#༺ ✞ ༻ attire. ↬ rené.
waitzia · 6 months
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*disappointed Minkowski stare*
Slowing going through and drawing the gang
#waitziart for my digital art
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sanguinrose · 8 months
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yakobssonarthouse · 15 days
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The Son of Man by René Magritte (1964)
This iconic painting immediately draws attention to two powerful symbols: the apple and the man’s formal attire. The apple, suspended in front of the figure’s face, evokes the story of Eden and ties into the Oedipal Complex. In the biblical narrative, Adam consumes the forbidden fruit handed to him by Eve, ushering in the knowledge of self, shame, and guilt. This is crucial in psychoanalytic terms, as it mirrors the child’s desire for the mother and the inevitable transgression of the father’s laws.
Before Adam’s consumption of the apple, he was innocent and unaware of his nakedness. In Magritte’s interpretation, the man is not only hiding his body but also masking his identity behind the apple.
In the painting, the man is fully dressed, his body covered by a suit, emphasizing the overcompensation for his earlier transgression. The suit itself becomes a form of defense, but it’s the apple that holds the deepest symbolism—hiding the face, the core of identity and expression, leaving a profound psychological tension.
Core Theme: Transgression and Guilt
This work is steeped in themes of transgression, particularly relating to the desire to break societal rules and rebel against authority (often the father figure) which leaves a lasting guilt. The apple symbolizes that guilt, as well as the individual’s desire to remain hidden. Magritte plays with this paradox—while the subject wishes to hide, we, the viewer, are irresistibly drawn to what is concealed.
The hat in the painting serves as a symbol of social status and conformity, suggesting that the figure still operates within societal structures while carrying the hidden burden of guilt beneath the surface.
The Personality of the Buyer
A person who is drawn to this painting may experience a deep sense of guilt or inner conflict. Their guilt may be rooted in personal transgressions, such as unresolved conflicts with authority figures or a sense of betrayal in relationships. They may also feel ambivalence toward wealth and power, having achieved success that leaves them morally conflicted.
Personality Type: Likely highly introspective and prone to self-blame. They may grapple with the tension between their public image and private struggles, overcompensating for their vulnerabilities with external success.
Relationships: This individual may have difficulty with trust and maintaining deep emotional connections. Fear of being exposed leads them to keep their true selves hidden, resulting in relationships that feel shallow or superficial.
Occupation: They are likely in a high-status profession, such as finance, business, or law—fields where appearances and control are paramount, yet they may feel disconnected from their inner emotions.
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naturallyteal · 3 months
Did you know Aziraphale modelled for Simon Vouet in France in the 17th century?
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Allegory of Virtue between 1625 and 1650, Louvre Museum, Paris (with changes made by me: head exchanged; laurel and wing colours)
(Fake) Interpretation: The symbolism of the colours the Angel is wearing, are clearly hinting at the involvement between him (his favourite colour is yellow for Crowley’s yellow eyes) and Crowley (whose favourite colour is of course blue, for Aziraphale’s multicoloured-but-mostly-blue eyes). The title “virtue” is thereby subtly questioned, just as by the less than proper attire, uncharacteristic for Aziraphale. Also, the silver victory laurel (clearly Crowley’s) he holds triumphantly, makes the onlooker question how exactly he won that trophy from the Demon.
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Used from the show:
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View more posts of famous artists and their Good Omens fanart:
[Vincent van Gogh]
[René Magritte]
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scarlet-fangs · 7 months
For the protective prompts: "You’d defy the gods, only for me?” "! would destroy the gods for you." 🤍🦢
Thank you for the ask my darling friend, I hope you will like this 🦇🖤 I’ve wanted to write for a while some forbidden romance thing for Felix, and this is perfect for it! This is some kind of Black Swan related because it fits perfectly with their dynamics. The music they listen to is from my Black Swan Spotify playlist (under the black swan tag!) Some warnings are very much needed – But it’s Felix after all so it has to be expected: Cullen bashing, Size kink, some nswf talks, mention of blood (kink) Felix’s very lovely hands…
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Fic under the cut
Ever since I met him while driving my younger sister to the Cullens, they’ve been trying to keep me away from him. “He’s a monster, Black Swan! He kills people, Black Swan! He feeds of humans, Black Swan!” Who cares that he’s scary-looking and kills people? He’s tall and hot! He’s my mate! He complimented me about my patch jacket!
Carlisle was a little bit nicer about it than the rest of them. He felt maybe that it was his fault, because before Felix even said anything it was his “son” Edward who revealed the secret to me. On our second meeting, Felix himself admitted that he would not have told it to me this soon, he would have made things smoother even if I seemed to enjoy the vampire part. It was quite intriguing to him; how much I was fascinated by his fangs and the terrifying gleam his skin had in the sun, but it relieved him when I didn’t run away. When I did not pull back from his touch.
He had quite the reputation, my mate, and the Cullens, especially Edward and Alice made sure I was aware of it, how cruel and brutal he was, how he was not called the executioner for nothing. But it did not scare me, because I knew even if he was that, he wasn’t only that, my Felix was so much more! So I texted him every time I had the time, called him at night if he was available, we could stay on the phone for hours, even if his voice did not sound exactly the same it was still enough for me. All of this was rather easy to hide from the Cullens, Alice wasn’t really focused on Felix in Italy, rather on a decision of him visiting Forks, with what it would entails for Bella. Because if Aro trusted my fate in Felix’s hands, it was clearly not the same kind of trust placed in the Cullens. So like in Romeo and Juliet that Bella liked so much, Felix and I had to hide, the Cullens even managing to make me miss one of his visits thanks to Bella’s help. I was really bitter, they caught us chatting one time in Seattle and now were watching us even more closely. They would even check my home once in a while, pretending to pick up Bella that was oh so conveniently spending the afternoon at my place, to smell if there was trace of Felix’s scent. But I was his, and he would not give up on me that easily. In facts, he would not give up on me at all, he told me one night over the phone. And I’d learned that he was quite stubborn, my Felix, when he wanted something.
I had come home late from work, that night. The Cullens weren’t there, they were visiting the Denali Coven, and Bella was visiting Renée to celebrate Phil’s birthday. She felt guilty about having to give up her human life, so she tried to make everyone happy as much as she could. It was nice, to not have them on my back this week. I quickly prepared and ate dinner, and took a shower, putting on a more comfortable attire. I’ve always liked some fresh air in the house, so I tend to keep some windows open. I was doing some cleaning downstairs when I heard some noise from my bedroom. I thought that it was maybe the neighbor’s cat that came again through the window by climbing the tree, he already did it twice. I liked having him around, the little ball of black fur and soft meows, even if I liked it more when he would enter the house by the windows downstairs. I climbed the stairs, really to scold the kitty when I entered my room and realize it was not a black kitty that I would be scolding, but a hulking vampire.
