar todos los sentimientos que había en tu cuerpo antes de tratar con los de él. A partir de hoy y si la señora Washington lo permitía, los sentimientos que más importaban en tú vida eran los de Josh.
No podías parar de pensar en la imagen que encontró una tarde que llegó a casa de Josh. Te abrió la puerta la madre de Josh y subiste a su habitación a verle, esperando encontrarle escribiendo un guion. Al abrir la puerta el cuarto estaba vacío, oíste un llanto en el baño.
- ¿Josh? – dijiste llamando a la puerta. Tú novio no respondió. – Josh, voy a abrir.
Al abrir encontraste a Josh tumbado en el suelo, con un bote de pastillas a su lado, vacío. Intentaste no entrar en pánico para que su madre no se enterara.
- Cariño, cariño. – dijiste acercándote. – Mi vida. ¿Qué has hecho? – él se abrazó a ti. – Josh, ¿cuántas has tomado?
Josh no paraba de temblar, empezaste a notar tus ojos llenarse de líquido. Refrenaste tus sentimientos, lo importante era la salud de Josh. Lo acercaste al wáter.
- Josh, cariño, estoy yo aquí. Abre la boca. – Josh te miró asustado. – Tranquilo, amor, no te voy a hacer daño. Tienes que abrir la boca un segundo. – él te hizo caso, metiste tú mano dentro, dos de tus dedos llegando a la garganta. Notaste la arcada, apartaste la mano y vomitó parte de las pastillas. Josh empezó a llorar más. – Josh, vamos a tenerlo que hacer otra vez, ¿vale? – Josh negó con la cabeza, dos lágrimas cayeron por tus ojos. – Josh, mírame, por favor.
Él te miró y viste el miedo en sus ojos, no creías que ese miedo fuera a morir, todo lo contrario, era a vivir sin sus hermanas, con la culpabilidad de no haber podido salvarlas.
- Josh, yo no quiero que te mueras. – lloraste. No sabías como explicarle que era lo último que querías. – Yo quiero cuidarte para siempre. Sé que estás roto por dentro, no espero cubrir el espacio que dejaron ellas. Pero te quiero y espero que eso sea suficiente para convencerte de que no quiero verte morir. No podría vivir sin ti. Josh yo te quiero con todo mi corazón. - Josh metió sus dedos en la boca y volvió a vomitar. – Gracias, cariño. – dijiste acariciando su espalda.
- Lo siento, (Y/N). – lloró como un niño pequeño cogiendo tú mano.
- No te preocupes por mí, ¿esto es lo único que has tomado? – él asintió. – Vale, voy a llevarte al hospital. Tú madre se iba ya, esperaremos a que esté lejos para que tengas un poco de privacidad.
Josh te abrazó, cuando estuviste entre esos brazos fue el momento en el que dejaste tú llanto silencioso caer. Intentaste que Josh no se diera cuenta, pero él te conocía a la perfección. Ambos oísteis la puerta de casa cerrarse. Media hora estabas sola en la sala de urgencias llorando.
Después de ese día nada había sido igual, Josh y tú erais inseparables, teníais un secreto, le acompañaste en todo el proceso de ir a psicólogos, de llorar por las noches abrazados. Hicisteis un trato, os contaríais todo lo que se pasaba por vuestras cabezas.
Al llegar a tú casa todavía faltaban dos horas. No sabías que ponerte, ¿te ponías guapa? ¿querías ocultar cómo estos tres meses de soledad te habían afectado?
Abriste tú armario. Viste la sudadera de Josh, no se la querías llevar. Si no te quería volver a ver querías un recuerdo suyo, todavía olía a él, y esperabas que así siguiera. Podrías llevarle algo, algo que le guste mucho y que le recuerde vuestra relación. Podías llevarle una caja de esos bombones belgas que comprabais para ver una peli en su casa. Echabas de menos esas tardes en la sala de cine de sus padres. Josh intentaba convencerte para que vierais una peli de miedo, aunque sabía lo mucho que las odiabas.
Te vestiste rápido, con unos vaqueros y un jersey grande. Te miraste en el espejo de la entrada de tú casa. Habías cambiado, te dolía todo menos el cuerpo físico, habías empezado a desarrollar tú depresión que parecía cerraba meses antes. Tus ojos ya no brillaban, estabas rota, a pedazos.
A las cinco menos cuarto aparcaste frente a la casa de los Washington, una casa diseñada para cinco personas que había quedado vacía tras la desaparición de Hannah y Beth. Viste salir a la señora Whasington, despidiéndose de su marido. Cuando su coche desapareció por la larga calle en la que vivían, saliste del coche.
Te acercaste y miraste al guardia de la puerta.
- Buenas tardes, vengo a ver a…
- A Josh, ya lo sé, señorita (Y/N).
Llamaste a la puerta, notaste como todo el pelo de tus brazos se erizaba. Te abrió el señor Washington.
- Hola (Y/N).
- Hola señor Washington.
