#‘are you a boy or a girl’ has to be here i don’t make the rules
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paring: quinn hughes x fem reader
warnings: swearing, labour, pregnancy
summary: your summer trip to the lake house ends in one extra person coming home with you.
it all started with a movie night. the whole family together for the first time since everyone made it out to michigan. jack, luke, quinn, ellen, jim and you. all bundled up on the l shaped couch, drowning in blankets and snacks.
quinn lays to the side of you on the l - shaped section, head resting on your chest, unconsciously tracing his fingers over your swollen 8 and a half month stomach.
one of the jurassic movies plays in the background, your eyes starting to droop, ready to fall asleep until a sudden quench of thirst hits you.
slowly, you peel off of quinn, a small pout forming on his lips as you giggle at him.
“you alright sweetie?” ellen asks, as quinn helps push you up from the couch.
“oh, yeh all fine, just need a drink. anyone want anything?” you ask, looking over to the others as they all decline.
you make your way into the kitchen, moving to open the cabinets and grabbing a cup to fill up with some orange juice. opening the fridge, you see some pickles which automatically catch your eye, completely forgetting about the orange juice and grabbing the jar instead.
you move around the kitchen to grab a plate before placing a few pickles on it, moving around to rest your elbows against the island.
so far, your pregnancy has been smooth sailing, all scans were prefect, any tests done came back clear. the nursery was set up at your shared apartment back in Vancouver, jack and luke even coming over for a few days to help paint and build furniture.
you had even gotten close to a name, but without knowing the gender yous didn’t want to commit to anything right now. saying that, yous also haven’t found the right options for a girl or boy, none of the names seeming to sit right with yous.
your eyes float back over to the empty glass, groaning when you remeber why you came here in the first place. pushing yourself off the island you move back over to the fridge leaving your 2 pickles to sit on the counter.
you go to open the fridge, startled by a sudden release of liquid between your legs. frozen, you slowly look down seeing a off-coloured liquid leak down between your legs. you snap back into reality just as you hear
“hey y/n, your nearly done-“
the sound of your fiancés voice rounding the corner of the island, freezing at the sight.
“quinn,” you say meeting his eyes, “i think that’s my waters.” your voice wavers slightly, a twinge of panic settling in your chest.
“shit shit, umm ok,” he mumbles rushing over, taking your hands and walking you over to a bar stool at the island, “your ok, just take a breath yeh?” he settles you on the stool, gently pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“i-it’s still going, why’s it still going? i thought it came all at once? do you think-” you begin rambling, only to be cut off by lips on yours.
“breathe baby. you’re ok,” he repeats, pulling back to look directly in your eyes, “i’m gonna get my mom and we’re gonna go to the hospital ok?” he says, voice calm and smooth. you manage to nod, feeling speechless.
you hear quinn call out to his mom and footsteps plodding down the hall, as all thoughts and panics swim your head.
“quinn it’s too early, im only 8 months, i-i don’t even have any contractions.” you ramble once again only to be cut off by a different voice this time.
“hey honey, you need to take some deep breaths for me,” your eyes focus to see ellen stood infront of you with her hands on your shoulders, “it’s not too early trust me, i’ve done this three times and none of them were anywhere close to their due date.” she sends a soft smile over to you, your eyes wandering over to see jack and luke mopping the floor with paper towels.
“i’m so sorry about the mess-“ you start, ellen interrupting you by clearing your throat.
“the least we can do for you, your bringing our little niece or nephew into the world.” luke smiles up to you, jack agreeing.
“do you have your midwife’s number y/n?” ellen asks, you nodding as quinn goes back into the living room to grab his phone, dialling the midwife.
“quinn, you need to tell her y/n’s waters have broke but there are no contractions yet ok? she’ll probably contact the hospital here to ask whether to send yous over or not.” she instructs quinn with a calming voice,he hands gently rubbing circles over your shoulders.
“why isn’t it stopping?” you ask, feeling a slow but growing puddle in your stool.
“that’s completely normal sweetie, not like the films where it all comes at once.” ellen answers, moving across the fill up a glass of water, “ but you have to keep hydrated ok?” she asks and you nod, hearing quinn back beside you on the phone to the midwife.
“yeh.. ok.. thank you so much.” quinn finishes slipping his phone into his sweatpants, “she said it should be alright to go to the hospital. she rang and they said they have plenty of room.” he says sending a soft smile your way.
besides the panic and worry filling your whole body, there’s a warmth and joy, knowing your going to finally be able to hold your little baby.
“do you think i could change clothes?” you ask, knowing your (or quinn’s) sweatpants are soaked and most likely your hoodie too.
“of course honey, i’ll try and pack a few things for you, i know your hospital bags back in vancouver.” ellen smiles, pressing a small kiss to the top of your head before disappearing.
“you think you can walk?” quinn asks gently, as you nod. quinn takes one of your hands, while jack takes your other arm, weary of the still, very sloppy, wet floor.
“thanks jacky.” you giggle as you can sense he is so confused right now.
“just make sure my little niece is alright yeh?” shoots back, smiling at your chirping.
“we don’t even know the gender yet jack.” quinn says as you get back to the carpeted floor.
“i just have this feeling.” jack smiles before heading back to finish mopping with luke.
“ok, just up some stairs honey.” quinn softly says, the two of you slowly making your way up the flights of stairs to the room yous are staying in.
you make your way across to the bed and quit gently sits you down moving across the room to the set of drawers beside the window pulling out some clothes.
“are these ok?” he asks holding up a pair of his flannel pyjama pants. you match his small smile, knowing they’re your favourite before he pulls out one of his canucks training hoodies and making his way back over to your bed.
he gently pulls your hoodie off, the hem at the bottom slightly wet and throws it into the en-suite to deal with later.
“you wanna keep this on?” he asks, referring to the small cropped tank top underneath, you shake your head knowing it’ll come off anyway, leaving you in your bra before he slides the new hoodie over top. he then starts on your sweat pants peeling off the now soaked one, throwing them also to the bathroom before moving away to grab a towel and dry down your legs.
“your incredible you know,” quinn says, as he dries down your thoughts, you giggle at the random comment making him look up at you, “just wanted to let you know.” he smiles, tossing the towel aside and pulling on the new pants, before helping you back to your feet.
“any contractions yet?” he asks, gently pulling you into his arms and swaying the both of you gently side to side.
“mmh no don’t think so, i think it’s all still braxton hicks.” you mumble feeling that exhaustion come back to you.
together the two of you (mostly quinn) move move around the room only packing essentials into his backpack like phones, chargers and some extra clothes.
“you ready to have this baby?” he asks wrapping an arm around your waist the holding holding his bag.
“i think so?” he hesitantly nod, a small smile appearing on your face.
making your way back downstairs, ellen has managed to pack a few things that she had buggy as presents for the two of you like a few baby grows, nappies etc.
“i think this should do you to for now, we gonna head straight into town first thing tomorrow morning to get you guys a temporary crib until we can figure out how you guys will get home ok?” she asks and you’re set back speechless as she hands another bag over top quinn.
“oh guys, you really don’t have to-“ you start only to be cut off by jim.
“we love you y/n your carrying pur grandchild, yous two only deserve the best.” jim smiles moving around to give you a small hug followed by ellen, jack and luke.
“you got this alright?” luke whispers as you nod.
growing up the new kid in town was hard when you were younger. moving at the age of 12 had a lot of issues with school and friends, but luke made it his personal mission to make sure that wasn’t a problem for much longer. yous two became inseparably quickly before jack joined and finally quinn, you were the same age as jack so you fit in with the brothers easily, getting out in goal when they practiced hockey even though you didn’t.
they became your second family, until you fell for the older brother one summer.
now your being loaded into his car, as the family get ready to follow in their own.
quinn slowly pulls out of the driveway, offering his hand for you to hold to try and ground yourself. he turns the radio on, soft music playing considering it’s around 11:30pm, the streetlights making the road barely visible.
he starts to get closer to the town, seeing the hospital in the distance when a massive contraction hits you out of nowhere.
“quinn.” you let out almost in a whine, gripping his hand tighter, as he rubs his thumb over your knuckles.
“your doing great honey, we’re just pulling up now, keep breathing for me.” he says, pulling into a car parking space before turning the car off and getting out to come round to your side.
your hands move to your belly, gently rubbing underneath to try and soothe the pain.
“you ready baby?” he asks opening the door and reaching over to help rub your belly.
“give me a sec.” you mumble, trying to catch your breath after that contraction, it knocked you right over, “ok, yeh i’m good.” you smile slightly, taking a deep breath before letting quinn help you out the car, both bags already over his shoulders as he grabs on of your hands his other snaking around your waist as you slowly make your way into the hospital.
you manage to get checked in and settled rather quickly due to how quiet it is, the nurse already checking your dilation.
“your already about 5cm which is great, hopefully it won’t be too long of a wait. i’ll be back in around an hour to check you again. if you need anything before then just shout and ill come over.” she smiles, binning her gloves before leaving the room, silence taking over as quinn stands beside your bed, hands in pockets looking like a lost puppy.
“quinn baby,” you smile gently, his eyes locking with yours, concern written all over his face, “c’mere.” you mumble, putting your hand out for him to grab, as his cautiously makes his way over taking your hand and setting himself down in the small chair by your bed.
“you ok? an hour ago you were the one calming me down, but now you look like your gonna cry hun.” you say gently, hand unconsciously rubbing your bump, which is now hooked up to lots of monitors, quinn holding your other with both his hands.
“trust me, the only tears that you’ll see are happy ones,” he lets out a small giggle before looking up to meet your eyes, “just feels like this is happening so quick.” he mumbles, his finger drawing shapes on that back of your hands.
“it is, but just think, it might be nice learning how to do all this,” you say gesturing to your belly, “with your whole family with us. it’s less stress.” you smile, as he brings your hand up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of it.
“i’m so glad we have my mom and dad,” he lets out a happy huff, seeing your smile, before a knock interrupts you, “speaking of.” he smiles moving to get up and answer.
you adjust the light blanket over your lower half as you are now completely naked, only having your bra still on due to how hot your getting.
“hey guys,” quinn welcomes them, all of them here as they promised, ellen moving across the room to give you a hug.
“feeling any better now?” she asks pulling away as you give her a small smile and nod.
“said i’m 5cm and hoping it should go quick, so we’re just waiting.” you smile as they find seats around your bed, quinn moving to perch on the side of it, so his mom could have a chair.
hours pass from laying in the bed, bouncing on a yoga ball and now walking around the ward. the pyjama pants back on, hand low under your bump, now wearing quinn’s zip up hoodie over your bra as you hold onto your iv drop stand for support as you walk. quinn’s hand lays on the small of your back, slowly guiding you around the ward.
“i thought she said this would be quick.” you mumble slowly waddling along.
“they’re just being a little stubborn baby, wanna stay in your belly forever.” he smiles, moving to gently rub your bump with his other hand coming round to press a kiss against your temple, only for you to pull away, leaning against the wall with a hiss as another contraction hits.
“keep breathing baby, your doing so well.” he whispers, moving behind you to rub small circles on your back under his zip up.
“god it hurts quinn.” you whine, a tear falling down your cheek.
“i know, but your doing so well honey, not long now.” he says pressing a kiss to the back of your neck.
“ok, ok, i wanna go back, this isn’t helping.” you sigh, gaining composure after the contraction. he nods, guiding you back down the hall into your room, where jack and luke have crashed out on the small bench, jim out getting some coffees, leaving ellen on her phone.
“hey sweetie, did that help?” she asks as quinn sets you back down in the bed, putting the iv back by you.
“don’t think so.” you sigh, letting your eyes close for a moment.
soon the nurse drops by again, now 5:20am, as she checks your dilation once again.
“at 9cm now, not long sweetie, i’m gonna get the doctor ready as you should be able to push within an hour.” she smiles, moving to update your chart before leaving.
“it’s really time?” you ask looking up at quinn, as he pushes the hair off your forehead, placing down a kiss.
“yeh, baby, and then after you can get some rest.” he smiles causing a small chuckle out of you.
doctors and nurse begin filling the room, as family are ushered out leaving you and quinn, as they set up the stirrups.
he helps pull the pyjama pants off of you before the nurses get you in position.
“ok hun, when you feel that contraction you’re gonna push for me ok? i’m gonna count back from ten and once i reach zero you can stop but you gotta keep going for those 10 counts ok?” she asks, as quinn hand slips into yours, his other holding the back of your leg as he presses a kiss to your lips.
“you got this.” he whispers before you look back at the nurse, nodding.
as soon as that contraction hits, you begin pushing, pain radiating throughout your whole body, screaming and squeezing his hand to try and subside it.
“incredible job y/n, give me another big one.” the doctor calls out, as you catch your breath, small beads of sweat developing on your forehead.
once again you push and push and push until it feels like you’ve got nothing more to give.
“i can’t quinn, it hurts so bad.” you cry out, quinn coming down to rest his forehead on yours.
“you can baby ok? one more and then the head will be out and the rest is easy.” he says stern but soft, before moving to wipe a few stray tears from your cheeks.
so that’s what you do, keep pushing until you hear the cries of your newborn fill the room, tears of relief falling down onto your cheeks, as they’re placed into your bare chest
“that’s it baby, all done. you are absolutely incredible.” quinn laughs, a few tears on his own cheeks, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips.
“it’s a girl.” the nurse smiles as you cradle her close.
“hiya baby.” your voice wavers as your shaky finger comes to gently stroke her cheek, “she looks just like her daddy.” you whisper, before looking up to quinn who’s eyes are red and brimmed with his happy tears.
“gorgeous like her mama.” he smiles down before being called to cut the cord and having your daughter taken away to get cleaned and deliver the after birth.
the room quietens back down to a comfortable silence, only you, quinn and your newborn baby girl, cradled in your arms as quinn perched on the side of you bed, arm around your shoulders.
“what should we name her?” he asks, gently bring his hand down to brush the small tuff of hair out of her face.
“i did have an idea,” you mumble, quinn’s eyes meeting yours, “elleanor lucien hughes.” you smile seeing tears once again form.
“that’s beautiful baby. absolutely beautiful.” he whispers placing a small kiss onto the top of your head.
“but i guess now we’ll have to have another so jack doesn’t feel left out,” quinn mumbles causing a glare from you at the fact you’ve spent the last 7 hours in labour, “well wait a bit though, yeh?” he says hesitantly causing a smile to tug on your lips.
“i’d love that.”
#dad!quinn#quinn hughes x reader#quinn hughes fic#quinn hughes#nhl#hockey x reader#pregnant#hughes brothers#hockey#jack hughes#luke hughes
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Tag, You’re It
For the dailydrabble prompt 'Tag, You're It' by @strangerthingswritersguild
Ao3 Link
“No-no-no Sheepies. Eddie doesn’t do sports,” Eddie drawled lying back on the grassy hillside and pulling his sunglasses over his eyes.
There was a collective groan from the kids.
“It’s not even sports,” Dustin complained, “It’s more like...uh...like capturing a castle.”
“Capturing a castle?” Eddie scoffed, peering over the top of his sunglasses. “Aren’t you all a little old to be chasing one another around in a field, defending a tree stump?” He was aware of how hypocritical this was, only a few weekends ago he had been charging around a forest defending a tree stump of his own, albeit in character.
A frustrated blush rose to Mike’s face, “It’s not like that. It’s timed and-and there's a prize. Well two. And if you capture the stump you add a rule.”
“A prize?” Eddie yawned and leaned back on his hands on the grass.
“You’re not selling this,” Lucas huffed at Mike.
“Sinclair’s right you’re not. Be Gone!” Eddie sighed wearily and waved them away.
“Come on Eddie it’s embarrassing out there, the girls have Steve on their team,” Dustin whined.
“He’s only playing to spite me,” Mike grumbled folding his arms.
“He asked if we wanted some help, and genius Mike here laughed and said he had too much hairspray in to be on the boy’s team,” Lucas griped, “Now he’s kicking our ass, especially with his stupid rules.”
“Stupid rules?” Eddie asked with a deeper sigh. He was not interested in the game itself but he figured they weren’t moving, so he might as well get the gossip.
“Every time he gets the stump he makes up a rule so none of us can tag him,” Mike scowled.
“Huh? You can make up a rule that you can’t be tagged? Sounds like a glaring pit fall in the rules system here,” Eddie chuckled.
“No. He’ll say we can only tag him if we compliment him, or tell him he’s the best, or sing, or something,” Lucas added.
“Sounds pretty easy to me?” Eddie said looking between the three high-schoolers pausing for them, but its clear all the running had put their brains out to lunch, “Just say the thing.”
“NO WAY!” They yelled in unison.
“If you wanna win, sometimes you gotta swallow your pride guys. Now if you could stop casting your shadows so I can catch some rays, and take your putrid aromas with you, that would be splendid. Thanks.”
The three of them huddled up. Eddie could hear them muttering.
“What if we got you some beers?” Dustin asked, “Or a new D&D module?”
“Where are you pipsqueaks gonna get alcohol from?” Eddie laughed.
“The Christmas stash my mom has, she won’t notice anything is missing, Nancy, has taken a whole vodka bottle from it before,” Mike replied.
Eddie sat up, “I’m listening. Why do you wanna win so badly anyway?”
“At first it was for a bag of candy and who gets to choose the next film at the movies, but now we just really wanna beat Steve, he’s mocking us out there.”
Eddie peeked around the trio and true enough Steve Harrington looked pretty damn pleased with himself, and pretty damn cute. He was wearing very fitted athletic shorts and a snug white tank top that clung to his broad shoulders, as anyone in their right mind would being doing that close to Steve, sweat patches making it almost translucent in places, with his chest hair poking out the top. If that wasn't bad enough he was celebrating by flexing his muscles to mock the boys. Eddie took a deep inhale of breath, because he didn't realise he had been holding it.
“Alright, I’ll win it for you, but I don’t wanna hear a peep out you three begging me for shit the rest of the summer. Got it?”
They nodded in unison as Eddie got up, dusted off his denim cutoffs and tank top and pushed his sunglasses into his hair.
“Let’s take down a King,” Eddie grinned with malevolence.
Steve frowned as they approached the field again, “Munson? You joining us?”
“Yeah, thought I’d even the teams out. I heard the numbers were uneven?”
“And you’re the one to bring balance to the game?” Steve asked raising his eyebrows.
“Yeah,” Eddie said confidently, with his hands on his hips.
A laugh bubbled out of Steve getting louder until he was doubled over.
Eddie’s lip twitched, but he keeps his cool, “Well are we playing or what?”
The teams spaced out, and Eddie flexed his fingers, and bolted for the stump as soon as Robin blew the whistle.
His team mates flanked him but each of them fell, tackled by Max, El, and Erica.
Just as Eddie was about to leap for the stump Harrington beats him to it.
“Freeze!” Robin shouted and Eddie sneered at being stuck in place, “Go ahead, Steve.”
Harrington tapped his chin thoughtfully, “You can only tag me if you recite me a poem.”
There was a collective groan, but Eddie grinned.
“Ok unfreeze,” Robin called out, and Eddie hopped up on the stump crowding Steve.
“Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet,” he said smoothly before looking over Steve, “But not as sweet as you big boy.”
Steve didn’t budge, looked confused at Eddie.
“Stump is Eddie’s,” Robin officiated.
“No that’s didn’t even rhyme properly!” Steve complained at Robin.
“Poetry doesn’t have to rhyme,” Eddie smirked.
“Yeah it does!” Steve frowned.
“Steve I made my ruling. Eddie gets the stump, and the longer you stand there whining the more time you waste. You’ve got less than five minutes left.”
Steve huffed down his nose and stomped back to his starting position on the field.
“Eddie, your rule?”
“Uh that’s easy you have to tell me I’m real pretty.” He smiled wide and batted his eyelashes, as the girls rolled their eyes.
Robin shook her head but blew the whistle anyway. The others charged towards the stump. Harrington was way too fast for anyone to get there before him, and he slapped Eddie’s leg with his hand.
“Tag, stump’s mine,” Steve said.
Eddie looked down on him with glee, “Uh-uh you gotta say it.”
Steve’s face was a picture, contorting with effort as he looked up at Eddie, “YOUREREALPRETTY” he said quickly and weirdly loudly.
Eddie tossed his hair with his hand, “I didn’t know you cared Harrington.” Steve blushed hard. He smiled toothily and hopped down from the stump sauntering back to his starting position with no complaint, he knew the clock was ticking.
“What are you doing?” Dustin said through gritted teeth, “You said you’d win.”
“Oh but I am,” Eddie smirked and gestured to a confused looking Steve and Robin tapping her watch at him.
“Ok! Ok. It’s hard to think of one. Alright! Geez! You have to say...uh...you have to say I’m the smartest man in the universe.” Steve said and gathered up the girls for a huddle and pointed at Eddie.
