#’if you meet thing that looks like venom but it’s red— wait do you know who venom is? okay let me back up—‘ and atsv miles is FREAKING out
milimeters-morales · 6 months
ATSV Miles: swinging through the city is great but i hate getting hit by drones and birds
Comic Miles: and the missiles, so irritating lol
ATSV Miles: ????
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jeicey · 4 months
Part 1 | Part 2
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Summary: You and Regina have a long-standing history together, and now, with your exes pairing up in a new relationship, you are reluctantly forced to work together to win them back. Will the familiarity bring you closer, or will old habits resurface, leading to further tensions?
Warnings: manipulative regina, profanity, beginner fanfic writer:so mid writing, mentions of weed and mozzarella sticks
A/N:Thank you so much for all the support on Part 1, especially to that one user who reblogged and said "go read or u suck" I LOVE U.
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Regina's words echoed in my mind like a stuck record."
"Ill see you tomorrow, after school, underneath the bleache-"
"Dude!" Mae jolted me out of my thoughts, snapping. My brain instantly refocused on the present moment.
The final class had just 5 minutes left, and I had to meet Regina. I hadn't had a genuine and meaningful conversation with Regina in a while. Our last talk had taken place years ago, and it didn't exactly conclude on the best terms.
"Did You really have to be that honest?!"
"Y-Yeah?" I stammered as I shook my head, desperately trying to clear my mind.
"Are you even paying attention?" she asked with an eye roll.
Trying to cover up my shit, I responded with a snort, "Of course!" hoping she would buy my lie.
Unconvinced, she asked, "So, when is Anders' soccer game?"
Ander plays soccer?
I gulped, "Tomorrow?" I replied, my voice smaller.
"Ander has asthma, dumbass." She pointed out
My shoulders sagged as I let out a resigned sigh, muttering under my breath, "fuck you, reverse psychology."
"You good?"
I attempted to brush off Mae's concern, replying, "It's nothing."
She gave me a skeptical look, countering, "Bullshit. You didn't even touch those mozzarella sticks I brought you. You love mozzarella sticks."
"I was full," I argued lamely, attempting to defend myself.
Mae raised a skeptical eyebrow, reminding me, "You guzzle down a Red Bull every morning for breakfast. Your 'full' card doesn't fly, genius."
"I'm just not in the mood today, okay?" I reasoned again
"Fine," Mae conceded, slightly annoyed. "I'm going to go help Brynn roll some. Want to join?"
I shook my head, declining her offer.
"Nah, I have something to do," I responded, already turning to leave the classroom.
Mae looked at me suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. "Okay..." she replied, still doubting my excuse.
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I was growing increasingly annoyed as I waited for Regina under the stinking bleachers. The place absolutely reeked, and I had been tapping my foot in irritation for far too long.
"I'm a bit surprised you actually showed up."
Regina stated as she approached me with a confident stride.
I responded in a sarcastic tone, rolling my eyes, "Yeah, blackmailing me about my friends really works wonders."
I glanced around, surprised not to see Gretchen and Karen accompanying her, as usual.
I couldn't help but comment, "Where are your backscratching bootlickers?" I raised an eyebrow.
With a slight tilt of her head she responded with a snarky remark, "Your mouth is still as vulgar as ever, i guess some things never change."
"As if you're any better." I mumbled under my breath, too low for her to hear
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"Woah woah, dating!?" I replied, thoroughly taken aback. "No way am i going to be your girlfriend!"
Regina quickly corrected me, "Pretend." She rolled her eyes, growing impatient with me. "Do you want Tina back?" She asked, her annoyance clear. "Then there's no question about it.
I wrestled with the idea, questioning if it was even worth the effort.
My face twisted in doubt as I questioned her plan. "How do you even know this will work?"
Regina's voice took on a venomous tone as she snapped, "Can you just shut up and trust me?"
My scoff turned into a mocking laugh. "Trust you, Regina?" I taunted
I sat alone in my darkened room, tears streaming down my face as I clutched my teddy bear tightly for comfort. My room looked like a cyclone had gone through it; pillows and blankets scattered every which way, and pieces of paper and pictures torn up. I could hear my mother's concerned voice outside my door, saying Regina wanted to talk to me. I shouted back, my voice shaking with anger, "Tell her to fuck off!"
I scoffed in disbelief. "Right, because the last time I trusted you really worked out well for me." The memory of her betrayal still stung.
"Can we not discuss that right now?" Regina replied sharply, but my anger remained.
The audacity of this bitch is terrifying!
"We're going to have to work together, so if you keep bringing it up, you're just making this more uncomfortable than it already is."
My anger gradually faded, replaced by a begrudging acceptance. I hated to admit it, but she was right
— we I couldn't keep dwelling on the past if we were going to make this plan work.
I reluctantly agreed, "Fine," Part of me yearned for an acknowledgement, for her to address the past, but her lack of response just left me feeling disappointed.
Regina sneered disdainfully, her gaze traveling along my entire body, her eyes judging me. "What the fuck are you wearing?" she taunted, as if I had committed a fashion felony.
I looked down at my clothes, feeling a bit self-conscious. "What?" I replied defensively, unsure of the issue.
Regina abruptly grabbed my wrist, her touch surprisingly warm. Without a word, she began pulling me towards her red Jeep.
"where are you tak—" I started, but she quickly cut me off, her words laced with annoyance.
"I am not going to be seen with an outdated loser," she retorted, her grip not relenting as we approached her vehicle.
I stumbled slightly as she practically dragged me along, trying to protest, "It's just a band tee!"
My wrist felt the absence of her touch as Regina turned to open the driver's door of her Jeep.
As she settled into the driver's seat I glanced back at the passenger and the back seat, debating where to sit.
Opting for the safer choice, I reached out for the back door handle before Regina interrupted me.
"Sit in the passenger seat, idiot," she ordered, her tone cutting through the air.
Reluctantly, I opened the passenger door and slid into the seat beside Regina, sitting a slight distance away from her. As she started the jeep and began driving, I turned my gaze towards the window.
I tried once more to get an answer, my eyes still glued to the outside world.
"Seriously," I persisted, "where are we going?"
Regina's response was brief, "Shopping," she replied. "If I'm going to pretend to date you, you at least need some proper clothes."
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The cafeteria felt oddly silent as a murmur of whispers surrounded me. I couldn't tell if it was my anxiety playing tricks on me, but the atmosphere felt eerily hushed.
"I hate this," I muttered under my breath, feeling the weight of everyone's gazes upon me. Wearing the clothes Regina had deemed socially acceptable yesterday made me feel even more out of place right now.
My train of thought came to a halt as my phone buzzed with a notification. It was a message from Regina: "Stop standing there like a statue. Come sit with us."
I glanced at my phone, finding a flurry of messages from my friends group chat. "Where are you?" and "What the hell are you wearing" filled the screen. I reluctantly raised my gaze to our usual table, only to see my friends staring at me, bewildered. Swiftly muting my phone, I headed towards the plastics table.
'Took you long enough,' she muttered, as I approached, her eyes glued to her phone, no doubt scrolling through Instagram.
Gretchen, a hint of false enthusiasm in her expression, looks up from her phone. "Why's she here?" she asks, peering at Regina through raised eyebrows.
Regina retorts with a deadpan tone, rolling her eyes slightly, "To sit with us.”
Gretchen, her voice rising in pitch, exclaims, "What?! She can't-" only to be cut off by Regina's firm interject.
"Sit," Regina says, her inflection leaving no room for argument.
I hesitantly moved to sit across them.
"Hey, sorry- uh," I greet, looking between Karen and Gretchen with a mix of confusion and frustration. "Why am I sitting here? This is not part of the plan!" I whisper-yelled at Regina, leaning in closer to avoid being overheard.
With a roll of her eyes, Regina replied, "Just go with it." She set her phone down, adding, "Tina's watching".
I glanced around the cafeteria, spotting Tina seated with her clique, watching me intently. In that moment, our eyes met, confirming that the first step of Regina's plan had been successfully executed.
Step one:Complete
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A/N: next part is cadys arrival😱🥶
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Deadpool Headcanons
cw:: mentions of sex and violence. it's wade lol
description:: goddess reader, wade is your boyfriend >:)
a/n:: wade and i are married irl so this is straight from the source
Wade likely meets you first. which is a nice way of saying he's been stalking you after having a legitimate romcom, slow motion, wind only in HIS (metaphorical) hair moment
once he finally introduces himself, your aggravation only leads (turns) him on
your way of cooing condescending, violent things as you accost this clown(?) sets it in stone - your the love of his fucking life
You shove Wade against the nearest wall. "I'm sure you're a.. special kid, but let's put on our listening caps." Your eyes practically pierce his soul, unblinking, pupils narrow and frustrated. "Go ahead." You release him and pat his head like an order. "On." You wait a beat, make sure he's listening- at least to the best of his ability. "Get in my way again and I will turn you into a fucking vegetable." You whisper yell, hardly realizing your nails are biting his jaw through his mask. "Thank you." With a curt grin and pat to his cheek, you saunter past him.
He grunts as he’s slammed against the wall, staring down at you with furrowed brows and a slowly growing grin. “This is not how my first dates usually go but I’m game.” He blurts out before you start speaking. He tilts his head at the mention of a listening cap, looking down at his hands as if one will materialize before you let him go. He blinks slowly and mimes putting a hat on before his head is shoved back against the wall at the force of your sudden grasp. He grins quickly at the fleeting feeling of nails sinking into flesh, chest heaving a touch before he mourns the loss of the sting almost instantly. As his skin stitches itself back together, he rouses himself from his starry eyed haze and starts after you. “How do you feel about Tahiti—maybe Turks and Caicos, I can’t exactly tan, but I feel like I can just sit out and burn.” He rambles, hot on your heels as he takes a selfish look of you before returning to the task at hand. What was it again? Right—planning your honeymoon. “How do you feel about hydrangeas, they smell like shit but, we could always settle for tulips.” He stops for a beat before continuing. “Fuck, you’re a great negotiator. Fine, we can do orchids.”
Wade is nothing if not good at wearing people down. that's how he eventually gets you to start laughing at his jokes, to smile cheekily instead of burning him with your stare or the venom in your tone
his personality is infectious and soon enough you two are attached at the hip
Despite his CVS receipt of red flags, Wade is a really good boyfriend
Wade is surprisingly attentive, but you truly are the most interesting, beautiful, sexy, delicious, thing that has ever graced his sorry fucking existence so how could he not spend his life fixating on you
he picks up on all the little things you like and goes out of his way to keep you smiling - only happy, fucked out tears are allowed for his girl
you can conjure up whatever you like, being a god, so his money is reserved for surprises - ringpops whenever the last is finished, food because you likely don't know how to cook (why learn when you can will a three course meal into life with a snap of your fingers) and Wade is banned from every kitchen for obvious reasons, and merch of himself with his moniker, name, and/or his symbol on it
Wade can be possessive and jealous to a degree, so showing you off is one of his greatest pleasures
if you wear his hoodie or a little pair of sleep shorts or panties with his name on it, the poor fuck will actually combust. should've worn his white pants
any time you go literally anywhere and meet someone new (ie dragging him along and making him pay for stuff) Wade takes the opportunity to make it known you are his
"Oh, have you met my WIFE?"
He beams to the cashier at the luxury store who truly thought they were about to robbed.
"Yea, she's my WIFE. We're MARRIED. It was a crisp afternoon and she threw me against the wall-"
All while his arm is secured around you, holding you to his side as he thumbs over your hip bone.
he'll likely say you're married before you even start enjoying his company. the moment you accept that unwrapped ring pop definitely covered in blood and lint, those metaphorical documents are signed. it's set in stone like the 11th fucking commandment. you'll be together forever
and you just go along with it. why not? being immortal gets boring after a few millenniums and this strange, poor mentally challenged man in spandex is pretty fun having around
the whole married bit goes on for so long you're not even sure if it's still a bit anymore
Wade uses the sanctity of your marriage in any situation - another guy with a gun on some mission copping a feel? "I'M MARRIED". someone brushes past him on the street? "I'M MARRIED". sees anyone look a little too long at you? "SHE'S MARRIED"
he'd kill and die for you over and over again. say the word and it's a done deal. that hypothetical guy who checked you out a little too long got a face full of gloved knuckles
want to keep his dick in a jar because Wade Jr. obviously brings you so much joy? say less. he knows a guy who can get him formaldehyde cheap
if Wade isn't busy showing you off in public, he's arguing with strangers on reddit about how you very much are his real life WIFE
ilovechappelroan: That's photoshop.
mercwithamouth1: it's not we took that picture together and her tits r real
webhead123: i think it's AI generated. see the blurry line where his cheek is apparently pressed against her head?
ilovechappelroan: Yea, mods should take this down.
mercwithamouth1: i have ur ip and im omw over she'll tell u herself WE ARE MARRIED and she will dox u bc she LOVES ME
webhead123: okay???? i already know where i live lol
"Hold this." Wade orders with a pouty huff and camera at the ready as he hands you a paper that reads i'm not a hostage don't ask me to blink twice
you two bicker and argue over random things (usually because you enjoy a reason to complain as it passes the time in your literally endless existence), but it's never anything of substance and usually under a veil of something condescending any sly
these stupid, teasing spats 9 times out of 10 end up with Wade soothing your brattiness by cooing little phrases and pulling you onto him in any way he can
"Don't pout, you're so sexy- fuck, I can't stay mad at you- what if I let you peg me?"
