#md fic
igotthis-egg · 18 days
Cyn design :)
Why is she in the military as a 14 year old? In future Earth’s society, if you’re in poverty or orphaned, you’re better off joining the military than trying to work your way up in a broken system. Born rich, live lavishly. But born poor, you must serve the rich.
Yes she is N’s biological sister, to clarify
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tastefulbean · 3 months
While my hand is recovering, I’ll take the time to hype up my MD fic being released later this week >:))
It’s a human AU with wacky shenanigans, nuzi content and horror elements!!
I have art for it up on my tumblr teeheee
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arobotjester · 29 days
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super further down the road in the story flashback for "Do You Forsake Me?" :3c
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15depressedducks · 5 days
C4 Flowers Can Grow in Concrete
Yes, double upload
(Here it is on Tumblr)
“Pa-pardon me?”
“You heard me, Or do I need to repeat myself.” N looked at her with a dead straight face. Regardless of what she picks, I'll drop the kid off at another colony. If you care so much to save her I'll at least honor it.
The drone inhaled, then spoke “I would be, but before you do can I at least leave you with help?”
“O-Okay, what help will you leave me with?” N didn’t know how to respond 
Her eyelights light up “A way to help you as Uzi grows up! I’ll put everything on this phone and you can access it and I'll tell Yeva about what happened, or well what will happen, so that way if you need help you can ask her! And-and-and um-uh, Oh-I'll add a-bunch of stuff-oh-i-know-i-can add-a-letter-for-Uzi-when-she’s-18 so-I-can-tell-her-everything-” 
N stopped paying attention to her and rather to the kid she let off her back, who was now wandering over to him. She was blissfully unaware over what her mom was doing on the phone she had pulled out, or what was going to happen. She wanted to look at N better. 
Oh, I messed up, and now this drone is asking me to raise her kid. I could say that I'll let her go, but J and V might not be as kind as me and kill both of them. But if I take her to the spire I can guarantee her safety, which would be better, But-
His thoughts were interrupted by the droneling staring right at him, with one of the biggest similes he had ever seen. He smiled softly at her and slightly waved at them. She looked just like her mom, just darker hair and eyes, she was wearing a black beanie that had a pom pom on it. her jacket was a dark gray and was way too big for her, it almost reached her black boots.
“Hey Yeva? Yes yes, I'm outside, just one thing, What no I didn’t forget anything! It’s just,” She inhaled, Sweat rolling down her visor. “Uzi-is-going-to-be-raised-by-murder-drones-and-I-wanted-to-tell-you-so-you-could-help-N-because-I'm-going-to-die-for-her-safety!” The mom said it so fast N could barely keep up 
“I-... I know, but Yeva! What if he needs your help!? Nonononono please don’t hang up! I-I’d-I” the phone let out a low but audible ‘beep’ signaling that the call ended “Love… you.” The drone’s voice lowered, Showing some despair, N knew that look all too well.
N felt a tug on his coat, as he looked down he saw Uzi.
“Do you want to play with me!” The child blurted out. She could barely hold in her excitement! 
“Um, We could later? I don’t think I'm going to be leaving you anytime soon.” N was anxious. I definitely play with her, but how long until V or J Would demand she die? Or just straight up kill her themselves?
Uzi’s face fell a bit, but then she smiled again, satisfied with the answer. She wandered a bit away, N watched a bit mournful for her future.
“Well, Here’s everything you would need to raise her. All on this phone. I also recorded a few videos for her to listen to when she needs them. I-I, I would like to tell her bye before I go, Please?” Nori looked melancholic. I wish I could go back on what I said, she looks so sad. But of course she would be, she had to leave the only home she had, and someone dear to her hung up, and she won’t be able to see her kid grow, and she won’t see the sunrise this morning. And I don’t want to go back on my word. J doesn’t want us going back on anything we say, something about ‘professionals don’t go back on what they say’. It was weird.
“O-of course! I-I couldn’t imagine not allowing you!” N could feel the digital sweat drip down his visor. Nori’s expression softened into a small but weak smile, her eyes expressing sympathy.
“Thank you, N. I’ll go do it right now.” Nori walked to Uzi, leaned down and talked to her. It was too faint for N to hear, and he didn’t need to, it was a conversation between mother and daughter.
After some time, Uzi and Nori are ready.
“Hey Uzi! Do you wanna play hide and seek? I’ll count and hide somewhere you can see from here!” N figured this would be the best way to stop Uzi from seeing it.
“Oki!” And Uzi ran off, N kept track of her with one of the 5 eyes on top of his head, His smile faltered. He glanced over at nori, who displayed a happy yet sad look.
N swapped his hand into a blade and asked a simple question “Is there somewhere you’d like me to put your body? I-It-Um It just feels right to ask, y’know?”