Robin blew the whistle, and Eddie nimbly dodged the flying tackles from the girls. They were fast, but Eddie had that feral energy coursing through him now. He got to the foot of the stump and spanked Steve’s backside. “Tag,” he said slyly and grabbed onto Steve’s hips to hoist himself up onto the stump.
He looked right into Steve’s eyes, “It’s my stump, smartest man in the universe,” punctuating his words with a wink.
Steve didn’t say anything, just stared, dropped off the stump, and went back to the starting position. Eddie knew he’d rattled him and the next thing Steve wouldn’t do. No way.
“Eddie! Rule?” Robin said a little exasperated
“A kiss,” Eddie said.
“No way there are kids here!” Robin said.
“I didn’t say they had to kiss me directly, they can blow me a kiss”
Robin turned to the kids. They were all yelling at her about the time and didn’t seem to care.
“Alright, but for the record, I’m against this” she reluctantly blew the whistle, and just like Eddie predicted Steve was thrown, he was tackling the boys hoping one of the girls would head for the stump but they wouldn’t go for it.
Eddie looked smug, striking a mock-heroic pose as he flexed his much smaller, toned muscles with theatrical pride, fully aware of the irony. He grinned to himself, already picturing how he was going to be sipping cocktails on the porch tonight. His thoughts were broken by an angry Erica screaming, “Just do it sailor man! Go over there and blow that long haired freak a kiss!”
“We’ve only got ten seconds left!” Max complained shoving Mike to the floor.
“Yes Steve I don’t want to watch the same movie all summer,” El said.
The boys understood the assignment and made kissy noises at Steve to mock him.
Eddie rocked on his heels with a huge smile as he watched the last few seconds tick down.
Until he felt a slap on his hand and he was confronted with a furious Steve
Eddie raised his eyebrows with confidence, “Well Howdy there Big b-“
And before he knew what was happening, he heard a collective gasp and “Steve’s stump! That’s time, come on nerds,” Robin added.
Eddie felt pressure on his lips, heat on the sides of his face. Steve was kissing him and was grabbing his face. He was rendered speechless. Steve smiled. Eddie suddenly felt hands on his shoulders as he was pushed off the stump and landed on his ass with a thud, almost as hard as his heart was hammering in his chest.
He could hear the boys complaining and the girls cheering. He shrugged at them in apology, heart pounding and face burning, trying to suppress the chaos spiralling in his chest from that kiss. He pulled down his sunglasses and quickly tried to walk back to his van, before he had a public crisis.
He was nearly at his sanctuary when he heard the rapid footsteps on the gravel path behind him, “Hey! Wait up!”
Eddie’s stomach dropped to the depths of the abyss, twisting with something hot and familiar. Dread, maybe, or anticipation. He couldn't tell. He could run, but that would look worse. He stopped and turned on his heel.
“You didn’t shake my hand,” Steve frowned a little out of breath.
“What?” was all Eddie could manage.
“We beat you, we're supposed to shake hands after. No hard feelings. Sportspersonship stuff.” Steve tried again, extending his hand towards Eddie.
“Oh, yeah. No hard feelings here. It was literally just tag, man. You’re good.” Eddie laughed it off, eager to get away.
“You won’t shake my hand? Is it because of what I did?” Steve asked and Eddie could hear the shame in his voice, and he couldn’t have that. Not with those sad puppy dog eyes looking so wounded at him.
“Look. I set the rule. You just wanted the win real bad,” Eddie said, trying to sound breezy, though his voice wavered just enough to betray the heat still lingering on his cheeks. "It’s not a problem,” Eddie said and extended his hand.
Steve's smile brightened as they shook on it but as Eddie tried to let go, he found Steve gripping his hand tightly.
“You okay, Steve?” he asked and found himself pulled flush with Steve’s chest, their faces an inch apart. As they collided he was met with the full Harrington experience. The beauty marks, the crooked smile, the flecks of gold in his eyes, the soft swoop of his hair, the heat from his body, and that scent of sun lotion, cologne and sweat. It's enough for him to forcefully replant his feet, so he didn't collapse with how overwhelmed he felt.
“I would have done it sooner without a crowd,” Steve said gently.
“Shook my hand?” Eddie asked nervously, confused but he knew what Steve was getting at.
“If you ever want one again just give me a call,” Steve smirked, leaving a frazzled Eddie standing slack-jawed as he jogged back to the others.
#steddie#eddie munson#steve harrington#eddiemunson#steddie fanfiction#steve x eddie#fanfiction#madaboutmunson#strangerthingswritersguilddailydrabble#madaboutmunsondrabble
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Wedding bells || ls18
☆ summary: you and lance are getting married!!!
☆ pairing: lance stroll x nonfamous!reader
☆ fc & warnings: none & slightly suggestive if you squint
☆ requested: yes!!! thanks for your patience with me xxoo
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
ynuser has made a post 🔒

liked by lance_stroll, yourbff, astonmartinf1, chloestroll, friend1, flavy.barla and 322 others
ynuser: pov your best friend asks you to marry him and you cry so hard you forget to say yes! i can’t wait to spend forever with you lance 🤍
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yourbff: pov im crying my eyes out bc my favorite people are getting married
ynuser: im still crying too its ok
chloestroll: pov im sobbing because im going to have a little sister
ynuser: chloe!!!!!!!!!! stop omg i can't wait to have you as a sister 🤍
friend1: screaming from the rooftops
ynuser: me too bestie
lance_stroll: you said yes eventually so that’s all that matters! i love more than life itself my gorgeous girl
ynuser: i love you to the moon and back handsome
astonmartinf1: congratulations!! we love you both so dearly 💚
ynuser: thank you admin! i love you more
flavy.barla: YAY!!!!!!!!! let the planning begin!!! i can't WAIT
ynuser: neither can i!!! im so excited for all of your help
friend3: i don’t think i’ve ever been this excited for a wedding
ynuser: 😭🤍
lance_stroll has made a post

liked by ynuser, chloestroll, estebanocon31, alexandrasaintmleux, iamrebeccad, lando, astonmartinf1, and 387,294 others
lance_stroll: you’re looking at the future mr and mrs stroll 🤍 from running into each other by accident at tim hortons to getting married. i wouldn’t have it any other way! i love you endlessly y/n
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user1: we got lance dropping y/nlance lore before gta6 wow
user2: yayayayayyayayaay!!!!!!!
estebanocon: congratulations my dear friend
lance_stroll: thank you for all of your help my friend! it would not have happened without you and flavy 🤍
ynuser: he’s right! thanks flavy.barla for making sure i got my nails done and had a cute dress on that day 🥹
lance_stroll: and thanks estebanocon for helping me get the courage to ask her and for helping me pick the ring
flavy.barla: i literally just stopped crying don’t make me cry again 😫🫶🏻
user2: this is so cute i’m gonna throw up
user3: met at a tim hortons?! god you two are iconic
ynuser: i love you sweet boy 🤍 forever grateful for you spilling your coffee all over me that cold cold december in montreal 😘
lance_stroll: forever grateful that you let me take you out after 💚
lando: these are some sick photos! congrats!
lance_stroll: thanks man!
user18: i just fell to my knees in the walmart parking lot
fernandoalo_oficial: i’m so glad i got to be here to see your love flourish 💚
lance_stroll: thanks for your unwavering support fernando 💚
user18: i love strollonso your honor
ynuser: EEEEEEK
user4: wondering when i’m gonna run into my celeb crush at the local tims
ynuser has posted to their story 🔒

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lance_stroll: yayyyy!!!! all the guys said yes too 😉
ynuser: incredible news!!!
lance_stroll: esteban even shed a little tear
ynuser: omg 😭😭😭😭
yourbff: i can’t wait to be your maid of honor 🤍
ynuser: you’re the best friend in the world! i wouldn’t want anyone else by my side
friend1: this is going to be the wedding of the century
ynuser: shall i call vogue and let them know?
friend1: ik ur joking but the way they would legit show up
ynuser: …… i do forget lance is famous sometimes
friend1: honestly me too. if you hadn’t brought me to a race i’m not sure i would’ve believed you
chloestroll: literally getting these flowers pressed! i can’t wait for this wedding 😫😭
ynuser: that’s such a cute idea i’m gonna have to get the couple that i have pressed too!!! i need you and your big brain to help me plan. you’re still free this weekend right?
chloestroll: yes!!! i have the whole weekend blocked for you baby girl
astonmartinf1: ahhhhhhhhh!!!! the little newspapers i’m crying
ynuser: you’re too kind admin 💚
flavy.barla: my gorgeous bestie of course i said yes!!!
ynuser: i’m so grateful for you and your friendship flav 🫶🏻
ynuser has posted to their story 🔒

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flavy.barla: i can’t stop thinking about that vanilla and berry cake it was divine
ynuser: RIGHT?! it was perfect. i'm so excited to have it again in a few months
chloestroll: ok i’ve been thinking and i really genuinely feel that venue is perfect. the fairmont is so beautiful and being in banff you get the mountains and the whole ski vibe which suits you two so much and i know you were stressed about making the decision but if its any consolation i think you made the right one
ynuser: thank you chlo 🥹 when lance and i toured it last week it felt absoltely perfect but i keep feeling a little guilty about not having the wedding in europe since such a large amount of the people in our lives are there
chloestroll: babydoll its your wedding not anyone elses and if having it at the most beautiful chateau in the mountains of canada is what you want then everyone can make do
ynuser: i have no idea what i'd do without you
chloestroll: you'll never have to know because you're stuck with me forever and ever!!
yourbff: venue? secured. cake? secured. flowers? secured. now we need to focus on outfits which is the most fun part!! lance has got that partially covered tho yea?
ynuser: yes! hugo boss is going to be custom making his suit as well as the groomsmen and lawrence's suits. i am literally so excited to find our dresses you have no idea
friend1: here reporting that our dress shopping appointment in paris is confirmed! (wow that was a crazy sentence to type)
ynuser: AHH!! yay!!!!! let’s goooo!!! thank you so very much for coordinating that
lance_stroll: you are doing an amazing job with all of this planning my love. i continue to be amazed by how incredible you are at everything you do
ynuser: thank you future husband 🤍
lance_stroll: of course my future wife. i am sorry i can't be at more of these planning sessions
ynuser: its ok lancey! i know the season is really picking up and you've gotta focus!! your incredible sister and brother-in-law have been helping me so much
lance_stroll: i'm glad to hear it
francisca.cgomes: literally so honored to have been included in this planning my dear
ynuser: im literally so honored that you even wanted to be involved 😔🫶🏻
francisca.cgomes: are you kidding me?? you're one of my favorite people in the whole world
ynuser: stop i love you🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
ynuser has made a post 🔒

liked by friend2, lance_stroll, astonmartinf1, chloestroll, pierregasly, estebanocon, francisca.cgomes, and 304 others
ynuser: paused the wedding planning for a weekend to see the love of my life score some stroints 🥹💚
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estebanocon: was great having you back in the paddock y/n/n
flavy.barla: i second this ❤️
ynuser: was so lovely spending time with you both xxoo
astonmartinf1: you being here made an already amazing weekend that much better!
ynuser: thanks for taking care of me as always admin 😘
lance_stroll: having you in the garage does wonders for my ability to pick up points
ynuser: you’re a star with or without me 🤍
ynuser: no for real we’re all celebrating stroints 😭
lance_stroll: hahaha thanks guys
yourbff: thanks for letting me tag along pookie lance_stroll
lance_stroll: i didn’t really have much choice eh? 🤨
yourbff: nope 😉
yoursibling: the second slide is frying me
ynuser: you should see the other ones
lance_stroll: pls no

ynuser has posted to their story 🔒

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lance_stroll: ngl i did panic for a second thinking i saw some private story i wasn't supposed to and saw your dress before i was allowed to
ynuser: hahha no no don’t worry you didn’t see anything!! this was one of the contenders but didn’t quite make the cut
lance_stroll: well it certainly is beautiful. i can’t wait to see what you wear tomorrow. i’ve got my tissues ready and everything
ynuser: 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 you’re so cute
lance_stroll: that’s you baby
yourbff: thanks for posting this pic and not the one with me violently sobbing with snot all over my face
ynuser: i almost did but figured this one was more acceptable
friend3: you look like a princess im
ynuser: i feel like one 🥹🤍
chloestroll: i can’t stop giggling and kicking my feet im so excited for tomorrow
ynuser: SAME!!!!!!
chloestroll: tomorrow you’re going to officially be a stroll 💚
ynuser: yes!!! y/n stroll has the most beautiful ring to it
chloestroll: welcome to the family 😘
ynuser: oh i’m crying again
francisca.cgomes: i feel like a little kid on christmas eve
ynuser: me too. i literally can’t sleep
astonmartinf1: we just made it!! jumping for literal joy rn
ynuser: yay!!!! i can’t wait to see you 🤍
lance_stroll has made a post

liked by ynstroll, chloestroll, estebanocon, astonmartinf1, francisca.cgomes, and 765,294 others
lance_stroll: a few moments from the best day of my entire life. y/n - i am so grateful that i get to love you until the end of time. thank you for making my life complete my gorgeous wife 🤍❄️
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ynstroll: i’m so grateful for you in more ways than you could ever imagine my dear husband 🤍
lance_stroll: likewise 😘
user1: a winter wedding suits you both so well 😭
chloestroll: so unbelievably happy for you both. watching you two fall in love over the past few years has been nothing short of a gift. ynstroll thank you for bringing so much light to my baby brothers life 💚
ynstroll: sobbing chloe i am so thankful to have such a wonderful sister in law and best friend like you
lance_stroll: you gotta stop making me cry so much this weekend chlo
user18: the definition of private but not secret and i love them so dearly
estebanocon: honored to have been up there with you man. congratulations ❤️
lance_stroll: thankful to have had you there mate
user31: estie was one of lances groomsmen??? someone get me some tissues
flavy.barla: my two most favorite people ever ❤️🔥
ynstroll: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
user22: i love seeing you happy lance
astonmartinf1: a winter break to never forget 💚 [liked by lance_stroll]
yourbff: i’m not crying you are!
lance_stroll: real
user44: congratulations!!!!! been a y/n lance truther since day 1
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
a/n: thanks for reading!!! likes and reblogs are always appreciated! truly obsessed with the sheer amount of lance requests i’ve gotten
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
disclaimer: pictures are not mine and everything i write is fiction
© norrisainz33 || please do not rewrite, translate, or copy any of my works posted here on to any other platform
#f1 fandom#formula 1#f1 fanfic#f1 imagine#f1 smau#f1 social media au#f1 x reader#formula 1 fanfic#formula 1 imagine#formula 1 x reader#lance stroll smau#lance stroll x you#lance stroll x y/n#lance stroll fic#lance stroll fanfic#lance stroll x reader#ls18 smau#ls18 x you#ls18 x reader#ls18 fic#ls18 fanfic
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Can you write like the smuttyist smut ever in life about Jack Hugh’s pleaseee

It was always you
Jack Hughes x Fem! reader
Summary- Jacks new girlfriend is a little overly jealous of reader. But then, turns out, reader has to break the news to Jack that she caught his girlfriend kissing another man.
Warnings- Smut, raw dawggin, creampie, mentions of jacks injury, cheating (don't do that), technically not public sex but very exposed.
Word count- 3.2k
Jack Hughes was injured.
I didn’t know whether to laugh or to feel bad, a little bit of both, I guess.
Jack was an asshole, everyone knew that. Especially me, I’d practically grown up with him. I never liked him, or course, but he was always there. Our mothers were inseparable, so I found myself at the lake house every spring break and summer since I was a kid.
Coming with that, was being stuck in the presence of Jack. I didn’t know what I did but all of his (many, many, many) girlfriends he’d bring to the lake house hated me. Every. Single. One. Maybe I was intimidating, or maybe they thought I was ugly. Who knows? They couldn’t be jealous because despite being in the same house as Jack, I spent my time bound at the hip with his older brother, Quinn.
The reaction I had to Jack’s injury replayed in my head. The smile on my lips when he goes head first into the boards perfectly explained the relationship we had. But the smile dropping when he didn’t stand up explained our parent’s relationship. I couldn’t sleep that night, nerves getting to me. Not for Jack, he has a hard head so I knew he’d be fine, but for his mom.
He’d gotten his surgery shortly after, Ellen assuring that everything was alright. I didn’t get this reassurance directly but through my mother. All was well, he was back to being an asshole, even more than usual without his hockey. Thus, all of the nervousness leaving as fast as it developed.
But as spring break rolled around, I dreaded the thought of my mom begging me to go to the lake house. I gave in Every. Damn. Time.
Which brought me here, slowly walking out of my front door. My two bags were over my shoulder as I dragged my feet across the pavement. I hear banging on the side of the car, my eyes look up.
“Hurry up, sunshine, we don’t got all day”
Jack fucking Hughes. I roll my eyes at his mean smile from the drivers seat. I fight the urge of flipping him off as I pass the window to put my bags in the trunk.
I flop down in the backseat, between my mother and Luke. I figured Quinn would be in the front seat but no, it was yet another unfamiliar girl. The drive was long, long, and even longer. When we arrived I was asleep on my mom’s shoulder. She shakes me off her shoulder to wake me. I sit up and rub my eyes. Once my hands drop my eyes catch Jack’s in the rearview mirror.
That’s weird.
Before I can say anything, Luke tosses me my bags and I get out of the car.
As pretty as i remember it. The lake house, I mean, the view had always been beautiful. I snapped out of my thoughts as I hear my name called and the second I look over, I’m wrapped up in arms and lifted off of my feet.
“Oh, y/n! I’ve missed you.”
This must be what heaven feels like- wait… no- hell. Definitely hell. No.. air- I’m let go.
I rub my ribs as I’m sat down.
A very smiley Quinn Hughes says from in front of me.
I haul myself inside and up to the room that was designated to me. This place was huge, everyone had their own room and there was still space for a quest room. I guess my family and I weren’t quite considered guests anymore. I’m greeted by the boys parents before I make it up the stairs.
Bored. Bored. Bored.
I change out of my sweats and into a more presentable outfit of a loose baby tee and some denim shorts. I braid my hair quickly and put sunglasses on the top of my head, full intention on convincing my mom to take photos for my instagram.
I take the last step off of the stairs, greeted with a scoff from the girl I didn’t even know the name of. I look her up and down before walking right past her. But not before I caught the eye of Jack behind her, his arms around her waist. I ignore it, walking outside to my mother.
My mom pushed me to stand on the dock, posing as she took photos, the golden glow of the setting sun shining against my skin. She has me sit down at the end, toes in the water as I look to the side. The side towards the house. The side towards the house that I could see an obviously pissed girl sitting next to Jack by the pool.
I stand to take my phone back, interrupted by a heavy weight pushing against me and the next thing I knew, I was in the lake. I resurface to see my mom taking photos while giggling. I look to my side to see Quinn. I scoff playfully and splash him before hoisting myself back on the dock.
“You’re going to be the one doing my laundry”
I point down to my soaked outside and Quinn just laughs before following me back onto the dock. I thank my mom before taking my phone back and scurrying back inside.
I change quickly back into a comfortable outfit before returning outside. Quinn was stationed at the grill, Jack and what’s her face at the pool, and Luke in a deep conversation with our parents.
I sit down and open my phone, my eyes catching a notification.
“Quinn Hughes and his longtime best friend: Dating?”
I almost laugh as I click the notification. Amelia Blake. Huh? Oh. My eyes snap up from my phone, landing on Jacks girlfriend. I look back down at my phone. “Amelia Blake posted, two images attached.” I open the notification and my eyes widen at photos of Quinn hugging me earlier. No fucking way.
It is so on.
I stand to my feet, as I approach the pair, I realize she’s on a live video. Oh yes, yes, yes. Trevor must’ve rubbed off on Jack. So unfortunate.
“Hello everyone” she smiles “I’m at my amazing boyfriend’s lake house!” She tilts the phone towards Jack who forces a smile. Embarrassing. “I see rumors spreading off of the photos I’ve posted, and I’d just like to say-“
I cut her off before she can finish.
“Lying bitch”
And with a shove, she’s in the pool. Jacks eyes widen and he looks back at me. Something tells me he hadn’t seen the photos yet. I turn backwards as she reemerges. I don’t catch her words but I do catch that she is pissed. I walk back inside, sure that eyes were on me.
I don’t leave my room until Quinn knocks, telling me dinner was ready. I’m still mad, can’t deny that. I look up from my phone.
“You saw what she did, right? I didn’t start anything.”
He laughs and nods. Laughs? I didn’t find it funny. He shouldn’t either, I mean, just lowered his chances of getting a girlfriend.
“Don’t be pissed, our parents are on your side.”
