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localcryptic · 8 months ago
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sidestep: crying in 5’3
feat. herald and ripley. they do not get along </3
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daizedndconfused · 4 months ago
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characters - cole x reader
type - fluff??
warning - kidnapping and mild violence
synopsis - your father is one of the wealthiest men in the city, however the countless ceremonies in his name get quite boring. your decision to sneak away for a few moments may not have been the best, but don’t worry the earth ninja is close behind.
a/n - lowkey might do a part 2 cause this was kinda long and i wrote it at like 1 am BUT I PERSONALLY LOVE HOW IT TURNED OUT. and if you’re a fan of rio and dance of thieves THIS IS FOR YOU!! yw ;)
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“There you have it ladies and gentlemen, I’d call the grand opening of Axis Point an unqualified success.” The bubbly reported chirped from the stage below.
It wasn’t like you weren’t proud of your dad, of course you were, but the sun beating down on you wasn’t making the two hour all outdoor ceremony any more bearable. Letting out an internal groan, you tipped your head back taking a deep breath.
A blur of black had you hesitating. Your father, the wealthy innovative man he is, required nothing but the best security, hence the ninja tiptoeing around the surrounding rooftops.
This wasn’t the first time they’d been at one of your fathers events–hell you’d even met them. Briefly, but it happened all the same. Brief enough to know you had a small crush on the Earth Ninja. You may have gotten carried away with the staring, but he wasn’t all innocent either.
By the time speeches had been over and done with, your evening was only halfway over by the time the banquet started. People watching only kept you entertained for a short period of time. Ninja-watching was slightly better. It was sort of mesmerizing how they hopped from building to building with ease.
You drew the line when the sun finally went down and the city lights came up. Rolling your shoulders, you thought a little walk never hurt anyone. Right?
You slipped between drunk people stumbling and others who decided they were too good for the dance floor. Eventually you made it to a clearing.
Fresh air at last, you thought.
Though the ‘fresh air’ in this case being an alleyway. It didn’t matter, anywhere was better than that boring party. Maybe you should have told someone where you were going–especially considering the events that followed.
The last thing you remembered was reaching to pull out your phone from the side of your mini purse. You barely had time to register the arms around your torso, and across your mouth with a cloth before your vision went dark.
However, when you finally regained consciousness, you weren’t alone. It took a while for the spinning in your head to stop and your vision to clear. Shaking your head and rubbing your eyes, you noticed the alert form of the Earth Ninja sitting across from you in what looked like the back of a cramped van. Your only source of light being extremely tinted windows above you.
“What–?” Your voice came out hoarse and scratchy.
The ninja’s eyes snapped to yours, his hood abandoned, sporting a split lip and bleeding temple. Immediately his expression softened, “Are you hurt?”
You pondered for a moment, other than the numb and overall drowsiness you were still experiencing there were no other casualties.
“No,” you shook your head. “No, I’m okay.” You felt a little exposed in the simple party dress you wore, and attempted to fold your feet below the fabric, when the clanking of a chain caught your attention.
There, clamped on your ankle was a mid length chain. On the other end was the leg of the Earth Ninja. You had been attached at the foot.
He must have noticed the fear in your eyes after seeing the chain, the gravity of your situation weighing down on you.
“I can’t believe this is happening,” you groaned, hiding your face in your hands. All you wanted was a breather–you didn’t expect to get kidnapped.
Calloused hands wrapped gently around your wrists, pulling your hands down from your face. The Earth Ninja’s reassuring hazel eyes found yours.
“Trust me, nothing will happen to you while I’m here,” he said. “They might have thought they were being smart when they chained us together, but they’ll have to pry me off you if they even raise a hand to you. Okay?”
The breath caught in your chest at his words. There were worse people to be chained together with than a ninja. At least he’d go down fighting for you rather than throwing you to the wolves to save his own hide.
“Okay.” You smoothed your hair down in an attempt to calm yourself. “Did…Did you see what they looked like? Or hear why they took me?”
He looked towards the closed doors of the van before answering. “Masked. But the two drivers aren’t the only ones we have to worry about. There’s a car in front and a car in back following us.” His eyes found mine again. “Didn’t hear the reason behind taking you. If I had to guess it’d be ransom.”
Ransom. Made sense. Your father was one of the wealthiest men in Ninjago afterall. But you thought if criminals were going to go after someone it would be the man himself, not his insignificant daughter.
“How’d they get you?” You asked meekly, still hesitant to look at him. You couldn’t help but feel a bit responsible for his presence here with you.
“Got me in the air,” he rolled his eyes with an annoyed look. “Saw you sneak off and thought it was best someone followed you. Found three guys on the roof beside you–got a bit banged up getting rid of them. But by that point someone had already grabbed you. I ran off the edge of the building.” He scoffed, probably at his own stupidity. “Can’t do much in the air can I? I rely on the ground. Anyway, a sniper on the other roof shot me with a tranquilizer and woke up chained with vengestone next to you.”
You frowned. If only you had stayed within the safety of the park.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, drawing your knees to your chest, careful to keep the fabric covering you.
“Hey,” he said softly, “don’t worry about it. I’m just glad I’m with you. That way I can get us out of here, right?”
“I guess,” you shrugged. Even though you were with a ninja you were both clearly outnumbered. It was a group of guys against a powerless ninja chained to a girl who hasn’t thrown a punch a day in her life.
“What, you don’t trust me?” He joked, nudging your foot with his own.
“I do,” you argued, chewing your lip as another thought crossed your own. “How long were we out?”
The Earth Ninja frowned, “That I’m not sure. I guess we’ll find out when we stop.”
“Wait, we’re going to just let them take us to some random location?”
“That's all we can do at the moment,” he reasoned. “Chain won’t budge and we don’t have the key. Plus, jumping out of a moving vehicle on its own is difficult, but chained to someone? No question.”
That much was true. Even if he could somehow bust the door open and make a run for it, you’d only slow him down. That and the extra people surrounding you all in cars, they’d have you back as quickly as you got out.
You nodded, and the two of you spent the next what seemed like hours trying to keep calm. Well, more the Earth Ninja keeping you calm. You two talked quietly, and he even managed to get a few laughs out of you before the van came to a slowing stop.
Waiting a couple seconds, it felt like you were stopped for good. Footsteps thumped all around you and suddenly the doors to the van flew open.
The darkness didn’t allow you to see the guns pointed at you, but you did hear the barking orders to stand and get out of the van.
You heard the chain scuffle as the Earth Ninja rose to full height, just barely avoiding hitting his head on the ceiling of the van. He offered his hand to you, and you took it. The ninja pulled you to your feet as if you weighed nothing.
“Move!” One of the masked men demanded again.
The Earth Ninja clenched his jaw and muttered something under his breath before stepping toward the exit first. Being the gentleman he was, he snaked his arm around your waist and lifted you down in time with him.
As soon as your feet touched ground that wasn’t made of concrete, you knew you were in deeper trouble than you realized. All around you, instead of buildings, or even run down warehouses, were trees. Through the darkness you could see thousands of massive green trees surrounding your every direction.
One of the men jabbed at the Earth Ninja’s shoulder with the barrel of his gun, urging the two of you to start walking. You clung closer to the ninja as the two of you awkwardly maneuvered your way across the dirt path.
Walking while attached to something was harder than you originally thought, but you eventually got into a steady rhythm allowing for smoother movements.
After a small hike, you saw a run down warehouse in the distance on top of a hill. You were all sorts of uncomfortable–the dress you wore was not designed for comfort, nor hiking–and your shoes, while only a mini heel, were also not made for uneven surfaces.
The only bearable thing you had going was the weather. Not too hot but not too cold either.
As you drew closer to the base of the hill, your heel got caught in a jumble of weeds, causing you to stumble and almost fall over.
The ninja caught your arm quickly.
“Limp,” he said quietly.
Confusion adorned your face for a split second, but you quickly understood.
You winced, attempting to rise to full height. And when you tried to step forward you crumbled again into the ninja’s arms.
“What happened?” One of the guards demanded.
“Sprained her ankle,” the ninja said. “I can fix it.” His eyes darted around, waiting for our captors to object, but when none did he slowly sunk to the ground.
He reached for his arm, as though he were about to rip off the sleeve, but he reached quickly into a separate part of his gi. Just as quickly, he flicked his wrist, and smoke filled your vision.
Angry shouts erupted all around you, but you barely heard them as the Earth Ninja lifted you into his arms and took off running.
It took a while for you to clear the smoke, but once you did, he said, “We need to put as much distance between us and them as we can. If you take your shoes off can you run?”
“Yes,” you nodded. Fighting? Not so much, but running? Running was fair game. You leaned forward to undo the clasps of your shoes, holding them in one hand before the Earth Ninja set you down gently and the two of you quickly started running again.
The adrenaline rushing through your veins blocked out all the twigs and sharp burrs you were stepping on, but it beat running in heels. Hiking up the skirt of your dress, you calculated when to step so you’d be in time with the Earth Ninja.
You didn’t stop running until you came to a clearing beside a riverbank.
“We need to find a way to get this chain off,” the Earth Ninja said, though he was hardly out of breath.
You, on the other hand, were both sweating and gasping for air. Bracing both hands on your knees, you nodded, but without the key there was a slim chance of that happening.
“In the meantime, we’ll cross this river,” he told you. “It should slow down their cars if anything.”
“How do we know how deep it is?” You asked nervously. Due to the darkness, you couldn’t make head nor tail on the depth of the river beside you.
“We don’t,” he admitted. “You should go first. I’m taller–the more you start to sink the easier it’ll be for me to grab you. Think you can do it?”
It scared you–the idea of walking into water that could force you under in an instant, but it seemed to be a better fate than what the people who kidnapped you had in store.
Reluctantly you nodded, clutching your shoes tighter to your chest you walked into the frigid water, the Earth Ninja hot on your heels.
The current of the river rushed past your ankles, then your calves, thighs, stomach, and soon you were up to your chest struggling to stay upright. When your chin was about to go under, the Earth Ninja suddenly grabbed you.
“Wrap your legs around my waist,” he told you.
He didn’t need to tell you twice. Teeth chattering, you clung to the Earth Ninja like your life depended it on it��it kind of did.
The water soon became too deep for the ninja to stand, but he swam as though the current were only a flurry of butterflies against him.
Soon, the water became shallower and shallower, but you didn’t let go of him. At least not until his body was completely out of the water.
Shivering from head to toe, you touched down tentatively.
“Th-thank you,” you said through clattering teeth.
The Earth Ninja frowned at your condition, throwing a large arm around your shoulders and pulling you against his body to provide some extra body heat.
“Just a little further, then we’ll stop for the night.” He murmured as he started walking forwards once more.
You nodded, attempting to make yourself smaller to generate more body heat.
When the rushing of the water was long behind you, the Earth Ninja finally stopped.
“We’re gonna need to gather some wood for a fire,” he said, breath hot in your ear. “Up for it?”
“Yeah, I can do that.”
Once the two of you had a stable fire going, you spent the next few hours getting dry and warm. Furthermore, you didn’t argue when the ninja pulled you between his legs so you could rest against his chest.
Your eyelids grew heavier and heavier until you slumped back against the hard chest behind you.
Bright light, chirping birds, and someone’s arms around you were the first three things you noticed when you had started to wake.
Slowly blinking your eyes open, the sight of the forest surrounding you reminded you of the previous day's events. Internally groaning, you leaned your head back, slightly surprised that you hit something.
Soft exhales ruffled your still slightly damp hair, and you saw the arms around you belonged to the Earth Ninja.
Your heart hammered in your ribcage as you admired his sleeping figure. Damp black hair plastered across his forehead, and slightly flushed cheeks. When his eyelids started to flutter, you averted your eyes.
“Mornin’,” he groaned.
“Morning Mr. Earth Ninja,” you said, slithering out of his hold.
“Ugh, call me Cole,” he laughed. “Mr. Earth Ninja makes me sound old.”
“Okay. Cole.”
Cole smiled as he sat up and shook his hair off his head.
“Any ideas on how to get this thing off?” Cole asked, lifting the chain slightly.
Well it was too tight to slip off and you didn’t have to keys to unlock it. But, really the only issue with this thing was its material. If only it weren’t made of vengestone…
Then it hit you.
“I’ve got one,” you said skeptically.
“Yeah?” Cole cocked his head. “I’m all ears.”
“If I could isolate the vengestone, you’d be able to use your super strength to break it right?” You asked.
“I mean I think so,” he scratched the back of his head.
Nodding, you stood, Cole standing with you. The fire that you had lit last night was slowly dying out, but there were still a few embers you could use. Grabbing a less charred piece of wood, you blew on it softly to reignite the flame.
“Don’t move,” you told him before you began heating up the metal.
It took a while, but eventually you made progress. After a few moments, you determined it was hot enough.
Walking over to the nearest tree, you picked off a leaf, swiped some sap from the bark and lathered it across the chain.
“Okay hurry, it won’t last long.”
Cole didn’t need to be told twice. He physically felt his power returning as you applied the sap. He quickly snapped the chain off his ankle, rubbing the spot tenderly before he moved onto you.
He frowned at the rest mark across your skin, and the poor condition your feet were in after running barefoot across the forest floor.
“How did you do that?” He asked.
You nodded towards the tree. “We got lucky. That’s a Verona tree. Looks ordinary, but it’s got properties that cancel out vengestone when mixed with heat.”
Cole had never heard that before, and he voiced as much with pure admiration.
“We learned about it in organic chemistry,” you shrugged.
After the two of you had been freed, Cole didn’t waste any time before summoning his dragon and flying the two of you the hell out of there.
As the city became visible once more, you saw that your face had been plastered on many billboards.
‘Billionaire Heiress Missing?!’
You were too exhausted and sore to care about much at this point.
When Cole touched down in front of your house, he still didn’t leave your side. He didn’t let you walk either. You weren’t complaining, your feet were immensely scratched up.
The inside of your house was a shitshow. Cops everywhere, your mother crying into a handkerchief, and your father pacing furiously across the dining room.
Your father saw you first.
Cole barely had enough time to set you down before he rushed towards you, wrapping you in a bone crushing hug. Your mother followed soon after, her tears never ceased.
“It’s okay, I’m fine,” you tried to reassure them.
“Thank God you’re safe!” Your mother said before she caught sight of Cole. It didn’t take her long to tackle him into a hug, spewing thanks for saving her daughter.
Cole remained strictly professional as your father also expressed his gratitude.
You shot him a tired smile after answering the million questions your mother asked him. Which you both then had to repeat for the police.
By the time your testimony had been taken, the sun was just past its highest point in the sky.
Before he left, your father pulled Cole aside. Wrapped up in a blanket nursing a cup of tea in front of the fire, the two stole quick glances at you, but you couldn’t make out what they were saying.
Once their conversation wrapped up, your father walked over to your spot on the couch. He took a seat beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“I’m glad you’re safe,” he said, squeezing you briefly.
“Yeah, me too,” you admitted.
He was quiet for a moment, and then, “I spoke to the Earth Ninja. He agreed to be your personal security for all further public events.”
Your father’s words took a few moments to sink in. Once they did, you whipped your head to face him.
“I’d feel safer if someone like him was tailing you closely, that way he can keep you safe.” Your father reasoned. “Is that alright?”
You nodded meekly. “That’s fine.”
It didn’t really matter if it was, it would still be happening. You knew your father. However, it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. You liked Cole, and it looked like the two of you would be spending a lot of time together in the future.
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eternalfics · 1 year ago
hihi!!! first ask ever so sorry if this comes off as nonsense ahhh 😭😭😭 but i was wondering if you could do like a saiki k x male reader? where male reader transfers into pk academy and is like teruhashi in terms of looks but in terms of personality, he's a more socially awkward quiet and introverted person? so whenever a whole group of students swarm around him, he just freezes in place like he doesnt know what to do and waits for someone to save him like a teacher 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
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a/n: hi pookie bear 😘 totally understand you and hope you request more! I was kind of in the writing mood 2day anyway so 😌
summary: you find yourself in an awkward situation in the new school you transferred to? is it gonna get better? worse?
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okay, this wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be? just a couple stares and gasps as you walked around the school, completely lost.
sure you could have asked a student, but the way they just stared at you in shock when you asked them creeped you out. was there something on your face?
oh! what about that girl with blue hair talking to somebody? it’s rude to interupt a conversation, but it’s just a quick question, it won’t hurt anybody.
you walked up to her and tapped her shoulder. you squinted your eyes slightly from the light she gave off, is this normal? “excuse me, do you know where class-“ you paused. your eyes bulged out of your head. she was gorgeous! you weren’t really looking, expecting that she wouldn’t say anything too but when you met eyes with her you didn’t realise that she was that pretty!
“hm?” she smiled at you gently, waiting for you to say what you were gonna say. come on y/n, she probably dosent have all day and that girl next to her with short brown hair looks.. sad? it’s fine. “do you know where.. year two class three is?”
“oh yeah, I’m in that class!” the girl grinned at you. “my name is kokomi teruhashi, by the way,” teruhashi introduced herself. “come on, I’ll show you where you have to be,” she grabbed your hand and lead you to your class. is she an angel?
after awkwardly introducing yourself in front of the class, sitting in front of a pink haired weirdo and having a few people stare at you, class was over! you were having a good day so far.
as you stepped out of the class, people started to quickly surround you, asking a lot of questions or admiring you way too close.. is this what it was going to be like everyday? girls giggling and squealing over you? you felt trapped and a bit flustered.
“what’s your name?” “let’s hang out some time!” “can I do your homework?” most of the girls questioned you. you should have known this would have happened, now your a frozen, awkward person in the hallway, currently getting harassed 😢
you also saw a guy with purple hair with a furious expression. he was looking at you too, is he jealous of the attention? what is wrong with this school..?
you blinked for a second, and pop! your on the rooftop! what the hell just happened, first you got actually got some girls, now there’s witches in this school? oh, there’s that pink haired weirdo that you were sitting in front of, STANDING. RIGHT. IN. FRONT. OF. YOU.
is this a dream? it totally is a dream because it’s not normal for a pink haired to kidnap you on a roof top. saiki, who was so offended after being rudely insulted as a ‘pink haired weirdo’ two times already, was already getting tired of your thoughts. just for one day, he wanted to do something nice for someone and he gets this.
“u-uh, thanks for getting me out of there,” you said, scratching the back of your head. “atleast he actually has some decency to thank me for that,” saiki thought. he nodded, turned around and started walking away.
“wait!” you called out to him. “not this again,” saiki thought as he turned around. “what’s your name?” you asked him with a gentle smile. “saiki kusuo,” he replied with a blank expression, before walking away. wow, he really didn’t want anything do to with you. but at least you gained a new friend! we’ll see..
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redrobbingabank · 2 years ago
So awhile ago, I started writing a Bats in the Spiderverse au, but I didn't finish it because I don't finish half of what I start. Since the new Spiderverse movie came out, though, I thought it'd be fun to post the beginnings I had done. This is literally all I had from the doc lol, it's below the cut. CW's for violence and death.
Here ya go
(pls excuse the shitty format I don't write screenplay format often)
(BRUCE voiceover)
Alright, let’s do this one more time.
My name is Bruce Wayne. Long story short, I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for the past twenty three years, I have been the one and only Spider-Man. You know the rest. I saved the city––
(BRUCE delivering a knockout blow to the JOKER)
––Fell in love–– (BRUCE and SELINA kissing in on a rooftop)
––Saved the city a few more times––
(Montage. BRUCE defeating BANE; BRUCE, in a gas mask, arresting SCARECROW; BRUCE in the middle of an overgrown laboratory, negotiating with POISON IVY)
I save the city a lot. But the most important thing about me is that no matter what happens,
(BRUCE on the ground, back broken. BANE stands over him)
I always get back up.
(While BANE’S back is turned, BRUCE pushes himself up on his elbows)
I will always keep fighting.
(BRUCE, bloody and beaten, facing off against an army of Talons)
Because that’s what I do. I’m Spider-Man. I’m a symbol of hope in Gotham. And as long as I’m around, there will be hope in Gotham’s people, too.
(Cut scene, no audible dialogue. In the Batcave(Spider-cave? Whatever I’m calling it the Batcave), BRUCE stands against RA’S AL GHUL. He’s heavily injured, clearly dying. RA’S delivers some clever, triumphant line. In response, BRUCE slams his hand down on a button to the left of the computer’s console. A self-destruct protocol is activated, and the cave comes down, killing them both.)
(DICK voiceover)
Alright. Let’s do this one last time.
My name’s Dick Grayson. When I was eight years old, my parents were murdered. When I was fourteen, I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for the past ten years, I have been the one and only Spider-Man. You know the rest. I fell in love––
(DICK and WALLY doing the Upside Down Kiss™)
Saved the city––
Did that a lot, actually. 
(DICK exchanging blows with DEATHSTROKE, disarming FEEDBACK, arresting TORQUE)
Pretty cool, huh? I mean, it was, at first. Then things started going a bit downhill. I lost my brother––
(DICK, kneeling in the ruins of a warehouse, holding the beaten corpse of fifteen-year-old JASON TODD)
Lost my fiance––
(DICK and WALLY reaching for each other. WALLY is screaming as a storm of lightning consumes him. He disappears before DICK reaches him, and he drops to his knees, alone in the middle of a scorched house)
Lost a lot of people, actually. But that’s not important! What is important is that I always get up. No matter what gets thrown at me, no matter how hard I’m hit, I will always get up. That’s a promise.
(DICK, in a funeral suit, kneeling in front of a grave. The headstone is engraved: Wallace West. The on-screen DICK speaks, syncing with the voiceover)
I will not break that promise. 
So that’s life! I get hurt, I keep going.
(Shots of DICK getting progressively angrier. He leaves villains behind bloody and unconscious, blood on his knuckles. In a rundown apartment, he puts his fist through a wall, tears running down his face.)
I do what I have to to keep people safe, regardless of the pain. Because I’m Spider-Man, and that’s my job.
(JASON voiceover)
Okay, let’s be real. This is probably not the last time.
My name is Jason Todd. I was kidnapped and almost killed by a psychotic serial murderer when I was fifteen. The reason I wasn’t was because of a radioactive spider that bit me on my way out. And for the past seven years, I have been the ‘one and only’ Red Spider. My methods are a little different than the other guys.
(JASON, standing over the body of BLACK MASK. He holds a handgun in each hand. One is still smoking, aimed at BLACK MASK’S head)
What can I say? It gets the job done. So yeah. I’ve saved the city.
(JASON holding a disassembled bomb, bodies littering the ground around him)
I’ve pissed people off.
(JASON, swinging away, flipping off BRUCE, who’s also in a Spider-man suit––this one is made by science. He didn’t get bitten in this universe––. JIM GORDON watches from his car, looking like he doesn’t get paid enough for this shit.)
