#‘oh was that mishima?’ BITCH
can literally trace my GK brain rot back to the moment I decided Mishima was the love of my life and that no other man could compare
that being said i would personally like to hunt Noda for sport for cursing me in this way
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brick3621 · 3 months
Okay, so I've had a sort of passive interest in the Tekken series ever since Kazuya joined Smash Ultimate, and though I've never seized the opportunity to actually play a Tekken game before (except for the Nintendo 3DS version, which sucks), I'd seen/read enough recaps of the series storyline to consider myself familiar with its core lore and themes. Oh, how wrong I was.
For those unfamiliar, it's about a blood feud that kicks off when Heihachi (the guy from Soulcalibur II) tosses his 5-year old son Kazuya (the "DORYAH" guy from aforementioned Smash (not that one)) off of a cliff because he's a dick and because other reasons. Kaz survives due to an esoteric superhuman power within him, swears to get revenge against his father (and to take over the world while he's at it, I guess), trains for the next twenty years, enters the inaugural King of Iron Fist Tournament, thrashes his dad, dumps him off the same cliff from all those years ago, smiles creepily at the camera in all his mid-90s 3D in-engine cutscene glory, and thus ends the first Tekken game.
But see, up until recently, I had been under the impression that Heihachi just left Kazuya for dead. That he set up the tournament with the prize being ownership of the Mishima Zaibatsu because he supposedly no longer had an heir, and was completely blindsided once Kazuya showed up to face him in the finals like "I lived, bitch." Revenge is, after all, best served cold.
Not true, it turns out.
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“After this, Kazuya was raised by Heihachi.”
Dude tried to kill his son, failed, went ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, and kept raising him as normal.
And not only that, but he adopted another kid just to piss Kazuya off even more?? Like, I knew the character Lee existed, but I never looked up his story because I assumed he was ancillary to the whole Mishima feud. You’re telling me that Heihachi committed an unforgivable act guaranteed to make his son hate him, discovered Kazuya had demonic superpowers, and his response to this was to take him back in, get another son to play favorites with, and continue training them both to be world-class martial artists?
This whole tidbit is revelatory of the depths of Heihachi’s arrogance, but more importantly, it’s now the funniest, most ridiculous part of Tekken canon to me. Move aside, playable flatulent bear, we’ve got unbearably tense rich-kid birthday parties.
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frenchgremlim1808 · 1 year
You can’t stop praising her about how amazing of a protagonist she is compared to other protags in similar games such as danganronpa. You would and WILL fight anyone that says anything bad about your homegirl an you DEFINITELY need therapy
You have the terrible habit of falling immediately in love with the best friend archetype that we met in the beginning who’s clearly gonna die. When they die you keep telling yourself you won’t be fooled again and then you do. Anyway you are in denial
You keep justifying you love for him by using the “he’s a complex character, he’s deep and shit” but that’s just an excuse to not say “i want him to carnally fuck me and treat my little bitch with his huge arms and tits”. Whatever sexuality you were before, his deep look probably turned you gay. Anyhow you are horny as fuck and you definitely need therapy, you little whor-
Either you are the the most gay motherfucker on the planet or you’re veeeeeeeeeeery straight.  you’re favorite ship is naoreko. NEVERTHELESS you want her to step on you. 
there is exactly two type of q-taro fans, The meme lord or the 20 page Reddit post defending his character from any criticism. We allllll know which ever type of fan you are, you cried like a baby in his final moments.
You definitely made every possible outcome in ytts, an replayed it multiple times. You probably follow  “ mishima-in-places-he-shouldnt-be” and is still sad that this gentle loving dude had to die first why it is. always. the. cool. dudes. who. dies. first., WHY, WHY NANKIDAI ?
You are awesome, smart, and just the perfect person to be around, you’re aura smells pure awesomeness, no, NO i am not biased.at.all it’s not like  she’s my profile picture. 
In all seriousness, you probably crave any green bling content and also loves shin too but kanna passion and pure kindness made you make the choice to kill shin. It seemed to difficult to vote for a kid so you voted shin. You relate to kanna struggles And ADORES her character development in 3b. Also you definitely need many therapy session (not projecting at all) .
If being a joe fan is sadness, a greenbling fan depression, well being a nao fan is literal despair and anger with anguish. Bro what the fuck did she do to have such an horrible end like that, her entire experience in the death game was  a pure nightmare. Homegirl did nothing wrong, she shouldn’t literally even be here dude😭😭. You have only one consolation is that now she’s in heaven with her girlfriend, also obviously you ship naoreko
You are right in fact you are 99.99 percent of the fandom. And i know that if one day you see anyone put gin below S tier or say anything relatively negative about him, you WILL find them, you WILL track them , and you’re gonna BOIL THEM ALIVE. And i will probably cheer you so go on, pop off, girlboss or mansplain bestie !  
You are mesmerized by his beautiful aura and luscious long mane. Every time the characters talk about him you feel so much happiness that his sacrifice was in the end really worth it, but still you cry that the cutest malewife had to go first.
His atrocious hair made you burn your eyes, his cringe fail personality made you laugh but his death destroyed you entirely. In the end you fell for this transmasc king. If you played logic rote you probably died a second time lol.
S H I N  T S U K I M I:
Shin tsukimi, oh, Shin Tsukimi the character of all time. So from what i understand he’s your favorite character. Were you the weird kid in your class when you were in high school or that one queer kid that tried to hide your identity but everyone knew just by a single look? Just by looking at you i can see a lot of self loathing and unaddressed personal issues that you try hiding under a rug instead of actually addressing them. Do you take time to eat, to drink, don’t forget to take a break from negativity when you are at your lowest, okay ? Diagnosing you is pretty hard you probably have a thousand problems but at least, i hope, not as much as this little dumbass.                                           There is two type of shin fans:
-the one who want to punch him, shove him into a locker and bully him 
-the one who want to give him a warm hug, a nice soup and a good night of sleep.                                                                                                                    In both cases, you are exactly like him and projecting so hard onto him. Also you are supeeeeeer gay like extra gay. Like your aura smells GAY you know. No cis het allo kinnie of shins exist actually, it’s as possible as dividing 0 by 0.  
