#‘they’re canonically both men’ IDGAF!!!!
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moonamite · 9 months ago
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Epic monster yuri
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theygotlost · 3 years ago
FRANCIS. and donnie. and…… 🙈 ezzie… ezzie dax.
jesus christ this is long. im putting it under a readmore
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual. I don't think he realized it until his teen/adult years and now it doesnt really affect his life much now since he married piama so young but I can also see him using the fact he likes men as a way to rebel against lois (sidnote i wouldnt really consider lois homophobic if any of her kids came out she would be like "well i believe in equality so I'm going to make all you boys' lives equally miserable regardless of your sexuality. idgaf if you're gay go clean the toilet". um anyway). i just think it would be funny if piama had a celebrity crush or something and she was like wow hes sooo hot and francis would b like yeah he is 🤨😳
Gender Headcanon: i think hes a whiny little cis boy sorry. francisgender
A ship I have with said character: i do think he and piama are cute together :) i just wish she was in the show more and had an actual personality and stuff >:(((((((
A BROTP I have with said character: I like when he's with the rest of his family and gets to hang out with his brothers :) DEWER ESPECIALLY there is something so special to me abt him taking care of dewey and being kinder to him than malcolm and reese are
A NOTP I have with said character: Any other time in the early seasons when he dated a random girl for 1 episode i was like. um ok? but i didnt really HATE any of those
A random headcanon: uhhhh i feel like i should have something prepared to say here but idk. I think he listens to. weezer. fuck this 
General Opinion over said character: FEMINIST WOMEN LOVE FRANCIS. also you already know every opinion ive ever had about francis already but hes so pathetic and stupid I need to squish him between my thumb and forefinger
don of tello lol:
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Gender Headcanon: i dont think he is cis or trans i think he is a turtle . i think he can swimming in the water for algaes.  hope this helps
A ship I have with said character: nobody... tbh the ninja turtles are kinda unshippable to me. theyre just Creatures they dont “date”. But im not that far into the show yet so maybe there is another character that he can have a yaoi moment with later. But im not counting on it
A BROTP I have with said character: obviously all 4 of da turtle brothers are awesome together but DONNIE AND MIKEY ARE BESTIE VIBES!! Theyre my 2 favorites and i love their dynamic esp since they get paired up kinda often. I feel like they are the closest to each other out of all of them cause they’re both kind of the “weird” ones. Theyre neurodivergent and a minor. Also i like that donnie calls mikey “michael” its funny
A NOTP I have with said character: theres not really any viable shipping options to like or dislike . other than like the really reprehensible stuff like incest which is just like Why. do you know how sad and upsetting it is that so many tmnt blogs have to stipulate “no incest” in their bio? Can we all be normal and regular please?
A random headcanon: definitely the most online guy. Its really funny to enivision him being like a discord mod and getting into fights with people on reddit. Basically this 👇
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General Opinion over said character:  he’s kind so annoying but in a funny and endearing way (much like many of my favorite guys...) but he ourple so that makes up for it. My favorite tutle
Sexuality Headcanon: Dax and all their symbionts are like. Inherently and canonically bisexy
Gender Headcanon: everyone likes to take the “I’m having trouble with my pronouns!!” line out of context 😑 but for real she said “some mornings I don’t know if im a man or a woman until i pull back the sheet” which um... kinda transphobic... we CANCEL the ezri!!!! Jk she can be whatever you want baby. Any pronouns 
A BROTP I have with said character: she has no friends lol sorry. Theres not really any bestie vibes between her and sisko the way there was with jadzia
A NOTP I have with said character: ONE MILLION TIMES JEZRI. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!! umm also when she started making out with worf i was like fml. That episode got me feeling so worfzia warrior but only because i was thinking “damn i wish jadzia was still here and worf was making out with jadzia instead.” it just feels weird to me 
A random headcanon: idk what do you want me to say. shes so tumblrina.General Opinion over said character: i know ive tormented you enough with the senorita awesome video but that really is how i see her. Im so sorry sam please dont be mad at me but I just don’t like her that much. She’s so #QUIRKY and its really grating. And I know that she didn’t formally complete her training but she is NOT a good ship’s counselor. If i went to my therapist and told her i was depressed or whatever and she was like “yeah sometimes i wanna kill myself too 😋 the #intrusivethoughts are so AWKO TACO!!” i think i would blow my brains out. But in Field of Fire when she was trying to solve that murder case and was hunting down that vulcan guy with a cool gun that was the ONE epsiode where i liked her and thought she was cool. I would like her more if she was badass like that more of the time
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mto-art · 4 years ago
Been thinking about lord of the rings a bunch so here’s my queer canons:
In no reasonable order. Elves, totally cool with trans folk, they’ve got magic and shit and 80% of them are so androgynous gender is hardly a concept they give a fuck about anyway. Dwarves, even more so there’s definitely genders here, outsiders don’t know wtf they’re based on cuz ‘women and men’ look the same but in reality they just know other dwarves’ pronouns/ID through braids in their beards. Rohan: 60% of the rohirrim are trans men. Wizards: who tf cares about gender or sexuality labels Radagast can talk to animals that’s way cooler? Boromir: Gay. A man his age of his title without a woman? Sure he hasn’t told Denethor but we all know why he didn’t do that. Sam might be a himbo who doesn’t realize Frodo is mad in love with him but he also is a himbo who doesn’t realize he’s mad in love with Frodo so he’s himbo enough for the both of them to ruin that relationship. Legolas and Gimli, married in canon you can fight me. Shire: weirdly low-key queerphobic but that’s just because it reminds me of my hometown which was also this ‘picture perfect’ place just filled with shitheads. Bard the Bowman: Meets Thranduil once and instantly realizes he’s bi as fuck They share a tent?????? Thorin: Just mad about the fact he’s gay because all he gives a fuck about is his people and honor and thinking about kissing boys gets in the way of that. Do I even need to mention Thranduil??? Like none of this is actually canon but I’m just watching these movies like: Yeah that’s queer.
Also idgaf if the books go: But this character had a wife. The wife’s gay too.
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vomara · 5 years ago
Another thing that's a pet peeve of mine and connects back to the Avatar fandom, but also just fandoms in general, is that whenever there is a WLW relationship and those women have had previous relationships with male characters, everyone acknowledges and respects them as bi or pan or such queer women. And doesn't disregard them as just lesbians. But whenever it's male characters, they always gotta be just gay regardless of previous relationships with women. As if bi/pan/queer men don't exit.
Why do you think it is that we have that double standard? I myself think it's odviously biphobia and panphobia that play into it, but also misogyny to want to distance the women in those men's lives from them. And also honestly the lack of bisexual and pansexual men in fandoms. Like let's be honest it's almost always anything but MLM men that get involved in these pairings, and if they do it's usually gay men. So bi/pan men go almost entirily ignored. (2/2)
i've noticed that, too, vaguely. personally, i can't talk like CRAZY about biphobia/panphobia against mlm (i'm bisexual and nb) but i'm familiar with the fandom behavior you're talking about. and yes, usually big slash ships like z*ukka are the ones that have like, the least mlm shipping them in proportion to other ships. hm. 🤔 that being said, i don't actually think there's a huge lack of bi/pan men in fandom, or that they're significantly outnumbered by gay men.
when it comes to assignment of sexuality in fandom, there's, for women, a vein of lesbophobia, and for men, a vein of bi/panphobia, as you said. but i don't think there's that much of a lack of bi/pan men headcanons, nor a lack of lesbian headcanons -- just that other headcanons seem louder and more militantly enforced. a good portion of it also has to do with how much a fan likes the character, prefers a certain ship with them, or has rival ships.
