#‘if you run or push yourself you’ll be in slight pai’
l00ney-m00ny · 1 year
Every fucking month i get the worst fucking pain flare up and every damn time i always say “oh, it cant get much worse than this!” And every single time the next month rolls around and proves me wrong.
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charliemwrites · 5 months
Guilty By Association Commission from the very sweet and patient @soleilak
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You (Callsign: Giggles, Gigs for short) are a medic on temporary assignment with the 141. The only problem? You're a former member of Graves' Shadow Company.
Content: Injury, angst, power imbalance, fingering and oral (reader receiving)
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“Get your arse in gear, Gigs!”
Already exhausted and aching, the rough bark of your temporary captain urges your heavy feet faster. Gunfire sprays all around – you’re so addled you can’t tell if it’s enemy or friendly. All you know are your orders, a cry of survival in the uneven pounding of your heart. A bullet plows into the ground dangerously close to your foot.
Just a few meters ahead, Gaz curses and tumbles to the ground, hat lost. It’s not even a decision to alter your course. You can’t tell instantly what the damage is; if he’s been hit or just tripped. So you tuck and dive, grabbing an arm and leg as your back rolls across his chest. The momentum gets the two of you up and moving again, adrenaline taking the edge off his weight.
“Get us to the trees and I can run again!” he shouts in your ear.
You settle your blurry vision on the forest line ahead. Blessed cover – and your extraction point just a mile further. Goal set, you push through the pain of bruised ribs, a wrenched arm, and the ricochet of a bullet across your thigh. You wheeze your way well past the tree line, weaving between trunks until Kyle’s palm smacks at your side.
“We’re good, we’re good,” he says.
You grunt as you set him down, give him the quickest onceover in the history of medics. His calf is bleeding, just above the tops of his boots. It’s an ugly wound; it’ll need packing – but he can survive until exfil.
“Where the fuck are you two?!” Price growls through your headset.
Kyle pats your shoulder and takes off again, only the slightest limp indicating his injury. You grit your teeth and try to follow his example.
No one helps you into the chopper when you’re the last on the ladder. You’re not surprised, but it still stings. Salt on the day’s wounds.
Once the heli is up in the air, you scoot over to help Kyle with the wound on his calf. It’s almost hypnotic, the press-wind-press-wind of packing the deep gouge. Almost like unspooling your own tension through the care of a teammate. Every inch of bandage seems to amplify your own pains, though, as the mission high ebbs.
You hurt.
When Kyle’s done, you sit back a bit to assess him for any other wounds. The twitch of his mouth and slight bob of his head tells you he’s sorted, though – and it’s more thanks than you usually get.
“Where the hell were you?” Price demands.
“I got held up, sir,” you admit. Had been ambushed by two men you thought were on another floor. Bad luck, that. Or just poor preparation on your part. Your side twinges as you ease yourself into a seat. “Won’t happen again.”
Price grunts, mollified. “See that it doesn’t.”
You get maybe thirty seconds of peace before Soap’s voice cuts through the tentative peace.
“Gonnae take care o’ that or keep bleedin’ all over Nik’s seat?” he teases. Or at least it would be, if not for the sharp glint in his eyes.
What’s that saying about sins of the father? Well, Phillip Graves was definitely not your father, nor was General Shepherd – though he was old enough to be. In their absence, it seems you’re paying for their crimes regardless.
“Right,” you sigh, tearing off the bottom of your shirt, “sorry, Nik.”
“Just stay alive to clean it up, eh?” he replies jovially.
It’s not much of a joke, but you laugh anyway. You don’t live up to your callsign much nowadays, so you’ll take the levity when you can.
You tie off the makeshift bandage with a grunt and lean your head back, too uncomfortable to doze off.
At least the infirmary is a friendly sight. The staff are always grateful for an extra set of hands – even if they once belonged to a Shadow. And you have a lot of time to help since you’re not encouraged (never mind invited) to any non-professional activities with the 141. Working with the nurses during all that extra time has gained you some friends at least.
Dana is on call when you limp in. She fusses about you looking like the walking dead – then goes on to tell regale you with details from her current first-time watch of the show. The stream of words soothes you in the quiet little treatment room.
“Think we need an x-ray, dove?” she asks, prodding at your already discolored ribs.
“Wouldn’t help,” you sigh, “we can just wrap ‘em and call it.”
“Alright, dear, but you know what to do if it gets worse.”
“’Course,” you answer, summoning a grin, “can’t be keelin’ over before your nephew leaves that tart.”
“Oh, don’t even get me started – you know what she said at Sunday dinner?”
You giggle through her undoubtedly embellished story until she gets to your thigh – and the terrible bandaging.
“A piece of your shirt,” she scolds.
“My bag was too far, and my ribs hurt,” you complain.
“And what are all those big burly men for then, eh?” she huffs.
You shake your head. “I can’t ask them to help.”
Dana scowls past your hip. “Just because you’re the medic—”
You jolt in surprise at Captain Price in the doorway. Christ, he takes up the breadth of it too, shoulders brushing the jamb on either side. Even mission-dirty and stern-looking, he’s a hell of a welcome sight – though an unexpected one.
You try to sit up at some semblance of attention, but he waves you off. Can’t say you’re not grateful, unable to help wincing as you lie back.
You don’t notice him pause as Dana washes the wound, too busy sucking air through your nose.
“What’s… the damage?” he asks carefully.
You open your mouth to answer, but Dana beats you to it.
“Contused ribs, sprained shoulder, and a bullet wound to the thigh,” she rattles off. You’re always impressed by the undercurrent of disapproval and accusation she manages to weave into each word. “Not to mention dehydration and sleep deprivation. You’ve been staying up again, haven’t you?”
You clear your throat and turn your eyes skywards. “Oh, look at the ceiling. What a lovely ceiling.”
She clicks her tongue and begins packing the wound as you had for Gaz.
“Bullet wound?” Price asks sharply. Your eyes flick guiltily to him. “Why the hell am I hearing about this now?”
“It’s just a graze, sir,” you reply. “Sergeant Garrick’s was worse.”
His jaw does that thing you secretly (ashamedly) drool over, where it tightens and jumps. You know it’s not good but hey, silver linings right?
He doesn’t ream you out though. Just crosses his burly arms and lets out a long, heavy breath. You’re… not really sure what that means.
“Debrief at 0700 tomorrow, Gigs,” he says, voice unusually subdued.
“Yessir,” you reply dutifully.
As always, a strange mix of relief and disappointment twists in your chest as he walks away. Talking to him is a bit like being under a microscope – if that microscope was ready to brand you a low-down, no-good, dirty, rotten traitor at the first hint of suspicious activity.
You get it, you do. Graves and Shadow Company tried to kill Soap and Ghost, Los Vaqueros, and committed unspeakable atrocities. As much history as you had with him, he deserved what came to him, and Shepherd will deserve the same when he’s found.
Not that your hands were clean before Las Almas, but you drew the line when the orders came. Couldn’t bear to detain or shoot the friends you’d made in Los Vaqueros, or join the hunting party for Soap and Ghost. You’d been labelled a turncoat by your own teammates, thrown into a cell to be “court-martialed.”
Kate Laswell coming to your rescue was a second chance, a small-time miracle that you’ve been determined to earn ever since. In your more pathetic moments, usually in the small, dark, lonely hours of sleepless nights, you wonder how much it will take. How long you’ll be guilty by association.
At least this isn’t shaping up to be one of those nights. You’re half asleep by the time Dana sends you off, arm chilly from the IV fluids she bullied you into. For once, you might get a few decent hours.
Your second surprise of the night comes just outside your barracks door. Soap is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, head back and eyes closed. Awake, though. His index finger is tapping a steady but rapid pace on his bicep.
“Soap?” you say, alerting him. “Did you… need me for something? You’re not injured, are you?”
He straightens up, drops his arms to his side. You pause a noticeable distance away, uncertainty leashing you to the safety of space. Not that you feel threatened. His posture is the loosest it’s been around you since… well, since before Las Almas went to hell.
“’Course no’, I woulda – tha’s not why I’m here.”
“Oh…” You process the strange wording. “Why are you here, then?”
He shifts his weight, a little line appearing between his brows as he seems to gather himself.
“I’m here to apologize.”
You blink. “Huh?”
“Look, what I said during exfil – it was bang outta order. You’ve been nothin’ but good to us ‘n I’m still holdin’ on to old shite.”
You shift, adjust the stupid flimsy sling for your sore shoulder. “It’s… not that old,” you reason, “and I don’t blame you, either. Not after everything.”
“Still, ya did the right thing back then – and ya’ve proven yourself half a dozen times over, besides. I’ve got no reason to treat you like an enemy.”
You swallow past the lump in your throat. It feels like you’ve swallowed a grenade; any moment the pin is going to come out and an explosion of gory emotion will splatter the walls.
“Thanks, Soap.”
He grunts something about “not thanking him” and ducks his head, shuffling past you.
“Seriously,” you say, voice strained from keeping it even. “I really appreciate it.”
He pauses, gives you a genuinely kind look. “Rest up, lass.”
It’s the best you’ve slept in a long while – after you cry into your pillow, that is.
At 0700 the next day, you’re in Price’s office, sore but in high spirits. Gaz sat next to you and Soap said good morning at breakfast. Even Ghost seemed less frosty than usual, grunting at you in acknowledgement when you’d sat down.
Of course, the good luck couldn’t last.
The debrief itself is fine. You speak when it’s your turn, listen when it isn’t. About as normal as it gets for a special ops squad.
It’s as the rest of the task force is filing out the door that the other shoe drops.
“Gigs, a word,” Price calls.
You freeze mid-step, shoot Gaz a panicky glance. He glances over your shoulder, snorts, and pats your arm in solidarity. Not as helpful as he thinks.
With a deep breath, you pivot back around. The door closes behind you with a damning click. You can’t even hide your hands behind your back to fidget at parade rest – your arm needs to stay in the sling for the rest of the day.
“We need to discuss yesterday,” Price says, palms flat on his desk.
You tilt your head. Wasn’t that what the debrief was for?
“Sir?” you ask. “If I – did I do something wrong?”
He deflates a bit, big shoulders dropping before he pushes himself up and rounds the desk.
“No, you’re not in trouble,” he explains, “but I have concerns.”
When he gestures for you to take one of the visitor seats, you do. You’re a bit surprised when he takes the other – though you can’t help an appreciative glance while his attention is elsewhere. He practically dwarfs the stupid little chair, and the way he spreads his thighs trying to get comfortable…
“Concerns, sir?” you parrot, trying to corral your scrambled braincells.
“What you said in the infirmary,” he begins, expression solemn, “is that really how you feel?”
“What I said…?” You try to recall anything of note from last night, but most of what came out of your mouth is a blur at best. “What did I say?”
He leans forward, lacing his scarred fingers together. You try not to stare, though the way he rubs at the knuckle of one thumb with the other is distracting. It’s an unusual gesture for the disciplined, determined man you’ve been honored to call captain for months now.
“That you can’t ask us to help you.”
A block of ice drops into your stomach.
“That’s not – I know you guys would help me if I needed it,” you hurry to say.
He gives you a long look. “Then why don’t you ever ask? You were shot and didn’t say a bloody thing.”
You shift, unable to meet his eyes. Can’t find the words to answer. It’s not that you didn’t think you could ask. It just didn’t feel right with the bad blood between you, Soap, and Ghost. Besides, you’re the medic, you’re supposed to be the one fixing everyone else – not the other way around. What use are you otherwise?
You try to explain this to Price, but you sense (from the grim set to his handsome features) that it’s not helping.
“I’ve been a shite captain to you, haven’t I?” he sighs.
You jump. “No, sir! You’re a great captain. I trust you with my life.”
He chuckles, but it’s devoid of humor. Sounds almost self-deprecating.
“I’ve not done a bloody thing to earn it.”
You shake your head. “Sir, you’ve kept me alive for months now. That’s plenty.”
Beyond that, he’s always been fair with you. Doesn’t give you shit assignments or the most dangerous roles in missions. Always makes sure you’re alive and accounted for. Calls you out for mistakes and faults, sure, but it’s for the sake of you and everyone else. He’s been just as ready to pat your shoulder for a clever maneuver or praise a good shot.
“You know damn well it’s not,” he scolds.
You huff, almost amused. “Sir, with all due respect, get off the cross we need the wood.”
His eyebrows jump up nearly to his hairline. Normally, you wouldn’t dream of being so cavalier with Price of all people. Soap’s truce last night gives you the confidence to continue.
“I know you didn’t trust me as a former Shadow at first,” you say, “but you looked out for me anyway. After the first few missions… it seemed like things evened out.”
He sighs and sits back, running a hand down his face.
“Laswell vouched for you – it’s the only reason I didn’t send you right back on that plane,” he admits. A small but genuine smile curls his mouth. “And then you put your life on the line for my boys time and time again.”
You mirror him, the tension in your shoulders easing away with each word.
“I knew things weren’t great with the others, but I thought it was best if I kept out of it. Let you lot sort it out so long as you all cooperated when it mattered,” he continues. “I didn’t realize how bad it got, and that’s on me. I’m sorry.”
You shake your head and lightly tap your boot against his. “It wasn’t the wrong call, sir. I think things are going to get better from here on out.”
He hums, eyes searching your gentle smile for any hint of insincerity. But you believe it, and it must show, because his eyes crinkle as he smiles back.
“Speaking of better,” he says, clearing his throat. “Mind if I take a look at those ribs? Dana had some choice words for me this morning.”
You giggle and tug your shirt from your waistband, hiking the hem up high to show the reddish-purple mottling all over your left side. Price makes a noise of sympathy, easing out of his chair to the carpeted floor. On his knees, he inches closer, leaning in to inspect the damage.
“How’d this happen?” he asks, voice lowering.
His fingertips skim over the edges of the bruises, featherlight. Your voice gets strangled in your throat as tingles race across your skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
“Um, hostile kicked me. A lot.”
His eyes flick up to yours, hard as ice. “Dead?”
His gaze softens, a proud, smug quirk to his lips. “Atta girl.”
You can’t fully suppress a shiver. It’s not just the gentle, considerate touches. It’s the purring praise from a man you’ve admired and harbored a sizeable crush on.
“Cold?” he asks.
This is your chance to wave it off. To pretend you are not so inappropriately infatuated with a man you thought only tolerated you until a minute ago. A little white lie, you could smooth your shirt back down, and be on your way.
But you don’t want to do that. Not really.
And from the way his pupils are slowly, steadily subsuming his irises, neither does he.
“No, sir,” you whisper.
His slow exhale caresses across your tender ribs.
“Then would you be comfortable if I checked on your ‘little graze’ as well?” It’s a tease, but also a genuine check of your boundaries. Another out, freely and openly given, that only solidifies your resolve to see where he’s going with this.
“Yessir,” you answer, shifting to get at your belt.
Price tsks, though, big hands spreading across each thigh and urging you down again.
“Now, now, don’t aggravate that shoulder,” he murmurs. “Let me help like a good captain.”
You swallow back an embarrassing noise as deft hands unbuckle your belt, thumb the button of your pants open, and drag the zipper down tooth by tooth. His thick, warm forearms rest on your thighs the entire time, keep them spread to accommodate his wide shoulders. He’s in no rush to continue his “checkup,” toying along the length of your waistband before easing it down.
“Lift up for me, darling, there we are,” he murmurs. You gasp softly as his palms brush your ass while sliding your pants down. Then outright squeak as he squeezes a cheek in each hand, a low noise of admiration rumbling in his throat.
“Gorgeous girl,” he chuckles. “Gorgeous arse.”
Your face feels hot as he tugs your pants down to your ankles, though the square of gauze and tape on the back of your thigh is long revealed. It takes conscious effort not to squirm under his hot gaze, praying a wet spot isn’t already visible on your panties.
“Let’s just get this one free…” He works the pantleg over your boot, leaving the other pooled around the laces. “Now then.”
You bite into your lip as he hauls your calf up into his shoulder, propping your leg up to get a clear view of your thigh.
“Not bled through,” he notes, tracing the neat edges of the medical tape. “You’ve been taking good care of it. Well done.”
You can’t help the little twitch that evokes, your whole body reacting to the deep timbre of his voice. He’s not oblivious to his effect on you, a glint in his eye as his bristly jaw brushes the inside of your knee.
“T-told you, it wasn’t too bad,” you manage weakly.
He hums and your pussy clenches helplessly around nothing. His eyes flick down and you know it’s all over.
“And what about this, hm?” he asks. You whimper as his thumb skims the lace edge of your panties. “Have you been taking care of this?”
Flustered and yet so, so turned on, you can only shake your head. He coos in mock disappointment, rubbing slow circles across your labia, closer and closer to where you’re aching and needy.
“It’s alright sergeant,” he soothes, “your captain will take care of you.”
Except he only rubs you through your panties A maddening pressure back and forth along the wet seam of your cunt, never delving deeper. You break down in hardly any time at all.
“Sir, please,” you whine, wriggling. He’s quick to brace you still again, leisurely movements never faltering.
“Please what, darling?” he teases.
“I-I need…” You whimper with embarrassment, squeezing your eyes shut. “I need you to take care of me, please, captain.”
He practically growls as he tears through the hip of your panties, tossing them aside in a sodden heap on the ground. With two fingers, he parts your labia, eyes hungrily drinking in the cream shimmering between them.
“All this and I’ve barely touched you,” he rasps, awed.
You nearly sob with desperation for something, anything. He shushes your fussy little noises with his thumb, dipping into the pool of slick at your entrance. Gets the pad soaked before drawing a line up to your swollen, sensitive clit. Your mouth falls open as he starts drawing tight, firm circles over that bundle of nerves.
He treats your body and your pleasure with all the confidence and competence you’ve come to expect of John Price. It takes shockingly little time for him to learn just how to press, how fast to rub, the patterns and circuits that get your legs shaking. And that’s before he twists his wrist and sinks a finger inside you.
“Practically sucking me in, love,” he murmurs, petting at your walls. You shudder and wordlessly beg for more, rocking your hips. “Need another already, greedy girl?”
He doesn’t even wait for your nod before stuffing you with another, curling and scissoring, exploring. You keen as he finds a sweet, sensitive spot inside you and begins toying with it, his thumb still swiping relentlessly at your clit.
He settles into a rhythm that has you moaning and keening, the heel of your boot digging into his shoulder blade. All the while he showers you in praise and encouragement, the dirtiest compliments that make you clench down tightly on his hand. Your body feels like it’s on fire, every nerve ending lit up with pleasure.
It’s builds and builds and builds, never quite cresting. You’re near tears when you moan his name, trying to find some leverage or angle to finally tip you over the edge.
“Do you need to cum, doll?”
“Yes, yes,” you cry, “please, sir, I wanna cum for you. Please, I’m s-so close.”
He hums, bracing your thigh with his free hand as he leans in. Your foggy brain doesn’t have enough time to process before he latches onto your clit and a third finger bullies into you. You wail. Your thigh twinges from the dull pressure of his shoulder, but the slight pain only adds a delicious edge to the pleasure.
His tongue swipes across your puffy clit once, twice, three times and you’re gone. You gush all over his hand, his beard, onto the chair. Your hips jerk as he works you over, fingers abusing your g-spot relentlessly despite how tightly you clamp down. Your body feels nuclear, nerves popping like firecrackers.
He only relents when the waves of ecstasy threaten to drown you in overstimulation. He eases his fingers from your twitchy hole, making room for him to lick you clean. It’s loud and obscene, yet there’s no room left for embarrassment anymore. You shiver and pant in the aftermath, your body unravelling into a puddle.
“Wh-what about you?” you ask as he begins straightening out your clothes. There’s an absolutely delectable-looking bulge in his fatigues that you’re dying to get your tongue on.
He chuckles and shakes his head. “If you want more –” (“I do.”) “- then you’ll have to wait until you’re healed up. Non-negotiable.”
You try to pout, but the effort is thwarted when he chucks you gently under the chin.
“C’mon, let’s have a lie down.”
He steadies you as you wobble to the couch off to the side, lying down first and letting you cuddle up between his legs. It’s a comfort more than you would have expected from a clandestine little triste, but you should know better than to doubt your captain. Head resting on his chest, you let yourself drift for a while, lulled by his fingers carding through your hair.
“Price…?” you ask after a while.
“You didn’t do this just to… I dunno, make up for something, right?”
He huffs. “No, sweetheart. I’ve been arse over teakettle for a while. Staring like a complete muppet when you train.”
You hide a grin against his collarbone. “Good. I thought I’d have to start making things up for you to owe me.”
His chuckle rocks through you, and for the first time in a while, it feels a bit like home.
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hyunnie04 · 10 months
cat and mouse
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summary: your co-worker has been on your case ever since you've started your time at the company. a strange turn of events and circumstance changes all that.
pairing: coworker! lee know x reader
trope: enemies to lovers <3, office au
genre: slight angst, smut, and fluff
warnings: fem-bodied reader, oral, creampie, overstim, unprotected sex, bulge kink, spitting, etc. 18+ mdni
word count: 9.8k
a/n: a little practice piece for you guys, i hope i did well;; so sorry this took me so long to write :( i also hope it's cohesive enough, i keep writing this fic on and off sleep deprived lol
“the clock isn’t going to speed up just because you keep staring at it.” the cubicle beside you chirps in, momentarily shaking you out of your thoughts. by now, you’ve trained to pay him no mind as you keep your focus on the clock that reads 4:56 pm, almost taunting you in a way. 
a few more minutes and you’ll be home free for the weekend. maybe you can finally relax and get away from your dreaded paperwork. perhaps look through your shopping apps since you had nothing else better to do for the weekend, or better yet- you could run a well deserved bath with that bath bomb you always wanted to use but never got a chance to. all the possibilities sounded heavenly although all that would have to actually wait until you get home.
one other thing that you had been anticipating all day was having that dinner after work with jeongin- your close friend and coworker from a different department. he had been begging you for ages to finally try that one soba place that opened up nearby with him. you being a good friend, agreed.
“you might actually melt the clock if you keep doing that y’know.” your cubicle neighbor- lee minho smirks, now standing and leaning over your workspace.
"what do you want?" pointedly asking him.
"oh, nothing. nothing."
“you just don’t ever shut up, do you?” you deadpan and tilt your chin up to stare at him, minho just offers a sly smirk in return. he always liked to bother and butt into your business for some odd reason. 
minho shrugs, “it’s fun teasing you. you do that thing where you scrunch your nose when you get riled up.” a vain visibly pops up from your forehead, but turn to your computer, hoping to drown him out with your typing.
you knew better than to give him a reaction. if you had a penny for how many times that particular vein popped from your forehead because of minho, you’d probably be a millionaire by now.
“oh, one more thing-” the brown haired man saunters back to his desk, and comes back to yours with a huge stack of papers. he unceremoniously plops it down, the annoying feline-like grin on his face. 
“what’s…this?” raising an eyebrow at him, you hope it's not what you think he's planning. you have plans. he crosses his arms and pushes his framed glasses back.
“paperwork, of course.” you wanted to strangle him. “yes, i’m well aware that this is paperwork. why is it now on my desk?”
before you could protest any further, “they want this finished by next week.” he leans to practically whisper in your ear. minho grins mischievously after he sees your pink flustered face take a step back.
the humongous stack was already on his desk, so your boss most likely assigned it to him in the first place. you furrow your eyebrows and turn to him, worst fear coming true.
"ohh no. not in a million years." you get up from your seat, avoiding the offending pile. he starts going back to his desk, neatly placing his things in it's organizers.
“why can’t you finish it? you- what are you doing?” but minho was already grabbing his bag and blazer and looking at his wrist watch.
“would you look at the time- thanks for covering for me!” aaaand he's gone.
plopping down on your chair, you bury your face in your hands, stopping yourself from pulling out hair. frustration creases on your forehead. well, you could kiss that dinner with jeongin goodbye. now you definitely want to strangle him.
lee minho. if you were to find a personification of the word annoying, the brunette would certainly be it. that man has done nothing but annoy the hell out of you ever since you started your time in the company. other people in your department often regarded him as one of the most reliable and polite employees here.
you would inwardly scoff at the frequent mention of minho and his apparent “reliable-ness and politeness” since all he was, was just the opposite. to you at least. it was hard to believe at first. 
but then you actually saw the way he carried himself with effortlessness and composure, handled business affairs, and how he mingled so seamlessly with fellow colleagues. it was nothing short of professional.
so you had a theory that he was only like that towards you. a complete dick only to you. you although weren’t quite sure why.
the girls in your department would often talk about him as well, mostly for his appearance. you really weren’t one for gossiping but you would listen in sometimes, curious about what they see in him. it was hard not to when they would gush about their workplace crushes and love lives so openly, a tinge of envy seeps through your bones every time it would be mentioned. you have got to get laid one day.
“he’s totally my type, you think i should ask him out?” your other cubicle neighbor says quite loudly during her break. her friend beside her shakes their head, “no, no you can’t.”
“why not? isn't he hot and available?” she asks absentmindedly. you start to zone out for a minute, only catching bits and pieces of their conversation. but you contemplate about what she said for a second, you would be lying if you said that lee minho was unattractive.
far from that actually. distinctly remembering catching a few glimpses of him from your first day, intrigued and interest piqued. his sharp nose and cheek bones, features were like sculpted by michaelangelo himself, his toned and lean figure accentuated by the perfectly well fit suit that he always seem to wear.
you definitely found him attractive at first.
that was until he started annoying you, so all of that was quickly out the window.
but you would probably end yourself before admitting that to anyone. you let out a disgruntled sigh, appearance wouldn’t really matter if he wasn’t such a knob to begin with. 
as you approached your dimly lit street, all you could think about was that feline faced jerk. what was he thinking, dumping all that work on you last minute? you felt really bad about cancelling on jeongin, texting him earlier about the sudden change of schedule. the dark haired man you've come to know just replies with a little;
'we'll just try again next week lol'
you breathe out a relieved sigh, thankful that he wasn't mad. kicking the pebbles on the side of the road, you imagined that the little rocks were minho's face. you could not wait until you get home.