Wade doesn't mind this routine at all. it's just another reason for him to get his hands on you
he loves holding you, feeling the weight of your body against his - throwing you over his shoulder when you're being a brat, carrying you all day because his girl is "just too pretty walk", sat on his lap, chest, face (when he's been *really* good)
he'll do virtually anything to have you praise him, call yourself mommy and go on about how much of a good boy he is
he in turn responds to that comfort with a few pet names of his own - sweetheart, cupcake, the wind beneath my wings, my will to live or his favorite my future baby mama
nothing in the universe, not even the shittiest of writers he's handed, could take him away from you
he's content just having you, knowing you're his - BUT he does have a little fantasy he's shared a few hundred time of really having you. a pretty thing, a trophy who sits at home and waits for him to walk through the door covered in blood and guts. you can't go outside, it's just not safe out there for his baby, so he'll always be with you. dress you in nice things, show you off, shower you in affection, heed your every whim. you'd be slaves to each other
and why would you protest? sounds fun
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fatuismooches · 3 months
Oml I just saw your tag on the Dadtorre with identical son post (same anon as last time here! Thank you for the kind words :3) if Traveller and Paimon meet the son it's going to be so funny but confusing for both parties 😭 It's a jumpscare!
The Traveller is in Snezhnaya, exploring the place, walking through yet another quaint scenery. Then they see a glimpse of a blury blue in the distance, a shade of blue they know all too well.
"Wait, Traveller - was that...?" Paimon whispers to her companion warily. "Uh, you saw that too right? That looked like—!" She gasps, her tiny hands cupping her mouth as she frantically whispers. "Do you think he saw us?!"
The Traveller gestures for Paimon, gaze hardening. "Get behind me."
They tail the all too familiar shadow. He may be wearing a heavy cloak to stave off the frigid heart of the Tsarista, but they would recognise that hair anywhere... It's shorter than last time, but this is not the first they dealt with a segment. The Doctor is stalking the village, what could he be up to?
It's a small village, far from the capital. What if he's here to exploit the vulnerable? There's so many ill and elderly residents here, it won't take much to station a lab here in the guise of a clinic, he would have his test subjects.
They have to stop him.
They continue to follow, but slowly, doubt starts to creep in.
What is Dottore doing? He's just... he's window shopping?
Sure enough, this familiar shadow is simply strolling through the streets without a hint of hurry, out of character for a man who does not waste time. Admiring the scenery and occasionally stopping. That's when the anxiety starts to build. Is this a trap? It must be.
If it is a trap he'd laid. They will bite - only to get closer to him.
They follow until the figure is in an isolated part of the settlement. The cloaked man is looking side to side, head turning this way and that. Not the most subtle way to check for your reinforcements, but whatever. They raise their sword—
Dottore turns around, an unfamiliar gleam in his eyes. A shine that struck the Traveller as though a snake had reared its head and bit with venom to paralyse. Not one of deep seeping crimson of blood. Kind, gentle eyes - the red of a comforting hearth, the red of a sunrise.
"Ah! Perfect, there's someone else here!" 'Dottore' chuckles awkwardly. "Uh... I'm lost? Can you help me out? It looks like you know your way around here— wait, isn't that outfit a little too cold?"
What is this.
Paimon yells this sentiment for them: "Huh?!"
(Dottore's son snuck out for a little outing. He inadvertently pulled the same headache of a stunt Dottore's lover had done ages ago: sneaking off when bored. Said father is tearing Snezhnaya through looking for his boy. It's only a matter of time before the Harbinger finds his son. He lacks the rigour to cover up his tracks.)
Meeting a Harbinger so quickly into their visit to Snezhnaya was not on the Traveler's agenda. Especially since they snuck into the nation without anyone knowing. But how could they see those familiar blue locks and not do anything about it? Sure, it wasn't the best idea, considering how they planned to hide out a bit more, not to mention there was still a wide gap in strength, but they couldn't pass up the opportunity. At the very least, they don't think the scientist would kill them. There seems to be a greater plan, one beyond what they know.
Of course, the Traveler's immediate thought is that the blue-haired man is up to no good. Perhaps immediately thinking the worst seemed a bit harsh, but this was the Doctor. What else would they think, especially after what happened in Sumeru? They had to be wary and cautious - there was no such thing as too much of it when dealing with him. And cautious they are, carefully stalking behind, not a noise made even in the crunching snow.
And so they cautiously watch with narrowed eyes as the "Harbinger"... casually strolls by numerous stores? Looking at outfits that certainly don't fit his style, peeking through the glass of some local restaurants. For some reason, civilians don't seem to bat much of an eye at his presence either. It's strange. Very strange. Unfortunately, the Traveler and Paimon still can't get a good look at the man's face, but they're positive it has to be Dottore. Who else has such fluffy blue hair? Are they overthinking it? Is he pretending? There are always so many questions to deal with when it comes to the Doctor.
Until they realize it's not the Doctor.
The man in front of them bears a striking resemblance to the Harbinger, but he simply couldn't be, not even a segment. A small smile that wasn't cocky, sweet eyes that could envelop another in a warm embrace if it came to that. These features cannot belong to a man such as Dottore. The laugh and concern for the blond was also something that couldn't be an act. After getting over their little surprise, they'd be an idiot not to take advantage of this outcome. Perhaps they could get some information... of course, they only end up more confused when they find out the truth.
(You, while also concerned for your son, know he's a capable boy and he'll be fine. You like to see how much Dottore secretly cares for his kid too, although you feel a bit bad for the poor Fatui agents who are currently dealing with his orders. If someone does end up hurting your son, however, well... you can be scarier than Dottore if you want to. At the end of it, Dottore ends up giving you both a scolding... but neither of you takes it seriously as you giggle with each other.)
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gardenofnoah · 1 year
katsuki hates to be placated.
it stems from his childhood (because of course it does)—there was no getting through or around his abrasiveness, so the next best thing was to pin him with that tired smile. the look of resignation that was always the same, no matter who wore it. to agree to every retort, even if he was being so horribly unreasonable. to choose—overtly—the quickest way to end the argument and flee from him.
he hated it. he hated it, and he could never understand—why was he the only one who ever had any backbone? he saw his challenges and rose to them every time. he came out on top, every time. it wasn’t as if he was being purposefully combative. he just…didn’t know how else to be.
to finally understand that he himself was the challenge, and one not worth seeing through—well.
that just hurt.
so he did the only thing a child so young could think to do—he became more. more volatile, more prone to outbursts. more unpredictable and, looking back on it now, scary. but that was what made sense to him—if he was made to see those barely-veiled expressions of intolerance either way—he’d at least have control over why.
as an adult, he has a better grasp on himself and his emotions, but he wouldn’t be katsuki without that hair trigger temper and his smart ass mouth. and he feels lucky—really lucky—that he has you, because you aren’t afraid of his challenge. you meet him head on and you give it right back.
so he can’t understand why you’re standing in front of him—not even looking at him—wearing that same, appeasing grimace tonight. he doesn’t understand, and suddenly he’s 11 again—small and made to feel so, so insignificant by the way you sigh like you can’t bear to speak another word to him. by the way your lips can barely turn up at the corners, and your strained little “nothing, kat” when he asks you what your problem is.
he had only answered your questions. it might’ve been the case that his answers came through gritted teeth as he heaved himself through the door to your home. it might be true that the adrenaline from his shift still pumping hard through his veins had him a little on edge, still feeling vigilant for any outward threat. and the way you’re postured away from him, like you can’t stand another second in the same room with him, feels as threatening as any villain.
“so why the fuck are you mad at me?”
you pause, hand halfway to dropping the tea bag into the steaming mug on the counter as you turn to look at him, expression both concerned and very tired.
“mad at you?”
he balks, because he hadn’t anticipated having to actually elaborate on that, and now he feels foolish as he tries to formulate his complaint. but the anger wins out, like it always does, and his explanation comes out clipped through gritted teeth.
“you’re fuckin’—turned away from me like i’m a little pest,” he seethes, only spurred on by the way you step forward, reaching for him like you mean to pacify a child mid-tantrum.
he doesn’t even see you anymore, not really—just every other face projected over yours, until he sees red. it’s always the same—no matter how hard he tries, he is too much—
“y’think i can’t tell how bad you don’t want to be here right now? i can practically hear ya thinking of all the ways to leave this—”
you’re facing him fully now, arms crossed over your chest with a look that can only be interpreted as one of annoyance, aimed right at him.
and that gives him pause, because at least you’re honest. he just…doesn’t know what to do with that.
“what on earth are you talking about?”
and of course he can’t say it. he tries to deflect, because the walls close in and the only way out is to steamroll over you. “you—you—”
and he just wishes you’d cut him off—tell him some horrible and likely true thing about himself so he can let go of all of the venom he’s been carrying around for over a decade—but instead you wait for him to tell you what he’s thinking. he can’t bear to tell you that the only thing in his head right now is his fear.
fear that he’s too much for you, too.
“you’re actin’ like you don’t want to talk to me,” he grits out, mirroring your posture with a huff and glaring at the tile by your feet. it sounds childish when it leaves him, like he ought to have stomped his foot to end the sentence, and the shame curls up in his chest.
you’re silent for what feels like an eternity. he feels the anger burn him up when he hears you snort.
before he can snap at you, you’re wrapped around his midsection. he wants to thrash until you let go, but he’s subdued in a way that feels different. even so, his petulance remains, and he holds his arms out from his sides like you’ve got fleas.
“i’m not mad at you, you big baby,” you murmur, and he can hear the smile in your voice, even muffled by his costume. “i’m just tired, kat. i was like, 99% asleep until a minute ago. i thought we were just gonna go to bed. ”
he feels himself fight against the way he wants to deflate at your words, and this time the anger is only directed at himself. he doesn’t understand why everything has to feel so fucking hard. why every tiny shift in your body language has him feeling nauseous, or why his mind drops him at the worst case scenario and leaves him there, stranded.
“i don’t want to leave,” you answer his earlier comment, head butting him lightly in the sternum. he feels no control over his arms when they loop around your shoulders to pull you closer.
“it’s 1am and i want to sleep,” you look up to shoot him a pointed glare, but there’s no real heat behind it, “so can you shower so we can do that?”
he can only blink at you. after a long moment, your words filter down far enough for him to understand.
“i—uh. yeah.”
your lips twitch up at the corners as you pull away from him. he feels so raw that he’s unable to move, unsure how to proceed and unwilling to let you out of his sight in case it’ll be the last time he sees you.
“go on,” you say, expression softer, “i’ll be in bed when you’re done. maybe i’ll cuddle you if you’re done yelling at me.”
“‘m sorry,” he can’t manage anything louder than a whisper, and when you reach out to rest your palm over his heart, it’s far more painful than any withdrawal could have been.
“we’ll talk about it tomorrow, okay?”
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johnwickb1tsch · 4 months
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Vino Veritas - Part III
A Destination Wedding Frank x Fem!Reader Fic
Attending the wedding of your ex-fiancé gets slightly better when you meet someone having just as miserable a time as you... Warnings: Nothing too serious holy shit. Cursing. Broken engagement. Nihilism, existential bullshit, copious amounts of sarcasm. NSFW. Angst. Grump/sunshine trope. Loosely based on the movie but I'm not that smart. Or bitter. 😆 chapter map.
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III. Just what the world needs, Another Fucking Sunset Wedding
It’s almost sweet. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think Frank had been waiting for you to catch the shuttle to the wedding venue, dallying in the lobby pretending to look at an atrocious modern art print while keeping one eye on the hallway.
“You look nice,” he grumbles, taking in your white A-line sundress printed with big red roses.