“Felix! What are you doing here?!” “I was expecting a little more enthusiasm from you little love.”
“You’re lucky the Cullens aren’t in town! They don’t want me to see you! They’d try to fight you if they knew you were here, sneaking in my bedroom like that!”
« These Cullens, they are nothing for me. You shouldn’t worry about them tesorina. They should be the ones afraid to put themselves between us. As if those vegetarian vampires could defy me! I’d defy gods if I had to protect you.
"You’d defy the gods, only for me?”  I looked at you, so softly.
“Oh darling, but I would destroy the gods for you” Felix answered, oh so sure of himself. And he was strong, very strong my mate, I knew he’d win a fight even against a god. My handsome mate…
“I lost you, didn’t I?” Felix said, having recognized that look on my face. “No!” I looked very much embarrassed, he knew damn well how to tease me and get a reaction from me. It did not make me love him less… I could only love him more, my darling Felix, that currently had a smug smile on his face.
“So what do you suggest?” “We could ignore everything that isn’t us, and I could spend the night in your bed…” “Felix!” “You belong in my arms little one, nowhere else. And if anyone decides against it, they’ll see the true definition of anger…” Felix answered me, menaces laced in his tone, so sure of himself. He looked particularly imposing, hulking figure with the backlighting of my bedroom.
He fits so well here, my Felix, with the band posters hung on the walls, the shelves full of dark movies and alternative music, leather jacket reflecting the dim lights, his shiny silver rings on his big hands…
“You’re staring at my hands again, don’t you? Do you know how they could look better? With my fingers buried inside you, my hand glistening coated in your…” “Felix please! Not that I wouldn’t enjoy it but…“ Now I’m very embarrassed, and I’m sure it’s very visible.
My reaction makes him laugh, and it’s the most beautiful sound in the world, and it completely makes up for my embarrassment.
“I’m only teasing you amore mio. I know you said you wanted to wait, and I will respect your desire. Always. I’m up for anything with you as long as it’s within the boundaries you’ve set.”
Felix gets closer to me, slowly, and wraps his strong arms around me. He totally dwarfs me, and it’s no secret that we both are very into it, another proof that we were made for the other.
“Cuddles and metal?” “Cuddles and metal. But can you… take off your leather jacket please?” “Sure, if it makes my little darling happy…” With a smirk, he takes his time to remove his leather jacket, placing it on the back of my chair on top of mine. He’s only wearing an Iron Maiden tank top underneath, the logo a bit faded telling he’d own it for a while, that shows off all of his perfect muscles. Damn, to think that this man is all mine… He turns on the stereo, and then join me on the bed, the mattress digging with his heavy weight. He makes himself comfortable, setting up a few of my pillows behind his back, and then he opens his arms. I don’t need anything else, and nearly jump on him, making myself comfortable on his lap, his arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me closer against him. I softly trace the muscles on his arms, looking at the scars that cover his skin. Most were from his fights as a vampire, but he told me while that some were from his human life, being a gladiator must have been a nightmare for he was a slave without a choice in the matter.
“This song makes me think of you, now every time I hear it, I see your face.” Felix’s voice shake me out of those dark thoughts. I focus on the song, and recognize Wasp.
Her eyes reflect like the rain on the pavement I take control, she explodes, sink into her depths I'm the tremble in her voice when she attempts to speak Fixate on the frailty
“Motionless in White sure has good love songs. I must admit that every time I hear Wasp or Eternally Yours, I think of you.” It makes the both of us smile, the songs fitting us oh so perfectly, especially the lewd lyrics of Wasp. Felix has always been… quite explicit.
 So come to me No sense of restraint So come for me I will wait endlessly
I will break you carefully So take me harmfully You fit so perfect I will wait
I let my fingers trace the scars on his arms again, I know how fond of physical contact my Felix is. I must admit that I am too… He grabs the remote of my stereo, and lowers the sound of the music to a cozier one.
“Lost in the shadows?”   I giggle. “What’s wrong with the Lost Boys? It’s a good vampire movie. I’m still bitter at the fate of the boys… Besides, you’ve got the vibes” It makes him laugh, but we both know I’m not wrong. He’s kind of got the look and music taste, and some of the brutality when it comes to protecting whom he loves. And he would look very hot and sexy covered in blood too…
“You’re imagining me covered in blood, aren’t you?” “How do you even…” “I know you, little love” “Too much, you know me too much…” “I could never know too much about you, not even after a few decades, centuries, never.”
It makes me smile, and I curl up further in his embrace. It’s getting late.
“We should listen to something softer to help you sleep…” “First, I’m not even  dressed for bed yet, and second, ,what’s heavy about L’assasymphonie?” “It’s about a man who can’t sleep and is drowning in despair because of his demons. Not really the type of songs that put you to sleep.” “Do you realized I used to fall asleep blasting Maiden when I was younger?” “Yes, and now you enjoy softer songs before going to bed. This is much better, get in your night attire now.” Felix has changed the music to eyes without a face by Billy Idol, and I must admit it’s a good choice. This man knows me too well. I strip of my black jeans, and take off my shirt. I put on a Black Veil Brides tee, one that’s a size too big and go back to bed. I slip under the covers, and realize Felix had taken off a few layers too so I would be more comfortable. He brings me close to him, his arms wrapping around my waist once again, pressing me against his muscular body.
“Sleep now, tesorina. I’ll keep you safe.” Felix whisper in my ear. “Goodnight my love”, I whisper back. No matter what these idiots Cullens say, nothing will stop me from wanting this, fighting to get this, my Felix. I belong in his embrace and nowhere else.
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returntomytilene · 7 months
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Carte postale de Renée Vivien à Kérimé Turkhan Pacha, septembre 1904
« Le recto de la carte représente une vue de Venise, portant ces mots : "My thoughts go out towards you R.V.". Au verso, adresse autographe "Mrs. Katy Hope, Poste restante française, Constantinople, Turquie". . . . [Vivien] adressait ses courriers à "sa Sultane" sous les pseudonymes "Katy Hope, Poste restante, Constantinople", ou encore "Miss Eldridge" ou "Miss [Woodthrope]". Ces prête-noms permettaient très probablement de ne pas attirer l'attention sur leur amour. »
Une note sur le nom Woodthrope : Un éminent auteur classique, William Woodthrope Tarn, est né en 1869. Peut-être était-il lié de parenté à Vivien d'une manière ou d'une autre ?