I almost fell in love. But it didn’t work out.
(JASON and ROY together in a bar, smiling over drinks. It’s their first date. Cut to JASON finding ROY’s body in an alley, where he was killed trying to stop a mugging.)
I haven’t tried again since that. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m a fucking Spider. You lose people. It happens. So as long as I’m alive, I’m going to keep fighting, and I’m going to keep winning. That’s my job. I’ve been taking a new angle recently––
(Shot of JASON at the UTRH meeting with the bosses. No audible dialogue, but he throws The Duffel Bag down to them. Clearly, it goes in his favor. Cut to JASON counting money, dropping it off anonymously at schools/hospitals/libraries. Cut to JASON, in an office, giving orders to the bosses.)
––It’s working out pretty well. So, that’s me. I’m the Red fucking Spider, and as long as I’m around, I’m going to help. There’s nothing else to do.
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taiblogcomics · 10 months ago
Time to Start the Countdown!
Hey there, crafting in a fugue state. Well, while it's not quite blogaversary time, I think it's closer today than it will be next week. So it's the blogaversary! We're on… lucky thirteen, isn't it? Oh boy, that's a sign if ever I saw one. And moreover, we've had it good for a while, no? And we've had it too good too long. Three miniseries (well, two miniseries and a cancelled series) in a row that I actually liked. And when did we last do something truly awful? Avengers Arena last summer? Well, if that's the case, I propose we cover a truly heinous series. And one that won't leave us wondering what to do for a while~
Here's the cover:
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Oh yes, my dear readers. We're going to review fucking Countdown.
"But Tai!" you might say, "this series is from 2007! Hasn't it been done to death?" Well, first of all, age has not improved this story. It is still terrible 17 years later. Second, perhaps some other reviewers may have covered it. Maybe some more popular than me (but not more popular than the BeeGees). But I wanna do it in a different way! And by which I mean, I want to review it like I review everything I do: one issue at a time. This comic was released weekly, after all. So I wanna replicate the experience of what it must've been like to read it week by week! Now that's how you get in all the suckiness!
As for the cover itself… Well, it's a fucking image of a bunch of popular heroes (and Jason Todd) running at the camera on a white background. Whoop-de-doo. I will give the series credit for one thing right off the bat, though: the numbering. We're starting on issue 51 and counting down to 0. Because it's called Countdown. That's at least some thematic gimmickery that I can appreciate. It won't help the overall score in the end, but it's at least something~
So, where do we start with this pile? Well, you're familiar with Infinite Crisis, 52, Identity Crisis, and Batman: Under the Red Hood, right? That's basically where you need to be in DC history to have a basic understanding for this series. That's the mark of a great series, eh? In short: Ray Palmer has disappeared following the insanity of his wife, Jason Todd is back from the dead, the Multiverse and the Monitors who watch over them have returned, and Superboy-Prime will be our villain. You got all that?
We open on the hellish and goofily-spelled planet Apokalips, where sadist torturer Desaad is waxing poetic about the lack of value of a single life. Ah, setting the mood and tone for the readers right away. Even Darkseid tells Desaad he's a depressing nihilist. Darkseid is busy organising his pretty sweet collection of DC Comics character statues. He must've been a big fan of Kenner's Super Powers line back in the day. He does concede one point to Desaad: he's right in that all lives, no matter how meager, touch another. That's downright positive for Darkseid!
As he moves a figure of Duela Dent, we transition over to that character on Earth. Thankfully, this is not the Duela we know from the New 52, but her much better and more interesting and likeable counterpart in the Post-Crisis universe, where she was an on-again-off-again member of the Teen Titans. At this point, it's "off again". She's dancing at a club, and then decides to kidnap and ransom the pop star hosting the event. As she tries to escape on a parachute, she's shot down by Jason Todd, who catches the pop star in midair.
Duela and Jason exchange some banter, mostly where it's reiterated that Duela isn't literally the Joker's daughter, and she retorts that he's not Batman's son either. Jason prioritises getting the girl to safety, which is probably the most heroic thing he'll do this entire maxi-series. Duela makes an escape, but is shot down again--by someone we can't see right now. She's pursued, and as she runs over the rooftops, she crosses a hospital, which transitions us over to our next character. I'll be fair, this transition is pretty good. If they continue to be non-jarring, I will award another point at the end of this review~
So Mary Batson (AKA Mary Marvel, so we can just call her Mary either way) has just recovered from her coma. During Day of Vengeance, the wizard Shazam was killed, severing Mary's connection to her powers. She also went into a coma, as you may have heard. She's fine now, and even has no hospital bills to look forward to, as they've all been paid off by Freddy Freeman (AKA Captain Marvel Jr). But Freddy's not here, and all he's left her is a note that says "Don't look for me". So she opts to walk home in the rain.
Also out in the rain is James Jesse, AKA the Trickster, one of Flash's Rogues. The Rogues are having a party, and Trickster's gotten here early, to Heat Wave's annoyance. Heat Wave's annoyed in general, since Trickster went straight for a few years, willing to help the Flash out on occasion. He hates the idea of how blurred the line has become for the Rogues, and is planning something big to get them back on track. Trickster assures him he's got his head on straight now. Also listening in is the Pied Piper, another Rogue who sat on the blurry line like Trickster, wondering if he's horning in on his turf. No rat metaphor he can use her?
As the rain comes down, Duela Dent continues her rooftop run, unloading whatever tricks she's got up her sleeve at her pursuer. You know, silly string taser, that sort of thing. (Where does she get those wonderful toys?) But her pursuer just shrugs it off, and she screams as he begins to shoot at her. Jason hears the scream, heading back to see what's going on. He tells the hulking figure that he doesn't tolerate gun-wielding crazies in his town. Well, of course not, that's your gimmick, isn't it, Jason~?
Jason attacks the guy, and we get a good look at him at last. Jason has no idea who it is, but the reader does (or should, at least is the hope). It's… the Monitor! The big good of Crisis on Infinite Earths, back again! And he's hunting Duelas! He claims to be the multiverse's only hope and that anomalies must be purged. To that end, he shoots Duela dead with his laser gun. Jason is enraged and punches the Monitor, who aims his weapon at him next. The only thing that keeps him from shooting Jason Todd as well is the sudden arrival of… a second Monitor??
So yeah! This was a reveal at the end of a one-shot called DC: Brave New World, which showed some upcoming premises for a few heroes' solo series, and then finished with a shot of the Monitors promising to, well, monitor these events. The end of much-better weekly comic 52 (this comic's direct predecessor) saw the restoration of the DC Multiverse into the cosmology it would use from here on out (even into the New 52 and beyond). Not an infinite multiverse, just 52 parallel Earths (including the main one), and a Monitor stationed to watch each one.
That's where we are. This second Monitor (who is subtly different to the Duela-shooter) stops the first from shooting Jason as well, saying he's acting outside his jurisdiction. The first claims his job is to eradicate anomalies and dimension-jumpers. The second says he'll report him to the rest of their brethren, and the first is sure the others will support him. Both teleport out, but not before the second one does offer an apology to Jason for Duela's death. However, since he doesn't offer the same to the reader, I am not inclined to forgive him.
And so our comic closes out with another Monitor flying out into space. I can't tell for sure, but I'm assuming it's the second one, since he has the same blue bodysuit. (The first one wore red.) He's out at the Source Wall, which is a literal wall at the edge of DC's universe. It's a Jack Kirby thing, don't question it. He asks the Source Wall why there is tension among his fellow Monitors. Great flaming letters reply "GREAT DISASTER". He asks what can possibly stop this Great Disaster? And the flaming letters reply: "RAY PALMER". Which I'm sure means a lot to this multi-dimensional space being.
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Well, there we are. Off to a smashing start, huh? Usually you have to wait 'til the middle or end of the sucky event for the unnecessary deaths, but this one shows you what you're in for right away by fridging Duela Dent in its opening issue. And while this series will eventually reveal her backstory (a long-confusing thing for her character), she'll still be dead by the end of it, so it's not like the reveal will benefit her. And once again, we're murdering a former Teen Titans member to do it! Hey, DC: stop treating the Titans as your C-list fodder! Didn't you already get enough of this during Infinite Crisis two years ago (at the time of this issue's publication)??
The rest of the issue is... not much better. The reveal of multiple Monitors is pretty shocking, but not to a character who has no idea what that implies. The brief scenes with Mary Marvel and Trickster are at least setting up something, but their scenes are so short that it can barely do more than hint. Get used to that being a recurring theme throughout this series! And worst of all? This isn't even half our focus characters. By the end of this, there will be no less than eight storylines jockeying for control of the narrative, and they won't overlap until late in the game.
I can't wait to show you how bad this is going to get~
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pianocat939 · 3 years ago
Hey uh snow owl anon here....I got a hcs request! Uh how about...yandere princess cookie x shy gardener reader? Like they are the one who takes care of the flowers around the castle? Just curious what a yandere princess cookie would be like!
Also wanna say...I read your lychee fic and I really liked it! I personally think you wrote them very well! Don't underestimate yourself! You're doing great! Also when I request stuff...I'll try to ask for more hcs than fics...I didn't know you preferred hcs over fics...I'm sorry! Well I hope you have a wonderful day! Lots of hugs if you like hugs!
I’m happy you like the Lychee fic but I want to cringe when I read it haha.
Don’t apologize for requesting a fic. I just prefer them so my organization is better and so it’s clearer to read. I try to keep my hcs kinda like a Fic but also not. It’s basically formed like an outline of a fic.
When a Flower Wilts
Tw: Kidnapping/trapping, Somewhat force-feeding, This is short
• The sweet berry juice of love and the sturdy shield of the Mother Queen; all famous aspects of the Hollyberry Kingdom.
• Upon this grand kingdom is the royal family’s Princess. An adorable but adventurous cookie ready to protect her fellow cookies at any cost.
• It was a warm and buzzing day in the kingdom; a perfect environment to just spend time in the kingdom.
• Princess cookie wandered around the gardens, Knight cookie following closely behind.
• “Is it just me or are the flowers looking extra colorful today?”
• “Well they do look lively.”
• The duo commented on the flowers, unaware of the cookie deep inside the plants and bushes.
• “Those are the best one of this field.”
• A cookie raised their head out from the greenery, causing Knight cookie to yelp in surprise.
• “Augh! A criminal?!”
• “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you!”
• The cookie buries themselves inside the plants once more, causing Princess cookie to lightly slap Knight cookie.
• “Don’t just call a random cookie a criminal!”
• “Apologies, Princess. It’s an instinct of mine.”
• “Hello? I’m sorry that my companion assumed you were a criminal! It was an accident!”
• Nothing answered Princess cookie’s call, only the distant chirps of the birds.
• Princess cookie huffs and sits down on a nearby bench, wanting to rest and enjoy the warm breeze.
• “Tomorrow.”
• The next day was gloomy, a light rain dribbling onto the rooftops of the usually bustling kingdom.
• In the royal garden, a cookie was enveloped by a thick cloak, shielding them from the rain.
• Their hands held some scissors and a small basket, snipping off brown-colored buds.
• Behind them, Princess cookie stood. Holding an umbrella with curiosity beaming from her eyes.
• “Hello, your majesty. What brings you here on this stormy day?”
• “I am here to enjoy your work. Even in such weather your flowers bloom brightly.”
• Y/n cookie smiled and showed the containments of the basket.
• “I make sure to snip off the dead ones, they take away the beauty of the rest.”
• “Oh I see! Well, it is raining quite harshly now. I should be getting back.”
• Princess cookie waved them goodbye, devising a dark plan in the meanwhile.
• Y/n cookie opened their eyes, groggy from their sleep. They look around, only to realize that they aren’t in their home.
• “H-hello? Does anybody know where or why I’m here?”
• “In our cabin silly.”
• Princess cookie entered the room, holding a tray of food. The cabin floors creaked as she approached.
• “Princess cookie?! What are yo- mph!”
• A spoon was forcefully shoved into their mouth, the hot broth almost burning their mouth.
• “Now now, I know you’re confused but first you need to eat. You’ve been asleep for a while now.”
• Before they could retort another spoonful invaded.
• “I brought you here so I could keep you from the other cookies. I didn’t want them to see your charm, only I can. I preferred to keep you in the royal chateau but since I’m not the Queen yet I couldn’t.”
• A bun was fed next.
“But, when I do become Queen you’re going to move in with me and rule the Hollyberry Kingdom. Of course, I won’t let you out for public events.”
• A few berries on a skewer stuffed your mouth.
• “You even said it yourself; ‘I make sure to snip off the dead ones, they take away the beauty of the rest’.
• You shouldn’t have cut off those wilted flowers, then maybe you would still have friends and family…
I’m still recovering from my horrible travel so apologies if this is kinda sucky. At least I got it done haha.
(Thanks for waiting)
- Celina
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sooibian · 4 years ago
So Let's Runaway - Costa Brava
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Prologue >> Costa Brava >> Seville >> Cuéllar
Pairing: Kyungsoo x Fem!Reader ft. bff!Chanyeol
Genre/Themes: Fluff, angst, humour, travel AU, road trip through Spain, travel buddies Chansoo
Warnings: Grief, loss, heartache, toxic relationships, mildly explicit language
Description: A bachelors trip turns into a soul-searching journey when an unlikely group of three travels through the scenic landscapes of Spain. Their experiences present them with opportunities to mend bridges, face their fears and fall back in love with the true essence of life.
Word Count: ~ 5.3k
A/N: this story is a part of @supermwritersnet​ ‘Around the world in 31 days’ event. event masterlist. 
Tag list: @sooadorable @rosetvler @changshapatrol @his-mochi-cheeks @is-that-baekhyuns-shirt @j-pping @kysoobydoobydoo @exoxobsession @camillapad @reekyungsoo​ let me know if you’d like to be (un)tagged.
@smolgirlbigthoughts​ thank you so much for the description!!! ;~~~~~;
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After having stayed the night (or whatever was left of it after a red-eye flight) in an Airbnb in Barcelona, the three of you hired a Lyft to Europcar to pick up the SUV that Chanyeol had pre-booked for the Costa Brava - Seville - Cuéllar itinerary. What you’d gathered from your several conversations with Chanyeol after that serendipitous coffee date was that each of the three friends had handpicked an adventure sport to try out in these places.
Chanyeol had chosen scuba diving in the rugged coast of Costa Brava with its spectacular cliffs and countless coves. Kyungsoo had appositely picked out an adventure sport involving throwing oneself out of an airplane thousands of feet above ground a.k.a. skydiving in Seville, the capital of Andalusia, resting, wise and old, upon the Guadalquivir river. And Yixing, bless his heart, had wanted to take part in a bull run in Cuéllar that takes place on the last Sunday of August each year.
Twirling the car key on his finger, Chanyeol, dressed in baggy black shorts, a loose fitting purple tee, super dark oversized shades and a snapback cap worn backwards, strongly resembled that ‘smiling face with the sunglasses’ emoji as he walked out of the booking office with Kyungsoo following closely behind. All set to catch a few winks in the rear seat comfort of the SUV, you pulled down the brim of your sunhat but suddenly, a blur of turquoise swooped past you, capturing your attention. Your drowsy eyes wrestled the summer sun to land upon a gorgeous turquoise Buick convertible swerving around the parking area before coming to a fashionable halt. A portly, bespectacled man stepped out of the vehicle and deposited its key with the booking office.
This was it.
This was the car ideal for a road trip, not some mafia boss’ kidnapping vehicle.
The essence of time dawned upon you so you trotted to where the Buick was parked and went down on your knees, hands folded in an implicit plea. The two men, startled at first, were quick to realize what was up.
Kyungsoo fixed you with a judgemental gaze that wasn’t any different from a mother’s fed-up of her child’s tantrums while Chanyeol broke into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. Shoulders hunched under the weight of his tan leather backpack, Kyungsoo crammed his hands into the pockets of his khaki pants and sighed, “The SUV’s more practical.”
With a twinkle in your eye, you exclaimed, “Screw practical! Just look at it! It’s a convertible and we’re on a road trip!”
Grinning from ear to ear, Chanyeol advanced towards you gingerly. “Shifu, my love-”
Jutting out your lower lip, you crossed your arms over your chest and whined, “Don’t call me that after you’ve ditched me for Miss Perfect Hair!” causing Kyungsoo to roll his eyes which distracted you from Chanyeol’s stealth attack.
All of a sudden, the beanpole leapt at you, maneuvered you like he would a balloon sculpture, tucked his arms under your knees, picked you up and shoved you in the backseat of the dreary black vehicle with sun shades on windows darker than Kyungsoo’s soul. With Chanyeol’s finger pressing down on the ridge between your eyebrows, you laid down on your back, sulking, “Some road trip this is. Can I atleast drive?”
Before slamming the car door shut, he teased, “Take a nap.”
And...you tried.
Forty five minutes into the drive, you tried so hard to make up for the red-eye flight but Kyungsoo’s phone Just. Wouldn’t. Stop. Ringing. To make matters worse, he sounded like a broken record parroting the words ‘margin call’, ‘shorting’, ‘S’, ‘B’, ‘stop loss’ over and over again. The same damn thing, every single time.
“Enough Kyungsoo! We’re on a vacation, dude,” Chanyeol chided, the almost indiscernible crack in his voice indicative of his annoyance.
Leaning back into his seat, Kyungsoo bragged, “The last thirty seconds earned me enough commission to be able to buy at least five bags of the kind I bought Aera yesterday.”
“Now, why would you buy Aera a bag?” Chanyeol asked, a hint of suspicion evident in his tone. The sounds of their voices had been mercilessly thwarting your attempts at a peaceful slumber but, this was different. The lack of response from Kyungsoo seemed to have piqued your interest. Your eyes fluttered open to a one eighty shift in Chanyeol’s mood. Brows knit together, his fingers impatiently drummed on the steering wheel as you both waited for Kyungsoo’s answer with a bated breath. But in his stead, it was his stupid phone that broke the silence.
Wide eyes fixated on the screen, Kyungsoo suddenly cried out, “Stop the car!”.
“Stop the car, Chanyeol!”
Letting out an exasperated groan, Chanyeol rashly veered the car to the right before hitting the brakes, causing you to nearly roll off your seat. Kyungsoo darted out of the vehicle and the next thing you knew, he stood facing the hood of the vehicle, his laptop perched atop the bonnet and his life support cellphone clutched in one hand.
Bowing to the screen, he greeted, “Moshi Moshi!”
“Is he taking  a work call right now?” you mused.
Chanyeol snorted, “That’s Doh Kyungsoo for you.”
Chuckling softly, you squished your face against the back of Chanyeol’s seat and groused, “Well, along with loony, your friend seems to be fluent in Japanese.”
“Yah! Cut him some slack. He’s had a rough couple of weeks,” explained Chanyeol, wrestling with a bag of chips in his hands.
“Yeollie -”
It was on the tip of your tongue.
You wanted to tell Chanyeol about your encounter with Kyungsoo on the rooftop but there was no way you could explain your own presence in the first place. To make matters worse, you were the worst liar you knew. So, you decided it was a story that best remained untold for your own sake, your mother’s and inadvertently, Kyungsoo’s.
“Can I have a chip?” you asked instead.
“All yours!”
“I’ll have just one, thanks.”
“You alright, Shifu?” Chanyeol slurred around a mouthful of chips, “Is there anything you need?”
“A nap would be nice,” you jested while nibbling at the edges of the deep fried snack.
“Aww, sleepyhead, we’ll be there in an hour.”
Humming in agreement, you reached for another chip and cooed, “Are you alright, Yeol? What’s with the whole ‘bag for Aera’ situation?”
Chanyeol’s head spun around to give you a warm, dimpled smile. “Don’t worry. It’s not what you’re thinking.”
You couldn’t help but notice how he had wolfed down an entire packet of chips in a matter of minutes along with a can of some neon and black fizzy drink. A distant memory of Chanyeol guzzling an entire bottle of water in three seconds for shits and giggles back in Uni stretched your lips in a wistful smile.
By then, Kyungsoo was done with his twenty minute long call against the quaint cerulean and stone backdrop of fishing villages by the coast. Who needs a virtual background when you’re surrounded by coves of deep blue sea and beaches of golden sand? As he reached for the car door, you whispered in Chanyeol’s ear, “One more call and I’m chucking his phone out the window.”
Grinning mischievously as he fastened his seatbelt, Chanyeol sang, “Oh, Shifu, I’ve missed youuuu!”
The moment Kyungsoo stepped inside, a tangible gloom proliferated in the enclosed space. Chanyeol started the car and you quietly curled up in the backseat. Kyungsoo’s head spun around, round eyes blazing with conviction. Pointing towards the trunk, he said, “Do you see that cloth bag on top of Chanyeol’s trolley?”
“This one?” you asked, hoisting yourself up on one elbow, your arm carelessly flapping all over the luggage before landing on said cloth bag with a dull thump.
“Hand it over, please,” winced Kyungsoo, “Be gentle, it’s a gift.”
Passing him his precious ‘gift’, you let out an annoyed huff and laid down again, facing the backrest. But curiosity got the better of you. You immediately turned back around to see what this ‘gift’ looked like.
Kyungsoo loosened the strings of the canvas tote to reveal a black Birkin Cargo. Soft and lightweight, it was supposed to be Hermès first off-road bag. Your droopy eyes flew open in awe of its high-brow craftsmanship and it was certainly a thoughtful gift for a bride-to-be. If this gift was meant for you, you were sure to forgive any and all of his crimes but the bag didn’t seem to have the same kind of effect on Chanyeol.
The air was still thick with tension.
Gaze fixed on Chanyeol’s profile, Kyungsoo murmured, “I didn’t want to do this now.”
Eyes on the road, “Spill,” grunted Chanyeol, as if expecting the obvious.
“This is an ‘I’m sorry’ gift for Aera,” started Kyungsoo before lowering his voice to a whisper, “I picked it up from duty free last night...it’s fifteen times Yixing’s annual agricultural income.”
Chanyeol clicked his tongue in disapproval at Kyungsoo’s snide remark.
“What do you want to apologize to her for?” he then asked with a deep sigh.
“I- I can’t make it to the wedding,” said Kyungsoo, faltering in his otherwise steadfast speech.
“Why?” quizzed Chanyeol in a terrifyingly cool tone while anger started to rise within you. Why he allowed this midget to walk all over him was beyond you. Didn’t he have better friends?
“I pushed back an important appointment for this trip. It was either Spain or the wedding. And since you insisted on Spain...”
Furious, Chanyeol struck the steering wheel with his palm. With the rattle of the metal strap of his Rolex reverberating in the car, he bellowed, “The actual fuck, Doh Kyungsoo?!” 
