#“I can’t like you cause our parents don’t like each other”
olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Percabeth is Starchaser if they were happy
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elmushterri · 3 months
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I filled an entire page of my sketchbook with Nori!
I love them sm!!! This has to be one of my favorite of your rewrites, I seriously did not think I could actually care abt PJ Masks past the age of 6 but now I'm obsessed 😭
On another note, just a random thing I'm curious about, before breaking off from GunnTech, did the main three basically live at the facility since they were initiated? I guess they do from what I’ve seen, but I was just wondering if they ever had to go to like. School or something, when they're not training. And if they ever got to see their family again (though I doubt both the kids and their family would want to lol)
And one more thing, totally important and necessary to ask, how does Nori acquire the kids? (..that doesnt sound right)
Like does he break in to the facility from time to time or did they just bring them with him when they left GunnTech or does he take them in when he finds them just out and about??
NORI… OUR FAVOURITE PROBLEM! The way you draw eyes scratches my brain /positive.
I think the idea is that everyone does live at GunnTech, they have rooms and go to school. GunnTech also has a prison somewhere (like, sci fi, clean, sterile white prison, a glass front-wall for cells instead of bars, and that’s where everyone gets put in Season 4. But, before that, when the main three villains (or at least, just Luna and Nori) escaped, it wasn’t totally locked down so they had to walk out suspiciously/tell the security guards reasons (you need to give reasons when leaving GunnTech so, “I’m hanging out with a friend” comes with ‘who is the friend + give us contact details’) and then probably remove a tracker (unsure as to whether the wristbands are the trackers or the trackers are put into their chest implants), and try to avoid getting caught for the rest of the time (until season 3-4 ofc). The main story probably begins with the three MCs trying to find them and bring them back. Romeo’s wanted cause he stole tech, though, he’s not a mutant.
Nori risks his life basically (not literally but he risks huge punishment) by constantly breaking into the facility to get out new kids. Kids who haven’t yet been mutated all have one room (several large rooms for many kids’ bunk beds basically, not literally one big room 😭) and he goes in and saves one or two each time. Some kids don’t *want* to come with him, thinking this is a cool superhero opportunity. He has an easier time helping kids who are scared and having second thoughts. He’s very gentle.
Also reminder that Nori had their finger prints burned off yipeeee. He’s not letting that happen to the others. (It doesn’t happen to every kid, but GunnTech probably has categories (like, heroes: animals, space, spies, drivers, healers?) and if you’re in the (name is a work in progress) Spies Category (stealth category?) like Nori, you get your finger prints burned off.
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Daisy is canonically one of the only two Ninjalino names we know! I might make her into a small side character so that art isn’t 100% solid but eh!
Also he can’t really just “take them back to their parents”. If you’re a child at GunnTech, your parents either gave you away for money or you’re an orphan.
Nori’s usually a sassy ‘problem’ but they have their really serious and gentle moments.
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natailiatulls07 · 6 months
Can you do reader is Lando’s little sister and favourite but they barely see each other cause reader is at boarding school and she surprises him at the race. Also cameo of some other drivers too please.
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Lando Norris x sister!reader
Summary - Request above xo
Warning - Like one swear one
During her last year of primary education, Cisca and Adam both sat their youngest child down and discussed the possibility of boarding school. 
Both knew it would be hard for the whole family to separate. Yet they both also knew that it would make their lives a lot easier. 
With Landos up and coming career in motorsport racing and the rest of their children's careers also slowly building up, neither parent wanted to deprive or abandon Y/n. So with her agreement, they enrolled her into a well reviewed and well known boarding school a few miles out of Bristol. 
Laurence Crawford Boarding.
The first few days, of course she was homesick. Missing Lando more than anyone else in the family. Of course. But eventually Y/n made friends and was becoming more and more independent by the day.
“Hey Mum!” The young girl giggled down the phone. She was in her shared dorm with a few friends when Cisca called. “Annie! No stop! Ew!” 
Cisca took note of her daughter's divided attention, taking an easy guess that she was hanging out with a few friends. “Hi sweetheart, am I calling at a bad time?” Even though neither could see each other, she had a warm and proud smile on her face just thinking about how far Y/n has come.
The innocent giggle down the phone grew quieter and quieter. Y/n was walking away from her friends. “Sorry mum, yeah I can talk. We were just having a games night in my dorm…” Ciscas heart just warmed, happy that her youngest child was growing up and maturing.
“Oh no worries, go and hang out with your friends! Have fun!” And with a couple goodbyes and a ‘I love you’ between the two, Y/n was back hanging out with her friends. 
Unlike her younger years of boarding, Y/n hadn’t been home from school on the weekend in a long while. She couldn’t; especially with her exams quickly approaching, she was in her dorm studying and revising most  weekends.
This meant the youngest Norris hadn’t seen her family in a few weeks. Of course she had spoken to them but hadn’t been home since the end of January, and they all understood why. It was harder for some to swallow that pill - well harder for one person particularly e.g Lando.
The Silverstone grand-prix was just around the corner and all he wanted was for his youngest sister to be there. Yeah it was selfish but he missed her, to be far the last time the two saw each other was early January. He missed her so much.
“Are you sure you can’t just take the exam early and then come and support me?” His rough voice rang through Y/n's phone whilst she was highlighting her revision. Lando wasn’t even trying to hide his annoyance.
A gentle laugh followed by a sigh was heard from Y/ns side of the call. “I’m sorry Lan…I can’t ask them to move the exam, it’s against the rules of the exam board…”
She didn’t have an exam that week actually, she was lying. Y/n was going to be in Silverstone that sunday. It’s just that Lando didn’t know, oh no it was a surprise.
What he thought was happening was that everyone else from his immediate family would be there, except Y/n. 
Everyone was in on the surprise. All excited to see the pair reunited. Surprises were always one of the things the Norris family loved to do.
Y/n - Good luck today! I’ll be juggling revision and watching the race, I hope to hear our national anthem pleaseee  Lando - Thank you angel, don’t wear yourself out Y/n - I should tell you the same thing
Lando thought she’d be tucked away in her dorm room whilst they were texting back and forth. A vast contrast to her current location; in the passenger seat of Oliver's car. The sun was shining through the windshield and down over her bare knees.
Y/n was wearing a white summer dress, some comfortable trainers and her signed mclaren 4 cap. Looking ready to spend the day in the British summer sun supporting one of her older brothers. 
She was smirking. He really had no clue about this. “Okay so he thinks I’m still at school, oh my god I can’t wait!” 
With her gcses, Y/n hadn’t been to a race in a long time and she missed it; watching from her dorm was not the same. In her dorm, she didn’t get that real excitement that would course through her like it would in the McLaren garage.
Looking over to Oliver, he was also smirking. Just remembering how he had to deal with Landos sulking and the clear signs that Y/n was by far his favorite. “Yeah he’s gonna be so happy when he sees you!”
Once they arrived, Y/n was quietly escorted through the back way to the McLaren garage. They couldn’t have the press ruining the surprise. Luckily for Y/n, her spot in the garage couldn’t be seen from anywhere Lando would be.
She stood between her parents whilst her other three siblings stood on either side Cisca and Adam. “I’m so excited!” When she was handed her headset, the girl got even more excited because she could hear her brother's voice through the radio. 
He had yet to win his first grand prix and she hoped he would get to that top step of the podium, especially at his home race. And hopefully without him knowing she is here, he will focus on that exact outcome. 
It was a hard race, lots of action and stress. Something Y/n liked, she hated a boring race - this sport was about racing, not riding cars in the same positions in several circles. But the most important thing to note from this race was the number four McLaren parked in front of the number one place in Parc Ferme.
The papaya garage was very much in celebrations, including the Norris family. Turning to face her mother with tears in her eyes, she noticed how Cisca also had tears in her eyes. “He did! He did!”
Adam, who is also over the moon with the win, takes her hand and starts to lead her over to the Parc Ferme to surprise the driver. Reaching the Parc Ferme they stand waiting amongst the McLaren staff and up against the barriers.
Lando pulls himself out of the car and makes his way to celebrate with his team. It’s only when he moves to give Adam a hug that he notices his little sister and he gasps. 
“Y/n?” He can’t believe his eyes, he thought she was back in her boarding school revising. 
Immediately the driver breaks from his father's embrace and races to collect Y/n in his arms. The two siblings were laughing and crying together. Finally reunited after a long time, in their opinions. 
After a few seconds, Lando moves to collect her face in his hand gently - trying to see if his eyes are deceiving him, they weren’t. “I thought you had an exam!” He shouts over the cheers around the two of them. 
Y/n just smirks cheekily and shakes her head. “Nope! Surprise!” Soon her smirk turns into a groan when Landos hand moves to mess up her hair, laughing breaking out between them once again. 
Everyone saw. The cameras around Parc Ferme all broadcasting the reuniting of two siblings who just missed each other. “You’re such a little shit!”
Shrugging her shoulders, Y/n smiled. “Everyone was in on it! Our family loves a surprise!” So when Lando turned to look at his father, Adam just nodded - Happy to reunite two of his children.
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cameronspecial · 4 months
Rafe and reader - enemies to lovers
Protective!rafe with innocent!reader
She asks her best friends brother for help when she’s in trouble!