As Nori turned around, kneeling in the snow, she answered “The cabin fever labs, I’ll add the coordinates to the phone if you want.”
“Y-yes please.”
“And the password is Uzi's birthday, 1031.” And Nori handed him the phone. “I feel like Uzi is in good hands. Thank you.”
N raised his blade, but before he hesitated, looked around, and swung.
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heph · 3 months
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The fics where the ducklings are heavily invested in their boss' love life
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hollis-art · 4 months
fem hilson is attacking my brain like they're seagulls and i happened to bring food to the beach,,,
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and in regard to my original fem hilson post where i mentioned that wilson for sure had an impulsive pixie cut that she very much regretted:
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oldmanffucker · 6 months
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killjoy-prince · 6 months
House M.D. but it's when Wilson says House's name
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colfy-wolfy · 13 days
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hello again I'm insane. I will never not love drawing slugcats hugging and cuddling. but my md hyperfixation hasn't stopped yet so it's nuziv
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clementine221b · 7 months
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one thing that this little gay kitty oncologist is going to do is LIE. even though he knows house will take the extremest of measures to try and find out what he’s upto??? but he can’t help himself?? i don’t understand him but i love him.
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igotthis-egg · 16 days
Virus takeover process, aka the vampirification process! Featuring N~
I have to clarify that this doesn’t highlight every side effect of vampirism. This is just the major points of development!
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balteredsworld · 3 months
wilson’s hypothesis. gregory house
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🥼🩺 | according to wilson, house likes you and you like him. so, house confronts you with wilson’s hyposthesis.
masterlist: greg house n all
warnings/tags! fluff of sorts, angst if you squint, talks of self-sabotage, idiots in love, sherlocked reference!!! (just watched 8x18—house self-sabotages so bad my lord)
author's note: lowkey hate this but it's idk what're we thinking fellow ducklings???
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"wilson thinks i like you," house airs.
you throw him a strange glance.
"crazy, right?"
"yeah? and you think i like cameron," you mimic, matching his dismissive detachment to comedic effect.
only, house is serious.
“no, wilson thinks i like you.” house ignores your joke, repeating wilson’s solemn hypothesis.
when you pause to look at his face, your mind goes off into complete nonsense like's just tipped you over and left you with internal bleeding in your brain, upon the realization that he does, in fact, mean those words he's telling you.
"what makes him say that?"
"i'm apparently connecting with you,” house indulges, relaxing into the cold bit of wall behind him. the moonlight hits him in a more subtle way, half hidden in the shadows. the blue of his wrinkled shirt melts into the glow it radiates.
you're not particularly sure what to say. thankfully, he elaborates.
“you share your food with me, i take your food, ergo it means something in wilson's romantic world,” house offers, before quickly dismissing the thought of his supposed feelings for you. "but you know wilson, he's always been a romantic. thinks he can diagnose emotions as easily as diseases."
you consider the argument, "well couldn't that just mean i can't finish my food and you don't wanna get your own?"
he squints at you, as if with drills for eyes. you're playing dumb, unless you really believe that. but you don't.
you clear your throat, "well, do you believe that?"
"well it's either that or i must obviously like you."
you gawk. "well, do you?"
"do i have to spell it out for you?"
"wilson had to," you snark back. "so, do you?"
"no," he says with a flat face.
something in your chest drops, just as your brows shoot up. "no?"
"no," he reaffirms.
you don't know if you manage to catch your frown. house doesn't say anything if you didn't. you're more than a little embarrassed, surely flushed. you're thankful that the two of you are under the dim veil of night.
"well good thing," you grumble.
house looks at you with a curious look, as if he was almost offended you would say that. "good thing?"
“we’re both lonely. lonely means self-sabotage,” you explain, fiddling with one of the main trinkets that line the ledge. you were sure you proving your point, coming up with an off-putting rationale to cover up your embarrassment. "two self-saboteurs, well, that's an equation with proven unresolved issues... so yeah, good thing."
you were internally cringing at the words you were spitting out, but you were trying to play it cool. it's something that's never worked in your favour though when you were near an attractive guy, and you always swore this was to make them repulse the inkling of interest. and you swore off doing this years ago, but the blunt rejection, if you could call it that, sprung the teenager out of you.
then again, house affects you like that. blue eyes and blue shirt and all.
he makes it no secret that he's a ladies' man, often hitching hookers into the hospital despite cuddy's gentle parenting to make him stop. but house does whatever he wants in the hospital, hence all the lawsuits you've had to deal with.
when you look at him again, he's somehow uncharacteristically quiet. you're unsure if his speculative eyes are because of a lightbulb moment, but one thing's for sure: he was thinking.