And with that I follow him down to the dinner table which was already set. I sit between my mom and Ellen. Lucky me, Jack and Amelia were right across from me. Her once curled hair was now straight, her makeup melted off. Was anything real about this girl? She was pissed, livid, really. She was sitting in an oversized hoodie and shorts, jacks hoodie. Jacks New Jersey devils hoodie.
I take a bite of the food, if Quinn wasn’t a hockey player, I was sure he’d be a chef. I look up at Amelia.
“You’re sporting a team he’s not even playing for right now”
Ow, that’s what goes through my head when my leg is kicked under the table. My eyes narrow on an obviously guilty Luke as he looks away. But my gaze snaps back to Amelia.
“At least I’m dating someone who’s even capable of being successful.” She pauses “Well, at least I’m dating someone at all, you couldn’t even if you tried.”
My eyebrows raise, everyone was quiet.
“Really? Because you have all the fans thinking I’m dating a captain.”
Quinn covers his mouth, keeping composed instead of laughing. It would fuel the fire, so he held it in. Amelia scoffs and stands, storming off. I cross my arms and lean back, my eyes snapping to Jack. He was eating quietly, weird…
“Geez, Jack” his dad laughs, “where do you find these girls?”
He mutters, eyes on me, before standing up himself and following after her. My eyes go to Quinn to make sure he heard that and he just shrugs. His dad’s word prove Quinn’s words from earlier, I’m so glad they were on my side.
The next morning, I’m greeted at the bottom of the stairs by a golden retriever. Oh, wait no, that’s just an overly energetic Trever Zegras.
“Hey Trev”
I give him a fist bump as I pass him. I’m wearing a white sundress today, my hair still braided from yesterday. I sit at the island counter with Trevor, catching up. Then my phone chimes, “Amelia Blake tweeted”. I’m about to sit the phone back down when another notification pops up, “You were mentioned in Amelia Blake’s post.”
I look at Trevor before I open the notification.
“@y/n.username is the definition of slut. I mean, not only is she flirting with the brothers but also their friends? How desperate.”
Trevor gasps and I look back at Amelia who’s sitting on the couch, tangled in Jack’s arms. He was quiet, too quiet. Did he know she posted that? He probably encouraged her. I shrug it off and tell Trevor it’s okay.
Then my mom announces the bright idea to go shopping in town.
And now I’m in the passenger seat of Quinn’s car, trying my best to avoid Amelia. I stay with Quinn the whole trip, if he didn’t care about the stupid rumor then neither did I. We all walk along the strip of shops together. Amelia practically drags the group into a makeup store and clothing store. I’m looking at bathing suits with the newly joined Dixie, which Trevor abandoned to go explore the store with Quinn.
I look up at the makeup section. Jack looked miserable, not that I cared or anything. Okay I sound like I’m in denial, maybe I care a little bit. Amelia was distracted and so I tell Dixie I’ll be right back. I walk next to Jack.
“Are you going to talk about what’s going on, or what?”
Jack looks down at me and sighs.
“I don’t know what you want me to say, I already apologized.”
So it’s about me? Why is this about me?
“You’re upset over me..?”
“She’s jealous because she saw some fan saying we’d be cute together.” He looks back up “you can go back to whatever you were doing.”
Right, that makes sense. No the fuck it does not. I backtrack and go back to Dixie.
I’m pretty silent for the rest of the trip. It ends with us eating lunch at a local cafe. I talk with Dixie about the whole time while eating. I pay to mind when Amelia excuses herself, Jack busies himself by talking to his brothers and Trevor. I excuse myself a little later to use the restroom.
I don’t know what I was expecting to see on the way to the bathroom but it was not Amelia kissing another guy. And I’m the slut? Makes total sense. When my anger fades from her, I can’t shake the aching feeling when I realize I have to tell Jack. I pull out my phone and snap a photo before going to the bathroom and back to the table.
Amelia is already back when I sit down. I contemplate posting the photo to ruin her reputation but then I remind myself of Jack who would be more than likely hurt. So I wait it out, I wait until we’re back home and everyone’s asleep.
I’m still thinking about whether or not to tell him as I sit by the pool with my feet in the water. I’m wearing a new bikini that I bought from the shop, deep red. I hear the door open and close but I don’t care to look back. Only do I look when then person sits next to me. Jack. I take a deep breath before speaking.
“This isn’t meant to hurt you but-“ I open my phone and scroll through the photos, showing him the one I took.
He shakes his head. He just shakes his head.
“Excuse me?”
“No ones that jealous unless they’re reflecting”
He leans back on the palm of his hands and I go quiet, looking away. I set my phone down before speaking again.
“Why haven’t you been the typical asshole like you always are?”
“Mom told me you were worried,” he looks at me “when I got injured. I didn’t know you cared.”
My mouth opens but it closes before I can get anything out.
“I was only an asshole because I thought you hated me.”
“And besides, I was pretty pissed she posted that photo of you and Quinn. She did it because she was jealous. Shes so getting booted out of this house first thing in the morning.”
I hold in my laugh, as I look down at my lap. Jacks sits up and I speak.
“How do you really feel about me?” I look up at him “If you were only an asshole because you thought I hated you.”
He thinks for a moment before speaking,
“I had a crush on you when we were little.”
He admits.
“I guess being mean helped it but it never really went away. I guess admitting that, Amelia has every right no be jealous.”
“Not when she kissed that rando.”
I didn’t know what else to say. How could I when I just found out that a boy I thought hated me my whole life actually liked me? What? He shrugs and we just look at each other for a moment. I clear my throat and look away.
“Wanna make her even more jealous?”
Jack asks abruptly and I look at him like he’s grown two heads.
“What do you mean?”
“Let me kiss you.”
My eyes widen.
“Excuse me?”
Then he bursts out laughing.
“For a photo, I mean, she’d be pissed. Then you can post the one you showed me, ruin her reputation.”
Sweet, sweet revenge.
His lips were even sweeter.
He grabs my phone, not disconnecting our lips as he takes the photo. He only does when he looks at the screen.
He asks me and I nod, literally speechless. He tosses my phone aside on a lawn chair.
“So what-“
“Shut up.”
I cut him off and press my lips to his once again. I can feel his shit eating grin against my lips and his hands tangle in my hair. All my rational thoughts? Out the fucking window. I move and straddle his hips. He pulls away, the smile still on his face,
I don’t respond but instead I kiss him again. He doesn’t protest again when my hands slide under his shirt. He pulls it off, disconnecting our lips for only a moment. My eyes look down at his chest and torso. I’d seen it a million times but it was different this time. My eyes linger on a scar just above his collar bone, from the surgery.
I pepper kisses along it, careful to not put real pressure. The second I pull away, he pulls me back up to kiss his lips. His hands wander to the string of my bikini top, pausing.
“Jack, please”
That’s all he needs before pulling the string, the top falling off of me. He wastes no time, craning his down to run his tongue along my chest.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to do this.”
He mumbles before taking one of my nipples into his mouth, his hand cupping the other. He stays like that for a moment before switching. I practically melt into his touch, my hands tangling into his hair.
He pulls away, looking up at me as if asking me if I want to keep going. My answer is me reaching down and tugging his swim shorts down. A smirk plays on his lips as he helps me pull them down. His hands are fast to untie my bikini bottoms the second his shorts are down.
A week ago I would’ve laughed in someone’s face if they simply told me I’d be kissing Jack. But now? Now I was lining him up to me. I gnaw at my lip as we keep our eyes on each other, his hands grip my hips to pull me down onto him.
I hold his shoulders, carful to not touch the injury. I gasp as he bottoms out inside.
“Holy fuck-“
“I know, I’ve got you.”
and he wasn’t lying. He pulls my hips up and down on him, I didn’t even have to move myself. He throws his head back and holds himself up with one palm when I start moving myself.
He was big. Well, the biggest I’ve had. I roll my hips as I move up at down. The sight on his mouth slightly ajar and he watches me nearly throws me over the edge. That would’ve been embarrassing, surely he’d picked on me for it.
His fingers gripped harshly on my hip. The feeling of his dick dragging against my walls has me gasping his name. I wrap my arms around his shoulders, burying my head into his non injured shoulder. His dick twitches as he moans softly.
I gasp,
“I’m on birth control.”
He knew that, I just wanted to remind him. He doesn’t protest to the idea, a few more bounces and he does just what I suggested. The feeling of his warm cum sends me completely over the edge, my juices mixing with his.
I stop moving as just sit with him inside for a moment, my head resting on his shoulder. He sits up and wraps his arms around me.
“I’m so fucking stupid, it was always you.”
“Can’t disagree with that”
I smile lazily as I sit up. He rolls his eyes playfully before pulling both of us to stand up. He adjusts his shorts before grabbing a towel to wrap around me. He grabs my bikini before pulling me inside and up to my room.
We shower.
We dress.
We lay down.
We. I just fucked the guy I despised my whole life? Did I regret it? Fuck no.
I lay in his arms in the bed, scrolling through my phone when I remember the whole reason we were in that situation. I go onto instagram and post the photo on my story with the caption “She thought I had the wrong brother” I tag Jack then post.
I mute my phone before nestling into an already sleeping Jacks chest, falling asleep myself.
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She's Not Wrong
Hi everyone!! Just sharing a little drabble I've had taking up space in my brain for days now! I hope this little exchange gives you a laugh, I know it made me giggle as I wrote it! Kudos and comments are always appreciated!
For more adventures with Mouse and Sukuna, check out my Daddy Duty Series on my AO3 - Here! )
If you prefer to read on AO3 please click here !
Summary: Mouse is struggling with the adjustment to being a big sister and having a baby in the house. It's day two with two kids and Mouse has some suggestions of how to handle a crying baby.
WC: 800+
CW: Reader referred to as Mama but not described, new siblings, breast feeding, Boob humor, Dad!sukuna, dilf sukuna, family fluff, SFW, toddler dad Sukuna, girl dad!sukuna, boy dad!sukuna, true form Sukuna (4 arms),
“Papa! Put it back! It too loud!” Mouse said loudly as she clapped her hands over her ears.
Sukuna sighed and rolled his eyes. “I cannot put your baby brother back, Mouse.”
“Papa, quick! Eat him!” she said, pointing at the baby wiggling and crying in your arms.
“Mouse, I am not going to eat your brother.” Sukuna gave her an unamused glare. “I mean look at him. He has no fat on him. Meat needs fat to have flavor. Not to mention he’s even more of a runt than you were. He’s not even an appetizer at this point.”
“Not helping,” you glared at your husband.
“Then sell him.” She said with a look of agony on her face.
“Not happening.” It was only day two with the new baby and already Sukuna was wondering if you should have decided to be one and done.
“Mouse,” you said her name, getting her attention as you tried to soothe the baby. “I know he’s loud-”
“And very stinky!” Mouse said, pinching her nose from where she sat perched on her father’s leg. She added a dramatic fanning of the air in front of her face.
“But he is just a baby. It’s only his second day on earth. Crying is the only way he can talk to us,” you tried to explain in a tired tone.
Tired did not describe it. You were beyond exhausted. Your son, nicknamed Monkey yesterday by the same sister who wanted him annexed today, was fighting going down for a nap.
You didn’t remember being this exhausted the first time around. Then again, Mouse had been easier to soothe and you hadn’t been simultaneously trying to wrangle and soothe a toddler who was used to having you and her father completely to herself.
Mouse pressed her lips together, a look of concentration coming over her face. She hummed in a tone you had never heard her make before as she stared down the baby still making noise in your arms. You took in her antics, trying to figure out what she was trying to do.
Sukuna arched his eyebrow at his little imp. “What are you doing, brat?”
“Shh, please and thank you, Papa. I tryin’ to understand him,” she said, leaning forward as far as Sukuna’s hand on her belly would let her go.
You struggled not to laugh at just how serious her expression was. It warmed your heart that she had gone from trying to oust the baby to trying to understand him in a moment’s time. Maybe there is hope yet. “What do you think he is saying?”
Mouse gave a hum before sitting back and looking up at you. “Him still hungry, Mama. Him saying give him a boob, please and thank you, Mama. Just give him a boob and he’ll go night night.”
Sukuna choked on air, sputtering at her response. He was unable to stop his head from falling back against the headboard and the laughter from falling from his lips. You could almost swear you saw tears in his eyes as he wheezed at her wording. You narrowed your eyes, realizing he was going to be absolutely useless in this situation.
“Mouse, don’t say it like that,” you said, trying not to let your husband’s immature sense of humor rub off on you when you were trying to parent your daughter. Someone needed to act like a grown up but did it have to always be you?
“But… it not wrong, Mama,” she looked very confused. “Him hungry. You milk in you boobs. Him eat from you boobs. Him eats then him sleeps.”
“You are correct. But let's just call it feeding him, okay? No need to mention boobs when talking about eating, okay?” You said, not wanting to make a big deal out of it but also wanting to discourage the use of that phrase, no matter how accurate or amusing it was.
“Speak for yourself,” Sukuna bristled.
You ignored him and cupped Mouse’s cheek before you rearranged the baby and helped him latch. He immediately quieted down, nuzzling into your breast and resting his little hand on your chest. You kissed his head and looked at Mouse to see her giving you a smug look from the lap of her equally smug looking father.
“What’s with you two?” You asked, hand rubbing soothingly on Monkey’s back.
Mouse answered first, “Told you him was hungry.”
“It would seem you were not wrong, little Mouse. And what about you?” You asked your husband after giving Mouse a smile.
“I can’t say mine because it involves saying a word I cannot say with another word,” he smirked shamelessly at you.
Mouse looked from him to you and then decided that since she had translated for her brother, she should also translate for her father. “Mama, him means sayin’ boobs.”
“Thanks Mouse,” you groaned.
Sukuna grinned and leaned over, kissing your forehead and saying softly, “Well, yet again, she is not wrong!”
#sandwitchstories#mouse's mini-verse#dad sukuna#soft sukuna#dilf sukuna#sukuna fluff#sukuna#sukuna x reader#sukuna x y/n#sukuna x you#jjk fluff#jjk x reader#ryomen sukuna x reader#ryomen sukuna x y/n#ryomen sukuna x you#sukuna ryomen#jjk sukuna#ryoumen sukuna
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here we go again with one of my fave galaxy brain cpn — tarot card reading. 🃏 i’ve featured a few from this same topic before here and here.
the original reading is on bilibili and it’s almost 1 hour long. i will just include the highlights. i’ve seen conversations around it and cpfs getting excited over and it’s something i’m interested in so i will share. i have love/hate relationship when i make post/s like this cause it can lead to over interpretations or people building some toxic narrative. i guess what i’m saying is, at the end of all this, please remember that we don’t know them personally. no matter how many speculations you make and “evidence” is out there, we cannot know certain things about their relationship. because it’s theirs. we are outsiders.

okay. let’s goooo! we start with a question about 11/19 and what it means. i talked about this date before, and in recent years, it’s one of those cpns that became famous—
What is November 19th to them or what does it mean? This is a question about a specific day. The specific day is November 19th.
November 19th is a day for talking. November 19th is a day for rescuing another person from a cage and letting him break free from his shackles. This is a flying card. It is positioned in a broader energy. It has a particularly obvious one person talking to another person. And November 19th is a day of great emotional fluctuations. One of them said something very harsh.
That is the Queen of Swords. If you say that the one who speaks more harshly in the court cards is the Queen of Swords and the King of Swords. The words that are said are - some words that cannot be said easily under normal circumstances.
Well, what did I say on November 19th? The day when I parted the fog and saw the future, the day when I bore fruit, the day when I spoke my heart out with tears in my eyes, it was a day like this.
Their conversation finally had a result. This result was a very good result. It was a very gentle and redemptive word from one person to another. It opened the door of a person's heart. The Eight of Swords was self-contained. It was not that someone stopped him from speaking, but that he did not want to speak or face this matter. There was someone who was constantly guiding him and comforting him. The moon has a way of opening up things that have never seen the light, so that they never see the light. It pokes the softest part of your heart open, just like peeling an onion.
I peel off your heart layer by layer. Then I touch the softest part of your heart with my little finger. Then, I let you listen to what I want to say to you. At this time, one of them can make another person cry. After they cry, the two of them finally solved a problem. Finally, I don’t know what it is. I just asked what day November 19 is. It is a day for talking. It is a day for one person to guide another. In the end, the result of the guidance is that both of them are very happy. Then one person cries. That person is the one who doesn’t cry.
So in the end, the final ending is that a queen appears. It is a day full of harvest. It is a day of blossoming and bearing fruit.
And November 19th is a day when if you can meet, you should meet as much as possible; if you can eat good food, you should eat good food as much as possible; if you can celebrate, you should celebrate as much as possible; if you can spend money, you should spend money as much as possible on gifts. Because the queen's throne corresponds to the final positioning of November 19th every year. It must be generous and use very rich things to commemorate this day. Okay, this is my interpretation.
what are xz and wyb’s thoughts towards the world
Here, I will give a definition of the secular world to this friend. It may be that in the traditional sense of Chinese people, boys must be with girls. And in terms of marriage, same-sex marriage is not recognized and blessed. This is my definition of secular world. Then we will follow this secular world and look at their attitudes and views on the secular world according to this definition.
What is Mr. Xiao Zhan's attitude towards the so-called secular world? Mr. Xiao Zhan's attitude towards the world is gentle. He clearly knows that the injustice of this world, but I still need the recognition of this world. This is the reversed Six of Cups. It is unfair and unbalanced. If it is the reversed Six of Saturn, then Mr. Xiao Zhan thinks that it doesn't matter if I am not recognized by the world, but I still repay the world with songs. Maybe someday I will continue to love this world, and they will repay us with blessings. So he will have such an attitude of repaying with songs, that is, I know, YES I KNOW, I know, but this does not prevent me from loving this world, because my love for this world is clearly rewarded. I hope that if I do more for this world, I expect that one day the world will reward me. OK, this is Mr. Xiao Zhan's mentality
Then Mr. Wang Yibo's attitude towards the world is to change it quickly. Mr. Wang Yibo's attitude towards the world is that he hopes to have something very clear, even accurate to the legal provisions, to recognize this matter. He will be more sharp. Mr. Wang Yibo said that since the law is like this, then it's fine. If there is a system that recognizes us, it's better. If not, then forget it. However, in my heart, no matter what the law is, I will have my own scale in my heart. If it can be recognized, then everyone is happy. If it cannot be recognized, the scale is in my heart, I don't care about what anyone thinks.
One is more gentle and tender, the other is more upright. In fact, they are both quite positive. They do not hate or detest the world, whether they approve or disapprove of it. They either smile at the world or try to maintain their own psychological balance. This is the mentality of the two.
wyb and his dad interaction. xxx
just a disclaimer cause there seems to be a narrative in the circle that wyb’s dad does not approve. but i would warn people in speculating too much.
Has Wang Yibo had a good talk with his father? Has his father accepted it now? This is a question derived from my divination. Let me take a look. What kind of energy will the father have? I feel that communication exists, but my initial feeling is that it is not a very happy communication. Then the father's energy for this matter is the reversed wind element of the Six of Swords. Since it exists, communication is still communication, but I feel that it is a long-distance communication.
So have they really talked about it? From the beginning to the end. I took a quick look at it. There are two pieces of information. First, at the end of the first talk, the father accepted it. But why did he accept it? I don’t mean that I particularly like this kind of relationship. It’s just because I love my son. Parents who love their children must plan for the long term. It’s not that I approve of it deeply in my heart. It’s more that I love my son too much. Since he likes it, let it go.
But the father said, "How are you and that kid? Did you two go out to play?" Oh, be careful. Don't be so depressed. There are so many good girls. The father advised his son like this. The father said ten sentences. The son said one sentence, "I just think he is good." Then the father said, "You have to eat well and don't always think about those useless things." The son said, "Eat." You go out to play. If you two go out to play, you have to be careful too. The son said, "Yeah, we pay attention."
The father actually cares about his son, including his health, personal safety, and whether he is really happy. This is what parents really care about. But the son thinks, I think he is good, I am not good. So the Two of Swords actually doesn't say much, but he is just tense at the time. I don't care, I just want him. So in the end, the father also said, forget it. Let's not talk about this today. In short, no matter who you are with, the father's point of view is that I just hope you can be happy. But we can't say that we will give up our future just for a relationship. That's the last reminder, the Four of Wands. In fact, overall, the final situation is still a relatively satisfactory result. Did you talk it through? No, but were you happy? In the end, I was quite happy.
about the incident during weibo night
Did Yibo want to tear the seat number at Weibo Night? What do they think about this matter? What kind of energy is this action of tearing the seat number? His friend asked if Yibo wanted to tear it. I thought it was Xiao Zhan laoshi who wanted to tear it. It was Wang Yibo laoshi who wanted to tear it. He hesitated for a moment. Yes, it was WYB who wanted to tear it because I saw that the actual person who really got involved in this matter was WYB. I don’t know if he tore it off by himself, but the whole subjective consciousness was revealed by WYB. WYB hesitated for a moment. In the end, he chose to tear it off. I saw that there was actual energy to fit the seat number. It was WYB energy.
on xz’s interaction to the nye safety incident
XZ laoshi knew about the incident of the wire not being fastened properly. What was his opinion? XZ thought someone did it on purpose. XZ thought Wang Yibo was backstabbed. His first impression at the time was, oh my god, who wants to harm Wang Yibo? He conducted a very quick and active investigation. He investigated it, but in the end, nothing happened. He was very sad.