“What?! I said I’m sorry!”
“No, you didn’t! Besides, ‘sorry’ doesn’t fix anything! You’re supposed to be my best man - are- are you listening to yourself right now?!”
Chewing on the insides of his cheeks, Kyungsoo patiently waited for his friend to simmer down. After a pregnant pause, Chanyeol resumed reasoning with him, his tone evidently milder this time, “Okay, okay, talk to me. Does this appointment have to be on the exact same day as the ceremony?”
“No, it doesn’t and...it isn’t,” Kyungsoo explained before hurriedly requesting, “Can we do this later?”
Chanyeol took a sharp right turn along the tapering road and brought the car to a screeching halt. Brows furrowed, lips quirked in an angry smirk, he looked Kyungsoo straight in the eyes and you felt as if the air conditioner had suddenly started meting out the chilliest of blows.
“No, I want to talk about it right now! So, tell me. What’s more important than your best friend’s wedding?”
Kyungsoo took off his glasses, threw his head back and pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. “Chanyeol, please -”
“No, I need to know!”
“Then remember it was you who wanted to have this conversation on the first day of our trip,” he stated curtly.
“Enough with the drama Kyungsoo!” Chanyeol’s roar rang through the car.
“FINE!” Kyungsoo grumbled, “I got a job offer from the London office and...I accepted. I leave a week after we’re back in Seoul….since it’s a new position I cannot fly back for the wedding. And I would’ve...I- I was going to fly back for the wedding had it not been for this trip.”
“So you decided to leave. Forever. Just like that. Without even talking to me about it first.” Chanyeol thought out loud, his tone tellingly casual.
Looking out the window, Kyungsoo whispered audibly, “There’s nothing left for me in Seoul.”
Without another word, Chanyeol started the car.
Putting his glasses back on, Kyungsoo threw his hands up and argued, “So you’re not going to say anything?!”
Chanyeol cranked up the volume on the car’s stereo in response, leaving Kyungsoo tongue-tied.
Ten minutes into the drive, Kyungsoo’s phone blew up for, conservatively, the fifteenth time. But before he could even swipe to answer, Chanyeol lowered the car window, plucked his phone out of his hand and chucked it into the shrubbery by the roadside and continued to drive at an accelerated speed.
Kyungsoo’s mouth fell open but no words came out and unbeknownst to you, you were mirroring the dazed look on his face.
Chanyeol stuck his thumb out to where you were seated and justified indifferently, “It was her idea.”
It wasn’t a house. It was a warzone.
The spacious three bedroom apartment had invisible borders drawn out and nobody dared to encroach upon the other’s territory.
After arriving in Costa Brava, the three of you settled in and freshened up before heading out for a scheduled theoretical lesson on scuba diving conducted by your PADI certified instructor. The lesson had ended sometime around sunset and through the entire thing, you acted like complete strangers, making it more awkward than necessary for the twenty something instructor.
After the lesson, Kyungsoo offered to drive the trio to a boutique hotel, Hostal Sa Rascassa’s restaurant, which was supposed to be located on the edges of a tranquil, secluded cove and served traditional sea-food centric dishes like -
“- grilled sardines, cod fishcakes and octopus stewed with onion and pepper,” Kyungsoo counted on his fingers, making your stomach growl and your mouth water.
Chanyeol brushed him aside with a bitter, “I’m not hungry.”
Turning to you, Kyungsoo asked politely, “Wanna come?”
From the corner of your eye, you noticed Chanyeol shooting you a death glare so you decided to wriggle out of the situation by citing tiredness.
Kyungsoo lifted his shoulders in a dismissive shrug and took off in a taxi, leaving the car to the two of you.
“Where do you wanna eat?” Chanyeol asked as you got into the passenger’s seat.
Slack jawed, you chastised a giggling Chanyeol, “Yeollie, you’re absolutely horrible!”
It had been months.
Months since Natasha had walked out of their shared apartment.
And ever since then, every night, the moment Kyungsoo’s head would hit the pillow, a sense of hopelessness would erupt right in the middle of his chest. Spreading its wings far and wide, this despair would engulf him entirely and render him sleepless.
Nothing he tried helped his disposition so he’d started working on accepting this feeling as an inextricable part of his being. Something he’d have to learn to live with for the rest of his life.
Overcome by exhaustion, Kyungsoo drifted off only to be jolted awake by a jarring memory.
Hands balled into fists, Natasha yelled, ‘HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?’
‘This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, Natasha! This deal could help us!’ Kyungsoo thundered in the face of her dogged determination to not let this slide.
‘Can’t you see that I don’t care?’ She met his bloodshot eyes with tears welling in hers.
Brows knit together, Kyungsoo ruminated on his thoughts before firing back, ‘Are you saying that you don’t care about my life?’
Exasperated, Natasha ran a hand through her hair to ground herself and argued, ‘Stop it, Kyungsoo! Don’t confuse your work with your life! Your work isn’t your life. It’s just a part of it. WHAT ABOUT US?’
‘Us?’ Kyungsoo deliberated, ‘I bought this apartment so that we could live together.’
Natasha retracted with every step Kyungsoo took towards her, expression coloured in unpleasant shades of anger and disgust.  Letting out a mirthless laugh, she taunted, ‘Oh, please! You bought this apartment to impress people with your upmarket address.’
Aghast, Kyungsoo sank into the couch, his mind flitting between despair and hope. Head in his hands, breathing jagged and raspy, he reasoned, ‘I can’t believe you’re saying this to me! I’m planning a future with you.’
‘The future is yet to come, Kyungsoo. WHAT ABOUT OUR PRESENT?’
Hands on his knees, Kyungsoo’s gaze shot up to rest upon Natasha’s flushed face. ‘What do you want?’ He demanded in a terrifyingly low tone.
A silent tear slid down her cheek as she explained with a quiver in her voice, ‘I want your time, Kyungsoo. I want a relationship not a retirement plan.’
Helpless, Kyungsoo toyed with the words in his mind before blurting, ‘If the chairman of Nakamura Corporation wants to meet me then I have- to- go! If he likes the presentation, he’ll give us the entire account. Don’t you see how big this is for me?’
‘But what about us, Kyungsoo? What about our dinner plan?’
‘We can postpone it to next month, can’t we?!’
‘It’s my birthday, Soo. I can’t postpone my birthday. You’d promised me this dinner...no matter what! You cancelled the reservation without even asking me first.’
Cupping her face in his hands, he pressed his lips to hers and whispered, ‘Baby, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry...but I have to go.’
When you padded into the living room, sleep befuddled at 5 a.m., you caught Chanyeol and Kyungsoo locked in an embrace, both of their eyes squeezed shut, as if wordlessly conveying an incredible degree of warmth and affection towards each other.
All of it….in “bro code”.
You imagined the conversation in your head, in two deep, distinct male voices:
‘I’m sorry I threw your phone out the window, bro!’
‘It’s what I deserved, bro!’
Rubbing away the drowsiness from your eyes, you tiptoed back into your room so as to not disrupt this….whatever this was supposed to be.
Underneath the purple-pink skies, enveloped in the cool early morning breeze, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, and you, dressed in spandex scuba suits, huddled together in solidarity on the boat’s bulwark.
The diving site that Chanyeol had picked was called ‘Boreas Wreck’. The Boreas was a high sea tugboat that served for the German Navy during World War II. It was deliberately sunk in 1989 for the purpose of creating an artificial reef and thus, a scuba diving attraction.
“Any non-swimmers?” the trainer asked and Kyungsoo’s hand shot up in the air.
Her full lips curled up in a dazzling smile. “You’re brave,” she remarked and you heard Kyungsoo swallow hard, inviting a snigger from Chanyeol.
Hands on hips, her perfect figure accentuated by the spandex, she instructed, “You will be diving deep into this sea now, do you remember the theoretical part I taught you on the shore?”
Chanyeol and you were confident (and loud) in your affirmation.
Kyungsoo, not so much.
With the bulky dive equipment on, the instructor created a circle with her thumb and forefinger, gesturing, “All okay?”
The three of you responded by following suit.
First dive, twelve metres depth.
You’d become the proverbial fish out of water except you were not the fish and you were under water and your whole world had been turned upside down….quite literally.
You spun around to find the instructor assisting Chanyeol with his breathing rhythm and Kyungsoo curled up like a shrimp, hugging his knees. Arm extended, he gave you a “thumbs up” which meant an entirely different thing under water from what it did on land.
Thumbs up, in diving lingo, spelled trouble. It meant that, for whatever reason, the diver wished to ascend. But, by then, you’d known Kyungsoo long enough to understand that there was no real cause for concern.
The look in his eyes told you that he was simply struggling to adapt.
You swam towards him, with your legs and not your arms, in order to maintain good buoyancy control. Clasping your hands together in a mitten grasp, you signalled him to hold onto you. Kyungsoo created a circle with his thumb and forefinger to signal “okay” before putting his hand on your forearm, the soft ripples caused by his gentle movements gleaming in the artificial light from your gear.
You then raised your other arm and flattened your hand, palm down, to “pat” the water in front of you as you would the head of a dog. Wearing a comforting eye smile, you essentially asked Kyungsoo to take it easy and relax. You then levelled your hand with his eyes, palm facing up before drawing a deep breath, wordlessly asking Kyungsoo to breathe slow, deep and long.
Another nod. Another “okay”.
He then pointed his index finger to his ear, the gesture indicating that he couldn’t clear his ears and had trouble equalizing. So you locked your eyes with his and took his elbows in your hands to pull him up to ascend slightly before quickly pushing him down again while wondering whether he’d paid attention to the theoretical lessons at all.
He squeezed his eyes shut before giving you another nod which meant that the equalization was a success.
Kyungsoo’s thumb and forefinger met in another “okay” but this time with an eye smile which you reciprocated with an “okay” before snapping your fingers into a teasing finger heart.
All traces of agreeableness instantly vanished from his visible features.
The deeper you went, your fluo green spectrum widened, whelming you with the underwater world’s tranquil beauty which neutralized the shooting pain in your ears and the violent thumping of your heart. Corals in the shape of giant mushrooms floated around you and sea urchins greeted you with their bright purple-brown spikes glowing under the ocean’s natural light. At your feet, a shy goby fish with its large head and tapered body tunneled its way into the sand upon sensing the arrival of strangers.
While you were immersed in this exquisite scenery, a wide eyed Kyungsoo grabbed your attention by waving at you, his hand holding a pink fin.
‘That fin looks familiar,’ you thought before realizing it was your fin that had released itself from your right foot. You almost choked from laughing with the regulator on and the mask attached to your face as Kyungsoo helped you stick it back on.
Having been privy to breathtaking videos and countless stories of the mysteries and magic of the underwater world, a first-hand experience felt surreal. You were quick to adapt to the environment and didn’t try to fight it or control it and your first breath under water had been an experience like no other.
The Boreas Wreck was home to a number of incredible marine species such as Mediterranean sponges and blue gorgonians, scorpionfish, sea urchins, starfish, goatfish, mullets, bream, lobsters, groupers, and barracuda. While you couldn’t pindown all the enticing, drop dead gorgeous palettes of reds, blues, and yellows that crossed paths with you, shoaling, schooling...or even solitary, it didn’t take away from the sheer awe you were overcome with at every second of your time several azure and viridian metres below the surface of land.
The instructor then guided the three of you inside the boat’s wreck, which was safe to enter since all hazardous items had been removed before Boreas was scuttled. With an excited Chanyeol in the lead per usual, you visited some of its confined rooms, and went further in to explore the kitchen, the engine room, the bridge and even the captain’s cabin. The dilapidated metal and wood body of the civil boat, covered almost entirely in sea fauna, was nothing short of a beautiful nightmare.
Traversing, you reached one corner of the boat basked in a blinding white light, enveloping you in a gentle embrace. Emotions so carefully locked away came flooding through the dam of your forced stoic indifference. Giving in, you stretched your arms out, allowing yourself to freefall into a distant memory.
Haphazardly flapping your arms and legs, you struggled to keep your head up but no matter how hard you tried, the pool water made its way into your mouth, nose, and eyes, even.
‘Appa!’ you managed loudly as you felt yourself drowning again.
Your Appa was the one who always came to your rescue.
No matter where you were, no matter how bad things got. He was always there. So when he just stood there, a smile on his face, watching you grapple with a force that mercilessly dragged you down while you kicked and punched and floundered to stay afloat...a mysterious emotion rose within you.
You felt betrayed by the man who was supposed to have your back.
Seething, ‘Appa!’ you bawled, but to no avail.
Until...magically...you didn’t need his help anymore.
After days of relentless torture, you’d finally found yourself moving forward, cutting through the water with synchronized movements of your arms and legs.
But the exhilaration hadn’t lasted long.
A couple of minutes in and you realized that that force was winning again but this time, you didn’t drown.
This time a familiar pair of hands grabbed you before you went under and threw you up in the air as your misty eyes took in the biggest smile on your father’s face with an equally big one gracing your bright features.
Circling his arms around your tiny torso, he nestled you into himself.
‘My champion!’ he whispered into your swim cap covered ear.
Back on the boat, with your diving gear off and fresh towels wrapped around your shoulders, you sank to your knees, completely wracked with sobs.
You felt a million emotions, all at once, the reigning one being embarrassment at this sudden outburst. With his arms around you and his chin resting on the top of your head, Chanyeol whispered, ‘It’s okay, it’s alright,’ to ground you while gently rocking you back and forth until you’d let it all out. Turning around, you buried your face into the crook of his neck as if to hide away from the inquisitive eyes of Kyungsoo and the instructor. Chanyeol held you closer, his hand stroking the back of your neck in silent support.
Even after a sumptuous lunch of salmon canapes, baked scallops, rice with spiny spider crab, mixed seafood finger foods complete with a chocolate semi sphere, Chanyeol was uncharacteristically quiet and Kyungsoo, uncharacteristically amiable.
“Feels a little morbid to be eating all this seafood after a dive,” you jested with a serious expression, nibbling on a piece of dark chocolate. And it was only then that the boys went back to being their true selves. Amused, Chanyeol guffawed, “Good to have you back!” while Kyungsoo choked on his sparkling white wine.
Shortly after, Chanyeol excused himself to make a call to Aera.
Kyungsoo ordered two coffees for the both of you and you noticed how he kicked about a conversation starter in his head as opened his mouth only to clamp it shut several times, before finally mustering, “I just want to say -”
“No,” you interrupted him in a mortified haste, “no, please don’t say anything I don’t wanna talk about it except, I’m really sorry for making it so awkward for you guys back there.”
“Oh, no,” he gave you a dismissive wave of hand, “it was just Chanyeol, me, and...erm...the pretty instructor who we’ll never see again. Chanyeol makes a complete ass out of himself every waking hour and as for me, please don’t worry about me. Especially not after you found me blind drunk on a rooftop in the dead of night. We all have our moments. I’m sorry,” he suddenly stopped short, expression solemn, “you said you didn’t wanna talk about it.”
You chuckled, teasing, “Pretty instructor, huh?”
This was the longest conversation you’d had with Kyungsoo so far and truth be told, you were caught off guard by... his smile. His resting face was a natural frown, mostly due to his poor eyesight. And in your experience, if he had his glasses on, it was Chanyeol who was the primary reason for his scowl, with you being a close second.
It took you a moment to take in that dazzling, heart shaped smile of his before you could speak again but it was Kyungsoo who lugged the conversation forward.
“I just wanted to thank you for what you did for me back there. I think I felt a little overwhelmed by the,” he pondered his thoughts before concluding, “the vastness of the ocean. Sorry, I’m no poet.”
“Don’t mention it,” you smiled, “How did you feel by the end of it?”
“Umm,” Kyungsoo ruminated on your question, “I felt like I was in the moment...like, reaching a stage of subtle awareness from surface awareness.”
“And you say you’re not a poet,” you quipped, “So, like, meditation?”
“Maybe. It felt as if I was letting go of...of all the emotional baggage -” he trailed off rather plaintively.
Voice laced with hesitance, you sang, “So….maybe…you’ll sleep better tonight?”
Clearly taken aback by your question, Kyungsoo exclaimed, “What?!”
“I’m sorry but, it’s very obvious that you haven’t been sleeping too well.”
Thick eyebrows scrunched together, he let out a confused ‘Oh!’
“Did Chanyeol -” he continued, only to be interrupted by a booming, cheerful voice, “Think of the angel and the angel appears!”
Kyungsoo looked up at a beaming Chanyeol and deadpanned,  “That’s not how the saying goes. Anyway, what took you so long?”
Eyes holding a glint of humour, Chanyeol placed a neatly wrapped iPhone box in front of Kyungsoo and took the dramatics up a notch with a stage performer-esque curtsey thus inviting amused stares from the nearby tables in the courtyard style restaurant. Kyungsoo unwrapped the packaging with the eagerness of a five year old on Christmas Eve and to his disappointment, instead of the high end handphone, he opened the case to a hot pink flip phone.
Kyungsoo let out a low growl, “The fuck is this?”
Standing at a safe distance from his fuming friend, Chanyeol quipped, “A phone,” while making no effort to suppress his laughter.
“Thank you, Mr. State The Obvious, but I’m an adult male, not a Japanese schoolgirl!”
Tickled by his own little prank, Chanyeol threw you under the bus by triumphantly howling, “It was Shifu’s idea!” before darting out of the premises.
Dumbfounded, you exclaimed, “WHAT?! NO!” as Kyungsoo fixed you with a death glare.
‘When were you going to tell me about this?’
Maybe this was one of your endless nightmares.
Maybe this wasn’t happening at all.
Your mother deflected your question by putting things away. Dirty dishes in the washer, clothes in the dryer, leftovers in the fridge, while you followed her around like a lost puppy, a crumpled, time stained letter held delicately in your hand.
The throbbing in your head now bordering on numbness, bile rising up your throat, your legs threatening to give away, you reiterated your question, vociferously this time, surprised at your own power of will. A quality that forever eluded you. The inability to voice your needs, your opinions, masked under a not so thinly veiled sense of self deprecating humour was...you, in a nutshell. This sudden surge of fighting spirit consuming you whole felt alien but at the same time, very natural and, at the same time, it was taking a toll on every nerve, every muscle, every bone.
Every second felt like your last.
‘Would she be able to handle it all over again?’ crestfallen, you mused, ‘The grief. The sympathy. The cumulation of my life -- all these decades condensed into a tiny vessel of ever fading memories. The sands of time trickling through her wrinkled fingers.’
‘Eomma, please -’ you cried out, only for your plea to fall upon deaf ears.
It wasn’t until the next morning that she spoke to you again.
Bloodshot eyes framed by the weight of living, she handed you a warm cup of tea and let out a deep sigh.
‘He never wanted you. It was your Appa who accepted me...he accepted us… It’s been three days since your Appa -,’ wracked with sobs, it took her a while to compose herself to be able to speak again, ‘don’t dishonour his memory.’
‘Why should I believe a word you say? Why should I believe that- that my own father never wanted me?’
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fishfingersandjellybabies · 4 years ago
I Wonder What It’s Like (3/3) - fic
Characters: Jon Kent, Damian Wayne, some Maya and Kathy Pairing: jondami Summary: One person’s bad timing is another person’s good timing. A/N: And *mumble mumble* they live happily ever after. Damian was already curious because the way Jon was holding him in the rescue was the way Clark holds lois in similar situations and ONLY Lois. It was just a giant ‘oh fuck it’s reciprocated.’ moment I guess, so he egged it on.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
It was an alien invasion. Of course it was.
All hands on deck. Justice League, the Titans, and their Teen variety, Young Justice. Even some less desirables like the Outlaws, Suicide Squad, Deathstroke and, well, their own little ragtag group.
And it was a weird time to be thinking about it, you know, punching out aliens and their robot pets over the city harbor and all, that their little foursome didn’t have a name. Didn’t go by anything. They weren’t League and they weren’t Outlaws. They weren’t really…anything. The ace in the hole? The backup?
He didn’t like any of those-
“Focus, Superboy.” Crackled in his ear. He glanced down to the nearby skyscraper. Saw Damian and Maya fighting back-to-back. Felt himself smile. Kicking ass and taking names – that was so them.
It was Damian who had spoken. Damian, who wasn’t even looking at him. Too busy flipping over Maya’s shoulder as they switched opponents.
Jon blinked a few times, then looked back at his own enemy, clutched tightly in his fist, shrieking to the machine that Kathy was taking out a few feet away from him.
“How’d you know I wasn’t?” Jon mumbled, throwing his rock-monster-looking alien towards the ground.
“Because we know you.” Maya chimed in. “And you float when you zone out. Notice how high you are right now?”
Kathy laughed as Jon sheepishly floated back down to where she was. “What were you thinking ‘bout?”
“…We don’t have a team name.” Jon practically pouted. “We’re just…the Other Ones.”
“And that’s a problem?” Damian snorted. “The less who know about us, the better, in my opinion.”
“Oh, right, and your opinion is never wrong.” Maya droned. A moment later she let out a shout, and Jon glanced down to see that Damian had thrown an unconscious and oozing alien right at her. “Okay, no need to be childish, you little worm!”
Damian cackled at her annoyance, and Jon ignored the flutter in his stomach.
“And there was no need for you to open your mouth at all, yet here we are, Nobody.” Damian sneered. Maya let out a string of curses, and Jon watched her throw a body in Damian’s direction. Damian dodged it, and then spoke again, but softer this time, aimed at him. “…Were you just lamenting the fact, or coming up with names yourself?”
“Mmm, both? Neither?” Jon shrugged, shooting himself across the sky to intercept an alien heading straight for a group of fleeing civilians. “I just thought it was odd.”
“I can’t believe I’m going to say it, but I agree with Damian.” Kathy said, making a retching noise right after. Maya laughed through the comms. Damian scoffed. “I like it how it is right now, you know? People call us when they need us, and we get to be normal people otherwise. It’s like being a hero part-time, and honestly, after our childhoods? I think the four of us deserve the break.”
“Freelance heroes.” Maya echoed. “I mean, I don’t think actually having a name or title associated with us would change anything, but I suppose I get the general principle.”
“I just mean, like…what if we’re interviewed by the news? Or some little kid asks who we are?” Jon pushed. An alien came flying towards him. He caught it like a baseball, spun, and threw it back from where it came. “The day is saved thanks to…who? Justice League Jr.? The Ghosts? The Powerpuff Girls? Like, what’s our backup?”
“I think concerned citizens would suffice in most situations.” Damian drawled.
“Concerned and capable, that’s us.” Maya mocked.
Kathy laughed at the joke, and Jon just rolled his eyes. He turned towards the water, seeing a new hoard of aliens and their robots coming their way. He sighed – when would this end?