when it comes it insanely big ships like z*ukka, for example, there's this rampant headcanon of zuko being gay and sokka being bi amongst the more intense fans. (as in, those fans that near-exclusively ship z*ukka.) z*ukka shippers are fine with sokka being bi because they really don't see sukka as rival ship, and are willing to acknowledge its existence in canon as a result. it doesn't contradict their fanon. (also, there's a tendency with men who are so-called "womanizers" in canon, or just those who have undeniable heterosexual attraction to be labeled bi -- a.k.a. sokka.) zuko, on the other hand... z*ukka shippers tend to very strongly headcanon him gay unless they ship him with a girl or in a throuple. why? because they have a MASSIVE rival fanon ship -- z*utara. and people who prescribe to z*utara have their own elaborate fanon that often directly opposes z*ukka fanon. so headcanoning him as gay and becoming aggressive about that particular headcanon ("if you headcanon him any other way, you're being cisheteronormative!" shit like that) allows them to both feel like they have moral high ground over the het rival ship, and have moral ammo if they want to start a ship war with them. it's... really dumb, but it's really common in many fandoms with aggressive rival ships.
when it comes to female characters, sexuality headcanons also are somewhat concordant with what rival ships are in the fandom. another atla fandom example: the recent growing prominence of mai*lee. i like the pairing, but for intense z*ukka shippers, it's simply a good way to get maiko out of view. so headcanoning those girls as bi... works for them. but there's a very strong element of preference when it comes to girls, because many ships involving them tend to have less steam than the big slash ships that dominate fandom. women are, simply put, not as liked as men. (misogyny!) in that aspect, they tend not to be a focus of fandom and fanon. those people who ship things like z*ukka focus so exclusively on the z*ukka part that when they look at, say, katara, they don't actually have strong shipping preferences. they just throw her with aang, or maybe azula, or suki, or somebody to get her out of the way. and because there's a large plurality of shipping amongst the females within the dominating fanon interpretation (in this example, z*ukka), most of those shippers tend to just let their female characters be bi.
personally, idgaf whatever people want to headcanon these characters, though i'm opposed to their sometimes militant way of enforcing these headcanons. for me, sexuality is a weird amorphous blob that exists in a constant state of motion and reflection between the internal and external self. everyone in my headcanons are ambiguously bi unless i want to explore otherwise. [shrugs]
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mickeysmyheart · 5 years ago
Hey there :) for the character list: Ted, Patrick, Alexis, David, Stevie, Mutt and that Animal, Lover vet guy (sorry I forgot his name) and Jake :)
LOL “and that Animal, Lover vet guy (sorry I forgot his name)” - that’s Ted and you said him first :p 
Thanks for the ask, here we go:
Sexuality headcanon: straight (as in canon)
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: Alexis
A BROTP I have with said character: David, I’d like to think that after their emotional talk at Singles Week that Ted tries to text him every so often with stupid puns that make David roll his eyes but can’t help but smile at his sisters dumb cute boyfriend. 
A NOTP I have with said character: Heather - just nope.
A random headcanon: I like to think that maybe some day in the future, when his contract is up in the Galapagos (him not staying any longer even though they asked) that he keeps track of Alexis - not like in a stalker way but like in a “i love this girl with my entire being and i want to know that she’s doing well and what she’s up to” kind of way- they follow each other on instagram and he sees that she’s still living her best self in NYC so he goes there, hoping to maybe run into her, too nervous to ask her to hang out and anyway, he’s never been to NYC and wants to check out a play so he does and when he posts about it, Alexis dm’s him and they meet up for lunch the next day and he finds out she’s single - has been this entire time, working on herself, focusing on her career - so he asks her out again on a real date and now that he’s not working in the Galapagos and nothing is tying him to Schitt’s Creek, he eventually moves to NYC and the timing is finally right for him and Alexis and they live happily ever after. goodnight.
General opinion of said character: i LOVE ted. he’s so cute and sweet and just so adorably punny. i’m a fan of dustin so loving ted came really easy. 
Sexuality headcanon: gay (as in canon)
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: David, duh
A BROTP I have with said character: Stevie. i think people talk a lot about how cute stevie and david’s friendship is and even how cute alexis and patrick’s friendship is but stevie and patrick is just so good. they both love to tease and banter and just be a complete and total troll, especially to david. 
A NOTP I have with said character: Rachel, duh
A random headcanon: idk if it’s random, might be pretty common, but i like to think that patrick always knew deep down that he was gay - the way he didn’t really pay attention to the girl in porn (when he did watch it) or the way he liked to spend time with the guys on his sports team over hanging out with his gf, or how his room was plastered with posters of different sports players but also they had their shirts off. how he sort of knew but really had no way of knowing because there was no one he liked like that that was a boy. not until he met david rose.
General opinion of said character: my sweet button baby, precious boy deserves the world. 
Sexuality headcanon: bisexual but with a preference of dating men
Gender headcanon: female
A ship I have with said character: Ted
A BROTP I have with said character: like i said above, i think her and patrick’s friendship is so cute but i’m gonna go with her sibling. the bond that forms between david and alexis is just so pure - they actually become siblings and friends and i love them so much. omg and Twyla because their friendship is just so fucking cute and pure.
A NOTP I have with said character: Mutt, ugh. & sorry I can’t get on board with Alexis/Stevie either. they’ve constantly talked about how Stevie is part of the family - she’s treated like a Rose every episode so I just find it ehh to ship them but to each their own, ship who you want, idgaf lol 
A random headcanon: *read Ted’s* but also, yeah that she’s living her best boss girl self in NYC, growing her business and making moves. 
General opinion of said character: i love Alexis, she’s so hilarious in her facial expressions and mannerisms. i’ve never seen such hilarious physical comedy than i have on this show. Annie is a star and i can’t wait to see her in more things.
Sexuality headcanon: pansexual (as in canon)
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: Patrick, duh
A BROTP I have with said character: Stevie, Alexis, even Ronnie (see previous ask). i love his friendship with Stevie so much because it’s his first real friend in probably ever, and he’s hers too. they’re both just so closed off and similar that they never were able to let anyone in to actually be their friend so when they became friends it was just magic, they’re soulmates in the friend sense. I also love his friendship that he gained with his sister (see above in Alexis). 
A NOTP I have with said character: Stevie, Jake, Sebastien. Literally anyone who isn’t Patrick
A random headcanon: that he and Patrick are living their best lives in their cute little cottage house in schitt’s creek,  expanding their business, and just loving their life. David knows he could live in this town forever if it meant being with Patrick - anywhere is home as long as they’re together. 
General opinion of said character: MY BABY. he deserves the world and to be protected at all costs. there’s always been people connecting to characters in meaningful ways and I’ve never really seen that for myself - yes, I am a cisgendered heterosexual woman but i’ve never connected on a deep level to any cisgendered heterosexual women like not Alexis or Moira or any other female on other shows. however with David I can. David is sarcastic and has his walls up, he’s been taken advantage of time and time again. he’s been used and abused, he thought he’d never find love or happiness. I still find it hard sometimes to be optimistic and say I will find happiness and someone who will love me unconditionally but even though David isn’t a real person, just seeing him be so happy and loved so openly and wholly by Patrick gives me hope. I’ve been in emotionally abusive relationships, I’ve been used for just my body, I’ve been taken advantage of by exes and friends, I’m always there for people but yet I don’t get anything in return. So yeah this got away from me lmaooo but yeah i just love David Rose so fucking much.
Sexuality headcanon: bisexual 
Gender headcanon: female
A ship I have with said character: no one, my girl deserves the best and we haven’t seen that on the show
A BROTP I have with said character: David, Patrick, Alexis. I love all these friendships for different reasons. David because like I said, they’re soulmates but in a friend way. Patrick cause they’re both trolls. And Alexis, because Stevie’s never really had any girl friends before and having someone like Alexis look out for her and want her to be happy, I think it really helped Stevie gain confidence in herself and her abilities to run shit. 
A NOTP I have with said character: Jake, Emir, any of the loser guys they set her up with. David, ugh they are not right romantically lol.