So conclusion go to therapy
Ao3 is your god, your lord and everything that you need to live. Every time ao3 get down you die inside. You crave any content of her and wish that we can know more in the future about her (i do too) and you probably feel in love with her trough fanfic.
You guys exists? Well you like evil boss woman, i guess.
This shit full of errors and mistakes also this is a joke don’t get offended, remember as a greenbling fan i am probably the least respected type of yttd fan, well above the keiji simps you guys are wild. 
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twilightknight17 · 8 months
Yesterday on P3R, I genuinely wonder how anyone is learning anything at this high school. For fuck’s sake. XD
I did finally manage to get a readable picture of the warning screen that comes up when you boot the game.
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Again, I think this is a good idea, considering… everything. I mean, going off the movie characterization, even Mina is mildly passively suicidal this whole game. It’s a lot.
So I joined the track team, because no one answered when I knocked on the swim team’s door. After attending one practice, I’ve learned that Minato can apparently run marathons with no problem. Going to Tartarus one time should not have done that, so like… what is this kid’s routine off-screen? XDDD
Also oh my god, guys, I didn’t “go out with” Yukari. Please.
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I live with Mitsuru, too. Just go ahead and treat me like a god.
Went back to Tartarus to train a little and get some more personas. I’m fascinated by the fact that apparently you can’t go at all if Mitsuru is busy in the evenings. I wonder if that’ll change once we get a proper navi.
I’m also sharply and suddenly reminded that P3 has a different demon set. Like, not only did I get Forneus at level 8 instead of level 50-something, I also got… this thing???
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Fucking baby-Azathoth looking son of a bitch. But I needed zio, so okay. X’’’D
Anyway, this school is absolute madness. I got asked before about some historical thing and managed to logic out the answer, but now we’re in math class and god help me.
In the words of Po, who I sent this screenshot to: “OH GOD NOT AGAIN”
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The explanation doesn’t even help explain why I got it wrong! I picked C. But no, A is apparently a logarithmic spiral, and MA’AM? Did we actually learn this in class or did you just pop this question on everyone out of nowhere???
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All the teachers in this school are nuts. The history teacher is glossing over everything at the speed of light so he can get to samurai, the literature teacher just wants to talk about haiku, and then there’s… this guy.
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Who is also the school nurse, so like… oh no.
My education and my health feel in danger. X’D
Meanwhile, on the social link side of things… Ehhhhhhh. I don’t know how I feel about these people so far. Track guy (Kaz?) considers me a rival, which is cool and all, but my Magician, Kenji is… uh…
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I am literally just a guy eating ramen.
I feel a less intense version of what I felt for Mishima, I think. Just a general, like, “I don’t think I actually want to be friends with you, but you have latched on for some reason.” He’s still on about asking out a teacher, which, again, godspeed my dude. Please don’t expect a shoulder to cry on when you get shot down. I'll be busy wishing my link was with Junpei.
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...the ETHICS TEACHER? Oh man my dude. Forget shot down, you’re gonna get shot into the sun.
Moving on! A wild Shinji appears!
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And then he is gone.
But now the internet at the dorm is fixed, so I can spend my birthday looking at… single-use computer software. Which is apparently a thing. Somehow. Whatever, time to try a virtual diet to make myself more charming!
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...okay, I laughed.
And to round off my in-game birthday (mine, not Minato’s XDDD), a nice visit from Pharos, warning me that a terrible challenge is coming.
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So, yay! Next time, I’ll probably make it to the first full moon, and maybe I can finally smack some sense into Junpei so he stops being passive-aggressive about not being the leader.
Bonus: God, I wonder who made this game. Baofu, are you out there?? This Side's Kozue??? Anyone?
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
i am mainlining this shit like coke what can i even say, i love a good mirror ANYWAY
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Sumire literally begging you to leave her to this fate is agony. This is so much and it's awesome. I felt so goddamn uncomfortable with this traumatized girl sobbing and asking Reverie/Me to just let her fix her pain.
I love when games make be feel like garbage but in an earned way! I have literally been cogitating on the Phantom Thieves and how they alter people's mind for the ENTIRE game! Bring it back in the endgame armed with some teeth! Good!
I actively like that the game is wrestling with this. Like, the Bad End, right? How different are Maruki's methods than the Thieves? Shiho's attempted suicide finally incentized me to roll with the entire idea of stealing Kamoshida's heart, but as evidenced by my unrelenting and endless bitching about Ryuji and Mishima and the Phansite, I never bought into the idea that the Thieves were justified by default.
I love to have all that shit thrown back in my face. Delicious.
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Akechi: "I mean, I could stay and kill her but then you'd me, like, mad at me and frankly I am too tired of this shit to deal with your pouty face too, so you can fight her solo. I'll stand over here looking smug."
Akechi is a gift.
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I have some absolutely batshit bonkers personae at this point and start every fight with all three stat categories boosted, so this wasn't even a fight.
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Maruki watches all this and when Sumire starts begging for it all to stop, he comes down to join us.
I could put, uh, 15 screencaps in here but here is a timestamp, you GOTTA see this fucking sequence. Should start at 2:48
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okay yeah Maruki is a better villain than Adachi, we are there.
Getting upset at Sumire's pain and so using his fucking weird-ass power to tear the Persona out of her heart and ask it to fight to defend her, I.... holy shit. Holy shit?
