#“I would let that man… WOAHH WHO SAID THAT
marlsswrites · 2 months
Barty Crouch Jr is the type to say the most unhinged, dark, disturbing thing ever and then just shout, “WOAHH WHO SAID THAT??”
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urfavlarry · 27 days
hi!! i’m not sure if you saw but sbg released a new episode!
i totally get if your still not taking requests for it, but i would love to see you write smthn with sick!tyler x reader (or the other way around) and whoever isn’t sick is just like super doting and caring.
i love your writing sm, your style is so engaging!!
Sickeningly sweet୧ ‧₊˚🩺 ⋅
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Tyler Hernández x gn!reader
genre: fluff
summary: taking care of a sick and very stubborn Tyler!
A/N: WOAHH GUESS WHOS BACK?!? Did y’all miss me? >;D I feel so bad for this person they probably forgot about requesting this but.. it’s out now! Sorry if it’s short, I tried a new style so hope it’s aesthetically pleasing for everyone haha. anyways enjoy!!
Translations: mi Alma = my soul/my soulmate
— The flu. The deadliest of diseases to every man on this planet, making them lay in bed all day moping and whining through coughs and loud sneezes. That was the case for Tyler. He hasn’t been feeling well for a few days now, so Taylor decided to call you over because she said she couldn’t handle his pissy attitude much longer. You agreed without a word, coming by their house to check on the mess your boyfriend has become and boy was her description of his attitude spot on. He refused to take his medicine, whined whenever you woke him up to eat and was so careless that he threw his tissues wherever he wanted.
You sighed, pouring him the medicine for what felt like the hundredth time that day and inched the spoon closer to his mouth. He looked at you with those tired, puffy eyes, furrowing his brows at the bitter liquid he hated oh so much.
You look at him in disbelief but take a deep breath to calm your nerves. You loved your boyfriend to the moon and back, willing to put your life on the line for him but when he was sick he was just unbearable.
“Ty, please for gods sake take the medicine.”
He shook his head, looking away from you like an angry child and huffed. You sigh, putting the medicine away. You sat on the edge of his bed in silence, your mind blank. Tyler noticed your quiet demeanour, rolling his eyes before pulling you on the bed with the little strength his sick body had. He lied down on top of you, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. Accepting your fate, you let him snuggle up to you, playing with his hair and humming to yourself since your phone was on the other side of the room and you doubt he’d let you go any time soon. He slowly dozes off, his grip loosens so you take the opportunity and get out of his grasp. You take the medicine again, lifting his head just a bit and put the spoon in his mouth. He swallowed but cursed a bit, rolling to his side and got back to sleeping.
You smiled softly, leaving him to rest for a while longer. He was slowly getting better each day and if he rested and took his medicine tomorrow he should be fine in about 2 days.
A few hours later, you cooked some soup with Tylers mom and Taylor, chatting away when you heard a door creak open. Tyler came into view, his hair messy and clothes soaked in sweat. You cringed slightly but dragged him to the bathroom, running him a bath. He hugged your body from behind, whispering a quiet ‘thank you’ before letting go. You were about to leave when he mumbled something you couldn’t understand. You turned to see him already in the bath tub and raise a brow.
“What do you mean what?” He asks and furrows his brow, here it was again, his bratty attitude.
“What did you say just now?”
“I said stay!” He whisper-yelled, huffing in annoyance.
You nodded, smiling sweetly at him as you sat down next to the bath tub. You helped wash his hair, his shoulders relaxing under your gentle touch. You talked about random things that came to mind, telling him how the group missed his presence at school and what they were up to. He listened quietly, letting you talk since he loved the sound of your ‘angelic voice’ as he would put it.
You wash the rest of the soap away from his hair and leave the bathroom so he could get changed, going back to the kitchen to help out. You poured yourself and Tyler some soup, the bowls warming up as the boiling liquid was poured inside. You smiled, Tylers mom thanking you before going to the living room with her own bowl of soup along with Taylor. The sick boy finally showed himself, his sweatpants hanging loosely on his waist and his shirt was messily put on. Even tho you’ve dated for about half a year now you still blushed every time you saw him in such a state, or when he gave you kisses.. these gestures still made your stomach do flips and act like a 12 year old girl.
Tyler noticed your flushed state and walked over to you, kissing your cheek before sitting down to eat. You looked away, shoving a spoon full of soup in your mouth to distract yourself. He chuckled softly, making you look at him to see his soft smile. It wasn’t often he smiled like this with the group, always trying to be tough and he was mostly moody but he made exceptions from time to time.
“Thank you for taking care of me, I couldn’t have asked for a better partner then you.” He said and hugged your back, burying his head into your neck.
You smiled, putting away the dishes and turned around to hug him back. He was still a bit warm, but you could tell him temperature went down a good amount. He went to give you a kiss but you stopped him, putting your pointer finger on his lips.
“Nuh uh, no kisses for you, you’re still sick.”
He rolled his eyes, grabbing your wrist and put his other arm on the counter, caging you with his body. You knew it would be easy to get away, his body was still weak after all but you let him have his way just this once, completely ignoring the fact you would definitely get sick after this.
“A few germs won’t stop me from kissing mi Alma.”
He said with a little smirk on his face, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You smiled, cupping his cheeks before pulling away. He picked you up, walking to his bedroom and throwing you on the bed. You rolled your eyes, going to get up but you were stopped by Tyler laying himself on top of you.
“Ty, I need to go home my mom and dad will be worried.” You say with a groan, but he just shrugged, telling you to deal with it.
“You can stay the night, I’m sure they don’t mind. Your mom loves me anyway and your dad calls me son so it’s fine.”
You sigh, tangling your hand in his already messy hair without another word. He hummed, satisfied with the fact you stayed and slowly fell into the arms of unconsciousness once more. You too started to feel tired, letting your body rest after the long day of ‘playing nurse’.
Who would’ve guessed that the next morning you would be the one waking up with a raging head ache and a sore throat while Tyler was as energetic as he ever was, teasing you to no end. It was his turn to be so sickeningly sweet to you that you would get better in no time.
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derfpossessions · 8 months
Rented You Out - Part 4
Our story continues on with Denholm and Markus searching for a new client that is willing to rent Denholm’s body out for a spin. The hospital bills are rising up again, and the two needs their classic gig to pay out the loans.
While they were there, a woman named Natasha approached them and heard of their services. “Heyy, you’re that Denholm guy that can be rented from the black market right?” She giggled. “Uhhh.. yeah, but I don’t remember someone booking an appointment with me today..” He replied.
“Oh come on, I just decided I’d come and see you in-person! So, when can I use you?” She slowly walked up to them. “Girl wait… so you’re the one using his body?”, Markus said, who is starting to get suspicious about her. “You think only men can try out men bodysuits?? Stop with the gender roles!” She got lowkey pissed.
“Anyways, can I try it on first before I settle with the deal?” She couldn’t resist her temptation to try on the suit. “Ok, I’ll show you right now..” Denholm taps the button and he goes into suit-mode. Natasha entered his body and it and opened her eyes in his new masculine physique.
“Woahh.. something’s hard down there! Omg this is sooo fucking cool!” She was giggling as she felt Denholm’s cock.
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“It must be fun being a man you know, I’m doing this for a social experiment for my case study.” She added, while looking enthusiastic. She then started rubbing in his body and looked at her new reflection in the phone camera. “Ok time’s up girl the free trial’s over. get out of him.” Markus said as he unzipped Denholm and pulled her out. “Ok I think I like it! I would pay more if you want!” She said.
“Uhh.. well I better get ready then. Just so you know you have to make the payment first before you’ll be able to use the suit.” Denholm said nervously.
“Ok ok. No rush, take your time and I’ll meet you tonight.” She said and then left the two. The two then continued on going to class.
“Are you sure you want that girl to use your body? She sounds like she’s on meth!” Markus told Denholm while walking down the hallway.
“Well if she’s paying anyway then we can’t refuse on a customer.” Denholm sighed. Things are about to get strange from this point onward.
While they were walking they saw a peculiar man cleaning the windows. With him he had a large cart full of boxes. “That’s weird, I never noticed that staff here before.” Markus told Denholm. As they passed by the man, they accidentally knocked off one of the boxes, and the man panicked an stormed off with the cart. “Bro what’s wrong with that guy?” Denholm said while Markus looks down to see the weird box. Inside the box there’s a garbage bag sealed with duct tape. The box was a quite heavy, so they brought it to a nearby classroom.
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To their surprise, there was something rubbery-like in the bag, and when they opened it, it’s a folded up bodysuit.
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“Woah what the fuck?!” The two got shocked by the looks of the bodysuit. They carefully undressed the man from the formal suit he was wearing. It was a little bit drenched in sweat, and the it smelled like it just came fresh from the gym. “Holyyyy shittt?!!” Markus screamed as they started unfolding the suit on top of the table.
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It was a bodysuit of a man, probably in his early 20s, and is ethnically East Asian. “Well he looks like your local gym rat, and a total fuckboy.” Markus jokingly said (he was right tho). “So, looks like there’s a lot more bodysuits out there, not just me.” Denholm said while touching the man’s deflated rubbery arm. They tried flipping the man over to see if he has a switch that is similar to Denholm’s. “Let’s bring this man back to life shall we?” Markus said. They flipped the switch, but there was no response. The suit remained a little deflated, and hollow. The two started getting scared. “Don’t tell me.. don’t tell me this guy is dead..” Denholm was shaking.
“Found one of them I see?” Mr Singh came in to join the fun. The two gasped. “What are you doing here?!”
“Well I knew one day you two would see the others.”
Denholm: “What do you mean… the others..??”
Singh: “You see, your case as a bodysuit isn’t as rare as you might think. Lots of people around this city, fall bait into the numerous kidnappings that occurred. They get taken away in a van, never to be seen again.”
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“What happens to them next? They’ll be put in a large factory where humans are transformed into bodysuits. Their organs, their insides are replaced and retrofitted to become a fully wearable suit, or whatever the fuck magic they do in that place.”
“You should be very grateful you’re even alive. Some people like you do survive the suit process and manage to escape, not knowing how to be able to cope with their lives being changed forever. And then there’s the unfortunate people. The ones who are put into the deep sleep, and forced to be worn as lifeless mascot suits for the rest of their lives. The people who wear them have full access to their past lives and memories, and may choose to continue on that original life, or reinvent their past lives, or a mixture of both.”
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“That man right there… had a girlfriend, aiming for his degree in Engineering, getting ripped at the gym. all of that was taken away from him on one night. Now it’s up to his users if they want to live upon his legacy.”
“That’s all I know for now. I don’t know if there’s ever a cure to this condition of being converted into a suit, but it really sucks for these people.”
Denholm got furious. “I must stop this madness then. I’m gonna put an end to it.”
Markus stopped him, “Are you stupid?! You almost got killed yourself! Our goal is to stay out of from their sight as much as possible!”
“Markus is right. Don’t worry, it will all be better soon.” Mr Singh said. “Well I gotta go teach my class now. You two, stay safe and don’t get yourselves into trouble.”
Markus carried the suit to the backroom. “Hey, one more thing Denny.” Singh grinned.
“With those hot charisma you have, you sure ARE a great kisser.” Singh winked and left. (see part 2 if u dont get what he meant)
“Wha… what did he meant?” Denholm was in shock.
“Nothing! just some side jobs while he was renting you out!” Markus was sweating and turned around from Denholm to avoid eye contact.
“Listen. I trusted you into making sure I don’t get harmed in any way but if you get your weird shit into the conversation I will won’t hesitate to-“ a thud was suddenly heard.
“-to give you all the love you want and need.. babe.”
“What..?” Markus was frozen. Whatever the fuck he heard wasn’t Denholm.
“I’m trying to save you from getting beaten up! Now go clean this mess up!” Singh laughed.
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“Well on one thought.. I think I do want a kiss..” Markus leaned forward from good old Denny and they had a mouth to mouth embracement, with their tongues locking intertwined, forming a heart shape from the divine.
“Pull down your pants. This will only take 8 minutes trust me.” Singh giggled as he took off Denny’s hoodie.
And then the rest is history…
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐭'𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!    
a/n: I’m on that goddamn Ted Lasso train binches. Please don’t let me be the only one that is in love with ... everyone. Also - this is the ONLY team I will ever care about. 
Warnings: sWEARINGS hehe, mentions of family abuse, childhood trauma
Chaotic Neutral
The Hanged Man
Leo Sun, Pisces Moon, Gemini Rising
・Was he a prick when you first knew him? Fuck yes. But did he grow and become a better man? HELL FUCKING YES.
・You knew Jamie from your school years, he was always the prick, the jock who would tease anyone just so no one would see the hurt he endured
・You used to stand up to him all the time - putting him in his place
・The funny thing was, that later in your life, your brother was chosen for the Richmond team
・And you were forced to go to every game by your mother, and see your former bully play on the same team as your brother 
・It was such a weird situation, and yet you tried to make the best of it. 
・Somehow you became incredibly close friends with Keeley. She saw you trying to find the locker room, to wish your brother good luck. And you became fast friends. 
・Your relationship with Keeley became really important, and once you found out about her and Jamie (after they split up), you were shocked.
  “But, but you’re so - you!” 
“What are you talkin’ about?” 
   “You’re so ... gorgeous, and funny and open-minded...the complete opposite of Jamie!” 
・She just shook her head with a sad smile, “there’s a lot about him that people don’t see. Or understand.” 
・Keeley actually became one of your biggest shippers
・It was a slowburn romance. A lot of stolen glances, baseless insults and light-hearted complaining about the other. 
・Everyone could see it but the two of you
・And you both denied your feelings over and over and over again
・Even Coach Lasso could see it, and it wasn’t until Roy told Jamie to stop being suck a twat, that Jamie realised his feelings 
・Keeley gave her blessing, because you’d never go breach your friendship over a guy 
・When you started going out, Jamie did everything he could to impress you - take you on the most expensive dates to restaurants; one of his ideas was to take you to Disneyland but Keeley said ... that was overdoing it a bit. (She said maybe after a year of dating you’d be comfortable with that idea)
・You were hesitant with the relationship because you didn’t want an immature partner. But although he can be childish at times, he really developed as a person. 
・He’s accountable for his actions - and actually went and apologised to everyone he bullied at school
・You made him watch the Prince of Egypt and he response throughout was “woahh babe, babe what-” “um...why aren’t more people talking about this?” 
・And he basically cried throughout the movie, especially at the end. And then he asked what happens to them after they escape and you’re like ... “babe c’mon. It’s - they’ve literally written...”
・Calls you “babe,” “sexy,” “sweetcheeks” 
・Actually really likes the show Outlander, like ... a lot. To the point that he binge watched it and wanted to dress up as Jamie Fraser for Halloween
・You go to all his games (I mean...your brother is on the same team, so really two birds one stone, right?)
・He always spots you in the crowd (easily done - you sit where Rebecca, Keeley and Higgins do) and when he does, he blows you a kiss. It’s always good luck when you catch it and place it on your heart 
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔    
”I love you, wholeheartedly.” x “You shouldn’t, I don’t deserve it.”