“stupid paperwork, stupid minho, stupid…” 
your muttering fades and you suddenly stop in your tracks as your elderly neighbor waves you over from her front door, grandma lee or just grandma- as she insists you call her instead.
you bowed and greeted her, “hi grandma, did you need something?” you were quite close with the sweet old lady, her gray hair swaying lightly in the wind.
the elder would often check up on you after hearing that you traveled all the way from your hometown to the city, almost taking you in as her own. you were grateful for the company since homesickness would often creep up. she would also often bring you comically large jars of kimchi which you appreciated greatly.
she smiles as she gestures to the multiple bags she was holding, "i just need a little help getting these inside the house, dear." you take the heavy bags from her hands. what were in these, rocks? grandma claps her hands together in remembrance.
“have you had dinner yet? i made extra.”
grandma sets a bowl in front of you, the sight of seaweed soup instantly brings you comfort. your stomach grumbles as you dig in. she watches you intently as you practically inhale the soup, starved from the long and terrible day you had.
you sent her a polite questioning look. “i want to ask you for a favor.” she finally starts, flicking through the channels of her tv. the weather was on, the forecaster droning on about rain happening this week in the same monotone voice for the past 10 minutes. you look at her and nod immediately, she had done so much for you, doing a few favors aren't going to hurt.
“do you have a car, dear?”
blowing on the steaming hot seaweed soup, you nod again at her question, wondering where this conversation is heading.
“i need someone to drive me to my son’s house tomorrow, i'm staying over there for the weekend and my bags are a little heavy. would that be alright with you, dear?” you’ve heard about her family from her stories when she would have you over like now, little bits and pieces. you smile and agree.
a cheshire grin graces your features after a moment.  “what’s in it for me?” it was a joke of course, grandma knew it too. having spent a large amount of time with her, your humor must’ve rubbed off at some point.
you didn’t expect her to actually answer but she replies, “actually, i’d like you to meet my grandson as well. i think you two would get along. he's the same age as you too.”
the aforementioned grandson was someone you’ve seen in a bunch of grandma lee’s hallway pictures. you remember that he was an only child, often the only kid and the lone subject in the photos. your favorite was the kid in red with a toothy grin. he must’ve been 5 when it was taken.
"it was a joke, grandma. i'm sure your grandson wouldn't want a stranger suddenly coming to meet him." she shakes her head,
"nonsense. that boy doesn't know what he wants." you laugh at her persistence. getting another bowl of rice, you ponder her offer for a second. maybe this could finally cure your dull and dry love life, it couldn't hurt to try. if worse comes to worst, you could just pretend it never happened.
“but of course, i’ll drive you there. i have nothing to do anyways.” you say with a mouthful of rice. grandma pats you on the back and continues to flick through the channels once more.
“thank you dear.”
the sunset blears through your windshield, sun rays momentarily blinding you. it was clear as day. the ride to her family’s house was relatively quiet, the elderly lady in your passenger seat preferred to sleep the whole ride through after handing you the address, giving you a moment to leave you in your thoughts.
pulling up to the neighborhood, you let out a low whistle. the house was at the end of the street, steep and uphill. it was surely going to be a struggle to get the car way up there.
you get to the curb, reverse and try to park your car as best as you can. the house was really pretty, you thought. it looked pretty lived in too, but in a cozy way. vines was sprawled all over the brick exterior and flowers had bloomed all over the property.
you wake up grandma and start to haul her luggage up and out the car.
"you go up, grandma. i'll catch up."
after struggling to get the multiple bags of luggage up hill, you finally waddle to the front door. the door was left slightly ajar, probably for your convenience. you took a quick peek around, hoping for someone to let you in.
calling out before entering, you were met with silence. you figured they were too busy catching up so you eventually let yourself in.
the furniture adorning the hallway and rooms were made out of wood, the handiwork and craftsmanship was evident, intricate carvings on each and every one of them. it must’ve been made by grandma lee’s son as you’ve heard from her many stories.
a ginger cat with white stripes greets you as you enter the front door, it strides over to you in intrigue. leaning down and dropping grandma's bags gently, you let the feline sniff your hand before allowing itself to be pet. soon enough it starts rubbing its body on your legs and purring loudly. adorable cat, you thought.
silence fills the house, aside from the soft chatter coming from the other side of the wall. the cat leaves it's spot, not wanting to be pet anymore. you sit up and observe the house again, noticing a myriad of family photos adorning the walls and some of the tables.
coming closer to one of the pictures, again, you encounter the same young boy in red but this time he was wearing a cap sideways and a puffer jacket that seemed to be way too big for him.
"hello! you must be y/n!" a feminine voice suddenly calls out from the living room. you straighten your back from the mention of your name, hoping she didn't catch you closely staring at their personal and probably private photos. grandma lee comes out from the living room as well and walks towards you with a younger and kind looking woman in tow. she had another cat in her arms, this time it's coat was gray with dark streaks.
you smile and greet her politely, exchanging pleasantries. you quietly pick up the neglected bags and place them near the guest room. they continue their conversation with each other from before, you now awkwardly standing in the middle. looking at your wrist watch, you figured you should probably head on home.
"i suppose i'll get going now, it was really nice meeting you." mrs. lee looked startled at your sudden announcement.
"why don't you stay for a while? it must've been a long drive here, you're probably hungry." these two women weren't related by blood but they practically were, having the same idea when it came to hospitality.
"well, i don't want to overstay my welcome. i'm just here to give grandma a ride." smoothening out your non-existent clothes wrinkles in apprehension.
she waves her hand in dismissal, "but you must stay, you're already here anyways." she grins and pats your back. mrs. lee didn't seem to budge at your refusal.
you relented, finally accepting her offer. "my son is in the kitchen whipping something up. he's a great cook." you totally forgot about her son being actually here. the joke offer from yesterday completely forgotten and flew out of your mind. slight embarrassment runs through you, realizing that the offer was somewhat serious. you would surely need to mentally prep yourself for more socialization than you've anticipated.
but you instantly believe her claim that her son was a great cook, the amazing and aromatic smell of what seems to be steak and multiple herbs and spices from the kitchen wafts through out the entire house.
"okay- while we're waiting," mrs. lee gestures for you to take a seat, "you should go sit on the couch, y/n. i've been dying to meet you."
she hands you a mug of hot tea and sits down next to you. "mom here talks about you all the time, thank you for keeping her company."
"it's no problem at all, i like her company too." and with that, the three of you fall into a smooth and comfortable rhythm of conversation. the younger of the two women across from you continues to poke and prod into life, not that you minded. she would ask you about your life, where were you from, where you went to school, and where you went to work and among other things.
she offers you stories of her son gleefully in return, laughing about a particularly embarrassing story when he was younger. you learned that he was quite fond and talented in dancing, loves cats, and loves to cook. oddly enough mrs. lee never mentioned his name at all, you didn't want to pry. now that you've thought about it, grandma hadn't mentioned his name at all either. all you had for a lead was initials you remember seeing etched on one of grandma's photos. you figured you'd meet this person soon enough anyways.
after a while, grandma lee retreats to the guest room they've set up, assuming that she'd want to fix her belongings. mrs. lee starts to drag you around the house, urging you to help her set the plates up and talk more while doing so. midway through placing the chopsticks on the table, the sound of pots and pans clanging from the other room shakes you out of your thoughts.
"mom?" a voice calls out from their kitchen. it must be her son. you slightly raise your eyebrows, he sounds oddly familiar but you can't place your finger who he might've sounded like. you quickly brush it off.
"have you seen the slow cooker?" the man finally reveals himself and pokes his head through the entryway to the kitchen.
you lift your head and lock eyes with the said person. shock freezes your movements, dropping the utensils that you were holding. blinking owlishly in surprise, you weren't sure if what you were seeing was real.
you feel the wind knock out of your lungs. this was not happening. the brown eyes, brown hair, and cat like face from work that you've come to dislike stared back. you must be hallucinating.
standing across from you was lee minho, the lee minho. grandma lee’s grandson. the same one that's been tormenting you all year round. you just couldn't believe it, wondering what kind of luck you had to end up here.
you think back to when you looking (--more like snooping) at grandma lee's framed hallway photos, the kid- that was him all along? you're really bad at recognizing faces, you thought to yourself. well, she certainly made him seem like a complete angel from the stories.
"oh! this is y/n. your grandmother invited her to eat dinner with us." mrs. lee pulls your figure closer into a side hug and beams at her son.
he furrows his eyebrows at you, glancing back and forth at you and his mother. he must be as confused and shocked as you are. "hi." minho says, nodding at your direction. you purse your lips and shuffle uncomfortably in place.
minho again asks where the slow cooker was since the first time he asked was ignored. he was wearing a loose fitting shirt, his broad shoulders looking more prominent. you realize you've never seen him outside of his work attire before. he looked comfortable, domestic even.
his mom says to check the cupboards, paying him no mind and continuing to set the table up. minho nods slowly, eyes not leaving yours and heads back to the kitchen. a little shell shocked about your little encounter, you clear your throat and go back to the task at hand. you'd just have to deal with this for the evening and then you could go home.
when the table was done, mrs. lee turns to you, "y/n? would you mind helping minho over there with bringing the side dishes to the table?" you freeze at the realization that you would have to interact with him alone.
"sure." you say meekly. she thanks you and goes to the guest room to presumably get the older lady for dinner. psyching your self up before entering the kitchen, his broad back facing you. he senses your presence and chuckles.
you were sure he was going to make this whole night unbearable.
"well, this is a nice surprise."
"what are you doing here?" stupid question from you seeing as this was his own house. mentally face palming your head, he hums smugly and starts dividing the side dishes onto smaller plates. you notice his very toned arms flexing as he puts the tubs away.
"i should be asking you that. i didn't expect you to be here." he says nonchalantly, but you could feel a sly smile forming on his face as he speaks.
"neither did i." you grumble and lightly shove him aside, wanting to get the side dishes out to the table already. you ignore the way he looks so domestic right now.
you stare at him from directly across the table, hoping he would keep his mouth shut. he smirks while he eats, purposefully riling you up and glancing at you with a knowing grin.
do not lose your cool, y/n.
silence rings out the dining room aside from the quiet clattering of utensils on plates.
"i'm sorry?" you snap out of your little less than friendly staring contest with him.
"do... you know each other?" his mother finally breaks the silence and here eyes flickers back and forth between both of you.
a full on headache is surely forming now, it's going to be hard to hide your annoyance. quick, think of a lie.
"we're coworkers. same company." you grimace as he answers for the both of you. no use in hiding it now. "oh! that's wonderful." the older lady to your right clasps her hands in delight.
"you didn't tell me you worked together." grandma turns to you grinning brightly. you avoid eye contact with her, nodding and forcing out a smile. you wanted nothing more than want the ground to swallow you up right then and there.
"you two must be close." his mother says, sipping at her drink. you were about to open your mouth to say that you really aren't actually, but minho beats you to the punch.
"we kind of are." minho rests his elbows on the table and turns to you. he's enjoying this. the bastard was enjoying this. resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you turn back to finish your meal.
hatred for the man aside, he really was a great cook as mentioned countless of times. you actually find yourself enjoying the meal he had prepared.
"tell me what you two get up to at work, i want to hear all of it."
you shift uncomfortably in your seat, being honest wouldn't be the best idea. you didn't want these two lovely women to know how much of an unpleasant man their son and grandson is. and it was his house after all, the best decision might be to at least be civil with him.
so you play along with his facade, not wanting to disappoint them even if it was probably going to bite you in the ass later.
minho starts cutting the meat up into bite sized pieces while the conversation between the two ladies continue. he places it on your plate without saying anything. this takes you by surprise, looking at his face for an answer.
the two audience members among the dining table seems to have noticed your little exchange. a wrinkly hand touches over yours catches your attention.
"oh, so are you two..." she trails off, implication heavy on her tone.
"no- no, grandma. i told you i wasn't seeing anyone." you shoot a discrete glare towards minho.
"ah, i see..."
you shrink down your seat for the remainder of the hour, embarrassment flooding your being. why did he have to do that? you were already practically fighting for your life not to get too involved with all this, and he pulls that?
after that very eventful dinner, it was already nearing 8 pm. you figured that you should probably get out of their hair, not wanting to disturb them than you already had. that bubble bath and movie marathon you had planned in your head sounded amazing right about now. maybe that would help you forget about this crazy night.
"grandma," she turns in response, "i think i better get going." you smile at her, digging through your pockets for the car keys. a different cat from the other two that you've met takes long strides, stopping by your feet. you greet it by petting it's head gently. you wondered how many cats they have.
"now? look at the weather dear," you look briefly at the window nearest you, surely enough it was heavily pouring. you deflate at the sight.
"i don't think it's a great idea to drive out in a storm." she looks at you in concern. crap. the conversation at dinner must've carried you away, not even noticing the angry rumble of thunder that came from the sky. she was right, you don't think you could drive out there immediately.
the last time you drove into hard pelting rain, you couldn’t see through the windshield and almost crashed your car in the process. you could still remember how your car swerved and screeched when you couldn't control the way the tires' direction.
reluctantly dropping your hands to your side in defeat, "i guess i can wait it out for a bit." you finally say.
"yes, please do stay. we made extra dessert!" mrs. lee chuckles, seemingly enjoying your presence. glancing at minho, he was leaning on the side of the couch watching the exchange between you three, uncharacteristically silent and expression unreadable.
you reckon he wasn't all that thrilled about the whole thing either.
"the storm isn't letting up." minho sighs next to you, observing the dark and heavy rain pelting the window. it continues to pour down, filing in the silence.
"great." you mumble lowly, crossing your arms. a loud cackle of thunder makes you jump from your spot. he just laughs in response. you could feel your heart pounding out of your chest, anxiety quietly eating at you. damn weather man. you should've paid more attention to the forecast.
the smart watch on your wrist flashes with a notification. it was 11 pm now. "you should stay until tomorrow, dear."
you feel a comforting hand on your back, it was mrs. lee. it was only her staying with you two right now since grandma had already retired back to her room.
"tomorrow? oh, i- uh... i don't want to intrude." you stutter and look down, unsure how to accept her offer. but as much as you wanted to turn her down, you knew deep down you don't really have a choice in the matter.
another strike of thunder confirms your pitiful situation.
"i know what you're thinking, you can take minho's room." her words take you aback, that really wasn't what you were thinking. but she wasn't serious, was she?
at the mention of his name and apparent lending of his own bed, he whips his head towards his mother. he points to himself silently and gawks in disbelief.
you try to stifle a laugh at his ridiculous face. it wasn't often that you see minho all flustered.
realizing that mrs. lee might actually kick minho out of his room if you don't say anything, you decide to spare him. "that's okay, i'll take the couch."
"are you sure? the couch isn't the most comfortable..."
you reassure her that the couch is fine and not to worry. mrs. lee takes this as a confirmation that you'll stay for the night. she beams and grabs her son's shoulder,
"minho, do you have clothes that you can lend to y/n?" she catches you about to protest at the unnecessary offer, "don't worry about that, you're going to end up uncomfortable if you sleep in your clothes right now."
she leaves not long after with a quick good night to you both, also not leaving any room for any counter arguments. minho nods after registering what she said, hesitantly gesturing you to follow him towards the room at the end of the corridor.
he was quiet these past few hours, you observed. the annoying minho that you have gotten used to was no where to be found. putting yourself in his shoes, you understood. having a person that you dislike come into your home and spend the night would irk you as well.
the unexpected warm lighting and a subtle citrus scent with notes of jasmine and sandalwood welcomed you upon entering. it instantly brings comfort. not really expecting anything coming into his room, it was truly a pleasant surprise.
you stand awkwardly in the middle of his room, not wanting to touch or disrupt any of his space or belongings. he heads straight to his closet near his bed.
"it's alright, uh..."
minho ignores your attempt to refuse and starts digging deep for clothes that he could lend.
okay, nevermind.
you quietly glance at the homey decor that adorns the wall of his bedroom. multiple pictures of what you assume to be his friends were strewn all across the room. some of them seemed to be taken when he was in high school and some more recent. there were doing various funny and serious poses, minho seems to be really well liked.
he starts handing you a pair of black jogging pants and a plain white t-shirt. you reluctantly take the pile of clothes from him, your fingers momentarily brushing. you were certain you could hear your pulse thump in your ears. it confuses you greatly.
"this is the smallest one i have, sorry."
he coughs and rubs his neck, "the bathroom is over there, if you wanna change."
awkwardly shuffling on the way to the bathroom, a sigh of relief leaves your mouth as you lock the door behind. why were you so affected by a simple touch of his fingers? this was minho. you quickly shove the odd feeling down.
you hold the white shirt up to your torso, it was definitely too big. the hem of the shirt reaching your thighs and sleeves reaching your elbows as well.
peeling out of your clothes, and hold up minho's large shirt to finally wear. as you put it on, you could faintly smell the cleanness of detergent and a faint musky patchouli scent. your cheeks burn with the realization that you were really going to spend the night here.
when you return to the empty main corridor, the leather couch was already set up with a cozy looking blanket and multiple plush pillows. you struggle to hide a smile.
tossing and turning, you struggle to find a comfortable position on the couch. the blanket proving to be too hot right now, you push it off. you check your phone out of boredom and the led screen lights up.
1:19 am. it was in the middle of the night and the rain continues to pour outside. the occasional rumble of thunder once again evoking anxiety in you. sighing, you don't think you will be getting any sleep tonight. it's just you and your thoughts for now.
thinking back to this afternoon, the whole situation seems so absurd and surreal. who would've thought that you and minho would pretend being friends even if it was just for one night. it was a strange chance of circumstance.
the door from the end of hallway opens, a scruffy and disheveled minho rubs his eyes to get rid of his sleepiness. you sit up in curiosity to observe his sleepy state. he pads over the wooden floors to the kitchen looking for water, not sparing you a second glance.
when he was out of sight, you start thinking of ways to distract yourself, wanting to already succumb to slumber.
“oh, it’s you.” he says after coming back, finally noticing your slumped figure. "didn't sleep yet?" minho ruffles his hair haphazardly, trying to smoothen it down. you shake your head,
"insomnia. it's the thunder."
"the couch is making your neck hurt isn't it?"
"yeah, that too."
he opens his mouth to hopefully offer another solution, but shuts it immediately. he wasn't sure if it would make you comfortable so he just stands there quietly.
"i'll go get you more pillows." he places his cup down on the coffee table before going to his room. minho stops in his tracks when he feels your fingers tug on his shirt. another strike of thunder flashes outside making you flinch.
"stay." you catch yourself saying before even realizing. it's selfish to ask but you don't think you could stand the thunder alone. watching him stare into your eyes, as if looking for an explanation- you offer him no words.
minho takes a seat at the end of the couch silently joining you, sipping at his mug. to fill the awkward silence, you clear your throat and fiddle with the ends of the cotton blanket.
you start thinking of ways to justify your selfish request of making him stay.
"i finished that damn paperwork you dumped on me. dick move by the way." you chortled to try to lighten the mood. he seems to notice your attempts to distract yourself and indulge your sudden desire to chat.
he folds his hands on his stomach, grinning. his bunny like teeth poking out. you always thought it was endearing. "it's fun seeing you all grumpy."
"sadist." you simper, the anger you felt from a yesterday dwindling at the surprisingly pleasant banter.
quietness takes over again. he stares into the celling, pondering. "i didn't know you were close with my grandmother." he says after a while. he avoids your gaze and places his mug back on the table.
"neither did i. it wasn't deliberate," you reply. he turns to you, curious about the story. so you explain to him how you met, for how long and that you didn't even recognize him despite seeing the photos.
he chuckles, "i bet it was this pose, wasn't it?" minho imitates the very same pose that he did in the photo, eliciting another laugh from you. it was exactly the same.
minho shuffles a little bit closer to you, now propping his arm on the back of the couch. you straighten up, now being hyperaware of his presence and proximity. he looks really different without his glasses.
a furry tail suddenly brushes against your exposed leg. you lean forward to check what had just rubbed past you, it was one of the cats. it meows for attention, pawing at the base of the couch.
"your cats are really cute." you watch him pick the orange haired feline and place it on his lap. one by one, two of the other cats that you've seen this afternoon start padding over to where you and minho were seated, jumping on the couch.
"that's dori," he points to the gray furred kitty. "doongie," an orange cat with a predominately white underbelly, "and soonie." the last one who's also orange but more so than the other. minho raises soonie's paw, waving it at you. cute.
"this one looks like you."
you scratch soonie's chin, the low purring getting louder the longer you do it. minho stares longingly at your eyes with an unreadable expression at the comment. you're not paying any attention to him.
after a while, the cats start to get tired of the two of you. they walk of to the end of the couch, now ignoring you and minho. you fold your arms and relaxing into the back of the couch, falling into a deep and comfortable silence that would be sorely missed.
"why do you hate me?" you say abruptly. the curiosity finally won, anxiety gnawing at your every fiber of your being. it was finally starting to be peaceful between you two and actually talking like normal people, your sudden comment might've affected it's chances of becoming true.
his head whips towards your direction in what you assume to be disbelief, furrowing his eyebrows. "since when did i hate you?"
you struggle to not scoff at his blatant charade, "minho, you have it out for me." this was strange and ridiculous. was he really being serious? how could he not be aware of the months of months of his incessant attitude towards you, and only you.
you remind yourself to be calm, to be civil. but he continues to feign ignorance. it was starting to get difficult.
"you don't treat me like the others, you constantly make my life harder by teasing me, and you dump your own paperwork on me. only me. the only time you talked to me normally was just a few minutes ago." your voice rising with exasperation.
"what did i do?" voice ultimately faltering, tired.
"i-..." minho refuses to meet your eyes, offering no solace.
instantly feeling vulnerable by your little outburst and by the lack of response on his end, you hug and bury the plush pillow for comfort. you wanted to go home. you wanted to go home and pretend this conversation did not happen. confrontation wasn't your strong suit.
after a long while of silence, he at last utters a low, "i'm so sorry."
"that was very, very stupid of me." minho's eyes are now trained on the hardwood floor, unable to even glance at you.
"what? the paperwork?" you scoff, "no, not just that. all of it."
you furrow your brows at him, "i just find you really really cute when you're mad." he continues. you stare at him, incredulousness and anger painting your features. before you could give him a piece of your mind, he speaks.
"and i realized i didn't know how to actually approach you normally without the teasing." he purses his lips, the cup on the table long forgotten. minho is staring up the celling now, still refusing to look to your direction.
"would you also believe me if i said i was jealous?"
you don't know what to say in return, heavily processing what he just said. what was happening? your mouth runs dry, confusion knocking the wind out of you.
"of your friend." he says, emphasizing the last part. you try to rack your brain of who he was referring to.
"jeongin?" you tilt your head. he says nothing, confirming the assumption. "i overheard him talking to his friends, bragging about how he was gonna take you out to this restaurant that he wants to drag you to." you couldn't possibly think of a reason why he would be jealous, you and jeongin are just friends. and why was he jealous in the first place?
"why are you so worked up about it? he's just a friend, minho."
"i'm not even sure myself," minho shakes his head in exasperation and turns to you. "but i like you, y/n."
standing there, paralyzed at his unexpected confession. minho likes you? he was giving you crap all year round, and yet he likes you? you shoot him a perplexed look, "wait, what?"
"let me get this straight," you hug your legs, trying to decipher what he was saying. "so your plan was to annoy the hell out of me, dump your paperwork seeing that you don't want me hanging out with jeongin because...you like me?"
"well, now it sounds stupid when you put it like that." he huffs, crossing his arms and pouting cutely.
deafening silence falls between you two, unable to say anything meaningful without stuttering and fumbling through your words. you just sat there, not really saying anything and staring at the floor. realizing that you probably don't feel the same, he sighs. its about time he went back to bed too.
"it's late. you should probably get some-"
before you knew it you felt your pulse roaring in your ears, grabbing his wrist and stopping him from standing up. you were going to regret it if you let him go.
"i like you too."
a magnetic pull causes you both to inch closer together, wordlessly gazing into each others eyes. you make the first move to lean into him, slowly placing an experimental peck on the side of his lips. you unsurely place your hands on his chest, "is this okay?"
his eyes flickering down to your lips and then back to your eyes. he licks his lips, still staring intensely- lovingly at you. he softly grins, tucking a lock of hair behind your ears and returns the kiss on your lips.
eyelids fluttering shut, you feel him press against you with much enthusiasm, deepening the kiss. you cup his cheeks as a reply, roughly pulling him towards you.
you already forgot about the rain outside.
he hoists you up his lap, a hand on your waist as he trails desperate kisses on your neck. minho pays his attention back to your lips, sloppy and open mouthed, saliva stringing from your mouths. urgency and eagerness was reflected in the way you both tangle your arms around each other, touching and caressing every part that you could reach.
all of the unresolved tension was slowly slipping away, replaced by desire.
a sudden meow breaks the two of you out of your trance. the green eyes of soonie stares up at the two of you, sitting quietly and their tail swishing side to side.
you loosen your arms around his neck, you two bursting out in laughter at the interruption.
"do you want to maybe take this to my room?" minho asks, placing a thumb on your lips. you didn't need to think twice.
your head hit his plush pillow, the cold and crisp linen feeling heavenly against your hot and flushed skin. shuffling up to the headboard, you watch minho with hazy eyes as he inches towards your form and props his knee on the edge of the bed.
he smirks as he sinks down on the mattress, hovering over your feverish body. minho sneaks a hand behind your back, grabbing you by the hips and flipping you over so effortlessly to the top as if you weighed nothing.