Safe In The Arms Of The Enemy
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Fear of Being Followed and Walking Home Drunk Alone
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.2K
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Y/N and Sarah have been best friends for as long as she can remember. Even though Y/N is three years older, they met when she was nine and Sarah was six. The two of them just clicked and they have been thick as thieves ever since. This led to their families growing close together. The Camerons were always so nice to Y/N; everyone except for Rafe. For some reason, he has always been bothered by Y/N and she reciprocates that feeling because his hate provokes her.
The music in Sarah’s room blares through the speakers while Y/N stands in front of the mirror, singing along to “Stressed Out” by Twenty One Pilots. She is sleeping over at the Camerons' house to keep Sarah company. Ward, Rose and Wheezie are on the mainland for Wheezie’s spelling bee and Rafe is who knows where. The girls had grown peckish, so Sarah offered to get some pizza, leaving behind her best friend at Tannyhill by herself. “Wish we could turn back time. To the good old days. When our mama sang us to sleep, But now we're stressed out.” Her right hand forms an o as she uses it as a microphone. Her focus is on her own reflection, so she doesn’t notice Rafe’s appearance behind her. He leans against the door frame with his arm above his head. “Wow, you would think with how rich your parents are that they would pay for singing lessons for you after hearing you screech like a banshee,” he teases. 
Her eyes roll in their socket and she turns to face him. She fires back, “Like I care about your opinion. I’ve seen your tastes and I’m glad that I’m not up to your standards.” “Whatever,” he grumbles. “Obviously you are blind because I have amazing tastes.” 
“Nah, I’m not the problem. You are,” she pushes to infuriate him. She steps forward and they are face to face. He crouches down so their eyes meet, “I wish I was the one with the problem because then I wouldn’t have to deal with you. I swear every time I see you at my house, which is all the time, I wonder when you are going to get the fuck out of my life because I hate that you are in it.” 
His words don’t meet his eyes, but she doesn’t notice. Instead, her mind takes the words to heart. A poke attacks her heart and it causes a tsunami of blood to come out. She can’t explain why she takes the word to heart; she returns the sentiment. Nevertheless, maybe she doesn’t feel as strongly as he does because as much as she loathes him, she couldn’t imagine her life without their quipful exchanges. He sees her tight lips and her silent demeanour; guilt flashes through him.
Before he can try to resolve the situation, Sarah passes behind him with a steaming pizza in her hand. “Ugh. Rafe, leave her alone. I would like to eat in peace,” she complains, setting the flat box on her desk. His hand runs over his lips as he thinks. “Fine, I don’t care. Later losers.” 
The ending of summer means Rafe and Y/N have to return back to UNC. When she found out he was going to the same university as her (she should’ve seen it coming because Ward is an alumnus), she hesitated to accept her position; however, she figured uni was a big place and the chances of running into him were slim. It has been true for the most part. They’ve only run into each other five times in the two years they have been at university.
She stumbles through the dark street with her head pounding. It wasn’t the best idea to be walking home alone while drunk, except she didn’t want to make her friends go home early. She lied to them and told them another friend was picking her up. Her feet catch on the pavement and a rock skips across the ground. A car passing beside her causes her to jump away from the road. Her inebriated state makes her more paranoid. She lets out a breath when the taillights fade into the distance. Laughter coming from behind her causes her to spin around. She spots men walking in her direction and even though they don’t appear to be looking at her, panic sets through her. She begins to walk faster as her breathing starts to get faster and she decides to run into an alley to hide. Her first thought is to call to help, so she pulls out her phone and dials the first number that comes to mind. “What do you want?” he grunts through the phone. “Rafe, I’m scared. I don’t know what to d-” She hears footsteps coming closer to her and hangs up. A trash can seems like the perfect cover, so she drops behind it against the wall. 
Rafe sits up straight from the couch and stares at the phone. The screen showing that the call has been ended makes him grow anxious. He begins to pace as he tries her phone again. His hand runs through his hair while he replays the fear in her mind. He is sent to voicemail and wants to through his phone against the wall. Another thought comes to mind and he decides against it. 
She doesn’t know how long she has been behind the garbage with her head pressed against her legs. She is honestly too scared to move in case those men are still around. It didn’t look like they were following her, but it is better safe than sorry. The alcohol in her system starts to affect her state of consciousness and she struggles to keep her eyes open. A hand on her back causes her to scream and jump back. Her head hits against the brick wall. She grimaces as she brings her hand up to rub the back of her head. “It’s okay, Sweetheart. It’s me, Rafe.” The familiar voice makes her look up to verify his identity. 
She sees his mop of dirty blonde hair and his stunning blue eyes stare back at her. She has never been so happy to see him. Her arms wrap around him to pull him against her, “I was so scared. Are they still out there?” She surveys the street once they separate. His hand cups her cheek to check her for injuries; he isn’t concerned about their surroundings. “Sweetheart, there is no one around. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did someone do something to you?” He frowns at the last part, following her search with a hard expression to find the person he has to defend her against. She doesn’t find anyone and her shoulder drops in his hold. Her head rests against his chest. Tears begin staining his shirt. His hand laces between the hair at the nape of her neck and he gently scratches her scalp. He knows it soothes her. He kisses her forehead, “I’ve got you. You are safe.” For the first time tonight, Y/N feels safe and she is in the arms of her enemy.
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura @rubixgsworld
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apute11as · 4 months
Everything happens for a reason part 5 - Alexia Putellas x pregnant!reader
Summary: the world cup final holds some bumps and bruises.
Warnings: angst, blood, injury (all resolved don’t worry!!)
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Notes: We pretend alexia played the full 90 of the final… and assisted the winner🤫and no R*biales situation. ALSO deepest apologies for how inactive i’ve been, i have been busy but… i’ve also been lazy i’ll try and be better from now on im sorry!! ❤️
⭐️My requests are open!
Other parts here!!
Things had been a lot calmer since yours and Alexia’s phone call. The morning sickness and overall fatigue was ever present but the mind numbing arguing had subsided. Alexia still wasn’t overly impressed that you were still playing, as you were nearing the end of your first trimester. The management staff now knew about your pregnancy but after a medical checkup and lots of reassuring, they cleared you to complete the tournament.
The World Cup final was soon and you’d just finished the match that saw you get through. As the final whistle blew, relief flooded your system at the win.
“YES WE’RE THROUGH Y/N!” Screamed Mary, picking you up and hoisting you onto her back.
“I know I can’t believe it!!” You shouted back
The rest of the girls were celebrating as you remained on the goalkeeper’s back, her carrying you around like a carriage.
“Oi careful Mearps don’t want to damage the little princesa!” Bellowed Lucy, upon seeing you on her back.
You were pretty sure Alexia had threatened Lucy in some way in order for her to look out for you whilst Alexia couldn’t. You couldn’t go a day without the older brunette either piling extra food onto your plate, shouting at someone for touching you lightly or simply calling the baby “La princesa”.
Later that evening, you were splayed across Lucy’s bed, Alessia beside you as the two of you had decided to bombard the older girl until she agreed to let you come in. A Disney movie was playing in the background as you rested your head in Alessia’s lap, your hand absentmindedly tracing patterns on your small bump.
“Ughh why are my tits so sore!” You groaned
“I don’t think your wife would be too happy about me partaking in a conversation about your tits” joked Lucy sarcastically.
“oh shut up! Everything just hurts all the time now, my whole body just kills, especially after the matches” you whined.
“Old age feels the same” laughed Lucy.
“Well both of you are complaining an awful lot considering we only have the final to go, surely that’s exciting no?” added Alessia
“I mean sure it’s exciting but i’m not really looking forward to playing against my wife and half of our team”
“Yeah me neither honestly” agreed Lucy
“Ugh you’re both so miserable, we’ve made it to our first world cup final!” Alessia insisted
“I can’t wait to go home honestly” you began. “I mean obviously I’d love for us to win and this tournament has been incredible, but I just miss my wife and my dog” you explained, eyes filling with tears.
“Oh honey are you crying?” Alessia asked, pulling you into her embrace
“shut up i’m not crying” you huffed in disgust, causing alessia to squeeze you harder. “it’s the baby it’s not me” you sobbed
“look at that la reina is controlling you through her spawn even when she’s not here” bellowed lucy
“Piss off bronze” you sulked
Training leading up to the final was exhausting to say the least, and it really wasn’t helped by the helicopter parenting you got from half of the team, regarding the baby. The running joke of you “carrying the heir to the throne” caught on quick, even Sarina had played into it, which really didn’t help the teasing you were already receiving from the girls.
Alexia had managed to call you every day recently, inquiring after the health of her “princesas” and somehow managing to hover more than anyone, despite not even being there in person. That is how you found yourself, the day before the final on the phone to your wife, despite you both swearing not to speak to each other before the match.
“Yes Alexia i have been eating well” you huffed
“Are you sure mi amor? How is the sickness?” she replied
“Still exists but it’s definitely better now, it’s only in the morning so it’s not draining me quite as much.”
“That’s good bebita, how are you feeling about tomorrow?” Your wife questioned with a frown.
“Hey i thought we agreed, no football talk” you asked, raising your eyebrows.