Tough on the Outside, Soft on the Inside  x The Top 
Malewife x Girl/Guy/Theyboss
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆  
Enemies to Lovers 
Second-Chance At Love
Late Love Realisation
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:    
Supersoaker by Kings of Leon
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ha1taniwh0re · 1 year
I hope I'm the first requester for Winx content...
I have ideas.
Palladium is your dad and doesn't like that Ogron is flirting with you and tries to stop the relationship that happens and finally comes around but is very protective. Can have smut between Orgon and the reader if you would like maybe after a wedding. ;)
You catch Valtors attention but you're with Palladium until one night you had enough of them fighting over you and decide you could have both of them. Can be very smutty with no direct plot hehe.
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Ah, Im so sorry for taking so long. Hope you like it.
We have a deal
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When Ogron and his guys attacked Alfea winx and professors didn't know what to do. My dad have never found out that I met this guys earlier in my life.
"Well well well... What we have here boyss??!! Isn't that my little (name)??" Ogron said.
Everyone were confused at first but I didn't bothered I transformed into my enchantix form to be prepared to attack if I need to.
"Woahh there babe it's me your friend Ogron, remeber we met in your dorm when I fucked you, ah I loved when you screamed my name" He said.
I blushed a little and blast my powers at him.
"Why are you here Ogron??" I asked.
He teleported In front of me and kissed me in front of everyone, I love this man so I kissed him back as all fairys were shocked.
My dad Palladium said and tried to break us apart but I stopped him.
"If you let me marry your daughter, I promise we won't hurt any fairy" Ogron said.
My dad looked at Faragonda to know what to answer, he doesn't want to give his daughter to some villain. Faragonda nodded and Palladium just sighed.
"If you break promise I will hunt you, but if you break mu daughter's heart I will kill you" he said.
Ogron smiled and after just a few days wedding happened there in Alfea, everyone were happy. They weren't safe when some villains were in Alfea but they were happy for me. When wedding ended Ogron took me to our home. I went straight to bedroom so I can take off my wedding dress. Ogron came behind me and started kissing my neck.
"What are you doing" I ajsed and chuckled.
He looked into mirror in front of us.
"Trying to have fun on my wedding night" he smirked.
With that he pulled my dress down, took me in his hands and put me on bed. He started kissing me everywhere and stopped when he came to my pussy. He looked at me for a second.
"Are you a virgin?"
I blushed a little and just nodded. He smirked and started giving me a head. His tongue was feeling so good just a few minutes later I came on his face and he licked every sip of it and kissed me so I can taste myself. When I wanted to give him a "reward" he stopped me and just put his dick inside of me.
"OH MY--" I cryed.
He started kissing me everywhere on my face to calm me down.
"It will be okey trust me"
With that he started moving. As time passed he started moving faster and faster and in few minutes he filled me witth his seeds. He layed next to me and hugged me.
"Are you feeling okey?"
"Yes, thanks for asking"
He kissed me and took us to have a good bath. He was sitting behind me and bath me while I was half asleep. When he finished us both he dressed us up and took us to bed. We fall asleep really fast. In the morning other side of bed was empty, I came downstairs and saw Ogron with his boys eating.
"Good morning everyone"
"Ah there is my favourite fairy" Ogron said.
I stood next to him and he kissed my stomach as his hand was on my ass.
"Good morning (name), your night was fun as we heard" boys said.
I looked at Ogron a little bit mad.
"Oh come on they are my boys, who will they tell? Your dad?" Ogron said and we all laughed.
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kimryowo · 9 months
Our Not-So Happy Ending
prologue - part iii.
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“Myaah!” Grim shouted.
The ghosts screamed, “hwaaaaaaahhh! We gotta get out of here before we disappear for good!”
Grim, Enma and Y/N glanced around as the ghosts fled, that was so fun! 
“H-Huh? Did we… did we win?” The feline asked.
“That was incredible, thanks for your help, you two.” Enma praised.
“Uwahhh! That was so wonderhoy! We should play again!” Y/N laughed.
Grim and Enma stared at her quizzically, was she not scared of the ghosts? She was certainly a bizarre girl, though, Enma found it kind of endearing.
“Aw, geez, I was scared outta my— er, I mean, they didn’t faze me one bit! Just a walk in the park for a mage of my caliber! Whaddaya got to say now, ghosties? That’s right!” Grim exclaimed triumphantly.
Suddenly, Crowley appeared once more, holding two plates of food, “good evening. In another gesture of my immense kindness, I have brought you dinner— Wait, that’s the creature we ejected for causing trouble at orientation! What is it doing here!?”
“Takin’ care of yer’ ghost problem, that’s what! You’re welcome by the way!” Grim said with a smirk.
“What is the meaning of this, Enma! Miss Y/N!? But you know, on that topic, I do seem to recall that this dorm had a mischievous ghost problem. Ah, yes… that’s why it was abandoned, in fact. The ghosts scared away all the students. So, you’re saying that you three joined forces to drive them away?” Crowley asked.
“Well… it was more like Grim and I,” Enma said, glancing at Y/N as she began opening doors to look for the ghosts, “aw… I was gonna perform a show for them!” She whined.
“… “Joined forces” isn’t exactly how I’d describe it,” Grim began, “more like I drove ‘em away, and the humans watched. And I only did it ‘cause I wanted some tuna. Hey…! Wait a minute! I never got those cans of tuna ya’ promised!” 
Crowley let out a surprised hum, “oh? Would you three be so kind as to demonstrate your ghost-eradication methods for me?”
Grim looked a little annoyed, “one, no, ‘cause I already wiped ‘em all out. And two, no, ‘cause where’s my tuna!?”
The headmage laughed, “I will play the parts of the ghosts. As for the tuna, you’ll receive it when you defeat me. Ohhh, what generosity, Crowley… Now! Time to chug this transmutation potion!”
And like he said, Crowley began to drink the said transmutation potion that had magically appeared in his hands.
“Oh, you gotta be kiddin’ me! I gotta work together with the humans again!?” Grim complained loudly.
Y/N just laughed with sparkles in her eyes, “woahh! Come on, Enma! Come on, Grim, we get to have fun!”
“…You know, this could be your chance to enrol.” Enma whispered to Grim tauntingly.
Grim let out a frustrated huff, “hrmph! All right, fine! But this is the last time! And I better be up to my jowls of tuna afterwards!” 
After showing Crowley that they had managed to become Ghostbusters, Grim and Enma were panting, Y/N on the other hand was still full of energy.
“Incredible…” The headmage praised, “I’ve never seen anyone bend a monster to their will the way you have. I must confess, my educators intutition did sense something about you after the brouhaha at orientation, you two. I could tell you had a certain animal trainer, beast masterish quality to you. Oh, yes. That said, I…” he trailed off into mumbles.
“Headmage Crowley, I have a question,” Enma said, “Grim would really like to go to this school, so… would it be possible for Grim to stay with us?”
“WHAT!? A monster, stay HERE?” The eccentric man sputtered.
“Whoa, did you just—?” Grim asked, offended.
“Please, sir!” Enma begged, “what if there are more ghosts?”
Y/N nodded, “yes,  yes! Please!”
Crowley seemed to ponder his options for a while, “hmmm… I suppose I cannot deny your pleas. Very well.”
The girl let out a loud cheer, “yay!”
Grim and Enma were shocked too.
“Though, let me be clear! Under no circumstances would I admit anyone to Night Raven College who has not been selected by the Dark Mirror — especially not a monster! Nor do I intend you, Y/N and Enma, to freeload until you’re able to return home,” Crowley said sternly, almost as if he were scolding children.
Grim whined again, “hrmph… never shoulda’ gotten my hopes up…”
“Now, now, allow me to explain. It was the Dark Mirror that transported you here and therefore, this school does bear some responsibility for your wellbeing. So, I will allow you both to remain this dorm, free of charge! However, you’ll need to pay for your own food, clothing and incidentals. As to how you will do so… penniless as you are… ah. Ahaha, yes, a fine plan!” The man explained with a dark laugh.
Enma gulped, “what exactly are you planning to make us do?”
Y/N nodded, curious as well. “Un, what are we gonna do?”
“You needn’t seem so alarmed,” the man reassured. “I’m simply going to ask you to do a few odd jobs around campus. From what you’ve done here, Enma, I can tell you know your way around a broom. Though, Miss Y/N on the other hand… Ah, never mind. So, what do you both say to you three working together as a janitorial team? If you agree to that, I will make a special exception and allow you to remain on campus. I’ll also allow you use of the library so that you may study and research ways to get home. How soundlessly charitable I am. Ah, but only when your work is over, of course!”
“Whaaat!? What kinda deal is that!?” Grim asked with a huff, “I wanna put on one of those sweet uniforms and be a student, not sweep up people’s junk!”
“If you’re not satisfied with my offer, I can arrange to have you thrown out again,” Crowley added casually.
“W-Wha!? All right, fine. Let’s do it!” Grim agreed burgrudingly.
“What other choice do I have..?” Enma sighed, before he turned to face Y/N, “what about you?”
Y/N nodded, “okay! Let’s do it.”
“Wonderful. Then I beseech you three… to work hard as the newest members of the Night Raven College’s janitorial staff!”
The next day, Y/N was up and about first. 
She had been woken up to someone calling her name. The voice sounded familiar, as if it were one of her friends from back in her world. But… when she opened her eyes, there was no one there.
She had tried to find a charger for her phone within the ramshackled dorm, though, she came out empty handed.
A few of the ghosts had come to watch over her as she tried desperately to find some way to charge up her phone. She had to access the SEKAI. If this were a dream, she probably wouldn’t be able to access the SEKAI from here, but if she could, then she’d know that she wasn’t dreaming.
She missed her friends. She missed her family. And she missed performing.
Maybe she’d never get home.
She soon joined her newfound roommates as Crowley had come inside the dorm, “good morning, Enma. Miss Y/N. Did you sleep well?”
Y/N just shrugged, “it was okay.”
“Not at all! When I sprawled out on the bed, the mattress fell right through the frames! Exactly how ramshackle IS this dorm!? And worse yet, we got woken up by ghosts!” Grim whined.
“I didn’t sleep well either…” Enma mumbled as he stretched his back.
“Well, it’s understandable you’d be anxious after being pulled into such an unfamiliar place. But the world can be cruel sometimes. So, suck it up and move on!” Crowley said with a smile, “now, speaking of moving on, let us discuss your assignment for today.”
They then walked to the lounge of the dorm.
“Your job today is to clean the campus,” the man explained. “That said, the campus is vast, and without magic, it’d be quite the Herculean task to clean it all. Therefore, today I’ll have you focus on the area spanning from the front gates to the library. Now, Enma… I do expect that you’ll keep a close eye on Grim and Miss Y/N, lest Grim causes another incident like yesterday. Miss Y/N, on the other hand, just keep an eye on her… I feel as if she might cause an accident if left unsupervised…”
“Understood…” Enma said, taking a glance at the feline and Y/N.
“Do not fail me. You may take your lunch in the cafeteria. I eagerly wait the fruits of your labor.” Then, Crowley soon left the dorm.
Grim growled, “hmph. I ain’t cleanin’ nothin’! I’m here to study magic so I can be blastin’ off spells left and right! Like BAM! POW! FWOOM!”
“Yeah! I wanna go all BOOM! BAM! POW! FWOOM! Too!” Y/N said happily, “what about you Enma?”
The boy sighed, this felt like babysitting, he ignored her question, “after we clean, we can study in the library…”
She pouted when he didn’t give a response.
Arriving on the Main Street of Night Raven College, the three janitors glanced at the seven statues.
“Wow, so this is Main Street, huh? This is incredible! I didn’t get to see it much yesterday and what’s the deal with these seven statues? All their faces look pretty scary/ Like, this lady here looks like she’s got some reeeeeeeal anger management issues.” Grim said.
“You don’t know the Queen of Hearts?” A ginger haired boy with a red heart shaped mark over his left eye asked curiously.
“Queen of Hearts? Is she some kinda big deal?” Grim asked.
Oh, Y/N remembered that story from when she were a little girl. That was the story of when Alice fell down a rabbit hole and into Wonderland. It was one of her favourite stories to read when she was little.
“She was a queen who lived in a mazelike garden of roses long, long ago. She was a strict woman who prized order over all. She wouldn’t tolerate a rose being off-colour or her playing-card soldiers being out of step. She basically ruled over a kingdom of madness, but not one of her subjects dared to defy her. You wanna know why? Because the punishment for breaking a rule was immediate decapitation!” The boy explained.
“Eh!?” Y/N exclaimed, she remembered the story but she didn’t think that the Queen of Hearts actually did that!
“That’s seriously messed up!” Grim sputtered.
“Pretty cool, right? I’m a big fan.” The boy said. “I mean, who would bother to obey a queen that was kind all the time?”
Grim and Y/N both seemed to think about whether they’d agree of disagree. Soon, Grim seemed to agree. “Yeah, true. A leader needs to be strong. But… puttin’ that aside, who’re you?”
“Oh! Name’s Ace. I’m a first year student here, as of… today! Pleased to meetcha.” Ace introduced himself.
“I’m Grim! I’m a prodigy who’s plannin’ to be, like, the greatest mage who ever lived. Those there’s my far less interesting hench-humans!” Grim announced.
“I’m Yuuken Enma, this is Y/N — and it’s nice to meet you.” Enma greeted.
Y/N nodded excitedly, “yeah! My name is Otori Y/N! Wonderhoy!” 
“W-Wonderhoy..?” Ace repeated, confused.
But Y/N just giggled.
“So, tell me, Ace. Is that lion with a scar on its eye a famous ruler too?” Grim asked as Y/N stopped her giggles.
“Why of course! That’s the King of Beasts who ruled the savanna. But, he wasn’t born into the throne — he had to earn it through hard work and elaborate schemes. When he became king, he decreed that the hyenas would be pariahs no more and should live among his subjects as equals,” Ace explained.
“Sounds like a great guy! Not everyone’s able to look past social status like that. Who’s the lady with the octopus legs?” 
“The Sea Witch who lived in an underwater grotto/ She basically devoted her life to helping troubled menfolk. If they were willing to pay the price, she’d help them change their appearance, find love, whatever! They say she was so good, there was no wish she couldn’t grant. They also say that the price was a tad steep, though. But, she was granting wishes so of course it was!”
“Myahah! So you’re saying that once I’m a great mage, gettin’ rich off folks will be a total cinch!? Oh, oh! Do the dude with the big hat next!”
…Y/N knew these people. They were the villains in the fairytales she read as a child. Did the students here see these people as heroes?
“That’s the Sorcerer of the Sands. He was an advisor to a total dolt of a sultan. He was a smart guy. Really capable sort. He exposed this swindler once — some guy pretending to be a prince in order to trick the princess! After that, he got this magic lamp and became the greatest sorcerer in the world. Then, they say… they say he used that power to become a great sorcerer himself!”
“Wow! Guess it’s true that an advisor needs to be an excellent judge of character, huh? And what about this beauty over here?”
“She’s a queen who was said to be the fairest in all the land. In fact, she used her magic mirror to check how she ranked on a daily basis! When it looked like her position was threatened, they say she’d do anything to keep it. Can you even imagine the level of dedication it would requite to keep a record like that? Also, they say she was a master of making poisons!”