"now, where were we?" he murmurs into the column of your neck, his hot breath sending tingling and electrifying shivers down your spine. you respond by trailing your hands all over his clothed chest, wanting to get the offending article of clothing off.
he chuckles and grabs your wrists, halting you from doing so. minho kisses the inside of your wrist, a teasing smile dawns on his face. you look at him with desperate, pleading eyes, wanting to have him already.
minho adjusts his tight hold on you, biting his plush lips in anticipation. with you now towering over his figure, you lean down to capture the lips that you had been fantasizing about all evening and bury your hands into his hair. the kiss was wet and messy, your tongues sloppily and desperately swallowing each other's moans. a trail of saliva strings from both of your lips.
it was starting to get too hot for your liking. you cease your movements for a second to remove minho’s borrowed shirt from your body. minho’s eyes shamelessly rake over your chest, his finger leisurely trailing the middle of your breasts. you let out a low chuckle, finally unclasping the hook of your bra. you release a breathy shudder upon feeling something hard poking you from where you sat. grabbing both of his wrists, you eagerly put them up to your tits, you could feel your sensitive nipples harden because of his cold touch. minho starts pinching at the sensitive buds, prolonging his eye contact with you, clearly enjoying your erratic squirming.
you suck in a sharp breath and almost topple over him in pleasure as he takes a nipple into his mouth, hot, warm, and wet. it was overwhelming, having no one touch you like this before. he continues to lap at your hardening bud. minho groans, closing his eyes and further burying his head in your chest. your tits were covered in spit, glistening under the subtle light of his night lamp.
minho, while smothering himself in your chest, takes a moment to hook his arm over you. his skillful hands trail over to the waistband of your jogging pants and pulls it down. you oblige, leaning closer to him and lifting your hips so he wouldn’t have to leave your tits. you jump in surprise once you feel a light teasing smack on your now semi exposed ass, only covered by thin panties. it elicits a small moan from you, pulling his head closer. you lightly pet his head and thread your hands in his hair affectionately as he continues his sucking, feeling a coiling sensation from your core. 
but before you could cum, he detaches from your breasts, leaving his lips glistening with his own spit and his breath raggedy. a sly grin that you have come to love and hate graces his face upon seeing you whimper. the lack of stimulation makes you deflate, heaving frustratedly at his relentless teasing.
the familiar throbbing heat from your pussy suddenly gives you an idea. his hungry gaze watches you in curiosity. the bulge you were currently sitting on now immediately taking all of your attention. you do an experimental hump on it, hoping to relieve the aching heat from your cunt. minho's hands fly to your hips, groaning at the sensation.
"all this time, you made me think that you hated me-" you moan out, the fabric of his pants providing just the right amount of resistance. "when really you liked me?"
he stifles his moans by biting his bottom lip, his pants surely soaked through now.
"i did say i liked seeing you mad." minho manages to grunt out, licking his lips. you almost reel in disbelief but you keep your composure. 
"you're confusing." another thrust. 
"and i'm still mad at you." you huff out. hips now wildly humping against every ridge and curve of his cock. the sight of him makes you delirious, even more so that you’re humping against him.
"i-i'll make it up to you," he murmurs lowly, hissing the more times you buck up against him. "fu-fuck..."
despite the way that you were using him, it does nothing to quell the horniness you were feeling, in fact, it even spurs you on further. the wet patch from your panties soak and slowly transfer on to the front of his pants, your own wetness spreading messily every time you grind on his delicious dick, the ridges providing the needed friction that you've been so desperately craving. minho watches you, your tits bouncing up and down- he feels like drooling. "i love it when you use me." he finally breathes out, hands still on your hips, his nails making crescents on your skin. and finally, you cum, his words sending you over the edge.
it tremors through your body, white hot cum leaks out from your panties and you can’t seem to hold yourself up any longer, collapsing on his broad chest. you clench your eyes shut in shyness, suddenly embarrassed from using minho so blatantly. he coos and pats your head in comfort, almost like how he pets his cats.
planning to make it up to him and eat his words, you sit up and shuffle down his hips. you admire the wet patch that stains his front, mouth watering. this surprises him, watching you with tantalizing eyes. you make a move to grab at his waistband, pulling it down slowly. he hisses out in pleasure as the waistband runs over his still clothed dick. minho’s boxers were thoroughly wet, you could see a dark patch on the front where you sat on him and where precum leaked out. you lift up a hand to experimentally give his bulge a tight little squeeze, him letting out a little shudder response.
it hardens even more under your touch- so you decide to tease him to test the waters even further, running your fingers over and over his tent causing him to hiss out, sending you a warning look. taking this as a sign, you lift the waistband of his boxers and stare at his eyes while doing so. it springs up immediately after freeing it from its confines. his long and fat cock stands tall, the tip a deep red, and the veins prominently running along the sides. the sight makes your mouth water in anticipation. you place a thumb on his cockhead, running slow circles on his slit causing it to drool heavily on your hand.
his cat like mouth parts in ecstasy once you start teasing the underside of his length with your hand and licking the oozing liquid up. minho’s hips start thrusting at the sensation, forcing you to hold him down. it was admittedly hard to do so, his thick thighs almost the size of your head but you still managed to restrain him from rutting wildly. the groan that leaves his lips sound is absolutely nothing short of sinful when you finally put your mouth on him. every desperate huff from him leaves you light headed, wishing you could record and replay it over and over again. when couldn’t fit all of him, you resorted to pumping the remaining of the shaft were you couldn’t reach. you egg him on even further by running a hand over his abs, seeing how his thighs and abdomen tense up. 
you look up through your lashes to watch minho unravel. his eyes were screwed shut, focusing on the stimulation. while it bobs messily in your mouth, you try to pay special attention to his hot and heavy balls, rubbing it back and forth in the palm of your hand, hoping to get him to cum. minho closes his eyes shut again and tenses his thighs, finally cumming. his hands travel down to grasp at his length, taking it over yours, spurting his essence everywhere. minho finishes with a loud relieved groan, slapping his dick lazily against your cheek which you greedily lapped at. 
“that might be the best head i’ve ever had, bunny.” he bites his lips, his voice light and airy. you quickly sit up from your position and gawked at him, suddenly feeling bashful at his apparent pet name for you. 
minho gives you a mischievous cat like grin in return, feeling absolutely delighted at your expression. he begins to lightly graze your leg, leaving tentative touches and gentle pecks along the stretch of your lower limb. lifting your right leg up, you stop minho from inching any closer towards you by putting your foot on his chest.
you pretend to think for a moment, stretching this out for as long as possible. he would just have to wait since he had yet to make up for being so mean to you. a little fun also wouldn’t hurt, right? no, you were quite wrong. 
minho again grabs your ankle albeit more roughly this time and continues to place chaste kisses with more passion this time, clearly adamant about giving your legs and thighs hickeys. at long last, minho slides the wet and abused fabric off you, the panty is thoroughly soaked and it’s material sticking and clinging to your core.
he hooks ur leg over his shoulder, urging to part your legs apart and spreading them obscenely open. staring intensely into your eyes, minho starts teasing your core with feather light touches. “you like this?” he says his mischievous grin, continuing his ministrations. you offer him no response as he traces figures and shapes on your wet pussy that has you seeing stars. his fingers now erratically sliding up and down your folds. you almost sob at his nonchalant teasing, eyes clenching shut and begging him to put something in.
something about observing his veiny hand treading lightly just the outside of your lower lips leads you to tuck your face into your hands, the sight was like straight out of porn. “no, no. hands up bunny.” minho takes a hold of your wrists, putting them effortlessly above your head. 
“you have to look.”
his free hand drags along your legs to pull them apart and starts lowering his chiseled face down to your core. his nose just close enough to feel the small exhaling puffs of hot air on your pussy, causing it to twitch in suspense. the brunette sneaks a peak at your trembling figure before diving right in, the first contact of his tongue on your cunt was searing hot, instantly making jolt out in shock and cry out. minho takes this as a sign to hold down your hips, pressing, flattening, and letting his tongue rampant against you all while avoiding your clit. he hums at the taste, huffing and delving further into your pussy, eating you out with such intensity, placing open mouthed sloppy kisses. he spits to make your pussy wetter so he could languidly and erratically make out with your cunt. 
you throw your head back into the heaps of pillows behind you as he starts to pay attention to your clit, softly biting the bundle of nerves. minho then moves to swipe his index up at the large amount of cum and spit trickling from your core, using it as lube for his fingers. he gently prods his index in your entrance all while still licking you up. his long fingers, deliciously stretching your hole, deeper than all those nights you've tried to do so yourself. the bliss you were feeling was overwhelming. minho croaks out a little ‘hah, hah, hah…” every time he would come up for breath, completely drunk off your musky and intoxicating scent. you also don’t miss how he subtly humps the bed sheets he was lying under either. you began to arch your back upon hearing his desperate sounds, your arousal spurting on his face.   
minho looks like a cat who got the cream, his pupils blown wide open and wetness trickling down the side of his mouth. he lets go of your hands after you were finished, the numb arm falling on your forehead as you catch your breath. he stands up to re-adjust your form on the bed, pulling you closer to his pelvis.
minho stares at your eyes, asking silently for permission. you look up at him with a toothy- fucked out grin. 
the feelings that you couldn't place earlier was now clear, you wanted him.
minho reaches a hand over your face, caressing your flushed cheeks. he wordlessly leans to tenderly place a kiss onto your forehead and on your lips. you reciprocate lovingly, capturing his lips once again. minho without warning, pushes his long and girthy dick into you, the abrupt intrusion making you sob out. the bulbous head of his cock rubs deliciously against your gummy walls, you swore you could feel it in your throat.
“there we go. there we go…”
minho sets a rough pace, his hips thrusting against your pelvic bone. “ah-ah!”
toned and skillful arms cage you in, forcing you to look deep into his dark pools. "you better keep quiet, or else the whole house will hear you." that for some reason makes your cunt even wetter, weeping more than you thought was possible. the sole idea of getting caught with their precious son doing such lewd acts, it seems sacrilegious and absolutely sinful.
he once again reaches for your hardened nipple, tweaking and pinching the bud between his thumb and index. the bed was now creaking with how fast minho was going, you silently prayed that no one in the house suspects anything. the thought mortifies you.
minho leans against your figure and nuzzles up on your chest, looking up at you with an oh so innocent grin while he continues to pound your cunt. his movements start to stutter once he feels your walls clench around him. your mind begins to feel like mush but you still try to make an effort to suppress your groans of pleasure. a strangled sound between a moan and a whine leaves your throat once he hits that one particular spot in you.
“keep quiet, little kitty.”
you start squirming uncontrollably at the huskiness of his voice, not having experienced an intense orgasm like this before. “cum, you can do it.” your rutting hips stop to convulse for a moment, feeling your orgasm rip through the ends of your nerves. leaning back on his chest, you struggle to catch your breath, heaving from the aftermath of your orgasm.
fogginess still clouding your vision, you caught a small glimpse of minho to notice that he still hadn’t pulled out, his hands circling your waist gently. you unintentionally clench on his cock, yep he was still hard, very hard. minho sets his eyes on you, and gives you that look. oh no, you knew that look. the same one that he uses around the office to persuade a higher up to heed to his request. you nibble on your lower lip in excitement.
“one more, you can do one more right?” he coos, lifting your legs and his hips starting his monstrous once pace again. you double over in overstimulation, crying out in pleasure. his breath hitches after a particularly hard thrust, choosing to muffle his own cries by shoving his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your exhilarating scent. you respond by coyly playing with the hair on his nape, hoping that it would ground you to reality.
minho then sneaks a hand from below you and hugs your figure, pulling you impossibly closer. he swallows your moans, kissing you feverishly and running his hands wildly all throughout. it was so urgent, so intense, like he’s finding a way to meld your bodies together, his erratic and messy thrusts reflecting that.
your fingers clutch his thick bed sheets, euphoria piercing your body every time he drives another rough thrust into you. the lewd noises coming from the two of you echos and bounces off the walls, the conversation tomorrow morning was going to be so humiliating and awkward at the dining table.   
you can’t hold it in any longer, and by the looks of it, neither can he. minho cums with a loud groan, spurting inside you. "goooood kitty." minho rasps out. you gape at the warmness, causing you to finish as well. minho reaches his hand downwards to spread your combined release, spreading it messily. it drips out of you obscenely as he pulls out.
you were positively flushed. he was too, sweat still glistening on the wide expanse of his chest and forehead. minho brushes your hair back affectionately before plopping down tiredly next to you. you turn to him, wanting to admire his fucked out features but he looks occupied and staring into space.
“what's the matter?” 
"i really am sorry about the misunderstanding. i feel terrible that i made you feel like that. and i do really like you. wasn't lying about that." minho sighs out, closing his eyes for a moment and then faces you. “i want to start over, properly this time.”
"apology accepted. and yeah of course." you say, quite happy with how this whole misunderstanding turned out. "i really like you too." he kisses the top of your head, making you wrap an arm around him to cuddle.
"now you'll just have to figure out how to reject the girl beside your desk. she wants to ask you out."
"maybe we can start by just making out in front of her."
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wordsbyrian · 10 months
Polyglot: The Early Days - Barca Femeni x Reader
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Summary: Another Polyglot fic. Spanish is in italics.
A/N: This was supposed to be done like almost 2 weeks ago but I got sick and started it over a ton of times. Enjoy.
There’s a chance that this could go down as the beginning to the end of your career as a professional footballer. And the sad thing is that you haven’t even played a single game yet.
You’ll end up as just another rising star who faded into obscurity like Freddy Adu or Kleberson.
And if you quit, or god forbid completely fail, you have nothing to return to, having been told in no uncertain terms by your parents to not bother coming back.
You’re basically on your own.
Even more so today because while the rest of the B team is traveling to play their next match against Athletic, you’ve been chosen to stay behind and train with the full team.
That’s obviously a great thing but you had just gotten used to being around your teammates basically 24 hours a day and to be the only one called to train with the first team this time is a little nerve-wrecking.
But you do your best to push it all the way down as you walk into the building and towards the locker room. On your way there you run into Patri who is just as full of energy as every other time you’ve seen her.
“Buenas tardes, Y/N,” she practically shouts in your ear as she slings an arm over your shoulder. “I have a good feeling about training today, so let's get to it, si?”
You barely get a chance to greet her back or nod your agreement before the midfielder is practically dragging you through the halls and into the locker room.
Since you’re walking in with one of the human embodiments of a hurricane there’s no way for you to enter silently and unnoticed. In fact, your entrance is the exact opposite of that with the way the door all but slams open and Patri announces both of your presences as additions to the chaos.
Shaking your head, you move away from the slightly older player and to the corner where you normally get changed, mumbling polite greetings to everyone as you pass them.
Like always you make quick work of getting changed and head out to the field, not wanting to get caught up in the shenanigans you can see forming on the other side of the room.
That ends up being your best decision of the day because seconds before Lluis starts going over the training plan for the day Mapi, Leila and Jenni come rushing out of the locker room with lots of faux innocence plastered on their faces.
For the most part, training goes well. You do struggle at times with the pace you're being expected to move at but as time passes you adapt to it.
There’s also the slight issue of whatever is going on with the older defenders arguing over you in a mix of Spanish and Catalin when they think you aren’t paying attention (impossible when you hear your name like 6 times) but Melanie solves that quickly by whisper shouting something about English-speaking abilities and Lluis already having told Ana-Maria to do something yesterday.
A mystery to be solved later, or not at all if you get your way.
Your big misstep comes at the end of practice during the full-sided scrimmage.
You had let yourself get pulled out of position by Caro one too many times while your team was attacking and it comes back to bite you in the ass when a loose ball comes rolling towards the both of you. You manage to get there before the Norwegian but you make it at the same time as Patri who basically trucks you straight into the earth.
“Holy shit,” you groan as you get back to your feet and sprint to get back into position.
Your quick recovery works out in your favor, you get back fast enough to provide help defense to Pere who has Kheira caught in the corner. 
Kheira does her best to try and get around the two of you but a lucky toe poke from Pere frees the ball just enough for you to clear it downfield. You get it far enough that Lluis seems to decide that there’s no point in continuing play and chooses to end training for the day.
After a quick huddle, you head back into the locker room with the rest of the team. And despite the exhaustion that everyone seems to be facing, the noise level is almost identical to the way it was before practice.
You still don’t allow yourself to get sucked into the chaos rushing through your shower and getting changed but just as you go to leave, you’re stopped by Ana-Maria.
“Hey,” she says in English, “team bonding tonight at Paños’ house.”
“I can’t, I have homework.”
The Swiss woman just shakes her at you, “Bring it with you, Mapi and I will pick you up in a few hours.”
“You can try but I’m not gonna come with you.”
Spoiler alert: you do end up at the goalkeeper's house, sitting in a corner with your laptop and textbooks while the others are spread out across the living room.
You’re currently bent over your laptop and like 8 books on Stanley Kubrick trying to explain how Full Metal Jacket is the perfect example of his greatness as a director.
For most of the night, you’ve been very successfully using your headphones to ignore whatever is going on around you. Something that’s very hard to do when you’re being pelted in the back of the head by paper balls.
“Fucking hell,” you shout, ripping them off your head and turning around, “Can you cut that out?”
You’re greeted by the sight of Leila and Patri pointing guilty at each other.
Sighing deeply you turn back to your laptop only to find it being held hostage by Lieke, who’s standing across from you.
“Come eat.”
“I’m not finished,” you say, reaching across the table in an attempt to grab it back.
“You can take a break for 30 minutes to eat something,” she says, “It won’t kill you. There’s pizza in the living room.”
“It will kill me, give me back my laptop.”
“Go eat.”
A hard stare, “Go eat.”
“No,” you say again,” And if you’re not gonna give my laptop back, that’s fine. I’ll just do my math homework instead.”
“Oh no you don’t. Ana, come get  your kid!” 
“Woah, firstly, I’m not her kid," you tell her, "I’m no one’s kid. And secondly, I didn’t want to come anyway so just let me do my work in argh!”
You find yourself thrown over someone’s shoulder and based on how high up you are, it can only be Ana-Maria.
“This isn’t fair.”
You don’t get a response as Ana carries you through Paños’ apartment and drops you on a couch next to Alexia.
“Stay,” she says before dropping a plate into your lap. “Eat.”
“I’m not a dog.”
“Most dogs don’t need to be told to eat, you do.” You stare blankly at her. “Eat.”
You open your mouth to continue protesting but as you do a slice of pizza is shoved into your mouth.
The glare doesn’t leave your face as you slowly chew, much to the amusement of the older women.
“Pobrecita, being forced to sit and eat free food that isn’t cooked en masse like it is at la Masia,” Alexia says to the team in Spanish as she throws an arm over your shoulder.
“She’s probably just hangry, it happens to my little sister sometimes,” Patri suggests, “but she’s 11 not 16 like grumpy over there.”
“La nene is only 16,” Vicky asks.
“No wonder she’s so grouchy,” Leila says, “It’s probably past her bedtime.”
You let the team continue talking about you as you eat your pizza (because you might’ve actually been hangry, not that you would admit it). It’s also a conversation mostly about nothing so you don’t feel the need to say anything.
Until you hear someone ask Ana to ask you something.
“Y/N, Jenni wants to know if,” you cut her off.
“Chicas, sabéis que hablo español, si? Like pretty fluently.”
The room goes silent.
“I’ll take that as a no,” you say before turning to Lieke, “Can I have my laptop back now?”
Maybe you’re not as on your own as you thought.
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genacity · 11 months
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ft. kaeya alberich — genshin impact
as a werewolf, it’s hard to control your animalistic urges as is. but while in a heat; dizzy and restless and constantly feverish with your tease of a boyfriend around, it just gets that much more difficult.
ruling. nsfw — mature content
content warnings. amab! werewolf! reader, breeding kink, heat, anal pen, “monsterfucking”, spanking, belly bulge, established relationship, mentions of pregnancy, slight feminization (using “mother” for kaeya, talking about carrying the reader’s child), reader can be viewed as gn because there is no gender-specific vocabulary except the male anatomy lol
an. hello everyone i’m back, ty for all the kind words you all sent to me! this was not proofread so don’t make fun of me for any errors. i don’t read my shit b4 i post it. enjoy!!
kinktober 2023 masterlist
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heats are the worst time of the month, you think.
when your brain is a constant blur; images running into themselves and you can barely make out what is or isn’t. voices make your head pound and your body is always on fire, with hands sweating a downpour and you can’t help but shed your clothing the moment you step into your shared apartment with your boyfriend, kaeya.
kaeya. that’s right, the love of your life— kaeya alberich was the damndest thing that’s ever happened to you. when you first met he was such an angel. gentle with a sweet tongue and smooth words that made your heart race.
when you first told him of your origins as a werewolf a few weeks after you started talking, he told you he saw you all the same. not as a monster like everyone else did.
and when he experienced your first heat about a month after you started dating, he learned something new about himself.
he liked it rough.
rough with the way you’d manhandle him, tossing him around into different positions to stuff him full just the way he liked after he teased you all day.
rough with the way you shoved him down onto your shared bed, quickly tearing his shirt apart— quite literally as the buttons flung off of the fabric and he let out a dissatisfied sound.
“that was my favorite shirt,” kaeya breathed, watching as your big hands fussed with his belt buckle “you’ll have to pay for that, y’know.”
“oh, i’ll pay for it.” you grumbled, swiftly tugging his pants off and discarding them onto the floor with his belt. quickly pushing his legs apart and rushing to press your lips and teeth to his exposed chest and skin.
he let out a shaky breath as your lips left marks on his skin. deep purpling marks and outlines of sharp canines messy along his collarbone. your hands crept down to his twitching cock, but swiftly passing it as your attention was focused… elsewhere.
“gonna prep you, kaeya.” you muttered against his burning skin before looking up for approval. “gonna prep you good so you can take my cock, m’kay?”
he nodded, and you continued. your large fingers began to work him open, making your lover gasp and clench tightly around the two digits inside of his hole.
kaeya felt his own thoughts blur. your thick, long fingers working in and out of him, making his body tense up with every thrust. it doesn’t take much to work him up— the smooth-talking captain really isn’t as suave as he thinks.
by the time you’ve fucked him open he’s already melting. biting his bottom lip to silence any sounds that may slip past his lips.
“ah… darling,” he whispered before being cut off by a whine. “please, i’m ready for you.”
“are you sure?” you asked, voice almost a purr, deep and rumbling in your chest. kaeya nodded eagerly, and a smirk splayed onto your lips. “you’ve spurred me on quite a bit. i won’t be gentle.”
“i don’t care,” he shook his head. “i want you. please?”
and so you positioned yourself right. throwing his slender legs over your shoulders and pressing your tip to his entrance.
he thought you’d never give in. kaeya opened his mouth to protest, to whine. but never got to for he felt your length split him nearly into two. you forced yourself in and he keened, head thrown back and hands grasping for the pillows behind his head as you began to fuck into him at a relentless pace.
“gonna fuck you full,” you panted, the smell of sweat and sex leaving the both of you breathless. “this what you wanted, huh? wanted me to use you ‘til you can’t speak?”
all he could muster was a breathy whimper. too focused on the feeling of your long cock breaking his body and forcing him down. just the way he wanted it. just the way he needed it.
kaeya felt as if he couldn’t breathe, couldn’t speak. until a harsh slap to his bare thigh brought him back and he flinched, gasping for air as you kept fucking him.
“answer me.” you demanded, and he immediately scrambled to answer. “yes, yes, feels good,” kaeya whined. “you feel so good. so b-big, i can’t—”
and your hips began to speed up. thrusts growing hard and sloppy, your hands suddenly just beside his head as you angled his hips up to buck into his prostate.
kaeya almost wailed— maybe he did. body jolting with every thrust. voice dissipating into strained moans and whimpers as you continued to use his body.
“y/n, y/n,” he chanted. the sound of skin against skin and your rough groans in his ear only spurred him further. “so big, so full! fuuck!”
your growls turned into chuckles of amusement as you continued your rough pace on his body. “gonna breed you.” you whispered into the shell of his ear. “gonna use your body up and fuck you full of my babies.”
“yes, please,” kaeya nodded, huffing and whining. “fuck me full. wanna— i wanna feel you!”
he knew it wasn’t possible. you couldn’t actually get him pregnant. but the thought of it was exhilarating. you, knocking him up and leaving him with a baby. would he be a good mother? maybe. maybe not. he wish he could figure out. but if not, this would be just fine.
more than so.
kaeya opened his pretty eyes to try and look at you while you fucked him. instead, his vision fell to the bulge in his stomach that grew every time you drilled your hips up into him. the sight left his mind swirling with thoughts. so badly did he want your cum deep inside his stomach— so much so that the big bulge your cock imprinted in him did a baby take its place. he whined out, staring as your dick shaped his insides and left him moaning messily out for more.
“fuck, baby.” you groaned into kaeya’s ear. “i’m gonna cum. gonna make you take all of my cum. you’re gonna take my knot like a good boy, aren’t you?”
it was all ‘yes, yes, yes’ and ‘cum with me, please!’ from the lips of your lover. so badly did he want to experience the high of your release together.
and when you finally let go, finally pump all of your cum into his hole does he scream. the loudest he has in a while. you’re so warm, you make him feel so full— his eyes roll back into his skull and he’s stuttering pleas and begging for you to fill him up more, more, more.
his voice is giving out. similarly to his legs. you groan lowly into his ear and he feels his stomach churn. his own high leaving him breathless as it crashes over him and he himself cums streams of white all over his stomach.
the captain isn’t quite sure if he can breathe. not sure if his lungs are working properly, or if he’s even alive at all. not with the way he’s gripping the sheets for dear life as if worried he’ll find himself lost if he lets go.
and this is why he teases so much during your heats. to feel you inside him, stuffing him full and threatening to knock him up as if he’d take it like a curse— when in reality, he’d do anything to make you happy. even if it meant bearing your pups.
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ihavemanyhusbands · 1 year
The Black Kaiser's Nightmare
Duncan Vizla x Assassin!FemReader
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A/N: Shout out to beelmons and G for their endless support and help with my fics <3 :') where would I be without y'all?
Summary: You run into your long-time nemesis in the last place you ever expected, but things take a turn for the worst when you find yourself stuck with him during a snowstorm.
WC: 7.2k words
Warnings: SMUT! (18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI), enemies to lovers speedrun into the bed, mentions and depictions of violence, fighting, accidental assassination of a third party, some serious bickering, abundant cursing, rough sex (unprotected, don't do it at home!), choking, very light knifeplay, dirty talk, slight degradation mixed with some praise, rampant sexual tension, ooey gooey lovesick fools who are just SO SO STUBBORN, I think that's it but lmk if I missed anything!