Suddenly, there was a sharp static crack in his ear. In his periphery, he saw Kathy flinch at the noise too. Their communicators, then.
But before either of them could open their mouths to ask, Maya gave a shriek.
“Fuck!” She screamed. Jon and Kathy spun back towards the building their teammates had been on. The rooftop was no longer swarmed with aliens. In fact, the aliens were all scattered and flailing, like they were turtles knocked on their backs.
Jon’s stomach dropped as his mind processed what else was wrong. Maya and Damian were gone.
“Damian!” Maya shouted. Jon saw movement below the roof, glanced down to see Maya scrambling to her feet on the fire escape, pointing straight up into the sky. “Guys, he grabbed Damian!”
Jon’s eye followed her finger, and sure enough, speeding above even his head, one of these rock creatures – but bigger, more reptilian – was flying full speed towards the stratosphere, Damian hanging from his clawed hand by his ankle.
Damian, of course, wasn’t fazed in the slightest. Already had a knife in hand, and was stabbing at his captor’s grip.
Jon’s heart pounded, and he found himself glancing over at Kathy. She nodded, gave him a grim smile.
“Go get him.”
Jon needed nothing else, and felt the sonic boom snap behind him as he took off after the reptile man.
“Does he always break the sound barrier when he takes off?” Maya’s voice buzzed through his communicator. She was most likely talking to Kathy. He paid it no mind. “Or is that just another one of those Damian things…”
But because Damian was, well, Damian, he couldn’t leave well enough alone and kept stabbing at the monster’s fingers. And even as Jon sped towards them, he could see the creature getting frustrated, questioning how worth it it was to have Damian as a captive.
Without warning, he decided that, apparently, it wasn’t worth it at all.
So he dropped him.
Panic electrified Jon’s system, and his breath came up short as he twisted his course to follow a now-plummeting Damian.
What if he wasn’t fast enough? What if he didn’t catch him? What if the alien came back?
What if Damian died? Right here? Right in front of him?
“I’m coming!” Jon found himself shouting, both for himself and for Damian. In freefall, he saw Damian look towards him. “I’m coming, D!”
And as he got closer, flying as fast as he could, he saw Damian believe it, believe in him, and slowly, steadily, reach his hand out.
Jon was almost there. Jon almost had him.
But god, the buildings below them were already so close.
His heart was on fire, the wind in his face was causing his eyes to tear up. But he was close, he was so close-
(And the jagged corner of that skyscraper was even closer.)
-so he reached his own hand out, brushed his fingertips against Damian’s. Watched Damian watch their hands. Watched all fear drain from Damian’s face, turn into blind trust.
Then grabbed his forearm and yanked him into his chest. Held the back of Damian’s head as he spun them, so it was his back that bounced into the corner of the building’s roof, and not Damian’s skull.
The momentum kept them bouncing. Off that first building into another, into a fire escape, into a broken window, into brick, against a dumpster. And all the while, Jon kept tight hold of Damian, kept him curled into his chest, hidden by his cape.
Anything to keep him safe. And alive.
They landed in a heap in the alleyway, Jon’s back against the dirty ground, and Damian spread on top of him. Jon let out a small groan as Damian scrambled up and backed off of him.
“I hate falling. It’s my least favorite part of flying.” He mumbled, sitting up himself. He rubbed at the base of his spine as he glanced up. “You okay?”
“Am I…?” Damian scoffed, holding out his hand. Jon took it, and let Damian swing him up into his space. “You’re really asking me? You’re the one who just crash landed.”
“Being Kryptonian helps with that.” Jon winked. “Besides, you were the one who was just almost kidnapped, and then almost splattered on the pavement. I think it’s a valid question.”
Damian scoffed and crossed his arms, glancing away. “I’m fine…Thank you.”
“Any time.” Jon grinned. But almost instantly, he let the smile drop. Furrowed his brows and, without thinking, reached out, cupping his hand along Damian’s jaw and turning his head. “Hey, what’s…”
He’d seen blood, he thought, coming from Damian’s hairline. Was it from the previous fight, or their fall? Jeez, if it was from their fall, Jon wasn’t sure if he could handle…
But no, it was just dirt. Grime from being in battle all day with no breaks. His bad. He went to smile once more, but found himself hesitating as he glanced towards Damian’s face, and found Damian staring at him with wide eyes. Wide, too knowing, too soulful, too hopeful, too green eyes.
He felt his own heart beating against his chest. Especially as he remembered just how close they were standing. Damian had pulled him up into his chest, and Jon had never backed up.
And Damian never asked him to.
Suddenly, he found himself unable to let go of Damian’s face. Kept his hand glued to the curve of his throat, Damian’s own heartbeat pulsing against his fingers. Swallowed, and could have sworn the whole city heard it.
“Damian, I…”
But Damian cut him off with a simple, blunt demand. “Kiss me.”
Jon stumbled over the noises suddenly coming out of his mouth. Not words, not even thoughts. His attempts at speaking coming out like television static instead.
“You heard me.” Damian said lowly, and Jon could feel the cheek under his hand heating up in the start of a blush. “And you know I don’t repeat myself.”
“You…I…this…” There was a crash a few streets over and Jon flinched. Instinctively shifted even closer into Damian’s space to box him in against the wall, to protect him. Just in case.
He never dropped his hand.
A second later, he realized his movement, and glanced down. Damian was still watching him with those sharp jade detective eyes. The ones Jon could stare into forever, if given the chance. The ones he could see the universe in, that were brighter than any star in the sky.
God, Damian could always see right through him.
“…I don’t think now’s the best time.” Jon whispered, almost desperately. Damian smirked.
“Timing and invasions and life-or-death danger has never stopped your mother and father. Hell, that never stopped my parents either. I’m pretty sure I was conceived in the middle of an assassination plot. On both of them.” A pause, to think, to bite at his lip. “But you didn’t say no.” Damian breathed softly. “Bad timing is not a no.”
“Well, of course not.” Jon rambled – admitted – as he looked off to the side, towards the invasion still happening all around them. Looked at anything but Damian. “But, we have to save the city. The attack is still going, and these aliens-”
Suddenly, there were fists in the front of his cape, and he was being yanked down, lips crashing into his.
Damian tasted better than Jon could ever dream, ever fantasized all those nights alone in his room. There was no distinct taste, but rather…he tasted like the donut Maya had forced him to have for breakfast that morning. The black coffee he’d drank with it.
He tasted like blood and chapped lips, with a fading hint of the cheap chapstick he used because it was a gift from a little girl they’d rescued a few months ago.
He tasted like insecurities and heartbreak. He tasted like a man who had never been sure of anything in his life until this moment, this action.
And Jon wanted to devour him. Jon knew he had to devour him.
Consciously this time, he raised his other hand, held Damian’s face as tenderly as he could. Felt his breath hitch as Damian skimmed his hands down Jon’s chest to grab at his waist.
It felt like he’d been waiting his whole life for this.
Damian seemed to almost melt against him, and when he leaned back those few centimeters to take a breath, Jon guided him backwards, until his spine pressed against the building’s brick wall.
But Jon pushed against him, swallowed his voice. He couldn’t help but smirk, just a little. Damian may have started this, but he had no problem taking control.
And his heart stuttered at the thought that Damian was letting him.
But then, of course – of course – there was a explosion from the building behind them. They broke apart as Damian ducked slightly, and Jon once more hovered over him protectively.
Debris collapsed loudly around them, a sharp rod of steel bouncing off Jon’s back at one point. But as soon as it began to settle, their comms. crackled to life with their allies, friends and fathers calling for them, asking for their locations and statuses. Roars of the aliens echoed all around them.
Damian sighed.
“I suppose…you were correct.” He grumbled as he stood back to full height, looking up towards the clouds.
“Now probably wasn’t the best time for...” He whined, waving his hand awkwardly between them. He put his hands on Jon’s chest again, but this time to push him gently back and step back into the street. “There’s an alien invasion to stop.”
Jon watched him for a moment. “…Damian?” Damian glanced over his shoulder. “Are we going to talk about this later?”
Damian blinked, then smiled. But not a hero smile. Not a Robin or Nightwing or Batman smile. A Damian smile. Warm and genuine and just the slightest bit mischievous.
“What’s there to talk about, Beloved?” Damian asked, leaning back and taking Jon’s hand, pulling him forward. “Now come on, there’s a world to save.”
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danny-chase · 4 years ago
wait selina had her own protege? Tell me more 🥺
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[Image ID: A young girl (maybe like 13-15) with hazel (yellowish) eyes and short brown hair. She's wearing a lot of eye makeup, a little hat with cat ears, and goggles. She wears a tie, pink vest, and grey t-shirt with pawprints. End ID]
Batman (1940) #642
Kitrina Falcone - link to wiki
She was a Catwoman copy cat (haha sorry i couldn't help it) who grew up with her abusive uncle (Mario Falcone - he literally tries to kill her in the arc she's in, she calls him uncle - but others claim she's his little sister and she claims she's Carmine's daughter) and lived on the streets for a while. She looked up to Catwoman and imitated her, but Selina steals some of her maps (i think like blueprints for heists or smth idk) so she breaks in to Selina's house to steal them back.
At this point she was working for Penguin (she bombed a place it was a whole thing) - her map making skills are vital for taking down/locating Black Mask so she's vital (she's doing this for the bounty). And she and Selina get on and Selina gives her a costume and she becomes Catgirl.
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[Image ID: Selina Kyle as Catwoman and Kitrina Falcone as Catgirl stand on a rooftop next to each other with the moon illuminating them. The Catgirl costume has a studded silver belt and collar, black claw-like gloves, black leggings, and a black tank. There are pink zagging stripes on the side of the torso and back of her calf that have silver behind them. She also wears pink ankle high converse with a purple cat icon patch on the side. She has a mini cowl with cat ears that are pink on the inside and pink scale-like bracelets/ruffles at the end of her gloves. Narration boxes (Dick): Or in this case, in the reflection I catch out of the corner of my eye - the swift and agile movement in the reflection of the windows across the street. Selina: He's gone, Catgirl. Kitrina: I want to follow him. I bet he has a cool hideout. Selina: No. You have much to learn... and lesson one starts tonight. End ID]
Batman (1940) #697
Idk if she has any appearances as Catgirl, but following her appearances listed in the wiki she lives with Selina for a while until Dick tries to talk her into going to boarding school (with Selina also on board) on orders from Bruce.
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[Image ID: Dick and Kitrina argue on a rooftop, Dick as Batman and Kitrina in a white tank top and pink pajama pants. Narration box: I don't have much time to spare on a night like tonight. But Bruce wants Kitrina Falcone out of Gotham. I can't say I disagree. Dick: The Aldridge Boarding School for girls is one of the best in the country, Kitrina. It's everything you need. Kitrina: And nothing I want. Dick: You can't have what you want. I'm taking that away from you. Kitrina Why are you acting like such a dork? I've proven myself. I helped you. Are you forgetting all the - Dick: You're young enough... smart enough to have a normal life. And you're an opportunist... take the one I'm giving yo - Kitrina: No one gives me anything. I take. I have everything I need here. Support. Training. Selina (off panel): Listen to him, Kitrina. End ID]
Batman (1940) #710
Dick lecturing a kid about not being a child vigilante is just jdfklajdkfla hypocrite XD
Anyways from here on, she runs ahead on the case they're working on (i skimmed didn't actually read it) leaving him clues and such it's like the typical young vigilante storyline of being over confident. She gets in over her head, Dick catches up and bails her out - she runs (because this one actually has self preservation instincts unlike the 934758 other batfam characters). Dick gets shot in the head (again - but don't worry the cowl redistributed its impact *sigh* this man has so much head trauma, but comic book logic) by Harvey Dent's wife Gilda no less and wakes up later and finds this letter.
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[Image ID: Dick looks down at a paper, bandages are wrapped around his forehead. He's drawn with blocky features there art style isn't doing him any favors. Dick: A letter from Kitrina Flacone. The note reads: Dear Batman, I am writing to keep you from worrying about what became of me. I wouldn't want you to think that "Catgirl" got in over her head. Or was kidnapped, or killed. They show the side of a travelling bus. Note: I'm leaving voluntarily. In fact, I'm going to try out that school you signed me up for. It's probably a dumb idea... but I'm a girl who likes challenges. Kitrina sits looking into the window, seeing her reflection as Catgirl, earbuds in her ears. Note: And putting up with a bunch of rich prissy debutantes will be a challenge. I'm sure I'll put a few of them on their rears by the time it's over. But the point I'm making is, don't count me out. I'll be back. And I will be bad-assed. - Sincerely, K End ID]
Batman (1940) #712
The arc itself is pretty dry and follows a pattern we've already seen from DC comics. Also she's like "I'll be back" and DC just went sike. So. Yeah. Reboot messed her stuff up. It's annoying to me that they made Lian Selina's new protégé or whatever when they already had this storyline right here, and to have Jade drop her off like that is ooc, especially because Roy was right there as well. And while Kitrina might not be for everyone personality wise, I personally would love to see her kick rich kids asses at boarding school. Or just have her train under Selina - because at the least she already grew up watching Selina and trying to emulate her, both in personality and in the skills she taught herself - so the connection for this character is already there - whereas "Shoes" just came out of nowhere.
Another thing I find kind of funny is the popularity of "Stray" fics, because she hits some of the same beats I've heard about (i haven't read any though this is second hand knowledge). To my understanding, when someone (Tim or Jason) is stray, they grow up on the streets trying to escape familial abuse (which she does) and eventually is taken in by Catwoman (which she is) and becomes her protégé (again which canonically happened to this character). Though she doesn't interact with her respective Robin (Damian at the time) too much which i think is also usually a part of said fics.
Anyways here's her being called a stray lakdfjaslfdj
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[Image ID: Kitrina as Catgirl slams into a car, Riddler's daughter following after her. Riddler's daughter: I need to warn you. I hate cats. Kitrina is kicked through the cars windshield. Riddler's daughter: Especially strays. Kitrina: Oofh! End ID]
Batman (1940) #711
I have no idea if this is a coincidence or not - this character has very few appearances, which date back to the Dick!Bats era - so i assume most of this fandom doesn't actually know who she is, but it's possible one of the first "Stray" fics used her as inspiration.
Also she freaking bit Dick as Batman which i find hilarious - i know fandom makes a big thing about Damian being a biter but like:
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[Image ID: Kitrina bites someone's gloved forearm - it's Dick as Batman but you can't tell from the panel, forcing him to drop a knife. There's a chomp sound effect. Kitrina: What're ya? Crazy?! You're not killing him! Dick: Umff!]
Batman (1940) #696
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lizamango · 4 years ago
Finding You (Bucky Barnes x Reader) 4/?
A/N: Yay I’ve managed to bang out another chapter before I get too busy this weekend. This is seriously the slowest burn fic I have ever written!
Summary: You’ve been one of SHIELD’s top spies for years but what happens when the organisation you’ve put your trust in crumbles and Captain America gives you a mission to help him find his best friend? The last thing you expected to happen was to fall in love with your assignment and become best friends with a witch.
Taglist ~ just comment if you wanna be added
@buckylokisimp​​, @white-wolf-buckaroo​​, @austynparksandpizza, @markandlexies,  @yaszx​
Word Count: 3117​
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~
Warnings: cursing
Chapter Summary: Steve trusts you and you face the Winter Soldier
Chapter 4: IT WAS ALL A LIE
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I wake up in a new car with Rogers driving.
“Where are we?” I ask groggily.
“Goin’ back to DC. Goin’ to someone I trust,” he responds keeping his eyes on the road.
“Didn’t realise you had friends. Other than me, of course,” I joke, trying to lighten the mood even though we almost got blown up.
“So we’re friends now, huh?” he says, playing along.
I shrug but it causes a pang in my side and I hiss at the pain.
“You alright?”
“I’ll be fine. Don’t have enhanced speedy healing but I’ll cope. Give me an ibuprofen and I’ll be good as new.” I sigh, staring out the window.
“You sure that’s not an act to distract me from the fact you called me Steve and not Rogers or Captain?” he says, teasing.
I roll my eyes dramatically. Of course he picked that up. “Slip of the tongue.”
“Whatever you say… friend. Pal. Buddy,” he chuckles, amused at his own joke. Like a grandpa.
“Oh my gosh, anyone ever tell you you’re really annoying?”
He quiets down and the mood shifts notably. More somber. “Someone did.”
I frown, I thought he didn’t have anyone special… The car comes to a stop and before I could ask for more, even though I know he wouldn’t give it, he gets out of the car.
“Where are we, really?”
“Trust me.” I do.
I follow him up the steps and he knocks on the door. I look around, suspicious and skeptical, the sound of the door opening brings my attention to the owner of the house. Huh, the guy I saw when I first picked the Captain up for that cursed mission.
“Hey, man,” Sam says in shock.
“I’m sorry about this. But we need a place to lay low.”
“Everyone we know is trying to kill us,” I add.
“Not everybody,” he steps aside and Steve and I walk in. “Bathroom’s through that hallway and there’s a spare room right across from it… I’ll go and… make you something to eat. If you guys do that sort of thing.”
I chuckle softly and Steve lets me go wash up first. I splash water in my face and take a breath, something I couldn’t do until now. I stare hard at my reflection and I look as lost and tired as I feel. I find a small towel and take it with me, sitting on the bed and drying off. Steve freshens up next and goes to sit in front of me.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” I respond a little too quickly.
“What’s going on?”
“I guess… SHIELD’s been my life for so long. I thought I knew what it was… that it did good, helped people. I thought that everything I did, every mission I filled was the right thing, the good thing. But what if it wasn’t? Whoever gave those orders could have been using me. Using us all. If we’re the bad guys then… the people I’ve… crossed off… they could have been good guys.” I put the towel down and sigh. “I owe you, Rogers.”
He shakes his head. “It’s okay.”
“I really thought… HYDRA was gone.”
“Well, yeah so did I, I killed their leader.”
“No… there’s something else.”
I know he’s frowning as he looks at me. “What?”
“I told you about Romanoff’s mission in Odessa… after that I was put undercover. Two years, deep. As a scientist researching the super soldier serum; from Romanoff’s debrief that seemed like the best option for a cover story. We had to find out about these threats that came outta nowhere. HYDRA picked me up. We never even considered them, I didn’t know it was them until later so I told Fury. At first… he thought it was just pockets, ya know? Thugs. People who wanted to take the reputation HYDRA had to scare competition. They had a secret… I kept coming up with nothing in my three-monthly check ins but I felt like I was close. Anyone interested in the serum had to know something, right? Then we found you and… I don’t know, maybe if Fury didn’t pull me out, I would have found the Winter Soldier and Fury wouldn’t be dead.”
“You didn’t know. No one did. These aren’t thugs. They’re organised and have been for a long time to be able to infiltrate SHIELD like they have,” he says sternly.
“If it was the other way around, and it was down to me to save your life, now you be honest with me, would you trust me to do it?”
“I would now. You’re not a bad person, Y/N. I can see that, I don’t have to know you that well to know that. And I’m always honest,” he adds, causing a slight smile to appear on my face.
“Well, you seem pretty chipper for someone who just found out that killing the Red Skull did nothing to stop HYDRA.”
“Well,” he leans back on the chair. “I guess I just like to have a face to put on the people I’m up against.”
“Breakfast is ready…” Sam says. “If you… eat.”
“I like him,” I say.
“So do I.”
We stand and follow Sam to see the eggs, bacon and toast laid out on the table. “This is so sweet, thank you, Sam.”
He smiles. “I wanna help.” And I know it’s about providing us with a meal.
“We-we can’t ask that of you,” I say, knowing he’s not referring to cooking breakfast for us.
“You don’t have to because I’m offering.”
Steve nods. “Alright.”
“You’re just a civilian, right now,” I object.
“So are you, disgraced SHIELD agent.”
I huff, that’s fair.
Steve updates Sam on what has happened as I eat the breakfast so kindly prepared.
“So, the question is, who at SHIELD could launch a domestic missile strike?”
“Pierce,” Steve answers.
“Who happens to be sitting on top of the most secure building in the world,” I saw before having a bite of buttered toast. Yum.
“But he’s not working alone, Zola’s algorithm was on the Lemurian Star.”
Thinking back, I go through all the names of the hostages on the ship. “So was Jasper Sitwell,” the only field officer on a ship of technicians and scientists.
Steve frowns. “So the question is how do the two most wanted people in Washington kidnap a SHIELD officer in broad daylight?”
“The answer is, you don’t,” Sam says then he places a file on the table.
“What’s this?”
“Call it a resume.”
“Is this Bakhmala? The Khalid Khandil mission. That was you?” I say looking at the picture. “You didn’t say he was a pararescue,” I say to Steve. “I heard they couldn’t bring choppers in because of the RPGs. What did you use? A stealth chute?”
“No. These,” Sam hands us the thicker file.
“I thought you said you were a pilot?” Steve says, surprised.
“I never said pilot.”
I finish my breakfast as they think of a plan to retrieve the… wings. The boys can handle that while I enjoy these eggs and locate Jasper Sitwell.
Steve kicks Sitwell through a rooftop door. “Tell me about Zola’s algorithm.” I follow after Steve, silently.
“Never heard of it,” the traitor says, out of breath and stumbling backwards.
“What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?”
“I was throwing up, I get sea sick.” This smartass. He almost falls back but Steve catches him, grabbing him by his shirt. He calms down and smirks. “Is this little display meant to insinuate that you’re gonna throw me off the roof? Coz it’s really not your style, Rogers.”
“You’re right. It’s not.” Steve smooths Sitwell’s jacket down. “It’s her’s.” He steps aside and I smile, kicking him off the roof as he screams. “Were you on the helicarrier when Barton tried to shoot us down?”
“What?” I say, caught off guard, as I stare down and the falling man.
“You said I had two more guesses.”
I chuckle, remembering what he was talking about. “No, I was on a short vacation by then. One more guess.”
“Where did you go?” he asks out of curiosity.
“So it was a mission?”
“Classified,” I smirk. “Fine you got it outta me, I was at –“
Sam comes up with a still screaming Jasper who is dropped behind us.
“To be continued,” Steve comments as we approach the agent.
“Zola’s algorithm is a program for choosing Insight’s targets.”
“What targets?”
“You. The TV anchor in Cairo, the Under Secretary of Defense, a high school valedictorian in Iowa city, Bruce Banner, Hank Pym, anyone who’s a threat to HYDRA. Now… or in the future.”
“The future?” Steve repeats. “How could it know?”
Sitwell chuckles. “How could it not?”
“The 21st century is a digital book,” he stands up, meeting Steve’s eyes. “Zola taught HYDRA how to read it. Zola’s algorithm evaluates people’s past to predict their future.”
