#‘(package) being delivered today would be really great’
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plusultraetc · 3 months ago
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STOP it’s actually so cute
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ponderingmoonlight · 1 year ago
Yoriichi saving you just in time from getting killed by a demon
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Pairing: Yoriichi x midwife!reader
Word Count: 4k
Synopsis: Your job takes you to the poor Kamado family, who are expecting their first child. But instead of a joyful birth, you are greeted by the cruel claws of a demon. What luck that an extraordinary swordsman shows up on this fateful evening.
Warnings: near death, injury, child birth, I'm not a midwife mystelf so this part isn't that detailed, lots of angst but comfort, this is my first demon slayer fic EVER so please show some support, I really appreciate it 🤍 (added 2 additional pics into the fanfic because I'm so amazed by the insane quality of these ai pics)
Tags: @froufrousnowman
„Excuse my rude interruption, but is this the Kamado residence?”
You are exhausted, sweat dripping from your forehead on this warm summer day, the sun shining down on you with all its strength. But you were called here, so you came. After all, this is your job. As a midwife by heart, you fear no weather when it comes to aid another woman by delivering her child.
“Yes, I am Sumiyoshi Kamado. Are you the midwife we were calling for?”
The man in front of you smiles at you kindly. You can tell by one look into his inviting eyes that he’ll be an amazing father. But before that, you have some work to do.
“That’s right, my name is (y/n). May I see your wife?”, you ask kindly, taking off the package of tools you were carrying on your back.
“She’s sleeping at the moment, but please allow me to lead you inside. Would you like to eat or drink something? I just cooked dinner!”
The excitement dripping from his voice really warms your heart. In times like these, gifting a child into the world seems like a burden, like an impossible task. It was in no way granted that an expected child was in any way welcomed. You’ve seen it all, the horrible things father and mother would do to prevent the new life from existing, how fate itself decided to stretch its hands out and take the child away from this earth way too soon. You’ve seen tears of joy, tears of grief, tears of despair. But oh, just one loving look of fresh mother and father into their babies’ tiny face is enough to make it all worth it for you.
“How did your wife feel within the last days? Did she complain about pain, especially in her back? Bleeding? Did she have to defecate more often than usual?”
Carefully, you place your tools onto a white cloth and disinfect your hands with strong alcohol when entering the room.
“She looks very peaceful, that’s great”, you hush.
What a beautiful woman she is, laying on her side with her hands covering her belly even while she sleeps safe and sound. Instinctively you kneel down next to her, gently caressing her cheek.
“This is your first child, isn’t it?”
“Yes. And I am beyond grateful you decided to help her even though we aren’t able to pay you decently. I wish I could give you more-“
“Please, don’t worry about it. I really enjoy being here. And if it helps your wife, no coins in the world are a better reward”, you interrupt with soft voice, looking down at her one last time before getting up and silently leaving the room along with her husband.
Your eyes dart towards the small window. How lovely the sunset looks today. Is it already this late? You must have been traveling for quite some time. As if on cue, your stomach begins to rumble. Well, maybe a cup of tea and something warm to eat would be a blessing right now.
“I am a little nervous. After all, I know nothing about the birth of children and how to care for them afterwards. But I love my wife so dearly, imagining a little child with her eyes truly makes me feel whole. Do you have any children yourself?”
What a kind man he is, sitting opposite to you with a cup of tea in his hand and his eyes glistening in the down-going sun. Despite the cruelness of the world, the tales of demons hunting down humans with what seems like no aim, all the bitterness and tears, this man was able to keep his warm smile and optimism.
“No. While I do adore children, I am not married. It’s hard to find a man willing to marry a midwife”, you explain briefly.
There is no sense in denying the fact that you are of low birth, a self-taught midwife since no man was willing to teach you. And in a world full of gorgeous young girls with skin like porcelain and kimono’s worth more than your housing, you will never catch the attention of a male. But somehow, you’ve found your inner peace with that. After all, helping other woman to finally receive their own little family fills you with enough joy to overlook that you’ll never have a man or a chid by your side yourself.
Confident knocks against the wooden door rip you out of your conversation.
“Are you awaiting someone?” you question.
Within the village you live in, it is told over and over to not leave the house after sunset. And while you don’t consider yourself superstitious, not going out when it’s all dark always seemed plausible enough for you. But now, the sun almost set, the trees around you barely lighten by the weak beam.
“No, but maybe it is someone who needs help.”
You get up from the ground, mindlessly holding onto the cloak in your hands tightly while holding your breath. It might be someone in the need of help. But out here in the woods, who knows…Shivers run down your spine, eyes staring at the door filled with curiosity.
The sight in front of you isn’t one of a robber, an old lady in distress or a demon though. Your orbs widen slightly. No, this is a man. And what a man he is.
The way he carries himself with so much peace and elegance. He looks…majestic. His fuchsia eyes lay upon your host. And even though you don’t understand from afar what they are talking about, you can tell that his firm but calm voice could tame entire oceans. What a remarkable perfect face he has, the only interruption being a scar covering his forehead. So elegantly clothed with a katana attached to his belt? You draw a little closer, take in his sight a little clearer. He looks like one of the men you’ve seen before in your village right after a whole family was brutally killed during night. He was armoured with a katana too. Could it be?
“Are you a demon slayer?”
You want to curse yourself for speaking to him so ruthlessly, for interrupting their conversation so harshly. But you’ve got so lost in his sight that it seems your mouth opened itself.
“Indeed. This is a riskful area. Keep your doors and windows locked during night time and do not leave your wife unattended. Please don’t roam around the house on your own and stay with your husband”, he instructs towards both of you.
Why does he look at you while calling you “wife”? You blink a few times when realization slowly but surely hits you. Oh. Your face reddens instantly, eyes snapping towards your host in pure shock.
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“Oh, you misunderstood! She isn’t my wife, but the midwife that will help my wife delivering our firstborn. She’s sleeping at the moment”, he explains calmly while smiling at you.
The stranger’s eyes lock with yours, you can’t help but hold your breath. From all the men you’ve seen come and go in your lifetime, he definitely is the most captivating one. Is it because of his flawless appearance, because he carries himself with so much elegance? Or is it the calmness that radiates from his voice, the power you’re able to sense on him? Maybe nothing, maybe both.
“That is very kind for you. I will stay in this area tonight, but please look after yourself”, the stranger continues, glancing at you one last time before turning around and heading back into the woods.
“Thank you!”
“What an interesting man!”, your host comments towards you, closing and locking the door like he was told you.
“Do you believe in demons?”, you question.
His eyes darts towards you, the positive spark in them gone for the split of a second.
“I’ve witnessed a lot of deaths that happened during the night, terrible massacres with no one surviving. I am firmly convinced that a human being could never to something like that.”
“Humans can be cruel too”, you argue, pictures of all the horrible things you’ve seen within the years you’ve been working as a midwife flooding your mind.
Sometimes you can’t help but wonder who the real monsters in this world are. The demons, the wild animals? Or humans who pretend to be on top of the world, who tear down everything and everyone when they feel like it?
“That is correct. But we are trying our best, right? And that is all that matters for me.”
“It’s getting late, I should look after your wife. Is it alright if I rest with her for today?” you mumble, fingers fumbling with the white cloak to distract your mind from the stranger, from his words, from this whole conversation.
“Of course! I will prepare everything!”
You sign to yourself, gaze glued onto the woman laying in front you sleeping peacefully. Everything will turn good, right?
-at night-
Your eyes shoot open immediately, roaming around the dark room. There they lay, bodies intertwined with each other while being fast asleep. What was that fade away rustle you’ve heard, then? As quietly as possible you lift yourself off the futon Kamado-san prepared for you, naked feet greeted by the cold of the wooden floor underneath. Maybe you just dreamed it. Or is an animal outside? Given the fact that you are located in the middle of a forest, this wouldn’t be a surprise. You furrow your eyebrows, a fade away cracking from outside catching your attention all over again. No, something is off, you can sense it by the way your guts turn.
Instinctively, your hands grab the knife with which Kamado-san prepared your food just a few hours ago. You are by no means an experienced fighter, you have been skilfully avoiding situations like this your entire life. But waking up both of them over nothing would be ridiculous. Just a little glimpse outside the door, just to check on what’s probably a deer. Your heart hammers against your ribcage, palms sweaty in response.
With your free hand, you grasp the handle of the door. Breathe in, breathe out. Tame your pounding heart, get a hold of yourself. With a swift motion, you swing it open.
And get greeted by a pair of venomous red eyes.
There is no time to react any further. Not too late you are able to escape his grasp, naked feet carrying you further inside the forest.
“A demon! There’s a demon outside! Get into safety! A demon!” you scream on top of your lungs.
Please, let Kamado-san hear your desperate cries, let him drag his wife into safety. The disturbing tall and crippled figure of the demon draws closer to the house, closer to the soon to be family.
You don’t know what has gotten into you. Sympathy, a protective instinct? Whatever it is forces you backwards, right into the claws of the demon.
“I can’t allow you to harm a single soul in this house”, you hiss through gritted teeth, holding onto the knife in your hands for dear life.
How is it even possible to kill a demon? Do you even stand a chance against it? It doesn’t matter now. You slash forward with a cry of determination, aiming for its carotid artery. The cut doesn’t have to be deep if you hit him with enough precision, your muscle strength should be enough.
But before you are even able to come close to his body, his claw slices open your right arms with ease. Your eyes widen in pure horror, body unable to move even an inch. It moved so fast you weren’t even able to see its hand moving, sliced you open so effortlessly while you’re gasping for air like a fish on land.
Your body falls to the ground, the demon positioning itself on top of you. No, you won’t let it end like this. After all, you still have plenty of work to do, Kamado-san’s wife didn’t deliver her child yet. With full force you push your arms against it, trying to keep your keep your face out of its gaping mouth.
With one push you free your arm, yanking the knife into its eye. Now or never. While its loud groans fill the air with fright, you get off the ground, run deeper into the forest, desperately try to stay alive. You can’t die like this. Not you, not Kamado-san, not his wife, not their unborn baby.
But the demon is right on your tracks, hunting you down the dark forest without any mercy.
 A moment of inattention is enough for you to stumble over a thick branch, knees meeting the floor harshly. Is this your end? All you can do is stare up, glossy eyes widen in the dim moonlight with a tiny trail of its blood on your face. Hopefully the demon slayer from last evening will return soon enough to at least safe Kamado-san and his family. If not you, at least they need to survive.
There you kneel, face gone emotionless, orbs directed towards the frightening creature that lunges towards you. One hit. One hit of its claws will be enough to behead you. One second and your life will be nothing more than a fade away whisper in the darkness, ended way too soon just like so many others. You never thought it would be you, that of all the people you’d get killed by a demon slayer. After all, you were always so skilled in avoiding trouble, never allowing yourself to get into danger.
But oh, now you are. And it will cost you your young life.
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Yoriichi can’t catch his breath, feet carrying him so rapidly to the scene laying itself out in front of him that the trees around him merge. He told you to stay inside, to keep windows and doors shut. Why are you outside? Where are the man and his wife? Please, let it not be too late, let him be able so safe those people.