However, I think the whole logic is like this. The first second he knew about this, he thought, someone is trying to harm Wang Yibo. Who wants to harm Wang Yibo? He would think that Wang Yibo was stabbed in the back. That was his instinctive reaction. But then he started to investigate. He asked people and cursed on the way to the investigation. Because if it is the reversed Queen of Swords, his words will be sharper. Maybe he is anxious. In the end, he fell into sadness and worry. He didn't find out the reason. Maybe it is also related to this matter. It is indeed a mistake in the work. He is anxious and angry. It is true that he cursed. In the end, after the investigation, he fell into worry.
xz’s and wyb’s contract
Can Xiao Zhan successfully terminate his contract with Wajijiwa? The premise of this question is that his contract must expire within one year. Because I can only see things for one year, let's first look at whether Mr. Xiao Zhan's contract with Wajijiwa will expire within one year. Let me take a look at it within one year. Today is March 19th. Within one year, looking at the end, it can terminate the contract. The termination is quite smooth. The termination is wearing a crown and it comes out. In fact, the Six of Wands, whether it is upright or reversed, is an answer that is more inclined to YES. Especially when it is in the upright position, I would say that there is a very high possibility that the contract can be terminated smoothly. it is not a termination of the contract. If the action involved after the expiration of the contract is not a termination action, it is the natural demise of the contract, that is, it expires and is not renewed. So I think this thing is very likely to happen.
Will Mr. Wang Yibo renew his contract with YH? His own inclination is not to renew. He will eventually make a relatively stubborn change. His final decision is to not renew. But YH will keep giving him good things. When it comes to the stage of whether to renew or not, YH will keep giving him things that they didn’t give him before. But Mr. Wang Yibo’s mind is that you didn’t give me these things before, but you give them to me at the last minute. I know you just want me to renew the contract, but he doesn’t really want to renew it. That’s it. But the things you give are pretty good. Six of Pentacles and Six of Cups. In the early stage, he will be asked to bring in a newcomer or something. But at the last minute, all the good things are given to him. He doesn’t even need to bring in the newcomer. In order to keep him, Mr. Wang Yibo’s mind is not to go. But Mr. Wang Yibo’s own wish is not to renew the contract.
about their tattoos. alleged.
this is another controversial topic and i don’t have a strong opinion on it. i just think it’s cool if they have one.
OK, then Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo, do they have couple tattoos? Yes, the opening card tells you that they do. The following two cards tell you that they have more than one. They have couple tattoos. The One of Pentacles, I see, is it more than one? The Nine of Swords 1 and the reversed Three of Swords No, it is one. And it has been modified more than once. He has a couple tattoo. But this tattoo, they have modified it, and it has been modified more than once. I think it has been modified 2~3 times. Something like this.
They still use the more traditional way of tattooing. What is the traditional way? It's the old-fashioned gun tattoo. It's the kind that hurts. Then this may be something that happened between the two of them.
being afraid of accidental exposure of the relationship. are they prepared to deal with this kind of thing? are they afraid of their relationship being accidentally exposed?
Queen of Wands, don't say anything about him. He is really afraid. It's not a timid fear. He will prepare for this matter like an octopus. It's okay when the Queen of Wands is upright. He can only do many measures by himself. But the strategic layout of these measures is balanced and safe. However, when the Queen of Wands is reversed, how do I explain the reversed Queen of Wands to everyone? It means that I would rather kill 10,000 people by mistake than let one go. In order to prevent the relationship from being exposed, I prepare 10,000 Plans Plan B to Plan 9999. I have to be sure, even if 9,000 of them are shelved. The Queen of Fire may shelve most of them in the end. There is a potential possibility that I will prepare 9,999 alternative plans to protect the two of us. Even if 9,000 of them are shelved, no, that won't work. I have to be like an octopus and take all precautions. He is actually out of this energy of fear. Do you think he is afraid? He is afraid. In fact, he is terrified. But his fear was not the kind that made him cry in bed. He took too many precautions to ease his fear.
Okay, then Mr. Wang Yibo Star Coin Four, why should I show it to you? I won’t show it to you. Star Coin Four is holding his beloved Star Coin. He has such energy. He feels that he doesn’t spend much time with Mr. Xiao Zhan. He is like this. We don’t spend much time together. How can I expose anything to you? How can I show anything to you? You wish to expose me? I want to expose my own material, but it’s not enough. So what is Star Coin Four?
Hidden but why is he hiding it? Because he himself feels that he doesn’t have much.
They have different levels of nervousness about the so-called exposure. One side is like an octopus, preparing various measures that may be used and most of which may not be used. The other side is saying, you want to expose me, why don’t you create more opportunities for us to meet and spend time together? We don’t see each other very often. We are in different places for a long time. I can’t see him even a few times. How can I expose you? Teacher Wang Yibo has this mentality.
their view on cp fans
How does Mr. Xiao Zhan view CP fans? He looks down on them. A mother sees her child having fun in the garden, and then he looks at her. I had a good time today. OK, this candy is not white. Something like this. When the Six of Wands is reversed, there is a very interesting point. He has a kind of pride. And actually, the Six of Wands, when reversed, highlights the negative energy side of the Six of Wands. The negative energy is his arrogance.
Like me, right? Sure. Like my lover? That's good too. You like us both? Then you should be here. It's a feeling like that. So sometimes he secretly watches you guys eating candy. Okay, you had a lot of fun today, right? What are you going to eat tomorrow? He has a feeling of loving kindness.
Then in the eyes of Mr. Wang Yibo, he will secretly peek at you. He will also steal your materials. When he steals your materials, he may leave a trace. I don’t know if you have ever had such a thing. Have you ever found something wrong? Because he will peek at your Seven of Swords. He will circumvent you from behind, and I don’t know where he is secretly watching you.
( some people are saying this is like what he did with his gift to yangkai. the photo was from a cpf site )
For example, when they are watching you in class, there is still a candy here. He will say, "There is still a candy here. Why didn't you see it? Why did you eat four of the seven candies? The other three are here! Here! Candy! Here! That one of you wearing glasses and a magnifying glass looking for candy? Where is the candy? Where is the candy? It's been too long since I ate candy.
The child is hungry, I want to eat~ But Wang Yibo is anxious. Not this one! I ate the wrong one! I want that one! That one is new! You haven't eaten it yet! Here! What did you eat? That's what he will do. He will pay special attention to it.
You didn't hit that point. He is here pressing your head: Hit it for me! He is really anxious in terms of the meaning of the card. Why didn't he see the other three? He will have such an anxious attitude. Maybe he really hopes that you can eat well. Maybe he made that too obscure.
Have they signed the voluntary guardianship agreement?
This voluntary guardianship is a non-blood relationship guardianship agreement, right? It is, and it is protected by law. For example, if someone needs to sign for emergency surgery, the voluntary guardianship can help him. The other party can sign for him. This is what I understood as voluntary guardianship before.
Then did they both intend to have guardianship?Since it is an agreement, let's see if the two teachers intended to have guardianship. Yes. There is some guardianship.
Then I want to ask if this voluntary guardianship has a shelf life or an effective period. I saw the energy of binding and the energy of two people. Even this voluntary guardianship should be notarized. There is also the energy of notarization, but it is about to expire. My interpretation is that there is, and the energy of binding witness and certification is actually very obvious. It is just that in the later period, the law may change. Also, if such an agreement is valid, it will also face a renewal period. This is because I don’t understand enough. If it does not have an expiration date, it may be due to changes in laws or regulations. This agreed guardianship requires some adjustments at the end of the period.
But this friend asked if it was signed or not. My interpretation is that it was signed. I interpreted it carefully. I also think it was signed. Because I think this is a kind of energy. It is signed but too weak. It is too weak. Or it is not used much after signing. Or it is signed and then faces extension or treaty amendment.
- END.
I will stop here cause it’s a lot. there is another big part of the reading that talks about 2018 and 2019 timeline. i’ll try and work on that. please let me know if you all will be interested in that.
#yizhan#bjyx#there is no science here i’m just clowning like i always do#crying about xzs view of the world cause its so hopeful 🥹🥹🥹🥹#the way yibo thinks is really different and i guess that is why im so drawn to him#i almost died prepping this whole post#accio victuuri translation
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you will not always want to shatter
Arthur Leclerc x Female!Reader
Summary: When Arthur has a bad day, an unexpected person makes everything a little better. (When retelling this story to his brothers, many things will be left out)
Warnings: mentions of workplace bullying (in the sense of people being dicks to Arthur cause he's not Charles), hurt/comfort, mentions of mature themes for like 2 lines, texts
Word Count: 3.6k words
Estimated Reading Time: 16 minutes
A/N: "A man is never as hot as when he's depressed." -Miah, 2025
Sebastian Vettel cameo because I love him. Also, reader is connected to the world of motorsports but I won't tell you how because where's the fun in that? You'll have to read to find out ;)
Title from Shelby Leigh's book girl made of glass
Masterlists | Formula One RI Masterlist | Taglist

Why do bad things happen to good people?
Or, more accurately in this instant, why do good things happen to bad people making the good people suffer because the bad people are fucking di–
A knock on his car window brought him out of his self-pity spiral, making him raise his head from the steering wheel. Only to come face to face with a stranger, which… what?
Because he has no survival instincts (Lorenzo would probably yell at him for it when Arthur told him this story later), he rolled down the window.
“Um, hi?”
The stranger smiled. Later on, when retelling this to Lorenzo, he’d say she smiled in a cheery way, not a psychopathic way. Or a creepy serial killer way. Just in a normal, friendly way.
“Tough day?”
Arthur squinted, taking in her cheery smile, kind eyes, and graphic t-shirt with the quote “women are born to serve men”... with a man’s head on platter. Okay, so maybe keep that detail out of the retelling. But one thing was true, she looked… familiar.
“Sorry, do I know you?”
She pursed her lips.
“I don’t know, do you watch a lot of porn? Try imagining me with my top off, see if it rings any bells.”
He spluttered, feeling his face grow hot. There’s no way. There’s actually no way he came across a porn actress and recognised her. He doesn’t even watch it that often, and his memory’s not that good, so how–
A snort stopped his panicking.
“Heavens, you should see your face! Calm down, pretty boy. I’m your neighbour, flat directly in front of yours.”
When retelling this story to Lorenzo, he would definitely keep this out. He glared at her, seeing the cheeky smirk still on her face.
“That wasn’t funny.”
“It was a little funny.”
He sighed and leaned his head against the headrest, eyes suddenly growing heavy.
“I’m sorry I didn’t recognise you, I probably haven’t been the most cordial neighbour, but I travel a lot for work and–”
She cut him off with a gentle smile.
“I know, don’t worry about that. This is Monaco, in case you’ve forgotten. I know who you are, Arthur Leclerc.”
Right, he should’ve thought of that.
“Oh, I’m sorry, did you want a picture?”
She rolled her eyes.
“I’m surprised you fit into that helmet of yours with how big your head is. No, Arthur, I don’t want a picture. I came here to see if you were okay cause you were banging your head on the steering wheel so hard I was afraid you’d give yourself a concussion. I can’t let you die, the whole nation would be in shambles.”
He felt a small smile creep in.
“How thoughtful, very patriotic.”
“I know, right? Now come on, get out of the car, I was gonna bake cookies so you can come in and have some.”
He straightened up in his seat.
“Oh, that’s okay, I don’t mean to be a bother–”
“Out of the car Arthur, don’t make me count to three.”
For the record, he got out of the car because he wanted to, not because she told him to. Although, the bright smile on her face was a nice reward.
“Don’t forget to lock the car.”
“Um… What is that?”
She hummed noncommittally, setting her shopping bag on the kitchen counter.
“What’s what?”
He pointed at the four-legged thing sniffing at his shoes.
“This thing, it’s getting close to me, is it gonna bite me?”
She finally turned around, only to laugh softly.
“She is my cat. Her name’s Circe. Don’t worry, she won’t bite you, she’s a sweetheart.”
As if to prove her point, she picked the cat up and nuzzled it to her face, making soft cooing noises.
“Gonna make friends with the neighbour, Ceecee? Think he needs some good cuddles to get rid of the bad day he had.”
The cat simply purred and licked at her nose, bumping their heads together over and over again.
“Go sit on the couch, Arthur, come on. You can put your jacket on that hanger, shoes go next to the door.”
He did as told. Mostly because he didn’t see the point in arguing, a little because she seemed particularly pleased whenever he did as she said.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
“I didn’t throw it.”
He rolled his eyes, coming to sit on the surprisingly comfortable couch. It felt like a cloud. He could definitely fall asleep here.
“That’s not what I meant. Can you tell me your name?”
She moved over to him, cat still in her hands.
“I can, but what’s the fun in that?”
She set the cat down on his lap and he held his breath, waiting for it to attack.
“If you don’t tell me I don’t know what to call you, also, I’m really more of a dog person.”
The cat moved around a bit and lifted her paws one after the other, like she was trying to test whether or not his lap was an acceptable resting place.
“Everyone’s a cat person, even if they say they aren’t.”
“Are you quoting Sebastian Vettel but comparing your cat to Ferrari?”
She shrugged.
“It’s a good quote, also, she likes you.”
The cat had her front paws on his chest, raising herself up until she could reach his lips with her nose. It felt a little like she was sniffing at them. Then she rubbed her cheek against his jaw, once, twice, and a third time, before curling up into a ball on his lap, purring away.
“Oh… That’s kind of nice…”
The vibrations were quite soothing. He hesitantly brought his hand to her fur, a mix of orange, black, and brown, with a couple white spots here and there.
“She’s so soft…”
Circe flipped onto her back, curled into a C shape, front paws in the air, giving him full access to her belly. When he caressed it, hesitantly again, the purring got even louder.
“Try under her chin, it’s her favourite spot.”
He did as told once again, taking one finger and running it back and forth under her chin, seeing Circe’s eyes flutter and her whole body going lax.
Despite having been privy to Max and Charles’ conversations over the years, particularly the Dogs Vs. Cat Debacle that starts up again every other week, Arthur has never understood Max’s love for the creatures.
He most certainly does now.
When telling this story to Charles, he’ll leave out that part. Arthur was a patient man but even he didn’t have the strength to reassure his brother that Leo was cuter and fluffier for the hour it would take Charles to stop feeling betrayed. Especially because he’s not sure he’d be very convincing.
Five minutes with this cat and she had him wrapped around her finger. He’d be worried if he wasn’t having such a good time.
“So, wanna tell me what had you contemplating death by steering wheel?”
It seemed that while he’d been letting Circe work her magic on him, he’d failed to notice the woman moving towards the kitchen. She stood in front of the kitchen island, ingredients spread all around her (which, how long was he distracted?), and with her eyes focused on a battered old notebook. The open plan of her kitchen and living room meant they were able to communicate perfectly fine, and suddenly, he wished they couldn’t.
“Oh, um, you know… Nothing important, really, just me being dumb…”
He kept his eyes on the cat, soothingly running his hands over the soft fur of her stomach once again.
He hummed.
“Arthur, look at me.”
It’s crazy how following her instructions became almost automatic to him not even thirty minutes after they’d first met. He should look into that. Maybe she was a witch.
“Anything that makes you feel bad is important, your feelings are important, and I want to listen to them even if it’s because of something you deem dumb. But for what it’s worth, I highly doubt it will be.”
He kept his eyes on her, searching them for any trace of insincerity, but found nothing but honesty and empathy.
“Do you understand, angel?”
He felt his cheeks flush at the casual pet name, but nodded nonetheless.
“Words, Arthur.”
“Yes. I understand.”
Maybe he wouldn’t tell this story to either of his brothers at all because having to explain why his voice broke and he felt breathless was not something he felt prepared to deal with.
But the soft smile on her face really was making him forget how to breathe.
“Good. Now tell me what’s wrong, yeah? It’ll make you feel better.”
“You don’t have to listen to me, I don’t wanna bother you, you’re doing enough as is.”
She stopped, lifting her eyes to him, bag of sugar held in the air as she was preparing to measure it.
“You said it again.”
She squinted her eyes.
“Said what?”
“Bother. Before it was burden. And apologising for not being a better neighbour. Someone made you feel like you’re not enough, while also being too much at the same time. A subpar human and major annoyance. Am I right?”
He shrugged his shoulders, hoping she wouldn’t make him answer the question. But she seemed to sense his discomfort, because she didn’t ask him to speak this time.
“Well, whoever it is, they’re wrong. You’re not a burden, Arthur. Listening to you would be my pleasure, even if it’s for some petty thing. Get it off your chest. I promise I won’t judge or think you’re too much to handle.”
He looked at Circe, who had taken to licking his hand repeatedly. He felt flattered to be let into such a sanctuary, and to be blessed with such a wonderful creature’s attention.
“I had a promo event this weekend. I don’t know how much you’re aware of how things work in motorsports, but basically, even though I don’t drive for them directly, I’m still a part of Ferrari’s team. I help develop the cars, and occasionally do these little events for fans or other people in the business. Just regular media stuff.”
Even though she wasn’t looking at him, focusing on making the cookies, he could tell she was paying close attention to his every word.
“So, I was supposed to spend a weekend in Maranello, mostly doing sim work, but then I had a meet and greet with some fans. The sim work didn’t go great, I was paired up with another driver who’s just… young and arrogant, to be honest. He kept trying to undermine me in front of everyone, but it didn’t seem to have worked very well. I was… truthfully I was a bit angry, because he got such a great opportunity, and he was just using it to try and pretend he was smarter than everyone, like he knew everything, trying to get ahead at others’ expense.”
This time, when she tapped the egg on the counter’s edge to crack the shell, it shattered completely from the force she put behind it.
She blinked.
She didn’t look the least bit sorry.
“Right… Well, um, he was still with me when we went to meet the fans, and it was going pretty decently. We were signing a bunch of things, taking pictures, saying little fun facts about the factory, just the usual. And then he noticed that one of the fans had a picture of my brother on her phone case.”
She hummed.
“Lorenzo? Yeah, I can see why, he’s quite handsome.”
He let out a breathy laugh, feeling himself relax slightly at her attempt to lighten the mood.
“Unfortunately, the general population much prefers Charles. But yeah, she had a picture of him on his phone case and the guy pointed it out. He said ‘I hope you’re not too disappointed to have to see Arthur instead. He’s like the Wish version of Charles, cause you just wish he was his brother’.”
He heard her inhale sharply but didn’t remove his eyes from Circe’s fur.
“I laughed it off, you know, pretended it was a funny joke between friends, but… I don’t know, it’s stupid. It’s not like he was wrong, he just said what everyone else was thinking.”
It seemed like all it took was one blink of his eyes, but suddenly she was standing in front of him. She took his head in her hands, framing it and forcing him to look her in the eyes.
“You listen to me and you listen carefully, Arthur Leclerc. You are not a burden, a disappointment, second-best, or a stand-in for your brother. You’re an amazing person and an accomplished racer in your own right, and if someone can’t see that, then it’s on them. That guy was a dick and I’m half-tempted to drive down to Maranello myself so he can see what happens when someone talks back.”
He felt the tears he’d been keeping at bay for the past two days finally start to fall, watching her eyes flicker between his.
“You’re not just Charles Leclerc’s brother. You’re Arthur Leclerc. You’re you. And the world’s a better place with you in it, do you understand?”
And that was apparently all it took to make him start sobbing like a child.
“Oh, angel, come here…”
He barely processed Circe jumping off his lap when the woman sat on the couch, pulling him on top of her. She laid him down on his side, with his back to the backrest, and laid down next to him, resting his head on her chest. Her arms were around his head and shoulders, one leg pulled up over his body, and he could feel her pull down the heavy blanket so it could cover their bodies. He was completely enveloped by her and he’d never felt so…
He put his arms around her waist and hugged her tighter, cried harder, so hard his breathing was coming out in short bursts, making him feel like he was almost choking on his tears.
“Shh, there you go, baby, let it all out, I’m right here. Try to breathe for me, yeah? It’s all gonna be okay.”
He couldn’t say how long he stayed there like that, cradled in her arms, feeling her run her fingers through his hair and whisper soothing words into his ear. She never told him to stop crying, just kept reassuring him that she was here, to just let it all out, that she’d take care of him.
