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DAY 5506
Jalsa, Mumbai Mar 14/15, 2023 Tue/Wed 3:43 PM
🪔 .. March 15 .. birthday greetings to .. Ef Amita Fatima Zohra Daheur .. Ef Ankita Dadajwar from Nanded .. Ef Manish Mishra from Unnao Uttar Pradesh .. Ef Shruti Saini from New Delhi ..Ef Mozhgan Tirandaz from Iran .. Ef Avik Ghosh from Kolkata .. and Ef Avnish Dalal .. 🌿🙏🏽🚩 And the wishes of togetherness to Ef Krishna Kant Dangi from Bihar and his respected wife Suman Devi .. for their wedding anniversary on March 13 .. how many years ?? .. 💍💕 .. सालगिरह पर अनेक शुभकामनाएं। .. 🙏🏽🚩 ✨
Birthday Ef - Ankita, from Nanded .. the youngest Ef .. her 21st and all our wishes go out to this very special day .. 🌹
Wednesday, 15 MarchBirthday - EF - Amita Fatima Zohra Daheur .. Wednesday, 15 March .. and all our wishes for this special day .. your constant presence on the Blog is admired ..love .. ❤️
It is becoming increasingly evident that the regularity of the writing on the Blog is suffering from an assumed lack of interest .. since the odd timings of its presence here, is a suffering that many of the Ef shall and are and will be bearing ..
Why ..?
Because they all live in different parts of the World , in different time Zones and climates .. climates, since at times it is too hot to open the page or too clod or too wet .. and every consideration that signifies its need shall and should be addressed ..🤣
The fault lies in the writer and initiator of the writing .. and he must be reprimanded for the discrepancy that has prevailed now for several days ..
Indeed the irregularity is such that an entire day of routine goes array ..
Also, there is another criminal in this matter - the social media !
Once you, at night, start reading and gathering one post, you move to the next and the next and the next .. unendingly .. and before you know it, you have either dozed off or realised that you are just in time for breakfast !!
But, it must be said that some of the material from the World of the net is indeed remarkable .. it teaches , it educates , it gives you opportunity to cipher the good from the bad to the undesirable ...
The presence of them that would have gone on unknown, has now diminished in large numbers .. every face every voice has a presence and a following .. how wonderful for that to happen ..
I do like it - good bad or ugly .. but many do not and drop out ..
The systems of the connect are so varied and so many that nothing in this entire Universe shall ever go unnoticed ..
Some of the writings are filled with intelligent conversation .. some not .. but they all show great adherence to the regulations of the medium they address ..
The ‘unknown’ is a word now .. its meaning has been devoured by massive and unimaginable ogres, that have just initiated a new job .. classification, filing and storing ..
They say DATA is the new valuable .. so be it ..
So in the hours of irregularities, one drifts its mind to other pastures - poetry !
A dear friend asked after my health , and whether I was improving ..
I responded :
दिक्कत है , लेकिन धीरे धीरे ठीक होगा - ऐसा डाक्टर ने कहा है ।
आभार 🌹
so he replied :
धीरे धीरे तो आप ने ज़िंदगी में बहुत लोगों को ठीक कर दिया है यह तो बिचारी ऐक पसली है ।
to which I replied :
जो बिचारी-बिचारा , वही प्रबल होता है ; पसली तो असली उसी की होती है !!
ज़िन्दगी बहुतों को ठीक कर देती है , माना ; काँटों से डरकर, मना है कलियों से नेह लगाना ?
घाव नहीं जिन हाथों में , उनमें किस दिन फूल सुहाये , पसली असली उसकी , जो सदा कलियों को भाये ।।
My responses and interaction is in the form of attempted poetry .. it would be most difficult to translate the essence .. but just a simple expression of its mean would be ..
So when asked whether I was Improving .. I told him, it is troublesome but slowly and steadily it shall get fixed ..
He responded by saying that .. ‘slowly and steadily you have in your life , fixed many a person , this is but a mere poor rib’
To which I responded in a few lines in verse .. in essence -
they that are mere poor , they are the ones with strength, and might , they be the ones dominant .. the ribs of them are the truest and most strong ..
life does indeed fix many a person, agree .. but when has the fear of thorns desisted one of the love for the flower bud ? those that have been bruised and whose hands are sore , when did the flower bud not look good in their hands .. the truest and most strongest ribs , are of those, whose bruised hands adorn the flowered bud ..