A random headcanon: that she spends as much time as she can bothering David by coming over to their house unannounced. Patrick just finds it hilarious because of course he does. 
General opinion of said character: I love Stevie, I thought her ending was great, how she didn’t have a romantic interest and just was excited about their franchise of Rosebud Motel. I hope that if they ever do a special or a movie or something that they do give her a romantic partner because she deserves to be loved unconditionally.
Sexuality headcanon: straight
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: no one, i really dont care lmao
A BROTP I have with said character: does he even have friends???
A NOTP I have with said character: Alexis
A random headcanon: that he died
General opinion of said character: I don’t care lol
Sexuality headcanon: pansexual
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: Jake doesn’t do monogamy so no one lol
A BROTP I have with said character: does he even have friends or does he just fuck everyone??
A NOTP I have with said character: Stevie, David. 
A random headcanon: i don’t even know, i don’t think about Jake enough lol 
General opinion of said character: he was a great character, I liked the drama he brought and how it also wasn’t really drama because Jake’s just Jake which is also something I loved. like you can’t hate him cause he’s just Jake. he does what he wants when he wants, he doesn’t do monogamy, he likes to have fun, but he doesn’t hurt anyone in the process because he’s upfront about it from the jump.
Send me a character & I’ll answer those questions 
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reachexceedinggrasp · 5 years ago
"I will never argue with anyone on these terms because I reject them and will not play this game even if I would win" ~ Hi, I feel this in my bones but am also wondering on which terms DO you argue in this case? By re-framing it as: "you're right, my ship is unwoke, idgaf, that's not what draws me to a dynamic and it WORKS (and can be canon) regardless of your morals" etc? Not trying to be a smart alec here, just genuinely interested in reading more of your thoughts on this if you care to share?
The only way to win the game with antis is not to play.The correct response to the purity police is ‘it’s not real, I do what I want’. They don’t deserve anything deeper than that. You don’t owe them explanation or your ‘credentials’.
1. Arguing against harassment by debating the degree of your ship’s wokeness is accepting that a ship’s wokeness somehow matters. It assumes that shipping is activism, that your taste in fiction is both a barometer of your goodness as a person and an inherently political act (hilarious when antis all lionise reactionary extruded movie product US propaganda from the Disney monopoly). It assumes people ‘decide’ what to ship based on the ~optics~ of the ship and not dynamic, chemistry, storytelling potential, tropes, hotness, emotional resonance, etc. It assumes it is a conscious decision. None of this is true. There is no ‘morality of shipping’. And you can tell when people do decide to ship something because they want to score points rather than out of genuine engagement because they don’t consume or create actual content for the ship. Even if they do, no one likes those ‘eat your vegetables’ purity fics. They’re joyless and condescending.
2. Arguing against harassment by saying reylos are majority marginalised people (which reylos do constantly) is a statement that it isn’t harassment that’s the problem, it’s the target. This just in: there are no acceptable targets. Don’t harass people over shipping regardless of who you think they are (not that you know, because this is the Internet and you shouldn’t make assumptions). I don’t care if a fandom is made up of 100% straight white rich men, don’t bully real people over fictional characters. It’s bullying that is wrong, not who you choose to bully. There is no such thing as righteous bullying.
Reylo is not a problematic ship, but even if it were the darkest most problematic ship ever that would change nothing. It’s not real, people can ship unhealthy or unrealistic pairings to their heart’s content. Fiction is a safe place to explore extremes of emotion and dangerous choices, etc. That’s part of the reason we write stories. Fiction reflects society, it does not create it. Audiences read their own perspective into stories, they don’t look to novels to define their worldview for them.
Reylo is a vanilla E-t-L ship between two straight white virgins who I wanted to see get married and live happily ever after, there’s no part of that I need to deny or mitigate to get the moral high ground. I have the moral high ground by virtue of enjoying my fandom with like-minded individuals and not harassing anyone. How you treat actual human beings is of infinitely more importance than the wokeness of your headcanons. I think the thematic message of reylo is powerfully subversive to the status quo of American pop culture in a far more significant way than slapping some empty labels on it to meet tumblr’s shallow quotas, but I’m not going to offer that discussion to antis because it wouldn’t matter if it wasn’t. A ship does not need to make a statement to be ‘valid’ or for shippers to be ‘allowed’ to ship it.
The fact that people react so violently to the implication that recovery is possible, forgiveness is possible, and anyone can become better and live a better life is the real indictment not the fact that we’re shipping white or straight characters.
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jyndor · 5 years ago
like imagine for a second that we live in a JUST world and mara appeared in the cass show
he's a spy and I could def see him trying to recruit her since she is a TOTAL BAMF
like maybe they are accidentally at the same Very Important Imperial Ball, and he's like, this poor kid being perv'd on by these nasty old men is def a child soldier (takes one to know one), and she's like, this ruggedly handsome yet skinny Successful Business Man/Imperial Officer/whatever the fuck is def a spy because she has a really good Danger Sense and this motherfucker is dangerous
and then somehow there is a Plot Thing that forces them to work together* to deal with the Plot Thing, and the whole time they're both internally screaming about how they are working with a literal spy for the enemy, and they both KNOW that the other knows, but they won't say because that would destroy the Plausible Deniawhatever
then they kill their mutual enemies and Cass, being a pro recruiter, is like... "you know we pay our child soldiers a liveable wage at what is Def Not the Rebellion" jk it would be heartfelt and kind lol
and Mara, despite herself, has enjoyed the camaraderie she's found with this Def Not a Rebel Spy, but old Sheevy is like her father and she cannot betray him (even if she should) so she has to tell him to fuck off, except he gives her a way to contact him if she changes her mind
except there are seeds of doubt in her head now, and when she learns about the Death Star destroying Jedha and Alderaan, she tries to contact that old rebel spy she met years before, but she can't get in touch with him
and THEN they meet again on Hoth and she takes a shine to his wife Jyn Erso, and Cass and Mara can get hype about piloting and sharpshooting and sabaac, and she starts dating Sabine because lesbians, and then she becomes a Jedi (and I mean she can fuck Luke too idgaf) and everything is happy haha hahaha haaaaAGGGHHH
*in Legends canon Mara and Luke actually worked together during the Rebellion once, so it's not ooc for her
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mewgagotoku · 7 years ago
Tags/Verses Masterpost!
Figured I should probably make one of these to keep track.
Yakuza-series independent RP blog; open and welcoming to AU, multi-fandom and OCs.  Expect canon-typical violence and dark metaphor; NSFW/explicit content will always be tagged. [THIS POST IS A WORK IN PROGRESS, EXPECT UPDATES ~ posting it now before it gets any longer...]
Robz, 21+; RPed for a long damn time; friendly, but shy.  I write, draw and sing - or at least make motions to that effect. 日本語で書いてことできるんだけど恥ずかしいから英語のほうがいいんです。よろしくお願いします。Interests include: music, video games, horror.  Ask for my Discord ID, and lets plot shenanigans!
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[Majima Goro] [Goromi] 真島吾朗 ~ The Mad Dog of Shimano/The Lord of the Night; Sharp as a blade and stabby to boot, Majima is a yakuza through and through - unpredictable, violent and just a bit smarter than he lets on.
[Makimura Makoto] マキムラマコト ~ Not All Who Wander Are Lost; A young woman caught up in a world of darkness she could never hope to fully understand.  Makoto is determined and independent, and perhaps just a little reckless. (Somewhat canon-divergent after Yakuza 0 - rather than returning to Hogushi Kaikan, Makoto instead begins working with charities focused on helping human trafficking victims and other vulnerable members of society. She won’t sit around and wait for a hero any longer, instead, she wants to become her own.)
[Oda Jun] 尾田純 ~ Tachibana Real Estate’s Lap Dog; Unrepentant and proud, Oda knows his place in the world because he carved it for himself.  He won’t let anybody stand in his way.