When the tears finally dried up, his face felt hot and wet. There was a low pounding in his skull, and his breathing still felt a little bit laboured, but he felt lighter, in a way.
“There you go. Does that feel better, darling?”
He nodded slowly, struggling to keep his eyes open.
“Good, let me go grab some things and I’ll be right back, okay?”
It felt like a herculean effort, to have to let her go, but he still did it, staring listlessly in front of him until she came back, kneeling in front of the couch.
“Close your eyes for me, angel.”
He didn’t question it, just let them close and sighed at the feeling of a damp washcloth being gently rubbed over his face, wiping away the tears (and most likely snot, too).
“There you go, baby, you did so good.”
He opened his eyes again to see her set down the washcloth and pick up a glass of water.
“Think you can get up and drink this for me?”
She ended up sitting back on the couch, holding him up with one arm while the other helped him get the glass to his mouth. He drank it all, per her request, and felt his eyes wanting to close again.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
He heard the empty glass being put down before he felt her arms around him again.
“Nothing’s wrong with you, darling, your body’s just tired. How long has it been since you slept or ate properly?”
He shrugged his shoulders. Truthfully, he couldn’t remember.
“And judging by what I heard, you probably drove all the way from Maranello this morning, no?”
He nodded.
“Wanted to get home.”
“I know you did, lovely, but you’re exhausted. You had a very tiring weekend that, if I remember correctly, came right after a double-header, and even if it made you feel better, all this crying was most likely the breaking point. You need to let your body and your mind rest.”
He felt his breathing start to even out as she ran her fingers through his hair again.
“Just sleep, angel, I’ll look after you.”
That voice was certainly hard to resist.
“Just for five minutes…”
He told himself he would just rest his eyes.
Five minutes, nothing more.
The last thing he heard was her voice, softly singing a lullaby in a language he didn’t know.
Despite who her father was, (Y/n) had never been the type to stay quiet. Quite the opposite, she couldn’t stop talking to save her life. She was loud and unapologetic in her expressiveness, never one to simply seethe in quiet anger.
But now, holding a sleeping Arthur to her chest, she felt the rage building up under the surface, silent and dangerous. She wanted to track down the guy who dared say such cruel things.
She forced herself to keep breathing, to stay calm. Arthur was asleep and he needed the rest, it would be counter-productive to wake him up because she couldn’t keep a lid on her emotions.
She spent a good ten minutes sat on the couch, running her fingers through the soft strands of his hair, staring blankly ahead as her mind filled with images of the countless cruelties she could inflict on the boy who’d dared to hurt someone as precious as Arthur.
Once she was sure he was as deep into sleep as she could send him, she carefully got up, resting his head against a pillow, and tucked him in with the weighted blanket she had on the couch. Circe didn’t waste time in joining him, starting up a soothing purr to keep him calm in sleep.
She picked up her phone and sent a text, not needing to wait long for an answer to come.
Satisfied that Sebastian would handle it, she got to work on finishing up her cookies. After all, Arthur would be hungry when he woke up.
Maybe she’d make them dinner too.
Arthur woke up slowly, feeling the world slowly filter back in through his senses. He was warm and relaxed, lying on something soft. His neighbour’s couch, he belatedly remembered. Circe was curled up against his chest, purring up a storm, the vibrations soothing against his tired body. Music played at a low volume in the background, and upon opening his eyes, he saw a record player spinning. The room was dimly lit, the only light coming from a string of fairy lights hung up on the cornice, and a few candles lit here and there. The house smelled divine.
“Hey there, angel, how you feeling?”
His neighbour walked towards him slowly, a bowl in each hand, and set them down on the coffee table. There were spoons and water already laid there as well.
“Okay, thank you.”
She knelt in front of him, pushing his hair away from his forehead, and he felt his eyes flutter as he leaned into the touch.
“That’s good, how’s your head? You’re feeling a bit warm.”
“Still hurts little bit from all the crying but mostly okay.”
She took her hand away and he opened his eyes.
“Well, I made some chicken noodle soup to hopefully help you feel better, and afterwards we have warm cookies for dessert, sounds good?”
She was an angel, he was certain of it.
They ate while watching Barbie in The Nutcracker, practically glued to one another. Arthur wasn’t ashamed to admit he ate faster just so he could cuddle up to her better, way past the point of embarrassment or hesitation. If she didn’t want him to be this clingy she shouldn’t have broken his brain. Besides, she didn’t really seem to mind.
The cookies were honestly the best thing he’s ever put in his mouth, and he almost cried after the first bite. He didn’t count how many he had, but she kept handing him more, so he had to eat them.
It was only when he got a text from Lorenzo asking if he got home alright that he saw the time.
“Shit, it’s past midnight. I have to call my brother.”
He pouted, not wanting to leave, and she just smiled at him.
“Wanna come have breakfast tomorrow morning? There’s a bakery a couple blocks down that makes really good croissants, and we can just spend the day watching movies.”
Was it to early to say he was in love?
He didn’t hesitate, and the smile he got in return could’ve powered a village.
Halfway to his door, right across hers, he turned back.
“You never told me your name.”
She smiled at him with a mischievous glint in her eye.
“You’re a smart boy, you’ll figure it out.”
And the door was closed.
He stood there for a good five minutes, staring at the wreath she had hung up, until he remembered to check the name under her doorbell.
(Y/n) Räikkönen
His brother’s ringtone echoed around the hallway and he picked up the call immediately.
“Lorenzo, you will not believe who I just met.”
And that's it for my first F1 fic, hope you liked it! Ngl I got very attached to Circe and now I want another cat so that Sunny can have company.
Don't forgot to comment and reblog, asks and DMs are always open!
-Love, Miah <3
#arthur leclerc#arthur leclerc x reader#arthur leclerc imagine#formula one imagine#f1 imagine#f1 x reader#you will not always want to shatter
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Ooo so I just had this thought come to mind!!
Can I please request a platonic Dad!Steve Rogers x daughter reader where he had a newborn daughter pre serum, and when Steve crashes the plane into the ice, his now 3 year old daughter gets abducted by Hydra. They at first intended to experiment on her but they turned their focus on their main project, Bucky, so they put Steve’s daughter in cryo for almost 60 years until SHIELD finds her in a raid on Hydra’s compound and as this is before Steve is out of the ice and no one knows who she is, she’s put into foster care. Then flash forward to CA: Winter Soldier, Steve is pulled into Fury’s office because a 15 year old girl hacked into SHEILD’s servers (she most likely trying to find out what happened to her when she was little) and Fury had run her dna to see who she was only to found that she is Captain America’s daughter (but she doesn’t remember who her Dad is or that she was born in 1942, but she may get some memories here and there) and Steve would probably start crying on the spot because he thought his daughter wasn’t alive and he’d feel guilty that Hydra got their hands on her. she is in a lot of trouble with SHEILD and Steve gets her out of it by having her use her hacking abilities to help The Avengers. Anyways, she rebels against Steve a lot, sneaks out, and feels angry at her dad because she feels like he abandoned her back in the 40s because he insisted on trying to enlist. When they get Bucky back and he joins the Avengers (I’m sure Y/n used her hacking skills to help and also the Avengers don’t break up) Bucky would be so emotional to see his niece again and she’d confide how she’s feeling about her Dad and I feel like he’d be a big help and Sam would help talk her through the trauma she’s gone through. Bucky convinces her to talk to her Dad and she opens up to Steve, telling him how she felt abandoned and unloved by him and it would absolutely break Steve’s heart and he just holds his daughter close and promise to never leave her again 🥺
Never Leaving You Again » Steve Rogers/Captain America
Pairings: Dad!Pre Serum Steve Rogers x Daughter!Reader with 40s Bucky Barnes, Dad!Steve Rogers x Teen Daughter!Reader with Nick Fury, Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier, Sam Wilson/Falcon, and the Avengers
Summary: Steve promises to never leave you again when you tell him that you feel abandoned and unloved by him.
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, language, HYDRA, kidnapping, feelings of abandonment and unloved, crying, nicknames
Ages of reader: newborn, 3 years old, and 15 years old
A/N: Thank you for the beautifully detailed request @kpopgirlbtssvt 🩵
A/N #2: Italic text is flashbacks. Y/M/N stands for your mom’s name.
Written on my phone. My apologies for any mistakes.
Header made by @buck-star
GIFS ARE NOT MINE! Gif credits go to the creators.

“What’s it like now that you’re a dad?” Bucky curiously asks Steve.
“It’s a lot to adjust to, but I love it and wouldn’t change it for the world.” Steve answers as he smiles down at you. “Isn’t that right, princess?” He coos at you.
You made a babbling noise as you stared up at your dad and uncle.
“This little girl has no idea how much I’m going to spoil her.” Bucky says, gently and softly rubbing his thumb against your tiny hand.
“Are you trying to make my daughter choose favorites?” Steve jokingly asks.
“Maybe I am. Maybe I’m not.” Bucky playfully grins. “I am her godfather and favorite uncle after all.” He says.
“If anyone is going to be her favorite, it’s going to be me.” Steve says.
“Both of you are wrong. I’m going to be Y/N’s favorite.” Your mom says as she walks in the living room with your bottle.
Steve carefully handed you over to your mom so she can feed you.
“Just know, boys will be boys, sweetie.” Your mom tells you as she feeds you.
You just stared up at her as she fed you. Steve and Bucky playfully rolled their eyes at her.
“Do you think Y/N will hate me when I enlist in the Army?” Steve asks your mom.
“Honey, she’s just a baby. She’ll love you no matter what.” Your mom says softly.
“You’re right.” Steve smiles and kisses your mom. “I just needed to hear it.” He says.
You were in the living room, drawing on blank pieces of paper. You were drawing more pictures to send to your dad and uncle Bucky. Your mom was in the kitchen getting you some juice.
“Here you go, sweetie.” Your mom says, putting your juice cup in front of you on the coffee table.
“Thank you, mama.” You say with a smile.
“You’re welcome.” She smiles down at you.
Your mom was about to go back to the kitchen to do the dishes when there was a knock at the door. She opened the door to see two Army officers.
“Are you Y/M/N Rogers?” One of the Army officers asks.
“Yes.” Your mom answers.
“We’re so sorry that we have to tell you this, but your husband, Captain Steven Rogers, the plane he was in went down and unfortunately he didn’t make it.” The second Army officer tells her.
Your mom’s heart dropped to the pit of her stomach and tears filled her eyes. You walked over to your mom to see her talking to two men at the door.
“Mama?” You tapped on her leg.
Your mom and the Army officers looked down at you. You stared up at your mom with the look of curiosity on your face and wondering what has your mom upset.
“Why sad?” You asked her.
“Go back to the living room, sweetie. I’ll be there in a minute, ok?” Your mom says.
“Ok, mama.” You replied.
You went back to the living room and picked up where you left off on your drawings to your dad and uncle Bucky. The Army said their condolences to your mom before leaving. Your mom closed the door and went to the living room. She sat down on the couch. At this point, tears were streaming down her face.
“Sweetie…” Her voice cracks. “Mama, has something to tell you.” She says, patting the spot next to her on the couch.
You stopped what you were doing and climbed up onto the couch next to your mom. You looked at her, waiting for her to tell you what she has to tell you.
“You know that daddy loves you very much, right?” Your mom begins.
You smiled and nodded your head.
“Well, umm-” She cleared her throat. “Daddy isn’t coming home.” She says.
“Why?” You asked.
“Something happened to him and he didn’t make it.” She tells you.
“Didn’t make it?” You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
“He’s in heaven now.” She says.
“No.” You said. “Daddy and uncle Bucky are coming home.” You say.
“Uncle Bucky is in heaven too, sweetie.” She says.
Your bottom lip and your tears teared up when she said that. You shook your head no, refusing to believe that two of your favorite people are dead.
“I want them to come home!” You say, tears rolling down your face.
“I know, sweetie. I do too.” Your mom almost whispers.
You broke down in tears. Your mom pulled you onto her lap. She held you while the both of you cried together.
A few weeks go by since your mom told you that your dad and uncle Bucky aren’t coming home. You’re not sure how to cope with the fact that they’re not coming home, but you’re trying to stay strong for your mom.
You were sleeping in your bedroom when the door was busted down. You scrambled to sit up. You seen a man dressed in all black tactical gear. You screamed as loud as you could, hoping your mom would hear you and would coming running to your room, but she didn’t. The man covered your mouth with a cloth, your screams muffled by his hand. The more you inhaled the chemicals on the cloth, you grew weak and pasted out.
When you came to, you woke up in an unfamiliar room and strapped to a cold metal table. You began to panic. You tried to squirm out of the restraints, but it was no use. The restraints were too tight. You jumped when the door opened. A man in a suit and a man in a white lab coat walked in the room.
“Hello, Miss. Rogers.” The man in the suit greets you. “I’m Arnim Zola.” He introduces himself.
You stayed quiet, staring at him. If your mom, dad, and uncle Bucky taught you anything about strangers, it’s to not talk to them.
“You’re going to be a new edition to HYDRA.” Zola says.
Zola looks at the man in the lab coat who was prepping an IV needle. He gave him a nod. The man walked over to you. Your eyes went wide and your heart started to pound in your chest when you seen the needle. Your breathing became uneven and tears streamed down your face. You cried when the IV needle pricked your skin. That’s when all of the pain and trauma began…
SHIELD Agents busted down the doors to the HYDRA base. They split up, raiding the place. Everywhere room in the base was clear, except for one… the cryogenic chamber room, which is where you are. An agent pushed the button to open the chamber you’re in. Everyone’s eyes went wide when they seen that you’re just a kid.
“This is sick of them. This child didn’t deserve any of the pain they put her through.” A SHIELD Agent says.
Everyone nodded in agreement. They got you out of the cryo and took you to a hospital to get you checked out. An employee from child protective services was called to your case. She was told where you were found and you didn’t have any family members to take care of you. She put you in the foster care system and hoped that a loving family would adopted you.
Curiosity fills your mind. You were wondering who your parents are, where you’re from, and stuff like that. Memories appear in your mind from time to time.
During study hall at school, you decided to do non school related research. You typed your name into Google, wondering what would come up. A lot popped up, mostly of a man called Captain America. You furrowed your eyebrows and clicked on one of the links. It took you to SHIELD’s website. It also showed you a picture of a man who has the same last name as you. You did more digging. You typed a code into your laptop, hacking into SHIELD’s servers to get more information on the man who has the same last name as you.
Little did you know that the hacking you did alerted SHIELD. An alert came up on everyone’s computers. A couple agents went straight to Fury’s office.
“Director Fury, someone hacked into our servers.” One of the agents tells him.
“I know. I’m looking at it.” Fury says.
Fury checked the location of where the hack came from. He also found out that the hacker was a 15 year old girl… you.
“That hacker is a 15 year old girl named Y/N who attends high school in the city.” Fury tells the agents. “Go get her and bring her in.” He instructs.
The agents nodded and went to your school.
“Can I help you gentlemen?” The secretary asks them.
“We were told to pick up girl named Y/N and bring her in for questioning.” One of the agents says.
The secretary states at the two agents for a second, noticing that they’re wearing tactical gear. She also knows that you get into trouble sometimes. She didn’t question them.
“Y/N, please come to the front office.” The secretary announces over the intercom.
You groaned loudly, wondering what you’re in trouble for this time. You closed your laptop and put it in your backpack. You slung your backpack onto your shoulders and went to the front office. You froze when you seen the two agents. You noticed SHIELD’s logo from the website you hacked into on their tactical gear.
“Shit…” You mumbled to yourself.
You tried to escape them by running past them, but they grabbed you before you could. They led you out of the school and out to SHIELD’s vehicle. You got in the vehicle and stayed quiet the whole ride to SHIELD. You walked inside of SHIELD with the two agents behind you. You were met by Fury.
“Take her to interrogation room 1 and take her laptop and other devices she might have from her.” Fury tells the agents.
The agents nodded and took you to the interrogation room. You dropped your backpack on the floor and sat in the chair, slouching in it. One agent grabbed your backpack and took your laptop out of it.
“You can’t just do that!” You say loudly.
“Actually, we can.” One agent says.
“Give us your cell phone.” The second agent says, holding out his hand.
You made a grumbling noise and took your phone out of your back pocket, handing it to him. The agents left the room, leaving you alone in the interrogation room.
“Fucking assholes.” You mumbled under your breath.
You were alone in the interrogation room while SHIELD’s tech team checked your phone and laptop to see why you hacked into their servers.
“Did you find anything?” Fury asks.
“It appears that’s she hacked our servers to get information on Captain Rogers.” The tech agent tells him.
As Fury looked at the picture of Steve that’s on Steve’s SHIELD profile, he noticed similarities between you and him.
“Get a DNA test on her.” Fury says.
A SHIELD agent nodded and went to SHIELD’s lab to get a DNA testing kit before going to the interrogation room you’re in.
“Can I leave now?” You asked as the agent walked in the room.
“No.” The agent said. “Roll up your sleeve and stay still.” He says.
You seen a needle in his hand. Your eyes went wide.
“Hell no!” You jumped out of the chair. “I am not going through that shit again!” You say.
The agent called another agent in the room for assistance. He wrapped his arms around you to prevent you from escaping. The other agent rolled up your sweatshirt sleeve. You yelped when the needle pricked your skin. The agent took a little bit of your blood and put a bandaid on your arm where he took your blood. The other agent let go of you and both of them left the room. You sat back down in the chair.
The agent took your blood to the lab for the DNA test, putting a rush on it. What feels like forever goes by and the results of the DNA test are ready. The lab tech took the results to Fury. Fury looked at the results. The DNA test results revealed that you’re the daughter of Captain America. Fury announced for Steve to go to his office the intercom. Steve was confused on why Fury called him to his office.
“You wanted to see me?” Steve asks as he walked in Fury’s office.
“You might want to sit down.” Fury says.
Steve sat down in one of the chairs that’s in front of Fury’s desk.
“I’m sure that you heard about someone hacking into our servers today.” Fury begins.
Steve nods.
“We found out who the hacker is and brought her here. Apparently, a 15 year old girl was trying to get information on you.” He tells him.
“Why?” Steve asks.
“You tell me. How come you never told anyone that you have a daughter?” He asks.
Steve shifted in his seat when Fury brought you up.
“My daughter is a sensitive subject for me to talk about. I haven’t seen her since she was a year old. I tried looking for her when I came out of the ice, but didn’t find anything. I assumed she died and that was very hard for me to come to terms with.” Steve says.
“You assumed wrong.” Fury says, handing Steve your DNA test results.
Steve looked at the test results. His eyes went wide.
“N-No. This isn’t possible. My daughter is dead.” Steve says in a shaky voice.
“DNA doesn’t lie, Rogers.” Fury says.
Steve was completely mind blown. His eyes filled with tears.
“She’s in interrogation room 1 if you want to see her.” Fury tells him.
“She- She’s here?” Steve asks.
Fury nodded. Steve stood up, going straight to the interrogation room you’re in. His breath hitched in his throat when he opened the door and seeing you for the first time in years.
“What? Do you guys want more blood from me?” You asked sarcastically.
Steve closed the door behind him and walked over to the table, sitting down across from me.
“Y/N?” Steve asks.
“Yes?” You say like a question. “Do I know you?” You asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m your dad.” He says.
“N-No.” You shook your head. “My mom told me that my dad died or something in the Army in 1945.” You say.
“Sweetheart, I know it’s a shock for you. It is for me.” He says.
That’s when a memory flashed in your mind.
“I’m going to miss you, princess. Daddy loves you so much.” Steve say softly.
“Wuv dada.” You babbled.
Steve smiles and kisses the top of your head before handing you off to your mom. He gave your mom a kiss too.
“I’ll see both of you soon.” Steve says before making his way over to the Military Jeep.
The memory ended. Steve put his hand on top of yours. You jerked your hand away and stood up from the chair.
“You said you would come home! You lied!” You exclaimed.
“Princess, I didn’t lie. I had to do what I had to do.” Steve says.
“Don’t fucking call me princess! I’m not a little girl anymore!” You say.
“Y/N, please calm down.” He says softly.
“Don’t tell me to fucking to calm down!” You shouted. “Do you want to know what my life was like after you “died”? My life was a living hell since I was 3 years old! HYDRA took my childhood from me! They injected me with Super Soldier serum and trained me to do things I didn’t want to do! Then I got froze and 60 years later, I got put in the foster care system. Today, I looked up what my life to see who my parents are and now I’m here.” You tell him.
Steve didn’t know what to say. He was completely heartbroken for you. He knows one thing for sure, he wants to kill HYDRA with his bare hands for what they did to his daughter.
“Sweetheart, I tried looking for you. I couldn’t find anything on you and I assumed you were- you know.” Steve says.
“You thought I was dead?” You asked.
Steve nodded.