“Thanks,” you say, admiring his navy blue suit unabashedly, since he brought it up first. “You look very handsome.”
This makes him stand up a little straighter, clearly not sure how to take the compliment, but you dare to think, he liked it.
When the shuttle drops you off at the base of the vineyard you look up the steep hill planted with curling grape vines in their nice neat rows with a sense of dread.
“I am not wearing the right shoes for this.”
He looks down at your platform heels. “It said in the itinerary you’d have to walk up a hill.”
“Ok, but what was I supposed to wear? Hiking boots? The unfair standards of women’s dress clothes don’t allow for that.”
He holds out a hand, albeit begrudgingly. “Come on. I’ll help you.”
“I swear, these shoes are actually usually the sensible option.”
“Sure they are. Wearing anything that elevates your feet four inches off the ground is a sensible option.”
You sigh, and take his hand, trying to ignore the thrill running through your bones as you feel the strength in his fingers and his arm, as he helps propel you up the incline.
“I can’t believe they don’t have…stairs, or something? Did the old people have to do this?”
“Presumably not.”
“Then what the fuck?”
Men’s dress shoes aren’t exactly made for rough terrain either, and at one point you both almost slip, clutching each other in a bid not to tumble back down the hill. It’s…nice, you have to admit, to be held close by this man.
He looks at you with wide eyes, for a moment for all the world appearing as though he’s drowning, before that thunderous frown appears. “Fuck this.”
You yip with surprise as he sweeps you up into his arms, and marches determinedly the rest of the way up the hill. Before you can even think about taking it as a romantic gesture, he practically drops you back to your feet at the top, releasing you as though you’d burned him.
You sit together in the back, as usual, though Frank very pointedly crosses his arms and is careful to keep a respectable amount of distance between you.
That shouldn’t make you feel sad, but it does.
The excruciatingly drawn-out bullshit Reception
“I used to like this song,” you muse, watching the dancers on the floor with an odd mixture of wistfulness and distaste. Keith dips his new bride, and a mean little part of you really wishes he would drop her.
“Do you…want to dance?”
Frank could have knocked you over with a feather, after how he’d behaved earlier. It definitely colors your answer, the knee-jerk impulse to push him away too.
“I said I used to like it.”
Then, of course, you feel bad. And maybe you feel…a sliver of hope, however stupid.
“Why, do you want to dance?”
“Of course I don’t want to dance. It’s moronic and ridiculous. No one wants to fucking dance.” There is more venom in this statement, than perhaps the situation calls for.
After a moment, a bit softer and with a hint of apology, he qualifies, “I just thought it might take your mind off things.”
If you looked miserable, it’s ironic that for once, Keith was not the cause of it.
Perhaps this should send you running in the opposite direction too.
“Do you want to take a walk?” you ask instead.
He looks pointedly down at your questionable footwear, but you point at the basket behind you bearing what are professed by a whimsically written sign: Walking Shoes. They’re some kind of slide on deal that will do in a pinch. Honestly you’re willing to go bare foot, if it gets you out of that tent.
The meandering and pointless Walk
“You know, I was actually diagnosed with PTSD after the whole Keith thing?”
Frank snorts at that, the farthest reaction from sympathy he can manage. “Rich people’s PTSD.”
“I’m not rich.”
“Fine. Privileged.”
That’s probably true. Goddammit.
“Well…am I not allowed to have problems?”
“Sure, just no one wants to hear about them. Anyone who doesn’t have to worry about food, housing, or getting shot by the police should just keep it to themselves.”
“That’s not very healthy.”
He shrugs. “It’s not just you. No one should care about my problems either.”
“What if I care?”
He snorts. “Then I will feel even sorrier for you than I already do.”
“Ok, fine. Maybe not me specifically. But what if…say, you find someone else you actually like. Isn’t it ok to talk about your problems with friends?”
“Isn’t that a terrible thing to do to someone you like? Making friends or a significant other listen to your problems for free, when you should be paying a shrink for it?”
“It’s just a thing people do who are close to each other. They talk.”
“People who aren’t close too, apparently.” He says all this with a surprising amount of cheer in his tone, either enjoying himself, or the walk, or the view…or maybe even your company.  
He changes the subject as you round a bend. “So, are you glad you came to this thing? You made your show of strength, you’ve got your closure now that the knot is tied and they’re legally bound to be miserable together, and you’ve fled the scene with his half-brother, whom he despises, which the family surely will gossip about. You could almost chalk it as a win, if you squint just right.”
You huff, breathing a little heavy as you walk up a hill on the ridge the path follows. It truly is beautiful in the backcountry of the vineyard, rolling mountains planted with nice neat rows of green vines.
He makes a good point, but strangely…you don’t feel satisfied. “I guess.”
“You guess?”
“I’m not sure how I feel,” you admit, pausing to incline your head up at him. He pauses too, looking down that straight nose at you, and he is standing very close. You fancy you sense him tense, as though about to take some great leap, and he looks at your mouth with something like consternation, when a god-awful yowling roar travels down the path at you.
You both turn to see a very big, very unhappy cat displaying its impressively large and sharp canines at you.
“What the fuck is that?”
“I think it’s a mountain lion.”
“What the fuck do we do?”
“I don’t know. We’re too far away, no one will hear us scream.”
“Is it a bobcat?”
“It’s not a fucking bobcat. Look at the tail.”
“You should run. It’s going to eat me anyway.”
“Because I’m smaller and slower.”
“I wouldn’t presume about the last part.”
It roars again, and you clutch at his arm.
Suddenly Frank charges the thing, making that god-awful hissing sound from earlier with his finger in his ear. They both sound like demons from hell, and with shock you watch as the predator backs away.
“Now, we run,” says Frank, grabbing your hand and booking it down the hill.
You run what feels like a long way. Your legs are burning, and the stupid little slide-ons are not made for athletic activity. And the thing about running downhill is…sometimes gravity gets the best of you. Like now, when you trip over a rock, and take Frank with you. Suddenly you are both tumbling down a steep grassy incline, locked together in a death roll.
When at last you come to a stop you are utterly stunned. “Y/n?”
You just lie there, unable to move.
Are you even alive?
Suddenly, Frank grabs your arm, hauling you around. “Ah!”
He looks…so worried, that if he hadn’t wrenched your back, you would have been touched.
“I’m fine! Jesus!”
“Ok. Sorry.”
You lie there for another moment looking up at him. He has grass in his hair; it’s endearing somehow, seeing this put-together grouch of a man just a little undone.
“You saved me,” you tease, sitting up beside him.
“I saved us.”
“Yeah right. It would have eaten me anyway. Why’d you save me?”
“Because I’m an idiot.”
“Oh, come on.”
“Just trying to spare myself the guilt.”
He reaches up to pluck grass out of your hair. His light touch gives you a thrill down your spine. Again, you are aware that you are very close, and his dark eyes have gone wide again, that slightly panicked look he gets. His gaze flicks to your mouth, then back to your eyes, and you are completely taken by surprise when he grabs the back of your head and pulls you swiftly into a hard kiss.
He retreats from it just as quickly, and now he does look like he’s seen a ghost. “Fuck. Sorry.”
Before you can say anything he’s grabbed you again, and this kiss is less forceful, though maybe no less desperate. You’re able to reach up to cup his cheeks before he shoves you away again, this time hard enough that you topple back in the grass.
“Sorry,” he pants again, looking for all the world like a horse that would like to bolt. “I don’t—it’s been a long time. Heat of the moment. Near death experience. Fuck. I’m sorry.”
“How long?” you ask, incredulous. Because, this man is so…so. Fucking. Good looking. How has he not been with anyone?
He scowls at the grass. “I don’t think I’ve felt real pleasure since 2006.”
This admission makes your eyes go wide. You sincerely hope he’s exaggerating, but then again, the way he behaves towards people…maybe he’s not.
“It’s just…” he mutters, more to himself than to you. “If it all sucks, then fuck it, but if it doesn’t? Then there’s so much pressure.”
A part of you wants to snark at him. Well well well, welcome to the human race at last. But another part of you…another part of you just wants to kiss him senseless and fuck him silly, and make him feel all the things you’ve both been missing out on because he’s been such a goddamned coward this whole time and you’re not much better.
 Maybe he reads the pity on your face, because he feels the need to defend, “Not that I haven’t been with anyone. Just…”
“You weren’t that into it?”
He looks away, glaring at the world again. “Yeah.”
“It’s been a while for me too,” you admit.
“Please don’t say it was Keith,” he snarks. “I’ll kill myself.”
You laugh. “No, your brother was incredibly, monumentally selfish in bed. I literally could have had better sex with a lamppost.”
He looks at you sideways. “That really shouldn’t make me as happy as it does.”
Your lips twist as you try not to smile. Frank, however, is back to frowning at the vineyards again. “We can’t have sex right now. I don’t have any protection. It would be irresponsible.”
You’re a little amused, that his brain has leapt immediately to sex, while you are sitting in the dry grass together. Apparently just kissing was not enough—or maybe he’s been thinking about it for a while. You’d be a liar, if you said you haven’t.
“What if I said you’re in luck?”
“I would say that’s highly improbable.”
You feel bold enough to cup his cheek, bringing his attention back to you. It doesn’t take much persuading this time, when you press your lips to his. He kisses you back, his fingers digging into your ribcage, and you’re not really sure who’s more desperate to feel alive after defying death at the claws of a tiger or whatever the fuck that thing had been.
“That’s not helping,” he pants when you part.
“Why? Are you actually into it?”
He pulls you closer with hands on your waist. “Pretty into it,” he admits begrudgingly. You smile against his mouth, suddenly feeling electrified from head to toe. The colors of the world around you seem brighter, somehow. You take him by surprise when suddenly you straddle his waist, perching on his legs and pushing him back down into the grass, your pretty skirts spread around you.
You unbuckle his belt and undo his pants, freeing him to the desert air. “Oh…” When you bend over to lick his tip and take him into your mouth you get an even more emphatic, “Oh…”
“What about now?” you ask him as you withdraw with a pop.
He blinks, for the first time since you’ve met, speechless. At least, for a few long moments.
“I think I’d like to be inside you.”
“How’s your health?”
“Fair to middling, for a man my age.” You give him a look, and damn if he doesn’t soften for you, even if just for a fleeting second. “Clean,” he answers quietly. “You?”
“Clean. And fully armed with IUD.”
He blinks. “Like they use to blow up humvees in the Middle East?”
You laugh, throwing your head back, your curls bouncing around your shoulders. You haven’t had this much fun in a long time. “Like, an intrauterine-device?”
“That definitely makes more sense.”
You watch as he licks his fingers, reaching under your dress to push your panties aside and find your center. The saliva is appreciated but not necessary. You are drenched, and his big fingers rubbing your clit feel like magic. “Is all that for me?” He sounds genuinely surprised, like this was a gift from the universe he did not expect to receive. Usually it’s more inclined to deliver a kick to the balls.
“Who else would it be for? The lynx?” He snorts, and in a softer tone you confess, “I have been a wet little mess for you since…the moment we started arguing in the airport.” He blinks at this, dumbstruck for a moment, before kissing you with an edge of desperation you both feel keenly in your bones.
He guides you onto him with his big hands on your buttocks. That feels like magic too, his thick tip at your entrance sinking in. It’s your turn to say, “Oh,” with your head thrown back, his big cock sliding deeper and deeper inside you, until he’s filled you to the hilt. For a moment you just sit like that together, joined, wrapped up in each other’s arms. It’s wonderful.
You imagine how ridiculous you must look, to an outsider looking in. Two people tangled in the dirt, grass in your hair, dust all over your nice clothes. You giggle a little to yourself.
“Something funny?”
“Just…do you ever think about how silly humans look, doing the things we do?”
“All the time.”
You laugh joyously, but you feel him withdrawing from you, that subtle tension returned in his limbs. You realize he thinks you’re making fun of him. It’s like this man expects he’ll have to defend himself from the world at any given moment. Then, from what he’s told you about his life, you guess he has. You don’t let him get too far, pulling him closer. “But fuck it feels glorious. I don’t care. Fuck me, Frank. I need you.”
 You feel him relax, and maybe even surrender. He moves for you, and you with him, his thumb on your button and his mouth on your neck as you ride him out…it’s the fastest you’ve ever orgasmed, with another person involved, that shining pleasure ambushing you in the cradle of your hips and spreading outwards. It’s almost embarrassing, except he’s right behind you, holding you almost desperately with arms locked around your waist, his face buried in the bend of your neck. Neither of you are quiet about it, your yells echoing across the empty hills.