[Dojima Daigo] - Testing~
[Hana] 菊川花~ Sky Finance’s Backbone; Hana sometimes wonders why she bothers coming to work in the morning, but it’s a good job she always does.
[Akamine Tenji]  赤嶺典二「天使」~ OC; a host originally from Gifu who has no idea what he’s about to get himself into. Polite, gregarious and kind, his sweetness hides an ambition for greatness that he will pursue to the end of the earth. (FC: Mizushima Hiro) Tenji now has his own blog over at @hachidorinoko​​ with both Yakuza and Persona 5 verses!
[Hayashi Bara] 林薔薇 ~ OC; daughter of Hayashi Hiroshi, Bara is something of a tearaway punk trying to find her place in the world. Rude and obnoxious, she is in truth as vulnerable as she appears, though she’ll go to any lengths to hide that. (FC: Tsuchiya Anna) Bara now has her own blog over at @splinteredthorn !
[Futaba Sakura] 佐倉双葉 ~ Persona 5. Not active on this blog, but she has her own sub-blog at @hikikohacker
Hit me up, who knows what’s next.........
Setting these up as I go along, so forgive me if they’re a bit lax...
DBAA ~ Don’t Be An Asshole; plain and simple!
No minors, please; I keep my NSFW stuff tagged, so it can be avoided if you’d rather not read it, but I will not generally place it under cuts and nor do I wish to feel as if I should.  Absolutely no smut with minors, no exceptions.
We don’t have to be mutuals to interact! We don’t even have to be from the same series/universe/whatever.  If you wanna RP, just hit me up and we’ll figure something out!
If you’re not sure about something, ASK ME! I don’t bite, and I certainly don’t want to cause confusion or frustration with anything I’ve written.  You can message me through tumblr, or ask for my Discord so we can talk things through.
I WRITE A LOT -- I like big paragraphs and I cannot lie... don’t feel like you have to keep up with me! I’d prefer a reply which is short and to the point than to feel like you’re stressing over matching my waffle.
I may unfollow RP blogs which post a lot of OOC/irrelevant content. This doesn’t mean I don’t like you or don’t want to RP with you, it just clogs up my dash and I don’t really like it. Drop me a message if you have any questions, but I can guarantee it’s nothing against you personally! Your blog, your rules -- you do you!
VERSES (in no particular order)
ALLEGORY (verse) - Oda/Tachibana; set shortly before and during Yakuza 0 (iloveoda-san)
[Colder Heavens] - In which the heating in the penthouse gives up the ghost during a snowfall. [NSFW]
[Bad Dog] - Unaware of his surroundings, Oda disrupts a very important meeting. [NSFW]
[Lacryma Christi] [2] - Oda unwittingly catches Tachibana in a vulnerable moment.
[imagining noises] [2] -~ During Tachibana’s forced exile, Oda finds himself alone and invisible.
DOG TEETH  (verse)  Kiryu/Majima; various. (fourthchairman)
[uroboros] [2] (the snake which bites its own tail) - Majima has been trying to wrench Kiryu and Makoto apart for too long - Kiryu has finally had enough. [NSFW]
[Love on the Brain] [2] ~ Majima/Kiryu - Absence makes the heart grow fonder... and more obscene. [NSFW] 
[All I Want Is You] [2] - WHOOPS. Majima makes the kind of mistake he can’t just sweep under the rug.
[Road Trip] [2] - Following on from All I Want Is You, Kiryu and Majima take a road trip down toward Okinawa... [NSFW]
A PALACE FROM RUIN (verse) - Nishikiyama and Makoto; post Yakuza 0 (iheartkiryu)
[Blossoms] [2] - Looking for flowers to brighten up her apartment, Makoto runs into an acquaintance, and finds an unexpected new friend.
[Debts Unpaid] [2] - Hunting after the one-eyed man whose name she knows not, Makoto falls afoul of the Shimano Family who don’t take kindly to curiosity.
[Hare Among Foxes] [2] - Determined to save other vulnerable girls from her own cruel fate, Makoto sets out to take on the underworld.  Caught in a little white lie, she runs into an unexpected obstacle.
[Confessions] - Nishikiyama meets with Majima on Makoto’s behalf to arrange a meeting between the two of them.
[Antidote to Heartache] - Deciding to get out of the city for a bit, Makoto and Nishikiyama take a drive out to Sunshine Orphanage.
AFTER THE RAIN (verse) - Majima/Nishikiyama; Post Yakuza 1 AU. (fishikiyama)
[IDGAF] (In Despair, Grief, And Fury) - Six months in hospital have changed more than just Nishiki’s appearance.   Still hurting from being left behind, Majima rises to the occasion.
[序盤] (joban; opener e,g in Shogi or Go) - Fortunately for Nishiki, banging a shogi board is complicated. [NSFW]
POETRY AND DEATH (verse) - Oda and Tachibana; set during the two years before Y0 (iloveoda-san)
[Poetry and Death] [2] - After a fight with a rival gang, Tachibana is shot, and Oda must fight to keep him alive.
[Marble] [2] ~ An intimate, drunken decision. [NSFW]
[Let it Burn] ~ Oda finds himself trapped inside a residential building when the Cornflowers decide to pre-rempt some revenge against his crew.
YOU KNOW BETTER (verse) Majima/Makoto; Post Yakuza 0 (italian-love-cake)
[Switches Never Flicked] - Majima and Makoto ~ A fire on Pink Street lands Makoto in unknown peril.
[Don’t Feed It, It Will Come Back] - Majima/Makoto ~ Despite his better judgement, Majima can’t bear to leave Makoto alone.
[Tastes Like Chicken] - Majima/Makoto ~ Majima meets Makoto after work to take her on a date.
WHISKY AND GIN (verse) - Majima/Nishitani; Yakuza 0 (dreamoffuchsia)
[Pushing Buttons] - Majima/Nishitani ~ Eatin’ some sushi, downin’ some drinks, smashin’ some faces... the usual. [NSFW content]
[Soaked] - Majima/Nishitani ~ Majima and Nishitani raid a group of loan sharks who have been preying on hostesses. Guns are dangerous. [NSFW content] [tw: drugs]
[Penance] - Majima/Nishitani ~ Alternate ending for Soaked. The tongues of dead men sing songs. [NSFW content] [tw: drugs]
[Smokin’] [2] - Majima/Nishitani ~ Where’ve you been all my life? Or at least for the last week. [NSFW]
[Foam Party!!!] ~ Majima/Nishitani - Do not leave Majima unattended anywhere ever, under any circumstances.
[Promises] - Majima/Nishitani ~ What’s that?! A wedding proposal?! [NSFW content]
[Boa Constrictor] - Goromi/Nishitani ~ Be careful what you wish for... [NSFW]
[MyMail] - After a New Years Day spent winding one another up via text, Majima comes home to find Nishitani has made some very particular plans for their time... [NSFW]
[Amour] - Nishitani has commissioned a very special gift for Majima. Would be a shame not to make use of it. [NSFW content]
[Puppy Love] - It’s Valentines Day, and the only logical gift for the man who has everything is... a puppy??
[Til Death Do Us Part] - Nishitani gets some bad news from the hospital. They’ve clawed their way through everything so far, but could this finally tear them apart?
JUNIPER AND VANILLA (verse) - Majima/Nishitani; Yakuza 0 (dreamoffuchsia)
[Anniversary of a Dead Man] - Majima/Nishitani ~ Nishitani struggles with a debt he can’t ever repay.
[Guilty Party] - Majima/Nishitani ~ When Nishitani calls him away from work, Majima understands that this is more than just a social call. [tw: suicide mentions]
[Demon Days] - Majima/Nishitani ~ After Nishitani’s death, he’s the last person Majima expects to bump into. [tw: suicide mentions]
[Modern Leper] - Some twenty-five or thirty years after Nishitani’s death, Majima wakes in the night to the unmistakable feeling that he and Saejima aren’t alone. [tw: suicide mentions]
SHE’S A MYSTERY (verse) - Majima and Owl Eyes O’Malley; various (rileysroleplayreservoir)
[睡蓮花] [2] (suirenka; water lily) - Majima and Owl Eyes O’Malley; set somewhere between 1995-2005.