There were too many similarities to her world. Where these people were nothing but fairytales. Y/N didn’t understand why these people were idolised here.
“Gees! She’s pretty, but that sounds kinda scary!”
“You think so? I gotta respect the hustle!” Ace said with a laugh.
“F-For sure… Sounds like she fought hard for what she believed in and never gave up! And they one there, with the flaming head. Now THAT guy looks scary!”
“That’s the King of the Underworld. He singlehandly ruled a kingdom with rambunctious spirits — that takes competence! He may look scary, but he was a straight shooter who worked tirelessly at a tough job he never even asked for. I mean, this is the guy who was ordering Cerberus, the Hydra and the Titans to battle for him.”
“Hmmm… That is something. T’think he could have that much power and not let it go to his head! And that last one there, with the horns.”
“That’s the Thorn Fairy who lived on a mythical mountain. She was noble and elegant and a master of magic and curses — even by the standards of these seven! She commanded storms, covered the kingdom with thorns… and she could use magic on a massive scale! She could even turn herself into a giant dragon!” Ace explained chipperly, oblivious to Y/N’s puzzled expression.
“Ooh. A dragon! What all monsters yearn to be!” Grim said excitedly.
“Pretty cool, huh? Not like some piddling weasel…” Ace trailed off.
Things were getting so much weirder for Y/N. Why were so many things clashing in this world compared to her own?
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lavender-z-love · 2 years
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Side Effects
Bang Chan x Black!FemReader
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➻Genre: Romantic, Silly, Best Friends to lovers, Idol x Reader, Comedy. ➻Warnings: Drunken, Little cussing, Potential spelling errors, if anything else lmk. ➻Wordcount: 901
"Ugh, Im so.. dizzy! The world is spinning."
"I know Chan." Your best friend Chan asked you if you wanted to spend time with him.
You accepted of course, you liked the guy for how many years now? He liked you also, but of course you didn't know.
Classical 'x reader' am I right? It was a long day of work for you, plus Chan's schedule wasn't as busy, so he thought I'd be nice to invite you out to dinner.
Out of the both of you, you thought you would get drunk, seeing that your day was tougher. "Chan, stop trying to walk on your own! Hold on to me!"
Chan, now skipping ahead, in the process getting dizzy. Then grabbing onto a nearby tree.
"Y/nnie, I'm dizzy! Im gonna fall!",Chan cried reaching his hand out to yours. You jogged towards him, trying to hold in your laugh.
Once you made it to Chan you grabbed his hand and pulling him up as he clinged to you,"Oh chan.."
Chan giggled as he embraced you, speaking in his thick accent he hummed,"So, warm mmm."
His eyes gazed up at you, still sticking to you as if the both of you were velcro. With Chan so close, you caught a good whiff of Chan's Cologne.
Oh how green and pungent it was, felling like it was hypnotizing you. Despite the time you both spent out together, it was overpowering!
A fire burned across your face, making you extremely red in the process.
"C-Come on, lets get you home." A little hiccups managed to fall past his lips.
"O—*Hic* Okay! Yes, yes miss."
Once you get to your home, you sit Chan down on the couch.
"Here, let me get you some water. Hold on!" "Y/n! Nooo!"
"What? What's wrong?"
"Don't go!" Once again, clinging to you.
"O-ow! Chan! Please, you're going to suffocate me!"
Managing to get his limbs free from your waist, you leave him on the couch to go get him some water.
Next thing you know light vibrations are shooting through your back pockets.
"Who could be calling at this time."
Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you look at the Caller ID. You sighed when you read the name.
'Don't entertain him, don't entertain him, don't–',you thought but you wanted so badly to see what he'd do.
That being said you pick up the phone,"Yes?"
His voice began to waver.
"Where are you?"
"I'm in the kitchen."
"Kit-chen? What country is that?"
You chuckle slightly,"Chan, Im getting you some water."
"Woahh, from a different country? *hic* Dammn..its gonna take a while to get back to me."
"No, Chan. Im right down the road from you",you played along with his cute drunk talk.
"Ohh okayyy, I miss you~ so..hurry up",he slurred in his cute accent.
You thought he had hung up but there was tapping noises followed by irritated groans. He slurred in annoyance as he was having a difficult time hanging up the phone.
"Ugh! Why..Why is- I can't. It won't cut off!!"
You heard him from the other room complaining, he's so cute like this. Finally comming back to Chan, seeing him light up when you come back.
"Y/n! You're home! *hic* Wait! Are you magical?! You- *hic* you didn't come through the door!"
'Oh',you thought,'So he does have some rationality left'
The cup of water you'd brought Chan placed on the table as you take a seat next to his drunk form.
"Yes, now sit up. Here let me help you."
Finally getting him up, you hand him the water to drink.
"Here drink up."
He obeyed drinking a good amount then attempting to fall back onto the couch, however you try and pull him back.
"Mmm how was the county of Kit-chen?",he asked sliding back onto the couch.
"It was fine. It was so beautiful, you should've seen it",you state playing along.
"Oh realllllly?",he slurred,"Oh man..You-You gotta see Australia!!"
"I agree! You'll have to show me one day. But first I need you to sit up, Channie."
"Ooh! Yessss!"he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around you, yet again. In the attempt of you trying to keep him up, the end result was Chan falling on top of you.
Chan pushed himself up though he was still hovering above you. Seemed like the flush along his face wasn't only from drinking but also falling against your chest.
That Chan, despite being drunk, realized where his face had landed.
Y/n-exe is no longer working. Chan gazed at you, in silence for a few seconds,"Y/n.."
Your soul had managed to leave your body and even leave the earth plain.
"Christopher– Y/n isn't here at the moment." That is all you said before staring back at the ceiling.
"Well..When she comes back-",Chan pauses to wrap his arms around you. Laying his head on your tummy as to use it as a pillow,"Tell Y/n that she- *hic* she has a really lovely set, of breasts."
That night you gave Chris your bed and you slept on the couch- While he was sound asleep you sat...In front of the refrigerator with the door open embarrassed and still warmed by the even that took place a few hours ago..
Needless to say, you were officially gonna kill him when he wakes up.
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➻THESE DIVIDERS/PICTURES DO NOT BELONG TO ME➻Hope you like this! Its just been sitting in my drafts for a while.➻I may make a sequal! Im not sure yet however. ➻Quick warning this has nothing to do with the story, but everyone be careful. Seems like the world is becoming an apocalyptic 😟! ➻I really want everyone to be safe especially more than ever.Hope you like this! Its just been sitting in my drafts for a while.➻Written May 10th 2022
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moririki · 3 years
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you save your boyfriend from a massive problem which is currently in the corner of your bathroom )
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REQUEST -> n/a
CONTAINS -> spiders, bugs, you picking up said creepy crawlies, hq boys being no! help! at! all! (but that's ok bc we love them for it), fanon-ish sakusa cos i haven't read the manga and he had like 5 seconds of screen time so i'm just going off of what i've read + seen, clear favouritism despite the fact that i know basically nothing about sakusa, manga timeskip spoilers in sakusa's
MORI'S THOUGHTS -> haven't seen one where the reader is the one in the relationship who takes care of bugs so since i'm a #girlboss who throws spiders out of my room whenever i see them without breaking a sweat i'm writing that into a fun lil thing with the haikyuu boys that i strongly believe are scared of bugs. also besides the point but look at the pretty colour palette that their banners make fjfjfjdj will go back to writing the requests after this! inspiration just struck
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-> omg this fucking guy
-> don't let his pride fool you this man HATES bugs with a burning passion
-> he'll never admit it though
-> between you and the aoba johsai team he would never hear the end of how the great king oikawa would cower at the sight of a moth doing laps around a lightbulb
-> so when you pretended not to hear the shriek that left your boyfriend when he saw something flying around the bathroom light and he declined your offer to get rid of the moth for him, this left oikawa in a pretty difficult situation
-> it was just him alone in the bathroom, trying to brush his teeth while eyeing the bug warily
-> you came in a few minutes later, getting ready to go to bed as well
-> "you know, babe, that moth's been there for quite a while," you teased him
-> oikawa hummed in response, his eyes never leaving it as it continued its circumnavigation of the light fixture
-> "oh, you know. who am i to kick someone out of their home? i'm no monster"
-> you almost snorted at how poor of an excuse that was, but ruffled your boyfriend's hair anyway
-> "i'll take care of it, ru, you just finish getting ready"
-> "but y/n-chan, that moth has feelings! don't be mean to it!"
-> you gave tooru a very blank stare at that
-> "so do you want me to leave you alone with your new friend?"
-> "......no"
-> "that's what i thought"
-> you went up to the moth, managing to trap it in your hands before releasing it from a window
-> oikawa shuddered as you came back to the sink, giving your hands a quick rinse before resuming with brushing your teeth like nothing had happened
-> "you're so brave, my love"
-> "anything for you, babe"
-> bless this poor boy
-> so it's no secret that sakusa isn't the fondest of germs
-> and that extends to bugs and spiders too
-> besides a normal amount of disgust that he held for them, the thought of where the insects had been or placed one of their many feet on never failed to make his skin crawl
-> that's where you, his wonderful significant other, comes in
-> as much as he loves you, he just can't understand how you always stared at bugs with wonder in your eyes
-> you'd even pick them up, cooing at the way they crawled up your arm while sakusa just stared at you in disbelief with a can of bug spray in hand
-> tonight was one of those swelteringly hot summer nights
-> you know, the ones where the air seems to be still no matter how many windows you open and every insect in a mile radius is actively trying to enter your home
-> you were spending the night at your boyfriend's apartment, ready to have a relaxing night in with him since your schedules had finally synced up and allowed you both to enjoy a day off at the same time
-> it took months of trust before sakusa finally admitted to you how much he enjoyed doing skincare
-> so whenever you two spent the night together, you decided to start the evening with some face masks and idle binging of a tv show
-> against his half-hearted protests, you had insisted that sakusa wore a headband while this happened (one that had a very cute duck face printed on it)
-> just to keep the curls out of his face, of course
-> whenever he caught you sneaking a candid of him with facemask and duck headband on, he just shot you a halfhearted glare and threatened you to never send that to atsumu or the rest of the msby team
-> (you set it as your home screen instead)
-> anyways, i digress
-> so tonight you decided to cool down from the heat with a few facemasks and cuddling in your boyfriend's heavily air conditioned living room
-> but he kept all his skincare stuff in the bathroom, so you went to go get them as he set up a show to watch along with some snacks
-> you flicked on the light, going to his cabinet when something in the corner of the room caught your eye
-> there was a fairly large spider, desperately trying to crawl up the smooth tile wall
-> you decided to take pity on it and release it
-> but when you had it cupped safely in your hands, you decided to terrorise your poor boyfriend just a little
-> "hey, omi, look what i found!"
-> your boyfriend perked up at your signature nickname for him, though his eyes narrowed as he saw your clasped hands held in front of you
-> "no"
-> "but baby, you haven't even seen-"
-> "no"
-> you giggled at how defensive he had become
-> "come on, don't you want to name it? it's very cute"
-> "i want you to throw it out, y/n"
-> "alright, alright"
-> you took the spider to a window, releasing it back outside before heading back to the bathroom and grabbing a few masks for real this time
-> sakusa gave you the cold shoulder as you sat down next to him, humming as you gave him a face mask and putting it on without a word
-> "aww, baby, i'm sorry"
-> "..."
-> "i'll give you a head massage if you stop ignoring me?"
-> sakusa turned to you, his eyes narrowed in thought as he stared you down
-> the act soon broke, though, and he smiled against the sheet mask that was on his face
-> "it better be a good one," he huffed as he tugged the duck headband off, already sighing at the sensation of your fingers against his scalp
-> "omi, come on, what do you take me for?"
-> ngl lev gives off equal amounts of being terrified of like the tiniest spider or just finding bugs insanely cool vibes
-> it's funnier to imagine this 6-foot-something guy scramble away from a fucking crane fly in terror though so this is how it's going to play out
-> when you invited your giant of a boyfriend to your flat, you didn't anticipate just how small he made everything appear
-> he even towered in your doorway, having to stoop to step through into your hall
-> "woahh, i love your place!"
-> it was his first time staying over for the night, and lev was making sure to drink in every aspect of your interior design
-> you found it sweet of him, and watched as he stared in wide-eyed wonder at the little trinkets you had collected over the years to make your small apartment seem more like a home
-> you didn't expect him to scream at the top of his lungs and practically run back to you, though
-> you jumped at the sound, watching as he scrambled away from your lamp and pointed back at it with a shaking finger
-> you squinted at it, making out the very menacing form of a crane fly as it bumped into the lampshade and continued on its path
-> "lev, you big baby," you giggled, heading to the kitchen to grab a glass and trap it
-> "y/n, don't leave me alone with it!" he yelped, and you rolled your eyes at his antics
-> you came back, smoothly capturing the insect and throwing it out of a nearby window
-> lev was sat on your couch the whole time, hands covering his eyes as he curled in a ball
-> "is it gone?" he asked, and you you giggled at how childlike he was acting at the moment
-> "it's all good, baby" you smoothed his hair and lev gratefully leaned into your touch, a sigh of relief leaving him
-> "thank you, y/n"
-> "i'll get rid of all the bugs in the world for you, lev"
-> gives off the vibes that he used to eat bugs as a child i'm sorry but
-> have mercy on his soul lmao
-> so twins are supposed to be identical right?
-> anyone who spends more than a few minutes around the miya twins know that that's a complete fucking lie
-> and you've had the misfortune of being friends with them for a very long time
-> like your mums were friends and you were all born around the same time
-> you've been pulled into their shit before you could walk or talk
-> so you're well aware of just how different these mfs are
-> even though they were both absolute bastards, osamu always had a slightly more mellowed out approach which would always end up with atsumu getting the blame for what they got up to
-> especially as a child, osamu loved to terrorise his twin with the unwilling help of you
-> one of the ways was through osamu exploiting one of his twins' fears
-> that being bugs and spiders
-> he always cackled at the sight of atsumu screaming and trying to run away from him due to the spider he was holding
-> as they both grew up, this became less of a frequent thing for osamu to do
-> you also somehow started dating atsumu, but nobody could exactly pinpoint a moment that signified a beginning to your relationship
-> but since you're dating the world's biggest manchild in disguise, and osamu gets annoyed with atsumu quite easily, you would have to swoop in to rescue him from time to time
-> recently the twins had been getting a little snappy with each other, and it had yet to sort itself out
-> from what you had heard your boyfriend was in the wrong this time, but you still listened to him whine and rant about it
-> you were going to the inarizaki school gym to say hi to your boyfriend and best friend before practice started, only to see absolute chaos unfolding
-> with kita yet to arrive, the twins were effectively unleashed and that much was clear with the way atsumu was practically screaming his head off as he ran around the gym
-> your eyes took in the rest of the players- aran had his head in his hands, suna was snickering with his phone out to record the newest miya twin fight, and osamu's deranged laugh could be heard above everything else as he chased his brother, hand held out in front of him
-> only one thing was capable of making atsumu scream like that, so you already knew what was happening
-> atsumu quickly spotted you hovering in the doorway, and made a beeline to where you were
-> his eyes were panicked, and you were quick to wrap him in a hug as you shot osamu a nasty glare over his shoulder
-> literally this lmfao
-> "that's enough, 'samu"
-> your best friend paused, before a smile spread across his face as he dangled the centipede in front of him
-> "you know it was rubber, right?"