Traces Ecrites, Paris, France
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yuuniee · 7 months
— Duo Magic!! —
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So, sudden inspo struck and I can’t seem to stop it so.... Send me an ask with one of my ocs with the name of their SSR card and I’ll show you the card’s duo magic!
Or you can send me your oc of choice to pair up with one of mines with the card of your choosing and I’ll write their duo magic!
[OC Masterlist]
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💜 Available cards:
(Ones with * are these I haven’t thought of yet, ones with the (!) are my fanmade events and the ⚔️ ones are Chapter 7 specific!)
Renée: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Girl - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket - Beans Camo - Bride-for-a-day - Scary Dress - Tsumsitter - Masquerade Dress - Club Wear - God’s Willpower⚔️
Sakae: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Girl - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket - Tsumsitter - Club Wear
Yuusuke: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Boy - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket - Club Wear - Playful Dress - New Year’s Attire
Ian: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Boy - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket - Scary Dress - Tsumsitter - Club Wear
Lilith: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Girl - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket - Tsumsitter - Club Wear
Matthew: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Boy - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket - Tsumsitter - Playful Dress - Club Wear
Archie: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Boy - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket - Scary Dress - Port Wear - Tsumsitter - Club Wear
Charlotte: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Girl - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket - Playful Dress - New Year’s Attire - Club Wear
Oliver: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Boy - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket* - Port Wear - Suisui Wear - Masquerade Dress
Eris: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Boy - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket - Wish Upon A Star - Groom-for-a-day - Masquerade Dress
Adelle: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Girl - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket* - Club Wear*
Sinha: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Boy - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket* - Kingly Garb - Masquerade Dress - Club Wear
Elsie: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Girl - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket* - Club Wear
Viktor: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Boy - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket* - Beans Camo - Outdoor Wear - Club Wear
Coral: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Girl - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket - Club Wear - Playful Dress
Daniel: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Boy - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket* - Scary Dress - Outdoor Wear - Apple Boa - Club Wear
Fawn: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Girl - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket - Bride-for-a-day - Masquerade Dress - Tearmaid Attire(!) - Lively Honor Student⚔️
Auburn: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Boy - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket* - Club Wear - Tearmaid Attire(!) - Queen’s Honorary Guard
Indigo: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Boy - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket* - Port Wear
Orion: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Boy - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket
Asif: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Boy - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket - Yasamina Silk
Rashid: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Boy - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket* - Club Wear - Playful Dress
Farah: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Girl - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket* - Gala Couture - Club Wear
Aryan: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Boy - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket - Masquerade Dress - New Year’s Attire - Club Wear
Nuit: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Boy - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket* - New Year’s Attire
Vivienne: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Girl - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket* - Luxe Couture
Sebastian: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Boy - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket*
Nolan: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Boy - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket*
Zephyr: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Boy - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket - Scary Dress - Club Wear - Apple Boa
Hera: Dorm Uniform - Birthday Girl - Union Jacket - Bloom Broom - Platinum Jacket - Playful Dress - Silent Traveler of the Night⚔️
Fleur: Student Council Member Attire
Sorrel: Nameless Magician’s Attire
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brokenhardies · 9 months
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Fugitive Arbiter Aesthetic
"I see you found my ship." Renée said, alerting the Doctor and Jane to her position. Her accent was different, Jane noticed. She originally had a similar accent to Ruth, but now she was... American? Her voice also sounded more confident, but somewhat softer, an edge was removed from it. She was also dressed differently - gone was the casual modern day Earthen attire, replaced by a pair of brown dungarees beneath a white, long sleeved shirt, with what appeared to be a brightly coloured bomber jacket wrapped around her waist. She wore brown combat boots on her feet, black, fingerless gloves, and a pair of goggles on her head. Her hair was also tied up in a high, messy bun. "It's called a TARDIS - T, A, R, D, I, S, stands for Time and Relative Dimensions in Space," She explained, "One of the most powerful interdimensional spacecrafts on the planet... And it's mine." She looked at the Doctor, a smile crossing her features. A familiar smile, as Jane could almost hear a crescendo of music reaching its peak. "Hi, mum."
@darth-caillic​ @sterling-writes​ @wonderguards​ @reirvival​ @arrthurpendragon​ @foxesandmagic @eddysocs @superspookyjanelle (want to be added or removed? send an ask or a dm!)
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rosesinvalley · 1 month
Ciseaux Fanzine
Des fanzines queer mais pas que…
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Pourquoi pas interviewer des acteurs du DIY ?
J’ai rencontré Ophélie au Salon « DIE or DIY » en décembre 2021, une autre fanzineuse posée à coté de mon stand. Nous avons donc pris le temps de discuter, échanger nos fanzines et ça a accroché.
Le caractère éclectique et du genre LGBT / Queer m’a interpellé ainsi que le style punkzine à l’ancienne. Elle a donc susciter ma curiosité sur son travail de longue haleine et je lui ai proposé une interview. 
Elle m’a aussi appris le mot « DYKE »  qui n’est pas dans le contexte une lame de roche magmatique à vous de chercher.
Elle a posé avec un tee shirt RIV qui lui va à ravir dans la thématique Cult of ride. Merci !!!
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Peux-tu présenter « Les Ciseaux Fanzine » ?
« Les Ciseaux Fanzine », c’est un ensemble de fanzines autour des thématiques féministes et queer et de façon plus générale, sur la culture, le cinéma, la littérature, la musique avec parfois un humour décalé.
J’utilise le terme « queer », signifiant à l’origine « bizarre », « inadapté », pour désigner une identité, une culture et une communauté aussi qui remet en question les genres et une société dans laquelle le patriarcat est le modèle dominant. Pour moi, c’est un terme avec un sens politique qui sous-entend un certain engagement. Se revendiquer « queer » revient à politiser sa sexualité en remettant en question la société dans laquelle cette dernière doit/essaie de s’épanouir. Être « queer », c’est remettre en question les injonctions genrées de notre société. 
J’ai choisi le format du fanzine à l’ère du numérique car j’aime énormément l’objet livre et la liberté qu’offre ce moyen d’autoédition (mise en page, distribution, thèmes, écriture etc.) à travers le DIY et j’adore aussi l’esthétique « punk ».