[危険な水] (kikenna mizu; dangerous water) - Majima and Owl Eyes O’Malley; While searching for a golden macguffin - in this case, a watch - Majima find some interesting flotsam around the concrete edges of Tokyo Bay,
[Angry Birds] - Swooping in to pull Riley out of a fight he believes she can’t handle, Majima learns a thing or two.
[Hungry Eyes] - Fortunately for the Majima family, Riley is on hand to feed their boss before he eats them.
[Hellooo Nurse] - Halloween costume shopping.
[Smores] - Settin’ fires and eatin’ candy.
[Shoulder Rubs] - “My back’s always kinky, how about yours?”
[Petals] - Riley runs into a rather concussed Goromi. Like always, trouble sticks to the two of them like a magnet.
[Bellyaching and Babysitting] - With a broken wrist, Majima is more snappy than ever.
[Call of the Cicada] - When a former detective goes feral, somehow it falls to Majima and Riley to figure out what the hell went wrong.
[One Thought Too Many] - Too much to drink and too much to say about it.
UNCLE STABBY (verse) ~ Majima and Haruka; various (0tometal)
[Pumpkins] - Two kids (one significantly older) carving pumpkins for Halloween while Kiryu is away.
[Bonito] - Majima and Haruka ~ If uncle Majima knew anything about cooking, he’d be dangerous.  He’s dangerous enough anyway.
[Jingle Bells] - Majima enlists Haruka’s help to decorate an enormous Christmas Tree at Kamurocho Hills
[Games Night] - Looking after Haruka for a night, Majima can’t seem to understand the appeal of Katamari Damacy when he can’t find the button to punch the King of all Cosmos in his huge grey face.
[Only Revolutions] - TBA
THE TRUE FOURTH CHAIRMAN (verse) ~ 2018; AU in which Kiryu retains the mantle of the Fourth Chairman (fourthchairman)
[In Clover] - Kiryu/Tenji; Fourth Chairman AU ~ When Tenji is at the very end of his luck, a chance meeting with the Tojo Clan’s legendary Fourth Chairman stands to change his life forever.
[The Jealous Boy] - Kiryu/Tenji ~ Try as he might, Tenji just can’t help being jealous of the men to whom Kiryu so generously gifts his time.
NO MAN IS AN ISLAND (verse) ~ Majima and Saejima (eighteencounts)
[Never Forgotten] - (post-Y4) The two blood brothers try to find footing with one another after twenty-five years apart.
[It Ain't on the Surface] - Majima/Saejima - Majima plans a date night at the top of Kamurocho Hills.
[Garnet] - When Majima is jumped and badly injured, there’s only one safe place he can go.
WALK TALL (verse) ~ Majima/Nishitani (trans) (dreamoffuchsia)
[Secret] - Nishitani has a secret that Majima is about to find out... will it change them forever? [NSFW content]
[Yes Sir] - Hard at work in the Majima Family offices... or not. [NSFW]
[Shameless] - Majima brings Nishitani and Saejima together in the bedroom. Best. Birthday. Ever. [NSFW]
TWO WRONGS MAKE A FIGHT (verse) - Majima/Kiryu; so many years unrequited, and Majima can’t take a minute longer. (fourthchairman)
[Drunk In Love] - Majima slips a little something into Kiryu’s drink to finally take what he’s wanted all these years... [NSFW] [tw: dub con]
[The Abduction] - Kiryu’s revenge. [NSFW] [tw:dub con]
SHE BRINGS THE MORNING SUN (verse) - Majima and Yuki (vineqar)
[Dondondondondonki] [2] - Majima and Yuki; Yakuza 0.  Something very strange is going on in Club Sunshine, and it’s up to the dynamic duo to resolve it before opening - or tear each other apart in the process.
[Lose the Light] - Majima and Yuki; Yakuza 0 ~ Though seemingly unrelated, when Youda goes missing, Majima finds the weight of the world closing in around him.
[Sotenbori’s Finest Fashions] - Majima and Yuki; Yakuza 0 ~ tba
SNAKE’S NEST (verse) - Goromi and Nishitani; Yakuza 0 (dreamoffuchsia)
[Rattlesnake] - Goromi/Nishitani - Goromi is an A-List Queen strutting her stuff in the underground of Sotenbori.  Is the Viper Vixen about to meet her match? [NSFW content]
[Cobra Queen] - Goromi/Nishitani - TBA [NSFW content]
FRIENDS WITH FINANCIAL BENEFITS (verse) - Majima and Akiyama; post Yakuza 4 (criminaldelights)
[Ninety-Nine Bottles of Gold Label] Majima and Akiyama ~ Drunk as a skunk, having lost his wallet somewhere along the way, Majima hopes to get a bit of help from a friend with a bit more liquid capital.
[Bad Parenting] - Majima finds an abandoned puppy and tries to give it to Hana to look after.
[爆発] (bakuhatsu; explosion) - Majima and Akiyama; While Majima is showing Akiyama around Kamurocho Hills, an explosion threatens both of their lives.
[Mad Dog Allergy] - Majima and Akiyama
[Clingy] - Majima/Akiyama ~ Majima doesn't want Akiyama to go.
[NSFW-ish] - Majima/Akiyama
[Fugitive Motel] - Majima/Akiyama [NSFW]
[Endangered Mousse] - Majima and Akiyama
THERE IN A HEARTBEAT (verse) - Makoto and Majima; post Yakuza 0 (criminaldelights)
[Laurel Wreath] Majima/Makoto ~ Almost a year after the events surrounding the Empty Lot, Majima sets out to find Makoto and see her one last time.
[Lady and the Tramp] - Makoto/Majima ~ Majima attempts to buy Makoto a puppy to keep her company. Trouble is, they're all too cute...
[Linked] - Makoto/Majima - Majima's last day in Sotenbori with Makoto.
??? (verse) - Majima and Saejima; various. (criminaldelights)
[Lord of the Cats] - Saejima smuggles a kitten into a restaurant.
[Absolution] - Guilt, blame and forgiveness cannot be extricated from one another.
[Mad Pup and Bear Cub] (pre Y0 verse) Majima makes an important confession.. and then tries to act like he didn't.
PLAY NICE (verse) - Goromi and Nishitani; Yakuza 0 (dreamoffuchsia)
[Well-Mannered] - Nishitani has been visiting Goromi for a while now at Sagawa’s request.  Despite their initial nerves around one another, the two are beginning to form a connection.
NOTICE ME, SENSEI (verse) - Majima and Saejima; Elementary School Teacher AU
[Dirty Deeds] - TBA
[City Lights] ~ Kiryu and Makoto; post Yakuza 0.
[大理石龍] [2] (dairisekiryuu; marble dragon) ~ Kiryu/Makoto.  An intimate moment. [NSFW]
[弱虫毛虫] [2] (yowamushi kemushi; cowardly caterpillar) - Nishikiyama and Majima; Yakuza Kiwami ~ In the process of recruiting, Majima falls afoul of the Nishikiyama family.
[What if...?] [2] ~ Tachibana and Makoto;  Post Yakuza 0 AU ~ What if things had turned out differently...? [here be spoilers]
[Takoyaki] [2] ~ Majima and Makoto; Yakuza 0 ~ During Makoto’s stay in Odyssey’s warehouse..
[Billion Yen Opportunity] [2] ~ Majima and Ammy Highwind; Yakuza 0 ~ A real estate agent approaches Majima while the world falls to pieces around him.  She seeks only one thing... [here be spoilers]
[King Among Fools] - Majima and Tamaki [Ouran HC]; Yakuza Kiwami ~ Majima is out to stir some trouble, and rescues a young host with such conviction, he doesn’t need rescue at all.