-> you felt your boyfriend tense in your arms and you bit your lip to stifle a small giggle
-> but at least they would be back to normal by the end of today
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back to the menu - ,, 🕷 ·˚ ༘ ꒱
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
haiiiiiiiiiiiiii can we get a john x fem reader wherein the reader is the doctor and a friend of the macfarlanes and they patch him up after getting shot by bill LOL (rdr1!! i’m not sure if you’ve played that but if you havent it’s ok to ignore this tysm :3)
WOAHH this is long overdue but I haven’t played the first (don’t kill me) so I decided to watch a 10hr play through— I’m yet to finish it cause its long and I’m watching it in short segments but I think I could tackle this. I really hope this doesn’t flop bc idk what I’m doing lmao.
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It’s just a regular afternoon when Bonnie returns back to the ranch, you’re cleaning some of the medical cabinets, making lists of what needs to be topped up when you next take a trip to town or the Ranch’s general store. It’s light work for an easy afternoon but that all change pretty quickly when Bonnie came storming through the door, asking you for help on a man who’d been shot and needed urgent medical attention.
The list of medicines is dropped to the floor as she shows you to one of the units where he was currently laid out in the bed. You sat down, clearing his shirt and jacket to stop the bleeding and clean the wound. You were well focused on your work, stitching up the wound with practiced ease and addressing his other minor injuries like the small cut to the back of his head from hitting the ground and the bruising to his ribs from the bullet wound. Unbeknown to you, Bonnie has taken a stand behind your shoulder to watch you work.
“Damn fool thought he could take out Bill Williamson.”
“Bill Williamson?”
You could only stare down in surprise at the unconscious man before you. A man like Bill Williamson was not to be reckoned with, especially in a shootout if the evidence before you is anything to go by.
It took a few more hours of care but Bonnie stayed with you to make light of the situation and keep you company, only coming and going to bring back any supplies you needed. Once you’d properly bandaged his abdomen you stood from the shabby wooden stool you were sitting on and dusted your hands. You collected your tools into your bag and placed a soft hand to Bonnie’s shoulder.
“He should be fine now. He’s going to need lots of rest while his wound heals and he’ll probably be disoriented and dehydrated when he wakes but nothing more, you’ll find me if his condition worsens?”
Bonnie gave you a short nod in agreement, happy to stay with him for a few hours while you went and got some rest.
John woke with a splitting headache and a burning pain in his side. The events of the last few days coming back to him. He didn’t get time to think about it much however, when a golden haired woman came through the door, instantly giving him a light hearted lecture about chasing after Bill Williamson and getting shot at.
“Well while you may have done something stupid— we got to you in time and the Doc fixed you up real fine, got the bullets removed a few days ago. You’re a lucky man Mr…err?”
John made his way to the edge of the bed, sitting up and groaning at the pain that is usual for a bullet wound.
“Mr. Marston— John Marston and I suppose I should be thankin’ him for fixing me up.”
The woman leaned against the handle of the door, watching him shuffle on his feet awkwardly as she smirked at him.
“Bonnie MacFarlane. Miss, Bonnie MacFarlane and I hope you do thank her. She did a real fine job of takin’ care of you. She spends her mornings up on the hill by one of the large oak trees by the paddock, I suggest you pay her a visit before you start working off your medical bills.”
And with that, John picked up his hat from the wooden table that Bonnie had saved for him and started making his way over to you.
You were standing over by one of the smaller sheep paddocks off to the side of the MacFarlane Ranch and took in a deep breath, basking in the morning sun and leaning your elbows against the fence. You usually took the mornings to yourself, having half an hour to wake up slowly and enjoy yourself before you tented to a range of injuries and illnesses. Having been longtime friends to Bonnie and her father, your family had always been respected at the ranch and that came with certain privileges such as time off work in the morning.
Your peaceful moment was distributed, but not unpleasantly as you noticed the man who Bonnie bought in yesterday walking towards you. When he reached a certain distance his hat came off and held it in his hands, flattening his stringy hair as he addressed you.
“Pardon me ma’am, I didn’t mean to disturb you. Miss MacFarlane said you were the one needed thanking for taking care o’ me— so thank you.”
You noticed how he fiddled with the brim of his hat in his hands, trying not to look what you’d guess was embarrassed.
After you two introduced each other and you accepted John’s thanks, you offered for him to come and stand beside you by the fence.
“So who does a man have to be to go after an outlaw and bandit such as Bill Williamson?”
Your question was supposed to be lighthearted and fun, ready to tease him just as Bonnie had done for waltzing into Fort Mercer alone. You didn’t expect for John to answer you honestly
“An old friend…”
You stared at him in shock but he didn’t seem to notice as he stared out into the paddock of grazing sheep.
“Wait you know Bill Williamson?”
He could only nod for a moment, giving you a polite but almost sad smile at what seemed like a painful memory.
“Yes ma’am. There was a time when Bill and I weren’t so different.”
You actually spent a lot longer than you’d anticipated talking to John. For some reason unknown to you, John seemed to open up a fair bit. Maybe it all came down to the fact that you were approachable and kind, a quality you needed as the ranches doctor. Nevertheless he spent hours telling you about some of his time with the old ‘Van Der Linde Gang’. John spoke of train robberies and homesteads, what it was like to steal from folk and live wildly. He even mentioned gang rivalries and the epic tale of surviving a wolf attack.
He told you of some of the best times and even the worst but all of them were distance memories and he seemed quick to change the topic about why exactly he wanted to ‘reunite’ with Bill.
“What about you, Miss? How’d you end up here? Don’t see many female doctors around— w-with no offence intended ma’am.”
You let out a small laugh, hearing his curiosity turn to something desperate as he realised he may have been offensive. You kept your weight on one elbow, facing towards him and smiled.
“Well my daddy is the head doctor but he’s now semi retired. He’s a good man but he wasn’t always a doctor. A long time ago, when I was just a little girl our family were ranch handlers just like Bonnie’s family, but well… one season all the cattle got sick and were dying so my father moved to medicine. The MacFarlane’s are old friends and we’ve been with them ever since.”
John hummed, turning his gaze from you to stare at the vast Ranch that was almost a village in his eyes.
“Seem like good people— real decent folk.”
You nodded in response, growing up on this ranch became your home and you loved the MacFarlane’s very deeply.
“Indeed they are Mr.Marston, decent folk are hard to come by these days.”
Your pleasant conversation with John was suddenly interrupted by Bonnie who whistled down by the stables, clearly signalling for John to come and assist her with chores around the ranch. You could only hope that meant seeing more of John.
“It seems Miss MacFarlane will be needing my help. Thank you again ma’am, you saved my life.”
You didn’t get to say much as John took your hand in his, brining it to his mouth in a polite kiss to your knuckle before walking down the hill. He didn’t get far before you stopped him one last time.
“Oh Mr. Marston! I need to ride into town tomorrow to restock on medicines that they don’t stock at the general store. Would you be so kind as to accompany me?”
You eyes were full of hope and joy as he nodded and gave you a warm smile.
“It’s John, and I could think of nothing better than to help you ma’am”
You couldn’t stop the smile that spread onto your face as you watched John load his horse and ride of with Bonnie and a few others to work at various places around the ranch. You couldn’t stop the fluttery feeling in your stomach either at the anticipation and excitement of getting to see the mysterious but intriguing man John Marston.
(I will do a part 2 since i need more time to get a feel for rdr1!!)
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cherrysrambles · 4 years
Acid Burn
Summary: ***I don’t know why, but you have to stay back on Nevarro for what I'm sure is a good reason***
- You have to leave the Mandalorian and Grogu for a few days, but when you reunite, things aren't exactly as they used to be. You start to doubt everything until an accident on the ship brings out your true feelings for one another
Warnings: Super super fluffy and maybe a teeny bit of sexiness? Maybe if you look really hard
Words: 3,279
‘Din, I need to stay and help’
‘I can’t go with you, they need me here, you know that’
The Mandalorian nods his head curtly ‘How long will you be?’
‘Three days’ you say quietly
He nods and moves to make his way to the ship
‘Will you come back for me?’ You whisper, unsure if he even heard you
He stops and turns back to you ‘of course I will, if that is what you want’
‘You know I do’
He slowly walks over to you and rubs your cheek, softly pulling your forehead towards his, you realise he’s giving you a keldabe kiss. ‘You know what this means?’ He whispers
You nod
‘Then know that I will always come back for you Cyar’ika’
After a moment you pull back and pick up Grogu
‘Look after your father buddy, do everything he asks and try not to drive him too insane ok?’
He gurgles an unhappy noise
‘I know sweetheart, I’ll miss you more, but its only for a few days, I’ll be back with you before you know it’ He starts to cry and your heart breaks, you hand him back to Din, utter another useless bye and watch them board the Razor Crest.
*Three days later*
Your heart leaps as you watch the Razor Crest come into view and land in front you. It feels like an eternity since you’ve seen them. The ramp opens and Grogu runs as fast as his tiny legs will let him down to you. You scoop him up and spin him around as you both laugh, you spot Din standing at the top of the ramp waiting for you to come inside. You freeze and stare at him, wow, you forgot just how wet he makes you. Grogu touches your face and you’re brought back to reality, you make your way onto the ship.
‘Did you miss me?’ You say coyly
‘I did’ he replies, and you think that’s all you’re going to get out of him for a while. You make your way up to the cockpit so you can get away from this place.
You put Grogu down into his seat and notice a piece of paper stuck to the wall of the crest. You examine it closer, it looks like, a Callander? A countdown of some sort? Then it hits you
‘Oh sweetheart, did daddy make you a chart to countdown till I got back?’ He nods and mumbles, you assume he’s explaining what the chart actually is, you nod in mock understanding. ‘He couldn’t understand the concept of days, every now and then he would go to the door and wait for me to open them so you could come back to us. So I made the chart for him to have as a countdown’ Din explains.
‘Did it help?’
‘Yes and no. He understood that every morning when he woke up we would cross another day off, but then he started to think that after every nap he could cross a day off. Worked for me, since I didn’t have to battle with him to go to sleep’
‘It’s ok honey, I’m back now and I don’t expect to leave you again like that, ok?’
You pull a black pouch out of you pocket
‘I got a present for you’
You pull out a small stuffed mudhorn toy and hand it to Grogu, who is already making grabby hands at it. And just like that, he’s using it as a chew toy.
‘Hey kid, can I see it? Please?’ Din says as Grogu reluctantly hands it to him.
Din looks over the wet toy in his hands
‘A mudhorn?’ He questions?
‘Yeah, there was an old lady making toys at the market, I asked her to make it for me, she gave me a weird look, but you pay anyone enough and they’ll make whatever you want’
He does say anything as he hands the toy back to Grogu
‘I thought it would be cute, ya know? A mudhorn toy for clan mudhorn….. I know it’s silly’
‘No it’s not, it’s.. appropriate’ he says. You sense he wants to say more but you don’t push it.
Within the hour you’re in hyperspace on your way to your next destination, Din said he’ll take you to a nice remote place, somewhere it’ll just be the three of you for a few days, and you couldn’t think of anything better. Din has however been quite distant, even though it’s only been an hour since you’ve been reunited, you can tell there’s something he’s not telling you. After all this time you thought you were making progress with him, getting him to open up more to you but only if he felt comfortable doing so, which he said he did. You hope three days apart haven’t set you back all those months you’ve been on his ship. You decide to go speak to him about it.
After checking that Grogu is sound asleep. You head up into the cockpit where he’s shut himself up.
‘What!?’ He snaps
‘Excuse me!?’ You say in shock and disbelief. He’s never been disrespectful like this to you
‘I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean that, you caught me off guard, I wasn’t thinki-‘ he rambles and you cut him off
‘What’s wrong?’
He pauses.
‘…I haven’t slept at all these past 3 days’ 
You nod in understanding
‘Me too’
‘Yup’ you say with a smile
‘You realise that doesn’t make me happy’
‘I know, come on, lets have a nap’
You lead Din down to where his makeshift cot is. You could lead him to your bed, but you want to be as close as possible to Din, so the tiny storage area will be perfect, he doesn’t question you on this, probably thinking he has the same thought pattern. Which he does.
You kick your boots off and start helping Din with his armour. Your heart flutters each time you get close to him like this, even if it is to help with his beskar. When he’s in just his under clothes you crawl into the cot and get under the blanket waiting for him to join you.
As soon as he lies down next to you, he turns the lights off and you hear the familiar clicks of his helmet coming off. His arm is instantly around you and for the first time in three days, you both fall fast asleep.
When you wake you don’t know how long it’s been but Din isn’t next to you anymore, which isn’t unusual for him, but you did wish that he’d stayed until you woke up seen as you’ve missed him so much. Something is still definitely on his mind, but you’ll just have to wait until he’s comfortable enough to tell you. To be honest, you’re sick of this routine, pretending that you both aren’t madly in love with each other. It's exhausting, but you’d rather have whatever this is, then not have anything at all with Din.
For the rest of the evening you try to stay away from him as much as possible which breaks your heart, but you want to give him his space to think, you don’t want to overbear him with your thoughts and feelings. Maybe he didn’t miss you like you thought? Maybe he liked having time away from you? No, that can’t be right? Can it? Your mind starts to wonder to places that you don’t want it to go. A life without Din and Grogu isn’t the life you want. But maybe its the life he wants? You decide to get Grogu ready for bed, deciding to occupy your mind with something else for the evening. Once he’s bathed and fast asleep you contemplate going up to the cockpit to sit with Din, this is usually the time where you would have one of your long chats, or play stupid games, but tonight you’re just not in the mood. You undress to your simple black panties and throw on one of Din’s old shirts. And as you slip under the covers alone in your bed, you fall fast asleep dreaming of the only man you’ve ever truly loved. Din Djarin.
You awake to a searing pain on your right side, it’s burning and it’s getting worse, then you feel something dripping onto you burning even more, you scream in horror and run to the fresher.
‘Y/N!?’ Din screams as he jumps down the ladder, blaster in hand at your side
‘What’s happening!?’ He follows you to the fresher
You look in the mirror and notice there’s a hole in the shirt your wearing and your skin underneath it is raw and red
‘Acid!?’ You say as you lift the shirt up high on your right side, exposing your breast to Din to get a better look in the mirror. The burn goes from just under your right breast all the way down to the top of your underwear.
‘Acid?’ Din repeats and goes to check in your room. You hear muffled noises but the room starts to spin from the searing pain. ‘Shit, there's a leak!’
‘Din, I think I’m gonna…’ you clutch onto the sink for life trying not to pass out, instantaneously Din is at your side lifting you up and putting you on his cot
‘No passing out, do you hear me, stay with me’ he says but you just writhe around in pain, the burning is getting worse and you’re struggling to stay conscious. You hear Grogu stirring from his sleep ‘Keep him away!’ You yell.
