#— 🐇。。
rockettequeen · 2 months
⊹₊⊹₊ girlhood grunge ⊹₊⊹₊
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₊⊹hold you close like we both died,
my ever present suicide ⊹₊
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choccorin · 1 month
thinking about megumi being absolutely in love with you. yuuji and nobara are sick of him, everytime they hang out, he'll always mention your name or anything about you whenever he has the chance. they're playing dress to impress? you love playing that game with him. they're watching a horror movie? you love horror movies, especially the conjuring series.
they were hanging out in nobara's room when they noticed that megumi was eerily quiet. usually he'd join in whatever they were doing but he hasn't spoken a single word yet, which made them worried. after arguing silently with nobara, yuuji takes the initiative and asks the black-haired boy why he was all gloomy.
megumi looks at them with sad eyes and lets out a tired sigh, making the two worried. you didn't break with him, did you?! the two think to themselves. after a minute of silence, he finally responds, explaining that you haven't replied to his text in 20 minutes now. nobara stares at him judgingly, and yuuji tries to keep in his laughter while also comforting his sad friend.
among the laughter that filled the room, a loud ping! was heard from megumi's phone making the boy frantically check the notification. his face lights up when he sees that it's from you. nobara teases him by calling him a “lovesick fool” but, he pays no mind, only paying attention to you. he became his usual stoic and aloof self after that. they honestly wish that you were here too, so that you could see the effect you have on megumi.
bonus: the picture nobara sent you of megumi being gloomy became your wallpaper and he absolutely hates it, tries to take your phone to delete the picture but fails everytime.
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haven't written in days, might rewrite this if i have time idk
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seulreinaz · 3 months
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❀ ᭢᜴꤬⠀ ूੂ* Aeri Uchinaga ᅟᅟׁ͟͟ ‎♥︎͟ ‎̼͟͟
( 2OO4 )
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The death of Vanessa and the birth of Vanny in FNAF
(Inspired by this art by Yuto Sano)
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cinnagrrl · 5 months
i don't think i can thug this shit out anymore
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bunnwich · 5 months
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How would you react? (reblog and tell me for part 2 >:3)
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tropicalcleric · 9 months
spto made everyone think that wallace is so much shorter than scott because they hit him with a twink beam even though he's canonically several inches taller than scott. and it's all i think about all the time. scollace artists i am BEGGING you to put the height difference back where it belongs
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snowdin-stims · 2 years
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🪷 | source
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tacticalprincess · 5 months
What if. What if, tired könig just got yelled at by his superior bcs he messed something up then he sees you bent over looking for something under the couch (most probably the remote) and can't control himself? What was the lil guy supposed to do? :(( he was stressed and his stress reliever toy is right there
- 🐇
you couldn’t have presented yourself to him like this at a better time. he’s angry at himself for making such a careless mistake, days of exhaustion leading him to slack off in the paperwork aspect of his job, which ultimately rendered his last mission pointless. the only thing keeping him from snapping was the thought of coming home and fucking his frustrations into your tight, warm pussy. the easy access you’re granting him only makes it better, his already hard cock jumping at the sight of you in such a vulnerable position, flimsy pajamas barely concealing your ass.
he drops to his knees, wordlessly pushing you down farther by your lower back when you attempt to turn towards him, his other hand already undoing his belt. he shushes your concerns with what he’s doing and pulls your panties to the side, satisfied to see how quickly you’re getting wet for him, cute pussy getting glossy with slick. the first press of his thick tip into your hole is brain-numbing, punching a long, satisfied grunt out of him, eyes squeezing shut to bask in the feeling. his large hands dip into the crevices where your hip and soft thighs connect, meaty dick humping into your gummy walls at a rapid pace that leaves you breathless and dizzy. his brutal strokes push your body into the couch repeatedly, your knees beginning to ache from the burn of the carpet.
it’s not long before you’re being lifted off the floor from his strong grip on your hips, being bounced on his cock over and over again as his dick bullies your spongy cervix, rendering you helpless. your whines and mewls are barely heard over the sound of könig’s blood pumping in his ears, so close to filling your tiny hole with his hot seed for the first of many times that day.
“i’m sorry, häschen. just take it for me, ja?” he grunts out. “i need this.”
you want to take care of your man, don’t you?