[石橋の仕掛け] [2] (Ishibashi no shikake; Ishibashi’s Gambit) - Majima and Tamotsu ~ Majima is given the task of delivering some documents to an unknown contact - it becomes quickly apparent that there is more to this than meets the eye.
[Beat It] [2] - Tachibana and Oda; pre Yakuza 0 AU ~ There is not a more feared officer on the beat than Tachibana...
[Skymail] [2] - drunk texts(?) from yakooziez
[Stray] - Majima/Makoto; post Yakuza 0 ~ Handing out leaflets for an animal shelter in Kamurocho, Makoto catches sight of the man she’s been searching for all this time.
[Silver and Gold] - Majima/Kiryu; Yakuza 0 ~ A Masquerade ball at The Grand
[Little Lost Rabbit] - Tachibana and Makoto, pre Yakuza 0; 6-year-old Makoto learns to deal (or not deal) with some school bullies.
[Rude Awakening] - Majima and Nishikiyama; After the supposed suicide of an important businessman, Majima grabs Nishiki to find his missing daughter, Aiko.
[Night and Day] - Makoto and Majima; Yakuza 0 ~ Whilst hiding out in a warehouse in Sotenbori, Makoto and Majima’s hiding place is stumbled upon by some unwelcome visitors.
[Vogue] - Makoto and Majima; post-Yakuza 0 ~ The girls head to an onsen to relax and find some time to chat and be themselves.
[Thorns] - Hayashi and Nishitani; Dead Souls ~ Realising her father is trapped inside the quarantine zone, Bara will stop at nothing to get inside and try to save him.
[Ten by Ten] Majima and Kiryu; Kiwami ~ Majima is far too proud of his increasingly honed ability to goad Kiryu into a fight, no matter the cost to his bones.
[Wake] Majima and Daigo ~ Attending a funeral for Mosugi of Yokohama’s Yamanobu Family, Majima uncovers hints of a plot.
[Secure] Makoto and Kiryu ~ TBA
[Emergency Contact] Majima and Tamotsu - TBA
[おしりかじり虫] (oshirikajiri mushi; bottom-biting bug) - In which Majiima is definitely not jealous of Daigo’s new friend.
[Break a Leg] - Majima and Shinada ~ Majima is tasked with keeping an eye on an injured Shinada while he recovers.
[Favours] - Majima/Daigo ~ A stolen kiss to save the chairman from a terribly dull fate.
[Asphyxiating Artist] - Majima and Tamotsu ~ Majima finds a rather handsome sketch of himself on the floor after a meeting. Somebody’s in trouble...
[Delayed Reaction] - Majima and Tamotsu ~ When a street fight goes wrong, Majima ends up more injured than he would care to admit.
[Last Wishes] Majima/Akiyama ~ Majima knows he hasn’t much longer left to live, but he has an important message to pass on, and Akiyama is the only person he can trust to do so.
[With All Your Faults And All] Majima and Makoto ~ Odyssey’s warehouse, an open door where secrets hinge.
[裏玉ご注意ほう!] (uratama gochuuihou; watch out for balls) Majima and Nishida - The tragic demise of one very greedy raccoon.
[How To Train A Hostess] - Majima and Sagawa ~ TBA
[Short Leash] - Majima and Nishida ~ TBA
[Clever Girl] - TBA
[iloveoda-san] Tachibana Tetsu @iloveoda-san
[majimaoneeyedfool] Majima Goro @majimaoneeyedfool
[fishikiyama] Nishikiyama Akira @fishikiyama
[fourthchairman] Kiryu Kazuma @fourthchairman
[iheartkiryu] Nishikiyama Akira @iheartkiryu
[vineqar] Yuki (Hostess) @vineqar
[yakuzaoflove] [kingofkamuro] Tamotsu Shimizu/Mamoru Azumi @kingofkamuro
[ammy-highwind] Ammy Highwind @ammy-highwind
[justsomedaddythings] Suoh Tamaki @justsomedaddythings
[rileysroleplayreservoir] Riley “Owl Eyes” O’Malley @rileysroleplayreservoir
[italian-love-cake] Makimura Makoto @italian-love-cake
[mmajimagoro] Majima Goro @mmajimagoro
[0tometal] Sawamura Haruka @0tometal
[dreamoffuchsia] Nishitani Homare @dreamoffuchsia
[snxkehips] Majima Goroko (genderswap) @snxkehips
[eighteencounts] Saejima Taiga @eighteencounts
[draconic-fury] Kiryu Kazuma @draconic-fury
[okunokanosei] / [criminaldelights] Akiyama Shun @criminaldelights
[criminaldelights] Majima Goro
[brassbounded] Dojima Daigo @brassbounded
[dxjima] [dojima-ryuu] Dojima Daigo @dxjima
[shofukucho] Makimura Makoto @shofukucho
[nishidawho] Nishida @nishidawho
[sagawawho] Sagawa Tsukasa @sagawawho
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[nsfw] [bdsm] ~ filter these tags if you’d rather not see it! All explicit content should be tagged under this; please let me know if I’ve missed anything.
Trigger warnings: [tw: death] [tw: knifeplay] [tw: dub con] [tw: drugs] [tw: suicide mention]
Asks are always open!! Drop me a line with a question, a message, a plot, a prompt, a starter -- everything is welcome!
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jacqthehermit · 7 years ago
Why Do I Ship BoruSara
WARNING: Pro-BoruSara, if you are an anti/hater and you still read this then don’t blame me if you get triggered. I already warned you, not my fault. Learn to stay in your lane, mofos.
Agree or disagree, this is my opinion IDGAF
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First of all I want to say sorry anon. I know you’ve been like “WTH Jacq! I’ve seen you online and posting some shit why the fuck are you not answering my question!?!” I know okay? I’m sorry.
The reason why I keep on delaying my answer to this is because I cannot decide whether I’m gonna answer this short or if I’m gonna make a detailed blog about it. Finally, after contemplating for days, I decided to just make it short. I think if I make a detailed blog, it will be long as fuck and never ending since I love the ship so much lmao. No one reads my long ass boring af blogs and try hard short stories anyway (which I make to accompany my drawings sometimes) FeelsBadMan
So what made me ship BoruSara in the first place? I think my answer can be found in most of my previous blogs about them and I will say it again here. The reason I started shipping BoruSara is because I wanted a different approach in romance in the story.
The main ships in first gen was basically: Girl finds the boy cool, falls for him and girl saved by the boy, eventually develops deeper feelings for him. I know they were puppy love at first which grew into real love at the end. I mean I ain’t complaining about that especially my first OTP was one of them, SS. It’s just that I want to move on with this kind of romantic development. We’re in the next generation now! Time for something new!!!
That’s why when I first saw Boruto and Sarada in Chapter 700, I fell in love and shipped them right away. The chemistry was so overflowing I just can’t. I know antis and haters are just blind to see that or just in denial lmao. 
“Why Boruto?! You shipped SS in the first gen. Sasuke was the stoic, mysterious, silent, bad boy type. Boruto is the opposite!!! You should’ve ship Sarada with someone else!!! Our princess doesn’t deserve this annoying loud piece of shit” 
Yes I like those type of anime guys but sometimes I also like those loud, aggressive and playful ones. Like when I read shoujo mangas before, sometimes I’m all in for the jerk male lead but there will also be times when I fall for the second male lead who is a nice guy. Same goes for here. Again, we’re in the next gen, time for change mofos!
What I also like about him is that he aint some dumb shit. Boruto is smart, he studies well (thanks to his mother) and he is a prodigy. Yeah he was rebellious at first but after the Momoshiki fight, he stopped being a whiny bitch about his dad which I really appreciate a lot. I mean he was just a kid and his dad rarely goes home what do you fucking expect? He’ll understand right away? Even in real life we all know how kids act rebelliously and go emotional whenever they don’t receive enough attention from their parents so I don’t get why people can’t understand that? I mean are we all living in the same planet or what seriously.