“What then?” I ask, frowning.
He looks at me as if he’s noticed what he has revealed. “Pierce is gonna kill me…”
“What then?” I repeat.
“The Insight helicarriers cross people off that list. A few million at a time.”
Well Shit.
We get into a car, dragging Sitwell with us and we drive to the Triskelion.
“Insight launches in 16 hours, we’re cutting this a little close, fellas.”
Steve explains our plan of action which to no one’s surprise, Sitwell objects to. Before he can continue his rant there is a thud on the roof and an arm pulls him out through the car window.
I watch after him, seeing the metal arm of the Winter Soldier grabbing a gun from his holster. Moving fast, I slip through the two front seats and into Rogers’ lap, pulling his head forward to protect him as the Soldier shoots from the back seat to the front. Before the bullets reach us, Steve pulls on the break, causing the Soldier to fall forwards. Grabbing one of the guns, I aim but we get hit by a SHIELD Humvee from behind, causing me to drop the gun and the car to push forward toward the Asset. I fish for the gun, grabbing it as the steering wheel is ripped out of the car and Sam’s hands.
I shoot after the Asset but he jumps off and onto the Humvee as we glide through the road, no way to control the car. We roll and Steve grabs each of us as we surf on the detached car door. The Soldier launches a bazooka at us but Steve pushes me away as I start running for cover so he takes the shot.
I dodge gunfire and moving cars, jumping off the bridge and using a grappling hook to safely get myself down and run but seeing his shadow, I stop just before the bridge and start shooting until he takes cover. I move to a cable car as the pissed off Asset rains bullets at my previous location. I shoot back and run as the bullets chase me.
As a diversion I record myself speaking on my communicator and play it on loop, placing it behind a row of cars as I take cover. I watch as he rolls a grenade to the source of the sound and it explodes so I jump up, using a car as a step up and kicking him in the face. I wrap my legs around him as I use my retractable steel bracelet to wrap around his neck as a garrotte but he gets his hands through and walks backwards, slamming me against a car. He gets his hands on me and throws to off of him and into another car. Geez. Before he shoots at me I grab an electric disc off my bracelet, throwing it at his arm to temporarily disable it as I run for my life.
“Get out of the way! Get away!” I yell at the panicking civilians then I feel a bullet pierce right through me. Stunned, I stumble backwards, resting on a car. I hear the soldier land not too far from my position and our eyes meet briefly as he aims at me. Steve runs in, giving me a chance to get away. Finally. Fuck me, why did I have to be the one to deal with him? As the two fight, I manage to get a hold of a dropped gun and slowly make my way back to them.
Steve flips the soldier over whose mask falls off as he lands. He turn around and I notice Steve’s stance stiffens.
“Who the hell’s Bucky?” the Asset asks. Sam kicks him, sending him flying but he’s too distracted, shaken to go after him. His eyes go wild, confused and lost as he looks at the mask now on the ground. He takes out a gun, aiming for Steve and instead of shooting directly at him I purposely target for behind him.
I recognize the STRIKE team’s vehicles coming for us and there’s no where to run. Agents put handcuffs on me and walk to the their vehicle, doing the same to Steve and Sam, confiscating their weapons and loading us up.
“What happened back there, Steve?” I ask. “Isn’t Bucky… your childhood friend?” I recall from reading the history books. He was the only Howling Commando to give his life in combat and was put on the SHIELD Wall of Valor as an honorary agent.
“It was him. He looked right at me like he didn’t even know me,” he says sadly.
“How is that even possible? It was like 70 years ago,” Sam asks.
“Zola. Bucky’s whole unit was captured in 1943, Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did, helped Bucky survive the fall.”
“Zola did it to hurt you,” I say. “Using your best friend as their secret weapon, if they ever needed him to fight you. That’s why they chose him to experiment on…”
“Wow, classic evil guy tactic,” Sam comments.
“None of that is your fault, Steve,” I say softly.
“Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky.”
“Y/N, you’re bleeding badly,” Sam notices. “We need to get a doctor here. If we don’t put pressure on that wound, she’s gonna bleed out here in the truck.”
The masked agent pulls out an electrified baton, causing Sam to stop talking and jump back. They don’t use it on him though as they flip it in their hand to hit their partner who groans but passes out before he could do anything.
“Ah, that thing was squeezing my brain. Who’s this guy?” Hill removes her helmet.
“Long story,” I whisper. It feels like when I talk it hurts more.
Hill accepts that and uses a laser cutter to cut a hole in the floor and we slip out.
“I have a car waiting,” Hill says. “There are still agents on the right side.”
We arrive at a dam and Steve helps me down from the SUV, allowing me to lean on him as we follow Hill.
“GSW, she’s lost at least a pint,” Hill yells.
“Maybe two,” Sam adds.
“Let me take her!” A doctor I don’t recognize says, meeting us.
“She’ll wanna see him first.” I frown, who could I possibly wanna see right now, apart from a doctor to stitch me up?
Leading us into a room, there was no way I could have expected it. Fucking Fury, of course he’s alive.
“About damn time,” he mumbles then lists all his injuries.
“You’re too stubborn to die,” I say as the doctor sits me down to attend to my gunshot.
“Why all the secrecy?” Steve asks.
“Any attempt on the Director’s life had to look successful,” Maria explains.
“Can’t kill you if you’re already dead. Besides, I didn’t know who to trust.”
“So we just had to get targeted by the Winter Soldier for you to trust us?” I ask.
“I trusted you, that’s why I had you go to the apartment. I knew you’d find the truth, along with Rogers.”
“Well, you’re really gonna hate what we’ve found out,” Steve says.
“Alexander Pierce is the head of HYDRA,” I say, ripping off the band aid.
Fury nods slowly, processing. “That man declined a Nobel Peace Prize. He said that peace wasn’t an achievement. It’s a responsibility,” he scoffs bitterly. “See, it’s stuff like this that gives me trust issues.”
“We have to stop the launch,” I say.
“I don’t think the Council is accepting my calls anymore,” Fury states. He opens a briefcase with three drives in it.
“What’s that?” Sam asks.
“Once the helicarriers reach 3,000 feet, they’ll triangulate with Insight satellites, becoming fully weaponized,” Hill briefs.
“We need to breach those carriers and replace their targeting blades with our own,” Fury adds.
“One of two won’t cut it, we need to link all three for this to work. If even one of those ships remains operational, a whole lot of people are gonna die.”
Fury starts on his plan to rebuild SHIELD but Steve has none of it, interrupting. “We’re not just taking down the carriers, Nick. We’re taking down SHIELD.”
“SHIELD had nothing to do with this!” Fury defends.
“You gave me this mission. This is how it ends. SHIELD’s been compromised, you said so yourself. HYDRA grew right under your nose and nobody noticed.”
“We’re meeting in this cave because I noticed.”
“How many paid the price before you did? You didn’t trust Y/N when she said she was close to something. If she had stayed, you would have realized how important that mission would be. You have to stop underestimating people, Nick. Your enemies as well as your friends.”
“Look, I didn’t know about Barnes.”
“Even if you did, would you have told me? Or would you have compartmentalized that too? SHIELD, HYDRA… it all goes.”
“He’s right,” Hill agrees.
“And you? You grew up in SHIELD. Trained, educated…” Fury asks me.
I shake my head. “This is the right thing to do. It was all a lie.”
“Well, looks like you’re giving the orders now, Cap.”
I find Steve on the bridge overlooking the water.
“I found the council woman. Hill had a photostatic veil ready for me to use…” I choose not to acknowledge his solemn look until he chose to.
“The other person… the one that called me annoying, was Bucky,” he starts referring to our earlier conversation. “He’s all I had. All I ever had. The day I thought I lost him was the worst day of my life.”
I place a hand on his back. “Do you think you can save him?”
“I have to try. I owe it to him to try.”
“And if you can’t? What if… he doesn’t let you?”
“He will. Suit up, it’s time.” He starts to walk and I frown.
“You’re not fighting in that are you?”
“No. If you’re gonna fight a war, you gotta wear a uniform.”
Thanks for reading! Have a new fic idea but should probably get more of this one done before I start writing two at once but I’m so excited for it 🤩🤩😭
Chapter 5
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yandere-sins · 4 years ago
The Fox Wedding - Prologue II
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Summary: You are to marry the fox spirit Kita Shinsuke after you accidentally agreed to become his wife by signing the deed to your new home. A contract is a contract, he says, but is there more to this marriage than you know? Will you be whisked away by one of the foxy twins instead, or have to marry Kita after all? Can you be with a creature that only seems tender on the surface, or will you try to run even if it might cost you your life? Choose your route carefully, you never know what these foxes are up to!
Characters: Kitsune!Kita Shinsuke, Kitsune!Miya Atsumu, Kitsune!Miya Osamu, Kitsune!Suna Rintarou, afab!Reader
Rating: Explicit Warnings for this chapter: Yandere, Kidnapping, Forced/Unhealthy Relationship, Cursing
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“I think…” Atsumu spoke out loud, having watched the spectacle for a while now. His eyes were fixated on the door to the underground bunker, and a smile played around his lips as he watched Kita leaving, together with Suna, who stood guard for the longest time. From their place on top of one of the half torn-down rooftops of the abandoned village, Atsumu could overview everything, even the celebrations held in the main hall, lights, and laughter reaching his twitching ears even through the magically restored sliding doors. 
“You think…?” Osamu yawned next to him, not bothering with bringing a hand to his mouth, still unused to the human customs they were forced to uphold. He, at least, didn’t like it, though Osamu still was better in trying to conform to them than his twin.
“I think I want her.” 
If not for the cicadas around them, silence fell over the brothers as the wind was the only other thing rustling through the grasses below their feet. “Crazy. You’re simply crazy.” 
“Just think about it!” Atsumu was quick to snap back, turning to his twin as if he needed to convince him for a plan he had already decided to go through with anyway. “Are you really happy here? Happy with their customs, their orders?”
��They took us in, ‘Tsumu. They fed us and healed our wounds after you went batshit crazy trying to fight that Tengu. You can’t just take the Clan Leader’s future bride as you want.”
Again, silence as Atsumu thought about it. Not long enough to make his brother believe he actually thought about it, but he pretended well. “Okay,” Atsumu ‘gave in’, nodding. Osamu sighed, knowing his brother felt no remorse or fault about what happened, and he never had any intentions to stay in the village anyway. “Have you seen her?” Atsumu whispered, eyes looking up to the moon, full and clear on the horizon. 
“Briefly, why?” Leaning back, Osamu picked at his teeth with his little finger as he followed Atsumu’s gaze to the stars. Sitting here definitely was better than partying downstairs. Maybe at first, he had liked being in a community, but Osamu too felt the dread of having to bow your head to basically strangers, even if the two had been adopted into the fox family whose protection they were now under. 
“She’s beautiful,” Atsumu sighed lovestruck, bopping his feet up and down excitedly. All Osamu could focus on was Atsumu’s tail wagging like a common dog, happy to see its owner. For someone as sharp and cunning as Atsumu, he truly was a fool. Even more so, a fool in love now. Annoyed, he reached for the telling limb, gripping it tightly and making Atsumu yap in surprise before throwing Osamu an angry glare. The latter merely stuck out his tongue, which riled up Atsumu even more.
“At least take a good look at her then!” he hissed, standing up and pulling his tail out of his brother’s grip. “‘Tsumu, wait,” Osamu called after him, sitting up on the rooftop as his twin left. Atsumu briefly turned to look up at him, as he was already off the roof, his gaze determined. He always knew what he wanted, and that was a trait Osamu both admired and despised on him. “You can’t face her like that. You’re so ugly.”
Hair stood up as on his neck as Atsumu furiously stomped away, screaming, “WE LOOK THE SAME, YOU BASTARD!” 
With a chuckle to himself, Osamu followed casually, wanting to see how this was going to end. He couldn’t let his twin have all the fun alone either.
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You could pace your cell, and you could cry, but this time, there was no one listening in to your woes. Even if you kept rattling the bars, pleaded with them to yield, nothing happened when you touched them. Kita had made it look so easy, but there was something else going on; you just knew it. Magic, that’s what it was. How pathetic you felt, knowing that not even a guard at the entrance was waiting anymore since they didn’t expect you to get out on your own.
Wondering what time it was, something in you finally gave up. Perhaps it was exhaustion, or maybe just indifference about the situation now, but you were too tired to keep on fighting your problem. Your mind felt like some kind of slideshow, but it kept showing you the same thoughts over and over. It was trying to construct something that was out of your hands, tried to give you answers for everything. But as thankful as you felt to yourself for trying, its efforts were in vain. 
There were no gaps to fill out, at least not on your own. 
“Look at her! Damn it, ‘Samu, get your ass over here!” you heard from above the window, and god, for the first time, you felt annoyance as you did not want to deal with this. Whoever was speaking probably was just here to mock you again, and you simply couldn’t deal with this now. 
Once you decided to give up your endeavors of getting out and complaining, you had settled in the furthest corner of the cell. The one that seemed the least… unappealing to you from what you could see. But now, you stood up, angry that gawkers were leering into your window just to have some fun. Nudging the previously thrown over chair - you weren’t proud, but frustration had overcome you - back to the window, you took a deep sigh before stepping up on it. You tried to look strong, hoping it would seem like you were and scare off whoever was there, but inwardly, you couldn’t help but fear what could be awaiting you.
“If you’re not helping, then leave--!”
The words got caught in your throat as you didn’t expect two piercing pairs of eyes looking right back the moment you appeared in the window. It seemed to have caught them off-guard as well, and for a split second, they flinched away, halting their movements like animals determining if they should move or be quiet.
“Woah,” the blonde fox spirit gasped, inching closer immediately. With a short, hesitance glance to the former, the second one came closer, however, not as close as the other. A respectful distance, how you found, he seemed reasonable in your eyes. Only now you noticed that they looked eerily similar, almost like twins if there was such a thing under spirits. “You’re so pretty!”
The comment was now catching you off-guard, and you leaned back in surprise, almost losing your balance on the chair if you weren’t holding on to the window bars. “Oi, stop scaring her! Get back, ‘Tsumu!” the more reasonable twin instructed, though only when he gripped his brother’s shoulder tightly did he react. Up until then, he merely stayed absolutely still, only his eyes following every movement that you did, no matter how minor it was.
“Eeh,” he mumbled. “Sorry to scare you.”
That didn’t sound like he meant it at all. 
“You should be nicer. She’s the future wife of the Clan Leader,” the grey-haired brother muttered, reprimanding his brother who seemed unfazed while he watched you. In fact, by now, he had laid down in the grass, pushing it down. This was taking on casual picnic vibes instead of your imprisonment, and you didn’t know how to feel about that.
“I’m not… I don’t want to…” you stuttered, biting your lip as you felt the tears return to your eyes, though you doubt you had any water left in your body to lose more. “I just want to leave,” you whispered, looking down helplessly, knowing they wouldn’t help you either.
“You made her cry, you Dunce,” one of the two whispered softly, and you heard an upset, “Ouch!” follow the snip of a finger.
“Who’re you calling a dunce, you… Idiot!”
There was the soft sound of a scuffle, and you looked up at the brother’s watching them trying to hit each other while also blocking the oncoming hits at the same time. As stupid as it was, you couldn’t help a small laugh falling from your lips about how bizarre and absurd this situation was, but it made both of their ears peak up out of their hair. 
“That’s better. You’re cute when you laugh,” the blonde one sighed happily, his lips curling into a smile too. “Now, do you want to get out?” he added straight away, causing his brother to give him a look that was saying, “What are you even talking about?”
“C-Can you?!” you squeaked in surprise, instantly clearing your throat and lowering your voice again. Even if the spark of hope was ever so little, it was quick to ignite in you, rattling your senses to think about all the sudden possibilities. Even if those two were the same as Kita, if they could let you out, you’d take your chance with them. “I mean- yes. Please let me out immediately! I can’t stay here, I can’t become that… person’s wife! So, please--!”
However, before you could finish your sentence, your eyes caught onto something that spread behind the two, something that could be best described as fire, though you had never seen it in these colors. A mix between blue and green, flaming up in balls and twirling through the air. By now, the two had noticed it too, their body language changing as they tensed up, getting to their knees quickly. 
“And… what are you two doing?” 
Oh, this voice you knew, and instantly, all the hope you mustered to create inside of you, vanished.
Out of the fire, unfazed by its usual quality of burning someone, Kita emerged. Also, another man - or fox - stuck his head out from behind him. You hadn’t seen him around, but while everyone’s eyes were intense, his seemed to be the most fox-like and uncomfortable to you, always reminding you that you weren’t dealing with humans. “We were--” the grey-haired brother glanced at his twin who searched for words, eventually filling in for him, “--greeting...”
“Yes! Greeting her!”
“I see. That’s very thoughtful of you.”
Kita’s eyes fell on you, and you made a point to look away and sigh, wiping the tears from your face. You’d not entertain him with your attention, you decided. Missing the deflated expression he made, all you heard was a soft snort coming from one of the people outside your window. “Why don’t you all go back to the party?” Kita demanded, even if it was spoken like a question. Hearing the ruffling of clothes as the twins stood up immediately, you sent one last desperate glance at the blonde one. To your surprise, he looked back, giving you a short, unnoticeable nod before turning and leaving with his brother. 
“Idiot…” you heard his brother scold him. 
“Idiot, yourself!” he yapped back. 
“You’re both idiots,” the unknown man exclaimed with a sigh as he followed them, sending you a quick glance over his shoulders too before leaving you behind with Kita.
“[Name],” you suddenly heard from next to you as you were too focused on looking after the three to notice Kita having kneeled down, peering right at you. If it bothered him that you jumped, having totally forgotten about him, he didn’t let it notice you from his expression. Instead, with his hand flat on the ground, he cowered down to properly look you in the eyes on your height. This gesture seemed unlikely for a ‘man’ of his stand, yet it wasn’t the first one he surprised you with. 
“Did the two of them say anything unnecessary to you?”
“If they did, I sure as hell wouldn’t snitch it to you,” you hissed back, and he closed his eyes for a moment, which you could only interpret as him dismissing your choice of words. 
“Very well then.”
Raising from the ground again swiftly, Kita’s movements stroke you as odd, impractical despite being elegant. It just gave you another warning that you were dealing with something that was hard to believe. “Wait,” you called out to him, unsure why you even raised your voice. Maybe you still hoped for answers, or to reason with him, and now was as good as any moment. But his ears perked up, and he laid his head to the side, waiting for you to talk patiently.
“When can I leave? It’s dark and cold in here… I don’t want to be here.”
For unbearable long seconds, he merely looked at you, and it stirred up the fear in you that he might say, “Never.” The time he thought things over was something you couldn’t get used to. 
“Not too long anymore, don’t worry,” was his answer, vague and dismissive. “I suggest you don’t talk to anyone anymore until the ceremony.”
Sighing, you shook your head, one leg already off the chair, and you looked after it as you decided to end this conversation on your terms instead of having him walk off on you again. “Can’t make me…” you mumbled. It wasn’t like you wanted to challenge him, but to be fair, at that moment, you also forgot that he could hear you, even if you softened your voice.
“Yet,” you heard him hiss right at you, making your head snap back outside, seeing his wide-opened eyes staring at you with only the bars separating the two of you. This time, you did lose your balance from the shock and surprise, the chair wobbling below you as you lost your halt, your body plummeting to the cold, hard ground with a groan and a whine. Your hips and lower back were aching from the shock, but when you looked back to the window with tears in your eyes, Kita was gone.
And with him, he took all the hope you had, leaving you behind in the despair of anticipation.
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➤ Marry Kita
➤ Run away with Atsumu
➤ Rely on Osamu’s care
We recommend reading the routes first before proceeding with the last option.
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love-peterparker · 4 years ago
In Extremis || Peter Parker x Reader
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Summary: After the reveal of Spider-Man’s secret identity and the release of Quentin Beck’s murder video, there isn’t a lot going right for Peter Parker. But he has you. 
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, protests and rallies, mentions of murder, a gun that is never shot, and some hair description for Y/N for plot purposes (but it should still be generic enough).  
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: I’m first a Captain America and Agent Carter fan, and I wanted to recreate what makes their relationship so special, but with Peter and Y/N… ‘cuz I also love Peter Parker. I really loved writing this, and I hope you enjoy it.
Also, thanks to @marvelouspeterparker, @sinisterspidey (she actually has a blurb called I’ll Follow You and it builds off of Spider-Man’s identity reveal) and @stuckonspidey for answering my anon asks for general writing tips and Peter’s character. And @spideyspeaches with her kind words after reading one of the final drafts of this fic. Lastly, a special thanks to @peterbenjiparker encouraging me with this fic and for making me so emotional with her series Invisible String (Read this!... but only if your heart can take it) that I needed to write something. This story has nothing to do with it, but it does make some small generic references to her fic, and I would like to think that Y/N and Peter are soulmates in this story.
This takes place in a universe where a FFH-esque identity reveal happens when Y/N and Peter are young adults.
This fucking city didn’t deserve him.
Peter rarely admits it, but you say it all the time. When you hit a dead end in the Avenger’s database. When checking for your gun before leaving another safehouse. When reaching for him in the dark of night.
This fucking city didn’t deserve him.
It had been over a year since Peter’s identity as Spider-Man was revealed and the dubious video of Quentin Beck’s murder was released. But it felt like a lifetime.
These two Peter problems were like ivy. They rooted, twisted, and spread. Winding into chokeholds around their victims.
But heroes knew how to play with fire.
Peter’s identity was dealt with in a straightforward fashion. Plenty villains who would do anything to exact revenge on Spider-Man, but they would have to find Peter Parker and identify his loved ones first. And for someone like Peter? Well, it was going to take some time.
To you, Peter was lifegiving. A shining ray of golden hope. You fell to sleep and rose to press kisses into his face. To cherish and hold. To share tears. But to the world, or even New York City? He was a nobody, one who couldn’t even hold a steady job.
You all worked fast while the wicked played catch-up. The Avengers searched and wiped all, but ultimately little personal information Peter had on the internet, as well anything that might connect him to your shared inner circle. Everyone was given an Avenger’s signal watch. And both you and May opted to move as a precaution. May to Brooklyn. You to Avenger’s Tower.
The case of Quentin Beck’s murder was a much more grinding process. Through polished superhero reputations, the lawyers secured an Avenger’s Tower house arrest during court proceedings. An overwhelming amount of evidence in Peter’s favor was gathered. Press conferences were held. Speeches were given. And when it all seemed like it was too much for too long, you and Peter would lie in bed, arms and legs entangled, whispering that everything would turn out all right. Good will win. You just had to keep going.