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this! this! this is better than the base game! where was this writing the entire game! fuck!
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Finally, the gang shows up, all carrying starbucks, and are here to help pacify the blackout rage of Sumire.
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Morgana, I love you. Have I mentioned I love Morgana?
This entire game is about a boy and his cat in my heart.
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honestly even if I'm cold on Sumire, the Cinderella motif is awesome.
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Also through this entire sequence, the whole thing while everyone talks, Maruki never raises his voice, his composure never cracks, his resolution never breaks.
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He's even like "okay. come at me." but he wants to talk first. He wants everyone to live in this world until February 3rd, when he will show up to talk this through. And then, if it comes to a fight, they can all fight.
Everyone catches up outside the Palace and decides its time to head home and they'll talk tomorrow, because Oof there's a Lot to think about.
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Back at the cafe, things are back to normal for Futaba and Sojiro. Wakaba is gone.
That's the part that really throws a wrench into the ethics for me. Maruki is able to undo the murders of good people, and by resetting everything, they are dead again. The implications of this are a lot. He absolutely should not have the power to restore life like this, but he does and already has.
It makes it all the more interesting that Akechi is here. Because logically, it feels like if you somehow deleted him from the timeline, it would undo the deaths of Wakaba and Okumura. And yet, he's still here.
My theory that Akechi is here because of Reverie's desire is gaining more traction.
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Thank god there is a fun moment of levity here int he flashback where Morgana does his usually I Am Not A Cat from pure instinct but then is like oh wait i am a cat lmao nvmd. It's a good chuckle.
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Futaba goes home to presumably cry into Sojiro's chest as he awkwardly pats her head and tries to figure out what the fuck is wrong. Just gutting.
Also she confirms that she lowkey knew the whole time something was wrong but ignored it. Oh, Futaba. I'm so sorry.
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ugh yeah OBVIOUSLY i was hot as a human, have you MET me? idiot. moron. dumbass.
i love morgana the most, have i mentioned. just for real, imagine your cat looking in the mirror and going "man if I were a human I would get so much action, it's unreal," with absolute confidence.
that's comedy.
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kristailine · 8 months
"Tag endings are non canon to them bc it directly shows Kazuya's consistent lack of care or full on hatred of Jun"
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Meanwhile, Devil's Tag ending:
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"Oh well that's not Kazuya!"
Yes, in fact, indeed. That is Kazuya Mishima in his devil fucking ass form.
And I don't wanna hear this counter argument, bc if this is the kind of counter ya'll going for
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Somehow, bitches wanna yap and hold so much more weight about this Kazuya Tag 2 ending (non canon btw) and choose to ignore Devil's Tag 1 ending, WHICH IN FACT, is also Kazuya.
If we're going to hold weight on non canon stuff, at least acknowledge and explain the Devil Tag 1 ending too
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seikotakai · 9 months
Thoughts on Tekken 8 demo (so far)
>I'm enjoying it so far. I already got that warrior rank by destroying everyone with my boy Jin Kazama. Also I am so glad Bandai Namco finally added vs CPU as an option (which they should've done years ago smh, but better now than never I guess). I always spent most of my time playing Soul Calibur 6 just playing as my favorite characters or customizations in the vs CPU mode. The vs CPU really does add replay value to the game (playing as your favorite characters, wanting to see your favorite characters's special intros with the other characters in the roster which is epic). Glad they're bringing back Tekken Ball as well. Oh maybe some more single player content would be great too (like idk bring back survival mode, time attack, or team battle).
>Still hoping Tekken 6 gets retconned (ex. jin got brainwashed by azazel like how nina got brainwashed by shrek in tekken 3) and Kazuya does not fucking die.(πーπ)
>I'm actually so happy Kazuya defeated Jin in the first chapter. Sure eventually of course at the end of the game Jin Kazama will get stronger and beat him in a rematch. But like...after watching every single mortal kombat villain (except Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, and the bug bitch who killed Mileena) being pathetic jokes who get their asses kicked every 5 seconds. It's refreshing to me seeing Kazuya finally be a threat instead of being like Team Rocket or FANG from Street Fighter V's story mode. *shudders* (oh and also people on youtube comments won't complain about "jIn AlWaYs WiNs" because he lost to kaz here and he also lost to both hwoarang and miguel).
>can't put kazuya in the cute little flower booba shirt because no customization in demo. ( ╥ω╥ ) on the bright side, the main menu literally lets you stare at kazuya's sexy tits and sexy dilf body in general in multiple directions. beautiful.
>the arcade quest was neat too, at least the avatar characters are kind of cute (they are not ugly and shit as the stupid fucking Sportsmates from Nintendo Switch Sports who tried to replace the miis). I had fun kicking everyone's asses and I cheered when Kazuya won that tournament and kicked someone's ass.
>Jin's special intros with some characters like Xiaoyu are cute. Too bad you cannot fight Hwoarang in the demo so you cannot get his and Asuka has no special intro with him for some stupid reason.
>there's also some hope that maybe some of the side characters will be relevant in this game and get to shine (keyword maybe...knowing every game since tekken 6, they will probably drop the ball). it was neat seeing everyone joining the tournament in the intro chapter including lili, paul, and steve. i mean in tekken bloodline king gets to do some cool shit and paul was not a joke that time.
>Fighting and almost losing to Panda made me more upset Anna is not in this game come on now. I know Bandai Namco obviously lowkey hates Bruce Irvin because they replaced him twice now. First he was replaced by Bryan in Tekken 3 (don't worry Bryan ily problematic babygirl) and then Josie in Tekken 7. But man, why can't either of Kazuya's bodyguards be in this game or Tekken 7 at launch (although to be fair, Eddy is not in Tekken 8 either so). Fucking make Kuma an alternate costume of Panda, then BRING BACK ANNA! We gotta have both Nina and Anna, man! At least Kazuya still has the greedy coffee CEO lady Azucena by his side tho. She knows Kazuya will make her coffee sell more $$$ and Kazuya looks hot.