You are responsible for your own media consumption!
Triple Oak, Montana.
It’d been a while since you’d last found yourself in such a quaint little town, especially in the middle of winter, but you supposed you’d been in way worse places. It was barely even on the map, which made it a convenient place to lay low. 
You didn’t have to worry about interacting with many people, and you sure as hell didn’t think you’d encounter anyone you knew. At least for the time being, you felt like you could relax just a little bit while you made plans.
In a few more days, you’d continue driving north and cross the Canadian border into Saskatchewan, where you were meant to carry out your next assignment. Your target was a skeevy arms dealer that had to move his whole operation out of Serbia and was now shacked up somewhere in the vast prairies. 
You’d been tracking his activity for some time, slowly narrowing down the list of possible locations. You’d also scored some insider information about a big upcoming transaction with a terrorist cell, and your goal was to get to him before the sale was finalized.
Successfully eliminating him would pay handsomely, and you were already planning on a months-long vacation in which you’d go fully off the radar. Preferably somewhere by the beach, where you didn’t feel the constant threat of frostbite.
You pulled into a small gas station — the only one to be found in a long stretch of the highway between the town and more secluded cabins  — and occupied one of the three measly pumps. There was only one other old pickup truck next to you, but the owner was nowhere to be seen. 
You blew hot air into your hands as you walked into the convenience store, eager for some coffee despite how shitty it was. 
“Hey Lou,” you said to the now familiar attendant, the little bell above the door ringing as you pushed in. “How’s it goin’?”
“Eh, slow, the usual,” he shrugged. “At least it’s decently warm in ‘ere. They say there’s gonna be a snowstorm over the weekend, starting tonight.”
“Shit, really?” You groaned, not only because you loathed the freezing temperatures, but because it would set you back by a few more days. 
“Yup, perfect time to cozy up with the missus back at home.”
You poured yourself a large cup of black coffee and snapped the lid on top. On the way back to the register, you grabbed a couple of magazines and a pack of Ding-Dongs to eat on the road.
“Well, lucky you,” you said, putting everything on the counter. “I gotta find ways to keep myself busy and warm in case I lose power.”
As you spoke, the door to the restroom opened behind you and a tall, rugged-looking man stepped out. His eyes instinctively flickered between the two of you, even if he couldn’t see your face. He lingered close to the back, trying not to bring attention to himself.
“You sure you’ll be good all by yourself out there?” Lou asked. “Enough supplies and all?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. I can take care of myself,” you said, fishing cash out of your wallet. “Give me thirty on number two, also.”
“You got it, tough gal.”
You chuckled as he rang you up, glancing outside. The man behind you tensed, gripped with the dread that came with sudden recognition. Your voice was one he knew well, the very same one he’d heard all seventeen times he’d almost died. Well, eighteen if he counted that one brief altercation in Belfast.
And that laugh… How many times had it been directed at him? Taunting him, teasing him, driving him utterly mad. 
It was perhaps the only thing that stopped him from actually getting rid of you that one night you slept so soundly at some shoddy little hotel in Madrid.  He’d watched your chest's steady rise and fall from his spot in the darkness, and he just couldn’t bring himself to do it.
And now he’d most likely have to pay for the consequences of his mercy. 
Lou looked over your shoulder at him, but you didn’t immediately notice since you were absently flipping through one of the magazines. 
“Need anything else, Duncan?” He offered. “Pack of Winstons?”
Your skin prickled at these two very familiar details, but you didn’t move, still staring down at the magazine without actually reading. It was probably a mere coincidence. Really, there had to be dozens of Duncans in the world that just so happened to smoke Winstons.
But then, a very particular smell reached your nose — cheap cologne you didn’t know the name of, with strikingly bitter notes that had flooded your nostrils when his hands were tightly wrapped around your neck.
You glanced up at the fisheye mirror above the register… and there he fucking was, in all his deadly glory. The Black Kaiser himself.
You couldn’t help an amused huff, especially after hearing the faintest rustle of a knife being unsheathed under his coat.
“Are you sure you want to stab me with that, old man?” You said slowly over your shoulder. 
“Less impersonal than a gun. I owe you that much, don’t I?” he said with that deep, gravelly voice of his that always made a stubborn tingle form at the base of your spine.
Your hand just barely inched towards the hidden holster of your gun. “Oh, but you know I get a little crazy when the knives come out.”
Lou looked between the two of you, confusion and a tinge of fear in his eyes. 
“Uh, you two know each oth—”
Before he could finish his sentence, you whirled around and shot Duncan’s head. He ducked, but not before hurling a large knife at you in return. You dove out of the way, hearing it whizz right past your ear, and it sank into Lou’s forehead with a wet thud. His body slumped behind the counter, blood spraying over the stuff you’d intended to buy.
“Hey!” You yelled from your hiding spot. “I didn’t even get my change back!”
“You’re not gonna need it anymore,” he said gruffly, his voice not too far from you. “But before that… want to tell me what the fuck you’re doing here?”
“I could ask you the same,” you said, glancing up at the fisheye mirror once more. 
Unfortunately for you, you couldn’t get a very good look at where he was, but you couldn’t stay put. You slowly began to inch to the end of the aisle, staying low. “Let me guess, you missed me so much these last three years that you decided to hunt me down.”
He scoffed. “Three years was not nearly long enough time away from you.”
You dove around the corner to the next aisle, but he wasn’t there. You started pulling yourself forward, but suddenly you were flipped onto your back. You were about to whip your gun around, but it was harshly knocked out of your grasp, sliding against the linoleum. You thrashed against the weight that pressed down on you, but he pinned your hands down beside your head. 
“Who sent you?” He asked. 
“No one sent me, you paranoid geezer!” You sneered, driving your knee up full force right into his crotch. “Not everything’s about you.”
He growled at the pain, swaying to the side, his grip on your hands relaxing. You pushed him off of you, scrambling to get to your gun. Right as you managed to get a hold of it, he was on you again, pulling you back by the legs. You tried twisting around all the way, firing another shot semi-blindly. It narrowly missed his shoulder, shattering one of the windows.
“Can’t kill me without paralyzing me, eh, little Nightmare?” He taunted.
“Oh, you’d like that wouldn’t you?”
You swallowed a scream as he stepped on the hand you held your weapon with, his heavy boot cracking your wrist. Your fingers splayed involuntarily due to the pain, and he bent down to take the gun. He kept it pointed at you as he removed his boot from your wrist and grabbed your arm.
“You’re coming with me,” he stated, starting to pull you up. 
“Like hell I am!” You spat, but you froze as you felt the barrel pressed against the back of your head.
“You were saying?”
He dragged you to your feet, leading you through the broken window, glass crunching under your boots. The wind seemed icier than it had been when you first arrived, which made you remember Lou’s warning about a snowstorm.
There was no way in hell you’d be stuck with him during it, so you’d have to find a way to weasel out of his grasp… and kill him in the process. 
He led you towards his truck, but you pretended to trip at the last second, bending down and retrieving a knife you had hidden in your boot. You stabbed backward, aiming for his femoral artery, but he moved and the knife stabbed into his thigh muscle instead.
“Motherfucker,” he hissed through clenched teeth, but he didn’t let go of you, tightening his grip on your arm. He fired off a warning shot into the air, which made you flinch a little. “Try me again and I won’t hesitate to put the next bullet through your thick fucking skull. I only have so much patience.”
He shoved you into the passenger seat of the truck, managing to tie you up with the seatbelt. Your bound hands were still slick with his blood, and you smiled triumphantly at him as he slid into the driver’s seat, immediately peeling out of the gas station.
“This is what gets you hard, isn’t it?” you said, raising an eyebrow at him. “You’re kind of a sick fuck, old man… but I didn’t expect any better from you.”
He said nothing, instead momentarily glaring at you. He grunted as he pulled the knife out of his leg, tossing it out of the window. You grumbled about him owing you a knife, but he continued to ignore you. He drove mostly in silence, winding through the icy roads as he gripped his wounded leg with one hand.
So far, it had been one of your tamest encounters. Really, it had all sort of felt like a game, but neither of you had won quite yet. After all, a game such as this could not be left unfinished.
Usually, the circumstances were vastly different. Your respective agencies had assigned you the same target a couple of times, and it always turned into a competition on who would finish the job first. As it turned out, the two of you were very competitive.
You’d left plenty of souvenirs on each other every single time you crossed paths – broken bones, an assortment of scars, and bruises as dark as the midnight sky. You wondered vaguely how much more damage you might make by the end of the day.
Why neither of you had succeeded in killing each other was… a bit of a mystery. Maybe he saw something in you that reminded him of himself, or perhaps he was growing soft with age. He would never admit it, but he’d had plenty of fun in this deadly dance with you so far, and it seemed a shame to let it come to its conclusion so soon. 
He’d have to do it though, after some thorough interrogation.
Soon enough, he pulled up a long gravel road hidden among the tall pine trees. In the clearing ahead, you saw what you supposed was his cabin. It was modestly sized and a little dilapidated, but at least it seemed to be sturdy enough to withstand harsh conditions.
“Nice place,” you said sarcastically. “I don’t suppose you have many visitors?”
“Rarely,” he said without looking at you. “I like the quiet. No one’s going to bother us here.”
“You mean no one’s gonna come running when you scream?”
He grunted, readjusting his position in his seat. You were mostly tied up at the arms so your legs had some room to move. Rookie mistake on his part, which you would definitely take advantage of. 
Before he could pull up in front of the actual cabin, you leaned back and kicked at the steering wheel. The truck swerved to the right, throwing you against the window. He tried to correct it on time, slamming on the brakes, but the snow made it careen right into a tree. 
It wasn’t a tremendous crash, but the windshield still broke, glass raining down on both of you. You were both disoriented for a moment from the whiplash, but then you began to untangle yourself from the seatbelt. You kicked at him when he tried to reach for you, but he managed to pin your legs down.
“Can’t you stay put for one fucking second!?” He growled, fully bracketing you between his sturdy legs as he freed you from the seatbelt. 
You panted heavily, trying to thrash beneath him, but he only pressed his legs tighter against your sides. A small, high-pitched whine escaped your lips as you felt the air being squeezed out of you, and you stopped moving. 
“Satis…fied?” You managed between gasps.
“Not nearly,” he said, grabbing a fistful of your hair as he pulled back. “Come here.”
He kept a firm grip on it as he dragged you out of the truck and towards the cabin. He wobbled a little with each step, his leg still bleeding some. 
“I warned you about the knives,” you said. “Even if you didn’t let me finish having fun.”
He chuckled sardonically. “No, you’re mistaken. The fun is only just beginning.”
He led you inside and locked the door behind him, making you sit down on a rickety chair. He bound your hands and feet with duct tape, wrapping some of it around your torso and the back of the chair for good measure. You decided not to struggle for the time being and instead ponder on your next move, covertly glancing at your surroundings for anything useful.
When Duncan was sure you wouldn’t be able to bolt, he went to grab something from an adjacent room, returning with his version of a first aid kit and a bottle of vodka. He looked at you from the corner of his eye as he undid his pants and lowered them to his knees.
“I didn’t realize it was that kind of fun,” you said, raising an eyebrow. 
Still, your gaze was drawn to his crotch first before trailing further down to the injury you’d caused. Rolling his eyes, he plopped down on the bed, which creaked a little under his weight. 
He took a long swig of vodka and then poured some on the bleeding gash, hissing through his teeth. Your expression of slight amusement didn’t change as he glanced at you once more, taking out a needle and thread.
“I have to be careful about infections, who knows where that knife of yours has been?” he said.
You merely watched as he began stitching himself up without so much as a grimace. His breathing was slow and steady as he concentrated, and you found yourself entranced by the precise movements of his hands.
An obscene thought about those hands wriggled into your mind, but you immediately pushed it away. It was all the more reason for you to get the hell out of there, especially now that his pants were down.
As he was finishing his stitches, you leaned forward onto your tiptoes and then threw yourself back as hard as you could. The chair broke apart under you, the force of the blow and the angle in which you fell spraining one of your wrists. The adrenaline made you barely register the pain, and you quickly wriggled out of the tape wrapped around you.
You pulled a Swiss army knife out of your boot and hastily sawed off the tape binding your ankles. He swore as you stood, lifting your arms and slamming them down to free your hands. You stumbled towards the front door and yanked it open.
Outside, the wind howled ferociously and a thick flurry of snow limited your vision of your surroundings. You felt the unforgiving cold slicing through you as you hesitated, knowing deep down that your chances of survival were very slim. 
Still, you were reckless enough to try and brave it. You started towards the steps when you were yanked back once more, your back pinned against the wall and Duncan’s hand around your throat.
“You just don’t fucking learn, do you?” He growled. 
“You only caught me because I hesitated, old man.”
His grip tightened a little in warning. “Didn’t anybody teach you never to hesitate?”
“There is a very fine line between foolishness and courage, you know…” The corners of your mouth twitched, an amused gleam in your eye. “I wonder how often you cross from one side to the other.”
He clenched his teeth and an absolutely devious, cheshire cat grin spread across your face. The mere sight of it made his blood boil with both rage and arousal, and he felt it flowing southward. Your back instinctually arched towards him, as if you could somehow sense the sudden influx of violent desire, and became infected by it.
You stared at each other for a charged moment before he suddenly fell upon you, intent on devouring you. His lips clashed with yours in a fierce kiss and you buried your fingers in his hair, tugging at it as you retaliated.
You bit his lower lip hard, making him groan into your mouth. You used this opportunity to slide your tongue against his, and he moved the hand that had been around your neck toward your jaw. Without thinking, you pressed harder against him, your fingers about to slide under the hem of his sweater.
He clasped your wrist to stop you, assuming you were reaching for some hidden weapon. You whimpered slightly, painfully reminded that it was in fact sprained. He pulled back to look at you, both of you panting heavily and still clutching each other tightly. 
“I fear that line was blurred a long time ago, and I suspect it’s the same case with you,” He murmured. 
His words broke through your daze and you immediately pushed him away from you, cradling your injured hand against your chest. A maelstrom of emotions roiled inside of you, predominantly confusion and a worrisome throb between your legs. 
“And what now?” You asked, glancing out of the window. “It’s clear neither of us are going anywhere any time soon.”
“Now we weather the storm,” he said, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
“No, seriously.”
“I am being serious.”
You huffed in annoyance, pinching the bridge of your nose. “I… can’t believe I’m asking this right now but, maybe we can… put the killing each other thing on hold for a few days?”
“So you were coming for me.”
“No! I wasn’t!” You threw your hands up exasperatedly. “Not that it’s any of your fucking business, but I have work further up north. This was just a pit stop.”
He assessed you for a moment, trying to find any clues that you were lying. You stood your ground, keeping your eyes on his face. He sniffed, leaning against the wall to get his weight off his injured leg. 
“I’m fine with a temporary truce, but only if we both keep our weapons in plain sight at all times.”
“I am a weapon myself, big boy.”
“So am I. I suppose we’ll have to keep an eye on each other as well, then.”
“Fine,” you huffed, stomping to the couch and pulling it over to the kitchen. “I’ll stay on this side of the cabin, you can stay on the other side.”
“What!? This is my house!” He scoffed.
“Yeah, well, I’m being generous by letting you keep your bed. Not to mention, your life.”
He rolled his eyes, limping back over to his bed. “Whatever you say. Now, can I please fix my stitches in peace for one fucking second?”
There was no sleep for the entirety of the first night. 
The cabin creaked and groaned, straining against the disastrously strong wind. Your breaths fogged up in the air as you shivered under the thin blanket Duncan had given you. The cold seemed to seep into your very bones as if punishing you for your decisions. To distract yourself from the chill, you kept an eye on his prone form across the room, knowing well he wasn’t sleeping either. 
When dawn broke, a thin grayish light filtered into the room. The storm raged on and all you wanted to do was doze off, but you were still on edge. You clenched your jaw to keep your teeth from chattering, irritated by a headache. Your mood didn’t get any better when Duncan rose from his bed, crossing towards the kitchen.
“What do you think you’re doing?” You inquired, not moving an inch.
He stopped in his tracks. “I’m hungry. Don’t you want to eat?” 
Your stomach growled in answer and he lifted an eyebrow in slight amusement. You unwillingly threw the blanket off of you, getting up with an annoyed grunt. 
“I’ll give you the food. Let’s see what you’ve got,” you said, rummaging through the cabinets.
“I could just show you…”
“No, stay on your side. Even better, why don’t you go sit back down on your bed?”
He followed orders, not really wanting to start quarreling with you so early in the morning. You finally found some oatmeal packets in one of the cupboards, and you took out a few and poured them into a pot along with some water. You left it to boil over the stove top, crossing your arms over your chest and turning to face him.
“How’s your leg doing, anyway?” You asked. 
“Fine. Why do you care?”
“I really don’t.”
He chuckled. “Good thing you’re a better assassin than you are a liar.”
You sighed deeply. “Well, it is your house, I should at least have some manners.”
He scoffed, still amused. “We are way past manners. Our only courtesy to each other would be a painless death.”
“Oh, really? Painless?” You arched an eyebrow. “Did you forget Lisbon? And that grenade launcher you stole?”
“Okay, well, I wasn’t technically aiming at you. You just happened to be in the way,” He argued. “And it’s not like you haven’t given me the same sort of treatment…”
You shrugged one shoulder. “It’s only fair.”
The two of you lapsed into silence as you turned your attention back to the pot. Once the oatmeal was ready, you spooned it into two bowls and walked to the invisible line that divided the cabin in two.
He got up and met you there, reaching slowly for his bowl so as not to seem threatening. Not that you were viewing him that way, anyway. At least not in the clearly exhausted state he was in. 
“Careful, it’s hot,” you said. “Need me to blow on it first?”
He raised an eyebrow at you, resisting the lure of your impish grin. He figured it was perhaps the more masochistic part of him that made him so drawn to you. Always pushing him, testing him, keeping him on the edge. He would never admit it to himself — much less to you — but it made him feel alive in a way he hadn’t for a really long time.
He muttered a quick thank you before heading back to his side of the room, plopping down on the bed and immediately digging in. If he burned his mouth, he showed no indication of it, but you still huffed in amusement. 
When he was done, he said nothing as he lied down, his back to you once again. A little confused and wary, you watched him as you slowly ate. Soon enough, his breath evened out into a steady rhythm, and you assumed he’d fallen asleep.
You glanced over at the dining table, where the two of you had laid out all your weapons, and considered them for a long moment. 
It seemed too easy to have such a window of opportunity. Normally, you’d have jumped at any such chance, but once more, you hesitated. Not out of any sort of newfound benevolence, but something deeper than that. Something that had been gnawing at you since the previous night.
In the end, you opted not to do anything. Surely, it was bound to be a mistake to not have killed him at that moment. But that would be a problem for another day, perhaps when the storm was over. 
You sat down on the floor by the foot of the couch, back resting against the frame. Sleep deprivation was starting to hit you as well, and you knew that if you were to lay down you would certainly fall asleep. Instead, your eyes focused on the suspiciously peaceful sight of Duncan sleeping. 
The longer you stared, the blurrier the lines seemed to get. Literally. His broad form was smudged into a single sphere, and without much thought about it, everything suddenly went black. 
Until… Shit. 
How long were you asleep?
It had been long since you’d last awakened to a man in front of you, let alone holding a knife to your face. The blade shone in your half-open eyes, reflecting the setting sun outside the window. You must have been unconscious for over two hours.  Stupid, so very stupid.
You blinked the haze of sleep out of your eyes and followed the glint to his fingers, his forearm, up his broad chest and shoulders, until it finally landed on his face. 
 “So, the game ends at last, huh?” you muttered, your gaze not wavering from his.
“Could’ve ended long ago, but it didn’t,” he said, once again looking every bit the coldhearted killer he was. You could still see, however, the presence of doubt in his dark eyes. “Why didn’t you kill me?” 
“I knew you weren’t actually sleeping…”
“Even so,” he pressed, straightening to his full, imposing height. “You didn’t even try. Why?”
You blinked, not really having an answer, not one that would satisfy him at least. What's more, you had a set of questions of your own, ones that would likely also have no answer. 
The words slipped before you could even think about them. “Why did you kiss me?” 
Silence hung between you like a heavy drape. You were cornered in more than one sense. Windows for precaution and escape had long since closed, maybe even since the moment you ran into him in that little gas station. And through hardships, you learned that if there’s no way back, the only way is forward. 
The wound in his thigh didn’t seem to bother him as much anymore, so there was no way you could outrun him. You looked down to avoid his scrutiny and he used the back of his knife to force your chin back up. 
He didn’t speak, but his eyes bore into yours, almost as if seeing through them into parts of you that were foreign even to yourself. The flat part of the blade trailed up to your cheek in what could be interpreted as a caress. 
Your hand unconsciously intended to return the favor, running up his knee to his thigh, extra cautious around his wound. You noticed a change of pattern in his breathing, and so you looked down only to find one of the answers you sought — the print of his hardened cock cruelly imprisoned within his pants. 
“Oh,” you breathed, surprised. Then again, when the reality of what you were looking at fully sank in. “Oh.”
Your hand moved on its own accord again, slowly slipping further up his thigh. Again, he tightly grabbed your wrist before your fingers reached their target, and you hissed in pain. He immediately let go, withdrawing the knife as well.
“Are you hurt?” He asked. 
“A sprained wrist isn’t gonna kill me,” you said, keeping your hand on his leg to drive your point across. “Now that, on the other hand, has to be taken care of.”
“Taken care of, huh?” He rasped, his voice hoarse with want and self-directed anger because of it. 
He raked a hand through your hair, gathering it in his first and pulling your head towards his crotch. He pressed your cheek against his bulge, his hips bucking ever so slightly. 
“And how do you suppose that’s gonna happen?” He added.
“I have a few ideas if you’re open to them,” you panted, ignited in a way that almost fully consumed you. 
His eyes searched your face for a moment, drinking you in as he searched for any indications of doubt, and then he whispered, “Are you sure?” 
This time you didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”
He saw the feverish gleam of hunger in your eyes as he pulled away and unbuckled his belt, pushing down his pants. The outline of his cock was even more prominent through his briefs and you couldn’t help a sharp intake of breath at the sheer size of him. He was still holding onto your hair, stepping closer and effectively cornering you against the couch. 
You boldly started to reach for the hem of his briefs, but he said, “No. I want you to use your teeth.”
“Getting a little bold there, old man,” you said with a smirk, keeping your eyes on him as you dipped your head to plant a soft kiss on his thigh, right by his stitches. 
He winced slightly at the contact, but you could see his cock throb against the fabric covering it.  Your smirk only widened, “But I gotta admit I’m pretty impressed so far. Didn’t even have to slip a blue pill in your oatmeal.”
He gripped your jaw, clicking his tongue in disappointment. “I think you need more proof, actually. Allow me.”
With his free hand, he roughly tugged down his briefs and his cock finally sprang free — so thick and long and just fucking perfect — hitting his lower abdomen. The head of it glistened with precum, which he spread with his thumb. You shifted in your seat, biting your lip as saliva flooded your mouth.
“Open,” he ordered.
You immediately complied, wondering when the fuck you’d gotten so obedient. He gripped the base of it and fed it into your mouth slowly. You wrapped your lips around it, feeling it slide smoothly against your tongue. 
A small groan escaped him, his head tipped back at the first rush of pleasure. You hummed a little in response and he felt the vibration of the sound against his shaft. His hips began to move again, shuttling his length deeper into your mouth, until you could feel the head of it reach your throat.
He let you steady yourself by placing your hands on his legs, his hand returning to the back of your head as it bobbed up and down. Then suddenly, when you’d reached the very base, he kept your head down. Your nose was against his pelvis, your deep, even breaths fanning against the fine hair that curled there. 
Your nails dug into the flesh of his legs as you staved off your gag reflex as best as you could. Still, you couldn’t help but squirm a little, already pretty slick between your thighs.
 He cursed under his breath as he let you come up for air, an obscene string of saliva connecting your lips to the tip of his cock.
"If I knew you were such a cock drunk slut, I would have dropped my pants much earlier just to shut you up,” he said with a smug grin, looking down at you.
“More bold words from someone who’s only gonna last this round. I’m gonna have to take care of myself after you’re done,” you taunted lightly, making him pull at your hair.
You kept eye contact with him as you stuck your tongue out and traced it over a large vein on the underside of his shaft. You left a trail of wet, sloppy kisses as you made your way back to the tip, and he lightly slapped it against your tongue a couple of times before pushing your head back down on it. His balls tightened momentarily as he sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth, and you knew he was enjoying himself much more than he let on.
"Well, if it's gonna be only one, might as well make good use of it, don't you think?" He said, pulling you off of him and making you stand up.
His lips were on yours in the next moment, just as desperate and hungry as the first kiss. He kicked his pants off the rest of the way and yanked your sweater off along with your thermal undershirt. He reached for your pants, but you slapped his hand away, extricating yourself from his lips to undo them yourself.
As soon as they were off, he turned you around and bent you over the back of the couch. There was a wet spot in your underwear that made him smirk, but he also couldn’t deny the way his cock throbbed at the sight.
“This is in the way…” he grunted, tugging at your bra strap.
Before you even registered what was happening, he brought the knife back out and sawed the bra off of you. You let out a gasp that was both surprised and indignant as he proceeded to rip your panties off with his bare hands, tossing the scraps of fabric aside.
“Hey! Those are the only ones I have here!” You huffed, glaring at him over your shoulder. “Unless you have a secret stash of women’s underwear, you seriously owe me.”
He nudged your knees apart with his leg. “I don’t think you’re going to need them while you’re here. You were already ruining them yourself, anyway.”
Before you could retort, you felt him push inside of you slowly, grabbing your hips as he let out a low moan. 
“Fuck…” you sighed without thinking, leaning your elbows against the back of the couch. 
“Yeah? Does that feel good?” He cooed condescendingly.
“In your drea–”
His hips snapped into yours harshly, interrupting you. You felt the heat of him against your back as he leaned over you, his breath fanning across the side of your face. 
“If I were you, I’d be careful about lying again. I might just stop and leave you all drenched like this, with your hands tied behind your back so you couldn’t touch yourself.”