It was taxing, but not impossible. And just when you all thought you were pulling at the end of the thread with the jury in your favor, the ground beneath you crumbles into nothingness. You spiral and crash into a labyrinth, lush and high-walled. Maybe this was the way out- oh wait, you’ve been here- or have you? You all turn and turn only to face a new dead end. A new set of incriminating videos were released. Spider-Man’s videos took the spotlight, but videos of Wanda and Bucky were also revealed. The streets of New York bustled in whispers.
Can we really trust these heroes? What if these videos are the truth?
And what happens when these powerful people think they are right when they are wrong?
When public protests against Earth’s heroes sprouted and jury members started to disappear, it was clear that the whoever or whatever was behind this had greater motives and powerful allies. It was time to buy time.
Everyone had tried to convince Peter to go into hiding somewhere else. Anywhere else. He had enough super-friends where anywhere was possible. Lay low while everyone else above ground scrambled to unweave this massive web of lies. But Peter was infuriatingly adamant that New York, regardless of her wavering loyalties, was his to protect.
So two months ago, he started bouncing around New York City, investigating when he could, and making polarizing headlines with every swing he took.
You tried to continue as if Peter was still by your side. After being terminated from your junior journalist job for “suspect ties to Spider-Man,” Spider-Man became your mission. You originally attended press conferences and rallies as moral support, but after Peter’s first awkward mumbles of a speech, it was painfully clear that he needed a new voice. The public herself needed a normal person who interacted with superheroes. Who better than Spider-Man’s girlfriend? But after the last kidnapping attempt and the Avengers’ numbers shrinking, it was clear that this wouldn’t last. The world now knew who you were too.
The thick ivy had caught up, and you were on fire.
But to hell with it because there was no universe where you would be leaving this nightmare without him. So the next time you looked in the mirror, you donned short red hair and heavy eyeliner.  
Days were spent questioning possible witnesses. Nights were spent in the light of a computer. And when you could barely drag yourself to continue, moments were spent staring at your beautiful boy’s picture. He needed you.  
You had only heard from him twice since he went into hiding, though there were a few times answered unknown number calls would lead to abstract rustling and distinct web shooter noises. To those, you always whispered “I love you,” before hanging up.
That was until last night, when you noticed small slip of paper in the crack of the window of the safehouse you had been staying at. Only a time and an address were written, in messy, but undeniably Parker script.
You spent the next day visiting arbitrary places in the Bronx, trying to determine if anyone was following you and collecting items in an unsuspecting backpack.
It was a balancing act between comfort and practicalities. An extra stealth suit. A waterproof jacket you both shared. Protein bars. Extra web fluid and a first-aid kit. A hefty wad of cash, just in case. And in the smallest pocket, things to help him in the darkest days to come. Letters from you, May, Ned, and your other friends. A few packs of gummy bears. And a picture of you and him, laughing in Central Park on one of your many dates. Sunlight casting halos on your heads. Bright. Carefree. Brimming with love.
Your heart cried and cried and cried, begging for those days.
But they were gone. And as much as you didn’t want to admit it, so were the people in that picture.
You travelled to the building location and made your way to the rooftop. Rows and rows of white sheets were hung, all whipping in the wind to dry.
A small smile graced your lips. You had to hand it to him. He was smart.
You folded yourself into one of the corners of the rooftop, gun in hand and waited. Eerie silence slowly lulling you to…
You woke up to the soft footsteps, sleepy eyes registering a shadowy figure behind one of the bedsheets.
“Hans?” you whispered, pointing your gun with a finger on the trigger.
“Leia,” the figured replied, equally hushed. The shadow lifted the curtain. It took a second to register, but it was really him. You raced towards each other, quick hold each other, beaming. Today, you existed in the same place at the same time.
“That was so stupid. I can’t believe you got me to do that,” you laughed, pressing your face into him, holding him tightly as if he could disappear at any moment.
“Oh, come on, you loved it!” he quipped. You hummed in appreciation.
“True, but I love you more.” His eyes brightened at your confession, pink dusting his cheeks.
“I know.” You shook your head, smiling at his response before turning your head and taking in who he had become. Gone were the luxurious curls, replaced with a buzzcut. A pair of fake glasses perched on his nose in further attempts to conceal his identity. Hallowed eyes. His skin tinted gray from the stress. You ran your fingers through the fuzz on his head, massaging his scalp. A sigh escaped his lips, eyes fluttering shut, with hands reaching to caress yours.
“You cut your hair.”
“You did too.” His fingers danced in the ends of your own tresses. A sad smile furnished your face.
“It had to be done,” you replied, before pressing your lips to his cheek and gently removing yourself from his embrace to get your laptop. “We need to get started. We’ve found a lot since you left.”
With his head on your shoulder, fingers laced with yours, and your laptop on your lap, you recounted the on-going investigation to him. The deep web that just kept going and going. Your theories and suspects. And when that was done, you kept talking. How Aunt May and his friends were fine but missing him. How the remaining Avengers were fairing. Peter was oddly quiet, sharing only a few thoughts here and there, but you attributed it to his weariness.
As the sun continued to dip, the silences between sentences stretched, but you mustered more words. As if your sentences were the delicate string that grounded him to you.
“Y/N,” he interrupted. You looked at him and hummed in reply. He began playing with your fingers, eyes never meeting your own. “I love you more than I ever I thought I could, and I’m really thankful for everything you’ve done. And you’ve done so much. Like, I don’t know if I would have even made it this far without you, but here you are, and well, you can’t keep doing this.” You cocked your head, before shaking your head, hair rustling.
“What? Peter, we are getting somewhere! I just need to visit the-“ He lets go of your hand, fingers clenching into trembling fists.
“No, no more visits. No more investigating. This can’t be your life. When this started, we thought there was a way out. But it’s been over a year. Clearly whoever or whatever is doing this won’t stop until we’re all gone. This may never stop. I can’t have you throwing away your life for me. Hell, I don’t even know when I’ll see you aga-“
“Peter,” you cut him off, your voice pitched lower in concern, “Where is this coming from? We’re gonna make it. It is just a matter of-”
“I can’t give you what you deserve! I’m Spider-Man, so we don’t get to have a house and two kids! We get this-, this fucking disaster! I live like this because I have to. I don’t get a choice. And you shouldn’t be stupid enough where you are doing the same thing!”  
Your mouth fell open, ready to spit back poison when he looked at you. It was in his eyes. Behind the falling tears and redness was the glint of insecurity that Peter had always carried. This was the child whose parents died. The teenager who didn’t stop his Uncle Ben from getting killed. Who held Tony Stark in his last moments. The man who was on the run.  
The hero who would never stop giving to a world who would never stop taking.
Your thoughts frenzied. If you held on to him too tightly, he would resist. The more he would thrash, determined to save you while slowly sacrificing himself until there was nothing left. Your brain was frozen, so your heart gave you the words-
“Marry me.”  
Peter’s eyes widen before retracting into a tight furrow, scrunching his nose.
“What?! No! Did you not hear anything I just said-“
“I’m not leaving you. I will never leave you. The one thing you never get to doubt in the world is us. So, I’m gonna ask you again; will you,” you took his hand, went to one knee, and let your voice soften as you held his gaze, “Peter Parker, marry me?”  
You both bathed in silence. His chocolate doe eyes boring straight into yours, searching for truth. The thought that maybe you had gone about this the wrong way started to crawl into your mind, but then a smile slowly creeped onto his face, bright red with blush. More salt-water pooled in his eyes. He pulled you into a near lung-constricting embrace, smothering wet kisses into every inch of your face. Mine. Mine. Mine. You could practically hear his thoughts as you basked in each kiss. I missed you. I love you. And oh my god, you’re here to stay.
“What did I ever-, I have no idea know what I ever did to ever deserve you.” A smirked formed on your lips.
“Is that a yes?” The gold stars in his eyes shined at your playfulness. There was the man you always loved.
“Yes, yes, oh god yes. I do, Mrs. Parker,” he said pulling you in for a passionate kiss. And you both stayed there, melting into the ground beneath you. Breathing each other in as moments passed. Tender “I love you’s” flowing generously from both of your lips. As if the world had vanished and all that existed was you and him, and him and you, and this understanding that this, this was a love until death do you part.
Peter was the one to break the string of kisses, leaving you to chase his lips before touching his forehead with your own. His breath hot on your face. “I- , if you go to my lab there is a secret compartment. In my desk. The code is your birthday. I was going to ask you myself, but then, well… this.” You chuckled as he stumbled on his words.
“I’ll get it as soon as I can.” You both leaned in to close the gap again when a cacophony of sirens and lights echoed in the streets below.
Frustration filled Peter’s eyes as he sat up. “Shit. I-, I gotta go. Are you gonna be okay?” You let out a shallow breath, but quickly forced a smile.
“Go get’em.” And with the whip of his webs, he was gone.
You sat there for a moment, taking in the new quiet. Your fingers graced your lips, still warm with the memory of his. A lightness had settled in your chest, and with every breathe you could feel it pulse stronger.
Because no matter what it took, no matter how long the wait, there was two things for certain.
He was going to protect the city. And you were going to save your husband.
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puppetsoftomorrow · 4 years ago
okay so i'm gonna try out writing smth short after each episode this season!! not beta’d, not going to be posted on ao3. here's 6x01 - an au where sara doesn't get kidnapped... or the one where ava gets tucked into bed
tw: alcohol, drugs, vomiting
They all got separated on their way back to the Waverider - Astra slipping into some shady casino and John and Zari not so subtly sidling off into a hotel for what they claimed was the ‘after-after party.’
Sara didn't really care; she could pick them up in the morning once they'd had their fun - and she was glad to be alone with Ava. Sara knew, knew with a certainty that scared her a little bit, that she wanted to marry Ava. Tonight was the night she was going to ask, and she was running high on alcohol and loud music and seeing David-freakin-Bowie of all people, but now the night air was sobering her up and her heart was beating weirdly fast.
If Sara didn't know better, she'd say she was nervous.
Ava clung onto her arm like her life depended on it, eyes glued to the stars, rattling off dozens of facts about each one as they made their way to the deserted multi-story car park where they'd hidden the Waverider.
"And that one - that's Andromeda 9, and that one tastes of jelly beans -"
"How many edibles did Behrad give you?" Sara snorted, and Ava looked at her, mouth slightly agape and pupils blown.
"Behrad? He's my best friend!"
"He's not going to be your best friend in the morning." Sara said, rolling her eyes and pulling Ava along.
"No no no no, Sara, look - the stars. There's a million." Ava gasped, waving the hand that wasn't holding Sara's at the sky rather wildly.
Sara stopped, and let herself fall into Ava's side. "Yeah, they're beautiful." She said quietly, looking up from the rain-soaked alley and above the rooftops to the stars above. She turned to see Ava looking back at her with tear filled eyes.
"You're a beautiful star. I'love you - so much. So so much. So so so so much." Ava mumbled, tears now on her cheeks, and Sara moved her hands to wipe them off, mascara and glitter coming away too.
"Hey, I love you too." Sara said softly, smiling gently. The ring burnt heavy in her pocket, but the opportunity had gone - Ava wouldn't remember anything in the morning, and Sara wasn't sure she was brave enough to ask twice. "Come on baby, we need to get you home."
"Can I get like - six bags of cheese balls." Ava said as they got to the Waverider. "I want them. I want them so bad."
"I think they're called wotsits in England." Sara said absent-mindedly as she pulled the Waverider key from where she'd stashed it safely in her inside pocket. "Besides, you hate cheese balls. You say the colour is ‘unnatural.’"
"I have never said that." Ava said, very confidently, despite her wobbling stance. "I also want a horse. And to facetime Mona. And maybe to throw up."
"Yep, I think the last one's your best bet." Sara snorted as the ramp descended and she helped Ava through the gangway.
After throwing up most of what was in her stomach, and a shot of what Gideon only described as "something that would help," Ava was laying on the end of their bed, eyes screwed tight shut.
"Nope, no sleeping yet, you'll kill me if you're still in those pants tomorrow morning." Sara said, trying to lever Ava up, who was decidedly not moving.
"I think you need to - leave me here. Leave me to die." Ava groaned.
"I'll kiss you if you sit up right now." Sara sighed, and Ava sat bolt upright, nearly slamming their foreheads together. Sara laughed, then pressed a kiss to Ava's cheek, who started to pout.
"Tha's not a kiss. A proper kiss."
"Nope, you are way to drunk and high and your breath probably smells like a beer mat." Sara said, turning to pull Ava's pyjamas from under her pillow. When she turned back, Ava was pouting harder. "Don't give me that look. Can you take your coat off for me?"
Ava's pout stayed, but she wiggled her way out of her coat, very ungraciously, and Sara helped pull her shirt over her head and carefully unfastened her jewelry, dropping it onto the little tray Ava kept on her bedside table. After a minute of fumbling herself, Ava fell back and let Sara unbutton her pants, tugging off her boots first, her pants following shortly afterwards.
"Pyjama bottoms or -" Sara asked, holding them up, but Ava just answered with a groan. "Well, this is close enough." Sara shrugged. She grabbed a make-up wipe from her dresser and dropped herself on Ava's lap, which saw Ava perk up immediately, arms coming up to hold her there. Sara worked gently, trying to get most of the lipstick and mascara off that had somehow ended up smeared across Ava's face, a task made more difficult by the fact that Ava's head kept lolling as she tried to press herself closer to Sara.
Once she'd done the best she could, Sara stood up, not missing the miserable whine Ava made at the loss of contact, and pressed a kiss to her now clean forehead. "Get under the covers. I'll be ten minutes, okay?"
After a quick shower to wash the smell of punk from her hair, Sara slipped into her pyjamas, picking the ring up from the sink, examining it in the mirror before sliding it into her pocket. Soon, she promised herself. She'd ask soon.
Back in their room, Sara turned the light up just bright enough to see her way to the bed - it was still too bright for Ava, who groaned.
"Missed you." She slurred, her eyes half shut as Sara slid in next to her, secreting the ring back into the box in her bedside table.
"I was ten minutes." Sara said quietly, trying to hide her grin. Ava sighed, far too dramatically.
"No, it was like - eight hours. Eight years. I was all alone -"
"Hey, I'm never gonna leave you all alone, okay?" Sara said softly, running her hands through Ava's hair. "Goodnight, sweetheart. Wake me up if you need to puke."
"Love you." Ava muttered, face pressing further into the pillow. "Love you like all th' stars."
"Yeah, I love you like all the stars too." Sara said softly, and moved forward to press her forehead to Ava's.
Tomorrow. She would ask tomorrow.
woo what did y'all think??
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Ven’s Idea Outline #1 (Maribat)
Remember that MariDamiJon fic that I mentioned I was going to do for the gift exchange? It’s still bouncing around in my head and Luka decided to join in so I’ve decided to at least make an outline in (assuredly vain) hopes that it will leave me alone for a bit.
Part 1
Typical Daminette but Hanahaki style bc I can’t find any Maribat hanahaki fics and I need one and I can’t find any.
Dick and Damian sent to scope out Paris for Hawkmoth related reasons
Jon goes with bc he’s Damian’s emotional support kryptonian but he might arrive later This idea has been removed but I like it so I will share it.
Damian is getting familiar with the new battlegrounds  taking a walk in the park when a girl falls from a tree and lands on top of him
The girl apologizes profusely before explaining that she’s really clumsy and she was just trying to help a kitten stuck in the tree
It’s not love at first sight but Damian appreciates an animal lover and is slightly less of an ass than he would usually be
Might mix this with my Blossom Soulmate AU that I never got around to finishing and posting, now that I think about it
Anyway, Damian helps her get the cat down from the tree
He latches onto this potential information source who is not as annoying as most other people and sticks with her
They become friends friendly acquaintances and he drops by her school to pick up her up after she agreed to show him around Paris.
Debating Lila salt...
Debating Class salt...
If yes: Damian walks into a scene where Marinette  and sweeps Marinette away without a word to the rest of her class
If no: Damian arrives and proceeds to wait for her outside by his motorcycle
Either way, his appearance makes waves in Dupont’s rumor mills
They do not know he’s Damian Wayne, just that there’s a dude who attractive enough to be model with a motorcycle waiting for the schools (tragic, if salt) sunshine fashion princess.
Robin and Nightwing meet up with Ladybug and Chat Noir to offer their help in figuring out who Hawkmoth is, as well as fighting and training.
Full Miraculous court meeting with Ryuko, Viperion, Queen Bee, Carapace, Rena Rouge, Pegasus, Bunnyx, and Monkey king. (Rena Rouge is removed if Class salt. Replaced with Fox!Nath or Fox!Julieka)
Ladybug and Robin get along
About two weeks in Adrien starts officially dating Kagami.
Another week passes and Damian finds out Marinette has been coughing flower petals and her unrequited love is her classmate Adrien Agreste.
She refuses to remove the hanahaki - this version is the standard they can’t fall in love ever again if they remove it.
This revelation makes him oddly uneasy, it isn’t until his own Hanahaki shows up later that night that realizes he understands why.
Damian does a pretty good job of hiding it.
Dick knows something is up but he’s trying to give Damian more space so he doesn’t look into it and trusts Damian would ask him if it’s life threatening
Ladybug notices his discomfort on patrol and they talk
He is surprised to learn Ladybug also has it and Robin comes up with the brilliant idea that they should fall in love with each other.
There is precedent that if you fall out of love with the person, the Hanahaki will go away. But falling out of love is difficult and not easily done. There must be no lingering romantic feelings at all.
Ladybug encourages Robin to chase his crush first, because he at least has a chance if the girl he likes also has it.
Cue the debates
If Ladybug wins: Enter Damian going all out in flirty assassin seduction techniques from his mother - Good Talia that kills rapists, none of that she raped Bruce bs, she actually had a good relationship with Bruce and a mutual breakup because of differing views on killing people - that he’s barely used since his lessons on it in the league and romantic advice from Dick.
He goes full on Bitch-sensei from assassination classroom.
He’s commissioned a shirt from Marinette. She gets to design it however she wants.
It is a long sleeved button up, specifically made to accentuate his muscles without being too revealing.
That’s the shirt he wears when he asks her out with flowers and a stuffed kitten holding a stuffed wood board that says “please date me” He has his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, top button undone. Collar and hair ruffled up for maximum sensuality. He’s got a lot of references between all the people he knows (Bruce, Talia, Selina, Dick, and really his whole family is full of objectively attractive, seductive people he can reference. Just as long as he avoids mimicking their failing romantic habits, he should be fine.)
He tries to be suave about it but is a little too nervous to completely pull it off. It doesn’t matter because Marinette finds it endearing.
On the date, he’s more confident and is able to pull off suave bastard much better but only at the end. He’s a gentleman until the very end, when he leaves her in the bakery
He goes in, and twirls her admittedly short hair around his finger, maintaining eye contact as he presses his lips against her hair - it’s admittedly harder than he expected given how short it is but being so close made it more intimate and the blush on her face was definitely worth it
He leaves in the bakery slightly dazed and counts the date as a success.
Marinette’s mind shut down bc damn that boy is fine and smooth af is flustered and confused as heck but she’s willing to give him a shot
Alternatively: Marinette’s not sure about dating Damian because she feels like she’s just using him to get rid of her hanahaki bc of the idea that Robin had proposed.
Dick is ecstatic that Damian was acting weird because he had a crush and loved helping his brother out with this date planning in the city of love
He doesn’t report it back to the batfam yet because they had a small argument about it and Damian pulled away with the small victory of Dick has to wait until after the first date to tell them.
Damian is glad he Marinette’s willing to give him a chance but he’s worried about Ladybug
he wonders if he should set her up with Tim or Duke, it’d be a shame to lose a friend and hero like her.
Robin brings up his success to Ladybug and asks if there’s anything he can do to help her.
She notes that a friend had actually confessed to her and she’s giving them a chance.
They accidentally compare notes on their dates and that’s their reveal.
If Robin wins: An awkward start that smooths into moonlit dates on the Eiffel tower, dancing on rooftops, an increase in flirting but only after battles, never before it bc they have a professional reputation to keep, increasingly physical training routines, stolen kisses but not on lips until they’re more comfortable with each other.
Fast tracked mutual slow burn which kinda defeats the purpose of a slow burn but whatever
I have realized these ideas are not mutually exclusive.
Maybe Ladybug wins first but Damian fails to seduce Marinette because she has the doubts so they go with plan B and date each other. Ladybug is more comfortable with the idea of dating Robin because they both have Hanahaki and are knowingly using each other to get rid of it?
There is no identity reveal in this version
Complaint Break time: I was writing this to get it out but it keeps growing, wtf.  This is so long and I haven’t even gotten to the main part.
It was supposed to be an established Daminette but I wanted to show how they got together, this was supposed to be like 5 bullet points, 10 tops.
At some point, I’m going to have to mention the rumor that people with Hanahaki are being kidnapped because the flowers that bloom after their death make great medicine but that cures most illnesses and are good potions ingredient whatever, something along those lines. It’s not the ones they cough up but the flowers that grow on the vines constricting their lungs after until they die and only blossom after death. Those flowers that spread the pollen into the air that makes the Hanahaki disease possible.
That’s why people keep it a secret unless they’re going to get the surgery as there’s not other way to treat it.
But that’s a plot point for part 2.
I feel like this is already longer than anything I’ve put out at this point in time.
Back to the story:
Even though they’re dating, the Hanahaki doesn’t go away immediately. It slows and becomes less frequent but there are times when they think of how their love doesn’t return their feelings and the flowers come back with a vengeance and they’re down for the day, possibly the entire week, hacking up flower petals and buds.
(Ladybug Wins version until otherwise stated) It’s during one of these fits that Dick finds out and is angry at this girl playing with his brother’s feelings.
Damian is too busy hacking up bloody flower petals to correct him
The entire batfam and subsequently Superfam now know the batfam’s youngest has hanahaki
Jon is called in and flies in to help keep an eye on his best friend
Bruce, Jason, Tim, and Duke are shocked but they pack up and are ready to go in guns blazing to have a talk with this girl bc the boys might not be on the best terms but that’s their baby brother. The girls stay behind to hold down the fort (because I need more time to get familiar with them before I can confidently write their characters. I’m not too confident about Duke either but I already mentioned him and it’s too late to back out now.)
So, Damian’s brothers and his father track her down to a different park in Paris where Marinette’s hanging out with her friends
They’re incised to find their brother’s girlfriend with another guy’s arm around her, leading her away from the main group of friends
It’s Luka, he’s helping her hide her hanahaki because she assures him that she has it under control and will go with him to the hospital if it becomes too much
They confront the couple
There’s a lot of intimidating posturing and accusations
Batfam is absolutely not prepared for the bloody flowers that spill from her lips - her hanahaki is even worse than Damian’s
Detective bats (correctly or incorrectly, depending on which version happens) put the pieces together and figure they’re dating to get rid of the hanahaki, that is something Damian would absolutely propose
and oh shit, this time it’s not just Bruce that’s adopting someone. They have a little sister now.