Finally. With a determined slash of his blade, the demon in from of him gets beheaded, its ashes raining down onto the ground. You look…uninjured. Frightened, in pure shock, but uninjured. And unbelievably lovely with the dim moonlight highlighting the delicate features of your face.
“Are you alright?” he questions softly, slowly approaching you and stretching out his hand.
Carefully he lifts your trembling limbs off the ground, your hand holding onto his for what seems like dear life while your sharp and heavy breaths hang in the cool air.
“Yes”, you finally breathe out.
“Are the other two alright? Did someone get hurt?”
“There are inside. It was only this one. I lured him away”, you huff.
 Yoriichi swore himself to never get close to another human being again, to fulfil his duty in silence. But you…Did you really risk your life for a family you didn’t even know until yesterday? Did you run into the woods so selflessly to distract the demon? What a brave woman you are, truly remarkable.
“I was hoping for you to return”, you add.
His warm hand feels almost therapeutic against yours, calming down your tingling nerves and beating heart. You survived. Is this really possible? While kneeling down and staring right into the face of that frightful demon, you already accepted your fate. But that he’ll show up like a knight in shining armour, saving you just before getting beheaded…It seems like a miracle to you.
“I came here as fast as I could. This area was full of these creatures”, he explains briefly, fuchsia eyes resting on you.
A thick stone falls from your heart. It’s him.
“Kamado-san, is your wife alright? Are you alright?” you blabber, the man sprinting towards you as if his life depends on it.
“You saved us. Even though you don’t even know me and my wife, you risked your own life to save ours. And you…You really came. I’m beyond thankful.”
He falls to his knees, leaving you completely speechless.
“She really was outstanding brave. Normally the sight of a demon alone is enough for most humans to lose their minds. You are exceptional, (y/n).”
It sounds so strange, hearing your name out of this charismatic stranger’s mouth. But the way his eyes lock with yours sends shivers down your spine, makes your heart pound against your ribcage all over again.
“What is your name?”
“Yoriichi Tsugikuni.”
Yoriichi. What an exceptional name that matches his majestic appearance perfectly. It seems so easy to get lost in his eyes, to study every inch of his face. And his smell…
“I don’t mean to interrupt your conversation, but I think my wife will deliver her child soon.”
Your eyes dart towards Kamado-san immediately.
“Why are you saying so?”
“Since she woke up from your screams, she seems to have contractions.”
You don’t think twice. As fast as your feet are able to carry you, you sprint back into the house, back to the reason why you originally came here.
-the next morning-
“Sleep well. You deserve it”, you whisper into the woman’s ear gently, wrapping her up inside a blanket before leaving the room discretely.
The birth went smooth and faster than you expected for a first born. Not long after you arrived by her side, she delivered the baby with tears of joy running down her face, her husband telling her over and over how much he loves her. It was bittersweet, seeing in front of your very own eyes what you’ll never have. Just after encountering him, just after those strange feeling that he triggered in you.
“I’m glad to see you are alright.”
You stop in your tracks, staring at the back of him in disbelief. There he sits, facing the sun while his broad shoulders catch your attention all over again.
“I’ll make some tea”, Kamado-san discretely announces before hushing into the house.
“I am in no way responsible for the miracle that happened tonight. That was you and Kamado-san’s wife”, you explain briefly, sitting down next to him.
The sun caresses your skin gently. You never thought its hot beams would calm your nerves before the incident of this night. You smile at the little bundle of joy Yoriichi is holding in his arms. Oh, how well it suits him. Someone like him must be a good father.
“I’ll be leaving after I had a cup of tea. It wouldn’t be right to keep eating for free here”, he announces all of the sudden.
“Don’t say that.”
Out of instinct, you place on hand on his firm shoulder and wrap the other around his strong biceps.
“You saved our lives tonight. It if hadn’t be for you, not only would we be dead, but this child you’re holding in your arms wouldn’t be born, either.”
“Don’t look at me like that.”
Your eyes freeze, unable to tear away from his beautiful sight. Why does he make you feel this way? What is it that makes this stranger so special? Is it his sword skill, his ability to fight? No. In fact, you couldn’t care less about that. It’s the way he carries himself, the elegance within every step he takes. It’s the fact that he sacrifices himself for others.
Just like you do.
“Like what?” you hush.
“As if I am some kind of special person. I don’t deserve the affection you hold in your gaze.”
“You deserve every spark of affection for your being”, you argue.
“You’re wrong about that. I failed to protect anything that was important to me. And throughout my life, I was unable to do what I was supposed to do. I am worthless.”
“How could you even say something like that? How could you talk about yourself so negatively after saving four lives this night?”
“Because of the countless lives I failed to protect.”
“So what? Does it make be a bad midwife that I wasn’t able to save every single child? The losses are tragic and never forgotten, but as long as we are doing our very best, there is nothing to regret. Tonight, you were able to save a young family. You should be proud of yourself instead of talking you down.”
He stands up, handing you the new-born carefully before grabbing his sword.
“Are you about to leave?” Kamado-san questions from afar, storming outside with tea in his hands.
You thoughtlessly hand him is son, eyes directed towards the charismatic man in front of you.
“I have to leave now. Thank you for your hospitality.”
“Wait!” you shout all of the sudden.
You don’t know what has gotten into you, but there you are, running after him and grabbing his hand just like you did this fateful night.
“Will I ever see you again?”
For a moment, time seems to stand still. He can’t believe his ears, usual tame heart almost beating out of his chest. When was the last time a woman ran after him, the last time a female even looked his way? He can’t remember. But especially you…Why would a woman like you be interested in a broken man like him? What do you see in him?
“Why would you want that?”
“I can’t tell. I just know I have to see you again”, you reply automatically.
The air between both of you seems thick enough to get cut by his knife, your eyes almost piercing through the back of his head. Please, just say something. Just move, turn around, smile. Just do anything besides standing still. Never in your life did you even think about the possibility to get to know a man better. Why him? Why a man you didn’t even know before last evening? Why someone who seems so unapproachable?
“You will see me again.”
And with that, he’s gone in the wind, leaving you with your feelings all over the place.
-a few months later-
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“I almost thought you wouldn’t come”, you comment, resting your head against the cool grass.
The weather changed. As soon as the evening arrives, it’s getting way too cold outside to stay for long. But when he’s here, none of that seems to matter.
“You know I always do. How was your day?”
He lays down next to you, closing his eyes for a brief moment while you position your head on his shoulder. Oh, how much you loved these innocent little meetings. After you returned to your little village, Yoriichi found you wherever you went. Always keeping an eye open for you, staying longer from meeting to meeting. Until you randomly laid down in the grass the whole evening, talking about your life and eventually, got even closer. Innocent touching, him drawing circles on your back while you rest your head against his chest, listening to the steady sound of his heartbeat.
“The baby I delivered today, they were actually twins. Two healthy girls, the father almost fell unconscious when he found out.”
Your cute little giggle lights up the air around him and fills his heart with joy he hasn’t felt in a long time. Being happy seems so easy since he got to know you.
No. It’s far more than simply knowing you. The feelings he holds for you go far deeper than that.
“I love you, (y/n).”
Your heart skips a beat, gaze darting towards him the second those magical words leave his lips. Did you dream that? Are you really resting in the meadow with Yoriichi telling you none other but that he loves you?
How much you longed for this sweet moment, how often you thought about saying those words too. Without hesitation, you press your lips against his.
While the world around you seems to fall apart, at least this is fine. Yes, laying here in Yoriichi’s arms while tenderly kissing him like you’ve always imagined makes everything around you whole again.
“I love you too”, you whisper against his lips.
Who would have thought going to work and almost getting killed by a demon would turn out this nice?
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slowlypalefire · 1 year ago
Harrison vs Victor Event story
Part 1
*The translation are not guaranteed to be entirely accurate, so expected some errors.
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The season is February. Valentine's day is getting close.
At the end of my mission, I secretly visited a popular chocolate shop.
(When it comes to Valentine's Day, of course,maybe chocolate?)
(It might be a good idea to give it to the Crown members as a token of your daily gratitude. Also-)
Harrison: "You're so happy even when you're alone. eh"
I heard a voice that made me stifle a laugh. When I looked behind me, Harrison was there.
Kate: "Harry, why are you here,Huh!? We should have separate a while ago..."
Harrison: "Did you think you'd manage to separate from me after the mission?"
Flash back
Harrison: "This is the end of this mission. Kate, from now on-"
Kate: "Ah, that's though! I have something important to do.I just remembered something, so please excuse me. Well then."
Harrison: "Oh, hey…Kate?"
End of flash back
Harrison: "It would bother me if you left in such an awkward manner."
"I thought you might get into trouble again, so I followed you and..."
Pausing, Harrison looked inside the store.
The interior was decorated with enthusiasm for Valentine's Day, and my purpose was completely obvious.
Harrison: "..Sorry about the that."
Kate: "It's okay. It was my fault for being too lax."
I'm trying to prepare for Valentine's Day It was easily discovered that I had done this, and I was relieved of my own naivety./
It was easily discovered that she had been trying to prepare for Valentine's Day, and she was relieved at her own carelessness.
Harry shook his shoulders funny, and said, while he looked into my face.
Harrison: “So, are you going to give it to me? Kate's 'chocolate' "
Kate: "That's-"
Victor: "I also want to receive chocolate from Miss Kate"
Kate: "Victor!"
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Harrison: "...Wow"/ "...Uwa"
Victor: "Gokigen yo, Kate, Harrison. I can't believe I ran into you all on my way here!"
"I am lucky enough to be loved today too."
"I’m a lucky boy!"
Harrison: "Guys like you really show up everywhere"
Victor: "It was a coincidence that we met like this.Coincidence! Let’s not be shy and get along."
Harrison: "Stop it, don’t cross your arms,Na. Don't come near me."/
"Stop, don't cross your arms. Don't do it. Don't get close to me."
Victor: "Again, again ~ I'm happy"
(This is how these two argue when they meet face to face.)
Perhaps the problem is that he cares too much, but Harry, who is usually an adult, only dislikes Victor, didn't even try to hide it.
(Is it like a parent and child? No, isn't it too old?)
(Anyway, I smile just looking at it.That's true, isn't it?)
Victor: "Valentine's day is important to both men and women.The fact that you can convey gratitude and love to others.It’s a fantastic event.
"I love Valentine's Day. Let's enjoy it!"/
"I love Valentine's Day. Let's have a lot of fun!"
Harrison:"...When you're like this, your voice is too loud"
Kate: "Fufu... But that's exactly what Victor says.Because it is a great event and i have to enjoy it "./
“Hehe... But Victor is right. It’s a special occasion. I have to enjoy it "
Victor: "I see! I think I'll buy one too.Well then.."
Clerk: "Um,I'm sorry. The product is currently out of stock."
Kate: "It's very popular.Don't you have anymore ingredients?"
Clerk: "The ingredients is out of stock as well.Right now, we are only accepting reservations for products."
Kate: "Eh?"