The hate about Boruto being super strong and a prodigy is weird as well. First he is the fucking protagonist whether you or I like it or not. Of course he will be the OP one just like in other shounen anime/manga. Second, Boruto is the fucking son of Naruto and Hinata, nephew of Neji, grand son of Minato and Kushina. WHAT DO YOU FUCKING EXPECT FROM THEIR GENES?! WHY ON EARTH WILL THEY PRODUCE A WEAKLING!?! OF COURSE HE’S GONNA BE FUCKING OP. It’s not like it’s Boruto’s fault that he came from a super strong family. He is born this way smh.
“Why Sarada?! She’s mean to Boruto!!! She doesn’t care about him! She hurts him! She only cares about being hokage! Boruto deserves better than this arrogant bitch!!!”
I don’t really get this “Sarada is mean to Boruto”. As far as I know, she’s always concern about him. Even from the beginning when Boruto was fighting with Iwabe, it was clear that she was worried, Chou Chou even noticed it. Whenever Boruto gets hurt, Sarada is always the one tending his wounds (ex: during their Mist village field trip and during their first mission as team 7 where she pulled the bandages tighter because she knew Boruto was lying that he was not hurt.) 
Sarada always checks on Boruto, not only because she doesn’t want their team to encounter some trouble but because she doesn’t want Boruto to do something reckless (remember when she nominated him as class field trip leader so she can keep an eye on him). If she’s fucking mean to him and doesn’t give a shit about him, I don’t think she will give a damn to do these things. If this is what being mean is to you then I don’t know what kind of comprehension you guys have lmao.
Alright about Sarada’s words and action towards Boruto. Sarada scolds Boruto obviously because we all know that Boruto is hard headed (still we also know that even if she scolds him or whoever it is, he will still go on his way just like his dad lol) And it’s not like she’s insulting him or saying hurtful words. Most of the time they’re just arguing and I don’t think there is something wrong with that. It’s normal to argue specially when your ideas clash with each other.
How about when she hits Boruto? I don’t know but in real life when we play fight or tease with our friends, we tend to punch or slap each other. BUT of course not as hard as shown in anime because bruh of course in anime it will be super exaggerated for the comedy. Same when for example our friend is about to do something stupid or has done something wrong, sometimes we be like “Bruh why you did that!” then we hit them on the head (again not as hard as shown in the anime cuz we irl) Therefore I just think it’s nothing serious.
Don’t start me with “No Sarada is violent with Boruto!!” Again, this is anime, and that “hitting” is just part of the comedy. If you still gonna go with this stupid reason then what about Temari? She hits both of Shikamaru and Shikadai even with her fucking weapon. Does she SERIOUSLY wanted to hurt or kill them? Of course not, why would she do that to his husband and child. This is all just fucking exaggeration to show how pissed the character is. All animes/mangas do this ffs. 
“Pfft! But if BoruSara go canon it’ll be so cliche!”
You wanna know what’s more cliche? The fucking male protagonist of the shounen manga/anime falls for that female character who is
Usually weak at the beginning, then will just grow stronger at the end.
The ideal type for most men: The girly girl, shy type with big tits. If you act rough, or you’re boyish with a flat chest, you’re out.
In love with him or already has feelings for him right from the start because he is the coolest guy she ever met or she regards him as her hero.
Sounds familiar? Sounds like Na-ru-to *cough* Fai-ry-Ta-il *cough* Ble-ach *cough* <insert other shounen anime/manga with same shit> 
Hold up your horses! Before you flame and send me hate, I just want to be fucking clear. I am not saying that this kind of romance structure in shounen anime/manga is wrong. I understand that shounen animes/mangas target the male audience that’s why anime/manga creators tend to choose this path most of the time. If you guys like it too that way (in every shounen) it’s fine, we’re cool. It’s just that for me, it gets boring once in a while. Also I am not hating on this type of characters. That’s how the author/creator wanted them to be, I can’t do anything about it.
Why can’t the male protagonist of the shounen manga/anime fall for the female character who is:
Already strong right from the beginning. I don’t get why their female love interests have to be this meek character at the beginning who usually will encounter some kind of trouble where the male lead will save her then only from that time she will realize or be inspired that she needs to be strong to not burden the male lead.
Bold, brave and has a strong personality. I am not saying she has to be necessarily boyish. What I am trying to say is that why is the love interest would always be that shy and timid type? Can’t it be the confident type this time? The one who can fight for herself and what she believes in. The one who is tough, can be rough sometimes but still ladylike all throughout.
Worthy to be called as his rival, on par on his skills and strength. Damsel in distress is so old fashioned! Princess being saved by a prince is nice but come on guys, ain’t it cooler to have a princess who can also fight beside you right from the start?!?!
These are the reasons why I ship BoruSara and why I want them to happen, they just complement each other so perfectly. In addition, I am also a huge sucker for rivals turned into lovers type of love story. I strongly believe that it is waaaaaaaaay better than the plain old love at first sight and boy saves girl shit.
 “B-but BoruSara won’t go canon because of this and that...”
I already made a blog about that. You guys can read it here if you haven’t yet.
There you go anon! I hope I was able to answer you. And yes this is the shortest that I can make it. I can still make it longer to be honest lol.
Later guys! I still got a drawing to finish.
Jacq out!  (*ゝω・)ノ
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pinkdiamondprince · 7 years ago
*rubs hands together* eridirk, rue/mytho for the ship thing?
 *Cackles* VERY WELL!!
 1. How domuch do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / maybe /ship it / aww / otp / ISIT CANON YET?
What nonsexual activities do they like to do together?
Lie on eachother and read. Strife together.
2. Who doeschores around the house?
Both ofthem. Eridan likes to do the shopping because he’s very concerned about whichproducts to use. Dirk does the laundry usually. But neither of them are veryneat, so if you open the fridge I can’t say what you’ll find in there. ;)
3. Who’s thebetter cook?
Eridan. Dirkis, not good. He’d probably pour orange soda over a raw steak and call itgourmet.
5. Who’s thefunniest drunk?
ProbablyEridan. He gets all emotional and clings to Dirk and either cries or tries togive him kisses.
6. Do they havekids?
I feel likethe thought of parenthood would terrify them and they might just get a petinstead. Though, IF by some twist of fate they ended up with a kid, it would behilarious.
7. Do they haveany traditions?
Hmm I feellike Eridan could have a thing for tradition. Maybe it’s stuff like on thefirst snow of the season they curl up together with a blanket and watch movies.
8. What do theyfight about?
Probablystuff like “I want to protect you stop doing the dangerous thing I’ll do thedangerous thing.” Or “You didn’t take care of yourself again you idiot.” Theymake up tho, because they both know why the other is mad.
9. What wouldthey do if they found their paring tag on tumblr? (If they have one)
Eridan wouldget really embarrassed and flustered and Dirk would start looking up commissioninfo.
10. Who cried atthe end of Marley and me?
Eridan sobshis eyes and Dirk holds him with a stoic face but tears are running down hischeeks as well.
11. Who alwayswins at Mario kart?
12. One thing Ilike about this ship?
They bothhave similar issues so they understand each other and are there for each otherand are very protective of each other and also they’re super badass together.
13. One thing Idon’t like about the ship?
It’sprobably idealistic to believe they’d get along so well, considering how emotionallystunted they both are.
14. The song Iwould say fits them?
I’ve got awhole playlist:Victorious -Panic! At the discoCastle of Glass -Linkin ParkThe Mighty Fall -Fall Out BoyStrange Love -HalseyAccidently In LoveIDGAF -Breathe CarolinaHopeless Wanderer -Mumford and SonsGarden -HalseyHerp de Derp - Bean, Stephon LaMar, & The Gregory BrothersAccidentally in Love -Counting CrowsUndisclosed Desires -Muse (Suggested by disgruntledbyeverything!)