“sí but i couldn’t resist mi amor, it won’t leave my mind”
“i know Ale but just think, after tomorrow we’ll be together again, regardless of the result” you smiled
“i miss you so much” she sighed
“i miss you too baby” you agreed
Dinner that evening was tense, it was evident that despite the excitement in the air at the prospect of a world cup final, the anxiety levels were also high. Even Georgia who was infamous for her inability to keep quiet, was relatively subdued. A strange sense of dread overcame your body as you realised your little bubble would burst as soon as the World Cup was over. Which was not to say that that you didn’t miss your wife because you most definitely did but you knew that this would almost certainly be your last game of competitive football before the baby arrived which was bittersweet when you really thought about it.
“How you feeling darling?” Questions Mary, lightly bumping your hip as she passed her plate onto the chef to be loaded.
“Nervous but excited i think” you half laughed.
“You’ll be amazing, you’ve saved us multiple times in this tournament. I know how hard it’ll be to be up against her but you deserve it y/n! Celebrate that regardless of the result tomorrow”
“You always know what to say Mary” you smiled, bringing the older woman into a hug.
You hadn’t slept so well since the tournament has started, sometimes all that was needed was a friend.
The journey to the match saw you receiving a good luck text from many people, one of which being your mother in law. Although you knew she’d be supporting Spain, as would Alba, you knew that the pair would be proud of both you and Alexia regardless of the result.
The bus arrived at the ground after a short 30 minute drive, something you were thankful for as that pregnancy travel sickness was no joke. You were seated next to Alessia much to your delight, the younger girl had been nothing but supportive of you the entire tournament. Ella and Mary were sat opposite you two on the table, playing a rather competitive game of uno.
“You ready?” Alessia sighed as she stood up.
“As ready as i’ll ever be” you said, mirroring her sigh.
“LETS GO GIRLS!” Bellowed Ella, the brunette forever having no filter.
You stepped off the bus, only to be greeted by masses of fans behind the gates, waiting to cheer you in. Many of those fans were adorned in Spanish shirts, likely hoping to get a video of you, Lucy and Keira as you noticed a couple of them with Barça scarves around their necks.
You smiled as you high-fived the row of mascot children to your right, carrying a bottle of water in your other hand.
As you found your way to the changing room, the atmosphere started to sink in as you realised you were actually at a world cup final, something that 5 year-old you had dreamed of since the day your idols Ronaldinho and Rivaldo had stepped onto that same stage 21 years ago.
Pitch inspection was up next as you wandered beside your captain with her reminding you of formation and reassuring you of your importance to the team throughout the tournament. You looked across the pitch and saw the Spanish team doing the same thing, wondering whether or not it would be appropriate to go and greet them.
Lucy being Lucy, beat you to that thought as she bounded over in the direction of Ona and your recognisably pink-haired girlfriend. Alexia was adorned in a navy blue tracksuit that proudly (or rather not so) displayed the RFEF emblem on her heart.
You wandered over, slightly more carefully than your counterpart, locking eyes with your wife as she looked up from her phone. Her gaze softened as it met yours, the both of you knowing that a conversation would result in tears, no matter the nature of it. Instead, you chose a simple hug, a hug that said more than words ever could. One of her arms was settled on your back, the other reached gently over your hoodie to caress the small bump that formed there.
“I love you” she whispered softly in your ear.
“Te amo” you responded, before breaking the hug and wandering back over to join the rest of your teammates, knowing you both needed the focus before the match and any further interaction would have to wait for the sake of concentration.
Upon reaching the dressing room, you began to change into your warmup kit, placing your hands where your wife’s have been just moments ago and smiling.
“Starting to show are we?” Questioned Leah with a smirk
“Hmm yes a little” you smiled
“How do you feel seeing her?” She inquired after Alexia
“Honestly relieved to be with her again” you sighed
“Well that’s good darling, we’ve got a game to win now come on!” She cheered as she dragged you by the arm, onto the pitch.
You readied yourself into position, you spared a simple glance at your wife, knowing that regardless of the result today you would end up in her arms and that thought alone was enough to calm some of the nerves currently enveloping your body. You glanced into the stadium briefly, scanning the crowd where your gaze met your mother and sister in law, cheering frantically. You noticed that Alba was in fact wearing an England scarf on top of her Spain jersey, a detail that made you grin slightly at her love.
The game kicked off relatively fast paced with Spain holding much of possession but luckily the majority of that possession was through their defence and midfield and far from your backline. The actual tempo of the game was relatively calm with the majority of Spain’s attacking opportunities being closed down through the talented midfield and sharp defence that England possessed.
However this all but changed in the 29th minute as Lucy made a risky run out into the middle and you were torn between covering her and staying on Jenni as she’d positioned herself perfectly onside, ready to receive any loose ball that came her way and likely put it in the net, knowing the talented feet of the 33 year old. Ultimately you stood your ground with Jenni, calling on Georgia to come back and cover. Before Georgia could grasp what you were saying over the volume of the crowd, Spain had regained possession via Alexia as she slotted a pass of pin point accuracy across to Olga Carmona who running at full speed down the wing, the wing in which Lucy should reside. Damn Lucy Bronze and her spontaneous spurts of energy. Your legs moved faster than your mind as you raced across the pitch, attempting to thwart Spain’s promising attack but before you could get there, Carmona struck the ball with a perfection that many could only dream of. You watched as the ball soared across the goal, straight at the right post and hit the back of the net as Mary stretched out fully.
The save never came.
Everything went silent.
Spain had scored and there was nothing you could do about it.
Your ears tuned back into reality as you watched Olga lift her shirt to reveal a message in celebration, you watched as her teammates, including your wife, rushed to pile her into a group hug. You watched as your own teammates sauntered back to the half way line in despair, knowing that your decision to stick back could’ve been the decider that cost a goal in potentially the most important game of your career.
Despite all this, you couldn’t help but feel a warmth inside you as you saw Alexia, the look of pure passion and happiness on her face, a look you missed seeing when she played. Your wife had assisted the goal to put her team ahead in a World Cup final and despite it being against your beloved England, you couldn’t help but feel a small sense of joy for the woman you loved.
Half time couldn’t have come any sooner as you wiped your brow and plodded off the field, exhausted from both the physical and emotional battles that the first half had brought.
The dressing room was tense, Sarina was in the centre of it offering a motivating team talk, a team talk you payed little attention to as all you could think about was how you selfishly hoped she’d pull you off at half time. You’d never ask to come off but if she did decide to take you off in that moment, you couldn’t help but feel you’d be happy for the rest as the pregnancy was seriously impacting your energy levels.
To your disappointment, your prayers were not answered and you were forced to likely endure another 45 minutes of football, despite the ache that persisted throughout your body. You gathered into the huddle of your teammates, just as the second half was about to commence.
“You alright y/n?” Asked Lucy, concern etched in her face
“Mhm just a little exhausted” you assured the older woman
“Well vamos chica let’s kick some Spanish ass!” Cheered Lucy, as the huddle broke up and everyone returned to their positions.
The second half started slowly with near enough no excitement, England has their chances throughout but none of them connected, hitting the crossbar or going just wide every time.
That didn’t stop Spain from fighting for a second all throughout, a second they might be coming close to.
Aitana dribbled through the English midfield as if they were cones in her training drill, leaving each one for dead and proceeding to boot in your direction. You met her run, using your body to shield your goal as she curved to the left, in an attempt to foil you but you stood your ground. Hands behind your back, body perfectly positioned as you blocked her powerful cross that would’ve found Jenni, unmarked in the box had it not been for your body. The ball went out for a corner as you let out a small sigh of relief which didn’t last long as you moved to mark none other than your wife on the edge of the box.
“Hola bebita” alexia grinned, in an attempt to distract you
“Shut up Putellas” you countered, causing her to roll her eyes and laugh from behind you, where her body was flush against your back, albeit a little softer than usual. Likely due to the precious cargo you carried.
Mariona aligned herself at an angle with the corner flag, holding one arm in the air to signal the corner routine.
A split second later she struck her foot to release the ball, a ball heading in your direction. You jumped and full power, in an attempt to beat a most definitely taller Alexia to the ball. Alexia jumper almost in sync, mind set on nothing but ensuring the ball reached the back of the net. However, neither of you made it to the ball and Alexia’s head collided sharply with the back of your head, causing a wave of pain to wash over you and your whole body to crumple forwards due to the shock, Alexia landing half on top of you.
You screamed out in pain as everything went black.
“Y/N!” Screamed Mary as she watched blood drip from your head.
“MEDIC NOW!” Yelled Lucy as the medical staff came rushing over to your unconscious form.
Alexia rubbed her head in pain as she sprung up at the commotion, met with the sight of her wife bleeding on the floor. Her pregnant wife, hurt, because if her. Reality kicked in at that moment.
“No no no no mi amor.” She pleaded “Lo siento, lo siento” she beckoned as she crouched down, eyes wide in horror at the sight in front of her.
She felt an arm grip her shoulder and pull her back and was met with the faces of Chloe Kelly and Lauren James as they shoved her away, screaming abuse in her face.
You’d regained consciousness as this point as the medics shone a light in your face and began assessing the wound.
“She’s pregnant” Mary announced to the medics, as they nodded with a look of pure worry that elicited a sinking feeling in the stomachs of those present.
Your teammates huddled close by, with concern present on all of their faces. Alexia fought her way back through pleading to you.
“Go away Alexia” was all you could manage before you slipped back out of consciousness.
Alexia’s heart broke at the sight, you blamed her, you thought she’d done it on purpose, shock set into her body as she watched in horror as the medical team loaded you onto a stretcher and stretched you off to medical.