“Oh my god…” you pant, resting your forehead against his.
“Can’t say…I believe much in god,” he informs you, out of breath.
“Me neither,” you admit. “But that was fucking fantastic.”
“Yeah. That was pretty damn good.” He sounds so surprised about it.
He kisses you, more softly this time. There is a long moment of eye contact between you; it is vulnerable, and electric, and raw. He is the first to look away, almost flinchingly. Then he focuses on the business of disentangling yourselves.
“I’m afraid we’re about to make a huge mess.”
“You don’t have a handkerchief?”
“What am I, a nineteenth century dandy?”
“Okay, relax, Romeo. I’ve got it.”
You rather cleverly, if you don’t say so yourself, use the petticoat of your dress to avoid staining his trousers as you uncouple, in a way that won’t leave you an embarrassing mess when you return to the tent either.
“I like that dress even more now,” he quips, looking at you with something almost akin to tenderness as you right yourselves. He reaches up to pull another sprig of straw out of your hair with a smirk.
“Frank…” You’re not really sure what you want to say. There’s a pent up ball of something in your chest, and it kind of actually hurts, and you’re not sure you like it at all.
“No,” he answers resolutely, but he cranes his neck down to kiss you anyway. “Want to go back to my room?”
ahhhhh I didn't have the courage to make it as awkward as the movie 🤣🤣🤣 but I feel like I need to make a note here bc i'm always writing wildly irresponsible sex practices: always use protection with a new partner. It's just a good idea. And ALWAYS use some kind of birth control, or you WILL get pregnant. mother nature is a bitch.
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kvrokasaa · 9 months
He protects you
Ushijima X Reader
Friends to lovers if you squint.
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A party is a nice spot to relax and meet new people, sometimes. All week, you've had hard days. School made you slumped, and you had classes from 6 am to 5 pm, lots of homework, and barely any time to yourself. Honestly, you just wanted to lay down and watch your favorite show. But when your best friend begs you to come to a party, you have no choice but to go. It's not like you're going to go all out, maybe you did your hair, and maybe you put on a cute outfit. But it's not like you're wearing something so revealing that guys have to come up to you and bother you constantly. Even after saying no, multiple times, this guy won't get the memo and leave. You're so close to either ditching the party or slapping the guy.
"Come on, baby~ Let me take you out. I swear it'll be worth your time." Even his voice is disgusting. He's drunk and you know it, his speech is slurred and he's walking weird. "I said, I have a boyfriend. I'm not interested." Which wasn't a complete lie. Sure, you don't have a boyfriend, but you do know a few guys that won't hesitate to scare this guy off. Too bad you haven't seen them yet.
But wait, is that him? In the kitchen drinking out of a red solo cup? Yes. Your knight in shining armor. But before you can make it to the kitchen, the weird guy grabs your arm and pulls you back. "I don't like to ask twice." You snap your head back at him, about to raise your hand to slap this guy. But before you could do that, you hear his voice. "Let go of her. She said no."
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Ushijima isn't one to come to parties. He doesn't like the loud music or the people. It's more of the people thing. Don't get him wrong, he likes his friends, and he sometimes likes socializing. But he doesn't like when girls latch themselves to his arm and try to pull him upstairs. He wouldn't have come to this party, in fact, he'd rather be at the gym practicing his spikes. But Tendou wouldn't stop begging him to come, more like peer pressuring him. And even though Ushijima said no multiple times, once he heard that you were coming, he was already out the door and down the street.
He didn't see you at first, mindlessly walking around, looking for you. But he spaced what he was doing once Tendou handed him a cup and told him to relax. And after a few sips, he felt calm, comfortable. That was the case until he heard your voice. He looked for where it was coming from but couldn't find anything.
"Hey, isn't that Y/n? And who's that guy with her?" A guy? Where? Are you talking to a guy, are you two close? "I said no. Leave me alone." He felt his nerves die down, relaxing when he heard you say no. But wait, is that guy bothering you? Ushijima looks to where Tendou is pointing and sees you looking around with a guy latched onto your arm. His eyes widen and he quickly puts down his cup and stalks over to you two.
Before Ushijima can even think of what he's doing, his arm is tightly wrapped around the other guy's arm. He can feel his blood boiling. Has this guy been harassing you? "Let go of her. She said no." Even Ushijima could feel the venom from his tone. The guy looks up at Ushijima and is immediately intimidated. He lets go of your arm and scurries away.
"Thank you! I was trying to get that guy away from me. He wouldn't get the hint." You smile up at Ushijima, blushing a little. He rubs the back of his neck and looks off to the side, "yeah, it was no problem." It's not like he'll admit he was jealous. "You're okay, right? He didn't hurt you anywhere?" Ushijima scowls at the part of your arm that the man was touching. You smile and reassure him, nothing happened. You were about to thank him, walk out of the party and go home, but Ushijima has other plans. He grabs your hand and leads you over to the kitchen were Tendou is. Tendou smiles at you and hands you a cup, which you respectively decline. "Sorry, I'm the designated driver for my friend. She's most likely drunk by now." Ushijima ushers Tendou closer and whispers that he's going to take you home.
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After a while, you two finally make it to your apartment. "Thank you for taking me home. I really appreciate it." You're about to open his door, but before you could, Ushijima pulls your arm back and looks at you. And before he can make up his mind, listen to his conscious, he leans in and captures your lips into a kiss. You freeze, not knowing what to do. Of course, you like Ushijima, and of course you've wanted to kiss him for the longest time since high school. But this is out of character for him, you never thought he would make the first move, let alone that he likes you too. But, fuck it, you deserve this.
You kissed him back, your teeth colliding just a little, but that's what made it more passionate. "I don't want to see other men touch you." He whispers in the kiss. "You're mine."
I didn't know what to finish this with....
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shadowbriar · 2 years
James Potter - Don’t Buy Me Flowers
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Pairing : (F/M) || James Potter x Reader  Word Count : 3k Warning : None I believe. Prompts : "I’d marry you right this instant.” Prompt request is still open. You can find the link to the prompt list here. Notes : Mixed this prompt request with the song Don’t Buy Me Flowers by Lolo Zouaï. If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕
James' eyes were glued on her. An unconscious smile decorating his face, cheeks slightly pink from admiration. She was sitting a few rows in front of him, giving him the safe distance to steal glances yet now have grown to rather resent the space between them. 
Don’t ask him what happened cause he wouldn’t be able to piece the words together. She’s always been in his classes, after all. All James knew is that he couldn’t peel his eyes off of her now. As if she’s stunned him with a love charm or had spiked his morning drink with a love potion. He wouldn’t be complaining either way if such a scenario really did occur.
“Mr. Potter.” Professor McGonagall called for Merlin knows how many times. The only thing snapping him off of his daydream was a nudge from Sirius. James looked up, meeting the Head of Gryffindor’s eyes with a sheepish smile “Would you please tell the class exactly what I have explained for the last twenty minutes?”
James cleared his throat, being caught red handed now for not paying any attention, “I- Something about transfiguration?”
“Indeed.” Professor McGonagall said with a displeased tone “Perhaps if you would keep your eyes up front instead of gazing at your own peer, you could elaborate more than ‘something about transfiguration’.”
The whole class giggled, including her.
James, who was embarrassed of the stunt he pulled, now feels rather proud to have put a smile on her face. He grins as he steals a glance at her, hoping he doesn’t look as chaotic as the state of his heart at the moment. If only she knew she was the peer McGonagall was talking about.
The class continues with James who still couldn’t avert his gaze away from her. He watches her, mentally taking notes on the way she would tilt her head to the left when she’s trying to understand McGonagall’s words, or the way she taps her quill exactly three times on the inkwell before starting to write her notes, or the way she would mumble the words as she write on the parchment paper. Everything she does seems to be the most mesmerising thing James could ever witness.
Some time during the lesson, she turned to her shoulder for a brief moment. Their eyes met and she showed the slightest hint of smile before turning back to face McGonagall, afraid to put the boy in more trouble should she be caught. She didn’t know it then but those 7 seconds would serve as the blessings for his dreams to come. His heart swells, cheeks warm from the sudden rise of temperature around him.
“You might want to cover your face there, mate.” Sirius whispered “You’re looking as red as our house crest.”
“Shut up, Pads.”
James huffed as he lifted the pot of Venomous Tentacula. A prank went wrong at the Greenhouses and just to his luck, or lack thereof, James was the only one caught of the four Marauders, earning him the punishment of cleaning up the mess and moving the plants from one Greenhouse to another. With every bead of sweat forming on his forehead, the vexation he has for his best friends only grows deeper. James couldn’t wait to get back to his dorm and hex each one of them.
Yet all the anger he feels evaporates to thin air as someone enters the greenhouse.
“Merlin!” She yelped, not expecting to meet someone “You scared me.”
James gulped, completely not believing his eyes. Perhaps the lack of food in his stomach has made him hallucinate. He’s been there working his arse since the sky was still bright, after all. There’s no way she would be here in the Greenhouse, especially at these late hours.
“Earth to Potter?” She says again, snapping her fingers “What are you doing here? Are you alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Yeah, right. I’m good.” He says fast, trying to compose himself as he dusts the dirt from his hands “Detention.”
She nods, “I see.”
“What are you doing here?” He asks this time, noticing a bouquet of flowers on her hands “Couldn’t be detention, I’m sure.”
“No, not detention.” She says with a smile, walking to the back of the Greenhouse to get an empty pot and some soil “I wanted to repot these flowers. Would be a pity to let them die.”
“But aren’t they already dead?” He asks with a raised eyebrow “I mean they’re cut from the stems, it’s only a matter of time till the petals dry and fall.”
“Well that’s why we’ve got wands, isn’t it Potter?”
James feels his cheeks heat up as he sees her smile. This is the most interaction they’ve had all year and exactly what did he dream last night to have such an opportunity to come? He could hardly remember the wrath he held to his friends nor the ache in his muscles after all these hours in the Greenhouse. A minute with her would do to charm his mood back to its default sunshine mode.
“A little bit of water and let’s hope these sweetness can survive.”
“What did you do?” He asks as he watches her water the pot now “With your wand and everything.”
“Some simple spell to help it grow its roots. They don’t always work so they would need extra care for the next few days.” She explains, eyes still glued on the newly planted flowers “I truly appreciate it when people would give me flowers, but I’d be lying if it doesn’t stress the living out of me.”
“You get plenty of flowers?”
“No, not plenty.” She answers with a smile “I’m not as lucky as Evans.”
James turns red. Just perfect. The girl he’s madly in love with now just has to know about his past failed attempts for his past crush. Well of course she knew, the whole castle knew just how big of a fool he was last year to have chased for the redhead’s attention. If only he could turn back time and slap his own self to sense.
“Well, I better get going now.” She says as she walks herself outside, smiling “I’ll see you around, Potter.”
James waited in the Greenhouse with a smile plastered on his face. The plan was in motion. A whole week has passed and she hasn’t realised that he was the culprit responsible for placing a bouquet on her dorm every single morning.
It all started when the urge to kill the flowers she planted that night brewed inside his heart. The said plant was thriving in its pot, colours of its petals were vibrant and the leaves were the greenest he’s ever seen in a plant. Part of him was impressed at her skills for reviving it, but a bigger part of him hoped that she wasn’t as proficient because then she had no reason to come to the Greenhouse.
And that means no 10 minute lovely chats at night.
He wanted to ruin the innocent plant, rip its leaves or simply knock it off of the table but he couldn’t bear imagining the sad and disappointed look on her face when she finds out her plant has been messed with. Would she be able to forgive him if she knew he was the one responsible for such a catastrophe? No, he couldn’t take that much of a risk, not with the limited interaction they have just yet. He wouldn’t want to gamble their delicate relationship, his heart wouldn’t be able to survive if she ended up hating him.
So he decided to take the lighter way, to give her just a light stress that would hopefully turn into a blissful exchange for the both of them. He knew that she could revive the flowers, there’s really nothing to lose to his scheme. One of these days he hoped that he could make her fall for him, make her see that he’s not that bad of a lad to date.
“Evening.” She greets, breaking his train of thought as she enters the Greenhouse “You’re still here.”
“Yeah,” James answers shyly, lifting the pot of Screechsnap he was holding “Still moving these pots from one place to another.”
“I never knew the Professor was one to hold grudges.” She says as she walks to the other side of the Greenhouse “Most of the time students would only get a three day detention, a week at top. Yet you’re still here after, what, two weeks?”
James’ cheeks were warm. Truth be told his detention has ended days ago but he can’t really tell her that now, can he? Where else would they have their pleasant exchange if not here at the Greenhouse?