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bunnisari · 9 months
eren loves thunderstorms.
he loves the way the electricity crackling in the sky turns into background noise as he places himself so deeply inside you. you feel full, as always. eren’s head lays next to yours on the cold fluffy pillow, his body fitting perfectly on top of yours. his weight only made your head go even dizzier. your plush thighs welcome eren’s shamelessly slim waist, your mixed arousal making a mess on your thighs. the sound of eren’s deep thrusts is so lewd, his tip kissing your cervix so perfectly. eren’s warm body shields you from the loud thunder outside, the sound of rain brutal against the windows. “you’re so messy…” eren lifts himself from the crook of your neck, his hands rubbing up and down your thighs before pushing them further back to your chest. your breath hitches at the new angle. eren’s change in pace having you drooling over the pillows, he’s stroking you so slowly and so deep your thighs begin to shake. “r-ren” you cry out, your hands gripping the sheets. with every thrust goes the last of your brain cells. eren watches where the two of you connect, his dick snug inside of you. everytime he thrusts back in your slick oozes out.
“ you’re so nasty…creaming all over me” eren lets out a breathy whine, coming down to connect his lips to yours. you don’t have a chance to process his movements before his thrusts speed up, one of his hands coming up to your throat.
whimpers and moans fell from your mouth as eren sucked your tongue, his fingers squeezing the sides of your throat. you could feel your stomach tightening, your pussy clenching around eren over n over. “shit you gonna kill me” eren whispers to himself, your warm sticky insides clamping around him so tightly. his forehead rests on yours, his eyes looking into yours. you can’t help but look away, he knows how uneasy eye contact makes you feel.
“ren m’gonna-” you sob out, tears flooding down your cheeks as the pleasure stimulates you so well. “hm? what you wanna say?” eren teases, fingers gliding over your sensitive clit in smooth circles.
“ i-i can’t” you shudder, hands pushing at eren’s abdomen. “yes you can, sweet girl” eren places a kiss on your forehead, pushing your hands out the way. “it’s okay, just cum m’here” he pushes down on your lower stomach. as if it was destiny, the final crash of thunder for the night hit you as hard as your orgasm, toes curling and eyes rolling back. eren hisses, your pussy clenching so tight around him. “gonna make me cum, pretty” he whines lowly, his grinding into you to prolong your orgasm for as long as possible. you sniffle, coming down slowly in a dreamy haze. you could sleep so good right now.
eren lifts your thigh up, pushing it back even further to bury himself as deep as he could inside you. you gasp aloud in shock, overstimulation hitting you hard as he rocks into you so good. “ren n-no” you squeal, hands desperate to hold onto something. “m’almost there” eren sighs out, his thighs shaking from pleasure. broken moans and whimpers leave your teary eyed form, only getting more sensitive with each thrust.
“ ahh - s..shit… look at me” your eyes lock with eren’s, he looks so good this way. before you can warn eren, your arousal squirts out of you, wetting eren’s lower body. eren stiffens, pumping rope after rope so deeply into you. you both lay bare and limp, chests heaving as you both come down from it all. you can only focus on the rain hitting the ground outside.
….but yeah eren loves thunderstorms!
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scarakabu · 2 months
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has this been done already
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seulreinaz · 5 months
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♪ ۫ ✢ ׅ 📰 ࣪ ︵ ⠀  ( ◞‸◟)
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choccorin · 2 months
contents: fluff, oblivious reader, inspired by ‘kisame’ by rhodessa (pls listen to it, it's a really good song <3)
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megumi likes you. he's been pining on you for months now, so much that it's interfering with his everyday activities. he can't go on an hour at class without thinking about you or glancing at your direction, he becomes disinterested in a conversation if it doesn't involve you or even mention your name, he can't eat properly without asking you beforehand if you've eaten yet.
he's so head over heels for you that even the yuuji itadori, who's oblivious to any romantic feelings, notices it. his friends keep teasing him about his failed attempts at confessing. almost everyone who knows megumi does, except for you.
he has tried several ways to express his feelings for you, from leaving flowers at your desk to buying your favorite snacks and even bluntly asking you out to go on a study date — which didn't end well because you thought that it was just a normal, friendly study session.
he's starting to think that you might be related to yuuji with the way you're so oblivious to his feelings, but even yuuji would know if someone likes him after everything.
his bedroom floor is messy with scattered crumbled papers, his failed attempts at writing what he feels for you. he started writing at 11 pm and now it's 3 am, he can't find the write words to describe his feelings for you. so for now, he gives up and lays in bed, staring at the wood ceiling of his bedroom, thinking how will he tell you the words ‘i like you’.
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note: not proofread. kisame means ceiling ! my attempt at getting out of writer's block . . . (´∇`'')
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cinnagrrl · 4 months
being a lover girl around men who only want me for sex is like being a lamb surrounded by wolves and im being eaten alive again and again and again because i think they're different and they're not
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bunnwich · 1 month
Platinum Suit🌈
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catcrumb · 1 year
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