“¡Quiero ir con ella!” Alexia demanded towards Vilda who shook his head and began lecturing her in Spanish. She protested consistently but eventually agreed to play the final 10 minutes, out of fear of punishment, not to herself by the younger players, should she argue any further.
The final whistle felt like an eternity later. Alexia having done nothing but fight the urge to run off the pitch in the final 10 minutes. Spain had won the World Cup but Alexia had no desire to celebrate with her team, all she wanted was to run to her wife and ensure you and the baby were okay. She was stopped by a firm grip on her hands as Vilda shoved her in the direction of the team. She shoved him right back, a moment she knew would be plastered all over social media later. A problem that could wait for the future.
As she was stopped again, Alexia spotted her mother in the crowd and signalled for her to find you and her mother did so, barging past security and into the tunnel.
Alexia slipped past everyone, ignoring the beckoning of the Spanish staff and bolted into the tunnel, knowing that the media would tear her apart later, calling her “cocky” “overrated” and “ungrateful” for her obvious disinterest in the trophy and general celebration but she did not care. The only thing on her mind in that moment was her family. No medal, trophy or football game was more important that you or her child.
After a frantic search she located you, accompanied by your medical staff and her mother and sister.
“Mi Estella, lo siento mucho” she pleaded, tears welling in her eyes
“I know Ale you didn’t mean it” you mumbled weakly
“No of course not amor! Are you okay? El bebé? Is the baby okay?” She rambled, ignoring the look of pure shock on her mother and sister’s face.
“We’re running tests now, just prepping an ultra sound machine” informed one of the doctors, as he squirted a blue gel across the gentle curve of your stomach.
“I’m so sorry querida” tears were streaming now “I hurt you! I hurt our bebita” she spluttered cupping your face as you felt the doctor begin to move the probe over your stomach.
“Ale no it’s okay, i’m okay look” you gestured towards the ultrasound machine
A steady heart beat filled the room.
A grainy image of your baby filled the screen.
The baby was okay.
“Oh, gracias a Dios” her mother exclaimed, relieved at the health of her grandchild that she’d only learnt existed moments ago.
“YOU’RE PREGNANT?!” Yelled Alba
“Sí lo siento for not telling you both, I found out during the tournament, we’ve been trying for months” you smiled, tears in your eyes.
The ultrasound technician wiped the gel with a tissue before printing out several copies of the image.
Your wife was unbelievably silent, staring, mouth wide at the ultrasound.
“Alexia” you called
“Te quiero más que a nada” she breathed. “I’m so sorry mi amor, I’ve missed you so much” she placed a gentle kiss to your lips, squeezing your hands firmly with her sweaty ones, before she placed a second kiss to your bump.
“I’m so glad we’re together again mi vida” you replied with a smile, touching your foreheads together.
“I so hope it’s a girl so she can be alba junior!” Raved the younger Putellas sister
“ALBA!” Alexia and Eli retorted simultaneously.
Thank you so much for reading this series, please send any requests in my inbox and any feedback too i love you all <3
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bloodlust-1 · 11 months
A baby is on the way!
Tav is expecting a little one! This is how I’d imagine the companions to react during the pregnancy and birth
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When Tav tells him she’s pregnant:
- “What? Is this some kind of joke cause it’s not funny, Tav! You can’t really be pregnant— I mean happy things don’t happen to me. Right..?”
Reality will kick in, he won’t admit he’s excited at first, but she can see the happiness in his eyes.
Belly is gettin’ bigger! :
- “My little sweet with her tummy all grown. I’ve never seen such a beautiful sight, if I say so myself.”
While she naps he loves talk to her stomach, saying random names until something sticks. He loves gender-neutral names.
Preparing for the baby:
-“How in the hells do you put this together!?” He fights against the bassinet. “Gods, please give me the patience to see this through.”
-“You know, our baby is going to be the cutest face to ever grace faerun! With parents that look like us, hah!”
He visits healers with her often, and even secretly confides in Gale for pregnancy books to learn more about a half-vampire baby.
The baby is coming:
-“Deep breaths my love.”
-“You’re doing so well, our baby is almost here.”
Astarion makes sure to bring all of his baby care he prepared. He never leaves her side, holds her hand, and occasionally yells at the healers to help her with the pain from the contractions.
The baby is born: It’s a girl!
- “She has your eyes. Thank you, for giving me something I can fall in love with all over again. I love you.”
He weeps in happiness and relief as the baby takes its first cry, he is the first to hold her.
He doesn’t allow anyone to see the baby until Tav gains her energy back. He stares at the baby and points out what features are his and what is Tav’s.
When Tav tells him she’s pregnant:
-“I-I…This is fantastic news! I’m going to be a father! We must celebrate at once.”
The first week of telling Gale he went to buy the most beautiful embroidered baby blanket, and occasionally showed up to the house with random baby items.
Already planning the baby shower.
Belly is gettin’ bigger! :
-“You have a glow to you, I’m happy you both are both healthy, my love. Let me cook you something for dinner.”
Gale loves to hug her belly from behind when they are in bed. He traces little hearts on her stomach.
Preparing for the baby:
- “Darling, I visited the library and look what I found!” He dumps a pile of books on the table. Its books about parenting, pregnancy, and babies-101. “Now we’ll be ready for any obstacle. I hope.”
They discus a birthing plan with each other. Gale really wants her to deliver the baby in Waterdeep, his home town where his family could visit them.
Gale won’t let her move a finger. You have to go up the stairs? Not without him. You need a glass of water? He’ll fetch it. He cooks all her favorite meals and weird cravings.
The nursery room they’ve built together is inspired by the stars. All the pretty star and moon decorations were placed in the nursery.
The baby is coming:
“There, there, it’ll all be better soon.”
“I can’t wait to see our baby.”
Gale brought the best healers he know to assist Tav. He rubs her lower back to try and comfort the contractions. He is extremely nervous— hands shaking and all!
The baby is born: It’s a boy!
“You did perfect— he’s perfect. I-I don’t even know what to say. We’re a family now, Tav…” <3
He tied back Tav’s hair in a bun and helped her shower after giving birth.
Gale watches Tav breast feed as he rubs the baby’s cheek and whispers the baby’s name to it. Promising him a good life.
When Tav tells him she’s pregnant:
-“I knew there was something off with you, I’m just surprised this is why! You’ve already made me so happy, and now you’re giving me the biggest gift nature can bestow on me.”
She catches Halsin praying to his god, giving it thanks for the giving him a baby and family.
He starts to study babies more, even brining back natural remedies for Tav to use/eat for the baby’s health.
Belly is gettin’ bigger! :
-“At this rate you won’t be able to walk soon. Do you need your back rubbed again, my heart?”
Her belly is super big, almost too big for just 1 baby. Halsin barely leaves her side and took time away from being a leader to help Tav with her pregnancy.
He carves small wooden toys for the baby, especially ducks. He always shows Tav for validation to see if she likes them, of course she always does.
Preparing for the baby:
-“The baby will be here soon, I’ve alerted everyone in the grove to keep a watchful eye on you to make sure you don’t go too far from home. I want you to be safe.”
Halsin prepares a tub for Tav to give birth in the comfort of their own home. He collected many towels, aloe, and much other natural remedies to reduce her pain during labor.
He wants Tav to pick the baby’s name, he feels as if this is natures gift and that the mother should have free range to name the baby. He is happy with anything.
He orders midwives to make Tav eat soups, many that don’t taste great but are super packed with benefits for a healthy baby.
The baby is coming:
-“It hurts my heart to see you like this, but I promise we’ll get through this together.”
-“Keep pushing, my love, you are doing so well, don’t stop now.”
Tav never seen him so nervous. Her contractions were very frequent with little to no time between them. He gets extremely overwhelmed and starts to get snappy with the midwives to try and help Tav cope. He even tries healing magic on her as well to help.
Halsin holds her hand in both palms, he squeezes them whenever she groans in pain. He always uses loving words to try and comfort her.
The baby is born: It’s twins! Boy & Girl
-“Look, Tav! It’s our cubs, they’re beautiful. This is truly a blessing from nature, I am forever grateful for you for giving me a family. I promise to protect us all.”
He holds both babies in each arm, swaying them slowly and adoring their little faces. He orders all and any crowd away from the home for privacy between the couple. Halsin likes to call them his cubs. He gives Tav many kisses and thanks.
Halsin prepares a ceremony to introduce the babies to the Oak Father. They were wrapped in the finest silk blankets and all the grove attended, giving their prayers to welcome the children.
Many members of the grove gives the newly parents much gifts and food. Halsin has never been happier and is excited to teach his skills to his cubs.
Note: Halsin a twin daddy? 🥺 omg my heart, I could imagine him playing toys with them and teaching them how to go into wild shape. Little cubs running around the house. <3333
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 | 𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧
✯social media au
✯max verstappen x female reader
✯there is no denying just how much you and max love each other
✯this wasn’t requested but i’ve been sitting on this idea for a while, and it’s my first max post! i have a couple other WIP for my other au’s and masterlists so be on the lookout for those!🫶🏻
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, maxverstappen1, wagsoff1 and 656,000 others
patiently waiting to go on vacation, happy summer break🩷
see 57,000 comments
username y/n slaying as usual
username max can you fight? cause let’s go
alexandrasaintmleux beautiful girl😍
>yninstagram i miss you angel!!!
redbullracing keep max out of trouble! 😁💙
>yninstagram ill do my best 🫡
maxverstappen1 i can’t get enough of you❤️
maxverstappen1 😍😍😍😍
>yninstagram love you maxie🥰
username hey god? when is it my turn…
maxverstappen1 added to their story!