>So you can make your own ghost data now or something...okay.
>I adore the voice acting in this game so far, especially Isshin Chiba's amazing work as Jin Kazama as usual. I love listening to his voice, it's so badass and yet it's also a quality asmr voice. Masanori Shinohara also does wonders as Kazuya Mishima.
Still not too sure whether to buy this game or not (yet)...but I'm a little more optimistic now.
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maddmuses · 2 years
Secondary Muse Directory
These muses are on-request for existing partners and under other circumstances where *I* want to play them only. If you’re new here, you’re not likely to get it unless I bring it up.
Multimedia // DC Universe
-Bruce Wayne: You know what it’s about. He’s The Caped Crusader, The Dark Knight, other third example; I Am The Night (Bruce Wayne) (He/Him; Bisexual)[I only RP this for specific friends quit fucking asking] 
Multimedia // Other Comics
-Al Simmons: The Hellspawn and rebel from hell, Al is the greatest enemy of both Heaven and Hell; Rexspawned (Al Simmons/Spawn) (He/Him; Het)
Multimedia // Avatar Universe
-Zuko of The Fire Nation: The Prince, and then later ruler, of The Fire Nation. He was once scarred as a sign of his dishonor, but has found his honor again as an ally to the Avatar; Honor! (Zuko) (He/Him; Bi)
-Avatar Kuruk of The Water Tribe: An Avatar in an era of perceived peace. Traveling with his own team Avatar he would often fight dark spirits, which slowly ate at his own spirit; Go With The Flow (Avatar Kuruk) (He/They; Lawful Sad)
Anime // Boku no Hero Academia
-Toshinori Yagi: The number one hero All Might! Currently retired, he suffers from debilitating physical injuries and the loss of his quirk!;  A Real Hero Will Always Find A Way For Justice To Be Served!! (Toshinori Yagi/All Might) (He/Him; Demi)
-Rumi Usagiyama: No. 5 Hero Mirko and local Megan Thee Stallion impersonator, Rumi is objectively and empirically best girl. Literally ranked the highest, go look or she’ll kick your butt; I Live Every Day Like There’s No Tomorrow!! (Rumi Usagiyama) (She/Her; Pansexual)
-Toya Todoroki: The mysterious flame villain Dabi, and eldest son of Endeavor;  The Mysterious First Son (Dabi/Toya Todoroki) (He/They; Demi)
-Shoryuu Takeshi: A martial artist hero-in-training, he’s the national champion for high school karate in the open quirks division; It’s Time To Have Some Fun!! (Shoryuu Takeshi) (He/Him; Hetero)
Anime // Bleach
-Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez: Numero 6 Espada and verified catboy; Grim Jawed Panther (Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez) (He/Him; Fightsexual)
Anime // Naruto
-Kakashi Hatake: Sixth Hokage and leader of Squad 7, he is often known as The Copy Ninja; I Will Never Let My Comrades Die (Kakashi Hatake)  (Ask me about my canon divergence) (He/Him; Tired Bi)
-Tenten: A weapon’s specialist of the highest regard, and known in Konoha for being peerless. Give her a weapon, and she seems to know how to use it; The True Blade Maiden (Tenten) (She/Her; Bisexual)
Anime // Shonen
-Saitama: A hero for fun, that name exists for him and him alone; Hurry! We have to get there before the supermarket closes!! (Saitama) (He/Him; Homoromantic Asexual)
-Joseph Joestar: Grandson of Johnathan Joestar and the torch carrier of the Joestar legacy through Battle Tendancy. A master of Hamon/Ripple and user of the stand Hermit Purple, he becomes Jotaro’s mentor in Stardust Crusaders; Oh My God!! (Joseph Joestar) (He/Him; Powerfully Jojo)
-Jotaro Kujo: Grandson of Joseph Joestar and user of the stand Star Platinum, then later Star Platinum: The World. A stoic and aloof young man, he deeply cares for his loved ones, and will stop at nothing to protect them; Yare Yare Daze... (Jotaro Kujo) (He/Him; Devastatingly Jojo)
Literature // Fantasy
-Harry Potter: Prophecy’s hero, and future Auror; The Boy Who Lived (Harry Potter) (He/Him [trans]; Pan)
Literature // Horror
-Kay McCall: Feminist author and all around bad bitch who two abusive assholes can’t stop; The Survivor’s Survivor (Kay McCall) (She/Her; Heteroflexible)
Video Games // Fighting
-Jin Kazama: The son of Kazuya Mishima and two-time winner of The King of Iron Fist Tournament; The Crimson Lightning (Jin Kazama) (He/Him; Bisexual)
Video Games // RPG
-Yojimbo: The ultimate sellsword, an astral being and summon that specializes in taking payment for his ability to slay any enemy; The God of The Blade (Yojimbo) (Whatever you’ll pay He/Him to be)
-Adrian “Alucard” Ţepeş: Son of the most powerful vampire and hero of Romania;  Regal Dhampir (Adrian Alucard Ţepeş) (Eldritch Entity)
Film and Television // Karate Kid and Cobra Kai
-Johnny Lawrence: Ace degenerate and master of Cobra Kai, former champ of the All-Valley Karate tournament and sensei of the 2018 champ Miguel; The Best Defense is More Offense (Johnny Lawrence) (He/Him; Het)
Film and Television // Animation
-Clay Bailey: The Xiaolin Dragon of Earth, Shoku Warrior, and Rootinest of Tootinest Cowpokes; Quaking Beast (Clay Bailey) (He/Him; DemiPanRo)
-Reagan Ridley: Local science girlboss and COO of Cognito Inc. Generally too stressed by all this shit, and is making sure the world order doesn’t fall apart at the seams. (She/Her; Bi Bi Bi)
-JFK (John “Jack” F. Kennedy): The clone of the original JFK created by a board of shadowy figures. Captain of the football team and Capitán of the futbol team; I’m a Kennedy! I’m not accustomed to tragedy!! (JFK) (He/Him; Questioning) 
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pugs-cats-bb-8 · 1 year
I didn't know that you could check your stats in the menu.