“Here to pot another flower?” He asks instead, trying to divert the discussion “You’ve been getting a handful of them lately.”
She looks down to the bouquet of flowers in her hands, smiling lightly, “Yeah, I wonder who they’re from. The sender never left any note so there’s no telling who my secret admirer is.”
“Is that so?” He says, faking an intrigued expression “So you have no idea who it is?”
She shrugs as she puts the flowers to the pot, starting her spell, “I have some possible names.”
“Names?” James raised his brows “How many possible lads are there?”
“What, you think you’re the only one with quite a fanclub?” She teases, smiling at him with such mischief “You’re not the only beautiful person in this castle, Potter.”
The boy went quiet. He knew that his face was red. He tried to calm himself, tone down the fast beating of his heart but what exactly can he do when she just complimented him? She did say that he’s one of the beautiful people in the castle. How does she not expect him to have his stomach flipped in giddiness?
“I have to say, though,” She continues “I wish that this person would just come forward or maybe give me a note on their flowers. Trying to revive them stresses me out. I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I fail.”
“Come on, you’ve successfully revived each one of them. Surely the bliss of getting flowers overcomes the stress of reviving them.”
She shrugs, “Perhaps.”
He watches as she tends her flowers, watering each of them as she hums to some song. James could feel his heart swells tenfold, threatening to explode in bliss. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact of how blind he had been to only just noticed her. Merlin knows just how much he regrets not getting to know her sooner. Imagine the much time he could've saved had he known her since first year. They would have already been married by now.
James had never tried to impress anyone as much as he’s tried with her. He even checked out the thickest herbology book from the library, just so he could find a topic to talk with her. Though when the time comes, it only further proves his limited knowledge of such a topic as she keeps on correcting his faulty trivias. At least he made her laugh. A win is a win, he reckons.
“Did you know,” James began to speak, making her look up and face him with a smile “That Niffler’s Fancy was once used in replacement to coins due to its gleaming copper-like leaves?”
She shakes her head, “No, I didn’t know that.”
“Well, now you know.”
“Is that information credible?” She asks with a giggle, placing the watering can down “Because last time you told me Belladonna was used by ancient wizards to help with stomach problems when in fact, the plant is poisonous for human consumption.”
James smiles sheepishly, “That one was a mere human error, this one was real. I read it earlier in one of Remus’ books and even wrote it down on my palms, see?”
She walks closer to him, taking his hand and reading the writings on his palm. James had never felt such intense sensation than when their skin met in contact. She was oblivious to the frivolity he was in, as always, which in a way is a good thing because he wouldn’t want to weird her out with his heavy feelings for her. James has always been known to be a very expressive person when it comes to his feelings and oftentimes it only causes discomfort to the other party. He’s never been good at hiding his emotions, he was born to love proud and aloud, James Potter.
“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to give this one trivia the benefit of the doubt.”
James nods, agreeing with her.
“You know, since you’re so full of herbology knowledge,” She says teasingly “Why don’t you come and help me tutor the second years this weekend? I’m sure those kids would flip to know that James Potter is not only skilled at the quidditch field but that he also has a charming wit.”
James had to bite his lip hard to suppress himself from combusting. The compliments she’s throwing at him tonight, though served in a casual and probably meant nothing for her, was making him fly through the clouds. Couldn’t she tell that he’s going mad?
“Sure, of course!” He answered cheerfully, nodding eagerly like a puppy “I’ll see you then.”
Watching her with heart eyes, James wasn't sure what his hands were doing to the Mandrakes. Honestly he couldn't care less. In fact, he hoped to ruin them somehow and receive another detention. Anything just so he could spend more time with her. Well not precisely with her, seeing that their interaction is still as limited as ever, but close enough to study her. That much would suffice for his throbbing heart for the moment.
"You're going to have yourself killed if you continue picking their leaves like that." She commented with a giggle "If the Professor knew you're harming their precious plants, they'll have your head."
James grins, amused, "Will you tell them that I'm the culprit?"
She walks past him with a teasing smile, a pot of Fluxweed plant on her hands. James could catch a sniff of her perfume, something he always craved to smell each morning when he woke up. His eyes were trained on her, not even trying to make it subtle as he grins even wider whenever she catches him staring. She would only shake her head, biting in the smile that’s threatening to decorate her face. James could only hope that he’s not making her uncomfortable with his apparent affection. 
He should have known that going to help her tutor the second years would only be the death of him. There would be no way out of these feelings for the years to come, he’s sure of it. Watching her patiently explain and help the kids to take care of the plants only made him fall deeper into her magnetism. He couldn’t help but to think of how wonderful of a mother she would be.
The mother of his children, he hopes.
James blushes at the thought. How could he imagine having a family with her when he hasn’t even gathered the gut to ask her out? Compared to his previous attempts with Lily, James has been much more quieted down. He figured that one of the reasons he failed on his last endeavours was because of his strong and blatant ventures. Sirius says that girls like her would prefer boys who are more discreet, who would approach in the most gentle and soft way that made her heart flutter. And who best would understand girls, and boys, if not Sirius?
“You’ve been awfully quiet.” She remarks, staring at him with an apologetic smile “I’m sorry if the tutoring bores you.”
He gazes back at her eyes, feeling drowned in the alluring force that made him blurt out his mind, "I’d marry you right this instant.”
She blinks, looking baffled at his sudden confession.
“I- I mean-”
“We are only seventeen, you silly!” She giggles, playfully pushing on his arm “Besides, we can’t get married. Even if I wanted to.”
James frowns, the slight heartbreak evident on his face, “Why not?”
“Because of my secret admirer.” She answers with a teasing smile “Unless you’re that boy that has been sneaking into my dorm each morning to give me flowers, I don’t think it would be fair for us to get married.”
His expression changed to a sheepish one, biting the grin on his face, “How long have you known?”
“Since the third flower. You think I wouldn’t notice the cut plants at the back of the Greenhouse?” She replies with a smile “Also the Professor told me your detention was over weeks ago. You really had no reason to stick around at night unless you had other intention than to move pots around.”
“I wanted to buy you flowers, truly.” He confesses, feeling embarrassed about the lack of effort “But getting to Hogsmeade daily was quite a bit of a task.”
“No, please don’t buy me flowers.” She says fast “They’ll only give me headaches.”
James nods, smiling as he walks closer to her and places his hands around her waist.
He studies her face, finally getting the opportunity to see her up close. Godric, just how beautiful can someone be? Everything about her just bewitched him completely. For once he finally could see that the heart eyes he had been throwing at her was not one sided. She too is drowned in the pool of admiration for him.
“So are you going to kiss me, or-”
James didn’t let her finish, pulling her for a sweet kiss. The moment their lips met, he could physically hear the wedding bells ring in his ears. He’s finally met her, the one he would spend the rest of his life with. And thank Merlin that they met at such a young age because this means that they could spend more time together, just the two of them.
“I hope you know how to cure headaches,” James says as they break the kiss “Because there wouldn’t be a day where I wouldn’t shower you with flowers from now on.”
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Broken Bones
Summary: You went out with your friends, how did you end up in this situation? Venom is meant to keep you safe, if they couldn't do it this time then you're really in trouble, will Wanda come to your aid? God you really hoped so.
Words: 1,737
Warnings 18+ Minors DNI angst, cuteness nothing else I think
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You opened your eyes slowly to the heavy rain on your face and the blood in your mouth, trying to blink away any remaining blurriness you attempted to lift your body up but you felt so weak it was way too painful
The symbiote didn't respond right away instead giving a low growl unable to move themselves or your body either
"We....we were beaten...call...call Wanda"
Coughing up some more blood you managed to sit up looking around finding yourself in a alleyway surrounded by two dead men with their heads missing, no prizes for wondering where they might be
"What happened?" You closed your eyes when you felt the nauseous feeling flow through your body again
"We were ambushed...leaving the...club c-caught off guard"
You couldn't stand being sat up anymore and dropped back to the ground with a heavy thud
"Y/n...I feel...feel the body dying"
No response from you
"Y/n? Y/n?!"
They tried again, even trying to move your body, unfortunately they were just as weak as you and flopped back down to the ground too, you both felt the light fading from your body, silence engulfing you and your whole body breaking down, your last conscious hope was that Wanda came to your rescue at the last minute.
"So where's the alien human hybrid tonight?" Nat spooked Wanda who was in the kitchen making you your favourite food for when you got back
"Nat! Don't scare me like that I have a hot spoon" Wanda nearly dropped the whole pot of stew for you over the floor
"Sorry Wands it must be my super secret and intense spy training" she whipped past the witch grabbing a spoon to taste what she'd made "hmm nice, maybe a little more paprika" she winked and Wanda groaned rolling her eyes "she doesn't like paprika Nat"
"so where is the love of your life?" Nat took another taste of the stew much to Wanda's annoyance "stop contaminating the food"
Wanda put the stew into the oven to keep warm for you looking back to her Russian friend "she went out to meet some friends at a club"
"You don't sound so happy about that"
Wanda shrugged sitting down on the couch with Nat "I'm happy she wants to go out with her friends but I'm still nervous because of Venom, I just hope they behave"
Nat laughed "what's the worse thing that could happen in a couple of hours?"
“Y/n! Y/n! Oh god” the loud voice gave you a small jolt and you managed to move a little but you felt so heavy going in and out of consciousness that it was pointless.
“Please don’t be dead Wanda will kill me! Also I obviously don’t want to lose you but I just want to make sure you’re not too injured, you look pretty bad though, is this your blood or the other guys? Wait is Venom still in there? Venom! Can you hear me? I probably shouldn’t shout down your ear I’m sorry”
Peter was struggling on what to do, does he pick you up and swing you back to the compound? No that would probably hurt you more but if he called Wanda would she be mad? No she'd be happy because he called her.
In all of his crises thinking someone else jumped next to him “Peter are you really struggling to know what to do, Y/n is nearly dead call Wanda”
Yelena is always so calm in these situations but at this moment she was terrified, Wanda is going to be like a bomb going off, she would destroy the world to keep you safe,
She heard Peter speaking into the phone "h-hey Wanda erm...Y/n is hurt....yeah yeah just outside....yeah that place...okay b-
Wanda turned up so quick that Peter didn’t even have a chance to hang up the phone and before he could try again Wanda's voice was heard by both young avengers
“Peter where is she?!” Wanda’s eyes were a deep angry red, power coming off her in waves making the young avengers step back letting her fall to the ground looking at you “my bednyazhka, please get up, please” she cried over and over again until a hand on her shoulder stopped her
“Wanda come on let’s get her back to the compound, maybe Bruce can help her”
Wanda shook her head “no! I have to fix her! I’m taking her to the cabin” with slow movements her magic lifted you up careful not to hurt you and went to leave “Wanda, let me come with you”
She looked at Nat who also had tears in her eyes “I want to help her too, and if we can’t save her then you need someone to lean on, I won’t let you be on your own” both women were crying now and Wanda nodded her head “okay okay you can come”
Nat turned her head to the two watching “you two go back to the compound and tell them nothing, you hear me? Yelena be a good sister for once"
The blonde pretended to think about it for a bit “okay Sestra, just don’t do anything crazy”
Peter just nodded in agreement scared to say anything else
The two older women walked off with you eventually disappearing and reappearing in the cozy cabin “come on Wanda lay her down on the bed” Wanda gently lay you on the bed kissing your forehead
“What do we do now?” Nat rounded the bed seating herself on the other side of you “I’m going to look to see if she’s okay in her mind”
Wanda ghosted her fingers over your temple sending sparks through your mind finding herself in your mind, you were alive thank god
“moya lyubov please wake up” Wanda spoke into your mind and she felt a small jolt, thinking it was you instead it was Venom
“Wanda? Y/n is very weak help her!”
Wanda fell out of your mind being followed by Venom’s head and some tentacles, that was something she'd never get used to
“What happened?” Wanda asked the symbiote “I thought you could heal her, that’s your only job, you've healed her broken bones before so what’s the difference?!” Wanda was getting angrier and Nat held her back from doing something she might regret, knowing that she would hurt you more than Venom
“They ambushed us with sound and fire, they tried burning us which I cannot handle and then they used poles to wrap around us banging them to create horrible sound waves, I eventually managed to kill them but the damage was done and it hurt too much to do anything about it, I can help her but I need time to reserve some energy”
They retreated back into your body for safety and to help sort your body out.
