#“E stands for End”
sixxysidepiece · 1 month
yknow i hope there's a skit of ONE of the brothers becoming fabulously wealthy or popular. and you've got some of the boys mooching off him being cronies, the others being SO embittered by his success they have to ruin it
but no matter what they do, no matter how hard they or the rest of the cast try, the powers that be refuse to let Rich Brother lose.
then at the end he returns home and refuses to talk about why he's back (he had to fill out taxes by himself, cuz he couldn't figure out how to hire someone to do it for him, and the IRS took all his money)
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 273
You know what? We need more Good parents Fentons. 
And you know what else? Technically, Jack helped Danny defeat Pariah via the use of the Ecto-Skeleton. And like, that’s his son, his baby boy. Sure Danny is and has always been a mommy’s boy, but it doesn’t change that fact. They’re both already feeling horrible about the fact they could have hurt him, they could have hurt their son- they have hurt their son, killed him with their inaction and never again. 
So when these oversized jello-eyeballs try to insist that their baby, their precious baby boy, take a crown? Become a king when he’s not even out of highschool, when he doesn’t want it? No. Hell no! That is his Danny-o, his baby boy who was terrified of his own parents! 
Which is how Jack, despite technically still being alive even if so-very ecto-contaminated, became the Ghost King. 
And for some reason there’s several ghosts rather happy about this- oh, these are his Danny-O’s ghost-parents? Not-ghost parents seeing as some of them have never been anything but a realm denizen? That’s really fascinating- y’know what, want some fudge and we can exchange childcare- Maddie dear come over and meet our co-parents apparently!  
Now it’s not all easy, but they’re trying their best, and that’s all that can be asked. 
Which is perhaps why it’s so exasperating- or as Maddie would put it, downright infuriating- that it is now, almost an entire year and a half later that the Heroes finally arrive to investigate. Well, at least he has plenty of fudge since it’s almost time for the council meeting. 
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mathlann · 8 months
Requisite Disclaimer: I don't see the point in keeping this OC specific but, my game isn't your game etc. etc. I'm coming from a Sub! Marazhai perspective for context but just my interpretation.
So I've been rotating that Act 5 Kiss in my head for too long but I think I've pinned down what makes the Act 5 Kiss work, for me at least. Because inasmuch as the "Marazhai hates kissing" thing is fun, I don't think the actual Act of kissing (with or without teeth) is really what he's objecting to that first time. It's that the Rogue Trader is messing up the Game (ie, the terms of their fling/him teaching them how to be more Drukhari). And I think the Act 5 Kiss, or rather how you get it, is a fun bookend on ending the Game/re-balancing the dynamic?
Long-ass ramble under the cut
So, like I was saying above, the RT and Marazhai's relationship is pretty explicitly a Game that he's playing out of boredom. The Rogue Trader receives "[an education on] the true Aeldari soul" he receives "a fleeting titillation" until it's time for him to become Archon/become a Merc/join the clown show, whatever. He initiates the proposition, and he's the one setting the terms through the whole thing. It's up to the Rogue Trader to stay in their role and meet his standards, or they give up, or he gets bored and leaves. And a major part of his romance is that he's very action over words in regards to what he wants and how he feels.
As far as the first two kisses go, it's not the act itself it's the context imo. The first (bitey) kiss, he initiates, and it's during the lust/murder-high part of the Feast, which is what he invited the Rogue Trader to do. The Kiss Attempt™ by the Rogue Trader is the next morning after all that's worn off. And, granted the scene itself is pretty cozy, considering (he's literally leaning over the RT and telling them not to keep him waiting ie, next hookup) so it makes sense why the Rogue Trader might decide a goodbye kiss is appropriate. But it's a misstep I think because it's too intimate, bordering on sentimental, which is very much not the Drukhari way of doing things (it shows weakness). You aren't lovers in that way, the Rogue Trader is a toy/a pet, fun time is over and he's headed out. To try to pretend more than that is past the Game and an expression of weakness that needs to be put in its place as a "mon-keigh absurdity" as he'd say.