Quand et pourquoi avoir commencé à écrire ?
Vers l’âge de 10-11 ans j’ai commencé à écrire mes premiers textes et des sortes de fanzines. Je créais mes propres magazines de A à Z. J’avais envie de partager des articles, des illustrations, des jeux, et surtout un objet « livre ». J’étais fascinée par cet objet et par l’univers de l’édition. J’aimais l’idée d’être libre, d’illustrer mes propres histoires et de les partager. Je me réfugiais aussi dans l’écriture pour réfléchir aux premières attirances, à une identité en construction. La fiction permettait davantage de libertés, on ose davantage écrire ce que l’on a peur de dire. Ainsi, mon premier « roman » racontait une histoire d’amour entre deux ados. C’était une sorte de refuge.
Tes ources d’inspiration ? Pour qui ?
J’ai toujours été inspirée par la culture féministe et lesbienne. J’avais lu Mémoires d’une jeune fille rangée de Simone de Beauvoir en 3ème. C’était un peu complexe mais je l’avais dévoré avec passion. Dans la bibliothèque familiale, vers l’âge de 16 ans je suis tombée sur Claudine à l’école de Colette et ce fut une révélation. J’ai ensuite imprimé les poèmes de Sappho traduits par Renée Vivien puis les poèmes d’amour lesbien de Renée Vivien elle-même. J’ai ensuite découvert, via internet, d’autres artistes, auteures, réalisatrices lesbiennes et féministes. Et j’ai eu envie d’écrire pour partager toutes ces découvertes car souvent c’étaient des femmes peu connues du grand public. J’avais envie de partager ces références dans les cultures féministe et lesbienne. Ado, j’aurais aimé tomber sur un fanzine me présentant toutes ces icônes inspirantes. C’est vrai qu’à présent il y a les séries et les influenceuses des réseaux sociaux…
Le public visé est principalement les femmes, les personnes queer mais en réalité, il est important que chacun·e se sente concerné·e et curieux·se de toute cette culture pour déconstruire les préjugés et vivre dans une société plus inclusive et donc égalitaire. On revient ici à l’idée d’engagement liée au terme « queer ».
Tu as de multiples facettes parfois satirique puis poétique dans ton écriture ?
Documentaires, poétiques et parfois satiriques, il y a un peu de tout dans mes fanzines. La tonalité peut varier parfois d’une page à l’autre. J’ai une petite préférence pour la poésie pour la beauté du mot et des images.
Concernant l’aspect satirique, l’idée est de faire bouger les lignes, d’heurter le lecteur ou la lectrice pour le/la faire sortir de sa zone de confort et réfléchir…
Le Statut LGBT revendiqué ? Vulve féministe ? Sororité ? Explique nous?
Oui, je revendique le statut d’artiste LGBT+, queer même, parfois lesbien-queer. C’est vrai qu’il y a beaucoup de termes mais les sexualités et cultures liées à ces identités sont elles-mêmes extrêmement variées. Je ne me reconnais pas dans la culture « mainstream » très hétéronormée avec un humour qui repose très souvent sur des stéréotypes sexistes ou de genres qui, moi, ne me font pas vraiment rire, sur des rapports de domination homme/femme dans lesquels je ne me reconnais pas, et avec lesquels je suis en désaccord. Et comme je le disais plus haut, je me définis également comme une artiste queer dans le sens où je souhaite également lutter pour déconstruire les clichés de genre et faire exister, rayonner, grâce à mes mots, mes collages, mes dessins les cultures LGBT+ trop souvent écartées.
Plus que « vulve féministe », je n’avais encore jamais entendu cette expression, je dirai « clitoris féministe » car cet organe a trop longtemps été mis à part, oublié volontairement. Actuellement on en entend beaucoup parler, il était temps !
Et oui pour la sororité. C’est un mot extrêmement important dont encore certaines personnes méconnaissent encore l’existence. Il existe une fraternité dans notre société que l’on trouve presque naturelle, inconsciemment. Une union masculine est quelque chose de communément admis que l’on n’interroge jamais (on le voit bien au travail ou dans les émissions de télé-réalité ou de divertissement qui reflètent merveilleusement bien notre société). Tandis que la moindre union de femmes est immédiatement vue comme une dangereuse coalition à détruire le plus rapidement possible… car ce serait le signe d’un « féminisme » contre les hommes… Il y a un vrai problème sociétal à ce niveau-là. Une peur et un rejet des unions de femmes. Insister sur la sororité est pour moi un chemin vers l’égalité de tous, hommes, femmes, personnes non-binaires. Dans un idéal d’adelphité, terme sans dimension genrée.
La Place des femmes dans la société actuelle ? les femmes sont-elles biens dans leurs corps ?
Non, je ne pense pas que la plupart des femmes soient si bien dans leurs corps. C’est d’ailleurs encore une chose difficilement acceptée car cela passe pour un discours « victimisant ». Mais c’est un fait : le corps des femmes est encore trop souvent instrumentalisé, commenté et sexualisé dans tous les domaines. Dans le monde du ride, par exemple, on voit encore trop de meufs hyper sexualisées vs des mecs en t-shirts et pantalons larges… A quel moment on fait du skate ou du bmx en string et soutif ?!
Tu as fait un fanzine spécial Roller Derby, rider pour toi cela épanoui la femme ? Que penses-tu de notre  fanzine Cult of ride justement ?
Vous la retrouverez dans les salons DIY et les fanzinothèques lyonnaises comme Café Rosa ou La luttine ainsi que sur Etsy.
Et son univers sur instagram.
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13-wonder-writer · 2 years
If Will Church wins over René Miller in the battle of sad white boys I will cry. Like both songs were uninteresting but at least Miller used a meme-worthy rock whereas Church just stood there in his Liam Payne x Harry Styles in 2014 attire in front of a few mirrors. Like comon
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     Picture and description of Anglaigus from the France TV website:  “L’ambition de Labienus pour romaniser Lutèce fait notamment appel à la création d’édifices architecturaux modernes, destinés susciter l’admiration jusqu’à Rome. Arènes, cirque, thermes, Arc de Triomphe… tout y passe ! Pour les mener à bien, le général romain s’appuie sur un jeune architecte prometteur : Anglaigus ! Vedette de l’album Le Domaine des dieux, il est ici en fin d’études, convaincu de son talent et pétri d’ambition. Son rêve : attirer l’attention de Jules César pour un jour lui proposer son chef d’œuvre : le Domaine des dieux!”