Din runs off and comes back with the bacta spray, you assume he’s locked Grogu away somewhere. The last thing you need is him trying to heal you and then him passing out, no amount of pain is worth injuring Grogu.
‘This will help, ok? but.. but I’m gonna need to open your shirt’ he says panicked
‘Just take it off!’ You yell as you start to shake, modesty is the last thing on your mind right now, but Din being Din, is the only person to ask permission to remove your clothes before he treats you for excruciating acid burns.
He lifts the shirt as high as it will go and liberally sprays you with the bacta, instantly you feel a slight relief. 
‘We don’t have any bacta patches, so I’m just going to have to keep spraying you with the bacta spray, ok?’ He says in a shaky breath as he pulls your shirt down and takes your hand in his
Your eyes are still shut tight, but you manage a nod.
True to his words, after a few minutes he lifts your shirt again and starts spraying, you don’t know after how many times he does this, but you can feel the pain subsiding and you open your eyes.
“I have to check on the kid, I’ll be right back’ he says
You slowly try to sit up, but Din rushes back and tries to push you back down.
‘Woahh easy there, you need to rest’ he says
‘No, I need to shower’ you say as you shuffle down the bed
‘Shower!? I don’t think so, you can barely stand’
You try to get up, but your legs fail you as Din supports you
‘Cyar’ika, please, just lie down and rest’ he pleads
‘Din, I can’t, I feel all sweaty and gross and I’m sticking to these clothes, to the blanket and I’m burning up I just need a shower to relax, there’s no way I can rest like this’ you utter helplessly
He doesn’t say anything.
‘If it makes you feel better you can watch me, I really don’t care’ you say as you make your way to the fresher. You can feel the bacta slowly kicking in.
As you get in the fresher you start to undress and turn the shower on and get under the cool water
‘Door stays open and I’m going to stand here and make sure you’re ok’ you look over and see him with his back to you.
The room starts to spin again as you hastily let the water run all over you and you’ve cooled down, you wrap your towel around you and walk over to the sink
‘Fuck’ you whisper, the room starts to spin even worse but Din catches you just in time again. He holds you tight to him and you breathe his scent in, calming you instantly. He pulls back and places you against a ledge, confident you won’t fall ‘hold on’ he says, he comes back with another one of his shirts.
He places the shirt over your head and you pull your arms through, once the shirt is on and it’s covering your knees, he carefully drags the towel off you and throws it to the side.
‘Hold onto my shoulders’ he says as he gently helps you into a new pair of underwear he’s brought over trying not to let it touch your burn. He carries you over to the cot and lays you down, pulling the bacta out and spraying you once more. He pulls back to take his armour off, and lays down beside you pulling you tight into his arms, careful not to hurt you. You’re both lying on your sides facing each other, your head resting on Din’s shoulder.
‘I’m going to turn the lights off, if that’s ok’ he says. You nod.
The lights go off, and his helmet comes off. What he does next, surprises you.
You can feel his breath on your shoulder as he holds you close, and then you can feel his lips follow suit. A small kiss is left on your shoulder and he whispers ‘I can’t believe I almost lost you’
‘You didn’t lose me Din, I’m ok, I’m still here’
‘But I could’ve, if that acid had gotten all over you then… I don’t know what I’d do without you’ he kisses your shoulder again, this time leaving his lips on you
‘Shhh, don’t think like that, I’m ok, everything will be fine’ he drags his lips from your shoulder to your forehead and gives you one last kiss. And with that, you fall asleep in the arms of the one you love.
You wake up, almost a full day later and again Din isn’t with you, but you notice your little green bean snuggled up to you. You lift your shirt up and notice that your wounds have healed, but you do still feel extremely weak. After popping a kiss on Grogu’s sleeping head. You make your way to the fresher and have a real shower this time, as soon as you’re dressed, Din appears. ‘How’re you feeling?’ He asks, voice land with concern
‘A lot better, thank you’
‘Can I see?’ He asks. You lift your shirt up and show him, his hand reaches out to touch you, but at the last second he pulls back. This action hurts you and you remember that he’s been acting extremely weird ever since you got back.
‘You should get some more rest’ he says as he makes his way back up to the cockpit. You decide to have something small to eat and not let his actions bother you.
As you finish eating your bread and berries, you notice Din has parked the ship in a field somewhere. So he doesn’t actually need to be piloting the ship, he’s just up there avoiding you. Tears start to prick your eyes, you grab a blanket and go lower the ramp to sit outside and get some air.
After sitting outside for a good few minutes, you hear Din’s footsteps as he comes to sit next to you, none of you say a word. You decide that he’s not going to tell you himself so you might as well ask.
‘Din, is something wrong? You’ve been off with me ever since I got back’
‘I’m sorry’ he whispers ‘I know I’ve been difficult and distant, and that’s not my intention to be like that with you’
‘Then what is it?’
‘I….. I got you something, but I don’t know if you’re going to like it or not’
‘Why would I not like anything you give me? You could give me trash and as long as I know you got it for me, I would love it regardless, because it came from you’
‘Thats nice to hear, but I guess its not a question of if you’ll like it, I guess I’m worried that you won’t accept it’
‘What is it?’ You repeat
He pulls out a small black bag and hands it to you.
You open the bag and inside is a small metal charm. You examine it closer and see exactly what it is ‘mudhorn’ you whisper
He nods ‘while you were gone, I had the armorer make this for me out of scraps of beskar’
‘Why would I not accept it?’
He pauses and says in such a faint whisper ‘if you accept this, then it’ll mean you’re apart of my clan. Clan mudhorn, I mean I’ve always seen you as part of my clan, I first saw it when I told you my name all those months ago. But I only realised it when we spent time apart. Those 3 days were the worst 3 days of my life, and it made me realise that I don’t want to spend any time apart from you, ever’
He says in a louder voice ‘but nothing has to change if you don’t want it too, I mean, we don’t have to be together, like that’s not what I’m trying to imply, but obviously if you wanted too then we could..’ He starts rambling
‘Din, do you want to?’ You ask, knowing his answer
‘Yes, you already know I’m madly in love with you, I’m not good at any of this stuff, but at least I would think that much is obvious. You’re the only person I’ve ever wanted any of this with. My life was terrible before you came into it, and I’m still so grateful you’re still with me. I can’t give you what you deserve, what you need, all I can give you is my undying love’
‘Din, all I need is you’ you manage to get in
He finally turns and looks at you ‘Really? You really mean that?’ He says shocked
‘I would be honoured to join clan mudhorn, if you’ll have me’
‘And what about being with me?’ He whispers
‘Din Djarin, I love you more than anything, you’re the only man I have ever or will ever love, you are everything I need and more. Please, don’t ever doubt my love for you’
‘Never’ he whispers as he leans in for your second ever keldabe kiss. Secretly longing for a real kiss.
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cosmobutcowboy · 2 years
I think Ponyboy was excited too. The way most kids are when it's their birthday. But he was probably kinda sad, what with it being his first birthday since mom and dad died. Nevertheless I wanted him to enjoy the day so here I was, outside the record store to find him a gift.
All of the gang had gotten him gifts already. Soda got him a black T shirt and a fancy lighter and running shoes for track, he'd worked over time at the DX for it. Johnny got him some book he kept mentioning, Dally claimed to not care. "Big deal the kids almost fourteen" he said, but he had a switchblade for him. I wasn't very happy about this because all the trouble Pony would probably get in with it, but at least Dally tried. Twobit got him a football and candy and even Steve got him some bottles of Pepsi.
I hadn't gotten him anything yet. I had to pay off bills and buy groceries, but now I had fifty dollars left over. I knew he liked music a good bit but I didn't know exactly what artists he liked.
I walked around the store for a bit, trying to tune out the pop music playing unnecessarily loud and trying to see if any names jumped out as being anything he'd mentioned liking, so far none did.
I was stood in the pop section, trying to find something even slightly familiar, when a skinny blond guy walked over. It was Buck Merrill. The guy Dally was free loading off of. He had been in the grade ahead of me in Highschool. We weren't exactly friends but talked a bit sometimes, when I used to be into rodeos and stuff. He was one of few guys that, like me, were neither greaser nor Soc, but I wasn't too bothered with him. He was kind of a dumb hick. "Hey, Darrel" he said. "Hello, Buck"
"How've ya been?"
"I've been pretty good, you?"
"Ah, the same ol' same ol'" he said.
He had his stupidly long blond hair falling into his eyes and he was holding four records, one was Hank Williams, as per usual. The Ronnettes which surprised me and the two others I couldn't see.
"Ya looking for anything in particular?" He asked. "Uhhh I guess?"  I responded. "Well what do ya like?" He asked. "I don't care for music." I responded curtly. He laughed  "So what? You in a record store for kicks?".
"It's almost my younger brothers birthday and I'm trying to chose a gift."
"Do you know what he likes?" He asked.
"Buck, why are you playing record connoisseur?" I asked. "I ain't, Im just asking"  he said. "Well, I don't know that's why I'm here" I responded. "I mean, I don't know what teenagers like these days."
"Oh?" He asked.
"Man, im getting old" I sighed. "No you ain't. You feel old but ya ain't yet. Or if you are, ya certainly don't look it" he joked. 
For some reason this compliment made me happy or I guess relieved. Over him telling me I wasn't getting old.
"Look, Ya look like a lost dog, walking around this store. It's makin' me sad. Can I at least try help ya find something?" He practically pleaded. "Fine. Whatever" I responded.
We walked around the store, while he showed me various records and I eventually bought an Elvis one. Since Buck said he was apparently all the rage. For someone who listed to music that my father liked, he sure knew a lot about modern music. But then again he was buying a Ronettes record.
When we were about to leave a familiar songs opening played. My Girl by the Temptations. Buck looked at me "Remember Prom '63 when Kelsey threw up 'cause she was blackout drunk to this song?" He asked. I laughed a little bit at the memory of her dancing and then puking all over her dress. "Werent you the one that gave her alcohol? Sugar shine was it?" I asked, light heartedly. "Woahh, Darrel Curtis. Joking? -Are you the real Darrel?" He laughed. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Well I gotta get going,  maybe come over for a beer when you're off work?" He asked. "Sure" I said, surprising myself. I rarely went out with people, let alone drank. "And I know ya said ya don't care for music but maybe we could listen to some, see if ya like it?" He asked gesturing to the bag of records he had. "Don't push it Merrill" I replied. "What'll ya do if I do Curtis, throw a bundle of roofin' at me?" He quipped. "Absolutely." I said.
Maybe he wasn’tso bad after all. For a dumb hick.
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wordsfromthesol · 4 years
Safety Precautions (1/2)
Author: @wordsfromthesol Taglist:@zphilophobiaz Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Summary: You need help finding someone and who better to help than the prodigy bats. Though it looks like you may need to ask them for a few favors. Warnings:  Fighting, wounds, cursing, all the good stuff. Word Count: 1.9k
Part Two
“Oh look, a birdie in need of help.” You called down to Nightwing, who was fighting off a hoard of armed men. You jumped down to join him, taking one out with your landing before pressing your back to his. The men began to circle around you.
“Thank goodness, now I don’t have to call Red Hood for backup.” Nightwing quipped as he began counting the men. 
“Anytime, I’ve been meaning to ask for a favor anyways.” Before the conversation could continue the fighting commenced. As you lunged at one of the men, another pointed his gun at you and shot. The bullet lodged itself with the suit.
“Buddy, all that’s gunna do is bruise and make me angry.” You knocked the man in your arms to the ground and stared at the culprit. His eyes widened as you sprung forward, pressing him into a wall.
“How about at a closer range.” The man mumbled out as you pressed your arm to his throat. It was too late before you realized his gun pressed against your abdomen. He fired. You threw your head back and launched it into his, content as his body went limp and slumped to the ground. You unfastened your utility belt and placed it higher on your waist to cover the wound, just as Nightwing’s hand fell to your shoulder.
“We’re missing people. There should be 3 more.”
You just shrugged, “Maybe they ran off.”
“Unlikely, I’m afraid these guys would rather be caught by me than their boss.” Just as Nightwing got to the corner, a hand flew out and collided with his nose. You watched as a gun then rounded the corner. Quickly, you kicked Nightwing’s legs from under him, forcing him to collapse to the ground as you slammed your forearm into the assailant’s wrist. His hand struck the brick wall, the force causing his finger to pull the trigger. Another bullet right into your shoulder. You slammed his hand again into the wall, causing the gun to drop. Nightwing pulled the man’s legs from under him and his head crashed against the concrete below.
“Alright, 2 more. I’ll go left.” Nightwing called out as he darted around the corner. You stalked around the corner to the right and noticed an unsuspecting victim. Quickly, you wrapped your arm around his neck. He was on the ground in minutes. You continued, rounding another corner, where you saw Nightwing deliver a punch which caused the final assailant to collapse to the ground. You tried to ignore the growing pain and eyed your compatriot.
“Where’s you ride?”
“Two blocks…why?”
“I told you, I need a favor.”
The two of you made it to the motorcycle without any more fighting, but you looked at it wondering how you were going to hold on. Before you could try and reason through it, Nightwing tossed you a helmet.
“Safety precautions.”
“Right.” You put on the helmet and all you say was black. “Is there a reason the visor on this thing is blacked out?” you commented hoping it wasn’t your vision in general.
“Like I said, safety precautions.”
You took off the helmet and climbed on the bike behind him before placing it back on your head. “You bats are ridiculous” you mumbled. Halfway to the cave, Dick noticed your grip loosening around his waist.
“Eclipse?” No response. “Hey Eclipse, are you okay?” Dick felt you begin to slide and threw his arm out, catching you as he brought the bike to a stop. “Shit.” He felt the warm liquid plastered over your shirt. Dick ripped the helmet off, “Eclipse, I need you to wake up…we are almost there.” No response. “Can’t just make this easy, can we?” He picked you up and put you in front of him on the bike, holding you firmly against his chest with one arm.
You woke up in an unfamiliar place. You tried to piece together the information you remembered. Okay, you were last with Nightwing. This is probably a safe house. Or base of operations –. Your thoughts were cut short as you realized your mask was missing. Carefully, you pulled yourself up and noticed your left arm in a sling that hugged your chest. Your chest that no longer donned your suit. As you swung your legs over the side of the bed, a familiar face ran over to you.
“Woahh, let’s take it easy.”
“My…my…mask.” You voice croaked out.
“Oh yeah, we had to take it off. You were having trouble breathing.” Dick reached over to a nearby table and picked it up, handing it over to you.
“You all know then?”
“Just me and Red Robin are here. Well and Alfred, who patched you up.”
You nodded and put the mask back on, just in case. “So that favor…”
“What, patching you up wasn’t what you had in mind?”
“Ha ha, very funny.” You leaned to get up, Nightwing stepped to your side placing his arm firmly around your waist. Normally you would complain, but you were pretty sure this Alfred character had given you too much pain medication for you to care. You pointed over to the computer where Red Robin was seated. “I need you to find a missing person.”
“Someone you can’t find?” Red Robin questioned your motives.
“I could but using my connections…let’s just say someone else could find them too. Someone who can’t find them.”
“Alright, I’ll see what I can do, but you’ll owe me one.”