Wanda grabbed Nat’s hand “she needs rest, I think Venom can help her wake up”
Nat lent down kissing Wanda on the cheek then kissing you on the forehead “I’m going to check around the cabin, make sure we’re truly alone”
Wanda thanked Nat and looked back to you “it’s going to be okay detka, you’re safe now”
You felt yourself waking up slowly, your body no longer hurting and the splitting headache no longer threatening your life
“Y/n you are awake! Tell Wanda!”
You groaned lifting yourself from the soft bed falling out for Wanda “Wanda? Wanda are you here?” Your voice was quiet but you heard quick footsteps from another room burst into your own “Y/n! Oh my god you’re alive!”
She practically tackled you to the bed kissing you all over your face and hugging you right “I thought you’d never wake up please don’t ever go out without me again”
Nat quickly entered the room behind smiling wide “Y/n! God you look terrible but I’m glad you’re awake" your friend was always positive about your bad situations
Wanda peeled herself off of you when you complained you couldn't breathe "sorry detka I'm just so excited you're alive, what do you remember?"
Nat sat down on the chair facing the bed and you sat up, groaning at the alight pain in your body "I just remember leaving the club because my friends left early-
"They left you alone?! They promised not to leave you!" Wanda was pissed off, she'd never leave you alone she'd die first before that happened
"I told them about Venom and they freaked out calling me weird and then just left" tears were brimming in your eyes "its hurtful, they think I'm a freak"
Wanda shushed you "detka you are not a freak, you are a beautiful, passionate and loving woman, you just have an...extra friend"
Nat held in her laugh by pretending to look at her shoes when Wanda glared at her "Nat!"
"I'm not laughing! But "extra friend?" come on Wanda, they're an alien from outer space or something, call it what it is"
You giggled at Nat "so straight forward Nat, it's true though, they're an alien that decided I'd be the best host for them"
"You are a perfect host! I would never be able to survive for long periods without going back into your body every few hours!"
You smiled "thanks Venom"
"Do you need to rest more princess?" Wanda stroked your cheek and kissed you softly trying to hold herself back from continuing to kiss you all over
"Yeah if that's okay?" You lay back against the pillows closing your eyes
"Of course my love, we'll let you sleep" she gave you a last kiss on the cheek leaving the room with Nat
"Wanda I know that look" Nat said concerned "don't do anything you'll regret"
The witch's eyes glowed red "I won't regret protecting my girlfriend Nat, she was nearly left for dead! They deserve to feel as bad as she did!"
Her voice rise made Nat nervous, she knew how Wanda could be when it came to you and it was nerve wrecking "Wanda you know Tony would kill me if you did anything dangerous to someone"
"Then you won't tell him will you?" She said in a low voice pushing past Nat "Wanda-
"Look after Y/n, I'll be back later with dinner"
"Wanda you don't even know who actually did it!" Nat tried once last time before she left
"I have a feeling her friends know who did this, they'll tell me" she didn't let Nat say anything else instead slamming the door shut leaving her worried in the cabin "god I'm never going to hear the end of this"
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greasyghosts · 1 year
❝ When they come home late and injured ❞
Featuring: Dazai, Kunikida, and Atsushi
C/w: wounds, gashes, ect. Alcohol, slight angst in dazais, stab mentions, swearing, use of bella/belladonna in dazais part. Blood mentions. (Let me know if I missed anything!) Not entirely proof read
A/n: This was written at 3am, so I apologize if it's horrid lol (I typically hate using y/n, but.. I couldn't figure anything else to use for some characters. If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments!)
!please don't repost, plagiarize, or copy my work ♡
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He gotten injured SO many times so you're probably used to it, nevertheless still massively scared about him
You expect him to come late, but tonight he came back EXTREMELY late, probably into the next day.. I'm talking 3-4am
it's probably because afterward he had a drink at Lupin and probably fell asleep there, lol
Sometimes you slip his mind cause he's just used to coming home injured and alone
But when he finally comes home, the alcohol has worn off on him, and he realizes, "Oh.. shit"
He feels bad, but he may try to make light of it.
When you turn the light on him and he sees your swollen eyes, your red nose, and patches of pink on your cheeks.. God does he feel horrible now.
He enters your shared apartment, sighing as he removes his bloodied coat.
"Belllaaaa" he called, not even expecting you to be awake
But to his surprise you come running to the door
"Osamu-!" You say as you immediately wrap him in a hug, in which he hisses in pain
You move back, finally realizing the wound on his waist
You sigh as you practically force him into the bathroom
"Belladonna.. I can take care of then myself" he tries to take the first aid kit before you do but you beat him to it, turning your face to look at him
And then he notices...
God does it hurt his heart
"Then you should've taken care of them before you had gotten home practically drunk. Yeah, Dazai, I can smell the beer on you." You practically snapped
All he could do was stare at you sympathetically, he knew you were right to be upset.
So he just sits on the closed toilet and lifts his shirt, letting you do the work
"Im.. sorry, love." You look up at him
"What happened..?" You tried to lighten the mood
He'd chuckle in recollection
"I got stabbed" he'd say through a cocky smile
Your face completely read 'what the actual Ffff-...."
He seemed to wear it like a medal
"You saw it coming though.. I know you can predict these things" your voice showed no signs of venom, just exhaustion
"Why do you keep letting yourself get hurt, Dazai?"
When you look up at him, his brows are furrowed, and his head is resting on his hand.
"I truly didn't see it coming, bella. I'm sorry I made you wait so long, and that I got you worried. " his voice was sincere, so you sighed and got up.
"Cmon Osamu.. I'm tired. " You'd pull on his arm, which in return you got a chuckle and a hug from him
"I love you, bella" he cooed. But as he was sort of suffocating you in his chest, the best you could say was a muffled "I love you too, NOW LET ME BREATHE"
Let's be fr, this man would not let himself be late. Even if he's injured.
But let's just say there was an extremely rare instance where he was (max would probably be 30 minutes ☠️)
He'd come home, calling your name. He probably texted you beforehand
His arm tied up in a random piece of cloth to hold pressure on his wound
He'd see all the lights were on and you cooking something
God, this man is in love with you. When he sees your face, he immediately smiles
Of course, he'd decline when you offer to properly dress his wound, but you'd manage to take care of it anyway
When you heard his keys click against the door as he unlocked the door to your home, you ran up to meet him.
"Kuni!" You jumped into his arms
His lips immediately curl into a smile
"Hello, Y/N, I hope you got my text?" He asked
You'd nod, that being the reason you even started making a meal for him
As he filled you in on what happened at the ADA your eyes drift to his left arm and see the bloody cloth surrounding a wound
"Ughh, Kunikida you should let me dress that for you.." You started unbuttoning his top so that you could reach the area
Shaking his head a bit before he spoke
"No, dear you've already done so much, I'm perfectly capable of doing it"
Then you just sigh as you drag him into the bathroom to take care of it for him, afterwards enjoying a comfy meal together.
He's literally wanted by so many people it's hard to think he won't get injured
And if he does, the only time he wouldn't call to say if he was coming home was if his phone was either down or broken and he had no change for a payphone
When he'd come home, he'd probably be too tired to say something and would let his head fall on your shoulders as you tended to it
If you give him a few kisses while you're at it, you'll have this tiger melt in your hands like putty
You had left the door unlocked for him, you knew he had a difficult mission today so you didn't mind waiting, you just hoped he was okay. And even if he wasn't, you had the first aid kit next you and ready.
Atsushi walked through the door, groggy and slow, but still smiling at your face.
You greeted him warmly before he sat down in front of you, face buried into the crook of your neck
Of course you expected him to be injured, luckily it was something that could easily be taken care of.
Atsushi would grip your arm in pain when you'd put the disinfectant agent on the gash on his forearm.
So, to relax him, you'd place a few kisses on his face. To which he'd wrap his arms around your waist
"Atsushi I can't get to your wound!" But he'd just mumble something incoherent and you'd stay they're for a lil while..
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A/n: sorry if this was super bad lol, but please leave recommendations and requests!
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cookies-and-music · 7 months
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Ghost. - part 10: It ain't fair.
My personal suggestion for this chapeter is Hit the Road Jack by Ray Charles
Part 1 here - part 11 here
TAG LIST: @kats72
SUMMARY: Loki meets sombody at the TVA he once knew. Unfortunately she doesn't seem to remember him.
TVA, 2021
Brad had led Mobius and Loki to Sylvie and had reaveld Dox’s plan to fix the damage to the sacred timeline.
The pruning of timelines carried out by Dox had been an effective genocide, but it had allowed them to gain time and narrow down the field to find Renslayer and Miss Minutes.
"We have a trace on Renslayer's tempad," Lydia announced, approaching Mobius's desk, followed by Casey.
"In fact, we have two," the latter clarified.
"Where are they?" Mobius urged.
"Chicago, 1868 and 1893," Casey handed a folder with all the details to Mobius.
"Is there anything relevant?"
"The 1893 Chicago World's Fair, but it wasn't particularly exciting, there was electricity and a pavilion run by women," Lydia shrugged.
"And is it important?" Loki asked, whom Lydia had been trying to ignore all along.
"If you had studied, you would know that they were very avant-garde things for the time," Lydia replied with a hint of venom before turning to Mobius. "I'll leave the operational part to you, let me know if you need anything else" she said before turning around and walking away.
"What did you do to her?" Mobius whispered to Loki.
"It's never nothing," Casey interjected. "It's just that you don't know what it is."
"If I were you, I'd find out before she comes up with a way to prune us and make it look like an accident," Mobius urged.
Loki rolled his eyes before grabbing his coat and running after her.
"May I know what's wrong?" he asked once he caught up with her outside the control room.
"Nothing," Lydia shrugged without turning towards him.
"Then why are you avoiding me?"
"I'm not avoiding you," she retorted without even looking up in his direction.
"Is it about the milkshake?" [A/N: I'm just Ken playing in the background]
Lydia froze in place and turned to Loki.
"You know, Loki, I don't think you've ever had a milkshake." She took a step towards him, causing him to step back. "They're small drinks" she took another step "fresh, fruity," another step, "not over five foot six with a crooked haircut and smelling of fried food."
Loki found himself stuck between her and the empty corridor wall.
"Are you talking about Sylvie?"
"Are you talking about Sylvie?" she mocked him. "Of course I'm talking about Sylvie."
"Wait a second... are you jealous?"
"Don't be ridiculous," she took a step back, "what should I be jealous of?"
Loki grabbed her wrist, pulling her towards him and reversing their positions so that she was pinned between the wall and his body.
"If it's not jealousy, then what is it?" he looked down at her.
"I don't like her," Lydia tried to hold his gaze as she felt her legs turn to jelly. "She's a viper."
"Strange," Loki breathed against her face as he saw her chest rise and fall faster and faster. "Even Mobius doesn't like her, yet he doesn't avoid me."
"I'm your friend, I care about you," despite Lydia's attempt to sound convincing as she held his gaze, her voice almost sounded like a whisper.
"Is that what we are, Lydia?" Loki leaned dangerously close to her. "Friends?"
"Aren't we?" her voice trembled as she unconsciously tilted her face up towards his.
"Ok, Casanova, we don't have time for this," Mobius grabbed Loki by the shoulder, pulling him away and causing him to stumble backward. "Mobius?!" Loki looked at him.
Lydia let out a breath she didn't know she was holding as her face flushed various shades of red.
"Come on, we had little time before and certainly it hasn't increased," Mobius started walking.
Loki sighed, following him, and in doing so, glanced at Lydia, finding her blushing, with her mouth slightly open and her chest rising and falling rapidly. She was a work of art.
Turning around, Loki slipped on his coat, pleased with himself for causing all that beauty, and ran a finger over his lips, wondering if hers were at least half as soft as they seemed.
Basically the essence of situationships. Where you just can't be jelous 'cause he ain't ya boyfriend. But com'on. Y'all clearly made for eachother. If you agree, you're welcome to apply to the delulu club, I'm president. Anyway, thanks everyone for reading, I accept suggestions 'cause I'm unsure about my ability to write streamier scenes. Let me know if anyone's interested in being added to the tag list.
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tobitofunction · 1 year
Hello may I request an insecure fem reader x Prince Zuko?
- Reader is comparing herself to Mai but Toph is comforting reader.
- Tophs says “I may be blind, but I am not blind” reader is confused but Toph continues “You are beautiful whether or not you believe it, although I don’t know what you look like, you have a strong warm energy and no one can take that away from you”
- Reader and Zuko are the right person, wrong time trope
oooh a request rarely get them but here we gooooo.