Attempt of English translation: “the ambition of Labienus to romanize Lutèce calls in particular for the creation of modern architectural buildings, intended to arouse admiration as far as Rome. Arenas, circus, thermal baths, Arc de Triomphe… anything goes! To carry them out, the Roman general relies on a promising young architect: Anglaigus! Star of the album Le Domaine des dieux, he is here at the end of his studies, convinced of his talent and steeped in ambition. His dream: to attract the attention of Julius Caesar to one day offer him his masterpiece: the Domain of the Gods!”
The page linked below contain this same image, but a giant version of it.
France TV https://www.francetvpro.fr/contenu-de-presse/15533811
Idéfix et les Irréductibles © René Goscinny & Albert Uderzo, and Studio 58, 2021.
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🎵 Instrument of Surrender
"I too have travelled to higher realms..."
+1 Remote Viewers Division
GASTON MARTIN - "Please, officer! Don't encourage him!" He quickly turns to René. "Do spare us the cocaine fairy tales. The RCM isn't interested in them."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Yes, indeed. We are not here to investigate the drug trade of centuries past."
3. "Let's talk about something else."
RENÉ ARNOUX- "Right." The old man stands tall and proud, looking at you inquisitively.
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4. [Composure - Legendary 14] What is it about this old soldier that makes him stand so proud?
-1 Threw the *boule* int the sea.
We have basically no chance of success here.
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COMPOSURE [Legendary: Failure] - Still, all you see is an old soldier refusing to replace his uniform with a civilian attire.
-1 Morale
RENÉ ARNOUX- "Anything else I can assist you with, officer?" he asks impatiently. "We still have a game to finish."
5. "Thank you for your time!" [Leave.]
Ok. I'd really like to finish exploring the part of the map we have access to right now. We're gonna head south past Siileng.
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Roy's Pawnshop. Fast Cash for Faster Times.
In the dumpster are a pair of Fingerless Gloves.
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+1 Electrochemsitry: Cigarette-stained fingertips
Gasoline-stained fingerless gloves in navy blue. They've been worn threadbare, but, being made of wool, still provide some warmth and comfort.
If we equip these and our Flare-Cut Trousers at the same time, we can pass Medium Electrochemistry checks.
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MAN ON WATER LOCK - "G'day to you, officers!"
A burly man hangs out by the water lock, carving up a generous serving of salami with an old hunter's knife. His eyes are fixed on a man stranded on the other side of the water lock -- and on an enormous billboard that has fallen down into the canal between them.
"First things first -- what are you doing here, man on the water lock?"
"Do you know what caused this wreckage?" (Point at the smashed billboard in the canal.)
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MAN ON WATER LOCK - "My friend Barry the Butcher is stuck on the other side of the water lock. I'm keeping him company -- and eating his salami."
BARRY THE BUTCHER - From the corner of your eye you see a man in a yellow shirt and grey overalls waving at you from across the canal. He seems disappointed about the wreckage on the water lock -- *and* the salami.
MAN ON WATER LOCK - "*Very* good stuff. Anything I can do for you, officer?" The man on the water lock picks the skin off a slice of a salami and takes a sizeable bite.
2. "Do you know what caused this wreckage?" (Point at the smashed billboard in the canal.)
MAN ON WATER LOCK - "I wasn't here to witness it, but those look like tyre tracks on that sign. Weird, huh? Then again, plenty of daredevil drivers in Revachol."
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - The words *daredevil driver* sound ominous to you.
MAN ON WATER LOCK - "Too bad it also takes a year and a day to repair anything 'round here -- especially a water lock. The rest of the coast is closed off till then."
"Do you know what's further down the coast?"
"Can I have some of that salami?" (Point at his food.)
"Right, bye." [Leave.]
MAN ON WATER LOCK - "Well, there's the fishing village. An abandoned fish market. A bizarro church. Not much use to the congregation, though -- there always seems to be something wrong with it." He thinks for a moment.
"Yeah, not really much else. Just bombed-out ruins."
2. "Can I have some of that salami?" (Point at his food.)
MAN ON WATER LOCK - "Sure thing." He cuts off a slice of salami.
MAN ON WATER LOCK - "Want some too, officer?" he turns to the lieutenant.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Why not?" The lieutenant ponders the offer for a moment, then decides to go for it. He takes a slice of salami from the man and chews on it.
3. "Right, bye." [Leave.]
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WATER LOCK CONTROL PANEL - A couple of indicator lights are missing from this control panel. Loose wires dangle from the now-vacant holes. In the middle is a lever -- beneath it, a small metal plaque.
VISUAL CALCULUS [Trivial: Success]- This panel usually closes the water lock, turning it into a bridge that lets you cross the canal -- but there's a crashed "Samaran butter" sign in the way. Pulling the lever *probably* won't do anything.
Pull the lever up.
WATER LOCK CONTROL PANEL - You pull the lever all the way up until the metal clicks against the contact pins. You hear a soft *clunk*, then...
Push it HARDER.
Release the lever.
WATER LOCK CONTROL PANEL - Nothing happens. A cold gust of wind blowing in from the sea interrupts the silence of the situation.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Mm-hmm." The lieutenant hums to himself while staring at your activities.
2. Release the lever.
WATER LOCK CONTROL PANEL - A spring brings the lever back to its original position. You still need to close the water lock to get across the canal -- some other way.
New task: Close the water lock on Wednesday
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Trivial: Success] - Wasn't there a sign over there saying functionality will be restored on Wednesday morning?
2. [Leave.]
Hey, Man on water lock, what do you think about this?
"What's with the lever that does nothing?" (Point at the control panel next to him.)
MAN ON WATER LOCK - "It's supposed to operate the water lock, but as noted... it's all junk right now. Disabled because of the blockage."
"Why is it disabled?"
MAN ON WATER LOCK - "Safety measure. Turns out the panel needs a special key to be re-activated. Wouldn't want anyone moving the water lock with debris still in the channel."
"It'll be restarted on Wednesday morning." He nods his head towards the control panel. "You wanna do the honours when the time comes?"
"Do I ever!" (Nod enthusiastically.)
"We'll see... I'm not all that into manual labour."
MAN ON WATER LOCK - "Great! Just drop in on Wednesday if you want to see the water lock at work. They say the canal crew will be here at 07.15." He cuts a fresh slice from his salami.
TUTORIAL AGENT - The coast part of the map is inaccessible until day 3.
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Butter sign down!