"you're thinking, aren't you?" you glean in a tilt.
house doesn't say anything, but turns away from you. when he does, you're unsure if you see his lip curl in disappointment—he hides it too well. some part of you hopes, but you know you're not his type. a bit too much like him in the overanalyzing and overthinking.
and maybe you're convincing yourself, but realistically speaking, your happy arrangement of sharing food in the middle of a hospital shift may work for lonely and misery, but not for anything else. two people who like self-sabotage is like a dumpster fire.
you'd rather have house like this, happy and alarmingly blue.
"aaand you've stopped listening. i shall take that as my cue to leave," you announce, hopping off the ledge in the same ginger fashion you had waltzing in.
when you land your feet, house airs his deduction, nodding along as if he was finally making sense of you and wilson’s hypothesis. 
“maybe he’s onto something.”
you turn to him with a tinge of a worrisome brow. 
“who knows? maybe i’ve been sending subtle signals that even i’m not aware of. so what do you think?” he croons his head, all ominous, arriving to a conclusion. you can practically see the cogs turn in his brain. “you like me.”
"i never said that.”
house looks at you, rising in a smooth motion, as if to showcase his towering height, forcing you to look up at him. sitting down, he's not so large, but now, all you can think is that he's tall.
"you might not, but your body does," he croons, dangerous smirk playing about his face. his eyes probe your face, confidently with a proven theory. "pupils dilated..."
house grabs your wrist, eyes practically lighting up in delight at his impending diagnosis.
"…and pulse elevated. i understand that wilson thinks that love's a mystery to me, but the chemistry's incredibly simple," he says, softening his grip on you.
house doesn't let go, lingering in this proximity, leaning closer like some ghost and spirit you'll always look for. your breath hitches, but house doesn't afford you time to quite think, capturing your lips in a kiss that you reciprocate, clutching onto his arms for balance.
you feel one of his hand snake to the nook of your back, pushing you flush against him. house keeps his other hand cupping your cheek and jaw, large enough to cover that expanse of your face. it's a little dry and rough, but you don't mind, all too preoccupied with his lips.
house makes good work on you. his lips are even better than you'd imagine, but you finally register his words and what you were doing, so you pull away. the furrow of your brows returning, apprehensive about his next words.
you whisper, “i thought you didn't like me.”
"i was lying," he shrugs. "i needed to see if i was right, and i was."
"so you figured me out?"
"you like me,” house concludes, triumphant. “i was right.”
“i thought this was wilson’s hypothesis?” you cock a brow.
“hypothesis,” he nods before flicking your head. “but i can’t give him the credit for my diagnosis.”
you let out an airy laugh, relieved that he didn't make you spell it out for him. "you're an ass, you know?"
his eyes are proudly heralding trumpets. you could practically hear the victory going off them.
"it comes with the sitting arrangement."
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arobotjester · 6 days
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"Do You Forsake Me?" Chapter 5 Sneak Peak
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15depressedducks · 7 days
Flowers Can Grow in Concrete
Here's chapter 2 because this gives the feel of the fic better in my opinion lol
(Here it is on Tumblr)
“BYEEEE- oh you're already gone” N spoke aloud, his tone, while happy, was a bit damp with loneliness. He walked back to the landing pod in the middle and clambered inside to see if J had left anything for him to do.
His eyes drifted to the small workbench J had made, on some sticky notes N read aloud “Patch up holes in the spire, Check for workers, Clean up the floor, Dig a hole and die in it N!” N droned on reading the things he needed to do, “heh heh, classic J, telling me to die.” A small smile formed and he threw it away in the trash can beside him.
N ran out of the pod, and looked up at the spier, and a thousand red “Errors” watched him. Even after he moved to clean up, they were there ever watching, hopeful for downfall.
As N picked up arms, legs, hardhats, bolts, and screws. He would fly up on top of the spire, Use his blowtorch to melt the material to the tower and then let it cool. With the bolts and screws he would just snack on them.
N walked out of the spire, scanning the area, then with a crack he was launched up into the sky with his metal wings. Will I find any drones tonight? I hope I will! then J might tell him he did good! yes!
Then and only then, did N hear noise other than the wind whispering. The soft ‘Pshh’ of the piston doors. Bingo! Best to see how many there are! N was giddy, we can barely find any workers roaming around! And I found some! Hooray!
N hovered in the air, not wanting to alert the drones. But when he finally saw the drone he was perplexed. They were holding a kid?! And took them outside?! Why!? To use as bait!? You know what!? I’m done with drones thinking that! I'll scare them! I'll show them there is no mercy out here! Especially if you bring a kid. N thoughts changed from confusion to anger.
The drone had purple but almost lilac hair. And was wearing a black hat? It was too hard for N to see from so far away. Along with some gray clothing.
As N stared to hover closer he could hear the kid was asking her questions left and right to the mom’s annoyance. 
“Mom, where's dad?”
“He’s going to come out later!”
“Where are we going?”
“Somewhere far away from any colony!”
“Why? What about Doll?”