Just read the comics so it be based on that. Spoiler if you haven't but you should defiantly read them. Changed it slightly as Toph doesn't appear in this spefic comic and if I go point by point it be to long.
It has been a rough couple of days in the fire nation capital. Children haven been going missing for days, and no one has a clue how and who did it. Well until recently when Mai's little brother Tom - Tom was kidnapped. You did feel bad for her, it's her little brother but you can't help feel jealous on how Zuko is touching her hand while talking to her about she saw while you were waiting for Aang to arrive. You gave a look to the boy opposite to you, he like you was eyeing the situation in front of him. You can't blame Zuko though, Mai was pretty, she had long silky black hair which shimmed in the sunlight, her skin has so no blemishes and her eyes were a beautiful shade of gold. You sighed and began picking at skin of your fingers, an annoying tick you have. You a hand clasped around yours, stopping you from damaging the skin further," We need to find a way to stop you from doing this" Toph smiled,"Toph....what are you doing here?" you asked getting up, "Well Twinkle Toes got Lord Hothead's letter, the others wanted to join as well but they wanted to see their father more....so it's only me now" she smiled, just than you noticed Aang standing beside Zuko who gave you a smile which melted your heart,"Aang you remember Mai right?" Zuko asked as Mai walked over to the young Avatar giving him a rare but stunning smile,"Hello Aang" she said, Aang looked between Zuko and Mai with a big smile,"Wait, does this mean the two of you are back together" your heart clenched, the smile you previously held disappeared from your face, Toph felt the change and looked at Aang, she stomped her foot onto the ground which led to Aang getting trusted into the air and back onto the ground making everyone look at her with wide eyes,"Hey, what was that for" Aang asked rubbing his butt,Toph didn't respond making Aang huff. Zuko gave you a quick look also noticing the shift, he licked his lips before talking again,"And this is Kei Lo...Mai's new boyfriend" he said awkwardly, with a hint of venom in it which he himself didn't even realise, but you did. Aang suddenly became red and tried to salvage the situation but only made it worse for himself, you had enough and just snapped,"Can we get to what we came her for? Mai's and Zuko's relationship wasn't on the agenda" you said folding your arms together and sitting became down. You tried hiding the instant regret over your outburst but luckily Zuko nodded his head in agreement,"Y/N is right, we need to talk about the missing children" he sat down beside you, his warm hand brushed against yours as Mai began filling Aang in on what happened last night.
After the meeting was over you didn't wait for the others but just walked out of the room. The last thing you heard was the the kidnappers, the Kemurikage are legends and that Zuko know's where to go.
You entered your room and flopped onto bed, thoughts of Zuko's and Mai's interactions played in your head. How softly he speaks to her, even his glance was soft,"They're broken up, Mai has a boyfriend. Nothing is happening between them....we aren't together either" you mumble to yourself, you sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. Just than a knock on the door made you jolt up,"Come in?" you said. "Hey, your okay? You left so quickly" Zuko said entering the room closing the door gently behind him,"....Yeah... everything is fine" you lied," Your lying, something is bothering you" he said sitting down on the edge of your bed. He looked at you with a sweet gaze, something you personally didn't catch but anyone else looking at him right now would," It's to embarrassing to say" you mumbled, picking at your fingers again. Zuko sighed and grabbed your hand gently, his hand's were rough from the fire bending, yet they were soft as well." I won't force you to say anything, I also wanted to tell you we be heading off to the Fire Sages, you're welcome to join" he said.
"Hey everything alright?" Toph asked,"Yeah, everything is fine-","You know I can tell that your lying? What's going on, we're friends you can tell me", you sighed,"It's Zuko and Mai....I like Zuko very much but I don't know where I stand, he looks at Mai like she is is so Importand to him-","Well, they did for a good while", you sighed again,"But his heart beat always pick up when your close" she added before you could say something,"What?" your cheeks heated up at the comment," It beats so fast at times, it sounds like it will explode" Toph continued,"...He likes me?","Seems like it" you smiled but your gaze met Mai again and it dissapeard," I'm such a downgrade to Mai though....she comes from a wealth family, she's beautiful, smart, brave and she can fight-OUCH" you shouted making everyone stop and look at you,"Toph, stop hitting y/n" Zuko scolded making Toph shrug," I'm fine Zuko, let's keep going" you said he looked a bit concernd at you rubbing your arm.
"What was that for" you hissed,"Stop talking bad about yourself, I might not able to comment about your looks but I can speak about your character, you are brave, you are smart, you like Mai are non- bender who kept up with a bunch of benders including me, the best metal bender in the world. You might not be the best fighter but you don't give up easily, you fight until the end when you believe in something. From the moment I met you, I knew you could be trusted, you have a great energy" Toph said making you nearly cry,"Ooh Toph" you were about to go in for a hug but she made a bolder appear in front of you,"Still not a hugger?" you frowned,"Nope" she said.
Thanks to Toph's pep talk you didn't feel extremely jealous and insecure by Zuko's and Mai's interactions within the tombs of old Fire Lords,"Emmmm Zuko, could we talk?" you asked tapping his shoulder, ripping his gaze off Mai and Kei Lo, "Now? Can't this wait for a bit later?" he asked, you looked over at Toph who gave you thumps up,"No...well kinda....yes...I mean-", "Spit it out before you choke on it"Zuko chuckled,"I know it's sudden and probably not the right timing but...I really like you Zuko and I have for a very long time, so once this is over-","Your right it is bad timing, I'm sorry Y/N but..*sigh* let's talk about it later. We need to find the missing children first, I don't have time for anything else" he said giving you an apologetic look, he then turned on his heels walking further into the old tombs," If it made you feel. better-","Toph not right now...Zuko is right, we need to find those children first" Toph sighed and mumbled something under her breath.
Arriving back home Zuko collapsed onto his bed, the interaction between the two of you playing in his head. Your hurt face broke his heart, he hated seeing you like this, and he waited for you to say this, yes he might have some feelings left for Mai but you are occupying his mind most of the time. But now he might have ruined his chances, or did he?. A knock on the door made him shoot up,"Hey Fire Lord Hothead, how dare you just ignore Y/N's feelings like that" Toph said stomping into the room,"I didn't mean to hurt her like that, I just have so much going on. It feels like every other week there is a new problem which is hurting my reign. I barely can sleep without worrying someone is trying to kill me","Oh someone is going to kill you all right, it's going to be ME. So better sleep with one eye open which isn't going to be difficult for you anyway" she said, she was about to stomp away when Zuko stopped her, "I really care about her, I know you can sense by my heartbeat. It's just not the right time, but I do want to be with her" Zuko said, Toph nodded and left the room.
Zuko stepped outside his balcony, his room was close to yours, and from the balcony, he could see you in your room, the curtains where blowing in the wind while you lay on your bed reading a book. Zuko smiled softly when he from the corner of his eyes saw smoke. It came from Kiyi's room, Zuko's half-sister.
Zuko's heart clenched when he saw empty bed when he barged into the room with Suki being him. He looked to his left and saw the the window was open, he poked his head out and saw the supposed Dark Spirits which his sister in their arms.
You heard commotion and closed your book and looked outside the window, your eyes widen seeing Zuko, Aang, Suki and Ty-Lee fighting. You crawled onto the roof and rand towards them when you're suddenly surrounded by smoke. You could barely see anything which meant you didn't see the dip in the roof which made you slip, you gasp loudly when you began to fall but a pair of arms wrapped around you and pulled you closer,"I got you"Zuko said into your ear,"What's going on?" you asked as Aang used air bending to make the smoke go away,"The 'spirits' got Kiyi" he said just than you saw the clocked figures disappearing into the night.
But you couldn't let them just take Kiyi, so you sprinted after them,"Y/N Wait" you heard Zuko shout. The spirits jumped of the building, you quickly followed launching yourself onto the closes one, grabbing them by the long cloak and making them crash into the ground alongside you,"Are you okay?" Aang asked,"Yeah" you said rubbing your shoulder, the figure got up, two fingers appearing from under the long black sleeves, soon lighting wrapped around their fingers making your eyes widen,"Azula" you whispered. The fingers pointed at you but Zuko jumped in front of you trying to redirect but he got sent back works into a wall with a loud thud, which gave the figures enough time to escape," Those aren't spirits but real people" you said,"Yeah I could feel the realness with a kick into my ribcage" Aang said.
"What are we going to do?" you asked, Zuko looked defeated," I failed as Fire Lord," he said, "Don't say that, this is a difficult situation, your doing your best," you said," My best is turning my people against me, "At least we know those aren't actually dark spirits," you said trying to comfort him," Yeah it's Azula, which makes it worse, he said making you frown. "You all were fighting spirits? Why wasn't I told about this? I loved to fight some spirits" Toph said, "Those aren't spirits but real people, one could lighting bend so it must be Azula" you said," Real or not I just wanted to beat someone up, stupid bath" she mumbled, "Call a lockdown, no one can enter or leave this city" Zuko said randomly, "Zuko? Are you sure?"," It's the best thing I could come up at the moment" he looked into your eyes and you saw that he was close to hitting rock bottom, he was cornered which made you sigh, "Fine"
*timeskip Zuko and Gang managed to rescue everyone*
You watched Mai and Zuko embrace their younger siblings with smiles spread on their lips. Mostly Zuko seemed to be relieved, he hugged Kiyi tight,"I knew you come to rescue me," she said happily making Zuko hug even tighter. He then placed her onto the ground and walked over to you, "Thank you for helping, also I'm sorry for what I said in the tombs" he said,"It's fine, your right, it was bad timing on my part, forget about it, maybe Toph was wrong-","She wasn't, I do really really like you. I'm just worried...A lot of people don't want me on the throne, my sister is still at large. I just don't want you to get hurt because of me" you nodded understandingly, sadness begins to fill you again, you again began picking at your fingers but Zuko wrapped his hands around yours"But, I know your not helpless, you can fight if you want to, your brave when it's needed" he said squeezing your hand. gently,"I want to try this if you let me of course" He smiled sweetly at you, making your heart flutter, "What about Mai? She would suit your lifestyle more," you said still unsure about where you stood compared to Mai," She might yes, but she really doesn't like this lifestyle, and I want to share this lifestyle with you, red looks extremely good at you, don't sell yourself short, you adapt quicker than you can imagine, but if you still feel uncomfortable with the idea, I be okay with it.....I promise, even though it will hurt, I be fine with it" he said, you bit your lip before nodding slowly,"Sure, let's give it a try"
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shalomniscient · 6 months
sevchino req!!! wanna see protective arle to the children please,,,,,,father in action raahhhh
you and me BOTH anon 🥺🥺🥺 ......................
protective || sevchino
cw. none (?)
notes. yeah i like bullying pantalone (and not in a fun way like a bully rahu). sue me. also super self indulgent with no consistent pov dshjjdfhk
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"My, my. What's a little girl like you doing in a place like this, hm?"
Estelle hugs the little bear closer to her chest. Her father had told her to stay in the office, but she was taking so long, and it was starting to get lonely...
She lifts her eyes up from the ground to look at the man crouched before her. He has long, dark hair that reminds her of her father's with how soft it looks. He has a polite smile on his face, but it doesn't reach his eyes. And his eyes—something about them made her nervous.
"I'm here with my father," she answers quietly, squeezing her toy. "I was supposed to stay in the office, but..."
The man clicks his tongue. "Tsk. Poor little thing, did your father leave you behind?"
Estelle bites her lip. Should she answer him? Father always told her not to speak with strangers, but it's been so long, and she wants to go home. She knows she'd begged her father to let her tag along, but now, all she wants to do is go home to her mother and Noé.
So she nods, looking back down at the ground. The man sighs, and rises back to his full height. He's tall, towering over her, and the way the lights backlight his form makes Estelle reflexively take a step back. He looks down at her down the bridge of his nose, the silver rim of his glasses glinting.
"Then how about I help you find her, hm?" he asks. "I think I know exactly who your father is."
Despite her apprehension, Estelle brightens. "Really?"
"Really," he nods. His white cloak parts, and he extends a gloved hand to her. But before he can take her smaller hand in his own, an arc of pure, blistering flame snakes around the girls feet, creating a protective, blazing wall. But around the girl, the fires cool, warm and comforting instead of threatening.
Footsteps echo like thunder down the hall, and the man tucks his hand back into his cloak, those dangerous eyes turning sharp, and a venomous grin creeping onto his face.
"We meet again, Knave," he sneers. Estelle turns, and standing behind her, expression twisted into a level of fury she's never seen before, is her father. A blood-red wing pulses over her left shoulder, flickering and shifting in the light. In her father's hand is a mean-looking red scythe, radiating a furious, hungry aura.