And on this very poetic note I end for toDAY ..
My love
Amitabh Bachchan
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why is Lord Vishnu called Naaraayna?
संज्ञायाम् पूर्वपदात् रषाभ्याम् नः णः, अगः ।-Ashtaadhyaayi, Adhyaaya 8, Paada 4, Sutra 3Explanation: For a ‘samjna’ (proper noun), made by a combination of two words, the ‘r’ and ‘sh’ sounds present in the first word, convert the ‘na’ (न) in the second word to ‘na’ (ण). The letter ‘ga’ (ग) must also be absent in between.The Sutraartha (explanation of the Sutras) reads as follows:The name ‘Naaraayana’ is a unique and important name of Bhagavaan Vishnu. Like His other names, it has multiple meanings for being applicable to Him. Svaami Vijayeendra Teertha Shripaadagalu has even written a book, Naaraayana Shabdaartha Nirvachana, with over 70 meanings of the name ‘Naaraayana’!
The primary meaning of ‘Naaraayana’ is “He whose abode is water,” as explained in the other answers.
आपो नारा इति प्रोाक्ता आपो वै नरसूनवः । अयनं तस्य ताः पूर्वं तेान नारायणः ॥
The waters are called Naaraa, as they are the offspring of Naaraa and earlier, they were His first ayana (abode). Thus, He is known as 'Naaraayana'.
-Vishnu Puraana, Khanda 1, Adhyaaya 4, Shloka 6
This meaning is the most important, since it follows Rshi Paanini’s Ashtaadhyaayi Sutras (Adhyaaya 8, Paada 4, Sutra 3) and makes the name ‘Naaraayana’ specific to Shri Vishnu alone. This shloka from the Vishnu Puraana is in perfect accordance with the qualification of a ‘samjna’ (name specific to a particular entity)
Only Shri Vishnu can be called ‘Naaraayana’, as per the Shaastras. There are multiple evidences for the same and this has been accepted by all Vedaantis.
The word ‘Naaraayana’ is a ‘Yaugika artha’ (combination of multiple words) and a Yaugika artha, which is a ‘samjna’, is an entity-specific proper noun. In other words, it refers to a specific entity or person alone and no one else.
Here, Shri Bhatta Bhaaskara, a Shaiva, says that the Sutra talks about entity-specific proper nouns. He mentions the same in his commentary to the Naaraayana Sukta, too. He also explains that the name ‘Shurpanakhaa’ is a samjna and specific to Raavana’s sister alone and not anyone else with sharp nails.
The name ‘Naaraayana’, is a combination of two words — naara (water) and ayana (abode). The first word contains the letter ‘ra’ and the second word contains the letter ‘na’. During combination, the ‘na’ in ‘ayana’ turns into ‘ण’. This is also supported by the Vishnu Puraana:
आपो नारा इति प्रोाक्ता आपो वै नरसूनवः । अयनं तस्य ताः पूर्वं तेान नारायणः ॥
The waters are called Naaraa, as they are the offspring of Naaraa and earlier, they were His first ayana (abode). Thus, He is known as 'Naaraayana'.
-Vishnu Puraana, Khanda 1, Adhyaaya 4, Shloka 6
Coming to Shaastra pramaanas, Shripaada Madhvacharya, in his Brahma Sutra Bhaashya, Adhyaaya 1, Paada 3, Sutra 3, quotes the following pramaanas:
वामनेा च ‘न तु नारायणादीनां नाम्नामन्यत्र सम्भवः । अन्यनाम्नां गतिर्विष्णुरेक प्रकीर्तितः’ इति ॥
“But the names, (such as) Naaraayana, cannot denote anyone other than Vishnu, while Vishnu is that single one, whom the names of all others primarily denote,” thus (is said) in the Vaamana Puraana.
स्कान्देा च ‘ऋतेा नारायणादीनि नामानि नामानि पुरुषोात्तमः । प्रादादन्यत्र भगवान् राजेावर्तेा स्वकं पुरम्’ इति ॥
“Purushottama has given other individuals his own names, except ‘Naaraayana’, just as a king confers various parts of his kingdom on other people, except his own city,” thus (is said) in the Skanda Puraana.