He felt you clench around him at that and his smirk turned victorious. He kissed and sucked at your shoulder and neck, making sure to leave plenty of marks. His thrusts were hard and deep at first, hips barely pulling back as his weight pinned you down.
You let out a sound that was a strange mix between a whimper and a gasp as he bit into the tender flesh of your shoulder, hard enough to leave teeth marks behind. The jolt of pain mixed with pleasure – not to mention the slight shame that came with the feeling of your arousal dripping down your inner thighs – only fueled the fire that was steadily growing within you. 
Then, a little mindlessly, you pleaded, “Harder. Fuck me harder.”
He straightened immediately, readjusting himself to start pounding into you at a nearly punishing pace. You bit your bottom lip to try and keep quiet, but wanton sounds of pleasure escaped your throat despite your efforts. He was hitting a spot that made your head spin, tugging you backward onto his cock to meet his thrusts.
The lewd sound of flesh slapping together, along with your collective pants and groans, filled the room. He reached forward to grab your throat again, keeping you semi-upright as he continued to take you. In truth, he was focusing hard to stave off his release. He had plenty of stamina for his age, but the way your cunt took him so perfectly, as if molded just for him, was enough to have his balls tightening again. 
But he would never hear the end of it. 
Your legs began to shake a little as the coil in your belly tightened, threatening to snap. “I-I think I’m gonna cum, fuck…”
“Not yet,” he said firmly, immediately stopping his motions. 
You cursed him under your breath, beyond frustrated. You pushed your hips back, intent on fucking yourself on him, but his firm grip stopped you. He landed a firm smack on your ass, making you involuntarily clench around him. He hissed, feeling the strong urge to give in and continue fucking you until you came all over his cock, but he kept his composure. He wanted to keep indulging you for as long as he could, still not fully believing he wasn’t just having a dirty dream.
“Do that again and I’ll rip your fucking head off,” you snarled as he pulled out, grabbing your arm and leading you toward the bed.
“I told you I was going to make it count.”
He tossed you onto your back on the bed, crawling on top of you and pushing your knees up to your shoulders. He positioned himself between your thighs and sank back into your cunt with no further preambles, his strong body covering yours once more.
His hands cradled your head as he began to move again, reaching impossibly deeper than before. You clawed at his biceps as he ground his pelvis against you, making your brain practically short-circuit.
“There we go… See? I knew you could take more,” he said, kissing the corner of your lips. “Are you scared I'll pull out again? You keep sucking me back in.”
Too dazed to form words, your lips chased his so he would kiss you properly. Your tongue trailed over his upper lip enticingly, and he opened his mouth so his tongue could meet yours. This kiss was deeper, less frantic, finally giving yourselves a chance to taste each other properly. 
Soon you were clenching around him again, too distracted by your mounting pleasure to continue kissing him properly. 
“Fuck, don’t stop, Duncan. Please, please, please, just like that,” you begged desperately, moaning as he moved to kiss your jaw. 
“Yeah? You want me to fill you up, too?” He rasped against your skin. “Claim this needy cunt all for myself?”
You nodded eagerly, face contorting with ecstasy as you held onto him for dear life. Your muscles seized up as your climax washed over you, overpowering your senses. His hips stuttered as you cried out, your hot flesh molding into his like the deepest embrace. 
He kissed you again as he felt his own release rippling over him, groaning into your mouth as he shuddered, unable to hold himself back any longer. He thrusted hard a few more times before remaining fully inside of you, and you felt heat flooding your cunt. 
A whimper of slight overstimulation escaped you, but he soothed you with a whispered praise in your ear. You couldn’t help but smile beatifically, almost purring in content as he kept his cum inside of you.
As you both rode out your highs, your kisses turned lazy, almost tender, and even the way he held you felt different. Somehow, in some deep recess of your mind, it seemed right… and that scared you a little.
Still, you tried not to let it get to you then. Not as he leaned his sweaty forehead against yours, still panting, and said, “I think I tore my stitches.”
You chuckled. “You should probably take care of that, then.”
“In a minute…”
He disentangled himself from you, pulling out and sliding his body down between your legs. You tried to draw your thighs together, but he stopped you, planting a kiss on your mound.
He spread your lips with two fingers so he could see his cum trickling out of you, but then he pushed it back in with those same fingers, making your hips jerk slightly.
“T-this was a one time thing, you know,” you breathed, trying to sound firm. 
He barely glanced up at you, seemingly unbothered. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
But only an hour or so later, you found yourself riding him on the couch. Then, he took you against the wall, over the kitchen counter, off the edge of the bed, and subsequently on the floor. He seemed intent on making sure you never questioned his endurance ever again.
Even throughout the night, you slept sporadically, pawing at each other whenever you stirred. Not many words were exchanged during this time, but that didn’t mean your mouths weren’t put to good use. As usual, you both wound up with bruises, bite marks, and scratches all over each other, but the intention behind them couldn’t be any more different.
The storm died sometime during the night, but instead of fleeing right away, you let him hold you until dawn broke. There were too many new questions floating about in your head, but you weren’t really sure you wanted the answer to any of them for the time being. Perhaps it was simply best to let what happened remain in the past and simply move on.
As quietly as you could, you got up from the bed, cleaned yourself up, and dressed. You sheathed your weapons, avoiding looking at him as you prepared to leave. When your hand was on the doorknob, his voice stopped you.
“You didn’t kill me again,” he said. “Should I take that as an indication that you like me?”
You looked over at him, frowning. “Absolutely not. I’m serious, this was the last time it’ll ever happen.”
“I’m not sure I can trust your word.”
You huffed, irritated. “Well, you’ll have to. I intend to keep it.”
You yanked the door open, about to stomp outside, but you heard the creak of the bed as he sat up. 
“You know, I’m going to be in Portofino in a few months. I heard it’s beautiful there in the summer, and I figured I could use a vacation.”
“Are you trying to make yourself an easy target?”
“And if I decide not to hunt you down?”
He raised an eyebrow. “If?”
You grimaced. “All I’m saying is don’t get your hopes up. I’m a very busy gal, I don’t have time to play cat and mouse with you.”
“And who’s who in that analogy, hm?”
You shook your head, rolling your eyes. “Goodbye, Duncan. Truce is over, do you hear me?”
“I’ll see you in Portofino. Make sure you bring sunscreen.”
The door slammed shut behind you. 
Part 2 out now!
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evandsolo · 1 month
You've always been there | ft. Yunho
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jeong yunho x reader genre : fluff, roomates to lovers words : 3,685. trigger warning : cursing, mention of narcism. plot : you've been to a lot of dates but each of them has been a complete disaster until your roomates had an idea. side note : it's actually my first try writing such things. It might not be perfect, please be gentle. thanks, love.
Why do you keep on going on those goddamn dates?  You think, on the way home. Assholes, pure narcissists, losers. They all are the same in the end. The same locations, the same boring conversations and they aren’t even offering to pay for the bill. What could you wait from people spending their day swiping on a shitty app? Were your expectations too high? or their standards too low? The ending scheme remains as always: you’re coming home, alone. This time you promise yourself; you’re deleting that puddle of nonsense from your phone. No more dates, ever.
You push the entrance door in a sigh of relief. Done with the dummies. Everything is quiet, as usual. We only hear the voices of the actors on TV. The usual drama Yunho loves to watch when you’re not home. As soon as he realized you were home, he turned out the TV, and his big brown eyes to you. “Spill the tea, Gorgeous.” He says his usual giant smile on the face.
You drop by his side on the couch in an umpteenth sigh. “I hate men so much.” And you mean it. They’re so disappointing, how could you not hate them? “All of them? Even me?” Of course not. Jeong Yun-ho was the best man you’ve ever known. A smile appears on your face before you cast an amused look at him. “Especially you!” You say, bumping your shoulder on his arm, making him laugh. “I’m just so mad they can’t even reach a little bit of respect to the people they have in front of them.” That dumb dude you met tonight, spent the entire time watching the match on TV. He barely even took a real look at you, or even was interested in what you were saying. You’ve never felt more alone or disrespected in your whole life. You take your time to explain everything to your best friend. Your voice is filled with anger and disappointment. Mostly, deep down your heart, you felt like there was no hope anymore.
It was so difficult to talk with someone that was interesting and interested. It was obvious that everything had gone wrong, and that you’ll never find somebody that will treat you the right way. “Their loss. They don’t know how amazing you are.” He says, trying to make you feel better, surrounding you with one arm. “That’s what you think.” You add, looking at his face. “I just wanted to have a cute date, something that was nice and simple. A moment that feels new and refreshing. But it was too much to ask.” You say, pouting your lips, leaning your head on his strong shoulder. “Can I do something to ease your mood?” nodding in a slight despair. “Please. I’d very much appreciate it.” 
You knew Yunho for a few years now. He first was your classmate and then, he became your roommate, in a much bigger apartment than your small student room. It was convenient for the both of you and living by his side was easy. He was nice, quiet, clean, funny, also very handsome, which, you can admit, was quite an advantage. But above all, he knew perfectly how to make you feel better. He leaves your side so fast you suddenly felt cold. Your sight follows his paths to the kitchen, curious about what he’ll do. “You should take a moment to take a shower, you’d feel much better after that.” He says, not even looking at you, but he surely felt your eyes on his back. “Look at you, fathering me.” You hear him laugh, while you were reaching the bathroom.
And he sure was right, the water was the perfect remedy to your bad mood, feeling the water running down your muscles made you feel very much at ease. You surround yourself with a delicious flowery perfume. You adore it. It was actually him that offered you that perfume a few years ago, for your birthday. Since then, it has become your favorite amongst all the others you already had. You feel even better after you sunk yourself in your favorite night gown. A delicious smell of sugar reaches your nose, as soon as you got out of the steamy room. God bless having such a good person in your life.  On the counter of the kitchen were waiting your favorite drink and those heated cookies you loved so much. Your heart suddenly burst in tender. How sweet of him. “And we can watch that show that you love, if it can helps.” He proposed, soon after he saw that you were back in the living room. “I just wanted a hug, Yunho.” You say, but oh how much you appreciated every little thing he made to make you feel the best. “Is it too much? We can just eat and…” “No. Of course, not. I’d love to watch that show with you.” You smile. Everything was just so on point, and you’ve never felt as understood ever before.
Both of your bodies now lay on the couch covered by a small throw that Yunho insisted on taking with you. The storm in your mind had cease to rage. It’s now pure joy and peace thank to that delicious chocolate and peanut butter cookies that you had devoured. The show that the TV was playing was your favorite. It portrayed the story of a strong woman crossing border to follow the love of her life. It makes you feel emotional every time, but oh how much you loved it. Your head is resting on Yunho’s lap as you’re focused on the screen, but you could feel his sight on your face. “What? Is there something on my face?” You did not even turn your eyes to him, you knew. “I’m waiting for the moment when you’ll shed a tear.” He replied in a pouty voice. You caught him red-handed. “Don’t you dare taking a picture and send it to the boys, or you’ll better sleep with one eye open.” Next time you’ll see Choi San, he’ll surely make a point about you crying on what he loves to call a boring show. And they’ll gently make fun of you. “You’re a wild one, y/n. I’m terrified.” He says, jokingly, putting a hand on your hair. You grant him with a dark sight, before focusing on the screen again. When the sad part comes, you can’t even hold back the tears. You sniff loudly, soaking Yunho’s thigh. It made him giggle, while rubbing your shoulder in comfort. His giggle doesn’t even feel judgmental. You knew you could cry freely; it just amused him to witness how emotional you could be.
The tv continued to run for a few more episodes, but you couldn’t see them all. You fell asleep without even realize it. “y/n ?” he whispered but you were so far already you didn’t even hear him. He spent a few minutes watching you sleep. You seemed so peaceful so comfortable on his legs. He wished he could stay here a little bit more so that he could admire you endlessly, but he knew how insane that would be. He picked you up in his big arms, to carry you to your room. It gently puts you on your bed and covers you with a light blanket so you could feel warm. “Goodnight, sweet.” He says lightly, before you answer in the mumble of your sleep “’night dear.”
You can’t even remember when and how you reach your bed, but you’re waking up in your sheets, alone, as usual. A sigh comes out your mouth as you’re leaving the sheets to grab your phone in the living room. Next to it, there’s a hand-written note. The usual curves of Yunho’s writing. It was simple, elegant, just as he was. He took some time to write it, instead of just a text. It warmed your heart. 
You left your phone in the kitchen yesterday, i didn't wanted to disturb your sleep by bringing it to your room. There's some fresh cutout fruits in the fridge if you’re hungry. I’m running errands, coming home asap. 
Also, I need you to be ready when I’m back, taking you out today. 
X, Yunho.  
You can’t even contain your smile. But you realized soon he must have been gone for a little while now, so he might be back home soon. Screw your breakfast, there’s no time to waste. You can’t help but be curious about what is on your friend's mind. 
You came out of your room fully ready at the very same moment when you heard the click of the keys on the door. Yunho comes in and your heart flutters immediately. “Hi, slept well ?” He asks, the biggest smile on his face. “ Perfectly. Who are these beautiful roses for ?” You couldn't hold back the question, pointing at the bouquet he was holding in his hand. “ For the neighbor, obviously!” He started, you could feel his smile in his voice. “ It's actually the first step of our day. White roses, as you like them.” He hands down the bouquet to you and your heart skips a beat. “ You didn't have to do all of this, Yunho. That's adorable.” You're surrounded with the perfect smell of the roses and a cloud of tenderness. “ You felt so bad yesterday, I thought it was a good idea to show you how you are supposed to be treated. To make you feel better.” He has always been all about acts of service, but this. It felt extra special. “ So I'm taking you on a day of dates.” You're suddenly completely speechless. “ Yunho…” You whispered, tears flooding your eyes. “ That's the best thing nobody has ever done to me.” Your heart was racing, “ You deserve it, Y/N” 
Fuck, how could he be that nice ? 
Right after the flowers were put in some water, you followed Yunho outside, still so curious about today's program. “Where are you taking me ?” You ask while buckling your seatbelt. “I'd rather keep it a secret. And you better not overthink everything. Let me guide you.” Not overthink? How could you even do that ? “ Don't look at me like that. You'll enjoy it, I promise.” But you wanted to know, and not even the usual GPS was indicating your destination. How frustrating. You hate not being in control and this was way out of your comfort zone. But you knew you could trust him with your guts. You’ve always been safe by his side. 
12:02 - 
“ I hope you’re hungry.”  Yunho’s holding the door for you. You know that place. A fancy restaurant you’ve spotted on social media, a few weeks ago. How did he knew? Your eyes are sparkling and your heart feels so warm. You are installed near a window that enables you to have a pretty view of the city. The lights, the music, everything made it perfect. Nobody had ever taken you somewhere that fancy before. “Are you okay ?” He asked, softly, a warm smile on his face. You can’t help but feel the warm coming in your cheeks. “Y-yeah ! That’s so… amazing.” you whisper, looking around you. “That is a lot.” You add, in a little smile. The flowers, now this. You’ve never felt so cared about before. “As long as you are happy, it’s nothing.” Hi Google, how to not melt in front of someone ? You order some food, your stomach is raging just by reading the menu.
Fortunately the food came by really fast, and it looked just like in your dreams. You and Yunho shared a pretty animated conversation about a lot of subjects, but the only thing you were focused on, was his smile, the way he looked so happy. The soft curve of his lips, the sun in his honey-like voice, the spark in his eyes. You feel something was shifting slowly. “ What’s on your mind ?” You hear, tearing you apart from your daydream. “Huh ? Oh, nothing. I was thinking about how good this is !” You smile, pointing at your plate. “Oh really ? Can I ?” “You’ll love it !” You hand him your fork so he could try your dish. “Oh damn, yours is so much better than mine !” He says, his eyes wide open. Without asking permission, you exchange dishes, so he can have the other half. You always used to do that, sharing was so obvious. “How did you know this place ?” You finally ask, curious. “I saw that you shared it on your page, I kept the name, so i could take you there one day…” He admits, lowering his gaze on his plate. Your heart skips a beat. Take me there... ? Oh Yunho... Your hand lightly reaches his to grab it. “That’s really so nice of you.” He has always been so thoughtful. Every little attention was heartwarming, like a summer sun. You trace circles on the back of his hand, making a smile appear on his face. “ I really like to see you smile. Seeing you happy really is important to me, you know.” You nod, so deeply touched by his words. 
This day was so overwhelming already. It sounded so much like real dates. Going back to reality will be so hard. 
4:17 pm 
Next location, the beach.
The sun was shining brightly. You’ve never seen such a bright day in so long. It looked like every setting was made to make your day even better. It really was everything you’ve ever asked for on a date. It was simple but so nice. It looks like you, like what you loved. You’re walking side by side, in the sun, admiring the waves crashing on the sand and the rocks. The sound of it was quite relaxing. In the sun, you could admire every angle of Yunho’s beautiful features. Something in his beauty catches you, you couldn’t stop to observe him. He was so singularly handsome. 
A funfair was taking place on the pier and you were walking straight to it. The little girl inside your head was screaming in joy. Funfair always had been something you enjoyed to do. It makes you feel like there’s only happiness in the world. The smells, the sounds of it, makes your heart so warm and recharged. You grab Yunho’s hand, intertwining your fingers. You needed no words, to tell him how happy you feel at the moment. “Can we go to the claw machine ?” You asked with excitement, making him laugh. He nods and leads you there. He let you take a look at every machine. “Have you seen that panda ? Isn’t he so cute ?!” Your voice rose slightly to the trebles while you were pointing at the stuffed panda in the very rear of the machine. “Okay, let’s try to catch it !” He lets you go first. He steps behind your back and rests a hand on your shoulder as you're trying to focus on your goal. His contact makes you shiver and you experience the difficulty of not concentrating on the heat that it releases through the layers of tissues covering your skin. 
First try. Fail. Second try, fail.
You're whining with frustration. The third attempt remains a failure. You can’t help the frustrating sigh to get out your throat. “Lemme try!” He says behind your back.He advances his hand to grab the game handle. The music starts again, and he tries twice without catching it. “I’m gonna try again, there’s no way we’re coming home without it.” He adds determination in his voice as he pulls another coin in the machine. The claw closes itself around the panda’s arm, and you’ve never prayed that much. You put your hand on Yunho’s while you take a look at the plushie. Then finally, you both exult with joy when the animal falls into the right area. Your smile is so wide, as you’re turning to hug tight the man behind you. “You did it !” You say close to his ear. He relishes his embrace and he leans to catch the plushie. He hands it to you with the biggest and proudest smile on his face. “You better hug it tight when I'm away from you.” He says, making your heart race again. “I’d rather hug you, forever. You’re softer and warmer.” you add, locking his sight in yours. “ But that will do if you're not home. It'll be a little bit of you.” you smile.
There was something in the air that made you feel like that was where you belonged. Everything was perfect, as you always imagined it to be, except you’ve never ever thought that Yunho would be the best date of your life. Turns out, he is absolutely perfect. “What about some candy floss and a big cola ?” he asks, grabbing your hand. “I’d love that. We should take a giant one so we can share.” He nods. You rush to the candy station and soon you have a giant pink fluff ball between your hands. In less than a second a big part is already in your mouth, making you laugh, as sugar remains on the corner of your lips. “Wait, lemme help you.” He says before gently passing his thumb on your skin. The touch of his skin makes you gently shiver and for a second you forget how to breathe.
You continue to walk around the fair together. You’ve never laughed that much before. He even took some pictures of you, watching the carnival rides or the sun that was already starting to set. Time was flying, and you enjoyed every part of that amazing day. 
If only this day could be endless. 
8.24 pm
“The view is amazing.” You’re completely astonished. Yunho took you on a hill, to eat dinner outside while admiring the view of the entire city and the ocean at the same time. The sunset gives its greatest colors to the sky. A gradient of warm colors you loved so much.
Before coming here, you passed by a small shop to grab some fried chicken and some tanghulus for dessert even though you had so much sugar already, he knew you loved them. “So, what did you think about today ?” he asks, drawing you away from your contemplation. “ Are you really asking ?” Is he on a sugar high ? “Y-yeah ?” You’re falling closer to him, looking straight to his eyes. “That was the most amazing, perfect, day of my life, Yunho.” You admit. Your heart was fuller than ever. “You made all my wishes come true. You perfectly knew how to make me the happiest, and I can't thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me.” His eyes started to shine as his cheeks took a slight pink color. He looks at the grass for a few seconds before coming back to your eyes. “There would be a way to thank me, actually.” He said, kindling a curious flame in your chest. “Oh yeah ?” “You could maybe uh… gimme a kiss ?” At the end of his proposal, his voice softens, as if he suddenly became a little more shy. Yet you can’t stop the surprise from coming on your face. A kiss ? “Only if you agree, of course. If you don’t, that’s okay.. I mean I wo-...” You stop his mumbling by pressing your lips against his. You’re not so sure if it was what he was asking for, but you wanted it so bad. It did not take long before he came pressing his hand on your cheek, smiling against your lips. 
It was the best kiss you’ve ever shared. 
You part a few seconds later, both giggling as teenagers. The feeling rushing into your body was nothing more than pure felicity. “I waited for this for so long.” Wait what ? He catches your intrigued look and smiles softly before glancing at the horizon, perfectly avoiding your gaze. “You’ve been on my mind for so long, y/n…” He starts. You knew this would lead somewhere you’ll never come back from. “This… I wanted to show you how much you meant to me. You deserve the absolute world.” Your heart melts instantly. “ It made me so mad that no one could see how amazing you are. But I was a bit jealous, watching you goin out with douches I knew would not suit you.” Your head leans on his shoulder, inviting him to continue. “I wanted to take you on a date for so long. I just didn’t know how to do it.” He was so open right now, confessing his feelings towards you. Only for you to realize how reciprocal it was. “ I just.. I love you, y/n.” Your heart explodes in your chest. Slowly, you find the way to his lips. The slight pressure he puts into it, shows how much he wanted it to happen. A hand lands on your neck, the other on your back for a few seconds.You feel all surrounded by him, warmed, loved.
The slight notes of his fruity and warm perfume, made you feel a little dizzy. Or was it the feeling of his lips, staying right after you parted your lips ? “ I was so blind…” You admit, resting your forehead against his. “I should have seen sooner.” If you stopped convincing yourself it was just friendship, you would have saved yourself many catastrophic moments and memories that you would gladly have done without. “The reason nobody has suited me before, it’s only because you are the one made for me.” You whisper, heart fully open. “I love you too, Yunho.” 
This was the best closure you could ever imagine. You promised yourself to never kiss on the first date, but it did feel like you were already dating for so long. It was him. It has always been him. As you’re coming home, that night, everything has changed, in the best way. You fall asleep in your boyfriend’s arms, the panda he won for you pressed between your bodies. 
No more shitty dating apps. Only good and lovable dates.
I really hope you appreciated it, do not hesitate to reblog or to leave a note i'd love to read all about your thoughts. ✿
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dirtysvthoughts · 2 years
can you write something about gamer wonwoo and sucking his cock? i am down bad for this man 😩
a/n: anon thank u for this request, ily 🤍 gamer wonwoo is my absolute weakness, let’s be down bad for him together~
i got EXTREMELY carried away omfg this was supposed to be short, but here’s a word count and some tags, below:
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word count: 1.3k
tags/warnings: gamer! wonwoo, female! reader, dick sucking, bratty! reader, reader is kinda a tease, dom! wonwoo (but you test his composure), use of nicknames/pet names (daddy, princess, baby girl) very slight mentions of manhandling (really just tossing reader on the bed)
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so let’s say you both had a few days off from work and you were spending your time at his place. bordering on the last days of your break, you were getting extremely horny and craving for wonwoo to touch you in certain places.
but you had a problem. today he had chosen to game, and he had been playing for hours now. you knew it wasn’t intentional, but with his eyes glued to the screen, he wasn’t paying you that much attention, only giving you a few kisses here and there whenever he took a break.
so what could you do? wait for him to get off and fulfill your needs? or take matters into your own hands?
as you sit on wonwoo’s bed, your mind wanders to how he would look on top of you- his broad chest, his strong arms, his sweet smile, and his deep voice telling you how wet you were for him and how his cock was made for you..
you look down at your thin pajama shorts, and boom - a wet spot almost visible, biting your lips you look at your boyfriend, still focused on his game.
“something’s got to be done,” you think to yourself.
you slowly walk over to wonwoo, and when you get to the back of his chair, you massage his shoulders and slowly kiss his neck. he adjusts his headphones so he can talk you properly.
“baby,” he smiles anxiously covering up his mic, “what’re you doing? i’m still playing.”
“nothing,” you say in between kisses, your hands working your way down to his chest. “keep playing your game, wonwoo.”
he gives you a look to let you know that whatever you were trying to do needed to wait until he was done. but were you in the mood to follow directions? not really.
so while he wasn’t paying attention, you crawled underneath his desk and positioned yourself to where his legs were in front of you. your hands roam his thighs as you work your way up to his crotch, palming him over his sweats. you internally moan at how big he is and you hadn’t even gone underneath his pants yet. you were so far gone.
wonwoo begins fidgeting and you know bit by but he would eventually break down and give you what you both needed. you continue palming him when he suddenly grabs your wrist, pushing his chair back so he could see your face. “are you asking for trouble? i’m still playing, can’t you just wait for a few more minutes?”
“mmm, not really,” you smirk at him, pulling down his waistband, revealing his boxers and how hard he already was. you mouth over his boxers, kissing his dick and continuing to palm him. he grunts at the feeling and he moves his hands to play with your hair, completely forgetting that his mic was still on.
“hey, wonwoo, are you good?” one of his friends asks. without hesitation, wonwoo mutes his mic, minimizes the game, and takes your chin in his thumb so you’re looking directly at him.
“you really don’t wanna play fair, huh..”
he tosses his headphones on his desk, still maintaining his eye contact with you. “let’s make a deal, baby. i’m gonna keep playing my game, but i’ll allow you to do what you want. if you can be quiet until i’m done, you’ll get a reward.”