(It seems strange that there are no products at all even though it's before Valentine's Day and it's a good time for stores to fill out items.)
Harrison: "I knew it"
Kate: "After all, what does that mean?"
Harrison:"Take a close look inside the store.The package is just a decoration and the product is empty."
Kate: "Ah"
Harrison: "And this store smells like chocolate even though no one does not do anything."
"It seems like it's not just today that the chocolates disappeared.Is there a reason?"
Clerk: "That is,the supplier suddenly told me that they could not deliver the chocolate."
"The store manager is hurriedly investigating, but the cause remains unknown."
Kate: "I've never heard of cacao or chocolate being in short supply..."
Clerk: "Yes. It seems like something like this only happened at this store and its affiliated stores."
(Does this mean someone is buying up all the chocolate before it's distributed?)
Harrison: "Hey, Victor. I think it's about time you revealed the truth."
"You're not just passing by,
you came to this store for some reason...
Isn’t that so?"
Victor: "You're still good at seeing through me."/
"you're still good at spotting lies."
Unhaunted by Harrison's piercing gaze, Victor broke the ice.
Harrison frowned at Victor's smile, which was full of compassion, as if he were happy to see his child grow up.
Victor: "Even if you don't have chocolate, you do have tea, right? Can I order three of those?"
We were the only customers on the outside terrace.There was no one there.
It's cold season, but the tea Victor ordered warms my body from the inside out.
Victor: To put it simply, a certain trading company, it seems like the company president is interfering with the distribution of chocolate"
"It seems like they're buying up all the items from this store and its affiliated stores before they even hit the shelves."
Kate:"....No way, Jude"
Harrison: "You've become stained now."
Victor:"Haha, Jude is the president of a trading company, so it's no wonder."
"Of course Jude is not the culprit.This time, he is a good collaborator. "
"Jude told me his information. Of course, the high information fee has been paid."
Kate: "As usual, still demanding rewards i see"
Victor: "His name is Daniel Brown.
He is the president of the Lown Company.”
"Brown is a long -established trading company for three generations."
"Not only does he have trust in the company, but it seems like the people around him have a lot of trust in him as well."
"The best proof of this is that he have never fought with Jude in the past."
Harrison:"That means approaching him and finding out his motives and see if there is nothing else?"
Victor: “That’s right.Currently, there is little chance of an incident,
Normally, this is not an incident that would move the Crown."
"However, there is a possibility that a major incident may be lurking."
"Now that I know, there's no reason to leave it alone."
"And if things continue like this,I'll be in trouble."
His usual smile disappeared and he looked serious. Victor tells me.
Kate: "Is there something wrong, Victor?"
Victor: “If we can’t get the materials back... Kate's chocolate, i wouldn't be able to get it"
"This is a grave situation."
Harrison: "Kate has nothing to give you. You didn’t say anything."
Victor:"Oh, that's right."
"But- I didn't say I wouldn't give anything away."
Even though Victor was smiling, he was giving Harry a somewhat combative look.
Victor: “What do you think, Harry? How about compete with me to something like that?
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Harrison: "Game?"
Victor: "It would be better if we could solve this case first. Then Kate can give you chocolates."
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Harrison: "What if I say I don't want to compete?'' Then?"
Victor: "Those who don't fight are considered losers.Of course, you lose here."
Harrison: "....."
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"Okay. I'll ride this battle."
Kate: "What, what?!”
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Harrison: "What, that was a surprise?"
Kate: "Yes, Harry always avoids troublesome fights as much as possible in my image"
Harrison: "Well,if it's about you,That's a different story."
"Besides, when I'm provoked like this, I can't afford to keep quiet."
Victor: "I like it. That belligerent look. It gives me chills."
Victor returned to his usual smile and clapped his hands cheerfully.
Victor: "Okay, if that's decided, it's an undercover investigation. "
"I heard that a social club is being held at his mansion tonight.Of course, I have already obtained the invitation card."
Where did Victor lead us? I wonder if he was planning on getting into it.
I decided to leave it aside.
The Queen's Aide is extremely mysterious.
Victor: "However, there are certain conditions to participate ."
Kate & Harry: "Certain conditions?"
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umlewis · 8 months ago
lewis hamilton, p3, during the post-race press conference, spain - june 23, 2024 (transcript under the cut)
Interviewer: "Lewis, coming to you now. Many congratulations. Great to see you back on the podium for the first time this year. How much of a boost is this result for you and for the team?" Lewis: "Yeah, it's a big boost to finally get a good result. It's been a minute since I've been up here in the race, so a huge, huge thank you to the team, who have done an amazing job just with all the processes through the race weekend, but particularly everyone back at the factory for working so hard; the extra long hours to bring components to the car. And we're slowly, slowly getting closer. I mean, last year we were very fast here, so you have to take it with a pinch of salt, but obviously the last couple of races we've also been relatively competitive. So I think we have closed the gap a little bit, but we still have a good couple of tenths to try and find, so we just got to have all hands on deck and keep pushing." Interviewer: "Are you still fine-tuning this new package, or do you need more upgrades to close the gap to these two guys?" Lewis: "No. I think that's the maximum it's got, at the moment, and so… But, I mean, we're always fine-tuning it with subtle changes that we make, so we are always fine-tuning it when we continue to tune it through the year. But we need to bolt some stuff on, some extra bits to be able to compete with these guys." Interviewer: "Now, you had to overtake Carlos Sainz twice today. He was unhappy about the first of those moves, saying that you should have given the place back. Can we just get your take on what happened at turn one, there?" Lewis: "I mean, look, it's not a good feeling when you do get overtaken, and I think we had a nice, tight battle into turn one. I left him some room, so I think he was still on the track. But ultimately he left the door open on the inside, didn't fully close it, and so I went for the inside and tried to make the corner. I think he came around. I think we touched wheels equally and nothing major. It was like a small scrub. Gave him some room on the exit, and yeah…" [laughs] Interviewer: "Alright. Let's throw it forward now. Do you feel Mercedes are building some momentum now?" Lewis: "We definitely are. We definitely are. We're definitely getting more consistent, and if I can just get my qualifying to be like this weekend then it makes the Sunday so much easier. Also if you get a good start, but my Saturdays have been so bad for the last, like, fifteen races, so it's good to have a clean weekend, and hopefully this puts us in a good position to challenge in the next few races." Interviewer: "Thank you, Lewis. Thanks to all three of you. Let's open this to the floor. Name and publication, please."
[time jump] NOT SHOWN: Journalist: "Kevin Scheuren, Motorsport-Total.com. A question is to Lewis and Lando: Of course, I don't want to discredit you becoming driver of the day today, but Max is bringing in victory after victory, and there were slight boos at the podium, as well. So would you say that there is a lack of appreciation for the accomplishments that Max has in the general public from time to time?" Lewis: "Well, I mean, honestly, I'm not really a lot on social media or reading the news, so in terms of being, like… [phone pings, journalists laugh, Lewis laughs] Yeah. I don't really… I'm not tapped into that to know, exactly, but on the race weekends, he always has a huge crowd, always, so he's always got amazing support and, at the end of the day, he does a fantastic job. Every weekend he delivers, and he's got a great team and obviously a great car, but you can't fault him."
[time jump] Journalist: "Phil Duncan, PA. Lewis, you've obviously said that Mercedes are building a bit of momentum. Do you think that that victory is on the horizon, and how important is it to you to sign off your Mercedes career with a win before the year's out?" Lewis: "I mean, it's not the… It'd be /nice/, but I think, considering where we've come from, I think… Yeah, I think just having consistency and seeing if we can put the team further up in the points, I think it's got to be the target, but I think right now let's just try and have more consistent weekends like this and then we'll see. But we aren't yet currently in a position to be able to fight them for wins. You would say that maybe Montreal… I mean, George probably should have won that one, but if I'd qualified where I feel I should have, there was potential also there, too. So we'll see in the next few races. I think we've got these high-speed circuits. You know, the McLaren's always been quick and the Red Bull has been quick in A1 Ring. Silverstone… They'll also be very fast there, but I'm hoping that we are able to eek a little bit closer to them and give them a bit more trouble in the next four or five races. And then we’ve just got to keep bringing upgrades. We've got to keep improving the car. There's a clear improvement and there's just clear areas where we need to bolt on performance so that we can be in the fight with them."
Interviewer: "Thank you. Yep! Another one." Journalist: "Don Kennedy, HB Today, New Zealand Herald. Question for Lewis: Great drive today. Obviously you'll be pleased Mercedes is moving closer to the front, but how does that sit with you in terms of your decision to move to Ferrari next year, and does that give you some second thoughts, given that Ferrari now seems to be falling behind the car you're currently driving?" Lewis: "No, not at all. I mean, firstly, I love Mercedes. I've been with Mercedes since I was thirteen and I'll always be a fan and supporter of Mercedes, and my job this year, right now, is to work as hard as I can with the crew that I have, with the people back at the factory, to try and move and develop the car in the right direction. And so ultimately, whatever course and trajectory the team is on… For next year, for example, there are things that I've hopefully been a part of and be proud of being a part of. My job will start next year at the other team, who I think are doing a great job. I think they've had a couple of difficult races, but let's not forget they had a race win in Monaco. I can't tell you what is wrong with their car and why they are in the position they're in today, but they did bring an upgrade here and I think they are definitely progressing, so yeah… But it doesn't make me second-guess my decision at all."
Interviewer: "Thank you. Yes, more, more questions." Journalist: "Pilar from Paddock Magazine. Question for Lewis: You have mentioned that you are struggling a little bit on qualifying. Where do you think is the key to start improving the results? Is because of the set-up, or more about the pace of the car?" Lewis: "I mean, our pace is where we were, basically-third and fourth to this weekend-but I think our car has generally been very… It's quite peaky, and that means that it's often out of balance. It's very rarely that it's in balance and it's nice and smooth through a corner, and so set-up has been… I've obviously experimented a lot with the set-up over the last couple of years, but the car doesn't really like any of the set-ups but one, and it's slowly starting to just become nicer to drive. And then, ultimately, tires. Tires have been a huge issue for me, so I think we got it half-decent this weekend. If I can make some improvements over the course of the next races, I think there's more performance there."
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pbandjesse · 30 days ago
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I am annoyed that I had a package lost in the mail. I got a refund and rebought the things. And it was supposed to be delivered today at the museum but the post office claims the museum was closed. Which is not true! It was 11:40am!!! I just want my package!! Ugh.
But outside of that I am having a nice day. My back hurts a bit but I am in a good mood and it's been a good Saturday.
I did not sleep great. I had heart burn and leg pain. And I was just up a lot. Including at 7am again. And couldn't fall back asleep. At least I got to see James before they left.
I would be up until the sun was fully up at 9. And fell back asleep until 1030. Thankfully most of my pains had gone away. I got cleaned up and just out soft clothes on. I would get dressed later on for work.
I had breakfast and spent the morning resting. I decided I would get a sandwich for lunch but I was not in a rush. I spent an hour sewing for my quilt. And would start getting dressed and felt pretty good.