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PERCEPTION (SIGHT) - A crumpled billboard reading "SAMARAN BUTTER" soaks in the canal. Two ugly lines mar the bright countenance of the blond boy depicted.
What is Samaran Butter?
[Visual Calculus - Medium 11] Attempt to reconstruct what happened here.
Nothing more to see here. [Leave.]
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) - Whatever it is, the boy on the billboard seems very happy about it.
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2. [Visual Calculus - Medium 11] Attempt to reconstruct what happened here.]
+1 Ominous daredevil feeling.
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VISUAL CALCULUS [Medium: Failure] - Just some tasteless advertising at the bottom of a canal. No use rubbernecking now.
3. Nothing more to see here. [Leave.]
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oracledekokuto · 1 year
Rerise of Poseidon - Chapitre 5
Frères d’armes et amis ! Au-delà de l’amour et de la haine
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Kanon : Saga !! Kanon : P-Pourquoi… Kanon : Pourquoi es-tu ici… ? Saga : Pft. C’est ma réplique. Saga : Franchement… Saga : Je n’aurais jamais cru te revoir vivant…
Page 2
Saga : Mon petit frère. Saga : Kanon des Gémeaux ! Saga : Tu es rené en tant que Saint de la justice. Tu t’es battu en risquant ta vie pour la paix sur Terre et pour Athéna. Saga : Même séparés, je l’ai constamment senti via le Cosmos. Saga : Je suis fier de toi…
Page 3
Kanon : G-Grand frère… !! Saga : … Sur ce, cher frère. Saga : Cessons là les effusions de larmes. Kanon : … Hein ? Kanon : Q-Que veux-tu dire, Saga… Saga : C’est évident. Cela fait longtemps que je souhaitais que l'on se rencontre ainsi, tous les deux. Saga : Nous n’avons donc qu’une chose à faire, non ? Allez, Kanon…
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Saga : Cette fois, nous allons unir nos forces pour nous emparer de la Terre ! Saga : Autrefois, tu me chuchotais à l’oreille. Aujourd’hui, la domination du monde est à notre portée !! Kanon : I-Impossible… Kanon : Qu’est-ce que tu racontes, Saga ? Es-tu devenu fou ? Saga : Pft. Je vais bien. Autrefois, n’était-ce pas toi qui disais… Saga : … qu’un cœur maléfique sommeillait pareillement en moi comme en toi ? Saga : Je te renvoie tes propres paroles aujourd’hui. Saga : Même si tu feins le changement, je suis ton frère et je connais ta véritable nature. Elle n’a pas changé. Saga : Elle dissimule seulement une ambition maléfique ! Kanon : Non… C’est faux ! Saga : Tu ne peux rien me cacher...
page 5
Saga : J’ai entendu dire qu’actuellement, Athéna est absente et qu’une nouvelle appelée Némésis règne sur Terre. Saga : Ensemble, nous pouvons nous attirer ses bonnes grâces et la manipuler dans l’ombre. Kanon : Après tout, ce sera aussi facile que quand tu l’as fait avec Poséidon. Hé hé hé… Saga : Alors, que décides-tu, Kanon ? Saga : Tu me suis ? Saga : Cela dit, je n’ai pas besoin d’entendre ta réponse. Saga : Tu sais pourquoi ? Saga : Parce que nous sommes… Saga : … les seuls à partager le même sang dans ce monde. Des frères. Non, des compagnons et des alter ego… Kanon : … Saga…
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Saga : Ouille ouille ouille !! Saga : Que… Saga : Que fais-tu, Kanon ? Tu te retournes contre ton frère ? Kanon : Que tu es bruyant, sale imposteur ! Kanon : Ne prononce pas mon nom avec cette voix et ce visage. Ca me donne envie de vomir ! Saga : E-Espèce de…
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Kanon : C’était donc bien toi… Kanon : Kasa des Lymnades !! Kasa : Bon sang, ça fait mal ! Kasa : C-Comment tu as compris que c’était moi ? Kanon : Saga était un homme très fier… Kanon : Dans le cas improbable où il serait redevenu maléfique, il ne se serait jamais abaissé au point de proposer une répétition paresseuse de mes méfaits. Kasa : Oh… Jeee vois… Kanon : Maintenant, à mon tour de poser les questions. Kanon : Pourquoi cette farce ? Kanon : Selon ta réponse, tu risques de le payer cher. Kanon : Ne me dis que tu pensais sérieusement trahir pour Némésis et supplier pour ta vie.
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Kasa : Abruti ! Comme si je pouvais tomber aussi bas. Kasa : Je t’ai testé pour voir si tu n’avais sérieusement pas d’arrière-pensée. Kanon : Pft. Ce n’était pas nécessaire… Isaak : On n'est jamais sûr de rien… Isaak : Nous t’avons prévenu. Nous ne te faisons pas encore confiance ! Kanon : Isaak !!
Page 9
Kanon : Je ne m’excuserai pas… Kanon : Mon crime a été de tromper un dieu et de vous entraîner dans un combat inutile… Kanon : Je n’attends pas votre pardon, il est trop tard désormais. Kasa : Pft. Ça suffit les belles paroles. Isaak : Non. C’est bien dit.
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Kanon : Ourgh ! Isaak : Debout ! Isaak : Puisque tu le souhaites, je vais te massacrer. Isaak : Je me suis retenu en présence de Sa Majesté Poséidon mais cette fois, aucune merci ! Isaak : Tout est de ta faute ! Isaak : À ton avis, combien de fiertés as-tu salies à cause de ton ambition seule ?
Page 11 Kanon : Ouuh… Kasa : Hep, moi aussi je veux jouer. Kasa : Sale imposteur ! Kasa : Comment as-tu osé me faire mourir en vain ? Kasa : Sa Majesté Poséidon t’a peut-être pardonné mais ce n’est pas mon cas ! Kasa : Je vais te faire chialer, tu vas t’excuser ! Enfoiré ! Crevure ! Kasa : Alors ?!
Page 12
Isaak : Kanon. Malgré tout ça, tu refuses toujours de t’excuser. Kanon : Tu… es lourd ! Isaak : Je vois… Isaak : Les mots sont effectivement impuissants. Isaak : Peut-être t’es-tu vraiment éveillé à la justice et repenti. Isaak : Ou peut-être te moques-tu encore de nous et as-tu quelque intention secrète. Isaak : Quoi qu’il en soit, nous manquons de temps ! Isaak : Nous n’avons pas le temps de surveiller un mutique ! Donc…
Page 13
Isaak : Finissons-en ici, Kanon ! Isaak : Diamond Dust !