“What kind of fucking parent thinks that his kid is dead?” You asked.
“I-I couldn’t find anything on you.” He says again.
You shook your head and scoffed. Tears were streaming down your face at this point. Steve stood up and walked over to you to give you a hug, but you backed away from him.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” You hissed.
Steve steps back, giving you some space. Both of you looked at the door when Fury walked in the room, along with an agent.
“I’m sorry, Rogers, but we have to take your daughter in.” Fury says.
The agent walked over to you with a pair of handcuffs. Steve steps between you and the agent.
“You are not putting my daughter in handcuffs.” Steve says.
“Captain Rogers, she hacked our servers.” The agent says.
“It was a huge misunderstanding. She didn’t mean to hack the servers. All she was trying to do was find out who her parents are and she found me.” He explains, looking at Fury.
Fury stares at Steve for a second before looking at you.
“Just make sure she doesn’t do it again.” Fury says.
Steve nods. Fury and the agent left the room, leaving you and Steve alone. Steve grabbed your backpack and got your phone and laptop back.
“I’m taking home.” Steve says.
“Oh, great.” You mumbled under your breath, wondering what your foster parents have to say about what kind of trouble you got into today.
“You’re not going back to the home you’re thinking. I’m taking you home with me.” He says.
Ever since you and Steve reunited, you two haven’t been getting along. You’ve been getting into trouble, not listening, sneaking out, and testing your dad’s patience.
“Y/N, I told you to clean your room yesterday.” Steve says, looking around your messy bedroom.
“You tell me a lot of things.” You mumbled as you continued to scroll through your phone.
Steve snatched your phone, getting your attention.
“That’s mine!” You whined, trying to reach for your phone.
“You can have it back after you clean your room.” He says.
You groaned loudly as he left your room. You took a look around your room. You’ll admit that it’s messy. You just didn’t know that you let it get this bad. You put your dirty clothes in the laundry basket, threw away whatever trash you had in your room, and organized your bedroom. When you were done cleaning your room, you went to your dad to get your phone back.
“I’m done cleaning my room. Can I have my-” The words died on your tongue when you seen your uncle Bucky for the first time in years. “Uncle Bucky?” You almost whispered.
“Doll?” Bucky almost whispers.
You ran over to Bucky, hugging him tightly. Tears filled both your eyes and Bucky’s eyes.
“You’re alive.” You say.
“So are you.” Bucky says.
Bucky let go of you and took a step back, smiling at how grown up you are.
“You’re so grown up.” He says, making you smile.
Steve smiles at the cute uncle and niece moment happening in front of him.
“Did you clean your whole room?” Steve asks.
“Yes I did.” You groaned.
Steve stared at you for a second, making sure you’re not lying. He always knows when you’re lying. He gave you your phone back. You snatched it from his hand and left the room. Bucky frowns as he watches the interaction between you and your dad.
“What’s going on between you and Y/N?” Bucky asks.
“We haven’t been getting along.” Steve answers.
“Why?” Bucky asks.
“I don’t know. She won’t tell me anything. It’s like she hates me.” Steve says.
“She doesn’t hate you, man.” Bucky says softly, putting a comforting hand on Steve’s shoulder.
“Can you talk to her and get her to open up?” Steve asks.
“Of course! I love talking to my niece!” Bucky smiles.
Bucky goes to your room and knocks on the door.
“Who is it?” You asked.
“It’s uncle Bucky. Can I come in?” Bucky asks.
“Yes.” You replied.
Bucky opens the door and walks in your room. He takes a look around your room, seeing stuff a teenager might have in their bedroom.
“Did my dad send you up here to talk to me?” You asked.
“Yes, but I wanted to talk to my favorite niece and goddaughter.” He says with a smile.
“I’m your only niece and goddaughter, uncle Bucky.” You say with a small giggle.
“Point made.” He chuckles.
You sat up against the headboard of your bed and Bucky sat down in front of you.
“What’s going on between you and your dad, doll?” He asks softly.
You shrugged your shoulders and fiddled with your fingers.
“I need a better answer than a shoulder shrug, kiddo.” He says.
“My dad abandoned me and my mom when he went to the Army and he lied about coming home.” You tell him.
“Your dad didn’t abandon you and he didn’t lie.” He says.
“Yes he did.” You said. “It’s like he didn’t want me.” You say.
“Don’t say that, doll.” He almost whispers. “He loves being your dad.” He says softly.
“He sure as hell doesn’t show it. He thought I was dead when he came out of the ice. What kind of parent thinks that his only child is dead?” You say.
“I’m sure he tried his hardest to look for you.” He says.
You shook your head no, refusing to believe it. Bucky seen your eyes tear up.
“Give him a break, doll. He’s trying, but you’re making it hard for him.” Bucky says.
“He’s not trying. He’s not even trying to love me.” You say, your voice cracking.
Tears started to roll down your cheeks. Bucky moved closer to you and wrapped his arms around you.
“Your dad loves you more than anything, doll.” Bucky whispers.
“No he doesn’t. He makes me feel unloved.” You say.
It broke Bucky’s heart to hear you say that.
“Come with me.” He says, standing up.
“Where are we going?” You asked with a sniffle.
“You’re going to talk to Sam. He’s trained for stuff like what you went through.” He says.
“Will you stay with me?” You asked.
“Of course, doll.” He smiles.
You are now sitting in the conference room with Bucky and Sam. Bucky told Sam the basics of your feelings towards your dad.
“What makes you think your dad abandoned you when you were a baby?” Sam asks.
“He promised me and my mom he would come home, but he didn’t. He lied.” You say.
“Y/N, you have to understand that nothing was in your dad’s hands back then.” He says.
You nodded and fiddled with your fingers. Your eyes teared up and a tear rolled down your cheek. Bucky put a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“What are you thinking right now?” Sam asks softly.
“My dad doesn’t love me.” You say, your voice cracking.
“Yes he does, Y/N.” He says.
“No he doesn’t.” You said in a shaky voice. “Why would he love me if he thought I was dead when he came out of the ice?” You asked.
“He told me he looked all over the place for you, but he kept hitting dead ends. He didn’t want to come to terms if you were dead or not. That seems like love to me.” He says.
You went silent. If that’s true, then why don’t you feel loved by him?
“You need to talk to your dad and tell him how you feel.��� Bucky chimes in.
“Do I have to?” You asked, looking at Bucky.
“Yes.” He says.
“Will you stay with me while I talk to him?” You asked.
“This is something you need to do on your own, doll.” He says softly.
“Ok.” You whispered.
Bucky gave you a kiss on the side of your head. You stood up and went to find your dad. You found him in the lounge room, reading a newspaper.
“Dad?” You say nervously.
Steve was caught off guard when you called him dad. Ever since that day at SHIELD, you’ve been addressing him as Steve, not dad. He put his newspaper down and looked at you.
“Can we talk?” You asked.
“Of course we can, sweetheart.” Steve replies softly.
You sat down next to him on the couch.
“I always thought you abandoned me when you enlisted in the Army years ago.” You admitted.
“Why would you even think that that?” He asks. “I would never abandon you.” He says.
“It feels like you did. I also feel unloved by you because of that.” You say.
“Never say that again! I love you more than anything.” He says.
“You don’t show it!” You rose your voice at him and stood up. “You have no idea how unloved I feel, especially when I was in foster care! The couple who adopted me didn’t even know me, but they loved me way more than you ever could!” You say, your eyes tearing up.
You didn’t miss the way your dad clenched his jaw. He stood up. You had a feeling he was going to yell at you for raising your voice at him.
“Do you want to know what my first thought was when I came out of the ice?” Steve asks. “I thought of you and your mom. I looked all over for both of you. I found out your mom died and I couldn’t find you. I tried to think of ways to find you, but I hit a dead end with every idea that came to my mind.” He tells you.
“You thought I was dead!” You say.
“I almost lost Bucky. I lost my wife. I thought I lost you too.” He says.
You stared up at your dad with teary eyes. You were so pissed off at him that you completely forgot that he lost your mom and almost lost his best friend.
“I never want you to say I abandoned you and I don’t love you again. I did nothing but love you since the day you were born.” Steve says softly.
“You- You promised you would come home, but you didn’t! You broke a promise to me and mom!” You cried.
At this point, tears were streaming down your face. Your knees went weak and gave out under you. Steve caught you before you fell to the floor and guided you over to the couch, sitting you down. He sat down next to you. Now, you’re full on crying and so is your dad. Steve’s heart shattered into a million pieces. He hates see you cry and so upset.
“I am so sorry, princess. If I could go back in time and change how things were back then, I would.” He says through tears.
“I’m the one who should be apologizing. I was so pissed at you that I never thought about what you lost and almost lost. I’m sorry for being a shitty daughter.” You apologized.
“You’re not a shitty daughter, sweetheart. Neither of us could’ve predicted what we went through was going to happen.” He says.
You wanted to say more, but you just continued to cry in your dad’s arms. It’s like being held by your dad for the first time in years made all the anger inside of you fade away. Steve felt guilt bubbling up inside of him even more because of what HYDRA did to his daughter. He can’t go back to the past to fix that. What he can do is never leave his baby again. That’s a promise he’ll never break again.
“I’m never leaving you again, sweetheart. I promise.” Steve promises.
You nodded and sniffled. Yours and his cries stopped after a few minutes.
“I love you, princess.” Steve whispers, kissing the top of your head.
“I love you too, dad.” You whispered back.
“I’ll do anything to make it up to you.” He says softly.
“Anything?” You looked up at him and he nodded. “Can we go to Coney Island?” You asked.
“Of course we can.” He smiles.
Bucky poked his head in the room when he heard Coney Island.
“I swear I wasn’t listening. All I heard was Coney Island.” Bucky says, making you and Steve laugh.
From that moment forward, you and your dad did everything you guys could to repair yours and his father daughter relationship. Yes, you two let Bucky go to Coney Island with you guys. It was the best day all of you had in years.
-Bucky’s Doll
#captain steve rogers#captain rogers#steven grant rogers#steve rogers#pre serum steve#captain america#dad!steve rogers#chris evans#cevans#chris evans characters#avengers#marvel#mcu#captain america the first avenger#captain america the winter soldier#steve rogers x female reader#steve rogers x daughter!reader#steve rogers x teen!reader#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers x y/n#steve rogers x you#steve rogers fluff#steve rogers angst#steve rogers one shot#steve rogers imagine#bucky barnes x child!reader#bucky barnes x teen!reader#sam wilson x teen!reader#avengers x teen!reader
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I know it’s just cause of the way he’s posing and such but I really need Bad Boy! Noah who is only sweet to his partner. I guess he’s not a ‘bad’ boy but you get what I’m trying to say. He’s quiet and to himself but with you he’s different, he’s still a little quiet with you but he’s so loud in his actions about how feels about you.
Kind of nsfw below the divider, MDNI 18+

He brings you flowers, chocolates or whatever it is you want that day. He knows he has the scary boyfriend look and uses it to his advantage when he’s with you. Noah keeps an eye on you especially when you are joining him and the boys. Making sure you aren’t uncomfortable with anything or if you’re too tired and want to go home. He still sings to you and writes you your own personal songs.
I imagine after a long hard day, you come home, and as soon as Noah sees the tears in your eyes he’s immediately ready for kicking anyone and everyone’s ass. Who made his girl cry. Or if say you saw something and it triggered something in you and he’s quick to your side comforting you. “It’s okay, baby. I’m here, you aren’t alone” he just wants to make you feel better and forget your day. I feel like he would make you relax for the rest of the day, no more work just relaxing while he cooks dinner.
Noah loved to see you wearing any of shirts or his leather jacket. He could die happily just from the sight of you curled up and asleep with his scent wrapped around you.
Noah doesn’t smoke anymore but he while he would wait for you to get off work (sometimes he would come and pick you up to spend more time together) he would wait with something for you. A snack, some candy, or a gift of some sort. He was never empty handed to you.
Noah knows he has a sort of reputation, even though he hasn’t done anything to gain the ‘bad boy’ title despite the way he dresses or his tattoos and hair. He doesn’t mind the title as long as people don’t bother you. Say at rehearsals he’s on stage singing and sees security trying to make you leave, Noah will quickly call it out in the mic “Is there a problem over there? She’s with me, don’t touch her again” the security guard feels terror course through his veins. He just thought you were a fan that might’ve snuck in idk.
I also feel like Noah makes you take off your panties before every show and stuffs them in his pocket. He likes to use them as a good luck charm, no you can’t get them back. You are on a serious panties shortage due to Noah taking them as often as he can.
AN- I’m sorry for the late updates and replies lately. I’ve been trying my best to respond to and engage with people but it’s been very hard for me lately. I haven’t been okay or ‘mentally’ well for the last few days and I think I just need to log out for a bit and figure my stuff out. So if I don’t respond please know it’s not to be rude I’m just not ‘here’ My requests will be open and I’ll try to get to them as quick as I can when I come back. Thank you to all my angels/moots for the kind words on my writing, and I love reading everyone else’s writing, it really does help me with my day. Love yall, good night
Taglist 🫶🏼- @fadingintothegrey @like-a-omen @veejezhyk @english-fucker @iloveyoutodeathbutimdrowning @bluestdai @kaliforniahigh @flowery-mess @concreteemo @dollieomens @calleyx13 @fadingangelwisp @hurricanesfollowyou @lacy1986 @alwaysfightforwhoyouare @xxkittenkissesxx @iluvmewwwww75 @silent-stories @veephoenix @graceylove @marvelousmal @thenmaybehellaintsobadafterall @amelia-acero @disappearintothegrey @concretejunglefm @concretenoah @tikosblogg @xmads-omensx @tosoundlessdarkistare
Divider by- @anitalenia
#Lola’s rambles#noah sebastian#bad omens#bad omens cult#noah sebastian fanfic#noah sebastian headcannons#noah sebastian x reader#noah sebastian fanfiction#noah sebastian smut
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loser Chloe being obsessed with her gf big boobs, that's it, that's the ask
a/n: i’m part of the big milkers club but it’s HARD out here for a pimp with no butch lesbian to suck them. i need chloe to worship my tits so bad. anyway.
here’s the one for my small titty girlies<3
. ݁ ❀˖ chloe absolutely LOVES your tits. how they look in those slutty lil tank tops or how they practically spill out of any bikini top. bonus points if you don’t wear bras. she loses her mind seeing the indents of your nipples through the shirt and if it’s a little bit see-through- boy oh boy.
. ݁ ❀˖ she’s a perv. duh, a lot of times her eyes are pointing south and she can’t focus on what you’re saying. if you’re moving around unknowingly or knowingly making them jiggle this girl is not listening.
݁ ❀˖ “chlo? are you listening to me?” “yeahh. uhh..nope.”
. ݁ ❀˖ verrry handsy. i mean they’re right there. if you’re spooning she has a hand on your titty. a lot of times squeezing it like her own personal stress ball. which is what she calls it, says it calms her down. which she’s not lying it kinda does.
. ݁ ❀˖ loves how they bounce when you ride her or even better, when she has your arms pinned above your head and they bounce back and forth when she’s fucking you with the strap. to which she takes the opportunity to lean down and kiss, suck and bite the fuck out of them.
. ݁ ❀˖ to the point your poor nipples are so sore from the amount of assault from her mouth. your tits are always covered in red/purple marks. she can take it too far at times but that’s something you’ve made peace with.
. ݁ ❀˖ this perv will sneak up on you even when you’re busy cooking or doing chores and be like “show me your tits.” and pout and get whiney if you tell her “chloe i’m busy.” or “you’ve already seen them how many times?” “c’monn let me see em again. why are you torturing me?” she whines and grumbles until she gets what she wants.
. ݁ ❀˖ lays her head on them every time you two are cuddling watching tv or in bed pillow talking. (her girl has two built in pillows of her own)
. ݁ ❀˖ if you sleep in a tank top you know how much your tits never want to stay in there. so of course your pervy girlfriend chloe is gonna be very happy when she wakes up next to you while you’re still asleep and obvious to the fact that one or both of your tits is just saying hello to her out of the top you’re wearing.
. ݁ ❀˖ you know that tiktok of that girl that stitched the video of that girl making eggs and her boobies looked nice and smiled the whole time her boobies were on the video until she showed the eggs and her smile fades? yea that’s literally chloe.
. ݁ ❀˖ when you drag her shopping and complain that none of the cute bras in the lingerie store are sold in your size chloe just rolls her eyes grumbling something about “why bother with one?” but once that means she gets to see you try on different lingerie she’s back on board.
. ݁ ❀˖ her hands just slide into your top whenever. you’ve grown used to it, not even blinking as you’re sitting on the couch on your phone/reading and here comes your girlfriend with her cold hands in your shirt.
. ݁ ❀˖ likes to stick her head up your shirt like a cat. “nice view. 10/10.”
. ݁ ❀˖ your boobs swallow hers when you two are kissing or snuggling or just chest to chest, which she really really loves. it makes her giddy.
. ݁ ❀˖ chloe will literally suck on your titties for her own pleasure, just the feel of it in her mouth and the sound of your little moans and giggles gets her so hot, it gets the point you have to tell her “chlo, there’s no milk in there.”
“mmhf.. shut the hell up.”
#sighhhh when will i have this.#my chest pillows are not being used and it’s sad.#chloe price#chloe price smut#chloe price x fem reader#chloe x reader#chloe price x reader#chloe price headcanons#chloe price x you#chloe price x me#lis chloe price#chloe lis#lis chloe#chloe price life is strange#wlw
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Section 1 -
How does it feel to be a MagiKey user?
Misaki: “It makes me feel kinda weird though atleast I can train to help my fellow magical girls,boys, and people.”
How popular are you in MagiKey rankings?
Misaki: “At least in a mid section due to how “secretive” I can be”
Which MagiKey would you rather have than your own?
Misaki: “If I had to choose I would choose either Layla’s (@/laylakongg) or hittako’s (@/hittisbuzzing) due to how their powers and personalities kinda relate to me the most”
Why did you become a MagiKey user?
Misaki: “Well…I don’t remember clearly but I was about to get run overhead by a car but a gem appeared and it turned into a key then a white explosion happened and now I am here in this magical world..”
How long have you been in MagiKey
Misaki: “I don’t count the years tbh but I think about 2 years, that’s why most people don’t know most of everything about me.”
Section 2 -
What is their motivation to keep being a magical user?
Just to survive and be in the background. Misaki hates doing something that she never wanted but it is what made her survive…
How are they usually in a battle?
Misaki is the type to fight due to how she trains but knows when to stay back when they sense danger. They have a high alert system and tells the people who are beginning out to get out the way when danger lerks by. Misaki normally uses her powers
Misaki’s first ability, “blindly shine” can temporarily blind a specific target with a blast of light and the target can be anyone she chooses but she chooses to only use this ability when she is critically wounded.
Her second ability, “thorny heart” can control people with a mask : 🎭. But if she puts it on too much people, it is harder to control them and it is normally in a small amount of time but she normally does this when she is the only one left standing…
Her third ability, “sealed” can trap anyone in the vicinity of Misaki. Though it would be inclose range and if the opponent is strong willed then they can be able to break out and can easily hurt misaki.
Her fourth and final ability, “my dear dandelions” is her most powerful ability right now and this ability can tie anyone up no matter what but of course every power needs a weakness so this weakness is that if the person she ties up is strong willed the then can break out of it no matter if they are weak physically or strong physically.
How are their daily lives?
She normally just reads in a corner with some of the people she likes and walks around the school with tsukiko (@/yumaandyukitaka), Misaki sees tsukiko as a younger sibling to protect but won’t tell them just to make sure no one knows a single weakness in her.
What is their opinion on other MagiKey users in general?
She secretly care about them (but pretends to not care as much) and does see them all as new found family due to her “real” family not really care for her mental and physical health.
Section 3 -
What are your OC's struggles as a MagiKey user?
It’s mainly herself. Due to how when she is in her magical form. Their are voices in the back of her head telling her that everyone she cares about will eventually know about her lying and hate her for it and she can sometimes she visions of what with happen in the next few minutes.
One time when tsukiko first followed her, Misaki thought they were trying to make her open up which lead to a misunderstanding and Misaki yelled at tsukiko but then saw their terrified face and misaki apologized and said she just wasn’t ready… Misaki felt bad and wanted to apologize profusely due to that terrifyed look… it looked just like how she did when she was younger… a terrified child. Misaki gave tsukiko a gift just to make them happy and let them just follow her around..
She also doesn’t trust shin (@/liyuviq) as much due to their ability of showing the truth. Misaki often blames themselves for all the mistakes she has done and knows she is a bad person and doesn’t deserve what she has now. She doesn’t deserve to had another chance at living…
What is their favorite color?
A reddish pink but also likes yellow and purple.