Sylvia sits really high under my ribs. But still is absolutely on my right side and it is very comforting to be able to feel her move. I am really nervous about having her be here, but also I'm excited to meet her in a few weeks!
I packed my little bag with activities (tablet to draw) and snacks (yogurt and gummy worms) and headed out.
I'm glad I left when I did because it took almost 45 minutes to get the locust point. It should take 12 minutes. Traffic from construction was horrible. But I wasn't in a rush and I had lots of good music so I was just jamming. A lot of people around me seemed very stressed out but I was fine.
When I would finally get to Jimmy John's I got my sandwich and ate there. I would walk around the grocery store for a bit. I finally found a round brush that I liked! And then I headed to the museum.
I got there around 1:30. I was very happy to see James and a few friends. James was feeling a bit sad and frustrated by low attendance for our $5 day. But more people would come in and things were alright.
We didn't have a ton of idea of what was happening with the event. We didn't know who the catering was. And I was like. It's all good. I'll just go wait in the bay. But they wouldn't end up coming for an hour and a half. So I would bounce from back there, to the desk, and back. I chatted with some guests. I chatted with Jesse. I ate to many gummy worms and made my stomach hurt. But I drank water and tried to just be chill while I waited.
When the catering came they have been great. Super coordinated and barely needed any directions. While they haven't been with us for a while, apparently they have been here for years before for other Hopkins events. Works for me.
And it's been a nice evening. People are just starting to arrive now. I hope to get some food at some point. But I had my yogurt so I'm not starving. It's been fun talking to coworkers about baby. And this is a pediatric event so lots of attention on my baby bump for sure!!
Honestly it's great being round. This is the least self conscious I have probably ever felt about my body. I will miss it for sure I think.
Now though I'm just greeting people and drawing on my tablet. I hope all the resident doctors have a really fun party.
And I hope you all have a great evening. Tomorrow I have my first class of the year with the autism society. And I am just hoping for an excellent day.
Until tomorrow! Goodnight!
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brightlight-dazzlingeyes · 2 years ago
between the lines | chapter 01
rúben dias x original female character [+18]
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synopsis: isabella is a sports journalist covering the premier league. she has sworn to never get involved with a football player. that is, until she meets a handsome portuguese defender. warnings: incorrect journalism references; timeline of events are not faithful to real life; i have never been to england; mutual pining; romantic comedy;  minors dni.
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Chapter 01 — Are you Tottenham in disguise?
It was a chilly day in greater Manchester, and in the morning I decided to pay a visit to my little niece Lucía. She had recently achieved the incredible ability to pronounce my name. Well, not my name exactly, but she does say ‘tía’ with the confidence of a young lady that knows I would die for her.
“She’s so cute!” I say cheerfully. Sienna, my sister-in-law, dressed up the baby in several layers of pastel colored clothing as we prepared to take a walk with her. Baby Lucía looked like a little package of cotton candy. The cutest.
“I know, and you’re welcome!” Sienna winks at me as she puts Lucía in her stroller. She enjoyed being walked around the neighborhood for a couple blocks before going to her daycare. Lucía had a strict and healthy schedule, it actually makes me jealous. The baby has a morning routine! She uses moisturizer! “So, you’re working today?”
“I am! City and Arsenal, later today. Want to bet on the score?” We used to do this every week, the loser would buy ice cream.
“2-1 for Arsenal.” Sienna says.
“I’m going with 3-1 City.”
“Oh, that reminds me!” Sienna looks at me excitedly. “Oh my god, I completely forgot!” She starts giggling. “You’re not going to believe it!” The thing about my dear in-law is that she never goes straight to the point.
“Sienna, come on! Just tell me. What is it?”
“Lucías’s pediatrician is single!” She raises her eyebrow, suggestively.
“Yes, and…?”
“He’s a great guy, I swear! Carlos and I agreed you two would be perfect together. Your brother didn’t tell you?”
No, my brother didn’t tell me. He probably didn’t think it was important, as Carlos never thinks anything is important ever. I’m just glad to hear he’s thinking about my happiness when I’m not around. After delivering Lucía to her important daycare business, we walked together to the Metro. I would be meeting with Melissa Reed, who worked at DAZN, near the Etihad, for lunch. Sienna was being kind enough to walk with me, but I quickly learned her intentions. She’s been trying to set me up with her friends and cousins since the first time we met. Now we upgraded to pediatricians. That 's interesting.
“I don’t know… If things go south it will be awkward between you guys. I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“The guy is a professional, alright? It won't be awkward, don’t worry!”
“How old is he?”
“Less than 50?” She crunches her nose and I laugh.
“Less than 50 is nice. I guess… Set me up?”
What do I have to lose, honestly? I’ve been single for the past 3 years and have been spending my nights daydreaming about football players. Dinner with a doctor under 50 would be nice for a change. Sienna hugs me while promising me I won't regret my decision, which is always a sign someone is making a bad decision, by the way. Melissa agrees with my sister-in-law, when I tell her about the possible upcoming date.
“You need to get out there, girl. If I had your face and your titties, I would have a long line of men at my feet!”
“Well, you do!” I point at her. Mel is gorgeous and an avid heartbreaker, she’s almost a decade older than me, so sometimes she can behave more like a mentor, or an older sister. We met quite recently, through work, always bumping into each other at press conferences, and she quickly became a close friend. 
“You need to be more confident. Words of reinforcement really help, you know?” Mel says, “Just say ‘I’m interesting, I’m smart’.” She fixes her posture, looking at me assertively.
“I’m interesting, I’m smart.” I repeat with a whisper, trying to copy her pose.
“Yes. Go ahead, ‘I can do anything I set my mind to’.”
“I can do anything.” There's a silence as we nod at each other. “I could fix Chelsea.”
“You could fix Chelsea! You really could.” She pats me in the head. “And you're going to rock this date with a hopefully handsome doctor!”
And then, there was the match. So, listen, the thing about working with what you love is: sometimes that’s your only option. When I was a teenager I went through what we called a phase. I stopped talking, I didn’t want to go to school anymore. I lost interest in all my previous hobbies. My dad, who thank god was still alive at the time, took me to a shrink. The guy asked a bunch of questions and all I remember was that in one of my answers I told him ‘the only thing that gets me out of bed is football’. All these years later and that’s still true. 
I worked on the weekend after my dad died even though I hadn’t eaten anything for days. Football is my religion. So I have nowhere else to go. I went to college and graduated in Journalism and immediately started working with the sport. And it’s at night like these that I’m reminded of why I made this career decision. 
It was clear it was a special night hours before the match, there were a lot more reporters and former players in the stadium than the usual. A proper special occasion, with the Prem trophy being displayed in the middle of the field before the game. The City fans cheered like it was Champions League night. Incredible atmosphere. Later, after the Blue’s 3rd goal, one of the chants accused Arsenal of being Tottenham in disguise, referencing the London rivals recent 6-1 loss. I went into the Etihad press room buzzing with excitement. Of course, I interviewed Rúben. I’m in charge of trying to talk to him ever since a lovely interaction with my boss.
“You speak Portuguese, right?” He asked.
“Well, no, but I’m spanish.”
“That will do.”
So now I have to interview every player born in the Iberian Peninsula or in Latin America, regardless of the language I speak. I’m just thankful nobody told him Italian and French are also romance languages. Rúben was shining and smiling brightly, the man looked ridiculously beautiful when he was happy. As he should, it was a magnificent victory and he earned that smile.
“Olá, Isa!” He says.
Oh, shit. He remembers my name. Of course he does, I mean, we talk practically twice a week. Shit. Quick, say something cool. Something sensual, but professional. Make him want you, but don't let him know you want him as well.
“Hi.” I end up saying. The rest went as usual, ‘are you feeling confident about the title’, ‘what are your thoughts on the team performance’, etc. He was charming and polite, and 100% not flirting with me, no matter what my stupid brain tried to convince me. Just because a man has beautiful brown eyes doesn't mean he’s trying to sleep with me. Unless…
“See you Sunday?” Rúben asks as we say goodbye and I just nod, dumbly. I don’t remember him making such questions before. Or maybe I’m just holding on to silly signs because I have a big stupid crush on him.
Sienna: thanks to haaland i’m not paying you ice cream :) also, date set with sexy doctor  monday, lunch, your favorite restaurant and you’re welcome :p
She sends me a picture of said sexy doctor, and I’m obliged to agree with her. He definitely looks younger than 50 and on a 0 to 10 ranking, very close to an 8. Next day I’m in London, meeting up with Sebastian before heading to the Tottenham Hotspurs Stadium.
“Por favor, Isa, let me say ‘bottled’, it’s all I have left today.” The Spaniard says grinning at me.
“You had a rough week, take all the victories you can get, my friend.” I pat him in the back as he laughs. Seb then puts his arms around me as we set up our equipment, still grinning.
“Hey, can I ask you a favor?” 
“Sure…?” I speak, unsurely.
“If my team loses today, just shoot me.”
Working with football is amazing, but being a football supporter is really something else. It’s common for correspondents to get attached to a team of the league they’re covering. For me it never really happened, since I keep moving from league to league every couple of years. Thank God, being a Valencia supporter since a little kid,– thanks, mom and dad – I suffer enough.
I decided to spend the night in London, and only go back home tomorrow morning, so after work I go to the least expensive hotel room I could find. Seb and Melissa accompany me for a few drinks at the hotel bar and then once again I go to bed daydreaming about the one who should not be named. I cowardly open his Insta profile while hiding underneath the covers, like that’s going to protect me somehow. 
Except, there’s something different this time. Holy shit. He 's following me. That’s normal, right? Yeah, we’re basically coworkers! No need to freak out. Come on, Isa, get a grip. He’s not the first player to hit the follow button and he won’t be last. In fact, I have a long list of answered and unsolicited DM’s from the most random players, but we don’t have to go there. After weeks of creepy stalking the poor fella, I follow him back immediately. Maybe that will help. We’re officially practically coworkers now, in a way, right? Just a couple of colleagues who follow each other on social media. No more blushing, no more drooling over shirtless and carefully curated thirst traps.
I open the picture Sienna sent me of the pediatrician. Okay. Monday, lunch… My favorite restaurant, even! Sounds like a good plan.
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experimentfae · 1 year ago
Eddie Dear x GN! Reader
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Today was raining well really it was practically pouring cats and dogs, you sometimes watch it rain and to feel one with nature and today was one of those days. You sat down and watched the rain hit the earth.
But while doing so you also saw the local mailman but he didn’t have an umbrella, he must of forgot it again he was always forgetful. “Eddie do you need an umbrella I have one to give!” You shouted out hoping he heard you.
“What?!” Of course he didn’t “no worry I’m heading over there to give your mail!” Guess you just tell him when he’s close enough.
He ran towards you waving his arm frantically and his other arm holding what must be your package, “here ya go (y/n).” You blush a little you always did love his southern accent. He got onto you’re porch happy to be away from the rain, He handed you’re mail “thank Eddie but you should be more worried about you, you need an umbrella let me get you one.” He had a look of surprise.