It also took me till my second playthrough to find out that you could check your stats in the bathroom.
I forgot to mention this in the last part. The store that sells electronics in Royal is all shuttered up in Vanilla.
Akechi really likes Leblanc. Why is he always here? Three times so far.
Unvoiced conversation.
Mishima 🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️. He did not just ask her if she does porn online. 🙄. He is so lucky he didn't get slapped. You don't ask anybody that.
Also, what's kek?
She can't remember his name and that burn was sick🤣🤣. He so deserves it.
Then he's trying to ask her out. 🤨. Just give it up man.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Different questions and answers.
Unvoiced conversation.
Different questions and answers.
Unvoiced conversation.
Different questions and answers.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Isn't it illegal to interrogate anybody under 18 without a parent, guardian or lawyer present?
Slightly different question.
So they added the "I have his number" thing in Royal. Makes sense Ren wouldn't have his number in Vanilla.
It's funny in Royal. I always thought it would make more sense for me to contact him, than Makoto. But in Vanilla, you're not that close.
"Yep, dead as a doornail". 🤣🤣 I love that option.
Eww, Mishima.🤢
Different question.
They changed the 24th to a Maruki question.
I didn't know non-students could go to the festival.
The "Honey, I'm Home" scene.😍😘🥰
Oh, now you get burgers.
I like the school festival scene in the anime better.
That octopus is cute.
There's 7/8 people (depending on if you include Morgana or not). What do they all get one piece of Takoyaki?
Akechi has no manners. At least in the anime, he asks if he can have one.
Poor Akechi. (Not joking)
I love how Ann's concerned about him.
I think they need a taller mic.
It's sad that Akechi sees himself as a big, bad, evil guy. (Not joking).
Akechi just blackmailed me and my team. I feel a bond of trust coming from him. 🤨🤣🤣 I'm sorry? How is blackmail a bond of trust?
Meaningful time? What does Akechi do in his life that makes blackmail "meaningful time"? Is he really that lonely? 😢 (not joking) Poor baby.
You don't lose Yusuke in Vanilla.
Unvoiced conversation.
I didn't know the calling cards were that big.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
He bobs his head like a chicken.
Morgana's ears move.
Why does Makoto delay entering the palace? It's never explained.
You get 4 abilities when you reach R.6.
In Royal, you get 2 when you reach 3rd sem, if you've maxed him.
Why do his glasses disappear then reappear?
You can hear Yusuke's keys. 
I like how in the anime, they jump over a hedge in the middle of the street. Although, I don't know how Futaba cleared it, given she's like 5 foot max.
Unvoiced conversation.
He's going to steal hearts.😍🥰
How dumb does Ryuji think Akechi is?
I can't tell if Akechi is genuinely excited about calling cards, or he's faking it. I think he's being a cute dork 😘🥰😍. Either way, Makoto has no right to be a bitch.
They added all the smashies near the door.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Added 2 smashies and 3 enemies.
Different item in chest.
Unvoiced conversation.
I like this scene in the anime. 😍😍
I know this isn't a true awakening but 🥵🥵. I think they made it slightly longer in Royal.
Akechi's icon colour is gray in Vanilla and tan/beige in Royal.
I wouldn't be surprised if Akechi staked out Leblanc every day even if Ren let him know when they were going in.
If I didn't know he murdered people. I'd say he's just a weird stalker who has some kind of obsession with you. Sure, he's sketchy, but that's it. 🤷‍♀️
Unvoiced conversation.
You can back out when people text you while you're eating? I don't think I can do that in Royal. It seems like Sojiro's response to you checking your phone is based on your rank with him.
Once I finished the Big Bang Burger Challenge I never went back.
Different question.
I love that if you haven't met at the hideout by 11-2. Morgana forces you.🤣🤣
It doesn't gray out what books you've read.
Ren is going to keel over from all those burgers.
"I'm hungry now". You could've had some of the burger, Morgana. Then again, I don't want to kill my cat.
Akechi your insaneness is showing.
I could hear the chest on the other side of the wall.
He just kicks the door down. 🥵🥵😘🥰😍
I use the dancing costumes, so he has tennis shoes, instead of elf boots.
Unvoiced conversation.
Conversation about the door leading to the front was added.
You could get actual items out of smashies?
Vallykrie had no weakness?
The win sound is different.
There's noises?
When has Akechi been to a casino?
Different layout.
"I've totally got girl power". 🤣🤣 What? I want that voiced.
Different layout.
I love how Akechi's so blaise about shadows.
I love how he almost gets buried in coins.
"No way in hell". Throwing Ryuji's ass under the bus. 🤣🤣
"Ryuji! Go piss off the police"! 🤣🤣 Well, if anybody's going to be able to do it. It would be him. Tell me they kept that in the anime and manga. (It will probably take another volume or 2 to get to this point).
How long did they have to wait for the trial to be over?
"Dimmed significantly". 🤨🤨 If Ren didn't have Third Eye. Morgana would have to guide us.
Poor Ren's got to have one hell of a headache after the House Of Darkness.