“So you aren't hurt sweetie! And Yeva will bring Doll later!”
The mom answered in a tone of worry and fear, one the kid didn't react to. What is in the colony that scared you away from it? Isn’t it supposed to be a haven? What do you know that I don’t.
As N dived down to be behind them he changed his hands into claws. With a loud ‘thump’ he told them about his presents.  “Do you think having a child with you will protect you from death?”
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heph · 2 months
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Camping trip
Loosely inspired by this fic! Do mind the content rating.
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lanawinterscigarettes · 5 months
Sweatshirt (Greg House x reader)
Summary: House gets jealous by a certain article of clothing you're wearing
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Warnings: petty/jealous House (aka the best kind), heavily implied poly House x reader x Wilson in case that's not your thing, very mild and brief swearing
A/N: based off a random little thought I had. don't ask me when during the show this is supposed to be set because I have no clue
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It was missing. Wilson's McGill sweatshirt was missing, and House was very upset. It was his turn to wear it, and although he could've sworn he left it balled up on his side of the bed before he left for work it wasn't there when he returned.
The thought popped into his head that someone might've stolen it, but that was just stupid. After all, who would break into his apartment just to take a sweater?
You, apparently, as he soon came to realize when combing back over his place to look for it. He hadn't noticed it on you at first when he walked in, but now it was hard to miss, like a bright red target painted across your chest.
He almost glared at the way you were casually lounging on the couch, reading a book as if you hadn't stolen from him. "You're wearing his sweater." It wasn't a question, rather a statement, which made sense due to how very obvious the fact was.
You looked up from where you'd been reading and gave him an unimpressed look. "And you walk with a cane. Tell me something I don't know."
The corners of his lips quirked upwards into an amused half smile, but he tried to push his fond thoughts of you to the side for the time being. "You know, it's my turn to wear his sweater."
Letting out a hum, you dropped your eyes back down to the book in your hands and lazily turned the page. "Technically, it's my turn, after you decided to hide it for three weeks so I couldn't wear it."
That was true, he did do that. It was for no reason other than to mess with you, but now he was really started to regret his past decisions, something that rarely happened, if ever.
"You stole it from me, right out of my very own bed," he tried a different approach, putting on a face of mock hurt and offense in hopes of swaying you and getting it back. "Shame on you."
"You stole it from me first." Damn it, you had him there. "I was just returning the favor."
House stood there in front of you for a few minutes more hoping you'd somehow break with no such luck. Sighing loudly, he flopped down in his armchair, giving you a dirty look. "You know, two wrongs don't make a right."
You glanced up from your book, peeking at him from over the top of it. "An ethics lecture coming from you of all people? Well, this oughta be good." Now, it was your turn to be amused, something that didn't bode well with his competitive nature.
Seeing as it wasn't going to happen any other way, he tried a more direct approach in order to get you to give it back. "I want it. I want to wear it. It's mine."
"Technically, no, it's not. It's Wilson's, and I'm borrowing it," you pointed out, appearing unbothered by the evil look getting thrown your way. "Go find something else of his to wear if it's upsetting you so bad."
"I don't want to wear something else, though," he whined obnoxiously, trying to get on your nerves. It was working, but not nearly enough to get him what he wanted.
"Tough, because I'm wearing it right now. You're just going to have to deal with it."
Part of you thought that maybe you'd won this argument when he got up and left the room, but that thought was soon diminished when he came back less than a few minutes later, throwing something at your head.
"Really?" You asked in obvious irritation while pulling the shirt he'd thrown at you off your head.
"Put that on, and give me the sweatshirt back. That way you'll still feel all cozy and close to your doting boyfriends without having to wear that specifically," he reasoned as he stood there, his hands resting on the top of his cane. He looked proud of himself, like he was a little kid who'd finally solved a puzzle.
Despite your annoyance, it was hard to keep the slight smile off your face. Still, you weren't going to let him win that easily. "I'm not wearing it because of sentimental value. I'm wearing it because it's comfortable."
He groaned loudly, becoming visibly annoyed. "Why must you always be so damn difficult?"
"Funny, I could ask you the same question," you muttered as you held up the shirt and took a good look at it. It was one of House's old band tees, which made you realize something. "Hold on, are you jealous because you don't get to wear the sweatshirt, or is it because I'm wearing Wilson's clothes and not yours?"
The obvious pout on his face quickly gave away the answer. "Just give me the sweatshirt now, and I'll promise I'll give it back later." He held his hand out expectantly, resulting in you throwing his shirt back at his face.
"Nice try, but you're going to have to pry this off my cold, dead body." You settled back into the couch with your book as he walked away, grumbling under his breath. It appeared as though you'd won the battle, for now at least.
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End notes: I've never written for House before but I tried to capture his personality the best I could! Hope y'all liked the Hilson references sprinkled in lol
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