Luka explains what he knows about the situation and basically confirms what they’d deduced.
Welp, since they’re here, Hawkmoth has become top priority.
Hawkmoth takes one look at the Miraculous circle and the new set of bats and just- nopes out plus super boy and just nopes out.
Like, he tries but he has no expectation of winning and tries to run instead. It doesn’t work, they have all grounds covered.
I should probably make use of Mayura if I ever do write everything out but she didn’t really leave much of an impression on me tbh and I don’t have a lot of ideas. Maybe if I ever go back and watch it.
Celebratory, on-the-spot kiss between Robin and Ladybug where they do “oh“ and realize the pressure in their chest is finally gone and the Hanahaki is no more.
(Robin Wins) Dick is obliviously happy about little Robin leaving the nest and finding a mate until he finds out both the little heroes coughing up flower petals on their date
then he goes in and mother hens them both, before demanding answers
He’s also less happy about this whole dating thing
Dick can’t do much about Ladybug without revealing her identity but Damian isn’t getting out of it so easily
Dick figures out who Damian’s crushing on and goes to do a little investigating. He is very surprised to see it’s a bubbly, energetic designer girl and not someone... calmer. But then he thinks of Jon and it makes a little more sense
He talks to her, asks about what she thinks of Damian and is pleasantly surprised by her positive view of his brother. He asks if she would go out with him and she coughs up some petals
Now, Dick’s freaking out and why are there so many children with Hanahaki? This is the third one in two days!
fast forward because I’m finally out of ideas for this part
Ladybug knows she’s fallen for Robin, which was the entire point of them dating but she not sure he actually reciprocates or is still trying to forget that other girl.
Or if you went the other way, Robin’s still chasing Marinette but Ladybug now likes Robin and is aware that he’s trying to woo her. So, out of the frying pan and into another for her.
Robin is absolutely having regrets bc he is an emotional wreck and crushing on two girls and this was not supposed to happen, damnit.
A meta gets akumatized and takes out half the miraculous court but turns out the meta’s psychic ability can help track Hawkmoth so its all cool, now that they know what Hawkmoth feels like
Ladybug, Chat Noir, Ryuko, and Robin vs Hawkmoth and Mayura
Nightwing stayed behind to watch the other heroes are no longer brain dead from the battle but boy are they out of it and he has to make sure they get home safe
that does not mean he’s not extremely put out and worried about it since he knows half the team has hanahaki and it may interfere with the fight
Even if the Ladybug suit lessens the hanahaki attacks, they still happen from time to time
For two people who don’t  show up to fight often Hawkmoth and Mayura put up a good fight
Ladybug has an hanahaki attack and Hawkmoth tried to take advantage of it, only to get knocked out by Chat Noir who’s still pissed at his dad for causing this whole thing
Chat Noir and Ryuko are pretty shocked Ladybug has hanahaki, even more her timer runs out and she choses to present it to Robin
Robin is shook
He gets it together and pulls her into a kiss that cures their hanahaki and makes their brains melt
Now Marinette’s kinda confused bc what the other girl
Damian, slightly shifting his mask so she can see who he is: That other girl was YOU
Now Marinette’s the one who’s shook
Note: Chat Noir and Ryuko have both de-transformed at this point and are watching with wide eyes but they do not see who is under that mask. Also, no cameras in this section of the manor bc that would be proof.
They have a lot to talk about but it works out in the end.
the outline above was written out of order bc I had to go back everytime a new idea hit and I cannot be bothered to go back and dodeca-check this thing again just to make sure everything makes sense.
Part 2 (that was supposed to be the main story- finally made it, the starting point. I cry.)
Ok, so, now that Daminette is established and the evil is defeated
Damian returns to Gotham with his girlfriend in tow to introduce her to the rest of his family, despite his better judgement
Jon is happy that Damian is in happy, loving relationship but he’s a bit sad that it’s not him and oop, sunshine kryptonian boy got hanahaki’d.
Same for Luka. (Yes, Jagged will be his dad and a Gothamite.)
Jagged and his kids join them in Gotham bc he has to be there to show his favorite designer niece around to all the best places of his hometown.
Luka finds out Jon has Hanahaki and they bond over the experience
They make a pact to cover each other and get the other to the hospital when it gets to that point
Pining/Simping meetings over their best friends that for some unknown reason seem to lessen the flower coughing over time even though these meetings probably make things worse but they also need vent before it increases again.
Luka and Jon beginning to fall for each other but they think the other is still in love with Marinette/Damian and it’s true that they still hold feelings for their best friends that aren’t diminishing in the sleightest and it’s all very confusing.
It’s even more confusing when we add the new hero in Gotham, Viperion who’s there to continue training with the bats since he’s visiting the area, rescues and lightly flirts with Jon who ended up developing a small crush and Jon realizes he has a type.
So, poor Jon’s now crushing on Damian, Luka, and Viperion
Viperion meets Superboy and the kryptonian doesn’t seem to like him?
Luka’s crushing on Marinette, Jon - still doesn’t know that Damian is Robin. And is kinda curious and a little hurt that the Robin’s oddly familiar kryptonian is actively and obviously avoiding him and that heart song is kind of familiar but different.
Viperion also gains a crush on Robin after watching him take down a thug in a very graceful way - the bird was showing off for his bug and decided to make it a little showier, he accidentally also caught a snake
Ladybug and Robin still flirt but the court - aside from Ryuko and Chat, depending on which version - think that’s just their dynamic, though they do pull Robin aside for a bit to tell him she has a boyfriend now. He assured them it’s fine and he knows, oddly amused at their attempt.
man, I am not original with this identity porn thing
It isn’t until Luka sees Jon again that he puts it together.
Marinette suspiciously notes Luka and Jon been hanging out an awful lot she’s making connections to the time she had hanahaki and Luka covered for her
The pains of befriending deductive genii.
Cue the panic and they accidentally claim they’re dating but it throws Marinette off for now, so it kinda worked?
Hanahaki fic with a fake dating AU. Oops.
Mari decides since she and Damian don’t know this, they must have been neglecting their best friends and double dates are the way to go.
Cue more panic
Unlike Marinette who is willing to trust their word, Damian’s a suspicious bastard who’s kind of dubious and a little salty that Jon didn’t tell him earlier if they’re telling the truth but Mari’s all gung ho about it so he lets it go for now
They go on the date and it is an emotional mess for everyone involved
It starts out fine
Jon and Luka act a bit weird because they have to cover for each other randomly coughing up petals, not to mention they’re on a date with their original crushes without actually dating their original crushes not even mentioning their new crushes and the secret identity reveal that Luka still hasn’t confronted Jon on and Jon’s guiltily thinking about Viperion half the time he thinks about Luka and shouldn’t it be the other way around?
Yeah, so they’re a mess
Damian’s watching them like he’s trying to figure them out and it is not helping but thank god Mari’s distracting him totally on accident
Marinette? She found a random lost kid in Gotham looking for their parents
So now the double date’s been temporarily derailed to help the lost kid
While Damian’s watching Marinette try pass the crying kid off to Jon for a  moment so she can make a phone call to report a lost child but the kid’s clinging onto Marinette, and they exchange looks so Jon calls in the lost kid instead and he’s just struck with the idea of a family with the three of them and some kids
Cue panic time (again)
Ignoring the thought of children, why was Jon in his fantasy?
Luka’s just watching a smitten boy go into panic mode over the trio and while doesn’t quite know what’s going on in Damian’s head, but that was really cute and oh not again
They find the kid’s parents, and the date moves on
Jon’s more comfortable, Marinette wasn’t really bothered in the first place. Luka and Damian are now having crises
Luka makes a joke under his breath in an attempt to calm down before his Hanahaki acts up
It did not help bc Damian overhears and gives a small amused snort that made his heart stutter but hey positive interaction!
Both Marinette and Jon but end up having feelings very similar to the one Damian had earlier when they look over at Damian and Luka’s little interaction - Damian’s giving Luka a small smirk and Luka is entirely embarassed at being heard when he wasn’t hadn’t meant to be.
But then Luka gives Jon a small sign before he excuses himself to the restroom so Luka can run off and cough up his flower petals
You remember that whole thing about the kidnapping people with hanahaki so they die and medicine and things can be collected from the flowers springing up from their corpse thing? Yeah, the kids are in Gotham and there is definitely a group there that has dealings with the trade and someone saw Luka hacking up flowers
but they mark him and pull back to plan instead of kidnapping him then and there bc drama and Jon followed him to the restroom to check on him
Date ends ok and everyone’s kind of an emotional wreck
Damian has surprisingly learned his lesson on miscommunication and guiltily confides his fantasy to her like a parishioner to his priest
Marinette basically goes same and confesses about the moment she and Jon saw his interaction with Luka.
“So, We’re together, and they’re together...and I might be in love with Jon, you think you might be in love with Luka... What now?“ Damian asked, trying to make sense of it all
“We could...” Marinette swallows, “um, all four of us? together?“ she offered meekly. Seeing that Damian seemed to like the idea, she continued. “Y’know, feel out how receptive they are to the idea and then just seduce them?”
Ok, so the temporary communication skills were nice.
Because instead of talking it out with their best friends, they decide to seduce them but to be fair, there’s at least one version of this where Damian got where he did because of seduction.
Between both Damian and Marinette’s phsyical attractiveness, their combined determination and stubbornness, Damian’s assassin seduction knowledge, and Marinette’s fashion ability and tactical knowledge of where to accentuate what, Jon and Luka have no chance of leaving pining hell for the foreseeable future.
Marinette doubles down on the “double dates” aka, seduction plans in action and group hang outs, aka much more softer, subtle seduction plans
Marinette and Damian do not do much seeing how receptive they are and really just jump right into the seduction, except they adjust the plans so Luka and Jon don’t catch on so Daminette couple thinks it’s ok to go all out.
Cue seduction and pining hijinks, and a whole lot of bloodly flowers and plenty of internal screaming
Damian learns that Luka might not be too bad in the group and Jon is panicking because oh shit he’s got another crush and it’s his best friend’s girlfriend.
the quartet’s love issues are really full circle... or whatever this shape is supposed to be. Because there’s still the whole Viperion/superboy thing and - i just... I’m not going to keep analyzing this.
Somewhere during this, Jon confesses his feelings this particular friend group to Con, leaving out the whole Hanahaki thing. Con tells Tim for advice on being a big brother and things happen but I’m not sure what. I just want TimCon and the Superboys bonding
So a couple weeks pass by the Hanahaki’s getting pretty bad and Luka suddenly goes missing
Ladybug and the bats are on it as soon as they realize he’s gone
Except they are missing one, very important piece of information
Luka’s hanahaki
So, for the next few days, they don’t get anywhere until Jon slips up and ends up coughing up a shitton of bloody flowers which leads to panic, confusion and explanation, bc wtf Jon, you’re supposed to be dating Luka and that’s definitely not unrequited
So everyone gets the full explanation, the final piece of the puzzle snaps into place and the bats are on it.
Marinette and Damian have to put aside that whole revelation in order to track and save Luka before he dies of Hanahaki
They both make sure to kiss Jon first so he doesn’t get handicapped by his hanahaki like Ladybug did but he and Luka will be on thin ice once they get Luka back
So it’s pretty much a race against time bc they don’t know how bad Luka’s hanahaki is
Tracking, beat up bad guys, possible magic related villain(s) searching for potion ingredients that may take harm Superboy more than than if they weren’t there
They rescue Luka or Luka and Ssass break out as Viperion and meet them halfway.
Hey, the identity reveals!
 Either way, at the end of it, Luka ends up with Ladybug and the unconscious and they have to wait until he wakes up to administer the kiss/cure bc it doesn’t work if one party is unconscious
which sparks an interesting idea of a sleeping beauty-cinderella style hanahaki fic where it would work if they’re unconscious, and the patient has to find go out to find who cured them and I’ll have to adjust some other rules of the hanahaki disease such as who can cure it but goddamn it
So while Luka’s out, Marinette and Damian confront the possibly injured but very much awake Jon
Once Luka wakes up and is brought up to speed, they take care of his hanahaki and work out the new boundaries of their new relationship
Part one is longer and I’m a bit put out by that. This made much more sense in my head but if you got this far, my rambling must have made some sort of sense.
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jasmehraj · 4 years ago
Timari out-sick au                                               
Marinette came to Gotham heart-broken. Her best friend, her first crush, her partner knows nothing about her. Nothing. Gabriel hit him hard on the head causing him to lose memory of last 4 years. She then punched Gabriel so hard the battle didn't last long. She was there when he woke up.
"Chaton you are awake?"
"Father? .....Who are you? Where is father and mother?"
She ran away from him and packed her bags. She ended up in Gotham. She did some research on Gotham's vigilantes. She was clearly impressed by Red Robin. He is very smart, analyzed every moment, very powerful and definitely handsome. He is her age and she is sure that he is handsome, there's no way he isn't and he is a coffee addict just like her.
In short she had a crush on him. She started going out as Rouge Gorge. Sometimes she shadowed the vigilantes and sometimes she went out alone. She disguised herself with Trixx's illusions. They all could sense her somehow and Red Robin always looks straight to her direction.
That is why she ended up in this situation. She went out a little earlier than usual. The bats had yet to come. She was running on the rooftops alone when she saw him. A completely sleep deprived man with many coffee cups in his hands. He probably wasn't aware of the people following him, probably muggers. She jumped into action as for some reason he turned to an alleyway. She took care of the two muggers. Where did the third one go? She turned to see the man had pinned the mugger. Subconsciously, without thinking, her stupid mouth said,"R..red robin?"
"So you are the shadow following us?"Well shit. He just confirmed it.
He took a coffee cup and chugged down a whole cup! Then he started coughing. Aaah he is falling. She caught him just in time. What should I do? What should I do?
She made the worst decision of her life. She took him to her apartment.
That's her story. Now she is sitting beside her crush who is laying on her bed, still unconscious. She took the cup he drank and smelled it. It smelled like, like BRANDY? What the hell?
That means he drank a whole cup of very strong alcohol even when he had probably never drank it in this much amount ALL HIS LIFE.
He suddenly woke up and asked her for bathroom. She led him quickly and he threw up. He is probably not aware of his surroundings. That is bad. He rinsed his mouth and she took him back to bed. He was very hot like literally very hot. He has high fever, vomiting..-I'll just check the internet. She then took some water and a cloth. She put the wet cloth on his forehead. He woke up an hour later.
"No I am not a shadow. I am Marinette."
"So your vigilant name is Marinette. Its very beautiful name." She felt her face heat up.
"No its Rouge Gorge."
"That's very nice too darling."
She huffed, her red cheeks betraying her,"Thank you."
"Its Ok love."
"Stop doing that."
"Doing what?" He looked like an innocent child. Like he doesn't know anything. Why the hell is he tilting his head at his side. That asshole is smirking.
She groaned,"Calling me these names..?"
"Well darling, are you not the same person who named yourself after me?" Now as if she could get any more red.
"Well that doesn't give a reason to call me those names."
He pretended to think," Well you are beautiful."
She turned away and ran out of there after yelling,"Message your friends, family or something. This conversation is going no where."
When she came back he was sleeping. She sighed in relief. Her cheeks were still red. Maybe taking her drunk crush inside her home wasn't that good idea.
Tim slowly opened his eyes. He looked at his surroundings. He was in a bed and the room was unfamiliar. When did he get here? He remembers that while going home he was attacked and the shadow? He took a small knife from his inside pocket. He slowly got out of the bed without making a noise. He made his way towards the door where music was playing.
He slowly opened it to reveal a midnight hair girl working with some kind of..........clothes?
"Who are you and where am I?" She was startled and let out a slow 'ouch'. She put her finger in her mouth.
"You don't remember?"
"I am the shadow as you say. Let me finish. I was out when I saw you getting mugged. I went to help you. You told me you are Red Robin.-"
"I told you?"
"I just said Red Robin and you said Oh so you are the shadow. You drank very strong brandy which was in your coffee. How the hell did you manage to get Brandy in a coffee cup."
He groaned and said,"Jasoooooon....."
"So I didn't know where to take you so I took you to my home...... You were drunk. And.....-"
"And-" He raised an eyebrow.
"Well I told you that my name was Rouge Gorge you started flirting with me. I took care of you. Now you can go back wherever you live. You were sleeping from past 16 hours."
She was not looking at him. She was stitching? He leaned closer to see she was stitching MDC on a skirt.
He processed everything. She is MDC who is also the shadow and her name is Rouge Gorge which means, Red Robin. He flirted with her. SHE IS MDC. SHE IS MDC.
Now his whole face was red. This was the most embarrassing thing he had ever been in. He is going to kill Jason for this.
Just then the doorbell rang. That broke her out of her stupor. He was frozen on his place. He heard voices suspiciously like his family and ran to the door.
Dick was squealing,"Timmy got so cute girlfriend. She is so cute."
Jason laughed,"We are not sure that he didn't kidnap her. She is too good for him."
Damian,"Tt Why did you inbeciles dragged me here?"
Cass just said,"I approve."
Stephanie said,"He never mentioned you before, you are so cute and tiny. Speaking of him where is he?"
Poor Marinette was stuck between them as they asked questions after questions. Then their gaze turned to Tim.
"Oh god, where are your bags Tim? How is this possible? How are you not half-dead. You must be magic you got him to sleep."
"Timmy you were with her, for how long?"
"You got a girlfriend replacement? She is too good for you give her to me."
All the voices were mixing with each other.
"What makes you think she is um.. my girlfriend?"
"You messaged us."
He opened his phone and read the Message.
I, Timothy Drake-Wayne the CEO of Wayne Enterprises, am staying with my girlfriend Marinette. Don't you dare to come here.
What could he possibly say. Suddenly he remembered the MDC signature. He looked at her and said,"You are MDC?" pointing at her.
"Umm, yess." Her voice was barely audible.
He took her hand and sat on one knee,"Marry me."
"What we are not even dating."
"Will you go on a date with me?"
"I.... I guess?"
The silence was broken by Dick,"You are MDC."
"You were not dating?"
"Tt you are so dramatic."
"Replacement what is the meaning of this?"
Tim turned to Jason and said,"Thank you Jason."
With that he went out the door,"Be ready till 3 Marinette."
Louis : So how did you two met?
Tim: My brother put brandy in my coffee cup. She took care of me and when I get to know she was my favorite designer and how amazing she is....
Clark: And?
Marinette: He asked me to marry him, I said we are not even dating so he asked me for a date.
Louis :..............................................
Batfamily: (Laughing)
Louis: We give you our blessing for your wedding.
Clark: God bless you.
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lockefanfic · 4 years ago
Business Trip: Pt 34 - Nostalgia
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Author’s Note: Happy Nayeon Day everyone ;)
And so you do your best to hold on as her small, tight little body writhes and quivers on the bed, burying yourself completely inside her so you could both feel every ounce of pleasure that her orgasm had to give. Her fingers dig almost painfully into your forearm; but the pain from her nails only heightened the feel of her pussy pulsating around your cock.
When she finally comes down from her high her body is a quivering, mewling mess on the bed - but the fire in her eyes is undiminished, and the conviction and determination that were always at the core of her personality takes over.
“Baby,” she says, her voice low but firm, “I want you to take me.”
“Hmm?” you ask as you bend to nuzzle the side of her face. You knew what she meant, knew what she wanted you to do - but you had to hear her say it.
“I want you to be the first.”
“The first to what, Nayeon?”
There is silence for a few moments as Nayeon reaches up to your neck, bringing you close for a brief, passionate kiss before bringing her lips to your ear.
“I want you to be the first to fuck my ass.”
A chorus of hushed whispers washed over the room as Nayeon’s video finished playing. Jeongyeon was the first to speak up.
 “Who are those girls? What was Irene doing with them?”
 “Kidnapping them, probably,” Seolhyun quips, a stern look on her face as she crosses her arms. “More recruits for all her bullshit.”
 “They didn’t seem like they were going with her against their will - it’s almost like Irene was helping them escape from that YG building,” Tzuyu notes.
 “Those four girls were part of YG’s Blackpink division,” Nayeon explains. “They were essentially YG’s corporate espionage division, similar to what Red Velvet does for SM. Intel has dried up on them since this video - they’ve basically disappeared.”
 “Probably because they’re dead in a ditch somewhere after Irene got what she needed from them,” Seolhyun replies, still on edge about Irene. You decide to ignore her anger for now, hoping the young woman could at least channel it into something useful.
 “Regardless of Blackpink’s current whereabouts, our next course of action is clear. We have the evidence we need to put Irene away. The only matter now is finding her and arresting her - is that correct, detectives?” you ask.
 “Yes,” Jihyo answers from her seat at the front of the conference table, “but finding her is the hard part. After our mission at SM HQ she must know we’re on to her, so she’s likely gone to ground. We each need to reach out to any sources we may have that can help us track Irene down.”
 “What about Momo?” Jeongyeon asks, turning to you, “Maybe she has leads on Irene? It seemed like they were working on something big when they rescued us. I think they were closing in on her.”
 “Yup. And those two members of Red Velvet that we just saw get captured are now on Momo’s team as well. Maybe they know something that can help us - and I’d like to know how they managed to escape YG,” you add.
 “Okay, get in touch with her and find out what they know,” Jihyo says with a nod. “The rest of us can work any other leads we have. Maybe we can comb through the data we retrieved one more time to find any possible Red Velvet safehouse locations or schedule data. We can meet again on Monday morning and form an action plan.”
 Your assembled team rises from their seats and leaves the conference room, each of you spending the rest of the day doing everything you could to track down Red Velvet’s leader.
 Summer in Seoul was being a bit like being in an inescapable oven.
 Air conditioning was almost a necessity, what with temperatures averaging around 35 degrees and flirting with nearly 40. Despite this, you decided to leave the artificially cooled interior of JYP’s Seoul office to hopefully enjoy some quiet time to yourself on the roof.
 The office was almost empty now, most of the staff running off to enjoy their Friday night. You were happy to find the rooftop completely empty, and you grabbed a seat in one of the folding chairs in the small, shaded picnic area by the hot tub - remembering, briefly, the intimate encounter you’d had with Seolhyun there not so long ago. The memory brings a smile to your face, and you quickly found yourself reminiscing about the way she’d gone down on you, and the steamy shower sex you’d had soon thereafter.
 Your eyes involuntarily close as you lean back in the folding chair, raising your feet to rest on the chair opposite. You’d brought a file of Irene-related documents with you to the roof to study, but you were happy to take a short break - and maybe a nap - in the late afternoon sunlight.