"Stay away from my daughter, Regrator," Arlecchino snarls, practically vibrating with rage. She keeps her eyes trained on the other Harbinger as she kneels down, and Estelle runs into her waiting arm. Pantalone watches it all with a deceptively placid smile.
"You know," he hums, "she has her eyes."
Arlecchino glares at him with enough fury to kill a normal man. But as much as she loathes the waste of breath before her, he is still a Harbinger, and Harbingers have always been far from normal.
"Do not speak of my wife," she says lowly, dangerously, cradling Estelle against her chest. Estelle tucks her head beneath her father's chin, one small hand winding tight in her father's jacket and the other clutching her bear plushie. The little thing's fur is slightly singed. Then, her father's gaze shifts from the man and to her, and her eyes soften. "Are you alright, starshine?"
Estelle nods, snuggling closer against her father's warmth. Arlecchino presses a soft kiss to her forehead, then turns back to Pantalone. She dispels her scythe, but it does not make her any less deadly. She considers, briefly, ripping the man before her to shreds; but Estelle takes priority, and she'd hate for her daughter to have to witness such violence, so she turns on her heel and walks away instead.
She will ensure the Regrator understands that her family is off limits in other ways.
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itsouttherenow · 3 months
The following is for a fanfic I’m planning on writing. I hope you enjoy a little sadness.
She followed the sounds of guitar strings deeper into the forest whereupon she saw an old playground. It was in a disheveled state; everything was rusted and the slides were broken. As she scanned the area, Yang spotted a familiar head of blonde hair. 
Jaune was sitting on one of the swing sets, playing a slow tone on the guitar. Not a care in the world, all of his attention was on playing the guitar. He looked so at home, so comfortable, playing the guitar. Yang slowly made her way to the swing set.
And like a deer, Jaunes’ head snapped up and scanned his surroundings. His eyes meet hers’. Blue was not the only thing that she saw in his eyes. She saw panic and fear in them a swell. And like a deer.
He ran. All that bullying made him a pretty fast runner. 
Unfortunately, Yang worked out a lot more.
With a few feet between them, Yang pounced him like a predator. In the midst of their falling, Jaune tried to break free of her strong hold.
In Jaunes’ attempt to free himself, he kicked Yang in the face. Bad mistake on his part as she briefly saw red. And acting on her boxing experience, she swung. Two swings and she stopped, realizing her error. 
That realization horrified her. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go and it was going badly. 
‘Gods no, I-I-I didn’t me-’
Her thoughts were interrupted when the air was kicked out of her lungs. In her staggered state, she was shoved to the ground. Jaune made to run again but his ankle was caught in the strong grip of the boxer. 
It was Jaunes’ turn to talk.
“Talk!? Talk about what? To say that you’re sorry!?”
Yang nodded.
Jaune scoffed, “Oum. You’re sorry? YOU’RE SORRY!?”
Yang shriveled up a bit as Jaune began to talk.
“Sorry doesn’t cut it, Yang. Do you have any idea how much it hurt!”
“I’m sorry, the accident. I he-”
“I’M NOT TALKING ABOUT THE DAMN ACCIDENT!. I’m talking about you and Cardins’ little ‘joke’.” That joke part was said with so much venom that Yang felt small.
“Do you know how much it hurts? How it hurt knowing all the smiles and laughs of yours were fake. All those moments that we shared. The secrets we, I, told. Do you know how much it broke me knowing that it was just all for the amusement of a couple assholes?”
It was becoming harder and harder for Yang to hold back her tears.
“I know, I know I fucked up. I do. But please, hear me out. I just want to make things right. Right with you.”
“I don’t believe” Jaune brought his hands to head in disbelief, “You fucking think that I will EVER want to have anything to do with you. You ruined my life. Your little stunt at my school, I was trying to not be seen. But now I’m hearing rumors about you and me being exes. I may never trust anyone with my heart ever again.”
That last part was said in a soft, whispering tone. He looked back down at Yang.
“Do you know how much that hurts? That everytime I talk with someone, I’m thinking what their true intentions are.”
Yang rose to try to grasp at Jaune, only for him to step back. To step back…in disgust.
“Don’t talk to me. I don’t ever want you to try to find me again.”
As turned to run, he stopped a few feet away.
“I wish that crash had killed me.” 
With that, Jaune ran into the forest as fast as he could. Not even bothering to spare a glimpse back at her. Yang fell to the ground and hugged her knees, then she noticed the guitar that Jaune had left behind. She crawled to it and cradled it. On her knees, she strummed a string.
All that was heard in the forest for the next hour were the sounds of wailing.
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fujotaku-grl · 6 months
Steve sees the ghosts of those who have died. He sees Billy, Barb, and Eddie mainly because he knew them from being involved with the upside down. He sees other spirits but learned to not focus on them. No one else knows until Dustin(?) finds a tape that plays a sound that only people with powers can hear so when the whole group is together he plays it. When he does El and Steve are affected. No one is surprised El is affected but everyone is confused when Steve is shouting for someone to turn it off. All eyes are on him when he explains he can see and talk to ghosts. “Wait…can you see barb?” Nancy said with an accusatory glare. “You could see and hear her this entire time and didn’t tell anyone?!” She was angry, yelling , and shoving Steve to punctuate every few words. Jonathan grabbed her so she would stop attacking steve. “Can you see Eddie? Is he here now!?” Dustin asked. Mike was as angry as his sister with the new realization. “What else are you hiding from us?” Max asked with a hurt expression. This was not supposed to happen, he was supposed to take this secret to the grave. “I…can bring people back.” The last bit of the sentence was said in a hushed voice but one of them heard it. “What.” A loud slap could be heard through the silence “Bring her back” said seething through teeth. It turned out the one who heard it was Nancy who was ten times more angry than before. It comes with a price i can just magic her back to life without consequence. “You can bring back Eddie! The consequence shouldn’t matter, you're just being selfish!” Mike spat out like venom. After a long time of Steve getting yelled at and Jonathan, Will, Robin, and Joyce defending Steve everyone left to go to their respective home with swirling emotions. Days pass and Steve made up his mind and went to his pool where Barb had died. “You don’t have to bring me back, after getting to know you I don’t think it's worth it.” Barb tried to convince him it's not his fault. “ You and I both know it’s more costly without the physical body.” Steve took a knife and made a cut on his wrist. As the blood dripped into the water he said the incantation. The water began to glow a bright white color along with Steve's eyes. Barb emerges from the water taking in gulps of oxygen. “I’m...I’m alive. Why did you do that?” she asked. “ I owe it to you, and Nance.” Steve replied with exhaustion. “STEVE!” Barb yelled, catching Steve as he nearly fell in the pool. “ I’m fine, I need to get Ed.” Eddie appeared next to Steve “ Harrington you need to lay down before going anywhere” Barb shrieked at the sudden voice. Turns out anyone Steve brings back is connected to him and shares his power minus the bring people back part. The next day Steve the first thing he does is go to the old Munson trailer in Forest Hills.”I’m coming with you” Barb insisted. He goes to the spot Eddie died and repeats the process. This time Steve passes out immediately after. Barb and Eddie carry him to the car and put him in bed. While Steve is sleeping his walkie went off “Guys I think there's a code red! There were 2 energy surges similar to the ones when Vecna attacked, let's meet at Steve's house! Over and out.” About an hour later everyone is in Steve’s living room. Robin was looking around to find her other half only to find he wasn’t there. She went upstairs with Dustin following behind her. There were 2 people who sat by Steve while he slept in his bed. “Barb?” Nancy whispered. “Eddie?” Dustin said after “Steve?” Robin said concerned for her best friend who now had white streaks in his hair, pale, and looked so fragile. She tried to shake him awake but he continued his slumber. “What's wrong with him, why won’t he wake up?” “He used all his energy to bring us back from the dead.” Eddie answered. “That doesn’t explain why he looks so…breakable” Dustin added “It's because he shortened his life span because you A holes decided to treat him like a selfish prick when you know he has saved all of you multiple times!”
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loveshotzz · 1 year
The last sneak peek of Whatta Man I’ll give before it’s finished, really excited to share this with you guys. 💗 Your blind date finally shows up an hour late and you’ve already decided you want nothing to do with him. Doing the logical thing, you decide to just play stupid to get him to leave and Eddie helps you out 😈
“Hey, sorry I’m late. I’m Craig, Ariana’s friend. I think I’m supposed to be meeting you?” Shoving his hands in the pockets of his tan slacks, the maroon sweater he wears fits loosely over his thin frame, with dirty black chucks on his feet, his look screams ‘I listen to Nirvana’.
“Umm, I’m sorry? I think you have the wrong person? I wasn’t supposed to be meeting anyone here tonight.” It’s not believable in the slightest when the words come out of your mouth, the less confident delivery giving you away. The look on his face lets you know you’ve definitely been had.
“Are you sure? I was told to look for the girl with a lavender purse.” As if to prove his point he points to the exact one he’s talking about slung across your shoulder. He quirks a disbelieving eyebrow at you before continuing. “I know I’m late but this is ridiculous.”
“A lot of girls have purple bags, Craig.” His name comes dripping in venom, the need to get rid of him before Eddie’s return throwing any logic out the window. You needed to believe your own lie.
The sudden harshness in your tone has him raising his hands in defense, backing down a little under the daggers of your glare.
“Whoa, chill out, my bad. You just match the exact description I was given, that's all.”
Clenching your jaw in frustration because he just won’t give up, you try to hold your composure while your eyes flick towards the door in anticipation for his return.
“Well you’ve told me you were late twice already so she probably just left. Rude of you to keep her waiting honestly.” Narrowing your eyes at him, you know that he knows exactly what you are doing but you don’t care anymore.
“Yeah, I’m sure that’s what happened, and not her being bitter I’m one measly hour late.” The way his words clip signal the rejection sinking in, as a glare sets firm on his face.
It’s the stare down of the century before Eddie comes barging through the entrance with a loud huff, cheeks red from yelling and hair slightly more mused than before. He checks to make sure you’re still where he left you before he glances over to Craig for a split second. Hopping over the bar with another skid of his boots, he still manages to give you a lopsided grin when he gets to the other side. Hitting the top of the bar in a series of beats he’s a ball of energy now.
“Sorry to keep you waiting sweetheart, Steve’s lucky the girl he took a knuckle sandwich for has a first aid kit. Rick keeps saying he’s gonna get one but I have yet to see it. Want another cocktail?” Talking a mile a minute with the leftover adrenaline from the fight he doesn’t notice the way Craig watches the two of you until he catches the awkward look on your face. Eddie’s face hardens, the softness he was giving you disappearing. “Something I can help you with buddy?”
You don’t even have to look at Craig to know he’s puffing out his chest with a point of his chin while he addresses Eddie.
“Actually pal, maybe you can.” His tone makes Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up, a tested smile spreading over his lips while he lets Craig continue. “I was supposed to meet someone here for a blind date, she said to look for a girl with a lavender purse exactly like this one. You haven't seen her around here by chance have you?”
Eddie’s wide eyes meet yours, amusement filling the specks of golden brown as he picks up on exactly what’s happening. The corners of his lips twitch before he nods his head licking his bottom lip holding your gaze long enough to make you squirm before bringing his attention back to Craig with a low whistle.
“Oh yeah, I remember that hottie man. It’s a shame you were late, she took off with this dude she met waiting for you. She didn’t stand a chance though honestly, I know the guy he’s too smooth for his own good. Pretty good looking too, can’t be leaving your girl unattended around him man. He’s more of a metal head. Not into the grunge scene like you though. Probably wouldn’t have worked out between you two anyway.” Eddie catches your eye roll at his self indulgent story as you cover your mouth with the palm of your hand to hide your face splitting grin.
“Why don’t you walk away with some dignity, what’s that saying? There’s always more fish in the sea or some shit.” Eddie adds more salt to the wound, finally breaking Craig enough to give up.
“Whatever you say man, this bar is fuckin’ lame anyway. Who wants to drink to Third Eye Blind.” Grumbling his insults he slinks away taking one last look at you and Eddie before making his final exit with a flip of his middle finger.
Eddie’s stare is hot on your face, while you bashfully avoid his gaze keeping your eyes lingering on the door. When you finally dare to meet his eyes the shit eating grin on his face makes you groan, the buzz of your drink pulling a giggle out of you.
“Eddie, don’t —“
“Well, well, well aren’t you just a little heartbreaker huh?” His teasing only makes your cheeks grow hotter as you try to hide your face from his view.
fuck the read more tab.
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