“Deal, name should be Lily Capcini. Born September 17, 2002. 5’-2”. Green eyes. Last known hair color was a chestnut brown…that was almost 2 years ago though.”
“I’ll get to work.” Red Robin nodded your way before turning back to his computer.
“And I’ll be getting home, thanks.”
“Uhm…I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.”
“I wasn’t really asking.”
“At least let me get Alfred to check you over once more.”
You sighed but agreed to Nightwing’s terms. Almost as soon as the elevator doors closed, Red Hood strolled through, from what you assume is some sort of garage area.
“Didn’t know we were taking visitors…wait Eclipse? What happened?!”
“Don’t worry your pretty little head, Hood. I’m fine.”
“Heh yeah you didn’t almost fall off the bike on the way here.” You heard Red Robin mumble from his seat at the computer.
“You what?!”
“That was hours ago. Apparently your pal Alfred stitched me up good. I’m about to head out.”
“You’re just letting her go?” Red Hood yelled towards his companion at the computer.
“Dude, you know there is no way to stop her.” Red Robin began to reason just as the elevator doors opened, revealing Nightwing and Alfred.
“Miss…erm…Eclipse.” Alfred caught himself, seeing you donned the mask once again. “I must recommend you stay in our care a bit longer.”
“Sorry Al, no can do. Also, where’s my suit?”
Alfred walked over to a nearby table to retrieve it. “It is quite damaged. Three bullet holes. I can send it for repairs.”
“It’s fine. I’ll deal with it. And technically it was two and a half.”
Alfred looked at you skeptically before checking and redressing your wounds. “Well, if I cannot convince you to stay…”
“You can’t. Red Robin, let me know as soon as you find something. Now, who’s taking me out of here.”
Before the option was even given Nightwing had made his way over to you and led you to a room full of motorcycles, cars, and other miscellaneous vehicles. He handed you a blindfold.
“Sorry, safety precautions. Also, you’re sitting in front.”
“What?! Why?”
“Because you only have one arm, and I’m not having you almost face plant the asphalt again.” You rolled your eyes but complied with his request. You were only riding for a few minutes when he spoke again. “I think we’re being followed.”
“Shit. Can you lose them?”
“Just hold on.”
Nightwing slowed down for a few blocks and then gunned it, quickly making a right turn and then a left soon after down an alleyway. An alleyway where the brick wall opened, and he slowly pulled the bike in before removing your blindfold.
“Alright, give me something to throw at them.”
He just looked at you like you were crazy, you could tell that even through the mask. “Yeah, we aren’t going anywhere. This is one of our safehouses. We’ll stay the night.”
“But I need my stuff. He can’t see what’s in my apartment. I wasn’t prepared not to go back.”
“I’ll radio Red Hood, he’ll pick it up in the morning. If whoever was tailing us already know where you live, they will be waiting to see movement. Hood will have a better chance going unnoticed in the daytime.”
“He can’t get to her. I got her out. He just can’t.”
“We’ll find her. But right now, you need some rest.” You just stood there, staring at him. “Y/N. You need time to heal and we can’t do anything right now. Please.” Nightwing’s hands clasped your shoulders. “Sleep.”
You awoke to voices coming from the next room. You slowly moved out of bed and walked into the hallway, where you saw Red Robin and Red Hood standing next to Nightwing clutching a box.
“Did you find her?” You questioned the vigilante as you made your way passed them into the kitchen.
“Yeah, I found her –” you cut him off as you noticed Red Hood clutching a gold locket.
“Where did you get that?”
“Oh, your apartment. Looked important.” You stalked over and grabbed the item from his hand.
“Shit. I had to leave this behind. He planted it.” You didn’t bother to explain further but instead rushed to your room to gear up. He was coming, you could feel it. As you stepped into the doorway Red Robin slid at your feet. Helping him up you whispered. “Go. Find her. Tell her the Eclipse has faded and the Sun’s wrath shines again.”
As the hero ran off, you charged at the man slicing the air as he dodged your blades. You had to keep him busy, make sure Red Robin had enough time to get Lily to safety. He knocked you to the ground, but before you could get up Nightwing was in pursuit, Red Hood at his side. It always amazed you how in tandem they fought.
“You can’t have her!” You screamed as you rose from the ground.
“Oh I will possess her little one, just as I once possessed you.” He knocked both the vigilantes to the ground and dove through the already broken window.
“And that was…?” Red Hood questioned.
You stood there gazing at the window, “He calls himself Helios.” A moment of silence ensued as you collected yourself before you turned towards them. “Red Robin went to get Lily. Take me to her.”
Nightwing nodded and tossed you a blindfold as you made your way to the motorcycle the two of you had abandoned the night before. “Safety precautions.”
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sarcasti-cally · 4 years
birthday surprise
so, koganegawa’s birthday is today, July 9th, and um.. where’s the love for my boy kogane? i felt like this was the perfect time to give him some love 🥰 ❤️ ❤️ (and to quench my thirst) this is the first time i’m ever writing a fic or even smut in general so please be nice :,) just gonna casually tag @bokutokoutarou since you wanted to be there when i post my first ever fic so here i go. 🚶‍♀️
dom!koganegawa x reader????? woahh
s m u t
words: 3063
Drool was slowly pooling from your mouth as you just woke up, the sun beaming straight into your eyes, causing your eyelashes to flutter and flip your body to face away from the sunlight. Before you could close your eyes again, you reached out for your phone on your pillow and went to check the time, which is a routine you developed without noticing. 
1:53, you noted. But, you immediately stood up and wiped the drool from the corners of your mouth to realize that it was July 9th. Shit. You cursed at yourself in your head while frantically throwing on whatever you saw. 
Black shorts and a baggy t-shirt representing your school, Date Tech. You went to the bathroom to see what you overall really looked like taking into consideration that your hair must have been a bird’s nest from moving a lot in your sleep. 
You didn’t think the shirt you chose to wear would cover your shorts, but you shrugged it off. Hopefully some idiot doesn’t think that you’re not wearing anything under it. Thankfully, your hair wasn’t all that much of a mess- i mean, it was still a bit frizzy and in a loose ponytail, but who really cares? Definitely not you.
You threw on some white crew socks with some black shoes you saw under your bed. While you struggled a bit to put your shoes on, you heard something coming from your bed. It was your phone vibrating. 
“I swear to god, if it’s some annoying son of a bitch-“ you stood up and tripped since you were trying to put on your other shoe standing up while your foot’s in the air. As you peered over your phone, you saw that it was a notification from Koganegawa and you sighed in relief. 
When you had your shoe on you grabbed your phone and went to go and read what he messaged you.
“Hey, Y/N! I know that you might still be asleep, but i wanted to let you know that i’m having a birthday party which starts at around 4, and that you’re invited! I can’t wait to see you there. Even though it’ll be a small little party, i think you’ll REALLY enjoy it. Aone, Kaname, Futakuchi, and Sakunami will be there. I hope to see you there soon!” sent at 11:27 AM
As you read 11:27 AM your expression was covered in horror, but.. It could’ve been worse. For example, maybe it was sent at 9am and here you are just sitting on your ass, waking up at basically 2PM. You smiled a bit thinking of the scenario in your head, visualizing what you would act like if they actually happened. You quickly stopped yourself, though. something was a bit off in this text. You reread it at least 5 times to finally recognize what’s wrong with it. 
“uh kogane, you didn’t even give me the location” sent 2:07 PM
Sadly, you weren’t really the patient type and when 10 minutes had passed you started to get a bit antsy. Your leg was basically vibrating based off of how fast your foot was lighting tapping against the ground. 
Fuck it.
You were now furiously knocking on the door- at this point you don’t know if it was either knocking or punching it with the side of your fist. Like the idiot you were, you didn’t even try to use the door knob. When you were tired out from yelling and knocking on the door, that was the time when you decided to use it. 
And, it worked.
“Kogane! I’m coming in..” you slowly dragged out the n’s in the word “in” as if you were screaming “ready or not, here I come!” in a classic game of hide and seek. 
When you walked in, you could see streamers and balloons around the house, the little “Happy Birthday!” sign greeting you. Food was spread out in the kitchen, the dining room table was all set up with a birthday table cover and everything. You could clearly see the effort he put in based off of the mess he made in the living room. You could see the plastic bags the decorations must have came in when he bought them scattered around the living room. His house looked like a little kids birthday party, but in a good way. He really did go all out. The poor guy did this all by himself. You frowned at the thought, and then suddenly had a sly smirk on your face. 
You quickly took your shoes off and began to quietly walk around the house, wanting to surprise him and give him a big old innocent birthday hug. Now that the thought crossed your mind, you totally forgot to get him a birthday present while on the way here, but you didn’t know the party would be at his house- that could be your excuse. You nodded to yourself, agreeing with the thought. 
His home was oddly quiet, but you continued to walk around the house. Eventually, you came upon a door that was slightly opened and you peeked your head inside without hesitation. 
Koganegawa was slowly stroking his long, veiny cock with his right hand, his hips thrusting up into his fist every now and then. Some strands of his hair were stuck to the sides of his head due to the sweat that was forming on his body. The little groans he let out was causing your thighs to clench together, trying your hardest to not picture what he would look like between your legs. This dirty thought of yours caused you to let out a small moan, quickly slapping your hand against your mouth, hoping he didn’t hear. You slowly sat yourself on the ground, trying to even out your breaths since it was such a close call, but you were cut off when the door right beside you swung open. You screamed in surprise and fell on your back. You could clearly see Kogane’s unattended, throbbing cock against his boxers. Goddamn was it bigger up close.
“Uh.. Happy birthday?” you awkwardly announced, trying to break the cold, uncomfortable silence, waving both of your hands in a celebratory, jazz hands motion.
He grabbed your wrist, helping you off the ground and led you to his bed. He stood in front of you, hands on his hips staring at you, obviously expecting an answer. 
Instead of giving him an answer right away, you took this as a chance to admire the sight in front of you. His toned body was enough to make you drool, his abs glossed in sweat and goddamn.. his fucking thighs. They were pretty nice, not gonna lie, you smirked to yourself. Honestly, you wouldn’t mind if he just stood there all day. He should be put in a museum. Your eyes slowly went to his-
“Y/N! I’m still here! What were you doing outside of my door??” he yelled, hands out in front of him, expressing his question more through his movement. 
“Listen, I- You.. You didn’t answer my goddamn text!” you replied, your eyes darting to the other side of the room, trying your best to not make eye contact with him. “So i.. came to your house, and when you didn’t answer the door i just.. Walked right on in.” you were putting your best efforts to lighten the mood but it wasn’t exactly working as you hoped it would.
“Then you decided to watch me jack off my dick behind my door, too, right?”
“What else would i have been doing? fucking idiot..” your voice trailed off at the last part, not wanting him to hear. 
“Would you like to repeat what you said, Y/N?” he teasingly asked, cocking one of his eyebrows up. 
“Uh no, fuck off, yeah?” you attacked right back. You leaned forward, your elbow resting against your knee as your head rested in the palm of your hand. You stuck your tongue out at him like a child, waiting to see his reaction. 
He hummed in response, looking down at you with his arms crossed. “Y/N, are you even wearing anything under that?” You almost choked as you held in your laugh. I guess he was the idiot. 
“Yeah, I am. Do you think i’m stupid or something? I would never leave the house with no pants on. Bold of you to assume that.” his eyebrow was still in the same position as if he didn’t believe you. You stood up from the bed.
“Kogane, look” he tilted his head at you and you lifted your shirt up. He immediately looked away and you had to repeat yourself. “No, look at me, idiot! I’m wearing shorts, see?” he slowly turned his head towards you and he looked puzzled. This man is as stupid as an elementary schooler, you don’t know how he’s still alive by now. 
“So i’m guessing you have a birthday present for me?” he joked, but your mind clicked. It wasn’t your birthday hug idea, but something else. 
“Actually, yes, I do. Can you sit on the bed for me real quick?” he quickly sat on the bed, oblivious to what he’s getting himself into. 
You slowly got onto the bed and sat around him, your arms wrapping around his waist, your hands inching their way to his boxers.
“What are you-“ 
“You already know what i’m doing, it’s your birthday so just let it happen, okay?” he nodded with a gulp, and you continued your ministrations. 
Your left hand slowly lowered the boxers off of his legs, causing his dick to spring up against his stomach. He groaned at the feeling, which made you eager to continue even further. You didn’t expect for his dick to be so long. It was average girth but holy shit was it lengthy. Your right hand began to stroke his cock, slowly at first, immediately teasing the tip with your thumb, wiping the precum off and onto his shaft. Feeling him shiver against your body made your cheeks flush and had your right hand slightly shaking in excitement. He noticed this and took action by wrapping his large, rough hands against yours, guiding your hand up and down at a quicker pace than you had before. His moans were becoming more apparent and louder, signaling that he’s close to his release. Kogane’s hands never left yours as his grip tightened, going even faster. Feeling how eager he is to cum and just by watching him help you jack him off is making you even wetter than you were before. 
“God, Kogane you’re so goddamn cute..Feeling your hand against mine while you guide me to fuck your cock with my hand is so fucking hot..” you felt his cock twitch at your words and you smirked through your bright red cheeks, lowering your head against his dick and filling your mouth with his long cock. Kogane threw his head back in pleasure while pushing your head down against him, his cum filling your mouth, making you choke. You remain still, though, allowing him to wait out his release. 
He lifted your head up off of him and when he looked at you with his cum dripping down the sides of your mouth, he immediately became hard again. 
“Didn’t know you were that eag-“ you were cut off when Kogane grabbed you by the hips and threw you right under him. The way he towered over you made you want to cower under a blanket and hide, but at the same time it just turned you on even more. It was almost like a prey being hunted by predator scenario.
“Kogane what are you-“ the smirk on his face was like one you’ve never seen before.
“Oh, how the tables have turned.” the sly little dumb smirk he still had plastered on his face made you want to flick him upside the head, but realistically you couldn’t since you were vulnerable as all hell under him.
He didn’t hesitate whatsoever to pull your shirt off of you. Already, your shorts were gone and the same with your bra. You were lost- it was like a switch was flipped with him. You didn’t know he had a side like this to him. 
Kogane went up to your neck and purposefully breathed against your neck causing you to jump. He soon started to leave small, gentle bites on the same spot, letting him leave a long lick against it, hurriedly wanting to whisper against your ear something god knows what where he got it from. 
“I’m going to fuck you senseless until you learn who’s the boss around here, okay sweetheart?” chills were sent down your spine, your heart thumping in your chest, positive that he could hear it. Your cheeks were the brightest shade of red to the point it looks like a child got into their mom’s makeup. But, you didn't know if he watched some really hardcore porn or what, but did not know at al that he had that in him.
His two, long fingers were suddenly teasing your entrance, causing you to let out a small moan, but you acted quickly as you covered your mouth with your hand, not willing to give in to him. Not pleased with your actions, his fingers delved inside if you, pushing in and out of you at a rather quick pace, making sure to curl his fingers in all of the right spots. 
“Can you not hide your moans from me? Pretty Please?” he gave you those puppy dog eyes that you always hated. You shook your head. He shrugged in response and positioned himself against you, your eyes widening in shock. Before you could stop him, question him, or anything, he was already buried inside of you, letting out a loud grunt. 