15. Anotherheadcanon about the paring? (Free space)
They make agreat fighting team together.
1. How domuch do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / ISIT CANON YET?
2. What nonsexual activities do they like to do together?
3. Who doeschores around the house?
Uhh Rue doesthe laundry and shops. Mytho cleans. They both cook.
4. Who’s thebetter cook?
They’re bothpretty good at it.
5. Who’s thefunniest drunk?
Oh gee, they’reboth like 14 and I can’t imagine them drinking when they’re older. I guess ifthey did get drunk they’d just both be passed out on the floor with thoseswirly eyes.
6. Do they havekids?
Yeah, I candefinitely see it, and Rue would make sure they would get the best damnchildhood in the world. They’d have a great upbringing with two responsibleparents and uncle fakir and aunt ahiru.
7. Do they haveany traditions?
Maybe on theanniversary of the battle with the crow they get together with ahiru and fakirand either do a dance or just hang out.
8. What do theyfight about?
Oh gee, I thinkif they fought Mytho would end up feeling terrible and Rue would just cry. Maybethey would have moral disagreements? Mytho having like, a very straight-edged ideaof good and Rue willing to bend rules somewhat?
9. What wouldthey do if they found their paring tag on tumblr? (If they have one)
“How didthese people get so many pictures of us at different moments in our lives?” “Heylook someone drew a picture of us!”
10. Who cried atthe end of Marley and me?
Rue did.Mytho held her and expressed his sadness in a very constrained manner.
11. Who alwayswins at Mario kart?
They’re bothterrible at it and it’s a toss up over who gets 11th rather than 12thplace.
12. One thing Ilike about this ship?
They had alot of struggles, but in the end they’re overwhelming love for each otherbasically saved the day and they got to retire to a happy ending after all thepain.
13. One thing Idon’t like about the ship?
Not the bestof beginnings, or the healthiest of relationships for most of it.
14. The song Iwould say fits them?
Hm, LittleTalks by Of Monsters and Men?
15. Anotherheadcanon about the paring? (Free space)
Probablyhave some major pstd and other mental problems from their experiences that theywork through together.
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marmolita · 8 years ago
some thoughts about black sails
I have such mixed feelings about this show, so I thought maybe I would write them down starting with what bothers me. The Bad: - There is just TOO MUCH STUFF going on in this show. Too many characters, too many plots. It's really hard to keep track of everything at the same time. It's why I can't heartily recommend this show to people. - The editing makes it worse. If we're going to have twenty things going on, don't do them all in the same episode. The constant cutting away from intense moments like the storm scene to other random stuff just made everything confusing and less dramatic. If there's going to be a suspenseful, high-drama sequence, do the whole sequence at once! - In some ways, too much is left to the imagination. The circumstances under which Flint and Miranda left England are too vague. Did Thomas get disappeared because people found out James was involved with him? Because James was involved with Miranda? Or because of his politics and nothing at all to do with his sexual proclivities? We just don't know. - How long was Max in that tent, guys. How long. How is it that Charles Vane, who cares so much about freedom and is so against slavery, can take a woman captive and force her to be a sex slave as a punishment for something. - I know that because of treasure island Silver has to end up where he does, I do, but I'm still so fucking angry that he fucked everything up in the end and made all of those sacrifices for nothing (including and especially Charles's death). - Fucking Billy, man. Fucking Billy. How did he go from being a guy I enjoyed to being The Worst (TM). - Same for Dufresne tbh? The first battle for Dufresne was SO GOOD and then he turned out to be such an asshole. - On the one hand I enjoy the sex scenes. On the other hand there was at least one sex scene with two ladies where they were writhing and groaning and I was watching it thinking "you're like a foot apart, you're not even touching each other." If you're gonna do a sex scene, at least make the position feasible. - The f/f sex scenes seemed weirdly hetero? Like . . . it always looked like their motions were those of PIV sex. I guess that makes it more appealing to straight male viewers, idk, and to be fair, I've never had sex with a woman so what the fuck do I know anyway. - I loved the characters so much and yet I didn't care about the actual plot. England wins, pirates win, whatever the fuck, just give me these people talking to each other. The Good: - CHARACTERIZATION, guys, so many great characters. So great. - Strong women. Eleanor, Max, Anne, Miranda, Madi, none of them are secondary to the men in their lives. Also, they're all different, and NONE of them are pegged into traditional female roles (the mom, the damsel in distress, or the seductress). - ngl I love Starz because they're willing to show us naked men, not just naked women. There's nothing more infuriating to me than a show that's full of sex where there are boobs and full frontal ladies everywhere and not a naked man in sight. I pretty much cheered when Charles rose from the dead buck naked and like, they showed his dick! Amazing! Men have body parts too!! Also I love how much they sexualized him and only wish they sexualized the other men as much as they did the ladies. - There's such a variety of characters. Like, we've got traditionally strong pirate captain Teach, but then we've got Jack Rackham the fop who is also a pirate captain, and Flint who is so hard and yet also a giant ball of feelings who cries while he kills his buddies. Eleanor and Charles who are both ruthless, but still have feelings. - Characters have arcs! They grow!! - Canon threesomes, okay. Canon threesomes. - People are queer and that's okay? Silver never gives Flint the side eye when he finds out about Thomas. Nobody thinks twice about Max and Eleanor or Max and Anne. The new world is clearly different from the old, and idgaf if it's historically accurate or not. - The sets and scenery and costumes are AMAZING.
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mickeysmyheart · 5 years ago
I gotta say, this episode really reminded me about how judgy people can be about sexual things they dont personally understand 🙄 that being said, I'm pretty sure this will all be water under the bridge by next week
ya i mean i feel part of it is that judgement about sexuality and exploring it as a couple, but other part is that threesomes and things like that have always been portrayed as something to do when you're bored in your relationship or want to spice things up, however this wasnt the case for david and patrick. patrick hasnt been sexually adventurous before and has only been with one man (david, his fiance), we've seen david push for him to get out there with ken last season but that was different than this because last season david did that because he thought that down the line patrick would resent him or grow tired of just being with him and not having had other male sexual experiences, but the difference with this storyline is that david is part of the conversation to explore other men together, hes not telling patrick to go to jakes alone or anything, they discussed in an open and honest way that if having a threesome with jake or any other man is something that interests patrick that they can explore those options together. the main difference in all of this is them doing it together. and i cannot stress that enough. they've both grown so much, in the past david would find out his partner was sleeping with other people after the fact and never be apart of the conversation or even be apart of the actual sleeping around together. patrick didnt know his sexuality until he met david. now together they are so open and trusting of the other and secure in their relationship to have these types of conversations, do we want to have some fun with jake or any other man? maybe. but whatever they decide to do or not do, they are making that decision together. i think that's fucking beautiful because they're so in love with each other but all these new exciting experiences are happening for patrick that never have before and he feels very safe and loved by david that he can tell him that hes attracted to other men and that maybe they can have some fun with some of those men. in the episode, it didnt happen, so canonically, they probably will not ever have a threesome. fan fic is another story and i hope everyone can feel free to write what they want, i know a lot of people feel like they have this right to police what others write which is fucking wrong. fiction is fiction and people should feel free to write whatever the fuck they want even if you dont agree with it - just dont fucking read it.
anyway, all that to say, i think threesomes and poly relationships *not that them maybe having a threesome with jake counts as this* have been painted a bad picture (i wouldnt ever be in one/have a threesome but idgaf if others do, to each their own) and it made everyone who is so protective of david and patrick freak out - at first i didnt really like the storyline but the more i thought about it the more i appreciate that dan writes stories like these and shows us that at the end of the day its not about if they have a threesome but about how they've grown individually and as a couple and how they can communicate openly and honestly without fear of hurting the other. for that, i truly and will always appreciate daniel levy.
thanks for coming to my tedtalk.
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