"Don't resist". It's a Treasure Demon. What's it going to do? Slap you with its wavy plasma hands? Attack you? With what attacks?
I don't remember the bunny girls in the House Of Darkness.
I only had team members taken hostage 2-3 times.
"The playing field is even. It's weak to electricity". 🤨🤨 Ah, Makoto I passed to Akechi, not Ryuji. Short of using an item, Akechi has no electric skills. Good thing Rangda is weak to Bless too.
Different layout.
What the fuck? I just got out of the house of darkness. I don't want to explore anymore. Just let me beat the shadow, so I can get my coins.
They didn't move the safe room up? If you're going to put more obstacles in my way. At least give me a safe room before.
Unvoiced conversation.
Different gate opening sound.
Unvoiced battle dialogue.
So it was a gun that you could buy for Akechi in Vanilla. In Royal, it's a sword.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
This is explained better in the anime.
Different bridge sound.
Finally, after 4 palaces of not asking if you want to go back to the entrance, they finally ask you.
You couldn't select what Persona to fuse yours with on the network? You just had to hope? That's shitty. What if you got a bad one?
You had to click on a book for Morgana to tell you that you already read it 😡 Why? And it kicks you out of the menu each time.
Slightly different answer.
Morgana shames you for declining meetings.
Also, it used to be Mishima put up a forum post? In Royal, you send them a calling card.
You only got one item out of cubes, instead of multiple.
You could get junk out of chests?
I like how Orlov is weak to nothing, resists phys and nulls everything else.
You could get washed armour from chests?
Stone Of Scone is weak to Curse and not Fire.
"The Phantom Thieves would never murder people". *Looks at Akechi* I love waiting till I have Akechi to do this mission.
I don't believe some of the MM people ever change their ways.
You could get Skill Cards from chests?
The Reaper is cool looking.
I love how the Reaper is surprised when you escape.
You just leave your dead teammates when you escape 🤣🤣
Mystery Stew is being sold on the Home Shopping Network. Ren decides he'd rather not kill himself and his teammates. "Are you sure. It's only available today". 🤨🤨 Do you want me to die, Morgana?
Added a proficiency check for Haru's R.4.
6,000 Yen=41.01
Kthx was changed to cheers.
Slight different question.
Slight different question.
"Play with your stupid coffee beans". 🤣🤣
Slight different question.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Sae gets trolled by a 15-year-old girl. 🤣🤣
Nipple spikes.
More clanging sounds added.
My man got knocked in the head with a bunch of poker chips. 🤣🤣
I prefer Royal's fight. Also, Royal's palace. Palace is slightly different.
Let's rank up before he betrays me.
Arsene 🥴🥴 I wish he talked more. That's one of the reasons I kept him. I wanted to hear him talk.
Unvoiced conversation.
His waistcoat makes him look so skinny.
Ah, the you better save, or it's going to be like half an hour before the next save point. From there it's, another 1 hour 30-45? before you get control back.
That's a shiny pen.
I've never called Akechi "the traitor".
Question marks got changed to actual text.
More fluid in the anime.
Akechi's going to shoot me in the head. I understand him better. 🤨🤨
I still like the line from the anime. "And I hate cleaning out the attic". That line is so funny. I don't know if that's improvised or not. But if it is it's great.
When Ryuji says "We got em". He doesn't move his lips.
That pretty smirk. 😘😋🥵
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
I love the little pictures they drew.
How much alcohol does Shido need?
Young? Isn't Shido in his 50s?
I like when Akechi winks.
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Will he even be able to reach the canvas..?
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The paint brush will be like the size of a giants finger to him.
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Shin, what did we talk about last week?
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I know.. I'm sorry...
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I'm terribly sorry, Teru. That was immature of me and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
*I wonder if Mishima can help Byakuya or Maki quit being such bitches. Would he have that impact on them..?*
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Oh! W-well consider yourself forgiven.
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revelarete · 5 years
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nao,,, i think its safe to say that my mans dead
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ceramicdove · 2 years
i wanna do ice breaker question in ur inbox too. whats ur fave music genre, what is ur favorite book, favorite food?
Wonderful ice breakers, because I actually don't have a concrete answer to any of these! You hit the jackpot!
I really cannot pick a genre...but according to my Spotify stats, you'll most commonly find me listening to different pop subgenres (K-pop, indie, electro, art pop), a weird little array of alternative music, musical soundtracks, video game OSTs and orchestral scores!
2. BOOKS....oh heavens. You are talking to the person who notoriously does not really have a favourite book. I'm just a bitch like that. Sorry. So no favourite book to gush about. That doesn't mean I haven't read things with a meaningful impact in one way or another, so here's a few recent reads that have intrigued me, or that have left some form of a mark on me:
–"This Is How You Lose The Time War" by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone - epistolary science-fiction lesbian novel about two agents on opposing sides of a time-space war who start leaving each other correspondence and end up fleshing out a relationship that goes beyond what the war allows them to have.
I read this in two sittings and, again, not a favourite, but it was very engaging and some of the quotes still stick to me. I'd like to re-read some parts of it again.
–"un nor în formă de cămilă" ("a cloud shaped like a camel") by Alina Nelega. I need to finish this one! This one is a Romanian novel and has yet to be translated into English, but it's a modern re-telling of Hamlet following a pseudo-found-family of actors and their warped relationships and worldviews, mostly told like a stream of consciousness through the eyes of a mother watching her son's mental health spiral and decay until their relationship becomes incomprehensible, and she's trying to tell where it all went wrong. There are other types of relationships and affairs on the side that are interesting to explore in and of themselves, and of course there is the wider narrative plan regarding Shakespeare's work.
Fun fact: I made a Wataru/Eichi mini-web-weaving with one of the scenes from this book. I don't usually do that stuff, but the scene was freakishly reminiscent of one of their canon moments. I still think about it sometimes.