Svaami Vedaanta Deshika too, explains the same in his work, known as ‘’Tattvamuktaakalaapaha” (3.5):
निस्साधारण्य-नारायण-पद-विषये निश्चयं यान्त्य्-अबाधे सद्-ब्रह्म्-आद्यास्-समान-प्रकरण- पठिताश् शङ्कितान्यर्थ शब्दाः। अन्तर्यन्ता च नारायण इति कथितः; कारणं चान्तर्-आत्मेत्य् अस्माद्-अप्य्-ऐक कण्ठ्यम् भवति निरुपधिस् तत्र शम्भ्वादि शब्दाः॥
In his commentary, he says this:
सद्-शब्दस्तावत् सत्तायोगिषु सर्वेषु प्रवृत्ततया न विशेष निर्धारणार्हः । ब्रह्मशब्दः एकरूढोऽपि बहुषु रूढवत् प्रयुक्ततया अन्यार्थत्व शङ्कार्हः स्यात् । आत्मशब्दस्च जीव-पराधि-साधारण-प्रयोगः । एवं पुरुष-प्राण्-आक्षर-शब्दा अपि ।
नारायणशब्दस्तु न जात्युपाधिवचनः, न वाऽनेकरूढः । अतस्तेन अन्येषाम् विषय-विशेषण-निर्धारणम् युक्तम् । तत्र च हेतुः समान-प्रकरण-पठिटत्वम् । अन्यथा पश्वधिकरणादेरपि भङ्गस्स्यात् ।
Here, he says that:
The word Sad (Sat) cannot connote a specific entity as it is used to refer to the ordinary jagat by the Sarvajagatsattaavaadins.
The word Brahman although has a commonly understood single sense, it is applied in reference to multiple entities commonly. Therefore it cannot be used in a unique manner as it can cause confusion.
The word Aatman is used normally in many senses to refer to the jeeva as well as the Paramaatma.
Similarly, words like Purusha, Praana, Akshara also are incapable of denoting a unique entity.
Unlike these, the word ‘Naaraayana’ is neither used a descriptor of categories (jaati) nor attributes (upaadhi).
Nor is it commonly/popularly used to refer to many different entities.
Therefore it is proper (not ambiguous) for it to have a object-attribute relationship with other words (other words are the attributes).
This is because of it (the word Naaraayana) being used identically (as the other words like Sat, Brahman, etc.) in the same context (where the other word appears).
Otherwise Chaaga-Pashu-Nyaaya and other rules would be violated.
Chaaga-Pashu Nyaaya is a rule of Purva-Meemaamsa, according to which, if there are two statements:
A: Sacrifice a goat B: Sacrifice an animal
When two similar statements are found, the general term in statement B (animal) must be replaced with the more specific term from statement A (goat). Hence, statement B also means, “sacrifice a goat”. Similarly, when the Shaastras say:
Naaraayana is Param Brahma, one without a second. (Naaraayana Upanishad, Khandas 2 and 4)
Naaraayana alone existed in the beginning. (Maha Upanishad, Mantra 1)
Rudra is Brahman, one without a second. (Shvetaashvatara Upanishad, Adhyaaya 3, Mantra 2; also in the Taittireeya Samhita, Kanda 1, Prapaathaka 8, Mantra 6)
Sat alone existed in the beginning, one without a second. (Chhaandogya Upanishad, Prapaathaka 6, Khanda 2, Mantra 1)
It implies that even the Chhaandogya Upanishad, Taittireeya Samhita and Shvetaashvatara Upanishad are referring to Shri Vishnu Himself.
Hence, beyond doubt, the name ‘Naaraayana’ is specific to Shri Vishnu alone. One can refer to the below post, where I have also debunked many allegations regarding the name Naaraayana being attributed to other devatas.