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*comments disabled*
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liked by yninstagram, victoriaverstappen, redbullracing and 1.2M others
vacation has started, wouldn’t want to be with anyone else in the world ❤️
tagged yninstagram
see 100,000 comments
username everytime i see y/n she gets more beautiful
username i love how obsessed with each other they are
victoriaverstappen have fun you two!🤍
>yninstagram can’t wait to get together again soon!🥰
redbullracing 💙😁
yninstagram awww these are so cute baby!!!
yninstagram i love you max, so excited for our little getaway😘
>maxverstappen1 ❤️❤️
username that pasta looks BOMB
username honestly i want y/n content on vacation no max
yninstagram added to their story!
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*comments disabled*
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liked by maxverstappen1, lilyhme, landonorris and 876,000 others
living the absolute dream with my best friend🌞💛
tagged maxverstappen1
see 67,000 comments
username the best grid couple idec
username that bathing suit is CUTE!!!
maxverstappen1 i get to hang out on the beach with the most beautiful woman on the planet❤️
>yninstagram 🥹🥹🥹
lilyhme you are a dream girl 😍
>alexandrasaintmleux i have to agree!
>yninstagram i love you both!!!!
username okay lily, alex and y/n are my fav trio
username im jealous of this vacation
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liked by victoriaverstappen, yninstagram, waggossip and 989,000 others
tagged yninstagram
see 76,000 comments
yninstagram yours ❤️❤️
liked by maxverstappen1
yninstagram kinda did me dirty with the second photo but it’s fine😗
>maxverstappen1 idk what you’re talking about
victoriaverstappen @:yninstagram the second photo is adorable!!!
>yninstagram it’s…something 😂
username they’re made for each other i said it 😁
username parents parents parents!!
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, redbullracing, maxverstappen1 and 997,000 others
mom & dad clean up nice don’t we?
tagged maxverstappen1
see 78,000 comments
username THE DRESS?!
username PLS MOM & DAD! she’s seen the tweets😭
maxverstappen1 damn baby…
maxverstappen1 i think that dress belongs somewhere else…
>yninstagram oh yeah?
>charles_leclerc THATS ENOUGH
>landonorris i’ll have to agree with charles 😃
username LMFAO pls charles and lando😭
lilyhme you are EVERYTHING to me😍
>yninstagram i love you babe😘
username holy shiiiiit
yninstagram added to their story!!
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*comments disabled*
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liked by redbullracing, yninstagram, formulaone and 1.4M others
vacation over, back to work🦁
tagged redbullracing
see 104,000 comments
username lets go max!!
username can’t wait for another week of the dutch anthem🫡
yninstagram can’t wait to cheer you on!!💙
>maxverstappen1 wouldn’t be able to do it without you❤️
redbullracing lets get back to work!
username im gonna miss vacation content🥲
yninstagram added to their story!
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steddieas-shegoes · 8 months
On school picture day, Steve always gets the kids ready. It’s not that Eddie doesn’t want to, it’s that he kind of hates making them dress up for a photo when 99% of the time, they’re just kids.
Except Steve had to go to a training conference for guidance counselors this week and picture day is happening whether they like it or not.
Their oldest, Jules, can do everything herself now. Prefers it, actually. She’s been extremely independent since she turned 10 a few months ago and neither of them try to stop her.
But their twins are only six, and James and Connor are like tornadoes who interrupted a category five hurricane and wore their most stained clothes while doing it.
“Let’s at least brush your hair,” Eddie suggested, already mentally preparing for the arguments that would cause. “Just for the picture and then you can mess it up however you want.”
“But daddy lets us wear it crazy!” Connor lies.
“And he lets us take off our shirts!” James lied even more.
“You guys don’t even know how to lie right,” Jules said as she finished braiding her own hair.
“We don’t lie!” They said in unison.
Eddie used to think the twins talking and doing things at the same time was just coincidence, but now he knows it has to be some kind of evolutionary benefit to outsmart the parents.
“Let’s call daddy then and ask,” Eddie said, immediately being met with silence. “Oh, can we not? If he lets you do that stuff, then it shouldn’t be a problem right?”
The twins shake their heads.
“Great!” Eddie pulls his cell phone out of his pocket and pretends to dial Steve. Steve’s not gonna answer, so he just sends a quick text to let him know it’s fine and to let it ring to voicemail. He holds the phone up to his ear as it rings twice and then goes to voicemail. “Hey sweetheart. You know how it’s picture day? Mhm. Well the twins told me you usually let them just go without brushing their hair or even wearing a shirt! I thought that sounded silly. So you don’t?”
“Wait! Okay we lied a little!” Connor yelled, suddenly panicking at being caught.
“And maybe a lot!” James added, already trying to climb Eddie’s side so he could reach for the phone.
“I’ll go get them ready, love you, bye!” Eddie rushed out and hung up so he could hold James safely. “I think you think I’m a fool.”
“No dad, you just let us be crazy,” James said.
“So does your daddy. Just not on picture day. You know the rules. We do this for him, right? We get nice and handsome and we smile for the camera so we can hang the pictures on the fridge.” Eddie glanced at last year’s school photos, resisting the urge to cry at how big they’d all gotten so quickly. James was missing three teeth now, Connor seemingly lost a ton of his baby fat early, and Jules had started wearing earrings. “He likes seeing your faces on the fridge.”
“But can’t we just wear our regular clothes?” Connor begged from his other side.
Eddie looked down at what they were wearing. It wasn’t that bad. No stains, at least. And no holes. That was rare for them.
“You can wear these clothes if you let me make your hair look nice,” Eddie bargained.
“Daddy’s gonna kill you,” Jules said with her arms crossed.
“He loves me too much. Plus who else would do the dishes every night? He can’t kill me!” Eddie joked, tickling James before setting him down on the floor. “To the bathroom, my princes! Make haste!”
They ran for the bathroom quickly, nearly tripping over each other in the process.
Eddie’s phone vibrated in his hand with a text from Steve that just said ‘if they don’t brush their hair for pictures, Santa won’t come.’
Eddie texted back quickly: so cruel. as his most sexiest elf, I wouldn’t pass over their house.
Steve sent a ‘🙄’ and then a ‘😘’.
Eddie pocketed his phone and went to help the boys with their hair.
When they got the pictures back a month later, Steve shook his head, but couldn’t quite hide the fond smile.
James and Connor both forgot to give normal smiles into the camera.
But their hair looked almost perfect.
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washedoutwings · 3 months
hey guys!! just want to clear some stuff up when it comes to being aspec :)
recently we’ve been seeing some veeeeerrryyyyy incorrect takes, such as the following screenshot (no i didn’t blur the name, think of this as a blocklist for you)
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as an arospec ace collective, we feel like we’re in a pretty good position to address this. this also isn’t the only person we’ve seen say stuff like this, but we don’t feel like hunting down other harmful takes :)
firstly, if we’re being loud it’s because we aren’t being heard.
[this is literally just how activism works, but go off ig?? -💖🐘]
secondly, who are you to comment on our struggles? we’re white, and as such we don’t pretend to understand the discrimination and struggles that poc face. we know that we have very different experiences and aren’t in a position to say what is and isn’t a struggle for them.
as for these struggles, parents maybe wanting grandkids is nothing. we are excluded from queer spaces for being too straight and not queer enough. we’re discriminated against by allo cishet people because we’re too gay and weird and immoral. when we create our own spaces we are told that we don’t deserve them. our only community is each other, and even then it’s filled with infighting because we’re all being told that we don’t belong anywhere.
we are told that we are fucked in the head, belong in a psych ward, are just trying to get attention, shouldn’t be allowed around people, are sociopaths/psychopaths (which is also ableist), are just naive/immature/ugly, just need an excuse for not getting laid, and are predators. these are literally all things that we (this collective) have been called personally.
we can’t talk about it in therapy or to doctors because now that’s the problem that needs to be fixed and we need to unpack the trauma that caused it. they are literally trying to tell us that our orientation is not real and is actually a problem or disorder that needs to be solved and changed. that is literal fucking conversion therapy
and we sincerely doubt that many aspec people would struggle with dealing with even worse aphobes because we do anyways. daily. from our family, our community, our healthcare, coworkers, classmates, and just about everyone else we interact with.
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userboxes by @/inhumanliquid i think
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starkeysmoon · 2 years
paring: neteyam sully x gender netural omatikaya! reader
summary: you and neteyam take a stroll in the forest and don’t seem to notice how fast time goes by
warnings: kissing and just pure fluff!
word count: 0.6K! (drabble)
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as usual, you and neteyam were strolling around the forest, exploring. It was getting late, almost eclipse time, but the two of you didn’t pay any mind. you were too preoccupied with each other to notice that the sky was beginning to darken.
“i can’t believe you're going to be my t’sahik one day,” he said, wiping away a fake tear.
“bad taste on my end, if i do say so myself” you teased and he rolled his eyes.
“shut up!” he laughed, frowning when you dodged his kiss.