“No it’s ok (y/n) I don’t need one.” “Oh hush now, you need one.” You grabbed the umbrella that was on your porch “it’s sweet (y/n) but I can’t really hold it I need to hold this huge package that doesn’t fit in the bag.” He showed you the big rectangle box, You had an idea.
“Let me come with you.” You suggested “well we have to walk for a while you’re my first delivery, but if you want I would love some company.” You smiled and went to get your rainy day outfit. You came back and made sure to put the umbrella under him “thanks (y/n).” “No problem, now let’s get a move on.” You two walked to the next location to howdy’s.
Eddie knocked on the door and opened the caterpillar himself “hello Eddie and (y/n)?” “Yeah I came with Eddie to help him through the rain, he forgot his umbrella.” You explained “that makes sense.” Eddie seemed offended by that “what that’s supposed to mean?” “Oh come now Eddie we know that your mind is always so busy in the clouds.” Replied howdy.
“I guess you’re right though, here’s your mail.” Eddie then handed howdy his mail “thank’s Eddie I’ll see you around and (y/n) good luck.” He winked which made you beet red in embarrassment “howdy.” You growled warning him not to say anything.
All he did was chuckle and then closed his door and Eddie looked confused but didn’t seem to question it, Eddie and you went back to walking. “So Eddie how’s being a mailman like?” You asked always wondering how it felt doing work like his.
“Oh it’s great, ya know my mother was a mailman i wanted to be just like her, so I got into the mailman job.”He answers seeming happy to remember his mother. “Aw that’s sweet.” You smiled him blushing by your comment but also by your smile.
Stop after stop of house you and Eddie talked a lot about you’re hobbies, you learned that he really enjoys arts and crafts, and he was fasinated by (you’re fav hobby). “Wow i wanna try that.” He admitted you smiled “oh you should it’s very fun.”
You guys made it to the last stop of his delivery, home “hi home.”You spoke “hello home.” Eddie said right after as you waved you’re hand, home seem to say hello back in creaks at least you assume. “Got a package for Wally, I bet it’s canvases.” Added Eddie as he showed the rectangle box to home.
The door opened to see Wally and his eyes widen seeming his package “hi Eddie thank you for delivering my package.” Wally spoke in his usual monotone voice, he then noticed you.
“Oh hello (y/n) are you thinking of becoming a mailman?” “Oh no just helping Eddie through the rain.” You answered “oh well glad neighbors that you’re here I was running out of canvases and needed some more, how are you Eddie?”
“I’m good doing my usual, what you’re painting?” “I’m probably gonna paint a train or the sky.” Wally replied still forgiving out his new star master piece. “But I should go back inside bye Eddie and (y/n).” Wally went into home which now left you Eddie and you.
“Guess you were right about Wally’s package.” You laughed out you heard creaking laughter by home, home was just as amused. Eddie joined in ok the laughter “told ya.” The laughter eventually died down.
Goodbye home.” You both said and home creaked goodbye. So you guys walk away until you decided to speak up “So finish with work right?” You were hoping it was down to be honest, you loved hanging out with Eddie but being in a rain for so long isn’t as appealing.
“Yeah guess I’ll go back to the post office.” He begin leaving until you grabbed his arm this made jump a little in surprise. “No way! I wanna hang out at least for a hour or two I wanna catch up.” You admitted blushing secretly hoping to spend time with him a little more, it was no surprise that you had crush to him everyone knew except Eddie.
“Of…of course I’ll love to come to my your house.” You both begin the walk towards your home “(y/n) you know I always wanted to say that you look really cute when you’re very happy.” He admitted, You immediately got flustered “really?” You asked hopeful that it was the truth “yeah and thank you again for helping me during the rain.”
You smiled “you’re welcome and besides I would do anything for you ed.” Making him blush due to the nickname you gave him, “well guess I’ll have to figure out a nickname for you.” “better think of something good ed.” Both you walked home glad to be to spend time together.
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burnwater13 · 1 year ago
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Greef Karga holding Grogu. The Mandalorian, Season 2, Episode 4, the Siege.
I published this story on AO3 March 31, 2023. I brought it back today because of Carl Weather's passing. Gone, but never forgotten.
Grogu had lots of opinions about Greef Karga. At first he just thought he was a person that the Mandalorian would at least talk to. That was a plus. He had celebrated the Mandalorian’s skill as a bounty hunter (that’s what Din eventually told him), but the first time Grogu met him, the big man was disappointed, then angry, then vindictive…
It wasn’t Grogu’s fault that the Mandalorian had made a promise to deliver a package to the Client and then changed his mind about it after he completed the task. Shouldn’t people be able to change their minds? It was pretty clear to Grogu that Greef was pretty good at changing his mind. 
First he thought Grogu was just some sort of critter, rather than a person. Then he thought Grogu was just a hungry critter… well he was hungry a lot, but he didn’t eat sentient beings. Even if they smelled delicious. The Force was very strict about that sort of thing. Pretty hard to use it if you ate all the things that it connected to, right? 
Then Grogu healed Greef Karga the Betrayer because to Grogu people who were hurt were more like Greef Karga the Short-Sighted. If Greef had realized that Grogu had the ability to use the Force he might have thought twice about going after the Mandalorian just because Din changed his mind about letting Dr. Pershing have him to experiment on. 
After all, what was it really to the bounty hunters that Din concluded the job and then as a whole separate transaction decided that children shouldn’t be handed over to people who weren’t going to care for them? Din had to follow his creed as a Mandalorian. Grogu had thought that a man as savvy as Greef Karga would have understood that. Add Greef Karga the Forgetter of Things to the list of who he’d been.
But now, well, he had changed again, again. He’d become a magistrate on Nevarro. That sounded like a pretty important job. He ‘magistrated’, whatever that was. Din Djarin said that meant Greef was a leader on Nevarro and was responsible for the safety to the people who lived there. Wow. That was an important job. Greef Karga, the Protector of People, was a better title than magistrate. At least it told you what he did. 
What Grogu really liked was that Greef understood the relationship Grogu had with the Mandalorian. Bounty hunters must not be considered very reliable because the first thing he asked was if Din had been taking good care of him. 
Well… Grogu would have to agree that the Mandalorian was generally doing a pretty good job. After all, he was still in one piece. No one had kidnapped him. He’d grown a little. And he wasn’t as hungry as he had been before he knew the Mandalorian. Those were all pluses. 
Then Greef Karga asked him the question that really proved that he was Greef Karga of the Keen Insight. Was Grogu taking 'good care’ of Din Djarin? Wow. What a great question.
Mostly the answer was ‘of course, how could he possibly not take care of the bounty hunter?’ But it was really a more subtle question. What was good care?
Grogu tried to make sure he healed any physical injury the Mandalorian had as quickly as he could. Those little nicks from shaving his whiskers periodically were tricky because of the whole helmet thing, but Grogu had worked out a method (shush, its a secret). But that wasn’t all ‘good care’ was about, right?
So Grogu tried to make sure that the Mandalorian ate regular meals, stayed hydrated, and got a good amount of sleep. But those were just the barest necessities for a person. What about his emotional health? How did Grogu care for him in that way?
Grogu smiled as he thought of the series of enrichment activities he had devised for the bounty hunter. First was sharing the toy, the silver ball. They both needed play as part of their lives and that ball had been critical to that. Then, Grogu had added some other enrichment activities like, run with the critters (uff, spiders are too fast), pet critters (rancors were better for this than Krayt dragons), and play hide and seek (usually with Din’s helmet - oops that’s the secret). 
Grogu was pretty satisfied with how his program of care and feeding for the Mandalorian bounty hunter was going. Greef seemed to agree, because now he was Greef Karga, Proud Uncle. That’s a pretty nice title too.
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naradivision · 7 months ago
“Happy Birthday!
I don’t know if this present will get to you in time, but I think it’s only fair I return the favor after the presents I got from you for my birthday a while back! I was told you wanted to speak with me but I haven’t gotten to meet with you since then! Do stop by my office, we can meet up and have a talk if you’re still up for it! Hope you had a great birthday!
Anika Kiyozaki from Akihabara Division”
With a smile, Yuuya Kanata closed the letter that had been taped to the outside of the package that had just been delivered on his front doorstep.
Last he remembered, he had been curious about the uncanny similarity of his and Kiyozaki-san’s eyes. The package that was now sitting in his living room brought it back to his attention.
Shaking his head with a smile, he peered into the package that was delivered to him.
Inside was a—
What the heck?
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Inside were multiple goose statues, the beaks being magnetic and able to hold various items such as keys, knives for the kitchen, and several more.
Let it be known that if there was anything the hypnotherapist of Akihabara loved, it was gag or prank gifts.
“Woah, look at what got here human! Are you going to adopt these lovely goosey goosey ganders?!”
Exclaiming excitedly at Anika’s presents was ANGE the high-definition digital girl who was now floating on Yuuya’s television screen.
And as if the previous awkward moment between them had never happened, she let out an airy giggle, drawing a soft smile from the birthday boy who was now busy bringing stuffs he got from townspeople into his living room.
“Goosey, you say? At first I thought they were ducks. But welp, these two birdies are way too similar. I can’t really differentiate them from one another.”
Joking a bit about the goose vs duck paradox, Yuuya was just returning home from his personal errand to deliver presents to other divisions.
Because much to one’s surprise, there were few acquaintances who were coincidentally sharing the same birthday with him. However, he didn’t expect the townsfolk to give him this many gifts during his way back home. It was always very nice of them; his hometown’s people, their hospitality had never failed to make him feel touched ever since he was a lot younger. And that was one of the reasons why he had tried so hard to keep his hometown unscathed from whoever’s exploitation.
Hot and humid, the first summer draft was slipping through the balcony and bringing along the warm and woody scent from his father’s room to his senses.
And even if today was meant to be the longest day of the year, now looked like the sun had been shifting lower and lower toward the horizon.
Suddenly swarmed by emotions, the birthday boy gazed at the distant evening sky that bore the same shade as his eyes.
…That’s right, his birthday used to be so lonely since he usually spent it alone mourning. But somehow this year was shaping up to be a bit different.
His smile softened as he could hear his chatty companion explored each of his presents with sparkling enthusiasm.
“Tee-hee, couldn’t believe that the meme ANGE stumbled upon on the internet one day would be actually brought to life! This lady you called Kiyozaki-san has got a great taste! Humans sure are being creative~”
—And well, he was glad to see her being back to her energetic self again.
Earlier she seemed to be oddly quiet that he felt somewhat frustrated she might be mad at him. Together with Ojou-chan, she had always been the liveliest voice in his home.
“Oh. And to think about it, Kiyozaki-san did tell me to give her a visit sometimes too. Hmmm, perhaps I should drop by her clinic whenever I get a chance to go around Akihabara…”
From what extent he knew about this Kiyozaki-san beside her being the leader of Pixel Syndicate was that she had been once a high-rise racer but now turning over to become a specific type of professional therapist after suffering grave injuries from a certain accident in her past. What’s more? She was also the current guardian figure to Setsukura-san, one of his underclassmen at his old school! So, that was probably why he could feel the mature-ish comforting vibe to her despite her rather mischievous streak judging from her choice of gifts.