Coming to other meanings, the name Naaraayana also means:
The goal of all jeevas
The source of attributes contrasting blemish (meaning 1 in Naaraayana Shabdaartha Nirvachanam; similar to meaning 3)
The source of complete satisfaction (meaning 4)
He who is never ignorant (meaning 5)
He who is devoid of sorrow and the four types of annihilation, namely death, sorrow, hunger and old age (meanings 6 and 7)
The abode of faultless wisdom and bliss (meaning 8; similar to meaning 9)
He who is never comprehended or served by rogues (meanings 10 and 11)
The knowledge of whom yields all purushaarthas and leads to moksha (meaning 14)
The refuge of the flawless Lakshmi Devi (meaning 17)
The path of virtue of Lakshmi Devi (meaning 19)
He who provides pleasure to Lakshmi Devi (meaning 20)
He who is omnipresent, eternal and bestows the corresponding ability to Lakshmi Devi (meaning 21)
He whose abode are the liberated jeevas (meaning 22)
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Bandya : ऐक ना! तू खूप सुंदर आहेस.
गर्लफ्रेंड : अरे यार! मस्करी नको करूस.
Bandya : अरे व्वा! तू तर समजदारदेखील आहेस.
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Pradip : ऐक ना! तू खूप सुंदर आहेस.
गर्लफ्रेंड : अरे यार! मस्करी नको करूस.
Pradip : अरे व्वा! तू तर समजदारदेखील आहेस.
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मैं तो ऐक, अकेला था उसके साथ झमेला* था,
हाथ हमारे, छूट गए क्या तूफानी रेला था!!
वाकिफ़* थे, हम हारेंगे खेल ही ऐसा खेला था!
आस* ने हंस कर जान देदी ऐसा क्या दुख झेला था?
पत्थर जो कहलाता था ईक मीट्टी का ढेला था!
तेरा, मेरा, जेसा है! अरे तुम ने ये दिल बेला* था!
तुम-में...आखिर बिछड़ गई,दुनिया कब थी, मेला था|
वाकिफ़*= Aware
बेला*= Carve
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का सतावतो मला हा पापी
जा रे मेघा वैरी जा रे जा जराप्रियाचा संदेश घेऊन ये रे जरा प्रियाच्या दर्शनाला जीव तरसतोप्रियाची खबर घेऊन ये रे जरा वाट पाहून नजर थकली माझीकेव्हा येणार सावळा माझा का सतावतो मला हा पापीकोलाहल का करतो माझी वैरी सावळ्याला घेऊन ये रे जरासांग सावळ्याला मनाची कथा रडून सांगते कुशल ऐक तरी जराजा रे मेघा वैरी जा रे जा जरा जा रे मेघा वैरी जा रे जा जराप्रियाचा संदेश घेऊन ये रे जरा
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वेदो मे परमॎण है कबीर साहेब भगवान है सुनिऐ ऐक बड़ी अध्यातमिक बहस जगत ओर भगत के बीच
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प्रेम एक कथा
प्रेम एक कथाकी निव्वळ व्यथा ।पण मात्र मला वाटतेहोईल त्याची गाथा ।म्हणा कोणी काहीहीआहे ही जुनीच प्रथा ।नविण्याने सजते तीफक्त वेळ जाता जाता ।दोन बंध या मनाचेजुळती ऐक होता ।नाही विचार कशाचाहोतो संपूर्ण रीता ।भगवंताची लीला न्यारीही पण एक गीता ।ताटातूट होते जेव्हाआठवते अजूनही सीता ।राधा आणि तिचा कान्हासंपूर्ण प्रेमाची संहिता ।Sanjay R.
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इसा मसीह की बाईबल मे ऐक सहायक (अवतार)
भेजने की भविष्यवाणी..🙏🏼🙏🏼
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*चार बेद छ: सास्त्र और अठारह पुराण ईन सब का सार ज्ञान अब ऐक #ज्ञान_गंगा पुस्तक में निशुल्क प्राप्त कर सकते हैं!*
*अपकी हर संका और हर समस्या का समाधान प्रामाण सहित जनने के लिए!*
➡️ अभी ऑर्डर करने हेतु DM करे जी।। ✍️
🇮🇳 *हिंदुस्तान के हर कोने-कोने में परम संत रामपाल जी महाराज द्वारा लिखित यह पवित्र आध्यात्मिक पुस्तक* 🌷
📗 #ज्ञान_गंगा पुस्तक
पहुचं गयी.......!😊📚
💥आप भी पीछे न रहे ऑडर करने के लिए अपना पूरा पता दे।
🌀👉पोस्ट -
🌀👉मोबाइल नम्बर...