“woah chill you’re my best friend,” you exclaimed, his eyes widening at your words and his mouth dropping at your antics, making you laugh even harder.
“I’m kidding! I love you,” you said with a smile, planting a soft kiss on his cheeks.
“i love you too, (name),” he beamed, his cheeks flushed with light hues of pink.
“i like how after all this time, you still blush at the smallest things,” you admit.
“how could i not? when i have you as my mate,” he said, caressing your cheek with his fingers as heat rose towards your face at his words. now you were the one blushing.
“ah, it seems the tables have turned, my love.” he teased, noticing the blush that crept onto your cheeks.
“shush” you murmured, causing him to chuckle at your words.
the loud screech of the direhorse snapped the two of you out of your little world, and back to your surroundings, you looked around to find out that night had fallen across the sky. it was now eclipse, which was your curfew. which meant your parents were going to skin the both of you.
“our parents are going to skin us!” you exclaimed, panic filling your voice.
“they can wait,” he said without hesitation.
you felt your jaw slightly drop at his words.
“is this the neteyam sully i know and love? or has something possessed him?” you joked, tilting your head to the side and gently slapping his left arm.
“very funny (name), ” he says and playfully rolls his eyes at your words.
you let out a sigh as you took in your glowing surroundings before wrapping your arms around neteyam, taking in his warmth, and burying your face into the crook of his neck. “eclipse is always so breathtaking, isn’t it?”
“you’re breathtaking,” he whispered, and you looked up at him.
“you know you mean so much to me right?” he began and you nodded, “you’re my everything, teyam” a smile plastered on your face and your heart beating at a rapid pace, thumping loud and uncontrollably, that even your ears twitch at the sounds of your heartbeat. without hesitation you crave your neck up, connecting your lips to his and he melts right against you. surrendering everything to you.
his eyes flutter shut and his arms wrap around your waist tighter, so that there’s no space left between the two of you. you place your hands around his neck, tilting your head to one side, and deepen the kiss in the process. your wandering hands move to his hair, stroking it ever so gently and carefully that he swears he falls in love with you all over again.
the two of you smile into the kiss, before bursting into a fit of giggles and laughter. his forehead pressed against yours, both your eyes still closed, and the two of you breathing heavily.
everything in that moment was perfect.
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crushpunky · 29 days
drew and actress!reader in their new house
Drew threw himself onto the mattress with a grunt, causing Reader to giggle before joining him. They had just finished moving in the last pieces of furniture to their new house.
Their house resided in a quiet town about half an hour outside of Charleston. A beautiful home adorned with rustic brick and numerous windows that flooded every room with rays of sunlight. Reader remembered the way her heart swelled the very first time they had visited the house and looked at the ivy covered walls and beautiful, spacious backyard. Despite spending multiple nights on a mattress on the floor within the house, the feeling of awe still hit her whenever she looked at the home and imagined how the two of them would fill it with their friends and family.
“I’m amazed with how you managed to not punch a hole in the wall while assembling that nightstand.” Reader said, running her hair through Drew’s buzzed hair, which caused him to roll his eyes.
“Me too. We were almost going to just have to have one.” Drew said with a huff, propping himself up on his elbow and turning to look at Reader. She mirrored him, propping herself up with a grin.
“I can’t believe this.” Reader whispered. Drew reached out, taking one of her hands in his own and gently running his thumb along her knuckles. The metal of his rings pressed into her skin, the cool sensation a familiar and soothing one.
“Me either.” Drew whispered back, his eyes scanning over Reader’s face. The skylights bathed the room in a warm light, giving Reader an ethereal glow. As they continued to sit in the bed, Reader could see flashes of the future: the mornings spent together in the kitchen, Charleston running around the backyard, the spare bedroom filled with a crib…
Without even realizing, she could feel herself begin to cry.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Drew asked, causing Reader to wipe the stray tears from her cheeks.
“I’m just— I’m just so happy, Drew.” Reader laughed, tears continuing to fall even as she grinned. “To be here with you. To start the rest of our lives together. I think it’s all hitting me now.”
Drew smiled before pulling her into his arms, her face resting against his chest. She snaked her arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his lips. She couldn’t help but grin at the same smoky taste she had tasted millions of times before burying her head on his shoulder.
“Me too, baby.” Drew said, running his hands down Reader’s back and pressing a kiss to the top of her head. They sat there for a moment, soaking in the sheer perfection of the moment. The warmth of each other's bodies, the lingering scent of the muffins Reader had baked earlier, the music that played softly from the record player, the photos that lined the walls of their bedroom.
Despite the silence, Reader could feel Drew stirring slightly, one of his arms leaving where they rested on her back. His eyes still trained solely on her, a grin plastered on his face. She looked into his eyes, a brow raised, before looking down at the arm that now rested between them. In his hand sat a small, black box.
“I promised your parents that I’d wait until they were in town, but I just can’t wait.” Drew said softly. Reader could feel her eyes fill with tears again as she pushed herself up further to get a better look at Drew and the… glittering, diamond ring that rested inside the box.
“I’ve been holding onto this for a year and a half now because, god—” Drew ran his other hand through his hair, “you are the absolute love of my life and I don’t even want to spend another second not being with you. You’re it for me, and I would be the luckiest man alive if you would have me. So, will you marry me?”
Reader raised a trembling hand to cover her mouth as Drew’s words began to truly click. She had dreamt of this moment, imagined what it would feel like to be married to someone who loved her so deeply… but this was even better than anything she could’ve even imagined.
“Yes, Drew, yes.” Reader said with a sob, lowering her hand from her face. Drew sprung forward, kissing her so strongly she thought she would fall off the bed. She laughed as he pulled away, taking her still trembling hand. He pressed a soft kiss to Reader’s knuckles before gently sliding the ring onto her finger.
She held her hand up, admiring the way the beautiful ring twinkled in the sunlight, before looking back at Drew. He still had a smile plastered to his face, his eyes glassy and transfixed only on Reader.
“Oh, baby.” Reader said, snaking her hands around Drew’s neck and pulling him closer.
“I guess I’m the one crying now, huh?” Drew chuckled, wiping his eyes. Reader grinned, kissing his cheek before resting her head on Drew’s chest.
“I love you so, so much.” Drew said, hugging Reader’s body into his.
“I love you too. More than you can even imagine.”
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bellarkeselection · 9 months
Best Solution to a Headache
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Y/n and Cole are best friends and dating. Y/n always gets migraines but this time the reader is in so much pain where she’s just being clingy and cuddly to Cole
Walking through the school hallway I tried to not bump into too many people since it would only make the pain in my head feel worse. My backpack was hanging over one shoulder when I bumped into somebody at the same time a sharp pain rang through head. “Hey, watch it.” The kid snapped at me where we tripped onto the tile ground.
I scramble to my feet trying to grab my stuff right before I caught sight of a familiar wave of blonde hair coming through the crowd. “Hey chill out man. It was an accident. Y/n, you okay?” He asked me offering me his hand helping me to my feet.
“Thanks Cole…ohh!” I winced covering my forehead with my free hand closing my eyes briefly.
His eyes focused on mine. “Here let’s get you somewhere else. So what’s wrong with your head. Is it the migraines again?” He draped his arm over my shoulder holding me close while we moved through the crowd and found an empty staircase sitting down on the steps.
“Yeah…it feels like my head is splitting so bad.” I groaned laying my head on his chest with his arm still draped over my shoulder.
Cole whispers running his fingers through my hair knowing that sometimes helps the migraine go away or not be as painful for me. “I’m sorry, baby.” Cole and I had just recently started dating each other a few months ago. But before that we have been best friends our whole lives. Erin was picking on me saying one day that she didn’t understand what Cole saw in me as a friend. He didn’t like hearing that and that moment he realized he didn’t want anyone else but you in his life.
“I just want to crawl up with you. The pain hasn’t ever been this bad and my medication isn’t helping very much.” I moaned shifting my body so my head was laying in his lap and he kept running his fingers through my hair.
He didn’t like that you felt this way and he couldn’t really do anything about it since you were at school. He had some of your medicine at his house. I had told him about my migraine when they started happening when we were in our first year of middle school. I got them from my mother since she occasionally got them too. “How about we get out of here and I take you home for the day?”
“You mean skip school. Cole, I can’t miss English we have a paper due in a few weeks.” I tried to explain covering my eyes with my hands feeling some more pain come when I attempted to sit upright.
He shakes his head making his blonde hair fall in front of his eyes. “I don’t care about that. Besides you don’t look like you are in any position to go sit through anymore classes. We are going home.”
“What about your siblings and Jackie. They’ll need a ride home.” I questioned him slowly sitting up when he got to his feet.
He tugs me up to stand with him. “I’ll tex Alex that I might be late picking them up.”
“If you say so, Cole.” I replied looping my hand through his and together we slowly walked out of the school backdoor to his truck. We drove to my house and I used my key since my parents were at work and wouldn’t be home until like five tonight.
Shutting the door gently I winced just wanting to lay down. I stumbled to the couch grabbing a blanket and just covering myself with it. Cole dropped our bags at the door grabbing some pain meds from the bathroom cabinet before coming to sit with me. “Are you feeling better now?” He asked softly once I take the medicine with some water.
“Yes much better…” I trailed off snuggling into his embrace. He wrapped his arms around my waist after getting underneath the cover.