And while there might be some barrier of communication in between them according to her partial loss of hearing, this couldn’t make him less interested in learning more about sign language.
Still, Kiyozaki-san’s motive in joining the D.R.B. remained quite unclear to him.
Though her background sounded like she was a fame seeker in the past, some part of him believed she was also exhausted with all that stuff as she had changed into her new career to help people, hence she might as well have another reason to sign in this suspicious tournament aside from seeking either its prize or glory… Actually, it would be a blatant lie that the majority of participants did join it without some kind of hidden agenda —He himself even had one of his own.
But if you ask him what about her that caught on his curiosity the most, the answer was undoubtedly her eyes: the sunset color, the unique scheme he had never seen anyone with this same shade so far except…
His sister, his nice and kind nee-san whom he had never seen in years
And damn it, before he could grasp a hold of his emotions, his sickening nostalgia began to striked up. He was well aware that Kiyozaki-san was obviously different person from his sister, yet she strongly reminded him of her.
His nice and kind nee-san… Just where are you now?
There were too many things he was always yearning to hear from her but sadly never got a chance to.
…How has she been up to this present? Is her new family being nice to her? Is city life that great compared to here? Is there anything she wants to tell him, her only little brother? Any story she would love to tell like she always does when they were young? Or literally, any, anything. Or at very least, he wanted to ask her if she perhaps got bored of his calls… Also, what about mom? Has she… even smiled more than when she was still with him?
A stream of feelings stirring up inside his chest, the sunset gleam in his eyes wavered like a fickle light dancing on the ripples. But before he got more indulged into his own turmoil, Yuuya sharply inhaled.
…Nah, just kidding, there was no time for him to be sad.
Thinking as such, the boy who had now grown older as a young man wiped the evidence of his emotions off the corner of his eyes and stood up.
…His clubmates had just called him that they were gonna throw a karaoke party for him this dinner. Hi-chan was also attending. That old man was probably not coming, but he was already grateful for him to keep his promise on sponsoring his education up to this present. And on top of everything, he was finally graduated and now was one step closer to his dream. Therefore, he should be happy. He had got to be. There was no way he wasn’t… He wasn’t a lonely little brother who was in need of some pampering anymore.
Suppressing his pathetic self deep down the bottom of his heart, Yuuya let out a long sigh. He still had a project needed to be done anyway, and yeah —This must be the best way to keep himself distracted for a while.
However, unbeknownst to him,
A pair of bright red eyes were kept watching after his back with a bewildered look…
—Thanks for the gifts! And sorry for getting late lmao
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docholligay · 2 years ago
Eurovision: The winner tomorrow
So my other two posts: Maybe y’all will STILL care about random drama tomorrow, and WHY the running order matters, but after tomorrow, NO ONE will care about my thoughts about who might win, who I’d like to see win, and the odds. WARNING: I FEEL LIKE THIS IS OBVIOUS BUT I DISCUSS ALL THOSE THINGS BELOW
My preferred winner out of the top two (Sweden and Finland): Sweden. I have no particular love for Sweden’s song, but I am annoyed that Finland cannot sing his, at all. I have been singing this song during my slow runs, to test my theory that I could be doing a brief canter about a box and actually sing-talk that song, versus being held up by a backing vocalist on a song that is not difficult. I liked that song SO MUCH before my disappointment that he can’t actually do it. Sweden brings a VERY tight package, and while neither of those are my favorite, I prefer Sweden’s ability to hit the note they said they could.
My preferred winner of the top 5: There’s a wide gap between 2 and 3 in the odds, so I grouped these--I’d like to see Spain win. She has a very clear idea of what she wants to see happen onstage, and she executes this song perfectly every time. It won’t because the style is something that does not have mass appeal, but I’d like to see it.
My preferred winner of the top ten: Spain, above. Would have been France, but she’s not been executing in rehearsals.
My winner because I’m allowed to let whatever I want to happen: There are three!
Portugal: This is my favorite song of the year, I would LOVE to see more broadway/cabaret style music there, no one has EVER EVER won from second position, and I love that she’s just a 38 year old real estate agent.
Belgium: Not for love of the song, but love of Gustaph, which I DO think is a little bit of a crime, but there we are.
Croatia: I really adore this true punk shit, but also, in an early interview they said if they won they would be naked and have sex onstage, and I want that. More importantly, I want the BBC to have to deal with that.
Who i THINK will win: Sweden, and I’m not mad. they brought an excellent package, they will be great hosts, and I want to see Ireland’s record go down because it was only due to the language rule.
Odds top ten to win and my thoughts:
Sweden: Loreen is just, good
Finland: he would be a shoo in if it were tele only. I liked him a LOT before the semi where it was revealed he can’t deliver an easy to sing song (yes I am still mad abotu this)
Ukraine This high for political reasons. Not that it’s a shitty song or anything but it’s firmly midtable.
Israel: There was a fuck up in the jury show today that will keep her out of winning contention
Spain: Too divisive to win, but also in my heart. When people say they want ethnic music, they mean “stuff i already like but with a flute”
France: MAN, do I hope all this is wrong and she KILLS on Saturday.
Norway: I keep meaning to do a post on the difference between a whistle note and a high pitched scream.
Italy: I love this song; it is this high because of a tendency to favor Italian entries.
United Kingdom: I SO disagree with this to the point of being shocked when i saw it. I think the Uk is in danger of bottom 5. Maybe not because it’s a bop or whatever, but she is NOT performing this song well.
Austria: Love this song. Wish the staging rose to it.
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justmetalkingaboutstuff · 2 months ago
My Own Private Asshole of the Internet! (Assholes of the Internet vol. 5)
I guess it was inevitable that at some point in time I'd have my own personal encounter with an asshole of the internet in the wild and today was my lucky day! YAY!
Just kidding. Totally not a yay. More like a WHATTHEFUCKAAAAYYY?
I'll give a screen shot to show you that this did indeed occur but I'm not going to screen shot the whole thing because it got too long. If you haven't figured it out by now, brevity is NOT my strong suit. I'm the only person I've ever known who has had a teacher (college professor actually) tell me to take my paper back home and make it SHORTER. So, you know, you've been warned.
A couple of days ago I had a great interaction with the customer service team at a small business that I buy a good deal of merchandise from because their stuff is so cute. When I have a really positive experience I often like to share that with others so they know what businesses I support and why. I do this because most of the time if people have a bad experience with a company they'll share online so everyone can see but if they had a good experience they may only tell a couple of people or maybe nobody at all. I think that businesses who go above and beyond should be celebrated for that. So in my attempts to try to spread positivity in the world, I try to share the good stuff because there's so much negativity out in the world.
** Obligatory shout out to Hubman and Chubgirl stationary out of Vancouver, Canada. If you're still using a paper planner and want to decorate it with really cute planner stickers or you just enjoy really cute vinyl stickers that are very high quality and will stand up to even the dishwasher's abuse (I like to put them on my water bottles) then you should definitely check them out! **
My original post goes as follows:
Just gotta give a shout-out to the INCREDIBLE customer support at Hubman and Chubgirl! I placed an order in mid-to-late November but knew that it would take a while to get here due to the Canada Post strike, holiday orders, lots of new orders, and it being an international order (to the US).
By the time Christmas came I did start to wonder what the status was on my order so I logged in to the website, only to see the status as “delivered.” Only I didn’t receive it and my awesome neighbors who will always bring anything of ours that they receive by accident. But since it was the holidays I wanted to double check with them just in case they’d forgotten. Still, no luck.
I emailed customer support and let them know what had happened and they are replacing everything and sending me another package. So many other companies will make you jump through hoops before they will replace lost orders but H&C makes the process so much easier.
My best guess as to what happened is that our new postman delivered my package to a house that’s not in my small neighborhood and when the recipient saw the cute Happy Mail box they decided that instead of doing the right thing and returning it to the post office to instead open it and keep the stuff for themselves. It’s disappointing that people in my town don’t choose to do the right thing. But at least H&C does!
All of the comments were really nice as well. People sharing their own experiences or commenting that it's nice to see a company's customer service be so friendly and nice. All pretty typical for this group. Actually, come to think of it, I've never actually seen a negative thing on there until...
ANONYMOUS 366 enters the chat.
For those of you who are not aware, some groups allow members to comment under posts anonymously. So instead of seeing the name of the member who posted, you'll only see ANONYMOUS and a number following it. I moderate a Facebook alumni group and noticed that any time someone posted something political or religious they'd do it using the anonymous feature. I guess they don't realize that moderators can ALWAYS see the poster's name, even if they choose to post in the group anonymously. So I knew who was doing it. But also, they were people I was friends with and I really didn't want to get into it with them over stupid shit on Facebook. I'll be honest, I expected better of these people and they let me down by posting things that are clearly stated to be a violation of the group's rules but it's also really hard to ban someone who's been really nice to you in real life for like 30 years. So I made the choice to suspend members' ability to post anonymously. And also, we're all supposed to be adults here (at least in a group of high school alumni for a high school that's been closed for over a decade) and if it's important enough for you to share so that everyone can see your message then you need to have your name attached to it. Own your words. It's one thing to post anonymously if you're asking some questions. For example: a woman posts on a Facebook group about resources for a women's shelter because she is seeking to leave an abusive partner. Obviously, she would be scared that her partner or someone who knows him would tip him off that the woman was trying to leave him so she might post anonymously to get that information. Or (as I've actually seen) a parent is dissatisfied with their child's school because nobody is stopping their child from being bullied and they're seeking resources for homeschooling. They're posting anonymously because they don't want their child's bully or any of the bully's friends to see it and give that bully yet another reason to torment the child. But when you're saying something that you KNOW you shouldn't be saying online and you're using the anonymous feature to do so it's not cool.
The comments go as follows:
ANONYMOUS 366: Don’t fault other companies for doing what is necessary to recoup costs to ship out a replacement order! Me: @ Anonymous366 I don’t understand what you’re saying. Mistakes happen. Some postman somewhere delivered my package by accident to someone who wasn’t me. I did speculate as to what COULD have happened but all it was was conjecture of the most likely scenario and certainly not an indictment of anyone. And no other companies were mentioned. The USPS is a part of the U.S. government but, again, I recognize that mistakes happen. Trust me, I make them all the time! Honestly, what I HOPE happened was that the mistaken delivery at least provided some happiness to the person who got it. Maybe fate stepped in and said, “Evan doesn’t need those stickers right now but this person does.” Or, you know, maybe a dog passed by my house and decided to run off with my order. Maybe $90 worth of cute stationery is just out in the woods somewhere. The main point of my post was to complement Hubman and Chubgirl for their good customer service and let others know that if they have a problem with their order to reach out and contact them as well.
Because, you know, I'm trying to keep things positive here...
ANONYMOUS366: “So many other companies will make you jump through hoops before they will replace lost orders” Just because H&C goes above and beyond doesn’t mean other companies should be faulted for doing things properly! Especially if your order was misdelivered. It is USPS’s job to help you look for it.