“and if i’m not?” you ask taking his thumb into your mouth, gently biting down on it. he chuckles darkly as he runs his hand through his hair, sighing at how your bratty behavior was turning him on so much.
“then we’ll see what happens won’t we?” wonwoo says he swipes across your lips.
you help him take off his sweats and his boxers and they both pool at his ankles. he puts his headphones back on and you realize that finally, you’re getting what you want.
before you disappear under his desk again, he calls his name to get your attention. “what’s our deal?” he asks.
you sigh, “stay quiet..”
“perfect, baby girl,” he smiles at you, and that’s the last thing you see before his attention goes back to the screen. “hey guys, sorry about that, what’d i miss?”
you rest your hand on his thigh and you take wonwoo into your mouth. you slowly go up and down, your eyes nearly rolling to the back of your head. he felt so perfect in you and you had every intention to let him know how amazing he was.
you moan and the feeling causes wonwoo to shudder and nearly let out another groan. to your surprise, he doesn’t say anything to you - not even a warning. too focused on his game? maybe..
you take this to your advantage and add a little tongue to the mix, licking his tip, enjoying how beads of his cum were forming and they were all for you to taste.
“fuck, wonwoo,” you say loud enough for him to hear, but not loud enough to be heard through his headphones. “mmm, you taste so good, you feel good too.. i can’t wait to get you inside of me,” now alternating between licking and kissing, not even noticing that his hands were holding your hair, guiding your neck to take him deeper.
“shit,” he sharply says, not sure if that was meant for you or because he had made a mistake while playing.
“are you feeling good baby? cause that’s all i want you to feel.. let me pleasure you, please daddy?” you end on a pleading tone, that daddy sounding like it was covered in sugar. you knew wonwoo was affected at how his dick twitched.
“is someone with you wonwoo?” another friend asks.
“yeah, i can kinda heard someone in the background, do you need a minute?”
“nah, it’s all good,” wonwoo somehow manages to grit through his teeth, knowing that was a complete lie. he knew you were gonna challenge him and test his patience, but not so much so to where he was about to throw his headphones off, clear his desk of everything so that way he could rip your panties off and fuck you like a porn star right then and there. “we’re almost there you guys, so pick up the pace.”
finally wanting to taste all of him, you decide to pick your speed and go faster, your head bobbing and your moans growing louder and higher in pitch. you bring your free hand down to your crotch and finger yourself to get you closer to the edge.
you sucking faster completely throws wonwoo for a loop and he can no longer hold back. he throws his head back against his chair and moans out your name so beautifully that it’s nearly enough to make you cum immediately.
“fuck baby, keep going, please..” he moans out, and his friends go into chaos. you hear sounds of disbelief, shock, and even whooping. he exits the game without saying a word and tosses his headphones across the room. he pushes his chair back revealing his full body and takes your hands into his to pull you out from underneath his desk.
he lifts you up and carries you to the bed, tossing you like a ragdoll. “wonwoo..” you call for him, missing his touch. your eyes shift to his body as he pulls his shirt over his head, his toned chest and broad shoulders on full display. you knew by now your panties were completely ruined.
he chuckles darkly as he places himself on top of you, caressing your face into the palm of his hand. “that was a fun game you played princess… i should’ve known you would’ve broken that deal, but i still gave you a chance.”
he gives you a deep kiss and you lean into him. when you separate, your lips are still centimeters away from each other.
“wonwoo, i-” he cuts you off and places his finger on your lips. “good girls don’t get to talk before they get their punishment. so guess what baby? now it’s my turn to play with you.”
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wlw-imagines · 1 year
Coffee Shop - Kara Danvers/Reader (Supergirl)
request: i found this prompt and was wondering if u could write it with kara danvers from supergirl pls?? "i started writing 'Supergirl' on your coffee cup as a joke because you kind of look like her but it actually turns out you are them oh shit - anon
a/n: these are from my old tumblr thefandomwritings from back in 2018 ! re-vamped and re-purposed (jk it is hardly edited at all) !! hope u enjoy and forgive the 2018 me style writing
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Starting anywhere as a newbie was tough. Especially at this coffee shop... when you’d never made coffee before... and to be honest, you weren’t even really a coffee drinker. But, alas, you had rent to pay and a job opening had come through and you had been accepted for the job. More fool them.
The coffee shop was a busy one, constantly on the go. Your hands were already covered in burns and your new clean white apron was now covered in coffee drips and smears. Your shift had only started 45 minutes ago.
You let out a deep sigh and slouched, leaning on the serving desk to try and gather some energy before the next customer appeared. You really couldn’t bear some jackass in a fancy business suit complaining that you’d made their fancy coffee wrong again. Even though you had most definitely made it wrong.
As the next customer approached, you perked up slightly. Maybe the next 10 minutes of your life as a barista would be more bearable.
"Good morning, you must be new here! I'm Kara." She began and smiled cheerfully at you. She also added in an awkward wave before pushing her glasses up her nose.
"Uh, yes I am." You replied, letting your customer service smile develop into a real one. "Is it that obvious?" You laughed slightly, there was probably a 'newbie' aura about you (maybe it was the burnt hands?), it was fairly obvious how nervous you were, and you didn't need pretty girls making you even more flustered around boiling hot liquid.
"No, no! You're perfect- I mean, you know, you're great- doing great." She rambled, her cheeks reddening. "I pick up coffee from here every day before I go to work so I guess I just know everyone who works here pretty well."
“Morning Kara! The ususal?” Your co-worker, Liam, greeted her with a smile. He had been a slight godsend to you and had the patience of a saint. No matter how many times you had fucked it up.
“That would be great, but no rush!” She added, politely eying your resigned expression. You could hardly make 1 cup of coffee and now you had to make 6? For a pretty customer? Shit.
Liam nudged you, “Ready?” He smiled, his eyes slightly teasing as you took in a deep breath and nodded hesitantly.
“Yeah, sure, piece of cake.” You shrugged, taking the order note and looking to find the easiest first. Small steps.
On the first attempt of the first coffee you already found yourself once more cursing yourself for ever applying to work here in the first place. Your curses were interrupted by Kara looking at you with a worried look. "I'm sure you'll get the hang of it soon." She gave you an encouraging smile and you shot her a weary look.
"God, I really hope so." You mumbled, running your burnt hand under the tap for a couple of seconds.
After a short pause (and two successful coffees in) Kara cleared her throat and nodded towards the coffee machine, “It’s like riding a bike, right?”
“Huh?” You glance up quickly, confusion etched on your face.
“Making coffee. Once you learn, you’ll be set.” She elaborated, fiddling with her fingers anxiously. 
You smiled slightly and gave an embarrased shrug, “I can’t ride a bike.” You admitted.
“You can’t?” She looked slightly crestfallen, hoping to have made you feel better rather than just make you feel worse about the situation. “Oh.” She faltered, annoyed with herself. Her brain searched for something else to say to make you feel better and to make you properly smile again. Before she could, you continued.
“I just never understood like, the pedalling? And the turning and also the gears?” You let out a soft laugh, “Although a bike makes more sense to me than this coffee machine so maybe I do have a chance.” You smiled up at her and her heart melted. That was the smile she was aiming for.
“I could teach you!” She burst out, without really thinking about what she was saying. Kara shook her head and tried again, “I mean, I like cycling. It’s easy once you get the pedalling and the turning and the gears down.”
You nodded, trying not to let her offer go to your head, “Do you also know how to make coffee by any chance?” You joked, standing up to properly face her and nodding your head over to the devil machine.
“Can’t help you there, sorry.” She put her hands out apologetically. You laugh and go to continue the conversation, but before you can Liam is nudging your shoulder and pointing to the coffee you were making.
“Y/N, the cup-” You turn around to see the coffee pouring out over the top of the cup, overfilling and spilling everywhere.
You leap towards the cup and let out a small, “Shit.”
9 cups of coffee later (3 of which were currently residing in the trash can), you carefully started to pass the cups into a holder, so she could carry all of them at the same time, and then hesitated.
"Which one is yours?" It’s your first shift and you're already trying to pick up girls. You decided to forgive yourself, you deserved it after the hell of this shift. Once it was pointed out (she had black coffee usually, which surprised you as it didn't seem to suit her sweet character), you wrote your number and drew a little picture of a superhero and labelled it 'Supergirl' - you were quite proud of yourself for making the art.
They didn't look identical or anything, but you had noticed that there were similarities from the moment she had stepped up to the counter. Once you were finished you slid the carrier of drinks and her black coffee over the counter.
She frowned slightly, looking suspiciously at the doodle on her cup. You shrugged, suddenly feeling a little self concious. You weren’t sure what about - the drawing? Your flirting? Your bad coffee skills? You cleared your throat.
"Well, it's a joke." You smiled at her. "Just because, well y'know, you look a bit like Supergirl...” She looked up at you, eyes slightly wide, which you couldn’t tell if it was a good sign or not, “If you just took away the glasses and added a cape-" You trailed off slightly when she started to look uncomfortable. You straightened up and cleared your throat feeling somewhat guilty that you seemed to have distressed your new (and favourite) customer. "Sorry, I meant it as a- it was supposed to be kind of like a compliment." You smiled gently, trying to show her that you didn't mean her any harm or discomfort. In the short space of time that you had met this women you couldn't help but feel completely distracted by her.
"Oh, right - Yes, of course... well, she is pretty strong and it must be kinda cool to be able to fly. Hypothetically speaking, of course. So, uh, yes. Thank you." She looked back at her cup then tilted her head to the side to read your writing. "Wait, what does that number mean?" Kara tilted her head, her eyes scanning her coffee cup. It's like she was deliberately trying to make your heart melt.
"That is my phone number." Blood rushed up to your cheeks. You don’t recall a time where you had to explain your pathetic attempts at flirting so much.
"Ah, right. Yes. Your phone number...” She nodded thoughtfully before her brows shot up and she looked back at you, a similar red creeping into her cheeks, “which I will phone you with." The realisation dawned on her face as it slowly sank in that you had just given her your number. 
You laughed and leaned towards her again. "Yes." You nodded, licking your lips. "Or you can text me. It's up to you, if you were to want to go out sometime, that is."
"No- I mean yeah, I'd love to. That, that would be great. I-" She grinned and she nervously pushed her glasses up her nose again. "I should go but I hope to see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah, of course. As long as I haven't burnt the joint down, you'll definitely see me tomorrow." You joked and watched as she nodded slowly with a small smile in return and turned to leave.
As she walked out the door she looked back at you, giving you a little wave before walking out and away. You smiled and took a step back from the counter, mentally congratulating yourself on the win, until you knocked a cup of coffee from the side and it flew all over your feet. 
“Shit.” Maybe your job here wouldn't last as long as you thought.
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subwaystragedy · 1 year
In The Stall Against The Wall || Shigaraki Tomura x Sub Ftm!Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Slight choking is described with obvious themes of brat taming and relatively public sex
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Shigaraki was growing irritated, having been teased all throughout the mall as you bend down in front of him with your skirt on, exposing your lingerie slightly from the length not covering enough when you lean down at the hip instead of your knees. Shigaraki having to try and sit comfortably on the bench as you eat, half hard cock annoying him as he shifts in the seat. Looking over at you as you stare at your phone, not paying attention to anything other than the device, your boyfriend watching and waiting for you to finish your small meal, knowing you well enough that if he stands up you’ll follow without question. 
Getting up with you as you go to throw away the wrapper of your food, almost immediately walking off without you as he heads to the bathroom. “Shiggy, where are you going?” you question as you follow behind, his slow pace allowing you to catch up fairly easily, “Bathroom” was all he said in his low and scratchy voice. You hum and follow him, nodding to nothing as you pay attention to your boyfriend and him alone, following him intently as you walk behind him, soon arriving at a bathroom. "Y'know there were a few on the way here babe," you comment, following him into the restroom and moving the lean against the wall.
That is until he commands you to follow him into the stall, "In here," he states, gesturing towards the inside of the last stall in the restroom, confused, you walk over, getting off the wall and follow his order. Entering the enclosed space before him, hearing the stall lock before he speaks lowly, "Strip, I'm tired of your teasing," masking your fear of him with cockyness as you scoff. "Make me," is all you have to say, sticking your tongue out as you turn away from him, the deep grumble he lets out is your typical sign to start listening, but you don't take it, keeping your face towards the wall as you refuse to look at him.
The sudden feeling of his fingers grabbing your face to force you to look at him makes you grateful for his two fingered gloves while you stare at him with wide eyes, face smushed from his tight grasp. "Apologize," is all he says in his low voice, the rasp of it making you wet in your lingerie, like usual. Your confidence is starting to fade but the small bit that remains encourages you to disobey, and so you do, telling him a simple, "No," as you grab his wrist, trying to pull away. The strength he's using to keep you still almost doubles, soon moving from your cheeks to your throat as he turns the both of you to push you against the wall. 
His hand behind your head before you hit the wall to prevent any harm coming your way as he speaks again, "Apologize," it's your final warning, his tone and narrowed eyes tell you so. “N-no,”the waver in your voice shows him he’s already winning, his only response is to huff, amused at your antics, before quickly turning you around and pulling your hips out, forcing you to present your ass to him. “Safe word?” “Apples,” you’re quick to respond, knowing the fate you’ve signed yourself up for. “Good boy” he speaks while rubbing your ass, moving the lingerie away to expose your pussy, “Finally listening to me,” in that low and rumbly voice you love to hear, the wetness only pooling in between your legs as he speaks, and of course, he notices.
Chuckling slightly at the sight before him as he runs two fingers up and down your entrance,” the whimper you let out is involuntary, being used to naturally submitting to the man behind you, covering your mouth quickly only for your lover to tell you demandingly “Move your hand.” His movements don’t still as he continues to tease you, talking again, “Don’t make me repeat it,” is all you can recall before to fingers are shoved inside you, your wetness helping him as he uses the free hand to take both of your arms, forcing them behind your back as you try and wriggle free. Earning a quiet laugh from Shigaraki, as you moan, biting your lip softly as the fight in you leaves, allowing your noises to be muffled just a small bit.
Moving his finger quickly in and out of you as you let out soft and low whines, short whimpers, and quiet moans, feeling his erection against you as he rubs against you best he can with his hand in the way. Laughing to himself before he leans forward to whisper tenderly in your ear, "You're gonna start behaving right?" while picking up the pace with his hand, moving it in a mannerism to rub against your t-dick as he fingers you. The question doesn't register in your head until you hear his voice once more, assertiveness and anger shining through as he speaks, "Right?" nodding slowly as you finally comprehend the question, his comment of, "Good boy," makes you whimper. 
Knowing you gave in rather easily at the slight stimulation, whimpering once more as you feel his fingers leave your cunt, soon being replaced with the tip of his dick as he pushes his still slick fingers into your mouth. Still leaning over you as he talks into your ear again, "Wouldn't want anyone to hear now would we?" making you nod vigorously as you wrap your lips around his fingers, earning a content sigh from the blue haired man behind you. Feeling him slowly enter you has your eyes rolling back in your head, the agonizing pace he sets has you moaning louder than intended as he moves his other hand to your back, forcing you to arch your back.
Feeling him bottom out inside you as you gasp the best you can with his fingers in his mouth, soon going to the front of your throat from him pushing them further into your mouth, making you gag lightly on him. The leisure pace as he simply rolls his hips into you is too much, you need him to fuck you stupid, trying to silently beg as you bounce your hips back to hopefully feel him move quickly, but he quickly takes hold of you hips. The tight grip sure to leave light marks later on in the day, "You want me to fuck you? Apologize," he demands, still rolling his hips gently into you as you let out a prolonged whine.
Removing his fingers to hive you the chance to properly say sorry for your teasing, "'m- 'm sorry,'' is all you have to say as he snickers quietly. Feeling your legs almost give out after he grabs your waist with both hands, having picked up the pace significantly, ensuring that whoever walks in will know of the activities going on in the last stall with the natural sound of skin against skin. The sounds almost echoing as you two fuck, Shigaraki letting out a quick but auditable laugh as he watches you break from something so simply, knowing you love when his dick is deep in your cunt.
Watching you completely fall apart almost immediately as he has to move a hand to your mouth, pulling you back slightly and in turn once again forcing your back to arch. Your hands on the walls of the stall as you hear his belt buckle shake and hit the other wall opposite of yours occasionally, feeling him bottom out and only slightly pull out, going back to rolling his hips. Simply pushing forward with more vigor as sharply thrust. Giving you no time to process the changes of pace as he picks up his movements speed once more, harshly and quickly thrusting into as you silently moan, mouth hung open as you try to speak.
"T-too m-mu-much! Shiggy!" almost whispering as you talk, the words volume in between a yell and hushed tone, too mind fucked to remember exactly where you are. Until you hear the restroom door open, snapping you out of your pleasure-filled trance, Shigaraki himself stopping rything as he turns his head to listen, hearing the bathroom sink run. Feeling cocky and safe within his decision, he starts to slowly push in and out of you, hands still on your waist as he forces you to move along with him, not moving too quickly as to avoid the sounds of sex. Turning back the best you can with a look of worry, he only response by putting his finger to his lips.
Making the "sush" moment as he continues to slowly roll into you once more. Speeding up and thrusting aggressively as he plows into you after hearing the bathroom door open and close once more. Almost screaming behind his hand as he rushes to make you cum, your legs shaking as you feel yourself getting close, "Wanna cum?" is all he has to ask, nodding aggressively in want as he laughs pitifully at you. "Too bad," your whine dragged out and high pitched for your voice, "You'll have to wait til we're back at the hideout," words followed by a sadistic laugh afterwards.
Your whimpers match in an opposite sense of submissiveness versus his dominance, the grunts he lets out tells you he's close, wishing for him to at least cum inside you for some form of dissatisfactory pleasure. Taking your chance to try and move your hips back and forth once again, surprised as he allows you to bounce your hips on him, trying to milk him for all he's worth, looking back one more time as you see his head held back. Hood from his sweater down with his hair fallen back, the look intoxicating as you moan with his hand still on your mouth, watching him as he looks down at you, smirking as he removes his hand from your mouth.
"Be quiet," are the only words he speaks as he holds you still, going impossibly faster as he leans forward over you again, kissing the exposed area of your neck and upper shoulder. Groaning and grunting as you feel him thrust on final time before cumming in your pussy, mouth hanging open as you gasp while eyes rolling back, feeling his warmth fill you up always bring an amazing sensation. Shigaraki himself giving a few final and shallow thrust as he outright moans, hearing it causing your own moans to rip through you, feeling him move the lingerie back into place a s he pulls out, a poor attempt at making his seed stay inside your pussy.
"Be good until we get back and maybe I'll let you cum," he speaks softly and teasingly, once again grabbing your face to make you look at him, tenderly and calming as he turns your head to kiss your lips. The contrast of your soft lips against his rough ones always make you melt, eyes rolling back once more at the feeling. Still bent over as he stands up and walks out of the stall, hearing the water run again as you stand up slowly, back hurting from the position making you arch, walking out with wobbly legs. Going up to him at the wall you were leaning on before you two had sex in the stall, wrapping your arms around his right as you turn to leave the bathroom. 
"Good boy," he kisses your head the best he can with you to his side as you walk out of the bathroom, his hands in his pocket to keep you attached to him with the feeling of his cumming trying to leak out of your sopping cunt. Humming with faked content as your mind now focuses on getting back to the hideout.
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mingtinysworld · 7 months
Addicted {Part ll}
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Pairing: Park Seonghwa x fem!reader
Genre: drug dealer au, strangers to lovers, angst, fluff
Word count: 2.3k
Summary: being kidnapped by drug dealers was not on your bingo card. Neither was having a pretty boy end up in your arms.
Warnings/content: none other than slight violence (barely any lol), reverse comfort, soft hwa
A/n: honestly, this storyline is complete shit I’m sorry, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless. This soft Seonghwa made me wanna cryyyy. If you liked it, please like, comment and reblog!! I appreciate y’all mwah - J
part 1 of Addicted
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As you gain consciousness, your eyes open with a hazy fog. You can feel a pounding headache coming on, having to hold your head in your hands. As you look around, you can see that you’re in an empty small room. The walls are a cold gray, reminding you of a jail cell.
True panic sets in as you realize there’s no way out. You push and pull on the metal door with no use. Deciding that crying will not solve anything, you resort to shouting. You shout as much as your lungs can handle.
“Help!! Let me out of here!”
You go on for a few more minutes, banging on the door with all your might. Your voice starts getting hoarse from the effort, intense coughing taking over your body.
The door gets pulled open abruptly, causing you to lose your balance and almost falling down. In front of you stands the last man that you saw before your world went black, the one with the collarbone tattoo. He sneers at you with his disgusting looking teeth.
“How was your night sweetheart?”
Oh how nice it would be to punch his stupid face right about now. But the more rational part of your brain tells you this will not end well, so you choose to stay silent. You stand up straight, rolling your shoulders back. He chuckles at your act of bravery.
“Aww look at you being all brave. Aren’t you just adorable.” He crouches down to be on your level, and you have to resist gagging at his putrid breath.
“Please, I just want to go home.” You silently curse yourself for your wavering voice.
“You’re not going anywhere until we get what we want.” His voice is now laced with barely detectable poison.
“And what is it that you want?”
“Your little boyfriend, Seonghwa,” his lip curls with disdain, “he owes us money. A lot of it. And you’re not getting out of here until he brings us the money.”
Your heart sinks at his words. Seonghwa barely knows you, he’s not even gonna care that they kill you. There’s no way he’s gonna give them money to save your life. Trying to keep it together, you ask more questions.
“Does he know I’m here? How much does he owe? Could I pay instead? Why does he owe you money?” You ramble off nervously.
“Woah woah, that’s a lot of questions missy. First of all, yes he is aware. And we’re just gonna have to wait and see if he saves your pretty face. And trust me, you cannot pay your way out of this.”
Having run out of speech, you mumble incoherent words, too deep in thought.
You hear a stifled laughter and look at the man in front of you. He seems to think this is very funny apparently.
“Your face of panic is hilarious oh my god. Come, come, I’m not gonna keep you here the whole time. I can give you a room of yours if you’d like.”
He leads you into a surprisingly warm looking house. The walls are beige, covered in countless paintings of floral sceneries. As you go through multiples hallways, your nerves are somewhat settled, either due to the house or numbness. You come upon a door at the end of the hallway.
“Here we are. This is your room for the next…however many days you’ll be here. Make yourself home.”
You almost laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. How can you make yourself at home when you could be killed any moment? You enter anyways, jaw dropping to the floor. All around you is the fanciest furniture you have ever laid eyes on.
“What. In. The. World. Why do you even need whatever amount of money Seonghwa owes you if you have all this? I don’t understand.” You keep staring in awe, exploring the whole place.
The man lets out a grunt of discontentment. “It’s honestly just for…a personal revenge.” He sounds almost sheepish. The need for more information is killing you.
“What did Seonghwa do to you?” You ask.
He lets out a heavy sigh, folding his arms. “He used to be a part of our group for a while. A bunch of shit went down, and…long story short, my sister ended up getting involved and Seonghwa killed her.” He said those last few words with a broken whisper.
Your heart clenched at his emotion, along with the shock of Seonghwa killing his sister. You don’t know how to feel. You feel empathy for this man for losing his sister, but you also can’t find it in you to be mad at Seonghwa, no matter the messed up situation.
“Oh I am so sorry.” You whisper an apology for his loss.
He gives you a bitter smile. “It’s been a couple years, it’s gotten better. But I want the money he owes for some kind of consolation. Even if it’s not much.”
You ponder over his words for a few moments. You can understand his pain, and his desire to avenge his sister’s death. You feel conflicted. You want to sympathize with him, but you also can’t help but think he could very well be lying. You also don’t want to think of Seonghwa as a murderer.
“I’m sorry, didn’t mean to get a little sappy there. Anyways, just stay in your room, and I’ll will bring up food for you.” He flips around and exits out the door.
Strangely enough, you don’t feel scared of him. His admission of his feelings softened you up and he didn’t seem to be like the big, bad monster facade he put up. After the exhausted events, your body feels completely worn out. You lay your head on the soft pillow, letting out a long sigh. Before you know it, your mind and body have gone to dreamland.
You slowly stir awake, having to squint your eyes due to the bright sun coming through the window. As you come to, your ears pick up yelling. Your body tenses at the sounds, fearing the worst. You slowly make your way to the door and inch the door open a bit. Your mouth is agape at the sight that meets your eyes.
Seonghwa is in the living room, wrestling with the giant body that is your kidnapper. You hear him yell. “Where is she?!!” Your stupid heart can’t help but flutter at the urgency in his voice.
You feel stuck. Wanting to go to Seonghwa but also fearing him from what you heard. Your fast moving thoughts are interrupted as a gun shot rings in the air.
You let out a shrill scream, not having seen who fired and if anyone got hurt.
At the sound of your scream, Seonghwa’s head swivels in your direction. He’s filled with relief as he sees that you’re unharmed. He takes his gun and pushes the immobile man down to the ground.
He runs to you and attempts to grab your hand but you stumble back in fear.
“W-wait, Seonghwa, I don’t-” you stutter over your words, not even sure what you’re trying to say.
He gently grabs onto your arms, and looks into your eyes. “Hey, I know this is all scary. I will explain everything later, I promise. Just trust me please.” He speaks with an incredibly soft voice.
You give him a nod, signaling that it’s ok to go. He puts your hand in his and leads you out. Passing through the living room, you see the man on the floor. He’s moving very slowly, wincing due to the wound in his shoulder. You cling onto Seonghwa tighter, and he squeezes your hand in response.
“He’ll be ok, it’s just his shoulder. We need to leave.” You two step outside into the bright light. He leads you to an awaiting motorcycle and you come to a stop. His hand tugs you forward but you resist.
“I am not getting on that thing.” You stubbornly huff.
“Y/n, please, I promise I’ll keep you safe. I’ve been riding this motorcycle for so long now.”
You fold your arms. “Absolutely not. I’m not going on that dangerous-” you squeal as Seonghwa picks you up and throws you onto his shoulder.
“Sorry Princess, but we gotta get goin.”
He sets you down gently and grabs a helmet for you. Before he puts it on you, he secures a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Your breath hitches and you’re glad to have the cover of the helmet to hide your reddening face.