Cole smiled laying his head on top of my head just holding me in silence for a minute. He wouldn’t ever say it out loud to others but he couldn’t imagine you not being in his life. “That’s good. I’m glad you agreed with my idea.”
“Cause otherwise you’d be worried about me all day but never show it on your face.” I responded lifting my head slightly so I could stare into his bright green eyes.
He leans down kissing my forehead when I lay my head back down in the crook of his neck falling asleep. “You’re darn right, darling.” He closes his eyes falling asleep with you cuddled up in his arms.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tag list- send me an ask to be added @cognacdelights @connieisthesun @bbabycass
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nathaslosthershit · 4 months
A Big Decision (Teen Dad!Oscar AU)
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(Part 8 of Teen Dad!OP au [Can be read on its own])
Summary: It is time to pop the big question
The twins had finally gone down for a nap after spending so long fighting it. The kids, at age three, have started to fight them more and more, leading their parents to start discussing if it's time for naps to stop. Honey, being a stay at home mom, had needed the nap time as much as her kids had in the past, giving her time to catch up on chores or just rest for a little, so she was really trying to get as much time as she could with it. But maybe it truly was over.
She was surprised to see Oscar pacing in their living room once she went back downstairs.
“Well, aren't you home early?” She says as Oscar immediately wraps his arms around her, burying his head in her neck and kissing it.
“Missed you all, did what they needed from me extra fast so I could get home earlier. Thought we could maybe go out tonight?”
“Oscar, it's a friday night. Do you know how impossible getting a babysitter would be? The kids also take a while to warm up to babysitters, I don’t think it's a good idea.”
“Good thing I thought ahead then. Lando had a free night and has been begging to see them after the last ‘betrayal’ when they wore Sargeant hats. Even better, he said he would do it for free if it meant working towards being the favorite.”
“Oscar, you can’t get your coworkers to babysit your twin toddlers for free by dangling favoritism in their faces.”
“It was his idea! I am just capitalizing off of it. I got us a nice reservation too, we just need to let him now in the next…” Oscar checks his wrist where his watch usually rests but finds it missing, “uh now. So I need an answer quickly, are we going to stay home and eat the same leftovers we have had for the past two days, or are we going to make Lando Norris the happiest man alive by letting him watch our kids for free while we have an amazingly romantic dinner?” Oscar quickly asks as he takes his ex-fiancee, now girlfriend, in his arms.
“Fine, let's go out, we could use the night off. Let Lando know I appreciate him watching them for us.”
“Perfect, why don’t you go out, do something nice for yourself, I'll take over with the kids. We still have time before dinner tonight.” Oscar suggested in a strange tone as he kissed all surface area of her face.
“What is up with you today? I don’t mind it but you are so much more touchy.” She laughed.
“Don’t worry bout a thing.” Was all he replied as he walked away. “Tonight will be the best yet, I promise.”
That’s when it struck her, why he was being so weird. Surely, he was going to propose.
After the huge fight in Suzuka, she had called the engagement off, causing them to ignore each other’s existence unless it came to the kids, for seven weeks. Since they had gotten back together, life had been blissful. Sure, it was most likely the ‘honeymoon’ phase of their relationship, but even so, they had been so ready to marry each other before things started going downhill. Maybe days after they got back together isn’t the right time to get engaged, but they had been to hell and back together since they got pregnant at 18 years old, they were it for each other, always would be. 
Oscar taking off of racing had also been a blessing. It had been hard for him, certainly. But he had needed to learn how to put his family first again, a priority that got harder to keep up with since joining Formula 1. 
As she sat in the nail salon chair, getting what were hopefully her engagement nails done, she thought back to how far they’d come. 
Arriving home with her nails done, and after getting the most amazing massage, Honey was giddy as she greeted her, hopefully, soon to be fiancé. After an hour and a half of filling her head with wedding plans and thinking about their future when she would finally get to be Mrs. Piastri after 7 years, she was more excited then she was the first time he proposed. 
This excitement continued from the moment she stepped into the shower, till the moment she sat in her seat at the restaurant. Oscar had hired a driver for the night, saying it was a night all for them, no need to be careful of how many drinks they were going to have, he had also told her he had plans to take them to the beach after where they could finish the night with a picnic by the water and stay as late as they liked. 
There was one thing that was off about him though, while she had expected nerves, she had also expected excitement from him and soon noticed the more giggly she was, the more upset he seemed to be. Maybe he realized she had caught on?
She finally asked what was up after he spilt his drink.
“Seriously Osc, what is wrong with you? You claim this is such a nice night for just the two of us but you are a mess right now!”
“It’s nothing, I’m sorry I don’t know why I’m like th-”
“Bullshit. I thought I made it clear how awful of a liar you are Oscar Jack Piastri, just tell me. Please?”
Silence filled the air as he stared at her, words failing.
“I will get up if you don’t-”
“I had a meeting with higher ups at McLaren earlier today and was told if I don’t come back then I am out of the contract and I agreed to come back for the Spanish Grand Prix!” Oscar blurted out.
Again, a heavy silence landed on the couple, both of them daring the other one to speak first.
Then, without a single word, Honey got up from the table and walked to the car leaving Oscar at the table, tears starting to fall.
Part 2 out now!
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cameronspecial · 4 months
I thought about Rafe and reader having a fight or heated argument and their child is scared that they will get a divorce
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Arguing
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.6K
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Loud screams coming from downstairs cause Colin to wake up from his dream where he is a firefighter. In fear a monster is in the house, he goes running to his parents’ room. The bed is empty and terror grows. What if the monster ate Mommy and Daddy? He rushes down the stairs in hopes they will be there. While on the steps, he recognizes the sources of the yells. He freezes where he stands. “I don’t understand what is so hard for you to understand. There is nothing going on between Heather and me. She is just my assistant,” Rafe argues. Through the bars, Colin can see his mommy’s eyes roll. She chuckles, “It’s not that I think you are doing something with her. I don’t like the way she looks at you. I know she wants a bite of you and I’m not sharing.” Colin has never heard his Mommy use such an angry tone. He remembers something his friend said about her parents screaming a lot before they got a divorce. Now, she can’t see her mommy or daddy every day. He has to stop this; he can’t let his parents get a divorce. 
Tiny feet slapping against the hardwood floor causes both parents to turn their heads in the direction of the stairs. Small blue eyes stare up at them with tears at the edge of his long eyelashes. “Colin, Sweetie, what are you doing up?” Y/N questions, bending over as he runs into her arms. His short arms wrap around her neck and she picks him up while she stands straight. Even if they are arguing, Rafe doesn’t hesitate to step forward and rest his left hand on Y/N’s hip and the right hand on Colin’s back. 
Colin’s head buries into his mother’s neck, “You and Daddy no get a divowce.” Warm tears begin to stain her neck. Rafe’s head tilts to the side. “Why do you think that’s going to happen, Buddy?” Her fingers flatten the hair on the back of the little boy’s head. “You and Mommy fight,” he muffles against his mom. The mother coos at her son, “Aww, Sweetie. Just because Mommy and Daddy have a little disagreement, it doesn’t mean that we are going to get a divorce.” “Weally?” he confirms, looking up at her through teary eyes. Rafe jumps in, “Yeah, Buddy. I know it sounds like Mommy and I are very angry at each other, but we really love each other and I, for one, know that we can overcome anything.” Y/N presses her lips to her son’s cheek. “Daddy and I can. I may not like how Ms. Heather looks at Daddy; however, I trust your Daddy and I know he loves me very much. Sometimes, Mommy needs to vent to Daddy a little bit,” she adds. 
This little pep talk seems to appease the worried boy and his breathing steadies. “You pwomise no divorce?” he confirms. Rafe nods with a smile, “I promise, Buddy. Now, how about we go night night. You can sleep in our bed tonight.” The little boy lights up with a grin. “Yayy!” Y/N sets down her son and gives his bum a little tap toward the stairs. “Why don’t you go get your T-rex and head to our bed? We will meet you upstairs,” she suggests, laughing as he runs to the second floor. She turns to her husband, “You know I trust you, right? She just makes me feel uncomfortable.” He presses his lips to her forehead and pulls her in for a hug. “I know. I understand how you feel and I’ll see if I can transfer her to another department. Not because I want her to stay, but because I can’t fire her for no reason,” he says. She nuzzles into his neck, “Thank you. How about we get upstairs so we can snuggle our baby boy to sleep?” 
He guides her in their movements to their room. “Let’s. I love you.” Her head falls on his shoulder, “I love you too.”
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura @rubixgsworld
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super-cosmic-library · 3 months
staring at you staring at me
written for @steddie-week day 3: mutual pining
wc: 1085 I rating: G I tags: alpha steve harrington, omega eddie munson, courting, happy ending I [ao3]
“If you don’t stop staring at him, I’m going to tell Keith you’ve been slacking on the job.”
“You wouldn’t,” Steve says, turning away from watching Eddie examine every single VHS in the horror section of Family Video.
“No, I wouldn’t,” Robin agrees. “Did you know he tried asking me out again?”
“What the fuck? What’s wrong with him?”
“I could give you a list. First off, he needs a better deodorant, his sense of humor is abysmal, he thinks that women can hold their periods in like pee, he doesn’t know what the Loch Ness Monster is, he . . .”