 “You never were any good at studying,” comes a female voice, one that you knew all too well.
 You open your eyes to find Nayeon standing over you. Had you fallen asleep? You shake your head and rub your eyes in an attempt to gather your wits and focus on the young woman’s pretty features as she takes a seat in one of the other folding chairs. She is wearing a simple white sundress, one that is just slightly translucent, if the hint of a dark bra beneath its clean white fabric is any indication.
 “Oh, hey,” you answer, still shaking off the cobwebs of sleep, and unable to really say anything more. You sit up in the folding chair and lower your feet to the floor.
 “Sorry, I must’ve dozed off there for a second.”
 “No problem. But really, it’s me that should be apologizing.”
 Nayeon’s face is blank, and her features don’t give any indication as to her thoughts or intentions.
 “For what?”
 “You know for what,” she answers quickly, “For leaving you yesterday, during the mission.”
 The image of Nayeon standing in that alleyway, as she debated with herself whether she should leave you there to fall into the clutches of SM, flashes before your mind. The image of her finally making up her mind and running away came to mind soon after, although that image was significantly less pleasant to remember.
 “You don’t have to apologize. I ordered you to run. It was important that we get the data, otherwise the whole thing would’ve been in vain. Momo ended up rescuing Jeongyeon and I anyway - all’s well that ends well.”
 “But you didn’t know that at the time,” Nayeon answers, “and for all you and I knew I was leaving you there to be captured - and probably tortured, or worse.”
 You look away from her for a moment, unable to meet her gaze. It was true that her running away left you and Jeongyeon to an uncertain fate - one you were lucky to escape.
 “What good would it have done? If you’d stayed you would’ve been captured right along with us. There were almost a dozen of them and only three of us. They would’ve overpowered us eventually.”
 There is quiet for a few moments as Nayeon weighs your words in her mind. She fiddles with her fingers in her lap, trying to find voice and words to the emotions inside her.
 “I would at least have known I didn’t run away when you needed me. I would have known that I stayed when you needed me - like she did.”
 The image of Jeongyeon standing next to you, a fierce look in her eyes and a length of wood in her hands, ready to go down swinging, comes back to you. She also had the chance to run, right along with Nayeon; but instead she’d picked up a weapon and made a stand next to you.
 “That’s irrelevant,” you tell Nayeon, “what happened happened. We have the data and Jeongyeon and I are okay. That’s all that matters.”
 “No,” Nayeon snaps, “no, that’s not all that matters. I ran away. And I spent the rest of the day thinking I’d made the biggest mistake of my life. It wasn’t until Jihyo got that call from you last night that I found out you were okay. I thought you could have been dead.”
 The girl looks away, the strong front she had put up slowly beginning to show cracks. Her lip quivers slightly. The two of you sit there in silence for a moment, pondering the weight of Nayeon’s words.
 “When Jihyo recruited me for this and I found out you were involved, I jumped at the opportunity,” she begins, her voice a little weaker now. “I still had feelings for you, but I wasn’t sure if they were for real. I thought if I saw you again I’d know for sure.”
 Nayeon takes a breath, as if to compose herself. She looks back out at the empty rooftop, unable or unwilling to meet your gaze.
 “And when I found out you were sleeping with all these other girls and acting like an asshole, fucking them in front of me - I thought all those feelings for you disappeared. When that girl showed up wearing that blue hoodie I bought you - I wanted to strangle you.”
 She quickly swipes at the corner of her eyes - ostensibly to remove some bit of dust, but in reality to wipe away the beginnings of a tear.
 “But last night convinced me otherwise. Thinking I’d left you there, and that I might never see you again - it convinced me I still love you.”
 “Nayeon, I-”
 “I don’t care that you’re fucking all these other girls. I don’t care about the way we broke up, or why. I just care about you. We shouldn’t have broken up. We should still be together.”
 She looks at you now, and despite the tear that has finally broken free of her eyes and has slowly begun to fall down her left cheek, she still looks defiant, proud, just the way she always was.
 “We can be together again,” she says softly.
 Silence reigns for a moment as you gather your thoughts; you would have been lying if you’d said that Nayeon’s reappearance in your life hadn’t rekindled feelings for her. You’d always thought that the reason for your breakup and the way that you did it had left things so unresolved… and you’d spent many long nights since wondering what could have been.
 “Nayeon…” you begin, unable to really find the words to say anything more.
 “You don’t have to say anything,” she states. “At least until after we get Irene.”
 “I understand,” you answer.
 Apparently satisfied with the conversation, Nayeon gives you a soft nod before quickly wiping away the remnants of the tear from her cheek. She smiles softly - a smile that seems forced, as though it took all of her strength not to simply break down in front of you. Standing up, she begins to walk away.
 “Nayeon,” you say, her name a gasp upon your lips. She turns around with an almost imperceptible sigh, as though she were hoping you would stop her.
 “Do you… like, want to get super drunk or something?”
 Nayeon laughs, and although she tries to suppress it the way someone does when they don’t quite want to laugh, she nonetheless lets the soft, musical sound of her giggle escape her mouth.
 “Yes,” she answers, “yes I do.”
 “I got 34% on that econ midterm, and I have no one but you to blame.”
 “Oh please. Cramming doesn’t work. Scanning five chapters of a textbook the night before your exam isn’t going to magically turn you into an A student. You should have studied each chapter the week it was assigned, and not five chapters the night before the midterm. The night before the midterm is for a final review of all the major concepts.”
 “If I recall correctly you had a lot to do with keeping me up the night before the midterm.”
 “Psh. As great as the sex was, saying I kept you up ‘all night’ is a bit of an exaggeration.”
 “You wanted it three times. Then a fourth time as we were heading to campus.”
 “My point still stands. You had plenty of time for studying in between sessions.”
 “Awfully hard to study when your girlfriend ties you up to a chair and fucks your brains out. You slapped me a couple of times, too.”
 “Pain brings the brain to full alertness. I wanted to make sure you were alert and ready to study.”
 “I’m not complaining. The first time was fun. So was watching you walk around naked in the room afterwards.”
 “I wasn’t just walking around the room. Sometimes I was sitting. Or lying down.”
 “On top of my textbook. Which was hot as fuck, but not conducive to effective studying.”
 “I’m pretty sure I was nicer to look at than your textbook.”
 “I don’t doubt that. I’m just saying that the time between sessions would have been helpful for some last minute review, had you not distracted me the way you did.”
 “It’s not my fault you’re easily distracted.”
 “The second time, you literally bent over the kitchen counter and shook your ass at me.”
 “I didn’t say anything - it was you that decided to get up from your studying and come fuck me. I was just minding my own business, happily making us dinner and ensuring you had the energy for your studies. It was you that interrupted me.”
 “You looked over your shoulder at me with your ‘fuck me’ look and licked your lips. If that’s not asking for it, I don’t know what was.”
 “I wasn’t asking for anything. I was just tasting the food I made, to ensure it was delicious and nutritious enough for my boyfriend.”
 “And the ass shaking?”
 “I was dancing. We were playing music at the time, if you’ll recall. Music can aid the brain with memory retention.”
 “You had a hand between your legs. You did all your cooking with your left hand. Dancing gets you that hot and bothered?”
 “I wanted to improve my dexterity with my off hand.”
 “You were wet as hell when I got to you.”
 “Is it so wrong to say that my boyfriend made me wet?”
 “I think it was the thought of me fucking you over the kitchen counter that made you that wet, and you couldn’t help but touch yourself. Still think you weren’t asking for it?”
 “You’re crazy. I don’t ask for sex. I get it.”
 “Oh, you definitely got it. And the third time - giving me that blowjob under the desk while I was studying, what do you call that?”
 “I was cleaning under the table to ensure your feet weren’t injured by sharp or pointy objects while you studied. Safety first.”
 “And so not only do you cook naked - you clean naked too?”
 “It ensures clothing doesn’t get in the way or distract me from my chores.”
 “And the blowjob in the car on the way to campus?”
 “It was to ensure you were in the right mindset for the midterm. Orgasm releases endorphins to the brain which can improve examination outcomes.”
 “So four orgasms provide the recommended daily dose of endorphins, is that correct?”
 “That’s correct. For males, at least. It’s seven for women in the same time frame - you only gave me six, unfortunately. I had to get the seventh on my own.”
 “The picture you sent me of your wet fingertips just minutes before the midterm is enough proof.”
 “I was trying to provide visual support.”
 “You were insatiable, Nayeon.”
 “Am. I have to admit, I liked the way we tied each other up when we fucked. That was hot as fuck. But that night before your midterm - I was left wanting a little bit more, to be honest.”
 “Four times in twelve hours wasn’t enough?”
 “No, the number of times was enough.”
 “So? What more could you have wanted?”
 “Remind me again - where did you cum?”
 “On your back once, after you tied me up. Inside you, in the kitchen. And in your mouth twice.”
 “If only there was another place you could cum.”
 Nayeon finishes her beer in one long gulp. She slams the glass on the table and licks her lips with the same ‘fuck me’ look she wore in that room years ago. She gathers her purse and jacket and leaves the table. You quickly drop some bills down to pay for your meal and rush after her.
Sleeping with Nayeon was dangerous, to say the least, given your history together and your current circumstances. Sex with exes always made things so complicated. 
 But when she dragged you into her hotel room and your lips and bodies crashed together, you made no effort to resist. She was so familiar, her body so well known to your lips and fingers, that all thought of stopping fled quickly out the window. You’d spent so many long nights since your breakup wondering what could have been - and more than a few nights reminiscing about her body.
 The years were kind to Nayeon - when you were in school she was a little too thin, a little less curvy - but nature and long hours in the gym had sculpted her body further, and now she was a fully grown woman, curves and delicious skin and toned muscle all coming together to create a goddess in the prime of her life.
 You raise your head from between her spread legs, your tongue and chin dripping with her juices. You lick the delicious honey from your lips, savoring her taste as you kiss a path back up her slim, firm body, delighting in her tight stomach and cute, round breasts. You reach her neck and give her a quick peck there before you give her a deep kiss, Nayeon’s tongue sliding into your mouth to taste herself.
 “You always ate me so well,” she says, her cheeks flushed from recent orgasm.
 “You always tasted so fucking good,” you answer.
 “Fuck me now,” she hisses, and you are quick to oblige, positioning yourself between her spread thighs, reaching down and aiming the tip of your stiff cock at her dripping folds. You swirl it around the slick flesh, delighting in the soft moans that leave the girl’s lips as your tip slides around her clit.
 “Stop teasing. I need it. Fuck me, please.”
 You grin devilishly as you press your tip against her opening - but your grin turns into a gentle sigh as the feeling of slipping into Nayeon’s slick, hot pussy overwhelms your senses. 
 She felt exactly the way she did back then - tight, wet, hot - and it was all a little too much to handle. When you fill her completely you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, and you open eyes you didn’t know you’d closed. Your vision is filled with Nayeon’s beautiful face, her cheeks flushed pink, her eyes and lips and nose overwritten with pleasure at being filled for the first time.
 “Oh god,” she gasps, “oh god, I missed you so much.”
 She grasps the back of your neck with her hand and brings you close for a kiss - one that is desperate, and full of need.
 “I’ve missed you too, Nayeon.”
 “Fuck me now,” she hisses, “fuck me like you used to.”
 You eagerly follow her demands, and you slowly begin to pump in and out of Nayeon’s slick, tight pussy, her body tightening around your cock with every thrust in and out, lathering your length with juices that glisten in the low light. The sound of her sighs and gasps quickly rise in volume, a beautiful backdrop to the sounds of your wet shaft penetrating her slick pussy again and again.
 You quickly find your rhythm, and you almost lose yourself in the feeling of her; you knew it was partially nostalgia - you felt like a university student again, enjoying himself and his girlfriend, not yet having to worry about corporate espionage or physical danger - no, there was only pleasure here, and indulging in it. For long minutes you fuck Im Nayeon, losing yourself in the feel of her body beneath yours, her limbs wrapped around you and your ears filled with her gasps and moans.
 The sounds were amazing, but it is the sight of her beneath you - the girl you’d long that was the one that got away - fed your desire more than any drug could have. You increase your rhythm, and the words that spill from Nayeon’s lips tell you she welcomed it.
 “Oh god… yes… fuck me, baby. I’m yours.”
 You decide to surprise her, slipping out of her needy pussy for a moment to turn her on to her left side. Straddling her left leg and raising her right leg so that it is on your right shoulder, you slip into her again, sliding easily inside her body and filling her completely, the position allowing you to get even deeper inside her.
 “Oh god!” she gasps, her mouth frozen open in a soundless “o”, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. You take a moment to let her adjust to the newfound depth of your cock - but her pussy is too wet and hot and slick to fight the temptation much longer, and soon you find yourself sliding in and out of her, fucking her with a hard, strong rhythm.
 Nayeon’s body bounces deliciously with every entrance and exit of your cock sending impacts that rock her form from head to toe. Her breasts, now stacked on top of each other due to being on her side, bounce hypnotically - you grab her right mound, squeezing softly and delighting in the feel of her stiff nipple in your palm.
 “Oh god… I missed this… I missed… mm, your cock inside me! Oh… oh god, I’m cumming!”
 When Nayeon orgasms it takes every effort on your part not to simply join her in bliss - her pussy tightening deliciously around you made it all to easy to pump inside her and fill her with cum that she would have been happy to be filled with; but you knew you had to hold on, had to give her what she asked for earlier that night.
 And so you do your best to hold on as her small, tight little body writhes and quivers on the bed, burying yourself completely inside her so you could both feel every ounce of pleasure that her orgasm had to give. Her fingers dig almost painfully into your forearm; but the pain from her nails only heightened the feel of her pussy pulsating around your cock.
 When she finally comes down from her high her body is a quivering, mewling mess on the bed - but the fire in her eyes is undiminished, and the conviction and determination that were always at the core of her personality takes over.
 “Baby,” she says, her voice low but firm, “I want you to take me.”
 “Hmm?” you ask as you bend to nuzzle the side of her face. You knew what she meant, knew what she wanted you to do - but you had to hear her say it.
 “I want you to be the first.”
 “The first to what, Nayeon?”
 There is silence for a few moments as Nayeon reaches up to your neck, bringing you close for a brief, passionate kiss before bringing her lips to your ear.
 “I want you to be the first to fuck my ass.”
 When you raise your head you find a newfound determination in her eyes - that ‘fuck me’ look, magnified a thousandfold. Before it was sexy - now it was downright lustful.
 Nayeon turns her body so that she is lying face down on her stomach, spreading her legs to allow you between them. When she looks back at you there is nothing but need and lust in her eyes.
 Your cock is already slick and wet with her juices, but you take a moment regardless to spit into your palm and stroke your rock hard shaft, ensuring it is lubricated enough for what was to come. You feel your heart beating fast and hard - the anticipation made your skin tingle.
 When Nayeon reaches behind her and spreads apart the cheeks of her ass, revealing her small, tight asshole - you had to remind yourself to breathe. It takes some effort, but you soon place the very tip of your glistening cock at her entrance, and you take a moment to spit one more time, the saliva landing right where your bodies met. Using your right hand to guide your shaft, you tease her ass with your tip, lubricating it as much as you could.
 “Enough,” Nayeon hisses, her face half pressed into the mattress, “fuck me now. Fuck my ass, baby. I want you to take every part of me. I want you to fuck my ass.”
 You push forward, and while it takes some effort, you finally enter Im Nayeon’s ass.
 Her body tries to fight you every step of the way, but soon the tight ring of her ass gives way to the unyielding flesh of your cock, and eventually your tip is fully inside her. Nayeon lets out a pained gasp into the mattress, and you watch as she grits her teeth as more of you enters her.
 “Are you okay, Nayeon? We can-”
 “No, don’t stop. Keep going. I can handle it.”
 You continue to push forward, your hands caressing her back and shoulders in an attempt to ease her into it. Her tightness is almost overwhelming, her ass a tight ring of muscle that squeezes every inch of your shaft as it enters her. It might have taken a minute, it might have taken an hour - but eventually you are fully inside her, buried to the hilt inside Nayeon’s ass.
 “Oh god,” she gasps at the feel of being filled, “oh god, I feel so full.”
 “Are you okay?”
 “Yes… yes, I want this. I want you in my ass. Now fuck me.”
 You withdraw your cock for the first time - and when you look down and watch every inch of your shaft appear from between the round cheeks of her ass - it is almost overwhelming. But just as wonderful is the feeling of entering her again, and finding your soft, steady rhythm as you begin to fuck Nayeon’s ass.
 “Oh, oh god,” Nayeon says, repeating that mantra, “oh god, keep going like that.”
 Satisfied that you’d found a rhythm that didn’t cause her unnecessary pain, you continue to pump in and out of her, relishing every entry and exit into and out of her young, firm body, her ass clenched tightly around every inch of you as it penetrates her again and again.
 Nayeon is the first to raise the stakes.
 “Get on your knees,” she says. You bury yourself fully inside her, drawing out a gasp of pleasure from her lips before raise yourself to your knees. Taking care to keep you fully inside her, she gets on her own knees before you, until you are both kneeling on the bed with you behind her. The newfound intimacy of this position was welcome, and you wrap both your hands around her slim torso, cupping her small, perfect breasts in each of your hands.
 “Fuck me like this,” she says softly, “fuck my ass like this.”
 You resume pumping in and out of her, the position allowing you easier access to her butt - but you are surprised to find that she is rocking back and forth on her own, driving herself back to meet each of your thrusts. For long minutes you continue to fuck, your shaft drilling in and out of Nayeon’s tight, hot ass, her body pounding back against you with each thrust. Your hands roam her tight, sweaty little body, sometimes squeezing a breast, sometimes clenched around her waist or shoulders - anything to grasp her in your arms, tighten your grip on her as though you never wanted to let her go and lose the delicious pleasure that her body was giving you.
 Nayeon breaks free from your grasp, eventually, leaning forward with her arms. She continues to push herself back onto your cock as you thrust forward - every thrust, every feel of her tight ass clenched around your shaft driving you closer and closer to orgasm. You look down, watching your wet cock slide in and out of her hole - and you think you might pass out.
 “Oh, fuck, Nayeon - that’s so fucking hot.”
 “You like it?” she says, the words a breathy hiss, “you like fucking me like this? Fucking my ass like this?”
 “Fuck yes, Nayeon… Oh! Fuck… fuck, you feel so good. I’m not gonna last very long.”
 “Mmmmm oh god… Just cum when you want to… just cum for me… cum inside me… cum inside my ass. I want you… to be the first… to fill my ass with cum.”
 You are almost ashamed to admit it, ashamed that her first anal sex experience might be too short - but her body was too overwhelming, too wonderful to fight. It was all too much - the residual feelings from your past relationship, her reappearance into your life, her beauty and sexiness and utter physical perfection, the fact that she wanted you to be the first to claim her ass - all too fucking much to resist.
 “Fuck, Nayeon, I’m cumming!” you hiss, and Nayeon’s only reply is a breathy moan that turns into a plea.
 “Yes… cum inside… my ass!”
 You bury yourself as deep as you can inside her, your hands clenching tightly around her waist and hips as you finally lose control and tumble willingly over the edge into pure bliss, your shaft pulsating as it sends stream after stream of thick, hot semen inside Nayeon’s clenching ass, the white cum painting her rectum with white.
 It might have taken you hours to recover from the stars that dazzle your vision and the feeling of lightheadedness as your orgasm overtakes each of your senses. You are only vaguely aware of slipping out Nayeon’s body, and the needy, high pitched whine that escapes her lips when you finally leave her. A trail of thick white cum soon emerges from her hole, a trickle that becomes a stream that flows down her thighs and onto the bedsheets.
 There are no more words that could possibly be said between you, and so you fall into a tangle of exhausted limbs and sweaty bodies, your arms entangled with one another. You find her cheek, bring her face to yours, and the kiss that you share makes you feel like you’d found something you’d long thought was lost.
 Nayeon was right - she was still insatiable.
 The shower you shared when you both awoke only turned into one after you’d fucked again - when she dropped to her knees and took you into her mouth you didn’t think you’d ever get around to actually cleaning yourselves. But after you’d picked her up from the shower floor and fucked her against the cool tile, you both finally managed to achieve some semblance of cleanliness - even if the sight of her wet body as she rubbed a bar of soap all over herself, your own cum still dripping from her pussy, made it difficult to concentrate on actually cleaning yourself.
 You’re the first out of the shower, and you collapse onto the bed while Nayeon finishes drying her hair in the washroom. You grab your phone off the nightstand and scroll through your messages.
 The first few texts were from Jeongyeon - memes, mostly, and one or two messages telling you she was bored, and had nothing to do; it was far too late to respond to them now, however, and you felt some momentary guilt at having missed what was obviously an invitation from her to meet up.
 Sana came next - in the form of a few suggestive photos of herself in various skimpy outfits, all seemingly from a clothing store’s dressing room; in each one she was leaning forward, giving you a good look at the tight cleavage she was so fond of showing you. “Maybe these would look better on your hotel room floor,” she said in a follow up message that was far from subtle.
 A single text from Mina surprised you and brought a smile to your lips - “I’m getting promoted to head of legal affairs at JYP,” she’d said, “so I get my choice of post. Save me a spot on your team.”
 The last message came from Momo - a simple address of a meeting place she’d chosen. You’d asked her the night before if she and her team were willing to meet to discuss the next stage in the operations against Irene. Her response was just an address and a time to be there - a far cry from the long, cutesy texts she used to send you all the time.
 You allow yourself a moment of sadness at that last thought, but it is one that quickly flees your mind when Nayeon re-emerges from the bathroom. She is naked, of course, her skin still flushed and glistening from her shower, her hair still damp and falling around her head in thin, wavy strands. 
 In her hands is a shiny object, something you were quite familiar with long ago, something you never thought you’d see again - a red leather collar, to which was attached a length of silver chain.
 She doesn’t speak a word - not when she gets on the bed, not when she straddles you, not when she places soft kisses on your body that start on your stomach and begin to trace a path up your body, until she places a soft kiss upon your lips.
 She straightens, sitting atop your lap in all of her naked glory, water dripping deliciously down her perfect round breasts and her flat stomach. She undoes the clasp of the collar with long, dainty fingers, and places it around her neck. When it is sufficiently tightened, she gathers the chain in her hands, finding the end of it with her left hand. She bends once more to kiss you, her left hand tracing a path along your right arm. When she reaches your hand, she pushes the phone in it away with her own hand.
 The phone falls over the side of the bed - and Nayeon replaces it with the end of the silver chain. She bends her head, kissing your cheek, before bringing her lips to your ear.
 “How would you like to take me, master?”
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