📗पुस्तक की भाषा 👉
कमेंट बॉक्स में भेजें
जिसने भी पढ़ी केवल एक ही बात कह रहा है,
क्योंकि इसमें हमारे मन मे उठने वाले सभी आध्यत्मिक शंकाओं का पूर्ण प्रमाणित समाधान है ।
🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 द्वारा लिखित पुस्तक *ज्ञान गंगा* या *जीने की राह*📚📚
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फिर,मध्य प्रदेश का गौरव बना “विहान”
सतना। ग्वालियर में चल रही राज्यस्तरी स्केटिंग प्रतियोगिता में प्रतिभागी बन कर 4/11/23 को दो सिल्वर और एक ब्रांज मेडल प्राप्त किया, पूर्व में इंडो-नेपाल (काठमाण्डू) स्केटिंग चैम्पियनशिप में दो गोल्ड और ऐक सिल्वर मेडल जीत कर बढ़ाया था देश का गौरव काठमाण्डू में विहान को गोल्ड मेडल के साथ इण्डिया की जर्सी पहना कर किया गया था सम्मानितपहले भी मसूरी,देहरादून (राष्ट्रीय)प्रतियोगिता में तीन गोल्ड मेडल…
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ऐक 40 साल की विधवा { बेवा } से निकाह किया | Edrish Raza Shab @newraazisl...
#youtube#newraazislamic sayyedaminulqadri salmanazhari viral viralvideos insta instagram instagood viralinstagram muslim muslimah islamic status alla
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चश्मिश कोन?
चश्मा वो जो दुनिया पहनाए, वो पारदर्शी पर्दा जो कुछ ना दिखाए
जो रंग बदले रूप बदले, सच झूठ सब इनके !
इस चस्मे के दो आधार है , ऐक जो सही त्याथ है दूसरा वो जो इनका लोकवाद है
मेने पूछा था एक सवाल जो इनके खिलाफ था जवाब में बस लाल बड़ी आंखे मिली !
ये जो चाहे करवाए बदले में हम से हमारी नजर भी छीन ली
नज़रिया इनका बस वही है जो इन्हें दिखे सही है
नजरिए ��नके अपने हो पर देखे सभी लोग !!
ना पहनूं तो दिक्कत बोहोत है , कोई कुछ पूछे और में ना समझी तो ?
वो यह ना समझ की में नासमझ हू ,भई में भी तो आज की नारी हूं !!
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Bandya आणि जन्या एका लग्नाला जातात…
Bandya : जन्या! ऐक ना!
जन्या : बोल!
Bandya : काही पोरं स्वत:च्या लग्नात असा शेरवानी घालतात की,
नवरा मुलगा कमी आणि जादूगार जास्त वाटतात.
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Pradip आणि जन्या एका लग्नाला जातात…
Pradip : जन्या! ऐक ना!
जन्या : बोल!
Pradip : काही पोरं स्वत:च्या लग्नात असा शेरवानी घालतात की,
नवरा मुलगा कमी आणि जादूगार जास्त वाटतात.
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KBC में ऐक सेल्फी
DAY 6129
Jalsa, Mumbai Nov 30, 2024 Sat 7:52 pm
आँखों में तेवर हो, दौड़ने की शक्ति हो ; ठोक देंगे उनको जो अनाप शनाप गढ़ते हो ।।
शब्दों को तोड़कर, कहानियाँ जो रचते हो ; सच्चाई का कवच पहन, ढोंग परोसते हो ।।
तेरे घर व्यवसाय के खम्बे, चूर चूर हो गये हैं ; छतरी लगाने के साधन भी , कब के उड़ चुके हैं ।।
शर्म हया के नाम करण , विलीन हो गये हैं ; थूक कर चाटने की नौबत भी अब ग़ायब हो गये हैं ।।
ये Blog की वास्तविकता तुम क्या जानो ; हमारे इस Ef फ़ौज की ताक़त को तुम क्या जानो ।।
पेल देंगे तुम्हें जिस दिन ये अड़ जाएँगे ;
कलम गद्दी सब, की ये खटिया खड़ी कर देंगे ।।
some words written by inspired words and writings from the learnings over time .. if commentable do so .. else read digest and be fulfilled ..
लव and gratitude ..🙏
Amitabh Bachchan
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