Page 15
Kanon : Eh bien ? Tu n’as fait que geler une fine couche de ma peau. Kanon : Vas-y sérieusement, je suis habitué aux sanctions. Isaak : Ne te méprends pas ! Si tu avais fait mine de fuir lâchement, je t’aurais achevé. Isaak : En revanche, mon poing ne frappe pas une proie immobile. Kasa : Hé, Isaak. Kasa : T’es sérieux ? Isaak : Je l’ai dit. Tout est fini. Isaak : Après tout, nous disposons tous d’une vie temporaire… Isaak : Si cet homme est toujours malintentionné, il recevra sous peu le châtiment approprié même si je ne m’en occupe pas moi-même.
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Isaak : Mettons cela de côté. On dirait qu’il n’y a pas qu’un chemin pour accéder au sommet. Isaak : On devrait se séparer temporairement pour éviter l’anéantissement total. Isaak : Je pars devant, vous deux ! Kasa : Bien. Isaak : C’est bien comme ça. Maître Camus. Hyôga, mon cher ami… Isaak : Vous pouvez rire de ma fierté de perdant. Isaak : Mais ainsi, les derniers résidus de la racine du mal ont été coupés… Je n’ai plus aucune hésitation à me diriger vers une mort certaine ! Kanon : Pardonne-moi, Isaak… J’ai fini par te faire jouer le rôle du vilain… Kanon : Moi, Kanon, je promets sur ton esprit chevaleresque de combattre en risquant ma vie encore une fois pour protéger la paix sur Terre… !
Page 17
Kanon : Hé. Pourquoi tu me suis ? Kanon : Tu comptes me surveiller ? Kasa : Hé hé hé. Il y a de ça, mais… Kasa : … ta force n’est pas négligeable. Je pensais en profiter. Kanon : Pft. Fais comme tu veux. Kanon : Muh !
Page 18
Kanon : Hum ! Kasa : C-C’est quoi, ça ? Kasa : On dirait des griffes ou des crocs de bête…
Page 19
Kasa : Hii !
Page 20
Cadmos : Bravo, vous êtes venus, guerriers de Poséidon… Cadmos : Soyez les bienvenus. Cadmos : Voici les Spartoï. Cadmos : Ce sont des soldats légendaires nés des dents d’un dragon semées dans le sol. Kanon : … Pft.
Page 21
Kanon : Je ne sais pas qui tu es mais je vais le découvrir… Kanon : … en explosant tous ces minables insignifiants !
Pages 22-23
Kanon : Galaxian Explosion !!!
Page 24
Kasa : Eh beh. Beau boulot. Kasa : J’ai bien fait de te suivre. Kanon : Va savoir. Kasa : Hein ?
Page 24
Cadmos : J’ai vu ton pouvoir capable de détruire les étoiles ! Cadmos : On dirait que tu es un adversaire que je dois massacrer moi-même. Cadmos : Moi, l’un des Spirits, Cadmos de Draco Dente !!
Page 25
Kanon : Pft. Quelle entrée en scène dramatique. Kanon : Malheureusement, nous sommes pressés. Kanon : Désolé tu vas devoir faire avec nous deux !!
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lenniharrisonsims · 4 days
Traditional Sunsei Ceremony for Feng Mian & Rene
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Later in the evening, after the traditional Shenguo Tea Ceremony, the families of Rt. Hon. Miss Feng Mian Dias and Lord René Yang rested, and then changed for their Sunsei ceremony.
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Lord René's grandparents, on both his mother and father's side, emigrated to Brindleton Bay from Sunsei before his parents were born, and he, and his brothers, have always held that heritage in high regard. So in order to honor all sides of the family, René and Feng Mian also held a Sunsei ceremony.
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The ceremony was private just for the immediate families once again, but they did share these portrait photos after the fact so we could share in the celebrations.
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Once again in attendance was Mrs. Zheng and her two sons, Mr. Qian and Mr. Haoyu Zheng, and once again, Miss Yue Dias was also not in the photo with her birth mother and half brothers.
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Miss Dias looked stunning again in her bridal Hanbok of course, but it was Lord René who became the talk of these photos, after it was shared that the wedding attire he was wearing was originally worn by his father, the late Viscount Jean-Paul Yang, to Viscountess Camille Yang.
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The stunning details of Miss Feng Mian's wedding outfit.
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Our congratulations to the happy couple, and we're so excited to see the great big, star-studded, royal wedding next week where these two will officially tie the knot!
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rashmash2 · 2 months
Polo T Shirts: A Timeless Wardrobe Staple
Polo t shirts have long been a versatile and stylish option for men and women alike. Their unique design, which combines the comfort of a t-shirt with the sophistication of a collar and button placket, makes them suitable for various occasions. In this blog post, we will explore the history, styles, and benefits of polo t shirts, and why they should be a staple in your wardrobe.
The History of Polo T Shirts
Origins of the Polo Shirt
The polo shirt was originally designed for tennis players in the 1920s by René Lacoste, a French tennis champion. Lacoste sought to create a comfortable and breathable shirt that allowed for better movement on the court. The design featured a soft, unstarched collar, a button placket, and a longer tail to keep the shirt tucked in during play.
Evolution into a Fashion Icon
Over time, polo t shirts transcended the sports world and became a fashion staple. They were adopted by polo players, golfers, and eventually made their way into mainstream fashion. Today, polo shirts are worn by people of all ages and professions, making them a timeless piece in any wardrobe.
Styles of Polo T Shirts
Classic Polo Shirts
Classic polo t shirts are typically made from cotton or a cotton blend, providing a comfortable and breathable fit. They are available in lot of colors and can be used along with jeans and chinos. 
Performance Polo Shirts
Performance polo t shirts are designed with athletes in mind. Made from moisture-wicking and quick-drying materials, these shirts help keep you cool and comfortable during physical activities. They are perfect for sports like golf, tennis, and even casual workouts.
Fashion Polo Shirts
Fashion polo t shirts often feature unique patterns, prints, and designs. These shirts can be worn for more formal occasions or when you want to make a style statement. Pair them with tailored trousers or a blazer for a sophisticated look.
Benefits of Wearing Polo T Shirts
Polo t shirts are versatile. Hence they are suitable for a wide range of occasions. Whether you are heading to a casual lunch, a business meeting, or a weekend outing, a polo shirt can be easily styled to fit the occasion.