Steve glances back at Eddie as his best friend continues to prattle on about their manager’s flaws. Eddie’s examining the same copy of Friday the 13th he’d looked at the day before. Steve loves the way the omega’s face scrunches up as he reads the synopsis before putting it back on the shelf and moving on to the next film.
Eddie’s attention flickers over to them, catching the alpha’s eyes. Steve gives him a little finger wave, which has Eddie pulling a chuck of hair in front of his face to hide behind.
“Steve, are you even listening to me?”
“Uh, yeah,” he whips around to look back at her, trying to recall the last thing she’d said. “Keith calls mashed avocados guacamole.”
“It’s just avocado, salt, and lime juice, Steve! That’s not guacamole!”
“Yeah, no, totally.” His gaze wanders back to Eddie, who’s now examining Fright Night.
“Just court him already.”
It’s a discussion they’d had repeatedly over the past several months. Steve had come up with excuses to not court the omega every time, ranging from giving him time to heal from his demobat wounds to having to kill Vecna again to Steve just having a bad hair day.
“My hair can’t be a mess if I’m going to start courting someone. It’s my best feature.” Steve had said.
Now, though, after months of excuses, he doesn’t have the energy for anything less than the truth. “What if he doesn’t want me?”
Robin raises an eyebrow at that. “Really? You think that Eddie doesn’t want you?”
“Well, yeah. I’m not exactly the type of alpha a guy like Eddie would go for. I mean, you’ve heard his cafeteria rants. I represent everything Eddie hates in the world.”
“He hates secretly nerdy guys who fight monsters and mother pups that don’t belong to him?”
“Preps,” he gestures to his starched polo and jeans. “He hates preps and rich kids.”
“Well, you’re not exactly rich anymore.”
She’s right. His parents had cut him off back in June when they found out once again that he’d not been accepted into any of the colleges they’d wanted him to apply for. In the year since he had graduated, his parents had expected that he would use the free time to round out his character and develop more “real world” experience to make his college applications more appealing to admissions boards. Unfortunately for them, the colleges they’d demanded he apply to required better greats than the ones he’d eeked by with. So his dad decided to cut him loose. Now, he rents the Henderson’s basement from Claudia, happy to help out around the house and get more time to torment Dustin like a real brother would.
“Come on, Steve. He’s in here practically every day for hours at a time, browsing the same selection of movies and making eyes at you. I mean, have you ever even seen him rent a VHS?”
“That’s because I rent them for him with my employee discount.”
“Does he even watch them?”
“Yeah, we watch them in the trailer for our weekly movie nights. I’ve told you about them, Rob.”
“Uh huh, uh huh,” she nods. “And how, exactly, do you two sit when you ‘watch’ these movies? Opposite ends of the couch? Separate seats entirely? Cause I’m willing to bet that not only do you cuddle during them, but Eddie initiates it.”
She’s right. But friends can cuddle without being romantically interested in each other. He and Robin cuddle sometimes. He and Tommy used to cuddle all the time before they drifted apart. Cuddling doesn’t mean Eddie’s interested in being courted by him.
He repeats the sentiment to her.
“I’m just saying, I think he’d be interested if you court him.”
“She’s right.”
Steve practically jumps out of his skin. He hadn’t heard Eddie approach the circulation counter. Embarrassment floods his cheeks. “Eddie, what–”
“You know I can hear everything you guys say, right? This place isn’t that big, and your voices are loud.”
Steve wants to shrivel up in a hole and die. He’s going to have to change his identity and move to a different state in order to escape his mortification. He’s going to have to–wait. Did he say . . .
“Did you say she was right?”
“Yeah. I feel like I’m going crazy with anticipation for when you start courting me,” Eddie easily admits. “I would have started courting you, but you seem like the kind of guy who’s traditional in that sense.”
Oh, god. He gets to court Eddie. Eddie wants him to court him. This revelation makes him want to sprint home to grab the gifts he’s been accumulating over the past few months and give them all to him at once.
Calm down, tiger. No need to rush it. Eddie deserves a proper courting ritual.
“So, when I ask to court you, you’re going to say yes?” His thoughts are in overdrive. He needs the confirmation before he gets ahead of himself with planning.
“Yes,” Eddie smiles.
Steve takes in a deep breath. “Eddie, sweetie, I’m going to need you to leave.”
The omega’s face falls. “What? Why?”
“Because I’m going to start freaking out in a really embarrassing way, and I don’t want you to see it. And,” he shoots him the signature Harrington smile. “I’ve got to start planning out our first date.”
Eddie pulls his hair in front of his face, swaying on the balls of his feet. “Will I still see you for our movie night tonight?”
“Wouldn’t dream of missing it. You still want Beetlejuice?”
Eddie nods.
“See you at eight, then.” He gives him a wink.
As soon as the shop door closes, Steve turns on Robin, eager to start talking through all his ideas until he comes up with the world’s best and most perfect first date.
The beta slumps against the counter. “Oh, god, what have I done?”
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freshlluv · 2 months
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𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞 - m.s
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Summary: In which you are hanging out w/ the triplets and your abusive dad texts you to come home
WARNINGS!: abusive parents, cussing, use of y/n, remarks of physical abuse, sad-ish?, i thinks thats all
a/n: this is my first fic, if u have any feedback pls share !!!
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From Dad
“Come home, now.” 
You read the text, your heart instantly dropping. Your palms start sweating and you look around the living room. Nick's beside you, Chris and Matt and your other side of the couch. You don’t even bother telling them because you have to explain why you don’t get along with them, and that’s a whole different story. The triplets didn’t know about the situation of your family, they didn’t know how you weren’t close with your parents at all, constantly fighting them, having to hide things from them. They don’t even know about Nick, Matt and Chris at all.
You start typing fast trying not to cry at the thought of getting yelled at when you come home.
I don’t wanna go home. 
I don’t feel safe there.
“Are you alright?” 
Nick asks, looking down at your phone with a worried face.
“Who is that?” you hesitate telling him, “Oh my dad.. He wants me to come home” you laughed dryly. Matt and Chris heads turn at you. 
“What happened?” Chris asks. 
I don’t want to tell them at all.
“She has to go home, but it’s like literally only 8pm?” He told them
They nodded
I feel like shit whenever I have to go home early, especially because of my fomo.
“Jus’ ask him to go at like 10?”
The problem between their parents and mine is that my parents are strict, especially ‘cause I’m a girl. They don’t want me hanging out with people they don’t know either. Sometimes I feel like I envied their parents' bond with each other and their kids. They all loved each other, my parents couldn’t give less of a fuck. 
“Um, yeah I could ask. I doubt I can stay that long though.”
I threw my head into my hands, sighing loudly.
“Are you sure that’s all that happened?” Matt asked 
“Yeah, don’t worry” I smiled
Nick looks at his brothers with a suspicious look.
I got up leaving my phone, grabbing something to drink. I had to get my mind off it.
A few minutes went by and I was up against a counter drinking out of a juicebox thinking about how I can avoid coming home.
Matt comes into the kitchen with my phone.
“Here, um..”
“What?” I looked at him
“I saw your phone” He says looking down at his feet
“Yeah you always do?” I laughed a bit confused.
“No like your messages, you left it unlocked.”
He didn’t.
No fucking way.
“Yeah your dad left like 8 other messages”
You snatched the phone out of his hand
“Oh my god.”
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“Come home right fucking now.”
“Where are you?”
“Are you fucking slut now? Not telling us where you went?”
“I swear, are you with a guy? better not catch you with them or else I’ll fucking break your skull.”
“You’re grounded.”
“Y/N where are you? I’m serious, if you don’t come home, I won’t EVER let you inside our house again.”
“This is why I wish I never had a daughter.”
I teared up looking at the messages, although it’s nothing new, they act almost as if they care. Wanting me to come home. They just don’t want to lose someone that does everything you ask them to do.
“Is that why you couldn’t stay?” He asked quietly.
I nodded, my throat felt like it was closing up, I couldn’t breathe. 
I can’t believe he saw that.
“I’m sorry.” That's all I could say, warm tears falling out of my eyes.
“Sorry.. For what?”
“For what you saw.. And crying.”
“Don’t be sorry for anything you are completely valid in this situation. I can’t believe you’ve been dealing with them and you haven’t told us.”
“It's a burden. You can’t really help me” I said exhaling. 
“I could. You can stay here. My parents wouldn’t mind.” Matt says smiling a bit.
I smiled back.
They care about me.
Why was it so hard for my parents to?
What did I do?
I was grateful, insanely grateful.
Matt stepped closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm so sorry."
I hummed
"Thank you so much." I looked up at him as we hugged
I squeezed Matt as hard as possible like he was going to slip out of my grasp.
I can’t leave.
I don’t want to.
"I'll have to text them." I said stressed again. "We can make my dad call your parents or something?"
"Okay so like do you wanna die?" We both laughed
"We can focus on that tomorrow, I just want you to know that you're safe here. Does he know us?"
"Umm, no." I said embarrassed.
"Thats fine I understand, they are fucking insane." "Just, don't worry. Okay?" He smiled.
What is this feeling?
I felt like I was melting inside, he was so kind.
Chris and Nick entered the kitchen.
“Is she okay?” Chris mumbled.
“I mean we kinda heard everything..” Nick said awkwardly.
I wasn't even mad that they heard the whole conversation, that’s all I ever wanted.
I wanted someone to hear me
To listen to me.
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i reallyy hate this!
sparkles from @bebanie
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