Some of the scenes are so neurotic that I had to read them over multiple times to digest them, sometimes they felt like reading my own mother's thoughts about me (very uncanny feeling), truly a very interesting book. I heard the final chapter is actually written from the son's perspective, and I am very eager to get to that.
–I am also currently reading another Romanian novel (sorry.) that has yet to be translated, called "Am ucis pe Dumnezeu" ("I killed God") by Carol Ardeleanu. I am still VERY early on into this book, but from what I currently gouge out, it seems like art, suicide, sacrifice, and warped perspectives of religion/achieving divinity through art are notable themes. Excited and terrified for what it might hold next.
A few other books on my little "I need to read these soon" list: Decreation by Anne Carson, Power by Shakespeare, The Decay of the Angel by Yukio Mishima, Revenge by Yoko Ogawa.
3. Favourite food! Shit! Like I said, I don't really have one, but I do have quite the sweet tooth...In recent times, I've been craving a lot of banana split ice cream, choco-vanilla pudding and pain au chocolat or chocolate croissants (the only things French people were good for).
Thank you very much for the question, Matthew 😊
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randoimago · 3 years
Hi! It’s Yora! So I just got my braces off and I was hoping for some Persona 5 Boy Phantom Thieves X Female Reader headcanons? The reader had just gotten their braces off and how would the boys react when they see her? Again feel free to ignore and I hope you have an amazing day!- Yora :)
S/O Getting Their Braces Off
FANDOM: Persona 5
Character(s): Akira Kurusu, Yuki Mishima, Ryuji Sakamoto, Yusuke Kitagawa
Type of Request: Headcanons
Word Count: 404
Note(s): Hi Yora! I hope you got some rest cause I know my brother felt sore after getting his off! Also I know you specified Phantom Thieves but I’m going to add Mishima because he’s my baby.
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Going to be a dramatic bitch about it.
Oh my god look at your smile! Your smile is so radiant that he’s going blind! Look at how they twinkle just like the stars in space!
Going to point it out in casual conversation, to be honest. 
Akira looks to anyone and says things like, “oh hey, did you see [Y/N] got their braces off? They look gorgeous.”
Definitely going to be happy to eat popcorn and stuff with you because you don’t have to worry about that getting stuck in your braces.
This sweet baby is going to be complimenting your smile constantly. 
Does ask if you’re doing okay. Do you want an ice pack? Need some ice cream or something cold but soft to eat?
Definitely going to be doting and making sure you’re okay. 
Like you just got your braces off but he’s acting like your wisdom teeth or tonsils were taken out.
Mishima is probably just a bit overbearing to you which you’d have to remind him a few times that you’re okay. 
Honestly, I love Ryuji, but he’s not going to notice you got your braces off until like a week later. 
Going to be the most casual about it when he does realize though.
Like, hey you got your braces off? Cool. How does it feel? Your teeth look good.
I mean, he’s happy for you. He’s definitely happy for you but also not going to make a huge scene about it because this is your moment, not everyone else’s.
I can definitely see him getting smacked and elbowed by Ann or Makoto for not making a big deal about it.
I feel like before you got the braces taken off that Yusuke draw a portrait of you and now that you got them off, he wants to take another portrait.
Basically going to show you that you are extraordinary either way but also, look at how much more confident you seem with them off.
Honestly tries to draw you at the most random moments and he will speak up with “Please don’t move so much” which you have to just sigh and let it happen because Yusuke is stubborn.
He’ll be talking about there being an air around you. There’s just a new vibe about you.
Constantly compliments you on your smile because it makes you super happy and helps with the new confidence you seem to have.
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pattern-recognition · 3 years
oh my fuckign godddd that arch zoom meeting makes me want to mishima myself infront of the student union apparently this shit is hyper competitive and they accepted way too many freshman as usual but these bitches get to study abroad in tokyo and helsinki and krakow and do such much cool shit. i need to get a more substantial portfolio and soon like it’s not a requirement i’m going to take more acid and paint more shit. is it not enough to be a girlblogger who posts brutalist shit and pics of oil rigs
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freckled-lili · 3 years
Got to watch Manly’s final video for YTTD Chapter 3.1B. (thoughts & spoilers under the cut)
- It made me so happy to see Gin was confirmed to have autism. I remember a lot of people either theorized or just headcanoned him as such, so I’m really happy for those people who were right, as well as seeing some good representation.
- But Nankida, plz stop putting Gin in dangerous, near-death-scenarios. This is the third time now, plz.
- I can only imagine Nankidai saw all those fans shipping Sara and Ranmaru, and was just like, “I’m gonna make you regret that”. Because man ... Ranmaru wtf? So much for him being the sweet boy. Make me wonder if he may have known her before the beginning of the game? Who knows, I hope we’ll learn more in the final chapter.
- The book of poems about the Shin AI is intriguing. Shin is still a huge mystery in the game, so I feel like that book is, like, the final piece about him. I so want to learn more. *wiggle wiggle*
- I actually vaguely remember in Part 1A, someone (maybe it was Maple?) said that one of the humans is actually an agent of Asunaro, and I thought, “What if one of the dummies is actually human?” Because I really just couldn’t see our main cast being a secret agent.
- The moment they brought up the idea that one of the Dummies was actually human, I instantly thought, “It’s gonna be Hinako, isn’t it?”. Because she and Ranmaru are the only ones I believe who could never potentially die from a failed encounter. And she was always the one who always disagreed with helping other people and was always very pessimistic, so it makes sense that she was a secret agent this whole time.
Kind of weird that this organization has so much advanced tech, including perfect AIs and androids, and have so many things planned ahead ... yet they never thought, “Hey should we make sure our secret agent dyes her hair to match the girl she’s pretending to be?” I guess because no one actually knew the real Hinako, it wouldn’t be an issue.