He slips in front of you and turns on the bike. You have no choice but to snake your arms around his waist. “Ok are you ready for me to move?” You let out a ‘yes’ and he takes off.
You can’t help but notice how tiny his waist is. You selfishly indulge in holding him close and you put your face against his back. Surprisingly, you really enjoy the ride. About 15 minutes after, he parks at an apartment complex. He gets off while taking off his helmet. He helps you with yours and you jump down.
“I hope it’s ok that I brought you to my place. I just figured it’d be safer for you.”
“Yeah that’s fine. I don’t mind. As long as I get an explanation.” You quirk an eyebrow at him in challenge.
Seonghwa chuckles at that. “Of course, I definitely owe you an explanation. Let’s go up.”
You walk up two flights of stairs, getting to his door. You don’t know what you were expecting his place to look like, but you definitely didn’t think it would be so clean. Not a single speck of dust lives on the furniture.
“Wow, not bad at all,” you acknowledge the cleanliness and decor of the space.
He gives you a toothy smile at that. “Thanks!” You both sit down on the big couch, and get comfortable.
“Alright, I’m gonna tell you what actually happened. I’m not sure what he told you, but it’s most likely not the whole truth. So me and those guys, we used to be a group together, selling drugs and honestly just getting ourselves into really dangerous situations. One night, we were on a run for a very wealthy and loyal customer, and we got in the car. Ten minutes in, we finally realized that his younger sister, Tess, sneaked into the car.”
You interrupt him with a question. “How old was she?”
“She was seventeen I believe. And we just had to keep going because we couldn’t be late. We told her to stay put in the car, but of course she didn’t listen. While we were inside the house with the customer, she sneaked out and the guards stopped her. She told them that her brother was in there but they wouldn’t let her go. I guess she got hysterical, so angry that they were being like that. And somehow someone called the police on us, so they had us cornered and we were trying to get out. Tess was right in front of the police. Our only way out was to shoot through. We were almost done, one more officer left. I aimed at him and last minute he jumped behind Tess, and I shot her in the chest.” At this, he had to take a moment to breathe, his throat choking him up.
“We ran to her, trying to stop the bleeding. We rushed her to the hospital, but it was too late. Since that day, Asher hasn’t forgiven me. I don’t blame him, I wouldn’t either. But I didn’t mean it. It was a complete accident. Not a single day goes by that I don’t wish it was me instead of Tess. God she was so young.” He throws his head into his hands, sobbing quietly.
“Seonghwa, it’s not your fault. What happened was completely fucked up, yes, but like you said it was an accident. You can’t do anything about it, but don’t let it eat you up. You’re not a bad person.” You let your hand rest on his knee, trying to comfort him. He looks up at you with teary eyes, countless emotions residing in them. He wraps his arms around you, enveloping you in his scent. You can tell he really needed that hug and validation. You grab onto him tighter as if to squeeze the sadness and regret out of him.
You stay like that for a few minutes, his head burrowed into your neck. You hear his breathing steady and you pull him back up. Taking his hands into yours you ask him if he needs anything.
“What can I do for you? Are you hungry? Need sleep? Tea? Anything.” He seems to tear up even more at that.
“Can we just…cuddle?” He asks while sniffling.
“Yes of course we can. Here or in your bed?” Your heart melts at the vulnerability in his face.
“My bed, if you’re okay with that.”
“Of course, let’s go!” You grab his hand, letting him show you to his room. You decide you’ll take a closer look at his room later, comforting Seonghwa being your priority at the moment. You both get into bed, and he immediately grabs onto you. He turns to his side, nestling his head against your chest. His arm goes around your waist, tugging you closer. You start playing with his long locks of hair, hearing his soft sighs of relaxation.
You look down and realize he’s fallen asleep. He looks so pretty while sleeping. You think back on your last two days, and almost laugh at how absurd it is. So much has happened in the span of 48 hours, but now you just feel so relaxed. Of course, things won’t be this easy for long, you’ll have to deal with some things later.
But for now, you let yourself indulge in Seonghwa’s softness. You give him a fond kiss on the forehead, and allow yourself to drift off with a content sigh.
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oceanlix · 9 months
Day 6: Younghoon
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Pairing: Younghoon x female reader
Genre: Smut
Word count: 985
Warnings: Teasing, dirty talk, slight spanking, dry humping, edging, fingering, begging, thigh fucking, creampie, unprotected sex
Smutmas 2023 Masterlist
You should be paying attention to the movie, but it’s kind of hard to do with your boyfriend’s cock pressing against your ass. You squirm a little, trying to get away, but Younghoon’s hand grabs your hip easily, preventing you from moving.
“Shh,” he coos, cupping your pussy over your underwear. You knew you should’ve worn some shorts with the hoodie you’d thrown on, but it was a lot warmer earlier and you didn’t feel like wearing more layers than necessary. Now, as he presses his fingers against your folds and your pussy starts to get wet, you’re regretful. “Seems like you need me, baby.”
You don’t argue, your breathing shaky as he continues to play with you absentmindedly. You know he’s not going to let you cum for a while, even with his cock pressing against you firmly. Younghoon loves to see how far he can take you, there’s a thrill in it for him.
“Come on,” you beg, grabbing his wrist and trying to at least get him to put a couple of his fingers in you. The gentle friction isn’t enough for you right now. But Younghoon pulls his hand away entirely, clicking his tongue.
“You know better,” he says, smacking your ass in warning. You hiss at the burn, scooting away from him as much as you can. “Take what I give you, or you don’t cum at all.”
You let out a frustrated sigh, but nod in agreement. He chuckles, pulling you back flush against his hard cock. Younghoon ruts against you for a few moments, groaning in your ear and driving you crazy. Just when you think he might cave and fuck you properly, he pulls away, placing a hand over your soaked underwear once more.
“If you can cum before the halfway point of the movie, I’ll fuck you for real,” he rasps into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You look at the timer on the DVD player, seeing you’re already 30 minutes into the 90 minute movie. That means you have about 15 minutes to get yourself off? You think you can do it, especially with the way you already feel yourself leaking all over the place. You turn your head and nod, accepting his challenge.
“You can only rub against my fingers,” he warns, pressing them against your folds and making you moan. “Don’t grind back against my cock or you’ll automatically lose.”
You want to complain, but you know that’s just a waste of your remaining time. Instead, you focus on the feeling of his fingertips against your pussy and get to work, rocking your hips rhythmically. “Fuck,” you curse, the wet spot on your panties getting bigger and bigger.
It’s always hot when Younghoon plays these games with you, as frustrating as it is. You love feeling so naughty, only getting off from his fingers and nothing else. It’s a little more fun to play in public and run the risk of getting caught, but here in the comfort of your own home is good too. He knows how to talk you right to an orgasm, that voice of his sending you over the edge so easily.
“Come on, you can do better than that,” he teases, pushing his fingers a little deeper. Your panties stick to you a bit when he lets go, turning you on even more. You fight the urge to rub your ass back against his cock, not wanting to lose the game so quickly. “Get my fingers nice and soaked, baby.”
You cover your face with your sleeves and whine, loving the way his words make you feel. Younghoon pulls your panties to the side and puts his fingers directly on your folds, your breath hitching as you take in the new feeling. It’s going to be even harder now to follow the rules of the bet, but you suppose that’s half the fun in this.
“Need you so bad,” you moan, swirling your hips. Your thighs are getting soaked with your juices, even dripping down onto the couch. You’ll have to clean that up later, but right now, you’re totally lost in pleasure.
You’re a little surprised when Younghoon breaks first, grunting and rolling down your panties to your knees. He slides his cock between your thighs, gripping your hips so your legs stay pressed together tightly. “Don’t move,” he tells you, and then he’s fucking between your wet thighs at a rapid pace, chasing his release.
It’s so hot how he loses total control of himself. You can’t help but reach down and touch your clit, watching his cockhead appear and disappear between your thighs. You wish it was inside you, throbbing steadily, but this is almost as good, especially when you feel precum squirt onto your thighs and mix with your own fluids.
“Gonna fuck you so good after this, baby,” he promises, his balls slapping against your ass with every thrust. “I’ll paint your walls white and you’re gonna keep it all inside for me, yeah?”
You scream when he shifts slightly and his cockhead bumps up against your clit, cumming hard around him. It catches you both off guard, Younghoon’s hips stuttering as he squeezes your hips tightly. A couple more shallow thrusts before he’s following you, shooting his load between your thighs and onto the couch. You’re exhausted and messy when it’s all over, the hoodie bunched up under your breasts as you try to catch your breath.
“Holy shit,” you mutter, glancing down at the huge stain on the couch. Yep, definitely gonna have to clean later. You forget all about it when Younghoon turns your face towards him, kissing you as he strokes your cum soaked thighs.
“You did so good for me, baby,” he praises, patting your pussy gently. You whimper into his mouth, pressing back against his cock subconsciously. “Now let me keep my promise from earlier.”
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saetoru · 2 years
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「 SYNOPSIS 」 ⋮ draken + public sex - in which you can’t help but let your hands wander as your boyfriend rides his bike
♱ kinktober ⋮ find the masterlist here !!
♱ length ⋮ 1.5k words
♱ contents ⋮ nsfw and 18+ content, fem! reader, public sex, hand jobs, slight overstimulation, use of petnames (princess + baby)
♱ notes ⋮ another repost left and then we will have paid homage to last years failed kinktober rnsjdsj
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the night air is crisp on your skin as you wrap your arms around draken’s neck, pulling him into a quick kiss once the door is locked. the shop’s been busy as of late, and after months and months of watching draken struggle to get it up and running, you’re happy for him, you really are—but lately…you crave a bit more attention. he’s barely even had a second to spare all day to get up and eat lunch, let alone entertain you in your hunt for his attention. 
but right now—right now, he’s all yours, and you plan on using that to your advantage.
it’s a little risky, trying things with him that test his patience, but you want to push him to his limit, want to make his veins pop and his composure snap, want to make him give in and finally have his way with you—which ultimately means you’ve had your way with him too. 
“barely have any time for you anymore,” draken hums softly, "you wanna go for a ride, princess?” he grins as he asks you in between kisses, his rough hands finding their rightful spot on your hips.
you’ve been patiently waiting for this question, for this moment—and a grin of your own stretching across your lips as you hum, the beginning chips of your plan falling right where you want.
“course i do, kenny.” one hand trails down his chest, roaming over the muscles of his pecs and abs, making him chuckle lightly.
he’s always been built rather large, but the years have done him good. his towering height’s put on a few more inches, his muscles bulge a bit more, his chest is a bit broader, and any remnants of the boy you’d known draken as before have grown into a man.
“then let’s go, baby,” he presses a few kisses to your jaw. “need a de-stressor after this week,” he mumbles.
in your head, you’re satisfied to know that you’ll be giving him just that.
the wind on your face as draken speeds faster down the highway is all too refreshing. the cramped garage of his shop has been all you’ve been seeing in your spare time anymore, the need to keep your boyfriend company overwhelming your urges to go do anything else. and you love keeping him company, love being in his presence more than anything, but the empty walls of his shop have been a tiring scene to say the least—and this, this is nice, you think.
draken seems rather happy too, his lips are stretched into a grin and his shoulders are less tense, the muscles rippling through the collared shirt of his uniform even as they’re relaxed. you trail your hands down his chest, rubbing over his abs while he glances momentarily at you over his shoulder.
“keep your hands to yourself, baby,” he grins playfully, and you can feel the small chuckle he lets out through the rumble of his chest as your hands glide back over it.
“can’t, you’re too pretty, ken,” you murmur, pressing a sweet kiss to his shoulder blade through the fabric. he shudders slightly. “been waiting for you the whole day,” you pout into his ear.
clearing his throat, he lets out a gruff, “hey,” as a warning, but you don’t pay any mind to that—your hands trail lower, and lower, and lower— “princess,” draken growls. “what are you doing?”
“just having fun,” you grin, and your palm glides over his crotch, gently feeling over his dick print as he grits his teeth. he looks around, and the highway’s almost empty, but he still doesn’t appreciate the circumstances.
“well, have fun somewhere else—ngh,” he cuts himself with a grunt when you squeeze his half-hard cock through his pants (he’s silently mad at himself for letting himself be so affected), pumping him as much as you can until a tent forms. “h-hey, i’m serious.”
you wish you can find it in yourself to care about his warnings—but you can’t. and you’re sure you’ll pay the price heavily for it later, but that only excites you further.
reaching into his pants, you grab his erection, cheek resting on his back as you pull his pulsing member from his confinements. you smear the pre cum from the tip along the thick girth of his cock, stroking him languidly and drinking in the sounds of his gasps and choked-out groans.
if only you could actually see him, but this will do for now.
“are you kiddin’ me,” he hisses. “have you lost your fucking mind?”
“maybe,” you chuckle, batting your lashes even if he won’t see. 
rolling your palm in circles around his tip, you can just barely make out the long, drawn-out moan he lets out, the wind hissing around you muffling the sweet sounds he makes as you fist him tightly—he’s always been sensitive at the head, and you’ve always used that to your advantage too. his thighs are tensing at the smallest bits of friction, and you wish you could only face him to watch his face scrunch with pleasure.
“fuck,” he whispers, letting out a shaky sigh when your other hand reaches over his hips and cups his balls. you doubt anyone you pass by would really notice, draken’s going much too fast, and it’s much too dark, and no one would really think to look at his crotch, but still. the fact that your boyfriend is currently riding down the highway, dick out and open, hard and aching for release leaves you desperately aroused. “fuckin’ hell, either put my dick away or do something,” he growls at you. “and be quick.”
with a giggle, you decide on the latter, wrapping your hand around his cock and starting a quick rhythm, stroking his length as your other hand cups his balls again, massaging them lightly. he moans, forcing himself to keep his head upright and not thrown back like he desperately wants, keeping his eyes on the road.
“you’ve been working so hard, ken,” you say smoothly. “thought i’d help relieve the stress you were talking about earlier—and you look so good in your uniform,” you add. “my pretty boy.” 
he doesn’t have the patience to let the praise stroke his ego, too focused on the throbbing of his member in your hands. and you don’t have patience either, it seems—otherwise, you wouldn’t be pumping his cock out in the open like this, trying to pull an orgasm from him while he’s taking you both on a ride around the city.
“fuck, go faster,” he demands, his hips bucking ever so slightly to meet your fist’s movements. and you’d give everything to have your boyfriend cum right now, to have his body tense with his back pressing to your chest, shooting ropes of cum that splatter against his precious bike, out in the open for anyone to witness if they’d just look a little closer.
so you move your hand faster, squeezing at the base of his shaft before stroking up, thumb grazing his slit and making him cry out each time.
he’s moaning loudly by now, with no efforts to hold back or stay quiet. the broken strings of curses falling from his lips leave your thighs begging to close shut to relieve the heat pooling at your core. you can feel his chest rising and falling erratically as he pants, trying to keep his hips in place, fighting the urge to thrust into your hand. the bike swerves a little every now and then, and with a harsh squeeze of his balls and one more glide of your thumb through his weeping slit, he’s cumming with a loud, strangled cry of your name.
“god—fuck, baby,” he groans, body shuddering as he tenses his thighs. the ropes of cum that shoot from his tip leave him clenching his handlebars tightly, teeth gritting as he forces his eyes to remain open. “fuck—fuck, that feels good,” he says shakily, letting out a soft whine when your hands don’t stop even as he finishes. “shit, ‘m fuckin’ done. cut it out,” he hisses.
but you don’t listen, stroking his sensitive dick, hand coated in his thick cum, using it as a lubricant while you rub your thumb over his vein. you like the thrill of your position, how he’s literally in the palm of your hand and out for display, how he can’t do anything else but take it. he lets out a small whimper as your hand keeps the steady friction against his sensitive cock, and the sound shoots straight to your core.
“too much,” he all but whines. “f-fuck, ‘s too much, baby,” he grunts. chuckling, you stroke him one last time, smiling at the way he shudders before kissing his shoulder and pulling away. he’s still catching his breath when you tuck him back into his soiled pants, and before you can say anything, he’s swerving to take the nearest exit.
“wha—ken, you’re going the wrong—”
“we’re taking a detour,” he sneers. “someone has to be taught a lesson for being such a shameless brat.”
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© hanmas do not plagiarize, repost, translate to other sites, or recommend on platforms outside tumblr such as tik tok
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dindjarindiaries · 2 years
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summary: You finally reunite with your Mandalorian lover, just to learn a devastating truth.
pairing: din djarin (the mandalorian) x mandalorian!reader
warnings: mentions of injuries/trauma, angst, fluff
rating: T
word count: 2.042k
main masterlist • din djarin masterlist
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The first thing you see when you return to the covert is the Armorer knelt down at Paz’s side. You set the knapsack of supplies down and rush over to them, your eyes now double their usual size underneath your visor. Paz has wounds, clean wounds, in his legs and on his side. The Armorer sprays them with bacta while Paz rumbles with pain. Glavis is a quiet place; who could’ve done this?
Paz answers the question as if you’ve said it aloud. “You missed him.” The words are forced between gritted teeth while the Armorer continues to tend to him.
You freeze, your shoulders tense as your chest goes aflame with the cruel embers of hope. “Missed who?”
Paz’s visor looks somewhere beyond you and bites his answer out. “The apostate.”
The flame of hope within you dies out and returns to bitter ashes. Your gloved hands release from tightened fists. “Are they the one who wounded you?”
“Paz Vizsla took part in a duel for the Darksaber.” The Armorer doesn’t look up from her work on Paz as she finally speaks. Her voice is as calculated as ever as she goes on. “Against Din Djarin.”
The sound of his name alone sends your heart into your throat. Your galaxy becomes a haze as you try to recollect yourself. For countless months, you’ve been waiting to hear of him—to hear from him. You refuse to miss this opportunity. “Where is he?”
Paz’s retort is harsh. “Does it matter?”
You all but growl your response back at him. “Yes.”
“He left.” The Armorer maintains the voice of reason. “He can’t be much farther than the spaceport.”
You turn on your heels without a moment to waste and walk back to where you just came. Paz makes a snide remark to the Armorer about Din, no doubt a result of his jealousy in the face of his loss in their duel, but you pay no mind to it. Din is the only person on your mind, and you’ll tear up all of Glavis if you have to in order to find him.
Your pace picks up the farther you get from the well-hidden covert. If Din’s headed to the starport, then there’s no telling how much time you have until he and the Razor Crest have vanished again. You use your trained Mandalorian senses to pick out each person you pass along the way, seeking the telltale shine of pure, silver beskar. It can’t be too late. It can’t be.
Then, you see him, just one block away from the starport.
“Ner kar’ta!” You go into action straightaway, crying out a name only he would know as you push yourself towards him as fast as you can.
Din stops and whips his helmet around just in time to anticipate your arrival. You lunge for his helmet and pull it tight against your own, your thumbs rubbing the smooth metal as Din’s visor looks upon you with awe. His voice is a whisper of pure disbelief. “Cyar’ika.” He exhales, a slight chuckle added to his breath, and pulls you even closer. “How?” His visor gives you a quick once-over. “How did you find me?”
“The Armorer told me you’d be here.” Your smile can’t be held back and there’s no doubt Din’s wearing one of his own. “I saw that you finally handed Paz some of what he deserved.”
Din huffs and shrugs. His gloved hands fidget upon your helmet before he speaks again. “When you weren’t with the covert, I… assumed the worst.” Din’s voice is strained, as if his throat’s closed up at the mere thought of your fate.
You’re quick to offer him reassurance. “I was just out getting supplies.” You run a gloved hand upon the back of his helmet, securing it even tighter against your own. “I’m surprised they didn’t tell you I was with them.”
Din holds a hesitant breath and urges the two of you into a more private space. “Well…”
You glance at the spaceport in the distance beyond Din. “Is the Razor Crest here?”
Din’s armored shoulders deflate. “No.” Before you can ask another question, Din goes on. “There’s a lot I have to catch you up on.”
“I’m all yours.” Your gloved hands take a hold of his and give them both a squeeze. “Besides, we’ve got all the time in the galaxy, now.”
Din’s visor falls to your entwined hands. He releases a heavy sigh before he speaks. “Cyar’ika, I’m not staying.”
Your smile disappears within an instant, the corners of your mouth now pulling tight as you try to process Din’s shocking words. You take a step away from Din and watch his visor meet your own again. When you respond, your voice is no more than a whisper. “Why?”
Din’s grasp on your hands tightens. “I can’t.” Saying the words pains him just as much as it pains you to hear them. “I’ve got to see the kid, and the covert…” he gives his helmet a shake, “they won’t have me.”
Paz’s harsh words about Din begin to haunt your memory. “Paz called you an ‘apostate.’” You tilt your helmet at him. “Why would he say such a thing about you?”
Din’s helmet falls. His voice is so low you can barely hear it pass through his modulator. “Because it’s true.”
Your blood runs cold at his confession, a chill that runs through you helmet-to-boot. “No.” Din’s always been the most honorable of you all. You refuse to believe otherwise. “You’re lying.”
Din’s desperation breaks through as he steps close to you again and pulls your gloved hands to his cuirass. “I can explain it all, I promise. I promise.” There’s an agony in his voice like no other, as if the mere idea of you refusing him will tear through him like the sharpest blade.
You remain silent. There’s a lot to process, but you’ve already waited this long for Din. You’ll wait longer if you have to.
“The kid was in danger.” Din wastes no time explaining himself. His voice trembles, something you’ve rarely ever heard before. “Moff Gideon had him.” Your eyes widen at the name. “The only way to find out where they were was through an Imperial terminal. It could only be unlocked with a facial scan.” Din shakes his helmet aimlessly. “That mattered much more to me than the Creed.”
Your mind’s still unable to sift through everything you’re being told, so you ask the first question that comes to mind. “Has the child ever seen your face?”
Din nods. His voice sounds a thousand parsecs away when he speaks. “Just once, right before I had to…” he hesitates and exhales a pained breath, “give him away.”
Hearing the pure pain in Din’s voice is somehow worse than seeing the physical wounds you used to have to patch up for him. You remain gentle as you press for more. “What did the Armorer say when she found out?”
Din lowers your hands and keeps his visor fixed on them. He can barely say the words to form his answer. “She said I’m a Mandalorian no more.”
A million different emotions hit you at once, but the most prominent is anger—and not towards Din. The late nights you both spent talking about Din’s past and his determination to prove himself as a foundling makes the Armorer’s words like a stab wound straight to the heart. If that’s what you’ve gotten from it, there’s no telling how badly Din’s hurting now.
“I’m sorry, cyar’ika.” Din has the audacity to apologize to you in the most sincere way, his gloved hands trembling upon your own.
You shake your helmet and make your decision. “Well, if the Armorer says you’re a Mandalorian no more…” you free one of your hands from Din’s and reach for the lip of your helmet, “then neither am I.”
“No.” Din gasps the word out and takes a quick hold of your wrist to stop you. “Please, don’t do this. You’ve worked so hard. You’ve remained so faithful.”
“As have you.”
Din tilts his helmet. “I…” he searches for more reasons and fails to find any, “I can’t let you.”
You tilt your helmet back at him. “Then it’s a good thing it’s not your decision to make.”
Din remains frozen in shock as you lift your other hand to your helmet and continue to take it off. Within moments, you’re as vulnerable to him as you’ve ever been, your unfiltered gaze looking upon the shine of his silver beskar. Your smile is impossible to erase as an unprecedented freedom washes over you, a bliss that’s only outmatched by the presence of Din’s gloved hands on your face. He cradles it with a gentleness and admiration that makes you ache, especially as you hear a telltale muffled sound fall from his modulator.
“Din,” you whisper his name, maintaining your smile and bringing your hands to hold his helmet. “Don’t cry, ner kar’ta.”
Din’s helmet rests upon your forehead as he struggles to comply with your gentle request. He brushes his thumbs under your eyes. “You’re just… so beautiful, cyar’ika. In every way.” Din takes a deep breath for composure while your face warms at his admiration. “On the outside, yes. Yes.” You laugh as Din chuckles with you. “But you also just gave up so much for me.”
“And you always give up everything.”
Din holds you tighter. He inhales another breath, though this one’s even shakier than the last. “I lost the Razor Crest.” Your eyes already begin to widen at that. “I lost my son.” Your heart strains in the most beautiful way at Din’s attachment to the child you’ve still had yet to meet. “I lost the Creed. And I…” he stumbles on a breath, “I thought I lost you. Then, I thought I was going to lose you again.” Din shakes his helmet. “But you’re still here.”
Your smile widens again. “I’m here, ner kar’ta. For the long run.” You take one of his gloved hands from your face and press a kiss upon his palm. “If you’ll have me.”
Din tilts his helmet at you. “Only if I can have you as my riduur.”
You stare at him with your mouth agape. “Your riduur?”
“Yes.” Din reaches for the lip of his own helmet and removes it, revealing a pair of brown eyes that shine amidst a sea of the galaxy’s greatest handsomeness. “My riduur.”
You nod and wrap your hands around the back of Din’s neck to urge his forehead against yours again, but this time, with the warmth of your skin rather than the chill of your beskar. “Yes, Din. Absolutely.” You brush your nose against his and earn a smile worth more than all the credits in the galaxy. “I’ve waited this long for a reason.” You look him in the eye for the very first time and your heart flutters inside your chest. “I knew you’d keep your promise.”
“I always do.”
Din’s smile begins to melt against yours as he kisses you, a gesture so gentle yet passionate that it causes you both to break apart for a quick moment. You pull yourselves back to each other even faster, chasing a feeling you didn’t know you loved so much until you experienced it for the first time. All the pain, worries, and loneliness of the time spent away from each other is rewarded with each breath you share as you give life to the new future you’ve started to spell out for yourselves.
Once every vein of your heart has been tied to Din’s own, you pull apart, sharing another smile as Din speaks in a breathless voice. “There’s just one last thing left to do, now.”
You lift your brow at him. “And what would that be?”
Din reaches for his belt and shows you a neatly wrapped and tied bundle. “You have to meet our son.”