Section 4 (extra things I wanted to add)-
Theme song
top of my school - by Katherine Lynn-Rose
What she think of other MagiKey users:
Qix Trix/Quartz (@/quartztwst)
Misaki: “They're quiet but at least they are more peaceful then the other chaotic people.”
Fragaria (@/quartztwst)
Misaki: “she’s…energetic? I don’t know how to explain it.. but atleast she good with talking to.”
Layla (@/laylakongg)
Misaki: “she is my favorite. She is quiet and our powers work very well together though she does tend to work alone like me but not all the time”
AJ (@/karamatsuboy-aj)
Misaki: “he’s very weird sometimes.. but his singing is good, I could listen to it. If he wasn’t so… energetic..”
Shuu (@/oya-oya-okay)
Misaki: “she is quite… interesting?”
Yuu Ni (@/thatsadguymochi)
Misaki: “she is pretty new so it’s best to not really get too close to her but I trust she won’t betray us.”
Hittako (@/hittisbuzzing)
Misaki: “She very interesting but she’s alright.”
Tsukiko (@/yumaandyukitaka)
Misaki: “she’s like a lost child. But she is nice company to be around with.”
Luna (@/waitlexist)
Misaki: “we don’t talk…but I think she is alright”
Undine (@/juchioris)
Misaki: “I don’t pay much attention to her but she is cool, i guess”
Kogane (@/kogane-twst)
Misaki: “one day she might get stuck in a tree just because a cat looks cute… but atleast the cats go to me once they jump down.”
Yuubeni (@/bunniehunn)
Misaki: “she’s weak, yes but atleast her magic ability are an high endurance of her soon getting more powerful and stronger…mentally.”
Yuka (@/chaotic-snow)
Misaki: “she is quite stubborn and has an innocent that will fade if she doesn’t learn about real life but I get why and I won’t ruin her childhood by telling her all the real things that happens in the real world.”
Yuu Fontaine (@/allykakamatsu)
Misaki: “they are alright. A knight in shining armor, that’s what I nickname them.”
Yuya (@/cheerleaderman)
Misaki: “I would like if they could tell me what space looks like due to how i haven’t really cared to look at the facts of it.”
Liánhuā (@/lafashionlsta)
Misaki: “I help her around the school when I am not in my form”
Alistair "Ali" (@/sunnysidesevenup)
Misaki: “they are quite chaotic but I don’t quite like that they have mind-reading due to my thoughts being… anyways.”
Yuuel "El" (@/stxrgazingattheclouds)
Misaki: “her personality is like a galaxy. Messy yet beautiful.”
Elay (@/dgiterart)
Misaki: “she’s pretty and is highly skilled”
Shin (@/liyuviq)
Misaki: “I don’t like them. It’s not like I want to kill them because I hate them. It’s jus that… they can reveal the truth about someone so I rather stay way from them…”
Rika (@/rinxleona)
Misaki: “she is a maid but she does it in an interesting way.”
Yuue (@/blueberriesblueberrie)
Misaki: “she looks like a ballerina tbh but atleast she is a good opponent.”
Yurena (@/ranas-twisted-wonderland)
Misaki: “I don’t know much information about them but they are a bug…”
Evelyn (@/h0neybane)
Misaki: “she looks like the moon so I always call her moonlight like my creat-.. wait what was I going to say?”
Airinniz (@/hanizmiyu)
Misaki: “she is beautiful and I would love to know more about her which I’ve already have.”
Akshara (@/twistedtalestory)
Misaki: “she is certainly diverse but we don’t talk much and her powers are certainly destructive as well..”
Yae (@/fi1nn)
Misaki: “she is in the support class but we sometimes hangout and get along well.”
Yuina (@/doe5dollars)
Misaki: “I relate to her and she is an amazing person in general.”
Vinny (@/cephalotyrant)
Misaki: “he is my son now. Anyway, I play card games with him(btw I let him win just to make him happy).”
Iris (@/lficanthaveloveiwantpower)
Misaki: “she’s cool and kinda nerdy. We get along well, we also read together”
Yumi (@/marinahavik)
Misaki: “energetic. She always wants to talk to me but I didn’t want another Tsukiko event to happen so I let her talk to me.”
Kirara (@/shinysparklesapphires)
Misaki: “she is basically the opposite of riddle. Which, i am not complaining tbh.” (Btw misaki doesn’t not like Kirara like that and sees Kirara as a sister)
Satori (@/soupidee-doo)
Misaki: “quite easy to manipulate them tbh but atleast they have strength to save themselves.”
Belladonna and Schneider (@/ieatfriedeggs)
Misaki: “I think belladonna is quiet? I guess but Schneider is easy to talk to…”
Yuurei (@/universaln0b0dy)
Misaki: “I think she is almost insane.”
Nova (@/nivvetsworld)
Misaki: “she is a definitely a god like a deadly one…”
Chiz (@/chizramue)
Misaki: “she is basically like Red and White Flowers Together(bad omen, representing blood loss and death) which I like due to how I am like Black Dahlias(symbols of betrayal).”
Bya-Chan (@/starlee246)
Misaki: “the way he use blot is quite.. interesting.. but it is still fairly dangerous to use blot.”
Mia (@/happilybeingthenerd)
Misaki: “she’s kinda stupid for leaving the team a lot but I don’t blame her. I do it too. Also is she Zeus?”
Alenna (@/the-dumber-scaramouche)
Misaki: “I prey with her every now and then.”
Hisui (@/ghostiidasponk)
Misaki: “I haven’t got the chance to hangout with her yet but I got some time to hangout with her now and I’m going to cook some delectables for her.”
Kimiko (@/slumberingrose-fandom)
Misaki: “I do wonder if she has read a bit too much Snow White and Adam and Eve stories…”
Yuki (@/galacticstationsblog)
Misaki: “i like to draw frequently with her and we normally like doing drawing challenges”
Euphelia (@/artarmy24)
Misaki: “we don’t talk as much but sometimes we hangout under a tree.”
Vee (@/heyhellohihowareyou)
Misaki: “he’s very energetic… like the others”
Nepeta (@/nepeta-and-co)
Misaki: “weird. But at least they are unique then the others…”
Vizzie (@/twistedwonderlandshenanigans)
Misaki: “they are dangerous. I stay away from them fo that reason. Best to now get on their bad side.”
Ko Mallory (@/croshelee)
(When Ko Mallory was alive)Misaki: “she is adorable. She is also my new child now!”
(When Ko Mallory died)Misaki: “… I…I don’t want to talk about it…it’s just.. let me leave for a moment…”
Lamiyre (@/schweindivine)
Misaki: “I think she is cool just because it is quite funny to get teleported to some random place”
Lillian (@/iluvmusicxoxo)
Misaki: “she is a type of jester to kill you if you don’t hangout with her…”
"Messenger" (@/dollie-ballerina)
Misaki: “I have nothing to say tbh.. she normally keeps to herself…”
(Btw this took too long to do😭😭😭😭)
Overview(all together):
Misaki: “some of them are quite overpowered and could easily kill anyone while I have my powers with flaws🥲”
Redesign with scythe(misaki’s weapon):
Questions for the MagiKey Users!
(Quartz and Yuu are examples!!)
(Please copy and paste the questions!!)
Section 1 - Your OC Answers!
1. How does it feel to be a MagiKey user?
Quartz: "God, it feels awful honestly but I ain't got much to do at home."
Yuu: "I really like helping people with our powers! I also get to meet so much people!"
2. How popular are you in MagiKey rankings?
Quartz: "I'm not that popular honestly and I'm glad."
Yuu: "A lot of people seem to know me but I'm not really a fan favorite when it comes to top 10."
3. Which MagiKey would you rather have than your own?
Quartz: "Uhh.. What's her name? Metamorphosis (@/lficanthaveloveiwantpower). Yeah. I think her power is neat and cool. It's probably more unique than what I have right now. I wanna make cool psychological illusions too."
Yuu: "I like Divinity's (@/nivvetsworld)! Their abilities look so powerful! Aahh! It's so cool! The weapon and everything!"
4. Why did you become a MagiKey user?
Quartz: "Yall act like I had a choice. That fucking bird that i hate."
Yuu: "Quartz was one and I was suddenly given a key years later haha! I just wanted to spice up my life a little!"
5. How long have you been in MagiKey
Quartz: "Three years. I'm pretty old but it's cool I guess."
Yuu: "Only a year! I'm still learning from Quartz and others. I wish to develop more of my abilities so I can help others!"
Section 2 - You explain!
6. What is their motivation to keep being a magical user?
Quartz genuinely has no idea. She doesn’t have the energy to go through Crowley's bullshit but she also doesn't know if she's able to stop now. She's three years in already.
Yuu just thinks it's fun and exciting. In the foundation that they were raised in, not a lot of things were fun as this. They also really like to help people and seeing people being happy. They genuinely wish to see people live.
7. How are they usually in a battle?
Quartz doesn't really like attacking and likes to support other MagiKey users but if she has to fight by herself, she will. She's actually really quick on her feet and disappears too easily like a rabbit. Her goal is to catch you off guard so she can strike you down but she doesn't usually have well calculated strategies.
With her first ability, she uses the scarves as a tool to restrain her opponent right after she makes them confused by pulling them out of their mouth. She can use the scarves to potentially choke and tie things to the opponent.
Her second ability let's her to summon anything out of her hat. She can even summon people. YES. PEOPLE. If someone is in trouble in a different area, she can summon them out of her hat. They might get dizzy after. She also can summon explosions made out of confetti and basically anything except actual weapons like guns, bombs.
In her final ability, she can blind people with her other eye. She can only use this in the beginning of a fight so she can land the better attacks.
Yuu doesn't really do most of the fighting but they can swing the heavy basket at an opponent to do heavy damage. They're mostly there for support as well with their energy boosting strawberries. They actually have really bad stamina but with the everlasting supply of strawberries, their stamina is boosted a lot. They are the one who tries to pull the MagiKey users together to fight.
Their first ability is them swinging that heavy ass basket at an opponent. In their early fights, they used to be super stiff but now their moves are fluent with them easily throwing the basket at an opponent and being able bounce it back to their hands. No one is able to pick up the basket but Yuu because it feels super heavy to others.
The energy boosting strawberries are their second ability. These strawberries can boost mood and performance in battles. They never run out of strawberries and they can make it rain strawberries with a swing of their basket.
Their last ability is a giant scary Grim popping out of their basket. They don't actually have to place the basket on the ground. They can carry it and let Grim attack opponents or scare them. Grim is SUPER hungry so anything he sees that is not an ally is TUNA.
8. How are their daily lives?
Quartz and Yuu don't really do much but go to school in their foundation. After that, they head to MagiKey's secret training school.
9. What is their opinion on other MagiKey users in general?
Quartz thinks they're cool. Nothing much to say but she's always curious on why other people would even agree to being a Magical User considering how young and risky the job is. But she's a hypocrite since she is one of them.
Yuu finds them amazing and super cool. They love to see other user's fights and cheer them on.
Section 3 - Deeper Level (might get emo)
10. What are your OC's struggles as a MagiKey user?
Quartz always thinks of herself as one for not thinking a lot but the thing is that she does. She absolutely tries to stop these thoughts from roaming into deeper territories but how could she not?
In her three years of experience, she has encountered dead magical users and ones that died after corruption but she never tried to pay attention to it. She refused to because that is what is sacrificed when you do these duties: your life.
She always wondered why mostly children are chosen to defeat these so-called enemies in secret and how messed up it sounds but it's just a thought. It's just a thought.
When Yuu encountered their first intense battle which was with a corrupted magical user, their whole perspective changed. After defeating the corrupted user, the corpse of a young magical girl was left behind and it scarred Yuu completely.
It felt like a joke. It felt disgusting.
It felt like a dumb joke because what are you saying these monsters are just kids with problems? Couldn't we have found another way? If they knew that this would happen, wouldn't they recruit different people for this job? And what about their family? What will their family think seeing their child dead because of "unknown" reasons?
Yuu has tried to continue on after that but no matter what, the memory of the cold, limp body of that magical girl from that day keeps eating them alive.
11. What is their favorite color?
Quartz has no favorite color
Yuu likes yellow
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Things Soap has said to you as your best friend in no particular order
You texted me on my day off because you needed a fashion judge for your date with Simon later? *sighs but is already sitting down gesturing you to start. Then ends up door dashing you an entire fit on his own dime. Because you insisted nothing looked right.*
I’d ask what happened but I really don’t want be an accessory to a crime *is nearly landed on when you tuck and roll into the creek. You’d texted him coords and nothing else*
Neither of us have bail money so how about we skip the tequila tonight *he plucks the drink out of your hand and drinks it instead*
So you know that mysterious bad boy that looks like something out of Gilmore Girls and wears a mask like Simon? Yeah… I might need a rescue.. also don’t forget the coffee and big breakfast this time. Spanks!
Not only is this a great idea.. but I’m going to let you call 911 when Simon punches out the first guy to stare at you on the dance floor
You’re doing great sweetie I believe in you *you tried to ambush Soap and he flung you onto the couch which in turn flipped over.* (you’re fine just a bruised ego)
Last time I let you pick the every flavored jelly bean for me I ended up with ear wax.. give it here *wrestles you for the bag during Harry Potter movie night*
No one is jumping anywhere ya wee brat *has a solid grip on the waist band of your jeans*
Could your comfort character have any more trauma? *proceeds to stare at Bucky Barnes throughout the entire movie*
Not my fault I’m blessed with good genetics now pass the shells and cheese please
You know when I pictured being the gay best friend.. I thought I’d be in for RHONJ and Sex in the city. Not Reacher, MCU, teen wolf and SPN.
Last time I threatened you infront of your parents and Simon you said and I quote ‘harder daddy.’ I’m not falling for it again.
We’ve got to get you a new car.. everytime you make a left turn in that junker. The door opens slightly and I see god.
Is that Chucky? And why do you have the god damn doll?!
#ao3 fanfic#ao3 tags#ao3 author#ao3 writer#ao3#fanfic#cod modern warfare#cod mw2#john soap mactavish#simon ghost riley#head cannons#incorrect call of duty quotes#call of duty#call of duty headcanons#cod incorrect quotes#cod 141#cod head cannons#cod mwii#soap cod#cod#ghost cod#modern warefare ii#ghoap#task force 141#tumblr fyp#fyp#fandom
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I love your slasher boys, it's so cute that people put their y/ns and ocs into your au, it also makes me laugh a lot. Like an idea the boys have the while gang of various people and non human beings being on their side. Like a little support group, and boys are do confused that so many people not only accepted them, but kinda? Hides them from the police? Gives them a reading from tarot? Gives them info about another rulebreaker? Kinda just chills with them? I love this universum lol
But I got a little confused and can't find the answers so If you would tell me I would be so happy! Because of how many ocs were added by people to au, what is canon after all? Is there some canon Y/n for slasher boys? Love you!
I don’t blame you at all for being confused 😆 Maybe I should put smth on the masterpost about it. Gotta update that thing anyway.
I think @/sinister-sincerely put it concisely as “DCA Slasher AU multiverse” which made me laugh but it’s accurate to how I conceptualize the AU now.
When I first started sharing art and blurbs, it was a very simple one y/n kinda situation. Y/N was also more of a “blank-slate” type, at least in personality. When I posted their character sheet on the first yapathon about the AU, I also threw out there that I would love to see other people’s versions of “Final Girl y/n,” not having any idea how much people would actually fly with it 🤩.
And they didn’t just create reskins of my y/n—people were making or adapting y/ns and ocs with a whole host of unique characteristics and backgrounds. AND adding details like locations or other characters to the world of the AU! Really adopting the slasher AU as their own. Still makes me giddy to think about 🖤.
All the creativity inspired me to go back and flesh out my y/n character “Star.” I thought to myself “well, everybody else is making such distinctive characters, why don’t I have fun with it too?” I wrote a little more about them here but still have plenty more yet to share publicly. For the purposes of any future long-form story I write, Star will be the one and only y/n character. To answer your question directly, in my version of the AU (the original dca slasherverse naught I guess lololol 😝) the “canon” y/n is Star.
BUT! I like to play around! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I like to draw other people’s characters with Smoon, imagine scenarios where the arcade has a whole cast of personalities. It’s so much fun to explore all the different dynamics, the what-ifs, and see how things play out! And I continue to encourage people to do the same! This AU is a sandbox for people to play in (a visual friend @/happysaddca has put in my head multiple times). I just put the sand there ☺️.
#and i love you too anon citizen 😎#ask#dca slasher au#hmmm ill try to be clear about what is or isn’t canon#also the vagueness is sorta fun to play around in too lol 😝#im sure that annoys some people orz#canon isn’t a binary….it is… a continuum to me EHEHEHEH
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two reunions
Dain Aetos x reader (love!) words: 1.7k 🏷: no warnings here! finally getting these two to the start of fourth wing! everyone's favorite boy makes an appearance, as does everyone's least favorite, love is yet again Put In A Situation, Nadine running her mouth, one thing about my girls is that they are always going to look out for Sawyer, tysm to the person who beta read this for me! you know who you are and ily. that's all I got for tags, byeee
It turns out that another glorious perk of being in leadership is having to work on conscription day. At least it isn’t on the same day as one of your runs — but it is miserable out, pouring rain with strong winds. It’s relatively sheltered where you’re stationed, but it’s still too damn cold, especially for July. General Sorrengail must have taken the day off. That, or she’s mad about something.
There was really no need for you to be out here this early — you and Dain have been sitting in silence for nearly half an hour, collars upturned and hands stuffed into your pockets to keep them warm.
You both perk up when you see the first cadet hop down from the bridge. You don’t need to ask what their name is — you already know them well.
“Sawyer Henrick,” he offers anyway, his cheeks warm with a hint of embarrassment.
“I’m glad you made it,” you say softly. “And I have a good feeling about this year. So does Laurent.”
He gives you a weak smile before he continues down the line, the next cadet stepping into place behind him. You and Dain alternate checking off the names, falling into a comfortable rhythm as the rain starts to taper.
“Hi, princess.”
“Liam!” You drop the clipboard and nearly knock him over with the force of your hug, a happy breeze swirling around the pair of you.
He laughs, wrapping you up in the smell of sawdust and linen. “That’s new.”
“Oh, it’s so good to see you. Did you grow? I don’t remember you being this tall.”
He gives you a slick grin. “I think you might have shrunk.”
You pout up at him. “It’s these damn boots. I swear, my feet are going to be stuck perfectly flat at this rate.”
Dain clears his throat, and you break apart hastily. “Right, sorry. Dain, this is Liam Mairi — my little brother.”
Dain’s eyebrows raise at your use of little to describe Liam, searching for some family resemblance that he won’t find before he offers him an uneasy smile, checking his name off the list.
You turn back to Liam, giving him a conspiratorial grin. “Your girl already called dibs, otherwise you’d be with me.”
“She’s not my girl,” he protests, blushing.
“You’re certainly her boy,” you counter. “She made it abundantly clear to our dear brother that you were to be placed with her. But don’t tell her I told you that, she’ll skin me. Where’s your shadow?”
“We got separated in the line. She should be here in a few minutes.”
“Okay, be good. I’ll see you later.” You give him one last squeeze before he heads off, and then it’s back to the same monotony, name after name after name.
And then there’s a shout from the parapet that has you looking up from your clipboard. Someone is running across it, another candidate hot on their heels. It’s a girl, half the size of her pursuer, but it’s her hair that catches your eye: brown and silver.
She takes a leap off the end, immediately whirling around to point a knife at the guy — right where it would hurt most.
You’re a little impressed, actually.
There’s a very brief moment of silent negotiation between them before she backs off, letting him step down.
She looks like she might collapse, but to her credit, she doesn’t freak out when you steady her with a curling wisp of wind around her back, guiding her further onto the solid ground of the courtyard behind you, and keeping her upright.
“Name?” you ask the brute, silently calculating the best way to put him down if he takes another step closer to her.
“Jack Barlowe.”
You don’t bother finding him on the list — you don’t take your eye off him, even as you offer a word of warning that he doesn’t deserve. “Be glad she didn’t kill you, or cut your nuts off. Others won’t be as merciful.”
He just scoffs at you in response, heading into the courtyard.
As soon as he’s out of eyeshot and earshot, Dain says what you’re both thinking. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“Tell that to my mother.”
General Sorrengail really is heartless, then. First what she did to Xaden, and all of your parents, and now making her disabled daughter fight for her life to become a rider? She might as well have just shoved her off the side of the parapet. That would be quicker, and more humane. But she actually seems to believe that she can do this. That alone will kill her. Unless one of your friends, or that guy behind her on the parapet gets it done first.
You need to say something. “As much as I hate to admit it, he’s right. It’s not too late to bail, and it would probably be for the best if you did. We can—”
“This conversation doesn’t concern you,” she interrupts, hackles raised.