Polo t shirts offer the perfect blend of comfort and style. The soft, breathable fabrics ensure that you stay comfortable throughout the day, while the collar and button placket add a touch of sophistication.
Timeless Style
Polo t shirts have a timeless appeal that never goes out of fashion. Investing in high-quality polo shirts means you will have a wardrobe staple that can be worn for years to come. They are a great option for those looking to build a classic and enduring wardrobe.
How to Style Polo T Shirts
Casual Looks
For a casual look, pair your polo t shirt with jeans or shorts and sneakers. This outfit is perfect for weekend outings, running errands, or casual get-togethers with friends.
Smart-Casual Attire
To achieve a smart-casual look, wear your polo t shirt with chinos or tailored trousers. Add a pair of loafers or dress shoes, and you are ready for a business-casual meeting or a dinner date.
Formal Occasions
For more formal occasions, opt for a fashion polo t shirt with unique designs or patterns.You can pair them with a blazer for a great look. 
Polo t shirts are a versatile, comfortable, and stylish addition to any wardrobe. With their rich history, various styles, and numerous benefits, they are a must-have for both casual and formal occasions. Whether you are dressing up for a business meeting or keeping it casual on the weekend, a polo t shirt is the perfect choice. Invest in high-quality polo shirts, and you will have a timeless piece that you can rely on for years to come.
FAQs About Polo T Shirts
What is the difference between a polo t shirt and a regular t shirt?
A polo t shirt features a collar and a button placket, while a regular t shirt does not. Polo shirts are often considered more formal than regular t shirts and can be dressed up or down accordingly.
How should a polo t shirt fit?
A polo t shirt should fit snugly around the shoulders and chest without being too tight. The sleeves should end around the mid-bicep, and the length should be long enough to tuck in but short enough to be worn untucked.
Can women wear polo t shirts?
Absolutely! Polo t shirts are a unisex item and can be worn by anyone. Many brands offer polo shirts specifically designed for women, with tailored fits and feminine designs.
How should I protect my polo t shirt?
To keep your polo t shirt looking its best, follow the care instructions on the label. Generally, polo shirts should be washed in cold water and hung to dry to prevent shrinking and fading.
Are there eco-friendly polo t shirts available?
Yes, many brands are now offering eco-friendly polo t shirts made from sustainable materials like organic cotton or recycled fabrics. These options are not only better for the environment but also provide the same comfort and style as traditional polo shirts.
Further Reading:
36 Best Current Fashion Trends
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my-article-cloud · 3 months
Fashion Trends in Tennis Shirts: From Classic  Styles to Modern Designs
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Introduction: Tennis shirts have evolved significantly over the years, reflecting both fashion trends and technological advancements. From classic styles that defined eras to modern designs incorporating cutting-edge materials, tennis shirts continue to blend performance with style on and off the court. This article explores the evolution of fashion trends in tennis shirts, from their inception to contemporary designs that influence today's tennis apparel.
1. The Classic Polo Shirt: Timeless Elegance
Discuss the origins of the classic polo shirt as a staple in tennis attire, introduced by René Lacoste in the 1920s.
Highlight its iconic features, including the soft collar, buttoned placket, and short sleeves, which have defined tennis fashion for decades.
2. All-White Tradition: Wimbledon's Influence
Explore the tradition of all-white tennis attire at Wimbledon and its impact on global fashion trends in tennis shirts.
Discuss how the strict dress code at Wimbledon has influenced the design and color choices of tennis shirts worldwide.
3. Color Revolution: Breaking Away from Tradition
Trace the shift from all-white to colored tennis shirts in the 1970s and 1980s, driven by players like Bjorn Borg and John McEnroe.
Highlight the introduction of bold colors and patterns, reflecting changing attitudes towards on-court fashion and self-expression.
4. Technological Innovations: Performance Meets Style
Explore the integration of performance-enhancing technologies in modern tennis shirts, such as moisture-wicking fabrics, UV protection, and breathability.
Discuss how these innovations have transformed tennis shirts from mere fashion statements to functional apparel that enhances comfort and performance.
5. Rise of Athletic Fit: Embracing Functionality
Discuss the shift towards more tailored and athletic fits in tennis shirts, catering to the demands of modern-day tennis players.
Highlight the benefits of athletic fits, including improved range of motion, reduced fabric interference during play, and a sleeker aesthetic.
6. Retro Revival: Nostalgia in Tennis Fashion
Explore the resurgence of retro designs and vintage-inspired tennis shirts in contemporary fashion trends.
Discuss how brands reinterpret classic styles from past decades, incorporating modern fabrics and construction techniques to appeal to nostalgic tennis fans.
7. Sustainable Tennis Apparel: Eco-Friendly Choices
Address the growing trend towards sustainability in tennis apparel, including the use of recycled materials, organic cotton, and eco-friendly manufacturing practices.
Highlight brands that prioritize sustainability in their tennis shirt collections, appealing to environmentally conscious consumers.
8. Customization and Personalization: Tailoring Tennis Shirts to Individual Style
Discuss the rise of customization options in tennis shirts, allowing players to personalize their apparel with team logos, names, or unique designs.
Explore how customization enhances player identity and fosters team spirit, both on and off the court.
9. Celebrity Endorsements and Fashion Icons: Influencing Tennis Shirt Trends
Highlight tennis players and celebrities who have influenced tennis shirt trends through their on-court style and endorsements.
Discuss the impact of endorsements and collaborations between athletes and fashion brands in shaping the future of tennis apparel.
10. Fashion Forward: Future Trends in Tennis Shirts - Predict future trends in tennis shirt design, including innovative fabrics, bold color palettes, and integration of smart technologies. - Discuss how fashion trends in tennis shirts will continue to evolve, driven by advances in sports science, cultural influences, and consumer preferences.
Conclusion: Fashion trends in tennis shirts have evolved from classic polo styles to modern, performance-driven designs that cater to the needs of today's athletes. Whether influenced by tradition, technology, or sustainability, tennis shirts continue to evolve, reflecting the dynamic nature of both fashion and sport. As tennis fashion embraces innovation and individuality, the future promises exciting possibilities for tennis apparel that blends style with functionality, enhancing the on-court experience for players and fans alike. Read more
The Evolution of Football T-Shirts: From Vintage Classics to Modern Designs
The Most Iconic Retro Football Kits of All Time
    The Origins of Sunday League Football:       Grassroots to Glory
The Evolution of the World Cup: From 1930 to Today
Adorable and Practical: Essential Baby Football Clothes Every Fan Needs
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