“I’m going to fuck you really hard, Y/N. I know you like that. You like it when guys fuck you until you can’t walk, right?” he emphasized the last word by slamming his cock deep inside of you, straight towards your g-spot. You basically screamed by the intense feeling, and he only just started. 
“Finally opening up to me, pretty girl?” he pushed your legs up by your head and began to drill his cock into you nonstop. His tight grip on your hips was bound to leave a mark afterwards. The sound of his hips slapping against yours could’ve been enough to make you cum alone.
He pulled out of you and you glared at him.
“Don’t worry, don’t worry.. Come here.” he motioned his hands for you to come towards him. He led you towards the wall.
“Jump” you obliged and he pinned you against the wall, making sure to not waste time by quickly inserting his pulsing cock inside of you. 
“Fuck!” he looked at you, giving you a quick peck on the lips before he started to move inside of you. His thrusts began extremely slow, obviously teasing you. 
“You know what I want.” Kogane’s thrusts became even slower before they came to a stop.
“No, I don’t, i can’t read min-“ your snark remark was cut off as you were given a hard, rough slap on the ass. You looked at him, and he nodded as a signal to go on. You sighed.
“Fuck me.” You sarcastically said in a dull tone, making him annoyed on purpose.
“Come on.. you know you want to. Quit lying about it, Y/N!” he began to rub your clit with one of his fingers as he waited.
“I want you to fuck me till your hearts content. I want you to fuck my pussy until i beg you to stop so i want you to quit messing around and get on with it already!” a small whine was released at the end of your words, but Koganegawa seemed satisfied.
“Whatever you want..” He grinned, He pushed himself further against you, making sure you were well propped up against the wall, and began to thrust at a rapid pace, causing you to grab onto his shoulders to give you more support. 
“God fucking dammit you’re so tight..” your walls were clenching around him like a vice. His cock filled you up so well, but the fact that his dick was brushing against your cervix was throwing you off the edge. It was impossible to think that someone could fill you up so good, and so perfectly. 
“Fuck, fuck! Please don’t stop, Kanji! Right there, right there!” his cheeks flushed at hearing his first name slip past your lips. The pace that he is holding at the moment, you could basically say he was using you like a sex doll. He was like an animal in heat, he showed no signs of stopping whatsoever, and it didn’t help that you used his first name.
“Say it again, please.” he whines against your ear, his hot breaths driving you to the edge even more 
“Kanji!” you moaned, practically chanting his name. He loved the way you said his name. The way his cock thrusted in and out of you at such a quick pace while your cum was coated around it, was the second hottest thing next to Kogane. The way he moaned, the skin slapping against skin was too much.
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!” you screamed, but to your surprise Kogane kept on thrusting in and out of you, chasing his own release. You knew he wasn’t going to stop until he came.
“Kanji, please cum, I’m begging you Kanji! You fill me up so good, I love the way you fill me up is so perfect just like you baby-“ and that was it, that’s all that took.
“FUCK! Y/N I love you I love you!” he came inside of you, slowly moving his hips inside of you to ride out the overwhelming feel of pleasure. Your tongue was lolling out of your mouth at the overstimulation, and Kogane let out a small chuckle before carefully carrying you to his bed. 
“Where the hell did you learn all of that from, Kanji?” you said through heavy breaths.
Futakuchi leaned on the door.
“From me.” he pointed at himself with a proud smile before walking off.
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atiny-exol · 4 years
Mafia!Ateez! Reaction you are the leader of another organization~
Warning: mentions blood, violence and death so don't like it don't read it
The first time he saw you he was stunned
Your whole appearance was breathtaking
He never thought the leader of the territory he wants to make deals with is someone like you
If you are a female he is double impressed because there are not much women as leaders
But even when your smile is so kind he knows you are dangerous
You are provocative with the things you said, watching his reactions to each thing you said
And he knows that you are playing around to get what you want
At first his member doesn't take you that serious but after bit time of talking with you
Your playful manner faded away and Hongjoong knows that messing with you would be a bad idea
Not what he though he would lose against you
It's just that a war would bring a lot of deaths on his side too
So he would be happy to make an alliance with you
Together you would be even more powerful ~
At first he was annoyed when he heard that someone wants to make a deal with him over his new territory but as soon as you entered the room a small smirk formed on his room and he layed back in his chair,watching you and your movements. The time you stepped in the room he knows that you are trouble and something inside of him wants exactly that. ,,Ohh why don't you leave us alone boys?" He said to the few members in the room and before they could protest he shot them a death glare. They left and another time a smile formed on his.lips. ,,Now now we are alone~ why don't you tell me what you want from me little one"
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You two are in a relationship
Loving eachover more than everything
Everything is fine!
You don't live at his house to this time and you don't know that he is the boss of one if the most dangerous underground organizations
Like he doesn't know that you are this too
Both of you are playing more in the background
So it isn't uncommon that you don't know that
But one accident changed that
You two where on a cute date
Everything was fine till someone shoot at you and you tried to protect Seonghwa because you thought is was because of you
So you pulled out the gun you have with you and killed the guy
To say he was confused but impressed is an understatement
He couldn't believe his eyes at first
As soon as you saw his look you apologized and explained why you did this and
He would just smirk
He would not trust you that much at first
Because he doesn't know if you want to kill him.too
You both are not trusting eachover and it needs time till you gain the trust back
,,Huh? So you tell me you are the leader of this organization?" He said with a smikr while you looked at him confused. Why isn't he scared but before you could think more about that he pulled out his gun and hold it against your temple and chuckled dryly. ,,I think we have to talk a bit hm? Come on baby why do.you look so scared?"
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Immediately falls in love with you when he saw you the first time
It was one of this fancy ,,partys" more like the most dangerous organizations are meeting and making deals
You looked stunning more than that
And at first he just stared at you and asks himself what a beautiful creature like you want at a place like this
You look so innocent so vulnerable and so small
Then you talked to one of his members and he would walk towards you
Interrupt you both and asks what you are talking about
And then Jongho talls him that you are the leader of the second largest mafia organizations after ateez
He wouldn't believe it at first
But then he would look at you more and it would hit him in the face
How could he not recognize you at first?
Flirts with you
He wants you and what he wants he gets
Especially when the one he wants is impressing him so much
,,You are the famous L/N Y/N? Really?" He asks with a smile and looked at Jongho with the let us alone look. ,,It is a pleasure to meet you Y/N. I heard so much of you." His smile grew and he leaned closer to you. ,,And I must say I'm really impressed. You are very very special in my eyes."
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He is a demon when he works but an arrogant angel with you
But he is also clever and very suspicious at some things you do
You just found out who he is and you tried to keep it a secret who you are because you don't want to ruin the relationship with him
You don't want him to feel like you used him.or you want something bad
But be aware of the fact that you cant lie to San
San knows liars, he can smell lies
So if you get to suspicious he will make research
When he found out who you are he will firstly not do anything
Thinks that maybe you will tell him but then you don't tell him
You will wake up the next day on the basement tied down to a chair
With a smiling san in front of you
Trust? No he doesn't trust you not after you lied to him that long
He told you that he runs underground business and you just looked innocently at him not saying anything about you
So you have to live with the consequences now
But don't worry then you get through his test he will trust you slowly again
,,Ohh good morning Princess/Prince! Or should I say Leader-nim? Why are you looking at me like that? Do you really think I would not fund out your little secret? You can be thankful that I love you or I would have kill you as soon as I found out who you are." Gently he runs his thumb down your neck but then pulled it away again,eyes darkly fixed on you. ,,We will play a game now. If you are honest you win if you lie you die."
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A cute guy in the mafia~ he doesn't show his face often because why should he?
So you don't recognize him right away
The name is like the boss of the organization who runs Seoul? Oh that means nothing because you couldn't imagine that Mingi is a bad guy
And so he doesn't think that you are a bad person either
He doesn't know you or your gang never had trouble with it
Ap he doesn't know you
You are so small,so innocent so lovely he would do everything to protect you
And that's what you want too. That's why you didn't tell him you don't want to pull him in a dangerous world like that
But one day everything changes because you made a mistake. A very big one
You and your gang messed with ateez and to say that this bloodbath was horrible is not even close to how it was really
Mostly all of your members are killed
And now they just catched you and brought you to their leader
Mingi was so furious to.this time
Someone really thought they could mess with him? After he gets the information that the leader is still alive he told his man to bring him to him. He wants to mess with you to show this guy the mistake
But then the door opens and he saw you he would be seriously shooked and upset
He feels betrayed..more than just betrayed he feels like his heart broke in thousand pieces
He told his men to leave you alone
He would be careful with you
He would not yell, just talking with you in a low voice
His trust is gone and you have to convince him that you really love him
Or he will kill you
,,..See I won't harm you. Yet. But you can understand how I feel right now or not? You betrayed me! You fucking betrayed me like that! Was this your plan the whole time? To make me fall in love, so you can kill me easily? To bad it doesn't work with me." His voice is low and he walked slowly towards you,so he can pull you up on your hair. ,,Thia is not between lovers right now Y/N, you messed with the wrong guy little one. You have to pay for that."
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He hates you
Like really hates you
Why? Because you are always in his way
You are smart he wouldn't deny that but that what makes him just more annoyed
At some point he needs information from you
But he knows that you will not give him the things he want
So he will capture you
You are sassy and he is impressed that you don't give in so easily
Even if he hates disrespecting people he thinks that you are a bit cute with this behavior
But he would not show any emotions towards you
Torture is his favorite thing to do so if he wants something he will get it out of you
But unlike the over times before he would not kill you after he gets what he wants
You will work for him, because something as interesting as you should not be killed like that
From now on your members are his members and you are doing what he wants
He hates you from the beginning because you are smart and you could easily get more powerful than him and this will now never happen
Becauae you are his and he will control your next actions
A deep sight escaped his lips and he shakes his head,before he places the cigarette between his lips again. ,,L/N..L/N...why are you like that? Do you like it then I cut your body? Come one I can do things worse that this if you don't tell me what you are planning. Why are you doing all of this huh?" His voice is deep and his look is burning into your skin but your lips doesn't open. Yeosang just sighs again and blows the smoke from the cigarette in your face. ,,Why don't we do something else then."
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The first time he saw you he was impressed
You stunned him and he was taken aback
We way you ruined the whole organization and the way you fight is very impressive
The first time he met you was an accident
On a mission to be exactly
To be honest the first time he saw you he wanted to kill you
He didn't take you serious at first teased and mocked you
Holding a gun to your head and just the moment before he pulled the trigger you threw him over your shoulder,kicking the gun out of his hand
And holding your own at his temple
To be honest you could have killed him but you didn't do it
You don't want to mess with whole Ateez it could destroy you
Since this day he would make deals with you
Alliance with you is his new goal
And your heart is his type next one
,,Huh?? Ohh y/N what a pleasure to meet you again! Woahh no need to hold a gun against my head. Can you please lower that again?" He said with a teasing smile. ,,Thank you. Why I'm here? That's a good question what do you think about making a deal with me hm?"
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A whole impressed baby when he first met you in one of his meetings
You are really stunning and very very dangerous and he knows that
But that's what makes you so interesting
Mostly all the bosses he know are old and boring
Greedy and brutal but you are different
You do things just different then all the other people in your position
You are young and your ideas are very interesting
He meets you more than just one time and everytime.he talks or flirts with you you just get cold towards him
He wants you because you are smart and beautiful
Together you would rule the whole country
No one would go against you
But he knows that you are not that easy and that he has to show you that you can trust him and that he is worth your time
,,Ohh Mr/Mrs. L/N what an amazing thing to meet you again. I heard a lot from you and i have to say that this is really impressing." His smile is soft and he placed his one hand on your shoulder but you just shrugged it off. ,,Okay okay I'm sorry." Witht hat he throws his hand in the air with a chuckle. You are really interesting.
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accomplice-tendou · 3 years
Chapter Thirteen
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗶𝗲
Y/N'S P.O.V.
By now you've officially settled into Tendou's house, finally comfortable with your things unpacked. Today you've got a blanket wrapped around your body while trying to read the same book you've been getting interrupted from reading for the past few weeks.
"Seriously? Do you know these guys?"
Tendou enters the room talking loudly on his phone. You're used to it by now so you don't get too distracted.
"Sixty-five for one-hundred-fifty million yen? Are they snorting what they should be selling?!" his voice booms, "Huh? Yeah of course I want in on this! I didn't even know you had that much cash!"
Your interest has finally peeked. Tendou getting cash is beneficial to you after all and one-hundred-fifty million yen is more than you could ever imagine.
"You think so?"
Tendou's tone changes as he turns to face you and gives you a quick look up and down.
"Yeah we'll help as long as we get something out of it," he smirks.
Tendou flashes you a smile as he makes eye contact. You can tell that he's loving your interest in the conversation.
"Yeah, ok, ok, we'll do it. We can talk the specifics when you get here," he mutters frustratedly, "just hurry up."
Tendou hangs up the phone and looks back over at you.
"Big plans tonight?" you innocently tease.
"We've both got big plans tonight," he corrects.
"Is it legal?" you ask as you turn off your phone and put it away so as to fully be involved in the new, interesting conversation.
"Only illegal if we get caught, right?"
Your eyes narrow as he begins walking over to you. He can tell that you're a bit skeptical about it, but you did put yourself into this position by acting interested before.
I mean I can always just say no, right?
"Please Y/N," Tendou begs like a child as he sits beside you, "I would really appreciate the help."
"What is it that we're supposed to be doing?"
Tendou pouts once more and shakes his head. He tells you that he's not going to reveal any information until you agree to participate.
"Okay fine," you give in, "Can you just-"
Tendou stands up and holds out his hand to you.
"Don't ask too many questions okay?" he teases, "you'll find out."
"Are you serious? You just said that you'd tell me when I agreed!"
"Ah, but I didn't say immediately after you agreed. Now come on, let's get you something to change into."
You roll your eyes and hesitantly take Tendou's hand. He quickly rushes you up to your room muttering about how "perfect" something was going to be.
Once you get to your room, Tendou begins going through your large closet. As you take a few steps closer you begin realizing that there are a lot of clothes in there you didn't own just a few days ago.
"Satori? Where did you get all of these clothes?" you ask while still in awe.
Tendou holds up a dress to you and gives you a big grin.
"Bought 'em for you!" he beams.
You give him a lopsided grin as you skeptically look at the dress begin held against you.
"That's super revealing you know," you groan.
"Kinda the point Y/N," he teases, "but seriously, come on, you'll look so good!"
"Satori, I-"
As you begin speaking, the doorbell rings and suddenly Tendou gets all fidgety.
"Here put it on!" he exclaims before running out of the room.
"What a jerk," you mumble to yourself as you grab hold of the dress, "Why do I even have to wear this anyway."
You briefly begin thinking about looking for something else to wear, but Tendou did pick out the dress and there was probably a reason for it. You decide not to give it too much and instead spend your time putting on the dress.
When you go to look in the mirror you realize that it really flatters your body. Even though it seriously reveals your figure with the low cut and high slit, it did you justice.
It may leave little to the imagination, but it looks really good. I can't believe he picked this for me.