- I honestly thought it the reveal was gonna be Midori was Kanna’s blood sibling. But nope, it was Shin! I’m kind of surprised. Oh God ... does Midori reveal that to Shin in the Shin-lives route? Oh God ... my poor beanie bunny bitch.
- So whatever happened with the whole “Ranmaru’s collar didn’t kill him even if you failed” thing? Is that just ... completely gone now? Or did I miss something?
- I’m surprised Midori was killed this quickly. I thought he’s be around much longer than that. Oh well. Rest in Fuck You, Seaweed Head.
- I feel so bad for all the Dummies who were killed during the Banquet. What a horrible way to go. But how does the Banquet go down if you got a bunch of the Dummies killed in previous encounters? Does the Banquet just simply go by faster?
- I honestly thought Keiji was gonna die in this part. Nankidai really just love throwing so many bait-and-switches when it comes to Keiji’s life. I feel like his death (assuming he’ll die) is gonna be a real heavy-hitter for Sara/the player.
- Q-Taro, you had such a good redemption arc in the end. I went from hating you to missing you in the end ... I hope you’re playing happily playing baseball in your afterlife. ;_;
- I’m confused about the ending though? Keiji admitted he put Mishima’s collar in the coffin ... but it was actually Q-Taro’s real body in the coffin? Then what happened to Mishima’s collar? Someone needs to clear that up for me.
- I wonder if Manly will upload the Shin and Alice live routes any time soon? I read that the Shin Lives route is completely fucking bananas (especially with Ranmaru). Does Sara use the memory lantern on Shin as well? I can’t imagine him agreeing to that, lol.
That’s all I’ve got to say about this part for now. God, I’m both excited and nervous for the final part. I really want there to be a happy ending, but I feel like all possible endings are gonna be downers, some more than others. ;_;
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
["Everything Hits At Once" by Spoon plays muffled in the distance]
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Took out Fuckface McGee with my sister so I've almost wrapped up Sojiro's social link. Some social workers came to look into the uncle's claims of abuse, but Reverie and Futaba stood by their dad, and then Sojiro cried because YOU ARE MY DAAAAD, YOURE MY DAD BOOGIE WOOGIE WOOGIE
so happy for the Sakuras, esp Reverie Vantas-Sakura.
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hahahha I fucking knew it.
I mean not that it was cleverly hidden but Futaba went back over the data and basically confirmed everythiiiiing. After Kaneshiro, someone hacked the Phansite and inflated the approval rating and rigged the rankings. It was all a ploy to put the Thieves into position to be the fall guys with Okumura.
So as I was saying: Everything is Mishima's fault. How the fuck does the site admin not recognize sloppily hacked-together code that's making changes to the key features? Like, oh my god. Mishima, you're such a fuckup and everything is your fault.
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l m a o i do love this moment. No dialogue, just Ryuji realizing he's been fucking played. All the excitement and fame and his insistence that they had to go after Okumura because of the rankings, all of it falls like scales from Ryuji's eyes right here.
ya done fucked up, son
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The SIU Director is like. diabolically evil lmao. They don't even try to make him anything but. He's moustache-twirly. I keep rolling my goddamn eyes.
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goddamn maruki can you be a little more subtle, like just a big. just a nudge. "YANNO it's okay if your memories are lies so long as they make you happy! 8D!" bruh
Anyway, it's the school festival and the school votes on who they want to be the guest speaker (is that a thing?) and the school overwhelmingly votes for Akechi.
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goddamn, the ghost of you fuckin lingers, huh
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are you reverie's wife now? wait, no, that's wrong. is reverie your wife now? there, that's better.
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So Shido is the big bad, right? Like, he's the guy who framed Reverie in the first place, the symmetry of fiction demands he be the final dude Reverie goes up against (until Maruki finds a way to fucketh everything up). Okumura was going into politics, by removing him, did we remove the only hurdle standing between Shido and being the new PM and he's Super Evil?
What I find slightly frustrating at this point, structurally, is that I have zero idea or indication what the baddies actually want out of this. They are killing people and presumably want to use the Metaverse to control the population, but do they have, like, a guiding philosophy or something? Or is it just power for power's sake, because that's boring.
NO IDEA. We know fuck all!
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Is that a lie?
lmao what am i saying, nothing Akechi says is an absolute truth, is it?
It's funny because Akechi is..... extremely good at what he does? Not the detective thing, frankly we've had zero indication of his actual intellectual acumen in that arena. But as a double agent, he could be an Ocelot, frankly.
OH MAN THAT'S WHAT HE REMINDS ME OF, HOLY SHIT. Young Revolver Ocelot, Adamska. Oh yeah that's the vibe. Except with worse fashion and much worse hair. About as homosexual though.
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"EVERYONE'S ALL HERE"???? lmao he knows and he isn't even being subtle about it anymore
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omg and futaba fucking notices it too LMAO THAT'S GREAT i'm so happy it was intentional phrasing, hahaha that's amazing
Anyway, at the guest speaker panel, Makoto is moderating, and uses the opportunity to press Akechi for info about the case.
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omg he's just gonna come out and say it
oh my god yes bitch do it, light the rag and chuck that molotov right into this whole trash fire, it can burn so much faster
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he's not as good as Adachi but I gotta say he's pretty fucking good lmao. Every time there's a Beige Alert, you know things are going to be interesting at least.
But also this is the equivalent to putting a gun to the Thieves' head. Love it.
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Never play a player, Makoto.
Anyway with that obviously faked phone call, Akechi calls a 10 minute break and asks to see everyone in a private room where he will humbly serve everyone a helping of their own ass, I assume.
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