- Llámame Bob, por favor. Dame tú abrigo y ve al salón, avisaré a Josh de que tiene visita. No le diré que eres tú, puede que no baje. – eso te preocupó ¿te odiaba? Bob miró la caja de bombones en tú mano. – los hemos comprado en estos últimos tres meses pero no quiere comerlos si no es contigo. Déjalos en la mesa del salón.
Al entrar te diste cuenta de que estaba cambiado, no había fotos de la familia, no había rastro de Hannah o Beth, ni siquiera de Josh, parecía no haber pasado nada en ese salón. Te sentaste en el sofá oyendo cómo el padre de Josh le avisaba “alguien ha venido a verte”. No oíste su respuesta, solo oíste los golpes de sus pies en las escaleras. Tú corazón empezó a latir fuerte, y de repente lo viste. Tres meses después.
Estaba muy flaco, Josh que era el típico guapo musculoso. Sus ojeras eran mucho más oscuras, y las bolsas de sus ojos evidentes. Os mirasteis durante 15 segundos, 15 largos segundos de silencio, hasta que te levantaste y acabaste con el espacio entre vosotros. Le rodeaste con los brazos y aprovechaste para volver a olerle. Él no se movió, tras un minuto te abrazó también, notaste que temblaba, tú también, porque estabas llorando. Durante un momento estos últimos tres meses no habían pasado. Os separasteis y su padre habló:
- Os voy a dejar solos. Seguro que (Y/N) tiene que contarte muchas cosas, Josh. Por favor, escúchala y créela en todo lo que te diga.
Os sentasteis en el sofá, dejando cierta distancia. Te limpiaste los ojos, llenos de lágrimas.
- Josh, quiero que me escuches bien. ¿Vale, cariño?
- Yo ya no soy tú cariño.
Tú suspiraste, era normal, él piensa que no le quieres, que le odias.
- Cuando desapareciste no hice más que esperarte, fui a comisaría, dormí en comisaría. Fui hasta Blackwood para ayudar en tú búsqueda. Aporté todo lo que pude. Cuando te encontraron y te llevaron al hospital, pero no me daban información. Me pasé una semana vagando por el hospital esperando encontrar a tus padres. Lo conseguí tras diez días, vi a tu madre. Me dijo que tú equipo médico y ellos habían decidido que no debías verme, ni a mí ni a nadie que estuviera esa noche. - Josh se quedó callado, mirando al suelo. – Entiendo que sea duro para ti, que no quieras volver a verme, que quieras que me vaya. Y lo haré si es lo que de verdad quieres. Pero créeme, por favor. – hubo otros minutos de silencio. Querías ser paciente. Josh miró los bombones, tú se los diste. – Te los he traído, sé que son tus favoritos.
- Lo son si estoy contigo. – te miró. – Yo te creo, (Y/N). Ya me imaginaba que mis padres habían hecho esto.
- Josh, te lo dije aquella tarde y suscribo mis palabras. Yo quiero cuidarte para siempre. Sé que estás roto por dentro y sé que no voy a poder quitar la tristeza que te causaron sus muertes. No podría vivir sin ti. Josh yo te quiero con todo mi corazón. – Josh se acercó a ti y te besó. Nunca en todos los días de tu vida habías deseado algo tanto como ese beso.
- Te quiero. Gracias por ser tú. No pienso separarme de ti.
Pasasteis toda la tarde juntos, llorasteis, os besasteis, hablaste con su psicólogo, follasteis, comisteis bombones, recuperasteis parte del tiempo irrecuperable. A las once de la noche volvió su padre. Tú cogiste tú abrigo y os dirigisteis juntos a la puerta.
- Todavía no te vayas, (Y/N), quiero darte una cosa. – dijo Josh. Mientras tú te ponías tú abrigo el padre de Josh se acercó a ti.
- Gracias por todo (Y/N), no te preocupes por Melinda, yo hablaré con ellas. Pero si está en mi mano intentaré que nada os separe.
- Gracias a usted por haberme llamado.
- Os dejo para que os despidáis.
Josh llegó con una libreta en sus manos.
- ¿Te acuerdas de la promesa que hicimos aquella noche? La de que nos contaríamos todo lo que pasara por nuestras cabezas. – tú asentiste. – Cuando estuve encerrado en el ala de psicología me sentí muy solo sin ti, así que escribí todo lo que se me pasaba por la cabeza. Hay insultos y odio hacia ti. Pero espero que después de esta tarde comprendas que estaba equivocado y quiero que lo leas.
Tú te acercaste a él, aspiraste su olor.
- No voy a hacer otra cosa esta noche. Nada de dormir.
- Ven mañana a verme, quiero recuperar el tiempo perdido. He escrito un guión, es una peli de miedo ambientada en un psiquiátrico. – por fin viste aquella sonrisa soñadora.
- Mañana a la misma hora estaré aquí.
- Y trae bombones. – dijo antes de besarte.
Había sido un día maravilloso, fuera de la monotonía.
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