You begin to look around for shoes, having no idea what to put on, and see that Tendou had left out a pair of heels before leaving. You groan internally over the thought of how dead your feet will be later that night, but do as Tendou suggests.
After spending some time fixing your hair and makeup so as to not look out of place with the nice outfit, you walk downstairs to find your roommate. When you enter the main room, you see Tendou standing with Reon and Shirabu all talking about something you can't quite hear.
"Uh, hey," you nervously call out to the three.
Their conversation stops as the three of them look over at you. Tendou's jaw practically drops at the sight of you before him.
"Woahh, Y/N, you look so good!" he begins gushing while not allowing his eyes to leave your figure.
"I take it back Tendou, you were right. This is definitely going to work!" Reon excitedly exlaims to his friends.
Tendou only nods and smirks as he continues staring you down. Once he finally notices that you're feeling a bit awkward, he walks over to you and brings you back to the group. Tendou places an arm around your waist and makes sure that you sit beside him. Once the two of you sit, his hand slides into yours.
Only now that you're sitting with the three men do you notice Reon and Shirabu are dressed just as nicely as you, both with white suits.
"Well I guess I'm ready to go then," Shirabu shrugs.
"Okay!" Tendou yells as he jumps up from his seat, "I'll go change and then I'll be ready too!"
Once Tendou leaves, silence fills the room. It's obvious that neither of the men have anything to say with you around, making you feel a bit out of place.
Reon leans back and closes his eyes. Shirabu looks down at his phone intently. You take the moment to check out how good they look in the white suits.
"Sorry that took so long!" you hear Tendou's voice echo in the hall along with his heavy footsteps.
Tendou enters your vision and you suddenly feel your soul leave your body. He's wearing the same white suit as the two of his friends, but it's perfectly tailored for his body. You can't help but stare as he approaches you.
"Hey baby fix my tie for me wouldja?" he grins down at you.
You only nod since you're at a momentary loss of words. You slowly stand up and approach the man who's still smiling devilishly at you.
"S-Sorry I'm not very good," you admit before you start.
Tendou chuckles and walks you through the steps as you start. Although you struggle through the steps, you do a decent job.
"Holy crap!" Tendo yells and catches the attention of the others in the room, "I'm so lucky to have you help me, Y/N!"
"Dude Y/N isn't interested in you like that. Stop making it weird for all of us!" Shirabu interrupts.
You pause for a moment as his words hit you like a ton of bricks before finishing your job.
"That's mean bro," Tendou pouts, "I said I was still working on it."
"Yeah well until you make some progress, keep it in your pants."
"Well actually I did get to-"
"Done!" you shout before Tendou can embarrass you further, "We're ready to go."
Shirabu huff and nods. As the two men stand up, Tendou ushers you past them. His right hand lands right above your ass as he escorts you to the front door.
"Dude that doesn't count," Shirabu and Reon chuckle from behind.
"Shut it! What the hell do you guys know anyway!" he pouts.
The two continue to tease Tendou until they get to the door.
"Alright now it's time to be serious," Reon reminds the group, "Let's go."
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aj-anime-blog · 3 years
Deca-Dence - Review!
Wooooo Deca-Dence!
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Deca-Dence was a summer 2020 anime, and that’s when I originally watched it! I've watched it about a dozen times since, as it landed itself right on my roster of my favorite animes, if not my favorite of all time.
Deca-Dence is an original piece, so no manga source material (whaaat!) and comes from the genius brain of Yuzuru Tachikawa, the director of other fan-favorites like Mob Psycho 100 and Death Parade (a review for Death Parade is in the making!). Original mangas are such a hit-or-miss recently, and I think that this one got the bullseye!
What's our concept?: Set in the future, the world is now plagued by monsters known as Gadolls. In an attempt to keep humans safe from them, mobile fortress Deca-Dence was constructed, where Gears, who live near the top, fight the Gadolls, and Tankers, who live at the bottom, provide support from inside Deca-Dence. Our protag, Natsume, is a Tanker who wants to fight with the Gears, but her prosthetic arm keeps her out of battle. That is until she meets Kaburagi, an older Tanker who seems to know his way around fighting and might have more to him than he lets on.
It's gonna be hard to go through this without spoilers, but I promise that I'll keep it spoiler-free until the section at the bottom!
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So overall, what do I think?: 10/10! I've already said it, but Deca-Dence is one of my favorite animes of all time, and it deserves the spot! It has incredible characters, a story that keeps you hooked even through twists and turns, and a pace that manages to cram so much plot into only 12 episodes without feeling overwhelming or rushed! Deca-Dence presents ideas that, at the surface, may seem overused or old, but spins them in such a way that they're completely original. It follows through with character relationships, making them worthwhile and fulfilling.
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Let's start with the story this time!: 10/10!! It's going to be really hard to explain the beauty of Deca-Dence's plot without spoiling it, but I'm doing my best! I really do recommend just giving the show a try, though, as it's really worth it! (Don't just drop it after episode 2, like a lot of people did :( That's just judging it wayyy too early!!)
Deca-Dence has a story that's thrilling and new. Everything that happens builds off of itself in a way that's natural and smooth. The elements of the story, no matter how different they may seem, play their part and work together well. The show isn't predictable either - don't go in thinking that you know what's going to become of it. Each twist feels surprising and new without feeling like they're coming out of left field.
I won't say much more in fear of ruining it, but Deca-Dence's story holds up well, and with its strong cast of characters supporting it, it becomes absolutely suburb. I think a lot of people fell into this pit of seeing only the beginning and tossing it aside, but no matter how strange the concepts in it may be, they wind together to form something really unique!
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So those characters, huh?: 11/10, I love them so much! I'm a character nerd through and through, and Deca-Dence sends my little character-obsessed heart wild. The protags, Natsume and Kaburagi, are both fascinating, have incredible development, and engage in a character dynamic that is so natural and well-written that I never doubted it.
To be honest, Natsume doesn't have a personality that's anything new. She's young, determined to a fault, naive, and a complete sweetheart. She wants to fight the Gadoll and she'll do anything to achieve that dream. She's not a natural at fighting but her motivation to do so makes her believable and relatable. She's looked down upon because of her prosthetic arm and forced into a job that she doesn't like, but she never gives up on her goals. Even though she's so simple, her interactions and energy make her lovable and a wonderful protagonist.
Kaburagi follows the washed-out warrior trope, as he's an older man assigned to clean-up duty who keeps to himself and never shows too much emotion. While this type of character can sometimes get annoying, the show gives Kaburagi enough time to show his real feelings and explain how he got to his position. This proper development keeps him down-to-Earth and shows him as even more flawed than Natsume. Kaburagi's motivation, which I can't explain for spoiler reasons, is entirely believable and explains perfectly why he decides to put up with Natsume, even though she's his polar opposite.
The relationship between the two characters is balanced and beautiful. It's given the proper time to grow, mature, and ends up being extremely worthwhile. Natsume relies on Kaburagi, as he sees the potential in her and continues to support her in ways no one else ever has, and Kaburagi understands that Natsume is everything that he's trying to rebel against. Their relationship is emotional, runs deep, and leaves you wishing that there was more of them to watch, even after the show has ended.
The villain! The villain. I cannot talk all that much about the villain at the risk of spoiling. He is evil. I really really hated him, and that is a very good thing because it means that he's well-written. His motivation makes sense, his actions make you want to strangle him, his design was really really good! He's not the most interesting thing in the show, as his character is really only there to move the story along, but not every villain needs to be incredibly deep for a show to be good.
Lastly, our supporting characters! While none of them are as wonderful as Natsume or Kaburagi, they're still interesting and hold their own. They play important parts in the show and all of their interactions with the main two feel natural. Their conflicts make sense, their resolutions feel well-earned, and their personalities are all unique! For a 12-episode anime, there's a larger cast of supporting characters than you would think, and nearly all of them are memorable and loveable.
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Time to shut up about characters, what about the art?: 9/10, ooooh yes the art! Deca-Dence is gorgeous! It's animated by studio Nut (bwahahhaha), who haven't done that much else in the anime world. Still, for a relatively new studio, it's absolutely amazing! The characters all have unique looks that make them stand out and the fight scenes are to die for. They lose a point on the CG, since it's a little bit less than amazing, but again, for a new studio, it's definitely not the worst I've seen!! (Admittedly, I also don't like CG much at all, so I'm always harsh towards it when it's used).
Deca-Dence switches between two styles that vastly contradict each other, one which is a colorful, happy-go-lucky style, and one that's the more typical anime style. I'll speak more about them in the spoilers section, but they do a wonderful job at maintaining the tone of the show, as to not let it get too dark, and forming a clear divide between the events of the two parts.
Oh goshhh the Gadolls look so cool. I'm so obsessed with cool monsters in anime and woah they look awesome!! They're original, with cool designs that I haven't seen elsewhere. The show could've so easily slapped in some pretty typical-looking dragons or wolves or whatever, but they instead spent time on these epic creatures, and it's so worth it! It makes the setting that much more unique and allows it to stand out from other animes.
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Surely there's a flaw in this anime? The pacing, maybe?: 9/10. Yeah, I would argue that the pacing is Deca-Dence's weakest point. Not that the pacing is particularly bad compared to other shows! I still think that, for a 12-episode anime, it does a wonderful job of fitting in a large amount of plot into only about 5 hours! But, at some points, parts felt rushed or confusing, as the show would zoom into them. I never felt like I was truly lost, though. Even if I did wish that there was a break from the action, I never found myself really thinking that the show was leaving me behind in the dust. It's not the kind of show that you can turn on and leave running while you multitask, though. Blink for too long and you might miss something important, which can ruin some of the hard-hitting twists that the anime works so hard to build up.
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OK! Time for spoilers! I beg you, go watch the anime before you read past this, because it's totally worth it!!
Woahh episode 2 am I right?? I thought that I clicked into the wrong anime when I began it, it took such a wild turn, and so soon in the anime too. This is what I really mean when I talk about a show not being what it appears to be! Again, I really encourage you to watch it for yourself, but if you're that stubborn on reading this through before you turn it on:
Deca-Dence is not about the heart-wrenching battles between Gears and their desperate attempts to keep humanity alive, because Gears are just avatars for cyborgs! You see, there's a civilization of cyborg people who are living above the Earth, who log in to fight in mobile fortress Deca-Dence as a game. So the Gadolls are genetically grown as prey for the Gears and the entire story surrounding Deca-Dence's battles are scripted. Crazy right!? The best part: the Tankers aren't in on this at all. You heard me: Natsume and her human friends have no idea that Deca-Dence is staged.
From here, Deca-Dence has two distinct parts: we'll call them "Natsume's half" and "Kaburagi's half". Natsume's half refers to the mobile fortress, the Tankers who live unaware of the cyborgs, and the art style that premiered in the first episode. Kaburagi's half is the Solid Quake organization, the Gears who are avatars of the cyborgs, and the goofy, stylized art style with big lines and bright colors.
The twist and the diverging sides of the story set this show up as not your typical sci-fi anime, but as something a little deeper. The stakes are the same, as humanity is in just as much peril as it was before - it becomes abundantly clear that the Gears and cyborgs don't care about them - but the name of the game completely changes as you realize that our so-called "heroes" aren't really all that heroic, and there's a lot more going on.
Kaburagi is, of course, one of these cyborgs, cursed to live among the Tankers because of a mistake he made while playing as a Gear. Now, he's in charge of eliminating "bugs", or mistakes that the system finds. He's upset with his life, frustrated at what he's doing, and contemplating suicide. But when Natsume walks into his life, a little girl that the system considers legally dead, Kaburagi sees a chance to rebel, even the slightest, against the system. He's supposed to kill Natsume, but instead, he takes her under his wing, determined to protect what he's been instructed to eliminate. This development gives their relationship a deeper meaning, even if Natsume doesn't know it.
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Deca-Dence does a wonderful job at showing the watchers both sides of the story but keeping Natsume's side in the dark. Even though we see scenes from Kaburagi's side, Natsume knows nothing about them. When Kaburagi leaves after Hugin kills his avatar, Nastume doesn't know where he's gone and has no reason to believe that he hasn't run away. There's no way she could guess that Kaburagi's new form - his weird orange Gear avatar - is the mentor that she once knew. And when Kaburagi, back in his original form, is killed in front of her, she really believes that he is dead. When Natsume finds out about the truth of the Gadolls - that the world she knows is fake - her horror is palpable and realistic, because there's no way she could've known any better.
Kaburagi's world has a goofy style to it, with the cyborgs looking cartoonish rather than realistic. While it might initially seem off-putting, I think that it ends up balancing the tone of the story much better. Consider the hellscape that is the reform facility that Kaburagi visits. Imagine how dark it would've been if it was not in a silly style! By keeping the style cuter rather than realistic, the show doesn't dip too far into dark and gritty, and I really liked it!
It also set up this harsh divide between Kabruagi's half, where things are easygoing, done for pleasure and fun, and not nearly as harsh as Natsume's world (Look at the name of the series! Decadence literally means living in excessive luxury!). Even when the cyborgs are in their Gear forms, which are drawn in Natsume's style, they're still a lot more colorful and vivid, showing that their lives aren't as harsh as that of the Tankers. The art styles reflect the differences between the two halves and give them both distinct tones and personalities!
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& finally, let's take an in-depth look at one scene!: I had a really hard time picking what I thought summed up the series in a single scene. In the end, I think that Natsume and Kaburagi's discussion at the end of episode 7 was the best. Here, we see a culmination of a lot of the character development going on. Kaburagi, in this scene, is in a Gears avatar that Natsume doesn't recognize, meeting her for the first time since his normal avatar was killed. Natsume's been working with the Tankers to protect them from Gadolls that infiltrated the fortress, and she's motivated them all to rise up and fix the hole in the fortress themselves.
Kaburagi has encouraged Natsume to be a stronger person, even though she had to be independent and not rely on him any longer. His pessimistic view on the world - that they'll never defeat the Gadolls - has rubbed off on her, but it's only made her more determined to be stronger to stand up to them. In this scene, we see her breaking down as she considers that Kaburagi might be right, and that she'll never kill them all, but that she needs to continue fighting.
Though Kaburagi previously doubted Natsume and her endless determination, he now feels filled with the same motivation. Natsume has convinced him, time and time again, that he can't give up, and so he decides that he's willing to do anything to make sure that she never loses that hope. He wants her dreams to come true, and he knows that she can't accomplish them alone.
This perfectly shows the effects that they have on one another. Natsume is now stronger than she's ever been: independent, able to take down Gadolls on her own, and determined enough to patch up the hole that no one else thought could be fixed. Kaburagi, in stark contrast to his suicidal thoughts from episode two, is now completely devoted to make the world a safe place for Natsume. Their relationship has shaped one another into being the best versions of themselves, and this isn't even the end! They still complete their growth in the last few episodes, but I've rambled about them enough.
We're done!: That's my review of Deca-Dence! I really believe that it's one of the masterpiece animes in recent years, and I wish it got more attention. I'm sure that there's plenty of anime out there like this one - forgotten diamonds in the rough - that I'd love to dig up and fawn over. Tell me if you know any! Or, if you disagree with my review, tell me where you think I'm wrong!
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