Kathi: Anonymous member 366 this isn’t making any sense
They're not making sense to me either, Kathi. And I'm not in the mood for bullshit today because I've been stuck in a classroom with 28 4th graders who had to sit quietly at their desks almost all day long due to mandated testing. On top of that, we're experiencing a severe cold snap and I'm not even able to take the kids outside to play on the playground and burn off some energy due to some distict rule which prohibits taking kids outside if it's below freezing - even if both the teacher and kids want to go outside to the playground. I hate it for the kids. I know they're miserable. I'd be miserable too if i was them. They're making the best of it and I'm proud of them but I'd really like it if we could all just go back to our regular schedule. So I'm cranky and I've decided to go all out.
Me: @Anonymous366 I’m sorry that’s the one thing you decided to pick out of that post and deride me about. And that you chose to do so anonymously to boot. We’re adults here. If you want to call someone out that’s fine but at least attach your name to it and own it. I’ve made purchases before where the package was lost in the mail and the seller did nothing to help resolve the issue. In what world is it right to take a person’s money, ask them to contact the post office (I did), ask them to contribute to wait (I did) and that person still never get what they paid for? I jumped through hoops per their request and my issue wasn’t even resolved. Had it not been for the credit card company I would not have gotten my money back. And I didn’t even call out that business by name on here. Just said “some businesses.” And, yes, it IS the USPS’s job to help find it. They said it had been delivered, and it was, just not to me. The USPS isn’t terribly helpful once the parcel is no longer in their system. And you can’t expect a postman (or anyone else) to remember which, out of hundreds of houses, he mis-delivered a package to. If you think that the FIRST step I took was to contact the company and ask for more stuff then you’re mistaken. I did contact the USPS. They said, “Our system says it was delivered.” So it’s my word against theirs. What am I supposed to do? And, finally, I DID tick the box for postal insurance when I made my purchase so I’m not “taking” anything from H&C. They are able to file a claim with the place that issued that insurance to make them whole as well. The company just made the process very simple and I was grateful for that and chose to share with the group my positive experience. You chose to blow that complement up. For what? You anonymously implied that I’ve done something wrong because I’m “supposed to contact the USPS.” I’d already done that. That was the next step after I’d checked with the neighbors. I’m sorry that I had to come back and say all of this to you but this page is a very positive place and you’re bringing negativity for no reason. So I’m going to wish you a nice day (and I mean that sincerely) and I’m going to not respond to you anymore. I hope in the future you will decide to choose to spread that H&C positivity instead of negativity directed at people for no reason.
So take that, ya jerk. And, I dunno, maybe go outside and touch some grass even though it's dreadfully cold. Get some sunshine. Maybe buy a really sugary latte drink from Starbucks if that's what you need to give you some joy in your life because you are clearly a miserable person to have picked that ONE thing out of a postive post and then decide to just be an asshole to a random stranger on the internet for no reason at all other than because you could.
I mean, I've never had any negative interactions with ANYONE in that group before so it's not like they are doing this as some sort of retaliation for something shitty I might have said in the past. But, you know, some people just love to be miserable pricks and clearly ANONYMOUS366 is one of them.
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cloudyfenrir · 2 months ago
AC verse: the festive season was all but over, and all who knew him well realised that Cloud was not one for such celebrations. Content to simply continue on with each and every day as he had the one previous.
But this year was ... different.
More absent than usual - physically so to boot, and there was little doubt people had noticed. Until today at least when he'd invited his younger brother for a ride to a nearby warehouse nestled just on the cusp of the city proper.
There was no signage, or even any indication that the place was occupied, being that it actually wasn't right then. But Cloud offers for Rain to wander inside, the open space vast, cold, and uncomfortably empty. The echo of their footsteps seemed to reach the furthest, darkest points of that enormous room.
Though Cloud waits near the open door, the only source of light next to the vehicular entrance still barred closed with its old corrugated steel shutters.
"I ain't said much about it, you know how Tifa can be, yeah?" the older blond starts as he too meanders into the dimly lit room, taking the time to glance about the space himself before coming to Rain's side.
"But the bar only holds so much nowadays. And what with business gaining traction, and your projects getting bigger..." He shrugs in a non-committal 'you know~' kind of motion, coupled with the faint wisp of a smile tugging at a single corner of his mouth.
"I only need about a third of the area, for the bike, and packages and stuff. The rest is yours... to really get going, yeah?"
Rain had always been the stronger of the two of them, ever since they were kids, and despite everything he'd been through, the injuries, the healing and all the pain that came with it, Cloud felt it beyond time to give his twin the gentle push he needed to really put his skills to the test.
If there was any time at all, then now had to be it.
"I'll even help you deliver 'em, if you want~".
Cloud’s absence didn’t go unnoticed by Rain, it wasn’t the same was when his brother went out across the world on a delivery but more so he seemed mentally preoccupied. Keeping a watchful eye told him that it Cloud wasn’t drifting away to unknown places in his mind, just deep thought and maybe some planning – future deliveries perhaps. Rain knew better than to pry, if his brother wants to talk about it then he will but trying to squeeze information out of him would not yield great results.
Rain was content with continuing on as is, while change was not opposed he didn’t outright seek it either and after both Meteorfall and Geostigma crises, familiarity was all he needed… Even if space in Seventh Heaven was lacking at times, what with Cloud’s motorcycle and Rain’s growing commissions.
When Cloud suggested they take a trip, Rain was surprised but readily agreed. Their destination was that of an abandoned warehouse to which the younger twin joked if Cloud was gonna kill him for scuffing Fenrir that one time. Still Rain traverses in, looking around the place, feeling the walls and remaining banisters; he thought Cloud had found him a fixer-upper job until he comes out with a proposition.
The two would work here. Together.
Rain was shocked, looking over at Cloud and then looking around the place.
“How the hell did you get your hands on this?” Rain asks in quiet bewilderment, the idea sinking in. Cloud was helping him expand his carpentry business, the delivery service was already starting to take off and he could very easily just use this space entirely for that… But he wasn’t, he was willing to share it with him. To say he felt touched was an understatement as he looks away from Cloud.
“You’re gonna make me cry, you know that don’t you?” He jokes as his eye stings a little, looking over at his older brother after a moment.
“You sure you wouldn’t wanna split it in half? You got the place.”
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pbandjesse · 26 days ago
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I am feeling a lot better today. I actually slept pretty well! Like it wasn't perfect but it was a lot more rest then I've had the last couple days. No scary dreams or painful sinuses. And when I woke up at 930 I felt pretty good.
I did have a text from the person I'm co-teaching with in Sunday for the special class I'm doing before BAS. And she wanted to know if we could talk on the phone. And I was just wildly uncomfortable with that but I sucked it up and called. She wanted to know if we lived near each other because she wanted a ride. But she's way out in the county so that won't be happening. She also just seemed really stressed? I think it's her first class with awah and so I was just like. It's chill! Don't worry! We will have a good time! She said she's going to follow my lead and that's my favorite way to do things so no problem there.
I let her know I would be at the office by 930 on Sunday. And that we would have fun.
I was in a better mood though. I got out of bed once I was off the phone. And got cleaned up and dressed. My hair was bothering me so I put it in braids and felt pretty cute. Just also really round. Jess says I am still secret pregnant because I wear a lot of oversized clothes. But I am feeling very pregnant today. Full. Thankfully my skin isn't to uncomfortable but I am getting winded really quickly. Which makes everything very hard.
I would make the bed and poke around the house for a little bit pretty soon I was getting ready to go out on my adventures. I had a few donuts holes and brought a drink with me and was off.
I drove to the museum first. My package with some baby safety stuff (plug covers) and my planned baby shower dress and new two piece outfit finally got delivered. I'm bummed it wasn't here for my party but I'll probably wear it for my birthday and after getting it home I also decided I'll probably wear it to and from the hospital for Sylvia's birth. It's nice and lose and comfortable.
When I got there I was very happy to see James. They made me feel good and gave me a bunch of compliments and it was just a really nice little feedback loop of love.
I watched the desk for a little bit for them. But they wouldn't be gone long. And I would hug on them for a bit before I got my package and headed out.
I decided to go to the farthest away stop first. I wanted to go to the once upon a child in Glen Burnie. So I drove out there and was surprised where it was. I am shocked I hadn't noticed it there before. And it wasn't as claustrophobic as the other one but the stuff section was still not amazing. But I would end up getting a ring sling baby carrier for $5! It's rainbow. And I looked through all of their black clothing to try and find a sweatshirt and still had no luck. So I ended up with a sweatshirt suit. Close enough. I would also get a few little things on clearance that were to cute to pass up.
I finished there and went over it the Marshalls. This one was slightly better then the one yesterday but still wasn't amazing. I did get a few things off my list at least. And had a nice conversation with the woman at the register. She wanted to know how old I was because I look so young but have so many grey hairs. Made me laugh.
I left there and went to get lunch. I got five guys and it was fine but there were a lot of people there. But it was still good.
My last stop was value village. Where I got myself a few really excellent pieces. A romper that looks very funny on me being so pregnant but will look great when I'm not. I also got a denim dress I love and some clogs and a stripped dress with bows. I was having a great time.
It was time for me to go home though. I was feeling pretty beat. But the half hour home wasn't horrible. And when I got back I went through everything. Took off tags and tried everything on and felt super cute. Decided I would need to do a fashion show for James later on.
Once everything was away I would get in bed with sweetp to chill. I was really happy that I was not feeling so miserable. And Sylvia was moving like crazy this afternoon so that made me happy.
I would get a call from the hospital that they are moving my appointment to later in the morning because of sleet tomorrow. Which means this might be the first appointment James is going to miss. Which makes us both sad. But I'm sure everything is fine. I just wish they could come. And if the schools cancel tomorrow they still might be able to but I'm not holding to that.
I would sit on my yoga ball for a bit. Cleaned up my cuticles. And soon James was home!
They would sit at our desk while I showed them all my clothes and we were having a nice time. Love my husband.
James would go make pizza dough while I worked on my hospital bags. I replaced a few things and added some stuff based on TikToks Ive seen. I feel very good about everything. And best of all all of my stuff, plush the baby bag, all fit in one IKEA bag. So it will be a lot easier to transport.
I would eventually go downstairs to join James. I would work in the studio for a bit on embroidering the baby sweatsuit. The iron on letters are just to large. So I will work on that this week. I only got two letters down before we had dinner.
Pizza was good. We hung out on the couch. James worked on editing and the laundry. And I just enjoyed their company.
Eventually I came upstairs to take a bath. Which was very very hot and made my muscles feel great. But made my skin very red. Oops.
Now though I am in bed. Chatting with my mom about visiting before baby is here. I think it'll be nice to just be together before there's a whole new person. Love my mom very much.
Tomorrow I just have my appointment. And I hope to work in my studio and hopefully the weather isn't so bad.
I hope you all have a great night. Sleep well. Be safe. Goodnight everyone!