“As a friend of a friend, and someone who knows exactly what it’s like to be forced to be here, I think you’ll find that it does concern me,” you say coolly. “I don’t need to tell you that this place is a death trap, and a physically demanding one, at that. If you don’t want to be here, you shouldn’t be. Enough people have died on this hill already.”
She crosses her arms over her chest in a show of intimidation that doesn’t work at all — she’s tiny. Like a little lap dog that thinks its barking will protect the house from intruders. “I’m not leaving.”
She’s clearly equally as stubborn as her brother.
She already looks suspicious of you, and pushing further wouldn’t be a good idea right now. You’ve done all you can do, for the time being. “He can’t say I didn’t try,” you mutter, turning away, back to the group of cadets who are waiting for you to check off their names.
Bodhi appears beside you, speaking in a whisper — even though none of these kids speak the language, except one. “Is that who I think it is? The little one, with the hair?”
“We need to get her out of here.”
“I tried already, but she wasn’t having it, and it would look incredibly suspicious if any of us kept pushing. She already despises me — I can’t exactly take her hand and drag her to the library, like she’s a toddler.”
“It looks like he might do that for you,” Bodhi offers.
You turn your head to see Dain still talking with her. He doesn’t look like you’d looked when you saw Liam again — not even close. He almost looks mad at her.
The ball is in his court now, you suppose.
“That’s it,” your friend announces, hopping down. She looks completely dry, despite having been stationed in the pouring rain on the other side of the bridge.
You shudder at the thought of having to cross it again, even with your ability to control the wind, and the progress you’ve made with your fear of heights. “Why didn’t you just go around?”
“And miss whatever needlessly-dramatic speech Xaden has planned? No way.”
You snort. “Fair enough.”
Might as well check out the crop of new recruits while you wait. Most of them don’t look too bad -- decently physically prepared, and not shaking in their boots. Some of them, however, are much too confident.
“I’m just glad we don’t have any Tyrrish,” one of the girls says, eyeing the neighboring group with disgust.
You look her up and down before you speak. “A copper’s worth of free advice, hair dye; don’t go making enemies of the people who are supposed to protect you.”
She doubles down. “They made me and the rest of this kingdom their enemies when they decided to commit treason.”
“I don’t think this is a path either of you want to go down,” Sawyer warns, looking between you.
You hold a hand up to stop him. “It’s okay, Sy. Let her keep digging. She’ll hit the bottom eventually.”
The girl stills, freezing in place like a spooked deer as she considers your words — and realizes both of your arms are covered by the sleeves of your flight jacket.
You can’t help but smile. “Oh, this is never going to get old. Well, purple? Can you fight under the command of a pair of filthy traitors?”
Her eyes snap to the section leader, scanning him for a relic that she won’t find.
“Not him. The wingleader. And your section exec, too, actually — so three.”
She’s still quiet, blinking at you in stunned silence.
“Callwell!” Dain barks. “Get over here.”
“Off to serve my kingdom,” you offer with a sly smile and a two-fingered salute. “And I’m just fucking with you. I really don’t care what you think about me. Sticks and stones, right?” You leave before she can respond, jogging over to Dain. “What do you need?”
“Your approval for us to move squads.” he doesn’t explain why, but it’s damned obvious; to protect Violet. If she’s under his command, he can help keep her safe.
You try not to show any sign of relief — he shouldn’t know that you have any interest in helping her at all. “On one condition,” you offer. “Henrick comes with us.”
Your eyebrows lift, the flash of hurt you feel catching you off guard. He didn’t even pause to consider it, or try to argue with you at all. That’s not like him.
He must be very attached to Violet. Maybe she’ll do you a favor and take him for herself, so you’ll have a real reason to give up on the idea of you and Dain, to forget about all of those quiet, tender moments that you keep replaying in your head when you can’t sleep.
Not that the two of you would ever work anyway. Not if either of your families have anything to say about it.
“The Mender wouldn’t mind.”
True enough. Brennan had known Dain, recalled fond memories of the boy who had grown up idolizing him and followed him around with Violet like a pair of little lost ducklings.
But that was before the war, and before they’d grown into adults who could hold complex political opinions. Your cousin-in-law probably absolutely despises you. She doesn’t know that you’re family, and even if she did, she wouldn’t care if you lived or died. But that doesn’t change the promise you’d made to Brennan, to keep her out of here — which has now been updated to just keep her alive.
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join the murder, happy lowman.

part i. history in the making
summary: the sons make a decision that will change the fate of their club.
warnings: misogyny, language.
author’s note: since sins of the father didn’t get updated today like i said it would, here’s this one :,)
word count: 2898
“have you lost your goddamn mind?” to jax’s credit, he doesn’t even flinch at the cutting edge in bobby’s tone, though a lesser man would’ve wilted. it’s impressive, happy can admit, how eerily calm he is in the face of his brothers’ scrutiny. there aren’t many who can stand so tall when put under so much pressure.
not for the first time, their table is divided. split clean in two, it seems, with half of them appalled at the mere thought of what their president is proposing, and the rest, like him, that are, at least, willing to listen. happy can understand their trepidation, the borderline horror. spitting in the face of decades’ of tradition and hard-earned stereotyping isn’t an easy pill to swallow, even for him, but change is as inevitable as it is imminent. and now, with how things have been going for them recently, it’s necessary.
jax believes that if they don’t learn how to ride the tide, the world will move on without them. and happy believes in jackson teller, if in nothing else.
the blonde man at the head of the table smiles, confident and unperturbed. for once, he doesn’t scream to be heard. he doesn’t puff out his chest or gnash his teeth. it’s an assuredness that he has been lacking for a long, long while. “we’ve spent the last forty-five years in this box, brother. it’s startin’ to get a little claustrophobic.”
“so you wanna put a gash in a kutte?” opie chimes in, his face contorted with incredulity, though he’s significantly less hostile than some are being. “what the hell will that do, except give us all a headache?” piney grunts his agreement, scowling as if jax had just suggested assassinating the united states’ president.
“it proves that we can change for the better,” chibs, always raring to defend his jackie-boy, and to advocate for the underdog, steps to the plate. “that we’re more than murderers and criminals. that there’s a point to all of this.”
really, they all have their reasons for being here. for some, like him and the scot, the reaper had saved their lives. opie and jax were born with samcro in their blood. piney, tig, and bobby have been wearing the patch for so long that it’s all they are. and juice, like so many of the prospects that darken their doorstep, had come looking for a family.
that’s what it’s supposed to be about. the brotherhood. living, dying, and killing for the family that they choose. if this girl can, is willing to, do that, happy doesn’t see why they wouldn’t give her a fighting chance.
“oh, c’mon!” frankly, tig’s the last person that should be protesting this. the man broke a hundred unspoken rules when he’d claimed venus van dam, a transgender prostitute, as his ol’ lady. he’s an ornery hypocrite, happy thinks. “almost fifty years, and we have never had a chick patch into any charter, let alone the mother charter. if we do this, it’s gonna cause a goddamn revolt, man.”
as if reading his mind, juice chomps at the bit in a rare display of boldness. “yeah, we never had a venus making us sunday brunch, either.” the withering glare that tig gives him across the table would’ve sent a lesser man to the grave, but the boy holds fast. “no disrespect, i love vee just as much as everyone else, but it ain’t the 70’s no-more. times are changing.”
“this is a charter decision.” jax intervenes, before the two of them can start swinging. “the others can bitch and moan as much as they’d like, but this comes down to us.”
jax would need a unanimous vote to take anyone, especially a woman, on as a prospect, with or without the other charters’ approval. and right now, it doesn’t look like he’s going to get his wish.
“we’re the sons of anarchy! sons!” tig flails his arms so violently that he nearly topples out of his chair, one of his ringed hands clipping happy in the shoulder like an excited child. “back me up, hap!”
all eyes turn to him, and he has to try hard not to bristle. he shrugs noncommittally, acting less bothered than he is, and looks to jax. “can she ride?”
he nods, brows raised, as if surprised that his sergeant at arms is humoring him at all. “can she fight?”
jax grins, like he’d said something funny, and happy figures that it has to do with his suspiciously black eye. “yeah. yeah, she can fight.”
“if she can do that, and if you trust her, i say give it a shot.” tig looks positively mortified, and jax glows with pride. happy merely leans back in his chair and ignores the looks he’s now receiving from both sides of the table. some betrayed, some bewildered.
“just listen,” jax presses his palms to the table, silencing any further protests or arguing before it can even begin. in this moment, he looks so much like the man that he used to be, that it hurts a little bit. the man he was before his baby had been born with his insides outside, before the truth had been told, before his stepfather had betrayed him, and then done it again, and again. before the gavel had corrupted him.
“she has what it takes, i’ve seen it. kitty will be good for this club, for all of us,” he meets each of their eyes in turn, as if willing them to bear the weight of his words. “all i’m asking is that you just give her a chance. no special treatment ‘cause she’s a chick. just another prospect, yeah? she gets a year of probation, proves herself, and then you can decide if i’m fuckin’ nuts. but, i swear to you, she will prove herself.” she has to, for jax’s sake, lest she makes a fool out of him and all of them.
it’s rare to see him so passionate about anything, about anyone, but his vehemence certainly gets their attention. in this room, his word is gospel and law, all in one. when he speaks, they listen. even piney, as set in his ways as he is, falters.
happy pictures the girl waiting outside of the soundproofed doors. she wasn’t anything all that impressive, from what he’d seen — young, scrappy, not anything he could see jax going to war for. and yet, here he is, nearly blue in the face whilst he argues her case. though that in itself is impressive, really, because his favor isn’t easy to earn, and she’d done that and then some.
“where’d you even find this kid?” happy’s raspy voice cuts through the pregnant silence like a bullet, and jax’s smile splits his face from ear to ear, like a little boy on christmas morning.
“she stole my wallet.” he seems abundantly proud of it, though most men would be thoroughly humiliated if they were bested by a girl that’s no more than a hundred pounds soaking wet. you wouldn’t have been able to waterboard that information out of happy. “and then, when i chased her down and tried to get it back, she punched me in the face.” and it just gets better and better. happy’s starting to like this kitty.
anyone that was bold enough to steal from and assault a son had to have balls made of steel. especially from the goddamn president.
“what’s gemma make of it?” jax’s eyes narrow into slits at bobby’s not-so-subtle jab, that anger that they all know and love rearing its head. as much as they all love their matriarch, she could be just as old school as piney is. she’s an opinionated woman, and she likes to make sure that those opinions are known.
“it doesn’t fuckin’ matter what gemma thinks,” he retorts, spitting his mother’s name as if it left a bad taste in his mouth. they must be on the outs again; it’s hard to keep up. “is she sittin’ at this table? no. you don’t ride, you don’t vote.”
the treasurer raises his hands in a show of mock surrender. “just wondering, brother.” they all know how gemma feels about it. or rather, how she will feel about it, since she probably has no clue that it’s happening at all. jax has a tendency to leave her out of the loop.
but he’s right. the women have never had any right, nor reason, to have any say in the club’s decisions. gemma’s only as involved as she is because she’s played ol’ lady to two presidents, and mother to another. the rest of them are kept in the loop merely because they’re loved.
but this would change everything. a woman, sitting at their table, wearing their reaper, standing and fighting with them, having a vote. that is, of course, if she can survive the prospect year. he had witnessed countless men run for the hills after their first two weeks onsite. they’d even had to bury one, once, after he’d intentionally overdosed in the tacoma clubhouse’s bathroom. and it was bound to be even worse for kitty — prospects are at the very bottom of samcro’s food chain as is, treated like dirt in order to ready them, toughen them up, for the life that they’ve signed up for.
she’ll be shoved around and prodded at tenfold the rest of them. and she’ll have to work thrice as hard to prove herself. and that’s just within the club, not even to mention the abuse she’ll be getting from those outside of it. good luck, happy thinks. god knows that she’s going to need it.
jax smacks his palm on the table, drawing them in. “let’s vote it. all in favor of taking kitty on as a prospect?”
“aye!” chibs cheers, his grin mirroring the scars on his cheeks. despite being one of the oldest, and having been with the club for decades, he’s maybe the most progressive. married a black woman, fathered a black baby, and now sticking his neck out for this girl’s sake. he must have been a mama’s boy in his youth — and happy, more than anyone, can respect that.
bobby sighs, staring at the blonde for a long moment, before finally nodding, albeit reluctantly. “aye.” he may be old, cranky, and misogynistic, but he trusts jax enough to set all of that aside.
and opie’s much the same. he’d do anything for the man he’d grown up with, even this. “aye.”
juice beams, eager. “aye.” he had been the victim of their wicked club bylaws, himself. almost thrown out, and nearly forced to turn rat, because his father was black. he’s the last person that would advocate against change.
piney’s the toughest to crack, and happy’s sure that jax had considered this before bringing nic to the table. the old man is huffing and puffing in his chair like he might blow a little pig’s house right down, jaw clenched and fists curled. as one of the first nine, he’d been present when their rulebook was written. he’d been one of the men to vote yes to the ‘no women’ rule. he’s a proud member, and founder, of the she-man-woman-haters club.
but he’s also the one that’s always preaching about what john teller would’ve wanted, about what samcro can, and should, be. and they all know that if jax’s father was here today, he’d be all over this, much like his son is. “aye.” piney grunts. happy sees the thinly veiled relief in jax’s eyes.
it doesn’t take a telepath to know what tig’s thinking, to realize that juice’s words had hit home for the man. if he voted nay, and venus found out, she’d beat him over the head with her gucci purse, and have him sleeping on the couch for a month, minimum. and as many screws as tig trager has loose, he loves his woman, so much so that it’s nauseating, and he’d never blatantly do anything to offend her. “aye.”
“aye.” happy agrees, without hesitation. frankly, he doesn’t give a fuck what she has in her pants, as long as she has what it takes. jax seems to think she does, and he’s never given them a reason to doubt his judgement — well, maybe once or twice, but that’s besides the point.
“aye!” jax slams the gavel down. and just like that, kitty foster has an in. but whilst they’ve voted in her favor, happy knows that it doesn’t mean they’ll act in it. “bring her in.”
chibs jumps to his feet, all joy and humor draining from his face in a split second, just to make her squirm. he shoves the doors open, his voice bellowing through the chapel and the bar, his heavy scottish brogue ricocheting off the walls. “move it, lass! we ain’t got all fuckin’ day!”
kitty appears in the threshold, giving him a wary look as he shoves her unceremoniously in front of the table, though happy can admire how unbothered she seems by the harsh glares she receives from each of them; some genuine, some falsified. if it is a front that she’s putting on, it’s foolproof enough that not even he can see through it.
when he’d first noticed her sitting at the bar, he hadn’t spared her a second glance, not knowing who she was until jax had called church. now, though, he takes the time to look at her. like he’d originally thought, there’s not much about her that stands out; she’s tall, skinny, with a seemingly permanent frown on her face, and a ghostly sort’ve look about her — as if she had never known comfort a day in her life. she’s pretty enough though, he could admit; with pale, untamed curls, and a nice face, though rather guant and severe. he wouldn’t group her in with their croweaters or the caracara girls, but he figures that she gets plenty of attention.
what the fuck she possibly wants to do with a motorcycle club, he can’t even begin to imagine.
tig takes the initiative, starting without prologue, sneering at the girl as if personally offended by her very presence in the chapel. “probationary period lasts one year, minimum, and starts today. after that, if you last that long, we vote whether or not to patch you in.”
“dues are seventy-five dollars on the first of every month,” bobby chimes in. “you don’t pay, you don’t stay.”
she nods along silently, eyes narrowed and jaw ticking, though she seems more contemplative than aggressive.
jax stands then, picking up the kutte, donned with prospect patches, that he’d flung on the table oh-so dramatically when he’d called church. it’s small, suited to a woman, which meant that he’d been planning this for at least a few days if he’d gone and found colors in her size. awfully bold of him, happy thinks, though he chooses not to comment on it. he won’t claim to understand just how the younger man’s mind works.
he shoves the leather into kitty’s hands, and none of the brothers are oblivious to the wordless something that passes between them. “don’t fuck this up.” is all he says, but his tone is heavy.
the look she gives him is as sharp as a knife, somewhere in between amused and incredulous. whatever had happened with them, beyond the petty theft and battery, had been no small thing. they can all see it.
“don’t worry, prez,” she drawls, two parts mocking and one part wicked. it’s the first time happy, or anyone save for jax, has heard her speak. her accent is as thick as molasses, dripping from her tongue like honey. happy assumes that the southern twang had done her quite a few favors in her life. “i’ll make you proud.”
jax scoffs, but his lip twitches into an almost-smile. “put it on.” he orders, and they all hold their breath.
she slings the brand new leather over her back, their reaper coming to rest gently on her toned shoulders. it suits her, even happy has to admit. if the gleam in jax’s eye is anything to go off of, he agrees.
happy braves a glance at his brothers, all of them wearing varying expressions; some, hopeful, and others, bitter. he meets juice’s eye, and the puerto rican grins so hard that he figures it has to hurt his cheeks.
she’s looking at them too, he notices, sizing each of them up in turn. her eyes meet his for half of a second, searching within him for something — animosity, like tig, or approval, like chibs — but happy remains stoic, his facade impenetrable after all of the years he’s spent perfecting it. he thinks that she seems almost amused, as if humored by so many grown men being so very threatened by a chick.
and that’s exactly what they are; piny, opie, bobby, tig. they feel threatened by this woman, and what she will mean for samcro. they’re terrified of what changes her presence here will catalyze.
jax slaps her on the shoulder, looking immensely proud of himself. “welcome to samcro,”
godspeed, happy bids silently, hoping that she’s more than meets the eye — lest his brothers chew her up and spit her out.
but something tells them that they’d only break their teeth if they tried.
#sons of anarchy#happy lowman x reader#happy lowman#sons of anarchy fic#happy lowman fic#happy lowman x oc#sons of anarchy x reader#jax teller#chibs telford#juice ortiz#bobby munson#opie winston#tig trager#piney winston#join the murder
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If Peter + Jason, Dick and Tim went out on a boys trip
To Japan. As detailed through timestamps:
5pm - pregame
Tim has been day drinking at previous event and comes to the pregame mildly tipsy
On the contrary Jason forgot to skip his meds that evening (for the first time?!!) and is consequently suffering stone sober
(He’s tried to leave three times already and plans to perform an Irish goodbye)
Dick is a little tipsy but he’s saving it for the main event
Peter has accidentally had too many Shirley temples (unaware that they weren’t clean) and upon discovering so, has begun adamantly repeating that he’s ’not even drunk yet’. This will only worsen with time.
6pm - The drive
Tim ordered the Uber - he sent a venmo request to Jason and to no one else
“You scamming little freak that ride was not $60.”
“Oh yeah I added $40. For GST.”
“That’s not how GST works! You kno-YOU KNOW THIS! How the HELL are you running a conglomerate-“
Peter “I will listen to just about anything”Parker was on aux earlier but got muted when his megaplaylist wouldn’t stop playing brown noise
“why don’t you sort this shit by vibe? why is there a Rihanna song next to minecraft ambience? What is going on -?you know what- stop. GIVE IT HERE-”
Dick has been suspiciously quiet throughout the ride and it’s because he’s wearing earplugs. He and Peter have been sharing a packet of trail mix through the gap between the front and back seat since the trip began.
6:30 - Dessert stop
The first bar they go to is super dead so they ditch without buying a round (Peter grabs a sparkling water bc he feels bad 💔)
They stop at a dessert spot across the street that Tim insists they visit
Jason ditches halfway to go god knows where because the line is LONG
Dick starts chatting up the people in front of them to pass time (social anxiety fears him)
They end up getting invited to a street festival which they spontaneously decide to go to.
But then they’re walking and guess who they find near the Sanrio pop up entrance with bags fucking galore
And Jason refuses to elaborate aside from claiming “it’s a write off” but??
“you don’t even pay taxes??”
They’re in the centre of the street stalls line up and everyone has split off to explore the stall on their own
Tim is FaceTiming Steph obnoxiously loudly by the trinket stalls
Dick is taking selfies with his sakura shaped ice treat, ignoring the small gaggle of girls gearing up to approach him (he’s been asked about the club he Hosts at…three times already)
Overstimulated, Jason went into an alley for a mandatory shut up and smoke break.
Peter’s joined him but those spiked jelly shots from earlier are WORKING and the jet lag is making him sleepy so he’s crouching
But now they lowkey look like shady criminals from afar
Local authorities have circled the area twice to check on the gangsters in the shadows practically scaring the hoes
They end up having to go home early bc if it
This was just a silly idea that came to me while working on my Peter in Gotham fanfic so hope yall enjoyed :)
#dick grayson#peter in gotham#peter parker#spiderman#jason todd#tim drake#red hood#red robin#nightwing#sillyposting
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