You cover the bundle with your gloved hand and whisper your response upon his lips. “I’d be honored.”
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all star wars characters: @hugmekenobi​ @themarvelousbee​ @nembees​​ @amneris21​​ @wildmoonflower​​
din djarin: @swol-bear​​ @notagamersdey​ @les-ingenue​ @daisy-plier​ @booksaremyyoga​​ @hp-hogwartsexpress​​ @dheet​​
↳ add yourself to a taglist here!
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
Fuck it, okay, they’re Yondu-feels.
Just. Imagine.
Your parents sold you into slavery as a baby.
You are to become a cybernetic soldier, fighting for your imperialistic masters. You’ve known nothing but hardship, struggle and trauma. No one cares for you. No one protects you. You have no childhood - you grow up quick and you grow up alone.
At some point, you escape. A bunch of rowdy space pirates take you in - your first friends, your first crew, your first family. You want to help them. You want to impress them. You want to impress the whole damn galaxy.
You’re not just a slave anymore. You’re a Ravager.
So, you work your way up. You get your own crew, you take your own jobs. Still, there is Code to be aware of. Laws even among thieves.
The first and foremost law is close to your heart, as well as that of many others from your gang of outcasts and misfits, the castaways of the galaxy:
Don’t ever deal in kids.
You don’t think much of it. Like you’re gonna push little babies into the sort of hell you crawled your way out of.
But that isn’t the way the old god sells it to you, is it?
“They’re my children,” says Ego. “They have no one else - their mothers are mortal, and they’ve passed away. But I can care for my wayward offspring. With me, they will have family again. With me, they will be loved.”
So, you bring him one child.
And another.
And another.
They’re all so excited to meet their daddy, and Ego pays a sweet fuel-fee, with bonuses for swift delivery.
But eventually, you start to suspect. Because every time you drop a new kid off, there’s never any sign of the others. By the time you realize (by the time you stop denying what you’ve been a part of) it’s far too late. Your friends know. And they hate you for it.
One fucking rule. One rule above all others. And you broke it.
You’re out. Stripped of the flame, banished from the fleet. Your new family - gone. Your future - ruined. You’ll even be barred from their afterlife.
But you still have your ship. You still have your crew - the dregs of them, anyway; thieves and killers and far, far worse. And there’s a new message on the comms from Ego. Telling you about another kid of his - a son, on a backwater planet called Earth...
You scoop the brat up. Of course you do - if you didn’t, another merc would. One who’d actually deliver him to his daddy.
He’s a sobbing wreck. Ma just died, or whatever. Plus, apparently alien abduction is pretty traumatic.
Half your crew wanna take him to Ego for one last paycheck. The other half wanna toss him out the airlock. They certainly don’t think he’ll be useful, and your insistence that he be kept on as crew is met with scoffs and sneers. Accusations that you’re becoming the one thing you can never, ever afford to be: soft.
So, you yell at the kid until he quits crying. You tell him he oughta be grateful to you, since you stopped your crew from eating him alive (slight exaggeration, but hey. You’ve always had an odd sense of humor.)
You smack him around, too. Not for the fun of it - just trying to teach him how to fight. You’ve gotta toughen up this squishy little Terran. You can’t let him be soft either, because the galaxy won’t be soft on him.
Even when you give him presents, they’re guns.
Years pass. The kid grows into a somewhat decent thief. He has plenty of opportunities to run back to his primitive planet, but he never does. You tell yourself that means he’s happy. Hell, you gave him the entire galaxy! He oughta be grateful.
But it doesn’t change the fact that you can’t ruffle his hair, except when you’re alone. Can’t hug him when he cries or tell him how proud of him you are. Can’t tell him you’re so glad that he keeps dancing, keeps laughing, keeps smiling.
It doesn’t change how he takes his Milano out on longer joyrides every time, like he’s considering not coming back.
(Not that he’d run. He knows you’d hunt him to the ends of the universe.)
Your lone, exiled crew make a name for themselves, working the worst jobs around - the ones the others in your old gang won’t touch. Which is good, because anyone who deals with you immediately loses the right to deal with the other 99 factions. That’s your punishment.
(As much as you resent it, you can’t deny it’s deserved. When you confront Stakar, years later, on a planet of neon and snow, you still won’t be able to look him in the eyes).
The ship is held together with rust and hope, and every time an old, trusted crewmate dies, they’re replaced with a scummier, crueller one. You rule with an iron fist. First hint of weakness, and they’ll be on you like sharks. They’ve gotta be tough to survive life as an outlaw - but you’ve gotta be toughest of the lot, to survive them.
You certainly can’t be seen to care for the Terran.
But you do, anyway.
When he finally betrays you (steals from you, deserts you) he knows damn well you’ll come for him with everything you’ve got. You demand that the bounty be alive, not dead, telling yourself it’s so you can kill him yourself. You race to save him when he’s dying, telling yourself the same. You punch him in front of your crew, but grin when he makes you an offer to make all your money back, with interest.
Fool kid ropes you into saving the entire galaxy. Little thanks you get for it. He robs you again and makes his own way, with his own crew - and as you open the orb and realize the little shit outsmarted you one last time, you can’t help but grin, because you know this ain’t goodbye.
Goodbye comes later, on a monster of a planet you’ve flown to far too many times before.
By now, you’ve lost everything. Your crew. Your rep. Your weapon.
All that’s left is him.
And as you fly him up through the atmosphere -
As you slap the spacesuit onto his chest instead of your own -
As freezing tears bud at the corner of your eyes because you know you’re exiled from the afterlife of your kind, and as he screams ‘no’ in your ear when he realizes what you’ve done -
All you can do is cup his face as you die, and stare into the eyes of your son.
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jvngkook97 · 2 years
So basically I’m thinking of one with like Jungkook and like it’s teacherxstudent and obv he’s the teacher and the reader and him are like enemies, but idfk 😭 😭 😭 smthing happens and theirs like a lot of angst bc I’m a angst lover 😍😍😍😍 You can choose what happens next and you can add smut if u’d like to ♥️
It could also be Namjoon because he just screams Sexy Teacher
~ K
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synopsis; in which you meet the love of your life at the wrong time.
pairing; professor!Namjoon x student!reader ft. student!jungkook
genre; angst, fluff, humor, s2l, l2e, professor au, student au, college au
warnings; cursing, heavy angst, minor age gap but still within legal age (Namjoon is 28, reader is 23), student x teacher relationship (kind of you’ll see), implied smut but nothing graphic, some fluffy moments ~
rating; 21+ MINORS DNI
w/c; 4,366
a/n; let me just say…IT WAS SO HARD TO CHOOSE. And most importantly: I do not condone any type of student x teacher relationship and even though they’re both of legal age in this fic, it still doesn’t make it right (in my opinion, no hate pls) with that being said if this isn’t your cup of tea that’s ok!! pls skip this one and check out my masterlist of other fics you may be interested in!! just be sure to read the warnings before you continue! enough rambling, enjoy!!
When you first saw him, it was by chance. More of a fleeting moment, really. One that’s common between two strangers.
When he actually saw you, he saw art come to life in front of his eyes.
When your worlds finally collide, it brings nothing but chaos.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
That was the only word running through your mind as you pumped your legs, willing them to push through the ache and pain you currently felt as you dodged people left and right muttering a half-assed apology over your shoulder. The bus you were trying to catch was only a few yards ahead of you, hope filled your mind, air filled your lungs, and you made it just in the nick of time to stop the doors from closing with your hand.
The driver gives you the stink eye, but ultimately doesn’t have a say when you pay the bus fine for the day. All he does is grunt in greeting, jerking his head back towards the seats as a gesture for you to hurry it up and sit down.
You don’t have to be told twice.
Trying your best to keep your focus ahead of you, you let your peripheral scan the options of seats available. You see one near the back of the bus and make an instant beeline to it. On the way, the glare of the sun through the windows blinds you momentarily, enough for you to stop walking, hand falling on the corner of the seat next to you in order to keep yourself balanced when the bus starts moving.
A male sitting in the seat just behind is wearing a brown corduroy coat, heavily focused on the inky black words that adorn the tattered, worn book he’s reading. The way he holds it let’s you know it has to be one of his favorites, and when a ghost of a smile cracks on his closed lips, it breaks you out of your reverie, a slight tint appearing to your cheeks when you think you’ve been caught staring. When his eyes stay down as he flips another page, you allow yourself to hastily walk pass him and sit down in the vacant seat unnoticed.
You don’t see him again until a few days later, and this time, you’re not alone.
A slender, tattooed finger flicks you on the forehead and you blink harshly, flinching back from the sudden digit and glaring at the male who is bent over in front of you laughing to himself at your pain.
“You are such an arse, Jungkook.”
“It’s not my fault that you zone out so deeply every time you come across an artwork you like and it’s impossible to reel you back into reality!”
You blow a raspberry at him. He blows one back.
The crowd within the museum is surprisingly thick, probably due to the latest still life exhibit by Elias Whitley, a promising up and coming artist and photographer. The only way you were able to see it, and be there, was to ditch school for a day. Something, your best friend didn’t mind doing at all.
However, if he knew it was going to be such a bore, he would’ve just stayed in class.
“I’m going to snack at the finger foods table until they tell me to stop, you good on your own?”
“I’m good, thank you. Just don’t get kicked out, please.”
“No promises.”
With a wink and finger guns, he’s lost within the throe of people around you. You sigh softly to yourself, and turn to walk further into the crowd. Your goal is to make it to one of his latest art pieces, one that you’ve come to personally vibe with yourself. Upon making it, you take your time with scanning each and every paint stroke you can see.
What originally drew you to it was the colors he used, much different than those he would normally utilize. This one was a multitude of purples, pinks, oranges, yellows, and blacks. It almost looked something akin to a sunset being mirrored by the ocean that you would see on the horizon. Tilting your head, you get a different angle, hip unknowingly jutting out a little too far and bumping another fellow art lover next to you.
You immediately straighten up with an apology on your lips that gets cut off midway when you see the male in front of you. Or, if you’re being more technical, you see his brown corduroy jacket first before slowly trailing your eyes up said jacket to meet his for the first time.
His smile is subtle, but friendly.
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re just trying to see the art in a different perspective, I can respect that. I take it you’re a fan of Mr. Whitley?”
You blink once, twice, before your mouth finally catches up with your brain.
“I–Yes! I only recently found him off of a blog I love to follow, they travel to different exhibits and give thoughtful critiques that I tend to agree with.”
“Oh?” His brows raise in intrigue. “Who is this person you follow?”
“Well, I’m not sure his actual name, but I can give you his name handle if you’d like?”
“That’s perfect.”
“Okay–just—“ you fumble in your clutch purse for the pen you always keep just incase, as well as a little notepad. You scrawl down the name of the blog and rip off the page it’s written on, handing it to him.
He gives a low hum of approval as he reads it, nodding his head. A sly smile slowly forms, before his eyes look up from the paper to once again link with yours.
“I also agree with this ‘rkives’ critiques.”
Your mouth forms an ‘o’, and you can feel the excitement build in you for having found someone to share your enthusiasm with.
“Wait, really? You’ve heard of them as well?”
A confused smile forms on your lips.
“How do you know it’s a guy?”
He’s silent for a moment, looking down at his phone as he types away at something. For a second, he scrolls, searching for something unknown to you. When he finds it, does he turn the front of his phone to face you. It’s an article about the blog you follow, but that’s not what catches your eye.
“No way.”
What you see is a blown up image of the person behind the blog at the bottom of the article and low and behold — he’s standing right in front of you.
He smiles, amused at your reaction, before stuffing his phone back in his jacket pocket.
“I am such a big fan of yours, holy shit.”
He chuckles, a dimple you didn’t notice before forming in the crease of his smile.
“Thank you. That means a lot. Would you like to possibly walk the rest of the exhibit together?”
“Yes!” He holds out his arm for you take, and just like that, the rest of the time at the exhibit passes by in a blur of deep talks, art styles, artist favorites, and detailed critiques from the mouth of your favorite blogger.
It’s not until the crowds begin to thin out, and the loudspeaker announces the end of the exhibit do you both make your way back to the entrance doors.
He holds the door open for you to walk through, both of you now outside in the chilly air of winter. Your breaths mingle together as you talk, and you try your best not to sound as sad as you feel for not wanting the night to end.
“I guess this is it. Thank you so much for humoring a fan, I can’t wait to see what else you post!”
A light hue blossoms on his cheeks, but whether it’s from the bitter, crisp air, or something else, you’re not sure. He clears his throat, then gives you an offer you can’t refuse.
“Would you maybe want to grab a cup of coffee with me? Or tea? Whichever you prefer, it’s on me.” His voice is hopeful, and when he sees the light in your eyes appear again, he feels his chest burst with a warmth.
“I would love too, really, but I just–,” he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t disappointed, and you can see it yourself as his body begins to deflate in front of you. It makes your soul hurt. But you need to figure out where Jungkook is before you just decide to ditch him.
Mustering up a vibrant smile, you explain.
“I came here with my friend, Jungkook, and I need to make sure he’s okay before I can agree to go with you, is all.”
Something akin to jealousy flashes across his eyes momentarily, his own smile still plastered on his face. He swallows it down with a look of understanding, which he does – understand your reasoning that is – it’s common decency of course. The thoughtful gesture you show only fuels the butterflies in his stomach as he stares at you.
“Right, yeah. Of course.”
“Just give me one second–,”
You go to your favorites in your phone, pressing down on Jungkook’s name, then put the phone to your ear as you hear it ring. It takes two rings, before his voice is blaring in your ear with a sense of urgency.
“Where have you been, you idiot?! I’ve been trying to get in touch with you all night!”
You purse your lips, feeling terrible for worrying him. Especially when you notice the flurry of texts and calls you failed to notice while with your new friend, forgetting that you set your phone to silent upon entering the exhibit due to not wanting to disturb those around you with unnecessary noise.
“I’m so sorry, Jungkook. Where are you at? I’m at the exhibit entrance–,”
“I’ll be right there.”
He hangs up. You gape at the phone in disbelief. He never hangs up on you.
“Is he okay?”
For a moment, you’re lost in your guilt, the male in front of you becoming invisible.
“He’s fine. He’s on his way here.”
A jog of light footsteps could be heard from behind you, and you turn just in time to get enveloped into a warm chest. His arms wrapping around your small frame easily. You let out an ‘oof’ upon contact, your own arms reflexively hugging his waist.
You can feel his body sag in relief, an exhale of a sigh from him makes the top of your hair warm for a split second within the cool, night air. Your words become mumbled against his chest as you speak.
“I’m sorry for worrying you, koo.”
“You’re such an idiot.”
You smack him lightly on the back in retaliation to his words. He chuckles into your hair before letting you go. Then, you watch as his face becomes stoic, body becoming rigid. His eyesight is no longer on you, and that’s when you remember that you’re not alone.
“Oh! This is–,” you flush, embarrassed you don’t know the mystery male’s name after all this time.
“Just call me Namjoon. It’s nice to meet you.”
He politely holds his hand out for Jungkook to shake, which he does, reluctantly, grip firm as well as eye contact. You watch them both with a hesitant smile.
“Jungkook.” His voice is tight. As soon as their hands disconnect, does he make a point of standing flush to your side.
“And you must be, y/n.” Namjoon’s eyes have a twinkle in them, you think. The way your name sounds coming from his mouth sends goosebumps across your skin. “It’s been a pleasure, truly, but now that you’re in safe hands–,” his eyes cut from yours to Jungkook’s with a knowing look between the males, one you’re uncertain of, before he finishes speaking. “I’ll bid you both goodnight.”
With a light bow, and warm smile, he turns to leave–
–until he’s stopped by a warm hand around his wrist.
He stops, half turning to face you, one brow raised in question and a ghost of a smile on his lips.
“That coffee, would you maybe want to meet up tomorrow morning?”
“Y/N, you have s–,” Jungkook attempts to chime in, but you throw a harsh glare his way that has him shutting up instantly.
Namjoon waits until you’re gaze is back on him before he continues, now fully facing you once again, handing his phone over to you that’s unlocked.
“If you type in your phone number I’ll text you later so we can discuss meeting up further.”
Typing in your phone number, you triple check it’s correct before handing it back to him, fingers touching for a fleeting moment that sends pleasant shockwaves through your body. The look in his eyes tells you that he felt the same thing.
Jungkook clears his throat harshly from behind you.
“We should go, y/n. It’s getting late.”
The two of you share one last goodbye, and then he’s gone, leaving you and Jungkook alone in front of the exhibit. When he’s no longer within eye sight, does Jungkook’s voice cut through the silence in warning.
“Y/N, are you sure about meeting that guy?”
You’re resolute with your answer, tone firm and confident as you continue to stare off in the direction of which you last saw Namjoon, a newfound sparkle in your eyes that makes Jungkook frown in worry at how hung up you are over a guy you just met.
“Text me the code phrase if you want me to call and bail you out of your date. Do you remember it?”
“The Perilla leaf is stuck.”
“Good girl.”
You roll your eyes.
“I can feel you rolling your eyes. Don’t make me get into the Perilla leaf debate again.”
You groan.
“Please don’t. Look, I’m coming up to the coffee shop, I’ll call you when it’s over.”
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
You hang up the phone, stuffing it in your purse, and scoff at Jungkook. That guy would try anything once, so his words mean nothing in that regards.
The bell jingles overhead as you push open the door, signaling to workers that a new customer has arrived. The elderly woman at the cash register greets you warmly with a smile.
“Welcome in!”
“Thank you!”
Your eyes scan the tables near you, and your heart begins to drop when you don’t see your date in sight. He didn’t seem like the type to stand people up, but you just never know. Deciding to take a seat next to the floor to ceiling windows, so you could people watch in the meantime, you fold your hands in your lap and wait.
Five minutes turns into fifteen, fifteen turns into thirty. Your hands fidget in your lap, eyes darting everywhere outside in hopes of even catching a glimpse of Namjoon.
You fish your phone back out of your purse to confirm that you did, in fact, get the date and timing right to meet today. You did. While looking down at your phone, the bell jingles. Your eyes flicker up with hope, and you sigh in relief when the familiar male locks eyes with you.
His face is full of guilt as he waves in greeting, long legs bringing him to your table of choice in no time. He pulls out his chair to sit down across from you, hands folding on top of the table.
“I’m so sorry for being late, I had to catch another bus.”
In his defense, you can see the small beads of sweat on his forehead as well as see the rise and fall of his chest, him doing his best not to show you exactly how exhausted he is from running here. Even though a part of you is upset at the late arrival, you can’t bring yourself to be mad at something you’ve been guilty of plenty of times in the past.
“Busses? Am I right? Woe is the life of the weary greyhound traveler.”
He chuckles humorlessly, but nods his head, agreeing with you.
“I hope you weren’t waiting too long.”
“Nah.” You wave your hand dismissively. “Only about fifteen minutes. My bus was late too.” The lie came out so smoothly. You don’t know why you decided to lie. But when he gave you a dimpled grin, it made you feel pride in knowing you caused it.
Jungkook’s fingers tap on the top of your shared desk in your classroom for still life photography, his eyes borderline roll themselves into the back of his head with how harshly he’s doing it.
“You’re doing it again.”
“Doing what?” You answer, eyes glued to the phone in your hands, fingers flying over the keyboard with expertise. A lovesick grin is on your face, and he grimaces at it.
“Looking at your phone like you want to make out with it. It’s disgusting.”
“You’re just jealous I’m getting laid and you’re not.”
He snorts, offended.
“Excuse you? If I wanted to get laid, I could get laid. Like, right now.”
You pat his knee with false empathy.
“I’m sure you could, koo, I’m sure you could.”
“You’re damn right! Tell me, what does tall and admittedly handsome have that I don’t–,”
He pauses, eyes widening at something you’re unsure of off to the side of you, suspiciously towards the front of the classroom. You follow his line of sight and let out a small gasp yourself at what you see.
‘What was he doing here?’
Well, you were about to get your question answered.
Namjoon walks to the front of the classroom, and stands directly in the middle of the ridiculously large whiteboard that takes up a full wall of the classroom, picking up a dry erase marker and writes his name elegantly on the board. As he writes each letter, he speaks, voice loud and professional.
“Hello, everyone. I’ll be taking over for Mrs. Lee starting today while she’s on maternity leave. My name is Kim Namjoon, but just call me Mr. Kim. Are there any questions?”
With one final stroke, he pivots on his heel and scans the crowd of college students in front of him. His smile is still prominent, until he unfortunately locks eyes with you, smile immediately falling and eyes widening in realization at your current predicament.
You’re dating your professor. What the f–
Your head falls into your arms on top of the desk and Jungkook awkwardly rubs your back in solidarity with your hidden suffering, all the other classmates oblivious to the life altering moment that just occurred.
‘Now what?’
“So, you’re a college professor, huh?”
“And you’re a college student.”
“Quite the predicament you’re in.”
Both you and Namjoon turn to give Jungkook a look, he mimics zipping his lips and throwing away the key. The head he popped out of the kitchen slowly retreats back behind the wall, and he once again resumes his task of fetching everyone some herbal tea, knowing it’s your personal favorite.
You’re all off campus, the school day now over, and no longer needing to put up the facade of being strangers. Jungkook was oh so kind(not really you had to bribe him with doing his English lit homework for a month) enough to allow his small apartment to be the hideout of your now scandalous love affair.
“What exactly does this mean for us?”
He leans back against the couch, rubbing his hands down his face with disdain, a loud exhale escapes his parted lips as he dreads what he’s about to say to you. There’s only one solution to this conflict. And even though you know what he’s about to say yourself, it still doesn’t make it hurt any less.
These past seven months have been the happiest you’ve ever felt, being with Namjoon. Everyday he made a point to send you a picture of a new piece of art he’s found on his travels, especially when you’re not able to go with him. You used to always be more of a homebody, only going out when needed, like when Jungkook would force you. With Namjoon, however, he made you see the world differently.
It didn’t matter if you were just taking a stroll down a dark and dreary street in the rain, he always had some kind of poetic or insightful thought about the smallest details that always had you looking up at him in awe. The large crack on the sidewalk that now has a weed sprouting out of it? It’s just natures way of taking back what was rightfully theirs before man came and poured cement over the ground.
Little things like that helped pave a new mindset in you about seeing people, places and things in a new light. It made you see that not everything has to be black and white, but rather it should be vibrant and demanding and beautiful.
So damn beautiful, he thought, as he let the silence linger around you in favor of watching the light of the tv that’s playing a cheesy rom-com requested by you in the background hit the side of your face, illuminating it perfectly. Your eyes are sad, though, and in turn it makes him sad. He knows you know.
A large hand encompasses your own that’s resting between you two on the couch, he gives it a gentle squeeze. You squeeze back.
Your voice is light, barely a whisper, and the lump in your throat makes it difficult to utter a coherent word. You know it’s no use asking, but still, you try.
“Maybe we can still make this work? Somehow?”
He pinches the bridge of his nose with his other hand in hopes of it deterring the water in his eyes from falling down his cheeks. He hates this, every part of this. When he looks at you again, you’re biting your bottom lip to stop it from trembling.
“I don’t want you to go.”
He swears his heart shattered right then and there with your small, desperate plea. He knows he needs to get it over with and leave before he becomes desperate enough to let his heart overpower his mind.
“You know I don’t want too–,”
“Then don’t!”
“But I need too.”
“Namjoon, please–,”
He leans forward to close the distance and give your forehead one last lingering kiss, before squeezing your hand just to let it go. He stands up from the couch you were both perched on stiffly, shrugging his brown, corduroy jacket that you’ve grown to love over his broad shoulders with his back towards you. It’s in this moment that you hate how tall he is, his long strides taking him to the front of Jungkook’s apartment in seconds.
Jungkook is just about to walk out of the kitchen with a tray of three steaming teas until he sees Namjoon briskly walk pass him and you following close behind with false hope in your eyes. Once again, he decides to fall back into the safety of the kitchen to let whatever is about to happen occur naturally, no matter how much his heart breaks at hearing your many attempts to get Namjoon to stay.
Namjoon’s hand twists the doorknob, and the door opens swiftly. He goes to step out into the hallway, until it gets slammed shut in front of him due to you throwing your body weight on top of it. The impact makes your shoulder ache, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
“Don’t you love me?”
His shoulders deflate, his strong persona beginning to crack.
“Y/N, you know that I do. But that’s not the issue.”
“I’ll drop out!” You spew out randomly, and at the time, it seems like the best idea you’ve ever had. Namjoon’s eyes widen in shock, his hands coming to rest on top of your shoulders as he lightly shakes you in an attempt to break you out of your stupor.
“Are you crazy? Do you hear yourself right now? You’ve put so much of your blood, sweat and tears into just making it into this college so you could fulfill your dream! I’m not going to let you throw that away over me!”
“But–,” his grip tightens, and any word you say gets silenced by his lips pressing hard against yours. You can feel his passion, his love. You sink into it, and he allows the moment to last longer than it needs too, but damn it all that he had to lose you after taking so long to finally find you.
It wasn’t fair. But, he thinks, life isn’t fair to begin with. Why would it be any different for him?
When he pulls away, his eyes stay closed. His forehead gently falls on yours, his hands sliding their way up to lightly cradle the junction between your neck and head. His thumbs brush over your jawline and you let out a broken sob that has him biting his lip harshly enough that he can taste a hint of metallic on his tongue.
“I love you, y/n. And, unfortunately, I love you enough to know when I need to let you go.”
This time, you don’t resist when he gently pulls your body away from the door enough to slip out of the crack and out of your life. And it’s not until you’re a sobbing mess on the floor of Jungkook’s entryway that he timidly peaks his head around the corner to see you and rush over to your fallen form. His arms encase your body against his tightly, one hand on your head, and the other on your back. You can vaguely hear the little ‘shhh’s’ and ‘I’m here’ and ‘you’re going to be okay’ as you let his voice along with Namjoon’s words of love ease you off to sleep where you can dream of a perfect world with you and Namjoon together, forever.
a/n dos; it is almost midnight and I’m sleepy. This is unedited and I personally think it’s shit but I still hope you enjoy it somehow. ha ha ha ok bye
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