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munchlatreats · 3 months ago
Discovering Korean-Chinese Fusion flavor: A Visit to Paik's Noodle
If you enjoy Korean-Chinese food or simply want to try something new, Paik's Noodle is the restaurant you must visit. Jong Won Paik, a famous culinary researcher and CEO of The Born who founded this iconic restaurant brand, which combines the finest Korean and Chinese culinary traditions. Paik's Noodle itself was founded in 2006 in Seoul, South Korea and has pleased consumers with its open kitchen idea, clean cooking techniques coupled with their bold and  tasty meals. Ever since its arrival in Indonesia, Paik's Noodle has become a popular noodle shop around the country, introducing locals to authentic Korean-Chinese flavors. One of the best branches is in Central Park Mall, where we recently had the opportunity to eat their two most renowned dishes: Jajangmyeon and Tangsuyuk.
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Jajangmyeon has long been beloved by the Koreans thanks to its simplicity and rich tastes. The dish includes thick and chewy noodles covered in a rich and delicious black bean sauce prepared from fermented soybean paste (chunjang), stir-fried together with your choice of sliced pork, onions, and peas, hits all the right notes: earthy, bitter, salty, umami-rich, and somewhat sweet. When the order of Jajangmyeon arrived, we could tell just by the smell that it was going to taste great. The noodles were cooked perfectly, not too mushy or too hard, and the sauce coates the dish like one big blanket. The toppings of pork and veggies gave both texture and taste, while the refreshing side of yellow pickled radish and kimchi was the balancer to this complex dish.
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To accompany the noodles, they offer this great package deal that gives an order of Tangsuyuk, a Korean version of sweet and sour pork. Bite-sized pieces of pork are battered and fried to perfection before being served with a special sweet-and-sour sauce. What makes Tangsuyuk distinct is in its versatility – you can pour the sauce over the crispy pork for a sticky experience, or dip each piece to keep the texture crunchy. The pork dish we ate at Paik's Noodle was wonderfully crispy on the outside while still juicy on the inside. The sauce was balanced in every way, with the right balance of sweetness and sourness that went nicely with the delicious pork.
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Courtesy of @paiksnoodle_indonesia on Instagram
Paik's Noodle is more than simply delightful cuisine; it's about delivering an unforgettable dining experience. The restaurant has numerous choices of drinks to complement your meal, and they are not stingy on their complimentary extras, like kimchi and other appetizers. These small details make the dining experience more satisfying as you get some freebies. However, the greatest part of it all is that the cost is really affordable, particularly given the quality and quantity of each meal. Whether you dine alone or with a friend, we guarantee you'll leave with a happy stomach and a joyful heart.
If you've been searching for a strong, delicious taste of authentic Korean-Chinese food, Paik's Noodle is the place to go. With a price range of Rp. 50-150k, every dish, from the rich, savory richness of Jajangmyeon, to the crunchy, tangy perfection of Tangsuyuk, is meticulously prepared. So, why not treat yourself to a bowl of noodles (or two) from Paik's Noodle? Your tastebuds will thank you. Visit them today and let their flavors lead you on a korean adventure! If you live in Jakarta, you can visit Paik’s Noodle at the Central Park Mall branch or visit their other sites, like the ones at Taman Anggrek Mall, Gandaria City Mall, and other branches all around Indonesia. Check out their Instagram account @paiksnoodle_indonesia for more info. Have fun eating!
Written by Admin Enrico and Admin Karen
Admin Karen is a uni student who’s always looking to go out and eat with her parents so she doesn’t have to pay for her own meals. Her family says that she’s a picky eater, but she would beg to differ—stating that she just has good taste and knows what’s good food. Her favorite food is sushi and a trip to Sushiro resto would be similar to entering the gates of heaven she claims.
Admin Enrico is a university student with an adventurous palate and a huge desire to taste all kinds of different foods. However, he always has a strong affection for pizza, specifically cheese pizza, it's  an all-time favorite. The salty flavor and stringiness of melted cheese always makes him happy. For him, a visit to Pizza Hut is more than simply a meal – It's like heaven as it makes all stress in the world disappear.
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woodsfae · 2 years ago
Getting hired by USPS is an absolutely ridiculous process. I started that process about six months ago. It's a lot of "check your email every day because at any moment you might get an email saying "fill this out in the next 48 hrs or you'll have to re-apply!" and then wait for 2-3 months for the next time-sensitive email!"
At one point I literally got an automated "respond in 48 hrs or reapply" email on the Thursday before labor day weekend when I was already camping way out of cell service. But thankfully, I only packed 1 day of food with the intention of popping into town and picking up more, so I saw that email. Otherwise the automated system would have kicked me out of the hiring process!
Today I finally cleared the federal background check system and got a hiring offer, and "put in my two weeks' notice" at my "current job." (*cough* my job of healing up from surgery. I ain't starting in the holiday package rush. *cough*) Exciting! I'm so excited to have a union and benefits and sick days and vacation days and more than starvation wages!
My brother in law is a USPS rural carrier in another state and is even more excited than I am. He's been encouraging me to apply for a few years now and is dead positive I'll be great at it and enjoy it. He's got a bunch of uniform pieces for me he's been picking up for the last few months. I am already heading over to his city for a visit this weekend, so I can pick them up then.
He's currently texting me such gems as "Don't buy sketchers shoes! Get wool, fingerless gloves! Gaiters are absolutely necessary. Get a really good headlamp."
This is great. He's neurodivergent and one of his special interests for the last several years has been the USPS and Being Really Good At Delivering Mail so I am gonna reap the benefits of his years of research, lol.
Am starting in a little over two weeks. Hopefully I'll have enough energy back to manage it! I still have a lot of fatigue after my hysterectomy but I'm gonna go for some long, long walks to bolster my stamina.
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magnificent-nerd · 4 years ago
What’s his name, Marvel?
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Image description: actor Haaz Sleiman, slated to appear in movie Eternals.
(NB: For the record, any of my criticism on this post is directed to Marvel Studios and Disney, not to the actor Haaz Sleiman (pictured above) nor Eternals co-star Brian Tyree Henry, whom I wish nothing but the best for.)
Now, I have some marketing moans about Eternals from Marvel studios.
It is August, 2021. 
There's been a buzz about the MCU's "first openly gay character" recently (how dare y'all disrespect Gay Joe Russo like that), and that the character, Phastos (played by Brian Tyree Henry), will be shown in the movie to be married to another man (played by Haaz Sleiman).
The MCU's first gay couple, as Marvel studios themselves keep touting.
Anyway, I wondered to myself: what's the husband's name?
So I set to Google.
I Googled the cast list for Eternals, and this a screenshot from today of the lower end of the results:
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Image description: Eternals cast list from Google, where actor Haaz Sleiman is listed as “Phastos’ husband”.
Ah, no name. 
The text under the actor's name simply says "Phastos' husband".
Okay, so I went next to IMDB, to search the 'full cast and crew' section, of which there is only 19 listed as of today (and I'd expect that list to grow after the movie releases).
IMDB screenshot:
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Image description: IMDB listing for Eternals, actor Haaz Sleiman has no character name listed.
These are the bottom four results on the IMDB listing, and Sleiman's "Husband" doesn't even have the word husband listed.
Below him is a named character, Karun, and two 'uncredited' characters such as 'Girl' and 'Passerby'.
Um... Right.
Now, I'm not trying to be difficult. I just want to know what this guy's name is. I also want to know: why isn't his name listed? Why isn't it easy to find?
I've browsed Google for articles on this nameless husband for the past half an hour, and the only sparse information I can find is seemingly one interview/quote that the actor (Haaz Sleiman) has given, stating that his character and Phastos share an onscreen kiss.
That's great, but what's his name?
I'm getting the impression that Husband (we'll have to just call him that for now) isn't going to have a prominent role in this movie, considering he's nameless and so far down on cast listings.
Just one up from 'uncredited', basically.
News outlets refer to his character as "Phastos' husband" only. Withholding a character's name makes no sense, unless that name/character themselves is a spoiler.
Yet... I'm not really getting that vibe from Husband, I'm getting more of a walk-on role vibe from him/this character. And if that's the case, his name won't be a spoiler, so why isn't is more widely available?
Leaving him nameless while also watching Disney/MCU pat themselves on the back for this gay rep onscreen feels disrespectful to his character.
Is he a well rounded character, or a nameless walk-on with one line?
All we know is from Sleiman's direct quote: "I'm his husband, I'm an architect, we have a child."
That's great, but did Disney give you a name?
I'm really trying to reserve my judgement until the movie is out (we may have to wait until 2022 if it gets delayed), and I'd love to be pleasantly surprised...
But then I remind myself this is DISNEY and Disney's track record with LGBT+ rep has often been hyped up only to fall flat and ring hollow when actually seen onscreen.
See the afore mentioned Gay Joe Russo in Avengers Endgame (2019), and LeFou's "exclusively gay moment" which was more like a vaguely gay nanosecond in Beauty and the Beast (2017). Hardly great rep.
And another barely there moment (two seconds, was it?) in Rise of Skywalker (2019) when two women share a kiss (Commander Larma D'Acy kisses her pilot wife Wrobie Tyce) in celebration at the end.
I rather fear we're going to get another two seconds, blink and you'll miss it, kiss between the two married men in Eternals.
Disney is putting so much emphasis on any visibly gay couple being MARRIED in order to kiss (while Hetero characters kiss and more without being married), attempting to package their gay characters as homely, 'respectable', and more palatable to a Het audience, but if one of these characters doesn't even have a name then how is it any better or more meaningful than the nanosecond that 2017's Beauty and the Beast served up?
How is a character going to matter when he doesn't even have a name? You're trying to tell me he'll be important to the story, to audiences? Doesn't seem like it from here.
Now, I'd love to be pleasantly surprised.
I'd love to see this character in Eternals get a name other than "Phastos' Husband" (I'll be keeping an eye on listings for a name, too.) I'd love to see him have lines, I'd love to see him onscreen generally. 
I want to see him matter.
As always, Disney wants us to 'wait and see', a line they often feed us when it comes to MCU characters.
Disney knows queer fans are here, they prove that enough by leaning into queerbaiting with their marketing (Bucky Barnes, and more recently Loki have suffered from this) but Disney rarely delivers anything satisfactory.
Writer Russell T. Davies, of fan favorite show Torchwood, recently said that Disney's attempts to show Loki as bi were "a feeble gesture". (He's right and he should say it.)
I'm not exactly holding my breath with Disney here, but I'll wait until I see Phastos and Husband for myself before I decide if it's any good or not.
Or if this poor dude ever gets a name.
In the meantime, all I want to see is Disney treating this supposedly ground breaking new character with the same respect as the other cast: list his name.
List his name with the rest of the main cast.
It shouldn't be this difficult to find out a character's name in a major movie, and especially not if the studio is making a big deal about the character being there, giving themselves points for rep.
If that name is out there somewhere (I gave up looking, it shouldn't take longer than thirty minutes to locate a name for God's sake), then it needs to be made more prominent so fans can find it.
Google and IMDB would be ideal places to have the character name listed.
If IMDB can list 'Girl' and 'Passerby' onto the uncredited roles, then we should also have a simple NAME for this Husband so we can start using it.
What's his name, Marvel?
Do YOU know what Husband's name is? Tell me!
Originally posted on my blog, magnificentlynerdy.blogspot.com
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