Compare that to the Branding, which is much more his style. It is, for all intents and purposes, a commitment scene, but he doesn't actually say "I want this," he's decided that the Rogue Trader has earned it from him. He talks around, but doesn't even explicitly say, he wants the RT to brand him either, (if asked, best he gives is "well....I mean after I've been so ~submissive~ you would let me just walk around without???? 👀"). And he threatens to walk out if the Rogue Trader keeps asking too many questions because again, he's the lead here and to say so would be to play his hand, which is a major no. If he grabs the RT like he's going to brand them....and it just so happens they have a mighty easy time grabbing that knife from him....well, there's the answer, no words needed. And if the Rogue Trader doesn't grab the knife, well, there's his answer. Y'all don't need to see each other anymore.
Which also makes the final Feast/Big confession hit the way it does because it is the first and only time he's being very direct in how he feels and what he wants, ie. they're equals and he wants the to keep up *all of this* for as long as they've got. And...that's a slip up irt his control of the situation/the Game that the Rogue Trader can exploit. To see:
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And for extra juice, the actual threaten to break up line after this is "I am not interested. I think I have played enough with you" which is a nice reversal ie. "testing the limits of who is running the Game." Because if Marazhai's confession is a test, accepting fails it, they were too sentimental. Except he's not actually testing them and he gets genuinely upset and scared at the idea that the Rogue Trader would just leave him like that. Also, (at time of writing iirc), you can't get The Kiss™ if you didn't attempt it earlier at the first Feast. I think it's interesting if, perhaps, that bit of sentimentality made him assume the Rogue Trader was the one who was down bad/being sappy this whole time. Which was fun to play around with before, but now he's caught feelings and the Rogue Trader potentially out-manipulating him on that front only to "abandon" him now is a major blow to his, being, frankly.
And if the Rogue Trader pushes further with the "I do not hear enough pleading in your voice" line, the narration notes he's stuck between "despair and pride" while still refusing to say more because it's not in him to say what he wants with that kind of honesty. And again, like, he's Drukhari so you're never going to get an "I love you" out of him, and he wouldn't accept that from the Rogue Trader in turn, but he doesn't know how to otherwise show that because Drukhari aren't big on straightforward lovey dovey kiss stuff even when they actually feel it. So the Kiss™, a real (romantic) one is an olive branch in the "you don't have to say it but I'll believe you're being honest if you do this" sense but also the Rogue Trader winning irt "the Game is over, show me we're equals, I met you on your level (see: his bullshit), meet me on mine (mon-keigh absurdities)."
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phoenixtakaramono · 3 months
I want to highlight this specific part of Homelander’s origin, because it deviates from the comics whilst referencing the comic panel by Garth Ennis (with some changes) with the show’s writers paying homage to the original source material
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spookberry · 1 year
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girls gays and theys
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mifithemuffin · 8 months
the grape jewel end is like the Fate is fucking AVOIDED
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arcann · 2 months
Why is Weekes bioware so scared of letting people do evil shit in their game have they seen their contemporaries.
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keitheaverage · 1 year
Imagine being Jenny Wakeman, having not one but TWO cool purple alien girls ask you to run away with them within the course of a year, and fumbling them both. 😔
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POV: you're a closeted bisexual who is still oblivious to other sapphics openly hitting on you
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rotzaprachim · 2 years
there’s something about cassian and beaches and the liminality of sand and water and life and death like he’s always between them really he’s been standing on that beach he’s been swimming to freedom he’s been stuck on land all this time 
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sidoopa · 1 year
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im eaten alive rn by animating so heres some doodles from the past few months yeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayea
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Drabble-ish Prompt? Drabble-ish Prompt.
“Beloved,” the beast’s maw parted, terrifying growl turned apologetic even as it drew itself up from where it had been snarling at their intrusion, words suddenly becoming comprehensible to their ringing (mortal) ears. 
Another beast crept, or perhaps it was more accurate to say slithered from the surrounding coils of green, even if there was none of the color to be found on it. A gigantic serpentine beast of feathered wings and gleaming crimson eyes as it stared at them all with open contempt. 
“Dearest,” the other being’s words were short, almost uninterested if not for the near-human curl of a lip that belayed its distaste for this situation. “As much as I too would like nothing better than to rend their flesh from their bodies and tear their souls from their still beating corpses-” Oh Yikes. “-they sadly do still hold importance to the timeline.” 
The first beast snarled, rising to its full monstrous size with a rattling of scales and thrashing of shadows. Like the monster under ones bed turned flesh and scale. Smoke crackled from angry nostrils as it let out another angry noise, twisting around with a lashing tail as it slipped back into the pulsing green around them. 
Leaving them with a serpentine drake they could not see the end of, if there was even such a thing. “Now,” it purred, the sound anything but kind or friendly. “Perhaps we can talk, so-called heroes...” 
Honestly You can ignore this, But also have their FR Designs lol.
[Pariah, Clockwork & Fright]
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[Danny, Dan & Ellie]
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(Yes this is slightly inspired by some of @radiance1's stuff, hello mutual <3)
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i haven't worked on any more spiritfarer designs but i did clean up these two :p
June's spirit flower is an orange rose, Liam's is a forget-me-not c:
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emersonfreepress · 1 year
Ok! Chapter 3 will publish in three updates. While update #2 is currently under way, I'm curious:
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anyway. am i allowed to say that yes aimsey is a good role player and they make really cool stories and i’m very excited for her being in purgatory, but i’ve always been kinda meh on them ever since they threw a little shitfit over the existence of bisexual lesbians a few months ago?? like it was kinda hypocritical that he was pissed over bisexual women who may also identify as lesbians, which is an identity that breaks the typical definitions of both of those labels, while also being nonbinary and a lesbian, which is also an identity that breaks the typical definition of both of those labels. ik it was a while ago, they did apologize and explain their reasoning, but it’s just left a bad taste in my mouth ever since
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luciana-silentstar · 1 year
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Old vs new. I have Big Feelings, but ultimately I'm excited about it(shocked?). Since I've always wanted to keep this blog strictly Luciana/game based, I have created a sideblog for rambles, critiques etc. where I can engage in Discourse™️
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elegyofthemoon · 5 months
reading springfest now after everything in nagazora is making me crave more fu hua and mei interactions. i feel like thus far in my go through, i've never actually seen them interact, but it's kinda fun that the person who made the recommended reading order put springfest after nagazora (though of course this is probably in preparation for whatevers going on with senti/fu hua rn in ch 19)
but the way that the empyrea isolates herself so she doesn't have any attachment to those who she will outlive and how she winds up becoming lonely as a result threw me back to mei isolating herself in world serpent so that she can protect kiana and just... idk..... i think the two talk about that isolation would be interesting
also. i love fu hua. she's still at the top of my list for best character so i'm just a happy little guy getting more fu hua content now in the story :> yippee fu hua
#idk who to ramble to about honkai so hi#avil plays hi3#ill probably liveblog my thoughts as i read through springfest and UH#blade of the empyrean!#but im excited :> then after that i gotta go through the 7 blades visual novel ^7^ that one has sushang!! i havent met her in the game yet#but i do have her !!!#its kinda interesting though because sushangs ultimate in hi3 is yanqing's ultimate in hsr. or i guess yanqing as a boss???#idk. so im like HMMMMMMMM WHATS UP THERE WHATS GOING ON#i wonder if theres a character sorter for hi3 actually#if i had to say who my top 5 are atm for honkai#its probably like fu hua mei kiana kevin and sakura ???#kiana is so easy. like if i loved oz vessalius how could i NOT love kiana we sure love vessel characters LJSHDFLASKDHFLAKSH#maybe its also recency effect though for mei but also. characters who isolate thinking that its the best htey could do to protect#like NO YOU IDIOT GET LOVED!!!!! GET L O V E D#they kinda get me#AND WELT I FORGOT WELT HOW COULD I DO THAT......#i feel like welt over kevin tbh#but thats super hard to say on my end alkdjfha#YOU KNOW i wouldve also said rita because i think rita is so fun#but i still dotn know enough about her#but personality wise i think shes so funny in a very stereotypical anime villain esque way LOL#also she is so catty too like what was she doing picking a fight with natasha LKAJHDLAFKJSDFH#OH I ALSO LOVE RITA AND NATASHA...#tbh i havent run into a character that i absolutely Hate in honkai yet....#at least not that i remember#if i hated them i probably forgot about them LMAOOOOO#like even durandal? i love durandal in the manga. she doesnt really stand out to me MUCH yet in the game but i loved her a lot in the manga#but for me durandal is low on the list for now. but that doesnt mean i dislike her i think shes cool but just hasnt done anything in#particular that caught my attention yet alskjdfahl#rambling WHOOPS ASLKJDFA
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